spectres-fulcrum · 8 months
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Half joking but also what was in the air of George Washington's headquarters early September of 1779? And did anyone else notice and have to suffer?
It's a mix of confident shared affection and slightedness and soothed over by a simple letter energy but still close enough on the same wavelength that I'm like yikes I feel for everyone else. Honestly the timing of these two paragraphs are like perfect and makes me wonder if they were talking late at night about negligent "friends." ("Friends" as in lovers.)
(Washington is mortified a few months later to get a letter from Lafayette, whining that he has not gotten a single letter. Every single letter he sends while Lafayette has returned home is misdelievered. Bad luck. Lafayette however is confident in their affections. Honestly their confident adoring energy is everything compared to the longing slightly falling apart energy of Lams. Both are perfection. )
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historygirlie · 17 days
cast your moots in hamilton!
Alexander: Well if not me ig I will choose @nobody-needs-to-know-who-i-am
John: @anthonys237thfreckle idk man they give John vibes. @hammyham-o-o does too tho 😭🙏
Burr: @aaronpurr-sirr their name explains it yk. Lafayette: @steph-anie723 YOU GIVE THOSE VIBESSSSSSS LIKE SO HAPPY AND STUFFFFF
Hercules: @hammyham-o-o since you couldn’t be John you give Herc vibes
Eliza: @steph-schuyler totally she is too sweet man
Angelica: @betsey-laurens-hamilton. Their profile gives old sis vibes
Peggy: @peggy-schuyler-2. They are js adorable
Washington: oof….hard but it @hamilfan-goober
Phillip: @irishfry they are really nice. King George the third: @sonni-the-silly
Lee: @imageneralweee (we aren’t moots but I had to mention them here cuz idk another person more fit for this role tbh)
Maria: @lil-gae-disaster 😈
Thomas: @lamsisreal. V I B E S
And yeah that’s all I got lol
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strawbrry-fields · 2 years
John Laurens x reader, Cpt. 3
Word count ~ 1,187 words
Warning~ none that I can think of
Pairing~ John Laurens x reader
Note~ Hello everyone! Thank you so much for the support and I am so sorry about not writing for a while. I am currently taking two AP classes so I haven’t had a whole lot of time. However, this winter break I will try and crank out as many chapters as I can to be ahead and post them in an orderly fashion. I hope you enjoy this chapter cause I know I enjoyed writing it :D
•Chapter 3•
John watched as Alexander made his way to the podium, ready to mock the announcer. The debate progressed for a bit, until it slowly started to get almost aggressive. “For the revolution, For the revolution!“ Alexander yelled, the crowd responding with loud shouts and cheers. “Don’t modulate the key then not debate with me. Why should a tiny island across the sea regulate the price of tea?”
Burr stepped in and said “Alexander, please.” Hearing some shouting, John looked to the crowd and noticed a small argument had broken out, realizing Burr was trying to diffuse the situation.
“Burr I’d rather be devisive than indecisive, drop the niceties,” Alex replied, just as screaming broke out. Turning towards the sound, John saw a person on the ground with three women surrounding them.
“Peggy what on earth happened?” A lady shrieked, “why are they bleeding?!”
“I don’t know, an argument broke out and I guess something was thrown striking them in the back of the head!“ One of the women responded, tears running down her face. John quickly jumped down to the scene asking people to give them some air.
“Is your friend waking up at all?” John asked the ladies.
“No, but they are breathing,”One of the women responded, “We just need to get them out of this crowd.”
“Hercules, get over here,” John called out as Hercules pushed through the crowd, “we need to get this person to your shop.” Hercules nodded and quickly scooped them up with their friends standing up. “Follow him,” John said to the women while pointing to his friend, “he’s taking them to his store to keep them safe. I will be right behind you.” John ran to grab Alex, tugging his arm to lead him out of the mob. “The fights are increasing and if we get caught, it’ll be bad news,” John thought.
John turned to his friend, questioning him. “Alex what were you thinking?”
