#almost work again lets go lets goo
lavenoon · 1 year
Hiya! I went to have a nap to get rid of a headache and ended up having a small dream of Hatchling AU but with a slight twist.
After the angst of one of the boys snapping at them, instead of just bowing out of missions/avoiding them, they swap time slots entirely. Now instead of working the Day, they work at Night and interact with Dusk.
They thought maybe this would work out better for them and it did!... For a bit. Dusk also snaps at them, scaring them in the same way in the little angst drabble you wrote.
Robin starts thinking that maybe being an agent isn't what they thought it be and starts second guessing themselves to the max. Robin, desperate for some form of 'good enough', asks to get swapped to Tech in the guise of 'will improve my performance if i could make these work/fit better'.
Robin is unaware of how well they've actually been doing because of Dawn and Dusk's reactions to them and the Heads (cant remember the word) decided that if this really good up-and-coming agent will work better with gear/tech made by themself then hell yeah.
Robin gets to work in the labs/on tech for as long as they want so long as they accept any mission the Heads deem as needing their immediate attention. Robin agrees and that's where they've been for a few weeks now.
They've managed to dodge Dusk and Dawn while heading to the labs and neither know where Robin went.
Dawn and Dusk both still want to apologize but their little thief/bird has vanished, leading them to thinking they may have quit or been fired.
The Heads send them a mission detailing they need to use a special device/trinket a lab tech made and have to go pick it up.
Not in the mood to be dealing with another person that probably doesn't like them/is afraid of them they barge right in.
The Tech tells them to hold for just a moment so they can grab the device. A moment that told them that the Tech was Robin.
Robin turns around, with their mask on, mid-explanation of the new device only to freeze at the realization of who they're debriefing to.
I woke up after that.
As I type this i have no idea how the living/home set up would work (maybe the tenant thing didn't happen in this version) since the dream never left the agent side of things.
I also have no idea if the other ever found out that they started getting visited/working with the person their counterpart was annoyed with.
I'm going to have another nap now because typing this out without glasses brought the headache back.
Hope you have a wonderful day/night dear, Take Care!
Oh I am totally normal about you dreaming of Hatchling AU totally totally
I went a little off the rails, so the rest goes under the cut - 1.7K words, and I won't apologize <3
So like this the neighbor thing really wouldn't work - only creating more isolation for Robin. They go home to an empty house, and they have nothing to soften the blow of everything happening at work.
So when Dawn snaps at them, they decide to take the hint and just switch shifts entirely. There they run into Dusk - and they're already more hesitant about everything.
That's a bit of a speedrun there - because Robin then obviously finds out there's another celestial animatronic star agent, one they haven't been aware of at all. And Dusk knows of the newbie Robin too - so it's not hard to connect them back to the agent Dawn used to work with. He's quiet, not as flashy as Dawn, and doesn't outright snap at them - so that's good?
Dusk has to wonder just how much Dawn exaggerated, because what he sees is a quiet agent who is obviously still having new job jitters. There's none of the crazy ideas or impulsive comments that Sun always complained about, and he wonders how much of that was exaggeration or maybe just an indication that they weren't suited for the undercover work.
They do look happy parkouring, and he doesn't begrudge them the glee of that - it's the first time in a long time that he doesn't look for the fastest way to a target, but rather the most thrilling one. And they keep up!
So for Dusk, this is an arrangement he can live with, even if he feels a bit like a babysitter for the rookie sometimes. Dawn meanwhile goes through much of the same, more agents refusing to work with him, and then he hears from his counterpart that Robin works with him now and has undergone a rather drastic personality change, and somehow... That doesn't feel right.
Dusk also doesn't stay happy for too long, because when there's a group of hostiles and Robin is just way too reckless? They can't take that seriously either, and suddenly he knows what Dawn was talking about.
That... Maybe isn't the most tactful thing to point out while he's making sure they aren't bleeding out from their freshly acquired stab wound.
Robin doesn't say anything after that.
They're dead silent, and don't look at him anymore.
He's obviously not surprised when they don't come back for a while - but when weeks turn into months and there's no sign of them again, he does kind of get antsy.
Because Sun and Moon continue to share notes, and Moon does feel bad about his almost panicked comment that, well... He wasn't actually angry, just frenzied by the newbie he decided he'd keep an eye on actually getting stabbed while he was there. Sun of course also isn't happy - somehow hearing that Moon threw Dawn's words back at Robin in that kind of situation also makes him think that he wasn't quite the friendliest person either. He didn't even give them the benefit of doubt - and their sudden personality shift does make him think.
They somewhat settle for the thought that Robin quit after getting stabbed - surely that just wasn't what they signed up for. And while it hurts to think that they'd never get to apologize, they feel like a short-lived rivalry is better than a short-lived rival.
So when Dawn is instructed to pick up a new spy device from the labs, he's certainly not expecting to see a familiar face. (It does explain the almost ridiculous design of the device, but he can't deny that it could work)
They don't expect to see him there either though. And, oops, they aren't really in the mood to be bubbly or quiet now (: He gets a glare, before they turn back again, continuing with their explanation of the device in a much sharper tone than before.
Dawn deflates, just a little. He did that - Dusk and him, both of them.
"You still work here," also isn't quite the best way to voice his surprise, as gentle as he does it. Because Robin has had enough. They snap around to him, barely contained fury evident in their expression.
"What, expected I was fired for being that much of a failure?"
Uh oh.
If there were anyone else in the room, they might have been surprised at the ruthless star agent pacifyingly raising his hands and stepping back from the tiny in comparison lab tech now glaring daggers at him. Hell, even Dawn is surprised that this is his course of action. But still, he's proud, and he needs to set the record straight.
"That's not what I said -"
"Yeah, but you said plenty. And Dusk made sure I remember, too."
They turn their back again, and Dawn... Dawn doesn't like this, at all. None of this. They sound sad and angry and almost crushed and he hates that. That's not how they're supposed to be.
So for the first time in ever, maybe, he swallows his pride.
"We were wrong. I was wrong. To say those things, and for how I said them. I'm sorry."
If he had a tongue, he'd bite it, but even so the excuses and justifications struggle to escape anyway. They have no place here, and even Dawn is aware of that.
Robin doesn't react past hunching their shoulders, but he can't see their expression.
"... Didn't know you know those words. So what, how's Dusk gonna surprise me?"
He clenches his fingers, then slowly unfurls them again. Easy, easy - do not snap at the newbie. That's what caused this mess in the first place.
"Dusk watched you get stabbed. He was concerned, and acted out of line, and I'm sure he'll apologize himself. I cannot and will not do that on his behalf."
"It's great that he watched, I didn't quite get to. Was a bit too dark."
"The lights -"
Robin throws him a withering look past their shoulder. He flinches back, and not just because of how their eyes shine with tears they're holding back.
"I was preventing the lights from being turned on. Dusk was busy, he didn't even see the guy aiming for the switch - and I didn't see the knife. We're even."
Wait. Wait a moment - gears start turning, and Dawn's eyes widen in realization. Dusk saw, and Robin didn't -
"He was using nightvision. The sudden light would have overloaded his optics, blinding him for at least a few seconds - if not damage them entirely."
Seconds of blindness or even total loss of vision - neither are good in a fight. And Dusk didn't even see? Didn't even pay attention?
It seems he trusted his little rival more than he was even aware of.
Robin continues to mumble, fiddling with the device in front of them, unaware of his little moment.
"I wasn't sure. I just know how afterimages work, and nightvision binoculars. I was thinking. Just not enough."
"You were thinking more than him. Or me, for that matter. We both got used to our routine, and that's on us, not you. We falsely took it out on you."
Because isn't that exactly what he did? Got angry at them for thinking outside the box he built around himself?
Robin turns back to him, sizing him up - as if they hadn't seen him before. Fresh eyes, maybe, or a new light now. Maybe they're a bit of a sucker, but they haven't forgiven either of them yet - they just want to, because they don't enjoy the grudges. They also, deep down, still crave that validation - the acknowledgment of the star agents. Having one of them admit to his own mistakes and apologize seems like a reasonable first step. Maybe there's hope for them yet.
But they're also curious, and now thinking of routines and being stuck in old ways helps a certain question they kept to themself resurface.
"... How'd you two get this job?"
Dawn wants to balk, shoot it down - where did that come from? It's irrelevant, and frankly -
And frankly, the hesitant look on Robin's face extinguishes all the fight in him. He's not Eclipse, he can mention some things without revealing his entire identity.
"We have family, at another location. Code name Horizon -"
Their eyes light up, and he wonders if they've worked with his blueprints before. They sure had all the opportunities at the lab.
"- and he got us the job. We were transferred, to keep the risk to a minimum, but we got in."
"That's lonely."
He doesn't want to think about that.
"And you, little thief? Got caught stealing?"
The deflection works - they smile, and puff out their chest just a little.
"Got scouted. Guess how. ... Not the stealing."
Dawn laughs softly, just for a moment, but the amusement rings in his tone, too.
"With you, I wouldn't be surprised if you simply walked in and declared yourself an agent."
It catches them off guard, and they snort - a hand flying up to cover their mouth immediately, but he heard. It gives him hope, too.
"... Almost. Caught someone on the roof during their smoke break, and apparently me dodging the alarms was cause enough to drag me right in and well, a job that condones climbing around on other people's property? I got excited."
But then their expression falls again, and their shoulders slump. They aren't doing that anymore, or any of the other things that excited them about this job. They're just hoping to not mess this up, too - it's all they have left here.
Dawn notices, too, and does correctly reach the assumption that they grieve the fun they used to have. And as much as it stings, he also knows a single conversation won't fix that.
That's okay. He'll come back - and he's sure Dusk will, too, as soon as he tells him about this development. For now, he points towards the spy device still lying on the table.
"Tell me how it works. I'll take it seriously."
Because that's what he can offer. He can be professional, and he can treat them as an equal - he didn't before, but he'll be sure to do so now.
Robin smiles, if a little hesitant.
"Take it with some fun, too. You could use it."
... Yeah, maybe he could.
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h4m1lt0ns · 9 months
episode six :: THANK U, NEXT.
꒰꒰◌‧₊ ⬪˙⋆ pairing ︴max verstappen x ex!y/n
꒰꒰◌‧₊ ⬪˙⋆ genre ︴social media au / irl snippets
꒰꒰◌‧₊ ⬪˙⋆ summary ﹔y/n has come to save the industry, oh and max crashes.
fc – wonyoung jang (28)
꒰꒰◌‧₊ ⬪˙⋆ warnings ﹕max crashes and dnfs, shady behavior, i accidentally said w13 instead of w14.
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♡ liked by honeymoon, carlossainz55 and 24,294,109 others.
y/n heartbreak syndrome, 20/9 🫀 my sixth studio album is finally coming out and i can’t wait for u to hear it !! (i actually physically can not wait until it’s released i’ll need to be held down srsly) i’ve worked with some of my absolute favourite people in the entire world to make the songs on here and i hope that u guys love this project as much i do 🎻🤍 excuse the twitter jump scare btw i was excited sorry lol 🫂🫧
tagged: honeymoon, arianagrande, theweeknd.
➜ username she’s so excited i love her 😭
➜ y/n HEHEHE
username excuse the twitter jumpscare ??? bitch i almost jumped out of my skin 😟
➜ y/n my b 😭
➜ y/n YOU BET
➜ y/n EEYUH
carlossainz55 if you can’t wait what should i say bc i’m literally jittery
➜ y/n 😭
➜ username real as fuck
➜ landonorris no actually tho
honeymoon i’ve never had this much fun recording a song 🤍
➜ y/n the honour is mine, mother.
theweeknd proud of you
➜ theweeknd RAHHHHH
charles_leclerc THE WEEKND?? YOU LISTENED TO ME??
➜ y/n YES BAE
yukitsunoda0511 MOTHERRRRRRRRR
➜ username YES YOU ARE BAE 🤭
georgerussell63 i literally jumped out of my seat and toto side eyed me SO hard bUT LETS GOO
username mother has come to save us 😮‍💨🙏🏻
username i literally screamed at work
➜ y/n makes both of us 😁
username dropped to my knees in the middle of the gym
username claiming is there someone else
➜ username claiming starry eyes 🤞🏽
➜ y/n they actually transition into each other
➜ username WOAH.
➜ username OH?
alexandrasaintmleux heartbreak syndrome tour when
➜ y/n 👀
➜ alexandrasaintmleux you best BELIEVE i will attended every show 😌
➜ landonorris KIKA HEARD IT???
➜ y/n well.
pierregasly literally ran a lap, i’m too excited.
➜ charles_leclerc he actually did
➜ alexalbon come on man
➜ lilymhe no babe lOOK AWAY
➜ y/n i say let him watch 🥱
➜ alexalbon 🤨
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honey badger : iS THIS A PISS TAKE???
my baby lando: shut up 😒
my baby lando: shut the actual fuck up 😟
chal eclair: REALLY OH MY GOD Y/N
chal eclair: you’re coming to the ferrari garage first i don’t make the rules 🙏🏻
chili!: what charles said 🙏🏻
alabono: c’mon now we all know where she’s going first
my baby lando: to the mclaren garage obv ??
chili!: no tf she’s not 😐
princess george: guys
chal eclair: ferrari garage or i run out into the track so i get ran over
chili!: oKAY RELAX 🔥
my baby lando: listen
my baby lando: i’ll be holding y/n hostage in the mclaren garage just so you know 🧡
alabono: see this just won’t work mate 🫤
princess george: GUYS
honey badger: i was gonna say rb garage but i’ll stay quite lmfao
PIERRE GASLYYYY: yeah let us know how that will turn out 🙄
my baby lando: yeah how abt no.
yukino: i will turn everyone into human sashimi if i don’t see y/n in MY end of the garage tmrw 🙏🏻❤️🔥
y/n: 😟
my baby lando: 😟
alabono: 😟
chal eclair: CHILL MATE
chili!: bwoah
PIERRE GASLYYYY: okay yeah no
princess george: GUYS.
princess george: y/n will be staying at the mercedes garage and hospitality
princess george: your welcome btw i convinced her to come
my baby lando: george william russell, i know where you live.
chili!: ?????????
chal eclair: ^^^^
y/n: wait
y/n: yuki where tf have u been
yukino: i don’t feel like talking to people sometimes
y/n: retweet that
honey badger: real
chili!: honestly tho
my baby lando: real as fuck
alabono: still not over y/n picking george over the rest of us 🥲
chili!: HE’S BRITISH
yukino: retweet THAT
honey badger: fIGHT FIGHT FIGHT
y/n: you guys are the most unserious mfs
chal eclair: bae george is not special
chal eclair: come home to ferrari 🙏🏻❤️
chili!: literally like ??
alabono: HOME?? FERRARI???
my baby lando: “come home to ferrari”
my baby lando: i just had an aneurism
chal eclair: 😐
y/n: we’re literally gonna be together all day 😭
y/n: plus apparently roscoe hamilton is coming tmrw so
my baby lando : YOU PICKED A DOG OVER ME??
y/n: same same
my baby lando: BITCH 😭
honey badger: HAKSKANSJA
chal eclair: LMFAOOOO
princess george: ROFLLLLLLL
my baby lando: we hAD A NO BULLYING POLICY
y/n: can’t hear you over doing my makeup while lily, carmen and kika scream along to lana del rey 🤍
my baby lando: i don’t like you.
y/n: liar
my baby lando: true
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leaky-bunny · 1 year
on vacation right now and i can't stop thinking about how incredibly sexy beach omo with a controlling dom would be. so i wrote a little fic about it. :)
picture it: me sitting in the sand by my dom's side as they're reclined on a nice chair, soaking up sun. it's hot, so i'm guzzling water to stay hydrated and watching the waves ripple and crash against the shore. eventually, i feel my bladder pang, and i stand up to go find a bathroom, only for them to grab my hand and hold me back.
"if you're trying to do what i think you're trying to do, don't. you sit back down, sweetheart."
i agree, shifting in the sand, this time with my legs pressed a little closer together.
time passes and the need gets much much worse. the ocean does nothing to help me, its sounds only driving me closer to the edge. i tug on my dom's arm, voice now a lot more urgent as i tell them i'm going to go in the water, hoping i can secretly let go once my bottom half is fully submerged and hidden. their eyebrow raises, obviously not impressed by my weak attempt at beating the system, but nevertheless they agree and stand up as well. the change in position sends me whimpering, but i try to cover it best i can with a cough (not very successfully though because they clearly hear and smirk). we stroll towards the water, my bladder contracting as i fight the urge to hold myself. despite the beach being calm, it's certainly not empty, and our fellow vacationers probably wouldn't appreciate such a show. the second my feet touch the waves, however, i gasp as a leak forces it's was out of me, soaking into my bikini as my dom pauses by my side.
"what's wrong sweetie, i though you wanted to go in?"
i flinch as another wave laps at my feet, legs firmly pressed together. "nghh, g-gonna pee...."
their eyes turn hard as they scowl, grabbing my hand and dragging my back to our spot in the sand. "no the fuck you're not, i gave you one rule. you are keeping all that piss inside you until you burst, understood?"
i wanna beg, wanna do something to relieve the arousal now coursing through my veins, but i just nod weakly and focus on not letting any more out.
it only takes another 10 minutes for me to leak again, enough to make a tiny wet patch in the sand beneath me. this time, i do moan, eyes glazed with the desire to let go, but my dom looks over and knows immediately what happened. they smile and reach over, pretending to adjust the bottom of my bikini, but instead pressing on the bulge of my bladder, hard and achingly full. another leak sprays out, even bigger than the next one, and with that my last shred of composure breaks.
"please- fuuuck, let me pee master, i have to go so bad and i've been so good, trying my best to hold it in just like you asked me to-"
they shush me, looking around, but finding no one has overhead or seems to care. "alright baby, calm down, i know you've done well for me. dig a little hole in the sand, ok? that'll be your potty."
i nod rapidly, too excited about the concept of finally peeing to be embarrassed by their word choice. my hands work quickly, scooping at the sand next to me until there's a hole large enough to sit over, positioned so my cunt is right above it. i stare up at my dom, eyes pleading, and they smile wickedly. "open your legs baby, show master how wet you are." i do, the dampness on my crotch extremely evident, and they shake their head in disappointment. "i would punish you for leaking, but here is not the place for that. i'm feeling very gracious, so you have permission to pee now. let it out bunny, i wanna see every drop."
the sentence is barely out of their mouth before i let go, the gushing sound filling the air as i piss a torrent. at first, the sand soaks it up almost instantly, but after a while, when the entire hole is soaked, a puddle begins to froth beneath me just like the ocean. i pant and shiver, eyes rolled back into my skull, not even noticing that my dom is staring at me as if they're going to eat me whole.
"good bunny, making a mess in public for me. bet that feels good, hm? i can't wait to show you how fucking horny you make me when we get back to the hotel. master's gonna make you cum so many times your brain will turn as fuzzy as that ocean foam."
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ratskinsuit · 3 months
Could u do a pegging lucifer fic? And the (dom gn) reader is being extra mean to him and just degrading the shit outa him, and he’s just kinda crying begging for praise
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Fucked Dumb
A/N: feels like forever since I wrote a smut fic lol. Times flying byyyy, sorry i haven’t been good with request recently I’ve just been working on my Ocs (plz I have so many I need to stop) and school blah blah blah. Hope you enjoyed!
Tags: Also consent is not states here but it was stated before you two do have a system, Aftercare is slightly mentioned, smut, pegging, nsfw, begging, brain fuck, sub Lucifer x reader, lil bit of blood play? (I think- idk reader licks up some blood from his chin)
——————————————————————— P-lease agh- ha ah.. ngh darling PLE-ase…” Lucifer sobs, tears streaming down his face as you slam into him. His breath heavy.
You have him on the edge of the bed, legs spread as your strap pounds in and out of him at a fast pace.
All day he was begging for you to touch him, knowing you were busy with some important work. He kept persisting, sitting in your lap, “hugging” you from behind as he sits against you. Walking around in stupidly tight clothes.
You breaking point however was at the end of the day, when he was testing you all through a work call you had. Running his fingers up and down your thighs, holding your hand, slowly inching it towards his hard on.
So as soon as the call ended you slammed him against the mattress, his face going red with surprise, having not expected it.
You tied his hands together and left him there to go get your strap. A couple minutes later your fucking his brains out while he’s sobs on hour dick. Bringing you to now.
“Oh no no no. You w-anted to be a little fucker all day, practically humping me every time you got close enough. So now take it bitch.” You hiss, a particularly hard thrust earning a wail from the ruined man under you.
Lucifer’s hands are tied together above his head with a pretty red ribbon. It’s tight enough to keep him from wiggling but not enough to cut his circulation.
His hair is sweaty, sticking to his forehead and jutting out everywhere. Sweat drips down his face. His eyes are rolled back, twitching and blown out. His eyebrows are scrunched together in concentration, going from relaxed to tense every other second.
His mouth is wide open, your almost convinced a fly will go into it. Drool is running down his chin, flying everywhere as moans and begging tumble out. What he’s begging for; I don’t think even he knows.
“Pl- darlin- agh hng…AH hA! Fu-uck Hng…” Lucifer lets out a wail as you hit a particular spot inside of him, causing the sheets he’s gripping to rip.
He’s sobbing, as you continue to mash up his insides. He shudders, letting out an in-human sound as he orgasms for the 5th time this night.
“That’s five fu-cking times this night whore… hah… fuck, god that’s just sad. I’ve only come once? Needy bitch.” You tease as he writhes and shakes the bed, his orgasm washing over him.
He’s already came so much tonight, but still has more, coating the two of you.
He sputters, begging for a break as he can’t make out sentences. You watch as the king of hell moans and cries beneath you.
The sheets are ripped up under his hands, eyes completely rolled back. You see a trail of blood leaking from his mouth, and lean forward, licking it up with a swipe of your tongue.
You lean to him, forcing him into a hot kiss, that he tries to reciprocate but all he does is tangle his tongue with yours and drool all over himself.
You let out a laugh as you speed up, Lucifer choking on his own spit under you. “Fu-ck your so dumb-fucked you can’t even kiss you properly.
As quick as it had ended he tenses and cums again on his own chest.
“Dar- AH fu-hng… ple- I can- n’t hm.. m’be… been s’ch a goo-agh- good boy… plea-SE” He pleads at you, desperate for some relief.
You decide to take pity on him, and finish yourself off. You know he can take degradation but sometimes when he’s so far into subspace he gets really upset if you do it go much.
“Du-ont worry honey, your doing amazing, give me one m-more okay darling? M-..I wanna c-cum to, is that okay pr..etty boy?” You coo at him, and he nods frantically as you speed up,
“can- m’ make.. you cu- OH.. plea- you c-cu..m”he tries speaking but fails and you just shush him, untying his hands quickly. As soon as the are free he grabs your hand with one and squeezes tightly, the other going to your waist.
