#also please if u r reading this . pretend you dont see this .
leathermouthlives · 1 year
i think i am just . very bad at talking bc i lose . a lot of my friends very fast
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blommp717 · 2 months
okay so what really confuses me is that ya'll say that nothing is real but " " (yourself) and other people dont exist.... but like, if others dont exist.. why r u explaining this philosophy to non-existent people.....? AND like u guys are telling everyone "that no one exists" but like that doesnt make sense... like idk how to explain it, but does everyone have awareness? if everyone has that " " doesnt that mean that they DO exist, which in a way makes the "illusion".. real?and ur telling everyone that they are the "gods"of their reality but thats contradictory... because there can only be one "god" or else everyone would clash... right? like... who exists... who doesnt? Do I exist? Because telling someone that noone exists implies that *I* am non existant... but then you're also telling "me " that no one exists which is... contradictory sorry if this ask is confusing im about to go to bed lol just rlly confused.
(also will be sending this ask to other bloggers bc i want to see all the diffrent answers)
I’m really not quite sure if you read the stuff on my page first before saying all of this or if this was just a copy paste to a bunch of bloggers so u made it general type of situation.
Just to preface this long message
(I reassalllyyyy tried not to miss write anything, please taken in mind it’s late for me but this is really most of the time I even have to respond and I’m incredibly tired so bypass my little typos)
I’ve never promoted the false idea that there is only you (the self). That goes against my point and if that were case I wouldn’t ever verbalize any of these realizations because well, what would be the purpose, like you said.
This idea that there is only me, is amazing for the ego/self because there’s an illusion of someone having or gaining power and control, well let’s get rid of that because it’s not real. (Sorry to break it)
So I’m not sure what you’ve been reading (most likely manifesting bloggers) but let me point you in the right direction (so to speak).
Nothing is INHERENTLY “real”. All identification as self, me, my, I’m, and I, are all illusions, they’re completely baseless and only exist as ideas and thoughts. What I’ve explained a number of times is, the self is just a realization of itself so to speak. The more you try to argue that “no but I am myself see?” You realize those are just sentences in the same way, “I think I want water” is just a sentence. And the only thing that can ever “validate” the existence of self is more thoughts. See? Go ahead, try to prove the self is real without using thoughts. And while the silence becomes more apparent, it might click for u.
Infiniteness, wholeness, god, appearing as this sense of self. The ideas and thoughts essentially “interact” with each other to validate that there is someone here even further. Then this sense of me and myself is linked (by more thoughts) to the body. You start saying myself when referring to the body instead of saying “the body”. It all blurs into one line of “I’m the body” and suddenly the world starts happening to you. Funny.
But it’s pretty funny how you can never pinpoint where the sense of self rests in this body can you? It’s not some kind of being sitting in the head, it’s nowhere. It’s just an idea, a thought pretending to be some form of separateness.
This applies to “everyone”. And actually this is how I know you probably haven’t read like 90% of what I’ve said on my page because I explain heavily what I mean so no one stays confused 😭😭😭
Regardless. I think you recognize what I’m trying to say here. God/Awareness/No-thing or even “ “, appears as the sense of self. Inherently self is not something that’s tangible or solid. It’s baseless and malleable. In most of my writings I say sense of self for this exact reason. It’s just a sense of there being a self not an actuality. There is only one god, all appearing as seperate. This part is actually incredibly easy to understand so I’m gonna explain it quickly.
Based of what I’ve just told you, we recognize that it’s just a sense of self, thoughts scrabble that pretends identity with even more thoughts. Inherently nothing.
I feel like I need a speaker for this one
This is like making a plate out of clay and saying it’s only and solely clay, inherently it’s only clay, but APPEARS aka is the illusion of a plate. The plate doesn’t morph back into a ball of clay just because you’ve recognized it without the label of plate.
I never told people that the sense of self is god, I say them as “ “ and I’m very careful to do this because well, people like you 😭😭.
Everything is completly illusory, and label or word or defining factor is false. It’s hollow and holds no actual substance. This also just means, all that is realize as “ “ is exactly what appears to be happening, because there is only god. This is what people confuse as manifesting.
I don’t say any of this with hate, I know it can come across that way when you can hear a persons voice and have to read it solely but yeah, I really hope this cleared some stuff up for you and others 🫶🌴☀️🥥
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macabrecravings · 9 months
yes hello i heard you asked for harper propaganda so im coming to your rescue. i am assuming the gaslighting puts you off and I UNDERSTAND even for me it was an acquired taste but here are some of their charm points that i think people dont see at a glance
1. they love you. straight up they are infatuated with you. vrel has said that theyre kylar level obsessed they just happen to be more patient. vrel has also said that they for the most part dont treat other patients the way they treat pc and that they take every opportunity possible in their busy schedule to see them.
2. ik people see them as this insidious manipulator and yeah to some degree thats true but theyre such a fucking fail when you read between the lines. cums in their pants just from touching you. harper nobody is believing that having me kiss you is legitimate therapy and it doesnt help that youre LIKE 25 and do every medical/psychological profession under the sun what degree you have to have your staff hypnotized or something. blushes when you initiate anything. blushes when you have a big dick. virginity lines are shit like "say ahh" "please try to relax, im going to administer a suppository" "its time for your prostate exam" like ok buddy sure youre still trying to pretend to be professional while youre balls deep in my ass, just admit you have a roleplay kink
3. theyre so smug and its so fucking funny "nothing good on tv i take it" when you have your second pregnancy SHUT UP LMAO
4. their favoritism of pc is so blatant bc they dont give a flying fuck about ANYONE else. that scene where they have a random med student there to help examine you. the fact that theyve forgotten the students name,, who fucking cares theyre just there to feed harpers voyeurism kink now uh student. whatever your name is help me collect this cum out of pcs holes its for research i promise
ill spare you and stop myself here but ty for reading
omfg. asylumdweller themself coming to spread harper brainrot to me??? i’m honored….
Literally no better person to convince me than you LMFAOOO. WHEN YOU PUT IT LIKE THAT …… Okay yeah, yeah, the gears r turning I see the appeal now. 🤔
BAHAHAH. Harper, I’m sorry for not giving u a fair chance 😔 It’s my Whitney situation all over again … Hated them based off of the first ick I got. (Even though I clearly would enjoy their scenes and content if I didn’t judge a book by its cover PLSNDBDNF….)
Aw :( Love an obsessive, pathetic man. Fictional insidious manipulators are fun as fuck, look at my boy Cain <3 He’s the worst and I need him so carnally. Also, cringefail loser? I see… *nodding solemnly and taking notes*
“Nothing good on tv i take it?” IS FUNNY AS FUCK STOP IAIWJDNFBFN
i have much to think about ….
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grapecaseschoices · 3 months
U r honestly making me want to replay dao. I would love to know more about haldi if you ever feel comfortable with sharing. ❤️
Aeducan and Brosca are my favorite origins from dao. They're both really good in my opinion, especially aeducan. For elf, I also recomend female elf tabris origin, its really good, my third favorite origin. Cousland (human noble) is fine imo, but I liked Aeducan (noble dwarf) a lot more. Orzammar politics is just so intriguing and the family dynamics too! I know people love elven lore more, but dwarven dragon age lore to me is honestly so fascinating to me.
hehe. power to you bc it's getting better now, but i feel one must REALLY love the games to deal with the constant crashing. please share if you do!
ooo ty ima saved this bc i will forget! i def wanna do brosca and was pondering doing an elf but a mage elf, so i'll pause that and maybe do tabris after. is there a particular reason why female? and roflmao that's my feelings re: cousland tbqh, especially male cousland-- even tho i wanna give anora a go but it's like why couldnt i romance her with a male dwarf noble???
i man it is to me too tho i havent read through the codexes yet! but every tid bit i leearn from friends and fandom and the game is so intriguing.
oh man i do want to desscribe haldi but im so tired rn. i had this ask in my head and was like GONNA DO IT and got hit with a wave of tired.
i guess to keep it simple [though i may go into it at another date] is i want to keep a balance of the noble [as in n manner]/honor focused, with the kindness and compassionate, and the cunning balanced. i'm just stuck on how much. i feel i cant let her be TOO naive bc how else would she not only have made it alive for so long but how did she become second? [but that def could be part why bhelen betrayed her. trian was a tyrant but his baby sister was too kind!] i think people dont give her credit bc of those things for being as pratical as she is. like she leans more giving and feeling bad but she isn't without sense [most of the time lmao], she just wants to give people a chance. she cant help it i feel sometimes [how DID she survive. ima blame her mom. but i kinda like the idea of bhelen protecting that to his own expense until it's like what have i let grow?]
i feel like her practicality leads to her cunning. bc i feel she's cunning in the sense that she's astute and picks up on things rather quickly, she's not overly curious but she can ask question and wants to understand before acting [most of the time]. and i feel that's what lead her to the commander appointment. why she wouldve been a good one and is a good warrior -- not just her strong focus on pride and acting chivalrous or wte.
