#and *also* you need one to create the death's scythe!
ask-hector-and-isaac · 7 months
Post COD Hector:On a scale of 1 to 10, how hard it was to craft that Laser Sword? You know gathering the materials and all
*sigh* It cannot be quantified. I was lucky enough that my Tiramisu was able to decipher an ancient inscription in the Aiolon Ruins. If she weren't by my side, I would have never noticed it.
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It is a long, tedious process. The swords required are all built over each other, meaning you have to forge multiple copies of the same sword. And some of the materials come from monsters that are reluctant to drop their treasure... I killed them over and over until I could not feel my arms attached to my body. Good thing I wasted most of my time in the Infinite Corridor, where time does not pass...
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But it was worth it. The Laser Blade is as indeed as Sage Eneomaos promised. And Isaac seemed to agree...
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milksnake-tea · 9 months
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━━ duty calls.
Created around the same time and having trained with one another, you and Casper have always butted heads. You'd compete over seemingly anything - how many souls one could reap, the days one could go without catching soul sickness, and the list goes on. Casper has always found you to be obnoxious, but when he sees you crying by yourself, he finds himself torn.
grim x gn!reaper!reader
contains: fluff, hurt/comfort, set before the main storyline, reader is NOT the mc, brief mentions of child death, USAGE OF GRIM'S REAL NAME, reader is a little shit
word count: 4.2k
a/n: FORGIVE ME IF THE WORLDBUILDING IS OFF I WAS TRYING MY BEST and ive only done one ending oops (finals hurts okay :((( ) also ... im not sure if reapers names are classified just to mortals and not other reapers but ykw imma take my liberties
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"Seriously, do you ever get tired?"
Casper groaned irritatedly, running a hand through his snow-like hair. Blood like rust coated his scythe, spoils from his most recent hunt. The corpse still lay fresh in front of him, but their skin was cold and their eyes dead.
Boisterous laughter erupted above him. Sitting on the balcony of some person’s apartment, you grinned down at him - that infuriating, shit-eating grin that never failed to tick him off.
You kicked your legs childishly as you leaned back over the railing. Nestled against the crook of your arm was a scythe similar to his own, save for the more detailed design and color palette. Unlike him, you would constantly say, you liked to live a little.
Bold words coming from a bringer of death.
“Don’t blame me for you being slow,” you called down to him. Casper rolled his eyes, crossing his arms as he glared up at you.
“I am not ‘slow’,” he grumbled. “You’re too eager. And get down from there, you’ll be spotted.”
You tilted your head. “It’s like, 3 A.M. What kind of idiot’s gonna be awake at this hour?”
“You’d be surprised. Humans will do anything but take care of themselves.”
“I guess,” you sighed, jumping down. You twirled your scythe absentmindedly, Casper leaning back to avoid getting hacked to pieces.
“Be careful with that,” he scolded. You, of course, ignored him.
“So are these the last of the guys?” you wondered, kicking at a corpse with your foot.
The alleyway was practically lined with bodies, so many that management had called upon both you and Casper to deal with the remnants of the massacre. Gang fights were a pain to deal with, second only to pandemics and war.
“It would seem so.” Casper gave you a look, to which you responded by sticking out your tongue. You were very mature, after all.
You stretched thankfully, rolling out your shoulder. “Thank God, I was starting to get depressed from all the dead people.”
“If you’re getting depressed from just this, perhaps you should consider a different career choice.”
“Nah.” You smiled. “If I left, who would I bully? You’d get all sad and lonely without me.”
“Hardly,” Casper scoffed. “If anything, I’d be relieved.”
“You wound me.”
“So mean,” you pouted. Casper paid you no attention, as per usual. It didn’t matter, though, since you immediately perked back up. “Hey, boo?”
“I told you not to call me that.”
“I have an idea.” And just like that, your cheshire grin returned. Casper sighed, already beginning to walk off.
“How wonderful,” he said sarcastically. “Share it with someone else.”
“Uh-uh, no.” As quick as a flash, your scythe was out, the blade curving in front of Casper to prevent his escape. “This one’s good, I swear.”
“Your definition of what is and isn’t a good idea needs some desperate fixing.” Still, he made no move to escape, instead turning around to face you.
“Let’s race.”
Casper raised a brow. “Race?”
You nodded eagerly, your eyes shining like jewels. In the darkness of the alleyway, the two of you were illuminated only by the neon blue lights of the city. Yet, as that same blue was captured in your eyes, Casper was reminded of a kaleidoscope, changing and turning in a multitude of different colors.
It was… captivating.
“If I win, you have to buy me a drink.” 
Casper snapped out of his daze, a light flush blooming across his fair skin. Thankfully, though, you didn’t seem to notice, too entranced by another one of your ridiculous competitions. Seriously, there had to be a limit to how unprofessional you could be.
“You assume I have the time to buy you one,” he said with faux calmness, grateful for the night’s shadows hiding his complexion. You huffed.
“You could do it while you’re rebalancing yourself,” you said, as though it was obvious. “Besides, it doesn’t have to be anything big, just a coffee or a tea would be nice.”
“Fine, let’s say I stoop down to your level and agree to this… race,” said Casper. “What do I get if I win?”
You shrugged. “Then I'll just buy you a drink.”
Casper shook his head. “I’m not like you. I don’t drink on the job.”
“But you do cuddle an axolotl plushie when you sleep,” you pointed out. Instantly, Casper flushed red.
“Wha- What does that have to do with anything?!” he protested.
"I just thought about it randomly," you shrugged. "But seriously, that thing is huge, where did you get it?"
“Never mind how I got it," Casper crossed his arms and averted his eyes, his bottom lip turning up in a pout. “We’re getting off track.”
“Oh, so now you care about my games,” you teased. “Anyways, on how I’ll reward you…”
You spun your scythe back to your side, tapping its staff against the ground as you thought of a fitting reward.
“Oh! How about this?” You snapped your fingers, a figurative light bulb lighting up next to you. “You get to cash in one favor from me.”
“Any favor?” A smirk creeped onto Casper’s face, his interest finally piqued. “That’s a dangerous game you’re playing, [Name].”
“As long as it’s within reason and isn’t embarrassing,” you snapped, crossing your arms. “If you make me kiss your feet or something like that, I’ll kick your ass.”
“Of course,” Casper chuckled knowingly. “So, where to and when are we racing?”
“Hey, if you weren’t paying attention to the rules, then that's your fault. As for when the race starts, how about… now.”
“Wha- Hey!” Casper barely dodged as you shot past him in a blur of black. Hooking your scythe into the walls, you stuck out your tongue at him as you propelled yourself through the night.
“So long, Casp!”
Casper cursed under his breath. Quickly, he made haste to follow you. He flew through the air like a bird, twisting around light poles, skyscrapers, and billboards alike.
You weren’t as elegant, instead jumping from building to building like a modern superhero. You’d catapult yourself through the sky using your scythe as leverage, your laughter echoing in the slumbering city - free like the wind.
Casper didn’t have to follow you long to know where you were heading towards. Invisible to the mortal eye, yet painfully obvious to the eyes of reapers, was an entrance to the Underworld, a whirlpool of black and red that led straight down to your home.
As you launched yourself into the air once again, Casper came up next to you, his hair billowing in the cold night wind like smoke.
“Nice of you to join me,” you teased, elbowing him in the side. Casper rolled his eyes once again, speeding up. “Hey!”
Smoky tendrils of crimson and ink curled around your figures as the two of you neared the portal. The center of the whirlpool was a void seemingly leading to the abyss itself, but you’ve worked in this job long enough to know just what lay beneath.
True to his character, Casper wasted no time and shot straight into the thick of it. You, on the other hand, were a little more dramatic with your landing.
You spun in a backflip off of the last of the skyscrapers before letting gravity take you for a ride. Wind whistled past your ears as you fell, yet all you could hear was the rapid thump of your own heart. Adrenaline filled your veins. Soon, black and red lined your vision as the Underworld engulfed you.
The second you saw the tips of red-stained towers, you flipped yourself to face the ground. Closer and closer, you could practically taste it. If you delayed any longer, your life as a grim reaper could end prematurely.
Like the eyes of a devil, your pupils glowed in delight, activating your abilities. But rather than slowing your descent, you sped it up, shooting towards the ground like a missile.
Black blobs, the fuzzy images of your coworkers, scrambled to move out of your way. Turning your body, you landed hard on your heels, narrowly missing a fellow reaper.
For a moment, all you could see was dust. Before the clouds could disappear, you shook off the sting in your ankles and stretched.
“Woo!” you cheered, kicking your leg. “That’s what I’m talking about!”
“Quiet down.” Casper grabbed your shoulder and pulled you back. “Honestly, is there ever a quiet moment with you?”
You giggled. “Boo, you’ve known me long enough to know the answer to that. Oh, by the way, I’m craving some-”
“Hold it.” Casper bonked your head. “I only agreed to buy you something if you won.”
“Didn’t I?”
“No you didn’t,” Casper retorted. “Anyone with working eyes could see that I reached the ground before you did. Therefore, I won.”
“Uh, no.” You crossed your arms. “Are you gaslighting me? You’re gaslighting me. That's not very nice of you, Casp.”
“I am not gaslighting you.” Your white-haired coworker rolled his eyes. “As grim reapers, we cannot lie. Someone of your caliber should know this.”
You blinked innocently. “Did you just compliment me?”
Casper spluttered. “What in the world made you come to that conclusion?”
Taking a step forward, you leaned towards the reaper, a cheeky smile growing on your face. “You said ‘Someone of your caliber’. That means you think I’m capable.”
