#also I had a video interview last week and they said they wanted to bring me in for an in person interview
raeathnos · 6 months
#yall im having a wild time lately#Saturday was really good- grandma is doing better so I ended up going to the beach for the day after all#had a really good day; I saw a bald eagle and dolphins + found a huge whelk and the bay sunset was beautiful#had the ride home from hell tho#took twice as long to get back because road work + detours + google maps fuckery while trying to find a gas station#we also almost hit a deer and like I live in PA who hasn’t almost hit a deer#but I have never been so close#he leaped out in front of us on the highway and froze#my husband was driving and omg reaction time#he slammed the brakes and I was like there’s no way#either we’re hitting the deer or the car behind us is hitting us or both#we stopped just a couple feet away from it#luckiest deer alive- he snapped out of it and looked at my husband then looked at me and then ran off#shoutout to the car behind us too- they swerved and did not hit us#but yeah he was a big buck and def would have not only totaled my car but gone through the windshield on the passenger side where I was#we got very lucky and so did he#but now I’m sick and I feel like crap#which perfect timing because we have a huge visit tomorrow and the stockroom is a mess#i was dying today cause I gotta lift all the furniture and shit#I literally came home and passed out for five hours and I still feel like I could just go right back to sleep#also I had a video interview last week and they said they wanted to bring me in for an in person interview#and like it’s at a really good company and it pays well and has good benefits#but now I havent heard back#so like watch me get ghosted again 🙃#I emailed them today so hopefully I hear back but I’m not holding my breath#I need everything to not be so much for a bit#Saturday was good but now things are crazy again
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withacapitalp · 9 months
All this was inspired by listening to She’s So Overrated by Madilyn Bailey so fair warning LMAO. Also this got SO MUCH LONGER THAN I MEANT IT TO IM SORRY IT WAS JUST ME WRITING DOWN AN IDEA......
Okay so I’m having thoughts about modern AU lead singer Eddie Munson who’s been in the industry for years with the boys. Corroded Coffin is a staple of the metal industry, but for a few years he’s been feeling really stalled in his career and just stuck in place. He’s still making music, still performing, but he feels like he’s getting farther and farther from that kid who used to scream and sing in his closet bedroom in the shoebox apartment he used to share with Wayne. 
So when he and the boys are in an interview and the interviewee brings up how “King” Steve Harrington from The Four is trying to reinvent himself with the help of former bandmate Robin Buckley, Eddie goes off. He works himself up into a little tizzy, ranting Munson Doctrine style about how a former teen pop star trying to become some second rate folk singer isn’t anything special, and that he wouldn’t be caught dead cashing in like that. 
That Steve’s music is bad (even though he’s honestly never listened to it) and “King” Steve is overrated. How even Beiber is better than him. He’s just bullshit. 
Of course the interview goes viral, and finds its way to Steve and Robin. Robin listens to it first and she doesn’t want Steve to watch it. She knows how close things like this cut him (especially that word), and how he’s been dealing with a lot of hate from everyone even from former fans who are confused by the sharp contrast of his new music- aka the music he’s finally being allowed to write now that he’s broken away from his momager- but Steve makes her show him. 
She’s sure that she’s going to have to spend the next week rebuilding his confidence. 
And instead, Steve’s lip curls into a smile, and he grabs his songbook, telling her to find her guitar. 
Eddie wakes up five days after the interview to a huge flood of social media notifications, a dozen missed calls from the boys and his manager and his uncle. He ignores them all and goes to see what he fucked up this time. 
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Eddie opens Youtube and it’s at the top of his recommendations. The thumbnail is Steve and Robin sitting together with a guitar in her lap. The title of the video is just one word. 
This can’t be good. 
Eddie listens to it even though he doesn’t want to. He’s a lot of things, but he’s not a coward. Not anymore. He listens to it because he has to know how much he’s fucked up. 
And then he listens to it again. And again. And again. 
It gets stuck in his head. All of it. Not just the song (which admittedly is pretty killer) but also hearing the flippantly mean words he had casually thrown at Steve being shoved back in his face. He had seen Steve as an abstract thing, just a symbol of everything wrong with the industry, not a real person. And now this actual human being that he’s hearing has turned all of that garbage into a song that feels more genuine then most of the music on the last two albums he wrote himself. A song that has heart, joy, and a strong current of pain underneath, especially in the bridge where Steve just sings the word bullshit over and over. 
There’s even more than that. He also sees the way Robin and Steve interact while they’re working the smiles, the jabs, the silly little way Steve bobs his head along as he listens to her play, the way they both collapse into giggles at the end as Steve directly quotes the part of the interview where Eddie said that Steve “is just another laundry basket devil trying to act like a big shot now that he’s too old for teen girls to moon over.” 
He can’t remember the last time he and the boys had that much fun making a song. 
Hell, Eddie even sees their apartment. It’s a pretty nondescript room, but he can see the wear and tear on the furniture, the cobwebs in the corners of the room, the slightly drooping houseplant with the name “Dart” lovingly painted on its pot. It feels like a home, and as Eddie looks around at the bedroom in his far too big mansion, he feels even more like a fraud. 
Eddie listens to the song on repeat for most of the morning. In the afternoon he finally answers everyone, and starts to put his plan into motion. 
By that evening he’s on the phone with Steve asking him and Robin to help Corroded Coffin write their next song. 
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tatoda · 1 year
Truth or Dare || Chris Briney x fem!reader
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summary: you join chis on one of his interviews with the cast and one little detail calls you out
pairing: chris briney x fem!reader
warnings: none! fluff
wc: 300 (not sure)
just a small little thing hope you enjoy. not really edited so sorry
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You have always been off the grid as chris’ girlfriend. All your social medias was private other than the fact that chris now had millions of followers digging into your daily lives. You both met back in college in your english class and started off as friends for the 4 years and he finally had the courage to ask you out at graduation. Ever since, y’all have been inseparable. He would bring you up in any conversation, post you on his instagram, being you to set. He was the best person you have ever met.
With chris getting a huge role in the show The Summer I Turned Pretty, you knew people would try and get in between y’all’s relationship. Since the fans couldn’t reach you, they would comment things on chris’ instagram just for you. But it never crossed chris’ mind that he would ever lose you, he would always talk about you no matter what no matter where.
And now season 2 has been filmed and now the first few episodes have been released, it was time for the cast to film some promo videos and production boosts for the fans. Chris brought you along for the day so you sat backstage in almost every video just smiling at the cast but mostly your boyfriend. You watched as they went through the truths and dared having a dance battle to eating horseradish. It was now chris turn to go and he picked out a truth.
“kiss sean kaufman again.” you rolled your eyes playfully
“again.” sean said jokingly “guys who put that one again.” and the whole cast started talking over each other
“nah, it’s what it said.” chris shows the paper around but too fast for anyone to see “look at it. it’s what it said.”
“one day it’s actually going to say kiss sean.” lola said before chris cleared his throat and read the paper
“besides your phone, what is the one item in your house you couldn’t live without.” you knew the answer instantly it was Aquaphor it’s what he cared almost as much as he cared about you, you introduced it to him about a few years ago and he hasn’t stopped using it since
“aquaphor,” gavin said before anyone
“aquaphor.” chris reached into his coat jacket and pulled out the tiny bottle you bought him last week “i’m on it because of my girlfriend.” he glanced at you before looking at the bottle and opened it “it’s the best things that’s ever happened to me… um.. besides.. my girlfriend.” he guested towards you and your cheeks instantly filled with heat as the cast looked at you “her introducing me to aquaphor.” he rubbed some on his lips
“she’s blushing!” lola pointed towards you and you laughed messing with your rings on your finger out of nervousness and chris gave you an apologetic look knowing you don’t like a lot of attention
After the interview was over you went into the back room where the cast was and sat down before their next interview. You sat on the couch drinking a lemonade while the cast talked around you. Sometime you didn’t like being here, you felt out of place sometimes.
“hey girly.” lola sat down next to you. you and lola have became very close friends despite all the rumors saying you hated her for kissing your boyfriend when it was all acting for a tv show
“hey, you ready for the next interview?” you turned towards her slightly
“yeah but my bed is really calling my name right now.” she sighed taking a sip of her water
“chris has mixed feelings about the interviews, he never wants to say anything wrong he really gets into his head about it. plus these are your last interviews before the strike happens so.”
“yeah it honestly sucks that we have to do this but it’s worth it, it’s also stopping us from telling the fans about season 3 too. we can’t promote anything.”
“it will be worth it in the end.” you smiled at her and a body fell next to you, glancing to your side you saw chris sipping on water too “hey you.” he smiled tipping his head to kiss the side of your forehead
“tired.” he whispered
“we’ll go home soon enough.” you leaned into his side and he wrapped an arm around you
“sorry i mentioned you with the aquaphor, it’s just really important to me and you kinda slipped out.”
“shush, it’s okay i want people to know you love the product more than me.” you nudged him with your shoulder
“hey that’s not true!”
“sure sure, anyone on the cast can tell you otherwise baby.” he shook his head playfully at you and brought you in closer to him
He was lucky to have you by his side in this major point in his life. He would never choose anyone other than you to be with him right here right now.
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yourimagines · 4 months
Hello, I saw you write for multiple fandoms and I was wondering if you also write for one direction or 5SOS, if so it would be lovely
Thank you!
Yes I do, I grew up with those two bands 🙈
Loving you
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* English is not my first language I apologise
* Gif is not mine
* Triggers: Swearing, Sadness, A Hint Of Smut And Fluff
It was Saturday night and the kids were just in bed asleep. Louis was outside in our backyard, smoking a cigarette. “Hello handsome.” I said as I walked over to him, wrapping my arms around his torso. “Hello Love.” He laid one of his hands over mine, giving it a gentle squeeze. “Are they in bed?” He asked as he took a drag from his cigarette. I nodded against his back and closed my eyes. “Yes, they were tired and fell asleep immediately.” I was tired as well from all the things that were going on right now in our lives. “You okay love?” I nodded and held him close to me. “Yeah…just a bit tired.”
Louis was a bit concerned about me so he guided me back inside, laying me down on our couch and grabbed my blanket. “Here, I’ll make you a cup of tea.” He gave me my blanket and walked away to make me a cup of tea. I smiled to myself and snuggled up in my blanket. “We can watch a movie or something.” I said as I got comfy on the couch. “Whatever you want darling.” He said as he walked into the room, bringing me a cup of tea. “Okay, then sit down and cuddle with me Lou.”
