#an whos going to do your laundry when you're missions huh
celaenaeiln · 1 year
Jake and Mari meeting Damian for the first time
Jake: *watching Dick struggling to piggyback a 260+ lb man* Dad who is HE?!
Mari: Why're you carrying a man twice your size?!
Dick: *Wheezing but refusing to let go of his hold on Damian's legs* He's...he's my son...s-say "Hi, Damian."
Jake: I'm your son!
Mari: Jake's your son!
Dick: *gasping* Yes...but Damian's my first born."
Jake & Mari: *turning to look at Damian*
Damian: *looking back at them then turning his nose up and smirking*
Jake & Mari: *instantly activating their powers* This means war.
Dick: *jerking his head up* Wait-what?
Jake and Mari complaining to their Uncle Tim about Damian
Jake: You won't believe what he did! He hit me on the head with dad's eskrima!
Mari: He also punched me!
Tim: *snorting* Let me guess, he also stuck his tongue out at you two while Dad-DICK-wasn't looking?
Jake: Yeah! And then dad scolded all of us but when he was scolding me and Mari, Damian took dad's eskrima, put into his pocket-
Jake & Tim: *finishing together* -and mouthed "Mine."
Jake: Uncle Tim, you get it!!
Mari: *narrowing her eyes* speaking from experience?
Tim: *scowling at her*
Tim: .......hmm.
Tim and Jason forced to team up for a family mission
Tim: ...So I heard something interesting today.
Jason: Can we just shut up and work in silence so I can go home and eat and clean my guns in peace?
Tim: Jake and Mari told me they fought with Damian.
Jason: What? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! It must've been over Dick! It's the only thing that matters to that demon brat.
Tim: *smirking* yup. Remember when we fought over Dick?
Jason: Heh. I beat your ass. Good times, good times. I mean-what were we even fighting over, huh?
Tim: Liar, I totally won. And I know right? It's completely obvious-
Jason: Without a doubt-
Jason & Tim: *finishing confidently* I was Dick's favorite.
A ringing silence echoing in the batcave after that statement.
Tim: *smirk dropping* Did the pit wipe whatever brain you had managed to scrape by with? Dick obviously loved me more. He taught me how to analyze people, how to do laundry, and he even cooked for me! Me! He never cooks for anyone.
Jason: *sneering* And here I thought you were a detective but it turns out you were a "dumb-tective" instead. Has he ever gone skiing with you? Has he ever come up with a code-nickname for you like he did with "little wing" for me? Has he ever protected you from seeing seeing stuff cause he thought it wouldn't be appropriate?? Has he ever done that for you?
Tim: *screeching and lunging* I'LL BE SURE TO KNOCK YOUR BRAINS INTO PLACE!!
Jason: *grappling with him* AND I'LL MAKE SURE TO PUT YOURS BACK IN YOUR HEAD!!
*one hour later*
Jason & Tim: *Bloody, silent, and seething*
Tim: .....hey.
Jason: *gritting his teeth* what.
Tim: Did you and Bruce ever fight over who Dick loves more?
Jason: *mind exploding with memories of the two of them using sly, underhanded tricks to have Dick's attention for themself and sometimes even coming to blows over it* no. And I'm not the one who fought with a ten year old.
Tim: But you did.
Jason: You were thirteen.
Tim: No, I mean you and Damian fought.
Tim: It's okay. I used to have a cold war with Bruce.
Jason: With Bruce? Why?
Tim: Because Bruce didn't want me but Dick did and Bruce is a possessive asshole who loves Dick but doesn't like sharing.
Jason: Damn. Yeah, that actually explains a lot. I'm still the favorite though.
Tim: *cracking his neck* You wanna go again?
Dick: *entering* Hey guys-woah, what's with the tension?
Jason: *Sidling up next to Dick and wrapping an arm around his shoulder* Nothin' Dickie. Heard your kiddies got into a fight.
Dick: *sighing* You heard already? It was a disaster. I'll tell you about it later. How're you doing, Tim? Everything okay, buddy?
Tim: *walking forward and grabbing Dick's hand* *furtively catching Jason's eye* Good Dick! I'm really glad you're back.
Dick: *immediately ruffling his hair and then Jason's* Awww! You're the sweetest. Both of you. I'm going to make sure the Bruce doesn't burn the kitchen down thinking he can suddenly cook in his old age.
Jason & Tim: *Turning to each other after Dick leaves* This means war.
Canon based
Dick is Tim's idol
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Dick is Jason's idol
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Dick teaching Tim panels I already posted before but here's him teaching Tim to fold laundry.
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Dick protecting Jason's eyes from unsavory sights
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Dick calling Jason Little Wing
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Dick took Jason skiing when he was robin
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Bruce being manipulative about wanting Dick back (another addition)
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Jason is just like Bruce
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And for fun XD
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cantstoplovingjude · 3 months
Maid for Your Command - Jude's Commands
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This is from Ikemen Villains EN, Cybird owns everything.
Jude: "So lemme get this straight. Some bloke ya barely know says 'Be a maid' and you go 'Yessir, right away, sir!'?"
Jude: "That the kinda thing ya into, huh?"
Kate: "That's not what happened!"
I let out a frustrated sigh as I argued with Jude yet again.
It all started as I was accompanying him on a mission as Fairytale Keeper.
A woman who appeared to be a maid accidentally bumped into me and dropped the clothes she was carrying.
The man beside her looked to be her master and tried whipping her right there and then.
I immediately intervened to protect her, only for Jude to get irritated with the "negotiations" that took place between us.
Kate: "I thought it would be better to help her with the laundry, rather than let her get abused."
Jude: "Real impressed by your integrity, I truly am."
Jude: "But there's no guarantee all ya gotta do is wash it 'n be done."
Kate: "I know there's no way to confirm that, but still..."
Her master has said, "If you want to protect her, then be my maid in her place and wash my dirty clothes."
But then he saw Jude before I could say a word, and all the color drained from his face. And then he just ran off somewhere.
Kate: "At least I'm not such a terrible person that I scare people off with just a glance at my face."
Jude: "Yeah, 'cept thanks to that 'terrible person' ya don't gotta play maid no more, do ya?"
Kate: "Well-"
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Jude: "Shouldn't ya be returnin' me the favor?"
My body froze as if it were a reflex.
I already knew what owing Jude a favor meant, and it wasn't pretty.
(But I can't deny that him being there helped me out...)
Kate: "I'll treat you to lunch in order to say thank you."
Jude: "Nah, don't want that."
He flatly refused and stared at me with the eyes of a predator.
Jude: "Let's see, what should ya owe me..."
A cruel, cold smile spread across his face.
Jude: "How 'bout ya pay me back by bein' my maid, huh? If ya can do it for a stranger, ya can do it for me, can't ya?"
Jude: "Ya ever hear of a contract of obedience?"
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Jude: "Huh? Can't hear ya. Say it again, louder this time."
I tried to gather up my voice, but every time I opened my mouth to speak, the words came out shaking.
Jude: "Next time if ya talk too quietly, I'll shove a rag in your useless mouth. C'mon now, speak up."
Jude had taken me to one of his company warehouses.
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And I stood there trembling with anger at his humiliating order.
Kate: "...I pledge obedience to my master."
Jude: "Sit."
Kate: "...Excuse me?"
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Jude: "What the hell happened to obedience, huh? I said, sit!"
I gritted my teeth as I obeyed Jude's ridiculous order while he crossed his arms and leaned against a packing box.
The floor of the warehouse was so cold it made me shiver.
Kate: "You're not treating me like a maid. You're treating me like a dog."
Jude: "If ya listen to every command I give ya, what's the difference?"
He stood up and stepped on the hem of my dress with his stylish black shoes.
(How am I supposed to stand up now?)
As I watched him looming over me, my heart started pounding even louder.
(Who knows what he might do if I don't fulfill my debt to him...)
(I don't know if I want to find out what else that twisted mind of his could come up with.)
Jude: "How 'bout I strip those annoyin' clothes off ya, slap a collar round your neck 'n take ya for a walk?"
Kate: "Absolutely not!"
Jude: "Did I ask the dog to talk back to her master?"
Jude: "Apparently, ya got no intention of obeyin' me, so I guess ya don't need that mouth after all."
He reached out and tried to cover my mouth with his large hand, but I jerked back and hurriedly apologized.
Kate: "A-all right, I'm sorry! I apologize for being careless!"
Jude: "Oh yeah? Prove it. Get on your hands 'n knees and bark. Then I'll forgive ya."
Blood rushed to my face when I heard his command.
I started to protest instinctively, but then quickly shut my mouth.
(...I might as well just do it. Make him happy, and get out of this situation as quickly as I can.)
I glared at Jude, getting down on my hands and knees like he said.
Kate: "...W-woof."
Jude: "So vicious. Looks like you're 'bout to tear your master to pieces!"
Jude: "And look at those rebellious eyes of yours. Hah, yeah, I like that."
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Kate: "Wha-?!"
Jude: "Wasn't intendin' on playin' with a lil bird like ya, but..."
Jude: "Now I wanna know what you'd look like when ya scream 'n cry for me."
Kate: "...Ah?!"
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He grabbed my arm and pulled me to my feet, then roughly pushed me up against the wall.
He pinned my arms to the wall, his grip so trong I couldn't fight back.
Kate: "Let me go! ...Ah!"
