#also Remus being James's queer awakening
bimoonphases · 3 months
@wolfstarmicrofic March 14 – prompt 14: Polyjuice Potion – word count 700
Polyjuice Potion - Temporarily transforms the drinker into another person
Remus looked up from his book as Sirius and James stumbled in from the portrait hole. It wasn’t unusual for those two to disappear somewhere together, but the fact that Sirius’s shirt and trousers were baggier than what he usually wore and, conversely, James’s were very tight was.
“Did you two finally shag and put each other’s clothes back on by mistake?” Lily piped up from the carpet where Peter was absolutely destroying her at chess.
“You wish, Evans,” Sirius said.
“Admit it, you can’t take your eyes off me like this,” James added, pirouetting to show the way his trousers were clinging to his skin.
Remus frowned. Something wasn’t right.
“There’s something weird about you two,” Mary voiced his thoughts from the armchair where she was braiding Marlene’s hair. “I mean, weirder than usual.”
James winked while Sirius passed a hand through his hair and suddenly it clicked.
“No!” Peter exclaimed, apparently having come to Remus’s same conclusion.
He got up and walked over to their friends, looking at them closely.
“You didn’t!” he stepped back, eyes wide.
“Did what, exactly?” Marlene asked.
“These two went and drank Polyjuice Potion!” Peter said. “How did you do it?”
“Slughorn’s personal stash,” James and Sirius chorused.
“Wait, so you,” Mary pointed at James, “are really Sirius?”
“Correct,” ‘James’ bowed.
“And you are actually James?” Lily pointed at Sirius.
“You know it, Evans,” ‘Sirius’ smiled.
Remus got up from the couch, eyes fixed on his friends. And then it clicked again.
“For how long will it last?” he asked.
“No clue,” ‘James’ smirked.
“We might be back to ourselves by tomorrow, or we might not,” ‘Sirius’ shrugged.
“But why did-“ Remus started before pinching the bridge of his nose. “No, you know what? Don’t tell me. I’m going to bed. Pete, you coming?”
It didn’t take long for the other two to follow them into the dorm, but it was enough. Peter closed his curtains with a yawn and Remus settled in bed as he peeked at ‘Sirius’ flop down on James’s bed while ‘James’ climbed into Sirius’s before turning the lights out with a flick of his wand. Remus waited a couple of minutes then he got up and tiptoed to Sirius’s bed, silently parting the curtains.
“Pads?” he called softly.
“Moony?” James’s voice hesitated.
Remus settled on the mattress, searching for Sirius’s hand and ending up taking one of James’s calloused hands in his.
“It was fun?”
“If you say so. But it’s weird for me, talking to you and hearing James’s voice instead…” Remus reached up and let his fingers wander on the other’s mouth, ignoring the strangled sound which came from it. He got closer. “Or feeling James’s lips…”
The kiss lasted a couple of seconds before three things happened all at once. ‘James’ jolted back from Remus with so much force he fell of the bed.
“PRONGS, DON’T YOU DARE KISS MY BOYFRIEND!” came from James’s bed.
“LUMOS MAXIMA!” Peter shouted from his.
Remus blinked against the light, taking in James sprawled on the floor, Sirius wide-eyed by James’s bed and Peter, wand in hand, smirking from his.
“You really thought you could play us?” Peter said. “Make your two best friends believe you had swapped bodies?”
“It was worth a try,” James grumbled.
“Not so sure,” Sirius said, eyes fixed on Remus.
“Boyfriend, eh?” Remus smiled.
“I mean…” Sirius blushed. “If you’d like?”
Remus shook his head, laughing.
“I’d love to, you idiot.”
Sirius crossed the room and jumped on the bed, kissing Remus fiercely.
“Fucking finally,” Remus heard Peter say.
“You knew?!” James exclaimed.
“Of course I knew, Prongs, I’ve got eyes.”
Remus laughed again in Sirius’s kiss and they let go of each other, both smiling.
