#ancients being eldritch gods
fangirlingpuggle · 1 year
Another dumb idea for eldritch Danny and eldritch ancient.
Everyone normally sees CW as shifting between forms/ages, but that’s because they can’t comprehend what he actually looks like.
Except Danny who sees him and just like huh welp ghosts look weird and just accepts it.
It’s only later when Tucker and Sam are talking and mention how odd it that CW keeps changing ages and Danny’s like ‘WTF are you talking about’ and tries describing what CW actually looks like and ends up giving Sam and Tucker mini headaches until CW shows up and is like ‘Ok no lets not melt their brains I think need to explain something’s’
Bonus: CW and ancients not releasing Danny was eldritch until then as he never said anything and they didn’t realize he was seeing them as they were and not disguises and Danny’s like ‘HOW AM I MEANT TO KNOW THERE WAS A DIFFERENCE GHOSTS ARE WEIRD’
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Danny Phantom x Gravity Falls prompt #1
Eldritch!Danny go to Gravity Falls!!
I had this idea just now.
Sue me.
I was reading a post about the ancients being eldritch gods in reality and Danny becoming a ancient...
So let's twist it.
Danny only is a ancient because he is the reincarnation of the child of Pariah Dark and Clockwork (Dark Ages au)
he has a space orientation for his powers as a eldritch being. (Sue me, Danny should have a space obsession and you can't change my mind!!)
Danny is ghostly adopted by Clockwork, who didn't know why he felt a pull towards the child. He found out later when an accident with Desiree happened.
Pariah lost to Danny, but he wasn't punted to his little prison to do a sleeping beauty.
The older Fentons finds out about Danny being Phantom when the Desiree Accident happens, and are there when Danny and CW figure out why the two always felt that pull. (no, only the fentons found out, the world still think Phantom is just a powerful ghost and FULLY dead)
TIMESKIP to when everything calmed down a bit. The Fentons decide to go to a vacation to visit some family, the Corduroys.
CW and Pariah go too because they are family, unconventional or not, Dani is there too because why not?
They go to Gravity Falls!! They just got inside before the city was put in quarantine. (The episode where the twins finally meet the author, the real one)
shenanigans happens
Now you can think about whatever happens next or even change some thing from this post, whatever suits you.
Just tag me because I want to read what other people will come up to.
Because I plan to write my own version ;3
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spacedace · 9 months
Reluctant War AU Part 4
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Everything I know about Flash and the FlashFam (& Flash enemies) comes from fandom and theflashmuseum on tiktok so fair warning on that lol
Sorry if Barry is out of character or things don't line up with canon. Canon is a stranger I think I passed in a crowded room once, I did not ask for its number lol
Anyway, time to touch a bit more on that whole Ancient of the Speedforce Elle thing yeah? Here be a sprinkle more of that and I promise there's more to come haha
Gonna start posting this on Ao3 soon, probably Monday or Tuesday, so heads up I may stop adding these parts here on tumblr once I do
It lived beneath his skin.
For a long time Barry had never believed in magic. His world was grounded, scientific, made of predictable rules and laws. Tools that could be used to explain everything strange or supernatural away as just another odd twist of the massive universe they all belonged to.
It took perhaps a little longer than it should have to admit that magic was as real as thermodynamics and gravity and atoms. That the world was a great deal stranger than even science - for all its own wildness at times - could account for. There were things that went bump in the night. Hells below and heavens above and things that crawled and clawed their way out from the places in between.
It was almost a little embarrassing how long it had taken him to admit to such things, when considering his relationship with the Speedforce.
A force of the universe. Like gravity or time, pushing and pulling everything along. Something that could be explained with all the familiar scientific concepts that had buoyed him along in life for so long.
Buzzing, burning, blistering. Not painful but felt. Making his hair stand on end, his fingers tingle and numb. Sliding against his veins, bouncing between scar tissue and freckles. Pressing out from the confines of his sternum, rattling against his rib cage as it shifted and moved. Twining around each and every vertebrae. Coiling over and under itself within his skull, darting along the paths of his neurons and nerves. It hummed in every cell in his body. Darted and danced in the space between the atoms that made up his very existence.
The Speedforce lived beneath his skin.
Not existed. Not contained. Lived.
He couched it in terms of science, but science - despite his long time refusal to acknowledge it - wasn’t really able to explain the full scope of what he could feel. Not just the power of the Speedforce, but the…the identity of it. The living part that made it’s home in his body, existing in a way that was separate from him. Distant and indistinct most of the time, but…sentient.
He could feel it. Warm and excitable, delighting every time he tapped into it. Pushing him from behind urging him on and on, tugging him forward from ahead beckoning to go, faster, faster. Joyful in his victories, despairing in his loses.
It lived beneath his skin.
Until it didn’t.
He followed its joyful calls, pushed beyond what he should, what he knew was safe. Chasing that welcoming chant of faster, faster until he was there. In the Speedforce. More even, was the Speedforce.
He was everywhere. Beyond everywhere. In every possible everywhere it was possible to be. Every world, every universe, every multiverse.
