#also can somebody just pick sam up
evilminji · 10 months
You know how... world leaders can't just? SAY stuff? Because when they DO it's the Offical Stance(tm) of their Country?
That makes their Fuck Ups(tm) all the more serious. It's WHY they have press teams.
They said something, PUBLICLY, on LIVE TELEVISION, that? Can not be taken back? Full on "masks off, behold the horrors you have payed for" moment?
Sure, they could SAY "that wasn't me" and "I was brainwashed" etc etc. But? If it's BIG enough? UGLY enough? TRUE??? People WILL find it. Dig and dig and dig like termites in the walls. Hunt like bloodhounds.
Riot in the streets.
Because? All it would TAKE? Is ONE half ghost, a few too many long nights trying to balance college classes and his internship, a bigotry filled call from back home, and staring down that empty fridge with just one box of moldering take out, because he's been too busy and stressed to remember to get GROCERIES AND-
So this is what "so stressed you feel calm, I have run out of Fucks too give" feels like. Neat. *picks up phone* Hey, Sam? You still at that protest? Outside the presidential speech? Neat. Don't move.
One Phone Line Express later. SAM is telling him to breathe. Maybe... maybe calm down. Think about this. Others around her can see the same "spark of madness" glint in his almost zen like smile.
It Fiiiiine, Sam.
He's just here to Talk.
He disappears. Sam's freaking out. President stumbles but catches himself on the way to the mike. Up in the watch tower, various Magic users choke on their lunches, because a ghost just possessed the United States President.
He taps the Mike, smile, leans in real close like he's gonna Tell You Folks A Secret.... Aaaaand~
"The second you Die, you no longer have human rights. Doesn't matter how brief. Heart stops? You're sub-human scum! Non-sentient by American law. We here in the United Stares PROUDLY desecrate the bodies and graves of the dead. Tear apart the immortal souls of the innocent. And condemn you to oblivion crying, begging, and screaming for mercy! Why, obviously, is an act. Because souls don't have the RIGHT to feel fear or pain!
And YES. We do mean EVERYONE'S. Atlantian, Kryptonian, Martian. Canadian, Mexican, Russian, AND Chinese! I could keep going! Once you die? You belong to the United States to experiment on as we see fit! You're PROPERT now! So turn your nonrights having, nonsentient self in to the nearest GIW! For the good of AMERICA. Ectoplasmic Scum!"
*drops mic*
Jaws are on the floor. This was VETERANS DAY. Dead military Heros and smile for the cameras. A cake walk. Do a patriotism, rah rah. There.... there are DIPLOMATS in the crowd. Sure as SHIT, were more then a few foreign nationals WATCHING. Religious leaders looking on in fury, grief, and horror.
Reporters. Oh sweet Jesus the reporters.
The press secretary faints.
PANDEMONIUM. The president, still dazed and confused from being possessed, gets PUNCHED on live television be his VP, a deeply religious if moderately shady man. Take bribes? VP is cool with that. Bootstraps, peasants, and all that. But how DARE you fuck with the Souls of the dead. How DARE you!
Phones are blowing up, questions are being shouted, the JLA Dark FEEL like they should tell somebody about the ghost kid... but also this feels VERY "Call for help-y" so they might throw their weight around instead and pretend they know nothing. World leader are meaningfully staring at their Dear Beloved Dead Grandmother's photos as they send LIVID assistants to hound the American into answering the DAMN PHONE-!
And Danny?
Danny feels calmer now. He has stolen like....700 bucks from secret security's various wallets. He's going to buy himself BOUGIE groceries. Some...some NICE take out. Maybe a little cake. Yeah~ Cake for Danny~
If anyone needs him? No you don't. He needs to go do some shopping, eat, lie on the floor of his shower and just... vibe for a bit under the spray. In the dark maybe. Sleep for a week. Have his food. Yummy little treats.
Or he's gonna fuckin LOSE IT, man.
(Tucker is actively hacking his college schedule as they speak. He KNEW it. Called it! Too many classes! But does Mr "I can handle it" listen? Noooooooo! Now look what happened! Holy SHIT, Danny!)
@hypewinter @hdgnj @ailithnight @nerdpoe @the-witchhunter
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xoxoch3rry · 2 years
Murdering my girlfriend prank - Colby Brock
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Colby Brock x fem!reader
Warnings: Violence, Murder (fake obvi), fake blood, and curse words.
Summary: You and Colby decide to prank his roommates by making them think he murdered you.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
"Wassup guys, it's Colby Brock here, Welcome back to my channel. So today I'm going to be doing the murdering my girlfriend prank on my roommates." "So basically me and my girlfriend Y/N are going to be ''getting in a fight'' and I'm going to kill her" Colby laughed looking at me. "But the objective is not actually to kill me but just to make your roommates think that you killed me" I looked at the camera.
"Right so let's begin" he smirked at the camera. "Ok, so I just went and checked and everybody is currently downstairs right now." I smiled, walking back into Colby's room and watching him set up the camera. "Alright so I have this glass cup that I'm going to throw to make it sound like things are being thrown around, Y/N and I are going to scream and yell at each other, and then it's going to go quiet, and then we're going to put the fake blood on her" Colby look at the camera nervously.
"I think I'm gonna go downstairs, and I'm gonna cry while I'm down there, but I'm also gonna set up a camera, so yeah. Also, I'm doing an acting class right now so this is gonna be practice" I smile into the camera while walking down the hall and towards the steps. I start to focus on letting the tears fall down my face while I had the camera at my side. I walked into the kitchen and saw Devyn and Kat sitting on the counter talking to each other, with the rest of the surrounding boys all taking shots.
"Hey, Y/N you okay?" Devyn asked, making everyone look at me. "Yeah, I'm fine" I faked a smile while looking down at the ground. "Are you sure you're okay Y/N" Jake stared at me "mhm" I opened the fridge grabbed a bottle of water and walked out of the kitchen and into the hallway to set up the camera. I laughed while setting up the camera on the floor under a blanket. I stepped back to look to see if the camera was noticeable. It wasn't.
I ran back up the stairs to tell Colby that we can start. "Ok, we can start" I smiled at him as I opened his door. I hugged Colby tight while taking in a deep breath of air. "I love you and I want to make sure you win this prank war" I smiled looking up at him. He leaned down and planted a kiss on my lips, "I love you" was all he said as he pushed me back onto his bed and started yelling at me.
"WHAT THE FUCK Y/N" Colby yelled loud enough for everyone in the house to hear. "I'm sorry" I cried out "I didn't mean to ok, it was just a mistake" I cried letting the tears form in my eyes. "Keep going" I whispered to Colby as he looked like a wanted to stop seeing me about to cry. He nodded. Counting to yell, "YOU FUCKED ONE OF MY BEST FRIENDS!"
"It was a mistake, ok". Please, Colby, please listen to me" He picked up the glass and threw it on the floor as I screamed out from the shock of the glass shattering all over the floor. I moved some of the glass out of the way and lay on the floor covering myself in fake blood "Colby stop Colby" I screamed at the top of my lungs "Somebody help me please" I cried out "SHUT THE FUCK UP" Colby yelled as he banged on the wall with his hands as I continued to scream then stop. I heard people running up the stairs, and down the hallway.
"Colby, open the door" Sam yelled out as he tried to open the door, but it was locked. "Y/N" Kat screamed out "Y/N please open the door." "COLBY, OPEN THE DOOR RIGHT NOW MAN" Jake yelled out. I smiled at Colby as I put some of the blood that was on me onto his clothes and face. I closed my eyes as he got up and walked over to his door. He took a deep breath as he unlocked it and barely opened it to where they couldn't see inside the room. "What?" he asked looking at his roommates, "Is Y/N ok?" Kat and Devyn asked at the same time. Colby didn't answer as he looked to the side of him, "oh my god" Kat said looking at the blood on his clothes.
Jake and Sam's eyes follow where Kat was looking. Jake shoves the door open, making Colby stumble out of the way. "OH MY GOD" Kat screamed out, falling to her knees and crying. "Holy shit," Sam said, placing his hands on his face, "Colby, what did you do?" Sam asked, looking at Colby. "I don't know man, it just happened," He said, stumbling over my body and over to his couch, taking a seat. "I didn't mean for this to happen" Colby cried out, tears falling down his face.
"What the fuck happened?" Jake asked, walking over to me and kneeling to look at me. "We got into an um f-fight and I just got so mad a-and I wasn't thinking and i-i just, I didn't mean for this to happen" Colby cried. "We have to call 911" Devyn cried, hugging Kat. "NO, NO, we can't". "Why not Colby" Kat asked looking at him with tears in her eyes. "Because um... It's A PRANK" he laughed out, wiping his tears. I laughed turning to look at Jake as he just scoffed and got up "NOT COOL MAN, not cool" he looked at Colby as he ran to get the camera.
"Oh, my god, Y/N I thought Colby actually killed you" Kat and Devyn hugged me. "Aww you guys care about me" I hugged them back. "Man, I thought I was gonna have to help you cover up a murder." Sam laughed with Colby.
"Thank you guys so much for watching today's video, if you liked or want to see more videos like this make sure you like, comment, and subscribe". "Yeah, we got 'em" I yelled into the camera still covered in blood.
After the video was over, Colby hugged me so tight I could barely breathe, "Are you actually trying to kill me" I laughed looking up at him. He laughed leaning down to kiss me on the lips "I'm sorry for yelling at you" he said as he broke away from the kiss "It's okay, but you do have fantastic acting skills" I looked up at him "I learned from the best" I hugged him even tighter burning my face into his chest.
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polydamnory · 9 days
Poly Shaw Pack Headcanons
Sometimes when David says something kind of snappy or rude to Angel (tsunderes gonna tsundere), Darlin will just come up, pick Angel up, and walk away saying “nope. Mate privileges revoked” - doesn’t matter if Angel isn’t bothered by it, he was mean
Milo HAS borrowed that choke collar from Baaabe and used it on Asher 👀👀👀
Almost all of them have tried their hand at teaching Asher how to cook - none have succeeded
Asher and Angel both keep getting caught late night gaming by the others, and David. Is. Not. Happy about it.