I struggled in vain as he wedged his knee between my legs, then my body began to tremble as a strange heat rushed through me.
(He's got to be kidding... He can't be serious!)
Jude: "Hmm..."
I couldn't read the expression on his face as he stared at me coldly.
Kate: "Ahh, J-Jude...!"
As I shifted, his knee rubbed against the sweet spot between my legs and a thrilling, throbbing sensation overtook me.
My mind was a mess of fear, frustration, shame, and... pleasure.
Jude: "What're ya gettin' so excited 'bout, huh? I'm not doin' nothin'."
Kate: "Please move... your leg."
Jude: "Ya could get fired for tryin' to do somethin' that indecent with your master's body, ya know that?"
Kate: "I am not!"
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Jude: "How 'bout I leave ya here all alone as punishment then?"
(Oh, to hell with it. He is the absolute worst!)
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I wanted to say that to him, but the sound of his whisper against my ear sent another shiver down my spine.
I desperately tried to stand my ground, but my legs began to tremble and grow weak.
Jude: "What would ya do if ya saw another woman bein' treated the way ya are right now, right in front of ya, huh?"
Kate: "What? I-I'd call for help, of course!"
Jude: "Tch. You're a right idiot, ya know that?"
Right now, he looked more angry than mocking.
Jude: "You're supposed to ignore it. Haven't learned your lesson one bit, have ya?"
Kate: "Ahh...!"
Now his leg which had pressed me against the wall started rubbing against me with purpose.
The hot, grinding stimulation I felt between my legs was too much to bear and I couldn't help but moan.
(I-I didn't mean to make that noise...)
Jude: "Ya really think ya can 'help' anyone with that tiny, weak body of yours?"
I flushed with embarrassment as he immediately released me.
Jude: "If you're gonna follow me 'round, ya gotta ditch all the niceties 'n goodwill."
(He really is... something else entirely.)
Jude: "Or if ya don't wanna get tossed aside, then forget the damn mission 'n go back to sleep in your castle, princess."
I bit my lip, trying to calm my breathing.
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(Even if that was his way of warning me, he could've done it in a different way.)
(And I'm not going to stop being kind to people. But I don't want to give up on my mission, either.)
(Besides, why is he trying to make me learn a lesson by being so malicious, anyway?)
(I wish I could understand his way of doing things better.)
I took a deep breath and stared at him.
Kate: "I refuse both."
Jude: "...Hah, should've stuffed your mouth shut, after all."
He gave me a very displeased look and then sauntered out of the warehouse.
And I still chased after him, dragging along my throbbing knees and aching body...
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idyllcy · 2 years
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Word count: 4.0k
Summary: the rosy light of the setting or rising sun seen on high mountains is known as an alpenglow. Komaeda's more than grateful he gets to live each day with you
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The rays of the sun are kind. They press kisses to those who wake up with it, and bask those who are still asleep in its warmth. To people with insomnia, they are a curse to start the new day. People who toss and turn at night struggle to wake up in the morning with the sun because of how little sleep the moon blessed them. Others wake up a mess of limbs with their love. Komaeda doesn't wake up in a mess of limbs. The bed is often empty by the time he wakes up. His insomnia is better, but it's never completely gone. He supposes it's the price he pays for his luck blessing him the universe's prettiest star.
He wakes up to the smell of fresh laundry and breakfast. By the time his vision has focused, you're grinning in front of him. You look pretty with the sunrise grazing your face. He reaches to run his thumb over your cheek, silently thanking the sun for another day with you.
"Good morning, love," You hum, leaning into his hand. You tap his hand and place a kiss on his palm. "Breakfast is ready."
"Is it?" He mumbles, sitting up slowly. His hair is a mess, and you chuckle at the sight. Running your hand through his hair to ease out some of the knots, you hum a gentle tune. Komaeda closes his eyes, a sense of comfort washing over him. He likes how you treat him. Your hands are always so delicate when touching him. It was like you were scared of him getting hurt.
You press a kiss to his forehead. "Come on, it's time for breakfast."
"Are we working today?"
"No," You hum. "I asked Kirigiri for a day off for the two of us."
"Ah," He yawns. "No wonder my alarm didn't go off."
You nod. "Ready? Pretty boy?"
"You treat me so well," He flushes pink, hiding his face in his hands. "My hope..."
"You deserve it," You grin. "Come on, we have time but it'd be nice to do something on our day off while lounging around."
"Can we paint our nails today?" Komaeda gets up from the bed, and you hum. "Yeah. Do you wanna buy new nail polish?"
He yawns, reaching for his toothbrush.
"Ah," You pause, staring at your watch. "Sonia wants us to watch over her daughter today."
"Huh?" Komaeda turns to stare at you, glancing at your phone.
"I can tell her it's fine-"
"No, no," Komaeda rinses his mouth. "I like her kids. Just her daughter or her son too?"
"I'll ask."
The two of you change into some new clothes and start making breakfast. Komaeda texts Sonia back for you, letting you know that both of her kids would be coming. You wonder if they need smaller portions or just a big one. Komaeda tells you to do regular sizes unless the kids want more.
"We're here!" Sonia beams as Komaeda opens the door. "I'm so sorry that you have to take care of them! I'm being sent off for a mission, and I'll be back tomorrow morning."
"No problem," You smile as her daughter motions for you to pick her up. "Shall we put them to bed here?"
"Yes, please," She smiles. "I love you both, alright?"
You pick up her daughter, and she kisses her kids goodbye.
"Mommy will be back tomorrow, alright?"
"Bye mommy!"
Komaeda is good with kids. It confused you at first, then you remembered the warriors of hope. You think that he's probably used to the worst-case situation in anything, so he's just extra cautious with kids. He's apprehensive to take the girl from your arms, but you assure him it'll be fine.
"Do we still have the child safe nail polish?"
"We do," Komaeda hums. "Granted they didn't dry up."
"They probably didn't," You smile, grabbing her son's hand. "Do you have anywhere you want to go, Yusuke-kun?"
"Can we visit the amusement park?" He stares up at you.
"Is it open yet?" You turn to stare at Komaeda. "I heard Souda was still fixing it."
"It is," Komaeda nods. "We had a meeting yesterday about it. It's finally open."
"It must be nice, huh?" You help the boy to the chair, and you help Komaeda sit the girl in the high chair as he slides them the food.
"Yes," You grin at the boy. "Unless you want something else?"
"No," He shakes his head, starting to eat. "Thank you for the food."
The girl grabs at it, and Komaeda stops her. "A princess shouldn't have to eat with her hands. Open up, baby~!"
The girl giggles as Komaeda's hand imitates an airplane.
"Say ahhh!" Komaeda's voice is soft as the girl bites and swallows. He watches her swallow, and he smiles. "See? Good girl!"
"Hinami-chan," You wipe her cheek with a wet wipe. "How old are you now?"
"Four!" She grins, holding up her hand.
"Alright," You press a kiss to her forehead. "Just checking. Yusuke, that makes you six now, right?"
"Yes," He nods. "Daddy said to tell you to tell Hinata-ojiisan that he's going to be out longer than mommy, but the key to the island is at the same place."
You hold back a laugh at the nickname, and Komaeda chuckles. "We got it. Do you want to see anyone else? I heard that Fuyuhiko-san is back with his daughters."
"They scare me," Yusuke mumbles.
"They aren't that bad," You take his finished plate to the sink. "If not, we can start the day, how about that?"
"Nail polish!!" Hinami cheers. "I want pink!"
"Of course, baby," You help Yusuke down from the seat, and the two settle on the couch with Komaeda. Grabbing the set from the cabinet, you sit at the table with the two. They both look like Sonia. You can barely tell who their father is. Well, maybe other than Hinami's red eye. You wonder how she still looks like the spitting image of Sonia despite that. Yusuke is just blonde hair, blue eyes. They're pretty. You thought being blonde was a recessive gene.
"What color do you want?" You set the tray on the table.
"I want red, please." Yusuke mumbles.
"Here," You hand the pink one to Komaeda, and you start on Yusuke's nails. There's a silence that hangs in the air, and Yusuke pauses. "Can we play music?"
"Sure," You hum, blowing on his hand to dry the nail polish. "What would you like?"
You think you should've expected punk rock, but you aren't too sure as to why you're so surprised. Komaeda chuckles, finishing up Hinami's pink fingernails.
"These are the ones that peel, right?"
"Yes," You hum, closing the box. "Shall we do our hair? Or do you want to head out?"
"Hair!" Hinami reaches for Komaeda's hair, and he chuckles.
"I'll move you to the couch, darling," You lift the girl to the couch and seat her on your lap. "Come on, Yusuke-kun! You can do the other side of his hair."
The boy ties his hair into a ponytail, and he blinks. "Do you think his hair is braidable?"
"You know how to braid?"
"Daddy does mommy's hair each morning." He gets off the couch and sits on Komaeda's lap.
"That's cute," You chuckle. "Yes, you can try."
"Can I braid one of your side bangs?"
"Yes," Komaeda smiles. "Go ahead."
Hinami puts all sorts of clips into Komaeda's hair while Yasuke bites his bottom lip to get the braid right. He counts the strands, and Komaeda hums. Hinami's a little rougher with his hair, pulling a little. Komaeda tilts his head to ease the pain a little, and Hinami finally finishes her work of art. Komaeda's hair looks like... ice cream. Fluffy ice cream. You have to physically hold back the urge to bite into it. He looks adorable.