“Well, I learned two new things today, then,” James said, getting up from the floor.
“One is Pads and Moony because you’re oblivious, but what’s the other one?” Peter asked.
James looked at Remus and immediately looked away, blushing.
“Apparently, I’m not straight,” he said.
“Prongs, what the hell?” Sirius groaned as Remus and Peter burst out laughing.
“And that’s what you get for playing your friends for fools,” Remus smirked, pecking his boyfriend on the cheek.
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dakogutin · 3 years
harry coming out ft. romione, wolfstar and jily 
firstly it’s #everybody lives au bcs @dzaddyjamespotter is a slut for that and this idea is a birthed by our collective braincell. also theres no peter bcs i cba about his characterisation lol sorry
it’s harry’s third year and he had his sexual awakening when cedric diggory obliterated his ass at quidditch
professor rj lupin is very observant (esp to his godson) and will notice harry’s not-so subtle heart eyes for cedric
writes this to sirius but asks him to keep quiet about it and wait for harry to open up about it first
sirius will be over the moon (lol) and will be very excited about it. he will push remus to spy on harry and see if his godson had plans to pursue cedric but remus will ofc remind sirius that he is a professor and harry’s uncle and therefore it will be highly unethical and invasive (tho he was tempted for a while)
harry first comes out to ron and hermione 
hermione, being the sole owner of braincells among them, is more than interested to talk about sexuality to harry but it gets to the point where harry gets overwhelmed bcs “geez hermione, i’m just saying i fancy cedric. i dont plan to see another bloke’s prick any time soon!” “i know, harrold, and im just saying it’s important to know......”
ron will be silent like he’s analyzing the implications of harry being queer. then, “you… want to kiss me?” “bRO, NO! i want to kiss cedric! ....oh sht” “BROOO YOU WANT TO KISS CEDRIC DIGGORY THE HUFFLEPUFF SEEKER--”
ron will keep asking harry if harry was attracted to him even at least at one point
 so then came christmas break in their fourth year and harry feels it’s the perfect time to let his parents and godparents know 
as soon as they all get together, sirius will be very smiley and will hug harry a lot
“harry,you know you can tell me anything, right? im always ready to listen to you and you know there might be a lot more things that moony and i understand much much better than your parents.”
“what” ---harry
“sirius...” --remus
“what? i just want you to keep that in mind. and remember, prongslet, no matter what happens and whatever doubts you might have, we will always support you.” :’>
harry will just be confused  
throughout christmas dinner sirius gives him the same watery smile and next to him, remus is also grinning
when harry finally says it out front, sirius immediately shoots fireworks and sparks out of his wand and shouts about how proud he is of harry
harry is touched but also hmmm “how long have you known?”
sirius goes and i oop. and looks at remus 
remus still has a huge grin but avoids sirius’ eyes. “I really am proud of you harry....”
lily has an identical smile with remus and she hugs harry also saying shes very happy for her son
so harry also asks her how long she’s known
lily will goodnaturedly tell an embarrassing story of harry showing signs early on “also im your mother.” ;))
“so...” james will say, “only i… received this pleasant surprise as a… surprise?” :,D
“well, that wouldn’t be the first time, love.”
they will laugh and harry will feel LOVED. BCS HE IS LOVED BY THEM SO DAMN MUCH
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maraudorable · 3 years
hiii! okay I'm going slightly crazy with Lily sapphic 80s awakening (IDK how else to call this - 'WLW Lily HC'?), would you mind sharing with us a few Head Canons about her?? I want to know about her girlfriend and her participation in marches and and AHH everything TBH :O
Hi, hello! Okay, here’s the problem: I don’t have coherent headcanons about anything, it all just lives in my head in vague shapes and images and textures and colours, haha. What you’re going to read below is literally the first time I’m trying to put this headcanon into actual words.