I was laying against his chest as his arm was wrapped up around me. “Liam wants to come over next week.” I looked up at him, he had a twinkle in his eyes. “Really?” He nods and moves his hand up to my head and went through my hair. “Yeah, he’s the only one that actually shows up and wants to be friends.” He sounded sad and hurt by the fact that nobody else wanted to see him or even talk to him. “I know it sucks but that’s life. They all have their own life’s and sometimes it just happens that you grow apart from each other. But that doesn’t mean they don’t want to be friends anymore.” I was looking at him as my hands went slowly over his chest, trying to let him know that it’s okay to feel sad about it. “I know, I’m not angry at them just a bit disappointed about things went.”
Louis POV
She was right, we all grow up and sometimes you lose people even if you don’t mean to. “So Liam wants to come over with his son Bear.” She nods and smiles at me. “Sounds good, they like each other already.” I moved closer and placed a kiss on her forehead. “I love ya.” Her noise wrinkles as she starts to smile shyly at me. “I love you.” She says as she gives me a peck on my chin, just missing my lips. “I missed.” She giggles softly as I kissed her. “I’ve got you covered love.”
—— one week later ——
Liam was over with his son and his girlfriend, y/n was inside to grabbed us something to drink as the kids were playing in the backyard. “Did you hear about Zayn.” Liam said to me as I was watching the kids. “No, what about him?” I turned my head to look at him. “He wants to be friends again, with all of us.” I was surprised to hear that, I know Zayn had a terrible time in the band, especially the last few months. “Did he really said that?” He nods and grabs his phone. “Yeah, I’ll show you. He said it yesterday in an interview.” I moved closer to Liam to look at his phone. “He says it right here.” He played the video and I made me feel a bit nostalgic, remembering how it was before the band ‘split up’. “He’s looking good tho.” Liam said as I watched the video. “Yeah…good for him.”
Liam went back home with his son and his girlfriend. I helped y/n to clean up some dishes as our kids sat quietly on the couch, watching some cartoons. “Liam showed me a video today about Zayn doing an interview.” I opened the dishwasher and she placed the glasses on the rack. “Really, what was it about?” She looked up at me and stopped. “Lou are you okay?” I nodded and awkwardly coughed, trying not to cry. “Yeah…he wants the band back together.” My hand went up to my face and rubbed my face. “Tell me, how do you feel about this?” She walked over and wrapped her arms around me. “Shit….I-I don’t know. I feel a lot right now.” She nods and just hugged me. “I know, it’s okay to feel like this.”
He wrapped his arms around my middle and nuzzled his head in my neck. “I waited two years for them…” his voice cracked and I gentle squeezed him, holding him tighter. A muffled cry was heard and his arms immediately pulled me tighter against his body. “It’s okay.” I gently rubbed his back as he started to cry. “I fucking hate feeling like this….” He mumbled against my shoulder. “I know you do but it’s okay.” He slowly lifted his head back and wiped his face. “I’m such a loser.” I shook my head and placed a soft kiss on his chin. “You’re not a loser, stop beating yourself up for being a human being.” He sighs softly and wrapped one arm around my shoulder. “I focking love ya.”
Louis just put our kids in bed as I was making myself ready to go to bed as well. “They are asleep.” He wrapped his arms around me and placed a kiss on my shoulder, looking at me through the mirror. “So beautiful.” I blushed and he moved his hands over my body. “I’m so lucky to have you my love.” He placed a trail of kisses over my shoulder while holding me close against his warm chest. “You always say that but I think I’m the lucky one.” I slowly turned around and kissed him. He immediately kissed me back, pressing my body into his. My hands went over his naked chest as he deepens the kiss, pushing my back against the sink. “Louis…” I softly whispered against his lips. “Yeah..?” He pulled back and gently touched my face. “Let’s go to bed.” I gently squeezed his biceps and he lifted me up. “Whatever you want love.”
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findingnemosworld · 1 year
𝐢 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 - 𝐫𝐮́𝐛𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐬
・𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲: 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐲𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬
( 𝐦𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐞 𝐚𝐧 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬 (𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬) 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐜𝐢𝐭𝐲/𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐨 𝐚 𝐩𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐮𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧. )
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐱 𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬.
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Y/N practically yelled at her football agent and manager, following what she had just heard which the young girl could only describe as maddening at this point and what made it even worse was how nonchalant her manager was about it as she said, " Give me a good reason why you don't want to be on the panel, you're part of the EA sports video game cover "
Y/N laugh incredulously, " He and I hate each other, not to mention he plays for Manchester City while I play for Manchester United "
" You're both Portuguese " Her manager reminds her.
" So, it's not a magical reason for me to be nice to him " Y/N retorts with a sarcastic tone. " He doesn't like me and I sure as shit do not like him, so no I won't do it "
" Fine " Her manager heaves an exaggerated sigh, " Suit yourself, but think of it this way, you're going to bring more eyes on the club as the club's top scorer not to mention - you're a proven draw time and time again, if you cancel, you'll just give him the chance to mock you "
Y/N furrowed her brows, mulling over what her manager said before groaning, " Ugh, Fine "
Her manager grins, " Good " she dials the phone number to arrange everything while Y/N huffs out a breath at the prospect of being in the same room with him, especially after the last time they saw one another.
You see, once upon a time, way back when - Amadora housed a young boy and a girl with a similar passion that minded them together, they spent every waking hour chatting and honing their football skills and amidst that, they'd also grown closer up until about two weeks after seventeenth birthday, he made the less than wise decision of breaking her heart by going out with another girl thus planting the seed of hatred which lead them to this very moment, while he thrived in Manchester City, she was flying high as the top scorer of Manchester United.
" You two will be doing interviews together, so best be on the look out for embarrassing questions, you get one, just smile, nod and evade the topic " Her manager reminds her.
" Yes, you don't need to tell me twice " Y/N sighs, before walking out of her office to head home.
" Mate, you alright? "
Rúben looks up to see John's concerned face looking at him, the best he can muster up was a shrug. He wasn't sure what to say, especially after seeing the text message from his agent, he was set to do the panel for EA Sports with her. " I'm fine "
John chuckles, " That doesn't look like fine to me, come on tell me. What's wrong? "
" You know how I'm going to do the panel tomorrow, right? " He said.
" Yeah, it's a big deal " John nods. " Why? "
The Portuguese heaves out a sigh, " I'm not going to do it alone, I'm going to be doing the panel with ... " he trails off then cover his face before adding, " Her "
John furrowed his brows for a moment before his eyes widened in surprise, " You mean ... her? as in Y/N " he said, having already been aware of the existing tension between his teammate and the Manchester United player.
" Yes " Rúben sighs, " It'll be a disaster given that she doesn't like me that much which is an understatement " he chuckles.
" Well I can't blame her " John mutters to which he received a glare from Rúben. " Did I lie? you broke her heart "
" I didn't think she liked me like that, granted I was too caught up with football to notice " He said then shook his head.
" Listen, I reckon she's mature enough to act civil with you " John shrugs, " She's well acquainted with Luke, and according to what he says, whenever he meets her, she's the equivalent of an angel "
" Yeah, what an angel " He chuckles. " I'm telling you, I know that tomorrow is not going to go well for either of us "
It was intense to say the least, Y/N arrived around the same time Rúben did - she was dressed in a beautiful and elegant black dress, her hair pulled to the side in a braid with a few strands framing her face and topping the look off with a bold red lip, while she had arrived with firm confidence, it seemed to have evaporated the minute she saw him, right there; dressed in an all navy blue ensemble of a suit.
Their eyes met and for a moment, she swore she saw the young boy she had befriended in Amadora long ago, however as quick as the moment was set, it had evaporated with her shooting him a death glare before she was lead to the inside of the venue, Rúben shakes his head hoping that nothing happens.
They were seated next to one another as the panel began, with fans coming up and asking several questions in regards to football and their careers as well as the game, all the while Y/N could feel Rúben looking at her which on more than one occasion had made her want to outright tell him to stop looking.
Suddenly a young fan comes up to ask the question that had definitely flustered Y/N.
" Who do you classify as the best defenders in football? "
Y/N grows silent ignoring Rúben’s look as she lifts her microphone to speak, " There are plenty but I will list the ones at the top of my head, Sergio Ramos, Pepe, and … " she forces a smile, " My fellow panel member here, Rúben Dias "
A unanimous ‘oooh’ erupted from the crowd as Rúben smiled then said, " Thank you "
" No problem " Y/N said through her faux smile.
Once the panel event concluded, Y/N was asked to stay for the after party yet she had no desire to be around Rúben hence why she tried to escape undetected, or so she thought – just as she was about to escape, she hears her name coming out of his mouth causing her to stop midway then turn around, " Yes " she said curtly.
" Were you leaving? " He asks.
" Yeah, I don’t like these kinds of parties and the heels are killing me " Y/N said, " You should head back inside, maybe you’ll find something new to corrupt " she adds with a sarcastic smile.
He sighs then said with a gentle tone, " Y/N "
" No, no " She shakes her head, "Just because I named you earlier doesn’t mean we’re suddenly best friends again, especially since you were the one that screwed me over "
" You can’t fault me for not knowing how you felt back then " He said, " You weren’t truthful with me "
She laughs then shakes her head, " I wasn’t truthful, Rúben – your entire family could see how I felt, you for some reason didn’t see it because you thrived on the attention other girls gave you, and while I was just the best friend that’s always there "
" Y/N " He said, " Can we please talk somewhere else? "
" I don’t have anything to say or tell you " She interjects with a deadly glare, " Goodnight "
Rúben resigns to standing still, watching her storm off once again, he’d tried his best to speak to her the following weeks only to be met with no response which left him with no choice, other than to do what he had initially thought of, it might be stupid but it’s all or nothing.
" Mate this is a crime! " John laughs as they were finally seated to watch the game, " You might actually be benched "
" She left me with no choice, and besides I’m here as a football fan not a player, so what if the media will see me? " Rúben shrugs, adjusting the jersey he wore, Y/N’s jersey.
" You reckon she’ll see you? " John wonders.
The Portuguese shrugs, " We follow each other’s private accounts so yes, she’ll definitely see it "
The match was intense, Manchester United up against Arsenal – the girls had dominated the match for most of the two half but struggled to score until the 86th minute when Y/N was able to score a stunning header which sent the stadium roaring with cheers, Rúben included as he stood up and cheered for her, fully aware that the camera panned on him.
After the match, John had left with Rúben assuring him that he’ll be ok – The Portuguese waited until he spotted her chatting with her fellow teammates who had spotted him before she did, one of them nudged Y/N then whispered in her ear for her to look up, her gaze landing on him.
Rúben tentatively approached them, with the girls giving him polite smiles and alerting Y/N that they’ll wait for her in the bus. He turns to Y/N, " You were amazing out there "
" Careful, Pep might end up benching you for stepping on the enemy lines " Y/N retorts with a dry chuckle.
