#also thank you to people who have shown support on my oc posting
kald-dal-art · 9 months
Me. Idk making fan characters have never appealed to me personally, huge respect to people who do, but I guess I am not one of you ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Also me: Okay so I'm pretty sure I have up to 20+ Hunger Games OCs at this point, and more is on the way
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jothemouse · 7 months
Commissions will be closed until August! Thank you so much to everyone who's commissioned me or shown interest in these! It means the world to me!! And I hope that you'll all stick around to see the results of these commissions!! (Which does include the sticker plan!)
To all current commissioners and waitlisted folks: don't worry, your pieces are still in progress and to those on the waitlist I will be in contact! Thank you all for your patronage and patience! You are all so amazing!!!
If you would like a commission but missed out on these, please be sure to check back in August!
Thank you all again so much!! I hope you have a wonderful week you guys!! <333
SO, as you may know, some of you may know, maybe none of you know, I am trying to start selling stickers!!! On my own. No RedBubble or Society6. Nope. All by my lonesome!
But in order to do that, I need to make the money to purchase the stickers and other necessary shipping supplies in the first place. So, I'm opening commissions!! Specifically,,,,,,
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I am doing sketch commissions!
I don't have a set close date OR any slots, so it is completely first come, first serve for as long as I can keep it up!
I'm going to include more information, process, as well as terms and conditions under the cut, but if you have any questions not answered below please don't hesitate to get in touch with me here, on Instagram (@jo.the.mouse) or by email ([email protected])!
And before I continue on, if you cant commission me but want to support me all I ask is that you please reblog this post!! It does a WORLD of wonders to spread posts around! Thank you!!
What I'm Offering
Commissioned artworks in my “Sketch Style”. The money made from these commissions is going to directly fund the creation and sale of illustrated stickers!
Here is a fun little preview sketch of what will be the Canada sticker that I've been obnoxiously polling people about:
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Uncolored Sketch:
Includes: one character, no/minimal shading, and simple/abstract background
Flat Color Sketch:
Includes: one character, no/minimal shading, and simple/abstract background
Full Color Sketch:
Includes: one character, basic shading, and simple/abstract background
Add Additional Characters:
+ $5 per added character
What I will draw:
OCs (original characters)
Real People
Furries (Anthro and Feral)
Suggestive (no real people without written and signed consent)
What I will NOT draw:
Overtly NSFW
Heavy Gore
Contact me either through DMs (Tumblr: jothemouse, Instagram: jo.the.mouse) or through email ([email protected]
We'll talk a bit about your commission (like what you're looking for, any references I'll need, how much it'll cost,.ect.) I'll also be asking for your email and preferred payment method at this time. 
Payment for the commission is due upon receiving a confirmation email. This email will include a google form contract (this is mainly for me to make sure I have everything correct), notice that I've sent you a payment request, and a time estimate! 
I will begin the initial sketch once payment is received. 
Refunds are available at any point before you receive the initial sketch. 
Upon receiving the initial sketch you can suggest changes and revisions. This is your only opportunity to do so. 
From there I will finalize your commission to agreed upon level. 
I will let you know when your commission is finished and send you an email containing a PDF and PNG file!
Terms and Conditions
PAYMENT is due upon receiving email with confirmation and a time estimate. Depending on discussed payment method, you will receive either A; a PayPal invoice, or B; a Venmo payment request. Work will begin once payment is received. 
REFUNDS are available at any time BEFORE you receive the “initial sketch” OR if commission cannot be delivered within agreed upon time or at all. 
Time estimate is not a hard deadline and response times may affect how long a commission will take. 
This commission is for PERSONAL USE ONLY. You may not use the commission for any commercial purposes, claim it as your own, or use it in conjunction with any AI methods. 
I reserve the right to refuse any commission that I believe falls outside of my comfort level or skill level.  
Additionally, I will only be drawing in the specific style demonstrated in the example works. 
ALRIGHT! You made it through all that nonsense!
Thank you so much for reading! And if you're able, please consider commissioning me!
I hope to see you in my DMs!! (^-^)
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banana-pancake5 · 4 months
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Thank you all SO MUCH! I can’t believe 100 people are following me!!
Here’s the info for the dtiys:
There is no deadline or prize this is just for fun!
It doesn’t have to be this exact drawing as long as it’s of my sona (preferably with the wings shown)
You may include your sona or any of my ocs in the drawing if you want to :)
Please @ me when you post the finished drawing
And use the tag M3B100Dtiys
If you have any further question please send me an ask!
This is my first time doing anything like this so sorry if I’m missing anything!
Little rambling under the cut!
Literally can’t believe this! Ty to everyone who has supported me you’ve all been so kind!
I had sorta slowed down with my art, and I would barely draw unless I had crazy motivation. But thanks to everyone on tumblr (my mutuals, followers, and other people in the fandom) I’ve been so inspired and now I draw practically every day! So sincerely thank you. I’ve seen so much improvement in my own skills and it’s been so fun getting to create my own au and draw fanart for others.
I want to thank a couple people specifically so here we go (also if you don’t follow these people give them a follow!):
@sleepis4theweak you were my first mutual I actually talked to and you’ve always been so kind! You’re the whole reason I started to engage in this fandom and I’m so glad I did so thank you.
@allyheart707 thank you for always being so nice and supportive of my art and au! Your art always makes my day :)
@bowandbrush thank you for showing so much interest in my ocs it really means a lot!
And thank you to @some-country-bumpkin my first follower and first mutual!
Also want to say thank you to a few people who showed interest in this Dtiys:
@donniesbrows @hellaskeptical @peoplepersonoaktree and @allyheart707 (again)
And thank you to ALL of my other wonderful mutuals and followers!!
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lustale · 9 months
Hello everyone! Thank you all for almost 50 followers!! :3c All activity has been on my main account @morguemaw, so if you want more direct content of Lusttale shoot me a ask about it!!!!
So, abit has changed over the few months and i have a update, coupled with info for all you new guys who found this blog!
1) AU is decided to be 16+. Its suggestive, no NSFW will be posted/shown as i want whatever content i MYSELF to post to be accessible to everyone within a comfortable range! There will be light sexual jokes, however if at any point it reaches too much, please tell me! I know the AU itself should obviously be considered a Explicit Rated AU, however i know there are people who enjoy the AU without the sexual aspects.
2) This AU is not a fan AU OR variant: This AU was made with the plan to 100% rewrite Underlust, i will explain below!!
Why the rewrite?:
I've loved Underlust since i joined the Undertale community, and others have too! However, the owner WAS involved and DID create content involving fontcest, a nazi Chara, Frans content, and was friends/mutuals with others who also created gross content like BlogTheGreatRogue and Lizherubones. This disgusted me and made alot of others feel the same. The AU was left off on a confusing as shit note, from the disgusting writing of Lust MTT to the messed up relationship between the brothers. I want to erase this the best i can. Alot of characters have also 0 content (Such as Lust Alphys) and although i will mostly focus on Sans/Papyrus/Frisk still, i WILL be creating content for mostly every character to again ensure the AU is fully fleshed out for as much enjoyment as possible.
