#my fav hobby is making coffee
teenage--dirtbag · 21 days
hi guys!!! i figured id create one big post with alllll the ana stuff that's been helpful for me!!
#1- dollar tree stuff for my broke girlies
- instant coffee
- sf powerade
- sf jello(my dollar tree has the pre-made packs and the powder!!)
- sf gum(mint is my fav)
- sf candy(eat in moderation, i love the sf hard caramels bcuz they're 9 cal each and satisfy my sweet cravings!!!)
- off brand AND on brand diet coke!!
#2- what to do after a binge
- sip, dont chug, some water
- leave the kitchen/wherever ur eating
- go on a walk or do some other exercise- i like going on walks outside bcuz it helps burn off the cals AND it gets me away from food
- try not to purge- it does more damage in the long run!!
- don't try to over-restrict the next day to make up for it; you'll probably just binge again!
#3- tips on how not to binge
- eat slowly. chew your food at least thirty times before swallowing. this helps you feel full faster!!
- it's better to eat one oreo than a whole pack. try eating a tiny bit of what you're craving, chew really slowly, and account for that in ur daily cals!!
- if you find yourself binging, you may have to increase your cal limit- an extra hundred calories a day is better than regularly binging
- have!!! meta!!! days!!!
#4- my fav low cal foods
- rice cakes(a classic for a reason!!)
- canned tuna- 100 cals seems like a lot but for 27g of protein it's worth it
- cucumbers
- watermelon
- unsweetened almond milk
- sf jello(only 5cal a cup!!)
- coffee with sf syrup
#5- 📌terest key words
- 4n meal
- 4n4 aesthetic
- meals restriction
- super skinny
- 4n motivation
- meal restrict
#6- what to do instead of eating
- watch/read triggering stuff(to the bone, girl interrupted, supersize vs super skinny, wintergirls)
- paint your nails/do your makeup
- go on a walk
- drink some coffee/smoke a ciggie
- start learning a new hobby- learning something like crochet or painting keeps your hands and your mind busy
- clean your room/rearrange your furniture/do some chores- the gross ones are bound to kill your appetite
i'll update as i find more and tell me if i missed anything!!
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thatgirlie-diaries · 11 months
Academic tips that work for me
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Hello girlies! This is a post that I have been delaying for like 2 weeks, but now it's time or me to post it. In this blog I will give you all the things I do to keep myself getting high grades and maintain the "intelligent" persona I have worked for since I started studying my college career and fortunately others see me this way now.
I do not study hevy or know a lot about studying methods, I am more into "smart work > hard work" kind of thing
My personal tips
This are my tips being an auditory person focused on being effortless
Understand your learning style: Are you visual? Auditory? Or kinesthetic? By knowing this you can apply studying methods that are efficient for you.
Pay attention to your classes!: I think the main reason I slay effortlessly my exams is because of this so I only need a quick study. You will be saving future time since your study sessions will be lighter because you will remember lots of the things.
Participate / Ask questions: It's easy, you will get points with your teachers as a great student, plus you will get your questions solved.
Put your on a place you can't see it so it doesn't distract you, for classes or when you need to study / get work done.
Study in a place when you feel comfortable, it can be at an cafe or at the library, even in your bedroom at a desk, what matters is that you feel comfortable and that you get the feel of "this is a place where I can study / do my assignments" and not feel lazy or uncomfortable by "x or y" reason. As a plus, keep your space clean and only with the necessary at sight.
Use music that doesn't distract you and you vibe with: Listen to music that doesn't have lyrics, but that's a basic by now. What I recommend you is to listen to music that you just vibe with to get your desired mood and motivation. In my case, I listen to videogame soundtracks since it makes me feel relaxed or to classical music because I fee like "that business girly", either way music helps me concentrate.
Romanticize your studies: This can mean different things to all of you reading this post, I am talking about making your academic journey fun and pleasing rather than streesing! Some ideas are having cute stationery, take cute notes, act like one of your fav academic characters, have study playlists, drinking coffee, go to the library or to cafes, dress cute for school, read, light candles, watch "study with me" videos and study vlogs, create a pinterest board, stablish academic goals, etc.
Do your homework when you have free time at school / college or do it as a first thing after your schedule, this will help you save time. Think about it, if you do it while having free time at school / college you don't need to do it at home. And if you need to do it at home, if done as the first thing, you will either way get so much free time and can focus on other tasks or activities freely.
Be organized: Have a bullet journal or use an app to keep track of your subjects and assignments. By this you will remember and keep in sight upcoming deadlines and events.
Take care of your academic relationships: I make sure that the people inside my circle of friends are girls (mainly, but boys too) who I feel comfortable, have fun with but also are similar to me in the sense that they take seriously her studies and are good teammates. Outside of them I also focus on other potential classmates that are intelligent and have similar values. There is no need to bother on the ones who don't attend classes, are irresponsable and don't even know what are they doing in the course.
Take care of yourself: Ask yourself? Will it be worth it while not sleeping enough, having a poor diet and exercise? By not letting yourself rest or have fun from time to time? By not practicing self-care? By not practicing any hobby or taking the time for your interests ? Please take care of yourself, girl, this is the lowest part of the pyramid. The reason to care is not only your wellbeing, but also because having a poor lifestyle can have bad effects for you that also affect your performance, and we won't like that.
Now go and slay your academic year / course! 𑄽𑄺ྀ
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us3rnam3-r3dact3d · 28 days
It is my birthday today, so here are some Redacted Boys on their Listener’s birthdays
Birthday planner extraordinaire. David plans birthday presents months in advance, consults Asher (master gift giver) and your friends to find out the perfect gift is. He doesn’t believe in giving you refills on any of your every day self care products, fav foods, any of that. He wants each and every gift is special and something you’ll actually enjoy, but not something you’d think to get for yourself. Angel strikes me as a party person, and David is a magnificent host. He once even managed to pull off a surprise party for you without a hint of suspicion.
Birthdays are an all week (sometimes month) affair for Ash. He starts the celebrations on the first of the month (a few weeks ahead of that if the first is your actual birthday). He decorates the entire house, gets you multiple cupcakes and treats throughout the month “because it’s your birthday!! I know it’s two weeks away what does that have to do with anything??” Ash is, as previously mentioned, a master gift giver. He gets you several gifts, scattering them across the month, that are Exactly what you want, often without you even having realized you wanted it. He pays attention to you throughout the year, especially when you go shopping together or what you’re online shopping, and keeps lists on his phone of stuff you look at but don’t get for whatever reason. He makes you feel special for as long as he can milk it!
Extravagance is the name of Milo’s game. He’s a bit more low key about it than Asher, but he puts just as much attention and dedication into making your birthday special as his friends do. Milo believes in quality over quantity, and he has expensive taste. You stopped looking up the prices of his gifts years ago, since they often made you a bit queasy. Very nice clothes, jewelry if you’re that kind of person, accessories and items that have to do with your hobbies that you haven’t gotten bc of how expensive they are. He gives you a few, beautifully wrapped gifts, gets you coffee in the morning, takes you to lunch, your favorite shops/activities, and finishes the day off with an expensive dinner out. He takes the day off work, even though he never willing takes his own birthday off (David has forced him to a few times). Although it’s true year round, Milo makes sure on your birthday especially that you know you are the center of his world.
Vincent used to be an extravagant person, but in recent years he’s come to appreciate the intimacy of a quiet, private day for the two of you to celebrate together. Vincent showers you with gifts of course, but that’s no different than every other day of the year. He spends every second of the day waiting on you hand and foot. He makes you breakfast in bed, makes sure you have time to shower, do some self care, peacefully do the things you love without having to worry about anything. He learns and practices how to make your favorite meals in private, gets a fancy cake shipped in from out of state, and spoils you with fine wine and champagne to celebrate. He plans and purchases a birthday outfit for you every year, which perfectly compliments your style and is tailored to fit you (how he does that without you ever having to sit for a fitting eludes you), and he takes you to all of your favorite spots where the two of you can celebrate together.
