#also drunk lila is adorable
antaripirate · 7 months
actual photo of drunk lila ‼️
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Okay so I finished TUA Season 3 today and none of my friends have yet so here is just, a ramble. Spoilers to follow of course.
- I mean right off the bat everything with Viktor’s coming out was perfect. It was realistic and given enough weight for, the fact it was an important moment for the character, without being a big flashy coming out arc. I loved all the siblings reactions - especially that Diego Luther Viktor moment of “Luther wants to throw you a big party so you feel loved”
- klaus. Klaus this season was everything I was missing from him last season - I loved last season don’t get me wrong but I had predicted a big Klaus powers arc that we didn’t get. Well we got it now baby. God I loved him. I do have to say that I was slightly sad we didn’t get a single Dave reference, and that we seem to have forgotten his substance abuse and the fact it was canonly to, keep ghosts at bay. Also not sure why the ghosts appeared so different in the Grave yard? Like the ghosts we have seen him see before look like normal people. But overall I loved his arc him suddenly finding himself alone for the first time since Ben died, trying to find purpose and just feeling really lost was done so well. It broke my heart how quickly he fell into trusting reggie like give the kid some ice cream and say one nice thing to him and he will, literally let you murder him. I had a sense he was being used and I was right damn it. I kinda wished he got a slightly bigger moment in the final with his powers but im so glad he got to be a key part of the solution. Also all the stuff with him and Ben was perfect Ugh my heart.
- dilf Diego was everything. I am, so mad that Stan wasn’t actually his kid but he was so adorable trying to be his father. I liked Lila last season but wasn’t totally sold on them as a couple but boy this season changed that. Giving me bisexual chaos couple energy I love it. Them calling each other sweetie etc whilst fighting in hotel Oblivion? Amazing. I also loved that we got a few little moments of Diego mammas boy Hargreaves his face seeing Grace again bless him. Also when he found out Stan wasn’t his and his stutter came out again Jesus I love Lila but man that was cruel.
- I honestly expected to hate Luther and Sloane’s relationship but honestly? It was kinda sweet. They are both just loveable idiot nerds it was cute. Luther in general has changed so much I am so glad he finally got to say his piece to reggie - even if he got stabbed immediately after.
Very happy Five got to get some sleep and get insanely drunk this season. And several outfits as well absolutely love to see it.
Allison. Look, idk if this is controversial but j kinda am here for her villain arc you know. Not in a sense of supporting it of course but just it kinda of, made sense to me. Again it’s something I had thought for season 2 before we knew any details about it - I had predicted klaus powers and Allison going off the rails without Claire. I have always find her power, terrifying, and as much as it’s horrible to see her use it against her siblings I think it was a fascinating look into how terrifying her power is. I have often thought the “I heard a rumour that you love me” we hear from her past was said to Luther, trapping him into loving her for years and years without maybe realising it. To me, this season confirms that.
I am really sad we didn’t get more of some of the sparrows, Jayme and Alphonso especially - also is it just me or Jayme definitely a lesbian? Yes? All in agreement?
That ending I just don’t know what to say really??? I’m both, scared and confused, but also excited. Like what the hell happens now? What the hell is with Ben on the train in the post credit scene?? Why did Ben stay but not Sloane?? Did Luther come back in his old body just because Tom couldn’t bare to put the Luther suit back on?? So many questions. Also I low key hate that klaus lost his tattoos he better get them back I swear.
I am a little disappointed that just as Klaus found his powers potential he, lost them? Like I really hope they get them back. And I don’t want a misfits situation no power swapping. I am concerned in the sense of I feel like this ending is the most blind I have felt about what could come next? But that’s also exciting so.
But yeah. Really really long ramble over.
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roroyaoi87 · 2 years
The seance couples: Drunk
It's not as if their relationship was a secret that no one knew about, in fact, Klaus could bet, without fear of losing what little he had, that most of his siblings knew that his relationship with Five was not platonic. After all, neither he nor his lover were the most discreet people in the world, and whenever they were together, it was pretty obvious from their not-so-casual touches, their long looks of affection, and the occasional random stolen kiss. 
Not to mention the other activities they did since arriving at the hotel. Five is not a patient person, and he is not quiet, so Klaus is sure that all of his siblings know they have been having sex since arrived at the hotel. Also, the marks on his neck are hard to hide, even with make-up, and Klaus has made sure that Five always has a kiss mark somewhere visible.
So their relationship is no secret, but apparently, his siblings didn't know about them.
Until now, and surprisingly it wasn't his big mouth that exposed their relationship, the one to blame for his siblings being quite dumbfounded is none other than his very, very drunk boyfriend. 
One would think that Five would be a rather violent drunk, considering that every five minutes Five was threatening to kill them, and when he was a child his way of getting attention was to stick a knife to the table; but surprisingly Five drunk was an extremely loving, honest and rather bold person.
Bold enough to openly declare that he loves him and wants to marry him. Five, being Reginald's favorite son, he had made a long congratulatory speech to Luther and Sloane, before trying to sing him a love song, declaring that he wanted to marry him.
If this whole situation wasn't so .... .hilarious, Klaus would be excited and happy. Instead, he is trying to stop his boyfriend from sticking his hand down his shirt in front of their whole family.
Klaus is not a shy person, and nakedness is not something that makes him uncomfortable, but having sex in front of his siblings is something very different. He wouldn't even let Ben stay in the same room when he had sex in the past.
"I love you" Five declares for the fourth time, kissing his neck. 
"Fivey" tries to push Five away, but most of his brothers still do not react. 
" Be quiet, I'm trying to seduce you" protests the old man in a young man's body. 
This time, Klaus is going to have to be the adult in charge " I am not complaining, but not here" he declares firmly "I'll put him to bed" he announces and regrets it when sees Diego looks like he is going to have a nervous breakdown, Lila smiles like a little psycho, Viktor raises his glass while smiling amused, Ben and Sloane look confused, Allison snorts and walks away with dignity while Luther seems to be too dumbfounded to say anything.
Good thing the end of the world is near! Klaus thinks as he drags his lover towards the lift. An almost impossible task because Five seems more focused on touching him under his clothes as he tries to remove them while awkwardly kissing him.
"Marry me," the older man asks again.
Klaus sighs like a schoolgirl in love at those sincere but awkward words. He sighs the same way he sighed for Five when he was 13. It's not his fault that Five is so cute when he's drunk, Five is always beautiful, but when Five's drunk: he's adorable.  
"Ask me when you're not drunk," he murmurs against Five's lips. "Tomorrow, you're going to regret all this so much."
"I won't."
Klaus laughs as he imagines the look on his lover's face when he learns that their family now knows about their relationship. "Oh yes, you will." 
Five leans against him, holding him tightly around the waist "You have beautiful eyes" he murmurs.
"Oh honey, you're so drunk" he laughs, not meaning it meanly but it's amusing to see this relaxed side of Five. 
"I'm not" he protests, and Klaus has to struggle to keep his balance as he leads Five to their room. 
Five may not be as tall as he is, but his latest growth spurt has given him a more toned and muscular body, so Klaus has difficulty getting them to the bed, Five who is still growing, Klaus has always been more compact and slim. Luckily they make it to the bed without falling off on the way. 
"Come, lie down next to me," asks Five, opening his arms in invitation. 
This is not how he imagined they would spend their last night, but when Five embraces him and feels his warm body against his, he can't imagine anything better than this. Perhaps letting the world end and dying is much better than constantly fighting and escaping the apocalypse.
After all, he has learned to control his powers, and knows they could have a good life in the void. Their little piece of heaven. Together for all eternity. 
"I love you" he confesses, and Five kisses him softly, tenderly, and lovingly.
Their relationship was no secret, and maybe has a lot of explaining to do tomorrow to their dysfunctional family, but for now, this is all Klaus needs to be happy. 
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shortkingviktor · 2 years
Whoever comes up with the dialogue for umbrella honestly sometimes has me like wtf???
I'm pretty sure Ben and klaus did not. Like 1000% sure. Yes it's sparrow Ben and not umbrella Ben. But they look exactly alike and are genetically the same (?). Plus throughout the episodes klaus has been visibly looking at him at times with adoration, so clearly when he looks at him he's reminded of his brother. Klaus and umbrella Ben were best friends and loved each other deeply as siblings. So as screwed up as klaus is he really wouldn't sleep with sparrow Ben. The way they woke up to me didn't read as oh hey they totally screwed each other it just looked two total wasted drunk idiots. Klaus was already running round shirtless the whole day. Maybe Ben decided to take his shirt off of his own accord or maybe klaus told him to so he could write asshole on his back? Being without shirts to me does not imply that they had sex. The only other thing could be Luther asking if Ben hooked up with someone? Which is weird af because the only people left on the planet are all more or less siblings plus lila and reg. So what even is Luther on (but then again Luther and Allison) 😂 it could just be Luther being stupid but I think it's more likely that the writers actually considered that to be a humorous line and just thought it'd be funny if Luther said that. Also, I'd need to rewatch to be sure but I think they had diego make some type of comment about why were lila and 5 in the bathroom together and why was she in a towel. I dunno I'd have to rewatch but that felt weird cuz like 5 may be an old man but he's in a kids body so!? I'm hoping that was just concern from diego and confusion just him being like why are you two in the same room just the two of you seeing as you are both intent on murdering each other, maybe I picked it up wrong or read into too much, I'm just gonna take it as diego being concerned about their homicidal tendencies towards each other
(I know we just had a new season but I so hope we don't have to wait years for season 4)
yeah so much of the dialogue this season was off. it felt like the writers were coyly inserting unnecessary and frankly weird elements.
it was a combination of things that made me think they were angling at klaus sleeping with ben, particularly klaus's and ben's oddly prolonged exchange about how crazy the night was, and then luther's line about ben hooking up. i definitely agree that it should not make sense in the context of klaus and ben's sibling relationship, but unfortunately i don't trust these writers enough to think that would preclude them from sliding in a "blink and you'll miss it" incest moment.
with five and lila, diego asked what they were doing and when she said "bathing," he asked "together?" that one i saw as just a joke and diego being confused, although the show hasn't exactly abstained from weirdness about five being in a child's body in the past.