"There!" She grins. "How does it look?"
Komaeda slips his phone from his pocket, and he stares at himself. "I look very pretty, thank you, baby."
Hinami giggles. "Nii-chan! How's your braid?"
"Can I have a hair tie?" He peers at you. "One of the small ones."
"Of course," You slide one from your finger and hand it to him. He ties the knot, and Komaeda smiles at his reflection in the phone.
"I look lovely, thank you, Yusuke." Komaeda smiles. "Shall I keep it on while we head to the park?"
"No," He unclips the pins from his hair, and he hands them to you. "How does he usually do his hair?"
"We tie it into a low ponytail," You lift the girl from your lap, and she sits next to her brother.
"Ah, Yusuke-kun, I wouldn't have minded if you let me keep that hairstyle." Komaeda hums as you weave your fingers through his hair.
"The other oji-san and oba-san would make fun of you," He mumbles. "Souda-ojisan makes fun of my dad sometimes."
"That's just because Souda thinks your mom's-" You pull on Komaeda's hair extra hard, and he hisses. "Because Souda-san has his reasons. That hurt, my hope."
"Sorry," You finish the ponytail and press a kiss to the back of his neck. He shivers, face turning red. "Shall we head out now?"
"I heard the walk is pretty long."
"It is," You help Hinami put on her shoes. "Would you like me to carry you?"
"Can you?"
"Of course I can," You smile. "But you'll have to walk on your way back."
"Hm," He pauses. "I'll walk there and you can carry me back. I'll be too tired to walk back."
"Sure," You hum, opening the door to let the kids out.
The sun is out, though hidden by the clouds. It seemed it would rain soon. You're sure you're going to hear something about a tropical storm later. You could worry about that if it does happen. You're not sure which way Komaeda's luck is going to swing.
The sun is high in the sky; it reminds you of the killing game. You hadn't participated, being stuck inside and locked up by Monokuma for recalling all of your memories. Though, you had never exactly seen the sun. You had been killed before you even got to see the island. Komaeda's poison gas was not exactly something that was good for the average human. You find it ironic that you ended up with your killer.
Nonetheless, the sun shines in the sky. The stars hidden by the blue of day accompany him, keeping him company with the clouds. You wonder if the moon is resting well. Or perhaps they're working on the other side of the planet, watching over the other people. You wonder if they're keeping Naegi and Kirigiri company while they work. It would be nice if they visited sometimes, but you understand why they wouldn't.
The sun laughs at the four of you. It's like a family pieced together clumsily. The moon would surely love observing you. Even as he wakes everyone in the morning with a brooding light, the two of you always rise together. There's a sense of domesticity that he wished he could experience with the moon. When he rises, they rest; when he rests, they rise. The stars could tell the moon about your tale.
Komaeda chats idly with the kids, Hinami sitting on his shoulders. You're glad he's recovered thanks to Hinata. While his dementia was still up in the air, at least his lymphoma was healed. You wonder if he'd ever be healthy enough to have kids. Well, not like it mattered that much. The two of you were enough. The way his skin glows under the sun was enough proof for that.
"Staring?" Komaeda turns around to smile at you.
"Yeah," You grin, catching up to them. "What do you guys want to do first there? I heard Teruteru isn't cooking there today."
"He has prepackaged food, right?"
"He was working there yesterday," You grab Yusuke's empty hand, and you hum at the schedule. "He's in the cafeteria on break today. Shall we get Teruteru-kun's food after the park?"
"Yes!" Hinami gasps. "I want ramune!"
"I'm pretty sure they have that at the park, darling," You hum, stepping onto the bridge. Yusuke follows after you, you holding his hand to make sure he doesn't trip. The bridges built are a little flawed since Hinata didn't build them. You wonder what he's doing right now. He's always being pushed around by the future foundation, that poor man.
"Ah, Y/n-san, Komaeda-kun!" Hinata waves from the entrance.
"What are you doing here?" You help Yusuke from the bridge, and Komaeda hops off. "I thought you were still out on a mission?"
"Sonia-san asked me to come back and check the machinery. She said her kids had been nagging to ride the rollercoaster."
"She's not wrong," You hum, smiling. "Is there food here today?"
"Yeah," He nods.
"Ah, right!" You remember. "Gundham-san said the key was at the same place. They sent him off again."
"As expected," He sighs. "I'll check it out. Did he say it was urgent?"
Yusuke stares at him. "No. He fed them this morning."
"That's good," Hinata runs his hand through his hair and smiles. "I'll check on them right now. Everything's running and working by the way."
"That's good," Yusuke lets go of your hand and races into the park. You chase after him, Komaeda keeping the two of you within sight. Hinami likes eating more than adrenaline, while Yusuke prefers it the other way around. Komaeda texts you that he'll take the girl to the food stands while you rush around with the boy. You liked rollercoasters a lot more than he did. He stares at you disappear from sight, praying that somehow you'd stay safe.
Yusuke races to the carousel. He wasn't old enough for a couple of the rides, but the carousel was safe for everyone. You wonder if the others visit the park often. It was an attraction built to hide the future foundation's old building and provide something for Class 77b. You kind of miss Chiaki now that you think of it. Well, not like it mattered. You could just visit her later on the computer. Hinata made her a portable; It was cute.
Yusuke adores the adrenaline that rushes through his blood when he rides on the actual rollercoasters. He resembles his mother, gasping and rushing for more. You aren't sure how far you'll get before you grow sick, but you suppose you'll indulge the boy. Sonia and Gundham were always being pushed around for affairs. Sonia's fully capable of international relations, and Gundham had to go around teaching people how to raise livestock. You found it almost amusing. The kids were dropped off at your place more than you'd like to admit.
You wonder if it's to keep everyone safe from Komaeda's luck. Well, it seemed that it wasn't exactly different. His luck was a bit less vicious with you around.
You chuckle as Yusuke finally tires out.
"Ready to go home?"
"Yeah," he mumbles, opening his arms for you to carry him.
Yusuke wraps his arms around your neck, and he mumbles something about how he's going to stay awake on the way home. He doesn't. As soon as he's comfortable in your arms, he knocks out. You wonder how long he got to stay with Sonia this time around. He was always being left at your place. Well, you suppose it makes sense. Your talent does include taking care of others.
Yusuke's snorts accompany you with the setting sun. Ah, the moon must be coming up soon. You hum a gentle melody as you text Komaeda with your free hand. For a six-year-old, he wasn't exactly that tall. People grow even into adulthood so you don't worry.
"My hope!" He grins, Hinami's sleeping in his arms, and the two of you start home.
"Did Hinami eat?"
"Yeah," He adjusts his hold, and she stirs a little. "I'm surprised she had so much fun with tr-"
"Nagi," You pout.
"with me." He corrects himself. "She had a lot of fun. She had like two cotton candies though, so she was bouncing all over the place for a short while."
"Shall we take them home? Or to the dining hall?" You lower your voice as the two of you start walking.
"Let's take them home. I can drop by the dining hall-"
"I'll do it," You hum. "You have a day off for once, you know? Besides, you're better with the kids than I am."
"Yusuke seems to like you a lot, though," Komaeda smiles.
"That's just because I indulge in him. Spoiling a child every now and then without a set schedule enforces behavior much more, you know?" You turn to grin at Komaeda. "Children are free of a lot."
"I wonder if Hinata-kun's going to be called back for teaching duty," Komaeda chuckles. "Since he's the only one with that talent."
"He's going to start giving online lessons or something," You laugh lightly.
A comfortable silence covers the two of you as the moon meets the sky. The stars emerge from hiding, greeting them with a twinkle. The moon smiles, watching over the two of you. It's a peaceful night. The storm clouds brew quietly, and the moon halts them. They could wait until you got home. Watching the four of you with interest, the sky calms for a moment. You look peaceful, the silence warming. The wind blows with permission as you finally make it home. You turn to glance at the moon for a moment, giving them a thankful smile. The moon shines back, a sign of acknowledgment for you.
As Komaeda twists the key into the door, the rain falls.
"Ah, it's raining," Komaeda sighs. "Do you still want to grab dinner? It might-"
"I'll cook," you hum. "What do you want for dinner?"
"Anything is fine," Komaeda pauses. "Though, I think I heart Hinami whining about ramen earlier."
"That's easy, then," You move the boy to the couch, shaking your arms to get rid of the numbness. "Ah, I need to start lifting again."
"Has he grown?"
"Yeah," You step into the kitchen, Komaeda staying with the two kids. "But it's not surprising. He is older than before."
"When's the last time they dropped by?"
"About a year ago," Komaeda hums, eyelids growing heavy. "My hope, is it possible for me to rest?"
"Of course!" You grin. "I'll wake you three when I finish."
"Thank you," He mumbles.
Cooking isn't lonely. The kitchen light flickers, and the rain drums against the window in a steady rhythm. You brew the soup quietly, catching up on the schedule and thinking over what to pack for work the next day. You wonder if Hinata fed the animals. A couple of thoughts scatter through your mind, and you taste the broth.
It's good.
The noodles are next, hand-pulled on a sunny afternoon with the rest of the class. You wonder if they'll cook properly. Worth a shot.
You turn you stare at Komaeda, the sight melting your heart. He's asleep, Hinami leaning on his chest, Yusuke leaning on his arm. There's a small patch of drool where Hinami is leaning, and Yusuke clings to his arm. He looks peaceful, a smile on his face. He rarely slept well, so it was nice to see him rest.