my other issue is figuriing how much she's changed and how much she shows. i dont want her like kendis [i feel i have too many conceal dont feel chars]. i feel she just doesnt see it lmao. how much it HURTS. bc it makes sense to her, this is how things are done. it makes sense bhelen saw a weakness in her and she lost, so she should die a warrior death [gorim got that out her head.] she lied to morrigan bc morrigan lied first [and not as a way to get back at her bc she is mad at herself and at morrigan for falling for it]. wynne is staying in camp so she doesnt exert herself [not for any strong reasons]. she isnt hurt her father didnt fight for her, she isnt angry about what bhelen di d [the reason she mentioned it to the gray wardens was SOLELY so they know where she stands/what happened. ]
so it's less 'wow i see this and ima hide it/pretend i dont see it' and more like 'what is this? this is useless *chucks it away* .... hey why does this keep coming back?' less suppression and dismissal and more obliviousness and dismissal.
this got so long lmao
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genesisz · 7 months
ive been thinking about religion a lot lately, whether i believe or not, what do i believe in? do i have to believe? do i want to believe? something my brother said to me when i was young was “you need to believe in something” back then i kinda thought that meant in any religion, just pick one, but later on i kinda figured that meant just not to follow what your parents or other people tell you, but that you truly believe it or feel something? im kinda confused abt how people go to church and listen to someone talk and pray, do they feel something? and maybe they dont but it at least works for them. it does not work for me, i dont feel anything, i kinda just listen and pick apart what they are saying and end up mad bc i disagree so i never even get to listen to the entire thing. i also cant take them seriously singing up there, sometimes they go hard fr, i be jammin but other times im like? do they really gotta do all that? but also that must work for them and thats great… just not for me. waking up to do that? no thank u. it just genuinely does not interest me, i dont care for it all. its not for me. its not something i want to do, spend my time on, i dont see the point. i truly dont see the point. out of so many religions, i dont want to continue to learn about christianity/catholicism, i just think theres so much more therefore why stick to one thing? not to say thats necessarily what you are doing when u partake in ur religion but if i were to invest my time into something i rather it be something new, not what i grew up with and not what surrounds me now. do i want to invest my time on a new religion? no, not a priority for me atm, i kinda dont even get it. are we…using this for guidance? following/educating/believing certain sentences to guide your life? i can definitely understand that part and get it, but the parts about God and the idea of worshiping essentially a man seems a bit crazyyyy…. i just cant do it man, which ofc not everyone is taking it that seriously….i think… idk… ive only been around people who r pretending to be serious about and people who are 100% about it, so yea ppl im surrounded by have influenced why idc, but ive tried giving it a shot, i just dont really feel like lying or being hypocritical anymore. i believe theres definitely more out there, and the possibility of Gods, for sure ( i prefer virgin mary if ima believe in anything its gonna be a woman! ) but also like im not gonna take it too seriously…. like… its not that serious… also when i say that like i fw w her but its not like im praying to her, i have and pray for others in the sense that i wish for such and such but like never for myself. i think thats still selfish maybe, but im jst not really saying Dios or someone just in a general sense, which works? why not? omg dont get me started on repenting, WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN? i think we all hope bad people get whats coming to them but also mistakes are mistakes, youll be fineee you can have self awareness and apologize, living and learning is basically what youre doing but i rather do it w/o the extra stuff, AGAIN if it works for others thats great, i dont think its taken that seriously anymore unless ur a hardcore old person but again growing up and seeing it or being surrounded by it is just like ughhh whateverrrrr ill probably ask around to people my age to see the point of view but idk i think the guidance part is nice but maybe like reading it? not so much living it and going by it, bc well…. ima live my life and ima rot if i wanna rot, i just dont wanna take it so seriously, i feel like if you arent kinda serious abt it then whats the point? other than pleasing others or a lil hobby. i need someone to ask me questions to see figure out what i believe in bc i think i know i feel like i have some answers but also maybe i dont
idk tbh i lost my point tbh, but i believe in myself, one thing ima do is think it through and act or dont act ☝️
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dullahandyke · 1 year
If someone was to mayhaps want to draw one of your OCs do you have any drawings of them or any more information about the kind of clothes they wear?
ANON ILL KISS UUU um I have a couple drawings but they're old, let me grab them n also describe more accurately their appearances....
Ok as for the drawings please ignore the copious style shifts and bear in mind that most of these cunts r like OLD old. Like 'drew her on the open night for the secondary school I have since graduated from', 'ex-danganronpa oc' old. And that's not as much to do w how recent the drawings are bcos most of them are like 2 years old or so but like. I keep trying to keep certain aspects of their designs and it shows. ANYWAY heres some Ames designs that can get smushed into one
Ames Spector
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Stocky build, on the short side
Black hair, the middle picture is pretty much it, tho I'm still attached to her with a ponytail if u wanted to go for that
Black button-up with the sleeves rolled up
Yellow tie with a star-shaped tie pin (listen she's had a star pin for 6 years and even if it's not a hairpin anymore it's still hers)
See I really do like the vibe of the blazer tied around the waist ala picture 1 but I couldnt make it work colour-balance-wise so I ended up just making her slacks yellow. If u think u could make it work then go for it my guy
Sturdy black boots
Eyebrow piercing on her right
See I did vibe w her having a tattoo but I dont think the snake suits her... omit it or freehand it as u like
Ringo Fleming
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I'm not entirely happy with the balance of the outfit but it's a good idea of its style (which is 'was born sad and alone in a Claire's)
I think I put his cane on the right side? It's his right leg that he needs it for
It has hearing aids that it definitely dangles earrings off of
Snake bites
Pink dyed hair with some sort of undercut
Oh yeah hes noticeably tall. I'm not good w heights but like 6'6 even without his penchant for platform boots
Large nose
Very reedy build
Thea del Arte
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Heavily based on Arlecchino (predecessor to the harlequin, from Italian renaissance-era theatre) with the right picture as my heaviest inspiration
Hes pretending to be Italian bcos it's better for PR but hes actually Catalan
Tan skin
Short curly dark brown hair
Black mask is more masquerade or superhero than arlecchino, it emotes when she has it on, you know the drill
Wears reading glasses over his mask in his 'reading documents' animation
Neck ruff
In the drawing I have her down as wearing shorts but tbh I think she'd cover as much of herself as she could for the intrigue
White gloves
Black lipstick
Shirley Fortunis
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See I like her current design but it doesnt feel very ace attorney to me. Trying to incorporate a dice/coin/luck motif.
Long black locs with silver jewelry
Big purple cardigan somewhere in her design
Officewear under the cardigan
Maybe a trench coat of some description over the cardigan to make it feel more detectivey? Idk spitballing
Maybe a coin necklace?
Miren Diez
And now we get into the area of 'all my drawings for this one are so old theyd do more harm than good'
Sickly pale and visibly malnourished
Long dark brown hair, untrimmed beard
Bcos of spirit medium shenanigans I dont think they have much in the way of their own clothes tbh. Mostly its theas clothes that they're left in once they stop channelling her.
If they are wearing their own clothes, probably just a very oversized steel samurai sleep shirt and sweatpants that used to fit but Uh Oh Drastic Weight Loss
Septum piercing
Raph Porter
Tbh I dont have much for them
Light hair in a ponytail
Brown reporter-type hat
White button-up, brown slacks, brown suspenders, brown tie
Brings an entire typewriter into court
Btw this isnt a design thing but like u gotta know that she is just WAITING to be revealed as the big bad so at all times she is wearing an evil outfit under her normal one. It is not at all visible in her normal outfit that's just a fun little fact for u
Generically pretty
The judge
Does not look like the judge from ace attorney
Has robes
Has at least one hand
Has a mouth(?)
Skin is a maybe
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(submitted by someone i wish i could tag not my shit whoever did this because tumblr won’t let me see it i love you)
i am just going to make a masterpost of my school’s shenanigans
a: “ill tell you where its from after we get outta hearing range of (teacher). dont wanna get in trouble“ has gotten in trouble for swearing^
b: “(name) most of the things you say would get you in trouble”
a: “.. fair”
c (teacher) was proctoring and so we were in another classroom. he walked in, and immediately said “whats up knuckleheads”
d: “bbq beans???? its 07:11!!!”
e: “yeah”
f: “hand or mouth?”
g: “teeth”
f: “no”
h: “no”
a“please add arson (to a story) if you didn’t already”
b“that’s their first date wtf”
b“i want to add a dark turn to my story but half of the characters are already dead”
a “kill another”
b “hes gonna die later!”
a “whats wrong with a necromancy”
b“he already died once already!”
a“whats wrong with a SECOND necromancy?”
b“he only has 9 lives”
a“what about 100th necromancy?”
a“stab and run!”- quoting a list of crimes
b“thats a 6 year old”
b”ripping out organs wasnt an issue”
a”oh thats just tuesday!”
b”what are you scared of?”
a“someone opening my writing app and reading it… (this bitch wrote porn!)and also the koolaid man.”
(about pot stickers (the food)at school)
a “the outside of this tastes like pasta… lasagna ass bitch”
d: a
a: yea?
d: go home!
a: ok (turns around and leaves, mom picked her up)
“let go of the tree!”
