#alien metropolis skyline
feodortum · 5 months
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natalievoncatte · 2 years
Fractured- Preview
Here's a snippet of something I'm working on in between chapters of Nothing to Fear, since I"m not sharing a full chapter today.
By now, it had become familiar. In other cities, people got used to distant sirens or barking dogs; in Gotham, Lena knew, they got used to distant gunfire and a light shining into the spy to evoke a dark knight. Here in National City, much like in Metropolis, she was used to the shaking of the ground beneath her feet, a sudden burst of car alarms set off by the shockwave, and the nearly instantaneous rush away from the fighting.
Some distant part of her wondered how it could be so routine, that people could be so used to it, not just Lena herself but everyone. She'd been out walking with James after a day at CatCo, like any one of dozens of other couples meeting up after work in downtown National City, when it started.
A rippling boom overhead that rolled like a peal of thunder, followed by a shock rippling through the ground beneath her heels. James put a hand on her arm to steady her and Lena cursed herself for leaning against him; it was so stereotypical of her to cling to a man. He was tall and solid, though; Lex had always ranted about him as that kid that follows Superman around, but James was no kid. Lena could almost-
There was another boom, and a streak of red and blue across the night sky, flashing in the brilliant lights of the National City skyline. Something very small, very vast, and very dark followed. Lena followed the motion, turning her head along with everyone else.
James was fumbling in his messenger bag. He produced a camera, checked it, and started running the wrong way. For reasons that weren't immediately clear to her, Lena followed him.
"Where are you going?"
"Lena, you should get to shelter," he said, over his shoulder. "I have to see this."
"James, you're the editor-in-chief, not a cub photographer. Let someone else do it."
James flashed that winning smile of his, so full of easy charm. "Where's the fun in that? Supergirl's kicking some ass. I'm going to check out the show."
Lena slowed, briefly. She should run the other way, call her driver, and get back to her penthouse to watch this play out on her flatscreen, not get stuck in the middle of it. She'd had enough of being pulled into the insane world of superheroes when she was abducted by aliens and almost forced to marry one of them, while stuffed into a dress that was too slutty even for her.
Not to mention the terrible pain she'd caused Kara when Lena had driven away her boyfriend. Kara who'd buried herself in work and had been avoiding Lena somehow, despite working at the company that Lena had bought just because Kara worked there.
Lena followed him.
They weaved through the crowd. Not everyone was running; others were gathering near the CatCo tower, around National City plaza. Supergirl and whoever she was fighting were on a rooftop nearby, trading bows that shook the ground and cracked glass on upper stories. Lena flinched just from hearing the blows.
Lena bit her lip in concern, standing behind James as he readied his camera. His expression was all excitement at first, eyes bright, grin wide, but slowly it began to fall until he was looking up with grim intensity.
"Something's wrong."
Lena pushed closer, straining to see. She saw Supergirl's cape streaming into the wind, and the black-suited figure bearing down on her. Lena gasped when a two-fisted hammer blow knocked Supergirl's head sharply to the side, followed by another one before the Girl of Steel could balance herself. The figure in the black suit was pummeling her.
Supergirl discovered some well of resolve, returning the blows, but something in her seemed enfeebled, her swings lacking conviction. Her foe blocked one, catching her punch on a raised arm, and drove an uppercut under Supergirl's ribs that made Lena wince. It knocked the wind out of her and she stumbled back, unable to dodge or block a savage haymaker that knocked her off her feet.
Supergirl tumbled across the roof and didn't get up. Lena watched, dimly realizing that the world around her had gone silent. They were talking to each other up there, but they were too far to hear, the wind carrying off their words.
Supergirl spat blood and dragged her sleeve across her lips, and the blue came away streaked with red. She rolled her shoulders and brought up her fists like a prize fighter, head down, and threw herself into her opponent.
"Yeah!" James said, "That's right!"
Supergirl redoubled her efforts, shouting and snarling with every punch she threw, pounding her opponent back until they were out of sight again. James had been snapping pictures the entire time.
"James," Lena said, quietly. "Something's not right, here."
"She just needed to get her second wind, is all," James said. "Don't worry, Lena. She's Supergirl. She can do anything."
Lena wished she shared James' unwavering belief. The hammering of blows continued shaking the ground, and then the black streak shot across the sky above their heads, the red and blue in blurred pursuit.
"See?" James said. "She's got this guy on the run."
They crossed the gap before he finished his sentence, and the hammering resumed. Lena pushed closer, stepping past him until he put a firm hand on her shoulder and pulled her back.
"There!" she said, pointing.
She saw the blonde flash of Supergirl's hair and the red blaze of her cape on the rooftop.
Lena pressed a hand to her mouth. The figure in black seized Supergirl's throat, arms taut, choking her. Supergirl pounded at them with both fists, to no avail. She brought both fists against her attacker's head, but they barely noticed. Supergirl finally planted both feet against her assailant's belly and pushed herself loose, rolling onto her hands and knees. Trembling badly, she got up, bringing her fists up again, or trying to.
She managed to raise one, but kept the other arm tucked crookedly, tightly, against her flank. The attacker seemed unfazed. She -Lena could see now that it was a she- dodged Supergirl's slow, awkward punch and grabbed the collar of her suit.
"Oh my God," James whispered.
The woman in black reared back and slammed her forehead into Supergirl's, the impact so forceful that Lena felt it in her chest, then again, and again. Sagging, Supergirl started to fall, her heels sliding out from under her.
"No," Lena said, feebly, "No, no, no, no..."
"It can't be," said James.
The molten glow of heat vision flared in the attacker's eyes. Supergirl turned her head as twin beams of lancing heat scourged the side of her face, her gurgling scream echoing through the night air. James was tugging at Lena's arm.
"We can't be here," he said, "We need to get back-"
Lena stood her ground, frozen to the spot, as if she'd sprung from the sidewalk and rooted there. She heard someone scream, a gurgling cry tearing loose from a wet throat, and realized it was her.
The black-suited woman lifted Supergirl over her head and hurled her down. Her tattered cape snapped in the air as she sped towards the ground. James threw himself around Lena as the impact knocked them both off their feet, James grunting as he carried Lena's weight to the ground.
When Supergirl hit the center of National City Plaza, the pavers exploded in a shower of broken concrete, leaving her lying in a shallow crater, flopped on one side with her limbs splayed. She wasn't moving.
She wasn't moving.
The woman in black stepped off the roof and descended, levitating down slowly, and came to a stop straddling Supergirl. She rolled the hero onto her side, put a boot on her stomach, and drove down, hard. Supergirl jerked, crying out as blood foamed from her lips. The monster in the dark suit leaned down, took hold of Supergirl's uniform, and casually ripped the red and gold crest free before tossing it aside, looking once at the crowd, and taking off into the sky.
Lena was running before she realized she'd even moved. She bolted across the open ground, half-stumbling over broken concrete, finally skidding down the cracked pavement to where Supergirl lay.
"No," she was still saying, "No, no, no."
Supergirl lay still, umoving, one eye open and fixed on nothing. One side of her face was a mass of bruises, streaked by twin burns that raked her from chin to hairline, the eye on that side swollen shut. Her limbs fell at odd angles.
Lena refused to see. She refused to accept. She gathered her hands under Supergirl's head and lifted her from the broken concrete as water from a broken line pooled around them. Dully, Lena thought: She must be cold. I can't let her be cold.
Her cape had detached during the fall. It caught on a spire of rebar and flapped in the wind nearby. Supergirl lay unmoving in Lena's arms, staring past her with one good eye, and Lena's mind flashed back to the first time she ever saw the woman: Inside the twisted wreckage of her disabled helicopter, Supergirl looking at Lena through a fringe of that beautiful golden hair and asking if she was okay. Looking at her broken face, Lena remembered Supergirl looking down on her, beseeching her to climb, to see that she was worthy of saving. She'd held Lena as Lena was holding her now, the night assassins had hurled her off her own balcony.
"Hey," Lena said, "Hey, say something, okay? Say something, Supergirl. Let me know you're okay."
There was no response. Her head fell limp against Lena's chest, and with absolute, frigid horror, Lena could finally resist the truth no longer. She let herself know what she already knew.
Kara wasn't breathing.
She screamed, a wail of raw agony and shock tearing out of her throat. She no longer saw Supergirl; she saw Kara Danvers wearing a Supergirl suit. It was her. She'd always known, but had pretended, sometimes wondering if her suspicions were true, if she were simply being paranoid; how could mousy, demure, deferential Kara Danvers, wonderful Kara Danvers, be Supergirl? Yes, they had the same eyes and same golden waves and same tiny scar on their foreheads, but it couldn't be her, right? Kara couldn't be Supergirl.
"Oh my God," Lena kept saying, softly. "Oh my God, Kara. Wake up. Wake up Kara!"
She kept saying it until Agent Danvers -Alex, Kara's sister- was pulling Kara from Lena's arms, not ungently. She stopped saying it while the government agents lifted Kara's limp body onto a stretcher and into the back of an unmarked ambulance. Lena collapsed and sat on a broken chunk of the plaza until Alex put a firm hand around her arm and pulled her to her feet.
"Come with me, Luthor," Alex said, and Lena wasn't sure if she was being arrested or beseeched for help; in that moment she no longer cared.
All the while, James had snapped photos. When she asked him later, why, he couldn't tell her; it had been instinct, the need to document so ingrained in him by then that it had simply happened.
James would win the Pulitzer as a matter of course. His photograph, showing a devastated, sobbing Lena curled around Supergirl's fallen form, would adorn every paper, every news outlet, feature on every channel. Lena's presence was noted in every article; whether it was the Washington Post calling out the irony of Supergirl in a Luthor's arms, or Cat Grant delivering a beautiful monologue on how Supergirl had brought out the light in her, or the New York Post cruelly insinuating that they were lovers.
They all said the same thing, in the end.
She was there the night Supergirl died.
(Don't worry, she'll come back.)
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heathjett · 1 year
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Supergirl - Unleashing the Kryptonian Spirit by Heath Jett
Supergirl in a closeup view, her gaze filled with unwavering determination as she looks fiercely into the distance. Her beauty and strength radiate as she prepares to take flight and protect the world from any threat.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow across the city, Supergirl stood atop the tallest building in Metropolis. Her azure eyes focused on the distant skyline, a mixture of determination and strength burning within her.
In that closeup portrait, her gaze held the weight of the world. She was no ordinary girl; she was a hero, a symbol of hope for all who looked to the skies. With every breath, she embraced her Kryptonian heritage and harnessed her incredible powers.
Her cape billowed in the wind, a vibrant red symbol of her unwavering commitment to protect the innocent. The iconic S-shield, proudly emblazoned on her chest, served as a reminder of her responsibility to be a beacon of justice and courage.
Supergirl's determination knew no bounds. She was a force to be reckoned with, a girl of steel who defied all odds. With her ability to fly and her heat vision, she soared through the skies, ready to confront any threat that dared to endanger her beloved city.
But it was not just her superhuman abilities that made Supergirl remarkable. It was her unwavering spirit, her strong-willed nature, and her unyielding belief in the power of doing what was right. She was a defender of truth and justice, an embodiment of heroism that inspired those around her.
In the face of adversity, Supergirl stood tall, her fists clenched with determination. She knew that the path of a hero was not always easy, but she embraced it wholeheartedly. With every flying kick and every display of invincible strength, she reaffirmed her commitment to protect and defend.
Supergirl's journey was one of self-discovery and resilience. She had come from a distant world, leaving behind her home on Krypton, to protect a world that had become her own. In her, the spirit of her alien heritage and the values of humanity converged, creating a force that was unstoppable.
As Supergirl looked into the distance, her fierce gaze spoke volumes. It whispered tales of battles fought, sacrifices made, and a determination that could move mountains. She was more than just a superhero; she was a symbol of hope, a shining example of strength, and a defender of justice in a world that often needed saving.
