#alphabet knee attack
yesimwriting Β· 4 months
I keep thinking about your style of writing the reader in the movie challengers and my girl would NOT have a good time πŸ’€
She would see this trio being lovey dovey with her and she would be so shy she would have a heart attack... She just wants to organize her sticky notes in alphabetic order leave her be.
Now if she was already in the friend group, she would totaly just get up and go to bed:
Trio: *on the verge of hooking up*
Reader: *yawns* would you look at that, well bye!
Trio: its not even midnight.
Reader: well, beauty sleep yk?
But also:
Art: we will be in eachothers life forever right?
Reader:duh! Your my friend πŸ˜€
Art: πŸ₯ΊπŸ₯Ί
anon i can literally feel you understanding my writing, omg, we are so connected
however the trio is so hot and charming and good at flirting i fear it'd take an unnatural level of self control to not accidentally hook up with them
i agree that this scenario is definitely influenced by wether or not reader is already friends with them, so let's take a second to talk about both:
if reader wasn't really friends with them first, i can see her going to tashi's party. she starts talking to tashi to congratulate her, and then patrick and art invite both of them over.
tashi and her joke about it, but when tashi says she wants to go, reader's already regretting her life choices. she's finally making a (very pretty, very intimidating) tennis friend, she can't back out.
it'd start off so calm, everyone passing around a beer, and reader feeling like drinking during a tournament is already rebellious of her. maybe patrick hands her his cigarette and she takes a drag bc she's convinced she can pass off being this chill person.
she's even fine when art rests his hand on her knee for a little. everything feels light, friendly. and then patrick tells that story about teaching art how to jerk off, and reader's still not overly affected bc she's not directly involved. for a beat, she even thinks it's kind of cute that art's flustered.
and then tashi gets on the bed and there's an immediate switch in energy. reader immediately knows the window to leave without being labeled 'weird' or a 'mood killer' is slowly closing. so she mentions the time, and when anyone tries to get her to stay, art is for sure the one that helps her out. he's a sweetheart like that <3
art agrees that it's late, and would probably even offer to walk her back to her room. or, if things didn't feel too tense, he might ask her if she wants to go with him to get some ice and stay for one more beer. a subtle reset to help protect reader's boundaries. he's so bf material, i'm sorry.
now, if reader was already friends with them:
i feel like if patrick and art had a close girl friend, hotel room would not be the first time they came close to hooking up 😭. even though reader is still shy, there's a familiarity between them that has her feeling secure.
bc she knows them, she can tell when they're in a bit of a flirtier mood. patrick's hand is on her knee and art rests his chin on her shoulder, all while they're giggling and kicking their feet at everything tashi says. reader's spider senses start tingling. thirsty bitches.
her first thought is: 'i didn't hook up with you guys at my high school graduation, and i'm not hooking up with you guys now.'
i think the main difference if she's already friends with them is that reader feels a little more comfortable slipping out. there's a bit less social pressure bc they're already friends, so there's less pretending.
patrick would probably be more comfortable teasing her if they were already friends. he'd be touchier, asking reader if she'd sit with him for a few more minutes, and then he'd walk her back to her room. scout's honor.
art's quicker to pick up on reader being uncomfortable if they're already friends. he's going out with her to get ice and asking her if she's feeling okay. if she seems extra shy or like she feels bad for not being super okay with everything, art will probably stay out with her a bit. he'll talk to her about stuff she likes and then walk back to her room.
i love your side note about art and reader's dynamic, he'd find everything so endearing. like, yes, reader is the one making promises to be in art's life forever without a second thought. that is his very necessary second emotional support best friend that he pines after.
he's making sure everyone leaves her to her color coded sticky notes and tennis practice if that's what she wants!
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flowerandblood Β· 8 months
The Doubt & The Delight
[ modern Frollo β€’ Aemond x Esmeralda β€’ female ]
[ warnings: sex content, oral sex, smut, angst, description of physical and mental disabilities, remorse, depression, hysteria attacks, swearing, trauma, suicidal thoughts, suicide attempt ]
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[ description: After a car accident, his brother has to deal with the consequences of what happened, and he, as his protector, does not know how to help him. His sister comes up with the idea of hiring someone as his carer who will be able to cheer him up and occupy his mind. It turns out, however, that the girl he hired charmed not only his younger brother. Obsession, self-destructive behavior, verbal and physical aggression, sexual tension, dark, malicious Aemond. ]
Author's note: This story is a request, but I decided to freely use what I liked in the book and Disney film to create a new, disturbing story taking place in modern times. It is intended to be uncomfortable and will contain scenes that are at least morally questionable, in my version "Esmeralda" is not Romanian. This story will also include motifs from Jane Eyre, which was a separate request. My story will also touch on the problems of people with disabilities, so if these are sensitive topics for you, I advise against reading further. You have been warned.
Part 1 βˆ’ The Knight & The Judge Part 2Β βˆ’Β The Sin & The Penance Epilogue
Main Characters Moodboard Aemond NSFW Alphabet
This is the last part of this story. Thank you all for such a nice reception of this entire mini-series, it was supposed to be a oneshot, but as usual it turned out to be something more! This is probably one of my favorite works here and I can't wait to hear your opinions.
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Previous chapters:Β Masterlist
That night, after what had happened between them, he sobbed silently for the first time since the day of the accident in which his parents died. He didn't know what else he could do βˆ’ he felt helpless and couldn't sleep, despair completely possessing his heart and mind.
Don't ever touch me again.
We are even.
He clenched his eyelids, letting the tears run down the sides of his face onto the pillow lying under his head.
Some part of him wanted to go to her door, to fall to his knees and beg her to open it for him, to let him hold her close, to fall asleep in her embrace.
He needed her so much, but he knew he had no right to demand anything from her.
She was doing more than she had to anyway.
He shuddered as he heard the sound of the door opening; stupefied by the sedatives and painkillers for a moment he had no idea where he was or who he was βˆ’ he raised himself up on his elbow and hissed, feeling his head ache incredibly.
He opened his eyelids and immediately closed them, blinded by the light from the windows βˆ’ he gave up with a sigh laying back on the couch, trying to calm himself down.
"Daeron?" He called out loudly, trying to remember what had happened, whether he had drunk too much alcohol the evening before or overdosed on sleeping pills.
He heard someone's footsteps and froze when he saw her frightened face; she came towards him with her eyes wide open as if looking at a ghost, stopping at a safe distance.
"βˆ’ I'm just helping him change, we'll come soon βˆ’ God, how pale you are, should I call the doctor again? βˆ’" She muttered clearly genuinely horrified by his condition, but he shook his head quickly.
"βˆ’ did you call the police yesterday? βˆ’" He asked lowly, thinking with horror that no one at the prosecutor's office could find out that he was still struggling with his trauma and had almost caused a car crash.
She shook her head quickly, playing with the fingers of her hand in a nervous gesture.
"βˆ’ n-no βˆ’ the man we almost collided with wanted to do it at first, but when we got out of the car and said you'd fainted he called an ambulance and let it go βˆ’ he apparently decided you'd just had some sort of attack and didn't want to add to our problems βˆ’" She replied once looking him in the eye, once looking away βˆ’ he could see that she clearly wasn't coping with the situation or what had happened between them.
He sighed in relief, running his hand over his face, thinking about the fact that securing Daeron's fate was now his priority and he needed to pull himself together.
"βˆ’ I'm going to go help Daeron and we'll make something for breakfast soon βˆ’" She said quickly and turned away, moving down the corridor towards his little brother's room, disappearing behind the door.
The two of them had tried not to look at each other all morning, heartbroken and horrified by what had happened between them βˆ’ they both felt that their lives had slipped out of their control and he resented himself for dragging her into it all.
The doctors advised him to stay at home for a few days and rest, so he called Alys to ask her to bring him his documentation.
"βˆ’ sick leave? βˆ’ something happened? βˆ’" She asked concerned, and he sighed heavily, tightening his fingers on the base of his nose, not having the strength for this discussion.
"βˆ’ I've been overworking lately, I need to slow down βˆ’ can I count on you? βˆ’" He asked matter-of-factly, hearing her snort of amusement on the other side.
"βˆ’ sure βˆ’ I'll be there in half an hour βˆ’" She replied calmly and hung up; he sighed heavily, running his hand over his face and put the phone down on the table top.
He glanced over his shoulder, hearing the sizzle of the pan and shuddered meeting her gaze βˆ’ she lowered her eyes immediately as if caught in the act, concentrating on not burning the pancakes, Daeron wheeled around her in his wheelchair placing clean plates and cutlery beside her.
They ate breakfast together, both of them really only talking to Daeron, passing cups and juice to each other out of politeness only. He felt a pleasant shudder when his fingers touched hers, looking her straight in the eyes βˆ’ her lower lip twitched a little, only a quiet, sad thank you came out of her mouth.
As they ate Daeron said he would do his own homework and then change her to look after him, as if he was now the one to take on the role of his caretaker.
As he left his Esmeralda stood up, picking up the dirty dishes from the countertop βˆ’ he took his plate from her hand, swallowing hard.
"βˆ’ no need, I'll do it βˆ’ I'm better now, I don't want to force you to stay here any longer than necessary βˆ’ thank you very much βˆ’" He said in a low voice, getting up from his seat and stepping around her, opening the dishwasher with a light movement, tossing in the cutlery and other dirty dishes she'd held earlier.
He felt her looking at him, his heart pounding like crazy, for some reason he wanted to cry again.
"βˆ’ I'm sorry βˆ’ for what happened yesterday βˆ’" She muttered in a whisper and he raised his shocked gaze to her, frozen still.
She stood in front of him covering her mouth with her hand, trying to silence the loud, ragged breath that shook her body along with the sob that wanted to break from her throat, tears began to fall from the corners of her eyes one after another.
God, she was remorseful.
"βˆ’ no βˆ’ no, stop βˆ’ you didn't do anything wrong, I wanted it βˆ’" He said quickly, but she shook her head.
"βˆ’ I couldn't sleep βˆ’ I felt awful βˆ’" She uttered with difficulty, choking on her own tears, and despite her telling him never to touch her again he put his arm around her waist and pulled her to him in one sure movement βˆ’ her body did not put up any resistance to him, her fingers tightened on his sweatshirt in a helpless gesture.
"βˆ’ I-I'm sorry βˆ’ I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you βˆ’" She mumbled out and burst into quiet sobs.
He thought with despair that he had broken this poor girl, brought her to a state where she felt like an abuser.
He embraced her tightly, snuggling his face into the hollow of her neck, stroking her back reassuringly βˆ’ her wonderful scent and the warmth of her body had a soothing effect on him, he thought he wanted to remember this moment for a lifetime.
"βˆ’ I'm the one who hurt you βˆ’ I took something away from you and you tried to get it back βˆ’ you asked me if I wanted it and I made it clear that I did βˆ’ easy βˆ’ breathe deeply βˆ’ it's all right βˆ’" He whispered in a trembling voice, running his large hand through her back and hair. She snuggled into him so tightly that he felt tears under his eyelids himself βˆ’ he pressed his lips together not wanting to let them flow out but it was no use.
"βˆ’ thank you for everything βˆ’ I'm feeling better now, I'll be fine by the time Helaena arrives βˆ’ go home and get some rest βˆ’ I'll think of something and explain to Daeron why you can't work for us anymore βˆ’ I'll send you your pay by transfer so you never have to see me again βˆ’ hm? βˆ’" He asked softly and she only nodded, her whole chest trembling in convulsion as she drew in a deep breath, trying to calm herself.
He wanted to tell her that he loved her.
He wanted to tell her that she was the most wonderful person he had ever met.
He wanted to tell her that if she ever needed help, she could always count on him.
He wanted to do that, but he only flinched when he heard the doorbell ring, reminding himself of Alys βˆ’ they moved away looking at each other in pain, the sight of her wiping her cheeks red from tears broke his heart.
He realised that he was a monster.
As soon as he opened the gate for her, Alys walked into his house with thick folders of documents in her hands, looking elegant as usual in her jacket, long trousers and high heels. She smiled at the sight of his Esmeralda, and she pressed her lips together realising with horror that she stood dressed only in his hoodie.
"Good morning. We don't know each other yet." Alys said to her and held out her hand to her βˆ’ she, not knowing what to do, herself embarrassed by the situation and how it looked shook her hand, squeezing it firmly.
"Good morning." She muttered and just threw to him that she was going to go see how Daeron was doing with his homework βˆ’ Alys led her away with her eyes looking at her with a calm, curious expression on her face.
"Who is this beautiful little flower? In addition wearing your hoodie I think." She asked amused, a note of mock accusation in her voice, as if she had solved the equation. "Is it because of her that you can't concentrate lately?"
He threw her one warning, sharp look, which did not deter her, however βˆ’ he sighed heavily and shook his head.
"She's Daeron's caretaker and she had to stay here to help me take care of him after I fainted yesterday. They were at a carnival ball together and she had nothing to change into." He replied coolly, wanting to end the subject quickly, frustrated.
"Is that why you both cried?" She asked lowly raising an eyebrow, the piercing look in her bright green eyes told him clearly that she felt the tension that hung in the air between them. He swallowed loudly, looking away, not wanting to look at her smile full of satisfaction.
"Thank you for bothering to come all the way out here. I'll be gone for a week, we're in touch." He replied dryly βˆ’ she threw over his shoulder that if he needed her for anything he could count on her and smiled at his Esmeralda heading for the exit, saying it was a pleasure to meet her.
As the door closed behind her there was an awkward silence between them. He saw that she was wearing his hoodie and shorts that were too loose on his brother but on her they fit perfectly despite the manly cut, in her hand she held the bag with her costume.
She was leaving.
He will never see her again.
"Are you sure you can manage?" She asked uncertainly, not looking at him. She seemed pale to him, he thought that for some reason Alys' visit had saddened her, but he didn't even dare assume it might have had anything to do with him.
At most, she might have thought he was a bigger bastard and pervert than she suspected.
"Yes, we'll be fine. Thanks again." He muttered, trying not to look at her, but to poor effect, thinking only of how wonderful it was to hold her in his arms, how tightly she snuggled into him seeking refuge and comfort.
He realised that he craved such closeness from her as much as the touch of her naked body.
He wasn't just about sex.
She, however, merely nodded, raising her sad, tired, embittered gaze at him once more, and after a moment she turned and disappeared behind the door.
The hours leading up to Helaena's arrival he spent with Daeron, playing together FIFA'23 and other games that his brother thought would distract him from all the unpleasant events of the past weeks.
"Don't worry, everything will be fine. You just need to rest. It's good that you and Esmeralda have reconciled." He said clicking beside him on his pad, trying to win a race against him on the big space track. He swallowed hard, thinking with pain and shame that they hadn't reconciled at all, that they weren't even.
What she did was a desperate attempt by her to regain what he had taken from her, the feeling that she had power over her own body.
It didn't bring her any relief though βˆ’ it seemed to him that it made her feel even worse.
She wasn't like him βˆ’ she'd probably never behaved like this before, and she was horrified to find that she didn't recognise herself.
He had destroyed her, taken away her innocence, devoured her.
He pressed his lips together, trying to stop the burning tears that forced their way under his eyelids from flowing and grunted loudly, trying to focus on the game.
As he prepared the room where his sister was to sleep, and where his Esmeralda had previously spent the night, he noticed a purple cloth lying on the floor. He reached out and picked it up, realising after a moment that it was a scarf she had worn on her head in the form of a headband.
He pressed it to his face and closed his eyes, with a squeeze in his throat thinking that the material was permeated with her scent.
He kept it.
Helaena had arrived straight from the airport in a taxi for which she had paid crores βˆ’ as soon as she stepped inside she dropped her suitcase, ran up to him and threw herself into his arms. He burst out sobbing, feeling her familiar, tender closeness.
He wasn't sure when was the last time someone had hugged him, stroked him, told him everything was going to be alright, that now he was the one being taken care of.
Taking the opportunity that Daeron was playing in his room on his laptop, they sat side by side on the living room couch to discuss what had happened.
"I think I've stopped coping. I'm slowly losing my self-control." He muttered, burying his face in his hands, feeling that he needed to at least partially throw off what was going on inside his head βˆ’ he felt his sister stroking his back comfortingly.
"Me and Aegon left you alone with all of this, sinking into our own grief. We all focused on Daeron because we decided you were older and better able to handle it all." She said with pain and some kind of regret, as if she only now realised that he wasn't a fully formed adult then either.
He let the air out of his lungs, feeling like a small, clumsy child again, embarrassed that he wasn't coping, that he had chaos in his head, that he was stuck and unable to get out of the mess he had sunk all the way into.
"I thought it would be good for you to have a change. For you and Daeron to fly with me for a few weeks, get some rest, during which time we can work together to find you some sort of therapist, someone to help you get over all this." She said warmly, and he shook his head quickly, terrified of her suggestion, of having to reinvent himself somewhere, of not being in his home, of not having his things and activities.
"No, I can't do that. I need a rest, but here, at home. I do think, however, that it will do Daeron good to spend time with you, to get away from it all. Maybe when I have a bit of time to myself I can somehow…sort it all out." He muttered, feeling her worried gaze on him.
"You shouldn't be left alone."
"I haven't been alone with my thoughts for five years. I need this." He said regretfully, realising that he had devoted all his strength to his younger brother, leaving himself with nothing.
He felt empty.
"And he needs a change of environment. He sees me gloomy and tired every day. You will help me the most if you take care of him for a week or two so that I can get myself in order."