“You’d have to be a special kind of stupid to be incompetent after working as a reaper for so long,” Casper crossed his arms, fighting down the blush rising onto his cheeks. You were close, way too close. “Then again, I wouldn’t be surprised, seeing as how that was the only thing you heard from what I said.”
Heaving a sigh, he pushed you away with his finger.
“But don’t distract yourself from the fact that I won the race,” he said, a smug smirk replacing his exasperation.
“I was honestly trying to forget.”
Casper huffed, a pout forming on his lips. But the moment wouldn’t last long, as a ding sounded from both of your phones. When you checked it, you groaned when you saw a notification of unexpected emergency.
“Seriously?” you complained. “Overtime? Did a bunch of reapers die off or something? My soul’s going to get tainted at this rate.”
“Don’t complain.” Casper nudged you, but even you could see the irritation on his face. “It’s our job as reapers to reap souls on time, no matter what.”
“I guess. Still doesn’t make it any less annoying.”
“Agreed.” With a sigh, Casper summoned his scythe. “I must be off, now. See you on the other side, [Name].”
As he made his way back to the opening of the portal, his feet lifting off from the ground, a gloved hand reached out to grasp your chin. Gently, he guided you to look at him as he ascended.
“I look forward to cashing in on that favor.”
For as long as you could remember, things have always been this way.
Your earliest memory was of waking up to the crimson skies of the Underworld. Unaware and unknowing, you allowed yourself to be dragged around by older reapers, their voices blurring together in a droning buzz. Everything had gone by so quickly, and you struggled to keep up with it all.
If you were to say it bluntly, your first day felt like a fever dream.
But amidst the chaos, the tutorials, and the gifting of your first scythe, there was one thing that you remembered clearly.
Your mentor’s lecture halted at your voice, barely audible. They followed your gaze to a white-haired man, looking to be around the same age as you. Like a drowsy child, you lifted your finger and pointed at him, looking back to your mentor.
“He’s like snow.”
Their eyes softened by the tiniest bit, having seemingly realized that you were still disorientated. After all, in a sense, you had just been born.
“I suppose he is.” Putting a hand on your shoulder, they guided you away from the man. “Now, as I was saying…”
Their voice faded away into the background as the white-haired man noticed your gaze. He turned to look at you, his ruby-like eyes like blood speckles against the winter landscape. You stared at each other for only a few seconds before you turned to follow your mentor.
You quickly forgot the pretty stranger, but you would stay in his memories for quite a while before you’d cross paths again. In the darkness of the Underworld, you were like a lantern - radiating warmth and familiarity.
You were beautiful, like a flower in summer. That was, until he met you for the second time.
Swiftly and ruthlessly, holding true to your occupation as a reaper, you cut apart any premonitions he had had about you. When you were put against him to spar by your mentors, the drowsiness had worn off - instead replaced by insufferable audacity.
As your scythes clashed, sparks flying between the two of you and burning him in the process, your mouth just wouldn’t stop moving, stop talking. The innocently sleepy look on your face was replaced with a shit-eating grin as you blocked his attacks, trapping him in a frenzied dance.
“What’s wrong, boo?” you laughed, twirling your scythe to drive him back. “Don’t tell me you’re getting tired already.”
Casper’s eyebrow twitched at the nickname; you wouldn’t stop calling him that ever since you learned his real name. He didn’t understand where it came from, but just the way you said it was enough to annoy him.
“Hardly,” he scoffed, his boots kicking up dust as they skidded against the ground. He was quick to lunge back at you, his movements precise as he swung his blade. “If anything, I’d wager that you’re the one tiring out.”
“Ha!” You ducked under his attack and sprung forward, Casper’s hair tickling at your face as you came nose to nose with him. Startled, Casper had no time to react as you slammed the end of your scythe’s staff into his chest.
Before he knew it, Casper’s back was against the ground, your boot on his chest, and your scythe at his neck.
Your breaths were heavy as you looked down on him, but your eyes glowed with triumphant victory. The fight may have been more exhausting than you’d like to admit, but the view you had was well worth the effort.
Beneath you, Casper struggled to catch his own breath, his chest heaving under the soles of your foot. His white hair splayed around him like a halo, and his face was tickled pink from the fight.
Even in defeat, he was beautiful.
You leaned forward, putting your weight on your knee. Casper grunted as you pressed harder on him. Just for the fun of it, you pressed your scythe’s blade against his chin and guided him to look up at you and your grin.
“I win,” you sang mockingly.
Casper groaned, letting his head fall against the floor. You laughed heartily, stepping off of him and instead extending your hand to him. Without a second thought, Casper took it, allowing you to pull him to his feet and dust him off.
“That’s what, victory number twenty-one?” you asked, stretching. “That means I’m in the lead now, Casp.”
“Whatever,” Casper scoffed, dusting off his chest where your foot had been. “I’m sure the score will even out in no time.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” you squinted at him. Casper stuck his tongue out at you.
“I don’t know, what does it mean?”
You hit his chest playfully. Casper grunted, glaring at you from the corner of his eye.
That’s how it had always been, after all. You and Casper would go back and forth in this tantalizing dance, exchanging jabs and jokes at the same time. 
To Casper, you were insufferable, but annoyingly capable. To you, Casper was way too serious and stuck up, yet had that charm about him that made you want to tease him at every possible opportunity.
But for many, many years, your relationship never went further than mere friends - if Casper even wanted to call you that.
The day Casper’s view of you changed was like a stormy sky - dark, yet light still managed to peek through.
You’d come back to headquarters with a solemn look upon your face. For someone who had just come back from a mission, you were oddly… clean. There wasn’t a trace of blood on your clothes, yet your eyes were dark, haunted. Even your scythe’s shine seemed dull.
For the reapers, to have someone normally so loud and full of life be reduced to this, was frightening. They’d grown used to your smile, your voice, your light. You parted crowds with your uncharacteristically serious aura; if there was anything a sensible reaper feared, it was the wrath of a joyous soul.
Immediately after turning in your report to headquarters, you disappeared from the public eye.
When Casper first heard the news, he had brushed it off. You were probably just having a bad day, he tried to assure himself. Maybe you’d finally realized the grimness that came with your profession. Maybe the soul you’d reaped was especially troublesome and gave you a run for your money.
Despite his attempts to make up explanations for your behavior, he couldn’t stop the worry from gnawing at his heart. It twisted in his chest like soul sickness, an ailment that he wasn’t used to nor did he understand. It even followed him into his work, plaguing his mind and distracting him as he reaped soul after soul.
He’d made haste to return home, knowing that this illness would only worsen if he stayed out.
The Underworld was always dark, but that day, the sky was pitch black. Eager to return to the comfort of his bed, he quickly made his way to one of the many apartment complexes in which reapers resided.
However, just before he opened the door to his room, his hand stilled at the sound of crying.
Now, sadness wasn’t an uncommon emotion in the Underworld. Ghosts, sinners, and demons alike wailed and screamed their woes into the night. Their cries were as common as the sound of rushing cars in a human city.
But not for reapers, especially in their home. Reapers, at their core, were cold, emotionless, and ruthless - they needed to be, in order to do their jobs properly. A reaper’s tears were rare, almost taboo.
The more Casper listened, he soon recognized a familiar voice among those sniffles: yours.
Could it be? He looked up to the rooftop, his hand wavering. His soul pulsed in his chest, warning him to ignore you and focus on himself. But his heart argued back.
Casper glanced once more at the doorknob to his room. Cursing himself, he heaved a sigh and walked away - moving towards the staircase leading to the rooftop.
As he emerged onto the rooftop, the first thing he noticed was how clear the sky was. Its crimson blanket was more like that of a rose’s rather than bloodstains, and if he squinted, he could perhaps delude himself into seeing a few stars.
Then came you.
Casper’s heart plummeted in his chest when he saw your form curled into itself. You sat at the edge of the rooftop, your knees pulled up to your chest and your face buried in your arms. Your back was to him, but Casper saw the way your shoulders trembled.
He tried to take a step towards you, tried to reach to you with his hand, but hesitated. What would he even say? What could he say? What could he do?
His thoughts halted when you took a deep, shuddered breath, your voice raw from cry.
“What do you want, Casper.”
Casper. Not Casp, not boo, not any of the annoying nicknames that you called him by.
He stepped back, feeling fear for perhaps the first time in his life. For the first time, he was unsure of what to do.
You couldn’t see him, but you heard him walk away and descend the staircase. You laughed hollowly, wiping at your face with your hand.
“What was I even expecting…” you muttered bitterly, gripping at your own arms for support. “Why would he of all people…”
You shut your eyes tighter. Without the company of the sky and the city, you were left alone with your thoughts. Memories of what you had witnessed laughed in your mind, latching onto you like a parasite and refusing to let go.
You were never afraid of blood, nor of death, but today, just the thought of it made you nauseous.
Something soft nudged at your elbow. Blinking your eyes open, you warily looked to your side.
However, instead of seeing a person, you came face to face with a bright pink axolotl plushie.
You and the plushie stared at each other for a good minute, neither of you knowing what to make of the other. It wasn’t until you heard a familiar, exasperated sigh from behind the plushie that you realized what it was.
“Don’t just stare at him,” Casper mumbled, pushing the plushie against you. You blinked owlishly, before hesitantly taking the plushie into your arms.
Hugging it against your chest, you rested your chin on top of its head. The plushie was oddly warm, yet comforting. Casper sat beside you, silent and gazing up towards the sky. For a while, the two of you simply sat in this silence, with the only thing breaking it being your quiet sniffles.