Wheres the creator/owner?:
Awhile back, the owner, NSFWshamecave/Niel, left the internet and the AU for personal and mental reasons and bounced between owning and not owning the Au. They have since been MIA(Missing In Action) from the internet and AU, i doubt they will return or be involved at this point. The AU is considered fandom owned, which if you prefer that i support it, but do not interact with my blog as im basing everything on a rewritten POV with the entire intent to overhaul the AU without being too different or too similar.
What about the Underlust domain name?:
Lusttale CAN be called Underlust, BUT i prefer Lusttale to separate it as its alot easier, HOWEVER i have no issue with it being called Underlust! (Just still please credit/tag me, id love to see any content!)
What about fan AUs or others who make their own Variants?:
Keep going! I support these ten fold. Ive seen so many creative AUs overall, including a recent aroace one that has such adorable designs and is why i want to refresh myself and explain this blog to anyone new who might mistake me as a fan account. If you want to consider your variant a version/variant of my Rewritten AU, please tag me! Id love to see your AUs, your Varaints, EVERYTHING!!
HOWEVER. I do NOT support a single soul who ever uses my AU for Frans, Fontcest, or akin. Dont tag me OR interact with me, its public knowledge how the community feels about those, and im one of the many who don't like that content and wish for my AU to not be used in it. Self inserts, OC/Y/N x Lusttale, or etc is the same, id love to see it!!
What about Swaplust/Lustfell/AUs?:
Swaplust is also inactive: I have had my own interpretation of Swaplust since i found the AU when it was first made, Lustfell however i dont know, if its requested i will create something but i dont want to just claim every Lust AU out there. Not saying im claiming ownership of Swaplust, im saying that the Swaplust i want to make will be considered canon AU and it will be the ONLY Underlust AU i will ever claim, Swaplust has the same exact permissions. (Swaplust too had a very close Frans suggested ship, that is my reason for it)
To clarify if needed, im not forcing the view of me owning the AU onto every Underlust created content, im just saying if you yourself, the community, support what i do, i will continue, hence why i say tag me! I love to see it!
What about headcanons/outdated info like Sans being shorter?:
RN, Sans is the same size as Gaster Sans (i think 5' something?) however im fine with people drawing him short! ^^
Head-canons are also fully fine!!! Tell me any you think of, id love to hear. As long as you respect that i have my own plans, id be overjoyed to read whatever you guys think of or have.
So, to sum it up, Underlust has had a MIA owner since 2019/2020. Because of the history, and the way its loved, its a massive honor if i could step up and help give the community a AU with a solid backstory, solid characters with fleshed out personalities, and a structured plot that will replace something that was/is beloved. The best i can explain it, is my goal is to structure the AU but still keep support for the community as the AU was indeed considered Fandom Owned, again, you do not have to support me wanting to claim it, just do not bash me for it, as im absolutely not considering Lusttale a variant or AU, im considering Lusttale canon.
Questions are welcomed, if you have any concerns i can also explain! (Anon/Off Anon preferred so i can have it be public accessible incase others have the same questions)
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zephyra-in-the-house · 2 months
Heya zephyra
How're u doing 💓
Um u got any tips on how to start or make a fanfic ?
I wanna write my own fanfic I just don't know how to start
I already got my OC done and the back story of my OC
The only problem is how to start 🫤
Thought maybe ask someone with experience like u ❤️‍🔥
So u got any tips or advice ?
Thanks 😁🫱🏻‍🫲🏼
That's a good question!
Honestly, I'm not sure how I've managed to get this far in my writing. It amazes me just how many people follow Second Chances and continuously read each new chapter. I never once thought that I'd get to this point but I'm very grateful for all the love and support I've been shown because it just motivates me to keep writing~
With that aside, I started out on a pretty big scale when I first started writing fanfics. I've written two so far and basically it started as one little scene that I had in mind and then I built around it.
I'm not sure how other writers do it but I think my way may be a little unorthodox LOL
I say that because I never start at the beginning. In fact, most of the time, I will get inspired and think of a scene to write but it's almost never a beginning scene.
Instead, I always end up coming up with little scenes that are sprinkled throughout the entire length of the story. It could be a certain kind of hug or a fight between certain people or one particular conversation or something simple like that. I will then take those little puzzle pieces and splatter them all over my canvas called Google Docs. Then I go through and I reorganize each scene based on where I think they would fit during the story's progression.
Therefore, I ended up with a canvas that had various colors splashed on it.
Since the beginning, I always knew that I wanted to start with that first chapter where Macaque gets food from "Pigsy’s". That was my absolute starting point no matter what.
So, I wrote that and then I went through my colorful canvas of ideas and I split it into sections. Each section was for a specific chapter. Now, after I wrote that first chapter, I developed a process where I have the current chapter I'm working and then a more or less concrete sketch of the next 2-3 chapters to come.
I don't write more than that right away. I have ideas for chapters beyond that but nothing concrete. That's because a fanfic is constantly developing. There is no way to make concrete plans. What you plan for chapter 10 might be completely changed because of something that you thought of for chapter 6. Or you could end up writing more than intended for one chapter and have to split up certain chapters (*cough cough* the shopping trip *cough cough*). Either way, I've learned that it's better to be flexible with what you plan to post when it comes to fanfic.
That's kind of how I started and that's how I've been making Second Chances so far.
In any case, I feel like I'm rambling at this point 😅 I could talk about writing techniques and strategies for days but!
My main advice is: you do you.
When it comes to writing, there is no correct way to do it. It's kind of like art in that way. You can add as many scenes or as many wild colors as you want or you could be a completely black and white artist or someone who only writes poetry.
Either way, the key to anything creative is to just do it. It doesn't have to be good. It doesn't have to be perfect. I can't count how many times I've written something and then came back to it and gone "that's absolute shit what the fuck was I thinking". On the flip side, I've also had times when I write something and toss it to the side and I come back and I'm like "Who the fuck wrote this cause I know it wasn't me man that shits too good" 😆
So just write what you want to write and make it as simple or as complicated as you want it to be. The best thing I ever did was get into the habit of writing just to write. Whether it was a memoir or a poem or a short scene in a story I'm doing, I just write. Freeball it.
Thank you! I wish you well on your adventures!
