#alright now why do they need the first aid kit? who got hurt?
cuddles-with-dragons · 10 months
More Bad Batch and Delta Squad shenanigans
Crosshair: Standing next to sunflowers always makes me feel weak like ‘look at this fucking flower. This flower is taller than I am. This flower is winning and I’m losing.’ Boss: Wow, you are not ready to hear about trees.
Sev: Would you take a bullet for me? Fixer: ...yes? *Crosshair angrily bursts into the room* Sev: *running away* Great, thanks!
Tech: *Pulls a glass a water from out of nowhere* Boss: Where did you get that? Tech: My pocket. Boss: How do you keep a glass of water in your pocket? Tech: Skills.
Sev: Comparing Tech and Scorch is like comparing apples and oranges. Tech: We’re both unique in our own ways? Sev: Apples are superior in every way and all oranges should be eliminated. Scorch: Which one of us is the orange?
*The squads are asked what they would do with 5 children with only 3 chairs.* Scorch: Get two more chairs! Fixer: They can get their own chairs. Boss: Make them fight for it. Sev: You only need one chair to beat them all with. Tech: I would never be near children. Crosshair: Kill two.
Crosshair: I don’t think we can mansplain, manipulate, or malewife our way out of it this time. Sev: *cracks knuckles* Manslaughter it is!
Crosshair: Why is it that I always lose things as soon as I need them? Tech: Actually, it's not that you lose things when you need them. You lose them a while before. It's just that you LOOK for things when you need them. Boss: Okay yeah thanks Tech, that's great but WHERE'S THE FUCKING FIRST AID KIT?
Hunter: Scorch, you’ve tried 37 times and you’ve failed every time. Give it a break. Scorch: DO I HEAR “FIRST TRY PART 38?”
Tech: You're violent. Scorch: Yeah but I'm also short and that's adorable.
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harunayuuka2060 · 8 months
Floyd: Azul~ Why don't I see Pufferfishy~? Are they absent~?
Azul: Unfortunately, they informed me that they wouldn't be able to come to work today. Something came up.
Jade: What is it?
Azul: They didn't tell me.
Jade: Are they possibly in Ramshackle dorm right now?
Azul: It could be.
Floyd: Okay~. I'll visit Pufferfishy~.
Jade: I will be coming with you, Floyd.
Floyd: Eh~? No. You stay behind.
Jade: I am done with most of my duties.
Azul: Yes. You can go, Jade.
Jade: *smiles at Floyd*
Floyd: *frowns*
Grim: You should go to the clinic!
Chubby MC: I don't need to. I can do first aid myself.
Grim: But it's turning purple!
Chubby MC: I am fine, Grim. It just needs more ice.
Grim: ...
Grim: Who did it?! Mryah! Why would they do this to you?!
Chubby MC: *sigh*
Chubby MC: I don't want to talk about it.
Grim: ...
Floyd: Pufferfishy~!
Jade: MC? Are you in there?
Chubby MC and Grim: ...
Chubby MC: *quickly hides the first aid kit and stands up* *winces*
Grim: What are you doing?!
Chubby MC: I need to go upstairs.
Floyd: Hm? We know you're inside, Pufferfishy~!
Jade: We're coming in.
Chubby MC: *proceeds to go upstairs*
Grim: ...
Jade: Grim? Where is MC?
Grim: They're upstairs.
Jade: Hm? Are they sleeping?
Floyd: Eh~ Is Pufferfishy taking an afternoon nap~?
Grim: ...
Grim: No. They couldn't move properly because they got some horrible bruises.
Jade and Floyd: ...
Jade: What happened?
Grim: I think some group ganged up on beating them... *on the verge of crying*
Jade and Floyd: ...
Chubby MC: *is on the phone with Azul* Hello, Azul? Can I ask for a few days off? I'm not feeling well.
Azul: Of course. You can take all the days you want.
Chubby MC: Really?
Azul: Yes. And-
Chubby MC: ???
Azul: No. Nothing. And please go to the clinic. Professor Crewel will take care of you. *ends the call*
Chubby MC: ...
Azul: Alright. I have told them to go to the clinic.
Azul: Now, who are we going to eliminate?
Jade: I have their info.
Floyd: Let's go~. I can't wait to squeeze those who hurt Pufferfishy.
Azul: Make sure you two leave no evidence.
Jade: Oh you don't have to tell us, Azul. You don't need to. Really.
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embrosegraves · 9 months
𝕎𝕙𝕖𝕟 𝕎𝕒𝕤 𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕤?
(request) Sebastian Vettel x Reader  The reader hasn’t seen Seb for A While™ and he notices something different “I know every inch of your body and I know for a fact that scar wasn’t there before.
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It was at the beginning of the triple header when it happened. Sebastian had only just gotten to his hotel room when he sent you a text that had distracted you from the knife you were using to make dinner. It only took a few seconds of distraction for the knife to slip from its place in your hand and fall towards the floor, the tip of the blade grazing your uncovered thigh none too gently. 
It wasn’t a horrible cut, but there was quite a bit of blood welling up. The length of the cut also wasn’t too bad, though there would definitely be a scar when it healed. Later when you looked back at the incident, you would find amusement at the fact that the pain had not gained your attention until after you heard the knife clatter on the tiles of your kitchen. 
Cursing under your breath, you picked up the knife and placed it in the sink before making your way to grab what you needed from the first aid kit. You cleaned the cut and put a bandaid over the top just to stop the bleeding for now. 
Finishing up your dinner, you sat down answering Sebastian's text and completely forgot about the cut. 
You were sitting on the couch, texting your family’s group chat when you heard the front door unlock and open. You smiled to yourself as you knew that the only other person who had keys was Sebastian, which meant that he was finally home from the triple header. 
“Liebe, I’m home!” 
“In the living room My Love!” 
You waited eagerly for Sebastian to walk into the room. You had missed him incredibly these last three weeks. It felt like so much time had passed and you just could help the excitement at seeing your partner after so long. 
Sebastian finally made his way to you, picking up your legs and laying them across his lap once he sat down on the couch. Your favourite thing about Sebastian, without fail, was that he did things for you without any sort of prompting. As soon as your legs had settled over his lap he immediately started massaging your feet. 
You spent a good few hours just talking to each other, catching up on whatever you had missed from your almost daily facetime calls. You praised him for racing well and, ever the humble man, he blushed and brushed it off as ‘just doing his job’. As you talked with each other, Sebastian’s hands went higher and higher up your legs, massaging the sore spots and gently caressing your skin. 
It was when he finally got to your thighs as you were rambling about your co-worker’s latest gossip, that he found himself freezing. You felt him stop moving immediately, which confused you greatly. 
“Darling? Are you alright?” you asked. 
“Schatz, I know every inch of your body and I know for a fact that scar wasn’t there before.” This confused you more. Scar? What scar did you- oh. Right, that scar. 
“Oh that, yeah that was a complete accident. I didn’t even mean for that to happen, it just sort of- did. It’s not that bad honestly, just needed to clean it, disinfect it and then cover it with a band-aid. It didn’t even hurt when it happened, which I think is kinda funny.” Part of you knew that you should’ve told Sebastian about it when it happened, but you had genuinely forgot that you had accidentally cut yourself, so now you were trying your best to downplay it so he didn’t worry. There was no point in trying, Sebastian would worry regardless. 
“What happened? When did it happen and why wasn’t I told?” Sebastian ‘The Worrywart’ Vettel ladies and gentlemen. 
“Uhh I’m pretty sure it was the first night you left. I was making dinner and you texted me saying that you got to the hotel. I got distracted and the knife slipped but like I said it wasn’t bad. It’s basically all healed up now so you don’t have to worry.” You didn’t know why you kept trying to tell him not to worry as if he would listen. He wouldn’t. 
“I don’t care if it’s healed or not, I’m going to look after you so no more cuts mark your pretty skin.” 
Another thing you loved about Sebastian: he looked after you better than anyone.
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Give this bitch a medal, they got a fucking fic out! 1/3 requests complete, now I'm gonna move to the next one
as always, I hope you enjoyed. likes, replies and reblogs are always appreciated <3
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lumibuns-blog · 1 year
Gojo gojo gojo gojo gojo gojo gojo gojo
I'm obsessed with him
Gojo x reader
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~Your friend Gojo comes home after a mission in your second year at jujutsu tech, bloodied and tired, but the one person he wants to see now is you~
You hear a knock at your door, 'who the hell is knocking at 3am' you think, knowing you shouldn't be either but the show was just too good.
You go to open the door "this better be import-"
Gojo's head immediately falls to rest on your chest, he's bent at the waist and his arms hang limply downwards, you can see dried blood staining his white hair.
"Toru are you ok, what happened?!?" You ask in a panic.
"I'm ok now that you're here..." he responds weakly
At least he's still well enough to make a joke you think, "ok let's get you inside and I'll call Shoko" you say leaning him against you
"No...don't call her...I came here...to not get yelled at....just you...you're enough" he huffed
You couldn't help but blush slightly at his comment, turning away so he wouldn't tease you later. You decide to take him to your bathroom as he's already dripping some blood onto your floor.
You set him on your toilet and kneel in front of him "alright let's see what we got here" you smile, trying to lighten the mood
"Sorry I got cocky" he said surprisingly sounding upset
"I can believe that" you chuckled, noticing his shoulders sink you continue "but hey it's ok it happens to everyone" you say while standing to get your first aid kit "and if it makes you feel any better, I still think your the strongest" you had a feeling he needed to hear something like that
"Of course I'm the strongest" he beamed putting his hands on his hips, he got his confidence back you guessed
"Let's see what's wrong"
"I'm mostly just hurt on my neck and face, but I'm sore everywhere else" he whines
"Stop complaining and unzip your shirt" you huff
He gasps "no dinner first?" Taking his jacket in his teeth he unzips it with one hand
You get close to him using you hand to to push his hair out of his face, suddenly making eyes contact with his watercolor eyes that seemed to shine a bit more when he looked into yours
"Wh-wh-what are you doing" he sputters moving back slamming into the back of your toilet, a cute blush spreads across his face.
"Oh come on toru! I'm just trying to bandage your cut"
"Yeah yeah of course you just...startled me"
"Sure sure" you said wondering why he would be blushing then
You continue to wipe the blood from his face bandaging his cuts. When you finish you help him stand again moving towards your living room.
"I'm assuming you don't want to go to your place and face Geto" you tease.