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marshmellowtea · 1 year
okok willy clarke all prompts? (numbers, questions? idk)
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[email protected] love you both so much (/platonic) ;_; 💞
1: sexuality headcanon
okay i actually do have a solid headcanon for this character for once--he's asexual and you CANNOT change my mind!!--it's, uh. his romantic orientation i keep flipflopping on KLFJDKF. specifically i keep going between aro will and bi/pan will......also ace lesbian william lives in my head rent free because my toxic trait is looking at male characters and going "that could be a lesbian!" ahglkjdsf but yeah he's ace for SURE you can't tell me otherwise lmao
2: otp
not even gonna lie to y'all i really do think it's will/tanya HGLKDSJF something about them has carved out a space in my brain permanently. also will/tanya/mike is REALLY good and i care them so much :') .....i also wanna give a shoutout here to will/regina which was a rarepair that got out of hand and is now genuinely a ship i'm lowkey passionate about ghkljKDF. i wouldn't call them an otp necessarily but.....cradles themin my hands. i care them
3: brotp
can i say basically everyone in this damn game.....? give this boy some FRIENDS oh my go d if i had to choose though i want him and lila to be friends i want her to genuinely care about him and i will Force Her To no matter the cost HGLDJSF. also me being my aro self who enjoys platonic versions of my otps, i'll say i also adore him in brotps with tanya and mike, especially in fix it aus ;v; also, him regina and jimmy as a goofy friends trio who spend more time together than expected has been in my head rent FREE lately lmao
4: notp
there aren't a lot of super popular ships in this fandom, so keeping in my rules about notps being relatively well known ships and not just a crack ship i pulled out of my ass for the sake of hating it....tbh, i'm not a huge fan of him and martha together as a ship? idk why, it seems cute, and it's definitely not a dealbreaker for me when it comes to fics, but it just doesn't click for me for some reason. i kinda wish it did, i know it's a fan favorite :') tbh now that i think about it it's kinda one of those ships i really only feel things for in the context of polyamorous ships with other characters involved HGKFDJSFLK
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
not to be on my bullshit again but age regressor will is so real in my head he's. he's little guy ;_; that feels like cheating because i headcanon every character i love as a regressor but LISTEN ahgkdsj.....he needs to be taken care of he really does he deserves it--
6: favorite line from this character
i have a couple nominees: him saying in his diary that he still loves lila despite her scaring him because holy shit it breaks my heart that little speech he gives to tanya about how she's not the center of the world and how he and her friends do want to be there for her (we stan a king who can read her to filth LMAO) him confessing to lila's murder in the strength ending because it breaks my HEART he deserves the WORLD him asking martha if she needs anything while she's drunk out of her mind.....him just generally trying to help her in that scene tbh. he's such a sweet boy bwahhh
7: one way in which I relate to this character
me 🤝 william being neurodivergents with bad moms :') i'm sure there's more i could think of tbh based solely on the neurodivergent thing but those are the biggest ones HFLKDSJF
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
this is less about him specifically but i watched manlybadasshero's playthrough of this game and some of the expressions he gave him are hard for me to look at idk why adkfjKLDJF 😭 for a more real answer though, it's also a little hard to watch him at the party at points but, like.....tbh i found that whole scene more charming than anything. he's a sweet boy and he's TRYING okay :')
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
i already answered this one but for the sake of completionism he's my littlest cinnamon roll. my little guy. he's certified baby <3
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lochrannn · 2 years
Director's Cut on the part where Lila reflects on her relationship with Diego and that Speed reference after the night he gets drunk and stumbles in their cabin in White Horses!
Oh, White Horses my beloved! I still have such a soft spot for that fic, all the pining + holiday vibes! It was so much fun to write.
I’m just going to go through that bit paragraph by paragraph ;-)
The ship docks at Charlotte Amalie harbour and Lila disembarks with Diego, who at this point has revived markedly. He is still a little grumpy, but she is certain that's just him and not the hangover. On their way out they took one of the offered maps of the island to find their way around. It helps them find the aquarium and when they get there Ina and Henry are already waiting for them at the entrance. [I did a bunch of research on what the cruise they are taking might entail. I don’t remember them all, but if I wrote Charlotte Amalie has an aquarium then it has an aquarium XD Made my longing for a beach holiday that much worse in spring of 2021] 
Lila grabs Diego's hand before they get to them and this time around he seems less surprised by the gesture and doesn't startle. She hates how comfortable it feels. [By which of course I mean she loves it but she can’t admi that to herself XP]
They wander around the aquarium for a while looking at the wonderfully colourful fish and plant life. At one point Ina threads her arm through Diego's and announces to Lila that she'll be stealing her husband for a bit and pulls him over to a large tank with all sorts of pretty fish to show him a little octopus scuttling across the sandy floor. [I looked up the types of octopus they have there and they do indeed have the little fellas with the skirt like demeanor and short little tentacles, the ones that look like pixar characters] Diego seems genuinely fascinated and the soft way he looks at Ina while she relates the info she got off the plaque to him, makes warmth settle in Lila's chest. [Diego here being reminded of his mommy... He is best boy]
Henry, who she had almost forgotten about, gently says next to her, “It's something, isn't it?”
She just about stops herself from startling and slowly turns to him, “What's that?”
“To love someone so much that just seeing them happy means the world to you,” he elaborates. [Even a near stranger can see that Lila loves Diego. My girl is super obvious about her feelings and Diego is being an idiot in this fic. And also Diego is being super obvious and Lila is being an idiot in this fic. It’s my favourite trope: “the love is requited, they’re just idiots” slow burn]
Lila looks back at where Ina is laughing a little at Diego's concentrated expression while he's very lightly tapping the tank where the little octopus has stuck one of it's arms up against the glass. [The Kraken making friends with the little creature. I just thought the idea of big strong fighty man being taken in by little squishy thing would be cute. I stand by it. I very deliberately went with little octopus because they are adorable, and I wanted the reference to The Kraken, and I wanted the reference to Ben.]
“Yeah,” she breathes out a little sadly.
Every time she tries to make peace with her feelings for Diego, she remembers that all there is between them at the moment is a co-operative truce. He's still clearly bitter about her betrayal, and she doesn't know if and how she can earn his forgiveness. [literally just tell him how you feel, Lila DX You don’t know this idiot very long but he’d forgive you instantly and his bark is so much worse than his bite. He means none of this. But yeah, it was actually not that easy to come up with feasible reasons why these two don’t just jump each other. S3 had to take Lila to a different location for half the episodes, because otherwise they will immediately start making out.] And even if she can, she has no idea if he would even feel the same about her as she feels about him. Yeah, they had a thing back in the sixties, but that was months ago. And what was the line in that dumb movie with the runaway bus? Relationships based on intense experiences never work. [I think this may even have been in reference to this fic that I really liked in which it’s suggested that Lila spent a lot of time watching films as a kid. I took that idea and used it in this fic as it being Lila’s main source of understanding of human nature and especially interpersonal relationships. I just assume Lila must have been really lonely as a child.]
Lila is pulled out of her morose musings when Diego turns around and waves her over. “Hey Lila, come have a look at this little guy,” he says, and in his delight he looks and sounds younger than she has ever seen him. [imagine David Castañeda without the beard XD. I’m joking, Diego looks like S3 Diego in this fic cause I clocked DC’s makeover early in his insta posts XD. Anyway, Diego sees something neat, he wants to share it with his girl. It’s how it goes!]
She makes her way over and Ina and Diego leave a little gap for her to come right up to the glass. [Oh no! How unfortunate! Now Lila is squeezed in next to Diego, oh how could that happen? XP]
Lila looks at the small creature with its white and pink body, floating elegantly around in the tank and occasionally slapping its suckers against the glass to hold on close to them, almost as if it were inspecting them right back. [Okay, maybe I went off on the adorable little octopus a bit too much, but this is my fic, the self indulgence is, make sure my dear readers are aware at all times that Diego and Lila are both insanely hot and can barely contain their lust for each other. Also, octopusses are cuuuuute and I need all the readers to know this!]
She sees why Diego is so fascinated by it and looks up at him to say something to that effect, but he's not looking at the animal anymore, instead he's looking at her with a completely unreadable expression and it absolutely throws her. [And by “unreadable” I of course mean “telegraphing to anyone in a 50m radius that he loves her more than words can say, only Lila is to dumb and to scared to actually see that. “Unreadable” my ass... think Diego in the barn when Lila says, “you don’t know me” and he says “don’t I”. You need to picture that level of dopily in love!]
Lila feels almost exposed under his intense gaze and to deflect she quips, “This your family then, Kraken?” [Yeah, I was hemming and hawing about whether she should make a joke about his betentacled brother here, but I didn’t know how to get that one in smoothly, so I went with kraken a joke about his hero name (see what I did there?)]
Diego smirks at that and turns back to look into the tank. Lila feels relief and regret in equal measure at the way that breaks the tension between them. [Cause turns out she might not quite let herself understand yet why, but she wants him to look at her like that all the time forever never stop please go on. It’s because he looks Like That™. Meanwhile Diego is like, oh god she’s so funny and cool, I neeeeed her!]
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alotofpockets · 3 years
By your side | Yelena Belova x Reader
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Pairing: Yelena Belova x Reader
Request: Would you be able to do a Yelena X reader(female) maybe they are all at the compound having a team night and they are drinking and Yelena is like a clingy drunk and reader is too! So they are just very lovey towards each other and won’t leave each other’s side.And maybe they all try to lift Thor’s hammer again and maybe it’s just fluffy team bonding!
Word count: 573
A/n: This was such an adorable request, thank you for letting me write it <3 I hope I did it justice!
It’s just another day at the compound when Tony announces that tonight will be team night, just some overall bonding time over some beers. Natasha and Yelena offer to get the alcohol, while Tony and Bruce head to the store to get snacks. You and the rest of the team start getting the living room ready, by putting all the couches and chairs around the table.
When everyone got back and the first beers were passed around Peter suggests to playing Truth or Dare. The one where you take a shot if you want to pass. Everyone agrees and you begin to play. Peter picked Tony who started off with a truth “Who’s your favorite Avenger to make suits for?” Peters asks hoping Tony would pick him of course. “That would be myself, I mean you should’ve seen all the prototypes I build kid.”
After a while the questions start getting more intense, the alcohol definitely playing a role in that. It’s Thor’s turn to ask next “y/n truth or dare?”, “hit me with a dare” you say raising your beer. Thor’s eyes light up and you see the corner of his lip rising when he thought of something “okay, I dare you to get up and walk over to three people and give them a compliment.”
“Really that’s the best you could come up with?” you laugh. You stood up and walked over to Wanda “Wands your cooking is amazing.” You walk around to the other side of the table “Nat, no one can ride a motorbike better than you can.” And finally “Lena, you are so beautiful. Also a close second on the motorbike” you wink and plop down next to your girlfriend. Who lovingly places her arm around you.
Yelena didn’t like showing her soft side to the world. But when the two of you were alone she was a big softy and you loved it. However when Yelena was drunk, she didn’t have a care in the world and she clung to your side. She was definitely a clingy drunk, lucky for her so were you.
“Clint you’re up, truth or dare?” you ask, he picks truth “okay so who’s your favorite child, Cooper, Lila or Nathaniel?” shooting him a daring look, knowing he will have to drink. “You know I can’t answer that” he says while he takes a big gulp of his drink. He gives Natasha her next dare, but you weren’t really paying attention as you had your eyes locked with Yelena. “детка (baby), you’re lucky I love you” she says while moving a strand of hair behind your ear. “hm is that so, how come?” you reply back with a knowing smirk on your face. “Second best motorbike rider?” you kiss her cheek, before moving back you whisper in her ear “don’t tell your sister, but you’re definitely my favorite motorbike driver.” She lays her head on your shoulder and puts her legs over yours, one of your hands resting on her leg while the other is playing with her hair.
Natasha dares Bruce to try and lift Thor’s hammer, he isn’t able to of course, but still looks disappointed which earns him a chuckle from your girlfriend. “Belova, I dare you to try” she looks at you and then back to Bruce and takes a sip of her drink “I’d much rather stay here with y/n.” she says placing a kiss on your cheek.
Main taglist:
@yellowvxbes​ ~ @xxromanoffxx​ ~ @xxxtwilightaxelxxx ~ @wandanatvoid​
Yelena x reader taglist:
Please let me know if you want to be tagged in any of my works! :)
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WATCH THIS FIRST TRUST ME: Taylor Tomlinson On Growing Up Religious & Abstinent | CONAN on TBS.
Five, trying to explain to Lila why joining their family is a terrible mistake that she will surely regret for the rest of her life no matter how similar she may be to them in spirit: I love my siblings, because I am an adult, I’m a grown-up, yeah -
Five: My siblings, grown-up men and women, say things like
Five: “UGH. I hate my brother.” And I’m like
Five: What are you, four? (The age, not the number, we all know Klaus loves all of us, we’re not idiots.) (Well, mostly.) Nobody got enough hugs, hug yourself, walk it off.
