#and Rouge IS one of them
nelkcats · 1 year
Crow services
After Danny died he noticed that some animals had become more attached to him while others had moved away. Aggressive or death related animals seemed to react positively to his presence, although friendlier animals such as birds tended to fly away.
Of course, none of this prepared him for the number of crows that landed on his window daily. At first he was scared that they would consider him a corpse and try to eat him but after the third time they brought him a shiny object he assumed they just liked him.
Those crows became very fond of him, they let him pet them, they would perch on his head or shoulders, always present and sometimes even watching over him (A particularly intelligent crow he named Poe would drive his parents away with distractions).
So when he moved to Gotham to complete his studies he prepared for a farewell to his feathered friends; said friends simply ignored him and followed him around the city. Danny assumed he wasn't going to be able to fight them, so he let them be.
This is how the phenomenon called "The Invasion of Crows" began in Gotham, the animals were not aggressive but mostly indifferent, some of them agreed to carry letters as homing pigeons (After Danny asked them for the favor) starting "Crow services"
As long as you had the money or something shiny to pay them the birds would carry messages from one place to another, ironically they would give that payment to Danny, who only sighed and let them pass to his apartment, giving them: some food, shelter and a place to sleep, although he was worried the moment his neighbor would complain about the noise.
At first he let them stay on the streets because they were supposed to be free, but after the sixth time he caught Damian Wayne trying to adopt one he just rolled his eyes and now the little ones were living with him.
So yes, when Jason finally decided to visit his neighbor he didn't expect the red eyed crowd staring at him and judging his actions, one in particular lunged at him and he swore he was about to gouge his eyes out before a voice yelled "Poe, wait! "
Said crow looked at him for a few more seconds before perch on the head of the prettiest boy he had ever seen, who approached to offer him a hand "I'm sorry, they're very overprotective" he muttered worried.
Jason almost fell over laughing when he noticed that this was B's "weird case" about the rise in crows alongside the supposed "new rogue" in town, when all he saw was a college boy with a murder of crows living in his house, maybe creating a new messaging system.
He was going to have so much fun with this, maybe he'd even manage to go on a date with his eyes intact, who knows.
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sonknuxadow · 9 months
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one-idea · 5 months
I love a Roger/Rouge lives to raise Ace or a Shanks takes Luffy with him one-shot as much as anyone.
But the main problem I always have is that the ASL brothers would never meet in these circumstances. So my brain (being the mess that it is) has tired to find a solution.
What if Rodger never got sick or at least it was not as deadly as it was. Still chronic but not a death sentence. He lives and Rouge has Ace (she gets pregnant a little later then in cannon so that she doesn’t have the crazy long pregnancy but Ace is still the same age).
To keep his family safe they travel with him on the Oro Jackson. They stay to relatively calm waters that the marines can’t easily get to. Some of the crew also leave to make their own crews. This gives the marines something else to chase.
Shanks is one of the ones to set out on his own. He leaves when he’s around 17 right around the time Ace is born. It’s the push he needs to set out. He wants to distract the marines as much as possible from Roger’s family. (Buggy did the same thing. They decided to split up to cause more mayhem)
Ten years go by. Shanks visits Roger when he can but for the most part he’s making a name for himself. And he’s doing a good job at it. So good he has to lay low for a while. So he decides to go to the East Blue for a bit. Get away from the Grandline while also hiding somewhere different than Roger. (That way if the marines find him they won’t also find Roger)
It’s here that he meets a 7 year old Luffy. And it plays out much the same as cannon. He adores this little ball of sunshine. This is his boy. He doesn’t care who the boy’s blood father is this, is his boy. So he gives him his hat, has Luffy promise to return it when he’s a great pirate someday. But he leaves out the part about that being the next time they see each other because he wants to see his boy again.
When Shanks returns to the Grandline he seeks out Roger to tell him about their new family member. And Roger hears about this boy who is sunshine incarnate, who dreams to be the freest person alive, who wants to dethrone him as pirate king and goes, “I can’t not meet him.” And there’s no way he’s waiting till the kids on the sea. (Plus Ace needs some friends. Shanks and Buggy had each other, Ace has no one his own age and Rouge is starting to worry for their son.)
So they set out for the sleep island in the East Blue.
Meanwhile Grap has moved Luffy to Dadan’s care. While Luffy is out wondering around he bumps into a blond haired boy named Sabo. It takes a while but Sabo starts to warm up to the 7 year old that’s following him like a shadow.
Just in time for a new kid to wander his way into their jungle. Oro Jackson has Docked and Roger has been (discreetly) looking around for this Luffy while the crew restocks. Ace has already made his way into the jungle because even though he was raised by his parents, he’s still feral. (He was raised on a pirate ship go figure) the three boys bump into each other and through some shenanigans Ace and Sabo start to get along.
