#also have you noticed some extra stuff added to my style?
kurixta · 1 year
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they aren’t doing okay
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kozachenko · 3 months
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[Click image for better quality]
Ok so, what I did is go into the clip studio paint file, make a new file, copy and paste the group in the original file, merge everything, get rid of the extra stuff outside of the canvas, and then make the flattened image smaller and crop the canvas. Once you have that, export it and you're done. This helps maintain the actual quality of the image and also helps shrink the file size down to something actually postable (if anyone has a better way of doing this please tell me)
[Edit]: Ok I guess posting something to Tumblr just naturally compresses the image a bit more somehow because I'm looking at it now and zooming in too much makes it a bit blurry so I'm still gonna have to futz around with image quality for future pieces oof
Artist's Note:
I'm so glad I figured out a way to do this because I like working on a big canvas so I can get as much detail in as I possibly can. Only problems are how laggy it gets while drawing lol.
I had an idea for a drawing with Reimu and Zanmu because I really like thinking about their potential dynamic a lot. I also wanted an excuse to draw Zanmu again but in my normal rendering style because last time I drew her she was in my more sketchy style with generally flat colours so I wanted to draw her again. Speaking of, looking at the sketch for this is a jumpscare that I never enjoy seeing, like, man am I glad I didn't use those for my final piece.
Also about her spear. I was originally gonna make it like the ones she had in game, but it kinda threw off the whole piece. It was too big, too blue, and too flat, so I just went "fuck it" and gave her a different one instead. My headcanon justifying this is that the ones she uses in game are for danmaku battles whereas in any other fight she just uses a proper yari, or she still uses the yari and just makes it all glowy to power it up, maybe both lol. I pulled as much inspiration as I could from Sengoku era spears, and even put in some blue into the decorative part of the spear and also added a little skull to pay tribute to the original spear. Also, in my research I saw some art of izanami and izanagi making japan and saw that the yari izanagi has had a little decorative tassley thingy on it so I took some inspo from that and just made it one of Zanmu's tassles (Idk when that art was from or if the spear was still accurate to Sengoku period Japan but hey, probably the same reasons Eirin puts little bow ties on her arrows, it's just for personalization purposes).
I love rendering hair and clothes so much omg, while I like the super curly hair Zanmu, the longer, wavier hair suits her better for this drawing (I imagine it only does that like how Ghibli characters hair moves when they feel angry lol). I love making Zanmu's hair all messy and crazy, as well as giving her grey hairs, this woman has aged like a fine wine. Also, if the hem on the ends of her sleeves, top of her shirt, and her pants look like gold to you, that's because it is! It's fairly light so she's not collapsing under the weight, but it's gold! (I don't care how impractical it is, it's just cool). Not the undershirt though, it's made of a gold fabric. I had a cute idea with Reimu's hair to make it have a red shine to it. I also changed up Reimu's outfit so it isn't just a blob of red. I like it a lot when Reimu's skirt and outfit is segmented into different layers, so I wanted to incorporate that.
I tried to draw their hands differently as well, but IDK how noticeable that is. Also, I am super happy with how the side profiles for the two of them turned out, I used to struggle a lot with how to make the side profile of a character actually look like the character, so I'm really happy that they actually look like themselves.
Also added in the tree and rocks in the background as an homage to Zanmu's character art in Touhou 19, just because I was getting kinda stumped on what to do with the background lol.
In terms of a story idea with Reimu and Zanmu, idk why but the potential plotline of Zanmu wanting to ascend to godhood is so fascinating to me. Like, it is very possible that if she just convinced everyone she was a god (which would be very easy for her to do), she would become one in a heartbeat. Also, if she were to become a god, with her ability to return stuff to nothing, could she hypothetically get similar abilities to (Jojo Part 5 spoiler btw) GER? Like, idk about the death timeloop stuff, but the concept has been haunting me every night as I have been trying to find loopholes in GER's ability for a while now ( for no reason in particular). Back to the main topic, I imagine that she would probably tell Reimu that if she were to become a god she would take over the Hakurei shrine since the god there might as well be dead, and Reimu just says to her, "Over my dead body bitch." Like, I have no idea how to summarize their dynamic but like, it's the type of hero-villain dynamic where the phrase "We're not so different, you and I" would definitely be a phrase said during a fight. I think that if another IN style game were to release, Reimu and Zanmu would be in a team together. They could also have an interesting mentor and pupil kind of dynamic. Can you tell that Zanmu has been charging my mind rent these part few months? Like, instead of living in my head rent free, she kinda just uno reversed the whole situation and now she's the one charging me rent. What happens if I get evicted from my own brain? Actually, scratch that, I don't think I wanna know.
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sarahs-secrets2 · 1 year
Pull Me In (Phillip Graves x Reader) 18+࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ
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This picture of Graves makes me laugh so hard lmfaodkfskdfjs, also I'm adding fem biased to how the fic is written because despite me not using any direct pronouns (she/her) I do realize how these read, so I will be going back and changing my fics to have this adjustment 💝
Loosely based on Satellite by Harry Styles
gn! fem biased (no use of Y/N)
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: lowkey nsfw, sexual tension, swearing, pet names, pining, mentions of alcohol, fluff, and even lowkey angst, OOC (for the plot), the functions of the pool scene may not be entirely accurate but who cares it's hot!!!!!, CUE IS THE STICK USED TO HIT THE BALLS IN A POOL GAME FYI
₊°✧︡ ˗ ˏ ˋ ♡ ˎˊ ˗
“You free this weekend?” the Commander nudged your elbow as you packed up your bag heading out of the training unit at the Shadows base. 
“No, I think I have some stuff going on,” you shrugged. Phillip Graves was a great Commander, always attentive and checking in with his team, but especially with you. Over time you had noticed the extra attention you had been getting from Phillip, it had become overwhelmingly obvious. You would have to be blind to not notice what he was doing, so instead of leaning into it, you had more fun acting oblivious to his advances. Something about teasing the Commander made it all the more fun. You would also be dumb if you didn't admit how attractive you found Phillip Graves. From his gorgeous face to the way he refused to give up on trying to win you over, you had fallen quite hard, but it wasn't that easy, especially when he was your commanding officer, and especially since you didn't do relationships. 
“That’s a shame, lot of us are going to a new bar, was hoping you would join us,” Graves was walking closely beside you down the halls of the base, you were well aware of what he was doing. He just wanted an excuse to be closer to you, he would lean as you spoke back as if he couldn't hear and the only solution was being inches away from your face. 
“Maybe I’ll stop by, who else will be there?”, you teased back, hoping to get a rise out of Phillip.
“Well, everyone at this point except you darlin’” he laughed to hide how embarrassed he felt. He had lost count of how many months he had spent trying to get your attention. Graves was usually quite confident and self-assured but around you, something changed. He had lost his footing trying to impress you and now he didn't care how desperate he looked. Phillip just wanted one chance. 
The other Shadows noticed the Commander's new behaviors towards you, which you were still acting oblivious to, you enjoyed stringing him along. They began making fun of Phillip for his failed attempts and how out of his element you made him, the once smooth-talking southern boy was tripping on his words as he chased you down the halls. He had learned to tune out the noise to focus on you.
Phillip walked into the bar shocked when he heard your laughter breaking through the chatter. You were playing darts with some Shadows, smiling at your almost bullseye. Graves didn't know how to feel, he was happy to see you but jealousy was bubbling up inside of him due to the fact that he wasn't the one with you. Making his way through the crowded bar he grabbed a beer from the bartender and then headed to join you as you played darts. 
“Hey, you're late Phillip”, you smiled at him, teasing the Commander who had begged you to come out tonight only to be the one who everyone was waiting on. 
“Well, I’m here now aren't I?” he snuck his arm around your waist as he pulled you in for a side hug, you rested your head on his shoulder while you hugged him back slightly. Phillip sighed when you pulled away, already missing your touch. 
“So-” you faced the group, “Who is going to teach me to play pool?” motioning to the table in the center of the bar.
“I think the Commander should handle that one,” a newer Shadow laughed.
“Whaddya say, Graves, you up for it?”, you watched as Phillip sipped his beer, looking at you above the glass as he slightly raised his eyebrows in amusement. 
“Anything for you doll,” a laugh escaped his lips, as you took his hand dragging him through the crowd to the pool table
Phillip set his beer down and grabbed two cues, handing you one. Meanwhile, you adjusted the balls in the middle of the table making sure they were centered. You removed the triangle that kept the balls in one place, setting it on a side table.
“How’d I do?” you motioned at the setup hoping it looked alright.
“I think it looks great, go ‘head, you first,” Phillip took a step back allowing you to take the first shot. You leaned down placing the cue making sure it sat in between your index finger and thumb, slowly pulling the cue back before releasing it. Instead of hitting the white ball, the cue skipped missing it completely. 