To enter the Speedforce, to merge with it, was to become part of existence itself.
He couldn’t remember everything about it once he came back. He got flashes, sometimes, quick moments in dreams of places, of moments. What stuck with him most had been the feeling of it all. That had been the hardest part of returning. The sense of terrible loss, of having been surrounded by such a giddy, delighted, devoted love only to be pulled back from the heart of it. Returned to how he had been before, drifting at the edge of it all, it had been painful, agonizing even.
He…adapted, eventually. The sense of it all was still there, just distant. Something he’d come to feel he’d see again, someday.
It had been different, recently.
His powers were the same, he just as fast as ever, but…there was something…off. Changed. A sense that while his speed remained, the Speedforce had become, for lack of a better word, quiet. Distant.
He’d been having dreams, since it started. Not the quick glimpses of his time where he’d merged with the Speedforce. No, instead they were more nightmarish. Not nightmares exactly, though he felt like they should be with what they contained, but something else. Something that felt unnervingly real, left him confused and reeling when he woke with the certainty that when he opened his eyes he’d see the same as what his dreams held.
In the dream, he was in a room.
Cement and metal, hostile and brutalistic in design. He was bound in place, standing upright with feet and hands spread wide and locked in place within strange devices. Gleaming chrome and brilliant green, a painful thrum of energy surging through his body - not the Speedforce, something else, deeply unpleasant pulsing through every cell of his being and freezing him in place more firmly then the restraints did. Projectors hung from the ceiling, displaying images of landscapes, changing every ten second or so.
The sight of them made him nauseous, body shivering and spasming with the burning, agonizing need to go, but at the same time there was something distantly soothed by them too. Like a gnawing hunger abated with water and crumbs. The need for food not gone but the pangs diminished by the false feeling of being full.
In the dream he felt like he was dying.
In the dream he was afraid that maybe he couldn’t.
That he’d be trapped alive in that state forever, watching places he’d never see in person again as he was trapped in one place. His mind spiraling his Core splintering under the weight of it all, scared so scared. He wanted his brother, wanted to see the cement walls explode into dust and debris and see him there, ready to save the day like he had so many times before.
He just had to wait. His brother was looking for him, would have everyone in the Realms looking for him. He just had to hold on.
Barry didn’t have a brother. He only remembered when he woke, heart hammering in his chest fast even by his own standards, mouth tasting of bile and body aching with the need to go.
He hadn’t been sleeping much these days, even before the King of the Dead declared war.
It was having its effects, as sleep deprivation always did. His mind drifting, catching again and again on the dream, attention far away from the world around him. How many times had he been startled by someone calling his name, touching his arm? How many times had they given him a pinched, worried look that told him they’d been trying to reach him for longer than they should have before he noticed.
He was aware, distantly, of the glowering, stern faces around him. The flinty looks of his friends’ and partners’ eyes as they stared at the image of Waller’s scowling mug.
She’d declined an in-person meeting, hunkering down in some bunker somewhere trying to avoid the consequences of her latest atrocities. Or maybe just trying to avoid the very real possibility that one of the members of JL Dark might try to kill her for what she’s caused.
Or JL light, for that matter.
Bruce and Clark had their rules that they lived by, but Diana certainly wouldn’t hesitate to splatter Waller’s brains across the nearest available wall. In reviewing footage of one of the last battles - she’d been at the other one at the time, trying to contend with a ghost in the shape of an ethereal dragon - she’d recognized the spectral figures of Amazons long dead, fierce even in death as they fought with a warrior’s pride along side the rest of Phantom’s armies. They followed a figure that towered even above the Amazons, four arms and gleaming armor and a name that Barry associated with ruin and forgotten hope but who was so much more to Diana. Heroes long departed to the fields of Elysium, stepping out of their well earned rest to fight once more.
A few hadn’t survived the weapons the GIW shot them with. Barry didn’t know what that meant, for a ghost to die. If they simply returned to their afterlife or -
He tried not to think about the or.
They’d been going back and forth for awhile now. Voices faraway, muffled. The world felt as if it was underwater, blurred and cold. Clark had gotten to his feet at some point, Waller’s grip on a pen so tight on the screen he expected to see if burst at any moment. It was an important meeting, an important discussion. One he needed to be apart of, aware of, but it all escaped him. Sand held too tightly, slipping through his fingers. On the screen, Waller hit a button on the computer beside her and the image changed.
The world burned back to life in sharp relief.
The dream.
The room.
Cold cement. Projections of unreachable places on the walls. Chrome and green machinery in a configuration meant to contain.
It looked larger on the screen.
Maybe it was how small the figure held prisoner inside it was.
She was young. A child, no older than Superboy Jr. or Robin. She looked like Phantom - her father - but there were differences. Her hair was white, but it didn’t look like the spun starlight of her father’s. Instead it burned, the bright hot crackling of the plasma of a lighting bolt striking. Skin the blur of shapes caught just at the corner of the eye as you ran past, Eyes -
Looking at him.