You hear the noodles boil over and rush to take them out. The rain has lightened up, the drumming turning into tapping. You wonder if you could dance in it later. You'd ask Komaeda.
Pressing a kiss to his cheek, you shake him awake.
Yusuke wakes up first, reaching for you to hold him.
Hinami snaps awake, gasping at the smell of ramen.
Komaeda wakes last, lashes fluttering open slowly, watching you settle Hinami into the high chair, the girl giggling.
"Dinner time!" You grin at him, and he sits at the table with the three of you.
You wonder if Komaeda ever thought about having kids. Maybe he has. He shares a lot more of his thoughts now, and you're quiet as you wipe Yusuke's cheek. He grins at you, and you laugh. It wasn't something the two of you worried about over. If Komaeda wanted his own kids, he'd talk to you about it. 
Komaeda puts the two kids to sleep as you clean up in the kitchen.
The rain continues outside, and you step outside, the wind blowing gently into the room. The houses at Jabberwock were remodeled and rebuilt to be turned into houses you all could actually use. Stepping off the porch, you spin under the rain with the clouds. The water kisses your skin good evening as the sun had kissed Komaeda good morning. The universe dances with you, the sound of Ibuki's bedtime song floating from the speakers. You laugh.
Komaeda finishes tucking in the kids, hearing the door open. He wonders if you went to dance outside again. Making sure the kids are completely asleep, he walks downstairs, listening to the rain that seems louder. The moon peeks through the clouds to stare at you dancing, and Komaeda laughs. You're drenched from head to toe, yet you continue spinning in the rain. Stepping into the rain, he bows, offering his hand to you.
"A dance, my love?" He smiles, looking at you.
"Of course, my dear," You take his hand, and he stands up straight.
The two of you waltz under the moon and rain. Your outfit is drenched from the light rain, yet you smile from one cheek to the other. Komaeda looks at you like you're the world. In a way, you are. You're his world. He follows you as you step and spin; the rain calms, and the mist collects on his hair. Reaching to run your hand through his hair, Komaeda leans his head to your height.
The sky stills, holding its breath for you. The moon thinks of a new story to tell the sun when they meet again. The story of two lovers; simple yet lively. They dance under the bask of the moon, never changing. They're almost jealous; if only the sun could touch the moon like Komaeda held you. The stars toss around meteors, the meteor shower flying past the two of you. The sun and moon adored the two of you.
"Make a wish, my hope," Komaeda spins you, bowing at the end of the dance.
"Then you should too." You clasp your hands together, the wind causing you to sneeze.
Komaeda presses a kiss to your cheek, and you press kisses to his eyelids.
"Let's go back inside," Komaeda leads you back, the two of you getting ready for bed. Hinami and Yusuke are resting on your bed, so the two of you decide to crash the couch for the night. Draping yourself over him like a blanket, you hum against his chest.
"You have muscle now."
"That's good," He smiles. "It means I'm healthier, right?"
"Yeah," You close your eyes. "I love you."
"I love you too." He mumbles back.
The moon smiles as the stars whisper hushed blessings.
May the two of you rest well tonight.
Yusuke and Hinami glance past the wall, a blanket dragged behind Hinami. The two of them pull it along, trying their best to throw it over the two of you. Yusuke makes sure that your faces aren't covered, and Hinami covers you guys' feet. Stepping back to look at their work of art, they grin. They could share a blanket.
The two creep back up the stairs, careful to not make any noise. 
Yusuke lifts the blanket for Hinami to slip in, and he wraps his arms around his sister.
"G'night Nami."
"G'night Yuu," The two drift off as the moon starts their descent.
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lianmp · 7 months
Closed starter for the smart one @mpliuwei
In his childhood, Lian had been very good with directions; it was his only saving grace in this place, really. Because the world was a big place and this city was also a big place, it was very easy to get lost...especially when one wasn't quite sure where to go--but he had a map with symbols on it; he couldn't read Korean, but he could make out landmarks and connect patterns. He was actually really proud of himself for finding campus. He tucked the map in the back pocket of his jeans, stained with dirt and grass and at least two sizes too big, held up with some braided twine he had tied through the belt loops. Finding the library wasn't too hard either...well, maybe a little; at one point, he mistook the administrative building for the library, but he found the right structure eventually! Smoothing the front of his equally dirty flannel, the barefoot son of Airmid entered the facility with a mission. To learn Korean.
But upon entering, he was almost immediately overwhelmed. The place was so big and, admittedly...he didn't think it through once he arrived. He knew he wanted to learn Korean, and that the library was the place to start, but he didn't know where to begin beyond that. Where was he supposed to find books? Who was he supposed to ask? And how? Shot in the dark, okay. He tried a smile, though it didn't reach his peridot eyes, and looked to the first person who walked by. "Uhm...excuse me..." he started quietly in a thick Wuyishan dialect of Mandarin. "Do you speak--"
"Ew," the woman replied with a jerk away from him, nose scrunching in disgust. "Did you just crawl out of the dirt?" she continued in Korean. When she was just met with a confused expression, she rolled her eyes and continued. "If you're looking for the showers, the dorms are THAT way and so are the laundry facilities," she said, pointing back the way he came.
"...huh...?" he echoed softly, looking behind him for a moment at the door, then back at her. Did she want him to leave? He didn't understand. Lian's jaw clenched as he stood, nervously tugging at the hem of his shirt. She was angry, her face and her tone told him she was annoyed and frustrated. He could understand that much.
Again, she scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest. "And listen, you don't have to take your shoes off in here. Though, honestly, from the look of things, you probably did us a favor by NOT wearing them in here. Tracking dirt and who knows what all over the floors."
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sonicenvy · 2 years
library mission statements about equity and justice are empty and meaningless bullshit until the day they practice them with their staff.
thinking about how much of a hot fucking mess my library is at the moment. sooooo many people are getting out because there's nowhere to go from where you are, the pay sucks, the benefits are nil and the admin also sucks. a lot of people who are getting out are also getting out of libraries and education in general because these are problems that are endemic to education in general. the rise in anti-intellectualism and misogyny are fucking us over as a field and i hate that for all of us.
when will the reckoning come for our field?
when will it come for the hypocrisy of our higher ups and admins for presenting institutions of learning as places of justice and equality while they ask educators and library workers to give our time and labor for free, because our work is "a moral imperative" an all important "pillar of society" etc etc, treat us like shit, pay us poverty wages, fight employee efforts to collectively bargain and unionize, over saturate our field with 30 hr a week "part time" positions like mine, and give the majority of front line, public facing staff no health benefits to go with our poverty wages, and require graduate level degrees for positions with "competitive" $40K/ year salaries.
oh you're heroes of society and your work is important, we wish you a very die in a hole.
i want to stay. i really really do, because I love this work and because i am good at it and because i think it's valuable and important work to be doing but god what the fuck. i hate how two-faced so much educational and library admins are about the work we do.
our institution stands for equity, liberty, and justice!
where the fuck is the equity and justice for the people who work in this field huh? why do teachers, college professors and librarians have to work for peanuts and be all fucking grateful to admin who have no fucking clue what the daily reality of our lives are and who don't give a shit about us??? for patrons and students that don't see us people??? what's the goddamn point??
There were college professors at my expensive private college who had to work in local bars to make ends meet because the pay was so trash and a professor of mine who lived in her fucking office one summer because she was fucking homeless for two months. sometimes our patrons talk to me and i think that we must live on completely separate planets or maybe in completely different universes. some of my colleagues are scrounging around for quarters to maybe be able to do their fucking laundry this week, while the patrons send their kids to $60k/year private grade schools and the upper admin talk about heading to their weekend vacation homes.
the admin at my library made a big splash at our last staff day about how they cared about employee mental well-being and that to that end they were going to give all employees an annual $100 well being fund. my mental well-being will be shit until i can afford fucking medical care that y'all don't care to help your 30 hour people get. fuck you and your $100.
there are states and municipalities that ban school teachers from unionizing. admins keep us in fear and near poverty because they know it divides us and it keeps us from organizing because we're all just barely scraping by and need our jobs. they use our passion up and spit us back out. it's no wonder that so many teachers and library workers are leaving.
the fact that our society doesn't do the real, hard work and show the real cash to support and nurture education workers is something that is a rot on our society and the lowering literacy in this country is a shining example of the consequences of this wilful anti-intellectualism and devaluing of our work and our personhood.
54% of american adults read at or below a sixth grade reading level, and we're seeing all the hot steaming garbage effects of this across this country in dreadful and tragic ways. say all the pretty, correct jargon-filled words that you want, but until you put your money and your care where that mouth is we smell the bullshit and see the lies. the rot is inside the house –– in the admin offices, in the legislatures and in the municipal governments that withhold funding from us and attack us on all sides with book bans, punitive rules and regulations for teachers' classrooms, the capitulation to ridiculous demands of parents and others who are not education professionals, and markets full of insulting pay. the rot is in the gop who hate us and the christians who want to make public education uniformed christian cult education. fuck all of you.
we smell the bullshit.
come read about the shitty realities of our work on the various education professional subreddits and look at insulting compensations on library and teaching job boards. if you care at all about libraries and schools I am literally begging you to fucking listen to us and amplify our voices about the state of this field. Go to your local officials, your school board meetings and your library board meetings and tell them that education professionals deserve living wages, decent health benefits, the guaranteed and protected right to unionization and safe, non-hostile working conditions.
we deserve to be treated with respect and decency in our workplaces and by our employers. we have a right to personal safety in our workplaces. we deserve to be treated as the educated, capable professionals that we are. we deserve to be paid living wages and paid for ALL of our time and labor. we deserve to be able to do OUR JOBS without having to do 50 other jobs we didn't ask for and weren't trained for. We deserve to work for employers who will practice what they preach when it comes to equity, inclusion, and justice. We have the same right to basic personhood and respect that everyone else does.
until y'all can support and agree that we deserve our rights and our pay, your support libraries and schools words are empty pretty words. support your striking school teachers, your library workers attempting to build unions, your striking museum workers and your underpaid college professors.
those unionizing ARTIC faculty and staff said it best:
“United we bargain,” they chanted. “Divided we beg.”