He’s babbling by this point, words and curses stringing together in noncence sentences, while you praise and coo at him. “Doing g-great my love, handsome boy. Go-nana make me come so hard…since your doing so-o amazingly..” he whimpers, reaching for your face and you lean and kiss him.
Him, having just cum, and you having been edging up to it. The two of you reach your orgasm quickly. You are locked in a kiss right as it hits you both like a freight trains.
Lucifer falls back, twitching and shuddering violently with his mouth wide open in a silent scream. You shake with your and collapse on top of him as you relish in the aftershocks.
After a couple of seconds, you sit up and pull out of him, him whincing a bit.
You throw the strap off to the side and go to the edge of the bed by Lucifer head. You push his hair out of his face and soothe his burning skin.
“You did so great my love, are you okay?” You ask, Lucifer gives a little nod. “Mhm’ I… agh fuck, can’t hng… feel my legs…” you giggle and crawl in next to him.
Even though the two of you were very sweaty, you held him as he closed his eyes, the two of you embraced together. “M…love you..” he murmurs, and you give him a kiss.
A/N: As said in my other post I will be busy for a while after this, not going on hiatus just slow updates. I just wanted to get this out because I had it halfway done. Hope you enjoyed!
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Honey Don't Feed It, It Will Come Back
Pairing: Reader x Venom
Word Count: 2.9k
Warnings: alright got lots to cover; dubcon/coercion, oral (f receiving), multiple orgasms, tentacle fucking, DP, anal, praise, a little size kink here and there, pet names, unprotected monster sex, creampie, overstimulation, forced orgasm - I think I got everything also a brief moment of harassment at the beginning and like standard venom level violence oh and there's mention of food habits so ya know
Genre: Smut... just smut and it's like... almost a dark fic
Summary: Venom takes an extreme liking to you because of your kindness after he saves your life || “Don’t let it in with no intention to keep it Jesus Christ // Don’t be kind to it // Honey don’t feed it, it will come back” ~ It Will Come Back by Hozier
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You huff to yourself as you shut off your computer. You've been working all evening and if you don't make a point to leave and get something to eat now you might skip dinner by accident. Again. You quickly dial your local Chinese takeout place and order your usual as you lock up your apartment. You figure by the time you walk there to pick it up, it'll be ready. You get your food pretty soon after you get there, and wish the workers goodnight before you head back home. It's kind of cool outside tonight, especially for the summer and you're enjoying your walk through the city. 
"A pretty lady like you should really avoid walking around alone so late." A voice snarls from behind you. You roll your eyes and keep walking, intent on ignoring the catcaller.
"Hey sweetheart we're talking to you!" A second voice chimes in and you try to subtly increase your pace as you steel your nerves. You gasp when a hand grabs your arm and yanks you backwards.
"It's rude to ignore people." The first voice sneers in your face, his grip tightening on your bicep.
"Let go of me." You huff trying to pull your arm out of his grasp.
"Not a chance."
"HEY! YOU SHOULD PICK ON SOMEONE YOUR OWN SIZE!" A voice growls and you stumble back when a large shadow plucks the man holding you away from you.
"Oh my God." You gasp falling against the wall behind you. A large shiny creature dangles the one man high in the air.
"IT'S NOT NICE TO GRAB LADIES WALKING HOME!" The monster scolds him.
"H-hey man, we weren't doing nothing." The man tries to appease the giant while the second guy finally snaps out of his stupor and takes off in the other direction.
"HEY! GET BACK HERE! I DON'T LIKE CHASING MY FOOD!" The monster stretches something resembling a tentacle towards the second guy, grabbing his ankle and pulling him back to hang next to the first.
"S-she's fine, see?"
"ONLY BECAUSE I CAME." What you assume are the creature's eyes narrow at them both. "YOU DIDN'T GRAB HER, BUT IF I EVER SEE YOU BOTHERING SOMEONE AGAIN I WILL EAT YOUR BRAIN!" The creature drops the second guy and he practically trips over his feet as he scrambles away. "YOU I WILL EAT NOW!" The creature says to guy one, dangling him over his mouth. The man lets out a scream that is cut off suddenly as you watch the creature bite off his head.
"Holy shit." You whisper. The monster tosses what's left of the guy down an alley and you vaguely hear his body clunk against something, likely a garbage bin.
"I- I'm fine. Thank you."
"Who are you?" You ask quietly.
"We?" You frown. Black tar-like goo slowly retracts to reveal a man's face.
"I'm Eddie. The- black goo is an alien, Venom."
"What like that body snatchers movie?"
"Not quite, I'm still in control here. We work as a team." Eddie explains.
"Well- thank you for, helping me with those guys but you didn't have to eat that one."
"It's how I appease the big guy. He gets sustenance from some chemical only found in brains and chocolate."
"Phenethylamine?" You ask.
"You know what it is?"
"Well yeah I- I work for a chem lab." You tell him. He's quiet for a moment before he sighs.
"Venom is insisting we offer to walk you home. If you're okay with that." Eddie says.
"I wouldn't want you to go out of your way I mean-"
"WE WANT TO!  WE CAN MAKE SURE YOU'RE SAFE!" Venom reappears, swallowing Eddie's face behind black goo and stark white eyes.
"Alright well, it's only a couple of blocks. I suggest you, de-alien though I think people would freak out seeing an eight foot mass of black goo." 
"Still you'd draw way too much attention to yourself like that."
"FINE." Venom relents and retracts into Eddie.
"That is so- fascinating." You mutter.
"Trust me, it loses its novelty." Eddie says. "Lead the way." He adds.
"Have you been this way your whole life?" You ask as you walk with him towards your apartment.
"What? With the alien? No, no this was an unfortunate accident. I simply can't get rid of him now." Eddie says.
"Do you not get along?" You frown.
"Not always. It's like having a roommate you can't hide from in your room when you're annoyed with them."
"Huh- so where does he, go? Like when you're out here... where is he?"
"That's a complicated question." He scoffs. "I never got your name." He looks at you.
"Sorry! It's y/n. I guess the whole scientist's curiosity thing got the best of me." You mutter.
"No need to apologize." He shakes his head. Eddie walks you all the way up to your apartment before attempting to part ways.
"Would you- like to come in?" You ask before you can chicken out.
"I wouldn't want to impose. It's late and-"
"It's the least I can do. You basically just saved my life. I'd like to thank you." You say.
"Well Venom wants to stay so I guess it couldn't hurt." Eddie says.
"Great! Make yourself at home. Would you like anything? I don't have brains but I certainly have a bag of chocolate if Venom would like any." You offer as he follows you in.
"Abagof chocolate? Stocking up early for Halloween?" He jokes sitting on your couch.
"No not yet. I have a coworker that has one hell of a sweet tooth and I recently learned that he works best when incentivized so, if ever we're working late chocolate actually helps him stay focused. But if we're not careful he'll tear through the whole bag in like three hours, it's kind of impressive actually." You laugh.
"Oh if you think that's impressive wait til you see what V can do. He'll tear through it in like three minutes. If he stops to take the wrapping off anyway. Usually though he just chucks the whole thing back and then- spits back up the trash like a cat with a hairball." Eddie scoffs.
"Well- that's... compact at least." You muse pulling the bag of candy from your pantry.
"That's one way to look at it."
"Did you want food by the way? I was out picking up Chinese in the first place. There's definitely enough to share." You say grabbing plates. You usually order enough to have leftovers so you can definitely give some to your guest, you'll just not have as much left over.
"Oh I'm not all that hungry but-"
"I'LL HAVE THAT CHOCOLATE PLEASE!" Venom's head emerges from behind Eddie to chime in.
"Of course. Eddie are you sure you don't want anything?"
"Well I feel weird eating if my guests aren't so you'll have to have something. You want chips or pretzels or something?"
"Corn triangles?" You frown.
"Doritos? Sure I have some."
"Venom I said I wasn't hungry." Eddie grumbles.
"You guys argue like a married couple." You giggle. You grab the bag of chips, the bag of chocolate, and a plate before joining them on your couch.
"Honestly we aren't too far off." Eddie chuckles taking the chips from you. A slimy black appendage wraps around the chocolate and pulls it almost out of view entirely.
"Oh- are you guys in a relationship?" You ask curiously as you dump half of the takeout box onto your plate.
"Something to that effect. I mean- he's kinda inside my body like all the time. No such thing as privacy with him around." He shrugs.
"So- does your diet affect his, or vice versa?" You ask between bites of your dinner.
"Only psychologically."
"The first few times you eat another person are kinda traumatizing but you get used to it. We have separate digestive systems so- I'm technically not consuming human brains."
"HE NEARLY HAD A PANIC ATTACK THE FIRST TIME I ATE SOMEONE BUT I WAS SAVING HIS LIFE." Venom chimes in and you realize the full bag of candy you gave him is now just a ball of trash.
"Venom." Eddie rolls his eyes.
"You know I feel like a brain eating vigilante would draw attention- even in a city like New York." You frown.
"I'm careful." Eddie says.
"Oh yeah? I don't think tossing that guy in what I assume is a dumpster tonight screams careful."
"V got carried away. We'll take care of it before anyone sees it in the morning."
"I'M ONLY ALLOWED TO EAT BAD GUYS. NO ONE CARES IF YOU EAT BAD GUYS." Venom says with what you think is a smile.
"Not quite, cops still care but that's we we're careful about it." Eddie tells him.
"It'd be hard to eat all of the NYPD I think." You muse.
"No we are not eating cops. Bad guys, remember?" Eddie sighs.
"Depending on who you ask cops do fall under that category." You shrug.
"Don't rile him up." Eddie points at you in warning while you laugh.
"I wasn't trying to I promise." You say with a wide smile that makes it hard for Eddie to keep his stern expression.
"Sure. I'd love to stay but we do have to take care of that creep in the dumpster before sunrise so- we should probably head out." Eddie stands.
"Of course. Thanks again for your help tonight." You say standing with him to walk him out.
"Not a problem. Thanks for the snacks."
"You're welcome. If you need anything, door's always open." You smile.
"BYE Y/N! WE'LL SEE YOU AGAIN." Venom says before disappearing.
"Have a goodnight." Eddie nods before turning down the hall. You lock your door and finish your food with thoughts of the curious duo staying at the front of your mind even as you get ready for bed that night.
"I REALLY LIKED HER." Venom declares to Eddie.
"Yeah, she was nice."
"No. We can't just pop up at her place for no reason."
"She did not mean it literally it's just a nice thing people say V. We're not going back there tomorrow. End of discussion." Eddie says and when Venom doesn't respond he assumes he's relenting. He's not actually, but Venom is learning to pick and choose his battles when it comes to Eddie so he'll keep his plans to himself for now.
The next night a knock on your window surprises you while you're watching a movie. You gasp when you see Venom smiling and waving frantically at you. You rush to pull the window open and he climbs inside quickly.
"Venom? What are you doing? Is everything okay?" You frown.
"EVERYTHING IS FINE. I JUST WANTED TO SEE YOU AGAIN." He says looking down at you. His gaze makes you conscious of the fact that you're in a small tank top and a pair of shorts.
"You know you could've used the front door. Right?" You ask walking to your kitchen to put distance between you.
"I THOUGHT I'D DRAW TOO MUCH ATTENTION WALKING INTO YOUR BUILDING." Venom shrugs looking around your apartment.
"You would but Eddie wouldn't."
"So- wait you basically dragged him here?"
"You guysarebasically an old married couple." You laugh. "You ate the whole bag of chocolate yesterday but I did run to a corner store today and pick up a Hershey bar so- you can have that if you'd like." You tell him.
"I DIDN'T COME HERE TO GET CHOCOLATE." He says with something in his voice that you totally miss while rumaging through your fridge.
"Really? I figure with your size you're like always hungry." You muse turning towards him. It's then that you realize how his eyes are focused on you in a way you can only describe as predatory.
"I WANT SOMETHING ELSE FROM YOU." He says practically boxing you in the kitchen.
"Unless you're here to eat me I don't have a brain lying around to give you." You quip trying to slow your increasing heartrate.
"What?" You breathe out, the fear you're feeling now mixing with confusion and lust you try to tamper down.
"In general? No I don't fear you but- right now I'm unsure how to feel."
"You just said you're going to eat me."
"IN A WAY YOU WILL ENJOY." Venom cages you against the counter, and you shrink back
"Venom now wait a second-"
"That's not-"
"You can smell it?"
"JUST LET ME HAVE YOU Y/N. LET MEDEVOURYOU." Venom says. You pause for a moment to consider your options.
"O-okay." You say quietly and his arm wraps around you immediately crowding your space. You gasp when he pulls your shorts off so fast you're surprised they didn't rip. He lifts you up onto his shoulders as if you're a bag of feathers and his tongue snakes out of his mouth and between your legs before you can prepare. Venom laps at your cunt with fervour, your legs squeezing around his head at the way pleasure builds between your legs. You're pressed up against the cabinets as he slurps up your juices like he's dehydrated.
"TASTES SO GOOD." He growls out as his tongue thrusts in and out of you eagerly. His tongue is thick and long, almost impossibly so as it fills you so well. You squirm against his mouth chasing your release that you can feel approaching quickly.
"Venom- I'm, fuck I'm close." You whine.
"DO IT. LET ME TASTE YOUR RELEASE." Venom orders and the way his tongue moves against you as he talks is enough to send you over the edge with a cry. You barely realize Venom lowering you from his shoulders and you hardly have a moment to recover before he's impaling you on his dick. Your back arches at the way he fills you.
"Fuck!" You moan out and Venom practically roars when your walls contract around him.
"YOU'RE SO TIGHT." Venom groans. He tightens his grip on you and sets a pace, raising and lowering you on him with ease.
"God you're big." You whimper falling forward against him as he uses you like a human fleshlight. You claw at his arms, trying to ground yourself while he fucks you open. Tentacle like appendages suddenly appear and wrap around your breasts, teasing your nipples.
"SO PRETTY." He smiles at the way your face contorts with pleasure and bends down enough to kiss you. His tongue invades your mouth in an overwhelming way, swallowing your moans. You can hardly tell where he ends and you begin, it's like he's everywhere at once. More tentacles appear, one teasing your back entrance while another toys with your clit. He pulls away from your mouth as he continues to  prod at your ass without slowing his pace. "I WANT YOU HERE TOO, YOU'LL LET ME HAVE YOU HERE, WON'T YOU?" Venom asks while rubbing tight circles against your clit. You're drowning in pleasure and barely able to register is question as another orgasm builds inside you. "COME ON MY LITTLE MORSEL. TELL ME I CAN DO IT." Venom coaxes, fucking you harder, teasing you more.
"Yes! Fuck yes Venom! You can do anything! Fuck!" You cry out shaking as he rips your second orgasm from you. At that moment, Venom thrusts into into your ass and another scream falls from your lips. If you thought he was everywhere before, now it's even more overwhelming as he fucks you onto his dick in time with the tentacle moving in your ass.
"YESSSSSS." He hisses out.
"V-Venom 's it's too much." You whimper, every part in your body feels too hot.
"YOU CAN TAKE IT. YOU SAID I CAN DO ANYTHING TO YOU. I'M GOING TO RUIN YOU." He says. His tongue snakes out of his mouth and slithers down your chest, lapping at one nipple while a tentacle continues to work the other. It's too much and the speed with which your third orgasm starts building scares you. He very well might actually devour you at this rate. "YOU'RE TAKING ME SO WELL. YOU WERE MADE FOR THIS."
"I- I- please Venom- fucking hell-" Your whimpers are hardly coherent as pleasure threatens to consume you.
"I CAN FEEL ANOTHER ORGASM COMING. LET GO FOR ME MORSEL. GIVE IN." Venom beguiles, his touch returning to your clit to push you over the edge. With the way he works every part of you there's no stopping your release when it gushes from you. "SO GOOD. ANOTHER." He commands.
"I- wait Venom wait- too soon." You plead breathlessly.
"I can't- n-not yet."
"YOU CAN BECAUSE I'M GOING TO MAKE YOU." He declares as he continues rubbing against your too sensitive clit. You try to squirm away from his ministrations but with him filling your holes you're unable to run as he plays with your most sensitive areas.
"S-shit Venom please I-"
"JUST ONE MORE. ONE MORE AND I'LL LET YOU HAVE A BREAK." He promises and it's enough to send you over the edge a fourth time with a weak whimper. Venom lets up on your clit, focusing now, on his own release. He drives into you, little whines still falling from your lips as exhaustion sets in. "I COULD STAY LIKE THIS FOREVER." He declares with a grunt as he floods your walls with evidence of his orgasm. He stands there holding you for a while, wondering if moving you would break you. Eventually, he moves you to the couch and lays with you on top of him. Now that he's experienced this, knows the warmth of you, it's something he refuses to go without again. Whether you want this or not Venom is yours now and will always find his way back to you.
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clockwayswrites · 9 months
Like Betta Fish Do Part 25
WC: 3,537 Masterpost CW: Canon typical violence
“I can’t believe I’m in a custom suit,” Danny said as he admired himself in the mirror.
“It is really weird the first few times,” Jason agreed as he did up his own cufflinks.
Danny twisted so that the very faint blue on blue pattern sewn into the suit caught the light. It gave the impression of rolling waves. “So how many fish things did you manage to fit in?”
He watched the reflection to catch Jason’s lips tick up into a pleased smile.
“Well there’s the fabric itself, deep ocean blue.”
“And patterned like waves,” Danny finished. “I caught that.”
“Your shirt and tie are sea foam white.”
“Okay, that one might be a stretch,” Danny said, but he touched the fabric gently.
Jason rolled his eyes. “I’m counting it. The pocket square, very nontraditional, is a Japanese indigo linen in a pattern that is a historic representation of waves. The buttons are abalone, the cufflinks red coral, and the tie pin is mother of pearl.”
“Six, if I give you sea foam white.”
“You better, I worked hard on this. And it’s actually seven, one last thing,” Jason said. He picked up a blue velvet jewelry box off his side table and held it out.
Danny took it curiously. It was bigger than a ring box, but smaller than a necklace case. He brushed his thumb over the soft covering before he snapped the lid open. His breath caught.
Inside was a set of earrings. Simple silver studs for for his cartilage piercings, a pearl earring for his left ear, and then the show stopper: a crystal studded and delicate woven silver betta fish on a chain for his right ear. Its black pearl eyes were bright. They almost made it seem alive.
“I tried to stay subtle with the rest, but this I couldn’t resist,” he said. “You’re my fish, and everyone at the gala should know that.”
Danny carefully closed the box before he flung his arms around Jason’s neck and pulled the other down for a kiss.
“Careful,” Jason murmured when the kiss broke, “if we show up late and mussed Tim will frown at us the whole night.”
“That would be a shame,” Danny whispered back before kissing Jason again.
“I can’t believe I’m being the voice of reason,” Jason said, “but you have to let me get dressed.”
“Fine,” Danny said, even if it made him want to pout. “Maybe… I can take it off after the gala then?”
The pink that Jason blushed was more than worth being bold and Danny took a moment to admire it before he turned to put in the earrings.
Behind him, Jason knotted a white (or sea foam, Danny supposed) tie and shrugged on a matching jacket. The suit looked bright, almost glowing, against the rich blue dress shirt that complimented Danny’s own suit. He couldn’t be sure what it was from this distance, but Danny thought he saw the glint of white on white embroidery on the cuffs and lapels of the suit. It was the silver fish bone tie pin that made him laugh.
“People are going to have questions.”
“Let them,” Jason said with a cheshire smile.
“I’m starting to get what going to a gala with you will be like,” Danny said.
“Oh, this is tame for me,” Jason said. “I’m behaving.”
“I know, it’s part of your charm.”
“If only the press thought that,” Jason said, grabbing his phone as it beeped. “That’s our car.”
“I wish we could just take your bike,” Danny said, watching Jason put his phone back down, “and our phones.”
“Suit lines. I’ve got a connection to the family,” Jason assured Danny.
“Still. But I guess those suit lines do really great things for your ass and it would be a shame to ruin that,” Danny agreed with a put upon sigh.
“You’re incorrigible tonight,”Jason said (not that he seemed to mind if his smirk was any hint).
“Maybe it’s just that new years mood,” Danny said with a little shrug, lacing their fingers together as they left. “This year turned out pretty great, and I bet next year is going to be even better.”
“Yeah? Any reason for that?”
“Well, I happened to move to a city that’s pretty weird but also pretty awesome,” Danny said.
“Good reason,” Jason agreed. “What else?”
“I’m finally in the degree for what I want to do, and I’m kicking ass at it.”
“Of course you are, you’re brilliant,” Jason said, holding the door open to the town car after he subtly checked the plates. “Nothing else?”
“Well,” Danny drew the word out as he slid into the car. “There’s this guy I met, maybe you know him? Tall, dark, and handsome?”
“I don’t know, he doesn’t sound real,” Jason teased and leaned into Danny’s space.
Danny leaned up and pressed Jason into a light kiss. “He is pretty magical.”
“The red carpet, less than magical,” Danny said once they were through the sea of reporters and photographers. “I’m going to be seeing camera flashes for weeks.”
“Only a few hours at most,” Jason said.
“I can’t tell if you’re joking or not, your whole being is just one blinding white blur,” Danny said, motioning at Jason, who laughed and caught Danny’s hand.
Jason pressed a quick kiss to the fingertips. The cameras went off in another round of flashes, apparently not having enough of the lost Wayne and his boyfriend. “Come on, let’s head further in away from this circus.”
“Is your family here yet?” Danny asked as they headed into the gala proper. Jason was skilled at keeping them moving without getting caught up by any one group, even as he greeted some of them.
“Bruce, Damian, and Duke arrived pretty on time so Bruce could greet people. Tim is around here somewhere too, networking I’m sure unless Bernard has distracted him. He’ll have arrived with Cass and Steph, who you haven’t met. Steph isn’t family, but she’s family, you know?”
“I think so?” Danny at least assume that meant she was in the Bat life.
“And Dick should be around here or will soon, likely with Barbie.”
“Barbie?” Danny took one of the drink glasses that Jason had snagged. The tart tang of cranberry bloomed across his tongue followed by the burn of alcohol and lingering taste of sugar. It was good.
“Yeah, but don’t call her that. Her name is Barbara, but she goes by Babs.”
“But you can get away with Barbie?”
“He was a very cute kid,” a voice behind them said. “Somehow he convinced me to let him.”
Danny spun and then had to look down to meet the gaze of the red headed woman in a wheelchair. He couldn’t help but feel a pang for Jazz, but it was softened by the fact that he’d get to see her soon.
“Bull,” Danny said with a smile, offering his hand. “I refuse to believe that Jason was ever not a little shit.”
“Oh, no, he was still a little shit,” Babs said, returning the handshake firmly. “But he was a cute little shit.”
Danny sighed dramatically and looked over at Jason. “Where did you go so wrong?”