Basically, it goes like this: Lily and James amicably split up when Harry is about two years old. Lily and Harry move to London - don’t worry, magic still exists, so he gets to see both of his parents all the time - and, being who she is and from a working-class family (going off of Petunia’s character here, plus Cokeworth, the name of their hometown, sounds like an industrial town’s name), gets involved in strikes, marches, all kinds of campaigns.
During one such campaign, she meets a girl - a photographer, also a young transplant from an industrial town, who came to London, passionate about the current events, to photograph history happening. They strike up a friendship and spend a lot of time together, helping each other navigate life in a big expensive city (her new friend babysits Harry, for example, when James or Remus or Sirius can’t), having discussions, sharing ideas, dreaming about a better future. The other girl is openly queer, so they go together to Pride too, where they kiss for the first time in the spur of the moment. After, they start dating. They make it a tradition to come back to every Pride and kiss in front of angry homophobic spectators to prove a point because they’re also angry and determined and full of life.
Eventually, Lily’s girlfriend’s photography and activism take her to Berlin, where she takes part in the events leading up to the Fall of the Berlin Wall, while Lily, not willing to take Harry so far away from his dad and uncles, stays in London, thus ending their relationship. It’s not sad, though. They had a lot of great moments together. They continue exchanging letters and phone calls well into their old age.
Also, though I’m a big dorlene shipper, I think her first kiss was with Marlene, which was what made Lily realise once and for all that she was into girls as well.
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byesexualsatan · 3 years
i feel like you get to know people better when you know what they ship so... here’s a list of my past & current ships ?? im bored, can u tell?
also if u know me, ignore this ty 
mike wheeler and eleven/jane hopper from stranger things
otp in late 2017
personal hcs: they’re queer/bi. 
eleven def uses they/them pronouns
tbh i prefer byler and elmax now
background ships i like: joyce/hopper, jonathan/nancy... steve being bi and robin being the iconic lesbian that she is
DAMONA aka simonte
... simona and dante from the argentinian series simona
LMAO this one is from when i thought i was straight
otp in 2018
uhh bi dante and pan simona bc why not
literally forgot they existed until now
please don’t bully me
i truly thought i was straight
background ships: marisiena, junior/ailín
i was one of THE FOUNDERS of this ship istg... i was THERE when we were deciding the ship name (i voted for simonte but damona won smh)
SIMBAR aka bi awakening 
simón and ambar from the disney tv show soy luna 
yeah... sorry
otp in mid 2018
they’re gay!!! 
bi she/they punk ambar yesyesyes
totally forgot about them but they’re sexc af
so glad they were endgame
background ships: idk but luna is pan 
STEVEBUCKY aka stucky aka the end of the line
so... steve rogers (captain america) and bucky barnes (the winter soldier) 
otp in late 2018/early 2019? 
personal hcs: trans steve, bi bucky 
favourite fanfic trope: found family, high school smau
fuck endgame, all my homies hate endgame
background ships i like: thorbruce, scotthope, nat/sharon
im with u til the end of the line, pal :c
PERALTIAGO aka jamy 
jake peralta and amy santiago from brooklyn nine nine
started shipping them in 2018/2019 (i have no idea)
personal hcs: bi jake
favourite fanfic trope: casefics, pretend marriage 
background ships i like: gina and rosa, holt and kevin
PETERMJ aka spideychelle
peter parker (spider-man) and michelle mj jones !!1! from the mcu
otp in 2019
personal hcs: they’re both bi, mj is demisexual too
he/they & she/they solidarity
... trans/demiboy peter and demigirl mj🥺 
fav fanfic trope: school trip to stark tower, meeting the parents/avengers, smau 
obviously let’s ignore infinity war and endgame
background ships i like: ironstrange, pepperony, shuri/any woman
THORBRUCE aka gammahammer aka gays in space
thor odinson and bruce banner (hulk) from the mcu
started shipping them in 2019
personal hcs: thor also likes women
they both use they/them and neopronouns too 
fav fanfic trope: university au, smau, no civil war, no infinity war
this one is from my stan twitter era
background ships: stucky, tony/strange, nat/sharon, scotthope
CARMUEL aka spanish sexiest couple
carla rosón and samuel garcía from élite
otp in late 2019
...they’re bi. bc yes. and he/they samuel. 
she/vers carla sounds very sexc to me
i ‘shipped’ them in s1 simply bc they were both very hot and when it became canon in s2 i SCREAMED
deserved so much better.
