#also kinda fucked up that my parents basically met their soulmates by the time they were 30/34
crumb · 4 months
just realized im the same age my dad was when i was born this is fucking sick and twisted what the fuck i cant imagine having a kid let alone have 4 at my age jesus fucking christ how
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laundrybiscuits · 1 year
(soulmates AU: Part 1 | Part 2)
“You know,” says Jonathan. “Nancy’s parents are soulmates.”
Steve hadn’t known that, but he knows it’s supposed to run in families. Even though it’s also pretty normal for soulmarks to crop up for no reason anyone can tell, his own had been a big surprise, because everyone knows that John and Linda Harrington aren’t soulmates.
The night after his soulmark had appeared, he’d woken up around midnight. He couldn’t figure out what had woken him up for a while, but as he lay there in the dark, he could hear his dad’s voice coming up through the floors. His mom and dad must have been in the study, right below Steve’s bedroom, and his dad must’ve been pretty worked up by that point to be that loud. 
For god’s sake, John, Steve’s mom had hissed, quieter but still clear enough in the dead suburban night. He’s the spitting image of you. I don’t know what kind of proof you—
John and Linda Harrington aren’t soulmates. They can’t ever really relax around each other, because there’s no guarantee that something better won’t come along for either of them, and they both know it. 
Steve had tilted his own wrist so he could see the pretty, confident hand of a girl he’d never met, and felt so glad that he’d never have to worry like that.
“Must be nice,” is all he says to Jonathan, now.
“Sure, maybe,” says Jonathan. “Don’t know if she sees it that way.”
He asks Robin about her parents later. He’s only met Mr. and Mrs. Buckley a couple times, but they seem to get along okay.
Robin makes a face. “God, they’re so weird about it. They never got any real names—like, names never appeared by themselves, but they decided to get tattoos when they got married. The artist had them sign like five million disclaimer forms and still did it in red ink so nobody would get it confused for the real thing, but they don’t even care. It’s embarrassing.” 
“Yeah,” Steve says. 
He thinks about it later, though, and decides it doesn’t seem all that embarrassing to him. It’s not as good as a real name, of course, but maybe it’s the next best thing. At least it’s some kind of permanent mark, so even if things go south, you’ll always have part of that person as part of you too. The kind of thing that can’t be erased, just covered over.
Steve doesn’t ask about the blob on Eddie’s wrist. Not asking basically becomes a hobby for him. Steve drops by after going to see Max two or three times a week, and he doesn’t ask. Steve helps Wayne load Eddie into the car to the brand new Nancy-approved duplex, and he doesn’t ask. Steve stops by with a casserole from the Hendersons, and he stays to help eat it, and he doesn’t ask. 
Finally, Eddie chucks a potato chip at the side of Steve’s face and groans, “Just fucking ask, dude.”
Steve eats the potato chip, even though it’s sour cream and onion, and says unconvincingly: “Ask what?”
Eddie tips his head back over the arm of the couch and levels an unimpressed stare at Steve.
“Okay, fine,” Steve relents. “Tell me about your stupid name, I guess. Do I know her?”
Eddie shrugs. “Don’t know. Doesn’t matter. I knew pretty early on that I didn’t want anything to do with that shit, so I covered it up the day I got it. If I could’ve stopped myself from seeing anything at all, I would’ve.”
“Wait, you covered it up? Like, did the tattoo yourself?”
“Sure. I mean, I had to fix it up later, it was my first stick-and-poke and it was pretty rough. For a while, you could still kinda make out most of the letters. Hurt like a bitch, though.”
“Jesus.” Steve leans back on his elbows, sprawling out over the rug. “I don’t get you at all, man.”
Eddie hums a little, drums his fingertips over his own jaw. 
“What do you want?” he says abruptly. “Like, in life. Generally. What is it that Steve Harrington actually wants from the future?”
Steve puts another gross sour cream potato chip on his tongue and crunches down. 
“Shit, I dunno. What does anyone want? A house, a family. The usual stuff.”
Eddie taps his nose with one bony index finger and jabs the other at Steve. “Bullseye, right there. The difference between you and me.”
“What, you don’t want any of that? Too normal for you?” Steve snorts. 
Eddie groans and rolls sideways off the couch, landing on the rug next to Steve. He props himself up on his elbows. “It’s not about the actual stuff, Harrington. House and family doesn’t…” He hesitates, ducking his head so his hair tumbles over his face a little. “It doesn’t actually sound so bad to me, y’know? But I’d throw myself off a fucking cliff before I answered a question like that with what does anyone want.”
“Okay, if you’re so super-evolved or whatever, what does Eddie Munson want?”
Eddie grins up at Steve. It’s a little lopsided because of the shiny pink scar on his cheek. It’ll probably be lopsided for the rest of his life. Even back when they’d been making plans to buy guns and steal an RV, Steve remembers Eddie’s smile looking just plain happy, like a kid. Now it’ll always look like he’s got a secret he isn’t telling you.
“So, so many things,” says Eddie. “Most of all, though, Eddie Munson wants the freedom to make his own mistakes.”
Steve still doesn’t get it, but he’s starting to think there’s a lot of things he doesn’t really get about how other people see soulmarks. Most people seem to think just like Steve does, of course; there wouldn’t be so many songs and movies and stuff about it otherwise. 
Talking to Eddie like this, though, is starting to make Steve feel like he's staring out into the dark, knowing there's something else beyond the porchlights but not even being able to see the shape of it. 
He leans back, closing his eyes. Some guitar is wailing away from the boombox under the kind of vocals that always set Steve on edge; they’re too yelping and strained, like you can hear the singer’s vocal cords getting wrecked in real time as he yowls: man you’re dying—for what you’ve lost but never had—
It’s annoying, that’s all.
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Hi! its me again. Something a bit different this time while Im working on character designs (Its my spring break, but I also just got my wisdom teeth out). Have some personal headcannons!
Vitiligo Ravenwing (Everyone kinda gets freaked out when resident Black Cat Raven starts turning white, but Barley and his Street Cats knowledge chills them out)
Bone is HOH/Partially Deaf (Combo horrible ear infections and injuries). Has quite a bit of respect for Feather/Snow, but will never admit to that (Bloodclan Ableism)
Goldenflower is on the Aromantic Spectrum
Dustpelt LOVES flowers, giving and receiving them. idk why I think this, but this is totally canon in my heart
Copperleaf used to do 'Spa Days', complete with mudmasks, to humor the kits (Official Dawncloud soulmate realization moment)
Scourge was so confused when he first met Brick and had no idea what to call them, so just keep stuttering out different ones every time, much to Brick's appreciation (Brick has no idea, and Scourge would like to keep it that way)
Bone and Brick get along, as well as Bone and Fury, but Brick and Fury fucking HATE each other
After rescuing Cloudpaw, Oat started asking Onewhisker about Thunderclan (Hes thinks its subtle, but all the other kittypets know whats up, Onewhisker is just generally dumb)
Lynxpaw once had a crush on Cricketpaw, but was so disguted by the feeling, she began to hate Cricketheart even more because of it
When Redtail was first born and was called as a tom, everyone in Thunderclan just kinda assumed he was ftm trans because Male Calicos are basically impossible, so he had to do a reverse coming out as cisgender
Tigerclaw totally had a crush on Whitestorm when they were apprentices
Crookedstar was --THIS CLOSE-- to giving Tigerstar a life just to kill Thistlestar (Oakstar stopped him tho)
Stonefur is missing a claw from an apprentice accident (Slipped off an old tree and caught is claw falling) and it never grew back
50/50 chance Mudclaw is so grumpy towards Airleap still is because he has a crush
Brokenstar and Runningnose were actually really close as kits and young apprentices, to Lizardstripe's dismay
While in the Realms of the Dead (Starclan, Dark Forest, etc) kits cannot be killed like other fallen cats, so can cross the border to visit Dark Forest Parents (The other Starclan cats make a point of never ever telling kits this)
good headcanons!!!!!
the Tigerclaw crushing on Whitestorm one is BT canon even XD
the Brick and Fury one is going to so ironic soon pfffft
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everfreerene · 3 years
I deleted the first one because of a small problem but all is well now!
I’ve written a small scenario of @dancingintherainwithchifuyu​’s recent Draken angst!
Warnings: Mentions of death but no one really dies, Female reader (I’m so sorry!), Spoilers for Valhalla and Tenjiku arc, Draken is kinda OOc I think
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The Red thread of Fate,
A popular myth that circles the subject of "soulmates" that originated from the Chinese Mythology.
Red has been known to symbolizes many things, ones such as;
Passion, Warmth, Happiness, and Strength,
But it also symbolizes;
Defiance, and Aggression
Y/n despised the color red with all of her being, 
It's always what she had seen since birth, up until now, 
Red threads, she has always told that she was special to see the threads of fate, his parents, her siblings, her aunts and uncles, basically her own family.
If it wasn't for that "blessing" then maybe he wouldn't be in this state right now.
Kneeling on her bed, head buried in the pillows, a hand tightly clenching her chest, panting, forcing herself to swallow the consequences of the task that she did moments prior to now.
"Do you think Emma will like this?"
"I can't hang out right now, me and Emma already had plans"
"I really think me and Emma are soulmates! I mean.."
Emma this, Emma that. It's always been her, every time that she and Draken met up she's always the reason that she sees Draken's face slightly beaming up in joy. Honestly Y/n felt sorry for the said girl, she was always, always so kind to her whenever they met, for her to receive her hidden distasteful thoughts was completely unreasonable, 
She pities herself too really, pitying herself that Draken will never know whose string was Emma connected to, pitying herself for the fact that she didn't have it in her to say who it was.
Because Emma's string, it was never connected to anyone. And that the dark aura of death follows her, slowly creeping closer, ready to take her anytime.
Maybe that was the reason she did this,
"Hah, I wish I could see who my string's attached to, I'd honestly cut it if it wasn't her" 
Breaking her own bond with the tall, tattooed blonde childhood friend of hers, who also happened to be her unwilling soulmate.
"Fuck.." Her own words were muffled thanks to the pillow who was supporting her head.
"Just a few more minutes left. Endure it Y/n, you've done this for so long already.." She notes, her grip on both fabrics that were threatening to tear, loosened each minute.
For their happiness, she cut her own, and as best as she could, tied theirs together despite knowing about the little time that Emma had left.
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The unease and slight ache of his heart wasn't a common occurrence despite being the Vice-Leader of one of the strongest gangs that ruled over Tokyo.
To him, it felt like something was wrong, something rather off putting, it was as if he lost someone close, he just didn't know who.
He shook his head as though it would do something to rid of the feeling, and went on his way to visit his long term friend who he had been ignoring for a few weeks now.
It wasn't as though he was ignoring him on purpose but the bloody incident of Halloween had just past, with Baji was still not showing any signs of waking up, along with Emma's birthday that is also coming close. He couldn't be blamed for the fact that he was so secretly disorganized back in his room.
Draken knew most of the places his friend hangs around and what time she comes, 
And at times like these Y/n would be seen in the little book cafe that had recently opened and had gained their attention thanks to Chifuyu.
Chifuyu was right of course, with the latest volumes of the mangas and magazines stocked, and their treats that had fitted their budgets was a go-to spot for them.
Draken should really apologize for the fact that she had left them on hold for a while.
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Low and behold the person that Draken knew was going to be there, sitting by the window a manga in hand and a cup of her season’s go-to drink.
Entering the cafe with a tiny smile on his face, Draken greets the staff as usual, and just casually went over to their place.
“Y/n!” He greets with a wave of his hand.
It was strange, strange on how shocked she seemed to be, strange on how she looked around and then pointed towards herself in confusion.
“Yeah, it’s been a while since we’ve seen each other haven't we?” He stops in front of her, placing a hand of the other chair across her.
“So, what are you reading?” Draken asks, feigning ignorance at her obviously confused face.
“I’m sorry, but do I know you?” Shocked, Draken pauses his action of pulling the chair back.
Silence surrounded their usually lively table.
“..What?” He finally lets out, looking at the female who sat in front of him, book placed on the table, with her hands on top of it.
“You must’ve gotten the wrong person. I have never met someone like you in all of my life” she faintly tilts her head to the left, hesitation evident in her tone.
Just then he remembers Mitsuya’s words that Mikey had randomly asked due to sugar rush.
“For someone to suddenly forget about an individual? They cut their strings I think, or at least that’s what my mom told me” 
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saecookie · 3 years
Tell me about some of your characters?
Awwww where do I start. I've done so much role-playing I have a bunch. Let's start with the obvious.
Laura, a bubbly witch. Her boyfriend and her are separated but they still love each other in some kind of weird family dynamic? She's an depressive extrovert, and she's very social and that's what keep all the bad things at bay for her. She's still v close to her uni friends, and she's kind of dating one of them, but not exactly dating either. One of those friends is her brother's ex, so that's weird sometimes but mostly she goes on with life from one coffee date to the other.
Sae the one oc to bind them all I guess? Bc she's the one I've played the longest. She's a pokemon trainer, and bc I've played her so long she's got a pretty full and busy life. She's an athlete, she likes roller skating and running but her speciality and her money making is MMA in the pokemon context - aka fighting as a team with one of your pokemon against another trainer and their own pkmn. She's aro, lives with her best friend / soulmate (Edgar) and sometimes their best friend (Charlie) comes crashing unexpectedly. Her and Sae are real goofballs and absolutely insufferable with their awful puns. She has kind of an administrative job in a lab, and she kind of sleeps around with her colleagues, who refer to themselves as "the queer club". She sometimes sleeps with Edgar bc sometimes the craving for closeness gets overwhelming. In the future the plan with Edgar's player is that they're gonna have a child together (a girl called Oswald) and that they're unfortunately not gonna be the best parents even with the best intention bc even if they're an item they didn't expect it in their busy lives.