Five: People who hate their families have unrealistic standards; they think families are made up of these superior beings, and they’re not!
Five: They’re just people, who suck, like the rest of us! That’s how we should introduce them, just like
Five: “These are my people! Luther, Diego, Allison, Klaus, Ben, and Vanya! They do what they can.”
Five: Set the bar low. Have you realized that your family messed you up yet?
Five: Yeah, you find a strange dent in the back of your head, you’re like
Five: “What happened there?” They’re like
Five: “We did our best, that’s what happened there. You were slippery, so.”
Five: You ever have this happen to you as an adult, where you realize your family messed you up based on how other people react when you tell them stories about your childhood?
Five: Stories you thought were fine, cause when you’re a kid you’re stupid?
Five: You’re just like, *does a stupid little dance* “Everybody gets tied in the yard!” Like, you don’t know!
Five: Fast forward ten years you’re at a barbeque, everyone’s goin’ around swappin’ stories like
Five: “Oh my god, my mom was crazy. She used to make us take our shoes off in the house!”
Five: And you’re like, *fake high-pitched laugh* “I know! We wore muzzles at night!”
Five: *keeps laughing hysterically* What happened, why’d everyone get sad? What is it?
Five: *completely serious once again* My siblings are cool. My dad, not so much.
Five: My dad’s very conservative, he still thinks gay people shouldn’t be allowed to get married, which
Five: You’re gonna be real disappointed, buddy, cause all a your kids are gay. Seriously. Allison and Luther are datin’ Ray, Vanya’s got a girlfriend named Sissy - okay well you’d love her name I’ll say that much - Diego and Ben are both mooning after Klaus and Klaus is, well, Klaus. Plus there’s me, and I don’t feel any a that cause I’m lucky, and also I’m not your perfect little girl Dad, never was because I’M A BOY anyway back to the matter at hand
Five: I don’t know, you ever hear older people say stuff and you’re like
Five: “Oh, someone missed a software update!” Like that’s not, can’t just say that anymore.
Five: *spacing out* Out loud.
Five: We’re in a Target. Be quiet.
Five: *back to full-blown peppiness*
Five: It’s crazy! He tortured all of us for eighteen years, and the whole time, he was like
Five: *creepy old man voice* “Homosexuality is a sin.”
Five: And we’re like
Five: “Without homosexuality, you would not have a job. Us sparkly teens put food on your table, don’t bite the jazz hand that feeds you.”
Five: Growing up, he encouraged us to abstain from drugs, and alcohol, and sex, and enjoyment, and we really took all of that to heart, uh.
Five: I mean, Klaus is a recovering addict, Diego smokes weed to sleep, Ben is dead and therefore does whatever the fuck he wants, I’ve drunk more alcohol than there is on the whole ass earth and I know that because I drank every bottle I ever came across in the apocalypse, Allison and Vanya both smoke, I don’t know why, really only Luther followed all the rules and then he got all depressed because Dad sent him to the moon or whatever so now he’s all fucked up too, anyway -
Five: But it’s so easy to mess kids up, I have a lot of respect for my mother - not my father, he was a piece of shit - even babysitting -
Five: I just babysat my siblings, I was so nervous about it, I’m like
Five: “I don’t wanna mess these kids up. (Well, more than they already are.)”
Five: So I’m just gonna do everything myself, and I’m not gonna talk to them.
Five: And everything’ll be fine.
Five: So I go off to do my thing. My siblings, they’re idiots, adorable, they come running after me five minutes after I show up and go
Five: “Hey Five, what was the apocalypse like?”
Five: What? How do I explain severe isolation, desperation, desolation, depression, and survivalist coping mechanisms including assassination and imaginary friends to these children?
Five: How I even begin to explain the pain of loss and loneliness and the helpless hopelessness of knowing you will always be alone and that there’s nothing you can do about it?
Five: It’s complicated! I time-travelled, they died, I was sad, like, whatever, you get it.
Five: But I wanted to be honest, so I thought about it carefully, like
Five: What was the apocalypse like that’s similar to something they’ve done? Like, okay
Five: “Do you remember when you got lost at the grocery store? That was scary, right? But then do you remember the feeling you got when you finally found one of us? How safe and happy and relieved you were? And how you ran up to whoever you found and you grabbed their arm and then you looked up and it wasn’t one of us?”
Five: *takes a sip of scotch* Yeah. Not my best moment. They wouldn’t let me sleep alone that night, all cuddled up around me like a bunch a octopuses. Fuckin’ annoying.
Five: *waves a dismissive hand* Anyway. I love them. You still wanna join the family?
Lila: *slowly shakes her head*
Five: *grins*
Five: Yeah, that’s what I thought. Thanks for killing your mom for us though!
Five, teleporting away: Bye!
The Handler’s ghost: You need to get better taste in men.
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risingsouls · 3 years
[Consider this your Chrimbus gift from me, @fusiioneternal! I got this dumb idea in my head and couldn’t get it out, so it got turned into your Christmas gift drabble. It’s pretty cute so I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it!
Also, I hope there aren’t too many typos; I got too excited and wanted to post it RIGHT NOW and didn’t really edit :’D]
He didn't feel particularly obligated to celebrate the season outside of finding a gift or two for Trunks and Goten. It was another day to him otherwise, his daily routine unbroken while others exchanged gifts, spent time with family and friends, held parties, and made a big deal out of joy and goodwill toward men until the clock struck midnight and they returned to their usual, less jolly demeanors.
Still, it surprised him when Nabooru reached out to him with a request to bake festive cookies together. Coming from an entirely different culture herself and with barely a mention of the holiday, he assumed she would treat the season like any other and continue her usual routine. When asked point blank why she was bothering with any kind of celebration when she didn't particularly have reason or care to celebrate the holiday herself, she replied that she wanted to make his first Christmas special, even if in a small way like the tradition of baking cookies. That she knew he liked to cook, and this was far simpler and more appealing than a party and dealing with a bunch of likely drunk people or worrying about getting each other gifts. Her logic sound enough, he ultimately agreed.
When the Gerudo opened the door of her modest desert home, he was relieved to see she hadn't gone overboard, both for his sake and her own. She wore her normal brand of clothing--a long, quartz-colored skirt that clung to her legs and a simple white cropped tank top--and mostly gold jewelry, and the decor of the house remained the same as he usually saw it. It meant he didn't feel underdressed or not holly jolly enough in his simple but comfortable navy, three-quarter-sleeved v-neck, khakis, and sneakers. The scent of sugary confections wafted out the door and to his nose. Nothing burned yet, it seemed.
"Started without me, huh?" he asked, stepping inside when beckoned by her hand, currently covered by an oven mitt with the likeness of a green lizard. Its pink tongue stuck out between the thumb and the rest of the mitten, and the glass bead eyes stared off to either side. "I didn't take you for the type to like cheesy oven mitts like that, either."
"I wanted to try the first batch on my own. Lila gave me the recipe and said it was one you would probably like better since it's not as overly sweet as most and that even I couldn't mess up. So I decided to see if she was right," she stated, closing the door behind them. "As for my oven mitt, I think it's adorable. It reminds me of the Lizalfos from my home planet."
Gogeta started to follow her back to the kitchen, but before he could enter, Nabooru turned back around to block him. "Nuh uh. I only have one more tray to shape and cook and I don't want you hovering over my shoulder trying to correct me." She gave him a gentle push back toward the living room before slipping into the kitchen. "You can help me decorate the ones I've already finished, too, but not until I'm done."
Gogeta considered ignoring her or at least seating himself at the island bar separating the kitchen and living room, but settled on behaving and plopped down on the couch instead. He watched her pull a tray of cookies from the oven and replace it with another before returning to finishing up the supposed final batch of the batter she had already made. From his angle, he couldn't see past the lip of the counter.
"As for Lizalfos," she began, rolling out the dough with a rolling pin, "they're like lizard people. They wore armor and knew how to use swords, spears, and even bows. Smart in that way, but typically pretty dumb. But in an endearing way as long as they weren't trying to kill you."
The fusion snorted. "Was there anything on your home planet that didn't want to kill you?"
"Yes, but they were far rarer than the creatures that did," she responded with a grin. "Especially in the desert. If the landscape and weather itself wasn't out to kill you, the animals and monsters out there would. Why else do you think I'm so tough?"
Gogeta chuckled, knowing her could give her a plethora of other reasons for that, but he decided most of them could threaten the good mood. Instead, he watched her slice into her rolled out dough with a little person-shaped cookie cutter. 
"Did you find anything for Goten and Trunks yet?"
Gogeta blew his bang out of his face and crossed one leg over the other. He stretched his arms out along the length of the back of the couch. "No, not yet," he admitted dismally, staring at the blank TV screen as if it might offer some insight to his plight. "It's hard to think of anything for a kid who has everything or could have whatever he wants at the drop of a hat and the other whose mother insists I only get him books. No toys and no woodland creatures for pets. Basically, nothing fun."
Nabooru hummed and began laying out her dough people on another cookie sheet. "Mm, that does sound tough." She dropped one of her unbaked cookies with a string of curses in her native tongue. She ducked below the counter and picked it up, tossing the soiled dough into the trash bin. "Maybe you could just spend a whole day with them or something? Take them to the amusement park or zoo or maybe even fishing? I know Bulma and ChiChi haven't been exactly...accommodating, but surely this time of year they'd be a little easier to work with."
"Maybe. I'm not really optimistic about it, but stranger things have happened." Just thinking about the kids' mothers and their less than stellar treatment of him since his formation threatened to sour his mood. While they didn't outright bar him from seeing or spending time with the boys, they didn't make it easy on him to. Or comfortable. "I suppose I could just do whatever I want for them no matter what they say."
"That's the spirit," Nabooru agreed with a laugh. She had picked up a piping bag filled with white icing. She bent low over the counter and began squeezing the icing onto a cookie. "It's basically your job to spoil them now. Or spoil them more when it comes to Trunks."
"What a good influence you are."
"Never claimed to be one." She observed her handiwork for a moment then nodded. "I'd say that's almost perfect."
She transferred it over to a plate, sprinkled something on it, then carried it over to him. She held the plate with both hands down at eye level for him, beaming. "I made you!"
The Saiyan peered down at the plate and quickly found her grin to be a contagious one. Sure enough, surrounded by blue and yellow sprinkles was a miniature, cookie version of himself. She added extra dough to make his spiky hair and add a little more dimension to his pants and vest. The icing polished off the details from adding color to the otherwise colorless cookie with his black hair and the yellow and blue details of his vest and belt and giving him a little smirk and side-eye expression.
"I think you captured my likeness pretty well. I almost hate to eat it." He took the plate from her. "Thanks, Nabooru."
"Of course! And we'll pretend I got it looking that nice on the first try and I haven't eaten at least four failed attempts already."
"Your secret's are safe with me."
"Good because I sent it to Lila and told her it was my first try." Nabooru laughed and held her hands out to him. "Okay, you can come help me put icing on the rest of these that are done. I tried to make them into different shapes but...well, you'll get to tap into your creativity to figure out what I was trying to make."
He set the plate aside and grasped her hands, allowing her to help him to his feet and lead him to the kitchen. Nabooru slid a large plate piled with unfrosted cookies toward him. Gogeta selected one and observed it, twisting it around in his fingers as he tried to surmise what she meant to shape the cookie into. He thought he could make out four legs coming off a lumpy body and maybe a head.
"Is this a cow, Nabs?" he asked, chuckling softly and holding it up.
She glanced over at it. "That one was supposed to be a cat…" Nose scrunched and lip poked out in a pout, she huffed. "It's not as easy as it looks! I'd like to see you do better when we make the next batch of dough."
