#all because I respect his boundaries and earned his trust
sinfulpanda16 · 8 months
CheatingHusband!Bakugou who knew his world was over when he made direct eye contact with you while another woman was naked underneath him. Panic washed over him when you turned around and started running.
CheatingHusband!Bakugou yelled at that other woman to get the fuck out and went to you for forgiveness. He was on the ground tears falling begging for you to not leave. He didn't care how pathetic he looked all he cared about was not losing you.
CheatingHusband!Bakugou who didn't earn a forgiveness from you but did earn a second chance. Relieved and happy he gets up and goes for a hug, but you push him away, it's ok you need time and he understands.
CheatingHusband!Bakugou is working hard to earn your trust again. He's a lot more gentle with you, careful not to overstep any boundaries and shows his respect for you. He tucks you in bed and gently strokes your hair and then kisses your head, "Goodnight baby" he'd say with a soft smile before going back to his place in the couch.
CheatingHusband!Bakugou who started forming tears in his eyes hearing you say what everyone else has been saying. You deserve better. With clenched fists and teary eyes, he sighs and looks away. He let you go because he loves you and that's what you do when you love someone.
CheatingHusband!Bakugou thirteen years later who saved a little boy from a villain attack and brought him to safety. The little boy runs towards his parents where Bakugou catches a glimpse of the mother and the father. The mother looks very familiar and that's when he realized that it was you.
CheatingHusband!Bakugou who stared at the family with wide eyes. The little boy ran into you arms crying, you picked up your son and held him tight with tears in your eyes. The boy's father went in and held both of you.
CheatingHusband!Bakugou who laid in bed looking up at the ceiling that night and started shedding tears as he remembered the years with you. He missed them and he still loved you and he realized you were the one who got away.
a/n: I know I'm all about writing comfort fics but I've had this idea in my head for a while and wanted to write it ^^
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sepublic · 2 months
Adding to the whole Colonizer/Immigrant interplay in TOH, this does remind me of how while Luz wants to learn magic, it isn't just immediately, freely handed out to her all willy-nilly. She has to learn to respect the Demon Realm's inhabitants and the Titan herself, Luz has to learn on their terms too.
Her first glyph, Light, came when Luz realized she needed to pay more attention to King and respect him as a demon, encouraging his own fascination with the demons of the isles, and by extension valuing a part of this culture that she initially dismissed and did not care for.
And for her second spell, Luz needed to show she was willing to be patient and learn from the Titan on his terms, rather than just taking the training wand and calling it a day. Luz still has to prove herself, the isles and its people aren't just obligated by the narrative to immediately hand this out to her just because she asked; Luz isn't entitled to their way of life, it's up to the isles to choose to share things with her. And while she does want to learn, Luz also prioritizes respecting and caring about other people, too.
And I dig that, especially since Luz is following off of a white colonist who DID seize and colonize the resources of the realm without any respect; Philip acts salty that the Titan hid magic from him, but what would you expect when you demand and appropriate with the most racist intentions? There's no work in brute-forcing your way through another culture's boundaries, that's just being an impersonating thug.
Amity goes on a whole rant during the Covention about how Luz doesn't really respect the practice of being a witch, that she's treating this as some game she can just walk into and own immediately, when this means a lot to the native witches and demons... And Luz definitely acknowledges that this is an important thing to consider, while showing Amity that she understands this and HAS put in the work.
Again, it's about respecting another culture and its inhabitants if you want to participate in it, instead of expecting them to be automatically open and handing over everything. Luz has to earn Amity's trust before they can be friends, and eventually lovers. Even after earning one glyph, she still has to earn the remaining spells, one at a time, before finding the combos is put into Luz's hands.
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Vikings preference: your friend hits on you and gets aggressive
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Ragnar Feels genuinely hurt because he thought he could trust your friend. Whenever Ragnar went away, he'd ask your friend to keep an eye on you and generally make sure you're safe and sound. Makes veiled threats and passive-aggressive jokes at first, hoping that he can both force a boundary and not sour any relationships but his humour is gone when he realizes that your friend is not keen on taking no as an answer. If you raise your concern about "safety vs. keeping a friend", Ragnar makes a sarcastic comment about your sentiment - because a guy who forced himself on you is such a great friend to keep, right?
Gives you a knife to keep on you at all times. If you have the guts, and such an occasion arises, to stab the man once he gets physical with you, Ragnar will have your back no matter what. Also, low-key thrilled. But if you don't end up fighting your own battles, he'll gladly do it for you. Not an ounce of regret on his face during or after.
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Bjorn Pretty direct. Makes plausible threats and will fulfil them. Terrifyingly calm and collected for the most part. He's angry but also disappointed that someone you considered a friend could repay your kindness and affection in such a way.
If you tell Bjorn that you're unsure what to do because you want to keep your friend or you think that he's overdoing things, he might get short with you but it's not out of malice. He's worried that if you don't see your male friend for the lying snake that he is, you might get even more hurt and that possibility enrages him so much he doesn't entertain that thought longer than necessary.
Bjorn is definitely the type to make his revenge somewhat public. Not only will that make others keep their distance from you but it will also earn him respect among other men - he takes his husbandly duties seriously. Whether your "friend" lives or dies is entirely up to them and how callous they have been with you. Whether he meant to or not, Bjorn causes people to look away from you when you're walking through the town. No one wants to risk getting your friend's treatment.
After that, Bjorn will never trust any man who tries to be your friend or claims to be one.
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Ubbe Tries to be the bigger person at first and has a stern word with your friend. Ubbe is probably the only one to seriously take your word/assurance that there's nothing to get worked up about. He will also wait relatively the longest before getting seriously involved - not because he doesn't care, it's quite the contrary. He doesn't want to impose on your independence, so even if he's uncomfortable with the situation but you keep saying "I've got this", he will keep to himself although will voice his concerns (and will refuse to leave you alone at any place or time). When things become serious and the man starts to get physical, Ubbe will make it clear that from now on he's more concerned about your well-being than your freedom: "I'm sorry for disregarding your wishes but I can't sit and watch you get hurt". Believes to be responsible for your safety as your husband.
Ubbe is the type of person who will seek your friend out on his own and resolve the issue right then and there. He goes to the other man's house one night and leaves it only when an agreement is reached - doesn't matter how far he has to go to ensure that. Ubbe's not afraid to get his hands dirty for the right reasons.
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Hvitserk Also hurt because he was actually getting along well with the other man. Hvitserk will ask about your perspective and wishes but if your safety is compromised, he won't make them a priority. At first, he's trying to get you out of harm's way, so you're leaving your house only if he's by your side. But once he learns that your supposed friend forced his way into your home and put his hands on you, Hvitserk is determined to take things into his own hands. He won't seek out your friend on his own but rather wait for an opportunity to arise; doesn't start the fight but surely will end it. The next time another unwanted advances are made towards you, Hvitserk has an axe in his hand and this time, he's the one who doesn't take no for an answer.
If you ever befriend another man after that, Hvitserk will tolerate him but never let go of any suspicions. Also, might tell the story of your previous "admirer" to scare your new friend into behaving properly.
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Sigurd The most probable to get into a brawl right away. At first, he feels quite self-conscious seeing another man flirting with you but when the man in question starts to become aggressive, Sigurd coins his insecurity into hostility, effectively picking a fight. After what seems like lakes of blood and an entire concert of bones breaking, the brawl ends. Sigurd looks like he's been through Hell and still that's a lot better than your friend, who would be pronounced dead if it wasn't for the sporadic raise of his chest as he tries to take in a ragged breath. Sigurd will also voice his anger as he's caving in the other man's skull ("Was it fun when you grabbed her? Enjoying a little manhandling, eh? I'm happy to provide").
Gains respect in his brothers' eyes but none of them quite wants to admit it.
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Ivar He would also feel self-conscious at first. Considers your friend's bold behaviour an assault on his masculinity ("You think I'm not man enough and therefore think you have any right to bother my wife"). Not surprised in the slightest. Hated the guy's guts from the very beginning and made it obvious. Might actually say the dreaded "told you so".