The image had come up, a live feed - he knew it was live, knew he was looking at her where she was at that exact moment - and she’d been as he was every time he tried to sleep. Trembling and shuttering, eyes squinting against the pain, trying to stay open so as not to miss a single moment of the flat images imposed on blank cement walls. Desperate to fill the fathomless hunger burning deep down in the Core of her.
But then a shuttering breath and her eyes - the burning green of an afterimage - snapped up to the camera. Snapped up to look at him, recognition in her young face. And despite never having seen this girl before, he recognized her too.
The Speedforce lived beneath his skin.
She lived beneath his skin.
He could feel her there. Buzzing, burning, blistering. Not painful, but felt.
Not as felt as she used to be.
The image snapped back to Waller’s face, smug and self-satisfied. Talking - lying - about the how the girl was there, what the GIW’s intentions for her were. Barry was on his feet, but so was everyone else. He couldn’t hear what they were saying, could only hear static, the rush of wind, the crack of the lightning bolt. A call for help.
It was then that the alarms began to blare. On the screen someone rushed in to whisper into Waller’s ear. Bruce was running out of the room towards the Zeta tubes and Barry was right there with him and there was so much chaos around them, men in white and Gothamites and Ghosts banding together to rain terror down upon them and something massive and horrible and living towering above it all and Barry let go of that last bits of logic and thought.
Instinct, older than he was. The echo of a voice that had called him for years now, carrying him along, biding him forward:
Someone might have shouted after him as he left Gotham behind. He didn’t know.
All he knew was the pounding of his feet upon the ground, the wind in his face, the Speedforce lashing and frantic and hopeful burning and sizzling beneath his skin. Calling him further and further away until he stood in a vast, empty field staring at a single, rusted shack near ready to collapse before him.
He wasn’t alone.
Wally. Bart. Max. More still. Not just his family and friends. Eobard. Hunter. Thaddeus. Everyone touched by the Speedforce.
They didn’t speak. Bodies humming and thrumming, crackling with energy and intent.
Minds as one, they focused on the shed, the hidden hatch inside, the base hidden deep below.
The Speedforce lived beneath their skin, and no one was going to steal it away from them.
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grimsdeadb0nes · 6 months
Let's talk Zeti powers?
In the previous @sonic-oc-showdown, I made a personal-in-mind note of when @nintendoni-art went over Zori's powerset and the mentioning of the Zeti as a race being fairly OP in their own right! Which.... You're not wrong, when you look at it/read about it or just watch them; H o w e v e r Now it's my turn with Zenyx if you dont mind ;3c
As a forewarning, I have my own personal lore (and even a bibble (bible)!) about all things Zeti, so what I present to you may be a smidge different, though I try not to change things too drastically! This is most definitely going to be a bit long (as I will DEFINITELY end up rambling!), so everything'll be under the cut!!
(I will include or reblog some art for this at some point, im just a bit too tired to make anything new rn to accompany it! ;w;)
Let's start with (or I suppose a reminder of!) the base list of what the Zeti are capable of, shall we?
--- and BOY are they Capable <3 ---
Heightened abilities such as Enhanced Speed, Strength, and Durability- and im sure Agility is somewhere in there too! While they may seem enhanced to an average mobian, keep in mind that these (albeit still varying) levels of speed, strengths, and durability are normal to the Zeti themselves! This is like a general average to them, so it's no wonder they happen to see (most) mobians as lesser since their 'average' tends to be much lower. It takes alot to take down even one of these beastly oni, regardless if they're alone or stand as a pack! Well.. if you're not Sonic, I guess! and a metallic virus isn't plaguing the land and people-
Along with these enhanced abilities comes also Longevity; with vast lifespans reaching over 1,000 years at least! They likely experience time differently- in a sense where 1-2 years means little to nothing to them but instead 10-20 years might instead- due to such long lives. Buuut thats just a guess by me. The Zeti will likely be the only still living parts of Sonic's life (Shadow and any bots like Omega and Gemerl aside) by the time Silver's borne time occurs- and I fully believe even Zik is probably still going to be kicking by then too. He's a healthy lil ol' man, I believe in him!
An interesting feat they're capable of as well is Energy Projection; Said energy can often vary in color depending on the user, along with what the energy forms as- whether that be tethers, orbs, spikes, or projectiles of some sort! I can only imagine other ways are possible too! However, In game, the first time we see Energy Projection used is in Master Zik's first boss fight- Zazz nor Zomom used the ability (or even acted capable of doing so) until much later (the boss rushes in the final few stages). And yet, going forward from Master Zik's boss fights, we start to see the others using the ability in some form or another. Now you can either chalk this up to "maybe zazz and zom are incompetent there" but I think, rather, its simply due to the power boost they're getting from the syphoned world energy from eggman's machine.. which just seems obvious to me. (Well that, and I think maybe Zik is just capable of it regardless bc he's Old 'n' Wisened and its easier for him or something bc he's experienced idk; let the old man be cool!!!!) In the various cutscenes during Tropical Coast, them turning on the machine is one of them after all! AND its after Zik's first boss fight, so more fuel to my fire. So slipping in some hc here; Energy Projection seems to be a technique only capable by those with well-trained experience under their belt (Master Zik) or those getting some sort of Power Boost- like in LW with the energy extractor OR the Chaos Emeralds during the Metal Virus (IDW) (though iirc only Zeena uses her energy projection (tethers) I think).