Sweetheart doesn’t purposefully sneak up on/startle Darlin the way they do Milo - they know that due to Darlin’s past trauma, they’re a lot more likely to lean more towards the fight part of fight or flight instincts, as well as just not wanting to accidentally trigger them in general
The non-shifter mates will go on a group date just the four of them once a month - the shifters do too but most of the time they just end up playing video games together (Asher) or spending some time in their wolf forms
Milo and Angel are both huge dorks for Aggro and baby him excessively
When Darlin gets really touch starved (which is most of the time), the rest of the polycule just kind of pile on top of them
Baaabe and David learned how to cook some of the dishes Sam’s grandmother used to make for him to help him feel better on the anniversary of her death - Darlin tried to help but got kicked out of the kitchen
Asher and Sweetheart occasionally team up to fuck with Milo (also Christian lol)
Angel moves around in their sleep a lot so whoever’s closest to them in bed have to be the ones to essentially smother them to keep them from accidentally kicking or punching somebody in their sleep
Solar Solstices are TOUGH with them all staying together, but thankfully the four non-shifters can team up to tackle it - Baaabe’s on cooking duty, Angel’s the one keeping David and Darlin from getting up out of bed (they are NOT above sitting on you, Darlin, stop it!), and Sweetheart and Sam team up to do some sleeping or healing magic - it doesn’t help much, but it’s something. They typically end up watching movies or playing some easy video games that at least keep them laying/sitting down for a majority of the day. EDIT: the lovely @darlin-collins (sorry for the at) has pointed out to me that both stealth’s AND vampires are negatively affected by the sun bound solstice so I guess Angel and Baaabe are gonna have to fight for their fucking lives lol
The mates groupchat still exists and Asher begs to be let in it like once a week
Darlin kind of wants to be included in it too but refuses to admit it
Asher and Angel can both dress like total gremlins and it physically pains Milo to have to see it
Baaabe has dommed most of the others at some point
Sam took a bit to feel comfortable asking to feed on any of them other than Darlin, and even then he still typically goes to them first if he’s feeling hungry - he doesn’t really have a favorite, it's just that in that regard he feels the most comfortable with them specifically
Asher will shift and comfort any and all of them in his wolf form like he does for Baaabe - he has to do it a lot for Sweetheart, their job has them stressed
David often feels like he’s babysitting a bunch of toddlers because even when they were just friends, the stupid shit this group would get themselves caught up in is insane - the fact that none of them have been arrested yet is a miracle in itself. No, Sam is not an exception.
Darlin, Milo and Angel are all terrible with horror movies (this is canon) and David sometimes likes to choose one he knows will particularly get them when it’s his pick for movie night just to fuck with them
I feel like some of these could technically apply outside the context of the polycule, and you know what, yeah that too
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the100thtwilightmaze · 7 months
Could I get an embry imagine, where like you guys are cuddling and things get kinda steamy? Smut if you feel comfortable
Title: Warming Up (Feb. 13, 2024)
Embry Call x fem!reader Imagine (Twilight)
Warnings: SMUT SMUT SMUTTY SMUT/teasing/soft!dom Embry(I guess)/not proof read 😂
so let's see if I still got it 😂 went back through my asks from apparently years ago 😬😂 and picked this one.
The night was ending like many of your others. Embry in the driver's seat, you in the passenger. Leaving another dinner at the Black's. A warm meal surrounded by people you considered family was something you would never grow tired of.
Finally making it back to your apartment, you were greeted with warmth and shelter from the pelting rain.
"I think this storm's gonna be a bad one, babe. Looks like we made it home just in time." you heard Embry call out, making his way to you guy's bedroom.
"Maybe Sam will take pity on you and let you off of patrols tomorrow morning. Then, I can have you all to myself." you replied, pulling off you coat and following him into the bedroom.
In true Embry fashion, his shirt was already forgotten, thrown in some corner of our already cluttered room.
Now, this was also something you'd never grow tired of.
Embry was beautiful. Copper skin, long hair that made it nearly halfway down his back, his tribal tattoo, and a few other tattoos he had collected in the past few years scattered all over his lean physique. Muscles that required no maintenance from him. The sweatpants that hung dangerously low on his hips.
Good God
"Babe, I love your confidence but you know Sam takes more of a No Mercy type of approach." he joked, climbing into bed.
"Now, come on. Let's finish this movie we started the other day. I wanna see this plot twist you've been going on about." he said, pulling the covers back in invitation.
Never one to deny your imprinter much of anything, you accepted his invitation. Stripping of your day clothes and into your..... bear necessaties with a plan in mind.
"Y/N, what are you up to?" he quipped from behind you after you finally nestled yourself between his legs, your back to his front.
"Don't flatter yourself, Call. I'm just trying to warmed up since somebody still hasn't gotten the heat in the truck fixed." you replied, grabbing the remote and flipping to Netflix.
If you say so, you heard him mutter. Wrapping his arm around your middle and pressing a quick kiss to your cheek.
Now, Embry always got a little too engrossed in whatever was playing on the TV. So engrossed that he didn't even notice when your fingers began to trace over one of his numerous tattoos.
Or when you reached behind you and ran your nails along his scalp.
But you know what he did notice? When you slightly readjusted to where your ass was flush against the impressive bulge concealed under his sweats.
A guttural moan and his arm tightening around your middle was his response.
"Still not warm enough, Ms. Y/L/N?" he teased, skimming his lips up your shoulder and right below your ear, grabbing the remote to pause the movie.
"Not quite yet, Call. But I think you can help remedy that." you answered back, turning around to give him your full attention, straddling his growing erection.
A small smile he offered before one of his hands crept up to pull your lips to his. His other hand roaming to your rear.
Everyone thought of Embry as timid and shy. Quiet and reserved. But they never got to see this side of Embry (and they never would if you had anything to do with it). Primal and animalistic. Teeth scraping along your neck. One hand fisting your hair, the other making its way into your panties.
A small whimper escaped you, quickly swallowed up by Embry.
"I've barely even touched you yet baby and you're already soaked." Embry pulled back just enough to tease.
"Embry, please..." you moaned, feeling his thick fingers work through your folds.
"How long have you been waiting for me, baby? Huh?" he questioned, fingers still just barely missing where you need him most.
"Were you sitting at the dinner table, thinking of all the ways I could fuck you? Use your words, baby. Talk to me." he teased, ignoring your plea, using the hand that wasn't teasing your pussy to unclip your bra.
You couldn't even formulate words at this point. If it wasn't Embry, your imprinter and the love of your life, you would be embarrassed with how quickly you were reduced to a whimpering mess.
"Yes. Yes. God, yes." you moaned, legs shaking as one of his fingers teased your clit.
"That's my good girl. Always so eager for me." he replied, flipping you over on your back. Taking off your underwear and throwing to yet another corner of your room.
"God. Would you look at her? Making such a mess. Just waiting to be stuffed full." he teased, his eyes zeroed in to the apex of your legs, teasing your entrance yet again.
"And who am I to deny her?" he questioned while sinking two fingers in your wet walls.
"Fuck, Em!" you moaned at the intrusion.
"You're just sucking me right in, baby. Such a greedy little thing." he mocked, his thumb coming to teasing your bungle of nerves while his other fingers worked magic inside you.
Bringing his lips down, his teeth scraped across one of your harden nipples, making you fist your hand in his long locks.
You felt his hardened length teasing at your thigh, still (to your dismay) fully clothed.
Between the bites he was leaving across your chest, the thumb toying at your clit and the two fingers wreaking havoc inside you, you knew you wouldn't last long. That knot in your stomach was already growing, your legs already trembling.
"Embry, baby..." you managed to whimper. But his face was buried in the crook of your neck now, his lips whispering the filthiest things between kisses.
"Embry. Baby. Fuck. I need you. Fuck, baby. I need you inside. I need to feel you inside, baby. Please." you managed, just slightly louder than before. But he had heard you. Evidenced by the sudden stop in kisses and the halt in movement of his fingers.
"Fuck, Y/N. If that's what you want, I'll give it to you." he groaned, bringing his lips to yours and making quick work of his sweats.
Embry was girthy and just long enough to hit that one spot that had you seeing stars. His dick stood at attention, red and weaping. You moaned at the sight, remembering that delicious stretch.
He teased the head through your folds, smearing your wetness and his precum through your folds, making you both moan at the sensation.
"You ready, baby?" he asked, finally tearing his eyes away from your dripping cunt.
All you could do was nod your head in confirmation.
Bringing his lips to yours, Embry sank into you.
Swallowing each other's moans with a kiss, he set a steady rhythm. The only sounds to be heard in the small apartment were your moans and the sound of skin slapping.
"Fuck, you take me so well, baby. Look at you, creaming by dick. Such a good fucking girl." he muttered, eyes once again zeroed on where you were joined.
You moaned at his praise, involuntarily clenching around him causing his thrusts to stutter.
"You gonna cum, baby? Already?" he smirked, bringing that fucking thumb up to your clit once more.
"Then come, baby. Make a mess on this dick for me." he commanded, claiming your mouth once more.
You saw stars.
And whatever else was out there.
A broken moan leaving you as Embry's orgasm followed shortly after.
Pulling his softening member from you, Embry collapsed next to you. Both of you offering small giggles in between trying to catch your breath.
Covering you up, he pulled you to him. Finally offering the warmth that you were so desperately asking for.
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After the Storm |1|
Tara Carpenter x Spider-Women!Reader
Chapter One: Mutant Lizards & Kisses
(idk how many chapters I'll do for this series but I'm just winging it for now)
Summary: After your fight with The Lizard, you climb back with quite a few injuries. Luckily, Tara's there to tend to them
Warning(s): Swearing, Police!Sam 🤭, mentions of fighting & injuries
Notes: Based off of this scene in TASM (gotta be one of my favorite scenes). Wrote this while taking a break from writing chp 6 of LTLI. Motivation for this kinda just came to me and I've always wanted to do a spider!reader thing
Masterlist|Next Part
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You limped, nearly collapsing on the roof as you held your side.Your trap for Dr. Connors did not work out how you planned, and your recklessness to get more photos than you needed ended you up with none.
You painfully crawled down, making your way to the fire escape outside the window you recognized. You knocked on it three times with your head, ignoring your pounding headache. You kept your head resting on the window as you heard clicking from the other side. Tara looked over to you and smiled before saying, “Come in,” then turning back to the assignment she was working on.
You push the window up, sliding through the opening as you exhale tiredly. 
“You should maybe, uh, consider coming in through the main entrance,” Tara jokes and you huff a laugh. 
You struggle to lift yourself until finally hopping into her room
“Also, my sister is under the impression that you require psychiatric attention….” Tara finally turns to you when she hears you grunt and her eyes slightly widen.
“Y/N.” She stood up from her chair and rushed over to you. You’re now leaning against the wall, when Tara comes up to you. 
“What the hell happened?” She asked quickly.
“You should see the other guy,” you say in a husky voice; you can still see Tara fretting over your injuries.
She carefully walks you to her bed, gently laying you down, not wanting to cause you any further pain. You tilt your head back as you continue to speak through deep breaths, “the other guy, in this instance being a giant mutant lizard.”
“You’re all bruised up–”
“Tara, I’m fi–”
“You’re not fine,” Tara interrupted in a sharp tone.
You both stopped your movement when you heard Sam’s voice from the other side of the door.