"You have to promise me that you will go to therapy. You're taking on too much on your shoulders." She said cautiously, and he nodded to her, wanting everyone to finally give him a break.
Daeron was at the same time happy about the sudden unplanned holiday, but on the other hand very worried that he was going to be left alone at home.
"But who will take care of you? Esmeralda?" He asked hesitantly, and he replied that he would manage on his own, that they would talk on the phone every day, that he just needed a bit of rest to think things over.
As they packed to leave he was with them in body, but not in thoughts which drifted far away to her, to what had happened between them.
Despite the fact that they had sex with each other twice, it was the memory of that morning in his kitchen when he held her in his embrace that he remembered most, the innocence and tenderness of that gesture, the warmth of her body, the smell of her hair, the fact that for a moment she had allowed him to get close to her.
He knew he would never see her again.
Waving them off, already seated in the taxi, watching them drive away he wondered what the point of living such a terrible person like him was.
He cleaned the whole house, sorted the papers in his office, put up the laundry and emptied the dishwasher, doing everything unhurriedly with complete silence all around him, only the sound of the wind outside the windows and the quiet pounding of raindrops against the windowsills.
He finally sat down on the sofa, staring dully ahead, before lowering his gaze to the small container of sleeping pills he'd been taking for days to get at least a few hours of sleep.
He wondered how many he'd have to swallow to not wake up.
He didn't know why his hand reached for his phone βˆ’ his fingers tapped out a question on Google and, to his surprise, many different topics on forums about how to commit suicide painlessly popped up.
He read statements from some young, desperate, frightened people who couldn't cope with life and responses from others, some encouraging them to commit the act and explaining how to do it, others asking them not to do it, that they would be happy to talk to them, to support them through this difficult time.
He thought of Daeron, of how if he had done it, his little brother would have completely broken down, that it would only add to the pain of his whole family, and that Helaena would never forgive herself for leaving him alone.
That it would have been selfish of him.
On the other hand, his mind reminded him of his aggressive, merciless interrogations, the way he approached witnesses, the way he approached Alys, what he did to his Esmeralda when she recognised at once his malicious, dark nature.
How was someone like him supposed to continue to take care of Daeron? How was he supposed to pretend that he was a good man who could advise him on anything, be his authority?
He thought that his little brother should have stayed with Helaena βˆ’ she was the calmest of them all, surely she would have handled his parenting much better, given him what he needed.
He reached for a small container of pills and stared at it, turning it between his fingers with a loud rattle, wondering dispassionately what he should do with himself.
He hummed as if he remembered something and slipped his hand into the pocket of his trousers, pulling out a thin, purple folded cloth βˆ’ he looked at it, feeling the need to call her.
He didn't know why he would do that when he was sure she didn't want to see him and couldn't even look at Daeron, to whom he would have to explain why she would no longer be taking care of him upon his return.
He guessed that she would only pick up out of politeness, and he would again flood her with his problems, his suicidal thoughts, forcing her to worry about him, to feel sorry for him even though he didn't deserve her sympathy.
He didn't even know when he unscrewed the container, when he tilted his head and poured its entire contents into his mouth, taking a deep sip of water after this, letting his judgment of himself run deep into his stomach.
He seemed to regain his sanity only after a moment, staring at the empty vessel wondering what he had actually done.
Oh fuck.
God, what had he done?
No, no, no, no.
He went into a complete panic, his heart started pounding like crazy βˆ’ he didn't know how much time he had before he lost consciousness, so in a gesture of helplessness he dialled her number quickly, wondering if she would answer from him this time.
He thought he was pathetic, but he was scared, there was no one else to turn to βˆ’ his body was shaking all over from stress and terror, his breathing quick and raspy, tears of fear in his eyes.
"βˆ’ hello? βˆ’"
He heard her uncertain voice on the other side and drew in the air loudly, shocked, swallowing hard, taking a deep breath, running his hand over his face.
"βˆ’ fuck βˆ’ I βˆ’ I βˆ’ I did something very, very stupid βˆ’ I took a whole packet of sleeping pills βˆ’ I don't know what came over me βˆ’ oh fuck, what have I done βˆ’" He muttered in a squeaky, high-pitched voice, like a helpless child who had broken a vase and realised what his parent would do to him when they found out.
"βˆ’ what? βˆ’ oh God βˆ’ are you home? βˆ’ I'm calling the ambulance βˆ’"
"βˆ’ n-no βˆ’ no, fuck, they'll kick me out of the national prosecutor's office βˆ’ please βˆ’"
"βˆ’ go quickly to the bathroom and try to induce vomiting βˆ’ give me the code to your gate, I'll be right there βˆ’"
He seemed to act in an amok, as he rose from the couch everything around him swirled βˆ’ she told him to take his phone to the restroom, so he did.
He fell to his knees in front of the toilet, shoving two fingers down his throat βˆ’ after several attempts he finally threw up, whooping with his tears, coughing loudly, his whole body shaking in convulsions, his heart pounding like mad in his chest.
How could he do this, how could he be so selfish?
"βˆ’ I'm sorry βˆ’" He mumbled, sliding slowly to the ground, feeling his mind begin to envelope in a blissful peace and quiet, her voice coming from the speaker of his phone seemed to him only a distant whisper.
He thought he would take a nap for a while, rest and when he woke up everything would be fine.
It seemed to him that minutes, hours or years might have passed when he felt someone move his body βˆ’ he shuddered as someone's fingers forced their way between his lips, his numb body powerless to resist.
"βˆ’ come on, please βˆ’ get it out of you βˆ’ God, what have you done βˆ’ please, please, come on βˆ’" He heard her crying beside him, the tips of her fingers pressing against the back of his tongue, until finally his stomach convulsed with a powerful spasm, and his body threw it all out with his throaty cough of exertion.
He heard her sobs, smelled her scent, her closeness, how her hands washed his face with water, how she stroked his head as she hugged him to her breasts, mumbling in despair that he was a fool, something warm and soft enveloped them.
He fell asleep, recognising that this was what heaven must have been like.
When he woke up he felt everything around him spinning βˆ’ he muttered in displeasure, another cramp squeezing his stomach.
He pulled himself up, in the dark looking for the toilet, at the last moment leaning over it and vomited again, panting loudly, everything around him blurred, it seemed to him that it was morning.
He heard movement beside him βˆ’ someone's hand touched his back and stroked him with a gentle, affectionate gesture as convulsion again shook his body, which was trying with all its might to rid itself of what he had swallowed the day before.
Nothing more than a mumble left his mouth, his head drooped involuntarily βˆ’ he felt someone pull him back to keep him from sliding down onto the tiles. He lay down, something soft enveloped him again.
"βˆ’ it's okay βˆ’ sleep βˆ’" He heard her whisper and thought that the pills he had taken were causing him to hallucinate, that he was probably dreaming it all, and since he was and she wasn't really there he could embrace her, his arm grabbed her waist, his face snuggled between her breasts again with his loud purr of contentment and exhaustion.
He felt her hands embrace him, stroking his head and back βˆ’ he thought, feeling the hard floor beneath him, that they were lying in the bathroom and she must have brought the duvet and pillows from his bedroom, sleeping in that room with him.
He fell asleep and woke up hearing someone walking around his house, once in a while someone touched his head βˆ’ he heard her voice asking him some questions that he was unable to focus on βˆ’ she was only answered by his frustrated sounds indicating that he just wanted to sleep on.
Finally when he opened his eyes he managed to see anything βˆ’ the bathroom door was open, the light in the room was off. He had a perfect view of the corridor and part of the living room lit up in the sun βˆ’ he heard someone's footsteps, his heart jumped into his throat when he saw her silhouette in the doorway.
"βˆ’ hey βˆ’ hey, how are you feeling? βˆ’" She muttered walking up to him and kneeling beside him, her loose hair in a slight disarray, she was wearing shorts and a plain white Tshirt. He looked away from her breasts when he noticed she wasn't wearing a bra, swallowing hard.
He didn't reply, feeling an overwhelming sense of shame, remembering what he had done, how disgusting and selfish he had acted, that he had forced her to help him again despite having caused her such harm.
"βˆ’ I βˆ’ I would like to talk to some therapist βˆ’" He choked out with tears in his eyes, not looking at her but somewhere in front of him, his breathing shallow and uneven βˆ’ it seemed to him as if his lungs had completely clenched.
"βˆ’ alright βˆ’ alright, I'll look for someone nearby βˆ’ okay? βˆ’" She asked tentatively and he just nodded, unable to look her in the eye. He heard her get up quickly, and a moment later she was back, sitting down next to him with her phone in her hand, typing something quickly on her screen, apparently scrolling through the accounts of doctors who had offices in the same town.
"βˆ’ there's a Dr Smith, he's got a free appointment in two days at one o'clock in the afternoon, or a Dr Morgan, but he… βˆ’"
"βˆ’ anyone βˆ’ as soon as possible βˆ’" He said dispassionately, looking blankly ahead, heard her swallow hard and click something quickly, heard his phone vibrate beside him on the floor.
"βˆ’ I've booked you an appointment and sent you details via message βˆ’" She mumbled, and he nodded.
"βˆ’ thank you βˆ’ you can βˆ’"
"βˆ’ I spoke to your sister on the phone while you were asleep and told her everything βˆ’ we agreed that Daeron will stay with her and I'll watch over you until your first appointment βˆ’" She said coldly with some kind of regret from which he felt a squeeze in his throat. He pressed his lips together, feeling his body tremble and closed his eyes, wanting to just disappear.
He shuddered, looking at her in disbelief as she slipped her purple scarf out of the pocket of her tracksuit shorts, the same one he'd found on the floor and kept. She tied her hair with it, combing it into a ponytail, staring straight into his eyes.
"I found this on your couch. Did you think of me before you did it?" She asked, with soft, sure flicks of her fingers arranging her curls as she saw fit. He swallowed hard at her question, feeling a burning sense of embarrassment.
"βˆ’ yes βˆ’" He sighed. She let out a quiet breath at his words, placing her hands on her thighs.
"βˆ’ are you able to get up? βˆ’"
With her help he managed to rise with difficulty βˆ’ he brushed his teeth feeling the still disgusting taste of vomit and acid on his tongue and then lay down on the sofa, grabbing his head. He watched her silhouetted in the kitchen as she opened the cupboards one by one until she found his first aid kit.
He saw her throw away all the packets of sleeping pills he had.
"βˆ’ hey βˆ’" He threw to her wrinkling his eyebrows, knowing he wouldn't be able to sleep a wink without them.
"βˆ’ you'd better not speak βˆ’" She said warningly, without giving him a single glance, so he gave in, sighing heavily and closing his eyes, figuring there was no point in arguing.
To his surprise she moved around the rooms as if this was her home, sat down next to him at the other end of the sofa with an apple in her hand and turned on the TV as if nothing had happened. He looked at her, wondering if she was really going to sit here for days, but then decided it didn't matter.
When he finally got the phone call from Helaena he listened to almost half an hour of a litany from her about how irresponsible and selfish he was, only to hear a moment later that she loved him very much and that he needed to start taking care of himself βˆ’ he assured her several times that he already had an appointment with a therapist, and Esmeralda wouldn't leave his side.
"βˆ’ is that what you call me? βˆ’" She asked quietly after he had hung up, looking at the TV screen on which the news had just been airing. He looked at her surprised, realising that it wasn't actually her real name after all.
"βˆ’ yes βˆ’" He replied lowly, playing with his phone between his fingers.
They didn't talk much to each other apart from the usual basic politeness. After a couple of hours he felt well enough to get up βˆ’ he was still dizzy and still had no appetite, but he drank plenty of water and thought with relief that the danger had passed.
Evening finally fell and, tired after all that had happened, he simply headed upstairs to his bedroom, wanting to give her some solitude and privacy.
Changing into his pyjamas, which consisted of a simple t-shirt and black tracksuit bottoms, he shuddered and looked in disbelief at the door to his room when it opened, her figure stepping inside as if nothing had happened, climbing on his bed, lying under his duvet, turning her back to him.
He pressed his lips together, wondering if he should say something or not, but in the end he couldn't resist.
"What are you doing?"
"I want to sleep. I'm tired. Could you turn out the light?" She asked quietly.
He grunted and, as she requested, walked over to the switch, flicking it, complete darkness fell all around them.
The thought that she was going to sleep in the same bed with him, even if only to keep an eye on him, made him instantly hard.
He lay down at a safer distance behind her, looking at her back and neck, knowing that she could feel his breath, but not daring to touch her.
He wondered if she was punishing him this way, showing him that she was at his fingertips, but after what he had done there was nothing else he could do but watch.
It would have been enough for him if he could have just jerked off looking at her, concentrating on her scent and the fact that she was next to him, but he felt he had no right to bring himself relief after all of this.
He didn't deserve it.
That's why he was just dying in agony, writhing βˆ’ without his pills despite his fatigue he could not fall asleep, on top of that he was too aroused, her closeness was driving him crazy.
"βˆ’ will you stop squirming? βˆ’ I can't sleep βˆ’" She muttered at last, raising herself up on her elbow, looking at him with furrowed brows.
He felt his lips part involuntarily in desire at the sight of her face, at the thought that she didn't have a bra under her shirt, that there were her lovely breasts under that material that he could caress all night.
"βˆ’ sorry βˆ’" He just choked out, trying to calm his breathing, his cock pulsed painfully swollen under the material of his sweatpants.
He made big eyes and flinched, embarrassed as she pushed back the duvet that covered them both, her gaze going to his trousers and what was going on inside them.
A tense silence fell between them βˆ’ he could feel his whole body quivering with desire, grief and shame.
He wondered if she would mock his state and his desperation.
"βˆ’ we can do it if you want βˆ’ like civilised people βˆ’ I'd like to experience some sleep tonight βˆ’" She said softly and he looked at her in disbelief, the bulge in his sweatpants twitched hard at her words.
"βˆ’ are you sure? βˆ’ I wouldn't βˆ’"
"βˆ’ make me feel good βˆ’" She said quietly.
He drew in the air loudly as she said this, grabbing the material of her t-shirt and lifting it, pulling it over her head, revealing her lovely breasts to him.
She sighed loudly when his face immediately pressed against her nipple, alternately sucking and licking it with the tip of his tongue, his fingers digging into the soft skin of her back. She moaned quietly, surprised when he pulled her to him, her palms sliding into his hair, holding him close.
They lay on their sides, embracing each other in a tight grasp. He wriggled in disbelief and delight, willing and eager to show her how much he regretted it, how much he desired her, how much he loved her βˆ’ his hand grasped tentatively her other breast, kneading it with his fingers.
"βˆ’ so soft βˆ’" He gasped, listening to her quiet sighs of pleasure. He felt her throw her leg against his waist, which he grasped confidently, clenching his fingers on her thigh and pulled her closer, letting her feel how much he wanted her, his manhood throbbed impatiently beneath his trousers, hitting her stomach.
"βˆ’ how βˆ’" He asked between flicks of his tongue licking and sucking her hard, puffy nipple like a little child, stroking the soft skin of her hips. He slipped his hand under the material of her shorts, tracing his fingertips over her plump buttocks, wanting to be sure that this time he would do everything the way she needed it, give her pleasure and reassurance, at the pace and the way she wanted it.
She stroked his hair at his question and placed a short, warm kiss on his forehead βˆ’ he murmured lowly as he felt her begin to rub against him, encouraging him to do the same, his lips letting go of her nipple with a loud plop to look at her.
"βˆ’ you on top βˆ’ but touch me down there first βˆ’" She whispered embarrassedly, turning onto her back, pulling his arm behind her, looking at him with a gaze hot with desire and affection.
He leaned in, letting his swollen lips brush hers, which responded immediately to his caress, her fingers cupping his neck, deepening the kiss.
"βˆ’ mmm βˆ’" She hummed, squirming beneath him. He ran his hand down her body, in a tentative, unhurried motion slipping his hand under the material of her shorts, wanting to give her time to react, but she sensing this spread her thighs wider, easing his access, his fingers finally running over her swollen, hot, wet womanhood.
"βˆ’ God, little one βˆ’ I want to use my mouth here βˆ’" He gasped appreciatively, thinking only of the fact that he had been dreaming of this for weeks. He smiled involuntarily when he saw her nod quickly, her sweet, full lips parted in an accelerated breath.
"βˆ’ okay βˆ’" She whispered quietly, letting him slide the material of her shorts and underwear off her βˆ’ he marvelled at the sight of her naked body, thinking with some kind of emotion that he felt like crying.
"βˆ’ so beautiful βˆ’" He whispered, placing a gentle kiss on her stomach, on her womb, on her hip, on her thigh, knee and calf. He looked at her and noticed that she was watching him intently, her breasts rising and falling in uneven breaths, her hands on either side of her head.
"βˆ’ come here βˆ’" He murmured softly, in a gentle motion pushing her hips closer to him, spreading them in front of him βˆ’ he heard her gasp loudly as he leaned over her bared flesh. He let his hot breath envelop her skin before his nose ran over her hot, soft womanhood, his lips lazily clinging to her folds, placing a lingering, sticky kiss on them.
He tightened his hands on her thighs when he felt her throw her head back with a sweet, surprised moan, her fingers traveling to his short hair, stroking it in impatient motion, pressing his face close to her body.