“Hey, I believe it was you who were extolling the virtues of my ass in this suit not that long ago,” Jason said with just the hint of a pout.
“I think most of the press will be doing that too, so I’m not sure how much weight that has,” Babs said, painted lips ticked up in clear amusement.
Jason just sighed while Danny laughed.
“I like you, Babs. Is Babs okay for me to call you?”
“Of course, you’re Jason’s man, so you can call me Babs. And I really do prefer it to Barbara. The name is just a little old fashion, you know?”
“And you’re a modern kind of woman?” Danny asked with a smile.
“In so many ways,” Babs said. “But I better go make the rounds, or at least find where Dick is. He got distracted.”
“Isn't he always?” Jason said and bid Babs farewell.
“Are they together? Dick and Babs?” Danny ask as he watched her wheel away.
“Not anymore, but they were,” Jason explained. “They’re still really close. And Babs has been close to the family for a lot of years, so she’s special to all of us, you know? She’s a real inspiration to Cass and Steph.”
Oh, that sort of friend. “Wait, was she?”
“Yeah. So you know.”
“Yeah, I bet,” Danny said. The wheelchair meant something a little differently now. He took a breath and looked around the gala, which was already swarming with beautiful, laughing people. He felt out of place without Babs’ friendly face distracting him.
“Come on, I bet we can find some family to talk too,” Jason said, taking Danny’s hand and giving it a squeeze. “There are a few people who I’ll need to hit up tonight for the Foundation stuff, you know, try to get some donations from them or build up the start of that, but you don’t have to hang with me during any of that. There's plenty of siblings around for you to chat with and use as a distraction. Hell, could always introduce you to Lucius or some of the other inventors we have and you all could talk nerd shop.”
“Nerd shop,” Danny repeated with a sigh. “You say Lucius who I’m going to assume is the Lucius Fox and call it nerd shop like that man is not out there breaking barriers and changing the world with his inventions? And that’s just the stuff that’s been announced to the public! Who knows what else he’s been doing behind closed doors! It must be mind blowing.”
“Well, thank you, but I have a lot of very smart people working for me, so it’s hardly just my work that’s out there making waves,” a silky voice said from behind them.
Danny spun and couldn’t help the little squeak he gave.
Jason chuckled and reached out to shake the man’s hand. “Lucius, how are you doing? Did you manage to drag any of your family to tonight’s event?”
“Just my lovely wife. The rest found excuses, you know how it is.”
“I do. Sadly I’m in a position of note now,” Jason said, the words practically had air quotes around them, “so I’m afraid that my days of excuses are gone.”
“Oh, I’m sure that you can still find a few when you truly need them. You’ve always been mighty good at that.”
Jason just shrugged with an unrepentant grin. “Well, you know. But anyway, Lucius, this is my boyfriend Danny. Danny, this, as I guess you know from that sound you made, is Lucius Fox.”
“Of course I know. Really, sir, the work you and your teams have done… amazing.”
“Just Lucius, Danny,” the man said, reaching out to shake Danny’s hand. “If you’re dating Jason I expect that we’ll run into each other from time to time and I am too old for formalities like that.”
“Alright, just Lucius then. I can’t wait to tell my friend Tucker I met you.”
“Another one for, what was that you said Jason, ‘nerd shop talk’ like you are?”
“Totally. He’s in computer sciences, but he’s not bad at engineering some hardware when he needs to. Mostly to be able to get his software to run on, but I always make fun of his soldering.”
“So you must solder a lot then?”
“Yes s— er Lucius. Aerospace engineering, but I grew up always tinkering and things. I still do it some, but it’s harder here when I don’t have the space, you know? First dibs on tables and tools go to the other majors, which I get, since they need them more than us.”
“Still, hard not to be able to get your hands dirty when you want to. Are you going to be in Gotham for the summer? Not sure where you call home.”
“Well, at the moment, home is Gotham. I want to visit some friends and my sisters, but I’ll be here, yeah. I might take a summer course and get an advanced math knocked out or something.”
“A good plan. You should reach back out to me around early May then. I bet we can find a corner of one of the labs for you to at least use on the weekends when no one is around doing work much.”
“Really?” Danny said, hands twitching at just the idea of getting into a space where he could do some inventing. He had so many new ideas from his time at Gotham U on to improve some of his parent’s inventions or even make new things.
“Really. There will be the usual red tape and all, background checks and paper work and hours you’re allowed in, but those things can be worked out. Can’t keep a curious mind and skilled hands stagnant, now can we?”
“I know I can’t,” Danny said with a little laugh. “Thank you Lucius, really, I’ll definitely take advantage of that again. And start planning! I mean I have plans, of course I do, but a lot is just rough sketches, you know? I need to do some proper diagrams for a few things.”
He didn’t want to waste a moment once he had access to tools again— especially not the tools that were available to him at a place like Wayne Enterprises. Danny idly wondered if it would be out by summer that he knew about the Bats. Lucius had to be involved in that work and it would be so cool to take a look under the proverbial and the literal hood of those gadgets. Did they store the Batplane here?
Lucius chuckled and smiled. “Yes, I think you’ll fit right into that corner. You two boys behave now.”
“Never,” Jason said with a laugh and shook Lucius’ hand one more time as they parted ways.
The night turned into a slew of little meetings like that— people coming up to talk to Jason. Some of the conversations were enjoyable like with Babs and Lucius (Steph was overwhelming, but cool), some were with the many family members Jason had, and some were with the tpyical the socialite crowd. Those people seemed either to be there to get their claws in Jason or to observe Danny like he was some curiosity. Danny really could do without that type. Luckily, Jason seemed to know this, and Danny was passed off to Dick a few hours in and then freed to the food table after some teasing.
Really, even with the gawkers, the night was pretty fun.
“Hey Barbie, have you seen Danny recently?” Jason asked as he crossed her path at the party.
“No, but I’ve been talking tech. Have you tried over by the food?”
“That’s where I just came from,” Jason said with a little frown. These things were really too busy, one of the many reasons that he hated them. “I guess I’ll go try another sibling. Dick hadn’t seen him in a bit either, he got distracted by one of the people from the foundation that works with kids.”
“I keep waiting for him to join you there, you know. You could try Tim if he hasn’t been co-opted by Bernard yet,” she suggested. “How long has he been schmoozing?”
“Too long, Tim is worthless to me I’m sure. Cass would be—”
Jason dropped instinctively to cover Babs before he even registered the sound of shattering glass.
The all to familiar muzzle of a gun pressed into the base of Jason’s head. “Turn around slowly. Try anything and I’ll shoot through you to get your lovely friend.”
Jason locked eyes with Babs, a thousand messages passed in that look as he slowly raised his hands and turned around.
It was one of the waiters.
Okay, it was a number of the waiters, Jason mentally corrected as he took in the room. Each of them with a gun pointed at some portion of the party. Jason spotted Bruce and Damian where they were being rounded up and Steph over on the edges of the room, but he couldn’t find Tim, Dick, or Cass on the quick glance at the space.
He snapped his focus back to the gunman at a popping sound. The man raised his left hand to his face and smeared the popped paint pellet across his face, coating half of it in a splotchy blue.
Guess they knew what Two Face was up to now. Speaking of the man of the hour, Two Face walked through the shadowed window, black and white suit spotless and fit for the event, and flanked by henchmen. He was clapping. Head tilted so that the bright lights caught his good side.
“Lovely event Bruice! Really, a shinning light in Gotham to ring in the new year. Don’t mind us, please, we’re just here to pick up the usual, jewels, watches, money clips, wire transfers. I’m afraid we need the extra funding…” He twitched, twisting so that the scarred side of his face was tilted forward. “Because the damn Bat made sure we lost it all! I’m hoping he shows tonight. I’d like to make sure he doesn’t make it to the new year!”
Dent cleared his throat; his right hand smoothed back his hair, tipping his head back the other way. “Sorry about that. Just some… linger resentment. You all know how it is. But let’s not get too serious yet! Brucie! And his adorable little spawn! Some of our guests of honor too! Behave if you don’t want to be shot in the head.”
Jason watched helplessly as Bruce, Damian, and several other social elite like the mayor were lashed together with rope. Two Face walked over after they were trussed and slapped a bomb to Bruce’s chest. While the the henchman secured it, Two Face turned to the crowd.
“Where is he? Our darling lost prince of Gotham?”
The gunman stuck the cold metal back to the base of Jason’s neck and pushed him forward.
The bomb started ticking down.
“There you are! When I heard you returned to us, my heart swelled, truly,” Dent said, looking up with his good eye as if praying to heaven. “And now! Now I hear you’ve found love!”
Dent bent over, cackling. The enlarged, yellow eye looked up at Jason from under the white bangs. “So let’s play a game while we count down to midnight.”
Two Face’s goons dramatically rolled out a podium. Two bright red buttons were mounted to it, right below a large television.
Danny was on the screen.
He was tied to a chair in some building’s basement. A bruise was already blooming to life around his right eye, deep blue as his suit. He had clearly caught a fist to the lip too. The fish earring was bright silver, catching light reflected from the pool of water that the chair was sat in.
“As you see, we’re giving your boyfriend some hospitality,” Dent said, smooth side of his face to Jason as he walked around the podium like some perverse Vanna White. “So you have a simple choice: decided what type of love is more important to you. Do you press the left button and save your boyfriend, letting your family and these other lovely people die to the bomb…”
He rounded the screen, scarred open eye starting at Jason accusingly. “…or do you press the button on the right and save the people in this room, but fry your boyfriend to death with electricity?”
Two Face snapped his fingers.
Danny’s head jerked up, unfocused eyes staring just to the right of the screen.
“Hey, dead boy,” Danny rasped. Just talking made the split on his lip crack and bleed again, adding another line of blood to his chin. On the screen the red was bright, bright, bright—
Jason clenched his hands. He was going to kill Two Face. “Hey, fish.”
“You know, the irony of this whole thing is that it does make me realize I'm pretty sure I'm in love with you.”
“Yeah? That's convenient. I've been in love with you for weeks.”
Dent cackled and motioned grandly at the trussed up people. The bright, bright red of the bombs’ timer counted down another tick. “Looks like you're all out of luck! True love always wins.”
He twisted to Jason with the scarred side of his face and growled, “Forty-five seconds left.”
“You know what you have to do, don't you?” Danny asked.
He was smiling at Jason, a soft calm thing. But Jason didn't know if he could trust it. He didn’t know Danny's limits. He didn’t know if this would kill him the rest of the way.
But he did know what Danny would never forgive him for. He knew he didn't really have a choice. “I do. I'm sorry.”
“Don't be.”
Jason lunged and hit the right button. On the screen, the wires sparked bright with electricity, lighting up the pool of water. And Danny screamed.
And screamed.
And screamed.
The camera cut out.
AN: We're finally here! To the scene I wrote last year! Aaaaaah~
I would say I'm sorry, but this time I truly am not. (Please don't stab me.) ._.
It will be fiiiiiiiine... right?
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iloveparkjonggun · 9 months
Lookism men x wife!reader
characters included; Gun, Goo and Jake. reader is fem, nicknames(dear, sweetkins, princess etc) , characters are aged up, SFW, fluff fluff AND fluff.
A/N: after finishing lookism, i couldn't stay silent any longer, i HAD to write for them despite literally having no idea how to, i suppose that this is the first time i'm writing something properly, haha. Anyways, have fun reading <3
_____ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚_______
. . . . . ╰──╮Park JongGun╭──╯ . . . . .
Gun aged like a fine wine, you must admit. The day you laid your eyes on him for the first time ever still replayed in your mind, although you wouldn't really admit it. Witnessing with a new student while you were just chasing around your cat was the least thing you expected, and that attidute of his, you didn't expect that either. You were 16 at that time, young and full of life. Life was dready sometimes, that's a fact that no one could never get rid of including you, but who cares? We're here to have fun, and that's how you lived your life. When you gave Gun a slight smile along with a wave for the first time, he just replied with a single glance and turned away. He was odd, you thought. You were familiar with the most of the students in your school, and since he was a new face, you just wanted to greet him kindly. And how did that thug react? Exactly.
That's when that guy, who's name you learned later sucesfully inserted himself in the bad side of you, you could easily tell that he was a delinquent from the way you looked, but still you can't judge a book by its cover, but including that attitude with that presence? yeah, he definetely was a delinquent.
You just had no idea how the time melted so quick, the guy who used to be nothing but a delinquent in your eyes years ago was now behind you, arms roaming around your waist, stroking you as if you were a sculpture while you were just trying to cook dinner. ''Dear,'' you call out, a smile unconsciously appearing in your lips. ''Go take a shower first, you must be tired after work.''
He almost purrs while nibbling on the side of your neck, ''I am. So let me reduce my exhaustion.'' You could feel him inhaling your scent, lips contacting with your skin, leaving several soft kisses which caused you to giggle slightly. ''Alright, enough. Go shower, dinner's almost ready.'' You turn your head, leaning closer to him. knowing what you were up to, he moves his face to the side, his cheek waiting to feel your lips on it. Expecting to greet with his cheek, you greet with his lips instead, tasting the cigaratte at the same time. Damn it, you think. You fell for this move again. The chuckles coming from him while he makes his way to the bathroom only increases the heat of your cheeks. With a sigh, you continue to cook, a smile on your face.
. . . . . ╰──╮Goo Kim ╭──╯ . . . . .
''Princess!~'' cooed Goo, grinning with his full teeth, seeming utterly excited on whatever he was about to show you. ''Guess what just happened.''
''What?'' You answer, pair of eyes still glued to your phone, which instantly goes noticed by your husband. A frown already on his face, he leans his head to your phone, blocking you from the view of your phone. ''Look at me, not at the phone.'' He narrows his eyes and gives you that pout. You put your phone aside, now your full attention on your needy husband. Resting his head on your lap, he gives you a cheeky smile.
''Guess what day tomorrow is!''
''September 11th?'' You ask, one eyebrow slightly raising as you played dumb.
''Yes it is but, that wasn't the answer i was looking for.'' His lips quivers, before he tilts his head ''Don't tell me that you forgot, Y/N~'' He whines, which was when you decide that it was the time to drop the mask. A chuckle could be heard from you as you gaze down at him.
"Silly. what do you think that i was searching at my phone?''
''Wha- hey, you're just trying to change the topic now!''
''No im not, dumbass. I was searching for places to spend your anniversary.''
''Stop trying to change the to- Oh.'' Hearing those words causes the pout replace with a smile which easily reached his ears. ''Aww, sweetkins!'' In a blink of an eye, Goo was now straddling your lap, throwing his arms around your neck while he buried your head on his chest, rubbing your head on his chest as he hugged you. ''I knew that you didn't forget about it!''
'' 'Course i didn't forget, how could i- Goo get the hell away from me i cant breathe.''
''Oh.'' From his facial expression you clarify that he forgot how heavy and muscular he was for a moment. Now, you were the one on top of him, sitting on his laps as he hugged you, grinning up at you through your chest. ''Better now?''Your hand extends to his blond hand on its own as you smile back. ''Better.''
. . . . . ╰──╮ Jake Kim ╭──╯ . . . . .
You were gazing at the big deal street with your husband, head resting on his shoulder, his hand slowly stroking your waist, keeping you close as the cheerful talks of the people mixed with each other on the background while you both enjoyed each other's company in silence ''How odd.'' You break the silence first, recalling memories. ''Years passed, yet, this street still looks the same.'' Glancing up towards Jake, your smile widened at the sight of the smile displaying on your beloved's lips.
His irises' attention was now on you instead of the street as he smirked. ''How odd.'' He repeated your sentence, ''Years passed, yet, you're still beautiful as you were before.'' lips slightly parting away, you couldn't even reply to that sudden compliment, but your face sure did, which earned a loud laugh from your husband as he brought you closer, while you frowned, eyes on your shoes, attempting to hide your red cheeks despite already being aware that it wouldn't work.
''Damn you romancist.''
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Danny at the tender age of 23, has had a bad month. He had just lost his job as an interpreter with his company due to rejecting the advances of one of the older female bosses and his landlord was trying to screw him over on rent.
It honestly surprised him when he woke up one day with his wrists bound in front of him and trapped in a tube. He had been out of the hero game since the portals closed up years ago and Vlad lost his powers, so it had been a while since the whole "kidnapping" thing had happened to him.
He looked out through the glass of the tube as he turned intangible to let the IV needles fall out of his arms. There luckly wasn't any glowing green goo in the tube with him, but he doubts it will stay that way long as the scientists outside his containment chatted happily about "the discovery of the decade!" Ick.
He waits till they're gone before turning intangible slipping out of his tube and heading straight for the computer. He knew how to hack, but he was low on time and needed to know exactly what was going on, so some ghostly meddling with electronics were necessary. Sorry Tuck.
It was at this moment he found out several things.
1. Danny had apparently been here for several months instead of the few days he had initially assumed
2. He was found somewhere in his own thermos, asleep. Luckily they haven't been able to replicate any technology from it.
3. Superheros were a very real thing now. How long had he been asleep?
4. He had been cloned. Again. But this time he had someone else's DNA mixed in with the clones to make them more stable and intelligent. Some guy named Red Robin. Huh. Was that his real name or...?
Danny took a deep breath before locating his new clone kids. Ellie would be thrilled...if she was still around that is. He could think about that later, right now he had to grab his babies-and oh ancients- they were babies! The oldest of the three looked four years old at most and the youngest looked only a few hours. He was still all pink and alien looking.
Luckily his children didn't fight him when he picked them up and flew through the walls with them. He made a mental note to teach them stranger danger when he came across a large red button.
You won't believe what it was labeled as. Yep. A self destruct button. How cliché. Whatever. He pushed it and sirens immediately started to go off and he continued flying them through walls before exited into a dark gothic city he knew Sam would immediately love.
Somehow he managed to immediately land a job as a linguist for Wayne tech. Probably thanks to the three small kids he had and the panicked look on his face. Bruce was a really chill dude.
Batman however, was a prick. He met the guy weeks after his run in with Bruce and he kept popping up after he found out the clone babies were partially from one of his birds and trying to take custody away from him or convince him to give them up. Danny retaliated by spreading the rumor/truth that his kids where Red Robins from creepy cloning scientists that kidnapped him before immediately moving out of Gotham and into Fawcett City to work for a competitors company. This way Red couldn't legally go after him for custody without revealing his identity :)
This is how Red Robin, at the tender age of 25, learned he had kids with a man named Daniel Nightengale. Not only that, Bruce knew about them and didn't tell him.
Danny made it clear that if any of the Gotham Rouges tried to follow him and harm his kids they would come back missing a hand. Joker found out the hard way that he wasn't bluffing.
Shazams old guy mentor almost has an aneurysm when he senses the freaking GHOST KING living in Fawcett. Danny is also much more powerful then ever before and accidentally made the power go out in half the city when he got truly angry with Batman.
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We will protect you. Part V
Self-Aware! Port Mafia x GN! Reader
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Description: Day two of Charity Fair. Today's plan was simple. Meet your uncle and aunt, wait, until Port Mafia deal with them, go to the café, work your shift, while Port Mafia deal with the rest of Stalker's accomplices.
But one phone call destroy the plan.
Time for Port Mafia to meet your extended family.
Part IV
Warning: OOC, Bad relatives, Relatives are bad people. Slight body horror, Some of Reader's relatives despise them for not caring about partner's gender and being okay with poly relationship, mentions of bullying, mentions of public humiliation, English is my second language.
You were going through the familiar town.
Winter winds flew through dark, empty streets.
Sharp snowflakes and wings make it hard to see.
Thick snow, that covered the ground, make it impossible to run. And almost impossible to walk.
Especially to you.
You were shorter. You were younger.
Kid again.
The same age when that happened.
Simple kid going down empty streets.
Not in an empty town.
You feel their gazes on you.
They were looking through the dark.
Children. Your former classmates. With mutilated grins, ripped out ears and empty eye sockets. Pointing at the giant house on the top of the hill.
"[Y/N], you should be there..."
Adults. Their parents, teachers, workers.
With mutilated grins, ripped off ears and empty eye sockets, they circled you, whispering.
"[Y/N]... Go back, [Y/N], your home is waiting..."
And you tried to run.
You try to go as fast, as you can.
Far, from this town, far from this place.
From that place, on the top of the hill. A huge, black, shadow, that wanted to swallow you whole...
And bring you to monsters, that lived inside...
You ran. And ran.
You stayed in one place.
Children and adults swarmed you.
They hold you up and carried towards that place.
Right before it, they stopped.
It didn't cast a normal shadow.
Instead of a shadow, the black goo, that smelled like rotting meat, splashed at the steps of that place.
The crowd threw you forward. Right into the goo.
Goo swallows your legs and start moving up your body.
You can't scream. You can't cry.
Black waves closed over your head.
You didn't scream, when you woke up. You didn't cry and simply let out a sigh. You were used to the nightmares.
Despite having the last nightmare, that was related to... that event, a few months ago, before BSD Gang appeared in your apartment, you still remember not to shout or cry. These nightmares became a familiar horror through the years.
You keep your eyes closed, listening to what happened around.
Nothing was happening. Your room was quiet. If you cared enough and keep your ears open, you, probably, would hear some noises from the corridor.
But your room was quiet. You open your eyes.
You were alone in bed. But, after a quick check, you discovered, that the bed was still warm.
Koyouu and Mori woke up not long ago. You cast a quick glance towards the clock on the wall.
"8:30 am? Still have plenty of time..." mumble you and bury yourself deeper in blankets. You closed your eyes again and decide to sleep more. Maybe, this time, you won't have nightmares.
Besides, if BSD Cast needs you, they will wake you up.
For the second time you woke up because of the smell of coffee, sounds of footsteps and warm breath against your cheek. A pair of moist lips planted a gentle kiss on your cheek.
You opened your eyes and turned your head.
Nikolai's eyes were shiny and full of poorly hidden tenderness. His braid was loose, that made his hair look a little bit shaggy.
Kolya run his hand through your hair.
"Morning, My Sweet Birdy" whispered he. You yawn, close your eyes again, and worm yourself deeper into the plush covers. You don't want to get up.
You tried to ignore Kolya's hands, that were still running through your hair.
"Come on, Birdy, time to get up." Another whisper, followed by a kiss in the ear. You didn't react. Mostly. You couldn't help, but smile.
Kolya's petting became more and more insistent. You didn't budge.
Kolya stopped playing with your hair. You heard sounds of steps.
The next moment, something heavy fell on you, squeezing you in a hug, and started tickling you.
Laughing like crazy, you try to get free from Kolya's grasp, but his grip was stronger. His fingers tickle your sides.
"K-Kolya! Please... Enough!" plead you through laughter. Kolya only squeeze you harder.
"No, don't think so!" grinned him. "You look too cute right now."
His right hand started ticking your belly, while left hand continue to tickle your side.
"I give up! I am awake, I am awake!" laughed you. Kolya huffed, and, after tickling you for a few moments, finally, let you go.
