#also what if that was what u needed to complete the time loop and then ur fucked yk
paint-music-with-me · 2 years
This movie hasn't even come out yet but I am thriving in the chaotic potential it has as a Steddie AU.
It's called Ticket to Paradise and its premise is: divorced couple go to their only child's wedding and try to sabotage it due to their own insecurities about why they got married to begin with.
Listen I know it sounds weird but idk I love it? It's very exes to lovers trope and I love the trailer!
Now hear me out:
It's years down the line, I wanna say, maybe Dustin is in his early 20s right? He decides to marry Suzie for sake of plot.
He moved out of Hawkins for college, while Steve is stuck where he is. So that distance is felt and it makes Steve feel like shit though he tries to push it aside.
Meanwhile Dustin made a new friend called Eddie in college. Obvi, D&D club. Ofc Dustin gushes about Eddie to Steve and Steve obvi gets a bit jealous.
So lo and behold, Dustin sends a wedding invitation to Steve, out to Hawaii or some tropical paradise, ok? And ofc Dustin names Steve as his best man yay! And he's also sharing that title with Eddie so there's that. (Steve tries not to dwell on that a bit)
When Steve arrives, he gets all ready to meet this Amazing Eddie Munson that he's heard so much about. And when he actually meets him?
Boom! He was a goner! Absolute love at first sight....though he won't ever admit it because oh wow, Eddie is a bit of a firecracker.
He won't lie, Steve does feel a bit out of place. Dustin has these new friends and he can still get in groove with everyone from Hawkins. Steve feels like it's already an honor to be named Best Man, he didn't need to be vying for Dustin's attention. He can't help but fade in the background until
Eddie just won't let Steve be alone. They get into all kinds of messes around the island! One time when Steve wanted to swim in a secret pool he found in the tropics out of the resort, obvi Eddie followed - it was full of leeches. Another time they were supposed to do a scavenger hunt - they got lost. When they had to do a performance for the bride and groom, they accidentally threw a shoe at the DJ and knocked them out (they didn't perfect their choreography).
Bottom line is that this wedding was the most fun that Steve had in a long time. All the feelings of inadequacy and loneliness faded when he was with Eddie.
Maybe - just maybe - coming to Dustin's wedding alone wasn't going to be the downer fest he thought it would be.
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yaekiss · 10 months
zhongli asking for ur help to lay his eggs only to learn they’re unfertlized… fucking him with them inside him to fertilize them… >< 👍
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꩜ Room Content: GN! Dom! Top! Reader x Sub! Bottom! Zhongli, no gendered terms for reader, reader has a cock, Zhongli's anatomy written to have 2 dicks, a pussy, and a womb, mentions of heat, eggs. (thanks blake), lmk if I missed anything ! ꩜ A/N: I've been thinking about this since u dropped this in my inbox, @uplatterme. also tagging @mahal-kita !! <3 honestly, I didn't really mean for it to become a ramble....... and I feel like this could've been more monsterfucky idk,, I haven't reach the full potential for this one, I'll add in extra thoughts in the tags
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You come home one day and you find your poor husband with his draconic features out, his tail and horns proudly on display, along with scales that shimmer faintly in the light littered across his skin, and his talons.
He's coiled up on your sofa, looking downright miserable as his tail flicks back and forth irritably. It's not hard to tell that he's in a foul mood.
"Apologies you have to see me in such a state but it seems that my heat has snuck up on me this time," he may sound sorry however, the way he's eyeing you down is anything but. As if trying to entrance you to take things further. 
“I would love for it to be over fast, however, for that to happen, copulation is required.” 
The hem of his robe slips down his shoulder, revealing his (unmarked) skin. He's tempting you, the sly dragon, lashes batting at you.
"But you will help me, right, dearest?"
A slash from his claws makes quick work of the sash tying his robes and he sheds the thin fabric, letting you drink in the sight of his heat. His 2 cocks are already hard and weeping, precum drooling from the tips. But what really catches your eye is his glistening cunt, folds so wet and dripping with slick.
Zhongli drags you down, looping his arms around your neck and pressing himself flushed against you, intoxicated by the warmth of your body. He frees your cock and traces a claw against its underside, eager to have it deep in him.
Carefully, he presses his cocks against yours, hissing at the searing heat of the contact. Avoiding the sharp tips of his talons, he wraps his hands around the both of you and frots. Precum beads at the top, dripping down and coating your cock with every roll of Zhongli’s hips. His breath comes out in pants, already losing himself to the mounting pleasure.
“Hah… This feels so good…!” His voice is gravelly, laced with lust as he speeds up his pace, frotting his length against yours harder. But just as he’s about to cum, you yank his hands away, stopping him from reaching his climax. A snarl builds up in his throat at this but it quickly melts into a moan as you slap your tip on his clit.
“Let’s not forget about our main goal, hmm? But first, I want you to beg for it.”
“Please dearest, pleasepleaseplease, I n-need you!” He’s frantically trying to take you into him, jerking up to meet you but whining when your hands move to clamp around the plush flesh of his hips to prevent him from moving.
“Do not tease, please, I need to carry your clutch!” And that’s all you need to hear before you’re sinking into him, bottoming out without any resistance because of how wet he already is.
“Hngk! S-so full!” His head is thrown back as you thrust, paired with how his cocks are trapped between the two of you, bliss floods every nerve in him. Shakily guiding your hand to his womb, he groans out, “Can you- ah! -feel my eggs? You will fill me with y-your cum, pump me full-!?”
His words are cut off with you pressing the heel of your palm on his clit, grinding on the sensitive nub, bringing your poor dragon to completion. He clamps down on your length as he climaxes, the sudden increase in tightness making you cum as well, his walls milking you for all you’re worth.
The veins climbing up his arms glow a molten gold as his two cocks twitch while they splatter his release on your skin. Something slithers and wraps around you, a glance reveals that it's his tail, as if trying to keep you in him for as long as possible. Greedy. 
For a moment, there’s a dreamy far off look in his eyes as he pats his tummy, one that soon changes to something more animalistic in nature, hungry for more. His tail wraps tighter around you, helping you reach deeper into him, parts that have him seeing stars behind his eyes.
“Perhaps we need to go for a few more rounds, dearest. I need to make sure it takes, after all ♡”
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Thanks for reading! Consider supporting me on kofi if you enjoyed this or check out my other works hehe ♡
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humornaut · 1 year
Hey, @basil-daisy here.
I just wanted to drop by because there's something that has been eating my insides for a long time and I can't get it out of my head.
I wanna talk about the scenes in Black Space, more precisely the scenes in the Church of Something, both the Sunny route and Omori route, although the Omori route one was really the one that made me think.
Have you ever thought about how the scene where Omori finally finds and "saves" Basil in the Omori route feels strangely like... A wedding?
It's not only the bridal style way Omori catches Basil. It's the way Basil lightly complains about Omori being late, the way they stop as Omori gives Basil his flower crown back and how directly after the act is interrupted by Stranger, who objects the whole "thing". A spectacle a bunch of "guests" witness.
I was always really curious about the church symbolism. For example the way Basil is stuck at the top of the church. I've tried really hard not to think about what usually is in the same place in churches because that comparison is making me die inside, even if it weirdly makes sense (Basil died for your sins U^U).
Besides that we have Sunny's interesting relationship with religion. Mainly that he probably feels insanely guilty. He feels judged by all the religious statues, moreover the snow angels, which are also one of my favourites, don't need to have the game tell us Omori feels judged by them. You feel it just by looking at their eyes.
The fact that Basil is in a church of all places is so telling too. Besides masses churches are known for holding weddings and, well, funerals. And in case of Faraway town's church is has a graveyard right behind it, where Mari lies.
I wonder if the scene in the Omori route is supposed to feel like a wedding but also double as a funeral (considering it marks the end of Stranger and his admittance of defeat that is actually a premonition of Basil's death in real life). It's one of the few scenes between routes that changes drastically and what it represents is absolutely fascinating.
What is really interesting also is that in the Sunny route the scene feels is completely different. It no longer feels like wedding. If anything it is just Basil begging for forgiveness, which does of course ties well with religion. But he's not begging for God's forgiveness, no, he's begging for his best friend's forgiveness.
I imagine this might be another way of showing us that Basil idolises Sunny as well as telling us that Basil feels really bad (what an understatement).
I also question if the Omori route scene is there to mirror the Sweetheart marriage scene somewhat, but I think I would need to dwell a bit more on that to come reach a proper conclusion.
Anyway, I hope you're having a lovely day! 💜
Wow, this is a really good ask! I'm going to break it down into a few different parts.
The Symbolism of the Church of Something
I think you are right on the money in how things go down in the Church of Something in the Omori route. The entire scene does almost play out as a wedding! Not just as a marriage to Headspace Basil, but as a final marriage to Headspace in general. After Sunny moves, whether or not he ever finds out about the fate of the real Basil, he has wholly become Omori. Stranger's objection does represent the last vestige of Sunny's mind trying to stop him from doing this; after all, saving the real Basil is the only loose end that Sunny really feels a responsibility for in a way that he can fix. He may want to see his other friends again, but he doesn't feel guilty for not doing so, because he feels he doesn't deserve it. Basil's a different story, because he knows he did Basil wrong for the selfish reason of protecting himself from his past.
To deepen the significance of this "wedding to Headspace Basil, and with it, a marriage to the concept of Headspace itself", I also want to point out that there is an implication that the end of Black Space in the Sunny route is not an end to the loop of Headspace, which won't happen until Sunny decides to shatter the light bulb on the next night. There is Stranger dialogue in the hub area that makes clear that killing the Basil that has seen the truth in Red Space is something that usually happens, and when you go there, you can find multiple of Basil's bodies littering the area. Instead, it's the Omori route that "breaks the loop of Headspace", via Stranger choosing to attack Sunny for abandoning Basil and the others.
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That's not even mentioning the things that happen after this in the Omori route.
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The flower crown that Headspace Basil gives to Sunny in the last Headspace Night in the Omori route provides twice as much HEART as the next best charm in that department (with those charms being the the Pretty Bow, a charm tied to Aubrey, and the Tulip Hairstick, a charm tied to Omori). The use of the word "precious" is also used in the Sunny route, in the description for Basil's Photo Album:
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All three of these charms are only accessible in the Omori route, as well. The Pretty Bow item is only receivable after defeating Abbi, and is explicitly described as "too flashy for your taste".
Finally, so long as we are talking about weddings in Headspace, there is another thing that we would be remiss not to talk about. To go along with your mention of the Snow Angels (who have another interesting connection that I will go over later), the charm that you get from completing this area is the Wedding Ring.
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As I've mentioned before, there are three different charms that allow the wearer to start happy, and they generally have fairly romantic connotations. First is the daisy, which both you and I understand is likely tied to Basil, but also has a romantic connotation due to the context of being a reward for assisting a character acquire a gift for their crush.
The second is one that I would also tie to Basil.
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The Heart String is such an interesting little item, and the way it is tied to Basil isn't as immediately obvious as the Daisy. First off, this item is really easy to miss. You have to grab it during the chase section within Humphrey, and you can't go back to grab it afterwards to get it. There is also another item in the same area: the Blender weapon for Hero. This item immediately sets off alarm bells in my head, because smoothies (the only snacks in the list that are made in a blender) are snacks that are pretty clearly tied to Basil. Why make these two items into two of the only completely miss-able items in the game? And it doesn't evade my notice that shortly before Humphrey, where you find these charms, you have the Branch Coral, who makes another connection to Basil using the romantic image of a string.