"βˆ’ please βˆ’" She mumbled, and he huffed with amusement, trailing his lips up to her puffy clit, sliding then down to her leaking, swollen slit, teasing her barely, not giving her what she needed.
"βˆ’ no βˆ’ we're going to do this very, very slowly βˆ’ with due respect to you βˆ’" He hummed contentedly, feeling some kind of pride that he could do it this way, could give it to her and be what she needed.
She whimpered softly, writhing before him, her breathing quickened and shuddered, her body trembling in his hands, thirsting for fulfilment.
"βˆ’ don't be cruel βˆ’" She mumbled resentfully, as if she thought he was teasing and taunting her. He sighed quietly, placing a warm, hot kiss on her sticky skin βˆ’ a surprised, loud moan escaped her lips as the tip of his tongue suddenly forced its way inside her, deeper and deeper with each stroke, imposing an intense, fast pace on her.
"βˆ’ o-oh fuck, yes, lick me βˆ’" She mewled, clenching her fingers in his hair, bucking her hips against his face, trying to find a more intense source of rubbing. He smirked under his breath as he discovered after a moment between her fleshy muscles the spot he was looking for, her whines increasingly pathetic and helpless, her walls beginning to throb around his tongue.
He heard her whimper his name, her whole body tensed as if she was trying to break away from him, but he didn't stop, letting her come on his face.
He purred contentedly as he felt how much of her moisture flowed out of her tight entrance, determined to make sure he licked every drop and not let anything go to waste despite her cries.
He surprised her when he didn't pull away, but repeated all the steps from the beginning, slowing his pace again, merely teasing her with his lips, her body twitching at his every move, overstimulated and delicate.
"βˆ’ n-no more βˆ’ I want you inside me βˆ’" She mumbled softly, and he looked up at her, licking his lips with his tongue, feeling her words in his trousers.
Even though he planned to spend the whole night between her thighs, he couldn't refuse such a request.
"βˆ’ it's okay βˆ’ there you go βˆ’" He hummed, rising to his knees, slipping his sweatpants down just enough to release his swollen, hard erection leaking from his precum. He placed one hand next to her head, the other guiding the fat, pink head of his cock between her widely spread thighs.
"βˆ’ such a good girl βˆ’ hm? βˆ’ my sweet little baby, am I right? βˆ’" He cooed and she nodded quickly, looking at him with big eyes hazed with desire βˆ’ it seemed to him that she didn't recognise him, that she didn't believe he was the same man she had met then.
He didn't believe it himself, but it felt wonderful.
They both sighed loudly when, with one slow thrust, he opened her wide on his swollen length, leaning over her, pressing his forehead to hers, her trembling hand rising to stroke his cheek, her lips pressed to his in a warm, innocent kiss.
He murmured contentedly, forcing her to fit all of him inside her with an impatient thrust of his hips βˆ’ he heard her quiet cry of discomfort and surprise and swallowed loudly feeling his manhood pulsing intensely inside her, so hungry for her closeness.
She closed his waist between her legs, crossing them over his back, and he lay on top of her, pulling his t-shirt off quickly, resting his weight on his elbows to keep from crushing her, feeling her little, puffy nipples on his naked chest.
She sighed sweetly, looking up at him dreamily, trailing her fingers down his face and neck as he slipped out of her only to sink into her again a moment later with a loud click of her moisture βˆ’ she was all wet and warm inside after her intense orgasm, her muscles squeezing him wonderfully from all sides.
"βˆ’ that's it βˆ’ just like that - it's okay βˆ’" He whispered tenderly, letting himself sink into the taste of her sticky, plump lips again, her hands trailing down his sweaty, muscled back as he involuntarily sped up his pace, pressing his nose to her cheek, slamming into her with more and more sure, brutal thrusts of his hips, groaning low along with her.
"βˆ’ oh, fuck, baby βˆ’" He gasped, listening to her moans of pleasure, her insides wonderfully warm and tight, quivering all over in sensation, soaking him wet. He began to root aggressively into her weeping cunt panting hard, all around them only the loud sound of their moist, naked bodies slapping quickly against each other.
"βˆ’ please βˆ’ please βˆ’ please βˆ’" She mumbled out looking up at him with her mouth wide open, digging her fingers into the hot skin of his back βˆ’ he could feel her walls clench around him tighter, sucking him inside. He shuddered hard at her words, focusing now only on rooting again and again into her warm, fleshy interior.
"βˆ’ I don't know if I'm going to let you sleep tonight βˆ’ I think I'd rather do this with you instead βˆ’" He breathed out into her mouth, pushing his tongue deep into her throat βˆ’ he felt her body shake as she convulsed, her hands clenched painfully hard on his body as she came a second time with sweet mewl of effort, panting loudly as if she couldn't catch her breath, her muscles began to throb greedily around his cock, sucking him inside.
He tilted his head back and sighed in relief, a few sloppy, rough thrusts prolonging the inevitable βˆ’ his warm cum spilled deep inside her, a hot wave of pleasure surging through his lungs.
He crushed her with his body, feeling their bodies quivering and twitching all over, both of them panting hard as if they had run a marathon, their hands running blindly over each other's naked skin as if they wanted to calm and soothe each other.
"βˆ’ I love you βˆ’" He muttered, lying with his eyes closed, his nose snuggled into her hot, soft cheek. "βˆ’ you know that, don't you? βˆ’"
"βˆ’ yes βˆ’" She answered him quietly, and he sighed heavily, snuggling into her like a small child.
That much was enough for him.
He didn't expect anything from her.
He just wanted her to know it.
He spent that night as if in a frenzy, holding her close, embracing her from behind tightly with his arms, their legs entwined together in disarray. He fell asleep with his face pressed against her hair, completely overwhelmed by her wonderful scent, the warmth of her naked body, one of her hands placed on his making sure he didn't let go of her soft breasts.
They hadn't said much to each other after they awoke βˆ’ when he turned her face towards him and he just sank into her swollen lips in a sticky, hot kiss. She purred sleepily at this caress, her fingertips running over his jaw.
She let him take her a second time then, from behind this time βˆ’ she was so wet from their shared moisture that he slid into her without much difficulty, stretching her wonderfully tight walls with a sigh of delight.
He rooted into her with lazy, slow thrusts of his hips, making sure that each time the fat head of his cock rubbed her sweet spot, one of his hands playing with her puffy, little nipple, the other sunk deep between her thighs, teasing her swollen clit.
"βˆ’ do you want me to stop? βˆ’" He whispered in her ear, and she shook her head, digging her fingers into his arm with which he embraced her at the waist.
"βˆ’ n-no βˆ’ it feels good βˆ’" She muttered in embarrassment βˆ’ he kissed her hot cheek with a sticky click of his saliva seeing her lips parted in accelerated breath, her dreamy, warm gaze.
"βˆ’ so I'm afraid I'm going to fill you a second time, sweet girl βˆ’" He hummed, running the tip of his nose over her pretty face. She moaned quietly at his words, feeling him suddenly speed up, slamming into her with more confident, brutal pushes βˆ’ she tilted her head back, his lips immediately pressed against her neck.
"βˆ’ d-don't βˆ’ don't leave marks βˆ’" She mumbled out, quickly clenching her hand in his hair βˆ’ she whimpered softly as she felt his fingertips dig harder into her fleshy folds.
"βˆ’ I won't, baby βˆ’ shhh βˆ’" He hushed her, running his lust-swollen lips over her soft skin, feeling her weeping walls squeeze him greedily at his words, forcing him to thrust into her more aggressively, his fingers sinking into her plushy thigh, holding her in place, panting along with her.
"βˆ’ ah, G-God βˆ’ She babbled, responding helplessly to his movements with rocking, both of them groaning in pleasure and relief as her muscles began to clench against him in a sudden orgasm, his thighs all sticky with her wetness.
"βˆ’ yes, that's it βˆ’ oh baby βˆ’" He muttered, letting go, with the last of his strength thrusting into her for a moment more before his seed filled her to the brim.
He hid the tip of his nose in her hair with his eyes closed, panting loudly with pleasure, holding firmly her body trembling in fulfilment in the tight embrace of his arms.
"βˆ’ can I stay inside you? βˆ’" He whispered into her ear and she only nodded, falling into slumber again a moment later.
For the first time in many years he didn't have to get up at dawn, he didn't have to focus on work, on Daeron, on anyone or anything more than himself and her.
He couldn't believe it was really happening.
He lay thinking only of the fact that he was deep inside her, that he could feel her and smell her βˆ’ he placed one of his hands over her heart wanting to feel how it beat, how her chest rose and fell in calm breaths.
The days before his appointment with the psychiatrist he had spent between her thighs.
She walked around his house wearing nothing but his T-shirt and it was enough for him standing behind her to lift its fabric a little to see her lovely, plump buttocks.
"βˆ’ stop οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½ we need to eat something βˆ’" She muttered as he knelt on the kitchen tiles while she was trying to prepare dinner for them, so that he could kiss her hot, soft skin with a murmur of satisfaction. His hand slipped lower, between her thighs, his fingertips collecting her moisture mingled with his semen, a reminder of what he had been doing to her all day.
"βˆ’ I adore you βˆ’" He gasped, sliding his lips lower, placing warm, sticky kisses on her thighs and calves, he heard her quiet sigh.
"βˆ’ does your friend know that you have a second lover? βˆ’" She asked quietly, and he froze, quickly lifting his gaze to her, understanding immediately that she was talking about Alys.
He didn't want to make a mistake and lie, but he also didn't know how to present it so she would know that it was a done deal for him.
"βˆ’ I stopped seeing her after what happened between us βˆ’" He said softly getting up from his knees, looking down at her, putting an unruly lock of her dark hair behind her ear. "βˆ’ I didn't see the point in it, because all I was thinking about was you βˆ’"
He confessed with a kind of pain and weariness, and she lifted her gaze to him, her bright eyes looked at him piercingly, warm and gentle. He leaned in placing a long, drawn-out kiss on her forehead.
She snuggled into his chest as if seeking refuge, and he embraced her kissing the top of her head devotedly, running his large hands down her back in a reassuring, tender gesture.
"βˆ’ I can't promise you anything βˆ’" She said at last, and he swallowed hard, knowing what she meant.
"βˆ’ I know βˆ’ I don't expect it βˆ’" He whispered, cuddling his face into her fragrant hair, closing his eyes, her closeness and her scent calming him in some strange, incomprehensible way.
"βˆ’ I will always wait for you βˆ’"
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252 notes Β· View notes
yurinaa-world Β· 8 months
Congratulations on 800 followers πŸŽ‰
I would like a Blade, Dan Heng and Gepard. C, D, M and O. Thank you
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✦Characters: Blade, Dan heng, & Gepard
✦Alphabet: C, D, M, O
800 Follower Milestone Event; Under The Stars
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✦Comfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
He’s the silent type, just keeping you close to him very close. Lay your head on his chest even if he has several cuts and stab wounds that he is β€˜supposed to be careful about’ since they could get worse. His blood, His life is nothing when it comes to your tears. Just say it, and someone will disappear as if they never existed.
✦Dreams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Together forever. Every good thing always comes to an end it when death catches up to them. Death, he may desire it, yet he rather not have you intertwined with it. Your last person he holds the corpse of. Maybe there’s a chance for everything to be normal even after all this. To have a family. Small chance…
✦Marriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
On the run. Getting chased by people who want to murder you both senseless. Right at the cliff's edge, just death lying beneath and ahead. And a ring with the darkest ruby you’ve ever seen. β€œTill death do us part? better hurry it up.” Those words left his mouth, which left your mouth wide open. Now, of all places!? β€œTill death do us part…” and jump right off the cliff, but death wasn't below you.Β 
It's not really a wedding unless you want to get your special day shot up because of him. Skip the wedding and just go straight to the honeymoon.Β 
But Kafka thinks you should have a wedding! You would look adorable in a wedding dress. If you're afraid of people ruining things? Well, she’ll take things. So don’t worry about that pretty little head of yours.
✦On Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
He's annoyed. Just looking at you gives his head a weird feeling. It’s burning hot and going so fast for you and others. It’s so obvious to everyone that he likes you that he’s even looking at you; that was a sign. He’s rough about telling you. His eyes make it look like he wants to kill you.
π’Ÿπ’Άπ“ƒ 𝐻𝑒𝓃𝑔
✦Comfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
He’s one that likes to talk it out with. But by no means that he isn’t freaking himself. His mind scrambled, trying to figure out any method that help make you feel better. He ends up holding you close and whispering words of comfort in your ear.
✦Dreams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
He wants to get married. One day, or any day, he won’t be part of the express anymore, and since he has a long life span, he rather spend the rest settling down with you somewhere in a cottage and having family just treasure the good memories and leave behind the bad ones.
✦Marriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
100% he’ll want to marry you! He wants to make it special to you, somewhere that is unforgettable. He’s planning for months, unsure how you’ll react when he does pop the question, which freaks him out.Β 
Flowers are everywhere, under a pretty arch, while he goes down one of his knees before pulling out a ring box. Your breath completely stops just watching him pull the ring box and open it to find a gold ring with a pretty emerald β€œYou’re the light of my life; I couldn't imagine myself without you. Please shine in my life forever. Will you marry me?” instead of taking the ring, jump to hug him will yelling β€œyes!”
✦On Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
Once his eyes are on you, he can’t take it off you. He sees you waiting for him, ready to have fun all day.Β  As he walks up to you, he takes in everything of you.Β  March sees how he feels for you. The way he stops to look at you and breath stops, and he doesn’t hear what March says! What is he looking at that he’s ignoring her?! And then she turns to see you ahead, waiting for them. After that, she becomes his wingwoman.Β 
𝒒𝑒𝓅𝒢𝓇𝒹 πΏπ’Άπ“ƒπ’Ήπ’Άπ“Š
✦Comfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
He notices even subtle changes. Even when you don’t even know it, he’s good at it; because of past experiences, he can tell when others feel a certain way, even with little things others would dismiss (the only thing his father could give aside from love). He doing everything to make you feel better. Talking it out with him, or just staying silent as he holds you close to his heart so you can listen to his heartbeat.
✦Dreams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
He wants to start a family! (serval wants to be the cool aunt) but getting married first before the family stuff happens. He would be grateful–more than at–to have you in his life forever, and you feel the same as him.
✦Marriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
He’s nervous about your answer, just like Dan Heng, serval just hyping him in the planning stage. Finding a beautiful place that would be perfect is pretty difficult when the whole planet is covered in ice. A ring that screams his love for you, not just in price but the way he would imagine you wearing the ring.
✦On Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
He’s seen you at his sister's workshop, looking around at her different machines in amazement. While she’s in the back, unable to answer your many questions, maybe he could tell you instead since his sister tells a lot about the machine; it wouldn’t hurt to tell you when Serval comes to see you and him talking and laughing with each other. She can’t help but tease Gepard about it later.
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249 notes Β· View notes
tinyhuman826 Β· 10 months
Guzma Fluff Alphabet
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A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
He's honestly down to do whatever. But if you let him pick he'll spend the ENTIRE DAY catching Wimpods. And end it off at the beach. That's his idea of a perfect day. He names a lot of Wimpods after things you like
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
You could look like an opossum dragged down the street and he'd still think you're drop-dead gorgeous. Also I don't wanna hear shit, he is a titty guy all day. He loves bazongas. And also thick thighs. And a nice ass. Thick everything honestly. He does not care. He WILL end up kissing you everywhere anyway
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Emotional Support Wimpods. But also a comforting hug. If hugs aren't your thing...well, he'll sit with you. He won't let you feel alone.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
He honestly doesn't think you'll like him for long. But when he's feeling hopeful he tends to think about how cool you two would be together. Him as a Bug Type gym leader, you doing whatever you wanted to, it's great.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
I'd say he tries to be neutral but he does have kind of arrogant bossy tendencies just because he leads Team Skull. It kind of gets to his head a bit.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
He forgives, but I feel like he never really forgets. Small things, sure, but if you exchanged some harsh words he'll still think about them. He tends to yell a lot, especially when he's upset. He doesn't mean to hurt you though.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
I think he's learned to appreciate it. After he and Plumeria took Team Skull under their wing, he's recognized nice things that people do more often.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
He hesitates to open up about his family life. It really just depends on hjow long you've known each other, whether the relationship is going well or not. He'd tell you if he trusted you enough. But he needs time to be ready.
I nspiration - Did their s/oΒ change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
You inspire him to be a better person. Well, he tries. A little harder. Plumeria very often has to get on his ass about being better to you. But he really does try.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
It depends who you're with. Team Skull? Not really. Some random person he doesn't know? Much more likely. He's not the angry type of jealous but he can get a little snippy.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
He was kind of bold with it. A cheeky little grin on his face as he leaned in and gave you a peck on the lips. Then realized he just actually kissed you and got a little flustered.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
I feel like he'd do it on a dare. Somewhat begrudgingly, until you accept his confession with a smile. He doesn't regret it for a second after that.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
He propose on the Hau'oli City beach at sunset. Right as the sky turned orange, he's down on a knee. (He recruited Plumeria to take pictures from a distance)
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
Babe, boo, some cheesy nickname he can give you based on your name
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
It's so goddamn obvious. It's what people would describe as puppy love. He cannot take his eyes off of you and he gets all giddy when you smile at him. He tries very hard to keep his tough exterior but anyone who's known him for more than a week can tell.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
He shows you off all. the. time. To the point it's a bit embarrassing.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
He can hop fences. And he can lift pretty decent weight.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? ClichΓ© or rather creative?