“Hey, Tara, I have to run to the station. Do you want me to pick up some ice cream from that place you like, on the way back?” You and Tara shared a look before she got up and you rolled to the floor. 
Tara opened the door just a few inches to greet her older sister. “No, Sam. I do not want ice cream. I can’t afford any distractions right now. I have a bunch of exams to prepare for,” Tara said, trying to fake an aggravated tone.
“Okay, I just remember somebody saying last week that her fantasy was to live in an ice cream house,” Sam reminded Tara. 
“Well that's impractical,” she said, shutting the door. “And fattening,” she added after opening the door, now shutting it again.
She turned around to see you peeking from behind the bed, giving her a dopey smile. “An ice cream house?” You questioned, still wearing the same expression.
Tara rolled her eyes, nodding, still not saying a word before turning back around to open the door once again. 
“Sorry…” Tara apologized to Sam. 
“It’s really good ice cream.”
“It’s just I can’t, um, I'm doing this um—paper and I’m really focused on it. Didn’t mean to snap at you.”
“It’s okay, I get it. How about I bring you a some for later?” 
“Okay, sounds good. Thanks Sammy,” Tara said with a smile before shutting the door one more time.
As soon as she walked back in the room, she gave you no room to talk. Already giving you directions to follow as she got her medkit from her nightstand’s bottom drawer. 
“Roll down your suit.”
You sigh but comply. “I’m fine, just a little banged up. I almost got him though—Dr. Connors. I can feel it, Tar. I’m gonna get him next time.”
“I swear, Y/N, if you get yourself killed I will make sure you regret it,” the younger Carpenter threatened.
“Why? Gonna miss me?” You teased, looking at the other girl as her attention was on the rubbing alcohol she was preparing. 
“In your dreams, Y/L/N,” Tara replied, but you saw the tiny smile she gave you before looking back at what she was doing. 
“Ah…” You softly groaned, feeling the sting as the rubbing alcohol made contact with your open wound.
Tara gave you an apologetic look, “It’ll be done soon.” 
“And when that's done?”
“What do you mean?” Tara asked with a slightly raised eyebrow.
“After this, how about we do something?”
She lightly shook her head with a smile before replying. “And Sam comes home to an empty apartment? Yeah, no.”
“I’ll get you home in time before Sam is,” you reassure her. 
“You’re forgetting Sam’s a police captain,” Tara’s body betrays her as she melts into your touch, feeling your hand gently sneak up her arm.
“Unless she can track my web-shooters, I think we’re good.”
 “I don’t know…” she looks down, averting her attention to one of your other cuts she’s tending too.
You left hand lifts her head, her chin resting on your knuckles.
“Come on…” 
Your foreheads meet and the towel in her hand is long forgotten. You brush your thumb against her bottom lip, you both slightly lean in until your lips are only centimeters apart. 
“Easy bug girl…” You heard her whisper.
“What’d you just call me?” You asked as you both lightly laugh, faces never pulling from each other. 
“Let's get out of here,” you said as you comedically shook your head around, causing Tara to giggle. “Just for a minute, come on.”
Your noses rubbed together as Tara leaned into you. 
“Noooo…” She hated how much she wanted to say yes to you.
“Yesss,” your smile never falters through this yes and no battle. You looked at how Tara looked away for a moment before looking back at you with a smile she was visibly fighting and in that moment you knew you won.
“...I better be home before Sam is.” 
When you land back on Tara’s fire escape, she’s clinging onto you for dear life while her face's buried in your chest. You smile down at her as you tell her, “We’re back by the way,” resisting the urge to place a kiss on her head.
“Yeah—yeah I knew that,” she replied, slowly pulling away from you.
You can’t help but chuckle at her shooken state. “Oh, you think this is funny? We were so high up—a drop that high is deadly, Y/N.”
“You think I’d drop ya?” 
“No, cause’ then Sam would bury you alive.”
“Speaking of Sam,” you’re both fully in the room now as you look at her bedroom door and then back at Tara, “Looks like she’s not here…”
“I already let you swing me around while a billion feet in the air; you’re still needy for my attention?” She teased, slightly tilting her head.
“What, you don’t wanna hang out with me?” You teased back.
You’re now directly in front of her, Tara’s legs hit the back of the bed and you can feel her breath on yours. Your hands end up on her hips and her left hand lightly cups your jaw.
In a husky voice you begin, “Tara, you have no idea–" 
Suddenly the front door can be heard opening, the various locks twisting and turning. You and Tara looked at each other before Tara shoved you under the bed. Footsteps came closer and closer until Sam opened the door to find her sister sitting at her desk, headphones in, and pen in hand.
Tara turned to look at the door, pulling out her headphones when she made eye contact with Sam. “Oh, hey Sam. I was just finishing up this paper,” Tara said innocently, giving the paper a single tap with her pen.
Sam slightly nodded, looking around—Tara noticed this. “Did you need something?” Tara asked the older Carpenter.
“Uh, no—no, I just thought I heard something. Anyways,” Sam slightly shook her head, “got you that ice cream. It’s in the freezer when you want it.”
“Thanks, Sam. Love you,” Tara responded. “Love you too,” Sam said back with a smile before leaving the room but not without taking one more scan of the room.
You waited another minute before crawling out from under her bed. 
“That was a close one, bug girl.”
“Is that gonna be a permanent nickname?”
“You bet it is, bug girl."
You playfully rolled your eyes, a smile grazing your face when you see her dimples show. "You're lucky you're cute," you tell her.
"Oh? Would you rather me call you my savior?" Tara jokingly batted her eyelashes at you.
You bit lip in thought. "It's got a ring to it..."
"Yeah, no. 'Think I'm sticking with bug girl for now."
"Worth a shot," you shrugged before walking over to her,"Now...where were we?"
"You were leaving–"
"Mmm, no. That' not what I recall."
Before Tara could respond, you began placing kisses that travled to her jaw then neck, making her knees grow weak as you slowly lead her to the bed until her back softly hit the mattress.
You hovered above her while she gratefully accepted your touch, holding onto your biceps while you continued to kiss her.
"Y/N, my sister's right outside. And if you've forgotten; she has a warrant out for your 'wall crawling vigilante ass'—her words, not mine," Tara said, breath hitching as you continued to kiss her neck.
You stopped mid kiss, looking around the room then slightly frowned, furrowing your eyebrows as you looked back at her. "Is she here in the room with us...? Cause I don't see her."
Tara let out a light sigh, raising one of her hands to cup your jaw. "Five. Minutes." She told you, holding your jaw with a gentle yet firm grip.
"Yes ma'am."
A/N: R because she didn't pack extra web fluid like Tara told her to:
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cripplecharacters · 2 months
How to go about writing tics? I have tics but I never know how to write them naturally, especially cause I often forget I even have them. To me it's like describing blinking or something? But I of course want the character to notably have tics, even though my internal experience of tics isn't very noticeable to me? If that makes sense?
Jerk, California by Jonathan Friesen is a book about a character (Sam) with Tourette's syndrome, written by an author who also has Tourette's. One of the things I really appreciated about the book was that it described Sam's tics in a way that made sense with how they felt as somebody with Tourette's.
In the book, Sam's tics are generally described when they're relevant. Usually, this is either to show that he's upset/otherwise worked up about something or as a way to build tension within the narrative itself. Although it doesn't necessarily mean that Sam isn't ticcing otherwise, it came across as the tics being more noticeable in those moments -- which I felt was a nice touch.
Consider the following passage from the book:
I glance around. My muscles don't jerk, and I close my eyes. I breathe deep, and like the third runner who finally catches up, the overtakes me. Slowly at first–a hard eyeblink. But that's not enough; there's more that has to work its way out, and my teeth grind. Movement spreads to my shoulder, and soon my whole body springs to twitchy life.
Even without the rest of the context of the scene, the description of his tics is enough to convey how he's feeling in the moment.
In the more mellow portions of the book, his tics aren't generally described at all, which helps it to feel more calm.
Another thing I liked it that they're described in the same way as any other action or movement.
This is another passage from the book:
The class groans, Heather swears, and my shoulder jumps. My elbow knocks my textbook to the floor with a thump.
Although the author doesn't explicitly say that Sam is ticcing, we as readers can get that idea from the way it's described. Essentially, this is to say that you don't need to explicitly specify when something is a tic or not – your audience will generally pick up on it.
With verbal tics (Especially ones that involve speech), it can be a bit harder. There's a kind of balance you want to strike between showing the tics and still making sure that the dialogue is readable.
While discussing verbal tics that occur outside of dialogue (i.e. Not interrupting the character's speech), I'd suggest marking the tic as such through dialogue tags. Words such as "blurted" or "exclaimed" can imply an unintentional aspect to the speech.
You could also describe how the character is experiencing the tic themself (If it's from their POV).
This is another passage from Jerk, California:
"No thanks, Jace. I'll stay with Sam." "Hah!" The word fires from my mouth. I purse my lips and bite my swollen tongue, but my vocal cords are locked and there's nothing I can do. "Stay with Sam! Stay with Sam!"
If you're writing in the POV of another character, you could describe how it looks from their perspective. Though I'd be careful with this, as it can come across as mockery if it's not done well.
With verbal tics that do interrupt dialogue, be careful to ensure it's not too frequent as it can make it difficult to read. I'd also suggest using some sort of formatting to identify tics vs general dialogue.
An example could be: (Note: This is not from the book)
"You know, I don't think–hey!–that would be a good idea."
That said, you would have to establish that the character has tics beforehand (And, ideally, establish this speech pattern as such), otherwise it can look more like an interruption or something similar.
I'd definitely suggest taking a glance through some books about characters with tics, just to see the format that other authors use. There's a wide range of options out there and the book I referenced here is just one of many ways to do it.
~ Mod Icarus
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screamforyani · 1 year
hello!! i wanted to say that i really love your writing!!
and i also wanted to share one of my thought about gf!ethan making you play the nastiest game ever, him threatening that if you don’t do what he wants (in a sexual way) he’ll kill one of your friend!
have a nice day!!🤍
warnings: noncon to dubcon, ghostface phonecall kinda, no original thoughts because i completely ripped this off from scream 5
wc. 1.6k
you hated being alone on friday nights, because you were always bored. 
usually, tara would have dragged you out to some party with her that sam could never know she went to, but she was busy with her boytoy tonight.
boring. or maybe it was because you were slightly jealous. at least one of us are getting some action tonight, you thought.
you grabbed your phone, deciding to text tara anyways. not that you thought she would respond. when chad was in the room with her, your best friend had a one-track mind.
you: i’m sooooooooo bored 
you: tell chadwick you have a very angry best friend who owns a plastic machete and a very heavy ceiling fan
you: i will unscrew the ceiling fan.
just as you put your phone down to get up and grab some yogurt, you heard it start to vibrate on your coffee table. you furrowed your brows. that was quick. chad must have been in the bathroom or something. 
you picked it up, answering lightheartedly, “tara, you monster. i can’t believe you left me all alone.”
