#also the encanto characters were there
aarafox · 2 years
Dreamt that I read an absolutely INSANE fanfic of a fandom I wasn’t even in and I didn’t know how fast I had to let the author know how incredible it was and was afraid I wouldn’t find it again so i liked the post and saved the link everywhere fjfjjf
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redysetdare · 6 months
All this aroace character shipcourse has proven to me that a majority of people that interact in fandom cannot actually interact with characters and media outside of shipping and genuinely I believe you need to learn how to interact with media outside of shipping.
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jacarandaaaas · 9 months
instagram is bringing back mirabel “princess” discourse for the 483747374637th time
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notmoreflippingelves · 11 months
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aromanticannibal · 10 months
so funny to me that there are genuinely people trying to defend wish
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foggyfanfic · 1 year
Love and Fury
Fic Summary: The goat herder’s daughter, Leandra, has spent the past year of her life trying to catch the man who raped her best friend in the act. When she finally sees him slip something into somebody’s drink, she panics and overturns her plate of food onto his potential victim in order to get her out of there. Pepa, the would be victim in question, is very understanding once Leandra explains what happened. Unfortunately, nobody remembered to pass that explanation onto Bruno. Pre-Movie AU. Rape is a theme but none is shown “on-screen”. Trigger Warnings: Attempted Rape
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CH 1 Panic! At the Quinceanera 
People often forget that Bruno Madrigal, despite having The Sight, was not actually omnipotent. He could see the future, see who was going to go bald, get fat, the exact time and place of your beloved goldfish’s demise; but, he couldn’t see through walls.
Which is for the best, really, mostly because people already thought he was creepy enough as it is. But even more importantly, if he’d seen through the walls of Señor Sanchez’s house on the night of Gabriele Sanchez’s quinceanera he would have known that when Leandra, the goat herder’s daughter, dropped a plate of food on Pepa’s lap she was actually doing Pepa a huge favor.
If he’d seen through the walls, he would have seen Cicero, Pepa’s current crush/almost boyfriend, prepare a drink for Pepa at the punch bowl. He’d have seen Cicero slip a little something extra into the drink when he thought nobody was looking. He’d have seen Leandra’s look of panic as she realized what she was witnessing.
But Bruno Madrigal could not see through walls, so all he saw was red as Cicero, Pepa’s latest crush/almost boyfriend, laughed at her. 
Pepa stared down at the food staining her dress, her brand new dress, a storm cloud forming over her head. Her bottom lip wobbled but she clenched her jaw and turned a glare on the woman and the overturned plate in her hand.
Leandra leaned down and hissed something to Pepa, Bruno couldn’t hear what she said, but he saw the way Pepa’s face fell as she looked first at Cicero, who was bent over double, then at her half empty drink.
Cicero’s bark of laughter had drawn the attention of the other people standing in the Sanchez’s garden. As heads turned their way Pepa’s cheeks reddened and the cloud over her head began to drizzle. She glanced around, looked at Cicero, then looked to the woman standing over her. 
“I’m so sorry Pepa,” and she sounded so genuinely sad that for a second Bruno’s anger abetted, but then she finished, “I tripped.”
Bruno expected lightning to flash at this blatant lie, he expected Pepa to shoot to her feet and call the other woman out, he moved to stand behind her left shoulder, mirroring Julieta who stood behind her right. They both crossed their arms and glared at the lying witch, ready to back their triplet up in whatever fight broke out.
“That’s ok,” Pepa said, slowly rising to her feet and brushing the food off her lap, “I-it’s not your fault.”
Bruno exchanged a shocked look with Julietta who opened her mouth to say what they were both thinking, “But she-.”
Pepa held up a hand with a small shake of her head, “I better g-get home and wash this stuff off.”
“I’ll walk you,” Cicero offered immediately, having reigned his laughter in and slapped on a charming smile. Bruno frowned at him, he figured the least the man could do was apologize for his initial reaction.
He was so busy frowning at Cicero that he missed the way Pepa paled at the offer.
“No,” the lying, envious, witch, yelled as she turned quickly to Cicero, “I need… I was actually coming over here to discuss buying some of your father’s wine for an event. An event to um… sell more cheese.”
Cicero smirked, clearly coming to the same conclusion that Bruno had, that she had spilled her food on Pepa specifically to steal Cicero’s attention for herself. 
“Oh, but I-,” Cicero started to say, holding a hand out to Pepa. Pepa gulped as she looked in between Cicero’s hand and the goat herder’s daughter.
“Wanted to dance? Great! We can dance,” she put herself between Cicero and Pepa, snatching up his hand.
Bruno felt his lip curl in disgust, this time he was the one who opened his mouth to say something to the lying, envious, conniving witch.
“That sounds like a great idea,” Pepa said, cutting Bruno off as she strung her arm through his, “Bruno, Julietta, will you two walk me home.”
“Of course,” Julietta said, with one more glance at Cicero and the lying, envious, conniving, horrible, witch that had attacked their sister. 
Bruno just glared at the couple as Pepa tugged him away, even craning his neck to send one last dirty look at the lying, envious, conniving, horrible, evil, witch as she smiled nervously at Cicero. When they were clear of the party, Pepa’s drizzle turned into a downpour, soaking all three of them through. Julietta softly asked why Pepa hadn’t wanted to call the other woman out on her lie but the only answer she’d received was a quiet sob. They’d walked through the village, which was thankfully empty due to everybody being at the party, in somewhat awkward silence only broken by the occasional crash of thunder.