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xxk3vonicaxx · 9 months
... Here we go againn
So Blurry made a doc about me and posted it through a friend of his aandd... Oh boy is it somethingg, it's basically full of already resolved issues (only showing what I did to him and not what he did to mee), out of context screenshotss (as usuall), aand just blatant liess. He tried to claim I was his "abuser" as well 'cause I had held him accountable for his behaviorr (Whichh... Is absolutely crazyy, buut okk)
The only good thing about this was that Blurry referenced my special interest in the titlee, like yess, thank youu✨
Anywayy, onto discussing the docc:
First of alll, I never drew the art to "get back at him" or whateverr, like he so claimss, those aren't my words like he's claiming they aree, I never said I wanted to get back at himm, that's not what it waas:
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It was for two reasonss, though the main one is the firstt:
It was meant as a warning for Blurry to try and stop stealing designs from my bestiee
Also I thought it would be a funny warningg (a jokee)
I've literally stated this several timess, how hard is it for someone to understandd? Not to mention I apologized for itt
Just 'cause something is a warning doesn't make it be out of revengee, Doing something as an act to warn someone not to do what they're doing isn't revengefull, don't know why he keeps trying to think it's out of revenge when it's nott
Likee, it's literally stated heree, by my bestiee, that it's a warningg. Neither of us would do this kind of thing to anyone elsee (unless you steal our designss/pass them off as your ownn, this is also a warning for those kind of peoplee), this was solely directed at Blurryy:
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Alsoo, why are you calling nudity pornn? You show the dakimakura my bestie drew as one of your exampless, buut that's... Not pornn?
It's literally nudityy, why are you calling it porn when it's nott? What is your logicc?
Anywayy, continuing onn:
The "several userss" Blurry mentioned is his friend Cultc0ree (who has stolen 5 of my OCs aand has tried to slander my name beforee), aand his fans that contacted mee, who were either proshipperss, nsfw accounts that posted clopping (MLP Nsfww)/irl nsfww/yiff (furry nsfww), or bothh. One of which had reposted/supported bad dragonn, a zoophilic companyy... That kind of stuff makes me uncomfyy, of course I'd block those kind of people who post that stufff:
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Due to the bad experiences I had with his fanss, I'm not in the furry fandom anymoree. I don't like drawing furries much unless it's my comfort characterr (more on that laterr). I still draw furries/anthro from time to timee, just not as much as I used tooo
Alsoo, Blurry fails to mention what happened after the callout post was madee, that being his father had threatened to dox me and a minor just 'cause I called him outt (shown heree and heree), aand he did nothing about itt, nor does he ever mention his own behavior towards mee
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It's also ironic that Blurry says I stalk himm, when he's stalked both me and Mobcrit beforee. Blurry wouldn't know about this blog if he hadn't stalked my following on my alt accountt (which was privatee, my followingg, not my altt), as the blog isn't searchablee:
This is a blog made by the two authors of the Blurry docc, the blog isn't complete yett (as you can seee), buut it's a critique blog for Blurry's loree, like Mobcrit iss
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Basicallyy, tumblr had a glitch that had marked your followers private for you in your settingss, buut had made them public on your profilee, aand that's how Blurry had found itt. It's not searchablee, he wouldn't have found it any other wayy
Anywayy, Blurry claims that me holding him accountable for his behavior (referring to my response post from the Blurry docc) is gaslighting according to himm, whichh... Holding someone accountable for their behavior isn't gaslightingg? Huhh??:
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As welll, recentlyy, after Cags on Mobcrit posted an ask with someone saying people should rewrite Mob's FON loree, Blurry came into my DMs threatening su*cide and saying Cagney was attacking him 'cause the people on Mobcrit don't like his workk (He thinks I run Mobcrit when I'm just their archivistt, this has been stated multiple times on the blog itselff) ... He conveniently left this out of his docc:
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What prompted that convoo, was that Blurry got mad that Cagney on Mobcrit proposed an idea to rewrite Mob's FON loree... Notice how I said MOB'S and not Blurry'ss, completely missing the meaning of the postt:
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Cagney's talking about Mob's lore heree, not Blurry'ss. Blurry just can't understand that some people don't like his workk. You have to expect that kind of thing when you post your work so that people can see itt (Oh yeahh, he also calls that "bullyingg" sooo-)
Blurry had also accused me of gaslighting 'cause I had responded to a joke Cagney made (that Blurry gets no maidenss) by joking about it furtherr, whichh... The fact that you're getting upset over a stupid meme kind of confirms that at this pointt-
Anywayy, here was the response to the joke Cags made in questionn:
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Aaand here was Blurry calling it gaslightingg:
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Alsoo, he had lied to me about him not following NSFW accountss, aand I had called him out on it in that same convoo, as he was following Mob's NSFW account on twitter with his rebranded accountt, which he conveniently left out of his docc. He tried to lie and say that he had followed aand unfollowedd, buut that's a total liee, 'cause the screenshot shown was taken just before Mob deleted the account due to minors following itt:
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Heree, he was acting like he was the main victimm, which he also left out of his docc:
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Throughout this conversation there were multiple times in which Blurry was saying I was gaslighting himm... When I was holding him accountable for his behaviorr (aand noo, he hadn't apologized for making fun of my typing quirkk, he had lied in his "apologyy", as you guys already knoww:
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Another thing to add onn, Blurry claimed I had "stolen an OC", when I actually hadn'tt:
(Notee, I was mad that Mob sold the original Deramu and other Sassy's Palace characters behind people's backss, lying to me that she said she wouldn't sell them at the timee. The new owner is a supporter/friend of Mob's and compared Mobcrit's critiques to school shooterss. This is also literally public infoo)
Also nooo, I never talked to him about this characterr, don't know where he got that fromm:
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Mob had actually given me the OC during the recent chat she had with me when I got the rights to use the plants for Plantae backk (this is also public infoo, it's literally in the Mobcrit archivee), aand Mob had approved of the changes I had made to him after she gave him to mee:
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Original design on the leftt, my redesign on the rightt, I liked it 'cause I thought it looked like my comfort characterr, hence the namee:
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Anywayy, yeahh, that's not theftt, I literally got this OC for free along with my rights for the plantss. This is literally public infoo, I don't know why it was even mentioned in the doc in the first place since it has nothing to do with Blurry at alll
Mobcrit's probably gonna reblog this anywayy, buut there was some blatant lies that Blurry had said about them that just aren't truee (claiming the admins of Mobcrit were transphobic when in reality they were calling out people for their transphobia/using xenogenderss), also Blurry defends Mob in this specific part of the document as welll, mmm
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legacyshenanigans · 9 months
I do hope that you are ok, I know I have seen, read and listened to some amazing things with your stories.
You have given us all an amazing experience with your Oc's. I even named a kitten I just got Volo after the Volo cult I joined, if you do start posting somewhere else I can only hope that you don't have to deal with the toxic people who beg for what only they want.
(I can also promise that you would get anymore crazy ask's from my siblings that make no sense 😅😅)
Best wishes 🐍🐍🐺🐺
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I will be, always am 💜
Yeah, There is part of this fandom that is VERY toxic. Stay safe.
Aww lil Volo kitty! I love that 🥹💖
And oh my gosh I remember that! That was so funny.
Thank you for the love and support you've shown me 💜💜💜💜💜💜
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gonerboy · 2 years
Delta Experiment - Update (+ Survey)
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“...what, never seen a banana phone before? yeah, ripe.”
