#also found a book about teddy bears there which I also got
dreamlanddeluxe · 1 year
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Found and old anime convention guide at a book store today and there’s this random tanuki girl mascot throughout the booklet, a lot of the art is honestly pretty fun she seems cool. Wanted 2 share with da world
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pokegalla · 1 year
Requested by @tryslogic
Ngl never thought of this but it’s gonna either be really funny or really sweet. There is no in between-
Killer and Lust with a crazy rich S/o who loves spoiling them
* Oh this poor sweetheart was just expecting you to ask for “service” since you kept flirting with him everytime you visited Grillby’s. He found it charming though as you were always making him laugh too. It surprised him really when instead of that, you actually asked him out instead! Especially when he learned you were rich. Like are you sure you want me??? You could literally have anyone! But it just made him feel extra loved that you genuinely liked him for him. He didn’t really care about your money✨
* He’s actually very humble when it comes to gift receiving. Because he’s not used to such nice and thoughtful gifts! So whether it’s a simple rose to a HUGE teddy bear to even the finest wardrobe? He’s a blushing mess, always left surprised and still asking if it’s really ok. (Please reassure him!)
* Despite you spoiling him, he sure as hell is spoiling you too. You definitely have received gifts over time. His gifts weren’t as expensive…..but the thing is, the value of it is something money can’t buy✨ he’s made custom clothes just for you, stitched by HIS hands. Adorable picture books of you, him, even family and friends! Oh and the cuddles, smooches, and fun dates?!
* He’s a romantic guy and he’ll make sure to bring a smile to your face and give you the love you deserve
Mini story time:
“Huh? You have another surprise for me? Goodness you spoil me too much love….” Lust giggles.
You laugh too, “Well I can’t help it. Your smile and blush makes it worth it everytime.”
Lust playfully nudges you, “Oh stop it you!”
You laugh and take his hand in your own. You knew this surprise was probably the biggest you’ve ever given him. But it was an investment that you won’t regret. And you knew Lust would make you proud. So you walk him up to an old building. It looked refurbished and cleaned up already. You open the door with the key.
He looked around in wonder, “Wow…..what place is this?”
“Your new boutique,” You said casually. Lust looked at you in shock. You knew he loved making clothes…..”You have talent Lust. Everyone deserves to know you have something special…..and I’m willing to help show that.”
He actually tears up from this….this was….too sweet. He’s NEVER had such kindness in his life before. You made him feel…..like he actually had value. He hugged you and smiled with purple tears coming down.
“Thank you”
* Ah here we go with this lil shet. Now with him, y’all probably got together randomly. He probably saw you on his day off and threw you a pick up line for funsies. Next thing you know, you both exchange numbers and become true love birds. Funniest part? It took him AWHILE to learn you were even rich- probably like a few weeks or a month. He thought it was cool and didn’t really think much of it.
* Now what shocked him was you spoiling him- he literally joked about wanting a PS5. Which he did want but he ain’t got no money- next day? Boom. You pop up with a whole ass PS5 with games he might like. His initial reaction: “Heh nice prank babe”. Oh- oh you weren’t? HOLY SHIT YOU ACTUALLY GOT HIM-?! The way he excitedly jumped up like a happy puppy, you knew you had to spoil him more-
* He absolutely shows you off to his team. Mostly out of a joke but also to be an absolute dick- like just smirking at his teammates, hell even his BOSS, just having an arm around your shoulder to say “My bae spoils and loves me soooooo much✨” Everyone wishes to beat your bonefriend’s ass- not you though. Because honestly you probably spoil them too. So you get a pass. And your bonefriend looking like he done got betrayed-
* He’s a silly little gremlin and honestly he does feel bad that he can’t spoil you more. So he’ll make sure to make you laugh and have fun no matter what.
Mini story time:
Ah the date went well as usual. A fancy dinner, a stop at an ice cream shop, and a walk through the park together under the moonlight. And you couldn’t stop laughing. Killer had been making you laugh the entire night, talking about his latest shenanigans with his group.
“And then after Dust wiped off the pie cream, he chased us ALL around the castle until Nightmare nabbed us and put us in our rooms! Dadmare moment✨,” He said with a chuckle.
“PFFFFT- Dadmare?!” You laughed again, “Killer you’re so cute….but god you’re chaotic-“
Killer takes your hand then kisses it, winking at you, “A chaotic cutie that you love so much~”
You blush but smile, “Yeah…..someone I will always cherish.” You swore for a moment, his eye lights popped up and his target like soul shifted into a heart for a moment.
“………heh. You’re too sweet babe…..,” He says with a nervous chuckle. You were surprised….but you couldn’t resist spoiling him one more time: with a kiss on the cheek. His skull flared with a beautiful shade of red. You giggle as he hid his face and tried acting cool about it. Ah……
You truly love this skellie.
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fairytale-poll · 8 months
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Propaganda Under the Cut:
Mofurun as “Mofurella”
listen. they do an episode where they’re all sucked into Cinderella and they make the trans teddy bear Cinderella. Incredible story writing, 10/10, no notes.
Mofurdella is even plot relevant, that episode is how they get the Rainbow Carriage for their group attack anyway MOFURDELLA FIRST CINDERELLA PRECURE EPISODE TO GET ONE MOFURILLION VOTES
Ella of Frell:
She’s had a “gift” of obedience placed on her, and her quest is to figure out how to get rid of it. I love her
he’s under a curse that makes her obey any order given to her. She met her Prince Charming (Char) when they kids, and they became friends. Her stepsisters found out about her curse while they were at boarding school, and because of that (and some things they made her do) she ran away to try and find the fairy that cursed her. When she does, the fairy says that she doesn’t do magic anymore, because she realized her gifts were actually curses, and refuses to remove it. Ella goes back, and is eventually demoted from “lord’s daughter” to “maid”. She still writes letters to Char (currently in a foreign kingdom, but before that, when he came to try and talk to her, her sister forbid her from leaving her room so she would have all his attention), but eventually stops and even writes a fake letter from her sister to convince him that she never cared/doesn’t care about him, because she realized it would be too dangerous for them to be together; with her curse, she could easily be made to hurt or kill him. Flash forward, and Char returns home. The king throws balls, and she goes, because even if she can’t be with or let him know who she is, she just wants to see him again. Char is drawn to her, and for a lot of the three balls, they’re together. At the end, her stepsister gets jealous, and right as Char proposes (because Ella, despite having to lie about her identity, is the most honest person at the ball and a friend already), she grabs her mask, revealing her identity. Char reaches her home before she can leave, and there’s a whole scene where he finds out she’s a scullery maid, that the letter was a lie, and says that she doesn’t have to be Ella if she doesn’t want to be, and she says she’s not, and he asks if she loves him, and she does– and then it’s all ruined because he accidentally orders her to marry him, and then her stepmother tells her to, and all the while she’s fighting the curse, because she doesn’t want to endanger him and their nation, and doesn’t want her step family to be rich and powerful, and finally– she says no. She gets so excited to say no, to refuse, that she didn’t even fully realize she broke the curse until Mandy (her fairy godmother) tells her. Anyway, they all lived happily ever after. Ella is one of my favorite Cinderellas ever and I really hope I did a good job of explaining her and what her story is about (it’s been a while since I’ve read the book)
I was so enraptured with this book as a kid, it had such an impact on my young mind. Got me into fantasy.
BEST CINDERELLA!!! please use the picture from the book cover and not the movie 🙏
She breaks her curse spell in such a magnificent way. Like yes she embodies the whole “kindness” and “courageous” characteristics that Cinderellas are known for, but for her she’s been forced to be obedient as well. And while she thinks can rise above anything she soon learns she will just hurt so many more people that way. She chose to be self-sacrificing because it was the one way she could express her love that wouldn’t harm anyone (then). But! But! She also ends up getting to be selfish! And that is also a great kindness! To herself and to those whom love her and she loves in return.  All that after she breaks the curse.
She can mimic languages. :) She refused to marry the love of her life and thus broke her curse. :) She fell in love via letters. :) She lied to the royal family that orange carriages are very popular in a nearby city.
brave, smart, a linguist, a nerd, she evolves steadily and beautifully throughout the book, with a sharp voice that never stops being distinctive and fun to hang with.
complex character coool as fuck premise and also. the nostalgia of it all
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rottenpumpkin13 · 5 months
Hiya! To start, you are amazing!! I look forward to your content every single day, and it never ceases to make me smile 💕 Keep doin' you 😊
My husband and I recently had a convo about the First's comfort items. Obviously, Gen would have Loveless or like a cozy blanket. He mentioned Angeal possibly having a teddy bear or other stuffed animal (which I think is absolutely adorable!). What do you think they would have?
Thank you so much! ❤️🩷🥰 God their comfort items are so in-your-face in Crisis Core, so let's make them sadder
Genesis: His comfort item will forever be his copy of Loveless, the first one he found in his parents' study and annotated the heck out of. He has the margins scribbled with thoughts, doodles, and ideas, along with sticky notes and highlighted lines he finds inspiring. He developed a habit of slipping keepsakes between its pages, so sometimes a theatre ticket will slip out, or a napkin with a messy poem scribbled on it. The book represents everything that he is and cares about, so there's also a polaroid of him, Sephiroth, and Angeal when they were baby-faced teenagers. He keeps the book close when he deserts, and hates how the polaroid fades and crumbles just like his body as the years pass.
Angeal: His attachment to his buster sword becomes something of a joke amongst the 2nds and 3rds, which them jokingly wondering if he also sleeps and showers with it. The truth is that he does keep it beside his bed when he sleeps, and sometimes, when his anxiety is bad, he likes to keep an eye on it at all times. He takes extra care of it, cleaning and polishing it even if there's no need. No matter what he tells other people (and himself) the sword doesn't just represent his family's honor⏤it's the last thing he has of his father. His real father; the man who raised him. The care he gives to the sword is the care he wishes he could give to the man who passed. Years later, after Angeal dies, all these "quirks" slowly integrate themselves into Zack's routine. And then Cloud's.
Sephiroth: He learned pretty early on that developing attachment to items would only bring him pain when they were eventually lost or taken away later. It was one of the many downs of being raised with R&D + Hojo monitoring his every move. Sephiroth never got to bond with a teddy bear, a blanket, or even a toy before it got taken away (if it was ever given in the first place). All of that served to strengthen his problem later in life⏤he found comfort in people. First it was his mother, even if he never met her, the became attached to friends. First Glenn, who provided comfort he had never known prior to meeting him, and then Genesis and Angeal. He values his friends, and would sacrifice everything to keep them as safe as they make him feel. Because friends, unlike objects, can never be taken from him. Right?
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marvel-ous-m · 11 months
Writing Sucks
Written for @steddiemicrofic Challenge Prompt: Suck | WC: 480 | Rated: T | CW: none |
Author’s Note: inspired by me buying Dave Grohl’s autobiography today and then having writers block about the title of this microfic/writers block about this prompt in general 😅 hope you enjoy!
“Ugh. This sucks.”
Steve glanced over from his cellphone- away from the very amusing video that Robin sent him, a fan cast about his husband in the early 90’s- to look at Eddie in response to his frustrated outburst.
Eddie had been working on his autobiography for the last three months. What was once an ADHD-fueled hyperfixation had become a thorn in Eddie’s side, especially after he got a sternly-worded email from the government to not even allude to anything Upside Down related. Given that almost every Corroded Coffin song was inspired by what happened during Spring break of 1986, that the guys got their start because of Argyle, someone they would have never even known had Eddie not gotten roped into the mess that was the alternate dimension in Hawkins, and that Steve and Eddie only started getting to know each other, and subsequently started dating, because of the trauma-bond formed from the Upside Down, this requirement had put a substantial burden on Eddie’s creative process.
Eddie also, naïvely, promised the publisher that he would have the book finished for review by Halloween- which had now resulted in many mandatory late nights and forced writing, which were two things Eddie did not enjoy.
“What section are you working on, Teddy?”
Eddie let out a long sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I finished writing everything after Argyle got us hooked up with our producer in Cali. So… the middle and the end of the book are done, but I’m stuck in the beginning, like I have been for the last two months, after the asshole government decided to bring up the NDAs that shouldn’t even be enforceable because they were basically signed under duress-“
“Hey, Eds? Why don’t you read me what you have, baby.” Steve gently cut him off, having heard this very rant many, many times before.
Eddie scrubbed a hand over his eyes, then gave his computer a scorned look and began reading. “When I was twenty, I got mauled by a bear-“
“-Okay, yeah, that sucks.” Steve cut Eddie off with a giggle, but quieted once he saw the devastated look on his partner’s face. “Hey, it’s okay. You just need to write it like one of your songs, yeah? Make a bunch of metaphors, maybe tie in some Corroded song lyrics. Make it all artsy, people love you for that shit. Just be yourself.”
Eddie frowned for a long moment, his brows creasing in thought. Finally, he turned back to his computer with a large grin- the kind Steve always saw him get when he was writing the songs that would go on to become his greatest hits.