" I can take it, so as long as you accept my apology. I’m really sorry Y/N, I was a terrible friend to you, and to be fair – ever since you stopped talking to me, it was like I lost a part of myself, and you can’t imagine how happy I was when I learned that you were here, and while we weren’t talking, I watched every match to cheer you on " He said, " I know, I’m very much too late but maybe we can reconnect "
Y/N looks at him with an unreadable expression before she drops her bag and walks up to him to close the distance, wrapping her arms around his torso then she rests her head on his chest which elicited a smile from him, he wraps his arms around her back as gentle as he can. " Don’t make regret this Dias " she murmurs.
" I wouldn’t dream of it " He said, before pressing a kiss to her head.
She pulls back, and reaches to take her bag only for Rúben to pick it up. " Why don’t I drive you? "
" No, you don’t have to " She shakes her head in refusal.
" I want to, text the girls and tell them you’re coming with me " He said.
" Rúben " She groans.
" Y/N " He retorts with the same tone.
Y/N huffs out a breath, she pulls out her phone to text her friend and Captain, Katie who cheekily responded with.
Make sure to use protection 😉
She chuckles which made him look at her and ask, " What? "
" Nothing, just an inside joke " Y/N laughs, " I was promised a ride so there better be food involved Dias "
" For you princesa, I’ll give you the world " He grins.
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Delicate, Chapter Two: …Ready For It?
same disclaimer as last time this is just for funsies and i’m not a writer !! also we’ve unlocked cissa and lily povs!!
CW: a bit of alcohol-related struggles
< prev chapter next chapter >
“Lily that was mental! You can’t just say things like that, especially in your situation! What if you get sued?”
“The money you waste on PR teams, I invest in lawyers!” Lily replied, dropping her keys on the table, an exasperated Alice following her inside their home.
“She brought up Snape,” Lily justified herself with a sigh, “You know how I get when they bring up Snape.”
They had just come back from Rita Skeeter’s show, and of course it had been a complete disaster: that woman loved to pick the touchiest topics during her live shows, banally exploiting private matters for views and publicity. That was one of the two reasons most celebrities refused to be her guests, the other being that she was generally a very unpleasant woman to interact with.
A right bitch, if you will.
However, Lily’s situation was…singular.
About a year before she had upset a few (many) big shots in the music and acting industries, gaining a lot of enemies and getting terrible backlash. It had been a horrible year, and thankfully her friends were there for her, but she wanted to get back on the scene. She wasn’t going to let some rich assholes dim her light.
So, of course, when Rita Skeeter had offered her an interview, she had accepted out of desperation. Like an idiot.
“She read one of Avery’s Tweets and you went crazy!” whined Alice.
“I didn’t go crazy-“
“‘How is Lily Evans still relevant? She only makes songs about Snape, he basically made her famous’ And what did you say, Lily?”
Lily bit her lip, remembering the moment with just the tiniest bit of shame. The smile Rita had on her lips while reading that stupid Tweet, the blind rage it had caused.
“Please remind me, what did you say?”
“Something mature and responsible, i’m sure-“
“You said, and I quote, ‘Just to let Avery Jr know, I was the one who made that bitch fucking famous’” Alice countered, eyebrows raised.
Lily swallowed. “…I didn’t say anything else though, did I?”
“Because they cut the cameras!”
“Listen,” rebutted Lily, sitting on the sofa in their living room and pulling out her phone.
“I may have implied that he’s gay but it’s not my fault if he finds that offensive! It’s his problem, really, and he can’t bring that up to court.”
“I think you should focus on the fact that you called Severus Snape a bitch, and that he would be a nobody if it weren’t for you,” countered Alice, taking a pot of peach yoghurt from the fridge. “I pity Longbottom, really: lately being your manager seems like a fucking nightmare.”
“Good thing he’s good at his job, then. He’s like part of the family now.” Lily looked up from her phone smiling, “You are the mum, he’s the dad, Marlene is the reckless younger sister and i’m the angry teen full of hatred for this world.”
“We’re both too young to be your parents, and he might be suspicious of his wife writing about women in her love songs, you know.” Alice smiled, taking a spoonful of yoghurt. “What are you watching?”
“Oh, it’s Narcissa’s last show,” explained Lily with a shrug, “She performed a few songs for a festival last week and I heard great things about a certain performance…apparently she’s been working with this girl for a few months, singing together. She’s been hiding a gem, that’s what her fans have been saying.”
“And how come you’re suddenly so interested in Narcissa Black? Didn’t know you were a fan of hers.” Alice got closer, leaning over Lily’s head to watch the video on her phone. She carried the faint smell of peaches and the weight of past personal issues in her voice, but Lily wasn’t going to pry. Much.
“I like her music, actually. But it’s this new girl that really piqued my interest. New blood, always exciting.” Lily paused the video and decided to push her luck, just a bit. “They remind me of us, you know: a younger singer, guided by a-“
“I’m not like Black. And you were already popular when we started living together with Marlene, so I don’t think it counts.” Alice cut her off, harshly, and started walking away. “I’m going to my room, see if I can write something.”
Lily silently accepted her defeat and swiftly changed topic. “Pizza tonight?”
But Alice had already gone up to her room, so Lily took it as permission to order whatever she wanted.
She had no clue what Alice’s issue with Narcissa Black was: in the three years she had been living with her, Alice had never given a sign of knowing Black, and Lily could’ve easily thought Alice had absolutely no connection to her.
However, the way Alice became quiet whenever Narcissa showed up on TV and how she’d turn off the radio when Black’s songs were playing indicated otherwise: in Lily’s opinion, Alice was trying really hard to hide her…hatred? No, not hatred-distaste for Narcissa, but her indifference was a too-long practiced craft for it to be genuine.
Lily thought that constantly trying to ignore someone counted as actually thinking about them, and she had therefore concluded that Alice Fortescue was mildly obsessed with Narcissa Black.
Marlene and Frank agreed that there was something going on between the two, or at least there had been, so Lily supposed she wasn’t just jumping to conclusions.
However, whenever they tried to bring it up, they were always shut off by Alice, and, as childish as it may sound, it hurt: Lily, Marlene and Alice had known each other for years, they had shared fears, hopes, secrets. They had never broken each other’s trust, and that was one of the fundamentals of their friendship.
So why was Alice so incredibly jealous of the corner Narcissa occupied in her mind? Was she ever going to let them in?
She would, eventually.
Or at least Lily hoped so.
In the mean time, she had a new singer to focus her attention on: an unknown girl named Mary Macdonald, who performed for the first time with the Narcissa Black, as the closing act of a festival that had sold out probably because of Black. The piece they were going to sing was a fan favourite, Born to Die, so the crowd’s expectations were extremely high.
This Mary Macdonald was either exceptionally confident, or completely mental.
But when she started to sing, Lily was immediately captivated. From the way she walked on the stage, to how she swayed to the music, to the bright smile on her lips when she wasn’t singing, it was impossible for Lily to take her eyes off her. For a few minutes, Mary’s voice seemed like the only real thing in the world, making everything else feel mundane, unworthy of attention.
Narcissa let Mary steal the spotlight, looking at her proudly like she was showing the world a ground breaking discovery. And she wasn’t wrong, because the girl sang for barely five minutes, and yet Lily was already starving for more.
How could Mary fear the eyes of a few thousands of people when she sang like the whole world was watching? How could she feel the pressure of being a guest on another star’s show, when she shone just as bright?
Lily didn’t need much more after that.
She opened her chat with Alice and Marlene.
lil evans: i’m going to sing with Mary Macdonald and there’s nothing you can do to stop me.
lil evans: and we’re having pizza tonight.
“Making her sing during that show was completely mental, Cissa.” Amelia was leaning against the desk in front of Narcissa, arms crossed.
It had always been hard for Narcissa to find her intimidating, since they were similar in both age and personality, so she was one of the few who weren’t affected by her signature Amelia Bones Glare. In addition to that, her mischievous eyes and Narcissa’s satisfied smile made the whole conversation feel more like two friends chatting casually, rather than a lecture about Narcissa’s…surprise song. Introducing Mary to a crowd like that had been a bold choice, but neither of the singers regretted it.
Narcissa and Mary had been working together everyday for two months now, 6 hours of practice daily. Narcissa was aware this rhythm was probably unbearable for Mary, who had another job, but the girl had been set on working her ass off to start thinking about her own album as soon as possible, and even when she eventually started working on it, she still spent a quarter of her day singing.
They even spent part of their free time together: considering how much Mary seemed to dread staying home and how discreet she was about her private life, Narcissa had the suspicion her family situation wasn’t exactly the best, so she had been inviting her over to her place as often as possible with the weirdest excuses to give her a distraction.
It’s not like Narcissa could have helped it, she knew what a shit family could do to a person, and she genuinely appreciated Mary’s company, too.
So much, in fact, that she had taken her to perform live for the first time as soon as she had the chance.
“You’re right, Mel, it was crazy. It worked, though,” replied Narcissa nonchalantly, bringing a cigarette to her lips. Thank God Amelia was also a smoker and allowed the occasional cig-breaks indoors, as long as Narcissa had to share. “It’s all the media has been talking about for the past two weeks. Besides, we are going to drop her album in, like, less than a month, some extra publicity can’t hurt.”
“It was her first time singing to an audience, and you made her jump on a stage in front of live cameras,” Amelia cocked her head to the side, eyes wide in amazement. “She could’ve fucked it up, and I wouldn’t have blamed her.”
“But she didn’t,” countered Narcissa, resting her head against the armchair. “Because we talked about it beforehand. Listen, that girl was born to perform, her place isn’t inside a small recording room. I wanted the people to see her for the first time at her best.”
Amelia shook her head with something vaguely resembling fondness. “You really do care about her, don’t you? Pass it.” Narcissa inhaled and handed her the cigarette. She exhaled and watched as the smoke floated in the air, light under the sun rays like a bride’s veil.
“Why did you even agree to introduce her to me? I didn’t know you had such a kind heart.” Amelia commented, eyes squinted towards the window. “Not that I’m ungrateful. I have a lot of hope in Mary. However, you didn’t strike me as the type of woman who wanted to be…a mentor, I guess.”
Narcissa was still watching the smoke leave the cigarette, head tilted back.
She still didn’t know why she’d let Mary into her home that night, months before.
She knew, however, that she hadn’t hoped to make it past 27, yet there she was, not too far from her 28th birthday.
Leaving her parents’ house and throwing herself onto new projects hadn’t magically changed Narcissa’s life for the better, and she’d also found herself completely alone. There was also the fact that she ended up high or drunk way too often to not consider it a problem, although in the past she hadn’t worried about it too much: many great stars died like that, and Narcissa wasn’t too bothered by the thought of joining them.
But then Mary showed up, with her determination and stoic audacity, so set on really owning her life, and made Narcissa realise how scary her indifference towards death was.
In truth, that night Amelia had answered her email almost immediately.