“it’s not tara.”
you arched a brow. that voice was a hell of a lot deeper, definitely not your best friend’s snarky tone. “chad?”
the person on the other line chuckled. “wrong again. come on, try one more time.”
that was when the familiarity of the voice dawned on you. you’d seen a couple of stab movies before and those cliches were coming back to you. your heart raced a little faster, wondering if this was some prank, but chad and tara wouldn’t do that. “you’re the killer.”
“see, i knew you could do it,” said the killer on the phone, almost sounding excited. 
you were rooted in place, hissing, “what did you do with tara and chad?”
“oh, nothing. they’re fine. for now,” he said ominously, unnerving you completely. “but they won’t be if you don’t do what i want.”
“what do you want?” you asked, bringing the phone from your ear to put the call on speaker so that you could text sam. 
“i wouldn’t do that if i were you,” he warned.
you paused, glancing around. “you can fucking see me right now?”
“of course i can. those cameras in your living room aren’t doing you justice right now. i’m sure you look even better in person. whose t-shirt are you wearing? it’s a few sizes too big on you.”
your heart started to race and you glanced around, looking for a weapon. you weren’t safe. and neither were your friends. 
“what are you going to use, huh? that plastic machete? or are you going to unscrew the ceiling fan?” the killer teased. 
you snarled, “fuck you.”
ghostface said nothing while you walked out of the living room, but before your fingers could even brush the kitchen knife, your phone buzzed in your hand. it was a video outside of tara’s bedroom window, of her laying on chad’s chest. you gulped. 
“don’t they look so cute together?” ghostface asked with a chuckle, speaking again. “you have two options. it’s a simple choice, really. either do what i say or i’ll cut their fun short.”
you backed away from the knives, taking a huge breath while you re-entered the living room. this fucking asshole. you were at his mercy.
“smart choice!” he exclaimed. 
you grumbled, “what do you want me to do?”
“take off that shirt.”
you paralyzed at his request, not wanting to commit to it in the slightest. for fuck’s sake, this guy wanted you to give him a fucking strip tease? you weren’t an expert on these kinds of things, but you figured he had to be somebody that you knew. he could have just asked.
ghostface yawned, as if to say he was getting bored. “tick tock. i have a short attention span, you know. the thought of slicing open your friends is starting to get really enticing right now.”
you huffed in annoyance, throwing the goddamn shirt above your head. it was ethan’s. your friends spent a lot of time your place because you were the only one that lived alone. you snapped, “are you happy?”
“not yet,” he said darkly. “you see that stuffed animal by your television? pick it up. i want you to ride it.”
“you can’t be serious,” you grumbled to yourself, and when he didn’t say anything, you figured he hadn’t heard you. you grabbed the fucking stuffed animal you’d gotten for your birthday and mounted the toy, feeling a little awkward doing this while aware that you were being watched.
you eased into your movements, starting off slow, partially because it was a little humiliating. you weren’t wearing much under the shirt, only your panties. in fact, you weren’t even wearing a bra.
“fuck,” came the voice on the phone. “just like that.”
what made the situation even more mortifying was that you didn’t hate how it felt, grinding against the faux fur of the poor large teddy bear. you could feel your arousal starting to damp your underwear, sticking to your skin. you wanted to be disgusted with yourself.
“tell me how it feels.”
“feels… feels good,” you replied through ragged breaths, against your better judgment.
“yeah?” he hummed. 
“mm-hm,” you whispered, forgetting that you were supposed to be scared. 
all of the heat washed over you, fogging your brain as your hips found a rhythm. you were blindsided by pleasure, grinding your sticky cunt against the toy. you threw your head back in a moan, grabbing onto the toy while you increased your pace. 
it was shameful what you were doing, entertaining some freak behind a mask. but it wasn’t like you had any other choice. he was going to hurt my friends, was what you’d reminded yourself when the smoke cleared and your thoughts became rational again.
“stop,” he commanded, much to your chagrin. 
“no,” you whimpered. “please.”
ghostface laughed mockingly, but only for a second, before repeating a little harsher this time, “stop.”
you halted your actions, hating the aching throbbing between your legs. it was driving you crazy. you felt so soaked, so wet.
“good girl,” he whispered. “bend yourself over the arm of the couch.”
you were too aroused to make some snappy comment, doing as told. you were guessing he wanted a nice view to get off to. the imagination could only do so much.
that was when you heard a sound, but you didn’t have much time to react when he came out of nowhere and pressed himself behind you, bringing his hand to your mouth to muffle your scream. you felt him tug at your underwear and reached behind your back to stop him, which ultimately ended with your arms folded behind your back and your panties slipped to the side as he forced his big, hard cock into your wet cunt.
“so absorbed in pleasure you didn’t even hear me come in,” he said, but you quickly noticed that he spoke without the modulator. and you didn’t have to turn your head to know who it was. 
you blurted, “ethan?”
“yeah, baby,” he moaned, slapping his hips against yours. “that’s what i want you to say when you cum all over my cock. shit, baby, you’re so wet.”
you shuddered when you felt his fingers coat themselves in your arousal, and you didn’t even realize that he brought his fingers to his mouth, tasting you. it drove him mad with lust, to an extent he didn’t even know he was capable.
you couldn’t even bring yourself to be upset right now at your friend’s actions, too tangled in ecstasy and the way it felt as his cock slipped in and out of you with a wet sound, fucking you stupid. to say nothing of how touch-starved you were.
“ethan,” you stammered out again. “harder.”
“you want me to fuck you harder?” ethan asked, chucking in amazement. you were everything he could’ve dreamed of, and beyond. 
you bobbed your head. “please, i need it.”
“well, if you need it,” he teased, a lilt to his tone. 
it knocked the wind out of you when he slapped his hips into you harder, made you feel dizzy with how perfectly he felt inside you, stuffing you full. it was a lot, but you knew that you could take it.
this moment was straight out of a fantasy. you were bent over, crying out ethan’s name and begging him for more, like you just couldn’t get enough of him. to be frank, he couldn’t get enough of you either. you scratched something in his brain, made him go crazy. not to mention how you were pulsing around his dick, so tight and way better than his hands.
“nobody else can have you like this,” ethan groaned, fisting your hair into a ponytail behind you. “right?”
“nobody,” you stuttered, barely able to speak. you were on the brink of climax. 
“fuck,” ethan moaned. “cum for me, baby. you know you want to.”
that was basically all it took to finish you, the petname rolling off of his tongue so deliciously. just as you were instructed, you moaned ethan’s name when you came, feeling wrecked as pure hell. 
ethan came too, pulling out and cumming on your back much to your surprise. he slid off you after a moment or two, leaving you to drop onto the couch, exhausted. 
just moments later, your phone buzzed, and you grabbed it under ethan’s watchful gaze. it was a text from chad. 
chad: hey it’s tara
chad: i stole chad’s phone lol he’s in the shower
chad: so something kinda crazy happened… i like totally lost my phone. but i wanted to check up on you and make sure you didn’t die lol
you glanced back at ethan, meeting his eyes for the first time since he’d been here, and watching his lips curl into a twisted grin. it was a wordless exchange.
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brooooswriting · 1 year
Hello I love your work! Can I request a Sam carpenter x reader fic with a younger reader who is part of the friend group and is kind of shy but also kind like too kind for her own good and Sam just being whipped whenever she looks at reader doing something
Just a little whipped
Sam Carpenter x reader
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You first started being friends with Mindy, she was a nice girl. Friendly, snarky, funny and loyal, she would describe you the same, which was the reason why she introduced you to the rest of the friend group, Chad, Anika and Tara. Everybody loved you, you were a bit shy but extremely nice, you would do everything for nearly everybody. That was probably what made it easy for them to trust you, you always respected their boundaries and were there for them when the aftermath of the attacks took their toll on them.
As much as you liked all of them, Sam was your absolute favorite. She was really nice most of the time, overprotective, strong, soft and just really cute. Not everyone would describe her like that but to you she was nothing else than that. But you were to shy to realize that she might just think about you that way too.
It was crazy how whipped Sam was for you, Tara and the rest of the group often let her know as they constantly made fun of her for it. They were also surprised how you couldn’t notice, you just thought that she was nice because you, yourself, were often way too nice. Even after a lot of arguments nobody could make Sam believe that you actually like her.
“We just gotta pick up y/n and then we can go get lunch” Mindy said as the friend group walked down the street, her hand holding Anika’s. As soon as your name was said Sams face showed a smile making Tara smirk. “God, you’re whipped” she laughed out until her sister glared at her which made her shut up, she could be scary. They waited in front of the building for about a minute before you came sprinting towards them, and while Chad for some reason thought that he was gonna be the one to get the first hug, you ran past him and hugged Sam, “hey” you mumbled out as she hugged you back, she was about 6 inches taller than you so your head landed on her chest as her arm wrapped around your shoulder. “Hello?” Chad said with his arms still wide open and shock on his face causing you to giggle and part from Sam, her face showing disappointment. You hugged Chad and then the rest before settling back with Sam.
You guys went to a small pizza place not far away where you sat in a bench not far away, the place was warm not like the weather outside as it was freezing. You sat at the edge of one of the benches next to Mindy and in front of the older carpenter who sent you a soft smile. Not even 10 minutes after you ordered Mindy started to complain, “ugh, I should have gotten something to drink” her sigh was loud which made you giggle as you stood up, “I’ll get you something, does somebody else want something?” You asked and everybody nodded. “I’ll come with you” the older woman immediately offered making everybody grin.
“Thank you” you said as you waited for the drinks at the counter, “for what?” Confusion was spread over her face which made you giggle, “for helping me with the drinks”. “You don’t always gotta say thank you you know?” She asked with a hand on your arm, the skin immediately tingling. “Sorry, it’s a habit” just as you finished her phone rang, ‘Danny’. “I’m sorry I gotta answer that, I’ll be right back” she said before walking outside.
You carried as many drinks as you could, the man behind the counter helping you due to the fact that you were so unbelievably nice to him. It’s been about 10 minutes that Sam has been outside without a jacket so you stood up again and grabbed it, “where you going?” Anika asked as she looked up, “bringing Sam her jacket, I don’t want her to get sick” you answered before walking outside to find her in front of the store on FaceTime with a boy. “Your jacket, you must be freezing” you said as you gave her the jacket, a smile grazing over her features. While she mumbled a thank you the guy on the phone spoke up, “ohhh is that Tara’s friends you’ve been…” she sent him a quick look which immediately shut him up. “Don’t be too long before your pizza gets cold, or I can bring it outside if you want” Sam shook her head and told you that she’d come back inside soon which made you go back, her eyes following you until she couldn’t see you anymore. “Bro, you are whipped”
You sat back down on the bench and were about to start eating when everybody started asking questions, “so who is she talking to?” Tara asked as you played with the straw in your soda, “cute boy from next door” you answered before taking a bite of your pizza. “Oh, I’m sorry” Mindy and Chad said at the same time which made you look down at your plate, Sam coming back a moment later. “Sorry” she only said before she started eating.