Simple is the name of the game for Sam and Darlin. I feel like neither of them are huge birthday people, but Sam wants his partner to feel special, even if it’s just another day. A simple gift, something you already need but probably won’t but for yourself. He makes sure nothing and nobody bothers you all day, often employing the pack to make sure you’re left alone in the peace of the cabin you two share. You go on walks around the woods, sharing the quiet together. He makes you a cake himself. The icing is messy and it’s a touch too dry, but it was made with so much love it hardly matters. He makes you feel loved and special without feeling exposed or observed.
And that’s what I’ve got rn. Might come back later with the damn boys, but I’m going to go eat some cake!!
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lotomber · 9 months
Hi! Just looked through your stuff and it's amazing! I really love you choice of profile design aswell. I come with a request, you can ofcourse just ignore it you don't feel like it.
The request is Yandere Fyodor x reader, who he has been stalking, and slowly been befriending for awhile, but reader has trust issues and it takes a long time before he can actually start giving romantic hints. So ofcourse Fyodor who, in this scenario, has urges and is getting impatient. So he drugs them and kidnaps them :). I was thinking smut where he places reader's hand on where he wants them to touch him, but go with whatever you want or not at all. Hope you have a great day/night
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Pairing: Yandere! Fyodor x GN! Reader Warning: NSFW, smut, yandere behavior, stalking, drugging, Noncon/dubcon, not proof read!
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You frequently visited the cafe near your place after college/work. you didn't had many friends, you preferred to read books at your fav cafe. One day when you were reading a book a man approached you.
"Is that (any of your fav book) you're reading?" he had a pale face with beautiful magenta eyes and shoulder length messy black hair with a ushanka, He was absolutely beautiful.
"Uh yes. Is there any problem?" you answered despite his sudden intrusion.
"I couldn't help but notice the book you were reading and it's my favorite. Oh pardon my rudeness I'm Fyodor Dostoevsky, Do you come here regularly?"
"I'm (Name), yes the ambience and coffee is nice here so I do come here often. Are you a Russian?" you couldn't help but be curious about the mysterious man.
"Yes I'm a Russian I moved here due to some work so I still don't know many people here would you mind if I sit with you?"
"Ah no, you can sit here if you want to." at first you felt awkward and hesitant with him but despite your worries you both hit really well and instantly became friends. You both started meeting often at the same cafe, Your hobbies, favorite books and ideologies matched with each other.
But what you didn't knew was the fact that he already knew everything about you, your every single personal information from when and where you go to your likes and dislikes, He was always lurking in your shadows and finding the right time he approached you with an innocent face at that cafe he knew you frequented.
But despite his efforts whenever he made any romantic gestures you always backed out, rejected his advances and always drew a line. he was getting impatient of this and he couldn't control his urges anymore so he thought of another way.
As usual he was waiting for you at the cafe and when you came he offered to buy you a coffee which you accepted. He sometimes buyed you coffee which you didn't minded but today was something rather off about him which you wished you could've noticed earlier.
Just after taking a few sips of the coffee you started feeling weird, your mind went foggy and you felt a hot burning sensation all over your body soon you fell unconscious and the last thing you saw was the unsettling smile of Fyodor.
When the first time he saw you, he instantly fell in love with you. That's why first he used the indirect way to approach you. Everytime you talked to him he would stare at your lips thinking how they would feel on his lips as his tongue mingle with yours or how your pretty little hands will look pumping his cock. No one could ever comprehend what filth he thought behind that innocent face. But whose fault it was that he was like this? Of course yours, after all his love for you made him like this so he's gonna make sure that you'll take responsibility!
After a while you opened your eyes in an unfamiliar place and he was there in front watching you with that same smile. You wanted to say something but your mind was still in a haze and you felt that burning sensation more prominently than before that it was almost hurting.
"Hmm what happened darling, not feeling good?" he said in mocking tone.
"Y'know darling it's not even half of what I felt whenever I saw you but don't worry I'll help you I'll make you feel good cause I love you!" he leaned over you whispering in your ear as he started kissing your neck. While he held your hand making you touch his already hard throbbing cock.
"Can you feel it darling? can you feel it me? it's all because of you!" he said in a low seductive tone as he proceeded to kiss you, pushing his tongue in your wet cavern.
You wanted to protest and stop him but you don't know if it was because of your hazy state of mind or something else, it felt good. His touch felt ethereal, he tore your clothes as he was getting too impatient to undress you slowly. He covered two of his fingers in spit before plunging them in your hole. You let out a yelp as you felt his fingers stretching you for a while. After that without warning he pushed his whole length in your hole. You shrieked in pain as he starting thrusting without giving you time to adjust.
"F-fuck you feel so good, darling!" he let out loud grunts as he kept thrusting.
It was wrong, yes it was really wrong but what could you do when it all felt so good?
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A/N- I don't support any of the themes mentioned above in real life!
P.S - Sorry this took time cause I was busy with my exams. I still have some requests pending I'm gonna complete them soon so please wait!
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aca-ttacka · 5 months
btw my courf rlly likes fashion design and its a hobby that has dominated an entire room in his apartment. frequent models/victims include ever-patient ferre, immediately accessible marius as his roommate and enjolras until he gets poked one too many times by the needle and storms out to make rage coffee with courf's fabrics still hanging off of him. his fav model tho is jehan who thoroughly enjoys the entire process and likes to help courf come up with ideas
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idv-sunsxin3 · 8 months
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Horropedia // 3 AM Thoughts
Notes// Late night moments with him- I sometimes can't or don't even want to sleep just because I wanna make a snack and binge on my fav stuff/ih
{When you can't sleep}
Usually. Horropedia is a big night owl- he definitely would go all-nighters at times just to spend his only time on his favorite hobby after a long day of work. Relying on the art of coffee to keep him awake...
But of course, sometimes he does sleep at normal hours. Especially when you come over to stay over after a little indoor date or because you both just comfortably decided to.
Knowing yourself... there are times you get hungry at night and make chocolate pudding in the middle of the night- or using whatever you have that is still in the fridge.
But well... late night snacks at Joshua's is a different story-- at first, you're not even sure if is right to just raid someone's fridge like that. Last time you tried to make lunch for him, he tries everything to prevent you from moving a finger while being his "guest"-- well, that's a very too special treatment for a typical guest at his place 🤔
Nonetheless, you gotta.... nudge your boyfriend awake??? You took a second to contemplate before "screw it, I'm hungry and that's important-"/ih
You nudge Horropedia by the shoulder lightly. His arms are wrapped around you, asleep with his face half-buried in the pillow and glasses put away by the nightstand.
He doesn't respond the first time, merely twitching slightly while still muttering random things that sound incoherent, so you try again with more force.
"Babe," you raise your tone a bit while whispering. He then grumbles under his breath, slowly rousing from sleep.
"...What?" he asks, voice raspy before he takes one hard to rub his eyes a bit. What time is it...?
"I'm hungry," you tell him quietly, whispering not to break the tranquility of the night.
'What....?" He mutters, leaning on the back of your neck as he keeps his cheekbone laying on his pillow. Small groans can be heard as warm breath brushes over your nape.
"I'm hungry.... Food, please." you politely request him, but louder this time.
