#also pretty much any style when having a visible nose from the front is the exception rather than the rule is a minus for me
collgeruledzebra · 2 years
ok not to be a hater but i tried the vox machina animated show and gang. It's mediocre.
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codecicle · 14 days
hi ash, could i utilise your mega autism for a moment? would it be possible for you to provide me with some good reference images for drawing Charlie's face ie front and side profiles ect? plus any tips on details you think are important? No pressure ofc! Just thought this might be something you had a lot of thoughts about anyway, if not then please don't go out of your way I am indeed capable of using google, it just takes longer and is less fun than talking to a cool guy XD
YES. YES ALWAYS AND FOREVER. GLADLY. ABSOLUTELY. Here's references + notes under the cut!
First of all, go -> here <- for a guide by razberypuck, which is perfect and explains everything better than I ever could.
Second of all, he has some pretty distinct features of both his face and his body that are important to keep in mind, which is mainly what I'll be talking about :-)
Third of all, not all these features need to be kept, especially when you consider styles and the tendency to drop certain parts of the body or face once you've learned the rules enough to break them. Im just listing them all so people know what features work well with their style and what features don't ^_^
His hair is very messy and fluffy, kinda like cowlicks for his entire head. His front hair typically comes down into bangs that curve towards the right, while the rest goes in every direction possible. (This is also true going back years ago. He just combed it a certain way, so you'd only see the fluffy cowlicks in the back of his head)
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Another thing I wanna point out is his Adam's apple, which is very prominent ! I kept ted in the photo to show the difference ^_^
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Also! No matter what era you're drawing from, his eyebrows shape a LOT of his face. They're really thick!
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3/4ths views to show it more clearly, his jawline is relatively soft! And his old frames are clunky. He has a really pretty hooked nose which curves down towards the tip of it. Otherwise, it's pretty much a triangle! If you're drawing him from the side, keeping the little triangle dip on the side of his nose can help you find the general shape easier.
Also! The above images are really good examples of his mouth. I don't have many notes on this, but if you're going for anything 1 to 1 of him, I'd recommend keeping the curve of his cheeks downward when his mouth is closed, and the curve upward when he's smiling. He has visible cheekbones that make the area around his mouth appear very round
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^ this is a great reference that shows everything I've been talking about. 1: triangle on the side of his nose to show the curve from the front 2: thick eyebrows 3: visible cheekbones and small curves around his mouth 4: cowlick hair
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Also, he's very buff! Chulked out 2 the max. Some of these images came from me being a major hater over art of him, before remembering people can do whatever they want forever. But I can use it now! Charlie has wide shoulders, natural tummy, and gigantic tits.
He's visibly wider than Tommy and Ranboo, with a frame closer to Sneeg and James in build. He's strong!! He's really really strong!! I feel like people forget Just How Strong This Guy Is.
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Also heres an image from and older post of mine, which I designed while trying to explain why he doesn't look That Different without the glasses (2 me). It's pretty much everything I said above, but summarized in a photo!
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source: bro trust me and also source: the final 2 images i could fit on mobile which are 2 random face studies I have of him nearby. I have better one's but i can't find them right now so take these okay bye bye
+ I'm so sorry if this made 0 sense I'm very tired ^_^
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atonalginger · 8 months
Mega OC Q&A
I saw @silurisanguine do this with her OC, Seren and thought, "hey that might be a good way to introduce the latest lil misfit in my band of Starfiend OCs." and by little I mean...well you'll see.
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I'm going to put the Q&A under a 'read more' cut because this is long.
What’s their full name? He doesn't remember if he's ever had a 'real name'. He's pretty sure he did, everyone get's one, right? but He'll never remember it. Instead he chose the name Frost.
What does their name mean? Why were they named that? Frost: a deposit of small white ice crystals formed on the ground or other surfaces when the temperature falls below freezing. He feels liek he should remember why he chose that name but can't.
Do they have any nicknames? He vaguely remembers people he worked with calling him 7-33. Many call him blue eyes.
How old are they? he looks no older than 30 but he is much older. Or is he? How does Unity work with things like that...;)
When’s their birthday? He doesn't know.
What’s their zodiac sign/element/birthstone/etc.? Do they believe that holds any significance? doesn't know and no he would not.
What’s their species/subspecies? Do they have any special/magical abilities? Human -> starborn, if you could consider that a change worth noting. He has all the starborn abilities and is fairly strong with them...though he doesn't initially remember them when he arrives in a new universe. It's...complicated.
What “class” do they belong to (for fantasy characters)? If none, what weapon do they favor? He favors blades and rifles appears to be a master with any.
What do they look like? 6'0" built like a linebacker/wrestler. Dark brown hair, strong jaw, wide nose, thick lips, hooded eyes, and pale skin with a warm undertone. His eyes are icy pale blue with no visible pupil. This is because they are cybernetic/implants. He catches lots of staring but I think it's less to do with the eyes and more the fact that he's damn handsome.
Do they have a face claim? No...he kind of looks like Sgt Yumi's cousin but
What’s their style like? Clothes, hair, makeup? He always wakes up with hair clipped to about 1/2" all over. He also always goes to Enhance! to change it as soon as he has the credits. This go around he went with a professional looking fade but he's gone full long hair in a bun and mohawks and everything in between. No makeup. He tries to keep clothes simple and comfortable. He does prefer v-necks if he can find them because crew cut necklines are constricting. He also prefers jumpsuits because it's less items to worry about getting dirty...
How do they carry themselves? What’s their default expression? Many mistake him for military with the way he carries himself. His default expression is a stone 100 yd stare, though if he sees something that entertains or delights him he might crack a small smile for a moment.
Do they have any physical ailments or disabilities? No. Appears to be in his prime and peak physical health.
Any defining features to their character? From the front it's his eyes. Any other angle its his size/build. The man is imposing when you first see him.
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What’s their alignment? True neutral. Some would consider him evil, others would consider him a goodie-too-shoe. His only hard and fast rule in the starfield is no killing innocents. Anything else goes, so long as it gets to his end goal...just don't kill innocents in front of him or you're fucking dead.
Which one of the 16 Personality Types do they fit into? It would depend on the universe and what he ended up doing once he remembered himself. He'd also probably scoff at the notion, if not cringe, due to his past.
What are their hobbies and interests? Do they have any particular “favorites” (food, books, and so on)? he has what he considers the bad habit of collecting knives. He considers it a bad habit because he loses them every jump so what's the point? (the point is they bring him joy). His favorite food is a fresh plum. Much to Cora's dismay, Frost doesn't like books. He can't remember why but he gets really uncomfortable and anxious when someone tries to get him to read books.
What are they bad at? socializing. Horribly awkward. Has definitely been teased for being a robot.
What kind of things do they dislike/hate? Spacers. They find that lot vicious raiders and does not tolerate their presence anywhere. Universalism. He was raised under a very...unique (to us) form of Universalism and because of it he does not trust members of any universe. Popcorn. The kernels always get wedged between his teeth or caught in the back of his throat and it makes his stomach hurt.
Do they have any vices/addictions/mental illnesses? As what is left of his memory comes back to him each jump he gets deeply depressed and anxious. If anyone could get him into a psych's office they'd probably diagnose him with more but I don't se that happening anytime soon and I don't feel comfortable diagnosing him here.
What are their goals and motivations? Figuring out if he can get back core memories that appear gone. Getting the artifacts, making the next jump. Understanding the purpose of it all.
What are their manners like? Any habits? Around most he is quiet. Sometimes it almost feels like he talks in riddles. he's introverted and prefers traveling alone and working alone but will make sacrifices to move things along. He is polite with most, curt with those he doesn't feel deserves the effort. he's a pen twirler/tapper when anxious.
What are they most afraid of? Not remembering anymore
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Where were they born? What was their childhood like? Frost was born in a rare universe unlike any of the universes he has jumped to since. He doesn't know what planet he was born on but he does know, though it's fuzzy, that he grew up in an underground facility on a planet with 1g. He was trained to kill and hunt from a very young age and used as a child soldier/assassin as his leaders needed.
What’s their family like? He never knew his family. Or if he did, the memory was taken from him. He grew up in a pod of 11 other child soldiers but they weren't really allowed to bond or socialize.
What factions or organizations are they a part of? What ranks and titles do they hold? He was raised by an extremists form of Universalism. They believed that God had chosen them to bring humanity to the stars and any who did not stand with them should be exterminated to make way for God's Glory. They were at war with the Va'ruun as well as the UC and FC. He was used as a child assassin until he was 15 when he was sent to serve as a 'groundpounder' in UC space as the Univeralists attempted to capture the Sol system. When he reached his late 20s he was chosen for the honor of traveling to Unity to spread the word of God across the multiverse. Something...went wrong with the device as he entered it...but he doesn't quite remember...sabotage?
How do they fit into their “story”? It was only after the initial jump that Frost had any real control over his story. He was always a tool for others to wield. The first universe he found himself in...he got into a lot of trouble really fast when he behaved the way he was trained and has since then tried to better himself...he thinks. None of the universes he ends up in make sense to him. Nothing is ever like his home. No one can tell him anything about the various chips and implants in his head or body. Many have never seen anything like it and insist they have to be anomalies in the scans. Someone once said they seemed to be made out of a weird metal that was unlike anything they'd ever seen before...and he's pretty sure that metal is the same as the artifacts.
Where do they currently live? What’s their place like? in his current universe? The Lodge in the room Noel showed him. It's really nice and he's afraid to touch anything just like every other time he's ended up there. Otherwise he's on a ship, currently the Frontier. It's cramped and old.
How do they eventually die? Depending on how you view unity...he's died a lot. How will he die die? Probably by chance, some lucky bastard getting a shot in while he's distracted. Maybe someone will finally figure out how to overpower him. But that doesn't seem likely, given how many universes he's seen.
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Do they have any friends? Would they consider anyone to be their best friend? He will come to call Doc, Fox, and Sam friend. he always likes Vasco. He doesn't have a best friend, Unity doesn't let him keep those.
What’s their friend group like? What role do they play in it? A rowdy, wild bunch this go around. They cavort with a group called the Liberated, made up of former Crimson Fleet members. Fox is a Ranger and a Vanguard, which makes Frost's head hurt. Doc is a historian who hunts spacers in her spare time. She's the one who found him, along with her partner, Sam.
What’s their love life like? Do they have any kids? Pretty non-existent and no. He's had lovers across plenty of universes but he's shy to talk about them.
Who do they look up to? Who do they trust? Look up to? no one anymore. He doesn't put people on pedestals, given what he can remember. He trusts his friends.
Who do they hate? Do they have any enemies? Spacers. Naeva Mora, he's had a lot of run-ins with her and they'll never get along. Commander Ikande, he thinks he's a wolf in sheep's clothing and something about the Commander reminds him of someone from his childhood. Lillian Hart, she reminds him of one of his handlers growing up. Matteo, he knows Matteo isn't like those of his Universe but when he tries to argue with Frost about 'true Univeralism" all chances at neutrality disappeared. He won't hurt the man, but he won't interact with him either.
Do they have any pets? nope.
Are they good with kids? Animals? He's been told he is, though they make him uncomfortable (both kids and animals). He's afraid he'll hurt them or scare them but kids find him interesting. Cora has lots of questions and when he briefly meets little Sophie she seems enamored by his eyes and isn't scared of his stone stoic face.
Which tropes do they fit? Which archetypes? Stoic ronin
Do they play any instruments? Sports? no and no
What are some items they always carry? a knife, at least one suppressed pistol, a pack of spiced mealworms and a pack of water, a scanner.
Do they collect anything? Knives. He shouldn't, he's just going to lose them all but he can't help it.
What position do they sleep in? it's whatever. You can find him sleeping on his back like a plank, on either side, his stomach, sprawled out on a chair...he was trained to sleep wherever and wake with the first alarm.
Which emoji would they use the most? knife emoji
What languages do they speak? English, Japanese, Russian, and Spanish. He doesn't remember learning any of them.
What’s their favorite expletive? Fuck
What’s their favorite candle scent? food scents like baked goods. A warm vanilla is nice too.
What songs remind you of them? Self-Destruction by I Prevail
Which animal would you say represents them? Tiger (lone hunters, strong, cunning)
What stereotypical high school clique would they fit into? He looks like he's be a jock but personality puts him with the freaks and geeks crowd.
What would their favorite ride at an amusement park be? they'd all be boring for him.
Do they believe in aliens? Ghosts? Reincarnation or something else? aliens, like sapient life? Sure, why not! To some people he's and alien so yeah. Ghosts? jury is out on that. Reincarnation? The starborn? Yea, he believes in that lol
Do they follow any religions/gods? Do they celebrate holidays? NO he is an atheist now. Never got into holidays, never really in a single universe long enough to learn them.
Which Deadly Sin do they most correspond to? Which Heavenly Virtue? Wrath. Diligence.
If you had to choose one tarot card to represent them, which would it be? Knight of wands
1. How does your OC feel about their full name? he likes Frost, it's why he chose it.
2. What do strangers notice about them first? If they see his face it's his eyes. Otherwise its his build/stature.
3. How does their social personality differ from how they act when they’re alone? It doesn't really? He's quicker to anger when alone because he knows most people don't like that sort of thing and/or he doesn't want to scare people. But otherwise there isn't a big difference.
4. How do they act around a crush? awkward.
5. Do they have a “tell” for when they’re lying? He gets really stiff and can't make eye contact. He was never good at infiltration missions back in his og universe where he was expected to interact with people.
6. What do they smell like? he doesn't wear scents because it draws attention but he probably faintly smells of gun oil.
7. What is their hair texture like? thick and straight.
8. How much jewelry do they wear, and do they have a favorite or distinguishing piece? none. he loses everything so no need to and besides that jewelry was always considered a safety risk by his trainers/handlers. Rings can lose you a finger, piercing can get caught/ripped out. Necklaces can be grabbed. Same with bracelets.
9. Do they have a word or phrase that they tend to overuse? I don't think he talks enough for that to be a problem. When talking with Doc he's mention "you sing" "they sing" the plates that sing" so....sings.
10. What is a weird quality that they have (ie their hands are always cold, they’re always hungry, they snort when they laugh, etc)? He's very quiet. His 'outside' voice is most peoples 'inside' voice.
11. What color do they look strikingly good in? Navy blue
12. How do they show affection to someone they love? staying close to them, performing lots of favors, smiles.
13. Do they make strong/frequent eye contact when they talk to someone? oh no, he will avoid eye contact if he can help it. He can do it in business situations but it makes him super uncomfortable. He was raised to never look superiors in the eyes.
14. What attributes do they have that are inherited from their parents or shared with their siblings/other relatives? ...not applicable.
15. Are their greatest flaw and their greatest strength related and in what way? (ie very caring and helpful but a doormat, or very observant and shrewd but often paranoid) I think so. he's a very diligent person, always making sure that the task is done right the first time and completely...which means if it comes to violence there will be no survivors to question. Or for non-violent situations it means the task will take much longer.
16. How has their childhood affected the way they view an aspect of their life (people, education, society, themselves, etc)?
-He are slow to trust anyone, unless that person can quickly show him a reason to trust them. Like Doc and Sam win him over quickly because they help him out of a really bad situation and are kind. -His education was very narrow and specific so there's a lot he struggles with as he jumps/travels. -He doesn't trust the factions, their leaders, or the various religious houses of the Starfield. Not even the Enlightened. In his opinion if they were true atheists they wouldn't have organized. -He is often at odds with himself due to the large gaps in his memory. Whenever he wakes in a new universe he is left with minimal memories and it isn't until he starts finding the artifacts that chunks of his past start to come back to him. He has had lives where his first artifact came to him after living as a pirate for years and being horrified with what he'd done. His one hard and fast rule is no Killing innocents but he has the blood of so many on his hands from his OG universe and beyond.
Basically I envision Frost as potentially an OG starborn from the universe the artifacts were developed in. Even if that isn't the case, that universe figured out how to use the metal the artifacts (and I assume temples and anomaly structures) were made of and designed cybernetics and implants with it. He is permanently missing chunks of his memory because his handlers wiped it. And whenever he jumps Unity seems to wipe some away and block the rest, leaving only a select collection of memories and skills for him to keep. Proximity to the artifacts and those who've pulled them from the rock can help him remember. He doesn't know why.
He wants to be a good person. He doesn't know that he can be with the life he's led. He has definitely sided with the Hunter more than the Emissary because he felt less judged/more accepted. Even if the Hunter broke his only rule...he's guilty of that too.
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matwith1t · 3 years
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A/N: Hiiii!! More writing! Yay! This was a fun one!! It’s 98% fluff with 2% angst, but I promise it has a happy ending 🙂 Thank you all so much for your encouraging words!! I cherish them all & hold them close to my heart 🥺 Any and all feedback is appreciated! I hope you enjoy !
Summary: From your first date, first kiss, first hockey game of Mat’s, first I love you, to your first fight…You always learned something new about him.
MASTERLIST | LET’S CHAT 🥂 | Mat Barzal x Reader
Warnings: One swear word & brief allusion to smut // WC: 11.6K // Fluff & Slight Angst
It was your first date.
A blind date.
The nerves got the best of you, so you arrived at the coffee shop early. What if the subway line you had to take was late? What if you missed a stop? What if you took a wrong turn down a street? Twenty minutes might be a bit too early, but it was the only way to ease your anxiety.
You don’t even know the last time you were on a blind date. Your friend, Hayden, had set it up. After a drunken confession over a shared bottle of wine, you admitted you were scared that you were running out of time to find your person. And that’s when an idea clicked in her mind.
She said she had a friend––Mat––who was tired of flings and wanted to really date someone. You waved her off, the idea of being set up seemed too middle school for you. But after she showed you a picture of him…you gave her the go ahead to send him your number.
She contacted Mat, and he said that he was all in for a blind date with you.
You tapped your foot on the pavement as you stood outside of the coffee shop entrance you agreed to meet at. After scrolling through your social media a few times, you clicked on your messages. Were you at the right coffee shop? You clicked on his name, and triple checked that you had the correct place and time.
“Uh, Y/N?”
At the sound of your name, you peered up from your phone and saw a nervous looking boy––a boy you recognized from the picture your friend showed you on a drunken Friday night. With a nervous breath, you offered him a tight lipped smile, “Mat?”
He visibly relaxed at your confirmation that he didn’t walk up a stranger. He ran a hand through his messy styled hair and easily smiled, “Yeah, I––Hi.”
“Hi,” you let out a small laugh.
Oh my God, this is so awkward, you thought to yourself. This was why blind dates were only met for middle school. A blind date was not meant for anytime after that.
While you hadn’t even spent five minutes in his presence, your mind already jumped to the worst conclusion of this not working out as either of you planned. While dating might not work out, maybe you could get a friend out of this.
Mat took a step around you and opened the door, “Should we head in?”
With a nod, you thanked him for holding the door open. Walking in, you were instantly engulfed with the smell of freshly ground coffee beans and the sound of hardworking espresso machines. The shop was bustling with city goers, but there were enough empty tables that you didn’t feel the need to rush to save one. You let out another deep breath as you felt Mat’s shoulder slightly brush yours as he stood next to you in line.
“What are you getting?” He looked down at you.
You tilted your head as you read the menu board that hung behind the counter, “Maybe one of their house lattes?” You then moved your gaze to look up at him, “What about you?”
He shrugged his shoulders, eyes not nearly looking at the menu for as long as you did to decide on a drink, before his eyes landed back on you with a smile, “An iced coffee.”
His smile was infectious. His smile was pretty. And you felt your stomach twist in knots the more you paid attention to the way his smile affected you.
“Also, you can––uh––get whatever you want,” his checks turned a bright shade of red as he stumbled over his words, “I’ll buy.”
You shook your head, but before you could say anything, the two of you were at the front of the line.
Mat was first with his order––an iced coffee––and then he turned his body to look at you, “And whatever she’s having.” You smiled in appreciation and gave the barista your order. You were about to move out of the way, and wait for Mat to be done paying, but he asked you another question, “Do you want anything to eat?”
You felt bad having him pay for coffee and something to eat. It was a coffee shop in New York after all, but the sound of your stomach making a high-pitched grumble sold you out. You felt yourself grow hot with embarrassment, and asked for a croissant. Mat tacked on two croissants to the order and swiped his credit card as if the steep price for two coffees and two pastries in a New York coffee shop wasn’t a concern.
From the two details Hayden had told you––which were his name and age––you knew he was young like you. If you wanted to splurge on a day like this, you needed to budget ahead of time correctly. While you were appreciative of Mat paying for you…it was a blind date. And you didn’t expect him to put so much effort into it
Maybe he budgeted his money better than you.
With your croissants on a plate, the two of you found a place to sit by a window. You tapped your fingers on the wooden table top. It was still awkward, you thought to yourself, as you counted down the seconds until your drinks came. Mat seemed to feel the awkwardness in the air too, but he braved his way through the weird atmosphere.
“So…” he nodded his head for ten seconds straight, eyes darting around the coffee shop, as he cut through the silence, “Where are you from?”
You answered his question, rambling a bit to fill the void, and then asked him the same question. It went back and forth like that for maybe thirteen minutes until your drinks were brought out to your table. Thankful that you had something to sip on if there was a lull in conversation, you circled your hands around the hot mug.
But the conversation never hit a lull; it was fun not knowing anything about Mat before you met him. And he seemed to enjoy it as much as you. You struggled to drink your coffee in a reasonable amount of time to save it from growing cold because of how much the two of you consecutively talked.
“So what do you do?” You took a sip of your lukewarm coffee.
He raised an eyebrow, “What do I do?”
You hummed a simple mhm at him as you swallowed down your drink, “Like, for work,” you set your mug down on the table and leaned forward, “What’s your job?”
“My job…” Mat muttered under his breath as he leaned back on the chair, crossing his arms over his chest. Your eyes flickered down to see the slight flex of his muscles, and when you reconnected eyes with him, he smirked, “I play hockey.”
You scrunched your eyebrows together, “Hockey?”
Mat nodded his head, the smirk on his face growing, as he kept silent. The two of you had been doing so well in avoiding silences, but you caught yourself in one. So, you took a sip of your drink, in hopes he would say something more about his job. But he continued to confidently sit back in his seat.
Not enjoying the sudden awkwardness, you added a futile point to your conversation, “I––I have some friends who play hockey. Only on the weekends though. Kind of like a rec league? Or just a pick up game––”
If you thought his smile was infectious, all you had to do was hear his laugh.
It was soft, a little more high-pitched than you imagined, as he slightly shook his head back and forth. The corners of his eyes crinkled slightly as his eyes shut for a few seconds. As his soft laughter settled down, he scratched the bridge of his nose, eyes glimmering under the natural light that shined through the window next to him.
It was a glimpse into how he sounded when he felt happy. And you wanted nothing more than to hear a real––eyes screwed shut tight, nose wrinkling, head tilted back––laugh from him.
Mat mirrored you; he leaned slightly forward, forearms resting against the table as his smile slowly transformed back into a smirk, “I play professional hockey.”
Professional hockey…But he looked so young. The only rational explanation you could think of in your head was that he played hockey for a minor league team in New York.
With a nod of your head, you took another sip of your drink. The hour you had spent with Mat flowed easily, but for some reason, finding out that he was some sort of professional athlete produced a feeling of insecurity inside of you.
You took another long sip of your coffee.
“You’ll have to come to a game,” Mat’s confident voice dropped to a hesitant whisper, “If you want to.”