"I'll take the couch" he retorts
You set him down there and he begins to make himself comfortable and snuggle into you pillows in the most obnoxious way possible because of course he is.
"Alright go to bed it's lat-"
You're cut off as his arms wrap around your waist and pull you towards him so you fall on top of him.
"Just stay a bit longerrrrrr, we could watch a show or something...I'm just not tired yettt"
You roll eyes and oblige him, how could you not with those puppy eyes.
You shift closer to him and he puts his arm around you, looking down with a cheeky smile,
"Geto and Shoko were right! Mannnnn we really should just go out already!"
Your "friend" never fails to surprise you.
Hehehhe gojo is love gojo is life🙇‍♀️
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Hobie x reader
Pt 2
Hurt/comfort, angst
Mean hobie >:)
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Sneak peak? Kind of?
warnings: bad English (not my first language mil disculpas), not proofread T^T,
based off this post.
let me know what you think so far please :)
You've been pacing around your cozy apartment, for the past hour, your mind racing, your stomach in knots. It wasn't unusual for you to stress over Hobie's absence or wellbeing, but tonight was different. You hadn't been able to contact Hobie two nights in a row, normally he would shoot you a text throughout the day letting you know he was alright and when he'd be home by, but not a word from him. Despite all the bruises and cuts that he'd sustain from his fights, he always came home to you. Though he hated consistency, you were the one thing he'd rely on, and the little routine (of you complaining bout his injuries while you fixed him up and him kissing you telling you he'd be more careful next time) he'd created with you.
The anxiety got the best of you, as you tried calling him one more time, the phone was ringing when you heard a loud thud coming from your shared bedroom. By instinct, you knew who it was, you recognized the heavy footsteps, and the loud distinctive accent as he cussed. Your heart racing and relief flooding you as you ran to the noise. Though the lights were off Hobie's outline was clear from the moonlight shining through the open window, he was slightly hunched, hand over his stomach as he glanced at you. He rolled his eyes, 'i don't have the energy for this'. He didn't have the energy to explain the mess he got himself into.
“Hobie? babe?" No response, there's only shuffling and grunting heard from him moving to the bed, "are you alright? I was so- " you turn on the light, stopping midway as soon as you registered his current state. Your eyes scanning his full body. He had a black eye, a busted lip, his knuckles bruised and it was impossible to miss the large open wound across his abdomen with blood soaking his suit.
He was beaten and bloodied, it always pained you when you saw him hurt, but it was never like this. He cut you off before you could even speak again, " I know what you're gonna say, but just let me handle it, yeah? Its nothin." You had so many question, to say you're shocked is an understatement. He's clearly in pain, what did he mean 'nothing'.
"Hobart Brown, this is clearly not nothing. What happened?," you questioned him but again not a peep from him, your tone sounding a bit harsher than you meant for, your worry was slowly turning into something else once you heard his words.
You sighed as you walked to the bathroom to grab your first aid kit, " Here let me grab the kit," but Hobie stood up from his spot and stopped you, "I said its nothing, just drop it." He hissed.
his head was pounding and his body was aching all over, he knew how much you worried, but he couldn't be bothered by anything at this point. He just wanted to get himself cleaned up and sleep. He really didn't want to hear any of your nagging tonight.
"DROP IT?? Hobs look at you, you're in no condition to do this yourself, What happened to you?" You asked looking up at him, once again scanning his face, he sighed out of frustration, "look I'll tell ya tomorrow." He brushed past you, now beginning to remove his jacket and studded bracelets. Your frustration also growing with his every word, you stayed up all night waiting for him, all you want to do is help.
"No, you're letting me help you, you not even answering my questions properly. I want to know where my boyfriend has been these past two days, I want to know why you're sitting here with all these cuts, Hob-" before you could finish, he stood up and grabbed both your wrists in his hands, "JUST SHUT UP AND LEAVE ME ALONE, WILL YA? I said I don’t need your bloody help." He yelled, his pretty face contorted in anger. It was accident, he was just fed up with everything, he was exhausted and your constant questioning wasn't helping. He never yelled at you before, no matter the situation he's always been understanding and sweet towards you.
You were shocked, and though you hated to admit it, scared of him. You couldn't do anything, but just stare at him wide eyed, you whimpered a little from his volume and how strong his hold was. He'd truly scared you.
Even he was surprised at his own outburst. As soon as he saw your expression, he was slightly brought back to reality, "Tch, I ain't got time for this." He sighed as he let go of you. Guilt slowly creeping through, he really didn’t mean it, but didn’t apologize for it right away, he simply continued prepping to clean his gashes.
You stood there for a bit, so many emotions coursing through you in that split second. You collected yourself quickly and left the bathroom, slamming the door behind you. Angry tears running down your face. You mumbled to yourself to keep yourself from completely bursting at the seams, 'Fine, asshole. Be like that then.' You grabbed your stuff and made your way to the room. No way were you going to be in the same room as him.
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Should I continue this??
I have never tagged anyone before but here ya go
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woodle-isbae · 2 months
Tayo " Tazer" Amusan x black!fem!reader
Contains : swearing , Reader has powers aswell , smut , make up sex , PiV , slight angst , links , Fluff at the end , overstimulation, dumbification kinda.
A/N : I needed to get this man out of my head omg.🙈
Here's pt2 of Fruedian 😜
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You sat in your apartment living room , enjoying the night air that blew in from your open window , the candles that sat spread around the place and music playing softly in the background. In pure bliss as you enjoyed a half smoked joint in your night gown.
Frantic knocking on your door snapped you out of your daze , getting up from the Sofa, grabbing your gown and putting on some slippers. You peeped to see who it was , opening the door to be met with your Ex , Tayo , currently in bad condition. Probably got jumped.
"The fuck happened to you?"
"I'll explain when you help me."
You rolled your eyes before helping him inside , locking the door and setting him down on the couch , going to get a first Aid kit and a warm damp towel while he removed his bloody top. Cleaning up his wounds and bandaging any scars. Eyes glowing while you healed any vital wounds on him.
"Why'd you come here.?"
Your question bringing an awkward silence between you two , he avoided your eyes and cleared his throat to atleast bring some noise other than the music playing.
"You could've had your mates take you to a hospital or even called someone else..why me?"
"Because you were the closest one here..and could heal me easily , alright."
"Fuck that , tell the truth."
You knew why he was here , he wasn't sure why but he had a strong feeling he needed to be here , taken care by you , feel you close to him once more.
"I...I missed you Y/N."
You guys had broken up a few months prior , due to him joining the Gang life he knew it would be too much for you if anything ever happened. He had cut all ties with you in hopes that you would get the message , and you did. You had known why he did it but it still hurt that he would leave unexplained.
"So you decided to come to me...after everything.?"
"I know how it looks..but I really do , I miss everything we did together"
"Please call me Tayo , can't stand you using that name."
His words soft and pleadful , besides his Nan , you were the only other person he allowed to call him by his name.
"Tayo..you come back into my life expecting a diffrent ending for us , you know your gonna have to leave because of the B.S your up to."
"But it will be different this time. I swear , I'm never gonna leave again...I'll make up for every month I was gone , please."
He moves closer to you , his words genuine as he held your hands up to his chest. He looked at you , he was willing to try and change everything just for You.
"Tayo..I just don't kno-"
"Jusy let me make it up to you."
He was so close now , both your faces nearly touching , noses burshing against each other and eyes scanning your face for any reason not to say yes. You gave him , eyes shutting and kissing him , hands on the sides of his face.
You found your legs locking around his waist , your kiss going from innocent love to pure lust and intimacy , both of your hands searching for anywhere to be situated.
His lips traveled down from yours to your neck and down your body , hands roaming over the thin night gown you adorned apon your body. He trailed down until met with your lacy panties.
He kissed your inner thighs , playing around with the hem of your panties before removing the piece of clothing and placing a few soft kisses on your Clit.
"Tayo..stop teasin' me.."
"Just relax f'me , yeah?"
He began sucking on your clit , occasionally letting his tongue venture lower towards your entrance, his hands holding your legs back while he devoured you.
"Ouhh-shitt! I'm gonna cummm"
"You can do it , cum all over my face"
The vibrations of his voice adding onto the pleasure his mouth was working. Hands flailing to grip onto any surface as your hips grind against his tongue , legs shaking in his grasp.
"Right there- yesyes- Tayo!"
With a scream of his name you you came all over his lower face , drenching his chin with your essence , his tongue still working its way into you. His movements not giving out , determined to bring more than one Orgasm out of you.
"Tayo , wait- I'm sensitive!"
"You can take one more , I belive in you"
He only stopped to speak , diving back between your legs to lick up your juices , letting go of your thighs , allowing them to lock around his head in attempt to remove him.
It wasn't long before you were shaking against him , hips chasing that second orgasm you knew would be ground breaking , his jaw moving as fast as it could to catch up with you. Inhuman the way he had such skill to have you shaking like this.
You were catching your breath whilehe shuffled around out of your sight , too far in bliss to care what he was up to next. You felt his weight shift onto you and looked down to see him lining up with you
"I fucking..missed- you"
His words choked out as he entered, catching his breath before moving his hips in slow thrusts , face buried in the crook of your neck, taking in your scent like it's the last time he ever will.
"Fuck-Tayo please!"
"Uhuh , you missed me too , yeah?"
His voice shaking , giving you deep and fast thrust , unable to hold back , the passion he had for you being shown as he held you closer to him , trying to get as deep as possible into you.
"I missed you so fucking bad , I'm gonna make it up to you - shit - I'm all yours."
Each thrust forced a yelp of his name and pleading to escape your lips , overstimulated and fucked dumb to even process your own orgasm.
He had your legs in the air and arms wrapped around his neck , clawing at his back while you screamed and whined for more from him. You both fucking like animals.
He had stopped his movements abruptly, pulling you as close as possible while panting into your ear. His cum shooting into you with a plead of your name.
"Oh shiittt-"
"Oh fuck- fuck Y/N"
You were both frozen in position , trying to regain some thought in your mind , blissfully content with how you evening ended up. Your face being peppered with kisses and soft touches
"I'm gonna be back."
He kissed you once more before pulling out , hissing at the sight before him , cum drooling out of you , warm and fluid as he ran down your legs. He got up from the Couch , comming back with a warm towel and water.
He cleaned you up , slipping your panties back on , he carried you to your bedroom and tucked in. He left the room for a few minutes and came back , slipping in the bed next to you.
He held you so close , as if to hold you back from running away. Spooning your sleeping body , absolutely exhausted.
