#also hand over the url i need to follow for... reasons
captain-hawks ยท 15 days
Dee my beloved!! I missed you so very much these past couple of weeks! I have post notifications for you turned on so every time I got a lil notification from you I would be like c: when I saw your url and then :c bc I was usually too distracted/busy to come on here esp bc I need a laptop for the level of word vomit I usually conjure up for your precious thoughts and words.
I hope you're feeling better, so sorry to hear you were sick. I spent 20 hours making over 2 gallons of noodle soup and all its accoutrement for my bf's surprise bday party so I'm virtually sharing it with you. It's a bun rieu with plenty of Dungeness crab topped with lots of fresh veggie and herbs and homemade crab meatballs and herby fish paste and lil porky meatballs.
Did you do anything fun over labor day/are you prepping for fall in any way? I'm switching out my candlessss even though it is still a hellscape where I am and will feel like living on the surface of the sun until November.
I missed your AMA so can I ask now? What's the most embarassing thing that's happened to you in recent memory? Bc I flew home for a wedding and although it was for the son of beloved family friends (the son i also consider a brother figure), some people should not get schwasty in public bc the father of the groom came over loudly proclaim/lament that he wished *i* was becoming his daughter in law instead. At his son's wedding to a very sweet lady I adore. Five separate times. With people all around. I wanted to return 2 the sea. I wanted to be left alone in a corner with the 6 ebooks I had downloaded. I literally hid in a restroom for 75 minutes and risked everybody thinking I had The Shits just so I could get some peace to myself.
Anyways, before I go I am going to leave you with some of the final product of the cake I was telling you about that I was testing different components for. I really wish I could actually share with y'all instead of just telling you and cate about it in chats but until wonkavision is invented I'll pretend sending a pic is the same thing. I settled on double vanilla brown butter cake/pickled cayenne strawberry compote/yuzu and lemon curd liquid cheesecake/graham milk crumb. The layers didn't come out as cleanly as I'd hoped but I might try another one with white and yellow peaches (macerated? Cooked into a jam or Japanese style syrup?) and a Mango curd to squeeze every last bit of summer fruit season out.
If kita-non is around and for some reason bothers to read my inane prattle can i pls share a slice with u too. The couple times I got to skim your thoughts these past few weeks I was spending time offline I wanted to give your brain a big ole squeeze. Just lookin' at the pair of you with hearts in my eyes like look at u guys go torturing us with sweet sweet kita thoughts. We can pretend he supplied the fruits used in the cake โค
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i was still feeling quite cruddy over labour day weekend, but i DID go hunt down the CVS puffer jacket snoopy plushie....a personal accomplishment ๐Ÿ˜‚ (he was hard to find!). also iโ€™m planning to bust out my giant totes of halloween decorations this weekend!!! my fall candles are staring at me adoringly from the closet ready to take over.
I AM SO SORRY FOR YOUR MISFORTUNE????? i cannot believe. i, too, would have called the bathroom my new home to never be perceived again. (has anyone informed sober!dad of his big drunk mouth????)
so this is secondhand embarrassment until i come up with a better story BUT i was on a zoom meeting at work today, and a man was pitching software to my boss & i. said man realized 40 minutes in that the software actually isnโ€™t even available in my geographical region and thus he had completely wasted our time. i watched his soul leave his body through the screen.ย the most awkward goodbye followed.
also if i magically appear in your pocket at some point like a tiny creature with its hands out begging for food, itโ€™s because every time you describe something youโ€™ve made, i yearn like no tomorrow. that soup sounds divine?? AND THE CAKE!!!!! THE CAKE!!!!!!!! itโ€™s beautiful. it puts other cake to shame.ย i will dream of this cake. it will haunt me.
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roleplay-theme-recs ยท 22 days
hello! I know the last reblog on this account was over 3 years ago so I'm not sure how up to date you may be or if you can help but I've been trying to find as many of the old "glee" themes as I can to have on hand for use as they're some of my favorite styles from back in the day. themes today, as pretty and nice as they are, seem to mostly be very complex or not easy to edit for personal use, there's also so many that are paid and not free (which I totally understand that reasoning! just not feasible for me when I don't always know if I'll wanna actually use the theme once I have and see the code) and so anyway like the ones I'm thinking of are ones like agleerph have done and there's a few others I've found through this blog and just trying to go back through old reblogs of my own or remembering urls to the best of my knowledge and hoping they haven't either changed, deactivated, or have deleted their codes/themes. Like one I wanted to look through was diannasroleplays but it seems the live previews don't work and all the pastebin links say they aren't public. Would you possibly be able to make a list of all theme makers that made themes like that and still have them up and available? I know some I've found I did also have to add a -blog at the end of their username because the blog has been inactive so long and tumblr does that to blogs not in use after awhile before fully deleting them. Thank you in advance!
Ah ha I found the message after you tracked me down elsewhere.
I had been thinking over the last week to actually go through this blog and either archive themes or delete themes that I cannot get the code for. I myself was trying to look for a theme this week that could be useful, but again I came across the same problem you did.
If you are willing to come off anon and contact me in private either here or fionaroleplays (more active here). I would be happy to find a suitable theme for your current needs.
I double checked diannasroleplays themes. While their theme previews are up on their blog (after going through their tagged page). They removed the pastebin codes. So I am not able to find the code. An interesting thing is that I found that on Wayback Machine their blog is listed. So i'll see what I find there.
If you want a similar style theme then I can suggest the following whose pastebin's are still active:
grpcthemes - Pastebin still there
stcarebearrps (tagged on this blog) - Blog deactivated but Pastebin still there
josieposierps-blog - Pastebin active
You may have to do some code management because these are old themes and don't match with new Tumblr updates, but that doesn't take long.
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oozeyboozey ยท 28 days
-slides over url-
POSITIVITY HOUR!!! featuring @wormholxtreme.
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OKAY ... *rubs hands together* another blog that i really cannot praise enough okay? maddie might truly be one of the most amazing people know know and be friends with here on tumblr. from the moment we started plotting , i felt like i wasn't a hassle. i wasn't a chore , or just some other blog to follow and write with sometimes. i felt like it was two buddies just having fun.
i've been apart of the marvel rpc on and off since 2012 on here , and i've seen the community through many transformations , and it's just such a breath of fresh air to see there's people who are still just so passionate about the source material , forming good stories , and also MAKING FRIENDS! there's a genuine interest in what's happening in our lives ... and you don't see that very much anymore.
and also ... THE QUALITY OF MUSES you guys!!!! aside from the amazing muses on this blog , she has an amazing tony stark that i actually think about automatically when i think about tony. and when we started really getting into plotting ... THERE WAS EVEN MORE TO BE AMAZED BY!!! she offered to play one of anya's BIGGEST VILLAINS! she's not afraid when it comes to plotting , which let me tell you ... it makes plotting amazing stuff SO MUCH EASIER! they have been needing to step back for personal reasons ... but trust me when i say , follow her anyways ... i promise the wait will be worth it! and lastly ... their sweet bean kaylee is one of anya's favorite people on the planet. and she'll cut a bitch for her!
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effemar ยท 10 months
do you have any asoiaf or jaimebrienne fics you'd reccomend?
You're trying to make my day I see!!! You bet I do!!!
All the fics I'm recommending here are under either the 'ASOIAF' or 'ASOIAF and related fandoms' fandom tag, because I usually dodge show fic (with a few very special exceptions). I do, in fact, read a lot of jaimebrienne, but I have a few here that I really like that are focused on other things. I usually avoid modern AU, though I read it sometimes if the premise intrigues me.
From This Day Until the End of My Days -- JB fic of all time. Funny story: before I ever read or got into ASOIAF, I used to follow swordmaid (I think this is still their url?) here on tumblr because I liked their art, so I saw a lot of JB posting before I was even familiar with the characters. There's a specific line from this fic that they posted because it was so insanity inducing, and I was so shaken by it that I copy pasted it and kept it in my notes app to look at it when I wanted to drive myself crazy. I didn't even read the fic it was from because I knew nothing about the characters, but even then it had such an effect on me that I kept it on my phone at all times. I'm not going to tell you what the line is, because believe me, you will know it when you see it. Anyway. This should be required reading for everyone who enjoys JB even a little. "What does this fic feel like?" uhhhhh not everything feels like something else hope this helps <3
Deliverance -- Heed warnings on this. Melisandre my forever girl... I love when women are trapped in their bodies. I love when women give and give and give and it's not enough. I love when women are damned, condemned by their own minds, their own hearts. I love when women lie and kill and destroy themselves in the pursuit of something and never, ever get it. I love when women are scared. I love when women are scared and then angry and then scared again. I love when women bleed poison. I love when women no longer feel pain. I love when women kill other women. I love when women are red, and terrible, and red. I love when women are eaten alive by god. Melisandre needs to leave Stannis and get with a real man like me I'D burn as many children as she wanted...
The Rancher and the Mail Order Bride -- Modern AUs are over from now on we're putting ASOIAF characters in 1800's fantasy Australia. Jaime and Brienne should NOT have twitter accounts but you know what they should have? Cowboy hats. Jaime's here because he killed a king and then got caught fucking his sister in short order, and promptly got sent to fantasy Australia as a convict. Brienne's here because she responded to an ad seeking a wife and traveled to fantasy Australia in hopes of gaining a home and a living, but the guy didn't want to marry her and now she's stuck here. It's like Little House on the Prairie if Little House on the Prairie was about the importance of accepting help from others and becoming a participant in your own life. Also includes Classic Jaime One-Liner Moment 'didn't you commit incest with your own sister?' / 'okay well obviously it wouldn't be incest if it was someone ELSE'S sister' which I did think was funny I won't lie to you.
be yourself my ally -- I believe in the power of yuri to change the world and I think Sansa and Dany should be in love and play in the snow and hold hands and giggle together and I'm glad the person who wrote this understands my vision. They are so #feminism. I like this fic for a lot of reasons number one being that it's ASOIAF fic and not GOT fic (hard to find in the Daensa tag) and number two is that it gets the appeal of Daensa on a fundamental level... it's about the broken trust, the longing for home, the reclamation of girlhood.... it UNDERSTANDS.... Anyway. I love Sansa's characterization here and I think it's cute that her internal narration spends time lovingly describing all of Dany's outfits. There's a fun unintentional(?) Rhaenicent reference that I thought was sweet and weirdly fitting in context. It's not very clear on the actual events that transpire that make it so the setting can exist, but I like what they do clarify: Sansa killed Petyr confirmed!!!! WHOOPEE!!!!
witness to the arc towards the sun -- If I remember correctly this is technically 5+1 fic so it has separate little interactions. Some explicit some not? I think? Fav is the one where Jaime and Brienne are hanging out in the Eyrie and Jaime tells her about he and Cersei going down to see the lions under Casterly Rock. Scene for insane people. Should lions long for such things... when I tell you it lives in my head rent free... Both of the moments that affected me the most in this fic are Jaime childhood memories actually -- there's another bit later where he remembers going swimming with Cersei and Tyrion that makes me want to set myself on fire. Second fav interaction is probably the one where Brienne defends Jaime's character and he breaks out in sincerity hives. God i know that guy ugly sobs listening to ASMR affirmation videos... you tell Jaime Lannister he's a good person and he starts stress vomiting. Brienne also gets to have a matching honorable death crisis which I enjoyed. They have both a picnic and also an incident of traumatic wound care so it basically runs the full gamut 10/10 highly recommend.