Setting the empty mug down on the table, you bit the inside of your cheek to conceal your growing smile. You let out a silent deep breath, collecting your thoughts, because if he wanted you to come watch him play, that meant he had to see some sort of future with you.
Whether the future be two and a half weeks, five months, or four years…He saw you in his life somehow.
“I’d like to see you play,” you assured him.
His eyebrows animatedly rose up, almost getting lost under the loose strands of hair that fell a little too perfectly against his forehead, and smiled wide, “Awesome, that’s––Okay, yeah, I’ll text you about it.”
Neither of you could hide the smiles on your face.
After sitting at the table with empty coffee mugs for quite some time, the only reason why the date ended was because Mat said he had to go dog sit for one of his teammates. Regretfully, both of you brought your empty coffee mugs to the counter, and walked out the door with smiles, laughter, and a promise from Mat to text you about attending one of his games.
As you made the journey back to your place, you didn’t know the last time you felt this giddy after a first date. While you learned surface level information about him; you also learned the sound of his laugh, and that he wasn’t too fond of dogs.
And you couldn’t wait to learn more about him.
It was your first kiss with Mat.
A nervous first kiss.
It came close to a month after your first date, and admittedly, it was probably the longest you had waited for a first kiss, but Mat had a streak of away games that kept him from New York and the two of you had only hung out in public. While a first kiss walking through a park had been romanticized one too many times, it would have left you in a daydream––but whenever it felt right––someone always came up to Mat to talk about hockey. While he wasn’t approached in public often, it seemed like whenever he was, it ruined the moment.
Maybe it was a sign he would be better off as just a friend.
But that thought always disappeared whenever he gently slid his hand into yours, intertwining your fingers and giving your hand a squeeze. And just like the first time you held his hand, there was an explosion of ecstasy in your chest.  A good tightness in your chest you felt whenever he held your hand.
You were at a bar with Mat and some friends, your fingers interlocked and resting on his thigh, pressed close up to his side. A smile lit up your face whenever you felt his chest lightly shake with laughter or his thumb softly graze the top of your hand. The only part of the night where your smile tugged downward was when everyone decided to call it an early night.
As if Mat felt the same disappointment, he whispered in your ear, “I’ll take you back to your place.”
You wished he would ask if you wanted to get ice-cream at the parlor a few blocks over, or ask if you wanted to stay at the bar, but you knew he had an early morning tomorrow. All you wanted was to spend more time with him, and if him making sure you got home alright was how you spent more time with him, you would take it.
After tabs were paid off and goodbyes were said, everyone was off in their separate directions. Except for you and Mat.
Surprisingly, the streets weren’t that crowded for it being the early evening in New York, but Mat tugged you close to his side; fingers still intertwined. The walk to the subway was full of quiet conversation of observations the two of you made down the street with a few small laughs. And when you were on the platform for your train, your laughs turned to whispers.
“If Beau was a little too much, let me know,” Mat leaned down to whisper softly in your ear, “and I’ll beat him up.”
A soft chuckle left your lips as you leaned your head against his bicep, shaking your head, you looked up at him, “You said that last time. He’s nice, I like him.”
Mat hummed, “Sometimes his teasing goes a little too far.”
His voice was light-hearted, just like how Tito sounded when he teased Mat whenever he whispered in your ear throughout the evening, but there was an underlying uncertainty in his voice. Almost like he was concerned that if Tito teased you too much you wouldn’t want to spend anymore time with Mat. But that was quite the opposite. Whenever a best friend poked fun at the other, it was almost always meant in good nature, and it also showed that Mat confided his feelings about you with Tito.
You mirrored his soft hum, and squeezed his hand, as you shrugged your shoulders, “I wouldn’t mind more of his teasing,” you smiled up at him, hoping that he caught the hidden meaning behind your sentence; you seeing a future together with more interactions with his best friend. “My friends are the same way.”
Mat raised his eyebrows, and you ducked your chin into your chest out of nervousness at his next words, “So is that our next date? I meet your friends?”
Next date.
The thought of going on countless more dates with Mat caused an electric jolt to shoot down your spine. And when you flicked your eyes up to stare into his, you felt as if you were caught in one of your dreams. His eyes were already gazing on you in awe, with the corners of his lips lightly tuned upward into a soft closed lipped smile.
He moved his head closer to yours, it was just a centimeter of movement, but you noticed it. And you held your breath as you looked down at his lips, hoping that you would finally have your first kiss with Mat.
But like all of the people who interrupted the two of you whenever you were on a walk in the park, the harsh breaking sounds of the subway coming to a halt caused Mat to move away and stand up straight.
Mat cleared his throat and you let out a sigh at the ruined moment.
The train stopped, you waited until people were off the train car, and Mat swiftly tugged on your hand to make sure that the train didn’t escape before you had the chance to get on. The train car was empty, also a very rare sight on a still relatively early evening in New York. You made your way to sit on one of the empty seats, but your stretched out arm snapped back into Mat’s chest as he held tight onto your hand.
“Do you not want to sit?” You looked up at him as he gripped onto the pole in the center of the subway car.
Mat shook his head as he dropped your hand. But you didn’t have time to be sad at the loss of contact for long because Mat curled his arm around your waist, “Too dirty,” he mumbled under his breath as he pulled you close to his chest, “And we’ve been sitting all night, kinda wanna stand.”
You rolled your eyes at him and pressed your palms flat against his chest as the train jolted to a start.
Standing in silence with Mat on the empty subway was more relaxing than it should have been. Because while the unpleasant sound of the subway on the tracks echoed through the tunnel, with your head resting on Mat’s chest, all you heard was the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.
You could feel yourself dozing off as his thumb rubbed soothing circles on your hip, but your senses heightened when he trailed his hand slowly up your back. The feeling of his fingertips making contact with your spine caused goosebumps along your skin. And you swore your breathing stopped when you felt his hand trail up your neck, his fingers cradling the back of your head with his thumb on your cheek.
Hesitantly––hoping that you knew what was to come in the next few moments––you looked up at Mat through your eyelashes.
His bottom lip was pulled between his teeth as he stared down at you with a crease in between his eyebrows. With your hands still firmly placed on his chest, you could feel the deep breath he let out through his nose.
“I like you,” Mat blurted out.
You let out a breathy chuckle at his admission. You knew that he liked you by the way he always held your hand and how he liked to call you more than text, but to hear him verbalize his feelings felt nice.
You bit the inside of your cheek to contain your smile as you saw his head move a centimeter closer to yours, “I like you, too.”
Mat glanced at your lips, and then at your eyes, and even with a slight nod of your head, Mat still hesitated as if he was waiting for you to pull away. But you weren’t going to pull away––you didn’t want to pull away––because you had been waiting for this moment where your heart hammered in your chest, and your breath got caught in your throat.
And as you felt him let out another shaky breath, you closed your eyes and leaned up on your toes to press a kiss to his lips. His lips touched yours gently at first, a tender brush, as if he anticipated being electrocuted by a spark. But when nothing happened, Mat tucked his lower lip between yours in another gentle, but lingering kiss.
You had plenty of first kisses before in your life; there had been first kisses that had been harder, more rushed, more chaste…but never had you felt a first kiss that was so simple and right than you did with Mat. Your lips were merely pressed together, but you could still feel him everywhere.
There was something so innocent about the kiss, as if both of you were afraid to mess up.
The two of you separated just as softly as you’d come together, just enough room to where you could peer up at him and still feel his breath across your face. Then the two of you laughed. Shy, whispery giggles that had more to do with nerves rather than humor. And as the two of you continued to stare into each other’s eyes, it was as if instinct kicked in and Mat’s lips were back on yours.
This time, your lips met with more certainty, eager to feel. A soft sigh escaped your lips when Mat parted his lips further and you felt the tip of his tongue. The hand that had previously cupped your cheek, was now on around your lower back as he pressed you close to him. And to keep yourself steady as the subway car went around a bend, one of your hands gripped his shirt as the other clutched onto his bicep.
As the two of you shared your first kiss on an empty New York subway, you learned a few more things about Mat. You finally learned what his lips felt like pressed against yours, and that he was absolutely terrible at navigating the subway after the two of you missed your stop.
With the way he made you feel during your first kiss, you couldn’t wait to feel that spark of joy again.
It was your first hockey game.
Your first New York Islanders hockey game where you knew a player on the ice…and more importantly, where a player was your boyfriend.
“Oh he will love it,” Hayden smirked at the #13 jersey you wore as the two of you walked with the crowd toward the arena, “I still can’t believe you thought he was a minor league hockey player.”
You lightly knocked your shoulder against hers as you let out a small laugh, “How was I supposed to know he played for the National Hockey League?” You raised your eyebrows at her, “You literally only told me his name and that we were around the same age when you set us up.”
She tipped her head back in laughter, “I thought you paid attention to sports!”
“I do!” You mirrored her smile as the two of you took out your tickets to be scanned, “But you can’t see what they look like under their helmets clearly.”
After the two of you passed security, you found yourself amongst a sea of white, navy blue, and orange as you walked to your seats, “I still can’t believe he didn’t tell you he played for the Isles.” She snickered, “He has way too big of an ego to let that slide.”
You felt your stomach churn with embarrassment as your whole body heated up.
While Mat said that he played professional hockey on your first date, he conveniently left out that he played for the New York Islanders. It was a week and a half after your first date when you found out that detail. Mat was away for a few road games, and as the two of you were texting, he casually slipped in that you should watch the game on T.V.
You thought he was joking because you didn’t think that they broadcasted minor league hockey games on television. But he called you to give you his NHL TV login and informed you to tune in at 7 PM for the New York Islanders game. Again, you thought he was joking, but you tuned in anyway.
The shock you felt through your body was unlike anything else you felt when you heard the announcers talk about how amazing Mat Barzal has played for years as an Islander. And when the camera focused in on him for a few seconds, you scrambled to text Hayden for confirmation.
But now, nearly three months into your relationship, you had found a time where your schedule worked with Mat’s to go to one of his games. He asked if you wanted to sit with his teammate’s significant others, but you said you would be more comfortable with Hayden for your first hockey game of his.
As the two of you sat down a few rows behind the Islanders bench, you tugged the sleeves of your #13 Barzal jersey over your hands. He’s your boyfriend, you thought to yourself as you felt self-conscious wearing his jersey, no need to be nervous…other people are wearing his jersey too.
But those other people didn’t share intimate moments with him. Other people didn’t know how his calloused hands felt as they delicately touched your skin. Other people didn’t know he slightly snored when he napped.
Sure, other people idolized him as a hockey player, but you were always in awe of him when you learned a specific trait about him that he didn’t share with the rest of the world.
“Do you see him?” Hayden leaned over to speak in your ear as she pointed to Mat skating on the ice, “Right there.”
With a hockey stick in his hands, Mat skated in circles to practice his puck movement. The face you admired so much was hidden under his helmet, but you could clearly see his number and last name on his jersey.
You smiled wide and nodded your head, “This is exciting.”
Hayden laughed at your eagerness to have the game start as you practically bounced in your seat. Soon enough, the players finished their warm ups and skated toward the bench. One by one, they hopped off the ice.
“I’m gonna call out his name,” Hayden smirked as she cupped her hands around her mouth.
But with wide eyes and embarrassment already in the pit of your stomach, you pulled her hands away from her mouth, “Don’t you dare––”
“Looks like he’s already found you,” Hayden’s smirk widened as she waved her hand at who you presumed was Mat.
You whipped your head around to the bench and saw Mat, with his helmet off, awkwardly half-turned around on the bench as he sat next to a number #18 and #27. And like every time you saw him, a smile that you couldn’t contain instantly made its way onto your face. You picked up your hand and animatedly waved at him with a beaming smile.
Mat lowered his head for a moment, hair slightly falling onto his forehead, and when he picked his head up to wave at you, you saw his cheeks twinged with pink coloring.
Feeling too excited watching your boyfriend play live for the first time tonight, you couldn’t help but turn your shoulder toward him as you showed off the #13 on your sleeve. When you dropped the hand that stretched out the sleeve to show him his number, you expected to see a smile as wide as yours on his face. But instead, you saw his eyes wide open and mouth formed in a straight line, jaw slightly clenched, as his chest expanded; taking in a deep breath.
Confused, you tilted your head and looked at Hayden, “Is he not happy that I’m wearing––”
Letting out her loudest laugh of the night, Hayden bent forward and clutched her stomach, “Oh, you don’t know what you’ve gotten yourself into.”
Hayden had known Mat longer than you, so you knew that she knew things about him that you weren’t privy to yet. But her comment intrigued you.
“What do you mean?”
She just shook her head as her shoulders still slightly shook.
You turned back around in hopes to see Mat, but when your eyes landed on the bench, you saw Mat being jostled between the two players he sat next to. And upon further inspection, you read the last names on the jersey’s; Beauvillier and Lee.
Lee was still elbowing Mat when Tito turned around with a wicked smile. He cupped a hand around his mouth, “Nice jersey! He loves it!”
Tito’s voice fell a little flat among the crowd that started to fill their way to their seats, but you still heard him. And his comment only spurred on more laughter from Hayden.
At this point in your relationship with Mat, you were used to Tito’s teasing. And in the time you had been in the arena, you had grown accustomed to Hayden’s laughs. You didn’t think too much of their actions, your mind still wrapped around how all you wanted was for the game to begin.
And soon enough, the game started.
You were on the edge of your seat for the entire first period, clutching Hayden’s hand anytime Mat was shoved from behind or slammed into the boards. The second period was just as thrilling, and even though a penalty was called on Mat, he caught your eye briefly before he sat down in the penalty box. And the third period…While you stood up and cheered with the rest of the arena whenever the Islanders scored, no amount of excitement in the first two periods felt as exhilarating as when you watched Mat score.
With Hayden, you leaped up and hugged her tight as you cheered with a blinding smile.
“He scored!” You held her at arm's length away before turning your attention back on the ice.
His line-mates gathered him up in a hug, patting his helmet, and then he skated out with a wide smile. Mat was on his way to high-five his teammates on the bench, but before he held his glove out for them, he quickly pointed in the general direction of where you were sitting.
To anyone, it looked like he was pointing toward the Islanders bench, or even at the fans. And while there was an increase of cheers from your section at Mat’s little call out, you knew he was pointing out one specific fan in the crowd.
After the third period ended––with the Islanders winning by three––fans could either be heard still celebrating, or seen walking up the aisles to beat the traffic. But you and Hayden stayed in your seats, and especially paid attention to Mat who was out on the ice giving a post-game interview. His voice boomed through the arena, but all you could focus on was his heavy breathing and how his hair stuck to his sweaty forehead.
With most of your section cleared out, you and Hayden walked down to the row right behind the glass that was closest to the ice. Not one to shy away from being heard, Hayden pounded her fist against the glass and shouted your boyfriend’s name, “Mat!”
She continued to pound on the glass and call out his name until his post-game interview ended. And when the camera cut, Mat’s eyebrows automatically rose as he skated toward the two of you with a smile.
Through the glass, you waved at him, “You played so well! So amazing––And that goal?! You were so incredible.” His wide smile slowly transformed into a smirk as his eyes darkened just a bit, “That was so much fun.”
Mat chuckled and shook out his hair, “‘I’m glad you had a good time.”
“You two!” Hayden called out. You and Mat both broke eye contact with each other to see your mutual friend standing a few rows up with her phone pointed at the two of you, “Smile! It’s your first hockey game together.”
You let out a soft laugh as you turned around and leaned your back against the glass, standing up on your tiptoes so you didn’t look shorter next to Mat who wore skates. And as if he was physically next to you, and not separated by plexiglass, you leaned your head towards him and smiled wider than you had ever in your life.
After Hayden finished taking more than enough photos to commemorate your first hockey game of Mat’s, you spun around to face him again. From behind, you heard an usher say that it was time for fans to leave the arena, but you clearly heard Hayden say, I’m with her and that’s her boyfriend.
You rolled your eyes at Hayden and scratched the bridge of your nose as you stared at Mat through the glass.
“I need to change,” He chuckled, “But I’ll meet you outside? Hayden knows where the exit is.”
You nodded your head vigorously, “That sounds good, yeah,” the smile you had when you took your picture together never left your face, “I still can’t believe how well you played, it was––Oh my God. I can’t wait to come to more games.”
The smirk Mat had on his face as you praised his performance morphed into a faint smile as he poked the glass with his glove where your face was, “Keep the compliments coming when I’m off the ice.” You rolled your eyes at him as he waved at you, “I’ll see you soon.”
You raised your hand to touch the cold glass, “Bye,” you whispered as your fingertips slowly trailed down the glass as you watched Mat skate away backwards.
Feeling like you were on top of the world, you spun around with a lovesick smile on your face, ready to meet your boyfriend at the exit. Walking up the aisle and out of the arena, Hayden sent you the pictures she took of you and Mat. And as you waited by the exit Mat said Hayden knew, you set your lock screen and home screen to one of the pictures taken just twenty minutes ago.
When you heard the familiar laugh of your boyfriend, your ears perked up and you put your phone in your bag. And when you saw him walking out in his game day suit with Tito––who shoved Mat’s shoulder––for the hundredth time that day, you smiled.
Standing up from the stone ledge you sat on with Hayden, you rocked on your heels as you waited for Mat to come closer. And once he wasn’t too far away, you sped walked over to Mat as Hayden walked more slowly behind you as she snorted at your eagerness.
While you found it fun to watch Mat skate around the ice having the time of his life, there was nothing you enjoyed more than hugging him. You almost didn’t see his glowing smile––one that showcased all of his teeth––before you barreled into him.
Arms wrapped tightly around his waist, you hugged him impossibly close to you, “That was––Ah!––I’m still not over how fun that was,” you pressed a kiss to his neck before tilting your head up to look at him, “I know I already said how good your goal was so good––And I’ll stop after this––But really, that was so cool how you skated around those defenders and––”
Both Tito and Hayden’s laugh caused you to stop complimenting Mat on his goal. You caught a glimpse of Mat’s glare on his two friends, and then turned your head over your shoulder to see them hanging off each other as they laughed. You felt Mat’s hands tighten around your waist, the tips of his fingers felt like they burned a hole through your clothes and scorched your skin.
“Oh don’t––Don’t mind us,” Hayden wiped a few tears away from the corners of her eyes, “Please, carry on––”
You scrunched your eyebrows together in confusion.
“Barz, will––He’ll––” Tito’s face went red as he found it harder to breathe through his laughter. But once he calmed down, he chuckled, “Don’t stop praising him, he loves it.”
Mat flipped off his friends as he raised his hand to where the 13 patch was on your shoulder. With a small smile, he tugged on your sleeve a few times, “Hayden, send me the pictures you took,” he yelled over to his still laughing friends before he pressed a quick kiss to your lips.
As the night continued on, the four of you celebrated the win and Mat’s goal with drinks at a bar. As you leaned your head on Mat’s shoulder, you learned how fun it was to attend one of his games. And you learned that the rush of joy you felt course through your veins when you saw Mat succeed was unparalleled to any feeling of happiness you had ever felt with a partner.
And late that night in Mat’s apartment, as your hands wandered through his hair, over his biceps, and across his chest…He trailed his lips across your cheek, down your neck, and down past the valley of your breasts…You also learned that Mat liked to be praised in more ways than one.
It was your first I love you.
The first I love you that you said to a person where you felt the sensation of those words taking over every crevice of your body…but like your first date, those words made you anxious and light-headed at the thought of admitting it.
Love was a commitment; a feeling that shouldn’t be taken lightly when in relation to two people who mutually cared and respected each other. It was a word you cherished, a feeling you craved nothing more in the world; and it was exactly how you felt about Mat.
Eleven months into your relationship with Mat––that you didn’t even think would get this far––you knew you were in love with him. There were times the sentence almost slipped past your lips, and there were moments where you thought he would say it too…but like your first kiss, both of you were hesitant.
Since the day you met him, you learned something new about him each day, and you didn’t want to stop getting to know him.
“So, what are you doing with your break?” You spoke through your phone as you waited at a street corner for the light to change with a group of people.
Mat scoffed, “This is hardly a break,” he bitterly whispered into his phone, “Literally not even a five minute water break.”
You gripped the brown paper bag of small groceries in your hand as your heart ached at his exhausted voice. Mat explained to you that the Islanders were going through some sort of bootcamp to get them out of their losing slump. But the bootcamp was on top of their already packed schedule of games and practices.
“And they can do this?” The light changed and you moved with the crowd, “It doesn’t seem fair.”
Mat let out an exasperated breath, and you could picture him running a hand over his face, “I miss you.”
Him changing the subject wasn’t lost on you, but with the limited time Mat had and how drained he sounded, you knew better than to press the subject further.
“I miss you too,” you smiled softly as you dodged a few people walking down the opposite direction of you on the sidewalk, “I just bought stuff for dinner tonight though, so that’s––”
But your sentence was cut off as someone rudely knocked into your shoulder hard––Watch it, they sneered at you––and caused you to stumble into a few people walking next to you.
“Sorry, sorry,” you apologized to the people you crashed into. They smiled in appreciation, knowing full well that if it wasn’t for the person who bumped your shoulder, the accident would’ve been averted.
“What was that?”
Mat’s worn out voice from before disappeared as he now sounded on high alert.
“Nothing,” you let out a sigh, because while you knew it wasn’t your fault you stumbled into people, it still felt embarrassing, “But as I was saying, for dinner––”
“No, that––I heard someone yell at you,” Mat’s voice was low, insistent on what he heard on your end, “What happened? Are you okay?”
You sucked in a deep breath, “Yeah, someone just bumped into my shoulder.” Because while it was New York, and you had been bumped into plenty of times before, it had been a bit of a rough day. But you didn’t want that one thing to tip you over the edge, especially when you knew Mat was having it worse than you, “It’s fine, I’m fine. The eggs didn’t crack so it’s a win.”
Mat didn’t laugh at your attempt at a joke.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” He paused before his voice dropped to an earnest whisper, “If you need me I can leave to come get you.”
“But practice––”
“No,” Mat cut you off, “If you need me I can leave.”
You thought about it. You thought hard about just waiting off in a park for Mat to come pick you up. But the subway station you needed to enter came into your eyesight. Even though he couldn’t see you, you shook your head, “I’m fine, I’ll just need a hug when I see you later.”
At that, Mat let out a breathy chuckle, “You and me both.”
You smiled, the familiar feeling of love that started with the squeeze of your heart spread through the rest of your body.
“Dinner at your place?”
“Yeah, my place tonight,” you answered him, “How much longer of this practice?”
You could hear the eye roll Mat gave off with his irritated voice, “Three fucking hours.”
Even though you weren’t a professional athlete, you rolled your eyes with him at how ridiculous all of the intense practice sounded, “As much as I want to keep talking with you,” you dreamily smiled to yourself because there was nothing you loved more than hearing Mat’s voice, “I know you said if players were late they have to run laps after practice.” You grimaced, “And I’m about to go under for the subway.”
Mat let out a sigh, he didn’t want to stop talking with you either, “Yeah…Running laps is the penalty.”
“You should be used to those.”
Mat scoffed at your comment, ”I’ll see you later at your place.”
“Mhm, bye Mat,” you hummed as you began to make your descent below ground, “I love you.”
“Wait, what––”
You ended the call and slid your phone into your bag as you took out your subway card. Easily, you swiped your card past tourists, and walked through the turnstile to the platform back to your place. While the rest of the day wasn’t on your side, the subway was, because your train pulled up right as you got to the platform.