“it makes oxygen for me i love it”
i just. saw a kid taking a swig of honey. it is nine in the morning. why. i am in fear
a “i dont care if its good i care if its done because mine sure isnt”
b “insurance???”
b “but seriously. how do you tone (english class)”
a “………….. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa”
c “austria said ‘its mine! kick rocks.’”
c “austria said ‘i want to control it all because i have problems and therapy doesn’t exist yet’”
c “idk what you learn in b r a i n c l a s s” about psychology
i “i will cut out your spleen if you dont”
a “…”
i “jokes on u im into that shit”
a “do i even have a spleen?????”
i “NOT WHEN IM DONE WITH YOU!!! YOU WONT HAVE A PROBOSCUS. wait do you know how to spell that cuz i sure dont”
c throwing a basketball at the hoop “LEEBRON”
he missed
c “for michael jacksons legacy” missed bball shot
c “theres some guy! hanging from a Thing there!”
c “hes crying on a donkey! name something more sad!”
a“crying not on a donkey, donkeys are expensive”
a kid showed off his playboy hoodie to our teacher. she did not know where the logo is from and he walks a free man
a (hands croc to a mf): i entrust you with this to protect yourself and the money
g immediately: threateans a known kleptomaniac with the croc in defence of 5 high-schoolers pizza money
i took a yearbook picture of my friend pretending to draw in a notebook with a stylus for a touchscreen. will they notice? will they put it in the yearbook? who knows! only time will tell!
a “the pile of ppl are growing!”
a “there is a guy on the floor here. .. he is scuttling..”
g “hey colonoscopy man. leave.”
colonoscopy man “you talked to jesus didn’t you”
g “colonoscopy man leave”
j “stop mistreating- manhandling my banana”
honorable mention: molotov soaptail which caused emotional support among us
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
Hello you mrs. busy bee lefty eyebag 😴
Are you one of those who don't fold the laundry right away?
I forgot about Kate Bishop. And Carol or Maria. They just don't scream relationship lol but they're all great as best friends
I have to read it again, but I know one part when Wanda made dinner and R won't eat it because she was pretending to be vegan?? Or was it vegetarian. Oh also the part where Wanda was offended because R didn't think she was all that great lol
So I just read the fic, are you talking about the part where R gets drunk and half naked? Or the parrot part calling R intruder bandit hahahaha I love that one.
Thanks for those kind words. Yeah, sometimes I feel that doing my best wasn't enough, but you're right, the past is past. I gotta work on that lol
Do I talk about Italian food a lot?? Or was that just a lucky guess? Because you got half of it right and that's creepy. Stalker 👀
They're not scary, they're more cutesy with dark themes? Like one of them is three ghosts doing the see no evil, hear no evil speak no evil thing.
Yeah, when I was in highschool, I took photography as an elective, and it was fun. It made me want to develop and play around with the films. I think there are still photographers who do it but not a lot since now it's more digital.
Oh I like that idea for your place. I want a big kitchen too, something with an island. Walk in pantry, hidden fridge, coffee bar, alcohol bar, nugget ice maker. I have so many plans for my future kitchen lol
Yah, I'm actually doing a job interview with you to see if you are a perfect fit to fill in for a girlfriend. Hahahaha just kidding 😂 I am slightly falling asleep so please excuse me.
I guess when I say weakness, yeah what makes you weak.. what makes you fall to your knees? What makes your heart flutter and giddy?
Have you ever walked in on something you weren't supposed to?
- CuriousGeorge
Hi hi you!
Sorry i fell asleep last night..n my morning been hectic. How r u today? Hows ur day n whT u been doing?
Haha yeah, i am one of those people who dont fold it right away.😅
Because when i fold my clothes, i need time. I always try to fold it nice n organize it. N when i do laundry, it's just not my clothes. N if i do my husband's clothes, it takes longer to fold it because i end up reorganized his closet because his stack of clothes always end up messy after a while from the way he picks his clothes. It always bothers me, so when i fold his clothes, i always take more time to fix all the mess put.them back in nicely again.
Ah yeah me too, i meant i think maria is hot. But i dont see it the way i see wanda n nat. N carol, i actually dont like her nor the actress. So i never read fic about her at all.
Haha i love that part in Ten Days. When R cries because pretending to be vegan a day after she ate big steak with Wanda 😅🤣 i actually laugh when i wrote it n the other part where R screams histerical "so u think i'm fat? My girlfriend thinks i'm fat" to wanda in the restaurant. 🤣
Haha yeeess that fic. The half naked hang over R n wanda points a kitchen knife at her. I am.lowkey proud of that scene n conversation between them. I love the idea of it.
Oh another funny comment that im lowkey proud is on Too Blind To See. I dont know if u have read it. It's my doctors AU. 😅
U r veru welcomed! I was just saying the truth n what my opinion about it. It's okay to take time to work on it..u need to heal to move on n it's totally understandable.
Hahaa i dont know if u talked a lot about italian food of not. But i think i remembered. It's either pasta or pizza. Haha maybe yeah i stalk ur profile that i dont know which one because u r talking with me anonymously. 🤣🤣🤣
Ah i see. Still sounds scary to me.haha. i dont like anything scary in my house. 😅 i believe things can bring or create any energy. So i dont want bad energy in my house.haha.
Ah i see. That sounds cute.. i love ur plan..ouh like nugget ice! I love them too! Another plan if i build my own house. I wanna have a game room.. it willl have any game console n arcades that i love.
Hahaha wow, that was bold on what u say. 😆 so u r secretly interviewing me to see if im perfect fit to fill in for a girlfriend? Lol. Well just becareful.. it might back fired n u might end up like me. Lol 🤣🤣🤣 just kidding. It was the right joke at the right time. Pardon me.
So u r flirty when u r slightly falling asleep? 🤣🤣🤣 another JK.
Hmm what makes me fall to my knees, feels all giddy and fluttered?
When someone pay attention to little details that i like, when someone remember that too. When someone vaguely shows that they can take control or decide for me (not too much though) but makes me feel comfortable and I'm their main priority. For example, like planning a surprise for me or planning a date for me, or give me some of their time to be with me.
I kinda like when someone shows a little jealousy but not too much. I think it's kinda cute when someone shows me a tiny biiiiit of their obsession of me. (But in normal level) because it makes me feel that i'm theirs.
I love soft touches n soft kisses. I looove praises n compliments even though sometimes im not used to them n i would probably deny them shyly. Lol.
I love it when someone would do something for me or being patience for me.
All of these things i mentioned, i would do the same to them. 😁
What about u? I hope.my answers didnt sound weird.
Hmm i dont think i have walked in on something im not supposed to. How about u?
Next question?
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kae-karo · 3 years
hello!! i dont usually interact bec im reaaally shy but i really love your works on ao3! ive worked up some courage and heres a smol list of things ive been meaning to say to you, if thats alright. (omg its actually not *that* smol i apologize D:)
1) to love (and be loved in return) is one of the first genshin fics ive read and its the first ive read of yours and i love love love it so much! fake/pretend relationship fics are my JAM and i just love everything abt this fic. thank u so much for writing this! <3 <3 <3
2) i also SUPER LOVE that u r mixing n matching kaeya, diluc, childe and zhongli. ive read so much of your work already and i have to restrain myself from reading AND rereading bec im still a student and i get distracted so easily huuu
3) your zhongluc fic, ‘i’m all yours’, got me so intrigued bec u wrote them so well huuu my harttt. and with that,,,
4) if i may, i would kindly request for a fake/pretend relationship with zhongluc! of course, only if u would like to write it, no pressure! i dont really kno what else to request but i super love ur writing and i kno i’d love anything u would write :P
that is all! stay safe and have a wonderful day :D <3
HI HELLO DEAR thank u so much for your extremely kind words 🥺🥺 every time i pop into my inbox and see this message it makes me so happy, thank you thank you!!
also! please never feel the need to apologize for sending long asks!!! getting asks of any kind make me so happy 🥰
and!! thank you so much for the prompt (and your patience as i worked on this!!) i do hope you enjoy dear!!!
lay down your weapon - T - 6.7k
tags: zhongluc, getting together, fake relationship, canon divergence, meet-cute
“Welcome to the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor,” the man says in a low voice as smooth as honey.
In his rush to escape the Fatui currently pursuing him through the streets of Liyue Harbor, Diluc stumbles into a particular funeral parlor, and his visit suddenly takes an unusual - but unexpectedly pleasant - turn.
[read on ao3]
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chuuya-centric · 4 years
character: chuuya nakahara
genre: fluff, smut
warnings: gn afab reader, no pronouns used, alcohol mentions / use ? unorganized as FUCK — read at your own risk 🚶 these r also much longer than i originally intended 🤒🤕 they get kinda bad at the end bc im lazy asf and just wanted to be done with these im sorry yall LMAOO
↬he he i he he i i hhnhshgghfgg
↬lord please god passionate+romantic sex with this man is all i ask you for please ill never ask for anything ever again 🙏🙏🙏
↬now i would like to start this with a disclaimer by saying chuuya is usually vv rough and passionate and would manhandle your ass 😁🤞 however these hcs will be like 🧍 slow ................. and passionate ??? not gentle per se but just romantic amd uhm very much "love making" if u will 💯
↬sensual ?? i think ????