“What do you mean? I couldn’t just let him lie to all those people.”
“A person was knocked unconscious! You started a mob!” John let out and exasperated sigh.
“Jesus, are they ok?” Alex asked with worry coating his face.
“I have no idea, but I’m going to check on them. Herc took them to his shop. Seriously Alexander, save all this energy for the war that’s coming.” John put his arm around his friend, patting him on the back and giving him a weak smile.
There was a loud ringing growing louder. You felt a pulsing pain in the back of your head spreading to your neck. You slowly started to open your eyes, seeing your friends leaning over you. Looking down, you realized that you were lying on a shop table.
“Thank god, they’re awake!” Peggy turned telling her sisters. You looked down at your hand and saw she had been holding it. “Y/N I am so very sorry! I never meant for you to get hurt,” Peggy cried while her sisters helped you to sit up.
You turned toward her and held her hand with both your palms. “Oh sweet Peggy I know it wasn’t your fault. I was the one to bring you closer to the podium.” You smiled and hugged her kissing her cheek. As you slowly took in your surroundings, you realized you were in the tailor’s shop from the other day. You swiveled your head around looking for the man, but you could not see him anywhere.
“If your looking for Hercules, he’s in the back wetting some cloth for your head,” Angelica answered.
“You read my mind,” you spoke as you looked to your friends, “I do have one question though. What exactly happened? I don’t remember all of it.” The sisters all looked at each other, then Peggy began to speak.
“The debate became more aggressive as the crowd became riled. There were a few fights in the background we hadn’t noticed, and we are guessing that something was thrown and it hit you in the back of the head.”
“It’s a good thing we got you out of there too, otherwise you would have most likely been trampled to death.” You turned behind you to see the tailor of the store. “My name is Hercules,” he said, placing a kiss on the top of your hand.
“Thank you Hercules, you seem quite a noble gentleman,” you responded while slightly blushing. He grinned, then handed you a wet cloth.
“Put this on the back of your head, over the bump to reduce the swelling,” Hercules said as he pulled a chair from the back.
“Thank you very much.” You took your friends’ hands as they helped you to sit in the chair. You were grateful for it, as now you didn’t feel like such a damsel in distress. The doorbell chimed, alerting you of a person opening the door. You lifted your head and met eyes with someone. Your breath hitched as you realized it was the man from yesterday. You suddenly became very self conscious of how you appeared, moving your hands to comb through your hair and fix your dress.
“How is your head?” You looked up, staring into the same green eyes from yesterday as they gave you a look of concern. You could feel heat rising in your cheeks and neck as you tried to speak.
“It’s alright, just a bump is all.” You turned to the side to hide your face and your onset of blushing.
“It hardly looked like a bump. Are you sure you will be alright?” You turned toward him again and noticed that he had knelt down to face you. His eyebrows furrowed and raised, worry emanating off of him.
You shyly smiled as you played with your dress, “I will. There is no need to worry yourself over me.” As you spoke, he took your hand in his and placed a kiss on it.
“How could I not worry for such a beautiful person?” Your eyebrows rose and your eyes widened as your stomach filled with butterflies. “He is not going to make a fool of me again!” You thought, “I am going to make him just as flustered.”
You grinned and said softly, “You are going to make my head spin circles if you keep flattering me like that.”
The man’s face turned pink, with a look of surprise. Taking his hand, you looked down and started tracing lines in his palm. You grinned and made eye contact, asking “And what might your name be?”
“John. John Laurens,” he blurted out.
“Well John, I hope to see you again soon.” You smiled and rose from your seat. Grabbing the sisters, you walked over to the door.
“Wait!” You turned around, making eye contact with John. “Are you going to the upcoming ball?”
“If you are, Laurens.” You curtsied, maintaining eye contact, then gracefully left the dress shop, unaware of just how well your flirting had worked on John Laurens.