While there were still seats available for you to sit in, you had grown accustomed to standing in the middle of the subway cart. You hooked your elbow around the pole, so that your hand wasn’t directly touching it, as you thought about the day on your way home.
It started off normal; waking up, getting ready for work, arriving at the office. But then small things started to happen; you forgot your laptop charger back at your apartment, someone had accidentally taken your lunch from the communal fridge because they thought it was theirs, and then someone spilled coffee on your freshly printed reports. But then the day got worse; Mat texted you saying he wouldn’t be done practice until late, your co-worker best friend said they were leaving the company for a new job, and then that stranger hit your shoulder.
But hearing Mat’s voice made your day a little better.
Knowing that he took time out of his grueling schedule to check in on you made your heart flutter even more with love.
Your eyes widened as the grip you had on the handle of the paper bag dropped. Your grocery bag fell to the ground just as fast as your heart. Because the last sentence you said to Mat replayed in your mind like a broken record.
I love you.
You didn’t even realize that you had said those words. You clutched those words close to your chest; held them so tight as if it was a secret Mat didn’t already know. And now all of a sudden…Your secret was out in the open.
The bile churning in your stomach caused your body to overheat and you wanted nothing more than to be out of the subway. You picked a loose piece of skin by your thumb so hard that it started to bleed. You swore under your breath as it began to sting, and curled your hand into a tight fist––with your thumb on the inside––to put pressure on the cut.
Unable to stand still with your anxiety, you got off a stop early and walked the rest of the way back to your apartment.
You had nearly walked into several people, almost walked across the street on a red light, and more or less banged your forehead against your front door. You thought you had unlocked the door, so when you turned the door handle, stepped forward, and walked into the wooden door…you saw that your keys had fallen to the ground.
Once you properly unlocked the door, you quickly walked into your apartment and hastily set the grocery bag down on the island. With shaking hands, you buried your face into them and let out a muffled whine. Because how could you let those words out so casually? How could you have been so careless?
Mat had three more hours left of practice. And that left you with three hours in your apartment alone.
You couldn’t even bring yourself to look at your phone to see if he was still coming over. So you cleaned. You changed out of your work clothes––into a pair of athletic shorts and one of Mat’s Islander shirts––and deep cleaned as much of your apartment as you could.
And it was when you were bent sideways, windex and paper towel in hand, as you scrubbed the inside of your microwave that you heard a key in your door. You felt your heart freeze and you scrubbed the microwave even harder.
The creek of the door echoed through your modestly sized one bedroom apartment just as loud as your heartbeat pounded in your ears. The door shut the same time you heard the thump of his practice bag hit the hardwood floor.
And if you listened closely, you could hear him let out the same anxious deep breath as you.
Mat ever so slowly made his way out of the little hallway, and when you saw him appear in front of you––still bent at your awkward angle––it was as if you saw him in a different way.
Mat inhaled deeply, and then in one breath, his shoulders relaxed as he smiled at you, “I love you.”
You stared into his eyes enough times to know they were hazel, but where he stood in your kitchen, his eyes were dark brown. They weren’t illuminated with flecks of gold or green like you had seen in the past, but they were warm and inviting as his eyes captivated you in a different way than ever before. You loved his eyes.
You ran your fingers through his hair enough times to memorize the feeling how soft it felt, but his hair was a little longer in the front than usual. And with him looking like he ran right off the ice to be with you, his loose strands of scraggly hair fell messily against his forehead. You loved the way his hair framed his face.
Everything about him…from the slight stubble on his face that came close to breaking the Islanders facial hair policy, to the way he never got mad at you when you stuck your cold feet under his warm legs when you sat on the couch together. From his annoying traits, to the quirks only you knew about him, you loved everything about him
You released a breath you didn’t know you held because this…this was what it felt like to feel in love. It was fresh and exciting with hearts pounding. It was desire pouring through veins. It was a give and take; intertwined lives.
As the two of you stood in your kitchen, you learned what it felt like to feel entirely at ease with your place in the universe. For better or for worse, love is learning everything there is to know about a person.
And you couldn’t wait to learn how he loved.
It was your first real fight with Mat.
And it terrified you.
The day had felt odd from the start; your routine not flowing like usual. And as the day continued on, you didn’t know what caused the negative feeling in the pit of your stomach to grow with every hour that passed. And even at the end of the work day, when you were in your own apartment, the feeling still lingered.
Already in a bad mood, you should’ve known better than to turn on a hockey game. But you knew that seeing Mat, even if it was through a T.V. screen, would make you feel better. He always made you feel better.
But he played a careless game.
It wasn’t even that he was playing bad, because honestly, he was playing really well. By the end of the first period he had two assists and handled the puck well. When the second period came around, he had scored his own goal. But Mat being Mat…he let the goal get to his head. The newfound confidence he had led him to be more aggressive with the opposing team’s players and more mouthy with the referees.
And with only six minutes left in the third period––the Islanders trailing by a few points––Mat dropped his gloves and instigated a fairly bad altercation with another player. You turned the television off before you could see Mat skate away to the penalty box.
Around an hour later when Mat walked through your apartment door the two of you stared at each other. You were curled up on the couch with a book, and he stood at the opposite end of the couch in his game day suit. He squinted his discolored left eye, his swollen bottom lip was bruised red, and you saw a few dried spots of blood on his face.
Neither of you were in the best mood, but that still wasn’t an excuse. Maybe you each expected the other to comfort you on your bad days…but that wasn’t the case for either of you now.
“I wish you were more careful,” you whispered up at him. You were still on the couch and he stood stiffly at the opposite end from you, “I don’t get why you have to fight.”
Mat let out an irritated breath out through his nostrils, “Did you even watch the game?”
Stunned by his attitude, you shut your book and rolled your eyes, “Of course I did. But that doesn’t mean––”
“Then you should know why I got in a fight.”
With a scoff, you flung the blanket off you and stood up. You mirrored his stiff position––jaw clenched, arms glued to your sides, and eyes narrowed in at him. The couch being the only barrier between the harsh words you threw at each other.
“That has nothing to do with what I said,” you huffed out, “I said you should be more careful––”
“I heard what you said,” Mat interrupted you with a snap in his tone as he shrugged off his suit jacket, “But I can’t control a fight if it happens.”
You pinched the bridge of your nose, “I watched the game, Mat. I saw that you started it.”
“So it’s my fault?” He didn’t look at you as he rolled his sleeves up to his elbows, “Look, I don’t expect you to understand everything that goes on on the ice––”
“Excuse me?”
Mat rolled his eyes and his already irritable tone of voice sharpened, “Maybe if you cared a little less you wouldn’t be mad.”
His words felt like a punch to your gut. If you cared a little less. The squeeze of your heart was different than what it felt like when he told you he loved you a few months ago. Because instead of a warm tingly feeling that lifted you up, you felt a harsh burn throughout your body that made you want to shrivel up and hide.
Mat was one of the people you cared most about in the world.
But with both of your bad attitudes, like water and oil, your words caused more separation.
Your response was harsh––If I cared a little less, then who would care about you––and it sparked Mat’s short temper. He told you there were other people, people who wouldn’t make a big deal if he got in a fight because it was hockey. The yelling continued, intentional words of hurt shouted between the two of you. And soon enough, with both of you too blinded by rage, neither of you remembered why the argument even started in the first place.
“There are other people,” Mat spat out as he breathed heavily, “People who know me better. If we weren’t together, there would be other people who––”
His cruel words caused complete and utter devastation to flood your body. And you let the anger and agony of Mat’s ill fated words overtake every logical thought in your mind.
“If you don’t need me, then what are you waiting for?!” You threw your hands up as your shrill voice cracked as bad as you felt your soul shatter. Chin wobbling and chest heaving with erratic breaths, you repeated the question. Although this time, your voice was a whisper as the destruction of your words caught up to you, “What are you waiting for?”
Mat ran a hand through his hair, shaking his head as he squeezed his eyes shut. And in a hurry, he scooped up his suit jacket from the couch and turned around. His heavy footsteps echoed through your silent apartment as you followed him to the door.
You choked on your words, “Where are you going?”
With his hand gripping the doorknob, you saw his shoulders tighten as he took a deep breath, “I can’t be with you.”
It felt as if the world froze, but at the same time, everything felt like it went too fast. A whirling sensation of grief caused you to lift your hand to cover your mouth. I can’t be with you.
You felt dizzy, unsure of if you wanted an answer to your question, “Are you…Does that mean just for now?” You bit your bottom lip as you tried your hardest to sniffle back your tears,”Or as in, you don’t want to be with me…anymore?”
Mat’s shoulders expanded in another deep breath as he mustered up the courage to turn around. Part of you wished he didn’t turn around because the heartbreak on his face looked just as bad as you felt. His chin wobbled like yours, lips pressed together in a firm line to keep his emotions to himself. His eyes were bloodshot, wide and scared like a child afraid of thunderstorms. And like yours, his chest heaved with small breaths, failing to keep his breathing under control.
“I don’t…” he shut his eyes tight and rubbed the corners of his eyes with his thumb and index finger, “Just for now.” Although his answer relieved only a sliver of anxiety you felt in the middle of your chest, it looked like he was still going to leave, “I need to leave before either of us say anything else we regret.”
Blinking rapidly, you still felt a few tears roll down your cheek as you nodded your head just as fast. You hugged your arms around your stomach and anxiously tapped your foot, “Will you…Are you coming back?”
A flash of pain crossed his face as he sucked in another deep breath, “Don't wait up for me.”
Before you could process his vague answer, his hand pressed down on the door handle and he was gone before he put his jacket back on. The door closed gently, but you would have rather it slammed shut so you would have that sound echoing in your mind instead of your insecurities.
Still hugging your stomach, you bit the inside of your cheek and slowly made your way back to the couch. As if it took all of your energy, you picked the blanket back up, wrapped it around your shoulders, and tucked yourself into the far corner. You sat alone, cold feet tucked in between the cushions, as you leaned your head back on the couch and let out a sob.
You purposefully said words to hurt him, and he had done the same with you. While the two of you had arguments before, they were never this blown out of proportion. There was never any screaming, there were never any tears, and neither of you had ever left the other’s place without reconciling. But with this fight…There was shouting, tears fell from both of you, and Mat left your place without a promise to come back.
You don’t know how many hours had passed as you stared at the wall ahead of you. But it was enough time for your cries to settle down and for the sound of a key to echo your silent home. And just like earlier in the night, Mat stood at the opposite end of the couch as you sat curled up in a blanket.
As the two of you stared at each other in silence, you learned what it felt like to sit in purgatory; not knowing if Mat was to come back that night or if you were to go days without seeing him. You learned what raw heartache truly felt like without his presence when all you wanted was a hug. And when he moved to sit next to you on the couch––finally receiving a hug from him––you also learned that he was just as sorry as you and didn’t mean any of the words he said.
You never wished to learn what a life without Mat truly felt like.
The nerves you felt were worse than your first date with Mat. They had been with you for months, but they were now at an all time high that caused your hands to shake. And just like the nerves you felt before the blind date, they caused you to be twenty minutes early to the venue.
What if there was traffic? What if the piano player you and Mat hired brought the wrong sheet music? What if there weren’t enough seats? While you were twenty minutes earlier than your scheduled time that was designed to make sure you already arrived early to avoid any mishaps, it was the only way to ease your anxiety.
As you fiddled with the dress you always dreamed of wearing on this day, you inhaled a shaky breath as you stood in the private room alone. You needed space to concentrate on the fact that in less than a few hours you would have a different last name.
A light knock on the door and the call of your name caused you to whip your head. Hurriedly, you made your way to the door and leaned your shoulder against it as you made sure it was locked.
You cleared your throat, “Yeah?”
“It’s just me,” you saw the locked door handle jiggle as you heard a soft laugh on the other side, “Mat’s not with me.”
“I don’t trust you.”
You heard another laugh, this one more gentle, as Tito reassured you, “He knows about your superstitions, he wouldn’t try and sneak a glance.”
You thought about turning the best man at your wedding away, but the more you thought about it, the more you trusted him when he said Mat wasn’t with him. Mat knew you had certain superstitions you didn’t mess with; like lifting your feet up when you drove over railroad tracks or how you threw salt over your left shoulder if you spilled it.
He had learned all of those things about you.
The click of the lock coming undone caused you to hold your breath. Slowly, you cracked open the door and peered out the tiny slit with one eye. Tito had his face pressed close to the crack and you saw him close up. He didn’t pry the door like you thought, so hesitantly, you opened the door as you looked both ways to make sure your fiancé was nowhere in sight.
With the door fully open, Tito’s smile was brighter than you’d ever seen it before. He let out a low whistle, “Are you sure you I can’t marry you?”
Tito’s teasing had been a constant in the years of your relationship with Mat, and for better or for worse, it was about to extend into a lifetime.
You shoved his shoulder with your left hand, the engagement ring Mat picked out for you sparkling slightly in the light, “Shut up.”
“But really,” Tito slid both of his hands into the front pockets of his pants as he shook his head in disbelief, “You look beautiful. Mat won’t know what to do.”
“Hopefully he’ll say I do.”
Tito chuckled at your comment and then the two of you stood in silence. But when he slightly bowed his head and awkwardly rocked on his feet, you knew there was a purpose for his visit when he looked up at you.
“There is…Mat…” He took a deep breath, preparing himself for your answer, “He wants to talk with you.” Your eyes bulged out of your head as you immediately stepped back into the private room and went to slam the door shut. But Tito stuck his foot out in time to stop the door from slamming shut, “He’s not here––he’s still out there talking with people, but he heard you got here early early started sweating, and he just wants to hear your voice––”
You shook your head behind the door, “No.”
“C’mon,” Tito pleaded with you, “I’m sure it’ll calm you down to hear him––”
“What if he sees me?” You exasperatedly said, “Even if it was an accident. That would––”
“He won’t,” Tito’s voice held just as much firmness to it as he had confidence in his best friend, “He knows you too well to break your superstition.”
He knows you.
Hearing Mat’s voice would calm you down, but the anxiety of him accidentally seeing you before you walked down the aisle was too much. It was almost too much nervousness for you to handle on your own, so with a deep breath and a silent prayer that this wouldn’t blow up in your face, you whispered to Tito that Mat could talk to you.
Tito had spun around to retrieve Mat before you could finish your sentence. He rushed away from you, afraid you would back out on your word. But just as fast as Tito ran away, you slammed the door shut and relocked it.
You turned around and leaned your back against the door. Pinching the bridge of your nose to relieve some of the stress, you let out a deep breath. With only a few moments to yourself, you did a few breathing exercises before a shallow knock sounded from the other side of the door.
“Uh, Y/N?”
You could pick out his voice from anywhere, and you let out an audible sigh of relief, “Mat?”
He also let out a deep breath, and you could picture his shoulders relaxing at confirmation he didn’t walk up to an empty room. You turned around and placed your hand softly on top of the door handle; resting your forehead on the door you whispered, “I’m so nervous.”
“So am I,” Mat let out an airy laugh, “We’re the ones who decided to marry each other, yet we’re both a mess.”
You replicated his laugh and it went back to silence. You had spent years together with Mat, but no silence had ever been more poignant than this. You could hear his love, almost feel it, but you couldn’t see him. Not yet.
It was his trembling voice that broke through the silence, “Can I hold your hand?”
“I’ll turn around,” he rushed out, knowing how strongly you felt about this superstition, “You can stay behind the door––just with your arm sticking out––We can both turn around so we make sure we don’t chance anything, because I––” he cut himself off, calming himself down with a single breath, “I really need a hug, but we can’t do that.” He let out another deep breath, “Please?”
You loved him more than anyone else in the world, and in turn, you would do anything for him; including holding his hand.
You couldn’t wipe the smile off your face, and you were positive he could hear it, “Turn around.”
And with a click of the door unlocking, you opened it just a sliver of a bit open and turned around yourself. You stuck your left hand out for him, and in an instant, his hand found yours. You felt tears well up in your eyes out of happiness, because even though you could feel him now you still couldn’t believe you were going to spend the rest of your life with him.
You filled the silent void with your voice and added a futile point to the non-existent conversation. But you wanted him to know this about you, “I showed up to our first date twenty minutes early.”
Mat chuckled as he repeatedly stroked his thumb on top of your engagement ring, “I know.”
You squeezed his hand, “You know?”
Again, Mat let out another soft laugh, “I was thirty minutes early to our first date.” You felt your wide open mouth transform into a smile, “I was across the street and saw you waiting.” He lowered his voice, “I was so scared.”
You were convinced that was maybe the only thing he didn’t know about you, but he proved you wrong. Time and time again he proved himself to know you better than you knew yourself.
“Tell me something I don’t know about you,” you whispered.
“You know me better than anyone else.”
The way he continued to trace around your engagement ring caused your heart to squeeze; it only made you more excited for when there would be a second ring on your finger, “There has to be something.”
You felt your heart pound against your ribcage as a few beats of silence passed over. From his drawn out silence, you knew he had something, you knew he was debating on whether to tell you or not.
“The picture we took together at the first hockey game you came to,” you could hear the shy smile on his face, “I’ve kept it in my locker since then.”
You felt your heart melt and chin wobble; this was something new you were learning about him.
“And I…” He let out a nervous laugh, and ever since the first time heard the sound of it, it was infectious, “I have it with me now in the inner-pocket of my jacket.”
A lone tear trailed down your cheek as you tried to sniffle the rest of the tears you felt behind your eyes away. It was your wedding day, of course you were going to cry, but you didn’t think it would be this soon.
Mat’s hand briefly dropped yours as you heard a crinkle of photo paper being taken out of Mat’s jacket pocket. You felt the corner of a piece of paper hit the palm of your hand a few times. Gently, and without looking down, you took the picture from Mat’s hand. And when you brought the picture up to your face, you squeezed Mat’s hand hard as an audible gasp left your lips.
The two of you looked so young. Which made sense considering the picture was taken a few years ago. You smiled at the memory as if it happened yesterday; you in your #13 Barzal jersey, tilting your head toward Mat as if you were leaning your head on his shoulder if the plexiglass wasn’t there. Hayden had taken a hundred pictures of the two of you, but this was different than the one you kept framed at your office.
You looked the same, but Mat looked different.
He still had his hockey stick in hand, but instead of looking at the camera like you, his head was faced down toward you. His eyes were locked in on your smile, wide in admiration. His closed-lipped smile was bashful, but you could clearly see the happiness radiating off him. That day, while you looked into the camera, still high off excitement from watching him on the ice; he looked down at you with all the love he held for you in his soft eyes.
“I even take it with me on road games.”
Tracing your fingers down the worn down, slightly torn up, and bent edges of the picture, you felt another tear roll down your cheek.
While you wanted nothing more to look at the well loved photograph of the two of you in love before either of you knew it, you didn’t want to cry too much before walking down the aisle. You handed the picture back to him so he had it for safekeeping, and squeezed his hand again.
“I love you so much,” you breathed out.
“I love you, too.”
As the two of you continued to hold hands until Mat was called away in order for you to start the last of your wedding preparations, you learned that Mat cherished the small moments. Whether he wanted to memorize the first time he fell in love with you by carrying around a photograph from early on in your relationship, or how he wanted to hold your hand before the two of you committed to a lifetime together…You learned more about him in those moments than ever before.
And when Mat would eventually slide a ring onto your finger––and you to his––it felt as if the rings held a promise heavier than til death do us part. From the moment you met Mat until now, the most important thing you learned about him was how good of a friend he was to you.
You couldn’t wait to spend the rest of your life as his friend.
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restapesta · 3 years
Piercings. 5+1 ficlet, but with piercings. I have a problem.
Ian thought he knew pretty much everything about his husband. He knew him, inside and fucking out.
How could he not? Ian's pretty much been with him for a better part of his life, and they've had enough late-night talks to share all their demons with each other, however hard it may have been. They knew each other.
There was no doubt about it.
But, well. Ian should have known Mickey kept secrets.
He also should've known that one of those secrets was bound to put him in the grave one day with the inscription on his tombstone saying that he died from horniness.
Because one of these days, he would. There was no doubt about it.
It wasn't the most conventional way to go, but Ian didn't mind it.
Because, holy fuck, Mickey just admitted he used to have his ears pierced.
"Sorry," Ian balked at his husband who was standing in the bathroom, eyeing himself in the mirror, a pair of black studs in his right hand. "Did you just say you had your ears pierced?"
"I probably still do." Mickey grabs an earring and places it against the healed-up hole that is so faint, Ian needed to come impossibly closer to see it. Mickey had pointed it out to him after he initially said he was getting his ears pierced again. Right after Ian was left with his mouth wide open, staring widely at him, not trusting he heard him right. "And if not, I'm just gonna reopen them."
How did Ian never notice it? How did he never see Mickey, the love of his life, with earrings in his ears? With little patched-up spots of skin that were so plainly visible to the eye, now that he really looked at it.
Mickey grimaced as he pressed the needle against the hole, pushing and prodding against the uncooperative entrance. He eyed Ian in the mirror, eyes narrowing. "What are you staring at?"
Ian was stunned speechless. Of course he was. Of fucking course Mickey was about to bust out some crazy thing two years into their marriage that would make Ian finally break. Like having his ears pierced, making every single yet-undiscovered fantasy come to life.
He couldn't help but imagine Mickey with a nose ring, now. Tongue piercing. Eyebrow piercing.
Holy fuck.
Blood was rushing straight to his dick, and goddamn it, this was it. Ian was about to die.
Because holy fuck, the earring went through.
So did the other one.
And now, Ian was staring at Mickey, who was sporting black studs in his ears. Two dark diamonds that were obviously fake but could've not been, because this wasn't Mickey anymore. This wasn't the Mickey who rolled his eyes at anything gay—except getting pounded, obviously.
No—this was Mickey with earrings.
Ian's mouth was dry. It was dry as Mickey turned away from the mirror to face him. He stood in front of him, a determined look on his face as if waiting for Ian to call him out. Him, in all his fucking glory.
"Did you, uh," Ian finally stammered out. "sterilize the needles? I don't want you to get an infection."
"That really all you gotta say?"
Ian swallowed. "How come I never saw you with," He pointed at Mickey's ears, unable to even say the word. "those?"
"I was really young. I got 'em pierced when Mandy did. Took them out fairly soon, 'cus, you know." He shrugged, feigning nonchalance.
Ian knew.
He gripped Mickey by the shoulders pulling him closer. His eyes were on Ian's, but Ian's were on the earrings, and Ian never really knew he had a kink for jewelry.
Well, there was the wedding ring, but fuck, this had nothing to do with their relationship, and yet Ian was still sporting a raging hard-on Mickey had yet to notice.
"I love them." He said truthfully, mentally noting to get Mickey real studs once he got the chance. Not the cheap grocery-store ones, but actual diamonds that he wouldn't mind spending money on. Not when they would look so good on his husband.
Mickey blushed, pushing Ian away immediately, not getting away far, arms practically out so Ian could pull him back in. And he did, squeezing him tightly against his chest, careful not to place too much pressure on the newly-reopened piercings.
Mickey mumbled something against Ian's shirt, incoherent.
"What? I didn't hear you"
"I love you."
Ian smiled. Pulled Mickey away so he could stare into his eyes.
"You know you gotta let me fuck you with those on. Pretty sure it will be the best orgasm of my life."
Mickey only smirked, eyes lighting up immediately at the suggestion. He looks fucking amazing, Ian thought.
"Lead the way, hotshot."
Ian was right. With the earrings and the smugness—
It took him less than a minute.
When Ian saw the photo, he was pretty sure he was going to die.