Then there's Kane, my baby darling. I've played him for a very long time too, with my big sis. At the time her character was dating her kinda gf's character. So Kane's that gf's biological son. My big sis' character (Shin) ended up adopting him when he married Kane's father, even tho he was very young. Turns out my sis and her kinda gf's relationship turned sour and nasty and she basically killed of Kane's biological dad, so we've been playing Kane and Shin happily by ourselves ever since. I started off with him age 6 and he's now around 22 I guess? He's a very silent person who ut not shy by any mean, just quiet. He's also totally gnc because his mom used to let him wear whatever he wanted when she was alive and Shin is also totally gnc af so he wears basically everything he wants, the flowier the beeter. His childhood best friend became her sweetheart. But bc his childhood was a bit fucked up there was a time in his college years when he fucked up a little too and threw some bullshit at his lover. He met Zane during his time being under the weather and what was supposed to be a one night stand turned into a real relationship. He made amend for his bullshit and introduced Zane to Lucia and they're good friend. So now he's married and has a wife and a boyfriend in a happy polyam relationship.
Those are the three main ones. Then there are those I play more rarely or for a short time or I don't have time to meet up with friends to play them :
Cid, some kind of heir to a wealthy family who run away and is now living in squats with a gang and he's the most free and perhaps happy he's ever been, even if he'd never show it bc he's the perpetual bitch resting face. Trisha, who grew up in a slum and is trying to survive, through sheer spite and wrath at the world and everyone. Delia, a neurologist who was hired by some kind of Anonymous organization and she became one of their tech specialist in their fight for revolution all the while trying to keep her girlfriend blissfully unaware. Arizona, a nature photograph who's trying to rebuild her life after her boyfriend of a decade broke up with her without a warning or an explanation. Melody, who was an experiment character that I played through the lens of the last months of her life while she battled an unnamed incurable disease with her shiny dog. Delilah, who started her studies back, but abroad, and is describing life through the text she exchanges with her partner who had to stay overseas. Clare, who lived through some kind of hormonal imbalance event that had her be menauposed at 26, and now she's fostering children. She's a very quiet, reserved, no-bullshit mom friend.
Those are most of my characters. Then I created characters, notably to make Sae/Kane/Cid social circles where my friend's oc couldn't (didn't have to with Laura, we were so many that all the slots were filled easily). Those are also my characters but are a little less fleshed out (except for Kane's partners of course) but I still love them to death.
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hebescus · 3 years
remember this ship ask? yeah, i wanna do them all with lawlight bcs they control my brain. but it's a happy no death note au bcs it's me. oh and this shit is long plus it's 3 am rn so my words are very messy. but enjoy.
(i skip some numbers that i answered and the ones that i can't think of btw)
pre relationship :
How did they first meet?
L's investigation hq. he was a suspect of L, still, but this time he told soichiro to bring this 18 yo boy to the hq to test him, asking light to work with all of them. he ends up not guilty ofc, but L still wants to keep him…around.
What was their first impression of each other?
ah, the good old 'what the fuck dude???' from light and the 'oooh he got a big brain' from L. it's hard to get out of canon in this one.
Who felt romantic feelings first?
L. But it's more like thoughts, rather than feelings. It's just these random thoughts that pop out in his head like 'i don't mind kissing this guy, if he asks' but not like 'i want to kiss him' yknow what i mean? idk this is just something i experience a lot lmao. it develops to feelings once light falls for him and L can see that. So in terms of ideas, it's L, but in terms of feelings, it's Light.
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
Oh our favorite light denial yagami. Of course he's cursing himself for having feelings like this but once L calls it out he's over. 
If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?
Light would laugh it off, and be like "i don't like him that way you know". L would shrugs be like "well yes that's possible, i don't think i mind". 
What would their lives be like if they had never met?
boring, lonely, empty, you name it
(more under the cut)
general :
Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
hmm, they both initiated the relationship? ykwim? They both notices they had feelings for each other and just...go from there. they never have like a relationship talk, they just go with the flow until at some point they starts to get comfortable to refer the other as partners. They basically can read each other's mind, after all.
Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
Yes, sort of. A tennis game! And a coffee sesh after, just like canon. They plan this to be just "let's just relax, this case has been really exhausting, take a one day break, L" but when Light got home, sayu asked "how's the date going?!" He immediately said "it's not a date, you watch too many dramas it's rotting your brain" And sachiko gave him a smile while shaking her head at this statement and when he's back to his room he immediately calls L and was like "hey does that count as a date?" and L answers with "depends, do you want it to be?" with a smirk that light can hear.
What was their first kiss like?
it was late at night, light was helping L with the case when everybody went home. they were sharing their view about this certain criminal when light notices L staring at his lips, first he ignored it but it happens again and again to a point where their face just got real close and then...kiss, somehow. idk lmao.
Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?
First person who can understand each other and are equals, the only ones who can tear the other's wall down, and just practically soulmates in any form that even their sun & moon signs mirroring each other's? YES. 
What’s their height difference? Age difference?
i hc L as just a little bit taller than light, but it's not like you can see it through the hunch anyway. ofc we all know the 6 years and 4 months age gap
What’s their relationship with each other’s families?
Sayu likes L, Sachiko is kinda surprise Light doesn't date a typical pretty person, but it only makes her heart fonder. L doesn't mind them, he thinks they're nice, light grew up in a good place. Soichiro? Well, he might me a bit reluctant but he loosen up slowly, his son is happier than he ever was, after all.
Who takes the lead in social situations?
Light, obviously. Because he's a charmer and if L takes control, the person they speak to would run immediately the first 2 minutes.
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear?
it is a universal knowledge that L does this. like, come on, count the fics, you can't, there's just so many. he loves to break that perfect wall and make light feel 🥴😳. it's entertaining. But he knows when to stop. too much of that will be embarrassing in light's part, and he respects his boy's dignity.
love :
Who said “I love you” first?
Light!! The thing is it was said over the phone. He gets more and more comfortable talking with L through calls, since every now and then L travel frok countries to countries. One time he just like "yeah, safe flight. love you, bye" he expected L to say goodnight to him as a response as usual but L was silent and he realised what he just said and realised that he fucking mean it. L seems to still be able to read his mind even thousands miles away so he replies with "i love you too, goodnight". they never missed seeing each other more than that night.
What are their primary love languages?
we had a discussion for this! but as we see in canon, they're both very acts of service with a little hint of physical touch here and there. quality time is also important. words and gift aren't really needed for them.
Who uses cheesy pick-up lines?
L. Only to annoy light. It's terrible that he almost cringed to himself, but it does bring a good laugh for light.
How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
PDA is a not their preference, they just love being in private more. They might hold hands sometimes, butmost times they won't. Altho they always stand or sit reaaaaally glued to each other even though there are so many space. 
Who initiates kisses?
both. they want it, they got it. but light gives light kisses (ha) more, not necessarily on the lips, usually when L was really busy working, keeping his feet on the ground.
Who’s the big and little spoon?
They don't spoon a lot, they prefer not touching at all or cufdling face to face, but when they do, Light is the little spoon because being a big spoon makes his sleeping position kinda uncomfy, he feels awkward with his legs, it's just not. thankfully L thinks cuddling light this way is very calming.
What are their favorite things to do together?
Tennis and solving cases, duh. Or sometimes they play video games fighting each other. Anything competitive and/or challenging that make their brain grow 10 times bigger. But sometimes, a comfortingly peaceful and quiet dinner with hushed words thrown here and there about random things feels like the best thing ever.
Who’s more protective?
L. For identity reasons, ofc.
Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
Physical. They can read each other's mind, they knew it by gesture, touches, and glances. 
What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise?
IT'S MY TIME TO SHINE. venus by sleeping at last fits them so well, that song is in the background of multiple cozy couch smooches sessions or even when they're slow dancing (please listen to this tho song it's so good). also i think they would like persephone by the tragic thrills too, L would be like "this song reminds me of you" and Light answers with "i'm persephone?" "Yeah" "i'm a fucking badass then" "yes you are". oh and first day of my life? lover of mine? pink in the night? sweet creature? the lakes? oh god i have too much answers
What kind of nicknames do they call each other?
they don't do nicknames, really. although, L sometimes called light with some snarky tony stark styled nicknames when he feels particularly playful but annoyed at the same time.
Who remembers the little things?
They both do. Big brained assholes they are.
domestic life :
If they get married, who proposes?
It's not really a proposal, they didn't  even remember who said it first. But one sleepy night after a hard case, someone said "hey you wanna get married" and the other was like "sure, why not" "really?" "yeah, i think i'm ready, you?" "me too" "great" and then they go to sleep. at breakfast the next morning L called watari from across the room and said "wammy i need you to prepare [enter marriage stuff here], and light, you must call your family after this". poor old watari chokes on his tea.
What’s the wedding like? Who attends?
The wedding is in a secluded little place near the wammy's house, L used to go there a lot as a kid. With just light's parents, sayu, and watari. Well, not until Light caught Mello, Matt, Near, and Linda peeping from the bushes
Do they have any pets?
A chunky cat the wammy's kids feed daily but never try to keep them in, because no animals are allowed inside the orphanage. L saw it and was like "light let's bring this bitch home" she is, indeed a little bitch, but light and L loves her dearly. her fur has light brown and black colors, like both of their hairs, so she becomes their daughter, L gave him a weird ass name but i can't think about it rn.
Who kills the bugs in the house?
Light because he's the one who's actually bothers to. They ofc annoyed L but he cpuldnt care less to actually get rid of them.
Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
L. He rarely sleeps and once he did, he wakes up very fucking late and will pull light back to the bed if he's woken up by the empty space beside him.
Who’s the better cook?
Light. L is a spoiled brat. But Light can't bale for shit, that's Watari's job. Light grow up learning and helping his mom making meals for the family. He's not the best, but it's good enough to make L craves them in between his sweets.
Who likes to dance?
None of them. But they would slow dance on rare, sentimental occasions. And it's like so fucking romantic bcs all the lights are off except for a candle or a table lamp or a cabinet lamp whatever that has yellow-y dim light. And they don't speak, they just casually move against each other, but heart ready to combust like i do when i the mental image came into my head.
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skeletalroses · 3 years
I was going to submit this anonymously to one of the bigger aspec blogs but it got so long that I’d feel like a pain in the ass. I’m posting this because I’ve recently landed in a bit of a difficult situation in the vein of Just Aroace Things, and I’m not sure what to do or even how to feel. I’m hoping to get some advice from the community re: a topic that comes up from time to time---navigating roommate/housing situations as an aroace, particularly when your potential roommate’s romance fucks you over.
I met my best friend, A, our sophomore year of college when we got paired up via roommate lottery. We clicked right away and had a blast living together. Unfortunately it only lasted a year, since the best option for my major was to transfer to another campus while for her it was best to stay put. We’ve known each other for nine years now and live in different states, but we visit regularly and had always talked about living together again once we both moved away from our parents.
I’m aroace, sex- and romance-repulsed. A is super considerate and supportive of this. She even discovered recently that she’s demisexual (which she learned about while researching the symbolism of the asexual flag! On her own, completely unprompted! Because she thought it would help her understand me more! See? Super supportive!). She is, however, very, very alloromantic. Up until now this has just been one more facet of our overall odd-couple dynamic (I’m an Addams and she’s a Disney fairy), which has always been something we’ve laughed at and reveled in.
A couple months ago, however, A moved out of her parents’ place and in with her boyfriend of a few years. I’m still with my parents, which suits me fine for the time being, but I eventually want to move out. Like I said, A and I have long talked about living together. We never made any specific plans, but I’ve asked her before to verify that yes, this is a thing we’re both Actually down to do when the time’s right. But that was a good while ago, before she moved in with Boyfriend. We visited last weekend and I brought up the subject again, because I’ve been unsure about it since that whole development.
“Feel free to say no; I won’t be offended; I just want to know how my options stand at this point. We’ve talked in the past about rooming together again. With Boyfriend in the picture now, is that still on the table?”
A’s answer: “Boyfriend has a lot of anxiety, so probably not. Sorry. He doesn’t even like having his family stay over. You’re welcome to stay a few days but not for like weeks on end.”
This was a calm conversation had over cocktails in the mall. She asked to make sure my parents weren’t threatening to kick me out or anything; I assured her that they weren’t, and I wasn’t moving anytime soon, and it’s okay that my rooming with her is out.
Only I’m not that okay with it. I wasn’t confident she’d say yes, but I did kind of think it was likely, and moreover I’m realizing how much I was unconsciously banking on that plan. I’ve been sans income during the pandemic, and I have a fuckton of economic anxiety to begin with. A’s a STEM major in a big city who easily found a solidly-paying job right out of college. She gets promotions and raises and shit. I’m a humanities major in the middle of Bumfuck, Nowhere where all my impressive qualifications (which I do have) can’t get me anything with a living wage below management level, let alone something in my field. And I’m never going to have that built-in cohabitant in the form of a romantic or sexual partner that allos like A can take for granted. A was the person I could split costs with so as to maybe live semi-decently with someone compatible. Without her, my chances of having that have plummeted.