“A-at least the rain should keep the stains from setting,” Bruno said, as Casita came into view.
Pepa laughed wetly, then sucked in a breath, “God, I’m so embarrassed.”
Cicero had been pushing at her boundaries lately, asking for a more physical relationship than she was ready to give him unless he made some sort of commitment to her. There had been a time or two where she’d had to physically push him off of her, aided by the wind at her command. Both times it had happened, he had seemed apologetic, told her he was just so crazy about her he had gotten carried away. 
Whenever she had asked why he hadn’t committed to being in a monogamous relationship he had had so many answers ready, each more logical sounding than the last. Pepa had started to think that she was being crazy, asking for him to commit without any promise that she would make it worth it for him.
She had ignored so many red flags. She felt like such an idiot.
“Pepa, no, you have nothing to be embarrassed about! That, that… absolute puta is the one who should be embarrassed,” Julietta jumped to reassure her, Pepa shook her head and said something that was swallowed up by the sound of thunder.
“I’ll wash the dress,” Bruno volunteered, the moment they crossed through the threshold of their home, “m-make it like tonight never happened.”
He usually hated doing the laundry, mostly because it was the chore he got stuck with the most. He’d complained to Felix, when the slightly older man had stopped by to drop off an order of corn flour, and Feilx had asked if Bruno was good at doing laundry. Bruno had reluctantly admitted that stains bothered him, and even though he was bored of the task, he couldn’t bring himself to do a bad job because then he would have to put up with seeing the stains. 
“Well, there’s your problem right there, hermano,” Felix had said, patting Bruno on the back.
Bruno liked Felix, most people did, but Bruno privately missed the days when Pepa was too busy pining over Felix to waste her time on idiots like Cicero. Ah, to be twelve again.
Pepa nodded sullenly, “Thank you Bruno. Julie, w-will you stay with me?”
“Of course,” Julietta said, “would you like anything to eat?”
Pepa stopped abruptly at the base of the stairs, looking somewhat stricken. Bruno detached himself from her and hared off to get the wash basin ready, he heard her blubber something to Julietta but couldn’t quite make out anything other than Cicero’s name. He heard Julie’s response loud and clear, and he briefly paused to gape at her over his shoulder. He didn’t know that Julietta knew how to curse like that, it was a good thing that they hadn’t stopped to grab their mother on the way out of the party. She would not have been pleased.
Of course, in the morning, when Julietta would quietly explain the night's events, their Mama would let out a few curses of her own.
While Bruno was busy prepping the wash basin, Pepa was beginning to feel the effects of the drug Cicero gave her. The weather inside Casita grew steadily worse as the last scraps of hope Pepa had held, hope that Leandra was wrong, hope that Cicero wasn’t that sort of man, slipped away like water through clenched fingers.
While Julietta quietly handed Bruno the delicately embroidered dress for him to wash, Pepa laid in her bed, staring at the ceiling and tried her very best to hold onto consciousness. The weather calmed as her attempts failed.
Bruno had started to hang the now clean dress up on the line, by the time Pepa regained a semblance of consciousness. And that was only because Julietta had shook her awake in order to offer her a bowl of arroz con leche. Upon realizing how truly helpless she was, how horribly wrong the night could have gone, Pepa summoned a great tornado that patrolled through the courtyard and corridors of Casita. Bruno extended his neck to look into the house at the perilous wind, then added more clips to the dress. He threw some salt over his shoulder then knocked on the nearest piece of wood, before finally sending out a little prayer that the dress would stay put. 
He wasn’t sure what saint to pray to for laundry related concerns, but he figured at least one of them must know the frustration of coming back to the clothesline to discover that your previously clean clothes had fallen in a mud puddle.
The tornado faded as Julietta reiterated her promise to stay with Pepa all night. There was nothing her food could do to cleanse the drug from Pepa’s body, but she could help heal any lingering after effects Pepa might feel in the morning.
“Ros- Rosalie,” Pepa slurred, “this happened to Rosalie last year.”
“It did,” Julietta whispered, calmly petting her sister’s hand.
“Everybody thought- Padré g-gave that sermon about alcohol.”
“He did.”
“She was telling the truth.”
“She was.”
Rosalie had woken up naked in a haystack in her family’s barn. She had been found by Florez, who worked for her father. When asked, she had sworn up and down that she hadn’t touched a drop of liquor and had left the party by herself the second she had started to feel a bit tired. Her friends had corroborated her story, but there was no denying the hand shaped bruises around her hips, or the baby she gave birth to nine months later.
When she had started to show, Rosalie had sobbed and begged her father to believe her, to help her figure out what had happened that night. He hadn’t. He had thrown her out and she had become a cautionary tale.
Alma had taken the girl in and made arrangements for her and her child to live with Señora Ruiz, the kindly old weaver who was in need of an apprentice. Rosalie barely wandered into town these days, unless it was for church. Even then, she usually arrived as late as she could without being rude, and left just as quickly.
It wasn’t that Pepa and Julietta hadn’t believed Rosalie, after all, both Mamá and Bruno took the woman at her word, why should they do any different? It was just… hard to accept that anyone in Encanto could do that to another person.