(Survey at the end of post)
Hello, everyone! GonerBoy here.
I have some news. Not really good news, and not really bad news, either... but some news is generally better than no news, so I figure you all deserve the truth.
My mission’s been going well. It’s been over a year since I officially started, and I plan on finishing next fall -- so, about another year from now.
Delta Experiment is a fun series. But, it’s also one that takes a lot of time and effort to put together... and I just don’t have the time to devote to such a massive project at the moment. And being honest, I’m not sure if I ever will.
What I’m trying to say is, I don’t think this project would ever be fully finished if I tried to keep going the way I was before. And by the time I did finally get to the later parts of the story, more official Deltarune content would have been released, and I might end up questioning the use of continuing in the first place.
Not to mention the fact that I have other plans for projects -- some of which even have to do with Deltarune!
So: What does this mean for Delta Experiment?
Well, even if I don’t think I can ever finish the series properly, that doesn’t mean I don’t want to share my thoughts with everyone. I do think a lot of things about the series would have been worthwhile, and I would be devastated if I had to keep them all to myself forever.
So, what I’m thinking of doing is creating Chapter Outlines for the remainder of the story. They would give basic overviews of the plots and themes of each planned chapter, along with some sketches, illustrations, and dialogue for important scenes. They would release one at a time, and likely have some time between each installment.
This way, no one will be left on a cliffhanger, and some moments can still be shown in full - just, without all the in-between bits that take so long to get through.
Please keep in mind that these will take some time to complete -- I haven’t even started yet, and there are 7 more chapters to get through... ^^;
What will I do, now that Delta Experiment is gone?
Well, uh... you could always follow my personal blog! *Cough* shameless plug...
I haven’t been too active there yet, but I’m slowly trying to change that. I do a lot of things on there, such as...
OC Designs!
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(Huh, these guys look familiar...)
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Collei - Genshin Impact
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Dess - Deltarune
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“Chris” - Deltarune
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Roll, Blues and Tempo - Mega Man
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Comic shorts!
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And some longer-term projects, like...
Sonic: GUNShot - What would have happened, if the raid on the ARK went a little differently...?
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(and more...?)
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Again, please consider following @gonerboy​. It would mean a lot to me to have the support of the people who enjoyed my previous work.
I’m sorry to anyone that is disappointed by Delta Experiment’s end - I really enjoyed spending time with everyone, and I’ll always treasure those memories. With any luck, knowing how the story would have gone will help bring some closure for all of us. Keep an eye out for those Chapter Outlines.
You know what they say: Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened. And on the bright side, this means I can share lots of hidden things that would have been spoilers otherwise!
If you made it to the end, here’s one last survey.
Thank you. I really can’t say it enough.
Stay awesome.
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lightofunova · 5 months
As the year draws to a close, I find myself looking back at the past year and I just need to state how absolutely crazy it has been for me.
This blog will be one year old in January, which it’s so funny that it’s already almost been an entire year since I started posting and interacting? It isn’t the official birthday yet, but I just want to thank everyone for reading and interacting and supporting me this past year. I’ve met so many wonderful people in the community who have pushed me to want to do better, and who I want to interact witth more but my own shyness and nerves prevent me from doing so.
You all have truly spoiled me this year by allowing me to share my silly ocs and stories witth you all, and just by listening to me I am already content. Thank you truly from the bottom of my heart for allowing me to be a part of this community, for being able to create my own little corner here just to act silly.
And I have so many new friends I haven’t said a proper thank you to, for one reason or another. Maybe due to being busy or me being too bashful to admit it over late night calls or to even start a conversation in dms. Before the year is out I want to right that.
@symphonies-of-silver I know that I’m not someone who is super close, but honestly I started askblogging because of you! You made me want to do it and seeing Ginjiro and his story begin to unfold, I was inspired to do my own. I wish I could talk more with you in dms, you seem like such an amazing person and I love hearing about your ocs and ideas honestly, I’m just shy haha. I can’t wait to see what ideas you craft up in the coming year, it’s always something to look forward to.
@lustrous-dawn Gosh, I’ve always adored your writing style so much, I often find myself reading over your words and wanting to be more eloquent with my own sometimes haha. You always inspire me to write more than draw, and you’d be surprised how many little blurbs and drafts I’ve made this year about various things haha. You also showed me that, it’s alright to just do your own thing. It’s fine to just post whenever you want, what you want, and how you want. I don’t think I realized that when I started but now that the year had been ending I’m starting to realize it, even if you told me that a bajillion times over calls haha.
@askdeoxys Gosh, I don’t know what to say sometimes when we talk. You have done alot for me this year over calls and chats and games, I mean hell I wouldn’t be using a tablet now if it wasn’t for you. You really know how to cheer someone up when they’re down, and all of the conversations we’ve had this past year have been so much fun. I never thought I would be ending 2023 having accomplished so much, You egg me on to do the things that matter in life. The advice you give is always dead on, and even if I don’t listen to it it’s just because I’m a silly adult who thinks she knows better haha. Thank you for supporting me so much this year, I really do appreciate it.
@ceruleancavesmonster Golly gosh bestie, it’s been so long since we became friends, it’s wild to see how far everything has come. I know things have been busy af lately, but I can’t believe how far we’ve come! When making this I was so worried it’d be a dumb idea, but I just appreciate all the love and support you’ve shown me this entire year. From getting excited over my posts to helping me think through plot lines and ideas you really have been my biggest supporter in all of this. Just thank you so much for sticking with me through all these years, I can’t wait to see what happens next year 💙💙
And to all those I didn’t mention just know that I appreciate you more than you know, you all gave me something to work towards, something to inspire me in one way or another. Thank you so much for supporting my blog, and I hope you’ll stick around for another year in the making.
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blossom-adventures · 1 year
Tagging @hauntedadagium @seradyn and @savage-rhi thank you for the support you’ve all shown me while I’ve been working on this, I hope you all like what I have so far ❤️🖤
A Tall Glass of Red Wine
An Ardyn x Reader Fic
Ok… the prologue and chapter 1 are here, I apologise in advance if I get some of the tenses are mixed up, it’s my first proper attempt at a xReader fic so I’m still getting used to the phrasing (it’s especially difficult because I’m working on an OC story for Skyrim too and I find myself writing “her” and “she” instead of “you” sometimes) bear with me, I’m still getting used to it 😅
This fic isn’t going to be posted as consistent as my Skyrim fic, I’m not planning a schedule for posting this fic, once I have a chapter, I’ll share it
Reference of alcohol & poisoning
King Regis Lucis Callum, of the Crown City of Insomnia rules over all of the vast kingdom of Lucis, or maybe not so vast now, Niflheim has taken control of nearly half of the kingdom. Regis, although he has a kingdom to rule, also has his duties as a father and as an Uncle, as the only 2 left of his household, he loves them dearly - in his own way. His household consists of his son Noctis - the chosen King of Light - and his niece, a young Captain in the Kingsglaive… You.
