#and another one of their talents is graduating soon???
My knowledge of Vtubers starts and stops with Kizuna Ai. The only reason I know of most big VTubers is because I genuinely am fascinated in the way model rigging works and because two singers I followed YEARS ago are now Vtubers (AmaLee and Bao The Whale)
With that being said, watching Nijisanji make the biggest PR mistake of their life over the past week has been the funniest shit ever. Like GODDAMN. I have learned more about the financial instability of this one company in three days than I ever have since the dawn of Vtubers. I have never been interested Vtubers before (aside from the two mentioned above cause I watched them when I was like 14), this situation alone has made me want to consume so much VTuber material.
Anyway good luck and great wishes on Doki's come back to the internet.
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patscorner · 11 days
kate fic idea ! okay so you and kate have been best friends since you can remember, but something happens around third grade were you had to move away. a few years later (towards college or so) you guys reconnect (bc yall decided to apply to the same college) then it ends up on them going on a date and kissing 🙏🏽
will do! 🫡
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Summary: You and Kate grew up together, but when you move across the country, you lose contact with her forever. Or so you think.
wc: 2,339 (she's a long one, buckle up folks)
Contains: mentions of alcohol, nothing...?
For as long as you can remember, you have always had a best friend. Whether it was your first imaginary friend, your dog, or your brother. One of the most memorable of them all, though, was a short, dirty blonde girl in your third grade.
Kate was assigned as your table partner in art. Even as an eight-year-old, you knew she was the prettiest girl you’d ever laid eyes on. You both instantly clicked, bonding over favorite colors and working on your math problems together.
You both would play outside in recess together, swinging on the swings, or you’d play in the dirt while Kate played with a basketball. You guys were instantly each other’s ride or die, going to one another’s houses for sleepovers almost every weekend. Even throughout the seventh grade girl drama (canon event), and even after both of your friend groups crashed and burned, you two stood strong.
But sometimes things happen that you can’t control, like your parents separating in the middle of your eighth grade year. When you thought it couldn’t get any worse, your dad decided to return to his hometown and move across the country to Iowa, taking you and your brother with him.
You’ve never fought anything harder. You spent most of your time screaming at your dad and begging him to let you stay. When he kept refusing, you eventually accepted the fact that you were leaving. Leaving everything behind, your childhood home, your memories, your best friend.
At the time, the hardest thing you’d ever done was tell Kate you were leaving. You were in tears the whole time, even before you told her. She’d looked at you with worry and concern before embracing you, telling you that no matter what it was, she’d be there for you.
That’s the moment you knew you had fallen in love and that there was absolutely nothing you could do about it.
After you told her, you both cried together, vowing to write everyday (this was before you guys owned phones), and promising to never forget each other.
And that’s exactly how it started out. You wrote to her everyday, filling her in on everything that was happening in your first year of high school. And she’d write back, telling you about how she made the basketball team.
But soon, she started getting busy with all the media attention on the sophomore star, and your letters every day turned into nothing at all. You kept writing to her, but you never got anything back, even after you told her you got a phone.
You figured it was because you both got busy, but you couldn’t help but feel a little hurt that she didn’t write to you back. Eventually, you distracted yourself with finding your love for soccer and her, creating her future in women’s basketball.
You wouldn’t say you forgot her, because how could you? But you didn’t think about her much anymore, and she fell to the back of your mind. You’d moved on with your life, and you were certain she did, too.
Eventually, you graduated and got a full ride to the University of Iowa because of your amazing talent in soccer. Little did you know that a year later, so would Kate. Of course, hers was for basketball, but the same campus nonetheless.
You lay on your bed, watching old soccer highlights, trying to see if you could predict the plays and the fouls before they happen. You look up as you hear your dorm door open and watch as your two roommates drunkenly stumble in. One of your roommates, Sarah, fumbles with the keys before dropping them and leaning on your other roommate, Devon, doubling over in laughter. You roll your eyes and close your laptop. Guess we’re done with that for now.
“What happened to ‘not getting too drunk’?” You asked with raised eyebrows, helping Devon, who is much more drunk than Sarah, to the bed. She mumbles incoherent words, so you look up at Sarah to translate as you take Devon’s shoes off.
Sarah shrugged. “The football team showed up. They’re the life of the party.” She slurs the last bit and then covers her mouth before rushing to the bathroom.
You shake your head as you turn back to Devon, who’s staring down at you. “You’re hot as fuck.” she mumbles.
“You’re drunk, and you have a girlfriend.” You say. You’re far too familiar with Devon when she’s intoxicated. All she does is flirt with people, whether her girlfriend is in the room or not. Luckily, most people on the Iowa campus know her and who her girlfriend is, and they know to stay away, not engaging or encouraging any of her behavior.
“Cait is so annoying.” Devon whines. “She didn’t wanna come to the party with me.” she throws her head back on the pillows, flinging her legs on the bed when you finish taking her shoes off.
“Or.” You grab her a water bottle from the fridge before opening it and making your way back to her. “She has a game tomorrow and doesn’t wanna play hungover.”
You’d been to a couple of Caitlin’s games, and it’s even more amazing to watch her play in person (she’s also fine as hell, but you’d rather keep your life, so this one stays in your head). And with your brother being on the college baseball team, he’d go to many sports events, whether it be basketball, football, women’s basketball, or baseball itself.
Devon sighs before taking the water from you, practically drinking all of it before handing the mostly empty bottle back to you. You put a blanket over her before making your way to check on Sarah.
Opening the door, you notice that she’s taking her makeup off and her hair down. “Oh, shit, you’re all good then?” you say, surprised to see her standing. She turns to you and nods. “Unlike Ms girl in there, I can hold my liquor.” You laugh and turn to leave.
“Oh, you comin’ to the game tomorrow?” Sarah asked, turning to look at you. You sigh deeply before shaking your head. “Nah, I gotta study.”
“Bitch, you’ve studied for like three days, you’re gonna burn yourself out. You’re allowed a break.” Sarah says in a light-hearted manner but you can tell she wasn’t all the way kidding. She wasn’t all the way wrong either. You’d been studying relentlessly for a test in your business class, and gave yourself little room for a break.
“Come on, a small break isn’t gonna kill you.” Sarah persisted. You sigh defeatedly. “Fine.”
She grins widely, already planning outfits to put you in. You shake your head at her antics, when in reality, it was one of your favorite things about her.
Guess you're going to a game tomorrow.
Big mistake. You completely forgot that it was the first home game of the preseason, so the stadium was packed. The people looked like little bees, swarming around in their yellow and black jerseys.
But you and your roommates made sure to take shots before you left the apartment, so the alcohol eased your nerves a little. Since your brother was a baseball player and your roommates girlfriend was Caitlin fucking Clark, you guys had scored courtside seats, right behind the coaching staff.
You shuffle into the aisle, pulling your short black dress down as you settle in. You sit down, and turn your attention to the court. The teams are doing warm ups, and you watch as they do layups. One girl catches your eye, her dirty blonde hair tied back into her signature braid. She looks painfully familiar, but you can’t put your finger on it.
That is until she turns around to sit on the bench , and you get a good look at her last name.
Your jaw drops in shock, as your brain tries to process all the emotions that hit you at once. On one hand, you’re pissed that she left you in the lurch, but on the other hand… she’s Kate, and Kate is your best friend, someone who you once didn’t think you could live without.
She’s sitting in front of you, conversing with Caitlin. You obviously couldn’t hear what they were saying, but you’re an expert at reading lips (thanks to your parents), and you make out the word ‘single’, to which Kate nods her head at.
For whatever reason, this made your heart tingle, hope flashing through your mind. Maybe things could go back to how they were.
You’re pulled out of your thoughts by Sarah nudging your shoulder. “Stop staring, girl, you’re gonna burn a hole into her head.” she teased. You bit your lip as your cheeks flushed.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You mutter unconvincingly. You knew you weren’t being subtle, but at this point, you didn’t care. Your best friend, your first actual best friend, was seated no more than 15 feet in front of you.
Sarah rolls her eyes at your stubbornness. “C’mon bro, you're practically drooling.”
You shake your head. “I know her.” is all you say. Sarah shakes her head, giggling at your antics. “Yeah, everyone does. Her high school stats are off the charts.” You nod, although you’re not surprised. You’d watch Kate play in middle school, and she was a beast then, so you could only imagine what a powerhouse she was now.
And you were right. Kate and Caitlin dominated the entire game, piggy-backing off of each other, getting assist after assist. Whether it was Caitlin passing it behind-the-back to Kate, or Kate doing a no-look pass to Caitlin. The stadium was louder than you’ve ever heard it, most of the ruckus coming from the student section as they cheered on the freshman and their beloved Caitlin Clark.
The duo scored a total of 98 points together, and along with the rest of the team, Iowa won with 112 points, beating the opposing team by 67 points. The crowd storms the court, and you sit and watch as thousands of people in yellow and black attire swarm the players.
You and your roommates stay behind, as Devon waits for the people to clear out so she can hug her girlfriend. Eventually, most of the audience cleared out, only a couple of fans lingering. You take a deep breath as your roommates stand and make their way to Caitlin and Kate, who are laughing about something together.
Kate’s laughter is like music to your ears, a sound that almost makes you cry as an overwhelming amount of memories of hearing that beautiful noise every day swarm your brain.
You stand a little farther back as Devon goes up and hugs her girlfriend from behind, eliciting a yelp from a startled Caitlin. Caitlin turns around, hugging her girlfriend before kissing her passionately. You’d be disgusted, but you're far too distracted because at this point, the attention from Kate is on you.
You both stared at each other for a second before she spoke. “Do I know you from somewhere?” she asked. Her voice is just as amazing as you remembered it to be, only slightly deeper. You smiled nervously as you felt tears well in your eyes.
“I’d hope so. My brother used to drive to take us to the Phillips gas station, and you’d force him to buy you Skittles.” You smile as you watch her eyebrows furrow before they light up with excitement, just like they used to.
“No fucki-” she cuts herself off by jumping on you. Your hands go instinctively to catch her, hooking your hands under her thighs. Kate buries her face in your neck, squealing as she squeezes you as if you’ll disappear if she lets go.
“I can’t believe…there’s- how are you here right now?” She asked as she pulled away from your neck. You’re still holding her, and you know for a fact that if you weren’t in shape, you’d be tired, but because of the workouts your coach has you doing, you’re able to hold her with ease.
“After the move, I got into soccer… it turns out I was pretty good, and they gave me a scholarship.” You say, looking up at her. She grins at you. “That’s amazing! After you stopped sending me letters, I assumed you had forgotten about me.”
Your eyebrows furrow at this. “Wait, what? No, I kept sending you stuff, I just stopped getting stuff back, so I just thought you got busy.”
She shakes her head. “I never got any of them.”
“Not one.”
You shake your head as you put her down. “I don’t know why, I wrote to you every day.” Her arms stayed around your neck as your hands navigated to her waist, resting there as you two looked at each other.
Kate bites her lips in thought but shakes her head, pulling you into a hug. “Doesn’t matter. I’m so happy you're here.” Your heart swells at this, hearing those words healed every single ounce of doubt about her that you’d ever had. She didn’t forget about you, she was in the same boat as you, waiting for a response. For years.
“I missed you so fucking much.” You whisper, finally letting tears fall. Kate hears the way your voice shakes and pulls away. She looks at you with sympathy.
“I’m sorry.” She whispers. You shake your head, shaking off her apology. “Not your fault.”
She smiles at you, and you're both looking in each other's eyes for a moment.
Everything freezes. This is the girl you grew up with. The girl who kicked the boy who purposely stepped on your brand new kicks with his muddy shoes. This was the girl who made fun of you for your shitty spelling, the girl who made you feel at home, even while yours was falling apart.
You look in her eyes and you realize home is not always a place. Sometimes home is a person.
Your rock. Your home. Your person.
And she is all of the above.
taglist: @bueckerslover @wintersstan @lilia22hicks @fake-intelligences @breeloveschris
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sophiethewitch1 · 5 months
What We Want - Chpt. 2 - First (Second) Introductions
In Which A Romantic Breaks The Universe
(Yandere!batboys x f!reader) 18+ MDNI!
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Another lonely birthday, another empty year. You miss your family. You're late for your bills and rent, and even then, you got robbed last Tuesday.
Still, you buy yourself a cupcake, because you need it. I mean, hey. What's dessert for if not to get over cheating boyfriends and dead relatives?
As you blow out the candle, watching the clock switch from 11:59 pm to midnight of the next day, you make a wish.
And because the world doesn't like to make much sense, it comes true. Your life is suddenly flipped on a dime, and you're stuck trying to catch up with it. Fantasy becomes reality. You're a Wayne now, apparently. Or you used to be. You're loved, you're rich, you're talented and powerful.