Another capability of this race is their ability to use Electromagnetic Manipulation; the base power any and all Zeti can have, to varying degrees if trained im sure. Essentially this means any devices that require an electric charge or are connected to an electrically compounded grid can and will be fucked up or messed with by a Zeti’s varying capabilities on command, unless EM shielded or the Zeti themself is being suppressed (i.e temporarily by the Cacophonic Conch, or by Tails’ “Zeti Zappers” in IDW). Be it taking control of bots n badniks to simply opening electronic locks and doors. Devices such as Extreme Gear are also not safe, sorry! We've seen in various instances that this can be a ranged ability, as all Six of them perform it flawlessly this way when taking control and turning the tables.
And now we're at an ability I would LOVE to argue about, actually!
So depending on which version of Lost World you play, be it the WiiU/PC or 3DS version, some of them are seemingly Flight Capable. Though even regardless of version, some of them will sorta float here and there for whatever reason. I will give Zor a pass here and i'll explain why later, but I just can't see it, Im sorry! 😂 Despite everything else they're capable of, full on Flight of some degree just aint hittin' with me- so! Im gesturing forward a headcanon or two of mine to replace it, as it feels more likely to me! Yes we're hitting Headcanon Territory! (To each their own tho! If you like the silly flight idea, more power to ya!)
Advantage over Gravity! Or at least the Hex's gravity! The gravity on the Hex seems to be much weirder/lighter(??) than down below on the Surface- given all the floating landmasses and whatnot- meaning the Zeti can often take easy advantage of this depending on the biome or the space for it. In some places and to some people, this can come off as almost a type of “flight” ability, but they aren’t actually flying! They’re simply maintaining air and prolonging their jumps. Their jumps are often skillful and light, flighty and maneuverable. That being said, they’re jumping and acrobatic skills are very powerful! Though of course still various from person to person. However, again due to the Hex’s weird likely lighter(?) gravity, that might mean that if on the Surface Below, the Zeti (or in our case, the D6 due to IDW) may feel a bit weird or heavier than usual, which may or may not affect their usual ease of jumping/etc.
There's a few other things in my bibble I go over, but i'll jump ahead to a more rare capability from the looks of it- that being 'Elements'; and okay while its not technically an Element element, it's close enough to ME. Im of course talking about specific Powers of Manipulation- namely Zor's Umbrakinesis / Darkness Manipulation for example. It's easy to hc that theres absolutely other manipulations, like fire/pyrokinesis and water/hydrokinesis and all that, and BOY do I have a long list of them, but I will shrimply not delve too deep into it! The point is, I think it's safe to assume that some Zeti likely have these types of powers- albeit not very commonly! Zor's is described as "an interest in the dark arts that none of the others dare to dabble in", so its alittle unclear if he was born with these powers or not canonically? But I like to think he most likely was. And back from my 'flight argument' before and why i'll give Zor a thin-ice pass; within the abilities of his Umbrakinesis, I do think this may have an interesting effect on him; sometimes making him "weightless" and why he might be able to "fly" or float around sometimes. It's not that he's flying, it's more just his powers giving him a little extra fun if he's focusing enough.
So Yeah! The Zeti may be a wee bit OP in their own right, but I think they deserve it- who doesnt love silly unbelievably strong evil creatures?
Now In Zenyx's case...
Zenyx naturally has the enhanced Speed, Strength, and Durability- likely being awfully close to rivaling Zavok himself in two of those and surpassing him in one- along with the Gravity Advantage (and Longevity is a given), however, everything else listed needs alittle more explanation on what she's capable of.
Infact, when it comes to Energy Projection- she is incapable of this feat! She can't seem to do it, no matter how hard she tries or how long she went through sessions with Master Zik about it! Regardless if she has a power boost or not! (Not that she likes taking/using boosts of any sort usually anyway, but still). Though when brought up, Zursie does try to put her granbby to ease, as Zursie isn't capable of it either! and neither is Zenyx's father. That being said, I do also hc that not EVERYONE can do it, but its a case of 'more likely of being able to than not', it just takes diligent training usually... usually. SO Zenyx is just the odd one out here out of the Six.
Another specific with her is the Electromagnetic Manipulation; While the rest of the Six are seen to easily do it from a ranged point, Zenyx herself seems to have trouble doing it from a distance. Instead, she has to make physical contact with whatever it is she wants to mess with or control! She just has to give something a lil touch of the hand or even just a finger tap for a connection to be made. If its a badnik for example, if she gives it a lil touch and makes a connection, she can then send it on its merry way to do as she "told" it to. Her not being able to do it from a ranged point seems to confuse most of the others, though Master Zik insists she likely just needs to work on it to better "unlock" the ability. It's likely usual for one to have the ranged ability off the bat, but perhaps sometimes being able to do so just needs to be trained upon instead. She'll get it down someday!