He's kind of basic but he makes up for it with his weird personality. He's pretty goofy behind closed doors. So you two have gone on some chaotic dates, but also some more toned-down, more traditional dates. It really just depends on your mood.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Absolutely. He needs someone to believe in him, so why wouldn't he believe in you?? He recruits ALL of Team Skull to help you with whatever you need.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
I think being with Guzma is thrilling enough. Constant chaos. So yeah, in short, he's very willing to try new things.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
He's like a big brother to Team Skull. The protective instincts are craaaaazy with him. He's got your back and honestly he doesn't care if you're in the wrong or not. He'll be wrong with you.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Pretty damn important. If you asked him to disband Team Skull for you, he'd say no...but he'd hesitate slightly. That's how much he loves you. But Team Skull is such a special part of him too.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
He will have Friday night pizza and movie every week. Most of the time it's for all of Team Skull, but there are a few times you two go into his room for a little more time alone.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
CUDDLE MONSTER. He always is hugging you in some way. And don't you even try to move away, he will hold you against him like his life depends on it.
Y earning - How will they copeΒ when they’re missing their partner?
Oh my god Plumeria BEGS you not to leave unless you have to. Guzma is already a lot to handle, and when you're gone? Oh my god he gets so whiny and pouty and she's the one that has to deal with it.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Totally. As mentioned in letter U, he really doesn't care. He'll do a lot for you.
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beah388love Β· 5 months
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Robby Keene Fluff Alphabet
18+ Minors DNI!!!
Full Masterlist
Cobra Kai Masterlist
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
He loves watching movies with you and cuddling whilst listening to music.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
He loves your hair , he loves playing with it and making hairstyles or shapes with it while your focusing on something or asleep.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
He would sit with you and try to talk to you softly and get your mind off of what was causing your attack , if it was a place he would take you back to his house or somewhere else.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
He pictures you guys happily together with a dog and your dream apartment/house with your dream jobs.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
He's quite passive but he can be quite dominant too , but your both equal and try not to be overly either.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
He would forgive you quite easily because be hated fighting with you because you was the only person he's every really cared about besides his mum. so he would give you space before talking to you about both of your feelings and talking things through.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
He's very grateful for you and sometimes thinks your a gift from god or an angel dent from heaven , he loves you and cherishes every moment with you.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
He doesn't have any secrets and if he did he wouldn't be able to hide it from you for more than a week , he would break and Feel bad for lying.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
You helped him emotionally and you got him to talk about his feelings to you , and he did the same for you.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
He gets jealous easily and he will come up to you and give you a big kiss before looking at the guy and asking you who he is , eventually the guy would leave after Robby gave you another kiss and wrapped his arm around your waist , holding you closer to him.
K iss - Are they a good kisser?
What was the first kiss like?
He's a great kisser. Robby took you to the skate park and you had to leave since your dad was waiting in the car for you "bye swayze I've gotta go" you said giving him a kiss and he couldn't comprehend what happened but after a couple seconds he realised and couldn't hold in his smile "bye Y/N" he said and waved with a big smile still shocked from what happened.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
You guys were in his bed cuddling , he was laying with his head on top of you stomach and his body in between your legs , you was playing with his hair while watching the movie that was on. "I love you" Robby said softly and you couldn't tell if you was hallucinating or not. "Mhm?" You asked in case you heard him wrong "I love you" he said again "I love you too" you answered blushing a little.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
He always says he wants to get married and he wants it on a beach with beautiful clear water and white soft sand. You was about to ask him something when you turned around and he was on me knee with a ring "Y/N will you marry me?" He said looking up at you with love in his eyes "YES" you said jumping into his arms and wrapping you legs around his waist as he kissed you passionately.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
He loves calling you Baby whilst cuddling and calling you cutie randomly every now and then.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
He will just look at you and admire you , that's how people began to notice it because he would just sit or stand there and just watch you from afar (not in a creepy way lol).
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
He loves bragging about you and telling people about you and he doesn't mind giving you kisses in public.
Q uirk - Some random ability they
have that's beneficial in a relationship.
He knows when your social battery is low or completely gone. He will tell people that you and him are going home because it's getting late or you have plans. And he will cuddle you when you get home "thanks sometimes it's just so draining" you said and Robby smiled "it's okay i know you have a low social battery" he said mad kissed your head.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? ClichΓ© or rather creative?
He would do dinner dates and movie marathons with you and he didn't care if it was cliche or not as long as you both were happy and Enjoyed it.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
He loves helping you and watching you learn from him like in karate or in school.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
He likes trying new things out but he likes to have some things the same like the important things he loves.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
He knows you very well and he will always as comfort you and listen to you as long or as much as you need.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it's worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Your relationship is very important to him and he would give up lots for it because he knows how much you love eachother and how much he loves your relationship.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
He always puts your favourite cup on the bottom shelf so you can reach it and if you are giving him the silent treatment he'll put it at the top so you have to ask him to get it for you.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
He loves cuddling and kisses , he's very affectionate and loves being big spoon and little spoon.
Y earning - How will they cope when they're missing their partner?
He tries to forget about it during the day and will text you or call you throughout the day to check up on you and see how you are.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
He would go to great lengths for your relationship like he would give up karate for you.
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S.R. Blurb Masterlist
If you're looking for my S.R. SFW Masterlist, look here. If you’re looking for my S.R. NSFW Masterlist, look here. If you're looking for my CM PolyAm Masterlist, look here. If you're looking for my Other CM Characters, look here. If you’re looking for Other MGG Characters, look here. If you’re looking for my Works in Progress, look here.
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Screen: Spencer wears his heart in many places.
Anticipation: Spencer gives Reader their first kiss.
Birthday Wish: Spencer is sad he can’t reach you on his birthday.
Strawberry Mentos: Spencer and Reader share sweets and something else.
At Ease: Spencer comes home to his partner and finds them still asleep.
The Only Exception: Reader is only just beginning to believe in love again.
Sweet Tooth: Spencer and Reader celebrate the anniversary of graduating their eating disorder recovery program.
Adagio: Post-Prison Spencer learns to take things slow.
Fast Car: Reader drives a sleepy Spencer home.
Multifaceted: Reader interrogates a witness. Spencer can’t believe what he sees.
Piece of Paper: Spencer and Reader discuss Autism evaluations.
Tipsy: Spencer can’t handle his liquor, or how much he loves Reader.
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Bruises: (16+) The team is concerned when Reader shows up with bruises on their neck.
A Curious Pair: (16+) Emily and JJ find a curious piece of clothing in the women’s locker room. Spencer thinks he might know who it belongs to.
Father Figure: Spencer discusses daddy issues. His boss, who is also his girlfriend’s father, has a question.
Viral Video: Someone recognizes Spencer and Reader from a viral video.
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Lavender: Spencer is no stranger to headaches, and he tries to help however he can.
Stardust: Reader lost someone very important to them. Spencer helps them through a particularly dark moment of grief.
A Desert Bloom: Reader has never liked cacti. Spencer finally finds out why.
Pyrotechnics: Reader has a hard time on Fourth of July, and Spencer makes them fall in love with fireworks again.
Favorite Person: Reader just needs a little extra reassurance sometimes.
Storm: Reader has a panic attack.
Clean Shaven: Reader helps Spencer shave after prison.
Life’s Pleasures: Spencer struggles with some side effects of his medication after prison.
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Birthday in Bed: It’s Reader’s birthday, and Spencer is her present.
Post Coital Dysphoria: Spencer comforts Reader after sex.
Impatient: Spencer can’t wait until you get home.
Saint Valentine: Spencer spends Valentine’s Day with Reader.
Liqueur of You: Spencer goes down on Reader for the first time.
Speaking in Tongues: Spencer translates a movie for you. Things get a little tense.
Clean Lovin': Spencer and Reader have sex in the shower.Β Β 
Peaches & Cream: Spencer can’t get enough of you.
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NSFW Alphabet: A character study on Spencer.
Handle With Care: Reader gets hurt during sex.
Morning Reverie: Spencer wakes Reader for a sleepy, early morning tryst.
Bibliophile: Spencer and Reader have sex in the library.
Oral Presentation: Spencer teaches Reader what to do when she’s on her knees.
Instinct: Spencer explains the biological phenomenons as he causes Reader to experience them.
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Hard at Work: Spencer can’t seem to speak straight or sit still during a zoom meeting.
Handiwork: Spencer gets his first handjob.
Easy Access: Spencer is insecure about wearing shorts.
541 notes Β· View notes
lacy-oh-lacy Β· 10 months
Amber Freemanο½₯゚:*✧ο½₯゚
N|SFW Alphabet
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CW: Fem!Reader, Dom!Amber, Switch!Amber, mentions of bdsm, mentions of murder
Amber may be an unhinged serial killer but she’s also a great girlfriend. She never skimps on the aftercare, always checking in with how you’re feeling and getting you whatever you want. She can be really rough and she always wants to make sure you’re not actually hurt. You’re the one person she’d feel guilty for harming.
Body part
On herself: It’s a bit cliche but she likes her hands, or more accurately the fact that she can expertly use them to both attack her victims and bring you to the heights of pleasure.
On you: She’s partial to your neck, something about how vulnerable and sensitive it is. She always makes sure to lavish it with attention when you two get intimate.
Amber’s not easily grossed out, she has no problem with getting cum on her or you. If anything she kind of likes the way it marks you as belonging to each other.
Dirty secretΒ 
She’s totally thought about fucking you as Ghostface.
Amber’s not inexperienced (she certainly knows how to make you see stars) but you’re the first person she’s really explored her sexuality with.
Favorite positionΒ 
She likes some of the more aggressive and domineering positions, things like taking you from behind or having you kneel in front of her to give oral.
Yeah, Amber’s pretty humorous and she brings that to the bedroom. She’s not a total clown or anything but she makes jokes when the opportunity presents itself and she isn’t afraid to laugh if something awkward or funny happens. Unless you’re role playing, then nothing but your safe word will make her break character.
It’s usually trimmed but it’s not a huge deal to her if it grows out a little.
It depends on both of your moods. Sometimes you just have sex to get off or explore a kink but Amber’s also really into romantic and loving sex when she’s in the mood.
Jack off
Amber has a decently high libido so yeah, sometimes. Plus it takes her a while to open up to you about some of her darker sexual fantasies so initially she just has to entertain them with her imagination and her hand.
Power play for one. She leans dominant but she can really get into being a sub as well from time to time. She’s also into things like bondage, knife play, cnc… basically every kink you’d imagine Ghostface having.
She’s comfortable experimenting with locations. She’s not too worried about getting caught or propriety, so it’s pretty normal for you to try out different parts of her house or hook up at parties. She doesn’t usually suggest more outlandish places than that but she’ll be down if you do.
It’s not hard for you to turn Amber on. She doesn’t always have sex on the brain but it’s always close enough that giving her flirty eyes or lingering touches gets her active imagination going and spiral her into a horny mess.
Amber doesn’t really have much in the way of hard limits. Even if you have a kink she doesn’t get she’s willing to try it out.
It’s an impossible choice. She loves being in control and seeing all your little reactions when she’s the one taking care of your pleasure. But she also loves being the centre of your attention and seeing you on your knees desperate to please her.
She can be hard and fast or slow and sensual, it depends on the day. She’d be lying if she said she didn’t have a preference for the former though.
Absolutely. If she’s horny and you don’t have much time she’ll drag you off for one, no questions asked.
Amber’s a thrill seeker, it’s only natural that that would carry over into her sex life. Like for real, she hyped herself into murder, you’re probably gonna have to be the one to enforce safe sexual practices.
She is SO much stronger than she looks and she’s a very enthusiastic lover. She probably really could go all night.
She’s pro sex toys. She loves using her strap or vibrator on you and experimenting with random ones. There’s been a few times where you’re getting down to business and she’s surprised you with a new toy.
Amber can be such a tease and it only gets worse the closer you get to finishing. She really makes you work for that orgasm.
Amber starts low with just soft moans, heavy breathing and dirty talk but she can get very loud when she’s really in the heat of the moment.
Wild card
Sometimes she gets really emotional during or right after sex.
Ambers tiny but strong, you don’t see her muscles as much as you feel them. What she may β€˜lack’ in body size she makes up for in strap size though, she always keeps you stretched to your limit.
Amber can go a fair while without thinking about sex, but when she does it becomes hard to think about anything else and you will be hearing from her about it as soon as possible.
If you have a late night hook up, sure. She loves both sleeping and β€˜sleeping’ with you so that sounds like a pretty good evening, but since you have sex at all different times of day it’s not always practical.
374 notes Β· View notes
inkpot909 Β· 11 months
Fluff Alphabet: Jotaro Kujo
↳ Reader is written as gender neutral and was previously a part of the trip to Egypt.
A/n: I’ve always wanted to write an alphabet list! And who better to write one for than my favorite marine biologist? I hope y’all enjoy and remember to take care of yourselves. <3
Warning(s): A blink-and-you’ll-miss-it innuendo. Mentions of blood and canon-typical swearing. Very light angst.
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(A)ffection - How affectionate is he? How does he show affection?
Let’s face it, the phrases β€œJotaro Kujo” and β€œlovey-dovey” don’t mix.
He didn’t rank high on the affectionate scale, at least, not at the beginning of your relationship.
Instead of being openly affectionate, his main method of expressing his feelings during the beginning was to spend lots of quality time with you. Attached at the hip, he followed you around everywhere.
Another way he expressed his affection was by… introducing or referring to you as his boyfriend/girlfriend?
You still remember the first time you’d met his mother. He brought you home one day, standing a good foot or two to your left. His arms were firmly planted in his pockets, while you awkwardly had to listen to him bluntly say β€œThis is who I’m dating.”
That was his idea of romance.
Jotaro’s come a long way since; it’s a matter of time for him. Quality time is still a large part of his love language, no question, but after settling into the relationship he’ll get the hang of it.
Specifically, he’s more knowledgeable on what you like best and that will certainly shine through in his actions.
This is especially true in private, where he’ll show a side of himself that’s genuinely sweet and more inclined to be physically affectionate.
(B)eauty - What does he admire about you? What does he think is beautiful about you?
Your personal drive and motivations are two things he deeply admires about you!
Specifically, your passions make you incredibly special in his eyes. And this is true regardless of where those motivations lie. If you are passionate in your career, or even about your hobbies, he’ll be sure to take notice.
Whether it’s the way your face lights up when the topic is even slightly mentioned, or the expression of complete focus when knee-deep in whatever it is that compels you to move forward, it can honestly leave him speechless.
He’s a great support as well. Vocally and bluntly expressing a unwavering belief in you. He does this more often if you harbor any insecurities towards your passions as well.
Physically speaking, he adores your eyes the most.
The amount of times he’s drowned himself in the vast ocean contained within your irises is uncountable. It’s grounding, comforting, and will likely never fail to make his heart flutter.
His staring is a constant in your relationship. During the platonic stage, the beginning of you dating, and all throughout your years of marriage.
(C)omfort - How would he help you when feeling down/having a panic attack/etc.?
Much like with displaying affection, Jotaro’s going to be rather shit at this in the beginning.
Where it differs, however, is that his attempts at making you feel better were likely the first signs of his deeper feelings towards you.
As the journey to Egypt developed, so did both of your understanding of one another. Namely, he was rather curt and dismissive towards you initially. This behavior probably led you to try and avoid him, whether it was done shyly or with a more vocal pushback against his actions.
Regardless, stand attacks were the catalyst of you realizing he actually cares for you. More specifically, during the fight against Steely Dan. It didn’t matter to him that Joseph’s life was on the line, if the bastard so much as got to close, you were having to hold Jotaro back from becoming violent.
Comforting you while dealing with mental or emotional hurtles is something he approaches far more awkwardly.
When you first began going out, he would grow silent and sit next to you as you let out your emotions. He’s always been a good listener, certainly, but that was pretty much it.
As he matures, he’ll find the- although limited -right words to say. Not only that, but if you want to cling to him, feel free to do so.
If you’re going through a panic attack, his response depends on the situation. If it’s during/because of a battle, he leaves comforting you to someone else while he dives head-first into the fight.
If it’s not during such a dire situation, he will pull you close (unless it’s already been made clear that will only heighten your distress).
Jotaro will encourage you to meet his gaze, and follow his deep breaths as best you can. He will always be calm, and prioritizes you relaxing before discussing the source of your panic attack after the fact.
(D)ance - Does he like to dance with you? How good of a dancer is he?
No way in hell.
It won’t matter how many times you, whine, beg, or bargain. The most you’ll ever get from him is the tapping of his foot or gentle nod of his head in the car.
Try not to take it personally!
In general, Jotaro just doesn’t dance. It’s not for him. He doesn’t even know if he’s got naturally good rhythm (he doesn’t) because he just… never does it.
The first time you ever danced with him is on your wedding day.
Marrying the love of your life in of itself is enough to make your heart swell. But the fact that he danced with you, in front of friends and family no less, made the ceremony magical. And his steady movements, as well as how tenderly he held you to him, took your breath away.
The fact that he asked his mother to show him how to slow dance, practicing for weeks beforehand, is something he’s taking to the grave.
(E)xcitement - How does he act when he’s excited? What excites him?
The world must’ve stopped turning; the sun is falling down from the sky. Pigs are outside flying through the air as if they’ve been doing so for centuries.
Jotaro Kujo’s smiling unprompted.