“There is literature evening kinda thing from my literature lecture, I’m presenting some of my poems and I just wanted to let you guys know in case you wanna come. You don’t have to, there might be a crowd and I know that’s not your thing, so just think about it” it amazed them every time how considerate you were, it was crazy really, the main reason you invited them was because you wanted familiar faces in the crowd but you still gave them an option. Sams gaze softened when she realized why you wanted them there and how considerate you were about their feelings.
When you payed it was already dark outside and while the rest decided to go to the carpenter apartment you decided to go home, you didn’t wanna see cute boy. “Thanks for the invite but I will just go to my dorm. I’ll see you alright?” You told them ready to part to walk the shortcut to the campus, “wait, we will walk you home” Mindy offered but you shook your head, “it’s fine. It’s really cold, so go get inside” they smiled at you and waved goodbye. “I’ll walk you home” Sams tone left no room for discussion so you two and the rest parted.
“Why are you going home already?” She asked as you walked side by side in the cold wind of New York. “I still gotta look over some of the poems for Friday and I promised my roomie that I’d help her with English” it wasn’t a complete lie but you actually just didn’t wanna see cute boy. “You know that she uses your kindness right?” Sam asked as she referred to your roommate, she looked down at you to find you shivering while shrugging your shoulders. Her heart melted seeing you like this and without a second thought she wrapped her arm around your shoulder and pulled you into her, her warmth immediately reducing your shivering. “God, you’re freezing” she mumbled as she pulled you even closer.
A couple of minutes later you were at your dorm, “I’d invite you in but I think there are people waiting for you” you said as you unlocked your room, standing in the door way in front of Sam. She kept silent, just looking at you, “well, thanks for keeping me warm. I’ll see you” you leaned forward and kissed her cheek softly before walking inside and closing the door.
The next time you saw Sam was 3 days later, the group hasn’t seen you either as you were busy stressing over the event and you didn’t wanna stress in front of them as you were scared that they’d feel forced to come. So you kept to yourself and used studying as an excuse.
Your professor started the event, he greeted everybody and then went backstage. You were the second one outside, you were extremely scared but went out nonetheless. You suddenly stopped when you saw who sat in the first row, in the middle of a crowd, Sam. While you were extremely happy to see her, it made your nervousness worse. “My name is y/n and I’ll read a poem I wrote myself for a very special person in my life
Most people like blue eyes
But I’ve found that they only hide lies
Others prefer the color green
As it reminds them of a land scene
And I used to think that too,
Until I met you
Suddenly my favorite color was brown
And your laugh my favorite sound
I love how your voice sends shivers down my spine
And how your eyes shine.
How you wrap your arm around my shoulder to keep me warm
And always make time to walk me to my dorm
I can’t tell you when I fell for you
I only hope that you fell for me too”
Not my best one but hey it works
By now you saw the rest of the group in the back, Sam was looking up at you with a sparkle in her eyes. There was no denying that she was swooning, the first time you realized the way she looks at you.
You went back backstage where you found Tara, “dude, this is so cute. Sams so in Love with you, it’s crazy” you shook your head. “She’s not in love with me, she has cute boy” you denied but before Tara could say something a voice behind you spoke up. “That was great y/n” Mindy said and as you were about to answer your phone rang.
“Come outside xx” -Sam
You smiled and told the others that you’d be outside real quick. With each step you went closer, your heartbeat quickened and you got more and more nervous. “Hey” you mumbled while playing with your fingers as you stood in front of her, “you did so great in there, it was such a nice poem” she told you and hugged you close to her chest, your arms wrapping around her waist. “Thanks” you took all your braveness together before you spoke out again, “it was about you” you looked up at her, noticing a slight blush on her face. She didn’t say anything as she lowered her head to place a soft kiss on your lips, her hand softly cradling your jaw with her thumb stroking over your cheek. Her lips were soft and the kiss was filled with passion which quickly turned to need.
In a matter of Moments she had you pressed against the outside of the building, kissing you. You only pulled away when someone coughed behind you, your face immediately hiding itself in her jacket which made everyone laugh. “You’re so cute” she mumbled as she pressed a kiss to your head and wrapped her arms tighter around you.
A/n: thinking about a part two
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fannyyann · 8 months
Keeping up with the Florida Panthers (aka Sara Civian interviews Matthew)
EP Rinkside: What's something away from the rink that’s making you happy these days?
Matthew Tkachuk: I would say, just, I'm lucky at this time of year. Especially across the whole country, it seems like it's freezing everywhere. It's beautiful down in Florida. And we just moved into our new practice rink recently, so that's been awesome.
EP: There was a quote floating around from (head coach Paul Maurice) from before the nine-game win streak and before you started getting hot on the scoresheet. He said people are going to say “Matthew Tkachuk is back,” and he's going to say you never left. Did you see that?
MT: I did, yes.
EP: How did you feel about it, and what's your relationship with him like?
MT: Well, Paul's been a very important part of my last few years. He’s one of, if not the best, coaches that I've ever played with. He's been very important for my development, and I just think that he trusts my game, and I trust my game. I wouldn't say (the puck) was going in early, but I haven’t changed one thing, I'm still doing the exact same thing, it's just finding a little bit more success right now.
It’s been a great year for our team and as of late, it’s picking it up a little bit for myself. Hopefully, we can just keep trending into the second half of the year here.
EP: How important is that trust between a coach and a player and how is it developed?
MT: I just think that he's always given me the right leeway, but still expects me to play the right way. He knows that there's some parts of my game that (are unique) I need to maybe take a little bit more chances than the average player. He gives me full leeway to do that, but also expects me to work my butt off and to lead by example.
EP: We always talk about “buy-in,” it's kind of cliché at this point, and you guys obviously have that factor. But how does something like that start?
MT: I just think being so close to winning it all last year has made it very, very easy to come back this year and have that immediate buy-in from the guys wanting to win a championship here. So many returning guys who are so close and so upset with not finishing it off. There's a lot of motivation.
EP: Do you have a favourite moment from last season's run?
MT: I would say, probably all of the series-clinching wins, the series-winning goals. The overtime winner in Boston, the overtime winner in Toronto, the last second one at home against Carolina.
All three of those are by far the greatest goals I've ever been a part of.
EP: I feel like we're not as a society talking about Sam Bennett enough. Can you give us a little bit about what he's like off the ice and what it's like to play with him?
MT: He just plays so hard.
He was one of the first guys I met when coming to Calgary, and we've been so close ever since. I'm so happy that we got to play together again down here in Florida. He was the first guy I talked to when I got traded, and we've just been so close for eight-plus years now.
It’s so fun that we're able to play with each other still, we just have such great chemistry on and off the ice. He just plays so hard and he complements my game so well. And off the ice, we're just super close and have a great group of guys that pretty much do everything together away from the rink.
It makes it so much fun to come to the rink every day, work with them, and then when we leave the rink, do stuff together.
EP: If you became the commissioner of the league today, what's the first thing you'd change?
MT: Overtime until somebody scores. No shootouts. And no back-to-backs. I don't know if we need any more back-to-backs right now.
EP: Other than you, who has the best chirps in the league?
MT: I'd say the guy who chirps a lot on our team is Brandon Montour. He has some good ones. Nick Cousins has got some good ones. (Ryan) Lomberg, too. They all have some good ones.
EP: Best advice your dad ever gave you?
MT: Two things: Compete and be a good teammate.
EP: Last year you gained some recognition outside of the hockey world, and it kind of sparked, like, a debate about personality in the NHL. I've always wondered What you actually think about this whole conversation, like, do you like being kind of the personality guy in the NHL?
MT: Well, I’m never going to not be myself. I grew up with great parents that taught me great things and around a great family. I’ll carry that for the rest of my life. I’m not trying to do anything, and some guys are (quieter) and that’s OK. This is just how my personality is.
EP: Can you give me three words to describe the current Panthers?
MT: Oh, I would say very fast. So fast. Close – we’re a super close team.  I've never seen a team like this where, you know, we're going to dinner on the road and we're having, you know, 15 people reservations and everybody hanging out with each other. it's been awesome. Fast, close, and fun. Nobody has more fun than our team.
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lucabyte · 5 months
i am looking at nohats au 👀 please share more
So! NoHats! I'm going to grab you and use this to ramble. A Lot.
The NoHats AU is @samhainian's it's just that I'm the strange little freak who takes the words said unto me and executes on them. But I can still do a little explainer on what our overall thoughts and vibes are. (And, that we are in fact propping up a little box with some cheese under it here. 🪤 Please (PLEASE) feel free to pick up what we're putting down.)
We're far from the only ones exploring a "what if siffrin fucking died" AU, though the main difference with NoHats is the placement of the death in the timeline. Instead of being 'Mal Du Pays Wins' or 'Act 6 encounter goes horribly wrong', the death is… Just after the (literal) falling action.
(This placement is because Sam is a comic book fan who thus has become used to characters being ripped away at the cruelest times by shitty writers. THANK FUCKING GOD adrienne is not that and isat is delightful yippieee, but, back on topic.)
Giving the party the full understanding of What Happened that you get by putting the death after black hole siffrin, but before the A6 encounter leaves an interesting gap to be filled. See, making Siffrin's death very much not Loop's fault means that… this once again reads (when not read as simply a tragedy...) as the universe doing what it sees fit to fulfull Loop's wish… Thus making Siffrin's death Loop's fault again, but only in their eyes. And only in a way they could express if they were honest about who they were…
And this is where having had excuse to waffle about my general Postcanon Loop thoughts the other day comes in handy, because Sam and I have that as our canon-compliant reading to begin with, NoHats plays off of a lot of the same readings of Loop's character. Namely: Uh Oh Somebody's Lying By Fucking Omission Again. (BECAUSE TO BE FAIR THIS TIME… HOW THE FUCK WOULD YOU HANDLE THAT?)
Now, neither Sam nor I are fanfic writers, so this has been a little bit trapped in our heads and DMs (and my unfinished art but,)
But our thoughts on how NoHats like… Goes.
Siffrin's death is peaceful, but that does not mean the aftermath of it is. I can't imagine the party takes it well, especially after understanding the circumstances of the Loops. (And, of note, in A5 where nobody had the discussion on what to do with each other's bodies should something happen…) But I'd imagine it traumabonds them somewhat (understatement of the century) and now knowing how the rest of the party feels, they resolve to travel together for the forseeable future.