No, not pretty sure. One-hundred percent sure. Death was awaiting him now, ready to pull him in. He was already feeling faint, ready to just slip away into unconsciousness. He was going to die, for sure.
Or maybe it was just the loss of all the blood that was heading way down south that was making him feel this way, because holy shit.
Holy shit.
When Mickey took the earrings out after a few days of usage, claiming how they sucked, Ian thought that was it. Mickey was never going to do anything that reminded him of being gay ever again. He had probably been embarrassed and wanted to take them out, and Ian was feeling at such loss when he saw his ears vacant that he was ready to throw hands.
But, oh God.
Ian was now staring at a picture of Mickey—a picture he posted on goddamn Instagram for everybody to see—and it was him.
Him with a fucking nose piercing.
Ian checked the comments first. It would've probably been saner to call his husband and ask if he actually got a nose piercing and if he was ready to be a widow because Ian won't be lasting much longer, but there were a bunch of comments on the photo, and fuck if Ian wasn't going to leaf through them all. This could be a joke for all he knew.
Some sick joke to get Ian's hopes up, just to get them crushed down until he never had any hopes in life ever again.
Mickey with a nose piercing. Mickey with a nose piercing.
Carl said it looked 'fuckin' sick'. Lip was putting 😲 emojis all throughout the chat, sometimes even adding the 😏 one, probably a reference to Ian (at least Ian hoped it was). The other comments were just about how good Mickey look, which was really no surprise, but holy shit, did that mean this was real?
Mickey was out running some errand. Said he had some shit he needed to. That sneaky bastard. Ian didn't care if he was in the middle of the goddamn line at the Costco aisle or in the middle of a drug run.
He facetimed him.
When Mickey's face came into view, the nose ring present and very much real, Ian was lost for words. Mickey was biting his lip to keep from smiling and once he noticed Ian was just going to continue and stare, he scoffed.
"Man, it's just a piercing."
"No," Ian said. "This is much more than 'just a piercing'."
Mickey chuckled. "Well, I figured since I didn't really like the earrings, I could do this. It felt right."
This was the Mickey Ian knew and loved. The Mickey who wanted to try new things, get to know his own style. Mickey, who was finally confident enough in himself, and hopefully comfortable in their marriage, that he didn't even consider this a big deal. Ian was filled to the brim with emotions, and he was ready to explode.
"You need to come home now."
They met each other's eyes through the screen, blue glimmering in mischief. Mickey smiled. "Why?"
"This piercing shit really gets you going, huh, Gallagher?"
It did.
It really did.
"If you're not home in ten minutes, I'll get the whip. So better be fucking home." With that he hung up, getting up to ready the supplies.
Mickey was home in eleven.
Ian knew it was fucking intentional.
Ian might've been getting used to the fucking hotness that Mickey Milkovich with a nostril piercing was, but that didn't mean others were.
In the end, it probably didn't even matter that Ian was one million percent down for any types of piercings Mickey wants to get—he might have even been pushing him for a nipple piercing, but the why of it was for another time—what would eventually decide whether or not the earring stayed in was the reactions of somebody other than Ian.
It was unfair, really, that others would be able to affect Mickey's decision to finally do whatever the fuck he wanted to do, despite his ever-growing confidence. Still, Ian had a way of making sure that nobody made him feel shitty for doing something he wanted to do. Something for himself, without fearing the judgment of others like he had his entire life.
He was an arsonist, for fuck's sake. Let them try and eye his husband the wrong way.
Ian perhaps expected it from old, batty women at the grocery store who didn't have a clue what century they were in or Karens who were homophobic pieces of shit—but he never would be guessed it would be his own family poking fun at something that probably took guts to do. Because it took guts to actually get something like a nose piercing if you were a Milkovich with a past of growing up in a homophobic household.
"So, uh, you gone full gay now, Mickey?"
"Watch out, Ian, I think he might out-twink you."
"You look like Sandy now. Don't be surprised if I jump you."
"I think you look cool, Mickey."
"Uncle Mickey, what's that in your nose? Can I have one?"
Mickey didn't seem to really care about the Gallaghers' opinions. It was mostly just him flipping Lip off at the twink comment and winking at Franny for that last one. Ian, on the other hand.
Ian was the one who was getting fucking offended.
What if Mickey decided that all the teasing and sideways glances aren't worth it and he takes the nose ring out? What if Ian's deprived of sexy, liberated Mickey because of assholes like his own siblings?
It didn't matter how selfish it sounded. There was no way in hell Mickey was ever going to feel conflicted over something he didn't need to feel conflicted about.
So, the second Mickey was out of the room, and the Gallaghers were still unrelenting at the teasing, Ian knew what he had to do.
"Okay, that's enough," He said simply after the eight-hundredth joke about how the ring looked like a booger in his nose—what the actual fuck, Lip?—his voice stern.
"Come on," Lip said, despite the others clearly relenting, palms going up with sheepish expressions on their faces. "We're just joking."
"Well, enough jokes. You could be more like Liam. Tell him he looks good."
Lip snorted. "And why would I do that?"
"Because I asked you to?"
"He knows it's all jokes. He doesn't even care."
"I do." Ian narrowed his eyes. "I care whether or not he feels like he's done the wrong thing because you won't shut the fuck up after the joke's not even funny anymore."
That was what made the smile on Lip's face thin. He lowered his head sightly, as of bowing it down in shame. Ian knew he had finally caught on. Finally understood that, sometimes, even jokes could hurt people's fucking feelings.
Maybe Mickey wasn't at all touched by this. Maybe he really didn't give a shit about what Lip or some old-ass grandma at the store thought. Maybe it was only Ian who gave a shit.
But fuck it, he could give enough shit for the both of them.
If it meant Mickey would always feel comfortable in his own skin, then fuck yes he could.
"Okay," Lip said simply, and Ian smiled at him, thankful.
And when Mickey reappeared with a slight frown on his face and a, "what, no more jokes?" followed by a wide smile, Ian knew he had done the right thing.
Because Mickey looked good.
And the ring stayed on.
"What is it with you and the goddamn nipple rings?"
Ian bit at his lip. Okay, he may have gone a little overboard. With all the research and the reference photos and all the places you could get one... But fuck, he had a fantasy, and he needed to see it come true.
Mickey with nipple rings.
Mickey with nipple rings.
Come the fuck on.
"Babe, listen," Ian started, moving so he was positioned against the headboard of their bed. It was almost midnight—what better time to lay it down on Mickey that he would look really fucking good with piercings in his nipples and that it would be Ian's dream come true. "They'd look so good."
"Then why don't you get them?"
Ian made an incredulous face. "Because they wouldn't look good on me. They would look good on you."
Mickey swiped at his nose, diverting Ian's attention once more to the perfection that was his black nose ring. How could Ian not see all the possibilities with multiple piercings when Mickey looked like that with just one?
"Come on," He said again, the image in his head even more vivid than before. "I googled it. It doesn't even hurt that much."
"I have a feeling like that is a very obvious lie."
Ian rolled his eyes. Okay, maybe it was.
He pushed himself back down onto the comforter, shifting so he could have access to Mickey's chest. He trailed a finger from his neck, then slowly down so it rest in between his nipples, laying out his palm so it could feel the beating of Mickey's heart.
"Imagine the sex," He whispered, trying out a new technique. Seduction. It had to work.
"Probably not until it's healed up and stops hurting," Mickey scoffed. "Also, I really don't think I'd like it. I'd look like a bull."
"You'd look like a very sexy bull. Oh, by the way, septum piercing." Ian wiggled his eyebrows. "Don't you see it? Don't you think it'd look awesome?"
Mickey looked like he was on the verge of either laughing or punching Ian straight in the dick. "I think," He began. "that I've created a monster."
"A monster who is extremely horny for your ass."
"Why do you have to have a kink for this? Ian, out of all the things. Just look up porn with a bunch of jewelry on the guys if you need to get off."
Ian frowned at the imagery. "It's not the jewelry, Mick. I've had hookups who wore a shit-ton of jewelry and it never made me all hot and bothered."
Mickey smiled at the hot and bothered part. "Dork. Then what is it?"
"Well, fucking obviously it's you."
Mickey's face lit up. "It's me?"
"Ugh, Mickey, we've been together for a while. Don't make me feel shy over this."
The exasperation made Ian's cheeks pink. Suddenly, Mickey was leaning in and pressing his lips to the heat, smiling all the way through it.
When he pulled away, there was a wide grin stretched across his face. Ian was a sucker for that grin. That grin was everything he needed in life. Nothing more.
"I won't get a nipple piercing."
Sadness. All Ian felt was sadness.
"But maybe we can check out other options." It was Mickey's turn to wiggle his eyebrows. "Tongue piercing float your boat too?"
Happiness. All Ian felt was happiness.
Eyebrow piercing. It ended up being an eyebrow piercing.
And God. Ian was done. He was completely done with everything. This was it. This was all he ever needed to see in life. Now, he could die peacefully.
He was married to the hottest man alive. Ian could pride himself in that fact. Mickey truly was the hottest person Ian had ever laid eyes on.
Especially now that he had a nose and eyebrow piercing at the same fucking time.
Ian knew there would never be another man to get his attention again. Never anybody else to make Ian feel like he need to avert his gaze. Not when all eyes went to the Mickey with the hot body, amazing ass, great face, and perfect piercings.
"Maybe you should get some piercings, too," Mickey said as they sat together at the table, munching on cereal. "I mean, if you act this way over my shit, who knows how I'll act over yours."
Ian smiled. "I can't pull anything off like you can."
"Bullshit. You're hot as fuck."
Ian's cheeks pinked. "Shut up."
"No seriously," Mickey said as he got up to get more coffee. "Hottest guy I know."
Ian licked his lips, slowly running his eyes down his husband's body. "Well then, guess we both got lucky."
Mickey smiled and the piercings come into view again.
Ian really was a complete goner.
+ 1
"No," Mickey said once he saw Ian come into view. "No. No. No."
Ian grinned widely, tilting his chin slightly so he could showcase the tiny diamond—actual diamond—studs in his ears. "You like it?"
Mickey knew then that this was what heaven felt like.
He barely stopped himself from tackling Ian onto the floor.
Oh, who the fuck is he kidding.
He didn't stop shit.
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buckyownsmylife · 4 years
Fast and Slow - Harry Styles smut
The one where your dom lent you to Harry and he’s very eager to have you.
Warnings: smut, oral sex (m), p in v, overstimulation, sex bench, sex fluids, cursing, bdsm, restraints, sharing kink?, Harry is a soft dom and calls you “little one” a lot.
A/N: Day 12 of kinktober and the prompts were being lent to another dom and “say my name + louder”. I’m actually really proud of this one because I managed to incorporate another prompt that I never thought I’d be able to use on my fics, so I guess this idea of doing kinktober to explore some kinks is really working for me. As always (for kinktober fics), unrevised because I literally just finished it and I’m already dead inside.
Harry’s P.O.V.
I did my best to close the door behind me making as little noise as possible. Still, I noticed by the way her muscles tensed up that she’d heard me approach, and the anticipation was visibly affecting her.
Clicking my tongue, I allowed myself this first moment to explore her naked body with my eyes as she remained knelt by the foot of the bed, her head lowered to avoid meeting my gaze. She’d followed my orders perfectly, as I’d come to expect by what her dom explained of her, and I could feel my cock already hardening on my pants, the only piece of clothing I still wore.
There was nothing I appreciated more than a good, obedient little girl. I already knew she’d be perfect for me. But I’d known that long before, the first time I laid my eyes on her, even. It was an immediate attraction, one that I couldn’t act on simply because she already belonged to someone else.
So when her dom announced that they were up to experiment with sharing, I was quick to jump on the opportunity to have her, at least for one night. “You really are beautiful, aren’t you?” I asked, running a single finger under her chin so I could raise her eyes to meet mine, and I lost my breath at that simple connection. 
She just had this thing about her, such sensuality seemed to lie just beneath the surface of her gaze. I felt it deep in my bones every time we were out for drinks and I had the hardest time trying to keep my hands to myself, trying to remember that she was with my friend. 
And as much as the outings proved difficult to me, I couldn’t find it in myself to care. Not when my friendship with her dom meant that I got to see her at least once a week. Not when it allowed me the chance of being here with her, in this situation.
Well, first things first, I knew we had communicated pretty extensively prior to this session, but I felt like I should run over the most basic rule once more. Even though all I wanted to do was to jam my cock in her pretty little throat.
“What’s your safe word?” I asked, still holding her jaw so she’d look me in the eyes and see just how seriously I actually took this. I thought I saw the shadow of a smile pass over her face, but it was gone as quickly as it came, and she was back to the picture perfect submissive front.
“Red for stopping, yellow for slowing down and three taps when I need to stop and can’t speak.” I did smile at her answer, satisfied at how thorough she’d been. It was clear too, by the way she ran over her words and the glint in her eye, that she was just as eager as I was to get this started.
I wouldn’t keep her waiting much longer. We did have only one night, after all. “Good job, little one.” I acknowledged as I straightened up, keeping my crotch on her eye level before nodding to her. “Take me off my trousers.” 
Her hands trembled slightly as she worked on my belt before going for the zipper, but it was clear by the way she bit on her lower lip that it was from excitement. I licked my lips at the prospect of the night that we had ahead of us, knowing she was right in getting anxious for it. I had a lot planned for us.
I watched with clear amusement as her breath bitched at the sight of my cock, almost hard already, and it was obvious that she was entranced by it. “Go ahead,” I signaled, once again nodding towards her. “Lick it. Give it a taste.”
She looked up at me with those bright, wide eyes and I had to bite on my inner cheek to contain a groan of desire that threatened to make its way into our one-person conversation. But then, she stuck out her tongue, running it over the length of my member and I was a goner, a loud moan escaping my lips.
I’d always been a vocal person in bed.
“Okay, stop. Hands behind your back. Open your mouth for me.” Her mouth fell open to obey my request easily, her tongue sticking out once more like she couldn’t get enough of my taste already. It was hard to keep the smile off my face, and I could see that she appreciated the sight of my dimples as she couldn’t take her eyes off of it.
Once, she’d been wine drunk in one of our friendly outings, and she admitted she thought they were extremely cute. I’d started to smile even more around her after that, always keeping an attentive eye to watch her fascination with my dimples whenever they appeared.
“‘M gonna fuck your face now, okay, love?” She nodded, mouth still open, eyes connected to mine. I had to chuckle at the pure image of compliant enthusiasm that she portrayed. I, too, couldn’t wait to have her mouth wrapped around my cock.
Y/N’s P.O.V.
His hand curled around my nape and he pulled me to meet his member by it, the other one coming to cradle my cheek as he slowly penetrated my open mouth. The hiss he let out as he fed me inch by inch of his beautiful cock was like music to my ears. 
God, he was beautiful. I couldn’t believe he actually wanted to dom me and now here I was, with his cock halfway down my throat. I felt so unbelievably lucky, and even more incredibly horny. How could it be that he didn’t have a sub anymore? I would drop to my knees instantly, any time he asked me to.
I knew I should feel bad about thinking like that when it was only a loan - I was with another dom, I wouldn’t be with Harry again after tonight. But I couldn’t pretend it wasn’t how I felt. 
Specially when he threw his head back after I managed to swallow his entire length, his curls bouncing from the action and the sweetest little moans escaping from his beautiful pink lips. God, he was beautiful.
“Fuck, you’re precious,” he complimented, suddenly looking down at me with those incredible green eyes. A shiver ran down my spine at the connection, and the most predatory smirk painted his lips, making me whine around the cock on my lips. “Ready?” He asked, running his thumb over my cheekbones, his hands making my already hot face feel even warmer. When I managed to slightly nod, he did too, immediately pulling almost completely out of my mouth before thrusting back in.
The instinctive reaction to gag was undeniable, but despite the tears that immediately appeared on my eyes, I forced myself to breathe deeply through my nose and focus on the symphony that Harry was creating, with his moans and gasps and the wet sounds of gurgling and spit from his thrusts.
“You’re a little cockslut, aren’t you, sweetheart? So eager to please, I could see it in your eyes just how much you wanted my cock, huh?” I moaned around his member at the dirty words he so effortlessly threw around. I’d never thought Harry would be this vocal during sex, but god if it didn’t make me horny. In fact, I was so fucking wet that it was dripping down onto the floor of his bedroom, running down my thighs and ankles.
It was so damn filthy, and I loved every second of it. He pulled me by my hair so I could lick his balls while I gathered my breath, and I immediately put one in my mouth, rolling it before doing the same with the other. By the way he whined, I could see he loved it.
“Come back here, I wanna cum down your throat.” The prospect was one that I very much ached for, since my pussy was throbbing at the perspective. I didn’t even feel any hurt from the way he forcefully thrusted into my mouth before he started to roughly facefuck me, I was just too ecstatic about bringing him this much pleasure.
“I’m gonna cum, love. I’m cumming.” I loved that he kept the same nickname that he usually called me in social situations. It had always made me feel tingly, but when he was filling my mouth with his warm liquid, it was a different experience entirely.
Harry’s P.O.V.
It took a lot of strength and control not to fall down on my knees after cumming on her lips. She made me weak, it was ridiculous and dangerous but I was already addicted to the feeling.
I took some minutes to catch my breath before offering my hand to help her up, and when she accepted it, I couldn’t help but to trail my eyes down her body, appreciating each inch of skin available for my gaze to explore. But there was another way in which I wanted to survey her body.
“Come here, little one.” I took her to the edge of the room where I’d prepared the sex bench, observing her reactions to see how she would take it. She didn’t look like she recognized it, but she also didn’t seem repelled by it, which I took as a win.
“I take it you haven’t used this before.” She nodded, glancing at me before averting her eyes. “You can look at me when I’m talking to you, sweetheart.” The look of surprise she gave me left me with an unpleasant feeling. I knew it was common in bdsm, especially with more stricter doms, to train their subs so that they’re always visibly submissive. But the idea of someone missing the chance of having her beautiful eyes on them left me in despair. It left me feeling like she wasn’t properly appreciated, and that didn’t sit well with me at all.
“Are you comfortable with exploring this with me?” When she immediately nodded, an easy smile appeared on my lips, and I allowed her to see it flourish. “Then hop on it, sweetheart. I can’t wait to see you spread open for my viewing pleasure.”
She bit her lip at my admission, and I helped her settle on the bench before strapping the restraints over her ankles and arms. Then, after a quick caress of her cheek, I assumed my position behind her, biting my own lip at the sight that welcomed me.
Her wetness was already dripping over her pussy lips, and I instinctively raised my hand to open her for me, checking her weeping hole before quickly plunging two fingers inside of her, making her gasp.
“You’re drenched, love.” She agreed with me, albeit a little breathlessly, and I chuckled before wrapping my lips around the two fingers that had been inside of her, tasting her wetness. She was so sweet, it tasted heavenly in my mouth.
Humming in appreciation, I collected some more of her juices before sticking my fingers inside of her again, this time in search of her sweet spot. When I heard her gasp again, I knew I’d reached my goal.
“Does it feel good when I touch you like this?” I asked, thrusting my fingers in and out of her, making sure to hit that special spongy place every time my digits were deep within her pussy.
Y/N’s P.O.V.
I cried out at the feeling of Harry’s fingers inside of me, after spending so long with this burning arousal inside of me, taking care of him without being touched. He fucked me so furiously, it barely seemed like he retreated his fingers at all, and soon enough, I was cumming with his digits pressing inside that spot that had my eyes rolling to the back of my head, my legs spasming as I felt the urge to close them, stop him from continuing to stimulate me, but I couldn’t. Not when I was tied to this bench, vulnerable to whatever wish he wanted to express with my body.
I finally understood the reason for the chair.
When he didn’t stop thrusting his fingers in and out of me, another orgasm quickly rolled in, making me spasm against the leather seat, begging him for something - to keep fucking me or to stop, I couldn’t say. 
Still, it seemed like he knew just what I wanted to say, or at the very least, what I needed in that moment, because even though he didn’t remove his fingers - or even stopped moving whatsoever - he drastically slowed down the movement, opting to insert them in me at a snail’s pace.
“You like it here, don’t you?” He asked, clearly laughing at my agony, and if I could, I would have laughed too. “You know, I like having you here, like this, too. It’s been so long since I had a sub, I didn’t remember how much I missed it until I saw you knelt down by my bed.”
I was trying very hard to focus on what he was saying, but it was getting harder by the second, since despite the brutality of the last two orgasms he collected from me, the calm pace with which he kept on fucking me with my fingers was very quickly reigniting the fire of desire within me.
“Of course, it could just be you. You know, I had no idea you were into this kind of thing, when we met. If I’d known…” He didn’t continue, but I understood what he wanted to say nonetheless. If we’d known about this aspect of our personalities, perhaps I’d be his sub now.
The idea of being Harry’s, of having this every single day paired with the feeling of his digits still pressing against my sweet spot incited another release from me, and now I could hear just how wet I’d become.
“Feeling a tad overstimulated, love?” He teased, finally pulling his fingers from me and granting me some relief. I heard a sucking sound that brought shivers down my spine at the realisation that he had sucked my wetness from his digits, but before I could focus too much on that, I felt the blunt head of his cock against my hole, just slightly rubbing it in. 
“Think you can handle just one more orgasm? Wanna feel you clench around my cock, sweetheart. Think you can do this for me?” I don’t think I’d ever nodded as quickly for anything in my entire life, but I felt plenty compensated for my enthusiasm when I felt him pushing inside of me, stretching me open to accept his long cock.
“Fuck,” he groaned when he finally bottomed out, the position I was in due to the sex bench assuring that he was perfectly nested against my sweet spot and I think the sensation was overwhelming for him too, by the way he inadvertently jerked his hips, hitting my g-spot after he was finally completely in.
I didn’t think I could feel better than I felt in that moment, impaled on his cock, but that was before he started thrusting in and out of me. The overstimulation had my nerves on fire, every single one of my cells screaming out for me, as I was too, and then his voice pierced through my senses, begging me to say his name, scream his name, until I did just so, exactly when I felt that warm pit of arousal explode inside of me.
“Louder,” he ordered, his fingers burying themselves on the flesh of my ass, and I couldn’t disobey him. All I knew was his name, all I could do was to scream it from the top of my lungs, desperate to release some of the astounding sensations I felt travel through me.
Harry moaned my name when he came, too. It was the first thing I remember focusing on when I stopped hearing the beat of my own heart on my ears, followed suit by the feeling of his warm cum dripping from my abused pussy lips and running down my legs. 
He scooped some of it up, careful not to overwhelm me, before feeding it to me, and I was more than glad to wrap my lips around his fingers and suck them just how I’d done to his cock.
“You know…” He started after he’d released me and helped me put on a robe, and was now massaging some lotion on my wrists. He looked nervous, almost unsure of himself, and the idea made me curious. “Call me crazy all you want, we can pretend I never even asked it after you get out of here.”
He took a deep breath before continuing and I felt my heartbeat pick up as I realised what he could be about to ask. “Would you consider becoming mine? My sub, I mean? We can talk to…”
I interrupted him by throwing myself at him, wrapping my arms around his shoulder as I buried my face on his neck. “I’d love to, Harry.” He didn’t immediately react, but then, I felt him reciprocate my hug before feeling his warm hands rubbing over my back.
“I’d love to too, sweetheart.”