Gogeta grinned and grabbed the black and white icing. "And if I do better than you, that means I get the title of best baker outside of East City, then?"
"Yeah, if." The timer on the oven dinged, and she slid her oven mitt back on. "I've gotten pretty good since I made that cat."
"You mean cow." She glared over her shoulder as she pulled the cookies from the oven and set them aside to cool, only amusing him more. He began piping white icing onto the cookie. "But I guess I can't doubt you on that though. You made cookie me look like me, so maybe you'll offer a challenge."
Nabooru slid the new tray into the oven and set the timer. "Whoever makes the nicest looking cookies with the new batch wins title of best cookie baker that isn't Lila. Deal?"
Gogeta finished piping the black spots and a pink snout onto his cookie before setting it aside. "You're on."
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valkerymillenia · 4 years
Klaus in season 2
First of all, let me point out that I love season 2, I really do. It's a great season for a great show. This post is very critical but it's not a reflection of the whole season itself, just of one aspect.
I know a lot of people are as upset as I am about how Klaus was treated in season 2. He's my favorite and I hated how the writers and characters alike treated him so I'm just here to vent.
Not that everything was awful, no, Klaus is still my favorite, he still had some amazing scenes but...
I get that not every character can be center stage every season when you have a show with 7 main characters, I really do. I'm not upset that Klaus had less protagonism because I know he'll get his chance to shine again and be in the spotlight in the future, but... That doesn't excuse the bullshit that was done with Klaus this season.
Everything around his arc and his powers in season 1 was ignored in return for turning him into comic relief with a dash of unresolved ship angst.
I don't like how his constant suffering is ignored with no catharsis or endgame or acknowledgement, or how his obvious kindness is downplayed by every character.
I don't like how him falling off the wagon was approached.
I don't like how the cult thing was played for laughs and he was called narcissistic and selfish when he was obviously trying to do the right thing (and failing) over and over.
Yes, starting the cult was a bad idea but he clearly didn't mean for it to get out of hand, he was just trying to survive and looking for support and validation anywhere he could in a strange new environment and he tried very hard to end it but they never let him. The cult was smothering him, disrespecting his personal space (and his actual requests not to be touched or to be left alone), invading his home without consent, objectifying the hell out of him, and so on. This would have been perfect to play out a parallel with how the ghosts never leave him alone, it's a sugar coated version of the horrible hauntings in s1, it would have been the perfect way to have his siblings realize how hard he has things, but instead he's painted as selfish and the cult plotline had zero payout or meaning in the overall plot.
I don't like how his powers were either nerfed to avoid stealing the spotlight (and how some of his original comic powers were co-opted by other characters).
I don't like how one of the biggest key points of his powers that shaped 29 years of his life was suddenly swept under the rug this season and treated so lightly.
Seriously, not a single ghost around him other than those two split-second scenes? This guy ruined his life with hard drugs just to escape the constant presence of the dead that are literally everywhere but suddenly in season 2 they are nowhere, suddenly the very thing that led him to desperation (and near death in more than one situation) before is gone, it makes light of his addiction and suffering, it makes his struggle with sobriety come off as lazy.
Remember Hazel and Cha-Cha's ghosts? Where are Five's ghosts? The cult's ghosts? Ghosts are supposed to always be around whether he wants them or not. Remember the how the voices haunted him even in the bath and underwater as soon as he started coming down from the high? Where's that now? Sure, maybe he could have learned to control what ghosts he sees or hears but we saw nothing of that, no struggle, no learning, no evolution, it's never mentioned and Klaus no longer seems to care, suddenly the only ghost around is Ben and the only power Klaus is developing is the ability to physically interact with Ben or make Ben corporeal (and that's all about Ben, not Klaus). Even possession, a power that should belong to Klaus or at least be controlled by him, is given to Ben without explanation.
They gives us a tiny glimpse of Klaus at peace with ghosts and in control of his powers in the opening of the season and then they annul it completely and show absolutely no explanation for it. It's such lazy writing! It's like they don't even know how to write Klaus unless he's high or drunk, it's like the writers see that as his only personality traits and not as something he struggles with.
I don't like how his reaction to Ben disappearing was so glossed over and barely addressed.
They were glued to each other (willingly) for 16 years. Ben was the voice of Klaus's conscience, his only support and his best friend, everyone else mourned Ben 17 years ago but not Klaus, he deserved to mourn and we deserved to see more a 2 second bed scene of Klaus looking kinda sad and a 20 second conversation about the loss of his best friend that was less about grief and more about guilt.
I don't like that he had no role in the final battle, even if they didn't want him to stay the spotlight, they could still have given some role, they could still have given him a chance to fight Lila too (perfect moment to show Lila being freaked out by the dead and give the siblings a glimpse of Klaus's burden), or at the very (VERY) least they could have given a plausible reason for him to not participate (like being injured or disabled early on or having to take care of someone else) but no, he, the trained vigilante and war vet, was just hiding and cowering.
Speaking of which, I get that Klaus is acting like a hippy pacifist in this season and he's crippled by PTSD but there are so many scenes where he should have at least shown his fighting skills for self-defense because you cannot tell me he had no fighting skills, he was trained the same way as his siblings and he was a soldier in an active battlefront for 10 months without dying, he HAS to have excellent skills. They just made him a physical doormat this season, he never reacts other than getting hit, hiding or running.
The Dave plotline was the only thing well addressed and I suspect we'll see the proper resolution to that in the next season.
I don't like a lot of things about how Klaus was handled this season but it's not that everything was awful, I still love Klaus and he did have great parts this season too and some interesting development.
I did love seeing him bond and interact with his siblings, I did like seeing him be incredibly supportive and affectionate to his family (even when they don't notice or appreciate it and even when it's just too further another sibling's plot), I absolutely adore how he dished out romantic wisdom with his sisters.
Seriously, I really did like him being supportive and affectionate- Allison with her love life, the dead Swede, her worries for her husband, the danger of the riot, getting her husband out of jail, etc; Vanya by including her and being affectionate, with her love life as well and by being honest with her all the way; Diego by trying to comfort him after Reginald emotionally devasted him, hugging him and trying to lighten the mood and show affection in other scenes even after all the times Diego is dismissive of him and accuses him off still being intoxicated; etc, etc, etc. Yes, he was rather mean towards Ben this season (refusing to tell the family he was there, ignoring him, using him to impress people or as a shield, etc) but he was also kind to Ben by keeping him corporeal often, letting him possess him despite how horrible it felt, again with Ben's love life as well by acting like a wingman, etc.
Klaus is naturally kind and affectionate, he's caring and protective of his family, his methods may be terrible and he may mess up a lot but his intentions are always good. This season picked up on that from s1 and highlighted it even more. That was a positive thing but the fact that nobody in the family acknowledges this, the fact that they still dismiss him as intoxicated and narcissistic, that was AWFUL.
Klaus is still self-destructive and deeply traumatized but both of those things were glossed over or played for laughs, I could handle the family dismissing him if these issues were given the importance and respect they deserved and there was an endgame or some payoff but... Nope, we got none of that.
Honestly, it just really bothers me that all the serious things established in season 1 were completely ignored just so Klaus would be lighter and less likely to steal the spotlight. I just want the multiple traumas and secrets that he's keeping from the family to be addressed, I want his struggles with his powers and sobriety to be validated and addressed instead of played for laughs or only remembered when it's convenient, I want to family to start showing any little bit of understanding or concern or appreciation for him (if they could do it for Vanya this season then they can do it for him too).
What I wouldn't give for Klaus to just finally snap in season 3 and be the accidental cause of the next possible doomsday just so the family would finally be forced to take him seriously and give him the right kind of support and attention.
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night-triumphantt · 3 years
I was tagged by by @not-sewell and @wayhavensmasonsbitch and also @lxdy-starfury sjsjsjsj :D
rules: answer 30 questions and tag blogs you are contractually obligated to know better.
(ima tag a few ppl sorry if u��ve already done it, also feel free to ignore, also I just KNOW I’m missing ppl I’m so very sorry :P) @masonsfangs @bobbymckenzie @queerbrujas @agentnatesewell @raleighcarrera @specialistagent-morgan @lilas
Name/nickname: Judie, I don’t really have a nickname but y’all can use N-T if u want, or my name, up to u
Gender: Female (she/her pronouns :P)
Star sign: Aries sun sign and Libra Moon and Rising, I assume thats where the diplomacy comes from XD
Height: *Sigh* 5’ 1”
Time: 2:55 pm
Birthday: March 25!
Favorite bands: IIII don’t feel like I listen to that many bands actually, tho did u know technically Bruno Mars is a band artist, Bruno Mars and the Hooligans XD.
Favorite solo artists: I have, pretty mainstream tastes tbh lolll, (at least thats what my sister tells me, but I maintain that I just don’t have the time to go out and LOOk for new music) aAAAnnyways, I can never choose a favorite anything so Im gonna list a few that I always come back to: The Weeknd, Billy Eilish, Victoria Monet, Ariana Grande,Taylor Swift, Stromae, Logic, Halsey, Ed Sheeran, & Bruno Mars ofc but I just mentioned him XD.
Song stuck in my head: Long Story Short by Taylor Swift
Last movie: Soul :D
Last show: I’ve been rewatching ATLA
When did you create this blog? I made this sideblog, innnnn November-ish of 2019, but wasn’t active til about January of 2020, a whole year guys :D, (I have had a Tumblr for many years at this point tho, I’m not quite sure when I first joined though)
What do i post? Art, mostly fanart for TWC, or choices, very rarely my own OC’s, and then I also RB art, writing, and just, fandom memes loll
Last thing i googled: Industrial piercing after care, I am highly considering one
Do i get asks? Yes sometimes, and I cherish each and every one and I am sorry I am so bad at responding sometimes
Why i chose my url: Originally I just made this so I could find posts abt choices that I liked easier, cuzzzz I don’t have a tagging system, so it was choicesstuff, but then I decided I wanted to post art so I changed it to Night-Triumphantt bc of one of my favorite quotes from the ‘A Court of Thorns and Roses’ series
Average hours of sleep: Ugh, that depends, I always stay up far too late but I also sleep in hella late if I am able, I’m gonna say a solid 6 average (its that delayed circadian rhythm babeyyyyy)
Lucky number: 7 :D
Instruments: I can play piano, and viola, (Tho its been a while) and I am currently trying to learn guitar as I have ALWAYS wanted to learn it. I just wanna be able to play some sweet sweet riffs man! (I also reaaaaallly want to learn how to play the bass guitar but I told myself I wont drop the money on it unless I learn to actually play guitar this year XDD)
What i’m wearing: A very comfy sweater from an Ariana Grande Concert, and black work pants cuz I am at work loll.
Dream job: If I could do anything w/o care I would love to be an animator, but like, I know the actual job isn’t really for me, so I’m goin into medicine, very different I know but I do really love the medical field.
Dream trip: I wanna go to New Zealand someday, its so beautiful!!
last book i read: Children of Blood and Bone, HIGHLY recommend
Favorite food: Sushi, or Pizza
Nationality: Lebanese :D (also American IG lol)
Favorite song: I can never choose a favorite anything, I do absolutely adore Drunk by Ed Sheeran tho, that one stays in the top rotation always
Top three fictional universes: hmmmmmm, ATLA for sure but Im actually blanking on any other universes lolll
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1, 4, and 15!
Thank you so much for the ask, @lady-celeste25!
1. Who’s your favorite character?
I am here for the angry knife boy. He loves his Mom, is bad at making friendship bracelets, and just wants to do the right thing.