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gokitetour · 4 months
Top 10 destinations to visit in turkey for a vacation
A trip full with stunning scenery, fascinating history, and lively culture is about to begin. Get ready for it. Turkey is a land of contrasts, where ancient ruins blend seamlessly with modern cities and pristine beaches meet rugged mountains. From the bustling streets of Istanbul to the surreal landscapes of Cappadocia, there's something for every traveller to discover. Start your adventure in Istanbul, where East meets West in a melting pot of cultures and traditions. Explore iconic landmarks like the Hagia Sophia and the Blue Mosque, shop for treasures at the Grand Bazaar, and cruise along the scenic Bosphorus. Venture into the otherworldly landscapes of Cappadocia, where fairy chimneys and cave dwellings create a surreal backdrop for hot-air balloon rides and hiking adventures. Pamukkale's travertine terraces and thermal pools offer a natural oasis for relaxation and rejuvenation, while the ancient city of Ephesus invites you to step back in time and explore its well-preserved ruins. From the sun-kissed beaches of Antalya to the historic sites of Troy and Gallipoli, Turkey beckons with endless opportunities for exploration and discovery.
 Here are some destinations to visit in Turkey for a vacation.
1. Istanbul: Offering a blend of rich history, diverse culture, and modern attractions, Istanbul is a dynamic city where East meets West. Discover famous sites including Topkapi Palace, the Blue Mosque, and the Hagia Sophia. Taste traditional Turkish treats and haggle over mementos as you stroll through the Grand Bazaar's busy streets. Take a leisurely sail down the Bosphorus to enjoy the view of the city's skyline and to transcend continents quickly.
2. Cappadocia: Known for its distinctive scenery of fairy chimneys, rock formations, and cave houses, Cappadocia is a beautiful place to visit. Take in the breathtaking view as you fly over the alien landscape on a hot-air balloon ride at daybreak, illuminated by the sun's golden rays. Discover the hidden underground towns carved out of the soft volcanic rock, stroll through the gorgeous Rose Valley, and explore the historic cave churches of Göreme Open-Air Museum.
3. Pamukkale: Translated as "Cotton Castle" in Turkish, Pamukkale is a renowned natural wonder known for its terraces of travertine cascades created by warm waters rich in minerals. In the warm pools, unwind and revitalize while taking in the breath-taking views of the surroundings. Discover the well-preserved ruins of the ancient Roman city of Hierapolis, which include a necropolis and an amazing theatre.
4. Ephesus: The ruins of one of the most spectacular cities in antiquity can be seen at Ephesus, an archaeological treasure. Stroll around the marble alleys adorned with magnificent monuments, such as the Temple of Artemis, the Library of Celsus, and the Great Theater, which is home to St. Paul's former pulpit. Take in the sights and sounds of bygone eras as you picture yourself living in this thriving metropolis.
5. Antalya: Situated along the Turkish Riviera, a stretch of Mediterranean coastline renowned for its turquoise waves, Antalya is a charming vacation city. Discover the quaint old village of Kaleiçi, with its ancient Ottoman homes and winding cobblestone lanes. Unwind on immaculate beaches, go scuba diving or snorkeling in glistening waters, and explore historic locations like the Perge ruins and the Aspendos Theater.
6. Bodrum: Bodrum is a thriving seaside town well-known for its exciting nightlife, stunning beaches, and extensive history. Discover the majestic Castle of St. Peter, which has sweeping views of the Aegean Sea and is home to the Museum of Underwater Archaeology. Take a leisurely stroll down the lively waterfront promenade, adorned with eateries, pubs, and shops, and relish in the relaxed ambiance of this quaint resort community.
7. Troy: Immerse yourself in Greek mythology at this historic city that is described in Homer's epic poem, the Iliad. Discover the layers of ruins at the archaeological site, which spans thousands of years, and be in awe of the wooden horse facsimile honouring the mythical Trojan War. Discover the history of the city and why it is important as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
8. Gallipoli: Known for being the scene of a bloody struggle between the Allies and soldiers from Australia, New Zealand, and the Ottoman Empire during World War I, Gallipoli is highly significant. Pay your respects at the many graves and memorials dotting the peninsula, such as Chunuk Bair, Lone Pine Cemetery, and Anzac Cove, and consider the sacrifices made by those who took part in this momentous battle.
9. Fethiye: With a plethora of activities set against a backdrop of breathtaking natural beauty, Fethiye is a heaven for outdoor enthusiasts and nature lovers. Take a traditional gulet boat ride along the gorgeous coastline, pausing to swim in secret coves and discover undiscovered islands. Trek the picturesque Lycian Way, following historic routes that meander through craggy mountains and quaint towns, and stop at sites like the eerie Kayaköy ghost town and the magnificent Butterfly Valley.
10. Mount Nemrut: Known for its enormous statues and historic burial monuments from the first century BC, Mount Nemrut is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. From the summit, where you'll be rewarded with expansive views of the surrounding countryside and the imposing stone heads of gods and kings, watch the breathtaking dawn or sunset. Marvel at the exquisite sculptures and the magnificence of this historic royal sanctuary as you explore the archaeological site.
Turkey offers an incredible array of destinations for an unforgettable vacation. From the bustling streets of Istanbul to the surreal landscapes of Cappadocia, there's something to captivate every traveller. Whether you're exploring ancient ruins, relaxing on pristine beaches, or indulging in delicious Turkish cuisine, you're sure to create memories that will last a lifetime. And with the convenience of the Turkey visa, travel to this captivating country has never been easier. The visa process is straightforward, allowing visitors to obtain their visas online or upon arrival in Turkey, depending on their nationality. This accessibility makes it simple for travelers to plan their dream vacation without the hassle of complicated paperwork. So, whether you're a history buff, a nature lover, or simply seeking adventure, Turkey has it all. Take a dip in the thermal pools of Pamukkale, hike through the valleys of Cappadocia, or sail along the stunning Turquoise Coast the possibilities are endless. With its rich history, diverse culture, and breathtaking scenery, Turkey is truly a destination like no other.
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janvidevelopers · 5 months
Hyderabad Builders: Crafting Dreams into Reality
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Introduction to Hyderabad Builders
Hyderabad, the capital metropolis of Telangana, has emerged as a shiny hub for actual property improvement in current years. With its booming IT sector, speedy urbanization, and favorable authorities policies, the metropolis has witnessed a surge in demand for residential and business properties. At the coronary heart of this flourishing actual property panorama are the Hyderabad builders, who play a pivotal position in shaping the skyline of the city.
History and Growth of Hyderabad's Real Estate Sector
The records of Hyderabad's actual property quarter dates returned to the technology of the Nizams, the place grand palaces and majestic constructions decorated the landscape. However, it used to be in the late twentieth century that Hyderabad witnessed a giant transformation, fueled by way of industrialization and the IT boom. This length noticed the emergence of countless actual property giants who capitalized on the city's developing demand for housing and business spaces.
Prominent Builders in Hyderabad
Top Builders in Hyderabad
Several installed gamers dominate the actual property market in Hyderabad, recognized for their dedication to quality, innovation, and client satisfaction. Names like Prestige Group, Ramkie Estates & Farms Ltd., and Mantri Developers have come to be synonymous with excellence in building and design.
Emerging Builders in Hyderabad
Alongside the stalwarts, a new breed of builders is making waves in Hyderabad's actual property arena. Companies like Aparna Constructions, My Home Constructions, and Aliens Group are gaining prominence for their sparkling perspectives, current designs, and customer-centric approach.
Factors Influencing the Real Estate Market in Hyderabad
The dynamic actual estate market in Hyderabad is influenced with the aid of more than a few elements that form its increase trajectory.
Economic Factors
Hyderabad's strong economy, pushed with the aid of sectors like IT, pharmaceuticals, and biotechnology, attracts a regular inflow of experts searching for employment opportunities. This, in turn, fuels the demand for residential and industrial residences in the city.
Infrastructure Development
The government's center of attention on infrastructure development, inclusive of tasks like the Hyderabad Metro Rail and Outer Ring Road, has more advantageous connectivity and accessibility throughout the city. Improved infrastructure provides cost to actual property investments and stimulates demand for houses in rising localities.
Government Policies
The proactive stance of the Telangana authorities closer to actual property improvement has performed a imperative position in catalyzing boom in the sector. Initiatives like the TS-bPASS (Telangana State Building Permission Approval and Self-Certification System) have streamlined the approval process, making it less difficult for builders to undertake tasks and meet timelines.
Key Features of Hyderabad Builders' Projects
Hyderabad builders are recognized for their unwavering dedication to handing over initiatives that surpass expectations in phrases of quality, design, and amenities.
Quality Construction
Builders in Hyderabad prioritize first-rate construction, the usage of the best substances and adhering to stringent fine standards. From strong foundations to impeccable finishes, interest to element is evident in each and every element of their projects.
Innovative Architecture
Innovation is at the core of Hyderabad builders' graph philosophy. From modern-day city residences to sustainable inexperienced spaces, their initiatives exhibit architectural brilliance and creativity.
Amenities and Facilities
Hyderabad builders recognize the evolving desires of contemporary householders and prioritize facilities that decorate high-quality of life. From landscaped gardens and leisure services to modern day protection systems, their tasks provide a holistic dwelling experience.
Challenges Faced by using Builders in Hyderabad
Despite the thriving actual property market, builders in Hyderabad come across various challenges that influence undertaking execution and shipping timelines.
Land Acquisition
Acquiring land for improvement initiatives stays a complicated and time-consuming process, frequently fraught with prison and regulatory hurdles. Limited availability of land parcels in high areas provides to the challenge, necessitating revolutionary processes to land acquisition.
Regulatory Compliance
Navigating the regulatory landscape, such as acquiring approves and approvals, can be cumbersome for builders. Strict adherence to constructing codes, environmental norms, and taxation insurance policies is integral to keep away from delays and penalties.
Market Competition
The aggressive nature of the actual property market in Hyderabad poses a mission for builders, who need to differentiate their initiatives via innovation, quality, and cost proposition. Keeping tempo with altering patron preferences and market developments is indispensable to continue to be beforehand in the game.
Future Outlook for Hyderabad Builders
Despite the challenges, the future appears promising for Hyderabad builders, pushed by using elements like endured monetary growth, urbanization, and infrastructure development. With a focal point on sustainability, science adoption, and customer-centricity, builders are poised to redefine the city's skyline and fulfill the aspirations of its residents.
In conclusion, Hyderabad builders play a pivotal position in shaping the city's city panorama and assembly the developing demand for residential and business properties. With their dedication to excellence, innovation, and consumer satisfaction, they proceed to force the increase of the actual property quarter in Hyderabad, making goals of homeownership a reality.
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dailyp1anet · 8 months
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By Brad Elliot, Staff Writer
PUBLISHED: 07:00, 17th December 2013 | UPDATED: 10:42, 17th December 2013
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A TRAGIC DAY: The devastation of the Black Zero Event in Metropolis destroys Wayne Tower. © The Daily Planet: James Olsen, Photographer.
Once heralded as the most forward thinking building in North America, Wayne Tower, was not immune to the devastating impact in Metropolis during the attack many people are calling the Black Zero Event. Although the building fared better than all of those in the vicinity, there was little to be done to save everyone. Among the 48 people who lost their lives in the devastation, 8 were children under the age of 10. In a press release William Walter, the spokesman for Wayne Enterprises said, "We are deeply saddened by the loss of life and we will do whatever we can to help the survivors heal. Although there is nothing we can do to end their grief, that we all feel for those who were taken from us. We will support the Wayne Enterprises family as they mourn their loved ones." Bruce Wayne, the CEO of Wayne Enterprises was unavailable for comment.
Although the total death toll from the devastating attack may never be known, it is clear that Wayne Tower fared better than the other buildings that suffered similar damage. "Our emergency procedures were developed to cover every foreseeable scenario," said Walter. "We of course, never expected an alien attack of this nature much less the tremendous seismic event, as well as the alien energy beam that cut through the top floor."