Well, sort of. Careful what you wish for, right?
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Tim Drake was an obsessive creature by nature. Ever since he was little, he’d always been easily swallowed by his obsessions. His wants and desires, the little things that fascinated him. And, more than that, he never fought it. He gave himself into it, wholly. It was how he’d gotten this far in life.
He’d taught himself how to code, how to hack. He discovered Batman and Nightwing’s true identities. He’d learnt how to fight, how to keep the city safe, how to fling oneself off a building without fainting. He’s taped the family back together again and again after every splinter. He was one of only two Robins left, and that would soon be the only once Bruce retired and Damian graduated.
And this was all done through obsession. And it was obsession. He was self-aware enough to know that. While the rest of the family often indulged in delusions, he never had the time for them. He’d spent countless nights pushing his lagging body along with caffeine and sheer willpower. He’d often forget to sleep or eat even on the calmer days. All that was to say, Tim Drake was obsessive.
But, his obsessions never lasted. Sure, he’d keep the skills and the relationships he’d make, but when the dust settled, he’d find himself feeling empty. Tim Drake was obsessive yes, but his true obsession was the conquest. The rush he’d get when he finally claimed a new skill, a new person, a new piece of knowledge or wisdom.
And then, too quickly, far too quickly, the rush would disappear. The tingle in his spine would leave, the energy would disappear, and that feverish nature of his would flatten. Cool down. The others in the family knew it as one of his ‘moods’, but Tim thought it was probably more than that. Still, he was definitely in one of them right now.
It didn’t matter. None of it really mattered. The point was, right now, he was quite simply depressed. Bummed out, if you would. He’d finished a mission from Bruce, one that had taken him months of desperate, undying effort, and it was now done. And he didn’t have anything to do.
It sucked.
Boredom was a sinister demon. While Tim was by far the most emotionally stable of the family, he was still, well- not. Not by a long shot, honestly. The League’s mandatory therapy sessions had confirmed that. He just needed something to entertain himself, and quick. Usually, on a day like this, he’d be at home working on any random degree.
Unfortunately, he had responsibilities. He could not alleviate his boredom, because he was in the most boring place on earth.
A party. Not a party by any normal person’s standards, but one of his adoptive father’s galas. Even more horrifying, Bruce Wayne was in attendance. He was doing his billionaire playboy persona, and Tim couldn’t stomach it. It was no shock no one else had shown up. Even Dick was busy in Bludhaven, and he sometimes enjoyed these. Sometimes.
And once again, as every year, the birthday girl was nowhere to be seen.
Tim’s eyes rove over the very boring gala. Your gala, for your birthday. You weren’t here, because you never were. He couldn’t blame you. These balls sucked, even the better ones. This one was miserable, and the atmosphere was sombre. While it was your birthday, it was more than that, a day of death.
Your family had died, Bruce’s new wife had died, and all the siblings he never really got the opportunity to meet, gone in a brilliant flash.
And Jason. Jason, who now walked the earth again, flesh and blood. Jason, who tore himself through a wooden coffin and grave dirt. Jason, who even Dick couldn’t seem to bring back into the family. Jason, alive and well and probably spending the night at Roy’s house. It was still the anniversary of his death, and while Jason did his best to put on a front, anyone with half a brain could tell he found today… upsetting.
But, he was alive. That was more than Tim could say for your family.
None of these people knew that. They saw one of the great Wayne’s dead, and they mourned. They saw the new wife and step-children of Bruce Wayne dead, and they lamented. Tim was sure most of it was faked, at least in this gala. The rest of the city truly grieved the Wayne family's tragedy. Especially Jason, one of the princes of the city. But here? No, they just wanted to rub shoulders with Bruce.
The man you very clearly insisted had never been your father, and never would be, was… probably a little sad. Tim was probably a little sadistically pleased about that. He was bored, alright? Anyway, Bruce did not know how to deal with you, and you with him. Both of you were stubborn people, unable to communicate or reach a place of cooperation. You never showed up to the galas or the manor, you did everything in your power to never have to interact with anyone from the family. The only reason you even still lived in Gotham was to be close to your dead family. And above all, you made sure that everyone knew how much you hated Bruce. That the sight of his aging face made you nauseous. Everyone else found that hilarious, of course.
And Bruce, because he was stubborn, kept trying to reach you, despite your angry protests. Even if he had absolutely zero legal ties to you, he still kept trying. And so, another birthday party passes without its leading star. The memorial tomorrow would be missing you too. Christmas, easter, hanukkah, new years, Rosh Hashanah, you refused to show up to any of them.
Still, he had to agree with Bruce. They couldn’t just leave you. Not with the way you were.
You’d once quietly admitted to him that you hoped you’d one day go to sleep and not wake up. That you’d rot away in your room, disappear from the world entirely. That was one of the last few times he talked to you face-to-face. And then a few months after that, you’d blocked him on all social media.
He’d read hundreds of books on therapy, and he knew what suicidal idealisation looked like. Luckily for his sanity, he was not your therapist, nor was he your keeper.
That was poor old Dick’s job, and he was, hilariously, failing at it. Badly. Technically, you were the second massive failure Dick had taken on, and it was starting to show in his mental state. Old Dickie was spending more and more time in Bludhaven, preferring to patrol there instead of Gotham. Still, he insisted he could get through to you. Tim was doubtful. Dick had better luck with Jason, of all people.
Jason actually wanted to be a part of this family. You hated them all, viciously. And so, you’d obviously never show up at-
Wait. Wait, no. He definitely recognised that face. Why the hell were you here? Well, that was irritating. Tim prided himself on being prepared for any situation, for any unlikelihood. He was the son who would be taking over Wayne Enterprises, after all.
You being in the same room as Bruce Wayne was impossible. Completely impossible. At least willingly. You should be kicking and screaming, scratching like a hellcat at anyone who tried to make you stay. Instead, you’re standing in the middle of a crowd, chugging back champagne like your life depends on it. He could already imagine the chaos the media would be starting, to his misery. ‘Estranged ex-Wayne shows up at birthday gala and drinks like a fish’. Well, he had been complaining about being bored. Careful what you wish for, and all.
Shit. He was not prepared for this.
He was, despite it being your birthday, not at all expecting you to be here. He didn’t even have a present. Shit. He pulls out his phone and shoots off an order to his assistant, who would probably go to Dick’s for help.
He sees you over there, obviously uncomfortable, and realises he should probably rescue you. He tells himself he should, that he’s gonna get up and go do it.
Instead, he crosses his legs at the ankle, leans back in his chair, and watches. You won’t catch him off guard twice. He has his pride, after all.
You throw another glass of champagne back. Tim winces. Okay, maybe you might. This was all a bit of a shock. And the rest of the gala seemed just as surprised at your appearance as he was. They obviously didn’t know what to do about you, creating a wide ring of people who refused to step closer to you. And you seem oblivious to the social pariah you have suddenly become. Or maybe uncaring, as you’ve already claimed an entire buffet table and champagne tray for yourself.
Just… just drinking. You seem to only care about ingesting more alcohol and confectionaries. It’s your twenty-first, but uh… this definitely doesn’t look like the first time you’ve been drinking. Not that he cared if this was your first time drinking. He’d done his fair share of illegal activities. Sure, they were mostly superhero stuff, but still illegal. Frankly, it’s kind of impressive. You might even be able to drink Jason or Alfred under the table.
…Good for you, he guesses. A talent’s a talent.
He realises, after a few minutes, that you have absolutely zero plans of socialising. You’d showed up here of your own free will, and then just scared off anyone who’d talk to you. Not that there’d be many who’d be interested in talking to the swaying woman who looked like a threat to herself and everyone around her. No, you were still just drinking. You’d gotten halfway down the buffet table, trying every single cake and a few of the savoury items as well.
You kept circling back to have more champagne and Victorian sponge, and then you’d go back to wherever you were in the buffet and try something from there. Your choices seemed sporadic, and more than once you spat something back out into a napkin. You look at some of the dishes like you think they might be poisonous, taking wide circles around them.
He rests his elbows on the table, leaning forward to press his face to his intertwined fingers. He’s definitely past the point where he should go help you. You’re making a mess, both physically and socially, and yet, he still just sits there. He can’t help himself, it’s interesting.
Uh oh, your knight in shining armor is here. Or well, dark. Bruce had never been known for pastels. Tim turns his head to the giant man blocking out the light, giving his father and leader a smile.
“Hey Dad,” he greets, in an open attempt at manipulation.
Bruce shakes his head, not caving begrudgingly like he usually did. Shit, that usually worked. Guess he must be actually mad. He glances from Tim to the object of Tim’s apt fascination. You. He turns back, looking down at Tim with his ‘I’m trying to be a good dad’ look. It’s not very convincing.
“How long has she been doing this?” Bruce asks, straight to the point as always.
“Twenty-seven minutes. You’re ruining my process,” Tim replies, telling B to screw off in the kindest way possible. He doesn’t take the hint, because he’s a bit of an ass. Even Batman fanboy Tim could recognise that.
“You can’t just count when someone is getting drunk in front of the public. You need to actually do something.” Bruce shakes his head, hand lifting to massage his brow. It was just that easy to give the old man a migraine. Poor baby probably needed some Ibruprofen. Tim had some in his pocket, but he wasn’t going to offer.
“I was going to eventually. And aren’t you curious? She refuses to show her face for months, and then pops out of the blue to… what? Steal from your liquor cabinet? She knows she doesn’t have to come to get whatever she wants,” Tim ignores B’s nagging, turning his gaze back to you. You’re having a love affair with that cake, honestly. Oh, you’re going for another shot… You do realise the stuff you’re chugging goes for millions, right?
You probably don’t care. You never had about money.
“It doesn’t matter. She’s here, and we should be taking care of her. This is obviously her reaching out for help, and she obviously needs it,” B insists, splaying his worn and scarred hands over the table. Tim has the same hands, everyone in the family does. Vigilante work left scars and callouses.
“Then why hasn’t she come over here, yet? My theory is she’s just trying to smear your good image. Which doesn’t need smearing in the first place, but who understands the minds of young, drunk and miserable women?” Certainly not Tim, as he had proven in his relationship with Stephanie.
“Tim, enough with the sass. Go and help her.”
“She’s not your responsibility anymore, B.”
“Her mother would disagree. Now go,” Bruce orders, his words final. Because they always are, in the end.
Tim groans, letting his head fall back. He glares at the ceiling and all the sparkling diamonds strewn about, and then he pulls himself to his feet. Cracks his shoulders, and parts the Red Sea with a glance. The crowd in the gala splits so the young heir can easily find his way through, and he gives everyone he passes a kind smile.
He strides up to your side, calmly waiting for you to notice him. You’re still imbibing, completely oblivious to his presence. It’s funny. And fascinating. Usually, you were so paranoid that he wondered how you weren’t always a single breath away from a panic attack. Like a feral animal, ready at a moment’s notice to fight or flight.
He sees that you’re dealing with those social anxieties in a way befitting the Wayne name. Which is to say, absolutely shit. His head tilts eyes flickering over you. You don’t look too good, which is no real surprise. Even with your people’s perfect styling, they can’t cover up the shaking and sweating in your form. It might just be anxiety, but knowing you, it’s probably not. He wonders if you even notice how sick you are.
You don’t look like you notice much of anything. Maybe the cake, but that seemed to be pushing it.
“Oh, so you actually showed up? Colour me surprised,” Tim starts but is unable to continue when you spin on your heel and drop your flute of champagne. It crashes to the ground, and he finds his socks becoming uncomfortably wet.
The two of you look up from the mess and meet gazes. Your mouth is open in horror, eyes comically wide. Tim has to bite the inside of his lip so as not to immediately burst into laughter.
“I’m so sorry,” you say, you do a weird crouch-pop-up movement, and then your eyes swivel around frantically, “I’m- am I supposed to clean this up? I can totally clean this up.”
You look just about ready to kneel into a pile of thin glass shards, so Tim stops you. Because God knows Bruce would hang him from the rafters if he didn’t.
“It’s fine, it’s fine. Somebody else will handle this. It’s your birthday after all, right?” he says, giving you a charming smile. It’s sort of a shock when you don’t scoff at him, and instead just stand there with a deer-in-headlights sort of look.
“Hey, are you alright?” Tim asks when you don’t say anything else.
You startle, and then blink at him rapidly. Distracted and inebriated. Lovely. He doesn’t think you know what you’re doing here either, which was a bad sign for your mental health. Have you been refusing to go to your therapist again?
It wasn’t like he went either, so he couldn’t judge.
