#also as we know without treats i will surely perish
rubenesque-as-fuck · 1 year
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I have procured myself several Fancy Little Treats to enjoy over the weekend, because I Deserve It 😊
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adracat · 1 year
GWitch 21 thoughts
A bit of a transitional episode for the most part though it does escalate some things quite a bit. Always a fun ride on GWitch's coaster of madness and mechs!
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First on the docket, Asticassia's aftermath. They really treat you to the scope of its devastation and the students having to wait it out. Bit odd imo they make the students camp there but I guess their parents are likely scattered anyway considering the state of Benerit.
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Also was it just me or did y'all instinctively look for Loss in this image? Nicely organized camp at least.
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Omg I might cry. Precious Suletta has decided to take it upon herself to care for the students. rescuing them in multiple ways I see. For me, it drives home the message that human connection and community are more important than destructive forces clashing. Empathy over games of war or corporate power struggles. It's also nice that Secilia* (edit: had a brain lapse lol) questions her reasons for altruism.
Because she can so she will 🥺
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We finally see how Mio is faring and it's not great! She's taken on the guilt of Prospera's induced bloodshed along with Shaddiq's. Guel tries to reassure her but Mio is firm. This is her fault. Ngl, Guel, you're partly to blame for the school. No offense. It hurts to see Mio take on other people's wrongdoing, but that's a martyr for you
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Her talk with Shaddiq was interesting for a variety of reasons, but what stood out to me was their mutual resignation. They're both so tired. Shaddiq admitting he escalated because of Guel and Mio is insane tbh. She calls him an idiot, but it lacks her usual fire. I do like that he tries to protect Sabina and the gang; really speaks to the fact he's more complex than a mustache twirling villain.
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OMG Chuchu giving these two tomatoes instead of punches like before was amazing. The growth! The compassion! Ugh it was so good. As was the reveal that Suletta has been stockpiling the tomatoes. Mio might not know it, but she and by extension her mother aided these wounded kids. And Suletta musing on Mio fondly? Peak
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After surviving the hell room, I can't blame her for reassessing her life and priorities. Sad she lost her dream but it was tainted by Shaddiq so I understand her reasoning. She'll earn her way back fairly, though it might not be any time soon once she submits herself to the authorities.
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I wasn't surprised by this. Peil's horse in the presidency war lost, so might as well turncoat. They're opportunists at heart. The pure SALT though! It was the worst kind of news for everyone else at Benerit, including Mio. Forcible suppression are not words you want to hear
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It's awful of me but this screenshot made me laugh. Something about her slumped forward and mouth open, just dead to everything around her. I'm sorry Mio, I'm sad for you still. She's having a hell of a month.
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Sarius, surprisingly, is willing to take the fall and allow Grassley to bear the consequences. But Mio won't allow it. She can't accept anyone bearing 'her' sins. She's fully become the rose bride, enduring humanity's hatred willingly. There's also a bit of subtext here as she alludes to sacrificing Suletta. She won't do that again, no matter who it is.
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YO OKAY! Suletta while being questioned by Bel and Guston, drops her clone origins super casually. No spite or outward grief either. Just yeah, Mom won't care what I say because she only loves Eri. That's rough buddy.
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Surprise! The SAL confiscated a never before seen or mentioned Gundam from Vanadis. And it just so happens to be a monstrous one without a permet filter I'll admit, very confusing for me at first watch. I couldn't figure out why they sprung this without any foreshadowing, but after days I have an inkling.
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I'll be frank. I'm not sure why I like Belmeria. She's super pathetic. Just an absolute failure at life with the mental fortitude of toilet paper. But she's pitiable, clearly grieving, and guilty she did not perish at Folkvangr. Has done terrible things as 5lan would attest, but she's still weirdly likable. Like an aunt who everyone hates at family reunions but they're nice to you and make good cookies. Maybe it's just me
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Aaaand the suppression of Benerit was swiftly canceled. Lol. QZ can't be stopped now that Prospera has assumed direct control and destroyed every threat to her daughter's eternity.
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I did note QZ looks blatantly like a coffin, which considering the Utena parallel has interesting implications. Read this post here to see my musings. It's not a dire thing imo.
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Did a huge number on Mio's psyche unfortunately, which I think is the true tragedy. Red shirts got nothing on babygirl. Gotta double down on those swords piercing her with guilt and misplaced hatred. I'm marveling at what they're doing with the Utena intertextuality even as I bleed for Mio's state of mind. She's so fragile now
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Yay Chuchu and gang are coming along to fetch Calibarn! Wait, that might be bad. Oh well, Earth House has been crazy lucky so far. Hopefully it'll hold. I will actually lose it if any of them die.
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And we have 5lan suddenly deciding to go. I have some thoughts about why, which I've discussed in another post, but for now let's assume he's telling the truth and only wants to leave. He's an interesting character and bounces well off any cast member so it's cool with me. I enjoyed him going out of his way to apologize for harrassing Suletta.
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Lauda Lauda Lauda... don't you know anyone who threatens Mio gets Suletta slapped. It's happened three times now and two of them were fatal. He's just gonna get someone killed, and it won't be Mio. I know we see him staring at Schwarzette but I don't think he would need to or have the ability to pilot it. Mio isn't a pilot, so I suspect he'll attack her with more practical means. Could be wrong ofc! This show loves twists and curveballs.
I am eager to see what the rest of this cour has in store for us!
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Hey there, i just read a shard of ice and its really good! Also your love for the witcher series <3 Do you think Vergil would do what Geralt does with his last wish from the djinn? Where he binds his and yen's fate together? Thank you!^^
Helloooo! Oh I'm so glad you enjoyed that one, it was really personal to me ^^
And YES, I love The Witcher!! I have to go back reading the books - Yen and Geralt's relationship is one of my favourites even if it isn't perfect. I'd argue it's precisely because it isn't perfect.
Plus, I love Geralt's adventures as a witcher around the world. It's always a treat to read ❤
Now, regarding your ask about Vergil... ABSOLUTELY. He's a dramatic storm that is approaching, 10/10 would do that.
But let's dive into it!
For those who don't know, in the first book of The Witcher series, The Last Wish, our dear Geralt de Rivia falls for Yennefer and, as she is about to be killed by a djinn who is very much pissed at her (long story), Geralt has a last wish to be fullfilled by said djinn. He ties his fate to Yen's and thus the djinn cannot kill her - saving her in the proccess. She thinks he is out of his mind because she sees what he just did as a way to doom himself, but he doesn't care. Of course, Yen falls for him but she's too proud and prizes her freedom too much to officially tie herself to Geralt.
Like I said, they are complicated and less than perfect. It's wonderful ❤
Now to our beloved Vergil.
He would NEVER do it to a loved one if there were other alternatives to save their life. BUT, if that was the ONLY choice, he would.
Since the whole last wish thing is with Yen, not Ciri, I'm going to take a look at Vergil's relationship with a romantic partner ;)
Of two things we are certain about him: Vergil can survive virtually anything and drag his body through the most adverse of situations by sheer will; and he is traumatized and afraid to lose those he loves/being unable to protect them.
If by any chance he and his s/o ever found themselves on a situation where the only solution is to tie his s/o fate to his for them to survive, Vergil would do it without flinching.
After all, he spent his whole life in a mindless quest for power to be able to protect himself - and others, even if he tries to deny it with all his might. He is indeed powerful and able to protect himself against the most vicious of foes - he can't say the same about his s/o. So, if his s/o's fate is tied to his, it won't be by his death that they will perish. It will never be by his death.
Of course, does he take into consideration the heartache that such a powerful bond can create? Like our dearest Geralt, no. Vergil is cold and calculating, sure, but he has a short temper streak just like his brother. The only difference is that, unlike Dante, Vergil doesn't go all out screaming and going in a volcano flaming demon frenzy - he glares and goes in an ice cold demon frenzy. But they are both short tempered, no one can change my mind on that one xD
Vergil can and will use logic and calculate everything. He will be cautious, observing and swift when dooming his enemies. But, if you take him by his heart, you'll have controlled-by-emotions Vergil. He doesn't really know how to deal with those, so they are mostly dreanched in anger, hurt, trauma, melancholy and protection instinct. His logic is out of question, the only thing left is a tunnel focus on being powerful to protect the one thing that can break his glass-fragile heart once more.
He can't afford to lose the very few things he has. He is 100% emotion driven, he does whatever he must (you know, like the whole DMC 5 ordeal to friggin' survive). When he's back at himself again, their fates are already tied.
And honestly? That can be his death sentence - it can shatter his heart, tear his soul apart, cause him grief and mourning in the long run... But he doesn't regret it. He never will.
It might end like Yen and Geralt in the books, or Yen and Geralt in the games. Either way, he would consider himself lucky to, after everything he did and lived through, love and be loved in such an intense way, be its end bitter or sweet.
Gods, I LOVED your question. HAHAHA thank you for sending it! It was surely a lovely thing to think about! I hope you have a great week ❤
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soddinghelp-blog · 1 year
Brands of War Crimes
"It's the war to end all wars. Nothing like this has been seen before or since and it's not just people who will die"
You're a volunteer nurse near the front lines with a strange patient in your care who has an even stranger brother.
When a letter turns up from an old friend, you have to make a choice to make.
Canda x reader
Chapter one 
The boy in the bed lay so still that anyone would like he was dead. However, you knew he wasn’t dead. He was only one who was still alive. You strode through the church-turned- emergency -hospital, towards his bed where he was tucked away in one of the lesser used cloisters. On the table next to his bed were various glass bottles of medication. The boy wore a heavy linin bandage over his eyes. It was the same colour as the shirt he wore. You reached out to wake your patient, but Mathew always seemed to be awake before you got there. Without asking he opened his mouth for you. He always seemed to know what you wanted without ever asking.
You peered into his mouth and visibly cringed, it took all of your effort to not recoil and cringe away at the sight of the white hardened blisters that lined his cheeks, tongue, roof of his mouth and how the disappeared down the back of his throat and most likely into his lungs. You had treated other soldiers in this ward with the same painful blistering, all of which had perished. Luckily you had ripped off his gas-soaked heavy brown woolen uniform when he arrived at the hospital before blisters could appear on the rest of his body. Unfortunately holding the garments caused white blisters to bloom all over your palms, which you had gotten bandaged up.
“I don’t know how you haven’t died yet” You muttered.
“I wish I could die” he murmured very softly.
You must have misheard him.
“Can I feel your face?” he asked very softly. You stumbled for half a heartbeat before saying
“I need to change your bandage” You noted in that moment how long his dirty blonde hair had gotten in the past few weeks he had been here.  
You reached out your hands, touching the fabric that was soaked in sodium hypochlorite the same stuff your own bandages were soaked in.
His cold fingers brushed against your wrists. “Please?” this time you paused for more than half a heartbeat before wordlessly guided his hands up to your face. Allowing him to brush his fingertips over your cheekbones, then your lips. You struggled to keep breathing even as you closed your eyes so he could run his thumbs lightly over your eyelids, before reaching higher to touch your hairline. He moved a hand down to cup your cheek-
“Hi, I’m looking for-OH MY GOD MATHEW”
You jumped up and spun around. You instinctively hid your patient behind you as you saw a boy in a foreign uniform you had never seen before approach, heavy combat boots echoing in the stone hall. “Oh my god! His eyes! MATHEW ARE YOU OK?! WHAT HAPPENED?!” you winced at his incessant yelling.