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nakamoto-aesthetics · 4 years
Drunk | l.hc
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synopsis: you and haechan are enemies but turn into lovers basically.
pairing: enemy!haechan x fem!reader
genre: enemies to lovers au, angst, fluff
warning: mentions of drinking
word count: 1.6k
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one, two, three, four, five shots
you were toasted. five shots was a huge mistake.
you were beginning to regret downing that many shots. you were with the boys and you all made the executive decision to get drunk. bad mistake. you were so quiet compared to your usual bubbly self; it was like time slowed, everything and everyone was slow. your body felt like it was floating on a boat; it was so numb and the lights were so bright, you couldn’t look around you for more than 3 seconds before you had to look back down. your head was spinning, you couldn’t concentrate on anything. all you could think about was your head spinning.
you made the decision of getting up from your seat with extra force and going to the bathroom. on the way there you couldn’t help but notice the way you were stumbling. you had to hold onto the wall to continue walking, following the route to the bathroom. your head was down toward the ground, your body was sliding against the wall all the way up until you have to change walls because the door was across from you; with extra momentum you successfully push yourself off the wall and launch yourself over to the door.
unfortunately, just as you were moving toward the door, the door was opening and before you could comprehend it, you collided with something hard, arms were wrapped around you and your nose was picking up an all-too-familiar scent. you knew this cologne from anywhere but your head couldn’t pin point it at all. you were so confused.
“did you lose your way?” the voice of a male announces, startling you a little. you knew this voice too, who is this person?
“no, I’m at the… right place” you drunkenly say and make a fist with the guys shirt before looking up to see who the familiar stranger was.
that’s when your eyes meet with his. “haechan?” you have to blink multiple times before it finally sinks in your head.
“hey y/n” he smirks. he wasn’t drunk, in fact, you couldn’t smell any hint of alcohol on his breath; all you could smell was the red bull he religiously drank.
“get off of me” you attempt to pull away but he only hugged you tighter. you tried everything in your power to get out of his grasp but nothing worked, you were powerless against him, especially because of the state you were in, at this moment. you eventually gave up and accepted it, too out of breath and tired to continue on. you rested your body against his, trying to catch your breath.
“good girl” he rubbed your back.
“what do you want haechan?” you felt yourself instantly sober up after struggling against him. if anyone could bring your mood down it was him. he knew just how to push your buttons and make you angry. he always had to do better than you too, all of it made you want to vomit. he made you want to vomit.
“I want what I want”
“what?” you squeeze your eyes shut and shake your head. “what does that even mean”
“it means that…” he leans down closer to your ear. “I want a kiss”
you immediately push him away, this time doing so successfully, making him stumble back a bit. you shake your head and turn around, walking away but not far enough because his hand wraps around your wrist and pulls you toward him; this time your back slamming into his chest. his arms wrap around your waist and his breath hits the back of your neck, sending chills down your spine.
“y/n please” he whispers. you could hear the slight desperation in his voice, unlike the previous times he’s talked to you. you’d never seen or heard him talk like this, he always kept up a front, never showing his weaknesses, so why was this moment different?
“haechan you don’t even like me what are you doing?” you breathily whisper.
“what do you mean I don’t like you?” you feel his body tense up from behind you.
“I mean, you bully me constantly, you push my buttons, and on top of all that you always have to outdo me in something, it’s like everything is a competition with you” you huff in annoyance.
“what- no y/n you have it all wrong. oh my god why didn’t I realize sooner, I didn’t mean to make you upset or bully you. I just wanted…”
“wanted what?”
“…wanted you to see me. I just wanted you to see me, I wanted you to acknowledge me y/n. I wanted you to think I was smart and cool and thats why I always tried to do better than you, and I guess that’s also why I picked on you or bullied you. I just didn’t know how to express how I felt about you; but that is in no way an excuse. I’m truly sorry. I really didn’t mean to hurt you y/n” he turns you around in his arms so then he can see your face. your eyes flick up to his; they were filled with hurt and concern. you could also see the worry in his eyebrows, they were knitted creating a deep groove, worry undoubtedly written all over them. this was enough for your breath to get caught in your throat.
“please forgive me” he positioned his hands on either side of your cheeks, tilting your face up.
“haechan…” you whisper.
“I know, i’m so so sorry. In fact, I really like you…” his eyes shift off to the side but your eyes stay put on his. “but it’s fine if you don’t feel the same, I wouldn’t expect you to, especially becau-”
he doesn’t finish because you stand on your tippy toes and ball his shirt into a fist, reaching up to him and connecting your lips together.
that’s what haechans brain was. it was empty. he was so caught off guard it was actually pretty funny. he didn’t expect you to kiss him willingly, in fact, he was actually gonna forget about the kiss because he didn’t think you would agree to it, and especially because he thought that there was no way you liked him; but that wasn’t the case.
haechan lips began to move against yours, keeping the same pace as you. you felt fireworks ignite in your stomach, something you never thought you could feel with him. meanwhile, haechan felt butterflies erupt in his stomach, he felt so energetic in this moment; as if his body was going into a sugar rush. he’d dreamt of this very moment for way too long and that was showing in the way his heart felt like it was going to explode out of his chest. he could taste the alcohol on your breath but he didn’t mind, all he wanted was you.
he backs you up against the wall being as gentle as can be; as if you were so fragile, you could break at any moment. he’s kissing you so intimately but at the same time so gently and you would be lying if you said you weren’t enjoying it, your hands traveled up his arms and around the back of his neck, pulling him closer. his hands trailed down to your waist and he rested them there. he barely did anything but this action was enough to shoot an extra string of fireworks in your stomach. you didn’t know what it meant but you did know that you liked the feeling in your stomach.
“what the fuck?”
both your heads snap to the voice and see an intoxicated mark lee standing a few inches away from you two.
“don’t you guys hate each other?” marks eyes were almost bulging out of his head, he couldn’t believe his eyes.
“uh, actually…” haechan chuckles and looks at you.
“it was a misunderstanding the entire time” you look back at him and bite your lip softly, equipping it with a soft smile.
“um okay… well don’t let me stop you guys” he surrenders his hands, shaking his head in confusion and walks past you guys, towards the bedrooms. it becomes quiet once again; you and haechan are left gazing into each other’s eyes, both your hearts beating in synchronization for the other.
“so… what is this gonna be?” you ask, leaning your head back against the wall, still looking into his eyes.
“well y/n, I don’t want to be enemies or friends, I know that very much” he whispers and mindlessly taps his index finger against your hip. he may’ve not known he was doing it but you did, it was like the heat of his hands were burning through your clothes and onto your skin. everywhere he touched left a burning feeling so much that you could feel all the places he had touched in the last 20 minutes. his touch lingered in a way nobody else’s did; it was the type of burning that you never wanted to stop feeling, it was addicting and possibly your new favorite feeling.
“me either… believe it or not I think you’re really attractive haechan; even when we were feuding all those times I thought you were hot” you breathily chuckle. a smile works it’s way onto his face and his cheeks visibly flush.
“I think you’re attractive too y/n-ah” he smiles like an idiot. his heart was so warm and it was all because of you. he finally felt complete.
“thank you… haechan?”
“my head is starting to spin again and i’m sleepy, can you can tuck me in tonight?” you say with a slight pout and bright eyes, the action was small but it was more than enough for haechan.
“of course I can princess, your wish is my command” he moves away from you so then he can pick you up bridal style.
“yes haechannie?”
“do you have any time for cuddles?”
and that’s when you knew he was the one.
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NCT Masterlist
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pascalpanic · 4 years
Here for the sentence starters!! "I can’t get over how a few months ago I wanted to learn your name and now you’re having breakfast with me in my sweater" and "I’m so in love with her/him, I don’t know what do do." Feel free to do both or either or whatever you prefer with either of the Marcuses! I'm in such a fluffy mood rn and these will make my day :)) (PS I adore you and I hope you have a good day xx)
Making Moves (Marcus Moreno x f!Reader)
Summary: Your neighborhood superhero, Marcus Moreno, is being nagged by his daughter to find love. Lucky for him, just the right woman moves in down the street.
W/C: 2.7k
Warnings: language, brief talks of death (just to refer to Marcus’s wife who passed away), brief mentions of sexual stuff. it’s tame.
A/N: THIS WAS SO FUN. I love some good Marcus Moreno. He’s such a cutie and these prompts made it so fun! You can still send me prompts from this list with a character, just mind the taken ones! p.s. my emotional support Brit @maxlordsgf see how I used patio/backyard??
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The Moreno household was cozy. You wondered if it was Marcus who’d decorated the beautiful home, or if his late wife. You supposed it didn’t matter. You would’ve liked the former Mrs. Moreno, if Marcus could love her like he did. 
He lived a few houses down from you. You’d moved in a couple of months ago, into the nice Craftsman style home you currently rented. The best thing about the house was the beautiful front porch, which exposed the lovely suburban neighborhood. The porch had come with a swing, and you’d decided that it’d have to be your new morning coffee spot. After all, this is California, where the sun was plentiful and the air was just cold enough to be refreshing in the mornings.
The time that you drank your coffee on the porch also happened to be the time that your neighborhood Heroic, Marcus, went for his morning runs. He’d been excited to see that the house was sold, and Missy was too. They planned on bringing over some sweets once you were settled. Several weeks after the sold sign went up, he saw you for the first time. 
You looked like an angel, he thought. You wore a fuzzy robe with patterned capri pajama pants peeking from beneath it. Your glasses rested on the bridge of your nose, slightly fogged from the steam of your coffee. You sat on your porch swing, knees pulled to your chest, reading from your tablet. He was immediately caught off-guard. Your new home was at the beginning of his running path, but his breath was already gone from his lungs from your beauty. 
Pushing his own glasses up his nose, he gave you a little wave as you looked up. You’d smiled at him, a grin with your teeth visible. The man was handsome, you’d noticed. Dark hair, a little scruff, eyes that scrunched when he smiled at you. He was fit, too, his muscles evident beneath his tight t-shirt and running shorts. He kept running, unsure what he could say to you. 
Marcus returned home some thirty minutes later to find Missy awake. “Hey, the new neighbor moved in,” he told her as he walked to the counter, pouring himself a cup of coffee.
“Ooh, tell me all about them.”
“Well, we didn’t talk. I still don’t know if it’s a family or anything,” he admitted. “But there was a woman sitting on the porch.”
Missy’s eyes lit up. “How old?”
Marcus shook his head. “I don’t know, muñeca,” he told her and kissed her head as he walked past her to sit at the table. 
“Old enough to date?” she asked, raising an eyebrow and stuffing her mouth full of cereal. “Did she seem single?”
“Stay out of it,” he teased her and poked her forehead, right between the eyes. 
She flinched back a bit but laughed. “Dad, come on.”
He shook his head. “We can bring over a housewarming gift tonight, huh? Then we can see.” -
Well, it turned out that night was too busy to do so for the Morenos.
You saw him the next morning as he ran past again. You wore different pajamas but sat in the same position. You’d waved back.
That’s how the next couple mornings went for the two of you. Every day, Marcus could swear you looked prettier. With you looking like that in your pajamas, he couldn’t imagine how beautiful you’d be at any other time. 
Finally, Friday night, he and Missy put on some music and got to baking.
“What does she look like?” Missy asked curiously as she cracked an egg into the bowl- she’d learned the hard way that her father was not to be trusted with egg duty.
Marcus described you to his daughter, his eyes far off and a small smile on his face. “She’s very pretty.”
“Well, duh. You’re simping over her, of course she is.”
“What’s a simp?” He’d asked, brow furrowing.
The knock came an hour or two later. You’d gotten home from work an hour or so earlier, so you were in relaxed clothing, the remnants of your makeup on your face. 
Behind the door stood the handsome runner you saw every morning, and a miniature, carbon-copied version of him with longer hair and more feminine features. “Hi! We’re the Morenos. We live in the blue house down the street. I’m Missy, and this is my dad, Marcus,” she introduced herself cheerfully. She held a tray of brownies. He held a bouquet.
“We just wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood,” the man- Marcus- says with a warm smile on his face.
“Oh, thank you!” You grinned and took the tray Missy held out. “Well, come in, please,” you invite them. “Do you drink, Marcus? I was just having some wine. Oh, and Missy, I have some soda if you’d like that.”
The three of you sat in your half-constructed living room for a while and chatted. You learned about the former Mrs. Moreno and how she’d passed a few years ago. You shared that you were living alone and single, due to a bad breakup that led you to move here. The two were good company, you learned quickly, bantering back and forth more like siblings than a father and daughter.
As they stood up to leave, you apologized for the mess. “Sorry. I’ve been trying to hook up my TV lately, and I haven’t done anything else yet. I want to get the TV up first, but I’m practically useless with electronic stuff,” you admitted with a chuckle.
“Oh, Dad is great with electronics,” Missy told you with a grin.
“Not great. Competent would be a better word,” he chuckled. “I could help you set it up, if you’d like that.”
“I would, if it’s not too much trouble.”
“No trouble at all. Here, we can exchange numbers, you can text me when you’d like me to come over,” he offered and pulled out his phone.
“Sure,” you said and told him your number, which he enters into his phone and sends you a text. “Perfect,” you nodded and saved his phone number. “I’ll see you two soon, hopefully.”
They said goodbye and you heard Missy giggling as the door shut behind him. It’s muffled, but you thought you can hear Missy anyway: “That was smooth, Dad!”
That was months ago now. You’d developed a relationship with the both of them, visiting each others’ houses often for dinner or just to chat. 
When summer rolled around, Missy invited you over for days at their pool. You two had enjoyed yourselves, Marcus playing the role of your butler for the day, serving you mocktails and teasing his daughter. It became a common occurrence during the summer. You even had a reverse day on Marcus’s birthday (July 12th) where Missy served the two of you. It was almost like a date. That was the day you both realized you’d fallen hard for the other.
As much as you spent time with Marcus, the girl positively adored you, and always sent you texts from her father’s phone.
We’re having pizza tonight! Wanna come over?
Dad says he sucks at math. Can you help me with my homework?
My friends canceled on me. Are you free to eat Ben and Jerry’s and watch Mamma Mia with me? 
You’d become like a mother figure to her, helping her when she got her first period, taking her shopping for middle-school dances, giving her boy advice.
Marcus liked you just as much, if not more. You liked him too. He was a funny man, kindhearted and warm. He’d listen to you talk when you’d had a shitty day, bring over a bottle of wine when he needed some comfort, cook dinner for the two of you when Missy was at Anita’s.
One night, you’re eating dinner with them on their patio. It’s nice, overlooking their backyard and their pool. Missy is going to a friend’s later, to sleep over, but Marcus had cooked food for the three of you on the grill, something you’d learned he was fantastic at, and you’re inside getting more food. The door is slightly cracked, and you can hear the two of them talking. 
“Dad. You have to make your move, and you gotta do it tonight! Otherwise, she’ll go for Kent a couple doors down. You don’t want that, do you?” she asks in a hushed voice.
“It’s not that easy, muñeca. I’m so in love with her I don’t know what to do.”
Your heart catches in your chest, fluttering. Marcus likes you. Not only that, he’s in love with you. The past few months race through your head, and you hyper-analyze every little interaction the two of you have had. It’s clear now, in hindsight. You swallow hard, putting back down the skewer of vegetables.
He’s been the only thing on your mind the past few weeks, you have to admit. Your visits to each others’ homes had increased, with you spending more and more nights a week at the Morenos’. His laugh makes your stomach flutter as Missy says something else to him outside. You bite your lip. Tonight’s the night. If he doesn’t make his move like Missy insisted, you’ll do it first.
The conversation is light for the rest of dinner, and you’re a bit detached. Marcus can tell, but he doesn’t comment on it. You simply stare out into their pool, listening to Missy ramble on about the plans that she and her friends have for tonight.
A while later, her friends’ parents pick her up. You stand in the driveway and wave a thank-you to the girl’s parents as they drive off with Missy and her friend in tow. “Love you guys,” she shouts out of the window. You grin and shout it back, in sync with Marcus.
The two of you return to the backyard. You walk a little farther apart from Marcus than normal. “Hey,” he says and stands right next to you, his shoulder nudging yours. “What’s wrong? You’ve been off all night,” he mumbles softly.
You shake your head. “It’s nothing, really,” you chuckle, looking down at your feet. 
Marcus is oblivious to the fact that you heard the two of them earlier. You and Marcus have always had a playful relationship, and the idea strikes him to help cheer you up. “Hey, vecina.”
“What- ah!” You squeal as Marcus lifts you in his strong arms. He walks the two of you to the side of the pool as you wriggle in his grip, laughing. “Goddamnit, Marcus! Let go of me!” You screech as he holds you over the pool, though you’re giggling the whole time.
“Not until you tell me what’s wrong,” he laughs, your feet kicking as they dangle over the chlorinated water. 
“No, you asshole!” You laugh, wriggling. “Put me down, Moreno, or God help your poor soul when I-” 
He sets you down on the edge, backing up a bit. “There, fine. Just trying to help,” he teases. He did, he thinks to himself. You’re smiling again. 
You’re painfully close to him. Your hands find his hips and he looks down at your hands in confusion as you pat the pockets of his shorts. No phone. Perfect. There’s a devilish grin as you wrap him in a bear hug and fall backwards into the pool, taking him with you.
You let go once you’re underwater, shooting up to the surface from under him and laughing. He comes up moments later, wiping his eyes and pushing his hair back. Your laugh is maniacal and loud, completely content and proud of yourself. “There, I cheered you up at least,” he shakes his head and smiles. He walks to the shallower end of the pool, and you follow.
“I wasn’t in a bad mood,” you shoot back.
“Well, something was off. Will you tell me now?” He asks, your eyes wandering to his- oh, he’s ripped, goddamn- abs beneath his wet t-shirt. His eyes remained trained on yours, ever the gentleman.
Swallowing hard, you nod and walk closer to him with a smile. “I heard you and Missy when I was inside getting more food,” you tell him, biting on your lip to hold back an excited giggle.
His brows furrow in confusion then lift in surprise as it hits him. “Oh.”
“Yeah,” you nod, wading a little closer and then even closer. You can hear his heavy breathing and look into those big brown eyes with a grin. 
“Well, I-” he starts stammering, unsure of what to say, until you place your hands on his shoulders.
“It’s okay, Marcus,” you mumble soothingly, your arms wrapping around his neck. “I know you said it’s not that easy. Why don’t you let me take the reins then, hm?” You ask teasingly, bringing your face close to his. 
He grins, taking the opportunity as he sees it. His lips crash to yours happily, his hands finding your waist over your sopping wet clothing. You smile softly against his lips. They’re so soft and warm, the very lips you’ve been staring at for a long time, imagining this. He’s gentle but loving and you deepen it. He follows immediately, parting his lips against yours and he sighs into your mouth. 
The two of you stand there, in his pool, making out, for quite a while. Finally, when he breaks away, looking at you through his water-drop-stained glasses, you grin. “This is your fault, you know. I’m gonna have to go home and change into dry clothing.”
“Or you could borrow some of mine,” he offers with a shy smile, and you grin.
“That works too.”
He kisses you one more time. “Will you stay the night? We don’t even have to… to do anything. I don’t even really want to yet. I just want to keep holding on to you.”
You nod and kiss him softly, for just a moment. “Of course I will.” -
You awaken in the morning to the smell of cooking. You live alone, and it makes your brow furrow in confusion, eyes still shut, until they open and you find yourself in Marcus’ home. His bed, specifically. 
You smell like chlorine and your hair is damp still, but you’re wearing a big black sweater that smells like detergent and cologne and sleep. It’s Marcus’s, you realize with a smile. 
Last night was truly perfect. No, you didn’t sleep with him yet, but it was still perfectly intimate, the way you held each other and whispered sweet words and pressed soft kisses all over each others’ faces and torsos. You’d made out for a fair amount of time too, just like teenagers again, but it was meaningful. 
You pad down the stairs, wearing just your underwear and one of Marcus’s big sweaters. He’s cooking breakfast in the kitchen, and your heart melts as you see him. “Good morning, superhero,” you coo as you wrap your arms around him from behind and press a kiss into his neck.
His body warms and melts into your touch. “Good morning, beautiful. How did you sleep?”
“Amazing. Your bed is insanely comfortable,” you chuckle and snuggle in against him, resting your head against his back. 
“I’m glad. Go sit down, breakfast will be ready in a bit.”
You nod and do exactly that, sitting across the kitchen island from him. He puts some pancakes on a plate, drizzles them with syrup, and slides it to you. “Bon appetit.”
“Thank you,” you grin and waste no time in cutting into them with a fork and taking a bite.
You sigh happily and Marcus’s heart can barely take the sight of it. “I can’t get over how a few months ago I wanted to learn your name and now you’re having breakfast with me in my sweater.”
“I can’t get over how cute you are,” you tease and pop another bite in your mouth. “The good news is that you can get over it, because I’m coming over here for breakfast in your clothes every day now.”
“Or you could live here.”
The proposal is so quiet, so sudden and nonchalant that it takes you aback for a minute. “What?”
He shrugs. “I know we’ve only been together for, what, 10 hours now, but Missy and I both adore you. You’re over here all the time anyway. Why don’t you? Save us both some money, too.”
You bite your lip to hold back a grin. “I might have to think about it.”
He nods. “I get that, I-“
“Done thinking. I’ll do it,” you grin happily. 
“Really,” you nod, giggling excitedly. 
Marcus leans across the kitchen counter and kisses you softly. “Be prepared for a lot of Moreno loving. Missy’s a cuddler.”
“I think I can take it,” you smile and press another kiss to his lips, with all of the love in your heart. 
vecina- neighbor (female)
muñeca- in this context, doll
hey taglist, come get y’all’s juice
@remmysbounty @mishasminion360 @softly-sad @blo0dangel @luxurybeskar @binarydanvvers @sleep-tight1
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Okay, unrrlated to the ask, but oml the way you draw shuichi is so cute but also hot or pretty??????- i just- you make me simp more for him more than i already do- and you make ouma look so childishly adorable- do you have any drawing tips?
Sorry for making you wait so long for this, I actually needed to make the tips skndnd
But also thank you so much!! ^w^
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First I just did the basic shapes I do for Kokichi and Shuichi, the bottom is mostly what you see in the comic cause I’m too lazy to clean them up-
I draw them both chibi, kinda, Kokichi is far more obvious with the big round cheeks, but shuichi still has a more rounded chin and his cheeks do stick out, just not as much.
This does sometimes create the complication that the heads can appear to be different sizes, but I can just make them bigger or smaller with the transform tool.
I also give both of them very different eye shapes and eyebrows, kokichi being big and round and shuichi being thin and sharp! Not much more to say here besides that I tend to over exaggerate Shuichi’s eyelashes a lot- I just think it looks better,,
For their bodies I tend not to draw Kokichi’s neck, I just draw his scarf then add a line where I think a bit of neck might be visible. How I do the lines on his scarf changes every time so don’t stress too much on that jdjdjs-
For Shuichi however I draw an extra long neck, which I cut off in the middle for his collar, I also start his shoulders above where the neck ends it makes him look like he’s tensing. Which is good cause poor boy has so much anxiety,,,
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Here’s the cleaned up version of the sketches, so you can kinda see how I draw their hair, I generally make Shuichi’s hair longer than it is in the game, although I’m trying to cut back on that a bit.
Besides the front hair, which I always do the same, the rest of kokichi’s hair is up to fate and whatever looks good when I draw a bunch of strands, again don’t stress too much over that.
I also added a few don’ts, obviously some styles can allow you to bend these rules, but they’re good points of reference that can help anatomy a bit for any character!