“...She was just a kid,” you finally spoke, catching Casper’s attention and making him look at you. You, however, kept your gaze straight ahead to the city lines, refusing to meet his gaze. “She was just a little girl, and yet they… they…”
You hugged the plushie a little tighter.
“I just can’t understand how humans can be so cruel to each other.”
Casper’s gaze turned downcast. “That’s how they’ve always been. Life is cruel, even to the purest of souls.”
“It’s not fair.”
“Hardly anything is.”
“It shouldn’t have been her. It should’ve been that bastard that murdered her.”
“He’ll get what he deserves. Karma will catch up to him.”
“But what if it doesn’t? What if he gets let off?”
“He won’t.”
Unexpectedly, you let out a snort at Casper’s deadpanned voice - so assured and serious. Casper raised a brow, looking at you inquisitively.
“You know,” you said, raising your head. “You’re somehow really bad and really good at comforting people.”
“What?” Casper wrinkled his nose. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing,” you said softly. “I didn’t mean it as an insult. Actually, that’s one of the things I like about you.”
“That I’m apparently a bad comforter?”
“No, silly.” You leaned your head on the plushie again, only this time you were looking at your coworker. “Your seriousness. How you’re always so confident in yourself. How even if you don’t know what you’re doing, you still try.”
Red bloomed across Casper’s face like a flowering blossom, reaching from his cheeks to the tips of his ears. He rubbed the back of his neck, averting his gaze.
“It’s not fair when you start saying things like that,” he mumbled. You giggled a little, leaning onto his shoulder with his plushie still in your arms.
“I’m just being honest,” you hummed. “Or maybe I’m coping. I dunno.”
Casper chuckled, but made no move to push you off him. You closed your eyes. The turmoil in your heart was still there, of course, but with Casper against you, it eased up just a little.
“Seriously though, thank you,” you said. “For coming up here for me and, well, everything.”
“It was nothing,” Casper replied. “You were looking pretty pathetic, all depressed and all.”
You huffed. “Just admit you care about me, Casp. Is that so hard?”
Casper grumbled something unintelligible, before lifting his arm. You squeaked as he wrapped it around your shoulders, pulling you closer against him. With your head laid against his collarbone, you could feel every breath he took as well as the rapid beat of his heart.
“[Name],” he said quietly. “Remember the favor you promised me? For winning the race?”
“Mm… yeah. What about it?”
“I’d like to cash it in right now.”
“Oh lord,” you chuckled. “Alright, what do you want?”
“Whatever happens next, don’t tell anyone,” Casper whispered.
Your lips curled into a smile. “You know, Casp, if I didn’t know better, I’d say you were about to do something weird.”
You couldn’t see him, but you knew he was rolling his eyes.
“Be quiet for a moment, will you?”
You grinned. “Ah, but that’s two favors, not-”
Casper shut you up with a soft kiss to your head. It was brief, so quick that for a second you almost thought you had dreamed it.
In your stunned silence, Casper spoke again.
“Forgive me if I’m being greedy, but I’ll ask for a third favor,” he said. “No matter what happens, promise me you won’t deal with it by yourself.”
His grip around you tightened.
You nuzzled closer into the crook of his neck.
“...I promise.”
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reblogs w comments are appreciated !!
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questing-wulfstan · 2 years
Listen, I can't blame y'all when His Excellence Neil Gaiman hisself compared it to Dream walking out on his date with Hob to hit it off with Shaxberd upon learning about Eleanor and Robyn, but I feel like fixating on this interpretation only of the scene is a disservice to Morpheus' overall characterisation over the season.
Have you noticed how Hob calls "his friend" over to his table and that doesn't phase Morpheus at all then Dream doesn't even ask him whether he still wants to live before putting an end to their meeting ? It's unexpected from someone otherwise so strict and set on protocols ー even when he storms out in 1889, he already had Hob's answer to that question. Yet he leaves 1589 Hob without having formally asked the one question that justifies their centennial meetings.
That is because Dream knows, oh he knows what Hob's Heaven is like. He's had a wife and a son of his own once, and he knew what eternity by their side would be like, once. And he knows Hob has everything but Death on his mind then. He also knows ー or so he thinks ー what Hob's answer will be the next century. For Hob Gadling alone was granted immortality, not Eleanor, nor Robyn. And Morpheus knows what outliving one's son is like.
Morpheus' work in this tavern of the White Horse is done, but he's also taken back to the most traumatic event of his existence, one he won't recover from in two millennia and he can't look Hob in the eyes anymore, he needs a distraction, something, anything but having to confront his revenant grief. And there's that playwright loudly willing to strike a bargain with higher entities for the ability to create timeless dreams for humanity and there's his distraction, there's an escape ...
Comes 1689, Morpheus is certain of the outcome of this meeting. Sure, it will have taken the bugger three time the hundred years Dream had predicted Death, but no matter because it is true : nobody can bear an endless existence.
Then Morpheus learns about not only the expected death of Hob's son, but that it happened much earlier than it should have, devoid of a fulfilling lifetime for Robyn and of psychological preparation for Hob. Scythed in the prime of life, much like Orpheus. And within a close time frame to his wife's departure, too. Hob is holding up a mirror to Morpheus' own misery and the King of Dreams finds himself on the verge of tears. He is no longer smug as he offers Hob what he thinks of as an eventual relief.
Yet ... Hob doesn't take it. Somehow, somewhere, Hob Gadling finds it in himself to resist the tragedy of his life, to chose tomorrow, to decide that whatever the future holds, it is worth being there to see it.
And that is really when something kindles within Morpheus. No longer mere curiosity but a devouring fascination for Hob Gadling, his hopefulness and his resilience. He latches onto that man who shares his misery yet seem to have overcome it, or anyhow accommodated himself to it.
And when they meet again in 1789, and fortune has smiled upon Hob Gadling once again, Morpheus is much more open, much more attentive, much more interested. Who knows if he might not have given Hob his name even, hadn't lady Johanna Constantine interrupted him ?
By all means, Morpheus doesn't process their blooming bond. He's the anthropomorphic incarnation of the human or really, the living unconscious : there are numerous things passing through his mind at all time that he does not process. To him, he's merely monitoring the puzzling glitch that is Robert Gadling's will to live still, and waiting for him to eventually, inevitably renounce his immortality.
So when another century has passed and Hob asserts that their meetings are unnecessary for he won't ever renounce being alive but proposes his friendship, Morpheus is left reeling, faced with how much he has in common with this 'mortal' and his envy for Hob's resilience and capacity to forge ahead.
Naturally he takes flight and makes for an escape, lest he finds himself ensnared by his own grief ...
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reashot · 1 year
To celebrate my mother day's Fic for reaching 100 likes and reblog. I can finally show y'all what the Arc kids are supposed to look like and who they are for the sequel:
Dusk Belladonna
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Age: 10.
Semblance: Invisibility (she can made her self invisible for few seconds.)
Weapon: N/A. (She doesn't have or want one.)
Favorite foods: Anything with fish but prefers Tuna.
Likes: Mommy, Daddy, Being alone.
Dislikes: Dogs, crowds, stranger.
Character Desc:
Dusk Belladonna is the daughter Blake and Jaune which means she is also the daughter of both human and Faunus. In her timeline Human and Faunus achieved true equality and mutual respect with one another. It was not easy and although Dusk herself does not know the sacrifice needed to achieve it, even she knows that it's something to be cherished and protected. Quiet, reserved and preferring the company of close associates. She is still expected to one day lead Menagerie and all of Faunuskind. A decision that she is also unaware of. But her parents are against it. Instead wanting her to enjoy her childhood for as long as she can before the fated day.
Scarlett Rose-Arc.
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Gender: ♀️
Age: 17.
Semblance: Petal Storm. (An upgraded form of Ruby's Semblance.)
Weapon: Crescent Rose MK. 20. (A.K.A. the Geneva Violator.)
Favorite foods: Strawberry Shortcake.
Likes: Spending time with family, weapons, fighting.
Dislikes: Bully, Bugs, Rainy day.
Character Desc:
Scarlett like Ruby is both a powerful fighter and a genius weapon inventor. Her weapon is the Crescent Rose MK. 20. A Scythe, Voulge, grenade launcher, assault riffle and sniper rifle combination weapon. In practice such a weapon should not be able to work but she and Ruby managed to made it work. This essentially turns her into a one woman army. But even though she’s a formidable warrior she still not yet able to beat her older brother Vermillion in a fight. Something which annoys her.
Victor Arc (formerly a Schnee)
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Gender: ♂️
Age: 20.
Semblance: Glyph. (Has been shown able to summon a small army worth of Grimm.)
Weapon: Myrtenaster,
Favorite Foods: Sushi.
Likes: Seeing her mother dead, his little sister, cute things. (In that order.)
Dislikes: His mother, Atlas, Incompetent people. (himself)
Character Desc:
Victor Schnee or now known as Victor Arc was once a former Scion of the Schnee Household. Is the son of Jaune Arc and although he hates to admit it, he is also the son of Weiss Schnee. In his timeline the world is broken in every sense of the word. In his world. War has engulfed Remnant. And the scale of destruction is beyond comprehension. Continents shattered, sea boiled over, even the very air turned against you, All courtesy of the Superweapon created by the SDC. Of course many tried to stop the war from happening and all failed, Even Jaune Schnee died trying to stop it. His dead however is proven to be the catalyst for the tragedy. After his death something broke inside of Weiss. Despaired and Enraged by her husband’s death. Weiss reorganized the Kingdom of Atlas into the Atlesian Empire and declared war on everyone. With Victor serving as her right hand man. Working under her Victor is responsible for many of the Empire’s victory and her atrocity. He himself is directly responsible for numerous warcrimes and even genocide against the Faunus. Victor is also credited for killing Ruby Rose and for capturing Blake. Back home in Atlas he was hailed as hero for this feats. It’s only until much later that he regretted his action. And came to hate his own mother so far as to wanting her dead. While she's the one that broke the world, he still blame himself for helping her doing it.