“it was a gas attack-“you tried to explain.
“A WHAT?!” You swallowed thickly, wondering if a rogue solider delirious with shellshock and somehow managed to wonder in, uninvited. You licked your lips nervously.
“Sir... you-you need to calm down or leave-“You started.
“It’s ok (Y/N) this is my brother. Alfred Jones” Mathew said gently.
You peered suspiciously up at the boy and did see a resemblance in the ash blonde hair and facial structure. You wondered if Mathew’s eyes were also sky blue.
“Alfred, this is my nurse (Y/N) (L/N). She’s been such an angle to me”
You felt your cheeks flush, turning away quickly so Alfred wouldn’t see it. “What gas attack.” Alfred asked again in a much calmer tone. “The one last month… the Germans... we think it was chlorine- “
“Alfred please” Mathew said feebly. “(Y/N), please may I speak to my brother alone?”
You glanced uncertainly at your patient. “Are you sure you should be talking so much? Your mouth blisters- “
“If you shriek one more time, I will throw you out” you snapped japing a finger into his chest. You saw his lips twitch into a small smirk before he raised his hands in mock surrender. You rolled your eyes before sweeping out of the cloister, closing the door behind you. Yet you couldn’t help but press your ear against it.
“I don’t want to do this anymore, America.” You heard Mathew say sounding older and more tired than ever. “All of these politics... all this horrendous death and destruction in the name of power….. I’m done with it… I want to be normal. I want to settle down with a nice girl like (Y/N), live on a farm. Have my own sons and daughters”
There was a brief moment of silence before Alfred’s harsh laughter echoed through the arched cloister roofs
“What? You’ve never wanted that?” Mathew demanded defensively.
“More than anything, Canada. But you know we can’t. We aren’t mortal. I’m not even sure if we can have children. Though I’d love to pull up (Y/N)’s skirt and-”. You stopped listening when you noticed a letter on the floor, no address, no stamps, just your name written on the front. You hesitantly picked it up, breaking the plain seal and your eyes widened as you read the content.
That’s when you heard a loud crack and the shattering of glass from inside the ward.
If there is demand, I can turn this into a fully-fledged story.
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nonstandardrepertoire · 8 months
i think for me the scene that really defines the failure of season 3 of Picard is the scene where Picard and Crusher have Vadic in custody and have i guess finished interrogating her and then go off to the side a little bit and are like "so do we just kill her now? i think we just kill her now?" and at first you're like "haha this is a tactic to get inside Vadic's head and shake some more information out, right?" but then no they are actually just deciding to summarily execute a prisoner of war that they have in captivity and uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh has anyone writing this show watched a single episode of a single Star Trek at any point? oh no they only watched "Tuvix" didn't they, i guess that explains it
anyway, further thoughts:
but seriously, folks, one of Picard's defining character traits is that he sticks to principle even when it is morally questionable to do so. an asteroid is on a collision course with a pre-warp society? Prime Directive means there's nothing we can do, we just gotta stand by and watch them perish. a treaty requires forcibly relocating a bunch of space!Native Americans? gosh, that's rough, he hopes they can convince them to leave voluntarily, but he's not just going to Not abide by a treaty
Crusher, likewise, is very strongly committed to preserving life. she gets kidnapped by terrorists at one point and is like "yes, sure, they have blown up a bunch of civilians but also, consider, they need medical attention, so i'm going to give it to them"
so to have?? these two specifically be like "time to execute a prisoner without trial!" is???????? i do not believe it of them. these are not the characters i care about from The Next Generation. they simply?? are not????? and this scene doesn't play as a like, "holy shit this is fucked up can you believe this war crime these people are about to commit what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck something has gone Wrong here Yikes", instead it feels like it's treated as more of a "haha, yeah, Star Trek is gritty and edgy now B)", which. why any of this. what are we doing here. i would like to be somewhere else
In General, tho, it feels like basically every other TNG character except for Worf and Data and Geordi sometimes is just. wildly off the mark? i simply Do Not Believe that Riker is that terrible a father and family man? S3 feels like it has given up any pretense of doing anything original and collapsed entirely into TNG nostalgia, but then it also insists on mangling every single legacy character it brings back, so like, again, what are we doing here. why any of this
further on the collapse into nostalgia and giving up on any premise of original ideas: what the heck happened to literally anything set up in the season 2 finale. we have an entirely new kind of Borg petitioning for entry into the Federation. we have a Big Mysterious Portal that shoots Destruction Beams just. floating in/near Federation space. none of this is ever mentioned again! i guess Jurati is still just. vibing
this is like, the fourth or fifth Definitely Final End To The Borg For Real This Time we've had, and like. i get that they are iconic TNG villains, but also bringing them back like this continues to feel So stale. please i am begging you: have a single new idea it has been 30 years
adding to the sense of Giving Up, thematically this season feels all over the fucking map. like, on the one hand: Vadic was a prisoner of war tortured in a black site by Federation scientists and now out for revenge. this has a lot of potential for a plot that is about chickens coming home to roost. the Federation made some really questionable choices during the Dominion War, and now they have to deal with the consequences of their own cruelty and destructiveness. that's an interesting set of themes! it doevetails kind of nicely with Picard having a kid he didn't know about with Crusher, and now they both have to Deal With That since fate has pushed them back together. but then it . . . switches to being a plot about The Borg Trying To Assimilate The Federation Again, which isn't at all about consequences of bad choices and is instead about "there's an evil sneaky outside force trying to destroy us because they're eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevil and we have to be Strong and Vigilant against them". what are we doing here!!!!!!!
similarly, the alliance between the Borg and the Dominion (? or just the sect of rogue Changelings? the geopolitics of this is a little unclear to me, ngl) is strategically unclear to me. why do the Changelings need the Borg for this plan? it doesn't seem like they have a shortage of operatives, and it's hard for me to believe that the Borg would . . . share power? and not just try to assimilate or destroy the Changelings once the Federation is out of the way (and i don't get the sense that the Changelings are naive enough to not know that). again, what are we doing here
when Section 31 is introduced in DS9, it's clearly a shadowy operation that almost no one knows about, and even fewer will acknowledge. now, it seems like literally everyone not just knows what Section 31 is, but is also like "oh, their secret base? yeah totally, it's right over there, i have the schematics and a good understanding of the security system". are they a secret unit that calls into question the entire moral foundation of the Federation, or are they a known branch that everybody just accepts? these are different things!!!!!!!!!!
what the fuck is going on with Raffi Musiker. the show seems to want her both to be an unstable drug addict with a checkered past and a fraught relationship with Starfleet Command (cool, great, love this for the most prominent Black woman in the cast /SARCASM) but also a highly decorated officer in good standing entrusted with sensitive and delicate missions who has done no wrong. she is both paranoid and delusional and also right about every single conspiracy she imagines. it doesn't feel like she's doing well in her career despite considerable mental health challenges, it just feels like her standing flip flops wildly depending on the needs of the plot in a given scene
also like, idk, but i feel like finding out that the family member who abandoned all of their obligations to you for years and years and years in pursuit of a conspiracy theory was right about that conspiracy theory doesn't like? immediately and miraculously make up for the . . . abandonment? i just struggle with turning from "quite frankly we never want to hear from you again because we are so hurt by how you treated us vs your obsessions" to "wow wait you're decorated because your obsessions were correct? that's so cool, please come be our Cool Relative now" on a dime
why is Picard still blanket recommending Starfleet this place clearly has severe organizational and philosophical issues what are we doing why are we doing this
this is really not limited to this show, but it just Grates on me that in the first episode we see an entire large city building destroyed and while we're told that it's a great tragedy, we never really? get to feel the weight of it. like, all of those people died, and their deaths literally do not matter on an emotional level. we are not asked to sit with the grief of this destruction. it is solely there to inspire Raffi's guilt and prove that the Big Bad means business. just a very callous approach to life that i am noticing more and more in media — you see it also in Crusher just straight-up killing a guy in the opening scene — and that always makes me think about that Le Guin quote where she talks about heroes using exactly the same methods as villains and that being something that should perhaps trouble us morally more than it often does
i just don't understand how you can do an arc involving the Borg Queen and not?? address the New Borg Queen you made in the past season with her New Borg Collective. has Jurati always been The Borg Queen in this new timeline, or has she just been . . . secretly out there doing Borg stuff entirely unrelated to the main collective? how do any of these pieces fit together oh wait they don't this show hates itself and does not want you to have watched it
i'm sure that's not Actually everything but im Tired and i have Covid im going to Bed goodBYE
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awholelottayeehaw · 1 year
Mando Finale Thots (Spoilers Below Cut)
I was honestly disappointed with the Season Finale. Was it fun? Sure. Did it have everything I ever wanted for Din and the gang? Almost. But this is why I can't be happy with what we got:
What happened to Paz?? If he died this heroic death why was he never brought up again? I'm glad his son got his baptism finally but like... what about his dad's funeral?? You're telling me that Din wouldn't be mourning the loss of his childhood rival?? Either Paz isn't dead and will make a return next season in a villainous role or the writing was weaker than white people's tolerance to spice
What was the point of the Dr. Pershing episode?? It took precedence over the premiere AND the finale yet nothing came of it?? That whole episode could've been a fucking email if it wasn't that important to the season's overall plot
What happened to the armor the Armorer gave to Grogu?? It was never brought up again and you can't tell me Season 2 and BOBF Din WOULDN'T have been sobbing under his bucket upon seeing it. Also, who bathes Grogu?? Din is a parent is he allowing his son to be a stinky stank and that's how he never saw the armor?? Whack.
How could the darksaber, an ancient indestructible weapon that is capable of slicing through beskar... be defeated in a Ghetto Stomp. Either that wasn't the real darksaber or they got lazy and tossed a major SW artifact out the window because it no longer serves them and they wanted the easy way out hoping no one would notice
Why was everyone suddenly okay with Bo-Katan?? She's a racist terrorist who not once had gone in depth or atoned for her war crimes and I'm genuinely disturbed that people chose to forget that. It's like cheering on Hitler because you liked him as a person outside of his political beliefs. I wanted Bo's redemption to be fulfilling while holding her accountable cause like what the actual fuck how is anyone okay with Bo's leadership after so many failed attempts and lies
The build up was to show that Gideon is so full of himself he had to clone himself?? I doubt that was the big reveal, what they saw in the lab on Navarro wasn't Gideon. I refuse to believe they needed Grogu just to make a more OPed version of Gideon. Gideon isn't stupid why would he clone himself with powers he doesn't have when he knows he'd just overthrow himself? That was bait and I'm not buying that or that he's dead that was a clone
Whomst the fuck wasn't watching Grogu and how did he manage to save Din without being detected????