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there is no national or international library workers union as far as I can tell. i wish that i wasn't so afraid to lose my job. i wish i could speak out and advocate for myself and my colleagues in my real life without fearing for my employment prospects. i wish we weren't all living in so much fear of unemployment because of the low pay we have now that we could speak up. i hate this situation we're all in so much.
also, like fuck the GOP so hard. with a cactus.
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rant over for now. thanks for coming to my absolutely fucking furious ted talk about the state of library science and education.
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sharkfinx · 2 years
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“ .....As if.......... I would NEVER think about such shameful display of Itachi san, nee.” @kinslain​
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katieraven · 2 years
„jagiii“, you hear minho from the kitchen.
“jagiyaaaa”, he keeps whining until you huff and get up from your spot on the couch. he just came home from practice and that means he’s hungry. like, really hungry. hangry, if you will. 
you gather your burritofied blanket around you and make your way to the kitchen in tiny shuffle steps, legs restricted by the thick fleece.
“whatisit”, you mumble, squinting at your cat of a boyfriend who is now pacing back and front along the kitchen counter.
“’m hungry”, he pouts and you sigh. 
“there’s leftovers in the fridge and-“
you stop, startled by the inquisitory head tilt and the quirked eyebrow. “huh?”
“what is it, jagi?”, he asks, before slowly making his way over to the doorframe you’re standing in.
“’s nothing. ‘m just tired.”
he doesn’t seem to believe you. of course he doesn’t – you’d have to try a tad harder if you wanted to actually fool him, but you don’t find the energy to do so.
he lowers his head so that he’s at eyelevel with you and stares right into your eyes. If you didn’t know him as well, you’d think he’s angry, but the squinted eyes and furrowed brows just show he’s reading you. and you’re not just tired. in fact, you haven’t been feeling this shitty in forever. 
“you’re sad”, he concludes, crossing his arms. 
you sigh. “yeah. it’s so dumb i don’t even know why it’s just – i just feel shitty.”
he turns around and starts rummaging through the kitchen. you just stare after him. you know how he works, he’s not big on emotional words, but just going back to his mission to find food? you would have loved a kiss, maybe. or a hug. you pull your blanket tighter around you. 
“’s that all?”, you ask, voice tiny, big pout on your face. 
he turns around, a small pot in one hand, a carton of milk in the other. “huh?”
you fiddle with the edge of the blanket that’s drawn up to your chest. 
“i dunno i just thought – nevermind”, you trail off, turning around in the doorway. you make it about two steps before he wraps his arms around you and kisses you on the temple. 
“i’m making you hot chocolate, idiot”, he mumbles into your ear, corners of his mouth pulling up.
you turn in his grasp, eyes big and a bit glassy from the tears collecting in them.
he chuckles lowly, pure affection in the way he looks at you. 
“grumpy kitten”, he huffs, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. “what kind of boyfriend do you take me for?”
you’re overwhelmed with the warm feeling collecting in your chest and the lump in your throat grows even thicker as you throw your arms around him. 
“canyouholdmeplease”, you mumble into his chest and he chuckles again, wrapping his arms around you. “of course.”
you stand there for a bit, basking in his warmth like a cat in sunlight. breathing in his scent, laundry detergent and his perfume, mixed with sweat from practice and just pure him.
“now. how about you go to the couch and pick us a movie and i’ll join you in a bit?”
you sniffle against his shirt but nod. he kisses your forehead and lets go of you, and you turn and waddle over to the living room. just when you plop onto the cushions, you hear him calling again.
“you want marshmallows or no?”
this is for @rachalixie cause i know you're not feeling great and maybe this will help.
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midgardianweasley · 3 years
Oh please may I request a Natasha X fem reader where Natasha comes down with the flu & reader takes care of her. At first Natasha is in denial & stubborn about being sick but Reader is having none of it, especially for the woman she has feelings for. So reader carries Natasha to her room. For a week reader does her best to make the red head as comfy as she can. Then one night when Natasha is high on medication, confesses her feelings for reader. Just pure fluff! I will forever be grateful! ❤️❤️
of course! i hope you like it <3
Take care of you
Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
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Summary/request: Natasha comes down with the flu & reader takes care of her. At first Natasha is in denial & stubborn about being sick but Reader is having none of it, especially for the woman she has feelings for. So the reader carries Natasha to her room. For a week the reader does her best to make the red head as comfy as she can. Then one night when Natasha is high on medication, confesses her feelings for the reader.
Warnings: none
Word Count: 3.8k
Message/ask if you’d like to be added to the taglist!
Requests are open
It was another day in the compound, the early sunrise started to make its way into your window, dimly lighting the room and beginning to make you stir awake.
A quiet groan escaped your lips, arms and legs automatically stretching before relaxing immediately afterwards. You’d just come back from a mission a couple of days ago, it had been exhausting and cold. So, so, cold. So it was a relief to get into pyjamas and your blanketed bed with the heating up so the room was warm, but not a furnace.
Standing up, your toes curled into the fluffy rug as you picked up a grey jumper that had been discarded beside the bed, throwing it over your figure, falling just below your thighs which were covered with loose sweatpants.
You made your way out of the bedroom and towards the communal kitchen belonging to everyone that belonged on your floor, Tony had made an all girls floor for us, apparently we need the space to deal with our 'girly stuff', that man has a way with words. Tony stayed with Pepper on their own floor and the male Avengers had been split up in small groups across other floors.
Expecting the kitchen to have a few people inside either eating or just chatting, you were surprised to see that it was empty for as far as you could see. However, it was obvious that people had been in beforehand, with the odd plate and mug lying around next to the sink.
‘Must be in training’ you thought.
Before you could walk to the kitchen island and begin to make something to eat, you heard a sneeze coming from the doorway a few steps behind you. With a small jump, you turned to see an assassin whose nose was currently the same colour as her hair.
“Sorry for scaring you.” She snuffled. Obviously the cold hit some people a little harder than others.
“It’s alright, you okay though? You sound a bit snuffly.”
“Yeah, I'm fine. Just allergies.” Pulling some Frosties from the cupboard below her, exposing her side a little as her top fell forward.
You knew she was lying, she’d told you ages ago that she didn’t have any kind of hayfever or anything when you walked around the compound with antihistamines constantly in your back pocket during the spring time last year and she was making jokes about how screwed you would be if the Avengers had to fight against pollen. You weren’t impressed.
You decided to leave it be for now, let her keep up her little facade, even though you knew, and she did too, that you could read her like a book and you knew she was sick.
“Right. Allergies.” You nodded directly to your friend and teammate, walking towards her to make yourself some cereal too, smirking to yourself slightly whenever you heard her try not to audibly sniffle.
The thing about Natasha that you'd always found so bittersweet, was her stubbornness. She always stuck to her guns, always made a deal to let it be known she was correct, however it was never in a malicious way, or to make anyone feel bad, she just liked to make her point. While you admired her confidence and certainty in her words, it was also incredibly frustrating when she was determined she didn't need any help.
Back in the days when she was hesitant to trust all those around her, she wouldn't let anyone help her heal her wounds from missions she'd been hurt on. Always brushing it off with an 'I'm fine' or 'I can do it myself'. She's grown a lot since then, she even occasionally let's you braid her hair when it's fallen out or she just needs to relax a little and while you know it's mainly for practicality, you still pride yourself on the fact that she chooses you to do that for her. To help her.
You just wish she'd have that same trust in you to nurse her a little.
"Doing okay over there?" You directed to the redhead who now sat curled up into the corner of the sofa by the windows, slowly munching on her cereal and taking short, mouthy breaths
"I'm doing" sniffle "great" She rubbed her nose with the back of her hand, it slowly appearing more red and irritated by the action.
You internally sigh, wondering how long it'll really take for her to fess up to you that she was coming down with something. Continuing to make your cereal and tidy up afterwards, you pick up the bowl and make your way over to Natasha.
"Do you mind if I sit with you?"
"Sure, but not too close"
"Why not?"
"Because i.."
"Because you're…?"
"Sneezing all over the place! I don't want to sneeze on you. You know how it is with your hayfever"
In her years of being a highly trained assassin, a black widow, you think that that has to have been the worst lie she's tried to pull off.
"I do, but I don't think you would"
"You don't have hayfever, Nat. You're sick."
"I'm no-" she was interrupted with another sneeze, grabbing a tissue from the box sitting on the table beside her.
“Bless you.”
“thank you” she mumbled, soon beginning to realize that with every minute, her story begins to crumble and her ill health becomes more obvious.