“Shit, that’s embarrassing,” laughing as you leaned against the table.
“Come ‘ere, I’ll show ya how to do it,” Graves walked over behind you, “Okay act like you're gonna hit the ball,” he waited as you leaned down, bending over the pool table.
“Now what?” you turned your head back slightly, catching Phillip as his eyes raked over you, “Eyes up here, Commander,” you laughed, throwing him a wink. 
“Alright if I reposition you darlin’?” you nodded giving him permission to move you however he needed to. His hands connected to your waist, slowly pulling your hips back until your ass was grazing his belt buckle. He then took one hand and placed it onto your back, pushing it down until your stomach was just barely touching the pool table. Graves then wrapped an arm around you, guiding your hands onto the cue stick. 
Phillip tilted his head down slightly to whisper in your ear, “Just like that doll, pull the cue back,” you followed the instructions trying to maintain focus as he continued to hover over you, “Release whenever you’re ready”, your breath hitched as you released the cue, this time hitting the white ball perfectly breaking the balls that sat in the middle of the table. 
Instead of moving from your position with the Commander, you shifted your hips that remained pressed into his jeans. Slowly turning your head to look back at him, “How was that?”, your eyes slightly hooded as made eye contact.
Graves’ hands moved from your arms to your waist as he guided you to stand up straight, now facing him. He leaned in slightly so you were sure to hear him, “Better than I could've imagined darlin’”, the smirk on his face showed you that he was well aware of what the both of you were doing, and it wasn't a game anymore. 
“You gonna take your turn cowboy?”
“Well,” he let out a sigh, “not sure if I’m interested in the game anymore, I’d rather just talk with you”
“That so, Graves?”, he chuckled at your teasing. His hands still rested on your waist, lightly pushing you up against the pool table. “And, where did you want to talk to me?” 
“I would say this bar is a bit too crowded for a good conversation, you agree?”, you nodded in response, “So I was thinking we can go back to base maybe, that sound good?”
“I must be special if the Commander wants to talk with me!” you gave Phillip a toothy grin as you played dumb on why the pair of you were going back to his. Instead of giving him a chance to respond you grabbed his hand dragging him through the bar again, and out the front door. 
Luckily neither of you had finished your drinks so you were both safe to drive, Philip being a gentleman offered to be the one to do so. The two of you were now in his pickup truck heading back to the base, the radio was quiet and his hand rested lightly on your inner thigh.
“Can I ask you somethin’?”, Graves turned down the radio to almost silent now. 
“What changed?”, he looked over at you quickly before returning his attention back to the road. 
“You mean with us?”
“Yeah, you’re smart, you know what I've been doin’ darlin’,” he laughed to himself, recalling the months of pining after you. 
“I’ve always liked you, Phil, I just can’t imagine dating the Commander, let alone dating,” your hand now resting on the nape of his neck, you looked over at him as he drove, lightly scratching his hair with your nails. 
“Not your thing? Dating?”
“Easiest way not to get hurt,” with your free hand, you lightly tapped on your temple.
The truck finally pulled into the base, Phillip looking over at you now, “I wouldn't dream of hurtin’ you doll, you know that?” 
“Doesn't everyone say that?” you gave him a sad smile.
“I mean it, I can see you’re lonely”, Graves taking your hand in his as he lightly stroked your thumb, before placing a small kiss on the back of your hand. He didn't give you a chance to respond before he hopped out of the truck, moving to the passenger side to open your door, giving you his hand to help you out. 
The pair of you walked back through the Shadows’ base closely next to each other, this time you reciprocated the feeling of wanting to be near Phillip. His hand snuck around your shoulder, pulling you closer, your head rested on his shoulder, just like how it had earlier in the night. This time you didn't pull away. 
Phillip stopped in the hallway abruptly, turning you to face him, “I'm right here, I've been waitin’ for ya to pull me in doll, just say it, and I'm all yours,”
“I don't do relationships, Graves”, your eyes drifting to the ground. 
“How about you give it a chance? Think it over for me, and then decide”, a small smile crept onto his face as he pulled you in for a hug, placing a small kiss on the top of your head. 
“Give me a day or two, yeah?” you looked up at him before breaking the hug, patting his chest before walking away, Phillip stood now alone in the hallway hoping he wouldn't be stuck waiting forever.
₊°✧︡ ˗ ˏ ˋ ♡ ˎˊ ˗
Disclaimer not proofread! if you see something pls lmkk
Thank you all for bearing with me this weekend it was a bit crazy for me, I hope you all enjoyed this :)))
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rainbowsky · 1 year
It seems that there are so many 🍬 that would require planning and preparation. Do you think they are just that good at improvising, or they really do plan these things (e.g. Bobo filming that extra video in red that day he was filming Monclear ads weeks/months ago just to post it today for the XFX 7th anniversary?)
Hi Anon!
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Fake, fan fiction, CPN.
Anon is talking about this video clip, which is 7 seconds long, where DD is wearing a Moncler Disney Roger Rabbit hoodie and red clothing that was posted at 7:07, on the 7th anniversary of XFX (GG's solo fandom).
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Regardless of whether it was pre-planned or not, I personally believe it was intended as a reference to the anniversary. After all, he's the captain of the GG fan club! 😅
I think it's almost impossible that the outfit was pre-planned to be an intentional reference to GG, though. That look was something he wore for a photo shoot in connection with Moncler's Disney Roger Rabbit partnership and would have been styled by the brand's people, and of course would have included rabbit clothing given the focus of the campaign.
I think that this clip was probably just one of many he records and keeps on hand. DD is known for filming a lot of these things at once and then releasing them in a trickle as time goes by. It could be that when he was at the Moncler photo shoot he took the opportunity in his downtime to film some video clips.
What I think is possible is that when he saw that he'd be wearing this rabbit stuff he consciously chose to film some clips to use when he wants to reference GG in a future post. It might have felt like a golden opportunity to drop some candy at some point, when he saw them dressing him all up in red with a rabbit sweater.
DD has been known to make posts that reference GG in some way. He used to do it a lot more back in 2020, but hasn't been doing it much lately (probably due to the tense climate in the biz right now).
Also, the way in which this post lines up so well with GG's hot pot post, I doubt that was an accident. I think it's likely they pre-planned that part of it. Perhaps they planned that the next personal post GG made would use the 👍🏽 and DD's would use the ✌🏻.
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That's one thing I think almost every BXG noticed immediately and went 👀 over.
For those who aren't familiar, GG and DD are frequently associated with those two emoji because of their use of those gestures during promo for The Untamed. The much-loved Sina Day photo features those gestures.
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There was a fake rumor a while back that referenced GG and DD using those same light toned ✌🏻 and darker toned 👍🏽, and BXG were already pretty excited to see GG use that same toned 👍🏽 for his hot pot post. Seeing DD use the ✌🏻 just a few weeks later made a lot of turtles happy!
Of course we'll probably never know for sure, but those are my thoughts on it.
Edit: More on this here.
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heyangel28 · 3 months
A/N: This is a short story I wrote about Duplicity, where there is an extra member of Duplicity that’s dating Harry instead of Aven. It’s sort of a twisted tale with my own added characters and dynamics. Keep in mind that I do not own any of these characters (apart from Eva Turner) as they were originally created by happydays1d on wattpad but nonetheless, please enjoy this alternate version. This is also the second part, go read the first part to begin with so you understand this one. Enjoy x
Warnings: Violence, sexual harassment, gun violence, blood, cigarette usage, alcohol
~ ~ ~
Eva Turner
I pull up outside a quiet bar, before turning to the other and giving them spare clothes.
“Get changed into these.”
They all follow my instructions, immediately stripping off their black outfits and changing into casual clothes which would allow them to blend in better in the bar. I do the same, changing out of the black hoodie and into a dress instead.
I notice Harry looking over at me after he finishes changing into his clothes. I see his eyes lingering on me for a moment and I smirk to myself.
“Hands to yourself Styles.” I laugh without even looking at him.
The smile on his face only widens more. He walks up to me and holds onto my shoulders as we walk into the small underground bar.
“No promises." He says with a chuckle.
We head into the bar, purple LED’s making it hard to see, blaring bass music and the smell of liquor and vomit. Harry and the others follow behind me as we make our way through the bar. It's full of people, with the volume of the music at full blast. It was difficult to hear myself think in there, let alone get a word in with someone else. The room was filled with drunk people, all dancing around or sitting, drinking and having fun. Harry's eyes dart around the room, examining everyone who was in here, keeping a close look out for anything suspicious.
I make my way over to the counter, tapping the wood gently, my rings clinking against the surface.