Chapter 4
~~Please let me know through messaging, asks, or comments of you want to be a part of the tag list and thank you for the support!~~
Taglist: @froggydobegaytho @disneyanddisneyships
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hamiltrash-thoughts · 2 years
Random vent here
Guys you don't u n d e r s t a n d what I'm craving for.
I don't know what you think about this, but I am really craving for some John Laurens/Lafayette/Hercules Mulligan content
Like, THEM AS A TRIO before they met Hamilton.
I think they hadn't known each other for long before that, but honestly, I look at those three together and can only think "Look how good friends they are!!! They probably exploded some place together before, and could possibly sink a ship if they wanted to."
Yep, purely and utterly c h a o s.
They most likely met because of the revolution, and bonded over their will of kicking some redcoats' asses.
I like to believe Lafayette was the one to introduce Laurens and Mulligan to each other, and honestly, I think even himself regrets this a little sometimes.
Most of their time together, they'll just hang around, cursing the British and talking about their plans to the future when the US becomes an independent nation. Other times, they'll just get drunk and talk a lot of shit and laugh like there's no tomorrow. At this point, people are just used to how loud they are.
Laurens probably proclaimed himself as the leader of their trio, and sometimes the other two will look at him like "John you are not our leader pls stop" but mostly they leave him be. Ah, and since I got cursed with the Workshop version of the musical, I just now got the headcanon that Laurens is the type of person that will say "shit" at every chance he gets.
Lafayette, you could say, is probably the most sensible one out of the three. I mean, yes, he loves to get into confusion with his friends, and will probably laugh at them if they or someone else do something really stupid. But if he knows when things will get serious, he's just like "hahaha non." He also curses a lot in French when he's irritated. Laurens and Mulligan get the poker face when this happens.
If you thought that Laurens and Hamilton were obnoxious, oh look who we have here, HERCULES MULLIGAN!!! The man likes some fight and confusion, since he's just tired of his life as a tailor's apprentice. He's that one friend who'll make fun of you if you give him the slightest chance, but if someone else even DARES to mess with you, he'll be like "YOU WANNA FIGHT, MAN?! YOU MESS WITH MY BROS, YOU MESS WITH ME!!!!". He basically calls himself the "bodyguard" of the gang. Oh, and since he's the oldest of the three, he also will say he has some authority over them. Laurens most of the time will fight him against it. Lafayette will either stand to the side watching them kill each other and make fun of them, or will join the fight (most of this stuff happens when they're way too drunk).
You can imagine at this point that, by the time Hamilton joins them, things will just get MESSIER. It's difficult to say if they corrupted the poor young man, or if it was him that made them even worse. And poor Burr a lot of times has to deal with these four together and he just wants to disappear.
• Alexander once bet with Lafayette who knew more curses in French. Again, Lafayette. A French native speaker. And Hamilton dared him anyway. Believe it or not, they got in this discussion for hours, and in the end, they decided it ended in a draw. But just because Hamilton was way too stubborn.
• In "Right Hand Man — Workshop ver.", Hamilton clearly says himself to be the "leader of the gang", and all the others answered "Yes, indeed". It was just seconds after that Laurens noticed it and turned to Mulligan and Lafayette saying "Why when he's the one declaring himself as leader, we just agree with it????" and they're like "We dunno, we just want to shoot some redcoats".
• I bet Lafayette and Herc noticed the sexual tension between Laurens and Hamilton even before they two.
• Mulligan must look intimidating, but really, he gives the best and strongest hugs. Once Hamilton got out of breath in a hug with him. Because, compared to Herc, Alex is t i n y.
• Oh, yeah, the three of them won't spare HamHam from the height jokes. Once, Laurens jokingly said he looked cute when angry, because he had a "baby face". Alexander proceeded to lecture, not only him, but Lafayette and Mulligan too, for the next three hours, saying that: 1 — Laurens was barely some centimeters taller than him; 2 — "Get some beard before you talk about 'baby face', bitch"; 3 — He points out that, it doesn't matter his height compared to them, it didn't stop him from fitting his shoe into their asses.