“I’m good,” you say, your words only slightly slurred. You blink again, your head cants towards the floor, and then you glance back up at him. You look like he’s caught you committing a crime. “Do you- uh, want some of the cake? Sorry for stealing it all, it’s really good.”
You were acting… really strange. Tim found himself with the undeniable urge to follow along with your strangeness.
“You know what? Yes, yes I would,” he says, taking one of the little plates of strawberry cake and a delicate three-tonged fork. He scoops up some of the cake, the cream and jam, and eats. Chewing he keeps staring at you, as you fidget awkwardly. It’s good, but all the food here’s good.
“Did you like it?” you try to smile at him, but it looks more like a grimace.
“I did. Javier did really well with these desserts,” Tim says, before waving over one of the staff to clean up the mess the two of you are ignoring. You look surprised when he offers an arm to guide you away, and he wonders if you’ll accept it. He can’t imagine a world where you would, but today seems to be full of surprises. In the end, you do, but it takes you a good five seconds of awkward staring before you take it.
He takes you over to one of the tables, careful to make sure you don’t slip and fall face-first into the spreading champagne puddle.
“Oh. Is he the chef?”
“He’s the pâtissier.”
You give him a blank stare. Right, you probably don't speak French.
“The pastry chef,” Tim clarifies, as he helps you find your chair. You slump down with zero grace, and for a second Tim thinks you’ll fall right off. You manage not to with a desperate grasp at the table. Good for you.
“Oh, cool. That’s super cool. I think I love this Javier guy, honestly.”
Tim snorts, taking his own seat, “He has that effect on people.”
You’re not looking at him, instead grimacing at the mess you made that two of the staff are cleaning up. Tim’s sort of surprised. It wasn’t that you had been particularly mean to the employees before, but you rarely acknowledged them. You had barely acknowledged anyone, completely unaware of your effect on the greater world. You didn’t care. To be fair, it didn’t seem like you cared about anything but your family’s gravestones and memorials.
Still, there was definitely something different about you, today. And he couldn’t blame it all on the alcohol. Today, you looked a little green about the whole accident. Like you actually gave a shit. Maybe you’d had a change of heart. He hoped you had, for Dick’s sake. You looked more alive, even if it was a confused, embarrassed, uncomfortable sort of alive. It was still an improvement. Usually, your expression was dead, a blank stare. It reminded him of Jason’s as he’d been lowered into the ground.
The two of you wouldn’t like that comparison. And it’s hypocritical too, Tim knows he sometimes resembles a zombie after one of his little sessions.
He can’t help himself. He’s curious, so damn curious. What had prompted this miraculous shift? And plus, you could still be planning something, even if it was seeming more and more like you’d stumbled in here drunk and confused, not able to remember you hated them all. Maybe you had a concussion or something. A head wound sounded like a good explanation for all this.
“Why’d you show up here today?” he finally asks, caving quickly to his need to understand.
You give him a weird look like he’s the one being strange.
“It’s my birthday.”
Tim tilts his head. “That it is.”
“Was that- that the wrong answer?”
“I don’t know, was it?” Tim knows he should stop playing with you. You’re making it far too easy, though. And he's bored, damn it.
“I don’t know either. That’s… that’s why I’m asking you.”
Before he can react to the strangeness of that comment some (awfully rudely, might he add) intrude on your conversation. One of the board members of W.E., someone he had to pay the proper respect to. When his hand slaps down on Tim’s shoulder, he has to suppress a withering sigh. There were less fun parts to his job, and this was one of them
“Drake! It’s so good to see you,” the old man greets, and it takes even Tim a second to remember his name.
“Lancaster! You as well,” Tim replies, noticing your barely there flinch.
“I’ve been meaning to talk to you tonight. My project’s funds are running a little low, and everyone knows you’re the one to go to for an easier time. Bruce is a great leader but…” the man chuckles, and Tim grins at him. It’s fake, of course. When in Rome, they say.
“A bit strict, yes. I have struggled with his attitude before, too.” Understatement of the century.
Tim glances at your quiet form, eyes set on the tablecloth in front of you. Even still it’s obvious you’re listening to their conversation, head cocked just slightly to the right. The board member doesn’t even seem to notice you. Tim’s curious if he recognises you.
You’d been out of the public eye for so long he wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t. That’s the way you’d wanted it to be, after all.
“But let’s talk about this later, I’m entertaining a very tipsy birthday girl at the moment,” Tim says, hoping you don’t mind him using you as an excuse.
“Oh wow!” Lancaster cries, at your mere presence. Subtlety is not this man’s strength, “I didn’t see you there. Wow, jeez. Didn’t think you’d be here today. What made you change your mind?”
You give him a long, assessing look. Whatever you find makes you pull an expression like you sucked on a sour lemon.
“My assistant forced me to,” you answer honestly. Seems you’ve realised that ‘it’s your birthday’ isn’t an adequate reason. Not that you’ve never failed to reject any and all pressure to attend these events before. Like Tim had said, kicking and screaming.
“Ha! I know the feeling. Well, I’ll leave you two kids to it. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” the old man chortles, gives you a wink, and leaves. Your gaze follows him into the crowd, and stays there, even when he disappears behind it.
It’s quiet for a moment. Tim waits for you to speak first.
“Who was that man?” you finally ask.
“Charles Lancaster, one of the newest board members of Wayne Enterprises,” Tim says, surprised you’re curious. You’d never been interested in W.E. or anything involving the family. Surprised, surprised, surprised. He should just accept any odd behaviour from you at this point, start expecting it.
You slump in your chair, pressing your forehead against the table. Then, you let out a long, unhappy, groan. Tim gets it, he really does. He does not get what you do next.
Your hands slap against your cheeks, and Tim jerks in his seat. Okay, maybe Bruce was right, you probably do need help. He couldn’t imagine the big guy sending you to Arkham, though. It was obvious you were only a threat to yourself. You take a deep breath, completely ignore his confused stare and get to your feet.
And you immediately fall sideways.
Tim’s arm shoots out, grabbing yours before you crash into the shining marble floors. You look down at him, mirroring his shocked expression. You look down further down, and Tim follows your gaze.
Your stilettoed heel looks the same as it always does. Still, you stare at it like it’s a shark biting at your toes. Tim thinks this is one of the first real emotions you’ve shown in months, and it’s desperate fear of your shoes.
“I told her I can’t wear heels,” you say, more to yourself than him.
“What? Yes, you can. You wear heels to all these events,” he replies anyway.
“What- Well, I meant… heels this tall. They’re really tall.”
He just blinks at you, at the inanity of your statement. They were really tall, but Tim had seen you wear taller. Why were you lying about something like this? Had you drunk too much and were too embarrassed to mention it? Or maybe you’d hurt yourself?
He looks down at your ankle again. No, the flesh seems unharmed. And you hadn’t been walking with a limp earlier, you were just stumbling around now. Must really just be too much champagne. You’d already dropped a glass earlier and had been obviously embarrassed by it. Even if Jeanine had swept in just like she was supposed to, fixing the situation. You’d apologised profusely.
He’d never heard you apologise before. It’s… well, it’s strange. That’s the only way he can describe this encounter.
“You can let go of me now. Please?”
Tim lets you go, and you rub your arm. Shit, he grabbed you too hard. He knew you were on the delicate side, wasting away both mentally and physically. You didn’t take care of yourself and rarely even left your apartment. Even now you looked oddly sickly.
“I’m going to uh- I have to go pee,” you say, and immediately wince at your words.
Tim, without thinking, replies, “Go piss girl.”
You make a shocked choke of laughter, nod at him, and then run off as fast as you can while grasping every piece of furniture in your reach. You look genuinely ridiculous. Well, it’s not the first time a Wayne gala has turned into a clown show. Compared to Dick’s younger years, this was completely unnoticeable.
Bruce still loved to complain about the chandelier he’d broken in an impromptu trapeze show. It’d been diamond, and over a hundred years old. The ones above him now were just as expensive, but not vintage. Jason thought it was hilariously funny, and was always trying to get Dick to do it again. Luckily, Dick had matured, if only a little bit.
Speaking of which, this is a perfect opportunity to mess with Dick. He pulls out his phone and the secure channel they use to communicate. Dick was in Bludhaven right now, probably on patrol. Doing something fun. Sure, tonight had gotten more interesting, but you’d just run off and with you his only entertainment. Tim was bitterly envious of Dick’s fun, and because of that, he had to make Dick just a little more miserable. Just to make things even, of course.
‘Smartest_Robin’: guess who just showed up to her own birthday party?
‘Underwear_guy’: you’ve got to be fucking kidding me. why?
‘Smartest_Robin’: hell if I know. she’s drunk as hell lmao
‘Underwear_guy’: please don’t let her do anything stupid.
‘Smartest_Robin’: yeah, yeah. i’m the idiot who has to deal with the fallout anyway
‘Underwear_guy’: how’s it feel being the ‘favourite son’?
Tim snorts. The media often called him that, purely because it was well known he was the one inheriting W.E. It was hot gossip that it was Tim and not Damian, the proudly stated ‘blood son’. They didn’t know Damian was inheriting an even greater responsibility. And it wasn’t like he particularly wanted it, he just knew he was best for the job and it helped the time pass in between missions. It was fun sometimes, too. He enjoyed giving Luthor Corp a good thrashing every now and then.
‘Smartest_Robin’: same as always. im bored, anything interesting going on over there?
‘Underwear_guy’: bludhaven’s my city, dickhead. go do taxes or something
Tim sighs, and puts the phone back down. He had to try, at least. When it becomes obvious you are absolutely not returning from the bathrooms anytime soon, he gets up, adjusts his cuffs, and walks back off into the fray.
He greets and shakes hands, he takes photos and makes deals. It’s all a blur, really. He does it with half his attention, the other focused entirely on you. Amidst all this pomp and splendour an intriguing new mystery has been born. A puzzle to hold his attention, just for long enough till he gets to the next one. And your sudden shift in personality is more than enough. And if he focused on that, he could get through all this politics.
He’s talking up a chairman of a rival company when the lights go out. When the windows shatter inwards, his heart starts to race. And when familiar masked thugs break in through the wide open doors, guns up and ready, he’s already prepared for the fight. People start screaming, scrambling, and even more gunmen follow through the side exits. While guards raise their own firearms, everybody knows they’re completely outnumbered.
The Joker’s here, and he’s brought his army. Well, shit, all this excitement, and Tim left his suit upstairs. Guess he’ll have to improvise.
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shyyubin · 6 months
Our Little Secret˗ˏˋ꒰ ♣️꒱
<CEO!jaehyun x assistant!fem!yn>
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synopsis: yn finally gets a job but her ceo just so happens to be the same guy who made the porn video she was masturbating to a couple days ago!
A/N: let me know if you want me to continue this
office romance // CEO x assistant // sort of slow-burn // smut // degrading // consent asking // secret dating
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Yn takes a deep breath in when her number is called. “Number 25?” a lady in her 40s called, viewing the many other people beside yn above her glasses frame. Yn springs up from her seat, startling the others next to her. “25! I’m 25”; the lady seems unimpressed, “Follow me.”
She follows her carefully into the interview room which had 3 chairs for the candidates, and a long table to fit 3 evaluators. Two other candidates were already seated and waiting for yn’s arrival. “Sit down, please.” the lady points to the only empty chair as yn bows lightly and sits down. Standing in this very chair made yn remember just how important this job was.
The man from the middle from the evaluators seems focused on his papers, shifting through them diligently, taking occasional looks at the three potential employees in front of him. Beside him, to yn’s right, was a woman with a really prominent red lipstick, and on yn’s left was another man, dressed in a suit with a red tie. That man took one quick look at the papers and began speaking. “Introduce yourselves.” His voice was firm and steady, it made yn sort of intimidated.
Candidate number 1 began speaking; and then candidate number 2. They each said their impressive stories in less than two sentences. And now it was yn’s turn to surprise everyone.
“Candidate 3?” the man from the middle looks up from his paper, above his small glasses frames. His voice sounded very familiar to yn for some reason. This weird feeling made her forget her words.
“Uhm..Yeah. Sorry. I’m…My name is Yn. I uhm..I graduated from xxx University with a degree in xxx. I think I’m suited for this job because…well because I’m….” her tongue twists and her sentences make no more sense anymore.
The guy in the middle looks at her unimpressed. He seems bored out of his mind—actually, as if he’d seen people like this over and over in this single day. “Listen here, ms. yn. I don’t know what you went through or how tragic your backstory is—I just hope you know I take my job and my employees, along with their talents, very seriously. I don’t play around with cuties like you who have it all good because they’re pretty.” his words keep rambling, the woman from his left has to whisper him something to make him stop. However, his long narration made all the pieces put eachother perfectly in yn’s mind. She couldn’t believe it when she finally noticed why his voice sounded so oddly familiar and above anything, it made her weirdly turned on.