I’ll basically rewrite the tips I put on the drawing down here:
First off, make sure if you do a 3/4 view or side profile, that you give your characters a jaw on the side facing you, otherwise it looks really weird and flat.
Second, and this is only important if you draw in a style where the cheek sticks out, draw your face lines *over* the dip where the cheek sticks out, otherwise when you try to draw eyes they’ll end up being warped by the shape of the face and it’ll look wrong not matter how much you play with the positioning (I know this from personal experience)
Otherwise it’s just good to know where the face is generally located on the head, that’s why I draw the ear, even if it just ends up being covered by hair, because even on real faces, most of the time, the bottom of the nose is in line with the bottom of the ear and the eyebrows in a neutral position lay somewhere near in line with the tops of your ears! So you can basically just draw you face lines from the top and bottom of the ear and have a pretty good general placement for your face!
Finally! Necks are thicker than you think they are (although many styles give characters thin necks and it normally works so it’s fine to break that rule) and also stick out from the general area of where your ear is, so unless you’re drawing a full frontal view, make sure your neck isn’t too far forward under the chin, normally it’s pretty obvious if it’s not placed correctly, but now you know where to put it if it doesn’t look right!
Thanks again, especially if you spent time reading this,,, but do keep in mind I’m not a professional or trained in any way, so my advice is what works for me and might not be what fits you! Don’t feel pressured to do any of the things I’ve said here!
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Not yours.
summary: someone tries to force their way back to y/n's life and harry isn't having any of it.
word count: ----
based on these requests:
“also!! what about something angsty? maybe artemis gets hurt or something and harry is just in full on dad mode”
“What about caleb seeing the trio on tabloids, so he gets slightly jealous and “want’s” back into Artemis’ life unexpectedly.”
“ could you write something for my shy little boy about Artemis real father finding out that harry adopted him and showing up at their house claiming that Artemis is his son and basically trying to claim his rights as a father, and harry gets REALLY protective, plsss i would love that concept”
“Can you do one in the shy little boy universe where Artemis's dad tries to come back in his life or something. Like he sees them and he's life 'give me a second chance' . I love your writing. Thanks”
you can find more of my shy little boy here
*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *:・゚✧ ✧゚・:
November, 2019.
Park days were the best days for the Styles family. They didn’t get to have them as much as they’d like as they were always so busy, but today was an off day and Artemis was responsible for choosing what they were going to do. And of course he chose the park.
Y/N packed some snacks in a picnic basket while Harry took the job of dressing Artemis up. Obviously Artemis ended up way too dress up for just going to the park but it wasn’t a secret Harry was crazy about them wearing the same color or matching outfits to go out.
Harry had picked a pair of white shorts and paired it with a pastel yellow polo shirt he tucked into the shorts. Artemis looked adorable although Harry knew his son most likely get the clothes dirty as soon as they arrive to the park.
“Daddy, my nose itches.” Artemis tried to take off his glasses but Harry stopped him.
Last month they had an appointment with the ophthalmologist and Artemis had to change his glasses at his doctor's request. But Artemis wasn't happy with his new ones, he was always looking for an excuse to take them off or hiding them from his parents.
"Better?" Harry asked, using his fingers to scratch softly where Artemis pointed it itched. The much smaller boy nodded. "You need the glasses, sweetheart. Don't take them off."
"I like my old ones better, why can't i have those?"
"Those doesn't work for you anymore, monkey." He explained. "C'mon, let's put your shoes on." Harry knelt in front of him to watch how Artemis ties his sneakers up, he smiled when his son made it without a problem.
"I just put the things in the car, are you ready?" Y/N said when she saw them coming down the stairs.
"Yes! Let's go, let's go!" Artemis almost jumped from the lasts steps.
Artemis rambled the entire ride about all the fun things they’d do together once they got there, constantly asking if they were at the park already. When they arrived, Harry was surprised it wasn’t so full of people, considering it was the weekend. Y/N unfolded the blanket on the grass, laying the stuff they brought.
“Daddy, let’s play.” Artemis pulled from Harry’s arm, making the latest chuckle.
“Just be careful, please. We don’t want you to fall.” Y/N remained her son, who was too busy running around with his dad.
It was a beautiful day outside, there wasn’t a single cloud in the sky, and the weather was perfect despite being in the middle of November. Harry had packed a Frisbee Artemis liked to use in their backyard and that’s what they were using to play.
Harry made sure to throw it softly at his son, not wanting the toy to hit him in the face. Artemis threw his hands in the air every time his daddy caught it.
Everything happened too fast, none of his parents could catch Artemis before he was face down on the grass. He had tried to throw the Frisbee higher but didn’t control his strength and he ended up on the floor.
Harry’s eyes grew wide as he ran towards the small child, his heart breaking as he heard his loud sobs. He picked him up from the grass and scooped him in his arms.
"Are you hurt? Where does it hurt, baby? Is it your arm?" He said, panic visible in his tone.
"He scraped his knees." Y/N said before cooing at Artemis, trying to calm him down. "Got some band aids for your knees, my love. It's okay." She took him in her arms and handed the band aids to Harry so he could put them on his boy's knees after cleaning the little blood that was there.
Caressing his hair softly, Y/N sat back down on the blanket, putting Artemis on her lap to wipe his tears off. "All better?" He nodded with a pout on his face.
Harry copied his son's pout, sitting next to them on the blanket. He didn't like seeing his love being upset, and he'd lie if he said he didn't feel a little guilty for him getting hurt.
"It's okay, accidents happen and sometimes we get hurt." Y/N said as if she could read Harry's thoughts. "What if we eat and then we can go for ice cream."
The smile reappeared on Artemis' face as he stood up from his mum's lap and cheered excitedly. Artemis ate whatever Y/N had packed for them, hurrying his parents so they could go get dessert.
"Are you okay?" Y/N asked Harry at the end of the day when Artemis was falling asleep on his daddy's shoulder as he carried him back to the car. "You've been quiet since he fell."
"Just worried. Should we take him to ER?"
"For scraped knees? Don't think so. Harry, it's fine, really. He doesn't even remember he has them." She assured. "Tomorrow it will be all better."
"But he cried so loud." He furrowed as they reached the car and Y/N opened the door of the backseat so Harry could put him on his carseat. "I was worried he hurt his elbow or something."
"I guess it was more out of surprise. He wasn't expecting to fall facedown on the floor." Once everything and everyone were in the car, Harry started to drive back home. "Please don't beat yourself up for this. It was literally an accident."
"But i was playing with him."
"Yes, but you couldn't have prevented it from happen."
She put a hand on his thigh, not wanting him to feel any worse from something so small. Artemis doesn't have a lot of accidents as he is a calm boy who doesn't play sports or anything that requires running or jumping, but when they happen, he gets scared and that's normal. No kid likes to see blood coming out of them, even if it's only a little.
"As a parent the best you can do is stay calm during these situations. If you don't panic, then he doesn't either." She smiled at him.
Y/N loved how protective Harry was, his skills as a parent never failed to show in any situation. But he was still very new at it, and he couldn't help but want to put his boy in a little bubble so nothing bad would happen to him.
*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *:・゚✧ ✧゚・:
A week later, Y/N was cooking dinner while Artemis was upstairs in the movie room watching a cooking show on Netflix. Lately he's been obsessed with those and could watch entire seasons if his parents let him.
Harry was out having a meeting with his team but promised to be back for dinner, so it was just the two of them in the house.
The buzzer sounded, alerting someone was at the other side of the gates. Y/N put down the knife she was holding and walked towards the little screen that allowed her to see who was there.
Her breathe hitched when she saw Caleb standing there. He was looking the other way but Y/N could recognize him anywhere. A frown appeared on her face as he hit the buzzer again. She stayed in her place, starting at the screen and hoping he'd turn around and leave.
But he didn't.
She was ready to go outside and tell him to leave but she heard the gates open before she could do so. The gates opening meant Harry was home.
And home he was. But he furrowed as soon as he saw a body standing there. He didn't recognize the man but he was pretty sure he's seem his face before.
He parked inside but didn't close again the gates as he returned outside. "Can i help you?" Harry asked, raising his eyebrows.
"Is Y/N home?" The stranger asked, putting his hands inside of his pockets. "I need to speak to her."
"I'm sorry, who are you?"
"Doesn't matter, i need to see Y/N."
"Uh, it does matter, actually. Why is it so important to speak to my girlfriend?" Harry questioned again in a protective tone.
Before he could answer Harry's question, Y/N came out of the house, closing the door behind her before rushing towards the two man. She stood beside Harry, taking his hand in hers.
"What are you doing here, Caleb?" She asked and Harry's brain finally clicked. He looked so different from the only picture he's seen of him. "What do you want?"
"I need to see him, Y/N." Caleb said, almost in a demanding tone. Y/N looked up at Harry, who already had a deep, angry frown on his face. "I-I saw that video of you three at the park and... Y/N, i'm ready to meet my-"
"He's not your son." Harry barked angrily.
"Harry's right, Caleb. He's not yours in any way." She said sternly. "Besides, i bet it isn't the first video or picture you've seen of us, what could possibly make this one different?"
"I saw him getting hurt." He said defensively. "It.. awoke something in me. I want to be a father, Y/N."
"Then go ahead and get a family of your own because neither Artemis nor I have anything to do with you. Do i have to remind you, you signed the paper giving up your paternal rights?" Y/N started to get angry and Harry squeezed her hand.
"I was twenty-one, Y/N."
"So was I!" She now exclaimed.
"I think it's best if you leave." Harry spoke again, trying to control his anger before he punched that man straight on the face.
"And you are?" Caleb asked "Oh, right. You're the guy she replaced me with. Does my son calls you daddy too?"
"She didn't replace you, she just moved on with someone way better." He smirked. "And yes, my son calls me daddy, must hurt, right? Now get the fuck out of my property before i call the bloody cops."
Harry let go of Y/N's hand just to push Caleb out, not being able to hold his anger anymore. "If i ever see you close to my family, i'll fucking ruin you."
When Caleb was back on his car, Harry finally closed the gates and turned to see Y/N. "I'm sorry you had to see him, my love."
Y/N sighed. "I'm okay. I just... I hadn't seen him since he..." Her lip started trembling but she swallowed the tears. "Seeing his face brought back a lot of emotions."
"Couldn't imagine." Harry took her in his arms and kissed her forehead. "But you won't see him anymore, over my dead body."
"Thank you."
Harry smiled softly at her, supping her face with his hands and pecking her lips. "Thank you for letting me be the one by your side."
"I wouldn't dream of having anyone else."
@myfavfanficsever @odetostep @la-cey @cock-a-doodely-doo @awkwardbullfrog @mellamolayla @moorgannn @bagtan-serendipity @awesomebooklover17 @finelineribs @sunnybusiness @beanholland @sweetenerstyle @cronias13 @vhsharry @maisley @seasidecrowbar @stylesfics-xx @autumnpauley20 @fineline-hs1 @stephaniemalvie @immajustreadwritereblog @jadert15 @iguessweallcrazyithinktho @abundanceofsoph @harrysthicccthighs
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solohux · 3 years
Hi! I loved your ghost story with Kylo's adopted daughter Neeva! I was wondering if you could do a continuation of it? Where Neeva is comfortable on the Finalizer and some of its crew (Hux) and realizes that her dad likes the grouchy ginger and tries to get them together? I love your stories, they are so great!
I’m so glad that you liked that little fic! Thank you so much!
Part I
Despite Kylo’s desire for the ghostly rumours of his seven year old daughter’s sleepwalking to continue, they stop soon after her encounter with Hux. Neeva’s nightly walks in her trancelike state may become less frequent as she settles into her new home on the Finalizer but her curiosity about the ship causes her to be more active during the day. Daddy may have told her to stay in their chambers whilst he’s away but there’s so much going on outside the doors that she can’t possibly stay inside.
It’s been six months since Hux first met the young girl and somehow, she always ends up finding Hux when she wanders.
“Neeva,” Hux says, smiling with a roll of his eyes. “I thought your father said that you had tutoring this morning.”
The girl huffs, standing next to the General on the bridge in her black dress and black boots, her long white hair tied up in a braid—clearly taking after Kylo’s love for the dark coloured clothing.
“I was done hours ago,” Neeva says. “I got bored. And hungry.”
An ensign passes, smiling down at the girl, “Hi, Neeva.”
“Hi, Lily!” Neeva says, her attention gone from Hux and now with the blond-haired officer, who begins complimenting the girl on her hairdo, twirling her gloved fingers around the long braid. “Daddy did it!”
Hux raises an eyebrow, both amused and enamoured with the image of the infamous Jedi Killer plaiting his daughter’s hair and getting it perfect first time after years of practice. Clearing his throat and sending those thoughts from his mind, Hux pulls his comlink from his pocket and inputs the frequency that he has memorised.
Ren is always so polite when he answers his comlink.
“Ren,” Hux greets. “Neeva has found her way onto the bridge again.”
“Is she alright?”
“Yes,” Hux confirms, noting the worried tone in Kylo’s voice. “She’s fine. She has finished with her tutor and was bored.”
“So she escaped again.”
“It would seem so. She isn’t causing any trouble,” Hux looks to where Ensign Lily Seefia is kneeling down on the ground to Neeva’s height. The young girl is talking and exaggerating with her hands as the Ensign nods and smiles. “She’s harmless, Ren.”
“It’s not her that I’m worried about. It’s…others. Neeva is different than most. People act in strange ways when they’re faced with something different.”
There’s pain in Kylo’s voice but Hux doesn’t pry, “She’s safe with me, Ren. I give you my word that I would not allow any harm to come to her.”
The frequency goes silent for a moment, and Hux can almost hear Kylo’s smile.
“I know, Hux. I…trust you.” It’s the biggest compliment that Hux has ever received from his co-commander, one that makes his heart rise up in his chest until it feels like it may explode. “I’m in my meditation chambers on G Deck. Will you escort her to me?”
“Of course. She also said that she’s hungry.”
Kylo chuckles, “She’s always hungry.”
“I—uh—have a sweetie or two in my pocket for her, if you don’t mind. It won’t spoil her appetite.”
“Do you always keep sweets on your person, General?”
Hux blushes, “Uh. Only since Neeva became a regular visitor.”
Silence again. It’s true; Hux doesn’t have much of a sweet tooth but he has procured some lollipops from the ‘secret’ jar in the medical wing, given only to cadets if they’re ever on board and in need of a perk up after a visit to medical.
“She can have a sweet if she wants one. But just one. A Force sensitive child on a sugar high is not something I wish to deal with right now. Ren, out.”
There’s a jovial tone to Kylo’s voice that Hux appreciates but he doesn’t dwell on it, putting his comlink away and pulling out a blue-coloured lollipop.
“Neeva,” Hux says, offering the sweet. “Your father has asked me to walk you back home.”
“Bye, Lily!” Neeva says, waving bye to the Ensign and taking the lollipop from Hux’s hand. “Is this for me?”
“Yes. Your father said you could have it before your lunch.”
She removes the packet and passes it back to Hux—who’s proud that she didn’t litter—before beginning to lick the lollipop enthusiastically, her tongue turning a bright shade of blue.
“It tastes good,” Neeva says, holding onto Hux’s hand as they walk down the corridor together, their boots making the same clicking sounds on the polished floor. “Thank you, Hux.”
“You’re welcome, Neeva,” Hux replies, swinging the girl’s hand a little and then lifting it so she can twirl around, giggling.
Neeva’s bright white hair is like a shining beacon in the dull corridors of the Finalizer, so pretty that Hux can’t stop smiling in her presence. In the months since learning of her existence, the moments that he has spent with her and Kylo have brought joy to his cold heart, making him smile more in the last six months than he ever has in his life.
As they come upon the corridor where Kylo’s meditation chambers are located, Neeva wriggles her hand from Kylo’s hold and skips off, standing in front of the door with her palm outstretched. Not a moment later, Kylo comes to the door wearing a pair of baggy pants and an open robe.
“Daddy! Daddy!” Neeva’s half-eaten lollipop floats off to the side as she leaps at her father, throwing her arms around his waist and hugging him tightly.
“Sweetheart,” Kylo smiles, bending down to kiss her head. “Did you get bored after class?”
Neeva nods, “I was done with Maths and I wanted to see Hux.”
Hux rubs at the back of his neck, feeling his blush creeping up to his cheeks as he tries his hardest to keep his gaze away from the slither of pale, sculpted chest that Kylo’s robe is teasingly revealing.
“General Hux is a busy man, Neeva,” Kylo says, using the Force to grab the floating lollipop and giving it back to his daughter. “You can’t go running to him any time you want to.”
Neeva’s shoulders visibly slump with disappointment, pouting sadly—the very same pout that Hux has seen Kylo make.
“It’s no bother,” Hux says, shaking his head. “Miss Neeva is welcome on the bridge any time she wants. This ship is, after all, her home. All of it.”
Neeva’s smile returns as she hugs Hux’s legs, her amber-coloured eyes sparkling. Hux touches her nose, feeling so filled with joy that the ghost stories that haunted him and his crew seem a million miles away from the playful little girl in front of him now. Even Kylo is smiling as he leans against the doorway of his rooms.
Neeva pulls away, taking hold of one of Hux’s hands in both of hers, trying to pull Hux towards her. “Stay for lunch, Hux! Please?”
“Oh,” Hux says. “Uh. I don’t think your father would appreciate—”
“I would,” Kylo says, clearing his throat. “I’d like you to join us. If you want. I’m cooking Chandrillan-style meatballs.”
“You’re…cooking? I didn’t know you could cook, Ren. What else can you do that I don’t know about?”
Kylo doesn’t answer. Instead, he gives Hux the most devilishly handsome smile that the General has ever seen. It makes his stomach twist into one big knot and his palms begin to sweat.
“Come on, Hux! Daddy’s cooking is the best,” Neeva says, dragging Hux into their chambers.
Hux doubts that he’s going to be able to last the afternoon in Kylo’s presence without succumbing to the massive urge to kiss him but something in his gut is telling him that this is the beginning of something beautiful.
And judging by the mischevous gleam in Neeva’s eyes, she knows it too.
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hiiraya · 4 years
i like you (more than i thought i would) (rewrite)
pairing: robin buckley x reader
words: ~2,101
warnings: mostly fluff and being a gay mess
requested: nope :p
a/n: we've reached 200 of you wonderful people following this blog!! thanks for taking time out of your days to read the mess i post ♡
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“If you think I'm believing a single thing you just said to me, you're out of your mind.”
She said, shaking her head at the taller boy as she wiped the counter.
"I'm telling the truth!” He persisted, glancing around the room before leaning closer to her to whisper, "you know, she's gay too."
She only rolled her eyes in response, turning away from him to start sorting the returned vcr's that had come in.
It hadn’t been the first time Steve had tried to play a prank on her, and she was smart enough to know when she was being played with.
"Yeah, okay, dingus."
He huffs when she dismisses him again, throwing an old receipt that was laying around on the counter at her, sticking his tongue out like a child.
"Believe it or not, Buckley, it's true. My sister - my twin sister - is coming to have lunch with me today."
"I guess I'll believe it when I see it."
Even though she told him that she didn't believe him earlier that morning that he had a sister (a twin sister to be more exact), Robin had been on the lookout for the other Harrington sibling.
If she even did exist.  
Imagining a more feminine version of Steve, she had to wonder if you two shared the same personality. If you were just as confident and outspoken as your counterpart, or if you were the complete opposite.
She didn't really know what to expect, but when the time finally came and you walked through the door, all expectations Robin had flown out the window.
While Steve's style was more casual with his plain t-shirts, light-washed denim jeans and thin bomber jacket (Robin swore she'd never seen him wear any other jacket) - you on the other hand, were the complete opposite of your brother.
There you were, wearing a black t-shirt with some rock band that Robin had never heard of before, paired with black jeans that were ripped at the knees. The worn leather jacket around your shoulders making you look so out of place, yet the air of confidence you had around you made it feel like you owned the place.
The similarities were there, it wasn't hard to see that you two were clearly siblings, but that didn't stop Robin from glancing back and forth between the two of you.
“You ready for lunch, Steve?” You questioned, pushing the sunglasses currently resting on your nose up to your hair as you walked to the counter where Steve and Robin currently were. ”I’m not waiting all day for you."
Your older brother tutted and shook his head, and Robin could only stand there in shock because no way were you two related.
Absolutely no way.
"I'm still older than you, Y/N/N," He chided you playfully, before turning to face her. "By the way, this is the Robin I was telling you about.”
You turned your gaze to her direction and nodded your head in acknowledgement of Robin’s presence. She said nothing as you rested your forearms on the counter, the action alone making her cheeks heat up because how can one sibling be so smooth and the other so hopeless?
Also, Steve had told you about her?
“First of all, you’re only older by 20 minutes,” You retorted, narrowing your eyes facetiously at your older brother.
"And secondly," You begin, turning your attention back to Robin (who at this point was still standing there with her jaw lax at the interactions between the two of you). "It's nice to meet you."
If you were shocked by Robin suddenly grabbing Steve by the arm and saying yeah, wow, okay, Steve can I talk to you for a second? you didn't show it, allowing your brother to be dragged away to what you assumed was the back room.
"That's your sister?"
Steve had the audacity to look smug, and if it wasn't for her having a mental panic she would've punched him in the arm to get rid of the smirk on his face.
"I told you she was real."
She could only huff in retaliation. He was right. He did tell her that you were real, but he forgot to mention just how much of a character you were.
Besides, wouldn't it be a little weird to be attracted to her co-worker/friend’s younger sister?
"Fine, she is real, but you didn't tell me she was--"
"The complete opposite of me?" The taller boy teased, thoroughly enjoying watching this flustered side of Robin come to light. "Wouldn’t have guessed that bad girls were your type, Robin."
If Robin wasn’t red before, she definitely was now.
"It’s not my fault your sister is hotter and has more game than you do, Harrington.”
Robin followed Steve back out to the front, still obviously flustered that Steve had easily called her out on her visible attraction towards you.
Unknowingly to her, the taller boy already had something planned up his sleeves.
“I’m ready to go for lunch, but I just have one question for you, Y/N/N," He says, clapping his hands together as he approached you.
"Are you free on Saturday?”
Robin watches you look up from where you had been sitting, eyebrows furrowing in question.
“Yeah, I guess? I’m going to be in town for a little while. Why?”
Instead of answering your question, Steve nodded before facing her, that annoying, knowing smirk back on his face.
"What about you, Robin?"
The two of you could only watch as Steve grinned, the expression on his face only making you more confused while Robin felt the heat in her cheeks rise once again as he made eye contact with her.
"Perfect! Unfortunately, I have a shift on Saturday, but you two have fun on your date.”
She expected you to refuse, after all, who accepts to go on a date with someone you've never met before?
She expected you to roll your eyes and berate your brother, Robin already imagining how you would tell Steve to stop playing around, I came here so we could get food.
Honestly, she expected you to do anything other than say yes.
But when you only shrug your shoulders, and turn to face Robin, you surprise both her and your brother by tilting your head to the side and smiling.
“I've never turned down a date with a pretty girl," You say, with a grin that could rival the sun (but Robin thinks she's a little biased when she thinks that). "What do you say, Robin?”
She looked at Steve (who merely winked at her, and she knows that he's deliberately playing match maker) before back to you.
It didn’t help that you weren’t bad to look at, scratch that, Robin knew she was attracted to you the moment you walked into the store.
One date couldn’t hurt right?
"I guess it's a date.”
I'm going to kill Steve.
She doesn't normally wake up with murder on her mind, but the fact that your date was only a few hours away, she couldn't help but blame the nerves on the person who had set up the whole thing.