• When drunk, these four get very clingy. And when I say very, it's because it's VERY. It won't be uncommon to see them either hugging each other, singing a drinking song together, patting each other in the back, giving funny nicknames to each other, and stuff like this.
So... yes. Very chaotic group of friends.
I fucking love them.
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mimimouseeeee · 4 years
Alex: Can we normalize guys complimenting other guys?
Laf: You’re killing it my guy
Herc: Superb idea, dude
John: Nice dick, homie
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c0nsumemy5oul · 4 years
John: The food is too hot, I can't eat it!
Hamilton: You're hotter, and I can still eat you~
Burr: Are they always like this? or only on occasions?
Hercules: You don't wanna know.
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Well then
George W: Where's Alexander?
John L: Doing stuff.
George W: I don't like the sound of that, where's Aaron?
John L: Trying to stop Alex from doing the stuff?
George W: And Lafayette?
John L: Trying to stop Aaron from stopping Alex from doing the stuff.
George W: I see, and what are you doing here?
John L: I'm supposed to be stopping you from stopping Laf from stopping Aaron from stopping Alex from doing the stuff.
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[Hamilsquad at a sleepover]
Alexander: the opposite of Microsoft office is Macrohard onfire
Lafayette, Herc, and Laurens in unison: SHUT UP!!!
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brainr0t · 7 years
That moment you realize Herc is blind and will never see All the beautiful things in life ever again
Herc was already born with partial vision loss which is what is known as  Hand Motion Vision ( meaning that while the patient can recognize a hand being waved, he or she cannot count the fingers on the hand.) ( this was copied from a definition on a google search)Anyways I wrote some Herc vision stuff a bit ago It’s mostly on his vision but there’s some ship mention.(some ship stuff: Laur/Herc/Alex + good friend Laf ) This was written for @lafa–yeet so it’s their Laf! (all the others are my depictions though this isn’t my usual pairing :O)Here it is under the cut-
He felt his confidence thin with age. In the mirror there was darkness. In the light there was darkness. There was nothing any longer, blindfolded or not his eyes would strain and strain further as if only to see something there. He used to close his eyes when changing it out, an easy denial that he had not taken his eyesight faster than the executed on a guillotine. Yet now, he felt like he had done so long enough.
But it was jostling, the reveal, an abysmal feeling of hopelessness as nothing changed from the blindfold being off and his eyes now open. He would close them and open them several times, a million thoughts rushing through his head only to be cut off with the regret that maybe if he hadn’t diminished his eyesight to nothing he would have thoroughly enjoyed it. Red lights and blue and yellow, flashing to the beat of the music as silhouettes of people flowed in and out of lines and transparencies. Memories of bright white blurs of headlights, cell phones in a dark room, and flashlights whilst camping. Fire yellow and orange rising high into the air to only disappear and forfeit from his narrow field of vision. It felt like he had robbed himself of more than what life would have taken from him, not his sight but his time.Yet he had been young and frustrated at the ominous blurs that were objects and people. The waving motions that could be a friends hand in front of his face or his own. He felt the anger leak out of him, he spent a week in his room. All alone he had screamed into his hands.He had not taken them into any embraces of kindness. He had not learned to treasure the little part of the people he could have had visually. His brain had seen no beauty, only lost.
So he felt helpless restlessly drowning in the existential fear of being so much more alone than anyone else. That he would not even have a vision of a person to comfort him if someone abandoned him. His actions became hesitant and his realization began to become the death of all talent within him. It started to seep and poison all that he had done fine before, he tripped over corners and broke sewing needles on over sewn knotted thread. He fumbled and dropped glasses. He lost hold on conversations. It felt like a damned existence.
With this catch in his life, this tremendous pause and rewind on progress, he was detached from his own being. His friendships included. His partners included. It became a worry to both the latter and former. When asked one night he spilled his anguish. It wasn’t like him to feel upset. It was a claustrophobic and uncomfortable feeling, but once it was out in the open he didn’t dare speak again. Silence bothered him. He waited.