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Finally, the wedding ring is tied to Basil in another way, and that is what's going on in the area that you find it. Obviously, there is a negative association between Headspace Basil and the cold/snow, but there's also the fact that the ascent up Snowglobe Mountain is reminiscent of the leadup to the Church of Something in general, with the stairs and the snow. And regarding the Snow Angels, aside from the religious connotations behind them, there is another neat association. Take a look:
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this was pointed out by someone in a discord server that I am in, and I unfortunately do not remember who at this point. Let me know if you see this and want credit!
I would argue that this similarity was intentional, as an older version of the game had White Egret Orchids looking much different, though I can't find a beta picture of Basil's house at this exact moment. These Snow Angels serve much the same purpose as Stranger in this route: being embodiments of Sunny's guilt for abandoning Basil and refusing to take responsibility for his sins. This takes place on the final night before Sunny moves, the same night that the real Basil chooses to end his own life. These are his final thoughts following Sunny into his dreams (whether you take this as literal or figurative).
One last thought on Basil in the Omori route before moving on: the Basil Rush, and how it’s the most explicit the game ever gets about how Sunny imagines his Basil's closeness.
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Like, oh my goodness. The TAG photos didn't even need to exist, but they were put in anyway! And a little detail that goes unnoticed a lot, is that the hand-holding TAG photo is one in which Omori has initiated it! I think part of the tragedy of the Omori route is that it is most player's second playthrough (if they ever play it at all) and it is when the idea of Sunny and Basil having romantic feelings for each other starts being implied way heavier than before. Congrats! You got some heavy romantic subtext between the two boys. One of them is dead in the real world because you didn't save him.
Moving on!
The Religious Connotations of Headspace Basil
You didn't want to go into it very heavily, but I will: among other things, Sunny's dreamworld has turned Headspace Basil into a Christ-like figure.
Of course, there is his position in the Church of Something, but that's not all. He constantly wears a Flower Crown (crown of thorns, anyone?). In fact, Omori has to give Basil the Flower Crown back in the very first Black Space area, the Watermelon Area, seemingly as a preface for what's going to be happening with Headspace Basil throughout that portion of the game.
Look at what he says during the hide and seek game:
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There's also the fact that in the Sunny route, we are looking at a game that takes place over three days and three nights after Basil disappears from Headspace, which I'm sure I don't have to point out the significance of.
This is a connotation that Sunny is making himself. Basil did not choose to take on Sunny's sins in real life, he expected that they would always be together. It was Sunny that decided to throw the responsibility of both of their sins on Basil, by choosing to forget. Basil will literally die for Sunny's sins in the real world.
Which brings us to the Flower Crown that Basil gifts to Omori after being rescued. Whether Sunny knows it or not, Basil has decided to end his own suffering in the real world. By gifting the flower crown to Omori, Headspace Basil has symbolically indicated that the situation has been reversed. Basil is no longer suffering for Sunny's sins, but Sunny is about to start suffering for Basil's. We are told numerous times throughout the game that Headspace is on its last legs. It's running out of places to hide the truth. We see Black Space leaking through almost everywhere, and the Basil Rush ends in a direct reminder of the day of the incident.
All that is to say, Headspace is seemingly going to fail, and soon. Black Space has grown too strong. If you ask me, it's only a matter of time until news of the real Basil's death has reached Sunny in the real world, and that will be the tipping point. From there on, assuming Sunny even decides to go on after that point, he will be living with the same weight that Basil did for those four years after Sunny left him, and there won't be anyone to save him.
The Sunny Route and Sweetheart's Castle
Finally, you mentioned how the scene goes in the Sunny Route. It should be noted, right after Stranger merges with the version of Basil there is the first time in the entire game that a version of Basil in Sunny's head refers to Sunny exclusively as his best friend, and from that point on, we will see that repeated in Sunny's mind. The room that Omori and Basil fall into prior to Red Space is one that we will see during the truth sequence, but it also appears in the Omori route, in a manner that we should discuss, as it ties into what you said about Sweetheart's Castle being connected. After all, the room that Omori and Basil falls into is the same room that Sweetheart's Castle turns into once you accept the Keeper of the Castle's deal, as I noted in my post about Sweetheart's Castle previously.
Sweetheart herself represents Sunny; both in his quest for presenting a perfect version of himself and his broken understanding of love, both of others and himself. Spaceboy represents the more "Omori" part of him; someone claiming to be above his emotions, but ultimately ruled by them. He even changes his name while he is in a relationship with Sweetheart. From this interpretation, we can extrapolate that their wedding in the castle is a representation of the Omori route's ending, right down to ending up on Snowglobe Mountain.
I also want to point out what happens right after this. You don't immediately just jump on down to the Lost Library. You try to leave, but right before you exit the area, you get the cutscene showing Stranger on the stage, leading you into the hole, meaning you literally need to walk down the aisle of an area explicitly designed for a wedding to follow Stranger into the Lost Library.
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Whether or not you interpret Sunny and Basil as having romantic feelings for each other, this seems very symbolic of the fact that accepting and following Stranger (who I have previously described as the individual in which Basil's love of Sunny resides, be it romantic or platonic) is how you get to the truth. It's as if Sweetheart and Spaceboy's wedding represented the ending of Black Space in the Omori route, while what happens right after represents the ending of Black Space in the Sunny route. And like most of the ways Sunny remembers aspects of his history, the library is tied to Basil. Where the real Basil would provide books for Sunny to read, Stranger leads him to an entire library filled with books depicting his memories, both good and bad.
I hope you found all this interesting! I haven't really gotten the chance to talk about these things before, since I haven't really found the motivation to talk about them in their own post before! I hope you have a wonderful day as well! Time to go back to packing for my flight tomorrow!
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underdark-dreams · 7 months
yooo i love ur writings sm dude! thank u for providing the MUCH needed and appreciated rolan n dammon food ! if ur still accepting and willing to write for a more masc reader, would u do hcs with rolan (and/or dammon, idc :>) with a top/dom inclined reader? :]
BLESS your patience, anon! I got lost in writing a smut fic for this request this week. But you asked for headcanons, so it doesn't feel fair to make you keep waiting! In thanks, please expect a Rolan x m!Tav oneshot soon. 🖤
Rolan x top/dom M!Reader: Relationship Headcanons
[SFW + NSFW both under the cut]
This wizard has a serious case of oldest sibling disorder
Rolan can be downright bossy, because a lot of his self identity rests on feeling powerful and in control of things
On a deeper level, Rolan is just used to being the one taking care of the people he loves. Having the scenario flipped—being taken care of for once—it throws him off balance
Falling for a guy who takes the lead and takes initiative might honestly cause Rolan a mild identity crisis without him realizing. He’ll deny the feelings for a week or two, stewing and blushing and unintentionally broadcasting his crush to anyone around him
This was not the plan. So why does he keep daydreaming about you picking him up princess style and tossing him down onto your bed
Inside Rolan’s dying to get swept off his feet and lavished, he just doesn’t know it yet
Maybe it finally clicks for him the first time you pull Rolan close and murmur all your appreciation into his pointed ear
Rolan is so weak for praise and so, so hungry for it, especially from you
He can’t help but melt inside when you tell him how good he is, how clever and competent, how much he deserves to feel incredible and how much you’d enjoy being the one to make him feel that way
Kiss him afterward and feel Rolan whimper softly against your mouth as he goes a bit limp in your arms. He’s entirely yours
He’s not only falling in love with you, he’s discovering a whole side of himself he never gave himself time or permission to explore
But you? You make him feel loved and completely safe
Rolan will occasionally come to you to pout or complain about trivial things, just to get a kiss and hear you assure him you’ll take care of it for your sweet little mage
He’s still flustered by how much he enjoys it at first, even more so when he feels himself flush and stiffen under his robes
Rolan also becomes addicted to the feeling of being wrapped up in your arms
Your arm draped on his shoulder: your hands looped around his waist to keep him tucked in close while you’re kissing: and especially your forearms caging him in against the wall while you grind against each other
Rolan’s still proud, so it’s not easy for him to admit or ask for these things out loud unless you’re alone
But even in a public setting, he will sometimes appear close beside your shoulder and glance over at you with a wordless request that means please hold me a bit, I’m tired/lonely/needy for you
If you don’t notice fast enough, Rolan might softly brush your hand or loop his tail low around your calf to get your attention. You’re the one who awakened these feelings in him, and by the hells he’s not going to be ignored now
Face it: you have unleashed needy sub Rolan upon yourself, you’ll just have to dom up and deal with the consequences
When you’re fucking him, Rolan can be somehow vulnerable and teasing/demanding all at the same time
Old habits die hard…so might Rolan if you don’t give him what he needs
Rolan knows the right word from you or the right gesture pinning his wrist or thigh can get him dangerously close to losing it, and some nights that makes him feel rebellious
He has a smart mouth even in bed, and provoking you excites him sometimes
‘Gods, I bet I can finish myself before you do—’ Rolan’s grip closes around his own hard cock as your slickened fingers gently and slowly prepare him
Other nights he has absolutely zero fight in him. Just a soft pile of Tiefling clinging to the man he loves as he kisses across your shoulders, asking you to take him while you tell him that he’s more than good enough
Rolan may try to hide it (that or he’ll make zero effort), but he’s weak for any time you order him around or direct him
‘Get on your hands and knees’ ‘Spread for me like a good boy, Rolan’ ‘Stop biting your lip or I’ll bite it for you—go on and let everyone hear who makes you feel this good, that’s it—’
It all gets him so needy for your cock that he can’t say no to any of it until you’re filling him
His favorite positions are usually the ones that let him hold onto you for even more closeness—missionary, against his desk in the Tower, etc.
Of course, those don't give him a chance to hide his reactions from you, so you’ll occasionally see him blush dark or squeeze his eyes shut or bite back the sounds you coax out of him
Alternatively: just tell Rolan he thinks too much and fuck him into his mattress so hard he can’t think about anything else at all including his own ego
The way he clutches your shoulders for dear life and pants your name will let you know how much Rolan loves it (and you)
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rottindecay · 10 months
Hobie Brown Headcannons!
just some silly stuff ! >__<
warnings: i believe none.
[this is my first time ever posting smth like this..hopefully it’s good enough.]
*Reblogs, notes n comments r much appreciated >O<!*
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Starting off strong- this man definitely craves physical touch. Like have you SEEN him with the anarch-kids?
He cant live with out ur touch like seriously, it would drive this man insane.
You love your personal space? He loves yours too.
Especially out in public. This guy will have a finger around one of your belt loops/belt, holding onto your bag or hand, even has his arm snaked around your waist or shoulder. He needs your touch!!
he loves to cuddle. More of a big spoon kinda guy because he finds it funny how his body just completely takes over yours, ykwim? (If ur shorter than him ofc)
but won’t mind being little spoon fr. Loves to have his head laying on your chest as you guys sleep in each others arms.
Speaking of sleeping- he’s a really heavy sleeper.
when he sleeps he’s sprawled all over the bed so good luck trying to wake him up to give you room.
When you do try to move him, he dosent move or make room for you LMAO
he just groans before pulling you into his embrace and resting his chin on your head fast asleep with his arm around your waist.
He’s an ass lover.
Wearing shorts around the house? He’s telling you you look good in them. Bending over to pick something up? He’s playfully slapping ur ass and snickering as he does so.
Like- if your on youre phone or reading a book or whatever and your laying on your stomach, he’s gunna come over and lay his head on ur ass like a pillow and take a nap or do smth on his phone.
Same with thighs fr
When you guys are out walking around or doing something and you have back pockets, expect his hand in your pocket.
Because he could keep you close and get to feel your ass. Win win in his book!
He loves ur ass!!!!!!
He adores little trinkets.
He has them all over his house
Like the first time you walked into his house, you just saw a lot of bowls laying around in places like in his room, kitchen, living room ext with just small little knickknacks he found or bought (stole)
Loves to receive and gift them to people hes close with.