↬hhndhsgh ik we're all horny and just wanna be used like a ragdoll but please hear me out yall
↬emotional and passionate sex !!!!!!!!! this usually happens whenever chuuya gets drunk (bc i think he is a v emotional drunk, and if he's w his s/o i think he gets vv sentimental / touchy-feely
↬ofc if you say no or reject his advances he wont do anything other than cling to ur side but if u dont do anything to stop him you will 100% be in his bed by the end of the night 🔥🔥
↬starts out as him havin a lil too much to drink nothin new yk and then he gets more touchy / physically clingy than usual 🧎
↬a lil off topic but he would absolutely fight anyone who tried to flirt w you / anyone who looked at u the wrong way LMAOOO not saying u have to babysit him but 🧑‍🦯🧑‍🦯 taking him back home would be the smart thing to do as to avoid bar fights
↬but back on track i think chuuya would refuse to leave your side 💀 he would be all over u so unless ur into like hardcore pda u fr better take him home 💀💀
↬he's a horny menace 😕👎
↬okay so blah blah blah yall r back home now what ? now he rlly starts getting emotional 🚶 he's just so grateful to have u in his life and he loves you so much and what if he's not good enough for you ???? how could u love someone like him ?????? what if— please just shut him up with a tender kiss 🤒☹️ tell him u love him very much
↬he............hhbbgdgshhhh i was talking to @chuuyasbf ab this but dhshsbhhhhhh we came to the conclusion that he'd like smother u in kisses oh my fucking god 💔🙏 like he'd just cover your mf face in kisses and i— bursts into tears
↬now by this point this is where he'll start communicating his feelings thru actions rather than words so please expect a very heated makeout session (that leads up to the best sex of ur life 😏)
↬"he just goes “oops, missed a spot *kiss* oops, theres another one *kiss*" - @chuuyasbf and i honestly could not agree more please 🧎🧎 hhnbbhghghh
↬but back to the makeout session it started after u shut him up w that kiss yk and u were both just sitting on the couch, originally basking in the others presence, before the words just started flowing so ofc u gave him a lil kiss n told him he was enough and that u loved him so so much and he pulled you back for another n another til u were sitting on his lap w his tongue in ur mouth
↬and things progressed n progressed n next thing yk he's got you intoxicated (his kisses r life changing ok 🤨🕶️🤏 even if he were sober it'd just be hjndhdghgggh) but like yall know when ur grinding against them n they buck their hips up a lil ? yeah <33
↬HE'S SO HANDSY OMFG ESP IF YOURE SITTING IN HIS LAP 🙏🙏🙏 after he's pulled you as close to him as humanly possible (im talkin chest-to-chest, hip-to-hip — he is a very intimate person and greatly enjoys physical touch argue w the wall ab it) his hands go from finding purchase on ur hips and guiding your movements to pulling at ur hair to feeling u up to running his fingers up n down ur back to helping you take your shirt off. he cannot for the life of him keep his hands to himself
↬in reality he'd shift you onto his thigh before making ur neck his next target for his kisses (and hickies)
↬when you start whining for more and saying his kisses aren't enough, thats when he'll sober up enough to be snapped back to reality n to carry you to his room 🧎 or so you thought 😚
↬confused, u didn't get the hint until he bounced his leg, once, twice, oh— and even after you'd understood what he wanted you to do, he'd grab ur hips and completey take control of the pace n grind u against his thigh almost agonizingly slow, all while leaving some awfuy dark hickies on ur lower neck n a handful on ur collarbones
↬ofc theres some muttered praise and "i love yous" as well. he'll tell you how good you look, getting off on his thigh like this
↬he'll take u back to his room only after you've cum against his thigh 🧎🧎 consider it a warm up LMFAOO
↬when he finally does get up from the couch, he'll probably use his ability to help stablize yall a little 💀 (he had a lil too much to drink pls dont clown him)
↬whereas he'd normally toss u onto the bed, this time he took his time to set u down gently before settling down in between ur thighs and— hey wait a damn minute when did this mf find the time to get your pants off huh—
↬aye speaking of which i think chuuya is rlly big on eye contact regardless bc its honestly just vv intimate to him 🧐🚶
↬yall know when they like ............. when theyre like caressing / holding your thigh n looking up at u n they kiss ur inner thigh while maintaining eye contact or whatever ...................... <33
↬i think his praise kink especially shines thru when he gets drunk bc he will take his mf time covering you in kisses and hickies all while showering u in praise n telling u how beautiful u r and ab how much he loves you
↬he knows his words usually tend to be / sound harsh, but at the end of the day he loves you sm more than words will ever be able to convey :((
↬def tries to make up for that (when he's drunk 🙄 emotionally inarticulate ass 🚶) by showering you in praise and doing his best to be tender and gentle
↬and to be fair he'd be content w smothering u in praise and kisses for the rest of the night n probably would if u let him 🧎🧎 please snap this mf back to reality by yanking his hair n whining for more
↬in which case he will be happy to oblige 😚 he's def the type of person to get off on his partners pleasure so that being said this mf will make sure u cum on his tongue at least twice before properly fucking you
↬whenever hes drunk he tends set a rather slow pace but dont let that fool you 🧎 the entire thing is so fucking intimate oh my lord you will be seeing stars by the time he's done w you
↬his thrusts r much deeper n more precise than usual and he puts one of ur legs on his shoulder and has the other pressed up by ur head it really just enhances everything yk ?? 😁😁 (mating press kinda ??????? not exactly but)
↬he ends up alternating between leaving (more) hickies on ur neck n shoulders and actually kissing you as well (your lips r gon be bruised asf by the end of it all sorry 🔥💯)
↬even drunk he loves to overstimulate you omfg 🤤 loves seeing you get all teary-eyed from the pleasure (even better if u actually cry 😏🕶️🤏) bc to him it shows that he's done a good job
↬aftercare w drunk chuuya is a lil sloppy tbh 😕 probably immiediately passes tf still inside u after pressing like a final kiss to ur forehead LMFAOOO
↬but dw he makes it up to u in the morning !!!!! after taking care of his hangover first tho 💀 once he's feeling better himself, he'll def offer to draw u a bath and, lets pretend he has the day off here, after that all he rlly wants to do is cuddle for the rest of the morning
↬do not bring up how clingy he was last night LMFAOOO his face will get so red so fast (unless ofc thats ur goal in which case go right on ahead 😚😚😚)
↬please do, however, kiss his forehead and tell him that u love him n that he did a good job last night
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parismemes · 4 years
“tell me everythng.” “HEHEHEHEHEHEHE” “i have read every single one of them and do not intend to stop” “i on principle only like songs that go hard” “I DIDNT THINK IT WAS GOING TO BE THAT SAD WHAT THE FUCK” “heehoo. water boy.” “why i always sleep through this shit i hate it here” “gacha games count as gambling” “im also there. im laughing” “u r doing so much math and im just like hehe money” “what the fuck what the fuck NOOO what the fuck im dfgjhhfjgdhjfgkjdkghjd” “what a traumatic backstory” “I CAN SEE YOU READING MY MESSAGES IM GONAN GET FINESSED OUT THE FUCKIN WINDOW“ “THAT’S not good!” “if hes a fraid of dogs that sounds like a him problem” “i honestly deserve recognition for the absolute shit i just pulled off” “YES FUCK YEAH YEAH YEAH HELL YEAH FUCK YEAH HELL FUCKIN YEAH WOOOOOOOOO YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!” “why the fuck would you want that” “yeah hes my only one true love” “by a few i of course mean like 600″ “no one fucking appreciate me” “thank you ___ for being the only person who appreciate me” “i reveal it in pieces and make you put it together like a puzzle” “im smart and never regret it“ “see, i just dont think thats right” “i will continue dangling it in front of your face like a scientist dangling bait in front of a fish (who is also in a maze)” “hes actually like an absolute fucking nerd a complete fool a fucking dumbass” “sorry your message glitched and i cannot read. anyway back to my leverage over you which is forcing you into a corner,” “it's not extortion because i don't know what extortion means” “why do they talk like exes. its because they are exes” “TIME SENSITIVE QUESTION PLEASE RESPOND” “he's a content creator he'll be fine” “what does this mean? but yes” “NICE NICE NNICE NICE NICE NICE NICE NICE NICE NICE NICE” “for future record ___ just used the word poggers” “look at all these fuckin blondes” “its only been like a week and a half at most” “hes doing it out of affection” “ISNT THIS THE FUNNIEST SHIT YOUVE EVER SEEN” “you are terrible and also the worst” “i was going to send it at midnight but i got distracted trying to figure out the most barebones way to say happy birthday without sounding weird” “do you think i get punished more or less if i do sins” “i dont think the sins count as extra points if you commit them on the way to hell” “run over pedestrians” “i am slowly descending into insanity today, as a