You were laying on your back, breathing heavily. Kolya was still laying on top of you.
"Let's get you up" he helped you to sit on the bed. While you were stretching, he picked up a little tray he brought with him. On the tray there were two coffee mugs, a creamer and bowl of sugar. Gogol placed the tray on your bedside table, and gave one of the mugs to you.
Dark, almost black beverage was hot. You could feel the heat through the mug.
"Thanks, Kolya," mumbles you, adding cream. Kolya skipped cream part, but add two spoons of sugar.
"You are welcome, [Y/N]"
You take a generous sip of coffee. Marvelous, truly marvelous.
You two enjoyed your coffee in a silence.
The remaining of your nightmare faded away.
After a good hot cup of coffee, good, long, steaming-hot shower and fresh comfy pair of clothes later, you were ready to fight the world. And have breakfast.
You went downstairs to the first floor, to the dining room.
The table was already full, Nikolai, who left your room after he finished his coffee, waved at you, beckoning you to sit between him and Akutagawa.
You loudly say 'Good morning' and, after receiving sixty-seven 'Good mornings' in return (In response to John's, who was sitting on the other side of Gogol, silent question Kolya shrugged and said, that he liked to said good morning to Birdy and will do it again, if chance arise), take offered sit.
Immediately, a plate was put before you.
Full of hashbrowns, crème fraîche¹ and berries.
The mug of black tea was put before you shortly after.
You nodded gratefully to Verlaine (he was the one, who get up from his seat to put your food before you) and pricked the first hashbrown on your fork.
Most of the breakfast passed peacefully. You started a conversation with Akutagawa siblings about your school days, carefully avoiding some topics you don't want to discuss right now.
Yet you waited for the eruption.
Eruption, that was caused by Sigma.
Man finished his coffee and call for you.
"[Y/N], I have been wondering about something..."
You turned your head in his direction and smiled.
"Yes, Sigma?"
Sigma looked at his palms, then back at you.
"A few months ago, you said, that you don't have a home, because your relatives don't want to see you. Yet, you seemed happy, when you get the message from your aunt, before..." Sigma squirmed, not wanting to say 'helped the stalker'. "Why were you happy?"
You spoke carefully.
"I hoped, that they wanted to extend an olive branch." it was partly true. BSD Cast helped you with your self-esteem. Now you wanted to change your life. To change your relationship with your family. "Besides, Uncle Justin and Aunt Angela are... were... are... on a fence about my decision, that leads to my family blacklisting me. But, there are relatives, that I don't want to talk to ever again."
Complete truth. You mentally prayed that Sigma wouldn't ask any more questions.
Sigma spoke again.
"[Y/N], all this month ago, you promised to tell us about, what happened when you were a child..."
You didn't let him finish, before putting your mug down.
"Not today." Your voice was hard as steel. You felt gazes of the others on you. You feel guilty.
'In their world they weren't allowed to keep secrets, their lives were open book to millions of strangers. And here I am, keeping a secret from them. An important secret.'
You stare at your mug. Your mouth felt dry.
"Remember, that I mentioned inheritance and old hotel yesterday?" you asked without addressing anyone in particular.
"Yes" Sigma answered, while others nodded.
Okay, good. Now you must say more.
"The hotel in question belong to my family. By my father's side. They have a rule in inheriting it. Older child from the generation will get it. Gender doesn't matter, only the right of firstborn matters. And... I am next in line in inheriting it... That abandoned building... Building, where something terrible happened, back, when I was a child..."
The room was silent. You feel, that they want to ask more. But, they saw your expression. You will choose, when to talk and what to say.
"Before me, it belonged to my uncle." You forced yourself to speak. "And, after his death, it will belong to me."
Because, I became a firstborn
You sip your tea. You need to calm down. This time, Francis spoke.
"And they wanted to have a hotel to themselves, right? Can't you sigh the ownership to them?"
You shook your head.
"I can, but it's not the problem, that I will be the owner" it is also the problem, I just learned to ignore it "The problem is what I am planning to do with the hotel."
You sighed, looked at the distance. At the baby blue curtains on the window.
she had ribbon the same color as that curtains
"The moment I inherit the hotel... I will go to that old town and burn the damned, wretched place. Then will sell the land and give all money I earn from the deal to the charity organizations."
The room was still silent. Francis perks up.
"Interesting businesses plan, [Y/N]. Want me to research the charity organizations to make sure, that they can be trusted?"
John reached to your hand and squeeze it.
"And I can take a look at people, who you want to sell land to. So they can be trusted."
No questions. No one tried to make you change your mind. That's how your family should have reacted back then. Especially, because they knew about your reasons. Reasons, that were hidden from BSD Cast.
You shook your head.
"Maybe, later, when time came."
You take a bite from one of the two remaining hasnbrowns.
You feel, how your mood became worse. Okay, you need a distraction. Or conclude this talk. After swallowing the hashbrown, you spoke again.
"I am still not ready about what happened in the past. But! I will answer three 'yes/no' questions about it."
You must learn to trust people. Don't carry your burdens alone.
You heard Ayatsuji's calm voice.
"Has anyone died?"
Ranpo's tone was careful.
"Was it your family member?"
A final question came from Sigma. He looked apologetic.
"They were the only victim?"
'According to every existed moral, there were only one victim. In the eyes of the law, there were at least two.'
You return to your breakfast, showing, that you don't want to talk about it anymore.
The rest of the breakfast were mostly silent, but not uncomfortable.
After a few minutes of silence, you cracked a few jokes and assured BSD Cast, that you will be fine and nothing terrible has happened.
One by one, BSD Cast finished eating breakfast and leave the dinning room to do something else.
Soon, only Port Mafia members and you remained in the Dining room.
It was time to discuss today's plan.
You drank the rest of your tea, trying not to pay attention to the arguing Mori and Fitzgerald. The reason, they were fighting?
'Who should punish who'
You didn't even start the discussion, when Francis returned and started arguing with Mori.
"And I tell you, that it would be better, if we take care of the manager!" Fitzgerald still sounds patient, but, you could tell, that, he doesn't have much patience left. "He is helping Stalker for money, and who is better to punish him, then The Guild?"
Mori's eyes narrowed, his voice sounded lower, than usual.
"Port Mafia is capable enough to deal with him. And with anyone, who dares to assist Stalker."
Fitzgerald raised an eyebrow.
"And will they be alive after what Port Mafia do to them? Tell me, Boss of Port Mafia, will you send" suddenly, Fitzgerald closed his mouth and whispered something under his breath. Then he continues talking, "Akutagawa to the police station? We all knew, how good it will end."
Akutagawa, who was sitting near you, glare at Fitzgerald. Before you had to deal with Rashomon, you put your hand on Akutagawa's head and start to ruffle his hair. Akutagawa stopped glaring at Fitzgerald. You heard a quiet rumble, and you feel Rashomon headbutting your free hand.
You decide to stop drinking tea and pat Akutagawa and Rashomon instead.
On the background, Francis and Mori still were arguing.
"And what do you want to do, Mister Buisnessesmen? Pay Burke, so he will stop helping Stalker?" Mori rolled his eyes. Fitzgerald's eye twitch.
Okay, you should probably get involved. You stand up and removed your hands from Akutagawa and Rashomon.
"Can I..." before you can finish, you felt, how Akutagawa gently grab your right hand and placed it back on his head. Rashomon headbutted your left arm.
Fine, you can talk and give pats at the same time.
"Can I ask something?" Francis and Mori stop arguing and looked at you. You asked Mori.
"Ougai, I am curious, who is going after whom?"
Francis wanted to say something, but you stopped him with your gaze. Mori began to speak.
"Well, I was thinking about sending Rimbaud-kun and Verlaine-kun to the university, so they can deal with professors..."
You giggle nervously. There are many single professors and assistants in your university. And, asking two handsome Frenchmen to go there, might lead to some interesting results.
You remembered your professor of French literature. Mr. Charron was very fond of the works of Paul Verlaine and Arthur Rambaud (though even his lectures on them were so boring that you tried your best not to fall asleep). Professor Charron also liked the authors in question. Little impish side of you wanted to introduce him to your Verlaine and Rimbaud.
"...Kajii-kun, Hirotsu-san and Akutagawa-kun will deal with manager..."
Okay... It's... concerning. You don't feel any sympathy towards the person, who sold you for money, but, it seems, Port Mafia took it too personal.
You feel, how Akutagawa tensed, so, you start scratching his head, instead of petting. It calmed him down.
"...Oda-kun will be your personal guardian for today..."
You are more, than fine with this idea.
"...Elise-chan, Karma-kun, Q and I will deal with your aunt and uncle..."
Okay... something feels wrong...
"...And Flags will deal with your cousin."
You imagine Tory against Flags. Five against one. One of them is a hit man. You glance at Iceman. It seems, that he also didn't like that idea. All Flags look like they don't like the idea.
To be fair, only Oda and Mori seems okay with this plan.
Something really was wrong.
You meet Mori's patient gaze. It seems, he wanted to hear your opinion.
"Have no reason to say 'no' to this idea..." nodded you. Mori looked triumphantly at Francis. "Especially, if you tell me the real plan."
Mori's eyes sparkled with amusement.Mori's eyes sparkled with amusement.
"Are you sure, you don't want to follow this plan?"
You shook your head. Mori simply smiled and cleaned his throat.
"Plan is simple. You are going to stay near Oda-kun and Natsume-sensei, until we deal with Stalker's accomplices. We will decide on a spot, who should punish whom. And, of course, no five against one."
Okay, this one sounds better. You nodded.
"This is acceptable. Sorry, Francis," you look at Fitzgerald. "But, it seems, The Guild can sit it through"
Fitzgerald wanted to say something, but a dreadful familiar sound interrupted him.
The library phone was ringing.
You answered the phone.
"[Y/N]? It's me, [C/N]. I want to tell you... Please, don't hate me. I did it for you. One day, you will thank me for that." your cousin ended the call, before you could ask any questions.
You blinked.
'What just happened?'
"[Y/N]? Do you have any ideas, what is happening?"
You turned around, noticing Verlaine, who stepped inside the library and walked closer to you. You shook your head.
"Not the slightest. [C/N]... She isn't a bad person. She can be a little bit inconsiderate, but her heart in the right place. But, she can be overdramatic." You glance at the stuck speaker button and the cracked table. "So, if she thinks, that I could hate her for something she did, it probably isn't that bad."
Verlaine didn't look convinced, but he didn't press further. Verlaine offers his hand to you.
"Well then, let's go, choose, who will go with you to the meeting with your uncle and aunt."
But, before you can take Verlaine's hand, your cellphone vibrated. You got a message.
You took it and open the chat app.
You read the message. You felt shivers running down your spine. You start sweating.
'[C/N]... You little abomination....'
You felt an urge to destroy something. You threw your cellphone on the floor and, if it wasn't for Paul's reaction, it would shatter against the floor. You rushed into the depths of the library. Verlaine followed you.
"Paul! Let me go, I want to eliminate this thing!"
You glared at the library phone. You were holding Real-live Gogol bronze burst up above your head, and if it wasn't for Verlaine's grip, you would destroy the damn phone with it.
Paul pulled you closer to his chest.
"No, [Y/N], I won't. Calm down!"
BSD Gang gathered in the library after hearing the noise. And they saw you, who was rushing towards the table with the telephone, holding a bronze bust of Real-life Gogol above your head and screaming “I gave you life, I will also kill you²", Verlaine, who, somehow, could barely keeping up with you, and Chuuya, who was running towards two of you.
"I will do it! I will go to [C/N]'s house and fight her with Dostoevsky!"
"Are you talking about bronze burst, books, or me?" Fyodor raised an eyebrow, looking at you and Verlaine.
You felt, how burst became heavier. You looked up, noticing, that Verlaine was using his ability on it, trying to make you drop it.
'Gang and their shamanism with game files. Was it really necessary for them to completely return Verlaine’s old ability?'
Nevertheless, he is won. You growl through teeth.
"I am calm."
And you do put burst on the table.
You were breathing heavily. You close your eyes, country from one to ten.
"[Y/N]? What was that performance was for?" Fukuchi looked you up and down.
You try your best not to growl.
"Paul, please, can you read the message I just got. And please, remember, that there are kids here."
Paul, who still was pressing you against his chest with one arm, took your phone from his pocket and opened the message app.
"[Y/N] [L/N]. I am deeply disappointed at you. You live in a sin, become a wh... bad person. Jumping from bed to bed, without care of their age or gender... [C/N] told us about you, sinful sl... bad person... How dare you to destroy all my hard work I did for you, when you were at school and showed first sighs of a sin? You are in need of salvation. You must meet us in "Sakura" restaurant. Your aunts and uncles, grandfather and I will be waiting. Your grandmother, Bella Blackwood. P.S.: I have already talked with the café manager, you will not come to work today"
You rub your temples. Your voice sounded hoarse.
"Change of plans. All Port Mafia will go with me to a family meeting. I won't deal with this serpentarium by my own."
"But... What about other accomplises?" asked Elise, taking a step back. She was worried about your reaction.
You point at Fitzgerald.
"Be happy, Francis. The Guild will deal with Mr. Manager."
"Okay, what's the new plan?" Asked Mori, taking a step forward.
"To shock my 'dear' relatives" huffed you.
"When I was a teen, I started exploring... To whom I am attracted to. I didn't do more, then kisses and hugs. And I learned two things. I don't care about my partner's gender. And... I am not against poly relationship. Everything was fine. Until my relatives learned about it. We are not talking about blood relatives, my grandmother is my uncle's mother, and he simply married my father's sister. She goes to my school. And shamed me for being a greedy, lustful creature."
You were sitting on the passenger sit, looking at the window. You were remembering the talk you had with BSD Cast earlier. Piano Man, who was driving, send soft gazes at your direction.
"All chances of having a normal school life were destroyed. Mom and Father couldn't enroll me in different school. And I was bullied. To the point of being beaten. Became a perfect scapegoat. For my classmates, I was the cheater and the pervert."
Car pulled over near "Sakura" restaurant.
"And on every family meeting, I was shamed by her and her family for my preferences. For loving everyone. For being fine with having multiple partners."
Piano Man turned towards you.
"Are you ready?"
You nodded and stepped outside from the car.
Piano Man wasn't coming. He and the rest of the Flags have some buisnesses to attend to. You try to learn more, but they said, it was a secret.
You also insisted on Hirotsu and kids staying at home. Elise, Kyuusaku and Karma shouldn't meet your relatives and you really don't need rumours about you and Hirotsu. It wasn't the case, he treats you as his grandchild, but, you knew your relatives. In worst case scenario there would be rumours involving kids. And, you would be lucky, if the rumours were only about secret biological children.
Despite that, you still have enough helpers for today.
This time, you won't be put down. You will show your 'family', that you are not a weakling anymore. You have friends. And confidence.
The rest of the Port Mafia cars were already here. They were waiting for you on a 'Sakura' restaurant parking lot.
You caught up with them and allowed Oda to take your arm. All of you, twelve people, including you, headed towards the main entrance of the restaurant.
'Sakura' restaurants was a small place. Cheep, with bad food that tried too hard to look Japanese style.
You tried food from here once.
When it finally stopped trying to chew it's from inside you, you swore on your future grave, that, if in future you will face a choice 'Either eat food from 'Sakura' or eat grass', you will eat grass.
'Sakura' survived because of one thing. They let people rent their building, to hold banquet and bring their own food and drinks.
Despite being small, the restaurant was beautiful.
And that's what your relatives did right now.
Bought their own food and rent the place.
The moment you and Port Mafia walked inside the restaurant will forever be one of your happiest memories.
Because of the shocked faces of your relatives, who saw you all.
Your aunts and uncles (not blood related ones) looked at you with horror. They even forget to feel disgusted.
Uncle Justin and aunt Angela already looked uncomfortable. But now? They look like they ate a whole orchid full of rotten apples.
Grandfather Bernard gave Koyouu a dirty look. He was practically undressing her with his gaze.
And Grandmother Bella looked like a fish out of the water. She was opening and closing her mouth, and her eyes looked like they were ready to pop out.
You did your best, widest, fakest smiles and walked towards your relatives, opening your arms for a hug.
"Family! I missed you all so much! Let me hug you all!"
Your relatives backed away from you so synchronously. If you didn’t know better, you would swear, they were rehearsing it for many times.
You tilted your head, giving your family an innocent look.
"What's the matter? I promise, I give great hugs. My dear... Friends have been practicing with me." You looked over your shoulder at Port Mafia. They were trying not to laugh. "Unfortunately, only a small part of them can attend this family gathering with me."
You mentally praised yourself for asking Mori and others wear their 'classic' outfits. You wanted to empress your relatives. But not to make them acsept you. No, to make them forget your looks and name and never ask to meet you again. Ever.
Grandmother Bella finally found her voice.
"[Y/N]... I... I... How... Many... Age..."
You let out a fake giggle.
"We will tell you everything. When our small brunch will start. So, shall we?"
Grandmother Bella nodded, still shocked.
She thought, that they will shame you and you will be quiet.
She didn't expect that you will have someone with you.
All of you sat at the table.
On one side - your relatives.
On the opposite side - you and Port Mafia.
Oda doesn't like banquets. He doesn't like fancy food, that was served here.
But, for you, he was ready to sit through it.
He and you were sitting in near each other. You didn't take any offered food. There were a possibility, that Uncle Justin and Aunt Angela will try to drug you to give to Stalker, so, you decided to play is safe.
Slowly, your relatives start talking. After ten minutes silence of staring at Port Mafia and you.
Right now, one of the aunts (you didn't care about her name, you hardly remember her), was terrorizing Oda.
"So, Oda... right?" she mumbles. "What did you find in [Y/N]? They are quite... average"
You rolled your eyes. Again, they talked about you, like you weren't here.
It would work, if you were a lonely child.
Oda answered without second thought.
"They are cute, they are perfect, they are the real treasure."
And you knew, that he is serious. You felt your face burning up. You still didn't use to receive compliments that offed.
Meanwhile, Oda gave you a side hug and kissed your temple.
"And don't tell me I am wrong, Novel Luck. Or I will remind you, how perfect you are later. Besides." Oda looked towards your aunt (you knew her name, she must have one...). "They are good with kids. Help me to raise mine."
Your aunt Questioning Oda baked away from your table, dropping the chair, few plates and people, who sat close to her.
"Kids... You have kids... And with [Y/N]..."
She turned around and hurry away from you and from the restaurant, shouting.
"They choose a man with kids as their partner! They are gone! Promiscuous!"
You huffed. One out, still more to go.
Oda scratch his neck. He whispered, so only you can hear him.
"That was fast."
You nodded. Also whispered.
"Mhm. Most of them are too simple-minded."
Oda glance at you with the corner of his eye. He was serious about you. You are cute, nice and kind.
A small smile appears on Oda's face.
"Charge, my army! We will defeat our Candy Kingdom from Sour Knight!" Sakura pointed at Oda, who was wearing a cardboard helmet, holding a cardboard sword and try to look scary.
He was the Sour Knight, who wanted to make candies from Candy Kingdom sour and gross.
Sakura was wearing a small crown made of cardboard that was decorated with paper candies.
She was Candy Princess, who tried to save the kingdom from the knight.
General Katsumi, Archer Kousuke, Magus Shinji, Barbarian Yu and Thief you were an army of Candy Kingdom.
All of you charge at Oda.
"The victory of Candy Kingdom had its price. Sour Knight was chased away. But he took prisoner. Thief [Y/N] were captured by Sour Knight. Oh, our poor comrade, we can't even come-pere-hend of what torture they will go through, until we manage to save them." Sakura was ready to cry.
Oda, who was sitting under the tree, has you pressed against his chest. He was holding you tight, not letting you go.
"So, little thief, what torture should you face?" whispered Oda into your ear. "Should I tie you up and use you as a cuddle pillow? Or, should I tickle you?"
You didn't answer. The game, warm weather and warm Oda make you sleepy. You mumble something and start snoring.
Oda chuckled at that.
Your relatives looked even more shocked. They lose one ally. And they still didn't start to shame you for your life.
And fleeting aunt's insult didn't do much.
You noticed, how your relatives looked at each other, then at Port Mafia.
Uncle Moonshine (not real name, but, you remember, that few years ago he tried to make his own alcohol) spoke next.
"Hey! Ginger with bandage! What you are doing for living? Something Illegal?"
Tachihara glare at him.
"I am working as a security guard."
Uncle Illegal Alcohol looked at Tachihara with disgust.
"And what are you guarding? Some sort of drug den? Where you met this one." He pointed at you.
You could feel, that Port Mafia members, probably, have a synchronized thought. Black notebook with write letters on it are opened, and they are writing down names of your relatives.
Uncle Illegal Alcohol, didn't notice Tachihara's glare and continue talking.
"They are a useless sinner. Scum, real scum. Who leached themselves into people..."
For the rest of their lives your family could not explain, how the metal chair with your uncle, who was still sitting on it, hung in the air and crashed into the wall.
Tachihara was very close to the edge.
He can't believe that someone can treat people that bad.
He had his own share of bad relatives, but, at least, he had his brother.
You didn't have anyone, until they arrived.
You two were in the garden, planting hyacinths.
The day was warm and perfect for gardening.
You water the flower you just planted.
"Have you ever heard the myth about Hyacinth?"
Tachihara shakes his head, planting a second flower next to yours.
"Hyacinth was one of the Apollo's lovers. He was remarkably beautiful. One day, when they were playing the game of quoits³, Apollo accidentally killed Hyacinth. The flowers hyacinths appeared from Hyacinth's blood." your voice was soft, while you were recoiling an old myth.
A small grin appeared on Tachihara's face.
"Are all myth from this world are that tragic?"
You planted next flower.
"Well, I can tell you more myths, if you want. And you will decide by yourself."
Tachihara was ready to listen.
"Tachihara... Can you, please, stop?" whispered Higuichi, who was sitting near him. Tachihara shook his head.
Only now he realized, that he still was using his ability and was using metal chair with Uncle Alcohol to destroy your relatives cars.
What was interesting, that Tachihara wasn't even looking at your uncle or moving at all. He was just starting at the distance, while some of your relatives try to save their cars.
After chair was stopped and few more relatives leave the restaurant, going into the nearest machine workshop, trying to undo the damage.
Yet, you still had more relatives to go through.
The table became silent again. No one spoke.
Until Mori started talking.
"I... We don't care, what you think about [Y/N]. We love [Y/N]. They are a good person."
And Aunt Angela spoke.
She was furious. She and Justin, supposed to be here alone with you. They supposed to give you to a nice person, who agreed to keep you with them, until you will be proclaimed MIA and their daughter will inherit the hotel. But, somehow, her in-laws learned about your horrible lifestyle, and decide to interfere!
Angela's plan was destroyed.
She needed the hotel. She needed it.
She hates you. For planing to get rid of the hotel. For planning to get rid of the money, you will get.