"I love you."
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justlemmeadoreyou · 7 months
Hopelessly Devoted to You-Part 2
Summary: Y/n agrees to Harry's offer; a flashback from the camp.
Words: 1.9k
Warnings: Mentions of abuse, a LOT of cute shit in the end (harry with kids :(((( (my weakness))
(previous part here) | (series masterlist) | (main masterlist)
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Harry wasn’t this much of a hopeless romantic he is now, over Y/n. Sure, he had had his fair share of heartbreaks in the past, but that didn’t stop him from loving unconditionally.
So, when he found out about Y/n, it made his heart ache. He didn’t know if she wanted her as her lawyer, or just wanted to talk to him about it as a friend
Either way, he was happy to help.
There was a call from his secretary, Anna, when he was going through a document.
“Mrs. Clark is here to see you” she said through the phone.
“Mrs. Clark? Oh, Y/n? Yeah, send her in”
He would never get used to her carrying the name of her douchebag husband. 
She knocked the door softly, even though he had already allowed her to come in.
“Come in”
She unlocked the door, a smile on her face as she let herself in, closing it behind her.
“Hi” she greeted him, coming and sitting on the chair in front of his desk.
“Hi, how have you been?” he asked.
“I’m alright. I-I thought about–the offer you gave me the other day”
“Oh yeah? What did you decide?” 
“I’ll–I’ll take it, yeah. I just want this all to be over as soon as possible”
His smile faded away. Did something bad happen? Because if it did, God forbid he would go to her house right now and beat him up. 
“Did-did something happen, Y/n? You know you can tell me, right? I’m here for you”
She smiled again, shaking her head in no, “No–nothing bad happened–it’s just–he kind of got suspicious that day–after I went home, he kept asking me where I had gone and what I do”
“Oh–what did you tell him?”
“I told him it was lunch with a friend. He asked me who it was, and I told him it was Grace–she is a friend of mine. He called her and she said that I was with her the whole afternoon, she’s super sweet, and saved me.”
He sighed in relief, thankful that he hadn’t hurt her.
“He’s such a bastard–it’s like he feels that he owns you or something” he huffed.
“I know! That’s why–I want you to be my lawyer”
He grinned wide, a victory for his heart as he shook her hand.
“I’m so happy, Y/n. And I want you to know that you don’t have to worry about the money, alright? You don’t have to pay me at all”
Her eyes widened. Why was he doing this for free? She knew this was going to be a long trial, because he won’t let go that easily. Plus, she would have to fight for Ellie’s custody too.
“But–Mr.Styles–I can’t take it. It’s a super generous offer, but I really can’t.”
Of course she won’t. He’ll just have to make her take it, then.
“Y/n–okay, tell me, how will you pay me, then?”
Her shoulders slumped, mouth quirking in a pout, that he wanted to kiss. But he pushed that thought to the back of his mind, where numerous others were locked in.
“I have my savings–since the abuse started, I started to save money for myself, and Ellie’s education-in case I ever needed to leave him, or he left me for someone else”
If anyone leaves her, her, for someone else, he has to be the biggest moron on the planet.
“Y/n, you know I won’t let you do that. You are leaving Elliot, and you’ll need it after you move out of his house”
“No but’s. Please. I insist”
She sighed, licking her lips as she reluctantly agreed. She began to think, lost in thought as he began to scribble something on the notepad nearby.
“Oh-what if I get a job till then? Then you’ll let me pay you, right? Because then money would be coming in and savings won’t be an issue–”
“We’ll see about that”
He dismissed. He wasn’t going to let her pay him even a penny. 
.   .   .
“So, you’re a lawyer?”
Y/n asked him.
They were sat by the bonfire. After a long, long day of kids screaming, playing around, crying for their parents, lots of first aid kits because they kept falling off the trampoline–all of them had a moment of rest.
A bonfire was lit, after the kids were put to sleep. Everyone had found someone they could talk to–just like Y/n and Harry found each other.
They were sat side by side on the mat, a cup of tea in their hands as they talked and laughed with no care in the world.
“Yeah. Family lawyer. If you ever need help, you can come to me, I’ll help you–no money in exchange”
She had giggled softly back then, but that offer was her lifeline today.
“Alright. Noted” she smiled, taking a sip off her cup.”
“What about you? Your husband–he works in accounts?”
Her smile slipped away at the mention of him, and Harry took a mental note to not bring him up again. She was hoping he would do that too.
“Yeah, he’s an accountant”
“That’s good.
They fell into silence after that, the sounds in the background only being the sounds of crackling fire and then suddenly, there was a cheer. They looked up to see someone had gotten a guitar, and began to play a song. It was difficult to identify which one it was from just the guitar tune, but Harry knew.
"Horse with No Name," Harry said, a nostalgic smile tugging at the corners of his lips. 
Y/n's eyes widened in surprise. "You play guitar?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.
Harry nodded, a hint of bashfulness in his expression. "Yeah, I used to play quite a bit back in college. It's been a while, though."
Encouraged by his confession, Y/n urged him, "Well, why don't you play something for us now? I'd love to hear."
Harry hesitated for a moment, but the warm glow of the fire and Y/n's encouraging smile emboldened him. With a nod, he took the guitar from the musician and began to strum a gentle melody.
As the soothing notes filled the air, Y/n felt herself relax, the tension of the day melting away. Harry's fingers danced across the strings with practiced ease, and soon, the melody took on a life of its own.
Lost in the music, Y/n closed her eyes and let herself be carried away by the melody. For a brief moment, there was nothing else in the world except the sound of Harry's guitar and the crackling of the fire.
When the song came to an end, there was a moment of silence before applause erupted from the small crowd gathered around the bonfire. Y/n opened her eyes to see Harry smiling at her, a twinkle of satisfaction in his eyes.
"Thank you," she whispered, her heart full with the beauty of the moment.
Harry returned her smile, his own heart lightened by the connection they had shared. "Anytime," he replied, his voice soft with sincerity. 
“So, when did you decide to become a lawyer?” she asked, wanting to talk to him more. The camp was only a week, and that was a small amount of time for her to get to know this gentleman who found her interesting.
"Well, ever since I was a child, I've had this innate sense of justice. I couldn't stand seeing people treated unfairly, and I knew I wanted to make a difference." Harry replied.
Y/n nodded, impressed. "That's admirable. Not everyone has the courage to pursue their passions."
She knew she was talking about herself.
Harry smiled gratefully. "Thank you. It hasn't always been easy, but knowing that I can help people in their time of need makes it all worthwhile.”
He noted how she had said “not everyone” and he suspected she was talking about herself.
“And–I don’t mean to intrude, but I think when you said, “not everyone”, you meant yourself?” he asked.
She shrugged her shoulders, gulping down as she replied, “Yeah, I–I wanted to be a teacher. I’ve always loved children, and it was my dream to get a job at a primary school and teach and take care of little children.
Harry smiled. She was so innocent, so pure. But she had seen more than he ever did.
“So, why did you quit?”
Her smile faded away again, “It was mostly me, but I got married young, you know–I fell in love with him in high school, and I was just a young, naive, innocent girl who did not know better”
He nodded, listening intendedly as she talked about it.
“So–I got married, and then pregnant, and all of that faded away. Like, I completed school and my degree–that was when I got pregnant so I never really had a chance to complete my masters degree or look for a job. And then Ellie was a premature baby, so Elliot suggested that I stay at home.”
It was so easy to talk to him. Even though they had met today, the way he was able to get her to talk so much–open up about her past, and talk about stuff she never had with anyone–was magic.
“So, would you work if you got the chance to?” he asked. If she was his wife, he would never have gotten her pregnant if she didn’t want to, and he would’ve made her complete her masters, and get a Phd, even, because she was just that smart. 
“I mean–yeah sure, I would. But I would need a masters degree to work in a decent school, and the opportunities are already so low. So, it’s a lost cause”
Harry immediately protested, “Hey, don’t say that. No, it’s not a lost cause. If you want to, you can still get your degree, and then work. You’re young too”
She blushed at that. It had been a while since she had heard that.
.   .   .
The next morning, Y/n took Ellie to meet Harry.
“Honey, this is Harry–he’s mommy’s new friend” 
She introduced him, and he smiled so big, his dimples and bunny teeth were on display.
“Oh god, who is this pretty little girl?” he exclaimed, and she giggled, already looking up at him with adoration.
“Hi Harry, I’m Ellie. But my mom calls me cupcake”
He giggled again, crouching down on his knees, taking her tiny hands in his.
“So, what can I call you, Miss.Cupcake?”
She giggled again, and seeing the way Harry was with kids, made Y/n’s heart swell.
“You can call me cupcake too” she replied, and he reached into his pockets, pulling out a candy, “Here, take this” he gave it to her, and she smiled.
“Next time, I’ll have a cupcake for you”
tell me if you like this! please reblog or comment if you like, it makes my heart happy :)
taglist: @freedomfireflies @gurugirl @thechaoticjoy @styleslover-1994 @gem1712 @ellaorchard @bxbyysstuff @opheliaofficial07 @rafaaoli @tchlamqtsgf @the-mouse27 @indierockgirrl @vrittivsanghavi @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @drewrry @babyiamperfectforyou @me-undiscovered @tbsloneely @whoreonmondays @kathb59 @avalentina @kittenhere @speedywritingharrystylesjudge @mypolicemanharryyy @theendx888 @ladscarlett @daphnesutton @youcan-nolonger-run @prettythingsworld  @chesthairrry   @becauseheartsgetbroken-hs   @hisparentsgallerryy   @storyschanging  @selluequestrian   @islakp217 @swiftmendeshoran @princessaxoxo @tenaciousperfectionunknown @hermoinelove
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belovedspector · 3 months
Barely a Scratch
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Pairing: Jake Lockley x gn!reader (implied Marc Spector x gn!reader and Steven Grant x gn!reader)
Word Count: ~580
Summary: Jake comes home from patrol a little worse for wear. You help patch him up.
Content: Blood and injury (nothing graphic), fluff
A/N: Just a little fic to try to get myself back into writing! Enjoy! :)
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You’re sitting in bed with a book when you hear the distinct squeak of the bedroom window opening. You should be used to it by now—you do live with Moon Knight, after all—but it still makes you jump.
You catch a glimpse of the suit before it dematerializes and know it’s Jake who’s standing in the room with you.
“How’d it go?” you ask, closing your book after marking your place.
“I got shot.”
“You what?!” You spring out of bed, panicked.