The Wayne Foundation has set up a victim relief fund which will assist with donations on behalf of the victims and their families. Bruce Wayne has personally donated five million dollars to the fund and has encouraged survivors to take as much time as they need with consulting services, medical care and financial assistance for all of those involved at Wayne Financial. "Mr Wayne felt that although there is no amount of money that can undo what has been done, the good people of the Wayne Enterprises family need to know that their CEO is there to give everything he can to ease their pain." Walter went on to say that the Wayne Foundation has already started to make payments available to victims of the attack and will continue to do so until "the pain and grief no longer dominate the lives of those affected by this tragic day." Mr Wayne also made provisions for pension contributions and death in service benefits to be made payable to the victims families.
The long term consequences are of course yet to be determined. The overall devastation to the city was the worst domestic attack the United States has ever known. The attack completely destroyed over 35 high-rise buildings and damaged over 200 more. It is obvious that the skyline of Metropolis will be forever changed by this event. Both Wayne Enterprises and LexCorp have taken the lead in creating funds and donating materials to the clean up efforts. Up to this point, there is over 12 million dollars to the Rebuild Metropolis fund.
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thetoxicgamer · 2 years
Cities Skylines Meets Mass Effect in New Steam City Building Game
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Cities Skylines may be criticised for lacking melodrama, but it has the detail and density that let you control every small aspect of your developing metropolis. Mass Effect, on the other hand, is a grand space opera from BioWare in which the fate of the entire universe is at stake. Ixion, a new survival-based city building game available right now on Steam, disproves the notion that they are a bad match by having you carefully manage your space station in order to keep humanity alive. To cut it short, Earth, as seems increasingly likely in our own, non-videogame reality is done for, destroyed by natural disasters, pollution, and who knows what else. As the Administrator of Tiqqun space station, your job is to design, build, and maintain a liveable habitat for your remaining pocket of survivors as you eagerly search for somewhere new that humanity can call home. But space is no picnic. Electrical fires, hull breaches, and the threat of other survivor factions, who – to paraphrase H.G. Wells – regard Tiqqun with envious eyes, mean you’re constantly battling for your life, and your incipient society’s survival. Your choices drive the story of Ixion, as you struggle to balance the imminent needs of your people with the resources required for finding other Earth refugees, and building a better future. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGlFvRpfiHE It looks fantastic, too, a spectacular mix of harsh industrialism and florid sci-fi colours – think the original Alien meets Cyberpunk 2077. Ixion is out on Steam today, December 7. If you like city builders, and love a challenge, pick it up. You might also want to try some of the other best building games, or maybe some grand strategy games, if you think you can handle all that power. Alternatively, check out our guide to the best RTS games, if you’re feeling a bit more action than planning. Read the full article
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fictorium · 5 years
Hey sugar lips... you still taking prompts? #46
Sure am honey pie!
#46 “What happens if I do this?
Kara waited until Eliza had dozed off in front of a rerun of The Lion in Winter, Alex and Kelly having already retreated upstairs before the movie started. Their fake yawns had been so transparent that Kara had to smile. The house in Midvale was as still and peaceful as it ever had been, but for Kara it was just that little bit lonely too.
Stepping out on the porch she found her way to the old swing and settled in. She didn’t need the blanket for warmth, but reached for it anyway. From there she had a perfect view of the night sky, one expanding further and deeper than Eliza’s much-loved telescope, which sat waiting for its next search.
Kara watched the stars for a while, looking for patterns that she knew weren’t visible from this planet. Every so often she could convince herself the stars of Orion’s Belt had realigned to form constellations relating to Rao, but it was just a trick her mind liked to play on her.
She hadn’t heard Eliza wake or come looking for her. Kara gave her a sheepish smile.
“Sorry I left before the movie ended. I just wanted some alone time I guess.”
Eliza came to sit beside her. “I’d say you’ve had a little too much of that lately. Alex told me about your… falling out with Lena. And I know James left, just like Winn did, and Mon-El before that.”
“People leave,” Kara said, dropping her head on Eliza’s shoulder. “Or they send you away. Sometimes you lose them and sometimes you find a way to get them back. I still have friends, good ones. And Alex, of course.”
“You don’t have to put on a brave front for me, Kara. It’s okay to miss someone. One special someone most of all. I know things haven’t been the same… since she sold CatCo. That was a big betrayal for you.”
“It wasn’t so bad. Andrea is difficult but—“
“Honey, I don’t mean that sale.”
“Oh. Oh. I didn’t… I mean I don’t… Ms Grant has probably forgotten all about me by now. Last I heard she was in Gotham. Or Metropolis. Either way, she’s busy.”
Eliza gave Kara a reassuring pat on the cheek. “You forget that I’ve seen you together. I’ve seen how you look at her, and not just that silly crush you had while she was on television. You didn’t see how she watched you as you gave that speech and saved everyone from Myriad. People don’t forget someone like that.”
Kara felt the tears welling up as they had so many times before. “Then why didn’t she come back? She said she wasn’t going anywhere and then she was gone.”
“I think,” Eliza replied, shrugging Kara from her shoulder and turning to face her fully. “I think that’s something you have to ask her. Do you know where she is right now? You could call. Or better yet…”
Without thinking, Kara closed her eyes and let her hearing roam. Within seconds she had traced that familiar heartbeat, just a little out of step with the ones around it. Cat Grant was always unique.
“She’s at her family home, in Metropolis. Weird, she doesn’t usually spend time with her mother out there.”
“Well I’m going to make some tea, and take that book you got me to bed. I won’t listen for you coming upstairs.”
“Thank you.”
Kara stood and watched her foster mother go inside. Before she could talk herself out of it, Kara raised herself up on tip toes and closed her eyes, feeling the night breeze whispering across her skin. It was barely nine in Metropolis. She could be there and back in minutes if she pushed it.
Decision made, Kara raised her arms like in the old prayers to Rao, and rocketed into the night sky.
The house was all but in darkness when Kara landed on the roof. She’d circled a few times before approaching, listening to Cat’s heartbeat vary as she moved from room to room, restless. Kara could have used her x-ray vision to see exactly what was happening, but it felt like too much of an intrusion. Instead she waited on the roof, knowing that Cat was a creature of habit, and eventually she always sought out higher ground.
Sure enough, twenty minutes later Cat walked through the room directly beneath Kara in the tall brownstone, and came out onto a small stone balcony that overlooked the slightly tangled gardens.
“If you’re one of the Bats or the Spiders, I’m not in the mood,” Cat said without looking round. “And I happen to know Superman is on bottle feed duty tonight, so I doubt he’s the one lurking on my roof.”
“Hey,” Kara said, dropping down beside Cat. She hadn’t bothered to change into her suit. There was no point pretending she hadn’t heard Cat calling her Supergirl last time they were together. “How did you know anyone was there?”
“My mother had an impressive security system. Courtesy of yours truly, of course. You wouldn’t believe how many two-bit villains thought going after her would bother me in some way.”
Cat hadn’t looked at her yet, so Kara took up the spot next to her, leaning on the balcony, propped up on her elbows to mirror Cat’s position. The only difference was that Cat was nursing a heavy crystal tumbler in her left hand, the liquid in it almost gone. Kara could smell the rich, peaty Scotch along with the fading notes of Cat’s perfume, something with a woody undertone that Kara hadn’t realized she missed quite so much. It was as comforting as the scent from her sheets on her bed at Eliza’s, but at the same time it sparked that low heat in Kara’s belly that she’d gotten so good at ignoring.
“You look good,” Kara said, not least because it had the benefit of being true. Cat had let her hair grow, and she was wearing it straighter. It made her look younger, not that Kara would ever say such a thing out loud; Cat Grant was stunning for any age. The black dress was pretty plain by Cat’s usual standards - no interesting geometry or leather panels anywhere that Kara could see.
Cat’s response was just a quirk of her lips, a smile that never quite made it all the way into being.
“Cat? I’ve never known you to ignore a compliment. Is everything okay? How’s Carter?”
“Fine, fine,” Cat replied, finishing her drink. “Well, mostly fine. He’s almost sixteen now, and things have been… difficult these past few months. But he was with me for all this, of course. Now he and Adam have gone to Opal City, so at least it’s nice to see them getting along.”
“All this?” Kara repeated.
“The funeral. I assume that’s why you’re here. You heard about my mother and came to make sure we salted the earth after we buried her.” Cat’s words were as disgruntled as ever on the topic of her mother, but Kara could tell her heart wasn’t in it. Even if they hadn’t gotten along, Cat had still lost her mom.
“I… didn’t know,” Kara had to admit. “I was at home, in Midvale, and I realized… well, it doesn’t matter now. Are you okay? Is there anything I can do to help?”
Cat shook her head. “Not even Supergirl has power over death. I see you’ve taken to flying in civilian clothes. Risky.”
“I flew high, and it’s cloudy.”
“Still. I worry about you, Kara. Not about you losing a fight, or coming across a scary new alien. I worry about you being exposed, about you losing the things that make you… like this.”
“Your mom died and you’re worrying about me losing my privacy?” Kara didn’t understand, even though she was one of the few people who’d really seen the depth of Cat’s compassion and empathy. “You’re right, though. It’s been close a few times. The new administration wanted to know everything, wanted to take away everything that lets me feel normal. I’m used to it by now.”
“I threatened you, before. With exposing everything.”
Kara nodded. She had forgiven Cat a lot of things, but they weren’t all forgotten. “You were trying to win an argument. It’s like Monopoly, you don’t necessarily play by the rules. I trust you now, for what it’s worth. Or I wouldn’t have flown here in leggings and a sweater.”
“Yes. Just as well there’s no dress code,” Cat replied with a pointed sweep of Kara’s clothing. “Though the thought of my mother’s face, seeing you dressed like that… you’ve brought a little light into my day as always, Kara.”
Although she was clearly attempting her usual dry humor, Cat’s mouth crumpled just a little around the words. Kara didn’t even think before pulling Cat into a full-body hug that felt better than anything had in a really long time. It didn’t take long for the shoulder area to become damp with Cat’s tears.
“We can go inside?” Kara suggested when Cat finally settled in her careful embrace, her right hand clutching the soft material of Kara’s top just above her heart. The same heart that was beating twice as fast as normal.
“No. Everything in there is her. It’s suffocating, even now.”
“Where would you like to go?”
“Surprise me,” Cat said.
Kara considered for a moment, looking out over the semi-familiar Metropolis skyline. “I could have ended up here, you know. If my cousin had taken me in.”
“No, you ended up exactly where you were supposed to. In Middlebottom--”
“Right, Midvale,” Cat continued without any hint of embarrassment. “And then in National City, with me.”
Kara didn’t have the words to reply to that, not yet, and so she pulled Cat close and shot them both across the city to a far less fancy district: the still-bustling streets of downtown. They alighted on the giant piece of metal atop the Daily Planet building, and Kara sat Cat carefully on the flattest part so they could sit together comfortably.
“Ta da?” Kara tried, smiling at Cat with all the affection that was threatening to pour out of her. “I put you on top of the world.”
“Perry White would be furious!” Cat kicked her legs up with something like glee. “Oh, he was always forbidding employees to come up to the roof. This is perfect. Wait,” she added, taking out her phone and snapping a selfie with her location quite obvious to anyone with half a clue. “I’ll send that to him later.”
“I’m glad I could give you something nice,” Kara said, offering her arm to wrap around Cat and being silently thrilled when Cat nestled into her side without any more prompting. “You deserve nice things, Cat.”
“Even though I left you? That’s the part you keep not saying.” Cat didn’t look up at Kara to see her point land, they both knew it had.
“You did. But I came after you, eventually. Isn’t that what people do? Go after what they want?”
“Of course, I didn’t know about all this with your mom. So I can wait. I can put this all on hold and be a friend to you. I’m happy to do it.”
“Everything is up in the air,” Cat said, gesturing at the giant drop below them. “Quite literally right now. I don’t know what happens next, so I can’t promise you anything.”
“What happens if I do this?” Kara asked, summoning every last scrap of her courage into one finger, using it to gently touch Cat’s chin and tilt her face up toward Kara’s. Cat’s expression had softened, her lips were as soft and inviting as ever, and as soon as Kara realized all of that, she was a lost cause. She kissed Cat with sweetness and forgiveness, and a promise of comfort and more.