“The album is promising, but there’s a lot of work to do, Narcissa.”
“I know, but I swear, she has it. The spark, I-I felt it. I could help-“
“You have to be able to help, Narcissa. You know what I mean, right?”
She didn’t drink for five days, after that call. And on the fifth day, Amelia gave her a chance, and Mary officially became part of her life. Since then, there had been highs and lows: sometimes she went to Edgar (who was much more empathetic than Amelia, though Narcissa would never say that to her face), and he’d go to her house to throw away her remaining alcohol. Other times, when Mary was willing to drink with her, she let herself take a glass or two: Narcissa’s rule of thumb was drinking one glass less than Mary, and considering that the girl was still wary of drinking more than a few glasses or a couple of shots, Narcissa hadn’t gotten tipsy in two whole months.
“Narcissa? Are you there?” Amelia waved her hand in front of her eyes. Narcissa noted that the cigarette had disappeared somewhere.
“Yes, Mel. Was just thinking.”
“About?” Amelia asked, eyebrow raised, but Narcissa didn’t say anything. She didn’t like talking about her struggles, but Amelia Bones always seemed to read her mind, which was equally endearing and annoying. So, at the silence that followed, she said, “You’re doing better, by the way. Have you told-“
“I’m not going to tell her-“
“NAR-CIS-SAAAA” Mary barged into the room, eyes bulging and breathing heavily. Her arms were open wide, phone in hand.
“Ma-ryyyy?” Narcissa replied in confusion while raising her arms, mimicking the girl. Mary rushed to her and shoved the phone in her face with an excited smile.
“Som-someone just contacted me and you won’t believe-oh, Amelia, you need to see this, too!”
“Stay still, child, you’re moving too much.” complained Narcissa, squinting at the bright screen and wrapping a hand around Mary’s wrist to steady it. Amelia quickly moved closer, read the first few words, and immediately frowned. “That’s a name I haven’t seen in a while.”
Dear Miss Mary Macdonald,
This is Lily Evans, if the email address wasn’t a dead giveaway. I just saw a video of your performance with Narcissa Black, and I must say, you’ve instantly enchanted me. I could spend many words praising your incredible singing, but perhaps it would be more efficient to get straight to the point.
You may already know this, but because of certain circumstances last year, I completely disappeared from the public eye. I will soon make a comeback though, and I was wondering if you wanted to write a song with me to put in the album. Or we could write a single, however you prefer: to be completely honest, this is just an excuse to sing with you.
I’ll leave my phone number, in case you wish to reach out to me <3
Have a delightful day,
Miss Lily Evans
“What do I do, what do I do?” Mary asked leaving her phone to Narcissa and Amelia, their eyes still glued to the screen.
“Well, Evans has a big fan base, a collaboration with her would be great.” Amelia said, still analysing the email like it was a cryptic message from an alien.
“Do you also sense a flirty undertone or am I seeing things?” she whispered.
“I don’t know, maybe she’s just very informal and frien-no okay, now that you’ve mentioned it, I can kinda see it.” Narcissa replied just as quietly.
“Shoot your shot Mary!” she said, smiling fondly at the girl, who was covering her face with her hands.
“But first, consider that Evans has been in the middle of some drama lately. Despite her loyal fans, her reputation has gone to shit during the past year. You know that, right?” Amelia asked, standing up next to Narcissa’s chair.
“…Actually, I don’t.” Mary replied.
“How do you-“ Amelia whispered, appalled. “Well, I’ll send you some links so you can get what I mean. I had the chance to speak to her a couple of times, she’s a good person. A bit fierce and isn’t afraid of speaking her mind, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing,” Amelia got closer and put a hand on Mary’s arm.
“I bet she’ll be a pleasure to work with. If you want I can contact her manager.”
Mary chewed on her lip, deep in thought.
“Fuck it, I’m doing it.” she snapped, getting her phone back from Narcissa, who let out a small ‘ooooh’ as encouragement.
“But I’ll text her myself. We’ll figure out the rest later.”
“I agree. You should also meet her in person, first,” intervened Narcissa, knowingly. “You don’t want to work with someone you don’t get along with. Two artists need chemistry.”
“Mhm…” Mary agreed, distractedly. “I’ll go, then. I just wanted to tell you first, I was absolutely freaking out-“
“Of course you were, it’s Lily Evans we’re talking about,” said Amelia understandingly, “Everyone knows at least one of her songs.”
“…Yeah,” commented Mary, with an unsure smile. “Yes, of course I do. Well, thank you. I’ll see you tomorrow.” The two women watched Mary leave the room, practically bouncing instead of walking.
“So, Mary and Lily…” started Amelia once the room had gone back to quiet, still eyeing the door.
“Apparently.” Narcissa already knew where this was going.
“You know she’s Fortescue’s girl, right?”
“I’m aware.”
“I’m not even looking at you but I can feel your stupid grin. Stop it.”
The phone was ringing when Lily got out of the shower: it was rather late, and she wasn’t really expecting any calls. She didn’t recognise the number on the screen, but it wasn’t the usual Unknown Number that meant Snape was trying to get in contact with her, so she accepted the call.
“Good evening, is this Miss Lily Evans?” greeted a voice on the other side, and Lily recognised with a smile the old-fashioned welcome.
“Well yes, could this be my dear Miss Mary Macdonald?” she replied, just as charmingly. So Mary wanted to work with her, despite everything…maybe Marlene was right, things were getting more promising.
“My my, it may just be her,” then she laughed softly, and it was such a pleasant sound Lily wanted to put it in a song, somehow. “Sorry, I broke character. Anyway, am I disturbing you?”
“Not everyone is born an actor, darling, and no, not at all-“ Lily scrunched her curls with a wet towel.
“Good, because I wanted to tell you I would love to write a song with you,“ Lily saw her smile widen as she looked at herself in the mirror.
“-But I’m afraid we’ll have to wait at least three weeks.” Mary concluded, sounding so sorry Lily couldn’t manage to feel too disappointed.
“Oh, it’s fine, I can be patient. How come we have to postpone our meeting? If I can ask, of course.”
“Well, you see, I’m working on-“
“LILY!” Marlene barged into her room screaming, her brown eyes open wide and blonde hair even messier than usual.
One thing about Marlene is that she never banally entered rooms, she always barged in, slamming doors open and announcing the motifs of her intrusion. It was a rather dramatic habit, but it always made Alice smile when Marlene appeared on top of the stairs, shouted “HUNGRY!”, and set the dinner-making process in action. Lily was just grateful someone in the house never forgot about meals.
“PETER IS BACK IN TOWN!” she continued, grabbing Lily’s shoulder.
“Excuse me, Mary, can you hang in there for a minute? I’ll be back shortly.” Lily explained, widening her eyes at Marlene, who quickly covered her mouth with her hands, surprised but not really apologetic.
Mary laughed, “Sure, no problem.”
“I’m sorry…” Marlene smiled as Lily muted herself, although she seemed more enthusiastic than sorry.
Marlene, Peter and James had known each other since they were kids, and being all separated for work matters (Marlene and Peter had always worked solo, while James had formed a duo with Sirius Black when they were sixteen), they were all overexcited when they had an excuse to see each other. The four of them together reminded Lily of those puppies that are perpetually either jumping, running or barking.
“It’s okay. So, Peter is back?” Lily smiled.
When Peter was younger, he used to be really quiet and shy, always getting dragged into trouble by James and Marlene first, and then Sirius, too.
Or at least, that’s what Marlene had told her. Lily found it hard to believe, considering how Peter acted now: he was comfortable on the stage, always ready to joke, in front of thousands of people or with his closest friends alike; he wasn’t necessarily the loudest at a party (that honour went to Sirius and James), but he was still a pleasure to have a conversation (and especially talk shit) with.
“Not yet, actually. He’ll be back this Saturday,” Marlene answered, biting back a smile.
“I bet Effie is hosting a welcome-home party as soon as he gets in town,” Lily continued, remembering how Mrs Potter always found opportunities to gather all her “kids” (as she had nominated James and all his friends) under her roof.
“Oh, it’ll be a big one this time,” Marlene confirmed. “She has already asked me to invite every living being I know. Wait, are you on the phone with Mary Macdonald?”
“Shit, I’m making her wait. Can we talk about this later?” Lily asked, bringing the phone to her chest. Nice first impression, idiot.
“Wait, wait. Invite her, too.” Marlene suggested, wiggling her eyebrows.
“I can’t ask her to come to a party all alone with a bunch of people she doesn’t even know-“
“Then ask her to bring Narcissa, too,” Marlene wiggled her eyebrows more aggressively.
It took Lily an instant. She gaped.
“You sick, sick bastard. Alice will be there. Shit will go down, you know?”
“Why? Alice and Narcissa don’t even know each other,” Marlene batted her eyelashes with an innocent shrug. “Besides, Sirius hasn’t spoken to his cousin in forever, they need to catch up.”
Lily licked her lips thoughtfully and brought her attention back to the phone. A formal party wasn’t the best setting to talk about work, but it was perfect for getting to know someone. And Lily really wanted to get to know Mary. She unmuted herself and brought the phone to her ear.
“Hey, before we continue, are you free this Saturday?”
that was all, hope you liked it and let me know if you want to be tagged when i post updates bc it won’t be that often lmao
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lokisasylum · 1 year
I'm sorry but 🐰 is so FAKE!
"My future changed because of it. If I hadn't done this project I would probably still be in bed, eating and watching cartoons"?????
As if he and everyone at Hybe didn't know since months PRIOR how his debut was gonna go down, like that Hybe staff (and Jimin anti) that got caught on DC Gallery talking smack during Jimin's debut about JK's single, because they all knew it had already been BOUGHT thanks to 🛴 & Bongo.
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[Reminder that ALL Suchwita episodes are pre-recorded months PRIOR to present events]
Also the way he stated:
"I'm Korean , but I'd like to be the one and only singer who can cross back and forth between k pop and pop songs I'm gonna conquer all genres if I could " "one and only singer"... one and only singer to do WHAT when OTHERS have already done it BEFORE YOU??? (Shinhwa? Ailee??? Hello???) He'll never be the "first and only", "one and only", JUST THE PRIVILEGED ONE.
But you know what really gets on my tits? Its the way he toyed with the fandom's emotions through vlive acting out this story of the mistreated, neglected member that was too scared to ask the company for permission to come on vlive to talk to army, so he asked one of his hyungs to cover for him and "take the blame".