“They were friends, si?” Pepa asked, massaging her temple. It hurt to keep her eyes open. 
“Rosalie and…?” 
She gestured down at her lap where a plate’s worth of food had provided a convenient excuse to get away from Cicero, “What’s her face.”
“Oh, si. Still are, I think, might even be closer than they were before. I-I don’t know, they both live so far out of town,” Julietta sighed, realizing she didn’t really know much about the woman that had saved her sister tonight.
The goat herder, Raul Lopez, lived in the mountains surrounding Encanto, a reasonable place for a goat herder to live. His daughter, Leandra, was technically adopted, her birth family hadn’t survived the first few years in Encanto, but he loved her well enough and had given her everything he could. 
She was a bit younger than the triplets, but no more so than Agustín, Julietta’s boyfriend. In fact, she and Agustín were friends, weren’t they? Good friends, the last time she’d seen the two talk, Agustín had called Leandra “hermana” and he seemed to mean it.
Other than that, all Julietta knew about the other woman was that she had figured out how to make fine soaps and lotions by mixing lye and herbs into some of the goat milk. Leandra ran the market stall for her father, whenever Julietta had stopped by they talked about herbs and their different uses, or Agustín, never about themselves. 
All the same, Julietta had seen Leandra and her father move to sit next to Rosalie during Padré’s sermon on the dangers of alcohol and pre-marital sex. Which was a statement if there ever was one.
“Mami believed Rosalie,” Pepa suddenly said, after a pause so long Julietta had assumed she’d fallen asleep again.
“Do you want to tell Mamá about this?”
“No, but yes.”
“Do you want me to tell Mamá about this?”
“Si, por favor.”
There was a knock at Pepa’s door and Bruno poked his head in, “The dress is clean as new. D-do you need anything else?”
“What if I asked you to help me hide a body?” Pepa managed to ask, although it took effort to keep the words from smudging together.
Bruno grinned wryly, “Then I’d ask Julietta to be our alibi.”
Pepa snorted, then sighed, rubbing at her eyes in a way that Bruno mistook for her rubbing away tears. In truth, her head was beginning to pound from the effort it took to stay awake. Julietta squeezed her sister’s hand, then turned to Bruno.
“When Mama gets back can you let her know that I need to talk to her about something important? In the morning.”
“Claro,” Bruno nodded, “anything else?”
“There’s some extra arroz con leche in the kitchen if you want some,” Julietta offered softly.
“Have you had any?”
“Not yet.”
“I’ll bring you some. Pepa?”
Pepa grunted and shook her head. Bruno took this to mean that she was too upset to have more of her favorite dessert, he sighed and told Julietta he would be right back. By the time he arrived with a bowl of rice pudding for Julietta, Pepa had succumbed once again to the effects of Cicero’s drug. He decided he wouldn’t risk waking her but dropped a light kiss to each of his sisters’ heads.
Julietta squeezed his wrist and gave him a tight but warm smile, she was too caught up in thoughts of poor Rosalie for it to occur to her that Bruno didn’t actually know what was happening.
And because it didn’t occur to her that Bruno had no clue what was really going on, she didn’t tell him.
Meanwhile, Bruno sat down in the chair closest to Casita’s front door with his bowl of arroz con leche and continued thinking about the same thing he’d been thinking about since he’d left the party. That lying, envious, conniving, horrible, evil, petty, witch that had done this to his sister.
Bruno Madrigal was not what one would usually consider a confident man, when he was forced to make an appearance at a party he generally remained with one or both of his sisters. Lately he’d expanded his social circle to Agustín, so that was exciting, but even that was only because Agustín was dating Julietta. Otherwise, he kept to himself, avoiding human contact as much as he was able. 
As awed by his abilities as everybody had been when he was a child, once he hit that first growth spurt, once he’d started to lose the baby fat around his cheeks, their awe had turned to first irritation, then caution, and finally fear.
Bruno Madrigal was not what one would usually consider a confident man, because most only considered him a bad omen.
He wasn’t a violent man either, although his head danced with fantasies of throwing whole buckets of food onto the lying, envious, conniving, horrible, evil, petty, desperate, witch. Unfortunately, the thought of attacking another person in any way repelled him. Disgusted him, even. All the same, his sister deserved justice!
That lying, envious, conniving, horrible, evil, petty, desperate… he was running out of applicable insults. And it was getting much too long a descriptor, anyway.
Unfortunately, as previously stated, Bruno mostly kept to himself and well, he didn’t know her name.
He’d been to her quinceanera, he knew he had, because Mamá made them go to every quinceanera they were invited to. And, he’d bought cheese from her stall a few times. Bruno had even given her a vision once, and her father had sent her back with a thank you basket.
But he had never asked her name.
The village was small, and she had been in the grade below his in school. He sort of assumed that he should know her name by now, and it was weird that he didn’t, so he had always avoided calling attention to that fact.
He would call her la Reina Malvada, or Reina for short, after the evil queen in the play the school children had just put on. It made sense, obviously Reina was motivated by jealousy just like the evil queen in the story. The only women in the village who could compete with Reina’s beauty were the Madrigal sisters; it was only a matter of time before such a black hearted villainess went after one of them.
Well, Bruno wasn’t going to stand for this. He may not be a knight in shining armor, or a handsome prince, but he loved his sisters. And he wouldn’t let anyone get away with attacking them like this.
