#an idiot? idk. like i'm someone everyone has to take care of because i'm so fuckin stupid
loyalhorror · 5 months
things i am good at:
taking action in scary situations irl
making people feel listened to
gaining the trust of animals
things i am not good at:
pretty much anything that i can show off on the internet and feel accomplished about
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restinslices · 8 months
Can you please do making out headcanons with the earth realm men pls 🙏
I feel like this is shorter than usual but I am actually in agony😀. My insides? Doing the Cupid Shuffle. My head? Pounding. My eyes? Burning. So much so I’m not rereading this or looking for gifs. You’re getting silly little pictures of these lovable idiots😭. Also I’m broke. I’m finna start charging y’all $50 per word (joking. Not about my agony tho)
Johnny Cage
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Johnny gives me the vibe that he loves making out 
I already feel like he loves physical touch, so kissing is definitely something he enjoys 
Idk why but he gives me waist grabber vibes 
I feel like making out would happen very often with this man. He's very cheeky and once again, loves physical touch. 
I could see him grabbing his partner and pulling them aside even when he absolutely should not. Like on set or something 
Johnny can't take shit seriously. Making out wouldn't change this about him. 
Mid make out session he'd mention some make out scene he had in a movie, then gets surprised it kills the mood 
The type to think of some funny shit and start laughing while his tongue is in their mouth. Enough is enough Cage
Also an ass grabber, even if you ain't got nothing back there. He's grabbing onto smth 
It's very easy to move to something further with him 
Calls you a tease if you don't have sex after 
Kenshi Takahashi 
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I don't think making out is something often that happens with him, but it's not rare
Unlike Johnny, he initiates it at appropriate times 
Both a face and waist grabber 
If you're sitting, he's the type to pull you onto him 
Idk how his sight works. Idk if it's only when he's fighting or he can always see now, but there was a time when he couldn't see at all, so I think now he takes passes just to look at you. He can also be very touchy for that reason. it's like memorizing you 
If I said he was a lip biter will y'all cheer or boo me?
 There's no rush with him. He actually savors and enjoys the moment with you 
Whether or not it goes further doesn't bother him 
Doesn't enjoy sneaky sessions in public because that means he has way less time with you 
He's romantic but not as romantic as Liu Kang 
Kung Lao
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Him and Johnny are some assholes so I feel like they'd do similar stuff 
They both like physical touch, they both grab onto you, they both tease 
Kung Lao may tease more though. You know his ego. Making someone squirm makes him feel better 
Let's his hands wander wherever 
If you have any sensitive spots, his hands are there immediately 
Smirks while kissing because he can feel your reaction. The new timeline did not change how cocky he is 
 Doesn't mind making out in public. His shame is very little
He pulls away sometimes just to see you pull him back in
Gets a kick out of how needy you are for him 
Teasing is such a big thing with him but you tease him and he has to be factory rebooted
I think he'd want it to go further but if you're like “nah” he's not gonna flip a table. He might whine a bit though 
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Doesn't happen often 
I know y'all want me to slut everyone out but I don't think he's a slut. I'M SORRY 
Him, Liu Kang and Kenshi are romantics to me
Majority of the time it'd probably be you initiating it 
Face grabber 
He'd stop multiple times to make sure you're comfortable doing this still 
Public making out is not happening with him. I'm sorry. He's just not comfortable. Try it and he's gonna pretend he heard a noise and walk away 
Idk why but I feel like either him or Liu Kang are the type to whisper how pretty you are so imma put it down for both of them 
Shorter make out sessions than the other guys 
His hands don't move around as much. He's content with keeping them in one place 
I just feel like he's really sweet and intimate. He's not in a rush, he's not grabbing at you and tryna hurry to sex, he's just taking his time and enjoying the feeling of you against him 
Does not care about having sex afterwards and if it doesn't happen, he doesn't complain 
Liu Kang
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Happens every once in awhile 
A romantic through and through. Do y'all see how he treats Kitana?
He is a face grabber but majority of the time he rests his hands on your lower back 
Prefers to take things slower like Raiden. Can he even get old and die? I don't think so. There's legit no rush 
Like I said for Raiden, he whispers how pretty you are and how lucky he is to have you in between kisses 
I can see him doing some corny shit like spinning you around. This man has been lonely for so long. He's not worried about being a cornball
Like Raiden I know y'all want me to slut him out but I don't sense slut. I'm sorry! If anything, he's a romantic slut. He cares way more about romance than tooting it up, yk?
Only in private places or when you're alone. He's supposed to look professional around others 
Not concerned about having sex after at all
Johnny thinks of dumb shit and laughs but I think Liu Kang would smile and laugh just because you're near 
Just a nice soft man
I have another request that imma post tomorrow or the day after just to spread shit out. Also why did I just find out people ship Kenshi and Mileena- isn’t she a lesbian?
Anyway if you see any errors, no you do not. Now I’m finna go suffer while listening to a video in a dark room ‘cause looking at a screen is killing me slowly.
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radplaidtacofan · 29 days
Idk if anyone will see this or care but this is my coming out post
I'm 33 and I think I'm finally done pretending I'm something I'm not. I've known since I can first remember that I was a guy. My first memories are of running around shirtless, being told I would have to cover up soon and not understanding why. I wondered why I didn't have a dick. I always wanted to prove how strong I was, how fast I was, how high I could climb, etc. I remember when I first learned about puberty and I was 100% certain that, when the time came, I could pick which one I'd be and I knew I'd pick male. I couldn't wait to start growing a beard and look like Riker.
The dysphoria has always been really fucking bad. The autism, ADHD and OCD made me miserable already but dysphoria made me so badly depressed by the time I was 10 I was constantly thinking about ... well, let's just say that I never thought I would see 33.
I found out being trans was A Thing and started binding, begging my parents and doctors to let me start hormones, etc. I had a really shitty person at CAMH tell me that I didn't meet the criteria? Lmao. He's probably retired now and I hope he's miserable tbh.
I did eventually take T in my early 20s for about a year, then I had a breakdown thinking I was making a huge mistake... because I didn't think I'd ever be happy. I feel wrong down to my fucking DNA. Even now I'm fighting with myself because I feel terrible that I can never be a cis man and it just... it kills me.
So yeah, I decided to chug copium for years thinking that if I tried really really hard I could accept being female and be Okay.
Hahahaha. Ha.
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The funny thing is, even when I was chugging copium I was still thinking things like, "If someone had a magic wand and could make me a cis male I'd say yes without hesitation," or, "I wish Star Trek was real cause they could fix me easily," or even, "Wearing a dress is drag."
I still felt like I was being weird by looking at bras, panties and swimsuits. (Not that there's anything wrong with that if you're into drag! And I'd fight anyone who tries to make trans women feel bad. It's just, personally, it doesn't feel Right for me.) I assumed people saw me as a man. I really played up being girly. I'd be giggling and acting flirty and barf. But I thought I was being very Gender and convincing people! And that's what I was trying to do: convince people. People who didn't need convincing because they saw me as a woman. It was just me who didn't.
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Fun fact: I quote this all the time and people keep looking at me weird.
Anyway, I've been in a bit of a mental breakdown over the past few days because my brain finally said, "You know what? Fuck this and fuck you. You know what you are, goddamn idiot bastard man." So now I'm trying to be less of a goddamn idiot bastard man and continue the process I started when I was like... 3. I'm gonna make little me so fucking proud when I grow that beard (god I hope I can grow a beard) and get this weight off my chest.
I haven't figured out what name to go by yet because I've been through several since I told my parents I hated my name when I was like 10 and none of them fit. But I am a man and I am starting the process of making that obvious to everyone around me.
I already know some people are gonna be challenging but fuck it, we ball!
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twitteringthings · 7 months
Who the Heck is This Izumi Chick?!
Besides just being the club mama….
First off, she seems like a kind person and as Kamiya stated, definitely not suited to be wrapped up in the Yakuza-girly lifestyle. I'm going to throw out a few speculations as to what her relationship to Doumeki could be and her importance to the plot. These ideas are based off of theories I have read and my own thoughts/interpretations :)
Doumeki's confidant/friend This does seem out of character for Doumeki but I'll list it as a possibility anyway. Maybe they're just friends and he confides in her about emotional things, his past?. Maybe she knows about everything that happened four years ago. She seems to know things about Doumeki that other characters don't. Like how she seemed confused when Kamiya referred to Doumeki as her boyfriend in Ch. 54. Not to mention that Kamiya says "He's always going over to your house" now I know D doesn't like sex that much, lol - at least with people who aren't Y. And he did mention he usually takes care of that himself. Think about it, if they were just sleeping together or in a relationship, there wouldn't be so much ambiguity surrounding their association with each other - Sensei has ofc done this purposefully! She wouldn't be acting so "weird" about it, if you ask me. Maybe she knows Aoi or helps D keep tabs on his family and gets money to them. idk idk idk, ahhhh! OOOO maybe when after kamiya left and izumi repeated to herself his words, "Not suited, huh." It was something she heard before from someone - D maybe? what could this meannn. What other reason could D have for visiting her all of the time? Do you think she's seen him smile? That would be adorable if it was a friendship. It would definitely be nice, but this is my theory that I think is the most off and doesn't fit the plot/characters. womp womp.