In that moment, her mind goes back to a couple nights before…
“Ah..fuck…” she moans out, sliding her dildo in and out, rubbing her swollen clit like her life depends on it.
“Come baby…Come with me~..fuck..” the voice from her phone rings. She picks it up from the couch and resumes watching the video of the sexiest guy she’d ever seen. A perfect body with an amazing vocabulary and a long and thick dick. His face was blurred out from the video but it didn’t even matter. His body spoke more words than his face anyways.
“Baby? ‘wanna cum with you…” he moans out, his palm hurrying on his hard length. “Come with me, yeah? I wanna feel your juicy cunt gripping my cock nice and well~”
Yn follows his pace with her dildo, letting faint moans escape her mouth. With a couple more thrusts, yn cums first as the guy continued to moan, soon reaching his orgasm as well. Yn listens through the whole video, wanting to see him release as well. Once he does, the video ends and she’s left in her quiet room, only her panting voice resonating in it and wet sounds from her dildo still inside her wet cunt.
Her mind snaps back to reality. The guy who has the closest possible voice match to the man that made her cum a couple days prior, is right in front of her…….interviewing her for a job. “Yn-ssi? Are you even paying attention to what I’m saying?” he asks in a bored tone. Yn gulps trying to get her mind back in place.
“I’m sorry, sir. Uhm…could you please give me another chance..?” the man sighs and sets his papers down, raising his eyebrows ready to hear her out one more time.
After she says her line and other questions are asked, she leaves the room feeling uneasy. Both that her interviewer who seemed to be the boss is actually also a porn star who posts erotic audios and videos for women to get off to—and also that she might’ve absolutely failed her job application.
But after a couple months, she receives an email telling her that she can start her job as the CEO’s assistant as well as congratulating her for obtaining such an important position. She’s left feeling an odd mix of emotions.
Yes, she was glad she got the job—a prestigious one at that—but..did it really have to be that CEO..? Regardless, she did as she was told and went to work the next day.
She’s met with wonderfully kind people who guided her well despite not being their intern. They all encouraged her to keep her head up, saying that their CEO is terribly strict and cold-hearted. Yn didn’t really know how to respond to those, having already heard him dirty talking and feeding into women’s praising kink multiple times before.
She slowly walks up to the CEO’s office door. A sturdy gray door with his name engraved in a plate which was screwed onto it.
“xxx Company CEO — Jeong Jaehyun”
She knocks three times, waiting for a response from the other side. “Come in.” his voice was firm and clear. Yn opens up the door slowly.
He’s sitting across the room, wearing a suit that seemed familiar. Now that she can see him from a closer angle, his arms looks familiar too. In every one of his videos, he wore a ring shaped in a snake which wrapped around his middle finger. It was always on his right hand. And now that she took a closer look, his ring was in the same place with the same design.
Yn clears her throat and adjusts her stance after analysing his outfit. “Well?” he asks making her quiver in nervousness.
“Uhm…My name is Yn. I was selected to be your new assistant! Thank you for selecting me, please be patient with me. I look forward to work with you, sir.” she says, bowing low to him.
“Well, no need to thank me. I chose you because you were suitable enough to be my new assistant. However, I mostly chose you to get a chance to talk something with you.” his voice was deep as he steps closer to her.
Yn stumbles back away from him, feeling her legs get weak from his voice. “What..what do you mean..?” her voice was small and quiet.
“I mean…I feel like you know something and that you’re hiding something from me. I don’t know if your little coworkers told you this but—my assistants never hid anything from me. So spit it out.” his eyes were intimidating and almost impatient.
“It’s not work related so I won’t be saying it. I apologise.” she tries to sneak herself out this situation.
Jaehyun chuckles and looks away unbelievably. “Listen here, miss. Whether it’s personal or work related, you tell me.” his demands reminded yn of his countless aggressive dominant porn videos making her cunt slowly quiver.
She looks away, unsure how to word her situation in the best way possible. As she’s thinking, Jaehyun sighs impatiently. “Have you, by any chance, heard me before? Somewhere else?” he seemed to catch on.
Jaehyun inches closer to her, making yn bump into the wall. “Hmm..” he analyses her expressions and body language. “I think I got it right..” he smirks when he sees her body be sensitive to his every move.
“Listen..It’s really not what it looks like-“ she tries to escape his grasp but he traps her in between his strong hands. Her face looks up at him in an apologetic way. “I..I’m sorry. I really didn’t want this to reach the surface—I was going to keep it a secret to not make it awkward between us…”
“Us..? Who’s us? We? Me and you? Don’t you think you view yourself a little too special?” he mocks as his hand sneakily slides up in between yn’s thighs. Her knees rub eachother as she can feel her core get hotter and wetter.
“Sir..please….let’s not..” she tries to take his hand away but he remains firmly.
“But I want to. And you’re my assistant so you should listen to what I say. Plus…you got off to my voice and videos until now, haven’t you? Wouldn’t it be better to experience this in real life..?” he asks, genuinely waiting for an answer from her, a bit unsure if he should really continue if she’s uncomfortable.
“I’m…I know I did that but..I don’t really feel alright with doing this with you..I’m sorry..” her head falls down in shame.
Jaehyun pulls his hand away and scratches the back of his neck, unsure of what to say. He clears his throat and goes back to his desk. “How does my program look today?” he asks not even looking at yn.
Yn panics, opening her notebook and checking his set program. “You have an appointment with your grandfather in about two hours.”
Jaehyun sighs. “Cancel it.”
“Sorry? Are you sure?!” her eyes grew surprised. She thought there must be something going on between him and his grandfather so she made sure not to push further.
“Yes. Don’t make me say it twice. You may leave.” he turns in his chair to face the large wall behind him made out of glass which stares into the city lit up by street lamps as if they were small fireflies.
Yn bows lightly before walking out the door.
The call with his grandfather did not go well. It made her realise just how much she’ll have to learn about his family and relatives, their names, their triggers, their phone numbers…And his grandfather definitely wasn’t an easy person to deal with. He was grumpy and always spoke in fancy language your ordinary young adult wouldn’t be able to recognise. Above all, he was very persistent. He told her that no matter what his grandson said, he wanted him at his house this evening. So after trying to argue with him for almost an hour, she bit her lip and finally agreed to bring him there—just to make his grandfather shut up.
After another twenty minutes of trying to figure out how to word it to Jaehyun in a way that won’t piss him off, she finally got up and knocked lightly on the door.
“Come in.” he said, clearly not expecting anything.
“Good afternoon, sir..” her knees trembled in nervousness and her words seemed to disappear from her mouth.
“Well? What do you need?” he asks looking at her above his glasses frames.
“Um. Right…Your grandfather…” she couldn’t even continue since Jaehyun already sighed heavily, taking off his glasses and pinching his nose bridge. Still, she continues. “I called him to tell him that you won’t be able to have dinner but…he’s sort of…”
“Annoying? I know. Don’t tell me you gave into his never-ending persistence…”
Yn bites her lip and nods, her eyes shut close as if he might throw something at her. Jaehyun groans in frustration instead.
“When is it?” he asks, sort of accepting his fate.
“In about an hour..” she replies with pity towards him.
Jaehyun rolls his eyes and gets up from his chair, grabbing his coat and wrapping it around his shoulders. “Come on. You’ll be my driver.”
“Sorry? Driver??”
“Yeah. You know how to drive a car, right?” he asks rhetorically, fixing the tightness of his watch on his slender wrist.
“Well…that wasn’t really on the application papers…” she mumbles but it’s still loud enough for Jaehyun’s eyes to widen in shock.
“Then how the fuck do you even imagine us to get there?!” he raises his voice.
“I don’t know?!! I thought you already had a personal driver!!” so does she.
“Don’t raise your voice at me, lady. Remember, I’m the boss in charge here!! You’re just my assistant.” after a long and heavy sigh, “Call an uber. You’re paying for it.”
“Why should I pay? You’re the one who’s rich here!!” she doesn’t let herself slip not even a little.
“Yes, but you’re my assistant. And you should listen to my words as your boss. Now go on, call a fancy uber for me.”
Yn shuts her eyes closed in disbelief before walking out and opening the uber app on her phone in the most annoyed way ever.
After a couple minutes of waiting for the uber, it finally sends a beep to her phone, signalling it’s waiting right in front of their building.
Yn opens the door to his office gently. “…Sir..your uber is here.” she whispers as to not disturb him.
“Alright then. Get ready. You’re coming with me.”
Yn buffers for a second, trying to process all his nonsense is really tiring. “I’m sorry? Why would I come with you?”
“Because I said so!” a sly smirk forms on his face as he walks past her.
Yn smiles at him with the fakest smile she could make. All her plans for tonight were cancelled just like that.
The two hop in the car which didn’t seem as expensive as Jaehyun was hoping. He gives Yn a look to which she just fakely smiles again. “I can’t afford limousines, sir.” she says sarcastically before wrapping the seatbelt around herself and staring out the window.
Once the car stopped, parking diligently, Jaehyun steps out of it along with yn. He straightens his coat and tightens his tie. Yn is carefully pulling out her hair from her scarf and sniffs her nose at the cold weather. She hurries to Jaehyun’s side and clears her throat, ready to face a very old-fashioned old man who is probably very strict and definitely doesn’t know how to joke around.
Jaehyun knocks four times at the big door which was supposed to be his grandfather’s. A lady opened the door for them. She had a thin body dressed in a white buttoned up shirt and a tight skirt which reached about two fingers above her knees. Her hair was tied tightly in a bun and her makeup was light but definitely there. She opened the door, lightly bowing.
“Welcome, Jaehyun-ssi.” she welcomes him with a gently smile. Her eyes turn to yn. “And you must be his new assistant. Welcome..” she bows one more time. Her politeness makes it a bit awkward but to tone it down, she bow as well.
The lady guides the two of them to the grand bedroom where his grandfather was waiting. He was sitting at a large table fancied with meals upon meals with side dishes. He hums when he notices the two of them enter.
Yn bows 90 degrees, greeting him in the most polite way possible. “Good evening, sir. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
His granfather nods in approval with a light smile. “You finally got yourself another woman assistant, huh?” he says, his voice grumbling.
Noticing the possible private conversation erupting, “I’ll leave you two.” she says, turning around for the door. Jaehyun grabs her hand, his face looks at her pleadingly, as if saying “please, for the love of god, stay with me.”
Her eyes widen in shock, mouthing out “why the fuck would I stay with you and your grandfather?!”
Jaehyun’s eyes grow more, his mouth turning into a pout. Yn never thought she’d see him this way.
“Why are you leaving? Stay here, let Jaehyun-ah introduce you to me.” his grandfather says, gesturing with his hand for yn to sit down at the table. So she gives in, she sits down and takes a deep breath.
There really wasn’t a way to make some time for herself tonight.
“Dig in! This food is for everyone here.” mr. Jeong insists as he sees yn be a little awkward.
She steals a glance to Jaehyun who is also visibly uncomfortable but it seemed as if he already knew what was expecting him.
“Jaehyun-ah, introduce her to me.”
Jaehyun sighs, “She’s my newest assistant. Her name is Yn and she’s brand new on the job. This is her very first day.”
“And…How is she?”
“She’s..fine. I haven’t gotten to see her true potential.”
Yn scoffs.
“Listen here, Yn-ssi. I’m pretty sure Jaehyun-ah never told you about his past experiences with his assistants..!”
Jaehyun groans in displeasure. “Don’t start rambling about that again…”
“They were all really bad at their jobs. One even tried to date Jaehyun-ah! Another one stole one of his most valuable watches!!” mr. Jeong seemed the most captivated in this story, although it felt as if he’s told this story multiple times. His enthusiasm makes yn catch onto it and be just as interested.
“Is that so..?” yn says in disbelief.
“And then he had one single female assistant once…”
Jaehyun smacks his fork on the table. “Pa, don’t.”
Yn glances at Jaehyun who seemed visibly annoyed and disturbed. Mr. Jeong sighs and sits back in his chair, giving up.
After eating in silence for a while, all of them finish their food and they say their goodbyes. Jaehyun unlocks one of his grandfather’s cars, opening the door for yn.
“So you knew how to drive this whole time?” she asks, getting in.
“Of course I did.”
The car starts and she stares out the window unsure whether to ask about what just happened or not.
“…You had another female assistant before me..?” she decides to take a leap of faith.
Jaehyun sighs, driving carefully. “I did.”
“Will you tell me about it?”
“Do you think we’re some friends?” his voice sounds pissed.
“Ah, sorry..” she looks out the window.