Reina came down from the mountains to sell her and her father’s wares in the market every Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Bruno would pay her a visit and insist she apologize to his sister and admit what she had done. And if he had to lean into his reputation as Bad Luck Bruno to make that happen? A small price to pay for his sister’s happiness.
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klqrambles · 2 years
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So youtube is doing a music recap thing (trying to be spotify like always euh) and seeing that the #1 song is life of joy, and the first 10 songs being from the dorian gray musical, and 55/100 songs being from korean musicals in general
Yea that tracks lol
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acid-ixx · 3 months
I hope you don’t mind but I need to ramble this to someone, neglected Wayne reader right? The fam would forget to bring them to social events and whatnot right? So there would be very few pictures, articles and interviews or even facts about them, meaning that reader Wayne is a rarity. Still following me? Reader Wayne with a small but devout fanbase.
I’m talking they are trading the latest pictures and sharing links to the rare interview with reader in it, following any social media they have that isn’t private, they are just fascinated by this micro celebrity that seems to always be forgotten. Okay but also imagine one of the heroes developing a para-social attachment to reader. My money is on Conner Kent, mainly bc he can project his own issues with his dads onto reader and he can Dolores ~Encanto~ reader with his super hearing and develop a even bigger parasocial obsession with them
I hope you enjoyed this ramble, I will leave you be now, see ya later alligator! 🐊
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omg another one of my asks that actually predicted a major plot point... this ask ties well with the last part written here. i'm thinking about having the reader get a love interest/s but i have already written an outline but one thing is for sure—
you have more than just your family interested in taking you.
major spoilers below the cut. — an excerpt from chapter xx
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(name) wayne may have been a name forcefully deleted off of the face of the internet, but that doesn't mean it doesn't have its conspiracies of its own. nobody knows who you are beyond the blurry, unsolicited pictures of you. it may have been a photograph of your back, or articles published in unknown websites and buried at the far end about a kid entering through the fancy gates of the wayne manor.
you are a product of a one-night-stand.
but they don't know who the mother is, don't know your age, or where you come from, and what business bruce has with the woman to guarantee your adoption at the instance she had disappeared without warning.
your existence was a mystery most would like to solve. after all, it was your picture that was plastered all over the newspapers and articles, it was your name that journalists whisper and it was a silhouette of your face that the underground knows by heart. every known information about you was shared discretely yet efficiently like some sort of virus.
you were a target for interest, a large sum of money if they will. and alfred had taken it in his hands to make sure there would never be a repeat of what had happened before.
it was a clumsy mistake, one that cost you your memories, and one he swears on his life he'll never make again.
the first course of action he needs to arrange, which may seem difficult for most; he needs to confront bruce.
after all, your freedom is your doom.
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maybe this is out of the picture, but id' like to imagine you and connor having a therapy session where one comes out absolutely obsessed with the other, and it's not you.
connor's character for me is so, so good for an angst potential. it's like his personal struggles is a way for him to show you how absolutely you two are meant to be. and he may have met you through bumping into you (false) or maybe... he has seen you stalking through the shadows back when he visits the manor. using his superhearing, he can hear your voice from the kitchen begging alfred to relay a message to bruce, sounding so absolutely desperate. it's the way you tell alfred how you wished your father actually spends time with you, or how nobody seems to notice you— that he kind of just makes a silent promise that he will talk to you soon, he needs to know why this family seems so keen on ignoring and how hypocritical tim is for literally doing the same thing to you when he's aware of kon's past.
if he (or anyone else) should be a love interest (though he is a minor character in the series unless you guys want him to be a major one), i can already imagine the absolute hell you have to suffer not only from your family but from your own lover. just imagine the stockholm syndrome or the delusions you convince yourself with because you're finally loved by someone but that love restricts you from the very freedom you tried to build.
the batfamily would be so conflicted because why are you choosing some stranger over them...? then you slap them in the face with, "well, this "stranger" wants to kidnap me and lock me up, sure! but at least they actually looked at me for more than five seconds!" and you can watch how the color drains off their face, their conflict giving you the perfect opportunity to run away from both your ex-family and your soon-to-be-kidnapper-lover who thinks your comeback is a funny way for you to propose.
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barblaz-arts · 1 month
Stephanie Beatrice had played my 3 favorite characters (Rosa Mirabel and Vaggie) and since I watched Encanto and B99 I have my head canon that Vaggie have both Rosa and Mirabel personalities.
Any way, I just want to know what is your head canon or theory about her? ( specifically about Lute calling her weak and why the other exorcist hate her)
Since she is your girl, I would love to read your essay about her.(I’m joking you don’t have to write that much I just like to read your post)
Thank you
"My girl"... Am I just "that one artist who's the biggest Vaggie stan" to you guys? (I won't mind it!)
Oh man! I do have some ideas! A lot of my headcanons were already kinda sorta mentioned in my fic/art tho, so sorry if you're not getting a lot of new info
- I have this headcanon that Vaggie's always been "softer" than the other Exorcists, which is what I assume Lute meant when she said she "always knew [Vaggie] was weak". I know it probably has more to do with how little time each episode has, but what if Lute was so ready, already behind Vaggie when she let that kid go, because she knew this wasn't the first time Vaggie spared a sinner? Maybe that was just the first time Lute actually caught her. Maybe she's always had her suspicions, when Vaggie's kill count would lower every year, and she'd sometimes find Vaggie saying a sinner got away somehow despite cornering that demon moments ago.
