#always great lmao
probablythevaria · 4 months
Ive been inactive on Tumblr for some time and been following this blog for so long and I'm so happy it's still here 🥹 khr has brought back so many great memories to me. The characters mean a lot to me and the show got me through tough times and this is one of my favorite fandom blogs. You do such a great job. I hope your life is as good as khr made you feel
Thank you so much! ♥ Even though there's technically only two admins still around we both really appreciate anyone who supported our work ♥
It's kind of crazy because I made this blog when I was, like, 18 maybe? I was honestly just a little baby writer and I've hopefully improved quite a bit by now since I'm about to be 27 (oh yeah this blog is OLD)
But, yeah- my life's been okay! And I'm still around on tumblr and always wanting to talk khr if anyone wanted to follow my actual blog here. I'd love to see how any one of our supporters was doing after all these years ♥
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zivazivc · 4 months
So in the second movie we see poppy and branch get, basically drugged by smooth jazz. Do you think different kinds of music can be like drugs to trolls who aren't off that genre? I'm just thinking about floyd & his ex band mates just getting high after putting on a funky record
I can't explain to you how much i love this ask, Sapphire! Like it made me obsessed sljhfdjd I was focusing so much on that ringpop pacifier from the third movie and thinking of other troll drugs I could come up with (like sour worms lol) that I completely forgot about smooth jazz!!
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Eventually Floyd got up like in a trance, started dancing hippie-style, tripped over his own feet, and never got up
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Floyd is still 14 here and they are all morons. Also I think Floyd would in general be much more affected by this genre because he doesn't have any Rock Troll blood like the rest of them. Slowly they will learn through morally dubious trial and error... Pray for them.
the records Flea borrowed:
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ragsy · 7 months
If the media landscape is going to be just remakes and reboots from now til the end of humanity, can we at least start doing what Scott Pilgrim Takes Off did, which was recontextualize its previous iterations rather than overwrite them? It never said "the books and the live action film are in the trash now, this is the new canon." What it actually said was "the books and live action film are my predecessors, I will build on what they made and have conversations with what they said." And I think that fucking rules
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snarkspawn · 1 year
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long time no swtor! hi
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voiider · 2 months
I need more batfam sibling dynamics where it's you and your sibling(s) vs. your parent(s)
Like in the way that you might not always get along with/like your sibling but your alliance is with them first and your parent second.
Bruce talking to Tim about Damian and saying "but don't tell your brother" and Tim IMMEDIATELY finding Damian and telling him bc it's ride or die
Or one of them doing something stupid and messing up/getting hurt but we do not tell Bruce and your sibling helps you clean it up and you take that secret to the grave
Also finding out family drama or a secret about Bruce and IMMEDIATELY sending it to the group chat
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ghouljams · 3 months
the line cook thing burrowed its way into my brain, omg.
price laying the charm on thick to the new server. they're a tired, clearly overworked thing. he worries about them, even when they're not on the schedule. makes sure to feed them breakfast, lunch, dinner - whatever meal they're up for, and quickly learns their favorites. a few weeks in, he's scandalized to learn the diner's their third job. no wonder they're always tired! he's got to do something about it.
sorry to ramble in your ask box!
Price is absolutely in charge of the kitchen, barking orders at Ghost, Soap and any other unlucky line cooks under him. He really only stops in order to lean against the pass through and ask, "Everything alright sweetheart?" When his favorite server swings by. He's slick with it, terribly charming in a way that he probably shouldn't be.
He hates order substitutions and will send Ghost out to menace anyone trying to make massive changes to menu items. It's not a fancy restaurant by any means, but it's still well trafficked with a lot of regulars. (He might even like one or two of them) He's quick to take new staff under his wing if he thinks they're having a hard time (or if they're extra pretty) and is in fact scandalized by anyone working at the diner as a third job. He's got a meeting with the owner to talk about paying the servers more, may or may not set a loaded gun on the table during this talk.