Secret tattoo Artist Not very likely Imo, I feel like a person would have come to the house (I'm not familiar with where irezumi is normally done in the yakuza) to do D's tattoo or he would go to the same person who did Tsukanawa's. I'm not sure if he got the tattoo after he saved Niki - I'm pretty sure he did - but maybe Tsukanawa and the others suggested he get one after his noble feat? Like an emblem. Maybe Tsukanawa offered to pay for it? Also, I saw a post on here that said D's tattoo didn't look finished yet, but I disagree. If that were so, I think Y would have mentioned it or something - or maybe it would be more obvious to the reader that it is still in progress. Y just says, "he went and got a back tattoo" and not something like "The idiot's got a half-baked tattoo on his back." AND if she did tattoos, I'm sure it wouldn't be a secret to everyone else. AND if the reason D was over her apartment all of the time was because of his tattoo that wouldn't make sense because you need time to heal between sessions and his back would be protected with something if he was.
Sex Buddy (turned friend) I could definitely see D attempting to get over Y in some way over the 4 years they were apart - albeit clinging onto hope that one day - somehow - they would reconnect. And during that period, I can imagine him experimenting with another person to "get over" Y (as if) or just to explore his own sexuality in a healthy way - especially as he matured and formed his own identity separate from Y. Maybe it started as sex, and they became friends? I still don't know though, because he is so terrified of being a rapist like his dad with Y, so it's also hard to imagine him - pardon my language - dominating a woman like that. Especially if what happened with Aoi still lingers in his mind. Even though Y tried to comfort him I'm sure he still feels the guilt. Saving Niki may have helped his guilt though - finally being able to successfully protect someone he cares for. ALSO, D denies having a woman when asked by Tsukanawa several times, but when Y assumes he has a woman during their encounter in Ch. 46 he confirms that he does. which is it Doumeki? Sounds suspicious to me. And it's not as if he is too shy to tell his boss that he has a woman, I mean he told Tsukanawa about his jerking off habits soooo.... I think he said this to make Y jealous - he was even looking away from Y with his head hung down as he answered the question...
Plot Driver Assuming my first theory to be true: Maybe something happens with the yakuza plot to where D is in a really bad situation (about the money he stole, Misumi, involvement with Y, disobeying Tsukanawa, current group drama, etc) and Izumi is the one to offer up crucial information about his past that ends up helping him?
A query... In Ch. 46 Izumi asks Kamiya not to spread around rumors of her and D's assumed relationship status because it might cause trouble. My question is why? What kind of trouble? Why would them dating be an issue? Thoughts?
Please share your thoughts also! And be well people <3
Disclaimer: These are purely my own ideas/theories/opinions, and they are all most likely incorrect lol. I'm just having fun speculating about what's to come :D
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galaxythreads · 9 months
Why are some loki fans making takes that portray him as a sweet innocent pure angel who is a wonderful good person who is aweet to everyone?
Like. Guys? That isnt what a god of chaos is
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Me, at the fandom ^ I've been seeing this cycle around a lot since s2 came out, which is fine, people are allowed their own interpretations, but based on canon, I just don't see it like that? Loki isn't really a nice person in canon. He's a caring person, 100%, but nice is like ehhhh? Are you sure?
There is a massive distinction between Loki and Tom Hiddleston, and I think people are just blurring that recently because it's more tragic for Loki to have been a nice, sweet, angel who's constantly treated awfully, but Thor 1 doesn't really have any evidence for that. He's not...warm? if that makes sense. He's cold, aloof, and quiet.
The Loki series made him a lot nicer than he was before. He's so warm, with everyone, constantly. And I do find that somewhat irritating. I can honestly say that Loki is a nice person in the Loki series (except to Brad), which is kinda...weird, with retrospect? And, again, people are allowed their own interpretations, but I just don't view Loki as warm. Thor's the warm one between them. That's the one thing about Loki in Ragnarok that I will say I was glad they carried, because in Ragnarok, Loki isn't nice or wiggly. He's just kinda an idiot. and on the struggle train when it comes to a want, but that's a different story for a different time.
Do I want Loki to be cruel to everyone? No. Of course not. I don't want him to be cold to everyone either. I just think there's room for characters who are quiet to care quietly rather than with giant acts of love every 20 seconds, and Loki is a character who cares quietly.
That's one of the nice things about fics though, is you go and read them and Loki is so mean - but in a loving way (sometimes) - and it's just nice because it feels like him. Sarcastic, grumpy, quietly caring, growing on the characters because it's hard not to get attached to him. But the thing is, Loki's story isn't tragic because he's a nice, warm, loving character that was treated awfully by everyone in canon and then constantly got screwed over, it's that his circumstances hardened him to the point that he has to hold everyone an arm's length away and no one bothered to get closer and help him.
Now that I'm thinking about this and able to put it into words, I think that's why I liked what parts of the Loki series I did. When Loki hunts down Brad, when Loki tortures Brad, when Loki torments HWR, it was just nice because it felt like him, and I guess it felt like him because he was being mean. This is so weird. I think the important thing to remember about Loki is that he is, at heart, an extremely sarcastic a**hole who doesn't know how to communicate he cares about someone. He's one of those people that if you ask them "hey, can you do x for me?" he will immediately do it for you while saying "no, absolutely not, suffer" and then quietly take care of other things for you. Idk.
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helaenalyst · 2 months
ep 7 fresh reactions
idk what to say. why were they all standing on the rock next to vermithor. why not one at a time. literally what is the logic here. rhaenyra knew what happened the last time? this is on the level of the "one guard for the entire royal family" situation. no one behaves this stupidly. i'm not going to just accept that she lured all those people in to put them in the way of dragonfire so that when the first guy fails everyone dies?? also why start with the huge dragon and not with the other smaller and potentially more manageable dragon? "i have nothing more to tell you" did she even tell them the high valryrian command words. idk what the hell was all that 😭😭😭
other than that i enjoyed the episode, the jace drama was actually really good, he's definitely one of my fave characters at this point. "and even that you take from me" reminded me of alicent's "and to even that you feel entitled" and criston's "it's all that i have to my fucking name" (i will make an edit with this). ill admit i havent been paying that much attention to jace so sorry to his fans if im fangirling over plot developments that are a character assesination i am opening to listening and learning 🙏🙏🙏
alicent's scenes???? i just can't get past the fact that some random guard is living criston cole's dream. the day he leaves there's a riot and alicent needs rescuing and now shortly after she's asking this guard to go live with her in the woods ????????? like somewhere near rosby criston cole is shaking right now and gwayne is asking him what's wrong from a safe distance because the guy might as well be about to implode. he's taking milk of the poppy for it
oscar tully i was not familiar with your game. i enjoyed the harrenhal storyline sooo much my fave part was when oscar loudly proclaimed he didn't like daemon and daemon actually looked hurt. and the kid had to walk up to him like idiot this is all part of the plan. and the looks between daemon and simon strong were so funny. i'm not sure this season long arc revealed new information about daemon's character (we already knew he didn't want the crown right?) but the torture and everything else has been sooooo funny i just love watching him rotate like he's on a microwave
idk how it goes in the books but how is team green supposed to keep up against team black now? alright they have tessarion but counting sheepstealer the blacks have four new dragons? in addition to caraxes when daemon rejoins them, and vermax? i dont know if someone will switch sides but the greens literally only have vhagar and tessarion right now. is helaena going to let criston cole borrow dreamfyre otherwise it's so aegover and even then it would still be
i cant wait for daemons reaction to learning about the dragonseeds... the one thing he cares about is the family won't he be like incredibly pissed??? coming back from self exhile for 5 minutes then going on self exhile again
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pack-the-pack · 1 year
Things that should have tipped me off to the fact I'm aromantic but didn't because I'm dumb idiot who wouldn't see the colour of the sky in a clear cloudless day:
- I received (potted) flowers from someone I was involved with and my first thought was not that it was a cute gesture, but that they were a dick for giving me something to take care of that I would certainly kill by accident.
- Kissing felt gross at worse and like nothing at best, but I just thought everyone felt nothing while kissing and they just did it to reaffirm each other's feelings.
- When the person that gave me the flowers asked me whether or not they should ask me to be their girlfriend I said "you're the one who has to know that. I don't mind either way".... I. don't. mind. either. way.... God.
- When I was younger I saw in all the american shows and movies that girls would put pictures and posters of celebrities they liked on their walls and corkboards. So I was like "okay this celebrity is attractive in a way most people can agree... To the corkboard you go", and then I just completely forgot abt it. Idk I thought everyone did it just... Because?
- Looking back at all my "crushes" I had growing up... They were not crushes... At all... I just either found them pretty or wanted to be like very close to them because they were my best friend at the time...
- When I imagined a future for myself when I was younger it never contained a romantic partner. Even when I explicitly would be getting married in these grade school daydreams. I even pictured having pet giraffes or wolves better than a partner in these....
- And in high school the fantasies upgraded to me living with my best friend and each of us having our own children... No partner in sight for either of us... I--
- One time in 9th grade my friend asked me what my perfect boyfriend would look like. I described a character from a game I played at the time... "White hair, monochromatic eyes and dressed in victorian clothing" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
- The most exciting part about dates to me were the dressing up part and the place we'd be going to... Not who I was going with...