Alexander breathed light into the room speaking first as Herc consistently trusted him to do. He couldn’t shut up long enough to let the world darken to him, nor would he. “I believe that it’s only reasonable you feel this way Herc, but look at least, in my opinion, this shouldn’t dampen your abilities. For as long as I have known you-you have been one of the most resourceful people that I have ever met. You cannot possibly be of less use than just an example; Thomas Jefferson.” It mustered a weak laugh from the bottom of Herc’s throat. He smiled. “Past that I feel like we could all put our heads together and find a solution.”
And so they did. Weeks had passed and things had slowly gotten better. The group had found numerous ways to brighten the situation, it helped to learn new things, feeling textures, and trying new foods.Lafayette had introduced skating to him. The movements felt freeing and swift and he had no reason to fear falling, he couldn’t see the ground and he trusted Lafayette enough to believe that he was going to be safe. He had quickly adjusted to the skates and was smiling brightly as he was guided every bit or so in by small tugs or tiny nudges to avoid slamming into walls. Lafayette’s guiding helped him regain a bit of his environment as he built up towards being comfortable again. It was refreshing to feel like he had control over his movements as well as having a free plane of space, open breezy quick turns and rushed spins and pitfalls crashing to his knees, hard but awakening. He felt like a person, surprisingly the scraping that had been physically making a mess of him had revived some of his spirits to put him back together as the independent person that he had once thought of himself as.
Alexander and Laurens decided upon something a bit more dangerous. Dart throwing. Ah yes, teach the blind man to dart throw, Lee bitterly commented only to be nudged in the side by Aaron, who whereas didn’t think it was a great idea didn’t have much to contribute himself and wanted to see the situation come to a close with a nice solution. He had nodded to the fact that Herc and the rest of the gang had done more dangerous things.
Surprisingly it was intimate. Eyes open or closed Hercules was enveloped in darkness. But beside him, he could feel John’s curly hair bouncing and nicking on bits of his own clothing, huffed sighs as he could practically picture the obscure amount of circles and particles and colours that it would take to make John roll his eyes and leave his mouth loose in a less than a frown.And on the opposite he could feel Alexander’s temperature seeping through his clothes and his breathing was audible to anyone close enough, not out of panic or reaction to anything, just the natural comfortable pace of Alexander breathing that he was used to hearing when they were lying next to each other awake or asleep counting his breaths their heartbeats and tracing designs he couldn’t decipher into whatever skin his hand was bordering. A comfortable feeling as they both quipped under their breaths at each other about which way this should be gone about, loud enough for each other to hear, loud enough for Herc to pick up, yet quiet enough to be kept as an obviously Alexander and Laurens conversation only. Their inability to whisper spread a small flutter in Herc’s chest, endearment? For the first time in a while, it wasn’t something new that was comforting him it was the familiarities.
When they began to truly throw the darts the quiet didn’t feel like nonexistence. He could see it for more than that, a pause accompanied by a brush of a finger into his palm, the intense suspense of outcome paired with the need to stay present in Alexander’s motions was apparent. A nonverbal, “You can do this.” A silence in the atmosphere accompanied by sighs of mixed relief. Him hitting the dartboard. A silence before Laurens pressed his lips to his own and he dropped the dart altogether. Silence became something more than before, it became a tool of the story around him. Soon he began to be thankful, he could have the gift of being able to experience the world in such a unique way that beauty was conjured through voice and touch and smell and taste and memories that ran and collected into meanderings and descriptions that fell from both his partner’s tongues and soon his own. He would explain what he could feel, what the very sense of feeling felt like so much clearer than most.