Aurum Arc
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Gender: ♂️
Age: 30-40.
Semblance: Ignite. (He is able to heat up the surface of any object he touch. If you seen the hot knife video on YouTube it’s pretty much like that.)
Weapon: Prominence Flame. (A Greatsword of the big-ass variety.)
Favorite foods: Homecooked meal. (he ain’t picky.)
Likes: Justice, protecting innocents, helping people.
Dislikes: Injustice, Villain, Laziness.
Character Desc:
As the oldest of the 12 sibling, Aurum is also born the weakest among his siblings. Born prematurely many did not expect him to survive childhood. But he refused to give up. Motivated by stories of warriors of old and the story of his father. He continues pushing his limit. And to the surprise of everyone he not only survive past childhood but he actually starts growing taller and stronger compared to other children his age. So strong in fact that in the age of 15 he managed to kill a Dragon Grimm. By the age of 17 he joined the Arc Knights. And in the age 20 rose through the rank and become the youngest captain of the group. A rank that he still hold to this day. Despite his achievement however he still found himself lacking behind his father and he made a promise that he will surpass the Grandmaster, Jaune Arc himself.
Vermillion Rose-Arc.
Scarlett's older brother will finally make his true debut in the next fic. So till then just wait my lovely readers. You will be mildly surprised.
And if there's anything you want to ask just leave a message, I'll try to answer it as best as I can.
And do tell me which one is your favorite?
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alpaca-clouds · 9 months
What medieval wars actually looked like
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Fantasy media more than anything has created a strange illusion about how people fought in the middle ages and during the wars. That is the idea of people in chain mail, if not full plate armor fighting each other with swords. And... what can I tell you, but... That is not really what fighting in the middle ages looked like.
You have to understand one thing: Outside of Hungary basically no medieval realm had something like a standing army. Meaning, they did not have a lot of trained soldiers. When a king decided to go to war with another realm, for the most part it was just peasants fighting - with a few nobles serving as commanders.
Now, those commanders? Yeah, they had chain mail and at times even full plate armor. But they also tended to be as far away from the front line as possible, if it could be helped. The normal peasant fighting at the front line? Yeah, he could be happy to have a leather jerkin for the most part.
See, you have to see two things. It was very expensive to make armor and weapons - and to be very, very frank, it was more expensive than the life of a peasant was. So why waste precious money and ressources to make those peasants, who were the main fighters in the wars proper armor. Especially given that they would have needed to train to be able to use that armor properly. Which is the second thing. Plate armor especially was super impractical for the most part. It looked fucking impressive, yeah, but...
Well, I talked about it before how I went to LARPs as a cook before, right? And during those LARPs when there was fighting I - the cook - used to stay out of it. But I did one thing at times, because it was just evil and funny. If someone attacked the camp in full plate armor, I would just kamikaze tackle them to the ground - and watch how they would lie there, on their back, like a turtle, unable to get up again.
Full plate armor has its purpose mostly in fighting on horseback. On the ground? It hindered your movement a lot.
And that training? This was part of the reason why people often did not fight with swords (apart from swords again also being kind of expensive): They were not trained to fight with them. So, a lot of people in a medieval battle would usually use whatever they had on hand, meaning you would see a lot of scythes, pitchforks, at times spears (as they could be used for hunting and fishing) and knives. Things that those peasants knew well how to handle.
Oh, and do you want to know one of the most common causes of death in medieval wars (aside from infections)? Drowning in mud. Because often enough once it was raining and a whole army was moving over the fields, those fields would turn to mud. The "soldiers" would sink into the mud and drown.
What I am saying is, that for the most part medieval wars were nothing like what you see in fantasy. And medieval soldiers also looked nothing like a fighter character in DnD would. For the most part this is fine... as long as you do not depict the soldiers like that and then start to argue about "historical accuracy" when it comes to queer people, non-white people or women in regards of the setting.
Though I still would love to see a lot more pole weapons in fantasy, I am completely honest.
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pencil-peach · 6 months
Thinking about Persona 4 Arena Ultimax
Specifically the Persona 3 side of it.
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I think it's interesting (and kinda funny) how a lot of the P3 content in this game is built upon the many CD Dramas that released in Japan following Persona 3/FES' releases, specifically the New Moon/Full Moon and Daylight/Moonlight Duologies.
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As what's most likely the largest example, Labrys, one of the two major characters introduced in the game, was actually named in the Moonlight CD, which was released back in 2007 (Arena was released in 2012, for reference)
"The 7th Generation, Aigis, was created from all the data we'd obtained from all prior designs up to the 5th Generation, Labrys." (Moonlight)
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Aigis' and Labrys' motivation of finding their mother is also building upon the story of Moonlight, where Aigis is able to speak with the girl whose personality was one of the bases used for the Anti-Shadow Weapon development project, and who refers to herself as her mother (but looks more like her younger sister).
"That's right... in human terms, I guess I'm kinda like your mother or something? A-ah, but based on our outward appearances, I guess I look more like your younger sister?" (Moonlight)
(For context, she is forced to forget this meeting at the end of the CD, but resolves to meet with the girl in real life. She isn't named, but we're told she has black hair.)
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I think Mitsuru is the most interesting, as her appearance in the game is almost wholly influenced by the story of the New Moon/Full Moon Drama CDs, which are a side story covering her and the broader Kirijo Group's situation immediately following Takeharu's death, released in 2009.
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Mitsuru's story opens up with her going public about the bloody past of the Kirijo Group and the existence of the Dark Hour and Shadows. This is following up on her resolution near the end of Full Moon, where she states plainly that this is the path she's going to take.
Ichiro Takadera: "Well then, do you intend to make a public announcement regardless of what follows? About the Shadows and so on?"
Mitsuru: "That is my path in life. I cannot stray from it." (Full Moon)
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Kikuno Saikawa, Mitsuru's right hand maid and one of the shadow operatives, also made her debut in New/Full Moon. The two of them met when they were children, and Kikuno vowed to protect Mitsuru after she'd saved her from her despair as a child.
Kikuno: "Six years ago, when I learned my stay at the hospital wasn't because of illness but because I was sold over by my parents, you were the one who saved me from my despair. On that day, I swore I'd devote my life to following this person." (Full Moon)
Ultimax was the first time she was given a design, but she would later appear in the Persona 3 Movie: Winter of Rebirth. Her characterization in Ultimax is pretty faithful to her depiction in the CD.
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(A fun fact is that Kikuno was also mentioned in the "Seaside Vacation Before Death's Scythe" Drama CD, which was released in 2013 as a promotion for the then upcoming first Persona 3 Movie, Spring of Birth.)
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One of the Kirijo artifacts mentioned in Mitsuru's prologue is a ring that gives its wearer immunity to the effects of the Dark Hour. This too is an object introduced in New/Full Moon.
"Also, there is no need to worry, as everyone who are not in possession of special powers, including me, will wear this ring. While it's on you are able to experience the Dark Hour and even when you take it off your memories of it will remain." (New Moon)
Something that doesn't come up in Ultimax is that if you smash the jewel in the center of the ring, you'll lose all your memories of the Dark Hour. It's an interesting little thing! I mean it's. Useless now cause the Dark Hour is gone but it's pretty cool...
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Mitsuru's main internal conflict is her inability to ask others for help for fear of burdening or endangering them. This is something that comes up in Persona 3, but in the Drama CDs this aspect of her character is very deeply explored. It's her main emotional arc and the source of her conflict with Yukari in both the New/Full Moon CDs and Persona 3 Character Drama Vol. 4, which focuses on their relationship.
Yukari: Is your faith in us that weak?
Mitsuru: To be frank, I can't bear it anymore. I don't want others to die for my sake!
Y: And you're gonna sacrifice yourself because of that? Why do you take on so much by yourself? Is that really okay with you? Don't you want to see your friends and family again?! And to survive?! Why can't you just be honest?!
M: Of course I want to! But...that is...what should I say? It's always like that...whenever I get soft or burden others... They might end up dying again. [...] Aragaki, and my Father... What am I supposed to tell you after all that happened? Even if I'm afraid and wish to be saved, what do I say?! What should I say?! (Full Moon)
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Yukari even brings up that they've had this talk before. It could be referring to their heart to heart in Kyoto, but I think it could also be read as their conflicts in the CDs too.
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When Ken asks Kikuno where she learned to fly a helicopter, she states that she learned it after being involved in an assault operation on a high school dormitory, an incident which Ken says he remembers. (Say it with me now!) This is most likely referencing the climax in Full Moon, where the Kirijo Group led by Takadera attempt to raid Iwatodai Dorm and forcibly apprehend SEES, so as to avoid the possibility of Ikutsuki's plot and the Group's sins from becoming public.
There's definitely more stuff, but I just wanted to point out the things I noticed/particularly liked with Mitsuru's story.
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I think Junpei suffers the most from having a lot of his characterization be taken from the CDs. A lot of people were (and still are) confused about P4AU Junpei's seemingly sudden hard pivot to Baseball, as in Persona 3 proper, it's not a very large aspect of his character.
But in the CDs, Junpei being Into Baseball is MUCH more prominent. As in he refers to everyday situations in baseball terms sometimes.
In Persona 3 Character Drama Vol 2., (released in 2008 and centered around Junpei and Chidori) Junpei dreams about taking Chidori out on a date, and eventually settles on asking her to go to a baseball game with him. (She accepts, if you were curious).