The Mythosaur deserved better. I'm glad it's getting it's centuries long nap in, but I still refuse to believe the darksaber or Din being a himbo was the reason for her seeing it and then barely remembering to mention it again in the end like if it doesn't come back I'm suing Disney
Why was Din made out to be such a damsel until it was convenient? You're telling me this man easily passed out sinking to the bottom of a historic well despite knowing how to swim and his armor being canonically light, but was able to take down half an army by himself?? Din in the finale was the Din I knew who would never have perished from just being a dumb ass not watching his step. Even Grogu conveniently using the force after refusing to all season felt cheap and you can't change my mind
It's great Din adopted Grogu and all but he still hasn't called him his son?? Just his apprentice?? We spent three seasons with everyone else calling Grogu his son and Din his father but the titular character can't?? Where was that cuddly fatherhood from season 2 and episode 1 of this season? He's been treating Grogu like a nephew at most and I just... give me my space dad back
And why did they name drop Dooku but not Satine? What were the stakes? Why is there a season 4 when there's nothing that really needs to be said or done? Going back to the space western season 1 and 2 promised is fantastic but like... at what cost? Are they going to pretend season 3 never happened? Will it all be a dream? Will the peace be destroyed and Din and Grogu need to save Mandalore themselves and the galaxy with the friends they made along the way???
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Title: "Yellow Eyed Companion."
Category: ???
Warnings: Cannibalism implied.
Summary: Just a pilgrim and his completely feral monster friend.
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Aiden pushed the barns door open and stepped out onto the small, purple lit dirt road, the icy cold air hitting his face and causing him to breathe out shakily, watching the mist from his lungs drift into night with a fondness, then the sound of shuffling feet caught his attention, a pair of wide, honey coloured eyes stared at him from across the narrow road, hidden in the darkness, away from the UV glow, the pilgrim didn't think he'd ever get used to that; maybe that's how Hakon and Lawan feel whenever he's lurking in the dark, locking eyes with a neon blue that was familiar, yet inhuman.
"Alright, alright- We can go." Aiden sighed and made his way across the dirt to the shadow shrouded zone, standing before the yellow eyed figure and gesturing for them to follow him, they blinked and grunted quietly, beginning to follow behind the man with a slow pace, their feet dragging across the ground, "They didn't have much to trade this time around. I mean- Can you believe this 'deal' they offered me, Lee? Leather and twenty gulden coins for three cans of non perishables-" Aiden huffed as he made his way down the street, he knew deep down he wouldn't get a verbal response but, he also knew his companion was listening, always listening; the sound of a low groan leaving Lee's throat behind him probably meant 'Assholes', Aiden snorted at the thought.
The two figures drifted down another dirt paved road, past small fields of vegetables, nothing useful really, and Aiden knew stealing would get him nowhere with these people, they were honestly the best connections he had near the coast, it's better not to piss off farmers, "Besides the absolute bullshit offer, I managed to get my hands on some bread, it doesn't mean much though. It'd be better to get something that'll last longer. Nine coins for something that will decay in two weeks, man." he continued his rant, Lee grunted and clumsily stumbled forward, accidentally bumping into Aiden's back, "Shit-" Aiden hissed as he spun around, backing up cautiously, Lee had never been instant on biting him, a simple scolding could get him to lay off, and he hadn't felt the cold gnaw of teeth on his shoulder, but he couldn't afford to let his guard down; the companion he and his partners housed wasn't like him, if Aiden was feral, Lee may as well be fully rabid, as ridiculous as that analogy sounds, considering what the virus is.
Aiden's eyes met with those yellow ones now they were facing eachother once again, he was still backing up ever so slightly, but Lee hadn't moved an inch, yellow eyes wider than ever with obvious shock and confusion, eyebrows furrowed in thought, "Sorry- Sorry, Kid. Just, you know the rules. I can't...Let you touch me when I'm not expecting it." the pilgrim breathed out slowly, raising his hands apologetically and watching the infecteds body language cautiously, Lee tilted his lead slightly and groaned, a clawed hand waving towards the road behind Aiden, 'Move it, we have places to be' is what it most likely meant, "Right. Yeah-" Aiden snorted and slowly turned to keep walking, casting one last glance to the boy to see Lee slowly trudging forward, patiently following behind Aiden with lumbering motions.
Aiden did feel bad, treating Lee like a wild animal, an attack dog really, kept around seemingly for extra defense, but...He did care for the boy, he met the kid when he was seven years old, the poor boy had walked miles to seemingly find him, at least that's what Aiden thought, it was no coincidence he found him that day, he was sure of it, but until he was sure Lee could control his ability to take chunks out of people without being pushed away or scolded: he couldn't risk anything.
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hiswordsarekisses · 2 years
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This passage of scripture really gets to me, because I wonder how many times in my life God had blessed me in the middle of my sin and instead of it causing my heart to break into repentance I had taken it almost as a confirmation that God must be okay with what I was doing. It’s still convicting today, thank God, but now it has grown to a point reaping an immediate harvest, because now when He blesses me - even if I’m not automatically aware of anything - I immediately take an inventory and examine myself. (2 Corinthians 13:5, Colossians 1:23) Not to see if I deserve it or not, but because I am so grateful for His mercy and Grace and I never want Him to feel I have treated Him with contempt. I hope to always make sure I am not doing things that are offensive to Him, or that break His heart. I hope that when I do I will always run quickly to Him about it. As we grow closer and closer to Him our sin brings more of an automatic conviction because we are actively in tune with His spirit. We don’t just haphazardly sin anymore without realizing it. The closer we get to Him the more we know and the more we keep a repentant heart - not so that He will love us, but because we love Him. 💗💗💗 (DJK)
Jesus replied, "If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him." — John 14:23
“Or do you despise the riches of His goodness, forbearance, and longsuffering, not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance? But in accordance with your hardness and your impenitent heart you are treasuring up for yourself wrath in the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God, who “will render to each one according to his deeds”: eternal life to those who by patient continuance in doing good seek for glory, honor, and immortality; but to those who are self-seeking and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness—indignation and wrath, tribulation and anguish, on every soul of man who does evil, of the Jew first and also of the Greek; but glory, honor, and peace to everyone who works what is good, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For there is no partiality with God. For as many as have sinned without law will also perish without law, and as many as have sinned in the law will be judged by the law (for not the hearers of the law are just in the sight of God, but the doers of the law will be justified; for when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do the things in the law, these, although not having the law, are a law to themselves, who show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and between themselves their thoughts accusing or else excusing them) in the day when God will judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ, according to my gospel.” Romans‬ ‭2:4-16‬
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drgreysonmd · 29 days
A garden sounds nice. {She still refuses to lift her head at him, but is now enjoying the warmth in the connection. He didn't pull away, so she supposes it's alright to stay, besides, she feels protected. But she's also trying not to think about his arms and how normal and breathtaking he looks without the white coat. He looks young and vibrant, albeit a little tired. She feels bad he's encouraging her, and is so nervous that he's making her heart swell in so many ways. She even wanted to laugh a little at his teases.}
Ok, no more cake box mix. I'll... if you send me your recipe... Maybe I'll try... {She hesitated but then presses a finger to the skin on his forearm, hoping it feels lighthearted to him.} You won't gatekeep it if I promise not to share?
{Her shoulder lifts off his arm as soon as they're outside, and she feels like she can breathe a little easier.} I'm- Thanks for walking with me, I'm glad you got to stretch. Please, um... I'd love to try those videos, if you want to share sometime. {She giggles, a little more relaxed.} Is that a private prescription, Doctor?
{She creates a bit of distance and goes to take in the greenery, admiring a bloom in front of her, but her eyes keep wandering back to him.}
(Not at all I just wish I wrote half as good!)
The new landscaping was finished a couple of weeks ago, so you're really in for a treat. We just have to make a quick stop at the vending machine by the entrance for a little gift for Clopidogrel. I have a feeling you two will really hit it off. His eyes flashed with a hint of mischievous energy as he tries to catch her gaze despite her hard fought avoidance.
He thinks that maybe his teasing and joking has pushed too hard when she keeps her head bowed, until he feels her finger reach out and poke the flesh of his forearm as she asks to try one of his recipes. Greyson can't help the thoughts that bloom in him- of how just that sliver of skin on skin contact sears and tightens the muscles around his lungs.
Instead, he laughs, happy enough to see her loosen up a bit. Gatekeep you dear lady? Perish the thought! Of course I'll send you my recipe. I'll even do you one better and teach you how to make it, you know, if you ever run into any trouble. But the recipe is pretty easy to follow.
After a quick stop at the snack machine for a packet of almonds that he slips into his pocket, the warm spring breeze finally greets them past the rush of the automatic doors. As Greyson feels the pressure of her shoulder lift off of him, there is a new sensation added to his heart- disappointment. She couldn't stay attached to him forever of course, that would be silly.
The lacking quickly dissolves, a puddle of forgotten setbacks as he hears it for the first time. The most adorable, carefree giggle he's ever heard from her before. Of course, yes. Absolutely. I have a few I can suggest- he's sure he sounds a bit too eager, too willing- but this is the most relaxed he's seen her, and he wants to keep pushing her towards this. To whatever this is.
Greyson is happy to let her walk in front of him, a few paces behind her as he watches her take in the garden and its many trees, flowers, and features. She looks radiant, resplendent even surrounded by all the sunlight, colours, and foliage, and he realized now why those old Grimm fairytales about men being lured off by beautiful forest spirits were written. He would surly follow.
He takes a few steps towards her when he notices her stop to admire the large cherry blossom in the central garden. Reaching up, he plucks one of the blooms, delicately holding it in his fingers as if it were one of his many surgical tools. Greyson takes a deep breath, exhaling to prep himself. He could do this. He could definitely do this.
Another step, and he was close behind her, head ducked low so his voice carried only as far as her ear, and careful to keep his tone from becoming too suggestive lest he come off totally inappropriate.
Is that something you'd like? A private prescription?
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wisdomrays · 1 month
REFLECTIONS ON THE QUR'AN: Sūrah Yūnus (Jonah): Part 1
If God were to hasten for human beings the ill (which they have earned) in the same manner as they hasten (what they consider to be) the good, their term would indeed have been decreed over for them. But We leave those who do not expect to encounter Us in their rebellion blindly wandering. (Yūnus 10:11)
Truly, the fact that God does not accept our prayers for evil instantly is a favor of God upon us. In fact, we may utter evil prayers, such as cursing words, for us and for others, at any moment. However, the All-Kind and All-Clement God does not “hasten,” like us, to accept those prayers. If God accepted each prayer, everybody would perish immediately, especially considering that the prayer may be done at the moment for which God may have declared: “I will give whatever people ask for.” That is, that moment may be the moment when prayers are accepted unconditionally.
Besides, the prayer done at the moment of acceptance may be a prayer done through action. That is, one may do something acceptable to God and which may be treated as a prayer. Therefore, we must be careful of the prayers we invoke. Reminding us of this fact, God’s Messenger, upon him be peace and blessings, says: “Do not call maledictions upon yourselves, your children, and your wealth. If that malediction coincides with the hour when any prayer is accepted, God accepts it.” Despite this fact, some people may challenge a Prophet or his true successors, saying: “O God! If this is indeed the truth from You, rain down upon us stones from the sky or bring upon us another painful punishment!” (Al-Anfāl 8:32). Or they may utter words like, “When will this promise be fulfilled if you (O believers) are truthful?”