Jaehyun suddenly gets an idea. “How about we make a deal? I tell you about my last female assistant and you tell me more about your secret.”
“What secret?”
“The one I was trying to disclose~…You know..The non-work related thing..you should get into more detail…” his mouth curls into a smirk.
“Ah..” yn nods, unsure what to say.
“So? Deal?”
“I don’t know…”
“Hm, well, suit yourself.” he says, knowing well yn’s curiosity couldn’t last for more.
She grunts, giving in. “whatever..You go first.”
“Well…my last assistant….I really liked her. We started dating even though we knew our work could stop us from doing that. After a year or two of trying to make it work…she…uh, she cheated on me.”
Yn gasps, covering her mouth with her hand. “I’m..so sorry.”
“It’s fine. It’s in the past.”
“You still seem bothered by it.”
“That’s none of your business.” he says firmly. “Now it’s your turn.”
“Well…I sort of….always used your account..”
“is that so? In what way?” his face turned into a smirk.
“Oh, you know exactly in what way!” yn says, blushing.
“Fuck…” Jaehyun says under his breath. His car parks on the side of the road, in a more empty place. Yn notices his breathing getting heavier. “What were you doing to my videos, yn-ssi?”
“i…uhm…well…you know..”
“Tell me in detail.” he turns to yn, his eyes were growing with desire.
Yn was cornered. On one side, she wanted him so bad, ever since she started watching his videos, his dirty talk and his body was all she could ever dream of. But then again, this was her boss and she struggled so hard to get this job…
“Are you sure you want to do this, sir?” she asks first to be sure.
“I don’t know but right now…I don’t know for how long I can hold myself back..” he closes his eyes and tries to get the car started again.
“Are you sure you can drive like that..?” she says emphasising to his growing bulge.
“Shut up.” he snaps, continuing to drive forward.
Yn turns the other way, staring at the window, hoping her wet core would go away.
They both knew they wanted each other, there was just a slight something stopping them.
So when Jaehyun goes over a slight bump, it gets the both of you whimpering. “I..I’m sorry..” he says under his breath.
Yn nods to his apology, trying to keep her mind at bay at everything she wanted him to do to her.
Jaehyun slows down the car at the door to her house and stares down. “I’ll get…I’ll get going.” she says, pulling her purse close to her stomach and pressing the handle to open the door. His head raises suddenly.
“Let me escort you.”
Her head cocks slightly to the side. “Sorry?”
Before getting the chance to explain, he gets out of the car and opens the door for her. She walks by him to her door before thrning and awkwardly smiling at him.
“I’ll get going..!” she says one more time.
Jaehyuns eyes are fixated on her lips. With an inhale he leans in, sliding his hand behind her neck and pressing his lips close to hers. Although she knew this was wrong and could cost her her job, she didn’t stop him.
He deepens the kiss, lightly moaning into it. His other hand sneaks to the handle, pushing it down and slipping inside the warmth of her house. Not letting go of their hot kiss, they undress eachother of their coats. Jaehyun pulls away and stares at yn with a lovely smile before picking her up bridal style. “Where’s your bedroom, lovely?”
Yn points to a door a couple steps away and he walks directly there. “This is where you fucked yourself while listening to me moan?” he grunts, throwing her gently on the fluffy mattress, pressing his knees next to each side of her hips while he takes his shirt off, unbuttoning with tease.
“Tell me, baby. How did you play with yourself while watching me?” he moans, squeezing his aching length through his pants.
She looks away embarrassed while she slid her hand in her pants. He could see her hand moving around through the fabric. He grunts, looking at her with a lip bite and a smirk. “Look at me.” but she doesn’t. “I said look at me.” he repeats, grabbing her chin.
Her face was already showing pleasure and lust after only touching herself for such a short while. “So fucking horny for me…Already so wet~..” he grunts under his breath while his middle finger rubs in between her slit through her pants. She lets out light whimpers as her cunt tightens with every stroke. “Fuck..” he gasps, already feeling herself reaching close to her orgasm.
“Don’t tell me— Are you seriously going to cum from just this? Pathetic bitch.” his hand retreats and goes to his pants to unzip them.
Her mind was too blank to process his degrading but being called a “bitch” was a real turn-on. Yn licks her lips as he sees him pull out the dick she’s seen several times on pornhub but somehow looks 10x better in real life. “Fuck..I bet you’re fucking starving for my dick. You dreamed of it every time you saw it on my fucking porn page, right? Fucking beg for it, slut.”
“Mmh…Shit. Oh fuck, mr. Jaehyun…you have no idea how much I wanted to taste your delicious dick…please…pretty please~…” her eyes look up at him pleasingly as her mouth is an inch away from his pink tip.
Jaehyun curses beneath his breath before grabbing a fist-full of her hair and thrusting violently in her mouth. Tears form in her eyes as she gags at the sudden move. She can feel herself choking but he keeps going, taking him well, appreciating his every inch at how sweet it was—just like how she imagined it.
“Take it, bitch. Fucking take it..oh fuck…. fucking shit—“ she can feel his cock start to throb in her mouth as she prepares herself to take his delicious cream wholly.
“Such a whore. What a fucking slut I have here…A slut can’t live without her slutty cum, right? Take it, whore. Ah shit—take my cum~..”
there it was. his whimpers.
The ones she’d hear on his porn videos. Her pussy clenches and she moans on his cock as she receives his cum beautifully, tasting exactly as she anticipated.
He pulls his length out, pointing with his finger to her pants. Without a second of hesitation, she has them off. Her submissiveness makes him chuckle.
He awes at her messy cunt, throbbing and pulsating as if it just came. The tip of his cock collects all of her fluids, before sticking it in her entrance.
The use of her name wakes her up to reality.
“Tell me if you really want this.” he says firmly. “If…if you want, let’s stop here.”
Their eyes intertwined as she’s trying to process his words. “I..I want this.”
“Are you sure?”
“Okay, baby. Thank you. I promise I won’t make you regret it.” he kisses bellow her ear as he carefully slides his length in her slippery cunt. He lets out a long grunt which makes yn’s pussy clench around his length.
“Ah, shit. Fuck…Loosen up, baby…I can’t..shit…I can’t fuck you like this…Haha…I’ll just cum in you right away..” his grunts echo through her ears. Her breath gets heavier and she doesn’t seem to loosen up.
“Baby…baby baby. You’ll rip my cock off like this..ahng~” he moans. Although it hurt him a bit, he also fucking loved having his dick squeezed.
“Jaehyun..sir…ffuck…I’m so sorry~..” she cries out, unable to control her emotions around his handsome figure and voice. “Your voice…it’s such a turn-on~..” it hit him then that she was obviously most attracted to his voice since that’s why she continued to watch his videos.
He pets her hair whispering kind praises in her ear to help her ease up. His switch up from being overly aggressive to super sweet was confusing yn’s little cock-dumb brain but his kind words did help her breath calm down as well as give Jaehyun the opportunity to move inside her.
He takes the opportunity and starts to slowly thrust in and out, grunting in her ear with every thrust and blabbering about her amazing pussy. “So perfect. So wet. Oh fuck…I love you…” his thrust remain at the same rhythm, the only thing changing is the aggressiveness he slams into her cunt, thrusting his hips hard on hers and always hitting that sweet spot, sending yn into a moaning mess.
His hands pull on her hair as his thrusting picks up pace, making yn’s moans raise an octave. “Jae…Jaehyun…wait~…” her legs were giving out as his cock slid in and out her already worn out hole in a menacing pace.
“I want you so bad, baby…how could I slow down…” his husky voice sent yn in a moaning mess.
“S-stop…I’ll fucking squirt…oh fuck…” her moans get more desperate as he arms and legs wrap around his fit figure.
“Say my name, darling…let’s—ah, shit—let’s cum together~…” he almost begs with a needy tone. It doesn’t take her a moment of hesitation to get her moaning out his name as if he’s the only man on this earth that can get her feeling like this.
“Jaehyun~! Jae..!!” just then, he pulls his length out, letting her squirt all over his aching cock. He hovers over her stomach, releasing his sperm on it along with a long and pleased moan, almost making yn cum again.
They’re both left panting and catching their breaths and minds. Jaehyun collapses on yn’s body—her arms just wrap around his figure, lovingly. “What will happen to us after this..?” she asks, rubbing her thumbs on his spine.
His head turns to face her. “Let’s keep this out little secret for now, yeah?” his eyes were worn out but he still formed a light smile.
Yn scanned his expression before giving him another loving smile. “Alright. Our little secret..”
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yaksha-lover · 7 months
may i request vil, idia, azul and malleus with a reader (reader is their s/o) that is yuu but decided to stay in twisted wonderland and in their second year at nrc they participated in the vdc singing bc, surprise, they have an amazing voice! (i have this thought that maybe they were also in the pop music club with kalim, cater and lillia)
after the vdc many companies contacted them and after graduating at nrc they became a really popular artist
basically the boys reaction to their s/o singing at the vdc and then becoming famous, how would they react and how would they support them
thanks for the request!! sorry i took some time with it! hope you enjoy :)
Vil probably knew you were a decent singer considering you were in the pop music club
But you’ve never really sang in front of him, so your performance at the VDC definitely takes him by surprise (in a good way)
He’s super happy for you when you start getting offers from recording labels and such
Although he would’ve helped you out with his own contacts in the industry if you’d wanted
He loves that you can relate to each other even more than before
Now you understand what it’s like to be a celebrity as well, both the good and bad, bringing you two closer together
He’s super proud of you and not afraid to show it, hyping you up on all his socials and surprising you with flowers after your concert performances
He’s also very protective of you, knowing how mean and judgemental people can be, and he’s not afraid to stand up for you whenever he can
You two are definitely the celebrity power couple that all the fans love and find super cute
As much as he didn’t want to go to a social event, Idia was willing to attend just to see you perform
He starts malfunctioning as soon as he hears you sing; he can’t believe he’s with someone so talented and amazing
He’s happy for your success and knows how much you deserve it, even though it can be hard for him considering his antisocial inclinations
He absolutely becomes your biggest fan, no exaggeration
He’s the first to buy all of your merch, wears it proudly and puts up posters of you in his bedroom
Idia is a bit insecure about dating someone so famous and talented and beautiful and kind and every other amazing things that you are
So you’ll need to reassure him sometimes that you still love him and that he’s good enough for you
He’s super shy when you talk about him in interviews, but secretly it makes him so happy for you to acknowledge him as your boyfriend
If you want it, he’ll even offer to help you out with things like editing for music videos or building a website for your brand
Will force himself to go to your concerts, as long as he can sit in the vip box alone with Ortho as the two of them cheer you on
The first time he hears you sing at the VDC, he’s of two minds about it
First and most obvious, he’s excited for this new opportunity for the both of you
Determined to help you get famous (not just so you can help promo his businesses)
Encourages you strongly when you start getting offers from companies
He’s also just very proud of you for how far you’ve made it just by yourself (you refused his resources, much to his dismay)
He does love how hard you work and truly feels you’re one of the only people who match his drive
At the same time
You’re his partner, and it’s hard for him to watch all these people thirst after you, once you become famous lmao
He loves you and it’s a bit difficult to feel like he has to share you with the rest of the world
Lowkey a bit scared that one day you’ll meet another cool celebrity and decide they’re a better match for you than an octopus
He’ll be okay once you reassure him that you’re not going anywhere
Azul supports you every step of the way, still taking time out of his busy schedule to come see you at your shows or making dinner reservations at his own restaurants
Lilia would always speak of you being a great singer but Malleus had never actually heard you sing until the VDC
Immediately fell more in love (if that was even possible)
Your voice and demeanour were so captivating, you were truly lovely in that moment (not that you weren’t always in his mind)
He knows you’ll get offers from companies, he’s so sure of your talent and absolutely wants you to get all the recognition you deserve
He’s happy when your music starts to become more and more famous because people are finally seeing you as wonderfully he does
You deserve to be admired, as long as no one gets too close
No matter how famous you are, you’re still his after all - though few rarely test their luck with you, your boyfriend is Malleus Draconia after all
You’re quick to tell them off, anyway
Being busy with Briar Valley, Malleus doesn’t always have time to come see you in concert
But he does when he can, and he’s sure to make his visit extra special
You definitely become a beloved celebrity of Briar Valley, with all the people loving you as the royal consort, but also because of your talent and music
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artdeco-zweig · 22 days
hitting partners | patrick zweig
part one
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patrick zweig. even the way his name sat in your mouth annoyed you. everything about him did, from his smug smirk, to his attitude he convinced everyone was charming. everyone but you. you saw right through him. patrick zweig was nothing more than a privileged rich kid who never had to work for anything he got. and even worse, he believed he deserved it.