Because he perceives your friend's aggression as somewhat personal, Ivar is driven to go quite far in order to make the punishment fit for the crime. Not only does he do it for your sake but also to make sure that everyone knows just how much of a true Viking is inside him. Some say that "silence is golden", so if your friend decides to use less-than-savoury language towards you, he might end up with his throat filled with liquid gold to ensure no more offence leaves his mouth. Similarly, he's going to suffer the "equivalents" for whatever other thing he's done. He grips your hand so hard there's a bruise? Ivar will wrap his hand with a chain and slowly tighten it until all the bones crack and the wrist is literally torn away from the forearm. But no matter what he does, in the end he still feels like it doesn't quite make up for your friend's wrongdoings.
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yandere-daydreams · 9 months
other batfam anon gets it. i'd just like to add that, personally, it's kinda anything that's begrudgingly platonic. adore when it's a kidnapping scenario. whether they're "respecting" your boundaries by just pushing them a teeny bit (when they feel like it (so, usually)), or because there's a delusional relationship they're trying to uphold, or they think it's the way to earn your trust/love.... all good to me. love it. love the creeping dread that they might just get tired of just platonic.
ah fjdksfjlkdjfkljlfdljs there's just something so tasty about that period of time after the older members of the batfam realizing they have a bit of a thing for the new civilian captive but before someone snaps and actually does something with their feelings. dick and tim might take a more delusional, well-meaning approach and try to justify their habit of lingering outside of you and bruce's bedroom door by telling themselves that they just want to make sure you're adjusting comfortably :), while stephanie and jason might be a little more playful about it, ""accidently"" brushing against you or disregarding your boundaries entirely because hey, you're practically family, right? meanwhile, you just have to cling to bruce (who'd sooner die than acknowledge his fucked up kids) and really play into the role that's been forced onto you, because the alternative is going from 'reluctant parental figure' to 'communal vigilante fucktoy' and you'd prefer to keep your waking nightmare limited to the one superhero.
bonus: damian is going to have to stay out of this for obvious reasons, but i do think it'd be funny if he was just involved enough to notice how the rest of the batfam has been acting and be absolutely pissed that all these orphans want to fuck his step-mom. all this shit's going on and there's just a ten year old absolutely seething in the background.
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sundeathh · 1 year
Just three words. ✨ Soft Yandere Aizawa✨
Okay, this one was in my inbox for a very long time. So first of all, sorry for the long delay. Second: before proceeding, please read what I want to tell you: I am not particularly into Yandere narratives. Besides, I had trouble picturing Aizawa's character in this specific scenario because I don't see his character as one that would act as a Yandere. So, I am sorry if this sucks or if it isn't exactly what you asked for. I tried my best to place him into a Yandere narrative without losing his character essence.
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Masterlist | NSFW / + 18 only
Pairing: Aizawa × Reader | Words: 2 K
Tags: SFW/NSFW, soft Yandere themes, headcanon.
cw: Stockholm syndrome.
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- SFW part -
You caught Aizawa's attention with your unique and powerful quirk. Aizawa becomes fascinated by your abilities as a vigilante and sees your true potential as a hero.
During his patrols, he would frequently encounter you, your paths occasionally crossing as you both maintained the peace and protected others. Aizawa's initial interest in you is sparked mainly by your skill and dedication, further developing into a genuine admiration for your abilities.
His fascination with you would grow more over time, and as an expert in stealth and surveillance, he would subtly observe you from a distance. He would track your routine and patrols, skillfully remaining undetected in the shadows. 
Though he kept telling himself that he would meet with you "occasionally," his true intention was to keep a close eye on you, gaining further insight into your personality, strengths, and weaknesses.
And on a fateful day, a villain attack left your quirk temporarily weakened, rendering you vulnerable and unable to defend yourself effectively. So, Aizawa doesn't think twice before intervening, saving you from further harm.
Recognizing your injuries and weakened state, he would then convince you to seek refuge and protection with him, assuring you that he would take care of your wounds.
This accident catalyzes his plan to keep you close. He didn't even need to kidnap you! But, if you had not suffered the attack, though, maybe he would fake one anyway. He would be subtle. 
Once you were in Aizawa's custody, he would treat you with surprising gentleness, providing genuine care and ensuring your well-being. He understands the importance of earning your trust and making you feel safe in his presence. 
So, he would never restrain you. Instead, Aizawa would keep you locked in a comfortable space, his actions driven by his desire to gain your trust and affection. He is cautious not to cause you unnecessary harm or distress.
However, you would inevitably become resistant to the situation, yearning for freedom and wary of Aizawa's motives.
And he would try his best to respect your boundaries and acknowledge your desire to escape, but he would maintain a firm stance in preventing your departure. 
He would make you stay through subtle manipulation and persuasive tactics. He would never use aggressive force, even if you tried to escape aggressively.
He would only erase your quirk and evade your attacks until you were tired of fighting but would never attack you back.
Aizawa would constantly try to balance his desires toward you and your autonomy.
And as time passed, Aizawa's genuine care and occasional displays of vulnerability created a complicated mix of emotions within you. While you may not fully reciprocate his feelings, you begin to recognize a genuine connection and understanding with him.
But tension would inevitably rise as your desire for freedom clashes with Aizawa's determination to keep you close. Anyway, he continues to demonstrate acts of kindness and understanding even when you call him names or tries to attack, only to be left tired again without causing him any scratch.
As he pursues your affection, Aizawa may go out of his way to fulfill your needs and show you a softer side. He would attempt to break down your resistance through carefully thought acts of kindness.
He pays attention to the more discreet details, providing you with your favorite meals, engaging you in conversations about your interests, and even bringing you books or movies you might enjoy; Though these gestures are not grandiose, they display subtle moments of care that eventually begin to form a foundation of trust.
With gestures and conversations, Aizawa allows glimpses of his softer side to shine: During quiet evenings together, he shares stories from his past, revealing vulnerabilities and personal struggles he faced.
He would try to create a space where you felt safe to open up, fostering an environment of mutual understanding and empathy. He would encourage you to voice out your worries and distresses, even though he would get quiet and avoid the topic of letting you go.
Over time, he aimed to create an emotional bond based on trust and shared experiences. Through acts of gentleness and patience, he hoped to impress you and demonstrate his capabilities as a protector and a provider.
Aizawa is patient and aware that your journey toward reciprocating his feelings will take time. He also recognizes the importance of granting you space for self-reflection and growth. So he would do everything you asked: leave you alone, bring you some specific food, not talk to you, or to talk to you, tell you a story, listen to you, anything, except for letting you out.
However, Aizawa is not without his internal struggles. He battles with his conscience, questioning the ethics of his actions. He grapples with the conflict between his genuine care for you; and the fact that your relationship began under non-consensual circumstances.
The turning point in your relationship arrives when you start to see glimpses of Aizawa's vulnerability: He shares his fears, his insecurities, and his past failures, exposing his humanity and flaws.
And it is through these shared vulnerabilities you begin to connect with Aizawa on a deeper level, seeing him as more than just your captor but as a complex individual with genuine emotions.
And as your bond deepens, Aizawa becomes even more attuned to your emotional shifts and moods. He learns to anticipate your needs and provide stability and support. During moments of vulnerability or distress, he offers a comforting presence – allowing you to lean on him for solace and reassurance.
Gradually, your resistance toward him begins to wane, replaced by a complex mix of emotions. You may find yourself drawn to Aizawa's unwavering dedication to making you comfortable and cared for, seeing how the genuine connection you have developed over time.
However, remnants of your initial resistance may linger, reminding you of the complex dynamics that brought you together. Anyway, Aizawa remains committed to maintaining a delicate balance. He respects your autonomy and your desire for freedom, yet he also nurtures your affection for him.
- NSFW part -
He would never sexually touch you without your consent. However, he would indeed stare at you intensely sometimes, but he wouldn't do more than that. And, when you would catch a sigh of him ogling your body, he would immediately turn his vision away with his face bright red. 
He admires your body with great appreciation. He would not comment on that for fear of making you uncomfortable, but he frequently wondered what you had under the clothes he provided to you;
He often imagined what it would feel like beneath all those clothes, the skin underneath, and the curve of your waist. His body would ache from wanting more than just that sight.
While he would not allow physical contact, he would fantasize about being able to explore every inch of your body. And so, he would always find ways to sneak glances or peek inside your room.
His mind would wander as he envisioned you naked and spread open for his perusal, feeling aroused at the possibility that he could possess you, even if you weren't aware of it.
In those fantasies, he would gently caress the parts of your body he desired most. Carefully, he would trace each contour, savoring the sensation of feeling your softness in his palms, tracing circles against your inner thighs, lingering over your stomach, chest, and shoulders. 
