#also my mom sometimes has really interesting takes on what I’ve got to say
glendover · 8 months
I feel a tad bit bad for my mom bc I always infodump all my fandom knowledge on her (I mean I think she kinda does the same with all our neighbourhood gossip) but I do realize that it can be annoying, it’s just I don’t have friends that are in any fandoms that I’m in plus the fun little trauma I got for opening up and talking freely to “friends” only to then get bullied keep my options limited
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I’ve always loved the idea of Buck accidentally developing a fatherly relationship with Dallas because imagine being a Cowboy kinda guy in the 1960s and finding some rat stealing from your pantry and then whoops, that’s your new son! You’re stuck with him! You love him and you will be gutted when he inevitably gets himself killed because no one can take the wild out of an animal, especially not you and you are very aware of this!
I'm not going to lie, with all the awesome headcanons and lore being created about Buck I am SUPER conflicted about my take on him. I think having him act as a fatherly or older brotherly figure to Dallas in an alternate universe would add some really interesting depth to his character and offer a bit more insight into his motivation for doing and saying certain things. HOWEVER, that said, I think within the canon universe I couldn't really ever see Buck that way and there's a few reasons for that. For one, in the little we see from Buck we know that he displays none of Dallas' gallantry, and that he's weak. Canon Dallas would abhor that weakness, and we know he uses it to his advantage, bullying Buck to get what he wants. Even PONY knows this is a hallmark of his character as he 'bullies' Buck into going to get Dallas after Johnny stabs Bob. We also know that Dallas has a dad that wouldn't care if he died and that it 'doesn't bother him'- I can't see canon Dallas forming a father/son bond with someone only a few years his senior, or really anyone at all (remember, it was the Curtis' MOM he was canonically close to, not their dad). Finally, if we establish Buck as a fatherly/brotherly influence in Dally's life we lose some of the 'shown not told' elements of his character. Dally lives alone in rented room in a (heavily implied to be) illegal bar at seventeen years old, and he is stuck in this dangerous environment BECAUSE he is entirely self sufficient and has to take care of himself. Dally living at Buck's has always been (in my eyes) a way to further establish him as wilder and more dangerous than the rest of the Curtis gang and Tulsa hoods.
SIGH. Now I'm done yapping I can explore the fun world in your ask because it really DOES offer some fun headcanons/character work. Sooooo, here's some headcanons:
-Buck is (as we know) a cowboy, and he first establishes a connection with Dallas because he just unconciously treated him like a horse he was trying to tame and lo and behold it worked
-Dally only rides in the rodeos because BUCK talked to the higher ups and got him a chance at the position. It made Buck even more mad when Dally wouldn't help him fix the races
-Buck isn't sure if Dally is completely sane because he's seen one too many violent outbursts or mental breakdowns but it doesn't bother him much, because there's a lot of folks from the east side who aren't completely right in the head. What DOES scare him is the look in Dally's eyes sometimes when he pulls out his switch
-Dally is the only 'tenant' of Bucks that Buck ever drags back to their room when they pass out drinking at the bar (Dally is convinced he's just good at taking care of himself when he's blackout drunk. He isn't, but Buck isn't gonna be the one to tell him.)
-Buck looks out for Johnny because Dally looks out for Johnny, and Dallas might go full crazy if anything happened to the kid
-After Dally died, Buck hosted a party that lasted three days and nights until the fuzz finally shut it down (it was easier to drink and party than to think about the blond haired asshole Buck had grown to love)
-Buck is the only person besides Johnny who ever saw a softer side of Dally, and it wasn't because Dally was soft with HIM but the hoods' eyes were calm and his face almost happy whenever he went with Buck to the stables to groom the horses
thanks for the ask xx
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skeletons-and-roses · 2 months
Can we get more general Sawyer headcanons? Like how they are with each other behind closed doors, quirks about them? Maybe explain how you think their identities developed outside of Grandpa's influence
This is my first ever writing ask so I hope it turns out alright!
Chop Top
Helps Bubba with the makeup on his mask and suggests trying different looks and styles
Would LOVE to dress his siblings up to make them match him but if they didn’t agree *ahem* Drayton *ahem* then he would try to dress them in anything that matches their aesthetic. Example of what he would like to think Drayton would wear (businesslike but classy think I’ll draw him in his later)
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If the radio is all static or the batteries die out then he would gladly love to sing all requested tunes at the top of his lungs, filling up the entire house with song!
Now for outside of grandpas influence he likely developed a love for singing from his mom (I’ve seen this headcanon around and it’s really sweet) and he likely would also sing to his comrades when he was in Nam as well whenever they got bored and there was nothing to do
When he was little he stole his family members clothes and tried them on for himself mismatching everything and sometimes making them a bit more “interesting” (painting on them or sewing random bits to them)
Is practically attached at the hip to his twin Nubbins and likely always goes with him wherever he goes but when he can’t come along he’ll get all jittery and pick at himself (such as his head, nails, or scabs)
Gives really strong hugs and loves touching people to show affection since his mom and grandma did the same with him
Wrestled a lot with Nubbins when they were kids and still does it now if Nubs touches his stuff or flicks his plate with his fingers
Drayton taught him how to drive but he would drive recklessly and would practically give Drayton a heart attack and even now refuses to drive with him (bro literally drove backwards on the highway in tcm2 who wouldn’t be scared smh)
His mom taught him and his brothers how to sew and encouraged his strange habits of collecting roadkill and making accessories out of them since it made him happy and allowed him to focus all that extra energy on something productive
However he probably collects other little things he finds on the road such as coins, trinkets, or rocks that he finds interesting and will proudly show them off to the family but Drayton is only ever interested if it’s coins smh while Chop and Bubba are always ecstatic when he finds something
Chop probably tries taking his things and a fist fight would ensue causing whatever object they were fighting over to be taken away by Drayton and he retaliates by taking Drayton and Chops stuff leading to a broom beating
Bugs Drayton all the time and pokes at him during the worst times such as when he’s cleaning or cooking and makes fun of him whenever he gets the chance
Chews on animal or human bones when he gets bored
Has gotten almost hit or actually hit by cars multiple times since he would just jump out in front of them smh
Tries to get Bubba to be more outgoing and is always saying how there’s more to life outside of the house
Has gotten sunburned multiple times (Chop will slap the burned parts and then they fight)
Feels under appreciated most of the time by the twins and openly complains about it but they just make fun of him for it (mainly Nubbins) but Bubba is grateful for him which makes him feel just slightly better about it
Only responsible one in the family besides maybe Bubba and is in charge of the finances since he is the only one with an actual job causing him to be constantly worried about their finances which is a habit that he picked up from his dad
Since he was the only child for so long he was very spoiled and likely got used to getting whatever he wanted which is why he gets so upset when nobody listens to him or does their job right
Doesn’t take pleasure in killing animals which is why he chose not to work at the slaughterhouse (he doesn’t like killing and clearly states it in tcm 1974)
Taps his fingers when he’s bored and makes the tapping match along with a song he’s thinking about
Sings when he’s alone but if the twins catch him Chop will pester him to sing along with him and Nubbins will tease him about it to no end
When he was WAY younger he would play and wrestle with the twins and Bubba but he can’t anymore since he’s much older than them and has joint pain and gets frustrated by it easily
Didn’t and still doesn’t have many friends going back to when he was young and prefers to be by himself or with his family members since their the only ones he truly knows and cares about
Just wants what’s best for his family which is why he worries about them when he’s not around and why he’s so hard on them
Accidentally burned himself cooking a couple of times but refuses to admit it out of pride
Helps Drayton with his bow ties since he has trouble and his fingers hurt sometimes
Helps Nubbins with his little projects such as stringing bones together or sewing pieces of victims together
Helps Chop sew parts of his clothes and will hum along when Chop is singing one of his usual songs
Whenever he accidentally cuts himself when working Drayton will mainly be the one to help patch him up since he’s older and more experienced
When people would mock him when he was little his twins brothers would beat them up even if it was only a minor insult
I like to think that someone else in his family (probably grandpa) also can’t really form sentences and only grunts or hums which is why his family accepts him and doesn’t admonish him for not being able to talk and why he has such a close relationship with grandpa
When he was born the twins were a bit jealous of him but over time came to accept and love their little brother after Drayton explained to them that their little brother would need them when he was older
His grandmother taught him about makeup when he got into his moms when she was away and although his mom was at first concerned she realized he was quite good with makeup and would often have him help her put it on her face when she was going out or just wanting to look pretty
Wears a mask since it helps him to feel less shy and even though his family thinks he looks fine as long as he’s happy then they won’t bother him about it
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I’ve been getting into life is strange and I was always curious. What if Mark Jefferson had a daughter and they moved because his wife just left him a note and ran off. His anger comes out and destroys the apartment. He manipulates his kid when this happens, wanting to maintain the little control he has. They move to Arcadia Bay and his kid adjusts well considering. Then he takes Nathan under his wing to help get his hobby going. Then he finds out that Nathan has been taking photos of his daughter when she’s not looking…….serial killer side of him comes out and makes it very clear to Nathan his daughter is off limits from their little hobby.