hobby” “you are a shit boy. a little shit boy go eat boxes“ “it's ok. we can figure it out later” “i didnt notice at first but it is in fact All The Fuck Over” “ITS BEEN OVER 12 HOURS” “hey guys just turns out we might have a ✨ gas leak ✨” “im sure if we put our braincells together we can figure SOMETHING out” “curious georg” “thank god. i could and would have argued this for several hours” “i think the worst thing ive heard today is someone calling the movie enchanted a reverse isekai” “i should not and will not stop” “i was RIGHT AHHAHAHAHAHAGAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA” “that wasnt a question you read it wrong” “i have no idea who this is but that wont stop me” “THIS MAN REALLY SAID HEAD EMPTY WHAT IS MONEY” “sometimes i say things and its best to just pretend you know what i mean” “WOT THIS” “I DONT WANT PEE ON MY BED“ “tired of all these stupid fuckin plants” “could you even really consider jelly filled donuts donuts?” “actually everything is real” “if you eat cereal for dinner, you're not having fucking breakfast” “i think my in real life superpower is that i have freakishly fast metabolism” “i dont care if you are evil you are MY TYPE” “you dirty criminal” “is a dessert item a dessert if it isn't eaten after dinner? discuss” “ok im done for the Right Now” “found a concerning orb. in the sky.” “HOW DID YOU KILL THEM” “why do i do this to myself why do i keep doing this” “the only simp here is me” “I No Longer Wish To Know!“ “DID THEY JUST END AN ENTIRE SPECIES” “WE ARE DETERMINED” “this is also really funny by virtue of the fact that these people are all fucking british” “they throw rocks at me and say we want the himbo” “THE CONTEXT IS IMPORTANT HERE” “its something that i SPECIFICALLY am passionate about” “hanburnger?” “thats just what living with siblings is like” “howd she get there? fuckin beats me dude idk” “i remember everything i am like a shark with an abnormally good memory” “i am sorry that you are predictable” “Hey Guys, Just Checkiing In To Make Sure You Got My Joke, Just Making Sure, I Just Wanted To Check In And See If You Got The Joke, Because I Was Afraid You Wouldnt Get It, So Im Just Checking In,” “i marked your worm” “what are you gonna do. unsend whatever you send me? i am Shaking in my fuzzy socks rn” “you Know i hate the idea of being wrong” “You Did Not Need To Stroke His Ego” “i am too stupid to live and if i was not vaccinated my genes would have no chance of being passed on because i would be dead” “~the oldest anarchy server in minecraft history~” “am i shaking because of adrenaline or rage.... who can tell” “I HAVE SO MUCH ADRENALINE IN ME BUT ITS 1 AM IN THE MORNING” “jokes on u i fucking HATE ___ i think hes the worst” “JUST IMPULSE MADE BROWNIES AT 9 PM HEYOOOO” “cry about it more bitch boy maybe piss your pants while ur at it” “im getting so casually toxic back to toxic gamer boys” “itll be fiiiiiine” “we are all stupid mice who take turns being the piper” “queen of bargains is me i am the queen of bargaining and scoring deals” “its not TECHNICALLY a direct threat but also yes it is” “i see a demon i go possess me then bitch boy u wont” “AAAA THE FUCKIN VIIIIBES” “IM NOT GOING TO STOP BEING MAD ABOUT IT”
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paranormeow7 · 3 years
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https://linktr.ee/PARANORMEOW7 if u just want my other socials
https://paranormeow.carrd.co/# if u wanna know more abt me !!
(I may be afraid to talk to you, but please don’t be afraid to talk to me!! I’m anxious and awkward tho so fair warning but i love making friends :] moots feel free to shoot me dms or ask for my discord id love to get to know y’all more!! I don’t bite :]
STIM SIDEBLOG: @sugarstimz7
ART TAG: #sugar art trash
Blue means exceptions can be made, red means BANISHED TO THE SHADOW REALM
(blinkies made using blinkies.cafe )
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(bonus: play this while scrolling to pretend that this is myspace and my blog has music on it)
like if read, if you please <3
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foryouthegays · 4 years
spreading propaganda [Dream SMP] liveblog yall lets go. this is so long i am sorry but the end is an actual summary of what happens asldkfa
sellout timer pog: 00:30:20, 01:00:40, 01:31:35, 02:02:03 (for like a second), 02:03:00, 02:34:35
time spent reading donations: 10 minutes, 20ish seconds. 
fanart credit he puts up (all from twitter i think): snumkt, reinneart, lihnsu, sestqr, jester_u, Brigade_Lost, natonyy
also taggin @antarctic-empire-technoblade​ :) theres an actual summary at the end that isnt just me ramblin so,,,,,,ye. i am so sorry its so long a;dkfja i dont know how to condense things 
00:00:35 “i stole a lot of sand recently,” ah yes, a casual conversation starter, the admission of theft 
tubbo: -..--...--- 
ranboo: that means beans right
no, ranboo, not it does not (i put it into a translator and it just. it doesnt mean anything. i didnt see any spaces so im just. what was mr tubbo trying to say
00:04:35: relationship advice with technoblade! [reading donation] “‘techno, my boyfriend said he’ll never sub to you, how do i handle this travesty?’ uh, clearly you need to break up with him, and send me more money, is the most- that’s the most unbiased opinion I can give you, it’s just a good life decision, alright? It’s just a good life decision.”
00:16:00 ranboo hi!!!! him garden :D 
00:20:15 ‘i have not made a tier list [for dinosaurs] yet’ Y E T? ? ? ?? ? 
“‘Hey, are you uncomfortable with being part of the SBI family dynamic?’ Uh, I don’t really- it’s not a matter of being uncomfortable, it’s just a matter of people making massive revisions to my character and the lore three months into the story without telling me, and it’s like, ‘no, that doesn’t- the story doesn’t- so many things don’t make sense now! What?? What???’ but if you want to make like, fanart of it, it’s fine”
00:21:25 imagine believing in airplanes, couldnt be me
00:21:35 SKLDJFAK a dono is like, hey can u call my new cousin a nerd, and technos like [claps] yOUVE COME TO THE RIGHT MAN im all about bullying infant children 
lakjshdfl 00:26:15 ‘philza this does not sound lore at all please’ poor techno
00:27:30 HKJSFDL :crab: TUBBO IS GONE :crab: also i cant tell if techno says ‘KILL HIM DEAD’ or ‘KILL HIM, DAD’ 
00:30:20 ‘we should have a grinch episode, where i go around stealing presents from l’manburg’ DO IT
also i was in chat at 00:31:25ish and i said ‘subscribe to technoblade’ and RIGHT AFTER techno said ‘did i hear subscribe to technoblade?’ and i felt so heard 
00:33:25 why is his only response to being seen in enemy lines to just stay realllyyyyy still a;lkdfjasf 
00:39:45 ‘this is crucial information coming to you live from anarchy news’ A;LSDKFJA;LSDF
alkdfja; 00:47:55 techno talks (sarcastically) abt how great it is when chat tells him where his stuff is
00:48:50 awww techno showin his not-dad his hound army!!! so cute 
00:55:30 techno specifies that theyre all characters/roleplayin!!!
techno talkin to phil is literally like a kid talkin to his dad after not seein him for a while. like yeah yeah family isnt canon in this but KSJDFLA hes like ‘phillll tommys being annoying also look at this new poster!!!!’ its so cute
techno nd phil reference smp earth at 01:19:50!!!!
(ik some people dont like enbyctechno so heres ur warnin, its just for this line tho) techno says ‘no one man should have this power’ but he HAS that power. therefore. mr c!blade is not a guy 01:35:00ish idk im not goin back to check
01:38:35 alright gang lets split up and look for clues 
01:45:20 ‘my chat’s sayin theres a 0% chance this is gonna work,,,,thATS A CHANCE I’M WILLING TO TAKE, CHAT’ skjdflasl;dfjaf (also, bit after, after readin the wiki say its 0% chance: ‘i like those odds’) 
01:48:15 [abt the zombie villager baby] 
Techno: on the bright side, we may have inflicted the optimal amount of trauma onto this child for it to become funny? 
Ranboo: ooooh yeah! it can become a minecraft youtuber!
techno: yeeeeeeah!!
pls get some therapy
a;ldkfassa the mental image of techno ownin an orphanage,,,,paldkfajslfasf 01:51:35
a;ldsifjasdklf ranboo is canonically a villager now, pog 01:56:50
01:57:50 ranboo: ‘they say that im built different, i am built different, in the fact that i have no moral backbone.’
01:58:30 BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD also why is techno so good at the bow like WHAT he looks in third person and turns nd shoots in like a second and hits most of the time its scary literally look at ranboo a;ldsjkfadsf hes like a porcupine 
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02:06:35 “i feel there has been an attempt on my life,” "no thats just how we greet each other in our country” nether lore pog?
02:08:45 why does techno casually type at 120 wpm?????  god i hate him so much why is he like thisssss ugh (also it took ~3 seconds to type 7 words (34 characters) which is 140 wpm and 680 cpm if i know how to do math i hate it here) /lh
nd then he types ‘punz we’re all outside your house get over here’ which is 47 characters nd 9 words nd it took him 5 seconds to type which is 564 cpm and 108 wpm so his average (from these two samples which. isnt a lot. should i do a post abt this in the future?) is 124 wpm and 622 cpm. hes so fast. 
technos complainin bout the fights bein boring,,,,,,,fight them all, techno. do it. 1v8. do it, coward. 