And in the most silent of moments. Alone. Quiet. He could remember, a clear feeling lifting the heavy feeling in his chest and brightening his smile. The beautiful feeling of loving so unbarred by any visual judgment and having those by his side to help him along. The warm feeling of kisses sparked false shapes and fake colours with wrong names into his head, but they didn’t care How he saw it all. As long as it made him feel honest with himself. His friends, his partners, everyone who ever saw him as more than useless, he was so grateful that they had helped him regain that for himself. Because yeah, he was pretty fucking amazing and now he would know how to keep that thought stuck in his head. He would wish no one anything different.
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duckymcdoorknob · 4 years
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You’re on!
This is a tickle fic!
Warnings: tickling.
Ships: mullette
Request: “you lose, I get to tickle you.”
Prompt: It’s game night at Alex’s place! Eliza is out with her sisters, so little Phillip gets to join the grown ups for their fun! How can they keep their games PG?
John is alive. Fight me. Also this is more modern cause of the board games they play.
Tonight was the night where the squad would get together and play drunk poker. Eliza typically takes Phillip to Angelica’s and they have a sleepover. Tonight, Eliza went with her sisters for a night on the town. That being said, Alexander was left in charge of his toddler son, Phillip.
“Daddy! Daddy! Is friends coming today?” Young Phillip asked with a sparkle in his eyes.
“You betcha’! Our friends A R E coming today!” Alexander emphasized, practically cringing from the horrid grammar of his son.
“Hooray!!” Phillip cried. He ran to grab his favorite bear and blanket.
The whole group arrived, Lafayette clad with 2 bottles of tequila. John loudly knocked on the door.
Little Phillip’s pattering footfalls could be heard on the stairs. He jumped off of the last step and clung to his father’s leg. “Uncle John is here!”
“Eyyy!! Alex!!” John yelled bursting through the door, “how are you bi-“
Alexander widened his eyes and covered Phillip’s ears.
John immediately snapped his mouth closed.
“Hey what gives?! what did he say daddy?” Phillip whined.
“Oh he said ‘Big man’ “ Alexander responded with finger quotes.
“But why?” Phillip asked, cocking his head to the side.
John’s eyebrows raised; he was picking up what Alex was putting down. “Because your daddy is a lot shorter than us. We do it to tease him.”
“That’s not very nice.” Phillip said with his little eyebrows raised.
“Yeah John.” Lafayette interrupted, “not nice at all”
“Uncle Laf!” Phillip said as he ran towards the door.
Lafayette handed Hercules the tequila and scooped up tiny Phillip. “Ahhhhh.” He threw Phillip up in the air and caught him swiftly, causing the boy to laugh ferociously. “Mon petit homme! How are you?”
“B-bien!” Phillip stuttered out.
“ ‘e is picking up quickly Alexander!” Laf said as he handed a happy Phillip over to Aaron.
Aaron happily took him and held him up in the air. Phillip’s favorite thing to do with Aaron was Eskimo kisses. He brought his tiny nose to Aaron’s and moved it side by side.
Hercules swiftly and subtly put the tequila up on a high shelf. Out of sight, out of mind.
Aaron chuckled and put Phillip down. The boy pattered over to Hercules and reached his arms in the air. Herc scooped him up and hugged him tightly. Herc then put him down and he ran over to hug John, who held the boy as the group hung out in the living room.
Phillip sat on John’s lap, tugging at the man’s hanging curls.
“John you should keep your hair down more. It looks great and Phillip clearly loves it.” Alexander spoke suddenly.
John’s face flushed and Phillip giggled.
“Uncle John looks like a tomato” Phillip said squishing John’s cheeks with both of his hands.
“I wonder why?” Lafayette teased.
John eyeballed Laf, “I’ll kill you” his eyes spoke.
“Why don’t we play some board games?” Alexander broke the awkward silence. “Phillip, do you want to pick the game?”
Phillip eyes lit up and he leaped off of John, leaving the man groaning in pain. He sprinted town the hall to the game closet. He pulled the door opened and grabbed 3 different games.
“Daddy look! I got Headbands, Guess Who, and Clue!” Phillip came back with a stack of games taller than he is.