- although she's gotten used enough to her lack of depth perception when it comes to her hand eye coordination, especially when fighting, i like to think her reading ability could never truly go back to the way it used to be, so she has trouble reading/ writing/texting (if you notice, i always showed instances of this in my fic ;> )But because she's the hotel manager she still has to deal with them because of paperwork and shit, so she has prescription glasses that help. I'd wanted to include a scene in the First Guest where Vaggie almost cries after seeing Charlie thru the glasses for the first time, because she didn't think Charlie could be any more beautiful, but i scrapped the idea because I couldn't expand the concept enough to an actual scene that could be relevant to the overall fic. I probably should have just mentioned it in a paragraph or something, but by the time i remembered id already posted the chapter I intended to add it in. Maybe I'll use it for another fic.
- she prefers femme clothing so she doesn't really have a reason to do this, but she learned how to do all kinds of ties so that she could do Charlie's whenever
- she grew her hair to compensate for her lost wings
- she wasn't exactly a great cook before she Fell, but she was pretty capable when she lived alone in Heaven. Cooking for Charlie tho gave her the motivation to get better and actually enjoy it
- an angel trait that she could never truly abandon is being a stickler for rules. She's very strict on everyone and herself with these things, within reason. So even when she and Charlie started dating, she insisted that they can't sleep together until they've had their third date. When they're on the clock, they have to be professional and avoid flirtatious advances in front of staff and guests. Charlie didn't mind because she prefers privacy too.
- Vaggie's physical appearance slightly changed gradually the longer she stayed in hell. As an angel, her sclera was paler, her incisors duller, and her skin grayer. But as time passed, her sclera got more and more peach/pink, fangs sharper, and skin more purple toned
- i still like to think that Vaggie's old backstory back when only the pilot was out (having died in 2014 in her early twenties who worked as a sex worker in El Salvador) was still true. Maybe it's just because I've liked Chaggie since pilot, and I've grown really attached to that backstory. I also just really don't want Vaggie to be Heavenborn for some reason. Among the cast she just seems the most grounded to reality to me, so having her revealed to have never been human and born "divine" just doesn't seem right to me. I also just think it'd be cute and funny if it turns out she's chronologically the youngest in the hotel even tho she's basically everyone's strict not-mom.
- idgaf what Adam says, I wanna think that "Vaggie" is short for "Evangeline". I used to have these 2 coworkers in their late 50's to 60's who had Evangeline as their government name, but one of them goes by "Vanj" and the other "Vajee". Being older Filipino women who aren't really too fluent in English, they never thought there was anything wrong with that when they grew up with their nicknames. I like to think that the case was the same if Vaggie used to be human. I'm not sure how common English is in El Salvador, but I'm willing to bet it's possible she could have been given that nickname as a kid by an older family member who didn't know a lot of English. Also Evangeline makes more sense to have been the name of an angel cmon now...
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tomwaterbabies · 26 days
disneyland happenings
featuring varian and hugo. since thats what our costumes were
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^(us trying to be very spooky) (there is a lot below btw lol)
someone asking if i (dressed as hugo) was from atlantis. surprisingly this only happened once
we went to kingdom hearts mickey first bc that was gonna be a popular one the rest of the night. the idea of varian in kingdom hearts is definitely really funny. i do not go here im just being honest
OH. new addition to the costume. i had olivia with me as a shoulder friend
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met bruno from encanto who commented on her. we talked about our rodent friends he was very nice. he said he brought "all 200" of his rats with him and wanted to help feed them and knows mickey is a big mouse so maybe we could ask him. i said we could just steal some food. varian got mad
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went over to see sid from toy story because he seemed like a mean little bitch. he was a mean little bitch. i may have said that his creations could use a little work but thats no reason for him to say "your mouse needs a little work" and "i hope you kept the receipt".... cunt
laughing about how mother gothel was no longer part of the characters to meet. "they killed her forever this time" etc etc
watching the parade and varian almost jumping out of his skin when mother gothel was in the parade. her ghost
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we went to this thing called villain's grove which was a bunch of light and effects n stuff through their little forest area. it was mostly a cool immersive experience so most of the footage is on the Lights And Effects Themselves but here's a few of us that look cool lol. gay tunnel (maybe not) (that segment was themed after frollo)
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met hans from frozen. we absolutely had no clue he was going to be there it was pretty funny. you may guess that my friend @kristoffs-lullaby (varian cosplayer) is a frozen enjoyer. so we hopped in line to see him
hans asked if varian's alchemy balls were some sort of magic or enchantment and you'll Never guess what varian responded with
though explaining its alchemy and science and all that didnt really make him feel better. he even asked if its something that would be in danger of bringing in an "eternal winter". varian did not like that :)
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saw dr. doofenshmirtz (?) i didnt watch that show. he was pretty fun to meet though. i know some people dont like his creepy ass design, but i do, its fun and weird to me. he wanted to collaborate with me and varian since we're scientists. really funny to have him say "i'll have my people call your people". a possible strange message that rapunzel will get later /j
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also encountered hades. though our friend @iammisswow was with us and so i had him focus on her since shes a big hercules fan. the visual was hugo getting this scary man's attention to be put on someone else by calling her out. it worked obviously. "oh SHE is a HUGE fan of hercules"
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madam mim from sword in the stone didnt really have as big of a crowd so we actually talked with her a pretty good amount. shes SO fun. lots of discussion about magic vs science and how she thinks knowledge is stupid. you can imagine how we of all people felt when she said "KNOWLEDGE is not power, MAGIC is power". she also liked olivia (she thought she was a familiar)
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meeting judge doom from roger rabbit was kind of scary LOL. very intimidating man. but his area had vats of chemicals and all that so you can imagine we had fun with that. WE can be trusted. obviously.