And it’s all because she got a romosexual partner. This guy who’s known her half as long as I have; who never worked her through the trials and eventual breakup of her previous long-term, engaged-to-be-engaged relationship; who has himself caused her massive amounts of grief, suffering, and sometimes outright danger through his inability to competently handle the drama in his personal life that should never have touched her, all while her mother would write letters to me asking me to come visit because, actual quote, A only smiles when I’m around. He was the reason she would be too depressed to function, and I had to long-distance therapize her through it even though she refused to take the basic step of leaving this grown-ass man at least until he got his shit together, because “he needs me.”
It’s like this dude calls the shots in A’s and my relationship now. I hadn’t seen her in seven months because every time we planned a weekend to hang out, it’d get canceled because Boyfriend wanted to go see his family or something (and he can’t do that without her, I fucking guess). Even this last visit got cut down to overnight when it was supposed to be the long weekend, because Boyfriend wanted to make other plans. And now my best option for future living arrangements is apparently down the shitter because of him. It’d have been one thing if A doesn’t want to live with me anymore because she and he need their allo space or whatever the fuck couples do (still amatonormative and lousy for me). But as far as I understand, it’s not even that. It’s not her. It’s Boyfriend. A and I can be planning something for the two of us for weeks, for months, for years, then it all goes away in a minute because ehh, it kinda cramps Boyfriend’s style. I’m, as A called me, her “best friend soulmate.” I Was Here First. I never fucking made her cry. But I can’t kiss her or fuck her, so I automatically take a backseat to the one who can. I don’t need to be her Number One, but I don’t appreciate being pushed aside at Boyfriend’s every whim.
A, I’m sure, doesn’t realize how it looks from my angle. I know she cares about me and doesn’t want me to feel devalued. She’s just an oblivious alloro. I’m not even sure Boyfriend’s intentionally hogging her. (To be clear, I don’t think he’s a bad person; I’ve only met him a handful of times but I reliably clock my friends’ truly shitty partners on less. I haven’t heard about any crises in the past year or so, so I guess he’s finally managing his baggage well enough that A’s life can go smoothly and not suck.) I’m not unsympathetic to anxiety either; I’m chronically mentally ill and I’ve had my share. And I get we’re little more than strangers at this point. But I hate that he can just singlehandedly veto me and A rooming together ever. It’s much more of a blow to my likely quality of life than he or A---or tbh even I did, before this point---realize.
I hate feeling like I’m being jealous and needy. Maybe A just genuinely likes him better and it’s not only an amatonormative thing. I know I’m not entitled to live with her; it’s not like we promised or anything. But the option getting shut down really made me realize how much I resent not having it, and how much I kind of resent Boyfriend in general.
Which brings me to the asking-for-advice part, to the maybe two people who’ve read this far. Aspecs on here have talked about how amatonormativity fucks over single people and especially aros in terms of housing and life in general. Has anyone dealt with a situation like mine? How do you manage the amatonormative behavior of people in your life snatching your prospects out from under you, or feeling like it has? Is my reaction even reasonable? If so, how should I bring it up to A? This would be the closest thing we’ve ever had to a conflict, and also I’m...not great at being vulnerable. I can’t even vagueblog about these topics because my social media presence is limited to Tumblr and hers to Facebook. Hell, maybe I should just forget it for now, since I’m not changing housing anytime soon anyway, and cross that bridge when I get to it. I wouldn’t ask her to leave him, since their relationship seems to be going a lot smoother than it had been. But goddamn, am I filled with aroace salt about this.
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miss-choco-chips · 4 years
hey so I had a quick question about twisted soulmates! so tim knows who his soulmates are, jason knows tim is his soulmate, damian thinks tim is his nemesis, but does dick know? do they all know about each other? love the story!!!
 (2/2)  I also love how you call ra’s a cheap kazoo at the end it really fits him
Hey sweetie! I’m glad you liked it. Twisted Soulmates has a very special place in my heart, it’s the first long-ish fic I wrote for the fandom and it’s received so much love, it amazes me. And yesss Ra’s totally is. I read that in a post I saw in Pinterest about someone saying that to “play someone like a fiddle” isn’t a fitting insult cause fiddles are hard to play and should instead say a kazoo, and I thought Tim would think so too.
So to clear the soulmate mess a bit.
….This got really really long so I’m gonna put it under the cut. Also, beware of spoilers of the possible second part!
 Dick knows Tim is his soulmate, but it doesn’t get directly addressed in the fic by anyone else than Tim, and that was on purpose. Dick didn’t get his mark at the same time Tim did. Or rather he did, but he was in costume and didn’t see his own wrist, and then his parents died and the trauma kinda fucked things up and the name got erased. Like, he repressed the whole thing so hard he forcefully forgot about Tim and removed him from his own body. That is, until Tim went to ask him to be Robin again, and when Dick touched him he was bitchslapped by the feeling of the name appearing on him.
But the thing is, Dick is a young man, emphasis on the ‘man’. And this weird little kid is, soulmate or not, a *kid*. Dick is uncomfortable as fuck in this situation. He gets fond of Tim with time, they become friends and he mentors him to make sure what happened to Jason won’t happen to him, but he’s very carefully keeping him at arm’s length in anything soulmate related, because he won’t ever see a twelve year old as some romantic partner just because some cosmic force says he’s destined to be that. Maybe in the future, maybe not, but certainly not when there is this age difference that creeps him the hell out. He has his relationships with other people, which Tim respects because he doesn’t think he has any say on the matter, and they honestly love and care for each other (Tim is crushing hard but he’s a teen and Dick is his hero, that would be expected even without the soulmate thing), and everyone kinda turns a blind eye to the whole thing (except from some of the Young Justice gang, but that’s another thing entirely). Sure, Dick’s girlfriends (or at least the ones that are in the know) look a lil uncomfortable when Dick takes them home and they meet this tiny, starry eyed kid who does his best to be polite, but except for that it might as well be a taboo. The most Dick does is when any danger comes near Tim and he outright freaks out, like when he got Ra’s mark and he flew all the way from San Fran just to fret, but, again, the do love each other, so that might or might not be because of their bond.
Jason as explained gets the mark when he’s attacking Tim at Titan’s Tower. He already had the Joker on his other wrist, so there was no place for doubt. That’s why he left Tim alive, instead of finishing the job like he intended to. The second attempt on Tim’s life was made under Pit influence, because Tim rejected his offer to be his Robin, which Jason’s highly damaged mind translated to rejection to him as a soulmate, which in turn made him really mad, and… yeah. He *does* want to get to know Tim properly and apologize, he felt awful about it all once his mind got cleared up, but like… regret doesn’t just erase all the pain he brought his soulmate, a fact he’s perfectly aware of. So when shit hits the fan with Tim and Dick, Jason is away on a self-discovery trip with the outlaws where he works through his issues, hoping to get himself to a place from where he could start a new relationship with Tim (only if Tim is cool with giving him another shot; he’s hopeful but not going to press, the decision will be firmly in Tim’s hands). He doesn’t know about Dick and Damian, but he does know about Ra’s because he once heard Talia ranting about his father being too ‘soft to his nemesis’, which got him curious enough to investigate. It makes him feel even worse, because the poor kid’s nemesis AND soulmate actively tried to hurt him, which… is really fucked up. So Jason is a hot mess right now, but he’s on the path of redemption.
Damian’s thing was another mess altogether. Damian hasn’t met his nemesis yet (I’m still not 100% sure who is gonna be for him), so when he gets to Wayne Manor and gets his mark as he’s hitting Tim… well, the kid’s been groomed to think of his Father’s other kids as enemies already, its not too much of a leap to consider Tim, his direct predecessor and the one he has to live up to, as his ultimate foe. He also knows about his Grandfather having Drake’s name, so his proud little head gets a high at the idea of having the same nemesis as Ra’s, like some kind of validation to him, like he could someday be equal to Ra’s if he has his same nemesis. Tim tries to correct him, but he’s also busy dealing with the fact that a ten year old is another one of his soulmates, and a murderous one at that, so he’s probably not explaining himself as well as he could, and Damian walks out of that encounter totally sure that Tim is his nemesis (he didn’t see Tim’s wrist, so as far as he’s aware, he’s on the same wrist as Ra’s and thus Drake’s nemesis). He doesn’t know about Jason, but he learns about Dick later on, after he becomes his Robin. They are bonding one night and Dick tells him about his soulmate and nemesis (he’s probably trying to explain something about morals and whatnot to him using that as an example), and Damian can’t even suspect of Dick having it wrong, because the one he claims as his nemesis is one of his worst foes, and no matter how bad, Tim couldn’t be worse than him, so, by elimination, Tim IS Dick’s soulmate. This freaks him out, badly, and he does his best to avoid telling Dick about his mark, because he is still sure about Tim being his nemesis, and that means he is destined to hate the one dick is fated to love; Dick would never choose him above Tim if he was aware of this. He’d never love Damian more than Tim, and that makes the child in him even MORE mad at Drake because jealousy.
So by the time Tim says ‘fuck it’ and basically elopes with Ra’s, Dick is unaware of Jason and Damian; Jason is also unaware of the other two; and Damian only has half the information.
They will find out about the others though (and in Damian’s case, about Tim being his soulmate instead of nemesis), when they find out about Tim’s disappearance (he’s with Ra’s but he’s not exactly advertising it so not a lot of people know where the fuck he is) and join forces to look for him. But that will happen in the second part, if I gather enough brain cells to write it lol
Also, a bit about Tim, if you’re interested!
Tim knows they are they soulmates- even when things get twisted when Ra’s, who is his nemesis, treats him better than the people supposedly destined to love him. Its very confusing, and while a part of him is sure of it, the other is like… maybe Ra’s is his destined one, after all. In the end, Tim decides it doesn’t really matter. Ra’s can be his nemesis, soulmate, whatever- he’s taking him down, hence the last scene where he smiles at having deceived him. And Dick, Jason and Damian might or might not be his soulmates- he doesn’t give a fuck either, he’s not gonna forgive them just because Fate winks at him and pushes him towards them. Oh no, hell no. He’s basically giving up on love, soulmates and all that jazz. He’s gonna use his unique position to do his best to take Ra’s down, even if that means he goes down with him, because he’s a very depressed boy who only feels something when in immediate danger, and sadly the most danger he can be in is inside the lion’s mouth- travelling around the world with Ra’s.
This got really long, anon, sorry! Hope you’re having an amazing day!
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romanticrising · 4 years
Thinking of You//JJ Maybank x Reader
Inspired by Katy Perry’s song Thinking of You (highly recommend you listen to that while reading this)
Summary: I’m bad at these but basically the reader was dating JJ before her parents went full Kook and she tries to move on and starts dating this new guy but JJ comes back into her life and smut ensues
Warnings: smut, swearing, mentions of alcohol and drug use, probably some angst in there, cheating, probably something else I’m forgetting
Michael is not a real character, he’s just some guy I made up for the sake of this
This takes place before, during (kinda), and after Season 1 but the plot of the show isn’t super relevant to the plot of this
This is also my first time writing like a whole smut thing so idk if its good or not
Part two is here
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I once thought breaking a bone would be the worst feeling ever. I was wrong. The worst feeling was losing JJ.
I got swept up into Kook life like grains of sand in a swell. My life went from surfing and stealing kisses to cocktail parties and Rafe Cameron. Almost immediately after JJ and I called it quits, I got pulled straight into the whirlwind that was Ward’s eldest. He was sweet when he wanted to be, and reckless. He didn’t have the recklessness I loved about JJ, but a more dangerous kind that was intoxicating all the same. Of course, it didn’t help that he was developing a cocaine addiction, but I was drawn to him. Our relationship was flawed; there was no doubt about it. But I let myself believe I had feelings for him. It was either that or let the hole JJ had left consume me. 
The first time seeing him after our breakup was at the infamous kegger down at the Boneyard. We locked eyes across the beach after he downed a beer to impress some girl. Just looking into his light blue eyes was enough to stir up memories of our time together.
“Morning, beautiful,” he murmured, his voice drowsy from sleep. I barely stirred from where I was lying with my head on his bare chest, just offered a hum in response. This was my favorite place to be, wrapped up in him, me in nothing but my underwear and his T-shirt, him in nothing but his boxers. My legs were sore from the previous night and I knew I had a ton of hickeys I would have to cover up later.
“What if we took the Pogue out into the marsh today and spent the day there, just you and me?” He was trying to wake me up now, tracing patterns on my lower back under his shirt.
I grumbled in protest but pulled myself off of him. I blinked a couple times to get used to the sunlight that was quickly filling my room. JJ always looked good, but seeing him sprawled across my sheets, cheeky grin playing at the corners of his mouth made me think, Holy fuck, I love this boy.
“Okay,” I said, swinging one leg over his lap and straddling him. I brushed my hair to one side and leaned down to catch his lips with mine, loving the way he ran his hands up my bare thighs. “Or, we could just stay here…” I pressed kisses along his shoulders and up his neck, slowly rolling my hips down onto his. He growled low in his throat and rolled me over, pinning me to my bed.
“You’re playing a dangerous game, baby,” he said between kisses. 
I curled my fingers through his blonde hair. “Prove it.”
The next time I saw him was at Midsummers, and the sight of him in any kind of uniform was enough to make me choke on my champagne. He always did look hot in a collared shirt. I watched him run into the coat room, and I watched the security guard carry him out moments later. I watched him disturb the stuffy atmosphere of the party and run off with Kiara and Pope. I wished so much that I could’ve gone with him, but he made it very clear he didn’t want anything to do with me when I went “full Kook,” and besides, my place was here now. With Rafe. 