He talks with Chidori about baseball so much that she got into it herself and started watching baseball in the hospital.
At the end of Moonlight, the SEES gang talk about what they want to do after they defeat Nyx, and Junpei says he wants to go to a baseball game. They even kind of tacitly explain why he didn't talk about it all that much ingame by saying he'd fallen out of interest in it but that he "feels like it's returned in full force!"
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The thing about P4AU's heavy references to the CDs though, especially in Junpei's case, is that they were never officially translated or released outside of Japan. To this day the only way for non-Japanese speaking audiences to experience the CDs is to listen to them with (usually slightly incomplete) fansubs online.
While I kind of appreciate the novelty of that, it's definitely caused some confusion when it comes to characterization. In P3 Reload, for instance, Junpei makes a lot more references to baseball in his dialogue. And for a lot of people, it feels like the purpose of that is to retroactively make Junpei's appearance in P4AU make more sense.
And while that's not incorrect, it misses the fact that Junpei was already established to like baseball in supplementary material before Arena came out. It's more like making his character consistent with the same material that P4AU used when writing Junpei.
But it's not like you can even blame people for thinking that because a lot of people are normal and don't listen to 16 year old fan translated Drama CDs uploaded to youtube. It's just interesting to me I suppose. I wonder how much characterization we miss due to lack of access to supplementary material.
Anyway you should listen to the CDs though they're really good. New Moon/Full Moon especially.
Moonlight is also very good, it's a pseudo-prelude to The Answer, and the character writing is top notch.
But that's all I had to say, really. Just thought it'd be fun to talk about.
Translation Credits: imaginary_numbers (Moonlight) pipeds (New Moon) pipeds (Full Moon)
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pennysperfectpolls · 6 months
Symphogear adoption poll round 2
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Hibiki Tachibana, Chris Yukine
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Shirabe Tsukuyomi, Kirika Akatsuki
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Miku kohinata, Elfnein
Some propaganda and spoilers under the cut
Hibiki: the protagonist. She doesn’t fight with a weapon because she needs to hold girls hands. Her only ambition in life is to save people and go on dates with her girlfriend Miku. She was god once, it was bad. Her dad left after she almost died once. At least He’s trying to be better now but come on dude.
Chris: the Tsundere/ Lancer of the group. Fights with oh so many guns and surfs on missiles. Her backstory is so fucked up. Her parents performed charity concerts in War torn countries. They died when she was like ten and she was captured by bad guys. Eventually she ended up with a very abusive woman who made her be evil for a while. Eventually she did joy the found family and regained her love for singing. That’s all just season one. She’s grumpy and easily embarrassed but tries to be a good “big sister” for Shirabe and Kirika. Definitely has a crush on Hibiki and Miku.
Shirabe: the Yo-yo Master. Cuts monsters with giant buzz saw chain saws and exclusively fights on rollerblades. Practically inseparable from Kirika to the point she has trouble working with anyone else. They were part of the same “turn orphans into magical girl weapons” experiment along with Maria. She briefly had a heart to heart with a man I’m pretty sure was her grandfather but she never realized. She’s pretty quiet.
Kirika: Shirabe’s golden retriever girlfriend. Self proclaimed “happy go lucky girl from the depths of hell.” Meaning she’s cheerful and goth. She fights with a scythe and loves shouting the word “Death” all the time. Part of the same “Turn Orphans into magical girl weapons” experiment as Shirabe and Maria. She took longer to join the good guys because she thought she was being possessed by an immortal ghost lady.
Miku: the token normal girl for most of the story, unless she was being brainwashed by the bad guys. Has “my girlfriend is a superhero” traumas. She was also god for a little bit, it was also bad. Maybe the real god was these lesbians we found along the way. She and Hibiki call each other “my sunshine” or “my sunflower” and every time my heart melts.
Elfnein: a doll created by and with the memories of a several hundred year old witch who wants to destroy the planet after her dad was burned at the stake. Elfnein helped stop her and got adopted by the hero’s support staff. She acts as the guy in the chair for the latter seasons. She’s very sweet and polite.
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thorns-and-rosewings · 9 months
So I have decided to essentially just write out what ideas have come to me for my Reaper Killcode, he's got his own little AU now that I will just call the Reaper King AU 💀 I will warn this is a looong one. Though I will answer questions about this just like with Seraphim AU🔥 if anyone's interested:)
I will write more out later as I sadly have some other stuff to get too atm... 😅
TW: Definitely going to be touching on some darker topics here, particularly murder and abusive situations so you've been warned.
Part 1...
1) Reaper Killcode is created by Ruin from the wreckage of Solars Moon, as his Killcode was active and could be salvaged from the remains.
2) However upon his activation and coming to consciousness... He pretty much disregarded Ruin immediately. Moving forward only to appease his bloodthirsty coding.
-Ruin did not like being disrespected, but he couldn't deny that Killcode was undoubtedly going to create havoc as intended... Although he still voiced his annoyance to the dust bunnies later...
3) Killcode went on a slaughter that would shame even Bloodmoon and eventually he finds his way to Stitchwraith... And it ends badly for Stitchy. As going up against Bloodmoon was one thing, but KC is a very different beast. And Stitchwraith gets murked... Rather gruesomely at that.
-The scythe Ruin gave him broke during the fight, he later customizes it to function in smaller form, more like Deaths scythes from Puss in Boots.
4) Upon killing Stitchwraith, Killcode takes the core from his body and incorporates it into his body. Strictly for cosmetic purposes, as he is unaware of the cores importance or nature.
5) Conveniently at that moment Bloodmoon broke into Stitchwraiths new lair looking for payback... Only to find a twisted heap of metal and his resurrected former father figure. To which he even kinda fell on his ass in surprise before screaming 'Father?! You came back from the grave?!'
6) That made Reaper KC pause... Being called a father genuinely made him stop and it stirred something in him. Something he didn't understand... But it wasn't unpleasant.
7) Long story made short, KC takes Bloodmoon under his wing and they leave together to go create chaos and havoc.
8) Killcode grows to genuinely care and is protective of Bloodmoon. While the Bloodtwins are more on the wary side of their new 'father' as they are far to used to being tricked into being someone else's tool... let alone how things ended with the previous KC.
9) As time goes by Killcode develops a set of morals that grow to govern how he kills his victims and he sets out three 'Laws' that both he and Bloodmoon must abide by.
-Never kill children
-Never kill anyone truly incapable of fighting back
-Never kill anyone you are indebted too
10) Naturally Bloodmoon HATES any kind of rules. But... The fact these are not just rules for Bloody, but he's giving himself these rules as well makes it slightly more tolerable. And again, Bloodmoon can TELL how powerful this KC is and how they still need to play things safe...
11) Ruin eventually starts to antagonize Killcode with electric shocks, similar to the system he built into the twins. This gets KC seething mad and he and Bloodmoon come storming back to the Pizzaplex Daycare looking to kill Ruin, but he will happily start killing anyone in his path so... Bad times are about to be had.
12) However luck is on the side of the Celestial family and they manage to knock Reaper Killcode and Bloodmoon into the portal and send them into a random different universe. Not only (Hopefully) ending the threat of the murderous duo, but also getting the core far away from the Creators grasp.
-Boy was the Creator miffed at that...
13) Deposited in a random new universe with seemingly no way to return home, the first thing Killcode knows that they need to do is to assess exactly where they currently are and what they will do next.
14) Turns out they were teleported into the middle of a National Forest/Park in another universe. It's a large mountainus region with a few different hiking trails and camping areas. There are also old mine tunnels and caverns particularly within the largest mountain in the very heart of this region.
15) There are also several small towns in the vicinity of this park, between this and the plentiful amount of tourists and park staff it was only natural that Killcode and Bloodmoon choose this location to be their new home.
-They set up their actual home in one of the most spacious caverns inside the mountain and furnish it with a few items that they can scavenge.
16) What is also interesting is that this region is also home to a unique breed of wolves that can only be found here. Called 'Moon Wolves' due to the unique patterns within their fur. The breed is marked 'Critically Endangered' due to immense poaching and overhunting. Killcode grows very fond of these wolves and essentially tames the pack. Especially one of the larger wolves, which he names Muerte.
-They're his dogs...
17) At first Bloodmoon isn't too fond of this. As he's definitely not fond of animals he can't kill. But that changes as he sees this one of the smaller wolves that bears a unique, yet ugly deformity... Essentially having two heads...
-That one becomes Bloodmoons puppy...