Steve watched his husband write with a smile on his face. They had come a long way over the last almost-forty years, and he found himself falling more and more in love every single day.
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darkomoth · 1 year
Chapter 2: Birthday Dinner
Aaron Hotchner x reader
Summary: Pending a full evaluation, you're stuck at home while you heal from your injuries. Hotch is worried and Reid's birthday is around the corner.
Notes: This is sort of a slow burn I guess. Slightly shorter chapter, hope you enjoy! :)
Also uploaded on Ao3 under the same title
Word count: 6.7K
Ch. 1 Ch.3
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You were cleared to fly back home but had to spend a little over a week in the hospital while you recovered. They told you that you had a mild concussion, three bruised ribs, and a broken nose. So, ultimately, not as bad as it could have been. 
Still, it didn’t feel awesome. Of course, the doctor recommended that you stay in the hospital for observation for at least 3 weeks, but the sheer thought of being bed-ridden for that long made you pick at your nails. The monotonous hum of the machines and the low volume of the tv combined with the chilly hospital air put you severely on edge. Honestly, they were lucky you made it as long as you did. 
Everyone came to visit you at one point or another, which made you very happy. Penelope had gathered a basket-full of goodies for you which consisted of a teddy bear, many chocolates/candies, a coloring book that was obviously made for children, and three balloons which said, “It’s a Girl!” in pretty pink cursive. 
“They didn’t have any “I’m sorry you were kidnapped and tortured” balloons at CVS...” Garcia had said with a pout. They were appreciated, you assured her.
Spencer had reserved time to read to you, stating that he always felt better when his mom did the same for him as a kid. You’d drift off to the sound of the young doctor's voice who recited line after line from “The Wizard of Oz,” which he knew you loved. 
Derek came by a couple times to drop off food and watch a few episodes of whatever shitty soap opera happened to be on at the time. Somehow, they seemed better quality when he was there. His easy conversation made you relax in the stiff hospital bed and often you found yourself laughing a little too hard, straining your sides and reminding yourself of why you were here to begin with. 
JJ and Emily often visited together, since they were carpooling. They brought personal hygiene items from your apartment and flowers, talked about work and how the team was. “Oh, we’re falling apart without you, for sure.” JJ stated once. It made you smile, though you knew everyone was getting on just fine. 
Rossi wasn’t super talkative, but you were used to that. His company was welcome in the late hours when the ticking clock made you want to rip your hair out. He cooked some really good pasta, but you suspected it may have been take-out. Rossi denied it completely. 
Hotch was there more than anyone else, however. You could hear him pacing outside your door some nights, like he was debating on whether to come in. He always did after knocking gently on your door, which you eagerly answered.  
He’d sit by your side and ask how you were feeling, and you would answer the same way every time with a smile, “Like a million bucks.” It made him scoff and shake his head a little, though you knew he found it a little funny. After several minutes of small talk, his hand would search for yours and you would accept it with a small smile. Hotch wasn’t accustomed to doing nothing either, so he’d fidget. He’d check on your vitals, request an extra blanket, crack open the window for fresh air, or pace whenever you did succumb to sleep. 
Your request to go home was granted, but not to return to work. That would take at least another two weeks. Hotch thought even that was pushing it, though.  
“I’m seriously fine, Hotch. See, look,” You said, crumbling some trash into a ball so that you could toss it into a nearby trash can. You got it in one shot. “Look at that coordination,” You laughed, nudging his side softly. 
Hotch only stared at you, seemingly unamused. “That is not a good measurement of capability.”  
The two of you were walking out of the hospital, and you felt a heaviness lift off your shoulders as you passed though the automatic sliding doors. Finally, you were back to the real world. JJ and Emily brought you your own clothes which made you feel like yourself again and not some lab rat. The sun was warm on your skin, and you took a deep breath the moment you were outside. It made you forget about how you must’ve looked still, with a black eye and purple bruises littered across your cheek and neck.
The team had another case already, but Hotch stated he would be catching up with everyone as soon as he made sure that you got home safe. That set off a feeling of butterflies in your stomach which you tried to push away. That was genuinely the last thing you should be thinking about right now.  
“Well, what is a good measurement?” You ask, turning towards him and looking up into his eyes. They were already trained on you, stoic and resolute as always. 
“Your evaluation is scheduled in 12 days from now.” He says, impassively. 
You don’t try to stop the groan that escapes you, “That’s so long.” The two of you make it to Hotch’s car, he opens the passenger side door for you and holds onto your upper arm to help you inside, it sends a pleasant chill up your arm. You wince in pain as you change from an upright position to sitting, and Hotch notices. 
“Are you alright?” He hovers next to you as you reach for the seatbelt. Your ribs were actually on fire, but you nodded in response, not trusting your voice at the moment. Hotch looks at you skeptically for a second, hands twitching at his sides, before closing the door and making his way to the driver's seat. 
He looked good, you thought. Hotch was in his usual suit, but no jacket or tie, sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and you tried not to let your eyes linger for too long. Halfway through the drive, he speaks again. “You should’ve stayed at the hospital.” 
You look over at him again, his eyes are fixed on the road and his face neutral, but his hand grips the steering wheel tightly. “I couldn’t take another minute of that place.” You say, a little bitterly. 
Hotch glances at you but turns his attention back to driving. “I know... still.” He sighs like he’s resigned to the fact that you’re very stubborn and almost always get your way in the end. “How’s the pain?” 
Over the past week, Hotch has checked in on your pain level. He’d ask where you were from 1-10; 1 meant almost no pain, 10 meant it was unbearable. Typically, you’d say 3/4, maybe 5 on a bad day, but if you were being honest, 4 meant 6 and 5 meant 9. If Hotch noticed that you were lying, he didn’t say anything. 
“Mm, 5.” You mumbled in response. 
He only nodded, making sure to keep his eyes forward. A few seconds pass, as if he’s debating if he should speak again. Eventually he does. “Are you sure?” His voice is tentative and soft now, “You’ve been controlling your breathing and clutching your side.”
You release your side in response and take a deep breath as if to prove a point, “I’m sure.”
Hotch doesn’t say anything for the rest of the drive. When he pulls into the parking lot of your apartment complex, he prevents you from opening your door. “Stop, I’ll get it.”
“Hotch, you really don’t need to-“ You were cut off by the sound of the driver side door shutting closed. When he makes his way around to the passenger side, you were looking at him disapprovingly. “I can open a door.” You mutter as he opens it and offers a hand.
“I’m certain you can.” Is all he says in response, not budging from his spot. With a small sigh and a suppressed smile, you take his hand and hop out of your seat.
You notice how close Hotch is to you, the way he’s put himself between you and the rest of the lot. It’s intimate in a strange way, his hand is still in yours even though you were fully stable now. Your heartbeat quickens in the way that it does when he’s near and you fidget.
Hotch probably noticed your behavior because he lets you go immediately, turning towards the trunk of the car that has your go-bag. He grabs it and starts walking with you to your door. You want to protest again, tell him that you were okay and capable of doing normal, everyday things like carrying your bag, but you decide against it. You know that nothing you say is going to change Hotch’s mind so you allow yourself the moment to enjoy his company. 
“I can handle it from here.” You say once you open your door and step inside. The apartment was fairly empty, save for the sparse furniture and fake plants that sat on your windowsills. As you move to grab your bag from Hotch, a sharp sting shoots up your right side and makes you still. “Ahhh,” You hiss in pain. 
“Y/N?” Hotch asks worriedly, holding his hands out for you to grab onto if you needed. “Are you alright?”
With your hands clutching onto him, you take a second to regain stability and test your breathing, “Mhm… sorry.” You let him go and decide to lean against the island counter in your kitchen instead, but he continues to hover. “It comes and goes.”
“Where’s the painkillers the hospital provided?” Hotch asks, setting down your bag on the counter next to you and rummaging through the side zippers. You don’t have a chance to respond before he finds them. “Here,” He says, as he drops two pills into his hand, “hold onto these, I’ll get some water.”
He hands them to you, and the warmth of his hand is comforting. You hold them and watch as he moves freely around your kitchen, searching for your glassware. It was strange, but not unpleasant, to see your boss inside your home moving around like he’s been here a hundred times. Almost domestic. You shook the thought from your head and took a seat in one of the barstools. Shortly after, Hotch slides over a glass of water across from you.
“Thanks.” You say and down the pills with a gulp of water.
Hotch is looking at you with an unreadable expression, it makes you shift in your seat and take a few more sips of water to distract yourself.
“You need rest and plenty of water…” Hotch trails off, like he wants to say more but doesn’t. Then, like he can’t take it anymore, he moves around the counter to be next to you. “I’m sorry.”
He’s so close again, even taller than usual since you’re sitting. You have to crane your neck to look up at him, his expression has softened from earlier. Confused by what he said you replied, “What are you sorry for?”
Hotch sighs a little, his jaw is tense. “I shouldn’t have sent you away.”
You didn’t know what to say at first, struck by the way he was acting. It was very unlike himself to display any sort of unprofessional behavior, and this was definitely not professional. You furrow your brows and hesitantly reach out to place your hand on his.
“You were doing your job. I shouldn’t have gone to the park, I knew the risks and did it anyway.” You say, trying your best to keep your beating heart under control at Hotch’s proximity.
He looked just past you, not meeting your eyes and shook his head, “I was worried I may never see you again.” Hotch seemed genuinely distraught at his own words, it made your gut twist in an unpleasant way.
“Hotch… Aaron.” The sound of his first name finally made him meet your eyes. You smiled up at him, “You’re not gonna get rid of me that easily.”
It felt tense in the room now, you were used to the team being all together, interrupting moments like these and pulling you back down to reality. But now it was just you and Hotch, and he wasn’t pulling away.
“I-“ Hotch starts, but a loud ringing cuts him off. He closes his eyes for a moment, obviously upset at the interruption, but he answers anyway. “Hotchner.” He pulls back and paces a few feet away from you.
You know that whatever was being said, it wasn’t good and by the look on Hotch’s face and the furrow of his brows, it was probably minutes before he’d be out the door. When he hung up, he looked over at you sympathetically. 
“Go on, boss. I’m good.” You say, trying to ease the stress that was evident in his frown.
Hotch’s hands twitch at his sides again and you make a mental note of it. He tends to do that when he’s considering his next move. Ultimately, he nods and strides to your front door, pausing when his hand lands on the doorknob.
“We’ll be in Pennsylvania. If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to call.” Hotch says, regretfully.
“Can I call even if I don’t need anything?” You ask, trying to lighten the mood.
He gives you one of his rare smiles, “Yes, Agent.”
Hotch left Y/N’s apartment with a mix of emotions. He wasn’t sure if she was truly alright. Mentally, maybe, the events with Mazdin didn’t seem to wreck her emotional state, she still joked and smiled at him which was a good sign. Physically, though, was another story. 
One of her tells that Hotch caught early on when she were hired was deflection. He’d ask if she was okay, she'd ask if he was. If she answered, it was quick, as if she were afraid to elaborate too much and make herself seem suspicious. He knew that she was in pain and afraid to show it in case it affected her return to the BAU.
Y/N’s fear was unwarranted, though. Hotch was counting down the days of her return despite knowing she needed time to heal. It was difficult to leave after having spent the last week checking in on her, keeping her company.
One day when he paced outside her hospital door, unable to stay still, Y/N called out his name. “Hotch, just come in, you’re stressing me out. And I need help changing the channel.” Her voice was still strained but he could tell she was smiling. It calmed his worries about intruding on her, and from that point on he didn’t linger outside as much. 
It was still difficult to see her covered in bruises and looking at him like he was the only person she wanted to see. Her black eye was getting better, the swelling had gone down considerably, but she had a dark ring underneath that was an ever-present reminder of what happened. The lines on her neck were barely starting to fade, still an angry-red color, and the bandages surrounding her torso hid the damage beneath, but Hotch knew that bruised ribs were serious injuries. Any time he thought about it, he felt a little sick.
After everything that he’s seen in the BAU, nothing compares to having a teammate go through something that traumatic. Regardless, Hotch knew that she was recovering. Even if it wasn’t at the hospital with trained professionals, he thought bitterly.
His phone rang again as he was driving towards the office, “Hotchner.”
“I had a thought.” Y/N’s voice rang out from his speaker and his frown softened a little.
“I may not be able to be in the field, but if you send me the case files I can work on it from here.”
Hotch should’ve expected that one. With a shake of his head he responds, “You need to focus on getting better, not causing yourself stress.”
“No, you don’t get it. If I’m left alone with literally nothing to do for longer than 30 minutes, I’ll lose it.” Her voice was coming out rushed, he could tell she was either pacing or tapping her fingers nervously. The image made the corners of his mouth turn up a little.
A few seconds passed with silence, Hotch debating what the best thing to do was in this situation. “If you promise to take care of yourself… I’ll have Garcia send over the paperwork within the hour.”
“Thank you thank you thank you!” Y/N said excitedly. “Oh- also, I wanted to remind you of Reid’s birthday, it’s Friday.”
