#and I'm not sure what I can use instead of flour for that?
konstantya · 8 months
Starting to think I might have accidentally become a baking wizard?
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aparticularbandit · 4 months
I don't know how to put into words that there is a line beyond which I want credit for things.
Like. Guitar Hero being an inspiration for Ibuki's shift from Light Music to Screamo isn't something I need or want credit for.
General headcanon I don't need or want credit for.
But there's. there's a line beyond which. and it's not a strict thing? it's intensely variable?
Heck, even when I write Jess stuff, if I'm referencing Willow's headcanon for Roger, I credit that. If I'm using Alana in Jess stuff, I'm probably drawing huge inspiration from Kat's Alana, and I credit that.
I don't know how to put into words what that line is, and I feel bad because I feel like I sound like I'm saying no, don't use my shit, which is not. what I'm saying.
And I don't want people to feel like oh, we have to ask Bandit permission to use their stuff, because like. that's not. strictly speaking true either.
It's just complicated.
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ms-demeanor · 7 months
Hey nobody has asked me about this ADHD money management tip and it depends on having at least a tiny bit of flex in your budget but I'm about to spend a frustrating amount of money on flour and I can only do it because of this tip:
Hide cash from yourself like a squirrel.
Use whatever receptacle you'd like, envelopes or a zipper bag or an old wallet, create labels for the stuff you're saving for, and tuck money in there occasionally.
My stash lives in an old wallet with strips of paper around it. It's got dividers for "car registration," "bulk food," "vet visit," and a couple other things.
These are things that I know happen every year or multiple times a year that take more cash than I can easily spare from a single paycheck. If I stick twenty bucks a month in an old wallet it will mean that even if I have to pay late fees, I don't have to put my car registration on a credit card and pay interest on my late fees. If I stick ten bucks a month in an old wallet I can buy 25lbs of flour twice a year. If I can stick a bit more or less cash as it's available into the wallet I can make sure that my twice-annual regular vet visits with senior dog bloodwork and vaccinations aren't going to be too much of a hit to that month's grocery budget.
Like, everyone talks about "put money in savings once a month" or "have an account you don't touch for emergencies" and that can totally work if you can swing it, but I know it's REALLY hard for me to keep from pulling from the "emergency" fund for stuff that's a minor emergency/or is regular maintenance that I should have planned for/etc.
It's much harder for me to pull from the actual cash sitting in a physical room in my house because A) I'll probably forget it and B) that means that I have to think through using those funds in a lot more of a direct way than I would when using a debit card and C) I literally can't access it when I'm out of the house (the emergency fund HAS to be on the card to be accessible, the "i need expensive groceries" money doesn't have to be ready to go at all times and if it is available I know myself and it'll get used before it's expensive grocery time).
Like. If you know you have an expense that you have to pay for every year, hide cash specifically for that expense instead of in a general "expenses" fund because if you're not great with money and you've got an iffy memory you might look at your expenses fund and go "okay my computer crashed and there's five hundred bucks in the fund I can replace it and get back to work, cool" and there goes your car registration and a vet visit. At least if you need to physically grab that cash for an emergency you can make note of what you're going to have a deficit for later in the year.
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thewintersoldatt · 6 months
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x fem!listener
Summary: Rafe can be a “good” boyfriend when he wants to be… with a sprinkle of manipulation of course.
Warnings: Naughty language, Fluff low-key from our toxic daddy, ft. JJ being a chaotic mess.
notes: This audio is set during 1x05. Instead of it being midsummer's, it's the listeners birthday! I've been working on this all week and I'm tired of listening to it on repeat, so if something doesn't add up, it's because I got lazy. And I wish Rafe told me he loved me. 😭
word count: Its audio, my panties are wet and so are yours.
Scene one
JJ: Ah, would you look at this! It's our birthday girl!
You: What are you doing here?
Our cutie patootie rambles on then walks off with the security guard.
During this pause count to about 6 or 7.
You: What the hell did you guys do to his face?
Rafe: We didn't do anything… his face was like that when he…showed up.
You: Well, why did you guys corner him in here?
Rafe: We were just making sure... he knew his place. And that he's not allowed here. If anything, we were doing you and your parents a favor, I mean, god knows what he already took.
You: You promised me you wouldn’t start anything tonight, Rafe.
Rafe: Can you give us a minute? I'd like to talk to my girlfriend... alone, so get out. Alright, um, can I speak first since you wanna do this right now?
You: Go ahead.
Rafe: How long have you lived here?
You: I was born here.
Rafe: Yes you were born here, but where - where did you grow up?
You: Figure 8.
Rafe: Yes, you grew up on Figure 8. And where did... our pal JJ grow up?
You: The cut.
Rafe: The Cut. and that's exactly my point, baby. We're kooks. And... what is JJ again?
You: Jesus, Rafe don't start-
Rafe: Come on, you wanna talk, let’s talk. What about communication? Isn’t that what we're supposed to be working on?
Count to 3 during this pause.
You: He’s a pouge.
Rafe: See that wasn't so hard, now was it? Now, let me make something clear, and stop me if you get a little confused - you and me. We’re practically royalty on this island. We’re together for a reason. And before you saying, yes I do love you. I always have and I always will. You’re mine. You’re it for me, sweetheart. And… you’re a kook. So, start acting like one before I do something about it, mkay?
You: God, you’re a dick you know that? How about you leave too.
Rafe: Ugh, look I’m sorry, alright? It’s just… it’s just when I saw him on the patio talking to Sarah I lost it. This is supposed to be your day and I didn’t want him ruining it. Kind of like when… uh… we switched out the coke with flour and gave it to Top because he ate your cupcakes.
You: And how is that relevant to this?
Rafe: It’s sorta the same thing. You - you worked hard on those. Uh, he ate them. I was pissed because they were for me. And you were upset because I wanted to punch him in the throat. Tomato, tomahto. Blah, blah, blah. See you’re smiling, I love it when you smile.
You: You’re such a sap.
Rafe: I love you.
You: I love you too.
Rafe: And again, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to cause a scene, I just didn’t know how else to get him to leave. You know how JJ and his friends are. All of them are drawn to us like a moth to a flame. Now, uh, can we put this behind us and get back to the party?
You: Thats the smartest thing that’s come out of your fat mouth all night, baby.
Rafe: By the way, I really do think he took something from your bedroom.
You: What?
Rafe: I saw him come down from the hallway, unless he took something from your dad’s office?
You: You’re serious?
Rafe: As a heart attack.
You: But… I’ve never done anything to him.
Rafe: That’s what they do though. You should know this by now. They butter you up, just to take whatever they can right from under our noses. It’s sick, if I’m being honest.
You: So much for trying to be civil.
Rafe: I know, yeah, I’ll talk to your dad, and um, see what we can do. But for now, let’s go celebrate. It’s not everyday someone turns 17.
@rafesapologist @rvfecamerons @sadfury @rafesthroatbaby @rafesaddiction @hockeybabe87 @rafeinterlude @starkeyisthelastname @secretly-tumb1r @kingkylie444 @stayonmars @maybankswhore @barbiiecams @princessmisery666 @ilovebarrykeoghan
If you would like to be tagged, I gotchu sis.
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cmdrfupa · 3 months
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Nanami x Reader
cw: sick terminology (our pookie is having tummy troubles), suggestive if you use a magnifying glass, overall fluff
thank you to @/saradika-graphics for the dividers! 💕
Art in header by the talented @nikawa_2ji! 💕
Being sick isn't exactly something that occurs for Kento. Together for seven years, you could attest to him being ill once. A 24-hour fever he overcame in 10. This bout certainly wasn't the case.
  Kento went to the bathroom attached to his home office, clinging to what he felt were the last remaining pieces of his spirit while hurling for the third time since 4 am. Throwing his eye patch to hell for all he cared, he took his white t-shirt off, placing it under the running water before wrapping it around his neck. The cool sensation gave temporary relief from the wretched sensation of nausea.
Kento entered the hallway, thinking he was fine, only to begin dry heaving again.
"Ken?" You sat the container of flour down, turning your head to listen. He'd been up for a while, and you assumed he was out for his morning jog and maybe stopping at the market. "Kento? You okay?" Nothing.
  "Ugh, fucks sake." he groaned as you heard a thump.
Taking your apron off, you hastily move toward the living room—another spell of retching leads to the hallway instead. The dimly lit hall brought you to your poor husband.
  A shirtless, clammy, and disoriented Kento sat against the wall in the darkened hallway. "Hi, dear."
  You crouched before him, touching his forehead to check his feverish skin, which immediately alarmed you. You pursed your lips before speaking up, "You're burning up, baby.."
  "I don't know what's wrong. My stomach feels like it's being tossed around in a dryer," Kento spoke, taking short breaths between words, his light hair sticking to his forehead.
  "We'll figure that out. But let's get you back to bed. Can you get up?" You placed your shoulder under him, and he slowly wrapped his arm around you, boosting himself up. "What have you eaten in the last 24 hours?" As you strolled, he shuffled beside you, his arm slung over your shoulder.
  "Well, we had lunch here at the house, and then Itadori-kun and I went for a seafood dinner at a restaurant Kugisaki saw on social media."
Sitting him on the side of the bed so he could lie down, he propped himself against the pillows. "We had some sort of paella and maybe a few too many crab legs."
  "How do you know?" Bringing his legs up on the bed, you fluffed the pillows behind him and brought the sheets out in case he needed to cover up.
"It seems to be the possible culprit from what you've told me. Or maybe someone handling your food was a bit unhygienic?" You walked to the bathroom, looking for the first aid kit under the sink to fish out a thermometer and anti-nausea medication. Finding it, you made your way back to Kento's side. "Open."
Eyes closed, he followed orders, the twisting pain in his stomach sending a shiver through his body. The beeping of the thermometer made him focus. "What's the verdict?"
"101.1, which means you're in bed until this passes."
A groan left the sickly man's throat. "It'll pass in a few hours, I'm sure.."
"Your optimism is cute," you kissed his head. Just focus on resting. I'll get you some water to start rehydrating, then get things cleaned up." You placed the nausea medication on his bedside. "And if the room starts feeling like a tilt-a-whirl, let one of these melt on your tongue."
The trip to the kitchen was quick, and upon returning with a glass of water, you watched Kento struggle to open the foiled Dramamine package.
You slide the package from between his nimble fingers. "I've got it, honey."
"What about the plans for my birthday? Gojo will be a nuisance if he thinks I'm faking to avoid his party."
"I know you weren't super excited about the party Gojo was planning, but I'll threaten him if he tries to get fly with me."
"My darling angel of a wife, thank you." He opens his mouth, and you place the tablet on his tongue.
"You owe me, Mr. Nanami." With a wink, you get him comfortable in bed, placing another pillow behind him as he begins to doze off. "I'll come check on you in a bit."