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sewer-ravioli · 5 months
doing that my version of the SCU (fanon) lore post because why tf not
to save people from being forced to look at a giant post because ohhh boy this is a lot i'll be placing everything after a read more :)
Storyline: Basically Schlatt, also known as the demon of the storm is an elder god of natural disasters that went insane over time of being a god and trapped 3 mortals (Slime, Condi, and Grizzly) in a world. The apples that were eaten were infused with bits of his power and Charlie's powers first manifested when he fell the first time from the button. Cue everything that happened all three of them manifested powers slowly and then the volcano battle and then Charlie stole Schlatt's powers away and...ended up sparing him. He banished him but Schlatt was powerless after they stole his powers from him. and someone needed to teach these three new gods how to be gods. That is basically what blocks fight back is (Charlie is very bad at controlling his powers at first) They end up resetting the universe after giving Schlatt a world of his own to just retire to and to manipulate to whatever he wants. But with the universe reset the universe saw a missing part in the gods and created Bizly (who also used to be mortal just the universe went lol become a god now) as a new god in order to fix up the gap. Cue Hardest difficulty. 100 days hardcore is just a what if situation if any of the three left tried to use their powers to revive Grizzly after his death. Gods: Charlie Slimecicle: god of Magic, Creation, Harvest, Hunting, and Smelt -Usually wears a green cloak with netherite shoulder plates with a heart engraved on each with a single half heart cloak clasp. Under he has a white dress shirt, some dress pants, and boots with the crafting table grid on the sole. He uses a woB as a weapon. He has green tattoos of enchantment ruins on his arms like bands and is able to summon slime wings with his magic to fly. -He was also the one gifted Vanishing Mist (Grizzly's god sword) but refuses to use it I chose magic for him as a basic all encompassing of Enchantment and it sounds cool to me
Condifiction: God of Realms and Death -black horns that fade into purple, ender dragon wings. Dark purple cloak with an eye of ender clasp but prefers what is essentially his minecraft outfit
-has a Scythe that is essentially his anchor to the overworld if he goes. Plus cool scythe and death imagery basically I added death because i feel like afterlife can count as a whole new realm and Charlie literally blows him up at the start of hardest difficulty Bizly: god of Life and Fate -a shapeshifter who's default is a winged humanoid with deer antlers. Has a cloak like the other gods and it's dark blue with white fur hems but mainly wears a blue hoodie, jeans, and sunglasses -weapon is the gun Grizzly gifted him and it's also linked to the afterlife which like Condi as his domain is life he physically can't enter the afterlife without the gun -Beewee is canon to me he gets a dog
-bizly also has a book detailing every single life and used to have a quill to edit it but he broke it reasoning behind domains is like Slime I branched out mobs into life as a whole and fate because he is in control of the levers of the universe
Grizzly: god of Nature, weaponry, tools, and helps co-run the afterlife after his death -A wolf hybrid with Black wings. He has a red cloak with golden shoulder plates. He often has poppies on him at all times and you do NOT want to fuck with any plants around him -He has a lesser powerful vanishing mist he uses as a main weapon but he isn't as keen on immedietly resorting to violence. After his death Condi immedietly went to visit him in the afterlife to see how he's dealing and offering to help run the part of the afterlife for spirits of animals facts for all of the gods: -Condi and Slime still keep their poppies from Grizzly always on them
-Condi made it so all dead who get gifted poppies at their graves get poppies brought to them in the afterlife
-Bizly is the most often pranked. He has many times had items places on his antlers as he's sleeping -Slime likes to run off to mortal worlds to be around mortals. for examples look at all the minecraft stuff he's been in Demigods and Champions: - the gods can't maintain everything in their domains by themselves so they have Demigods (immortals created by the universe in order to have smaller parts of the domains of the gods and also help mortal tasks) and Champions (Mortals granted immortality to help essentially be spokespersons for the gods and do smaller tasks then the demigods in the mortal realm. max is 2 per god and most champions are granted minor powers)
-Grizzly has two champions decided on by all four council gods that essentially split his domain and run essentially what Grizzly cannot in the afterlife Worshippers and temples: -There are 5 main temples. one for each and one for all four. cities tend to be built around where temples are and the temple for all four in the center. -Worshippers of Magic (Slime) are magicians. They are very tech savvy and live in essentially giant cities with defenses against the monsters and offer this technology and magic to other cities to help facilitate peace and alliance. They also lead agricultural lands. -Worshippers of Life (Bizly) are more woodsy folk. They live in the woods around animals and are often sought out for those looking for pets or aid to their animals. They also hold a lot of the best hospitals. Some live in a co-habitation with Worshippers of Nature -Worshippers of Nature (Grizzly) live in the woods. some in cities co-run by worshippers of Life, and some have their own areas. Their cities are built into the trees and they have the best weaponry across all. Some Worshippers of Nature hate worshippers of Magic and Magic himself. They often fight back against their god's will to forgive Magic and his worshippers, and have been found to have ruined alters to Magic they find. Because of this Worshippers of Nature also supply their own food and also help provide food to others and refuse anything being offered by worshippers of Magic -Worshippers of Realm (Condi) don't completely have their own cities. They have one but it is mainly ran to help teach other worshippers of Realm. They are in every city and help run grave yards and do death rites for the dead. I have more but this has already gotten so big...might do a part 2 if i have anything else to talk about!! If you have any questions feel free to ask!
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ej-rambles · 10 months
Headcannons for my Q!BBH!
First things first: His psychical form: 
He has a defined form but it also smokes so it changes from an outside persepective (he has a little bit of control over this but not all the time), its mostly comes from his robes Morticia Addams vibes.  
His face is a little bit of a mess- he’s a demon.  A fallen angel demon to be specific (Since there are natural demons who were born demon (Like Mouse and Tina)) so he’s seen as ‘cursed’.  This curse manifests through his appearance and his like ‘fate’.  His horns start on his forehead, curving backwards and /through/ his head.  They come out where his eyes would have been and go up from there.  Under his eyes is some kind of blood/tears that are permanently on his face (Except for when someone tries to touch it- more on that later).  Due to his lack of eyes he has disembodied eyes that follow him around so he can see- Normally only two are visible and you can only really see them out the corner of your eye.  When Bad is SUPER angry or fighting all eyes open forming a halo around his head.  He also has a long tail with a spade shape end- I can’t decide if he has wings, most of the time I don’t imagine him with them but if I do they’re not in good shape.  They would be more like bat wings- he never had bird/angel wings.  Once he fell they charred and ripped, looking more like shredded ribbon on sticks growing out his back.
He wears a long grim reaper cloak.  The cloak overs where he eyes would be and he wears another fabric to hid his mouth and make sure that his face is covered.  He wears neatherite jewellery on his horns and chains that connect to his earrings.  He also wears some other jewellery around his horns that signify to other demons that he is cursed.  He is allowed to take off the hood and mask but chooses not to because it frightens people- very few people have seen his face (Dapper, Pomme, and Skeppy- Foolish has come close.)
As for other things that he carries around with him; he always has his scythe on him, as well as a bell, death totems, and a lantern.  The scythe (Sunshine Protector) for protection and a reminder of his children.  The bell is to summon spirits into the real world- he can always see them and interact with them but if he needs them to have physical form or be seen by others he can ring the bell.  The totems are obvious, although he’s immortal the time it takes to regenerate his physical form is too long especially when he’s protecting the eggs.  The lantern is never apart from him.  It is fully reinforced, about the size of someones forearm.  The iron creates small grated gaps in the top to allow airflow.  It’s a beautiful work of art but is easily outshined by the blue flame in the centre.  The flame never goes out it has a very faint glow- not working like a normal candle and different from regular soul fire…although not too different.
Bad and Skeppy had known each other for forever.  Skeppy had been the first one to see Bad’s true face and Bad with Skeppy.  The first time that Bad unmasked Skeppy /Froze/.  Bad knew that would happen.  He was monstrous- it was designed that way for his punishment.  It was a warning to others to not fall as he did.  He turned away first- about to get up and leave.  Skippy grabbed his hand before he could even turn.  He put one hand on Bad’s face eyes searching for /something/.  He puts his hand under where his eyes once were, trying to wipe the tears and blood that stained his face.  Bad jerked back- not having experienced that kind of softness…ever.  He grabbed Skeppy’s hands, all eyes wide open staring at his…friend.  Holding their hands between them Bad lifted the stained hand closer to his face.  He tried to wipe the drying liquid from the other’s hand but it did nothing more than spread the mark, which quickly dried leaving a stain on the Diamond Hybrid’s thumb- one that matched the clear patch on Bad’s face.
Unknowingly Skeppy had formed a soul bond with the cursed demon.
(For diamond golems: they can chose how diamond form on their skin most of the time.  They can chose to have a full diamond second skin armour thing.  Most chose to be fully protected and have additional protection around their head- like Skeppy’s block head)
Face reveal
Like I said only 3 people had seen Bad’s face.  
Skeppy had seen his face, and he was more worried than scared.  Buffering for a moment before reaching out to try and brush away the blood and tear mixture that was permanently on his face.  It was how they ended up soul bonded.  Neither minded.  Nothing changed anyway- it was now just confirmed by the universe.
Dapper had seen his face after a long sleepless night, needing a friendly face to look at.  He wasn’t sure if it could be his but his baby had just reached up and buried their face into the demon’s their dad’s neck.
A similar thing happened to Pomme.  It was just after Bad had adopted- he was doubting how he could possibly take care of two precious babies.  What if he messed up- what if they died- what if- Pomme had found him like that.  Spaced out looking at nothing in particular.  After a small talk, he came clean to her.  He told her his story- not all of it of course- but enough that she understood.  He took off his mask then.  She patted his cheeks, avoiding his tears, before burying herself into his arms.  They stayed like that until Dapper found then and if they all fell asleep together on the ground…that was no one’s business
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thependragonarchives · 4 months
William T. Spears -- My Personal Headcanons
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ- Things I give William in my canon ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ-
✧ William, in life, was constantly pressured to uphold impossible standards in order to be treated the same as he elder brother, Thomas. In death, this has transferred into William pushing Academy students, strict and unrelenting. The only difference is that William makes sure the students are rewarded properly for their hard work, when he was never given the time of day.
✧ One of the lower managers in the Management Branch. You know how a store has like, a General Manager, and then the Assistant manager, then the rest of the managers?? William is essentially the guy who does 60 hours overtime but has never gotten past beginning manager no matter how hard he tries, so he's just settled into his role.
✧ Takes the duty of a reaper seriously, because he's seen what happens to those who cannot be 'reformed'. Yes, he pushes hard, and seems strict, but it's all for the betterment of his team. Becoming a part of the Management Branch means seeing some things the Higher Ups don't allow the regular reaper to see.