omg I really love the last sentence of this
I mean- I love all of this, but-
I know that it would be better if I would write an oneshot of this, but the last time when I did the same thing with a promised oneshot, the work was... pretty bad-
I hope you don't mind it! ^^"
Btw I'm happy about you're planning to join to the LiS community, or at least you're curious/interested about it! Unfortunately in my social group there aren't really people who knows the fandom, so I'm always happy about new fans! ^^
And sorry bc I didn't answer this inbox, I just wanted to get done with the Welcome Home headcanons :")
Anyway, in these hcs I will be a bit negative about Mark, but I still love him -//w//-
(I'm actually planning to write more x readers about him-)
×❢ About my work ❢×
fluff and definitely not fluff, dad moments, Mark is not the greatest father, there's also my thoughts in this, pls forgive him, this is not x reader, (bad) father-daughter realtionship, no pronouns used, but the reader is female, spelling mistakes, mention of kidnapping, mention of the Dark Room
Fandom: Life is Strange (1)
Charcter(s): Mark Jefferson, Mark's daughter|You| (Y/N) | The Reader, Nathan Prescott (mentioned), Warren Graham (mentioned), Max Caulfield (mentioned), Rachel Amber (mentioned)
Ship(s): Warren Graham x Reader (ex.), Nathan Prescott x Reader (ex.), Max Caulfield x Reader (ex.)
Type: Headcanons
𝐈𝐟 (𝐘/𝐍) 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐉𝐞𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧'𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫… (𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐡𝐜𝐬)
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𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈: Hayloft by Mother Mother
(A.n: 'Cause this is the next on my playlist and I love it so much lol)
“My daddy's got a gun
You better run”
Oki, let's start with some sweet ones:
• If he's not tired, then prepare for breakfast in bed
• "Did you sleep good, hon?"
• morning kisses 🥺❤
• while you cry on him, he would gently caress you
• "Shh, it's okay, sweetheart."
Now, some serious stuff:
• He wouldn't be the greatest father tho, I think
• still, I think he would be protective about his daughter
• 'cause of his hobby and about boys in general lol
• Seriously I think he would feel safer if you would chose girls instead
• but it's your choice ofc
• He will definitely talk about his job and of photography ofc
• If his daughter not interested, then he won't push it
• ofc, he will be a bit bitter
• but he understands it
• Although, he will mention or talk about it just a bit sometimes
• But if you are interested in photography
• be prepared that photography will be you two's first or at least second topic
• he's a real teacher, so you won't have problem to learn from him
• Actually I think he would be happy about that there's something that you both can talk about
• (at least the suspense will be less from you, and it helps him to keep you away from his crazy hobby)
• Don't mention Mom.
• You will see him less more, when you are old enough to be left alone
• He comes home late, and he does this more often
• "Dad?" you asked unsurely when he picked up the phone. You were worried, so you choose to give him call. Is teaching lasts this long? "Where are you?"
"Oh... Daddy's working right now, sweetheart. I promise, I will be home soon, okay?"
And he kept saying this after hours and hours.
• Get used to that you will be alone for a long time
• He will ask you teasingly about if you like someone
• but the real reason is that he wants to know who he has to deal with
• his reactions depends on the person
• If the person is Nathan (who is his... well, let's say partner of those insane things), he will be definitely more protective and will keep an eye on both of you for a long time
• deadly and serious threats ahead, if he still won't leave you alone
• he will be potective because he knows Nathan very well and the crimes that himself he commited, and other side bc he's a father and he wants to keep his beautiful daughter safe
• But if the person would be for example Max, he would be more relaxed
• (He would even think trough her kidnapping. There's a chance that he won't hurt her. Even if it's hard for him to conntrol his sick addiction)
• He still tests her if she's good enough for you, but he will be more easier on her
• OR let's say the person is Warren-
• "The geek?"
• He doesn't know that much about him
• and bc of this he will definitely test him
• I mean he doesn't mind that you're with smart boys
• but you know, he has to make sure
• Now, I think we're almost there at the end of these hcs-
• You sat in the can uncomfortably. You tried to make yourself comfortable, but it didn't help.
"So, was the test okay?" you heard you father next beside you.
You nodded, even if you knew that he doesn't see you 'cause he's focusing on the road.
"Dad?" You spoke unsurely, don't know how to say out loud your thoughts.
"Yes, sweetie?" He glanced at you with a kind smile on his face, but it dissapeared when he saw how stressed you were. "What's wrong, honey?"
You tried to swallow the nervousness, but it was worthless and didn't help at all.
"So, you know those Rachel Amber missing posters? They're almost everywhere."
Mark could feel how his heart skipped a beat. Now he started to feel nervous as well.
"Yes, dear?" Focus on the road. Focus on the road. Focus on the road. Focus on the road.
"Did you know her?"
He let out a small sigh. He didn't want that his daughter notice that he's nervous. He tried to act calmly.
"No, sweetheart." he spoke as he hid away the frustration in his voice.
"Okay." you said quietly. You sounded convinced.
He carefully glanced at you again.
"Are you scared?"
There was a couple of seconds until you answered.
"Maybe... I don't wanna imagine what terrible things those people did to her. But my mind keep distracting me, even if I don't want to think about it."
You could feel the gentle touch of his warm hands.
"Don't worry, hon. I'll keep you safe."
And with that you were convinced that your dad is there and you're more than safe with him.
• Why would he be a bad father?
I think his psychotic hobby would be more important to him than his own daughter. He would be definitely overprotective about you, but also he wouldn't be there for you. Like there's no movie night, cause again, he has things to do in the Dark Room.
Yes, he would care about his daughter, he would also be a good listener, but you rarely meet him. He wouldn't be there for you when you need him.
I don't think he would hurt his daughter physically, but don't test him. He's enough stressed about his victims.
And he would pay too much attention about keeping you safe.
From his hobby, from Nathan, from everything.
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theastrical · 3 months
HII OMG IM NEW TO YOUR PAGE AND I HAVE TO SAY I LOVE YOUR WRITING STYLE SM! 🫶🫶 after stalking your page a bit I was kinda interested if you could write a fic with Akaashi x fem!reader where they are both married with kid/s (number of kid/s are up to you! Also you may make up your own name for the kid/s if you wish to mention them) and reader isn’t the best at her mom duties and whenever she tries to execute anything like cleaning or cooking it always ends up as a mess so Akaashi will have to take over for her. After a while the kids would start to prefer Akaashi more since he does most of reader’s work better and it makes the reader a little more insecure. For the ending could you do like how Akaashi would comfort reader after finding out about her insecurities about being a mom? Sorry if it’s pretty long and specific 😅😅 I’ve had this brainrot in my heads for days and I haven’t stopped thinking about it since 😭😭
Sorry this is a total mess of a request I hope you still follow! ❤️ tysm for your time and effort! ❤️❤️
imperfection is your best trait
synopsis: it’s been quite sometimes since you and akaashi have been gifted a child, it was your peak moment of realisation that you are going to be a “mother”. Yet, it has been hard for you not to messed up even during the smallest task because the pressure of being the perfect role model for your child and surroundings, how can akaashi comfort you in this moment as a father, but also as a husband..?
Akaashi Keiji x fem!reader
hurt/comfort, fluff, slight angst
ps: this is akaashi post timeskip. also before hand, thank you so so much for requesting such an idea!! It’s so pretty and interesting to write hehehe. There are twist to your request which i hope you don’t mind (still is the same as to your idea dw!), hope you enjoy reading this
Morning was once your favorite day. Night was once your least favorite. Either from the fact that night was once dark and luminous or that morning was the time where keiji and you spent more time with each other; which nowadays are opposed to what you were once believed in. Night is your reason to stay sane within the pressure of being a good mother…and a great wife. Because it’s new…it’s very new to you, who’s already used to the work-life and new to the concept of motherhood.
