#also preferably get them from there too but also buying new from small businesses too is good
rotteneldritchhorror · 9 months
Being able to sew your own clothes may not be the most accessible things (especially sustainably) but I will forever be an advocate for being able to MEND your own clothes
Even if it’s a kinda ugly whip stitch on the inside of your shirt or a ladder stitch to adjust the size of some jeans or a mismatching patch on the sole of your socks— literally anything that’ll make your clothes last longer, even if it just means they’ll last long enough for you to give it away to someone else
And then when it can no longer be mended, use it to mend other clothes
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damiansgoodgirll · 1 year
Jude x reader where he buys reader a birthday gift and reader REALLY doesn’t like him spending money on her and her reaction isn’t the greatest and jude gets all pouty until he sees her wearing it one day.☺️
jude bellingham x reader
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spoiling you
you weren’t used to the fancy lifestyle your boyfriend jude was used too. you were a normal girl, grew up with a normal life, normal friends and your parents had normal jobs. you learnt how to appreciate the small things you had and, the high cost of living nowadays, the value of money and how money weren’t everything but, for some people were everything and more.
you were born in a normal town, not a big city like jude was, you weren’t used to the way people would dress in big cities and how they would show off their expensive cars and outfits. not only you weren’t used to that, you simply didn’t care.
jude learnt how you preferred a box of chocolates instead of a box of jewels, the way your smile shined everytime he got you a new book instead of a new expensive bag, how you preferred home cooked meal instead of spending thousands of money in a fancy restaurant, how you didn’t care about taking the metro or the bus instead of having a private driver.
but, deep down, he wanted to spoil you in more ways and what better occasion or your big birthday?
he had everything in mind. he saw a beautiful chanel bag, classy and elegant just how you were to him and he decided to gift you that. but when he walked into the store he also saw a beautiful chanel bracelet that would go amazing with your outfits and he decided to add that too at the gift.
he thought it wasn’t enough though, he wanted to spoil you with more than a bag and a bracelet. he wanted you to see how it really felt being able to have luxurious things. so he decided to match everything with a diamonds necklace, a very expensive one.
he put everything in a white bag so you wouldn’t suspect anything.
and when the party was over and it was only the two of you, that was when he decided to give you your gift.
“happy birthday love” he smiled as he handed you the bag.
“jude…we talked about this” you said.
“i know i know, but i wanted to give you something anyway” he teased “come on, open it” he said as you were both sitting on the couch.
your expression was between shocked and confused when you saw two chanel boxes and a tiffany one.
“jude? what is this?” you asked him, a little confused.
“your birthday gift! come on, open them, you’re gonna loved them” he was so happy and excited that you couldn’t say no to that face.
he was right - you liked the bag, the bracelet and the necklace, you only thought it was too much for you.
“jude i - i don’t know what to say…this is too much, like way too much, you shouldn’t have…” you said.
not the reaction he wanted but the reaction he was expecting.
“i know…i just wanted to spoil you, you never let me spoil you so i used your birthday as an excuse” he explained, looking at you with his big puppy eyes “if you don’t like them i can always return them…”
“what? jude i love them, all of this…it’s just…i didn’t expect it. you spoil me every single day, with your love and the things you do for me, that’s enough for me because i love you…” you said smiling at him.
“i love you too…” he kissed your lips “and i know you’re gonna find an occasion to wear those” he whispered and you nodded, too lost in his big eyes.
and the occasion came only two days after your birthday party. you were both invited to a business dinner and for the first time in your life, you thought about wearing those expensive things that jude got you for your birthday.
the moment he saw you coming down from the stairs wearing a beautiful long dress, hi heels, the black chanel bag he got you, the bracelet wrapped around your wrist and the necklace falling right into your cleavage, he thought he died and came back. you looked stunning and he fell in love with you more and more.
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caustinen · 3 months
omg i love how ur hollywood au is coming along, i need moreeeee
hii i’m so happy you like it!! here are some domestic headcannons requested by another user, it got hits of spiciness at times so hope that’s okay <3
hollywood au domestic headcanons 🦋
Bucky brings out a softer side from Gale who has been hardened by life and put up some walls when it came to intimacy/trusting others and their love, and he’s so thankful to have found someone who makes him see the world as a gentler place. Bucky is passionate with everything he does, but with Gale, he found new ways to put all that energy to in a positive, inspiring things that helps him along in other aspects of his life as well.
John loves buying Gale flowers and his / later their apartment is always filled with beautiful boquets that make it alive (I’d think Buck would have stylistic but quite simple/Scandinavian style home). Gale keeps telling him he doesn’t have to buy him anything but as long as he gets that soft smile to his face as John presents him with yet another bunch they will be coming in.
Another big thing for John is physical touch, he always has an arm around his boyfriends shoulders or waist. Gale on the other hand is a great listener and gives wonderful advice, countering John’s temperament. And while he’s more careful about physicality in public, he’s surprisingly clingy when they’re home by the two of them which John absolutely adores, he might never ask for closeness with his words but he’ll find ways to seek physcal touch in other ways. Both of them value quality time over everything.
They have to strategize their dates well which sometimes threatens to suck the romance out of it, but when they manage to work around it that makes it even more romantic. Night walks by Seine when they’re travelling in Europe, small local venue concerts where no one cares about them… The rarity of those moments give them extra spice.
That being said, they do love a quiet night in just as much. There’s comfort in having the world have them as completely separate individuals during the days, the nights are theirs to share.
They both love to read and often read great parts aloud for each other. John could listen to Gale read for hours, finding it easy to stay put unlike usually, even if Gale is barely aware he’s even there when he gets really into it.
Gale doesn’t particularly like going to parties and he sometimes worries John will get tired of him because he’s not as outgoing but John is actually really content, he can party with anyone but he can only have these moments of peace with Gale ❤️ It also helps to throw all eyes off them because like noted in the og post Bucky being photographed with others keeps media off track.
Gale’s office is a good place to meet — John being seen there is ”likely place for him to be” since he has business there, and Gale’s office has seen both date lunches as well as John being bent over his table (…he on the other hand prefers to have Gale against the big windows since they’re so high up no one can see.) The fact that they weren’t caught by anyone else but Curt (Gale’s client and Bucky’s best friend who already knew) is a miracle.
John actually told multiple stories about their adventures together/about Gale in general in interviews before they went public but they made a joke out of it because John always tells about him with ”my friend Buck and I…”. After the relationship goes public fans love going back and trying to find all the clues from over the years.
They travel a lot too between Bucky’s filming schedules, they’re both really into history and love to see different sights all over the world (at times it’s the easiest to hide in plain sight in busy tourist destinations). Sometimes John drags them to beach resorts too tho if Gale seems extra stressed out — he always protest and wants to rather do city vacations but he always ends up loving it anyway.
(Their honeymoon is in a summer house of their friend on a private island and they sure make the most of it despite being public at the time — the privacy feels even more inviting because of it)
They are sometimes forced to stay apart long periods of time if John is filming somewhere and Gale can’t leave LA because of work but they always call and text goodnight, and because of their busy professional lives the time they do spend together is always precious and they never guilt the other about having to be away, they have a similar understanding of the importance of their careers.
They also go to the gym together which isn’t always the greatest because they are 1) competitive af and 2) chronically horny for each other, and the display of physical strength/beauty can be dangerous. Espescially if they’ve been busy layely; espescially if John happens to be bulking up for an action film and Gale is torn between wanting out-bulk him or let him carry him away from there.
Gale couldn’t care less about watching sports (he does go to some games every once in a while for Bucky but he’s always bored out of his mind) but he loves playing them, and they sometimes manage to arrange some friendly soccer or baseball or tennis etc with other friends too.
I kind of referenced this in one of the instagram things but it would be fun to imagine Gale getting pretty creative when seeing Bucky in different costumes/roles, like maybe he wouldn’t mind John bringing the uniform home one day. Bucky sees himself in the costumes for months but Gale might only come to set once or twice and be Thinking Thoughts later when they get home about it too.
I also hc that this Bucky would be very into fashion and style and loves shopping while Gale couldn’t care less, he’s wearing suits to work and something simple on his free time but John keeps dragging him along and making him suffer for hours in malls and boutiques as he tries go get him to try something on. After their relationship goes public Gale wants to present himself well and thus starts to wear more bold looks (he doesn’t have to worry about getting attention anymore either, so it’s actually kind of fun). John thinks it’s so over because the little he was able to concentrate on these things before is GONE (thinking about that Bikeriders premier cropped jacket and wide pants, Bucky would be nosebleeding and staring while some poor media people try to interview him)
Imagining them cooking each other midnight dinners when the other has to work late and slow dancing, bare feet in pyjamas in the kitchen in each others embrace were the first two images that came to mind so we’ll end with them 🖤
hope you keep liking this stuff!!
linking the other additions in case you missed something: john’s insta / gale’s insta / media+friends instas / first meetings / first i love yous 💘
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Parenting Headcanons - Mona, Yelan & Shenhe
CW: Male!Reader, angst in Yelan's part.
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Mona Megistus
It was only a matter of time before Mona's curiosity got the better of her, making her look into the scry glass of your future. 
She expected to see you die, break up, get sick or something. Good endings are rare, right? 
Well, they are indeed, but she had one right before her eyes. She saw you two, sitting on a couch, the ringfinger of each occupied. Mona's stomach was, surprisingly, bigger than usual. 
Her first thought was she got fat, which worried her a little. But when she looked closer, her belly was suspiciously round. 
Then she understood. At first she got completely red in the face - how will she be able to look at you the same way ever again? 
It was tough the first week, but after a time Mona managed to contain the sudden blushes and bursts of flusteredness. At the end of the day, the scrying eased her relationship anxiety, and opened her up more. 
Obviously, it lead to marriage - just as the stars predicted. 
When the relationship reached the right state, Mona made a promise to you to never look up the future of you, herself, and the child, or children. As hard as it was at first, she overcame the urge to see what's in store for her family after a time. 
Mona never thought of being a mother, truth be told. Her mind was too busy on astrology to consider such things. Actually, she never really expected to have a partner anyway. 
Mona gave it some thought since then, and she decided that the sex of her child doesn't matter. She would prefer to have a single heir, however. She's not very good at the whole 'taking care of kids' thing, you see. 
She's quite awkward at first, but she'll get used to it at some point. 
Since Mona doesn't need to leave the house for work, she'll have a lot of time to take care of the child. She also works at night (combined with the need to get up early it will make her extremely exhausted), letting her tuck her kid in, and maybe read a bedtime story. 
She's quite good at those, as the stars carry many tales from every corner of the universe. 
Her horrible habit of overspending was 'tamed' by you in the early stages of the relationship, but you still have to fight her at times. 
"No, Mona. You can't buy that textbook. If you do, we will probably have to eat its leather cover at the end of the month."
Mona's signature is her pouts and theatrical frowns, and her little one will start to mimic those behaviors. And honestly? Seeing the two of them be overly dramatic is really cute! 
Oh, right. She stopped overspending on herself, but the habit returned - in the form of soiling her kid. Her wallet can't get a rest, can it? 
Mona has her issues, but overall she’s not a bad mother. 7/10.
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Yelan doesn't want kids. 
It's not because she hates the idea, or she has something against small humans of her own. 
Yelan actually wants to be a mom. The thought of spending quiet evenings with the love of her life and the cute little person, the fruit of your love, makes her sigh dreamily. 
That makes the reality of why she doesn't want her dream to come true even more soul crushing. 