Hotch laughs at that, “Yes, I did actually remember.”
“Okay great, because I was thinking the team could get together that day and celebrate. Either at the bar or maybe Rossi’s since it’s bigger…” Y/N says, sounding like she’s just thinking out loud.
“I’ll discuss it with everyone, though you really shouldn’t be leaving your home-“
“Yeah, yeah I know but you only turn 29 once and I want to see Reid’s face when I give him his “Happy 30th Birthday” card.” She replies.
Hotch tries his best not to laugh and give her the satisfaction. “Well, in that case. I’ll get back to you about it.”
“Thanks Hotch.”
The week actually flies by, to your pleasant surprise. You were often sat on your couch, eating some type of take-out and going over victimology of the team’s case in Lancaster, PA. The unsub was a family annihilator, targeting middle-class families and spending extra time torturing the fathers.
Without being there, you were limited to your access of information, but frequent calls to and from Garcia kept you in the loop. Ultimately, you suggested to the team that the unsub was a father himself and most likely had his children taken away from him at some point.
Of course, you were trying to keep your promise to Hotch and taking care of yourself. That mostly meant drinking at least two cups of water a day and trying your best to fall asleep once the clock read 12:00 am. That second one didn’t work out as well.
Hotch knew that you weren’t sleeping again, given the times you had called him. Since there was no time change between Virginia and Pennsylvania, it was obvious that your insomnia had crept back.
A particular call one night left a bad feeling in your stomach. It was past 1:00 am already, but you knew Hotch would still be up, working. You were proven correct when he answered on the second ring, “Hotchner.”
“I was looking over the night that the Clarkson family was murdered and I noticed something off with the children’s position in the house-“
Hotch cut you off before you could finish, “Agent L/N, you need to go to sleep. Now.” His voice was curt and a little angry, you thought.
“Hotch, I will, but listen to me-“
“No. I’ve allowed you to work remotely under the assumption that you would be prioritizing your health. Now that I know that is not your intention, I’m relieving you of this case.”
For a moment, you were speechless. You winced from the pain in your ribs as you shifted your position at the dining table. “Hotch, I am prioritizing and I have been sleeping, it’s just later in the night.” 
“I will not allow you to continuously jeopardize yourself, if need be I can and will suspend you.” His voice was monotone as always, but you sensed irritation in it. 
“Fine.” Was all you said in response, quickly ending the call and slamming your phone down onto the table in front of you. You can’t remember the last time you were this angry at Hotch. Even though it came from a place of concern, he had no idea how much worse it was for you when you had nothing to preoccupy yourself with.
The nightmares returned very soon after the Mazdin incident. In fact, they were even worse. Before, the dreams would consist of you and the team on a typical case, trying to find an unsub before the clock runs out. You would see image after image of decapitated bodies, mutilated corpses, the faces of missing children. Every time it shook you so badly, you’d wake up in a cold sweat, involuntary tears in your eyes.
After your own kidnapping, you’d dream of that basement. How this must’ve been how all those other girls had felt, terrified that they would never see sunlight again, never hug those closest to them, never have the luxury of another boring day. You’d experience the pain of that night over and over and over again. The feel of the strangers fist connecting to your stomach, face, and ribs was so real, you could practically smell the musty air and taste the blood in your mouth. 
When you were in the hospital, hopped up on painkillers and connected to an IV, you had dreamless sleeps. They felt like temporary comas and you were aching to feel that again. You could feel Hotch next to you, holding your hand and talking but you never made out what was actually being said. It was perfect.
Now, back inside your own apartment alone yet again, not even a case to distract you, the thought of sleep petrified you. You made yourself coffee, did laundry, washed dishes, even cleaned out your closet at one point. Nothing could stop the inevitability of you closing your eyes and being transported back to that night.
You were told by Garcia that the team had caught the unsub just before he was able to take out the Williams family and they were flying back Thursday night. You were glad that everyone was safe and on their way home, but it hurt that you didn’t feel like you could even talk with Hotch now.
You wanted to call and check in on him since you knew how hard he took family annihilator cases. Still, you didn’t reach for your phone. You would be seeing them all tomorrow, anyways. It was decided by Reid that Rossi’s place would be better than any public outing, so the team had made a plan to meet there at 6:00 pm Friday night.
Throughout the year, you tended to buy things for the team. Small gifts, anything that stuck out to you that someone may like, and you kept them for birthdays and holidays. So when you came across a dusty antique bookstore during one of your cases in New York several months ago, you knew you had to look around. You found the most incredibly bound and gorgeous hardback copy of ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’ by Oscar Wilde and just knew it’d make a great gift for boy-genius.
You also happened upon an old collection of classic vinyl records, with dozens of artists varying from Frank Sinatra to Harry Belafonte and you had to get it. Not for you, but you knew one very serious Unit Chief that loved oldies.
By the time that Friday morning rolled around, Hotch hadn’t spoken to Y/N in over 48 hours. It put him a little on edge, he was too used to seeing her every day, hearing her voice asking how he was. He knew it was his fault for snapping at her the way he did, but he couldn’t take another night of worrying about her. He had enough to deal with already.
She had called him at least twice a day every day that they were in Pennsylvania, offering some of her insight. It was welcome most of the time, especially after they’d hit a wall in their investigation. Y/N not being on the scene allowed for a unique outside perspective. But Hotch wasn’t going to allow her to compromise her health for the job.
He debated calling her several times and it just never happened. Either he would get busy or he’d rationalize that she didn’t want to hear from him, but they were all excuses. So he decided to bite the bullet and dial her number when he finally settled into his office that morning.
“L/N.” Was all she said when she finally picked up. Usually, when she noticed it was Hotch calling, she would answer the phone with a “Hey Boss” or some variation of it. The change made him look down at his desk with a frown.
“Hey…” Hotch said, completely forgetting the reason he had come up with for calling so early. “I wanted to check in with you, see how you were… will you be coming to Rossi’s tonight?” He scolds himself internally for sounding so unsure of himself.
“Well, yeah, I wouldn’t miss it.” She said as if it were obvious. He supposed it was, seeing as the get-together was her suggestion. “Was there anything else?” She asked after a minute.
Hotch wanted to ask what her pain level was, if she had actually slept since the last time they spoke, and quite a few other things, but instead he shook his head a little, “No. We’ll see you there.” He hung up quickly after that, a sinking feeling in his stomach.
Several hours of paperwork later and Hotch was finally leaving for the day. He arrived at Rossi’s mansion at 5:50 pm, noticing that he was not the first. Morgan and Prentiss’ cars were both there, and he was relieved that Y/N hadn’t shown up just yet. He was still trying to figure out what he was going to say to her.
As he rung the doorbell, he could hear talking and laughing inside. “Answer that, would you?” Rossi’s voice could be heard echoing from the kitchen. A couple seconds later he heard footsteps and then Y/N was there, holding the door open.
She was stunning. Her usual work clothes were nice and complemented her, but Hotch had never seen her like this. She wore a mid-length, off the shoulder gown with long sleeves, it was black with a lace trim. Her makeup was done but it wasn’t a lot, he suspected it was to cover up the remaining discoloration from that night. Her hair was done in a different way that he’d never seen before, and she was so gorgeous.
It took a moment before Hotch could speak, “I brought wine.” He holds the bottle out to her and she takes it with a small smile and nod. As she walks away with it towards the kitchen and he follows, he thinks about what the hell was wrong with him. 
“Ahh, Aaron, this is perfect.” Rossi says as Y/N hands him the bottle of red. “Why don’t you all take a seat, the rest of the team is on their way and the food will be ready shortly.”
Morgan and Prentiss were hovering around the island counter, also dressed up in less than casual outfits.
“What’s up man?” Morgan asks as he makes his way over to Hotch, “Didn’t you bring a gift for wonder boy?”
“Spencer’s gift is all of the paperwork he does not have to do for the next three days.” He responds, shrugging off his blazer.
“Aw, that’s sweet,” Prentiss says, “does that extend to the rest of the team?”
“What you guys get is his workload.” Hotch says with a growing smile.
A collective groan is heard as everyone takes their seats. Y/N is still in the kitchen, helping Rossi with kneading some type of dough. He tries not to glance over too often, but it’s hard not to. She’s laughing at something Rossi’s said and the smile on her face is infectious. 
Hotch notices how she’s still favoring her right side, moving only when she has to. Her breathing is controlled and her posture is purposefully casual. She’s certainly gotten better since the last time he’s seen her, but she’s not fully healed and he resists the urge to go speak to her about it.
“So, what’s for dinner?” Emily asks.
Y/N responds before Rossi can, “Burrata Caprese Gnocchi with balsamic bruschetta and garlic bread.” She shares a look with Rossi who smiles at her.
“Sounds amazing.” Emily says just as the doorbell rings.
JJ, Penelope, and Reid were all at the door, which Hotch answered this time, beating Y/N to it. 
“There’s the birthday boy!” Derek said, getting up to give Spencer a hug.
“I really don’t think the word ‘boy’ accurately describes my age anymore.” He replies, returning the hug a little hesitantly. 
“Ah, come on Spence, you’re still the second youngest agent in the team.” JJ says, pointedly looking at Y/N from where she still stood in the kitchen.
“Hey, I am not much younger than him.” She says defensively. Hotch smiles at the interaction.
“Well, regardless,” Penelope cuts in, taking Reid’s arm in hers, “you are still the residing genius of the BAU, myself excluded.”
“Well, thank you very much.” Hotch hears Spencer mutter as he’s dragged along to the dining room with everyone else.
Rossi commanded that everyone help set the table as the last bit of dinner was being prepared. Y/N was moving around seemingly effortlessly, stirring something in a pot and then pulling bread out of the oven. Hotch thought she looked very graceful, until she must’ve turned the wrong way and she stilled completely.
Y/N clutched the edge of the counter like she had back at her apartment last week and Hotch stopped passing plates around. He watched as she excused herself to the restroom and after a second of deliberating, he followed.
The light underneath the bathroom door was on and Hotch knocked on it lightly, “Y/N?” There was no response for a minute. “Hey, are you okay? Please open the door.”
Another few seconds went by with no sound and he was thinking maybe he should just go back to the dining room when the door unlocked and swung open a fraction. Hotch took that as an invitation to open it fully and walk in.
Y/N was leaning against the bathroom sink, hand on her side and eyes closed. “What do you need?” He asks, hands clenching at his sides, not sure if he should reach out and touch her.
“Um…” Her breath shakes slightly, “If you could, my bag has my medication, I left it out there.”
“Of course. I’ll be right back.” It took Hotch less than a minute to go out into the living area, find her bag with the painkillers and bring them back to the bathroom. He knocks twice before entering, “Here.”
“Thank you.” Y/N says, taking them with a mouthful of tap water.
“How’s the pain?” It’s a long shot that she’ll even continue speaking to him, but Hotch doesn’t feel like leaving her alone like this.
“Uh, a 6.” She looks at him finally, and his frown deepens. She’s never actually gone past 5, and he knew 5 was bad. “It’s okay, really, I think I just strained my side while cooking.”
Hotch nods, but he doesn’t feel reassured. “Well, I’ll help you to the table, and please don’t move again unless you have to.” He thinks that she wants to argue but that would take energy she doesn’t have, so she allows him to wrap an arm around her waist. She leans against him and he inhales her scent, it’s warm and sweet, like cinnamon he thinks.
If anyone noticed the way the two of them walked out together, no one said anything. The team wasn’t oblivious, they knew Y/N was in pain as well, and that she wouldn’t want to speak about it. Especially tonight when it was about celebrating a fellow teammate.
Hotch set her down in a seat directly next to him, his hand lingering where it had been a moment before. Rossi was passing around the main course and the conversation had been redirected to Spencer’s weekend plans.
“I’ll be in Vegas for the next couple days. I’ve been meaning to visit my mom but haven’t really had the time.” He says as he grabs two pieces of garlic bread.
“That’s nice.” Emily says, taking a sip of her wine. “I would rather be working than visit my mother on my birthday.”
“Cheers to that,” Rossi says, also taking a sip.
Everyone raises their glasses, Y/N included. Her face gives no indication that the movement bothers her at all. She takes a sip and rests the glass back down where she starts tapping nervously on it and Hotch knows the meds haven’t kicked in just yet.
“Time for gifts!” Penelope yells excitedly and claps her hands, getting up from her spot after everyone had finished with their meals.
Y/N makes a move to stand up, but Hotch catches her wrist before she can. He shakes his head and says, low enough so that no one else can hear, “Don’t even think about it.”
She gives him a look but doesn’t try to shift out of her seat again. His hand stays on her for a moment longer under the table and she doesn’t try to pull away.
“Well then, would you mind grabbing the gift I brought over on the counter?” Y/N practically whispers.
Hotch has to clear his throat before responding, “Of course.” He’s up in a second, already missing the warm contact. He locates the present with white wrapping paper that was covered in gold stars, attached to it was a card that said “You’re 30!” on the cover with a picture of an cartoon senior citizen underneath the text. The sight made him laugh under his breath.