“Alexander.” Lafayette spoke coolly, “you ’ave your four year old playing Clue?”
“Yeah. He’s smart, Eliza and I figured we should teach him to be a board game shark.” Alex replied with a chuckle.
Phillip put the games on the table and eyeballed the group. “Let’s play Clue first.”
The group aggressively played until Herc and Laf were left “in”.
Phillip sat in John’s lap, eyeing the two carefully. Who would guess the contents of the envelope correctly?
John handed off Phillip to Alexander, then standing up to go get a drink.
Alexander happily took his son, who plopped into his lap. Alexander let out an oof as his son came down with such force. “You’re getting so big, Pip! Soon I won’t even be able to hold you anymore.” Alex said dramatically.
Phillip chuckled as he hugged his father. “I’m still small, dada.”
Alexander grinned and skittered his fingers on his sons neck.
“Daddy noooooo!” Phillip giggled.
“Hey let me concentrate.” Hercules whined as he prepared to make a play. He breathed out. “Mustard, pistol, game room.”
Laf calmly stated, “you lose, I get to tickle you.”
The group all looked up, except young Phillip, who was enticed in his father’s buttons.
Hercules froze. He reached a shaky hand for the bright yellow envelope.
“Mustard, pistol...” he began. Hercules looked up in horror... “courtyard”
Lafayette let out a victorious, “haha!” And pounced on Hercules. “Let me claim my prize, mon ami.” Lafayette straddled the man much larger than him.
“wait Laf Im not reHEHEHEAHEHDY!” Hercules whined as Lafayette dug his finger’s into the larger man’s sides.
“I don’t care mon amour. I want them to ‘ear your beautiful laughter.” Lafayette chimed as he increased his assault.”
“DOHOHOHOHONT CAHAHAHAHALL MEHEHEHEH THAHAHAHAHAT!” Hercules screamed as he writhed in agony.
Phillip, who didn’t hear Lafayette’s declaration, was confused of the whole matter. “Daddy? Why’s uncle Hercules laughing so much?” The boy inquired, tugging on his father’s vest.
Alexander was too engulfed in watching his best friend “kill” his other best friend.
Phillip hopped off his father’s lap and walked over behind Lafayette.
Lafayette felt a pair of eyes on him and turned around, “Philipé! You need to back up mon ange. I don’t want you to get ‘urt!” He yelled over Hercules’ thick laughter.
Phillip whined, “but why, uncle Laf?! What are you even doing to him? And why would I get hurt?” The boy crossed his arms in frustration.
Lafayette lifted his attack, and unstraddled Hercules. He motioned Phillip to the other side of the coffee table.
Hercules gasped in and out; he wouldn’t be able to take much more of what Lafayette was dishing out.
As soon as Phillip and Lafayette’s eyes met, Laf drilled his thumbs into Hercules’ hip bones.
“Ohhh!” Phillip said in realization, “hehe. Uncle Laf is tickling uncle Hercules, daddy.”
Alexander chuckled, “indeed he is. This is your Uncle Laf’s favorite thing to do after a long day.”
“But why?” Phillip asked, cocking his head to the side.
Lafayette lifted up Hercules’ shirt and squeezed at his toned stomach, causing the man to shriek in agony.
“NAHAHAHAT THEHEHEHERE!! CMOHOHOHOHON LAHAHAHAHAHF!” Hercules screeched as he writhed under Lafayette’s tickling hands.
“Such a beautiful sound, mon ange! I could listen to it all night!” Lafayette replied dramatically, while sneaking a spidery hand up to Hercules’ underarm.
“That’s why.” Alexander replied.
Hercules kicked his legs uncontrollably, accidentally railing Lafayette in the cheek. The man went f l y i n g
“Oh no! Laf Im so sorry! Oh my god, I didn’t mean to!” Hercules said as he ran over to Lafayette.
Lafayette dramatically held his face and fell to the floor. “Tell Alexander,” Lafayette began shakily, “ ‘es a bitch.”