“Cara, hey.” I smile at the bartender.
She hears my voice and turns around, looking me up and down, smiling back.
"Well, well, well...Look who it is. It's been a while." She smiles with her pearly white teeth, red lipstick on her lips.
“Yeah you know me, always busy with the band and that stuff.” I laugh in response.
"Of course. The busy life of a rockstar, I understand." She chuckles back.
I take a seat on a bar stool, looking at the blonde haired women stood behind it, an old friend of mine. She was wearing a black top which showed some cleavage and some skinny jeans.
"So, what can I get get you? I'm guessing something to drink? Otherwise why would you be here?” She asks, leaning against the bar top, her hands resting on her hips.
“I’ll just take my usual.” I laugh lightly, resting my elbows on the wooden counter.
She gives me a smile.
“Sure thing babes, one strawberry vodka and lemonade coming right up."
“How’s university going?” I ask her as she pours me my drink. She’s not much older than I am.
“Oh you know, the way it always is.”
“So shitty?”
“You betcha.” She laughs placing the glass of alcohol down on the counter in front of me.
I suddenly feel a pair of hands rest on my shoulders and I hear Niall’s Irish accent speak from behind me, it’s usual cheerful tone. He gives Cara a flirty smile. I roll my eyes knowing how many times he’s tried and failed.
Cara just laughs at him and shakes her head slightly.
“Nice try Niall. But I'm not falling for it this time. Try someone else." She turns away from him.
“How many times does she have to tell you, she’s not interested Ni.” I chuckle taking her side. She nods a small thank you in my direction.
“I don't know. She might change her mind at some point-" Niall winks at her.
“I told you once, I'll tell you again Horan. I'm not interested."
“Not yet you’re not.” He grins devilishly. Making the blonde roll her eyes.
He takes a seat on a bar stool beside me.
“Where did the others get too?”
“Liam and Louis were chatting up some girls, that's where they are right now." Niall shrugs.
“And where's Harry?" Cara adds confused.
“You think I’d know? He’s my boyfriend and still goes running off where I can’t find him.” laugh, taking another sip of my drink.
Niall starts laughing.
“Sounds about right."
Harry soon emerges from the crowd of people.
“Speak of the devil.” I laugh as he approaches behind us.
“Hey angel. I thought I'd lost you for a second." He says with a smile as he takes a seat on the bar stool, beside me.
I smile.
“Guess I can say the same for you.” I laugh lightly, getting Cara’s attention and gesturing towards Harry, Niall still trying to flirt with her again.
Cara lets out a laugh and gives Niall a playful look, rolling her eyes as she does so.
“Can't a girl get any peace around here?" She mutters, while Niall just grins and chuckles.
I chuckle light-heartedly.
“Niall, let me buy you a drink before Cara rips her hair out.” I offer finishing off my drink.
Niall chuckles with you as he looks over to Cara then back at you.
“Sure, I wouldn't want to cause any trouble. I'll take a rum and coke please Cara."
I pull out a 10 dollar bill and slide it over the counter.
“I’ll have another strawberry vodka. That should cover them.”
“No need Eva, it’s on the house.” She winks at me and begins making the two drinks. With a surprised look on my face I reach to take the money back but Niall beats me to it, slipping it in his pocket.
She hands the drinks over, passing one of the two glasses of rum and coke to Niall and the other to Harry as she hands me my drink.
Harry grabs the glass of rum and coke and takes a sip of it.
“Ahh, the perfect drink to help me forget all my problems. Thank you." He grins at me as he sips his drink.
After a couple minutes I finish my second drink and I stand up from the bar stool.
“I’ll be right back.”
“Okay, I'll still be here making sure Niall doesn’t get up to trouble.” He smiles lightly as I stand up from the bar stool.
“Fuck you.” Niall’s voice sounds as I walk towards the door, leading out into an empty alleyway behind the back of the bar. I pull out a packet of cigarettes and leaning against the wall as I light one. After a while outside I notice someone drunkenly approaching me, I didn’t recognise them.
The person continued to drunkenly walk over towards me, with swaying steps and slight staggering on his feet. He looked like he was about to approach me so I prepared yourself for the worst when he got close enough. I take a deep breath in, inhaling one last drag of the cigarette smoke before stubbing it out on the ground.
“Can I help you?” I raise my eyebrows at the man now stood before me. He just looked at me for a few seconds before drunkenly speaking, his words slurring as he spoke.
“Hey...hey...what's your name?"
“Nina.” I lie, putting on a polite smile.
He squints his eyes as he looks at me, leaning a little too close to me than necessary.
“Nina...? Nina...that's a lovely name..." He says drunkenly as he puts his arm on my shoulder.
I shove his arm off me.
“Sorry, I’m not interested.”
“Aww...come on...why not? I'd love to have some company. Come on..." He says, getting progressively more in my face as he keeps trying to pursue the conversation and get to know me. He just wouldn't take "no" as an acceptable answer. Kill all men.
I shake my head sternly and turn to go back inside.
“I won’t repeat myself.”
He grabs my wrist, Turing me back around to look at him.
“But you're so beautiful...so perfect...why would you not want to get to know me? Just give me a chance and I could show you a great time."
“If you don’t remove your hands in the next 2 seconds there’s a high likelihood you’ll never use them again.” I grit my teeth in anger.
"Ah, someone's a little feisty..." He drunkenly says, not even fazed by my threat. He continues to invade my personal space, laughing a little longer before he speaks again.
“You know...you're just playing hard to get. I've met women like you, I know you want it. Look at yourself, you dress like you're always on the hunt for someone new to seduce. I bet you’re just a whore looking for a good time.”
Anger boils inside me, something clicks and I slap him right across the left cheek.
“I told you I’m not interested.” I spit.
His drunken grin immediately changed into surprise as he looked back at me, feeling the smack of my hand on the left side of his face. He looked at me with a menacing look before he spoke.
“Did you just...hit me?"
“You wouldn’t want to try me if I were you.” I glare at him.
He continues to stare at me, trying to assess the situation. He was definitely not drunk anymore, and you could see he was becoming more and more annoyed with me.
“Do you think I'm scared of you, huh? You think you're stronger than me?" He grits his teeth before he stumbles forward, attempting a swing at me. I duck under his arm and move over to the other side of the alley, before landing a punch of my own right to the centre of his face.
His head snaps back as he stumbles backwards, blood dripping down his nose. The look on his face was one of shock, and a little bit of pain before he regained his balance, looking back at me with a look of pure rage on his face. He stumbled forward once again, grabbing his jaw and spitting out a little bit of blood as he did so. He moved forward with another swing at me.
I use the bottom of my heel to kick him backwards onto the ground, digging my heel into his chest as he lies on the concrete, unable to move. The breath knocked out of his lungs as he hit the ground. His hand grabbed his chest as he painfully tried to breathe. He spit out a little more blood before speaking in a low voice.
“You're a psycho..." He hissed in anger, staring right at you. His words were not the usual tone of drunkenness or slurs he had before, but more clear now.
“A trained fighter maybe but not a psycho.” I laugh almost menacingly, digging my heel further into his chest, keeping him in the ground. His breath came in quick, laboured gasps as he felt the pressure of your heel digging into his chest. He spat out a bit more blood as he gritted his teeth, using the last bit of his strength to try and move.
I wipe a bit of blood of my cheek that he spat at me and smirk.
“Ah someones a little feisty.”
"Shut the hell up. Let me go." He yells as he continues to try and wiggle free of the pressure I was applying onto his chest. He tries a few more times, but fails to get out of it. He then starts coughing. Keeping my heel on his chest I begin to dig through his pockets.
“Hmm, keys, cigarettes, a Polaroid picture of a girl…who’s this your girlfriend?” I taunt.
“Hmm, a wallet.” I mutter to myself and begin flicking through his wallet.
He tries to stop me as I start to dig through his pockets, he grabs for my arm.
“Hey! What are you doing...?" He says, weakly as he tries to sit up, but the weight of my heel prevented him from moving at all.
I ignore him and slip the money he had into my bra.
“I’ll save that for a rainy day.” I feel him squirm underneath my foot before my eyes catch on a business card in his wallet. I smirk to myself.
“Bingo.” I whisper to no one in particular.
As I take out the business card, he starts to panic more, trying with all the strength he had left to move me off of him. He starts trying to dig his way out from under your foot, failing once more and just grunting and groaning underneath me.
“You weren’t in this alleyway looking for a random girl to fuck were you?” I hiss.
“You know this man?” I turn the business card around in my hand, showing him the picture.
The man's eyes go wide and his face shows signs of fear.