You came into your Uncle’s care after your father tried to put on the Ring of the Lucii, he wasn’t the chosen king after all, he wasn’t worthy of the Ring. With Noctis being heir to the throne of Lucis, you were expected to marry well and be a perfect wife to a high rank noble or a prince, however, you had shown such skill with a blade that your Uncle allowed you to train with the Kingsglaive. You flourished amount their ranks, climbing the ranks quickly until you became the youngest captain ever.
As you were of the Royal line your Uncle sent you off with the Marshal to collect your own set of Royal Arms. The pair of you traveled from each of the Royal Tombs to collect the power they held inside.
Once you and the Marshal returned you were sent out again within the week to lead your Glaives on a infiltration mission into Empire controlled lands.
“Stay safe,” King Regis said to you as you prepared to leave “and don’t use your Royal Arms in Niflheim controlled lands, if they found out who you were…”
“I know Uncle, I’ll be back soon, I’m sure” you gave him a warm smile, and gave his hand a reassuring squeeze
“Y/N, come on, we need to go!” You look over your shoulder at one of the other Glaives, you look back at your Uncle and he forced a smile before letting you go, you walk down the steps of the Citadel and join your fellow Glaives. A simple infiltration mission, what could go wrong?
Chapter 1 - The Poisoned Glass
Working as a servant in the Niflheim Royal Palace wasn’t what you had ever wanted to do, Niflheim was the enemy, you belonged in the Crown City of Insomnia, but you, and so many others were prisoners of war, made to serve the Empire, and you thanked the Gods everyday that your identity had been kept quiet so far, no one seemed to know who you were.
Magitech guards kept watch on the servants in the Emperor’s palace, programmed to ensure that no Lucian in the employ of the Empire did anything to harm the people they now served, there had been attempts, you knew of at least 2 men who had disappeared over the last month, that knowledge alone was enough to keep you loyal, as much as you hated the idea.
Most days you worked as a maid; cleaning the palace, taking the belongings of visiting dignitaries to their guest rooms or - as it was tonight - serving drinks in one of the many ballrooms. The men and women who were guests of the Emperor were dressed to impress, the women wore incredibly tight looking dresses that you thought looked very uncomfortable, and the men wore their finest suits… all but one at least.
The Chancellor, despite his high rank, never wore fine suits… that wasn’t to say that his outfit was dull, far from it; his black leather, ankle length coat was always worn, as was his hat and red scarf, even in the height of summer, as it was tonight. You had heard people comment on it too, although you knew that none of them would say anything to him directly, the man was an intimidating figure.
He was leaning against the wall, looking out at the party from under the rim of his hat as you passed him
“Do you have red wine with you?” He caught your attention with a snap of his fingers as he spoke
“I’m afraid not, Chancellor Izunia” you say as you approach him “only champagne, I’m sorry”
“Pity… I suppose it will have to do” he took a glass from one of your silver serving trays and waved you away to continue your rounds of the ballroom, offering drinks to the other guests. Passing out glasses to another group of guests emptied your serving tray, so you tuck it under your arm and return to the kitchens to replenish your supply
“The Chancellor’s asking for red wine, do we have any?” Another servant asked as he asked as they followed you in
“That man drinks nothing but wine, can’t he last one night without it?” The older man who ran the kitchens scoffed as he walked off, he was a fellow Lucian, that much you knew, you didn’t tend to ask questions like that, it usually got people angry and upset when they spoke of their homes. He set the fresh bottle of red wine on the counter, the young man who had asked for it pulled out the cork and poured a glass. You were collecting your fresh champagne flutes when you saw him pour something else into the glass, a fine white powder.
“What are you doing?” You hissed as he stirred the powder until it had completely dissolved
“With the Chancellor gone, then it just leaves the Emperor”
“And the whole of Niflheim’s army, are you insane!”
“Don’t you want to go home?” The young man looked at you, he looked desperate
“Of course I do… but poisoning the Chancellor is not the way to do it” you try to reach for the glass but he pulled it away from your reach and left the kitchen, you went to follow him but the older man caught your arm
“Don’t bother dear, let this be on him, alone”
“But what about the Chancellor?” You ask, the older man let out a sigh
“You have too much heart, dear, you won’t do well here if you care as much as you do” he nodded to your tray of champagne “you best get going with that, don’t want the high and mighty of Niflheim going too long without their alcohol now do we.”
Back in the ballroom, you can’t help but look over at the Chancellor, he was still leaning against the wall, looking down at his wine glass, swirling the liquid, but not drinking it, as you make your way around the hall, he catches your attention again, and waves you over.
“Is… there something wrong Sir?”
“The servant who brought me this, did he open the bottle and pour it?” You swallow your nerves that had risen to the surface
“Yes, Sir” he looked up from you and you followed his gaze, the young man was standing at the far corner of the room
“Well then, I know what he’s done… and I want him to know that what he’s done will result in someone dying”
“Sir?” Your voice trembled slightly as you spoke, he took your empty trays off you and handed the glass of wine, he kept his hand clasped tightly around yours, and looked at you, you could see a look in his eye that made your stomach turn
“Drink it” your eyes widen and you tried to take a step back from him, but he catches your wrist and held it tightly “you will do as I say, drink it”
“Sir, I…”
“Drink it” he repeated again, you quickly look over your shoulder, the servant responsible to this was still watching “I don’t want to have to force you” you look back at the Chancellor, then down to his hands, one holding your wrist tightly, to the point it started to hurt, and the other holding your hand and the glass he had given you, you couldn’t drop it, or even throw it at him, he was giving you no choice.
Why did I come over here, why did I feel the need to ask him anything? I’m going to die because I care too much, I’m so stupid
“I’m waiting…” the Chancellor hummed
“Fine” you manage to choke out, his lips twitched into a brief smile before you lifted the glass to your lips
“That’s it, drink up” even though he spoke in a whisper, you could hear a hit of amusement or joy in his voice, he still held the glass and your hand as you tipped the rich red wine into your mouth. It had been months since you had drunk anything so expensive and rich in flavour, it was a pleasant flavour, you thought at first that there might have been nothing wrong with it at all, but then whatever your fellow servant had put it the wine hit your system, you let out a gasp as the Chancellor let go of you, freeing your hands to clasp your throat.
You heard someone shout, a mans voice from what you could tell, but your focus was on yourself, the poison surged around your body, causing your throat to constrict and your legs to give way from under you. You felt strong arms catch you though, they lowered you to the floor.
“It’s alright” the Chancellor’s voice spoke calmly in your ear, you could feel his breath against your neck, as he spoke, your vision was blurring, all you could see were shapes moving around you “try to take deep breaths… it’s alright” you feel a hand close your eyes and brush some hair from your face as you slip unconscious.
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penbattles · 2 years
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Hey guys!