There may be some others who ask for evil for evildoers or tyrannical ones during a temporary impatience or without being able to tolerate the aggressions to which they are subjected. This is not necessary either because if they deserve punishment, God will punish them when the time is due. Therefore, believers should show patience in times of distress and troubles and pray for the prevention or removal of the disasters or wrongful actions they are made to suffer. Additionally, they should refer the aggressions and assaults of the enemies of the Religion to God, Who is All-Knowing of all Unseen, without showing haste about His punishment, which is sure to come. For if God wills, He punishes promptly; and if He wills, He delays the punishment according to the seriousness of the crime and punishes the wrongdoing people in the Hereafter. It may also happen that if He wills, He may guide them to the truth and make them your brothers or sisters.
Hence, a believer should never pray for evil. Believers should be cautious and respectful of God’s judgments. When they are exposed to unendurable hardships, they should complain about their conditions and inability to show becoming patience to God, as in the following prayer: “O He Who satisfies needs and repels and removes evils and troubles! Satisfy our needs and repel and remove evils and troubles from us!”
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Title : Perishing Little Flame on Winding Road (Chapter 7. Epilogue. Part 2)
Fandom: King of Fighters
Characters : Kyo Kusanagi, Kyo-1, Kyo-2, Kusanagi, Iori Yagami
<…>…This imitation frowns and says in sad tone while starring at this Kusanagi ‘‘Hey, big bro, it’s your fault that we are given a life, which we didn’t asked for. How about it’s time to take some responsibility for your actions? So, let’s see who is really a freak and deserve to die or live…’’…<…> One day clones meets their archetype by an accident. How this encounter end? Read and find out.
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A week has passed since this replica was discharged from hospital. Even now staying in Yagami’s place didn’t seem as bad as he expected. At least this man isn’t that scary or violent as this clone feared. So, that cold piercing gaze may still remain yet gradually this redhead even started to exchange one or two phrases with Shiro. Maybe Kyo was right that this man isn’t that bad as may sound.
However, today this brunette have planned something different today. It seems that after telling about this, Kyo wasn’t so happy about it yet later on approved his decision. That’s right, Shiro wanted to visit clone graveyard and then telling ‘good-bye’ to his bros and ‘Nagi. So, after putting a pair of snickers, this clone was off. Fortunately, he could still recall the route from hospital to the graveyard. So, the bigger issue now was to find the way to hospital, thankfully for Kyo’s explanation, he shouldn’t get lost…hopefully.
After long wandering this clone reached the cemetery. It took couple hours to find the way yet now it was already a sunset. So, before going further, he wanted to let Kyo know what happened and that there is no reason to worry. After texting a quick message, he putted his cellphone back to the one of pants’ pockets and continued walking. Apparently, the cemetery was tidied up since that encounter. However, who done this? Were it some of the clones or could it be ‘Nagi himself? Or so now wondered this replica. In any case, first, he need to pay a visit for his brothers. Would they recognize him and how they going to react after not seeing after such a long time? This what made Shiro curious as he continued his way.
Meanwhile Yagami was carefully studying some kind of papers on the couch until he was disturbed by a phone call. Whoever was it, it has lot of guts to bother him in such a fine afternoon, or so told to himself this redhead as he lazily bends down towards coffee table to pick the cellphone. Apparently it was Kyo. Now he briefly answers in annoyed tone ‘‘Yes? What do you want?’’, it seems this Kusanagi sounded worried ‘‘Do me a favor, please…’’ after a short pause, Yagami could hear a sigh and this brunette continuing ‘‘Can you make sure that Shiro is fine? He just messaged me that he is fine yet even I can tell that something is fishy. What if he comes across that evil creature? Even if neither you or I don’t have a chance against him, then he may kill Shiro without blinking. So, can you check that no one would harm him during his trip?’’.
Iori only rolls his eyes at this request and backfires ‘‘Why can’t you do it by yourself? Just stop acting as worrywart parent and treating him as he was your child.’’. Of course, after this reply, this Kusanagi was speechless and remained silent. However, this brunette answers in slightly shaky tone ‘‘You know, I would not only kick your ass for this, but also later on I’ll make sure that you’ll beg that I would be merciful and gentler when…’’.
It seems that this brunette couldn’t finish this sentence and now this redhead playfully asks ‘‘When what?~’’. Kyo just back-fires with shyer tone ‘‘You better don’t wanna find out! ‘Cos then you’re screwed.’’ after a second he continues in serious tone ‘‘Anyway, I cannot be here now, ‘cos I have really important business to do. If I’m lucky enough, Shiro may not only have new identity, but also he could go out into public without worries. Finally, he may even get proper education and job.’’.
Yagami only sighs and replies ‘‘Fine. If that will stop you from whining, I’ll go. But where did he went?’’. Kyo simply answers ‘‘The same way where you found me and Shiro that day. He should be somewhere around there. So hurry up and if anything, call me, got it?’’as this redhead stands up, he replies ‘‘You worry too much, idiot. I’ll bring him by his collar and then make sure that I won’t hear or see how you two cuddling. So, if you have nothing else to say, I’m ending.’’, lastly, this brunette says in gentler tone ‘‘…Thanks.’’ and Iori just murmured as he finishes the call ‘‘You idiot.’’. It can’t be helped that even today he won’t have a calm afternoon, so, the sooner he’ll find this stupid brat, the sooner he can rest in piece. And thus, after this redhead puts his usual outfit, he leaves.
In meantime, Shiro finally reached a familiar storage. Even if he have left only for such a brief time, all of sudden he felt nostalgia and missing everyone. So, without waiting any longer, he knocked into iron door. Of course, he was greeted by one of clones asking ‘‘Who is there?’’, this replica replied in calm tone ‘‘Can you open the door? It’s me - Shiro.’’ and now the iron door was slightly opened and it seems one of clones was carefully watching through the gap. After awhile the door was completely opened.
Apparently, behind the door was a clone in purple, who was still at awe yet looked so pale and now started to tremble. This replica’s eyes become teary as he speaks up in quiet yet shaky voice ‘‘Shiro…But Big Bro…He told that you…that you…why? How?’’, poor replica couldn’t continue anymore, it was too hard. Even so, Shiro pulled this clone into hug and told ‘‘It’s so nice to see you again, Sakura. I missed you all. Sorry, but I couldn’t come earlier, because I was sent to hospital.’’, however, there no reply from this replica in purple, all he could do letting be embraced until he gradually stopped trembling.
Now so-called Sakura slightly with-draws until he could see Shiro’s face and addresses the prototype ‘‘So, it’s really you. But then why did Big Bro told that you were killed by that man?…I don’t get it at all. However, what happened then?’’. This clone sighs as he ruffles fellow replica’s hair and answers ‘‘Maybe he was not happy that I listened to Kyo instead of him. I tried to say to him that what he does is wrong. So, I might understand why he is mad at me or why did lie to you. However, then ‘Nagi lied to me about what kind of person our original is and bad-mouthed Doctor. Even to this day he hides that note, which Doctor Makishima left for me-’’.
However, it seems that these two were disturbed by annoyed voice from inside the storage ‘‘Oi, Sakura, what’s taking that long? Or do you want to fix door frame again?’’. This clone in purple was released from Shiro’s hug and asks him ‘‘Come. Let’s quickly go inside.’’ and Sakura takes the prototype’s hand and prompts to go inside. When both were inside, they were greeted by a swarm of curious gazes. One of clones, who wore green uniform pointed out ‘‘Sa-sakura, what a hell is this?! There is a ghost of Shiro next to you! Be-be careful or else he will haunt not only you but all of us!’’, however, this replica in purple pinches both cheeks of Shiro and explains in annoyed tone ‘‘Stop telling that he is dead! See? My hands don’t go through him and I can feel him.’’.
Now Sakura stops once he hears how the prototype began silently whine. After that he addresses this fellow clone in green ‘‘So, I was surprised as well, Sage. But it seems that Big Bro had his own reason to tell us that Shiro died.’’ and thus, this replica in purple addresses all clones ‘‘Everyone, listen! Apparently, our Big Bro doesn’t want to see Shiro again for some reason and we may get into big trouble, if he finds out that Shiro was here, but he has something that belongs to Shiro and doesn’t want to give it back. So, let’s find one note, which suppose to belong to Shiro.’’.
However, one clone in black objects ‘‘Are you going to rebel against Big Bro?’’, but once this replica in purple about to say something, Shiro explains ‘‘Kuro, everyone, this is the last time when I can see you ever again. I really want to be with you all, but there is no way, not after what I have done, I could live with you…So, I beg you, can you listen to my selfish final request and find Doctor Makishima’s note. It’s very important to me, ‘cos it’s like the last memento from Doctor and I sure that ‘Nagi still keeps it somewhere.’’.
Nevertheless, another clone asked with such a concern ‘‘Eh? Are you going to leave us? Where are you going?’’, the prototype softens his gaze and replies ‘‘Our all original is not as bad as ‘Nagi used to tell us. So, even before meeting ‘Nagi, I knew that both - Doctor and Kyo, are nice and very kind people. But since Doctor released me from lab, I hoped to find Kyo and that he would help me…However, ‘Nagi took away Doctor’s last gifts for me - that uniform and note. So, please, help me to find that note and I’ll be forever grateful for you all.’’.
One of these replicas told in disbelief ‘‘But that is completely different from what Big Bro told to us. Shiro, is this really true? If so, let’s do our best and find it! After all, if it wasn’t you, then Sakura and Sage wouldn’t be so interested to learn how to treat wounds.’’, then another one added ‘‘That’s right! Even if Shiro was sometimes reading aloud from his books, it was still nice background sound, isn’t it? Yes, even if for the most of time he acted as nerd, but Shiro is one of us! Besides, if it is the last time seeing him, then doing such a simple thing shouldn’t be a problem.’’.
In the end, Shiro was moved by such a words of his brothers and how they worked together for once. After long search, one of clones found certain piece of paper and handles to the prototype. However, now Sakura orders ‘‘Oi, don’t forget to tidy up! Or everyone wanna listen ‘Nagi’s nagging again? So, at least clean up this place.’’ yet it seems none of clones weren’t so enthusiastic about this request and one of them back-fires ‘‘We did as you told. So, do your part, you lazy-ass.’’.
This clone in purple rolls his eyes and murmurs something before tidying up his bros’ left mess. After all, someone has to be more mature and lower their ego. Just as he starts putting down random items to packing boxes, he addresses Shiro ‘‘What are you waiting? Don’t make me or anyone else over-emotional, ‘kay? Just don’t forget to take care of yourself and don’t let anyone tell you what to do. So, take care, we gonna miss ya!’’. As the prototype hugs tighter that piece of paper, he nods and quickly turns around. He already felt how tears filled his eyes, so, now after closing his eyes, he started to run. When the iron door closed, the replica in purple says ‘‘It wasn’t us who may get so sensitive, you idiot…Be strong and don’t let anyone see you crying...’’.
After running for awhile, this replica trips over the air and fells on cold harsh ground. So, was it really over, isn’t? He already cut all his ties with his previous life. However, what about ‘Nagi? No, whatever Shiro going to say, this darker brunette already have his own version of what happened during that never-ending fight. So, it would only further infuriate this vile being until he would achieve what he wanted so badly - death to anyone who opposes him. Therefore, it would be wiser to avoid him.