Like Snufkin and Little My (we'll get around wherever) -- This one might be hit or miss -- its a bit niche but I love it so w/e it's going on here. I think part of why I like it so much is because there's a tendency to make modern AU characters have an almost crushing awareness of sociopolitical minutiae when I know in my heart that Ned Stark thinks gay people should keep it to themselves, Sansa posts awareness infographics on her instagram story without reading them, and Robb thought lesbian was a swear word until 15. This fic understands that. This fic knows that Arya deserves to be a nonbinary anarchist who sends people anon hate on tumblr, and Sansa deserves to follow influencer makeup tutorials and put "LGBTQIA+ ally :)" in her bio despite being a lesbian. And they deserve to be siblings who love each other and also kick each other in the shins. I believe this to the bottom of my soul.
And off they went, from here to there -- I don't have anything for this one I genuinely just love seeing people happy. I think Jaime and Brienne deserve to dance and be obnoxious and also not die.
Okay that's it. I have more that I like but they're embarrassing to recommend so I'll stop there. I also left off some HOTD fic I like, bc I was unsure whether you meant pure ASOIAF or if you'd allow derivatives, but know that there is a vast and beautiful wealth of Rhaenicant content in the world that you should read. Peace and love, may your ao3 scrolling be free of obscure kink fic โœŒ๏ธ
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glitch--stitch ยท 2 years
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I am crocheting my first QR code. Here's how you can too :)
In order to complete this project you will need to know how to read a crochet graph and how to carry color. If you are not sure search "how to tapestry crochet"
It is not too difficult but I do not recommend this as your first Tapestry crochet project but maybe your third or fourth one because the code will only work if you make this correctly. I dont want you to spend 5 hours making this just for it to not work :'(
1. Go to stitchfiddle.com
2. Select create new chart -> crochet -> crochet with colors -> no yarn preference -> create from QR code -> from the drop menu for type I selected website -> copy and paste the URL -> size 1 -> open chart
3. I am using medium 4 weight yarn and a 3.5 mm hook. I am adding a border that is 2 rows and 4 st9tches thick. I am also using 2 DC per pixel, so...
4. My QR code is 29 pixels wide. 2 DC per pixel means the code will be 58 stitches wide. I am adding a border 4 stitches thick. So 4 DC for the left and 4 DC for the right makes each row a total of 64 stitches wide.
5. QR codes are square so that means mine is also 29 pixels/ rows tall. I am adding that border which is 2 rows thick. So 2 rows for the top and 2 rows for the bottom which makes it 33 rows tall. This does not include the initial chain.
6. It's important that how ever many rows you decide to start with before you begin your code graph that you are facing the front of the work when you start row 1 of the code.
7. Begin this in your light color (white, yellow, light blue etc) Your border MUST being a certain thickness and must be a light color. It will not scan if your border is too dark or too thin. Trust me, I had to add stitches to make mine work.
Row 1: Chain 63 + 2, DC into 3rd chain from hook, DC across (64 double crochets including that chain 2)
8. Starting rows with a "SC in SC type DC":
SC into the top of the last DC of the previous row, SC into that SC. This is how every row will start. It's thicker and fills in space better than starting a row with a chain 2. Or chain 2 instead Idc its your life my guy.
Row 2: Either Chain 2 or make the SC in SC type DC then DC across (64)
9. Row 3: Either Chain 2 or make the SC in SC type DC to start then DC across
10. We have just finished the bottom edge of the border and will now begin the code. Start with two DC stitches then begin the graph. Remember each pixel / square is made up of two DC stitches. Carry your colors on the back of the work making sure to keep a gentle tension which will help the work lay flat. You can block this if it is too wavy or wrinkly.
Row 4: Ch 2, DC into the next 3 stitches, then begin your QR Code graph. Carry Color on the back side. 2 DC per pixel or square on your graph.
11. If your code does not scan
-Try adding an additional row of stitches to each side. I had to do a full border of DC all around mine to make it work
-Try stretching it wider and taller to make the stitches sit better
-Try actually blocking the square
-Try going through and eyeballing any where a stitch might have been lost, like a square thats only 1 DC wide for some reason. You can Hand embroider over the top of the stitch in the color it is supposed to be. Its not a complete loss! You can see where this wouldve happened because its actually noticable, there will be a wierd stairstep where there should be a corner touching another corner.
-Try going through and making sure you followed the graph exactly, square for square. Im sorry and good luck. If you got a square that was one color but shouldve been another you can hand embroider over the top to make it the color it should be. You got this.
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neverhangd ยท 1 year
doing bits and bobs on the blog, obviously. rn i'm in potc hell (thank the gang lmao, s/o for dealing with me go to: @mvrtogg, @itismissswann, @norringtxn / @collectorofmuses), and i just realized that the majority of people who follow me may not have read this page (or even known it existed!), so i wanted to give two important bits of context!
1.) anne bonny walked so her archetypes could run.
i literally found out two weeks ago that anne bonny isn't stupid famous. whaaaaaat? but actually, that did shock me. maybe it's because i had two pirates phases and like research, but i've known a little bit about her since i was a kid: specifically, that she was a kick-ass pirate woman. i've learned a lot more since then, and i love to share it; i joined a group that i thought had a pirate phase only to learn that...they hadn't. and had no idea who anne bonny was outside of being a character someone before me had written as well.
it was exactly then that i realized anne bonny isn't a super famous kick-ass pirate woman and i felt like that one part of dogma. someone was trying to explain how my take on anne bonny both was and wasn't in-line with the previous writer's and it took me a while to realize they were asking what show or book i used for canon because they doubted she was the same character, despite sharing the archetypes. so. just so it's out there, here's an incomplete list of archetypes we can apply to the historical figure anne bonny, kick-ass pirate woman:
riches to rags (gave up a privileged life to marry a pirate)
the redhaired irish
girlboss/tits out for piracy (she would famously whip her shirt off in battle so men would know they'd been killed by a woman)
did it for love (left her first husband and became a pirate with her second)
it's a love story (whatever else they were, history tells us jack and anne were in love, even if i don't usually use that on this blog)
three's company, too (anne and read were absolutely an item at the same time as anne and jack)
ambiguously queer (i advocate for a bisexual anne, but the only lady-type lover she took was read, who can be fairly read as transmasc, putting some doubt on the full connotation of her orientation/s)
short fuse (she was known to fight over basically anything)
2.) what in the url?
since anne bonny isn't the kickass pirate bicon of my dreams--we'll get her there, one day!--it's relevant to also share what the fuck my url actually means. because she was a woman a pirate a woman and a pirate alive during the early 18th century, we actually don't have much record of anne speaking for herself. the most popularly known quote we have was spoken directly to jack rackham just before his execution:
if [you] had fought like a man, [you] need not have been hang'd like a dog. -A General History of Pyrates, Daniel Defoe
she said this to him because he and his men were the reason the ship had been caught and they had been taken prisoner and she took that very personally, as well she should! (it turns out that both anne and read were pregnant, anne by jack and read by their husband.) the larger thing is, she wasn't wrong: when the ship was invaded, only three people stood on the deck fighting: read, anne, and an unnamed pirate who presumably died in the struggle. everyone else was hiding below decks. read, in fact, famously fired TWICE down at the hiding men, killing one and injuring another.
the really wild part of all this, though, is the ending of anne's story. we don't know it.
anne's execution was stayed on account of her pregnancy, as was read's. read would die in prison from a fever, and presumably their child did as well; anne, on the other hand, simply...disappeared.
...but what is become of her since, we cannot tell; only this we know, that she was not executed. -A General History of Pyrates, Daniel Defoe (which, if you keep wondering why i'm referencing it, is considered THE source)
officially speaking, we may literally NEVER know what happened to anne. all we know is she NEVERHANGD.*
thank you for your time and attention! โ™ก
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coffee-at-annies ยท 3 months
I don't think I've asked this before but how did you get into hockey?
Haha itโ€™s kinda a funny story. The tl;dr is that I binged all of check please (omgcp) (source of my url) in like 2.5 days during spring finals week in my sophomore year. Then I went home and I donโ€™t remember how the conversation went but I was like โ€œyeah just binged the entirety of this comic, donโ€™t we likeโ€ฆ have a hockey team?โ€ and turned on the tv to game six or seven of the ecf cause it was 2016 and late May. I watched us eliminate the bolts and the rest is history.
Or as history as building an interest up over time can be. The rest is going under a cut cause the adhd loooooves to talk.
Anonymously or not, ask me something youโ€™ve always wondered.
Since I was 19, didnโ€™t have a summer job, and newly into this hockey thing thatโ€™s how I ended up at the 16โ€™ cup parade despite discovering hockey existed like 3 weeks ago.
(Side note: I donโ€™t remember much of the ecf and scf from that year I just remember Kuniโ€™s double overtime winner and the sign Rust is tough on Bolts). (Great pun 10/10 I refuse to forget).
(side-side note: My sister had actually won free tickets through a work raffle at like Christmas time to a game and took my dad and cousin cause I think I was back at school. Someone, Idk who, scored a hat trick and she was like โ€œthereโ€™s a blizzard outside, you need thoseโ€ so that was technically my first* awareness that hockey existed)
From there I was super hyperfixated on check please but that didnโ€™t have an update schedule and was going through continual hiatus followed by drops of episodes. So there was content drought and then massive content updates and so fandom both kept itself busy and then drove itself insane whenever there was an update.
In the meantime I did a couple different things:
I got super into omgcp fandom/fanfiction which lead me down a couple rabbit holes (and eventually led to the creation of this blog sometime in 2017). At some point we got junior year wherein Jack makes it to the nhl in-story so the fanfic I was reading started crossing over with rpf until I straight up started reading rpf. I wanna say the first rpf-no-omgcp fic I read (or the title that stuck in my brain) was there was an old woman who lived in a shoe. One ao3 rabbit hole spat me out into original hockey fiction (thereโ€™s a handful up for free on ao3 - supernatural hockey and the same old streets were the two I have strong memories of). This was over the course of years mind you.
Itโ€™s important to note that the venn diagram of check please bloggers and hockey bloggers is not quite a circle but was very close to one. This has always been the Sidney Crosby website and so while I may not have been paying close attention to the pens, my dash was aware of it. It was probably easier to get into because I had a go-to team and they were good. What was I gonna do, become a flyers fan cause I was in school in Philly? No thanks. Plus it felt good in a local pride โ€œwe are that bitchโ€ kinda way.