  Kento wasn't sure when you got your wings, but he appreciated having an angel to tend to him. So patient and willing to be by him. Honestly, he didn't know when you got the halo, either. He didn't think you were a full-blown angel until this moment. "A literal angel, wow-" words slurred, and your wings seemingly much more vibrant to him as he passed out into a deep sleep. Ken promised himself he'd verify the angel allegations when he was more fit for thinking.
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Day 3 of the stomach virus showed progress despite a rough start. Kento kept trying to force himself to feel better, thinking cat naps would suffice over a good night's rest. But his nausea was a reminder to take it much slower. He watched you prepare for work: a simple black knee-length dress, nude-colored stockings, and his favorite shoes. "The Manolo slingbacks?" Kento perked up in bed. "You know, I'm feeling much, much better today."
You peeked from out of the bathroom. 'You're supposed to be sleeping, not checking me out."
"My love, I'm feeling better than before."
"That's not how this works. You still have a fever, and rest will help get rid of it."
"I am resting; I'm in bed, having bone broth, and not working."
"If you don't want me to go to work, all you have to do is ask."
He'd be lying if he said he didn't want you to stay. He had not tried his luck the past two days, but today was different. Kento was needy and required more comfort to sleep. Was this the man cold? He thought he was above that.
"Please. I promise I will sleep if you stay home with me today."
Your heels clack against the wooden floor as you go to his side of the bed. "Take your aspirin, eat a few more spoons of porridge, and I'll hold you while you sleep." a gentle smooch on his cheek earns a soft smile from him. "Let me call Gojo and tell him he'll be handling training today."
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"I'm sorry, Mrs. Nanamin. I didn't know he'd get sick! I ate way more than he did and felt perfectly okay this week." you called Itadori a few days ago to see how he was feeling. He was more than okay, finding him out with his peers shopping when you called.
Now, he sat across from you in the dining room, a gift bag decorated with 'get well soon' craftily written across it sat next to him as he ate another croissant. The teen was worried he'd killed the man just from the restaurant recommendation alone. "Is he going to be okay?"
  "Yuuji, nothing you've done is the result of this. The food didn't sit well with him." You take another sip of coffee before reassuring the stressed teen. "He's been resting and getting better the past four days. He'll be better and back on campus by the end of the week."
  "Well, can you let him know I dropped by?" Yuuji stuffed the last of his croissant in his mouth before sipping the hot cocoa and dusting his hands on the napkin. "Some of us got together and made a care package. Gojo made him some ladyfingers, Takuma got him some cool handkerchiefs, Nobara bought him one of those spa gel masks for his frown lines, and Fushiguro found an apron that says 'kitchen boss' he thought he'd appreciate… we want to keep his spirits up while he gets better."
  "He'll appreciate knowing you stopped by. And the thoughtful gifts." Grabbing a small container, you went to the kitchen in a few paces. "The rest of these are yours. I'll be closely monitoring Nanamin's food intake for a while, and pain au Chocolat won't be helpful." You strategically place the croissants in the container, handing them to Yuuji. "Be safe getting back to campus."
  "Will do, Mrs. Nanamin! You're amazing. I'll call to check on him tonight!" The teen hugged you quickly before making his way out of the door.
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    "Are there any objections?"Nanami looked around, confident there was nobody idiotic enough to-"Wait! Please!" A pale blue-haired worm slithered down the aisle. The guest gasped in shock as the tubular creature began to morph into a human. "Don't go through with this. I love you more than life itself." Mahito stood in front of you, naked with a ring box in hand.Nanami looked at you, eyes wide. "My beautiful bride, please. Please think of the life we're building. I love you so much."" I'm sorry, Ken. I tried hiding my feelings, but my heart is with Mahito." You let go of Nanami's hands, rushing into Mahito's embrace. "Happy Birthday… Nanamin." The wickedness of Mahito's tone brought Kento to his knees.The guests all stood and began to chant, "Over time for eternity," as the church hall slowly faded into a pool of purple liquid.Gojo kneeled next to Nanami. "Kento, it's not the end. You still have me, yeah?.. honey… Ken?" Your sing-song voice was filling his head."Gojo? You sound like my wife."
"Gojo?" confused, you shook his shoulder to wake him. "Kento, wake up."
He sprung up, lungs empty and gasping for air as he looked around.
"You aren't Gojo!"
"Do you want Gojo?"
Profusely shaking his head, "I'd rather not."
"You were having quite the fever dream, it seems."
"It was an absolute hellish nightmare." He grabbed the water from the bedside, glugging it before you took the glass from him, sitting it down. "How long have I been asleep?"
You smoothed his bedhead hair, kissing Kento's temple before lying back with him. "Well, after lunch yesterday, I couldn't wake you up to save my life, but that seems to have been a good thing. Your fever broke. How are you feeling?"
Kento wrapped his arm around you, pushing the covers off with his free hand. A soft huff of comfort released as he felt the midday breeze flow through the room. "Makes sense; I feel so well rested. My stomach feels so much better. But Itadori-kun and I will have our weekly dinners here at home for a while."
"That's more than okay with me. I like it when he visits. I'm always glad to see him, and he also seems happy to come over."
"He'll be happy to know this. Our next dinner is for my birthday; he's been trying his best not to spoil my gift."
  "We have plenty of easy-to-digest meals for the next few days while your stomach settles."
"Yes, dear," he playfully retorted. Nothing sounds better than an easy-to-digest birthday dinner," he jested, pulling you into his bare chest.
  "Oh yeah. Yuuji brought you a care package. He and a few others put some rather lovely items in."
Eyebrows raised, Kento seemed surprised. "Itadori was here? Not sick?"
You nodded. "Left about an hour ago."
"How am I the only one who got sick?"
"To be fair, the boy likes to eat. And he did eat an ancient finger once, so.." shrugging your shoulders as Kento attempted to stifle a laugh unsuccessfully.
"You bring up a fair point. He can put it away."
  Rubbing his belly elicits a quiet hum of a familiar tune. He stops and peers over to you. The rays of the midday sun cast a beautiful golden hue across the bed and onto your shoulders. Kento studied the soft features that structured your face, the feel of your plush leg thrown over his as you hummed the Jimmy Eat World melody. The lack of almost claustrophobic closeness over the last few days has done a number on him.
His rich brown eyes found yours, and warmth crept up the nape of your neck as his lids lowered. "I have something planned for us."
"Something planned?'
"I didn't want you to plan anything for my birthday because I did. It's a birthday and pre-anniversary getaway of sorts. We're going to the hot springs."
Your lips puckered, landing pecks across his chin and neck. "Hot springs? Kenny baby. Do you know how perfect that sounds?"
"Indeed I do. Two weeks of solitude with my angel baby."
"Two weeks?"
"Two. Weeks."
"2 whole weeks?"
"Darling, if you repeat after me again, I'm going to assume you can't hear me."
Getting three consecutive days was pulling teeth. "What did you do to make Yaga go along with two fucking weeks?"
Kissing your shoulder, he brought your hand to his mouth. "Not much." lightly began to kiss each of your fingertips. "We just have to visit the Kyoto campus," He pressed his lips to your wrist to feel your pulse. "For a few days."
"Hm." you squinted as you read between the lines. The exchange event wasn't quite yet, but there were talks of development training that needed a few more grade 1 sorcerers for demonstrations— "You volunteered us for that combat training."
Kissing your palm and making his way up to the crease of your elbow, he wriggles between your legs until hovering over you.
"Nanami Kento."
"Are you going to be upset with your stomach pain-riddled husband? On his birthday, no less. Who loves you more than life itself? Who worships every cell in-"
"I'm getting a new swimsuit," you said, stopping his sweeter-than-honey ramble and kissing his chest. And I'll make sure Gojo reschedules the party, birthday boy."
  "And I'll be there with a shit-eating grin the whole night. My wife is getting a new swimsuit for my eyes only. I can sit through 2 hours of Gojo and everyone else. Best birthday ever."
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lalovi · 6 months
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Shadow Milk x Reader
Warnings: Implied Swearing (?) Not proof read
-Rainy Day Shenanigans-
What is one supposed to do on a rainy day?
Sleep in? Play games? Read?
According to Shadow Milk Cookie, it's clinging to your lover.
"I'm not clingy, I'm conserving body heat."
His arms wrapped around your waist, and he'd hold you close to him.
"The only one cold here is you," You'd respond.
"Okay, what's your point?"
You'd sigh.
There's no reasoning with him.
But oh well. It's not that bad.
"Oh! We should bake something!" He would suggest out of the blue.
"What- Why?"
"Come on, it'll be fun!"
Shadow Milk Cookie took hold of your hand and dragged you into the kitchen.
You had just cleaned the counter earlier, so it was pristine with a white glow.
That wasn't going to last very long.
"So, what do we plan on making today?" You asked him.
"A cake!"
"You know neither one of us know how to bake, right?"
"Yeah but how hard can it be? We get the recipe and do the things. Easy."
He found an easy enough recipe and started to collect ingredients around your house.
"This is everything!"
Flour, eggs, milk, vanilla extract, sugar, butter, and baking powder.
"Okay, what do we do first?" You asked.
Both of you went through each of the steps, measuring and adding ingredients.
Sure, it was messy, but things weren't that bad..
So yeah. That happened.
The cake came out as a pile of ash.
"Um, ta-da?" He smiled at you awkwardly.
"You were supposed to set it to 350, not 3,500," you said while glaring at the 'cake'.
"Oops! My bad..." He nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck.
"But at least I failed with my most beloved~"
He kissed your neck softly, snaking arms around your waist.
"So cooking isn't realy our thing. Wanna play games instead?"
"I guess-"
"Go fish."
You rolled your eyes and drew another card from the pile.
"Do you have a seven of hearts?"
You handed him your card. This is the tenth match he's had this game.
"Are you cheating?" You'd ask with a skeptical look.
"No, you're just bad."
"I'm am not. This game is basically luck based."
"Okay, whatever. Do you have a king of spades?"
"Whatever helps you sleep at night, love," he said with a grin.
"Go fish!"
"I want a rematch! I can definitely win this time."
You played ten rounds with him, and only won two.
Each time he'd snicker at you, and give you that cheeky grin.
"Doll, I admire your persistence. Really, I do. I just think we should try something else..."
"Like what?"
"Like watching a movie. That way I can hold you close to me, and admire you."
"So you don't really care about the movie then?"
"I mean, I do care about it. Just not as much as I care about you. There's nothing I care more about that you, dove."
You couldn't help the slight blush on your face.
You couldn't help the way your heart churned.
How had you gotten so lucky?
"Now come on, I wanna hold you!"
Shadow Milk Cookie would pick you up in his arms and place you down onto the couch, where he spent his time wrapping his arms around you, and giving you his affection.
A random movie played in the background, but to him, you were much more entertaining.
"I love you," he cooed.
"I love you too," You'd respond.
《☆》 Fin
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lit3rallyll0yd · 2 months
R we all getting back into ninjago all of a sudden lolol ? I saw ur post asking for requests and was wondering if you could write something abt Cole (or any of the other ninjas idc!!) reacting to his gf baking him something ?? If u don’t like the idea then maybe something abt them baking together ! (ᵔᗜᵔ) 🍰
life is sweeter with you: cole x female!reader !!