His imagination would then drift off, imagining scenarios where you would finally allow him access to pleasure, and make him feel complete, finally satisfied, leaving him weak and limp.
He often fantasizes about you having sex with him, giving yourself freely as you would take his hands in yours, guiding him through your soft body, kissing him with passion;
When your lips parted, he would eagerly follow you until he could kiss you again. And, when finished, he would pull you into his arms, burying his face into your neck, breathing deeply in your scent.
Then, when you finally started to see him beyond your captor, he would always be surprised by any small show of affection coming from you. For example, he would be speechless if you gave him a simple peck on the cheek. 
Or, when you started to smile at him, he would be ecstatic. Sometimes, you would give him a pat on the arm; or maybe a rub on the back when he would open up to you.
And once you saw past his walls and started to develop a mix of feelings toward him: he could tell. You would smile more and look at him differently.
Sometimes he would look at you and smile, knowing that you were starting to have feelings for him because you were changing. 
You would not flinch away when he would touch your hand anymore and wouldn't mind if he sat close to you. Sometimes, you would even lean against him when he was around. 
The first time you kissed him on the lips was when he was upset with you for wanting your freedom. It was sweet and passionate, conveying a sense of safety and warmth. You wanted him to know that you did want to be free, but you weren't sure if you wanted to leave him anymore. You had started to find comfort in your surroundings while living with Aizawa. 
And as time passed, you eventually realized how attractive he seemed to you. You noticed his sharp features, his sharp gaze, his hair, and the curves of his toned body. 
You became fascinated with how his eyes would light up when he talked with you. And then, you would find yourself leaning closer, wanting more. 
You also got bolder, teasing him as you explore your new boundaries. Your physical intimacy drastically improved as you opened up and trusted him more. He then started taking risks, going further, initiating physical contact, and exploring those new boundaries.
In turn, you enjoyed the new closeness that came with a change in atmosphere, a strange yet good feeling of security and belonging.
It was this sense of closeness that prompted you both into the process of bonding. You slowly became more intimate, and it started to feel natural for the two of you.
One day, when you were enjoying a peaceful evening together, he reached behind you and gently started playing with your strands of hair as you rested your head in his lap. 
As he played with them, he brushed against your ear, throat, and collarbone. Then, he stopped. He let out a frustrated sigh before pulling you close and planting small kisses over your cheeks, chin, brow, eyelids, nose, forehead, and mouth. And then you were lost in an instant of pure bliss.
You couldn't remember exactly when it happened. All you knew was that you had only a few moments of clarity and could see what was happening, feeling the heat rising within you.
He would always ask you if he should stop or ask for permission to go further whenever you flinched. But you rarely did that, so he would continue doing whatever pleased the both of you.
He would gently massage your shoulder blades and back. His hands would then hold onto your waist. Sometimes, you would feel his lips on your neck, trailing down, sucking on the sensitive skin, and leaving tiny hickeys.
He liked to mark you, but he would be gentle on how he would do it. He'd start with tiny nips and suckles, then gradually go down until he got close to where he wanted most.
Afterward, he would kiss you harder and deeper, trying and succeeding in eliciting a good reaction from you. The longer he would go on, the hotter you would get.
As time progressed and you became really intimate, he would fuck you with no shame, giving you more pleasure than ever before until you moaned his name. You would gasp and squirm, and he would always ensure you climaxed every. Single. Time.
He would shiver every time he heard you moan his name. He didn't know why, but it always caused a deep excitement in his chest and heart.
He would come undone in seconds as you called out his name. And then he would hold you tight, whispering soothing words as you continued gasping and moaning in delight for a while after.
Eventually, you started to love that sound and how he felt pleasure from just your touch and noises.
And soon, you realized that nothing would prevent you from loving him back.
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Likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated! Check the fixed post for requests & more details!
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deathsbestgirl · 1 month
i actually think we need to talk about big brother fox mulder and little sister dana scully. they are not siblings but these roles they have play into their dynamic, especially (mostly) early on. whenever i think of season one, i think of the way scully teases mulder. the way its all in good fun because she likes him. and she doesn't go too far because she respects him (and she's an adult who understands boundaries & limits). i think of the way it takes mulder time to adjust to this. like it's a shock that she's being friendly, but that isn't the only reason. but also because he hasn't had this dynamic in a long time. i think of the way scully admires mulder, wants to learn from him. she doesn't want to be like him, but there are aspects of his character she wishes she had. mulder values scully for who she is, in a way her father, brothers and past authority figures haven't. they are not sibling like at all really. they're something completely brand new to each other, that neither has experienced before. i think there's a deep respect surrounding family between the two of them that's extremely hard for me to articulate but it colors their relationship, it's part of their personal respect & understanding, it's something they give to each other freely (purposely & not), it's a reason scully dedicates herself to mulder & the x files, it's a reason scully earns his trust. these two have so much love within them, and family has been the place they've been able to express that most. even if it wasn't always healthy or good, even if it wasn't always accepted or reciprocated. they both had so much to offer each other. they both had wounds to heal. in a way, they healed it for each other. gave each other the tools to do it. but it's a life long process.
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honoviadakai · 7 months
How I think the Hazbin crew are as parents 🏨
(CW: mentions of child abuse in Alastor’s section, mentions of Valentino and Angel’s past, mentions of Husk’s past with Alastor)
Absolutely a loving mother
Maybe a little too loving
You know how she comes across as too sweet to her friends, loved ones and complete strangers?
Yeah that's not changing with her kids
I’m not even entirely sure she’s gonna discipline her kids
I genuinely believe if her kids are acting up, her main issue is that she’s “a bad mom” and she’s gonna spiral in front of her kids so badly that they’re just gonna stop acting up and behave
She also strikes me as the type of parent that a little too involved in their kid’s lives
Sometimes it’s good because she’s showing interest in her kids lives and really, who doesn’t want that from their parents?
But like…sometimes you don’t need your parents to know everything that’s going on in your life, ya feel me?
There is such a thing as too supportive
And Charlie is that overly supportive, overly optimistic mom that kinda tries a little too hard to be a “cool” mom that can be friends with her kids and all their friends
It’s embarrassing
But her kids know deep down that she’d die for them in a heartbeat
They just wish she wasn’t so…extra
She’s simultaneously the chill parent and the scary parent you just don’t fuck with
She strikes me as someone who lives by the saying “respect is not given, it’s earned”
She respects her kids boundaries and desires(within reason) and they in turn give that same respect back
And because of that, breaking her trust/respect is a no no
Like if she has a kid that tells her that they’re gonna hang out with friends, and she finds out they they lied and they went to a sex club to drink and do drugs, God help that kid
Worst part is that I feel like if she’s reeeeeally mad and hurt, her anger is silent and cold
That’s when her kids know someone fucked up bad
But as long as no one breaks anyone else’s trust/respect, all is good and her kids know they can go to her for anything and she’ll do her best to help
Oh god
I feel so sorry for any kids this mf has
Like probably wouldn’t cuz he’s aro/ace and Viv has confirmed in past streams he’s not really someone who’d want kids or even properly take care of kids
But let’s just pretend he has one or two
He’s not gonna be a great dad
First of all, I fully believe his parenting style is gonna change drastically depending on if he’s around sons or daughters
Any daughters he has are going to be treated like royalty
He’ll gladly have tea parties with them
He’ll gossip with them and ofc auntie Rosie
He’ll even drop everything he’s doing to treat them a girls day with them, complete with a spa day, shopping and fine dining
Any sons he has will probably have the opposite situation
Al would take little, if any interest in their lives
Once they learn to walk, talk and have awareness of the world around them, they’re practically on their own
If they’re hungry, they better learn to cook
If they need new clothes, they can earn the money for new clothes or make it themselves
If they want their father’s attention, they have to earn it & that usually means they have to be exactly like him for him to even start to care about his sons
This behavior most likely stems from how his mother treated him in life vs how his father treated him
Look at how he treats characters like Rosie, Mimzy and Niffty vs characters like Husk, Lucifer and Vox
It does unfortunately carry over into how he disciplines his kids
The girls will get lecturers and they’ll be grounded
If they did something particularly bad, he might spank them or hit their hands with a ruler or something but nothing extreme
His sons though…they’ll most likely receive beatings…
No lectures
Just cold, unyielding, lashes
Alastor’s really just someone who shouldn’t be a father…or at least, not have sons
Angel Dust:
He’d be such a good dad!