And thus, this replica clenched his both hands into fists and shakily stands up. After wiping tears from his face with his elbow, he picks dropped piece of paper and carefully folds couple times. When he puts into one of his pants’ pockets Shiro looks around and walks toward a familiar graveyard and bid a farewell for his brothers’ resting souls.
Once this clone was back on track, it didn’t took long enough to reach his destination place. Shiro sighs while observing a familiar scenery. He could swear that nothing has changed at all and that bloody fight didn’t happened at all. However, this replica could feel such a relief and calmness that this sacred place wasn’t damaged and thanks to whoever it was, the graveyard was restored. Maybe resting up a bit here won’t do any harm, right? With this thought, this brunette wanders around for awhile, either talking to one or another of the graves. And thus, Shiro thought that he done what he planned, so, there was no reason to stay here any longer. Besides, it started to get chilly. So, it was decided - it was time to leave.
However, all of sudden, he realized that something was off. Instead of usual serene atmosphere in the air, his sense of danger began to tingle. Now familiar menacing voice speaks to him, which made Shiro stand straight and freezes him in fear ‘‘Well well well…What do we have here?~ Isn’t our little Shiro got lost? What brought you here?’’. After turning his head to left, he noticed in trees’ shadows glowing crimson eyes and eventually the owner of this shadow figure, who was getting closer, revealed his true face.
That’s right Kusanagi was slowly approaching poor Shiro as he was the prey, who entered into this wild beast’s territory. This burning gaze, revealed white fangs yet calm stance - they already warned alone that this clone won’t escape alive. As ‘Nagi was in front of Shiro, he placed his one hand on this replica’s shoulder and whispers ‘‘You shouldn’t be here…But welcome back!~’’ and strikes this doppelganger into guts. As Shiro’s face twists in pain he fells on ground. While this clone was roughly breathing, he tries to shakily stand up.
Unfortunately, his hard effort was crushed as this darker brunette stomps on his back several times. Now ‘Nagi kneels down and grabs this replica’s scalp and yanks his head up. Once he was facing this cruel male, he could hear that cold and harsh voice ‘‘Traitor…’’. However, there were no time to react and now Shiro’s head was slammed against the ground. After Kusanagi grabs the hem of this clone’s shirt with one arm and as he stands up, he lifts this unfortunate victim into air.
Now as this darker male observes how despite bleeding, Shiro refuses to give up and just silently stares with his one eye. ‘Nagi just mockingly chuckles at such an effort. However, when this clone lowers his head he murmurs in pity tone ‘‘it didn’t hurt…’’. Surely, it annoyed Kusanagi, who now howls ‘‘Eh?…the fuck did you say? SPEAK LOUDER! I CAN’T FUCKING HEAR YOU!’’. As Shiro tried to swallow saliva, he inhales and faces this ferocious being. While giving a furious gaze, this replica declares from the top of his lungs ‘‘IT DIDN’T HURT AT ALL!’’. That’s it, it was the last drop of Kusanagi’s patience and now he throws Shiro into air and sends him off flying by side kick.
This replica crashed into one of trees with agonizing groan. He cough in blood yet wiped it with his elbow’s sleeve. Nevertheless, observing how this clone’s suffering amused this darker male, who’s eyes began to glow with pure passion to kill. Once he was standing in front of Shiro, he noticed that no matter what this replica stares with same stubborn gaze yet that little flame of fury become even brighter. Yes, this brunette was trembling and panting but he didn’t wanted to show even a single tear on his face or beg for mercy.
Kusanagi didn’t liked this gaze at all and he swore to himself that even if it is the last thing to do, but he’ll broke this mindless traitor’s spirit. Nevertheless, ‘Nagi smiles as wide as Cheshire cat revealing again his sharp fangs and now speaks with malice in his voice ‘‘You don’t know when to quit, do you?…yet since you are here, I’ll show you what happens, if you turn your back against us, you disgusting freak. I bet it will suit you the best and you can join your precious doctor and later your Kyo. Don’t try to move or good luck for your precious Kyo to pick up all of your scattered pieces. Hmm~ maybe I should have went for preparing him a nice Easter hunt, don’t you think? Oh well, at least picking your burnt corpse sounds nice as well.’’. Before he turned around and walked away, this darker male gave another stronger kick to Shiro’s side, making him fell and twist in pain.
After looking around, ‘Nagi finds couple of sturdy wooden planks and rope, he ties them so that it would resemble a cross and deeply plants into the ground. Upon finishing, he picks a sharp knife out of his pants’ pocket and cuts unnecessarily rope. It seems he was enjoying himself in a process, but now he was approaching this poor clone and declares his judgement with smile on his face ‘‘Our little Shiro gonna repent for his sins against humanity and us as he burns on cross~ However, no flame, even mine will ever burn away your dirtiness. So, let’s go, you fucking creature.’’ and after bending down, he throws this replica over his shoulder and carries him towards execution place.
When they reached this wooden cross, Shiro’s arms were spread and one arm was tied to left side of cross, other one to right side. Then, his torso and feet were tied up tightly. This replica didn’t bothered to lift his head anymore and kept it lowered. However, now Kusanagi speaks up in gentle yet menacing tone ‘‘Shiro, you don’t need to get upset, cos I’ll be kind this time and just split open your stomach and wrap your insides around you while you burn~ That’s all.’’.
Now this darker male once again revealed that sharp blade and pointed at Shiro’s belly while continuing his vile talk ‘‘It’ll be quick. One sudden cut aaand it’s done!~’’. When he with-draws the knife and aims for a better angle, he was disturbed by couple familiar voices from behind ‘‘Big Bro! What are you doing?! Stop!’’. Apparently, Hoki and Mero were rushing towards their leader and once they were close, both ran out of breath.
Clone in blue was dumbfolded seeing a familiar clone yet in shaky tone asked ‘‘Big Bro! Isn’t Shiro? B-but you told that he was dead! W-what is happening here? Why…’’. However, ‘Nagi just chuckles as he turns around to see these twins. Now he explains in reckless tone ‘‘Can’t you see? I’m making sure that this traitor is dead. So, pay attention, you fucking idiots!’’. Mero couldn’t take anymore and fells on his knees, all he could do is speaking in pity tone ‘‘But whatever he have done, he don’t deserve to die. He is one of us, right? So, please, spare him.’’.
While Hoki kneels down to comfort his brother, he speaks up ‘‘Big Bro, you called him a traitor, right? So, how about instead of barbeque roast him, just let him hang there. He won’t be able to escape, or at least I think so…’’. The clone in blue just something murmurs in pity tone as he presses his head against the fellow clones chest. It seems that Kusanagi’s curiosity was peaked by such a unusual smarter idea of this replica. ‘Nagi asked ‘‘Where are you getting at?’’. While this darker male was getting closer toward the twins, Hoki replies ‘‘If he did something unforgivable, then, leave him to suffer without letting him to die so easily. So, let us guard him and we make sure that he won’t escape…or at least let anyone get closer.’’.
Apparently, this kind of suggestion satisfied the leader of clones as he delightfully smiles. Now Kusanagi addresses this replica ‘‘Maybe your head is not so empty, after all. You do have some brain…Alright, since you shown some initiation, I’ll leave him to you. If you two are bored, I’ll grant you permission to do what you want. So, I’ll see you in a bit and have fun!~ ’’ and now when he putted his hands into pants’ pockets, Kusanagi without looking back left graveyard.
However, once the leader of clones left, Mero complains to his brother ‘‘What a hell are you thinking, you idiot?! It is Shiro, we can’t do this!…that’s it! I’m leaving! I won’t be staining my hands with anyone’s blood! More important, with one us!’’, one he tried to stand up, he was stopped by Hoki grabbing his hand and his calm voice ‘‘Big Bro has already left, right? And we suppose to guard him. So, if anything happens we can blame that man with purple flame, can’t we? Don’t just whine and help me, okay?’’.
When Hoki lends his hand to Mero to stand up, both we getting closer to tied up Shiro. After taking a better look at him, clone in blue gently slaps his cheek ‘‘Hey, are you okay? Shiro? Hey, Shiro, are you with us?’’ it seems that after a couple seconds, this clone reacts and slowly lifts his head, now clone in brown uniform comments ‘‘You look like after train-wreck…Hell, there is even something leaking out of your eye! It look so gross and creepy! Can you see with it? C’mon, let’s remove that rope. *sigh* Don’t worry, even if we don’t have a knife, I can use my flame. So, don’t die on us.’’.
After this replica ignites couple of his fingers, he orders his brother ‘‘Can you catch him?’’ and now he brings his fingers closely towards the rope around the feet, then torso and lastly the arms. Fortunately, Mero was strong enough to catch felling Shiro on him or at least stop him from falling. The prototype groans in pain and whines. ‘‘A-are you okay? Did you broke anything?’’ or so, the clone in blue asked. Hoki kneels down and carefully watches, yet he got scolded by his brother in blue ‘‘Oi, you mister smart-face, don’t you stare, help me to take him to hospital!’’.
However, Mero was alerted when all of sudden Hoki stands up and turn his back. It seems this clone was now in battle stance and ignited his fist. He was shaking as he was facing his opponent. Mero looked towards that side and noticed the man, whom they were afraid all their life - a man with purple flame, was getting closer to them.
Hoki warns him in shaky voice ‘‘D-don’t get close to them! I-I warn you! That bro is injured too. So, get away!’’, even so, this threatening did not affected Yagami at all as he pushed away this clone without telling a word. Mero quickly sits up on his knees and shields with his body injured Shiro while this redhead stares with cold and unforgiving gaze. Despite that gaze, clone in blue speaks up ‘‘You came to kill us, right? At least have some shame on attacking the weaker one…He is heavily injured. Please, leave us now or we’ll make sure that you’ll get what you deserve!’’. However, Yagami felt how something wrapped around his both legs and he growls at Hoki ‘‘Scram! If you have strength and guts to attack me, use it to take this clone to hospital. If he is dead, then you better crawl back and send your prayers to your creator!…For the love of the-…’’.
Neither of these twins expected this move and both were dumbfolded. However, this redhead repeats his request in annoyed tone ‘‘Are you deaf?! Just take him outside while I’ll call ambulance!…you bunch of idiots.’’. Even if they didn’t liked to listen to this redhead, but just for Shiro’s sake, they had to carefully pick up the prototype and carry outside the graveyard. While clones were carrying Shiro, Iori calls ambulance and then no matter how it sounded bothering, he needed to tell news to Kyo. So, after taking a deep breath, he calls him. After Kyo picks his phone, Yagami told in serious tone ‘‘I found him. Come to hospital. I’ll explain later.’’ and ended the call.
After 10 minutes, they arrived at reception department, where Kyo was impatiently and worryingly waiting inside. He felt useless while watching through the window when one of ambulances will arrive. When he noticed how the ambulance stops and couple of paramedics step outside and takes out a camp bed on which lies a familiar figure, there was even attached a stand next to bed with transfusion system. Of course, after that Yagami leaves ambulance as well while, from what this brunette assumed, giving the needed information about this fellow clone.