“Open mine first, please.” JJ says, handing over a rather large bag to Reid.
As he grabs it, Hotch takes his spot back next to Y/N. Spencer is ripping out the tissue paper until he reaches the gift. He pulls it out with a gasp, “Ohhh no way.”
In his hands is a model replica of the USS Enterprise from Star Trek, and by the way he was holding it, it seemed fairly heavy. Hotch smiled at the Doctor’s reaction and noticed that Y/N did too. The corners of her eyes crinkled with her grin and he wanted to lean down, just a few inches so that he could come face-to-face with her. He thought about brushing her hair out of her face, behind her ear. He would tilt her head back until she couldn’t go any further, then lean down closer, closer…
Hotch was snapped out of his thoughts by Y/N’s voice. “That one’s from me and Aaron.”
He looked at Spencer, who had the gift in his hands. “I am not thirty years old.” He tossed the offending card down onto the table and the sound of laughter filled the room from everyone.
“Is there something wrong with being thirty?” Derek asks, feigning offense.
“No, I’m just stating the fact that I am not actually thirty years old, I have another 364 days before I reach that milestone, in fact-“
“Just open the present!” Emily says, laughing.
“Okay.” Reid does as he’s told and unfolds the wrapping paper carefully. When he’s done, a hardcover book lays in his hands, but Hotch can’t make out the title. It seemed to make Spencer very happy though, if his widening smile was any indication. “Where did you find this!”
“New York, that case where we were snowed into our hotel and couldn’t leave for an extra week. Gave us time to look around.” Y/N said, making brief eye contact with Hotch. She was keeping up the ruse that he had helped in picking out Reid’s gift.
“You know, out of all of Oscar Wilde’s books, I’ve read this one the most,” Finally Hotch could make out the title ‘The Importance of Being Earnest,’ “it’s actually very short but it’s masterfully done, almost no other author compares from this century.”
“You’ve mentioned it a few times.” Y/N says.
“Thank you both, very much. This is great.” Spencer replies. 
Hotch tries not to look at her again, he’s not sure what he’ll do if he does. His professional nature was slipping with each sip of wine.
Another few minutes of Reid opening gifts goes by and they were all very thoughtful. Rossi gave him a new suit jacket, Italian made of course. From Garcia, he received several doctor who related items including the full series on blue-ray. Emily got him an iPod, mostly so that he would stop playing his music out loud on long car rides, she explained. Lastly, Derek stated that his friendship was gift enough. Though, later Hotch discovered Morgan had already given Reid a certificate for an all-expenses paid stay at a resort in the Bahamas which was run by a good friend of his.
The night ended on a good note, everyone was buzzed and in deep conversation. Hotch never left Y/N’s side. She seemed to be doing significantly better than earlier, no longer wincing at every move and engaging with the teams banter.
As everyone started to trickle out, Hotch turned towards her. “Do you need a ride?” He hadn’t noticed her car when he got here and it was unlikely that she could drive home in her state anyway.
“Oh, Emily drove me-“ Y/N said, looking around for their friend, who was nowhere to be found.
“I don’t mind, your apartment’s on the way.” Hotch replied, hoping she would say yes. He needed just a few more minutes with her. She looked up at him like she was debating it, eventually pursing her lips and nodding.
“Okay, thank you.”
The two of them said their goodbyes to those remaining, Y/N gave Spencer a hug and wished him Happy Birthday once more before they made their way outside towards Hotch’s car.
Hotch made sure to keep an eye on the way she moved, ready to support her if she needed, but it was unnecessary, she seemed to be fine. He made his way over to the passenger side door and opened it swiftly.
Y/N laughs a little, “Such a gentleman.”
Hotch smiles back and closes the door after she’s settled. Once they’re on the road, he remembers everything that he’s been meaning to say.
“You didn’t have to do that, you know?” He says lightheartedly.
“Do what?” She asks with that little crease between her brows. His hand tightened around the steering wheel just slightly.
“The gift for Spencer. I had no idea about it.”
“Oh, right… Well the no paperwork thing was nice. I know he appreciates it.” She says with a smile. This is torture, Hotch thinks. She’s so close to him, literally less than a foot but he can’t do anything. 
“About the phone call-“
“Hotch, don’t, I already know.” Y/N says, as if she was expecting this conversation all night. “I know I still have five days until my evaluation and if tonight was any indication, I’m still not really to be in the field yet.”
He was glad that she knew that, at least. But his intention wasn’t to scold her all the way back to her home, “Y/N, please let me… I didn’t mean to insinuate that your help wasn’t appreciated on this last case, it was.” She doesn’t say anything in response, just looks over at him with questioning eyes. “I need you to know that everything I do, everything, is for the well-being of this team.”
“I know that, Hotch-“
“Then you know that I would do anything for you.” He cuts her off, but doesn’t take take his eyes off the road, even for a second.
The tension in the car feels high, but Hotch can’t tell if only he can feel it. The seconds that go by without Y/N’s response is agonizing.
“I do know that.” Her voice is softer, almost far away. “And I would do anything for you.”
The words make his shoulder’s slump in relief, he dares to glance her way. She’s looking at him in a way he’s never seen before, a little sad maybe, but smiling. He’s tempted to pull the car over to the side of the road for a few minutes.
“You just passed my place.” Y/N says then.
“I know.”
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jacksdinonuggets · 7 months
~Big Bro~
Summary: vaggie goes into a meltdown at a party but angel saves her and lets her regress.
Note: two fics in one day??!? not really, I wrote the last on last night and just scheduled it for the morning. anyways, this one isn't much of a minific since its like 800 words.
After the battle between heaven and hell, a new hotel was built. Charlie immediately wanted to throw a party because they needed to celebrate victory. The new hotel was also very big and even had a room specifically for parties! Charlie planned on using it for graduation parties when someone gets redeemed. But why not do it now?
Vaggie was pretty excited about it. She hadn't been to a party in a long time. However, what Charlie forgot to say was that she was inviting everyone who helped out. That meant not only almost all of cannibal town was there but also Carmilla and her daughters. It was basically like seeing your teacher in public.
During the party, Vaggie was starting to feel overwhelmed, angry, socially tired, and irritated. She had done so much talking and just really wanted to run in her room and hide from everyone.
She was really uncomfortable during the whole thing because people kept bumping into her, trying to talk to her about the whole angel business, and her clothes started to cling to her because she was sweating from feeling overwhelmed.
Charlie wanted her to actually interact with people for a bit so she couldn't leave yet without disappointing her. And she would not disappoint her girlfriend.
So she suffered through it. However, her patience and strength was tested when the dj turned the music up. She could feel her ear drums beating with every second. Her body kept telling her there was danger nearby, even though she knew she was safe. 
As more time passed, the harder it was to breathe. She gasped for air, trying to suck in any oxygen she could get. Her body started moving before she could even realize what was happening. She crashed into the corner of the room, trying to find some sort of safe area. She covered her ears and squeezed her eyes shut. When would it stop? It was painful!
She felt something touch her shoulder and shrieked for a second before they quickly retrieved their hand. She looked up and saw Angel, squatting down, looking at her with concern.
Just having someone in front of her, staring at her, made the dam break. Tears poured out of her eyes and she let out a pathetic sob. 
“Shit! It's okay, Vags, can ya speak?” Angel’s voice was muffled behind her covered ears, but she understood what he said. She shook her head, dreading the idea of using her voice. 
“That's fine, but I'm gonna have ta touch ya, is that okay?” He asked. Vaggie didn't really want to but she nodded. He swiftly picked her up and cradled her to his chest as he carried her out of the room. She didn't dare look at where they were going.
Soon enough, she found herself being set down on a soft carpet and a pair of headphones being put on her. She looked around and saw that she was in the little room. She gave a confused, pouty, look.
“I saw you was hav’n a meltdown there. Figured you could use some little time to calm down,” He answered to her confused look. He got out her stuffed bear to which she made grabby hands for, regressing almost immediately. It took a lot out of her and she needed some time to feel small.
“Here ya go, Kiddo,” he handed her the teddy. She sniffled, her sinuses being weird from all the crying.
He knew coloring was a very relaxing activity and figured that she needed something calming. So he got out a few coloring books and crayons and one of those plastic tray desk thingies, and put them on the ground. Once vaggie got into a comfortable position with a heating pad and pillows against her back (Her back pain gets worse when she has meltdowns or panic attacks, even when she has wings), she set the tray table over her lap and began to color with her teddy bear in her lap.
He got out some milk from the minifridge and poured it into a trainer sippy (the ones with handles) and warmed it up in the microwave before giving it to her too. He hadn’t seen her eat much at the party and was a bit concerned she wasn’t getting all of her nutrients. Hopefully the warm milk would make it better.
Angel helped her when she couldn’t figure out what color to use, or when she wanted to play with something else. He tried his best to keep his cursing to a low but everyone knows that’s not gonna happen. He never said any sexual things though, not wanting to traumatize the already traumatized girl more. Overall, he was a pretty good caregiver. He played with her and got her things when she needed them. It was safe to say he was now on her emergency babysitter list.
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earthbaby-angelboy · 9 months
The vibes Vince Everett, Danny Fisher, and Clint Reno and give as littles
Vince Everett (Jailhouse Rock, 1957):
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Let's get this squared away: Vince's regression is rough. Because of this, some of his more negative habits come out to play. How often he slips is determined by how much stress he is under, and he began regressing after he got out of jail to deal with the things he saw and experienced while he was there. He usually holds off regressing and bottles up all his emotions until he drops hard. He regresses through a broad range of ages, anywhere from 3 to 9 (most often around 7.)
He becomes bratty and defiant, trying to break any rules you may have put in place for the sheer joy of seeing how far he can take it. Then, he throws a complete fit when you punish him. Speaking of which, this little boy needs RULES, and strict ones at that. He also needs a routine to provide him with some consistency. He believes that acting out is the only way to get attention, so you quickly need to teach him that it's not okay to behave like that, and all he needs to do to get attention is to ask. He needs a caregiver that has the patience of a saint, because when he's throwing a tantrum, he'll get in your face and shove you around as a way of provoking you to hit him. Sometimes, he'll actually slap you just to get a reaction. You definitely have to remain calm and even-keeled, but also teach him that it is never okay to hit people.
This kiddo chews on his nails and sucks his thumb all the time, and it makes you worry about all the germs going in his mouth. No matter how hard you try, you can't get him to use a pacifier. It drives you INSANE. As a way of compromise, you buy him a chewy necklace, which he always forgets he has. It's definitely not an easy job to be his carer, but it's so worth it for the little bit of relief it provides him.
Danny Fisher (King Creole, 1958):
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Danny found himself regressing a few days after his mother died. He didn't know what it was or why it was happening, and quite frankly, it scared the crap out of him. In all honesty, I don't think he'd be comfortable with having a caregiver who wasn't a family member. So, Mimi often takes care of him. She's extremely confused about it; all she knows is that her brother sometimes acts like a kid and gets really clingy. He's very closed off about his regression, and if Mimi mentions it while he's big, he immediately shuts her down and changes the topic. She knows he's not hurting anyone (and that he's been through hell), so she chooses not to further question him and goes along with it.
He regresses into babyspace, and can usually tell before it happens. Before he fully drops, he tells Mimi his head is "getting fuzzy.” So, she prepares a safe area for him and gathers some items he likes to have with him when little. A teddy bear his mother gave him, a blanket from when he was a kid and a pacifier from when he was a baby are the only “little items” he has. He likes when Mimi reads him the books his mother used to read to them as kids. Sometimes, he finds himself crying softly because of how much he misses his mother, and Mimi is right there to comfort him. When little, he often forgets who his sister actually is, and ends up calling her "mama." She doesn't mind; whatever helps him, helps him.
When he's not crying or being read to, he likes to have dance parties with Mimi! They'll put on a record of some kid-friendly songs, and they have a little jam session.
Clint Reno (Love Me Tender, 1956):
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He regresses out of anxiety, and it's the only thing that keeps him from going headfirst into neurosis while his brothers are in the Army. He is very playful and energetic when little, but also becomes extremely defensive and more protective of his siblings than when he is big. (I didn't think that was possible, but here we are.) He is quite reckless when it comes to his own safety, but if someone threatens his brothers, he's squaring up and ready to fight. Although he's filled with feral energy, if unprovoked, he's very well behaved. He doesn't throw tantrums, and is a very respectful boy (doesn't matter if you're younger than him, he says "sir" and "ma'am" to EVERYONE.) He doesn't really have a definite age that he regresses to: he's just a kiddo!
He has no problem regressing in front of Vance, Brett and Rey, and is very nonchalant about it. They absolutely freak out the first time this happens and they think he's lost his sanity. When he goes back to being big, they have an intense interrogation session with him, and he explains that sometimes he just feels a little different! After the shock wears off, they melt because for once, their kid brother is allowing himself to be...well, a kid.