Idk how to describe it. I just know that like once the 16-17 season started, I started watching games through pirate streams. Not very often I donโ€™t think. I remember watching a handful of games, not religiously (and legally) like I do now. I remember staying up to watch the stadium series game in 17 cause I was in Manchester studying abroad but thatโ€™s the only game I specifically remember. I could probably name a handful of pens lb blogs from those days that are what put live blogging on my dash in the first place and are the reason I started doing it.
Also that fall a college friend invited me to watch Yuri On Ice so that was another tick in the ice sports good column. I remember a post about how are you coping with the omgcp hiatus are you getting into YOI or Hockey and I was like both :).
Itโ€™s wild to think itโ€™s been 7 or 8 years now. Check Please ended so hockey took over full time. Iโ€™ve made a bunch of friends and also watched a bunch of bloggers I had parasocial relationships with deactivate, get busy, or move on with their lives.
(*there are other memories. Friends who were into hockey back when the end all be all of sports to me was one baseball game a summer, saying here we go Steelers in the fall, and memeing like that one IT Crowd gif. I went to the 16 cup parade with one of my high school friends, though Iโ€™ve stuck with hockey and sheโ€™s switched to soccer).
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masonpelt ยท 1 year
A Blue Check On A Pike Warns Us Not To Give Up The Web
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For an audio podcast version of this article: click here The internet, once a hand full of websites, grew rapidly. In July 2008, Google announced it had an index of 1 trillion URLs. Nearly 15 years later, the internet is larger but, in some ways, still a handful of websites.
I frequently lament Meta and Alphabet swallowing the web. In a post about TikTok, an app with over 1 billion monthly active users, itself representing a large site that makes the internet feel small, I complained forums and directories are gone. A kind of gentrification for the web where the cool message board is now on Facebook and independent blogs are concentrated on a few platforms owned by companies that can act out in petty ways.
In most revenue share models, a large platform, Medium, Twitch, YouTube, and so forth, collect payments from ads or subscriptions and split profit with creators forming a not-technically-an-employee-but-still-kind-of-anemployee-with-extra-steps relationship. A relationship where someone may not work for [platform], but [platform] can suspend income or even remove that non-employee-etcetera's work or access to the platform without warning or reason.
Platform Control
I don't think social media is a utility that must be regulated and forced to act with neutrality. Except for actual utilities, housing, and certain banking and adjacent technologies, that sort of regulation would be undesirable.
I don't want Daily Kos prohibited by law from removing Alex Jones from the comment section. I also don't like the world where people work for platforms creating content units with no substantive legal protection. It's bad when companies can be petty and retributive while controlling much of someone's income and reputation.
Here are a few examples of large sites using an employee with extra steps model, acting outside of stated terms or norms. This is not an endorsement of any parties mentioned. It's just that, in my opinion, these companies acted to be punitive, and these are high-profile examples.
Fiverr and VoiceoverPete
Fiverr ban VoiceoverPete for "attempt[ing] to defraud or scam others," at least that's implied as the reason based on a statement from Fiver to Mel Magazine. The crime of VoiceoverPete was recording a meme format, literally one listed by Know Your Meme. The format is a fictional character who "needs your help," followed by a list of needs and a long, clearly satirical request for a credit card number.
Patreon and Sargon of Akkad
When Patreon banned user Sargon of Akkad, the creator did not actually violate the platform's terms of service. Patreon's terms of service did not at the time they ban Sargon of Akkad, have a policy for hate speech made off the platform. And from Patreon's own statements, it was an interview, unrelated to and never mentioned on Patreon, that caused the ban hammer.
Ninja and Twitch
When internet personality Ninja left Twitch, the company removed his verification badge and started promoting other streamers on his page. Ninja was, at the time, the largest streamer on Twitch, and the press about his leaving for a deal with Microsoft probably drove over-the-top traffic to his page. But at one point, Ninja's Twitch page ended up having porn streamed onto it because Twitch was promoting other streamers indiscriminately.
Twitch was completely in its right to use Ninja's abandoned feed to promote other Twitch streamers' content. But at the time, their behavior was completely outside of the norm for how Twitch handled offline streamers or streamers who left the platform. It was petty and dumb.
Out of Control
I get something out of Twitter, but not money. Unlike most social networks, Twitter doesn't share revenue with creators. Twitter needs creators, or it dies. If they designed the product to make Steven King happy, it would be better for everyone.
Instead, Twitter's been trying to remove old verification badges and failing, pissing off Steven King, pissing off Mark Cuban, banning an account Tweeting about Musk's jet, making the Twitter logo a Doge, cutting API access for most developers, creating a massive memory leak, labeling NPR as state-affiliated media and many more stupid choices.
Today is my seventh day of Twitter limbo. On March 31st, I became Elon Musk's mother for several hours. But the account was put into a type of quarantine. My username replaced by a dot, my photo removed, I cannot log in. But my profile, with the years-old blue check still stands like a head on a pike warning others that Elon Musk has mommy issues.
We Lost Control
From my Twitter purgatory I realized that for much of the last 14 years Twitter replaced bookmarking, and a swath of general notes. I've long searched my Tweets regularly seeking links I've shared or liked. The typos and voice to text errors don't make me look contemplative, but being able to find a link to an interesting story about AI from a few years ago is nice.
Before Twitter people used to microblog. Clipping to the CMS is a sort of joke in online media circles now, but it's something everyone once did. Find something you loved and wanting to bookmark and amplify, people would copy the title, and lede, add a paragraph of thoughts and click publish. ย 
Some people would, maybe, see the post from an RSS reader. If no one saw it, well Google still used (and uses) links as a ranking factor, so value was added to the original publisher. It's not so different from an account with only a few followers sharing a story.
Twitter took over the microblogging slot. A handful of news aggregators and social sites now poorly substitute RSS. Social media generally replaced comment sections. A few large platforms are the home of many independent bloggers. We gave up control of the web.
I Want Control
Twitter is not an open system but an open-facing system. The same is true for many social and blogging sites. For example, Substack, a platform I use, makes the user's ownership of the content center to the marketing messaging.
On Substack, I cannot add URL redirects or canonicalize syndicated content. Users ย may own what they create. But Substack is very much trying to frame itself as the home of that content. And making it hard to leave in a way that doesn't improve the product. I acknowledge these restrictions may help prevent spam, but they aren't open.
I will add a microblog for resharing links to my site in the coming days. I could use Pocket or Flipboard, but I'm tired of giving control to platforms that give the illusion of openness.
The Verge, added a microblog feed last year. The Verge is a massive media company, it pays those who create for it, as employees, not some weird not-technically-an-employee deal. More websites should add microblogs.
The moral warning of the blue check on a pike is stop giving up control of your data, your content, and your income without understanding the deal you're making. We need an open web, not digital land grabbing.
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digitalmarketersind ยท 2 years
How SEO And Content Marketing Work Together To Fuel Your Online Success?
Website SEO services and content marketing have changed the digital marketing world.
As the CEO of a web design firm that works with top clients across Canada, I wanted to spread the word about how SEO lends a hand with brand awareness, website traffic, PPC, and lead generation.
Before jumping into the interrelationship between SEO and content marketing, let's have a look at what the terms actually are. SEO refers to the technical process of increasing the quality of traffic and attracting maximum visitors to your website. On the other hand, content marketing is focused on using valuable and relevant content to drive profitable customer or client action.
SEO without content marketing is like a body without a soul. In particular, website SEO services are actually strategized around content marketing since every website needs words, articles, substance, keywords, etc. In order to be successful, both must go hand in hand.
The essential element of SEO is about researching and finding relevant keywords and making use of them in your content so they rank higher in the search engine results pages (SERPs). It's important to use keywords in an appropriate manner and follow a strategic approach. You should never stuff a page with keywords and over-optimize. SEO and content marketing work in balance.
Keyword strategies are imperative for effective search engine marketing (SEM). At our organization, we hunt for the top websites and competitive keywords that are closely associated with the specific business or industry we're working with. We follow a logical approach and use Google's Keyword Planner, a keyword analysis tool, to analyze the most popular keyword volume and competition (high, medium, or low). We use the long-established AdWords database of diverse industries including health, technology, entertainment, and much more.
Embedding target keywords is essential to rank well and boost traffic. But again, follow a strategy and do not stuff them in the content. Repeating keywords has a negative impact on SEO web marketing. Follow a reasonable approach and use the main keywords in the title and body section.
Quality Content
Website SEO services and content marketing require consistency. Fresh, unique, and creative content gets rapidly indexed and ranks higher than low-value and repetitive content.
Content must be able to lure your clients as well as solve a particular issue. One can write influential content by using important keywords and targeting visitors. This is the most important factor through which Google determines the relevance of a page and ranks a piece of content. Brainstorming creative ideas and embedding the most important keywords is the key to acknowledging content.
User Experience
SEO is not just about blogs, articles, keywords, and backlinks, but also about optimizing robots.txt, enhancing metadata, and using tags appropriately.
Technical optimization makes a web page appealing to the search engine and ensures that the site has no broken links with any error codes (like 404s). Otherwise, the source will be poorly ranked by the search engine. Optimizing URLs and making the slug -- everything after the .com -- concise drives the search engine to find the relevant subpages and categorize the different parts of your site. This is vital to the success of any SEO campaign. The technical SEO elements benefit the UX and are present so as to publicize the content.
A good sitemap ensures an easy approach to content for users, and optimized robots.txt crawls the site so that viewers can access the content. The appropriate tag provides outstanding and superior indexing and authentic search results. Tags like header tags and title tags benefit the user by strategizing the content in a way that is useful for readers and simple for the search engine to understand.
A good title tag ensures a great user experience as the visitor can recognize the information from the page before they actually click on it. Header tags (H1-H6) hold great importance to differentiate headings and subheadings within the content to make it well-organized.
Backlinks, link-building or inbound linking is another major factor of SEO. Connecting your links with high-domain authority sites like .edu and .org drastically increases traffic. Though developing links is possible by connecting with link-building agencies, the best method is to create expert content. To get a link back and boost traffic, stellar content is worth it.
Website SEO services and content marketing are not disparate departments. In fact, both need each other. Content marketing is only successful if it has appropriate SEO marketing. Together, website SEO services and content marketing are explosive.
If you are looking for website SEO services and content marketing services, get in touch with the leading digital marketing company, Digital Marketers India. To know more about this digital marketing agency in India and its offerings, please visit https://www.digitalmarketersindia.com/seo-service-agency-india/ย 
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onyxautoparts ยท 2 years
Why You Probably Donโ€™t Need To Repair A Broken Alternator
If your carโ€™s battery is giving up, having an alternator on hand might be a good idea. Thatโ€™s because, for some people, when the battery dies, all of their carโ€™s electronics go with it. Your radio no longer works, and your headlights and turn signals stop working. Aย instant cash for scrap carsย sample at the evaluation department will quote you at the same time, & they may visit your address for evaluation.. The alternator on your car is a critical piece of machinery. It provides the electricity necessary to power everything in your vehicle and is also responsible for maintaining a stable electric supply.