But Rafe broke up with me after he realized I was still in love with JJ. Of course, he didn’t know it was JJ; no one did. We kept our relationship secret, which was another reason why I couldn’t vent about losing him to my new Kook friends. I couldn’t even vent about him to Kie, not that she would want to talk to me. It wasn’t my fault my parents had chosen to abandon the Cut after they went full Kook and dragged me along with them. 
So I found an outlet in the only place that had ever calmed me down before: the ocean. I went night surfing whenever I could, and slept on the beach when I was too tired to make my way home. Sometimes I would run into couples sneaking around at night or drunk teenagers around a bonfire, but they never bothered me. I stayed out of their way, they stayed out of mine. 
One night as I walked up the beach with my surfboard, I noticed a dark shape watching me. It creeped me out until I realized that it was just some guy probably trying to sober up. Except, then he called my name.
We sat side by side in silence for a while, listening to the water. It was easier when I couldn’t see him. Easier when I didn’t have a constant reminder of what I was missing. When it became too much, we spoke at the same time. That was us alright: so in sync we spoke simultaneously.
“Look, I’m sorry I—”
“JJ, I—” We laughed for a moment, and then we realized we weren’t what we used to be. 
“You go first,” he said.
“I, uh, thanks.” I paused. What I was about to say was going to break my heart, but I had to let him go. If he wanted me back, he would’ve said something by now. “I just wanted to say I think you were right to call it off.”
Silence. Then, “Yeah.”
I turned to him. “What were you going to say?”
“It doesn’t matter. Have a nice night.” He stood up, brushing the sand off his shorts. I wanted to call out to him as he made his way up the beach, but I didn’t. Better to let it lie. We were over, for good. 
A couple months went by, disrupted only by the scandal of John B and Sarah getting lost in the hurricane after he supposedly shot Sheriff Peterkin. I head rumors that it was Rafe who’d killed her, but I tried to stay out of it. I was busy making a fresh start with a new guy, a Kook named Michael. He was clean cut: a golfer who took me out to dinner on the weekends and touched me like I was a fragile sculpture, nothing like the way JJ used to make me feel. He was safe, good for me. My parents liked him. He never drank too much or smoked. He opened the door for me, and called me every night. We slept together, maybe once or twice, but every time afterwards I couldn’t help but wonder what it would’ve been like if it had been JJ instead. I knew it was wrong, but when I kissed him I pretended I was kissing JJ. It seemed that the more I tried to get him out of my head, the more I fell in love with him. 
A couple weeks into dating Michael, I went night surfing again, just for the hell of it. At one point I got tired of surfing and left my board on the beach so I could just swim. I pretended the salt water was washing away my feelings for JJ and the heartbreak that was still all-consuming. That was the kind of relationship we had: all-consuming, intoxicating. Every moment I was with him felt like its own little vacuum of space that was just us. He introduced me to his friends, not as a girlfriend, but as a friend. We didn’t tell anyone about us, because we didn’t want to give up our secret rendezvous. I bet the rest of the Pogues suspected, but they never said anything. 
We fought like a married couple, and made love like every time was our last time. I helped him take care of the injuries he got from his father. We spent almost every night together, laughing, drinking, getting high off his weed and each other. He felt it too, the magnetic pull that never kept us apart for long. Maybe we were soulmates, if you believed in that kind of thing.
The first time we said “I love you” was also our last time, although we didn’t know it. We were sitting on the roof of a new Kook house that was under construction, looking at the sky. I was wearing his shirt, the one he gave me so I could be with him even when he wasn’t there, and we were talking about what it would be like if we found the gold. We didn’t have fully formed plans, really. We were just speculating on what seemed like an impossibility, but one just within our grasp. And then he said it. He looked at me, kissed me softly, and whispered, “I love you.”
I repeated it back to him, and we spent the rest of that night whispering it back and forth, so excited by the prospect that we had found someone who loved us as much as we loved them.
The next morning, I found all my stuff packed up in boxes and a moving truck my parents told me was bound for our new home in Figure 8. They had wanted to surprise me with our new Kook-dom, assuming I would be happy to be moving out of the Cut. But leaving the Cut meant leaving JJ and the other Pogues, and the life I’d grown up in.
After we moved, they spent the next few days talking shit about all the people we’d grown up with, making it known to the south-siders that we were Kooks now, and making it known to the Kooks that we were one of them. All the other Pogues seemed to want to drop me after that, but JJ and I met up every night, until one night my mom caught us. It wasn’t me she was mad at; it was JJ. She called him things I’d never heard my mother say before, telling him he was trash and I deserved someone who could give me everything I wanted in life. It must’ve really struck a chord with him, because when I went to apologize on her behalf the next morning, he was lying next to some tourist he’d picked up for a one night stand. 
That was when we broke up. He said my mom was right, that I deserved better. I told him I didn’t care, because he was the one I wanted. In the end, it didn’t matter what either of us said; whatever we had was done.
The memories still hurt me, but as each wave crashed over me, I let each one go. When I finally walked out of the water, the sky was starting to turn pink. I had a moment of déjà vu when I saw someone sitting beside my surfboard. I knew it was him, and that made me angry. I had just worked so hard to get over him and I was finally starting to move on.
I tried to ignore him, but in the end we had to talk. Maybe closure was what we both needed, more than getting back together. So I sat next to him, just like I had the last time. 
“I was wrong,” he said. Hearing those words come out of his mouth startled me. He continued, “I haven’t thought about anything but you since we… And now that John B is gone, dead or missing, I don’t know, I really need someone— you. I need you.”
That was exactly I wanted to hear. So why wasn’t I happy to hear it?
“I miss you too, JJ. But these last few months… I met someone. He’s good for me. I don’t know if I love him, but I think I could.”
JJ nodded, running a hand through his hair. “So you just go off with your new Kook boyfriend and leave the Pogues behind, right?” He got up to leave. I stood up too, and grabbed his wrist.
“JJ, that’s not what I meant. I’ll never love anyone the way I love you.” He froze.
“You said love.” He turned to face me, running his hand up my arm. Goosebumps erupted all of my skin. All this time apart and he still had this effect on me. 
“Yeah, so?” I didn’t quite understand what had caught his attention.
“Love, as in present tense. Love as in you love me, as in you’re still in love with me.” I always loved how his demeanor could change from sulky to euphoric in a matter of seconds. 
“What does it matter what I said? I’m with Michael now.” There were two ways this could go, and I wasn’t sure which I preferred.
“Yeah, and you sounds so happy about that.” He brushed a strand of hair away from my face, drawing me closer. He still smelled the same: sea salt and rain, and vape smoke. I ran my hands up his bare chest, barely conscious of what I was doing. Some part of me knew this was wrong, but all I could hear was the pounding of my heart in my ears.
“JJ, we—” I never finished the thought because then his lips were on mine and it was like our first kiss all over again. It was hot and passionate and needy, and his hands were everywhere. I wanted to touch him too, to memorize any new marks on his skin that hadn’t been there last time. At some point we fell back to the sand but all I could feel were his lips and his hands. He moved from my mouth to my neck, kissing me along my collarbone and nipping at the skin there while his hands untied the back of my bathing suit. He lifted the fabric over my head and his hands were at my breasts, rolling my nipples between his fingers as I arched into him and grabbed at his hair, his shoulders, anything to leave my mark on him like he was doing to me. 
And then I was straddling him, feeling his erection poking into my leg as I grinded my hips down onto his. He let out a soft moan of my name, pulling me even closer so we were chest to chest. His skin was warm, mine still wet from the ocean. I caught his lips with mine, kissing him like it would bring him back and make everything else go away. The desire that was clouding my mind subsided for a moment when he rubbed my core through my bikini bottoms and I realized what I was doing. I pulled away.
“JJ, we can’t do this. I have a boyfriend.” He moved his fingers away and my body protested at the loss of contact.
“Tell me to stop and I will.” That was all I needed to hear. Seeing his lips swollen and his eyes dark with lust pushed all thoughts of my Kook boyfriend from my head. So I kissed him again and moaned softly against his lips as I felt him push the fabric of my bathing suit aside and slip his finger into me. He pumped his finger in and out for a moment before adding another one and curling them against my walls. I dug my nails into his shoulders before reaching for his shorts. He chuckled and stopped fingering me while I struggled with the button on his shorts. He helped me undo them and leaned back while I reached into his boxers and slowly ran my hand down his length. He sighed, biting his lip softly and closing his eyes. 
My core was aching from the loss of contact and all I wanted was him inside me, so I pulled his boxers down, freeing his erection. I moved my bathing suit to the side and I pumped him a few times with my hand before lining him up at my entrance and sinking down onto him. He moaned in surprise and his eyes flew open. I took a few moments to adjust to his size before rocking my hips against him. He sat up, pushing himself further into me and helped me slide up and down on him. I moaned as he hit a spot deep inside of me that I’d only ever felt him reach. 
“God, I missed this. You’re so wet for me,” he sighed into my ear, bucking his hips into me. We found our rhythm, deep and passionate, exploring each other like we had the first time. He talked softly into my ear, telling me how much he loved me, how good I felt, how much he missed me. 
He sped up his thrusts and I moaned his name loudly, thankful that no one was on the beach in the early hours of the morning. I bounced up and down on him, pulling his hair and tugging his bottom lip with my teeth. I felt my stomach clench and before I knew it, I came around him, cursing and moaning his name. He came soon after, helping me ride out my high before I pulled myself off of him and fixed my bathing suit. He looked at me, grinning lopsidedly.
“Thank you. For that and for everything.” I said, grabbing my stuff and blowing him a kiss goodbye.
“Wait you’re just going to leave?” He protested, fixing his shorts and boxers as well and slipping on sand as he ran after me. He grabbed my hand and I set my surfboard on the ground, letting him pull me into him.
“JJ, I have to go. My parents will be super mad if they figure out I’m gone.”
“Baby, please. Dump your tool of a boyfriend. I’m here, and I love you. I’m sorry I let you go.”
“I love you too, but this shouldn’t have happened. I have a boyfriend and as much as I love you, I’m with him right now. Maybe someday.” I kissed him softly, then picked up my board, and headed up the beach, leaving him alone as the sun came up.
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seijorhi · 4 years
asks :)
i love the post fic bundle of asks 🥺
WHO WAS THE SOULMATE???? ASDFHFHJFKFLF DID YOU MENTION IT? DID I MISS IT? The rolling coaster of emotions was too much sooo I think I might have missed it????
but if it was not mentioned, i'd like to think that it might be iwa or the other guys or gahhh, what if it was a rival????? I believe nothing would push Tooru to the extremes than learning that you're tied to his rival... 😳
Good job again, Rhi! Honestly these soulmate aus are my favorite!!! 💕
ahhh thank you so much!!! 
and no, i didn’t actually mention who the reader’s soulmate was. i was initially going to write the fic a little more in line with what the asks said and have the reader overhear oikawa talking about it on the phone with iwa, and he’d say the name of her soulmate. it could have been anyone, but me being the whore that i am wanted it to be one of the characters, and considering that oikawa was never going to let the reader just wander off back to japan, i figured that the best possible choice for her to potentially meet her ‘soulmate’ would be when oikawa took him home with her back to japan for the olympics - and with the tight hold he has over her, the only people who could potentially come into contact with her, through iwa of course, would be the olympic team.
kags and ushiwaka were too obvious - plus the reader would have likely met them at some point during her life and while the bond wouldn’t have done anything too crazy, she might have felt something (plus i think oiks would have rubbed off on her a little too much - she wouldn’t hate them like he does, but romance? nah)
which then made me think, if you take those two out of the equation - who on the team would piss oikawa off the most to know was the reader’s soulmate... 
there’s just something about that setter pride, right? 
sorry for rambling 👀
I already knew I'd love ani soulmate au you write, but it still amazed me. It was wonderful! 😭🤧 
you guys are too nice to me!! i’m glad you liked it bby!  💕
I loved your Oikawa soulmate fic! Did Iwa lie about the name on Oikawa? Or are there mismatches with soulmates and she is Oikawa's soulmate, he's just not hers?
Wait so does that mean that oikawa has no name on his wrist, he met his soulmate but doesn't care for them, or he has our name on his wrist but it's not actually "our" name it's just somebody who shares our name? Sorry I'm way to slow on this
Love your latest story! But I’m confused if her name was on his skin or not?
i’m answering these three together because they’re all kinda similar. so the name on oikawa’s arm - his soulmate - is definitely the reader’s. it’s a mismatch. basically it was my kind of interpretation of a yandere’s obsessive love - for oikawa, she’s it, the only one he’ll ever truly love, the one person he can’t live without, but even before the reveal of her mark, he’s already very manipulative and controlling towards the reader. he isolates her from everybody else but him and his friends, makes her rely on him because he needs her, not the other way around. it’s not the worst thing in the world, but the power imbalance is huge. whereas the reader’s soulmate would be the one person who would let her shine - help her grow and love her for who she is without trying to steal her away from the world. it’s not that oikawa doesn’t love the reader, or that the reader doesn’t love him, but her soulmate is the one person who would love her the right way, if that makes sense?