you on the other hand, devoted every moment of your life, since you were 8 years old, to tennis. you breathed it. you worshipped it, like a god. your family wasn’t wealthy, but they were good enough off to afford a tennis coach for you, and your equipment. but that was it. you sacrificed every birthday, christmas, and any other gift worthy milestone for tennis. and you were good, great even, though still young, and bursting with potential. but you would never be a prodigy. where you lacked natural talent, you made up for in discipline and utter devotion to your craft.
something patrick zweig could never even begin to comprehend. patrick was passionate about tennis for all the wrong reasons. he wanted to be great, the best even. but he had no desire in becoming the best. there was no work ethic, no diligence. potential? sure, tons of it. but no backbone to fulfill it. patrick zweig played tennis like he thought the trophy already had his name engraved into it.
and now? now he was your hitting partner.
you had never spent much time considering a career plan besides tennis. for that reason alone, the idea of college never really excited you. you weren’t interested in playing girls with no chance of going pro. matches that didn’t challenge you felt like a waste of time, and a risk of injury not necessary to take. you wanted to be a tennis player, a professional tennis player. so you started touring as soon as you graduated high school and were eligible.
unfortunately enough for you; that was also patrick’s plan. you first bumped into one another at the Tampa Bay Challenger tournament. it was both of your firsts. you watched the men’s final, zweig vs. tornids, and that was when your annoyance began. you had heard of patrick before then, seen his playstyle, you knew the reputation he held. his nickname of ‘fire’ following him into professional play. but without his ‘ice’ counter part, he played more like an inferno.
throughout the final match, you witnessed him smashing his racket to bits, audible swearing, and a brief verbal altercation with a line judge. none of these things were particularly character damning offenses, but they showed a lack of respect for the game. tennis has always been a clean sport, elegant almost. the behavior and temper of the players directly impacts the scoring of the matches. he was giving points away over anger. anger at himself no less, as he was the one tanking in the final set. you found it embarrassing. you knew you could be a bit of a prude with the seriousness you placed on tennis, and its equally prude rules at times. but it was all you had, all you had ever known. and watching someone as naturally talented as patrick zweig, throw games away got under your skin.
at the after party, later that night, you had the displeasure of meeting mr. zweig. you, the women’s Tampa Bay Challenger champion, and him, the men’s runner up. your managers knew each other, so they insisted you meet. you decided to play nice, as patrick had never done anything to you; his play style just had a way of annoying you. your managers briefly pointed to one another before occupying themselves with a conversation with each other.
“patrick zweig, it’s nice to finally meet you” he said outstretching his hand. “and congratulations” he added, as he nodded to the glass trophy settled atop your manager’s table next to you.
“y/n, yes, we must have just missed each other during juniors” you said as your hand, gently reached out and shook his. the gesture feeling a bit formal, but appreciating it nonetheless. his hand was warm, and much softer than you expected. your fingers ghosted past one another, almost aching not to be separated. before you could start out a lie about how he played well and had an unlucky break in his match, he met your eyes directly and asked
“do you always play so timidly, or was that just today?”
“excuse me?” you blinked at him and cocked your head slightly, thinking he must have misspoken and had a different intention behind the question.
“I mean your play style” he continued with no hesitation. “you looked like an entirely different player for the final set. you looked scared, almost shy. you didnt even really celebrate when you hit the winner” he had looked away from you by now, eyes drifting as if he was replaying your every move from the match in his head.
“do you always play that way?” he finished, eyes finding yours again. when he saw your furrowed brows, and blank eyes staring back at him, something washed over him. maybe it was a hint of regret, sorry for the way his question must have sounded, but you were in no mood to pay that any attention.
“actually patrick” you started, eyes locked on his, practically spitting the words down his throat. “i play to win. which i did. which i usually do” you placed your drink on the table, keeping a cool tone, despite the anger bubbling within you. “maybe if your play style were a bit more adaptive, or you showed any hint of control, you would as well” you retorted with a smug smile fueled by the signs of annoyance, your mention of his loss left all over his expression.
“hm” was all he could muster before he picked up the drink you had placed on the table next to you both. your eyes never parted, as if who ever looked away first was resigning the match. his hand steadily brought the glass to his lips and he took a big sip of whatever it was you were drinking. as he placed the glass back down, he smirked slightly, seeming almost fueled, or intrigued, by this rather polite argument. you broke the silence as you wanted to limit any possibility of him getting the last word.
“i have practice early tomorrow, so i need to get going. im sure you have an off day scheduled tomorrow, so please do enjoy the party.” you turned on your heels, perfume catching the wind and blowing right into patrick’s face. you walked away, swaying, content with how the conversation ended in you favor. a tiny part of you wanted to turn around, wanted to know if he was watching you walk away. the larger part of you, somehow, already knew that he was.
two hours later in your hotel room, showered and tucked away for the night, you brooded over his line of questioning again. how dare he? after everything, after how hard you worked, after securing your first professional tournament win, people like patrick zweig still questioned your skill… scared? shy? you were none of those things. you were a tennis player. the very thing patrick had yet to prove himself to be. yes he was talented, incredibly so. but he played tennis how he wanted to. you played tennis how you needed to.
you stirred, unable to drift asleep, thinking about him. you were hung up on the idea that he was willing to ruin your night, question your skill, despite having more than proved yourself just hours prior. hung up on the way he stared back at you, fire burning in his eyes. god, he was so annoying. somewhere, deep down, you were also hung up on the slight shine of your lipgloss painted across his bottom lip; where he had laid his lips a top the gloss stamp yours left on the rim of your glass.
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gav-san · 8 months
Cursed | Sukuna x reader
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Pairing: Ryomen Sukuna / Fem Reader
Length: One-Shot
Summary: The greatest punishment in this life wasn't your brother Gojo Satoru embarrassing you into leaving Sorcery.
It was what happened when he was gone.
Warnings: Blood, Gore, Sexual Violence, Inferred Violence, Inferred Assault
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You remember the day Gojo told you that you would never make it as a sorcerer.
The day you graduated from Jujutsu High School your arrogant older brother wrapped a hand over your shoulder and told you that you had less talent than the first years, and he wouldn’t allow you to be anything more than a third-grade sorcerer.
Of course, he did it at the podium, in front of everyone there.
You had ripped off the slim golden necklace he and Geto had bought you, but you could never bear to trash it entirely. 
That was also the day you refused to speak to him again. But you soon found he was good as his word, and any attempt to do any sorcery was blocked at every angle. After all, who would openly disagree with the master of the Six Eyes and Infinity?
You were more or less exiled from the entire society of arrogant jujitsu sorcerers, forced to go to the nearby college and turn into a glorified secretary for the high school. He tried to rebuild your relationship, but it was never the same.
It took you years to understand why he would hurt his only sibling that deeply. It wasn’t until he was dead that you understood how much he was willing to sacrifice for your well-being.
You were the number one target of all Satoru Gojo’s enemies, and revenge came swiftly.
The clinking of the chains could almost sound like that piece of jewelry, lost in the rubble of your apartment if you imagined hard enough.
And all you had was time to try and imagine that you were anywhere but here, locked to the throne at the feet of the King of Curses. 
You could hardly bear to watch as people were brought in, some more chained than you, dangerous perhaps. You wondered if their collars had been crafted to deaden cursed energy as yours had. Not that Sukuna thought you were any threat, but he disliked ‘swatting at flies’.
When you had first been captured, after everything had gone to hell, you had hoped that there was someone, anyone, who had the power and strength to end Sukuna, but nothing came close to his power.
Even Gojo Satoru had fallen, taking hope with him.
Now Men, Women, and children, all met the same fate if they did not kneel and give reverence to the great Ryomen Sukuna. 
And even that was not always enough.
Blood spattered the marble floors of the shrine, and you swear that over time it’s taken on a pink hue. The room fills with lesser curses who clean the blood with their grotesque mouths, and Urame carts away choice bits for Sukuna's later pleasure.
You screwed your mouth shut as people cried to you, mistaking your position as something other than a slave for Sukuna to torture.
As the last of the Gojo line, you weren't above holding you responsible for a century-long grudge. Any pleading from your lips only made his rampage worse.
Any attempt to flee into your head was met with a violent tug on your throat.
There was no turning away, not when your master held the deceptively delicate chain around your neck, yanking whenever he thought you weren’t paying enough attention.
He loved to see you cry in pain, and you hadn’t the ability to stop, especially for those young ones who were cut down.
And it was almost certain that after witnessing another moment of terrible brutality you’d somehow forget your head, turning upon him and glaring like a feral animal, yanking the chain away so you could hurt him, just once.
But you would only be met with the face of the wolf.
His teeth clenched in a wide smile, he’d return a smirk so vile, that he specifically reserved for the moments you spit venom. He loved to see you struggle, but trying to bite back always ended poorly. 
Ryomen Sukuna was not a kind master.
And though he certainly thought of you like a pet, he wasn’t below forcing your head under his foot, smushing your entire face in the remains of corpses. If you dared throw up, you still stayed and were unable to leave until you wiped it up with your ragged robes that had gone thin from wear.
But that was better than his other punishment, on days where you felt a terrifying hardness as Sukuna held your face between his legs, using a single finger to paint fresh blood, using you as a macabre canvas as he painted.
Those days he would have Urame fetch a mirror, and both would cackle as they examined his work. Often, it was lewd words and signs, but other times it was as if he was painting his marks on you.
After a long, cruel day, you dared to critique his work, sneering at his lack of finesse.
With a snap of his fingers, he had Urame strap you down, leering over you as he assembled his petty revenge.
A curse user was summoned, bringing along the tools of his trade; a short bamboo pole with a needle attached and a jar of thick onyx ink.
If that hadn’t been enough, Sukuna cut his wrist, pouring black blood to mix into the lot.
He instructed the curse user to tattoo you exactly like him, with no imperfections else his head be separated from his body.
You endured unbearable pain for nearly a week, stripped down under the gaze of Sukuna, a reminder to watch your tongue. And after, when the tattoos were done, he commemorated it with a new kimono and a portrait of you at his feet. A wretched ugly thing, as you now were.
He loved it, and let the painter live.
The recovery took twice as long, as your master hardly let you rest, or even leave his side. And as the days passed, you felt less and less like a human. 
Forced to accompany him almost daily, you had an unfortunate insight into the casual cruelty of the Cursed King who knew nothing of kindness. 
You eat less, hardly sleep and the whole blood-shed thing was sort of muffled, probably thanks to the sheer amount witnessed. You figure terror is the only thing keeping you alive.
Day in and out you followed the creature, just waiting for the day he tires of you. 
And that day doesn’t come.
It’s still a surprise that you’re alive, you muse too often, laying on a cushion at the entrance to his rooms. Though he did take off your left arm the day he took you, he claimed it was an accident, and fixed it. 
You’d rather that happen again than to be forced to enter his rooms.
At least your position at his shrine was more or less a pet, or when he was gone, Urame’s.
And despite your treatment, the concubines were in a far worse condition. The way Sukuna treated other women was abhorrent. Some days, bored, would reap the land looking for fresh, beautiful blood, and when he found some, he’d bring them back. Some girls even offered up to him, in hopes he’d show mercy.
Wide-eyed women, much like yourself, you realized as you watched them enter one day. But you felt these were much prettier, much more docile than you. Some even fawned over him, though their manners probably rang as fake as your docility. Were they trying to secure a safe place by him, or just trying not to be killed was hard to say. You didn’t blame either. Humanity was no longer civil.
It didn’t matter. They all get dragged into that black hole of his room, sometimes four at a time, and their screaming often lasts for hours. 
Women who entered his rooms never exited alive, thankfully Urame thought your time could be much better spent working than sitting at the door, listening in.
Yeah, it was much preferable to be a tortured slave to Sukuna than to be seen as a woman.
“You’ve been quiet this last week, pet.” Sharp nails dig into your head, turning you to look at the man sitting on the throne above. “Perhaps you no longer find my pastimes so alarming.”
Meaning, his pastime of killing and eating humans.
Something shared by the court of curses below him, warily watching for what next he commands and desires. 
Unfortunately, that was you. You despised the looks raked over your chained form, the greedy mouths that drooled, awaiting the day the master turned tired of the remaining Gojo, and hoped to have their turn for revenge.
If they couldn’t have Satoru Gojo, you’d do.
“Apologies… master.” You said, tension forming at the back of your neck as he tugged harshly on your head. Even so, your words remained smooth. “I find it hard to do anything but serve with your foot on my back.”
His dark chuckle was an answer in itself. 
“Such a mouth, even when disguising your words so pretty.” Sukuna let go of your hair, amused enough today to let your words pass. You drop your head, but only enough to quell the pain. “It was such a shame for your kin to have died so easily, but it seems my desire for entertainment continues to be fulfilled by you.”