Yelan knows that an agent never stops being one. No matter the time that passes since her last assignment, her work will constantly follow her wherever she goes. And the most important factor is that some people, very dangerous people, know who she is, where she lives and who she loves. 
She's balancing on the edge even now, with you by her side. The uncertainty of whether they will come and hurt you one day or not makes her restless at times. Loving her is a risk, one that you took with full responsibility. 
Even though you agreed, risking your life on a daily basis is not something Yelan enjoys. And risking the destruction of an entirely new, innocent human? It's too much. 
Yelan has not given up on her dream, however. She has some plans and ideas that could work. 
Adoption is out of the question, since the paperwork required for it is easily traceable back from her child to herself. Perhaps an enemy of hers will decide that the kid has some priceless information about her, and abduct them? The thought makes her skin crawl every time. 
The second one is having a child herself and hiding them away with her family. That would have its own struggles, but those would be entirely about her behavior - something she could easily manage. She trusts you to act responsibly as well, no problem with that. 
The issue comes with upbringing. No matter how hard everyone tries to hide it, the atmosphere of slight fear and stealth present will give the kid ideas. Yelan really, really doesn't want her child to live in secret, in the shadow of some unknown, but very real threat. 
Her time is also running out. Yelan is painfully aware of the fact that with age pregnancy gets problematic. The child could be stillborn or miscarried, have health problems, she herself could get sick and die. The chances are not very high, yes, but they are still there. 
Having kids is a hard decision, and one she has yet to make.
Rating Yelan is a hard thing. Of course, no kids means a 0/10. But if she would have them, her great sacrifices would only be recognised much later. In contrast she would rather not spend much time with her child, if any at all - making it a tough nut to crack when it comes to score on the scale.
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As one might expect, Shenhe got 'the birds and the bees' talk from her adoptive mother, Cloud Retainer. The Adepti finished her explanation with one line that stuck in her head through all the years of training. 
Surely, she said, surely one day you too will get to experience the wonders of motherhood. One would be very glad indeed. 
Ever since that time, Shenhe began playing with her dolls more often (yes, Cloud Retainer gave her toys), imagining herself as a mom. Every time she would play out the scenario Shenhe forgot all about her predicament, the harsh training and the monsters she saw regularly in her dreams. She never imagined herself as a child in some fictional family. She liked it under Cloud Retainer, and she came to like her care after time. It's not like she remembered much anyway. 
It lasted until she slipped into her rage, and started wearing the ropes. The new, dulled Shenhe was just that in her character and way of being. However, Shenhe still had her human side within, just carefully tucked under the tight ropes. 
Ever since she met you, her mortal self was slowly being pulled into the light again. It was only a matter of time for her motherly instincts to come back. It was just a simple evening of cuddling when she realized you were the one. Not that she didn't think that when you started dating. Just the thought hit her hard at that moment. 
When Shenhe wants something, she'll just voice her needs. So, out of the blue, she declared her desire for making kids. Right there, right now. 
You had to hold her horses a little, and explain in depth how parenthood works. Cloud Retainer's ideas are very outdated and plainly strange at times, so you had to go through all the strange ideas she put into your girlfriend’s head. It will take some time, sure, but Shenhe will understand.
Preferences on the sex? Well… when you asked her, Shenhe replied that she would really like her offspring to be human. That’s all there is to say.
She is obviously quite new, lightly speaking, to the whole parenthood thing, so for safety, she would like to have just one kid. At least for now. 
Of course the second being to get to know about the pregnancy is Cloud Retainer. The Adepti got some sort of verbal zoomies after hearing the news, spurting words of joy incomprehensibly, even stepping out of her speech patterns at times. 
Everyone will know. Moon Carver will know, Mountain Shaper will know, Morax will know, Ganyu will know, Streetward Rambler will know, even Xiao will hear the news (whether he likes to or not). 
Honestly, Cloud Retainer’s joy was quite overwhelming, and Morax politely explained the situation to the bird at your and Shenhe’s request. After that the Adepti toned down her behavior a fair bit, just keeping to daily visits and acts of service. Like building a crib, making toys, educating Shenhe about the entire caretaking process. 
Childbirth will be no issue when she has the Adepti on standby, ready to help in a moment’s notice. 
Shenhe generally has no plan when it comes to upbringing, except for one thing - to not make the child into an Adepti super-soldier like herself. Shenhe decided that the role of the parent is not to force a fate upon their child, but show them possibilities and support their choices instead. 
Shenhe feels at peace when in the presence of her child and you. Up to the point that, during Cloud Retainer’s weekly check up, she discovered that, ever since having a child, Shenhe’s aura was completely clear of the disruptions suppressed by the red ropes. Very, very carefully, Cloud Retainer started removing the ropes over the course of a few months. Nothing happened, except Shenhe getting more assertive and much more human. 
“No, master. A flying crib is not a good idea. Also… I doubt the herb diet would be a good choice either.”
Shenhe will not hesitate to die for her child just as she won’t when your life would be threatened. She can get possessive at times, but it’s all harmless. 
She has a lot of friends, so the kid will get plenty of interaction. Ganyu will generally care for them, taking them on walks in the mountains or picnics when they get older. Yanfei will put an eye on the education (as an assistant to Zhongli himself) and behavior in public, though she won’t hesitate to cover up the child's misdeeds at times.  And Cloud retainer, well… Everything at once, simply put. 
Lucky you, actually. You two can just leave the little one with the bird for a whole day and get well deserved rest. 
With friends and family galore to help her along the way, with you to offer a second opinion at any time, and with her dreams and determination, Shenhe is nothing short of a 10/10 mother.
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Thanks for reading!
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yeonjunnieeeelovrr · 13 days
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-a/n: so these have basically been cooking for like almost two years, but uh im stuck in temptation & asm era 😓. also takes lofs of inspo from other fics and just watching their vlogs <3
yj x g/n headcannons + some drabbles ♪(^∇^*)
-- groupie love - Lana del Rey
-I feel like the odds of him being into another idol would def be low, I don't think he'd like the drama that comes with it. So he'd probably fall for someone at a coffee shop to a local store.
-He'd often stop by and sometimes ask for you, sometimes talking about mundane things. Or perhaps a little about his work, or just recommendations for new coffee or fashion tips!
-As your friendship develops he opens up more, about being an idol (whether you knew or not) he'd bring up upcoming projects and even talk about fans he really liked. Or even dance a bit for you
-During all this as your friends, he'd definitely nervous around you. Constantly giggling and rubbing his neck ( biting his lips).
You were standing around, as the morning rush died down and you finally had time to relax. Looking at the time, realizing he was later than usual. 'he might be busy' you say trying to reassure yourself. Until it happened
and again
and again
"is he avoiding me?" you ask out loud. Scratching your hair as you mop the floor, upon that thought the door opens. Revealing yeonjun in a casual outfit, he walks up to you with a small blush on his face.
"can I have your number?" he asked sheepishly, looking away and shoving his phone in your face with the new contact screen on it.
'cute' you think as you type your phone number into his phone with no hesitation .
-He spents time at your apartment bc.. have you seen the txt dorm..
(bonus if you have a pet :3)
-He'll defiantly try to befriend your pet.
-giving it treats and hugging it. pouting if it ignores him.
-on his off days he'll sneak away into your apartment, to laze around and eat your ramen. As well as critique your wardrobe.
'those patterns don't go together' he commented as he laid on your bed eating popcorn. 'I have nothing else thats clean 'jjunie' you pout trying to sift through your parcially empty closet. 'if your so picky about it come pick out mu clothes!' you shout eyeing him.
'fine' he groaned getting up and investigating your closet.
'this one.. and this one' he said giving you shorts and a long sleeve. As you eye him suspiciously.
'fine' you give in and finally wear the outfit and he finally lets you go out into the world, because he'd never let you go out looking unfashionable.
-lots of cute dates!
-around cafes, thrifting, high end fashion stores, and whatever curious stores he can find he'll find any excuse to take you.
-he loves sleeping over at your place, he likes waking up next to you.
(like his vlog from last year 😭)
-he'll take you to k pop stores just to show off their new album 😭
-bonus if you buy it & pull his pc
-He'll either invite you to concerts or you surprise him at them, you probably refuse and just buy the tickets anyway to support him :3
-he'll secret dedicate stuff you to you, like songs if hes asked to reccomend some. And secretly has a bunch of matching items with you.
-matching hoodies, shoes, plushies, phone cases, anything he finds for himself he will buy you one too q(≧▽≦q)
-he'll also buy you promise rings, so it doesn't look like hes taken to the public js wearing a ring /_ \
-and in public he wears sunglasses and a hoodie, no mask bc then he can't kiss you😔
-hes really clingy towards you, finding any excuse to be close to you.
-also he likes good luck kisses before his performances
-he prefers pecks, sometimes more drawn out kisses but he likes bothering you with his kisses.
-he'll share his headphones with you!
-hes very chronically offline 😭, so if you show him something he probably won't get it. (mama a girl behind YOU 💜) but at the same time I feel like he goes on instagram reels... maybe youtube shorts..
-he'll show off new songs he likes to you texting them to you or letting you listen with him
-as well as showing you previews of their new songs
-you like tracing his features, his lips and nose (he giggles bc it tickles)
-he likes being touched, especially being pet on the head. Or just feeling you close
-he defiantly lets his intrusive thoughts win
he giggled to himself as he scrolled through instagram reels, showing you some ones he thought were funny. As you try to laugh along side him, even though you'd seen them before.
'look at this one' he laughed, showing you the video of the cat going across the han river. You forgot to laugh and just smiled, he notices and pouts. 'you don't like this one?'
'oh, I just saw it already. Its a trend' you add poking his cheek and tugging on it. 'your cheek is like mochi' you comment poking it as he pouted. 'nuh uh'
'yes uh' you giggle moving down to watch the reels with him.
'you goof' you utter kissing his cheek and taking his phone. he doesn't mind as you scroll through photos, and take pic .5 pics of him.
A small smile on his face the whole time as he uttered a quiet 'i love you'.
small headcannons (bc i forgot most of the ones i had)
might edit later too :P
also yj solo debut :D (pray for my wallet)
happy b-day (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
thanks you!
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thisgirlnamedblusy · 3 months
Hello, make a part 2 of "Outside the Village". Reader encourages to go Donna to a mall. When they get to the shopping mall, Donna is fascinated by how big the building is. Reader said that you can buy so many things here which surprises Donna even more. It felt amazing to her to see such structure Reader thought her how to shop. They even go to the grocery store to find ingredients for Donna to use as recipe. Donna really enjoyed the grocery part. Reader is just happy to see her lover enjoying herself even after what happened to her in the village.
Note: Make it wholesome
Yesss!!! Thank you for you request!!! I hope you like it, and sorry about the language mistakes!!!!
Outside the house
Pairing: Donna Beneviento x Fem, BSAA agent! Reader
Warnings: Fluff
Word count: 3,529
Summary: It's time for Donna to know more things about the modern world...
N/A: This is a second part of this one!!! Sorry about the language mistakes!!! Requests are open!!! I'm waiting yours!!! I love you all!!! :))
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It seemed unlikely, and after everything that had happened, you were beginning to doubt that you could actually be calm again. That mission in Eastern Europe was anything but routine and not only did you achieve your goal, but you found something much better, love.
After the former Lord, Donna Beneviento, left everything behind to go with you, your life only got better. You liked the action, but of course anything that involved separating yourself from Donna sounded horrible, so much so that you begged the BSAA to give you a clerical position at their New York headquarters. After all, you were one of the best soldiers. You didn't have to beg too much.