And then continued his little sob-story of "Oh I haven't left my apartment in over 3 weeks. All I do is eat takeout and sleep and play with my dog 🥹 please pity me." Getting so drunk that he passed out like twice (with a whole ass candle still lit) and coincidentally SOMEONE who was already inside the apartment would turn off the live (IF there was a staff with him at all times while recording, why did they let him get so drunk to the point of passing out? )
Then came the rebellious, child tantrums at his own hyungs asking him to take it easy with the drinking live (consequentially bringing hate against said members and his solo stans applauding this behavior as him "standing up for himself & doing what he wants" and how "respect has to be earned").
Then came the sasaeng scare, the "Please don't follow me to the gym where I work out every day, that scares me buuhuu 😭." And again getting drunk "to show how upset he is" by the whole situation, causing more unnecessary concern (a.k.a creating morbid anticipation and more people tuning in to the circus show).
But the live that really took the cake was when he first failed to hide the very obvious vape that was literally on top of the table in a very obvious pink color (like his hoodie) that many quickly identified, then another sob story, then FINALLY came the TEARS, acting like he was about to say goodbye to the fandom for the last time with the perfectly executed: "Please be happy, even if I'm not here." before ending the live and sending the fandom into a frenzy of "omg poor kookie, he's suffering so much" and "omg what if he harms himself???"
Everyone was SHITTING themselves on the TL, expecting the worst to happen.... only for Hybe to share a post from CK with a clip ready to announce that JK had been named Global Bran Ambassador to CK, with this huge promo, a whole ass video, photos, posters, an interview, the whole she-bang.
And suddenly... he was fine? Did another live like NOTHING happened? And the ones that followed??? Suddenly he was this refined model for CK that actually gave a shit about his image? Ya'll cannot convince me that this man was not gaslighting the FUCK outta the fandom through this whole shit-show while 🛴& Bongo finished up securing his achievement$ & po$ition on the chart$ before officially announcing his debut (despite having announced a month prior that another member would debut instead).
Even Jimin called him out on his BS during that live in the car after one of the music shows where outta the blue he interrupted the live saying he was gonna go watch Jimin perform live, as if he didn't know that Jimin's promotions had ended that very day.
Like atp I just feel pity for his stans 'cause they're SO NAIVE that they believe everything he says to the point of creating this false narrative that JK was the one who actually got sabotaged on his debut and received the shortest debut/promo time compared to Jimin. When the cold hard truth is that everything he got was thanks to all the MONEY 🛴 & Hybe invested on him.
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majaloveschris · 1 year
Why nothing makes sense part 6.
Ghosted premiere edition 👻
When I woke up and read people talking about her being there, I definitely expected something much worse than it actually was. Don't misunderstand me; I obviously wasn't happy she was there, but it's not as bad as I thought it would be if she were there.
As always, there are things that just don't make any sense to me.
In the past few weeks, we've received no articles about them; the article about Chris didn't include her. However, on the day of the premiere, ET included pictures of the Valentine's Day video, and the Daily Mail also included her. It was like a reminder that, hey, he is supposed to be in a really loving and committed relationship with this Alba girl, remember? He was spotted alone, and we hadn't received any new content since Valentine's Day. The cheating rumor was also posted. I understand why many people think we are getting to the end of this shitshow, because it felt like it.
What's up with Tara and her family? So Tara and her family were in NYC yesterday, on the same day of the premiere, and Gully even met them before the event. Why wasn't she or they at the premiere? The fact that they were there on the same day and even met Gully would be too many coincidences if she or they weren't supposed to be there. But if both Tara and Alba's appearances were planned, then she couldn't have been the reason why she didn't go to the premiere? And they had time for it because, as it turned out, they went to the Broadway Museum before the premiere started. Or was she there? Because I know some people say she was, without any evidence, of course, but if she was there, why didn't we see her? And why wouldn't she arrive with Chris and Alba?
So the one and only time we say Alba was when they got out of the car with Chris, and then when we saw her going in with two people, who are supposedly Chris's friends or whatever. Where was everybody else? Tara was in town. Scott, Steve, Lisa, Shanna, or Carly? Where was everybody? They would've been better company for her, especially since they all adore her. Chris gave something to her; it wasn't his phone, that's for sure. They looked like some kind of tickets, I guess; maybe she got Tara's 😂 People also say they kissed in cars, but there is no evidence of that, and there is no way somebody can tell that from that video. I thought that if she were there, she would walk down the red carpet with him, which didn't happen. I'm not complaining, and I don't believe he was either. But what was the point of her being there? Why wasn't she on the red carpet with him, like his family members and friends usually are? I remember the Lightyear premiere, and I remember seeing Steve on the red carpet, behind Chris, while he was giving an interview. Why wasn't she there too? And please don't say that because of "backlash" or because "they didn't want to get bullied", because I have an easy solution for that: don't bring her to the premiere. He's never had a problem with not bringing his partners to premieres, but he didn't have a problem being at Jenny's premiere, for example, and he didn't seem to care about the backlash then. This whole premier thing was just as half-assed as everything else in this shitshow. You want to come to the premiere? Okay, I will do the bare minimum. You can get out of the same car as me, and we can have a fast chat, and then you can do whatever you want.
I hope those who said this will be the last thing he needs to do and then bye-bye PR contract and Alba are right.
That's my take on everything at this exact moment. Feel free to correct me if I made a mistake here and there 😊; I was trying to write down everything until this whole thing was fresh in my mind 😅
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luvly-writer · 2 years
“You are my sunshine”
Part 44: Dear lovebirds,
Jason Todd x Latina! Reader
Social media au
Warnings: none
Status: Finished
Author’s note: I literally wrote this entire part last night on the verge of falling asleep and accidentally hit the x without saving and it got deleted. I shit you not, I was on the verge of tears cause I was too tired to write it again and I let out th longest sigh I have ever EVER done, closed tumblr, and went to sleep. Enjoy ;-;
Taglist: @lorosette @nanas-teatime @izukuisbaby @writing-for-the-hell-of-it @unofficial-jaytodd-wife @graywrites5567 @addictedtothefictionalworld @halleest @randobeetlehouse @prettyacademia00 @tamimemo @jasontodd-artemisgrace4life @mxtokko @sarahkaliii @w31rdg1rl
Series Masterlist:
Nola had though of the BEST idea for a small gift for Jason and you on behalf of everyone. Even though she had already hired a group of photographers and videographers to professionally shoot up the wedding, she had decided to record that day as if it were a vlog. That way you would have more of a behind the scenes homey vibes to the memories of your wedding.
“Hello Lovebirds! Nola here! You might be wondering what this video may be and worry not! You will know soon. Welcome to your wedding day vlog!” Nola said smiling to the camera. She took the camera and recorded various places. She toured the venue, the dancing area, the kitchens, she showed the bakes bringing the cake in, she filmed your mom and Alfred speaking with the chefs, both who smiled at the camera and waved, she did her rounds and covered every part of the wedding’s location and decorations. “Well, that’s the entire tour. It’s time to see the princess of the day!”
The camera focuses on a door and Nola knocks, you open it with a bright smile. Both of you squeal and laugh, excited for the day. You bring her in and Nola gives a tour of your room and then settles on you, who is looking at her questioning. “What are you doing?” You laugh and she shushes you as she sets the camera up so that both of you are in the frame, Then she sits down and you sit next to her. “We are doing an interview, future Mrs. Todd Wayne.” She explains and you sit up excitedly, wanting join in on the fun, “okay! Shoot!”
“How are you feeling today?”
-Oh! Super excited! I can’t wait to marry him Nols! Although…I’m also pretty nervous…what if I trip and fall on my way to the altar or what if Kara tries to jump up and object or or oh! I don’t know jaja!
Nola rolls her eyes and assured you that everything will be alright, she ask you the next question, “What would you tell Jason as of now? Say it to the camera as if it were him.”
-Hola mi corazón! Not being able to sleep next to you these last few days have been hell, Nola I can see you, don’t gag! Anyways, I can’t wait to see you, mi amor, and spend the rest of my life with youuuu although you already know that but yeah jaja!
You blow a few kisses to the camera and smile. Nola smiles looking at you, being in love is a great look on you.
“Ok ok, I know I said it was myyyyy idea, but I have a few accomplices. Everybody, give it up for Dick Grayson!” Nola says as she turns the camera to a smiling Dick. He smiles at the camera and takes it from Nola. “Thank you, Nol! I’ll take it from here.” He says as he walks away. “Now! For the exclusive of the groom. Last time I checked, Jason was just in the shower, Tim is still sleeping, Damian had already finished showering and is on Jason’s room and Roy went to pick up breakfast.” He turns the camera and knocks on the door and Jason opens it. He is shirtless, with the tower draped over his head, grey sweat past that are low on his waist and is brushing his teeth. Dick enters and a Jason leaves to finish brushing his teeth. Finally he comes out and asks, “what are you doing, Dickie? He had been in a great mood this entire week. So much he was insulting them less. “Nola requested an interview of the groom so here we go.” Jason throws himself on the bed and looks at the camera from his spot. “First question, how you you feel?”. Damian decides to speak up instead of Jason, “ He better feel elated. He is marrying YN after all, it’s the best he can ever do” Jason playfully glares at him and answers,
-As much as I hate to agree with demon here, he is right! I’m fucking happy as shit. YN is truly the best thing to ever happen to me.
Dick awes behind the camera and asks the next question, “Anything you like to say to her right now?”
- I hope you woke up feeling refreshed and rested my love. I love you and can’t wait to see you, princess!
He said with a wink, making Dick laugh.
Dick is recording once again. He is placing the camera somewhere safe and let out a laugh. Behind him, Roy and Tim are annoying the fuck out of Jason by loudly singing “Marry you” by Bruno Mars. Soon, Dick joins them belting out the most horrific notes ever. The camera is suddenly grabbed by Damian who sighs and looked at the camera dead in the center, the rest still annoying Jason. “YN, are you sure you truly want to join this family?…..they are all idiots”
The camera focuses on Yn getting her makeup done in a white silk robe. Her hair was already done. She smiles at the camera and waves. The camera turns to the sofas where Stephanie, Cassandra, Barbara, Artemis, And Charlotte and Tiffany (two of Yn’s cousins) , were chatting. Yn’s mom is taking pictures and smiles at the camera as well.
The scene changes to Yn’s mom and Alfred giving their backs to YN, who is already dressed in her wedding dress holding her flowers. Someone counts to three and Ymn and Alfred turn around, gushing over how beautiful she looks. “AY MI BEBEEEEE!” Your mom screams and hugs her, tears flowing. YN is holding her tears back, afraid of ruining her makeup. Alfred hugs you and tell you, “the most beautiful bride indeed”
YN is walking down the isle with her mother. Nola pans towards Jason, who is wiping his eyes, tearfully smiling at her. He holds her hand once she gets to him and kisses her palm. YN hands her bouquet to Nola and smiles back at Jason. The amount of love between them flowing throughout all of the reception.