And now for something wholly specific to Zenyx! For context, in my bibble, under the 'Manipulation' based powers, I then have an 'Affinities' section; which is more or less just other types of powers, like Healing for example.
Zenyx has what is known as Beast Blood- getting it from her dad, and him getting it from Zursie, and her getting it from her dad, and him getting it from his dad, and so on and so on. Beast Blood, also sometimes known as Wild Blood, is what makes some Zeti better capable of Beast Keeping.... but also the unique yet concerning capability of "Going Feral". And no, I dont mean feral like im sure alot of people think Zazz sometimes behaves; it's not a basic bad behavior, it's a whole different level of being and mindset in this case. You do not want to cause Zenyx to go Feral, you really dont, it will NOT be pretty. Mercy is not in this state-of-being's vocabulary, you WILL get bitten into and likely MAULED if you are not careful! I Am Not Joking! They will get wild, snarling and hissing and roaring and their eyes change and they are not okay! They very much become Beasts in their own right!!! The downside (upside?) to coming out of a feral break though is typically a massive headache or an ache throughout the body, something similar to instant fatigue- along with hoping they didnt rip into anyone they care about. Its been shown by at least one other zeti in the past that the above downside can be bypassed by trained tolerance, but that guy was a masochistic asshole so who cares. Zursie insists to just try not to give in to it too often,,,
On a lighter note; they tend to have a much much easier time making a deeper connection with the beasts and critters around them like mentioned before (Beasts like Sandworms and those Swamp Crocs (called 'Surprise Crocodiles' in game apparently) and smaller critters like Animal Friends/Wisps/Chao for examples); and because of this, alot of people will be wiry at crossing one with Beast Blood, because you never know what kind of creature they might call for to kick your ass if you upset/threaten them! Sometimes its observed that Ferals actually tend to be alot more empathetic & sympathetic than usual Zeti tend to be if at all, but maybe thats just a Zenyx/Zursie thing. That might definitely just be a Zenyx/Zursie thing....
Beast Blood is a fairly very rare trait, with very few bloodlines having it; Zenyx's family line being one of them. Which is probably good... because it's capable of being really fucking scary sometimes 😭 Those with this beastly trait tend to be called Feral/Ferals, though it's usually used in a derogatory way unfortunately.
also fun semi-unrelated note that i've yet to be able to draw; Zenyx will, can, and does usually run around on all fours alot- i swear i will make this visually work someday! She is a very wild lil creechur dont mind her It's not like she was alone for the first 120 years of her life, what do you expect really?
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freakbullet · 6 months
you are the only persom who understands how incredibly fuckable n'zoth is
dont get me wrong im not an old god simp but like. theyre so simpable. how do they not SEE. their eyes are not OPENED
their eyes remain closed to the true path 😔 "...not like you, my devoted chosen."
actual N'Zoth voice lines:
"You have always been mine"
"I claim this flesh"
"Such magnificent flesh"
"We are bound together... forever"
"Shun all who do not share our bond of flesh"
"My gift offers countless delights"
you CANNOT tell me he isn't dtf. just listen to that purr. just look at those bedroom eyes also... tentacles. got me like
Tumblr media Tumblr media
need i say more
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*Grasping the arms of my chair and shooting mental laser beams instead of typing a response to something I perceive as a bad take*
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tomepact · 1 year
me: hey irven are we ever going to talk about your childhood in a cult--
irven: No
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misano17 · 20 days
do I start lore dropping about the fire emblem goofy yah fan project thing I’m doing?
it’s literally a fake fire emblem game isekai transmigration thing with all OC’s and it’s own world that’s just inspired by fire emblem. I just also happen to be making up mechanics and maps and shit for it. I have a bunch of art of it that I haven’t posted on here and concepts so I’m thinking about making a big post once I have a bunch more.
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cryptotheism · 2 months
You know that trope where the author is like the Small Appalachian Town Church is actually worshipping something Far More Ancient Than Christ? The implication being that Christ isn't real but this old Eldritch thing is real.
Like, who cares if some little holler town has a Real God. The Christians ran Europe for like a thousand years. I feel like your Eldritch Horror has to be scarier than the idea of the Borgias.
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chaos-bringer-13 · 1 month
I've seen a lot of people writing Danny as a space ancient and Dan and Dani as ghosts with moon and sun cores, being sort of parts, versions of Danny and therefore weaker. Now, consider: Dan and Dani are both powerful ghosts with really cool cores and stuff but Danny is just some guy™
Dan, who came from an alternate timeline and is kind of from the future but also not, is Clockwork's apprentice and will eventually become an ancient of time. He probably only agreed to have some lessons with Clockwork to understand better what happened to him, but he enjoys his apprenticeship now.
Dani, with her love of travelling, loves seeing all the different places the world offers to her, and that includes space and different planets and maybe even parallel universes, and she accidentally ends up being an apprentice of the space ancient. For now she's probably a baby ancient of freedom or something like that, but she might become an ancient of space in the future.
We can also have something like Dan having a core of destruction or Dani being the Speed Force if you want it to be dcxdp, or any headcanon of yours about their cool powers.