You were cooking food and preparing a bento for akaashi. It was a surely nice day-predicted by you. No burden to deal with…just making a bento for keiji and…dealing with your child who has been making unwanted burdens for you. But hey, this is your now job. Who cares if you scream for help, because neighbors will think you aren’t doing your job and instead just complaining. Who cares if you slowly lose the enjoyment and love to your own child because of society pressure? Nobody! And really…it’s because you never want akaashi to know how inferior you felt when your child picks him over you just because….”mama food taste too salty…i don’t like it!! Papa food taste aweeesomeeee!!” Or that time in the past where you were carrying your child to the playground and she suddenly says something alongside…”i wish papa is here..mama is boring..”.
because if keiji knew…what will be worth of you?
he’s marrying somebody that isn’t competent.
suddenly the neighbor voice disrupt your flow. Your hands trembling as you dreamt about that day. That same day you heard about their jealousy..insecurity, all targeted towards you.
and akaashi’s bad luck just for marrying you.
“look at that girl, she looks all messed up! I wonder if her household is also as messy as she is!”
i’m messy because i’m playing with my child! I’ve been playing with her all day because i’m all she has!; Your thoughts replied.
“Hahaha look at her child, crying all day just because she didn’t make her favorite food, i wonder if she’s even present in their life?”
if i’m not there, my husband would’ve been ill since day 1 and my child is sick!! That’s why i’m only mak—
“her husband worth more than her…”
you can only remember the same words over and over again. Your heart rate gets higher and disruptive-your adrenaline combust. You look around you, trying to remember….what am i doing? why everything fell apart just like that..?
why am i still here..?
“excuse me miss are you listening..?” The sound of the nurse suddenly scheme through your earlobes. It seems you forgot your place, you forgot where you are, and most importantly…You forgot what matter are you here for.
You’re inside the hospital because of your own mistake as a mother; your own child, worsening day by day because of an illness-dismissed by your own self as a normal cold (spoiler alert, it’s not). It just kept worsening until you realise that you barely care for the symptoms your child was suffering through, you just thought it’s a simple cold because it’s what your child think as well.
As a guardian, as a mother; aren’t you supposed to be the one to make sure everything is well..? Then why are you here? Because you’re a new mother? No. That’s not an excuse, you’re a mother now. It’s your job to make sure all goes well.
but…if i don’t agree with my own child and how she thinks. she will hate me. She will thinks i’m a know it all. I don’t want her to hate me. I don’t want her to dislike me. I want her to love me the same as her father. To trust me. She’s still a child. She doesn’t know how to sympathise with me. I’m just a mother.
The cycle didn’t stop until you fully breakdown, your mind is filled with no more than thoughts of giving up. You held onto your child’s palm, your sobbing gets more louder as you sniffle-“I’m sorry…i’m so sorry…i’ll make sure to be a better mother…i’m listening towards everything but…i-…i’m so sorry, thank you for helping us…” you replied with dozens of sniffs coming into your way. You kept your hand onto your child’s palm, never to leave it…to remind you-
“….[name]..?” Oh, that’s keiji’s voice.
“K-keiji..?” You immediately gaze at him. Your eyes already wet and red by this point, the stress on your face is visible enough as it is. You still wanted to greet him, at least with a smile, you already look too miserable-even the nurses have been pitying you for hours now and…yet, here you are, on the chair beside your child’s sleeping state, trying your best to keep your emotion intact, trying your best to smile even when it hurts like hell. “K-kei—“
He runs towards you and hugged you. His whole arm lingering upon your back, the warmth of his body immediately sets upon your cold sweats.
“don’t smile….it will hurt more…feelings are harder to fix than physical problems, you know?…” he soothes your back and kisses your cheeks. “do you need a moment?”
the tension immediately drops…your heart can’t bare it in any longer. You know you’re safe…because keiji, your keiji, is your safe place.
“i’m so tired keiji….i’m just so tired…everything fell down all at once, our child got here and….” You paused. “Everybody…thinks i’m not good enough, at least for you and…our darling..”
“one because…i can’t keep the family perfect…two because…i’m imperfect…and three…nobody sees me the way you do…even our daughter, sees you better than me..”
“how come can i be perfect..? This is all i have of me..”
he paused for a moment before looking at your eyes, the view of his emerald eyes left a certain…tinge of comfort. “Because it’s all you have…because it’s you…no matter what you do, it feels like i’m at home.” He replies shortly. His fingers start to soothe your cheeks in circle.
“the comfort you’ve given for me…the nights you’ve sacrificed for our little girl…the pride you have for being a mother…and lastly, your ability to stay on your feet. That is more than a human can do.” He smiles warmly at you, bopping your nose at the process. “You’re more than what i’m worth for…you’re everything.” He silently caresses your cheeks before continuing. “Being a mother and a wife at the same time is hard. Imperfection is normal. And lastly…our daughter knows your good and bad the most, our daughter knows your good and bad better than how she knows me…”
“she knows me as a father…somebody who brings her favorite onigiri everyday.” He chuckles slightly at his own comment. “But…she knows you as a mother, her best friend, and her teacher.”
“As a child, it’s scary to be taught, all you want to do is receive good deeds….all you want to do is play. But you’re here as her mother, teaching her good and bad, but at the same time love her equally even with how naughty she is sometimes heh.” He pats your head. “Making a mistake is always normal..it’s your first and life, might as well enjoy what’s to come, right?”
you don’t know how words can explain how much his existence meant for you. How much his words made you feel a hopeful future, even when you faced your darkest nightmare. Keiji is here, to help you, to be the husband he had vowed to be. He just kept on patting your head, making circles around your cheeks, making sure your heart stays stable, making sure that your tears have stop flowing.
and suddenly, you hear…
“mama….mama…..” your child has awakened from her deep sleep, her hand tugging onto your shirt…making sure you won’t leave her alone. “im sorry….please don’t leave me…not when papa isn’t here with us…” and that realization hits you like crazy. It’s insane that even the slightest word can change everything.
keiji replied with a short scoff, as if to say that he’s right all along.
“don’t worry, mama’s here…” you smiled warmly as your tears turn into another stain on your clothes. Leaving your eyes and cheeks, remarking a happy turn out of the event.
ps: hello anon!! Thank you so much for requesting this idea! I hope you enjoy this as much as i enjoy writing it hehehehe. See you soon in your future/next request if you’ve ever had one! <33
to request, please check the request requirements and send your request to my ask box.
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patchver-mel · 4 months
Saw aromantic trending so I wanna rant share about my experience being aroace :D
It never really occurred to me as a kid that I was different when it came to romance and stuff. Whenever my friends talk about crushes, I often think about an entirely different topic cause I could never relate. It never interested me since I never felt it. People would have crushes on others in school, celebrities, or something else. But it never occurred to me that having no attraction wasn’t the norm since I always thought I’ll find the “right person” someday. I was just like “everyone gets a romantic partner eventually, why should I rush it?” Which is why I didn’t feel out of place for my lack of attraction. I was never rushed by my peers, but I was taught that love eventually happens.
Figuring out and accepting I was aroace was definitely a slow burn for me. I knew what the label was and I think I kinda identified with it but it felt like a label I tacked on cause I was always thinking in the back of my mind that I’ll like someone someday. Overtime, I realized that the present is what matters when identifying as something, and right now, I can confidently say I’ll never feel sexual and romantic attraction. I’ve come to accept that I’m aroace and I’m very proud to be.
Upon this realization though, I’ve seen how much this world and a lot of people in it values romance. So. Much. Amatonormativity. There were multiple times where I would hang out with a friend of a different gender and friends of that person would be like “oh wow u finally got a partner” or something. Like, we were just talking, which is something that, literally, everyone does. Sometimes I feel like everyone expects me to marry when I don’t want to. One time my sister was talking about her celebrity crush and my mom said “everyone has a celebrity crush” and when I replied with “I don’t,” she said “aww” like it was sad or something. And I don’t understand why?? It’s not a bad thing to not have a crush on a popular person. Also, I’m glad the internet lets me see other people are also aroace cause a lot of the time, I feel lonely. Literally all the people in my life have either had a crush and/or been in a relationship. I’m not sad I don’t feel that same attraction, but I would like someone in my real life to talk to about this, someone who’s able to understand the lack of feelings I have, someone who has the same ideas about amatonormativity. Yeah I’m good with being alone, but it can get lonely when it feels like I’m the only one who doesn’t feel romantic and sexual attraction in a 100 mile radius. I don’t got a desire to partner up in any kind of relationship, so I have to accept that I’m most likely not the first priority for anyone due to me not being their lover.
Despite those struggles, I’m still very glad to be aroace. It feels so nice to know that I can live a life that’s not pictured for me already. I don’t want a partner, I don’t want kids, I don’t want to marry, and other stuff. Anyone can do that, but I love not feeling crushes. I don’t hate romance or sex, but I don’t really care about it when it comes to real life. I never felt like I had to conform when it came to romantic relationships and I’m gonna keep doing that. If someone had a button that could give me romantic and sexual feelings, I would take the batteries out and shatter it into a million pieces, cause I’m damn glad to be aroace.