He’s like a crow honestly.
90% of the time when you guys are hugging, he would go limp out of nowhere and now here you are trying to hold up a 6’5 180 lbs guy as he’s chuckling his ass off.
Puts his arm on your shoulder or head like an armrest.
Never calls u by ur first name. always has some nickname for you like “darling” (since he’s a Brit n all) or a nickname that connects to an embarrassing moment of urs LMFAO
He’s stupidly smart but dosent put effort in it ykwim?
Same goes for cleaning like yeah he could clean it, but why would he? He knows where everything is so it’s fine.
Also loves to hug u from behind and burry his face into your neck.
Also neck kissed Are his favorite thing like cmon now.
Honestly dosent care What pronoun you use. You could call him ball/ballself and he would look over at you without batting an eye to that.
Knows how to sing, just dosent do it. But if u ask nicely he would as he strums his guitar professionally!
He snores and drools everytime he sleeps.
Also luvs to do and wash ur hair for u.
Hobie has ADHD idc argue with the wall.
If ur ever doing chores around the house he’s 100% always going to help you with whatever your doing even if it’s something as simple as sweeping the floors. He dosent want you to think your juggling to many responsibilities.
Typa guy to know a guy. He knows a lot of people.
All his fingers are decorated with rings. Once you guys start to actually get serious he would give you one of his favorite rings since he dosent believe in marriage.
It’s nothing too big though, it’s just a simple silver band that’s obviously been shown some love throughout the years.
Dosent really label your guys relationship. Why would he need to box you in like that? It’s stupid. He knows he can trust you and you can trust him so there’s no need to be calling each other “boyfriend” and “girlfriend”
Makes playlists for you and burns them into CD’s
We all know he’s alr stupidly smart, yeah? Well he was the kinda kid to always be sleeping in class, not do any work and fail it even though he was the smartest mf there.
Also hated to do homework so he didn’t do it. Who was gunna stop him? NOBODY.
Also sucks at spelling tbh
Like he dosent care abt it. “Apple” is now “aple.”
Loves to DIY stuff like clothes, pins, patches, jewelry n much more!
He’s punk so he obviously listens to punk music, but he also listens to more than that. He hates consistency !!
I think he would be a really good cook he just won’t put effort in exploring that part of him LMAO
he obviously has really good sense of style. I think a lot of people forget he was FORMALLY A RUNWAY MODEL. HELLOOOO???
So if he sees shitty quality clothes, hes gunna point it out to you and suggest something else.
When being taken out on dates he dosent really do anything fancy, not his style yk?
But he does take you out on the most amazing places only a few know.
Shows you the coolest pubs hidden in alleyways, site seeing, walking around London in his dimension and just little fun activities.
(maybe even steal from big corporations too.)
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shepherds-of-haven · 2 months
hi!! So. i like writing for Trouble and my MC but i spend so much time clowning on him and making up silly scenarios that now i have no idea how to write him actually catching on to one of the moves she makes and what kinds of moves he cant explain away. Please do you have any tips or crumbs to throw my way to help? I need to write him making out sloppy style w my girl PLEASE!!
Anyway I really love shoh and I think about Trouble and my MC almost every day so tysm for the lovely gift of him <3 i also wrote this ask intending to be silly but if it sounds demanding or rude i am SO sorry I would never demand anything of u and will love anything you may kr may not respond with whether that be in 17 minutes or 17 years 🩵
Aw, thank you so much for this sweet message, it made me so happy to receive! 💖 Please don't worry about sounding rude at all, your words were so kind and made me grin ear-to-ear, so thank you!
To answer your question, I like this excerpt from the old novels to explain how I think Trouble can be in a romance: I usually envision him being casual or friendly and light-hearted, and then catching onto something--some shift in the mood or a lingering glance--and then kind of abruptly shifting into a more intense version of himself. It's not a side of himself he shows very often--we're mostly exposed to the goofy, jocular Trouble, but that 'intense' dominant Trouble is there, lurking underneath it all, and that's kind of the part that he struggles with because it's also tied up in his ferocious past and his temper. It's the same Trouble who can go from smiling and laughing with his friends in a bar to completely unsmiling and intimidating when he overhears some guy being a dickhead to a server nearby, except obviously in these scenarios it's sexual/romantic tension he's responding to (even if he doesn't fully know it's that) rather than regular like situational tension. I don't know if you have access to the alpha build, but the scene in the cave in Chapter 7 when he's warming up MC's hands or the abrupt change from "yay we're having fun" to "something just happened" in his latest day off (when Cordy flirts with you) are good examples of this, too! This sort of stilted "everything is great 95% of the time and then 5% of the time something happens and he can't control it" that's impeding him and MC's easy friendship is what's really throwing Trouble for a loop; he starts to feel guilty and confused and tormented about it because he thinks he's the only one feeling these things and getting in the way of what should be a smooth companionship, so he's just... feeling a lot of things and not knowing what to do with them, lol.
So I imagine 'heated makeout' tends to happen during one of these sudden changes to 'intense Trouble,' when he catches on to something he can't ignore--but I generally don't think it happens because of an outright flirtation or hint of MC's, because he can usually just laugh those off as them just joking around, so he doesn't really respond to those like one might expect? He's dazzlingly good at not catching on to things like that (short of an outright serious confession), so maybe that's why you're having trouble imagining it! I tend to imagine it happening entirely randomly, during some moment of unthinking intimacy, like in the cave in Chapter 7 or during a mission when emotions are high or something like that. Here's another example of what I'm thinking of!
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...Or something like that, idk lol! Obviously take all of this with a huge grain of salt and don't let me influence you; however you write Trouble and MC's romance is fantastic! Hopefully some of these tips help you in some way!
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ejunkiet · 5 months
Favourite Davey/Angel fics >:3
so aside from my own series 'jaws that bite, claws that catch', that i'm absolutely gonna plug here, here is a short list of my fave davey/angel fics hehehe
but really, I'm looking for more, please rec me your favourite fics!!
An Angel In Wolf's Clothing by ByTheAshTree
David has something he needs to tell Angel. Something that has to be said, before their relationship can go any further.
can't tell you how many times I have reread this one, okay.
Phases of You by inthedarkestlight
David’s hand found theirs, and he plucked it from where they’d had it against his chest, twined their fingers together, and presented them both to his father. A length of leather cord was slowly wrapped and knotted around their joined hands as Gabe spoke: “Now you are bound one to the other, with a tie not easy to break. Take this time of binding, as the final vow is made to learn what you need to know – to grow in wisdom and love. That your union will be strong, and that your love will last, in this life and beyond.”
I love this story. it's a long fic, and complete, and I love the unique take on angel as a shifter, and the dynamics of rivals to lovers. <3
Growling by @dominimoonbeam
They've only been dating for a month and Davey is still trying to convince himself this isn't a big deal and he doesn't care, when Angel calls in the middle of the night sounding off.
protective davey is everything. bless you domini, this is still one of my favourites. (don't cry also, for angel and asher's friendship ;u;)
it just slipped my mind by @nat-seal-well
Of course, given their luck, they really shouldn’t be as surprised as they are when the first drop of water lands right on their nose. It still makes them look up, blinking in confusion towards the gray blanketing all of Dahlia.
another fic I have downloaded and reread often. just. perfect characterisation, and soft early angel/davey dynamics.
bonus smutty fics below the cut~
Down, Boy by @k9rage
“Down boy,” they laugh breathlessly when he bites at their neck a bit harder than intended, and he growls low in warning, only for their fingers to loop around the collar around his neck in reminder. They’re in control tonight.
Gorgeous. GORGEOUS. >:3
(Gonna Make You) Howl by @romirola
On the morning of David's birthday, Angel gives him a gift unlike anything he's ever received. David might be the alpha of the Shaw Pack, but just for the day, Angel becomes alpha of the bedroom.
WONDERFUL. Romi is a goddess with characterisation, and she knocks this out of the park. ;u;
Wanna Bet? by @taelonsamada
David is craving his mate, who’s a bit too preoccupied with Minecraft at the moment for his tastes. So he makes a bet with them. Realizing very quickly that he may have bitten off more than he can take.
>:3 okay so I was gonna rec 'Between You, Me and the Fence Post', which is a masterpiece, but I may be biased as she gifted this to me <33
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lustfulslxt · 6 months
ok, here's an idea. so tk that one song that blew up on tiktok like a year ago (escapism by RAYE) anyways, what about a reader who js broke up w her bf and is doing the things in the song (in the back of the taxi sniffing coke) and for the lyrics that are like "24 hrs since my ex did dead it, I got a new man on me it's abt to get sweaty" but like Chris is the new man on her?? idk if it makes sence, and u don't have to if u don't want, js think it'd be cool!!
Escapism - Chris Sturniolo
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warnings : mentions of alcohol, drug use, smut
a/n : i did change it up a bit, so i hope you don’t mind!!
“I found someone else.”
His voice keeps replaying over and over in my head, on a twisted loop, tearing my heart to shreds. It was so sudden and unexpected. To say I was prepared would be a lie. I should’ve seen the signs, but I was just so blind to it all.
I knew he loved me, but I guess I also knew deep down inside that he wasn’t ready. He kept telling me everything I wanted to hear. It was music to my ears to hear that someone cared for me so much, but a voice within kept whispering that he wasn’t ready to fill those big shoes. I need a man that is ready to fully commit to a future with me- no hesitation, no doubt. Even though I knew he was good to me in every way possible, he just couldn’t give me everything I needed and wanted. I knew it. I just didn’t want to believe it. I wanted to keep living a fairytale in hopes that one day he would be sure about what we had. I figured the longer I waited for him to change, eventually he would become who I needed him to be. I didn’t want to have to start over.
It hurts. I’m sitting here overthinking, a million and one questions running through my head. Unable to sleep, creating different scenarios, while making a mental list of regrets, but I can’t keep blaming myself for someone else’s inability to provide the type of love I deserve. Tonight is just like any other night, difficult as hell, but I’ll do what I’ve always done. I’ll get over it, I’ll get through it. I’ll be fine.
I’m going to push this all out of my mind. I don’t want to just sit and dwell on what could’ve been or the wasted time, I want to feel free and have fun. So, I’m going to go out and do me. I don’t need a man that isn’t fully in it, and until I find one that is, I’m going to do as I please.
Just last night, I was torn up, completely devastated. Now, I’m heading out the door to go get drunk. My uber is parked right outside, waiting for me. Confirming it’s actually my ride, I slip in the back.
“Good evening.” The woman speaks from the front.
“Hello.” I breathe, eager to feel something other than the terrible aching in my chest.
“Having fun tonight I see.” She grins, looking at my destination on her maps.
“Yes ma’am. Need to get out and get my mind off things.” I admit, shrugging to myself.
“So long as you’re safe.”
I only smile and nod at her in the rear view mirror, turning my head to watch the scenery go by. Doing my best to not let my mind wander to the night before, I close my eyes and hum along to the radio. Already consumed by the music, I grin to myself, letting the lyrics take over and dictate my night.
It doesn’t take long before we pull up to the bar, I’m tipping the driver and making my way out as she wishes me fun. From the outside, it doesn’t look to be too busy, which I’m thankful for. I can hear the chatter and the mellow music outside the front entrance, welcoming me inside.
I walk inside, the atmosphere already calming my slight nerves. I can tell I’m going to enjoy myself. I head up to the bar, taking an empty seat at the island, and wait for the bartender to finish up with a few customers at the end. It only takes a couple of minutes before he’s heading over to me with a smile on his face.
“Hey, what can I get for you tonight?” He asks, laying the towel in his hand on the counter.
“I don’t care what, but something strong, please.” I reply, sliding him my card. “Actually, could you start me a tab?”