And now, she takes a better look at you. Your clothes looked expensive. You lived better, then she and her family.
Angela slammed both of her hands against the table.
"[Y/N] are a useless scum, who only thinks about themselves. They could easily forget about the past. But, instead, they behave like a baby."
And her family agreed. The flood of insults flow on your head.
But you were silent.
Dead silence.
And all Port Mafia members frowned.
Gin and you were sitting on the windowsill, covered with one blanket, and watched the rain raging outside the window.
Both of you had big mugs in your hands, full of hot tea.
You were in peace. You were happy and comfortable.
Kouyou feel nervous for the first time in many years. You just offered her to cuddle tonight.
She knew, that, after something happened between you and Fyodor, you became more open in showing your affection.
There weren't a single day when you didn't cuddle with someone. She does understand, that one day, you will ask for cuddles from her.
And she didn't want to hurt you.
Your first cuddles were clumsy, a tiny bit awkward.
But very warm.
Mori, Elise and you were on a shopping trip. Mori already had six bags in his hands and wasn't planning to stop on it.
And you were so shy. Afraid of having money spent on you. One time, you confessed, that you thought, that you don't deserve to have a lavish lifestyle.
Well, Mori had plenty of time to change your mind.
He will spoil you as much as he needs, to make you see, that you deserved good things.
Kajii and you were in a theater. You were watching an opera.
Music, voices, costumes.... Everything was great.
And, for Kajii, the greatest thing was the fact, that you are sitting near him, enjoying the performance together.
Higuichi and you were playing cards.
Without stakes or anything similar.
Just a friendly match full of laughter and shared stories.
Akutagawa felt your hand on his head. It's been a few hours since they got into your world.
"Akutagawa, you don't need to accept it, but, let me tell you, that I see you as a really strong person. Both in skills. And personality. I am glad, that I met you."
Your hand left his head. And on a whim, Ryunosuke grabbed it and put it back.
You didn't hesitate to continue petting him.
Rimbaud was choosing wines.
He wanted to keep some in the basement.
You were with him. Just to keep him company.
Near you, Rimbaud feel warm.
You were real, warm and simply precious.
You were carried by Rimbaud to the car.
The shouting match, that happened between your relatives and Port Mafia, can be heard from the parking lot.
Some fists were thrown.
Some reputations were destroyed.
Grandfather Bernard thought, that women were weak and useless. That they could never do anything right.
Gin proved him wrong. Gin not only knock him off with one punch, she threw him in a garbage bin.
And stole his phone, found some dirt on him (very inappropriate messages about females of any age) and send screenshots to his colleagues and post them on his socials.
"Never talk to them. Never go near them."
She didn't want anyone to hurt you ever again.
Grandmother Bella was unfortunate enough to stumble into Akutagawa.
Rashomon did a good enough job as a pair of scissors. And Akutagawa was good at stealing.
Now Grandmother Bella was almost bald, and her chat, where she discussed dirty rumors about her closest friends with her relatives, were now sent to the discussed friends. And they were honorable members of the society.
You didn't see, when Uncle Justin and Aunt Angela left.
You didn't notice, that Chuuya and Verlaine followed them.
Chuuya was sitting before you. It was his turn to really introduce himself. And he was ready for you to question his humanity.
You only take his hand in his.
"Chuuya, as one human to another, let me tell you something. If someone start calling you less, then a human, punch them."
Chuuya grinned, squeezing your hand.
You looked small, compared to Verlaine. Maybe, he tried to intimidate you. To make you call him monster.
You cupped his face.
"Verlaine, can I braid your hair. I have heard about branding techniques I want to try. You will be even more of the handsome man you already are."
And embrace. King of Assassins was hugging a simple human.
King of Assassin was showing human emotions.
You returned home in the evening.
Because Grandmother Bella did arrange you an unplanned day of rest, you decide to enjoy it and not return to the café.
Instead, you and Port Mafia take a walk in the park, have dinner in an Italian restaurant and return home.
Flags were already here. They looked really happy. Actually, everyone, who stayed home, looked happy.
"Did something nice happened, when we were away?" asked you.
Instead of answering, Lippman take your hand and drag you behind him.
"You can say so. Come on, let's have a movie marathon! All of us, together."
You have no reasons to say no.
The operation room in a basement was dark.
Until the door was opened, and some people walked inside, turning on the lights.
Yosano, Lovecraft, Dazai, Fyodor, Goncharov and Gogol were looking at the prisoners.
At robber, who still were kept here....
At Aunt Angela, who Chuuya kidnapped earlier today...
At Uncle Justin, who was kidnapped by Verlaine...
And at Stalker, who were kidnapped by Flags from the hospital today...
Their Dear Guiding Light asked not to kill anyone... But, they didn't mention anything about torture.
¹ Crème fraîche - a dairy product, a soured cream
² Direct quote from "Taras Bulba" by Gogol.
³ Quoits - a traditional game which involves the throwing of metal, rope or rubber rings over a set distance, usually to land over or near a spike (sometimes called a hob, mott or pin).
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meownotgood · 2 days
don't go, not yet. / gale dekarios x gn!reader, fluff, light angst, hurt / comfort, you bring gale back to life with the scroll of true resurrection, and gale gets a glimpse of your true feelings for him. word count: 3.8k
T'i n'uthrantha m'ahthra Gale. 
The letter held between your thumb and forefinger burns with sudden light, growing hot underneath your fingertips. Fire sears a scrawl of new script onto the parchment's surface. In a puff of ash and molten rock, wings closed around itself, the magma mephit disappears. Its wake scorches the grass, stray dustings constricting your throat. You wave a palm in front of your face, forcing yourself to hold in your coughs, your throat constricted and eyes threatening to water. 
Newly formed, the Scroll of True Resurrection curls in your palm. It gives off a faint, promising glow. A gleam that almost seems to exude its own sense of vibrant heat. Your jaw clenches, your hands shake. Your fingers press into the wrinkled parchment, and your heartbeat struggles to keep steady. The thick, mushroom-laden air of the Underdark has never felt more stifling. 
You take a slow breath — although it does little to calm you, in the grand scheme of things — before you quietly utter the necessary incantation. Instantly, the scroll blazes brightly, then crumbles into stardust. In its place, your palms radiate with the same sort of incandescent power. Beams of pure energy drift skyward, strands of blue encircling you. Magic flows through your veins; it fills your lungs with a soft, familiar scent, a lingering reverie brushing over your arms, like the crisp air of a rustling breeze. 
Shudders traverse over your body. You're hardly comforted, but the forming of the spell between your palms, pressed together and then guided up, does finally provide you with the smallest amount of relief. 
Your entire system buzzes as you feel the spell's power. Your head grows heavy, magic swiftly leaving your body to flow through another — and over the ringing in your ears, you still manage to hear the moment Gale takes an initial, irrevocable breath. 
With a huff, he begins to rise to unsteady feet. Lingering, floaty spell threads seem to make every movement easier. When they dissipate, leaving him to support his own full weight, he wobbles for a moment, a palm pressed to his chest. At last, you let go of the breath you were holding. 
Gale blinks, vision returning from darkness, then blurriness. Vitality crashes through him, blissfully effortless; a waterfall of stamina he'd since taken for granted. He stares down at his feet first, at the flattened grass around where he once collapsed, and he tries to keep from growing dizzy. He looks at his hands. The front, then the back. Dirt and blood are caked into his skin — his blood, clearly. Dried, dark red traces cling to the crevices in his palms, they smudge over the ends of his knuckles. Such a grim implication, he muses. 
Still catching his breath, those thoughts are forced to the back of his mind. Instead, he's letting a smile break over his features. As if the very action is remarkable, he closes and opens his hands again, he watches the way they move with amazement. He's alive. Gods, he's actually alive. The precautions he put in place worked. He won't condemn himself, or reduce the lonely depths of the Underdark to smithereens; nor will his demise wind up hurting his unlikely band of companions. And you, you're just fine. He kept you safe, he truly did. You brought him back, he'll see you again — 
With a spark in his gaze you find almost gleeful, almost adoring, Gale finally looks towards you. 
"My word, you did it!" He's gasping, laughing slightly, disbelief reflected on his face as well as in his voice. He briefly wobbles, further getting used to his weight on his heels. Without looking away from you, he absently continues to flex his fingers, feeling the blood rushing back to them, and he forces himself to take a much slower exhale. "Oh, it's good to be alive!" 
You're glancing him up and down once, twice, with an expression on your face he can't make sense of — and he doesn't yet try. If you're angry with him, he's sure he deserves it. All he knows is he's glad to see you. Unbelievably glad. 
His chest heaves. Breathing feels startingly simple, especially when the last thing he remembers is how viciously he struggled for breath. The sudden thrum of the orb comes back to greet him, constricting him as it always does, whispering a bitter promise into his ears that it is still here. He could've lost you. It's a realization that pains him far worse than the returning demand to devour within him. As warmth returns to his numb limbs, and as he's silently cursing himself for ever being so foolish, he realizes he almost did. He almost let himself disappear. 
"My hands are still cold so that handshake will have to wait," Gale swallows, brushing his palms onto his pants to hopefully be rid of the dirt. His tone remains upbeat. For a moment though, his smile seems to waver, in a way only you could manage to pick up. Only you, given how terribly close you and him have quickly become. You're more important to him than you might realize. 
"But in the meantime," He murmurs, standing up straight. "Tha-" 
Words left unfinished, Gale is interrupted when you wrap your arms around him and pull him into a tight, fierce hug. 
You bury your face in his chest, barely noticing the blood smeared onto your cheek from his filthy clothes. You squeeze him tightly. Your hands grab fistfuls of the back of his robe, nails practically digging into him. Your body presses so close to his, it's as though you were both meant to encompass the same shape. 
Gale exhales, deeply, steadily, and he relaxes into your touch. Your arms around him feel right. His heart thumps, skipping to a slightly eager, very real rhythm. Silently, you focus on the soothing sound while it echoes through you. It is calming, grounding. His heartbeat becomes a comfort you wish to memorize. 
At first, Gale hesitates, melting into your touch and glancing down at you, his hands hovering in the air awkwardly, mere inches away. In the end, slowly but surely, he returns your embrace. 
He hugs you with careful arms, and you slump, shoulders untensing. You breathe a sigh, pressing further into him, attempting to hide a muffled sniffle. His clothes linger with the sharp scent of blood, and the heavy undertone of ruin. When his palm settles onto the back of your head — so delicate, like you could be made of porcelain — you swear you can feel him shake. He grips just barely, keeping you close to him. Guilt roots into his chest and his heart as a gnawing ache. Tired eyes fluttering shut, weak arms embracing you with a tenderness more intense than you've ever known, he holds you close enough to interweave you. 
Your heart pounds along to the same eager rhythm as his. Gods, there's too many things you need to say to him; but your lips tremble, and you aren't sure where to start. You want to curse at him, vent your frustrations through the anger and sorrow you've since bottled up. You want to cry, but at the same time, you want to scold him for leaving you scared. For standing in front to take one too many blows meant for you. 
You need to tell him what you just can't put into words — Hopelessness, you felt utterly hopeless when you first watched Gale crumple and collapse. Your breath grew caught in your lungs. Swirling emotions you've never felt before clawed at your chest, resounding louder the longer you fixated on him: motionless, his blood pooling onto the cold ground. Try as you might, your mind was so muddled, you could barely make sense of anything in your view. 
Back then, with messily-cast spells and clumsy swings of your weapon, you finished the fight mostly unscathed. You scrambled over to him, your boots stained from the blood-soaked grass. As Gale's projection appeared in front of you, framed with a shimmering aura of purple light, you tried not to stiffen at the sound of his voice. You focused on his instructions as best you could, despite the tremble in your hands as you searched for the pouch he kept on him, or the clumsiness to your fingers as you pressed them to the holes in the flute. 
Some part of you wonders if there was an aspect of humanity to his projection. If it wasn't just a lifeless messenger, but rather, an extension of himself. 
Because you swear, when it — when he — spoke to you, his tone was filled with a familiar softness. The same softness Gale would embody when he asked you, Are you alright? after a fearsome confrontation. A confrontation you both got out of, unlike this one. You felt the same fondness radiating from him as the kind he'd have for you in life, when you talked over a nighttime campfire, his eyes seeming to linger on you for much longer than they needed to. 
Gale's shimmering projection gave you an earnest smile, and spoke a little softer, a little more careful. Practice will surely make perfect, He hummed, his warm voice reverberating through your head and your eardrums. Do not fret. It is my utmost belief that you will most undoubtedly emerge successful. I will see you once more soon. 
Or maybe, you'd already grown to miss his gentle smile, his tender words. You didn't want to imagine a world where you had truly, irreversibly lost him. Perhaps the familiar softness you thought you felt, his projection's lingering humanity — Ultimately, it was merely your imagination. 
You've grown to care for him more than you should. You have known this, regardless of your attempts to deny it. Either of you could die at any time, yet becoming close was effortless, almost as if it was meant to happen. Dire circumstances or not, you were meant to collide; it was only a matter of time. 
In the midst of turmoil and shadows of death, Gale has been your soft place to land. You aren't sure what to do with everything you feel. You don't know what you'd do if you lost him. 
As Gale lets go of a held breath, his arms pulling you in, your mind becomes calm like still water, yet your heart continues to race. This time, his voice is as warm as the sun; unmistakably devoted. He is your sun, an imprint of warmth in a sea of moonlit darkness. 
"Ha, I wasn't- uhm," He starts, stammering, speaking in a quiet tone. You lean further into his shoulder, and Gale rubs the back of your head, brushing his palm up and down with slow, barely-there movements. "I wasn't expecting… such a warm welcome, but Gods, is it good to see you. Even better than good, in fact. For a brief moment, I thought-" 
Trailing off with a slow, steady exhale, he doesn't allow those words to come into fruition. Instead, he pulls you a little bit closer, and hugs you a little bit tighter. 
"Well, I won't dwell on the outcomes yet to befall us. My mistakes have been righted. By someone very important to me, in fact. No sense in letting such regrets continue to drag us down. We have a rather important mission yet to be accomplished." He hums, his voice returning to its usual air of optimism. "Besides, I believe I still have you to thank for doing the honors to drag me back, isn't that right?" 
When you pull away, he's smiling, the glow of the nearby Sussur Tree illuminating his face in hues of soft blue. His hair is a mess, stray strands tickling his forehead. Bruises cling to his skin, still slightly pale, and dark circles are set underneath his tired eyes. But he's here. Finally, your head tipped in his direction to glance at him, Gale gets to have a good look at you. 
Your shoulders are tense, shuddery. He feels the subtle shake of your body in his arms. Your face is a blessing to see once more, but your cheeks are tear-stained, your brows are furrowed with some mix of frustration and dejection. And as he moves an instinctual hand to cup your face in his palm, you not-so subtly lean into his touch. Your eyes flutter closed, leaving the faintest sorrowful droplet to fall from your lashes. 
Oh. Gale's heart pangs in his chest, heavy and forceful. The unforgiving Underdark might have already gone and punished him for his oversights, but clearly, he misstepped far more than he might've imagined. 
"Oh, oh no- I didn't-" Gale nervously brushes the tears from your eyes with his thumb, his entire world instantly sent off-kilter. His words ache when they leave his throat, his vision threatens to grow misty. "Don't cry. I've got you, it's alright- I promise you, everything is and will be alright. I'm here. But I… must have brought you an awful heap of worry. If I had paid more attention, if I hadn't squandered so many chances to attain the upper hand-" 
As your eyes finally meet his own again, they enthrall him, capturing all of his attention. He half-expects you to crumble. And he would let you, he would keep you in his arms for as long as you'd allow him, holding you tight, with all the conviction of someone who would do anything to keep from vanishing. Nonetheless, you don't. Not any more than you already have. 
You push him away and stand up straight, although there's little force behind the press and shove of your palm to his chest. Glancing down, your weary gaze is now kept on your shoes. You count the specks of blood dotting each boot. Hastily, you wipe your eyes with the back of your hand, and Gale flinches, your warmth leaving him once you've separated. 
"It's fine." You shake your head, and you swallow, willing your dry throat and tired voice to function. "I'm glad to see you're well. We can head back to camp whenever you're ready." 
Gale frowns. "No, it is not- and you, you are most definitely not fine. Come here." 
When his hand grips your wrist firmly to stop you from walking away, when his arms wrap around you once more, and you're confidently pulled into another embrace, you don't protest. You allow him to hold you, until your arms are weakly returning the hug. Until every blooming skip of your heart battles the fading ache of worry. Until Gale is exhaling, his breath warm on the shell of your ear, the feeling of his arms around you more than comforting. One arm is kept around your waist, while his other palm presses flat to your back. He holds you with an intensity you doubt you'll be able to forget. 
Damn him. You'll be craving this. Craving to feel his touch just one more time. 
"I'm sorry. I am so very sorry," Gale murmurs; stupid wizard, with his stupidly soft touch and his terribly soft words. His voice has shivers tracing up your spine, your every nerve glowing from the inside out. Of course you shouldn't be this attached to him. If only he didn't make it so damn easy. "You are important to me. Much more than you may know. I assure you, I will do all I can to make things right." 
Your eyes close, your shoulders slump, and you let yourself melt against him. The heavy scent of ash lingering on his clothes envelops you each time you breathe in deeply. There's no need to admit how you feel. Somehow, you sense he just knows, because the pure tenderness found in his every touch screams: You'll never have to let me go. 
Time becomes a slow, gradual thing. You aren't quite sure how many minutes have passed since he first held you, until Gale speaks, finally bringing you back to the present once more. 
"I'm sure you have questions." His voice is quiet, smooth, and effortlessly calming. He brushes his palm over your back, reassuring you. "I know I would, if I ever found myself in your position. After what you've done for me, I suppose it's only fair that I answer anything and everything I am capable of. No more secrets. You, out of everyone, deserve to know."  
"Later," You grumble, pressing closer. He breathes a faint laugh, then a slight sigh, and listens intently to your muffled words. "Tell me what you need to later. Or keep it to yourself, if you must. I wasn't worried about whether or not you'd give me answers, Gale. Just about you." 
"Were you concerned I wouldn't return?" 
"I…" You can't help but hesitate. "I don't know." 
At last, you pull away from him, just enough to meet his eyes. His hands grasp your forearms to keep you close. The way he looks at you is gentle enough to nearly pull all of the air from your lungs. 
"I wasn't sure, with your condition and all," You're explaining, looking away. He doesn't fail to notice the flash of fear in your eyes. He's never seen you so shaken. "I know you haven't told me much, but I really didn't know what would happen to you. My mind went to the worst possible outcome, and… It was frightening, for a moment. I didn't want to lose you." 
Gale takes a slow breath, gripping your arms tightly, until you're finally led to look at him again. "Sweetheart," He coos; the term of endearment tumbles from his lips before he can stop it, tender on his tongue, even more pleasant in your ears. "I do not wish to lose you either." 
You pause, your eyes wide, your breath quick. You almost speak again — perhaps about to accidentally admit more than you should, your heart busy strumming the notes of his name — but before you can, Gale is continuing first. 
"I won't leave you." He moves a hand to hold your cheek, subtly tilting you towards him. "I'll fight alongside you for as long as I remain standing. We won't perish, nor let ourselves become mindflayers. We will see this journey through- and, we will do so together, no matter what perils come after us. There's no need to worry about me. I do not plan on letting you down." 
"Gale-" You breathe in sharply, then slowly. You're offering him a genuine smile, one that makes a feeling he can't pinpoint flutter over him — something holy, surely. You were sculpted for worship. "Thank you." 
"You're the one I should be thanking, if we're being honest." His voice becomes a bit softer, as he murmurs, "And I do thank you. If we had the time, I'd thank you a thousand times over. It is good to be back. Truly. Perhaps I haven't shown the extent of my gratitude enough. You were there for me, in a way few ever have. I won't forget that." 
He begins to ramble, seeming lost in thought for only a second before he speaks once more: "The Fugue Plane is… depressing, to put it bluntly. It is a stretch of endless gray darkness as far as the eye can see, every shadow drawing in to swallow you whole. There is no warmth, no light. Compared to that fate, finally seeing your face again after you helped my eyes to reopen-" He breathes a quiet, tender-sounding chuckle. "What a beautiful sight indeed." 
You're silent, before the extent of his words finally dawns on you, leaving you to stare at him with a grin and an eyebrow raised. "Beautiful?" 
Gale holds your chin between his thumb and forefinger. "There's that smile. Beautiful is hardly grand enough a word, but yes. I want to see no shortage of smiles from here on out, understand? As many as such an adventure allows us, in any case." Briefly, he trails off, hesitating temporarily, his expression growing in resolve. "I'm sorry for upsetting you. I'll be better. Do better. I couldn't forgive myself if- if somehow-" 
This time, you're the one interrupting him. "Gale?" 
"I'm not going to let anything happen to you." 
It's strange. Right now, your futures are hardly assured. He can promise not to leave you with his entire chest, he can fight to live even as he's slowly dying, and it wouldn't matter, if the universe willed your efforts to save yourselves for naught. Yet, when you speak, when you're the one looking into his eyes, no matter how outlandish it might seem, no matter what is left of the fading hope he's been clinging to — In the end, he can't help but believe you. 
Your gaze is brimming with such conviction. He's doomed. He's so, terribly ruined, and it isn't because of the threat of the tadpole, or because of whatever pain is brought on by the rot inside of him. Gale is completely done in, because when he looks at you, he feels longing settle in his chest, a present devotion that overshadows every prayer he's ever called upon, and he knows the only thing he has to fear is eventually falling in love with you. 
If loving you is to be his fate, he thinks even in death, he might finally feel alive. 
He swallows thickly, his gaze never leaving yours once you've finally pulled apart. He watches you stand up straight and clear your throat, although your expression still softens with a telltale hint of nervousness. You're precious. 
"Stay behind me next time," You scold, "There's no way I'm going through those stupidly elaborate instructions again." 
"Oh, come on," Gale huffs. He's composed, but his face is flushed. He can feel the warmth pooling in his cheeks and the ends of his ears. The blood is just rushing back to his head, that's all. "You performed them excellently! I'd say you're already a natural at problem-solving and flute-playing. But I promise, next time, I won't fall so easily. You have no reason to fret. There will be no elaborate instructions, no flutes, and no more magma mephits in your future." 
"You better not," You're laughing, and his grin only grows wider when you push at his shoulder playfully. "Die on me again, and I might have to bring you back just to kill you myself." 
"Ha. I better not draw your ire, then." 
Gale watches you turn on your heels, while he's still awkwardly stuck in place like some invisible, adoring force is holding him there. His palm presses to his chest; bizarrely, the orb is silent, but his heart is pounding way too fast. You're turning back before you've gotten far, glancing at him to make sure he's following. 
"You coming? Everyone's waiting for us back at camp." 