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uhmuhmuhn i kinda messed this up because i made the reader and cole CONFESS their love for each other instead of already being in love...i hope that's okay!! : [
readers pronouns: she/her, but they are barely used.
relationship: crushing to dating
a/n: this is unnecessarily too long for no reason...also this isn't proof read, sorry for any spelling mistakes! ending was rushed
"what are you doing?"
you hummed at the question asked to you from the blue ninja, who was seated at the table in the kitchen. he watched as you carefully dumped a cup of flour into the mixer.
"baking a cake for co-me!!." you stated bluntly── thinking the question jay had asked you was stupid. "what does it look like im doing?"
jay poked the inside of his cheek with his tounge, his eyes squinting at you; "since did you bake?"
he, along with the rest of the ninja, have known you for a while, and a while since the tournament of elements. man, that was a time. they would have never met you, cole never would have met you if it wasn't for master chen's invitation.
you don't understand why your heart beats faster when you're around him. sure you've had crushes before, but they were old middle school crushes! you guess it's because you're growing up, you understand your feelings more? you weren't fully sure. what you did know for sure was you were head over heels for the master of earth!
you tried many ways to get cole to notice you. you tried harder in training exercises, you tried different styles; which only led to him complimenting you instead of getting closer than you want him to be.
until it hit you.
what's one thing cole loves? his friends?
okay what are two things cole loves?
of course! how can you be so dumb?? it's cake! his mother used to bake him cakes ever since he was little. he loves them! what's one way to get closer to him than through what he loves, baked goods!?
you turned on the mixer after mixing in the eggs and placed your hands on your hips, turning on your heel to face the lighting ninja.
"uh, since now?"
he scoffed at your response; "i've never seen you near an oven, y/n── do you even know the first step of baking?"
you gave the brown haired boy a confused look, "and you do? last time you were in the kitchen you set the stove on fire and burned our entire dinner! you can't be talking!"
jay mimicked you silently, crossing his arms thinking of another comeback.
he grinned suddenly; "i'm gonna tell cole you like him!"
you whip your head back at the boy as you turn off the mixture, ready to pour it into the cake pan until he says that. "walker, don't you dare! i've had this whole thing planned out!!"
the blue ninja slams his hand on the wooden table and laughs;
"AHA! so you do like him!"
oh. oh, you dug right into that one. curse jay and being a master at forcing the truth out of people unknowingly. you rolled your eyes, pouring the cake mix into the pan.
"so what if i do? it's not like he likes me back..." you went quiet for a brief moment before you smiled softly, opening the oven and gently putting the pan on the hot rack.
"but..but this is the last thing i can do..to get him to notice me, i mean? i know he likes cake, so this is the perfect idea!"
jay didn't hear what you hear at the end, and as you kept rambling he cocked an eyebrow up.
did cole lie to him just to get him to shut up?
──flashback a couple days ago── 🩷🍰
"cole..cole...cole.. boulder brain......cooollllleeee." jay whispered softly in coles ear, who was sitting peacefully on the couch playing prome empire but of course, jay out of all people just had to be bored out of his mind now and he was the only at the monestary.
why did everyone else had to be gone; like out of all days!
"JAY!" cole shouts, glaring daggers at the blue ninja who giggled at his reaction. "you didn't answer my question~" the ninja in blue sang, wiggling his eyebrows.
cole's eyes rolled back to the TV screen, a small blush formed on his cheeks but he hid it behind his tone of voice; "what are you even talking about?"
jay frowns, taking a seat beside his best friend and nudged his arm; "you know damn well, dude! do you have a crush on y/n or not?!"
cole fact did hear what jay asked him before, he just didn't have the guts to tell him how he truly felt about them.
he sighed, fingers tapping rapidly against the game controls.
"why do you care so much?"
"I'M YOUR BEST FRIEND! you have to tell me these things, man!" he shook his arm, causing his chapter to get shot and die. he grunts out of anger, and pushes jay away and pouts.
"ah, thanks jay! now i lost my streak!"
jay rolled his eyes, "you can easily get it back! now answer me, brookstone!"
cole groaned, already sick and tired of jay.
"yes, yes i like her! you know what, I LOVE HER, okay? now── im gonna take a nap..."
"are you even listening to me?" you stopped talking noticing jay had zoned out. "huh?" he shook his head out of his trance hearing your voice.
you pout, "nothing. it doesn't matter! the cake will be done in 30mins── call me when the stove beeps, kay?" you handed a towel as you walked past him slowly; making your way somewhere. jay assumes your bedroom.
he watches you leave the kitchen with a frown on his face. you liked cole back? of course, how can he be so blind? all you were ever doing was just trying to get cole to see you the way you see him!
he decided to sit on the table and glare at the cake through the oven window, watching it and the small timer tick down ever so slowly.
──30mins later──
"uhm. jay?" a certain black haired ninjas voice made jay jump and look to the entrance to see his friend, cole. "COLE!" he grinned; pushing his chair away from the stove he sat on the table and smiled at him.
"what── what were you doing?" cole asked until he thought about it, "you know what, i don't think it's my business. have you seen my game controller? kai borrowed while zane repairs his own, but he lost it..." cole silently curses kai as he regrets giving the controller to the red ninja who can't even find his clothes have the time in the morning.
jay pucks his lips as he shook his head. "nope! but i have an idea── i'll get kai and i to look for your controller.." he stood up quickly, suddenly spawning behind cole who jumped slightly.
jay started to push him toward the oven and sat him down on the chair he previously sat at. "can you take this cake out of the oven for? i was told it was for you anyways, so..."
as jay walked away, cole blinked a couple times in confusion.
"wait── who made me?-"
"love you bro, byyeeeee!!" and the blue ninja was gone. cole sat in front of the oven confused and squints through the mirror.
the cake seemed to have puffed and turn a bit black around the edges. it was burning. he panicked and grabbed the oven mit close to the oven and took the cake...placing the pan gently on the stove top.
turning off the oven, he was instantly for the scent of the cake. chocolate cake. his favorite!
he assumed at first zane made this cake, for tonight's dessert. until he remembered jay was here. no offense to jay, but Zane would never leave jay alone by a stove while it's on AND u supervised.
he didn't know anyone else who baked, as far as he knew of. maybe it you or nya....he blinked at the thought of the cake being made by you...but jay said it was for him.
could he have just been saying that?
as much as he wanted the answers, all this thinking was making his stomach rumble.
"damn you, jay!" you stomped along the halls of the monestary toward the kitchen, cursing jay for not getting you when you had asked him too.
he probably forgot and ended up playing video games or something. you swore, the next time you say him you were going to give him a piece of──
you stopped in your tracks to see none other than cole sitting at the kitchen table...munching on the cake you have told jay to keep an eye on for you.
you blinked a couple of times, not realizing cole had greeted you with a "hey, y/n!" and a heart-warming smile. he looked at you then back at the cake; "was-was this yours?"
"NO! i mean- yeah, but..it wasn't for me!"
cole pieces the two together, noticing you play with the hem of your ninja gi. you smilie softly, leaning back in his seat── "so you were the one who left jay alone by a oven that was on?"
you rolled your eyes, "well- i gave him one job and that was to let me know when the timer beeped! learned the lesson.."
there was a second of silence before cole offered you to sit with him.
slowly you made your way to him, sitting beside him as he handed you a fork. upon taking it, you blushed. he took another bite of the cake, "why didn't you tell me you knew'd how to bake?"
you took a second to respond, "i learned for you."
"for me?"
you nod, your cheeks flushed pink as you fiddled with the fork.
he took another bite of the cake, "you should try it. you did a great job. here."
you felt a tap on your shoulder and looking back you saw him hold his fork up to your mouth.
you shut your lips tight and looked at your own fork. he blushed before stuttering, "oh- right. sorry, here-" he took your fork and took a small bite of cake from the actual pan and held it back to your mouth as previous.
you slowly opened your mouth as he fed you the cake you made. you had to admit, it wasn't actually that bad for the first time. you can thank zane for the recipe book he gifted you.
your eyes lit up, "man, that..that's actually really good!"
he nods smiling, "you should bake more often!"
you shrugged a laugh, "i mean..if-if you want me to! i can try to bake cupcakes next time!"
he laughed and places the forks down on the napkin beside his hand; "sounds like a date!"
you blushed. "what?"
cole suddenly blushed, pulling his hand away from your hand that was slowly leaning close to your own.
"i-mean..sounds fun! if-if you want, can i join next time? you-can uh- teach me a couple of things or two?"
"uhm. yeah-yeah, of course!!"
you both were quiet for the next couple of moments before you opened your mouth to speak again, "cole..." he hummed in response, taking another bite of the cake.
"listen. i'm...not really sure what i'm saying, but i know how i feel."
cole pauses, listening to what you have say.
"── your a really nice guy! your funny, strong, open minded- and you care for people a lot! i can't help but feel more happy around you- does that make sense? i don't know how to put this without it sounding weird- but....i like you, cole! the only reason i baked this cake was because i was hoping you felt the same way! i wa t to be your girlfriend, cole, and-and i get it if you don't like me back and want to continue to be friends──"
"i like you too.."
"── i have problem being friends with you if it means we can still-"
you cut yourself off...hearing his words over your own suddenly.
you looked back at the ninja who locked eyes with you. you blushed, taking the fork off the table and took another large bite of the cake.
cole chuckled, seeing the crumbs fall from your mouth and to your lap.
your eyes go back from him and the table as you spoke with a mouth full of cake, "does this mean we-i mean do you want to- are we?"
cole takes the napkin and wipes the crumbs off your mouth as he smiled at you, "i would love to, y/n."
you felt your eyes sparkle and gleam, another soft smile formed on his face; "you still want to go on that cupcake date, sweetheart?"
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mischiefandlies · 12 days
A lesson in culinary disasters...
Loki x Reader
Notes: Thor is the embodiment of the phrase "thirty going on three". Also, I really had to work to find things that could go wrong with making spaghetti. Luckily, I work with children, so know how sevearly idiotic people can be.
Warnings: nilt
“There's spaghetti on my ceiling.”
Both Loki and Thor looked away sheepishly.
“… well, m’Lady-”
“Darling, I didn’t-”
“I left you two alone for ONE DAY!”
They each share a glance.
“What?” you say dryly.
Thor sighs and turns away, while Loki comes over to you. “My love, me and Thor will deal with this shenanigan. I promised I’d make you dinner, and I'll make you dinner. Just go and relax and I’ll come and get you when the time is right. Perhaps watch another one of those comedic films with Lang, the two of you seem to enjoy those.”
“Thought you got jealous when I watched movies with him?” you said.
“Angel, Lang couldn’t find a single hostage in training yesterday. If he is unable to locate a human sized test dummy, I don’t hold out much hope of him finding a clitoris. Besides,” he continues “I'm sure his penis is just as small as the rest of him.”