“Oh.” Cat still had her eyes closed when the tender kiss ended. “That was everything I hoped. But Kara, I don’t know if I can just come back, if I can find a life that makes room for all this.”
“You can. We will. However it has to be, I think we can make it work, Cat. But it’s better to try and fail than never take a chance in the first place.”
“Someone very wise must have taught you that.”
“You did.”
“Like I said.” Cat cupped Kara’s cheek with her hand, running her thumb over the cheekbone with exquisite care. “I’m tired of fighting this, Kara. I ran halfway around the world to escape my feelings for you, and they haven’t gone anywhere. Maybe all I cost us was time.”
“We still have lots of that,” Kara answered. “More than enough, I promise.”
“Will you come back with me? To the house? I can’t bear being alone in there.”
“Of course,” Kara said. “Now?”
“Not yet,” Cat replied, leaning back into Kara’s side. “Let’s stay on top of the world a little longer.”
Kara held her close, content to do exactly that.
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redhairedwolfwitch · 5 years
Spider-Woman - Danvers Family x Danvers!Reader
Hi, can you one-shot where Fem Reader is Alex's Younger Sister but is the black sheep of the Danver's Family. Eliza, Jeremiah, Alex,(except Kara) hardly acknowledges her presence. So Time Passes Fem Reader disappears she changes her last name to Parker. When Working at a lab she gets bit by a spider made by the blood of Superman, and Supergirl. She becomes Spider-woman.
You never got on with your blood family, even before your adoptive sister arrived. You saw the world differently to them, you saw it as a place where everyone has good and bad inside of them. You saw people struggling and wanted to help but you were told no.
They tried to control you, they thought they could, for so long. The attempts and their beliefs had began to crush your spirit, to the point where you hoped you’d get away one day, you dreamed that one day you would escape.
It got so bad there that you stopped calling that place home. None of them even acknowledged your presence in a room besides your adoptive sister. You were younger than Alex and her but she picked up the tenseness of the room. She was so confused and even asked you about it one day when you were sat on the wooden swing in the back garden, staring into space.
Kara didn’t know much English when she first arrived but you had snuck away at times and learnt Kryptonese for her. Superman didn’t even know it well...
“Why?” That was all she asked and you just spoke quietly in the alien language, Kara nodding in understanding before she reached out to take your hand, gently. You smiled softly as you drew a spiral in her palm, noticing how Kara smiled back.
She was the only one who actually acknowledged you existed in the first place.
You learned to drive from two brothers, Glass and Zephyr. They became part of your chosen family...
You worked multiple jobs throughout school to save money up to buy a car. It wasn’t the best, a beaten up pickup truck but as soon as you had that, you were planning your disappearance. You had a scholarship you’d managed to keep quiet from everyone.
A scholarship that would take you to New York. The scholarship was conditional in that you were offered to work for a company making big steps to change the world. They were interested in your point of view, something your family never did.
When you left, you let your biological surname of Danvers die. You changed it to Parker in memory of your friend who had passed away a few years ago due to a car crash in National City. His name was Peter.
The two of you met at a science expo you snuck out to go to. Kara knew but she let you go, knowing you were never going to stop.
Arriving in New York was weird, you turning up from Midvale with your battered truck to arrive at NYU. Everything you had was in that truck. 
You left your biological family behind the day those tires hit the road with you behind the steering wheel. You kept in touch with Kara, Glass and Zephyr from Midvale. Kara was in National City whilst Glass and Zephyr were in Metropolis.
You had a quote that you stood by as you worked away at the labs.
“Blood of the convent is thicker than the water of the womb.”
You didn’t see the escaped experimental spider slowly drifting down from the ceiling to land on the back of your neck but you felt it bite you as you hurried to the bathrooms with the now dead spider in a test tube.
The spider was developed in experimental methods to create affordable vaccines based on the blood of Superman and Supergirl after Kara revealed herself over a year ago.
You stood on the pinnacle of the Empire State Building, pulling your mask down over your face as you focused your eyes on the skyline. The white spider across your torso was a new development to your suit but you wanted to try something new, plus the visual effects were interesting.
 You let out a breath before pushing your feet away from the pinnacle, allowing yourself to free fall before fwipping your wrists to activate the web shooters, performing a flip in the air before you swung throughout the buildings of Hell’s Kitchen before landing on a nearby roof to answer your phone.
“Hi, Kara... yeah I’m okay, you doing okay? I saw on the news you fought Cyborg Superman or whatever the media are calling him-” You began to swing around New York before a tingle up your spine made you pause mid-swing before you heard gunshots.
“Sorry, Kara...duty calls.” You hung up the phone after her answer, pushing yourself backwards to gain momentum to swing towards the gunshots.
Never a dull moment in New York for Spider-Woman.
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cdelphiki · 5 years
Father came the next morning, just as he’d promised on the phone. 
Yesterday, Damian had been looking forward to this. A lot. He hadn’t seen his father much since moving to Metropolis, so the prospect of spending the entire day with him had been very exciting. Even if they were going to stay in Metropolis. Sure, Damian missed Gotham, but it was his Father he’d missed most.
But after his and Tim’s conversation the night before, Damian’s excitement had turned to apprehension. 
He wasn’t afraid of his father. He knew Father would not hit him in public. That wasn’t something he’d ever done. To any of them. He wasn’t even afraid he’d hit him in private. Because, really. Father had to be pushed. 
It was just the realization that…that was a possibility. At some point. In his life. That the man who claimed to love them all was capable of such a thing…
Well. The thought had kept Damian up all night. 
“You all right?” Clark had asked, at around 4am when came out to the living room, where Damian was swatching out the paints Tim got him. He’d never been one to just stay lying in bed when it was obvious sleep was never going to find him. 
“Mhm,” he hummed, mixing up his next color to swatch out. So far, each color had been insanely vibrant. Very saturated. They were interesting paints, for sure. He’d probably need to mix in other paints to help balance them out, though. His oil paints might mix well with these. That should be what he tested out next. 
Clark stood behind him and watched him work for a moment, his hand resting on Damian’s shoulder. It was incredibly relaxing, and since Clark was likely listening to his heartbeat, there was no doubt the stupid alien knew that and that’s why he kept it up. 
Honestly, the lack of privacy he got in this house. 
“I don’t know what you and Tim talked about,” Clark said slowly, after a moment, “but clearly it’s bothering you. If you want to talk to me about it, I’m right here.”
Well, okay. Maybe he got some privacy. It’s not like Clark could help the fact he could hear Damian’s heart-rate. It was probably as natural and normal to Clark as Damian seeing someone produce tears or hearing their breath catch. 
“Yeah, I know,” he said, maybe a little more testily than Clark deserved. But it didn’t deter Clark. No. Instead, he sat in the chair next to Damian and left his arm back around Damian’s shoulders. 
That was probably one of the many things he liked about the Kents. No matter how bratty he got, how much he snapped at them, or how rude he became, they never walked away from him. 
He’d almost cried, right then. 
But Clark saved him by asking, “So what are you going to paint?”
They’d spent the rest of the night… morning? The rest of the morning chatting about everything pointless. Damian explained how the paints worked and showed Clark his process for creating a piece, and Clark helped him decide on what to make. 
In the end, he’d painted a simple skyline of Metropolis. And just to make Clark smile, he’d added a tiny little Superman, flying above the city. 
Just a dot of blue with a smudge of red, really, but it’d helped him finish off his sleepless night with his own smile when Clark declared, “This is the best painting of me I’ve ever seen!” 
It was just another reason why he really liked the Kents. Because when Father showed up just after breakfast, Damian felt relaxed. Such a stark difference from his feelings the night before. 
Sure, he was exhausted, but he didn’t feel like his blood would shake right out of his veins or his heart would quit beating entirely with the stress and anxiety of the night before clutching away at his chest. 
When he answered the door and saw Father standing there, holding a wrapped present and smiling awkwardly, he was even able to smile back. He quickly put the present on his bed, then rejoined his father in the front room, eager to get going with their day. 
“Dinner’s at six,” Clark said, just as Damian was about to follow Father out to the car. While it had been phrased innocently enough, they all knew Father had just been given a curfew. 
That didn’t particularly matter to Damian. He knew the day with Father would not last forever. And, honestly, he didn’t want it to. He still needed… time. To process everything that had happened. 
Father, on the other hand, seemed particularly perturb at Clark, and Damian just barely caught him mumbling, “He’s my kid, Clark. I’ll keep him as long as I damn well please.”
Damian frowned, but didn’t comment as he climbed into the passenger seat of Father’s car. He wanted to have a pleasant day with his Father. Not one spent in the middle of a fight between Clark and Bruce. 
He really did not want to be forced to choose between the two of them. 
Thankfully, Father did drop it. Eventually. They spent the thirty minutes it took to get to their destination in silence, Father tightly gripping the steering wheel as he fumed. But once they pulled into the parking lot of the Natural History Museum, his shoulders relaxed and he turned to face Damian. 
“How does this sound, for at least the morning,” Father asked, scratching at his neck for a second before dropping his hand and asking, “Clark said you hadn’t been here yet.” 
“I’ve been wanting to come,” Damian said, letting a small smile onto his face, “There’s an exhibit about the t-rex right now.”
“You like dinosaurs? I didn’t know that.”
Damian shrugged and got out of the car after Father, then trailed along beside him as they went inside. “Apparently most American children learn about them at a young age. It was never part of my curriculum, but I’ve been reading up on the Mesozoic Era lately. It was a natural diversion in topic.” 
“Hm. Any particular reason for that course of study,” Father asked, just as they got in line to purchase tickets. 
“No,” he admitted, leaning back against the wall behind him, “Got lost on Wikipedia and found it interesting. Clark got me a card at the library so I could check out books on the topic.” 
Clark had actually been thrilled when Damian started showing interest in history. It’d only started a few weeks ago, thus the lack of visiting the Natural History Museum already. 
He knew had the entire Kent Family had a whole day off at the same time, they would have visited already. Clark didn’t like going out like that unless Lois could come, too. But every time they thought they had time, something came up. Usually Superman related, but sometimes Daily Planet related. 
Regardless, Clark had wanted to encourage Damian’s independent studying, and had brought him to the library one afternoon after school to get him his own library card. 
The name they used for it was fake, of course. Couldn’t have the librarian knowing the son of Bruce Wayne was living with Clark Kent in Metropolis, and being a minor he didn’t need an ID to get a library card. Just a self-proclaimed parent or guardian to apply for one for him. 
‘D. W. Kent’ was the name Clark had written down. When the librarian asked what ‘D.W.’ stood for, Clark had said, “Nothing, that’s his name,” putting on a thicker Kansas-country twang. The dopy, farm boy smile he followed up with sold it to the point the librarian obviously thought Clark was empty-headed, and Damian was left grinning, trying his best to hide it from the librarian. 
“Fake a country accent,” Clark had said, after they left the library, “City-folk are thrown by it and it’s automatic points against your assumed intelligence. You can get by with a lot.” 
It’d made Damian realize that Clark was more clever than Father gave him credit for. He’d already known the man was smart, but Clark could play up his perceived persona just as well as Father could. And that playboy wasn’t the only persona that worked for throwing people off a secret identity. 
“You could always purchase any book you wanted with your credit card,” Father said dryly, “I didn’t cut you off. Then you could keep it when you were done.”
“I don’t have any place to keep it,” he said, shrugging again as he pulled his weight off the wall to move with the line, “there’s not much room in the apartment, Father.”
“There’s plenty of room at the Manor,” Father nearly grumbled. Petulantly. Like a child. 
That was something Father did a lot, wasn’t it?
Why had Damian never noticed?
“I enjoy visiting the library,” Damian said instead of address any of that. He honestly did. It was fun. He could, and did, get lost in the stacks whenever he went. Clark usually found a quiet place to sit and work while Damian and Jon wandered around for as long as they wanted. Lois had even brought them once. It was great.
His day wasn’t, though.
The rest of the day went pretty much in the same manner, to Damian’s reluctant disappointment. 
They went out for lunch after the museum, then to the horticulture center across town for the afternoon. Father attempted small talk throughout the outing, but always managed to bring the topic back to Damian moving home. In a very indirect way.