Donna was… Fine, that was the right word. After everything that happened in the village, you couldn't ask for miracles, for her to adapt to the busy life and customs of the modern world, but she tried, she really tried.
Everything you show to Donna was fascinating to her, and also, although she didn't say it, it scared her. Fortunately, having that devilish doll Angie with you made things much easier for her.
“What are you doing, honey?” You asked, leaning on the couch and kissing the brunette's cheek. She was looking at the television screen with a grimace of disgust.
“That guy is... An idiot,” Donna muttered, frowning and pointing at the screen.
You looked at it and laughed amused, jumping off the couch to sit next to her.
“Oh, yeah, well, he’s a politician,” you mumbled. “Generally, politicians are idiots.”
She looked at you and smiled curiously, nodding.
“I prefer Mrs. Moira,” she said, changing the channel, looking for that adorable woman who spent all her time making recipes.
“Yes, yes... But I still haven't seen you make any of her recipes...” You whispered, feigning indifference.
Donna looked at you with an amused expression, and she reached for something between the cushions, pulling it out and showing it to you.
“Look, I've written them all down,” she told you enthusiastically, turning the pages of a small notebook you gave to her. You raised your eyebrows. You never imagined that a notebook with the BSAA seal contained something as innocent as cooking recipes.
“Oh, wow...” You nodded, reading that elegant handwriting. Donna had such a beautiful handwriting, she was beautiful. “I definitely want to try this…”
Donna leaned over to look at the pointed page and smiled tenderly.
“The cake with three chocolates and raspberry filling?” She asked, taking the notebook and reading the ingredients. You nodded profusely.
“I love chocolate,” you commented amused, stealing a quick kiss on her lips, to which Donna laughed shyly. “Do you think you can make it?”
“Of course I can, it's easy,” she replied, sure of herself. She may have been an insecure, shy and sick woman, but certainly, when it came to cooking, she had a lot of confidence.
“Everything seems easy to you,” you sighed, leaning on her shoulder.
“Cooking is easy, you just have to try doing it,” Donna murmured. You separated, feigning a terrible offense.
“Do I notice a certain tone of irony?” You asked with a dark voice. She looked at you and shook her head, with a smile that gave away her true response.
“No, I'm just saying that I've never seen you cook,” Donna murmured, avoiding your gaze. You crossed your arms, frowning.
“As far as I know, yesterday I brought you an exquisite delicacy. Fresh out of the oven… Bar’s oven, of course,” you said shyly, jokingly, giving her a nudge. She sighed with her mouth half open and left the notebook on the couch in a somewhat abrupt manner.
“Do you mean that greasy thing with plastic cheese?” She asked, with a face that told you that perhaps it was not an exquisite delicacy for her.
“People usually call it pizza,” you answered, leaning back on the couch. Donna laughed, offended, but the smile didn’t disappear from her face.
“No, no, no, (Y/N), call it whatever you want, but don't you dare to call it pizza,” she said, emphasizing her annoyance with her hands.
You rolled your eyes and laughed amused.
“Surely you can make a better one, huh?” You ironized, making her face become serious, accepting the challenge.
“Sure,” she said between clenched teeth.
“Well, come on, make it. I'll wait for you here,” you encouraged, pushing Donna off the couch, causing her to almost trip.
“Very well, what do you want?” She asked, crossing her arms and feigning impatience.
“Well, I don't know...” You sighed, also getting up and walking towards the small kitchen. “I'm going to see what's in the refrigerator.”
“Surprise, loser!” Angie doll squealed just as you opened the door.
“Yiahh!” You screamed, closing the door immediately and breathing deeply to calm yourself. “Damn… Angie!”
You opened the refrigerator again and the puppet came out of that place, laughing triumphantly, despite yourself.
“What the hell were you doing in there?” You asked with a growl, humiliated at having been scared by the doll, again.
The puppet jumped into the arms of her owner who looked at her with an annoyed expression.
“Did you see how scared she was, Donna? You've seen?” The doll asked her owner, who couldn't help but laugh at your confused expression.
“Angie...” The brunette sighed, lowering the doll to the floor.
“Oh, well... I guess there's not much to choose from here,” You mumbled, ignoring the incident with the doll and looking at your almost empty refrigerator. “Okay, Donna, I think the pizza will have to wait until we do the shopping.”
“Fine, but don't be late, okay? I don't like being alone,” she said, with a slightly sad tone, with the trembling of her hands revealing her fear of being alone in that place so unknown.
“Did you not hear me? I said, let's do it, I think it could be a good plan for a Saturday, don't you think?” You said, getting a little closer to her and holding her hand so she would stop shaking.
“I... I prefer, I prefer to stay, (Y/N)” she said shyly, moving away from your hold and lowering her head. You sighed and rolled your eyes again, placing your hands on her shoulders.
“Come on, Donna... You have to leave the house,” you said, continuing with your relaxing massage. “Besides, I think you might like to go to the mall.”
“Mall…? What?” She asked, shaking her head and turning around, looking at you curiously.
“Oh, of course, yes, um... Well, it's a building where you can buy everything you want, food, clothes, appliances... It's the paradise of consumerism,”  you explained, amused. Her expression remained the same.
“Consumerism?” She asked, scratching the back of her neck, uncomfortable for not understanding your jokes about modern life.
“Yes, well... You know what? You better see it for yourself,” you said excitedly, placing a strand of black hair behind her ear. She shook her head, but curiosity still dominated her expression. “Plus, it's a good excuse to wear the blouse I bought you.”
“I... Well... I... Okay, (Y/N),” Donna finally said with a somewhat unsure smile. You smiled even more, stealing another kiss from her.
“Don't worry, if you get nervous, afraid, or think you're going to have a crisis, tell me and we'll go home, okay?” You said, cupping her face in your hands as she nodded, still not very convinced by your proposal.
“It's okay...” She sighed, closing her eye to enjoy your caresses and turning away to go to the bedroom and get dressed.
“Yes, Yes! Excursion!” Angie squealed, jumping on the couch excitedly. You growled, ready to put an end to her fun.
“Ah, no, Angie, you're not coming,” you said, pushing the puppet so she fell on the couch. As expected, she didn't react very well.
“What? Why? Why?” Angie asked with a nervous voice, irritating as always, demanding as ever.
“The nice people of New York are not used to seeing living dolls, you understand?” You explained to which her arms shook even more.
“I want to go! Take me to that moll!” She screeched, drawing the attention of Donna, who looked out to listen to the argument.
“Mall, Angie, and no, you're not coming,” you repeated, stopping the doll's attempts to bite you, something she already achieved once. “Donna, say something!”
After struggling with the doll, and dressing yourself too, you went to the car. Poor Donna was scared. Since she arrived to New York she had not left the house. Everything scared and fascinated her at the same time. A feeling that became palpable as you drove.
The brunette looked out the window at those huge buildings, those huge numbers of people walking. All the sounds, everything she saw, heard, was new to her. You didn't want to interrupt her. The truth was that her serene beauty was a sight worth seeing.
“How close we are, idiot?!”
Of course, there was always something that made all those quiet moments disappear. You gripped the steering wheel tightly, narrowing your eyes.
“Angie... Shut up,” you growled. Yes, the doll got her way and would go with you, hidden in a backpack, of course, something that wouldn't be funny. It was like a little revenge you were looking forward to enjoying.
Donna protested putting back on that black blouse you had bought her. She was beautiful with it, she really was.
“What's wrong?” You asked, ignoring the doll's screams and taunts as you did best and learned from your nephews, turning up the volume of the radio.
“These clothes are... Uncomfortable,” Donna said, with a marked accent emphasizing her discomfort.
“Nonsense, you look beautiful, Donna. If they told me I was going to see you wearing jeans, I probably wouldn't believe it,” you joked.
She looked at you and sighed, now playing with the seat belt.
“And this thing is...” She complained, making you laugh, enjoying her innocence.
“That's to save your life,” you explained. She looked at you and nodded, huffing amusedly. “If by chance, that porcelain demon makes me want to crash the car into a tree that would prevent us from flying out.
“Oh, I see,” she murmured, turning to look at the doll, “Angie, please behave.”
After a trip, too long for you, you arrived at the mall. Donna got out of the car with her eye fixed on that huge building. You were trying to put Angie in the backpack.
“Quiet now, huh?” You joked, closing the zipper and leaving that demon locked up, just like you wanted.
“It's… It's… Huge,” Donna murmured, when you approached her, placing the backpack on your shoulders.
“Yes, well, but it's not the biggest mall in the area,” you said, smiling and gently holding her hand to stop it from shaking.
“Are there any bigger ones?” Donna asked, walking slowly towards the entrance.
“Oh, yes,” you said, nodding and entering the building.
Donna's face at that moment was worthy of framing. Her eye widened in surprise and her hands began to sweat. All those stores, all those people. Maybe it hadn't been such a good idea to bring her with you, or maybe it had, because after a few moments of shock, her face broke into a smile.
“Can you buy things in all those places?” She asked, stopping at each of the shop windows, almost dragging you along in the process.
“Yes,” you said amused, looking at a dress store.
“Look, (Y/N), that dress is beautiful,” Donna told you, pointing to a dark and sad black dress. You faked a shudder. “Can you buy it for me?”
“Do you want to look like Morticia Addams?” You joked, pulling her away from that window.
No, you didn't want everything to go back to the way it was for her. You didn't want black dresses, darkness… You wanted her whole world to be bright, so she could forget everything that happened in the village. A difficult task, but when you saw her face, it didn't seem impossible to you.
“Who?” She asked, surprised. You shook your head, stopping for a moment to kiss her. You couldn't go long without doing it. Her innocent kisses were almost addictive.
“It doesn't matter,” you sighed, letting yourself be carried away again by her enthusiasm towards another window display.
“What is this?” Donna asked, pointing to a video game store.
“Well, it's to play,” you explained, taking a good look at the month's news. You were a soldier, yes, but you were also a big fan of video game consoles.
“Play?” She asked curiously, looking at all those colors and all the signs that said “buy me.”
“Yes, on a TV,” you said amused, to which she nodded, looking around her, observing all those people, all that commotion. “Hey, honey, are you okay? You need a break?” You asked, rubbing her back affectionately. She shook her head and smiled enthusiastically.
“I have never seen anything like this, (Y/N), so many people, so many things to buy...” She sighed melancholy. No, no horrible memories. Out of the corner of your eye you looked at the dress that caught her attention that much.
“Hey, do you still want that dress?” You whispered affectionately. She nodded enthusiastically.
Apart from that black dress, there weren't many other strange purchases.
Donna was fascinated, she asked about everything she saw, she went almost unnoticed among people, exploring that new world, that world that was foreign to her since she was born.
“Hey, let me out, I want to see it too!” Angie protested, with her devilish voice muffled by the fabric of your backpack.
“Okay, and this... is the supermarket,” you said, ignoring the doll's protests and pointing to the entrance to that other temple of unbridled consumerism. “Here you can buy everything, but normally what you buy is food.”
“What kind of food?” Donna asked, looking at the shelves overflowing with fruit in the place. You laughed as you grabbed a shopping cart.
“Well...All the food you want, Donna,” you said, pulling her arm so she wouldn't walk away from you.
“All the food I want?” She asked excitedly, following you slowly, wanting to look at each of the products.
“Yes,” you stated again, pulling her harder. “Hey, honey, don't walk away, okay? In these places to get lost is very easy.”