You just roll your eyes as he ushers you out the door. “And don’t burn my pans! And so help me God if you break my stove, I’m going to shove that blender straight up your-”
The front door slammed shut behind you. “Loki, I don’t think she is happy with us,” Thor stated. “I see very little chance of you being able to seduce her if you continue to act so childishly.”
“Remind me again who threw pasta at the ceiling?” Loki said through gritted teeth.
“Well, me, but Jane said it is important to use the pan to flip what you are cooking.”
“What Jane failed to mention, you ignorant buffoon, is that is for cooking pancakes.”
“Loki, pancakes are eggs and flour. Pasta, according to this detailed list on the packaging, is eggs and flour. I see no reason why the rules would change.”
Loki put his head in his hands. “Thor, how about I handle the cooking from now on?”
“And what are we making?”
“And balls of meat?”
“No Thor, just spaghetti.” Loki says, “Let’s not walk before we can run.”
Thor gasped. “But where are the balls of meat? Jane always makes balls of meat to go with spaghetti.”
“Thor, we have no meat.”
The blond just smirked. “I can assure you brother, I have plenty of meat. It is not my fault you are of such scrawny, runt-like nature. Why, do you not remember in our youth when we would play, and you would always…”
Loki left him to his prattling, and used his magic to clean the kitchen, remove the strands of spaghetti from the ceiling, and refill the kettle. He had wanted to make you something homemade, and so had asked his brother to assist, thinking Jane would have taught him something. Unfortunately, Thor was even less equipped to be sue-chef than him. Since you had left them to their own devices, they had made your kettle explode, set off the fire alarm, and Thor had cut his hand. They had since given up on making a tomato sauce and had lowered their standards enough to consider plain spaghetti a meal.
“Thor, snap the spaghetti in half and put it in the pot.”
Thor picked up a handful of spaghetti and instead of holding it in the middle, he took it by the ends, snapping it in front of him and spraying the kitchen in broken spaghetti pieces. His brother just looked on, muttering insults in their mother tongue. He took a pot down and filled it with the water out the kettle while Thor scuttled around on all fours picking up shards of pasta.
“Thor, for the love of all things holy, just put the spaghetti in the pan.”
Thor turns to the pot on the stove, and sticks his fist full of spaghetti into the boiling water, completely submerging his hand.
“Take your hand out the pan Thor.”
Thor flings his arm up, spilling the boiling water all down himself.
“Of course it does, its boiling water.”
“Thor, as the prince of Asgard, I am not obligated to do shit. Perhaps do as the Midgardians do when they are burnt. Run it under cold water.”
Loki turned away to magic up the complete shambles his brother had managed to achieve (again), and –for the fifth time today- boiled the kettle to make pasta. Thor had clearly misinterpreted his instruction, because he was running the pan under the tap.
“Loki, I fail to see how this is helping, I am still in a great deal of pain-”
The dark-haired god swiped the pan back. “Your arm, you utter cretin. Run the cold tap and hold your ARM under the water.”
Having distracted his brother enough to successfully put spaghetti on to boil, he began to grate some cheese.
“You’d get blood in the cheese.”
“I won’t. I promise. Pleeeeeeaseee?”
Thor enthusiastically leaps over to grate the cheese, while Loki stirs, drains and dishes out the pasta. In this time, not only has Thor zested the cheese instead of grating it, he has also zested a whole block of cheese and the top layer of skin on his fingers. The cheese was completely sodden with blood.
"Thor, what did I just say?"
"Pretend it's tomato sauce brother? She will never know!"
When you finally return from Langs, you find Loki, Thor, Strange, and Stranges medical kit all sat on your sofa. Thor's entire arm is bandaged, and Wanda and Steve are chatting away in your kitchen, making something that smells delicious.
“Fucksake Loki.”
“I’m sorry darling.” he says, “I tried, I really tried, but it just never worked, and I-”
“I know, love,” you cut him off. “Just tell me if you need cooking lessons, yeah? I can’t say I’m fond of coming home to find my kitchen in a disaster. I’ve just had a long day. I shouldn't've snapped. I’m sorry.”
He wraps you up in his arms. “Me too love.”
“Yes sweetheart?”
“Have you ever heard of take away?”
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elynvia · 5 months
Mistake P.2
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pairing: Chester x reader
warning: none
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Chester always knew luck wasn't on his side. If anything, it was against him. Even though he's a joker, his only way to win is to be a sly fox and cheat or just cheat. It's not like he ever had anything against it. If it brought him the victory, he didn't mind.
Yet he couldn't do the same when it came to {reader}. The last time he tried to make a move and confess, it ended with a pink explosion and annoyed {reader}. This time, he had a better idea!
It started in the morning. The candy land has a basement with a lot of candy, in case if there's no way to deliver new or if a loved company doesn't produce more of their candy. The only one that has access to the basement is Mandy. Chester stole the keys.
"Are you sure Mandy allowed us to go here?" {reader} asked while standing with Chester in front of the door to the basement.
"Of course! Don't you trust me?" He laughed. "No, not re-" "You don't have to answer" Chester opened the door. He let {reader} go in first, and only when they entered and weren't looking, he let the keys fall in the hallway and the door close.
"So, why are we here?" {reader} was looking around the basement. It wasn't a scary and dusty one. It actually looked exactly like the store above, just instead of daylight, they were lamp lights instead.
"Ehm, I guess she said something about.. strawberry gum? I guess the delivery guy didn't show up and-"
"Wrong. He was here 30 minutes ago, and he did have strawberry gum. I refilled the jar myself!" {Reader} interrupted immediately, looking at him with a frown. Chester was quiet for a moment. He hasn't seen the delivery guy.. Damn luck..
"Are you accusing me in leading us both in this basement without Mandy's knowledge or permission to do so!?" Chester gasped while {reader} just stared at him. They just walked past him towards the door.
"Give me the key" They said. Chester checked in his pockets, then somewhere on his chest and even under his hat. He gasped again.
"No way! The keys are gone!" He exclaimed dramatically, like he always did.
"Are you serious!?" {Reader} shouted. "Ugh! You are so..! So..!"
"So what?" Chester smirked while {reader} was ready to jump on him and throw hands.
"You better sleep with your doors and windows closer, cause I'm will be coming for you" They said through their teeth. Then, they walked past him, bumping their shoulder again his. Chester chuckled.
"Don't be so negative! Look at the bright side!" Chester walked behind {reader} "You get to spend time with me!" He said with a bright smile as he stood in front of {reader}, closing their way towards wherever they were heading. Probably away from him.
{Reader} rolled their eyes, even though they would prefer to roll Chester’s neck. They sighed. "Let's just hope Mandy will find us" They said and sat on the flour, leaning against the wall.
Chester sat next to them, looking at them. {Reader} took some candy from the jar next to them and started to eat it. He liked to watch them. He was trying to study them, like he studied his opponents, but in this case, to know them better and be closer to them.
"Stop staring" They said, not looking up at Chester.
"Listen, what about we go eat some ice cream after Mandy finds us" He suggested. He could feel a tightness in his chest. His heart betting slightly faster, but his face didn't show a hint of nervousness.
{Reader} looked up at him now. They raised their eyebrow, staring at him. "Wha– So first you close us up here and now you want to go on a date with me?"
Chester nodded with an amused smile. He looked fine while he prayed they would agree. The worst they can say is no. He heard several times, yet he knows cases where it was way worse than a no.
{Reader} was quiet for a moment, looking at him, like waiting for him to say that it's a joke. He didn't, though. "I.. I will think about it"
"Really!? Cool!" Chester chuckled. It wasn't a yes or a no, but it wasn't worse than a no! {Reader} smiled alongside him. They were let out of the basement eventually. Mandy also nearly killed them. But it didn't matter, at least not to Chester. He was the happiest he had been in a while.
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morpheus-somnium · 2 months
Hungarian food headcanons [Skyrim]
As a Hungarian person, I am going to tell you what kind of Hungarian food would exist in the lands of Skyrim
[I am aware that these foods might and probably exist in a lot of other cultures, I'm just saying that they are also part of the Hungarian cuisine!]
[Most pictures are either from Wikipedia pages or Google!]
Chicken stew, aka csirkepörkölt
This food inspired the post, because i was eating it while writing the draft. It is so good.
You need chicken, grease, water, spices and either pasta or some kind of főzelék (see down) to eat it with.
It's pretty easy to make, and it tastes good, so not only adventurers make it, but it's also a popular food at inns.
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This is a vegetable soup-stew-pottage thingie. It looks like you mashed said vegetables into baby food and then stirred it into this weird stuff. You can eat it with any kind of meat, I guess. You make meatballs or sausage to pair it with.
This is a very controversial food; I, for example, only like potato főzelék that my mom makes.
I think most Skyrim residents eat it because they don't have anything else to eat?
Adventurers eat it, for sure. It's kinda easy to make (other than a special kind of stirring with flour?) and only needs a few ingredients, and you can eat it alone, too.
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Túró rudi (Curd snack?)
Cottage cheese in chocolate that is usually filled with some kind of jam. Stay with me. You might think that it sounds weird. It is. But it tastes so good!! It is sweet, and cold.
You might buy it from vendors in the city because it would melt or rot away quickly. The children of Skyrim love this snack!! Or anyone who loves sweets. I think mostly colder regions would eat this? Like Dawnstar, Winterhold, Windhelm
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Rakott krumpli (Potato casserole?)
You make it when you have time because it requires an oven and a bit of preparation. But your followers would LOVE it. Everyone I know loves it? So I guess the residents of Skyrim would love it as well. You would walk into 3 random homes, and you would find at least one family or person eating it.
It would also keep you warm:)
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Goulash, aka gulyás
This a pretty basic one?
I think a lot of people have heard about it before
Mostly hunters and adventurers would make it, in a small amount, at night.
BUT people would also make it at festivals or before them (we have city days in Hungary, and I guess the nation that were in the SU at one point? Or at least that's what I've read. So on these city days we used to make goulash in the garden when waiting for guests and I can kinda see it happening in Whiterun)
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Dobos torte, aka dobostorta
I am not a baker, so I don't know how hard it is to make this, but! Skyrim bakers would totally make it.
This is the cake served at Victoria Vitti's wedding. 💯. Believe me. Please.
It has caramelized pieces at the top and they are so good to crunch.
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Spritzer, aka Fröccs
This is wine with carbonated water
You might think that only poor people would drink this, but no. There are people here (and in Skyrim) that drink this instead of water. 😭
So average nords would drink this instead of water. They wake up, spritzer. They need to eat, drink, swallow medicine, spritzer. They have a headache, spritzer.
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Crepe, aka palacsinta
A lot of European countries have this type of pancake! So not only Skyrim but the majority of Tamriel would make it.
It is pretty easy to make, so if you and your followers crave something sweet for dinner, you would make it.
those dwemer pans are literally made for them.
You could use either some jam or some kind of chocolate cream to spread on it.