He never once said, ‘Damian, come home,’ but instead pointed out how, in Gotham, Damian would be able to do something better or more often. Like when Damian had mentioned having to adjust to a bedtime, Father had said, “Bedtimes are pointless. It is why you don’t have one in my house.”
Damian had wanted to argue that he had, in fact, had a bedtime in Father’s house. He just never followed it. And Father was wishy-washy about enforcing it. 
But he was so exhausted. And the more he thought about it, the more his mind was comparing Clark to Father. Lois to Father. The parents they were to the parent Father was. 
And he was just so exhausted. He did not want to think about any of that.
Perhaps that’s why he hadn’t argued with Father about anything, all day. Pulling an all-nighter had really taken a toll. And really, the entire day before it, too.
It came at the end of their day, however. The real toll his exhaustion would take. 
Because Father had worn him out throughout the day, as well. Damian was fairly certain even had he received a full nights rest, he would have reacted in exactly the same way. 
They arrived back at the Kent’s apartment half past six, late for dinner, of course. But Damian doubted Clark actually cared. Not about them being late, at least. After Father parallel parked, he turned off the car and turned in his seat to face Damian fully. Damian raised an eyebrow, and just sat there, waiting for his Father to say whatever it was he wanted to say. 
He hadn’t been expecting Father to be quite so direct, though.
“Are you about ready to come back home?” 
“What?” he asked, because what did that even mean? It wasn’t up to Damian when he got to go home. At least, he didn’t think it was?
Father frowned, but rephrased the question to, “How much longer do you want to spend in Metropolis?”
And it left Damian no less confused. Because, again. “I- That’s not really my choice, Father.”
“Of course it is,” Father said, frowning harder now as he shifted some in his seat, “No one can keep you somewhere against your will, Damian.”
Damian blinked. And stared. Then he noticed his mouth had fallen open a little, so he snapped it shut. Because what made Father think this was all against Damian’s will? Damian had kryptonite in his utility belt. If he really wanted to get away from the Kents, he could. Now that he knew them, though, knew Clark better, he knew that they would never hold him against his will. If he demanded to be returned home, Clark would do it.
He might report Bruce to the authorities for abuse, but he’d return Damian home… 
But why would Damian fight to go back home? When Father never fought for him? At all? Father had made exactly one protestation about Clark taking him. One. Then he just dropped it and walked off. Hadn’t even said goodbye. It took Damian texting Father to even hear from him for the first time. 
Clark was willing to fight Father, his self-proclaimed best friend, although Damian was starting to doubt that was the case anymore, just to bring Damian to what he thought was safety. 
That’s what this was all about, after all. Deep down, Damian had always kind of known that. He knew that the first night, when Clark was flying him to Metropolis. He understood that Father had messed up, but he hadn’t quite connected it to him. And hadn’t really cared about his brother’s pain…
But he understood now. He got it. 
Besides, Father had never once shown any interesting in Damian coming home. The last time he’d seen Father, he’d asked, “Why can’t I live with you?” and what had Father said?
Absolutely nothing.
He’d looked away and ignored the question. 
Father had never fought for him. 
Why was he starting now?
“Damian, I love you,” Father said, soft and gently, as he reached a hand out to… do something. Damian wasn’t sure. Stroke his hair? His cheek? Whatever it was, he didn’t allow it to happen, because he backed up, pressing his back against the door behind him.
Father withdrew the hand like he’d been stung, but he didn’t immediately revert to anger, like Damian had been expecting. Instead, he just looked at Damian quizzically and asked, “Damian? What is it?” 
And all he could do was shake his head. Because he didn’t know. He wasn’t afraid of Father. All it would take was calling out Clark’s name, and he’d be there in an instant. 
No. He had nothing to fear from his Father. 
But that phrase just sounded so wrong coming from his father’s mouth. So alien. More alien than Damian’s best friend. And it set off alarms in Damian’s head.
Because had Father ever said that before?
Yeah, he decided. Exactly once. 
What was even happening? What was Father trying to pull, here? Why would he… Was he trying to manipulate Damian?
That’s what-That’s what abusers did. 
Manipulate those around them.
And Father was-
“Damian?” Father asked, reaching forward to touch Damian’s knee and shake it, slightly. 
Damian knew his face had likely drained of its color. What color it had, that is, with him being as sleep deprived as he was. He’d had a good look at himself in a mirror earlier. He looked like absolute shit.
“Father,” he started, then paused to clear his throat before continuing, “it was never about me. It’s always been about you.” 
Bruce gave Damian the most confused expression he’d ever seen on his father’s face, and said, “I don’t follow.” 
And before Damian could think better of it, his mouth was saying, “Do you love Tim?”
It was a valid question after all. 
“What?” Father asked, and Damian could see a touch of annoyance in his face now. Tim was likely a touchy subject for him. 
Damian didn’t care. 
“It’s just, you say you love me. But I’m pretty sure you said that to Tim, too.” He’d adopted Tim, after all. Damian hadn’t been a choice, so it only stood to reason that Father must love Tim. 
Father just turned his head slightly, like he wanted to look away, but couldn’t, so Damian added, “You’re supposed to. Tim, and Jason, and Dick. We’re your kids.” 
And he hadn’t. Father hadn’t. He’d said these things, he’d made them all feel safe and loved and protected, then turned around and betrayed each one of them. 
How could, how could he do that? How could Damian deal with it? Why would he want to?
The answer to that was, he absolutely wouldn’t. 
In fact, the only thing he wanted to do in that moment was going inside and curl up in his bed and sleep. Because he could feel the burning in his face, feel the stinging the preluded the one thing he didn’t want to do in front of his father, and there was nothing he could do to stop it.
“Damian?” Father said hesitantly, reaching a hand out again.
But Damian shook his head, forcing him to drop it, as he said, “And—just—how can I trust you, Father? You, you don’t even seem to care, about what you did. About any of it.”
“What are you talking about?” The exasperation in Father’s voice was just enough to help Damian clutch onto a kernel of anger. 
“Tim,” Damian growled, “I’m talking about Tim.”
 “Tim and my argument has nothing to do with you,” Father said, softening his posture and his face as he did. His voice sounded like he was trying to be reassuring, too.
But he wasn’t.
He was the exact opposite of reassuring. 
In fact, it was affirming Damian’s thoughts and that just plunged him deeper down the drain. There was no returning now.
“It- it wasn’t an argument,” he cried, trying and failing to hold onto his anger and only his anger, “It was- it was abuse. It was wrong. 
And Father reacted in the same way he always did when confronted. With agitation, bordering on anger of his own. “Damian.” 
“I thought, when I left… when I told Mother I chose you, I thought I’d left that part of my life behind me,” Damian said, turning around in his seat so he was facing forward again. So he wasn’t looking directly at the man he knew he was either severely pissing off or hurting possibly irrevocably. He didn’t care. That’s what he’d done to Tim. And Jason. 
“I thought, I’d never have to worry about angering a parent again. Angering my family. Because… because I make you angry a lot. I’m really good at it. Sometimes I do it on purpose, but most the time not. And… before. I didn’t have to worry about it. You’d yell, you’d ground me. Sometimes I’d laugh, and you’d storm off and pout.”
“Damian,” Father said, this time quieter. Void of the anger he’d been expecting.
“But… apparently I should have been worried. I… can’t…”
Damian looked over, and wiped the tears away so he could see. And his father was staring at him with absolute desperation in his eyes. Like he were able to hear Damian’s thoughts. See right inside Damian’s head and see the connections Damian was making. The realizations.
The decision that he’d rather stay with the Kents. Stay where being a brat didn’t result in anything happening, but maybe Lois or Clark telling him to ‘watch the tone.’ Where he could do whatever he wanted, and was encouraged. 
Where he didn’t have to wonder, ‘is this what’s going to set him off?’ 
He’d spent the first ten years of his life with that fear. He couldn’t do it again.
“You’re— you’re Dad. If you, if you did that. To me. I don’t think I’d ever recover from it. I can’t-” do this, he tried to finish, but his words were choked off by a sob. And this was the absolute last place he wanted to cry. He’d already cried yesterday. Why did he have to do it again, today? 
“Son, If I can-” Father started, but Damian unlocked his door and pushed it open, unwilling to stay and listen. 
He couldn’t do this. 
“I’m sorry,” he said, scrubbing at his eyes as he slid out and shut the door behind him. If Father tried to follow him, he hadn’t noticed, because as soon as he entered his code into the door, he ran as fast as he could, taking the stairs up to the apartment. 
Clark had obviously been listening in, or was at least tuned into Damian, because he had the door unlocked and open as soon as Damian entered the hall outside. 
“Damian,” Clark started, but stopped when Damian shouted at him.
“Leave me alone,” he screamed, mad at himself for still crying. Jon and Lois both looked at him, startled, but he could tell Jon had probably been listening, too. Damian hated their powers. “You had no right to listen.” 
He ran into his and Jon’s room and slammed the door behind him, then just collapsed onto his bed to hopefully get all of this out. Maybe he’d just fall asleep. 
But of course, he didn’t. Because life wasn’t fair. Nothing was ever fair. Why did Father have to be like this? He was a superhero, for crying out loud. He was supposed to be better. 
Damian had looked up to him his entire life, because he was a superhero. And superheroes didn’t stoop to the levels of the criminals they were sworn to fight. They didn’t have questionable morals and use lame excuses. 
Superheroes weren’t abusers. 
That’s what villains were. 
“Damian,” Lois said, as she knocked gently on the door Damian had no idea how long after he’d come to hide, “Damian, sweetheart, can I come in?”
“Go away,” he said, burying his face into his pillow as Lois opened the door, anyway.
“Honey,” she said, so sweetly, so kindly, that it made Damian look up. And when he saw his own hurt reflected back at him, he burst out in tears again. And before he knew it, she was sitting next to him, scooping him up into a hug, even though he was almost as tall as her. 
How she managed to make him feel both so tiny and so loved and protected in the one move, he’d never know. What he did know, though, was that it made him cry even harder. 
They sat there, like that, for what felt like an eternity. Whenever Damian thought he was getting ahold of himself, he got himself worked up again about something else. About how much Lois cared. Clark, too. And he remembered how in his four years since leaving his Mother, not once had he ever felt this loved and cared for.
Except for the short time he was with Dick. 
Which just set him off harder. 
Because Dick was gone. 
But he did eventually calm completely down. Except for the weird hiccupy sniffles he had going on. 
He was absolutely, completely, emotionally drained. It had been nearly 36 hours since he last slept, and that on top of the two very exhausting days, he could barely keep his head up. If it weren’t for Lois holding him up and brushing a hand through his hair, he’s sure he would have burrowed under a blanket already and passed right out. 
“You want to tell me what happened?” Lois eventually whispered, her voice a soothing rasp coming from right above his head. 
“Nothing,” he replied, which was an obvious lie. Clearly. He’d been living with the Kents for a while now, and this was only the second time he’d cried. There was no way she was going to take ‘nothing’ for an answer. 
Damian couldn’t come up with anything else to say, though. Because nothing had happened. It was a delayed reaction. A response to stresses he’d been dealing with since the start of this entire fiasco. 
He’d once heard, ‘if someone goes from 0 to 100 over spilled milk, you should ask how long they’ve really been at 99’ and he never understood it before. 
Now he did. 
Because he’d been building this up for months. Bottling it all away, ignoring everything and everyone just to avoid it. To the point that all it had taken was a little push from Father. A tiny little comment, that Damian might have once rolled his eyes at and argued back against. 
“Do I need to go all Mama Bear on Bruce?” Lois asked, with a hint of a smile on her face. 
It made Damian smile, too. A little. “No,” he said, pausing to sniffle, “He didn’t do anything.”
“Nothing?” she asked, clearly not believing Damian. Maybe Clark had told her everything Father said. Maybe he hadn’t, and she was just speculating. Regardless. 
“No, he’s just- He’s acting like it’s my fault I’m here,” Damian sighed, curling in on himself a little more, but not pulling away from Lois’s hold. Why couldn’t his own mother had been like this? It was nice. 