In a bit more of an analysis way, though, I think that Diego is such an interesting character because he’s very much a deconstruction of the classic superhero archetype. And... it’s messy. He clearly cares so much about the people in his life but can’t quite work out how to convey it to them short of jumping in front of a bullet. He constantly feels like he has something to prove, and so his insults go straight for the jugular whenever he feels vulnerable (Allison’s marriage, specifically telling Vanya she doesn’t belong after reading her book). He’s heroic to the point of self-destruction.
And yet... he’s also a total sweetheart. He’s the closest of all of them to Grace and lets her make him smiley face pancakes even though he likes to pretend he’s this hardened badass. His dancing is beyond dorky, and he tells Klaus that Dave must be “a very special person”, and Lila that some things in the world aren’t meant to be understood, “like yogurt.”
I don’t know, a weakness of mine is characters that feel like they need to save everyone but need to be reminded to look after themselves, and would probably end any moment of emotional vulnerability “but, yeah, whatever, you know?”
4. Favorite song off the soundtrack?
There are honestly so many of them that I love, so I’m going to cheat a little and do one for each season.
For season one (after much deliberation) would probably have to be I Think We’re Alone Now. Which, yeah, is the most basic answer, but that scene was when I fell in love with the series, and I still can’t listen to it without smiling the entire time.
For season two, I’m going to go with Pepper. It’s pretty outside of my usual music taste (which tends more towards folk and bedroom pop) but it’s got such a cool unique sound that manages to feel both grunge and psychedelic and captures the scene perfectly.
15. Favorite duo?
So, I already answered this question in a previous post, but there are so many good team-ups in this show that I’m going to another one, and that is Five and Luther. Their dynamic is so interesting because they both have this “I’m the team leader and must look after the rest of them” mentality, and they always clash trying to protect each other because of it. 
They’ve also both undergone pretty similar trauma, and are in unique positions to understand what the other is going through in a way no one else really does (isolation, not being in the bodies they are used to - there is a fantastic fic on AO3 called “This Isn’t Me or You” where they talk about their mutual body dysmorphia. I couldn’t find the author’s tumblr to tag them, and I am terrible with hyperlinks, but I highly recommend checking it out.) 
Not to mention, it’s absolutely adorable to watch Five try to offer Luther sagely advice, and Luther carry around a drunk Five like he’s a little kid and the two of them very clunkily try to express how much they care about each other. 
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nahte123456 · 4 years
Marinette Bio-Dad idea, White Collar:Neal
Alright I was doing that stupid fanfic-writer thing where I saw two characters in a short time frame and went “I bet I can think of a story for this”. Those two being Marinette and Neal. I like the whole Bio-dad thing and they do both have blue eyes so I went with it when I found something out, Neal is meant to be around 33 in Season 3 as far as I can figure(it’s said the character is meant to be around the actors age and that kinda works with what Ellen says iirc) and Marinette is meant to be 13.
Neal’s age is an approximate and we know that when he was 18 and ran away from home he did some stupid stuff until Mozzie picked him up. So is it so hard to believe that Neal, fresh from running away and just starting to con see’s a vacationing Tom and Sabine, thinks to try and con/steal some money from them, and starts buying them drinks under an assumed(and older) name. He then learns that they are nice people that seem to just care about him because they are good people and can’t go through with the con, but at that point they are all drunk and attractive young adults and nature takes it’s course and an accident with a condom makes a Marinette that Neal doesn’t know about.
Until a few years later that is. We know Neal was in Paris at one point so in between con’s he remember this nice couple that helped him out for a night and decides he’ll look them up, pop into there restaurant and buy something, maybe they won’t even recognize him. Only to see tiny Mari who 100% has his eyes. And Sabine walks in and she’s not dumb, she recognizes Neal and realizes what he see’s and so he’s invited in and they all have a talk about there daughter.
So Neal starts to give an abridged version of his side of the story when Babynette walks over with a surprisingly good colored pencil sketch of what was, if only by the colors, clearly him. And Neal has a bit of a breakdown at this point, not like a sobbing wreck or anything but he has a host of family issues, pressure from being on the run, and the surprise of a daughter all get to him so instead of some made up story he tells them the truth about the whole witness protection childhood and once he starts he can’t stop until he’s told them everything about being a con, and they were originally his marks and now he’s a master forger and con artist.
Tom and Sabine are...accepting. They don’t really understand either Neal’s need to do these things or the reasons he started but they get that his life was different from theirs, and despite being a criminal he’s been nothing but a good guy to them. So they invite Neal to stay the night and he agrees, eating dinner with the family and bonding with the 3, before sleeping in the guest room.
The next day the adults work out a deal. Neal doesn’t want to be some absentee father Marinette only learns about when she’s an adult and wonders about him forever like he had to, but obviously he can’t just stay for a number of reasons, not the least of which is ‘Burke The Jerk’ getting closer and closer every day. So instead they set up communications, he can call, send gifts, letters, whatever, as long as no big trouble is tracked back to them and no gift or money he sends is illegal. He agrees.
So this goes on and flows into the show until just before Sarah finds out about the U-Boat treasure Mozzie has. White Collar is mostly the same as Neal is still keeping Marinette away from things, and he’s more then sneaky enough to get into contact without being caught, Neal is slightly better off as he was more cautious and he kept more resources to send/liquidate for Marinette.
As for Miraculous, again largely the same overall, Marinette is slightly more confident and knowledgeable about art, she does forgeries as a type of destressing although she always signs them to not get in trouble. The only large change is her having more money for her designing, and that she tells Neal about the Miraculous as he’s far enough away to be safe and he knows better then anyone about secrets and needing to do things.
The change comes after Lila shows up again, I don’t imagine this as a salt-fic(I like salt-fics fine but I don’t think that tone would work great with White Collar) but that is a lot of stress for a teen. Her designing, being bullied, being a superhero, school, just everything. So Neal offers Tom and Sabine a deal, he can take her in for like a month, where she only has to worry about designing and keeping up with school(and Superhero work but with Horse and Rabbit Miraculous that’s also easier without so many people watching). Then Neal and Mari talk and she agrees, she’ll take Tikki, the Rabbit and Horse, some design stuff, and school necessities and that’s it. Just destressing in New York with her father.
Of course Neal being a little shit Neal picks an airport just outside of his range and then at the Burke’s one day he tells Peter “Hey I need your help to get to ____Airport tomorrow, my daughter is coming in and I want to pick her up.” After the freak out from both Burke’s and Neal’s taunting he give a (mostly) complete explanation about his stupid years then finding out about his daughter. To which Peter correctly figures out where some money had vanished in the past and why Neal sometimes went above board to get jewelry and such, to give it to his daughter without any heat being attached.
So Peter agrees to go with him, but El decides she’s going to and rather then trying to both bunk at Neal’s place Marinette can stay in there guest bedroom(Peter’s not thrilled with this sudden information but rolls with it for now). The next day they go to pick up Marinette, who’s cuteness and happiness wins over El immediately although Peter is more suspicious.
After that is a lot of bonding, Marinette shows her signed-forgeries which both worries Peter(she is already far to good at that for his comfort), but also comforts him(even when not selling Neal never so blatantly made sure his work was distinguishable from the real thing), although Marinette does kind of ruin that by stealing his wallet as a “I am Neal’s daughter” thing, same smile to. Neal loves it, El thinks she’s adorable, Peter just knows this’ll mean more work for him somehow.
Over the next week Marinette works on some dresses and meets the rest of the crew. She and Diana get along good, Diana likes her spunk, she and Jones bonds surprisingly well(I want Jones to have a bigger role then normal), and June loves her as much as El does. Mozzie freaks out more then a little at first, but after he gets over it he becomes convinced Marinette will be great and really tries to corrupt her and Marinette does like him in his own zany way.
As for her and Sarah, they grind at first, Marinette doesn’t want to ruin anything for Neal and Sarah doesn’t know how to deal with a child so they kind of both try to pull back without hurting anyone and it all goes wrong but eventually they bond and Marinette asks to make her a dress that looks good and hides her baton and Sarah agrees. Neal’s happy about this but also more then slightly worried about getting teamed up on(it’s bad enough when Moz and Peter gang up on him much less them).
I’ll be honest I don’t have a real ‘plot’ in mind mostly just a bunch of character interaction I think would be great fun. Marinette and El talking fashion, Neal and Peter having a talk on how to deal with a child, and so on so forth.
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teannamon · 4 years
The Black Cat and the Princess (ML Fic) 6
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Cover art by deryuj :>
[ Family Switch AU ]  Marinette’s the only child of fashion icon Gabriel Agreste, and Adrien is the adopted child of Sabine and Tom Dupain-Cheng, two of the best bakers in Paris. What happens when their paths meet?
↫ Chapter 5
Chapter 6: Adrien gets a visit from Marinette at the bakery.
Adrien groaned as he turned off his alarm. He was tired from last night’s party, not because of the party itself but because he spent most of his energy trying to calm down a drunk Alya from participating in another “Alcohol or Awful” drinking game. Ultimately, Nino decided to just take her home and he also decided to call it a night. At 3 am.
He rubbed his eyes and stretched to get ready for his weekend baking duties. Dropping down from his bed he grabbed a quick change of clothes and headed to the bathroom.
‘Not awful but not amazing either’ he thought to himself as he viewed his tired self in the mirror. After washing his face with cold water, he quickly changed into clean clothes. That’s when he noticed something missing from the hamper.
His favorite cardigan.
“Did I leave it at the party?” he asked out loud while double checking the hamper, but he remembered Marinette. Seeing her shiver from the gym clothes she changed into prompted him to lend her his cardigan so she would at least feel better from whatever happened to her.
“I’ll see her at school anyways, at least she’ll get home in better conditions” he said to no one in particular as he opened the trapdoor to head downstairs.
Sabine already prepared him a meal for him at the counter-three pieces of croissants, omelet, and a cup of coffee. She waited for him all night, so she knows how tired he must’ve been.
“Good morning dear, eat up so you can help your father downstairs” she greeted while taking a sip of her tea. Adrien gave her a kiss on the cheek as he sat down to eat, “Thanks mom”
“No problem hun, drunk Alya again?” she asked and Adrien chuckled while stuffing the bread into his mouth.
“You know it” he said after swallowing. He was enjoying his meal and almost choked when he heard his mother’s next question.
“Speaking of Alya, she mentioned you’re seeing a girl named Marinette is it?”
“N-no,” he sputtered out “Well technically I see her everyday because miraculously our schedules are almost identical, but she’s just a friend I swear Alya is just-and why are you laughing?”
His mom covered her mouth to stop her from laughing too loud but eventually calmed down, “You’re cute when you’re defensive, and Alya didn’t tell me anything. Actually, Marinette is at the bakery downstairs, said she wanted to bring back something for you”
She gave him a wink as she said, “I bet your father is already talking to her”
“What?!” the blonde boy ate his breakfast with much speed so he could head downstairs.
Meanwhile, Marinette and Tom were making small talk while he set the pastries on the display cases. She was in awe at the wonderful smell of fresh morning pastry, she made note to come here every morning that she can.
“I hear Alya mention your name a lot whenever she comes here, I’m guessing you’re that young designer she’s very fond of”
Said designer smiled sheepishly, “I guess you can say that. She has a lot of my outfits to say the least, and I’m glad we’re friends now”
Tom hummed in response before offering her a red velvet cupcake, “That’s great to hear, here’s a cupcake for making you wait long. Free of charge”
“Oh! that’s so nice of you, sir. It’s no bother though, I didn’t mind waiting”
“Even so, please take it. I’m sure one cupcake won’t hurt”
She happily took the cupcake and took a small bite, she was delighted by the taste “This is very delicious!” she exclaimed.