You hated him so much.
You clench your mouth, but the insult escapes before you can stop it.
You go stiff, but Sukuna merely pauses.
“Oh?” A single finger of his lifts your chin up again, before moving to your lips. And without warning, he pushes it inside your mouth. 
“I thought I may torture you for a while, then be rid of you, but…” 
You will yourself not to bite down on his finger, as he probably wanted an excuse to bite you back. But you don’t, and after a moment he pops it out with a small sound before another hand grabs your shoulder.
For a moment you think he’s speaking to you, but the tension in your throat holds, and you see him looking at everyone else.
“My lord?” You question but his eyes flash down in warning.
All the curses and curse-users who attend minor tasks in the shrine are gone in moments. Urame is the last, shitting the door and ensuring the desired privacy, which means, something horrible is about to happen.
The moment the ornate handle clicks, Sukuna picks you up with a third hand. You can’t help but exhale as he sets you down on his knee. The finger that had been in your mouth returns, and you gag as this time it delves in, choking you.
“Not a very good reflex, but it can be worked on,” Sukuna says with an almost bored drawl, tugging his finger back out, and you wonder if he just sent everyone out because he wanted to do just that. 
You cough, hands rising to hold your face, and don’t ask. 
Sukuna laughs, clearly happy with annoying you, like a child. You so badly want to lash out but the fear of retaliation is far more effective than any shackle. 
He has killed villages for less.
“See, this is why I didn’t kill you when I got rid of the rest of the scum!” He jokes, tilting his head to gaze with all four of his penetrating red eyes. “Such pleasing reactions!” 
Friends, you think darkly. Those scum were your friends who were more like family. Gojo, Nanami, Geto, Nobara, Yuuta, Yuuji and so many others. 
Tears fill your eyes as a soft voice seems to be at the back of your mind.
Though Sukuna was fully transformed, pain filled you thinking that Megumi might be in that monstrous body, trapped and unable to escape.
His knee shifts up, causing a terrible feeling of butterflies and cockroaches to churn in your stomach from the feel. The move was far too personal, and you tried to shift so he wasn’t pressed so intimately against your rear.
Even trying to fall off would be preferable. But your throat is raised, thanks to the gold chain in Sukuna’s hand that pulls up as he twists.
The benefit of having four arms is he can manhandle you as he pleases.
His thick hand raised your chin and refused to let you turn an inch as you gazed hatefully into his eyes
“What a beautiful sight. You know, from the first moment I saw you, I knew you were special.” Another hand moves to pull back some stray hair behind your ear. 
“I hate you.”
Your hands shake, clenched in fists. 
“I know.” He says with a smirk. “You know why I keep you around, pet?”
You have nothing to say and don’t even care to know. But that won’t stop him.
He strokes your face, his thumb holding you in a position others might think lovers would use.
“The first time I gazed upon you, I felt a most unique heat in my chest that has persisted till this day. Love, perhaps.” He mocks.
“Disgusting.” You spit out, but he doesn’t pause.
“From the moment we crossed paths your fate was set, but only recently have I understood the extent of what you mean to me.” Sukuna seems to be smug, revealing this, and you think he’s probably just messing with your head again. 
The grip on your chin is starting to hurt.
Your chin shakes, and you grab the giant hand holding your face, digging in your fingers. You are certain he is going to kill you now. But you won’t cry or beg for mercy.
No, as a Gojo you would face down death and spit in his face.
So you do, hitting Sukuna right under his lower left eye.
“Go to hell, monster.” You growled, despite feeling the creak of bones in your face. 
And for a moment the world is deathly quiet.
Until Sukuna throws back his head, startling you with a loud howl as he releases your face to laugh. In pain and confusion, you are tongue-tied as he tilts his head, the look on his face almost fond.
“I could kill you, but I have a better plan. I think you would make a very interesting wife.”
You would have fallen off his leg had he not quickly placed a palm on the small of your back.
“I despise you.” You reply, seeing as there isn’t anything else to say. But Sukuna doesn’t get mad at you for speaking out. Instead, he grins, which is much worse. “I’ll never be yours.”
But his mouth grows wide, and he tugs you forward, pushing you against his chest. Your lack of elegant words doesn’t bother Sukuna.
“Not as a human. I recently acquired a certain cursed spirit on my travels, and by imbuing you with her powers, your transformation should be complete. Rika would suit you well. You’re already halfway there, thanks to those marks suing my blood.”
You had been eating less, not hardly sleeping and the whole blood-shed thing was sort of muffled…
You gape, twisting to try and escape or even to move enough to allow your brain to function.
He gives you a long look that you don’t know how to interpret. “You've lost enough of that wretched humanity that your body won’t break when you bear my children.”
You straighten, horrified, reeling back, but stopped. 
Oh gods, there wasn’t anything more ridiculous than Sukuna talking about reproducing with you? 
“No-“ He waves off your rejection, like a wisp of wind. You don’t remember starting to shake so hard, but it seems like you can see yourself from above, trembling a leaf in a storm.
“Of course, pet. You didn’t think I’d keep a stupid thing like you around to look nice? I even practiced on those pathetic humans.” 
You dig your fingers into his chest, ripping it open with fury alone. 
“I’ll kill you.” You say, “I’ll kill myself-“
Sukuna chuckles as blood pours from his chest, but the wound heals faster than you can dig. Sukuna's hand shoves your head into his blood, and iron fills your mouth.
“Heh, brat. Look at you, a Gojo doomed to be the queen of curses. A fitting end to that cursed line.”
“Someday, the chance will come, and one day, I’ll kill you.” You swear, teeth dripping in red. 
“Women like you never leave their brats, so I’ll breed you till you have no escape,” Sukuna says, bending down and giving a soft kiss to your painted lips. 
As he pulls away, his tongue licks away the blood. “Of course, if you try, I’ll kill them and breed you again. Isn’t that what husbands do?”
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the-cat-and-the-birdie · 10 months
Cute Spider Society Headcanons:
[a long post of random headcanons about the fun stuff at Spider Society HQ - all cool things for your Spidersona to do]
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There's absolutely regular talent shows and battles of the band every quarter or so.
Spider-people usually aren't the most popular back home on their Earth's, so Miguel permits having shows and activities like this so Spider-people can bond and relieve stress between Canon Events
Hobie has won multiple times - His and Gwen's band won last quarter, BUT they don't always win. MetroSpider is another past winner.
The rule is Spider-members only. But if your powers help your music, you can use them (ie, Hobie can play guitar without an amp-)
Training is a HUGE thing.
And it's mandatory even between missions. Time trails, Web strength testing, problem resolution training, weekly classes - It's a lot.
Your training schedule isn't always the same, and your classes are determined by your skill, specific powers, and universe
Money isn't used on campus. It's banned actually, and mostly useless when everyone is from a universe with a different exchange rate, political climate, tender etc.
Instead, The main currency is based on a points system connected to training/missions.
The more missions you do, or the more you train (therefore making you a better hero to your universe), the more points you earn
Things like the cafeteria and dorms are completely free. But points can be used to earn perks like suit upgrades, or things from the commissary
The Commissary is a store on campus where you can buy authorized items from other Earth's.
They have everything from training materials like mechanical webbing - with different properties/effects - to leisure things like cool video games from Margo's world or music from other time eras, vintage things from old universes, etc
Points can also be used for a number of other stuff such as:
Extra jumps on your watch. The more missions you do, the more jumps you can buy, allowing you to go to other universes on your off time (to hang with friends)
Suit Upgrades. Your suit is surveyed and upgraded for free at joining, and it gets upgraded with every class you gain (C Class -> B Class -> A Class -> etc.)
However, you can use points to upgrade or even just redesign your suit. There is a Suit Center where fashionable and genius Spider-people will help you design and adjust your suit based on your universe and villains
There's support groups, a lot centered around Canon Events.
For teens and young Spider-people there's an Educational Program
It can be done part-time with active mission work or full-time on campus
You train in multiversal research, Spider genetics, and other technology such as Doc Ock technology and Green Goblin biology
You can be offered a job on campus after completion - Margo is a graduate of this
If your participate in Educational Program, Lyla will be your mentor and you'll report to her
Educational students live in separate dorms, and the program is kinda intense, but VERY fun
There are different focuses in the program
Spider-Geneticists have a short residency after, they help take Spider vitals and oversee Training
You can also specialise in Spider-medicine - in which you work in the Infirmary
There are some CRAZY (secret) Parties all over the Spider-verse.
Disco-Spider loves a good party. Her and Pavi through insane ragers, a new one in a different universe everytime
Miguel has no idea
But partying on the walls and ceiling while Spider-people play super-human live shows in the world's craziest mosh-pit -
Spider-parties hit different.
It's one of the only time everyone is unmasked around each other
There's a really loose dress code
You DO NOT have to wear your suit 24/7. What is someone gonna do, rat you out in your universe?
Everyone is in their suit for ATSV cause Miguel asked them to be completely professional that day (as an intimidation tactic)
That's why Jess, Gwen, Peter, and Hobie are all fine showing their faces as soon as they get to campus.
If anything it's usually seen as weird to be wearing your mask all the time
Casual clothing is allowed. Skirts and dresses without anything underneath aren't allowed (you'll be upsidedown.)
You're expected to have two suits (one main, one spare - you get these at joining) for missions and a separate training outfit for your classes
There's super sports teams
Spidey Football (European not American) expands the rules to all four walls with a ball engineered to stick like Spidey-people do
Track & Swing Team - which Pavitr is a star member of
A small swim-and-dive team for the swimmers, and a small Roller Derby league for the skaters
Pavitr is also a star on the gymnastics team
There's also things like ballet groups, though Gwen doesn't take part
There's a REALLY GOOD Glee club. Spider-strength gives some crazy lung-capacity.
Disco is on the Glee club, and they take it very seriously
Living on campus doesn't threaten your home verse - you'll still be on call!
Lyla monitors all universes for anamolies - sending Anamoly Teams of 2-6
However if your universe experiences a non-anamoly, your watch will be pinged for a mandatory report, and you'll be sent to your universe to handle it
As such, your watch is like a doctor's pager. You can be called for anamolies or your universe at any time (If you're an active member in your universe, living on Society Campus, or have a contact negotiated for that. Class S members like Hobie can negotiate to be Selective Active members)
There's a little underground Spider-market
If you ask Hobie, he can definitely hack your watch for you.
If your Electro has been beating your ass, you can get your hands on electro-resistant webbing without spending points.
The Society has a small group of people willing to trade you for anything you've got, or even just help you out for the hell of it.
You just have to know where and who to ask
There's a couple Spideys that don't pay electric because someone hooked them up with a super clean Futuristic generator
MJ's, Black Cats, Osborns, and Deadpools are allowed on campus with clearance, a daypass, and a chaperone (their Spidey)
Only for short periods, or if they're super injured. An MJ might pop in when Peter forgets his lunch.
Aunt Mays are not.
It's considered very rude to call them by their 'base names' - ie. calling MJs 'Mary-Janes' or calling Black Cats 'Felicias'
Not all MJs are Mary-Janes
Though, using the term 'a Parker' is common on campus to refer to large Peter Parker population
Roughly 45-50% of the people on campus are named Peter.
There's other 'groups' - such as 'Not-Parkers' (Non-Peter iterations like Pavitr), and 'Duplicates' (Hobie Brown, Gwen Stacy, MJs, Felicia Hardy NightSpider etc)
Though calling them these things are way less common or accepted than calling someone a Parker ('Not-Parker'is neutral. 'Duplicate' is offensive)
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kimchikrust · 3 months
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She Rocks the Ball 1.0 an addition to Act on Heavenly Principles (x katsuki)
“Another year, another red carpet,” Denki breathes, glancing out the tinted windows. There are photographers, interviewers, and dedicated fans lining the entrance to the venue, waiting in anticipation for their celebrity heroes to appear.
Katsuki gets his grumbling out in the car before he plans on going silent for the rest of the night. It’s their fourth annual Hero’s Ball since graduating high school and earning their license, and it’s turned into a night Katsuki dreads every year. It was an evening of small talk, dreadful music, and small portions, but at least he had his friends. 
Katsuki and his friends were in the top hero class in high school. They were big fish in a small pond then, but now, there were other, bigger fish in an ocean of talented heroes. It only meant more stepping stones for Katsuki as he climbed the ranks. But that was the sole reason he grit his teeth and attended the ball: the new rankings announced for the year. His spot in the top ten solidified for another year until he can rise higher. 
“Alright, you animals,” Eijirou announces at the front of the limo. “They’re almost ready for us.”
Katsuki and his friends attended the same as they did the year before and the year before that. Five heroes together, an unofficial team often seen together by the public, climbing out of the back of a limo like a clown car. 