“No, he's just a friend...I swear." He says drunkenly, his breath still coming in quick, laboured gasps as he tries to get up from my heel. He looks at the business card I was showing him, staring at me holding the picture of the man. His eyes filled with fear and panic. He knew he had been caught red-handed.
“Just a freind? I see.” I smirk and raise my eyebrows, sticking the card back in his wallet.
“Maybe he’d like me to put you out of your misery then?”
He looks at me as he continues to speak, breathing heavily.
“Please...just let me go." He says, sounding scared, his desperation was pretty clear to see.
“No can do I’m afraid.” I say reaching into my thigh garter and pulling out a small shotgun. “I had an order.”
“You see…I know something…” I begin, aiming the gun at him.
“This “freind” of yours, Kai, I work for him. Now judging by the fact that you just so happened to stumble upon me while I was alone and out of sight…” I click the gun safety off. “You must have some idea who I am.”
He finally realised who I was, he shakes his head in denial.
“N-no.” He mutters in fear.
“I’ve been given a mission. Assuming you have too? Correct?”
He doesn't reply immediately, taking in everything that I said before finally speaking up, his tone more serious and as he does speak.
“Thought so.” I throw the wallet away from me, letting the in-scripted leather hit the ground before turning back to him.
“Maybe next time you’ll be successful.” I hiss before pulling the trigger and with one single shot to his chest his body goes limp underneath me. Dead.
His eyes staring right up at me as they fade to black, the look of pure fear still stuck onto his face. I’ve done my objective, I got rid of our target without raising suspicions. As I move my foot off of his chest, he finally hit the floor with a light thud, laying there in a pool of his own blood. I quickly drag his body behind one of the dumpsters along with the wallet, before tucking the gun back into my garter and concealing it under my dress and heading back inside.
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respiteresponse · 10 months
dream needs to wear an emo collar choker asap. clawing at the walls thinking about it
my tierlist for scenemo items dream should wear:
F Tier: skinny jeans. HEAR ME OUT. his wide leg mall goth nu metal dragging on the floor catching under the heel of his shoe slay just fits him so well and as much as i would love to see his legs encapsulated by splitting fringing black denim i think his giant jeans are a statement and make him extra moe. he should wear more ripped and black jeans though ! ! !
D Tier: beanies and snapbacks. he already rocks the cat dreanies near daily and with the mask coming into the picture and everything being so joever for us hair appreciators, as sexy as he is with his beanies on and his curls peaking out me personally i just love when his whole ice cream scoop hair is on display ! can be improved with some rainbow cheetah print hair extensions and or a tiara : ) !
C Tier: off the hip belts, preferably studded. this is one of my most favorite and hottest things a person can do with their outfit ESP if theyre scenemo leaning but its not essential to make the scenemo kid style shine through. i can even accept some more normie type stuff like bb simons so long as its styled appropriately ! ! ! a want but not a need.
B Tier: tight fitted tees/band tees. droobs tastefully hidden behind an edgy stretched and distorted logo for pierce the veil or sleeping with sirens most likely purchased at hot topic 10 years ago, snatched waist on display for the whole world to admire and for george to grab WITH the added bonus that short sleeve shirts have a tendency to rise up due to their fit, so we could realistically even expect a glimpse of tummy and or boxers peaking out which only enhances the visuals on display. and his ARMS. preferably covers and curated by bracelets exclusively bought from spencers or gifted by fans if not by an either complimentary or uncomplimentary long sleeve/hoodie underneath.
A tier: eyeliner. a well understood and universally accepted staple in the scenemo community. and really the more the better ! ! a tasteful swipe of black pencil drug store eyeliner on the waterline of dreams bottom lids could only improve upon his looks as a 6'2" boy with glossy doe eyes and pink lips . but then you add to it, upper waterline to match the bottom, expand unto the skin of the eyelids, perhaps even try a wing if were feeling daring ! in an exceptionally crazy occasion we could go full raccoon, black from tail end of his eyebrow down to the start of where the crease of his bottom lid lies. he could eat jeffree stars ex scene queen ass up in about 0.5 nano seconds with that and some fake lashes, but thats just me ! irregardless, something so casual as a little makeup can go a long way in making someone hot 100x hotter 😋
S Tier: facial piercings. the possibilities here are quite literally endless. we start simple with nose, a ring through the nostril is a classic, super simple everyone is doing it, could have one of those and pass for someone who doesnt know jack shit about i set my friends on fire or dot dot curve, but then you go a little lower and things start to get fun. with a lip piercing, you can basically signal to any and everyone that youre an edgy kind of guy, not just anyone will put a needle through one of the most prominent and noticeable features of their face! dolphin bites, snake bites, shark bites, spider bites, literally any animal biting your lips will up your status as a queen of the scene. bonus points for a monroe or a tongue piercing, xxxxxtra hot imo😁 moving back up bridge is also a good option, particularly edgy and tough to find on anyone in day to day life, would give dream some uniqueness as if he was already in any need of that. eyebrow is always a safe option, anti eyebrow, tear drop etc all very very cool. but the most ultimate piercingf for dream in my opinion would be a simple yet head turning cheek piercing. a common factor to be found in most all of my scenemo dream drawings, it simply seems like it makes obvious sense for the guy whos whole branding is smiles to have piercings wear his dimples are ! ! when he smiles, the sun will not only catch on his astoundingly straight white teeth, but also on that of the jelwery adorning where his dimples lie.
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blamemma · 2 years
Top 5 Maxiel headcanons you've come up with
this is going under the cut because it got waaayyy too long to quickly (also this very quickly divulged into headcanons vs. au's oops sorry) (also that first one i could really expand more on if i had any brain power whizzing through my head today)
max is obsessed with daniels tattoos but not in the sense of them being sexy and hot (he likes them also in that way, plz keep writing it into fics xx ) but in an appreciation way....i truly believe max would love museums and art galleries (more traditional than new wave kinda ones, at those he'd be like 'but daniel, i could easily make that, why is it £1,000,000)....idea stems from his love of geography and maps and history but I can honestly see him wandering around the national portrait gallery or the rijksmuseum and admiring these portraits and statues of historical figures and just spouting his facts that he somehow knows and enquiring about how they were made...LIKE SORRY imagine max with one of those lil headset things with the really bad headphones which are often so tiny they fit over no ones head that you get and you type the number in that corresponds to the art you're currently looking at and it tells you all about it hE'D LOVE IT (i think idk i'm hypothesising about a man i dont know) i just think max likes the slower things in life from what he says in his interviews and stuff and I think if he knew he could just wander around and not be noticed and take his time admiring things...he would..sO anyway back to the tattoos got a bit distracted I think Max likes Daniel's tattoos because they're all different...you've got his massive thigh tattoo which is traditional/neo-classical style full of colour and bright and has dedications to family and home...and then you've got text ones but a lot of them are done in different fonts, some more minimalist than others and then you've got the astronaut and the cupid which so obviously have stories behind them and max would love to be told those stories, repeatedly, never tires of hearing daniel explain his tattoos to him and i think he just likes that daniel has art all over him that HE gets to admire....when daniel gets new ones he sits and shows max the designs and asks what he thinks (same with his merch) and max is just straight-up honest and helps daniel tweak things
2. an ode to mine and ray's single dad daniel au but its truly one of the things i now think about most often because its loving someone and their someone!! knowing that loving them means loving their child and their family and that not being a problem!! for max, that is so easy, because it's daniel's child, he loves daniel (even though he doesn't really realise it yet) and so it is easy to love henry??! max literally does not second guess it all whereas daniel is panicking, has seen max and henry get along since he first introduced them (henry really hasn't known a life without max also being there) but adding this extra dimension, where max is something more to him, a partner/lover, and therefore something else to henry terrifies him - he backs out of taking the next step with max SO often because he would rather continue to get these little family moments of him max and henry which he can watch over and pretend they're a real family than take a risk on a relationship with max and truly ruin it and leave henry without max and ultimately leave himself without max!! it's about your priorities as a parent and sometimes thinking you're making the best decision when ur not!!
3. daniel is obsessed with max...u literally just have to refer to the countless interviews where he mentions him, unprovoked, and the way his face lights up!! loves to worship his body, loves seeing how it has changed....THE THESIS (thank you @fourmula1 for ur service)....and i obviously think max is also obsessed with daniel....but its just different idk words are evading me but like daniel knew max as a teenager as a spritely 17 year old and he's now seeing him as a man at 25 winning two world championships already??!?!!?? eyah there's gotta be a bit of admiration and obsession.