“I’m glad you like it; this is Adrien’s specialty” he gave her a knowing look she didn’t quite catch on as she’s too invested in the cupcake.
Another mental note-ask them to cater one of her future parties.
Just then Adrien burst in through the door that leads to the bakery.
“Good morning, Adrien” he greets with a large smile. Marinette peeks around the display case on the counter obstructing her view to see the person who he came here for.
“Hi Adrien” she waves with her cupcake in hand.
“Good morning dad, Marinette” he greeted back, sounding a bit out of breath.
He puts on an apron before taking his post behind the counter. At that moment his father conveniently ran out of cookies to put on display.
“Ah would you look at that, I’m all out” he said all too cheerfully and left for the kitchen door in quick strides “I’ll leave you two here then. Alone. Together”
Adrien internally facepalmed, ‘Not being subtle at all, dad’ and with that Tom closed the door behind him and as he said, leaving the two alone together.
He turned back to face Marinette who had no idea what just transpired as she just finished her cupcake. He noticed the custom cupcake liner he always used for his own cupcake recipe so he cheerfully told her, “That’s my special cupcake, what do you think? It’s a Crowd Favorite”
“It tastes amazing! I love the mix of dark chocolate and strawberry” she excitedly told him, “oh and the marshmallow frosting is such a cool idea. Does it have a name?”
Adrien resisted a chuckle, “I told you it’s a Crowd Favorite”
She rolled her eyes, “Well yeah, I meant special recipes have names right?”
He pointed his thumb towards the display case lined with his special cupcakes under the tag “Crowd Favorite”. This made Marinette groan but then chuckled after “Oh my gosh, you really are such a dork”
The blonde laughed with her and shrugged, “Well what can I say, I really am adorkable” repeating his statement last night, which reminded him.
“Anyway, I forgot to ask how you were since last night?”
“I got home safely thankfully, and speaking of” she reached down and placed a paper bag on the counter “you really didn’t need to lend me your cardigan you know but I do appreciate the gesture”
She smiled sweetly and Adrien couldn’t help but feel flustered as he recalled how close they were when he mindlessly carried her on the way out. He rubbed the back of his neck as he took the paper bag and placed it under the counter.
Just then the bell chimed and Adrien instinctively greeted whoever entered the bakery, “Good morning, how can I help you today?”
The blunette moved a little to the side to give way for the customer to approach the counter. She was wondering where the customer was until she looked down and saw a short old man wearing a red Hawaiian shirt. 
“Hello Mr Wang, the usual?” Adrien asked with such familiarity. The old man nodded and smiled. As Adrien turned around to pack up his orders the old man, Mr Wang, turned to the female visitor who busied herself looking at the other pastries on display.
“Here you go, I added an extra cinnamon roll from the burnt pile as well” Adrien handed him a small box of pastries and took his payment. 
“Thank you, Adrien. See you again tomorrow” Mr Wang took one last glance at Marinette as he left. The bell chimed as the door closed behind him.
Sensing that the day would get busier as time went on Marinette decided to say her goodbyes and leave. She approached the counter to face Adrien.
“Well, I guess I should go too since I already did what I came here to do but I’d love to come visit the bakery again” 
“No problem, Marinette. See you tomorrow at school” he waved as she left the bakery.
As soon as she left he turned to the kitchen door to see both his parents peeking through the small window obviously spying on their adorable son and his equally adorable female classmate.
“Are you done with your errands?” Gabriel asked her daughter thru the phone.
Marinette rolled her eyes, “Yes father, we’re en route to the mall like you said”
Another event that she’s obligated to attend being the secondary face of the Agreste brand. That, and she needs to make up for her mishap last night.
“Good, and don’t forget to fix how you look all the time. I wouldn’t want to go through all the trouble of trying to get rid of unpleasant images of you uploaded to the net for everyone to see”
“Noted” she snapped as the call ended. She sighed and sank to her seat as they drove thru the city.
Last Night…
Chloe’s limo stopped in front of the Agreste mansion’s gate. Gabriel Agreste was already waiting for Marinette as soon as he got his daughter’s call.
“Ugh this won’t be good” she groaned and Chloe looked at her friend sympathetically.
The blonde patted her back, “Hey Mari, at least you had fun. Whatever your dad will tell you now shouldn’t take that away”
Marinette smiled at Chloe, she really was thankful for her. No matter how shallow and self-centered she might be at times she really does understand her and comes through when times get hard. 
“Thanks Chloe, see you on Monday” she said as she was about to leave.
She stood next to Gabriel as the limo left. 
He looked at her current get-up, “Those were not the clothes you left with tonight”
She looked down and wrapped the cardigan around her tighter, “Yes, I know. Can we get inside and I’ll explain everything”
He didn’t say a word but both of them went inside the mansion. As soon as they stepped foot inside he looked at her for an explanation.
Taking a deep breath she told him how she got soaked in juice, had a senior let her borrow gym clothes from a schoolmate, and Adrien letting her borrow his cardigan. 
She chose to withhold some information like the blackmail from Lila or when Adrien walked in on her underwear. If Gabriel knew about those details she’s more worried about what her father is going to do to them than her.
‘He’s quiet again, what now?’ she wondered, her anxiety growing more and more each second he’s not saying anything.
He sighed, “Well it can’t be helped since you’re at a disorganized and rowdy event. Next time limit your attendance to those unless it's necessary”
“Y-yeah, of course” 
“Goodnight, Marinette”
“Goodnight, father” she mumbled as they parted ways towards their own rooms.
She flops into the bed feeling frustrated at… well, she doesn’t know exactly.
Maybe Lila, for ruining her night and her outfit or her father for not even asking if she was okay throughout the whole night’s ordeal. Either way, she’s frustrated as hell.
‘Deep breaths Mari, deep breaths’ she reminded herself and she calmed herself down after a few seconds. 
“Like Chloe said, I had fun tonight despite what happened” she told herself as she recalled the people she met that night, the live student band, the crazy games she got to witness, and her new friends.
She never would’ve guessed that Adrien would have the guts to carry her all the way outside though. Somehow that was the most memorable event of that night for her, she pondered as she fiddled with the cardigan of his. 
As she took it off she noticed something written on the tag, ‘Adrien’s favorite cardigan DO NOT TOUCH’
“He really is a dork,” she giggled.
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Marinette (wearing Adrien’s cardigan) being carried by Adrien in Chapter 5
art by @deryuj​
↬ Chapter 7 (tba) ↬ AO3 Link
Its been almost a year since I last updated this but I hope you guys can forgive me QwQ... I’ll be updating this story more often though since college stuff is all done (and by done I meant holding it off til next year lmao)
But rest assured updates will be more frequent from now on, maybe every 3days or every week hehe
✦ Tag List : @conquering-medians​
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potaetaezz · 5 years
|| Sweet like Coffee || 11
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pairing: Nct Dream x Reader  [female]
genre/au: fluff | teeny bit of angst (to come) | enemies to lovers | Everyone is just a clueless bunch of weirdos, you get the drill… or so you thought.
warnings: slight swearing, immature content, underage drinking
A/N: its’s my first fanfic so no judgment lol | Longer Chp | here we go~
The look in Jaemin’s eyes was sinful. His smirk was evil. The darkness was playing tricks on you. 
“This means nothing.” You blurted out, half understanding its meaning. It felt like the right thing to say, the only thing to say. Lies. He stared back with glossy eyes, face unchanging, lips bruised red. 
In an instant, you turned away from him. Away from what you just did. Your mind lost in the confusion, at war with itself, heart pounding. Everything inside you stumbled to a crash the moment his lips touched yours. You knew he was still watching, as you walked off in search of fresh air. Those dark eyes intent, your insides aflame. 
The music, the people, the alcohol, everything was abuzz. Everything was -too much. You needed air, to breathe at last. To breathe in something other than amber and musk and him. Your mind was clouded, hazy. You could barely think. You bumped into wandering bodies, lost in the many rooms. You had no idea how long you’d been walking, but you were ever grateful to finally spot a door. Your warm cheeks met the cold air. 
Your burst out onto a decking, stars looking down on you.
Finally, there was silence. The music seemed distant. Those tempting eyes seemed faraway. Your heart began to slow. You could just about hear yourself think, but you hadn’t the slightest clue how you felt. You forgot about Jeno, Lila, Renjun, Haechan. You forgot about everyone other than Jaemin. The butterflies wasps were back, messing with your stomach. Your eyes wandered up to the sky, the stars. 
The door opened behind you, but you didn’t look. The person walked over, as quiet as the night itself and placed themselves beside you. You were so caught up in your own head, you couldn’t care less who accompanied you. But your eyes, those curious fools, decided to check anyway.
He was beautiful amongst the stars, yet your heart ached.
Jeno stood there, breath steady, eyes focusing in front. You tore your eyes away from him, to your anxious hands instead. You wanted to speak, but your mouth couldn’t form the words needed. Rather, you accepted the silence, his company. And so did he.
Perhaps it was the alcohol running through your veins, or the mayhem inside your head, but you couldn’t hold back the words.
“Who was she?”
You barely whispered, hoping he might not hear you. Your words weren’t coated with envy, but interest instead. You bit your tongue for speaking. Swallowed the ache. You had no right to ask that, you were well aware, and he didn’t have a reason to answer. 
He stood awhile in thought. Embracing the silence between you. Although you knew he’d answer, he was just collecting the right suit of words first. And he did reply. But not what you expected.
“Why Jaemin?”
His words were layered with spite, a chuckle hiding in his throat. You couldn’t tell him the truth, although he probably already knew. His eyes attempting to figure out the chaos inside you, impatient for an answer. But what else could you say other than nothing.
POV - Jaemin
“This means nothing.”
Those words stung more than they should have. It meant nothing to him, too. He was glad when you turned around, so he could escape your gaze. He watched you warily. But he let you go. Into the darkness.
A hand firmly gripped his shoulder, a laugh counting as praise. 
“That was- how the fuck did you do that?” Haechan’s mouth dropped. His mind could barely comprehend it. “I mean like, that was y/n right? Right?”
Jaemin kept silent. It wasn’t because of him, it was because of Jeno. The kiss was fake.
“So I win the bet.” Jaemin spit out. It was less of a question, more of a statement.
Haechan shook his head, “Let’s see what he does first.”
Jeno, of course. He wouldn’t lose that easily. Jeno had a lot of people fooled, including y/n, but Jaemin always knew exactly who he was. They were friends for years, and Jaemin had never cared for his hoax before, he had never minded it. Until now.
Haechan’s body began to loosen once again to the music, his voice fading. “Cmon….drink?”
Jaemin hadn’t drunk anything yet, so gratefully he followed Haechan. The alcohol slid down his throat easily, warming his cheeks. The kiss replayed in his mind, affecting him more than it should’ve. He grabbed another drink. Alcohol always tasted best when you wanted to forget.
But forgetting never was easy. 
Lila appeared beside him, grabbing another drink, chatting up a ‘magician’. Renjun soon followed. 
“Ayyy mateeee-y.” He spluttered.
“Have you seen y/n?” The words were out of Jaemin’s mouth before he knew it. Before he could take them back.
“Nope-dope, arrr ya kay?” He was too drunk for his own good, so Jaemin left without a reply.
He pushed passed bodies, feeling an unusual sense of urgency. He didn’t know what he’d say or do but he just needed to find you. He checked upstairs but there was no sign. The music clouded his thoughts, or perhaps it was the alcohol. He was losing hope of finding you, fast. He dashed to the next room. He stopped. He halted.