“Yn, I was a shadow of a man I had once been before you came into my life. You have brought so much love, joy, laughter, and peace, things I never thought I would ever get or even deserved. Princess, on this day, in front of both of our families and friends, I promise to spend my life by your side and I wouldn’t have it any other way. You are the silver lighting that shines through all the clouds of life, that sunshine that makes my darkest and saddest days bright again. I once said you were the ruin of my restraint, which I still believe wholeheartedly. lf you ever were to ask for the galaxy, I would happily spend each and every day catching stars in your name. Need is something you will not recognize and unsafe is a word you’ll never know. My love, my heart, my soul, and my mind are all filled by you, your love, and your presence. Te amo, Yn Mn Ln”
Jason and you had watched Corpse Bride and wanted to incorporate the vows into your own.
“Jason Peter Todd Wayne, do you take Yn Mn Ln as your lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health, for good and bad, to cherish from this day forward?”
- I do
“Yn Mn Ln, do you take Jason Peter Todd Wayne as your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, for good and bad, to cherish from this day foward?”
- Yes I do
“Turn to look at each other and hold your hands. Repeat after me, ‘With this hand, I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never be empty for I will be your wine. With this candle, I will light your way in the darkness. With this ring, I will ask you to be mine”
You both repeat it to each other, placing the rings on each other.
“You may now kiss the bride”
Jason pulled you toward him and dipped you, kissing you passionately whilst everyone cheered. A sniff could be heard from Nola. She changes the camera to everyone else. Dick is crying and cheering. Tim, Duke, and Steph are screaming. Cass is clapping with a wide smile, Damian claps with a bright smile. Alfred is wiping his tears with a soft smile. Bruce looks so proud, he is fully letting the tears go because his boy just got married.
The camera focuses on you sitting in the newlyweds table smiling at Jason. Roy is giving his best man speech. “You know Yn, Jason and I originally had planned to runaway and get married in Vegas and then you came along. I am not fond of getting my plans ruined but since it’s you I can make an exception” He begins his speech making everyone laugh. As he carries on, you look back at Nola who is looking at Roy with a look you recognize very well. “Jason, mi alma, look at Nola! She’s giving Roy love eyes!” Yn whispers to Jason who in return gives her a kiss on her shoulder in order to discreetly look behind her at Nola. Jason chuckles and says, “Oh that will be a disastrous pair…I will never know peace again if they get together” making you laugh. “Jason. I get that you love your wife, but I was your boyfriend first and deserve that you stop kissing her while I’m talking.” Interrupted Roy making you laugh even harder.
Nola began her speech, retelling all of your times together. “Unfortunately, now Jason is permanent and I can’t get rid of him. I will say this once and only once, even if the only thing we do is argue like children, I am glad Yn found Jason. There has never been a couple more in love than you two, Give it up for the happy couple!”
The camera pans to everyone in the dance floor. Your grandmother is exchanging cooking tips with Alfred. Bruce is with Clark, Louis, and Diana chatting. Your mom was reveling in how much your aunts are fawning over the wedding, how beautiful you looked, Jason and his family, and how great everything looked and was. She beat your aunt once again. A successful daughter who was independent and hard working and made a good sum on her own who was now married to a very good looking man who was the son of one of the richest men in the world. Oh she had WON. Dick and Stephanie were flighting with majority of your cousins. Tim, Conner, and Duke were dancing with a few of them. Barbara and Cass was at food table enjoying all of the fine Puerto Rican food in display. Jason and you were dancing with Nola and Roy. Damian and Jon were speaking with your little cousins who was telling them about his farm. The sight was heartwarming indeed.
“Ok ok ok, if you thought it was over, well it wasn’t. Here are a few words of encouragement from all of your family and friends!” said Nola
Various clips of your family members giving you words of encouragement played out. Your mom, Alfred, your grandmother, your aunts, your cousins, Clark, Diana, Conner, Jon, Louis, Bruce, Cass, Stephanie, Barbara, Dick, Damian, Tim, and Duke. They all ranged from emotional to hilarious. Their love for you both very apparent.
“I truly wish you both the absolute best. Yn, i am so happy that you found the love of your life and it is someone truly amazing. Jason, I’m glad Yn found you, what you both have is absolutely rare. Enjoy your honey moon, but not too much because I am not ready to be an aunt. LOVE YOU! ENJOY!!!!” Nola ends the video smiling and waving at the camera.
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kaeru-kobold · 10 months
Kaeru Kobold-Dear Tumblr #1
I finally decided what I'm going to do with this Tumblr Account! Aside from the typical reposts of my art, self-promotion and such, I'm going to use it primarily as a live, public diary of my adventure in Vtubing, streaming and content creation, so here goes my very first entry. I think I'm going to try to do this daily, at the very least I'll make one weekly and on big events.
Dear Tumblr,
it's currently 1:22 AM, 12/11/23. I've been interested in becoming a Vtuber for roughly a year now, and have slowly done tons of research, watched hours of Vtuber content for fun and advice, built up art and assets, came up with a new Sona design, customized models, and have spent hours upon hours of work making art and assets related to that goal. Boy they really don't tell you how much work it is to be a streamer/content creator, especially when you're broke and doing it all by yourself. Speaking of broke... I'm currently out of work, money is very low, and I'm very stressed out. I made the mistake of leaving my old job for a new one that I hoped would be a good opportunity, but I had to leave on day one for moral and public health reasons I won't get into. I have put in dozens of applications the last two weeks and have mainly only received automated emails; I have done 2 Zoom interviews for two different jobs, and then was never given a call or email back. My old job won't take me back for reasons beyond me. I admitted this in an OkayDonuts stream a day or so ago, and he said similar issues motivated him to start streaming. This gives me so much hope that I can have the great community and career success that he has that I so desire-If he could do it, so can I! Right? I just really like making stuff, I've always liked learning new techniques both physical and digital; crochet, clay sculpting, wood carving, painting, graphic design, 3D modelling/Texturing, game design. I wasn't good at much as a kid, but art was my passion, and the best part was seeing how happy it made other people. I just want to make cool things that make people happy and create a community of similarly creative people to share our passions and bring more kindness and cool creations into the world. I don't want to be an uber rich Mr. Beast level celebrity, I just want to make enough that I don't need a menial job I suffer at. Simply making a decent living in this world off my art would be a blessing, it would be so much better for my mental health. Speaking of which, if you're reading this....did you know I take commissions? Please commission me, I hungy :'( But seriously, as of writing this, I have $43.20 in my bank account. My phone bill alone is $45. My partner and I have family support, so we'll get by ok, but the struggle and having to ask for help is really getting to me. On the bright side, since we should count our blessings- I have a really nice microphone since my partner tried streaming a couple years ago and is letting me use it whenever I need! I have a really good laptop from my college days that can run everything I need without getting TOO overwhelmed. I have a really good drawing tablet that I bought a couple years ago when I was doing a little better financially (It's much easier to save money when you're living with your parents and work 40 hours a week for $13/hr and your parents pay for everything) Losing my job may be a blessing in disguise because In my stress I have gone into a manic state and began going crazy getting my custom stream Overlays done, fully animated Stream Opening, BRB and Closing Screens, stinger transition animation, a functioning PNGTuber, and multiple drawings/animations for alerts/emotes/rewards/etc. and yes that includes things I didn't know I needed to be a Twitch Affiliate to even use...lol...I'm currently working on an animated lore video for my debut that I will also record a voice-over for. Lastly, a more recent thing-My partner found a gamer chair in the dumpster at our apartment last week after I had spent a couple months trying to find one-the cheapest ones on Facebook Marketplace in our area were like $80-and it's in near perfect condition, only a bit of scuff/rip on the seat and arm rests. How crazy is that? I gave it a good scrub-down and its good to go. I choose to take that as a sign from the universe that I'm on the right path. Wish me luck! With lots of love, Kaeru Kobold
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flyingmenace · 11 months
Alright everyone, I am here to bring you something you neither need, neither want: a fairly detailed ram (stolen from Reddit) about proofs of Putin being in love with Zelenskyy.
- First Putin accepted to meet him for talks about the occupied regions, even if it would've been illogical, knowing that Volodymyr stands his ground. Furthermore Putin knew that in the past he refused a horrendous amount of money from Yanukovych (Putin's man) to shut up and let the channel he was the general director at generate russian propaganda without his Studio interfering. Not to talk that Putin is known to be watching Zelenskyy's comedy show, even though it contained anti-russian narratives, allowing him to also catch a glimpse at Zelensky's stubborn personality. So, what was the meeting for, if Putin ready knew how it would go?
- During the meeting in Paris (9 December 2019) Putin, who always acted like he is superior to "a clown who became president", struggled to even look at him during the parts of it the public has access to. Putin even avoided looking at Zelenskyy when he was right in front of him. This doesn't add up to his "macho" public image amd he clearly wasn't scared, so why was he shy?
- Later, during the pandemic, when Zelenskyy posted (2 March 2021) one of his videos to be an example to people by taking the vaccine, the leading "journalists" of Russia, the ones that are always perfectly in line with everything that comes out of Kremlin, begun openly (on National TV) describe how handsome and hot Zelenskyy is. This is not to deem as a coincidence, since this has been only done by them in regards to Putin himself and a few other russians. And it was a first one, since they had talked about Zelenskyy's physique before the very meeting in Paris, questioning why did he shave his chest and laughing at him for trying to look tough. Something changed in between those two moments and they begun to openly drool over videos of Volodymyr.
- In the month before the invasion of Ukraine, Putin made a reference to one of Zelenskyy's sketches from his show dated to 2016. Vladimir used a well known "Like it or not, bear with it my beauty" phrase, but him commenting on it a few days later during the press-conference with the president of Kazakhstan and saying it wasn't personal makes it pretty clear it was. After all the sketch from 2016 refers to Ukraine as a beauty and tells that that's the reason why Putin wants her so bad. In short: Vladimir either retained the memory of this thing for so long, or recently re-watched it, both of which make wonder why?
- After invading Ukraine Putin begun to act particularly suspicious. Why did he suddenly give the order to fine and throw in jail people who openly admit they thing that Zelenskyy is physically attractive? Just like in that one famous instance of the old lady. Didn't he let his main "journalists" say how majestic his enemy is till a few weeks earlier? 
Also the duality of Putin's words begun. He looks so confident on the recorded speeches when he calls Zelenskyy a "drugged/neo-nazi/clown/puppet of the west/disgrace for jews", making sure to never say his last name. But on videos taken in moments which no one should be recording Vladimir is suddenly so different. He begins to act shyer, to say Zelenskyy's last name, to talk about him with respect (personal favourite is the time he referred to Volodymyr with the russian word that stands both for 'mister' and 'master' while waiting for Erdogan 16 September 2022) and even said that he is cool and a FINE MAN.