INEFFABLE HUSBANDS aka i almost forgot about this one, sorry
crowley and aziraphale from good omens
uhh started shipping them in 2019/2020 ?
bi genderfluid crowley, non-binary aziraphale
idk they’re being anyways
fav trope: raising children!! confusing ppl bc crowley is sometimes a snake!!
background ships: uhh anathema & newton ig?
WOLFSTAR aka the one true way (and... puppies, too??)
sirius black and remus lupin from the harry potter saga
otp since 2020 (thank u, @aretheygayvideos​)
personal hcs: he/they gay sirius, he/they bi remus 
also love nonbinary remus and genderqueer sirius
fav fanfic trope: getting together !!!! FLUFF!!!!
background ships i like: jegulus, regulus/barty jr, dorlene, jily
VILLANEVE aka murdering wlw
villanelle and eve polastri from killing eve
s.s.t in 2020
she/they bisexual villanelle and pansexual eve
fav fanfic trope: flower/coffee shop :)
ty tumblr for spaming my dashboard when s3 came out bc that forced me to watch it to understand all the posts
sandra oh is the love of my life
ANDERPERRY aka this one is for the depressed dark academia folk
neil perry and todd anderson from dead poets society 
started shipping them in 2020
personal hcs: nonbinary neil, trans todd, both gay/androsexual
demiboy/nonbinary todd has a special place in my heart
fav fanfic trope: ALIVE!NEIL, roommates
background ships i like: charlie/knox, meeks/pitts
ZUKKA aka my favourite blue/red gays
sokka and zuko from avatar the last airbender < 3
started shipping them in 2020
personal hcs: gay zuko, genderfluid and bisexual sokka
sokka has adhd !! zuko is autistic !
favourite fanfic trope: fake dating
background ships i like: suki/yue*, ty lee/azula/mai, kataang
* please go check out s4pphos’ ig edit of them 
CASMUND aka royal pirate gays !!
caspian x and edmund pevensie from the chronicles of narnia
started shipping them in dec. 2020
personal hcs: bi caspian, mlm edmund 
love bisexual and nonbinary edmund too bc 👉projecting👈
fav fanfic trope: just. the plot of the movies but gay.
background ships: the dawn treader (ha-ha, get it? bc ship? im so funny)
tbh i don’t REALLY ship them that hard i just hate caspian/susan lmao
(susan is a lesbian)
BELLARKE aka m/f sexual tension™
bellamy blake and clarke griffin from the 100
started shipping them in 2021
personal hcs: she/they/xe bi clarke, he/ze omni bellamy
favourite fanfic trope: single parent bellamy, modern au (college, roommates)
i saw 2 seasons with my mom and then moved so,,, fuck i gotta finish it
the “i don’t really ship them but if they’re together it’s better”
ty lee and mai
john watson and sherlock holmes
suki and yue
regulus black and james potter
azula and katara
regulus black and barty crouch jr
bugs bunny and daffy duck
emma and mr knightley
carol danvers and maria rambeau 
valkyrie and carol danvers
natasha romanoff and sharon carter
sam wilson and bucky barnes !!! (post endgame)
charlie “nuwanda” dalton and knox overstreet
dorcas meadowes and marlene mckinnon
azula, ty lee and mai
klaus hargreeves and dave
paul coates and alec hardy
cassie and maddy
jules and rue 
rue and lexi
fleabag and the hot priest
. . . more to add, probably
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e-of-west-glendia · 4 years
Wishful Thinking
(Here are Part 2 & Part 3)
He found Remus in the library— the only other place he’d be at this time of night aside from the Astronomy Tower. He was leaned back against one of the shelves, his back to Sirius.