- I did not understand why people played sports to "impress the girls/boys in our class". I was like "Pfff what an idiot, we're all here because we want to win, right guys?.... Guys?".
- I write poems and people usually were like "so romantic, have you written anything abt someone you love yet" and I was like "... Why would I do that?".
- I've had dates before, boyfriends and girlfriends. But none of their companies for a whole day ever felt as fulfilling and enjoyable as an afternoon with my friends. And I should have noticed this before because I am still friends with some of these past partners and the way I just enjoy their companies infinitely more now without a romantic element in play should have been a dead giveaway!
This is all I can think of for now. Feel free to add on to your own experiences of you being blissfully oblivious of your own aromanticism your whole life. Thank you all, and God bless us oblivious idiots.
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tylerjeauxburreaux9 · 2 months
Ok this is my first book I ever wrote so be careful .. if the word seems off it’s bc my font didn’t copy from my computer to my phone
Non related joe readying
This is for @joeyb1989
Summary: Tyler is a high school girl who is a 5 year relationship with her soon to be ex boyfriend they argue a lot but they finally break up and Tyler starts all over with a new boyfriend and things get twisted with her ex boyfriend as he plot and plan to kill by stalking her and following her home and kills her but there’s a plot twist see there’s this deactivate who has his first cast of solving her murder read and find out if he solves her murder and who kills her.
Word count : idk
Warning: murder abuse and cry!
Let me take you to  the beginning before  I die. I was at  school with  my best friend ,my  friend and my boyfriend. Their names were Emma and Chloe, my  boyfriend's name was George. Well, he WAS  NOT ABOUT TO BE MY BOYFRIEND FOR LONG !  SO LIKE I WAS SAYING,  I WAS AT  SCHOOL WITH  GEORGE, EMMA  AND CHLOE. WE WERE SITTING AT THE LUNCH TABLE EATING, Eating lunch ,UNTIL  IN BETWEEN MY ABOUT TO BE EX BOYFRIEND AND I HAD GOTTEN IN OUR FIFTH  ARGUMENT OF DAY. I WAS ABOUT TO BREAK UP WITH HIM . “ OMG! I  AM SO SICK OF  YOUR  Bull shit YOU'RE SO INSECURE ABOUT  EVERYTHING ,  YOU DON'T  TRUST  ME  IN NOTHING I DO, LIKE I AM DONE WITH YOU.” I argued , “ HOW  CAN YOU BE  DONE  WITH ME  YOU  WON’T EVER BE DONE  WITH ME I SHOULD BE THE ONE DONE  WITH YOU  YOUR  THE  PROBLEM OF THIS RELATIONSHIP” GEORGE argued backed  “ HOW  I AM  I THE PROBLEM ''  I argued back  “ GUYS STOP YOU BEEN FIGHTING SINCE WE GOT IN HERE  “ EMMA  yelled  '' LITERALLY  GUYS STOP IT HAS BEEN ALL DAY  SINCE YALL STARTED FIGHTING JUST STOP  “ Yelled CHLOE “  “ STOP OK ,I'M  DONE WITH HIM  GUYS  YOU DON’T GET IT  GUYS LIKE IAM DONE “I yelled   “OH SO YOUR DONE  WITH ME,THEN  SO  BE DONE  WITH ME BECAUSE I'M  DONE WITH YOU ‘’ yelled George .tHEN I STORMED  OFF TO THE RESTROOM CRYING WHILE EMMA AND CHLOE  FOLLOWED  ME  TO THE RESTROOM , SOMEONE   HAD  HEARD  US ,HEARDER ME CRYINg  OUT  LOUD  .SOME ASKED “ HELLO  IS  SOMEONE IN THE RESTROOM  I HEARD CRYING  FROM HERE  “ IN A HUMBLE tone  someone said   “YES” I SOBBED “ I AM HERE  “YES  SOMEONE IN HERE  YOU idiot   “SHOUTED EMMA  “ IT OK EMMA  HE CAN COME IN HERE  “ I REPLIED   “ IF YOU SAY SO “ REPLIED CHLOE  “ hI I ‘M. GRAYSON jOHNSON  GRAYSON MARCUS JOHNSON “ GRAY REPLIED SOFTLY ., bUT  YOU CAN  CALL ME  GRAY “ gray replied , “ OK GRAY IAM TYLER SMITH TYLER SHAY SMITH  AND THESE  ARE  MY FRIENDS “ I replied HI I'M EMMA tHOMSION  TYLER SHAY SMITH  BEST FRIEND . “ “  I'M  CHOLE NICKOLESIST  TYLER SHAY SMITH’S FRIEND  '' EMMA  AND  CHLOE  REPLIED SOFTLY   . , FROM THAT  day  FORWARD  WE SLOW BECAME to  GAIN a FRIENDSHIP WITH EACH OTHER , ALONE the  WAY  WE SLOW BECAME A THING ME AND GRAY AS WE GAIN EACH OTHER RESPECT AS COUPLE ,  OUR RELATIONSHIP GREW ,WE WERE  BOTH HAPPY   AND EVERYONE WAS  HAPPY FOR US INCLUDING  MY FRIENDS EMMA AND CHLOE EXCEPT MY EX- BOYFRIEND  GEORGE  HE WAS  SO JEALOUS  OF  OUR  RELATIONSHIP UNTIL ONE DAY HE WAS  OVER IT until HE DEICIDE  A STUIPED  PLAN TO KILL  ME SO THAT  MY RELATIONSHIP WOULDN'T LAST '' am  so tired  of them two look so  happy   how  could   she  do this to me  i was the love of her life  “ mumbled with anger with  in his voice  .so   on that   day  while i was  walking with my friends and  my boyfriend  gray  as    ,we were walking to class and the day was all most over and  we had learned  absolutely nothing  so that  day forward i had went home  and  told My boyfriend  gray and  my friends   chloe and emma to come to my house   so then , until  i was almost  home that day when   i had  saw a shadow  followed  me home .when i walked inside my house  , turn   around   ,  i saw  george  ,He punched me in the face . I had  tried  to fight  him  off me ,there he  was having his  hand on my neck ,he had choked me to death , there I was  dead  in the  bathroom  , he   had walk out the  house . later that day  Chloe  had seen me on the floor  laying there cold dead .” Ahhh , Tyler is dead  in her bathroom  someone called help "Chloe  screamed , sobbed'' Chloe what wro- Ahhhh some get help , call 911 Tyler was killed” cried Emma “ whAT!,WHAT HAPPEN  WHO HAPPEN OMG OMG WHO DID what   WHOEVER DID THIS  I AM  GOING TO KILL THEM” GRAY ANGERED .  “ 911 WHAT'S YOUR EMERGENCY” OPERATOR  REPLIED SOFTLY   “ YES THIS  GRAYSON JOHNSON MY GIRLFRIEND  HAS BEEN KILLED IN  her  house ” REPLIED GRAY SOBBING ON THE PHONE “ CAN YOU U DESCRIBE HER  TO ME “ OPERATOR  REPLIED “ YES HER  NAME IS TYLER SMITH  SHE 5’1  ½  BROWN HAIR BLUE EYES and she 17 yrs old white  female   “ REPLIED  GRAY “ AND CAN YOU GIVE ME   YOUR  LOCATION PLEASE  “  REPLIED OPERATOR “ YES 130 west charlotte st ” REPLIED 