“Hey! My kid is right here!” Alexander yelled.
“agh fine.” Lafayette said standing up. Hercules put his hand on the spot he kicked.
“M’fine ‘erc.” Lafayette sighed, “where were we?” Lafayette tackled Hercules and straddled his hips once more. “Phillipé! Want to ‘elp me?”
Phillip’s eyes lit up and he ran over to Hercules.
“Listen kiddo, If you love your uncle, don’t do this.” Hercules said quietly.
“Sorry Uncle Hercules! But daddy said it makes Uncle Laf happy!” Phillip chimed.
Alexander grabbed Hercules’ arms and held them in the air. “No hitting my child, got it? Or I’ll make this even worse for you.”
Hercules closed his eyes in anticipation. He snickered as he felt tiny hands on his stomach.
Phillip was just like his father, a master of the art of tickling. His tiny fingers poked at prodded at every inch of Hercules’ hyper sensitive stomach. Phillip suddenly gasped. “Daddy! I found Uncle Hercules’ tickle button!”
Alexander grinned evilly, “get it buddy!”
“Tickle but..ton?” Hercules thought out loud, “what the hell is h- OHOHOHOHO NOHOHOHOHO!”
Phillip swirled his tiny finger inside of Hercules’ belly button, causing the man to trash around.
“I don’t think he likes it very much.” Phillip pondered as he wiggles his fingers on Hercules’ sides.
“No! You kicked uncle Laf in the face!” Phillip whined as he squished his baby fingers around Hercules’ stomach.
“I SAIAHAHAHD SOHOHOHORRY.” Hercules came to his own defense.
“Take this!” Phillip said as he blew a tiny raspberry on Hercules’ stomach.
Alexander’s eyes widened in horror at the obscenities pouring out of Hercules’ mouth.
“Okay buddy! I think that’s enough.” Alexander said swiftly carrying his child away from his friend.
“But daddy! I was having fun!” Phillip whined.
Just as Phillip tried to launch himself back on Hercules, the door opened and Eliza came inside.
“What are you doing to Hercules?” She questioned.
“We tickled him mama!” Phillip chimed as he ran towards her.
“Oh you did now?” Eliza looked up at a bashful Hercules,
“Yeah! And uncle Laf taught me a new word!” Phillip said with a huge grin
“Oh he did? What is it buddy?” Eliza inquired
“Bitch!” Phillip said happily
Eliza gasped and looked at Lafayette murderously.
“Don’t day that word Pip, it’s a bad word.” Alexander said softly.
“You know what?” Eliza replied coolly, keeping her composure. She got down to Phillip’s level and whispered in his ear, “let’s tickle uncle Laf next.”
Phillip gasped and charged at Lafayette.
“Eliza? What did you tell him?” Lafayette held his hands up and started backing away.
Soon Phillip pounced on Lafayette, the whole group prepared their attacks, and the antics started once again.
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A quote where Alexander reacts to his wife being sick (which is a trigger for him cuz you know dead mom) please and thank you;3
Alexander, on the phone with Eliza: Are you sure you’ll be okay?
Eliza: Yes, Ill be fine. I’ve just got a cold, and Angelica won’t let me come back home until I’m better
Alexander: Okay…well, I love you! Get well soon [hangs up]
Alexander, to John, Herc, and Laf: [crying] She’s dying
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I so want to lock Lafayette and Mulligan in a room together to see what happens-
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Part 1/2
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majorxbennyxboy · 5 years
me, to myself: what was the name of that one hamilton song? the one that goes 'why do you write like youre running out of time' what was that one called?
me: *thinking*
me: *still thinking*
me, the absolute genius: 'Stay Awake'?
me: NO
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I’m adopting all of you
I’m your new dad. I’m the Hercules Mulligan of Tumblr now.
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artistic-floof · 6 years
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Did I mention that I love musicals, especially Hamilton?
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'Story of Tonight' is just full of Lams content. That's it. Alex and John can't breathe when far away from each other and it shows
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