4. things got frosty in the middle part of this season between them both because they can't communicate. daniel will hide behind jokes, often self-depreciating, when times get realllyyy tough, and max just wants honesty. wants daniel to lay his cards on the table and tell max how he feels. wants to see daniel punch a wall if that will make him feel better. and so they just....weren't talking....because anytime max asked, he just wouldn't get the truth and then when he'd call daniel out on it daniel would get defensive....i dont think max would want to help with the situation... they know their boundaries when it comes to racing and their teams and what they can and can't say to each other...but I think essentially what happened was just a breakdown in communication and max just feeling like he was being left on the sidelines with a depressed bf who he didn't know how to help...they regressed for a little bit....spent time apart....daniel went to montana and then perth...max spent time in monaco with his friends, rode jet skis, partied etc. they missed each other, they pined for each other, they got advice off their friends, they kissed they talked now they're ok again etc etc. and daniel knows that he CAN tell max anything and max will listen or give advice, whatever daniel wants, but he just needs to know
5. ...they're both vers... like what you like read what you wanna read enjoy what you enjoy we're all writing and reading about these men for our own enjoyment and I also like reading different people's takes on either/or... BUT i just think sometimes a man needs to fuck and sometimes he needs to be fucked and there's different reasons why and its whatever the moment calls for but we go back to number 3 and the obsession daniel has with how max has changed and its just another way for him to enjoy and obsess over this change in max....i do think they would have started with daniel topping but as max becomes more confident in his skin and LOVES what daniel does to him he wants to give daniel the same....max lOVES to make people happy, daniel fucking him makes him so happy and content and he knows that makes daniel happy to but he wants to try it the other way, try something new etc etc. it's about them pleasing each other at the end of the day and just being able to serve each others needs....
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clatterbane · 4 months
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Another batch planned, because I can: second attempt at a ginger-lemon not quite cyser!
This time, we've got some cloudy apple juice, that apple-ginger-lemon "shot" (claiming 34% ginger juice), and trying some of what is essentially Scandinavian golden syrup instead of honey. It's cheaper, and I thought the warm flavor might work well with everything else.
This also seemed like a decent excuse to try that pack of Belgian ale yeast which accidentally got sent in an order. It's supposed to be good for the stronger types of Belgian beer, and give off some tropical fruit and spicy notes. Really not a neutral choice, and I haven't been sure what to do with the stuff since I don't even enjoy beer all that much and don't particularly want to get into brewing my own GF varieties.* But, this combo of ingredients doesn't seem like it would be wrong with the distinctive flavor notes that you get in those types of Belgian ales--a lot of which probably do come from the yeast strains used.
Anyway, I guess we'll see how this works out. Current plan is to start off with the apple juice and syrup, and then add the ginger-lemon stuff in secondary once it's otherwise about done. Hopefully that will help keep more of the flavors in there. I was disappointed before at how little ginger came through in the end from that juice blend that tasted noticeably gingery before fermentation, and I'm hoping that adding the spice component in later will leave more flavor from it.
Not as concerned about the lemon for this batch, or I would probably add in some extra peel later on too.
* I have also been a CAMRA member for around 20 years now, funnily enough --and good-sported along to several beer festivals over the years. Where I kept hitting the cider and perry. 😊 Though I do rather enjoy the Belgian ale styles that this yeast is supposed to be good for. My partner just automatically signed me up as part of a family membership, and I didn't see any real reason to object. Still think it's sorta funny, tbh. Don't actually know if he's kept that going since we left the UK, now that I think about it.
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away-ward · 8 months
"However, we know that A.P. was not wealthy like Edward, but he was ambitious and intelligent. We don't know what drove A.P. to work so hard to get a scholarship to TBP," - from your post asking who gave damon the key to carfax room.
Wait, A.P. was a scholarship student? Hold on, he was kinda like emory? A self-made person?
+ i would really love an epilogue by pd showing a bond between michael & emory, and talking about how different the graysons had made michael's old, cold, haunted, and lonely house to look like how it is now in willemmy's care. I bet he would notice the warmth, and the liveliness of his old house, especially their old kitchen, since emmy loves to cook and bake. We could even have extras of emmy bonding with the women through cooking or biweekly/monthly baking or smth in that house :( what do ya think?
Weeeellllll I might be jumping the gun on him being scholarship student. The story that Will tells just indicates that there was a difference between the wealthy kids on the team, and the scholarship students or those who needed scholarships for college. He later makes a point to say that A.P. was not wealthy like Edward. Could be that A.P. just wasn't as wealthy as Edward, but the way Will tells it leads me to believe A.P. didn't come from money.
I also have a post in here where I thought the Grayson's were old, old money. That could still be true, since A.P. could have married into money, but it does seem that as a teenager he was in a similar position as Emory.
But how are you guys interpreting that story?
Wait, I thought Will and Em moved into the old Fane residence, like Rika's house? Since her mom married Will's uncle?
(First I miss who gave Damon the key, and now I might have mixed up the houses?? Do I not know this series at all? Quick, who did Emory marry? It was will, right???)
But yeah, I would have loved more interactions with the characters. I was reading a post earlier about how the term "filler episode" was originally used and how it's used today. I always used the term to mean parts of the story that seem to just be padding the run time/pages without adding enough to the plot or character to be enjoyable. I enjoyed the point that was made by the person writing it. They explained so many authors and writers today have heard the term "filler" and have been told filler is anything that doesn't move the plot forward and they need to get rid of it.
But while chapters with characters development or interaction may not move the plot forward, they're not filler or padding. Readers and series viewers love that stuff. They crave it. If watching these characters just have simple interactions so I can understand them better or see the little background moments that build their hint at their relationships/bonds is filler, then I'd read an entire book of filler. Give me all the filler.
Despite what PD writes, I love the idea of these people just being overly involved in each other's lives. A hundred combinations of group chats, always in each other's houses, knowing exactly where they keep the good snacks, ruining each other's plans. Bake nights, movie nights, planning surprise party nights. All of it. That's my idea of a chosen family, and how I prefer to picture them.
I love the idea of Michael reflecting on Emory's style. Listening to portions of Fire Night reminded me that Michael wanted to open a resort and it seems like they did - Cold Fire Inn. I know they brought in Damon and Emory's company for that, so I imagine there was a lot of discussion about how best to represent Thunder Bay while including their own style and appealing to the masses. They probably grew to appreciate each other even more, though I know they fought over aspects of the design. Damon probably enjoyed watching Michael receive a verbal beating at the hands of Emory. He probably recorded some of them to send to Will later. Oooh can you imagine Michael trying to verbally spar with both Emory and Banks.
No chance.
Sorry, that was a lot of rambling. Thanks for the ask!
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lalaurelia · 1 year
2022 Fic in Review
So I do this every year, and it’s kinda fun? So I’m doing this again for the stories I’ve written this year. I won’t be counting a collab though, since I never do, and my stats are a mess because I’ve transferred my Russian-language works to AO3 this year, but I will be counting them. I think. We’ll see if it takes xD
total number of completed stories: 9 total, +1 collab. It wasn’t a good year for writing, I’m afraid. Hopefully I’ll be able to make 2023 a better one.
total word count: 16266 words. I’ve added a lot of words to WIPs though, I think about 17K extra. The focus this year was what game designers call MVP, minimum viable product. I just wanted to get the stories finished - so they were mostly uncomplicated and short. Wow. I haven’t been writing short things for a very long time.
fandoms written in: Gotham and Gobblepot, baby, these things don’t change XD
looking back, did you expect to write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d expected? I always, always expect to write more. But considering all the shit that’s been happening this year, I think I wrote more than I expected to do. I feared I wouldn’t be able to write a single fic.
what’s your own favorite story of the year? This is unexpectedly hard? I like practically all of them this year? I guess I’ll choose the one I finished the year with, In the dark. It was a lot of experiments, and it was really exciting to try all those things.
did you take any writing risks this year? Yeah, I’ve been trying to get used to experimenting with my writing styles and options more, because I desperately wanted to see progress somewhere. And this was my progress. The first experiment was The Crown and the Shield, my first-ever second person story, and the other one was In the dark, mentioned above. I feel that trying to write in the way that’s unfamiliar to me helps me get rid of a number of my usual hangups I stumble over when writing.
do you have any fanfic or profit goals for the new year? Finish at least one WIP. Write a fic for each month. I hope I’ll manage at least some of that XD
best story of the year? In the dark XD Okay, okay. I do think it’s Mango Daiquiri this time around. It’s both subtle and not, which I find enjoyable.
most popular story of the year? AO3 stats to the rescue! Apparently, it’s Drunk on You, which is cool, I loved writing it. It also helps that it was written in the beginning of the year.
story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: The Crown and the Shield could use a little more love, but I know that readers will always read what they want to read. If it’s not a story I’ve written, or not the one I want them to love, well. It’s okay. I love my fics regardless XD
most fun story to write: You know, I’ll name Trick, or... because I didn’t really expect to whip up a Halloween-themed story on short notice, but then I hit a stride and it turned out pretty fun.
story with the single sexiest moment: In the dark, hands down. I haven’t been writing many explicit stories this year though. But I still think it’s the sexiest one for all the stuff that’s going on in Jim’s head and then out of it~
sweetest story: I have trouble writing fluff, so I just want to give Sweet Morning an honourable mention.