Any other person wouldn’t have heard Sirius quietly padding his way across the library floor, but Remus wasn’t any other person, so he looked up. A small smile stretched across his face, the echoes of the recent full moon still etched in deep lines and pale skin on his face.
“Hey,” Remus said.
Sirius plopped down beside him, folding his legs and pressing his shoulder into Remus’.
Remus raised an eyebrow at him, curiosity lighting up his face. “What are you doing up?”
Sirius snorted, that was a funny question. He was awake at night more often than not. Whether it be nightmares or insomnia or just not wanting to sleep in general.
“Oh, y’know, the usual. Just destroying my healthy sleep schedule and knowing I’ll regret it tomorrow.”
Remus laughed knowingly. “As if you had a healthy sleep schedule to begin with.”
Sirius returned Remus’ laugh. “That is very true.”
Remus smiled again, tilting his head back against the bookshelf and shutting his eyes. Sirius watched him, the steady rise and fall of his breathing, and the way he fidgeted with his hands absentmindedly. He looked tired—he was tired. The aches and pains of being broken apart and put back together again still evident, every moment accompanied with the soft pop of sore joints. Fresh scars twisting up his ankle and disappearing under his sleeves— silver lines that told a story of survival and drew a map of pain. Sirius couldn’t help glaring at the small sliver of moon in the dark sky. Silently cursing it for bringing the boy next to him so much pain. How could something so untouchable and far away do so much damage so close to home?
“So why are you down here,” Sirius asked, finally.
Remus shrugged , not missing Sirius’ wince at the firecracker like noise that danced down his spine as he did.
“Just thinking.”
“‘Bout what?”
“Nothing important.”
Sirius frowned, shifting so that he was facing Remus. “Must be if you’re sitting down here after curfew alone.”
Remus chuckled lightly, he can’t argue with that logic. He opens his eyes again, Sirius is peering curiously at him, waiting for an answer.
Sighing, Remus said, “When did you know?”
“Know what?”
“That you were into guys.”
Sirius’ blinks at him, breathing thrown momentarily off kilter and pinched. It wasn’t that the question bothered him, he just...didn’t expect it. Especially not from Remus.
He cleared his throat, shaking whatever surprise that he’d been hit with off.
“I dunno, Re. Maybe the first time I kissed a bloke?”
Remus rolls his eyes at him. “Hilarious.”
Sirius shrugs. “I don’t know what else you want me to say.”
Now, Remus shrugs. “Well there had to be some particular moment.”
There wasn’t any specific time he’d realized it, just small moments— pockets in the folds of time. It had to have been third year when he’d started noticing it. Sunny days at the lake with the Marauders, standing speechless as light bounced off of tawny curls, turning them golden brown. Hours in the library bubbling with laughter and stealing his breath as green eyes crinkled with amusement. Midnight at the top of the astronomy tower, twilight on the roof. Watching as hues of silver and flashes of deep orange and bruising purples, cast a warm glow over the boy next to him. All of those memories filled with dozens upon dozens of thoughts of the same tall, brown-haired and green-eyed boy. Of Remus Lupin. The line between friendship and love blurring into nothing as one year bled into the next. But he wasn’t going to say that— he couldn’t say that.
Instead he poked through his mind, searching for something else to say and settling on, “Third year. When I was dating Marlene. I guess that’s when I had my ‘gay-awakening’. We both did, really. Something just wasn’t clicking.”
Remus hummed in agreement. “I could’ve told you that.”
“Oh shut up,” Sirius grumbled, aiming a light kick at Remus’ shins.
Remus snickers and jerks his leg back, grinning at him.
“Why do you ask?”
Remus’ grin dropped and he shrugged passively. “Just wondering if your experience was different from mine.”