This thing turned out way longer than I expected and I know I’m a little late for aromantic visibility day but I just wanted to pour all this out. Thanks for reading all the way if u did and happy pride month y’all :>
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mamadarama · 7 months
I was going through some posts I missed and came across the “tatsumi is mature but still does 19 year old things” and I just wanna say I’ve never been able to put it into words when my friends ask but like. That’s exactly what I love about this game.
We’ve got scandals and drama and weird crypto currencies and convoluted backstories of implied murder or identity theft or military shit or relations to underground gang activity or so SO much more and yet the writers still succeed in reminding you that this is a game full of high schoolers.
Natume was one of the five oddballs and suffered through so much during the war where it affects him to this day, but he also refers to his tech savvy and love of the occult as magic and loves the junior he “adopted” to death. Despite Aira struggling against every odd to become a real idol he still buys merch and looks on the internet to look for content of the ones he likes. Rinne was destined to become the monarch of his homeland but ran away in an attempt to find happiness and acceptance and is an amazing strategist who uses it to take down corruption, but his sense of humor is entirely made up of sex jokes and romantic teasing like Aira being “hiiro’s little girlfriend”. The amount of characters that assign themselves the mom friend role just because. Trickstar. I don’t think I need to explain Trickstar-
Like this game has made me cry so many times and it has its ridiculous moments but it also has its genuine ones while also being the most teenage shit I’ve seen in my life and I feel like so few media can balance those and still have a decent story like that. Sorry for the long ass post I just have so many feelings about this kind of stuff 😭
YEAH this is exactly what i was talking about in a previous ask when i said i have nothing meaningful to add to the enstars cast that isnt a headcanon . its all very well thought out and the interpersonal relationships are nuanced enough to feel realistic but outlandish enough to be interesting .
worldbuilding and character design is one of my special interests and i say this any chance i can get: the most important part of building a character (and a story in general) is realizing the importance of comedic irony and comedy as a whole regardless of genre or tone. it makes characters feel more 3 dimensional and relatable because people arent stagnant and theres multiple facets to any individuals personality (this is also why some of the most popular animes of all time have filler episodes or funny bits that show the characters personalities, every event hits with 3x emotional impact the more you know about the characters as people but that's a different discussion) enstars does a really good job of this . like for example if wataru were to have had a realistic reaction to eichi starting the war it wouldnt be nearly as good of a story. the fact that eichis ridiculous ass backwards plan to get wataru to fall in love with him actually worked is a perfect example of comedy used to make a story more interesting. another thing similar to this is how sometimes its better to not detail something and let characters do things for a mundane reason or even no reason at all . for example subaru hating chiaki just because he annoys him, or shinobu being on the broadcasting team despite his character not being associated with technology otherwise and therefore having no real backstory on why he likes radio stuff. its all really well planned worldbuilding with an insane amount of subtle details , which is why enstars is one of my favorite stories to analyze . the only thing i could possibly want more out of it is hardcore tragedy but thats entirely a personal preference rather than a critique because im a slut for catharsis and i love sad endings , especially ones where characters die . (don't worry im in therapy)
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saw you talking about tea the other day and now i'm intrigued 👀 any flavors you're particularly fond of? asking for a friend also. please do ramble about it bc it's delightful :D
Jay! Hi! Fellow tea lover?
Hm… I love lots of teas, but really I prefer simple teas to anything super decadent or elaborate. I don’t ever add anything to my teas unless I’m sick (then I’ll add a bit of honey).
My go-to is just a simple green or peppermint tea, though I’m also a huge fan of spiced chai and earl grey. I adore jasmine tea - jasmine is probably my favourite, but it has to be a good jasmine, so I don’t have it all the time (again, it gets expensive). I always have some green or peppermint tea on hand though - a quality cup is always nice but I don’t as much mind if these are the cheaper kind.
I’m not a huge fruit tea person, though I did have a peach white tea once - that one was lovely cold - and of course a good lemon ginger is always nice. If I’m having bubble tea though, I always go for a mango or lychee green tea if they have it!
I have to say that I can’t remember what pu’erh tea was like - I know it was interesting and I liked it, but I’d need to try it again I think to recall it properly. I haven’t found a rooibos tea I’ve been particularly crazy about, but it’s nice too, just not what I’d gravitate towards.
If you want a sweet or dessert type tea, then any oolong is great, but I think I’m spoiled for that wuyi oolong now hahaha. I’ve had a vanilla black tea - it’s really good. I’d highly recommend that one. I also have this sweet apple-cinnamon tea with nuts. I don’t have it super often, as I’m not a fan of sugary teas but this one is a nice dessert on its own. It’s very nutty which makes it pretty unique.
When I’m sick, I’ve had a couple good teas. One I have for colds is a eucalyptus-mint. I recommend having this one only when you are very congested because boy is it strong. Tastes amazing though. Also my mom had several Korean friends when I was little, so I have fond memories of her making yujacha at their urging when I wasn’t feeling well as a young kid, and boricha for us to put in the fridge and drink cold. I love both.
I don’t usually have chamomile at home, but this is largely because on days when I’m really incredibly stressed (like, shaking with anxiety, actively spiralling, kind of stressed), I like to go for a walk in the evening and pick up a chamomile from a nearby café to take back with me. It’s an indulgence that way.
Other cool teas I have tried:
Butterfly pea flower tea: More of a novelty than anything but this tea is bright blue and changes to red when you add citric acid. It’s a natural pH indicator!
Lavender black tea: Incredibly good. This was another gift from my mom a few years back. Very nice in the evening.
Mushroom tea: These tend to be incredibly overpriced due to purported health benefits so I’ve only ever had samples but honestly? The ones I’ve had are very nice, a smooth, rich flavour. Not convinced they’re worth that price though.
Dandelion tea: People say this can be used as a coffee substitute. I’m not entirely sure I agree with that but it does have a dark roasted flavour that is similar to black coffee. It’s a little sweet though. I like this one a lot, but I only have this with food because if I don’t have anything in my stomach it makes me cramp a bit (as I found out the hard way) :/
Matcha green tea with roasted rice: Okay a friend of mine got me some of this as a gift when she went back to visit family for a bit and. Um. This tea is so incredibly good. We had some together and it was fantastic. I’ve been saving it and only having it at times I know I can really savour it because I want it to last. If you can find some good quality stuff I highly recommend it.
Aaaand sometimes, admittedly, I will enjoy an orange pekoe. It’s nice on occasion. I make it pretty strong hehe
I hope this was fun for you your friend! 😆
What are your favourite teas, Jay?
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leonscape · 7 months
i feel like we all perceive the suitors differently based on who we are and idk why or what compelled me to make this post but i’m sharing anyways
i’ve seen people hc sexualities and i feel like i have a unique view because im ace but i also don’t call characters gay just because? i have never developed feelings for anyone nor do i participate in discussions about who’s hot and who’s not. im kinda not wired that way so i feel like that makes my perspective different.
i think it’s interesting when people call the suitors gay and ship them because they’re actually straight, meant for a female audience. it’s not heterosexual content and i think it really comes down to how the characters are written, and the type of person viewing the characters.
disclaimer: this is my opinion you do not have to agree with it, but i do ask you to be respectful. you do not need to argue your opinion or against mine so let’s keep it chill
okay let’s start ^_^
jin is straight there’s literally no arguing this one. his love of women is very intense but he’s just being one of the bros unapologetically? i think everyone can agree on this one.
chevalier hear me out is ace. i bet he’s the type to read erotica with a straight face and it truly is for the plot. it doesn’t bother him and he doesn’t pay attention to that kind of thing. if we take out the otome aspect out of ikepri, he’d just be aroace fr. and i think this way because he tells emma to prove that romance and love has worth. so i don’t see him attracted to men and i don’t think he’s attracted to women either he just falls in love with emma because she’s the beauty to his beast romance?
clavis probably is also ace, gray ace. in my post about ace hc’s i said he’s probably ace and im pretty sure that was before his route came out and now after having played it, i still stand by that. i think sexual attraction isn’t important to clavis. i think he’s more worried about abandonment and figuring out if this person is his ride or die kind of person. i just think his priorities are different and maybe that’s why it seems like he comes off as ace. i do not see him being attracted to men.