What is an Alternator?
An alternator is a device that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. It is typically used in vehicles to charge the battery and power the electrical system when the engine is running. Alternators are also used in boats, RVs, and other vehicles with engines.
Alternators work by using a pulley system to rotate a generator within an enclosure. The generator rotates an electrical current channelled through wires to the battery and electrical system. The alternator provides power to the vehicleโ€™s lights, radio, and other accessories while the engine runs.
A broken alternator can cause some problems for a vehicle, including stalling the engine, dimming headlights, and draining the battery. If you suspect your alternator is broken, itโ€™s essential to have it checked by a mechanic as soon as possible to avoid further damage to your vehicle.
How Do I Know if I Need to Repair My Alternator?
If your vehicle is displaying any of the following symptoms, it may be time to repair or replace your alternator:
Dashboard lights are dim or flickering
Headlights are dim or flickering
Vehicle is slow to start
Battery dies quickly
Stereo/audio system cuts in and out
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Alternators and Maintenance
Most people donโ€™t need to repair their alternator because they can replace it with a new one. The average cost of a new alternator is around $400, so itโ€™s not worth repairing an old one unless necessary.
If your alternator does need to be repaired, the most common problem is a bad diode. Diodes convert alternating current into direct current and can fail if they overheat. Replacing a bad diode is simple and shouldnโ€™t cost more than. We frequently offerย Car Wreckers Brisbaneย for cars from following manufacturers: Audi, BMW, Cadillac, Chevrolet, Chrysler, Daewoo, Dodge, Ford, Great Wall, Holden.
Another problem is the failure of the bearings that support the alternatorโ€™s rotor. This can be caused by excessive vibration or wear and tear over time. Replacing the bearings is more complex than replacing a diode, but itโ€™s still a reasonably straightforward repair that shouldnโ€™t cost more than a few hundred dollars.
Alternators and Warranty
If your alternator is under warranty, you may be able to get it repaired for free. However, most alternators are not covered by a warranty. In addition, even if a warranty covers your alternator, the repair may not be accessible. For example, some warranties require you to pay a deductible before the repairs are covered.
Alternators and Emergency Repairs
If your alternator is broken, you may be able to get by without repairing it. Here are some reasons why:
1. You may be able to charge your battery with a jumper cable.
2. If your car has a belt-driven alternator, you may be able to temporarily bypass the alternator by disconnecting the battery and running a wire from the battery terminal directly to the alternator field terminal.
3. You may be able to drive short distances without an alternator by disconnecting the battery and running the engine off of the batteryโ€™s power alone. However, this will eventually drain the battery and leave you stranded.
4. If you have another roadside assistance service, they may be able to help you jumpstart your car or tow it to a nearby service station.
Resource URL -ย http://cashforcarsspringfield.com.au/blog/why-you-probably-dont-need-to-repair-a-broken-alternator/
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purplekilop ยท 2 years
Chrome remote desktop chromebook
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#Chrome remote desktop chromebook how to
#Chrome remote desktop chromebook install
#Chrome remote desktop chromebook android
#Chrome remote desktop chromebook code
Unfortunately, my success rate was about 50-50, so let me know if you have better results. If thatโ€™s the problem youโ€™re looking to solve, it may work for you. One last thing to mention: I had occasional success using this method remotely controlling one Chromebook from another Chromebook.
#Chrome remote desktop chromebook how to
It worked perfectly in every situation and is a great way to remotely troubleshoot Chromebook issues or educate Chrome OS users on how to use a Chromebook. Additionally, I tested with a Chromebook connected over an LTE hotspot and my computer on Wi-Fi. I also tested this with a Chromebook my wife uses, illustrating that you donโ€™t need to have or share the same Google account. Note that I tested this between a Windows PC and a Chromebook that I was signed in with on Chrome and Chrome OS. A PC on Wi-Fi controlling a Chromebook on an LTE connection
#Chrome remote desktop chromebook code
Of course, the access code will be different for each session. And if a new session is required, the same steps apply. Chromebook viewฤฎither user can terminate remote control access at any time. That will generate a request to the Chromebook once the access request is accepted on the Chromebook, youโ€™ll have remote control access to it. Once the code is entered on the computer, click the Connect button. The Chromebook user should provide that code to the PC user, who then enters the code on the computer: PC view The code generated on the Chromebook is the key to the kingdom here. And the Chromebook user wants to click the โ€œShare this screenโ€ option, which generates a one-time access code on their Chromebook, as shown in the below image. Thatโ€™s what you want on your non-Chromebook. See the โ€œConnect to another computerโ€ section? Note that the remote Chromebook should also take this step. Instead, choose Remote Support to see this screen. Youโ€™re greeted with two menu options and youโ€™d think you want Remote Access. The person with a Chromebook wants to replicate your steps here and view the same URL. Just head to using the Chrome browser from a computer and youโ€™ll see a web version of the extension. Technically, I believe the extension is a Progressive Web App using this URL.
#Chrome remote desktop chromebook install
But so too is a special URL if you donโ€™t have or want to install the extension. But a common question I get, mainly for troubleshooting reasons is: How can I remotely control a Chromebook from another computer?ฤฌhrome Remote Desktop is still part of the equation here. You just install the Chrome Remote Desktop extension, follow the directions and youโ€™re off. Chrome Remote Desktop allows users to remotely access another computer through Chrome browser or a Chromebook.
#Chrome remote desktop chromebook android
The official Chrome Remote Desktop Android app is available here on Google Play.Chromebooks have long supported remote desktop access to other computers. Googleโ€™s Remote Desktop, on the other hand, has a more consumer-focused vibe,ย which even had the company once touting the service as a way to be theย family hero by โ€œadjusting printer settings on your momโ€™s computer to finding a lost file on your dadโ€™s laptop,โ€ for example. Of course, in Amazonโ€™s case, the goal is to make its tablets appear more business-friendly. Officially launched to the public in March, this service similarly lets company employees access their work computers from any device, including Mac, PC, iPhone, iPad, Android or Kindle Fire HDX tablets. The move comes at a time when competitor Amazon is targeting enterprise users with its own version of remote access software, Amazon Workspaces. An iOS version is also in the works, but its development is said to be further behind. Weโ€™ve known an Android client was in the works for some time, as there was even a functional version of the Android clientย available back in January, though it required that you compile the app from source in order to use it. Once installed, however, youโ€™ll be able to open the app and connect to any of your computers with just a tap, manage them, and navigate through their files and folders from afar - like a modern version of GoToMyPC, for example. The helper app installs as an extension to Google Chrome or the Chrome-based OS that powers Googleโ€™s Chromebooks. That app is here in the Chrome Web Storeย and works on Windows (XP and above), Mac (OS X 10.6 and above) and Linux computers. The new appย is an extension of Googleโ€™s previously launchedย Chrome Remote Desktop screen-sharing service, which allows you to share your desktopโ€™s screen with other Chrome browser or Chromebook users.ฤชs with its big-screen counterpart, toย use the Android application you first have to install a helper application on your desktop or laptop computer. Google this morning launched a mobile client application called โ€œChrome Remote Desktop app for Androidโ€ (whew!) which allows for remote access to your Mac or PC from your Android device, whether smartphone or tablet.
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centuryjust ยท 2 years
Adobe animate gif
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#Adobe animate gif movie
#Adobe animate gif full
#Adobe animate gif software
#Adobe animate gif code
Hi, my name is Nicole Pav, and Iโ€™ve been experimenting with technology since I first put my hands on a computer. If you have no idea where to start or are experimenting, I would recommend beginning with the HTML5 canvas. If youโ€™re just doing simpleย animation, this is less of an issue. If you plan to add interactive features or know you need a specific language to integrate your final product with a website, then you should pick the project type that matches your goal and expertise.
#Adobe animate gif code
You can create your project with any of them, but the differences lie in the code language used to execute. There are several file type options available. The interface is actually rearrangeable as well, so you can drag and drop panels as needed. The rest of the interface remains the same no matter what file you choose. When you first open Animate after downloading, youโ€™ll be sent to the home screen where you can choose a new type of file, open a pre-existing project, or view tutorials and learning resources.ฤชs you can see, the startup screen replaces the canvas area until you choose what project youโ€™ll be opening. For this Adobe Animate review, I went through a brief animation tutorial, but Adobe also offers dozens of free resourcesย if you have another goal in mind.ฤชdobe has published more than 500 pages of how-to material, so Iโ€™ll just give a few details here to get you started. What I Donโ€™t Like: Extremely steep learning curve for new users.ฤชnimate is an extremely complex program how you use it is entirely dependent on your project goals. Supports vector and bitmap images of all types. What I Like: Clean interface matches other Adobe tools.
#Adobe animate gif software
Read our best animation software review for more.
#Adobe animate gif full
If you donโ€™t have time for this, Animate is probably not for you you wonโ€™t be able to reach the full potential of the program. However, new users will need to spend dozens of hours on tutorials, classes, and other learning activities. These groups will have the most success adapting to the interface, as well as the easiest time learning the controls. This means it is ideal for creative professionals, students in an industry-related class, dedicated hobbyists, or those that already heavily use the Adobe Suite.
#Adobe animate gif movie
You can use the program to create Flash games, movie animations, kinetic typography, cartoons, animated GIFs, and basically any sequence of moving images that you could dream of. Itโ€™s got many tools for animation that itโ€™s hard to know where to begin, as well as every file type, export, modifying tool, or plugin you could dream of.ฤชnimate includes an interface packed with features that could take a decade to master. Theyโ€™ve consistently been well-supported and extremely versatile, while Adobe remains an industry leader in developing new artist tools for computers.ฤชdobe Animate (also known as Animate and formerly Flash Professional) lives up to the brandโ€™s reputation. If you want to embed locally stored files, go to your Project Settings, and in the Files tab, you can upload your videos/GIFs/Lottie files from your computer and Anima will create a direct URL you can paste on the featuresโ€™ modal.Adobe products are usually considered the gold standard of programs used in creative applications, and for a good reason.
For more control over your videos/GIFs, We recommend to use a direct.
YouTube and Vimeo do not allow to hide controls.
To see it, click Preview in Browser in the Anima Panel.
Choose the Playback Settings you want: Auto Play, Loop, No Controls, Cover.
Under the Smart Layers section, select Video/GIF.
Select the layer that will become the video, GIF, Lottie animation.
The embedded files can have the following playback settings: Videos can be in the form of a video player or simply a cover/hero video without any control buttons. With Anima, you can embed Videos, GIFs, and Lottie files in your website right from Adobe XD.
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lesbianklance ยท 3 years
you think having a keithsmith side blog is bad- (well okay it is ahahahhsjs) but i have a shiro x slav x sven x adam x curtis side blog ๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ’…โœจ
omg as you should superior ship<333
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mimzy-writing-online ยท 4 years
Writing Toph Beifong, Advice from a Blind Writer
Iโ€™m Mimzy, an actual visually impaired writer and blogger who talks a lot about writing blind characters accurately and sensitively. A while back someone sent me an anon asking how to write Toph more accurately and sensitively.