“come on, i’m taking you to bed”
“you’re not even gonna ask me on a date first? classy.” she joked, although congested, her wit remained just as quick and just as sassy.
It was moments like these, where she made those flirty comebacks or comments that made you wonder if the feelings you’ve harbored over the past months are reciprocated. you’d always put it to the back of your mind when you’d occasionally see her and Bruce cosying up, or what appeared to be a loving gaze shared between her and Steve. You decided to put your feelings to one side, not willing to not only ruin something for Nat, but end up being hurt in the long run. It was best to stay friends.
If only you knew.
A playful glare was sent her way upon hearing her words, trying to silently communicate that try as she may, she isn’t winning this one. It felt like you were staring at each other for hours, realistically it was only a matter of seconds, minutes at a push, before she threw her head back in defeat and audibly groaned at the fact she’d lost.
“Okay. okay, fine, I surrender”
You rolled your eyes at the dramatics, all of this for some bed rest, meds and soup. Standing up from your spot, you lean down and swiftly lift the redhead up bridal style in your arms, cereal being long forgotten. One of the perks of attending Steve’s training sessions, you build up a hell of a lot of strength because that man does not go easy on you.
It was a short walk to Nat’s bedroom, her room only being at the end of the hall down from the kitchen. She was practically half asleep in your arms, her head had found its way burrowed into the crook of your neck, minutes away from falling asleep.
“Hey FRIDAY, can you unlock Natasha’s room please? Hands are kinda full.”
You heard a small click noise before the door opened slightly allowing you to gently kick it open fully so you could walk in.
“Miss Romanoff’s door is unlocked, Miss Y/L/N.”
“Thanks F.R.I.D.A.Y.”
Walking in, you already had an idea of what her room would look like, having been in once or twice before. Natasha liked to keep her things tidy and in order, clothes laid away, bed made, floor clear. So to see her bed covers ruffled into a ball, tissues in the bin and scattered around and laundry in a bundle in the corner, it took you by surprise. She must really be unwell.
You took her over to the bed, laying her down gently before pressing the back of your hand to her forehead, she felt like an oven to the touch.
‘Okay. definitely a fever.’
She was in between being asleep and being awake, so you decided to leave her covers off and tidy up some of the mess in her bedroom. You discarded the tissues, hung up some clean clothes that were yet to be put away and replaced the space in the basket with her dirty laundry. Turning back to see if the assassin had fallen asleep or not, you really took in her appearance.
Her clothes were just slightly on the big side, but you could still see a faint outline of her figure, hair was tied back into a loose ponytail, letting the odd few strands escape and frame her face. Her eyes were practically fully shut, but you could still see the tint of green in them, slightly covered by her long, dark eyelashes. ‘It’s unbelievable’, you thought, ‘Her body is literally shutting down, and she still looks angelic.’
You’d be riddled with envy if you weren’t so entranced by her. Times like this, you wonder how you manage to keep your feelings to yourself.
“What” cough “what are you doing?” A raspy voice asked.
“Oh, I was just tidying up your room a bit, I know you like it to be tidy and-”
“You didn’t have to do that.”
“I know. I wanted to.” You ensured.
“Thank you.” It wasn’t obvious, you had to squint to see it, but she attempted a half smile.
“I’m just going to put this stuff in the wash, do you need anything brought back for you?”
“I’m just too warm.”
Looking around the room, you looked for ways to cool her down. There was the obvious option of windows, but they were full length except a tiny rectangle at the top which wouldn’t be enough air. You racked your brain for another minute before an idea came to mind.
“Wait here, I’ll be back in a second.”
“I’ll time you.”
If you weren’t in a rush to get back as soon as possible, you would’ve made a comeback to her comment. You took the washing to the laundry room, quickly throwing it all into the machine and putting on a boil wash before dashing to your own bedroom. Eyes scanning all over the room, it didn’t take long before they landed on the desk fan sitting on top of your wardrobe. Reaching up and grabbing it, thankfully it was a small wardrobe otherwise it would’ve been an incredibly embarrassing fall, you made your way back to Nat’s room.
Entering her room, you could feel it getting warmer as time went by. The woman hadn’t moved from where you left her, still sprawled out among the sheets. You set the fan down on her bedside table, plugged it in and switched the ‘on’ button. Over the quiet whirring, you heard a faint gasp of relief leave Nat’s lips, her body visibly relaxing at the cool breeze.
“That feel better?”
“Mhmm” She murmured, shifting in her bed to get as close to the fan as possible.
“How’s your hayfever now?”
You chuckled at her sudden calmness that overtook her, glad to have been able to help her out a little.
It wasn’t long before she fell asleep, the last of her energy disappeared within seconds and soft snores emitted from her. Pushing her hair back off of her forehead gently, you whispered a quiet ‘sleep well, love.’ before walking out to do some other things around the compound, reminding yourself to come back in an hour or so to check in.
You didn’t notice the affectionate smile that had made its way onto Nat’s face at your gesture.
“Miss Y/L/N.” Friday suddenly announced, making you drop the wooden spoon you were using to stir the soup you’d made for Nat. You remember her mentioning a dish called ‘borscht’, something she used to have in Russia, it was one of her comfort dishes. It was either this, or pizza. The soup was probably the safer option.
“Miss Y/L/N?”
“Yes, sorry F.R.I.D.A.Y., what’s wrong?”
“Miss Romanoff is awake and asking for you.”
“Oh, thank you! Could you let her know I'll be through in a minute?”
“Of course.”
And with a chime, F.R.I.D.A.Y. went off to pass on the message. You hastily got a bowl out of the cupboard behind you, spooning a generous amount of the soup in and covering the pot up afterwards.
The room had considerably cooled now, the fan had been on full speed since you left, the only difference was the curtains were now shut and the corner lamp was on, dimly illuminating the room.
A small ‘hi’ could be heard, although muffled, still audible. You knelt down beside her bed so you could be at the same eye level and tugged the blanket covering half of her face down.
“Hey sleepy.”
“Did I sleep for long?”
“Only an hour. Don’t worry.”
“An hour?! Ugh. I said to Clint that i’d train with him today. I’ll get dressed.” She attempted to sit up, and while successful, she looked as though she’d just got off the twister ride at the funfair. You shook your head, putting your hands on her arms and lightly pushed her back, raising your eyebrows in response to her playful glare.
“I spoke to Clint, he said he’ll catch you when he feels better. He didn’t feel up to dragging your passed out body off of the mats today.” She rolled her eyes.
“I’d be-” She sniffed, well, tried to, and looked around the room curiously before her eyes landed on the bowl beside her and then darted between it and your face.
“Did you-” She pointed towards the food “make Borscht?”
You looked down sheepishly.
“I tried. I remember you saying you used to eat it and I thought it might help. But if you don’t like it then-”
“I’m sure I will.” She reached over for the bowl, hand clasping the tea towel I slid underneath it so as not to burn her hands.
Settling with her soup, she blew on her spoon, cooling the substance before eating some. You watched anxiously, hoping you hadn’t messed up too bad, you’d only made it once before when she taught you the basics of it, so this was the first time you’d made it alone.
You exhaled a breath you hadn’t realised you were holding when you saw her smile, looking at you adoringly.
“I love it.” She rasped
“You do? Is it okay?”
“More than. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” You smiled, making small talk here and there while she ate.
“Do you want me to set up a movie for you?”
You walked over to retrieve her laptop, getting ‘Grown Up’s’ up on the screen. She’s recently been into Adam Sandler movies, it was a nice and easy movie to watch, it was really lighthearted. You nudged the laptop over to her, angling it so she could still see it properly when lying down. When you got up to leave, you felt a weak grip on your wrist, encouraging you to turn and meet those shimmering, slightly droopy, green eyes.
“Need anything Nat?”
“Can you stay? Please? I like your company.”
Your stomach suddenly became home to a zoo full of butterflies, as it often did when you spent time with Natasha. You’d both spent time together before obviously, but it was usually due to missions or as a group, only occasionally getting the chance for it to be just the two of you. So to have her openly request your company, it was heartwarming. Unbeknown to you, Natasha had the exact same feeling in her stomach, and it wasn’t because of the Borscht.
You gave her a nod, trying to hide the smile trying to force its way onto your face as you settled yourself down next to her, in the meantime missing the smile she was giving you, the kind where you smile with both your mouth and your eyes with a slight sparkle in them.
You looked up eventually, causing her to snap her head back towards the screen, a smile still clear as day on her face, only getting larger as you maneuvered your arm so it was behind her neck, allowing her to get closer, which she did. So close that you could feel her ragged breathing on your chest.
If you had to use one word to describe how you’re feeling right now?
It’d be warmth. The air may have been cold, the bowl left on the side will inevitably be the same. But all you can feel, is the warmth of the blankets spilling over the bed. The warmth from the laptop. The warmth radiating from the one who you admired so dearly beside you. And most vital of all, the warmth running through your entire body, making your heart feel full. If you had the chance, you’d bottle this feeling and treasure it forever.
A week went by, and Natasha was almost fully recovered, just having to take her medicine and rest when she can, but she’s now able to walk around the compound more often. However, although she’s had this freedom returned, she doesn’t appear to long for it as much as she did a week ago.
When she woke up in the morning, she’d roll her eyes when you’d told her she couldn’t go and train, she had to stay in bed. Unimpressed with not being able to go about her day as usual, she’d try and convince you that you were being dramatic.
'I don’t need to stay in bed.'
'You're worrying over nothing!'