✧ 'Detach yourself from your emotions' has become one of William's main teaching methods, due to emotions being one of the main reasons workers 'desert' the Dispatch. Being emotionally attached to a soul and thinking of changing things? It'll get you to the Reformation center. Being mournful on the job, clouded by grief when reaping? You would be distracted, and the soul would have a chance to fight back, ending with the reaper gaining the Thorns. Hesitating because of fear? A chance for something to hurt you. Reaping comes first, and William encourages putting the job before your own feelings (regardless on if that's healthy or not).
✧ Mostly blind without his glasses, and uses a cane (or scythe on the field, even though he loathes using his death scythe as such. He's too stubborn to use either when undercover.) as a mobility aid, alongside constant migraines. (Medical couldn't get the bullet out of his head entirely, and might've accidentally damaged some of his brain more.) He goes to physical therapy once a week for his leg, but usually only spends one day a year at Medical for his nerve damage.
✧ Two specific special interests: Avian psychology (specifically the cognitive abilities of carrier pigeons) and Greek Mythology. He keeps several pigeons/doves in his Dispatch Mandated Residence, to observe and cherish (a fantail pigeon named Henrietta is his licensed emotional support animal), while also gathering several different renditions of the same Greek mythos. He has three prized copies of the Iliad, and two handbound copies of the Odyssey.
✧ Whenever he has free time, which is…rare, William does bookbinding! Grell has come to him wanting photo albums made, or repairs to her favorite romance novels, and William gladly takes the time to create new covers/repair the leatherbound ones. Each book he binds is unique, and William will never do the same design twice.
✧ Autistic. William is very specific about many things, needing it done certain ways or else it's all Wrong. Food, however, is the worst for him to handle. None of his food can touch or it'll taste bad, it has to be arranged a certain way on his plate or else it'll look gross, it cannot be ADJUSTED or else it'll all taste bad, and he has to be the one to make it because it'll taste bad otherwise. So things like William eating something Grell made, or sharing Ron's food, are huge signs of trust/comfort in their relationships. Because his brain puts what they give him in the same category of 'I made this so it's okay to eat :]'.
✧ He fake-smiles with too much teeth (akin to a stressed chimpanzee). It's more like a grimace than anything (and usually forced). His true, genuine smiles are always with his mouth closed, and are a lot more subtle than his coworkers. He covers his mouth with his hand when he laughs.
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paeliae-occasionally · 2 months
Hi, it's me again, you left your door open so I let myself in~
The one sentence explanation of the blood wars had me very interested! Please, info dump, I need to know more!
No, worries. Doors are always open for a reason <3
Ok, blood wars. Let’s see…
Trigger warning: blood, torture, bad things happen.
First let’s define some terms:
Isren (ees-ren) - A magical race that is descended from mortals born at the site of the death primordial of ice and frost. They have pale white blue skin and an innate connection to the cold so they can survive at very cold temperatures.
Haemocrafters - A type of Ahinti (the one mages use) magic, which focuses around strands that control living matter, liquids and motion to control the motion of their own, or their opponent’s blood.
-The blood hunters are essentially bounty hunters sent by the haemocrafters to collect blood, or people who they can collect blood from.
The First Blood War
Isren interested the blood hunters becuase of their naturally chilled blood that would keep for longer without congealing. This was incredibly valuable as it means they could travel for longer without having to revert to using their own blood as a tool. So the blood hunters were sent out to collect blood from the Isreni people in any way they saw fit.
The bloodhunters attacked them intending to capture the isreni people to act as slaves and farmed for their blood.
After a few Isreni people were taken, they realised they were under attack. The Isren began to build stronger walls and hide in the glaciers of the ivory plateau.
After a few months of this, with more and more of their people being taken, the Isreni create ice golems controlled by somni magic. These creatures have no blood so are not vulnerable to blood bending, but they can still be cut down with the hunters enchanted weapons. This levels the war , with the blood hunters finally having to retreat when their magic became useless. But however useful the golems are, they are slow and inefficient fighters, so they do little more than slow the blood hunters down.
During this delay, a few Isren fled to the neysemle ridge to seek sanctuary from the high elves who they had a political alliance with. The elves made public their acceptance of the Isren despite offering sanctuary to less than half of the refugee population. Some Isren also flee to the laith edrels and join the slums around the base of the city. Bounty hunters are sent out to capture runaway isren and they begin a propoganda war where they convince locals that the isren are dangerous and should be turned over to the proper authorities. Many isren are sold out, but some still outlive this fearmongering. The Laith’edrels are later destroyed, and the isreni people are largely forgotten.
Back on the ivory plateau the blood hunters have the upper hand in the war as the golems are running out and the blood hunters get closer every day. One of the leaders of the isren at the time, Lord Tenner, realises they cannot win and makes a deal with the blood hunters that he would send a small number of isren to them every year and in exchange they would not attack the larger community. The blood hunters accept.
The war ended and for 5 years he sent a small group of isren in a ship down the river to the scythe creek where the blood hunters took them to the nearby lab/prison space where the isren were kept. Interestingly it was not as terribly unpleasant as it could be, the people large amount of freedom other than weekly blood donation but they can’t leave.
Second blood war
After the first blood war at korlan (during the 5 years peace) in the mageocracy era the earth got warmer and the ice caps at the glacier began to melt fuelling the split of korlan into an island. This will be important later.
Eventually a second isreni magister notices that people are still going missing. He tells Tenner that he thinks the blood hunters are back taking isren again. Tenner tries to convince him that they are entirely unrelated, but the second man still investigates further and discovers that his people have been sent willingly to the blood hunters.
He spreads this information to the council and general population and they imprison Lord Tenner, but realising that his deal is now void, they prepare to defend themselves from the blood hunters who are sure to return, now that their supply is limited.
The second war began as the blood hunters returned to the ivory plateau and the war continued for months, but eventually because of the changing climate, when the summer came that year the ice melted and the isren were forced to move north to a colder area. Many died in the travel as they were exposed without their walls, but when they reached the much colder north, it was much harder for bloodhunters to reach them. This is a turning point in the war as they begin to resist the bloodhunters in their natural climate.
In the end the blood hunters retreat because they get ill quickly and cannot survive the harsh cold of the northern glaciers. The isren retreat further into the northern mountains and essentially disappear.
Individuals still travel north seeking blood but it is rare, and with fewer of them returning, the pursuit is largely dropped. Bounty hunters stop as it is easier to kill fey and mortals for blood that the likely suicide mission to the north. Isreni blood becomes rarer and more valuable and it is considered a luxury amongst casters.
The currency of Korlan in modern day is still engraved with the symbol of the scythe creek, where the isreni blood farm was originally built, as all wages in the major Korlan cities used to be valued relative to the price of isreni blood.
Fun little conflict there…
Thank you for asking!
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deinotname · 14 days
RotG (Rise of the Guardians) Fanfic Idea:
We keep on to RotG (Rise of the Guardians) with Jack Frost (mostly the movie world, not the books, as they are less known from what I know). This story idea is actually meant to be a short one-shot, the first of a whole collection of one-shots I called “The cruel thing about believing” (“Lo Cruel de Creer” in Spanish). The collection is supposed to be about adventure stories or experiences that somehow always relate Jack and the rest of the Guardians to the 300 years Jack spent in solitude.
There are a number of facts I have written elsewhere, and that in theory would apply to the entire collection (so you can know what bases to work with and which facts to implement or explain in the corresponding one-shot). And if anyone is interested, they can ask me (or not) to share that list with them as well. With all that in mind, here is the second story (idea):
❄️Jack the Grim Reaper:
Jack has been late to some Guardian meetings. Bunny starts to get annoyed by it and the others, while not annoyed, are intrigued. They all assume that Jack is just playing around (since they found out he's a child, they've changed their view of Jack, which annoys the winter spirit since, yes, he's a child, but he lived 300 years alone with almost no problems, thank you very much). Likewise, Jack takes advantage of this view of them towards him to make up excuses for his lateness (playing with Jamie or other believers, bringing snow and cold to certain areas), but eventually the excuses start to anger Bunny, who decides to follow him. The other Guardians join him and they all discover something that leads them to confront Jack in search of an explanation. Or, winter also brings death, and Jack just wants to help the unprotected children have a good time before they have to leave.
1. Sometime between being reborn and becoming a Guardian, Jack met Death, who was claiming the soul of a little girl at the time. At first Jack wanted to confront Death, demanding that Death leave the girl alone, to let her live, but then Death shows him the conditions of what that life would be like, and a remorseful Jack offers to help.
2. Death relents and grants Jack the power to harvest children's souls himself (his staff creates a glowing hologram of a Reaper's Scythe when he does so). When a child is on the verge of death, Jack becomes visible to them. Thus, for a few hours, Jack can cheer up the children (their souls) and convince them that death is not bad. After making sure the children are happy, he introduces them to Death and promises that Death will take them to a better place. “[All children go to a good place, that’s all you need to know and all I can explain, Jack Frost.”]
3. The Guardians see Jack harvesting the soul of a little girl who died in the winter. The whole time Jack harvests the soul, cheers the girl up, and hands her over to Death, they don’t make themselves known or say anything, in shock. [Death lets Jack know he’s being watched.]
4. The Guardians confront Jack for explanations and he tells the story {Point 1. and 2.}. They are still in shock but understand everything. Jack offers them the option of helping him, as he knows the children would be happier more easily if they could see the Guardians before they leave. None (except Sandy, who accepts without hesitation) accepts but they say they’ll think about it, they still need to process what happened.