This man would die for his kids in a heartbeat!
He is a tad overprotective of them tbh
He absolutely does not want them near the p0rn district of Hell, especially if Valentino is there
He would sell his soul again to get his kids out of a contract but he’d rather avoid a situation where his kids have sold their souls outright
He’s also fair when it comes to exploring substances
He understands they’re all in hell and teenagers get curious
That being said, he’s flat out warn them with lighter stuff like alcohol and weed what it feels like to be drunk/high and what the side effects are
Stuff like cocaine though? No, absolutely not
He’ll tell them exactly what it’s like and why it’s not worth it
“The high ain’t worth it, you’ll feel worse than shitty once you’ve sobered up and you’re lucky if you just get a headache in the days after.”
His kids respect that he’s upfront with his knowledge so they usually take his word on it and heed his advice
He does try to hide a bit of his past from them
Not in a “they must never know” kinda way
It’s more like a “they’re too young to fully understand the severity of the shit I went through” kinda deal
Once they’re older, he’ll be honest about everything with them if they ask
Very supportive of his kids
They know they can come to him about anything and they usually do
Like if one of his kids comes out to him as trans for example, first thing he’s gonna do is smile and let them know that regardless of any physical changes, he still loves them
Will absolutely help them with a new wardrobe, hair style and even get them a pin or flag, whatever they’d like more
He also loves cooking with his kids
In those moments where they’re cracking jokes, spilling this week’s latest tea and just being a happy family that makes him realize he finally found that tomorrow to live for
Another good dad!
A bit of an odd dad, but still a good dad
Part of why I say he’d be an odd dad is cuz a lot of his cat like instincts go into overdrive
For example: it’s quite common for cats to clean their kittens with their tongues
He loves his kids, he wants to keep them clean, he can’t stop himself from cleaning his babies
Hell take lots of cat naps with his kids in sunny spots at every opportunity he has
He purrs a lot more when his kids are around and just chillin
He also meows a lot at his kids when they newborn - toddler aged
The other part of his oddness as a father comes from the fact that he’s an older man and is oddly chill in times where you’d expect him to blow up
Like if he they’re helping him clean and they accidentally break something, he won’t get mad at them
Hell make a shitty joke
“Don’t work kiddo, gravity ain’t exactly our friend. Bitch probably hates us cuz we can fly.”
He also develops a sixth sense for kids, specifically when they’re about to do something stupid
To be fair, his best friend lover is Angel Dust so it’s not hard for him to sense stupidity
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Tell me this isn’t the face of a man who felt a stupid thought and immediately pinpointed exactly who had said thought
It’s stronger with his kids
The second they think something stupid like “Dad can drink an entire bottle of ever clear and be fine, so I should be able to as well” he immediately shuts that shit down
He could be clear across pentagram city and still have his dad sense go off and he’ll reflexively call his kids while he’s sprinting in their general direction
Funnily enough he's absolutely the kind of dad who of he sees his kid come in with a bloody nose and he senses the situation isn't dangerous, he asks "did you win?"
If his kid answers yes, he high fives them XD
If they say no, they talk mad shit together
He’s a very blunt man so ofc he’s a very blunt dad
He’ll warn his kids about people like Al and why you can’t trust everyone
He’ll impart his wisdom on how to read people so they can keep themselves safe
He’ll also warn them about biting off more than they can chew so they don’t end up selling their souls to someone like Al like he did
He’s also very honest about his past
He knows his kids aren’t dumb so they’ll find out the truth eventually and he’d rather it’s through him than Alastor
In general he’d just rather not have Al messing with his kids
He’s also a actions over words kinda guy
So while he will tell his kids he loves them verbally, hes gonna do things for them more often than not
Like if they’re having a bad day, he’ll make them their favorite meal and let them vent for as long as they need to
If they cry, he won’t say a word, he’ll just pull them into a hug and let them cry out all their sadness and frustration
Even if it’s something as simple as them just not sleeping well the night before and waking up crabby, he’ll wordlessly make their favorite breakfast and take them out for a personal day later
He’s got a gruff exterior but his kids will only ever know his softer side if he has anything to say about it
….I’m conflicted with this one
On one hand, I know for a fact she could handle the house work and child rearing on her own
She’s got endless energy and is more than capable so the practical stuff isn’t the issue
It’s the actual raising of any potential children
Like if they aren’t genetically born with her unhinged personality, I feel like that’s something that they’re definitely gonna learn to do as they grow older
I also kinda feel like she’d let them be do things they just shouldn’t be doing
Like you know how she was in the oven while baking cookies???
Yeah…she’d have little to no issues with her kids doing that
That’s not to say she doesn’t love her kids!
She does with every fiber of her being!
Which is terrifying
Like remember how she scared the shit out of Val for messing with Angel?
Bare in mind, Angel is her friend, and she still went out of her way to make Valentino feel scared
Imagine someone messing with her kids
They would not survive
I’d even go so far as to that her protectiveness of her children would scare even Alastor
I do genuinely think she’d be a pretty good mom
But I feel like for the safety of everyone in hell, she shouldn’t have kids
Both because one Nifty is all we need and a Nifty with malicious intent is a force not even Lucifer could stop
Sir Pentious:
He’d be such an embarrassing dad
His kids would absolutely love and adore him without question
But he’s such a dork and even his kids see this
He uses modern slang incorrectly to his kids friends
He’d wear what he thought was fashion that’s “hip with youths” in public
And you bet every penny you have that he’s gonna do TikTok dances in public…horribly
Tumblr media
Mans is the embodiment of this meme ⬆️
But he loves his kids and he’d do anything for them
He’s gonna fumble along the way
But that’s never gonna stop him from doing his best
He’s also a bit awkward and over the top in how he shows his love for his kids
Like if a birthday is coming up and he knows his kid wants a new phone but he has no idea what phone model they specifically wanted, he’s buying every model available
Sure he coulda just asked, but that makes way too much sense
Buying one of every phone makes much more sense 😤
Same thing with treats
His kid is having a bad day and he knows they like chocolate?
He’s buying all the chocolate in pentagram city
For chocolate related emergencies
He’s so ever the top but his kids low key love that about him
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chayannesegg · 8 months
something else about fit and tubbo’s relationship: it’s very special to me and they do love each other very much, but i do think this current tension was almost bound to happen not matter what. even without the tubbo homophobia. yes, tubbo self-sabotaged and made the situation current happen. yes, fit is valid to be upset at tubbo. but the unequal footing tubbo was reacting to is VERY real and something they BOTH built and something I think ONLY tubbo is fully aware of. 
while i don’t think fit and tubbo’s relationship is paternal at all, i do think it is heavily informed by the age difference. when they meet, tubbo is young, inexperienced, and reminds fit of his son. in contrast, fit is a stable older presence who knows the island secrets. their early dynamic is a bit like a mentorship: fit checks in on tubbo, tubbo asks about the island, fit decides what to tell tubbo, tubbo sees how someone with experience handles the island. 
losing the eggs only strengthens this pattern. tubbo is a mess and relies a lot on fit (and pac) to help get him through. fit is hurting too, but obviously he is not going to share all his fears with a teenager having a breakdown (that’s not how he operates, not when he can channel his emotions into something productive instead like checking on tubbo, pac, and the island). tubbo meanwhile strives to have walls as strong as fit's, but even if he won’t talk about it directly, his emotions bleed through a lot of the time anyway. so fit continues to check in on tubbo, and tubbo continues to let fit in and they grow closer because of it. we have lots of sweet moments in their friendship of tubbo letting fit see his vulnerabilities (about the eggs, with fred, about his day to day concerns) but we don’t see a lot of fit sharing his vulnerabilities. early on, fit makes it very clear to tubbo that tubbo has not earned the right to his secrets, and what he knows about the island, and what he does. fit visits tubbo and then leaves to go on secret jobs tubbo knows nothing about and can’t follow him to. tubbo doesn’t know anything about fit’s memories, or his resistance work, or his purpose. this was an initial source of tension between them, and while tubbo eventually decided to trust fit anyway, to this day, tubbo must be aware that he still hasn’t earned fit's full trust. and that fit, for all he knows tubbo’s problems, hasn’t shared many in return. the only exceptions to this that I can think of are 1) fit’s feelings for pac, which tubbo is privy to and while he teases fit, he is supportive of (which tubbo lost access to—at least in his head—when fitpac started dating, hence the acting out) and 2) fit coming to tubbo about the cats (which tubbo does NOT recognise as a moment of intimacy, that baffoon just laughs it off). i’m not blaming fit for this, as much as he loves tubbo, tubbo is an emotionally unstable teenager (turned young adult) whose bad at both secret-keeping and tact (and fit holds some very sensitive very dangerous secrets), but it definitely creates a lopsidedness in their friendship. 