“I got shot. Only a little bit, though.”
He seems far too calm. You, on the other hand, are beside yourself.
“And how, pray-fucking-tell, does one only get ‘a little bit’ shot?!” you ask, struggling to keep your voice level.
He lifts his shirt to show off where the bullet grazed his side. “See? Barely a scratch,” he says with a slightly feral grin.
You shake your head disapprovingly.
“Hold on,” you say after a moment. “Why didn’t Khonshu heal you?”
Jake shrugs. “Dunno. Haven’t heard from him all day. It’s been nice, actually.”
“Why’d you go out if that stupid bird didn’t tell you to?”
“There’s still people who need my help,” he says simply, like it’s the most obvious answer in the world.
You nod in understanding before moving through the apartment to grab the first aid kit.
“Kitchen or couch?” you ask as you reemerge from the bathroom, kit in hand.
He considers his options. “Couch,” he decides.
“Fine, but you’d better not get any blood on the cushions this time.” You let him lead the way, sitting down in the spot next to him.
“We can just flip ‘em over, no big deal.”
“We already did that, genius,” you remind him, opening up the first aid kit and pulling out the materials you need. “Shirt off, please.”
“Oh, right,” he says as he complies, wincing slightly at the movement.
You suck air through your teeth in sympathy. You hate seeing your boys hurt. The fact that it’s such an uncommon occurrence doesn’t make it any easier to stomach. If anything, the rarity of the situation makes it worse.
You make quick work of cleaning and bandaging the wound. To his credit, Jake is a good patient. He hisses a little when the disinfectant is applied, but otherwise stays remarkably still and quiet.
“Alright,” you say, closing up the kit, “you’re all set.”
He grabs your hand as you hoist yourself off the couch. “Thank you,” he says when your eyes meet his, warm and bright and full of unspoken appreciation.
“Of course,” you say softly, smiling down at him and giving his hand a squeeze.
You return the first aid kit to its spot in the bathroom cupboard and rejoin him on the couch.
“Can you get me the remote?” he asks sweetly.
You look to the coffee table, where the remote sits directly in front of him. “You can’t get it yourself?”
He pouts. “I’m injured. You have to be nice to me.”
You give him an exaggerated eye-roll, but you do as he asks, not quite able to keep the fond smile off your face.
“You’re really gonna milk this, aren’t you?” you ask.
He just flashes you a grin as he turns on the TV.
You snuggle up against him on his uninjured side, and he puts his arm around you. You smile to yourself while he flips through the channels. You’ll gladly do whatever he asks, as long as it means he’s safe at home with you.
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A/N: Thank you so much for reading! Please feel free to let me know what you think! :)
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blueysobssesions · 2 years
promt 47 with wesker?
47. "They'll pay for what they did"
Albert Wesker x Reader
"Y/n Wesker... I finally got to see you for the first time" an unknown voice were heard from the shadows... A cloth tied to your mouth and hands tied behind your back. Your head hurts like hell, it's like something hit it... You groan in pain. "Your husband... Known as Albert Wesker, destroyed one of my plans!" You then suddenly felt your hair get pulled up, you couldn't open your eyes due to the light "DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH WORK DID I DO!? HUH!?" They screamed angrily, you don't know what we're they talking about... But it's something that's connected to Wesker. Your aware about he's doings, you did what he said to stay away from his job... Albert hid the relationship between the two of you. But someone... seemed to curious about it.
"W-what?" you said lowly. You can't see their face due to the mask they were wearing. But it's definitely a woman, their hair was long and of course has a body that resembles a woman. You didn't want to talk at all "Let this be a lesson to him! Destroying all my hard work!" She shouted and you felt a sharp pain on your stomach. You fell down on your knees, you whimper at the sudden pain. The lasting you saw is her holding a knife before you blacked out.
"ALBERT! YOU NEED TO COME HERE AND SEE THIS" Jill shouted as loud as possible so he can hear her clearly. Albert only let out an annoyed groan, 'I don't have time for this-' "IT'S Y/N!" You don't know how fast did he stand up and came running down. "What about her-" there you were... Getting carried by Jill, your shirt was all bloody and your face all bruised up. Albert's blood boils when he saw your condition but right now, he needs to know if your alright and still alive. "I-i found her at the entrance... She was laying there..." Jill then set you down to the couch. Jill couldn't help but worry too. "I'll get the first aid kit" she said, walking away. Albert doesn't know what to do... Who did this to you? "Dearest..." He said softly, touching your cheek that's now stained with blood. He can see a bruise on your lips and a purple mark on your left eye. He then saw you wearing his black shirt, stained with blood too.He place his index finger and middle finger on the side of your neck, he felt your pulse beating which he was relieved. Standing up from the couch and looking at you one last time before finding who did this to you... "They'll pay for what they did..."
"EUGH- NO! STOP! P-PLEASE!!" She let out a desperate voice. Her left arm bleeding badly, a knife speared on her abdomen. "Why? You didn't stop when my wife begged you too..."
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good-beanswrites · 2 months
Haruka getting possessed and while he is he’s causing chaos and he throws Shidou like a rag doll
👀👀👀 Ohhh this got my brain spinning... (I went for ghost possession scene before hearing your angel/demon thoughts, but both have so much potential omg) Thank you for the ask pal!!
Shidou rolled over in his sheets, perfectly prepared to continue sleeping until the shadow staring at him from outside his cell jump started his pulse.
His hand instinctively shot to the side of the bed before he realized he wasn’t in his home, and this wasn’t an intruder. “Wh-what –” the hell? “What is the matter?” Thanks to years of practice his voice stayed entirely steady.
There was only silence in reply.
He placed a palm on his chest, taking a steady breath. He squinted at the shape of the silhouette against the bars. “Kusunoki-kun, is that you? Is everything alright?”
Her head shook. 
“...Okay. Can you tell me what’s wrong?” He got out of bed, looking around for his first aid kit.
“It’s Haruka-kun,” she said, her voice hushed. It was as if she were afraid to be heard, but they both knew the warden was asleep by now.
“Is he injured?” It was a good sign that Muu hadn’t seemed frantic, but middle of the night doctor calls were never good. 
“He… hasn’t been himself. The way he’s acting, the things he’s doing…” She paused, trying to choose her words. “Muu is scared…”
Grabbing his supplies, Shidou joined her in the doorway. He placed a hand on her shoulder, offering a warm smile. “I know. I’m sorry. It’s always frightening when someone you love is going through this. Depression and stress often cause people to act in strange ways. They seem like they’re entirely different people.”
Muu shook her head again, this time with more urgency.
“Shidou-san. Do you…” she looked like she was getting up her courage. “Do you believe in ghosts?”
“Ghosts?” He blinked. “If Sakurai-kun is saying it was something otherworldly that hurt him, he probably wants to spare you the pain of the truth. That he –”
“– That wasn’t Muu’s question!” She clasped her hands together, looking over her shoulder at the empty panopticon. “Do you believe they exist?”
Shidou frowned. He wasn’t the spiritual type. As any grieving man, he’d catch glimpses of his son around the prison now and then. It was a natural, neurological response to the guilt and distress they were under – even Kazui admitted to thinking he saw his wife around the dark corridors. 
Shidou opened his mouth to reply. 
A scream echoed into the dark. Yuno’s. 
Muu ran into Shidou’s cell as he tried to leave, pushing him back. “It’s not him!” She cried as Shidou tore himself away. “It’s not Haruka!”
He burst out, making it only a step or two before he froze.
Haruka stood a few feet away, an arm raised post-strike. Yuno scrambled away from him on the ground. She made it to her feet, running to Shidou. She had no visible injuries, but her eyes had never looked so panicked before.
“I just wanted to help. I saw him struggling and I just – and he –”
Muu’s arm reached out from the cell and pulled Yuno inside. Shidou let her go, turning his attention back to Haruka. The others were just coming to their doors to see what the screaming had been about. 
“Friends… All these friends…” Haruka’s breathing was heavy. Shidou cursed himself for letting Muu’s words cloud his judgment, but it truly did sound as if it wasn’t his own voice, as if he were playing a part. “All these friends and it still wasn’t enough? Greedy… You’re so greedy…”
Psychological breaks look different in everyone, Shidou reminded himself. Haruka was scared. That was why he hit Yuno. That was why he was speaking strangely now. He was doubting who was friend or foe and lashing out regardless. Shidou had seen this countless times. 
He didn’t know why he felt the need to rationalize things.
“Why…” The boy was hugging himself. “I was your friend… so why?”
Shidou stepped forward. Haruka’s head snapped up to look at him. “Stay back!”
“Sakurai-kun, it’s alright. I’m going to come a bit closer.” He placed the first aid kit on the ground, showing Haruka his empty hands. “I’m not going to harm you. It’s dark, so I would like to get a good look at you. I want to be sure –”
Haruka howled with laughter. It was unbearably bitter, and quickly dissolved into more heaving breaths of rage. “That’s what this has always been about! You want to look? LOOK!”
The floor beneath Shidou trembled. The lights in the panopticon flickered. The guard’s tower in the center, which had laid dormant along with Es, now rumbled to life. The huge spotlight moved on its own. It flashed through the room, the blinding beam landing on Haruka.
He certainly didn’t look like himself, either. His eyes were wild, and the light reflected oddly in them. His body was held with more confidence. More anger. His frown twitched, as if he wasn’t used to using those muscles in that way.
Shidou was having a harder time rationalizing things. 
“I just want to help you.”
“That’s all I ever wanted!” He shrieked. He balled his hands into fists. “All I ever wanted was to be there for him! And look what happened to me!”
 He screamed once, and the prison bell rang along with him. It shouldn’t have been ringing at this hour.
Then, a sudden calm settled over him. His arms dropped at his sides. The tower light flickered once, then shut off. The prison was plunged into complete darkness. The others, who’d been watching in stunned silence from a distance, gasped.
“It’s what will happen to you, too.”
It was the last thing Shidou heard before he felt something slam into him from the side. His feet left the ground. Haruka hadn’t laid a hand on him, nor would he have the strength to throw him like that, and yet he careened through the air until connecting with the guard’s tower.
His head throbbed. He couldn’t draw himself up. He groaned in pain. The prisoners called to him, and he heard running footsteps.
Shidou made a sound of protest as Haruka’s hands wrapped around his throat. 
Not-Haruka spoke again. “If I wasn’t good enough for him, no one is.” 
“You won’t look at him ever again.” 