Horropedia wakes up a little bit more at your request. Blinking once or twice before pulling away to stare at the back of your skull for a moment. He frowns at you. Glancing at the clock on the wall, before giving you a slightly frustrated stare once more. Carefully reaching out his hand for his glasses through the dark before wearing them. His eyes can be vaguely seen as tired and in disbelief.
"At this hour...???" he asks dryly. "It couldn't wait until breakfast at least?"
You shake your head, knowing yourself very well that you'll go more edgy by the time the sun rises.
"No... I don't think l'Il be able to sleep." You sincerely say as in slight sorry tone, "I can make you your coffee, if you want...--"
He sighs as a response, but doesn't contest further. Instead, he presses a kiss to your cheek, and then one to your lips a bit lazily... seeming to want to feel its familiar softness one more time before stretching a bit.
"You're silly..." he says it fondly though his breath, and you beam up at him tiredly. I mean, he doesn't seem to mind it much.
He slips out of bed. "I'II just make you a snack that you like, okay?" he suggests through his remaining hiarse tone, "I gotta have to get myself a coffee too anyway... you silly menace of society-"
Before walking out of the room, he throws another playful glare as he says that, obviously intending to tease you.
You can only nod happily,
climbing out of the sheets after him.
{When he can't sleep}
Sometimes, he wants to sleep beside you. And there are times he struggles to sleep because he's too excited to see tomorrow with you. Thinking about all the things he reminisces... the things he wants to talk with you.
You can feel a pair of eyes staring through the pitch-black room, windows shut closes with curtains on and the door locked.
It almost sounds like a horror movie, the typical story about monsters underneath your bed... except that you is just your lover having this strange 3am thoughts while staring at you in your sleep. Laying beside you on his bed as you're trying to keep yourself warm... Horropedia has this nature of keeping the room cold with the AC on.
"So the killer was named William Afton, and his modus operandi was to abduct a child and hide their bodies in the fursuits of the animatronic performers. Afton was never caught, and the spirits of those victims melded with the Freddy's cast — which is why they seek vengeance in the fiction.---"
His feathery voice softly rambles on as he plays around your hair. Before shifting his tiny attention on your unattended fingers, brushing your palms in slow and small circular motion before carefully interwining its fingers with his.
His eyes shifting to different angles as his hand lightly motion around. Yet, his glance never fail to look away from your sleepy face for more than a second.
The only light present is the dim-lit dot that comes from his watch. His gun is put away on his desk from afar, sloghtly blinking whole it's charging. Your eyes go heavy by the slight soothing feeling of his hands tightly rubbing your scalp, as you snuggle more into the sheets.
"Mm..." That’s what you manage to say through your groggy voice, as if unconsciously making sure that you're listening to him. So the music of his chatty voice would never stop like a radiobox.
"While the story of the ghost children remains consistent with the Five Nights at Freddy's video game lore, there's an extra component in the movie. When Mike was younger, he watched his younger brother Garrett be kidnapped by an unknown assailant...---" Horropedia goes on as he starts pointing out the lore changes and additions to the fandom by the new horror movie. He goes on and on and on with the topic... from analisis to personal theories- until he notices the silence from you.
His heads slowly gets closer to your figure, which happens to be now in full sleeping mode. He sighs silently with a warm smile before planting a kiss on your forehead and softly booping your nose goodnight.
"We'll talk more when the sunrise comes, then."
The brunette declares quietly. He still cannot sleep... So he ends up smiling like a dork as he listens to your light snoring... until his eyes decide to rest once more.
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malusokay · 2 years
How to be confident part 2
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After my first post on confidence, I started receiving many asks to please talk about this more! I love helping you guys grow and slowly become the person you dream of, so let's go <3
Be proud of your achievements.
No more people pleasing. Something I had to learn is that you don't have to be everyone's darling.
Get out of your comfort zone. Get a coffee and chat with the barista, go to a concert alone, try a new hobby and so on :)
Talk politely and expand your vocabulary. Reading and writing can help a lot!
Start journaling. Vent when you need to, it doesn't have to be pretty or aesthetic; clean your mind.
Watch your body language. Stand up straight, don't slouch, walk with purpose, and don't hide your hands.
Don't be afraid to ask questions.
Stop chasing people. The ones meant to stay in your life will remain with you. Sometimes we need to distance ourselves from people so we can grow! :)
Moisturized. I get nervous when my lips and hands are dry!
Keep your standards high. This applies to friendships, dating, grades, pretty much anything. Self-respect!!
Don't let people interrupt you!!
Start each day with a positive mindset. Get up in the morning with purpose and try to make the best out of any day. <3
Be on time. Coming late to something important is always a bit awkward.
Use fewer filler words when speaking. Uhm, just, like, I think, etc. Don't be afraid to slow down and think about what you want to say. Take your time!
Don't chase anyone's validation. Instead, do things for yourself and make yourself proud.
Unfollow people on social media that make you feel bad about yourself.
Be kind. I see people on TikTok all the time being rude and mean to appear confident. Let's be honest, they look quite silly, lol.
Have a signature scent! I like something that gives me comfort and helps me stay calm. My fav is vanilla. <3
Don't look at your phone when entering a room or going somewhere. Instead, try being as present as possible, or at least look like you are, lol.
Take care of your appearance. Whatever feels good to you, maybe get a lash lift, find makeup that works for you, clean nails, wear something you like...
Don't tell everyone your insecurities. Putting yourself down is not a good conversation topic.
Make time for yourself. Relax, recharge and focus on yourself. <3
Confidence is a huge deal, so if you have any questions feel free to ask them in the comments or my 'ask me anything'. I will also make a post soon on how to improve your public speaking! <3
I also plan on going through my asks Tomorrow (Sunday), so if you have anything you would like to share or need advice on, just submit it to the link above (the ask on, haha) <33
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prentissluvr · 3 months
For your relationship he milestone event!
Character: Emily Prentiss (Criminal Minds)
Dynamic: Romantic
In the CM universe, my occupation would likely be a child/adolescent therapist (which is my dream job I'm currently going to college for). Four words l'd use to describe myself are sensitive, kind, anxious, and loyal. Some of my hobbies are listening to music (currently fav artist is Chappell Roan) and creating art (drawing and writing). My favorite love language to give and receive is quality time and/or words of affirmation. I have a bit of an obsession with birds and psychology. I really love learning about both subjects, they are so interesting! Finally, I'm afraid of being misunderstood (AuDHD) and of spiders.
Congrats on your milestone! I can't wait to see what other stuff you write and do! Have a good day/night!
hello hello jay !! thank you so much sweetest!! so excited for an emily request!! i hope you have the loveliest day/night as well!!
[ 🖇 ] ahhh i totally think that you and emily would meet while she's on a case, maybe you'd be consulting to help them out!
[ 🖇 ] she would immediately be struck by your intelligence and by how much you care about your job and the children that you help
[ 🖇 ] she picks up very quickly on your sensitivity and kindness, and does her best to calm your anxieties (since talking with scary fbi people can be, well you know, scary)
[ 🖇 ] once again, she’s just immediately really drawn to your knowledge, kindness, and loyalty
[ 🖇 ] she’s really interested by you and leaves you her card (with her number underlined) and actually ends up being the first to call you again because she thinks you could help the team with a new case
[ 🖇 ] she’s all like “actually i know someone, they’re so smart and could totally help us”
[ 🖇 ] and the second time you meet she asks you to coffee
[ 🖇 ] she’s extra glad about that decision because she hears chappell roan playing from your office before you turn it off and it’s not her usual music style but she loves chappell roan so much and no one can change my mind about that
[ 🖇 ] in terms of your relationship in general after you start dating, she really just loves everything about you
[ 🖇 ] she finds you really interesting and enjoyable to be around, and her love language is definitely quality time as well, especially because it’s hard to find that
[ 🖇 ] that makes every moment she can spend with you so so special to her!!