- Lukashenko, one of Putin's besties and his closest ally, openly refers to Zelenskyy as "Volodya", even while talking about him to russian main "journalists", just like in that one interview from 14 June 2023. So it is safe to assume that he uses the same name while talking with Putin about Zelenskyy, because Vladimir would certainly force his closest ally to not refer to their worst enemy like that. But Putin let's it slide and that is strange to acknowledge.
I know this is not true, but I needfamfics about them.
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well now the job that disability support admin job has suddenly gone silent on me, not replying to my emails or picking up when I call, or calling back to my left message from yesterday.
now I'm paranoid that my old team leader and the lady I had as my first manager at my cadetship workplace last year, that I've used as references have both said bitchy shit about me and that I'm a terrible hire.... mostly bc I know the team leader lady, when I asked her to be my referee last year, she was all bitchy like "oh just so you know I'm SO VERY HONEST when I'm asked to be a referee. just remember that.... I'm VERY HONEST."
and like, they have a right to be, considering that we did have a performance meeting about me always not being set up by 9 AM ON THE DOT even NOT on my phone day (monday) bc apparently I had to be the constant phone back up person from 9-5 mon to fri...... when I was supposed to be out doing field work.... but due to their absolute fucking lack of organisation, I was always blamed for calls not being picked up from 9am til 9:10am everyday, bc I was always set up by 9;10 and NOT 9. but yeah, I'm paranoid that they've both talked about that in their referee calls, and the fact that I always wanted people to assign me work, instead of having the "initiative" to ask for it lmao.... when I've told these people in my interview that i absolutely have the initiative to find and ask for more work lmao and also "not bringing ~positive team vibes~ to work everyday.
anyway. just some thoughts. or maybe they're just accepting my disability worker check that I did yesterday and waiting for it to be processed the childrens guardian and the policr check in it as well, which takes 1-3 weeks.
jobhunting fucking sucks. but I've also heard back from the ATO (aussie tax office) that I've been given an interview for a level 2 worker in a call centre (I think). this one will be a bit more pay that this disability job (anywhere between $50,000 to $63,000 generally as per their guide on pay grade estimates) at the local office in my area. like, obvs, it's just a video interview, which means i don't have the job yet, but. decisions, decisions.
maybe I'll take this job instead.... even though the disability provider people have already given me a concession in bumping me up an entire pay grade, since they've waived the need for me to do the traineeship that was originally attached to my position since I had the experience and TOO MUCH study lol.
so they've moved me to admin assistant instead of trainee.... which means I'll hopefully be earning at least $50,000 instead of the $48,000 that a trainee does.
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Hey! Why (Defenestratte) here. Remembered you're keen on the John Oliver bits of the Horne Section TV Show, so wanted to send you this: https://www.chortle.co.uk/interviews/2022/10/24/51964/i%E2%80%99m_definitely_a_lot_odder_in_the_show_than_i_am_in_real_life
It's an interview with Alex Horne and does have a sneak peek on Mr Oliver's involvement in the show. Hope this is useful/fun for your interests!
Well shit. I am very interested in the mystery of why John Oliver is doing this show, and I have to love any mystery where every bit of information that shines light on the situation brings up more questions than answers. For example:
How did that work with John Oliver on the laptop calling in?
We had to be really clever with that, I had a day with him over Zoom and we had to record everything. We had to go through every script and lots of costume changes, we had to improvise quite a bit and then we had to fit round his bits in the room.
So, we had to pretend he was there, someone had to press play, that was really odd, but it worked. Hopefully I think when you’re watching it you presume that he’s actually there but he’s a man that doesn’t have much free time. He also nailed everything first time. We’re all so used to people being on Zoom now and you don’t really bat an eyelid, I think.
The main question this brings up is what is he going to be on the show? Before seeing this article, I assumed they'd come up with some reason for a fictionalized John Oliver to talk to the characters in the show over video chat, and that would be his role. Which I still think must be the case, because I'm not sure the alternative is technologically possible. This paragraph seems to suggest that the actor John Oliver filmed his parts over video call, but the character John Oliver will be physically in the room with them, like CGI. Which, as I said, I don't think can actually be done. But then why would the other actors have to pretend he's there? I guess what this means is just that it's hard to talk a screen that'll be playing pre-recorded footage, and pretend you're having a live conversation with the person on it. But it's worded in a way that implies they're all in front of green screens, pretending a tennis ball on a stick is John Oliver.
So that's an entirely new question for me, though it's one that will be answered as soon as the show starts on November 3rd. For the mystery I was wondering about before, of why he's there, this article offers: "It was quite a long process and I think now we’ve done it hopefully it’ll be easier in future, but we’ve got Big Zuu, Dr Ranj Singh, John Oliver who is in every episode and he’s enormous in America, he’s won a million Emmys! So that’s odd, he said yes straight away."
Thank you, Alex, that tells me nothing and leaves me more baffled than before. I am beginning to suspect that John Oliver agreed to do this just because he found my Tumblr blog, learned that someone has decided to become an historian on everything about his career that ties him to Britain, saw this person trying to put all the pieces together and find connections that make sense in an overall picture, and decided to fuck with me by doing the most inexplicable thing possible, that clashes with everything about his previous relationship with British media of any kind. That's my current working theory.
Anyway, thank you for the link, @defenestratte! I'd not seen this before, and I appreciate the baffling information. Really looking forward to November 3rd now, to see what this is about. Oh, and for anyone who wants to read the article without copy-pasting the URL, here's a link. It does contain a bunch of non-John-Oliver-related information about what the show is like, and to be honest some of it makes it sound less like the sort of thing I'll enjoy than the Guardian article from last week did. This article has a bit more focus on how it'll be a live music/variety show, which doesn't hugely appeal to me. I'm hoping the show will be more 30 Rock than TGS, you know? More Flight of the Conchords sitcom than just a filmed Flight of the Conchords gig. I mean I'd love to see a Flight of the Conchords concert, but I don't think that alone would make a good TV show.
Either way, I'm sure I'll enjoy the sitcom elements, and I do find Horne Section songs funny, and to be honest even if every other moment of it were shit I would still watch all six episodes just for the John Oliver mystery. Which I guess is the exact intention behind the move of attaching really famous guests to projects like this, and in this case it will 100% worked on me.
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amltdaily · 2 years
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I posted 47 times in 2022
21 posts created (45%)
26 posts reblogged (55%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 34 of my posts in 2022
Only 28% of my posts had no tags
#a million little things - 29 posts
#gaggie - 4 posts
#interview - 3 posts
#admin post - 2 posts
#dj nash - 2 posts
#season 3 - 1 post
#season 4 - 1 post
#allison miller - 1 post
#video - 1 post
#bts - 1 post
Longest Tag: 23 characters
#a million little things
My Top Posts in 2022:
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5 notes - Posted March 21, 2022
A Million Little Things‘ endgame is in sight.
TVLine has learned exclusively that the ABC drama’s creator, DJ Nash, is crafting the series’ upcoming fifth season as its last.
ABC is not commenting for this story, but we’re told the decision to bring the show to a creatively satisfying conclusion was made mutually between Nash, the network and ABC Signature/Kapital Entertainment. (Here’s a list of other TV series we suspect are heading into their final seasons.)
A Million Little Things‘ Season 5 renewal last May came down to the wire, despite the fact that the Season 4 finale ended with a doozy of a cliffhanger involving James Roday Rodriguez’ cancer-battling Gary.
“There’s no question we were a bubble show,” Nash acknowledged to TVLine at the time. “But everybody creatively at ABC was so supportive and wanted to see [a fifth season] happen. And we knew that if it didn’t happen, our fans would be like, “You can’t end a series like that!”
In Season 4, A Million Little Things averaged 4.1 million total weekly viewers and a 0.7 demo rating (with Live+7 playback) — down 20 and 30 percent from its Season 3 tallies. Out of the eight dramas ABC has aired last season, it ranked No. 6 in audience and tied for fifth in the demo. It did, though, enjoy the second-best DVR bump of any ABC series.
5 notes - Posted August 22, 2022
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6 notes - Posted February 7, 2022
Our time with the Friends of Jon is drawing to a close.
A Million Little Things will end with its upcoming Season 5 , ABC announced Monday, confirming TVLine’s exclusive report from August.
The final season will premiere on Wednesday, Feb. 8, at 10/9c.
“I know seeing this show end may be sad for many people (especially my mom who watches live every week), but I always knew I wanted to follow these friends for five seasons and leave them when the time was right,” series creator DJ Nash said via statement. “When we started making our show, I never could have imagined this incredible community of ‘Millionaires’ who would come together and not only watch, but also share with each other their personal struggles, their pain and ultimately their true grit. I am both honored and humbled by all of it and am so in awe of the incredible actors, writers, directors and crew who lend their talent to make our show.”
He continued: “I am also so grateful that ABC now makes mental health awareness one of the top issues for which it advocates. [Executive producer] Terrence [Coli] and I can’t wait for the Millionaires to watch what we have planned for our final season.”
In Season 4, which ended with a cliffhanger involving the health of James Roday Rodriguez’ Gary, A Million Little Things averaged 4.1 million total weekly viewers and a 0.7 demo rating (with Live+7 playback) — down 20 and 30 percent from its Season 3 totals. Out of the eight dramas ABC aired last season, it ranked No. 6 in audience and tied for fifth in the demo. It also had the second-best DVR bump of any ABC series. 
6 notes - Posted November 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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17 notes - Posted May 13, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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thehare1234 · 1 month
TV Roundup
In the last couple weeks a lot of shows ending, some good some not as good (or just not my favourites)…but right now so much diverse and interesting TV is on my screen so I can’t complain! Also Interview with the vampire coming to Netflix (yay!!!)
