#and also a comforting one
Submission and Insecurity
This post might be more graphic and will almost surely be more personally vulnerable and revealing than what folks are used to seeing me write. But here's where I'm at today (this whole past week). Proceed at your own risk.
A couple years ago, someone asked another blogger I still consider a good friend if sub frenzy recurred. Like, it was understood that a new submissive may experience that feeling of wanting to lean way in, to the point of maybe going overboard or to an unhealthy place, because of the newness and adrenaline fueled excitement that comes with self discovery and fun activities. And my friend asked me to put input on it. I said yes, for me sub frenzy does recur, and it happens when I'm really insecure. I've been inside of one of these episodes this week for a lot of reasons, some I'm sure I'm not even aware of myself, but suffice it to say, this desire for deeper, even extreme submission comes when I'm feeling disappointed and abandoned and hurt by other people, and unsure of who to trust and who values me.
It happens because I know J is a sure thing. He rarely if ever hurts me or lets me down. He's never deserted or ghosted me or not shown up for me when he said he would or when I needed him to; I normally don't even have to ask. He just wants to be there for me. And I know I can trust him because of this. And I know he values me because of this. So when I get to a place where I think maybe all I really have is J, my instinct and virtually overruling desire is to just give him everything.
I'm aware of sub frenzy and I know it's real, just like way back when I met J and didn't even know what D/s or kink actually was, I was aware of 'new relationship energy' and that it is real. But with J, I've begun to think, after all this time together, that the how and why of my recurring sub frenzy maybe isn't sub frenzy. Maybe it's just an expression of what I actually want my life to be. Because it keeps coming back to me, arguably stronger and stronger, the longer we're in this together.
To me, submission is an expression of security with and about J, and my so-called sub frenzy is a response to my insecurity with and about other people.
Finally a sort of specific example from earlier today. I have a friend (friend should probably be typed 'friend' here) who is local; one of the only local people I associate with, and she made plans with me for lunch today. She's canceled every set of plans we've made together since November of 2021. She's made I'll say 75% of them but canceled 100%. She canceled again today, as I was literally walking out the door to meet her. And the first thing I did was text J. I've spent most of this week doing a LOT of kinky things J has instructed me to do when I'm home alone during high school hours for our son. So J's answer to my text was:
"Be honest. You're kind of happy she canceled on you today, aren't you? You wanted to stay home and do what you're told."
He's right. I was happy she canceled so I could stay home, acting my submission to J out very deliberately. I didn't feel insecure today even though I got canceled on...again.
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greykolla-art · 4 months
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My blog has become infested with angst goblins, and they must be fed with some hypothetical scenarios!🙏💚
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stargirl230 · 5 months
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thanks for the light
I was just trying to figure out how procreate works but then the op brainworms got to me and 35 hours later here we are! can you tell I miss home-cooked meals :')
(no reposts; reblogs appreciated)
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catmask · 8 months
does anyone have like an anti aesthetic. like something you look at and can recognize as a complete fashion/interior design/artistic movement and understand it but it makes you shudder seeing it. i am not talking like “its morally bad” “its poorly structured” like just sheerly devoid of joy for you actually invites a repulse response.
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starry-bi-sky · 26 days
I am loudly pushing the batdad agenda i am loudly pushing the— DPxDC Prompt
“Woah. You look like shit."
Granted, that’s probably not the first thing Danny should be saying to the guy that just bit the curb, but in his defense; he’s not running on 100% right now either.
The man -- tall, towering, and broader than Danny is tall -- whips around on his heel, black frayed cape flaring out impressively. Danny would've whistled in appreciation, but he takes the time instead to wipe the back of his hand across his mouth, smearing the blood running from his nose across his cheek.
"Sorry." He blinks widely, not even flinching as the man with the horns zeroes in on him. "That was rude of me. I have a really bad brain-to-mouth filter; Sam says its what always gets me into trouble."
And she's not wrong either, per say. His smart mouth is what landed him in this situation -- with blood blossom extract running through his veins and cannibalizing the ectoplasm in his bloodstream. Thanks Vlad.
The man grunts at him; a short, curt "hm" that shouldn't make Danny smile, but he does because he's somewhat delirious and probably concussed. The man keeps some kind of distance, sinking towards the shadows of Gotham's alleyway like he dares to melt right into it.
If it's supposed to scare Danny, it doesn't work. Danny's never been afraid of the dark; he's always been able to hide himself in it. He blinks slowly at the mass of shadows.