'Let me leave my bedroom.'
'I’m perfectly able to go and train.'
She wasn’t, and was soon proven wrong as she collapsed back on the bed with a cracking headache.
But now, after the last 7 days of eating with you, watching movies with you and just generally indulging in conversations until she fell asleep with you, she started to feel like she didn’t want to feel better, she wanted this time with you to last forever. If she didn’t have feelings for you before, she most definitely did now. Or more so that she recognised it more now. She couldn’t pinpoint what it was. Maybe it was the way you took the time to make her favourite foods, or maybe it was the way you always made sure to check in with her and how she was feeling. Although, it also could’ve easily been the way your eyes lit up at the funny scenes in a movie, similar to the way they did whenever you made eye contact with her.
“Nat? Earth to Nat?” Lost in her thoughts, Natasha blinked a couple of times to focus back on the girl in front of her, smiling as always.
“Sorry, daydreaming.” She chuckled, her face feeling warmer as a blush appeared on her cheeks.
“Don’t worry” You laughed. “I was just letting you know that I'm gonna go and get your Nyquil, it should help with the headache and sore throat.”
“Ah, so I'm getting the good stuff now?” She winked
“I think you deserve it, plus, you’ve blown through the last of the ibuprofen.” You gave her a playful glare, both of you knowing that you’d have to go and buy some more, but you didn’t mind, you’d have gone to all 50 states for it if you had to.
“What can I say? I’m sick” Pulling the puppy eyes, not being able to last a minute without bursting into a grin, which you responded with a dramatic faint for an exit out of the room, leaving to go and get the Nyquil.
Getting her to take it was easy enough, dealing with a sleepy Nat, not so easy.
“I don’t like this movie.” She grumbled, pushing her face further into the pillow as her sign of protest.
“What’s wrong with this one?”
“It’s stupid.”
“You love this movie!”
“Right, what would you like instead?” You asked, already clicking out of the movie to go and pick another one for the fourth time.
“I don’t wanna watch anything anymore.”
“Okay. I’ll turn it off then. Still want me to stay?”
You shut down the laptop, putting it to the side and lay down next to the redhead who was trying to fight sleep. You reached forward to put some hair that was in her face, behind her ear, trying to ensure she was comfortable. It must’ve worked because before you could pull your hand away, her face nuzzled into your palm, eyebrows easing from their furrow.
“Thank you for taking care of me.” She whispered so quietly that if there was any other noise in the room, there’s no chance you would’ve heard it.
“It’s my pleasure Nat.”
She opened her eyes fully now, instantly meeting yours, they were cloudy with sleep. There was a comforting silence surrounding the both of you, neither one of you daring to break eye contact, I hadn’t taken any medicine yet I was still falling asleep with how peaceful it was. I woke up more when she started to murmur again, this time, it was incoherent.
“What was that?”
“I like you.”
“I like you too, Nat.” You smiled warmly
“Noo, as in, I like you.”
You could’ve sworn you felt your heart stop. Is she actually- Is this- what?
“You’re just tired, love.” She shook her head
“m not that” Yawn “tired.”
“Tell you what, get some sleep and then tell me in the morning when the meds have worn off, okay?”
“m’kay. I will y’know”
“I believe you” You were hesitant with her words, unsure about whether this was a moment she’d forget tomorrow and it’s not her true feelings, or if it was true and the circumstances had just convinced you otherwise.
But, true to her word, the next morning when you woke up, still groggy from the sleep, she was laying there almost wide awake with a toothy grin.
“morn-“ And before you could finish your word, her lips were on yours. They felt like the perfect fit, moving against yours at a gentle pace, though still not enough to let you process what was actually going on.
“Morning” She pulled away.
“That enough confirmation for you?”
more than enough.
taglist: @the-dumbass-that-throws-knives
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purplerose244 · 3 years
My thoughts on Seabound!!! 🌊🌊🌊 (1/4)
Finally Nya's season! Our queen, our water goddess, our amazing girl gets what she deserves! 😍😍😍
What I know about the season beforehand is that Nya's powers apparently are getting problematic for some reasons? Which is a pretty common topic in other shows but it's a first in Ninjago, usually the elemental powers don't have focus and I LOVE that we now get to see stuff like that 💕💕💕
I know there should be Wojira involved, trusting The Island to deliver that little foreshadowing at the end of the episode 🤷‍♀️ Also Maya is back... MAYA IS FINALLY BACK AFTER SEVEN SEASONS YES!!! 😭😭😭
I have nothing else to say, I have no idea what this will bring, hopefully something as good as Master of the Mountain! 🖤
Alright, here we go!
Warning reader, I might be fangirling to an extreme because I love mah girl Nya and I've been wanting Kai and Nya's parents to be back ever since Hands of Time ended. So yeah... screaming alert 😅
At this point I don't doubt that the intro is great, we reached such a level of animation and we got The Fold 😍😍 Love the marine vibe and how it's similar to The Island, because it's a great intro 👌
NOW I like the writing! Maybe they rushed the dialogue's quality for The Island to get here? It's just fun and in character, maybe it's just me but I'm enjoying it a lot for now
How many episodes are in this? Wiki says ten, then I checked again and it's sixteen like with Master of Mountain... eh, it looks good so far so it's fine whatever happens 🤷‍♀️
Oohhh, new villain! One that uses... flames... huh, does she know there's literally a master of fire in the ninja team? Eh whatever she looks cute, give it up for Miss Demeanor!! 👏👏
Whoa, we're finding out where did the order of the vengestone from season 13 come from?? YAS! CONTINUITY!
Yep, there it is, Nya lost control... her attacks look so cool 😍
Lol that kid trying to be a nindroid and Zane being offended 😂😂 Sorry hun, you're that popular
Aaahhh, thank you Ninjago! You gave me back Nya the perfectionist 😂 I was worried her reaction to her powers wasn't going to be in character but it looks fair so far. Brings me back to Possession, my favorite season 💙💙💙
WE GOT BACK THE FACT THAT SHE CAN MAKE IT RAIN!!! YAS!!! I might be easy to please but I love these details 🤩
🤯🤯🤯 Okay they are definitely going somewhere this time and I LOVE IT, because wow. WOW. Are we actually addressing the forever questioned fact that wind and water weren't elements that Chen needed at the Tournament? Are we giving a reason for them to exist outside the main set of elements and the elemental masters?? Duuuude, season 15 don't let me stop you, keep going 😍
Mm, so water and wind are connected to Wojira (now I see the connection with the special). Are we setting the ground for a new master of wind? 😏😏 It's risky going for a Morro replacement but it's a super intriguing idea! Oooor Edgy Boy TM might come back? WHO KNOWS I'M CURIOUS ANYWAY 🤩
Love how it is universal knowledge that Nya is super indipendent 👌
YES YES FINALLY WE'RE TALKING ABOUT MAYA!!! 😍😍😍 Is it too much hoping into a Ray cameo as well?? Pleaaaase? Also addressing Krux after so many seasons, this feels exciting!! 😊
This is what I'm talking about, training, fighting scenes, show me everything that water goddess can do! 🌊🌊🌊
Aaahhh, Nya flexing her mightiness through anger, just to remind us that she is the descendant of a water master as much as of a fire master 😅
RAY IS THERE TOO HECK YES!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 I shouldn't get this excited at only the first episode... WHO CARES RAY IS BAAAAACK!!! ❤❤❤
Omg Maya is definitely different from what I expected, turns out Kai's enthusiasm came from her 😂
Oh look at my flame babe 😍
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He's so happy his parents are here, he's a total family man ❤❤❤
Nya is maaaaad... 😅
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WELCOME BACK JILLIAN I MISSED YOU 💚💚💚 Would it be too much having a "Your voice sounds familiar" moment with Maya and Lloyd? 😂
I'm so stoked for this! I want all the interactions I've missed for all of this time, asap!! HECK yes!! 😍😍😍😍
Oh, are we looking over the Miss Demeanor, vengestone situation? Mm... for now at least... WHO CARES FIRE WATER PARENTS!! 🔥🌊🔥🌊🔥🌊
Imma just slow clap for The Fold because this is another amazing intro, one of those things in this show that stays awesome no matter what happens 👍👍
So Maya gave Nya her discipline and perfectionism, but not the passion behind it 😂 I like this, it's not your conventional master of water, although I'd say it's different from the impression she gave me back in HoT. Maybe this is how she is when she's not trapped for fifty years? 😅😅
Is it too much asking for Kai and Ray bonding while the water women get the work done? 😅😅
Is this the sequel of Green Eggs and Ham?
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Green Pancakes and Ham? 😂
Oh it's seaweed nevermind... at breakfast? I'm all for sushi rolls but this is a little 😅 Although since Maya missed their childhood she probably never cooked meals for them... how did I get myself sad 😢
Whoa, Maya is a strict teacher! I got flashbacks from my first and only dance lesson, teachers nitpicking every single pose, uuurrrggg I feel ya waterlily 😡
Again, not a fan of Misako, but coming from her the whole speech about wanting to be there for her child makes a lot of sense
Yes. YES.