“What do you mean?” 
“He’s acting like…” he said, pausing to gather his thoughts. But they were all a jumbled mess, still trying to sort themselves back out after that massive break. “Like I’m being—I’m—He isn’t even sorry for what he did.” 
How could he be blaming Damian for choosing to live away from him when he wasn’t even sorry?
“Oh, baby,” she whispered, squeezing him a little in a hug, before relaxing again.
“He hit Tim,” he whispered, looking down at his arms. Staring at his watch, that his father had given him three years before. As an inheritance gift, upon his supposed death. Before, seeing the too-big watch always reminded him that his father had remembered him. Had cared enough about him to leave him something as cherished as his father’s watch. 
And when he’d come back from time, he hadn’t asked for it back. 
Looking at it always made him feel better, even if he always wished he could have the man instead of the watch. Now it just made him wish he had the man he’d imagined he was, back when he was ‘dead.’ Instead of what he got.
“Yeah,” Lois agreed, “He did.” 
“And Jason,” Damian added, “And Dick. And he doesn’t care. He doesn’t think it’s wrong.”
“He knows it’s wrong, sweetie,” Lois assured, resuming her petting of Damian’s hair.
“No, he said-” Damian started, but Lois cut him off.
“You wouldn’t be here if he didn’t know it was wrong. He would have fought Clark harder. But he didn’t fight, did he?”
Damian shook his head, and managed to whisper out, “No.” 
“Because he knew he was having trouble controlling himself. He knew you would be better off here, for now.”
“So why is he blaming Tim?” 
“He’s hurt, darling. At least, that’s what I assume. I don’t know him as well as you do. Or as well as Clark. He’s not a bad man, not inherently. He’s just…” she sighed, then shook her head, “I don’t know. Making excuses for himself, I think.”
“Excuses won’t fix anything.”
“You’re absolutely right.”
“But hey,” Lois said, a minute later when Damian didn’t respond. She sat up, and took Damian’s face into her hands so they were looking right at each other. “We’re going to figure it out, okay?”
Damian frowned, so she pat his cheek and smiled a little, “We will. Clark and I will help your father however he lets us. We’re not trying to keep you away from him, we’re just giving you a safe place to live while he deals with whatever is going on.”
“Because we love you, darling. We really do.” 
“I,” Damian started, but his throat closed up on him as his eyes pricked. He had no tears left to give though, so he pulled his face away and rubbed at his eyes. “Thank you,” he eventually managed to get out.
Lois seemed to hear his unspoken words, anyway, because she smiled at him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Why don’t you get some sleep, all right? You’ve had a long couple days. I’ll make sure Jon is extra quiet when he goes to bed.” 
“Okay,” he said, as he let her pull the covers up and over his body. She tucked them in right under his chin and gave him another kiss on the cheek before saying, “Good night, D. 
And Damian took a deep breath. One that seemed to fully fill his lungs for, perhaps, the first time in months. 
He had cautious hope that his father would, somehow, fix whatever was going on. Lois said they’d work on it, after all. And he trusted Lois.
But if that didn’t happen. If it took too long. More than four years, Damian wasn’t going to despair. He loved living with the Kents, and he knew he could be happy right there. And that thought alone was enough to help him drift off into a quiet sleep. 
First six parts of this found on Ao3: /works/19310035/
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sbrn10 · 4 years
Thoughts on a Sunday evening
1. There is a kid learning how to play piano in my building (possibly upstairs but who can say for certain) and in general, that’s FINE, but after 8pm on a Sunday is a BIT much, don’t you think, kid. Also, it is 2020, can’t you get a digital piano like everyone else :|
2. I have had one (1) can of beer and am slightly tipsy. Social distancing and cutting back on your alcohol consumption is quite a thing.
3. I found this in my wips draft folder and am 100% certain I will never actually use it, but I kind of like it as openings go (shhh, Clark is still on Argo):
Later, Lena will look back and pinpoint the beginning of the end as when she approves the plans for the new L-Corp building. She had forgotten, you see, to look at a balcony and full glass exteriors and see a thinly veiled threat of intrusion. At some point, she looks outside to a familiar Metropolis skyline and doesn't worry that a flying alien will emerge out of the blue. It is this forgetfulness, this oversight on her part, that leads to looking up one day and finding Supergirl at her window.
To her credit, Supergirl knocks and waits. Remarkably to her credit, considering she's bleeding and listing to the right, clutching her side.
For that one moment, Lena forgets an entire history, staring at the utterly strange, incongruous, incalculable sight of Kara Danvers in a super suit, wrecked and bleeding.
4. Did you know that in Dead Like Me, reapers look like themselves on Halloween. Did you know that I desperately wanted to get to a point in Dead Like Me AU where Lena is wearing a mask and a half-assed costume and Kara is looking at her funny like your jawline looks... familiar... and Sam is dragging Lena away. That never happened, because I can’t write, but now you do! SHRUG EMOJI.
5. However, the kid playing piano has made me want to play, so I shall now go do that. On my digital piano with headphones because I am not a barbarian :|
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luthority · 4 years
“I see our visits are becoming a weekly ritual.” ( superman )
“And whose fault is that, hmmm?”
     Luthor continues to gaze out at the absolutely picturesque skyline of Metropolis from atop his penthouse balcony, the hard edges of her ivory towers momentarily softened by the warm glow of the sun as it sets on the horizon. He brings his cigarette to his lips and takes a long drag, tilting his head back to release a small cloud of smoke into the air; Luthor's chest swells with satisfaction when it manages to reach Superman’s face before fully dissipating, but as expected, the alien doesn’t react.
     He simply looks down his nose at Luthor with his arms crossed against his chest, that ridiculous cape silently rippling behind him.
“I’ve no intention of inviting you in for tea, if that’s what you’re waiting for,” Luthor says, keeping his voice even despite his growing agitation at being looked down upon, be it literally or figuratively — and Superman was one of the few beings capable of doing both at the same time. He knows why the Big Blue Boyscout is paying him a visit: the recent break-in at S.T.A.R. Labs. And he knows the alien is currently scrutinizing him in hopes of finding any indication that Luthor was the one behind it.
     He also knows Superman is wasting his time.
“Besides,” Luthor goes on, leaning against the banister to resume looking down at his city, “shouldn’t you be off rescuing cats out of trees, or whatever it is you do?”
@kryptonscout​ | 10 THINGS I HATE ABOUT YOU
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supercorpdork · 7 years
A Superhero’s Wife
WestAllen & Supercorp double date fluff!
Summary: Just when Lena thinks she knows all of Kara's secrets, Kara takes her to another dimension for a double date with Barry Allen and Iris West-Allen.
Word count: 1965
My WestAllen blog        My Supercorp blog
The door to Kara Danvers' apartment opened and Lena Luthor's breath was taken away as she was greeted by her girlfriend in stunning, lavender dress.
Kara was equally impressed with Lena's look tonight. "Wow." She whispered.
Lena heard and smiled. "My thoughts exactly. You look amazing, Kara."
Kara blushed. "Thanks."
"So where is this special date you've been telling me about going to be? You said it was far, so I styled my hair in preparation for a flight."
Kara giggled. "I won't be flying you anywhere tonight."
Lena pouted. She was looking forward to Kara bridal carrying her over the city.
"But don't worry," Kara said, seeing Lena's disappointment. "Where we're going is pretty cool." She took Lena's hand and lead her into the apartment.
Lena raised her brows. "Are we going to your bedroom?"
"Only to get this." Kara said. She held up a metal circle with a shining blue center.
Lena had no idea what it was. She stared questioningly at Kara, who pressed the blue center with her finger. A breach appeared. Having never seen one before, Lena was scared. She took a few steps back.
Kara rubbed Lena's shoulder to comfort her. "It's ok."
"What is that?"
"It's called a breach. It can take us to other dimensions." Kara explained.
Lena blinked. "What?"
Kara held both of Lena's hands and looked into her eyes. "Do you trust me?"
"Of course." Lena answered.
"Then walk with me through the breach. I think you'll like what's on the other side."
Lena nodded. She trusted Kara with her life, but still wasn't sure about this breach thing. They approached the swirling circle and Lena's heart was pounding. Kara squeezed Lena's hands in reassurance that everything would be alright. When they entered the breach, Lena braced herself for whatever strange sensations were caused by going to alternate worlds. To her surprise, she felt nothing.
"We're here!" Kara said with a smile.
Lena looked around and saw they were standing at a waterfront beside the skyline of a normal looking city. It didn't look like National City, but it also didn't look like it was in another dimension. "Did it work?" Lena asked.
Kara nodded. "We are on Earth-1 in Central City. Home of The Flash."
"I understood none of what you just said."
Kara laughed. She thought confused Lena was adorable. A rare sight that Kara was going to make the most of. It's not everyday you get to tell Lena Luthor something she doesn't know. "Are you familiar with the multiverse theory?"
"Well, it's correct. There are an infinite number of parallel universes. In most universes, there is an Earth and the one live on is called Earth-38. This one that we've come to visit is called Earth-1." Kara told Lena.
"Why is this one Earth-1?"
"Because it happens to be at the center of the multiverse."
Lena was still lost. "But, how could every Earth be numbered if there is an infinite amount of them. How could anyone calculate that this Earth is the center of the multiverse if the multiverse is infinite."
"Well, it's theorized and widely accepted that there are infinite Earths, but only 52 of them are in the observable universe, so we just numbered those. There are infinite versions of other planets too. Mars, Jupiter, Kyrpton, Pluto depending on your definition of planet-"
Lena was starting to make sense of the multiverse. "You said that we're in Central City?"
"I don't think I've ever heard of a Central City before."
"That's because there isn't one on our Earth." Kara informed Lena. "And fun fact, this Earth doesn't have a National City or a Metropolis."
Lena was processing the information when two people walked up to her and Kara.
"Kara!" A tall man with wavy brown hair said excitedly.
"It's so good to see you again!" The girl who was with him said.
They both gave Kara a hug.
"I missed you guys." Kara told them.
"We missed you." The girl replied. "I've especially been looking forward to this since I feel like I haven't gotten the chance to really get to know you yet."
"I feel like that too."
Lena felt awkward. These people seemed nice, but they obviously had a lot of background with Kara that Lena knew nothing about. 
Kara was dying to introduce Lena. She blushed and gestured to her beautiful girlfriend. "Guys, this is Lena Luthor. Lena, these are my friends Barry Allen and Iris West-Allen. They live on this Earth."
Barry and Iris both shook Lena's hands.
"It's nice to meet you." Barry said.
"Any friend of Kara's is a friend of mine." Lena replied.
Kara put her arm around Lena and told her, "Barry and Iris are the best. Twice they've helped me fight evil aliens."
"It never ceases to amaze me how many alien threats you manage to encounter." Lena said, making everyone laugh.
Lena noticed that Iris had a picnic basket on her arm. Iris opened it up, took out a red checkered blanket, and spread it own the ground.
"We thought it would be nice to have a picnic." Barry said. 
Kara smiled. "Oh, that sounds great. But, I feel a little overdressed."
"You look awesome!" Iris complimented her. "You too, Lena."
"We hope you like this location. It's special to us because it's where we said our wedding vows." Barry explained.
"It's beautiful." Kara and Lena said at the same time. They both giggled. Kara loved how in sync they always are.
Barry and Iris sat down on the blanket and started unpacking the rest of the picnic basket. Kara and Lena sat down to help. 
Barry licked his lips when he pulled out a tray of brownies. "Mmmm! You didn't tell me you were making brownies?"
"Because, I didn't want you to eat them all before we got here." Iris laughed. She pulled out two more trays of brownies.
Lena's eyes widened. "That's a lot of brownies."
Barry shook his head. "No, it's really not." He said, seriously.
Iris pointed one finger at Barry and one finger at Kara. "Between this speedster and Supergirl, these brownies will be gone in-"
"A Flash?" Kara interjected. 
Barry and Iris laughed. Lena rolled her eyes, "She'll take any opportunity to make a pun."