NOOOOOO my heart is breaking into a million pieces and oikawa's not even my fav he doesn't even make top ten but holy FUCK this fic is for SURE in my alltime top ten. u just have a way of writing him that makes my heart ache like i still cant reread home like i read it when u first released it n i have not been able to reread it again bc i cant handle strong emotions but like...this fic is the opposite i cant STOP reading it thank u thank u thank u ily sm for gifting us this fic 🥺
bby!!! you are in fact the sweetest? i love you?? pls come collect your kisses??
home is one of my all time faves ngl, and this kinda has similar vibes i guess, but maybe in reverse - home is all about the anguish of falling for somebody who hurt you because of the things they’ve done, and always is about the pain of still loving somebody despite the fact that they’ve hurt you. anyway, thank you sm, this message honestly made my day!
Ahhhhhh! That Oikawa x blind reader! Oh my heart. Soft insecure Oikawa 😭😭😭
he’s awful in this, but dontcha just feel a little bad for the guy? (low key wanna give him a hug for treating him so meanly in this - but he does kinda deserve it too)
now that i see u on my feed, imma read ur fics again hihihihi LIEK I READ IT FOR 10x ALREADT
💕💕💕💕the sheer dedication?? ily anon
uh.. hello.. the chubby seijoh manager.. i.. love it so much is it rude to ask for more?
the full fic will be out... eventually 👀
how do miya twins from breaking point/meet the parents react to overprotective dad (or not even really that overprotective just actually a good parent lol)? I think it’s a really interesting dynamic and obstacle for yanderes because so often everyone else seems fooled or mia leaving the reader really vulnerable. Honestly I wish I could just talk to you all day about your fics beyond being HOT they are also so intriguing and you’re just an incredible story teller!!!!
first of all how dare you make me all soft and mushy?!!?! this was v sweet anon, thank you
BUT i honestly think they’d both kinda write the dad off. if they managed to bully the reader into being in a ‘relationship’ with them, osamu might try to get in his good graces, maybe offer to cook dinner or something just to smooth things over - because it is somewhat implied that even though he despises the twins, if his daughter wants them around, he’d bite his tongue for her sake. atsumu would be the ass that deliberately tries to rile him up, seeing just how far he can get away with touching you, how many sly innuendos can he slip past your dear old dad before he snaps.
but eventually, whether you gave into them or not, they’d try to push you away from your family, isolate you. for one, they don’t want anybody in your life telling you that they’re not good for you when they’re your soulmates. also because they really don’t want anyone else in your life period. why would you need anybody else when you have them?
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vanityloves · 4 years
anyways im gonna listen to/read the fuckin...rise of the ogre shit bc ive been putting it off 🪓🥴 im gonna put stuff under the cut bc im gonna be TALKING n dont wanna make a new post everytime
ok he performed for 2 pounds 50. which is basically $3 today i- well it was absolutely a power play on his father behalf that also had the promise of money so.
also lol he said Rejection fueled my ambitions which, yknow,, i already knew but it still hurts and i will continue to talk ab it xoxo
AH HELP. "...if ebay had been invented at the time he would've sold me online there and then,"
"man hands on misery to man, yknow"
THEN PROCEEDS TO CONNECT IT TO MUSIC/HIS CAREER. this man said :) the one thing i truly have a passion for. the one thing i fucking like.
oh yeah. bullied by students AND teachers.
oh god hes 42ish during this interview? ok.
the fuckin school bully saying he wouldve acted differently if he knew what hed become
getting called "faceache", then proceeds to call 2d that. jfc he really does just repeat what everyone says. really "treating others how i was treated/how they treat me"
maybe thats why? hes kinder to fans? bc :] you support me and like me so, ok ill return that energy
a real rowdy boy. absolute nasty boy. fraud and arson... shooting ppls windows with his air pistols
black sabbath being a huge inspiration? fucking absolutely.
became a satanist n shit at age 16? "it fitted me like a glove" "heavy metal and devil worshipping became my favorite past times" ajsj funny that ppl in trying times often seek religion or following of some sort
heavy metal being his favorite, n loving the clash, while hannibals was more punk based
hannibal breaking murdocs nose for the 2nd and 3rd time for playing his music on hannibals turntable
he doesnt sound that bitter? ab hannibal? he doesnt sound incredibly fond but he talks ab how he got him into a lot of music. so, i imagine they we're a bit closer than i thought?
international baccalaureate in antisocial? anthropology?
MURDOC IS ACTUALLY SMART HE WAS JUST. NOT INTERESTED IN THE SUBJECTS? I GUESS? (also,,, he literally Built cyborg noodle and i think he had a PhD too lol. but its always nice to hear hes actually...yknow, interested or good at other things)
alright but murdoc having a fascination w/ other cultures - or at least some interests, that lead him to actually study the damn subject and "pass with flying colors"
'fuck college though. im gonna be a rockstar'
he sold his soul at 18ish? whenever the fuck he got kicked out but college was mentioned so my brain goes to 18ish idk
he lived with his father still and paid rent via low paying jobs one including 'part time dressing as santa'
help he was ab to take a Personal Job for quick cash and uhh well, "still made me call him sir though" he really said 20 dollars is 20 dollars, huh "that story was totally true"
alright, 1997,,,
2d stuff
loves zombie stuff? thats really cute, and is freaked out by the way they move. god he rambles
both he and murdoc are horses in the chinese zodiac
[[jfc ok if the official shit compares them a lot i understand why ppl ship them but Dont. its a narrative foil and that doesnt always mean Romance jfc.]]
truly... a lil stinker. super cute bouncing baby and a "bit thick" which is stull so endearing to me. hes just a happy man!
excitable 10 year old and would dance around his room
jfc the fact he has normal/caring parents. i kinda forget how opposite hes supposed to be from murdoc but i think thats another thing jsjsysg (murdoc said why isnt my tragic story making me famous why does he get to be the Star. no wonder he acts like a loon)
i still dont get how gettin bonked by a tree branch made him go bald and also turn his hair blue
big tiddy nurse mommy,,,
went to the same school as The Cure and got decent grades despite hittin the noggin quite hard. WANTED TO BE A STORM CHASER... OMG??
oh thats really cute, hed bond with his dad by building keyboards toegther 🥺💕
messed around with paints and graffiti? artistic king
oh yeah d day...new instruments, new band, new singer - and 'had to be the best or no dice' and absolutely CONFIDENT that his songs were bangers ajsjd
but on that same note, had absolute faith (or desperate) in 2d which i love
ransacked the fucking music shop jdjdj and 2d said he was Just Standing There behind the counter the whole shift hdhdh
"thats when your eye came out, yeah" "yeah!-" HELP WHY DOES HE SOUND SO HAPPY AB IT ?? yes he said ut hurt but he sounds...ok
jfc murdoc ragdolling this poor mf around. dunking him and slapping him around. actually? so incredibly terrible and abusive and i hate him for that 🔫 im sorry 2d stans. we dont condone that behavior here ong.
how and why the FUCK did 2d's parents allow that fucker near their child after that i??? help. wtf. his moms a nurse why didnt she just have murdoc sit in plain view of other people. god damn.
2d flying out the window n hitting the curb "whoops"
"just two black holes...[ah] it looked great...a blue hair, blacked eyed GOD- the girls would go wild-" "pretty boy looks" ???? HELP. HE DOESNT GO LIGHT ON THE COMPLIMENTS, HUH
oh yeah, he straight up kiddnapped this man help. idk how he managed that, russ is a Big Man??
AND MURDOCS MUSIC WAS SO FUCKING SEXY GOOD that russel said hm alright ill stay, :] out ifbhis owm free will im screaming.
"oh this is one of them febreeze commercials" "uh . yeah sure. *murdoc turning on his Sick Tunes*" but that either means? it was just his guitar playing the convinced russ? unless he and 2d recorded sumn?
"2d was the looks, murdoc the brains, then russel truly was the heart"
'while 2d and murdoc liked music, this man was a MUSICIAN' god fucking bless this book holy shit ny man russ getting some respect. he said back hurts from carrying this band.
murdoc basically heard this guy had big trauma that gave him So Many Skills n said "thats what i want" ok idk thats actually really? inch rest ting to me. seems that murdocs fine handing out compliments but i guess that where his charisma really helps out yeah?
"he was going to be in my band whether he liked it or not" ...murdoc-
HELP. 2D IS LIKE BRO GO ON IM LISTENING 🥺 despite hearing the story 50-60 times and murdoc said fuck off you lil shit.
ok irrelevant but i love his voice! its super comforting n nice to listen to 🥺
idk how/why he sucked up all his friends souls though ... how are they all possessing the same person. they said "its my turn on The Russ"
went to a private school,,, and was already possessed? and the thing where he gets bigger and smaller is a reoccurring thing?
was in a coma for 4 years?
hiphop machine...time and history...the ultimate set i guess.
his knowledge was infinite and hes a "Renaissance man" hes so fucking smart our king. jack of all trades but a master of drums. he said i know im good and what of it
yes russel our king. fuck up his nose 5 more times. probably stunted his growth too. he shrunk after russ gave him a wallop im sure
why dies paula sound like tracer overwatch
also only dated 2d for 2 months before joining the band?
HELP SHE REALLY WAS THE FIRST MURDOC FUCKER: "but when i saw murdoc with his thick greasy hair, green teeth and yellow skin i thought 'oh this is the ine for me!'" "OH HES SUCH A DANDY-" HELP ME IM HQJDHD
sick in the head...like i want to hurt people help girl. shes fucking Crazy. but she rly said damn i didnt hear back from him again 😭 and my purse is gone JSHHD
"small japanese person!"
2d: we werent gorillaz until noodle arrived!
im dying the reason he chose gorillaz. 'swinging through the jungle baring my ass'
noodle really said "im just happy to be here" and she balanced everyone out 😭 "she gave off pure love and the fact that she could laugh at murdoc REALLY helped too" RUSS... IS BABY
2d rambling ab some girl he met and "ssSs" "whats the s stand for hawhaw" "i dont know!".
one song is all it took i ❤ good for them
just murdoc talking ab the party that they threw for thier deal and saying "you dont know how much of a dick i felt like [when carrying one of those huge checks]" like oh thats whatll make you a dick? alright.
ahshdj damon and murdoc not getting along bc of Rival Band One Uppery + damon calling murdocs cuban heels crap since ge wore steel ones with gold spurs.
but the band and damon getting over music and their ambitions and became a "paternal figure"
HELP MURDOC SAID AWIOGA @ RACHEL WHICH MADE HER THROW HER DRINK IN HIS FACE AND SPLIT FROM 2D. kinda sad actually, she said i still like 2d but murdoc kinda ruined it by trying to get it in with me, it put a strain in our relationship :/ oh god murdocs That Dude
nov 31 1998: started recording :]
40 tracks that got cut down to 15 holy shit
hooking up cameras in every room ejdjsu
webby artist of the year in 2006? holy shit
noodle learning ab kong studios omfg
built in 1739?
the ghost of the first owners ghost still roams around in the kitchen in the early hours and moans 'aaa glass of water'
theres some rotting bullshit near the studios and in the summer its fucking TERRIBLE
the former owners were a biker gang, and they all died in a fire
murdoc said this place has bad vibes. i want it.
grim weather
the building feels impossible to escape from huHgg
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astraltrain · 4 years
i realize i haven't talked about gorillaz hcs on here in a Fat Second so here i go. trigger warnings for uhhh abuse, trauma, suicide mention, alcohol mention, death mention, experimentation (for noodle) - this is gorillaz there's a lot. this is also SUPER LONG so i'll try and add a read more
every one of em has Trauma To The Max babey!!!! these guys have been to hell and back!!! literally in murdoc's case
cyborg could talk! she just chose not to. also murdoc realized programming her with a voice was annoying because she Looked like noodle but he couldn't make her sound exactly like her and it pissed him off. every word cyborg learned was through murdoc/2D/the book of man/various other scrap pieces of paper she found
russel n del were boyfs. fuck you
2D is the only straight member. i think this is canon actually ngl (was it ever made canon that russel n del were together?? i don't remember)
russel truly believes del was his soulmate and that he'll never find love again
every year on the anniversary of d-day 2D goes back to the place where the uncle norm's organ emporium was (which is now a greggs. i know my gorillaz lore) and just vibes for a bit
russel likes to visit graveyards and play music for the lonely spirits who don't get visitors
2D accompanied him once on one of these trips and it was wild cause 2D's like "russel russel russel are there any spirits near me" as like. all of the spirits huddle next to russel because 2D is loud and annoying. russel's like "oh yeah dee there's tons of spirits over there they really like you. why don't you sing for them" and dee's like :DD
2D is generally pretty oblivious. but. he noticed russel was really sad and missing del during phase two and wrote mr softy's balloon race to cheer him up. it was one of the nicest things russel had received in years and he cried over it for hours. what 2D Didn't know was that he'd just saved russel's life and he didn't even know it.