He is definitely a gentle giant in the sense that he actually forgets that he isn't physically small. Sometimes, he'll flop on top of Vance and almost crush him. Vance literally does not care, because if Clint is happy, he's happy. I don't think his brothers would treat him differently when he's regressed than they would if he was big; if anything, they just speak in more gentle voices and tone down the rough-housing. He loves playing outside, especially in mud and dirt! He takes a bath every night because somehow or another, he always ends up outdoors.
He's very clumsy, and has A TON of bruises on his knees and elbows. He's more than likely to be wearing at least one bandaid, and his brothers have a first aid kit with them at all times. When he falls, he thinks absolutely nothing of it; he gets right back up and continues playing!
(A/N: i originally wanted to make this with all of the ECU littles, but i haven’t watched all of elvis’ movies yet. with that being said, i’ll most likely divvy this into a few parts, and continuously post as i watch them!)
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akesdraws-blog · 2 years
🤧How would the Bayverse boys take care of their sick partner? 😷
I do this because I got sick and I felt horrible, runny nose, closed throat, it hurts even to cough 😭, so this is something sweet just to distract me from all this sickness.
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💙 Leonardo 💙
When this guy found out you got sick, he immediately consulted Donnie. (We all know that Donnie is the Family Doctor)
• Prepare to drink lots of tea and water. (it will keep you very well hydrated)
•In case you have a fever, they will put cold compresses on your forehead and on the soles of your feet, they will also wipe your chest and stomach with a damp towel. (This is something we do a lot in my family to bring down the fever)
•Muscle pain? No problem, Leo's hands will be like the finest silk you can feel on your body. (I'm sure Leo knows certain points for your body to relax properly)
•He is a true believer that sunbathing will help you a lot, so he will move your sofa to a place where the sun enters perfectly through your window.
• And if you are too sleepy because of the medicine, this guy will tuck you in perfectly in your bed or sofa, he will defend where you start to fall asleep.
• Comply with the schedule of your medications, if you must take your pill every 3 hours, it will be every 3 hours, not one minute more or one minute less.
• It will be very difficult for him to give you your medicine if you are asleep, he knows that you must rest but you must also take your medicines at the right time, so he will be in a dilemma. (She will call Donnie to solve his little dilemma)
• And if you can't fall asleep, this huge turtle will read you one of his favorite books, which is about Japanese poems.
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💜 Donatello 💜
This guy could know you were sick before you knew you were sick, and it's easy, I notice the constant sneezing, your temperature change, etc; So he's the first to know you were sick.
•Doctor Donatello has entered the chat.
• Donnie will first start by reviewing and taking notes on your symptoms.
• Once that is done, he will have a complete treatment so that you can get better quickly.
•She asked Abril for a favor to buy certain medicines so you could take them.
• He established the time you should take it and will take your temperature every 10 minutes.
• Water, lots of water, and maybe a mint tea.
• When your fever rises it will help you take a bath, warm water can regulate your temperature.
• He's not the best cook so he'll ask Mikey for chicken noodle soup so you can eat something light.
• Don't expect hugs, this guy won't get too close to you, he doesn't want to get sick too so you'll see him all the time with a huge face mask.
• While you sleep, they will take your temperature to make sure it doesn't rise again.
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♥️ Raphael ♥️
He was in a dilemma when he found out you got sick, he wanted to see you and make sure you were okay, but at the same time he didn't want to catch it, one of the things he hates is getting sick. (In the end he went to see you)
• He consulted with Donnie that he should take you and his brother in purple made him a list of things to take you.
•I arrive at your house with a large sports bag full of tissues, cold compresses, water and a movie stop.
•When you told him that you already had some medicines, he took the box of each one to be able to read the instructions. (the font was too small so he asked you to tell him what time you should take your medicines)
• he kept you warm with a blanket you had in your room.
• He is not a fan of tea but he will prepare one for you to warm you up, surprisingly he made you a very rich lemon tea with honey.
•You have a movie marathon in your living room of the entire "Fast and Furious" saga.
• Although he looks tough this guy will be a real teddy bear to take care of you.
• If you fell asleep rest assured that he will take you to your room to tuck you in and you can rest.
• He will not leave until he is better. (besides, no one enters your apartment)
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🧡 Michelangelo 🧡
He finds out that you got sick when you didn't go to the lair for a few days, so he sent you a message to find out what was wrong.
M- Is everything alright, Angel Cake? Will you be late for our video game night? 😔
Y/N- Sorry Mikey, it's cancelled, I'm so sick 😷
M- What?!?!😱
• she Literally kicked in Donnie's bedroom door to tell him that his Angel Pie was sick.
• After a quick explanation from Donnie, he went straight to your apartment.
• It will fill you with pampering that could even be too much.
• Are you cold? He is already looking for blankets to wrap you up, are you hot? You will have some cold compresses and the fan on, even a palette too.
• he makes you some chicken or rice noodles so you can eat, but don't think he did it like always, I ask Donnie what he should take and what he shouldn't take.
• If your medicine tastes horrible he will give you a sweet to take away the unpleasant taste.
•He will love to hear you talk, if you are a little hoarse he will find it very funny to listen to you.
• It is you who should tell him that he can't kiss you or he will catch it too.
• Although this causes the "puppy eyes", you will have to resist as much as you can not to succumb to that look of your beloved turtle.
•If you can't stand it, I'll just say that now they are two patients being cared for and scolded by Donnie.
He tagged the people who inspired me to start sharing my writing, plus I love his work.
@post-apocalyptic-daydream . @turtle-babe83 . @turtlesmakemehappy . @dilucsflame33 . @thelaundrybitch .
In case you don't want me to tag you, tell me without any problem, in the same way if you want me to tag you, you can tell me in comments.
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mirisss · 9 months
Utterly in Love with you
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Yoon Jongwoo x afab! reader
Warnings: petnames (baby, my love), kisses, neck kisses, Jongwoo being a little jealous, I think that’s it. 
Wordcount ≈ 935
Please reblog!
This was inspired by a few minutes of a live of theirs I saw. Specifically, Jongwoo being cuddly with Yedam.
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Like imagine being Yedam 😩🥹
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(Y/n)’s POV
Jongwoo has always been very open with skinship, whether holding hands, hugging, having his arm around my waist, or kissing. He doesn’t care if we’re out in public, hanging out with friends, or home alone. Jongwoo always tells me whenever I point it out to him that he just wants to show his love for me. I love how confident he is and I love how he wraps his arms around me, it brings me comfort and makes me happy. But it also makes me a bit shy when he does it in front of others. 
“(Y/n)-ah,” I was sitting on the couch talking with Jay, one of Jongwoo’s closest friends, who has also become one of my closest friends. Jay and I had been talking for about 15 minutes or so, caught in a discussion over which Harry Potter book was the best. And I guess Jongwoo had taken notice of the lack of attention on him from my side. He sat down beside me, saying my name, but he received no answer as I was busy arguing with Jay on whether or not The Order of the Phoenix was or was not the best book. 
“Baby?,” Jongwoo whined as he poked my cheek. “Not now Woo,” I said before I returned my focus to Jay. “Mmm, (Y/n), my love?” Jongwoo draped his arms around me, now embracing me in a back hug. He rested his head on my shoulder as he continued whining. 
“I guess we’ll have to continue this discussion some other time,” Jay said as he chuckled. “No, come on, you scared of realizing I’m right?” I teased back. “Nah, I’m definitely right, but I’m actually scared Jongwoo’s going to tackle me with the way he’s glaring at me,” Jay continued laughing as he moved his gaze from me to my boyfriend before he got off the couch going to talk with some of our other friends. 
“Jongwoo, Jay is your best friend, you shouldn’t glare at him, or anyone else for that matter,” He was still hugging me from behind as I lectured him. “Mm, but he shouldn’t steal all your attention,” “Yoon Jongwoo, you have my attention 24/7,” “I didn’t just now, Jay had it,” “Idiot, yeah I was talking to Jay for 15 minutes,” “Mm, but I’m your idiot,” 
Jongwoo eased his grip on me, allowing me to turn around so that we were facing one another. He was smiling even though he tried to pretend to pout. “Yes, you are my idiot. My clingy, handsome, talented, idiot,” I leaned in and gave him a quick peck on the lips. “Hey, I want a real kiss,” “Mm, you’ll have to catch me then,” I said as I quickly stood up from the couch and began running away with Jongwoo hot on my heels. 
“Seongmin, help me,” I ran over to Seongmin and Yedam, hiding behind the taller of the two as I laughed, the two boys laughing just as much as they saw Jongwoo running over. “We’ll hold him back, run for your life (Y/n),” Yedam said as he and Seongmin tried to hold Jongwoo back. I continued running, trying to find a good place to hide, I ran into the kitchen and found Tag sitting on the counter eating some pineapples. “Hey Tag, do you know of a good place to hide?” “Running from the teddy bear or what?” “Correct!” “You should hide in Jongwoo’s room, he wouldn’t think of looking there,” He helped me sneak out of the kitchen and into Jongwoo’s room. “Thanks, Tag,” “No problem, I’ll do anything to mess with him,” 
It took about 5 minutes until Jongwoo opened the door to his room, panting from running around. I wasn’t hiding as I sat on his bed, he smiled widely when he saw me. Jongwoo literally pounced at me, jumping into bed, and tackling me in a tight hug. “You owe me a kiss,” “Kiss me then,” He leaned in and gave me a long passionate kiss. Ending it by kissing me on the nose. 
“I’m sorry, I know I’m clingy and annoying,” “I love your clinginess, Jongwoo. I also like messing with you, like running around like this. And you’re not annoying, you’re cute,” “How about we stay in here and watch a movie? leaving the others to continue the party,” “That sounds perfect, but only if you promise to cuddle with me,” I said in a teasing tone. “Wouldn’t have it any other way,” Jongwoo leaned down once more, giving me another kiss. He then got up to start the TV and put on a movie. Hurrying back to continue cuddling with me. 
Jongwoo sat down with his back against the headboard, pulling me closer so that I sat between his legs with my back rested against his chest. Jongwoo instantly put his arms around me once I had sat down in a comfortable position. We sat like that for a good 20-30 minutes, before Jongwoo began kissing my neck and blowing on my ears. “Jongwoo!” I exclaimed as he tickled me with his breath. “I love you,” He said as he proceeded to plant more kisses on my neck and intertwine our hands together. I turned my head to look up at him, his signature lovesick smile on his lips as he looked down at me. “I love you too,” I smiled back at him as he leaned down, planting yet another kiss on my lips. 
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whumpbug · 2 months
HI GUYS!! it's here as promised. a lovely anon wrote a fanfic with my lovely boys so be sure to go read that first BUT
i wanted to add on to it so show my appreciation and also because it was just such a cute fic! it got a bit long so i hope u enjoy! it's a christmas fic in july bc Why Not
(also the details of Archie's #1 Worst Injury can be found here)
ONTO THE FIC! (pls ignore hospital and medical inaccuracies shhh its for the plot)
Archie’s closed eyelids twitched when the steady, constant beeping flooded into his senses and roused him from a deep sleep.
He groaned softly.
It was unpleasant, sure, but he’d live. No, what was really bothering him was how it felt to breathe.
Every breath was an effort. His chest felt tight-- like someone was sitting right on top of it. His lungs felt weak. His body felt weak, which was not something he was used to feeling. He grimaced.
“Hey,” A soft voice murmured. “You awake?”
Suddenly, Archie was aware of two hands clasped around his own. One of them reached up to sweep the hair from his face.
Archie opened his eyes.
Immediately, the light felt like an icepick driving through his skull. He must have let out a really pitiful noise, because Simon all but rushed to half-close the blinds. 
“Thanks..” He croaked, finally squinting around at his surroundings.
Right. He was at the hospital. Something about a pneumothorax, whatever that meant. All Archie knew was that he was shot in the lung, and that didn’t typically end well.
A quick glance down told him that at least the chest tube had been removed at some point. That was probably why he was struggling to breathe a bit. Still, it meant he was improving, and that was all he could ask for.
He lazily turned his head to face Simon, who was fiddling with the window, but something caught his eye.
On the table beside him, there was an assortment of various little things. A handful of lollipops, some cookies, a stuffed bear, a well-worn novel-- all things he did not remember bringing in with him.
“Si--” His voice broke off in a rasp. He winced.
Simon was at his side in an instant, pressing a straw to his lips. Archie drank gratefully.
“Simon,” He repeated. “What’s all this stuff?”
A hint of a smile flashed across Simon’s face, and he took a seat beside Archie.
“Last night, one of the nurses stopped by.” He picked up a cookie and took a bite before handing one to Archie. “He came with a bunch of other patients--kids you’ve saved. They wanted to share some holiday spirit.”
Now the smile was really creeping up on Simon’s face. He picked up one of the lollipops.
“These are from a little girl named Quinn. Said you saved her grandma, Emily, once?”
Archie’s face lit up through chews of his cookie. “I remember Emily! I still see her around sometimes. I didn’t know she had a granddaughter!”
“Mhm.” Simon picked up the book. “This is from a boy named Temo. Sci-fi.”