But!! Some places would have salty or sour crepes? Like a potato-filled one!
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Fisherman's soup, aka halászlé
My sibling absolutely loves this soup; they eat it almost every time we are at some kind of restaurant.
You need like fish, onion and paprika.
So the slaughterfishes better be prepared when someone hungry is near the water, because their slaughtering ass will be cooked.
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staenless · 2 months
It was a week be
Sorry this took so long Ive been busy with beauty school and struggling with motivation tbh lol. Looking back at the previous two parts this needs a LOT of editing but honestly I don't think I can rn so you'll all have to suffer through unedited chapters for now, sorry! Anyway I'm very tired rn so I won't hold up with authors notes anymore, I hope you all enjoy this and please share your thoughts (they fueled this chapter tbh)
It was a week before Tommy passed his lunch on again. Eddie sat in his cubicle nose flaring at lunchtime everyday, a pavlovian response to the clunk-tick of the bento box popping open. He could smell meats, vegetables and fruits, cheesy pastas and salt-buttered rolls. Under it all he could smell that sugar sweet ginger and floral scent, Steve.
Eddie's own lunches were rare, and when he did lower himself to eat at the company café he always found it wanting. Nothing quite matched up to a meal made painstakingly by hand. He wondered if this was part of Tommy's cruel mockery, to hand him something he was unworthy of to let him taste heaven, then snatch it away and leave him stranded in a world of bland flavorless slop.
That wasn't to say the café food was bad. In actuality it was surprisingly good. The young woman who ran it had been part of a government program to teach underserved highschoolers skills, and her meals were wholesome and tasty. She had baked a cake for the company holiday party, and when she say Eddie savouring the bites she confided her secret: a third of the flour was substituted with corn flour to give it a texture. It was the best homemade cake Eddie had ever eaten, though he had very little to compare it to.
So no, the food at the café, the bar and the grocery store and - godforbid - Eddie's own kitchen wasnt bad. It was of a higher standard he was used to, and it was filling and tasty, and he ate what he liked instead of what his guardians decided he should eat. But none of it had the taste of Steve's hands on it, and so none of it could ever compare. He mindlessly shoved forkful after forkful into his mouth, chewed and chocked it all down. He missed Steve's food, after only tasting it once.
The day Tommy decided to grace Eddie's desk with the tin lunchbox again hadn't started out special. In fact as the clock slowly ticked into the luncheon hours Eddie had long resigned himself another cafe meal when Tommy's cackled echoed across the floor.
"Nah, he's going into heat soon so he's been extra bitchy... I've had to pull late night's just to get some damn peace"
Eddie's hackles rose. Omegas in preheat needed stability, reassurance. Spending hours away would just make their preheat anxiety worse, something Tommy was either too stupid to realise or too cruel to care.
"Aw c'mon man," one of the stuffy suited alphas beside him gave Tommy a heart shoulder clap, "heat is the whole point of marrying an omega, right? Man what I'd do to get to fuck one, is it true they can't think of anything other than cock?"
Tommy's low chuckling makes Eddie grit his teeth,that was basically conformation. He's out here discussing his omegas private, vulnerable moments like it's water cooler gossip. Barely containing a growl Eddie peaks over the cubicle and finally spots the group by the - oh for fucks sake - gathered around an honest to God watercooler.
"Yeah the fucking is great, he always bitches about wearing a collar but once he's in the heat of it," smattered giggles, "he forgets aaaalllll about it. Almost makes the week before worth it. Almost." The last line sounds almost spiteful, but his cronies don't seem to take note.
"How'd you even bag him? I mean sure omegas aren't that rare but I hardly see any that aren't mated, especially a nice tame one that'd pack me lunch."
Something in the air turns sour, and when Eddie peaks over again in a bizaar mimic of an old whack-a-mole game, he can see Tommys face twist and turn in on itself. He seems torn between frustration and pride, like a dog showing off its gold plated collar.
"It was a family thing," he says, the vague answer telling just enough for his buddies to drop it while still answering their question. He glances down at the lunch box in his hand and his upper lip twitches in disgust, then his eyes rove over the office cubicles before locking onto Eddie. Shit, too late to duck down, and Tommy marches over, smarmy smile stretching over his too-white too-straight teeth.
"Munson!" THWACK. Ow. "You not having lunch?" Tommy leans down, weight on Eddie's shoulder where his fingers dig in just enough to make Eddie want to bite him. But the possibility of getting his paws on that lunch box, on Steve scented food, outweighs his instinct to fight the alpha trying to impose himself.
"Shit man," his grin is all teeth, "I hadn't even noticed the time! Guess I'll have to run down to the cafe and pick something up, huh?" It's fake. It's so fake and they both know this conversation is just a formality, the conclusion already known.
"I'll save you the trouble," Tommy should have persued an acting career, the script sounds so natural as he straightens up and clacks the lunch box onto Eddie's desk, "I'm heading out to lunch with the boys, you'd be doing me a favour." The last part doesn't sound like a lie, and if Eddie wasn't so desperate for the lunch he'd wonder why Tommy was so desperate to get rid of it.
"Thanks man," he spits out to Tommys retreating form. He mutters something - likely demeaning - to his cronies who titter, then leave together like a pack of cackling hyenas.
Eddie launches from his desk and flies to the rooftop, lunchbox clutched desperately in his hands, cigarettes forgotten. Once he reaches his usual spot his pops the lid, thrumming with excitement at the sight of another note. Ignoring the food over the sweet omegas words he plucks the folded yellow paper and gingerly unfolds it.
"please come home early"
His heart plummets. Right. Steve is in preheat, he obviously wants his alpha. But Tommy said he was avoiding Steve, and now the note confirms that. Please come home early, but no "I miss you" . No "love Steve". It seemed impersonal, something like an order, or begging, but without the hope either of those entail. He recalled Tommys other statement. It was a family thing.
Eddie was familiar, though distantly, with the idea. Arranged marriages were hardly a thing anymore. The star charts, the burnt herbs and entrails spread out beneath a crones trembling hands was far too gouche for modern metropolitans. The payments in silk and bovine too backwards and simple for their forward thinking ways.
Marriages were a more democratic affair for the rich and wealthy, planned out in wood panelled offices with huffing cigar breaths, Alpha to Alpha, the prospects of mergers and inheritance trumping starsigns and blood types. Arranged marriages was for backwards, superstitious folk, agreements were for the rich to keep the money in arms reach. Steve and Tommy were an agreement.
And by the looks of if; no mating bite, avoidance during preheat and the tone Tommy musters when discussing his spouse? Not a particularly blissful agreement. Still. Please come home early, Steve must find some comfort in Tommy's general existence if he wants him around over a trusted family member or close friend. Or pup. Tommy never mentioned a pup, but whether that was because he didn't have one or didn't care much to talk about it was somewhat up in the air.
Eddie brought the note to his lips, just toughing, and breathed deep. The ginger of Steve's scent was less sweet now, his preheat brining out the spice. Something like pepper ticked the back of his nose, pulled the air from his lungs and a final floral smell brought him back in, the sweet aftertaste of a spicy treat. The flowers smelt fresh, Eddie could recall the lily's at his mother's grave smelling the same. Somewhere in his mind he knew that comparison should scare him, but the memory of her grave after the funeral had always been rose tinted by Wayne's kind smile when he took his hand and gently lead him away. Eddie pulled the note away and his lips twitched up, that floral after taste was definitely lily's.
Eddie spared the food a glance, and as delicious as it look, he had something else on his mind. He looked down at the note in his hands, his hind brain sparking to attention at the scent of the omega, and the idea of him home alone in preheat. Eddie wanted to comfort him, to sooth his nerves and let him know he was safe and loved. He wanted to pace the door in front of their den, while Steve nested inside, to protect him from any intruders and serve him. To hold his hand, his waist, to pillow his head on Steve's chest and listen to his heart beat and bathe in his scent.
He couldn't. Steve was married, as much as Eddie's hind brain shouted "not mated" and Steve didn't even know Eddie, let alone allow the alpha into his nest. But Eddie couldn't help it as he pressed the note to his wrists and neck, mind whirling with ideas on how to comfort the omega. Somewhere between kissing Steves fingertips through fruit and the ginger of his scent burning Eddie's nose, the alphas heart had already pledged itself to the omega, already bared itself - pledged itself to his service. If all Eddie could offer was comfort, crossing lines of proprietary was no hurdle.
Taglist: @xxbottlecapx @goodolefashionedloverboi @stevesbipanic @monsterloverforhire @swimmingbirdrunningrock @samsoble @bookworm0690 @tinyplanet95 @idontwantmetoo @steddiehasmywholeheart @mugloversonly @persnicketysquares @morgannotlefay @lololol-1234 @greeniebean911
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my-little-safe-corner · 7 months
What could have been?
This time I'm going to discuss deleted script and ideas from Wish, however by that I don't mean major plot points such as "evil Amaya" or "humanoid Star", but rather (at least mostly) minor things that have been scrapped from the general plot as we know it.
I'll be using the (digital) graphic novel adaptation for my observations, which I assume is supposed to be similar to the Junior Novelization, albeit maybe a little shortened.
Disclaimer: Any haters in the comments / responses will be blocked!
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When it happens: Just after "Welcome to Rosas". The tourists do get food in the movie, but Asha never explains where it comes from.
Why it was deleted: Not sure, maybe because Dahlia is the one whose wish is to be the greatest baker according to what I read (though it's never mentioned in the movie itself and even if it were, no one says multiple people couldn't have the same wish). Then again, it could be just to shorten the movie since it's not significant to the overall plot, only expands upon the idea of granted wishes a bit.
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When it happens: Pretty clear from the image, since Gabo does say something similar in the movie. However, the rest of the conversation is not there.
Why it was changed: In this version, it seems no one takes Gabo seriously when he tries to warn about Simon. While it could serve to explain why and how everyone is content with their family / friends losing a part of themselves all around the kingdom (they either make up some excuse for it or simply don't notice at all), it was flipped in the final version so that everyone actually agrees with Gabo. It was probably done to get the audience to better understand Simon's condition and what happens to people after giving their wishes.
(BTW, in the Junior Novelization, Gabo even says that most people become boring following their wish ceremony, maybe it was changed to focus on Simon)
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When it happens: Asha does blow flour at Gabo, but Safi's text is not in the movie.
Why it was deleted: In this version, Dahlia can be seen getting the batch of cookies out of the oven, but the teens don't take them. In the final version, this sentence would cause a contradiction, since if Safi can't have Gluten, why was he even going to eat a cookie? Instead, Dahlia warns him it has lemon.
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When it happens: Read the scroll's text. In the movie, Asha sees only one reflection.
Why it was changed: I really don't know. It's supposed to hint at Magnifico's fascination with mirrors even before we meet him in order to establish his character, so why change it?
And now there's a big skip, and I'm moving to Act 2:
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When it happens: Amaya trying to convince Magnifico to not use the dark magic book.