“I'm sorry,” she apologized, standing next to you with her head down.
"Don't apologize, I myself got lost in a mall when I was 5 years old,” you commented amused, to which she looked at you with a distrustful face.
“Oh, really?” Donna asked. “You seem to know these places well, I find curious that you got lost,” she whispered, without stopping looking everywhere. “Oh, look, there's the... The flour...”
Her shoulders fell when you reached that hallway, where piles and piles of flour seemed to confuse poor Donna, who looked at all those brands and colors a bit scared.
“Didn't you want flour?” You asked, breaking her out of her thoughts. She nodded, blinking repeatedly.
“Yes, yes but... Is all of this flour?” She asked confused, pointing to the shelf.
“Sure,” you said amused, getting a little closer to the products.
“I... I don't know which one to take, there are... There are too many...” She said nervously, putting a hand on her forehead.
“Take any one, like this one,” you said, grabbing a random package and leading Donna out of that overwhelming hallway.
“What now?” Donna asked, looking at the package of flour in the cart. “Have we already bought it?”
“No, no... We still have a lot of shopping to do,” you said, to which she nodded, probably mulling over the whole million different types of flour. “I'll explain how it works. We fill the car with everything we need and then we go to the checkout where some friendly cashiers will tell us how much we have to pay.”
“Oh, okay...” The brunette sighed, nodding, being drawn to a refrigerator that stores fresh herbs of all kinds. “Look, (Y/N), they have everything… Even if it's not season…”
“Hey, Donna, how did you buy the things you needed? You know, in the village,” you asked cautiously. It was true that you didn't want to bring up her past, but there were things you still wanted to know.
“I asked the Duke for them. I gave him the dolls I made and he brought me flour, vegetables... Everything I could need,” she explained, probably not remembering the village in a horrible way, since she was completely distracted by everything she had around.
“I understand,” you sighed interested, nodding as Donna filled the cart with some vegetables.
“But this is... Much better, there is everything here, all the time...” She murmured excitedly, turning to see a shelf that seemed curious to her. “What’s that?”
“Pre-cooked food, my favorite,” you sighed, grabbing her from behind and leaning on her shoulder.
“Pre-cooked?” She asked curiously, observing those boxes of frozen pizza with horror. “I didn't know there were kitchens here.”
“No, no, it's...” You said, shaking your head. “They make them in a factory and then freeze them and bring them here. They don't spoil because they contain a lot of preservatives and artificial things.”
“That doesn't sound healthy,” Donna commented, walking slowly between the freezers.
“It's not, but hey, people are sometimes in a hurry and... It's not bad once in a while...” You said quietly, embarrassed by the truth in her innocent words. Donna laughed sheepishly.
“You just said it was your favorite,” she said in a mocking tone, making you blush. You huffed in defeat.
“Well... The truth is that spicy pepperoni pizza isn't that bad at all,” you murmured, looking away.
“I can make you a better one,” she said determinedly, looking at the strange ingredients in that cardboard box. “Besides, pepperoni is not even Italian, it’s just a crude and aberrant…”
“Shhh,” you said amused, putting a finger between her lips. “Oki gnocchi, Donna, I get it. Pepperoni is wrong, but delicious…”
She smiled with a frown, accepting her indisputable victory with a slightly proud walk.
Little by little, the cart was filled with ingredients, or things that Donna found curious or interesting. The woman was... Happy, excited, fascinated by everything she was discovering. You explained things to her in the funniest way possible, and tried to resolve all of her doubts.
Everything was going perfect. You even already had everything you needed, including the ingredients for that delicious chocolate cake that was to come. You couldn't wait to get home, but as you passed a hallway filled with toys, Donna stopped, walking slowly toward a shelf where there were dolls.
The brunette reached out her hand to take one of them, examining it with a slightly more serious, sad face. All your senses went on alert, even Angie, who had somehow managed to open the zipper, gestured for you to go to her side.
“Hey, is everything okay?” You whispered affectionately in her ear. She sobbed, but nodded, returning the toy to its place.
“Yes, it's just that...”
“You miss your dolls, your home,” you said with a soft voice, speaking for her, expressing the feelings that she didn’t feel able to express. “Do you?”
She nodded, letting herself be embraced by you, with an even more melancholic look.
“All this, this new world is... fascinating, (Y/N), I’m very happy to be here with you, and when you teach me all these things...”
“Mm,” you murmured, letting her speak.
“It's just that sometimes I look back and think, I don't know... I liked making my dolls. It comforted me. It reminded me of my family...”
“Oh,” you sighed, thinking that perhaps her thoughts implied a desire to return to that place. Apparently, that wasn't the case, and you could only be glad for that. “Well, you can continue making them if you want.”
“I don't think I can, (Y/N), I had everything I needed there and...” Donna murmured, shaking her head, something you prevented with another stolen kiss.
“Have you forgotten where we are? Come on, let's pay for the food and get everything you need, okay?”
Donna's eyes widened and she nodded with a tender smile, with that smile that made you fall more and more in love with her.
“Could I really?”
“Of course, in addition, you did an almost masterful job. I’m convinced that you could sell them online and make a lot of money.
“Online?” She asked, confused again. Oh yeah, you hadn't mentioned internet to her yet.
“Yes, well... That requires more than a day of explanation...” You joked, putting your arms around her shoulders.
“Hey, (Y/N), I would like to tell you something,” she said, interrupting your steps. “I love you.”
You smiled when you heard those words in her voice, ones you hadn't heard since that incident in the village. You could only nod, and kiss her again.
“I love you too, Donna. So, so much...” You sighed, to which she smiled happily, truly happy. “Come on, come on, you still have to make me a delicious cake, or a pizza, or both…”
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poisonheiress · 10 months
Since there are no Glitz and Glam head canons or reader inserts yet, I've decided to make my own and share them with you. These are romantic in nature and reader focused so be prepared for that.
Warning: Some head canons suggest a shared S/O while others are for a specific sister.
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◆ To begin, I believe that Glitz and Glam are rather jealous lovers, regardless if the partner is shared or not. The jealousy spawns from their connection to Envy and their hellborne status. Low born demons are used to fighting for everything they have, and even with the social boost from their position as Mammon's new figures, Glitz and Glam can only go so far. Adding in their natural leaning for Envy due their birth in the 6th ring, jealousy can come on quick and heavy. As a result, Glitz and Glam worry about their partner's focus falling away from them especially in public, always trying to bring their attention back to them at all costs. While their jealousy normally doesn't extend to the other sister, a shared partner can cause a few spats between the sisters every now and again.
◆ While the Glam sisters are as harsh as Envy demons come, that same bite and vitriol is never extended to their partners even in earlier stages of their relationships. They may keep the same snark in teasing their partner, but they will never insult or degrade their partners. This rule extends to those outside the relationship too. Neither sister responds well to some no-name or paparazzi looking down on their partner as a joke or otherwise. After all, demons aren't kind beings, especially those who spent the beginning of their lives crawling out of the Envy ring's Abyss.
◆ Speaking of rank, Glitz and Glam would definitely spend massive amounts of money on their s/o once they become Mammon’s new figures. While they obviously aren’t getting as big of a cut as they should, it’s much better than what their payments used to be, and as part of their life, their wealth extends to you too. From new clothing and jewelry to elaborate dates, they relish in spoiling their partners as long as they are the only ones doing it.
◆ Their personal life with their partner is never going to be publicized for people’s entertainment if Glitz or Glam have a say in it. They made their peace with the sexualization and objectification that comes with surviving in Hell show business a long time ago, and they don’t want their partner to ever experience the same fate. Attempting to break into their partner’s home or extort their partner either ends in a new corpse for the cleaners or a one way trip to Sloth’s hospitals. Because of this, I don’t see them dating another performer especially one under Mammon’s domain. Neither will risk their one freedom in hell becoming Greed’s newest commodity no matter how much they care about the other person.
◆ For every outfit the Glam sisters buy you, they will steal some of your wardrobe in return. No matter how big or small your clothes are on them, they’ll find a way to make it work. It gets to the point where half your wardrobe has found itself way into their shared closet. Glitz favors hoodies and sweaters, especially cropped ones while Glam prefers taking jackets and shirts. Wearing your lover's clothing is seen as a passive form of marking in Hell, even more so if the clothing has their scent on it, and Glitz and Glam take full advantage of that.
◆ A lot of dates for you on both sides would occur in the Envy ring, specifically in its seas. Since a lot of Glitz and Glam’s early life spent constantly moving about the Abyssal zones, they know all the best spots and love sharing that part of their life with their partners. They also love these dates because it's a lot easier to run from paparazzi underwater and disappear into the depths of the sea. Glitz and Glam also like to bring back souvenirs from their visits to the Envy Ring like pieces of coral and pearls. Glitz has even tried to bring a devil-fish back over the border once, but customs wasn’t found of that idea. Sure, they could bring back other commercial goods, but when it come to Envy, they prefer giving their partners something they found or killed with their own hands, not something that can be bought anywhere else.
◆ Speaking of dates, Glitz and Glam do vary in their preferred activities. Glitz prefers more high stakes, wild kinds of dates like hell’s version of bungee jumping or sky diving. She’ll even take you to swim through the riptides if you want. Glam, on the other hand, prefers more lowkey events like hunting or adventuring into deep sea caves where you two would have more alone time. Of course, they enjoy the traditional dinner dates and events, but they’ll always prefer something exiting with you alone.
◆ Last but not least, physical affection. Neither sister goes beyond hand holding or a few hidden make-outs in public. If they're feeling bold, they may even pull you onto their lap or sit on your lap. At home, they are a lot more hands on. Being Glam’s partner means that she’d gonna be wrapped around you like a second skin. She likes to have her hands on you at all times if possible. Cuddling with her is similar to being a straight jacket with the grip she has. It gets to the point where she’d rather pick you up to move then let you move around at all. On the plus side, cuddling with her means gossiping for hours straight on anyone and everyone, and her connection to stardom means that she's never out of thing to talk about.
◆ While Glitz likes affection just as much as her sister, she doesn't need to be touching her partner all the time, choosing to stay and sit close to you to fill her urge in public. Cuddling wise, I think Glitz is the kind of partner who lays on top of you, putting all her weight on you, and the only way to get her off is to move her yourself. With you captive under her, she will tell every bad joke her sister keeps from entering their act and she won't stop until you laugh. Glitz also loves her sticking her cold, webbed hands under your shirt to warm them up, laughing like a banshee when you jump at the touch.
◆ In the end, the Glam sisters fall slow but love hard. They may have each other, but they crave another person to share their lives with that will see them as something more then Greed's newest product. You have to hang on to what makes you happy in hell, and they'll cling to you till the end of their lives if you let them.
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tinka-tank · 5 months
do u have any huntake headcanons 😁😁
Sorry this is such a late response I had a very busy day and then had a beach day today so yayyyyy
Which actually got me to think about one thing I thought of and that's that Huntake would love beach dates like
- Beach Dates 🏖 🌊
I really take the greetings to heart and in one greeting Jake spoke about his dream date I believe ? (Correct me if I'm wrong) and how it was at the beach and I know they'd end up there on a date...