[ 🖇 ] she’s also a fan of giving and receiving words of affirmation as well, she’s very likely to give lots of words of affirmation, especially when you’re feeling anxious or misunderstood
[ 🖇 ] she really does her best to reassure you, and she really likes to be the one who can make you smile again or help you to feel better
[ 🖇 ] though she doesn’t show it outwardly as much, she really really appreciates the fact that you also give words of affirmation
[ 🖇 ] she knows that she is capable and smart, but when you affirm to her that she’s a good lover to you, that’s so important and special to her and makes her feel loved <3
[ 🖇 ] emily also really appreciates the overlap in your interests about psychology!! she’s more than happy to blab on about profiling for you because she knows you love to hear it
[ 🖇 ] even moreso, she loves to hear you talk about psychology because you’ll know about certain areas and ideas that she doesn’t
[ 🖇 ] even if you’re repeating something she already knows, she doesn’t care because she just loves to listen to you talk, especially about the things you love!
[ 🖇 ] so this definitely applies to your obsession with birds!!
[ 🖇 ] ornithology isn’t something that emily is particularly interested in on her own, but she completely adores how much you love birds
[ 🖇 ] she’s more than happy to listen to you talk about birds and indulge your obsession by going bird watching with you or buying you plushies of your favorite kinds of birds
[ 🖇 ] while emily is totally a city girl, she really appreciates that your interest in birds makes her get out there and into city parks or somewhere much more nature-y with better birding!
[ 🖇 ] she might not remember a ton about all of the bird facts you feed her, but she does her best to file information away about it anyways
[ 🖇 ] she’ll find herself identifying birds you always point out to her while with the rest of the team and they’ll be like “i didn’t know you knew so much about birds” and if you don’t mind her talking about you, she’ll gush that it’s actually you and your amazing knowledge!
[ 🖇 ] if she’s going somewhere on a case where you can find certain birds that don’t live in the dc region, she’ll keep an eye out for birds that you told her she might see there!
[ 🖇 ] and she might not actually be able to identify most of them, but once she sent you a picture of a mountain bluebird when she was on a case in the west!
[ 🖇 ] alright away from the birds and ontothe fears lol
[ 🖇 ] once emily finds out that you worry about being misunderstood, she is always doing her best to never be the one to put you in that position
[ 🖇 ] she already has knowledge about audhd, but she’s going to do as much research as she can and ask you as many questions as you’re comfortable with to makes sure that she understands you to the best of her ability
[ 🖇 ] being nuerodivergent can be difficult, especially as an adult in the workforce who needs to mask a lot, so emily is always doing her best to help you ease the pressure by making sure you feel like you don’t have to mask around her
[ 🖇 ] and yes! emily will absolutely take swift care of any spiders that might come near you!
[ 🖇 ] she is your spider-killing knight in shining armor hehe
[ 🖇 ] oh! and i almost forgot about your creative hobbies!
[ 🖇 ] honestly, emily does not have the time or necessarily interest in creative hobbies herself, which make her love that about you even more!
[ 🖇 ] she is a huge huge fan of anything you create and is just in total awe with what you do!
[ 🖇 ] she’s so grateful and happy that you bring more creativity and art into her life, and is always so encouraging about you pursuing those hobbies!
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relentlessly-tired · 4 months
how do I stop myself from eating? I hate looking like a pig but I always end up eating. I've tried gum but I always run out whenever I need it. any advice? thanks
Honestly my biggest piece of advice is DON'T stop eating. Literally, NEVER start dping fasts/OMAD. Obviously everyone is different and if it works for you yay, but for me personally fasting and OMAD has messed me up. Always led to more binges and uncontrollable eating bc if just make myself wait till i was sooo fucking hungry. And also I got used to eating rlly large volumes of food which even tho it was veg and stuff probably stretched my stomach out so the times I did binge it was way worse and also just in general took ages to start feeling full w small portions again. So yeah, anyway here are my biggest tips:
1- don't fast.
2- take it slow. Your body takes a little while to adjust to being in a deficit, so only slowly up your deficit every few days.
3- don't restrict too low. I've found much better results by eating 1k-1.3k cals and then being very active and burning 2k-2.5k cals a day. So a deficit of 1k or more. Rather than eating 500cals a day and only burning 1.5k cals (I'm short af might be different for u) and still being in a deficit of 1k. It's way more sustainable, haven't binged in a while, and mentally more clear most of the time.
4- protein and fibre. Yogurt. Fruit. Eggs. Cottage cheese. Chicken. Meat. vegetables. Eat those types of food and you'll feel way fuller for longer. I hardly get the urge to snack for hours after eating a meal now.
5- snack on low cal foods. Fruit. Carrots (my personal fav). Ham slices. My snacks is where ill let myself have a biscuit or piece of chocolate (roughly 150 cals worth). It stops the cravings.
6- don't completely cut out sugar, but limit it. This works for me. I don't eat sweeteners or sugar ever unless it is given to me, then I always accept and just budget it into my daily cals. Never drink anything other than coffee, water, tea. Your body gets used to not having sm sugar and it gets sm easier.
7- dont be afraid to eat at maintenance. Every few days after being in a large deficit, I always have a maintenance day and then the next day is lower than maintenance but still not as low as I usually go.
8- get away from the kitchen. Stop thinking ab food. Get hobbies. (The hardest thing for me tbh)
9- running completely curbs my appetite.
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amhrosina · 2 years
Birthday Celebrations (Frank Castle x Reader) Headcanons
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A/N: Happy (belated) Birthday to @wanda2themax, who requested birthday headcanons with Frank!
(Warnings: references to smutty behavior (my fav kind from frank), frank being a total simp for reader and loving every minute of it)
Frank’s been around the block a time or two, so when it’s his sweetheart’s birthday, he’s already been preparing for at least a month prior. 
He’ll wake you up with sweet, soft kisses down your spine, whispering how much he loves you inbetween kisses. 
A soft “Happy Birthday, sweetheart” while nuzzling against your ear (esp. if your love language is touch) 
Even if you insist you don’t want any fuss over your birthday, he does it anyways because you deserve to have people fussing over you. 
If you’re a breakfast person, he’ll tell you to stay put in bed while he prepares your favorite breakfast foods. If you’re just a ‘coffee in the morning’ type of person, he’ll make sure it’s made perfectly and brought to you in bed. 
He’d definitely go down on you as soon as you’re awake and call it present number one. 
The way this man would do anything and everything to make you feel special (which isn’t unlike every other day of the year, just a little extra on your birthday). 
When you finally make it out of the bedroom, he’ll have a giant bouquet of your favorite flowers waiting for you on the counter, plus a handwritten card because he knows you like “that sentimental shit”. (He secretly adores the sentimental stuff too.) 
He gives you a present (one of many) and you almost cry when you realize it’s a gold chain/necklace with a little ‘F’ pendant. As a subtle joke, there would be a tiny skull pendant on the chain too. You love it and him and get carried away on the kitchen table for fifteen minutes. 
If you’re a museum/art lover, he’ll take you to any and all of the ones open nearby. Even if he can’t find it in himself to understand the art world, he’ll happily allow you to drag him from painting to painting for as long as you’d like.  
Maybe a cute lunch date in Central Park if you’re into that sort of thing. Obviously if you even think about paying for anything, Frank scolds you for it.  
“Let me take care of everything today, baby. Don’t you worry your pretty little head about a thing.” 
If you’re a book lover, maybe he’ll walk with you around the city, stepping in and out of bookstores until neither of you can see straight.  
He’ll lose his mind when he sees the outfit you’re wearing out to dinner because you’re so pretty and you’re all his and he can’t believe it. 