He nods, “Sure thing.”
He walks away for a moment, punching into his little register. He slips my card back to me and starts making my drink. I watch as he basically fills it to the brim of some kind of dark liquor. He steps back over, sliding me the small glass with a slight smirk. I take it and down the entirety of it, cringing at the burning sensation.
“Keep them coming, please.” I speak, lifting my head and letting the alcohol do its thing.
Shots on shots, I’m now very intoxicated. I’ve never done anything like this, getting fucked up at a bar by myself, but I have to say, it’s not bad. Anything to rid myself of my sorrows. The liquor is coursing through my veins, making my body hot. I can hear the music booming in my ears, though it’s not even that loud. I don’t feel the aching in my chest anymore, and my thoughts aren’t consumed with regrets and self doubt. I feel good.
It’s been two hours since I got to the bar, I’ve had countless of shots and I know I can’t take anymore. I’m going to have a terrible hangover when I get up in the morning. I slide the empty cup in front of me, grabbing my bag and waving the bartender down.
“You can go ahead and close my tab out. I am fucked.” I slurred, shaking my head with a faint smile.
“You got it. Do you need me to order you an uber?” He questions, his brows furrowed with concern.
“Thank you for the offer, but mine’s already waiting outside.” I smile, waving my phone in my hand.
“Alright, take care.”
I give him a salute, drunken giggles pouring out of my mouth. Turning on my heel, I make my way to the front door. Upon exiting the building, the cool wind blows through my hair, and I’m inhaling a breath of fresh air. My eyes scan the street in front of me, in search of my uber driver. A few cars down, I see the car waiting. Attempting to be quick, I stupidly speed walk, causing myself to trip a few times. Luckily, I still hold my ground and don’t completely eat shit. I reach the back door, swiftly pulling it open and sliding in.
“Uh, what’s up?” A male voice speaks, startling me.
Startling me, because he’s also sitting in the backseat. I furrow my eyebrows at him and look around, noticing the car is filled with smoke and the aroma of weed. Then I return my gaze to him, taking in his appearance as he’s cladded in black. He’s got a black t-shirt underneath a black zip up hoodie, black sweats, black air forces, and a black hat sitting backwards on his head.
“I didn’t realize I booked a share ride.” I stammer, confusion plastered over my face.
“You didn’t.” He chuckled, “This isn’t your uber.”
“Swear down? It definitely is, I wouldn’t get in a random car.” I point out, slightly stumbling over my words.
He continues laughing, and that’s when I noticed the blunt in his hand, the cherry red and smoking.
“I’m 100% sure that it’s not, ma. Here, look.” He says, showing me his phone.
It’s displayed on the screen, the type of car and his uber driver, which is definitely this one. I shake my head in confusion, pulling my phone out to show him. Only once I unlock my phone, I notice that I hadn’t fully ordered the ride. My face heats up, and I would be utterly humiliated if I weren’t drunk right now.
“Guess I had one too many.” I mumble, a smile evidently taking over my lips. “Sorry.”
“No worries. We can share.” He shrugs, indicating it’s no big deal.
I raise my eyebrows in question, but he only leans forward to the driver, asking, “Would you mind dropping her off wherever she needs to go? I’ll pay for it.”
“You don’t need to pay-“ He cuts me off with a wave of his hand, continuing his conversation with the driver.
Seconds later, he sits back with a triumphant smile on his face. He sends me a thumbs up, bringing the blunt to his lips and inhaling it, the cherry burning brighter. After puffing on it a couple of times, he extends it out to me, offering me a hit. I don’t know what came over me, but I gladly accept it, bringing it to my lips and sucking it in.
“What’s your name?” He asks, observing me intently.
“Y/N.” I answer, blowing the smoke out and passing him the blunt. “You?”
He takes it with a small smirk, replying, “Chris.”
I nod, leaning forward to give the driver my address, which he types into his maps. I look back at Chris to see he’s already looking at me with a cheeky grin, which causes me to giggle.
“What?” I ask, a large smile adorning my face.
He shakes his head, “Nothing. Just wondering why you’re as fucked up as you are when you’re by yourself.”
“I am not fucked up.” I state, defensively.
“You got into my uber, thinking it was yours, but you never even booked one.” He points out, chuckling at my predicament.
“Fair.” I laugh, ultimately shrugging, “I got dumped, and I decided to get my mind off of it. What better way to do that than getting shit faced?”
“Fair.” He repeats me, laughing. “You don’t have any friends to go out with?”
I shake my head, my lip softly curling up, “Not really.”
“I won’t pry.” He tosses his hands up in defense, before taking another drag from his blunt.
“Do you think he’d be cool to stop at a gas station or something?” I whisper to Chris, suddenly wanting to drink again.
“Yeah, surely.” He agrees with furrowed eyebrows.
He leans up and begins conversing with the driver. I can’t help but let my mind wander again. I’m drunk, in the back of a car with a stranger, and somehow my thoughts still run back to my ex boyfriend. What is actually wrong with me?
“Yo, you good?” Chris’ voice snaps me from my thoughts.
“Hm? Oh yeah, could use another bottle or something.” I shrug in response.
“We’re about to stop at 7/11. I can get you one if you need.” He says.
I immediately shake my head, “No, no. You already offered to pay for my ride, that’s more than enough.”
“It’s no problem.” He casually replies, reaching his blunt back out in my direction.
A smile reaches my lips once again as I take it from him, puffing on it and letting the smoke fill my lungs. I can’t help but notice the way he intently watches me, his bottom lip snug between his teeth. He’s actually very attractive.
We continue talking and joking around, passing time before we pull up to the store. I step out, prancing towards the door, Chris joining me. I spin around, looking at him with a cheeky smile, almost tripping in the process. Chris reaches out and catches my arm, laughter pouring out of both of our mouths.
“Take it easy, mama.” He chuckles, tossing an arm around my shoulder.
I playfully push him away, both of us staggering apart from each other, breathless from our heavy laughter. We get to the door and he leans over me, pulling it open for me, him following in suit. I’m instantly heading to the coolers while Chris heads to the snack aisle. As I’m browsing through the alcohol, I see Chris’ reflection in the glass doors, his arms full of a bunch of junk food.
I turn around with a huge smile, “That’s a lot of snacks.”
He smiled back, shuffling on his feet, “Yeah. I was actually going to ask you if you would maybe want to come to my hotel and hangout?”
It doesn’t even take me a second before I’m nodding, “Sounds like fun.”
“Great. What are we drinking?” He asks, directing our attention back to the coolers.
I open the door, grabbing a random mini six pack of beer. I hold it up to him and he shrugs, neither of us caring. I head to another cooler, looking for something to drink aside from the alcohol. I decide on just a two liter of pepsi. We make our way to the register, piling our things on the counter.
“ID, please.” The man behind the counter says, his voice monotone and bored.
I can’t help the giggles emitting from my mouth, pulling my card out and showing him. He scans all of our things and I swipe my debit card, much to Chris’ dismay. Retrieving our bags, we’re out the door and in the uber again.
“Change of plans, just the hotel.” Chris tells the driver. “Sorry for all the confusion.”
“No worries.” He responds, pulling out of the parking lot.
It takes us around ten minutes to get Chris’ hotel, and in that time, we’ve already grown closer in our intoxicated states. We’ve both gotten extremely touchy, but not even in a sexual way, though I wouldn’t mind. Chris puts our bags of snacks and drinks in his backpack, then we get out of the car. Chris tips the driver, before he places his hand on my back, walking me into the hotel.
We head to the elevator and I’m already pulling a beer out of his bag. I pop the cap off and place it in my pocket, taking a swig as we wait for the elevator to get to the main floor. Chris looks at me and chuckles, grabbing the bottle from my hand and drinking it himself. The doors open and we enter it, him taking another drink as he presses the button to level five, the brown liquor pouring into his mouth so smoothly.
“You’re so hot.” I drunkenly say, bursting into laughter at my slip.
“Yeah, but look at you.” He smirks, nodding at me as he looks me up and down. “You look like you taste good.”
My jaw goes slack, the atmosphere growing more tense. Quickly recovering, I shrug, “Only one way to find out.”
“Don’t mind if I do.” He flashes his pearly white teeth at me, his hand finding its way to my back again, pulling me into him.
His face is swiftly leaning in, his lips meeting mine in seconds. The kiss is soft but hungry, like we’ve been yearning for each other all night. Maybe we have. His hand on my back pulls me even closer, our bodies pressing together, his hand holding the beer bottle out as to not spill in on me. His tongue swipes in between my lips, asking for entrance as one of my hands rests on his chest, the other going around his neck. Just as he shoves his tongue in my mouth, the elevator dings and the doors open, revealing an elderly couple. We quickly pull away and they look at us with wide eyes, Chris and I just chuckling as we exit, making room for them. We look back at them, then back at each other, laughing once more.
As soon as Chris unlocks the door, he’s pulling me in and pinning me to the wall, kicking the door shut with his foot. His lips meet mine in a feverish kiss, his tongue immediately slipping into my mouth. I can’t help but moan at the feeling, enjoying the way he seems so desperate for me. He leans to the side and places the bottle on the table, slipping his bag off his shoulders as well. His hands meet my hips, pulling me into him, his tongue exploring every inch of my mouth. He quickly shakes off his jacket, his lips never leaving mine.
He then swiftly lifts me up, hooking my legs around his waist, walking me to the bed. He sets me down, pulling his shirt over his head as I do the same, leaving me topless. He grins at the sight of my bare breasts, his hands immediately groping them, eliciting low moans from me. We both kick off our shoes before he lays me back, hovering above me.
“You’re so pretty, mama.” He breathlessly whispers against my lips.
I let out soft whimpers as his lips trail down my neck, leaving hot kisses the lower he went. He hands massage my waist, squeezing ever so slightly. My hands move back and forth from his hair to his bare chest, feeling all over him and keeping him flush against me. His skin is so hot against mine and I can’t get enough of it.
“You sure you wanna do this?” He asks, pausing to look me in the eyes.
I frantically nod, no doubt or hesitation whatsoever. His hands tug on my pants, swiftly pulling them down and tossing them aside. He kisses up from my feet to my thighs, leaving warm lines of saliva in his wake. I can feel my legs shaking a little bit, anticipating what’s to come. His nose brushes against the fabric of my panties, and I can feel his hot breath against my core, making me whimper.
“Please.” I whine, my fingers latching onto his hair.
“What do you need, mama?” He asks, flattening his tongue against the wet patch on my center.
I can’t help but moan and buck my hips, desperate for more, “Please, I need you. I don’t care, just you.”
Just like that, my underwear is lying beside my pants and Chris has my legs over his shoulders. He blows cool hair onto my dripping pussy, the feeling causing shivers to travel up my spine. Without another word, his tongue is plunging into my folds, eliciting a loud moan from me. His mouth moves vigorously against me, licking and sucking every inch.
“Fuck, I knew you would taste good.” He hums into me, “I could devour you all day everyday, never get tired of it.”
All I can muster are lewd moans, my body jerking as he suddenly thrusts two fingers into my entrance. His tongue laps my clit, flicking side to side over it, his fingers stroking me and curling so perfectly inside. My legs visibly tremble, clamping around his head as I feel myself being brought to the edge. With another few pumps of his fingers, and the rapid shake of his head side to side, his tongue pressed firmly against my clit the entire time, my back arches off the bed as I let go, reaching my climax with a loud cry emitting from my mouth.
“So pretty, mama. Such a good girl, letting me taste you.” He praises, licking up every drop.
He lifts himself up, coming back above me. He places his fingers at my mouth, tapping lightly on my lips, so I take them in my mouth, sucking my essence from him. He moans at the sight, immediately replacing his fingers with his tongue, the taste of me remaining behind as we kissed.