I think it is well overdue for an updated commission info post, so here you go! I currently don't have any slot limits, so anyone and everyone is welcome to commission. Got a D&D character you want me to draw? An OC? A fanart that you really want to see in existence? Then don't be afraid to reach out!! If you like what you see and you have the means, I really do appreciate each and every person who commissions me. It really helps to get that little extra bit of rent money, and allows me to keep making free content here on my Tumblr!! Email me at [email protected] if you're interested, or message me here on Tumblr. FAQs are below the cut. Thanks in advance for supporting me!!
Don't want to commission but still want to show your support? Reblog this post, or consider donating to my ko-fi! Link is here, and every dollar makes a difference!
Are tips required?
Tips are not required, however they are greatly appreciated. I try my best to keep my prices as low as possible to make my commissions accessible to as many people as possible. A big part of why I am able to do that is due to the generosity that people have shown when it comes to tipping :)
What can I commission?
I’m open to drawing most things you can throw at me.  I won’t do explicit NSFW or heavy gore, and I’m staying away from anthro just because of lack of experience.  But other than that, go nuts!  OCs and existing characters are all perfectly fine.  Complicated props or animals may be charged as a complicated background, and comic commissions are available with pricing upon request.
How do I pay?
I conduct all transactions through PayPal.  That account is the same as my email, katja@62801.  I normally take the full payment up front, but if you are uncomfortable with that we can do it half and half. I would also love it if you could use the PayPal friends and family option, as otherwise PayPal will charge me a fee.
How long will the commission take?
Normally, I am able to finish all commissions within a week of order placement.  If a drawing is taking a particularly long time, I will let you know, and I will always keep you updated throughout the process as much as you like.
Any more questions?  Just shoot me an email or a dm and I’ll be happy to get back to you.
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simpforroses · 2 years
1 Year Blog Anniversary
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—Law’s hat addition on my persona recommended by another lovely artist/writer @starrybrujita 💖 (it actually suits the Lady of Heart anniversary dress I designed lol)
It’s surreal how it’s been a year! Thank you to all 163 of you for taking a look at my small art corner on here and leaving a follow, along with all the positive and substantial feedback for miscellaneous creations I make too ❤️ It makes me happy to see that I can inspire some emotion and make someone’s day through my works or surprises that I sometimes do on a whim, as I take pride and genuine time in everything I make, since most of what I create here is from scratch and from the heart, whether it be art, writing, graphics, ideation, etc. As some may notice, I’m not as active as I used to be last August-March due to work and other reasons, but it was an experience being on the content-creating & active side of things, after years of only using this platform as a passive viewer for hobbies and fandoms ☺️ Once again, I can’t believe I made it this long and I am grateful for your support! 🌹
‼️Important Notes (please read)‼️:
-> I’ll continue posting art here & try for a rebound, but will go back to square 1 with making art for its own sake, without tagging people on my main account’s artwork—for now—to see how this blog continues organically (unless someone asks for a taglist or to be tagged. If so, please feel free to let me know which characters/content-type 😊). At the beginning & when I was most active, I usually was the one taking the 1st step towards people, bending over backwards, and speaking up for others, even if it did not directly affect me or could be shown on the surface-level of this blog, because in my mind, taking initiative was, and is, the right thing to do, even if it meant being ignored, burned, or blacklisted…it’s been a ride with ups & downs, but now it’s time I take a step for me.
->After some positive surprises on here during this week, I chose to set refresh instead of going with my other consideration to leave, so this blog can re-gear into the direction that I wanted it to be when I 1st started: a place that is artistic, fun, & unapologetically me, that still remains honest in integrity, actions, confidence, and eloquence of expression. I’ve tried quietly fading out from here, but wind up being pulled back in, in some way, so I may as well come back with a new approach. There are many things I can and wanted say about what led to these reflections. But, I won’t. After all, this is a small space that likes to make humble personalized tokens of happinesses, with big ideas, a big knowledge cache, and a bookish girl who only has 2 hands & voice that speaks more than what is seen or heard. Plus I’m going for a refresh, so I only look forward to what I can create from now on. I named this blog a “Shop of Embroidered Hearts” for a reason, after all ❤️ Though, I’ll also start being more active on Instagram by the same usernames:
@/simpforroses for general main art | @/scalpelandrose for OC/self-ship | @/michelle.hong is my personal account for general interests, memes, and hobbies. —I feel that who I am as an individual does not suit or ‘fit’ into what the Tumblr fandom environment is or has evolved into. After months of half-resolutions & holding out, I want to test my options with both platforms to see what happens (the ‘/‘ are there so there aren’t any pings)
I will be opening a digital commissions option sometime soon, as I now have a good workflow & am more confident in my skills 🎨
Writings & focused OC/self-ship content will still be on my sideblog or on my Blogger site once I fully set that up (for more personal freedom of content when it comes to naughty graphics) 🌹
I’ll still be around in the background per usual when I can ❤️ Occasionally for a few inbox drops, reblogs, or writing events when invited.
Thank you -M. 🌹
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visixv · 2 years
I'm barely active on Discord, but just saw that you'd left the AMM server, saw the accusations from a certain modder and your tumblr post response. Let me just say: You have every right to defend yourself against your accuser and it is not childish to do so. You did nothing wrong. Your client who asked for the commission did nothing wrong. Let me repeat. You did nothing wrong. Keep doing your thing. You're one of the best here.
Thank you! <3 Saw you liking those posts, so thought you'd be catching up xD
A ton of shit went down in that server even after I left, at least I've been told (and shown) so. More people accussing others of copying their OCs, mods not doing their job properly (they had to be told multiple times that since my message got deleted, Wing's should have been too, entirely, not the shitty job they did by just deleting pictures and finally, after 12h being posted, her messages too).
A few peeps I talked to and supported me also left, it was probably the straw that broke the camel's back. The favoritism got SO obvious at that point that just made anyone with actual common sense feeling uncomfortable staying there. A peep even told me that one of the mods scolded them in DMs and defended Wing, and even after getting presented evidence, they told them that they were wrong XDDD What kind of clownery is this.
I am so happy I left the server, just as I started classes too. Barely got the energy do to my own stuff to stay in a server in which at any given moment one of their golden children can jump at you and people will just watch and do nothing. Only thing I miss is asking for feedback when I'm working on mods, for suggestions and the like, but I can live with that.
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van-skmugen · 1 year
🛹My socials networks🛹
You can reupload my art as long as you ask me first to know and it isn't published in that social network by me. (In which case I encourage you to reblog it [Tumblr], share it via stories [Instagram] or repost it [BlueSky/X] from my post.) Also that isn't with secondary intentions so much as hate to any character shown or commercial use. Although if you do it without asking me for whatever reason, at least be nice person and share a link to my social networks or credit me, thanks. And credits to the artist (or whatever you found) it isn't a credit, btw. NO SELL, NO USE MY ART FOR A//I, AS NF//T OR SIMILAR, THANKS. IF YOU DO IT , YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN ACTIONS AND ANY CONSEQUENCES ARISING FROM THEM. PRINT FOR PERSONAL USE IS FINE. (just read it without this "//" it's to prevent it from appearing in search engine of this site)
I make a Patreon and Ko-Fi, for future commisions and for anyone who wants to support me have some advantages, which may gradually increase as my skills improve (Patreon).