He’ll gift you something that has to do with your hobbies (so like a crocheter might get some really nice/expensive yarn, a book collector might get a first edition they’ve been searching for, a writer might get a beautiful hand-crafted notebook). He’s a thoughtful man and it shines through in the gifts that he gives you.
“I know you’ve been really wanting this for a while now, so I got it for you. Don’t look at me like that! I’ll spend my money however I like, and I like to spend it on you.” 
After dinner, he’ll take you to the pier where you met him, and he’ll buy you a little birthday cupcake. He has a candle and lighter ready to go (this man comes prepared), and he’ll whistle the ‘Happy Birthday’ song as he gets the candle ready. 
The way I’m willing to BET that this man would still have stuff planned. 
Like imagine if he paid some street performers (like violinists/guitarists/etc.) to play your favorite songs while you danced with him in a private little area on the pier. 
When you make it home, he has yet another present for you, and it involves a weekend trip out of the city with him because he wants to extend your birthday for as long as possible.  
He’s extra generous in bed that night, offering himself to you fully. 
“However you want me, baby. Just say the word.” 
When you finally drift off after possibly the best birthday of your life, Frank presses dozens of kisses to your shoulders, neck, back, and face, each one a reminder that he loves you and would do anything to make you smile. 
Tag List:
@xleiaorgana @mukbee @dilfs5678 @kokoterainonago666 @blackwidownat2814 @callsign-mama @minervadashwood @emiemiemiii @h4rrys @messymissy @mylifeispainandiloveit @mossexe @fightmilk @spikedhe4rt @fictional-hooman @merleisapartygod @babyslyth @legocity2 @quackson03 @certifiedhunter @deliciousfestsalad @dumb-fawkin-bitch @americaarse @thatgirljayy @hiyabyeyababy @theesexystallion @scoliobean @myguiltypleasures21 @dnxgma @evyiione @gpenguin666 @desert-fern @day-dreaming-goddess @rayray787 @ginnysculture @alexxavicry @hallecarey1 @km-ffluv @chiaraxtargaryen @trulylavandedarling @D0wnbad @lilyevans1 @imagineadream @22carolina08 @definitelynotsugar @casualchaoticdevil @peachy-flxwr @nashja @xshewayout @blep--bloop @kpopgirlbtssvt
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maislovebot · 1 year
Top 10 bsd characters oral scenarios: Francis Scott-Key
Welcome to the chapter of my 4th fav Fitzy:3
Contains: afab reader, no pronouns, fuck me till I forget trope, overstim, they’re married and have a kid, silly, reader is 30-35, some au where reader takes Zelda’s place and their daughter isn’t dead but he’s somehow still attacking the ADA??, idk just imagine he goes against them for a different but still noble reason, domestic, vaginal fingering, praise kink, come eating, overstim, p in v at the end, service top Francis
Everything seemed to be going wrong lately. Your beloved daughter was struggling with her school work, even though Francis had hired the best tutors available. You didn’t mind helping her with her homework, in fact you enjoyed the bonding time, but it was like talking to a wall a majority of the time.
Let’s not even get started on work. While the Guild wasn’t technically your group, you were practically the co-leader, as to be expected of Francis’ wife. Some members were beginning to show some hostility towards Francis, especially one specific farm boy, and it was getting tiring. You knew he wouldn’t ever actually harm Francis, as he was the man in charge of his payroll, but it was still exhausting.
Technically speaking, Francis is powerful enough to just punch John's lights out if he ever became too much of a threat, but you knew Francis couldn’t do that. As vain as he may seem, he is fiercely loyal to any and all members of the Guild, even Lucy who got kicked out some time ago. She was no longer a member, but she was still receiving many of the benefits, along with a new payroll from some coffee shop near the Armed Detective Agency’s office. And if worse comes to worse, she would still be allowed back with open arms if anything were to get too difficult for her, or if she was dealing with an ongoing threat.
Pretty much, she was still a member, but she wasn’t doing any of the dirty work anymore. Francis claimed he simply couldn’t bear to let her go out there all alone, which you understood. Lucy was a delight after all. She was polite, and honestly quite fun to be around. If you were younger, you could see yourself being genuine friends with her. You agreed to continue giving Lucy a payroll, under the condition that if she ever betrayed the Guild, all those remaining assets would be cut off.
To sum it up, things weren’t going very smoothly at the moment. You knew this would all pass once everything with the Armed Detective Agency passed, but as of right now..
You were stressed. Very stressed.
You haven't confided in Francis with your feelings, as you could tell he already had a lot on his plate. If you were stressed, you can’t even fathom how nervous he must be right now. The succession of this mission will result in either prosperity, or the end of the Guild as a whole if he doesn’t play his cards right.
Even among all this stress, Francis still managed to make time for you and your daughter to eat dinner every night at the luxurious dinner table.
“Francis, I’m sorry I didn’t make dinner tonight, I’m incredibly tired. At least the chef is available.” You apologized, as you normally make dinner, even if you don’t need to. He has over thirty-five chefs working under him, it’s a nice hobby though, so you make dinner. Francis says that even if it’s not professional grade, it has a home-esque feeling no other chef has been able to replicate.
“Don’t apologize, dear. Everyone needs a break sometimes.”
Francis brought his hand to your knee, and rubbed circles along it. His hand trailed up a little, just enough to tease, but he quickly pulled away as your daughter bursted through the door, presumably finished with her tutoring.
“Hey, sweetie. Have you finished your homework?”
She nodded boldly.
“Alright..tell me three things you learned. You’re studying ecosystems, correct?”
“Mhm!” She nodded again.
You gave her a look she knew all too well.
“Alright, well then, tell me three things you learned.”
Francis looked at you knowingly, knowing all too well she was having problems processing the information given to her.
“Uhhh..I learned about..precipitation?”
“Wasn’t that last unit?” You chuckled.
She looked to the floor, defeated.
Well, that’s a dead topic.
“Alright. I’ll quiz you again tomorrow, but you better remember something in that big head of yours!” You knocked her head gently and she frowned.
“Alright, I’ll try, I promise!”
As much of a face as you were putting on, you were beyond stressed. You were worried about her test scores. Even if she was only in fifth grade, she is going to a private school. Grades work differently there. Anything below a B- and you legally have to retake the class. What’s even the point of all the other grades, then? you wonder. Private school nonsense, is the answer you come to.
Just as you were about to let out an accidental sigh, you were cut off by the chef walking in with a large tray with dinner on it, along with a dessert (mainly for you and your daughter, as Francis preferred simplicities like tea). Francis, however, noticed your cut off sigh, and raised an eyebrow at you, unbeknownst to you. He decided to put it aside for now, and he looked at the plate of food in front of him, along with the cup of tea that was brought to him while he wasn’t looking.
“This looks good!” Francis looked at your daughter and pet her almost like a dog before grabbing her cheek gently, making her frown.
“Right, doll?” Francis questioned your daughter, obviously teasing her.
“Dad!” She yelled out, “I’m not a little kid anymore! I’m ten!”
He raised his hands in the air.
“Alright, alright. It does look good though right?”
She nodded furiously, before grabbing her fork and digging in enthusiastically. You and Francis chuckled, and when you made eye contact, he made a knowing look to you, before you two were cut off.
Your daughter swallowed her bite of food, holding her pointer finger in the air.
“Yum! Alright, so my friends want to sleepover at their house tonight, if that’s okay with you two.”
You looked at her quizzically.
“Which friends?”
“The two sisters.”
Ah, they were good kids. It was only five pm, and she did have her homework done, even if she didn’t remember any of it. It was also a weekend.