Gale nods. He exhales slowly to clear his head, he catches up with you, and he ushers you forwards with an arm around your lower back. "Of course. Let us continue on. Lead the way." 
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devilat-thedoor · 7 months
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happy sinful sunday😌
i just sent this to Li, because i love to torture her… but i also wanted someone to read it before i decided to post it…..but she’s at work. so🤷🏽‍♀️ enjoy. or don’t. either way.🫡
whatever you do, don’t think about jake coming home from a night out with his brothers and he finds you curled up under the blankets in bed, reading your favorite book while some documentary drones on for background noise because you absolutely cannot stand a quiet house. and he greets you with a crooked smile and you know he’s just a little tipsy but it makes you giggle because he just cheesily mumbles a “hi pretty girl.” and he knows you’re only wearing a big tshirt and your underwear because that what you always wear to bed and he has that lil mischievous glint in his eye but he disappears out of the bedroom and you hear the bathroom door close and after a few minutes you just go back to your reading and get swept up in the pages. you don’t realize that jake had quietly come back into the room until you feel the bottom of the bed dip and you lay your book on your chest to see him pulling the duvet over his head and crawling up the mattress, slithering along your warm legs with open mouthed kisses and featherlight touches. and you start to squirm, “jakey, what are you doing?”
and he chuckles just this deep, warm sound from his chest and you can feel his hot breath on your inner thigh but when you lift the blanket to look at him, he rips it from your hands and lets it fall back over him with a scolding, “no peeking, mind your business.” and then your legs are slowly being pushed apart and you feel him press one kiss to your hip, right below the hem of your panties, before he’s slipping his fingers below the waistband to pull them down. you discard your book to the nightstand and watch the blanket wave and crest with every move he makes, until he finally settles down and the sea of sheets goes still for a moment. you’re waiting in anticipation….you can feel the light puffs of breath leaving his lungs and bouncing off of your naked skin and he knows the wait is driving you mad. you’re tempted to lift the blanket again, to just see his sweet face, to beg him to do something, but you refrain. it feels like time stopped or maybe it’s just passing by very slowly and just when you start to forget the position that you’re in, when your breathing starts to even out and the anticipation fades, the only thing you feel is his hair grazing your thighs before his tongue is dragging through your folds and he latches his mouth onto you. and you cry out immediately, half from the shock of it and half from how expertly he explores your most sensitive spot. your fingers are grasping at his head from the top of the blanket, aching to twist your fingers through his hair and your back is arching off the bed and it’s all so overwhelming but so so so fucking delicious. and then you feel his fingers, just two of them, pushing into your cunt and stretching you, focusing on all the sweet spots that he knows so well. and your vision is clouding and your lungs are on fire and your legs start to shake and tremble and he has his free hand on your thigh, just rubbing soft, calming patterns with the pads of his rough fingers. you’re right there, ready for the fall, the plunge into the abyss….and Jake releases an almost animalistic growl, sucking your clit between his lips and curling his fingers just right and that’s it. you’re toppling, eyes rolling back, an ear shattering wail drowning out the sound of the tv and anything else that dare make a noise. and his tongue slows, leaving the rapid flicks behind to bring you back to earth with gentle, flat kitten licks. and he waits for you to settle, waits until you’re no longer gasping and heaving for air, before finishing his ascent. he pokes his head out of the top of the blanket, body hovering over your own, and he has that stupid, proud grin on his face; the one that’s all teeth and dimples and just plain goofy. and he kisses you hard and lovingly before rolling onto his side of the bed and picking the remote up to change the channel without a single word…..
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misguidedasgardian · 9 months
I need to... (6)
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... Think
Summary: You almost forgot…
Pairings: Aemond Targaryen x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Cursing, modern au, mentions of cheating and past relationship, reader and Cregan are orphans :( might miss some warnings
Wordcount: 3.2 k
Notes: Thank you all for reading, I'm having such a fun time writing this. I already have the groupd's summer vacation plan and THEY ARE GOING TO BE SO AMAZING!
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Thanks to your injured ankle you had missed the rest of spirit week, you had won the hall decorating competition, BUT, had lost the whole thing… the engineers won, again…
You were bummed that you had missed it, BUT, tomorrow you were allowed to resume your activities, and you were glad because you were losing it being locked up in your dorm room, and you were even more glad because a classmate of yours, and Rhaena, told you the freespot in the Arts school was filled with someone else other than Alys
She didn’t get the job! you could breathe easily now.
And your ankle had finally healed
That day, Sara came back from classes with snacks and face masks to celebrate, and you placed a green goo on your face as you watched movies as you snacked happily
You hair in a messy hairdo, pajamas at six o’clock, and a green facial mask in your face, the both of you, and you believed it was a good idea to answer the door to whomever was knocking, asking him to come in
It was Cregan
“Why everytime I see you I have something on my face?”, you asked, now feeling embarrassed
He looked at the both of you watching a funny movie with an entertained look on his face
“Hey you”, he greeted, “Now that it's been two weeks since your little accident, I was wondering if you wanna’ catch the last week of Arthur Deyne’s screening”, your face lit up, not that he could see it, because of the  the green goo
“I’d love to”, you whispered
“Tomorrow at five?”, he asked, you nodded 
“You came all this way to ask her?”, teased Sara, he just looked like she struck him on the face, “all across campus?”, you thought about cleaning your face with your pillow but that would be even more strange
“Well, uh, no I just… didn’t have her number”, 
“Well… we can easily fix that, can’t we?”, she asked, as she typed on her phone, “there it is weirdo”
“Alright… “, he chuckled, he then looked at you, “see you tomorrow”
“See you”, you whispered, he waved awkwardly, and left. Sara turned to you with a silly grin on her face
“Nop, no”, you said
“You have a date with my brother!!!!”, she screeched 
“NO”, you sentenced
“You do!”
“We are only watching a movie”, you muttered, standing up from the bed, you needed to wash your face 
“(Y/N and Cregan… sitting in a tree…”, she forgot the lyrics of the song, and she opened her mouth in thought, “.... kissing!”
“Very original!”, you teased
“You are going to be so cute together, my roomie with my brother”
“Sara…. I don’t know…”, you muttered
“Oh I don’t want to be that girl”, you whined with teasing smile, Sara cackled
“You won’t!”, she said
“I don’t want to ruin this!”, you said, pointing at her and then at yourself, “I love you Sara, you are my friend, I don’t want to lose you over a boy!”
“You won’t!”, she laughed, “Cregan is not like that! she is actually a very decent man” 
“I chose a man over a friend once, and I don’t want to do that again!”, you tried to reason
“And I’m telling you that you won’t have to!”, she insisted, “my brother is a genuinely nice guy and I promise you that if it works out it's going to be amazing, and if it doesn't… it will end gracefully, and we won’t have to separate because it didn’t work out!”, she explained
“I don’t even know if he wants to…!”
“He does!”, she said, giggling, you sighed
“Let’s see, alright?”, you said, not that convinced. You liked Cregan, you did. but it felt strange, you remembered what it was like when you liked someone, had a crush, your stomach flipped, butterflies inside, you start to feel nervous, to say something foolish, or do something, the expectation running high, you wanted him to notice you
Is he looking at me?
Does he think I'm pretty? smart? funny? nice?
When you saw Cregan it wasn't like that, you felt calm, some sort of relief, like you were glad he had arrived
The problem started when you believed or thought about doing something else
Even thinking about being with someone, or going on a date, or being intimate, made your skin crawl, your stomach made summersaults
But he was so nice, a normal guy, would he… wait for you? would he mind spending time with you expecting… nothing, in return?
“Alright let’s finish the movie”, she said, seeing that you got lost in your thoughts 
You didn’t even get to do that, and your phone dinged
Hey, it’s Cregan 😊
Hey - you texted back -
So now you have my number… 
Indeed, I’m excited about the movie tomorrow - you texted easily, looking over at Sara who was just too distracted to notice, you didn’t want to hide from her, but you certainly didn’t want her to build up her expectations 
Mee too, they say is the best one yet! - he texted quite quickly
Do you want to meet up at the cinema? I will need directions though haha - you said cheekily
I’ll meet you in your dorm and then we can take a bus or sm, don’t worry, I’ll guide you ;)
“Great! 4:30 then? it sounds silly but I like to watch the trailers for the upcoming movies
It doesn’t sound silly, I like to watch them too - you smiled warmly
Oh great! - you teased - you are shaping up to be a hell of a good movie partner -. were you going too far? you felt nervous
Well, let’s see how you like the popcorn - he texted with a blushing smiley face
Sweet, with M&M’s in them
Really? never tried them - well at least he didn’t say no at the gate… like Aemond..,
You had to stop that right now
You couldn’t compare
You are missing out, but how do you like your popcorn? - you asked him
Sweet too, See? we were made to watch movies together haha - that text made you feel so nervous, but good nervous 
Well, yes, I completely believe in movie soulmates - you texted with a small giggle
Sara leaned in and shrieked in your ear
“I wanna’ wear emerald green in my maid of honor dress”
“Very funny”, you mocked, she smiled widely 
You were so determined to not make it look like a date, that you dressed in jeans, a nice shirt, but a hoodie over it, and a big jacket and beanie, it was still very cold outside, and a pair of boots, you did payed attention to your face in more detail, putting some makeup on, nothing very fancy…
“you look lovely”, Sara teased, “you just text me a winky face if you are not coming back at night ok?”, she kept teasing, but she finally let you go to meet Cregan outside
There he was
Dressed in a Maroon color henley, leather jacket, jeans, and urban black sneakers, he even wore a thin scarf and a beanie of his own. When he saw you, he smiled, and you just then
Felt something fluttering inside your belly
“Hey”, you greeted, but then you got all serious, “Arthur”, you called, and he smiled
“Winston”, he said back, all serious, like Arthur Deyne called the owner of the mafia hotel in the movie 
You giggled as he leaned in and kissed your cheek in greeting
“Ready?”, he asked
“Can’t wait”, you teased
“I think if its a good idea we take the Trolly art”
“You still hae trolleys?”, you asked all excited, he laughed
“Yes, we needed to help defrosting as much as we could as a state so we brought back all the goods”
“I love that”, you started walking out of campus in a comfortable silence, you haven’t been out in the town much, you needed to see the capital of the North
Contrary to the State of the Crownlands, the cities of the North were smaller, but there were more of them, king’s Landing was the biggest city, and then the others were small towns all around, but in the North, all cities stayed and grow in similar rates, so Winter’s Town wasn’t a metropolis, still held that beautiful and quiet town feeling…
The snow still lingered as you watched the well and softly lighten streets
“Winter’s Town is so beautiful”, you look up at him, who was taller than you, and catched him looking back at you, and smiled warmly
“i can see it”, he whispered, “your face says it all”, you chuckled, embarrassed
“What face?”, you mocked
“Your face of wonder and marvel”, he said back, you giggled, feeling again the butterflies 
You arrived at the small station and soon enough the Trolley passed, you climbed up and led you to the center of the Town, as Cregan stated the small cinema was
And when you got there… It looked like the one from an old movie, preserved since it was built many years ago. Even though it was Friday, it was mostly empty, because probably it was the last week of screening, the movie had premiered a month ago 
“Do you wanna get the tickets and I’ll get the snacks?”, you asked
“Sure thing”
Was this a date? you didn’t want to make it look like one, you didn’t want to think it was… so you went for the snacks, even though bought the “couples” combo, big popcorns and two sodas… you didn't get the M&M’s, there wasn’t any at the concession stand. And as you were going to struggle to grab it all in only two hand, Cregan met you there, taking the sodas off your hands
“Got them”, he said calmly
“Thanks”, you whispered, you smiled at each other, every little interaction about him and you felt like something meaningful, everytime you looked into his eyes made you believe this meant something for him, and in a second, you found yourself wanted this to be a real date
You started to walk to the screening room
“I brought you something”, he whispered, juggling with both sodas to take something out of his jacket pocket
You gasped when he offered you a huge package of M&M’s 
“You remembered”, you said
“Of course I did, I was so curious to try it and I remembered the cinema doesn't’ sell them”
“Good job Arthur”, you teased
“Anytime Winston”
The movie… was incredible
Not romantic by any means, so you didn't have much instances to lean into Cregan or him to lean into you, not that you expected it, but you were still a bit nervous, but you jumped and gasped together and complimented the actions sequences, and he devoured your favorite snack as much as you did
And you cried at the end and he surrounded your shoulders with his arm to comfort you.
When it ended, you both couldn’t stop talking.. you talked and talked and kept talking, about the movie itself, about the ones before, about which one was your favorite, you talked so much, neither of you wanted the night to end, and when you reached the trolly stop, you looked at eachother expectantly
“Want to walk?”, you asked, and he nodded enthusiastically
The campus was near, but like half an hour walking, but you kept talking, and when you shivered he offered you his arms and you coiled yours with him and he dragged you near him, so you could get warmer together.
And then the heat of the movie died down, and the talk became more personal
“Did you always want to come up here for school?”, he asked
“Well, I was like sixteen when I realize what I wanted to study, so I discovered this school of design was the greatest, and, we were ebay friends with Jace, and we both agreed we were going to come here together, to fly off the nest”, you told him, “an adventure”
“And what took you a semester?”, he asked lightly, he probably knew trough Jace, but you appreciated that he wanted to know trough you
“Well, I had a boyfriend”, you answered with a shy smile, “he convinced me to follow him Dragonstone U, and… well… “, he knew, he had known about Alys, so… “I decided to take a leap of faith and have trust in us and our future, it didn’t work out”
“I’m sorry”, no he wasn't but you didn't know that
“Well, I’m just relieved it happened so early on, and not two years into the future, you know?”, you asked, smiling, he chuckled
“Oh yeah, I get it”, he said, “do you still talk to him?”
“Oh no”, you said, “never saw him or heard from him since last semester”, that by now, it was like two months ago.
“And you are happy you followed your dreams?”, he asked, and when you looked up at him, you saw something in his eyes…
No… this wasn’t a date, he wasn’t that into you, he just wanted to see the movie, he just wants to add you to the friend group
“It’s been a long time since I’ve felt as happy as I am now”, you confessed, “this is everything I’ve dreamed of and more”, you said, “Even if they say the first year is the most difficult one, I love the career, and I’m so happy to have Jace back in my life, and I’m happy I met you, and Sara, and Ben, and reconnected with Baela and Rhaena…”
“I’m glad, and I’m more glad I’m part of that dream”, he teased and as you looked at him, he winked, you laughed 
“Did you ever know you were going to study business administration here?”, you asked
“Yes I did actually, completely predictable”
“You never thought about going South?”
“Well, when I was underage, it was more difficult for me”, he said
“My parents passed when I was twelve, and my uncle wouldn’t let me out of his sight”, he said
“I’m sorry”, you whispered
“It’s alright, i’m glad he had me stay here”, he said, “this is my home, and I will have plenty of time to travel once I finish my studies”
“You are right”, you said
“What about your parents?”, he asked
“They are also gone”, you said back, “I was ten”
“I’m sorry”
“Is fine, I have my godmother who took me as her own”, you offered with a wide smile, “I love her”
“She sounds lovely”
“She is”, you said back. And you chit chatted all the way back to campus, and when you finally arrived back, you didn't want to part ways, but it was already late to go eat something, and you were running out of time, you really didn't want to 
And then you were in front of your dorm, and you didn't want to part ways from him, and he didn’t either, you could tell… you looked at each other expectantly.
“It's late but… I think the tavern is still open for an hour or so… would you like to…?”, and then something caught his attention over your, you looked at him and then you turn to look too.
A beautiful girl was walking your way
blonde, sharp blue eyes, dressed in a puffy pink jacket and white wool knitted beanie, jeans and fluffy boots
“Arra?”, asked Cregan, and when you looked back at him, he look like a child had been caught with his hand in the cookie jar
“Cregan, I was looking for you”, she said softly, looking at you but then completely ignoring you
“What are you doing here?”
“I came to talk to you”
“I’m busy”, he said defensively, and suddenly, you felt like you were playing the third wheel
“It’s alright”, you said, “we can raincheck”
“Yes you can raincheck”, she muttered urgently. Cregan sighed, and looked at you with puppy eyes
“You are not staying?”, he asked her, “in town?”
“I’m staying with Alyssa, but no, I’m just here for the weekend”
“Then you should talk”, you said, and something inside you didn't like it
“Raincheck on the tavern?”, he asked you, and you smiled and nodded, he leaned in and hugged you, you hugged him back
He waited for you until you reached the glass doors of the dorms, you looked back and the blond had approached him,he looked annoyed
And now you were more annoyed, as you find yourself wanting this to have been a date. 
You arrived back in the dorm and Sara was sleeping, a thing you appreciated and sneakily took your clothes off and got inside the bed, it was cold… 
You grabbed your phone, questioning yourself…
Aemond haven't reached out
Well… You had blocked Aemond, his brother Aegon from instagram, (not that he would contact you) and unfollowed all your common friends, more like, his friends from college who he made you hang with… because you couldn’t bare to see him, and you truly believed that if you saw even a glimpse of him, you would get a panic attack. So maybe that’s why you haven’t heard from him again
Even though he had a huge ego, you found it weird he didn't even reach out to curse you or tell you how bad of a person he thought you were. 
And that is when you decided to check your mail, the spam box
And oh there they were
Hundreds of emails
Of another account, but it was clearly him
Even reading the titles you saw his own journey of mourning your relationship…
“...Maris said you left, and I don’t believe you would do something like this…”
“...It’s alright, really, now I see how selfish and short sighted you really are…”, he even dared mentioned Alys in that one, the audacity
“...The baby isn’t even mine, that whore lied to me…”, that one you read, Alys tried to baby trap him, and he made her do the Amnio, which was a very dangerous DNA test, and it turned out it wasn’t even his
“...I can’t believe I lost you, and I'm begging you to give me another chance…together we could rule the seven states…”
And Acceptance never came 
You thought long and hard about it… now that you had time to cool off… 
No, the anger was still there, and you couldn’t forgive him, not ever, he was a nineteen year old man, yes she was older, but he wasn’t a kid, he knew exactly was he was doing, besides, you were not compatible anymore… he dind’t make you happy any longer, and it took you to see him fucking another woman to realise it
No aspect of your relationship was making you happy
Only the praxis was left 
You had made the right decision, even though you did feel like you had things left unsaid, in a relationship that had meant so much for you and your families, since you knew each other since forever…
But coming back to the present...
Who was that girl? they clearly had unfinished business, but before that, has it been a date? did you wanted it to be? he had been so thoughtful and kind... you liked him!
Gods you were confused
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black-lake · 2 years
astro observations 4
Hi besties,
So we got to the pluto post already? Ik y'all be thrilled for this. Everyone has a secret crush on pluto so let’s goo. 😎
I know that much of this post is advice, but I really felt the need to share what I learned too in hope it helps someone out there. You guys asked so many questions I tried to answer them here. If I don't then I don't have much experience and knowledge about it, but you're making me learn about it. ♥︎
Highlights: sun, ascendant, MC, scorpio, aries, pluto, chiron, mars, uranus, venus, 1st house, 10th house, 7th house, 8th house, celebrity charts
🌑 Pluto square/opposite/conjunct sun, and positive aspects too but softer/easier. Your ego is dead every other week? You question yourself, you analyze yourself a lot. People who want to understand their personalities fully. The moment they got a grasp of it, it's dead again. Being misunderstood a lot, appearing more intense or forceful than you intend to, especially at a young age. Pluto is two steps ahead of you here, you need to catch up, you need to conquer your fears again, you need to strengthen your will occasionally. The epitome of transforming. Everytime you change, people are shocked, where did that power come from? Mixed impressions. Your intensity can come off the wrong way with your self expression until you understand where it comes from, until you integrate all parts of yourself and accept them fully. The more you understand how to use your power with intention and control the more you know how to express yourself, the more people relate to you, trust you, gravitate towards you and share with you. But again always carrying that inner power, that deep knowing, a layer of controlled intimidation with a hint of mysterious allure, pluto ain't going anywhere lol. 
🌑 Pluto aspecting ascendant especially square/opposition/conjunction, this is very similar to pluto sun aspects but a lot more visible. People don't have to interact with you to see the darkest parts of yourself and themselves in you. Conflicts and misunderstandings are much easier to happen here. You feel misunderstood, you want to scream "I didn't mean it that way" everywhere you step. Your looks are intense you already know it. Now with this aspect, any change that happens on the inside whether positive or negative is HIGHLY HIGHLY visible in your appearance, on your face especially, it's insane. Having a bad day? It's either visible on your appearance or absolutely unnoticeable, who knows what pluto decides to show that day. Controlled or unleashed? But you should know the what, where, how, why, you are meant to watch the way you come off. You don't change it from the outside in. It's your shadow, the emotions, how you resist certain behaviors, how you let it go. How you dig deep, find the pain, and feel it, cry it out, squeeze what's left, heal it, let it go, revisit it, show it compassion. Look at yourself in the mirror again? Extremely transformative, try and meet them once every two years, you won't know them. 
🌑 Pluto ascendant aspects especially conjunction have this astonishing almost unbelievable ability to become magnetic, that beauty you become hooked on. Features transforming. Eyes that make you want to come back again and again, endlessly mysterious, flirtatious without trying. Ability to appear extremely cool. Darkness that stays with you to help shine all those distinct features of yours even brighter. A lot of shadows on the face, under the eyes, on the cheekbones, on the neck. Their style is unique, there's always meaning behind it, it's never shallow for the likes of others, it's the way they embrace all they are and show it to the world. 
🌑 Pluto has this ability to make your aura mesmerising. Just like you were able to integrate those parts of yourself and fix them from the ground up with so much detail like you are some magical surgeon, all of this work is shown on the outside. You can seduce people with one small move, you don't have to try. A devilish ability to convince people of things, a trustworthy persona with a demand for respect. Pluto knows you got all it takes to dig deep and reinvent yourself, which is why you have these aspect. 
🌑 Now I have advice for people who got pluto harshly aspecting their ascendant, I have it opposite my ascendant on the 7th hear me out. You might appear exactly what you don't want to appear that day, it's frustrating. What's the meaning behind it? You won't know it until you see many other impressions of others and it becomes more real. That's because the 7th house is what others mirror to us and what we mirror back. Relationships are not easy for you. You might need to seperate yourself from others and watch how you act by yourself, then take those expressions of people as feedback. Where is your blind spot? Is it that serious or is it just a part you won't accept about yourself? Try to analyze how you appear healthy and rationally. Spend time looking in the mirror, cry in front of the mirror, tell yourself what you want to say, face the pain by facing yourself. You need to have empathy for yourself, it's a journey you're taking, don't overdo it or avoid it completely. Do what you can until you feel satisfied with yourself, don't obsess with it. Remember to see the blessing in it, the blessing is power, no one said power is easy to deal with.