leon is straight. maybe it’s jin’s influence and i see them as very similar. maybe it’s purely just my perception of him. i have heard that some people think his bi because everyone is charmed by him? but i just don’t see him reciprocating that kind of preference to guys. i think he also has a hard time reciprocating energy towards women too. idk i guess i imagined him talking to a nice girl, everything’s going well, but his stomach drops as he reminds himself that he’s a fake. he doesn’t let people get too close to him otherwise he will get eaten alive by the guilt from deceiving them but he’s also afraid to tell them. i mean how is he supposed to tell his partner when he hasn’t told his closest brothers? the brothers that he’s grown up with and grown close to? i also just think he’d be enthusiastic about being a dad and starting a family because he didn’t know his parents and he didn’t even have the luxury of having leon’s parents either so i think it would mean a lot to him to start a family and give his kids a mom and a dad. wait this isn’t a post about just leon i got carried away oops but does this mean i think leon is ace? nah he’s just afraid that his insecurity in his identity will damage the relationships he has and the illusion of leon.
yves is ace i don’t care what they say his spicy content feels very performative and fan service-y to me. i said he’s ace in my ace hc post too so i still stand by that. he gets embarrassed when he talks about it so i don’t think he’s really comfortable in his sexuality? me personally i project onto yves just a bit?? like im just gonna say that desire does not equal sexual attraction because i get confused and uncomfortable about it sometimes so i have to remind myself. i think he wants to participate in those types of acts but feels conflicted. also i know he’s the resident femboy and that’s more likely to get him labeled as gay or something but i actually don’t see him being into men but we know he’s an ally from that one bond story of his.
licht, i swear im not doing this on purpose because of my own biases, but he’s ace too bro. he doesn’t really pay attention to sexuality and attraction and stuff. or maybe the more traumatized or mentally ill they are the more i think they’re ace. wait that’s not true i’ll get to nokto after this. yeah idk licht is depressed af so he don’t have time to think “mmh men” or “mmh women” or “mmmhh both” there’s no attraction until after he established a relationship so yeah i guess he’s demisexual.
nokto is gay. okay fine i’ll say bi. weeell ok not naming names but kinda because it’s a small fandom and it’s not hard to figure out. but my perception of him has definitely been influenced by fandom. now i just think he likes men
luke is honestly i don’t know i guess he’s straight. he doesn’t do sus things and he just seems like what jin was like before his addiction to breasts and to “the sand in the hourglass” (assuming jin wasn’t always a pervert like that).
i do not have enough information on gilbert
keith is straight you cannot tell me he wouldn’t have a wife and 10 kids if he was born a commoner. he’d be a farmer just plowing the fields, growing medicinal plants, and providing for his family. he just seems like a straight up guy (see what i did there) making an honest living and obeying his wife who is in charge of the household.
silvio is another straight guy. attracted to women but doesn’t want to be because his money attracts the wrong kind of women.
rio also straight he’s probably only attracted to emma actually so yeah i know we joke about it but i think this guy really just only likes emma
finishing off the list strong with my sariel ace hc. yeah he’s giving the “i’m too busy with work/school” ace tbh. he’s like the professional guy that ignores the flirting but every once in a while it does affect him if he’s interested. but i don’t think he experiences much attraction and maybe he doesn’t have time either?
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knizuu · 3 months
Talk to me abt uhhh anything- Fang, Petey, OC, idc. ANYTHING U WANT💖💖
I get so nervous writing asks wtf
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COUGH well imma go in order lets go with the
SIGHH I LOVE HIM SM. tbh I see how people react to the recent idw miniseries which left the Hooligan fans really sour </33 to me, though, it wasn’t too bad?? I see how it works and honestly the only sad part to me is WHY DID HOOLIGANS BREAK UP AUH but im so used to “sonic canon ew” so like-I should’ve expected that sigh. So I can reason with how excited people headcannon/draw/make whatever of the guy it’s really cool since we all kinda agree? Like even with such a variety we all take the guy lovingly <33 which is sweet :> like its pretty chill-WHCIH IS FUNNY because Im actually really scared in small communities <- i made a post bout it once i-I EAT UP ANY FAN MADE FANG CONTENT FR i love all fangs really [so far] ^ ^ tbh even my school knows that-I did pottery of him, drawn him, spoke of him, my teacher saw a drawing of Fang I did and HE QUOTE: I was looking for that [SIR I GET IT IM PREDICATABLE/silly]
Ok as much as heartfelt I feel about Fang-Petey is just some other freak of nature my family knows. I’m NOT EVEN JOKING-MY MOM SANG ABOUT HIM WHILE MAKING LUNCH/GEN GEN GEN-cough. Idk why but ever since my brother [the first dog man fan obviously] inserted dog man into my family [by 1. SHOWING MY FANART/BOOKS TO MUM 2. LETTING ME SING THE MUSICAL ALL DAY LON-/positive fs] its been insane/sILLY because-who expected everyone to say “Papa Petey” [i do NOT know how some typo made mo-ok my mom has a Petey problem/sILY AGAIN] in the car-at home…NOT ME THATS WHO. WHY IS PETEY SUCH A NORMAL THING IN MY HOUSEHOLD/positive sigh
OKK well they are ALMOST a wasteland but I have an original story to bring some ocs to life ^ ^ [including-sigh vague mention-the space dog lady and red haired lady ocs i have :3] ESSENTALLY: I’m calling it Brink of Bryony!! [Bryony is about a flower but in plot idk a city??] it’s just a human loser [red haired lady MAYBE] meeting alien folk [Cordella is there…i showed her ONCE] like my self insert hehe [Norolist] because OH NO beeg mister evil guy wants to take over Earth and this NICE alien people gonna protect it! That’s the entire thing, very unserious lmao. Pyrexavul is my precious <33 I don’t think I shared him?? I’ll share em all sometime hehe im too lazy LMAO. So yes yes I’ve been into making that story recently :> !!
OK SO my Luxury AU has been MANIFESTING MOI cuz i decided: why yes I WILL make a fic bout it!! Yknow just remaking the lore[cough this means me rewriting the first book of DogMan] and putting some stuff into one work ^ ^’ SO FAR I’m really getting into the vibes but what’s crazy is how I turned what I THOUGHT was oughta be a comedy-to a tragedy. No like I KNOW IM GONNA WRITE CUTE STUFF I WILL I JUST-….also might’ve included grief, addiction, ETC I dont even know how I got there 🙂‍↔️but it’s been fun! Especially since it makes me go down a nice study check with me lmao [I’ve been learning the medical field, laws, how media handles stuff, types of _, etc] hehe rubbing my hands together imma be so happy to write it all hehe and with that I’m learning about my characters a lot better! I thought of it more one noted because its a good start but now im actually learning more bout em :0 !! Love reworking stuff, redesigning, it’s been a huge part of me since idk when ^ ^’
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skyward-floored · 4 months
True form/lh thing and true form/hw thing?? Also the castle town wedding :3
Castletown wedding has like two (?) chapters left but I keep forgetting about it so it’s like eternally unfinished 😭 i just haven’t been motivated for it blegh. I don’t really have a snippet to share for it either since I really don’t have much of it written 😅
—But anyway. True form/lu and true form/hw is basically just me having fun lol. The first half is just if true form happened and then linkeduniverse also happened, so Twilight has a baby/toddler he’s toting along for the whole trip. It’s fun. It’s self indulgent XD
True form/hw on the other hand (and I’m just gonna say SPOILERS FOR TRUE FORM/TWILIGHT TURNS IF YOU CARE TURN BACK NOW THANKS) is just what if Eveni got plopped into the war of eras and met his mom. Who he has complicated feelings about. Also three other versions of his dad. Who he has no clue where he is. Poor Eveni’s having something of a crisis.
They’re both ideas I just love to play with sometimes, and they’re so niche I doubt many people would be interested in them XD But here’s a wip from the Hyrule Warriors one since I am kinda proud of some of the writing I’ve got in it.
Eveni sniffles. “Why do you care so much anyway? You’re not my dad.”
Link hesitates, then sighs, sitting next to him on the log, but still giving him plenty of space.
“Because I know your dad would want me to sit with you,” he says simply.
“You don’t even know him, how could you know what he’d want?” Eveni asks in a thick voice.
“Because... well, I can guess. And besides, in a weird way I am him,” Link says, and Eveni groans and buries his face in his hands.
“Don’t remind me. I hate time travel.”
He’s silent for a minute, and Link waits for him continue, knowing the kid isn’t finished talking yet.
“...I wish he was here,” Eveni finally whispers, face still in his hands. “My dad. I’ve never been away from him so long, he must be worried sick... how come I ended up here and he didn’t? I can’t fight half as well as he can, I don’t have special skills like everyone else here, I’m just... weird.”