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flickerintwilights · 7 months
WELL came out of the theater and all I can say is that the marvels is a movie for the gays
listen to me. you do NOT have a five minute scene in which valkyrie arrives dramatically in a suit and speaks to carol holding both her hands, talks to her with the implication they’ve interacted many times before, and leans in to give her a kiss on the cheek before leaving. you do not casually give popular f/f rarepair ship fodder like that and say otherwise.
you also would not give carol danvers an undercut. or have kamala quote walt whitman. or have the rainbow over kamala and her crush superhero idol be the pan flag colors. hope this makes sense
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pamouche · 4 months
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If I was able to choose, I’d choose you. Because you’ve always been my number one since the start.
- ayan to akk (in the first trailer of THE ECLIPSE)
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brother-emperors · 9 months
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this is about the spolia opima that crassus was robbed of lmao. like, yeah okay octavian could've asked him not to claim it, but nevertheless. a kind of theft happened there.
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Fact and Fiction: Crassus, Augustus, and the Spolia Opima, Catherine McPherson
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latin-dr-robotnik · 1 year
Y'know, I wouldn't mind if they actually start producing visual novels or RPGs as actual Sonic games in-between major Sonic Team releases.
The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog was a pretty solid game, all things considered. For a free April Fools joke it got me laughing through most of it, and I really enjoyed its touching moments, especially during the last act and the whole arc around the Conductor.
I can see them striking some gold handling projects like this with bigger dev teams and actual budgets. The fact they can use smaller games to tell short stories in Sonic's world and make it feel so alive and connected is something I've been craving for a while, and it doesn't even have to be a platformer! Ever since I discovered fangames like Sonic and the Mayhem Master years ago, I wondered if SEGA could take another shot at the RPG genre, or something more story-focused.
And sure, this time it was a visual novel, but it landed pretty close to what I had in mind. This whole experience was well worth my time, and some real cash too if they asked for it. I hope this charming little joke game can open more possibilities for the future of Sonic games.
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softpine · 6 months
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reach out and touch faith
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clockwork-carstairs · 2 months
i have to say seeing how popular jem is now, knowing he hasn't always been, is SO reassuring and relieving. not because other characters aren't great or have good values, but because it means jem's standout qualities – things like kindness, compassion, gentleness, being thoughtful – are being appreciated and seen as more important and that's SUCH a good thing. especially knowing ya's history of pushing forward the toxic-cocky-mysterious bad boy agenda… we're finally putting qualities like kindness above that, which is a really positive step forward. i know it's more nuanced than this, and tsc's characters are far more nuanced (jem's sole trait isn't being kind, for instance) but he wasn't always appreciated this much and as a longtime jem fan i truly love to see it. i grew up reading books where the mc always went for the mysterious bad boy character – ruder, testy, provocative – and often these characters were more popular because being kind was seen as 'boring' or meant you could only ever be in the friendzone. jem was one of the first characters i read who had this really horrible backstory, but throughout everything was genuinely just kind. it's really wonderful to see so many people appreciating that :)
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wigglebox · 8 months
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Suptober [Extended] - Day 18 || Royalty 👑
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merriclo · 1 year
i love the idea that Wild is a big brother to basically all of the kids in his Hyrule. it’s such a good heacanon that i never see utilized.