Anonymous asked:ย Hi there! Your blog has been super-helpful already - I thought I knew a bit about writing with blind characters, but it turns out there was a lot to learn - but this is more specific. I'm writing a The Last Airbender fanfiction, and one of the characters is Toph. I think the fandom has done a fairly good job of respecting her blindness, but what are some things you'd like to see when people write her? I want to represent the character as best as possible; thanks in advance!
Itโ€™s taken a while for me to answer because I have a lot of thoughts about it as both a blind writer and someone who has read a lot of atla fanfiction. So here we go:
Before we get started, I want to mention some things:ย 
One: I have an entire series for writing blind characters that continues to grow with time and the most up-to-date version can be found pinned as the top post on my blog. There will be a time-stamp for when the post was last edited and a long series of links to all relevant posts on the subject.
Hereโ€™s a quick link to that post, but again, all you have to do is click my blog url and youโ€™ll find it immediately.
Two: Iโ€™ve noticed something amazing about the atla fandom and I would like to thank you for it. Iโ€™ve noticed a lot of bloggers have taken to writing image descriptions for both the fanart and memes you post in the fandom, whether itโ€™s OP including the description or another blogger adding it themselves. Iโ€™m not sure Iโ€™ve ever seen a fandom so consistently doing this and thatโ€™s incredible. Realizing how many different blogs were picking up this habit has warmed my heart.
Iโ€™d like to see writers use her other senses. Thereโ€™s soooo so much more to her O&M (Orientation and Mobility) than earth sense.ย 
Beyond sight and earth bending, thereโ€™s hearing, touch, smell, taste, sense of direction, hot vs cold, sense of pain, sense of where your body parts are in relation to the rest of you, sense of internal well-being, etc. Before Toph had mastery of her earth bending, she had to have mastery of those too.
Toph also must have very strong opinions about certain smells, sounds, tastes, and textures. Toph is opinionated about everything, and when so much of your understanding of the world depends on senses that most people are ignoring in favor of some other sense you donโ€™t have, it gets frustrating. Iโ€™m sure that tree looks pretty but the smell is terrible. Who cares if this fabric looks pretty, itโ€™s scratchy, do. not. like. at. all.
But also in positive ways too. Oh, that flower arrangement looks bland and monochromatic? Who cares, it smells sweet and honey-like. Weird dark cavern with high ceiling and no light? The harmonics are awesome.
Every character probably has a certain sight or image theyโ€™re particularly fond of: Katara watching snow fall, or Aang enjoying how small the world looks from up on Appa, or Zuko enjoying the sunrise every morning during meditation. In that line, Toph must have some things personal to her that she enjoys.
I imagine she likes the taste of foods familiar to her childhood, the smell of whatever flowers grew around her home, and the texture of certain kinds of dirt Example: loose dirt probably isnโ€™t the best for seeing, but I think she would enjoy how it feels to run her fingers through it or maybe enjoy the way it softens her perception of the world the same way sighted people like to see colorful, bright lights reflecting off puddles in the middle of rain.
If you struggle with this, thatโ€™s okay. I recommend taking some time to think about it for yourself, to find what tastes and smells and textures and sounds you enjoy the most, what makes you feel safe and at home, what brings you comfort, and relate that back to Toph.
In a Modern AU, I want to see Toph have a cane. Even in a Modern AU with bending included in the world building, I think Toph would benefit from having a cane.
The cane has a lot more function than bumping into things. A big part is that it signals to others that you are very obviously blind. Which is a big deal because sighted people are really, really bad at spotting the blind person.
(psst, please stop saying โ€˜the blank look in her eyesโ€™ because I swear to god itโ€™s been killing me inside for years.)
Also, even in an AU with bending, I think Toph would like the advantage of tapping her cane to create a stronger, more distinct vibration than a small shifting of her weight on her feet. It would have more control.
You could give Toph a guide animal, buuuuuuut, um, Toph is not a guide dog person. Like, there are some people who definitely prefer a guide dog, and some people who definitely prefer a cane, and some who definitely prefer no mobility device at all. Toph does not have the vibes of someone who wants to be both responsible and reliant on an animal when sheโ€™s so insistent that she can take care of herself on her own. Toph likes animals, but not that much.
Although, yeah, only 10% of the blind community use mobility devices, so cane and guide dog users are the minority of the blind community, but I stand by the vibe that Toph would love the independence of a cane. Also, itโ€™s almost never ever done. Modern AUs never seem to touch much on Tophโ€™s O&M skills with canes or guide dogs.
I wrote a whole post on everything you need to know about canes, what orientation and mobility is, how you learn O&M, what kind of canes exist, how to use them, how to describe the sensory input a cane gives you, and everything I know about guide dogs from past research.
Honestly, you could give Toph (or any blind character) a cane in any AU, because I fully stand by the theory that canes are a piece of technology that has been invented, lost, and reinvented again and again.
I wroteย โ€œI found a piece of lost blindness historyโ€ a few months ago after a visit to see my grandparents. My grandmother told me how her blind aunt found a way to write letters by hand to send to my grandmother when she was a child. I speculated on how the long cane has probably been invented and then lost and then reinvented over and over again in history, as well as giving a little history on the growing popularity of guide dogs in the 20th century following World War 1.
About theย โ€œblank look in her eyes,โ€ I have a theory to the exact cause and nature of Tophโ€™s blindness.
I know itโ€™s common to think that the milky green color of her eyes is why sheโ€™s blind, though Iโ€™m not sure how many realize that milky green color is caused by severe cataracts. At least, cataracts is what I assume to be the reason for the color of her eyes. However, people with cataracts still have some remaining sense of light and shadow perception.
Only 9% of the blind community is completely blind, seeing absolutely nothing. The rest have some remaining vision, even if thatโ€™s only light and shadow perception or the perception of vague movement.
The percentage of people born completely blind is even smaller.
Toph says that sheโ€™s never been able to see, which would lead me to guess that the initial cause of her blindness was a defect with the visual processing part of her brain. I also theorize that the cataracts developed slowly over her very formative years and that she likely wasnโ€™t born with them. For that reason, I think it would have taken a few weeks or months for her parents to realize there was something wrong with her eyes.
Here is a post about the developmental years of blind children and how their life would differ from both sighted children and from someone who went blind as an adult.
What is it like to see nothing?
Itโ€™s a concept that sighted people struggle with and I completely understand. I myself didnโ€™t understand the concept ofย โ€œnothingโ€ until someone explained it as this:
โ€œImagine trying to see out the back of your head.โ€
Which, genuinely, imagine that. Try that. Because hereโ€™s what I found. Thereโ€™s no part of my body that can help perceive that. I donโ€™t have eyes there, nor do I have a part of my brain that can process that. Because of this, there is no sense of light or dark, no shape or shadow or movement or depth that I can perceive. There is nothing.
And honestly, it gives me a headache trying to think too much about it.
Toph doesnโ€™t see black, doesnโ€™t have a mental image of it. When people talk about light and dark, Toph has nothing to base the concept on. The closest relation she has to that is silence versus sound, or her earth sense when sheโ€™s in the air on Appa versus when sheโ€™s on solid ground. But itโ€™s not the same.
I would like to examine the way the show tried to describe Tophโ€™s earth sense, that black void with ripples of white stretching from her feet and outwards. Television is a visual medium so of course their explanation of Tophโ€™s earth sense would be visual, but thatโ€™s not what itโ€™s actually like in her head. More accurately, itโ€™s like touching the back of your head to something and feeling whatโ€™s solid behind it and what has more give. A wall versus a pillow for example. Slamming your hand on a flimsy table and feeling it rattle under your palm. And for someone so adept at using that sense, she feels not just the table surface under her palm, but the individual rattles down the four legs, how uneven those rattles are because the legs are carved decoratively instead of solid planks, and how the foot of each leg bumps against the ground, and how the floor vibrates in response to the impact, which she feels in both her feet and hand.ย 
About Tophโ€™s Relationship with Her Parents
Itโ€™s not something I see touched on much. Thereโ€™s been a lot of focus on Zuko and Azulaโ€™s relationship with their parents and the abuse, as well as exploration of Sokka and Kataraโ€™s trauma with losing their mother, and Sokka looking up to his warrior father while Katara struggles with her abandonment issues.
Please donโ€™t take this as a critique, because there are a few valid reasons for this and I would like to give you some insight on how to explore Tophโ€™s relationship with her parents.
For starters, the show had a lot more reason to focus on Zuko and Azulaโ€™s parents, with Fire Lord Ozai being the primary villain and Zukoโ€™s greatest abuser, and Azulaโ€™s dependent worship of her father in response to Ursaโ€™s neglect and favoritism of Zuko, which was likely Ursaโ€™s response to Ozaiโ€™s favoritism of Azula. Their parents are huge driving motivators for why Zuko and Azula make the decisions and mistakes they do, why they are at one point in the show the villains themselves. (And why I think Azula should get a redemption arc and some healing.)
Kataraโ€™s trauma of losing her mother and blaming herself is a huge factor in both her response to the war, her relationship with her bending, and her motherly nature with her friends. The show has to explore that. Just as it has to explore Sokkaโ€™s problems with toxic masculinity in response to being the man of his village, and his desire to be a great warrior and leader like the father he idolizes.ย 
The show needs to explore that to make the plot move forward, and it benefits from these being two sibling sets with different responses to their upbringing and different sibling dynamics, setting them up as foils for each other.
The show also wouldnโ€™t benefit by giving Lao and Poppy Beifong more screen time. Their established character were two nobles who kept as far out of the war as possible and prospered monetarily for it. Poppy was polite and demure and Lao liked to lead the conversation. Unless the gAang decided to return to Tophโ€™s home, those characters had no reason to pop up anywhere in the show. And if they did, they would be a hinder to Toph and her part in the plot as both Aangโ€™s earth bending teacher and as the greatest earth bender in the world, tossing Fire Nation soldiers eight ways to Sunday.ย 
So truly, I understand that thereโ€™s not a whole lot of canon material (comparatively) to go off of when developing this, but I will offer some insight on what is there in canon.
Tophโ€™s relationship with her parents is explored in that it maps out why Toph doesnโ€™t want to be mothered by Katara, why she wants to prove how independent she is, but thereโ€™s very little on screen interaction between Toph and her parents.
Toph deeply loves her parents. I think that plays into why she doesnโ€™t want Katara mothering her, because she has a wonderful mother at home who she loves and wants to better understand her, but she had no friends growing up and no older sister, which are the roles she needs and wants Katara to fill. If Toph wanted a mother figure, she would have latched onto Katara. Look at how Zuko never sought out another mother figure but did find a father figure in Iroh as he began to heal from his childhood trauma and separate his self image from his fatherโ€™s acceptance.
