#ambition reminder
dmempowermentshop · 28 days
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(vía "Inspirational quotes, Student gifts, Gift for her, Ambition reminder, Positive affirmations, Academic motivation, Growth mindset" Magnet for Sale by Noemill)
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shayberri789 · 1 year
Something about how in chapter 4 of trc Adam is insecure about the fray on his second hand sweater, and how it's a symbol of his background and insecurities, and how most people don't notice it, and if they did, they didnt think better of him for it
And how Blue saw it immediately and it was something she liked about him, a girl too good at seeing the vulnerabilities of other people, but Adam didnt want someone to see his insecurities, didn't want someone to acknowledge that life
But Gansey did. Gansey needed someone to see him at his worst and love him for it, and blue did that
And how Adam needed someone to see him at his most unruly, and encouraged that
And Ronan makes Adam loud
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hyperthinks · 5 months
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stumbling out of bodyshop covered in blood
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margridarnauds · 4 months
[Tw: Rape, suicide]
I was browsing through Magadon's story for Raphael Reasons and...
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Is it time to kill Mephistopheles? I really think it's time to kill Mephistopheles.
(Note, since Magadon mentions his mother surviving: The lore about cambions' mothers dying during birth comes from The Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix, which is 2e, and Expeditions to the Demonweb Pits, which is 3e [both editions are also interesting for consistently putting Cambions in with Demons]. The 5e Monster Manual seems to imply that Cambions' mothers might live: "Cambions grow into ruthless adults whose wickedness and perversion horrifies even the most devoted mortal parent. Even as a youth, a cambion identifies its rightful place as an overlord of mortals. It might orchestrate uprisings in towns and cities, gathering gangs of humanoids and lesser devils to serve it." 4e only says that cambions can be raised in one realm or the other without getting into specifics.) (All this to say that I support any means of torturing Raphael possible and highly encourage finding new and exciting ways of doing it, BUT it isn't necessarily inherently keeping with 5e that the cambion's mother HAS to die.)
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studyblr · 1 year
The journey of life is not a destination to be reached, but a tapestry to be woven. Embrace the twists and turns, the forks in the road, and the obstacles that cross your path. Each one is an opportunity to learn, to grow, to discover new horizons. Do not be afraid to stray from the beaten path, for that is where the most wondrous treasures lie hidden.
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soldier-poet-king · 9 months
The tldr is my boss couldn't go to this meeting today so I got sent to represent our archive, and I was the only archivist there in a group of professors and PhD students (whose research is tangentially related to the contents of the archive) and I'm just ahhhh
On the one hand, it was great, sitting around a table talking research for a few hours over lunch, it's all the best parts of grad school seminars and I've missed having those kinds of discussions IMMENSELY and it feels like a missing piece of myself has been returned. Even just from mostly listening for the duration.
On the other hand. The sense of imposter syndrome not being a Real Academic. And the sense of loss and regret. Yes yes I didn't go for my PhD because health, finances, awful job prospects for classicists. But I LOVED grad school. I love my MA and learning and studying and being a student. I miss it terribly, even though I'm good at and enjoy my profession.
Even had health/finances not been a concern, I'd never have been able to decide on a focused research topic for a dissertation. My interests are too broad. They're not even limited to classics. I'm bouncing between life changing academic interests constantly, and each one is foundational and obsessive, in its own way. I joked to Atlas this week that I was supposed to be born a foppish renaissance dilettante, but it's not even really a joke.
I know. I KNOW. My unlived lives aren't real. They shouldn't haunt me. The me that exists is de facto the best version of me because it's the ONLY me that exists. And life doesn't have to be perfect it just has to be Good. And it is good. But also. Why can't I be a full-time student just learning, never having to publish, but also an archivist and information professional, but also a mutual aid volunteer and praxis oriented person, and Also have time for hobbies like crafting and novel reading and video games, and things like cooking and gardening and strength training.
I'm aware that harmonizing and coming to peace with the multitudinous aspects of the self is the work of a lifetime but also I want it to happen /now/
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If you don't think villains are sexy you're in the wrong place btw
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travelersrest · 11 months
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It's so very tough. Looking around and seeing everyone achieve what you have been working so hard at with seemingly no effort. Seeing them "make it" while you feel left behind. It's hard.
Try not to resign yourself from living the best life you can, though. It does get discouraging continuing to work toward something only to have people try to convince you that you're not enough for having made it like they have. Don't allow that to get you down, though. If you have to, distance yourself from those people as fast as you can.
Source: Eccedentesiast story
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theharrowing · 1 year
if you want more followers write more jungkook!
iF yOu WaNt MoRe FoLLoWeRs WriTe MoRe JuNgKoOk
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pyrriax · 7 months
peace and love on planet earth.
this fic is. going places.