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story-stew · 2 months
Yo, I'm someone who hit a funk and broke my three month streak of not hurting myself, and am feeling down... splatoon has helped take my mind off things, so would you please write some headcannons on the girls comforting a reader who they caught harming themselves? Thanks in advance, I just need the comfort rn.
I'm really sorry that that happened. I understand how you feel, so I'll gladly write some headcanons for you if they'll make you feel better. You're very strong for going for three months, yknow. And i know you're strong enough to try again. You've got this <3
I'm also gonna put a hotline number at the end for anyone, just in case
Now onto the thingy
‼️Quick TW for Self Harm/Suicide‼️
‎‧₊˚✧[ The Idols Comforting A Self-harming Reader ]✧˚₊‧
(🎨🔫🤬❤️‍🩹) - splatoon angst comfort
‧₊˚ ⋅ 𓐐𓎩 ‧₊˚ ⋅
- - - - - - -
Had just come home from a shopping spree when she found you in your room with a bleeding arm
You used one of the kitchen knives
Then she sees the knife next to you
The expressive glow in her eyes was gone
She rushed to the kitchen, grabbed a bunch of paper towels, and began to clean your cuts
Lots of hugs and kisses with a side of kind reassurements were given that night
"(Y/N).. please don't do this to yourself. It's not worth it. It's going to be okay, whatever you're goin' through, yeah?"
She checks in with you a lot more now
Asking how you're feeling, if you've eaten, stuff like that
If you have past scars she'll kiss them
If you're feeling down (like you want to hurt yourself again) she'll give you a bunch of distractions and things to do so you don't
If you relapse, she gives you a big hug and say that it's alright
"That's okay! I'm sure you can go even longer this time! I believe in you!"
She was honestly worried she'd lose you
But she sees that you're healing now and that you're better, and that's all she could ever ask for
She's glad you're still around
Also had just come home from shopping, but it was with Callie. She called out to you, but didn't find you in the living room or in the bedroom or kitchen, so she checked the bathroom
She found you with a bleeding leg
You used a razor
She didn't have a very "over-the-top" reaction (unlike Callie)
She just grabbed the first-aid kit you kept in the bathroom and cleaned your wounds.
She didn't wanna scare you
"I may not understand, but I know."
She gave you a tight squeeze after she was done. "I know."
She's a lot less sarcastic with you now
Always tries to make sure you're happy or at least satisfied with yourself
If you feel like hurting yourself she'll bring you into a huge cuddle-sesh until she's sure you're feeling better
Careful, those can last hours
If you relapse, she'd bandage you up and try to make you smile or laugh
"Don't worry, kid. There's always next time."
Despite how sarcastic and snarky she is on T.V., she's very caring and loving
And she'd do anything to make sure you're safe
"(N/N), I brought ya some foo-"
Dropped the plate when they saw you hunched over, crying with a burned arm
You used Pearl's lighter
Rushed over and immediately took the lighter from you. She accidentally burned herself, too, but that was an accident
Yours was on purpose
Pearl isn't all that good at comforting people, so she called Marina in to help
She kissed you, rubbed your back, and whispered sweet words to you while Marina helped your burns
"I'm so sorry.. Whatever happened, it's not your fault."
Pearl would continue to do all those things while you explained why you did that
Needless to say, she felt awful
From here on out, she's always doing things to keep you happy
She might make little songs for you (with the help of Marina's composing) or cook with you (albeit she's not the best cook)
If you relapse, she'll just sit there with you, head on your shoulder, ready to listen if you wanna vent or talk
Or if you just wanna sit there in silence, too
Like I said, she's not the best at comforting people, especially when they've done something like this
But she'll try her best if it's all worth making and keeping you happy
She had finally emerged from her recording studio after at least 3 hours of editing and revising music for the Memverse
That's when she found you, bruised and slightly bleeding
You had been biting yourself and bit down really hard
She was confused at first as to why you would do such a thing
She's your personal therapist at this point
Treating the wounds, asking how you're feeling, what happened while she was gone, if you wanna talk, etc. etc.
"I know this won't help, but you shouldn't feel so bad. I am your biggest fan, and I'm always gonna be there to support you and care for you, okay?"
Even if she didn't seem all that terrified, she was incredibly scared that you would bite down too hard and really hurt yourself
Keeps an eye on you and your mood from now own
Just like Callie, she gives you things to do when you feel like harming yourself, just digitally
Lets you run through the memverse demo as many times as you'd like
If you relapse, she'll kiss your wounds (when they're clean) and say that was a good try, and that you can do better than before
But, she really wasn't lying when she said she was your biggest fan and supporter
She always was, and she always will be
She had just finished training a bunch of sharks just a ways from your house. She came home, fan in hand, and called out for you
You didn't respond, so she began to look for you
She found you in the bedroom, clawing at your arm
Since your nails weren't that sharp, it didn't draw blood, but it was enough to leave a mark
You swore she turned paper white when she gasped
She gasped so loud people in Inkopolis could've heard her
She quickly recollected herself and rushed over to help you
I have a headcanon that shiver excessively fans herself when she's on edge, so she did a lot of that here
"(Y/N)?? Why would you do such a thing to yourself? ... Well, please, don't do it again. You're too good of a person to deserve this."
From then on, she was a lot more caring toward you
Less sarcasm, less of a snarky personality, more of a mother figure
Makes sure you've eaten, and that you haven't harmed yourself (and that you won't anytime soon)
Also makes you trim your nails so you can't scratch yourself again
If you relapse, she encourages you to try and make your streak longer the next time
She may not show it half (or 3/4) of the time, but she really cares about you. And it would deeply hurt her if she lost you
Randomly woke up from a really good nap, turned over, and saw you hitting yourself on your arms, legs, and head
She probably woke up due to your hitting moving the bed
You bruised your legs and arms and gave yourself a massive headache
Frye immediately tried to constrain you (and you gave in since she's freakishly strong. she's broken a rock before. twice.)
Started bombarding you with questions
"(Y/N)?! What happened?? Why were you beating yourself up?"
You broke down, and she immediately pulled you into a tight hug
"Hey, now! Don't cry! It's alright, I'm right here! I'm awake now, and I'm not gonna let anything or anyone hurt you, ya hear?"
Considering how she has siblings, she's actually pretty good at comforting people. She does, however, get extra advice from Big Man from time to time
Just like Shiver, she makes sure you've eaten and that you don't start hitting yourself again
Also makes it clear that it's perfectly fine to open up to her whenever you need to and whenever she has time to listen
If you do ever relapse, she's never mad. She'll just comfort you and ask you to try again
Frye's got a soft side, especially when it comes to you. And she's not afraid to show it if it means you'll be alive and well
- - - - - - -
‧₊˚ ⋅ 𓐐𓎩 ‧₊˚ ⋅
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ana-lmao · 7 months
Out the TV, Back in the world
Generation Loss fic!!! I really wanted to write this so I have been writing it the past 3 days!! Enjoy!! It's a long one! ------------------------------------------------------------------------
The audience… has voted… for you… TO DIE. *Click*  It was over, the pain, the suffering, The Show. He was free, He could feel the pain drifting away as the spikes engraved in his head, if the pain was drifting, why did he feel stitching… he could see while unconscious, wires stitching his head, the pain… it was back.. he wanted to scream but couldn’t, he wanted to move… but couldn’t. He was stuck… was he conscious?.. he didn’t know, all he could feel was stitching, he could only hear his heartbeat increase as his mind gained consciousness slowly, opening his eyes, even a black box was a blur to him, he was dizzy, nauseous, he was supposed to die, he still couldn’t scream. Why were his arms loose? They were supposed to be held up by wires.   He could move his arms, they were free, he was weak but tried to open the box, feeling every spike leave his head as he felt air flow through him, Literally. He fell to the ground, barely holding himself up with his hands, everything was a blur… he wanted to die. He slowly started crawling, somehow without falling, he made his way around, surprisingly there was no security, but what he saw next… made him realize what just happened.   A green blur mixed with red, he shook his head to see… someone laying on the ground, wires sticking out from everywhere… what the..   -C-CHARLIE?!   He could barely scream or even talk, he quickly crawled over to him and started shaking him.   -PLEASE!! WAKE UP!!!
  He stood up quickly, no matter how much it hurt or ached he needed to help Charlie, he ran (With a lot of tripping) to the prop room and grabbed a first aid kit, rushing back. He didn’t have a lot of medical knowledge but he needed to do SOMETHING.   -Ranboo?...  Ranboo quickly turns behind him, he spots a familiar face.   -Sneeg?...    Sneeg quickly runs over to him and looks at him worried.
  -What the fuck happened to you?! IS CHARLIE OKAY?!   Ranboo turns back to help Charlie, Sneeg just watched confused and relieved that they were okay… kind of..    -What are you-   Sneeg cuts himself off as Ranboo starts to bandage him as well.   -Oh uh.. thanks.. let me help you too…   Ranboo nods as Sneeg bandages his head, they both get startled when they hear a groan… then Screaming.   -FUCK FUCK- AH- IT HURTS!! IT HURTS!!   -CHARLIE!!   Ranboo immediately crawls over to Charlie and tries to help him. Sneeg does the same.   -WHAT THE FUCK??... –Sneeg takes off Charlies vest to see his insides showing, he immediately bandages it so he doesn’t lose too much blood.
  -Ranboo?! Sneeg?! WHAT HAPPENED?!?   -Calm down Charlie and then we can talk! –Ranboo looks at Charlie freaking out.   -Alright!! I’m calm! Now- What the fuck happened.   -The stupid TV bitch happened. –Sneeg cringes at the mention of it.   -My head got spiked by a black box.   -WHAT!? –Sneeg and Charlie shout in union, giving a concerned look at Ranboo who said it so casually.   -H-Hetch.. –Ranboo blurts out.   -Hetch?! He didn’t help you?!   -No.. he’s not good…   -Wait, who? –Sneeg joins in on the conversation   -Long story…
A while later after they get weapons and help each other.
   -So what do we do now? –Ranboo speaks up.    -What? –Charlie responds
   - I mean how do we get out of he-
    Ranboo was cut off by a sudden glow from a door.
   -What the fuck?.. –He says while backing up.
They look at the glow eyes wide. Charlie takes a step forward.
  -Charlie what the fuck are you doing?! You could get killed In there!!! –Sneeg grabs his arm
-It could be a way out. If it does kill me, that’s a way out too. –He lets go of Sneeg’s arm and runs to the door opening it.
 Ranboo and Sneeg try to stop him but the light just… sucks them in.