🌑 People with pluto ascendant aspects, applies to pluto MC aspects or 10th too, with every death and rebirth in themselves, their personalities and life events, they feel the need to change parts of their appearance on the outside, whether through style, makeup, hair, or attitude. The types to cut their hair out of nowhere because they felt like it. They ain't waiting for a haircut they find them scissors and do the job. The types to shave parts of their heads, get piercings, dye their hair, bold makeup, new makeup tricks, new everything. Shocking people with "this is the new me" and feeling good about it. Each era has an aesthetic especially with pluto conjunct ascendant or 1st. 
🌑 Pluto trine/square/conjunct venus, have that strong ability to make their clothes appear expensive, or rather valuable, it's a mysterious, effortless, composed kind of value, with the way it fits their bodies, the way they style it, especially if they appreciate fashion and have interest in it. If they put time and intention on what they wear. If they feel worthy of all that they have and treat it like it's worthy. Aesthetics that are memorable, the way they present themselves is immaculate. People want to copy them, but again it's that aura and intention it's never the clothes. 
🌑 Pluto aspecting inner planets in general especially harsh aspects and conjunctions. Once these people understand their power and control it, balance it out, especially with the way it comes off. Once they stop hiding their compassion but rather embrace all that they are, without fearing losing other parts of themselves. Once they realize and face the effect of their words, their immediate responses and expressions, and their minds. Once they realize their motives and THIS one is important, that's when pluto truly truly shines, it becomes irresistible. The dark has been explored and now it can see the light, but it mastered both. You now see the power in others and appreciate it without feeling any less powerful, because you are firm in who you are and it's unshakable. The more work you do, you become the textbook magnetic, there's an undeniable pull to your energy. 
🌑 Aries and scorpio in ascendant/moon/mars/venus, their walk is powerful. You don't hear them walk tho, especially scorpio. It's like they powerfully silently walked to the end of the road but you'll miss it if you don't keep looking lol. A lot of charisma and seductiveness. Their style is just who they are. There's an individualism with the way they carry themselves, especially if aquarius/uranus is strong in their charts. They wanna do what they wanna do vibes. Accessories look great on them. Trendsetters just because of the boldness to break current trends and the idgaf aura. 
🌑  Pluto in the 12th house, very much like saturn 12th, have had their world shaken up. Individuals that are used to inner turmoils, and constant subconscious triggers. Profound eras of deaths and rebirths. Stillness and loneliness, traumatization, emotional baggage. Seeing their deepest fears in nightmares, in themselves, in others, overcoming their fears, facing them, discovering that they have power over their subconscious, they had it since the very beginning. They've started from completely being unaware to hyper aware of their subconscious patterns, habits and inner power. Bringing their subconscious to their consciousness and transforming it gives these individuals immense power over themselves and others. They lead and take on positions of power.
🌑 Pluto in the 12th can mean literal death, sometime in the 8th and 11th too. People whose deaths are a mystery, unsolved deaths, speculations over their death, dying young. Now this is especially prominent if they also have north node/mars/uranus in the 8th or 12th. It is very interesting to see how the north node, pluto, mars, and uranus can cause abrupt deaths! Steve Jobs with pluto in the 11th and 12th cusp, and mars in 8th. Princes Diana with NN, mars, pluto AND uranus in the 8th (mind blowing). Marilyn Monroe with pluto and NN in the 12th, AND mars with uranus in the 8th. Elvis Presley with pluto 8th. Michael Jackson with NN in the 8th cusp. bye I'm mind blown.  
🌑 Chiron conjunct/opposite/square ascendant, in the 1st or 7th. Wounds related to your self concept, expression and appearance. Such a difficult placement especially if saturn or pluto aspects the ascendant too. Through your experiences with others, you were made to feel doubt and confusion with the way you appear. Body dysmorphia is common with this placement. Your ascendant is a sensitive topic for you. One day you feel okay about yourself and the other deskilling it completely, you don't know which way is the truth. Your body image is unclear, but it becomes better as you learn to heal yourself and others. It's better to remember the positives about yourself and be rational. Constantly remind yourself and others of how beautiful you and they are. You are meant to feel compassion for yourself and others. If you can't convince yourself that you're beautiful that day try and say it to someone else, your words are healing, super healing especially to people that have the same issues.
🌑 Charts with chiron opposite ascendant, Chris Pratt, Dakota Johnson, Jenna Marbles, Keanu Reeves, Kendall Jenner, Kurt Cobain, Bill Gates. Chiron conjunct ascendant, Selena Gomez, Margot Robbie, Heath Ledger, Shakira, J. K. Rowling, Lily-Rose Depp.
🌑 This kind of applies to chiron conjunct/opposite/square MC or in the 10th, but moreso with how the public sees them, thus how they see themselves. Their skills and abilities never being enough to them. How they perform at work is never satisfying enough to them, thus they work harder, they put so much pressure on themselves to the point of exhaustion, especially if they are career driven. Their doubts can stop them from taking action. They might stutter or freeze whenever they have to act and take action. Fear of being at the center of attention but desiring it. Doubts about their life purpose, where they stand in their career. Distorted perceptions about how the public sees them. 
🌑  Chiron aspects to MC or in 10th people are usually respected and looked up to, unlike how they see themselves. Ironically, they can heal those wounds for other people through their work, strong ability to make others feel heard and understood when it comes to their career, self image and public opinions. They are remembered for their work and the effect they had on others. Individuals that have chiron in the 10th are many, Marilyn Monroe (makes so much sense because she wasn't confident in her acting and had speech problems), Kylie Jenner, Drake, Lorde, Miranda Kerr, Pharrell Williams, Pablo Picasso (remembered so much after his death), Sandra Bullock.. and many others.
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ateezlovely · 1 year
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Please Kiss Me
pairing: choi san x reader (genderneutral)
genre: fluff + first kisses
description: although shy and inexperienced, you were determined that this was the night that you were going to ask san to kiss you (700ish words)
note: so happy sm ppl enjoyed my first writing, hope this one is liked too ^_^
San had taken you on five dates and officially asked you out three weeks ago, you were so happy but you were nervous. Being very inexperienced with love and only now in your first relationship, both made you scared to partake in any intimacy with San. The furthest you have gotten is holding hands and San kissing your cheek a few times after your dates. You have already noticed how touchy of a person San is, he is almost always touching or cuddling his friends. This makes you feel bad because you can tell he is holding back from doing a lot with you because you never initiate any physical touch first. But now you want to change that.
Saturday nights are San nights, he claimed them saying he needs to spend every Saturday night with you. Most of the time it is spent hanging out at either of your places to watch a movie, play games, or talk. This Saturday night is movie night so you are walking to San’s place nervous because you are going to ask San if he can kiss you.
Knocking on the door it only takes a few seconds before the door opens and San's cute face is smiling at you, ‘’Hi lovely, I missed you’’
‘’San you saw me this morning’’ you giggled walking in and walking to the living room to set down your stuff and the snacks you had brought as a surprise.
''You brought snacks! My favorite ones!'' San gleamed at you smiling so bright it made your heart warm. His eyes and the way his hands almost moved towards you, showing how badly he wanted to touch you. Instead, San unpacks the bag of snacks onto the coffee table and tells you about a few movies he picked for you guys to watch.
Halfway through watching movies you couldn't remember anything of what you have been watching, every time San moved you were so conscious of it. You were so incredibly nervous that your palms were sweating.
San was sitting next to you on the couch but there was some distance between the both of you. This seemed like a good place to start and give you time to work up the courage.
Slowly you moved closer to San until your thigh was lightly pressed against his, so light that San didn't even notice. You keep moving closer until your body is touching San's from your shoulder to your thigh. Now, San notices but he doesn't say anything, he doesn't even move. Neither of you moves until the third movie is over and San takes this as a chance to get up to get another drink.
''Uh-do you want something too?'' San asks, and it almost looks like there is a faint pink color on his cheeks.
''Water please'', when San comes back you were going to ask him to kiss you, it was now or never.
As soon as San sits down next to you, the same closeness before he left, you take a sip of your water and turn to him.
''San..can you,'' the nervousness is building up in your throat, making you stumble on your words, ''um, could you please,''
A hand comes to rest on top of yours and you pause to meet San's eyes. His eyes are so kind and his smile is so soft and sweet. Everything about him was beautiful, his soft imperfect skin, the shape of his nose, and how inviting his lips looked.
''y/n? Baby?''
Realizing that you have just been staring at him, your mouth decides for you and says, ''please kiss me''
San breathes out a small laugh before his hands come to hold your face, caressing your cheeks with his thumbs.
''Baby all you had to do was ask'' he teases
''Sannie-'' you start to whine but his lips on yours stop you. The kiss is so soft and his thumbs never stop moving against your cheeks. When San pulls away from you, instinctively you chase after his lips, making San laugh lightly at you again.
Letting go of your face his hands move to rub your upper arms, ''Was that good?''
''Mhm, thank you'' you blushed and leaned away from him so you could lean against the back of the couch, but San moved with you. He took your hand in his and pressed so close to you that your faces were only inches apart.
''I won't be able to keep my lips and hands off you now'' he whispered before pressing a soft kiss to your jaw.
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gunilslaugh · 2 months
Did You Know That We're Dating?
Goo Gunil Summary: Apparently you and Gunil were the only two people to not know that you were dating. (non-idol au) WC:959 Warning:none
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photo not mine credits to owner.
“Y/n are you and Gunil doing anything this weekend?” your friend asked. You feel a bit perplexed as to why they were asking what you and Gunil were doing this weekend.
“We’re gonna hang out at my place on Saturday, but we don’t have any specific plans. Why?” you questioned. 
“Ooh we should do a double date then. It’ll be fun,” she says excitedly. 
“A double date?” You looked at her confused. 
“Yes, silly I know you’ve heard of one before. It’ll be cute for our boyfriends to meet each other,” she insisted. 
“Boyfriends?” you remark growing even more confused. You didn’t have a boyfriend, so who would y/f/n’s boyfriend be meeting?
“Why are you acting like this today? Do you think Gunil wouldn’t like it? I think he would like going on a double date,” she said. Gunil, your friend thought that Gunil was your boyfriend?
“Wait.” You held up your hand. “Gunil isn’t my boyfriend,” you told her.
“What are you talking about? Of course he’s your boyfriend,” she laughs. Completely thinking that you were messing with her. 
“No, no he’s not,” you corrected. Your friend looked at you blankly, still not believing you.
“Come on y/n this isn’t funny anymore. Did you two have a fight? Is that it?” she asked. 
“No we didn’t have a fight and I was never being funny. Gunil really isn’t my boyfriend,” you tell her. Now your friend is the one who looks confused. 
“What are you saying? I swear you and Gunil are dating,” she states. 
“Did I ever tell you that?” you countered. You can see the wheels begin to turn in your friend’s head. 
“I guess you haven’t.” They came to realize. “I just assumed, but everyone else thinks you two are dating too, so you can’t really blame me,” she followed up. 
“What?” you slightly shouted. “What do you mean everyone else thinks we’re dating?” Your friend laughs at your reaction. 
“You can ask any one of our other friends or Gunil’s friends. We’d all say that you are a couple,” she explained. 
“You all have it wrong,” you stated. 
“Perhaps we do, but if we all came to the same conclusion on our own, what does that really say about yours and Gunil’s friendship?” she presented. 
“That you’re all idiots,” you sassed. Your friend scoffs. 
“Or that you and Gunil need to talk about your feelings,” she sassed you back. 
“There’s nothing to talk about. We’re friends,” you insisted. 
“Whatever, let me know when you’re no longer just friends so we can go on that double date,” she tells you.
“The restaurant I work for is having a discount for couples next week,” Seungmin tells Gunil. 
“And you’re telling me because?” Gunil raises a brow.
“So you could take y/n,” Seungmin said as if it was obvious. 
“But we’re not a couple,” Gunil stated. Seungmin arches a skeptical brow.
“As if I’d believe that,” he said.
“I’m being serious. Me and y/n aren’t dating,” Gunil tells. Seungmin cocks his head to the side. 
“Ahh, you almost had me, man.” Seungmin laughs, smacking Gunil on the shoulder. 
“Seungmin, I’m telling the truth,” Gunil tries again.
“Ok, I’ll humor you,” Seungmin said. Gunil sighed. “So you and y/n aren’t together,” Seungmin says. Gunil nodded in confirmation. “Then why do you look like you’re in love with them?” Seungmin pointed. 
“I said that we’re not dating. Not that I don’t love them,” Gunil discloses. Seungmin finally believes Gunil. 
“Then do something about it. Cause I can tell you y/n looks at you the same way you look at them,” Seungmin informed. “Plus everyone else thinks you are a couple too. That doesn’t happen for no reason.”
“I was talking with y/f/n the other day,” you tell Gunil. Gunil looked at you to keep going. “She said that we should go on a double date,” you chuckled. “It was so hard for me to convince her that you weren’t actually my boyfriend,”
“It’s kinda funny that you say that, cause when I was hanging out with Seungmin he told me that the restaurant he works at was having a couples discount next week,” Gunil tells you. “He also had a hard time believing that we weren’t a couple,” he adds.
“Everyone really does think that we're a couple, don’t they?” you say.
“We’re the last two to know,” Gunil jokes. 
“But if we’ve been a couple for so long, how come I don’t remember getting together?” you said playfully. 
“We just randomly started dating one day I guess,” Gunil chuckles. 
“But what if I want a cute confession story to tell people?” you said. 
“I can give you one then,” Gunil told. 
“What?” you asked. Gunil smiles and takes your hands in his. 
“It may be a shock to people that we aren’t dating, at least not right now, but I’ve loved you for a really long time,” Gunil confesses. “I guess my heart eyes are to blame for everyone jumping to the conclusion that we’re together.” 
“My heart eyes are probably to blame too,” you say, squeezing his hand a little tighter. “I’ve loved you for a long time too, but I never really thought about it. Because I was happy with how our relationship already was,” you revealed. 
“Maybe we really did just start dating one day, but neither of us realized,” Gunil joked with a smile. 
“I guess I should tell y/f/n to set up that double date huh?” you smiled back. 
“We can have it at Seungmin’s restaurant.” 
Safe to say when you and Gunil arrived at the restaurant for your double date you were greeted with looks of “I told you so”.
Taglist: @purplelady85, @odesonnets, @gingerjunhan, @chewednails, @ezlynkisses, @mon2sunjinsuver, @mxlly143
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rogersideup · 10 months
Nice to be Kneaded
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Chapter 15
Everything will be Okay
series masterlist
Previous part: Cinnamon Roll Next Part: Crawl Home to You
Word Count: 6,979
Warnings: My blog is 18+ only. All minors or blogs without an age in bio will be blocked. Minors DNI. Mentions of medical equipment, loss, abuse, PTSD, anxiety and depression.
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"This is the worst thing I've ever done" Steve complained, puffing out short winded breaths as he worked at the table opposite you.
He decided he wanted to learn how to bake bread after watching you do it so many times. The patiences and techniques behind the art intrigued him, and there was no one better to learn from than you, the best of the best.
You laughed as you watched him struggle to knead the dough on the floured counter facing yours. His cheeks were turning pink and his dough was still shaggy and lumpy, he was completely envious of yours already becoming smooth and bouncy. "Don't look at mine, it's unfair to you. I have experience, comparison is going to kill all your confidence."
"My arms hurt" Steve emphasized.
"Your arms pulled an in-flight helicopter into the top of a building, and single handedly ended World War II. I'm pretty sure they can handle an artisan loaf, Baby." You smiled.
"How long have we been kneading?" He puffed out.
You peaked at the clock, "mmmm, 3 minutes."
"How long do we need to do this?"
"Usually 10"
"Okay, well, you must have arms of steel because this is impossible."
"I believe in you!" You encouraged him. "Use the heels of your palms, push the dough out then pull it back. You can even go diagonally, side to side."
"You're not even out of breath?" He noted in disbelief. "I feel like I'm asthmatic again."
"Do you need an inhaler? I'm sure I can find you one" A giggle slipped past your lips.
"You're a super soldier." Steve stated, his arms coming to a stand still to take a break. "There's no way someone can just do this."
"Here, let's swap. I got a good start on this one so it'll be easier for you." You said walking over to his side of the table, and taking over his dough while he moved over to yours.
"See, much easier. Now I'm a bread master!" He exclaimed, working with your dough that was already almost completely smooth rather than his shaggy mess.
"I knew you could do it! Great job, Stevie" You smiled.
"Thank you, thank you." He accepted your compliment.
A comfortable silence fell between you two as the sound of music filled your ears, you were obviously very concentrated on fixing the monstrosity of a dough pile Steve had left you.
It was sticking to every square inch of your hands, yet also incredibly crumbly and dry. You had no idea how he even went about creating such a substance, but you sure as hell were going to make it work, and you definitely weren't going to say anything about it.
He knew it wasn't correct, it was written all over your face but that made him happy. Watching you try to work with the crumbly goo with furrowed eyebrows and a smile that you tried to hold back warmed his heart, you were always so kind and encouraging.
"So..." Steve broke the silence.
"So?" You acknowledged.
"I was thinking."
"Oh gosh, that's scary..." You joked.
"Our anniversary passed not too long ago..." He mentioned, causing you to look up at him with a fond look on your face.
"That was six months ago" You pointed out, unsure if not too long was the proper description of how much time had actually passed.
Once all of the scary bumps that came along with establishing a new relationship were smoothed out, unlike the dough beneath your hands, your relationship with Steve was so smooth it glided by effortlessly and fast.
The concept of time since the blip in general felt quite odd, it felt like five years had passed by in the blink of an eye, yet the way of living with only half the population was so normal and routine now you couldn't imagine a time in which you lived a normal life before the blip.
That's exactly how you felt about your time with Steve as well. He moved in permanently next door, then before you knew it his lease was up and he moved in to your house. The spaces that were once yours were now yours and Steve's.
Four and a half years deep into your official relationship with the man and you couldn't even remember a time in which his easel wasn't always displaying a half completed work of art in the corner of the living room and there wasn't a Captain America suit tucked away in the very back of the closet, hiding away in a garment bag.
The two of you created the simple, care free life of your dreams. One in which the biggest struggle you faced on the daily basis was keeping the bakery stocked despite the ever growing crowds, and missing Steve whenever he was away on business to the compound in New York.
"So our anniversary is coming up!"'He enthused.
You laughed at his change of words, "only six months away!"
"Can you believe that four and a half years ago I waltzed in here for a cookie, and that simple choice single handedly changed both of our lives?" He questioned.
"Wow, kneading bread makes you so philosophical." You noted. "What a great choice you made, just goes to show that cookies really are the better part of life."
"You're the better part of my life, sunflower." He purposely cheesed causing you to look back up at him once more.
"How sweet" You acknowledged. "If my hands weren't covered in dough I'd reach up and boop your nose."
He laughed while he continued kneading your loaf that he was definitely going to claim as his now. "Maybe we could spend our half-anniversary in New York?"
Steve was going through a phase in which you could've never ever predicted, he hated going up to the compound now. He dreaded work trips, he hated how cold his room in the compound always seemed to feel, he despised all the memories that came to mind when he walked around.
From what you could understand through multiple conversations about this, he just didn't like being away from you. Being away from you when the blip happened and having no control over your arrest traumatized him in a way he would never admit, but in a way you could see in his eyes every time he had to leave town.
Regardless of what it was that made him resent the compound so much, you knew that it was a whole lot easier for him when you tagged along. So now he found a lot of creative reasons to try and drag you to New York.
Each reason was more creative than the last, and you said yes every single time he asked. At this point in your relationship, you were pretty sure you've spent over four months time in New York and it was starting to feel like a second home.
"You know you don't really need a reason to get me to New York right?" You smiled. "I'd love to spend our half anniversary with you, and I'll go with you to wherever you need to go."
"But coming up with a reason is half the fun" Steve admitted.
"Is this fun?" You questioned, motioning to the dough in your hands.
"This is exhausting!" He answered honestly, earning a laugh from you.
"You know what I love about going to the compound with you?"
"That Nat is there?" He questioned.
"That I get to learn about all the cool things you do for once. It's like going to the Avengers bakery and kneading the Captain America loaf!" You explained. "But yeah, I do love seeing Nat."
Steve giggled at your analogy, loving every second of watching your skillful hands try their absolute hardest to make his faulty dough pile work. "I'm always worried that you might be bored whenever I drag you with me."
"Bored?!" You emphasized. "My love, I'm a civilian in the Avengers compound. There's absolutely nothing boring about that."
"Okay, so next week you'll come with me?" He asked just to make sure.
"Of course" you reassured.
"Woohoo!" He shook his shoulders and hips in a little happy dance, hands sill focused on the dough. "Best day ever!"
You laughed at his response, "if this is the best day ever, then I think we should get out more."
"Okay, now is your chance to be honest with me." Steve prompted. "Does that dough lump have any potential at all of becoming anything close to a loaf of bread?"
"You know I love you very, very much?" You smiled, batting your eyelashes.
"Of course I do." Steve giggled.
"We're gonna have to squish this." You told him honestly. "But the bright side is that you're doing so well kneading that loaf, it'll be the prettiest, glutinous loaf to ever come out of this kitchen!"
"You said that so nicely, I'm not even upset about it" Steve shrugged, prompting you to smile.
You walked over to him and rocked up on your tippy toes before smacking a kiss to his cheek. "You're wonderful, we'll try again soon."
Before you knew it, you were right back in New York, smack dap in the compound. Whenever you were here you completely understood that Steve was here to work, so you never expected him to keep you entertained by any means. So you always brought your laptop and took care of business from the comfort of his room or the living room depending on what him and Nat were up to that day.
And 100% of the times you stepped foot into the Avengers home, whoever was lingering around always asked for you to bake them something, and you were always happy to say yes.
This particular night, Nat requested a chocolate chip cheesecake. After going to the store to get everything you needed, making all the parts and popping it in the oven, you started to do the dishes.
Muscular forearms wrapped around your stomach from behind, and the front of Steve's body warmly pressed against your back.
"How's it going, baby?" He questioned.
"Good, almost done in here." You responded while enjoying every second of his embrace. "How are you? Sleepy?"
"So tired." He confirmed. "I have a few hours of work left to get ready for the support group tomorrow but I think Nat is wrapping up for the night. You'll be okay?"
"Of course, I still have to input payroll and enter the supply delivery invoice for the bakery so I have plenty to do." You grinned, wiping your hands off so you could turn around to face him. When you did, you couldn't help but to admire him. His hair, his cute outfit, the fond yet tired look in his eyes. Reaching up, you squeezed his shoulders to try and relax his tense posture as his hands made their way to your hips. "You're so beautiful."
His cheeks turned pink before dropping his head onto your shoulder. "You're beautiful-er."
"Why does it have to be a competition? Just accept your handsomeness and move on" You giggled at his shyness, even after four and a half years together.
"Becauseeeee" he complained. "I'm lucky to have you, and I'm so happy you're here. Then, you're always really nice to me and all the people here that I love and I just can't even process how sweet you are."