“holy crap, thats wrong, even for you!” story: I just don’t think this way when it comes to stories. In fiction, anything goes. The only thing I got hang up on this year is ‘maybe there are too many kinks per paragraph in this one’, but then again, why the hell not have as many kinks as you want XD
story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters & most unintentionally telling story: Can’t go into details, it’s a WIP. Yes, there are still depths to find out about my fave boys. Sometimes they’re not quite what you expect them to be.
hardest story to write: Another WIP. I struggled with it a lot, some parts of it flowed, some were set on stalling. I’ve hit yet another snag in it recently. Ugh. I’ll get through it, but I have the urge to whine about it too lol
biggest disappointment: I don’t think I have disappointments this year when it comes to my stories. That’s a nice thought. Writing was a solace for me this year, so... yeah. The disappointments are all external.
biggest surprise: How deeply satisfying the writing experiments are. It’s like opening a window that’s been closed for months and getting some more light and air into your space. That’s why I want to try doing more experiments from time to time.
Tagging, if you want to do a fic review of your own: @birdwatching-goesbothways, @killerrabbitofcaerbannog, @whatwould-misha-do, @stardustloki and anyone else who wants to try this~
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ursbearhug · 1 year
Okay, I might be overdramatique because I'm pure tears pal but I have some incomprehensible babble to spew and my tumblr will suffer collateral damage of it.
So hi hello. In the Internet sphear I go by Percy. And if you don't know me, my favourite anime of all times is Kill la Kill.
For some reason, I catch myself rewatching it every now and then. I thought I might be watching it extra critically this time but I got lost in the sauce by the 3rd ad and didn't feel like doing any deeper inspection.
(No joke if that's how americans watch anime no fucking wonder you need power of anime AND gods on your side. In 24 episodes I've watched more ads in minutes than actual episodes, that's fucking insane. Nothing is sacred anymore, I swear)
KlK also marks one of my last anime ever watched. It aired in 2013, I think, and I've seen the OVA (I don't remember a bit of it though) but then somehow in 2014, I've started Akumo no Riddle but got bored by like episode 4 and never picked it, or any other series, again. In me teens I just couldn't justify wasting time watching anime, when I could actively do other stuff I enjoy and that requires more than physical form (aka I do something-anything).
I clearly have a soft spot for it. For some folk it is weird; on one hand I have a... Complicated relationship with nudity. One can say I do not like it very much. But it never crossed my mind that in 24 episodes, 80% of it is spent half naked. I just kind of got the nudity is used for narrative purposes and paid it no mind. For some it's just fan service for all the weebos to beat their meat to the drawing or whatever.
Well, I love the graphical style and prowess of KlK. I think (is the key word here) that klk and attack on titan (the title I use for it does not tranlsate into English and you cannot appreciate the peak of my humour, sadly) are semi close on the time line. And I remembered a lot of people going head over heels for attack's style, but I always liked klk's more. Also music-wise klk blows the attack on nonsense outta the water. Like, they wish they had such a good track in the series. Don't even get me FUCKING started on Garnidelia! A QUEEN.
And I've been crying for 10 minutes over Senketsu's death. Like a bitch. I've seen this ending like 5 times by now and it never fucking fails. Your fave could never 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Also also, not a gospel or anything, so take it with grain of salt but I vaguely remember one day reading that Kill la Kill's title is actually a pun. What some people have noticed not a lot of killing takes place. Kiru ra kiru, as it could be pronounced, would be "to cut" and "to wear", which is quintessentially what the whole series is about. But then again, I'm not sure when, where or how I've read that and I'm also not well acquainted with Japanese (which is a polite way to say I can't read or speak it at all)(unless the meme-y japanglish counts; arigathanks gozaimuch and yamete kudastop and so on and so forth), so yeah. Take it and consider me an idiot making shit up, that's the safer way out lmfao.
Anyway, yeah, I'm a little vulnerable here, crying my eyes out to my pillow. Good night or something?
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teefa85 · 1 year
So, my thoughts about the Octopath II demo now that I’ve played it.  Note I’ve only played with Ochette and Castti, since I wanted to really complete exploration and stuff in the area rather than push to start a third character.
Cut for length and minor spoilers...
Can we just all gush about how the fact that not only did Yasunori Nishiki continue to write character pre-boss themes that seamlessly blend into the boss fights, but he made it so if you change Day to Night the theme seamlessly changes for that, too?  It helps with immersion since the music shifts aren’t so jarring between these moments.
Atmosphere is one of the things I love about the original Octopath Traveler.  HD 2D is such a wonderful style, allowing for the beauty of pixel graphics I loved in my childhood games but with modern touches to give it more depth.  Just the details in its environments...lush jungles, crumbling ruins, sandy beaches, haunting caves.  And while I only experienced two of the eight characters’ prologues, I have seen people’s videos and the official trailers to know there are more great environments to come (Thronè’s slums look fittingly dark and dreary, while I adore the snowy winds Osvald’s introductory area shows).
The battles are definitely even better than before.  Having Latent Powers linked to Breaking and taking damage (two things that’ll happen easily) is amazing.  Special attacks like Ochette or Hikari (from what I’ve seen).  Agnea and Osvald’s look to be based on the Divine Skills of their OG Counterparts, both very useful (I mean Sealticge’s Sedation saved my ASS in Ophilia’s final boss).  And while Castti’s use of Concoct ingredients without using them up seems like little, it’s definitely a good time to pull out some big attack or to get the party back on their feet.  So a variety of different things with great effects.
Adding to this, some skills are different between games, though that is easy to see if you noticed two of the Latent Powers are based on Divine Skills.  Ochette doesn’t have Rain of Arrows or Arrow Storm.  I didn’t see Last Stand in Castti’s skillset.  I mean, the locked skills might be missing things from the first, but still, it lets the jobs you know and love play slightly differently while keeping their themes.  I’ve also already seen a video on getting an inventor based class that can be accessed from Thronè’s starting area, so there will be new ways to play as well.
Do enjoy some of the QoL changes to the jobs I’ve played with.  Like having Castti’s ingredients each have an affect but you use two at a time (I healed both HP and SP while fighting her boss, for example).  Or Ochette having a chance to autocatch a defeated monster and turn captured ones into food (that can be used with her Befriend Path Action at night, Trade with her town since they don’t use money, and possibly other things down the line such as Quests...but we don’t know that for sure).
Additional Path Actions...nuff said!  More ways to knock out rent-a-guards to get to loot or blocked areas.  Another method of getting extra NPCs in the party.  More ways to filch items, something I did A LOT of if anyone remembers my Octopath liveblogs from 2018.  Even when you change up party comp to do other chapters, or level people up for said other chapters, you have more options at your disposal.
From what I’ve also seen, some characters in their intro areas have NPCs in the party that they can control.  Nice!  There were definitely moments in the original I wished characters could have come with me and helped but the plot wouldn’t let me take them even if they were helping (like Earhardt in Olberic’s final chapter).  Dunno if NPCs joining and helping for a chapter will continue on later, but it does give some depth to the early chapter of some characters before they set out on their own.  Of course, neither Ochette or Castti had a companion as I spent all my meat on new armor so I couldn’t Befriend outside of the scared kid and Malaya was busy treating the town...