When paramedics arrived with Shiro, who’s nearly half of the face been covered in medical bandage. While his left eye was completely covered in nearly soaked in red cloth, the other one gave an apologetic gaze to original. However, even that soundless voice calling out for Kyo was more than enough to break this brunette’s heart. Once this replica was taken to examination room, this Kusanagi sits on one of nearest benches and lowers his head. When he leans downward and asks Yagami in sorrowful tone ‘‘…What a hell happen?…How the hell you allowed this to happen?! You told that you’ll bring him back safely. I-I knew I should have followed him, but now…Shit…It’s all my fault!’’, however, instead of words, Iori places his hand on Kyo’s forehead and brings closer next to him.
This brunette was too miserable that even didn’t minded when Yagami was stroking his hair. It only made him want to let out these emotions. As this Kusanagi sighs, he tries to ask in shaky and robotic tone ‘‘Don’t tell me that he got into fight with that vile creature…’’. However, once couple of nurses left the room while carrying camp bed with Shiro, Yagami asks them in serious tone ‘‘Where is he going to?’’ yet one of nurses gave annoyed gaze and replies ‘‘To ICU. Today no visits or disturbing, and tomorrow, please check the visiting times, which are written on board.’’, this redhead nods as showing his gratitude while someone was nearly grieving. With that Iori stands up and prompts Kyo to go ‘‘Let’s go. We have to use taxi, because you can’t walk like this.’’.
Nearly a week passed~ A certain brunette entered the intensive care unit, hoping to find still alive Shiro. After nurse guided Kyo to one of the rooms, he noticed how his look-alike was still resting. Probably, he was still taking a nap, so, this brunette decided not to disturb his peaceful sleep. Shiro was attached by a transfusion system and there were couple of bottles left to transfer, but also there were visible wires and electrical pods through his hospital pyjama. Even if this brunette did not understood these numbers and data on computer panel, he hoped that eventually, this fellow clone will open his remaining eye. It seems that according the doctor, Shiro’s left eye was badly damaged that it was beyond saving it and thus, they had to remove it, so, that’s why now that hollow space was covered with snow-white eye-patch.
It was painful to observe how this clone was calmly resting, while still being covered in medical bandage. Kyo just gently brushed away hair from Shiro’s face and sighed. Why such a innocent creature have to go through such a hardship and suffering? He did not deserve any of this yet this brunette knows that no matter what this clone will be optimistic and will try to comfort him with that warm smile. And thus without realizing, this brunette carefully took Shiro’s hand into his both hands while hoping that his words will reach this replica ‘‘Please, get well soon...I missed you…’’, he could swear that he could feel how weakly this hand tried to grasp him.
Once he looked at Shiro’s face, he noticed how he slowly opens his eye and tries shakily to sit up. However, Kyo calmly says ‘‘Please, rest as much as you need. You don’t need to rush, I’m by your side and I’ll keep visiting you even when you get discharged from here. So, you are not alone. You can have faith in me…’’ and Shiro grasps his precious original’s hand more tightly while giving such a warm, innocent and adoring gaze.
Chapter 1 Link
Chapter 6. Epilogue 1 Link
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shaymcsudonim · 2 years
Okay, it's finally time for me to write a Gamer Webtoon essay on the figurative and literal Garbage Man, Yeonhwa of Poison.
First off, let me start by saying that I love this character. And that if he does betray Jihan at some point, I will absolutely not see it coming, because I have complete faith in him.
Now, with that disclaimer out of the way, let us examine exactly what the fuck is wrong with Yeonhwa of Poison, organized chronologically from his perspective.
Starting things off, his mother traded him away to be eaten during a time of famine, causing him to mutate into a mushroom demon. In this flashback, he states that he wants 'to make everyone full,' which presumably means that child Yeonhwa wants to end hunger, so that no one suffers the same fate that he did.
Sometime after that, he presumably joined Geumodo, and though he seems to share their fascination with apotheosis, he was unimpressed with their lack of both ambition and results, and left fairly quickly.
At some point, he traveled to Korea and joined Montain Hermit's Gate as a servant, and was put in charge purifying the overmind of the Korean Peninsula, a thankless task, which he performs without complaint, albeit in an extremely ruthless fashion.
And that is where he met Han Jihan, the Gamer, and we begin to see his story first hand.
As we saw during his introduction, Mountain Hermit's Gate treats Yeonhwa kindly, urging him to preserve his own life, and Yeonhwa later says that he'll always be grateful to the Mountain Lord.
The King of Yuldo Nation absolutely hates Jihan from their first meeting onward, and he and Yeonhwa seem to be acquainted, if not outright friends. Perhaps Jihan's subordination of Yeonhwa was the reason for the King of Yuldo Nation's animosity?
At any rate, even before meeting Jihan, Yeonhwa seemed to have no shortage of friends, allies, and colleagues in the Korean Abyss, and is clearly not a man who casually burns his bridges.
He also seems to already possess a moral code and an ambition. That is to say, rather than a person that changes through a character arc because of the way that the world has shaped them, Yeonhwa is the immovable object that seeks to change the world through scheming and sheer force of personality.
That is a large part of why his actions and motives in the narrative are so hard to predict. Unlike the typical Token Evil Teammate, Yeonhwa doesn't seem to have gone soft after joining forces with the protagonist.
When it comes to Yeonhwa's value system, his formative years are long gone, and the proverbial die has already been cast. All that remains is to parse out what exactly his motives are.
There's quote here, that I think encapsulates my take on Yeonhwa's personality, which some of you might recognize from Doctor Horrible's Sing Along Blog:
"He seems like a jerk when you first meet him, but there's another layer underneath once you get to know him."
"...okay, but sometimes there's a third layer under that, and it's exactly the same as the first. Like pie."
Of course, as in the source material, this three layered personality can also be inverted.
On the surface, Yeonhwa is friendly, polite, and only wishes to help.
One layer down, and Yeonhwa is a cruel and violent sadist, who wouldn't hesitate to take human lives, and who feels nothing whatsoever when his minions perish in battle.
And one layer further, in his innermost self, Yeonhwa is still that small child who wanted to end hunger.
In terms of his desires, Yeonhwa's appearance offers a clue. He dresses as a Female Shaman, and seems to only respect 'true gods.' As the meme goes, either Yeonhwa wants to create God, or he wants to kill God, and I'm not sure he cares if there's a difference.
We also see something of Yeonhwa's values during his initial fight with Jihan, in that he doesn't become emotional until he perceives Jihan as a threat to world stability, and once he realizes that he was mistaken, he deescalates and offers a truce.
Towards the end of the fight, it becomes almost like a friendly spar between the two of them, neither Jihan nor Yeonhwa taking things very seriously.
And let's not forget that the soul subordination contract was Yeonhwa's idea in the first place. One might think that when a being who can dissolve mind and spirit offers to enter a Soul subordination contract, he might already have the ability to dissolve soul and free himself, but that's still speculation at this point.
My own guess is that Yeonhwa entered the contract as a test of Jihan's character, and keeps the contract in order to grow his own power and influence the person who he thinks will be the next true god, Han Jihan.
And it is entirely possible that Jihan will ascend to Godhood, but there is another outcome that I think would be funnier:
Through his efforts to turn Jihan into a God, Yeonhwa will become a God, himself.
Do I have a justification for this beyond, 'it would be really cool? Not really.
Nonetheless, it is my current theory for how the current arc will conclude.
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I have perished from too much GIGGLING from Twi and First 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Is it possible for you to do more of them being absolute flirtatious menaces to Reader?
Hello, himurakenshin! Sorry this took so long, but I hope that you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it!
It had been a quiet few days and you were starting to get suspicious every time you were left to your own devices.
Granted, you weren't being ignored as such and they still treated you with gentle consideration, but neither First nor Twilight had made a flirtatious comment in days.
It was strange to you and sometimes you would notice them whispering together only to stop when you spotted them.
You rolled your neck and stretched your arms above your head, taking a moment to breathe in the cool morning air while you were scouting the area.
A rustle to your left startled you for a moment before you relaxed and grinned at the two heroes that pushed through the bushes.
"Good morning. Sleep well?"
Twilight grinned and threw a companionable arm over your shoulders. "Sure did."
First smiled slyly as he peered at you from the corner of his eye where he was standing next to you. "My sleep was a little restless."
You shot him a confused look before he continued.
"What with you running through my dreams all night."
It was only the sudden iron grip Twilight had on your shoulders that stopped you from tripping onto your face and backing away. Your face erupted into the very familiar warmth and only got worse as Twilight bent to place his mouth by your ear.
"Now, now, Darlin'. Wouldn' want you swept off your feet until we're good and ready to do so."
You made a sound. You weren't sure what sound it was, but it seemed like an unholy combination of a cut off squeak, a yelp and a whistle.
Both of them merely laughed as Twilight brushed his nose against your jaw and First grabbed your hand to kiss the knuckles.
Brushing his thumb over your knuckles, First gave you a look that totally betrayed his affection for you. "I know that we have been less than attentive over the last couple of days, but that will be remedied."
You couldn't help the small squeak and you felt your blush go further down your chest. You felt rather than heard Twilight's chuckle.
"Nice to see that you still respond so sweetly." His thumb started rubbing soothingly on your shoulder.
Groaning, you lowered your head. "Menaces. The pair of you."
First brought your hand up to his lips again and smiled charmingly. Clearly, both of them had been taking hints and tips from the others and were also clearly bouncing off one another. "You adore us for it, really."
"Goddesses know why." You grumbled quietly, trying to cool your face down.
Both of them paused for a moment before you were squished between the two in a double side hug. Twilight had buried his face back into the side of your face while First pressed his cheek to your hair.
"You have no idea what you do to us, My Dear, do you?"
"You're an absolute gift, Darlin' and I hope you never forget that."
You trembled in their grasp as they held onto you gently and continued to utter more ridiculously sweet compliments that only made your face get redder and redder. You could feel their amusement skyrocket after every line. It would be easy enough to escape their grips, but honestly, you had missed this.
The easy affection that they gave you.
The closeness of their presence.
Even the cheesy lines that never failed to bring a blush to your face.
But still...
You could do without all the blood in your body rushing to your face.
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stainedglassthreads · 3 years
I think how Noelle and Kris react to the Snowgrave route directly parallels how Chara and Frisk react to the No Mercy route. 
Elaborations below cut. 
It’s easiest to compare Noelle and Chara in this analysis, because they are the two most easiest observed. 
As we proceed down the Snowgrave route, we see Noelle frantically trying to cope with what we, the Player, are making her do through Kris. We see her blacking out after getting the ring and completing the puzzles. We see her justifying the commands as just Kris helping her ‘grow stronger’, and how growing stronger is a good thing, right? Her friend is helping her. She should be grateful. And eventually it reaches the point where she meets someone else she knows, her own classmate, and at first can’t see him as anything but an enemy. And even if Berdly’s really annoying, she tries her hardest to resist using Snowgrave-- but she can’t hold out against our commands forever. 
We don’t see Chara’s corruption so clearly. Only rarely in the game do they slip up and describe their true feelings or actions. But we sure fucking see the end result of the path Noelle was going down, when Chara finally confronts us in No Mercy. 
Chara straight up tells us the reason they were killing. Not out of hatred for monsters, or bloodlust, or a desire for revenge, or a desire to end the world. 
Because you, the Player, told them through your actions and commands that the meaning of life is to grow more powerful, no matter the cost, no matter what you must sacrifice. To the point where they say they ARE the feeling of whenever a number goes up. You took this child who loved monsters so much they painfully died so monsters could be free, and made them incapable of seeing their family as anything more or less than ‘the enemy to be defeated.’ 