“Take your pants off.” I say, breathless from the feverish kissing.
“Are you sure?” He questions, to which I nod, and he pulls them off, along with his boxers.
The sight of his dick has my mouth watering; it’s long, girthy, and rock hard. His tip is bright red, throbbing in need as it drips precum. I wrap my hand around it, pumping up and down a few times, before pushing him onto his back and straddling him. His eyes widen at the sudden change, but nonetheless, his hands meet my thighs and he begins stroking them back and forth. His erection is now pressed between my legs, poking into my heat. I slowly grind down on it, lubricating him with my juices, pulling low moans from both of us.
“Fuck.” He groans, his hands tightening on my hips. “Just wanna be inside of you, mama.”
Granting his wish, I lift up, positioning him at my entrance. As I begin sliding down, his hands interlock with mine, squeezing them as I take his whole length. My jaw goes slack, taking in the feeling of him inside me. I feel him shudder beneath me, thrusting up a bit, snapping me back into it. Our hands rest beside his shoulders, still intertwined, and I slowly begin bouncing. Leaning down, I bring my lips to his, capturing them in a heated kiss. The speed of my motion increases, his hips now thrusting upwards to meet mine, hitting just the right spots.
“You feel so good around my cock. So tight, so warm and wet.” Chris moans, burying his face in the crook of my neck.
The room is hot, our bodies sweaty and sticking together. The smell of sex fills the air, the sounds of our moans and heavy breathing, along with the wetness at our centers, echoing off the walls. The bed rocks back and forth, though not too loud. His dick continued digging into me, my walls wrapping around him so snugly, my arousal being the perfect lubrication.
His upward thrusts pick up, his hands now on my hips, holding me in place as he drills into me. My face falls into his shoulder, my teeth biting at the skin, preventing myself from screaming at the overwhelming sensation. His hands find my ass, gripping and spreading my cheeks, helping me rock into him so perfectly. It takes but only a second for me to tumble over the edge, loud moans falling from my mouth as I clench around him. I feel the hot wetness pouring out of me, soaking his dick and balls. My nails dig into his chest, attempting to help release the built up pressure inside of me.
“Damn, mama.” He groans, guttural moans escaping his throat. “Look so good when you cum, baby.”
I bring my lips back to his, kissing him with everything in me as his thrusts grow sloppy, indicating he’s close to finishing. I tighten around him once more, giving him that extra push, and his hips sputter, abdomen flexing as he lets go, shooting his load into me. I continue riding him for a minute, helping him through his orgasm, before slowly pulling off and whining at the loss of being filled up by him. I collapse down next to him, my head lying on his shoulder, his head on mine. We both struggle to catch our breath, our bodies slick with sweat, both of us heaving from exhaustion.
“I’m glad your boyfriend dumped you.” His voice croaks out, slightly hoarse.
I can’t help the chuckle that leaves my lips as I pat his chest, “You and me both. He could never fuck me as good as you just did.”
a/n : okay, sorry, i actually hate this :((( i feel i drifted from the request but i didn’t know how to bring it back without rewriting it and i just didn’t have it in me. so sorry, i hope you still enjoy it! <3
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reverieaa · 1 year
i personal feel that this the problem a lot us are probably facing and thinking. i feel this is a topic to be discussed rather than saying "you have it now, the 4D is the only thing that matters, 3D is a reflection... blah blah blah". we should also consider the people who's struggling and suffering from serious mental health issues even though they know the LAW OF ASSUMPTION.
let's say they want to manifest good grade and their test is tomorrow they have nothing prepared so they just 'try' to manifest, claim it and sustain in that assumption and the next day they go to school with full hope and they doesn't know a single thing in that paper and yep they get a bad grade and get discouraged. i know i know, you be like circumstances don't matter it's because that is what you assume. if they were so passionate and hopeful about that why did they get a bad grade? many of them haven't even manifested a thing so far they get easily discouraged and give up. then they be like "let me revise it" and nothing is happening again, this shit is going on loop.
the blogs and stuffs say that the 4D is real and the 3D is not important it's just a reflection. let's say your bills are due in an hour or so days and you gonna pay the 4D money? hell nah. what's the point of having it in the 4D if you're homeless and your stomach is empty. you say manifestation is instant, if it is so why isn't my assumptions not hardened into facts? we assume a lot of things and not seeing them get real pisses us off.
now let's take an example, i want a complete 360 turn of my entire life like nothing is same as before. i want to be in a different country, have different name, have different job, have different appearance, have different personalities, have different friends, have different family ...... everything is just different. and then I assume like "okay, I'm going to count to ten and when it reaches one when i open my eyes my reality is completely changed" (assumed) and then i do that and nothing changed and i gave up.
this is what is happening for a lot of us and it's even harder when they're a beginner to concious manifesting or haven't consciously manifested anything before on will.
if i make rules and if I assume that thing it's going to be like that why isn't it changing?
Idk about you, but I'm pretty satisfied with the answer.
Ppl seem to often misunderstand the "you make the rules" quote a lot bc the idea that they are in control of everything fules ego.
" I want to move this moutian, and if I assume it'll move, it will" does nothing if self hasn't changed. You can't change an outer reality when there is no "outer", it's yourself that you need to change and seeing your mental problems as an obstacle for your dreams ect makes things worse for your mental health.
I understand that many may struggle bc of their mental health. But how is thinking the way you do any better? I think It'd help for a lot of you that instead of saying:
" I have this (mental problem) that means it's harder for me to manifest, therefore I either can't do it or it'll take me a long time" to
" I seem to struggle with (method/certian loa thing) bc I have this (problem), what can I do to make myself more comfortable?"
Even if you're not into loa, viewing everything you can do as limited bc of who you are and what you have can't be good for you.
No one is telling to you to "ignore the 3D" if you have bills to pay and you're manifesting being rich don't just quit your job, if you're hungry and your fridge is empty don't just sit there but go buy food, no one says these things will hold you back from your desires but you. The "things" u hate now is all a state and mentality itself, all in the 4D that's why it's no different than the 3D, you are always the inner self.
Do you want me to change the law? Bc I have no intentions in convincing you or saying sth special. Manifestation itself may be effortless but you need to put in effort in believing that, esp when you’ve lived your life as the opposite up until now.
Did you imagine moving a moutian, or did you imagine being the person who moved it?
The "things" you want changed are waiting for you to change.
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rollercoasterwords · 3 months
this chapter was so emotional and sad. The way remus was touching sirius, feeling his heartbeat and putting his hand on his chest all the time, like he needed to feel close to sirius’ heart :( I wonder what was going through his head
yeah…might be slightly spoilery but i’m actually in the mood 2 talk a bit abt what’s going on inside his head so 🤭
the thing is i’ve literally been thinking abt this for months like. this was part of a convo i had explaining this whole arc back in january:
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so like. literally for remus this whole experience has been. forced 2 work w a guy who represents everything u hate -> start 2 realize that maybe there's more 2 him & begin 2 empathize w him -> hate urself 4 it & hate him for it -> conflicting loop of feelings where u care about him but u hate that u care so u try 2 stop it but u can't stop it. figure once ur done w this mission u won't ever have 2 see him again so just push everything down
and THEN the mission goes sideways and suddenly s is right there. and they need to get him 2 work w the order. and the thing is s was sponsoring him for a year and a half. like they had a year and a half of slowly developing this relationship that r absolutely did not want but was unable to stop feeling things about and was made even more painful by the fact that he knew it was all built on a lie--like even when he did let himself feel something for s, the follow-up to that was immediately like 'oh but this is all fake he wouldn't act this way or be like this if he knew what was really going on.'
so then s is there at order hq and r's walls are immediately back up & he's putting all his effort into reinforcing them. he's like yeah that year and a half was all fake it was just an act none of it was real and i don't care about u. & all he wants is 2 ignore s & move on but he's right there! working w the order! befriending lily! but r is still like. well he's just playing along til he can escape surely that's it. and then suddenly hq gets attacked and it's just the five of them in this little flat and r is still trying 2 ignore him & keep his walls up but he is also still inexplicably drawn 2 him and can't entirely fight it...and then they finally put some of the animosity aside & start working together & he can't ignore the fact that. hey maybe some of that goodness i saw before was real...and even the badness is no longer entirely the same like he's changed! he's grown! he's still changing and growing and like r says when he finally confesses--it isn't fair! (does he say that? i actually can't remember if i ended up including that line or not lol. anyway) like it isn't fair because s is supposed to be evil and everything r stands against and everything he hates and yet he's come along and wormed his way into r's life and made r care about him and part of him hates that but most of him is like. falling in love. and unable to completely deny it anymore. and when they finally reach this breaking point where r essentially confesses all this it's like. he's letting his walls down, finally, after this slow and painful breakdown of all these defenses, and he's letting himself feel hopeful and be vulnerable and think ok maybe we can have something real.
and quite literally immediately after that it's ripped away. and not only ripped away, but r finds out that s knew, when they had that first kiss, that he was going to be losing his memory, that he planned to leave like this, and he still smashed through all r's fucking walls and made him hope they could have something real, knowing it wasn't true. so he's pretty fucking furious! and he's immediately swinging back into denial! the walls are back up reinforced he's like fuck sirius black i hate that man and his fucking mind games i don't fucking love him and i never will so i don't even fucking care that he's gone.
problem with that is. well of course it's not entirely true is it. and as much as he's trying not to care he can't help agonizing over what s could possibly be going through, whether he'll even make it through this alive or whether voldemort will just kill him, and he hates s for making him care and then putting himself in jeopardy like this because now r has to suffer this horrible burden of just worrying about him all the time, even when he doesn't want to, and he also has to carry this burden of wanting him back and wanting things back the way they were even though he knows it's not possible, and he hates s for making him want that, too.
so. yeah. all those conflicting feelings are there during the hookup. and in this ch he's like. giving up, essentially. like he is constantly battling the remnants of this love but for this one night he gives up the fight and just lets himself feel for s, and not all of it's good--the love and the hate are very much intertwined, at this point--but for one night at least he can pretend that he has him and they're together in the way they might have been, had s not left. and it's all confused and compounded by the fact that s doesn't know him, and still finds him, and still wants him, and yet clearly isn't treating this the same way--for s, it's just a casual one-night stand, and it hurts that he can't feel the way r is, but it also hurts when there are those flashes of something deeper, because recognizing the depth of what they might have had if they both just hadn't denied it for so long is incredibly painful. and r is feeling all this, but he isn't consciously processing it--he's shoving all of it down and away and going "this doesn't even matter, it's just a one night stand, i'm not going to care about this" etc. etc. fun!
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palant1r · 1 year
There are so many fascinating interpretations of light's cannonball into immorality but i have no friends to talk about it with 😭 so why do u think light went so evil so quick? one of my fave interpretations is that, even tho light spoke a bit on how he thought the world was rotten, his ideology was a retroactive justification for killing ppl using the notebook and that his first two kills were actually just him being "bored" and everything grew from there
Man, okay. I have a confession to make: one of the reasons I find Light so fascinating is that I really see myself in him — we just went down uh. VERY different paths. So maybe I'm projecting a bit, but I find his cannonball both understandable and deeply sad, while simultaneously inexcusable and thoughtless. Here goes:
I think that Light has always been someone who is extremely concerned with being Good. His greatest fear is being Bad. Not to personality type him, but he is the quintessential enneagram type one. He holds a deep amount of anger at perceived injustice, and because he needs to be Good, that anger becomes righteous. The thing is, when people are terrified of being anything but Good, that doesn't actually make them do good things. It makes them justify anything they do as good, and makes them completely unwilling to question their own worldviews because the idea of accidentally discovering they've been Bad is too painful to bear. (Like how, when Ryuk says Light would be the only bad person left, Light pulls out some non sequitur and refuses to even engage with that possibility). Another thing is, Light Yagami finds the Death Note when he's in high school. Maybe if he'd found the Death Note later, he wouldn't have gone full Kira mode. But he found the Death Note at a time in his life when he was starting to come up with his own rigid and righteous moral code without the experience to incorporate nuance. Another thing: his dad is a cop, and as I've discussed, he clearly gets his moral code from his dad but with even MORE anxiety about Doing a Bad.