It doesn’t take long for Sabo and Luffy to figure out who Ace’s dad is. You know since they actually get to meet them.
The Bluejam pirates still happen.
Maybe Ace doesn’t like Luffy at first. He’s a little kid and is annoying in the way all older kids find younger kids that just want to follow them around annoying. But it’s more than that, because Shanks has claimed Luffy. Shanks, who Ace grew up around and looks up to, came back to the ship and didn’t want to talk about anything except for this ‘amazing’ kid. This kid who his uncle/older brother gave up his arm to save. This kid who is so ‘special’ his dad just had to come and meet him. This kid who has his dad wrapped around his finger in under a day. This kid, who is wearing his Dad’s old hat like a crown and talking about dethroning his dad like it’s his right. This little crybaby who’s not even that special. He can’t even swim!
Even Sabo has a soft spot for the kid, Sabo who is now Ace’s first friend, but he obviously likes Ace better because Luffy is such a crybaby.
But then the Bluejam pirates show up and they heard that the king of the pirates is here with his son. His son he would do anything for. Wouldn’t it be nice to get the bounty for the king of the pirates? If they have his son they can probably force the man into handing himself over. They wouldn’t even have to fight him!
They set out to capture Ace. They see him hanging around Sabo and Luffy. When they attack Ace and Sabo get away but Luffy gets caught. He gets tortured as they ask him to give up the location of the Roger Pirates so that they can capture Ace and by extension Roger. But Luffy won’t tell them anything.
Roger comes to save him. The whole crew comes along with Ace and Sabo. After this the three boys are inseparable. Ace steals some of the crew’s sake and the three swear to become brothers.
While the three boys are doing this. Roger sent some men to find the rest of the Bluejam’s crew and find out about their plan to burn Grey Terminal and how they were hired by Sabo’s father. And that settles it for him. If there was any doubt in Roger’s mind that he was taking Sabo with them when they left this island it was gone now. He thought the boy was oddly dressed for a homeless boy, finding out he was a noble explained a lot. He’s not leaving the boy in this situation. Mainly because Ace finally has a friend/brother. Finding out that adopting the boy would make a noble lose their mind was a bonus!
But what about Luffy? He knows Shanks thinks of the boy as a son. He’s know he is Ace and Sabo’s brother, and they haven’t left his side since the kidnapping. Rodger has no clue who the boy’s family is. At this point Luffy has only introduced himself as Luffy. He lives with the bandits but they are not his family. So it’s seems like he’s got no one truly taking care of him. Honestly Roger is shocked Shanks didn’t just take Luffy with him when he left.
So Roger leaves the island. Stealing one noble son. And taking what he believes to be one free child with him. (There are no parents around to claim him? It’s free real estate) they sail away right as a navy ship is approaching. And Roger would recognize that ship anywhere. It’s Garp! What is Garp doing here? Was Roger that careless with his location. The Oro Jackson hasn’t had a true Marine encounter in years (Rouge is just that good at navigating them under the radar)
Garp sees them, of course he does. Roger sees Garp grab a den den mushi, one that projects his voice across the open sea between them. Roger is expecting his regular speech about how Garp is going to catch them, about how they should surrender, really any of their normal banter.
What he is not expecting is the very loud, very panicked, very angry “give me back my grandson!”
Roger and the crew slowly turn to face the three boys. It’s not Ace. Roger would know if he or Rouge were related to Garp but he still checks Ace off the list.
It can’t be Sabo. Roger can’t imagine a reality where Garp lets his child marry a noble. Plus the kid looks nothing like him.
That leaves Luffy.
“Luffy, what was your name again?” Rouge asked ever patient
“Monkey D. Luffy!” The boy says with confidence. It’s the first time the crew has heard the surname. Well, at least that confirms somethings.
After confirming that yep this is Garp’s grandson. Who he is apparently trying to train to be a marine? Who he’s apparently hit with haki infused punches. (Roger’s been hit with those. They hurt.) Roger grabs their own den den mushi and just calls out “finder keepers.” And they sail away to cannon fire and cursing.
Anyhow the three brothers grow up together on the Grandline. Shanks visits when he can and calls once a week at least if not daily to check in on Luffy and the boys.
Whitebeard definitely crosses paths with Rogers at some point and tries to adopt the boys from him. Rogers would fight him if Rouge wasn’t already fighting Whitebeard over her babies. In the end he becomes the fun uncle. Ace adores him. This is Roger’s worst nightmare! (It’s not. There are way worse things that could happen than his son liking his rival. But Roger loves to be dramatic)
When it’s time to make their own crews Ace and Luffy both decide to start from the East Blue. Getting dropped off by the Roger pirates.