Like Hunter needs 84 pounds of sunscreen on him and I know Jake would gladly apply sunscreen on him, which probably makes me think Hunter would like to play beach games like volleyball with Jake, but probably has to be under the shade for a bit watching Jake run around and in Hunters head its all in slow motion to take in all the glory
I think of simple things, them on a blanket preferably a magenta one... eating sandwiches they packed with small laughs since there's definitely some sand in the sandwiches from all the shit they got up to... THE SUNSETS... WATCHING THE SUNSET W SMALL SMILES WHEN THEY TURN TO FACE EACH OTHER
- Jake is more cleanly 🧹🧺
What I mean is this:
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I like to think Hunters a bit more messier... probably sleeps on an air mattress or a mattress with no bed frame and shirts lying around.. and I think Jake would tweak out if he saw a roach living there and need to clean everything somehow... there's only so much mess he can tolerate the mess, but it makes for cleaning days and excuses for Jake to come over often to see him
- Jobless Brokeass (me) Hunter, Employed Jake 👔📋
Hunter gives off employed, like he went to college w no job just vibes and I always hced as Jake coming from a family with a businessman father or something like that, a more stern family that doesn't tend to understand his emotions and paranoia, so I think Jake is more likely to pick up jobs to make money and to feel fulfilled in someway despite Miriam having the damn mil...
Things like Hunter getting bored of being at home and watching movies and he gets up and goes to wherever Jake works to bother him and ask about his day, sweet things that show to Jake that Hunter cares in his own way
But like also the thought of Jake doing professional only fans or mlm schemes appeals to me so Hunter is probably behind the camera recording and taking photos bc at the end of the day the money means Jake will buy Hunter a new album or plushie
But also ALSO I do like the idea of Jake in a corporate job and starting off as a secretary that sees way too much and is on the phone with Hunter a lot to someone working higher up later... I can forsee Jake in his office and Hunter coming in for his lunch break to eat with him
- (controversial) Big Spoon Jake, Little Spoon Hunter 🥄 💕
This might be controversial to some in our unruly society, but I don't think muscular or buff or taller = top... I really think Hunter would enjoy being snuggled and being treated sweetly and enjoy just. No arguing and no bickering... no problems... just the sweet, tender embrace of the person he loves... and I know Jake ass probably possessive asf and would provide that sweet, strong hug or cuddle to make Hunter feel at home with him... the love Jake can provide with his sweetness is not just verbal or mental, but can be physical. We've seen how sweet Jake can be in canon with Tom and I know he wouldn't leave Hunter feeling any worse
- (more in line w my hcs) Jake helps Hunter with fashion and sewing 🛍🪡
I have a hc of Hunter doing drag so naturally he'd need certain outfits made and I think he isn't rich soooo he probably complained about having no resources and in my eyes Jake probably has experience with sewing and is good at it OR he isn't that good but TRIES to learn more for Hunter... I really like the idea of Hunter wanting to perform something but thinking he can't due to having no outfit and at the last minute Jake surprises him with the custom outfit... you can't tell me Jake wouldn't be that mf dedicated to some shit... he's really intense as is
Like imagine him hand beading an outfit, purposely remeasuring Hunter often just to feel him again... like I know they'd end up having matching outfits at some point...
- Hunter loves to do karaoke 🎤 🎶
Why his ass always singing Lady Gaga songs in greetings. I know his ass wants to sing the entirety of Artpop and will 💯% make Jake watch him and sometimes participate in duets... this also ties into my drag hc thing because Jake getting to remake certain Gaga outfits for Hunter is real...
Hunter is muscular SOMEHOW and Jake appears to be athletic in some way and his fit kind of suggests it unless he fucking robbed someone which I wouldn't put past him... anyways
Hunter getting Jake into new sports and activities !! Imagine them trying out things like frisbee or soccer, dates at parks avidly being an annoying gay couple... if they took on boxing I can imagine Jake getting too intense and accidentally clobbering him or the coach... one punch = k.o. type shit 😭 but them trying tennis too or some other crap and if they suck ass at it they say oh well and get some food...
E yeah I think that's all I can think of FOR NOW bc my mind is kinda empty but TRUST I thought of more before
I would've added a Miriam hc in here but I have a tough time deciding if she'd like Hunter or want him dead
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dognonsense · 7 months
hello, i'm kind of new to this... is buying from small handmade shops on etsy considered better than just buying from a big corp? i like to support small businesses but it is at an environmental cost with shipping. and i know most people really prefer if you DIY. i just don't have a lot of time at the moment to create my own shirts and such
id say just be careful to see if its a real person making it since there are a lot of dropshipping fronts on etsy that trick people into thinking their handmade but arent. <- watched a video on the dangers of dropshipping this week
Ive personally never bough patches online because I have a fear of online shopping. I always like to see what I can find in person in my community but I understand not having one diverse enough to have punk patches, i grew up in singapore, best i could find was some cartoon iron on stuff. But when i do buy patches now its usually from threeracoons this punk guy in my scene who sells at shows and craft shows a lot. I also get my patches from doing patch trades with people at shows.
I'd say look into the local craft and artist community to see if there are any patch sellers first. And if you have any punk friends who have more diy skills and time than u, commissioning your friends to make you a patch is good too.
If people wanna recommend any online patch sellers they know are reputable and people thatd prolly helpful for them!
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asexual-squidward · 3 months
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Great, now I’m thinking about birthdays on the island.
Getting things too and from the island is tricky, so Ben would buy gifts for Alex as and when he came across them on his missions for Jacob.
Ben once learned to bake his own small cake when he was a child from a dharma cookbook (when his father was at work), which he learned to perfect year on year through trial and error. He learned most of his cooking skills this way, as his dad never cooked (and if he did it was just for himself)
There were a few children around the village, but all from off-island due to the pregnancy issues, so there were children for Alex to play with (although she preferred to play at the edge of the forest, which always put Ben on edge). Ben would organise the party and then make himself scarce and keep an eye ok proceedings at a distance.
While adult members of the Others know Ben’s ruthless reputation as their leader, they also know about his soft-spot for children so trust him to keep them safe regardless of if he likes their parents or not.
Ben is usually quiet about his birthday (a learned habit), and the ongoing political tensions don’t help matters. Still, he does get a few cards from some of the friendlier faces in the village. He has kept all of Alex’s cards to him (which she always drew herself).
Alex didn’t leave the island, so a lot of her presents to him as a child were pieces of art and homemade crafts. She once made him breakfast in bed when, and while it was a disaster he makes an effort to eat it anyway.
Ben doesn’t tell Hurley when his birthday is. It doesn’t seem like a thing to bring up, after everything - also (as always) the Island takes priority.
Hurley is distracted with island business so almost forgets about his own birthday. However, that morning he finds a card and a small cake left on the counter of his Dharma house, left there in the early hours. He hadn’t told Ben when his birthday was, so he doesn’t know exactly how he found out.
Ben has also organised a boat for Hurley to leave the island on to visit his family. He had reached out under the guise of Hurley’s ‘secretary’ so they know to expect him.
Hurley spends a few days at home, leaving Ben to hold the fort back on the island - but he makes sure to bring him back some cake.
Hurley somehow figured out Ben’s birthday. Ben isn’t entirely sure how, but figures ‘touché’.
That morning Hurley leaves him his own card on the table, alongside a book he’d bought during his visit home, and a hotpocket (an injoke he hopes Ben will appreciate).
Ben feels quite touched and quietly thanks him when he sees him that morning. Hurley gives him a hug (something Ben appreciates but hides behind a witty remark). Hurley knows Ben is still unsure of himself in this new status quo so let’s him process this friendship at his own speed.
He sees Ben reading the new book on his porch the next day.
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splendidsneb · 9 months
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EDIT: Fan of the icons? Wanna to say 'Hey, good job!' And support me? Consider buying a sticker!
Greetings lovelies, I've been busy with another project and it's finally time to share.
As you can see, I've taken it upon myself to redraw my entire DbD Icon Pack.
This was no small task, I had a total of 73 characters to redraw, colour and format to work in game. (and not a whole lot of free time to do so)
I've been working on this icon pack since 2016, and as time has passed, both my skill as an artist, as well as the way I render certain things have changed, so I decided to go ahead and redo the entire project in a more cohesive style, as well as more closely reference official models when making the initial sketches, as quite a few of the old pieces were just me eye balling things and saying "close enough", so while you'll see some characters that look the same over all with minor tweaks to fix mistakes like Meg or Trapper, you'll also see some art that was completely redone for characters that I just wasn't happy with the quality, like Jeff of Doctor.
I even made a point of eye dropping all colours used directly from the previous version of the icons, along with reusing the same textures.
I wanted the icons to feel as close to the originals as I could make them, while still taking into account that the new UI features the icons on a dark background, which caused some visibility issues with the previous version, which were made with (at the time) lighter colour background in mind.
The new versions now have a white outline which keeps the icons from blurring into the background and getting lost.
I'm really happy with how this has turn out, and I hope you like it too!
That being said, while I will only be updating this version going forwards, I'm not going to delete the older version, so if you're a super fan of the previous version and would prefer to keep using them, you absolutely can!
The 'New and Improved' version can be found on NightLight app under "Sketched In Profile.", as well as here as a [Mega] if you'd prefer that.
If you wish to use the previous version of the icons, you can click the Mega and find them located in the folder entitled "!Legacy Icons." They'll be at the front of the list for easy access.
Feel free to take a peak at what they look like in game below!
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As always, if you have any questions or concerns about using these, feel free to reach out!
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istorkyou · 2 years
The Price Of Love (Modern!Ivar AU)
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A Modern!Ivar x F Reader
Warnings - See individual chapters. STRICTLY 18+
Synopsis - Money isn’t everything.
Word Count - 1584
Note - This is the second fic I ever wrote and I’m not sure why I never posted it. I think I started writing The Arrangement not long after and kind of fell out of love with this one. Still, it’s been festering in my completed docs for well over a year so I figure I might as well post it 😬 It’s fluffy, and maybe a little cheesy (and by a little I mean a lot!) so if that’s your bag I hope you enjoy it!
Moodboard - The beautiful moodboard is made the magical, amazing @serasvictoria. Thank you so much xxxx
This was beta read by my aussie wife who has left Tumblr. All love, all the time Lou x
Tag List - Let me know if you want on or off :)@smears-and-spots @punkrocknpearls​​ @youbloodymadgenius​​ @momowhoo​​ @zuxiezendler​​ @not-another-viking-fanfic-blog​ @ivar-s-my-brat-tamer​ @pieces-by-me​ @heavenly1927​​ @berryonasummerevening @synnersaint​​ @out-of-the-box-and-into-alchemy​ @petite-hime​​ @serasvictoria​​ @mimiiinspace​​ @itsmysticalmystery​​ @lonewolf471​​ @mylifeisactuallyamess​​ @draculasbride-blog​​ @love-all-things-writing​​ @southernbe​​ @redhead7799​​ @kaybee87​​ @ivarlover​​ @ivarhoegh​​ @idgafiamallthefandoms​​ @darkphoenix5037​​ @profoundtyrantharmony​​ @snarling-through-our-smiles​​ @crazyunsexycool​​ @xceafh​​ @bragisrunes​​@noway4u @batmandallyboy​​ @complicatedbutrare @readsalot73​​​​ @meandmycherrytree @mymindfuckery
Nine months of dating Ivar. Nine months of happiness. Nine months of amazing sex. Nine month of love.
The interest in your relationship publicly has definitely reduced, mostly because the pair of you don’t go anywhere the photographers would be. Ivar has adapted to your lifestyle easily and fits into your world perfectly. You still struggle sometimes fitting into his world, but you are getting better at the glitzy parties and rubbing shoulders with the extreme wealth in your city. You much prefer it when you guys do normal things together though.