Archie grabbed the book with a shaking hand and let out a tiny gasp. “The Journey to Planet 56?! I’ve been wanting to read this series forever!”
“Yeah well, the kid really wanted you to have it. He said you saved his brother.”
Archie smiled, feeling his chest swell with pride. He glanced at the teddy bear, noticing that it was sitting partially aside from the rest of the items. He tilted his head.
“And that one?”
Simon blushed, almost imperceptibly. “A little girl named Esperanza gave it to me.. She uh.. She thanked me. For saving you.”
Even though he was trying to hide it, Archie could see how much it meant to Simon. He was holding the little bear close to his chest now, like he was scared it would be taken away from him.
“Awww Simon! Just for you? That’s so sweet!” Archie cooed, smiling even harder at the blush that creeped up on his friend’s cheeks.
“Whatever..” But the little bear remained nestled in Simon’s arms.
Finally, Simon leaned over and placed a red-wrapped box with a note on the bed beside Archie.
“This was from all of them, they said, but a girl named Natalie was the one who wrapped it and all. She said you knew her as Nathan?”
“Nathan.. hmm..” Archie tilted his head before perking up a bit. “Yeah, I remember! Car crash, right? She was really shaken up after.”
“She said you sat with her for a while.”
“I did! At least until the paramedics came. I’m glad she’s alright.”
“Well, this gift was from her and everyone else. I have no idea what it is. I didn’t want to open it until you woke up.”
Archie tilted his head curiously. “Hmm.. Help me sit up so I can open it?”
Simon wordlessly got up and hooked an arm around Archie’s shoulders, gently guiding him to sitting with the help of the motorized hospital bed. Archie fought tears at the pulls of pain the new position brought, but soon, he was finally upright.
“You alright?” Simon murmured, noticing the sudden pallor of his friend’s face and taking his hand in his own and running his thumb along his knuckles.
Archie squeezed his eyes shut. “Hng.. I’m fine. Just.. hurts a little bit. It’s fine. Hand me the box?”
Simon pressed a quick kiss to Archie’s forehead and carefully set the box in his friend's lap. Simon didn't say anything, but Archie could see from the look in his eyes that, he too, was dying of anticipation. Archie huffed a small laugh.
He turned his attention to the box, and with a bated breath, he slowly began to untie the bow and remove the wrapping paper. 
He had to dig through some tissue paper, but eventually, it revealed.. some folded fabric? He lifted an eyebrow and raised the cloth up to see what it was. 
It looked like a jumpsuit-- made of breathable, stretchy material that was still relatively thick for how mobile it looked. And then Archie saw it. The little “V” symbol right in the middle of the chest. Simon must have noticed it too, because his face broke out into a slight grin.
“Jeez.. A new suit? You’re getting spoiled over here, Archie,” He teased. He crouched down to pick up the tattered bundle of fabric that was Archie’s old suit-- something he had put together when he first started as Vigil and mended ever since. He was due for a replacement for sure.
Archie’s gaze flitted from the old suit to the shiny new one in his hands and suddenly, the dam broke. Tears poured from his eyes and he lowered his head.
“Aw Archie… don’t cry,” Simon laughed, dropping the suit and rushing over to cup Archie’s face. “This was supposed to make you happy.”
Archie sniffled. “I am happy!”
More sobs overtook him and he held the suit close, not caring that it brushed against the wound in his chest.
No, at that moment, nothing else mattered. Not the pain, not the fear, not the discomfort. All he could think about was the love he felt. It was the kind of love that wrapped every inch of the body in a warm embrace. It was almost overwhelming.
Simon’s hand was gently rubbing circles into Archie’s back. “Merry Christmas, Archie.”
Archie sniffled and leaned close to Simon, resting his head against his chest. “Merry Christmas..”
The rest of the day went by in a pain medicine-induced blur. They watched Home Alone 1 and 2 together. Archie idly read his new book while Simon worked on some homework, but after a while, sitting up hurt so Simon laid him down and read aloud to him.
Unfortunately, it seemed even Simon had limits when it came to sleep deprivation. Archie was alerted to this by the sudden lack of reading. A quick glance over revealed Simon, slumped over in the chair with his head lolling forward, breathing evenly. The book was gripped loosely in his hands. Archie smiled sadly.
“Psst. Simon. Wake up,” He whispered.
Simon’s head snapped up with an adorable “huh?” and he blinked the grogginess from his eyes. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to.”
“It’s okay. You’re tired. You should take a nap. The armchair pulls out to a little cot! It’s not very comfy, but you can barely stay awake. I’m sure you’ll be fine.”
Simon pursed his lips and rubbed his face in contemplation. “Yeah. Yeah okay. Just for a few hours. Wake me up if you need anything--” He gripped Archie’s shoulder-- “and I mean anything at all. Okay?”
Archie smiled and nodded. “Don’t worry. I’ll probably get some sleep too.”
Simon nodded and grabbed the thin, scratchy blanket from the couch and curled up in it, burrowing his face into his arm that was being used as a pillow.
Archie waited a minute.
Then two. 
Then five.
And finally, he heard the soft, sleepy breaths coming from Simon on the couch. Finally out.
Now it was time to enact the plan.
Slowly, painfully, Archie used the side guardrails of the hospital bed to pull himself to sitting. The process was arduous and agonzing, and he had to bite his lip in order to not cry out in pain, but eventually he was sitting up with his legs over the side of the bed. A quick glance at Simon told him he had succeeded in not waking his sleeping friend.
He didn’t like sneaking around Simon. Something about it didn’t feel right, but Simon would never let him be out of bed this early into recovery, and there was something Archie really had to do.
He grabbed the little note from the bedside table and put on a surgical mask to hide his face.
Go time.
The first steps he took were rough. He had to use the wall as support as he inched his way out of the room. He thanked his lucky stars that he had enhanced hearing, because it made hiding from the nurses much easier (but no less painful, unfortunately).
Finally, after some maneuvering and sneaking a peek at the hospital room numbers, Archie arrived at the first door. He knocked softly.
“Come in!” The voice called.
Archie gently pushed open the door to reveal Natalie propped up in her bed with a book in her hands. Upon seeing Archie limping into the room, she did a double take.
“Surprise!” He smiled. “You’re Natalie, right?”
“Oh! Y-Yeah! I-- what are you doing here? Aren’t you injured?”
Archie bit back a wince and made his way to sit beside her on the bed. “Ah, I’m fine. I just wanted to say thank you. Y’know, for everything. It’s nice to see you.”
A smile creeped up on Natalie’s face and she set her book aside. “I’m surprised you remember me. I was a different person when you met me.”
“I’d recognize that smile anywhere.”
Natalie’s smile grew wider and she took Archie’s bruised hand in her own. “Vigil.. thank you. So much. And.. I hope you liked the gift?”
“I loved it. And I’ll be sure to try and not get shot in this one,” He said with a small laugh, but a hitched gasp of pain escaped him.
Natalie frowned. “You should go back to your room and rest. You’re still hurt.”
“I’m fine. I still have some other rooms to hit,” He replied with a small wink. He grunted softly as he pulled himself back to standing, and gave Natalie a small wave as he headed for the doorway.
“Merry Christmas, Natalie.”
“Merry Christmas Vigil!”
Once the door was shut behind him, he took a minute to grimace. 
Sure, he was feeling better than he had in the past few days, but he still was far from back to normal. He hated to admit it, but even the short walk to Natalie’s room had winded him and he had four more people to go.
He took a sharp breath and soldiered on.
He arrived at the next door just as a nurse was leaving it and he nearly collided with her head-on.
“Sorry!” She sputtered, dusting Archie off lightly.
“It’s okay! I should have looked where I was going,” He laughed softly. “Is Quinn in there?”
“Hm? Oh, yes! But I’m afraid she just fell asleep. Were you trying to visit her?”
Archie frowned a bit. “I was. Don’t wake her up though. Actually, do you have a pen and paper?”
The nurse smiled and nodded, pulling out a pack of sticky notes and a pen and pressing them into Archie’s hands.
“Thank you!”
Archie used the wall and scrawled a quick thank you note, as well as a doodle of himself as Vigil eating the lovely lollipops she left. Once he was finished, he folded it and handed all the items back to the nurse.
“Would you give that to her when she wakes up?”
“Of course. And I should probably take you back to your room. It’s almost lights out, and you look a little.. pale.”
“I’m alright! I just have, like, three more stops. Please? It’s Christmas after all!” Archie begged, looking at the nurse with his best puppy-dog eyes.
She sighed. “Alright. Fine. Just a few more minutes, but if you aren’t in your room I’ll have to get someone to escort you. And don’t be too loud or someone will catch you.”
“Got it. Merry Christmas!” 
Archie took off to the next room.
This one was a little further down the hall, and the walk had Archie panting laboriously by the end of it. Curse these stupid lungs!
He had to bend over and brace his hands on his knees to catch his breath. He was starting to think that maybe, just maybe, the nurse was right. He was feeling pretty lousy.
But he could deal with it later. He straightened and knocked on the door.
“Hello? Who’s there?” A slightly timid voice said.
“It’s-- uh..” Archie lowered his voice a bit, eyes darting around. “It’s Vigil and technically I’m not supposed to be up, so could I come in?”
There was the sudden sound of rustling, the tapping of crutches, and a creak as the door flew open, revealing a bright-eyed and slightly frazzled boy.
“Vigil?!” Temo sputtered, looking Archie up and down.
Archie smiled, though only his eyes showed it, and gave a small wave. “Hi there.”
Temo looked as if he might pass out on the spot as he ushered Archie into his room and shut the door behind them.
“What are you doing here?!-- Not that it’s a bad thing!”
Archie choked back a grimace as he took a seat on Temo’s hospital bed and invited the boy to join him.
“Thought I’d--” He stopped to intake a sharp breath. “--come by and say thank you for the book.”
Temo’s eyes somehow lit up even brighter, and he leaned closer. “You like it?”
“I started reading it today-- it’s so good. The way the main character fights off those bird-things in the first chapter? It’s awesome.”
“Right?! It’s so cool how he uses double blasters and a melee weapon!” Temo chirped, practically vibrating with excitement.
“It’s epic, is what it is!” Archie smiled and placed a hand on Temo’s shoulder. “But really. Thank you so much, Temo. I really appreciate the gift. I’ll treasure it forever.”
Temo blushed. “Vigil, if anyone should be getting thanked, it’s you. You.. you saved my brother. That’s not something you can put a price on.”
Archie smiled. “Just doing my part.”
Temo returned the smile, and stifled a yawn into his hand.
“I’ll let you sleep now, okay? But if you’re up to it tomorrow, what do you say to binging the original Star Wars trilogy with me?”
Temo's eyes widened. “Absolutely!”
Archie patted Temo’s shoulder and slowly got up, arm instinctively wrapping around his middle. He didn’t miss the worried glance the boy shot him, but he flashed a reassuring smile and left, shutting the door behind him.
Okay. Two more people left. 
Archie sucked in a wheezing breath and began walking down the hall. He remembered Simon mentioning this little girl was deaf and used ASL to communicate. Archie steeled himself, calling on all of his knowledge of the language he had. He had picked up a bit while helping the deli owner’s wife after the owner had thrown his back out.
He knocked gently on the door before realizing that Esperanza wouldn’t hear it, so he very slowly peaked his head in to give her plenty of time to tell him to leave if she wanted.
Instead, she startled the slightest bit at Archie, but once she saw who it was, she motioned for him to come in.
He tip-toed his way in and crouched beside where she was sitting on the bed, waving a small hello. Then, he clumsily moved his hands in the shape of the signs he could remember.
“Want to say thank you,” He signed. “For the gift. For helping Simon.”
Esperanza smiled so wide that it reached her eyes, and nodded fervently. She took Archie’s hand in her own and gave it a small squeeze before grabbing a small notebook from her bedside table and scribbling furiously in it.
After a few seconds, she handed it back to Archie.
It read: Thank you Vigil. For everything you do. We love you.
Maybe it was the drug-induced haze his mind was in, but he found tears begin to well up in his eyes. He let out a watery laugh and scrubbed at his eyes. He felt rather ridiculous, breaking down in front of a seven-year-old.
Esperanza got up and wrapped her small arms around him, leaning her head on his shoulder.
All of the exhaustion caught up to Archie all at once, and he found himself sinking to his knees on the floor of the small hospital room. Wheezing, labored breaths left him. She looked down at him worriedly, and frowned. Her hands left him as she walked out of the door quickly.
Archie blinked away the black dots that danced in his vision. Damn it. This couldn’t be happening. All he wanted to do was say thank you to the girl and head back to his room without being caught. He should have been stronger. He should have powered through--
Suddenly, two pairs of footsteps returned.
“Oh, Vigil..” An older voice murmured, crouching beside him.
“You’re--” Archie inhaled painfully. “You’re Nurse Fred?”
Fred smiled and nodded. “That would be me. I was actually just about to go check up on you but.. seems Esperanza beat me to it.”
Archie huffed a sharp laugh and doubled over. “Thought.. Thought I’d be fine..”