At the other side
They screamed as they fell onto a wooden floor, thankfully, nobody was hurt. They get up to see… a big wooden room?..
  -Okay… what kind of episode is this?.. –Ranboo groans as he starts walking, he trips over something. A giant… nail?...
   Ranboo looks up to see a.. giant table with what seems to be tv on it.
  -Are we.. –Ranboo starts speaking
-Shrunk?... I think so.. –Sneeg adds.
-It’s fine! It’s just another episode! We just have to quickly finish it and we can find a way out then! –Charlie reassures them and keeps on walking, seeing a crack in the walls and signals them to follow him, the two nod and follow.
  -Oh fuck… I didn’t think there would actually be people here… -Ranboo walks out slowly, looking up and sprints, Charlie and Sneeg following after.
 -Quickly! I think these episodes last like 3 hours maxim- Charlie looks back before bumping into something, or rather someone…
  Ranboo and Sneeg take cover while Charlie lies there scared and frozen.
   -What the fuck…? –Charlie could barely tell by his shock but the man had Blonde hair with blue eyes, He crouched down and Charlie could only flinch.
  -Wha- what kind of sick idiot makes figurines of missing people –He grabbed Charlie and he immediately yelped in pain and panic, which made the blonde haired man scream too.
  -WHAT THE FUCK?! –The man screams as he sits down on the floor
  As Charlie was freaking out the man puts his finger on his head.
  -Holy shit it’s real- Wait- Charl-
  -Let him go! –The other two come out of hiding and the mans eyes widen in shock.
  -No fucking wa- Is this where you three been?! Shrunken down?!
  -WHAT KIND OF STUPID EPISODE IS THIS!? LET HIM GO! –Sneeg shouts, every instinct in his body telling him to back away.
  The man grabs the other two and puts them in a bag, not zipping it up.
 -Shit shit shit!! –He curses and starts sprinting home.
At his house
 -Listen I’m going to get you out of there only if you don’t run! –The man warns them.
 -WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?! –Ranboo shouts trying to get out of the bag.
 -You don’t… you don’t remember me…? –The man looks concerned and confused.
 -Ran- Ranboo! It’s me? Phil?..
  Why did that name ring a bell… he recognizes it but he doesn’t remember him.
  -Listen I don’t know what kind of stupid episode this is but-
  -What episode?! You keep talking about that and I don’t understand!!! Why are you small and WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?! DO YOU KNOW HOW WORRIED EVERYONES BEEN?!
  -Stop trying to trick us! Just let us go! –Charlie shouts holding his stomach.
  -Oh my god… I didn’t even realize how badly you are injured- I’ll help you heal and then YOU HAVE TO TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED!! –Phil gently puts the three on the table and stare in disbelief before snapping back and getting medical stuff.
  -How did you three get injured?..
  -Why should we tell you… -Sneeg was being stubborn.
  -So I know what I’m working with here.
  -Lets see… Died 3 times, one to a stupid monster, being crushed by a wall and then dying to a tv monster wired thing I dunno –Sneeg says it casually giving a death stare while counting on his fingers.
  -Might have died way more times but I don’t remember –He puts his hands in his pocket.
  -I wouldn’t joke about what we went through.
  -… -Phil tries to help heal most of his wounds but it was hard considering the size difference between him and the medical stuff.
  -What about you Charlie?...
  -Died like four times I think… I was dried up… torn open by Ranboo… died to lasers.. and the TV monster…
  -I NEEDED TO!!! I DIDN’T EVEN REMEMBER CHARLIE AND I WAS UNDER CONTROL BY A BITCH!!- Ranboo adds trying to prove his innocence.
  -Under control…?
  -Yeah… By Hetch.. I died once to my head being crushed in a black spiked box which he lead me to… -Ranboo cringes at remembering it.
  -Jesus fucking- Why are you small then?!
  -I don’t know! I thought this was a new episode style or something!!! It might still be an episode so don’t expect us to trust you yet! –Ranboo backs up
  -Episode… WAIT- Was all of that filmed?! Where?!
  -Uhm.. yeah.. I think streamed- By Showfall media- or something –Ranboo answers.
  -Listen… My names Phil… we met online! I was your friend before you went missing for over a year… well Charlie was missing the longest time… Here I have proof!
  Phil walks out the room and when he gets back he shows pictures of all of them.
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laceswan · 2 years
Headcannons for Tenya Iida x new money!ballerina!reader
(As someone who comes from new money)
Meeting and Confession
⁃ They met at a nutcracker show. Tenya was there with his family, but he stayed behind to meet the dewdrop that caught his eye. They exchanged numbers that day, and became friends.
⁃ Fun fact, Tenya saved her in his phone as Dewdrop, and it ends up being her nickname.
⁃ Both of them have very busy schedules, so in-person meetings are infrequent.
⁃ The feelings became apparent when there was a villain attack across the street from her company building. She was in rehearsal, which paused to watch through the window. She saw his costume zipping around and helping people, and then he disappeared inside the building.
⁃ She didn’t see him again before the smoke started digging up her field of vision. The villains had presumably started a fire, and as a precaution in the case of it spreading, rehearsal was cancelled and firefighters were called.
⁃ Most of the dancers went home, assured that the heroes would take care of it, and the company wouldn’t be in any danger. And that was what happened.
⁃ But (Y/n) stayed behind. There was a group of civilians gathering behind the barracks to watch, most of them watching to see if their loved ones survived, and she joined them.
⁃ The sun had set, but the fire kept everything just as bright.
⁃ Eventually, the smoke began to clear a bit, and she saw a familiar costume make its way through the smog.
⁃ People cheered, asked for autographs, journalists asked questions and pointed their cameras, but (Y/n) stood behind, waiting for the action to die down.
⁃ Once it did, and Tenya was clearly fatigued, she called out “Ingenium?”
⁃ He turned around, with a sudden change in demeanor, back to the heroic persona he embraced for interviews. That is, until her saw her.
⁃ “(Y/n)… why are you here?”
⁃ “I dance across the street.”
⁃ “A-are you hurt? You should be seeing a doctor, or going home if it’s not bad-“
⁃ She placed her hands on his arms, needing to stretch them out rather far, and in all honesty, he probably couldn’t feel it through his armor.
⁃ “Tenya. I’m fine. I’m came here to see if you were alright. Are you hurt?”
⁃ “Only a little. I’ll patch myself up when I get home.”
⁃ She shook her head a little and pulled on his gloved hands, leading him away from the crime scene that was not being cleaned up.
⁃ “Do you need to go back to the agency? Where do you keep your costume when you don’t wear it?”
⁃ “The agency. Why? Where are you leading me?”
⁃ “My car. You said you’d patch yourself up. That’s not happening. I’ll drive us to the agency, and then I’ll patch you up. Patching yourself up all alone is just so sad.”
⁃ He was too tired to refuse.
⁃ The car ride was silent. They got the agency, he took off his costume, and in his office, she found his first aid kit and began to clean and bandage his wounds. They said nothing.
⁃ The whole time, both of them were immersed in deep thought. Coincidentally, drawing the same conclusions.
⁃ As she finished the final wound, (Y/n) finally broke the everlasting silence.
⁃ “Tenya, I’ve been thinking.”
⁃ He turned his head to look at her.
⁃ “Hmm?”
⁃ “I was so worried when you disappeared into the building and didn’t come out. I didn’t think I could worry that much about someone. I’m so scared or losing you… and I think I know why.”
⁃ His mind toyed with the idea that it was what he had come to realise as well.
⁃ “What is it?”
⁃ “Before I tell you, promise you won’t run away?”
⁃ “Dewdrop, just tell me.”
⁃ She dropped her head, leaning into his shoulder a bit.
⁃ “I think I like you. A lot. And not just as a friend. If you don’t, we can still be friends, that ok. I-If you’re not ok with that, I guess-“
⁃ Now it was his turn to place his hands on either side of her, clutching her arms. She bolted upright to look at him.
⁃ “(Y/n). I’m not going anywhere. And I think I like you too.”
⁃ Her eyes widened, and she began to smile, which he soon followed. Soon it turned into cry-laughing, as (Y/n) returned to leaning into his shoulder.
⁃ “I was scared too. When I saw you there, there were so many questions, so many scenarios ran through my head and I… (Y/n) I want to keep you safe.”
⁃ Her laughing became more like crying, wetting the fabric on his shoulder.
⁃ “Dewdrop, what’s going on?”
⁃ “Nothing, is just been an emotionally taxing day. I’m tired.”
⁃ His hand reached up to remove the bobby pins and hairnet, and then brush through her hair with his fingers.
⁃ “It’s ok, you can relax. Sleep, I’ll be here when you wake up.”
⁃ She lifted her head to look him in the eyes.
⁃ “You should too. You’ve had a hard day, you need to sleep.”
⁃ With no words, he stood up and walked over to the couch by the window of his office, pulling her along with him. He laid down and pulled her to lie on top of him. They fell asleep quickly, finally resting.
⁃ (Y/n) woke up that morning to the sound of typing. The light of day was still a pale blue, and she was alone on the couch, missing the warmth she fell asleep next to.
⁃ The office was neat, everything was organised and looked exactly in its place except for some bobby pins, a hairnet, and a hair tie which were placed at the corner of her desk.
⁃ She could see his back, wearing the same shirt as the night before, typing at his computer, presumably paperwork or answering emails.
⁃ “Tenya,”
⁃ Her voice was quiet, but he heard it loud and clear. He turned around in his chair.
⁃ “You’re awake.”
⁃ She nodded with a little smile.
⁃ “I don’t want you to feel unwelcome, but you should probably go home. That way you can change and all that before you need to go back to rehearsal.”
⁃ She stood up, gathering her things and making her way to the door. He walked her to her car, and like a gentleman, opened every door for her on the way. Before she got into her car, he gently tugged on her hand.
⁃ “(Y/n), I meant what I said last night. I’d love to take you out to dinner sometime.”
⁃ “That sounds wonderful.”
⁃ She left him with a kiss on the cheek and a bright smile.
As a Boyfriend
⁃ Tenya was a perfect boyfriend, mainly because he tried so hard to be.
⁃ He always made an effort to be there for her, support her career, plan regular dates that never became mundane.
⁃ But there was one thing that was hard for him.
⁃ He was naturally a bit stiff, it was hard for him to relax unless he truly didn’t have the energy to maintain his usual rigidity.
⁃ And through that, he rarely confided in her. Almost never did he look to her for comfort, as he always wanted to be the one there for her, the one keeping her safe.