nervously just nodding our heads as judge doom tells us to come to him if we have any information regarding where "that rabbit is" (we are not doing that)
and also we saw ernesto de la cruz from coco. we were actually able to catch him right as he started performing which is rad but i dont actually have any interactions to tell u about here it was bad ass though
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and, unbeknownst to Hugo (as in i also didnt know about this), varian had a surprise for him. he had a whole... horribly genuine and flustery spiel to say about messing around in his lab and all that and made something for hugo. which was a necklace with a piece of colored glass-like material (teal) in the shape of a heart. hugo handled that whole situation really well (lie)
ANYWAYS ! that's it. i've mentioned before but Disneyland Trips will be retired really soon since I'm not too fond of a lot of their wack shit right now, but wanted to share some of the last bit of enjoyable times to be had there before that happens
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encantobrainrot365 · 2 months
Julieta Madrigal
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Ok, I was inspired by a previous post to write a character analysis of Julieta.
So, the deal with Julieta is that she’s not exactly the golden child, at least not at first. It’s more like she’s the Good Girl of the family. The one that Alma doesn’t have to worry about because she’s so mature for her age. She’s quiet, humble, and kind. The one who may have been overlooked in favor of her louder and more boisterous siblings.
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She can heal people with the food she makes and the love she carries for everyone in the Encanto. So therefore, no, she’s not the golden child, she’s the Caretaker.
The extra set of hands Alma needed when things were too much for her. If Alma was feeling down or depressed, or too busy, and Julieta’s siblings were anxious or upset, Julieta would take care of it. No need to bother their mother unless it’s an emergency, right?
It’s been said she was born to be a mother and that’s because she’s been mothering her family and half the town since she was five. Those are the sort of expectations she carries around.
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I think that’s what allows her to relate to her older daughters and sobrinos who fill a similar role of support within the family. She’s the healer, the caretaker.
She lends a listening ear; she tries to make you smile with food and words of affirmation; she shoulders the family’s burdens; she sees their hurt and tries her best to lighten the load.
She was probably the one Alma was eager to marry off first, because she would make such a good mom and matriarch to the family, kind of like Isabela. So good for the Encanto.
But instead of marrying the perfect guy, like Isa planned to, she married the perfect guy for her, Agustin.
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I also think she blames herself for Bruno leaving. He was obviously hurting and she feels she failed him because she couldn’t fix it.
That’s why she parents Mirabel the way she does. She sees a lot of her brother in her daughter and that’s why she tells Mirabel not lose her way in this family the same way her brother did.
She always tries to reassure her daughter that she is perfect, that she’s enough, just the way she is. She doesn’t have to try so hard. She showers them all, with unconditional love and affection. (Something Alma wasn’t very good at doing that much growing up.)
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And as great as those things are it wasn’t always what her kids needed. She’s a caretaker, but she’s also very passive. Unlike her siblings, she’s the “unproblematic” one. “Señorita Perfecta” in that she avoids making waves and causing conflict. She tries to be a good daughter, and not give her mother a hard time. That’s what I think she has someone like Agustin for. A husband who stands by her and will firmly stand up for his family, and always support them, no matter what. And that’s exactly what he does. So yeah, I think she’s an amazing mom, and a great role model with her own flaws and problems just like everyone else.
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hildegardladyofbones · 9 months
I think the reason why I almost cried over the boy and the heron's animation is because it's hand drawn in a world full of 3d animation that tries to impress you at every stage.
(Minor spoilers for the boy and the heron, no plot points tho)
Encanto's animation was impressive for the first few minutes, then it looked every other animates movie from the 2020s. The boy and the heron does a lot less than western (and 3d) animated movies for most of the movie (excluding the backgrounds because those were paintings. Like, actual paintings.) But when it needs to, it can do more than you thought possible. They clearly spent more time on making the movements human than making it colourful and flashy.
This subtlety is also extended into the character designs. In anime especially, but to some extent pixar as well, they make regular people look like humans have sexual dimorphism, but I couldn’t tell what gender Kiriko was supposed to be until she started to speak and until my suspicions were confirmed that the clothes she wore were in fact the same ones she wore in the other world. I am also a big fan of old wrinkly people so I'm glad they were once again present in a ghibli film. I think they have a knack for portraying people from different stages of life realistically. Also a big fan of how Mahito had so much personality, especially for a 12 yo protagonist of an adventure movie. Those tweens are usually given the cookie cutter hero personality, but robbed of actual humanity.