“Yeah, well, most people aren't ‘fine’ after a severe pneumothorax. You should be resting.”
“I just wanted to say thank you..” Archie frowned and coughed weekly.
Fred pursed his lips and patted Archie’s back lightly. “Well, you did it. If anyone would be able to do it, it’d be you. What do you say we get you back to your room?”
“...Yes please.” Archie coughed again, whimpering sharply when it sent an ache right through his chest.
Fred turned to Esperanza and signed something, to which the little girl nodded determinedly and sat right beside where Archie was hunched over, clutching at his chest.
“Esperanza is going to stay here while I go get you a wheelchair,” Fred explained, standing up. “Just sit tight.”
And with that he left, leaving the little girl to rub soothing circles over Archie’s shoulder blades.
They stayed like that for a few minutes, the only sounds in the room being Archie’s labored breathing, but eventually Fred returned with a wheelchair and an oxygen tank cannula for Archie. Archie narrowed his eyes and opened his mouth to argue, but Fred cut him off.
“Just for good measure, Vigil. Your lungs aren’t exactly operating at full capacity.”
Archie relented, allowing himself to be gently helped off the floor and into the chair with the cannula fitted around his nose. Esperanza timidly walked to the side of the chair and offered him another slip of paper.
It read: Get better soon, Vigil! Merry Christmas. Hope you liked the cookies.
As run down as Archie felt, he still managed to give Esperanza a warm smile while he signed thank you. Then, he thought for a minute, before fumbling through the sign for “Merry Christmas.”
Esperanza lit up once again, and waved happily as Fred wheeled Archie out of the room.
Archie wanted to keep putting on a brave face. He was so close to having completed his goal, but it really was starting to take a toll on him. Everything hurt. His lungs, his chest, his arms, his head. He couldn’t help the strangled whimper that escaped him.
Fred clicked his tongue and placed a hand on Archie’s shoulder. 
“When we get you to your room, we’ll get you another dose of pain meds, okay? You overexerted yourself.”
Archie let his eyes fall shut and nodded softly. “It was worth it, though.”
“I know. But even Vigil needs to rest.”
As they approached the room, the door suddenly flew open and a frantic-eyed Simon appeared, hair mussed and dried drool down his chin.
“Wh!-- Oh jeez Archie.” He crossed the distance between them, shoving a finger in Archie’s direction. “Don’t you ever leave like that again!”
His tone was sharp, but the undertone of worry was clear as day. He sighed and adjusted the cannula, letting his fingers brush against Archie’s cheek. “I thought something terrible had happened!”
“Haha.. sorry..” Archie rubbed the back of his neck and averted Simon’s gaze. “I just didn’t want to wake you up. You’re exhausted.”
“I’m fine.”
I would have been fine if I had to stay up a couple of extra minutes to help you around.” Simon sighed again, softly. “But I’m glad you’re okay. No more excursions, right?”
“Hah. No. I just.. I wanna lay down..”
Simon pressed his lips together in a straight line and took over the wheelchair handles from Fred, wheeling him right next to the bed while Fred began to prepare his IV.
It took some maneuvering and a lot of pain, but eventually Archie was nestled comfortably in his bed with an IV sticking out of his arm. Fred began the drip, and within a few minutes, Archie was already feeling the pleasant buzz of the narcotics in his system.
“I’ll let you two have some privacy so you can rest, alright?” Fred turned to leave.
“Wait,” Archie murmured, catching Fred by the edge of the shirt. “Wanted.. I wanted to thank you too. For everything. For taking care of me.”
Fred only smiled. “It’s my pleasure, kid. If anyone deserves it, it’s you. Get some sleep, okay? Merry Christmas.”
Fred ruffled Archie's hair on his way out. Archie tried in vain to say Merry Christmas back, but found his tongue felt lazy in his mouth and his eyes fought to stay open.
“Sleep, Archie. No point in fighting it.” Simon took his hand and brought it up to kiss softly. “I’ll be here when you wake up.”
“Mmh..” Archie nodded vaguely, and let himself drift off.
Merry Christmas, indeed.
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warcats-cat · 9 months
*materializes into existence*
Hey, my wonderful moot :D
(if this is a duplicate, ignore it; wifi is picky, so idk if it sent already or nah)
I heard you felt lonely, so I got summoned cause I am your MOOT and I care goddamnit. All the affections for you (/p).
I saw ya like FNAF (specifically Sun & Moon's lines in Help Wanted 2), so: what was your fav lines from the Daycare Jesters? I call them that cause, ya know, the sillies.
Also: I don't remember well, but I think you also like Sanders Sides (correct me if I'm wrong). If ya do, have you seen the newest Asides? If so, I wanna hear about your fav parts. The funnies, the 'lore' (angst) parts, any sort of theories, or even just gushing about your fav pairings or characters.
Infodump about whatever!! I love hearing ya thoughts on things and such <3
Lastly: moths. I fuckin love moths. And tardigrades. And spiders and beetles and- okay, so I just really love bugs and insects.
Anyway, have a good day and hope this helps the loneliness not be so lonely :D
Hewwo Oatmeal Friend! I love you too 💜💜
I have to say my favorite lines are the new lines for Sun's arts and crafts section because they're straight up hilarious. "I should turn the lights off myself" killed me. Someone please give this robot some Prozac and a teddy bear.
My interest in FNAF Sun/Moon is kinda the fault of Bamsara (who I won't tag because I'm not cool enough to interact with them) who has a fanfic called Solar Lunacy which is *chefs kiss* really fulfills my shameless need for x Reader content 💜 ((seriously if I could find familial TS Patton x Reader content I would print it out and hang it on my wall))
Yes the robojesters are very silly and I have to say I'm seeing the FNAF fandom leaning on the head canon that they may have not originally been child-care robots, but on-stage actors, and we're just given child-care programming later which makes me 👀 I love them being doting kiddo caretakers but also the idea of a dedicated thespian being throwing into a pile of wailing children and told to figure it out is absolutely hilarious to me.
Also yes!! I love me some Sanders Sides!! Love my boys. No one is surprised but Patton's bit with the tinier and tinier boxes absolutely was my favorite part. My parents did that when I was like ten and it started off with this GIANT box and I think there were at least six I had to go through before I found a plush of Snoopy and tickets to go to Camp Snoopy at Knott's Farm (forever salty that it was bought by Nickelodeon). I still have that plushy somewhere in my room 💜 and entire book of pressed pennies from Camp Snoopy.
Anyway I actually genuinely enjoyed the new Asides! I miss so much the original format of videos that were one-off and shorter, the conflict being self-contained and generally light hearted. And the interaction between Logan and Virgil was so adorable 💜
Tell me about moths 👀 I love moths and butterflies and BEES😍 (I'm lame, my favorites are the Lunar moth and the Rosey Maple moth. My fairy-sona's outfit is themed to a crossover of the two, though it was more lunar moth like when I first put it together. It's evolved a lot over the years.) Spiders and I have a love-hate relationship rn; the fuzzy ones make me want to cry (pos) and the spindly ones make me want to cry (neg). There's a colony of tiny spindly ladies living in my basement bathroom that I don't know how they got there and I don't know how they keep reproducing because there are no bugs down there.
I don't know what a tardigrade is .....
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superwavesmasher · 4 months
My Fanon for my Fics - Cye's HC
Soooo here are my Cye head canons. There will probably be a second post because I've got so many.
In my fics, Cye's the youngest. It goes Sage, Rowen, Kento, Ryo and Cye
The boys ages run from 17-19. *shrug* the art style didn't make them look like kids and it always bothered me. Soooo I moved stuff up a bit.
Cye's mother is from the UK and his dad is from Japan. His father is in the navy (or Japanese equivalent) and was shipped around to different places. He meets their mother on his first station in the UK. Then he was moved back to Japan. 10 years later he was asked to move back to the UK which is where Cye was born.
Cye's father dies right after he gets the armor. His mother blames Cye for not being able to save their father even though there was no way he could have known or done anything about it.
Mrs. Mouri runs from being waaaay too helicopter over her precious son to being that toxic helicopter. Where he's gaslit into believing stupid things. (I thank you perfect fanfic writer from early 2000s for these headcanons because I live for them)
One of the main thing she gas lights him on is being weak and that his sister should have found the armor maybe then their father would have been alive.
Sayako is a protective spit fire of a woman who looks like the perfect house wife until she opens her mouth. She's learned the proper way of the Japanese wife but when prompted can just lose it and will beat you for touching her brother. She can also drink anyone under the table. Kento may or may not be terrified of her and she loves it. She was convinced that Kento was going to get her brother's heart and is in shock when it winds up being Rowen.
Sayako doesn't take her mothers crap and will throw it right back into her face.
Out of the 5 armors, Torrent has to regularly be "recharged" and taken to the ocean to retain it's power. If Cye or the armor is away from water too long it can negatively impact his health.
Because of this Cye worries that he's the weakest warrior out of all of them when we know it's not true.
The armor is always trying to push Cye back towards the water even when it's not healthy for him to do so. (big in my POTS universe).
Torrent is the armor that connects the other 8 to each other and holds them together in a bond. Without Cye or Torrent the team would fall apart and could turn evil very easily (actually have a fic written off this). Basically the others have to keep him alive above all else but the ancient forbids Cye knowing about it.
He has the stuffed whale named Suki and it's the size of a large teddy bear and it goes EVERYWHERE when they are spending the night. Kento doesn't blink an eye and just talks to it like he's a real thing.
Cye also has a slight addiction to squishmellows and sea creature stuffed animals. He has a killer whale plush that fills up the entire love seat in his apartment.
He has normal pajamas and slippers but he owns a few one piece shark, killer whale and dolphin pajamas. He'll never admit to it out in public.
Because of his mother and the fact that he couldn't save his father, he feels like he's a disappointment and so he never shows how he truely feels to anyone except Kento at first. He hides when he's hurt and refuses to worry anyone else to the point it gets ridiculous.
He loves baking (just like actual fanon) but can make beautifully decorated pies, loafs, etc.
He loves cooking just as much. He will use recipes and has so many books but also makes his own up and they rarely fail.
He has a sky blue checkered apron with a killer whale on it that he stitched all by himself.
While he doesn't always show it, Cye loves being witness to drama and will sit and nod politely acting as if he's caring but is only taking it in to spill to Sayako later. XD
He's more jealous than he comes across and can be a bit of a brat sometimes. Kento knows this and warns everyone else but no one believes him until they get to NY and Cye basically kicks Runa/Luna down the stairs after she gets too close to Rowen. ("So sad." He looks back not wincing at the crash before smiling innocently, "Anyway, we're going to find Mia and Yuli in Little Tokyo"
He's addicted to tea. He needs it and pouts when he doesn't get it or can't make it.
He loves to host people and have proper tea. He's very knowledgeable about it across the board for the world wide practices as well.
His favorite TV Show is Midsummer Murders and he forces Rowen and Sage to watch it.
He's also a disney fan and loves the movies. (Little Mermaid is his favorite, obviously)
He will nag the hell out of you with anything you are doing. He's the equivalent of a back seat driver x 10000.
I have more but these are off the top of my head XD. @kosmicpowers (tagging because you said you were excited to know more. The other guys are coming soon.)
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I'm a bit late to the party, but I recently got the first volume of the English P4U2 manga!
I am absolutely geeking out over comparing the Jap, Eng, and fan-Eng versions, so if anyone has any pages or panels they want to see side-by-side across the three, let me know and I'll make a post for you! I can't do the entirety of the book of course, but I can do a few pages at least.
(Below the cut is my initial opinion on the quality of the translation work, some comparisons between various details of the Jap volume and the Eng volume, and some more manga page side-by-sides.)
As for my impression of the translation work so far... To me, it feels like the translator was trying to preserve more of the original Japanese language/culture than Eng-P4AU chose to? Not in every instance though, as there's definitely cases where vernacular translations are utilized instead of literal. But where more literal translations are favored, the wording can feel a little awkward or OOC in English.
Even still, it's a pretty cohesive reading experience, in my opinion.
Also, they translated "Plume of Dusk" correctly, which is a relief. I was worried that some of the technical lore terms might get bungled by literal translations, lol. Conversely, while I'm glad that they didn't preserve Jap-Teddie's "-kuma" habit, and happy that they included a few bear puns in accordance to Eng-Teddie's speech habits, I do lament the low quantity and diversity of bear puns in Teddie's speech overall. Maybe there just wasn't a lot of good places for those in this volume though, so I'll have to see going forth.
Oh- and I noticed that some of the background signs and text got translations as well, which I think is really neat. (I don't read enough manga to know if that's just a standard feature of manga translations though, lol.)
Granted, this is just my first-read first impression, and I don't know enough Japanese to know if some lines may be translated less accurately or not. Plus, I tend to be on the lenient side when judging the quality of creative works. So please refer to other opinions as well if you're trying to decide the quality of the translation for yourself!
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Fun fact: the Eng version was printed bigger than the Jap version (at least for the Jap volumes I have; no clue if they printed those at multiple sizes).