So he finds the Death Note. And he kills the dude who took those hostages. I think he was just being a stupid teenager here, acting impulsively but convincing himself he was being Big Brained. Remember, cop dad: he believes that Crime is a thing that must be Punished, and that Punishment is a Moral Good. It has to be, otherwise his dad and him by extension are Bad, and that is simply unacceptable. After that, I don't think Light was thinking beyond immediate practicalities — the weight of what he'd done hadn't set in yet. He had to confirm the Death Note's power, because Light is ALSO someone who really needs certainty and control. So he kills that one attempted rapist.
And THEN what he's done sets in. We see Light have a mental breakdown, stare the slippery slope in the face, and then immediately decide to grab a sled.
Here's what I think happened. When he realized what he'd done, Light was left with two possibilities. The first was to admit to himself that he was a murderer — that he had done a Bad Thing, and for Light, doing a Bad Thing is totally indistinguishable from being intrinsically, ontologically Bad. This was obviously too painful. So he went with option two: in order to preserve his own self-image as a Good Person, he retroactively justified his actions as Good. This was made easier by the cop morality poison, since under that framework, punishing evil makes people good. After all, there was no doubt a riot team ready to move in on that daycare who might have killed that guy anyway.
Of course, once he'd done that, he couldn't stop there. Light is also a responsible, dutiful person. Because he'd mentally framed his killings as a heroic and necessary act for the sake of self-preservation, continuing his "cleansing" became not just morally neutral but a moral duty. One that he had to continue in order to preserve his self-image of a Good Person. It's a self deluding feedback loop where his actions are good because he is good, and he is good because his actions are good. Light has absolutely no moral self-awareness because that would force him to confront the most painful truth he could possibly acknowledge. His view of ethics is mind-numbingly, braindead-ly simple (baby's first deterrence theory) (someone get Hobbes on the line, this bitch is trying to be the Leviathan) because it's never meant to be a coherent philosophy in the first place — it's a self-justifying defense mechanism.
It's like...so sad to me. Because I see in Light Yagami the potential for an actual well-adjusted person — he wasn't doomed to turn out like this. As much as we clown, without the Death Note I don't think he'd become the Unabomber. He clearly wants to be a good person! But the Death Note didn't "control" or "corrupt" him, either. It just gave him absolute power to carry out an extreme ideology driven by his police upbringing and moral anxiety at a time when he did not have the experience to pump the brakes.
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katsu28 · 2 years
part 1 - secrets
pairing: non canon!Rafe Cameron x reader
summary: rafe’s confession has you thinking back to three times you didn’t realize he was in love with you, and the one time that you did 
warnings: swearing, mentions of alcohol, mentions of fighting and blood
a/n: hi hello here’s the second part to secrets that i said i would write a long time ago and then never did! thank u for being patient with me <3
also can we tell that i adore the best friends to lovers trope bc i really truly do 
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(gif credits to @obxsummer + can i just say, this gif does things to me)
Rafe didn’t seem like he remembered his love confession from a few weeks ago, so you should’ve been able to put it out of your mind, right? 
You tried to forget it, you really did, but for reasons completely unbeknownst to you, you couldn’t. His words had ingrained themselves into your memory, echoing in your head over and over again. 
You can’t tell her that I’m in love with her. 
Maybe it was just the mindless ramblings of a drunken idiot (Rafe always spewed nonsensical bullshit when he got wasted), or maybe it was something else entirely, but you couldn’t help but wonder if this was the one time that Rafe Cameron wasn’t fucking around. 
Were you really prepared for what would happen if Rafe really was in love with you? And if he was, how had you not realized it? 
You’d think that if your best friend since pretty much birth had fallen in love with you sometime in the past twenty-two years, you would’ve noticed. 
Now here you were, sitting in your bedroom on a Saturday afternoon, racking your brain for anything, any memory, that could’ve hinted at Rafe being in love with you, instead of being out and about like a normal person on a beautiful day in the Outer Banks. 
And the more you thought back, the more convinced you became at how utterly blind you’d been all this time. 
Your house, junior year 
“Y/N! Y/N, where are you?” Rafe’s voice echoing through your house had your eyebrows furrowing in confusion from where you were curled up in bed watching your comfort movie after the shitshow of a night you’d just had. 
“Upstairs!” You called back, hastily trying to gather and hide all the tearstained tissues before he made his way to your room. Seconds later, Rafe materialized in the doorway, leaning against the frame with concern in his eyes. You took in his loose tie, messed up hair and untucked shirt, guilt instantly pooling in your gut. “What are you doing here? I thought you had that important dinner with your dad?” 
“Kelce texted, looped me in on your little date fiasco tonight.” 
“I told him not to tell you,” You groaned, rolling your eyes. “What a snitch.” 
“What can I say? I’m very persuasive.” He shrugged. “Are you okay?” 
“As okay as I can be after being stood up and dumped over text.” 
Rafe’s expression hardened. “That douchebag dumped you?” 
“S’not a big deal, I only went on a few dates with him.” You replied, albeit not very convincingly, because he looked less than amused. 
“Oh yeah?” He snorted, crossing the room and tugging your blankets away to reveal your bunched up tissues, then raising an eyebrow at the movie paused on your laptop. “Eat Pray Love and snot rags really say ‘I’m all good’.” 
“Fuck off,” You chucked a pillow at him, which he caught easily and tossed back at you with a snicker. “Was your dad mad that you took off? You really didn’t have to come here, I’m—” 
“Hey, stop it, okay?” He chided, kicking off his shoes and taking a seat next to you. “My best girl needed me, so I ditched a stupid dinner. I don’t really care what he has to say about it because I’d rather be here with you anyways. So give it to me straight. Do I need to round up the guys and teach that loser who dumped you a lesson?” 
You don’t know if it was something in his words, or the fact that Rafe had ditched such an important thing just for you, but your lower lip started to tremble, tears welling in your eyes. Rafe’s arms were around you instantly, tucking your head under his chin as you cried against his chest. 
“I got you, Y/N, you’re okay,” He whispered, lips pressed against your temple as his hand rubbed up and down your back soothingly. “I’m here…I’m right here.” 
Rafe held you tight until you managed to stop crying, but even then you were still a hiccuping mess. 
“Why can’t I find someone who likes me?” You sniffled sadly, wiping your nose with your sleeve. 
“You’re gonna find that person one day, Y/N, I promise you that.” He murmured, giving you a tight squeeze. “You’d be surprised at how love finds its way into places you wouldn’t expect.” 
“Love?” You croaked. 
“Nevermind.” Rafe shook his head, passing you a clean tissue to wipe the tear tracks from your face. “Let’s have a movie night, just you and me, yeah? I can Doordash us some food too. Sound good?” 
You nodded against his chest, cheering the slightest bit up at the prospect of spending more time with your best friend. 
You’d be surprised at how love finds its way into places you wouldn’t expect. 
God, it was so obvious how Rafe was in love with you now, but you’d been too busy feeling sorry for yourself to notice at the time. 
Kildare Academy, senior year 
“Do you know how annoying it is to—what?” You cut your story off when you noticed Topper’s eyes darting over your shoulder. “What the hell are you looking at, Top?” 
“Walton incoming.” He mumbled, averting his gaze quickly. You squeezed your eyes shut in frustration, fighting the urge to bang your head against your locker. 
Preston Walton had been trying to ask you out all year, and every time he’d asked you always turned him down, but despite making it very clear that you weren’t interested, he was really goddamn persistent. 
Topper shot you a sympathetic grin, backpedaling his way down the hall. “Good luck.” 
You inhaled a sharp breath before plastering a fake ass smile on your face and turning around, where Preston was standing a little too close to you for your liking. 
“Hey, Y/N,” He greeted you casually, running a hand over his (in your opinion) overly gelled hair. 
“Preston, hi.” You said politely, taking a subtle step back. “How was your weekend?” 
“Oh, golf at the club, shopping on the mainland. The usual.” He shrugged, smirking. “You know, my dad just got a new boat a few days ago. The newest Grady White.” 
“Sounds fancy.” 
“Yeah, it is. You should come check it out soon, we could take it out to the mainland pier and have dinner. I know this really good steak place we could hit up, and there’s this new nightclub that opened up—we could probably just skip the bouncer a few G’s and they’d let us in.” 
You pressed your lips into a thin line. “Look, Preston, I think you’re a nice guy, but I’m really not interested in going on a date with you.” 
“Oh come on, Y/N, we both know you’re gonna give in to me eventually, so why don’t we just skip the dramatics and you just say yes?” 
“Excuse me?” 
“You heard me. Just save us both the trouble and give in already.” 
You’d been giving Preston the benefit of the doubt up until this point, but you’d had enough. But before you could give him a piece of your mind, something else happened. 
“She said she’s not interested, dickhead.” Rafe’s voice came out of nowhere, and suddenly all you could see were his broad shoulders sliding into your line of sight. Topper must’ve gone to find him when he’d left you hung out to dry. Part of you was relieved he was here, but another part of you was worried about the scene that he was definitely about to cause. 
“Wasn’t talking to you, Cameron, was I?” Preston’s words dripped with smugness, making you wrinkle your nose in distaste. “I think Y/N can speak for herself.” 
“She did. You’re not talking to her anymore, you’re talking to me now.” Rafe sounded calm, but not the good kind. The kind that came right before a giant thunderstorm. 
You opened your mouth to try and quell things before that storm came, but someone’s hands tugged you backwards, and you glanced over to see Topper shaking his head at you. 
“I wouldn’t say anything.” He whispered, drawing you towards the bank of lockers lining the wall. By now, Preston and Rafe’s standoff had garnered a small crowd, each person with their phone out to try and get the best angle of their inevitable fight. 
“She’s really got you under her thumb, doesn’t she?” Preston sneered, casting a spiteful glance over at you.
“Don’t fuckin’ look at her.” Rafe shoved him by the shoulders roughly. “Look at me.” 
“Didn’t know you were her bitch, Cameron.” 
You knew it was coming, but you couldn’t stop the gasp that fell from your lips as Rafe launched a right hook straight across Preston’s face, sending the other boy’s head snapping to the side. Preston recovered quickly though, landing a hit to Rafe’s mouth before Rafe tackled him to the tiled floor with a grunt. 
He threw punch after punch at Preston, balling up the other boy’s shirt in one fist to hold him down as he pummeled him mercilessly. You wanted to intervene, but you couldn’t bring your feet to move, instead just staring wide eyed at the brawling boys. 
It wasn’t until you heard a clamor of voices down the hall getting closer—teachers coming to break up the fight probably—that you swore, snapping out of your daze to grab the back of Rafe’s polo and yank him off Preston with all the strength you could muster. 
“Let me go, Y/N—” He growled, lunging at the boy on the floor again, but you flattened your palms against his chest. The look in his eyes was that of a wild animal, but softened just the slightest bit at focusing on you. 
“Do you wanna get suspended again, Cameron?” You hissed, shoving him backwards a few steps. “Fucking move!” 
Rafe gritted his teeth for a few moments, scowling at Preston one more time before letting you pull him away. You dragged him outside to the bathrooms near the gym that nobody ever used, parking his ass against a sink to clean him up. 