And of course, there was Francis. Considering the looks he was giving you, you could tell he wanted something out of you, and you’d be lying if you said you weren’t dying to find out what. You were even rubbing your thighs together once he had teased you earlier.
“Alright. You can. But you have to promise you’ll study at their house.”
Once you agreed, Francis smiled and placed his hand on your knee again, although it was rather innocent this time.
“Yes! I’ll call and let them know!” She ran off to her bedroom, before remembering one vital detail.
“Mom.. can I use your phone to call them?”
And now you and Francis were home alone, the only other company being the housekeepers packing up to return home for the day, and they’d be gone any minute.
You and Francis were going steady, with you straddling atop of him and kissing him deeply, ruffling his well kept hair with your hands. Although it was fairly innocent right now, you couldn’t ignore the strain you could feel against your crotch as you straddled him. Just as he couldn’t ignore how you were grinding up against his erection with each passing moment.
“Please, Francis.” You pulled away from his lips.
“Please what?” He teased.
“Please give me more.”
Francis nodded, and began to fondle your chest, rubbing circles along your nipples, pushing you over so you were now on your back with him above you. He trailed his hand down till he was prodding at your underwear, pulling it aside. You were only in your bra and panties now, and he was only in his button up shirt and boxers. So it wasn’t exactly difficult.
He pushed his middle finger inside your cunt, and he quickly moved his finger up to curl against your g-spot. When he dragged his fingers you trembled slightly and whined, making Francis chuckle.
“Looks like you needed this.”
Francis added another finger and thrusted inside faster, feeling you tighten around him. He smiled at your reactions, and kissed your forehead.
“You look stunning like this.”
He added another finger, and curled his fingers up to your g-spot harsher, and as he fucked you on the majority of his hand. Your eyes rolled back from all the intense feelings and you gripped the bedsheets. You gripped his wrist to keep him in place, aware of how much of a tease he could be at times. Francis chuckled, his voice riveting and vibrating against your skin. You couldn’t hold on anymore, and you let go of his wrist.
“Ah, close—I’m close..”
Francis sped up his movement, using his thumb to press your clit and rub circles against it. You arched your back up into his body and you finally came. The loud cry you let out went right to Francis’ ego and he got even harder than before, continuing to rub along your clit, slowing down his movements with his fingers. Allowing you to calm down from your high. Once your body relaxed and your orgasm died down, he pulled his fingers out of you and he licked his fingers clean before leaning down to kiss you again, making you taste yourself on his tongue.
“God, I can’t get enough of you.” Francis said once he pulled away, looking at your breathless face. Francis began to pull down your underwear, smiling at the small gasp you let out from your sensitivity.
Once he pulled your underwear down he continued feeling up your clit, relishing in the way you whined into his mouth as he kissed you. He needed this so bad. He was so tired, and you were proving to be a perfect stress reliever, even if he wasn’t getting all that much stimulation. He reached behind your back with his free hand and undid your bra, pulling it off your shoulders. You turned your head away from him, feeling a little shy. Which Francis wasn’t having at all. He gripped your chin with his dominant hand and looked into your eyes and kissing you yet again.
You were great at comforting him, but he was growing desperate for something that would help the ache on his hard on, so he straddled your thigh and started grinding against it like some teenager. He in turn whined into your mouth and groped you with his free hand. So much was going on at once, all you could do was grip his waist, wrapping your arms around him tenderly.
He was rubbing soft circles into your clit while leaning over you, helping you reach your absolutely ecstatic orgasm, your entire body practically giving out, with the only function left for your body to offer being to arch your back into him. The arching of your back brought your chest closer to him, and he almost instantly began licking at your chest at the opportunity.
It felt amazing, but it sent a wave of shock down your body and you jolted your back down into the bed, forcing his lips to detach from your chest.
“Are you okay?” He asked, looking up at your face with worry and regret covering his eyes completely, although he still had that iconic smile on his face
“No—no, it feels great, I’m just sensitive there as is, you going at it right after I come is..” You weakly got out, hoping that despite your underwhelming, tired tone you would get your point across.
That reassurance went straight to his ego, resulting in an aroused jolt (as if he wasn’t already painfully hard) on his end this time.
“Damn—I love you, s-so much—I want to—”
He didn’t even manage to finish his sentence before he was moving himself down between your thighs like a man starved. He tentatively licked at your clit and hole. It hurt a little because it was immediately after your orgasm, but it also felt phenomenal. It felt so good in fact that you rode yourself onto his face briefly before he took a hold on your hips.
“There’s no need to fuck my face, I’ll give you everything you want.”
And oh God did he keep his promise. He noticed how you were desperate for more tension, and pressed his tongue inside your hole as much as he was physically capable, stretching it out as far as he could reach. His thrusts with his tongue were emphasized by the way he tightened his grip on your hips, as he pulled your pussy onto his face as much as possible. Your legs were spread pretty far, considering how his head was separating your thighs, but it soon didn’t matter as you simply wrapped your thighs around his head.
You bucked your hips into his face, allowing his tongue to reach even deeper, and you cried out at your own movements. Francis’ thrusts of his tongue were driving you crazy, and you were starting to really forget about all the problems going on.
You didn’t have to worry about dinner right now, or tucking your daughter into bed, work was out of your mind, and all that you had to focus on was the miraculous way Francis worked with his tongue. No more stress today, Francis was going to make sure of that.
Francis was doing wonders with his tongue, kissing your clit whenever you whined particularly loud. He held your hips down with force, keeping you exactly where he wanted you. He kissed and licked at your clit, taking breaks every so often to kiss and nibble your thighs, it was sweet but you were going crazy with the way he’d switch from eating you out like his life depended on it to tenderly kissing your thighs, and in order to lock his head in place you gripped his hair, messing it up more than it already was from his rather stressful day. He throbbed at your actions and began licking and sucking your clit with even more determination. He moved his right hand up and put two fingers inside of you, curling them towards your g-spot, making you let out a loud whine and finally come all over his face.
You breathed heavily and slowly loosened the grip on his hair before letting go entirely, resting your arms on the bed.
Francis was known for being a man with a lot of self control, but he was absolutely desperate at this point and saved no time in kissing you quickly before pulling his pants down and lining himself up with your currently recovering heat.
“Wait.. Francis, I gotta recover.”
“Please, Dear. You can handle just a little more, just for me right?”
You nodded, unable to resist him. He treated you so well, he should get what he wants as soon as possible, right? You pulled him down by the shoulders and unbuttoned his dress shirt, his tie already long gone. By the time you were done taking off his shirt, he was already halfway inside of you, making you whine and tremble, and the buttons more difficult to undo.
Francis asked if you could handle a ‘little more’, but by the time he was done you were practically passed out. He went at it for such a longtime, you distinctly remember seeing white everytime you came. It was a strangely comforting feeling to fall asleep to. It almost felt airy, despite the aching pain in your hips from him gripping them so hard as he thrust himself into you. It felt like you were going to some second heaven, and it made you fall asleep with a clear head.
You fell asleep in Francis’ arms, holding him tight as he rested his head on yours, not having a care in the world.
You fell asleep with a smile on your face.