02:24:02 ‘maybe the real combat was the friends we made along the way’ 
02:25:16 i love that technos first instinct when someone dies is to check what sword/axe killed them nd what enchants r on it aldskfjads
i love how techno calls the manhunt music ‘dream music’ its so funny to me
right before he ends the stream he says ‘p e r h a p s’ to techno plushies and i just,,,, wa n t 
if ya just want an actual summary and not that MESS:
Technoblade starts the stream in his house. the first thing he does is put another piece of fanart in his house, this one by snumkt on twitter. he goes to l’manburg, where he sneaks around very sneakily (/s) and replaces anti-techno propaganda with pro-techno fanart, stating that “If they take it down, it’s ‘cause they hate fanartists.” (00:09:18). 
While placing posters, Techno checks in on his hound army, and reveals that he thinks someone had been in the area, because a wolf teleported to him while he was home. He thinks someone placed water, the dog stood up, and then teleported. (00:18:25)
After breeding the dogs, Techno reads donations and one of the questions is about the SBI family dynamics. Here’s what he says at 00:20:55 
“‘Hey, are you uncomfortable with being part of the SBI family dynamic?’ Uh, I don’t really- it’s not a matter of being uncomfortable, it’s just a matter of people making massive revisions to my character and the lore three months into the story without telling me, and it’s like, ‘no, that doesn’t- the story doesn’t- so many things don’t make sense now! What?? What???’ but if you want to make like, fanart of it, it’s fine”
He then meets up with Philza, who is being escorted by Tubbo. Techno goes to Philzas house, and hides in his new basement. He joins their VC and finds Phil, Wilbur, Tommy, and Tubbo. talking about birthdays. Tubbo goes to the basement and sees Technos invis particles, hits him, and he is revealed. Techno kills tubbo, and declares it canon as a joke. 
He goes back outside, deafened on Discord, and puts down more propaganda. Philza joins his call, and they meet up to try and find Technos stolen items. They don’t find the barrel, but they do find a hidden room under the podium. Techno puts a piece of propaganda in the room. (00:43:30)
While Phil is killing an enderman, Ranboo finds them, and is killed by Techno. (00:46:25) 
Techno takes Phil to see his Hound Army, but they’re stopped by Tubbo. Techno tries to pretend to be Ranboo, but Ranboo goes up to them, so his cover is blown. Techno’s chased to the portal. Phil and Techno meet again in the Nether, and they go back to the house. 
At the house, Phil and Techno talk about the SBI characters, the sellout timer goes off, and then they go downstairs to cure a zombie villager. While it’s curing, Techno gathers books to make a new bow, with Power V, Punch II, Unbreaking III, Flame, and Mending. 
Philza reveals that Ranboo is coming over to give Phil a present. Techno seems excited at this, mostly at the fact that Ranboo can be his new bows test subject. 
Before Ranboo arrives, the villager is cured, and they find out it is a nitwit, meaning it can’t trade or get a job. Techno and Phil start working on a tunnel to bring the villager to a lava pool, so the other villagers won’t gossip and raise their prices. 
Ranboo joins the call at 01:15:35, right before they’re going to bring the villager to the lava pool. He gifts Techno and Phil four Netherite ingots.
After struggling to get the villager to the right height, Techno forces Ranboo to boat the villager into the lava. Ranboo escapes by throwing a pearl, and the villager dies.
Ranboo, Techno, and Phil talk about duping Netherite, and the current plot, and then Techno finds a zombie baby villager. It’s caught in a boat, and Techno nametags it ‘Orphan.’ They talk about the cobblestone tower, Philzas’ death to a baby zombie, and how if you don’t see a child's parents, you should assume that they are an orphan and attack them. 
Techno talks to Jack Manifold through chat about his axe. Techno, Philza, and Ranboo go around and look for zombie villagers. Techno finds an igloo, with two villagers. Techno was going to try and turn them into zombie villagers, but decides to not when he finds out that theres a 0% chance of that happening on Easy mode. 
They all go back to Orphan, and bully it when they find out it still hasn’t grown up. Techno and Ranboo make a joke about how it’s traumatized, so it’ll be funny and can be come a minecraft youtuber. please get some help. (01:48:15)
After Orphan grows up, Techno trades and gets the Bottle of Enchanting trade for one emerald. They all joke about Techno owning an orphanage at 01:51:35.
Phil, Techno, and Ranboo decide go to the Hound Army, but Techno remembers that Ranboo is part of L’manburg, and tries to kill him (with his new bow) when they enter the nether. He doesn’t succeed, and he continues fighting until he drinks and invis pot on the Prime Path. Techno and Phil meet up in the Bee Dome, where Ranboo finds them. Techno tries to kill him, but runs out of arrows. 
After reading donations, Techno, Ranboo, and Phil are back together at the Bee Dome, and they decide to team up in case someone finds them. They go outside of the Dome, and chase Jack Manifold out of his own country.
Manifold joins the VC, and they try to blame Punz on his attempted murder. After Manifold says “i feel there has been an attempt on my life,” Techno says that that’s how he greets people in his country.
Manifold asks if they want to help him get revenge on Punz, and Techno agrees. They gather more people, and by the time they get to Punz’s tower, their party is Manifold, Techno, Phil, Ranboo, Fundy, and Antfrost. Punz is in the Nether, so they wait until he gets back. 
Ranboo and Techno have a whisper conversation:
Ranboo: are you just going to jump fundy
Techno: no im gonna make jack 1v1 LMAO
Ranboo: good plan
While Fundy is taking a screenshot of Techno for his thumbnail, Philza attacks Fundy with a crossbow and his sword. He claims it was because he was getting bored. 
In the same spirit, Techno asks if they could kill Manifold to pass the time. The mob, which now includes Fundy, chases Manifold. He runs to the Holy Land, and the mob boos him.  Techno tells Antfrost to kill Manifold, and that the mob won’t tell that he was killed in the Holy Land. Manifold hands Antfrost his sword. 
While Antfrost debates killing Manifold or not, the mob chants ‘peer pressure!’ at him. Techno quickly realizes that Antfrost isn’t in the VC, and is extremely confused. The sword gets handed to Fundy, who gets into a battle with Manifold. Philza tells Fundy that he’s forgiven, if he can kill Manifold. The battle calms, and neither of the contestants die.
Techno convinces the mob to go to the pit trap, and tries to lure someone onto the trapped blocks using rotten flesh. Fundy takes the bait, but moves out of the way before the button is pressed. Antfrost sneaks up behind him and punches him into the pit. Fundy survives the fall, but is shot by Manifold to death. 
During the commotion, Punz makes his way back to his house, and the mob moves towards him to end his life. Manifold says that he’s going to kill Punz, and Techno says that the mob’ll have his back. He tells the mob to not have Manifold’s back. 
at 02:17:00, Punz joins the call, and is confused as to why Manifold wants to kill him. Manifold explains that Punz tried to kill him, siting his source as Technoblade. 
also, 2:17:15 technoswear!
Techno encourages Punz, saying “Punz, he actually dropped his sword by accident and now I have it, so it’d be really easy to beat him up,” and “he also just killed in the holy land, so you have a sort of...religious motivation to take him out.”
Punz tries to fight Manifold without armor (Manifold is wearing a full enchanted set of armor, with a Netherite chestplate and everything else Diamond), which fails miserably, and Manifold is killed. 
Techno decides to fight Manifold with his goons (the mob) for the audience retention, and Manifold’s quickly killed. The final hit was from CaptainPuffy. Ponk rushes in and grabs some of Manifold’s items. Puffy takes the rest.
Manifold complains about getting bullied, so Techno gives him his sword back and tells him to avenge himself. While looking for Ponk (or Punz? this is kinda unclear), Punz swoops in and kills Manifold in two hits. 
Manifold finds Ponk and chases after him, trying to kill him. The mob follows, and Ranboo kills Ponk with thorns. Manifold takes Ponks stuff. 
Right after respawning, Ponk was blown up by a creeper, and Techno claimed both as canon. 
The mini fights continue, and Manifold is killed by Punz. 
Ranboo changes the ‘Days since last war crime’ sign to 0.
Phil tells Techno that he’s going back to the base, and the L’manburgians question him as to what base he’s talking about. Phil tells Fundy that he ripped off his ankle shackles and left. While they talk, Techno starts running back to the base, and Ranboo whispers “lets run back” to him. Ranboo follows Techno, but quickly looses him.
Phil and Techno join a separate VC together and they go back to the base. 
At 02:29:15, Phil says “I trust you” to Techno and I am going to cry. 
Right before getting to the base, Phil drinks some honey, and Techno says “that’s the only thing we have honey for, now that we’ve uh...uh I guess you don’t know about that.” He’s referring to the Vault, I think, because the redstone required honey to work properly. 
Philza responds, “the honey- wait, what did you use the honey for?” 
“uhhh....food.” Techno, for some reason, doesn’t want to show Phil the vault. 
Ranboo whispers to Techno: “My alliance isnt with lmanburg, its with the people who help me. phil helped me.”
out loud, Techno laughs about it with phil, saying, “well, I’ve stabbed him like twelve times this week, so, I [laughs] I don’t know if that entirely qualifies here.”
Techno messages Ranboo back with “new phone who this” 
Ranboo replies, “no one,” and then, “:)”
Going back to the honey talk, Philza asked if Techno had been hiding anything diabolical from him, and Techno asks if he would do such a thing. Philza guesses several things he could use honey for, such as a flying machine, TNT dupers, and a door.