No, seriously, you can tell he’s anticipating something when the tiniest of smiles plays on his lips for no immediate reason. Generally, he also seems less annoyed at the world when he’s feeling excited.
Those are good enough indicators on their own, but there’s also the fact that he talked your ear off about whatever it is he’s looking forward to the night prior.
β€œTalked your ear off,” by the way, translates to mumbling out no more than four sentences on the matter.
If you were anyone else, they likely wouldn’t notice a difference. But you do, knowing Jotaro better than he knows himself at times.
Achievements and advancements within his career is what often excites him as an adult. A rare visit from an old-friend such as Polnareff is also bound to put him in a good mood. And finally returning home from a long trip away is bound to make his eyes shine.
When he was still a young delinquent, these reactions were policed to the point where he hardly expressed such things in front of you. But after mellowing out, it’s heartwarming to see more genuine displays of his emotions.
(F)uture - What are his plans for the future? Does he see himself getting married, having kids?
Before you, even getting into a romantic relationship wasn’t on his mind at all.
So it’s more likely that you’re the first to bring things up like marriage or children, then he’ll begin to seriously consider it. If he realizes his wants and needs for the future on his own, you’re still what’s going to be on his mind front and center.
For him, his mind is focused on one thing at a time.
After marrying, he’ll one day think to himself, Huh, usually the next step is having kids. Then he’ll contemplate it, wondering if that’s what he wants.
Jotaro’s the type of individual that never saw such a thing for himself out of youthful disinterest.
But as he grew up and found his relationship with you to be the most important thing in his life, he discovered he truly does wish to have a nuclear family.
It scares him a little, even with your ability as a stand user.
He knows all too well that there are plenty of people that want his head for the conflict in Egypt. It’s something you both have invested a lot of time in investigating side-by-side.
But at the end of the day, his trust in you and knowledge that you’re more powerful as a unit that eventually pushes those worries out of the picture.
And ultimately, what’s important to you becomes important to him. So, although he certainly comes to envision settling down and having a family with you, how you feel on the matter is the final word in his eyes.
(G)ifts - What does he give you as presents? How often does he give gifts?
Birthdays, Christmas, Valentine’s Day and anniversaries is pretty much the only time he gives gifts.
Despite not doing it often, he’s attentive enough and knows you to the point where he’s become quite good at it. He’s not afraid to spend a generous amount of money on you either.
And what his gifts lack in frequency, he certainly makes up for in memory.
Jotaro Kujo never forgets a date. The thought of reminding him doesn’t ever pass through your brain because he’s so consistent with it.
He smartly plans ahead on top of that. Meaning, even if he orders you a gift to be delivered to the house, it will always arrive on time. And if it doesn’t, it’s never on him that it didn’t.
(H)old - How does he hold you? Cuddling, sleeping, holding hands…
Holding hands has long been his preferred (and only) form of PDA.
Especially when you were younger and still dating, it was a statement to everyone around you. That yes, you’re both taken and happy to be together.
By the time you both mature into the relationship, it’s already an established habit. Now, he simply does it because he loves you and is happily aquatinted with your fingers intertwined with his.
Yes, part of him still wants everyone to know. But he cares a lot less about his reputation at this point in his life.
When cuddling, he mainly likes holding you close to him rather than it being the other way around. Having your head rest on his chest provides him a sense of comfort that’s irreplaceable.
That said, there are times when he’d like to lean on you or plant his head in your lap. It’s usually after a long, stressful day that he’ll seek out such a thing.
After dinner is usually time for you both to curl up, snuggled together in front of the TV. During the weekend, when neither of you are busy, you’ll find yourselves clinging to each other during the afternoon as well.
He doesn’t much care for cuddling you in bed, though. Jotaro likes to stretch out in his sleep and not be locked into on position the whole night.
β€œI cuddled with you all day, why would you need me to do it now when I’m trying to sleep?”
Although, if you’ve had a particularly rough day or if you haven’t seen one another for a while, he’ll bring you into his arms at night. Bending his legs forward, he’ll tangle them with yours as he spoons you.
(I)deal - What’s his ideal date like?
Heh, any date with you is ideal, babyboy/babygirl.
Jokes aside, he really doesn’t give a shit.
Planning dates with him may make you want to pull your hair out. He doesn’t care- whatever you want to do works for him.
You want to go out to eat? Fine with him, he’s getting hungry anyways. Want to go watch a movie? No problem; he’ll even pay for your ticket. Or would you rather stay in, curl up together in bed reading beside one another? Perfect, as long as he’s sitting close.
Jotaro doesn’t really understand why you may grow sick of always having to pick, and you’ll likely have to explain it to him.
Whenever he does make plans, it’s almost always something you’ve done together before and therefore is confident you’ll enjoy yourself.
His one no-go for a date is going to an amusement park.
Everything is way overpriced, the lines are too long, and the obnoxious kids littered around the place will set back his desire to have children for years.
(J)ealousy - Does he get jealous easily? How does he handle it?
When you were dating- absolutely.
Not only was he a little more insecure about the future of your relationship, but he also felt the need to keep up his tough-guy persona.
It has always been extremely rare for him to get violent due to jealousy, though.
Instead, he grew dangerously quiet and wrapped an arm around your shoulders protectively.
That said, he wasn’t ever opposed to getting violent. If it ever got to the point where someone was explicitly hitting on you in front of him, one glance at the uncomfortable look on your face, and he’s not afraid to start throwing around vague threats.
In adulthood, and once married, he feels less inclined to posture.
If someone’s hitting on you, he’s more likely to approach the situation calmly and make a point to introduce himself as your husband.
Having a naturally intimidating face doesn’t often lead to others pushing it.
And when he gets jealous in later years, he’s simply going to wait patiently until you get home. Not exactly grow silent like he used to, but shoot you knowing glances instead.
He waits until your both home before doing anything outright. That’s when he’ll grab your hand and lead you to the bedroom. Of course, he knows by now that you love him, but a night of reminding you how much you mean to him certainly doesn’t hurt…
(K)isses - How does he like to kiss you? How often does he kiss you?
For the first month into the relationship, he’d settle for merely kissing you on the cheek.
He’d plant one there, quickly moving away in order to tug the brim of his hat down and cover his face.
You’re likely the one to have instigated the first kiss with him. He didn’t know how to approach; didn’t know how to ask.
After that threshold was broken, he easily prefers on-the-mouth kisses.
Jotaro will still give you kisses on the cheek from time to time, especially in front of family or friends as to not push it PDA wise.
But he’ll likely give you a kiss on the mouth, even if brief, at least once a day. It’s usually after he or you arrive home from work, greeting you with the affectionate action.
Or he’ll give you a quick kiss goodnight before the both of you settle into bed.
Plus, he’s naturally always been a pretty good kisser. Talented bastard.
(L)ove - How does he show you he loves you?
By being a constant presence in your life.
β€œI’m here, aren’t I? Of course I love you,” he tells you, as if it’s a no-brainer.
He won’t say it out loud, but it’s not just the fact that he’s there, it’s how. Jotaro is very much a show rather than tell type of man.
Acts of service is the primary love language he expresses.
He does your laundry for you unprompted, and in fact, takes care of a lot of the household duties without you needing to ask. He knows you very well, and thus takes care of tasks you know you’ll appreciate not having to do.
He doesn’t make a point of it either. Jotaro rarely boasts about doing such things, and often you’re left to find out on your own.
His deep trust in you is also a way you know he loves you.
With knowing one another for as long as you have, the bond is impossibly strong. Jotaro doesn’t think twice before informing you about his struggles, big or small. Not because he expects you to solve all his problems, but because he values transparency.
(M)elt - What do you do that absolutely makes him melt?
When you respond to his emotions without him needing to say a word, Jotaro’s heart warms.
This once again ties in with how well you know each other.
You’re so good at reading him that he sometimes tricks himself into thinking you may be able to read his mind.
He mentioned it once offhandedly, not even meaning to say it out loud. You’re lighthearted reaction was a little embarrassing for him, but it’s a cherished memory for you.
Not only that, but the fact that you get along seamlessly with his mother honestly brings him a sense of joy he cannot describe.
The only thing he can to think to say on the matter is that family’s important to him. The implication of the statement is implied: You being able to get along with his mother and extended family as well has him melting on the spot.
Bonus points if you’re good with kids too. Namely because Jotaro… is not.
(N)icknames - What does he call you, and what does he like being called?
Not really one for giving pet names, he simply calls you by your name or a preferred nickname.
On rare occasions, when he’s feeling particularly teasing or playful, he’ll call you β€˜honey.’ Those moments are few and far between, though.
Other than that, it’s usually just your name he sticks with.
After growing up, and especially after receiving his degree, not many people still refer to him as JoJo. He doesn’t think much of the transition, but he does like it if you still call him JoJo from time to time.
It reminds him of your longtime bond; the nostalgic foundation of friendship you share.
If you like using pet names for him, he’ll roll his eyes and pretend as if he doesn’t like it. That said, he greatly appreciates it if you refer to him by name in front of others or in a serious situation.
(O)bvious - How obvious does he make it that he likes you?
When he was simply harboring a crush on you, it was not at all obvious.
Back during the trip to Egypt, Jotaro’s developing crush went unnoticed. Not even his own grandfather could tell. Hell, Jotaro himself couldn’t even really recognize it at first. It went unnoticed by everyone.
Well, everyone except Kakyoin.
It puts a strain on Jotaro’s heart, remembering it was Kakyoin that first noticed his feelings for you.
The redhead was very respectful about it, but still felt the need to stick his nose in Jotaro’s business in private. Despite him denying the crush up and down, Kakyoin’s encouragement still got to him a bit in the end.
During rough nights, where the past is painfully kept in the front of his mind, Jotaro wonders if him becoming just a little more obvious with his affection for you is done in part as some sort of way to prove himself to his departed friend.
(P)ets - Does he have pets? Does he want them?
Jotaro is so the definition of someone who swears up and down he doesn’t want a pet, yet ultimately ends up loving one unconditionally.
If you want one, he’ll dig his heels into the dirt for months. He’s too busy, you’re too busy… all prepackaged excuses for why it wouldn’t be a good idea.
But you eventually convince him to get one, the stoic man finally relenting with a long sigh.
He prefers dogs over any other kind of pet, so if that’s what you want, it’ll be slightly easier to convince him.
Without ever even trying to do so, it’s him who becomes the pet’s favorite.
The closeness is what leads him to giving in and only admitting to himself that he likes the pet. He’ll never admit it to you (as if you can’t tell); far too stubborn for his own good.
Jotaro has a one-pet-at-a-time policy, though. That’s nonnegotiable.
(Q)uiet - How are the calm, quiet moments with him?
To be honest, it’s a staple of your relationship.
Jotaro finally considered it love once fully wrapping his head around the fact that neither of you felt the need to always be making conversation with one another.
Comfortable silence is cherished by him. Whether you’ve always been the same, or come to have understood that with time, the fact that you’ve come to embrace that aspect of his personality led him to opening himself up to you more during conversations.
Quieter moments occur a lot during the weekend, when there’s no work and only relaxing. You also just enjoy each other’s company without much talking when getting ready for bed.
Sometimes, he doesn’t even say goodnight to you.
Instead, he gently tugs a few strands of hair from your face and cups your jaw momentarily. A gentle glimmer within his pupils reveal much more than any words could express.
The quietness and tranquility present in a lot of the time you spend together is part of his assessment in realizing you were the one.
(R)omance - How romantic is he? What is his go-to ways of being romantic?
…Romantic? Jotaro…?
He’s really responsive to your preferences in romance. Well, depending on how you present them.
He’s no mind-reader and not exactly the best at observing others. Remember the Yellow Temperance arc? Yeah… he’s not exactly a detective. If you want him to take a different approach in how romantic he is, subtly nudging him in the right direction isn’t going to work.
Instead, telling him directly what it is you like is much easier for him to wrap his head around. Jotaro never takes such comments personally, seeing as being upfront is preferable for him.
A year or two into the relationship, and he’s much better acquainted with what you like best.
Confident he understands you well, it naturally brings out a more romantic side of him. He’s only deeply observant with those closest to him (think Holly), so once you both reach that point, it brings out a surprisingly sweeter side of him.
(S)afe - What makes him feel safe and comfortable around you?
Once again, it’s got a lot to do with your history together.
Jotaro knows he can rely on you. He’s been keenly aware of your reliability since the late 80s.
Safety for Jotaro means tranquility, and a deep sense of comfort- along with a familiar environment. You provide him these warm feelings; seemingly just by your very presence.
When the two of you are at home together, it doesn’t matter what you’re doing, he’s perfectly content. Simply glancing in your direction grounds him, and can calm buried anxieties.
That’s all he really needs to feel safe: You.
Visiting Morioh turns out to be a far more long and arduous task than either of you originally expected. But with you at his side, Jotaro rarely felt himself getting too worked up.
Spending late nights together at the hotel was all he needed to reset his brain, able to start the next day without much complaint over spending his time with unruly teenagers.
(T)end - How does he act when you’re hurt/sick, and vise versa?
If anyone hurts you, they may as well count their days. It doesn’t necessarily matter if you’re assertive all on your own; Jotaro’s going to have something (at the very least) to say.
Hell, knowing him, if someone’s troubling you all he usually has to do is look in their general direction. His entire demeanor gives off the impression of β€œDon’t fuck with me” and he’s all for standing up for you.
Even during the trip to Egypt, he seemed much looser with his grip on his temper when you were put into the line of fire.
If you’re sick, Jotaro’s surprisingly doting.
He’s extremely adamant that you stay home and rest up. Any reason you may have to get out of bed he’ll take care of himself without question.
If he can’t be there to take care of you (likely due to work), he’ll call once or twice while he’s gone just to check in on how you’re doing.
It’s quite ironic, considering how he acts when hurt or sick.
β€œI’m not sick,” he’ll insist in a scratchy voice, despite a reddened face and clearly runny nose.
β€œI’m fine.” Yeah, sure, Jotaro. Never mind the deep gash actively gushing blood all over his left arm.
Attempts to take care of him in anyway will be met with pushback, no matter how old he gets.
One reminder of how much he babies you when you’re feeling unwell is all it usually takes for him to begrudgingly accept your offer to help.
He’ll be silent throughout, but his refusal to look you in the eye is a dead giveaway that he secretly likes being taken care of every now and then.
(U)nique - What’s an unusual thing about him that’s oddly charming?
β€œJoJo… do you need something?”
β€œThen why’re you staring at me?”
β€œI’m not.”
β€œYou’ve been looking at me for the past ten minutes!”
(V)ariety - Does he prefer to keep the same routine, or spice things up?
Jotaro is a creature of habit.
He certainly likes to keep a usual routine. Having a familiar structure makes him feel comfortable and as though his life is maintaining stability.
Too many surprises or shocking events happening at once is at best annoying for him, and downright unnerving at worst.
He is a little conscious of this aspect of himself; part of him worries you may grow board of him.
That worry is unfounded, though. Especially considering something new or a shake up to the usual routine is accepted by him if you’re the one to do so. He’s so naturally considerate that he doesn’t even think of that being a factor.
Luckily for the both of you, it’s not difficult for you to ease his worries.
(W)ild Card - A random fluff headcanon
Jotaro’s a big fan of manga and usually invests his free time in catching up on his favorite series’s anime incarnations.
He’s been reading Shonen since he was young, and that interest carries over into his adult years.
Jotaro will certainly sit you down and make ask you to watch his some of his favorite anime with him. Saturday afternoons is his favorite time to curl up next to you on the couch and watch for a few hours.
Definitely the type to always sneak peaks at your reactions out of the corner of his eye. He hardly is the type to speak during a show or movie, but is glad to discuss with you after the fact. Please, discuss with him after the fact.
If you’re also into manga and anime before meeting him, he’s internally overjoyed. However, he is a bit critical.
Not to the point of being rude, but certainly dismissive of it at first if your tastes don’t exactly align with his. Jotaro has taste, and is quite proud of his selections. It may come off as a bit elitist… because it is.
He loosens up with time, and may even give some of your favorites a chance. He will never admit out loud to actually liking them, even after you catch him intently watching an anime of your suggestion on his own.
(X)OXO - Is he affectionate in public? How much PDA does he show?
Despite not being too outwardly affectionate or into PDA, everyone close to him can easily tell you’re together once a relationship is formed.
Joseph cheekily goes on and on about how he β€œtotally saw this coming” (no he didn’t). Polnareff is patting the both of you on the back with a big, goofy grin (his world is crashing around him).
When the Duwang gang first met you, the teens of the group were going mental upon the realization that… holy shit… he’s married… !?
The group’s bewilderment was mostly kept to internal struggles due to both Jotaro’s harsh expression at any question relating to how on earth he managed to marry such a lovely individual.
Josuke specifically thought he was going to have a stroke. Unlike the others, he’s much more prone to speaking his mind even after the implicit warning.
After getting over his initial shock, he’ll berate his nephew for not previously telling him about his partner.
(Y)earning - How does he cope when he’s missing you?
It takes everything in him not to call you.
He holds out the first day of you being gone. It’s no trouble that he’s cooking without your presence, not at all. Ignoring the fact that he’s eating dinner without you cheerily filling him in on your day is no problem. Getting ready for bed alone is no big deal.
Yeah… definitely.
Jotaro will lay himself down in bed, facing your usually taken up side. He’ll find his hand reaching out m at the empty space, fingers curling around the sheets. A frown finds its way onto his tired face.