especially because tubbo DOES respect this boundary of fit’s. while sometimes he pesters him for access to the office or insider info, he doesn’t seek fit’s personal business out behind his back really. meanwhile, the few times that tubbo has tried to keep something from them (kinda attempting to mirror fit’s own walls imo), fit and pac have gone behind his back to find out what it is. for example, them going to quackity’s house to investigate fred’s kidnapping without telling him, or them going and reading tubbo’s investigation room about the fed worker killings. now, i get why pac and fit—nosy and concerned as they are—do this, but it’s not great communication and it’s not a great show of trust.
all of this results in fit having a LOT of insight and access into tubbo’s life and insecurities and tubbo having comparatively little in return. and fit deciding how and when he interacts with tubbo and tubbo relying on fit to engage (lest he interrupt something secretive). they have all this restrictions and intricacies for how they interact and both of them have fed into this dynamic—it’s familiar and easy for both of them (fit isn't risking his secrets by trusting tubbo more, tubbo isn't risking rejection by asking for more)—even though their friendship has progressed and needs more balance. it worked ok for them for awhile bc they do both care for each other a lot, but it was NEVER going to be sustainable. any shift in dynamic that lengthened the distance between them would have unsteadied it.
but while tubbo is acutely aware of this tension and sensitive to it changing (and lashing out in response), fit has never really had to think about it. given the way they’ve interacted, fit’s own feelings have always been a bit separate from their friendship. it’s only now that tubbo's emotions/actions have hurt fit that fit wants his feelings acknowledged. he wants a more even dynamic, but he doesn’t realize that their friendship doesn’t feel like a “two-way street” because it never has been, almost by design. 
i don’t think tubbo has the experience or insight into fit’s emotions to realize what fit needs organically. i don't think fit can understand how his relationship with pac isolated tubbo even if he wants it to stay the same. i don’t think fit recognises the ways tubbo continues to show his trust in fit (like still inviting fit to follow him on the fred date or not investigating his secrets). i don't think tubbo understands why fit is upset with him (just that he is) or confidence to ask.
i don’t think either of them are going to properly explain their concerns to each other, if they have the words to properly explain it. all of this makes me think we’re only in for more fit & tubbo miscommunication in the coming weeks, but i DO think we still have hope. because these fools do love each other and pac (who I didn’t talk about much at all) & ramon & sunny (tho she’s also hurting) aren’t just gonna stand idly by while they continue to hurt each other.
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bmoon17 · 2 months
My Personal Fox Rankings
I saw @yourleftpinkytoe-blog do this and thought I'd give it a go! These are just my personal rankings and obviously I'd love to talk about why or hear about anyone else's.
Kevin Day (I relate to his mental health struggles and his need for perfection, he's giving gifted kid syndrome, autistic af)
Andrew Minyard (Devoted to his family, enforces his boundaries, relate to his mental health struggles, killing for his brother)
Neil Josten (Most of my love for him is because of his love for other characters, his loyalty and protectiveness over the family he found in the Foxes and his absolute devotion to respecting Andrew's boundaries)
David Wymack ("It's about second chances, Neil. Second, third, fourth, whatever, as long as you get at least one more than what anyone else wanted to give you." I think that covers all my reasoning)
Seth Gordon (We don't get to learn as much about him as the others but Seth hit me a lot harder than I've seen most people feel. He wanted to prove himself, he wanted to be better, he wanted to win. He's the what if. The almost. Every kid who couldn't be saved, Who gave up or was given up on a minute too soon. He was almost there. And then he was gone.)
Aaron Minyard (I have a weak spot for sibling relationships, killing for his brother, the urge to protect your siblings and to stay by your siblings side and at the same time wanting to prove you can be more or different or better than them, not understanding each other completely but knowing you stand and fall together always.)
Matt Boyd (100% projected every urge I've ever had to have a big brother onto him. The way he's always there on the Court to physically protect his teammates, he's big and strong and powerful, but off the Court he is kind and caring and gentle. He loves the Foxes and he has their backs. His relationship with Neil was everything.)
Nicky Hemmick (I loved his blatant and unavoidable queerness, for a character who has canonically been shammed and abused for his sexuality and coming from a world myself where I don't feel safe or brave enough to be unapologetically queer it's so beautiful to read. He took in the twins, he never gave up on them, never walked away. The twins weren't easy, not before the story started and not when we get to arrive in it, but he loves his family and he wants them to have better than he did, and that means something.)
Dan Wilds (Oh Captain my Captain. Dan is an amazing leader and my love for her comes from her devotion to her team. She is tough and she worked her ass off for the role she has, she's more than earned her share of respect. She believes in her team even after years of failing and bullshit.)
Betsy Dobson (The therapist we all dream of having. If Andrew could trust her I can't imagine anyone couldn't with enough time. She is a safe space and a constant, and clearly has patience for days with the twinyards as her clients. The fact that she provides hot chocolate is 100% a huge plus for me.)
Abby Winfield (Always there for the Foxes, whether that's patching them up, giving them a roof to sleep under, or cooking warm meals. She's a safe adult like Bee and Wymack and they are so very important and precious.)
Allison Reynolds (I love Allison, her being this low is NOT Allison hate, I simply did not connect with her as much as other characters, she is still dear to me, all of the Foxes are. She is devoted to the Foxes and found them somewhere safe to run off to and have some fun after shit went down. and even when the worst possible thing happens and she loses the man she loves she comes back ready to fight because she knows it's what he would've wanted.)
Renee Walker (Once again NOT Renee hate, all of those Foxes are dear to me. I had trouble with her "religious angel girl" attitude in a similar way to Neil, I just couldn't trust it. Renee is an amazing force within the Foxes, the bridge before Neil arrived, providing Andrew with an outlet and a friend, protecting the upperclassmen Foxes. I admire her for pulling herself out of darkness, even if I can't connect to the religious aspect, and I admire that she acknowledges and respects her old life, not burying it but not letting it control her future or her present day.
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kachowden · 2 years
Would Cameron (yandere therapist) love a darling that is an exotic dancer? Darling is upfront with it, knowing what it means to be profesional. They respect his time always and seem to draw boundaries with him just because of it.
Really they are just too sweet and kind. Being placed as the scum of society makes them want to be better. Maybe they also double as an escort to fancy places sometimes, being arm candy for any wealthy person willing to pay their high fees (don’t worry, they are extremely profesional at what they do. A really good actor they are). I Can just imagine his jealousy. How was he supposed to focus on winning his darling over when, others are touching them? Seeing their body in ways that only should be allowed by HIM. Do you think he would ever be bold enough to try and “rent” their darling? Maybe secretly go see one of their shows at a high end club that reeks of sin? His darling enchanting men and women alike with their movements.
Cameron would love darling no matter what. He’s in love with you. Regardless of what you do for a living whether that be dancing, teaching, murdering etc
Cameron, down to his core, is a very respectful and polite man. Being a therapist as is, he doesn’t really have any room or desire to judge you, or anyone for that matter.
However, despite him respecting your profession, he’s man enough to admit that he does get jealous. He trusts you! Of course he does. Besides, he knows all your tells so you lying to him wouldn’t really work out anyway. He just doesn’t trust…others. It won’t be a matter of sneaking in to see you, or request you.
It’ll be a matter of him giving very generous donations to your place of work. And maybe possibly hiring security to keep anyone from being able to rent you if you do happen to work as an escort.
Suddenly you stopped receiving customers? Oh no, that’s terrible! He’ll be more than happy to fill up your schedule though! He’ll even pay extra!
Now let’s put this under the impression that you guys have been talking outside of the sessions. As “friends”.
Since yknow, no client relationships. (For now)
And you brought up that you were an exotic dancer.
He may express an interest in your line of work! Perhaps ask you to show him the ropes. Figuratively speaking.