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Lol with Kai's new hair they look even more related 🤣
Ray also sounds so happy he gets to have his moment with his son 😢 I feel so blessed in this moment 👍
Also this scene makes a lot of sense. Nya grew up to be indipendent, one that succeed in most of stuff without problems, she built her life without any help and doesn't look for it. Kai grew up more insecure, he got some walls up but loves to take care of others and be taken care of. With a childhood lost he looks forward to a bit of softness ❤❤
Did Maya make real bacon for that sandwich? Do I smell some favoritism? 😅 Or maybe she really wants Nya to get onto the water mind setting idk 🤷‍♀️
Little tiny complain, why isn't Jay doing the fixing? Did he give up mechanics completely? It feels like we haven't seen him do tech stuff in so long, I miss techy boy in action 😞
And no, having to check on the bathroom doesn't count 😅
Aww robot date 💜🤍💜🤍
Oh that was weird, weird magic purple wave thingie?
"Well this is troubling." I love this samurai so freaking much 💜💜💜
Okay Nya admitting that something's wrong looking so apologetic, girl you don't need to do that you already own my heart 😭
Alright, I'm guessing this is Wojira's power or something, and they will have to go down below and find out why... just throwing this in, maybe Maya did something? Because she wanted to finally be with her family and needed an excuse? JUST A THEORY WITH NO BASE I REALLY HOPE I'M WRONG!!!
Okay, two episodes and I'm BEYOND engaged, let's keep it up! 😍
Getting an idea how this episode might end already 😂😂
Look, I love best girl Pixal, but I'm kinda sad that she seems to be the only one tinkering at this point. Like, I saw Nya fix little stuff, while Jay dropped engineering altogether, I miss my engineers team 😭
Aww, the guys didn't want to crush Pixal's dream of an unsinkable boat 💜 But honestly yeah, I agree with Cole, this might end badly 😅😅
Thank goodness
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I was worried they forgot about Jaya ❤💙❤💙 Jay is such a cutie omg
Nya: Mm, going on a potentially dangerous mission with unstable powers in the heart of my element or... mom's tofu pancakes... *yeets herself over the ship*
I'm making too many screenshots of the Smith family... WHO CARES THEY ARE BACK AND THEY ALL LOOK SO GOOD!!! 😍😍😍😍
Aww Ray wants to play with his son and his friends so CUTE ❤❤❤ Still can't believe they play Prime Empire after everything that went down 😂😂
Whoa whoa whoa, Kai and Cole are sitting this one out? That's actually interesting, I'm pretty sure I saw Cole's scuba suit in the sets though so I didn't expect it... lol it's actually kinda fair that the two that used to be afraid of water aren't going 😂😂
Bet Kai is happy to stay behind because he gets to spend time with his dad 😭
Also studying the fire elementals?? Uhm, yes please?? TELL ME EVERYTHING ABOUT MY FLAME BABE!!! 😍😍😍😍
I'm sure this one scene...
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... made so many lavashippers happy ❤🖤❤🖤 Cole you got Ray's blessing
Ninja team acting cool while Jay is being Jay, it's how it always goes, it's the entire show's description and I absolutely love it 😂 That wink though 💙
PIRATE ZANE IS BACK 😂😂😂 Haven't seen him since Possession, and this time he's not even malfunctioning 👌 Pixal is so done with his dorky boyfriend 😝
Of course Jay already has a ghost butler theory going on 😂
To be honest muffins would sold me too 😅 Not sure if she will make them out of tofu again though...
It's actually really interesting that we still haven't met the actual enemies, it does build up excitment! Very curious about these squid guys 👍
Well what do you know, the Unsinkable sank. Who would have thought?
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... yeah same, sorry Pix 😅
Aaaahhh, Nya fixing stuff! That's more like it!! 😍😍
Oww, that one speech, I've been waiting for so long for that! Maya just wants to catch up with her daughter and it's not her fault she was separated from her children, but Nya did everything on her own with Kai. Only fair she isn't seeking for her help right now... still sad 😢
Pff, with this ninja team there's not a moment of privacy 😂😂
Maya cleaning his future son-in-law's laundry what the HECK 😂😂😂 To be fair Jay has a bit of a history of having to change underwears during sea travels 😝
Zane was attached to a battery? When?... are you talking about that one scene in Prime Empire? Cause that's not really a flashback I wanna ha- whoops never mind got the flashback 😱
Maya looks more calm now, I think she's trying to act more reasonable and she's got good points 👍 I know people were a little weirded out by how more cheerful she looks in comparison to Hands of Time, but I think she gets the most serious and rational when time needs. That's actually fascinating of her 🤔
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THIS GIRL IS TOO GORGEOUS MY HEART CAN'T TAKE IT 🤩🤩🤩 Like my gosh that smirk, what the heck Pix 💜💜💜
Okay but Jay looking at Nya until the doors are completely closed?? CAN YOU FEEL MY JAYA HEART BEATING?? ❤💙❤💙
Whoa green gas I thought this was Nya's season 😂
I really REALLY like the atmosphere of the entrante of the temple! Super sealike and ancient! 🌊🌊🌊
Maya: off we go, into the spooky old temple! (Why does it feel like something Kai would say? 😂)
Oh gee, someone sleeping in the deep, who could that be? Coff Wojira coff
Whoa the jellyfishes look pretty lifelike!
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WELCOME BACK GILES!!! ONCE AGAIN ON A LEGO SHOW I MISSED YOU SO MUCH YOU AND YOUR GODLIKE VOICE!!! 😍😍😍😍 Gosh he's a villain but he's got Clay's voice, how can I even try to hate him?? 😅
Alright, knocking down my water girls, that is pretty hateful material... BUT CLAAAYYY 💙💙💙
So they need the two amulets to wake up Wojira? Isn't one on the island? Fire dad and son coming to the rescue? WHO KNOWS BUT I'M ENJOYING THIS A LOT SO FAR KEEP GOING SEABOUND 😍😍😍
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lonespektr · 4 years
-Unclear why they couldn't find a Jew but gonna watch the nazi hunter one anyway.
It's not like Pacino can't act
So far we have standard revenge of the nerd set up except added anti-Semitism
That soup looks bomb af
Fanta fanta don't you wanna
That guy is nice and creepy
That was more classwar than i'm a execptional genuis white boy and i dig it
Cool chess board
The past is all there is
Lots of chess refrences
Can? We take solace in that. I think that would be a the only way to win is not to play type situation.
Though to be fair, same goes for the chess pieces they didn't have to slash each other.
7 days is a lot of games
That's...fancy tech for the 70's
They keep throwing the sexism at her
This guy throwing you a bone just go with mr mysterious here
I appreciate how shitty the dancing is, they couldn't try to make that shit impressive compared to now
Shit how did he find the car, i looked down
I'm still wondering if this is a breadcrumb test or if they are sending him on a solo mission and going to lurk to provide back up
Who says i don't have a car
That's a fucking lie my dude
Solo mission it is
But where is his back up
He doesn't know bro
Mossad, whew.
Where's back up?
That there is a flimsy strip of tape
When was connect 4 invented?
They really want him to body somebody on his own before they let him in the club
Guess they waited until he was about to fail
Nazis kid
Slow on the uptake
I'm glad he doesn't do much of an accent. It was making me uncomfortable
Damn those fans were hella popular
She like this Nazi really not doing laundry next to me
Woah she been out the game a minute
Oh this a new endeavor
Um it's definitely murder and that's okay because they deserve it
It's memory
No choice. No quarter for Nazis.
The true horror stories are always doctors scientists
Bruh lil man sorry but you couldn't even kill a nazi bruh who killed your grandma
Bad enough a legit nazi war criminal
Or the person who killed your grandma, yo only relation
But both
Bruh no question
Don't call nazi cunts
Cunts give life
They don't deserve that title
Why is he always about to cry???
The end of this show better depict the rise of neo nazis
2 -
Bruh he only got 6 rounds he just popped off 4 rush that MF!!!!!
Now we are on the white boy genuis thing
Your def a kid
Windtalkers huh
Interesting intros
I love her
I think her and the old couple are going to be my favorite
Jesus lordt that wall paper
Switch seats lady
Right fuckin noww
Damn she dumb
Actually move out the fuckin aisle altogether
God she dumb
Look at that gold chain fashion
I think the issue with the depcition trauma porn level barbarism is we are in the age of the polite nazi and this creates the drastic contrast to the modern day evil, much like they use old klan movies to juxstapose current day racists as- not that bad at least it's not the old days mentality
Yup making the world better is like the whole ball game not just for the 957
W the actual fuck
Imma laugh if she gotta shoot an old nazi bitch
There it is - we're the good guys
Fucking nothin!!! You're not a field agent
What's with the alliteration?
I don't think that was a good use of that shot, those work best slow and with meaning
To say nothing of stranger things setting the gold standard for that one
Are there any non-white Jewish ppl in this show
So far all these fucks have been sadistic serial killers so how would trotting out his trophies do anything but give him something to wack off to before he dies
I thought hell wasn't a thing?????
Yea trial is a plot device so they can snoop
God this kid
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He's a fuckin nazi
Now you're giving him water
Boy you were like middle aged dude
Is everyone stupid
Fuckin kill that kid ok well fucking shove him in the trunk
Yes kid
They came there to kill him dude
Forever soilders
No wonder they thought they could come here cause of yo bitch ass
Dammit punk asss
Are we supposed to identify with the kid who doesn't want to murder as the good guy cause i fucking don't
You feel bad for that fuckinnnazi you not staying up a night for the thousand he personally murdered fuck you kid
Really fuck you
The brutality here is people being complicit in their own dehuminization
That's a beautiful table
They always contrive this situation where men can't hit women
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