⁃ She did eventually confront him about it, and it wasn’t an immediate change, but he began working on it.
⁃ Cuddles with him were incredible. His body runs warm, and he’s got a rather large frame, meaning that whenever they cuddled, (Y/n) would end up nestled into him. Even if he understood cognitively that she could handle herself, it made him so happy to be holding her, keeping her safe.
⁃ In terms of gifts, they would run on the expensive side. He runs a hero agency, he’s wealthy, as is his family.
⁃ Whenever (Y/n) mentioned something that interested her, regardless of price, he’s find a way to get it. Within reason of course, but that reason included designer items.
⁃ This was a shock to her, it made her feel high maintenance and vain. And she told him that, to which he assured that it was his choice, not something he felt obligated to do.
⁃ One time, he paid for a new pair of pointe shoes, custom dyed so that she wouldn’t have to lose half a bottle of foundation to make it match her skin tone. That was probably the sweetest gift her got her.
Meeting the family
⁃ Tenya’s family is rich, and it’s been like that for a long time. There are traditions, some of which have been left in the past, and others that are maintained, whether they be explicitly stated or not.
⁃ For example, his parents don’t super care who he ends up with, so long as they aren’t a gold digger, and have a moderately successful life.
⁃ (Y/n) made jokes about coming from money, but her upbringing never would have prepared her for the family she met.
⁃ They didn’t have an estate or anything like that, but it was certainly a mansion.
⁃ His family was nice, but there was an undercurrent of caution throughout the dinner.
⁃ When they were alone, (Y/n) asked what was going on.
⁃ “Almost everyone in this family has, at one point or another, been the object of false affection because someone wanted the money we have.”
⁃ That had never even occurred to her. No one had ever warned her about that, she’d never had experience with that, largely because she didn’t flaunt her wealth much. She wore nice clothes and carried herself well, but never did she think that someone was interested in her because of the life she had.
⁃ But it certainly made sense. After that conversation, (Y/n) tried even harder to show that her intentions were true, and that she really loved Tenya.
⁃ The family legacy was another thing she found a bit jarring when she got closer to the family. Family was a big part of his life, taking on the mantle of Ingenium mattered perhaps more than anything else to him.
⁃ Even though they didn’t say it outright or mean to, she could tell the pressure came from his parents.
⁃ When he was having a bad day, there were a bunch of little phrases she would say in the midst of comforting him.
⁃ The one that always made him melt and love her more than ever was:
⁃ “I feel so safe with you, Ingenium or not.”
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yesihaveaobsession · 7 months
Angel, Sent to this World
Alastor x female nurse reader
Summary: after being one of the people that he trusts most, when he is need of assistance, you a nurse comes in for his need. He's injured after a battle and needs you.
Warnings: none.
A/N: enjoy <3
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The radio demon got hurt. How is that even possible? The one who people feared. All he had to do is stop in his tracks, and they would be kissing his feet. If anyone and he meant anyone had seen what state he was in, it would ruin his reputation. Some might say they would hold this over his head for his eternity in Hell. But one person, there was one other person whom he trusted the most, especially to the state he was in. It was you.
You were a nurse. You two had met a few decades ago when Niffty got hurt really badly, and Alastor had to take her to the emergency room, and there you were. You were like an angel from heaven literally. He saw how you handled such a situation with such calmness. (He was panicking inside slightly but didn't show it) How you made Niffty laugh at tiny things, he felt connected to you. Hence why you two became great friends. You would tell each other everything, hell he'd even tell you something because he knew you weren't really a judgey person and he liked you for that.
He was just taking a hit, a big hit during a battle with an angel. He couldn't believe himself, that he was literally bleeding from his side. His magic was to worn down to teleport himself to your house. So he had no other choice to walk. Here, he was practically stumbling over his feet, trying to make it to you. His person.
After what felt like an eternity, he showed up at the edge of your driveway. He knew your work schedule like that back of hand and knew it was your day off. He saw a light on which was his sign. You were busy watching the newest episode of your favorite show when you heard stumbling outside. With Alastor struggling to clutch his wound, blood dripped on the dirt. Knocked on your door, one of his hands held himself up by being braced on the wall, and the other one continued to hold the gash in his side.
You turned off your TV and made your way over to the door. Opening it to be met with Alastor himself. Quite surprised you had such visitor at your house demanding medical attention on your day off. Alastor was the last person you expected it to be. Sure, he shared everything, but you knew he hid some things as well, but you never pushed.
"Alastor?" You said with a gasp. Alastor was breathing heavy, still clutching his piece of his now torn coat.
"I need your help."
You had helped him step into your house, he hovered over you do you wrapped your arm around his waist but being careful to not get close to his wound.
"Alright, easy." You had slowly and carefully set him down on your couch and he relaxed, his body slumped. He went through alot just to get to the couch, he was exhausted.
"Thank you." He said breathlessly, the radio- static in his voice was barley there. You left the room for a minute to go get your personal first aid kit that was under the sink, you had took the supplies from the hospital.
"I'm gonna have to unbutton your shirt... are you okay with that?" You looked at him. Alastor hesitated but nodded. "I trust you, my darling." You took that as your sign and put on gloves. He stayed still for you, even though he was injured, his red eyes were hooded as he looked at you but still had his smile that was a little bit strained.
Unbuttoning his shirt, he gritted his teeth from the pain but continued to stay still with his eyes still remaining on you. "Sorry.." you muttered as you focused at the task at hand.
He did his best to keep his breathing steady and not scream from the pain.
"It's alright darling."
You continued to focus on his wound, you finally cleaned it up with the disinfectant wipe and put the thread in the needle.
"Hey al?" You looked into his eyes who was looking right back into yours.
"Yes my dear?" He asked with a small smile.
"Are you gonna tell me what happened?" You saw him hesitant again, then shake his head no.
"You can trust me al, you know that, right?" You were worried about him. You saw him battle, and you knew he could handle himself, but seeing him in this state made you wish that you took the bullet for him. Alastor looked away from your eyes and he sighed.
"Yeah.. I trust you my dear."
"So, tell me whats troubling you." You replied softly while slowly and carefully starting to stitch him up.
He sighed. "It's nothing. Don't worry about it."
"Alastor I can't help you if you don't tell me."
Alastor sighed softly. "You're right."
"I got in a bit of a hassle with a angel, but I handled it."
"Doesn't seem like it." You mumbled and looked up after he winced. "Sorry." You said.
"You know, you're like an angel sent to this world , you know?" Alastor said after you started to finish and tie the thread. You only looked at him. He looked almost so vulnerable. If only he would tell you the full story, and anyone else would see him in this state.
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actress4him · 1 year
June of Doom 2023
Previous | Next | Masterlist
Taglist: @painful-pooch
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Day 4 - “Does that hurt?” | Delirium | Hypothermia | Stabilization
Day 5 - “It’s not as bad as it looks.” | Handcuffs | Swelling | Flinch
Also qualifies for @whumpawoman ’s Whump Girl Summer, Alt. Prompt - “Look at Me”
Contains: lady whump, graphic broken bone, restraints, fainting, brief emeto mention, captivity
Isa is still hunched over on her knees, breathing through the pain shooting up her arm, when a hand lands lightly on her other shoulder. Instinctively she jerks backwards, which only doubles the pain. She throws her head back and cries out hoarsely.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, hey, look at me, it’s just me. Just me.” Glancing over, she can see Lainey holding up her hands, cuffs jingling. “Are you…are you okay? That’s a stupid question, obviously you’re not okay, but…crap.” Her hands drop to her lap. “He just…broke your arm, like it was nothing. I don’t…I can’t…” She shakes her head. “I hate him!”
She can’t deal with the chatter right now. “It’s fine. I just…need some time.”
“It’s not fine, would you quit acting like all of this is fine? I know it’s what you're used to, but it is far from fine and you deserve far better than this, okay?”
She knows that being treated like this isn’t alright. Intellectually, at least. It’s hard to remember sometimes, though. In fact, if she’s honest with herself, it’s really only due to Lainey’s presence that she’s started remembering it now. This isn’t normal.
But that doesn’t help her situation any, so she can’t really afford to dwell on it. Maybe that’s why it’s easier to accept that it’s normal for her, at least, instead of worrying about what she can’t change.
Lainey sighs heavily. “Is there…anything I can do?”
Isa starts to shake her head no. She just wants to sit, and breathe, and cope. But she has someone here now who’s willing to help her, and she’d be stupid not to take advantage of that. “There’s a…the cabinet. On the far end.” She motions toward it jerkily before returning to digging her fingernails into her upper arm. “It’s unlocked. There’s a kit in there. And a, uh…a piece of wood.”
Immediately Lainey is up and crossing the room to look in the cabinet she indicated. She holds up the two items in her cuffed hands for Isa to see. “This?”
She comes back and sits cross-legged in front of her. There’s already a bruise forming on her cheek, matching the ones around her broken nose. “I’m kinda surprised he lets you have first aid stuff.”
“Yeah, well, he…wants me to stay alive…for whatever reason. We have to be careful with it, though. It doesn’t get replenished often.”
Lainey nods in understanding, opening up the kit on the floor. “So…use the wood to stabilize it and wrap these bandages around?”
“Yeah.” It’s good that she has at least a basic knowledge of first aid already. Means she doesn’t have to explain everything, and she can hopefully count on her to do things herself if there comes a time when she can’t help.
Clenching her jaw, Isa carefully moves her arm out where it can be better reached. Lainey sucks in an audible breath through her teeth at the sight of it.
“Ugh. Aw, man, that’s…it looks so wrong.”
“It’s not as bad as it looks.” Isa runs the fingers of her right hand lightly over the misshapen arm. She’s definitely had worse. “Most of it is swelling. Though this…” Her fingers stop on a slight lump in the skin. “This is gonna have to be pushed back into place.”
“Oh, man…”
She glances up at Lainey, who looks a bit paler than usual. “I can do it. I’ve done it before.”
“No, no way. I’m not making you do that yourself. I’m…you’ve got me now, I can do it.” She hesitates, hands hovering in front of her. “Just, uh…tell me what to do.”
“I usually do it against a wall. Makes it easier to brace.” Isa turns her body so that she can splay her arm across the wall, and Lainey scoots herself around closer.
“The fact that you have a usual method for this is…disturbing.”
Ignoring that comment, Isa points to the spot on her arm. “This is it right here. All I can tell you other than that is just…get in a sturdy position and push. And don’t stop if I scream or whatever.”