As much as she wanted to call you throughout the week and cancel the date, very much regretting the fact that she agreed to this date without a second thought, she knew that Steve would talk her ear off about how she ditched his sister and frankly, she’d rather just get the date over and done with if it meant he would shut up.
So when you showed up at her door at exactly 6 o'clock and not a minute late, just like you told her, Robin tried to ignore the nerves that had been present ever since she woke up that morning.
“Hop on.” You told her while holding out a black helmet. You were still wearing that worn leather jacket (what was it about the Harrington's and never owning any other jacket?) that made her speechless the first time she saw you.
“You want me to get on that?”
She watched you glance down at the 1982 Triumph motorbike that you were currently straddling, before looking back at her with a raised brow.
“Yes? Come on, I’m won’t let anything happen to you.” You say, gesturing to the helmet again while you gave her a comforting smile.
You only smiled wider when she took a step further, helping her put the helmet on and securing it on her head. Robin hoped that you couldn't see the way her cheeks had heated up when your fingers brushed against the underside of her chin, but the way you were still watching her with an admiring smile on your features.
“I’m holding you to your word, Harrington.” She mumbled, taking your offered hand to help her get on the seat.
“Just keep your arms around me, and we’ll be there before you know it.” She heard you say while you position her arms around your waist.
She couldn't help but lean into you when you situated her arms around you, the closeness of your bodies making her heart race a little. For someone who looked so intimidating on the outside, the more she was around you the more she could see that it was just a façade.
"You cold, Buckley?”
She watches you secure your bike and put the helmets away, all while having a smirk on your face. If she ever doubted you and Steve were siblings before, the smirk definitely said it all.
The sun had gone down by the time you arrived, and it didn’t help that the wind whipping past while you were driving made it feel like Robin had just walked into a freezer.
"Shut up."
You let out a small laugh, but nevertheless you shrug off your jacket. Taking a few steps to stand by her side, draping the heavy fabric over her shoulders.
“There, now you won’t get cold.”
Robin swore she’d blushed more around you in the thirty minutes she'd spent with you than she had in her whole life.
She felt her pinkie brush against yours, and before she could think about whether or not you would think it was too forward of her if she were to hold your hand, you had already laced your fingers with hers, the warm of your palm tethering her to the moment.
“Rides first then food? That way we don’t throw up anything we eat.”
All she could do was nod and let you lead the way.
Maybe it was because you were Steve’s sister, or that she barely knew you that Robin doesn't want to admit just how much she doesn't want the day with you to end.
The blush that stained Robin’s cheeks from the moment you helped her put the helmet on refused to go away even after hours had passed since then.
As much as she tried to deny it, she loved being pampered by you during your time together.
The whole night you were there by her side. With you hand in hers, or on her side, or on her arm, you made sure that she knew that you were by her side the whole time.
For all your tough guise you liked to show, you sure weren't afraid of looking like a complete fool trying to win her a big bear in one of those impossible basketball games where the hoop is too small for the ball to fit in.
She liked you.
More than she'd liked to admit.
But she had to remind herself that you weren’t staying for long. That no matter how much fun she had with you, you wouldn’t be in Hawkins forever.
"Are you staying in Hawkins for long, Y/n?”
With her hand still in yours, she tightened her grip just a little while she met your eyes.
If you could hear the reluctance in her voice you didn’t show it, only squeezing her hand back in return.
"I wasn't planning on staying for long," You admit.
“I’ve never really been one to stay in one place for too  long but something's telling me that maybe I should."
She could practically hear Steve already teasing her for being ‘lovesick’ for his sister, but with the way you were looking at her now - with such warmth, like whatever was budding between you two was something that you wanted to last.
"You should."
If the smile you gave her, told her anything, it was that she wanted this to last too.
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mischiefandspirits · 3 years
Six Eggs in the Nest
Bruce returns from his trip through time to discover that not only had his kids grown, but so had his family. An old face had reappeared in his absence.
Part of the Six for the Age of One AU
“How are you feeling?”
“Come on, Bruce,” Clark sighed. “As subtle as it might be, your heart rate still changes when you wake up.”
Bruce grunted, not opening his eyes.
“Good to know your trip through time didn’t affect your language skills.”
“What did I miss?”
“Nothing of note on the League’s front,” J’onn reported and Bruce finally opened his eyes to see the martian was looking over Bruce’s vitals.
“Just business as usual,” Diana agreed from the doorway.
Bruce turned to Clark, who was sitting in a chair next to Bruce’s hospital bed. “Gotham?”
Clark gave a soft smile and answered the unasked question, “The kids are fine. They’d be here, but I guess Ivy and Freeze got into a fight just as they were about to leave and Penguin tried to use the distraction of the fight to move cargo or something.”
“I checked in with them just before you woke,” Diana said before Bruce could get worked up. “In Oracle’s words, I threw Harley at Ivy and Nightwing, Signal, and Corvid smashed Freeze’s helmet so that fight’s basically won. Batwoman reported that her team had taken down Penguin and were supervising the cargo’s transport to the evidence locker before heading in.”
Bruce nodded, relaxing. “I’d assume Batwoman is Stephanie. Nightwing… Dick?”
“Yeah,” Clark said, looking smug. “And Corvid is Damian. Tim’s going by Ghost Bat now.”
“When you disappeared, they all stepped up to become heroes worthy of your legacy,” Diana said. “You would be proud of how strong they’ve been.”
“I am proud.” He simply wished he’d been there to see them through the transition. “How long was I gone?”
“A year,” J’onn said, apologetically and Bruce nodded.
That was longer than it had been for him, but not by too much. A year though…
He’d missed most of the kids’ final year of high school. He’d missed their graduation. He’d missed helping them sign up for college.
Was Duke enjoying his literature studies? Did Stephanie go through with her plans to start the pre-med track or make good on her jokes about taking a year off? Was Damian able to decide between a business or veterinary medicine major? Had Tim figured out what he wanted to do? Did Dick change his mind about not continuing school?
And little Carrie was still so young. Would she even remember Bruce?
“What’s the cover story for Bruce Wayne’s disappearance? And Batman’s?” Bruce asked, pushing the rest down. “I’ll need to figure out how to spread out my appearances so no one becomes suspicious.”
The three shared a look and Bruce’s eyes narrowed.
“It’s not that simple,” Diana said slowly.
“I’ve been standing in for Bruce Wayne with Timothy’s help,” J’onn said. “It was Duke’s idea. Richard had taken up your mantle, but he wasn’t able to convince those who really knew Batman so I was going to pretend to be you until enough time had passed that we could fake your death without it being connected to the change in Batman. Then Timothy and Damian found evidence that you were alive so we’ve kept up the ruse.”
Bruce nodded. It was a good idea, even if Bruce didn’t exactly feel comfortable knowing the martian had been impersonating him for so long. Something else caught his mind, though. “If Dick is Batman, why is he also going by Nightwing?”
“Dick was Batman for a while, but… someone else is Batman now,” Clark said, uncertainly.
“We don’t know. The children won’t tell us,” Diana said. “They’re as stubborn and secretive as their father.”
“About six months ago Batman just… changed,” Clark explained. “We didn’t notice at first since Richard was still the one showing up for Justice League stuff, then Nightwing appeared in the news. It was pretty obvious Nightwing was Dick. We thought that maybe he was setting up his own hero for when you came back, but Batman was seen working with Nightwing and all the rest of the boys. He’s also more…”
“Vicious?” J’onn offered. “And dramatic, but in a grim way. His fighting style is firmer as well, in a way Dick couldn’t manage no matter how much he held himself back. His Batman is more genuine than Dick’s. To the point that, from what we’ve gathered, those who realized he had replaced you already think you’re back.”
“We tried asking Dick the next time he came up for a meeting, but all he’d say was that he wasn’t ready to see us,” Diana added. “Clark went to Gotham -”
Bruce glared at the kryptonian.
“I know, I know. Your kids caught me within minutes and Stephanie gave me a lecture you’d be proud of. And don’t act like you’re not burning with curiosity. Do you even have an idea who it could be?”
“Did you find out anything?” Bruce redirected and Clark shook his head.
“I couldn’t see much because the cowl is as lead-lined as you always had it and he got out of there fast once Stephanie intercepted me. He was tall and broad like you and what skin I saw was fair, so he couldn’t be any of the boys.”
That… didn’t add up. Who would the boys have trusted with Batman? “I need to get home.”
All three looked like they wanted to argue, but J’onn unhooked him from the monitors.
The cave was empty when Bruce teleported in, though the still-warm cup of tea next to the Batcomputer’s keyboard and the lit-up screens showed that Alfred had recently been monitoring the comms before stepping out for a moment.
“- anything yet?” came Robin’s -- Nightwing’s -- voice when Bruce hit the button to unmute the main comm line.
“Wonder Woman said he was still unconscious when she checked in,” Oracle answered.
“Batman, Batwoman, and I will be at the cave in a minute. The two of us can head up immediately and report back,” Ghost Bat offered.
“Speak for yourself,” Batwoman huffed. “You can hang around Wonder Woman smelling like a sewer all you want, but I need a shower.”
“You will wait for us or I will give all your sweatshirts to Goliath as nesting materials, Ghost!” Corvid snapped.
“Nah, Goliath can do better than G’s hoodies. Besides, he’ll just go steal some from Metro. I’m pretty sure half the ones he’s got now are clone boy’s anyways,” laughed a voice Bruce didn’t recognize. Batman’s, he assumed. Something about it nagged at him, but he couldn’t place it. He was sure he knew the person though. Was he altering his voice for the suit like Bruce did? It didn’t have the growl, but maybe he was just making his voice deeper. If his voice was higher…
Bruce was torn out of his musings by a snarl. He turned to see a large groenendael stalking towards him. Behind the dog was a massive pillow with five other dogs atop it. A Great Dane was stretched out regally at one end, wagging his tail but otherwise not paying Bruce any attention. A lab and a pit bull were flopped over each other limply in the middle, fast asleep. A German shepherd was standing on the other end, just as alert as the groenendael without the aggression. A Chihuahua was similarly eyeing Bruce from her spot tucked under the Great Dane’s chin, kept quiet and still only by the larger dog’s presence.
Bruce wasn’t surprised the dogs had invaded the cave in his absence. He could only hope Goliath and Wiggles had continued to be cut off in their separate portions of the cave and Alfred the Cat hadn’t been allowed to torment the bats.
He knelt and held out his hand. “It’s alright, Jane. It’s just me.”
The groenendael quieted at his voice and continued approaching him. The closer she got, the more relaxed she became until she was close enough to cheerfully lick and nuzzle at his hand as an apology for growling.
“It’s okay, girl. You’re doing a good job protecting the cave while everyone’s out.”
Ace was at his side in an instant to sniff him over for injuries and nose his neck in a greeting Bruce easily returned. Titus yawned and turned away as things calmed down, which allowed Ami to leap to her feet. She gave two quick yaps at Bruce, then stomped over to curl up on a corner of the pillow. Haley and Hazel slept on.
A moment later the roar of an engine echoed through the cave, heralding the arrival of the Batmobile. Bruce’s spot was slightly hidden from the vehicle bay, so he had the chance to observe the three that climbed out.
Batwoman’s suit wasn’t too dissimilar to the one Barbara had donned during those two short years she’d held the mantle. All Stephanie had altered was swapping out the red on the bat, belt, cape lining, and wig for her signature eggplant.
Ghost Bat’s suit was black, sleeveless, and made from the same lightweight armor Tim and Dick always used. A grey bat was across the chest, the color matching his gauntlets. He wore a cape and cowl like Batwoman’s, though the cape lining and wig were grey. The wig was also cut short to match Tim’s chin-length locks instead of Stephanie’s chest-length curls.
Batman’s suit, at first glance, looked exactly like Bruce’s. On closer inspection, though, it appeared thinner, closer to the medium bulk armor Damian and Stephanie used. There were also knives hidden across the suit and the cape was shorter than Bruce kept it. His build appeared to be just as Clark described, but Bruce knew the suit enough to tell it was making him look broader in the shoulders and the boots’ soles were altered to make him look shorter. Bruce estimated him to be a few inches taller than himself and around Duke’s width. The visible portion of his face was a pale beige, distinctly different from Dick’s olive tone or the other boys’ darker skin colors.
“- soft and roomy!” Ghost was arguing. “It’s no different than you stealing Bruce’s!”
Batman shot him a perfect Bat-Glare, as the kids called it. “I don’t have any of his sweaters!”
“That’s because after you steal them, Alfred always washes them and puts them back in B’s closet,” Stephanie snorted, pulling down her cowl. She gave him a wink when he turned the glare on her. “Just because you only wear them to bed doesn’t mean we don’t notice. Also, Tim’s stolen horde isn’t just Kon’s. He also got some of mine, Cassie’s, Duke’s, Damian’s, and yours in there. Dick’s and Cissie’s aren’t baggy enough and Bart’s are scratchy. He’s also got one of Kori’s because he took it thinking it was Babs’ and now he’s too embarrassed to give it back.”
“STEPHANIE!” Ghost shouted as Batman snapped, “Is that where my green hoodie went?”
Stephanie snickered as she turned to head deeper into the cave. Her eyes caught Bruce’s and she froze.
“What’s wrong?” Batman asked and he and Ghost followed her gaze.
“Kids,” Bruce said after a moment of trying to figure out what to say.
Batman stiffened and Stephanie smiled. “Hey, B.”
Ghost shot forward, but stopped just before he reached Bruce, looking like he was barely holding back from throwing himself at Bruce.
Bruce took the decision away from him by pulling the boy into a hug. He pulled down the cowl to press a kiss to the top of Tim's head as the boy started to shake slightly with silent tears.
“So B’s here,” Stephanie said and he heard her voice echo through the comm in Tim’s ear.
“He’s supposed to be resting on the Watchtower.”
“Of course they couldn’t keep Father contained.”
“We’re on our way.”
“You’re here,” Tim whispered and Bruce pressed another kiss to his head.
“I am. I’m so sorry for being gone.”
“Tim’s the one who found you,” Stephanie said as she walked up. “Or, well, he’s the one who made it possible for the JL to find you.”
“I heard. I’m so proud.”
“Damian helped,” Tim muttered, burying his reddening face further into Bruce’s chest.
Bruce rubbed his back for a few seconds, then pulled away so Tim could pick up the Chihuahua nudging up against his ankle. He made sure Ami was helping Tim calm down before nodding at Stephanie. However, he soon found his gaze shifting back to the unknown factor.
Batman was still standing where he’d been the last time Bruce checked. He looked frozen in place, only his hand having shifted so that it could rest on Jane’s cheek. The groenendael was staring up at him as she licked and nuzzled at his wrist and hip in an effort to draw him back from wherever he was, though Bruce doubted he could feel it through the suit.
She must have realized it too as a moment later she stood up on her hind legs with her forepaws on Batman’s chest so she could lick at his chin instead, snapping him out of it enough that he looked away.
It was then that Stephanie glanced over her shoulder to see what Bruce was staring at. “Shoot.”
“What?” Tim asked, tucking Ami to his chest. He looked at Stephanie, then Batman, then his eyes shot to Bruce. “Oh. Crud. We really meant to do this slowly.”
“Are you two going to introduce me?” Bruce grunted.
His eyes were still on the stranger, but he could see both eighteen-year-olds open their mouths to respond. Before they could, Batman nudged Jane off and reached up to pull down his hood.
Bruce’s breath caught in his throat.
“Hey, Dad,” Jason said, running his fingers through his black and white hair.
Ace nudged Bruce’s side, just under his ribs.
He took a breath, then another.
“What part of do this slowly didn’t you get, Jay!”
“We all know he wasn’t going to rest until he figured out who I am. I’m just ripping off the band-aid.”
“This isn’t my Earth,” Bruce said.
The three shared a look and Tim pressed into Bruce’s other side. “It is.”
“My Jason is…”
“Dead?” Jason finished. “Yeah, it, uh, didn’t take. Sorry to disappoint.”
“Not the time, Jay!” Steph sighed. “Come on, Old Man. You look awful. We’ll explain once you’re sitting down.”
Bruce’s hands itched to grab Jason. To grab him and pull him close and never let him go again.
He kept his hands to himself as he followed the kids to the meeting table. They had just enough time to get settled when the elevator dinged and Alfred stepped out with a fussing Carrie in his arms.
The butler took in the group, then gave Bruce a pointed look. “You are meant to be resting.”
“I had to check on the kids.”
“Of course you did.” Alfred came forward to deposit Carrie into the arms of her honorary grandfather then set a hand on Bruce’s shoulder. “It’s good to have you back, Master Bruce. We’ve all missed you.”
Bruce nodded and looked down at the toddler.
She blinked up at him before smiling and poking his cheek. “Boosie back!”
“Yeah, Sweetheart, I’m back,” he said, voice hoarse.
Three motorcycles shot into the cave, the boys on them quickly jumping off. Bruce set Carrie on his knee as he took in his rapidly approaching sons.
Nightwing’s suit was similar to Ghost Bat’s, though his had sleeves and he had just a domino in place of the cape and cowl. The suit was black with a cobalt V across the chest that resembled a bird. The wings stretched all the way to the shoulders then ran down the sleeves to end at the tips of his middle and ring fingers. The blue color carried over to his domino mask and the trim of his boots. A pair of escrima sticks poked out from behind him and black pouches were connected to the waist of the suit like a built-in utility belt.
Corvid’s suit was black with a matching utility belt and carried the same moderate bulk Damian preferred. A long, hooded jacket sat over the suit, sleeveless and colored sapphire with white trim. It sat open, revealing the white outline of a bird stretched across his chest. The suit was finished off with a black domino mask with equally black lenses and tall emerald boots.
Signal’s suit looked the same as it had when Bruce was sent away, and Bruce took comfort in the fact that not everything had changed.
Stephanie ducked down for a quick hug, then removed her daughter from Bruce’s lap so she wasn’t crushed when Nightwing threw himself into it a second later.
“You’re so stupid for running off from the Watchtower, but I’m glad you’re back.”
“I’m fine,” Bruce said, holding the boy close with one arm as he reached out to grab his youngest’s hand.
Corvid squeezed back as he glanced over Bruce, then let go and left to take a seat.
After giving Bruce a quick hug around Nightwing, Signal went to grab his own seat as well. He pulled off his helmet and looked pointedly at Jason before turning back to Bruce. “Guess it’s storytime, huh?”
“You couldn’t even keep it a secret for five minutes?” Damian tisked after he’d removed his mask.
“He was ripping off the band-aid,” Tim mocked.
“We all know how obsessive B gets when someone puts a mystery in front of him,” Jason huffed, throwing his hands in the air.
“It is something you’ve all inherited from him,” Alfred hummed as he began to set cups of tea in front of everyone except Carrie, who got a sippy cup of warm milk.
Dick squirmed around so he could remove his mask and accept his cup of tea, then made himself comfortable in his father’s lap.
“You’re getting too old for this,” Bruce teased, wrapping his arms around the eighteen-year-old, and Dick shushed him.
“Where should we start?” Stephanie asked.
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Hi! Can I get a ship? I'm an INFP, straight girl with social anxiety. I listen to music all the time. (mostly rock) I never leave the house without my earphones. I enjoy movie nights, reading books (romance and mystery are my favourite genres), playing videogames, goofing around with my friends. My friends would describe me as kind, helpful and loyal. I'm really into photography. I wanted to be a photographer as a kid, but it's just a hobby nowadays. I'm a hopeless romantic and a night owl. It takes time for me to open up to people, but once I'm there I can be pretty talkative. I'm 5'8" tall, I have half long brown hair, dark brown eyes and I wear glasses. If I have to describe my style it would be somewhat 80s grunge. Thank you!
(tw: swearing and eating)
I ship you with Scott Summers!
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You never got along very well with Scott Summers.
He always came across as a bit of a preppy asshole. Not that his preppy-ness was necessarily correlated to his asshole-ness, but it did seem to enhance it.
You may think that not getting along perfectly with some random boy who happened to live in the (large) building you live in is not much of a problem, but you are incorrect.
When your best friend (and dorm-mate) of ten years, Jean, is on a so-called "superhero team" with and is good friends with said boy, it is not exactly easy to avoid him.
Since Jean's biological family was not around, she made her own.
The first member of her so-called found family was you, who arrived just a day before she did. When she first entered your dorm, you were adjusting all of your newly unpacked trinkets. You were both young enough to immediately become friends, no questions asked, and your friendship stuck. You two tended to keep to yourselves and each other, until you two were older.
When Jean was invited to join the X-Men with some of her friends, you couldn’t have been prouder. The problem was that when you met this other part of her found family, it did not go well. None of you clicked whenever in the same room, and Scott immediately made fun of you the moment he met you. You ultimately decided to avoid her other friends, but be supportive of them. Not because you couldn’t handle Scott, but because you didn’t want to put Jean in a position where she had to choose between you and them. Overall, this just made Jean desperately want you and her other friends to get along.
"Come on, just sneak out with us this one time!" Jean was sitting on the edge of your bed, making puppy dog eyes at you and clasping her hands together.
She always tried to convince you to hang out with her friend group. Even if that meant, in this case, convincing you to break (very reasonable) rules with them.
"No. Absolutely not. Jubilee is going to try to 'catch me a man', and Scott's going to try to be funny but just end up making fun of me. Besides, why would I break school rules and steal a car for a trip to the mall?"
"Because you haven't seen Empire Strikes Back yet, and I bought you a ticket for 1:00 PM today."
"Shit. You're evil, you know that? This is unfair. You know me too well."
Jean beamed at you. "Thank you, I try. Now, get dressed, you're going to love this."
"I am dressed, and you can’t make demands. I’m the one being convinced here!"
"I will not be pestered by Jubilee's pleas to let her give you a makeover! Just throw on jeans instead of your sweatpants or something! Now chop, chop! We're leaving in 10 minutes!"
"I'm sorry, 10 minutes?"
"I knew if you had more than 15, you would change your mind. Meet me by the front door when you're ready to go!"
After Jean left your shared room, you threw on some different clothes and hastily grabbed everything you needed to go. With your sneakers in your hands, you ran into the school's kitchen and shoved a granola bar in your mouth. As you were hopping, trying to force your shoes on your feet, someone spoke from behind you.
"Well, you look elegant as ever."
You froze, squinted your eyes, and clenched your jaw. Well, as much as you could with the previously mentioned granola bar in your mouth.
Scott Summers.
You swallowed and turned around, plastering on a smile in preparation to respond to his sarcasm.
"Well, you know me, unwaveringly ethereal."
Once you finished your attempt to keep the peace, your grin dropped off your face and you went to tie on your shoes, occasionally having to push your glasses back up your nose as you did so.
Jean then started talking to you while making her way into the kitchen.
"Come on, we need to go before Charles's class ends- well, well, well, look at you two!" she spoke in a sing-song tone at the end.
"Trust me, there's no 'you two' here." Scott hissed at her. Hissed! The audacity, would it be so terrible for him to be theoretical friends with you?
"Calm down, I just mean that I'm glad you two are talking," Jean said. "But we need to go. Like- now."
Jean then grabbed you by the arm and started to pull you out of the room, wiggling her eyebrows at Scott on the way out. Scott got up to trail behind you two, if he could glare at people with the glasses he wore, then he would have been glaring at her.
You elbowed Jean in the side and whisper shouted at her.
"What was that? What was the purpose of the eyebrow wiggle?"
"What eyebrow wiggle? I have no idea what you're talking about."