And then there's Danny. And yeah, everyone knows that he's super powerful, but also he's just some guy.
It can go different routes. Does everyone know that Danny is just Danny? Or do they think that with siblings (well, technically a clone and an alternate version, but whatever) so powerful, he must be even stronger? Is Danny actually something terrifyingly eldritch and ancient and strong, almost a god, but he just doesn't know himself? Or is he just really some guy?
Now, because it's obvious that I have a dcxdp brainrot, have a regular "JL summons/meets a powerful ghost" but its Dan and Dani, and they keep mentioning their original/brother who won a fight against them at some point. The JL is very concerned about Dan and Dani's godlike powers, and they can't imagine what Danny is like. And then they meet him (in his human form), and it's just a young adult in casual clothes, very friendly and helpful, with no evident powers. Imagine the confusion. Imagine Dan and Dani, radiating power, in their eldritch ghost forms, admitting that fighting Danny for real is the dumbest thing to do and not even they would succeed... And then there's Danny is jeans and silly t-shirt, waving shyly.
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krakensdottir · 9 months
A scene I wanted to address, because I think we need to, because there is some understandable concern over this.
So, Aziraphale's first taste of human food... he goes pretty nuts. He eats it as fast as he can get it down. He can barely stop to breathe. And I can see why that evokes the Greedy Fat Person trope for some.
Given that Gaiman is no fan of fatphobia, I'm pretty sure that's not the intent. But I won't lean on that. I'll go further, and explain what that scene evoked for me, and see if it makes sense to anyone else.
(To preface, I'm a fat person with blood sugar problems who DOES eat like a starving animal and has 0 shame about it. So I'm not just Not Seeing It because of skinny privilege etc. To get that out of the way.)
So first off, of course, it's his first EVER attempt at eating human food. The absolute lack of moderation could be explained by that alone. But I think it's significant that it's specifically meat.
Those who are familiar with the Old Testament know what I mean when I say that God is carnivorous. It's the entire reason he was a bitch to Cain and not to Abel. The Abrahamic god was one of many at the time that accepted burnt animal offerings, before later revisions attempted to wave that away because oops, it sounds too pagan. Flesh of livestock was a common and expected offering, and burning it assured that the smell and smoke and 'essence' would rise to the heavens.
With that in mind, consider what the taste of meat would do to an angel. What it might awaken in them, the first of God's creations?
Maybe it's the monster-lover in me, but I didn't see a fat man gobbling food. I saw an inhuman ancient entity of immense power that only disguises itself as a man, briefly succumbing to a primal and Earthly urge. It wasn't comical to me. It was almost frightening, in a very intentional way. Rarely do we see through the human guise in this series, see just how eldritch these ethereal beings really are, especially Aziraphale. But here he is, ripping almost uncontrollably into the flesh of another life-form with ominous music and thunder overlying the whole scene, and a demon staring at him with intense satisfaction and fascination throughout.
That's what I took from it. If I had to guess, I'd say that's closer to the intent. Again, partly from knowing the author, but also from the way the scene is shot. We're watching an angel partake in literal pleasures of the flesh for the first time, taking formerly living matter into his body. I can totally vibe with Crowley's reaction, tbh.
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fangirlingpuggle · 3 months
Sad take on the ancients are eldritch beings AU idea where all the ancients started out alive human because a being born with that power would be destroyed, they had to grow into to and learn how to use it but even then, they don’t survive, there’s a reason all the ancients most comely show themselves as ghosts, you can’t be human while gaining all this power.
The thing is becoming an ancient becoming a being that has powers of and is literally control over time or night or anything… it means you have to have always been there, which is why Clockwork when an ancients powers kick in rewrites time and the human version of the ancient is gone, memories traces all gone from everywhere but the ancients.
Danny is the newest and they all know what’s going to happen, his powers slowly growing and CW trying to twist the timeline so Danny has longer a human more time with his family, he doesn’t tell Danny about his powers or the truth of what he will become because knowing means you understand and can grasp powers quicker.
He wants Danny to enjoy the time he has as a human because he’ll have eternity as an ancient, and even if only he’ll have the memories CW wants him to have good memories. But he can’t stop Danny form fighting and leaning powers because he needs to learn them and control them before they overtake him.
And it’s inevitable and he knows he’ll have to rewrite time and Danny will be gone form everyone’s memories, the ghost portal will never have opened and the world will have continued on (Other ghost portals have opened when an ancient was still human/halfa it’s less that ghosts portals can exist and more a being of that power kinda breaks down barriers between worlds) and Danny will be with the ancients and watch the world exist without him.