He’s calling you the next day. And after finally caving, he’s sure to give you a call each day or every other day after that.
Past events has made him wary of being separated from you for too long. And even though he logically knows he’s fussing over nothing, he still cannot help but cave to the small worry growing in the back of his mind.
That said, it isn’t too difficult for him to distract himself from missing you.
But being alone during moments that he’d usually share with you is enough to remind him of your absence.
(Z)eal - Is he willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Yes, he will undoubtedly go to great lengths for you.
One could argue that, having been a part of the Crusaders yourself, an aspect of his actions against DIO were also influenced by a desire to avenge you as well as the others.
Jotaro isn’t above getting violent in your behalf, and would certainly jump through several hoops as long as your safe.
Part of this is because there’s an unspoken mutual understanding that you’d do the same for him (and you certainly have).
But more than that, Jotaro has a small circle of individuals that he would likely do just about anything for. And after everything the both of you have been through together, you’re at the top of that list.
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cerise-on-top Β· 6 months
Can I request the fluff alphabet for Nikolai or Soap? So happy to hear you’re doing well, always look forward to your writing!
Hey there! Of course you can! And thank you! Glad to hear you enjoy my writing!
Fluff Alphabet for Soap
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Soap definitely loves being out and about, so he’d love nothing more than to go outside with you and just do things there. It doesn’t even need to be anything terrific like hiking on top of a mountain, a walk in the park suffices for him as well. As long as he gets to spend time with you he’s all game. Though, beware: He will likely be touching you in some way the entire time. If it’s raining outside or the weather is bad otherwise then he’ll opt for cuddling on the bed or couch with you. He’s a touchy guy, the only time he’ll let up is when you need to use the bathroom. But even then he’ll whine to no end.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
He knows that he can’t be home for too long, so he definitely admires your patience with him. It takes quite a lot of it to date a soldier. Another thing he admires about you would be your loyalty and trust in him. He’s abroad for months at a time, but you don’t question his intentions, believing that he’ll stay with you. And that he will. Soap wouldn’t betray that trust. You don’t message him every time you’re being insecure about your relationship because there’s no need to be. Soap makes sure you feel loved and that you’re the only one.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
He’d go about it in the same way he’d prefer to be handled during tough times. He, too, can be a patient man and will listen to your every woe, should you want to tell him about it. Although he may not have the best advice for everything, he’ll certainly try. If you want your favorite dish, he’ll cook it for you. If you just want to cry on his shoulder, he’ll let you while he holds you.
If you’re having a panic attack then he’d try to calm you down immediately, getting you away from whatever might be causing you even more distress. He’s learned a thing or two about calming down, so he’d just talk to you, distracting you from it all until you feel better. This guy has plenty of stories to tell, funny ones too. He’ll calmly talk to you, trying to not have his accent be as thick as it usually may be either so you can understand him.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
He’s a more traditional man, so I can see him wanting to get married to you eventually. He dreams of the day he gets down on one knee, pulling out the little box with the ring in it and asking you the big question. Afterwards he’d love to have a dog with you. A rather big one as well, like a St. Bernard or a German Shepherd. Soap loves picturing the kind of future where his dog will lie on top of you while you try to get it off and complain to him about him taking pictures of it. He may love being a soldier, but he adores you and would do anything for you.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
He believes himself to be more dominant than he actually is. Sure, he can take on the role of being the more dominant person among the two of you, but he will step back as well if he needs to, or wants to. When it comes to your well-being, though, that’s when he’ll get very aggressive. Someone sleazebag is flirting with you? Soap’s won against plenty of people, so this fucker will be no exception. However, he can appreciate a suggestion you have made as well and will follow directions. Sometimes he does like letting you take the reigns as well, though.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
It’s not very hard to annoy him, even if he can hold himself back usually. But when it all gets too much he’ll get a bit louder for a moment before going quiet. He’ll be passive aggressive the entire time, even if he won’t outright insult you. He knows when emotions are appropriate, so he can control them 80% of the time. Won’t insult you, won’t yell at you either, but he will hiss at you. Give him some time to cool down and think it all over and he’ll forgive and forget. If he’s in the wrong he’ll apologize, if you’re in the wrong he won’t forget as easily without an apology, but he’ll forgive.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Yes, he’s very aware of what you’re doing for him. It’s not a given that someone as wonderful as you stays with him, even less so that you do what you do for him. He’s very grateful and will show such as well. Gives you chocolates and flowers, will take you on dates and outings, will do whatever he can to pay those favors back as well. He loves you and you should know that, so he will cling to you like a koala. Either that or he’ll help you with the chores when he’s not as tired anymore after deployment. Either way, you won’t be alone with doing the chores while he’s around.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
There’s plenty of things he doesn’t tell you, actually. Sure, there are some confidential missions he can’t tell you about, so there’s always that. However, he still does have some pride, so he won’t always tell you when he’s in pain either. He can take it like a man, no need to bother you with that sort of thing. He’s also pretty good at hiding his injuries and how much pain he’s in, if it isn’t too overwhelming. But other than that he’s a pretty honest guy and will tell you just about anything. You deserve to know everything about him, but likewise he expects you to be honest and open with him as well. A relationship can only truly prosper with communication.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
I think you would likely be able to help him with calming down a bit and finding a purpose in life that wasn’t being a soldier. He’s always been an active guy with a knack for chemistry and weaponry, so he wanted to put that knowledge to good use. However, ever since he’s gotten with you he realized that not everything needs to be about work or war. He can definitely appreciate the smaller things with you, like receiving a flower crown from you. You make his life more worthwhile and he finally has something to look forward to that isn’t just work. He has someone to come home to, and that’s worth a lot in his eyes.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
It depends on the person stealing your attention. If it’s, say, Ghost, then he doesn’t mind as much since he knows Ghost has no ill intentions with you. But if it’s some random person then he definitely gets jealous if you spend too much time with them. Starts brooding and getting closer to you, wrapping an arm around you, maybe even kissing your cheek while he’s at it. If it was appropriate, he would growl at the person as well, trying to get them to go away. You’re his and no one else’s. Doesn’t apologize for his behavior either, if he’s jealous then he’s jealous, and that’s that. You’re more than welcome to act the same way with him as well, by the way.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
He’s not too bad at kissing. Soap has had a few high school sweethearts, so he’s definitely kissed before and takes it easy. He wasn’t particularly stressed out about your first kiss together either and just let it happen. Although he was being cheesy and asked you to close his eyes before he kissed you. It was a gentle kiss since he wasn’t too sure if you truly liked him the way he likes you and he didn’t want to make you too uncomfortable. But when you told him you felt the same way he quickly gave you another kiss.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
I don’t think he’d make too much of a fuss about it. He’d take you to a nice park on a nice day, maybe have a picnic with you and then casually ask you if you wanted to be a thing together. It’s not too bad if you say no, even if he’d be crushed, but he could just play it off and continue the picnic and be friends with you. Would love to watch the clouds go by while lying on the blanket with you. That’s also when he might confess to you.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Yes, he definitely wants to get married. He wants nothing more than to have a spouse to come home to. With you wearing an apron, asking him if he wants dinner, a bath or you first. It’s cliched, but he’d melt if you ever called him honey. I think he’d think his proposal through, though. It’s important to him, but he still wants the day to be fun, so he might take you to an amusement park and propose to you on the ferris wheel, sincerely hoping it stops while you’re on top and can view the entire city. The marriage would be sweet, he’d be even more doting on you. Would proudly introduce you as his spouse.Β 
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
Although they’d start out as a joke where he would mimic those embarrassingly sweet couples calling each other embarrassingly sweet things, he’d eventually take a liking to things such as pumpkin, pudding, or cutie pie. Naturally, there’s also things like babe and baby. If he can reference a stupid meme, he will. You’re also his silly little rabbit, no matter how much you dislike that nickname.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
It’s somewhat obvious to others. Soap is much more inclined to gravitate towards you and try to spend as much time with you as possible. He likely also won’t leave you alone unless you ask him to. He becomes much more chatty with you and brags about his accomplishments as well. Might even flex for you, even if it’s cringe. You need to realize how strong and awesome he is. Also does you a lot of favors, you don’t need to repay him. See? Isn’t he just the ideal guy? Isn’t he just so dateable?
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
If it was up to him either one of you would be holding the other at any point in time. He’s not afraid to show the world you’re a thing, he will brag about you to everyone willing to listen. Even if he’s being called embarrassing, he’ll just keep on going. The world needs to know just how lovely you are, that you’re the best partner anyone could have ever asked for. Kisses you in public, hugs you in public, cuddles you in public. If you’re comfortable with it.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
He’s a very observant guy, so he’ll almost always know what’s up just by watching you for a bit. You’re happy? You’re sad? You’re mad? Don’t worry, he can pretty accurately gauge your emotional well-being just by watching you for a bit. Does what he needs to do to either cheer you up or keep you happy afterwards.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? ClichΓ© or rather creative?
He’s somewhere in the middle. While he may not be the most romantic person out there, he does dream of kissing you under the moonlight and dance with you then and there as well. When it comes to making you happy he’d do just about anything. You want a cat? You want some cuddles? You want him to kill that guy for you? Just ask for it, you’ll receive whatever you want, you’re his partner and therefore very important to him. He tries to get a bit more creative with what he gifts you and actively searches for things online. But usually he just settles for showing you Scotland. His country is important to him as well, so he hopes you can appreciate it as much as he appreciates you. He means well, he’s just very easily excited about it.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Oh, definitely. It doesn’t matter what your goal may be, he’ll do what he can to help you achieve it. You wanna work out? He’ll go to the gym with you. You wanna get better mentally? He’s there, cheering you on every step of the way. You wanna be independent? He has connections, you’ll get your dream job and dream pay, don’t even worry about it. As long as you let him help you, he will. And even if you refuse his help he will somehow weasel himself in anyway and help you out, even if you won’t ever know about it.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Although repetition can be a nice thing, he does prefer having something new every once in a while. Sometimes he wants to see another country with you, sometimes he wants to try new foods with you, sometimes he just wants to watch a new movie with you. It doesn’t always need to be the most exciting thing with you, even the small things suffice, but he needs something new. The same routine every time bores him to death and annoys him as well. Again, something small will suffice for some time, but then it’s definitely time for a vacation away from it all.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
He likes to think he knows you quite well by now. He can remember things very well too, so if you ever mention a fun fact about yourself, chances are he’ll remember it forever. If you ever want something, no matter how small it is, Soap will remember and you’ll get it eventually. He’s also an empathetic person. He sees you and feels what you’re feeling, at least to some degree. Probably not with the same intensity that you do, but he tries to understand you.Β 
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
His relationship with you is very important to him, as important as his friendship with Ghost, Gaz and Price. The four of you are the most important people in his life, along with his family, and he’d do anything to keep you safe and happy. He does hope that you can get along with the other three as well, though.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
Has probably tried to serenade you before. His voice is by no means bad, but it’s his accent that makes you giggle. He does lay it on extra thick as well when singing I’m Gonna Be just to hear you laugh a bit. He mostly just sings to you to hear your giggles and see you smile, but he does like singing and whistling to himself when he’s alone.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Yes. Soap loves nothing more than holding you close whenever he can, especially if you haven’t seen each other in months. When he’s tired you can be certain he’ll be all over you the entire time until he falls asleep. And even then he has an iron grip on you so you won’t escape him. He’s a human furnace as well, so while it may be pleasant in winter, it’s hell in summer. But that’s the worst part about him, he doesn’t mind being sweaty as long as he gets to cuddle you. He’s used to being sweaty anyway, he can just shower it off, but he needs to hold you or else he’ll combust.
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
Whenever he can, he’ll text or call you. He knows it’s not always the time for such a thing, but he’ll do it anyway. Sometimes, he’ll call you just to hear your voice and fall asleep to it. He imagines himself doing all the domestic things to you he can’t do in the moment, it helps him fall asleep when his heart is aching for you yet again. Sometimes, when he’s just on base and not necessarily being deployed, he’ll steal a plushie from you and take it with him, cuddling it in your stead at night. It does help him sleep better.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Soap would literally kill and die for you. He has this sense of camaraderie to him, and that extends to you as well. He’d fight for you, he’d take a severe hit for you. Anything to make sure you’re alright . Soap is loyal to a fault, so even just someone looking at you the wrong way warrants a fight, in his eyes. You’d need to remind him that none of this is necessary, that you’ll be alright and then he’ll calm down. But don’t you ever think that this man won’t blow up entire buildings just to watch you smile. He’ll make his own explosives as well, if he needs to.
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chaotic-iguana Β· 1 year
Refuge | prologue
estranged husband joel miller x f! reader, reunited post-outbreak
wordcount: 0.4k
summary: what if reader and joel were married before the outbreak? what if just another mundanely late night at the office on the night of the outbreak separated them for a decade?
series warnings: angst, swearing, anxiety, fear, survivor’s guilt, rough marriage, reconciliation, complicated feelings and eventual smut. there will be dark themes. as always mdni.
series masterlist | next chapter | general masterlist
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NaΓ―vety is often the tragedy of youth. You were denied both. Years of suffering and loss gave way to Jackson, which quickly damned you rather than offering the salvation that it promised. The feeling that you were drowning, the need to look over your shoulder, never really left. Not until he came back into your life.
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The day had been long enough already. The walls were closing in on you, familiar shadows tinting the edges of your vision. You ignored them, attempting to half-successfully distract yourself by shelving your books, pretentiously lingering on whether to reorganize them alphabetically or by genre.Β No one gives a shit. You could hear a crowd outside, but you couldn’t find it in you to join them, to see what was causing the rumbling chattering growing louder by the second. Curling your trembling fingers into fists, you waited for it to pass. Back when it mattered, you would have called this a panic attack. The way air slipped from the grasp of your gulped breaths, the tingling in your hands and feet - the crushing weight of something sitting on your chest.
The door to your shop was abruptly thrown open, Fred running in, panting.Β What the fuck is he doing?Β 
β€œTommy and his men were at the power plant and Maria spotted someone - he’s even got a little girl with him. Jackson’s getting two new residents, we think. Come welcome them with us.”
Sinking your teeth into your lip to keep from scoffing, you turned your back to him to continue sorting your books.Β 
He’d been getting too familiar lately, mistaking a few instances of forced proximity thanks to the patrol schedule as a friendship - one that apparently justified him putting his hand on your waist, and leering at you, too. In post-apocalyptic times, mild creepiness is hardly the most heinous sin one can commit, so you let it go. But you drew the line at this. At the bullshit in his voice, at theΒ sheer audacity in his tone.
β€œGet the fuck out. Do I look like I want to join a stupid welcome party? And why on earth was this groundbreaking enough for you to need toΒ sprintΒ here?”
You watched his face fall and harden at your biting words, his jaw flexing and eyes narrowing until he just lookedΒ cruel.Β 
β€œIt’s Tommy’s brother. He’s here.” 
A beat of silence passed, and suddenly you felt your knees buckle, vision going black…
hello loves, as always - thank you for reading. comment your thoughts or find me onΒ ao3. stay hydrated and have a great day! taglist:Β @imherefordeanandbonesΒ @theywhowriteandknowthings,Β @josephquinnswhore,@millerscoffee, @nostalxgic, @sscorpiiio , @pedrosaidsheispunk ,Β @its-nebuleuse, @sofiparallel, @mandoisapunk , @bastardmandennis, @breakfastatjoels, @evyiione dividers by @reveriesources designs by me!
A/N: starting my first ever proper series. im super excited!!!