GRAY “OK WHERE ON OUR WAY WHERE going  TO send  THE DETECTIVES  JEREMY AND TAYLOR  AND THE POLICE  CHARLIE  TO INVESTIGATE  THIS MURDER MYSTERY” OPERATED  REPLIED . HI , IAM  JEREMY LET TELL YOU THIS STORY  FROM MY PERSPECTIVE   OF HOW I GOT in  THE SICHUATION HOW I SOLVE my  FIRST Case  about  a girl who was killed in her   home  but let me take  u  to my beginning. I was sitting at my desk when my boss had called me in for a case about  girl name tyler  who got  killed in her home  “ tective jeremy i  need u and your partner detective taylor to go on a case and solve a murder mystery about a girl who got murder and was choke death “ recalled chief lawrence of the pd “ yes  sir” I replied   “  I Am going to send  policeman charlie with  you and  Taylor  in this case”  “ yes sir” i replied  ., required  I had  called  my  Partner  Taylor  to  come  to my office  to  help me  solve the case  of murder mystery  the case  where  tyler had was killed  in her  bathroom  “ tective  Taylor   we have  a case to solve “ I recalled  “ so  what this case about again “ Taylor replied  “OH! The  Case is   right here on my desk  u can read it  yourself  it about 17 yrs old girl who was killed at her house “ I replied “ oh wow she   was just beaten and choked to death in her bathroom  floor , ok let  go investigate   and solve  this  case”replied tyler so  we got in the car  and drove  where the murder  scene was held  when we got there  we saw the parent  of Tyler smith pull ups  and the  sound of their car turning off as they step out of the car “ honey  i am   home “ Mrs smith spoke calmly  “ where home my dear love “ spoke calmly”  Mr smith as they walk in the house ,they didn’t  know that they were expecting  us and  not their  daughter and that her daughter was dead  in their bathroom “ hello is anyone home ‘ cried  Mrs smith . "We're  so sorry  to tell you but your daughter  is dead, she  was found  dead  in  your  bathrooms ,sorry for  your loss " recalled detective Taylor " OMG omg omg  i cant  believe that our  daughter  is dead  “cried MRS .smith . '' honey  what happened" spoked MR smith `` your  daughter is dead “ replied Taylor  '' OMG my daughter is dead i cant believe this '' spoke exhaustedly Mr smith `` SORRY MRS AND MS SMITH  FOR LOSS AGAIN “ TAYLOR REPLIED  AS TAYLOR HAD  TOLD THEM THAT their DAUGHTER WAS DEAD  MRS SMITH BEGENIN TO PASS OUT FLAT ON THE FLOOR IN THE LIVING ROOM AS  WE STARTED TO SEARCH THE  HOUSE, WE  HAD  FOUND BLOODY HAND PRANTENT  MARK ON HER  NECK AND THE  BLOOD HAD CAME FROM HER NOSE AND HER FACE WAS GREY  AND COLD AS SHE WAS LED ON  HER  BATHROOM FLOOR AND  SHE  HAD STRANGULATION MARK  ON HER  NECK  AS SHE WAS DEAD ON THE FLOOR “SO THIS ALL WE KNOW SO FAR IS THAT SHE  DEAD   THEY HAD  MARK ON NECK COVER WITH BLOOD AND BLOOD FROM HER NECK  HAD  CAME FROM HER NOSE  “I DISGUSTED WITH TAYLOR “YES THAT IS ABOUT IT TAYLOR REPLIED  SO WE HAD WANT BACK IN THE LIVING ROOM to ask her  parents  some questions  “ so can you tell us something that she would do on daily base on day before she  come home and after “ taylor asked  while  Mrs smith wad  flad out  on the sofa mr.smith  had told  us  some  places where she  would be and where  she wANT BEFORE SHE GOT HOME .SO we GOT TO THE HEAD COREDERS  OF Lapd(LOUISIAN POLICE DEPARTMENT) TO TELL CHIEF  LAWERCEN ANOUT EVERYTHING THAT HAPPEN ON THE SENCE  “ OK SO KNOW THAT I KNOW EVERYTHING THAT  HAPPEN  IAM, GOING  TO SEND POLCIE MEN CHARLIE AND  HIS  CREW  TO GO PUT CUOTION TAP AROUND HOUSE  UNTIL THIS INVESTGATE IS OVER “ CHIEF LAWERCE DISGUSTED, SO CHARLIE  AND  HIS CREW LEFT THE PD AND WENT TO TYLER HOUSE   SO GO PUT CUTION TAP ON TYLER’S HOUSE “ ALRIGHT  LET GET BUSY AND CUTION THIS PLACE UPS “ SHOUTED CHARLIE ., tHE  NEXT  DAY WE HAD WENT TO OUR NEXT  INVESTIGATION   WITCH WAS  TYLER HIGH SCHOOL, DONALDSONVILLE  HIGH SCHOOL(DHS) As soon as  we were at DHS  we start asking questions  about tyler  if they new her or what she was like  few  said  they did know  her  few said they did  but she only their class met  but  they  know nothing  about her ”No
”No I do not sir ,No ma'Am “ a few students replied  “Yes but she was only our classmate” another few students replied  we  were hopeless until  we saw few  more  people   that we could talk to they were about to  walk to lunch  and we had caught them on time “hey stop do any of you know the name of  Tyler smith “ Yes  I knew her  “ respond  Gray  “do you know anyone else  who knew  her also”i respond “yes we knew” Emma respond  “ yeah ! i knew her “ respond Chloe  “ Ok sense   all of y'all knew her  can you tell what you where you to her and what you know about her “ I respond  “ Yes  you can start  with me  i am  Emma “ emma respond “ so let start  to say that she was   a really  close  friend of mind and she alway so nice to me  and we would alway walk to school together and eat lunch together ” emma respond  “ ok emma that enough info  for right know  we are going  to need you come with us to the LAPD with  for fingerprinting check , Next person please “  as i called to the lunch table  “ yes, Iam  next” respond Chloe  “ Hi i’m chloe  , Tyler and I was also close  we had just became friends less school year were I was the new student  that transferred here to this school and she  had showed  me around so just like that we have been friends ever since  we eat lunch together and everything she  was the best thing that happen TO ME “ RESPOND  CHOLE  “ OK THAT ALSO ENOUGH INFO CHLOE  YOU CAN FOLLOW EMMA TO THE CAR SO WE CAN CHECK YOUR  FINGERPRENTS   ALSO, oK LEST ONE  “ I RESPOND “HI I’m GRAYSION BUT YOU CAN CALL ME  GRAY “ GRAY RESPOND  “ ALL RIGHT gRAY GET TO THE POINT THEN “ I RESPOND “ SO JUST A FEW DAYS AGO  WE HAD JUST GOTTEN IN A RELATIONSHIP JUST 5 WEEKS AGO ,SHE HAD BECAME  MY GIRLFRIEND , ” JUST WHEN  HE WAS FINNA FINISH  HIS SENTENCE   I HAD  TOLD HIM TO COME  WITH AND  MY PARTNER  tAYLOR AND I ,TO GO GET HIS FINGER CHECK SO WE  DID  AND  WE LED ALL THEM BACK TO THE PD  , IN MY  OFFICE  WHERE  WE ASKED THEM MORE QUESTION    “SO  CAN YOU  TELL ME WHO  THINK WOULD WANT TO KILL HER “ I ASKED  “ WELL SHE DID HAVE A EX- BOYFRIEND  NAME GEORGE   '' THEY ALL RESPOND AT DIFFERENT TIME  SO  WE HAD  LEARNED THAT  HER   EX  BOYFRIEND  NAME  WAS  GEORGE AND THAT THEY WERE  IN  A FIVE  YEAR  RELATIONSHIP  ,THAT  THEY USE  ARGUE A LOT , SINCE  EMMA  NEW ALMOST EVERYTHING ABOUTthem   WE HAD  GOT HER TO  TELL EVERYTHING THAT SHE   NEW ABOUT  HER  AND HER RELATIONSHIP WITH GEORGE, sHE HAD  TOLD ME THAT THEY HAD ARGUE A LOT. THEY  HADN'T GOTTEN ALONG VERY WELL AND THE ONLY WAY THAT we would find HIM WAS BACK  AT THE  SCHOOL . sO WE HAD  WENT  BACK TO THE SCHOOL GO  QUESTION GEORGE , HE  HAD TOLD US  THAT HE didn’t know her BUT WE TOOK HIM  IN FOR   FINGERPRINT  CHECKING . bUT THAT WASN’T  IT IT WAS  AS IF HIS fingerprint matched WE HAD FOUND THE MATCHING OF FINGERS THAT HAD  MATCH THE MARK  ON  TYLER NECK , tHAT THIS CASE WAS ALMOST OVER  By the time WE HAD GOTTEN THE   GUY WHO HAD  KILLED   TYLER  , WE WANT BACK TO THE SCHOOL AND  GOT  CHARLIE AND HIS  CREW TO ARREST  HIM “ ALRIGHT GUY LET ROLL AND ARREST  THIS GUY” SPOKE  CHARLIE TO THE  OTHER POLICE OFFICERS . SO THEY went OUTSIDE OF THIS SCHOOL WAITING   FOR GEORGE TO COME OUT AND AS SOON  AS  HE GOT OUT SIDE OF THE SCHOOL THEY HAD  BROUGHT HIM BACK TO lapd and ARREST HIM. “ pUT YOUR HAND UP WHERE we CAN SEE THEM ,  YOUR  UNDER ARRESTED FOR MURDERING  TYLER SMITH!  '' CHARLIE SHOUTED  ,sO THEN  HE WAS SINTEST  15 YEAR IN Prison   FINALLY THE  SMITH  , emma , gray and chloe  WERE HAPPY AND could rest BUT SADLY THEY HAD TO Call off a  funeral  for Tyler ,After  everything  had  happen  and we had caught george  everyone could finally rest.