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Also something cool about the Eng version is that it comes with the same color illustrations as the Jap version had, just sized-up. The exclusive edition also comes with a bonus fold-out poster of the original volume cover!
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The end-of-volume artist/editor comic was included as well! I'm personally very glad to finally know what this comic says. My respect for Rokuro-san and Sakamaguro-san (the fish) as creatives has grown even further.
Here's a few other page comparisons too because I found them interesting. xP
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(If you wanna see the fan-Eng in higher quality than the screengrabs I used, you can find it on Mangadex [here].)
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disabledrunner5 · 8 months
Well, it’s my birthday!
I’m officially slap bang in my mid twenties now 😅 but more to the point, that means it’s also my Runner Five’s birthday!
So I thought it would be cute to show you guys what I imagine what my Five received from Sam when she woke up on her birthday that took place during season 6 and some headcanons:
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Five woke up alone to this on her birthday ^
The map is shit, I mean there’s no mystery around where she was going or where she needed to stop but she wasn’t going to say anything. She liked how there was no mystery about it and she was 100% going to humour Sam by doing it properly.
The picture did have a comment on the back of ‘the pink thing is a worm’. But Five teared up when she saw the picture.
One of the stops was Runner 8’s statue which is where Five goes to think. She said good morning to the statue on her way round.
Anyway when she got to the comms shack Sam was there with a huge smile and a ginormous pastry spread picnic for breakfast. Five had no idea how he pulled that off since a) pastry isn’t readily available and b) the comms shack is kind of vital (she later learned they’d set up a back up Comms shack from a old van they used on the run from Sigrid)
Then their friends joined (bringing chocolate cake, this is before the chocolate factory got blown up in season 6) and they opened the presents:
Janine got her a Bletchley Park quiz book.
Jodie knitted her a Gryffindor beanie hat
Maxine and Paula got her a few survival bits and bobs, like a first aid kit and the most recent player handbook for DND.
Baby Sara insisted on giving her a teddy with a orange hoodie on it ‘because it reminds her of daddy’ so if Sam was away from Five all she needed to do was hug the bear. Five nearly genuinely cried at that gift. (Baby Sara is probably in her toddler years in season 6 but I imagine its a ‘Gavin and Stacey’ situation where Baby Sara is now a nickname)
Jamie got her a pair of brand new trainers, he’s the kind of England but he he knows what Five really needed.
Amelia unfortunately got her some cosmetics claiming she looked tired all the time which really rubs Five and Sam up the wrong way because of course she looks tired, she’s a runner!
Brett Valmont even sent her a gift which confuses her, he gifted her the eleventh Doctor’s sonic screwdriver that was used in the show. The actual prop (or one of them).
Peter got her the full boxset of Red Dwarf with special features, and I mean all of Red Dwarf up until the apocalypse started.
Veronica made her a real life working K9 model (lasers not included).
Then Five found out how Valmont knew it was her birthday, Sam had been given by him the actual ring that Catherine Tate wore in the Doctor Who episode The Runaway Bride, the bio damper ring. Sam asked whether he could give it to her as a proper engagement ring for her birthday and he’d agreed.
That is Sam’s present…well part of it, he had commissioned Maxine to work on a special module for Demons and Darkness for Five’s birthday!
So they spend the rest of the day eating cake, and playing DND (although Paula had to take Sara out for a while because restless toddler not good and Amelia excuses herself claiming she’s too good for dnd)
Five has a really good, and more importantly stress free day (well as stress free as playing dnd can get)
She couldn’t have asked for better friends to celebrate with.
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Legal Disclaimer
The Sojourner’s Rest is an adult establishment, catering to adult patrons of eXtrEMe GiRth varying needs from across many different dimensions.
The Proprietress is 18+ and only 18+ patrons are admitted. The Proprietress is not responsible for any minors who arE cLaiMEd By tHe VoiD get lost in the Forest.
The Proprietress reserves the right to anNiHiLaTE deny service to any patron found violating the establishment’s policy of universal love, acceptance, and compassion.
Check ‘#the sign’ for a list of welcome kinks.
LoOk At tHe @multidimensionalbulletinboard oR eLsE
dOn’T bREaK kaYfAbE
ThERe iS No stATuE.
Welcome to the Forest
Nestled into a grove in a verdant forest, itself the heart of an inter-dimensional nexus, sits an idyllic cottage. This is the Sojourn’s Rest, an establishment that patronizes those who are passing between dimensions, putting them up for a night, as well as providing refuge for those that has become lost in the Forest. Smoke drifts up from the stone chimney, and a warm light emanates from the windows, inviting you to come inside, to mingle with whomever may be inside, and to rest…
…Or, you could ignore it, and press on through the forest, in search of the portal which will bring you to your destined dimension. Just don’t get lost~
Guest Book bellow~
(Pictures of guests may be outdated!!! So hard to find film in the Forest!!!)
Residents of The Sojourner’s Rest
[A picture of an adorable woman is pinned here. Her vibrant red hair is luscious and long, flowing freely down her back to her waist. Her emerald eyes shine with enthusiasm, and a bright smile dimples full, lightly freckled cheeks.]
Lucy Loveless
110lbs., 5’4”, ?? y.o.
Human B&B Proprietress
Ayyy, lmao, it me, ya gurl! (I miss the internet so much). I figure if I’m going to take down information about my guests, it’s only fair I do the same for myself. I run the Sojourner’s Rest — which is actually my second, and much more successful B&B. I’ve just always liked taking care of other people, so this just seems like the job for me! I’m not exactly sure how I got here, or how long I’ve been here, but even if I could get home somehow, I don’t think I would go. I’m much happier here, and it’s not like there was anyone who’d miss me.
Guests from Faerûn
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180lbs., 6’1”, 20 y.o.
Githyanki LV 12 Battle Master Fighter
Str: 20, Dex: 14, Con: 16, Int: 8, Wis: 12, Cha: 8
This one scares me… always hissing, always making noises that feel like swears… It’s like living with cat that hates you. A mean, hissing cat you really want to rub the belly of but it won’t let you. But instead of a cat, it’s a muscly frog lady, and instead of getting scratched by claws, you get run through by a giant silver sword. So, you know, it’s risk versus reward.
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150lbs., 5’6”, 40 y.o.
High Half-Elf LV 12 Light Domain Cleric of Selûne
Str: 12, Dex: 18, Con: 14, Int: 10, Wis: 20, Cha: 10
In the name of the Moon, she will punish you! Haha! Uh… Anyway, she really likes the whole ambiance of the cottage, she’s especially fond of the flower garden. She has a love for life I’ve seen before; the kind you only develop after years of not living.
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Karlach Cliffgate
230lbs., 6’1”, 30 y.o.
Zariel Tiefling LV 8 Oath of Vengeance Paladin LV 4 Battle Master Fighter
Str: 18, Dex: 10, Con: 14, Int: 8, Wis: 10, Cha: 18
She’s like a big teddy bear! A big, muscly, flaming teddy bear. And I don’t mean flaming as in, flamboyantly homosexual. (Although, c’mon, look at her) She’s literally flaming, there are little holes in her that fire comes out of, and her hair is also kind of fire? And not like, as in really cool and awesome. (Although, c’mon, look at her). It like, glows and is hot, but it doesn’t burn up. That all said, she’s a big sweetie who I bet is great for cuddling on a cold night~
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Minthara Baenre
170lbs., 5’7”, 100 y.o.
Lolth-Sworn Drow LV 5 Assassin Rogue LV 7 Gloomstalker Ranger
Str: 8, Dex: 18, Con: 14, Int: 12, Wis: 12, Cha: 14
I don’t understand how a person can just be mean. I get some people are mean, but to just be mean? Nothing else, and for no reason? I can’t imagine how a person ends up that way. She’s rude to the other guests, so full of herself, and gets violent at the drop of a hat. She is — and I never thought I would say this about a person — totally beyond any kind of redemption. And I want her to spit on me.
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Leslie Applebottom/‘Lez’
40lbs., 3’0”, 34 y.o.
Lightfoot Halfing College of Lore Bard
Str: 8, Dex: 16, Con: 8, Int: 14, Wis: 12, Cha: 20
I never thought someone so small could be so intimidating… and I never thought someone so intimidating could be such a sweetie! Always in a chipper mood, compliments my cooking, offers to help out around the cottage (she’s very handy!), even plays music for free! She seems to be the one who resolves any conflict among her friends, using her words to make sure things don’t come to blows, but she’s not afraid to use her aforementioned intimidating presence to solve problems as well! Seducing them to make them docile also doesn’t seem to be off the table…
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Dame Cynthia Hale
180lbs., 6’, 30 y.o.
Human LV 12 Oath of Ancients Paladin Zariel Tiefling LV 5 Fiend Warlock LV 7 Broken Oath Paladin
Str: 8, Dex: 8, Con: 16, Int: 14, Wis: 12, Cha: 20
Dame Cynthia may just be one of the most polite guests I’ve ever had! So gallant and chivalrous, and dashing in that shiny heavy armor~ I guess I should expect nothing less from such a pious and selfless knight! A hero using her own body as a shield for the innocent! …Of course, Humans don’t have horns and tails, and Paladins don’t smell of sulfur, yet she wants me to believe that’s what she is? I’m not that naïve. I would not recommend bringing it up to her, though. She crushed a mug with her bare hand when I did, and she likes me!
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135lbs, 6’2”, 269 y.o.
Wood Elf LV 12 Circle of the Moon Druid
Str:8, Dex: 14, Con: 16, Int: 8, Wis: 20, Cha: 12
Now this is a tricky one to keep track of! She’s a cat as often as she is an Elf, and a bear twice as often as that! When I asked her about her name, she said that she changed her name when she changed her real body’s look, and I guess if you can change your body as easily as you can change your name, why wouldn’t you? I would give myself extra arms to clean better… She’s a good guest, very mellow and good spirited, and would be a pleasure to be around if it weren’t for her… well, smell. It’s funny, of all the animals I’ve seen her turn into, a skunk is not one of them, but I always smell one when she’s around…
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Maddison Murphy/‘Paunch Drunk Murphy’
200lbs., 5’7”, 42 y.o.
Human LV 8 Way of the Open Fist Monk, LV 4 Thief Rogue
Str: 8, Dex: 20, Con: 16, Int: 8, Wis: 16, Cha: 10
So, I think she used to be called ‘Punch Drunk Murphy’, being that fighting drunk was her whole thing, but the ‘a’ got added when she developed a, well, paunch from all her drinking. Not much has changed there, though now she relies on throwing her weight around rather than using any strength, and nobody can hit her because she wobbles around so much. She’s… boisterous, let’s say. And very fond of her drink, obviously. I’d prefer it if she were less rowdy, but she’s not technically breaking any rules, so I can’t really do anything about it… Hard to believe she’s technically the oldest of her party. And a mother!
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Talica Dahlmass
140lbs., 5’6”, 47 y.o.
Drow Half-Elf Necromancy Wizard
Str: 8, Dex: 16, Con: 14, Int: 20, Wis: 10, Cha: 10
She’s the most level-headed and calm of her friends, and honestly? That makes her the scariest. She’s cold. Calculating. Charming Conniving. She knows what it takes to get what she wants, and she’s willing to do it. If helping will get her what she wants, she’ll help. If hurting advances her goals, she’ll hurt. It makes no difference to her. That kind of raw, self serving ambition never leads anywhere good. And everywhere she goes, an aura of death hangs over her… I swear I smell rot on her as well…
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150lbs., 5’8”, 22 y.o.
High Half-Elf Wild Magic Sorcerer
Str: 8, Dex: 14, Con: 16, Int: 10, Wis: 10, Cha: 20
Definitely the most… unpredictable guest I’ve ever had. It’s almost like she doesn’t think about what she does, she just acts on impulse. That has to be it; I can’t think of a rational explanation for half the thing she does. One minute she’s cleaning her clothes, the next she’s setting them on fire. One minute she’s beating someone within an inch of their life, the next she’s kissing them (although that seems to be the common theme for this bunch). One minute, there’s light and life in her eyes, the next… someone else is in there…
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Grymglain Stoneflow
200lbs., 4’4, 44 y.o.
Deurgar LV 12 Berserker Barbarian
Str: 20, Dex: 16, Con: 16, Int: 8, Wis: 10, Cha: 8
She won’t come inside the cottage. Instead she sets up a tent outside whenever her group comes to visit. I respect a person who feels at home in the wild, forgoing the comforts and stresses of modern living in favor of a life in oneness with nature. And I’m especially impressed she hasn’t been claimed by the Forest. I just wish she wouldn’t ‘forage’ in my garden. At least she shares the meat from her hunting, but I bet it’s only because she thinks I’m a better cook than her…
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Hidi Goldseeker/Hide ’n Seek
40lbs., 3’4, 33 y.o.
Deep Gnome LV 7 Thief Rogue LV 5 Champion Fighter
Str: 9, Dex: 20, Con: 16, Int: 12, Wis: 10, Cha: 12
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