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roseadleyn Β· 2 years
π˜Ύπ™–π™’π™₯π™žπ™€π™£ π™π™€π™¨π™š || π˜Ύπ™–π™‘π™‘π™žπ™¨π™©π™€ π™π™šπ™œπ™ͺ𝙑π™ͺ𝙨.
yandere alphabet for callisto <333
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affection β€” how do they show their love and affection?
callisto shows his affection through teasing words and physical acts, and it's shockingly casual. sits down next to you at gatherings, shoves your book out of your hand so you can pay attention to him, keeps an arm around your waist, gives small sly comments and then pokes fun at you when you get flustered. acts like you two have known each other forever.
blood β€” how messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
oh, callisto's willing to leave a whole trail of bodies in his path if it's in your name. he's the crown prince, he already has the reputation of a bastard, and he's doing it for you. he eyes everyone who approaches you with a wary eye, already having a hand on his sword. you should probably cut off ties with the people you love before callisto does it for you.
cruelty β€” how would they treat their darling once abducted?
he's not cruel towards you, but he sure is mocking. doesn't let a minute a go by without teasing the hell out of you. and if you don't cooperate, he'll snap a few of your friends' necks to give you a small lesson.
darling β€” aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
sure he would. you're his, and the fact that he's giving you his love makes you exceptional. eventually, he gets tired of your constant tears and disobedience. he'll force himself on you sooner or later, and don't forget that callisto's a lot more than the pretty face. he'll keep his knee between your legs, stop your flailing thighs with two large, scarred hands, and once he's done, he'll bury his face in the crook of your neck, softly hushing your constant sobbing.
exposed οΏ½οΏ½ how vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
you're callisto's achilles' heel. you might be late to the ball and he'll pace back and forth in the garden, besides himself with worry. he feels like there's this dull ache in him that grows stronger by the hour if he doesn't see you. he'll defend you from just about anything β€” he'll gouge out the tongues of the ladies who slandered you and he'll cut off the heads of the council members who attempted to assassinate you. you're a weak spot for callisto, alright. even he doesn't know how weak.
fight β€” how would they feel if their darling fought back?
he's annoyed and amused at the same time. annoyed because you're supposed to be sweet, not attack him everytime his back is turned. and amused because poor, precious, thing, you have no idea how pathetic your attempts are. it's like a small fly mildly irritating a human. his favorite one yet is when you tried to escape by climbing. you're so bad at climbing the smooth palace walls that he couldn't help but laugh. (because they're smooth and you didn't notice because you were desperate to escape).
game β€” is this a game to them? how much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
this isn't a game. in his view, he's in love with you and he wants to keep you by his side forever. all your escape attempts do is exasperate and amuse him. you're never going to succeed at it β€” he'll break both of your legs and get you permanently bedridden if that means you staying with him forever.
hell β€” what would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
callisto had to leave for a meeting once, and after making sure he left, you climbed out his window and ran for dear life, ran as though from a fearsome predator, ignoring the stones and twigs stabbing your bare feet and the stitch in your chest. callisto found you within an hour.
the bones he broke were never the same again.
ideals β€” what kind of future do they have in mind for their darling?
callisto wants to marry you. the idea of golden warm days, just living as a married couple, with sunlight and daisies, is so appealing to him that he cannot contain himself with excitement at the thought of it. and if he married you, then those idiots would stop bothering you and bow to you as their crown princess, alongside their crown prince.
jealousy β€” do they get jealous? how do they handle it?
he's extremely carefree around you always, but he gets jealous so quickly it's unbelievable. that count that danced with you at the ball last week? they found his dead body in a hedge yesterday. the lady who hugged you and proclaimed you her best friend β€” most probably with the intention of using you β€” yes, she's been reported missing. his jealousy is strong, alright.
kisses β€” how do they act around or with their darling?
he's easy going and sweet with you most of the time. makes fun of you, jokes, and hugs. when he approaches you for the first time he makes sure that you are at your utmost ease around him. he's also respectful to you... most of the time, at the very least. and whoever causes you discomfort has to go, hear?
love letters β€” how would they go about approaching their darling?
strategizes about it for a week (πŸ’€) he greets you and then starts a conversation with you so easily that it's crazy. you can hardly believe that this is the crazy bastard of the empire, with how he's talking to you. inside, he is slightly nervous, but why should he be? it doesn't matter if you reject him β€” if he wants you, he'll take you. you lost all your choice in the matter once you declined him.
mask β€” are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
well, yes and no. callisto doesn't exactly shy away from his reputation as a crazy bastard, and he displays that face to the empire, and even while talking to you he's no nicer, always threatening everyone you interact with; promising them a painful death. however, sometimes, when you two sit in quiet after a particularly bad fight with his stepmother, you'll see a different side of him β€” almost as though he doesn't really know what to do with himself and his life.
naughty β€” how would they punish their darling?
dpeends on what you've done. if you've argued or insulted him, he'll either a) condescendingly hush you and brush it off (rare thing to happen) or b) he'll kill a few people you loved and 'gift' you their cut off heads. however, if you're foolish enough to attempt escape.. broken bones, chains, locked windows.
oppression β€” how many rights would they take away from their darling?
he's pretty loose at first β€” he even allows you to go out every week or so. perhaps it's because callisto doesn't want to completely shatter you, and thus he lets you have some semblance of freedom. however β€”
all of this will fall at your first escape attempt. then he's not allowing you to leave the room for a moment.
patience β€” how patient are they with their darling?
he's patient at first. tolerates all your screaming and insults, calms you down when you cry, and considers your small rebellions with amusement. but slowly he grows weary of the constant defiance, deciding that it's time for more drastic measures.
" better you hate me than you not know your place. "
quiet β€” if their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
callisto is gone, girl, he took critical damage he's dead he's not in this world anymore β€” you get the point. depression hits him like a bullet train and he kills more than ever, trying his best to get rid of the nightmares. is he just supposed to be alone forever in this world?
regret β€” would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling?
there are moments β€” when you curl yourself up in silk white sheets and cry your heart out, callisto feels a pang of guilt. perhaps you'd have been happier as your unrefined self.. it's like he's trying to shut his doubts down when he holds you close and wraps his arms around your waist
stigma β€” what brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
a dead mother, neglectful father, and disapproving stepmother. everyone in callisto's life has shunned him, and the moment he finds someone who doesn't violently resent him he grabs onto them and never lets them go.
tears β€” how do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
he feels guilty. look, he's a sadist through and through, but when you stare out the window with tears running down your face and arms around your knees.. it hurts, okay? just stop. accept this is your life now, because it's not going to change. why can't you? he doesn't get it.
unique β€” would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
callisto isn't snooping in your privacy. sure, he has familiars who keep an eye on you at all times, but.. he isn't going around in your drawers and looking at your pictures that you don't want. that's creepy β€” he's not that low.
vice β€” what weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
use his hatred of his stepfamily or nobles. go crying to him about how someone amongst them tried to harrass you and watch as he's off to kill them, giving you a few precious hours to run for your dear life. just don't leave any tracks. that doesn't go well.
wit’s end β€” would they ever hurt their darling?
oh, definitely. he's not opposed to breaking your bones and taking you with force. he doesn't necessarily enjoy it, but it never stops him from doing it anyways.
xoanon β€” how much would they revere their darling?
he adores you. you're the most divine being on this planet to him. he has absolutely no clue how to explain it because none of the words that occur to him are enough to capture the perfection that he knows you to be.
sometimes, after you've cried yourself to sleep, callisto feels a tinge of guilty love and wonder. you're truly so pretty, hear him? silvery tears, satin hair and doe eyes. warm and living and here β€” and you're not leaving β€” he'll make sure of that.
yearn β€” how long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
roughly six months. callisto tires of the constant jealousy and worry about you. and he also wanted to make the normal part of your relationship last as long as possible. alas, it didn't happen β€” and on the most beautiful day of summer, he sighs and relents, already feeling a mixture of guilt and excitement for the amount of screaming you're gonna do β€” but atleast you're gonna be with him.
" sorry in advance, my dearest. "
zenith β€” would they ever break their darling?
as much as he doesn't want to... yes. callisto's idea of a perfect life is heaven by your side β€” and even if he's aware of it β€” he kind of ignores the fact that it's not your idea of a perfect life. days will pass by and you'll give in, completely shattered, none of your will there anymore.
callisto's only going to be delighted. see, isn't it better this way, away from every distraction, only with him?
tags ; @loekas, @mysticmeena, @sidra-29, @elychee, @rouecentric, @giyuus0nlywife, @d10nsaint, @parkykwho, and @that-one-pretty-bitch.
i feel like i did a terrible job of keeping him in character, and of the ending, but here u go πŸ’žπŸ˜
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witchofthesouls Β· 10 months
Can we pretty please hear more about Soundwave and Engineer in G1? I really want to know what kind of horny seeker nonsense they have to put up with.
"If the alphabet could be rearranged, why not 'u' and 'i' together?"
You blink at Skywarp, who refuses to budge from the wall, taking up all the space with his wingspan. Its glossy shine is so new and fresh that it catches prettily even with the dim and damaged lighting.
"Mmm," you pretend to consider the proposal, "How about 'n' and 'o'?"
He frowns back. "But that's spells 'no' and it's already together?"
"Exactly." You reply blandly, dipping your digits into his shoulder to pinch a nervecircuit, and he grunts in response as you shove forward into the elevator. β€œRule five of the manuel: Don't fix what's not broken.”
Of course, he follows inside, clenching and unclenching his fist to get the feeling back in his arm and hand.
β€œOkay, how about this one: Are you a medic because my fuel pump is failing!”
β€œI’m not that kind of engineer."
"That's alright." He says with a crooked smile of sharp denta. Strangely endearing. "I know I'm in good hands."
You bark out a short laugh. Alright, that's the smoothest from him.
Before the door shuts, a familiar flat arm catches it, and your Soundwave walks inside. With incredible willpower, you don't roll your optics when he purposely stands in the middle, and you definitely don't smile when Skywarp pouts for the entire ride.
One would think being sucked into an alternate reality would be exciting, but right now you're buried under mountains of maintenance reports, repair backlogs, supply requisitions, and hazard warnings.
You will blame the split-spark carriage for the onset of tears and the necessary ten minute private sob in a dipitulated supply closest because fucking Pits! You're standing in knee-high water-logged damages!
It's not the same Constructicons you once taken orders, but you're familiar enough with their quirks as you get settled and start on the more mundane tasks of clearing the hallways and getting the drainage systems up and running.
"Hello, handsome," you hear Zolo pur from above. Large and gravid, you may be, you're still able to shimmy your way into the walls unlike the Vehicon above, nor would she be able to reach the relay.
Hence, why you're in the walls, much to Laserbeak's grave displeasure. Not only did the drone peck your neck, she perched over the opening, balefully glaring down. And the blocking entrance.
You immediately get a spark attack when Skywarp's face and his upper body suddenly appear next to you. The magnets hold when you move to swing. Of course, the slagger vops away and reappears halfway through the bulkhead after a moment. β€œFancy meeting you here! Did you fall and need help?”
It's hard to say who screeches the loudest: you, Laserbeak, Zolo, Thrust, or Scrapper at the resulting inner bulk damages.
You're having a moment with Soundwave. Outside with fresh air. Unlike the Nemesis back home, this warship is situated all the way on the seafloor.
You never thought you would miss dirt and rocks, but it's dry and warm, especially with Soundwave next to you as you curl onto your side with a data-cable loosely wrapped around your midsection, connective feelers lazily spread across your plating, nudging into the exposed seams to buzz over the protoform.
The peace is shattered with several consecutive booms overhead.
"Autobots!?" You immediately sit up, and isn't that a surprise? The 'bots in this dimension still had fliers.
Soundwave is unfazed and simply pointed to skyline. On his visor, there are rapid captions of the Coneheads.
You stare at them, watching the maneuvers as they jet into various formations of amazing feats of aerial agility and unity. "Is this a training strip? I thought it was a deserted island?"
Soundwave doesn't respond. Instead, he picks you up and calculates a ground bridge away. It's even sunnier than the last, so you can't really complain.
If you didn't know better, you would think Soundwave is jealous. He isn't as calm as people think he is, but it isn't jealousy that has him hanging in your periphery or leaving tall-telling marks on your frame and your legs shaky from post-facing, carriage-induced bliss.
It's a weird territorial thing between fliers.
Specifically: Seekerkin.
It would have been hilarious if only you weren't the prize between winged, feral cats.
This isn't a mechling's romantic fantasy of multiple suitors vying for their spark. It's honestly exhausting, especially since more than one Seeker enjoys manhandling you away from work, the elevators, the bridge, and anywhere else that isn't near Thundercracker and a blanket pile.
And you allow it because the only serious attempt you tried to ward one of them away with a taser with an output to put down a convoy, it caused a riot.
Or at least that's what Hook said, you have no idea. One moment you had Dirge lunging after you, armor smoking, and talons out; the next moment you wake up in an unknown room inside a criss-cross of data-cables and stuffed full by Soundwave.
(Your jaw ached and you couldn't walk straight for a few days, and sitting was completely out of the question.)
You're trying to free a limb from the mass of blankets, and you immediately have every single pair of Air Force wings flicking towards you. They seem to overtake and/or bully out all the occupants from the nearby tables. You can smell the expensive polish, even from a distance.
β€œI should get back to work.” Your words are muffled as you finally wriggle out a hand and start pulling and pushing to freedom.
β€œOh no,” Thundercracker demurred, calm as always and not helping by placing another cube in front of you. β€œStarscream approved of you having a longer rest time, especially with your complications.”
You have no idea what kind of blackmail or leverage the blue Seeker has because the rest of the Air Force is in his hands. None of the others dare to approach the table of just you and him.
All of the other mechs were willing to pit themselves between Skywarp and your Soundwave, but if there's Thundercracker in the vicinity? An immediate "no go" zone.
"Have you had a nursery shower yet?" Thundercracker asks as he adds something to your cube. It tastes zangy with the additional cobalt and mercury.
"Nursery shower?" You feel damned because your comms (you had never passed it out, so someone snitched) is immediately flooded.
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reiynm Β· 1 year
Reiyn- listenβ€”
Listen to me
If you ever have the chance or patience, whenever you're bored and/or don't feel like doing much or have anything in the way
You should make a SFW Alphabet for your yandere. (And only if you're comfortable, an NSFW one too)
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I'm on my hands and knees here...
The world DEMANDS IT /j (no pressure just a suggestion ❀️❀️❀️)
Okay! Okay!! OKAY!! πŸ˜‚
Just the sfw version for now tho, I'll tag you if I do a NSFW one ;D
Probably broken english btw I had to pass my english dictionary to my roommate and I don't know when I will get it again urg ;w;
SFW Alphabet
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?) He's not particularly affectionate πŸ€” But with you… He'd always be on you, if you'd let him!
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?) Hard to say… Before he met you, he wouldn't let anyone near him, let alone cuddle him. So I would say he likes it but only with you.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?) He will never break up with you and he will never let you go.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?) Your hands and your forehead, but he just likes to smooch you (no matter where). And he loves to bite your bottom lip before kissing (if you're comfortable enough with him)
i = i love you (how fast do they say the L-word?) Don't say it often but only because for him it's just obvious. He wouldn't go to so much trouble if he didn't love you xD Bro literally kidnapped you after all.
j = jealousy (how jealous do they get? what do they do when they're jealous?) Very jealous, and reacts to it very VERY badly. Can get nervous if you show a little too much attention to anyone. Situations where he could become jealous are to be avoided at all costs. He always has an eye on you, especially on the "roommate" route. If someone gets a little too close to you, even in a friendly way, you can be sure that this person will disappear the very same day (and no need to ask questions, he'll deny everything…)
o = open (when would they start revealing things about themselves?) Bwaha good luck with that. If you want to know stuff about his past or his life, you'll have to spy on him, because he'll never tell you anything. Never.[SPOILER] The only thing you know for sure is that he's not a bodyguard. It's an excuse he uses to not scare you.
p = patience (how easily angered are they?) He has the patience of a Saint. Seriously, even after all the times you try to escape xD The only thing that makes him freak out or lose his patience is attacking him and/or managing to hurt him (Y/N will learn it the hard way)
z = zzz (what is a sleep habit of theirs?) Sleep with one eye open. If you try to do anything against him while he's sleeping, it won't work. He always shamelessly invites himself into your bed (no matter the path you choose) and wants to have Y/N against him when he sleeps.
P.S: I love @pica-bunny heacanon about his body odor. So now he smells like pine trees :D
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espinfeather Β· 9 months
Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix with Incorrect quotes!
(Ft: Y/n)
*at 3am*
Jade: *runs into Y/n’s room and turns on the light* Wake up sleepyhead!
Y/n: *wakes up* Dude!
Jade: *cackles*
Bullfrog: *sits up from where they were sleeping besides Y/n* What the fuck, Jade?
Jade: *jaw drops* Wait WHAT-
Bullfrog: Treat spiders the way you want to be treated.
Y/n: Killed without hesitation.
Y/n: Hey, can I get a sip of that water?
Dolph: It’s not water.
Y/n: Vodka! I like your sty-
Dolph: It’s vinegar.
Y/n: …What?
Dolph: It's vinegar, PUSSY!
Ramon: Do you know that we are made out of atoms? And atoms never touch each other….So in my defense, officer. I did not kill the bored members-
Y/n: Do you support gay rights?
Dolph: I’m literally gay.
Bullfrog: He’s avoiding the question!
Y/n: Can you cut me some slack, Rayman? I’m sort of in love.
Rayman: I’m sorry, but that’s really not my problem.
Y/n: I’m in love with you.
Rayman: *blushes* Oh. That brings me in the loop a little.
Bullfrog: I feel like doing something stupid.
Y/n: I’m stupid, do me-
Y/n: Aren’t you going to say β€œhave a nice day?”
Dolph: I don’t care if you have a pulse, much less a nice day.
Ramon: Hey, are you alright with swearing? Asking for a friend.
Dolph: Yeah?
Ramon: Bitch.
Bullfrog: *running towards Ramon with open arms*
Ramon: *moves out of the way*
Bullfrog: Hey, why'd you move?!
Ramon: I thought you were going to attack me.
Bullfrog: I was going to hug you!
Ramon: Why would you hug me?
Rayman, on the phone: So no head?
Rayman: *Throws phone and breaks skateboard*
Rayman: There are 20 letters in the alphabet, right?
Y/n: Nope, there's 26.
Rayman: Ah, I must have forgotten U, R, A, Q, T.
Y/n: Aww, that's cute, but you're still missing one.
Rayman: You'll get the D later ;).
Rayman: Y/n, you do remember when we agreed we were better off as friends, right?
Y/n, naked in Rayman's bed: No, I absolutely do not.
Rayman, already taking off his clothes: Fuck... Me neither.
Ramon: Having two partners is both amazing and complicated. But all our problems are solved with communication.
Bullfrog: It’s my turn to cuddle Y/n.
Y/n: Do you want to know your gay name?
Bullfrog: My... my gay name?
Y/n: Yeah, it's your first name-
Bullfrog: Haha. Very funny Y/n-
Y/n: *gets down on one knee* And my last name.
Bullfrog: Oh- oh my god.
[Thats it! I hope you guys like it!]
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beah388love Β· 5 months
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Johnny Lawrence fluff alphabet
18+ Minors DNI!!!