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oh-katsuki · 2 years
okay I just read your stsg fic and right after the tendou fic and for some reason my brain started combining the two and I started thinking stsg + stepcest + older brothers best friend and idk....I'm into it I think
hmmNMJFDNAGFJKRNGVJKREN oh ill THROW UP THAT'S SO FNRIJEAGVNREJGNRJBVNREJLKN SEXXYYY HFNREJKANVGJREHKABV sorry if this makes so sense im like drooling and hollering at the screen and everything
cw: fem!reader, use of she/her pronouns, stepcest (but gojo lowkey is imagining it's incest sorry), i say SISTER CUNT!, vaginal fingering, threesome, suguru is basically a spectator but he loves it, everyone is so strange and disgusting ill moan
ugh satoru as the overly clingy big brother type. the kind that makes the people around him mildly uncomfortable because he absolutely has a sister complex. he's even gone so far as to share an apartment with you while you're in university, makes the financial burden a little easier.
he's like.... infatuated. he thinks that you're fucking precious and so damn pretty it makes him sick. satoru just can't get over how obsessed with you he is. to him, you're the perfect little sister.
the age gap isn't all that big. four years, give or take a few, but satoru still treats you like you'll break. he likes to spoil you. likes to buy you things and feed you and make you feel pretty.
thing is though, he also obsesses over who you date. satoru likes to know who you're seeing, when you're seeing them, and how far you're going with them. of course, you'd never tell him if you were fucking someone or not, so he's left to assume. satoru's gotta fill in the gaps. he knows you're having sex though. there's really no way he couldn't, what with the way you stay out at night.
and suguru... suguru is satoru's best friend from college. a bit of a brute, with a silver tongue and a borderline twisted sense of humor, the two of them are like peas in a pod.
of course, suguru knows you. satoru's pretty little sister who is either an idiot or willfully ignorant to her brother's overt sexual obsession with her. it's a little funny to suguru actually, just how fucked up satoru is over you. of course, he probably would be too if he lived in the place you showered in. that would send any guy in his right might a little fucking bonkers and satoru has never been all too deep on the sane end of things.
course, things change a little when suguru starts letting satoru talk about you. he listens while satoru goes on about the guy you're seeing, the person you fucked this weekend, how pretty you looked this morning when you woke up. you know, the weird and obsessive shit satoru is pretty much known for when it comes to you.
things just sort of... happen from there out. they watch you when you're in the room, touch you softly while you're sitting on the couch with them, till eventually, they've got you spread open across their laps with satoru's fingers in your pussy and suguru coaxing you both through it.
suguru watches over your shoulder from where satoru is crouched between your legs, slowly sliding his fingers in and out of you. it's the gentlest of touches, just to make you feel good. satoru wants to make you feel good so badly.
he just wants to see you fall apart, to melt at his fingertips. so he curls his fingers slowly while his best friend watches with a chin resting on your shoulder. suguru's got you from under your thighs, holding them up and spread so that satoru can get a proper angle on your tight sister cunt.
and you, pretty you, are caught in the middle. satoru mumbles into your thigh that it's okay, that you're allowed to feel good with them, that he's going to take care of his little sister (and he doesn't bother to add the 'step' before it). suguru, who you've always been intimidated by, speaks directly into your ear, asking if you plan on cumming for satoru any time soon, to which satoru remarks that you can take as long as you want.
big brother's gonna make you feel good, okay? he says.
it's so fucking disgusting that you think you might cum on the spot.
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soulsfractured · 1 month
23 for Yazoo
16 for Tseng
12 for Kuja
3, 4 for All Listed Muses, not just the three picked above
Random Character Asks
THANK YOU FOR GIVING ME A CHANCE TO TALK ABOUT ALL MY BABIES. I LOVE THEM ALL SO MUCH. I really need to write more with everyone at some point, once I get back into the swing of writing again.
It's a bit long so everyones answers are under the cut!
3 - Wears glasses because he can't wear contacts they bug his eyes too much. Still wishes he could though because he'd look more like Genesis that way.
4 - "If it could help my dad come back faster? I'm willing to give it a shot. So long as no one gets hurt from it, because then I won't do it."
YOU WANNA SEE ME CRY. Cyril put all his focus into biological sciences bc he wants to help Genesis in every way possible. He just wants to live a quiet life with his dad please let him have this--
3 - Absolutely wears a packer, and had his codpiece custom made to fit it. Has thrown it at someone before, will throw it again.
4 - "Peace is but a shadow of death, desperate to forget its painful past... Though we hope for promising years. After shedding a thousand tears, yesterday's sorrow constantly nears. And while the moon still shines blue, by dawn, it will turn to scarlet hue."
Its in there, it's one of my favourites coming from someone who doesn't think he can die. Really makes me wonder if he had suspicions about it, but Garland gaslit him into ignoring those thoughts.
12 - Absolutely has tried to dye his hair and his tail once. It went horribly and he couldn't get all the dye out. It was all a faded blueish colour for weeks
3 - His hair is always in his face because he enjoys playing with it/having others play with it. But, he doesn't enjoy it against his neck at the same time so, ponytail. Not really practical, but that's not important.
4 - "Slacking off saved her from the curse, so maybe that 'luck' might rub off on us!"
I cant explain why this one sticks out to me, but Luneth and the rest of the party actually acting like kids and joking around is really sweet? Idk I guess I love that theres a bunch of moments we can see them enjoying their journey and not just be silent strong protagonists.
3 - Literal cat eyes. They glow, his pupils shrink and widen with mood. He has cat eyes.
4 - "We'll meet again soon."
Just Sephiroth and Zack talking in that entire scene. The small smile when Zack says "I'll hold you to that" the notice that Zack wanted to say something before he left. It's one of my favourite CC Sephiroth moments.
3 - Really enjoys wearing longer socks. Knee or thigh high are preferable, and 90% of them are just black. He organizes them so he doesnt grab two different lengths (which has happened a few times before)
4 - "There is nothing more precious than a human life"
It's SUCH a development for me to see Tseng say this. Consider all that he does, and all that he has done. He may commit atrocious deeds for Shinra, but he's failed missions to help random Shinra employees before, he's put himself at risk to protect others.
16 - Tseng's darkest secret that he won't admit is that he absolutely hates Shinra. Without a doubt he does wonder what life would have been like if he stayed in Wutai. Would he have stayed at the Temple? Would he had left anyways? What if what if what if. He will not admit this thought crosses his mind and tries to tell himself it's just hypothetical. But it's a thought that does come up more often just before Rufus becomes president.
3 - Refuses to cut his hair. Even a trim it takes a long time to convince him. He's not gonna die anytime soon so whose gonna see the mess it becomes anyways. But he still takes pretty good care of it- mostly
4 - "I don't care what you are doing, so much as the idiotic way that you are doing it."
The tired dad quote of the year bc god dammit the party is a bunch if teenagers and their old man needs a fuckin nap so he can stop telling them dont put that in your mouth
3 - Vegetarian. He just doesnt like meat- usually he just takes whatever meat he gets on food and pushes it to the side or gives it to his brothers. He has picked a burger apart to take the patty out and just eaten it like that, just sides and bun.
4 - "I will not have you refer to Mother that way!"
One of the VERY few times that Yazoo actually shows emotions??? P l e a s e. I love him so much and actually getting to see that cool exterior crack is so interesting.
23 - As a candle Yazoo would be a more woodsy kind of scent. Damp earth, firewood, stagnant waters. There's a slight spice mixed in as well, like a faint hint of cinnamon.
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beanghostprincess · 11 months
What do you think about ZoSan. I love them but I don´t ship them. (hidding from the many ZoSan fans)
okay so my opinion here might be a bit controversial but i'm so cray cray i'm so brave i'm such a warrior in this fandom i'm just gonna say it:
i don't really like the zosan...
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(btw i don't wanna spread hate but i'm too lazy to censor the ship name and tbh idk if it also shows up in the fyp if it's said in the ask??? i talk a bit negatively about it, so don't read it if you ship them in case it might bother you <3)
i love their dynamic and i've been saying they need to fuck since, like, the moment they started fighting on screen. the sexual tension is immaculate, please, just fuck already god- half of their problems would be solved asap if zoro pinned sanji against a wall already and fucked him so hard he spoke french.
i like the fact that although they're always arguing, they understand and trust each other when it comes to serious stuff. like yeah, we fight but we are not letting this affect the crew as a whole. they're just two very proud bastards who hate admitting they don't actually dislike each other that much. their whole dynamic is great in canon!!!! love to see them. i enjoy them a lot. they need to fuck already (saying this tho does not mean i ship them to an extreme extent. i just know gays when i see them).
however!!! i think my dislike towards the ship comes mainly from the fandom. because personally i enjoy them in canon and i like the content some people make of them (god knows i reblog zosan more than it looks like), but... the 90% of the content and shippers just make them so out of character they stress me tf out. i see a zosan shipper and i never know if they're the good kind or not and i start shaking with fear. and i'm a person that believes in "ship whatever tf you want bc everyone has different tastes and i'm not that crazy to fight over fictional characters and what other people like", but, y'know, bad experiences from my past idk.
they're not even in my top 10 op ships, but they exist. they're there. they're fun. they're cool, i guess. i feel very indifferent about them and if i see a cute/hot zosan thing i'll reblog it. but i don't seek content of them, y'know (unless i'm in a very sanji nsfw mood and the horniness takes over my original preferences. sometimes i just want sanji to be topped, i apologize).
but yeah, i'm very "meh" about them and the thing that makes me not really like them is the fandom, mostly. because there are some zosan shippers out there that just....................... they remind me of kiribaku shippers saying their ship is queerbait when it's very obviously NOT queerbait and claiming them to be canon when they're obviously not canon and etcetcetc. that, and the fact that a lot of people write/draw them extremely out of character. personally, for me soft zosan (i love soft zosan bc i'm a softie) could only work after a long-ass development and they'd still act like the idiots they are. that being said, nsfw zosan works every time in every universe bc, again, the sexual tension is tangible, man. and somehow people manage to do it out of character????? lmao.
people are SO obsessed with this ship bc it's easy to sexualize and easy to write because "haha boys fucking haha fighting haha" which is uhhhhhh not my thing, really. like i do love nsfw zosan but it also has to be written extremely in character and- idk i think that it's just on me.
basically, i'm indifferent about them and when i see people so so so hyped i just don't really get it. and then there's people that actively believe that they're queerbaiting and that instantly makes me angry, which translates into not liking the ship for a while. and when i go back to being indifferent and liking some stuff of them, i just don't really care much? and then i see someone writing them ooc and i dislike them again and- that over and over and over again.