The only thing between Jaemin and Y/n was a glass door. The only thing between Jeno and Y/n was air. But Jeno was stepping closer. What else did Jaemin expect. She never liked him, she despised him. He was a bad influence, he was bad for her, he was well aware. But he wished she saw the real side of Jeno, to show her he was also bad. To show her he was worse.
POV - y/n.
“Why Jaemin?”
You were aware he saw your kiss, but to bring it up, to be so daring. You didn’t know he had it in him. It seemed there was a lot to Jeno that you didn’t know.
His expression changed in a blink. The unfamiliar look in his eye made your heart race. He stepped closer. The dangerous charge in the air lifted the hairs on your neck. Those potent eyes studying you, and your lips.
“Am I too close?" His voice was a rasp. The sharp sounds and throaty underscores of the language from his lips made you shiver.
You kept silent. Eyes on the floor
He skimmed his knuckles up the length of your arms, fabric snagging between them. Your heart stopped. Your breath shook, and his echoed. He stepped impossibly closer and dipped his head. “And now?”
He was teasing you. He was mischievous. You lifted your chin and looked him right in the eye. Facing him and his growing desire.
“Where’s my nice guy?” You attempted. A part of you always knew he could be enticing, waiting to witness the seduction lurking inside of him, rushing through his veins. Waiting for him to show his hand. But you never could have imagined it he would be so intoxicating, so enticing. So hard to resist.
“Not here.” His voice darker than the night itself.
You wanted to ask why, but your mouth was failing you. It was as if he saw the confusion on your face, saw your mouth attempting to ask the real question on your mind. So he answered it for you.
“Because that’s what you wanted."
POV - Jaemin
They were close, too close. Jeno’s hand delicately gripping her arm. His eyes adoring her, filled with unsatisfied lust. Jaemin could see it. Jaemin could see what was going to happen, but he couldn’t look away.
He knew you were naive, but he had underestimated you. He knew you liked Jeno, but he didn’t know just how much. He waited to watch you fall prey to him, fall victim.
The party roared behind him, but it was as if he stood in silence, staring at the two of you.
No one had ever chosen Jeno instead of him. The feeling growing inside him was an unusual one. His confidence had always been sky high. His self-worth had always been too large for life. He was arrogant, conceited but that stemmed from somewhere. That stemmed from the countless girls admiring him. The amount of girls who’d look at him hoping to get a glance in return. It stemmed from the look on a girl’s face after they kissed him. Their utter delight, that sheer look in their eye.
But y/n was different. She never looked at Jaemin with hope, she never admired him. After their kiss, she walked away. She chose Jeno. Maybe that was why the stupid bet was so important. 
Jaemin watched Jeno shift closer. He watched y/n lift her chin up, ever so slightly, holding his gaze. Jaemin knew what would happen next. 
So he turned around. 
He walked away. 
POV - y/n
“Because that’s what you wanted."
You knew you wanted a good guy, you always have. But Jeno was making you doubt that. You could’ve easily fused your smile with his, easily leaned into his wrath, just as you wanted this morning. Just as you wanted now.
But this Jeno was different, this Jeno was embraced by a roguish charm. A charm you could resist. Nevertheless, your mind wandered to the girl he had kissed earlier, you remembered the desperation in his tongue, the pure desire escaping him. His eyes were inked with want. His lips taunted with attraction, desire. But you could resist. You had to resist. To give in to Jaemin was one thing, but to Jeno, you weren’t sure if you could handle that, not yet.
You tore your eyes from his and looked away.
Looked away just in time to see Jaemin divert his gaze. Turn around. Walk off. He was still a beautiful mess.
You swallowed, facing Jeno’s allure once again. His eyes bore into you. His hand grabbed yours. His warmth overpowered you. He dipped his head, his lips just a fraction away, just a breath away.
You found your voice in the dark, swallowed your cravings. “Do this sober and I’ll be impressed.”
You stepped back into the party, music embracing you. You spotted a dancing Lila and a wild Renjun in the next room. You waded through the sea of people to meet them.
“Y/N!!” Renjun screamed, “Twherehwaveyjou been?” 
“God Lila, how much did you let him drink?”
“Don’t look at me.” she said, “It’s all Haechan.”
You sent a glare in Haechan’s direction, whilst he recorded Renjun dancing, nearly pissing himself. 
You checked your phone for the first time that night. The words seemed to dance as well, but you could just about make out the time.             [3:14am]
You were becoming aware of just how exhausted you actually were, and no amount of alcohol was going to get rid of it.
imaginey/n: care to collect moi??
                                          sent to bestbigbro-not
You gestured your head to the door, so Lila could see. She nodded in agreement. It was getting too late, and your body was lacking the energy or enthusiasm to dance some more. You had your fill of drinks and fun. You would’ve classified the party as a success, but you forgot one important detail. Or two.
bestbigbro-not: outside      [3:24am]
You said your goodbye’s to Renjun and Haechan.
“Haechan, you better take care of Renjun.” Lila warned, as he winked.
bestbigbro-not: outside      [3:24am]
Lila trudged to the door as you followed. Slowly, other people were leaving as well. Before you stepped outside, you gave a backward glance to the emptying crowd. In search of him. But of course, he was probably still inside partying.
The drive home was short and your stomach was grateful. You peeled off your outfit drenched with sweat and threw on your comfiest pyjamas. As you clambered onto your bed, Lila cleared her throat.
“So, Jeno huh?”
You paused. She laughed. “It’s okay to like someone you know.”
You did know, but what happens when the person you like turns out to be different. What happens when they’re not what you expected.
“I did like him, but now I’m not so sure.” Your voice was heavy with thought.
“Is it because of Jaemin?” 
You did a double-take. Looking at her with confusion and suspicion at the same time. You kept your mouth shut, waiting for her to explain. But she didn’t. She climbed into the bed, tucking herself under the heavy duvet. Silence stretched between you both.
“Did you kiss him?” she asked, voice calm but you could tell she wanted an answer.
A mere ‘no’ slipped through your lips, quietly. Only to be heard by someone who was listening. And she was, intently.
“Oh thank God. I just heard something like that at the party, and I had to double-check. I knew you wouldn’t though. He’s trouble, bad news, everyone knows that. I mean even I wouldn’t kiss him and I’m me.”
You chuckled nervously.
You did know he was trouble and you did know he was bad news. But that didn't stop his luring, taunting eyes from finding you. That didn’t stop the butterflies from dancing in your stomach.
She whispered a good night as she rolled around.
Your heart sank, as your replaying thoughts cradled you to sleep.
Sunday [4:09pm]
You spent most of Saturday in bed reading or watching Netflix (so productive), and Sunday playing video games. You barely looked at your phone since the party. You saw a message or two from Lila, an apology from Renjun for his ‘drunk and retarded self’ and one message from Jeno which you ignored. Well, you didn’t even read it let alone look at it.
The rain outside kept you company, and you did anything to stop thinking about the party. You didn’t regret what happened, you just wanted to forget.
You were playing ‘Skyrim’ when Lila walked into your apartment. 
“You’re not answering any of my messages!” she whined. 
You rolled your eyes. “I’m not answering anyone’s messages.”
She plopped down beside you, entertained by the dragon you were fighting on the screen, until she pulled herself back into reality. She grabbed the controller out of your hands in one big swoop.
“Hey! I was so close to killing that stupid dragon!”
“Look, Renjun is hosting a game night tonight, coming?”
You knew socialization would be good for you at this stage, and if it included games then that’s an obvious plus.
You let out a reluctant, “Fine.” whilst snatching back your controller. 
“Good,” she began, quirking her eyebrows, “now show me how to play.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at her eagerness.
In the end, Lila killed the dragon, which disappointed your pride. But knowing that you got the chance to beat her ass in Mario Kart helped you recover.
Ten gave you both a lift to Renjun’s in return for letting him borrow Skyrim. It was a not so fair deal.
Lila opened the door, ushering you in first. You walked in cautiously, only to find your worst nightmare before you.
Haechan waved at you, while Jeno sent a smile your way.
Before Lila could close the door, you bolted back out. 
“What the fuck are they doing here?” It was an understatement to say you were panicking. Never could you have imagined Jeno and Haechan both sitting casually in Renjun’s house. Never.
“I thought it would be a nice surprise. See Jeno?” 
“First of all I H-A-T-E surprises and second of all, I do not like Jeno.”
She winked at you, then proceeded to literally push you into the house. “Love you too hun.”
You dragged yourself awkwardly over to the group and perched on the empty couch. Jeno looked as smiley and pure as he did last week, but you would never forget his daring self, his roguish side, those enticing, dark eyes. You wouldn’t be fooled twice. Sweat gathered in your palms, as you avoided his heavy gaze.
“Fancy seeing you here.” Haechan spoke first.
“Right back at you.” 
They were all gathered around the tv playing Mario Kart: Renjun’s favourite game, although he can’t play. Jeno and Renjun must have bonded at the party because you swore you’ve never seen them even talk before. Haechan and Lila were the first to play against each other. They sat too close together for comfort. She looked back at you, smiling effortlessly. You sent her a wink. 
Jeno sat up beside you. Your heart raced and he didn’t even have to say anything. You didn’t what you wanted to say to him, but you knew that you didn’t want the conversation to last long. 
“Hey, look I—”
“Let’s just forget about the party.” You interrupted. Assured in your words, for once. Whatever overcame Jeno at the party was a mix of alcohol, adrenaline and cravings. Just not for you. 
“I don’t want to.” 
Your breath shook. He too, was confident. 
“I won’t forget about it. And I know you won’t either.”
“Don’t flatter yourself.” Your voice wrapped in a smirk, “You had me deceived, I thought you were innocent.” You were playing coy, trying to rise him, elicit a reaction.
His dark eyes met yours, “I’m not all you think I am. And don’t act like you’re so innocent either. I saw the look in your eye.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at his audacity, at what even just happened. He stood up, and whatever had just overpowered him, he swallowed. “Would you like a drink dear y/n.” It was as if he was at war with himself over two different sides.
“There’s my nice guy.” You chuckled, playing along.
He began to walk away when you called after him, “Yes please!”
Things were turning out to be okay after all. You were actually able to joke with Jeno instead of avoid him.
‘Maybe his new side is better after all.’
You turned to Renjun, joining him in a debate about ‘Far Cry 5′ when you heard the door click behind you. You didn’t dare turn, but the ache in your lower stomach sent out a warning. Your body awakened at his hand on your shoulder. The blood racing throughout you, memories torturing your mind. 
“I’m finally here.” His voice was a rasp, teasing you.
He pulled Renjun in for a man hug and tousled Haechan’s hair.
‘Since when were he and Renjun friends?’
 He turned to you. Looking at you all of you, with all of him. He sauntered over, plopping himself by your side. He inched secretly closer, but you were well aware. You dragged your eyes to his. He contained the essence of chaos, hair disheveled, eyes heavy with lack of sleep. His gaze empty, but dark. That same smirk taunted his soft lips, and your body remembered how they felt crashing against yours. He was wearing that same black shirt you wore at his house. 
It was hard to forget.
His eyes were dangerous, the perfect weapon. They were a trap, and you were a fool. He searched your gaze, eyes black beneath his hooded lids, dark lashes brushing the tops of his cheeks.
“Miss me, princess?” At least Jaemin was still the same flirtatious dick as always.
You didn’t know what overwhelmed you; “Call me that one more time, and see what happens.”
Silence absorbed the room, forcing you to turn away. 
“Tut-tut-tut.” Haechan began, staring at you as he shook his head, “And what do we have here?”