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showtoonzfan · 10 months
Also yeah this new Hazbin cast is not it man. I’m sorry. Most of them either sound flat, don’t fit with the character design, or are just not as good as the original. Angel and Alastor I especially don’t like, Alastor sounds so nasally and Amari just can’t top Bosco’s performance, with Bosco not only was he good but when Alastor was threatening, he SOUNDED threatening. I may have made fun of Al’s design, but Bosco’s voice is what made the character interesting and threatening for me. With Amari’s voice he just sounds beyond silly and I can’t take him seriously.
Blake Roman is literally just intimidating Kovach, except this time Angel just sounds forced and awkward. It makes you wonder why Viv just didn’t get Kovach back since it’s obvious she wanted to find someone so similar to him, and then you realize…oh yeah, Kovach wasn’t on Broadway or is a big singer. Micheal was really good at what he did as Angel too as everyone has already said so Viv fumbled the bag SO hard with these two it’s sad. I’m especially pissed about Alastor cause Bosco was the reason he was my favorite character and now he sounds so cringe.
Husk and Vox are played by two very talented actors/singers but their voices just don’t fit with the character design, though I’m not that against Christain Borle as Vox, the voice doesn’t fit the twink design but at the very least they got a man who sounds like a full grown adult playing a full grown adult lmao. Husk is a different story however, because it feels like Keith was picked to play him just because he was famous and nothing else. Back in the pilot, Viv had a specific voice in mind for Husk and she found it, aka Mick. He perfectly came off as an old washed up grumpy alcoholic, and Keith’s voice kinda just…erases all that personality. Sure Keith’s voice sounds cool but that’s it, it’s style over substance.
I wish I could say more about Charlie and Vaggie but I’m not sure what to say other then they kinda sound forced and awkward too, and I hate saying that cause they’re also played by two very talented actresses. Stephanie B played Mirabel from Encanto, she’s had voice acting experience before so I hope she ends up sounding good in the actual show. Erika meanwhile…I hate to say this but other than her singing voice there’s nothing really special about her as Charlie compared to Jill Harris, though even with Jill I never felt any strong feelings towards her performance.
Adam meanwhile, dear GOD I was right about him looking bad in animation form, his design sucks so fucking much. Fans were right, that’s Alex Brightman’s voice, he seems to be using his normal voice but just a tad deeper. He’s the only one who’s a fine choice, though I really wish we got to hear him as Pentious here!
But yeah in terms of the voice cast I’m just disappointed man, really disappointed. It makes you really realize how talented the pilot cast was. They were so good cause they were all chosen for a reason that wasn’t just “they’re famous” and it fucking sucks how bad Viv fumbled everything.
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jelloapocalypse · 3 months
caught you answering questions whichs means I can finally ask my own!
First question, what opinion or review have you shared do you think has made people the MOST angry?
Second, has anyone ever been really weird about your character to your face before? (You know like, WEIRD weird)
And thirdly, do you have any VA roles you regret doing?
these are very incendiary questions
I mean the obvious answer to the first is that I didn't like Infinity Train. I went out of my way to watch it when it had just been cancelled so that if it was good I could raise my voice alongside the other people in order to defend it, but I genuinely think it was one of the most unpleasant watching experiences I've ever had, especially Season 4. Kez in particular is truly one of the worst executions of a character I've seen put to screen.
I also got a lot of flack for complaining about the way children's media handles generational trauma as a theme. Speaking as someone with some pretty impactful generational issues on my mom's side, I dislike how it sets up a parental or grandparental figure as the root of all evil and then "resolves" that by having the lead character go "You are being mean!" and then said parent/grandparent just turns their personality on a dime to create a "happy ending". It just feels so disingenuous and it's the kind of lesson that will get kids hit in the face with a shoe.
Of course, the two big examples I used were the two relevant ones at the time, Encanto and Turning Red, so I got accusations of being racist etc. etc., twitter.
That's very funny because Turning Red and Everything Everywhere All at Once have the same three-generational divide setup and the same culture of origin and I think the latter movie managed to stick the landing in the exact way I think Turning Red missed.
I don't have a lot of popular characters I've voiced but people have walked up to me in person at cons and stuff and given me porn of my characters, which is insanely awkward.
I did a "Did You Know Anime" narration on Baccano! once and I just really phoned it in. No idea why, it's just an awful performance. I still feel kinda bad about that.
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hashtagboykisser · 1 year
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part one
also reminder! this is in terms of how they like to give their love
part one was how they like to receive it if you wanna check that out!
characters included: mirabell madrigal, camilo madrigal, luisa madrigal, dolores madrigal, isabela madrigal
MIRABELL MADRIGAL: words of affirmation
mirabell constantly felt as if she wasn’t enough throughout the movie
so she knows what it feels like to be all self conscious, so she wants to be your constant reminder that you are <3
she’s also very cuddly and she likes to kiss your cheeks almost every five seconds, but it’s cause she loves ya so :)
she also loves doing things for u! breakfast in bed - which i can see her getting julietta to help cook, helping you with basic chores, taking care of you when you’re sick (unless julietta is around so she can just cook you betta xD)
she also LOOVES making u little homemade gifts (doodles, cards, jewelry, etc)
quality time: 9/10
physical touch: 7-8/10
gift giving: 10/10
words of affirmation: 10/10
acts of service: 9.5/10
CAMILO MADRIGAL: physical touch
camilo (like i said in p1) is a damn love machine, he will give all the love he can, but also (like i said in p1) he CANNOT keep his hands to himself lmfao
he’s constantly holding you, in some way, he just loves feeling your guys skin touch. it makes his heart melt <3 he also may or may not do it to make pepa cry about that her little boy is growing up
he loves telling you how much he loves you, especially in flirty cheesy pickup lines 😭
“mi placer, i think i need a map, cause i keep getting lost in your eyes?~”
“oh my gosh, camilo..”