“Oh man. Okay.” Lainey moves in closer, shoving strands of messy brown hair out of her face. “I can do this. Okay.” Bracing both hands against the arm without pressing down yet, she glances over at Isa. “Alright. You ready?” While Isa nods, she sucks in a deep breath and squeezes her eyes shut, then focuses in on the arm once more.
Looking away, Isa grabs a handful of her shirt and clutches it tight.
“Okay. Three…two…” Before she gets to one, she shoves with all her strength. The bone pops back into place and Isa screams even more hoarsely than the first time before everything starts to go dark.
She can faintly hear a surprised shout and feel herself falling to one side. An instant later, she opens her eyes and finds herself lying on her left side with her arm stretched out in front of her. Lainey is gingerly wrapping the worn, slightly bloodstained bandage from the kit around both her arm and the makeshift splint.
“Hey,” she says softly when she glances over and sees Isa’s eyes open. “You okay? Kinda freaked me out there. Good news is, having to keep you from smacking your head on the floor distracted me enough that I didn’t end up hurling everywhere like I thought I might.”
Isa picks her head up and looks over her bandaged arm. It’s so weird, having someone else do this for her. She’s not used to it, and part of her doesn’t want to trust it, but Lainey seems to have done a decent job. “How’s it looking?”
“Almost done. Wish we had an ice pack to get some of this swelling down, though.”
“Yeah, he doesn’t do fancy things like ice packs.” She glances up at the other girl, who’s tucking the end of the bandage as best she can. “You seem like you know what you’re doing, at least somewhat.”
One corner of her mouth quirks upward. “Softball, remember? We got hurt all the time. I picked up a few things from the medics like splints and recovery position. I’m no expert, though.” Sitting back, she looks over her work. “How’s that? Does that hurt?”
“Yeah,” Isa answers honestly. “But not as bad as it did when the bone was out of place.” She begins sitting up, slowly, moving her arm carefully into her lap. “Thanks.”
Lainey shakes her head. “You need a hospital, and some of those heavy-duty painkillers they gave me when I broke mine years ago.”
“He definitely doesn’t do painkillers.” Using her good hand, Isa scoots herself back to lean against the wall. “I’ll be fine. Like I said, I’ve done this before.”
“You shouldn’t have to, though.”
Isa doesn’t have an answer for that.
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emo-emu64 · 2 years
Where the Angels Fall
Isaac "Zack" Foster x Reader
Demon AU
"As I walked into my run-down apartment I expected to be greeted by my loving house cat and the hole in the wall left by the previous residents. Instead I found a lost-looking, extraordinarily tall, inhuman, beast of a "man" wandering around, and mumbling something about "fucking humans"."
CW: Blood, gore, murder, severe injury, canon typical violence, language
The Devil is Real and he's in my Apartment
The keys jingled in the door as I stepped through the threshold of my apartment, soaked head to toe from the heavy sleet. There was a noticeable drop in temperature. Which was impressive considering how cold it already was.
'Guess I'll have to call the landlord. Again.'
The maintenance team had already been here three times that month, but they couldn't seem to figure out why the heat kept kicking off. It had been annoying as all hell with how cold it already was.
"Fucking humans, never home anymore. Who the hell do they think they are?"
My muscles instantly seized and my bag, also drenched from the elements, dropped to the floor with a heavy thud. 
The man in the kitchen abruptly stopped talking, and panic flooded through my body. My feet stuck to the floor, and my breathing became shallow and fast. I'd always heard about scary men breaking into young girls' apartments and doing horrible things. But I had taken every precaution to avoid it, the proper locks on my windows and door, I'd made sure the apartment was in a decent neighborhood with decent people. So how, pray tell, did this happen to me?
"There ya are." 
A large man stepped into my line of vision. He had to be well over 6 feet, he was covered in what appeared to be dried blood, and a large, also bloodied, scythe rested over his shoulder.  The hood of his sweatshirt was pulled up, ominously shadowing his face. 
I wanted to move, throw the door open, start running, and never look back. But my body refused to. My muscles felt tense, like they were made of stone. He was medusa and I had made the awful mistake of looking him in the face. I swallowed thickly as we continued to stare at each other. 
I noticed how bruised and cut-up what little I could see of his face was, my eyes wandered to his abdomen where he held a hand loosely over a bleeding wound.
I swallowed once again, opening my mouth to speak. Surprisingly, I was able to form actual sentences.
"Do you need help?" I paused, pursing my lips, "You look hurt. Do you need me to call someone?" it came out quieter than I would have liked, but I needed to seem unsuspecting. For all knew he was an innocent and injured man who had wandered into my apartment looking for help. The longer I stalled, the better.
He chuckled. Low and dark. Coughs scattered in between quiet laughter.
"Playin' nice won't get ya much of anywhere right now, sweetheart," his voice was even darker than his laughter. 
"But...If you help me out here, I might consider letting you live."
"Might consider isn't really good enough for me right now, buddy. I've got exams to study for, and I'm not wasting time helping you out if I'm going to die anyways." 
His eyes widened before he descended into laughter. It wasn't intimidating or menacing like before. It was a genuine laugh, like I had cracked a joke.
"Ballsy, aren't we?" He mocked.
Honestly, I was just as surprised as he was, but shock is known to do strange things to the brain.
He stared at me for awhile before speaking again, "Alright, alright. You've got a deal, you patch me up and I won't kill ya. Promise."
I didn't quite know why, but his promise seemed just as sincere as his laughter. Maybe it was just that I was desperate, grasping on to any sense of hope that maybe I would escape this with my life, but I couldn't sense a hint of deceit. 
I nodded slowly, " You can sit at the table, I'll go see if the first aid kit has anything useful."
He eyed me suspiciously. Understandably, I guess.
"I can leave my phone at the table with you or something, if that makes you feel better?" I proposed. 
I was still baffled at how calm I had remained, maybe studying to be an ER doctor as a college student without a penny to your name does that to a person. Or maybe it was just the adrenaline, and as soon as it wore off I would break down into the heaving sobs and hyper-ventilation of a panic attack. Who could tell?
He shook his head, "Nah, you seem smart enough. Just don't try anything funny or I'll have to gut ya, and we'll both be fucked," the corner of his mouth turned upwards into a teasing smirk.
I nodded once again before turning on my heels and swiftly making my way to the bedroom where the 'Be Ready Bag' was stored. I don't think this is what the firefighters in my elementary classes meant when they said 'in case of emergency', but it is what it is.
I rooted through the bag and pulled out the first aid kit. I checked over the contents and decided that they would do.
When I entered the kitchen I avoided all eye contact. I made my way to the sink and scrubbed my hands under the warm water. I could feel his gaze at my back, like there was something that made me interesting. I've never really liked it when people looked at me, but considering he's also a strange and threatening man, who had to be over twice the size of me, I'd say caution was entirely expected. Encouraged, even.  
When I was done I carefully grabbed the kit, and made my way over to the man who sat at my kitchen table. His legs were extended and sprawled out across the floor as if it were his own home. I wasn't about to say anything, though. After all his weapon sat just behind him, and I'm sure whoever's remains he left on the blade would tell me he was not at all afraid to use it.
We sat in silence as I fixed him up to the best of my abilities. Strangely, it wasn't awkward or tense. Just silent.
"This might hurt a bit," 
I poured the disinfectant onto some gauze and pressed it to the wound. He hissed and made a bit of a face, but otherwise, no reaction.
Shortly after, there was a soft padding of feet and a faint meow from behind me.
"That your cat?" He questioned from above me.
"Yeah, his name is Zero."
The man then lowered his hand and outstretched his fingers. To which the black feline, surprisingly, met and began to purr.
He wasn't an aggressive or shy cat, but he was never one to interact with new people. He'd only ever really been friendly with me.
I also really hadn't expected the dangerous and wounded man who had seemingly broken into my apartment to be a cat person. Speaking of which-
"If you don't mind me asking, how exactly did you get in here?" I finished the bandages and began to pack away what was left of the first aid kit 
"Why the hell do you wanna know?"
"Because I'd like to know if I need to get better locks on my doors and windows."
He chuckled again, "I'm a demon, sweetheart, pretty sure your locks've got nothing to do with it."
Dangerous, wounded, and delusional. Wonderful.
However, I figured playing along was my safest bet for now, so I nodded giving nothing but a simple "Oh."
He inspected my face closely as he stood, "Don't believe me, do ya?"
"I never said that."
"Good thing you didn't have to then, huh?"
He made his way towards me and bent his head low enough to be eye to eye with me.
Holy shit, was he tall.
"Need me to prove it to ya?"
His eyes, I was now realizing, were two very different, yet equally mesmerizing, shades. The right was a deep black lacking any color or depth. The left was the complete opposite, a vibrant gold with flecks of deep browns. Maybe even a few greens
He also had what appeared to be old burn scars trailing up his neck and jaw, there was a single stretch of one in particular that reached just above his mouth, but that was all the farther they went. They were a pale reddish pink, and their texture rose just above the rest of his face.
Before I could answer I saw his golden and black eyes morph into a glowing and deep crimson shade. His sharp k-9s bared with a sickening grin.
My first thought was that I was dreaming. That I really had spiraled into a gut-wrenching panic attack while trying to acquire the supplies and simply blacked out. 
It soon became very clear to me that, unfortunately, that was not the case. 
That it simply couldn't have been because I could feel  my nails digging into the heels of my hands. Nearly drawing blood while I desperately tried to ground myself.
He then straightened his back and sighed, "Believe me now?"
I nodded once more.
"Good, now that that's out of the way. I need a place to crash tonight, but tomorrow I'll be out of here, and you can go back to your boring little human life, yeah?"
I had the feeling that although it was worded like a question, he was not really asking, "Yeah, you can sleep on the couch if you'd like." 
He nodded, "You got a name?"
'Zack...he looks like a Zack'
"Are you hungry? I was going to make dinner before I started homework."
"Depends, what do ya got?"
"I was just going to make a grilled cheese, or something?"
"That'll work."
It was late by now, I had already eaten and finished homework, and I handed Zack a blanket and pillow.
"If you need anything my room's down the hall to the left. I'd prefer if you knocked, though."
He nodded and tossed down the pillow, as I began to make my way towards my bedroom.
"Hey, y/n"
I nodded quietly, "It's no problem," and with that I trekked down the hallway.
This story is also on Wattpad under the same title. I plan to move it to AO3 at some point as well.
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