Techno takes him to the vault. 02:32:00. i LOVE peoples reactions to the vault, it’s always so good. Philza responds with a surprised ‘HOLY SHIT’ and some laughing. Techno also confirms my math of 55 withers. 
02:34:10 “i’ve seen this government, on the server, and everything to do with government is just bad. I’ve watched it completely destroy and tear down people’s wills and change people, I’ve seen it change the nicest people into complete and utter tyrants, so...I think it’s about time--”
“We need revenge. [sellout timer goes off] and more importantly, we neED SUBSCRIBERS ON YOUTUBE DOT COM” phil joinin anarchy pog? 
anyway that was it ;alskdfjas;f
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0ystercatcher · 2 years
In ur opinion what are ways to nail an interview? I've been stuck in the same job for too long simply because i have no confidence for the interview process. So like why waste their time yknow. It's one of my niggest personal flaws.
i thikn you. did an unfortunate typo sweet anon. but anyway
1. update your resume and add specific info on what you actually did not just yr official position description (they basically never fully match. if you did extra work or work above ur paygrade add it for sure. add volunteering work if you do it and its not sensitive info). i know thats not interview but people bring up stuff that wasnt in the resume often and its like ?!?!? if id read that id have put u on the shortlist way way faster.
2. at the interview just b chill. you dont need to be all outgoing or whatever, you just need to present yourself as you are, explain your work and skills and sound reasonably confident. again this doesnt mean "project a dif personality", just b prepared give full answers and mention some important details abt your work exp. if you have a portfolio or smth similar, mention it. you are literally the expert in your own work experience so feel entirely free to act like it. if you are especially proud of some stuff youve done you can point to it here and there, thats not a waste of time and you never know what will get the interviewer interested.
3. do not give one word answers, explain your answers ESPECIALLY when theyre abt work experience or skills. if you have niche skills or stuff thats only tangentially related to skills or place you work at, but its related to where youre applying to, bring it up. sometimes candidates casually mention stuff out of nowhere tht fits perfectly w what we want and everyones happy abt it. even if you dont do that, full answers give us room to respond and ask abt any details that got us interested. if you dont, we literally just dont have enough info abt you to make a decision.
4. this def varies from place to place but the early questions of "wht r ur goals or strengths or weaknesses" or stuff along those lines are usually like...freebies. the answers themselves dont matter that much as long as you dont say smth insane and can explain your answers well, so just prepare some (honest but strategic) answers beforehand for those and use them to build up some rapport w interviewers and confidence in urself.
5. lie strategically. dont make stuff up esp if you cant back it up somehow later, but feel free to exaggerate your own achievements or similar things.
6. do research please do research. a 5 min check of the website or socials of where youre applying to will give you all you need it really doesnt take a lot. if you can find a page dedicated to the area you applied to thats even better. itll help you feel more confident, makes you able to bring up some projects you read abt to pretend youre interested in and ask more in depth questions abt the job and area (which will likely benefit you as well).
7. ask questions. prepare some beforehand if you need to (abt pay rates, how the team/dpmt you are applying to work, how many ppl r in it, etc etc) but if some come up during the interview ask them too. it shows interest and also its just good for u.
8. its gay but listen and smile and nod. it worked for me and it works On me. monky brain jus like to see other smiley monky :-)
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hiuythn · 4 years
do u have any krbk fics that u can rec? any favorites of urs! ☺️
you’re in luck bc i just made a rec list for a friend so i have this ready for you
also i’ve got over 200 krbk bookmarks on ao3 so feel free to check that out if you finish this rec list.
all (except one) of these are completed. they're in no particular order. i tried to find ones that are less known, bc idk how much you've read but i'm assuming all the popular ones are familiar to you. happy reading! 💖💖💖
Inevitable - Legendaerie - 8k - mature CLASSIC 'bkg thinks they've been together and kiri thinks he's still pining' TROPE. it's INCOMPREHENSIBLE to me why this doesn't have more fucking kudos!!! why!!!
Tiny Truths - Quirk Archivist (OneHitWondersAnonymous) - 4k - teen bkg gets de-aged. kid him reveals sth to class 1a, more imptly, to KIRI, abt some ideas about what it means to open a hero agency together. it's super adorable!!
Punch My Mouth with Your Mouth - QuestCat44 - 4k - teen bkg spars with deku more bc OfA is acting up and he's the only one in the know. kiri gets jealous but he's so good-natured that his jealousy is only bc he misses sparring/spending time with bkg. BKG, on the other hand, is worried kiri is mad for different reasons asdkjfhasdhfa
all according to keikaku........... - carolinaa - 8k - teen the title should already tell you how good this is. I LOVE JEALOUSY FICS WHEN THEY'RE MORE FUNNY THAN ANGSTY AND THIS IS SO FUNNY. kiri gets tired of deku being a pussy around todo and decides to flirt with todo to get deku jealous enough to do sth about it. bkg and todo are both horrified for VERY different reasons DHADSKDFHJS
doll me up - shizuumi151 - 6k - gen kiri gets turned into a doll by a kid's quirk and no one knows. bkg still ends up caring for him :’)
These Words Are Ours - deviance - 2k - teen soulmate au but bkg figures who's going to say his words before it happens, and honestly that's kind of the point. he's not the type to fall in love at first sight. he MAKES the choice to love kiri and that, my friends, is my kind of soulmate au.
all good things need sunshine - shizuumi151 - 3k - teen FLORIST KIRI. BKG WANTS A BOUQUET THAT SAYS  'FUCK YOU'
feedback loop - bigstupidjellyfish - 1k - teen PRO HERO BKG GETS THROWN BACK IN TIME FOR A BIT AND MEETS MIDDLE SCHOOL KIRI AND HE'S SO SOFT TO HIM ASDFHKASDFJ. i am a big fan of bkg being a fan of kiri. i can't get ENOUGH OF IT. can someone give me more fics like this
mixed signals - bigstupidjellyfish - 2k -teen a short 'what if' fic where kiri and bkg went to the same middle school. bkg's still an ass but kiri's still his equal it seems, and is just as good as handling him as ever
Dreaming of a White Mocha Christmas - let_me_wander - 8k - teen ANOTHER COFFEE SHOP AU.  BARISTA KIRI AND HIS FAV CUSTOMER ;) GET SNOWED IN  
Something Warm - let_me_wander - 15k - teen YES FOLKS IT'S A A A ANOTHER COFFEE SHOP FIC, THAT'S RIGHT!! BARISTA BKG THIS TIME. also kr is in a band and writes a song for bkg asdfhksjd
Kneel - deviance - 7k - explicit idk if you wanted explicit stuff but this is pretty light sub stuff, they're not even properly together at the beginning, and there isn’t sex til the end. i just liked how kiri is the only one bkg would rely on for sth this private, and it's more emotional than it is sexual?
Everyone Knows That Cats Are Independent - PurplePersnickety - 39k - teen YET. ANOTHER. COFFEE SHOP AU. but also?? daemons?? katsuki's got a lionness, and kiri has a...i'll let you find out. anyway they become closer and closer and closer and the flirting is so fucking excruciatingly obvious but cute and sdkjfhasdjs it's such a queer experience like 'is he...no he cant be...but what if he did like me - no that's not possible. but what if?' and they get so domestic sometimes i swear i'm about to puke from how cute it is. this is my fav coffee shop au ngl
Broken Bridges - DeathBelle - 68k - explicit plot fic!! krbk loses touch after gradutation. kiri comes back from korea and starts to work together with bkg, dealing with a series of murders and MAN the action is 👌 easy to follow but it hits all the beats, has that Flow. krbk being a power couple will never get old!!
Of Ghosts and other Inaccurate Things - chezka - 56k - gen pretty sure you've seen this one around but STILL. BKG FALLING FOR 'GHOST' KIRI IS BEST. this au really takes FULL COMPLETE advantage of the fact that krbk CANNOT TOUCH and the yearning practically astral-projected me back into the my past life when i was a dung beetle that got crushed under the foot of an elephant. it hurt, basically. but it hurt so good. JUST LET BKG HUG KIRI!!! happy ending ofc.
Catching Bees - MonocerosRex - 2k - teen bkg has to pay his classmates compliments. class 1a hijinks. the krbk in this is short but it made me squeal sdhfkakjl
i'm going to the forest to kick my own ass - WannabeMarySue - 5k - teen TODO PRANKS BKG BUT UNLUCKY FOR HIM BKG IS COMPETITIVE AND ACTUALLY LEARNS SOMETHING
Playing Favorites - vaporeon_ninja - 2k - gen AKSDJFHJADHFKA BKG GETS CALLED OUT ON HIS KIRI FAVOURITISM
(Not Quite) Proposal - imatrisarahtops - 783 - teen DRUNK BKG IS SAPPY WITH HIS BOYF
A Dragon's Hoard - chezka - 10k - teen kiri gets turned into a dragon bc of a quirk. LOVE HOW DRAGON KIRI STILL LIKES BKG BEST
Love Notes - PurplePersnickety - 5k - teen LOVE NOTES BKG LEAVES LOVE NOTES FOR KIRI IT'S SO SWEET
Define: Oblivious - PurplePersnickety - 45k - teen this is the second part to Love Notes, it's still updating BUT PLEASE CHECK IT OUT TOO BC KIRI DOES STH SO BADASS DURING PRACTICAL TRAINING I LOVE HIM I REREAD THIS NOW AND THEN JUST FOR HOW COOL HE IS IN THAT ONE CHAPTER. also the steady, careful way krbk define their relationship and bkg's demisexuality is so sweet, so good.