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woozi · 8 months
hiii yza… this ask’s a bit of a long one but! thought u might appreciate some svt rambling from yours truly, car crash anon. I was rewatching a bunch of dance practices lately (been on a real svt kick trying to find all the moments of them singing live during dance practices bc I enjoy that. I did find them only I didn’t take any notes which will be tragic for me like a year later I bet) and noticed that like. there’s this part in HOT (the like… post-chorus? whatever comes right after the hot hot hot bit) where both hoshi and dino take center for a brief period, and what they do differs. and the Way it differs is like, the move hoshi does really focuses on his lower body while dino’s focuses like. on the upper body. arms and shoulders. it's a great time for me no matter what bc like hey. my biases. but this did remind me of the kind of unhinged ask I sent u where I mentioned that hoshi like. almost imperceptibly bends his knees a little more in the fear chorus. It did get me thinking tho like. I feel like that’s a really distinctive characteristic of how he dances—the way he uses his lower body, I mean—and I always enjoy taking note of it? it just adds a little extra… pizzazz, yknow? so I thought I’d pick a few moments of like. things I think r really indicative of hoshi’s style. to share. (apologies I did not also include dino stuff in this ask bc I think it would be… way too long. to appease my own self I want to say that somehow it was only today I noticed that during vernon’s bit in _world hoshi and dino r having fun in the back lol)
clears throat. firstly in insomnia zero II #1 mingyu makes fun of how hoshi stands and I’ve never stopped thinking about it bc its so true. I genuinely love it. not really music in that one but I have to mention it
off the top of my head, hot & god of music both have hoshi feature in a lil solo dance that draws attention to his legs (god of music to a lesser extent but I did replay the beginning of the little instrumental solo for the god of music dance practice so many times bc hoshi’s legs like shift sooo quickly in his bit)… cheers has his iconic line and that bit definitely has moves centered on his lower body.
okay now moving past the parts that could conceivably be normal to mention lol. in the inside seventeen for the bss circle chart awards around 4:55 hoshi’s fun little improved adlib absolutely counts as smthing that I see and just go “oh that’s so distinctively hoshi” for me. like. the way his hand is on his hip and the exaggerated degree to which he’s leaning. to that regard… if u look up a fancam of crazy in love from the ode to you tour around 2:30 there’s this lil dance break bit they’ve added and like. the Angle at which hoshi puts his hands on his hips is like. he’s bending back and his legs are planted fairly forward and it makes a really striking pose to me. let’s see… there’s also his choreo for bad which is like. that drop where he just like… slowly squats into a kneeling pose is like. yeah. that makes sense. and then there’s a move where he like. bends? rolls? idk he sits a little differently and it’s like. that same thing. OH. ok I think I can describe it. there’s this way that hoshi will like. lean back and SINK into a pose that I really like. like there’s this drop and it feels really… stable? which happens in both fear and crazy in love and in bad. and it happens right at the beginning of touch. love that performance. touch also has his basically doing the limbo in one of the choruses.
(also I didn’t know how to put this in the ask naturally but. I don’t think I’ve seen this opinion before even though I feel like it should be common. So. I just need to mention that crazy in love is simply THE hoshi song for me. like. on the vocals end it’s a GREAT showcase of the different places his voice goes: first lower in the intro, and a really good demonstration of the distinctive way he shapes his vowels, and then after the chorus, it’s higher and lighter, and then he starts off the final chorus and his voice has a different vibe then, too! i really struggled with picking out hoshi’s voice when I first got into seventeen because like… it sounded like different voices at different pitches to me I guess? anyways I wrote a guide to myself about it (out of curiosity I opened up that guide again and. Why is it almost 5000 words.) and I’ve never had trouble since. and then it’s like. he’s always great at dancing and he’s got a lil fun dance break in the ode to you concert. awesome. also I like the song.)
CAR CRASH ANON HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
the way u keep rewatching footage is SAUR saur interesting to me that's very blair waldorf love it 😋 ALSO HIGHLY AGREE WITH THISSSSSSSSSSSSSSS, i noticed that too!! also love how perf u's in the middle of that sequence 😋 also SOOO true!! i feel like hoshi's energy brings a more rugged and raw feel to his dances which i think is just SOO fitting for him tbh. and u wON W THAT PLS FDJFDJKFDJK
AND NOT CONCEIVABLY NORMAL 😭😭😭 LOVE HOW U EVEN MENTIONED TOUCH TBH?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? one of my favorite hoshis <33
and u would be right 😋 hoshi IS a very versatile performer and i think he just has Something (a certain je ne sais quoi 😭 LMFAO) that really draws u in about him <33 obsessed w how much love this ask exudes for the dude u r SOO horangdan <3333
and thank u for sharing these w me <3333333 love that, and i missed it sm!! hope ure having a great one 😋
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kryoymir · 8 months
Hello, everyone. How are you? It's been... two weeks since Slipstream released? Crazy.
Anyway, today I wanted to talk about the album a bit, some of the deluxe stuff, and the future.
First of all, I want to address the immediate future.
I am planning to release a remix I have been given the okay to release (which I was actually given a while ago and I'm just stupid, sorry!) before the end of the year, although I haven't nailed down the exact release date. This will likely be my last release on Bandcamp.
There's a lot of reasons I could give; the Epic purchase and then sale, the gutting of the staff, whatever. But in reality, it just doesn't make me any money, and it's an extra hassle to do it. It has separate standards for basically everything, which means having to do everything twice for no money. I will, of course, keep the existing music up, so anyone that's purchased it can keep it. But remember, nothing is set in stone.
On that note, let's talk about the future beyond this year. I've been experimenting with some new kinds of music, but I don't see original material surfacing next year. Instead, I aim to work on two things very dear to my heart: my cover songs, and some remixes. I won't spoil anything by talking about it, because usually when I voice things I want to do they don't happen, but I hope you'll enjoy it if and when it releases.
Now, on to the music.
The first of several tracks recorded for another project. This one has a very poppy feel and is built largely in Surge, a free VST I picked up towards the end of Kryo2020's recording process. This one undertook minor tweaks for release, namely a new synth towards the climax. The intro sample was just my mic running on my desk. At the time we had fish. The title is an allusion to one of the Great Legions in Accel World, but a prominence is also a kind of solar flare. Or something like that.
This was my first time experimenting with music like this. It's an incredibly simple build/drop structure, but I had a lot of fun experimenting with effects and stuff to keep it interesting. The sample at the end is a holdover from the EP it was originally released on, when it transitioned into Prominence. Aside from a new master it is identical to the original version.
If I ever get the chance to score a video game, this is what the cave theme would sound like. That lead synth just makes me think of a big cave system with ice and monsters. But it's pretty upbeat, like the ice areas in Mario games. I tweaked some effects and added a new bass towards the end I don't think anyone is actually gonna notice.
This song existed on my hard drive for years. The only one on this album that can claim to have existed longer is Aerial. For the album version I redid it from the ground up. Something about the sounds in this one are just... Awesome. The lead is Surge but most everything has been replaced with other synths for the album cut. The bridge is one of my favorites. The title and logo were selected because I originally wanted to release it in July closer to my birthday, but that changed when I solidified the release schedule for the album. And I was too lazy to redo it.
This was another song from the original project. It actually isn't changed at all from the original version because I lost the vocals until recently! They are my own voice heavily effected.
This is a nice little lo-fi styled track. It originally existed in a much more bombastic form, which you can find in the deluxe edition. Ultimately, I settled on this version mostly because I haven't done anything like it before. It's named after a certain character in Neon Genesis Evangelion who I won't name because it's kind of a massive spoiler.
This song started life way back in 2019! After Act III wrapped I started working on this one, but couldn't do anything with it so eventually I shared the files in a discord server which lead to the version with SuperN0va. I decided to completely redo it for this album as a way to challenge myself, but also to prove to myself I have actually grown as an artist in the four years since.
This is a very sad song because I can't help myself. It's a rerecording of a track you can find on the Noise LP. The effects went through a lot of revisions. The title is a reference to both Sword Art Online and a song off Kryo2020, The Star King Rises. Admina is a celestial body named by the Star King.
I've talked about this song enough, honestly.
The grand finale!
Is what I would like to say but this song is actually a very mellow piece. Taking the main melody and chord progression and running through them on some atmospheric keys, this song is probably the most important to me from an emotional standpoint. It was used as the album teaser for a reason. If you've listened to the song in full (and I have access to numbers that show at least a few people have) you'll find a neat little bonus on the end- a new, atmospheric version of The Return. I recorded this as a nod to my longtime fans that made it my first song to break 1000 on Spotify as well as a declaration of intent: I am returning to original music and will continue making it for the foreseeable future.
Now, on to the deluxe edition tracks. You can listen to all of these for free on Bandcamp without having to buy the album.
Just like it says on the tin, this is a rerecording of The Return in a more dedicated format to the original. I didn't include the percussion pattern because honestly it was stupid to filter it and pan it all the way to one side.
This is also exactly what it says on the tin. It's a file I found on a flash drive when I was digging for the vocals. It's an instrumental, probably because I either exported it without vocals for a reason or simply had yet to add them. It's noticeably faster.
This is the original version of Seventeenth Angel, with big pounding cinematic drums (yes they're the same ones from Kick It! leave me alone), a quicker pace, and some pretty cool sounds. Pretty sure I named it this because I made it almost entirely in Sytrus.
This is about as undoubtedly upbeat as I ever get. I don't really know what the origin of the title is, I think it just sounded nice. As you can probably tell, this is an unfinished outtake. I couldn't really figure out how to keep it going, and eventually grew a little displeased with it, so it was relegated to bonus track status.
This is the 2020 demo complete with insane dubsteppy breakdown. This is a bonus track on the Bandcamp edition of Soulfire but I added it in so you could see the origins of the song in case you don't feel like buying Soulfire.