The party track down Loop to deliver the terrible news, since they were clearly Siffrin's friend too, and invite Loop along to travel at least long enough to (let them grieve) get the burial over with. Loop, here, can be helpful in knowing what Siffrin would've wanted where the party would be at a loss. Loop, I think, takes a bit of a lead on the funerary aspects of it all, because, um. (Performing rites on your own body, huh?)
Then, as things are after a death, life just… Kind of has to continue on as normal. The party travel, pick up Nille, and get to know Loop as this mysterious new person. Maybe in this situation they might stay in Bambouche for a while to give Bonnie more stability since. They are probably taking it the worst. It would've come out of absolutely nowhere for everyone in the party obviously but god, for a kid? For A Kid?
It should be stated NoHats is not intended to be grimdark, just y'know. An exploration of grief. This is also why it's got a bit of a lopsided focus on Bonnie vs the rest of the party because hhrrhghghhghghhhghhghhh <- incoherent
Now, a crossroads.
How does the party discover Loop to be Siffrin? How long does it take. How much have the party embraced them as part of the family (especially with something as intense to bond over as this)?
There's the Odile option. Have her put it together and have to bring it up somehow. This could also be done by Isabeau, perhaps. He's smart. (which. God. If anything's the real Isabeau Torment Nexus it's this)
Then there's the other option batted around by Sam and I. The: The Universe Dislikes Duplicates option.
The items in the house that fzzt away when inspected. The Universe doesn't like there to be two of something, at least not when they're acknowledged. But one of something is just fine…?
Which is to say. I'm not a personal proponent of 'Loop getting their body back'. EXCEPT …… except this one time.
There's only one Siffrin now, so they don't need to be obfuscated to exist.
Consider, if you will. Loop swallowing their guilt for long enough to be comfortable. Falling back into old habits. Without another Siffrin around to compete for the niche of, they actually begin to act like Siffrin again. Not intentionally, it's just… The party is as welcoming as they've always been. And the party swears they keep catching glimpses of a face under all the light.
Then, one day, while still not fully human again, the resemblence becomes undeniable. Loop having not even noticed until everyone looks at them like they've seen a ghost.
Has it been months? How long have they kept up this lie? Is it even a lie, to them? They're Loop. But they were, once, Siffrin.
Even after explaining it, does that make it better or worse?
Bonnie cuts through the betrayed, struck-nerve reactions with a sobering "I missed you."
… Anyway !
Yeah so that's the vibe for NoHats. As for LoopLoops? That's more nebulous. I think it can go anywhere really in the NoHats timeline. I err personally toward the "Loop continuously replays the last 10 minutes before Siffrin's death almost immediately after they find out and have to parkour their ass up the House in the most distressing situation possible to try and get them to hold on, just please hold on." (Remember! Siffrin can remember the contents of Loop's loop backs in the A6 fight!)
But there is the possibility that this happens months, or worse years down the road. One last Loop back. Throw it all away for the chance to just get that one thing you didn't know you even wanted but now know you NEED.
Okay miscellaneous time.
This is where I admit that I have a bunch of unfinished NoHats art that I haven't gotten around to yet because I feel like a right tool being so obviously Loop-Centric with my fancontent (I AM . . I REALISE I AM NOT DOING MUCH TO BEAT THE ALLEGATIONS.) So like if people want to see that please say because euaghghghhfh <- the nervous.
this is like the most fucked up place to do isaloop fr. anyway.
one of Sam's mid-game observations that I'm just going to share for no particular reason is that Bonnie's hair shares a bunch of shapes with Siffrin's. The flick up at the top, the 3 pronged shape of the fringe… just something to think about.
Without 2 Siffrins around to compare each other to it'd likely be a lot harder to notice Loop's similarities. Doesn't mean that those similarities don't sting more in this context though.
If you do NoHats without LoopLoops. The concept of this all fading into memory years down the line while they just have slightly-glowy but otherwise regular Siffrin hanging out is fucked up to think about. Just like real grief. Augh
6. a peek into the original dms as a treat from us
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rosemarydisaster · 6 months
Magnus Protocol ARG
Im not sure if someone else has already done this (most likely) but I've been re-readin the magnus institute excell with all the kids names. Since the tests where psychological in nature I thought maybe I could figure out if the "Connor" Dyer profile worked for Alice. But I think I've found out something about Sam. This might be the most tin foil hat theory I've had in a while but it makes sense! I've connected the dots!!!!!
There's a couple of things I need to stablish first:
The names seem to be ranked from lowest to highest score on the empathy test.
Sam scored the highest, Gerry the second highest (Dyer is closer to the middle of the list).
The tests seem to relate to cognitive development, especially related to morality and empathy.
The Asch test measures your "conformity" aka, how susceptible you are to peer pressure. Basically, they ask you a question, everyone before you gives the wrong answer, and the test is whether you would give the correct answer or go with what the others said.
The Milgram test measures your obedience when in conflict with your morality. The (very) abridged version is: they tell you tu punish someone by shocking them with increasing voltages and if you refuse they ask you to continue. The experiment goes on until reaching 450 volts or if the participant completely refuses even when ordered to continue.
We know the Institute was trying to find Subjects, Agents and Catalysts (there's an amazing post about this from @alice-apparently )
Okay so I made a little excell with the relevant info:
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Both Gerry and Dyer show low conformity and obedience levels. Which, knowing Gerry (and maybe Alice??) makes complete sense. We can assume that they both chose to give the correct answer even if everyone else answered differently, and they also refused to administer the punishment even when directly ordered.
Sam on the other hand, mr "would rather die than complain about being forcefed cake" did in fact go with what most people said instead of the correct answer. He also finished the Milgram experiment, going against his moral compass to obey the instructions.
I think they were trying to find viable subjects to groom into avatars for the eye. Hear me out. The kids with the lowest empathy score show high scores in the Milgram test (makes sense, they don't care as much about hurting people) but from 80% empathy forward no one scores high. No one except Sam, the one with the highest empathy score.
Why not just pick the one's with the least empathy? the least empathetic kids were also the youngest and the ones with lowest cognitive developement (I do not go in deph about the other test but you can see the scores for yourself here). This kids aren't useful yet, because maybe they'll become more empathetic (And as such, more resistent to the Milgram test) as they grow up/develop.
Not Sam. He has perfect scores in every single development test, he has the highest empathy and yet he's the most likely to be influenced to harm other people.
In episode 10 Sam confirms his obsession with finding out why they didn't chose him despite having the highest scores. Gerry was the second highest and he didn't get picked either. My theory is that Sam was indeed chosen, and the fact that he shows no survival instincts when it comes to figuring this mystery out is prove.
His test results show someone whiling to file useless papeworks with extremely personal information because "well, you're supposed to even if no one reads it". Also Teddy leaving for a job that somehow didn't actually exist smells like somebody trying to free a spot in the very Eye-coded OIAR. A spot that Sam is more than happy to accept.
I don't know if this is an incredibly long con to condition Sam into the perfect vessel for the eye or if the Magnus Institute had to change plans after burning down. If it's the latter I can see them being very happy when their specialest little boy signed up for the OIAR and fell right into their laps again. Either way, Sam's fucked.
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ladyamanda123 · 4 months
Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus - My Analysis
Your hologram stumbled into my apartment
Hands in the hair of somebody in darkness named Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus
And I just watched it happen
This line SCREAMS Kaylor! Karlie lived with her. She had a Karlie room in her apartment. I can absolutely picture a scenario where before they are “together” Karlie is bringing people home to Taylor’s apartment and Taylor is lying in bed just dying inside listening to it happen. It calls back to Hits Different with “I hear your key turn in the door” and Cornelia Street with “But then you called, showed your hand” line where there has clearly been an argument. That argument could have been Taylor losing it about Karlie bringing people home and then Karlie calling Taylor and confessing her feelings for her and the rest is Kaylor history!
As the decade would play us for fools
And you saw my bones out with somebody new
Who seemed like he would've bullied you in school
And you just watched it happen
Its quite literally been 10 years since the start of Kaylor. They officially met in 2013 and this album drops on 2024. Now Karlie is stuck watching Taylor beard with 🏈….the perfect representation of the dickwad football bro that would bully kids in school.
If you want to break my cold, cold heart
Just say, 'I loved you the way that you were'
If you want to tear my world apart
Just say you've always wondered
Years of bearding, distance, lies, etc HAS to have taken a massive toll. If they’ve been together this whole time there’s no way to that hasn’t been hard AF. If they split and then eventually came back together this will have still been all hard AF. Either way, whatever you think the reality might be, this decade has sucked! The idea of them looking back and who they were before this all blew up and saying….what could our life had been like if we hadn’t made these decisions. If we had been brave. If we had had control. If we had done this different. The hindsight must sting something horrible!
You said some things that I can't unabsorb
You turned me into an idea of sorts
If so much of this was out of their control but they decided to try and make it work, the buildup of being together someday….the fact Covid probably played a huge roll in delaying it….over time that distance will absolutely lead to this concept…. “You turned me into an idea of sorts”. Anyone who has been in any sort of long distance or forbidden relationship knows exactly what this is saying. When we don’t have the object of our desire and it builds up over time in our heads to be something it’s not. The pressure that puts on the relationship and the person to meet those unreasonably high expectations that have been swirling in your head all that time. If you’re not careful, if you don’t pivot those expectations, that shit can be insanely toxic to the relationship.
You needed me but you needed drugs more
And I couldn't watch it happen
I think this is a red herring line to make us think Matty, but I also think this could be a line from Karlie’s perspective and the drugs needed is Taylor and her fame and her mastermind plans. It could explain some of the anger at the fans she’s showing now. You wouldn’t accept us. You wouldn’t accept me. I chose you over the person I love and over myself. I played this part for you and now I’m wondering what if I had chosen the other path. What if I had picked her and picked us and picked myself over the drug of being who you wanted me to be for you. This brings to mind the line in Miss Americana where she talks about the addiction to the applause. It also ties in to the 🎃 anon message…. “You’re a selfish asshole….but you’re finally choosing her”
I changed into goddesses, villains and fools
Changed plans and lovers and outfits and rules
All to outrun my desertion of you
And you just watched it
More of the same theme….I made myself into this thing that everyone wanted…the fans, the labels, the media, my dad, etc. All in an effort to justify pushing us back in the closet and you just had to take it and now I think I chose wrong. I should have picked us over them.