“Are you mad at me?” He asked quietly, feeling the slightest bit guilty at the way you avoided looking him in the eyes. 
You huffed out a sigh through your nose, finally meeting his gaze. “I’m not mad at you, Rafe. I’m mad at myself.” 
“What? Why?” 
“For letting things get to that point with Preston. I should’ve made it clearer.” 
“Will you stop that?” Rafe sounded frustrated, but you knew it was only because he cared. “You said no. Multiple times. You should’ve only had to say no once, so that douchebag Walton got what he deserved. Wish I’d gotten a few more punches though.” 
You let out a breathy laugh, spirits lifted. “Yeah, well, I didn’t need you adding murder to your rapsheet.” 
“Y/N, you are too goddamn nice.” 
“I hate being mean!” You huffed, lips twisting into a pout as you dabbed at Rafe’s split knuckles with a paper towel. 
“I know,” He chuckled softly. “Good thing you have someone who’s willing to get down and dirty for you so you don’t have to be mean.” 
“My hero.” 
“You bet your ass I am.” 
“And he’s humble too. Real charmer you are, Cameron.” 
“Really just describing me to a T here, L/N.” 
You just rolled your eyes, wetting another towel to wipe away the dried blood from his chin. The two of you sat in a comfortable silence while you tended to the rest of his wounds, until you broke it to voice the question that had been bouncing around in your head this whole time. 
“Hey Rafe?” He hummed in acknowledgement. “What did Preston mean when he said I had you under my thumb?” 
“Dunno. Probably him just shooting off nonsense again.” 
“You don’t think I’m controlling, do you?” 
Rafe snorted. “Y/N, controlling is the last word I’d use to describe you, trust me.” 
“Are you sure?” 
“Positive.” He nodded, lips turning into a frown when you didn’t look convinced. His hand came up, fingers thumping gently under your chin to get you to meet his eyes and offering you a grin when you did. “You’re not controlling, Y/N. Far from it, actually. I’ll do whatever you want me to,” Because I’m fucking in love with you. “because I care about you.” 
“You’re a really good friend, Rafe.” You smiled, patting his chest good-naturedly before wandering to the trash can to throw away the bloodied towels. Had you been looking at Rafe, you would’ve seen him wince. 
Friend. That’s all he was to you, when you were so much more to him. 
“Yeah, thanks.” He mumbled, scratching his nose awkwardly. 
“I’d beat up someone for you too, y’know.” 
“Would you really?” 
“Yeah. If they weren’t that much bigger than me. And if they know less about fighting than I do.” 
“Oh, thank you.” He drawled sarcastically, crossing the bathroom to sling an arm around your shoulders and steer you towards the exit. “My savior.” 
“You’re very welcome.” 
Rafe rolled his eyes. “C’mon, let’s get outta here before admin comes for me.” 
Midsummers, 3 years ago 
“Underage drinking, how delinquent of you,” You hummed, sneaking up next to Rafe at the table tucked off to the side of the dance floor that he was leaning up against. He grinned around the mouth of his flask, offering it over to you without a second glance, which you accepted gladly, taking a satisfying swig. “Oh, you got the good stuff this time.” 
“Only the best for—whoa.” Rafe froze when his eyes landed on you, his gaze not-so-subtly dragging down the length of your dress and lingering at the slit creeping dangerously high on your thigh.
His throat suddenly felt extremely dry. 
“—what he wanted to wear tonight? It was literally the worst, I almost backed out right there and then.” 
Rafe tore his eyes away from your dress, meeting yours distractedly. “Sorry, what?” 
“You good?” You snorted, raising an eyebrow. 
“Uh, yeah, good. All good.” He nodded quickly, clearing his throat. “You were saying?” 
You grinned, launching into some story about your Midsummer’s date and how he wanted to wear a Pokemon themed tie, but Rafe honestly wasn’t listening. 
Had you been paying attention to him as you talked, you would’ve noticed the way he was looking at you—like you’d hung the moon, and he was damn lucky to bask in your glow. 
For the rest of the night, you and Rafe stayed glued to each other’s sides, despite both of you having your own respective dates. At one point Rafe’s date tried to pull him away with some painfully obvious insinuations of hooking up in the locker room, and you honestly thought he would take her up on it. But to your surprise, he turned her down, and when you asked him why, he clammed up and refused to say a word. 
And at the end of the night, when your date (and also your ride home) had bailed on you, Rafe dropped everything to drive you home, dropping you off and not leaving until you made your way inside and waved at him from your bedroom window. 
Holy shit. 
You hadn’t noticed anything back then, thinking he was just being a good friend all those times and probably more that you couldn’t think of at the moment, but knowing what you knew now put everything in a new light. 
Rafe Cameron really was in love with you. 
And when you mulled over it some more, you realized something else. There was a reason why you couldn’t put any of this out of your mind. It was the same reason why you always felt inexplicably satisfied whenever Rafe turned down every girl that draped themselves flirtily over his arm whenever you all went out, the same reason you found yourself sticking to him in any social situation. He made you feel safe, and loved, but you’d always thought it was a platonic kind of love. Until now. 
You were in love with Rafe Cameron too. 
Grabbing your phone from where you’d tossed it on your bed, you pulled up Rafe’s contact and just stared at his picture for the longest time, debating whether or not to call him with your newfound discoveries. 
“Fuck it,” You muttered, hitting the call button before you could chicken out. The phone rang for a few agonizingly long seconds before he picked up. 
“Hey, Y/N, what’s up?” Rafe greeted you cheerfully, and suddenly you’d forgotten how to speak, leaving you clutching the phone with shallow breaths. There was some shuffling on the other end of the line, then his voice again, but more concerned this time. “Y/N? Everything okay?” 
“Yeah, everything—everything’s fine,” You cleared your throat to rid your voice of that annoying squeakiness. “What’re you up to today?” 
“Nothing anymore. I’m coming to your house right now.” He replied, and you could hear the jingling of his keys in the background of the call. 
“Rafe, no, I’m fine.” You insisted, but even that was weak. Feeling like you had to clarify some things so he wouldn’t come racing over the speed limit on the way here, you sighed. “Nothing’s wrong, I just…I need to talk to you. Not about anything bad, though.” 
“I’ll be there in ten.” He said softly, saying a tentative goodbye before hanging up. 
That—the prospect of Rafe coming over to your place and asking you what was going on in that stupidly endearing way that always had you eventually spilling your guts every freaking time—sent you into a tailspin, pacing a hole in the floor of your room as you wondered how on Earth you were supposed to tell him that you were in love with him too, when you weren’t even sure that he remembered confessing his love for you. 
Before you knew it, there was a knock at your front door that jerked you out of your whirling thoughts, sending you hurrying to answer it. Rafe already looked worried when you pulled it open, and at your troubled expression, furrowed his eyebrows even more as you ushered him inside.
He even went so far as to take a scan of his surroundings to see if anything looked out of place, twisting his cap backwards with a frown when he saw that everything was normal. “What’s wrong?” 
“Nothing’s wrong.” 
“Bullshit. You have that look on your face.” 
“What look?” 
“The one that you always have when something’s wrong.” Rafe shot back, propping his hands on his hips expectantly. “I know you, Y/N. Spill.” 
You opened your mouth to respond, then snapped it shut, instead opting to take his hand and lead him to the couch, where you sat him down and still didn’t say anything. All he could do was sit there in growing confusion as he watched you pace back and forth in front of him. 
“You’re starting to scare me, y’know. Did you kill someone? Do we need to go hide a body?” You had to hand it to Rafe for trying to make you laugh when you were obviously kind of freaking out, but you could only crack a small smile. “Hey, come on, it’s just me. You can tell me anything.” 
You blew out a deep breath through pursed lips before speaking. “Okay. Remember that party a few weeks ago, when you got so drunk, I had to drag you home before you started stripping on the table?” 
Of course he knew that one. He’d been beating himself up over it all this time. How could he forget? “Uh, kinda. Why?” 
“I can’t stop thinking about what you said.” 
“Ah. Right.” Rafe cringed, raking a hand through his hair and bobbing his head embarrassedly. “Okay look, I’m really sorry if I made you uncomfortable or anything, I was drunk off my ass, and I didn’t mean to say the things that I did. You know me, I always—” 
“I think I’m in love with you too,” You blurted, letting out a sharp, nervous breath. “I didn’t realize it till now, but—” 
He froze, eyes going impossibly wide at your words. “You’re—you’re serious?” 
You could only manage a small nod. Rafe shot up from the couch, crossing the room and pulling you against him in an instant. 
“Rafe, what are you—” You couldn’t even finish your question before he was kissing you like his life depended on it, hands gripping either side of your face gently but still firmly. His lips were soft, moving against yours tentatively at first, then with more confidence when you’d gotten over your shock and started to kiss him back. 
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that,” He mumbled breathlessly as soon as you pulled away, stroking his thumb across your cheek tenderly. 
“So you were lying when you said you were just being a stupid drunk!” You exclaimed, slapping Rafe’s chest gleefully. “I knew it!” 
“Way to ruin the moment, dumbass.” 
“I’m sorry! I just—how long?” You smiled warmly at him, running your fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck. 
“Years, Y/N. Fucking years.” 
“I didn’t know you could be so patient, Cameron.” 
“Yeah, well, when the girl of your dreams can’t see what’s right in front of her, you learn to be a little patient.” Rafe huffed, rolling his eyes playfully. You smacked his chest again. “I’m kidding. But seriously, I don’t think I ever thought this day would come.” 
“And now that it has, what are you gonna do about it?” You teased, trailing a finger down the buttons of his shirt. 
“Texting the guys and telling them they owe me twenty bucks, is what I’m gonna do.” 
“After we have a conversation about where this leaves us. Obviously.”
He grinned sheepishly. “I love you?” 
“I love you too, you giant idiot.” 
@agent-grey-fics @scenesofobx @milkiane @unbelievablystillafangirl @vesperluvsbillie @fearthewalkingbitch @lovserrr @nardaddyromanoff @dpaccione @laneybobeczko-g @liltimmyst @lilygreennn @sunkissedsteve
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bunabi · 8 months
srry if this is intrusive or weird, but i saw in a reblog recently that ur from chicago: can i ask, whats it generally like living there? like, cost of living/ housing, public transport, disability access, healthcare. its one of the main places i was thinking abt moving to after college, but i dont know anyone frm there yet & always like to talk to locals for info rather than random articles online. thank u for ur consideration, whether u answer or not, hope u & sabine have a great day! 💖
(chicago anon again) OH & also srry if it seems like a lot to ask!!! after sending the mssg i relize it might come across like im asking for some whole ass essay abt the area or smthn. to clarify i jst meant i was curious if u have a few short general thoughts or insider "things ppl who move here should know" or i guess mostly just if you personally enjoy it there & whatever. but i def dont wanna be a burden. i know its kind of vague open ended question. ahh!! OmO;
Uh sure let me think:
The trains and buses are pretty consistent. It's $2.50 per swipe but transfers are free. When I was in college they gave us student discount passes. There are applications for free/reduced-fare passes.
Not every station has elevator access, so you might want to look into that ahead of time if you need any accommodations. Between the three stations near me only one is wheelchair friendly.
It's expensive everywhere now. Try to find a place with the best deal per square footage. I have a way more affordable large studio that's the same size as my prev small 1BR apartment. Speaking from experience: a lot of 'remodeled' places just have new appliances and the same ancient walls with insane bug colonies, so be careful. 😭
Neighborhoods with a nearby campus (DePaul in Lincoln Park, Loyola in Edgewater, U of I in West Loop) are typically really safe & have guides available. If you can afford it and don't mind being around students nonstop, I recommend those areas for first apartment hunting.