“Hey, you’re not weird,” Link interrupts, and Eveni raises his head and looks at him. “No really. Like, take Tingle for instance. Tingle is weird.”
Eveni snorts out a laugh, and Link pats him on the shoulder.
“Chin up, kid. We’ll get you home,” he says gently. “I promise.”
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perfectlyvalid49 · 1 year
Sometimes I feel like this blog is more Judaism focused than I really want it to be. Like, I am Jewish, but that’s only one aspect of my personality. I’m also interested in politics and linguistics and nerdy pop culture stuff and a whole bunch of other things. And I want this blog to have space for all of that.
So when I spent a ton of time late last week fighting with an antisemite, I told myself that when I was done with him (or as it turns out, when he was done with me), I’d take a break from posting about Jewish issues for a bit. Just like, a week where I’m just reblogging stuff that makes me laugh or an interesting language fact or something like that. Y’know, happy stuff.
He blocked me Friday, and on Saturday, Hamas attacked. And I’ve got a big mouth, so I can’t not say anything. Maybe when this is all resolved I can post happy stuff, but for right now, I need a place to talk, even though I’m struggling with what to say.
I guess the first thing I should say is that I feel terrible about what’s happening. Because what’s happened so far is bad, and what will happen next is even worse. Israel will take its vengeance; innocent Palestinians will die. The friends and families of the victims on both sides will be radicalized and the violence will continue. I hate it and it’s stupid and I wish there was an easy way to stop it and I know that there isn’t.
And I want to say that I support the Palestinian people. The way that Israel treats the Palestinians in Gaza is inhumane – it shouldn’t be allowed! But Israel treats them that way because before they did, you couldn’t get on a bus in Israel without worrying about being blown up. That shouldn’t be allowed either! Everything is complicated. Both sides are full of people who just want to live in peace who are being screwed over by a minority who won’t be happy until the other side is gone. Both sides have valid points, both sides have done terrible things. Anyone who is telling you that it isn’t complicated is either woefully uneducated about the history of the conflict, thinks one side does not deserve fundamental human rights, or both.
And after saying all that, I guess that I should make it clear that I’m still a Zionist – I believe that the Jewish people have the right to a self-determined state, and I think that Israel is probably the best place for it (I did not say a good place, I just don’t think there’s a better one. The best of a bunch of bad options is still the best). Having said that I’m a Zionist, I still hate what Israel’s government is doing and has been doing. Netanyahu is a monster. You can disagree with a country’s government and still think it has a right to exisit.
If you think that all Zionists are evil (and you’re still reading this), then tell me a better solution. Where should Jews go to be safe from governmental persecution? Or should they be denied that? If so, why?
And that’s the other thing I want to talk about. Every Jew I know is watching this with feelings of grief and horror, and the response from the left seems to be some variation on, “Israeli civilians deserved this,” “go back to where you came from,” or “terrorism is OK, actually, as long as it’s against a colonizer state (but not the one I live in).” And it’s soul-crushing. It is possible to be anti-Zionist without being antisemitic, but it seems like right now people aren’t even trying. The only good Jew is a dead Jew, and now that there are a bunch of dead Jews, everyone is celebrating.
I keep thinking about this video that I watched at school when I was a kid about the conflict. It was probably the mid 90s and the video showed Arab and Israeli kids playing together with a voice over from an interview with one of their moms. And I remember her saying that the kids playing together was good because then they would be friends, and when they got older they wouldn’t want to fight each other because they would remember that they were friends. I know now that it was probably a propaganda video, but that’s still what I want. I want leadership for Gaza that isn’t a terrorist organization, I want leadership for Israel that isn’t a far right authoritarian nightmare, I want Palestinians to not be locked behind a wall, I want Israelis who don’t have drills for when the rockets come. I want everyone – EVERYONE – to be able to live a life in peace and I want two little boys with different backgrounds and religions that both include a history in Israel to be able to play in a field by a river and be friends.
And if you don’t want that? Fuck you.
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tomsfoolery · 6 months
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headcanons abt Astarion’s past ft. my bc of his mom
+ her in my origin run as his guardian bc nobody is safe
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ok ok so onto the headcanons
personally I’ve named her Lysistrata in my head by complete accident bc I was rereading bosas when I was first thinking abt this so
for his mom i think she was a Paladin/cleric of sorts?? or some kind of good-aligned mercenary
so like she’d come back with all these grand stories about monsters and magic for wee little Astarion and I think he would’ve found them so fascinating as a child which would’ve led him to become interested in monsters & monstrous things up until he was an “adult” and began pursuing darker things like more power and immortality n stuff
Astarion has her hair texture & thickness, and before he was turned he had her eyes bc I cannot stand blue-eyed astarion (he needs to be able to look at the sun)
Between his two parents Astarion was much closer with his mom bc she always had such interesting stories and she absolutely spoiled him with gifts and books n stuff
I see her being the type to try to see the good in everything so she’d often sympathize with some monsters (let’s say in cases like a parent trying to protect its young) and I think that kind of stuck with Astarion in terms of him being more willing to deal with the less savory as a magistrate (or just an excuse for him to take bribes because “they’ve all got families to feed” or whatever)
in connection to that I think the biggest reason Astarion never went to her for help was bc he didn’t think there was any good left in him and that she’d hate him and end his misery in the name of what she once stood for (also lowkey hc her as being a follower of Lathander so…)
she taught him a lot but I think she herself wasn’t the greatest abt love and opening up to people and she has a hard time putting complex feelings into words so all Astarion really got was “sometimes you really like a person?? but sometimes you just like their body but also sometimes their soul and um. don’t commit to relationships you don’t want to?”
her husband is definitely a dork I’m sorry
like my original headcanon is him as an inventor but I could see him dealing in magic as well
I don’t think that he wasn’t necessarily loving but I think he just didn’t pay as much attention to Astarion as his mother did so they just naturally weren’t super close
However his dad did drag him to a bunch of social functions n all that so combine that with how spoiled Astarion was and you get classic rich boy
Astarion got his hair color & most of his face from his dad and I keep really wanting to call him Felix
After Astarion became a magistrate his mom didn’t approve of some of the things he did but she still loved him anyway, once he started trying to carve out more power and immortality she tried getting her husband to speak to Astarion abt the dangers of such ambitions but he didn’t really talk to him abt it and when he DID talk to Astarion, astarion didn’t really listen
When Astarion first disappeared Lysistrata practically tore the city apart looking for him and called in a lot of favors from old flaming fist friends n stuff but they couldn’t find him. So she resorted to a fiend warlock pact trying to find him but all she was led to was this overgrown grave with suspiciously fresh dirt and she was convinced she was lied to and broke the pact so now she’s got horns :] good job Astarion look what you did to your mother
^after this her marriage became extremely strained as she began to blame her husband for not warning Astarion but she also blamed herself for not trying to do anything herself. Thank goodness she was invited to a dinner by a local noble to help cheer her up! I sure hope he wasn’t an oily little weasel. Nowadays she does a lot of investigations on missing children in and around Baldur’s Gate and she helps out with orphanages
for my durge specific i think she would either learn of some shit going down at the Crimson Palace between this elf and cazador OR she would run into Vael (durge) picking up a portrait of Astarion and she would then inquire about why Vael was getting such a thing
idk overall she’s just very, very tired. as of now in my headcanons Astarion is her only child and to lose him so soon with no answers took a lot of her hope away from her. Especially since any gods she prayed too wouldn’t have answered for the whereabouts of some disgusting vampire
girlypop probably prayed to send Astarion a guardian Angel and then he gets sent durge
Vael’s trying his hardest but he was raised half in the hells and half in the cult of Bhaal he stinks so bad
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lavenderjewels · 9 months
JJK season 2 episode 21 thoughts! ✨
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Went into this episode expecting the iconic “I am you” scene to be animated, left with two incredible works of art now ingrained into my memories (todo and takada-chan beating up mahito)
All this about Todo wanting to imitate All Might from MHA last episode, but I’m thrilled that the animators confirmed that Todo is actually living the magical idol anime dream that Gege Akutami initially was going to write before starting JJK. AND managed to make the volume cover I never really liked into a beautiful and hilarious moment 💗✨
Music / ost worked the entire episode and went silent when it was needed. Some of the previous eps had parts with their pacing or music that lessened the emotions of the scenes (e.g. right after Nanami died), but everything here flowed well!
As much as I like talking about JJK, sometimes, at my core, I just like watching a good and entertaining fight scene, and that was a majority of this episode until the end. It battle shonen’d in the best way a battle shonen can be. It’s a satisfying feeling to have snail mahito, a birthday, a magical girl segment, and a metaphorical rabbit wolf clashing of truths all in one fight.