The Hard Easy - dirtbag - 4k - teen this one is pretty popular but i still gotta mention it bc. kissing lessons. KISSING LESSONS!!! i love how eagar bkg is askdfhks
Kitsune's Pride - kytrin, Mslead - 147k - explicit okay this was A DOOZY like i???? the plot???? the time travel and the oni and kitsune stuff???? bkg and kiri being badasses??? bkg wanting the best for kiri and angrily supporting him??? this was the first time i kept up to date with a fic when it was still updating and commenting every chapte,r i was so hooked. and ALSO like the authors have written SO MUCH more longfics like this like they have NOVELS and i REALLY rec you check them out like....bro idk how they do they have so much out already and i think and they're updating two more rn and i'm. their bitch tbh
Burden of Proof - kytrin, Mslead - 153k - explicit OK ONE MORE REC FOR THESE AUTHORS. burden of proof is so. so fcukign good. i have adhd and these guys have never one lost me even tho their fics are upwards of 60k. this fic has dragons, it has plot, it has growth and healing and found families and i WISH i could write sth this intricate.
Burger Kings - plantegg - 5k - teen stupid teenage boys being stupid. kiri blackmails bkg into going on a date asjdfhkdsjfakd
Day 6: Fandom - PullingAllMighters, SweetBrew - 9k - mature bkg and kiri don't know each other until they're pro heros and only bc they start a competition to see who's better and they go to each other's signings undercover and develop crushes on each other and deku is an enABLER ASHAHAJFS
Scales Ain't The Same As Feathers - Julietwasanidiot - 2k - gen GOD THIS IS SO CUTE BABY BKG "FINDERS KEEPERS" A BABY DRAGON KIRI SKDHFHD but he thinks kiri is a chicken
Charades - orphan_account - 4k - teen this is just soft....game night....at one point bkg acts out a really romantic word for charades and he's EMBARRASSED SDJFHA. also kiri falls asleep on him and there's some hair stroking....soft...
Cranky-rishima - PurplePersnickety - 29k - teen kirishima is the one with nightmares in this one and he gets CRANKY and BKG has to be the one to reach out and i thought that was such a fresh reversal loved it
No Secrets to Success - kingdoms - 7k - teen THIS IS MY FAV!! MY ABSOLUTE FAV JUST BC I LOVE IT WHEN FICS MAKE PEOPLE GAPE IN AWE FROM HOW SOFT BKG IS WITH KIRI. also krbk forming their relationship outside of school in this au was so??? sweet??? it's just them hanging out together. ALSO KIRI IS SO GOOD AT POKING BKG'S BUTTONS ASJDFHASK
Built to Fall - bigstupidjellyfish - 68k - explicit pro heros fic. they had a bad breakup in third year and oh god the angst is QUALITY. DW THEY TOTALLY MAKE UP AND IT'S SO FCKN WORTH IT. bkg also got therapy so he’s a little more stable as an adult lol
A Name That You'll Remember - heronfem - 33k - mature bkg is a fail!villain. he fell in with the wrong crowd when he was younger. he doesn't actually do anything wrong. in fact, all of his 'crimes' are generally stopped by kiri and somehow all end up exposing corruption anyway, so he's actually helping. kids love bkg. he always makes sure they're safe before he robs a jewelry store or sth. somehow kiri ends up flirting with him in all their fights and bkg has no idea what to make of him. the public can't get enough of them
strawberry mango sweet - redriotinggg - 9k - teen it's just a really sweet smoothie shop au!!! it's good reliable fluff!! what else can you ask for!!
cultivating something so divine - redriotinggg - 10k - teen redriotinggg yet again, i love this au, it's vet!au and kiri is so good at loving animals that bkg hires him and they fall in love and it's also got some competency porn, as in krbk are hella good at their job like power couple ayy
Tension Reduction - acernor - 10k - explicit Kirishima is a massage therapist and Bakugo needs help relaxing.
Mistletoe? Mistletoe. - Tearsaresalty - 2k - teen class 1a keeps making bkg kiss kiri and neither of them really mind wow i wonder why 🙄
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rueren · 4 years
haikyuu boys and coffee
purely self indulgent. i have zero reason or evidence for anything 😭😭😭(didn’t do all the characters but i did as many as i could remember)
dont give them caffeine for the love of god don't do it:
HINATA ... self explanatory tbh.  throw him a mini snickers n hes set for another 6 hours
BOKUTO... another self explanatory one.  if he’s getting tired give him like 3 skittles and hell be fine
Terushima ... just don't im begging u please don't give him coffee.  he hallucinates
NOYA  ... he will bounce off of the walls dont do this to yourself him
tanaka ... honestly i think hes fine on his own but if hes with noya, they'll do something stupid like see who can handle more espresso shots before getting heart palpitations 
kogenagawa ... this baby doesnt even like coffee dont let him have any im bEGGING  he’ll hurl
LEV ... oh my god no please he’ll drink straight espresso thinking it’s regular n be like this is light work yall r babies then down like fOUR CUPS then think hes having a heartattack my heart 😭😭
atsumu  ... thinks he can handle alot of coffee, but is def another one who will start to hallucinate
futakuchi  ... i have no explanation for this sorry guys
yamaguchi  ... its too bitter for him.  doesn't even like it.   eventually likes it when he’s older but w lots of sugar
goshiki ... very self explanatory. it’s too bitter. he tried once, bless him, bc he saw tendou constantly drinking jt but he just can’t bring himself to like it
they need an IV drip of coffee in each arm and one in their leg please they are tIRED: 
AKAASHI ... self explanatory
SUGA ... he’s tired let him take a nap im BEGGING. those kids are his life force but they also suck his life force. he loves them to death
asahi ... i feel like i’m highschool he doesn’t really need it but time skip asahi chugs like 3 cups a night during fashion week
oikawa, ... self explanatory again
kenma ... he probably shouldn’t take it as much as he does because 1) he only drinks the insanely sweet ice coffees and 2) he uses it as a substitue for sleep but kuroo is convinced that kenma will one day bite his fingers off if he doesn't let him have coffee so he begrudgingly allows it
ennoshita ... he is also tired 
tsukkishima ... doesn't wanna deal with anyone's shit
suna ... also doesn't wanna deal with anyone's shit. 
osamu ... doesn't wanna deal with atsumu’s shit in particular 
matsuwaka ... have you seen his eye bags? please daddy baby get some sleep 
TENDOU ... this man inhales that shit bro you cant convince me otherwise
hanikami  .. yeah it just fits tbh.  he hears oikawa speak once and just downs a full cup
semi ... he’s tired of everyone’s ..,,,, everything ?? he needs a nap ok he also gets vv grouchy when he’s jetlagged dont @ me. post time skip he downs a cup or two before he gets off a plane so if there’s any fans on route that stop by he isn’t rude n grouchy to them 🥺🥺
somehow doesn't ever need coffee, they're always awake enough to function (if only barely):
daichi... he had to get used to it, dealing with all of their shit for so long.  
kageyama... somehow drinks milk and is then completely fine?  nobody knows how.  milk literally makes you tired i- downed a pack of strawberry milkshake at a training camp and was physically buzzing from all the fructose
kuroo ... pre time skip this man has never drank a single sip of coffee once in his entire life i guarantee you.  but post time skip??? cEO KUROO???? ........ yeah he still barely drinks it, but hes always got a large ass Starbucks cup on him so everyone fears him, thinking he’ll be cranky without it it was a present from kenma awh .  its actually filled with water or tea of protein shake or something im crying.  like can you just imagine everyone in the office scurrying to get the big ass rooster head-ass boss his cup of morning coffee bc they've seen him with this enormous ass titan of a travel mug everyday and he takes it every morning graciously, only to give it to kenma when/if he drops by through the day.  pls im sCREAMING
shirabu ...  thinks its gross dont ask me why.  i have it drilled in my head that tendou got everyone to drink it but they pretended because they didnt wanna hurt his feelings, and nobody actually liked him.   
ushijima  ... the most self explanatory thing ive ever seen in my life oh my god. he read online once that it has addictive qualities and immediately went d r u g s ? ! ? ! ? ! ? tries his best to stop tendou from his “addiction”. “it’s like heroine, satori. you know, like cocaine. irl make you sick” pls my heart can’t take it
aran  ... i also legit dont have a reason for this just lOOK at him
kita  ... he doesnt need it dude hes fine. dont ask how, he gets a good nights sleep.  literally never needs to pull all-nighters. cute baby awh i love him sm 
aone... i physically mentally? can not  see this man drinking coffee it doesnt work
IWAIZUMI ... honestly i dont know how he does it.  he is a tired man how does he nOT DRINK IT.
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