Wc - 2.6k
Omg we’re in top three territory now!! Ango will be next:)
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raven-the-claw · 1 year
A Complete Guide To Chaotic Academia
bc its my fav aesthetic and there is not enough content about it
most people say that chaotic academia is just dark academia but a little bit more messy, and, well, chaotic. the truth is, chaotic academia is A LOT more messy than dark academia. you can still use dark academia as kind of a "base", but you are going to replace your blazers with flannels, your turtlenecks with tshirts. as for pants, you can go with litteraly anything: cigarette pants, tailored trousers, ripped-up jeans or normal black leggings. i personally really ike ripped up overalls bc they give that "i dont really give a damn, im so misunderstood, my parents didnt love me, im a crazy lonely introverted teenage child" vibe...idk. whatever you wear, make sure you feel comfortable in it! even tho in chaotic academia there are almost no rules at all, here are some things that might help you!
colours: any earthy tones are fine, brown, caramel, dark green, dark red, white, etc etc
fictional characters that might inspire you:
-remus lupin
- any dpc character
- jess mariano
- sydney novak
accesories: flannels (a personal fav + they make even the most boring fit look better), cardigans, converse (bonus points if you draw/write on them or if you have them laced in a weird way), bracelets or necklaces that mean something to you, harry potter back packs, tote bags...
hairstyles: whatever you want, just make sure your hair is ALWAYS messy, looking like you just fucking woke up
Activities and Traits
ok now we're getting to the actually important part bc (repeat after me): chaotic academia is not about how you look, its about how you live and how you act. so here r some thing that might help:
- annotating books with the most unhinged random thoughts
- learning poetry or speeches word for word but not remembering most of the things for school
- studying in the (school) library and being besties with the librarian (optional)
- leaving notes (on trees, mailboxes or library books) for strangers to find
- "studying while listening to classical music" and then instead of studying you end up agressivly mouthing your favorite song
- im sure yall already heard this one, but yes, swearing and slag while discussing deep academic topics is incredibly important
- speaking of important topics: posting something important on social media knowing no one will read it
- doodles on your hands 24/7 (NO SUSAN, I DONT GIVE A DAMN THAT ITS BAD FOR MY SKIN)
- sarcasm. a lot.
- random thoughts
- random quotes
- knowing a ton of conspiracy theories that you dont even beileve in by heart
- listening to all different types of podcasts
- one day reading the classics, the next ya fantasy and day after that ao3 smut
- multifandom, multishipper
- tea/coffee addiction
- adding b.c. to todays date when writing it in school
- random thoughts and the weirdest annotations in your school notebooks, especially the classes that you find boring
- "going to the bathroom" and then spending half of your math class drawing/reading/smoking/crying/thinking/whatever the fuck you wanna do there bc ur tired of everything
- stealing random stuff from stores (tho it is not encouraged blah blah blah)
- watching gilmore girls every fall
- telling people ur favorite colour is green even tho it isnt just to let them know that ur gay
- reading in class, on breaks, at home, parks, meetings, aethletic events, and generally all the fucking time
- doing (mostly) everything last minute
- bad at photography, but you enjoy it
- cold tea my beloved
- wearing one item every day: it can either be a necklace, a flannel, a bracelet, a badge, headphones, earrings etc etc
- extremely messy handwriting, always writing with black pen
- crying at least once a day, but only when ur alone, being super emotional but never showing it
- hobbies include reading, screaming in your pillow, learning unique languages that you will probably never use, rewatching dead poets society, harry potter, enola holmes, end of the fucking world and gilmore girls
- massive bookworm, reads all the time, always has a book with them
- skipping class, not that often tho
- 💫anger issues💫
- hyperactive and lazy at the same time
- uses big words but makes fun of other people when they do it
- writes (rebellious) book quotes everywhere, every single one of their notebooks had IF WE BURN, YOU BURN WITH US written in them lol
- random useless powerpoints
- analysing taylor swift's folklore and evermore instead of sheakspeare because its just better
- retired almost-emo, had a phase when they wore black and acted all mysterious but were never really emo i cant explain it
- likes mcr. this one speaks for itself.
- gay and sad. no explanation needed.
Books, Movies and Music
- Harry Potter by you know who (WE DONT SUPPORT HER THO)
- The Secret History by Donna Tartt
- Night School by CJ Daugherty (is that how u spell it lol)
- The Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo
- Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
- Heartstopper by Alice Oseman
- Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
- Emma by Jane Austen
- Hamlet by Do I Really Need To Say Who
- The Perks Of Being A Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
- The Picture of Dorain Gray by Oscar Wilde
- Frankenstein by Marry Shelley
Movies/TV Shows
- end of the fucking world
- heartstopper
- harry potter
- enola holmes
- dead poets society
- gilmore girls
- httyd (no kidding lol)
im not really a film girlie so if yall have any recs please lmk
- Mother Mother
- Taylor Swift (obviously)
- Lana Del Slay
- Conan Gray
- Olivia Rodrigo
- My Chemical Romance
- Lovejoy
- Bowie
- Queen
- Radiohead
- Björk
- Those random Disney songs i know you scream to at 3am
also whoever sings the IMJUSTATEENAGEDIRTBAGBAABBYY song
here is my playlist if yall wanna listen to it
hope that helps lol
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valleyyofthemoonnn · 1 month
thank u beloved mutual @hillcrypt for the tag !!!!! -RULES: answer and tag 9 people who you want to get to know or just catch up with! favorite color: pink. i am pink's bitch. And proud of it last song: anthems for a seventeen year-old girl by broken social scene (shocker)
currently reading: tbh ive been so depressed ive stopped reading entirely which makes me sad :(. i want to read Piranesi though, because of the Laika movie news and a friend said i'd like it. i might get it soon currently watching: been rewatching adventure time and columbo and also continuing new girl ! it makes me laugh currently craving: mmmmmm big sandwich..... coffee or tea: both but i prefer coffee (iced spanish) hobbies to try: duude tbh i really wanna try to play a ttrpg <- is so scared of doing improv but also i wish i had the motivation to do more sewing.. i made a little mouse girl plushie earlier this summer and shes my fav thing ever current au: i have literally no clue how to answer this But i do want to say that ive been thinking a lot about the locked tomb college au. Objectively hilarious au given the everything about that series. i love it tags: @cowboys1million @bacap07 @slytheo @lip-scrub @theworldlookswhite @quantumxwoody @end-of--the-line @dragonpoof17 @lunarblazes woe tag game be upon ye
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that-girl-glader · 1 year
My Bianca Di Angelo headcanons before I forget, and because rick riordan didn't give us much to lean on
- She didn't get to have much interests or allow herself to develope an independant personality other than being an adult figure in Nico's life because she had to take care of him.
- She's a pretty quiet person. She only talks in one on one convos because she's kinda introveeted, and she finds conversations tough. She has no clue how to join in.
- This makes her an observer. A listener.
- Her favorite color is dark brown. it's just something about it.
- I saw this on a tiktok that her fav movie is Dorothy and the wizards of oz, and I agree. And since she loves it. Someone introduced her to the chronicals of narnia. And that's like her fav movie series (she also listens to the audiobook because dyslexia so she can't read it.)
- She hates coffee. But she loves cappuccinos/iced cappuccinos and Frappuccinos because they are like coffee flavored slushies (atleast the one I've had is)
- Her favorite animals are rinos and african elephants.
- Her style/aesthetic is dark academia
- Her nickname is Bee. Mostly because that's what Nico would call her when he was like 5 and it kinda stuck, i guess.
- To get kinda child of hadesish in what she's interested. She loves archeology and history which correlate in a way. Because archeology helps you learn about the past.
- She has a somewhat interest in dinosaurs, especially there bones and how they work. So she loves going to museums.
- She's aroace. Absolutely. Idk, it just makes so much sense to me.
- Her hobbies include watching video essays, photography, birdwatching, and doing the thing where you take flowers and squoosh them in a book for some reason. Her favorites are spider lilies.
- She's like that one friend who has zero allergies whatsoever (like me!!!).
- She loves indie horror movies. Like the ones that aren't just scary. The ones that have deeper meanings and lessons, and tell an actual beautiful story. In a kind of poetic way.
- On that note she found herself in the rabbit hole that is dark poetry, and is yet to come out.