Toph is in a complicated situation, she loves her parents but the way theyโ€™re raising her is hurting her in the long run. But Toph can see that their actions are because of their immense love for her. She can see how they would do anything for her. While she never had any examples of how other noble children were treated by their parents, who might have been distant or disinterested or always away for their social and work lives, she was remarkably loved by her parents. Her father put careful thought into her tutors and checked in on her progress. Her mother feared for Tophโ€™s emotional state when she was kidnapped (even if she was incorrect about how Toph would respond), showing genuine empathy for her daughter.
I think their over protective nature became the love language Toph best understood them by, and part of her reasoning for not revealing how capable she was, was because she wanted to keep experiencing that love and care for as long as she could. But itโ€™s not a love language she would put up with from anyone else.
I would like to point out Tophโ€™s genuine excitement to see her mom again in the season finale of Book Two, how badly Toph wants her mom to understand and accept her for who she is.
My thoughts on what Toph canโ€™t do: read, swim, see in the sand, fight things mid-air.
For how incredibly powerful the show makes Toph with her earth bending and the O&M she taught herself through it, they do touch on some of her weaknesses when they come up and find a useful way to showcase them.
The Serpentโ€™s Pass was an excellent example of Tophโ€™s vulnerability in water. From her fear of not being able to see on Kataraโ€™s ice bridge to not being able to swim and needing Suki to save her, Tophโ€™s weaknesses putting her in danger added to the excitement andย โ€œsitting on the edge of your seatโ€ feeling while watching the episode without turning her into someone who was helpless. She was just in a position where her normal defenses were useless.
Just like the earth benders in the metal prison in the ocean, or Katara having little water in the middle of a desert where her friends needed that water to survive more than she needed it to fight, making her vulnerable later in the show when the insect-wasp things attacked. Just like fire benders being weaker at night, or powerless during a solar eclipse, or a sighted person being lost in the dark. Those were just situations in which the tools you were accustomed to relying on could no longer help you or were taken away.
The show was clever in that it didnโ€™t make her inability to read a direct threat to her safety, but rather as a clever plot device for her to be alone when the sand banders attacked and have to choose between fighting them to save Appa, or holding back an entire fricking building by the tiniest spire on its very top from falling into a void leading to the spirit world. It also showed her weakness to not being able to see or fight as well in sand. Which the show later made an effort to show how sheโ€™d improved on that problem in Book Three when she was surrounded by nothing but sand at Ember Island.
Like improving her ability to see in the sand, I would like to see a character teach Toph to swim, or at least float, so that she never feels helpless again. If she took the initiative to improve her sand bending so much, Iโ€™m sure she would have learn to swim eventually.
And on the note of reading, Iโ€™ve seen some speculation on how Toph could learn to read, whether itโ€™s through using ink that has some percentage of earth mixed in, or developing the sensitivity to feel out the different weight, consistency, and texture of ink on paper.ย 
I would like to bring your attention to Louis Braille, the blind Frenchman who invented Braille while studying atย  the Institut National des Jeunes Aveugles, the worldโ€™s very first school for the blind in Paris France (established 1785). Previously Louis was learning to read through a method in which each letter was pressed into the paper to leave an imprint that someone could feel out with just their fingers.
Louis Braille concluded that raised lettering was impractical because-
1. ย  ย  ย  It is difficult to read, the letters had to be printed in huge font to be fully felt out and printed on thick paper.
2. ย  ย  ย  Thick paper means higher quality, more expensive. Larger font means more paper is needed for a single text.
3. ย  ย  ย  This made it inaccessible due to expense and the sheer volume of a text.
4. ย  ย  ย  If todayโ€™s Braille books are hard to access and giant compared to traditional books, I canโ€™t imagine how inaccessible those raised letter books really were.
The subject of Braille, the start and controversial near downfall toย  Institut National des Jeunes Aveugles were discussed in a post about writing a blind character during the Victorian Era.
Iโ€™ve heard others complain in the past about fantasy universes in which a sighted person invents a solution to allow the blind to read, when the most effective and longest lived method was invented by a blindman over two hundred years ago and is the standard taught in schools today.
And while I couldnโ€™t easily explain it or how it works because I can neither read Braille nor speak Chinese, I can tell you that Chinese Braille exists and works only slightly differently from the Braille western languages use. So, again, modern AUs especially would benefit from enabling Toph to read Braille and use a computer and phone with screen reader.
But just as easily you could choose not to have her learn to read but rather have sighted people read things aloud to her. Whether itโ€™s in a professional setting as an adult having an assistant who reads and writes for her, or as a cute, fluffy little moment between Toph and another character. Both are just as genuine to the blindness experience.
Blind Jokes
If you ever get around to reading my post about blind jokes, Iโ€™d like you to remember that itโ€™s primarily written for people writing original characters and that Toph canonically makes blind jokes, so to take away from that would not be true to her character.
Does Tophโ€™s Earth Sense Negate her Blindness?
Itโ€™s a question Iโ€™ve seen raised before and discussed by both abled, disabled, and blind people. There are multiple perspectives on it, but my own take on it is that Tophโ€™s earth bending does not negate her blindness, but rather functions very much like the process of learning to use a cane.
She had a tool, a teacher, and she learned to use that tool. Instead of a cane, it was seismic perception and her teacher were blind badger-moles. She spent years learning to earth bend as they do and then continued to take it to new heights as she explored fighting with it on her terms against sighted fighters.
Come to think about it, I would love to see Toph teach another visually impaired or blind earth bender who to see and bend as she does.
Is Toph Good Blindness Representation?
This question was posed to me in the comments of my master post, and my answer was something like this:ย โ€œToph is good representation, but she can't be the only type of representation we get. She's the best we had 15 years ago, but there are a million ways to nuance the blindness experiences. Toph's experience being born blind, having very over protective parents, being a small girl in a patriarical and wealth influenced society, having no friends growing up.ย Those are all great aspects of blindness to show, but there is so much more to explore. As for her blindness and whether or not that's negated, that's also nuanced. She has limits, she's not all-powerful, but she is the best earth bender hands down. More or less, I love Toph, she's a great character, give me like a million more blind characters who are completely different from her.โ€
I want to see accurate and well-written blind characters become much more common in modern media, and thatโ€™s why I started this blog. So if you decide you want to write your own blind character from scratch, feel free to come back and look at some of my other stuff.
End Notes:
I want to thank the anon who sent the original question because it never occurred to me how much the atla fandom would benefit from a post like this.ย 
You should follow my blog. Along with advice about writing blind characters, I write general writing advice and answer questions about writing, college, plot development, character analysis, and living with blindness. I curate writing advice from fellow writeblrs, write my own image descriptions for writing memes, post about mental health and working/living with ADHD, disabilities outside of blindness, and LGBTQA+ topics.ย 
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letsasoiaftogether ยท 3 years
Northern Arrangement Pt 6
IMAGINE...giving birth to Your (Stark!reader) and Roose Boltonโ€™โ€™s son
Word Count: 2,281
Warning: none (itโ€™s not graphic because Iโ€™ve never given birth or seen anyone give birth sooo) except for the use of a derogatory word for women (who/re - is mentioned in description/thought, not dialogue) Iโ€™m not sure if I need to tag that but on a different writing blog I have, I do so Iโ€™ll tag it here as well
A/N: I love Roose Boltonnnnnnnnnn. Also...I finally learned how to do this - >ย Pt 1ย Pt 2ย Pt 3ย Pt 4ย Pt 5ย with my links and Iโ€™m honestly so disappointed in myself that it took me this long. Iโ€™ve been on Tumblr since Sep 2012. Why it never occured to me until now to look up how to change the long urlโ€™s - instead of copy and pasting the link - and just posting it into the simpleย โ€œpt 1โ€ณย โ€œpt 2โ€ณ etc is....I am ashamed lmao
A/N 2: i hope you all see this as a worthy continuation to this series! I like it but I donโ€™t know if thatโ€™s because I like the way its written or because I just love Roose so much I enjoy anything that involves him ;)
(gif isnt mine)
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The months following Ramsayโ€™s death at the hands of Roose passed quickly. Soon enough the reconstruction of Winterfell was complete and once more House Stark was returning to its previous strength when it was led by your Father, Eddard Stark.ย 
The Northern army had returned to the North after six months in the Southern Kingdoms, fortifying the Riverlands against the Lannister forces. After the death of Joffrey Baratheon and Lord Tywin, Prince Tommen took the Iron Throne and no one was truly worried about the boy king. In all honesty, it was Tommenโ€™s mother - Queen Cersei - and the Small Council that worried the North and Riverlands.
Your brother had returned North and gone straight to the Wall to parley with STannis Baratheon two weeks earlier; the Baratheon King had gone to the wall after his defeat in the Battle of the Blackwater and fought alongside the men of the Nightโ€™s Watch to fight against the army of Wildlings that had amassed on the Northern side of the Wall.
Something Robb should have done.
โ€œ...and he wants me to bend the knee.โ€ Robb was saying as the two of you sat in the great hall of the Dreadfort. Your brother had come to see you after the meeting with Stannis instead of returning to Winterfell; he didnโ€™t like to bother your mother with talk of the war - he felt that she had heard too much and seen too much as it was and that she deserved to just be a mother to your younger four siblings, and you knew the other reason was because you were one of the very few people he could be vulnerable around and wouldnโ€™t have to be concerned about his Lordly/Kingly image.
โ€œMaybe you should.โ€ you whispered, rubbing a hand over your baby bump, โ€œFather wanted him as the King of Westeros. I understand that you did what you had to do in order to get Sansa and Arya back, and to get justice for Fatherโ€™s murder. But Robb, it is time to be the Lord of Winterfell. Let Stannis Baratheon be King.โ€
Robb had always hated being king. The Northern Lords would be upset, but they respected the King in the North enough that they would accept him stepping down in time.
And he had been raised to be a Lord and the Warden of the North. He was never raised to rule over two kingdoms. Let alone, he wasnโ€™t even really raised to lead an army. Father had been neglectful in that area. Robbโ€™s success in the South had come from his natural talent as a leader and a fighter, and the Lords who were just as good leaders and had years of experience doing so in Robertโ€™s Rebellion and in the Greyjoy Rebellion.
โ€œY/n,โ€ Robb began to say only to fall silent, thoughtful.ย 
You knew your brother well enough to know his natural instinct wanted him to argue with you, to explain why he still needed to be King, but then his rationality kicked in and he didnโ€™t really have a good reason on why stepping down would be some horrific event for the North.
Smiling, you gave his hand a squeeze and got to your feet - wincing at the pain in your lower stomach.
You knew you were in the last few hours of your pregnancy, but the pain hadn't yet reached a point where you felt you needed to be bed ridden.
The pain had started in the very early hours of the morning, but until the pain got worse you had decided not to worry anyone. You remembered when your mother had birthed your youngest brother, Rickon, and she had been in bed for hours - far longer than she needed to.