"See, I knew you'd learn to love puns!" Barry said with a clap of his hands. He was thinking of his and Kara's musical adventure where she wasn't too impressed with his Flash puns.
Watching Barry and Kara be adorkable made Iris feel a sudden camaraderie with Lena. She tilted her head towards Lena and whispered, "I guess we both fell in love with nerds."
"There is something irresistible about about them." Lena added.
"I can hear you." Kara informed Iris and Lena.
"Do you have super hearing too?" Iris asked.
"Yup!" Kara said, popping the p.
Iris' jaw dropped. "Wow, do you have any flaws?"
"She snores." Lena said.
"Iris talks in her sleep." Barry told everyone.
This was news to Iris. She stared at him, curious about what she'd been saying in her sleep but also nervous that it might be embarrassing.
Barry saw the anxiety on Iris' face. "It's mainly unintelligible murmurs mixed with a few recognizable words."
Iris felt relieved. It didn't go unnoticed by the group. Lena smirked and pointed out, "You seem glad to hear that most of your sleep talk is unintelligible. What are you dreaming about?"
Barry thought that was a great question. He knew what he hoped the answer was. "Yeah, Iris, what do you dream about?"
"Different things depending on the night." She answered. It was the truth.
"What about last night?" Barry asked. He wasn't going to let this go.
Iris picked up her drink and raised it to her lips, before taking a sip she whispered, "You."
"Awwwww!" Kara and Lena cooed in unison. Kara even put a hand over her heart.
"I dream about you all the time, even when I'm awake. I have since we were kids." Barry told Iris. "And every moment I spend with you feels like something out of a dream."
Kara and Lena let out an even more dramatic "AWWWWWWW!"
"You're so sweet." Iris said. She kissed Barry and he sighed when she moved her lips away. Iris continued talking, "But, why'd you say that in front of our friends? Now we're that couple. The sickeningly sweet one that gives people cavities just by looking at us."
Barry smiled. "I have always wanted to be that couple!" He put his arms around Iris and kissed her cheek multiple times. She softened, like always, at his touch. Barry rubbed his nose against her neck and closed his eyes. It felt so nice Iris could almost forget where she was and just fall into the peace of cuddling Barry.
But, Lena and Kara's eyes snapped Iris out of it. She gave Barry a quick peck on the lips and then playfully pushed him off.
"Let's be that couple." Kara whined to Lena.
Lena answered her with a kiss. 
"Ok, Lena, you have to tell me which brand of lipstick you use because it's gorgeous!" Iris said.
"And, long lasting." Kara added. "It never rubs off and messes with mine."
"Even better!" 
Barry frowned at Iris. "You don't think Too Faced's Hot Mess looks good on me?"
"Hopeless Romantic is more your shade."
Barry laughed. Then, he felt his pocket vibrating. He pulled out his phone and saw a text from Cisco. Iris also looked at her phone and saw a text from Cisco. Barry and Iris exchanged disappointed looks. 
"I'm sorry guys, but we have to go. There's a robbery on 10th street." Barry said.
"Oh, I'll go with you." Kara offered. "I know you're fast, but it will be even faster if we work together."
"Well then, I think a robber is no match for The Flash and Supergirl. So, Lena and I will wait here till you get back." Iris said. She didn't want to go to Star Labs with Barry and leave Lena alone on a foreign Earth.
"Sounds good." Lena agreed. 
"Race ya?" Kara challenged Barry.
The superheros sped off, one on foot, one soaring through the air.
Iris and Lena both sighed.
"There they go." Lena said as she watched Kara fly away.
"Our date nights always get interrupted." Iris lamented. 
"I guess that's the downside of being a superhero's wife."
"Yeah, but there are so many upsides." Iris said. In fact, thinking about the positives made her smirk when one particular benefit came to mind. "Barry can do more with his powers than just run, you know."
Lena almost spit out her drink from laughing so hard. When she caught her breath, she said, "You're lucky. Kara's super strong so it's great for getting into creative positions. But, she did almost break my nose once."
Iris raised a brow. "What position was that?"
"Oh, that was just while kissing." Lena clarified. "Sometimes Kara is a little too excited."
"I know what that's like. When we went on our honeymoon, Barry was so excited he accidentally phased us down three stories of the hotel!"
"Oh my god!"
Iris cringed at the memory. "It was hard to explain to the nice old lady staying in the room we landed in."
"Patience and quick thinking are important for a superhero's wife."
"Do you want to be a superhero's wife anytime soon?" Iris teased.
Iris raised her glass to toast. "Then heres to superhero wives. May we be the ones who rescue the rescuers."
"Here! Here!"
The girls clinked their glasses and sipped. 
A moment later, Barry was back at Iris side' and Kara touchdown next to Lena.
"What took you so long?" Lena joked.
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amplesalty · 3 years
Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan (1989)
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If I can make it there, I’ll make it anyhwere...
We’ve just had another Friday the 13th so it’s time to dust off the old slasher franchise for my ongoing attempts to make it all the way through the series. Let’s see where we left off last time, 6? Well, that’s not strictly true. I did watch 7 last November but never bothered posting about it. Which, I probably should have done because for once it actually bucked the trend with these movies and I actually kinda liked it? Just try to imagine ‘Jason vs Carrie’ and that’s basically it. Kinda takes the whole thing in a slightly different direction which is a welcome change after so many chapters of ‘Jason stabs camp councilors...again’. Maybe I’ll revisit it in more detail some time.
This movie isn’t quite that far out with it’s gimmickry there’s definitely an element of that with swapping the shoes of Crystal Lake for the neon lights of Manhattan. At least, that’s what the title of the movie would have you believe.  It doesn’t exactly play out that way though.
The opening of the movie seems to be going that way as it takes you on a guided tour around the dark city streets, with steaming sewer vents, shady alleyways complete with muggings, subway rides, diner coffee orders and a shot of Times Square.  It’s all set to the stylings of Metropolis and ‘The Darkest Side of the Night’. I dig the song, has a very 80’s rock vibe to it, like something by Survivor that you’d get in a Rocky movie but it just seems a little out of place here.
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Wait a minute, is that the Batman symbol?! Forget Jason vs Carrie, give us Jason vs Batman. Don’t tell me DC wouldn’t go for that, they seem more than happy to license out the Caped Crusader. I mean, we did just have crossover movies with Scooby Doo and the Ninja Turtles in recent years.
The requisite awakening of Jason takes place, this time jolted into life by the 1.2 gigawatts of electricity running through an underwater cable next to his watery grave. From there, we bumps off a couple of kids making whoopee in a house boat before stowing away on board as the boat slowly drifts into port where a high school pleasure cruise is about to set sail.
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And it’s here that the bulk of the movie takes place which...isn’t the worst idea in the world? Would have that same sort of idea behind Alien where you’re trapped on board with this killer, not quite as extreme since there are some ways off a ship if need be. The movie touches on it to a degree, there’s a sense of paranoia and claustrophobia that develops but it doesn’t feel fleshed out.
You could throw in a sort of moral element to it, like the characters coming to terms with there being no escape and no way to eliminate Jason so they ponder whether to destroy the ship and sacrifice themselves so Jason doesn’t make it to land. Then you have the obvious sequel bait of him actually surviving and finding himself a whole host of new victims.
It just feels like a bait and switch. Just look at the poster, how awesome is that? You’ve got one of the most iconic skylines in the world and home to some of the tallest and most famous buildings but yet Jason looms over each and every one of them. And the subtitle ‘Jason Takes Manhattan’ conjures up all these images in your head of Jason rampaging through the streets like when the T-Rex gets loose in San Diego in The Lost World. I guess ‘Jason Goes Boating’ doesn’t have quite the same ring to it. Jason being in the big city is a novel concept which hasn’t really been explored in the series up to now. Sure it starts to move away from just being confined to the camp grounds but it’s still a pretty rural area so to go to this level of widespread panic would be interesting.
At first I thought the movie might be trying to be a ‘best of both’ worlds and the ship section was just to explain how he gets to the big city. It kinda gives that impression the way it starts rattling off all the people on board and starts killing them off quicker than it can introduce them. This one rock chick is in all of two scenes and the second one is her death. They’re characters done with very broad strokes so it feels they’re doing the bare minimum to give you some context before Jason kills them off, just to keep the pace up before we get to the real meat and potatoes of the action in the big city. It’s almost like The Breakfast Club with all the stereotypes we have on show; the jock, the nerd, the beauty queen...
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We even get elements of the controlling father of EMILIOOOOOO’s character with young Sean Robertson who’s own father is the ships captain and seems quite keen on Sean taking up the family business. Are you not taking things a little too seriously to be in full naval uniform and ribbons for the sake of some exaggerated high school graduation party?
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And don’t forget basket case Rennie who has visions of a young Jason drowning. Except, her dog spends this scene looking at the port hole in a very worried manner as well before getting freaked out and running away so apparently he has these visions too?!
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Rennie clearly isn’t too popular amongst her peers as the bitchy, popular girl promptly hip checks her off the deck, sending her flying through the air and into the icy waters below. Have the people who made this ship not heard of a guard rail?
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I’m not sure what the deal is with Rennie and all these weird visions she has, like blood coming out of a tap or young Jason bursting through the mirror and gooziling her. The movie never really explains what the link is between the two of them, at most it seems to be this mutated childhood trauma where she nearly drowned, mixed with warnings she had back then that she needed to learn to swim lest she end up drowning like that Jason Vorhees boy. It’s just like the puritan origins of those urban legends, clearly all along Jason Vorhees was just a means of scaring kids into taking water safety seriously.
Still, as unexplained as it is, it still adds some enjoyable moments to the movie and I’ll gladly take the writers throwing a bunch of weird shit at the wall to see what sticks over some of the earlier movies.
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I love the moment when the core group of survivors eventually make it off the ship, taking refuge in the life boat, rowing day and night to try and find some sort of sanctuary before eventually seeing a torch on the horizon; that of Lady Liberty. One of the most iconic images in human history, a great symbol of hope to the tired, poor and huddled masses yearning to breathe free that made their way to her shores. Like those that came before them across the seas, finally their nightmare is over.
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Or, at least it is for all of about five minutes before they get promptly mugged by two street urchins.  Not just muggers mind you, given that they usher Rennie away with disturbing plans in mind for her.
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Which, say what you will about Jason, he does stop an attempted rape in this movie. Probably not going to tip the karmic scales in his favour after the hundreds of grizzly murders at his hands over the years but still, it’s a start. Plus, this is doubly puritan as this guy injected Rennie with heroin or something so Jason is taking a stand against drugs as well.
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We also get one of the characters standing up to Jason on a rooftop and trying to use his boxing skills to good use by giving him a series of right hooks and body blows. Only, Jason has been following the Homer Simpson school of boxing as he just stands there and takes it before the other guy gets too fatigued to carry on. At which point Jason literally knocks his block off like a Rock ‘Em, Sock ‘Em robot and the guys head rolls away into a nearby dumpster which then slams shut in a very satisfying manner.
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Rennie and Sean end up in the sewers but need to get out again as the sewer system is about to flood with toxic waste. Lucky that they just have buckets of that lying around that Rennie can just throw in Jason’s face. He then removes his mask in what I can only assume is a loving tribute to The Phantom of the Opera to reveal the mutated freak beneath. Maybe this is another Toxic Avenger origin movie?
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Then lightning strikes The Statue of Liberty because...symbolism, I guess?
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And Jason succumbs to his one weakness; drowning. Only this time in the aforementioned toxic waste so it’s nice to have a bit of variety. At which point he turns back into child Jason because...I have no idea. Maybe it’s another one of their visions, or they’ve somehow exorcised the demons of zombie ghost Jason and now the spirit of child Jason can rest in peace?
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You know what the most amazing thing about this movie is? Other than the fact that Rennie’s dog shows up again at the end because it seems to have the homing skills of one of those animals you read about in the papers who travel across country to their old house, these characters have been through the innards of a manky old ship, been lost at sea for however long, trudged through the shift encrusted sewers and tussled with a decaying monster and still manage to come out without a speck of dirt on them.