#with their dads permission he’ll take Cottla and Koko on horse rides and they always have food ready for his horses when he comes into town#cottla wants to learn archery to be like him and he melts when he finds that out#all the kids in Hateno have been caught giving treats to his horses#this is a popular headcanon i think but him teaching the local kiddos how to sword fight so often times he’ll be found directing a horde of#children who’re all swinging treebaches around. he couldn’t look prouder of them.#imagine when he gets older and all the village kids r teens/young adults and all of a sudden the village has skilled hunters and foragers#and everyone’s like ‘wow what’s hateno doing’ and the answer is they all had a great big brother#by older i mean he’d be like. early thirties. but y’know ahsnfjks#wild’s impact should rest in the ppl i think. botw is all abt humanity’s strive to overcome hardship and find beauty in the misery#(well. it is to me anyhow lmao)#so i love the idea of his influence not resting in politics or myths or whatever#but within the culture and spirit of those he fought for#in my brain he definitely wanted to rescue Zelda at first and that’s the only reason he was going to fight ganon#but as his journey progressed he wanted to protect and cultivate the future more than rescue the past#i like this idea w zelda too. like not only will the future generation have great fighters but excellent scholars and leaders.#wow i am RAMBLING#anyhow. i like big bro wild.#linked universe#lu#jojo’s linked universe#linkeduniverse#lu wild#wild lu#wild linked universe#linked universe wild
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rebouks · 11 days
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Ivan: What’re y’pullin’ a face for now? Oscar: I’m not! Ivan: Go on, say it. Oscar: I ain’t saying shit, geez. Ivan: Y’think it’s borin’. Oscar: No-.. it’s a bit plain, is all. Ivan: I like plain. Oscar: I know. Ivan: I wouldn’t have t’do shit ‘cause it’s been done up like a clean slate n’ all, y’know? I can’t be arsed-… Oscar: I get it, Ivan-.. you don’t have to sell me on it, it’ll be great. Ivan: D’you reckon I should make an offer? Oscar: Duh, don’t piss around. … Ivan: What d’you two think? Jude: I like it. Pixie: Me too! Ivan: Y’wouldn’t mind the box room, would ya? Jude: Nope! Oscar: What about yo-.. where the hell has he gone now? Ivan: Over the road. Oscar: Kid’s like a stray cat, I swear-.. pisses off whenever he wants n’ comes back when he’s hungry. Ivan: [snorts] Let’s find the realtor. [dad sigh]
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huiyi07 · 2 days
hey so do you guys ever think about how often Diluc is referred to as the ‘uncrowned king of Mondstadt’ since he’s like the only male heir to the noble families and like it or not, where Jean is the authority of the nation, he’s pretty much the symbolic face of Mondstadt and the values the nation projects— and despite his temperament, Diluc has learned to embrace it wholeheartedly. He’s charismatic, extremely righteous, and he blazes bright and gives the people of Mondstadt a fire that guides them in the dark, quite literally. Like he’s literally Bruce Wayne lmao
But he doesn’t want this, no, and here’s the proof- maybe he did, once upon a time, before everything happened— but he doesn’t really care about wine, he only cares about the winery because of the people in it and his father. He’s righteous but doesn’t give a damn about the rules and the knights of favonius. After what happened to him, he’s clearly a rebel at heart now, not some charming superhero who does everything expected of him, unlike before. In summary, Diluc was someone who was quite literally ready to become an (uncrowned) prince, pretty much royalty in every way except title- and on surface level, he still is, but he throws that mantle away in secret whenever he can.
And then look at Kaeya, his brother who’s always lived in his shadow. It’s easy to see that now, people don’t really project Mondstadt’s values onto Kaeya the same way they do onto Diluc, since lots of people hardly even remember that they’re brothers. And yeah people still think kaeya is reliable and nice, but also because of how Kaeya built his image after Diluc left— an excessively over the top personality that pretends to be sadistic, mean, and at the same time dripping with false charm. So despite that people still find him approachable and nice as expected of a knight, hardly anyone would call him befitting of a prince.
But Kaeya is actually so painfully and authentically ‘princely’ and kind, deep down— the way he deals with children, his fierce loyalty and willingness to protect people at all costs, his self sacrificial tendencies that most often appear for Diluc’s sake. This is kinda obvious to any player who’s bothered to learn anything about kaeya, but to the characters in game, there are very few that know that side of him.
And whereas Diluc is forcibly projected the title of royalty and secretly rejects it, Kaeya was actually born into it- the royal blood of Khaenriah is in his veins, and much like how he does with anything related to his past and heritage, he loudly and outwardly rejects it. Diluc rejects what Kaeya shows, and Kaeya hides what Diluc projects.
Honestly? It’s as if they were swapped at birth. Kaeya’s real hidden nature, even after everything that happened to him, remains to be so unwavering and people-oriented. Not that Diluc isn’t unwavering or whatever, but Diluc mostly actively rejects relationships and prefers to do everything alone, obsessed with the idea that he doesn’t want anyone to get hurt, whereas Kaeya always, always yearns for companionship and for people to be by his side- solidarity.
Diluc is the poster image of royalty, but his brother who hides in the shadows is a real king. They complete each other, balance each other out, represent the parts that the other hides. I don’t know if hoyoverse always meant them to be that way, but damn they basically represent each other’s parts of themselves that they lost. Yin and Yang, two halves of the same whole.
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