Letting out a shaky breath, you left Robb to his thoughts and went about your duties; you had refused to let your responsibilities of running the household (as the Lady of a House should) slip.
The guards of the Dreadfort had been slow to warm to you, but the cooks and servants and other smallfolk who worked for House Bolton had taken to you faster than you felt you deserved.
Especially after Ramsayโ€™s death.
Walking the halls of the Dreadfort, you couldn't help but appreciate the quiet. Growing up, Winterfell was always alit with noise. You didn't have a problem with it. You loved it. But you also liked having these moments of silence for yourself.
You were just outside your Lord husbandโ€™s study when you felt the sharpest pain you had felt so far.
Gasping, you placed a hand to the wall to steady yourself and catch your breath - letting the pain work its course and then subside before grabbing the door knob and stepping into the room where Roose was working.
Those icy blue eyes met your gaze the moment you stepped inside before flickering down to your stomach.
โ€œIs it time?โ€ you didnโ€™t need to question how he knew. Roose had always been good at reading you, but he had become especially tentative to you in your pregnancy.
Scribbling a few more lines onto the parchment before him, Roose then set the quill down and stood as you said, โ€œFor a few hours now, but I think itโ€™s getting closer. Itโ€™s probably time to inform the Maester.โ€
A deep sigh passed Rooseโ€™s lips as he looked you over. It was clear that he was far from impressed by your lack of panic over your current situation.ย 
You just snorted and rolled your eyes. Women had birthed children for all of time. Clearly, you were far more knowledgeable on your own body and your need to labor than your Lord Husband ever could be.
No matter Rooseโ€™s thoughts, he kept them to himself and with a hand to your lower back led you to the room just next to the Lordโ€™s chambers where it had been decided you would birth your child. A guard was sent to fetch the Maester and a servant was sent to inform Robb of what was happening.
โ€œAll this fuss is a little ridiculous.โ€ you were saying as your handmaidens stripped you down to your shift and helped you into bed, โ€œThe babe won't even be here for another hour or - ah!โ€ another round of pain chose that moment to rip through you.
Your screams filled the room for the next several minutes as the pain just seemed to go on and on. It was by far the worst pain you had felt so far.
Maester Tybald, the long-time Maester of the Dreadfort, arrived within minutes and quickly set to work ordering the servants around and beginning his exam to determine when you needed to start pushing.
You didnโ€™t say much, just squeezed Rooseโ€™s hand and tried not to be too surprised that he was still in the room with you.
At some point you started to scream and begged to begin pushing.
It was then that Tybald instructed Roose to leave and wait in the hall where you were certain Robb already was. โ€œThe babe will be here soon, My Lord, you donโ€™t need to see this.โ€
You wanted to shout at them both that it wasnโ€™t like seeing a child be brought into the world would curse Roose, but you didnโ€™t. Instead, you took your hand back and instead of clinging to Rooseโ€™s, you clutched at the sheets beneath you.
Maester Tybald waited for your next round of pain to end before he and the handful of servants in the room helped you to your feet.
Very early on in your pregnancy you had decided you would give birth standing instead of lying down. It wasnโ€™t the way your Septa had shared with you, but your Mother had given birth to all her children while standing/squatting and so you saw no reason why you couldnโ€™t as well.
โ€œAlright, My Lady, I need you to push when I say and only when I say. Let your body do whatever it feels is natural.โ€ Maester Tybald instructed as everyone got into their positions around you. โ€œEverything will be alright, and soon enough our Lord Bolton will have a son.โ€
You could only grit your teeth and pray that it would be over with quickly.
It was over within an hour and when Tybald announced you had, indeed, birthed a son, you started weeping and happily took your son into your arms once you were cleaned and laid back in bed.
Your son was absolutely beautiful.
Robb visited you for a few minutes afterwards and promised to remember every detail about your son so he could write back to Winterfell about him. He had praised your strength and placed a kiss to your forehead before leaving, passing your Lord Husband as he went.
โ€œMy Lord,โ€ you whispered, trying to not appear too tired while giving him a small smile as he slowly crossed the room to the bed, โ€œCome meet your son.โ€ you added, holding your free hand out to Roose once he was close enough.
He said nothing as his icy gaze landed on the bundle in your arms. He stood there, holding your hand in a vice grip for the longest moment before he was taking your son and holding him securely in his arms. He seemed to analyze everything about the baby before, finally, he hummed and gave you a small small.ย 
โ€œA true mix of Bolton and Stark.โ€ His low tones made it difficult for you to tell if he was disappointed or not, but the way he looked at the baby that second time told you in volumes how much he approved of his third and only living son.
โ€œI have been thinking of names for him.โ€ you informed him, shifting to try and get more comfortable in the position you were sitting in, โ€œI was thinkingโ€ฆ Y/s/n after your father. A Bolton name for the heir of the Dreadfort.โ€
Roose held no emotion still as he looked at you once more, thinking over your words. โ€œY/s/n.โ€ he repeated it twice more, testing the name, before he nodded โ€œVery well. Y/s/n it is.โ€
After a few moments of silence, Roose handed your son back to you and sat down on the edge of the bed. Reaching out, he placed a hand to your knee - both comforting and a way to keep your attention. โ€œI never expected to have sons with you, Princess, but I am glad to see you havenโ€™t disappointed me yet. I have grown quiteโ€ฆfond of you. I would hate to change our arrangement now.โ€
Anyone else may have been confused by his words.
Change your arrangement? You were married! The only way that could happen would be if one of you were to die.
Butโ€ฆof course thatโ€™s what he was hinting at.ย 
You knew that the moment the words passed his lips, others would have been shocked to hear such a thing.ย 
After all, you were the King in the Northโ€™s beloved sister, a daughter to House Stark! How dare Roose Bolton threaten you?
But you werenโ€™t surprised in the least. You expected nothing more of the man you had only ended up in bed with all those months ago so you could save your brother and then somehow ended up married to him when you had only, originally, agreed to be a whore for him. To dishonor yourself so your brother would live.
โ€œWell,โ€ you sighed, holding your son protectively against you, โ€œI am glad that I havenโ€™t disappointed you, My Lord, and I hope that I never do. I too have grown comfortable with our arrangement.โ€
You met his gaze and held it, defiantly challenging him to speak next.
Roose just raised a brow and chuckled, getting to his feet.ย 
He crossed the room and only when he was at the door did he turn and say, โ€œSleep well, Wife, and enjoy the room. Itโ€™s the only night youโ€™ll be out of ours.โ€
The door shut without a sound behind him, and only then did you let yourself let out a shaky breath of nerves. Even after nearly a year of being with Roose in some capacity, he still had the ability to make you panic with just a look.ย 
But more than that, you let yourself feel sad that he had left so early and that you wouldnโ€™t have him at your side that night. It had been all too easy to grow used to him being at your side. Not having him there, lying silently on his back as his chest gently rose and fellโ€ฆit was something you were no longer used to.
Placing a kiss to your sonโ€™s head, you smiled lovingly down at him and wished him a good night. And then you looked at the closed door and whispered a goodnight to your husband.
Things had definitely been unconventional between the two of you, and if Robb discovered how you and Roose came to be, then Roose would probably be beheaded for treason, but you had made it worked and youโ€ฆyou couldnโ€™t help but admit to yourself that you werenโ€™t entirely displeased with things.
You were the Lady of a major Northern house, you had a son who would be Lord after his father, your husband had never physically harmed you andโ€ฆreally he hadnโ€™t harmed you emotionally or psychologically either - he had simply been straight forward from the get-go, and you had helped to ensure the safety and continuation (through Robb) of your Fatherโ€™s House.
As the life of a noble lady from a Great House, there wasnโ€™t much to complain about in your life.
And, for now, Iโ€™ll take it.ย 
Itโ€™s better than what could have been.
A/N Pt. 2: Thank you for reading and I hope you all enjoyed it!ย 
If you liked it and enjoy the rest of my content, please consider buying me a kofi at https://ko-fi.com/atlex0616ย I am currently trying to save up for a new laptop so I can get my content typed up and posted faster for all of you.ย 
Please remember my requests are open for one shots, preferences, character asks, and ships!
Thank you so much, stay safe!
92 notes ยท View notes
i-is-a-fan-weeb ยท 3 years
@๐“ฒ-๐“ฒ๐“ผ-๐“ช-๐“ฏ๐“ช๐“ท-๐”€๐“ฎ๐“ฎ๐“ซ 's ๐“๐“ช๐“ฟ๐“ฒ๐“ฐ๐“ช๐“ฝ๐“ฒ๐“ธ๐“ท
๐“๐“ซ๐“ธ๐“พ๐“ฝ ๐“œ๐“ฎ
๐‘ถ๐’“๐’Š๐’†๐’๐’•๐’‚๐’•๐’Š๐’๐’: queer as in wtf
๐‘ฏ๐’๐’ˆ๐’˜๐’‚๐’“๐’•๐’” ๐‘ฏ๐’๐’–๐’”๐’†:Slytherin๐Ÿ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿค
๐‘ฎ๐’๐’…๐’๐’š ๐‘ท๐’‚๐’“๐’†๐’๐’•(๐’”):Athena or Hades(ive taken the test multiple times and get one or the other each time)
๐‘ฏ๐’๐’ƒ๐’ƒ๐’Š๐’†(๐’”):Violin,reading,writing,procrastinating,drawing, crochet
๐‘จ๐’๐’๐’๐’”:I do leave anon-mode on so that way if u dont want to show the world ur url u dont have to,but pls do not abuse this.As i have said earlier,i am a minor so it would be preferable if u didnt be nsfw(unless we are close or you are 13+ but under 18). And i will delete if u send hate. I aint got time to deal with it,unless it concerns my friends. Then we abt to throw hands.
๐‘ด๐’š๐’†๐’“๐’”-๐‘ฉ๐’“๐’Š๐’ˆ๐’ˆ๐’” ๐’•๐’š๐’‘๐’†:INTF-J
Ok so 1-plz dont send hate or anything,im not dealing with that
2-There is a lot of options for fandoms and ships,you do not have to go through all of them,you can just skim through and choose the ones you like once you find it
Now,that being said
Here ya go!
DNI-Do Not Interact (if)
Racist-I feel like I shouldn't explain this,but I'm mixed black/white and I don't tolerate racism in the slightest
Sexist-Again,I don't feel a need to explain this,but I'm AFAB agender,and look pretty feminine,so this is a no-go on this blog
Queerphobic/LGBTQ+hater-I'm only saying as a genderal term for homophobia,transphobia,acephobia etc. I'm pansexual,omniromantic and agender,so I will never tolerate queerphobia in general
Pedophile/MAP/NOMAP-I am a minor,so if we are not close or if you are below 13 or over 18 then please do not interact with me sexually(you can still interact just not in that way or if any of these applies to you). And for those who don't know,MAP stands for "Minor Attracted Person" aka another term for pedo,while a NOMAP is a "Non-Offending Minor Attracted Person", as in,someone who is a pedo,but doesn't activly consume things like child pornography or activly finds a child.