Sirius truly counted himself lucky that he wasn’t drinking water or some other liquid. He’d have spat it all over Remus if he was. Remus liked guys? Sirius had to tamp down the rush of excitement that soared through him. Telling himself not to get his hopes up and reminding himself of what happened when he did. Nothing ever went in his favor when he wanted it to. Why should now be any different?
Sirius must’ve looked more shocked than he thought because Remus laughed again. “I probably should’ve given you more warning, huh? I guess I wasn’t expecting to come out tonight.”
Sirius swallows thickly, trying— and failing— to discreetly school his features into something calmer, cooler, something more on par with his usual persona.
“So you’re—?”
“Bisexual.” Remus finished. “I think. Still kinda figuring that one out.”
Sirius resisted the urge to let loose a slightly hysterical laugh. God, who cares if Remus wasn’t completely sure! So long as he wasn’t straight that’s all he needed to hear.
“How did—how did you figure it out? Your realization that you are also in the Queer Club, I mean.”
Remus laughed a bit at that, shrugging a bit and then instantly wincing afterwards. He really needed to stop shrugging. It was like his go to answer for everything. Especially since he actually did know.
“There’s this guy…” Remus trialed off as Sirius scooter forward.
“Do continue,” Sirius said, quirking a slightly suggestive eyebrow at him.
“Nothing happened,” Remus started. “Nothing probably will happen either. It’s just a silly crush.”
Sirius didn’t relent. “Tell me about him.”
Remus took a deep breath, casting a wary glance at his friend before continuing.
“He’s...amazing. He has this way of making me feel like everything is going to be alright, y’know? And he’s just sweet, and smart, and hell he’s really gorgeous, too. Just everything about him is—I can’t really explain it but—“
“He makes the whole world seem brighter when he’s around. Makes it seem like all the bad around you won’t ever come,” Sirius said.
“Exactly,” Remus said nodding. He’d said it perfectly.
“Yeah, I know the feeling,” Sirius said, swallowing back the pang of jealousy he felt. Definitely not me, then.
Remus watched Sirius. The way he momentarily tensed, biting his lip, as if he wanted to say something else. A slightly pained look flashing across his grey eyes. Then he relaxed, features melting back into the usual carefree calm of Sirius Black. The change was so quick Remus wondered if he had imagined it.
“He sounds great, Re.”
“Yeah,” Remus said, averting his eyes to the ceiling. “He is.”
“I’m sure he sees you the same way.”
Remus laughed, wistful and slightly bitter. “No. No I don’t think he does.”
Sirius ran a hand through his hair, heart clenching slightly at the forlorn look on Remus’ face. “Well then he’s an idiot,” he said quietly.
“What?” Remus looked back down at him.
“Nothing. Just coughed.”
From somewhere deep inside the library the large grandfather clock signified the change in hour. The low rumble of its chimes coursing through them from where they sat. Remus glanced over to one of the smaller clocks pinned up to the wall, sucking in a breath as he caught the time. It’s well past three in the morning, the clock ticking away towards four. Remus stands, extending a hand towards Sirius.
“We best get going. I’d rather not catch a detention from Flich or that dreadful cat of his.”
Sirius nods, accepting the hand Remus puts out and letting himself be pulled to his feet. Holding onto Remus’ hand just a fraction of a second too long before pulling away.
“Yeah, James’ll be pissed if I get ahead of him on detentions. We’re tired right now.”
Remus rolled his eyes. Only James and Sirius would make a bet to see who could get the most detentions. He starts off towards the door, pausing when he doesn’t feel Sirius’ presence behind him.
“You coming?”
Sirius was still standing amongst the shelves, staring at Remus as he paused underneath the window. The light of the moon illuminating every scar and making his eyelids cast long shadows across his face. Merlin, he really was beautiful.
Sirius caught up to Remus, praying to some unseen god that maybe, just maybe Remus would like him back. Sirius sighed, laughing internally at himself, because deep down he knew that that was really just wishful thinking.
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