Why it was deleted: Maybe to make the dialogue consist of shorter sentences for each character in order for the scene to be more flowing and dramatic, and also to show again Magnifico's tragic past and his motives.
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When it happens: Asha and Valentino entering the observatory to find her family's wishes.
Why it was deleted: Because it's just a joke that doesn't affect the plot. There's also another joke he says earlier ("Chaos! I love it!") that I didn't include.
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When it happens: It's clear from Magnifico's text, but what Simon says is not in the movie.
Why it was deleted: In the movie, he just says "What?" and there's a bit of a focus on his face. I think it's actually enough to hint that he's going to betray Asha, so no need to keep this text. Plus, it actually paints Simon as more loyal to the king from the beginning ("he must really be worried"), as opposed to only after his wish was granted, whereas in the final version he acts purely for selfish reasons.
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When it happens: Just after "This is the Thanks I Get".
Why it was deleted: Maybe to finish the song ominously, and for Amaya to not catch him reading the book.
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When it happens: Just after Sabino absorbs back his wish, before Magnifico breaks into the house.
Why it was deleted: I'm sure everyone has already seen this deleted scene, and I really don't understand why it was cut at the last minute. Maybe because they didn't have another song for the credits? Also, notice what Sakina says, Sabino completely forgot his talent after giving his wish, I think it's good there's another example of what it does to people in addition to that of Simon, and again, shouldn't have been cut.
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When it happens: Just after Magnifico creates his staff. He does have a very similar text in the movie, but doesn't see Amaya's reflection, just notices her behind him.
Why it was changed: Another reference to Magnifico's love for mirrors, we do see his own reflection in the staff, and I'm really not sure why not Amaya's, since that raises the question how he noticed her (his new powers?).
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When it happens: Just before Magnifico's second assembly.
Why it was changed: Maybe to save on animation and just show the teens near the stage.
And now I'm reaching the climax of the movie. This was originally a much longer scene that has been changed a lot to get what we have in the final version.
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When it happens: After Magnifico traps Star and Asha.
Why it was deleted: I really can't think of any reason for this other than to shorten the movie, which is already very short. It gives us another peek to Magnifico's tragic past, and shows he wanted to capture Star to not only have its power and get rid of what he perceived as a threat to his kingdom, but also because he envied Asha for getting the help he desperately needed when he worked hard for his own wish, which is very understandable, at least for me. It's a real pity this text was cut, I don't get you, Disney!
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When it happens: After Magnifico asks Asha how taking her wish into her own hands is working out for her.
Why it was changed: In the movie he just says he doesn't actually care. Maybe they didn't want to show kids how he enjoys torturing and mocking her.
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When it happens: After Magnifico sucks Star into his staff.
Why it was deleted: Again, maybe to not show him savoring over Asha's pain. It's a pity because it shows Star was a representation of her wish, so when it was lost, she felt the same pain in her heart as all the other people who got their wishes crushed.
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When it happens: Just after the last image.
Why it was deleted: I guess to shorten the movie, making the reference to the "At All Costs" song at the beginning lost...
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When it happens: That's Magnifico's response to what Asha says in the last image.
Why it was deleted: For the same reason, though this text seems to be somewhat unrelated. In the Junior Novelization, however, his answer is longer, stating he needed the wishes to feel happiness, which is also a reference to "At All Costs", and now he doesn't need them and the citizens of Rosas anymore, making it a sensible response.
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When it happens: Quite clear from the images, but they don't mention Amaya's wish to serve Rosas.
Why it was deleted: According to Disney Wiki and Heroes Wiki, she was formerly a ballerina, i.e the same one we see in the beginning of the movie with Magnifico granting her wish, so it makes sense to remove that.
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When it happens: Everyone celebrating their victory.
Why it was deleted: Because that implies Sakina gave her wish only after Asha had been born, which also means the family moved to Rosas not that long ago, but then Sabino wouldn't have waited "decades" for his wish to be granted...
And that's all! There are some other differences I didn't include, but they are not really meaningful in my opinion, just small adaptation changes. Also, since I had started this long post, I finally got the Junior Novelization, and there are more changes there, which I may write another post on.
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nyx-v1 · 1 year
Hey! I dont know if you do requests/suggestions or not but once you're done w/ your twst boys reacting to your funeral series (fantastic btw makes me wanna roll over and cry everytime) do you think you could write whatever twst boys are your favorite to write for's reaction to finding Yuu/Y/n's ghost? If you don't feel like it feel free to delete this!
TWST Boys reacting to finding your ghost
Here you go Anon! <3
TWST boys reactions to your death:[Heartslabyul],[Savanaclaw], [Octavinelle][Scarabia]
The first time he sees you is in Heartslabyul's rose garden. It was late at night and he had forgotten his notebook in the garden, knowing he would need it for the next day Riddle had gone out to get it. 
When he gets there he finds you sitting at the table where he left his notebook. Riddle stands frozen unsure if his mind is just playing tricks on him or not . He slowly approaches you, the closer he gets the colder the air becomes. When he is a foot or two from your ghost you vanish. Slightly disturbed Riddle grabs his notebook and heads back to his room.
The second time he sees you is a few days later. Just as Riddle is about to get into bed, out of the conner of his eye he sees a figure. Alarmed he quickly whips his head around, this time he is sure he's not just seeing things, and you are in fact in his room. Riddle doesn't move from his spot instead he calls out to you, and much to his surprise you turn around at the sound of your name.
Riddle stands still as your ghost approaches him, what keeps him frozen in places is when you give him a hug he can't feel.
He tries to return your embrace on you only to find  that he can't feel you, as the sudden contact  made you vanish.
Riddle spends days waiting for you to show up again, staying up into the late hours of the night, messing up his once perfect sleep schedule.
The third time you appear Riddle is at his desk studying, waiting for you. This time he's ready to not mess up,  he wants to make sure he can at least get the words he had for you off his chest.
When you appear on his bed he walks over to it and sits down next to you, leaving enough space so you wouldn't touch. He let's out a shaky breath before speaking," Prefect, do you know how many rules you've broken by dying?" He isn't surprised you lack of response, from what he's seen it only seems you just watch, so he continues his  monologue, "As upset as I am, I'll forgive you this once, so please don't leave me."
After riddle finishes his speech, he feels a warm feeling wrapping around him, like someone's hugging him as he hears a soft whisper," I won't ever leave you, take care of yourself, Riddle ."
That was the last time he saw your ghost.
Trey was baking for an unbirthday party when an open bag of flour got knocked over. At first he thinks nothing of if, believing  he has placed the bag to close to the edge. By the fourth time he's starting to get suspicious. When the bag gets knocked off for the fifth time, he places the bag in front of him so he can watch. When he swears he sees something push the bag off the counter, and in a moment of delusion he ask "who's there?". Much to his dismay what ever was messing with him decides to communicate by writing in the flour.
He watches as you struggle to write in the flour. Trey goes from amused to horrified when he sees what was spelt out in front of  him, a very poorly spelt and written "I'm watching you". Slightly scared for his life, trey quickly cleans up the mess and continues on with his day.
When Trey is about to go to sleep he feels very paranoid, as common as ghost are whatever tried to talk to him today seemed slightly different from Twisted Wonderland's normal ghosts. Deciding to put his mind to ease Trey googles easy ways to talk to spirits. He goes through a few articles, before picking something that seemed easy and like it would work.
Trey goes through his room and finds and old piece of chalk that he uses to copy the symbol off of the website, After he says a  small chant, much to his surprise the little chant works, he knows because your blurry and (very) vague ghost appears in front of him.
He adjusts his glasses before giving an awkward smile, "Hey there.. do you need something?" trey tries to sound polite and clam but deep down he's freaking out, he would like to live past 18.
Trey watches in anticipation waiting for something to happen.
Doing your best to communicate with Trey you take the chalk he used earlier, to write a short message," It's me" unfortunately for you you're ghost powers aren't all that good yet, so shortly after writing you disappear. 
This leaves Trey freaked out yet again, he convinced he's upset some sort of spirt, or maybe after death you've sent a  evil spirt after him.
A few days pass as you realize that you've messed up and have started tormenting poor Trey.So you deiced to use you strength to appear to him, in hopefully a more friendly manner.
It's early in the morning and trey is up cooking breakfast, when you decide to pay him a visit.
Trey was in the middle baking when you showed up, causing him drop the his bowl onto the floor. When he takes a good look at what is in fount of him he is sure it's you coming for a visit.
"[name]?" trey asks a pretty obvious question.
"Nooooo, it's another ghost." You let a sarcastic response, to which Trey laughs in response too.
"My bad prefect, I hope you'll forgive me?" 
You nodded your head in response to trey. You move closer to him , Trey stays still in response, having seen his fair share of horror movies he knows that sudden movement could cause you to leave at any second. Trey has small bit of flour on his face, he watches as you spread it all over his face, as you let out a small laugh, " You know Trey, I didn't expect you to be so clam about seeing a  ghost."
Trey lets out a small laugh," Ah well I didn't ever think I would really meet one." with a small pause trey continues," But you know, everyone misses you, and they would love to see you too. But if I'm being honest right now I want to be a little selfish, and think you just came to see me..." His voice trail off at the last part, looking at your face for a reaction, and to his surprise he sees a small smile on your face.
" You can be selfish trey.... and just so you know your the only person I've come to see."
you give trey a small kiss on the check before disappearing.
After that trey hasn't seen or heard your ghost in a while, but he knows you're there when he catches a glimpse of your ghost fallowing him around, true to your word you haven't visited anyone else.
The first time Cater catches a glimpse of your ghost is in the background of one his recent photos. At first he thinks it was a bad shot, but when in then next couple of photos he sees the same mysterious blob thing in the background moving he know it must be a ghost! Cater really hopes that the ghost in his photos is you. Why does he hope that? It may or may not come from all the super natural romance he's watched thanks to his sisters.(and the part of him that is a hopeless romantic)
Being the smart person he is, he decides to get a Ouija board and try to contact the ghost in his photos, you.
It's a dark and rainy Saturday when Cater sits down to contact your spirt. He sits in his room curtains drawn with a bunch of candles lit, all scented of course.
Cater puts his hands on the planchette, asking "Is anyone there?"
To his surprise the planchette moves towards yes. Being honest Cater didn't think the Ouija board would work.
Despite his horror he continues asking questions, "Who are you?"
He's genuinely happy when he sees the start of your name being spelt and even more happy when your name is fully spelt out.
Cater continues to ask questions, to your ghost, until he ends up falling asleep.
The next morning Cater wakes up to all the candles in his room being blown out, and he is slightly surprised because the last thing he remembers is talking to you.
Later that day when cater comes back to his room he absolutely ecstatic to see sitting by the  Ouija board.
"You know you forgot to say goodbye."
Cater lets out a small chuckle as he rushes to your side, getting close but not close enough to touch your ghost.
He starts taking a selfies from all different angles while telling you to make different poses and faces.