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konigsblog · 6 months
monster fucking, tentacles, NON-CON
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my favourite thing to write about is eldritch!könig, there's something about tentacles that rewires my brain and makes me feel all fuzzy and wet just at the thought...
he's so unintentionally rough, but aware and not afraid to bully his tentacles further into your swollen cunt. he lives for those glossy eyes, a huge fan of your tears and makes sure to see atleast a few tears rolling down those pretty, slapped cheeks while he pounds into you.
an uncontrollably enraged beast with jealousy issues is a recipe for having your insides bruised and raw. whenever you see's another sea god gazing at you for s little too long, he'll immediately wrap his thick and heavy tentacles around your aroused body. one rubbing your clit and the other shielding you.
he hisses, he's feral and ruthless. he hates when you wriggle too much or deny him of his many needs – one being your very body, precious and desired. he'll scratch and watch as you thrash beneath him, before succumbing to the eldritch monster.
the painful sounds of your screams and wails and the ancient god above you speaking in a language no mortal could understand. with each thrust comes a grunt, before he had you creaming around his many suckers that seep murky and potent seed into you.
he'll bury his eggs inside your pussy, making sure he has the chance and opportunity to get you full and pregnant with whatever abomination and monster grows inside your stomach...
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DP X DC crossover prompt
Sam and Tucker, thanks to living in Amity Park and being overshadowed and controlled by ghosts so many time, had become very liminal. Until an accident while trying to stop the newest ghost enemy led to the two of them becoming halfa’s. Sam’s ghost form looks like what she looked like during the whole Undergrowth thing. And Tucker’s ghost form looks like his King Tuck design.
After a reveal gone wrong, Danny, Sam, and Tucker flee Amity Park. The trio run away to Gotham, and using money Sam managed to snag from her account before they left, they buy a nice sized building right in the middle of Crime Alley. They decide to turn it into a bookshop and cafe. There’s a garden/greenhouse attached to the back end of the building where Sam grows all her plants and herbs. Tucker has his own tech room in the basement alongside Danny’s tiny lab space. They live together in the apartment above the bookshop/cafe.
One day while out on a walk, Danny stumbles across two tiny twin half formed baby ghost cores. They’re nothing more than tiny little balls of glowing light at the moment. Baby ghosts that are just starting to form but are nothing more than cores at the moment. But they seem to be slowly fading. Danny refuses to let them fade away into nothing. He scoops them up, infuses them with some of his ectoplasm to get them going, and then shoved them into his chest for safe keeping and so that they can be close to his own core which starts slowly feeding them energy.
Danny rushes back to the shop and drags Sam and Tucker to the upstairs apartment and shows him the baby ghost cores he’s found. The three all agree that they’re going to help these cores develop into actual ghosts. They switch off on who carry’s the ghost cores around. Some days it’s Danny. Some days it’s Tucker. And some days it’s Sam. Each of them feeding the cores a little bit of their ectoplasm to help them grow.
One of the cores feels distinctly female and has a purplish blue glow to it. The three start jokingly calling her violet. The other core has a distinctly male feel to it. It’s an orangish red and has a small crack along one side of it. Danny jokingly said one time how he (the baby core) kind of looked like Nemo’s egg at the beginning of Finding Nemo and ever since they’ve been calling him Nemo.
The two cores have been developing very slowly, both seemingly unable to absorb the needed ectoplasm, to form into full ghosts, quickly. The trio is fine with this, they can be patient, and wait to meet their twins.
Then one day there’s some kind of massive ghost attack. Maybe a cult or something attempted to summon the ghost king but messed up the summoning and accidentally summoned something else. The Justice League try and fight the thing, but they’re no match for this ghost monstrosity. And the JLD aren’t available to help for whatever reason. The trio decides to step in and help. They kick the crap out of the ghost pretty easily and send it back to the ghost zone. Then Danny, in his King Phantom garb (crown of fire, whispy white fire like hair, a regal looking version of his hazmat suit, the ring of rage on one finger, and a cape around his shoulders, the outside being pure white but the inside looking like the vastness of space) approaches the cult and rebukes them, telling them how even if they had managed to summon him he never would have helped them take over the world.
After that the trio become members of the Justice League. Thanks to some of Danny’s previous time travel shenanigans, and Danny being the ghost king, and Sam and Tucker his consorts/mates(?) the Justice League all think that the trio are ancient eldritch ghost gods.
And then one day when the trio are in the Watch Tower with the rest of the League their twin baby ghost cores come up. Maybe it was time to switch out who was carrying them, and mid meeting or lunch or whatever, Danny just reaches into his chest, pulls out two small glowing orbs. He cradles them close to his chest for a moment, looking at them lovingly, and whispering something soft to them in ghost speak. Then hands them over to Sam, who does the whole cradle them close and whisper softly in ghost speak before shoving them right into her chest.
They look up from this to see the whole League staring at them wide eyed and confused. Danny just casually explains that those are their children but they’re still forming so the trio needs to keep them close to their cores to help them grow, but they like to switch up everyday who carry’s them. Every member of the Justice League becomes super protective of the trio after this. They see it as the three essentially being pregnant (sort of), and they don’t always know which one of them is carrying the baby ghost. So best to just be protective of all three. The trio finds this kind of amusing and a touch bit sweet.
When the twin baby cores finally develop into actual baby ghosts, the two kind of look like a mixture between Danny, Sam, and Tucker’s ghost forms. Though Violet has dark purple hair and eyes and Nemo has bright orangish red hair and eyes.