Our main subway lines are the Red Line & Blue Line. They have completely different energies. Idk how else to describe it. If you visit, please ride both to get an idea of which you prefer to deal with on a regular basis.
Good luck!
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baxndaid · 2 years
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characters ; XIAO, VENTI
prompt ; yandere/possessive mfs ;frown;
notes/warnings ; toxic, no established relationship, suggestive?? ish idk LMFAO also xiao ty for coming home u can stay with mommy raiden and babe venti
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i . xiao
xiao is already protective as it is, so this mf would kinda just,, liek,, creep around you for a while!! just for ur safety like tf u judging him for⁉⁉ he still wonders abt his karma and the dangers of being around him, which is the main reason why he stays away from you. but his karmic debt doesnt stop him from watching you
xiao saw you regularly with zhongli by your side. all you did was talk and nod your head as the old god recited his usual stories and life-lessons. he found it amusing, your tired and sleepy face as you lean on the palm of your hand and pretend to understand what the archon was saying half of the time, but he would never linger on it too long. the adeptus would ask about you sometimes, he did wonder why a normal, human, mortal like you, hung around with a retired deity. but, he did know that zhongli wished to live a mortal life, so it didnt surprise him when he told him that he simply enjoyed your lovely presence. he scoffed after leaving, wondering what was so incredible about your oh, so called "lovely presence." he didnt resent you, you havent done anything to him after all and he was a fair man. so, he simply observed you from the side lines. studying your antics, silently listening to your late-night rants, huffing at your small mistakes and stutters, looking around your booked hotel room at the inn, taking articles of your clothing, learning your daily routine, he truly became your shadow, following you everywhere you went. he convinced himself, hes doing this for you. its a dangerous world out there and he needs to be the one to keep you safe. who else would do it? he experienced his fair share of fights and was trained well in terms of combat, he was the perfect candidate to protect you. and that is exactly what he did.
you were walking back from completing a few extra commissions with lumine and paimon, arms looped together. it wasn't that you two were in a relationship or anything, but you both enjoyed to hold hands/arms while walking together for comfort. a kind, sweet gesture of friendship. sometimes he wished that he could just show up and magically be close to you like lumine was, so you would walk with him, hold hands with him, love him. but for now, he could live with just daydreaming. perhaps, he'd have to pay a little visit to lumine? just for pointers, of course :)
ii . venti
you mfs should know by now that i go feral when i write for venti bro idk just something awakens and i go nuts, like theres something SO ironic and cool abt a literal god of freedom going against his own beliefs and purpose,, in other words its hot ex dee LMFAOO SHOULD I MAKE A ACTUAL (CHAPER) STORY with a nun!reader (comment yes pls i want to so bafd)
venti always kept his eyes on you, as a nun, you were his loyal worshipper, and therefore, you should dedicate your life to him. in other words, you belong to him. this is what he said to himself, of course. to justify it, if you will. to justify his constant staring, the accidental bumps and touches and strokes on the streets of mondstat, harsh winds blowing your uniform upwards when hes around, and the convenient disappearances of those you talk to on a regular basis. but its all just a bit of fun! hes just messing around! its your fault you take it so seriously! he always laughs and giggles whenever you swat away his grubby hands from your body, he loves the annoyed look on your face whenever he pesters you and makes flirtatious remarks while you are on duty. you always hated it, but you didnt want to be rude and kick the poor man while he was down. to you, he was just the local bard, with a limited amount of mora and an alcohol addiction that he struggles with. to venti, he was a wolf in disguise, the superior, and it excited him. it excited him whenever you would pray to him daily with sweet and innocent intentions, and then soon later that day, scold him for making a perverted joke with disgust clearly imprinted onto your face while doing so. he laughs at your attempts to flee too, didnt you know that the wind will always follow?
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under-lore · 2 years
In genocide route, after player/Frisk/Chara beating Sans, he says “Don’t say I didn’t warn you”. It’s believed that he knows about Chara’s intention to destroy the world and (sort of) warns Frisk/player about it. What do you think about this?
Sans is indeed aware that a timeline erasure is about to take place in the very near future.
In fact, that is the very reason he fights us in the first place, not just because of the killing we did.
Its possible to kill more people in a neutral route then on a genocide one and in those routes Sans will not fight us, same goes if we kill Papyrus for instance. Sans hates our guts, yet he will not fight.
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This is because Sans knows that eventually, it's all going to be RESET. These deaths are not permanent. They will be undone eventually and Sans knows this.
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If things are going to be RESET in the end, then instead of fighting us, the better option in case of mass murder is simply to either wait for a RESET or to try and get the anomaly to turn to a better path himself.
Either by trying to push the anomaly in the right direction.
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Or by guilt-tripping it into a RESET.
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He does this both because it means that those who died will be alive again in this next TI even if he won't be there to see it but also because Sans here still believes that the anomaly can be redeemed and change its ways.
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In those neutral routes, Sans is hoping those things will indeed happen after the eventual RESET. An idea that he gives up upon in genocide during the second phase.
However, in a genocide route, the situation is completely different.
He explains to us what this difference is early on in the fight.
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"Jumping left and right" corresponds to LOADING.
"Stopping and starting" corresponds to RESETING.
But here, what comes next is a brutal stop to all of the previous timeline shenanigans. Instead of the perpetual time loops from before, everything meets an abrupt end.
"Everything ends" corresponds to ERASE. The destruction of the world that is indeed specific to only genocide routes.
Unlike in neutral routes, things will NOT be RESET in the end in this route.
This means that this time, the consequences of the genocide will be permanent if things keep going the way they are.
This is the reason why Sans can't afford not to care this time. He needs to step in and make the anomaly RESET before it reaches the point where "everything ends" as otherwise, everything will be destroyed in a way that, as far as Sans knows, is completely irreversible.
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That is why he needs them to QUIT now before its too late. Before they eventually reach the point of no return.
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And so, if Sans is Sans is defeated. There is nothing left preventing the anomaly from causing the end of the world as Sans had warned them they would.
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What is worth mentioning too is that Sans' vision of the events isn't quite the full picture. As far as he knows, there was only ever one timespace anomaly and this anomaly is the one that somehow causes the world to end.
Sans doesn't know exactly how the world is destroyed either, but he knows that its about to happen from the fact that the reports showed the incoming end of all timelines.
He isn't aware of the difference between Frisk, Chara and the player. Neither does he know that most of the timeline shenanigans he pinned on Frisk were actually Flowey's fault.
To him, the PFC is just one single entity : "the anomaly". He assumed that the one SAVING and LOADING was the same person as the one that goes on the ERASE the world even if in actuality, the one who has the determination to SAVE, the one that decided to begin the genocide and the one that destroys the world actually are three different people.
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There is one more dimension to this : The "Bad time" line seems to have a double meaning. It seems to refer both to the fight against Sans itself and to the upcoming end of the world.
Even during the Sans fight, we are still "going" to have a bad time. This is very a clever way wording of it. The real bad time time is still upcoming, and its fast approaching.
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Since what comes next is the end of all timelines and that Sans believes Frisk to be the one and only anomaly. He assumes that the anomaly is about to cause its own destruction as well as it couldn't exist outside of time and space.
Thus, even after Sans is struck down, his warning about the anomaly having a bad time still stands.
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The anomaly chose to pursue a path that leads to the destruction of the world, and now its about to get exactly what it asked for.
Sans is warning the anomaly about itself. Not the player or Frisk about Chara.
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marimuraa · 10 months
Been thinking about Muri's business's relationship with Spyke's. Muri sells snails for cash, Spyke accepts snails for services. There are several things this could imply:
Muri built a large chunk of her business on her inside knowledge of Spyke's snail lust, and the only reason people buy her snails is to trade them with Spyke. This would make both services largely co-dependent, although Muri would need Spyke's business more than he needed hers. Is it a plot they concocted to boost revenue? A money laundering scheme? This, of course, assumes Spyke is unique in his snails-4-rolls business model and Super Sea Snails are useless outside of him. This, in turn, implies that Spyke is a complete fucking freak.
Spyke resells the snails he recieves back to Muri in an infinite loop. Definitely some sort of money laundering scheme. You don't want to know what their actual business is.
Urchins kind of in general have a thing for snails and regard them as valuable, due to use as food, currency or some other thing. Her selling them is just what Urchins do, as they play into the business of every Urchin entrepreneur as some sort of tradition.
It ain't that deep and Muri just capitalized on a bootleg-shilling street hobo by selling the hobo's favorite snack on a nearby street corner, knowing he's known to accept it in lieu of payment, basically pocketing his profits and letting him provide the actual services like a Chuck E Cheese token machine.
Muri knows Spyke eats Super Sea Snails, but thinks everyone does it and believes she's selling snacks. Urchins are strange.
The above, but her main gig is selling her other wares, and just sells off her surplus snails as a side thing. Perhaps the Urchins only operate businesses as a way to obtain snails, and all 3 have a dragon's hoard of illicit molluscs in their basements.
Not sure how legible this is. It's late, I'm tired, I'm trying new ADHD meds, and my brain has latched onto ur girl like a porcupine to a poorly-guarded garage sale salt lamp.
HEY ANON its been months u prolly dont care abt muri anymore so as an apology i give u never seen muri wips i will never finish. Also, ur ask gave me like tons of ideas aswell ur brain is huge. Hope u don't mind me stealing a few of these for the Muri+Spyke lore 💋
OK infodump time
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(made this a while ago with inspo from ur ask!)
Muri's and her business are known by word of mouth, she has never made any advertising for it.. Inklings and Octos just went all around the splatbands saying "Theres this urchin chick that sells super sea snails at affordable price, you should definetily go buy from her if you run out of snails!!" And thats how she sky-rocketed. That and her often using her good-looks so that they buy more stuff from her. But she can't really do any gear stuff, so she sells the super sea snails so that Spyke n Murch can do the actual thing.
"Muri would need Spyke's business more than he needed hers. Is it a plot they concocted to boost revenue? A money laundering scheme? This, of course, assumes Spyke is unique in his snails-4-rolls business model and Super Sea Snails are useless outside of him." "It ain't that deep and Muri just capitalized on a bootleg-shilling street hobo by selling the hobo's favorite snack on a nearby street corner, knowing he's known to accept it in lieu of payment, basically pocketing his profits and letting him provide the actual services like a Chuck E Cheese token machine." - YAH. U GET IT COMPLETELY. IDK if this is canon or not, but i think that super sea snails are only food. Like, for urchins. They're super hard to get, but they're only food. Spyke basically made them some sort of luxury item in Inkopolis, making them look like super valuable between Ink n Octo-lings. Muri noticing this, decides to sell super sea snails knowing she'll make mad profit from that.
Also thought abt a few options abt how Muri gets the snails.
Her family "farms" Super Sea Snails back in her hometown. (which is the same as Spykes and Murchs) She takes a BUNCH of them to sell in the splatlands, aswell as to give to her two brothers as a treat
She has a super sea snail provider that (initially) gave her only a limited amount of super sea snails. Yet her being the freak woman she is, she blackmailed and threatened the owner asking to give her as much snails as she wanted. With no other choice they had to accept, making Muri the one in control of the partnership. Kinda. Because the owner tends to flee and run away everytime she wants to talk with them.. making the poor delivery jellyfish have to deal with her.
You can choose to believe which of the two whether u like the most or which one u think fits her better.
BONUS FUN FACT: Muri cannot eat Super Sea Snails because she finds them disgusting in taste after a childhood experience. (She ate too many and threw up, the taste is now sickening to her) In the present she finds them extremely adorable buut shes fine and doesnt care abt other urchins eating them
Additional Muri+Spyke stuff
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OK my tummy hurts THX SO MUCH anon for the ask it made my muri brainworm infected brain go insane
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