And also literally.
Imagine you too dancing together? Doesn’t that sound fun?
All in all, Cameron doesn’t care what you do for a living. Yes he’ll be jealous. But you’ll be only his soon enough anyway right? So he can’t take care of you once that happens and then you wont even need to work anymore.
I mean if you want to, I guess he’ll let you. But let him be your manager of sorts at least. He’ll make sure everything’s perfect for you too. You want the stage to yourself? Consider it done.
You want the guy who stole some of your earnings form you taken care? Not really his style but he’ll hire someone to do it no problem.
He’ll do anything for you.
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gayvampyr · 2 years
“chihuahuas are so vicious” imagine if you were so small that people could pick you up and do whatever they want with you, to you, and they did frequently. imagine if you were picked on all the time because people thought it was funny, treating you like a toy or an object because of your size with no regard for your own autonomy or wellbeing, and you didn’t really have any sort of defense mechanism other than growling and biting. imagine a much larger potential threat (who looks just like many other real threats) approached you and you couldn’t tell if they meant you harm, so you told them to back off and they didn’t listen. you’re instinctually gonna go into defensive survival mode. and because you’re so small, you have to use everything you’ve got. and even though your boundaries have been invaded and you were only acting out of self-preservation, you’re now evil, vicious, and inherently aggressive. that’s not fair, is it?
chihuahuas are not mean to you on purpose. they’re not intentionally malicious. they are small animals who have to be on defense at all times because they’re an easy target and generally get treated horribly by people who do not think they are living creatures deserving of autonomy and respect.
i have a chihuahua whom everyone thinks is mean for no reason, that he just wants to bite you because he’s a bad dog. but this chihuahua has been abused by the vast majority of people who have come in contact with him since birth. people who pick him up and move him in ways he doesn’t like, pushing him, chasing him and watching him try to run on his little legs, making him growl and getting him riled up because “it’s soo funny when a little animal tries to be ferocious.” but now that he’s a bit bigger, it’s not so funny anymore. now it’s a sign of amorality and malice. now he’s just a mean, grumpy dog who hates everyone. and then there’s the added stressor of having epilepsy, and having random assholes mess with him causing him to have seizures, so he has to be extra vigilant. and i have a big dog, a lab, who no one has ever done these things to, because it’s just so commonplace to treat little dogs like shit just because they’re little. it makes me so mad to see the way people try to turn it around and make it seem like my chihuahua is the one in the wrong here when he is a victim of circumstance, as most of them are.
you have to earn chihuahuas’ trust as much as any other animal. bigger dogs typically have the luxury of being trusting (given the right environment) because they not only are generally treated better, but have the size and strength to fight if need be, which is why we as humans don’t approach them out of nowhere let alone try to make them angry for laughs. i mean when you look at how humans react to bears, moose, or really any larger animal you should understand the wariness chihuahuas have of us. i don’t get why people who call themselves animal-lovers are so quick to dismiss and write off small dogs as a whole when 99% of the time, their demeanor is a direct result of past treatment. they just need patience and respect. it’s frankly ludicrous to expect to be automatically given full trust by an animal whom you could very easily wound or even mortally injure. just. use your brain and try to act with compassion, please
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doublesunsets · 1 year
What kind of partner could you see each member of the Batch ending up with?
First of all, sorry, it took me awhile, we are having a heat wave and I don't have the will to do anything… Also, I don’t know how this ended being not only the kind of partner but how they ended together as well? I hope you don’t mind, Anon.
Hunter has such a dad mode imprinted that I cannot see him searching for a partner, he is too focused taking care of the family he already has. So it would have to be something like crossed paths, I’m thinking here like another single parent, whose child Omega is friends with, or someone like a merchant, who always sells him his favourite food and at first he doesn’t notice them, but little by little they get a spot in his heart, “Don’t be ridiculous, Omega, I just like to buy the meilooruns here because they taste better, that’s all”. The first encounters will be more like forced interactions though, because he doesn’t trust easily anymore, Hunter is a slow-burn kind of guy. They will need to be kind and thoughtful, someone who will make him forget about war and the battlefield, also responsible and mature so they can take some burden off his shoulders, and share responsibilities.
Tech, my beloved. They will have to be someone as curious as him, independent, and who is not afraid to be honest with him, he will appreciate that and also it will make it easier for him to be honest in return. It could be a little rough at first, for sure there will be some bickering, but that’s the way to Tech’s heart, I believe. He likes a challenge, but he doesn’t like being contradicted, so definitely also someone who respects his boundaries. The most important part is that they will have to be someone able to deal with his temper, because he has a temper, we’ve seen it with Wrecker, so someone who’s not afraid of conflict. I see something that starts as platonic, some adventure partner that can keep up with his rapid thinking, and can follow his vision. Maybe a mission goes wrong, and Tech’s plan fails, and this person finds a way to fix the situation. After that, they will earn Tech’s respect, he will start asking their opinion, and showing him his discoveries, and from there is just a matter of time, “I have to admit, you are as half as good as I am, and that’s an extraordinary feat.”
Oh boy, this man just wants to help everyone and be useful. I’m picturing some helpless damsel-in-distress (gender neutral) situation here. Some villager whose house has been destroyed under an attack and Wrecker helps them, and then he realises that they are kind of clumsy and need protection from themselves all the time. “No, no, give me that knife, I’ll cut the potatoes for you”, he will have to learn a little bit of responsibility, but not that much, though, because even if they are someone innocent, and couldn’t even think about saying something mean to anyone, they also like games and pranks, and he will laugh so much with them that he will fall on his bum. In essence, someone happy and joyful, with a nice smile, and Wrecker will love to plant flowers in their garden just to see them smile.
A freedom fighter. That’s it, that’s the post. Echo could never be with someone who doesn’t share his beliefs, they will have to be a person of action, someone that wants to change the galaxy for the better, or at least try it. But they will have to be someone who remembers to take care of him as well, that’s how he falls in love with them. His partner will know when they both need to rest, because you cannot do good when you are dead. They will remind him to be more careful and to stop and smell the roses, he needs someone to live for, not only to die for. I want that for him. Maybe when they both are in an outpost, after an extraction mission, they will stop and get him some scarf, “because the space is cold, Echo, you cannot save people if you are shivering” and later on the ship Echo will notice that he feels warmer, yes, but it has nothing to do with the scarf.
Oh my little gremlin of a man. His partner will need to be some no-bullshit-allowed because if not, there is no way they are getting through all those layers of ego and self-doubt, wrapped inside that skinny ass. Isn’t he a treat? He needs to be chosen, I think he needs to feel like someone needs him, so it has to be someone who actively searches for him, over and over again until it penetrates on that stubborn brain of his that he is loved. Someone stubborn, someone who likes a challenge. It will start with him being annoyed when they bring him gifts, like, “look I saw these cookies at the market and thought of you” and Crosshair will just scoff. But then one day, this person doesn’t buy him cookies but they buy Tech some chips, and he will be like “where are my cookies?”, and then without saying anything, they will go back to the market and bring him the cookies, “should have told me you like them that much, pretty boy”, and now he is never getting rid of them (he secretly loves it).
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General HCs on what is like to be Black Mask's parnter? And the man himself too? Thanks <3
Black Mask Romance and General HCs
I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS. Time to brush your man up and out of the dumpster, friend!
TW: Unhealthy/controlling romance dynamics, BDSM, violence, smut
Trust Issues. Roman had a lot of things happen as a kid due to parental neglect and was constantly made to "toughen up" via double crossing or outright emotional abuse by his family. Then his previous partner abandoned him after he went to the criminal life. He has SO MANY trust issues that you'll either double cross him, poison him, something or other-
It feeds into a controlling nature he has concerning everything: Business, the underworld and now you! He wants to know where you are at all times, about your friends, your family. He's not such an asshole that he would tell you who to see and not see, but he has ways of making you unavailable if he decides he doesn't like someone...
Other people NEED to know that you are his. I briefly touched on this in the general kink post, but he would do the 24/7 BDSM aligned Master/sub dynamic with you in a collar if you were down. Public sex and fondling where his goons or underworld powers could see. If there's no collars, he's definitely marking you up. If you let his ego get away with cockwarming during a meeting, he'll do it. Honestly, if you don't set hard boundaries, he can and will get degrading during sex. Depends on if that does it for you!