If you want to break my cold, cold heart
Just say, 'I loved you the way that you were'
If you want to tear my world apart
Just say you've always wondered
If the glint in my eye traced the depths of your sigh
Down that passage in time
Back to the moment I crashed into you
Like so many wrecks do
Too impaired by my youth
To know what to do
Again, hindsight…looking back and realizing you made a choice and that choice had major consequences on your life and on the life of the person you love and you can’t go backwards and that breaks your heart now.
So if I sell my apartment
And you have some kids with an internet starlet
Will that make your memory fade from this scarlet maroon
like it never happened
We aren’t those roommates from Cornelia Street and Maroon anymore. Everything has changed now. You’re stuck in this marriage/life and that apartment life we shared is gone now…did our choices back that lead us to a place where your feelings have changed? Have you forgotten who we were? Have you moved on? Is that version of us gone now because we’ve come to far from it?
Could it be enough to just float in your orbit
Down Bad reference…also could be asking if it could be enough to glass closet like before. Can we do the friend thing our whole lives and be okay with that? Or do we need to actually “come out” and be openly together for real?
Can we watch our phantoms like watching wild horses
“Dancing phantoms on the terrace” Very clear reference to Kissgate. Can we go back to that? Being “friends” and having the world openly speculate etc etc. I feel like this song is them finally coming back together and going “Okay, this is another cross roads for us. We fucked up last time. How do we fix this? Do we break up and let each other go? Do we go back to how it was…together but technically still closeted? Or do we do what we should/could have done back then and just be who we are and be together openly? Can we rewrite this ending? The prophesy ties in here too as well as the Manuscript. Looking back and wishing you had made different choices and examining if it’s possible to get your life back on track.
Cooler in theory but not if you force it
To be, it just didn't happen
The idea of us that we have been clinging to for 10 years, the expectations, the mastermind plans…are we holding on still to just a dream or an idea that no longer exists? It’s been 10 years and it hasn’t happened like we planned. So now what? Again this screams of a cross roads. They’re looking at each other saying we can’t keep doing this. We need to make a new decision or we will destroy ourselves.
So if you want to break my cold, cold heart
Say you loved me
And if you want to tear my world apart
Say you'll always wonder
Cause I wonder
Will I always
Will I always wonder?
The song ends with the desperate and vulnerable question. In Lover Taylor was exploring those vulnerable early questions in a relationship…..can I go where you go? Can we always be this close? Can this relationship go the distance? Are you my person?
Now they’ve arrived at the vulnerable possible end questions. Stop. You’re losing me. Is this the part where you break my heart? Are you going to tell me I fucked it up to bad and you’re leaving? Are you about to confirm what I fear? That I chose the wrong road and now I’ve lost you?
Ending on the question that way shows the decision wasn’t made yet at this point. The song leaves us in that desperate silence between the question and the answer.
This also calls back for me to Mine. When she runs out and braces herself for the goodbye. That’s what history has shown her. That’s what she expects in these moments. But this person is different. This person called and showed their hand. This person took you by surprise and said I’m not leaving you alone. Are they still that person? Or have you finally fucked it up enough that even they are about to leave you?
I think given the shit that’s dropping now, the TTPD lyrics, the massive cracks in the facade, we can figure out what choice was made…..”You finally chose her” ❤️
Hopefully, now at the end of this part, they can have their do over (Come one come all) and regain what was lost. Hopefully they can change The Prophecy moving forward.
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hauntingkiki · 3 months
HIII!!! can i request venture wedding hcs? how would their wedding be like with reader? How would they feel while getting ready?
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Venture x Reader Wedding Headcanons
2nd POV
- let’s just start this off by saying; BABY IS STRESSING OUTTT!!
- they’re about to marry their best friend. YOU! the most BEAUTIFUL GIRL/PERSON IN THE WHOLE WORLD
- when they’re changing into their suit/with their groomsmen (a few guy colleagues and some of their guy family members) sloan is getting pep talks and words of encouragement from everyone in that room. not a single bad vibe is in the room!
- wedding theme!: whatever you want it to be. a classic, white wedding? you got it! gothic/vampire? hell yeah!
- ^ but! with your choice of theme; sloan also has some huge crystals (that match the theme ofc) that they’ve gotten from expeditions for table decoration!
- the location was kinda on sloan, they picked where they wanted to have the wedding BUT! they made sure YOU were okay with it before making it the finalized decision. if you didn’t like the location, don’t worry! they have like A MILLION MORE
- everyone in both of your families helped pay for the wedding (if needed), like your parents paid for your dress/suit and sloan’s parents paid for their suit
- when they were at the alter, they were sooo nervous, their hands playing with the rings on their fingers and the bracelets that were around their wrists to calm their nerves
- but when you walked down the isle with your father/father figure, all their nerves just melted away.
- you looked so GOOD in their eyes! their heart was racing, their eyes got watery, their face got hot (they cried) (you did too)
- your vows were pretty standard (if there’s spanish vows then yall did that too!)
- but when yall had your first kiss; you know this sucker dipped you into the kiss, twirling you like in those cheesy romance movies (LIKE IN TANGLED AT THE END)
- and now the reception.
- for the food a verity of sloan’s family meals and your family meals, most of them being hand made to avoid a lot of cost
- alcohol/champagne obviously. all the adults are either drunk asf or tipsy (if you have family who smokes/does drugs, it’s totally up to you if you want that in your environment!! i will not be saying anything about that because it’s very different for everyone)
- the younger kids who can’t drink get something fizzy! like apple cider or something!
- father daughter/mother son dance to whatever song you’d like:)
- sloan did a mother-child(son) dance to songbird by fleetwood mac OR mi cariñito by pepe aguilar
- first dance! sloan could not stop smiling like a fucking idiot, they were SO IN LOVEEE
- you both shed a few tears during the dance (and through the night)
- you two slow danced to (options because i can’t pick)
i only have i eyes for by the flamingos
unchained melody by elvis presley
here, there and everywhere by the beatles
bring it on home to me by sam cooke
amor eterno by rocío dúrcal
- then the music played for the dance floor and it was some great songs! like;
september, earth wind and fire
i wanna dance with somebody, whitney houston
how sweet it is, james taylor
something stupid, frank n nancy sinatra
crazy in love, beyoncé
uptown girl, billy joel
rude, magic!
every little thing she does is magic, the police
and obviously some other songs!
- (FOR THE GIRLS/PEOPLE WEARING DRESSES) yall know the garter toss? where the groom goes under the brides dress to get it off all ‘sexy’ with the most embarrassing song on the planet while your family watched?
- yeah. yall did that.
- obviously with no littles present (14 and younger went somewhere else while this was happening)
- the song? pick your poison
get low, lil jon & the east side boyz
yeah!, usher
earned it, the weekend
let’s get it on, marvin gaye
grind with me, pretty ricky
- sloan definitely used their teeth to take it off, probably also got a little carried away too; kissing your legs and running their hands up and down before snapping back to reality when their mother literally SCREAMED at them for being under your dress for almost 5 minutes
- after the wedding, the two of you got to your hotel/air bnb and just relaxed, got out of your fancy outfits, took makeup off, showered (together LMAO) and just got comfy!
- you both just kind of talked about the night and what you wanted in the future and other things:)
- let’s just say you two didn’t get a lot of sleep afterwards😳
did i just write this all in one sitting? yes. yes i did.
would you guys be interested if i made a wedding playlist for the (hypothetical) oneshot?😳
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redactahoe · 7 months
Things I believe are true about babe:
Has a very thick Russian accent and sometimes struggles remembering their English
Forgets certain English words and describes them horribly(ie: spicy plant when referring to a cactus)
Sarcastic as all hell
Really does not understand or care for pack/clan etiquette, like a vamp king said babe should respect their elders and babes deadass response was “why should I respect you when the only thing you’ve done is managed to look like a 2000 years old rotting corpse while only being 60.” Completely dead faced and monotone
Has cans and will call David out for his bullshit
Psychology nerd
Just a nerd in general, they love reading
Has a vast and very large book collection
Only person other than David to be able to rangle Asher in
Besties with darlin, they’re both book nerds(babe and Sam are the only one knows that darlin is a book nerd)
Artist/painter, their sketches mostly come of the pack and of course Asher
Tragic mad scientist vibes(no I won’t elaborate)
Super mysterious/ “this person has a dark and grimy past but you can only get that in subtext”
Loves the supernatural and true crime
Immediately picked up on what Quinn was doing with the whole “hurting the things darlin loves” and called that out at darlins first meeting back
Knows a lot of disturbing things like how to properly dissect and hide a body and where exactly you have to stab someone to hurt but not kill
Poet at heart, they are the theatre kid
Is not scared of David at all or at least now they aren’t. At first they were a little wigged out cause he’s one big dude but now they’ll call him a bitch to his face
Very blunt, doesn’t sugar coat shit
Has an arsenal of violent threats that Asher and the rest of the pack aren’t entirely sure if they’re just threats
Has told somebody who was victim blaming darlin that if they don’t shut tf up babe was going to string their guts up while making listen baby shark on loop
On that same note Chrissy was talking just a little to much shit and they told him they were going to sew all his orifices shut if he didn’t shut himself up
Somehow is the worst under pressure but also works the best under pressure at the same time
Know how to fight
Also knows how to use a sword
Surprisingly a lot of patience(I mean look at who their fiancé is guys)
They’re dad is a very big and intimidating man of few words and their mother is the sweetest women alive
Their like average height but Asher is tall as hell so they look short next to him
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deancaspinefest · 7 months
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All in Honesty
Author: golbygloom | Artist: TwinOne
Posting on Tuesday March 19
It's been years of watching Dean and Cas dance around their feelings and at this point, Sam's losing hope that they'll ever take that step and talk things out already. One well-placed spell from Rowena makes Dean and Cas incapable of not talking, but even that doesn't get them together. Will Sam ever be able to help the morons he's forced to live with get together already, or is he destined for a life of perpetually being stuck between them as some sort of bizarre marriage counselor that neither seems aware the other also talks to?
Keep reading for a sneak preview!
"It's just so painful," he laments a few days later to Rowena, both more than a little drunk in the Bunker's library, Dean and Cas having already gone to bed (unfortunately in different rooms). "They're just…so obvious to everyone except each other. How don't they realize?"
"Noo, why should they? It's not like all of Heaven and Hell figured it out before them or anything."
"I just don't get it. I mean, Dean's eyes are always practically glued to Cas' eyes or lips or his butt and he still hasn't picked up on the fact that there might be something a little weird about that if they really were 'just friends'?" Sam's drink sloshes violently in his glass as he gestures around the room, agitated. "Cas only gets an excuse because he hasn't even been on Earth for a decade, but somebody as old as him should probably at least have an idea what all those feelings are, right?"