and okay this whole thing seems stupid but i've had past experiences in fandoms and tbh saying that you don't like THE popular ship is like yelling at the shippers to attack you.
but, yeah, to summarize: i'm indifferent about them. i like them in very specific situations and content. most of the shippers and ooc content make me mad (which is like, most of them). but!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the thing is: when zosan is done well, zosan is great. but when it's done out of character??? i can't fucking stand it.
i'm kind of contradicting what i said about not liking them because i do like them?? i just don't like them THAT much or to that extent and it has to be a very specific flavor?? and the shippers and content make me so mad sometimes i just stop reading fics or looking for content idk. i guess what i'm trying to say is that:
-> canon zosan cool
-> fanon zosan makes me dislike them
-> i don't really care and since this fandom is literally FULL of that ship i just have to live with it idk they're fine ig
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d3c0mp0siti0nn · 2 years
Heimdall HCs with a physically disabled S/O who uses mobility aids and has chronic pain
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just wanna say rq this is my first time posting fanfic on here and I suck at properly writing character's personalities. Also I haven't played Ragnarök yet so Heimdall's personality is based off of what I've seen/read. I'm sorry if it's not accurate lol
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When you two first meet it's definitely strange
I doubt Heimdall has ever seen anyone use a mobility aid, and when he did they were probably old
So I really don't think he's ever seen such a young person have to use something like whatever mobility aid you use
As we all know, he's pretty sour to everyone he meets for the first time
He'll probably think you're useless and will complain to Odin about him not understanding why the All-father would possibly ever take in someone like you with such limited mobility
He's doesn't dislike you because of you being disabled, he's just scared you'll slow him down or that you'll steal the spotlight from him
He doesn't want to admit it, not even to himself but he definitely admires how you get around, how you always manage to fight or preform hard tasks despite being in immense pain or your body just not allowing you to do much
As time goes on and you two get closer he'll definitely worry a tiny bit that you're pushing yourself and overdoing it
For anyone else pushing yourself or overdoing it is fine because they can heal properly and such but with you, you can't cure your disability and overdoing it too much will likely damage your body permanently
So, yeah he worries a little bit
That's a lie, he worries a lot
He definitely goes with you on every mission or anytime he think you might be in the tiniest bit of danger-- just in case
If you can fight, he makes sure to keep a close eye on you to make sure you're okay
He tells himself that he only does so because if you die or get hurt the All-father will be extremely upset, but we both know that's not the entire truth
Once you two start dating it'll definitely get a lot worse-- better? Idk but he'll get annoying
He'll physically pull you out of fights or physically stop you from working or whatever it is you do, calling you idiotic and other names but you know they have no actual harm in them
If you confront him about this he'll just brush it off and say that he just doesn't want to get scolded by the All-father
For the first few months of dating, if you have chronic pain it will definitely freak him out
He knew you had pain before but he didn't really pay attention but now he realizes just how much it is
The first time you have a flare up in front of him, he's panicking
He's most likely freaking out while you're just trying to stay still and calm yourself down
It's worse if you have bad anxiety on top of chronic pain and you have to calm yourself down during a flare up or else you'll have a panic attack
He's panicking and being a dick and you're just sitting there trying to breath and not have a panic attack
Eventually he'll understand after a few [long] months that you've been going through this probably your whole, or most of your life so it's really nothing
It'll take him even longer to realize that him panicking just makes you worse so just be patient with him and he'll catch on
He definitely acts like he doesn't care and when he's panicking he just pretends like he's just stressed because if you stay hurt the All-father will get mad, but he cares [I think]
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grungeeuvu · 1 year
A through Z (minus the ones you've already answered)
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
My favourite ship at the moment is FengQing (Feng Xin X Mu Qing from TGCF) and I am constantly talking @astrowaffles 's ear off about them. Platonically, I'm always mentally ill about the Shiratorizawa team and how they all support each other. Family-wise, I can't get Shen Twin aus out of my head
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
Yaku and Suga from Haikyuu, both platonic and romantic :) I think either way would be really sweet and funny
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
Shiragoshi. I see no appeal in it for either of them and it kinda just gives me the ick
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
Anything with Karasuno first years that aren't the stereotypical main ships except maybe Yamahina. Idk I just feel like Tsuki x either of the volleyball idiots would go terribly and someone would end up getting hurt.
Also, Yachi is very much a lesbian to me and I'm taking that to the grave 🫡
Also, kawagata doesn't click with me. I prefer reongata, since they're both third years and at least had dialogue with each other
For a non Haikyuu pairing, I've got to say giyushino or shinogiyu - I don't know if it's hinted canon or just widely popular but I really can't care for it. I don't hate it, I just have no interest
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
I haven't altered the fandom with it but I made #RichPrinceFuckerVirgil a trend with my friends back in 2019
G - Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it?
The timeline gets a bit confuddled here but my first otp was either prinxiety (Roman X Virgil from Sanders Sides) or klance (Keith X Lance from VLD)
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
I scoped out the Skulduggery Pleasant fandom and I'm not planning on going back (which sucks because the books are amazing)
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
Either Zuko, Tsukki, Mu Qing, or Ming Fan (can you tell I'm a fan of grouchy people with the ability to do good?)
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.)
As someone very neutral over Asahi, I really have to say that he is portrayed as the ace amazingly. Even though he isn't the main character and can't score all the epic points, he's still an inherently powerful force and you always trust in him when the ball goes his way, as this viewer.
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
Feng Xin :)
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
Reincarnation fics (TGCF)
Multi-chap AU fics (Haikyuu)
ObaMitsu content (KNY)
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
The song "Black Sheep" by Gin Wigmore reminds me of Hua Cheng/TGCF calamities :))
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
Sendai Frogs as a forced together bounty hunting crew in a space au that becomes found family 💪
Q - A fandom you’ve abandoned and why.
DSMP/MCYT - after Technoblade sadly passed away and then the finale was handled so clumsily, I just couldn't bother with it anymore. However, I still watch a lot of those YouTubers today, like Tommyinnit and Jack Manifold :)
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
Shiratorizawa Third Years for the win!!!!
@/baguantte has an AMAZING piece of fanart for all of them which I regularly return to look at :))
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
Shen Yuan was chronically ill before he transmigrated and he died not just due to choking but because a seizure happened during his rage-eating. We know he's an unreliable narrator, hence why he never mentions this - he hated being ill and felt ashamed by it, so he never wants to think about it now he's no longer sick.
A prompt for this could be Shen Qingqui gets wife plotted and the consequence is far too similar to how he lived his old life that he keeps nearly breaking over it. Could lead to an identity reveal or just some good ol' hurt/comfort
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending? 
Yamagata has clinical depression. Idrk where this came from but it's something I very much stand by and have lots of interlocking ideas with so, yeah, no one is changing my mind on that.
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
Mu Qing (TGCF/Heaven Official's Blessing) - he's my favourite because of his complicated character. He says negative things, the rumours about him is how he is cold and unkind, yet we see his actions and behaviour portrayed very differently. He's a truly complicated guy.
Goshiki Tsutomu (Haikyuu) - I've written an essay on him which I now cannot find??? I'll have to fish it out but basically he's a really well written character whom performs so hard despite the anxiety he's visibly under being in such an infamous team
Shen Yuan (SVSSS/Scum Villain's Self Saving System) - he's a nerd who died and is now a hot guy but has the nerve to complain about it, he's just like me and I love that.
V - Which character do you relate to the most?
It sounds dramatic and emo as fuck, but Mu Qing. I just get him on a very deep level.
W - A trope which you are virtually certain to hate in any fandom.
Major Character Death or just Character Death in general - I always find it very cheap or unfulfilling. To get me on board with Major Character Death takes a LOT
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
The Girlboss X Malewife ship - I don't mind the genders, I don't care for dynamics... if that ship is in there, it's likely to be my favourite!! See FengQing and KyouHaba for reference lol
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?
Bnha, Bungo Stray Dogs and a bit of Mob Psycho
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go! (Prompts optional but encouraged.)
AHHHHH OKAY UHHH I accidentally got my mother into not just Haikyuu and Demon Slayer but also TGCF?? We've been watching The Untamed together too - she really wants me to read her manga series Boys Over Flowers and I've been meaning to haha
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sandewich · 6 months
yo! If you do Junko GFN x GN! Reader, can you do fluff where Reader helps Junko while she's getting bullied and helping her up? :>
✧ short fluff story.
✦ gxgn // Junko x GN!Reader.
✧ idk what to put here but yeah!!
bullying, mistreatment, scolding, lying. anything wrong or false is my fault, this is not heavily accurate.
yes! by anon! :3 sorry it took so long !!
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-- ???
It had been days of pure torture for poor Junko. She didn't know why she kept getting bullied. Is it because she's different? Is it because of the wheelchair she had to use for her injured legs? It's not her fault, right? It's their fault, it's the bully's fault. It's everyone's fault. Well, that's what she's been thinking for the past few years. Junko couldn't trust anyone at all, even the nice. They're totally fake, right? They just want to get under her skin and make her into a pushover just for them.