You have become friends with his brothers, they were easily won over, especially Hvitserk. He and Iris have been on a few dates and he seems besotted with her. She likes him a lot but is being very ‘Iris’ about the whole thing and is playing it cool.
Ubbe is dating someone new and, aside from cracking a couple of jokes in the beginning, leading Ivar to threaten to murder him, in a seriously scary tone, your ‘thing’ is long forgotten.
Since the ball you haven’t seen too much of Aslaug, she has been away, staying in her house in Iceland for months.
She calls you the week she gets home and she comes to visit your shop.
You bond over your mutual love of fashion. She spends a long time looking through all the clothes you stock and buys some dresses and some jewellery.
“You have a really good eye, Y/N. A wonderfully eclectic mix of fashion in stock. Have you thought about expanding? Opening more boutiques across the city?” She asks curiously.
“I have, I am hoping to by the end of next summer, I just need to make sure the business plan is foolproof, find a space, blah blah! It will be a lot of work.”
“I can help, I am always looking to invest in small local businesses…” she trails off and raises her eyebrows.
“Aslaug, without wanting to sound ungrateful, because I really am grateful for the offer, I’ve got my heart set on doing it all by myself.” You give a determined look.
“Although, if you know anyone in real estate that can give me a heads up of any suitable spaces becoming available I will gladly take that help,” you give her a cheeky smile.
“It just so happens I do know some people who could help with that. I will get in touch with them,” she gives you a wink.
“Also, the jeweller who made the bracelet and necklace you bought could maybe use some help, she’s amazing but hasn’t managed to get herself a proper workshop. If you were interested? Her name is Sadie.” You hand Aslaug one of Sadies cards which she slips into her purse.
“You are a very determined young woman, Y/N. I can see why Ivar loves you so much. What time do you lock up the shop? We should go and get cocktails.”
“Yes! I bloody love a good cocktail, come back at 4pm?”
You think you might have finally cracked the cool exterior, Ivar will be so pleased and your heart swells.
You wake up early on Christmas morning and throw on an oversized hoody, before Ivar is stirring and you grab the heavy present on the kitchen counter and head to the elevator.
It opens on the ground floor and you head in over to the reception desk.
“Preston, Happy Christmas!” You shout and laugh as he jumps out of his skin. You hand him over the present.
“What’s this?” He looks in disbelief.
“A pressie, open it!” You are so excited.
He opens the present to see a state of the art coffee machine and his face lights up.
“What? Why? You shouldn’t have done this, Y/N.” His face is tinged with annoyance.
“Oh shush, you always look knackered, we thought you could use it,” you retort.
“Wow, thanks so much, I don’t know what to say.“ He holds his hands up.
“Just a gesture for putting up with Ivar’s rude ass for all these years! Are you going home to your family soon?”
“He’s not so rude anymore.” He tells you with a wink “I finish in 30 minutes,” he says happily. “Happy Christmas, Y/N, thank you.”
“Happy Christmas, have a great day. Hope the twins are happy with their bikes.” You give him a quick hug then head towards the elevator.
When it dings and the door opens Ivar is standing, with his arm above his head looking at the floor and his eyes travel up you until reaching your face and creasing with laughter.
“Will that never get old?!” You ask him in fake annoyance, he knows you find it adorable.
“Happy Christmas, baby! Did Preston like his present?” He asks, pulling you in for a big kiss.
“Yep, he was very happy,” you bury your face in his neck.
“Do you want your present?” Ivar asks with a cheeky smile on his face.
“Is it an orgasm?” You ask, raising an eyebrow.
“Later,” he laughs out, “come on, it’s in the bedroom.”
“This is getting more interesting..” he looks back with a withering look.
“Get your mind out of my pants, filthy girl,” he wags a finger at you.
“Can I give you my present first? I’m so excited!” He laughs at you and nods.
You run to your side of the bed and pull out an envelope, skipping to him to hand it over. He opens the envelope and reads the Christmas card inside, smiling. He opens the card and two pieces of paper fall out. He picks them up with a furrowed brow, reading the words on them.
“Wha..what is this? Japan? You bought us tickets to travel to Japan?!” Pure disbelief on his face. He keeps looking back at the tickets and to you, clearly having trouble processing the information in front of him.
“What the fuck? This is too much, Y/N! We said small gifts.” His face is shocked.
“Meh, you are worth it. Are you ok? Do you want to go? I thought we could go and try some authentic sushi? Remember when I first came here?” You are searching his face for any sign of happiness.
“Y/N, this is too much. You can’t afford this.” His face still shows nothing but shock.
“I can baby, I wouldn’t have bought them if I couldn’t afford it, you know that. The shop has been doing amazing. Do you not want to go?” Your voice is small and dejected.
“Are you kidding me? It’s my number one place I want to visit! Oh my god I’m so excited, I'm just in shock, baby. Thank you! Thank you so much. I’ve never had a gift like this before.” He pulls you in for a crushing hug, kissing you all over your face and neck until you are swatting him away.
“Do you want to open your gift?” He asks excitedly.
He walks to his drawers and pulls out a big black box with a giant gold ribbon tied in bow. He hands it to you and sits close to you, watching your face intently as you undo the bow. You lift the lid on the black box and pull out a red box that you recognise. It’s one of Sadies.
You look at him and his face is so earnest you give him a kiss.
“Open it,” he urges you.
You open the box and inside is the most beautiful necklace you’ve ever seen. It has three platinum chain mail chains twisted round each other all joined together with a diamond on each clasp. It has a round platinum pendant on it, around the edge there is an engraving and in the middle is a beautiful, green stone.
“Ivar……” you look up at him, your eyes misting up.
“I need to explain it!” He is like an excited puppy.
“I designed it, with a little help from Sadie. It’s platinum and diamonds on the clasps..” the look on his face is one of pure amusement, you can’t help but laugh at him despite wanting to act offended, a clear call back to the unwanted bracelet he gave you.
“The circle of the pendant represents my never ending love for you,” his face changes from amusement to seriousness.
“The engraving is the date I first laid eyes on you.” You bring it closer to your face to read it.
“The date of the merger party.” You tell him, with a big soppy smile on your face.
“And the green sapphire in the middle is the exact colour of the blazer you were wearing when we met. I knew from that very moment you were the one for me. Forever and always.”
You don't know what to say, your eyes well up with tears.
“Do you like it, Y/N?” He asks nervously.
“It’s the most beautiful, thoughtful present. I love it.” You wipe your tears of happiness and kiss him. “You can't tell me off for the gift I got you, this must have cost a fortune, Ivar,” he just shrugs and grins.
“I left a space on it for another engraving. I am going to get it engraved with the date I ask you to be my wife.” his voice is smaller than before and his face is red with a blush. You gasp at his words and pull him close for a cuddle.
“Just for future reference, I will say yes.
THE END - thanks for reading :)
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the-littlest-raindrop · 10 months
BG3 Holiday Fluffle 2023 Drabble One- Twinkling Lights, featuring Dammon!
Presenting the first of my offerings for the fluffle. Link to AO3 above, or if you prefer, find the whole thing below! Suitable for all audiences <3
As the days grow shorter, and the winds grow cooler, you’ve found that your house feels… dark. There’s an almost empty feeling to it, me that not even a roaring fire seems to fix.
At least it’s not a hardship you have to live through alone; not with Dammon by your side.
That man could brighten up the most dingy of hovels with his smile, or break through a gloom with those beautiful eyes of his. Living with him, after all the hardships you’ve been through, is the happy ending you never thought you’d get. It’s everything, and it means that even your dark house feels like the grandest of homes.
However, that doesn’t mean you’re not going to do anything about the state of your home. That’s why you’ve been out today to buy up as many candles as you can, planning to fight off the gloom with them. You’ve bought your new light sources not a moment too soon, either; the sun had set long before your shopping trip concluded.
So, with your pack laden with waxen goodies, you let yourself into your shared abode, your eyes slow to adjust to the darkness. ‘Dammon?’ The chances of him being home when the fire hasn’t even been lit are slim, but that doesn’t stop you from hoping; after a busy day out in the cold, you long for his warm embrace.
A soft voice calls out to you, coming from your balcony. ‘Up here, love.’ One advantage of your fame- and the wealth you’d accrued through your journey- is that you’d been able to buy a house in one of the nicer parts of the city, which has served not only the purpose of getting Dammon better paying clients, but also granted you the closest thing to a garden anyone can hope for in the city; a balcony, large enough to set a small table and chair upon.
Yet as you make your way upstairs, and dump your belongings onto your bed, you notice that said furniture is now inside the house, rather than outside. No sooner have you processed this do you see your lover sitting alone on the balcony, a checkered blanket layed down upon the hard floor.
As you slide open the door, Dammon looks up at you, his teeth gleaming slightly in the dim light of evening. ‘There you are, love. I was worried about you. Come and sit with me a while. I made us dinner.’ He gestures to a wicker basket behind him as you take a seat next to him, looking above the balcony’s bannister and into the night sky. Even in the city, the stars still shine, like precious jewels sewn into the fabric of the night itself.
Looking down at your dinner, you can see Dammon has been busy. Sandwiches, cakes, mini pies… he’s really gone all out tonight. You aren’t quite sure why though, since there is no anniversary to be observed tonight, unless he’s decided that there’s an occasion worthy of celebration.
Dammon finishes laying out your food, only to produce a few candles from the bag, carefully placing them around your blanket before lighting them with a match. ‘Not that I don’t appreciate the surprise, but what gives? You’ve never done anything like this before.’ Not that he isn’t a romantic- far from it. You’ve just never come home to a sight like this before. Some days, you’re lucky if he finishes up at his forge in time for dinner.
The tips of Dammon’s ears grow darker, though you’re not sure if that’s from embarrassment or cold. ‘I just wanted to surprise you, that’s all. Besides, I think spending an evening with the woman I love is occasion enough. We just need the wine-‘ He looks behind him then, only to look back at you with a frown. ‘That I left in the kitchen. Shit…’ You notice he’s not in his work apron, a rare sight indeed. Still, you’d be lying if you said it was a bad surprise; you love the way his tunic clings to his well-honed muscles, a delightful benefit to him having such a demanding craft.
You wave off his concerns, picking up a pie. ‘We don’t need it. I’m starving, and these look delightful.’ Taking a bite of your food, you try not to wince, the taste not at all what you were expecting. For all of his talents, it seems your lover isn’t a particularly skilled baker…
Dammon doesn’t notice your discomfort, helping himself to a sandwich. ‘Even still, I wanted this evening to be perfect. Romantic. A quiet moment, just for the two of us. I know there have been precious few of those lately, and I’m sorry. I’m just trying my hardest to establish myself here, for both our sakes.’ He seems preoccupied with something, his eyes slightly unfocused as he shoves his food into his mouth.
Putting your pie down, you reach out to him, his hand still warm despite the cold air. ‘You’re doing amazing, my love, but don’t feel like you need to push yourself. I fell in love with you when all you had to your name were the clothes on your back and the hammer in your hand. You’re everything to me.’ You give him a reassuring squeeze, trying to let him know everything is okay.
Instead of looking at you, Dammon looks to the sky, a smile tugging at the edges of his lips. ‘I’ve always loved how the sky looks this time of year. The darkness always makes the stars shine brighter. When Elturel fell, I feared I’d never see them again. Now, I get to share them with you.’ The candles around you flicker as the wind picks up, threatening to extinguish them.