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purple-goo-writes · 6 months
I SHOULD BE SLEEPING BUT all I can think about is Eldritch Horrors and the poor(affectionate) saps that date them.
Specifically thinking about how Kon literally was booted into another dimension and led a life there.
But what if that life there was him accidently wooing the eldritch horror the people worshiped as a God but its really just Danny trying to take a much needed vacation?
Kon comes back married to the King of the Infinity Realms and Ancient of Space and Justice. Who is a pretty twink who keeps looking just a little too pretty, a little too off some how. Either his hair is too dark like the void of space or his smile is just a tad too wide with too many teeth or his shadow has one too may limbs.
And Kon just being adorably oblivious to the eldritch being he married.
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evilminji · 2 months
You know what's my JAM?
Extremes being treated as the Serious Dangers they ARE, even when they aren't "oooh its a spooky Grey morality and BADness!" Extreme.
Like? No, people. ALL of them are bad. They are ALL face melting dangerous. The void may crush your soul, but look upon the Face Of GOD? Not gonna be having a fun time! Doesn't MATTER if he's a cool dude! Face melting!
We are creatures of BALANCE. Tiny, fragile, little motes of dust. That can only exsist in the careful, blended, dances of territories and powers that be. We squishy.
Ghosts? Less squishy.
Poor impulse control, too. Especially ones with Fenton genetics. ABSOLUTELY ones with Fenton genetics and a trauma based aversion to therapy. That one? Pretty hardy. Made pretty tough, what with being Fates third favorite chew toy. But? Still gets the Sads, you know? The slightly longer then just seasonal depression.
Would medicine and some therapy help? Oh like a dream!
If medicine WORKED on his Ectoplasmicly contaminated ass. And he TRUSTED therapists.
But... surely, Danny thinks, as he sits grossly in his Depression sweatpants and eats suspect pizza on the floor of his moldering shoebox of an apartment, there must be SOME way to address his Depression? He should... he should DO something about it. Take a break maybe. Look up some ghost doctors or something.
Oooooooooor..... >.>
He could break out that OMENIOUS af, bound in suspect leather, Big Book Of Forbidden Knowledge(TM) that he got from Pariah's.... what, fourth? Fifth? Library? Fuck that Lair is huge. He's STILL cleaning it out and it's been over half a decade. He swears it spawns more floors just to mock him. Bastard. Don't know HOW a building can be a Bastard, but it sure found A WAY.
Book it is! *horrifying Eldritch light as he opens it* huh. Neat. Comes with its own visual effects. *another bite of suspect pizza* Funky.
And so! Danny, the depressed King Of The Zone... fucks of to go cheer himself up in the Fields Of Bliss(TM), an area of Absolute Bliss. Which! Sounds GREAT in theory, now don't it? Lovely even.
Remember that little comment about extremes?
You can ENTER those fields. But no one leaves. No one CAN. The deeper you go? The more doomed you become. Less will to do anything at all. Eat, talk, move. So much as think. Like ALL extreme "Goods", it sounds lovely, but the reality is no gentle little thing.
It's a glue trap.
But how could Danny have known? Honestly, who would have TAUGHT him? Textbooks can only go so far, after all. And placing blame will not rescue the young monarch.
I imagine it's one of his helpers that pieces together what's happened. Come for further clarification on WHERE exactly he wants certain statues moved. Only? Your Majesty? Your Majesty...? Where ever could he BE? Oh? He's left out some of his books. Well, I'll just assist by putting them away for-.....
But! What can the poor man DO? Ghosts are Beings of Will, Emotion, and Obsession. Were it some sort of Holy Blade or Sentient Tree, you know, something INDIVIDUAL with a will they could FIGHT? Oh no problem. But an area of effect? Especially an EMOTIONAL area of effect!? Ooooooh, this is bad. The Zone can't AFFORD to lose ANOTHER King!
Wait. He's heard that there's an organization for this! That loudly cursing fellow who got violently thrown back into the Zone. "Ruined his fun" and all that! Perfect! He'll just hire THEM!
Smashcut? To a nice, peaceful, everybody's screaming Justice League Meeting. John's cursing life, extremely hungover. Zatana still has three cracked ribs. Wonder Woman is enjoying the new sword she... liberated... mid battle. Truely stunning craftsmanship. When?
Knock Knock!
Heads swivel. There... is a glowing green... accountant? Dandy? Dandy accountant. With an equally radioactive day glow green Actual Pirate's Chest Of Treasures, floating next to him. In the void of space; Just beyond the glass. What, the, fuuuuuu-
He seems to be under the impression they are some sort of Heroic mercenaries. And has come to request the retrieve-
"NNNNNOPE! Pariah can SHOVE it!" Snarls a suddenly very awake John Constantine, sitting up straight for the first time in hours. The rest of Dark grimly nod in agreement. Let the fucker rot. It's a kinder fate then he deserves.
No, no, NO! King PHANTOM! Pariah's SUCCESSOR by right of combat! They are not, and were never, allied in any way!
Well, all right then. Road trip to save a young idiot then.
@the-witchhunter @hdgnj @hypewinter @lolottes @mutable-manifestation @nerdpoe
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