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The voice acting still amazing with every episode—Mahito and Yuuji being the highlights. I’ve said this a few times, but Mahito’s VA captures the (literal) childish personality and mindset of his character. Last episode, it was how he threw around and yelled at Yuuji like a kid throwing around a doll. This ep was along the same lines, with him immediately crying and throwing dirt at Yuuji. It’s not the exact same, since he is a curse, but it shows how he just came into being and was constantly learning and curious about the world. And the second Yuuji actually badly hurts him, stops him from running away, and repeats similar beliefs back to him, he breaks down. They really are the “same.”
Now Yuuji!!! His new conviction, if it can be called that, about being a cog made to kill curses until he’s worn out. Not exactly the healthiest mindset, but it’s an unsurprising progression after losing control of his own body/autonomy, losing his mentor and best friend (both figures of reassurance and hope), having his entire foundation for living and abiding by his grandpa’s dying wishes be challenged—all while needing to keep moving forward, to not fall into complete despair.
The voice acting in his speech back to Mahito sounded lifeless, but authentic to what he now believes. I appreciated how little the VA gave emphasis to any words and spoke it all in one similar tone. Some of the way it was spoken also sounded like it was affected somewhat by his mouth wound, which was a nice touch.
Manga spoilers for the points below‼️
Continuing: Yuuji’s new mindset is faulty and I love how much the episode shows the flaws of how Mahito and him thought, and how they’re both still incredibly young with their views constantly challenged by their new experiences. We get what’s supposed to be a cathartic scene of Yuuji killing Mahito and stalking him like a predator towards a prey animal, only to have the final killing blow be taken by Kenjaku, another predator (when your mom steals your deserved murder 🙄).
I’ve always appreciated how this moment was not presented as this great turn of beliefs that leads to success, and instead immediately gives him this unfulfilling and destructive outcome. Like, I’ll take Yuuji beating Mahito as a momentary win, but it’s not going to work out in the long run for himself or anyone. Which makes me interested in where his character is headed for the rest of the manga. There’s probably more to say with him regarding the story’s themes on strength/weakness, enlightenment, hunger, etc., but I love what we are given here.
His entire cog in a machine (of war) also reminds me of the series’ title emphasizing endless repetition of fights and everything looping (got the translation from the blog at kylescooter.com). JJK has constant examples and themes of past generation vs new generations, traditional vs unconventional, etc, but also repeating history and being stuck in the same ways. This post is already too long, but I wonder how Gege will conclude all this and if anything will change.
Said up there that there wasnt anything I disliked about the episode, but I do wish wolf Kenjaku was added! Not just because I adore the scene (for its imagery and hinting at them being related), but also because it would’ve been cool to transition out of that scene by having wolf Kenjaku show up.
Next ep will have Choso, the Kyoto school, Kenjaku, Uraume, and Yuki!! Also that Mei Mei scene which I am absolutely dreading.
Also the next ep preview with Kenjaku was fun
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hballegro · 2 months
alright here's the essay under the cut.
entirely just my experience w/ MASH, almost no editing [just spelling mistakes and a few apostrophe misuses]. fair warning, my father was [is] an alcoholic and a horrible person, and i mention that a bit, so if thats something you're sensitive to, bewarned.
         My story with M*A*S*H begins a hundred years ago when I was somewhere between 5 and 8, old enough to watch television but not old enough to remember how old I was when I was doing it. The childhood I had was overall unremarkable, marred only by my pitiful excuse for a father that parented by either drinking or being hungover on the couch in between screaming at his children or beating his wife. Unfortunately, he is part of this story, but only accidentally. See, he used to do all that stuff in our unfinished basement, on an old ugly couch, hiding from his family all day. Then, eventually, he decided he liked the couch and television upstairs better, and plagued the family room for many years instead, putting whatever he wanted to watch on instead of letting his children watch cartoons. I ended up liking The Three Stooges quite a lot, less out of actually thinking it was fun and more out of it being the only thing he’d put on that I found remotely entertaining, so I was taking what I could get. We kept the old burned CDs he’d made of them after he moved out.
         Anyway. My mother had (and still has) a television in her room (it used to be their room, but she kicked him out) that she could avoid him with. Not wanting to be around the violent cesspool of a person on my couch, I’d sometimes crawl to her room, so as not to let him see me and have him make me come over and listen to some music or whatever he wanted. Old guitarist reliving his glory days or something, I couldn’t tell you. But anyway, I’d enter her room and sit down on her bed with her or on the floor, and we’d watch TV. More often than not, she’d put on MeTV, because she watched those old shows with her own father, and it was a bright spot in her memory that gave her some escapism too. There were a lot of shows on there, but I only really ever remembered things like Gilligan’s Island, ALF, Columbo, Bewitched, The Twilight Zone, and, of course, M*A*S*H.
         I liked the other shows, of course. I remember them fondly, especially Gilligan’s Island, maybe it was the catchy theme song with words I could learn. I didn’t like how brown and gross Columbo was, but my mom explained that that’s just how it looked back then. I thought the puppet on ALF was funny, and The Twilight Zone scared me, but I was still interested. I remember enough of Bewitched to remember the nose wiggle and constantly mix it up with I Dream of Jeannie for some reason. Really, anything was better than watching the same episode of Farscape again, which I’ve heard is actually a very good show, but my father kept forgetting that he’d already made me start watching it, and so every viewing session was just the pilot. That’s also the reason I never learned Spanish.
         But then I got to M*A*S*H. I won’t lie to you and say that, as a wizened 5-to-8-year-old, I could ‘tell something was special’ about this show. It was a show. It was a show that I remember looking at my mom during, and seeing her really happy. Later she told me, after watching it with me in present day, that she would watch it with her own father, before her parents got divorced. Her father more or less was not present in her life after the split, and that happened when she was 14-ish. The show started airing when she was the age I was when I watched it with her, and she and her father made a weekly thing of it. Neither of us at that age should have watched it, but for both of us, it was forming a little bright spot in our minds, a good dream with a parent when times were tough.
         I remember laughing, even if I didn’t get all the jokes. I remember thinking I liked the shade of red one of the characters wore, and also the shade of dark blue the same character wore sometimes. I remember one or both of my siblings being there sometimes, laughing along. One of my siblings told me recently that B.J. Hunnicutt and John ‘Trapper’ McIntyre, both filling roles as doubles partners for Benjamin Franklin ‘Hawkeye’ Pierce, had merged into the same person in their memory. I thought that was hilarious; how could they ever think those were the same person! B.J. Hunnicutt had a mustache! Imagine my surprise re-watching season 4’s opener, ‘Welcome to Korea’, featuring a clean-cut fresh-faced Mike Farrell, lacking the horse brush I had so clearly remembered him housing under his nose.
         But the rewatching, yes, the rewatching. It started innocently enough. Between breaks at college, far beyond my young-youth, the real youth people mean when they use that word, my mother opened it up on the tv and put it on. No matter what era you go to in our household, the TV was always going. Most of the time no one was watching it, sometimes blatantly, loudly, explosively chattering and guffawing and gasping with our own business and ignoring it entirely. It was background noise, we all needed it, so we always had it. But something a little strange happened; my mother was watching it, as she often did when she put something on in the evenings to massage her brain to bed after a long day at work. I was typing away at something on my laptop, like I am now, sitting on the couch with her, which I am also doing now (although she’s long gone to bed), and I looked up.
         I saw Hawkeye.
         It didn’t feel like a rush of emotion, it didn’t feel like something important was happening. That was just my old friend. Looking absolutely horrible with the haircut he was rocking in the pilot, but I remembered him. The pilot doesn’t open with the theme, as I recognized that as soon as it played, it opens with golf, a little vignette of the camp before the choppers come in with wounded. I saw Hawkeye, I saw his shirt, and it really was like when you see an old friend, one you can’t really remember what all you did with, or where you met, or even each other’s names anymore, but you know they mean something to you. You knew this person, and you liked them, you liked them enough that even though you forgot everything else, you remember the love that was there.
         And it was a very small thing that happened, and it didn’t happen with every episode, but I would pause my music. My own background noise to drown out everyone else’s background noise, blasting into my headphones. I’d pause my music, read the subtitles, hear them faintly through muffled ears, and laugh along. Smile when I’d see a smile, and a little more than half pay attention.
         I went back to college, life went on, we only got maybe to the beginning of season two, but my mom didn’t continue without me. She waited, and eventually, I came home for the summer, summer of 2024.