noodle as a ten year old didn't realize How Bad the relationship between murdoc and 2D was. obviously she'd had a really fucked up childhood so far so when murdoc would hurt 2D and 2D would laugh and play it off so as not to scare noodle, noodle was just like :DDD thinking it was all ok
it was during the time that noodle was alone in phase two after remembering her past that she was like. o h n o that was bad wasn't it
noodle met a girl in japan and lowkey fell in love with her, but they had to split so noodle could go back to kong. she wrote every planet we reach is dead for her
2D and noodle never got to properly reunite in phase three. by the time doyathing happened, 2D hadn't seen her in like seven years
murdoc is trying to be less of a terrible person now and all the other members take advantage of it. russel's like "can i get a coffee please murdoc" and murdoc goes "fuck off" but all russel has to say is "remember when you thought i'd offed myself so you replaced me with a drum machine" and murdoc's like. "how many sugars" dhdgdgdh
noodle n 2D fucking love to dance together like absolute nerds
2D is like. the awkward big brother
they are each others wingmen when picking up girls
except 2D doesn't do that as much anymore so in reality he tries to be noodle's wingman but it fails miserably because 2D Can't Do Social Interaction
the boogieman and the evangelist were murdoc's parents
all the band have really bad insomnia and nightmares so sometimes they all have sleepovers in one room and just. watch a movie and sit on their phones but they're in each other's company and that's all they need
they all have a fear of helicopters, especially noodle
russel became extremely claustrophobic after his time in north korea which was very understandable
all of them have pretty weird triggers but none of them question them. noodle starts freaking out cause 2D's eating bacon and he's like "o shit sorry i'll go to another room" they're all very respectful and it's great
the reason 2D had that bead curtain door in phase four was cause after plastic beach, he couldn't stand to be in rooms with closed doors anymore
also! more 2D angst! he didn't sing for like. a good couple years after plastic beach because Trauma Babey!! so when he had to sing again for humanz, the first time he got into the studio he just. had a complete fucking meltdown because he was so scared to sing again. eventually he managed it but he literally couldn't sing with murdoc around because he was so afraid of him
noodle sometimes does really childish stuff because obviously she had no fucking childhood and the others just let her go for it and support her if she gets embarrassed about it
noodle has killed people. lots of em. some against her will as a kid, some more recently. she has a lot of nightmares about it but unlike the rest of the band, she does Really good self care and looks after herself really well
the band sometimes go on spontaneous road trips and usually end up getting lost and taking aesthetic pictures at gas stations
noodle very rarely cries because she would have gotten into trouble for that as a kid so she bottles all her emotions up in favour of helping her family. when she started going to therapy she pretended all was well for a little while but that didn't work for very long and she completely broke down. russel was very surprised to see noodle come home that day in tears and just throw herself into his arms
noodle really likes fashion and clothes and makeup!! she likes to be Colourful and Bright
when she first arrived at kong at ten years old, she really didn't understand what was going on. none of the band spoke any japanese so she was under the impression that these people were new doctors who were going to train/test on her. she stuck to the routine she was given back in japan and was very surprised when the others didn't do the same. like small green man it's three in the afternoon why are you just up?? big bald man why are you just going to bed??? where is the tall blue man WHAT IS GOING ON
none of the band members were qualified to be parents. at all. they were all very messed up mentally and therefore noodle just kinda did what she wanted as a kid
noodle was exposed to a lot of bad shit while in kong. 2D and murdoc were not responsible at all about what they did and said around noodle so russel tried to be more responsible about that, but little noodle's just like "oh don't worry i've seen worse" and russel's like ?????
noodle was the one to rebuild cyborg out of the parts she had left from plastic beach. she did this while murdoc was in prison just to prove she could
2D has an extreme fear of cyborg, which is. obvious
noodle didn't tell 2D she was rebuilding cyborg. when he finds out he flips his shit and noodle's like. ah. maybe this was not a great idea
cyborg has now formed her own band! the rejects!
2D wears little bobby pins in his hair behind his ear which the band sometimes lowkey makes fun of him for until one day noodle asks why and he tells her it was because back on plastic beach, murdoc would sometimes be too drunk to remember to bring 2D food so he had to pick the lock and go steal some. so Yikes babey!!!!!!
writing the fall was the only thing that helped 2D cope during plastic beach. that's why there was barely any singing on it - this was HIS album, HIS voice, not murdoc's. he could do what he wanted with it. writing it was the only thing that kept him sane
noodle's the only member who hasn't tried to off herself at any point oop
they're all doing a lot better now cause they're all going to therapy yes even murdoc! yay fun happy times
russel taught noodle english and in return noodle taught him japanese. russel can now speak pretty good japanese and 2D knows like. the most basic of shit *flashbacks to the gshock interview video*
there was a while where noodle believed that literally all she was for was other people. that she was either a weapon or a guitarist and nothing more. it was only after she disappeared after phase two that she realized she could be more
she still has a scar from el mañana but she covers it up with makeup
2D and murdoc have made a pact to smoke/drink less, respectively. they also made what they called a "non suicide pact" - a pact not to off themselves, formed after 2D found murdoc shooting bullets into the ceiling in phase four
murdoc knew about the dartboard 2D had in his room that had his face on it because noodle and russel told him but he didn't really believe it until he went up into his room like "hey dents can i -" and 2D turns round and just stares at him, darts in hand fhgvhfhvf
murdoc: ....whatya doin' there dents
2D, turning back to the dartboard and throwing one straight into dartboard murdoc's eye: practicing for the real thing
hcvdhvdfhg anyway
sometimes 2D literally Cannot be around murdoc so he'll disappear for days without telling anyone cause he forgets that people worry about him oh no
murdoc says he wants to drink less alcohol cause he wants to better himself as a person but really it's because he can't drink without getting flashbacks to plastic beach
murdoc's memories of plastic beach aren't great. he was drunk out his mind most of the time so he luckily forgot a lot that comes back to haunt him in nightmares and has him waking up thinking "fuck did i really do that??" but yeah sometimes 2D just reminds him of something really awful he did and murdoc's like. a h
when ace came into gorillaz he was absolutely doing it for the paycheck. then he realized how Enormously Fucked Up these people were and was like o h n o
ace could not understand a word of 2D's english accent
ace once asked 2D why he was called that. 2D said "well my real name is stuart but murdoc calls me 2D and it stuck" and ace goes!!! that's bullshit!!! and he starts calling him stuart. he refuses to call him 2D. 2D gets so emotional over it he starts crying and ace is like "s h i t what do i do did i fuck up" but in reality dee's just glad to like. not be "2D" for once and to just be someone else
murdoc and 2D are heavily codependent on each other and it's extremely unhealthy cause obviously they're Really Bad For Each Other but. 2D's known murdoc since he was 19 and murdoc has never really left his life except for the one point before and after plastic beach. that's why when murdoc goes to prison in phase five, 2D just goes apeshit. because now 2D doesn't have the threat of murdoc constantly hanging over his head!! he's gone and 2D is free!!!! yay!!!!!!!
then he's like. o h. he's gone and i'm free. oh no
because he has no clue what to do with himself now!! his whole life revolved around murdoc and now murdoc is gone 2D's realizing "Oh No maybe our relationship WAS really unhealthy if i'm feeling this depressed now that he's gone!!!"
the now now was like. the fall part two: electric boogaloo in terms of how 2D wrote it to cope with his trauma
souk eye was like a really depressing love song
2D's lowkey a little in love with murdoc but not really in the romantic sense at all. and obviously it's not cute or reciprocated by murdoc or anything 2d.c shippers dni blease
he just. feels like murdoc's the only one who could ever love him and UGH it's so unhealthy. luckily noodle makes him go to therapy and he gets a bit better. by the time the end of phase five rolls around 2D's like >:D yeah!! i won't let you hurt me anymore murdoc!!!
then murdoc actually escapes and is rumored to be dead and the whole band just shuts down
because murdoc, like it or not (and none of them liked it), was the glue that held the band together. and fuck if it didn't fucking destroy them all a little bit, especially 2D
then murdoc showed up at their door and. 2D was the one to answer it without knowing it was murdoc. and there's noodle and also murdoc, still in his prison clothes, covered in literal shit, and the first thing he blurts out is "i listened to the album."
2D panics and slams the door in his face HCDGHGCDH
russel refuses to let murdoc inside unless he can give him one good reason to. noodle comes in through the back door and comforts her brother while he has a panic attack and murdoc's just. sitting at the door pouring his heart out to russel through the door. covered in shit. these guys need help man
eventually 2D and murdoc face each other again and oh lord. they're both crying and then murdoc apologizes and murdoc's never apologized for anything, ever, he never says he's sorry, and then they're hugging and noodle and russel are like !!!!!!!
meanwhile ace is like. can i get my paycheck. can i PLEASE get my paycheck
murdoc: here dents i got you a demon possessed yak. her name is madonna
ace, who's spent many a night listening to 2D cry and vent about murdoc and all he's done to him: surely he's not just gonna accept that and move on
russel and noodle, who know 2D far too well: oh he will. trust me he will
long story short 2D is now the proud father of a demon possessed yak named madonna
song machine is kind of like. their Big Project that they're putting together to try and bring them all closer as a family. it's kind of working but also not really. they're trying their best
they're all a good family and they have to stick together and they're messed up but they love each other!!!! that is all thank you and goodnight ladies and gentlemen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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taytei · 6 years
More Ancient AU facts
Stuff that got asked and answered over on my insta that I figured I’d share here as well!
- Lance asked keith out first out loud, but Keith kinda already figured they were dating at that point already (they totally were)
- Keith’s wings are only vaguely sensitive on the webbing on the inner side. They’re actually incredibly durable and can be used practically as shields.
- Soulmates are a thing in this au now by the way
- When you meet your soulmate, it’s an instant connection, a gut feelings. The idea of being separated from them is just so viscerally upsetting, it’s almost painful. Most people meet when they’re older.
- Lance and Keith tho, met when they were babies, so you can imagine how two kids throwing monstrous temper tantrums cause they want to see each other can go sahklhkglsa
- so they didn’t actually realize that they were soulbound until they were older shakhlgsa
- they realized it because, when people get older, they get restless and feel the need to travel to find their partner. Keith and Lance never once felt that way. The closest to that was whenever they were separated from one another. And it just clicked that, “oh, yea, that makes sense” but also kind of “goddamnit, of course it’s him”
- Also, if you are an Ancient’s soulmate, but you yourself are not an ancient, once you soulbond, you basically become immortal so you can stay with them forever
- Lance and Keith intertwine their tails a lot, it’s basically like holding hands
- I just wanna clarify also, that Lance isn’t strictly a mermaid in this AU. He’s an Ocean Descendent, an Ancient one at that. He sticks mostly with the mermaid form because that’s what his parents found most comfortable, so it’s his default. He can take on the form of ANY water based mythical creature if he so wants.
- Also, don’t touch his tail. Unless you are family, a close friend, or given explicit permission, you do not touch his tail.
- Keith takes Lance flying, whether Lance asks him to or not. sometimes he’ll just scoop lance up out of the water unexpectedly
- wing hugs. Ever since they were little, keith has tried his best to wrap his wings around him and lance, even if they weren’t big enough. Once they grew to full size, he would often just cacoon the two of them in his wings whenever he was feeling vulnerable, needy, or protective
- Lance and Keith own an apartment together gsakhlsa
- but they also have their own island that they escape to whenever they feel the need to get away (it was a gift from Hunk for their wedding)
- On their first official date, Lance called in a favor from Allura and asked for a “cosmic light show that’s gonna sweet Keith off his feet and right into my arms”
- something like the northern lights with exploding stars and a metero shower happening all at once ended up being of the most nearly-life threatening but also romantic moments they could have asked for
- i say “life-threatening” but Ancients can’t actually be killed.
- they can be wounded and hurt badly enough that they go into a “resting/healing period”, which is mostly a meditative coma, but they can’t be killed by an outside source.
    - when either Lance or Keith is in their resting/healing period, they experience the same feelings as when they’re separated, only like 500x more potent. They’re restless and anxious and more protective and it’s practically impossible to pry them away from the other’s side
- they decide when they want to go out, and once they do, they join The Colony of the Cosmos, where Allura and her small group of people reside.
- Only the Ancients go to the Colony once they decide to die, everyone else on the planet just gets reincarnated over and over again.
- Lance, Keith, Hunk and Shiro’s families are all Ancients, so they all get to go to the colony when they decide its their time
- A bit about the Colony, they’re people of pure cosmic energy. Ruled by Allura and her family. (Honerva and Zarkon are happily married, and Lotor never grew up troubled, they’re perfectly happy).
- When any of the Ancients become cosmic beings, they lose their descendent-attributes (Lance would lose his ear-fins, Keith would lose his horns, etc) and they would gain the Altean-esque ears and specialized markings
- but Cosmic Beings can alter their appearance however they want, so they can always give those attributes back to themselves if they really wanted them
- Lance’s home in built into the underside of a massive island right off the main shoreline
- which Keith visits on quite a few occasions, once he’s granted the Blessed Breath (which is an enchantment that involves an Ocean Ancient tracing a magic rune along their throat that allows them to breathe under water. It’s generally permanent, if used consistently and as long as the caster doesn’t dispel the magic)
- he was only allowed to have it once he actually learned out to swim
- also, it’s impossible for Lance to ever ever drown, even if he’s in his human form
- keith’s is basically the equivalent of lava girl’s land, filled with volcanoes and lava rivers, but there ARE forests of Ash trees and they have beautiful hot springs
- It’s really hot there tho. Lance can visit and endure the heat pretty well, since he’d been visiting since he was little, but he needs to have a canteen of water at hand at all times.