"You're a menace to society, you know that?"
"I am aware that you don't actually think I'm a menace, but I appreciate the compliment." She leaned down and messed up your hair. "Now let's move it!"
When you got to the minivan you were all "borrowing" from Charles, most everyone was already there. Kurt, Jubilee, and Peter took the back seats, and Ororo was sitting in the driver's seat.
You walked to sit shotgun, but Jean sped up to beat you to the seat.
Squinting at her, you went to sit in the middle row, where Scott also made to sit.
It was silent for the first minute of the drive until Jubilee tried to strike up a conversation.
"So! Y/N, I'm so glad you decided to hang out with us! I love your outfit. Ooh! Peter, hand me my bag! I have a scrunchie that will match perfectly."
Peter looked at her with mock disbelief. "Yeah. dude, make me reach behind my seat and into the trunk of the car."
Kurt clearly did not want to be part of this conflict.
Jubilee smiled sweetly at Peter. "Shut up and grab me my bag, please?"
Peter sighed half-sarcastically. "Yes ma'am."
Well, Jean's friends were just as you remember (aka slightly crazy).
You heard Jean's voice in your mind "If you don't wear that scrunchie it will genuinely hurt Jubilee's feelings, and I will never forgive you."
You looked at her through the mirror and raised your eyebrows.
Jubilee's voice took back your attention. "Here it is! Scotty, I can't reach. Can you hand this to her?"
Scott visibly winced at the nickname "Scotty" but handed you the scrunchie anyway. After trying to hide your amusement at the use of "Scotty", you attempted to put your hair up with the scrunchie, and you saw Jean smile. You were determined to make friends with these people for Jean.
"Thanks, Jubilee," You smiled at her. "So, how do I look?"
Scott chimed in immediately. "Like you're twelve."
"Ok, shut up Scott. You look cool, Y/N." Ororo gave you a thumbs up from the front seat. They were all clearly told to make friends with you by Jean in the same way you were. Well... told or threatened. Who's to say.
The car ride was awkward, to say the least. When you finally arrived at the mall and exited the car, you felt like you could finally breathe. You spoke first while you were all walking into the mall.
"So, how are we planning on killing time before Empire?"
"Well, Jubilee wanted to pick up some more eyeshadow with me, and Peter, Kurt, and Ororo are probably going to buy even more colored leather jackets," Jean said.
"Where does that leave me and your wallflower?" Scott asked Jean. You turned to look at him, attempting to make your lack of amusement clear. "What?" He shrugged, "It's true!"
"Ok, first of all, she's not actually that shy, you're just mean. Second of all, I was hoping you two could go into the book shop together until we're done."
Your eyes widened as you turned to Jean, silently begging her not to leave you and Scott alone.
"What? Why are you looking at me like I'm crazy? Maybe I thought you would try to get along because you both love me and I want you to be friends!"
Scott responded first. "You're totally guilt-tripping us right now."
"Yes!" Jean responded. "Yes I am, and you better be feeling guilty. Now, we're all going inside, and you are going into that bookstore together, you are going to bond over your cheesy dreams about falling in love, and, Scott, you are going to be kind! Or I will be very upset!"
You and Scott looked at each other (slightly afraid) before you turned to Jean and nodded your head at her.
"Ok. Let's go, Scott." You looked at him and he nodded at you both of you then started to head to the bookstore.
In the door of the shop, you glanced at him awkwardly. "So... is there a specific section you want to visit? Or-"
"Uh, I usually just... wander." He was bouncing on his heels.
"Oh! Ok, uh... where you lead I will follow!"
He spun around and started to walk aimlessly, actually trying to make conversation.
"So- you take photos?"
"...How did you know that?"
"I've seen you. That sounds creepy, I just mean that I saw you with a camera once when you walked Jean to training. It seemed nice. Only a dumbass would own a nice camera and not use it."
"How kind of you to not see me as a dumbass," you mumbled as you ran your hand across the book binds. "Do you have any hobbies?"
"Not really to be honest. Well, actually- I like... cars."
"...Cars. Huh. Elaborate."
"My brother, his name is Alex, taught me how to fix up cars when I was younger. Ooh- recently we found this beautiful 1962 AMC Rambler- I mean, it was basically a pile of garbage, but we're fixing it up."
"What's a Rambler?"
"W- 'What's a Rambler?'" He looked at you like you were speaking another language. "A 1962 AMC Rambler is only the car of my dreams!"
"The 'car of your dreams'?"
"Uh, yeah. What- do you not have a dream car?"
You laughed at him, "No? I don’t know that much about cars."
"You don’t have to know shit about cars to have a dream car! Come on, you don't have any car you would want to drive?"
"A school bus."
"...What do you mean."
"I mean- I bet I could live in a school bus. It's big, has a lot of windows, it's yellow." Scott was surprisingly easy to talk to.
"A school bus. Huh."
"I thought of that on the spot, it's not a long-term dream of mine."
"No, I see the appeal. I do think it's weird that you listed it being yellow as one of its positive attributes though."
"Holy shit. Holy shit!"
"What? What's the problem?"
You grabbed the book you spotted and held it out to him with your arms fully outstretched, it almost hit his nose. "Do you know what this is?"
Scott's hands appeared at the top of the book, and he pushed it down so you could see his confused expression. "A... book?"
"Very funny, Scotty, but no this is not just a book. This is a sequel."
He crossed his arms across his chest. "... 'Scotty'? I'm gonna kill Lee."
"Who's Lee?"
"If you can call her 'Lee' why can’t she call you 'Scotty'?"
"Because 'Scotty' makes me sound like I'm twelve!"
"Well, according to you, this scrunchie makes me look twelve. So I guess we're even, Scotty."
"I see why you and Jean are friends. You’re both evil."
"I called her evil not 10 minutes ago! Look at us, 'bonding' and all."
"Speaking of a 10 minutes ago, and that whole 'twelve' thing, I'm sorry."
"What do you mean?"
"Sorry for calling you twelve... and a wallflower. You seem... neat."
"Thanks... I think."
"Neat is a good thing."
"I'm kinda messy actually."
"I meant neat as in like- cool. Plus, you’re the first friend-ish person I've had that also wears glasses!"
You smiled at each other for a moment.
This was amusing.
He was amusing.
Unfortunately, someone popped the bubble encasing you and Scott. "Wow, 'friendish'? That's an upgrade from them low-key hating each other."
You whipped your head around to see Peter and Jean standing on the other side of the aisle, clearly having been observing and talking about you.
Scott spoke first. "How long have you two been standing there?"
"Long enough," Jean smiled. "You two get along."
"...So?" Scott asked.
"So, about an hour ago that seemed completely impossible."
An hour? That couldn’t be possible. "Wait, what time is it?"
Jean responded. "12:45, you’ve sure been chatting for a long time."
Scott cleared his throat and turned to you, "So, uh, you should buy that book, and then we should head to the movie theater room thingie."
You looked back at him. "Yeah! Ok, so... yeah."
After you and Scott walked away, Peter leaned over to whisper to Jean. "Well, that was a long glance. We've really gotta lock 'em in a closet together or something."
Jean shoved Peter, and you all went about your mall trip as you did before, except that now you might have a new friend... ish.
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Downside Ch. 2
Summary: Clyde tries his hand at ‘robbing’ a bank. << Chapter 1 Watch the animatic here. Check out the Downside au @robinsdownside! TW: Cursing, mental manipulation
Clyde was anxiously sitting in his trashy car in front of the bank. He wasn't too sure of the thing he was about to do. But he needed the money and he couldn’t crash at Remy’s place forever.
Checking his face in the rearview mirror again, he gladly noted that the makeup still hid his scales that seemed to like to appear more often on his face than anywhere else now. He also let his hair grow out quite a bit to hide them a little behind bangs that fell over the left side of his face. By now he nearly looked like an emo. Working with that style, he wore a gray scarf that hid the scales that had appeared on his neck as well.
Looking down on himself he wondered if his yellow shirt and black leather jacket were casual enough.
Yeah, probably. He was thinking too hard about this. Or not hard enough.
Breathing in through his nose and letting the air slowly out through slightly parted lips, he got out of his car. He could see his breath in the air in front of him. It has gotten pretty cold since he left his parents with the most valued things he had, including his pet snake, a few weeks ago.
With a faked confident walk as he squared his shoulders, he got closer to the glass door and stepped into the building.
He was extremely lucky, there were only three other people inside. Two women who worked there as the tellers and one man who was talking to the woman on the left, so Clyde went to the other teller on the right.
“Hello, sir. What can I help you with, today?” the brunette in the white blouse asked with a sweet smile.
Clyde put on as much charm as he could muster as he smiled back. “Hello there, I hope you're having a lovely day. I'm here to make a withdrawal.”
He was good at pretending to be a more likable person than he actually was. He always wanted to be an actor, but never went to any auditions for school plays because of his social status as one of the “cool kids” that smoked and drank alcohol behind the school. The entire thing was an act in his school days, but he was good at adapting to change.
“Very well, your name sir?”
“Oh, no.” He chuckled “I was under the impression that you just wanted to give it to me,” his smile widened a little.
The woman gave him an amused sound, taking it as a joke. Out of the corner of his eye, Clyde could see the other man leaving the bank. It was just him and the two tellers alone, now.
“Good one, sir, but this would be easier with a name,” The woman spoke with a chuckle. The other teller woman went into a back door and slipped away for the moment. Perfect.
“Well if you want to call me something, I think you could just go with Deceit,” He spoke with a calmness he wouldn’t have thought he could muster at this moment. He felt his hands shaking and start to sweat as he held down his nervousness.
The woman’s smile faltered a little. “Excuse me?”
Clyde looked back over her shoulder to make sure the other girl was really gone. Then, he looked back into the sweet face in front of him which got more confused by the second.
The perfect opportunity.
He looked in her deep blue eyes.
“You wanted to give me $50,000, right? That’s why I’m here.”
His left eye shimmered and glowed with a light yellow and he noticed the familiar sensation of an itch on his left forearm.
He still looked at the woman who stared back with a face he couldn’t quite put into place. It was nearly blank but still a little puzzled at his words.
That happened every time but he always felt the nervousness at that moment again and again. A million thoughts rushed into his head, like what if it didn’t work (again) or what if he phrased it wrong? Happens to the best, and this scenario was new to him.
This was the first time he did something really bad. Usually, he used his powers to get out of trouble for smaller things or to get free booze, but stealing $50,000 directly out of a bank, in bright daylight? That was insanity!
He had felt a weird sensation in his gut since he began ‘planning’ this. Honestly, this whole ‘rob a bank’ thing was an idea he and Remy had the night before while they were balls drunk in the basement of Rem’s parents. His parents that had no clue Clyde was even hiding there.
Rem was two years younger than him but was a pretty chill dude he had hung out with in school. He was the only one he could count on that wouldn’t snitch him out to anyone about his powers and where he was, because, well, he had powers too. Powers Remy’s parents weren’t very fond of, so they generally stayed away from the cellar.
The woman blinked as she awoke from a daze. The moment surely wasn’t longer than a second, but to Clyde, it felt like years.
The brunette locked eyes with him again and put her smile from the beginning back on.
“Of course, I remember now. It will only be a second, Mr. Deceit.”
“Fuck! I did it!”
Clyde opened the basement door so fast he nearly broke it out of the old, rusty hinges. A very startled Remy, who looked like he had just been woken up, fought his way out of the blanket that had been lying on him.
He had been sleeping on his disgusting makeshift bed, which was made of just two stacked mattresses on top of the cold concrete ground. The basement looked like it should have been finished years ago but no one ever bothered to finish the job. At night, they took one of the mattresses off and slid it onto the floor next to the other so that Clyde didn’t have to sleep out on the bean bag. They had tried that the first night, but it resulted in a stiff back and a very grumpy Clyde in the morning.
Clyde-- er, Deceit moved a few steps forward, to click on the floor lamp that only had an old light bulb screwed on top and no lamp shade. The lightbulb was a normal, fluorescent bulb which somehow exclusively produced greenish light. Clyde had asked about that the second day he had stayed here but Remy too didn’t exactly know why either, not that he cared.
With the light, the messy room had become a little more visible. It was even dirtier than Clyde's old room had been, especially since he had moved in. They both didn’t really care enough to clean all the filthy clothes of the ground except when they ran out of fresh clothes, in which case Remy had to go upstairs with a decent sized pile that was unsuspicious to his parents since they didn’t have to know about Clyde’s existence in Remy’s room.
If they found out about the other kid with powers in their basement? That would mean massive trouble for both of them.
Remy’s guardians were already not on best terms with their son since he had intruded their dreams by accident on more than one occasion. They didn’t hate him but Remy had sometimes messed up their sleep so much that they were first confused what was happening, then they screamed at him to stop and at last, they started to get him out of the way.
He was ok with that. He was just in his basement room, enjoying his life without the worry that his parents would storm in.
But if they knew that he invited someone else to live at their house without their knowledge, they would be very mad. They would probably scream at him again and would call Clyde’s parents, even though he was actually old enough to live on his own, as a 19-year-old. Clyde just didn’t have the money to live on his own. He had been fired a few months ago from his job at the pet shop.
He had to leave his home weeks ago in order to hide his powers from his family as the scales became more and more obvious, so he came to the only one he knew that would at least understand.
It wasn’t much fun sleeping next to someone who had the ability to go into your dreams whenever both of them slept at the same time. Rem didn’t do it on purpose of course, the closer you sleep next to him the more likely it is that he just stumbles into your dream by accident. That's why he had to sleep in the basement, while his parents slept on the third floor. They simply wanted him as far away at night as possible.
What the two did all day now was lying around in the dirty cellar on the green bean bag and the mattresses and talked about everything and nothing. Somedays they played games on the old arcade machine Remy had or they had matches on his kicker, all while smoking pot or drinking beer Clyde brought back every time he went out.
But not this time. This time he brought something better. Money. And lots of it.
Remy tried focusing on the guy with the weird scales in front of him as he blinked the sleep from his eyes, “Wha-?”
Deceit ripped away the blanket and threw a full plastic bag him. It hit him in the chest, where you could read ‘Never SLEEP again’ on a gray shirt, and caused him to lay down again with the bag sitting on top of him.
“I said I did it! I actually did it, I stole the money!” Deceit stood proudly next to the ‘bed’, hands on his hips, with the broadest smile Remy had ever seen on the guy. It kinda creeped him out, to be honest.
Then the bank robber turned around into the direction of the old foosball table and lifted his arm triumphantly into the air and tilted his head back so he looked at the ceiling.
“Oh my god! I feel great! This was way better than drugs!” he screamed in euphoria.
Remy leaned up on his elbow and let the bag fall next to him on the bed.
“Flippin’ shut up, man! You're gonna wake the whole street shoutin’ like that.”
Deceit turned his head back to his friend, puzzled.
“It's 5 in the afternoon?”
“Oh really? I'm up early,” the sleepy head grinned.
Deceit made a face at him that could only have meant ‘you fu**king serious?’
Rem's eyes fell on the plastic bag next to him. With one hand he lifted a handle and looked inside. His eyes widened, only now had he realized what Deceit had actually done. He shot up straight on the mattress and put the bag on the ground so he could take a bundle of hundred dollar notes out. He ran a finger across the stop slowly as the reality of the situation began to sink in.
“Jesus Christ, you actually did it?!” he looked up shocked at the criminal who now faced him again. With the head movement, the green shade sunglasses that had apparently been lying on his purple dyed and messy hair the whole time he slept, fell onto his nose.
“Hell yeah, I did! And it was so easy too! Like stealing a lolly from a baby.”
The seventeen-year-old sitting on the mattresses gathered himself enough to get a little of his sass back.
“Cliché.” He looked back down to the pile of money. “Jeez, how much even is this?”
“50,000 bugs,” Dee’s eyes sparkled saying that.
“Holy shit. Holy shit, I can't believe it! I thought we were just joking around yesterday! We were drunk for fucks sake!”
Remy would have never thought that Clyde would actually do something this incredibly stupid. They just talked like idiots about how they could have anything they wanted if they used their powers more, not that he ever actually considered doing so.
“Come on, just imagine what we can do with that much money!” Deceit stepped closer to him, gesturing with his hands.
“With the stolen money.”
“No one knows that!”
“Babe, don't you think 50k will be missed? Where did you even get that from? The bank like we said?” he took his shades with his forefinger and thumb on the rim of the glasses and slid them down a bit so he could look into Deceit's eyes.
“Yeah and no, no one knows I took the money. I made sure the woman was the only one there and I just made her give it to me.”
“50k in cash. Someone will miss that! They’re going to notice that much missing! Did you think of the cameras?” Rem’s eyebrows furrowed as he put his shades back on properly.
“I do not like to repeat myself. She just handed it to me! It looks completely innocent on camera. And as far as she knows, that money belongs to me.”
Deceit got frustrated with his friend. Just the night before he also loved the idea and now he was lecturing him?!
“You can't keep the money here, babe. I'm not ok with that much stolen cash under my roof!”
“It will be gone soon anyway.” He tried again to reason. This was a good thing, why couldn’t he see it?
“You need to leave,” The voice sounded monotone.
Deceit’s shoulders fell. “What?”
“Clyde, sweetie, don’t get me wrong. I'm totally up for all kinds of stupid shit but that's a bit too far man and I really don't want to get in trouble because of you.”
“So, you're throwing me out?”
“You have enough money to rent a hotel room,” he said gesturing to the bag at his feet.
Deceit looked with disbelief into the green-tinted sunglasses that hid Remy’s emotions pretty well.
How could he just throw him out? He thought the other would be happy about the money. He would have even shared it with him for letting him stay here, but now…
He growled “Fine. I'll leave. I don't need you anymore anyway. I can do whatever I want without you. Just don't come crawling back to me when I'm ruling the city.”
“Sure thing rip-off Disney villain.”
“You've seen the last of me.”
With that Deceit took his luggage, bound the bag of money to it and lifted a small terrarium with Terrence in it under his arm and left the basement.
Remy let out a shaky breath into the stifling air of his room.
For a second there, he had been afraid that Clyde- no, Deceit would use his powers on him.
---- Chapter 3>>
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orchidvioletindigo · 3 years
And! Since I'm no longer working there, that means I can finally, finally tell you all about Teddy.
Content warning for some gross medical discussion and euthanasia discussion (this is not a euthanasia story).
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[ID: A photo of a small-ish, short-haired, very orange tabby cat with a round face, pink nose, and big orange eyes stepping up to the front of a cage. Part of a cage card is visible and reads, "Return from July – liquid poop." /End ID.]
This is little Teddy Roosevelt. He was one of the first animals I met on my first day at the shelter and I'm pretty sure I gasped when I saw him. He looked just like a storybook cat. He was about six months old, very playful and mischievous and eager for attention. The poor guy had been returned for some rough gastrointestinal symptoms. He was confined to this cage in intake while our vet tech tried to figure out and fix whatever was wrong with him.
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[ID: A Discord message that reads, "I don't think any of the other cats like Teddy. He's basically an obnoxious teenager. There used to be a cat named Mary Shelley in the cage above his who did not like other cats messing with her. Teddy discovered that if he stuck his paws up through the cage door, she would growl and smack his paws away. So he started doing that repeatedly because he thought it was fun." /End ID.]
Teddy very much did not act sick, but it was clear that he was understimulated and not getting the quality of life he deserved while stuck in that cage. When I needed to clean his space, I had to put him in a carrier because he wouldn't stop trying to play with me.
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[ID: A photo of Teddy looking out from inside a plastic pet carrier seated on the floor. /End ID.]
He pretty quickly wormed his way into my heart, enough that the vet tech took notice and kept me apprised of his condition. Enough that I spent a lot of time daydreaming about a life with Teddy, and crying because I couldn't have that in my current living situation. I tried, sometimes successfully, to pivot my daydreams to that of watching Teddy move to the adoption floor and sending him home with a new family to love him.
Weeks dragged on and Teddy wasn't getting better. His spirits were still up, but if his condition couldn't be treated, he was eventually going to waste away in that cage. We had tried everything short of steroids. The vet tech informed me, and then everyone else, that Teddy had a week and a half to improve on the steroids. And if he didn't, the only humane option was euthanasia. ("No-kill" does not mean merciful medical euthanasia is off limits.)
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[ID: A photo from my perspective of Teddy sitting in my lap. I am wearing cobalt blue scrubs, and my beige hand is rubbing his cheeks. He is looking up at me and kneading my leg. /End ID.]
I started using my breaks to make sure that Teddy got time out of his cage every day that I was there. If this was possibly going to be his last week and a half of life, I didn't want it all to be spent stuck in that cage. Most days I could only manage to give him some snuggle time in my lap sitting on the floor directly in front of his enclosure, but he absolutely ate it up. One day I did get a room cleared out for him so that we could have intensive play time together with his favorite toy.
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[ID: A photo of Teddy in an open room, crouched on the floor and staring intensely at a cluster of sky blue feathers at the end of a fishing line style toy. /End ID.]
I also got him a teddy bear. I figured if he didn't make it, the bear would be something for me to remember him by. And if he did make it, we could send the bear home with him when he got adopted as something to remember me by.
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[ID: A photo from my perspective of me holding out a stuffed bear with a big round body and a tiny head towards Teddy. Teddy is climbing onto my lap from his open cage and looking around the room. /End ID.]
I asked to be informed if/when the decision to euthanize was made, so that I could be there with him in his final moments. My boss and coworkers readily agreed that I should be his goodbye person. I practiced what I would say in my head a lot. "No bad days for Teddy." "I'm so glad I got the chance to meet you." "I promise I'll see you again." "I love you, Teddy Bear."
He cut it pretty close to the wire, but in the final days of the steroid treatment, Teddy did get better. He was always going to have IBS-like symptoms and need extra care, but he was no longer on a decline and in danger of wasting away. And he was such a wonderful little guy that he got a home with a friend of our vet tech before he even made it out to the adoption floor. His adopter would be someone who had cared for special needs cats before, who had the money and the patience and love to give Teddy a long and happy life.
I didn't get to be there when Teddy went home, but my coworkers did make sure that I had extra time at the end of the day before to say goodbye. A much happier goodbye than I had been letting myself expect. Our feline behaviorist even volunteered to take photos of us together.
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[IDs: Two photos of Teddy snuggled up in my lap. The first is taken from my perspective and the second is by another person, showing us sitting in front of Teddy's open cage. In the second photo you can see me, a thin person with beige skin, dark brown eyes, and dark brown hair worn up under a light blue bandana. I am wearing purple scrubs and a Cheshire slime mask from Slime Rancher. /End IDs.]
He went home with his bear.
A few weeks later, our vet tech shared photo updates of Teddy in his new home. She said she especially wanted to share them for me. His adopter had said that he was fitting in perfectly, happy and confident and playing with her other cat like he'd tried to do with Mary Shelley, with better results this time.
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[ID: A photo of Teddy lying fast asleep on someone's lap. Text across the photo says, "Made himself right at home." /End ID.]
I still think about Teddy a lot. He's my complicated goodbye, my "what if" boy. There's a timeline where he came home with me, was the first cat that got to truly be mine after surrendering so many to my past abusers. But there's also this timeline, where I helped him get miraculously better, where he did get to leave that cage and go home with another loving adopter. And I can never stop being grateful for that.
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[ID: A selfie showing Teddy climbing up over my shoulder to groom the back of my head. I am wearing a rainbow tie-dye bandana and a mask printed with Stardew Valley flowers and smiling at the camera through the mask. /End ID.]
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