And of course... Chara calls themself the demon who comes when you call its name. 
Who is the only one of Kris’ friends who comes when you whisper their name? 
Frisk and Kris are harder characters to track. Frisk isn’t very present even in the True Pacifist Run. All we truly know about them is they’re determined(or maybe it’s our own determination), they’re nosy(or maybe it’s our own curiosity), they’re not a murderer, they’re a child who uses they/them pronouns, and their name is Frisk. 
It’s much easier to get a grasp on Kris’ character. Frisk is a newcomer to the Underground, and no one knows what actions are normal or strange for them, but in sharp contrast, Kris grew up in Hometown and many people comment on Kris’ actions in the game being strange for them. They’re usually far more asocial, and in Chapter 2 we get a lot more of their personality and opinions as characters respond to how Kris says or does something. For example, it’s remarked how enthusiastically Kris tells the Queen they want to perish, how unwillingly Kris says they want to join Berdly, and how after the Spamton NEO fight, they either say ‘no, I’m fine’ very strained, or shout that yes, they’re not fine. 
On to the parallel, it’s harder to see than what happens to Noelle and Chara, but Kris and Frisk both seem to become more withdrawn and numb, completely shutting other people out as Snowgrave and No Mercy go on. Whether you believe Kris is a bad person or not, it’s been made very clear they enjoy their adventures in the Dark World and care for their friends. If you drop the Balls of Junk(implied to be their Dark World inventory), they feel bitter, and if you drop the Cards that are Lancer and Roulxs, they struggle to defy your actions and catch them again. But in Snowgrave, when Ralsei tries inviting them to imagine what’s happening between Susie and Noelle, perhaps so Kris and Ralsei can speak privately like in Chapter 1... they don’t respond. They just seem to totally ignore him, and not at least humor him like they would on a Pacifist route. Likewise, when they go to fight the new final boss, Kris must go and fight Spamton NEO totally alone, without waiting for Susie and Ralsei to come and assist them. 
Frisk, as stated previously, is a much more difficult character to observe. The Underground doesn’t know how they act normally at all, and it’s not made clear that we, Frisk, and Chara are very separate people until very late in the game. But there is one very noticeable detail that says a lot about both Frisk and Chara throughout different routes. 
“It’s you, Frisk!”/”It’s me, Chara.” 
You can get the narrator, Chara, to remark ‘It’s you, Frisk!’ only at the very end of a True Pacifist Run, but so long as you’re not on a No Mercy run, they will keep remarking that ‘It’s you!’ or ‘Despite everything, it’s still you’. Even if you’ve killed half the Underground. 
Only when you seek power above all else, does Frisk... vanish. Leaving just Chara. 
So what happened to Frisk? 
When Chara confronts you at the very end of No Mercy, there are a number of parallels to Flowey confronting you at the end of True Pacifist. In both cases, a soulless Dreemurr child talks to you about the end you’ve reached, talks about your actions and their result, and asks you not to play this route again-- or in Flowey’s case, asks you to delete his memory if you do so. Both can acknowledge that you’ve probably or definitely played this route before... but there is one interesting difference. 
Flowey refers to Frisk as a separate person, and implores you to ‘let Frisk live their own life’ 
Chara... never mentions Frisk at all. Only talking about you. Your choices. Your Determination. Your power. You are above consequences. Your Soul. Your choice to Erase. 
...So what happened to Frisk? 
By the end of Snowgrave, Kris is still there. At least a little. When calling out to Ralsei and Susie during the Spamton NEO fight, it says ‘Kris called out for help... but nobody came.’ When we use Noelle, it emphasizes ‘You whisper Noelle’s name.’ 
Kris is still there. 
For now. 
But if things had continued... would they end up the same as Frisk? 
Do monsters in the Soulless Pacifist route ever truly meet Frisk? Or has Frisk locked themself away so thoroughly after being made to watch their own body slaughter an entire race, in an attempt to shut it all out and protect themself? Chara was thoroughly corrupted by the time of the Soulless Pacifist ending, it’s clear... but is Frisk so used to just being treated as an empty vessel that they let it happen? 
‘Your choices don’t matter’ is a recurring theme in Deltarune, and it’s clear this also affects Kris... but did Frisk’s choices ever truly matter, either? 
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hqamore · 3 years
boreal star ✵ chapter one
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people cannot outrun their past, not even the all-powerful darkling. and it so happens that his past just arrived at the palace gates.
series genre: romance & angst
series pairing: [past?] general kirigan (the darkling/aleksander) x reader
word count: 1.6k
non-english words: durak (a stupid man, a fool) & dorogaya (darling, sweetheart)
note: hope all is well! i was surprised to actually see interactions with the preview, so thank you very much. if you enjoy what you read, a comment goes a long way in terms of encouragement! if you have any questions or see any issues, i welcome pms or asks!
here’s the masterlist
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when you arrived at the palace gates, a heavy guard presence and a lengthy line came into your sight. various emotions were scattered amongst the people: anticipation, dread, and hope. the line crept forward, guards tossing out several individuals in the process.
“the palace grounds are not open to visitors! if you do not have official business and papers to vet you, get lost!”
there was a pause followed by a number of sulking ravkans excusing themselves, grumbling about the sun summoner. the guards shook their heads as they continued processing each person.
when it was your turn, the guard gave you a dead look as he scanned your frame. “did you not hear what i said, little one? no papers, no entry.”
you offered him a tight smile. “i may not have any papers, but i think you’ll find the alternative plenty sufficient.”
he raised an eyebrow unconvinced. you rolled your eyes before gathering your hands in front of you. suddenly, he began floating in the air. gasps littered around you. the other guards, seeing their comrade in the air, rushed over and pointed their guns at you. as you lifted your arms in surrender, the floating guard found himself quickly acquainted with the ground again.
you hummed. “a six out of ten on the landing. what d’you think, boys?”
“arrest ‘em!” the guard huffed, straightening himself. “then, alert the king. he’ll want to see this grisha for himself.”
you extended your arms and two guards dragged you with them. “alright, alright. no need to be so rough, lads.” they were unrelenting and marched you right onto the palace grounds.
well, there’s no going back now.
✵ ✵ ✵
you stared up at the ceiling in your cell when footsteps grew closer.
“get up,” commanded a guard.
you lifted your head and gave him a once over. “and for what?”
with the jingle of keys, your cell door creaked open. one of the guards stepped in with wooden shackles. “the king will see you now.”
“oh, lovely.”
a guard pulled you up and yanked your arms behind you, securing them in the shackles.
“you guys certainly like to use force. have you tried talking to someone about it? it’s not good form to treat allies like this,” you chattered.
ignoring you, they pushed you towards the stairwell. you lagged behind them as you took in the nostalgic walls of the grand palace. not much had changed since the last time you laid eyes upon them. it was just as boring as you had remembered.
when you entered the throne room, whispers faded. a guard pushed you onto your knees before presenting you to the king. “this is the grisha we spoke of, your highness.”
the king peered down his nose, expression unchanging.
“is it true you’re grisha?” he questioned.
you looked at him with a small smirk. “would you like a demonstration, moi tsar?”
the guards around you trained their guns on you. you glanced at them unimpressed as you continued, “i mean that with all due respect. i spoke the truth when i said i was grisha. i am only here to help ravka.”
the king rubbed his goatee. “i hear you made a man float. what does that make you?”
“an etherealki.”
“a squaller then?” he speculated.
you shook your head as your smile grew. “a gravity summoner.”
hushed conversations erupted at your words, confusion reflecting in everyone’s faces. the tsar leaned forward in his seat with intrigue.
“i have never heard of such a thing,” he said.
“i do pride myself on being one of a kind,” you drawled. “surely, you would like to see a demonstration.”
he waved an attendant over. “call a heartrender.”
then, he nodded to you. “you understand, don’t you? as king, you can never be too cautious.”
you bowed your head slightly, still maintaining your smile. “i’m honored you’d think of me as a threat.”
“i would be a fool not to,” he snorted.
before the attendant could make it out of the throne room, a dulcet tone spoke from behind you.
“there’s no need, your highness,” it called, sending shivers up your spine. “i came as soon as i caught wind of an unknown grisha.”
you feel the mass of two bodies approaching the king. you tensed as a black ketfa swept past you. met with a familiar silhouette, you held your breath and redirected your attention to the ground.
“though, i am confused, moi tsar. if the issue was about grisha, why did you not call for me?”
the king waved his hand and nonchalantly said, “i wanted you to focus on training the sun summoner. this is a minor issue. no more, no less.”
“i see.” the man nodded to the corporalki who fixed his sight on you. “ivan, listen to their heart and make sure—”
you heard his talking cease once his feet faced you. there was a brief pause. you inhaled deeply before lifting your eyes to meet his. in that moment, your mind raced.
he looks the same as the day i left him... except that cockamamie hair is new. hmph, he’s still stupidly handsome but also plain stupid looking. look at him trying to piece it together.
“general?” the corporalki called, pulling you out of your thoughts.
the darkling cleared his throat and ripped his eyes away from you to look at the guards. “unchain them please. we need to see what kind of grisha they are.”
the guards unlocked your shackles, allowing you to rub your chafed wrists. you pushed yourself up and studied him for a moment. “i should get on with, ya?” you asked.
ivan glanced at his general, concern furrowing his brows at his odd behavior. he returned his focus to you and nodded, raising his hands in front of him. “if you get any ideas… well, i’m sure you’re familiar with what a heartrender can do.”
you let out a mocking laugh. “you’d be surprised at what i could do before you could even start.”
instantly, you felt an intense pressure in your chest, making your knees buckle. the corporalki smirked as blood rushed to your temple. in your struggle, you scowled at kirigan before you centered your hands. you shoved your hands down, increasing gravity’s pull on the heartrender. the pain in your heart let up once he fell to the ground. you gasped for air.
releasing him, you shakily regained your footing and breath. “do not forget, durak, i am not the enemy. you would have already perished if i were.”
slow clapping drew your attention away. the king looked overjoyed.
“that was riveting! general, what do you make of her?”
you raised an eyebrow at his statement. “are you sure? i haven’t even done the fun part. i could do more like make everyone in the room float or...” you trailed.
when you peeked at the shadow summoner, you could see his tense jaw and closed fists. his dark eyes met yours before he turned to the king with a false smile. “i’m sure they will be a valuable asset to ravka with the proper training.”
the king let out a hearty laugh, “i’m sure they will! treat them as though you would treat me, general kirigan. i have a feeling they will win me more than just expeditions across the fold.”
both grisha men bowed and pivoted towards you. kirigan clasped his hand around your forearm before pulling you away from the room. your feet stuttered as you tried to match his pace.
“either slow down or let go of me!”
relentless, he continued to stalk across the courtyard towards the little palace. you tugged away from his grasp and planted yourself with your powers. he circled to face you, rage evident in his glare.
“leave us,” he commanded. without another word, ivan left the two of you.
i suppose he wouldn’t want to do this where there are others.
while he was pacing, you stood there silently and waited for his eventual outburst.
his eyes were closed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. a heavy sigh left his lips, “where have you been, [y/n]?”