A new student came along when the first semester finished, who was it? It was you, Y/n. Junko didn't have high expectations for you, she thinks you're just like the others. No one in this school cared for her so why should she care for anyone in it? The teacher told you to sit right next to her so you could watch her and take care of her or whatever. She wanted to take revenge or die trying, either way, her pain goes away...
-- y/n's pov.
I payed attention in class, writing notes, scribbling images to help me remember the lesson more. I can't help but feel worried about the girl next to me, I heard she has some kind of condition, I wonder what. I looked away from my notebook, my gaze set onto the whiteboard in the classroom. To be honest, I wanted to skip science class since there's really nothing much to learn about. My dad (or whoever you want it to be) can teach me all about it since he's a scientist plus he has his scientific books somewhere.
I tried to focus yet my thoughts about Junko haunted my mind. Finally, when the class I had was over. I secretly went outside, somehow avoiding the school staffs. Why don't they install cameras? It feels to easy to skip the class. I was in the backyard of the school where the garden was, it felt calm and relaxing... That is until I heard a sound of something big falling at the entrance of the school. I peeked around the corner, making sure the grass beneath me isn't annoying and loud enough for someone to catch me out of class.
" Get up, you fool! " Two unknown girls laughed at... Junko on the ground with her wheelchair beside her. Who could do something so cruel to someone so fragile? Junko looked up at them in shock and desperation, this time, she wanted to get up. I think me and her has the same school schedule. Junko's legs didn't work at all, her hands gripping the hot concrete because of how hot it is in this kind of weather.
" Be happy we're not cutting you, little hemophilic girlie! " They continued to tease and chuckle at the horrific sight. They pushed her off of the stairs, sure it's was like 5 or 4 steps but still, that's not how to treat any human being, right? I contemplated if I should interfere but before I could come to a conclusion, a teacher saw the two, asking them why they aren't in class yet and asking why Junko is on the floor. The two came up with a lie that Junko attacked first, but I don't believe it? Why would she attack anyone for that matter?
The idiotic teacher believed their obvious lie and scolded Junko a little before telling all of them to go to class... But how would Junko go to class? You're just going to leave her there? In the hot sun of Thailand, where you could get a sunburn just by touching the concrete alone? This is outrageous. When the coast was clear, I hurried to Junko, making sure she's okay.
" Hey- Hey, are you okay? I'm sorry for not interrupting earlier. " I gently spoke to Junko as I got her wheelchair to stand up. She looked at me with those cold eyes like she's not feeling anything, but I know with her teary eyes, she wants to let it all out. I asked for some consent first, just to know that she's comfortable with what I'm doing, of course.
" I'n gonna try carrying you, okay? Try to jump so you can get in. " I said and Junko nodded. This is kind of the first time I had to carry someone into a wheelchair so let's just hope I don't make her fall. She sits upright, as I carefully picked her up off of the ground, she wasn't light but not too heavy. I put her onto the wheelchair, she scoots up a bit, she looked up at me, mute but I can tell she's thankful. I smiled at her before getting behind and pushing her up the ramp. I should get her to the infirmary if I can.
I'm just taking care of her and doing the right thing, it's as simple as that.
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author ;; sandewich!
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selkymaiden · 1 year
mina and ❓🧩 ???!!?! MEIN GOTT i would love to learn more heh heh 🕵️‍♂️😈
OUGH. The noise I made. 🧍‍♂️
I will put a read more because I'm so sorry Naomi, I'm so sorry I'm about to go ham.
Also, love how you used a puzzle piece. Very good you are truly the detective here!!! 🔎🔎🔎
But Mina is my Private Investigator or Detective in the DC universe. Originally she was made as a side character for Sophie to have friends outside the Rogue gallery. But my friend had her own DC oc, India 💖, so I was like okay lemme expand on Mina so she has more of her own personality and storyline than just being a side character. So I started to tailor-make her more for the Arkham series of games instead of Gotham. But again I just mash up stuff like I did with Sophie since it's so easy with comic book lore. I mean... DC does it to themselves just like Marvel lakfjwelkrj But I say that because uhhhhh wait idk if you've played the Arkham series games? I'm so sorry if you have not and seen spoilers every single day on my blog. But like the last game in the series makes it left open-ended Batman died and I'm like 'nah son' he does not die. So basically I do what I want as we all should so we can enjoy our fucking uhhhhhh little blorbos.
BUT the pun on her name is A. Query. Full name: Aemilia Wilhelmina "Mina" Query. Cuz I wanted someone for the Riddler LMAO just for the fucking canon character again. And at first, I toyed with Oh uh Echo and Query are henchpeople The Riddler has used but I didn't want a henchperson oc. But I love henchpeople ocs though! Ngl I read a lot of spicy riddler x reader where the reader is a henchperson, but I didn't want that for my oc but that's because I'm a terrible person and just want all my gorls OP. Also, Arkham Riddler is so fucking insufferable but I can't not have Mina fuck him!!!
So yeah Mina and Eddie get it on!!! You don't understand Naomi I made a stupid ass moodboard for them when it was slow at work and I had nothing better to do.
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They are the tag: xo. lovefool
If you don't read all this I understand but thank you so much for asking and being interested! It's a good exercise to just get my lore out about her instead of just thinking it lmaooooo
Uhhh but she's a Private Investigator, licensed, she actually does not work or care for the GCPD and has a chip on her shoulder with them. So she likes to take cases from their departments and solve them before their people. But she's not taking on murder stuff, even though she could, no she's more into solving, which she has solved, a lot of missing persons and then cheating cases. LMAO she's like that fucking cheaters show and will bust people's asses for money. But she's very good at what she does and would probably be an asset if she did work for GCPD but she only really respects Gordon and Barbara there. Instead, she's fine with what she has, she's not ambitious but does like to stick her nose into things just to be knowing. Tying with Sophie she gets away with things someone on the 'side of the law' should not be able to do cuz she'll run to Sophie for protection. And she's not a bribe person I guess also? She's neutral in Gotham or does her best. She picks and chooses her battles.
So with her and the Riddler though for the longest time they never actually met in person. Instead, she's come upon his radio frequency before. After that, they talk and eventually flirt over the radio, phone, text, email, internet whatever, just anything but in person. She's a novelty item to Edward when Batman isn't paying attention to him basically. It's cuz she's solved his puzzles and riddles before so she's not just some little idiot running around Gotham. Still not as smart as him or even worthwhile other than to pass the time! But his attitude of him thinking himself smarter than everyone and being so degrading to her wears on her but instead of being 'ok bye' her ass actually starts a grudge. So she starts to make it a point to be better than him! And like the last straw is when he sets up his little challenges for Batman but it's a total coincidence, it interrupts a case she's been on for months and ruins everything. So her ass goes through the whole trouble of solving a series of riddles and puzzles meant for Batman. She went out of her way to find them all and solve them so she can confront the Riddler finally. Him getting pinged thinking it's Batman gets all excited but when he goes to confront it's Mina. He flips out just "Wtf wtf wtf you cheated! you didn't solve these! Why are you here??" but jokes on him she did it. ANYWAYS IM SORRY ITS SO LONG BUT SHORT STORY INSTEAD OF FIGHTING HIM LIKE SHE INTENDED SHE TAKES ONE LOOK AT HIS FUCKING WET BITCH PATHETIC ASS AND THEY GET IT ON. like tension but not the kind of tension he's used to where he just gets his face smashed in with the Dark Knight instead she uses her mouth on him *wink wonk* it's about the sexual tension babeeyyyyy !!!
also here is a moodboard just for Mina. She's the oc. wilhelmina
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pandapupremade · 2 years
Babysitting Cream
WORDS: 1918
SHIP: Mephiles / Infinite x Lila Kitty (poly selfship)
CONTENT WARNINGS: mentions of food, discussions involving past events of villain actions which are not relevant to the actual fic but yknow
SUMMARY: A trio of idiots babysits a 6 year old. It's fine. Everything's fine.
author note: I have worked on-off for this since like. idk months ago a loong time. possibly even since 2021. either way i find it very funny and finally finished it. enjoy
    "You don't mind, do you?" Lila asked as she poured herself some coffee that morning, "I mean, it's not like you two have other plans, right?" She received blank stares in response. Well, Mephiles always stared blankly, but Infinite's stares were usually more disappointed...Ah, that's besides the point.
    She had, for context, just dropped the awkward (not for her) bomb that she had agreed to Mephiles, Infinite and herself babysitting six year old Cream the Rabbit while her mom, Vanilla, went out on a day trip with a friend. (Which was a little strange to Lila, because normally Vanilla would simply take Cream along, but it seems the friend wanted some alone time, whoever it was...)
      Anyway, the babysitting thing; it was going to start around noon, and Lila hadn't bothered to tell either of her partners before the morning of. It's fine, she knew they never really went anywhere without her, so if they hadn't been able to help out, she would've known!
       Infinite sighed, moving forward and crossing his elbows on the kitchen table. "Interesting mother the child must have, to entrust her daughter to the likes of us..."
       Lila paused. "...Yeaaah, I guess that's true - Mephiles almost destroyed the essence of time, you kinda reigned terror for a while..." She tapped her chin. "..Ah well. What's done is done and well in the past." ...Technically what Mephiles did never happened in this timeline, though. Infinite has less excuse.