If you DO set boundaries, though, he will respect them. Might take you telling him you're serious, but he will. Especially once he's fond of you and it's not just about sex. You potentially getting done with his shit and leaving is a threat he doesn't take lightly.
If there is any aftercare that needs to be done, he'll take you somewhere privately and make sure you're taken care of. It's probably one of the few instances you'll see a truly softer side where he's genuine, sincere and gentle. He knows the importance of fixing his things after breaking them down.
On more of a relationship standpoint, you'll be well taken care of with him. Nice clothes, fancy shit, but a strict budget on what you can ask for. And don't expect him to slip just for a pretty face. He used to work in cosmetics, he's seen beauty- it's fucking worthless and can disappear in an instant.
Be ready to be cool and collected when he loses his temper, something that happens more often than not. He'll throw things, knock goons on their ass, pull out a gun and threaten people- not you, doll, these FUCKING knuckleheads- he might fire a shot for proof into the ceiling. Hope you aren't prone to anxiety or anything!
That anger and rage does sometimes translate into the bedroom which can lead to some pretty passionate rough sex. You'll be sore after but by god, he'll make sure you're satisfied.
If anyone ever tries to fuck with you, they'll end up a bloody puddle. He'll make them suffer and let you watch and participate if you really want. If not, he's more than happy to have his fun on his own.
There's only a few things that are soft spots in terms of his life: His father, his mistake at Janus Cosmetics that caused hundreds of women to be disfigured and the failure of said company after, and his face under the mask. Don't ask about his face under the mask. As far as he's concerned, the ebony wood-metal combo skull mask that covers his whole head IS his face. You can see the outline of his burned lips just under the "teeth" of the death's head skull. He carved it from his father's casket and it became fused to his flesh after a fire during his first true criminal outing against Bruce Wayne/Batman. Sore subject.
You'll likely get caught up in his criminal business one way or another. Either to earn his trust in some way or by accident because uh hey babe, I don't mean to bug you but I'm kind of prison again-
Overall, it's never a boring time dating Black Mask.
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snowcoffeee · 8 months
Its important for you to note that my hand kisses and forehead kiss ask was intended for me to kiss the palms of their hands, cause I love them, and not in spite of what they do, but in many respects because of what THEY do.
Nightmare shoulders the burden of always being the bad guy and having to be a literal god that is so often villainized and hated for what he represents and protects with the balance.
Dust for being as careful with us as he can be while its no doubt that his LV is near constantly whispering to him to keep us shackled and chained so that no one else would have the privledge to gaze upon us, but he fights it so valiently to allow us to talk to the others because they also make us happy, despite him wanting to keep us to himself.
They are deserving and need some gentle and soft assurances and love I think.
And they deserve all that love. So. So. Much.
I agree! Unfortunately, Nightmare is rashly judged by those who don't know him and aren't close to him for being associated with pure negativity. But that doesn't mean that's all he can feel and express, even if he's far from being a little angel. Despite what he represents, he's still a living being, capable of compassion and care, which he shows in his own ways. If you've earned his care and trust — congratulations! You've won yourself a secret guardian octopus who may or may not be constantly keeping an eye on you and subtly tugging on the strings of your fate in a way he believes is right for you! What is that, if not a form of affection? In spite of his general reputation, he feels comfortable with his role and job. As you said, his presence is necessary; otherwise, there would be a massive imbalance in the multiverse. If there's anyone whose opinions might actually matter to him, it's those who he chose to take under his wing. He knows very well and respects everyone's boundaries, though he enjoys pushing them a little when he sees fit. And when something negative or disastrous is meant to be done, well, why would he refuse a quick snack? 10/10, wonderful bastard, definitely deserves every single palm kiss.
Yup, Dust is repressing more intrusive thoughts on a daily basis than we can imagine. He fights his ever-growing LV and the knowledge that it would barely take him anything to keep us in a way only he can have access to us. He usually releases the pent-up frustration he gets from things not going his way through the missions he gets assigned to, which often turn out more brutal than necessary thanks to this. ...which then end up agitating his LV, thus putting him even more on edge. Yet, he's trying his absolute best to keep all of that under control whenever he's around us. (Even if it doesn't always work out). He only wants us to see a side of him that's casual and 'normal', and he tries to leave everything else outside the apartment, in hopes of protecting us and having the domestic life he has pictured for only him and his human. Give him lots of warm hugs, kisses, and affection; he deserves them all and then some.
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cosmiclion · 7 months
Think I finlly have an idea of what I want to do with Alois in my Familiar AU, might make more changes but this is more a brainstorm so bear with me 🙏 (Discussions of some canon-typical dark stuff under the cut plus it got a bit long lmao).
What if, instead of directly being taken from the village by the head of the Trancy estate, he was kidnapped by the same people who kidnapped the twins, at around the same time (meaning he was 6 years old), who then sold him to that pervert. Before being sold he met the twins and formed a brief friendship with them while they tried to comfort each other.
His parents were still alive, and little Luka (I think it's not clear what their age difference was but I don't think more than three years) grew up hearing about his big bro. When both parents died he was left alone to suffer the mistreatment of the villagers.
The contract with Hannah goes the same as in canon, but when she's about to take his soul he begs her to find his brother and protect him, as a last wish. She promises she'll do it and feels bound to that promise.
Since Alois was way younger when he got him, instead of outright abusing him the man grooms him from the beginning and the boy grows up thinking such behavior is normal and not knowing any better. He also inherits the estate.
Somehow Hannah finally finds him. She passes as a maid and infiltrates the estate and, after earning the man's trust, one night she simply makes him die in his sleep. She then reveals herself as a demon to Alois and tells him she's been sent by his brother, but Alois hates her for killing who he thinks is the only person who has ever loved him. However he can't get rid of her no matter what he does.
Eventually she earns his trust too (mainly because she just won't go away) and, with time and patience, helps him understand that what that man did to him was not, in fact, love and was plain wrong. She also helps him understand and process his trauma and try to heal (she's not really introverted and subservient in this AU, and acts more as a firm but patient mother).
By the time he's 13 he's better adjusted, although still having issues (mainly with attachment) and still having a similar personality to in canon (with some parts of it very mellowed out). Hannah has officially become his demonic foster parent, thus mirroring Sebas and Ciel. She decides he could try going to Weston.
OCiel studies at Weston in this verse too. When he starts studying he and Alois meet again. They remember each other but Ciel doesn't tell him he's not really Ciel, just that his brother died, and none tells the other what they really went through.
Alois has tried to make friends since he started at Weston, but he can be too overbearing and exhausting to be around, sometimes just unnerving, and has a bad habit of not respecting people's boundaries. The other boys (at least most of them) are polite and civil with him and will work with him if school activities require it, but they try not to interact with him too much.
While Ciel and Alos's personalities couldn't be any more different, the former still offers his friendship to the latter (in his own way), gets the other boys to really know Alois, and even helps Alois work on himself more and learn to get close to people without scaring them away (he might have shouted at him a couple of times when he got too clingy but that's part of the learning process ✌️).
Alois didn't remember his real name and Ciel only remembered him saying he was called Jim when they first met. Either way Alois has fully embraced his new name and decided to create his own legacy.
His biggest fear is being abandoned. His second biggest fear is people finding out about his past and being disgusted by him.
I haven't decided yet if Hannah reveals to Alois that she took Luka's soul or if she tells him he simply died. I need to think how it'd go either way.
Also still haven't fully decided what to do with Claude and the triplets or if to include them at all. Maybe I'll include them but I'll make them Just Be There for no reason bc it'd be funny.
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halos-top-alien-model · 9 months
Sangheili Bracket Finals
Special propaganda below:
Thel's mind was still on the textual transmission sent to him when a sudden visitor broke his train of thought. It was one of his staff, letting him know that Admiral Lord Hood was making a sudden call request. Already suspecting what brought that on, he gave his approval. Only a few moments later, he was connected to Lord Hood via small holographic messaging - and couldn't even get a greeting out.
"I sincerely apologize for the overreach in boundaries that intern caused. I swear, the unauthorized decision to send that does not reflect at all what the UNSC stands for, and we greatly respect our alliance with the Sangheili."
Thel raised a hand. "I can perfectly see that, Lord Hood. For what other reason would your people be holding an... 'popularity tournament', if not out of respect?"