Full Masterlist
Cobra Kai Masterlist
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
He loves going to golf n stuff with you and cuddling with you after school or karate.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
He loves your @ss especially slapping it and hearing you yelp.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
He would sit with you and Hold your hand until you calmed down , once you did he got you too speak to him about what happened.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
He pictures you two Getting married and having your dream house and dream family together.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
He l tries to be dominant but as soon as he looks into your eyes he can't and its like hes Being hypnotised , he gives into everything you say.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
He will usually forgive you very easily and he hates fighting with you so he tries to avoid things that would cause arguments between you both.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
He is super grateful for you and always thinks to himself about how he got you and how amazing you are.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
He doesn't hide much from you besides when its something about karate like if he beat someone up.
"John Lawrence!" You yelled As you slammed his bedroom door "Yeah?" He asked really confused
"Why have I heard about you beating a kid up?!" You yelled "Shit.." he muttered to himself "he looked you up and down!" Johnny said trying to defend himself "your apologising tomorrow!" You said whilst walking away and Johnny just rolled his eyes "Ugh".
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
He completely changed , he went from Mr.No one Messes with to Mr.Attachment issues.
He always brags about your relationship and he completely changed , like his attitude well for you , he still treats others bad but not you.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
He is the most jealous person EVER. If a guy even stands to close to you he would yell and punch them.
K iss - Are they a good kisser?
What was the first kiss like?
Your first kiss was A couple weeks after you began dating , he took you on a date and it was getting late so he walked you home , before you went to your door he gave you a passionate kiss on the lips , with his hand on the back if your hand and the other on your back.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
You and him were cuddling in his bed until he realised he had karate in about 5 minutes so he quickly got up and got ready "Bye Babe I Love you!" He yelled as he ran out the door , you sat there shocked and when his training was down you waited outside the dojo. When he came out you jumped up onto him and gave him a big kiss "I love you too!" You said with your head in the crookneck of his neck.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
He would Definitely want to get married , he would plan it for months and he would go all out he would take you somewhere beautiful and get down on one knee "Y/N will you marry me?" He would say and of course you said yes.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
He loves calling you babe or Baby but he also loves calling you hot stuff.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
He gives you everything and he always looks at you and admires you , he also loves seeing you smile And the way your eyes light up , he would do anything to see your smile.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
He is very upfront about your relationship and he makes it very clear to girls who flirt with him. He knows you dont like it when girls flirt with him because he doesn't like when guys flirt with you so he tells them right off the bat he's with you and lives you.
Q uirk - Some random ability they
have that's beneficial in a relationship.
He Can calm you down and ease your anxiety in Minutes and it really helps you especially when your in public with big crowds.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? ClichΓ© or rather creative?
He will go all out and bet his friends to make big pro postal signs for you at school , he goes all out and will get you loads of flowers and your favourite chocolates.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
He loves helping you and seeing you Get better at things , like he taught you how dance and now he loves watching you dance and loves when you dance with him.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
He doesn't mind trying out some new things but likes to try and keep it how it normally is and having somewhat of a routine in a way.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
He understands you a lot and knows How you are inside and out , he loves how he can help you and be there for you to talk to.He's very empathetic and listens to you and tried to help you as much as he can.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it's worth in comparison to other things in their life?
You relationship is worth so much to him and he loves your relationship and he would go to great lengths to keep it.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
He has a box of memories under his bed with pictures of you two and Little things in there like A coin you saw on a date you had or one of your hairbands he found in his room.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
He Is the biggest hugger you've ever seen , as soon as he comes home from karate he falls on top of you and Wraps his arms around your waist , and falls asleep in your arms.
Y earning - How will they cope when they're missing their partner?
He Will miss you and miss your cuddles and kisses but he will try to distract himself And play games or go out with his friends in the meantime.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
He would go to great lengths for you he would do basically anything for you.
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feeblescholarmyass Β· 1 year
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Chapter One: Tighnari
cw: panic attack/extreme anxiety, y/n is not in their bad bitch era yet so ignore how awkward they are, originally written in 3rd person so there may be some pronoun and grammatical mistakes
Sumeru boys x GN!reader
this was posted super fast because it was prewritten. I am not going to be posting daily!!!
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Chat: Amurta
"To be honest, I'm not all that interested in studying medicine. I think that people should also prioritize mental well-being more than the current culture in Sumeru allows. My professors don't really get that, so I just say I like flowers."
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"Are you okay?"
It took you a few seconds to understand what he'd said. You opened your mouth to answer, but snapped it back shut when you felt tears start falling.
He frowned and crouched next to you, tilting his head. He took your wrist and felt your pulse, then sighed. "Oh, I see. You're alright now, don't worry."
You nodded, gulping down a whimper. "I'm s-sorry. I didn't... realize... someone else was in here." You wiped away your tears and took a shaky breath.
Are you kidding me?! We almost made it, stupid! Now you're crying again. You've cried every time you started going to a new school. That's so pathetic, you thought.
"You're fine, don't worry about me. Let me guess, first year?" He tilted his head at you, a small smile making you feel less embarrassed.
"Yeah. This place is so big... I was a little overwhelmed. A lot, actually." You shook your head, steadying your breathing.
"What's your name?" He dropped your wrist and placed his arm on his knee, resting his cheek on his palm.
"I'm Y/n." You tugged at a strand of hair.
"Alright, Y/n. What does your schedule look like? I can help show you around before classes start. You are an Amurta student, yes?" He stood, holding out a hand for you.
You looked up at him and met his eyes. Now that you weren't so nervous, you took more notice of him. He had pretty hazel-green eyes and light green streaks in his dark hair that reminded you of your aunt's hair. A golden earring hung from one of his ears. You remembered his pretty friend from before and felt a small twinge of jealousy.
What in Teyvat are all these boys so pretty for? If everyone at the Akademiya looks as pretty as them, I'll really have to up my game.
"My first class is Honors Phytology II. Here, you can look." You pulled a small notepad from a hidden crevice within the folds of your clothes. You turned to a page with your schedule written out in a neat, color-coded print.
"Hm. Honors II? Impressive, first year." He nodded appreciatively. "Come on, I don't want to cut off our tour because of class."
He opened the door of the copy room, revealing a less crowded common area than before.
You slid some of the fabric of your scarf between your fingers reassuringly. The cold material provided the necessary sensory to keep your mind from spiraling like it had before.
You looked around the room, admiring the architectural work. Sconces formed to look like blossoming vines held the small light sources that made the room practically glow. A miniature fountain surrounded by a concrete sitting area sat in the middle of the room directly underneath a fantastical chandelier. The light from the candles reflected off of the thousands of tiny crystals that drooped from the chandelier in a gravity-defying spectacle. Swirling patterns reached out from the center of the room towards the green pillars that held up the vaulted ceiling and bordered the different hallways labelled alphabetically for the subject and numerically for the floor.
"All classes that have to do with plants are normally done in the greenhouse or the lab in hallway F, which is the only hall that only has one floor. During the first semester, you're largely in the greenhouse." Tighnari motioned towards the hall. "You'll be able to find that pretty easily. As long as you know how to make it back here, you won't have to worry about any shortcuts. Those you can learn later."
"Okay," you said, trying your hardest to pay attention. Processing his words was difficult when you was still fawning over the detail put into the room. You weren't an architect, but you were an artist, so it was only natural that you appreciated something so beautiful.
You lagged further and further behind Tighnari before finally realizing how far ahead he was and hurrying to catch up.
"For the rest of your science classes, you'll be in hallway A, which is just over here. Medicinal classes are upstairs, while other sciences are on the main floor."
"Which stairway should I take? Normally one tends to have more traffic than the other, if it's at all like my old schools." You asked, finally comfortable enough to let your hands fall from their protective position by your neck.
"I'd recommend the first one during most hours, but around the end of the day, the second is probably your best bet. It's a weird phenomena that probably has to do with exhaustion and impatience."
"Hm..." You hummed to yourself, sparing a glance at the boy next to you. If only you had a photographic memory you could sketch his expression.
He stopped in his tracks, noticing your shift in attention. "What is it?"
A rush of heat climbed up your neck. "Oh, um, nothing important. Sorry if I distracted you."
He chuckled, meeting eyes with you. "If anything, I'd say I'm the one distracting you." He had a playful glimmer in his eyes, and you cursed your stomach for the summersaults it insisted on performing.
"Whaaat..? Nooo... I'd never be distracted. Never happened." You rolled your eyes and smiled.
Tighnari laughed. It was a warm sort of sound, one that made your stomach swirl and pulled your lips into a bigger grin.
He really is pretty for no good reason, isn't he? Sigh.
"We should continue our tour. Come along," he motioned them forward. He continued to explain each hallway and what classes it housed, then finally led you towards the lunch room.
It was a room even larger than the one before it. Two floors of open space with a large variety of food available to anyone who was able to pay. You felt terribly small in the huge emptiness. Imagining it being filled with people made you even more nervous.
"For anyone who wants a little more space, there is a small section for eating in the upstairs library. It's a lot quieter, and much less people go in there. Most people are there to continue studying. When do you have lunch?" He asked, leading you in a circle back to the hall.
"I've got a long break between psych and elements. My friend and I both have long enough to eat and take a break."
"Oh? A friend?"
"I do have friends, regardless of what you may think of me." You crossed your arms over your chest. Tighnari paused, conflicted between teasing you and being a welcoming upperclassman. "Her name is Layla. She's a Rhawatist student."
"Rhawatist? That must be an interesting friendship dynamic. One who studies the stars, and another who studies the earth." He let out a breath, relieved that you weren't offended by his words.
You paused and thought about it for a second. "No, I don't think it's all that strange. If anything, I think the combination of our studies would make a great research topic. Hm, maybe I should bring it up with her sometime."
Tighnari checked the time and found himself frowning. He had enjoyed talking with you once you had started to get comfortable.
"We should head to class. If you ever need anything, let me know. I am a TA, so it's my job to help students in need."
"I will. Thank you, Tighnari. I enjoyed talking with you."
"And I-" he paused, realizing he had never told you what his name was. "How did you know my name?"
"Oh," You felt a flush of heat again. You hadn't realized he didn't say it. "W-well, Layla and I were getting breakfast this morning, and we ran into you and some of your friends at a cafe. She told me your names." You tried to sink into your scarf, for once cursing the sheerness of the fabric. If you revealed the reason why you had been asking you just might die right there and then.
He laughed, the sound tickling your senses. "Sometimes I forget how curious you first years are. If you ever want me to introduce them to you, I can."
"Really?" You looked up a little too eagerly. "Oh, I mean, that would be nice. Thank you."
"Don't worry about it, I understand. See you around, Y/n. Enjoy your Phytology class. I think you'll like the teacher."
"You enjoy classes too!" You waved goodbye awkwardly before finally heading towards your classroom. The silent hallway felt oddly stifling without Tighnari's calm commentary filling the space.
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"No way, really?" Layla yawned, listening as hard as she could. The poor girl looked about to fall asleep in her lunch.
"Yeah. He was super nice and even offered to introduce me to his friends we saw at the cafe. Would that be weird?" You asked. You had been going back and forth on what to do since the first day of school nerves had calmed down.
You had spent your classes so far writing down necessary materials and little notes to yourself based on first impressions. However, you had found your mind drifting elsewhere. Evidence of your thoughts were left in sketches in the margins of your paper. Rough outlines of Tighnari's hair and ears littered the back of the page you had been writing on.
"Hm, I think it would be fun. Maybe you could get Cyno to let you do a portrait of him." Layla teased. You rolled your eyes and huffed.
"At least I actually took one of the few art classes this school even offers. We don't even have a choir. If I wasn't so sure of what I wanted to do, I might regret my school choice." You tugged at an unruly lock of hair, taking a bite of you lunch.
"Speaking of Tighnari and his friends..." Layla yawned and pointed across the lunch room, where the four boys had just entered from the Kshahrewar entryway.
You glanced up and nearly spat out your food. HE!! IT'S HIM!!! PRETTY BOY!!! Well, pretty boys. Archons, please tell me I'm not making eye contact. I am making eye contact, aren't I? Shit.
You were, in fact, making eye contact. Tighnari smiled and said something to the other three. Then, to your horror, they started walking towards you and Layla.
"Layla. Layla, wake up. Layla. Fuck me, I'm on my own. I'll kill you for this, Layla." You muttered, trying to act like you hadn't been caught staring. I probably look like an idiot, she thought.
When they stopped next to the table you were sitting at, you pretended to be surprised. You looked up and smiled, hoping your nervousness wasn't as obvious as it felt. You couldn't tell if you were just paranoid or if people really were watching.
"Oh, hello again, Tighnari." You wiggled her fingers at him and glanced desperately at Layla. She was out.
"So this is the underclassman you've been going on about?" Cyno asked, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Yes, this is Y/n. Y/n, meet Cyno, Kaveh, and Alhaitham." Tighnari motioned to the group behind him. "Mind if we sit with you?"
Technically, yes, you did mind. Having people watching you was one of your least favorite feelings. However, you couldn't really say that you would hate being surrounded with pretty men. On the other hand, there was Layla to worry about. She was asleep, and this was a rare opportunity where she had time to rest.
"Oh, please do. I'm Layla, Y/n's friend." Layla spoke, startling you. You shot her a glare that was met with a cheeky grin.
"I see you're awake now. Eat your lunch. I'm not going to make you extra dinner because you slept through lunch again." You prodded Layla's stomach before scooting over to make more room for the boys.
The boys joined them at the circular table. Tighnari sat next to you, and Cyno next to him. The blond one, Kaveh, sat next to Layla, and Alhaitham left. You decided it was best to not question it.
The boys chatted amongst the three of them, and Layla drifted in and out of exhaustion, sometimes lucid enough to come up with a witty response. You stuck to observing the dynamic, committing their mannerisms and speech patterns to memory for future reference.
Listening to Kaveh talk reminded you of reading a romance novel. His prose was lengthy with impressive vocabulary. He brought to mind maple syrup, with his sweet words and lofty ideals. He tended to ramble on about something or other, enjoying the act of talking along with the sound of his own voice.
Cyno's dry commentary was waved off and even discouraged by Tighnari and Kaveh, but sometimes the combination of his dad jokes and blank serious expressions made you chuckle. His sense of humor reminded you of your dad. Every time he made you laugh, it boosted his ego just a little bit. The visible way he puffed up his chest and let an almost-grin pull at his lips reaffirmed your suspicions that he would make an excellent subject of an art piece.
Best of all was Tighnari. From their interaction earlier, you could never have guessed the extent of his sarcasm. For a TA, he seemed remarkably rebellious. In your head, he had been a strange piece in the puzzle of their group. Now, however, you could see he fit in perfectly.
The only remaining mystery was Alhaitham, the boy from before.
Much too soon for your liking, your break between classes came to an end. You bid farewell to your new friends after giving them your contact information, then went on your way.
You entered the hall towards the Haravatat building, excited for your language class. Throughout school, your language classes had always been your favorite. The challenge of translating back and forth until you fell into an easy familiarity with the words and sounds of a language brought you almost as much comfort as your art class did.
This year, you were finishing the available classes for Fontaine's ancient language. Names from Fontaine had confused you to no end until she started taking the class. It wasn't the most sensible language, and your pronunciation was finicky at best, but it was a welcome difficulty. In comparison to some of your Amurta classes, it was much less dull and required a lot less group work. It was perfect for a chance to relax after lunch.
You made note of the architecture in Haravatat just as you had in Amurta with Tighnari earlier. Where the accents had been green in Amurta, here they were a dark grey. There was much less living greenery ornamenting the halls, and the lights had to be brighter to make up for the lack of brightening decorum. The harsh shine of the fluorescent lights gave you a headache.
Students here carried more textbooks than anything. The lack of precarious experiments allowed you to be less cautious while wandering in an attempt to find your classroom.
You waved your way between students who were gossiping in various languages, and finally saw the right number for your class on the wall. You let out a sigh, relieved that you weren't late.
You opened the door and slipped inside, glancing around to take note of the amount of students in the class. There weren't many, and you didn't recognize those who were there. In one of the back corners, a group of a few people stood and chatted. You made sure to choose a seat across the room from them. You sat more towards the front, but not too close for comfort.
You placed down your bag and grabbed at your scarf. You smoothed it down and checked for any loose strings. When you had assured yourself that everything was in its place, you let yourself relax.
The classroom itself had very little decoration. There was a painting of Fontaine on the front wall, but that was about it.
You sighed sadly, longing to return to Layla and your new acquaintances. At least, at the end of the day, you would be able to go home and eat the congratulatory dinner you had been planning for weeks.
You drifted off into a daydream about the foods you would be able to eat, and how amazing your sleep would be after the day's exhaustion.
Your fantasy was interrupted by a harsh voice from behind you.
"You're not from Haravatat," the voice said. It took you a moment to register what had been said. You turned to look behind you to figure out who had spoken.
You twisted around to get a good look at the person, and felt your heart leap. Fucking hell, fate is surrounding me by pretty men on purpose. I can't tell if it's a blessing or a curse.
There, placing his books on the seat behind her, was the boy that had silently left the group during lunch and never returned. His pretty blue-hazel eyes bored into your own, and you watched a strand of silver hair brush against his cheek before settling against his ear.
You swallowed, hard.
"Oh, Alhaitham, it's you."
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taglist: @em-asian @hypernovaxx
let me know if you want to be added!
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