🛹 Patreon
🛹 Ko-Fi
Here you can found my art (of all kinds like drawings, fanarts, OCs, edits, experimental 3D renders, etc...) and my rants/analysis/writings of media I consume.
🛹Mainly here you can found OCs content, SK8 the Infinity, and Kingdom Hearts, my three passions🛹
🐺🦊 About OCs, I enjoy Original Characters a lot and have my ones that shared story with @skate-loveagain ones since are from a stories written by us, maybe at the beginning I don't post much of them since we're building their stories and world but when we had everything well ordered it's very sure that I will draw a lot of them too. Said that, our Original Characters are morally gray characters, aren't labeled as either "good" or "bad" characters, they're just humans/supernatural beings that make mistakes, either because of past they've had, how they've been raised, circumstances around them or their personal/mental situations to give a few examples. That is, they will only be "good" or "bad" for other characters around them, who will see them in one way or another depending on their points of view. If that makes you feel uncomfortable you can stop following me, and block me if you wish. 🦊Our OCs The Great deities of northeast🐺: Story made by me and my dear friend Lea, that we're doing in comic version and soon we will start publishing surely in Webtoon and Tapas.
🛹 About SK8 the Infinity, especially of Ainosuke Shindo/ADAM, Tadashi Kikuchi/Snake, Kaoru Sakurayashiki/Cherry blossom and Kojiro Nanjo/Joe as their own characters and secondly their ships/dynamics [I like them all at same level] As ships mainly as 🐍🌹🐶 (TRUE EDEN) and 🐯🌸🐯 (SOLE CILIEGIO) [Tho if you don't like something I like, it will always be tagged, so you can mute it and enjoy only what we share (Example: You don't like any of 🐯🌸's combination with 🐍🌹🐶, I will always keep it tagged and this way I've it all well sorted and easy to access for me and easy to avoid by muting it for you)], obviously you will also see content from the others (🌺, ❄, 🌷, 🐱) and from Renga (❄🌺❄)/Shadoka (🌷🔧🌷) ships, but not as often as you will see content from the other four.)
I don't interact with things that don't like if you want to know what things don't interest me you just have to scroll to my likes to see, you can snoop as much as you want, that's why are public. Everything you'll find there will give you an idea, the things I don't like are already muted for me. I don't mind other people's likes/loves, so I have no problem with interacting with the likes/loves we do share. 💞 But I will block you if I see you hate and encourage hatred of one of eight since SK8 is about 8 characters, not 2, 4, 5 or 6. Also, my English isn't professional so I usually block if read jokes or memes that don't understand and think it's hate character, if you think I've blocked you by mistake, try to contact via any other social media with me and I'll unblock you without problem. If you hate any of 8, you can feel free to block me, tho you can say me before so I can block you back, thank you.
It's not my first time on Tumblr, but my first time in the SK8 the Infinity fandom on Tumblr.
❤💙 About Kingdom Hearts I love and have enjoyed it since I was a child, my passion for the series is huge. I love all characters tho mainly you will see content of Sora, Riku and Soriku.
All of the above doesn't mean that I also love and will may publish drawings or thoughts about other animes, videogames, books, series and movies that you'll see from time to time around here, tho not as consistently as those previously mentioned.
Hope we can be mutuals and share our same loves.
Hashtags: #my art, #VanSKmugenArt, #my wips (works in progress), #original character, #fanart, #ramblings, #analysis, #reblog (when reblog posts of others) and #usersname (so you can easily find all reblogs I've done of a specific user), #van-skmugen (for all my original posts [not my self reblogged posts]). Regarding posts/reblogs of ships and/or characters I use the usual hashtags of ships/characters and in special I add #TRUE EDEN for TadaAi (in addition to their usual ship's names) and #SOLE CILIEGIO for Matchablossom (in addition to their usual ship's names).
I have a Sims Tumblr (Simblr), feel free to ask me if you want to follow me there. I usually post Custom Content and also story/images of my OCs and SK8/KH characters.
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wikia22 · 2 years
My thoughts and feelings about Spider-Man: No Way Home. Beware of the long post (and I could have made it even longer - so many thoughts and aspects that I wanna discuss)
Proceed with caution ⚠️
Well, it finally happened. The movie we've been waiting for. The one that had so many theories, speculations, ideas, news and fake news (i don't even remember that much hype around the Endgame). Therefore I avoided news and posts like hell for the last 2-3 weeks. I gotta say - totally worth it! Because it was...amazing!
So Peter's life's gone to shit. Everybody knows his secret identity, half of the people think he's a killer, other half follows him with smartphones. Thank God all charges are lifted (hello Matt - so glad to see you in MCU officially), but the reputation’s gone to hell. Plus, he, Ned and MJ receive rejects from MIT due to all this mess. Well, I was worried about too many people knowing Spider-Man secret identity since Homecomming (cause there were too many indications in previous films/cartoons/tv series that there is no way Peter’s gonna reveal his secret identity to anyone (even his most beloved ones - like MJ or Aunt May). But now - best friend knows, his girlfriend, aunt May, her boyfriend, and pretty much all of the Avengers know.  I knew it’s not gonna end well, and the ending of Far from Home confirms it. And No from Home makes it a really serious issue.
Next - main theme. I realized what was missing in MCU Spider-Man. He is shown in the universe with the Avengers, so at first Peter is trying to be like them, be part of that team, resemble his hero, Tony Stark. So it was obvious that MCU Spidey had a guide, superheroic mentor. Which is not bad, it’s quite interesting seeing this development, Spider-Man as a part of the team, but here for the first time we see Peter acting on his own, without guidance (actually against senior superhero’s command), that’s transforms him into the Spider-Man that we know and love since 2002.
Music - Michael Giacchino was great with his Arrachnoverture, but when I heard Electro-music by Hans Zimmer and them listened to track 19 - I teared up. Litteraly.
I absolutely adore how the heroes were portrayed. Tom Holland acts more serious and mature, more consumed by the guilt that he is failing everybody. Which causes him to go in the dark places of himself... The trials, challenges and the tragedy could change our sweet boy into a vengeful antihero. My heart as truly breaking for him...
MJ here is the best than before - no longer bitter sarcastic and obsessive truthteller, she is here for Peter, supporting him and caring for him. I could literally see little hearts in their eyes. Plus, MJ is wearing a piece of that broken necklace! 
The villains are awesome - great ungrading of Max who looks cool in new costume. Doc Oc - was my favorite (confirmed) comeback guy. But Norman Osborn was the best of them all. His inner struggle with the Green Goblin - even more serious and scariest than before (because he’s talking without the helmet). Also new costume - so like the one in the comics!