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Spoilers below:
QL Shows
🪨Century of Love (9-10)(end): wellll I’m glad we got a happy ending, the last three or so episodes of this definitely brought the drama lol…I loved fake Vad riding in on her motorcycle last minute, and I liked that we never found out who Vad actually was. All in allll, a satisfying enough ending, even if the end sort of dragged in my opinion compared to the rest. (8/10)
🦋My Marvellous Dream Is You (Ep 11-12)(end): alright alright I finally finished this show…and I have many thoughts. Overall I actually think this show was doing some interesting things and had interesting things to say about not only the fear and stress of being in love with your best friend and not being able to make the first move, but the added layer of being a woman in love with another woman when the rest of the world is loudly and silently telling you to marry a man to be happy. Kim’s moms dream for her was to have a wedding, and it seemed ideal because it was a decent (at first) wealthy man. So yeah there’s also a lot of ideas about comphet in here. Like I said, this show had a lot of interesting ideas and it didn’t shy away from the angst. If you don’t like angst and miscommunication it’s not for you…but the final confession scene to me was more satisfying because we had the build up. In my opinion, the last episode was sort of pointless? Like 3 mins was just a straight music video and Marwin becoming a cartoon villain…also they seriously underused the side couples which could have been a nice balance to the mess of the main couple… (7/10)
🏡Knock, Knock Boys (Ep 12)(end): wow, all the threads more or less tied together. Keeping the show silly and fun till the end. Jane has a girlfriend?!! I loved watching this show every week and honestly would rewatch it. Also the change in Peak this episode was so beautiful like he really just became a whole new person (9.25/10)
☀️I Hear The Sunspot (Ep 7-8): my fucking heart, I’m crying…hoping to settle this miscommunication and maya subplot next episode tbh because damn this is too much for me to handle my poor Taichi 😭okkkk episode 8 got them back to communicating, I loved Koheis relief when Taichi agreed to be his note taker and I like how their relationship is developing
✂️Ayaka is in love with Hiroko (Ep 7-8): mama plsss stop spilling the beans!!! I like that we got Hirokos backstory and I feel like her feelings are so valid! And like I get Ayaka is younger but I don’t get how she had no clue why Hiroko wouldn’t want to be out 😭 and her decision was to confess her love in front of the whole office??? WHY??? I don’t understand what is happening take me back to the good old days. Friendship moment is cute between Risa and Ayaka tho…ok this show continues to bring up being queer in the workplace and maybe some of the different thinking/dynamics with generations way of thinking but it just feels like it’s not fully hitting for me like something about the tone these last 2 eps feels very different from the rest of the show
🫛This Love Doesn’t Have Long Beans (Ep 6-7): ahh yesss a love triangle (or multiple love triangles?). This show is honestly kinda hilarious like I truly don’t know who they’re gonna deal with the Kluer problem, the lying reveal, the competition and the ex girlfriend in 2 episodes? Again this show to me is no thoughts head empty romcom and if I don’t think too hard I have fun. This does not apply to JJ and Methas tho…them I am genuinely obsessed with like listen I just love the dynamic of like JJ being the one thing he can’t buy with money and their pseudo date I just am a fan….and wow still a lot to get through in just one episode but I’m ready…the way he let Kao Suay down was a little wild like “I forced myself to like you…basically?” but honestly it maybe was needed…I’m still fully invested in JJ/Methas and I’m readdddy for Methas to show that he’s choosing him not his money
🕓4 Minutes (Ep 2-4): wellppp this show visually great and I just know I’m missing so many clues/details each episode but like I’m fully invested in the mystery/ timeline theories. I’m definitely with the Tonkla storyline being the real timeline and Greats storyline being the alternative timeline and them starting to merge
🐢Monster next door (Ep 1-4): ahhhhhh I love this show it’s just giving me romcom feels and just two people who really like each other like yea ok I’m in! I’m looking forward to learning more about Gods character and seeing what conflicts come between them and how they are able to work through them. For now they’re just really cute :) but damn GIVE THE TURTLE A BIGGER TANK
📺I became the main role of a BL drama (Ep 1-2): so far this show is lots of fun..:like the way it’s revealed he’s a Stan and the things that come from that is genuinely funny and I love how they’re still telling the story well with the limited runtime…overall I’m having fun
🥭The Loyal Pin (Ep 1-3): so far this show is deliveringgg on the visuals and the chemistry of course is great…I like we got to spend time with them as younger so we can see where they come from. Also princess Anin coming back and knowing exactly what she wants and being so forward is such a nice change like I really like the dynamic and damn she kinda has rizz…I’m glad to have these sort of lighter episodes before the angst I know is coming
🍜Cooking Crush (Ep 10-12)(end): welp I’m so glad I gave this another chance because I really found the story got better as time went on and more and more I loved these characters, the romance but also the friendship! And I liked all the different family dynamics at play that were explored. I just feel like I loved how all the couples in this show were there for each other and were able to be a support system for the other. And that they communicated how they felt. But yeah for me a slower start which ended in just such a happy feeling :) I also loveeee the intro song/dancing in every episode hehe (9.25/10)
👔The Trainee (Ep 7-8): welll damn it has truly gone down. First, Jane and Ryan omfg the tension…I liked seeing Jane start to make mistakes or have his professionalism break because of his feelings. For Judy/Tae/Bahmee I liked the convo Tae and Bahmee had at the end of the episode I thought it was actually a pretty good conversation and mature decision to break up and just realizing they were not right. To me Judy is still moving wild like how you gonna kiss your intern and not even seem to have any regrets??? I think probably her thoughts about it will be in future episodes because so far this show has shown how interpersonal conflicts are affecting the work and how there are consequences to these things…I’ll be interested to see how it plays out
🌊Love Sea (Ep 10)(end): listen the end of this show had some greats moments, I like their talks on the beach I liked how we got Mahasamut a little bit of a backbone (but a not so great tattoo imo, but do you). The Vi/Mook stuff was genuinely so frustrating to me like after a lacklustre romance with some interesting things to explore they choose to just, abandon it??? Anyways not a huge fan but it’s ok. Overall this show I just felt like it had some good some bad but I don’t feel strongly at all lol (7.5/10)
🤫The Secret Of Us (Ep 7-8)(end): another GL has come to an end and you know, the wedding was really cute, the whole last episode was cute. Then just being together and joking with each other was nice. The mom evil villain arc to accepting them because? Earn cried? I don’t really get but that’s ok…I wouldn’t say this show is amazing but it made me feel things and the actors were doing a great job even when the story (to me) wasn’t really making sense (7/10)
Other Shows
✍️I May Destroy You (Ep 9-12)(end): the last few episodes have just solidified this as an amazing show. It made me feel so much watching it and made me reflect so much on my own life and I loved how it portrayed each character as a whole human being who makes mistakes and the idea of Arabella at the end choosing to let go. The last episode really was just so well done…there’s so much to say and I loved reading other people’s interpretations and thoughts of this show because there’s so much you can get into. One thing I saw while reading was that the Ben character was supposed to be a sort of call back to the “black best friend” character trope by being like the random white guy who is just there to offer wisdom and doesn’t get a story of his own which I thought was so smart (10/10)
👯‍♀️Hello My Twenties (Ep 10-12): alright season 1 down! And what a journey…this show has a low budget and a lot of heart and I love the bond between all these girls being at the centre…even when almost all their lives are genuinely wild…I didn’t even mind the last minute kidnapping plot it just felt right for this story. I’m ready for season 2 lol… also this show is big for people who love yearners
🏥The Hospital Playlist (Ep 3): another show I was convinced to watch by my gf lol…and I enjoy it so far like I loveee a friend group and I love a slice of life slowly learning about everyone’s lives, etc. I felt so bad for Ik-Jun like finding out your wife cheated then having to go do an organ retrieval on your old patient 😭 but yeah all I can say is I’m excited to slowly work my way through this. But now I really wanna go to karaoke lol
🩲Old Man Underpants (Ep 6): this episode was focused on Mika for the most part. And was beautifully done…i loved the build up to the dinner and all the small moments that add up to her final « outburst » and I loved the end of buying the concert tickets and realizing how important it is to recognize the people in your life for what they do. I love how this show is giving a story for all the characters and just a really beautiful story of being not always being their best but realizing their mistakes and trying to do better.
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hotarutranslations · 2 months
I Did Narration~~
Thanks for your hard work today as well~~
I had a lot going on yesterday, I wanted to convey a lot, and I updated my blog late with all of it but, (thank you for reading it🫶🏻)
 ̗̀📣I have an announcement today~~
August 12th (Mon) 9:50~10:50AM Miyagi Work Variety Sugo! Job! Going Directly To An Amazing Job Site SP
I did narration for this🪽
Speaking of Sugo! Job!, Its aired many times already, on Sendai Broadcast,
Its a show that talks about the amazing things about companies in Miyagi👨🏻‍💻👩🏻‍💻
In past shows, Needle-san, Hamakaan-san, and the professor together, Recorded comments watching the VTR but,
Somehow with this recording, Hamakaan-san,
I'd like to do the interview myself..
Also further, this time, They went directly to the place SP✨
Hamakaan-san, And Needle-san went for the interview,
And Ishida narrated!
Thats the kind of SP that'll air~~
Giving my all for the narration was fun🐣
It was an experience! I'd like to do it again!
Tumblr media
Please definitely watch👨🏻‍💻👩🏻‍💻
On August 12th 2024 (MoN) 9:50~10:50AM
There is less than a week left till our new songs release but,
Just about 1 month after, the release day of the new songs, It'll be the start of our tour
The days are progressing, right.. Today was also a day of learning for me.. It was too cool..
Look forward..Everyone also look forward to it..
This whole time recently, The members have been promoting the new song all around, and we've been visiting radio and TV too, and also holding events🐣
A bit before, I also,
Had written,
If the time and timing are right!
..🫣🫣 ..Its like it didn't fit🫣🫣 ..I didn't think it would too🫣🫣 ..🫣🫣
Tomorrow! Thank you very much for another Limsta tomorrow!
With Mei--🖤🤍
Uwa! IF I DON'T FORGET I'll bring a Panda-san
Graduation Announcement Blog🐣🪽
Hello! Station #531 I also talk about my graduation in this video
📺Hello Pro Dance Every other Thursday at 11:30PM~
📺Sendai Broadcast "Ara Ara Kashiko" Ishida Ayumi Goes~! I appear once a month as part of the AraKashi Family
The previous shows, and makings, are on OX VIDEO STORE!
📺Otoboke POPS
TokyoMX August 17th (Sat) 9:30~10:00PM Ishida, Sakurai, Yumigeta are appearing
Thank you for following.. Instagram💙🩵
💿 August 14th new single✨ "Nandaka Sentimental na Toki no Uta/saiKIYOU"
̗̀📣Cheki Sign Talk Meet Announcement
🪩Hello! Project 2024 Summer ALL OF US "Vega" "Altair" From July 13th~September 1st Traveling To 7 Cities Nationwide All Hello! Project groups are performing🔥
🪩"Morning Musume '24 Concert Tour Autumn WE CAN DANCE!"
Its Ishida Ayumi's last tour💙 I'm looking forward to seeing you
→Tickets are on general sale
📚July 20th Release "non-no September" special issues cover is, Morning Musume '24
Releasing on July 23rd
"Up To Boy vol.341" September Issue I will be on the 7net limited cover page
📻Morning Musume '24 Morning Jogakuin ~Houkago Meeting~
Airs Every Saturday, On Radio Nihon at 12:00AM~
Past Broadcast Episodes Are Available →Program Details
I visited as a guest🪽 "Sayashi Riho and The Time From Now On" presented by Meiji Bulgarian Yogurt
see you ayumin <3 https://ameblo.jp/morningmusume-10ki/entry-12862967915.html
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