You smiled before you both mutually leaned in for a kiss. "I promise you that I feel like the lucky one."
"Impossible." He shook his head in denial with his cheeks stilly adorably rosy. "Thank you for baking for us."
"Anytime, you know I love it."
Steve nodded in agreement. "I'll see you in a few hours?"
"I'll be here." You gave his shoulders another good squeeze. "We'll get those pretty eyes of yours some good rest."
By the time Steve finished up work and made his way back to the living quarters, it was already way past the bedtime he subconsciously made for himself to keep up with living with a baker. 10 at night felt like he had pulled an all nighter, and it seems as though that's how you felt as well considering he found you and Nat asleep on the couch.
Empty plates on the coffee table with Oreo crumbs being the only evidence of the cheesecake you made hours prior, and a movie that Steve had never even heard of playing on the TV provided the only source of light in the big space.
You and Nat had obviously gotten close and comfortable with each other, the shared blanket across your laps and your head plunked over onto Nat's shoulder with her head on top of yours made Steve smile and feel endlessly happy.
As much as you loved Nat, Steve knew Nat needed every drop of love and friendship you could give her. You both knew she was struggling ever since the blip, she spent every waking moment trying to monitor the world and find a solution. Steve didn't even know she was capable of settling down enough for even just a few hours to be able to fall asleep while watching a movie in the first place. You weren't just his sunflower, but everyone's who was lucky enough to earn your love.
Though he hated to break up the adorable scene in front of him, he was just as tired as the two of you evidently were and knew he should get you to bed.
He started by waking up Nat considering you were stuck beneath her. She was a light sleeper so it didn't take more than gently shaking her arm to wake her up, and she came to her senses quickly enough to immediately recognize what Steve was about to do.
"Good morning." Nat grinned, not lifting her head from the top of yours.
"Morning." Steve smiled. "Any chance I could get my girl back so I can send you two off to bed?"
"No. She's mine now." Nat denied. "Shes so cute and cuddly like a little puppy."
"You can have her back in the morning, but if she doesn't get some real sleep she gets a little grumpy." Steve bargained.
"Fine, but she's mine tomorrow. We're gonna go run some errands and grab lunch together."
"That sounds great, you could use a few hours away from this place." Steve encouraged.
"Just for that comment, I'm staying home." Nat joked.
"I will literally pay for both of you to go get your nails done if that means you'll get some fresh, non recirculated air." Steve sassed.
"A manicure and I get to take your girl out? Sign me up." She continued joking.
"The only conditions are that you go get some sleep and let me have nighttime custody of her so that she can get some sleep too."
"You're such a dad." She stated while carefully nudging your head off of her shoulder, then slowly standing up when she had successfully moved you off of her.
"Can I get you anything before you head off to bed?" Steve checked in.
"No, I'm okay. Thank you." She approached him and squeezed his shoulder before he just pulled her in for a hug anyways. "Goodnight, Rogers."
"Night, Romanoff." He reciprocated before letting go and she walked off into her room.
Now, he had you. His precious little lump on the couch. The dishes on the coffee table could be taken care of in the morning, and the TV would auto shut off in an hour or two. So he picked you up and held you tightly in his arms, and you immediately snuggled into neck.
He could tell you woke up at some point considering you started leaving little kisses to his exposed skin before he made it to his room. You were already in your pajamas ready to go, so he gently laid your down on the bed before he changed into some pajama shorts and brushed his teeth before laying down next to you.
Surprisingly, you were still awake and quick to pull the blankets over the two of you as you settled into each other. Appreciating the warmth of his soft bare skin, you laid your head on his chest and wrapped your arm tightly around his stomach, hand resting on the side of his rib cage.
You placed a little kiss to his collar bone before propping yourself up a bit on your arm to spark up a conversation you needed to get off your mind before you could truly get some restful sleep.
"How was the rest of your day, honey?" You questioned as one of his hands slipped up the back of your crewneck, the other drew little circles onto your hip.
"It was okay, pretty routine." He responded softly. "How's Nat doing?"
"That poor girl needs to get a life away from all of this." You sighed.
"I know" Steve nodded in agreement. "It's really hard to take a step back when you feel directly responsible, but it's not healthy. I've been encouraging her to get out more but she doesn't listen."
"I invited her to stay with us in Greenwood in a few weeks, hopefully she takes me up on that." You moved your hand up to his chest.
"That would be really fun." Steve grinned. "Did you have fun tonight?"
"Mhm, I mostly worked the whole time though." You admitted. "I actually wanted to talk to you about something before we sleep."
"What's going on?" He asked, you could tell he was paying a little closer attention now.
"So I ran some numbers on profit and what not, and just for shits and giggles I reached out to my lender and contractor to see if this was even a possibility when I had the idea but now that it's looking very possible, I wanted to see how you felt about this..."
"About what?" He raised an eyebrow in anticipation.
"What would you think about me opening a second location of the bakery?" You asked.
His face immediately lit up in a big smile. "Darling, that's incredible! You should absolutely do it if you feel comfortable enough."
"I do feel really good about it." You confirmed. His happy response made your heart soar. When you first opened Nice to be Kneaded, your last partner ridiculed you every single day. He thought the idea of owning a business would simply be too much of a challenge for you. He told you that you'd never succeed, that it would go under and cause debts for the rest of your life. Though you were at a point in your relationship with Steve where you never doubted his ability to be a kind person, his kindness still made you happy every single day. "The reason I really wanted to ask you is because I was advised the best location to break ground in would be New York."
His big smile grew even wider, and the corners of his eyes crinkled with adorable smile lines. "Are you for real?"
"Yeah" you giggled at his response.
"That makes me so happy!" He pouted his lip and furrowed his eyebrows. "I'm so proud of you."
"So I take it that you think this is a good idea?" The smile never left your face.
"I think it's the best idea you've ever had." He exaggerated.
"Then I guess I'll give it the green light first thing tomorrow morning." You settled the issue then settled back into his body.
The two of you talked for a little while about what life would look like with another bakery in New York. Both of you traveled back and forth so often now that dividing your time between two places was already second nature. He even pitched getting the two of you an apartment somewhere between the city and the compound so you both felt more at home when away from Greenwood. Though you loved the idea, you encouraged him to let all these thoughts settle for a day or two until you had a better idea on the logistics of this new endeavor. Besides, it was already late and you were both tired, there was nothing you could even arrange until the morning.
Though you felt settled and completely relaxed snuggled up to him, you played with his hair and tried to get him to relax too. You could feel his tension, but it was normal. No matter how exhausted he was, if he was at the compound his mind was busy and never quite turned off. His thoughts shifted from the happy thoughts of a future where the two of you hopped from bakery to bakery, big city Avenging to a small town simple life to something that had nothing to do with the sweet girl in bed giving him the most delightful cuddles he could've ever wanted.
You knew he was enjoying spending time with you even if his mind was up in the clouds, his hand that never stopped drawing shapes into your back told you that loud and clear.
"What are you thinking about, love?" You asked.
He let out a sigh and his eyes never left the ceiling, then his lips pressed into a straight line, then a forced grin and he finally looked at you. "What do we do if we can't find a way to undo what Thanos did?"
"What do we do," You motioned to the two of you "or what do the Avengers do?"
"Both. Either." He said, desperate to hear the right answer he couldn't find.
"Well I think both have the same answer." You shrugged. "Acceptance, then moving on."
He gave you the most adorable stink eye you've ever seen, so cute you had to hold back a giggle. "Why does everyone say that?"
"You preach it every time you hold a support group, no?" You questioned.
"That's different."
"How so?"
"Civilians aren't responsible for what happened, they deserve to live their lives exactly how they would if this never happened." He explained.
Whenever he spoke about the situation, you could feel a genuine pain in your chest. His feelings about the snap were like a rollercoaster. Some days, he could see the benefits, he could almost understand why Thanos did what he did. He could go about his day with acceptance, go to sleep with the intention of continuing to rebuild tomorrow. Then sometimes he'd wake up that next morning feeling the weight of every blipped person on his shoulders. As if he was the one who decided this needed to happen. That weight seemed to double every time he was in New York.
So with an ache in your heart, you tried to put a bandage over his. "Right now are you looking for the truth, or are you looking for reassurance?"
He groaned at your level-headedness, before shoving his face into your neck. "I'm looking for anything or anyone to just tell me it's going to be okay."
Understanding now that he needed reassurance instead of actual logical advice, you caressed the back of his head with your hand and used your other arm to hold him safe and sound against you. "Of course it's going to be okay, sweet boy.
"I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be so... grim, I just- I have to be strong all day every day for everyone else and sometimes you're the only one who can be strong for me." He admitted.
You kissed the top of his head a few times before providing the words he probably really needed to hear. "Life was okay yesterday, and the day before that, and it'll continue being okay tomorrow, and every day after that just like it has been for the past five years. Nobody blames you for what happened, and all of you guys deserve to move on too, not just civilians. The ground is still under your feet, the sky is still above your head and I'll never leave your side. The sun and moon are still taking turns, so I'm pretty confident when I say that everything is fine."
"That was great" Steve mumbled into your neck.
"Yeah? You feel any better?" You questioned with a smile.
"Mhm, I'm gonna use that in the support group tomorrow."
You smiled, though he couldn't see it before squeezing the back of his neck. "I love you, you're not going to bring back half the population from bed."
"I love you too, should I get up?"
"Go to sleep" You whispered directly into his ear, earning his sweet laugh that you loved so much.
"You first, traitor." Steve said playfully.
"Traitor?! Why am I a traitor?" You asked, feigning offense.
"You we're cuddling Natasha and not me." Steve fake cried.
You laughed before stating "Excuse me?! You've kissed Nat before, so I don't want to hear anything about my cuddles, sir!"
"Ugh?!" Steve was immediately taken back. "She kissed me and it was for a mission! Don't even start with that!"
You couldn't help but continue laughing at how flustered that statement made him. "Poor, Stevie! Your cheeks are so pink."
"I miss 10 seconds ago when you didn't bring that up." He pouted, a smile prevailing past his attempts to pretend like this conversation wasn't funny. "It was a life or death escape situation and we've never done anything romantic since then, okay?"
"I'm not bothered, baby" You continued smiling while prying his hands away from covering his face. "Were your bothered by our cuddles?"
"No, not at all." He denied. "I actually thought it was really adorable, I was just joking."
"And I think it's really cute that you and Nat shared a smooch" You pinched his cheek between two fingers.
"She implied that I was a bad kisser, by the way." Steve giggled. "So, neither of us enjoyed that experience."
You laughed at the confession before cooing, "awww poor, Stevie. Did that hurt your pride?"
"It wasn't a fair assessment, I wasn't ready for it." He defended himself.
"Exactly, you're a great kisser." You smoothed over the review that obviously stuck around with him for a while. "I know from experience!"
"Thanks, Baby. I appreciate your input on the matter." He gave your hip a nice squeeze.
"I'll be sure to talk to Nat about it in the morning to try and sway her opinions on it ." You joked.
"Absolutely do not do that" His eyebrows raised in horror.
You laughed once more before cupping his face and laying a long one on him. "I would never."
"Good, cause I think the sleepiness has taken over the both of our brains and made us a little crazy." He smiled.
You rested your head back onto its rightful spot on his shoulder, your hand rested over his heart and his free hand that wasn't on your back lovingly wrapped around your wrist. "Are you going to be able to shut your brain off long enough to fall asleep?"
"Of course" He appeased your worries about him. "I always sleep well when you're with me. You're like a little sleeping pill, the second you fall asleep on me, you put me to sleep too."
"Cheese ball" You poked fun at him with a content smile as you closed your eyes and wrapped the blankets tighter around the both of you.
"I might be cheesy, but I always will be. And I'm proud of it!" He agreed.
"I love it so much." You admitted. "And I love you so much."
"I love you too." He kissed the top of your head. "Goodnight, Sunflower."
"Sweet dreams, Stevie."
Not even two whole minutes of silence and attempts at sleeping went by before Steve gasped.
"Wait... are you asleep?" He asked, using his hands to dramatically shake you. "Wake up! This is important!"
"I'm awake, I'm awake!" You alerted his urgency. "Jeez dude, you're scrambling my brain."
"Oh good! You're awake!" He said. You didn't have to see his face to know he was wearing a big sarcastic smile. Steve's favorite hobby was definitely being a little shit.
"What a blessing." You mumbled.
"I forgot to ask you out on a date tomorrow night!" He enthused.
"Sorry dude, I think we're better just as friends." You carried on the tradition of your favorite inside joke.
"Sooooooo... should I cancel the engagement ring?" He quipped.
Recently the two of you were talking about getting married a lot, and if there was two things you both agreed on it's that a marriage was definitely in the books for the two of you soon, and that being engaged should never be truly be a surprise. Sure, time and place of the proposal as a surprise was the fun part, but both of you setting clear intentions and a well timed future that flowed at a comfortable pace for the two of you was important.
"A date sounds great!" You overly enthused.
"Great! I made dinner reservations without asking first so I'm glad you said yes."
"Risky business, Rogers." You smiled.
"Okay now go to sleep." He giggled.
"You first..." You poked his chest with very low effort.
When the morning came, you were up and out way before Steve was to start your morning with Nat. She wanted to get back to the compound before a planned call with affiliates of the Avengers, so the two of you snuck out before most of the compound was awake. Much like most mornings when you woke up before Steve, you covered him up with the blankets nice and snug, kissed him goodbye, and wished him a great day.
A nice long walk and chat followed by coffee, breakfast, and a nice relaxing manicure had Nat feeling brand new.
You dropped her off at the compound then left again to meet up with a friend of yours that lived pretty close by. While catching up on each others lives for a few hours, Steve called you.
Figuring he didn't realize you were busy, you denied the call to clue him in to text you instead. You often times did this if he needed to get through to you at work. But this time, your sunflower necklace lit up four times, a number that didn't have a code attached, then your phone rang again.
Figuring it was probably important, you excused yourself and quickly picked up the call.
"Hi, baby." You spoke timidly into the phone.
"Hi, I'm sorry to interrupt I know you're busy." He sighed. You could tell by his tone that his brain was fried.
"No worries, is everything okay?" You questioned.
"Remember Scott Lang? Ant-Man?" He asked.
"Yeah, yeah I do." You nodded though he couldn't see you. "He was blipped right?"
"You see, that's the weird part." Steve puffed out a confused chuckle. "He's at the compound. He just... showed up."
"What?!" You said louder than you probably should, earning weird looks from strangers around you.
"Yeah, he was stuck in the quantum realm and now he's here, and we think-" He started but cut himself off to think about how he was going to phrase this without worrying you.
But the pause was deafening. "You think what?"
"I think you should make your way back here whenever you're done with your friend so we can talk about it more."
"That sounds so scary" You admitted.
"No, everything is fine. I promise." He reassured you.
"Should I come home right now?"
"No, baby, it's okay" He tried to calm you down once again. "Nothing to be anxious about. I just think we need to visit Tony and get a few other ducks in a line and I want to make sure I can get you someplace safe before we start looking into this more."
"So you guys found some good hope?" You asked, this time with a smile knowing that's exactly what Steve needed.
"A lot of hope and possibly the craziest pipe dream of all time, but we can get into that when you get here, okay?"
"Okay" You sighed. "Everyone's okay?"
"Everyone is fine." Steve smiled. "I want you to keep having fun with your friend. I'll see you later."
"See you soon. Love you"
"Love you too."
Though he tried his hardest to reassure you that everything was fine, you couldn't clear your head of the endless possibilities of what this could mean for the future of the whole universe. Those thoughts didn't even allow you to fully appreciate or give your undivided attention to your friend, so you called it a day as soon as you could. And when you arrived back at the compound, you immediately spotted Steve sitting outside on a bench.
You could tell his mind was occupied by a billion racing thoughts, his breathing was steady and there was a pinch in his brows.
Approaching slowly and sitting next to him, he wrapped you up in a side hug before kissing your temple and letting you go. "What's going on, Honey?"
He sighed in appreciation as your hand found its way to his back, rubbing long, firm strips up and down to comfort him. "We think we can time travel."
"What?" Your hand stopped in place.
"Go back in time before Thanos, get the stones from a bunch of different points in time, snap again." Steve explained like it was the most simple idea in the world.
"But..... how?" You we're blown away by the possibility, but the biggest part of you was terrified of what that meant for him, the world, and the entire future.
"Something to do with pym particles and a quantum tunnel, I don't really understand it." Steve explained, his mind was wandering miles away from him. "We have Bruce en route to work on that, but we're going to get Tony. Try to assemble the whole team again."
You didn't quite have the words at the moment, nor the time to even process this as a possibility. Whenever you couldn't quite grasp a concept that was much larger than you, but whenever you felt so tiny in the vastness of the universe, Steve was always there to put you on his shoulders and make you feel big again. "How do you feel about this?"
"I feel ready to just get it done." He explained.
"Are you scared?" You plopped your head down onto his shoulder, he nestled his cheek into the crown of your head.
"No" He denied softly. "Are you?"
"If you're not then I'm not" You smiled. That was a lie, but you always tried to not burden him with your own fears.
Though letting him out of your grasp and straight into battles often appeared in your own nightmares, you reeled in your feelings as to not disrupt his own peace. As often as you wanted to tell him to be careful, beg him not to do risky things like go to space in a ship being piloted by a raccoon to kill a titan that killed half the universe, you trusted him. His entire life was rich with risk assessment that only made him more and more successful the more he lived.
So if he wasn't scared, you'd try not to be either.
"Well, maybe that's a lie. Maybe I am a little scared." Steve retracted his statement.
"Well shit" You joked, earning a laugh from the sweet man.
"I'm scared it's not going to work, and I'm scared of putting anything on the line when my only goal for the future is a life with you." He admitted. "Everything else, I'm not scared of."
This time, your arms wrapped him up and didn't let him go. He was letting his Steve Rogers shine through in a place you typically only saw Captain America. Though he would argue that those two people were the same, you thought he was so very wrong.
Steve was still the little guy he once was. Sensitive and gentle, he'd cry over videos of cute animals doing cute things, decorate cookies with you and asked to be cuddled for as long as he could get you to stay still. But Cap... Cap was strong. Nothing could tear him down. When the uniform was on or public and teammates eyes were on him, he had to be the leader. He stood tall, refused to shed a tear regardless of any circumstance thrown his way. Everyone looked at him to guide them through.
You loved both versions of him, and both were truthful of his character, but it was also true that Steve was a version of himself he was only comfortable showing to the people he loved the most.
So you gave Cap the space he needed to be firm and strong, and gave Steve the space he needed to be vulnerable. Sometimes that looked like a little snuggle on a bench outside of the Avengers compound.
Very surface level and as deep down as could be, he knew that Cap couldn't be the fighter he was without you nurturing Steve. He was strong because you were compassionate, and everyday he amounted his power to you.
"I love you so very much," you started.
"But?" He raised an eyebrow, already anticipating the kicker.
"But doing this is exactly what you need in order for you to live the life you want." You explained. "You and I both know you'd live the entire rest of your life with guilt if the Avengers don't find a way to fix this. And though I don't agree that any of this is your fault, I know you feel that burden every single day. So in a certain way, I think for once, this is a great fight for yourself."
He sat and considered it for a second. "I don't have it in me to fight for myself, so I'm going to consider this a fight for you."
"A happy, relaxing future with you is all I want." You kindled his fire. Though you wished he could fight for himself, any incentive to get him through would work in this moment. "And i'd love to see Sam again and meet Bucky."
"I miss them so much" Steve stated, you could hear the sadness in his voice.
You lifted your head to give him a kiss. Your soft lips mingled for a little while before pulling away and resting your forehead against his. "Everything is going to be okay."
"I think so too" He agreed.
"And if it doesn't pan out the way you all hope, then I hope you know that everything will be okay that way too."
"Well that's not an option." He gently shook his head.
"Hard headed!" You pulled away and raised your hand to gently poke him right in the center of his forehead. He laughed, knowing his words would irritate you. "You drive me crazy!"
"I love driving you crazy" His smile prevailed.
"Really? I couldn't tell." You said sarcastically, feeling the effects of his contagious smile.
"And I'd love it even more if I can keep annoying you on our date tonight." He brought up.
"Stevie" Your face softened. "We can reschedule that if you need to, you know I understand."
"No, I definitely don't want to cancel that." He denied firmly. "Not to bring up the past or anything, but the last time I rescheduled a date it didn't turn out too well for me."
"Awwwww" You cooed. "Classic Cap history"
"Yeah, and we're rewriting it because I'm not doing that again" he said with a chuckle.
"I'm more than happy to help you out with that" You agreed, giving his leg a little squeeze. "How's Scott doing? I'm sure this is a lot to process."
"He seems to be doing alright, but that leads me to something Nat and I talked about that I wanted to present to you."
"What's up?"
"It's no secret that you're kind've one of the most amazing and comforting humans alive, and we were supposed to go home in 2 days but..." He took a moment to find the right words. "I'm my best when you're around, and whether you've noticed or not, everyone is happier when you're here. So we were wondering if you could stay a little longer just to kinda help keep spirits up. I know you have the bakery at home but it could be a pretty crucial part in saving half the world."
"I can't imagine I'd have any crucial part in any of that, but I'll stay for you alone." You giggled.
"Obviously I'll bring you home before the time travel happens because it's such unknown territory, I'd want you far away from the compound. But we're going to bring everyone we've got here, including Thor who we heard is going through a rough patch. I think your love would go a far way."
"And cookies" You grinned.
"Cookies would definitely help."
"Can Rocket eat chocolate chips?" You pondered.
"He's a raccoon, not a dog." Steve reminded you.
"That doesn't answer my question." You eyebrow raised. "What about Nebula? Do cyborgs eat food? Ooh! I know Bruce likes chocolate, and Tony likes hazelnut because they had those Ben and Jerry's ice cream flavors so maybe I'll make Nutella cookies so it's the best of both worlds. Do you know what Rhodey likes? I have Nat covered. Thor probably li-"
"Baby, Baby" Steve cut you off with a giggle. "Don't stress yourself out now. You're not here to take care of us, just keep being you"
"This is me." You laughed. "Have you ever seen me not like this?"
"You know what? That's fair." He agreed.
"Ooh! And I bet Nat knows exactly what Clint would want!" You chirped. "...I should call the bakery..."
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Next Part: Crawl Home to You
Tag List: @patzammit @bemysugarbean @buckymydarlingangel @happinessinthebeing @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory @differenttyphoonwerewolf @themotherof10 @talesofadragon @spikeluv84 @royalwriteroftheuniverse @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @bitchy-bi-trash @crazyunsexycool @openup-yourmind @selella @kattreffic @benedict-squirtle @magnificentsaladllama @theroyalmanatee @calwitch @avengersinitiative2012 @rogersbarber @daddywattpad4945
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