And now - what we exicted the most! You know, I decided not to trust unconfirmed news untill I see it with my own eyes. And when Ned opened the first portal - my first thought: Oh my God! That’s Andrew’s suit! That’s Andrew’s suit!!! And when he got the mask off - I screamed, with everybody else! My God, he is so awesome, smart and hillarious! Cannot believe that they made him clean the webs on the celling! And it was the matter of minutes before the very first Spider-Man’s gonna appear... And here is Tobey! Still the same sweet, kind and polite guy that we last saw 14 years ago! Web-shooting with Andrew and backflips - way cooler than pointing fingers!
That shot with two Spider-Men on the full moon coming to help Peter... And this talk when they could totally understand whan Peter is going through, remembering their lost loved ones and saying this words once again: With great power comes great responsibility. What our young hero needed to hear in that moment.
Lab scene - both dramatic and hilarious. I’m happy that Tobey’s Peter really worked things out with his MJ, but still sad that Andrew’s Peter is still grieving and alone... But that the funny parts - Ned’s fear that the others best friend (btw the SAME best friend) tried to kill them and vows infront of everybody that he's not gonna do it (and that shoulder pat from Andrew). And WEB SHOOTERS - finally, the secret is revealed of Tobey’s own web and the other Spideys are totally fascinated by it! 
When I dreamed about it, I imagined the trio sitting somewhere in top of a skyscrapper, eating pizza and sharing stories of their lifes as Spider-Man. Well, there was no pizza or a skyscrapper, but there is a Statue of Liberty with Cap’s shield (!) and Spideys are sharing stories! Helping with the back, continuing questions with organic web’s origins, taking about their coolest villains, and remain a certain someone, who is the Amazing Spider-Man... 
Final showdown - too awesome. Swinging together with the full moon on the backgroung, curing villains one by one, meeting with old friends (like Doc Oc with Tobey’ Spidey, or Max with Andrew's and pondering of the existance of a black Spider-Man). And MJ’s fall - I held my breath when Tom went to her, only to be intercepted by the Goblin. And when I saw Andrew. I knew he’s gonna make it and finally have the closure (7 years since Gwen). Final duel with the Goblin - I was really worried for Tom’s Peter, seeing him for the first time in a violent rampage. I love it that his comrades were there to stop him and finally cure Norman. Way to go, Spideys! And that final hug - my only wish that Stan Lee could have seen it. That is really a defining moment for all generations of fans of Spider-Man in films. And both Tobey and Andrew look at Tom with such pride and joy...
When Peter came to Dr Strange with a request to make the world forget that he's Spider-Man, I've got the feeling that it's gonna be like the story in comics (with Mefisto and the same problem), but still, that was very hard and dramatic... Him saying goodbyes to his very best friends, doing final high five with Ned, kissing MJ. I still hope, that (maybe after some time) Peter will make friends with them (I hate the idea of him being alone).
The epilogue - Peter, making his new suit (sewing, like it should be) that resembles his comrades ones (and to me - the original suit from comic books and 1994 TV series as well), making the fresh start as Spider-Man. Good luck, Peter. Wish you the best in you new superhero life! Everything's gonna be alright.
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forallthatitsworth · 3 years
Choices Fandom Shoutout Day
Firstly, I have to send all my thanks to the wonderful @choicesfandomappreciation and @lovealexhunt for running this event and the constant work to connect the fandom and always boosting creators! I have spent half the night scrolling through everyones posts, discovering new people and appreciating the happiness it has brought so many!
About a year ago I gave up ghost reading everyones blogs and caved by making an account. Slowly but surely I have come to connect with amazing people who, god knows why, have shown me so much kindness! Thank you so much for being the best discovery this last year! ❤️❤️❤️
@burnsoslow I swear you were the first person to ever reach out to me and I don't think you'll ever know how much I appreciated it as a 'small fish is a big pond'! You are such a supportive rock to everyone and your kindness shines in every post. Don't even get me started on your incredible storywriting and the ability to make me love Drake as a die hard Liam fan hahaha! I love you Burnsy ❤️
@argylemnwrites considering we spend most conversations saying “that’s exactly how I felt” - you are such a joy to speak to and beyond talented at telling a story so real and raw that I completely forget the origin characters come from a pixelated game haha! ❤️
@choiceskatie omg so basically the only person who understands what I’m talking about when I get excited 😂 I read ‘Gone Girl‘ before I made my account and the excitement when I stumbled across your blog again AND finding out your a fellow Scot?! Hell yes!!! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿❤️ You deserve all the love and I’ll always be here, reading your master list to death!
@utterlyinevitable you deserve all the appreciation, all of the time! You are constantly creating incredible works of art with your storylines whilst promoting everyones works, allowing everyone to discover a whole host of incredible writers! ❤️ (Please teach me how you find the time!)
@ao719 when I say you are the reason I caved and made an account, you really are! You write the best Liam who makes me all heart eyes and no matter the story, I get hooked and spend the whole night binging the storylines! So talented it’s crazy ❤️
@sincerelyella such a bright star of endless love and praise for everyone around you! ❤️ I always see you picking people up on a down day and I hope you know people are always here for you! I love the Worlds you create in your stories and how strong a character you have built in Ella!
@queenrileyrose you made me SO emotional over a story and create such beautiful and unique storylines! Your imagination is just so special! ❤️
@kat-tia801 you have such an art at creating storylines where you fall in love with every OC and MC, each are so special ❤️ (also you are single handedly the reason I finally played Perfect Match and Laws of Attraction, pretty sure Choices owe you commission!)
@terrm9 honestly like sunshine in a bottle! Its silly the talent you have to transform the characters and evoke such emotion over such delicate topics! You always lift people up with your endless kindness ❤
@the-pale-goddess Tiffany is that bad bitch MC that I am obsessed by! I must read ‘Blind’ like every other week because it’s just stuck in my head. You throw every emotion at a story and I’ll just thank you 😂❤️
@txemrn holy shit, you are talented! Like crazy respects to you and the storylines you create. You treat everything with such care, little throw away lines in early chapters which prove crucial to the story and every MC seems so personal!
@jamespotterthefirst Lilac is such an iconic MC and I’ll never see ADA in anything without thinking of Lilac first! You keep the fandom going with everything and I know it can be a thankless task so a huge thank you for it all! ❤️
@bbrandy2002 ❤️ @perriewinklenerdie ❤️@genevievemd ❤️ @estellaelysian ❤️@alwaysmychoices ❤️ @alj4890 ❤️ @ofpixelsandscribbles ❤️@bayleedrawsx❤️ @lucy-268 ❤️ @liaromancewriter ❤️ @jerzwriter ❤️ @axwalker ❤️ @chemist-ana
I am typing this out before bed and I just know I’m gonna wake up in the middle of the night because I have forgotten people, I am SO sorry! I also should apologise for my rambles 😩
Anybody who has ever liked a posted, sent a message or even replied to a comment, please know you never failed to brighten my day so thank you 🌟
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