also yes, i headcanon he calls you “his pleasure” !!
i think he’d like gift giving - but the only thing he can give you is juliettas cooking and isa’s flowers cause this boy can’t make shit without setting the casita on fire 😭🫶
he also loooovesss seeing u all the time (he kinda stalks u when ur away😭) so quality time is a must!!
quality time: 9.5/10
physical touch: 12/10 !! lol
gift giving: 6/10
words of affirmation: 8/10
acts of service: 8.5/10
LUISA MADRIGAL: gift giving
luisa is the damn QUEEN of gifts
she likes to make them most of the time, but she does buy you things a lot too
she’s also very cuddly, but she’s careful becuz she worries she’d crush you when y’all cuddle🥺 (let’s be real, she’s probably taller)
she’s not so much words of affirmation, becuz she doesn’t know what to say a lot of the time
and she does like doing things for u, in terms of acts of service, but she’s a very stressed girl n she needs to focus on herself a lot yk :)
she also love love loveeeees to spend time with u so quality time is a go lol
quality time: 9/10
physical touch: 9.5/10
gift giving: 10/10
words of affirmation: 7.5/10
acts of service: 9/10
DOLORES MADRIGAL: quality time
dolores would hang out with you till the end of time if it were her choice
she loves spending time with you, and it doesn’t matter what ur doing
she also love’s physical touch (as mentioned in the last part) any touch can make her heart go 👆👈👉👇🫵👈👉👇👆🫵 XD so she loves to touch you so she can make you feel the same way :)
she loves words of affirmation too! pet names just make her internally explode lol
and as previously mentioned she loves gifts🫶🫶both making them and getting them
quality time: 10/10
physical touch: 9.5/10
gift giving: 9.5/10
words of affirmation: 9/10
acts of service: 8.5/10
ISABELA MADRIGAL: acts of service
isabela loves doing things for you and loves it when you do things for her
she loves cuddles too, and forehead kisses, whether she’s giving or receiving
she loves little handmade gifts - but she constantly needs ideas because she doesn’t wanna only give you flowers, and she grew up really only knowing her flowers, but she wants to give you so much more <3
quality time: 8/10
physical touch: 8.5/10
gift giving: 9/10
words of affirmation: 9/10
acts of service: 10/10
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this took a lot longer than i wanted it to, and i am so sorry about that!!
i have been stressed out, finals coming up for me and all
but my schools just about out for the year, so i’ll be more active!
-hermy <3
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igetthedisneybox · 11 days
Rómulo Madrigal
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Inspired by @hannahhook7744's Encanto AU, and her own character headcanons.
Third image made using https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1558575
Fourth image made using https://www.dolldivine.com/la-colombiana
Fifth image is a model of one of the Encanto kids I edited.
Rómulo’s full name is Rómulo Luna Madrigal.
His first name is a reference to the founding twins of Rome, and his middle name means “moon”. 
He is the second adopted child of Luisa Madrigal and Juana Aguado.
He has straight black hair, brown skin, and brown eyes. He looks identical to Tomás.
He is ten years old.
He has an older twin brother by seven minutes, Tomás, and a little sister by five years, Zoe.
He is currently uninterested in romance and sex.
His gift is super speed, which is exactly what it says on the tin. He needs to eat more to keep up his energy, and gets tired easily (relatively: he’s still a hyperactive ten year old.) He adores his gift, and uses it to cause mischief and play around the Encanto.
His door portrays him in a running position, with one hand up, the other down, and one of his legs behind him.
The first half of his room is a basic bedroom resembling the nursery, with light blue walls and a wooden floor, where all of his amenities are. But the farther half is a running track, complete with hurdles, and a giant grass field to collapse in.
His symbol is a lightning bolt.
Luisa is an anxious and overprotective mother, which does annoy Rómulo from time to time. But he gets his work ethic (or lack thereof) from her.
Juana is a bit more chill, and therefore, is the favorite parent of both twins.
He has no memory of his birth parents, as he and his twin were adopted when they were three.
Tomás and Rómulo are like two peas in a pod. They like the same things, think the same way, and do everything together. This changes as they grow up, but for now, they’re inseparable.
Both twins are very protective of their baby sister, and often let her tag along on their shenanigans so she doesn’t feel left out.
He mainly hangs out with the other littler kids, Mariana, Avila, Amada, José, and Héctor, and will also spend time with Carlos and Leta.
He gets along best with Julieta, Antonio, and Mariana.
Every morning he does his “rounds” around the Encanto, which is actually just an excuse to run as fast as he possibly can and wake everyone up.
He and Mariana like to use their gifts to do death defying stunts. She opens a portal, he runs through it, then runs back the normal way.
His hair is always messier than his twin’s, because of how fast he goes. He also wears a pair of goggles so his eyes don’t get hurt.
He’s slowly but surely working towards breaking the sound barrier. 
He often works in Carlos’ “store,” which he gets an allowance from. He spends it all on toys and candy.
His favorite colors are light blue, light green, light teal, and light purple.
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