- plus the kogane family had a cooling spring implemented for when lance and his family decided to visit
- Everyone has the ability to look entirely human, no scales, horns, wings, tails, etc, but it’s not really necessary, unless they enter a “Human Glamour required” zone
- Everyone is aware that Ancients exist. they just kind of assume they stay in their “pristine palaces, too good to mingle with the common folk”, not realizing the doofus that just dabbed and the boyfriend that got whacked in the face because of that are two of the most powerful beings in the world
- and being ancients, they’re KIND of famous? once people find out that they ARE ancients. Cause really, they blend pretty seamlessly among everyone else. Most people just assuming they’re common ocean/fire descendent civilians
- people are usually more like “whoa, what? really? YOU’RE an Ancient? I just watched you coke on a baby carrot for almost a solid minute”
- usually that’s followed by people asking just how old they actually are
- Lance & Keith: “it’s been a long time, lost track”     - Keith: *actually lost track of how old they are* Lance: *refuses to reveal just how old he actually is*
- Keith gives Lance gifts of gold and jewels and cool weapons that his people either find in their caves or craft from their magma
- the trident that lance has is actually a gift from Keith’s family. The metal is unable to rust or age, it’s completely unbreakable, and with an utterance of a spell, the metal will heat to the same temperature as if it was being forged (like the sun-forge elf blades from the dragon prince)
- meanwhile Lance gives keith ocean found objects, pearls, sea stones, shark teeth, weapons coated in some of the sea’s most poisonous creatures, stuff like that
- Shiro: “I uploaded my music to the cloud, look”     An actual rain cloud: *starts playing Africa by Toto*
- Shiro also CAN have normal human feet, but he actively chooses to have bird legs cause he can pick stuff up with his toes without needing to bend over
- When Lance was first learning how to walk, he first went to Allura so he could surprise everyone with how great he is at walking. Only, she taught him by basically playing QWOP with his legs. (google it if you haven’t heard of it, it’s fucking hilarious)
- Hunk is an Earth Ancient, able to shift continents and form mountains with nothing but a thought
- he popped up a statue of Keith for Lance to take to his underwater cavern where Lance keeps all the jewels and gold that Keith gives him, where he basically performs a Part of your World on a constant.
- Pidge is NOT an ancient. She’s a new Age, and gained the figurehead position at a young age because she founded a new type of magic
- how Shiro lost his wing, how he met adam, and can he ever fly again???
- the accident happened back when he was still a teenager, when Lance’s and Keith’s parents were still the ruling figureheads for their territories. There was a brief moment of imbalance in their world when either Krolia or Lance’s mom was severely injured and wnt into a healing period.
- with the balance so suddenly being thrown off so early in the world’s creation, there was a power backlash throughout the Ancients.
- Shiro got zapped right out of the sky by his own lightning, his wing got fried, and it broke when he crashed landed down
- he lost his wing, since there was ... absolutely no way to salvage it.
- he went to the Forest Fae, as they were renowned healers, when his wing was still aching, and hoping maybe there was an alternative for his wing
- And that’s where he met (one) of his soulmates, adam. (eventually they meet Curtis, cause damnit, shiro deserves two soulmates, LET THE MAN BE LOVED). Adam helped with the phantom pains and worked his best to help the wing heal properly, even if it wouldn’t ever be able to grow in full again
- and as for whether shiro can fly, there IS an alternative.
- a super complicated spell called the “Spirit of the wing”, which basically gives him a spectral wing to make up for what he’s lost. but it is incredibly exhausting on the user, and tends to make his phantom pains act up more severely
- so he only uses it when he absolutely needs to
sorry that this was so long! But I thought that i would share them!
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thefloresgarden · 4 years
Sad tales of a 20 something. -FRIENDS AND WEIRD WAYS TO FIND THEM-
Hello! Back again from a long ass time of taking a break from this site and my 2 followers who don’t even reblog my writings.
Anyway, the reason i’m back is because i actually show this blog to one of my bestestssss friends in the world and encourage me to keep going and well here i am.
So i was thinking, maybe since a friend of mine made me come back, I should write about that. So this is it, an Ode to my friends.
I have always been sort of a friendly character, at least in my mind i am. Even when i was a kid and used to cry a lot and be a bit on the side shy, I always had a lot of friends. I even dare to say I was one of the first girls in my fifth grade class yo have actual good guy friends, not only the “popular” kids that chased girls to see under their skirts. Actual good and close friends that I’m still friends with.
So, I went to the same school from elementary until high school, meaning that i had been with the same people for around 12 years, and damn i was tired of it, not from my friends, not from a lot of people to be honest, but maybe more with myself and my lack of abilities to make new friends.
That leads me to my new found weird way to make friends. It started in college when i started as a music engineer major before switching to media and film. Engineering not always equals to men, in this case i guess it did. Some may say having all guy friends is easier no drama and shit, and is true for some part, I’m still grateful of all the guys of my Music engineering program that adopted me and ate lunch with me every day, not to the rest of engineering students that are “nice guys” by mansplaining anything on the math class board before the teacher (female) started explaining, though not gonna lie i didn’t understand shit, i still didn’t want some greasy hair guy with a weird stain on his shirt,that i pray it was toothpaste, to explain me shit. I can fail this class on my own thank you very much.
My first girl friend in college was a girl on the bus that i knew my cousins was a friend with but never formally met her before and i chatted her ear off in the way home, i was so excited i forgot i could be a chatty bitch when i feel happy. When they left the bus (her and her roommate who is lovely too) I started to replay everything we talked about and was already very much regretting living because i was so cringey. I guess i wasn’t that bad, I got a Facebook friend request and became pretty close after that.
First friend I made in my new major program (who i made before switching because of mutual clases) was a girl that i always saw in my favorite class, “Signs, symbols and significances” she was funny, very friendly and clearly friends with at least three quarters of the class. I decided that was my next mission, i left my guy friends side after an exam in our common class and went literally running towards her and another girl (amazing person too) I asked them in the most awkward way how the exam was for them and even if they thought i was weird they didn’t show it and were so nice with me.
I made a mistake though, I told the girl i had a mission on (to be close to) she seemed familiar outside class and she said i did too but we couldn’t remember where from. Until I realized she was the girl that i met in my first day of school in math class and sat next to her. That, until i didn’t hear my name while checking the list and was told that wasn’t the math class, everyone laughed i stand up and trip and yell “puta madre” so hard everyone laughed again. I then found out that story was so funny to her she actually used it as an ice breaker when meeting new people and started introducing me as the “puta madre” to everyone. At least she got me a lot of new friends, and besides having passed more than 5 years, she still reminds me of it and she still is one of my closest friends.
Another story, I was an exchange student and knew nothing about the culture (only basics, didn’t want to be rude), the language or anyone in this new country. I was so lost I literally was trying hookup apps to meet friends (never works tho, at least on me). It was my second day in Seoul and saw there was a kpop concert of one of the three groups I actually knew and my baby brother was a fan of, i checked and there were some tickets left, bought them, put on a pretty dress and left. Going to a concert alone is not that bad, going to a concert alone in a country you have been for 5 minutes and also understand shit, that is a fucking nightmare.
I met some friendly girls from USA that helped me out to figure the shit out in the venue, they told me they were living in Korea for like 5 years and still couldn’t even read, which i thought wow kinda disrespectful but anyway i wasn’t going to let go of anyone friendly anytime soon. Met some other girls that came to the country only for the concert which wow commitment. And then I was left alone again when taking the seats (standing spots to be exact). The concert was cool even if I didn’t understand shit and I’m 87% sure I even caught eyes with some of the guys in the group a few times. The concert ended and I wish I could say I captivated one of the kpop guys and that is my next friend meeting story but, nope is not and honestly i wouldn’t change it for any of the hot men that were on stage.
Fast forward the first day of school, i was lost and ask a girl for a classroom, she was very nice and told me where it was but that the class was in like 30 more minutes. We made small talk and i sat on a bench in the opposite way of her. The girl next to her was saying she had this next class that sounded kinda familiar, and I realized it was my same class so I told her to go together. Once inside the classroom I saw her phone and she had a familiar face as her screensaver, it clicked, it was one of the guys of the concert! I asked her and she said it was him and that she went to the concert too and we decided to had lunch together. From that day on we became pretty much inseparables, until she got the sleaziest guy in the world as a boyfriend but we don’t talk about shit in my safe space so that is a story for another day. Besides that terrible guy and his best friend who dated me only to dumped me weeks later to play LOL 24/7, I got my baby, my mijita who i love so very much and again, wouldn’t change a bit.
Lastly in this post, not in life nor in place of my heart, is a little blessing (literally) that came to me from heaven! She didn’t even know this, but a semester before she was having her abroad year in my country I was in one my deepest holes in my life. My mind was empty but my eyes always filled with sad tears. That semester before, nothing major changed in routine, in my family, in my life as in general. But somehow it did in my brain, my heart was feeling agitated for no reason, my palms were sweaty and shaking all the time and my brain was as it was shut down. I got the big D, and not as in a big nice dick getting me fucked, but another type of fucked nonetheless. Depression, the kind of weird illness that can’t be seen but oh dude it can be felt, and felt is all i did, i felt sadness, loneliness even with a full house and a full line of friends ready to help me. Sometimes shit just happens.
Took a semester off and when I came back I decided to faked it until i made it, and it was going great. I did cry back at home a few times a week but i could hold it during classes or in front of people, great advance. I decided to focus in what made feel best, dressing in my favorite shit and letting everyone out of my arts and humanities department have a nice view of it. And then I see her, weird to say i still remember how cool she looked, tall as fuck, wearing all black, shaved head and what i got to find out were her trusty black vans. I got obsessed with her fashion style and decided my next mission, be friends with her, or at least for her to acknowledge my presence. I saw her talking to a close friend (another great meet cute story for another day) so i decided it was my moment, I said hi and was introduced to her, we chatted a few minutes and got along pretty well. Her amazing style and bad ass british accent made me feel i was in bad rom-com where we were both straight and platonically soulmates. I saw her again outside the bathroom while i was waiting some friends, we talked for an hour, she invited me to a party and we had dinner first (so romantic, I know) at dinner I thought it was going to be awkward until we both realized our mutual love for SZA and Idris Elba. We never stopped talking after that, she even went back to my hometown for 2 weeks with me, where all my family loved her and strangers treated her like a celebrity. She calls my parents tíos and we talk as much as we can now that she is back at her country.
I miss her everyday and there is not a minute I am not grateful i met her.
These are some of the stories of how I met some of my friends, my closest ones and those that are still with me in every step I take. I can tell you one million more ways of how i met friends i love so dearly, but that is for some other day my hands aren’t hurting for writing only with my thumbs in my phone.
And what I care and love most about all these, is that I would never want to change being the weird girl that catches a hunch and runs towards people that will mean the world for.
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death-himself · 4 years
Could You Meet Me Beyond the Grave?—Chapter 12
Summary: On this episode of "Virgil is Bad at Peopling" we tune in on Virgil attempting to have a conversation with one of his soulmates and, despite how horrible he is at it, it somehow ends okay
Pairings: LAMP (mainly Moxiety in this)
Word Count: 1,627
Warnings: Awkwardness, mentioned gore, lots of talk about death, talk of discrimination, talk of religion (specifically paganism and implied Catholicism), I think that’s it? This chapter talks about kinda dark stuff
previous next (AO3 Link)
“So, uh...”
“Hey...” I looked over at Patton, letting out an awkward laugh. “Hey...” We went silent again, unsure of what to say. I heard him shifting from one foot to the other uneasily.
“So do you, uh...” I gestured inside vaguely, clearing my throat, “wanna come in, or just...stand there?”
“Oh, yeah!” He followed me in hastily, taking a seat across from me at the dining table. I pulled my knees up to my chest, his gaze feeling like laser beams burning through my face.
“Nice place you have.” Patton tried to start a conversation. I quickly tried to come up with a response.
“Yeah, I bet it looks a lot better now that you’re not...tied up and stuff.” Oh god, I wish I had just gone to hell like a normal human. Patton went silent. I was fully ready for him to realize that he wasn’t safe here and make a run for it.
He tapped on the table a few times, before speaking again. “Anyway! How have you been?” We don’t talk about the kidnapping, got it.
“Could be worse, I guess. I could be dead.” I wanted to smack myself. I was already dead. “How—How about you, Patton?”
“Been doing pretty good.” He answered quickly, seeming to want to turn the conversation as fast as possible. “I’ve been really busy with work lately, so I haven’t really had any time to visit.”
“You actually wanted to come to this place?”
“Well...this is your home, isn’t it? I wanted to see you.” I felt my cold heart flutter in my chest. I tried to hide my face from him, standing up and heading to the fridge.
“Do you want anything to drink?” I opened the fridge, being met with the smell of iron and rotting flesh. I slammed it shut. Oh yeah, there was a dismembered body in there, stuffed in between some red bull and alcohol, the only other things we really kept in there. I turned to the counters, hoping something on there would save me. “We have, uh...water?”
Patton seemed to understand what was going on and said in a high-pitched, squeaky tone, “Yeah. Water sounds nice.” I grabbed two water bottles out of our supply, hands trembling and face burning.
“Hey, how about we go talk somewhere else? I mean, this area is great, but...it’s a little stuffy.” I nodded stiffly. “Yeah, sounds good.”
Patton led me outside, opting to sit with his back against the tower wall. I took a seat a few feet away from him, pulling my hood over my head in shame.
“Hey, Vee?” My throat dried up.
“You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to, but I’ve been kinda curious. So...how did you die?” Every muscle in my body tightened, the choker around my throat feeling as if it were growing tighter and tighter.
“I don’t wanna talk about it.” I mumbled out.
“Okay! That’s fine! I won’t ask.” Patton was quick to try and soothe me, the grass and dirt under him rustling as he moved. I huffed, taking a small sip of my water to try and calm myself.
“Is it alright if I ask about the others? Or would it be better if I just asked them myself?”
“Eh. They don’t really mind.”
“Okay...then, how did they die?”