       "There would also be you, who is a danger to everyone, including herself." Infinite added, to which Lila huffed.
      "I'm more careful when it's not my life on the line!" She told him, putting her hand on her hip and sipping her coffee a moment after. She froze, then, and glared at Mephiles now - "Don't you say a WORD about it, Mr. Ruined Timeline."
      Infinite also glanced at Mephiles, who had been quiet so far (though had a minor air of amusement at Lila's words). "...What about you? You have no complaints?"
       Mephiles said nothing a moment longer, then looked up at him. "...No." A goo monster of few words. Oh well.
      "Glad to hear it! Vanilla is really sweet, so I would hate to let her down!" Lila hummed. If that's truly the case, maybe she should've checked with Infinite and Mephiles BEFORE the day of, buuut...That's not how Lila rolls, and everyone knows it.
      "I do wonder, though," She mused as she leaned against the counter, "Who exactly is she going out with...? Is she dating someone? Hmm..."
        "It's not your business, is it?" Infinite shook his head. "There you go again, observing everyone's lives..."
        "I'm just curious! It's not like I'd ASK HER something so personal!" Press the X button to doubt, as the kids say. Infinite and Mephiles would mash that button if it were physical.
    A little later, the three would depart, and a bit after that would arrive at the little cottage that Cream and her mother called home.
    "Well, we're here!" Lila smiled with the announcement of her presence, skipping up the decorative garden-barriered walkway. "Man, it's always so cozy here..."
     "That's a word for it," Infinite eyed the home with a bit of distaste. Clearly, it was too cutesy for him. Mephiles also seemed a little...put off by the bright colors. He began to reach out, actually, for a flower, but Lila stopped him.
      "Hey! Don't touch the flowers! Cream worked hard to plant those."
      "...The child planted these?" Mephiles seemed...curious. Weird.
      "Yes, and I don't need you upsetting her before we even get inside." Lila scolded him. Still, her attention was caught by the front door opening, and a very tall rabbit stepping out.
      "Miss Lila, is that you?" the woman spoke with a restful expression; probably a demeanor unfitting of her greeting two ex-villains and the singular and irresponsible thing keeping them from returning to said villainy. Yeah, Lila was that singular thing, somehow.
      "Ah! Miss Vanilla!" Lila beamed, "You look lovely today!"
        "Thank you, dear. Please, all of you - do come in..." She opened her front door a tad wider, and Lila gestured for her partners to follow as she walked inside. The interior was comfortable, but somehow bigger than the outside had implied. "Cream shouldn't be any trouble for you today...In fact, she seems quite excited to see you."
          "Oh, she could never be any trouble." Lila shook her head. "She's so sweet, after all...Where is she now?"
          "Ah, she's in her room with Cheese and Chocola..."
         "Well, we'll go see her, then." Lila nodded, and started towards the hallway.
         "Oh, do you know which room is hers?"
 Vanilla gently called after her, and the feline stopped. 
        "Er...." Didn't think so. Vanilla would inform her, though, and they'd actually make their way there.
         Voices were audible, once getting closer - well, one mobian voice, and two chao voices. "Cheese, please pass the sugar."
         "Chao, chao!"
          "Thank you. More tea, Chocola?"
            "Chao, chao, chaaao!"
     "Tea parties..." Infinite grimaced, but Lila shushed him.
     "You will enjoy a lovely tea party with Cream, Finni." She smiled in a way he did not exactly feel emotionally supported by. "And you'll play dress up, eat her toy cooking, compliment her pictures, give her friendship bracelets..."
    "Joyous day. Shall I allow her piggyback riding as well?"
    "Oh! Great idea!"
    Infinite's hand brought itself to his face. There was no backing out now, was there? Absolutely not, and it was worthless to even ask. 
    "Hi Cream!" Lila popped her head into the room, followed by stepping in with a bit of a sway in her movements. "And Cheese and Chocola, of course! I hope I'm not interrupting..."
   "Oh, hello Miss Lila!" The soft spoken little rabbit smiled - although, she actually wasn't much shorter than Lila. Lila was small for an adult mobian, you see. "Please don't worry! You're always an invited guest."
   She then blinked as Infinite peered his head in behind Lila. Lila glanced at the Jackal. "Oh, um...I brought along some friends - is that alright, Cream?" She smiled a tad...nervously now.
     Cream tilted her head. "Hm? Oh!" Another blink, and a surprised expression. "Of course, Miss Lila! I'm sorry for staring, Mister Infinite. Please, do come in."
    Infinite hesitated, seeming to be more on edge than before. Lila, on the other hand, relaxed tremendously. Then, Cream spoke again.
     "Miss Lila, you said you brought friends...But I only see you and Mister Infinite."
     Lila glanced around. "Ah - oop - one second. Mephy, where are you?" The cat moved to leave and search...Leaving Infinite and a child alone.
     A child, to be specific, who knew all about the destruction and fear he had caused. Infinite could only give a feeble, fleeting prayer that she at least hadn't witnessed it first hand.
    Yet the girl said nothing to him, really. For all he knew as she turned back to her Chao, her intentions were to ignore him. Maybe for the first time in his stubborn life, Infinite was fine with no acknowledgement. He watched her pick up another little teacup and fill it with some apple juice - sorry, tea - with just as sweet a smile as before. Infinite figured it was for Lila, and tilted his head to gaze around the tiny little room.
"...Here you are, Mister Infinite."
   The direct referral certainly took him off guard. He looked back at Cream, bewildered at her offering out the teacup she had just poured.  "...What?"
  "It's for you. I do insist you drink it while it's hot."
   Infinite blinked, but took it in his hands with more gentleness than maybe anyone expected. But Cream did not waver. She retained her pleasant demeanor and seemed delighted he took the tea. "I..." Infinite averted his eyes. "...Thank you, Miss Cream."
   What had he gotten himself into?!
    Meanwhile, Lila was hunting down Mephiles. It seemed to her like he'd just vanished! Not unlike him, but not convenient right now. Lila did run into Vanilla, though, who seemed to be taking care of chores while she waited for her date to arrive. 
  "Um, Miss Vanilla...Did you see Mephiles come through here?"
   "Mh? Mephiles?" Vanilla turned to the cat with a thoughtful frown. "I'm afraid not. Perhaps he stepped outside?"
   "Hmm..." Lila tapped her chin, gaze shifting to the doorway. "It is possible. He showed interest in Cream's flowers earli - AH!" Lila's shout caught Vanilla off guard, but the cat didn't notice the concern and rushed out towards the front of the cottage again.
    As Lila very naturally and accurately predicted based on the presented clues (she praised herself for such cunning intellect), Mephiles was crouched by a patch of flowers. Immediately, she panicked. Knowing Mephiles, he had turned Cream's precious garden to gooey shadow or crystalized it or...
    ....Or perhaps he was helping them grow? The flowers looked taller than before, and very much blooming vibrantly. Lila blinked, confused. "Um...Mephy?"
   Mephiles looked up at Lila upon her approach. As he stood, she noticed a fading purple from his hand, and she deduced a usage of his powers. (All this exaggerated journalism vocabulary was getting tiresome.)
    "Did you, um...?" She pointed to the flowers. Mephiles nodded. Lila pursed her lips. "...So my next question is how you did that."
  "It's simple." Mephiles replied, "I have a decent control over time and space...I chose to manipulate the growth of the plant to a more notable appearance."
    "They were unimpressive before."
    Lila stared at him. He stared back, as blank as ever. Finally, she sighed. "Okay, well. Let's get back inside now."
   Mephiles nodded, abd the two started for the front door...but their destination would be reached first by someone else. Lila instantly recognized the culprit, and all the clues came together at last.
    What clues, the audience asked? (What audience it is remains irrelevant to Lila's thought process.) Well, to go over them...Lila was used to Vanilla taking Cream out when she had to leave the house, meaning whomever she was going on a date with had romantic intent. Vanilla had many friends who could've watched Cream, and not just Lila's mismatched trio. Finally, Lila just remembered she technically owed someone ten bucks.
   With all this, it was finally clear! Vanilla was going on a date with Vector the Crocodile. Sure enough, the tall green reptile was strolling up the walk, bouquet in hand, possibly listening to music based on his rhythm filled walk cycle. However...He froze at the sight of Lila, and quickly turned his headphones off.
   "You?! What're you doing here?"
    "Watching a child." Lila replied confidently. Vector blinked, his eyes shifting to Mephiles. Lila rolled her eyes. "Not him. I mean Cream."
    "Alright, yeah, okay. That makes more sense." Vector rubbed his forehead. "What're ya being hired to watch 'er for, though? Can't she get Amy?"
    "I'm making up the ten I owe you." That was not the real reason, but Vector bought it. Well, whatever.
   Vector and Vanilla would have to be on their way, so there was hardly time for more chit-chat. Lila had more hope in herself, and she guessed she kind of had hope in her companions, too. Mephiles would likely please Cream with having helped her flowers, and as for Infinite...
  Lila paused. 
  "...You think we would be able to ditch him here?" She turned to Mephiles hopefully. "Maybe instead we could follow Vector and Vanilla and take notes for blackm..."
   Mephiles now gave a chill inducing effect in his stare, and Lila shivered.
   "Joking, I was joking. Let's go back inside."
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