You lean into Dammon, kissing his cheek. ‘I suppose it is the best time of year to really appreciate them. Maybe one day we could go to an astrologer, and find out what they mean?’ That could be a fun date idea, if he’s up for it. You’re certain there will be someone in Baldur’s Gate that could teach you both.
Dammon chuckles, shaking his head. ‘If it’s all the same to you, I think I’d like to come up with my own meanings. We could make the stars tell any story we wish, if you think about it.’ That’s… you’ve never really thought about it that way, but he’s right. Who’s to say that the constellations have to be followed. You should be free to connect the stars as you see fit.
Taking Dammon’s words to heart, you trace over a few of them, trying to make a heart shape. ‘I think I can see my love for you in them. What do you see?’ Knowing Dammon, he’ll probably say the day you met, or the time you were reunited, citing you as a flicker of light against the shadow curse.
Your lover doesn’t reach towards the sky, slipping his hand into his pocket instead. ‘I see the night you agreed to marry me, under the watchful gaze of the stars.’ Your eyes snap towards him just in time to see him pull a ring from his trousers, presenting it to you with a nervous smile on his face.
You don’t hesitate for a moment, wrapping your arms around your lover. ‘I accept, though it will be hard to see the stars through my tears of joy.’ Already you feel them welling in your eyes, threatening to spill over.
Dammon sighs in relief. ‘Then forget them for now, and just let me hold you.’ You’re happy to agree to that, all but crawling into his lap. The idea of spending the rest of your life with the man you love is enough to make your very soul sing with joy, your heart soaring as your mind is filled with one single certainty;
Your future with Dammon will shine brighter than any star ever could.
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agoracactus · 2 years
GOW x Reader - Real Life AU Pt.1
i couldnt fit everyone in here so i thought id do a part two for the aesirs. if u got anyone u wanna see lemme know!
question, would ppl wanna read odin x reader?
or mimir?
Warning: no proofreading as im doing this late with my eyes half closed again
He came from a military family, was raised with strict discipline, which gave him a stern and rigorous manner.
He's a huge man, tall and very well-built. Very. Intimidating. You would have stayed as far away from him as possible if not for your curiosity.
At the start of your relationship, you relied a lot upon Atreus- Kratos's son- to be the middleman of your conversation. After a lot of "practice" and determination, you're now confident to read his emotions and have a general understanding of what he's trying to say (but not saying).
He was a general in his country, then got a dishonorable discharge. Got into business with the local cartel for a while, brought down the cartel single-handedly, and is now an independent contractor doing construction work. You often joke that he should get his life story made into a movie.
You love that under all the hard shell and tough demeanor is a big warm heart. While he secretly admires you wearing your heart on your sleeves- although he worries from time to time for you rarely let your guard up.
He doesn't talk about his past much, even after dating you for some time. It was frustrating at first, you thought he either didn't trust you or wasn't serious about the relationship. After some heated arguments, you two finally talked it out. You'd patiently wait till the day he's ready to open up about his past, and it would be perfectly fine if he never want to.
Speaking of heated arguments, it is rare to happen. He's a very logical person and straightforward. And slowly he's learning to open up and communicate more.
He had 2 marriages before, both gave him bitter-sweet memories. On your anniversary, with Atreus's help, you dug out the very few photos he had of his family, framed them yourself (with handmade wooden frames, you had multiple cuts following those tutorials on youtube), and gave it to him over dinner.
You were so nervous that he might see it as crossing his boundaries that you thought you'd throw up, instead he almost choked up.
You helped him hang up the photos on the entry wall afterward.
And he started liking his pictures taken especially when it's with you.
Atreus gave him a film camera for his birthday. So he started the hobby of photography, and even learned how to develop photos.
He writes poems for you.
You submitted some of his photos to a local photography contest, and he won the second prize.
He prefers the old-school stuff, for the life of him couldn't catch up with all the new techs. And he hated using smart phones. Later you found out it was because his fingers are too thick for a small smart phone screen, so you got him an ipad. Now he facetime everybody if he needs anything and puts the tablet by his ear to listen.
Drives a 4 -door pickup, and wouldn't let anyone drive his precious car. Not even Atreus.
You often buy him clothes, knowing he would look good in either style- also knowing that if you don't care about what he wears he would wear whatever flannel he has in his closet- often with some holes.
He does not care about whether it's hot or cold, he basically wears the same thing all the time. You don't know how he is warm when he's only wearing a t-shirt in the snow, while you wrapped yourself up like an onion
Not like you wanna complain though, it's nice to have a human heater in bed keeping your feet warm.
Has a friend called Mimir, a somewhat hippy-looking man. He helps with Krato's company's finance and other paperwork stuff. Unlike his appearance, according to Kratos, he's actually very smart.
You often wonder how these two people become friends in the first place.
Works at a wildlife rescue organization, and travels all the time to help all sorts of animals.
You two met on a rescue mission. He admires your compassion and love towards the animals, and you love his capability of handling hurt and tense beasts.
When you first met, he had a full head of braided locs. He claimed that since he couldn't grow a full and luscious beard, he overcompensate with his hair.
Likes braiding your hair, and you'd let him do it because he can do all sorts of braids and does it better than you.
Used to participate in archery tournaments when he was still in school, won lots of trophies and medals. Now he plays amateur games.
He brought you to an archery range for your first date. You being competitive thought it would be a piece of cake. But couldn't even draw the bow string.
You thought you were going to impress him, instead, he impressed you with extreme patience and well-articulated instructions. You were able to hit a target after half a day's training thanks to him.
He loves to read. You planned a treasure hunt at the bookstore for your anniversary, looking for books to gift each other and to read together. He always talked about it to his friends, showing off how thoughtful you are.
He just loves showing you off to people.
He's as stubborn as a mule. Whatever he set his mind to, no one could change his mind. Sometimes you admire his level of determination, other times you wanna bang your head on the wall.
He has a huge dog named Fenrir, Atreus rescued him when he was just a little puppy. The first time you visit his house, Fen tackled you- it was almost traumatizing. Atreus told you it was because Fen really liked you, and he doesn't usually take a liking to people.
Of course he would be a prankster, often pulling small pranks on you (harmless though), you are constantly amazed at how creative he is, and would often laugh at these pranks together.
At first you were scared of his father, a big man who rarely speaks let alone smiles. Sometimes you wonder if he really loves his son, when he barely gave Atreus any response to whatever he was sharing
Plus , what loving parent lets their kids call them "sir"?
Later in your relationship, after many childhood stories Atreus shared with you, you realized how wrong you were. You apologized to Kratos over family dinner.
When you two have a fight, he'd storm off, usually out of the house. He'd return after a few hours with flowers or other gifts to apologize, and would be cool to sit down and talk about your issues.
She's a florist/herbalist, has a dainty flower shop on the street where you live. Before you two got together you often went and got flowers for your mother.
She'd insist that you pursued her first.
Has lots of plants in the apartment, and a small herbal garden on the balcony.
If you're good with plants, she'd argue which plant loves her the most. If not, you're forbidden from even going near her babies.
The pair of you each own a cat before your relationship, but somehow both of the cats seem to like/obey her more.
She has published several books about herbalism, led a few workshops, and there's a small community on social media praising her work. You often joke that it's her little cult.
Your parents adore her, especially your mother. Whenever you two went over for dinner they'd hang out in the kitchen, cooking and chatting. To your parents, Freya would be the one to go to for opinions of stuff instead of you.
Your mother knits her a sweater every winter. You don't even get a hand-made sweater from your mother that often.
Had a marriage with a businessman before, and had a son who died in an accident. She has the son's photo on her phone's lock screen, and would curse every time the businessman shows up on the news.
Has a twin brother who she worries about all the time. He travels around and is rarely home, when he's home she'd cook him a meal fit for a king.
When she was young she had to work several different jobs to raise herself and her brother. Even though she doesn't have to worry about finance or her brother anymore, a lot of the time she still acts as a "mother", you'd have to remind her to lean on you more.
You two often go for a weekend drive, have picnics at the beach or in the forest, enjoying nature together. For some reason small animals like birds or squirrels- sometimes foxes and rabbits- love her.
Every month you two go help at the local rescue center on at least one of the weekends. It still amazes you how she knows herbal remedies for animals.
You'd apologize first every time when you had an argument. Most of the time it would be your fault anyways. Your queen could never be wrong.
He's the lead singer/songwriter of a popular band, doing alternative music. The band has a decent amount of followers but their music is mediocre. You had a theory that most of their fans are in love with the band members, not their music. (He wouldn't agree though)
Very charismatic, often is surrounded by a bunch of people in social situations. It's hard not to feel jealous, but every time when he sees you from the crowd, he'd pish whatever conversation aside and get to you.
Sometimes you go visit him when he's on tour, his band-mates adore you, but would constantly make fun of him, saying he talks about you too much.
An indoor person, doesn't like going out very much. He claims that it's because he travels a lot for work, and he wants to be as still as possible in his spare time.
Has long hair, and often has it in a messy bun. Sometimes you'd feel playful and ask to braid his hair. He'd let you, and if he has a show in a few days he'd make sure the braids last till then, and would tell the whole crowd you did his hair.
He's a great cook, often cooks for you. He explained that he used to cook a lot when he was a kid.
Definitely a gamer, and is very competitive. Although he is not a poor loser, and would let you win if you lose too much.
Sings in the shower. Before you moved to a better apartment with better sound-proofed walls, your neighbors often come to knock on the door to complain about how loud he is. (yes other aspects as well he is looooud)
Obviously, he sings for you all the time. He claims that after you two got together, all of the songs he made are either for you or about you.
And he praises you all the time, you often giggle at the creative compliments.
He's more into anniversaries than you, insists that you celebrate every one of them. From the day you first met to the day you move in with him. Even when he's away on the tour, he'd make sure to send you presents/flowers and facetime you.
Also very into holidays, he makes sure he would be home during any of the holidays. Sometimes you two visit Freya and celebrate together.
Bought you a puppy for your birthday, though in fact he was the one who wanted the puppy. He fell in love at first sight at the store and insisted on getting the pup. He named the golden retriever Ingrid.
Has a twin sister, you've met her a few times. Every time you see her you think that "majestic" is the perfect word for her. Though she's very friendly.
You'd ask her about his favorite food, and cook it for him, surprising him when he gets home.
You two don't really fight, he'd make it up to you before you even get upset. And you are absolutely perfect in his eyes.
She's an artist, known for her unique way of utilizing color.
You first met at her exhibition, you didn't expect to be fascinated by this random artist at the exhibition your friend dragged you to. Soon you became her number-one fan, showing up at all of her exhibitions.
She'd recognize you and come greet you every time, greetings gradually evolved into coffee and dinner dates. Then it became nightly phone calls. One night she just blurted out a confession over the phone.
You two share a studio apartment, allowing you each to have your own space while enjoying each other's company.
She's pretty messy. When you first moved in, her stuff was left everywhere, you could find brushes on the stove, remote in the fridge, and clothes on the back of every chair you own. You had to teach her how to be more organized (her manager was very grateful). Now she keeps her messiness in her own space.
She's an animal lover, owns two dogs and three cats. Whenever you two watch something together and some animal shows up, she'd wanna have them as a pet.
She doesn't drive, she either takes public transport or rides a bike.
She doesn't really like living in the city, and is saving money to buy a little country house.
A spiritual person. You always find some crystals in the house, sometimes, she'd drop some rocks in your bag claiming it would help with fatigue or anxiety. The apartment always smells nice with the burning incent.
She also loves to bake, often experiments with different recipes, adding a sweet and buttery smell to the apartment.
