accio-victuuri · 1 month
wang yibo - performance of “vibrant shanghai” @ paris olympics qualifier series opening ceremony
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canisalbus · 6 months
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✦ Diplomacy ✦
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lotustiled · 3 months
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post-meeting discussions with ambassador katara and firelord zuko :)
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ghostgoing · 2 months
Jason turned his head to see a small guy with black hair pointing at him. He was wearing a light grey hoodie and jeans.
“Your ancestor has been haunting me for MONTHS!” Danny tilted his head, looking at Hood’s chest. “They weren’t wrong, you really do need to see a ghost doctor. What the fuck is up with your ecto?”
“My what?” Red Hood said. “ are you the guy people around here have been talking about? The one who can talk to the dead?”
“More like the dead won’t stop talking to me.”
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yvainart · 4 months
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kissing in secret behind royal palace’s walls
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nerdpoe · 2 months
Little Timmy has a new neighbor! She seems nice, but she keeps interrupting him from going out so he can do his Night Photography.
Her name is Jasmine Fenton, and she's always there. Asking him how he feels, asking if he needs anything, offering to help him with his homework; always. There.
Eventually, he sees her as his weird Aunt. Even his parents are so used to her that they'll leave him with her when they go off on their trips. She's weird, but she cares, and he can count on her at any time for any reason.
Time passes, Robin dies, and Batman starts throwing himself in impossible fights and going overboard on petty thieves.
He doesn't realize she's tailing him until he goes down to talk to Batman, in the middle of almost killing a food thief, and Batman, caught up in the haze of the moment, rounds on Tim with his fist raised.
Before Tim can even think to blink, Batman is thrown into a nearby dumpster so hard the dumpster straight up deforms and bends inward.
Above Tim is Jazz, and her eyes are glowing a vibrant, radioactive green.
"Timmy, sweetie, go wait for me at the Churro stand across the street. The adults need to talk."
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abbycadoodle · 2 months
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I think about Amanda and baby Spock quite a lot actually ,,,
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fate221 · 8 months
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Ipomoea quamoclit
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atzupdates · 1 month
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[240513] Nacific x ATEEZ | 。・:*:・゚★𝑴𝒚 𝑼𝒏𝒊𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒆 。・:*:・゚☆
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dadaonice · 8 months
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UN Security Council rejects ceasefire proposal in Gaza Strip
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inky-duchess · 7 months
Fantasy Guide to Ambassadors
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How do different kingdoms negotiate when there aren't any phones or Microsoft Teams available? How can one government let another government how they feel? How can one monarch deliver an insult or compliment to another? Ambassadors, of course.
The Role of Ambassadors
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Ambassadors are representatives of a government or monarchy who live in another country and communicates with their host nation on behalf of their own country. Ambassadors are there to make sure that their country's needs are met and that their host nation remains a friend - or at least they are there to remind the host nation of why it's a good idea to be friends.
Ambassadors tend to act as eyes and ears of their government/monarch, reporting back on all the goings on in the country they have been assigned. They can tell their boss the local tea, what the political climate of their host nation, who meets with the head of state and who doesn't. The Ambassador is there to pass on messages from their master and receive messages directly from the opposing head of state.
How to Ambassador Successfully & Not Start a War
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The Ambassador must at all times be respectful toward their host nation. They must abide by their customs, behave themselves, act always in a professional manner and guard the information they handle with care and their lives. Ambassadors are welcomed into the country with a private audience with the head of state, wherein their references are accepted and their role is formally acknowledged. After this, they may only approach the government or monarch by appointment or after being summoned. Their boss would communicate their wishes and words to them and it would be up to the Ambassador to pass these things along, albeit more skillfully and more diplomatically.
The Perks of Being an Ambassador
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Ambassadors can live at an official residence called an embassy like today or they can reside at court. They can take their families with them if they choose and are usually paid to establish a good sized household. Ambassadors are usually rewarded with honours and titles, if they are successful in their post or after a long posting. Ambassadors can also be awarded orders and honours by their host, along with places of honour for their family if they reside within them.
Ambassadors are usually welcomed and treated with great respect (if their country is an enemy, they are still treated well in hopes that things don't esculate). Ambassadors are invited to most important gatherings, included in the celebrations at court and spend much of their time at society events (i.e. intelligence gathering). Ambassadors can also get rich on their work, they could sell out their country's secrets to their host nation or even accept bribes to pass on false information to the boss.
The Downsides of Being an Ambassador
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Ambassadors do have to leave their homeland for their job, this can mean a long posting away from family and from their own people. Ambassadors can be blamed for rifts or bungled international relations. They may even be accused of taking bribes or being corrupted. Ambassadors could also face being spied on, particularly in a nation that is hostile to their nation. Ambassadors can also be the target of violence from their country's enemies or the focus of emnity by the host nation itself. Very often in times of war of political turmoil, an Ambassador can be expelled from the country. When you're the symbol of a nation and you're in reach of enemies, you are in considerable danger (though it's not recommended to kill an ambassador, it's sort of against the rules).
Who can be an Ambassador?
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Ambassadors are usually found amongst the nobility or within government. They are usually chosen by:
Pedigree: The better kind of person you send would mean a bigger compliment to the people the country want to make an ally. Sending a Duke would be a great compliment while sending a simple government official might be seen as an insult. To offer somebody high-ranking is to signal you trust the nation.
Skills: Communication skills are key. Knowledge of the languages and customs of the nation are required. Any ability for espionage, good social skills and a likeabilty would be recommended too.
Political Affiliation: Ambassadors are mouthpieces for their masters. It is generally smart to chose somebody who shares or endorses your view on politics. For example, you wouldn't send an Ambassador hungry for war to a nation you want to make peace with.
Loyalty and Uncorruptability: If you're picking somebody to speak for you and handle very sensitive information, you will chose somebody loyal to you and somebody you trust not to be led astray by the other nation or spies.
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risaonda · 2 years
pokemon scary and pokemon violent
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atorionsbelt · 11 months
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let’s hear it for once-in-a-lifetime emmy nominated chemistry !!! 🫶
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paarassha · 2 months
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little school au comic the idea for which has been cooking in my head for the last 3 days bonus under the cut
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brawlmetaknight · 4 months
deducing meta knight's daily schedule according to kirby cafe:
wake up
eat an affogato
eat a parfait while you rest
eat a lava cake you were keeping in your cape
eat a mousse cake you were lovingly saving
train more
eat a chocolate cake because you're so noble
go to sleep
eat a parfait in the middle of the night
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vyorei · 8 months
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