"You look hurt." The shadows says, blurring together around the edges. Danny squints, and licks his lips to get the blood dripping down his chin off. Ugh, he hates the taste of blood.
"I am." He says, "My godfather poisoned me. M'dying." The agony of the blood blossom eating him from the inside out looped back around to numbing a while ago, so all he feels is half-awake and dazed.
"Hey," Danny stumbles forward towards the man, a bloodied hand reaching out to him. "You-- you're a hero, right? You're not attacking me; which is more than I can say for most costumed people I've met." Maybe it's a poor bar to judge someone at, but he's already established that Danny's not in his right mind.
The man makes no change in expression, but Danny realizes blearily that it's hard to tell with the shadows on his face. He stays still long enough for Danny to latch onto the cape -- stretchy, but almost soft under his fingers.
He looks up blearily into the whites of the man's eyes. "Can you help me? I don't-- I don't wanna die." Again. He doesn't wanna die again. He blinks slow and lizard-like. "I mean- I'll probably get to see mom and dad again, but I told them I'd at least try and make it to adulthood."
There's a clatter down the street, and Danny's ghost sense chills up his spine and leaves a bitter, ashy taste in his mouth. He immediately knows who it belongs to even before the deceptively gentle; "Daniel?" echoes down the way.
"Daniel? Quit your games, badger, Gotham is dangerous for children."
Danny's mouth pulls back, and blood spills against his tongue. "Please." He rasps, and grabs onto the shadow's cape with both hands. "Please. He's going to kill me. Please--"
"Daniel? Is that you?"
His lips part, dragging in air to plead with the darkness again. He doesn't need to, the whites of his eyes narrow, and the cape whirls around him before Danny can blink. Soon swaddled in shadows, the Night lifts him up, and steals him away.
#I AM LOUDLY PUSHING THE BATDAD AGENDA#anyways— add ons are encouraged i wanna talk more dpxdc with folks i just cant find any aus i really like enough to engage with#which is nobody's fault and its why im making my own content in order to reach more people#danny fenton is not the ghost king#dpxdc#dp x dc#dpxdc crossover#dp x dc crossover#dpdc#dc x dp#dpxdc prompts#i took a ‘which batfam member are you (except its personal)’ quiz a few days ago#and got bruce wayne. and then was promptly read to filth why im most like him and it rudely but accurately explained why im the most like#him. it also consequently explained to me why i like him so much. whenever i see him in his kindest form i see a mirror looking back#anyways lots of ‘danny rejecting bruce as a parent’ aus. may i present: bruce and danny finding family in each other aus. batdad aus pls.#dpxdc prompt#dcxdp#this prompt can take place at any point of Batkid accumulation but personally i was imagining this as before Bruce has any of his kids yet#eldest brother danny supremacy and also just that one on one bonding#danny being someone who was never afraid of the dark as a kid and even less so as he got older. taking solace in it as a ghost because you#cant hide in the dark when you glow. his enemies can't jump out at him. but he can jump out at them. how can he be afraid of the dark when#the dark is where the stars like to live? there's a comfort in the shadows. there might be something hiding in it. but he's hiding in it to#blood blossoms eat ghosts headcanon#wasn't sure where i was gonna go with this at the beginning and then i caught steam.#batman casually kidnaps an orphan upon kid's request. also the kid was Actively Dying Of Poison. What was he gonna do?? NOT help him?#mister 'keeps candy in his utility belt specifically for scared children'??? no way.
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ryssbelle · 2 months
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Drew a bunch of Marinettes in a bunch of different artists styles it was a lot of fun!!