         She put it on again, and the same thing happened. But this time, I way more than half paid attention. I really paid attention. By the time we got to Abyssinia, Henry, I completely paused whatever I was doing when it was on and sat, laptop open, head at a 45 degree angle to watch the TV. I’d still futz around during commercial breaks, but I waited for the commercial breaks to do anything now. More and more it warmed my heart, to see all these old friends I’d forgot about, drag them all out of the closet, finally see B.J. Hunnicutt with that stupid mustache again for the first time in over 15 years at least—it was all so amazing. I was laughing at this show that came out over 20 years before I was even born. My parents hadn’t even met yet when this thing ended. Then, of course, because of the way my brain unfortunately works, it is now all I can think about it, to the point I’ve convinced several people to watch it just by virtue of never-shutting-the-hell-up.
         And then? I finally got to see all my friends go home.
         I remember the night I watched the finale with my mother. We’d gotten to the penultimate episode, and we’d paused. It was near 8ish, near my mother’s bedtime, and she and I both agreed we could not handle the finale that night, it was too much. And so we put on something, My Name is Earl, anything to make noise, something funny, something light. That’s how the next several days went; do we feel like we can handle the end? No. Tonight? Maybe tomorrow. Maybe after dinner? It was a long day.
         But then, after dishes had been cleared and we were both sitting quietly, the sun had already gone down, and she proposes we watch it.
         So we did.
         I don’t cry at things anymore. I used to cry all the time as a kid, scraped knee, called an idiot by a sibling, way too much crying even for a kid. I got it out of my system, apparently, because now I’m an adult and I have trouble with making tears, and when they do come, they sneak up on me. The last time I remember crying was at my grandmother’s funeral, months ago, and before that, I have no idea. I get misty-eyed, sure, but nothing makes me boohoo.
         The same held for the finale. Contrasted heavily by my mother, the woman that regularly cries at especially-touching commercials, shedding a few for every other scene (the bus revelation, the final meal, Charles’s music adventure finale, the wedding dress, every single goodbye, and of course the big one at the end), I was mostly quiet. I remember it ending, and thinking, well, that was about the best finale I’d ever seen. I also thought about how I’d seen strikingly few finales, and that I ought to see more series through til the end. I spoke with my mother a bit about it, we had some good moments from the program tossed back and forth, and she went to bed.
         Then I took a shower, and after I got out, the floodgates busted. I was boohooing alright, blubbering too, but I couldn’t point to why. Sure, there were moments in the episode worthy of tears, but this was full sobbing, aching and pitiful and messy. I just left it as something not to worry about, and went on. Since then, on my own, I’ve rewatched select episodes, watched the finale (again) with the sibling that confused Trapper and B.J., done three paintings of stills from the show, made a miniature version of the signpost for my mom, and started writing again for the express purpose of doing things with these characters, and I’ve only now put a fine point on it. It’s a threefold answer of why I fell apart leaving the shower after watching an episode of television that aired 40 years ago.
         The first is simple; I have got it in my head that I need to be alright for everyone. If I’m happy, then everything is okay. I think it’s a relic from what made me stop crying, this need to tell everyone, “Hey, I’m the crybaby, so if I’m okay, then really, everything is okay!” My tears are (were) meant to be shed in private. They were my own cross to bear, especially for places like the bathroom where I could get privacy, as I shared a room with a sibling growing up. This is something I’m getting better about.
         The second answer is very warm; I finished M*A*S*H with my mom. I remember my grandfather, though he wasn’t too present in my life, and I loved him. He passed when I was young, but I was old enough to remember him, and his death date is near my birthday. My birthday is actually near a lot of either death-dates or birthdays of people that are now dead that my mom loved very much, so I am constantly reminded that my birth is the only good thing that happens to her that month. Finishing the show with her was special. We did it. It’s a tradition now. I don’t plan to have kids, but the future may be strange. At the very least, I know at least one sibling does, so I’ll just have to make sure their kids watch it, too. I don’t have anything of my grandfather’s, his family wasn’t kind to mine  and took pretty much everything when he died, but now I have this show. And I have this with my mother. It keeps my heart warm.
         And lastly, the thing responsible for the most boohooing, is that, like I said; I got to see my friends go home.
         I didn’t really think about it hard, but these were my little friends. I couldn’t remember them, but I remembered that I loved them. That they were something that made me happy, and made my very sad mother happy when I was little. They were funny, they were going through a very bad time and they were still being nice to each other and doing their best. They laughed, cried, cried some more, laughed some more. They drank, but in a safer way than what I knew of it at home, so it felt okay. They hugged, they fought, they loved each other. Then they were locked away in a little memory in my heart, and they sat there for over a decade, nearly two. And then those lovely people that made my life a little bit better finally, finally,
         Got to go home.
         A catharsis.
         Everything isn’t perfect, but all of us are somewhere better now. We have new problems. We have old scars. But the big bad is over. A little part of me healed. It was okay, finally. They got home. It’s okay.
         And if I can pick up a show from the 70’s about the 50’s that’s also still about the 70’s and the Vietnam war about all war that’s also about love and family and surgery with a cast that’s almost all gone now that so painfully soldered its place in my heart that watching the end of it all put me in a puddle on the floor of my bathroom at 11 at night, if I can wait 15 years and still manage to rouse these old soldiers and send them home, a little cracked but finally safe,
         I think B.J. Hunnicutt can drive those 3,000 miles to a little place in Maine to see his best friend. 
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90s-2000s-barbie · 10 months
Hello, Megan! How are you doing? I was wondering if you have any tips for someone wanting to start a 90s/2000s collection like yours.
Where do you shop? How long did it take to accumulate your collection?
Last question might be weird but do you sleep in the room in the photos? The reason I ask is because I want to make my room look like that but I'm a little worried about what people will think...
Hi! This is a great questions and literally anyone can do it and affordable! So I’ve been collecting my whole life but I started going super into it in 2009. Not only do I collect nostalgia, I collect about anything I would see and like, antiques, records vintage clothes, toys, ex. What started my interest is I just saw something a couple antiques i wanted at goodwill and passed it up and I would never live it down. I will forever remember is and kick myself in the ass for it. I said that’s it, I’m not regretting leaving something so cool behind in fear of being judged.
Even though I started in 2009, I will admit, no one has to break bank to start collecting. The best place to start is goodwill, local thrift stores, flea markets, garage sales. I don’t pay much for anything I own in my collection. One time I thrifted an entire huge box full of vintage McDonald’s toys for $2! It’s very simple to do. Some garage sales, people were so tired of selling, they would tell me to have things for free! Like I’m doing them a favor getting rid of the items. lol u really don’t need to spend much.
I started collecting by going to my local goodwill every week and I’d find a cart FULL of 90’s -2000’s finds and I’d spend like max, $50 for my entire cart and I’d find the coolest stuff, toys, clothes, books, ex.
I leave no stones unturned. Some people hid things at goodwill and wait for the color tag to go on sale so look everywhere! I would go by myself and look for a few hours and pick out everything old, and decide at the end what I LOVE and put back things that I just don’t. I’d find cool 2000’s clothes hidden in the kids clothes! I found a vintage adult sized Powerpuff girls sweater in the kids! People hide stuff everywhere and workers also put things in wrong spots just cause it’s got cartoons on them. lol
So the photos of my room is right before I moved into my own house but YES. I slept in that room for years and everyone that walked in thought it was cool! Now I have childhood friends sending me photos of it and asking why my room is all over the internet! lol 😂 I had 2 beds so I could have my best friends over and have cool sleep overs, all my friends, guys and girls loved it and even my boyfriend loved it when we first started dating. My mom loved it cause it reminded her of when me and my sister were kids. She would come up and hang out with me and we would watch Britney and Backstreet Boys videos. I say, do things FOR YOU. If people aren’t supportive, then that’s there problem. As long as ur responsible and not harming anyone or anything, then there is nothing wrong with u doing what makes u happy! ❤️ If u have anything ur really into, the fashion or toys, ask any questions u want, fill free to ask. Something I always do with everything, is pick something up, look for a year. Sometimes older stuff didn’t always have a year on it. Now they always have years.
Also I don’t make YouTube videos anymore but I do have one thrift haul on my YouTube channel Nostalgic Studioz. Can kinda see what I found going to one goodwill! One store is all it takes. lol
Thanks so much for the ask! I love talking about my hobbies and I hope this helps u too! ❤️❤️
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Here is one flea market haul and there is that box I spent 2 dollars on to the right. lol I bought all of this in one place, one day at the local flea market. Ohio’s biggest flea market is like 30 mins away and it’s my FAVORITE place in the world. It’s opened all year around and it’s like a giant garage sale.
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