The grim line Lord Hood's mouth formed suggested there were other reasons, but Thel chose not to pry. Although, admittedly, it did make him curious on just how somehow could intend disrespect over a popularity contest. Perhaps because the nature of only one winner could be seen as an insult to all the losers? Even if most Sangheili did not particularly care about humans' opinions on themselves - either as a species or as individuals - it was probably safe to keep this secret, just to be safe.
"Civilians can take matters down... interesting routes, on social media," Lord Hood continued. "It was already a trend to run these contests over everything imaginable. When someone got the idea to do this with all the known Sangheili individuals, it was decided to hold off on addressing it. No need to bring further attention to it.
"But no one could've imagined someone trying to actively bring it to your attention."
He was clearly mortified. A bit embarrassed, too. And while Thel would love to throw him a bone and allow him to quickly put it out of mind, there was a thought he just couldn't leave unspoken. It was all that had been on his mind in between receiving the "tip" on the contest and Lord Hood's call.
"I see it as a compliment, that so much of your population can see me - and others of my people - so positively, in spite of how young our alliance is. There is one piece of feedback, though, that you could perhaps forward to... 'social media', on my behalf."
Thel could almost swear the shading of Lord Hood's holographic face got brighter, lighter in color. "I can try and pull some strings. Depending on the message."
Leaning closer on his desk, resting his elbows on the surface and interlocking his hands, Thel began, "I can understand why so many humans would vote for me in the case of a popularity poll. I am the one with the closest relationship to your kind, with the most cases of notable - peaceful - interactions, outside of my Covenant career. I am possibly the only Sangheili much of your kind even recognizes on an individual-level.
"But I must make a case for my opponent, Rtas 'Vadum. His leadership and diplomatic abilities surpass my own. He has a way of connecting with those hostile to him in ways I have yet to replicate - the Prelate that initially sought personal vengeance being one such example. It is the reason I trust him so much with the task of searching for the lost San'Shyuum - he is perhaps the only one capable. Capable in finding them and capable in forging peace. And while I am sure his crew are loyal to the Swords of Sanghelios, if they ever had to choose between myself and their shipmaster, I am also sure what their choice would be. And he has earned that loyalty.
"I also must point out his accomplishments - which hold less awkwardness than my own, particularly in the context of relations with humanity. He is the reason the Flood did not infect my fleet at the first discovered Halo, emerging the sole survivor of a perilous situation. His actions at the second Halo, I truly believe, ensured the strength of the Separatists that went on to aid humanity. It was him that did a lot of the rallying, it was him that claimed the crucial Shadow of Intent, and it was him that held our forces together in my absence. Again, his ability with words were valuable in maintaining morale, during the final hours of the Covenant. And his tactical mind, in emerging victorious when the odds were 3-1 against him.
"In conclusion... I feel the victor in this little contest should be him. Not me."
As Thel had explained his reasoning, Lord Hood had crossed his arms, eyes intently focusing. Maybe not necessarily on the Arbiter. When he finally had the opening to speak again, it seemed that he had become the one who couldn't help but let a pressing thought out.
"Really? Him? You're arguing he is the better leader, military man, diplomat - than you? And humanity should recognize that?" His arms uncrossed and went to his sides. "Do you know that to some, laying even a finger on Earth is more egregious than glassing dozens of colonies - even glassing Reach?"
"That is why I said less awkward." He should have braced for this skepticism, especially from Lord Hood. After all, he and Rtas did have a verbal spat that one time. Perhaps Lord Hood could never forgive Thel, but he certainly could maintain peace around him. There were valid reasons - not related to duty - as to why those two's paths never crossed again. Surely, Rtas would feel a bit of the same - he was not apologetic for Africa's partial glassing back then, he certainly wouldn't hold any regrets now. Not with anything related to the Flood.
"Although..." He sighed. "I can see why having a Sangheili other than you receive positive recognition is diplomatically valuable. If the peace between our species is centered solely on you, then it risks falling apart as soon as you're gone."
"Yes... there is also that angle to this."
"I will forward your argument to my colleagues and leave the choice up to them. They're the ones who deal with civilian matters more, anyway."
A funny thing about jointly occupied territory, is that it sometimes meant alien access to humanity's Waypoint - the interstellar network where the current iterations of social media called home. Such access would mean becoming aware of discussions of aliens online - including a certain popularity contest. And such awareness might warrant, to some, the passing of knowledge via word of mouth or transmissions. Even if no one directly told the Arbiter about the contest, it would have reached his ears eventually.
Just like with the Arbiter, there were those curious as to what Rtas' reaction would be like, and it thus reached him, too.
"Of course the Arbiter would win their approval," he said. "He deserves it. His higher reputation amongst humanity aside, he deserves it. He is the Arbiter, the one who freed our people from the Covenant's lies, the one who resurrected the Swords of Sanghelios, the one who proposed the Concert of Worlds. There is nothing I could do that he could not do better.
"Why is this even a contest? Amongst humans, no less? It was his word that kept me from glassing their entire planet, just to stop a Flood outbreak. It was his word back then that caused many Sangheili to ally with humanity, rather than fight both the Covenant and humans. It is his word now that continues to keep many Sangheili from seeking another war. Because he has proven his wisdom, and he has proven his honor. Those who continue to doubt either are fools that hold our people back. And their leaders cannot even match him."
"Well, hold it right there," Stolt, one of his most prominent subordinates despite being an Unggoy, cut in. "Have you seen the rest of this? The Arbiter is trying to convince these humans to vote for you."
Admittedly, he barely even started. When he saw it was nothing but a meaningless popularity poll human civilians were running, he stopped giving it much thought. Partially, it was due to already being convinced of the outcome - that the Arbiter would reign supreme and he would hardly been given notice. The only reason he wasn't questioning the fact that he was even named in this poll in the first place was due to there not being very many notable Sangheili in the human public eye, as far as he could tell. But he and the Shadow of Intent had played an important role in the end of the war, after the alliance had been forged. It wasn't completely out of the question that he garnered a bit of human attention over that - and not just from ONI spies.
It also wasn't out of the question that the Arbiter would speak of him around humans and make them more aware of his existence... such as now. He skimmed through what had been sent until he reached that part, quickly absorbing it.
Then he shook his head. "He is far too humble. A good chunk of this is mere exaggeration. How he even got the impression I was this grand, I have no idea. I am only doing what he asks of me to the best of my abilities. He deserves no less than that, and that does not make me superior. He would excel at all the same tasks had he the time to do them - it is only I who succeeded, because someone had to in his place.
"Besides, he is forgetting some of his own accomplishments that have nothing to do with humans. When he first became Arbiter, he passed his first mission with flying colors. I honestly did not expect him to even survive, pulling off the stunt he did - selflessly cutting the safety cables of that mining facility to draw out his target, while allowing all my men to retreat to safety. He did that knowing I would not come back for an Arbiter - he did it unaware that anyone would."
"Ah, but that was a mission to kill 'Heretics', right?" Stolt said again. "I'm sure the bitterness of knowing they were right all along and didn't need to be killed is why he would never even think that a merit."
"The target is irrelevant. The sentiment of his actions is what matters." Leaning back into his shipmaster's chair, he continued with a softer voice, "And he is wrong. About his talent for speech. And Infinite Succor... The fact I was the only survivor should say enough regarding my leadership in that moment. And the fact I was able to go back into the field, to command troops again... should say enough regarding his ability to speak to those under him. He has earned more loyal soldiers than I - and not entirely because he meets more people than I."
Clearing his throat, his voice hardened again. "Take the colony of Om'a'Varo, for instance. Those who settled on Rak. I believe it is not just him being humble that he's selling himself short - he takes the cases where his words are not enough to be a failing on his part, and not the failing of the other's mind. There are some who will just not listen. But he has gotten many to do so."
"So what I'm hearing is... we need to send in our own message to the humans to counter his?"
Rtas huffed. "That will not be necessary. Even with his endorsement, the humans will still choose him. I am certain of that. In the time we could draft a pointless transmission, we could be using our time and systems for more important tasks. This conversation, too, holds little worth - the only value being a stronger reiteration of what is already known."
With that, Rtas was finished with the subject. Well, almost, maybe. It crossed his mind to maybe, instead of sending his passionate argument to the humans, sneak a bit of the sentiment in his next report. Not obvious enough to distract from the report's actual content, but subtle enough to let the Arbiter know fully well that Rtas had heard him - and strongly disagreed.
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