See you next time -> Sunday 27th xx
Love you loads <3
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fromcabin13 · 4 years
what a rush!
pairing: Jerome Valeska x fem!Reader.
summary: Everyone has a favorite side when it comes to the dynamic of the villain and the main characters, some people love the thrill of a good sarcastic murderer that doesn’t consider death as powerful as everyone say it is and some people adore the dorky hero that has the casual thoughts of a five year old even if they end up saving the world. Your childhood best friend, Jerome, always wondered which character was her favorite, I guess he found out once he became the main character of their own mystery book. 2.5k. 
note: i was thinking in turning this into a series lmk what u think i absolutely love getting constructive criticism or just thoughts that people have about what i write so pls do interact with me :( 
Being in the circus wasn’t as fun as it seems. If you weren’t a talented child you got stuck taking care of the animals or taking care of the assembling. That was what bonded Jerome and _. The quiet guy that didn’t want to spend any more time with his mother and glorified the times when she was out of their trailer practicing or being on stage because he could finally find the peace that her lover's fists didn’t give him. 
“Good evening, ladies and gentleman!” He would scream with a smile upon his face, pretending that the broom was a microphone and the public was only _. Showing her the real face behind his mask and boosting his ego every time her eyes sparkled at the sight of his devilish smile. 
“You are really good at this.” She used to say. Making her way to the guy only to caress his cheek with a playful smirk. “You’ve got the looks and the attitude. The only thing that’s missing is your catchphrase.” 
“My catchphrase?” Back when he was still a little innocent, he asked provoking her to jokingly tap his nose with her index finger. 
“Powerful people have a catchphrase, something that makes everyone say 'Oh, that’s Jerome’s thing'. It doesn’t have to be a catchphrase necessary; it has to be something that represents you. Like...” she began enlisting the things that could represent him and tracing the path with her fingers. “Your majestic ginger hair,” her hand made her way to his hair only to make a mess with it just to watch it go back to its place. “your cold eyes,” the eyebrows seemed to be the best way to gesture his eyes, convincing his grin to come out. “or your perfect shiny loud smile. You do have a pretty smile. You know that, right?” Jerome seemed pleased with how she was complimenting him. He did like how smooth and confident she always showed to be when she flirted. “And your laugh! Oh, your laugh is my favorite thing in the world.” 
Of course, _ didn’t realize that she was letting out of the cage the sound that would cause many nightmares in the future. She also didn’t realize that her compliments were only encouraging the need for attention of his psychopath best friend that, surprisingly, had a soft spot for the lonely tough girl that softened up from time to time only for him. But then again, how could she know? He was a boy with dead eyes that only smiled if he was with her. She showed him how funny watching practices were because of the chaos that the families usually created, he’d laughed for hours enjoying watching them punching each other. Secretly desiring watching them do more than fighting. 
“You want them to kill each other?” She laughed when he finally confessed his thoughts. “They don’t have a strong mind to put up with death.” 
Jerome liked that she constantly read books about mystery, always complimenting how dumb the killers were both in Gotham as in the books. He didn’t know the real reason behind her reading those novels, whether she wanted to be a cop or an evil mastermind. How ironic was life that gave him the answer the second he walked inside her and Mrs. Cicero’s trailer. 
She flinched, getting closer to the redheaded with extreme cautious inspecting his hands covered in blood only to take them staining her as well. The answer came to his mind when instead of calling the police as any right mind would’ve done, she pulled him into a hug not even caring that he was smirking covered in his own mother’s blood. 
The teen only said what he did to her mother without any further explanation; he just casually commented that he brutally murdered his mother with cero details. The fake psychic gasped hearing the scene that was happening in front of him, offering to help by thinking how to take care of the homicidal weapon. He ordered the eighteen year old friends to wash away any trace of blood that could trace them to the woman and _ asked herself if he was a secret serial killer because of how steady his voice was. She sort of understood how helpful Paul was not minding that he became accessory to a murder because she have wanted to do the same thing Jerome did since she first laid her eyes upon the woman.
Once the blind man was out of the place (trying to get some air to get his things straight), the girl glanced eagerly to the matricidal boy wanting to know the whole story but gave up when she was being pushed by him into the bath that was filling with cold water. There are some things that are better left unknown until the time is right. 
As the water dripped from the tap, the smile from the face of the killer wore off leaving in its place a tired look filled with anger and grief. The girl knew it was for a good reason, he had to put up with his mother and the angry fists of her multiple lovers every night.
Both sat in front of each other, shaking the cold water away and scratching any trace of blood from their feet to their chests. He watched her silently as she analyzed the situation by looking at an invisible point on the wall, then the boy proceeded to gently wash away the blood that ended up on her face.
 “How can you be so… calm?” She hesitated. Her childhood friend seemed long gone now that she knew what he had done. In front of her there was a man whose pulse didn´t tremble slitting his own mother open. She could wrap her mind around the idea of Jerome growing out of the mold of the perfect son that had to look into the devil’s eyes almost every day and still be calm about it, she always knew he eventually was going to explode but didn´t knew it was going to be like that.
 “How couldn´t I? I´m free.” He laughed, letting the mischievous chill that his laughter had go down his friend’s spine. Suddenly the room felt as cold as the water they were in and she didn’t do anything else but to laugh at how things went down.
 They chuckled their way until a few centimeters were between each other, he caught the glimpse of fear inside her eyes and suddenly his hands were around her throat until they weren´t. He let his arms fall to her back and hugged her as hard as he could without hurting the only human being he actually cared about.
 They left the bathtub and he grabbed the change of clothing he had on her wardrobe, he used to stay over every time his mom brought home a guy that could actually hurt him really bad, like the time a drunk guy that was twice Jerome’s size walked through the door and he ran away horrified before having to be hospitalized.
 _ adjusted the collar of his shirt, slowly trailing up with her eyes as she passed through his neck swallowing hard, to his playful smile and finally landing on the wink that made her lips curl up and raise her eyebrows.
 “I need to confess that blood does look good on you.” That comment should’ve of gave her nausea but instead it unraveled on her a feeling that made her warm up inside.
 After they followed the plan of the old man, the pair of the soon-to-be adults moved on with their daily activities such as helping put in the circus. Ignoring every question about the location of the snake dancer restraining themselves from telling the truth. For the first time, _ felt part of something greater than her; a murder was a big thing to commit and often did end up in many more serious things.
The thing was that she didn’t feel anything, she didn´t know if it was because the victim in question was a horrible person or because she was a mentally unstable person that would do anything for her best friend. She pushed the last idea aside, smiling at the ginger every time their met just like the routine they had, everything felt good and calm. She wished things could stay that way, she wished they could move on scratching Lila out of the picture saying she abandoned Jerome and live happily ever after in a future where both could get marry and pretend that the boy, that she had feelings towards to, wasn’t a psychopath that could commit a coldblooded murder without even blinking.
 As expected, things didn’t go as she desired. The show began and they locked themselves in the trailer not knowing what to say, trying to play it off by lying down on the couch that he called bed. She rested her head on his chest, hearing how the steady heartbeats filled her with feelings such as confusion, fear and attraction. _ looked up, finding his eyes already staring at her.
 “Have you ever imagined doing what you did?” her voice smoothed her way into his ears; the question resonated in his mind trying to think a way of sugarcoating his constant homicidal thoughts.
 “When I’m angry.” The words came out harsher than he thought but she didn’t look surprised, deep down as she watched his mother yelling at him, she recognized that spark of madness in his eyes.
 Instead of trying moving away from Jerome, she found a way to get their faces closer. “Have you ever imagined yourself murdering me?”
 “The only scenario I imagine myself hurting you is one where we both want it.” He guffawed at his own comment, spreading his smile to her and accomplishing the goal of soothing the waters as she hit him playfully on his chest. That sooth environment quickly replaced the feeling of home for concern when they heard knocking on the door.
 She placed a jacket over him giving him a side hug as both opened the door, taking care of her best friend considering the possibility of the knocking on the door being the GCPD ready to throw him on jail.
 It was the GCPD. Luckily for them they didn’t know anything but had concerns about the disappearance of the woman that Jerome killed hours ago, the boy played the part of the soft boy worried about his trophy mother. The cop believed him, playing a game with his eyes glancing from Jerome to _ and making his way back to the boy’s eyes again, multiple times. Then Jerome had to send everything down the sink, announcing that she couldn’t of have been gone on a spree without any of her personal belongings.
 She tensed her whole body until she felt his hand trying to interlace their fingers together, gladly corresponding to the poor attempt to calm her. It was working until they let loose the snake.
 “The body is far away, _. The snake’s only going to escape and case closed.” He whispered onto her ear as they began to follow the animal. He was wrong and Sheba, the reptile, managed to find the body of the woman.
 A collective gasp was heard within the crowd, the girl’s included, and Jerome burst into tears. At first, it hit her with confusion wondering if he was really regretting killing her, but as she kneeled down to hug the boy she knew it was all an act. He rested his forehead between her neck and her shoulder so she felt on her skin the smug smirk that gave her goose bumps.
 GCPD took only Al at first right that instant while the actual murderers got inside of the Valeska’s trailer with sad eyes that turned into smiles when the door closed. The girl couldn’t help but to burst into cackles that were silenced by Jerome’s hand prisoning her to the wall looking worried.
 Letting his hand fall slowly to her waist, he murmured right above her mouth without taking a chance of ungluing his eyes out of her lips. “If they hear us laughing, show’s over.”
 Luckily for them, silence filled the room with honor because kissing didn’t make that much of a noise. She made her way, that day had been strange enough; she could make it weirder than it already was by making a move on the guy that she had had feelings for a long time. At first, it was an innocent peck on the lips of her best friend but, as soon as her best friend realized what was going on, he grabbed her by the back of her neck to pull her in for a deeper kiss.
 As the tongues tangled together and casual smiles popped out of nowhere (or out of how much was the time they have been longing for that), his hands danced through her back to her waist and she lightly pulled his hair causing a moan to escape through the tiny gap between his lips, fomenting her to do it harder and taking advantage of the head falling onto her hand so she could kiss the now fully exposed neck.
 The couple didn’t know what to do but to kill the time while waiting for the cops to come for them as soon as the acrobats disarmed the stage feeling sorry for the kid that lost her mother. But, on the other hand, killing time seemed fascinating as now Jerome’s neck was covered in bites soon to be hickeys and his hands replaced the girl’s waist for her hips and finally her thighs. The place where they draw the limit and realized that the adrenaline was addicting to the point of total chaos.  If she’d only know that chaos, in a future, would be redefined by him.
 The knock on the door that morning wasn’t as unpleasant as the last one since they had fallen asleep together and remembered the things that went down hours ago from then. They even laughed seeing through the window how they took every people in the circus with handcuffs.
 “I bet you would look good on handcuffs.” He flirtatiously played the comment off as a joke, meaning what he said and taking a minute to look into his partner’s face for reactions.
 _ smirked pushing him to the side so she could be the one that would open the door. “I bet you would look good putting me in handcuffs.”
 They didn’t know what was happening, were they something? Could they call themselves “a couple”? Should they deny every assumption of them being together or should they laugh and shrug as they used to do? In all honesty that could’ve of matter in some other time but they were being escorted to the police precinct only the next day from when Jerome killed his mother and _ helped him to cover his tracks. Anything made sense, why would they?
  There was something about having her knees bumping into Jerome’s inside a squad car, it made her dissociate with reality making her remember the night that she spent with him. Without even realizing it, her hand rested on his thigh making him raise an eyebrow while trying to hide his surprised face. Muffling the laugh that came out of his mouth with the sleeve of the blue sweater.
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