When he's finshed taking photos he sits down next to your ghost, letting out a little sigh as he closes his eyes," You know prefect I've missed you, it's no fair you get to go dying like that? tots not cool to just ghost me like that!"
"Cater did you just make a ghost pun?"
"You've must have heard something."
you let out a small giggle scooting closer to Cater.
Cater stays frozen in place, as you move closer towards him," Don't miss me to much, Cater." You brush the hair away from his face, before vanishing.
For a while you show up in Caters photos in someway, but as the more time passes the less frequent your appearance become, until one day they just stop.
Cater takes all the photos that you showed up and prints them out, putting them into a special little photo book.
Ace  and Deuce  (let's face it they're never apart)
Ever science your un-timely death Ace and Deuce haven't spent much time apart, now they're practically attached at the hip.  As much as they fight they won't spend more that 20 minutes apart.
So of course the first time they meet your ghost  they're together.
The first time they had  contact with your ghost was when the two of them where at Ramshackle, going through your stuff, taking things that Grim might need or want (not their idea it was Trey's).While going through your stuff they hear a faint whisper that sounds like gibberish.
 This freaks the two out so bad  that they run out of the dorm, and don't sleep that night.
The next incident is during a test, Deuce was stuck on one question and couldn't think of the answer, when his pencil rolled onto on of the answers and didn't get off untill he chose it, he tells Ace abut this but Ace tells him he's crazy.
Ace first encounter was after basketball practice, he was staying behind alone in the locker room.
While he was just  waiting in the locker room, something fell out of his basketball locker, he wouldn't have paid much attention to it if it wasn't for what fell. The key chain you had bought for him had fallen off his bag, this freaks him out but not enough to tell Deuce.
The first time they see your ghost is when they are visiting your grave, there they see you  sitting on top of your grave stone.
Ace starts by gently pushing Deuce towards you ,but neither want to approach so Deuce calls out, "Prefect?"
 To their surprise, you turn your head, calling out the them "Deuce!Ace! You know I was trying to get your attention right?"
The two of the quickly turn around, and whisper to each other about whether what they where seeing was real or not. When your ghost approaches them from behind, leading to Ace and Deuce screaming.
Ace was the first to break the silence,"You're real right?Like this isn't some joke?"
You gently flick both of their heads,in demonstration that you where indeed real,"Of course I am."
Much to your surprise the two tackle you into a hug,somehow.
The three of you stand in a tight group hug.
Much to there dismay after a few minute you disappear .
Determined to see your ghost one last time the two try a lot of dumb rituals to contact your spirt, none work.
That's until two days later when they go back to their shared room. When they open the door to their room your sitting on Aces bed, while deuce tries to rush to you ace stop him, telling him the contact could have been what caused to to vanish the first time.
Understanding this the two sit down on the floor in front of you.
You spend hours talking to ace and deuce telling them how much you care for them and how grateful you where for them. Deuce also spills his heart to you, telling you how much he missed you and how he wants you back. what surprises you the most is when ace returns the feelings.
After one last heart filled hug you disappear, this time for good.
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Can I request Nsfw Alphabet with Monica Geller?
Thanks in advance
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I got multiple requests for a nsfw alphabet with Monica so naturally I'm just gonna combined them lol. this is gender neutral and not strictly with a fem reader btw because whenever I write for smth like the nsfw alphabet I prefer to have it where anyone can read/enjoy it. that being said, I hope it was worth the wait!
Monica Geller nsfw alphabet
Warnings: smut (duh), gender neutral reader
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Aftercare (what they're like after sex)
Almost as soon as you're completely done with having sex, she has you get up so she can change the sheets (kidding....for the most part). She'll wait to do that if you're both exhausted, but in general she has a pretty strict aftercare routine that she follows. Both of you get wiped down with a damp rag, and you both drink water/have a light snack to help regain your energy even if you plan on taking a nap directly after.
Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner's)
I don't think she has just one favorite body part. You've gotta remember, she's an ex fat girl who still can't help but obsess over how she looks. I'd say she's awfully proud of her physique/body in general due to how slim she is now versus when she was still in high school (I'm not saying that mindset is a healthy one, it's just the one she has in my opinion).
On you? She loves your stomach and thighs, especially if you're chubby there. Part of her yearns to be confident enough to be okay with gaining some of the weight back, but for now she prefers to just dote and fawn over you instead. She loves it if you have belly rolls, and any stretch marks get extra love whenever she presses playful kisses to your body during foreplay.
Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Cum? On her sheets? No thank you. If there's one thing she hates, it's the idea of making a mess. Sometimes you may be able to get her to forget about it if the sex is passionate enough, but the clean freak in her still can't help but worry about the stain your mixed body fluids will leave. On the other hand, the idea of being so caught up in each other that you two completely wreck the bed turns her on to no end. It lets her live a little, and the joy of getting to use her new detergent to wash the sheets afterwards just makes it all the more better.
Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
She kind of has a thing for people older than her (that one's not a massive secret, as she did date Richard at one point). Also, messy kitchen sex? I know it sounds kind of weird, but imagine you're having a playful fight where she's trying to make a cake and you put icing on her nose, so she playfully tosses flour at you, etc. It's not super dirty, but given her reputation for hating messes of any kind she'd rather die than let people know she thinks a food fight resulting in sex is pretty hot.
Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they're doing?)
I'd say she has a fair amount of experience. I think it's canon that she didn't lose her virginity until after high school, but that doesn't mean she hasn't had her share of boyfriends (and girlfriends, as I'm a bisexual Monica truther), not to mentions hook-ups or one-night stands. I wouldn't say she's tried everything there is to try, but she's not inexperienced, that's for sure.
Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Any position where she can see your face to gauge your reactions and has access to kiss you. It doesn't matter whether the sex you're having is quick and rough or slow and gentle, she likes to pepper your face and neck with kisses regardless.
Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
She's not very goofy herself, but I think she'll put up with a reasonable amount of it from her partner (you've gotta remember who she ended up marrying in the show, because I just know Chandler was cracking jokes on the occasion while they did the deed). If the type of sex you're having is more light hearted and playful then you may be able to get a funny quip or two out of her, but that's about it. She will, however, giggle like crazy if you do the same thing.
Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Oh yeah, she definitely keeps things tidy down there. I wouldn't say she'd go so far as to wax (not sure if anyone remembers the episode with the "painless" wax strips or not) but she at the very least keeps everything trimmed back. It's more of a personal preference than it is for her partner, so I'm not sure how willing she'd be to let it grow out. Assuming you guys have been together for a while, she may skip shaving in the shower, but she won't let it grow out too much. Her pubes are the same dark color as her hair is, if not slightly darker.
Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
She can be pretty romantic when she wants to be, especially when she's set the mood beforehand. Anniversarys, birthdays, any sort of special occaison like that will have her finding the perfect lingerie set to wear for later that night when you finally get home and have the place to yourselves.
Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
She can and will always make time to masturbate if she really needs to. One thing about her is you do not want to get on her bad side when she's sexually frustrated with no way to let it out. If she has to kick everybody out of her apartment long enough for her to get some relief, then she will, and no one bothers to protest because an angry Monica is a scary Monica.
Kink (one or more of their kinks)
I'm a firm believer that she has some sort of a praise kink from the way she was overlooked by her parents and treated in high school. She always has to be the best at everything she does, and to hear validation from you that she's making you feel good and doing well at whatever it is that she's doing boosts her confidence (and her sex drive).
Location (favorite places to do the do)
The bedroom is obviously the most ideal place to have sex, but I really don't think she'd be against having sex in a more revealing place. As we've seen from the show, she's not above slipping into an empty room in a public setting for a quickie if need be. The thrill of getting caught outweighs most of the risks, in her opinion.
Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Honestly? When you clean or organize something and do a good job at it. There's nothing worse to her than a messy apartment, so if you ever do her the favor of managing to clean in the way she likes it's such a massive turn-on for her. Another one is praising, like I said earlier. If you ever compliment her on a dish that she's made really well or the way she's cleaned you're basically giving her an invitation for sex. You'll see her pupils dilate before she pulls you in for a passionate kiss.
No (something they won't do, turn offs)
Degradation, from you or her. It goes back to her insecurities about never being good enough, and it makes her question her worth to have someone call her names, even in a scene. This goes for her degrading you too, by the way. She just can't bring herself to be mean to you in that way during sex, even if you've given her the go ahead and established a safe word.
Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
This is another one of those things that she stresses about and practices until she's the best at it. And by the best, I mean the absolute best. Regardless of whatever you have going on in your pants or down betwen your legs, she's going to be really good at pleasing you with her mouth and tongue. In terms of whether she prefers giving or receiving, she actually doesn't have much of a preference. It all depends on the situation for her, and who made the first move.
Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
She could be either depending on the mood set. If it's a more romantic night or you're celebrating something, she's much slower, choosing to take her time. However, if you've sneaked away for a quickie obviously she's going to be faster and maybe a little rough. One thing that's certain is that she always makes sure to check that you're comfortable with the pace before continuing.
Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
As a professional chef, she already has a lot of stuff on her plate, so it's safe to say quickies don't bother her and are actually one of her preferred methods of getting off. Long and slow sessions don't typically happen unless one or both of you planned for it ahead of time, so it's not uncommon for you to have a quickie whenever you get the chance.
Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
She takes a reasonable amount of risks. She doesn't have any qualms about having sex in a semi-public location, and she's open to trying new things if you're up for it.
Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
If it's a quickie or if she's had to wait a while for relief, she probably won't last very long, but she'll most likely be up for another round soon after. In fact, she has pretty good stamina in general, usually able to go for several rounds before stopping. You're more likely to tap out before her.
Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
She owns a few different toys. A regular sized vibrator, a bullet vibrator for whenever she needs something small for out of town, and maybe a risque pair of handcuffs hidden away somewhere. Depending on your personal preference, she'll use them on either you or her, and if you ever want to try something specific then she'd be more than happy to (discreetly) order it for you.
Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Not a whole lot, but sometimes she'll wear a dress that's more revealing when you guys go out to eat dinner and the like. She doesn't like to tease you as much as you'd think because she doesn't like the feeling of having a ton of pent-up sexual energy with nothing to do with it.
Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Oh, she can be loud. She'll restrain herself if you absolutely need to be quiet, but if not then she's not bothering to hold anything back. Pants, moans, groans- with her, you always know whether you're doing well or not, because her sounds will dictate it.
Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Honestly? I could see her being into feederism, which is basically when you get off on feeding other people/being fed by another person. She most likely wouldn't have a preference on who does which, whether it's her feeding you or you feeding her. In fact, she might even want the two of you to feed each other at the same time. It's almost a way for her to pay homage to her old self while comfortably entertaining the idea of her healthily gaining a few extra pounds and keeping them.
X-ray (let's see what's going on under those clothes)
She definitely has stretch marks (yeah I said it). There's several all along her body, including her boobs, thighs, and stomach. Most of them are pretty faded due to how old they are and how long it's been since she's lost weight, but if you ever compliment them or gently trace your fingers along them when you're laying in bed together she'll melt and propose to you on the spot. She's joking, don't worry (for the most part, anyway).
Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
It's not extremely high, but I could see her wanting to have sex at least once or twice a week, maybe more if the two of you aren't busy for once. Again, she doesn't like having to wait for too long if she's in the mood. That's not to say she'd ever pressure you into having sex, because she wouldn't, it just means if you're unavailable for sex or just don't want to have it she has to get some time for herself to take care of the issue, otherwise she's going to explode.
Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
It takes her a little bit, especially if she has the nagging urge to immediately get up and change the sheets. Pillow talk is one of her favorite times to have deep, intimate conversations, so she'd love to do that with you if you're up for it, but she understands if you're too tired.
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End notes: it's kind of embarrassing just how quickly I wrote this
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bakvrue · 2 years
A Break -- bakugou x reader
You gently close the bathroom door, hoping that the house guests won't question why you're going to the bathroom for a third time in two hours.
Your head feels like it's pounding, and even you notice how the smile on your face doesn't quite reach your eyes. It's been a week, maybe two of non-stop interactions. His parents and your parents taking up every inch of available space in your house.
Your thumbs press into the corner of your eyes and you bow you head, you don't dare look in the mirror. If you see how closely out are to breaking you might finally shatter.
You almost already had a breakdown this morning when you went to shower and found the shower head settings had all been fucked up. You wasted five minutes trying to fix it, almost calling Katsuki in to help before deciding instead to turn it on the highest blast setting. Maybe it would blast away the numb feeling in your head. But it didn't.
And now it's peak cooking time. Everyone is in the kitchen; there's commands and opinions coming from every corner and all you want to do is finish cooking one dish. Just one. But the flour is being used elsewhere, someone just spilled the salt. You slipped away just as your father-in-law started to clean it up.
You jump when the door opens and shuts quickly behind you.
"Katsuki," you hiss, trying to keep your voice low, "what are you doing?"
"What do you think I'm doing? Hiding with you, obviously."
He says it so matter of factly but you can tell from the way that he's watching you and analyzing your face that he's here to check on you.
"What if I was peeing?"
He crosses his arms, "Nothing I haven't seen before."
You roll your eyes and push his shoulder, "Stop, you're gross."
Bakugou pulls you into his arms and you would consider it a hug if your arms weren't pinned down at your sides.
"You love me and all my grossness." You try to break free, wiggling in his arms only for him to tighten his hold on you. "Besides, I know you need a break."
"That doesn't mean breaking my back," you respond, trying to free at least a shoulder or arm to fight back with.
He looseness his grip but keeps his arms around you, and you're finally able to hug him back. Stupid bastard and his big arms. But you nuzzle your face into his shoulder and revel in the scent of him. It's calming and the fog inside your head seems to clear a little with each second.
He rests his chin on your shoulder, the bone digging into your muscles as he talks, "You know, you don't have to be all smiles all the time. You're allowed to just be."
He could tell your smiles were fake too. Of course he could, there's no fooling him.
"I just want everything to be perfect, and for everyone to have a good time."
You always feel a little silly admitting this, you know not everything is going to be perfect, but you always feel like it's up to you to make sure it is. Even though you've learned this lesson already, that it's not up to you to make everyone happy, when you get overwhelmed it's easy to forget.
Katsuki kisses your shoulder in silent understanding, and backs away from you, grabbing the door handle.
"I'm putting you in kitchen timeout. Take a 20 minute break. Find out if the Midoriya's set their house on fire, I bet Izuku burned something by now and I need a good laugh."
He gives you a cocky smile, and mouths the words, "love you," before closing the door and leaving you alone in the bathroom again.
He can handle the kitchen better than you anyways, you know that he's going to do fine so you pull out your phone and message the group chat.
'Anyone burn anything yet?'
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Impressed Yet
TW - Cursing, A Single Nut Joke, Like Slight Nsfw If You Look Hard Enough-
WC - 1417
Now.. you remember how to do this Ash David even helped you and you can do this. The poor beta tried to hype himself up as he looked at the bowl holding the pizza dough. All you had to do now was cook it- and not burn it. 
It had been a while since Ash ordered some pizza. It felt wrong eating it while his loving mate was gone. The former guilty pleasure had now become a meal shared between him and his mate. And while Baaabe was returning from a long work trip. They mentioned wanting Pizza, and originally he was going to order it-.. But for some reason, he decided to listen to David.. And make the pizza from scratch-
So he went to the store and gathered the much-needed ingredients. But somehow still managed to forget the yeast- it was such an odd ingredient.. He was sure it wasn’t all that important anyway.
Now if I remember correctly.. You just gotta preheat the oven.. The recipe says to preheat it to 475- but.. The last time I did that, I got charcoal- instead of chicken.. Asher rubbed the back of his head, this was too much- maybe he should’ve just ordered it. No.. no.. I'm already this far. I'm not giving up now! Now let's read this damn recipe. 
Step 2 - Dust your hands with flour and push the dough down so it deflates a bit. Then divide the dough in half. Form 2 round balls of dough put said dough balls in separate. Bowls and cover in plastic; let sit for 15 minutes to 2 hours. 
Lol, balls-.. No, because this is much harder than they make it sound.. Why do they look like nu-.. Actually’ll shut up now. Just round and knead.. This is put in that bowl and put that one in the other bowl.. And set a timer.. Baaabe gets home in 3 hours.. And I want it to be done by then. So 20 minutes right?.. 
Well.. I should probably start preparing the toppings that is the next step.. 
Asher hummed to himself as he unevenly chopped the onions, and chopped some very thick sausages. Ripped apart bacon strips.. As well as stole a few pieces for him.. After all, gotta feed the chef am I right? He looked down at the poorly chopped mess and smiled. He did that.. He knew it wasn’t the best, it didn’t take a genius to tell him that. But he was proud of what he had done. Now where did he put that pizza sauce?
Asher looked around the kitchen.. Where did he put it? Cabinet? No fridge? No. On the counter in an orange bowl yes… was it in the frid- wait what- mentally slapping himself Asher grabbed the orange bowl and brought it over to the flour-coated mess he was calling a counter. He had checked the fridge enough times to know the cheese was in there. Did he buy too many bags of shredded cheese? 
5 bags.. 2 bags for the meat pizza and the other 3 for the cheese pizza. He did the math right- right? Oh, who cares.. Asher started to tear open the bags practically; mozzarella cheese felt like the only reasonable type of cheese to buy- like having a pizza let alone a cheese pizza without mozzarella cheese is like a crime. And poured them into a bigger bowl. 
His phone erupted with noise, which must have been the timer, stopping the destructive mess he called preparation. Removing the plastic from the dough once again.. He could see why they had him preheat the oven. He had already been at this for over 2 hours- and that was before Baaabe’s text. He still had an hour and some change before his mate returned home. And if all shit went to hell.. He had Max’s Pizza on speed dial. He smiled at himself with that little knowledge in the back of his mind. 
Step 4 - Working one ball of dough at a time, take one ball of dough and flatten it with your hands on a lightly floured work surface- use your fingertips to press the dough to 1/2 inch thick. Turn and stretch the dough until it can no longer stretch.  Let the dough rest for 5 additional minutes. Until the desired diameter! 10-13 inches
Treat the dough gently! 
Hmm… maybe I could try those funny-shaped pizzas.. I could do a heart.. That’d be cute- and the dough just ripped- how do I fix this- uhhh.. What if I just fold the rip over.. And.. now it just looks like a Frankenstein's type heart thing- maybe Baaabe won’t mind- like it’s the thought that counts. Now be a little less aggressive.. The crust is the best part.. I should include enough room so I could put cheese in the crust. Oooo.. that’ll be so fucking good.. Mmm.
And now the second one.. Flatten, spread. This one is just gonna be normal.. I want this one to look somewhat like a circle, or at least an oval. I have to be soft with the dough. I don’t want this one to rip. Good thing, I'm good with my hands.. Heh, now that's done, what is the fifth step? 
Step - 5 Brush the dough top with olive oli. Using your fingertips to press down and make dents along the surface of the dough- to prevent bubbling. 
This requires a lot of oil- like Jesus..  Though there is nothing better than greasy pizza. What you do to one you have to do to the other.. Lol.. I feel like I should sprinkle something so the dough won’t stick to the baking sheet- Naahhh, it’ll be fineeeee. Nothings gonna go wrong. 
Asher looked at the mess, that he called dinner. The toppings on the meat pizza seemed too sloppily spelled ‘’ Impressed Yet? ‘’ he smiled at his handly work- Asher’s smile faded.. He was coming upon the hard part. Actually cooking the pizza, he didn’t want the pizza to burn.. Nor burn the apartment down- but one thing at a time. Alright, the final and last step.. We’ve gotten this far- 
Step - 9 Bake pizza in the 475’F oven, one at a time until the crust is browned and the cheese is golden. Or about 10 to 15 minutes.  
Seems easy enough, just slide this off that. And put that on that! And poof! Now put it in the hot oven. Now.. what was he supposed to do now? Well, baaabe should have been home by now. Ash questioned what was taking them so long before grabbing some chips and heading to sit on the couch. Before long his eyes started to drift.. And next thing he knew lights out.  
Not too long after our boy went to sleep. The door opened, and a wonderful smell filled Baaabe’s nose as they shut and locked the door behind them. Did Ash order some pizza?.. No, they didn’t see any boxes and stuff on the counter, now that had thought about it where was Asher? They put their bags down and went to look for him, god it had been a long week. 
They were finally happy to be home. They checked the bedroom and bathroom. They would have seen him in the living room. Pulling out their phone and walking back into the kitchen. They saw something they’d never think they would see in their life. 
‘’ A-Ash..? ‘’ Baaabe was confused. Was he..?
‘’ Hey, Baaabbe! I was wondering when you got home! I made dinner ‘’ Asher was practically glowing. The pizza was slightly burnt- and not as thick as the usual ones they got from Max’s but it’s fineeee. 
‘’ Y-y..you made dinner? And didn’t burn.. The place down.. Holy Shi- ‘’ 
Stunned wasn’t the word to be used. Baaabe was surprised, and the pizza actually looked edible.  
‘’ I know.. I'm a bit surprised too.. But you said you wanted some pizza.. And I’d thought I would try to make you some..’’ 
Baaabe smiled and made their way over to their lovable partner. As he set the hot pizza down. And pressed a kiss on his cheek. 
‘’ you lovable dork.. You’ve been hiding these cooking skills from me? ‘’ 
‘’ No.. I just had an amazing teacher.. ‘’ Asher chuckled as he wrapped his hands around their waist. Pulling them in for a much more passionate kiss. 
‘’ Now let's eat this pizza before it gets cold.. ‘’ The beta smiled pressing one more kiss to their lips
AN - this is my apology to my fellow Asher fans for that last fic- but I love this one. it's cute and gives the vibe of a love song. Honestly, Asher and Baaabe are just adorable. I think I'll write for them more.
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