Yep that's all for now!!! 🤎🤎🤎🤎🤎🤎
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rinayeas · 4 days
going through the worst writers block fucking ever so here's a ficlet/something headcanon something about my interpretation of the clone theory ft snipes bc he is my fav and also i love writing him
Cw: depression, depersonalization?, you can just skip to the end after the small lines to read my explanation on the theory.
He felt an emptiness in his chest.
The first day after getting logged into respawn, his head was killing him. A piercing pain through his right eye, extending itself to the rest of his body. The doc had morbidly joked about how that's what a lobotomy felt like, but with every passing day Sniper was thinking that he had actually gotten lobotomized.
Something felt wrong, life was colder, it felt like he had something ripped out from within him. He went through all his belongings, trying to recall what each of them meant to him, and he got all of them right. His memories were not missing, so what was wrong with him?
He wasn't a fan of going to the doctor, but inevitably had to take it up to Medic, who ran a few tests in him and told him everything was completely normal, that maybe he should try speaking to a psychiatrist or a trusted one. He didn't know how to feel about that one, his trusted ones were kilometers away from him, and he'd heard psychiatrists were for basket cases, and if there was something he'd tried to prove throught all his adult life, it was that he was Not Crazy.
He found himself growing quieter by the day, he was a man of few words, but he didn't even feel like saying hi to his coworkers, opting to shutting himself off from the world in his room. He slowly lost all enjoyment from the things he used to love, like hunting or camping. Nowadays his evenings were filled with music and his own thoughts.
He was getting better at his job, though, more strategic, maybe. He chalked it up to having extra time to meditate his next moves at night, laying on his bed. He'd become perceptive enough to catch the enemy Spy red handed enough times in one match that the frenchman had just stopped bothering him that day.
He'd picked up on a new hobby recently. He'd climb to the highest point on the base, perch himself with his rifle and some coffee, and just, watch through his scope. He felt like a creep the first few times, but the more he did it the more it felt like he filled up whatever hole was on his chest. He sometimes watched his own team, it was a quiet affair. But most times his scope was drawn over to the RED territory, the ruckus, explosions and screams being so loud they involuntarily called to him like a siren.
He watched people that looked exactly like his coworkers, but felt and acted so different from them that his brain could barely process them being the same people. He was mostly fixated on his counterpart, the RED Sniper. Living in a van outside the base, he watched as his clone retreated for the day, sometimes crawling up to his roof to watch the stars, and he felt a nasty envy crawl up to him.
It didn't even make sense, sleeping in the base was the smarter option, it was warmer during the cold desert nights, he had easy access to whatever he could need, and he didn't have to walk like an idiot every single morning to the battlefield, and still, the other Sniper chose to sleep in solitude, his only company being the nature that surrounded him. It didn't make any sense, and yet Sniper wished he was him, covered in a mantle of stars, enjoying coffee at 2 am without even thinking that it would make his insomnia worse and arriving 5 minutes before battle the next day for the prior reasons.
Nothing about the other man made sense, and he missed when life felt that way.
One night, he removed his hat and his glasses and he poked his head out of his outpost, he stared at the stars and stayed like that for a bit, imagining he was the other guy. He closed his eyes and felt the breeze hit his skin, and just for a second, the ache in his bones dissapeared, making him feel whole again. But his eyes snapped open and he found himself staring at the ground, a few meters below him. He remembered he had to get up at six the next morning.
And he felt a bit silly then.
Anyways my clone theory is that the mercs got split into right brain (red) and left brain (blu)
Like all of the red team is wayy more impulsive, creative, and just, loud and passionate. While the blus are more analytical and logical. (This theory also makes it so that emesis blu could completely theoretically happen within the canon timeline while the red team is teleporting bread so haha funny)
Naturally the two sides of the brain work in tandem so to them it DOES feel like something's missing they just aren't sure what it is. And by the time 1971 rolls around their two halves merge and they go back to being whoever they were before everything (which isnt very different they r still the same guys just more complete like a side a or b of a cassette). This last thing is scientifically not true but i like to think that some mercs just are more in tune with a certain part of the brain ergo some ppl like spy medic or engie choosing to wear blue in stuff like the comics or the official mvm cinematic. It's not scientifically viable but like, this is fucking team fortress 2 does anyone really care abt that??? anyways!!!! This was garbage mama but i just wanted to get smth out of my system im still on brainrot mode im sorry to my followers!
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phantasmacabre · 7 months
Sephiroth and Vincent for the meme
Yay! Thank you for asking! I have lots for Sephiroth. I believe I already did one of these for Vincent but I don't mind doing another one for you Snowy!
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Sexuality Headcanon: Sephiroth is a gay man and a gay icon
Gender Headcanon: AMAB
A ship I have with said character: Despite Sephiroth being one of my favorite characters I don't have many ships for him. Probably Sephiroth/Therapy is the biggest one, he deserves to be happy. I do love me some Sefikura though it's mostly when it's one sided. Sephiroth being absolutely obsessed with Cloud and Cloud wanting none of it is something I enjoy a little too much. @case-of-traxits may have also used her siren song to lure me into the SephTseng dinghy
A BROTP I have with said character: Sephiroth and Zack. I really like the dynamic they have and I hope we get some interactions with them in Rebirth since it would be heartbreaking for Zack to see the carnage his former friend leaves wherever he goes.
A NOTP I have with said character: AeriSeph, SephTi, Sephentine are my hard ones but it's just my opinion and it's a-okay if you enjoy those ships they're just not for me
A random headcanon: I have so many so I'll give a few short ones
1. Because he grew up in a lab and wore nothing but underwear and a hospital gown for the first 14 years of his life he dislikes wearing clothes, this has proved to be a huge issue in the SOLDIER locker rooms and Lazard has received many "anonymous" complaints that certain SOLDIERS are not doing their part to protect their honor
2. After Nibelheim he has a habit of watching Cloud sleep, it's one of his favorite hobbies, actually
3. His chest straps make him feel secure
4. He doesn't have many memories of Dr. Gast but those he does have are positive and include Dr. Gast telling him stories
5. He tried to escape the lab several times during his childhood which resulted in severe punishment from Hojo each time
General Opinion over said character: Along with Yuffie and Yuna, Sephiroth is my favorite Final Fantasy character. He is so beautifully and tragically written and steals every scene he's in. I could write more but we'd be here all day.
Vincent Valentine
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Sexuality Headcanon: Heterosexual
Gender Headcanon: Male but he considers himself to be a monster or sub species and so will interchangeably refer to himself as it and he
A ship I have with said character: @vinjaryou 's oc Reilena and Vincent is my otp for Vincent.
A BROTP I have with said character: VINCENT AND YUFFIE! My favorite BROTP! She's made friendship bracelets for them and insists he wear his all the time. Also Vincent and Cid and Vincent and Veld
A NOTP I have with said character: Vincent and Tifa, Vincent and Cid, Vincent and Cloud, Vincent and Sephiroth. That's just my opinion though, everyone is welcome to ship what they want
A random headcanon: again I have a few
1. He and Yuffie are roommates post canon. He sometimes regrets this decision
2. Once he gets a phone and learns how to text he is not very good at it and often sends lengthy text messages that sound like letters
3. He has PTSD related memory issues
4. He begins to smell faintly of formaldehyde when he goes for long enough without showering, when he first got out of the coffin this smell was very strong
5. His coffee is more sugar and cream than coffee and he adores the most calorie dense, sugary drinks on the menu at his favorite coffee shop
General Opinion over said character: I love Vincent! He's tied with Aerith and Auron for my second fav Final Fantasy character. I even modded a zine for him and run a fanweek for him at @vincentvalentineweek !
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