At some point Sabo found out about the revolutionary army and decided that he wanted to join rather than be a pirate. He has his family’s full support (as long as he calls once a week. If he doesn’t they will find him) When he meets his boss for the first time he almost loses his mind and immediately calls Roger’s with a “I think I just met Luffy’s dad!” To which he gets the hilariously confused response of, “You’ve known Shanks since you were ten. What do you mean you just met Luffy’s dad?”
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quilfish-swan · 10 months
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my favorite lady is in my brain again
[image id: rough colored sketches of portgas d. rouge at various ages as a pirate. in the first she is 37, wearing an off-the-shoulder blue dress, a brown corset thing, and a brown pirate captain hat with a pink hibiscus and a feather in it. in the second she is 29, and she is wearing her canon outfit (plus some brown belts), the blue dress with the pink hibiscus in her hair. she is holding onto a rope with her dress tied up at her waist, and she has a free expression. in the last, she is 20. she is wearing a blue pirate shirt with a low neckline, a brown waist tie, brown pants, and a brown headband tied around her forehead. she is looking to the side, leaned against something with a cup in her hand. /end id.]
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terrorpyjamas · 9 months
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i've been playing unleashed
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crystallizsch · 2 months
*kicks down door* ehehehe it's luxe couture yuusha and rabbitwear yuuna :3
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lymooniee · 5 months
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I was inspired by the white jungle scene cause its always on my mind like crazy, so uhm YA HEHE. They're such teammates and siblings it makes me so happy, their dynamic is just ugh so so good. I love wlw and mlm supremacy ☆
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ybetzarts · 5 months
Bouquets are fine, but, i guess this works too🌼
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shadowxamyweek · 4 months
It really should be acknowledged, in one way or another, that Amy saved Shadow's life.
Not Sonic. Not Rouge. Their contributions later cannot be understated, but in a pivotal moment where it can be argued it counted most, Amy was the one to save Shadow's life by asking them to give everyone a chance.
By extension, she was asking Shadow to give themselves a chance.
And Shadow took it.
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ashleyslorens · 8 days
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irrelevant-iguanadon · 6 months
platonic sliver and blaze 🤝 platonic amy and sonic 🤝 platonic rouge and shadow
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zeezu-ix · 1 month
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okay so i thought it'd be real fun if i made timelines of my progress with drawing sth characters digitally AND FUCKING HELLLLLL. Alot of the earlier art in these hasn't been posted before too abjdfdf (me from 2 years ago is screaming in agony.) Also got wips in there (albiet some i haven't worked on in months)
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as an extra i done OC and sona timelines too (the identity crisis goes craaazy)
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frostios · 8 months
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newish and oldish matilda prime doodles. im insane about her and her and her and
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hypewinter · 1 year
You know, we see a lot of Danny absolutely wrecking the Joker but what if he didn't? What if what happened with Freakshow still lingers? What if Danny post adoption is absolutely terrified of this clown and Joker seeing that this boy has a worse reaction to him compared to most people and eats it up?
I wanna see a Joker who makes it his life mission to traumatize the newest Wayne. A batfam who's terrified the Clown Prince of Crime will hurt yet another family member. A Danny who sees Joker and instantly thinks of what might happen if he loses control again. Of who he might hurt this time.
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evansdoodles · 9 months
for the doodle request… umm Ed oswald Martin family portrait ? 🫣🫣🫣
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What if amity park was Gotham
So amity park happened decades ago and amity park is known as a ghost town because of all it's ghost sightings
One day a billionaire bought the property of amity park, bulldosed all the old houses and started to build a city on it
However amity park is still dannys haunt, he's been there for decades and will not leave his home, he still feels the need to protect his home from the assholes destroying it
But he doesn't want to hurt anyone so he keeps sending signs and signals that their not welcome but anytime someone brings it up their fired and replaced by the billionaire
After the construction is done Danny dosen't know how to feel about it, it's not his home, these people destroyed his home and are now disrespecting it more and more but he doesn't want to hurt anyone so he just keeps sending signals telling them to leave but once again there ignored
This continues for centuries with Danny (his need to protect his home is now overriding the dislike of hurting people) getting more and more violent and nasty to the people invading his haunt
It gets worse and worse, Gotham gets polluted, crime rates go up, the poverty line increases just all around getting worse and worse
But no ones leaving
So Danny keeps getting more and more hostile towards the residents of Gotham because this is his home not theirs
The rogues happen because they were subconsciously inspired by the rogues Danny used to fight and his memories bleed into their subconscious, that's why they all share some resemblance to ghosts he knows ;frostbite and Dr.freeze/ poisen Ivy and overgrowth/ freak show and joker ect:;
So the reason Gotham is so corrupted is because it was build on dannys haunt and he just wants them gone
The neighbourhood Jason grew up in is so bad because that's dannys neighbourhood and he keeps trying to force them away.
The only reason Danny tolerates Batman is because he reminds Danny of when he was protecting his home as phantom
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