This is probably the midway point between ThGrFn and Black Lotus's final edition. I changed up the verses and made some other various tweaks to this version to turn it into the one you hear today.
This is a straight export of the version I used for the album teaser video. It's got a hihat count-in and some slightly different effects but otherwise is just a shortened version of the song.
Man I'm gonna be honest, I don't know what this is! I found the WAV on a flashdrive and it had no title other than Outtake so I decided to just put it on. It's definitely from the original SoC but past that I can't remember anything on it.
There isn't much to say about this song. I had some breakbeat samples. I decided to try a new version of Black Lotus. Maybe I'll finish it someday.
Now, to some of the rejects.
I had originally wanted to include some remakes of some older tracks as a treat for fans, but they fell through for various reasons.
I actually got pretty far with this one. Ultimately it's been left unfinished because I'm just not sure how to improve on it without stripping the track of it's identity. I mean, it's six and a half years old at this point, it's a little hard to mess with it in my mind.
I've barely done shit with this one. I don't like it.
This is one I had high hopes for. Thanks to the advent of some pretty cool technology, faking electric guitars has come pretty far. The idea was to make it sound as close to a real rock song as possible, but the issue is that the main riff is off-key, and any attempts to make it in-key result in it sounding off. Also I dunno how to do the drums.
This has long been one of my favorite songs, and while I do plan to rerecord it at some point, now isn't the time.
Anyway, what do y'all think? Let me know
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hi!! can I request watching horror movies with simeon, asmo, beel and solomon (you can change the characters I don't mind!) - separately please<3
- better hold this boy tight because he is a little old scared boy when it comes to horror movies
- will also cuddle you back if you're too afraid of them but enjoy watching anyways
- luke might leave you guys some snacks/sweets that he made himself for you two and then he'll try to watch the movie only for simeon to scold him
- he will most likely whisper to you that the monster isnt real and that you two are ok, only for you to find out that he is just doing this to comfort himself as well
- cant help but feel impressed by the quality of certain SFXs, ut really adds to the horror and confuses him as to whether or not they did had an alien act that scene or if they really opened that actor's stomach for the movie
- once its over however you better be ready for alot of questions from him, yeah sure he got scared but it was fun for him
- "im still surprised as to how they got to not kill the slasher even after cutting his head off, you humans are so talented for these kinds of stuff"
- another cuddle bug when it comes to horror movies
- "EEK! MC this movie is too scary" he is also a wuss
- he might also be the kind to talk throughout the entire movie, pointing out either the great or crappy quality of the acting, style of the characters and the SFX if he notices any sort of mistake
- despises with a passion grotesque scenes that involve gross things like puke, body horror, etc. He might also just vomit if it gets to graphic
- however he is also one horny guy and if he isnt trying to bone the characters he is trying to bone you, yep this man loves to make out during movie nights, even if you guys go to a theatre he'll continue to try, it might just try to distract him from the movie too
- "MC that movie was too spooky imma have to cuddle with you tonight to fix such spooky vibes" he says to you after the movie ends
- the experience is like a switch, one moment he is screaming terrified and the other he is describing how hot the killer looks
- the graphic shit aint stopping him from finishing those snacks, he'll have already finished eating the popocorn before the movie even starts
- "yeah the movie is scary but we ran out of popcorn again MC" "you dont want to be alone? Then come with me then"
- he is our favorite protective boy and if youre scared then he will make sure the spooks are away from you, whether its from cuddles or from cuddles
- if you two go to a threater then make sure you have extra cash with you for even more snacks and to be missing certain scenes of the movie from walking in and out so much
- depending of the movie he'll need some explanation because it can get confusing for him, a good example might be midsommar in this case
- as long as he gets to spend time with you then he wont mind at all what you two will watch, he just enjoys your prescence
- might not seem scared, but he is repulsed on the inside with certain scenes
- if the movie involves magic of any sorts then get ready to see his nerdy ass to shine, he'll lose any sort of fear afterwards too because of such mistakes
- just like i said in my opera post, this man id more likely to concentrate on the mistakes of the movie than the story and horror itself
- will give you cuddles if you need them but will also tease you for being scared of the movie
- "come on MC do you really think its possible to do a 360 with your head? Its so clearly fake baby no need to be so scared"
- if you feel the need to be cuddled to sleep or for company after the movie then he'll gladly stick with you the rest of the night, whether you guys watched it at home or at a theather (i mean home as in purgatory hall or HoL, unless this is after the exchange program then its up to you)
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lcs-library · 2 years
i was wondering if you could do the hashiras [any of them] with a male or gender neutral reader who uses plant breathing?
so they can control the plants and stuff like that!
maybe what they think about the readers breathing type or how they met?
just some general hc or small scenarios! either one is fine ^^
you can ignore this if you want !
have a good day/night dear ^^
Finally getting around to the first few requests!!
First off, and this is my fault for not saying so, I won’t do male readers bc I don’t feel qualified to, seeing as I’m not a male, and I just added it to the rules.
Second, I’m gonna try something new here!! I only have one hashira currently written, but I will write more, and when I do, I’ll rb this post and add to it!!
I also have a lot of general headcanons and already made up forms for this breathing style, so I’ll add them once I finish out all the hashiras I want to do!!(I want to do Tengen, Shinobu, and Giyuu in addition to this)(also I’m so sorry this accidentally turned into a love story I didn’t know what I was doing)
Without further ado…
❤️‍🔥When Rengoku first met you, it was when you were introduced to everyone as the newest hashira of a dying breath style, plant breathing.
❤️‍🔥He greeted you the way he greeted everyone: with a bright smile and an enthusiastic introduction
❤️‍🔥“Hello there! I’m Rengoku Kyojiro! It’s nice to meet you!”
❤️‍🔥You were a little surprised at how loud and overbearing he was, yet it asn’t incredibly annoying.
❤️‍🔥But still, due to his attitude, you were taken aback and only managed to muster a “Hey, nice to meet you too.” as you shook the hand he held out.
❤️‍🔥It was warm, but not sweaty, yet on that simple contact, you felt…safe. You had just met this guy, and you were somehow immediately entranced by him.
❤️‍🔥The odd gap between his attitude and his touch, his peculiar eyes that somehow pulled you in, and how you could just feel how much he cared about everybody. You needed to know more about him.
❤️‍🔥Rengoku felt the same way. In the few seconds you knew each other, he found you quite cute, and he found that slight shyness about you appealing.
❤️‍🔥The people around him usually either matched his energy or tried to calm him down. Nobody just took it and allowed it to happen, and it was nice to have somebody different from him that still liked him for the way he was.
❤️‍🔥Soon, those seconds you knew each other turned from seconds to minutes, from minutes to days, from days to weeks, then from weeks to months, all the while growing closer to each other.
❤️‍🔥You had sort of become and unofficial couple at this point. Neither of you confessed, yet you both somehow knew that you both had feelings for each other.
❤️‍🔥It was only when Rengoku kissed you that you knew your suspicions were confirmed.
❤️‍🔥The day that happened was when you were putting in some extra practice on a breathing form you had created yourself.
❤️‍🔥It was a simple one, making flowers bloom on a nearby tree, but you somehow just couldn’t get it right.
❤️‍🔥You always used you breathing for battles; whether it be fighting, defense, or healing a wound, you were fine, but doing something so delicate with this ability was unheard of amongst users of the technique.
❤️‍🔥As you concentrated, Rengoku managed to sneak his way into your space. Lost in thought, you didn’t notice his presence, and he took a seat to watch you work.
❤️‍🔥Nothing seemed to turn out correctly for you.
❤️‍🔥First the tree sprouted thorns, then poison ivy, then something that didn’t even seem to be recognizable as a plant.
❤️‍🔥You sighed, finally admitting defeat as you turned you back to the tree you were focusing on, only to be met with Rengoku’s smiling face.
❤️‍🔥“When did you get here?!” You asked, a bit alarmed to find him there. Rengoku folded his arms.
❤️‍🔥“Mm, about a few minutes ago. It’s nice to see you work so hard. That’s always what I’ve admired about you, your passion, I mean. That fiery soul inside of you that won’t stop at anything, even if it seems impossible.” He stood up, making his way over to you.
❤️‍🔥“And it’s also why I love you.” He finished in a low whisper, gripping your shoulders.
❤️‍🔥With that, he leaned forward and enraptured your lips.
❤️‍🔥His hands made their way up your neck, then he cupped your chin as you closed your eyes, leaning into his touch.
❤️‍🔥It was something that was so gentle, yet his passion flowed through his every move, cherishing every second you had.
❤️‍🔥You felt so safe, so loved. For the first time, you were vulnerable and free.
❤️‍🔥And for the first time, flowers bloomed.
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