FARTs-FART stands for "Feminist Appropiating Reactionary Transphobe", coined by @fattyatomicmutant . This is a replacement for TERF(Trans-Exclusionary Radical "Feminist") bc calling someone this still calls them a feminist, and feminism includes ๐™–๐™ก๐™ก ๐™ฌ๐™ค๐™ข๐™š๐™ฃ. If your "feminism" does not include ๐™–๐™ก๐™ก ๐™ฌ๐™ค๐™ข๐™š๐™ฃ, include transwomen, then you are not a feminist; you are a transphobe and I nor do any of my followers nor do any of my moots want you here.
Bully/Hate my moots-If you are a bully in general,I don't want you here. If you hate any of my moots,then you can unkindly screw off,unless you wanna throw hands
Exclusionist/REG-So an exclusionist is someone who excludes other people for a bigoted 'reason'(i.e. homophobia),while a REG is a "Reactionary Exclusionist Gatekeeper",as in someone who attempts to gatekeep communities based on their definitions(i.e. saying "demisexuality isn't valid,everyone doesn't experience attraction until after they get to know someone). A lot of exclusionists believe you have to be severly oppressed to be considered a part of a community. This is really harmful because it leave out essential groups and invalidates the harm and lack of representation to other members. Oppresion isn't always a requirement(also,you might here some people apply this to just the LGBTQ+ community as it mostly stays in that area,but this can apply to other minority groups).
E C.L.I.P.S.E.-It stands for "Education,Culture,Language,Intelligence, Preservation,Sexy,Exclusionist". It is a term that some exclusionists use for their "community". If you see these flags,run. If you use these flags,stay away from me.
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Exlusionists in general
๐‘ณ๐’–๐’๐’‚๐’“ ๐’†๐’„๐’๐’Š๐’‘๐’”๐’†:
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Woman and feminine-aligning exclusionists
๐‘บ๐’๐’๐’‚๐’“ ๐’†๐’„๐’๐’Š๐’‘๐’”๐’†:
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Man and masculine-aligning exclusionists
TCC(Toxic)-TCC stands for "Teacher Crush Community",and it's mostly highschool girls crushing on their teachers. If you have questions or anything,you can check out @tcc-critical . They have more information than I do.(btw this is just the toxic side,i dont mind the nontoxic side)
Sysmed/Anti-Endogenic-People who don't believe in systems that don't fit the criteria for DID/OSDD(Endogenic systems). DID/OSDD looks diffferent for everyone(unless you're one of those fakers),so let's respect that.
Anti-Self Diagnosis-Self-diagnosises help people who are unable to get an official diagnosis from a medical proffesional have a term to describe themselves. But do stay away if you glorify self-diagosing and/or medical conditions,both mental and physical.
Pro-Ed/Thinspo-Pro-ED blogs encourage people to develop an eating disorder or relapse. They post pictures of themselves unhealthily skinny with their current weight and their weight goal. Thinspo(thin inspo) blogs encourage other to lose weight but by healthier methods like dieting and exercise. It can still cause otherd to relapse or develop and eating disorder.
Truscum/Transmed/Trumed-A truscum("true scum")is someone who believes that you need gender dysphoria to be transgender,a transmed believes that you need to have medicslly transitioned to be considered transgender,and a trumed is a combination of both. Not to be confused with tucute,someone who knows you don't need dysphoria or medical transitioning to be transgender.
Anti-Antis/Proshippers-Anti-antis are people who are against a specific ship/shipping in general,and will harass people who ship that specific ship. Proshippers are the opposite,they don't care what others ship,even if its pedophilia or rape.
Traumacore-Blogs that romanticise trauma.
Tradfems/Tradwives-Women who believe in traditional feminine gender roles. Some of these people just want to be a housewife,which is ok,but others spread bigoted beliefs.(again,the nontoxic ppl can interact but not the toxic side)
DDLG-Stands for "Daddy Dom/Little Girl",and it romanticises pedophilia,even if it's between two fully grown adults.
"Anyone can interact" blogs-Allows anyone to interact,which can trigger and/or cause people to relapse.
Cringe/flop blogs-These blogs make fun of minority groups,and as a part of two minority groups,I think the think not.
Fake mental/physical disorders/conditions-Self-explanatory,if you fake having a condition or a disorder that heavily impacts someones life for clout,you are an awful person and I don't want you here
Toxic-Self explanatory
If you support Post+-Self-explanatory
If you break other boundaries/DNIs-Self-explanatory
Support J.K. Rowling-In June 2020,J.K. Rowling published a series of transphobic tweets on twitter. Here are the screenshots I have that should explain why I don't want her supporters following me:
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ๐“ฃ๐“ป๐“ฒ๐“ฐ๐“ฐ๐“ฎ๐“ป ๐“ฆ๐“ช๐“ป๐“ท๐“ฒ๐“ท๐“ฐ๐“ผ
I do use ๐—ฐ๐˜‚๐—ฟ๐˜€๐—ฒ ๐˜„๐—ผ๐—ฟ๐—ฑ๐˜€
I do occasionaly talk about serious things (ex.๐—ฟ๐—ฎ๐—ฝ๐—ฒ,๐—ฝ๐—ฒ๐—ฑ๐—ผ๐—ฝ๐—ต๐—ถ๐—น๐—ถ๐—ฎ,๐—ฎ๐—ฏ๐˜‚๐˜€๐—ฒ etc.)
I do use ๐—ฐ๐—ฎ๐—ฝ๐˜€
If there are any other things you want me tag as a trigger warning(TW) please let me know.
๐“ข๐“ธ๐“ฌ๐“ฒ๐“ช๐“ต ๐“œ๐“ฎ๐“ญ๐“ฒ๐“ช
Main: i_is_a_fan_weeb
Perciver side acc: perciver_is_life
Lgbtq+ side: lgbtqplusbitches
๐‘ป๐’Š๐’Œ๐’•๐’๐’Œ: i_is_a_fan_weeb
๐‘ซ๐’Š๐’”๐’„๐’๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ๐’…: i_is_a_fan_weeb
๐‘ญ๐’‚๐’๐’‡๐’Š๐’„๐’•๐’Š๐’๐’.๐’๐’†๐’•: i-is-a-fan-weeb
๐‘จ๐’“๐’„๐’‰๐’Š๐’—๐’† ๐’๐’‡ ๐‘ถ๐’–๐’“ ๐‘ถ๐’˜๐’: i_is_a_fan_weeb
๐‘ท๐’Š๐’๐’•๐’†๐’“๐’†๐’”๐’•: i_is_a_fan_weeb
๐‘พ๐’†๐’ƒ๐’•๐’๐’๐’: fan_weeb
# stitch rambles-when I ramble about whatever
# stitch rants-when I rant about something
# stitch celebration-when I'm hosting a celebration
# stitch answers-when I answer someone in my inbox
# stitch writes-when i write a fic
# stitch talks-when i reblog ask games
# stitch tags-for tag games
School is back in session so i may. It be able to post much or anything. If you send an ask and i don't get to it right away, its bc im doing high school work so please bear with me
๐‘พ๐’‰๐’š ๐’…๐’ ๐’‘๐’‚๐’“๐’†๐’๐’•๐’” ๐’–๐’”๐’† ๐’ˆ๐’“๐’๐’–๐’๐’…๐’Š๐’๐’ˆ ๐’‚๐’” ๐’‚ ๐’”๐’‰๐’Š๐’†๐’๐’… ๐’‡๐’๐’“ ๐’˜๐’‰๐’†๐’ ๐’•๐’‰๐’†๐’š ๐’Œ๐’๐’๐’˜ ๐’•๐’‰๐’†๐’š ๐’‚๐’“๐’† ๐’˜๐’“๐’๐’๐’ˆ?
๐‘พ๐’‰๐’š ๐’…๐’ ๐‘ฐ ๐’‰๐’‚๐’—๐’† ๐’”๐’ ๐’Ž๐’‚๐’๐’š ๐’”๐’๐’๐’ˆ๐’” ๐’”๐’•๐’–๐’„๐’Œ ๐’Š๐’ ๐’Ž๐’š ๐’‰๐’†๐’‚๐’…?
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๐“ค๐“ป๐“ต ๐“’๐“ฑ๐“ช๐“ท๐“ฐ๐“ฎ๐“ผ
@//๐’Š-๐’Š๐’”-๐’‚-๐’‡๐’‚๐’๐’ˆ๐’–๐’“๐’-๐’˜๐’†๐’†๐’ƒ ๐’•๐’ @๐’Š-๐’Š๐’”-๐’‚-๐’‡๐’‚๐’-๐’˜๐’†๐’†๐’ƒ
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Everyone here is stunning and deserving of respect*.
I love you all!๐Ÿ˜˜(platonically๐Ÿ˜—)
*๐’€๐’๐’– ๐’…๐’ ๐’๐’๐’• ๐’…๐’†๐’”๐’†๐’“๐’—๐’† ๐’“๐’†๐’”๐’‘๐’†๐’„๐’• ๐’Š๐’‡ ๐’š๐’๐’– ๐’ƒ๐’“๐’†๐’‚๐’Œ ๐’Ž๐’š ๐‘ซ๐‘ต๐‘ฐ ๐’๐’“ ๐’‚๐’๐’š๐’๐’๐’† ๐’†๐’๐’”๐’†๐’” ๐‘ซ๐‘ต๐‘ฐ๐’”. ๐‘ฉ๐’“๐’†๐’‚๐’Œ๐’Š๐’๐’ˆ ๐’”๐’๐’Ž๐’†๐’๐’๐’†๐’” ๐‘ซ๐‘ต๐‘ฐ ๐’Š๐’” ๐’ƒ๐’“๐’†๐’‚๐’Œ๐’Š๐’๐’ˆ ๐’•๐’‰๐’†๐’Š๐’“ ๐’ƒ๐’๐’–๐’๐’…๐’‚๐’“๐’Š๐’†๐’”,๐’‚๐’๐’… ๐’•๐’‰๐’‚๐’• ๐’Š๐’” ๐’—๐’†๐’“๐’š ๐’…๐’Š๐’”๐’“๐’†๐’”๐’‘๐’†๐’„๐’•๐’‡๐’–๐’.
๐“œ๐“ธ๐“ธ๐“ฝ๐“ผ ๐“ฝ๐“ฑ๐“ช๐“ฝ ๐“˜'๐“ฟ๐“ฎ ๐“ช๐“ต๐“ป๐“ฎ๐“ช๐“ญ๐”‚ ๐“ถ๐“ช๐“ญ๐“ฎ
@roonilwazlibweasley @couldibeanymorechaotic @tarafications @angel-of-fallen-dreams @queen-asteria04 @thepaceperson @andromedas-star @moony-likes-hot-choc @just-a-smol-spoon @chirons-tail-curlers @romqnticstylez @supersharkgentlemen @i-was-once-a-flower @chaotic-coexistence
Here is my list of ships that i write for
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