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explodingcrayon · 5 months
seeing a professional artist say "it's hard drawing 4 characters in one picture" really struck me through the heart today 😭 The seasonal pictures have been such a love/hate process for me. I've genuinely loved trying new things, pushing myself to practice backgrounds & full compositions, and generally making cute artwork with my friends' characters and for my friends.
But I'm not going to pretend like it hasn't also been so much work to fit 7 characters in one picture - and that's just the PCs! It can be 8 or more if I include NPCs to respect/include our DM as well (since they're certainly a part of the table too!!). The creative workout to compose 7+ characters into one picture with context on top of the subsequent process of then doing that can be so taxing sometimes... But then I feel selfish and narcissistic for wanting to only draw my own PC, or generally feel guilty for leaving anyone out.
And all that is to go back to the original point: it was just nice seeing a professional artist essentially say "sometimes it's hard to do half the work you're doing, Isabel, and work that you're doing completely for free purely out of love." (Not directly to me, it's just how it registered in my brain. You get me) Like yeah maybe I can cut myself some slack going forward 🥲 I'd love to keep doing more pieces for the group, but I think I might add this to my wall of sticky note reminders that hey. You're doing a lot of work. Make sure it's fun too
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me playing invention no. 13 by johann sebastian bach at 1/3 its original speed and therefore playing each note deliberately and not making more than one (1) small mistake: I am not only a musician but an artist
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ntaras · 8 months
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i’m going to kill everyone on the internet
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why did the anime and the fandom reduce uraraka to just being in love with deku??
the recent chapters have truly made me fall in love with her character but im watching the anime and everything is so,, like it’s honestly whiplash
every pivotal moment for her character is because she likes deku. I loved the scene of her jumping to save him and it flashed to her family and her newfound motives. I loved to see her character being more than Deku. I loved that growth and though I was disappointed when it started mentioning Deku, I realized he was important to her growing and who she is as a person. (Although I love the manga for expanding her character past her admiration for him)
And the moment they had together as they fell was genuinely touching,, there was no blushing, no over the top crush, it was real concern and care. I loved it. It made me forget all of the obnoxious belittling of her character and made me realize that they can be together without force. It was so simple and meaningful.
The anime can make jokes that don’t include uraraka blushing! They can write an interaction between these two that shows not tells. Her immediately rushing to calm him down because she knew he lost control. The way she slapped him like how she saved him in the entrance exam and then asked if it hurt. The soft smile on her face when she asked if he was okay. The way she holds him steady as he stumbles to get footing.
It’s all so subtle. And it’s so refreshing after so much insufferable time the anime puts into pointing and screaming Uraraka likes Deku. Gosh it’s such a good moment aaa
But then it went back to cheapening her character and continuing to push her towards this arc of mundanity. She wants to be a hero that helps people!!! LET HER BE THAT!! goodness gracious stop making every single thing she does go back to deku. STOP CIRCLING BACK TO WHERE SHE STARTED ANIME PLEASEEEE
#i also don’t like that it keeps focusing on her things with deku when she is more than that#it’s so frustrating#because I love her#but at the same time they keep reminding me she likes deku every second and it turned me away from her character years back#I love her now but god the problem is still bugging me#and it makes me roll my eyes every time they have a scene together#even if it’s genuine#but I wish that wasn’t the case#because I think these two would be great together (platonically or romantically)#but I just can’t with the poor writing of forcing a relationship that is so one-sided?? or at least not as important to deku#like they need to pick a side with her#either go the heart wants what the heart wants no matter what approach that could tie back to deku and shinsou#or let her let him go like she keeps saying she’s going to#I would like the latter but at least the former would give a coherent understanding of her character and motivations#like why does deku and bakugou and todoroki and iida get to have complex relationships and motives and wants#and explanations and thought and writing put into those while also having time and effort put in#while Uraraka is be in love with deku or be like deku#she is MORE THAN DEKU OH MH FUCKING GOD I CANT WITH THIS SHOW#LET HER BE HER OWN WOMAN AND LET HER THINK FOR HERSELF WHAT IS WITH ALL THE GIRLS THINKING OF WHAT THE BOYS WOULD DO IN THEIR SITUATION#why can’t she have a moment of inspiration and then imbede that into her personal story and ambitions instead of making everything about him#they didn’t make todoroki like this so why did they do this to her#grrrr bark bark#im just upset ig that such an intriguing character that grows to be a person for the people has to have every action because of deku#she is great and I really like the direction her character is going and I wouldn’t mind them being endgame#but as the writing is now#I kinda don’t like this forced romance that could be so nuanced and powerful if it put in the effort and time that I know hori can do#bnha#bnha uraraka#izuocha#bnha critical
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eldritchships · 9 months
Ranking Flat&Scream friendships. Is this anything.
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