“shu han, actually. it was quite lovely and the weather was just—”
“saints! [y/n], do i look to be in a gaming mood?” he yelled.
you tilted your head and your lips quirked. “no? then, why act as if you had no idea who i was? were we not playing pretend? you seemed so into the game, general kirigan.”
he closed in on you, his gaze burning. he opened his mouth but no words left it. he gritted his teeth and turned away as his hands clenched and unclenched.
“it has been thirty years, [y/n]. why return at all?”
in a moment of confidence, you inched closer to him. your hands slid up his back, onto his shoulders. you leaned into his ear. “for you, my love.”
you let go and created space between you. he spun slowly, his features riddled with disbelief. “you still have feelings for me?”
breathy laughter escaped you. “feelings for you, darling? don’t be ridiculous. as if any of my past affections for you could bring me back to this over-glorified cage you’ve created. no, aleksander, i’m here to ruin you.”
his body tensed before an arrogant smirk set on his lips. he crept nearer. “ruin me? i’d love to see you try. you forget, dorogaya, i have an army. what do you have?”
“you. or, rather, i know how your mind works. i know your tactics, general. let’s see how you fare when i pick you apart from the inside,” you sang as you brushed past him. “now, come show me to my room.”
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continue to chapter two? yes
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kaunis-sielu · 3 years
Fire Dogs: 6
Steve pulls Grant’s hand off of your arm then steps in between you and Grant.
“Fawn are you okay?” He asks softly.
“I’m okay,” you assure him and he turns his gaze onto Grant.
“I thought I told you that you were to leave her alone.” His voice is low and furious, “And not only do I find you here, harassing her, putting your hands on her but you’re also telling everyone that she’s an Omega even though you know she doesn’t want people to know.”
“What’s it to you?” Grant sneers and you almost pity him. Steve, externally seems calm but you can feel the rage.
“You’re going to leave Fawn alone. You’re not going to tell anyone else she’s an Omega, you’re going to think she’s a Beta and if you do come across her you’re going to treat her with the respect she deserves.” Grant seems to be fighting the Alpha command, he grits his teeth and sweat starts to form on his brow. You know he won’t beat it though, your knees have practically buckled at the power behind his command. You see why they call him a True Alpha.
“What if I don’t?”
“I’ll kill you. Omega protection laws say that as her Alpha I can defend her in anyway I might need to.” He warns and while Grant pales Steve continues, “Now, you’re going to apologize to Fawn, you’re going to leave her alone and I’m not going to have to remind you again.”
“Sorry Fawn.” You nod then Steve turns him around and gives him a little shove and Grant meanders away from you.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Steve asks turning toward you.
“Yea, are you?” When he looks at you quizzically you clarify, “you were so angry.”
“You could tell?”
“I could feel it.” The slow smile he gives you causes your heart to race.
“Oh Honey,” he breathes pressing his forehead to yours. You can feel his breath slide across your cheek and you sigh softly as you close your eyes. Something wet hits your cheek and you pull away from Steve and look up at the sky as the clouds break.
You’re practically drenched in a matter of seconds,
“Rain! Steve rain!” You cry tilting your head back, a smile stretched across your face as the rain pours down on you. Finally, you’ve been waiting for this rain to knock down the fires and it’s finally here.
But no more fires means no more Steve. Your smile falls off of your face as quickly as it bloomed. “Rain.”
“Honey,” Steve says looking concerned.
“No more fire means no more you.” You choke out and he gently gathers you in to him.
“Shh, we can talk about it. This might not knock out all the fire.”
“But if it does,”
“We figure it out.” He soothes, “dance with me?”
“What?” You ask not moving your head from where it’s pressed to his chest. He takes your left hand gently in his right and puts your right hand up on his shoulder while wrapping his left arm around your back then he starts to sway.
It’s soothing, the way he slowly sways and hums. The rainwater is cool as it falls but you find that you don’t care at least not until it gets chilly.
“You wanna head home?”
“Yes, can, can you sleep with me again tonight?”
“Yea Honey.” You round the car and slide into the passengers seat before Cooper licks your face.
“Thanks Coop. You good boy.” You tell him and Steve starts the car then heads for home. Steve reaches over and offers you one of his hands, which you happily take and leave in your lap. It’s been nearly three weeks at this point and you’re not sure how you’re going to feel when he leaves. You’ve heard that it can be excruciating for an Omega to be without their Alpha but Steve technically isn’t your Alpha.
It’s still raining heavily when you get back home. You and Steve cook dinner together after he showers and you change into something dry. As you eat you talk a little about your day, how your drawings were approved and that printing will start soon. Steve is proud of you, a welcome feeling after Grant.
Your heart sinks when Bucky comes home early.
“Fires look like they’re all out.” He says with a grin and you have to blink away your tears before either man notices. Cooper does notice though and he comes over to you putting his head in your lap. You pet him absentmindedly while half listening to Steve and Bucky talk. They talk about the fire, the rain and when the subject of their trip home comes up you have to leave the room. It makes you too sad to think about them leaving.
You take Cooper out, grabbing the umbrella that you keep by the door on your way out. You don’t fool yourself and think that Steve hasn’t noticed your change in mood or the tears gathering on your eyelashes but you need a moment. You let Cooper run around in the rain, one of his favorite things to do, and you let a few of the tears fall.
You’re so conflicted on what to do. You’re 99% sure that Steve is your Alpha. The one Alpha for you, with how he makes you feel, and how he treats you and the fact that you can feel his emotions are all signs that he’s probably your Alpha. You’d be completely thrilled if he didn’t come from New York. If he wasn’t the True Alpha of his pack. But none of those things are true. He is the True Alpha, he lives in New York City, and you live here.
“Hey,” Steve says quietly from just inside the house. “You okay?”
“I don’t know.” You admit not looking at him,“I wanna be but I don’t know.”
“Wanna talk me through it?”
“I’m just really conflicted. I know in my gut you’re my Alpha, but you live there and I live here and I like it here. I like the smallness, the woods and the mountains. I can’t ask you to move your whole pack, and shouldn’t you being my Alpha be enough? Why isn’t it enough? Is there something wrong me with me?”
“Nothing is wrong with you.” Steve assures you, “all of your feelings and thoughts are completely valid. If it makes you feel any better I know in my gut you’re my Omega. I’ve known since you opened the door. The pack and I will do whatever you need to be happy, no Alpha command needed.”
“I can’t ask you all to move here. How big is your pack?”
“All together around fifty.”
“Fifty! Steve! That’s huge!”
“Why don’t you come to New York with us? You and I can go upstate? See if we can find somewhere that’s close enough to the city but quiet enough for you?”
“I’m scared Steve.”
“Of what?”
“You know the last Alpha I had. What if this doesn’t work and I’ve moved my whole life to the other side of the country?”
“Do you own this place?” You nod, “then keep it. If it doesn’t work you still have a home but if it does we have a vacation place.”
“Would you want me to stop taking my suppressants?”
“If you want to. I know it’s easier to have kids when you’re not on them.”
“You’d want kids with me?”
“I want it all with you Omega. I want the bonding. The marriage. The family. I want all of it.” You’re floored by his admission you finally turn toward him and throw an arm around his neck pulling his lips to yours. Steve is gentle when he pulls your body flush against his, he’s warm and solid against you.
“I’ll come to New York with you. Are you sure you could live outside the city?”
“For you? Yes. Easily and happily.”
“Can we bring Cooper?”
“Of course. Are you gonna be alright traveling with the three of us?”
“Yea. I think I can manage.” You tell him with a smile, “when do you want to leave?”
“I don’t know, I’ve got to talk to Sam and Bucky. I’m sure they’ll wanna get back as much as I do but we have to be sure the fires are out for good. Maybe three days?”
“Okay, you might need to talk me down again. Get me out of my own head.”
“I can do that.” He promises, “you’re sure you want to go?”
“Yes. When I think of being left here without you it fills me with such dread. But I might get nervous about meeting your pack and about being on the east coast in a huge city.”
“The pack is going to love you. You don’t need to worry about that. Can I check your ribs again?”
“I suppose. Come on Cooper!”
“He’s soaked.” Steve says and you glance over at a very muddy Cooper.
“Yea, he loves the rain.” You’ll need to give him a bath before bedtime, luckily he loves bath time almost as much as he loves the rain. “I’ll have to give him a b-a-t-h. He loves them and will lose his mind when I say the word.”
“Ah.” Steve gives you a little half smile, “want help?”
“Only if you’re ready to get drenched again.”
“Bring it on.”
“Hey Cooper, wanna take a bath?” You say and as promised loses his mind barking and dancing around you excitedly. You let him in and he bolts downstairs.
Steve helps you give Cooper a bath and as you predict you’re both completely soaked by the time you’re done.
“Who got a bath? You two or Cooper?” Bucky teases as you and Steve go past him in the living room.
“Cooper, give him a hug.” You tell the dog who runs over to Bucky and still soaking wet jumps up into Bucky’s lap and throws his body onto Bucky’s torso.
“Awe Cooper!” You and Steve laugh as Bucky debates if he wants your dog off of him or if he’s just going to let it happen. He finally surrenders and hugs Cooper back as you and Steve head upstairs.
After Steve checks your shoulder and ribs he seems pleased with how you’re healing. Cooper sleeps with Bucky instead of you and honestly it’s kind of nice that you and Steve have the bed to yourselves. It would be even nicer if you could relax.
“Will you tell me about the pack?”
“Can’t sleep?” You hum softly in response. So you drift off to his voice telling you about his pack.
The next three days are busy, you get things together for your trip to New York. You use as much of the perishable food as you can and bring other stuff to the food shelf in town. You pack up all of your book stuff, some of your clothes and whatever you’ll need for Cooper. You and Steve decide that you’ll drive your car with Cooper and some of your stuff then Sam and Bucky will drive the truck with everything else that you want to bring out and their stuff.
It’s weird locking up your place for what could be the last time. But you think that you’re ready, Steve is watching you out of the corner of his eye while he talks to Sam and Bucky. He gives you this sweet smile when you come walking down the sidewalk, Cooper on your heels.
“Ready to go Omega?” Steve asks and you nod, both his friends share a pleased look then both head for the drivers seat. A tussle breaks out, Sam getting Bucky into a headlock but Bucky is able to muscle his way out of the headlock and throws Sam to the ground before jumping into the truck with a triumphant yell.
“Is this going to be a bad idea?” You ask an unamused Steve.
“They’ll be fine. I’m more annoyed with them, I just know they’re gonna embarrass me on this trip.” He says as you walk to your car together, he opens the back for Cooper then buckles him in and joins you in the car.
“Maybe I should’ve ridden with them to hear the stories.”
“Absolutely not.” Steve says lightly, “besides you wouldn’t really leave your Alpha all alone would you?”
“Not unless I have to.” You admit and he takes your hand. He presses a kiss to the back of it and gives you a soft smile. You’d let him mark you right now if he was a normal Alpha you realize with a start, your anxiety spikes at the thought.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, I just, this is big ya know? I’ve been this fiercely independent fake Beta for like 18 years or so? And now I’m leaving that life behind.”
“You can still be an independent fake Beta.”
“No I can’t,” you admit, “I didn’t renew my prescription. I have a week left.”
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