Artists who's styles I mimicked: @buggachat @hamsternamedmarinette @ladybeug @sabertoothwalrus and @anna-scribbles all epic artists 🤟😎
#my art#marinette dupain cheng#miraculous ladybug#miraculous fanart#style mimic#sorry for the @s btw#yall should go follow those artists if you dont already also#this was sort of inspired by a post the three artists on the top row made#i think they all got together and drew with one another#which is really cool#but i was genuinely confused because i mimic styles a lot#and ive seen others do it too so i was just like#wow they really know each others styles really well#until i thought about it and read their posts some more#style mimicking is really freaking fun and i think its really good practice#and a good way to explore other ways of doing things#like you really have to learn new techniques and get out of your comfort zone#also anna scribbles i could not find a recent pic of marinette in her main outfit#so thats the only marinette i drew in different clothes cuz i couldnt find a more recent ref of you drawing it#anna scribble marinette has privileges thats the others dont#but ye#i also threw my own style in there as a frame of reference to what me draw like#ive drawn marinette before just not in a loooong while#sabertooth walrus was the hardest for me to mimic cuz they have a broad range in their style#so its like which sabertooth do i wanna be in this pic#Buggachat has such a distinct style thats very clean and consistent which is amazing so they were easy#being easy or hard arent bad things either it also has to do with like styles meeting up with one another#buggachats and mine arent too too different in some shapes and aspects#so yeah itd be easier plus they drew marinette like 3 sec ago so i have more recent of a ref#as opposed to sabertooth who i have a recent ref of ladybug but not marinette so we got two diff styles in one
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soranker · 4 months
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nipuni · 7 months
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The heart of the universe 💫
A speedpaint video of this will be available at my Patreon on december 1st!
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chiscribbs · 16 days
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My brain literally would not let me rest until I got this out of my system, so here we are.
Okay, so - Future Donnie's canon design sure is a thing. I actually love the concept, mechanic aesthetic is great for Don, but I'm not crazy about the all-black waders/overalls they're just...they're a choice. Definitely a choice. So I figured it was time to update those old Future Donnie designs I made awhile back (which, surprisingly, weren't too far-off? I got the pants pockets right at least, lol)
Here are some of my own takes on the new look. I challenged myself to try and stay as close to the canon design's over-all (haha) vibe as I could, so they don't differ too drastically. Just a few alternative ways to do basically the same concept. For funsies.
***Zero disrespect intended towards Andy, for the record. He's giving us the content we've all been craving and he's the realest one for that! (Also, the overalls aren't that bad, tbh? I think it's just the all-black inking that makes them look kinda off in the preview image.) Still super excited for the full comic to finally be released AAAAAAAA!!
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wasyago · 3 months
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on a lunch break
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tubbytarchia · 3 months
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Missed drawing these two too
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magicshop · 15 days
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mini & moni (ꈍ ᴗ ꈍ✿) for @epiphanytear [cr. namuspromised, 0613data]
"Thank you for living, breathing and being born." "He is someone I really need in my life and I hope he'll be by my side for a long time."
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betaminshitto · 2 months
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doctor..my head hurts.. *they scan my brain and find out it's all cross guild yuri* what the fuc
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sonseulsoleil · 1 month
Ghosts don't sleep. They don't even really get tired. At least, not tired in the way sleep would fix. When Charles first dies, he attempts to sleep, but he never can manage it. No matter how many nights he tries. Eventually he gives up.
But he never gives up asking Edwin to read to him at night. Edwin's voice as he reads is warm and steady. Comforting, even. Charles may be dead at sixteen, but he isn't alone. He thinks his best chance at falling asleep is if Edwin is there to read him a bedtime story.
It's probably silly. But Edwin doesn't seem to mind.
Edwin reads him mostly detective stories at first. Sherlock Holmes, anything by Agatha Christie, Nancy Drew and The Hardy Boys, of course—which is where they get the idea for the agency in the first place. But Edwin loves books of all sorts, so it isn't long before he's branching out into other genres.
Usually it's old books. Books from before Edwin was even alive. Books Charles would've avoid reading in school. Pride and Prejudice. Frankenstein. Jane Eyre. Oliver Twist. Somehow hearing them in Edwin's voice makes them much more tolerable.
And some are fun. Treasure Island is one Charles finds himself requesting over and over again. He always liked pirates. Lord of the Rings is another favorite, although maybe Charles is just excited that Edwin finally found a book that was published after he died.
Niko introduces Edwin to much newer literature. Teen romance novels with bright covers and cutesy, wordplay titles. Edwin even reads some of the books about boys kissing boys. An adorable, pink blush creeps across his cheeks every time still, but he's getting more comfortable.
Ghosts don't sleep, or even get tired. But Charles thinks he almost gets drowsy sometimes, late at night, when their living friends are sleeping, and he is curled safely and comfortably into Edwin, listening to him read.
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raepliica · 10 months
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tristamp post-S1 mashwood sillies and tri98(?) merylwood :]
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beidak-art · 7 months
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Studies and sketches from movie stills, first 3 are from ,,Ostatni strzał" (1959), last one is from ,,Lunatycy" (1960)
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