Maybe I’ve just been going into these last couple with super low expectations but I’m actually beginning to enjoy them now? Like I said before, I found the old ones really boring so changing up the formula is refreshing and they’re tickling my ‘so bad it’s good’ senses with all the weird shit going on.
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Like, amongst all those images in my head of what a Jason in New York movie would be, funny wasn’t one of them but it just seems to really ramp up in this finale. You have individual moments like when a bunch of thugs are listening to music from their boombox which Jason storms past and punts in the air. They don’t too kindly to this, pulling out chains and switchblades to threaten him, to which he calmly lifts up his mask and causes them to flee with their tails between their legs.
But there’s also this broader idea which serves as this sort of amazing anti climax that having Jason turn up in New York is not the cataclysmic event you think it would be. It’s like no one outside of Crystal Lake has even heard of him so no one bats an eyelid when some 7ft behemoth goes by in the street or on the subway at 1am. I mean, who’s going to notice another freak around here? When Sean and Rennie storm into a diner looking for help, their cries of a maniac being on the loose and trying to kill them is met with a rather quizzical look by the waitress who simply replies ‘Welcome to New York...’.
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Then Jason bursts through the wall like the Kool Aid man and the cook just shakes his head and walks out to confront him. He does it so nonchalantly as if he’s had to deal with his a hundred times already, like it happens so often that it’s lost all meaning. This whole movie has a pretty damning outlook on this city, maybe the true horror in our lives isn’t playing out on TV or on the big screens of our local cinemas. It’s a call to arms that the true horror is the violence and crime taking place on our city streets every day and the systemic issues going unchecked that give rise to it.
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supernutellastuff · 7 years
This is my entry to the WonderBat Holiday event created by @fyeahwonderbat for the theme Birthday. You can find it on ao3 here.
I'm super late but this is my first Wonderbat fic and I was super intimidated by all the talented writers in the fandom. Hope you enjoy!
The invitation was lying on her desk when she entered her office at the Metropolis Museum of Art. Diana had finished her work for the day and was about to gather her belongings and leave when the stiff envelope caught her attention. Inside, embossed in silver ink, was an invitation by the Wayne Trust to celebrate their founder’s birthday.
“Oh, these arrived with that,” said Marcia, poking her head inside. She held out the elegant arrangement of flowers that somehow matched the colour scheme of the letter. “He really is smooth, like everyone says. Or does he just have an excellent assistant?”
Alfred does have distinguished taste, Diana thought privately. She took the bouquet from her intern. While the flowers smelled wonderful, as a gift she considered them to be quite ineffectual. “Thank you, Marcia. You can keep them, actually.”
“Oh, wow. Um, are you sure?”
Diana nodded as she pulled up the calendar on her phone. Her departure to Paris was scheduled on that day…
“So, yeah about the flight to Paris,” Marcia asked. “Should I cancel the ticket?”
She looked away, considering. Louvre had lent her to the Metropolis Museum for their exhibition on Greek art. Her term was coming to an end, but lately Diana had found herself pushing the dates back further and further. While Paris was a charming city, there was something about Metropolis –or more specifically, about its grim sister city- that held her back. “Yes, do that. I’ll postpone my departure.”
Well, she wasn’t planning on missing his birthday.
Bruce approached her as soon as she arrived. Almost as if he were lying in wait for her. The thought amused and pleased her in equal measures.
“Happy Birthday,” she greeted, leaning in to place a kiss on his cheek. He smelled nice; musk with a hint of spice. She lingered.
“Do you send flowers to every person you invite?”
He chuckled lowly. “Only to those who might need some extra persuasion.”
“Well, they were very lovely, and quite useless.”
A gleam in his eye told her that he had received the message.
Bruce introduced her around as Diana Prince, art curator. Most of the attendees recognised her as a familiar fixture at recent benefits and galas and soon they fell into pleasant, if not banal, small talk. They asked about her work at the Louvre, discussed the record-breaking amount a Picasso had netted in an auction, and spoke about the Royal Russian Ballet Company due to make a stop in Metropolis. No one mentioned the high-profile investigation into a drug smuggling ring that had finally ended after the main perpetrators were found dangling over Gotham Harbour, trussed up and ready for the police. This time, there were no bat brands on their skin.
All the while, Diana watched Bruce from the corner of her eye. He seemed relaxed, ready with a quip or a playful smirk whenever the occasion demanded. He looked like an agreeable man, if not entirely forgettable. But it was the moments when his façade slipped that Diana found endlessly fascinating; the weariness in the set of his shoulders during a lull in the conversation, the dark pull of his mouth whenever a dismissive comment about Gotham’s less privileged was passed, the restlessness in his eyes as he thanked person after person for their birthday wishes. She realised that Bruce Wayne was just another mask for him.
A while later, she slipped onto the balcony and leaned against the railing, admiring the Metropolis skyline. A flute of champagne dangled from her hand. Bruce found her not too long after, and deftly replaced her empty glass with a fresh one. She smiled her thanks.
“Admiring the view?”
“The lights do sparkle like jewels,” she replied. “But I miss skies that used to be full of stars.”
“Can’t say the same for me. All that I think about when I look up to the sky, is what’s coming for us.”
“This invasion you speak about-”
Bruce held up his hand. “I shouldn’t have brought it up. Tonight’s for enjoying good company, and…letting loose.” It was no surprise that the man who spent his days in the boardroom, his nights patrolling the streets, and the rest of his time forming an alliance to prepare for the end of the world, would feel uncomfortable with the concept of taking a night off.
When Diana told him so, he looked mildly offended. “Hey, I haven’t forgotten to have a good time. I’m not that old.”
“Being old has nothing to do with enjoying life.” She crossed her arms pointedly. “I’m an enjoyable person.”
“Debatable.” He hid a smile behind his glass. “Anyway, in human years, I’m-” He stopped suddenly as a thought struck him. His face collapsed into a sullen frown.
“I’m older now than my father ever was, Diana,” he said quietly. “Sometimes I forget that. And when it comes back to me…” The grip on his scotch tightened. “It’s not fair. It wasn’t supposed to be this way.”
Moving closer, she laid a hand on his shoulder. Any words of comfort that came to her mind felt hollow in front of the kind of tragedies Bruce had suffered. Taking action, always moving, never stopping; the Batman had mastered this coping strategy, and so had Diana after she lost Antiope, her home, and Steve. But sometimes, memories could heal the wounds time left. The long hours she had spent with the photograph had taught her that.
So she asked him about his childhood, about his birthdays growing up, his parents. “Tell me. I’d like to know.”
This time when he smiled, there was no pretence.
The art exhibition was particularly noisy. The moneyed elite mingled with the young bohemians amidst the clink of glasses and lively conversation. Diana moved to a quieter corner and savoured the peaceful moments as she strolled from painting to painting. She paused at a few, but never for long. The years had made her appreciate the evolution of art, but she would always prefer the classics. There was one piece that caught her eye, however. It was an abstract painting; a brilliant blue giving way to a constellation of grey. The title was simply one word. Revelation.
“Marvellous, isn’t it?” asked a woman in a gown the exact shade of azure as the painting. “I like the inversion, blue to grey instead of grey to blue. Not exactly a happy thought though, is it?”
“Well, now and then, one does need a grey revelation,” she replied, thinking of foggy London skies.
The woman laughed softly. “Now why would a person like you have any greys in their life?”
Diana shrugged and turned back to the art. The woman, sensing that she had misstepped, touched her arm gently. “I apologise for any presumptions. Claire duMont,” She held out her hand, Diana took it. “I manage the gallery and it is second nature to slip into that persona. The fact that a curator of the arts from the Louvre is here is privilege enough, I don’t need to nudge you to buy one of the works too.” She smiled winningly, revealing straight white teeth. Diana gave her a brief smile, suddenly tired of this farce.
Claire shot her a conspiratorial look. “Now there’s someone whose patronage I could use.” Diana started a little on seeing him. “Bruce Wayne. Have you met him? Shame he’s rarely attended these things lately. He can easily afford every single piece of art in the room.”
Bruce was yet to glance their way. He was deep in conversation with a young woman dressed in a striking red, a charming smile on his face. But his eyes, Diana noticed, were flat. She considered going up to him but held back. Soon, Wonder Woman and Batman would have to stand together against an army of aliens. The less Diana Prince and Bruce Wayne were seen together in public, the less suspicious it would seem. Perhaps that moment on the balcony on his birthday was the last time. The thought filled her with momentary sadness.
Claire bit her lip in contemplation. “Alex Wentworth has already shown an interest in the sculpture but if I can draw Wayne’s attention to it, it may drive up the price. Or perhaps he’ll be more interested in a painting? I saw him lingering near that portrait… What could it remind him of? His dead father? Yes, that could work…”
The polished façade was off and Diana could see the undisguised hunger in her eyes. She left Claire duMont standing there, muttering to herself.
The next morning, a package arrived with her morning tea. It was flat and rectangular and even though she had an inkling of what it could be, Diana gasped after carefully cutting it open.
It was the painting that had drawn her notice last night. Revelation. It stood propped against the wall of her hotel room, fitting in quite beautifully. This annoyed Diana even more. A hundred years, and she’d never felt the need or want for anyone else to buy her presents or flowers. She wasn’t going to start today.
She was about to pick up her phone when she spotted a note she’d missed earlier.
I don’t know when your birthday is and I don’t know if it even matters. But this is for when you kept me company for mine, and all the days before.
So, happy birthday.
Diana sipped her tea with quiet satisfaction. The painting deserved a more permanent home in Gotham. And perhaps, so did she.
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fiddleabout · 7 years
i LOVED your sam story "claws in your back"!!! are you planning a sequel at all? maybe something more about sam and alex specifically?
ahhh thanks dude!  glad you liked it :D  and since you asked nicely:
It happens when Kara is on the other side of the country.  Of course it does.  Of course there’s an alien attack on National City, and of course it happens when Kara’s helping Superman in Metropolis, and of course Alex is point on the team tackling the threat.
It’s a Thursday afternoon in November, cold enough for frost to cover the windshield of the cars, and they’re halfway home from Ruby’s school, Lena driving and Sam in the passenger’s seat and Ruby singing too-loudly from the backseat, when the ground shakes and cars skid to a halt.
“What the hell,” she mumbles, squinting forward at the plume of smoke emanating from the waterfront.
“What happened?” Ruby moves to unbuckle her seat belt and climb out, and Sam reaches out at inhuman speed to hold her in place.  
“Stay in the car,” she says, still staring at the smoke.  She climbs out of the car, ignoring Lena calling after her and weaving up through the mass of stopped cars towards the skyline and the smoke.  Someone stumbles out of their car, phone in hand, news alert already blaring, and Sam peers over their shoulder at the helicopter footage of some enormous mantis-like alien throwing cars at a swarm of armored black-clad agents.  Sam’s chest goes cold when the camera zooms in and there’s a flash of a familiar jawline and glare from under a helmet.  She yanks the phone out of the man’s hands, shouldering off his protest, just in time to see Alex get thrown twenty feet into the side of a building.
It’s Ruby, disobeying her as always, Lena’s arm locked around her shoulders and forehead creased with concern.  
“Sam,” Lena says softly, enough that no one else will hear her, even if Sam can.  
“Where’s Kara?”
“Metropolis,” Lena says, still soft, still quiet, restrained.  She’s watching Sam, careful, guarded, analytical, but Ruby’s got the same look on her face that she wore for the first six months Sam was home, as if she’s waiting for something to snap, and something does.
“Get in the car,” Sam says sharply, shoving the phone back to its rightful owner and half-carrying Ruby back to the car.
“Stay in the car, Ruby” Sam grinds out, one hand digging holes into the hood of Lena’s car.  Ruby jerks back and nods, shaking, as she scrambles back into the car.  “Take care of her.”
“Sam, your powers aren’t strong enough, you need to–”
Sam ignores her, staring instead down at the bracelets on her wrists, flashing green even in the daylight, and with one deep breath, crushes first one, and then the other, in her hands.  The pieces fall to the ground and her hands shake under the extra exposure to kryptonite for a short moment, and then strength unwinds in her shoulders, her legs, her hands.  
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