You learned how to meditate from her. When you start working from home, she'd grab you every afternoon to do a 30 min meditation.
You do weekly pamper nights together, having face masks on, rubbing each other's feet, watching movies, and catching up.
Eventually you two would move to a nice little country house. And slowly but surely she would turn it into a small farm with sheep and chicken and goat and other animals.
You would get a secondhand car so it's easier to get groceries. You'd give her a ride if she has work in the city, and have a launch date in your favorite cafe.
You two never fight, whatever problem you have you are always comfortable talking to each other.
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weissaddams · 1 year
are you ready for it?
Chapter 1 - paper rings
Why Wednesday said yes to the forsaken reunion was beyond her.
Not really.
Enid asked her, practically begged her to come, with the promise of rare Lycan books from the Sinclair family library if she did.
After the initial shock of learning that werewolves did, in fact, have libraries, Wednesday quickly said yes to the reunion.
She still thinks it was pointless because Enid met up with their friends every month. Wednesday rarely joined, sure, but she didn’t require periodic in-person updates about their lives when Enid was literally a wall away. The blonde was more than happy to give her unprompted updates regarding their little group’s lives every now and then.
They were both accepted at Columbia. It was truly fortunate that it was a 6-hour drive from San Francisco. No pesky werewolves dropping in unannounced.
No arms even had to be twisted because despite their rather questionable extra-curricular activities in Jericho, Wednesday and Enid had pristine academic records. Enid was even toe-to-toe with Bianca for a handful of their classes before Wednesday came along.
Bianca and Eugene got into Harvard. Yoko and Divina were in Yale. Ajax and Kent went to NYU. They were all relatively close to each other.
Since the two applied to the same university, Wednesday and Enid thought it would be stupid if not impractical not to keep living together. They’d already gotten used to each other’s quirks and schedules. Why change anything?
Since Columbia was where Fester had gone for Uni, the Addams already owned a little Victorian house 10 minutes away from campus. They moved in two weeks before classes started.
Enid’s mother wasn’t too keen about looking like her daughter was mooching off the Addams wealth, so she’d allowed Enid to stay with Wednesday on the condition that their utility bills would be footed by the Sinclair pack. It was a small price to pay, if it was a price at all in order to stay together.
The Sinclair pack hadn’t even bothered to drive Enid to the Addams manor for the last half of summer or help her move into campus. No, they just sent her a new credit card and all the things in her room. Enid was pretty sure said room would be a pile of boxes if she ever decided to visit her so-called home.
The moment Wednesday’s mother found out, the older seer took her girls shopping in a district Enid didn’t even know existed. She'd spent so many summers with Wednesday family and she still wasn't used to how generous they were. Who buys their daughter's best friend a brand new wardrobe? 
Morticia didn't think Esther Sinclair could disappoint her any further. How could any parent not want to spoil and cherish someone as bright and colorful as Enid? She would adopt Enid if it didn’t somehow complicate things for Wednesday.
Gomez, never really one to be bested, obtained a matte black, hybrid Range Rover for them. Obtained being the operative word, Gomez would not settle for any vehicle that wasn’t bullet proof. Not in this country. He also had to take into account that Wednesday would likely prefer to drive a manual instead of an automatic. Enid was about the opposite.
Though, both girls usually walked to class. It was only 15 minutes away by foot, after all. They named the Rover Edgar Allan but Enid started calling him Eddie as a nickname.
A few days after they moved in, Enid had ordered them Thai food for dinner since they were busy putting away the last boxes of their things. She’d opened her wallet to get cash to tip the delivery person when she spotted a glint of black that she was sure wasn’t there the last time she used her wallet.
Enid rarely used her wallet because Wednesday insisted on paying every time they ate at restaurants or went to cafes. She usually kept cash in it for tips because the raven usually only brought the card ever since she learned how convenient it was. So, she is very much surprised to find a shiny black credit card in one of the slots with her name on it.
She quickly puts down their dinner and walks to the living room where Wednesday and Thing are trying to pry open one of her ridiculously taped boxes from San Francisco.
“Wednesday? Why do I have a black credit card that looks just like yours in my wallet?”
Wednesday curses whoever taped Enid’s parcel with such passion. It even broke the scissors Thing brought her.
“We won’t have the same schedule like Nevermore, so father and I thought it best to get you yours.”
“Yes, yours. We’ll still use mine but if you’re ever without me, you can use yours.”
Hers? Could she even afford to to have one of these black cards? She wasn’t that clueless when it came to the Addams wealth. She was pretty sure Wednesday’s card didn’t even have a credit limit. Now, she apparently had her own card with no limit? Her brain was going bonkers.
“No need to worry about what you use it on. It’s connected to the family account but Lurch is the one who makes sure to diligently pay the dues every month. Mother and Father won’t be privy to whatever you wish to spend on.”
The conversation they had after that was considerably complex. Enid never did think she’d have to explain to Wednesday how there was no need for her own black card. Generous as it was.
Her pack was more than capable of giving her an allowance. They’d already been doing it for her brothers and they were even paying for their boarding. Enid was living with Wednesday for nearly no cost at all!
Though Wednesday was confused at first, they’d come to a compromise in the end. Enid would use the card whenever they went out together and for emergencies. Like if she suddenly needed cash to bail Wednesday out of jail or buy tickets to the upcoming Seventeen concert.
Emergencies. Yes.
Their house was like a miniature version of the manor. Two adjacent bedrooms. One bathroom on each floor. Balcony connecting to an office space. Open floor plan for the kitchen and living room. Library/music room next to the pantry. Veranda overlooking a small garden. It was quaint and more than enough for both of them and Thing whenever Fester wasn't making use of his services.
It was an adjustment to sleep in separate rooms at first, but they’d gotten the hang of it after a couple of weeks. It didn’t help that for the first few nights they’d fall asleep huddled together in front of the fireplace while Wednesday read and Enid facetimed with their friends.
Nothing was official between them, but nothing was unofficial, either.
Thing would sometimes say they were like an old, married couple but Enid would only tell him off for calling them old and Wednesday would ignore him.
Everything was dreadfully peaceful until six months later when Enid decided they should have a reunion at their little house. It could be the housewarming party they never got to have!
Wednesday sighed. It was going to be a long weekend.
are you ready for it? master post
The chapter titles might be a stretch so if you think of Taylor Swift song that fits this chapter more, please tell me!
Not sure how many chapters this one will be. It’s just really fun to build a world around them so this chapter ended up really long. They work in just about any AU or with any headcanon. This is mostly inspired by TS songs like Wenclair Fic Idea No. 1. which I promise to somehow write into this.
Lol let me know what you think! 
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s4kasaki · 2 years
I LOVED YOUR DOMESTIC FLUFF POST FROM BEFORE uhm-uh could i request natsume and arashi one ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
^—^ thank you anon !! & here ya go
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♡ — natsume & arashi | domestic fluff
‣ tw/cws: none
‣ reader: gender netural - they/them
‣ authors note: hai guys, it's been ages since I actually posted help...
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now let me tell you, shopping sprees. 100%, Arashi is all about taking you out to go shopping. It's quite literally you and her thing. Sometimes Leo questions why she's always leaving practice as soon as it's over, is Arashi picking somebody over her unit? (he does eventually learn that it's you for the reason she leaves so soon)
she usually buys you new shampoo, conditioner, and other self-care products when she notices you’re running out or just cause she thinks you'll like the smell (because she also likes the smell) before you even know the bottle’s empty, she already bought new ones for you~★ not to mention she also buys toothpaste and floss when they’re on sale. Arashi pays close attention to all the makeup and skin-care products you buy. if they leave bad results.... she’ll make a mental note to not buy that brand again! ( ̄  ̄|||)
Arashi usually insists on you coming with her when going abroad but sometimes Arashi has to go without you cause business is on the line of course! and you're most definitely aware-- and usually can accept her missing presence. but that doesn't stop the fact that Arashi feels a little bad if you're left behind for long on her trips! especially if you happen to be clingier than usual when she returns. If that happens she always makes sure to fit you into her next flight so you don't get too lonely
speaking of you two when she's away: phone calls and facetime are frequent! even if she's somewhere where the time zones are different & she ends up calling you at 3 in the morning- she's still calling!
all in to listen to you ramble about things and your day, as she finds it very adorable in a way how passionate you are when you speak on things you like... does prefer to be actively involved in conversations though! so do try to conversate with her too!
Arashi usually wakes up before you do but she won’t get out of bed right away (unless truly necessary), instead she will stay in bed with you and watch you while you’re peacefully sleeping ( ꈍᴗꈍ) her lips curled into a highly smile from just how adorable you are, cupping your cheek before letting out a giggle. “Good morning, my love~” she whispers as you start to wake up and finally lift your body from the bed before pressing a little kiss to your forehead~. She loves lying in bed with you in the morning, peppering your face in small kisses, and snuggling up close to you with no intentions of letting you go either! It's a blessing almost, when she gets to do these things- since she's mostly occupied with work and Knights and when she returns from a long day of working, modeling.. performing.. you’re already knocked out like a bear, so she adores the hours in the morning she can spend some time alone with you, even going as far to risk some of her time on just staying in bed with you :heart:
This dude takes an unhealthy amount of nighters, either have it be cause he's in his room in the underground archives or because he's playing video games like overwatch in the house you two share together— so you might wake up at midnight seeing this dude's back in your face & you have to force this idiot into going to bed (ノ_<。)ヾ(´ — ` )
You know it's mentioned he has a cat, or multiple cats… at his parent's house? Well, once he invited you over in hopes for you to meet his parents, and his parents and the kitties seemed to like you. Which to him was quite a surprise since his cats are similar to him, and not very quick to open up. Smelling on you and nuzzling your legs as soon as you came around them "(^._.^)ノ meow"
Natsume has a habit of waking up early despite being the horrible night owl he is, he's usually out of bed by the time you open your eyes to make breakfast or shower, the only indication he was still there is his phone's bright light. But sometimes, he just can't resist waking you up with him, the way your cheek was smooshed against the pillows o((*^▽^*))o eyes closed as you clutched onto the blankets, a leg strewn on top of his. His gaze rests on you, softly taking in the scenery, him unable to resist leaning down to press a light kiss to your cheek, pulling back just to press another one, soon enough peppering your entire face with kisses, feeling you stir underneath him, groggily rubbing your eyes “Natsu— what time is it” you mumble, struggling to push him off you “7:24, so go baCK to sleep”
“But you're the one who woke me up?....” and you can feel him snicker on top of you as he moves to pull himself off of you, only to be stopped when he feels your hand loop around his wrist, pulling him back “You woke me up so you gotta stay” you murmur, pulling the blankets aside to make room for him to lay back on you and much to your satisfaction, he doesn’t resist.
Contrary to popular belief! He likes to go on dates with his partner in the public eye, dare I say he also likes the thrill of getting seen with you by fans so they ask him a bunch of questions and he gets a reason to lovemail you. Knowing that you might be incredibly happy if that were to happen, or maybe embarassed... Knowing that those words of love he said will sooner or later he heard by thousands of his fans. ♡˖꒰ᵕ༚ᵕ⑅꒱ and probably even some back at ensquare, you might get a nose full from some curious teasing oddballs (wataru and rei especially)
He has some sort of nickname for you, the "kitten" nickname stays forever though even though it makes you screech sometimes— and he's aware of the effect it has on you (if it's negative, then he's planning on calling you kitten way more than he did when you two first met just cause he finds It, If not... a little humourous)
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