“Remy was stabbed outside of a strip club by his ex. He makes jokes about it now, but when he first became a Willow his main goal was revenge.” I snickered, trying to hide it behind my hand. “It was wild when we met his ex while we were hunting. He had so much fun torturing him.” I could only imagine the horrified look Patton was giving me, but hey, I was just describing how things really were. How dark we were (and still are).
“Emile had colon cancer; it wasn’t really caught until it had progressed too far for any real treatment. He was in pain for less than a year, and he died surrounded by his loved ones, so he doesn’t feel as bad about his death as the rest of us did with ours.” I hesitated for a moment, wondering if Dee would be okay with me talking about his story.
“Dee was alive in the 1800’s. He was also studying witchcraft and paganism. In a very...not so open town. A friend of his found an altar to one of the deities he worshipped in his room and promised to keep it a secret. But then he went ahead and told some people about it, and suddenly Dee was getting beat to death by his own parents.”
“Ouch.” Patton winced in sympathy.
“Yeah. After he became a Willow, the first thing he did was hex the guy, and every time he tells me this story he hums something about the three-fold law being bullshit; I have no idea what that is—it might be a personal belief—at this point I’m too afraid to ask, but yeah.” I fidgeted with my sleeves as the words fell out of my mouth.
“I guess that’s why he didn’t like us too much...being human and all.”
“Eh. Could be one of the reasons. I mean, it’s been 200 years and he still doesn’t even allow us to watch him do any of his stuff. Pretty sure he keeps his altars hidden in his closet or somethin’.” I shrugged, pulling my jacket tighter around myself. The air had begun getting cooler—the sun must have been setting.
Before I could point it out to Patton, he asked another question. “What do you usually do for fun around here?” I rubbed the nape of my neck, head tilted to the sky. “Just...stay in my room. Read, watch some movies, go on the Internet. Stuff like that.”
“You have internet here?”
“At this point, I basically am the internet. My powers are the only thing keeping the electricity running, and I’m the only one smart enough with modern tech to figure out a way of connecting to the Internet. Which is weird, considering I was raised in the 1960s.” Patton hummed, drumming his fingers on his thigh as he thought.
“You have Netflix?”
“You mean that Netflix and chill thing Remy talks about?” Patton laughed, before pulling out his phone and tapping my arm with it.
“Why don’t we just hang out and watch some shows? Inside, it’s getting kinda dark, and cold...and scary.”
I sighed, standing up. “Alright, if you’re okay with it.” He hopped up enthusiastically, taking me gently by the arm and allowing me to lead him to my room, acting only a bit like a mother hen as we climbed up the stairs.
I blocked the door off with a chair once the two of us stepped in. “Hey, Virgil?”
“What happened to your window?”
“An...accident flew through it.”
“What kind of accident?”
“Remy. Remy was the accident.” Patton whispered a small oh, before slowly drifting over to my bed, sitting down and supposedly looking through his phone for something to watch. “Let’s just go with Voltron.”
“The fuck is that?” I laid down on my bed behind him. I heard some sort of opening begin playing, and he shifted, lying down next to me and holding his phone up between us.
I felt my face begin burning again as I felt his shoulder against mine, trying my best to focus on the audio instead while my brain continued to scream about the warmth of his body next to mine.
His arm had dropped onto my chest, the show having been long forgotten. His breathing was slow and steady. His head was tucked into my chest, a bit of drool seeping into my shirt. He was asleep. Around me of all people. We had only been three episodes in, too; he must have been tired.
I carefully reached for his face, fingers meeting the plastic of his big round glasses, and slowly pulling them off of his face, putting them on my bedside dresser.
A ding came from both of our phones, a text in our group chat, I guess. I checked my phone; Roman had begun spamming the chat asking where Patton was, followed by Logan asking him to calm down, and Roman spamming even more because of that. You said you’d be home and safe by ten! It’s eleven! Please tell me you’re okay! You’re okay, right? They didn’t kill and eat you, did they?
I sighed, texting back explaining what was happening. As if I believe you! What have you done to my poor prince? I groaned, causing Patton to mumble something, and me to go silent again. I thought for a moment, before going to my camera and taking as best of a picture of Patton as I could, sending it to Roman with the simple caption of He’s asleep, dipshit. Roman went strangely quiet after that.
Kiss him goodnight for the two of us. I blinked, asking Siri to read the line again and again, before coming to the conclusion that it was indeed real. I turned to Patton, running a hand slowly through his soft hair. I bit at my lip, before slowly bringing my head closer to his.
With a gentle peck at the top of his head, I whispered a soft, “Goodnight, Pat.” I then turned back to my phone and, in my flustered state, answered with “The deed is done,” resulting in multiple concerned messages from Roman.
I simply turned mine and Patton’s phones to silent, carefully running my hand through Patton’s hair again, and slowly drifting off to sleep myself, feeling warm and content for the first time in years.
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kewltie · 6 years
Bc this is me we’re talking about, here are some infos about my non-existent hpverse bakudeku fic:
Mitsuki and inko are bffs (some even say soulmate), having met at Hogwarts and getting sorted into gryffindor in their first year they soon became fast friend bc mitsuki despite being terrifyingly beautiful (bc of her veela heritage) and powerful she wasn’t super popular due to mostly her temperament and force of personality but she does get her rapid fanclub. Inko was much adore by the student body and teachers bc how humble and kind she was despite being from a pureblood family, easily making her the head girl in her 7th year. Together the both of them were a force to reckon with, they were the talk of the school when they attend there and so much stories about their antics become legend bc mitsuki ‘the bad girl’ and inko the ‘good girl’ was such a weird combo nobody know how they remain the bestest of friends.
inko was from powerful magic family but she broke rank when she fell in love with a muggleborn (A SLYTHERIN MUGGLEBORN AT THAT). She like mitsuki is also a legacy Gryffindor so she was disowned for choosing her muggleborn boyfriend instead of a hundred of years of tradition. Mitsuki was the only one who support and stuck by her through it all and it’s kinda ironic to everyone that mitsuki is notorius as the rulebreaker in school but it is inko who turned back against everything to follow her heart. At least mitsuki married another Gryffindor pureblood but lol she didn’t chose her husband bc of that only bc her husband was the only one who was immune to her veela charm bc he was her soulmate.
ANYWAY, now on to the bakudeku who grew up side by side bc of their mothers and katsuki even as young as he was was extremely powerful. Maybe it’s bc of his blood line or maybe it’s his veela side but he always been blessed with powerful that seem bottomless while izuku for the first ten year of his life developed no magic at all. Everyone thought he was a squib bc of that and they whispered maliciously that is what you get for polluting the pure magic bloodline with dirty muggle blood :(((.
Katsuki knew at a v v v young age that izuku is his soulmate but bc izuku shown no sign of magic and katsuki as the spoiled much love son of an ancient pureblood family (WELL BOTH since his parents are both pureblood), he was arrogant and elitist thinking he was superior to izuku in everyway. He didn’t want izuku, THIS FAILURE, as his mate at all but no matter how much he fought it to his very core he can’t help being drawn to izuku by some greater force then he know how. Izuku never realize or find out that he and katsuki are mate. He just think he’s one of the few people who is immune to veela’s charm just like his mother.
Izuku finally get his magic power from all might later around the time Hogwarts start for them. All might was kinda curse/bless (???) with a spell that make his core magic to be able to pass down from one person to another. It has to do with AFO bc he’s the immortal dark lord who to helped his squib brother get magic power he STOLE it from others (AFO creating a spell that steal magic cores) and that’s how OFA was born. Izuku is the newest heir in the long line of people destine to face the dark lord who is v much ALIVE AND THRIVING in secret.
By the time bakudeku get to Hogwarts izuku and katsuki had a very tenuous relationship bc katsuki hated the fact that his mate is pathetic squib but then he suddenly developed magic and KATSUKI doesn’t know what to feel about it. On one hand that level the playing field b/t them a little bc izuku isn’t a pureblood and he got this idea in his head that muggle and wizards/witches are all equal despite their lack of magic bc he’d learned it from from his dad side when he got exposed to muggles and knows they aren’t all evil/weak. Bc katsuki came from a traditional house with thousands of years of magic and history at their back, katsuki grew up thinking he was superior to everyone else so izuku and katsuki often clash with their world/social views.
This make their relationship even more strain when katsuki (like the sorting hat barely touch HIS HEAD before it declare him a Gryffindor) saw izuku was sorted into hufflepuff instead of Gryffindor like him. It actually took the sorting hat one of the longest time to declare izuku’s house bc izuku share many strong traits from various houses (bravery, loyalty, smart, kind) houses that he could easily fall into any of them but in the end the sorting hat gave izuku a choice and he’d chosen hufflepuff bc that’s the house that often get overlook by others. AND IT’S ALSO THE HOUSE THAT KATSUKI HATES AND LOOKS DOWN UPON THE MOST. izuku admires katsuki deeply and would follow him anywhere but he realizes it’s time he carve out his own path and hufflepuffs are strong and noble just like the rest of the other houses and izuku will spent seven years proving to the rest of the school :DD.
With being from two diff houses, katsuki and izuku sorta STARTED an intense house rivaly b/t the two houses even though hufflepuffs lit get along with nearly everyone and never really get into interhouse fighting b.s. that other houses get. Katsuki immediately become one of the star of his house being that his family got a lot weight to throw around and that he’s also 1/8th veela. So many rumors and interest swirl around katsuki and he thrives on them, showing exactly how katsuki deserves to be one of the top students of the year. He’s particularly best at dueling & potion and placing in his house quidditch team the first year. Izuku, on the other hand, nobody really expected anything out of him but he consistent surprises everyone with being esp good at charm and transfiguration that outdo older students.
Izuku absolutely flourish in Hogwarts and is literally friends with many people in diff houses that izuku’s table is fill with other ppl from various houses bc izuku doesn’t really have strict view on house rivalry and who should hang with whom (his bestfriend ochako is from gryff and iieda is from ravenclaw; making the three of them the ‘golden trio’). People even whisper it’s like inko is back in school again and EVERYONE LOVES INKO. Katsuki is almost equal in term of popularity to izuku mainly bc he consistent outperform many people of his age group and even ABOVE in spellworks, power, and dueling. he’s also exceedingly attractive bc of his veela heritage so he always got a flock of fans wherever he go…. It’s just his prickly personality that keep him from being uh too popular lol.
Katsuki, SLOWLY and surely, spent the years watching izuku really grew into his own through many trials thrown at him bc izuku despite being a hufflepuff (a house that isn’t known for any notoriety) is a trouble magnet and get into ALL SORT OF HIGHJINKS. Followers of the dark lord attempting to kill/sabatoge/kidnap izuku bc of OFA and katsuki get pisser with every attempt bc HOW FUCKING DARE THEY TOUCH HIS MATE????!!!!!! It’s not like katsuki suddenly get over his bigot and elitist mentality but with exposure from his housemates and the rest of the school, he slowly understand how warped his world views was but it doesn’t make it easier for him to accept that izuku IS HIS MATE only bc katsuki hate the idea of anything being force upon him and that he can’t chose who he can be with and also THAT IZUKU can’t choose him either. The thought of alone keep him up some nights when he is plague with doubt that izuku would never choose him if they weren’t bonded with each other…
Izuku still doesn’t realize they’re mate bc katsuki never told him and izuku is… uh very oblivious but around their fifth/sixth year katsuki’s attitude slowly change around him. He becomes more attentive and careful with izuku which suprises him at first but he just thought katsuki wants to become friends again lmao. In katsuki’s case though, IZUKU nearly died in one run in way the dark lord and katsuki lost it when he thought izuku was dead and he never ever want to feel that helpless and utter despair again know that he know what it mean to him to lose izuku bc he had been in love with izuku all along. So yea IT’S TIME FOR VEELA’S COURTING BULLSHIT :DDD.
Veela despite their frail beauty is actually a magical creature that v v v much like a bird of prey; they’re fighters and volatile. Katsuki to show izuku that HE IS A GOOD THE BEST MATE, constantly show off in class and dueling (beaTing izuku in the process lmao) that he can provide and strong enough to protect izuku. HE gives izuku one of his feathers as a gift knowing how much izuku loves his wings ever since they were children even though GIVING FEATHERS pretty much mean I WANNA MARRY YOU AND MATE FOR LIFE but izuku didn’t know that.
The slow seduction/courtship of izuku was the most agonizing and difficult thing ever for katsuki. Taking on four dark lords would be easier than courting izuku bc katsuki does It in the most roundabout way possible; HE’S BASICALLY COURTING IZUKU W/O EVERY REVEALING THAT HE’S COURTING IZUKU and everyone to their friends and parents just sigh v v v v v deeply bc WHY YOU GOT TO MAKE IT THIS HARD. But katsuki wants to win izuku over through brute force of affection, gifts, and interest in him instead of some bullshit destiny thing like mate.
izuku loves katsuki since they were children but he ISNT’ IN LOVE WITH HIM until much later in their sixth year when katsuki risk it all to save him in the triwizard tourntament. IZUKu actually was selected as one of the champion (which pisses KATSUKI OFF SO MUCH but he’s older now and mature enough not to hate izuku for it) and in one of the trail izuku nearly lost his life once more and katsuki was the one who jumped in to save him WHICH IS HILARIOUS BC THAT’S THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN BC KATSUKI IS THE ONE WHO GOT KIDNAPPED AS HIS ‘MOST TREASURE PERSON’ which izuku had no clue about but once he realize how true that was.... it was game over for izuku bc he’s finally opened his eyes to what katsuki been LITERALLY COURTING HIM SINCE THEIR FIFTH YEAR lol.
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