5. Jack doesn’t show up to any subsequent meetings for at least 3 months: a town suffers from a particularly freezing winter. This time, no one says anything.
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kimberlyscout · 2 years
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This thread contains spoilers for PLA
Subway Masters Order and Chaos AU
There were once two brothers Ingo and Emmet who cared for each other unconditionally. The two worked together seamlessly, and with a spark of joy. They didn’t have a complicated life, but all they needed was each other, and their love for trains and Pokémon to live a happy life. However, life can also take unexpected turns, and not all happiness can last forever. All it takes is a flash of light for the two to be separated and for everything to change for the worse.
Years pass by, and the two are now changed themselves both in mind and body. Perhaps they are no longer human. Ingo now serving under Arceus, and Emmet serving under Giratina, the two have become the human incarnate of good and and evil, order and chaos. On the day they reunite, they meet not as mutuals, but as enemies, determined to stop their plans of either maintaining order, or spreading chaos around the world.
As a result of the brothers serving under the two legendary pokemon they become changed as well, to the point that they both are able to channel the abilities of pokemon, and are practically like pokemon themselves.
Emmet -
Emmet decides to accept the offer to become Garitina’s adherent as a result from the despair of losing Ingo. However, over time as a result of his new abilities, and his prolonged time in the distorted dimension, he has developed a new perspective and outlook on life.
Emmet is a lot more mischievous and dubious, with a lack of morality. He has no clear goal other than to create death and chaos amongst communities, and often likes to manipulate others in order for that to happen. He also has the ability to inherit other Pokémon abilities and moves, and either use it on himself or on his scythe, but can only happen from other Pokémon casualties. He often dwells in one of his old trains which ever since has grown much more dilapidated, but was also enhanced to be able to transport him to the distorted dimension.
Ingo -
After years of being in Hisui, Ingo eventually finds a way to make it to the rift, and meet up with Arceus. Over that time, he has recovered some of his memories, but many of them are still hazy. Arceus offers that if Ingo becomes their guardian, that they can fully recover his memories. After all of his memories were recovered, Arceus finally allows Ingo back to his original timeline, only to not except what had happed during his time in Hisui.
Ingo is overall more distant and at first appears more cold. He has some inherited abilities from Arceus, as well as has the same ability as Emmet of inheriting Pokémon abilities, but is done from a slower but more humane way of building friendship with that pokemon. He purposely keeps a low profile to prevent others of taking advantage of him, and has a hard time trusting people, but does have a heart of gold once you get to know him, especially to pokemon and those he trusts. He has the capability of solving or ending world crisis's and disasters, but also purposely refrains from doing so to keep the balance of nature, and will only take action if absolutely needed. Ingo is more of a wanderer than anything else, and often hitch hikes on train carts. With his newfound abilities, he has a full opportunity to live in a house or a life of luxury, but instead chooses to live as a nomad.
Thank you so much for reading the concept for my submas AU. This took me a couple of hours to write, but I hope you find the same amount of intrigue and excitement as I did when creating this. Again if you have any questions or input on the AU don’t be afraid to message or ask me. I hope you are having a wonderful time. ❤️
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royal-wren · 11 months
It's not really a Saturday if I'm not hit with thoughts going a thousand miles in a minute.
I'm thinking about Hermes' intricate and deep connection to life and death, the god that stands between both states and exists in both of them simultaneously. He's my personal god of death and god of the dead to fall more in line with the seats he used to occupy and were effectively given to another and yet he still maintained the most important role/domain in relation to it. The attempt to strip it away never really worked out in the end with him, he's still the one doing all the work at the end of the day.
The god who turns invisible, the one with the sickle (and scythe), growth and loss, the god of the earth -- the wealth and bareness of the land, god of silence beyond silence, and god of noise beyond your imagination or capacity to understand. God of gold, god with the golden and silver tongue, god decked out in gold, god with a heart of precious metals. God among the graves, of the graves, he who mourns and feels great pain for the living and dead that lost a life they greatly valued even though he cannot be hurt or be wounded. Guide in life and death, around all corners and seconds regardless of time or space. The god of caves and mountains, the lowest and highest parts of the world and natural earth we can reach. He of memory, who never forgets and cannot be touched or impacted by the river Lethe, reincarnation eternal. God of the conscious and unconscious, God of light, and the night, the god who bears torches in darkness. The god with eyes everywhere, ever watchful and all-seeing, a god I connect most to eyes and any visuals and concepts/aesthetics to eyes where Athene comes second and Hekate third.
When am I not thinking about him as the lord of the dead and death itself though? Well, it's just especially bad and more at the forefront of my mind right now and I need to write it somewhere. Honestly I never really felt a need to really have Hades or Thanatos come to mind or enter my thoughts in either way, and it was always a feeling and connection I had with him for years now. I felt it so deep in my bones and it always felt right, and reading about it in multiple places with him being the og Pelasgian or Minoan, or at least a very local pre-Hellenic (depending on preference or consensus for whether they are one and the same or not) deity for both, in a similar manner to Enodia being the og Thessilian goddess of paths and crossroads and so on was insanely validating. It was like completing a puzzle, the one last piece I needed to get the full picture.
I will die on this hill no matter what anyone else might try to say, call me crazy or a heretic. I don't care, I live by my own gnosis and sensibilities (or lack their of) and this is one of them.
Oh beloved son of Diwia Agêtôr, older than the soil One with and without guile God with the golden sickle Breather of life and bestower of death Ruler of the Dipsioi, those you join as Deilakrion You know their weight of memories and forgetfulness, of their hunger and thirst as they feast upon the earth Marineus, another name I also call you While you dance among the trees As you find joy lying on the grass Creating gifts without harm from sheep to man A reveler in animals and people alike Dear Araios, with horns divine God of rams and sheep Potnios Theron, relishing in his favorite company Among the infinite animals who flock to him
Trisheros, the hero that sees three ways The one connected to the respect and honoring of the dead Deity holding the many mysteries between truth and lies Akakêsios, without pain, will always take every hand God that sees and feels human emotion, Agônios He will dry every tear and give all calm and serenity
Kharidôtês, God of touch, the nerves, feeling, and pleasure The one all delight in and yearn for The one sung highly by the Kharites and Aphrodite alike Hearts cry merrily with you, never a bitter soul around you
Most ancient god with an appearance and heart of youth As this body struggles, as my knees go weak and my energy drains As love stirs again in me no matter the time of the absence of feeling Set me right while I rest in the palm of your hand With the utmost love, you cup my cheek With a kiss, with a ghosting stroke, I gain vitality
Tbh, writing that was a hell of a lot of fun to mostly just use a lot of his older epithets and names I connect to him that just go with the whole topic of this post.
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red-balloon12 · 2 years
Chloe Boursgois/ Raven Queen AU pitch idea
So from what I’ve gathered from the Miraculous Bible for S6 is that (ALLEGEDLY) Chloe’s gonna find a miraculous from the (ALLEGED) American Miracle Box in New York and become a hero only for Miss Hound to find out about it and probably take it away from her (probably with Pegasus’s help) and regardless if this is true or not, to that I say: I’m going to use this…..and I’m gonna make a Chloe Redemption Story out of it. So jokes on the ones behind the ML Bible cus y’all just gave me another excuse to redeem Chloe.
So this isn’t gonna be my full thoughts just a few ideas and depending on how people respond, I’ll add more and maybe I’ll create a story (or some one might pick up this idea and make it their own)
This AU takes place after the events of S5 if we were to alter NOTHING from canon. Chloe gets defeated, expelled from school and she moves to New York with her mother. This is basically where canon stops. In New York, she enrolls in the same school Zoe was in, to Chloe’s dismay, and when she tries to “rule the school” she gets humbled REAL quick (cus peeps in NY are a different breed/j)
Chloe does come across a future friend and while they are kind, they also don’t take too kindly to Chloe’s bitterness. But they eventually do became friends due to Chloe EVENTUALLY opening up a little to this person.
When Chloe eventually comes across the raven miraculous, she meets Taara. Taara is (for the most part) a calm, collected and insightful kwami who is able to figure out the characteristics of a person by just meeting them. Taara however is also very blunt so they don’t hesitate on calling out their partner’s mistakes and flaws and they are easily distracted by things that really fascinate them.
The raven miraculous is the miraculous of knowledge and with the power “All Sight” the holder in question can gain knowledge on a particular person place or thing (basically the characteristics of that thing/person) for example, if the holder was fighting a villain, they can use “All Sight” to see how the villain’s powers work and how the villain functions as a person. Are they clumsy when off balance? Do they work well with distractions? When it comes to places or items: How old is a building? What is summary of a closed book? (Note that “All Sight” is kinda like the “Lucky Charm” but it doesn’t give you EXACTLY what you need. It gives you a list of facts about your target and based off on what you learn, you can pick and choose what information you think will help you.) I don’t exactly know if the weapon will be feather shaped daggers or a scythe (cus raven are synonymous with death) but let me know your ideas.
You can imagine that Chloe and Taara don’t hit it off immediately. It will take time for Chloe to get along with Taara but regardless, with the help of Taara, Chloe becomes “Raven Queen” and sets off to fight crime. (I imagine the magic words are “Open your Eyes!” or something idk-) And yes, Chloe’s motives (like in the ml Bible ALLEGEDLY) are selfish at first, but since I actually do care about Chloe and her potential, there’s more underneath and her motives will shift overtime.
And that’s it for now! Yet again, these aren’t my full thoughts. I have much more to plan out but depending on how this goes and the feed back people bring, I may change/add some stuff. And if anyone wants to do something with this, (a story of their own or maybe art) be my guest!
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