"Aye, the poor dears don't have a brain cell between them when it comes to matters of the heart, it seems," Rowena says sagely. "They can be more than a little daft when something doesn't involve killing or dying or crying…"
"They're so hopeless," Sam agrees miserably, burying his face in his hands to rub at his forehead and push his hair behind his ears. "I have to live with them so it's just constant. I-I don't know what to do anymore."
Rowena's quiet for a long moment before she hums to herself. "There might be some way to get their heads out from within their tushies…"
He looks up at that, though judging by the twinkle in the witch's eye, he's gonna regret listening. "What do you mean?" he asks warily anyway, blaming the alcohol for him even considering…whatever it is Rowena is going to suggest.
"Well, all it takes is a wee spell or two and those two will be singing like canaries."
"About their disgustingly sappy love for each other?" Sam guesses, but the witch just smirks.
"About everything. Anything that comes to mind." Sam stares at her blankly, but Rowena doesn't seem to notice. "Oh, I imagine it wouldn't be more than but a few days before certain thoughts come out and certain feelings are revealed…"
"Don't tell me you've changed your mind? It's not like there are all that many ways to get those two to sit down and talk about their feelings, Samuel."
Sam considers it, his drunken mind unable to see why this might be a bad idea beyond Dean getting pissed off. Then again, Dean gets pissed if he sees something green on his plate, so Sam's not all that concerned. "What's the cure?"
Rowena's smirk widens, nearly splitting her face in two. "True love's kiss."
(continue reading on Ao3 on Tuesday March 19)
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xoxobuckybarnes · 8 months
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January 2024 Stucky Fics
The Things We Hide (Rated: E, Words: 109K) by ThePirateStorm / @fsbc-librarian
Summary: Bucky looked at Steve. Steve carefully did not look at Bucky. “You didn’t tell him?” Becca asked, pausing in the doorway. Steve shook his head. “He only just got here. Besides, I thought you would have told him over the phone,” Steve grumbled, now also carefully not looking at Becca. “He is also standing right the fuck here,” Bucky snapped. “In case you both forgot.” “Steve,” Bucky started, quietly, purposely not looking at either of them now. “Why is Becca your doctor?” Neither Steve nor Becca answered him. Bucky looked up. Becca was watching Steve, who was staring intently at a wrinkle in the sheet covering the bed he was sitting on. “Why is Becca your doctor right now?” He asked again, more forcefully, this time looking to his sister. “And why are we in the fucking family rooms?” ***** Steve’s a marathon runner. He’s still friends with his ex-alpha, his life revolves around training, work, and Bucky, his best friend. He’s also 6 months pregnant and he doesn’t know who the sire is. If he ignores his problems, they’ll go away, right?'
Wanna Be Your End Game (Rated: E, Words: 23K) by KirkApologist
Summary: "Brooklyn, baby!" Bucky types up an Instagram post. "It was so great to be home. Y’all were the best crowd I could’ve asked for on the last night of the US tour. I’m going to miss the hell out of all of you. Get ready, Italy! I’m coming for you next month. And @StevenGrantRogers - my DMs are open. Ball’s in your court - er, zone? 🏈" Before he can second-guess himself, Bucky attaches a few photos from the concert and hits post. Then promptly tosses his phone away as if burned by it. * The one where Bucky's a world-famous popstar, and Steve is the NFL player who sweeps him off his feet.
young hearts, out our minds (Rated: T, Words: 2K) by junko (orphan_account) / @ladydent
Summary: Bucky posts a selfie of the two of them in bed to his instagram. He hashtags it #goodmorningamerica. Sam Wilson and Pepper Potts retweet it to their twitter accounts.
a question of expertise (Rated: E, Words: 2K) by mwestbelle / @villainsexuale & Fancomic by piumpoetam / @pium-poetam
Summary: Steve has criteria for losing his virginity. Bucky knows somebody who meets them.
The Long Way: A Stucky Fancomic (Rated: T) by BeaArthurPendragon / @beaarthurpendragon & LittleWolf82
Summary: After Thanos is defeated, Steve doesn't stay in the past. This is the story of where he and Bucky go next. Seven pages. Posting complete.
A Trace of All That Was (Rated: M, Words: 36K) by leavinghope
Summary: Bucky Barnes has to deal with the pain of watching Steve Rogers leave and return as an old man. Sam Wilson has to learn how to become Captain America when he had not asked for the role. How could they both have been so wrong about Steve? How could the man they both thought they knew have let them down so completely?
Lost But Found (Rated: T, Words: 2K) by innerslumber / @innerslumber
Summary: Bucky shrugged Steve's hand off his shoulder and tried to get up but his legs wouldn’t co-operate. His whole body felt heavy with random bursts of pain shooting through his synapses. The interior lights were too bright and while the quinjet was quieter than almost anything except a Wakandan aircraft, it still emanated noises that his super soldier ears could pick up. It was all too much. Bucky curled his body toward the wall and tried to make himself as small as possible. “Bucky-” “No, Steve,” Bucky groaned, his voice barely a whisper. “I can’t do this right now.”
Joker in the Pack (Rated: G, Words: 9K) by Ginny_Potter / @hipsterdiva
Summary: “Shut up,” Bucky mumbles, closing his eyes and leaning the back of his head against the bricks. “You’re jinxin’ it. C’m on, deal. I’ll know if you cheat.” “I never cheat,” Steve says, a smile already creeping up, anticipating Bucky’s reaction. Bucky snorts. “Like hell, you don’t.” Or, Steve and Bucky team cheating at cards, 1922 to 1945.
Barnes & Rogers and the Goddamn Truth (Rated: NR, Words: 18K)
Summary: There are three well-known facts at Shield High: 1. The history teacher Mr. Barnes is a stone-cold terror, and it’s not even because he only has one arm. 2. The other history teacher, Mr. Rogers, is a mysterious enigma, and it’s something to do with the body of a Greek God and contradicting stories of his past. (They’re all rumours, anyway.) 3. Mr Barnes and Mr Rogers hate each other. Bucky wouldn’t have it any other way.
Crack My Back Like a Glowstick (Rated: T, Words: 1K) by moodymelanist / @moodymelanist
Summary: Actors Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes read thirst tweets to promote their latest film.
Everybody is Supposed to be Dead (Rated: M, Words: 22K) by pollutedstar
Summary: “…there is nothing intelligent to say about a massacre. Everybody is supposed to be dead, to never say anything or want anything ever again. Everything is supposed to be very quiet after a massacre, and it always is, except for the birds.” In 1944, Bucky Barnes falls off a train into the Alps, missing and presumed dead. Months later, Steve Rogers nosedives a plane into the arctic. In 2010, the Winter Soldier project is uncovered by S.H.E.I.L.D., and Bucky Barnes is found alive. Three years later, Steve Rogers’ frozen body is found in the ocean.
look what you do to me (making me love you) (Rated: E, Words: 13K) by burning_brighter / @burnin-brighter & art by Reagy_Jay / @reagi-df
Summary: “Oh, you like this, don’t you?” Steve says, though it doesn’t really sound like a question at all. There’s an underlying threat in his voice, something almost dangerous, almost animalistic, and a smile spreads on his face when he sees Bucky shudder again. “Yeah you do.” Steve takes a step towards him, and he’s still so far away, but Bucky finds it hard to breathe anyway. The air around him feels heavy, tense, and he doesn’t know what to do. “Shut up,” Bucky mumbles, but he doesn’t deny it. He can’t really, because Steve is right, he is, and Bucky hates it. ———— After a failed mission, Steve and Bucky find themselves in a safehouse, where tensions run high and a lot of things come to light. When everything is said and done, it’s unclear where they stand and where their relationship – both personal and professional – is headed, but at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter. Bucky has only one thing on his mind: to find out what happened on their mission.
put you on something new (Rated: E, Words: 13K) by howdoyousleep / @howdoyousleep3 & the1918 / @the1918
Summary: “What? Y’never suck a dick before, Rogers?” Steve can’t even stop the hysterical bubble of overcompensated laughter that escapes out his open mouth. It’s loud and such an extreme reaction that Steve can’t take back, makes his cheeks heat right back up. He shuffles on his feet, bounces on the balls of them a few times, has another round of giggles as he chugs the rest of his beer. “N-nah, I...fuck, yeah no I haven’t really—” --- Steve's fraternity throws a kegger. The star of the football team shows up.
Birthday Wishes (Rated: E, Words: 6K) by Graendoll
Summary: Steve Rogers has made the same birthday wish for almost a decade. The wish has gotten more explicit since he and Bucky started living together.
No One Wants Your Opinion (Rated: E, Words: 5K) by thepinupchemist
Summary: Wherein Bucky loves to cuddle Steve Rogers, Steve comes out on national television for the sole purpose of spiting conservative politicians, Tony sees things he wishes he hadn't, and Pepper doesn't know why she even bothers.
Lost Vocabularies that Might Express (The Memory of These Broken Impressions) (Rated: E, Current Words: 93K) by dorian_burberrycanary / @burberrycanary
Summary: The worst of times, like the best, are always passing away. How’s that for some consolation on the road? A post-The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Stucky fix-it as part of the all-American road trip, detours included.
twelve twenty-five (Rated: E, Current Words: 40K) by burning_brighter / @burnin-brighter
Summary: “I have to say,” Winifred says, a mug of cocoa in her hands. “When you say you were bringing someone home, I thought you meant you were bringing a boyfriend. But I’m glad you brought Steve.” “Who says I’m not?” Bucky teases, laughing when Steve lets out an exasperated groan. “You two finally got your respective head out of your respective ass?” asks George, looking at Steve and Bucky intently. “No,” Steve says pointedly, “Bucky just thinks he’s so funny.” - Ever since they met, everyone assumed it was just a matter of time before Steve and Bucky became a thing. Ten years later and it has yet to happen. But when Bucky invites Steve to spend the holidays with him and his family in upstate New York, things start to change.
Every Me and Every You (Rated: M, Current Words: 23K) by deadto27 / @deadto27
Summary: Bucky Barnes is doing his best. He’s getting by after the blip, after Sam became Captain America, after Steve…well, it’s best he doesn’t think about that. The point is, his life is different now, and he’s trying his best. He just wishes the hollow feeling in his chest would go away. —– Bucky gets blinded by a bright light as the tear seems to implode in on itself and there’s an odd little jolt as the pulling stops, and then Bucky’s blinking, trying to get his vision right again as he loosens his grip on America. “You okay?” he checks, still squinting. He’s probably not blind, he thinks. It just feels like it right now. “I’m okay,” America tells him and he sees her nod shakily as his vision starts to clear, and he carefully lets go of her, seeing that she can support herself, hands pressing onto the floor next to her. “Uh…I don’t think I am,” says another voice, and Bucky turns his head so fast he might give himself whiplash. Because he knows that voice. He knows that voice better than any other voice on the planet and he’s missed that voice, so, so much.
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