“Big smile, hothead,” Mina antagonizes Katsuki with a grin. She’s dressed beautifully in a sponsored gown and glittering hair accessory for the event. “Gonna need a babysitter?”
“Fuck off, Shido,” he mumbles with no real heat, adjusting his collar for the twentieth time. 
It was Katsuki’s turn to escort Mina into the event. The past few years, the other fellas in their group of friends walked with her. It started when Eijirou wanted to escort her to the first ball as friends. The following year, Denki wanted a turn. Last year, Sero walked her in, and Mina’s been pleading with Katsuki to take her since. 
Soon enough, the door popped open, and Eijirou climbed out first. Sero and Denki followed suit, and Katsuki went after them. Like a gentleman, he faced Mina and took her hand as she stepped out in heels, and he could hear the roar of approval from the fans behind him. 
Lights flashed and blinded him as he guided Mina’s hand to rest on his arm while walking her up the carpet. Katsuki wasn’t smiling; he tried his hardest not to grimace at the flashing assault. But Mina was smiling enough for the both of them, satisfied to walk with her friend into the event. 
“This is so much fun,” Mina gushed, hugging Katsuki’s arm tight, which he allowed on the premise that she was his friend. No one else would have dared, especially with the constipated expression he had no control over. 
“How are you two this evening?” An interviewer stopped Mina to ask, expertly avoiding any shutdown from Katsuki. 
“So far, so good,” Mina jokes, glancing up with bright eyes at Katsuki’s stoicism. She was completely unfazed by his attitude, and that’s precisely why he had no problem escorting her. 
“Escorted by the final member of the Bakusquad,” the interview sets up with buttered enthusiasm. “What will you do next year?”
“Well, we’ll get to it when we get to it,” Mina brushes off through clenched teeth. As the only woman in their close group, she often complained the most about the bullshit questions the news always had for her. 
The interviewer nervously faces Katsuki, forced to look up from under his towering figure. 
“What about you, Dynamight? Any theories on the rankings this time around?” 
Mina digs her nails into Katsuki’s arm, and he holds back any reaction to it. The petty brat Mina is, taking out her frustration on her friend than the asshole interviewer. 
“I don’t, but Pinky does,” Katsuki grits out politely enough. “She’s been yapping our ears off lately on what she thinks each of our ranks will be.”
“Yes! I had to look up a few charts for their stats online,” Mina admits sheepishly, preparing herself for a rant on the rankings for this year. As attractive and feminine as Mina was to the public, she was just as obsessed with the rankings as he and the guys. 
Katsuki tunes out what he’s heard from Mina three times over at this point and briefly scans over the entrance to the venue. Izuku and Ochako are there as a couple, occupied by the photographers and giggling quietly between each other. Eijirou and Sero are taking interviews together while Denki interacts with fans. 
Other former classmates are there, too; Shoto Todoroki attended with his older brother, but Katsuki can’t remember the frost user's name. The rest are nameless idiots he couldn’t remember if he’d met before. 
His eyes land on you last. He had no idea you were there or that the Commission had even invited you, but you fit like the missing piece of a puzzle. You’re wearing a beautiful gown that reveals the skin on your back and the delicacy of your collarbone. Katsuki can faintly make out faded scars in the exposed areas – a demonstration of pride for your job. 
He wouldn’t say it out loud, but he thought you looked beautiful. You weren’t speaking to anyone or in the scope of the paparazzi but striding right into the venue. You weren’t smiling or appeared to enjoy the event as you marched past the interviewers and fans. 
“Dynamight, what are your thoughts on the American Hero, Sentinel?” The interview’s voice finally reaches Katsuki’s ears, and a glare casts over his face. 
“What does it matter? She’s just another low-level hero down in the ranks,” he says without thought. A natural response from the fan-favorite hero, Dynamight, and the interviewer couldn’t look more pleased. 
By the time Katsuki was making his way inside, it felt like hours had passed. He and Mina had regrouped with the other three men and decided their dining table would be the ‘base’ for the rest of the night.
The reserved table that Eijirou had graciously bought for them still catered to two other nameless heroes and their dates, and the others were kind enough to make conversation during the meal. Katsuki ate silently, responding when his friends brought him into conversation and dozed off in boredom. 
When Mina excused herself to the bathroom, taking Denki with her for the ‘trip,’ and Eijirou left to serve himself more food, Katsuki took on people-watching with Sero. 
“That man is almost twice the age of his date,” Sero comments as he glances at another table for Katsuki to notice. 
The blond casually looks over and confirms Sero’s claim. 
“I think that’s one of the members of the Commission Board,” Katsuki laughs indignantly. 
Sero grimaces and massages the crease between his brows. “Man, are you serious? That’s disgusting.”
Katsuki doesn’t get a chance to respond as your reappearance derails his train of thought. 
You’re leaning over another board member’s shoulder, talking into his ear sternly. Your face read all business, and Katsuki wondered if you were attending the ball or working it. 
The man waves you off, and Katsuki watches the flicker of anger in your eyes before you accept defeat and walk away. 
“Scoping out the competition?” Sero says in a playful tone.
“She’s not competition,” Katsuki mumbles irritably. “She’s not even on my radar.”
“Then why do your eyes linger?” Sero presses, leaning back in his chair. 
“They do not-”
“Oh, look, she’s walking this way. Excuse me- Hi!” Sero’s fat hand slaps over Katsuki’s mouth as you’re flagged down and notice them. “I don’t think we’ve met yet. I’m Cellophane, but please call me Hanta.” Both men rise as you approach them, and Sero extends his hand forward. 
“I’ve seen your work before,” you nod in acknowledgment, accepting his handshake like a tycoon. “It’s nice to see you as well, Lord Dynamight.”
Sero stifles a laugh as he glances at Katsuki, desperately craving to poke the bear. 
Katsuki breathes patiently before saying, “Just Dynamight is fine.” He doesn’t miss the wink you send Sero, which has Katsuki’s friend busting out in laughter and holding his stomach. 
“Are you both enjoying your evening?” You sound like a host catering to patrons, so Katsuki is urged to ask. 
Sero beats him to it.
“You don’t look to be. How come you’re not seated anywhere?”
You sigh tiredly before smiling. “I’m working the event as security. The board thought it was a better idea than outrightedly attending.”
Both men frowned and glanced at one another, thinking the same thing.
“Well, that seems odd, but we’re glad you could still make it.” Katsuki fights the instinct to roll his eyes as his friend speaks for him. 
“Yeah, it’s grueling, but work is work,” you say enthusiastically. Pivoting your hip out, you reveal a little radio attached to your dress. “I even got my radio now.” You look up at Katsuki, and he feels his ears grow hot. 
The last time he saw you, you didn’t have your radio yet, and your reference made it sound like a secret joke only he understood. 
“Anyways, it was nice meeting you,” you say to Sero as you take a departing step. “They need me in another area, but have fun for me.”
“I’ll go with you,” Katsuki says, grabbing his jacket from his seat and making Sero’s eyes bulge. “Shit’s boring anyways.”
“Hey, rude,” Sero comments, placing his hand over his chest. “You’re just gonna ditch me?”
“It’s really okay, sir,” you side with Sero. “Please, stay and enjoy your event.”
“Nah, I’ve got a few questions for you. Keep doing your job. I’ll do what I want.”
You hesitate, glancing at Sero briefly before your radio earpiece grabs your attention.
“Forgive me. Enjoy the evening,” you tell Sero before walking with haste in the opposite direction. 
Katsuki doesn’t falter, falling into step behind you, and you don’t bother glancing back to see if he’s following. 
a/n: hehe only pt 1 bc pt 2 is still wip 👀 & special shoutout to my new moot @hinatas-gym-sock 💗
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sunflowergirl522 · 2 years
Give Me My Nose
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Summary: Times you and Eddie have stolen each others noses.
Word Count: 1757
Eddie Masterlist
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The first time Eddie stole your nose he immediately fell in love with the act. You had been upset about losing your job due to Starcourt mall burning down and all he wanted to do was cheer you up. His jokes about the situation weren’t helping so he pinched your nose between his pointer and middle finger and stuck his thumb between them when he pulled away. You had immediately stopped rambling and the tears that were coming stopped as you looked at his fingers in shock.
“Eddie, this is serious, give it back. How am I supposed to find another job without my nose?” He had immediately cracked up at the seriousness painted on your face and in your tone. You had joined him shortly after when he smoothed it back on to your face. The way that you immediately played along and how big of a smile it brought to your face made him fall in love with it and you a little bit more.
From that point on Eddie had stolen your nose at the most serious and inopportune moments. There was one time he did it before a final your senior year. As your teacher was handing out the tests he reached over and plucked it right off your face.
“Eddie!” You had whisper yelled his name. “Give it back.”
“No.” He held it close to his chest before tucking it into his vest pocket. “I need it.”
“Not more than me, it’s my nose.” You hissed through your teeth looking at your teacher nearing you.
“And it’s my good luck charm! You can have it back after I pass this test with flying colors.”
You had tackled him in the hallway afterwards for it but he did pass the test. He claims that if it wasn’t for stealing your nose he never would’ve graduated.
Eddie also loved stealing your nose at work before one of his shows for the same good luck charm reasoning. You’re a bartender at the Hideout so you were always there for the Corroded Coffin shows. 
“Hey there Sweetheart, I’m gonna borrow this real quick.” He reached over the bar basically laying on the counter and snagged your nose between his fingers. “Need all the help I can get with this new song we’re performing.” 
“You need to give it back right now. Eddie I am working. How am I supposed to make tips tonight without a nose?” He pulled back when you reached out to take it back from him. 
“No can do, sorry Princess but Garreth said there’s a talent scout here tonight.” 
“What?! Eddie, that's great!” You round the counter to pull him into a hug. “Keep the nose I’m not risking it actually being your good luck charm with this much riding on it.” You lean up to kiss his cheek for good luck. “Go rock the socks off this place.” 
Eddie would also often use stealing your nose to his advantage. Like when he wanted some of your food or for you to come over and watch a movie with him. Or like the time where he finally asked you out.
You had shown up at the trailer earlier than you were supposed to before the two of you went to go see a movie. It’s something you normally did to hang out with Eddie longer and so you could see Wayne before he left for work. As soon as you handed his uncle the tupperware full of food you made for dinner that night for him to take to work he decided to finally ask the question he’s been dying to ask. As soon as Wayne was out of the door he was pulling you into his arms.
“What’s this for?” Your hands rested against his chest and you looked up at him with curious eyes.
“For taking such good care of me and Wayne all the time.”
“Oh, well I have to take care of my favorite guys. It’s really no big deal.” You beamed up at him and Eddie can’t help but steal your cute nose right off your face. “Was this all a ploy just for you to get my nose? Give it back.” You tried to reach for it but he held it above his head.
“Wasn’t a ploy, it was just too cute not to grab. I’ll give it back if you go on a date with me though.”
“Haven’t we been going on dates though? I mean Wayne even calls out ‘your girlfriends here’ when he opens the door to find me standing there.”
“What? How long have we been apparently going on dates?”
“I’ll tell you if you give me my nose.” 
“You win this round Princess.” He smoothed it back onto your face. 
“I thought we’ve been dating for like three months now. Thought when you asked me to go see Labyrinth and said it was just gonna be us was a date.”
“Oh, well yeah I actually chickened out from calling it a date that time.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “I didn’t realize you picked up on what it was supposed to be.”
“Huh, no wonder you haven’t made any moves to kiss me or anything.” You laughed at the situation leaving Eddie to shoot you a shy smile. “So do you wanna count back then as our first date or tonight?”
You’ve stolen his nose a few times too. Not nearly as many times as he does though. He always ends up slapping your hand away before you can get it. You have to distract him first before you’re able to snag it by pointing his attention elsewhere, asking about music, or on occasion starting a makeout session. It’s easier to do when you’re hanging out with everyone else. Like when Steve has everyone over to swim in his pool. 
Eddie was distracted while talking to Dustin as he sat on the edge of the pool with a beer in his hand. You snuck up behind him holding a finger to your lips signaling for Dustin to stay quiet. You reached around him pinching his nose between your fingers and jumping up victoriously. 
“Woah! Okay Sweetheart, be careful with that.” Eddie stood up slowly holding his hands up in surrender. “Don’t want it to end up in the pool now do we?” You wanted to laugh at how he was acting like this is a hostage situation but kept your cool and made your way to the edge by the deep end.
“Don’t we?” You hold your hand out over the water.
“C’mon Sweetheart sure, it’ll be easy to find it in the pool. But that’s only if Harrington doesn’t stomp on it first. You really want me to go swimming to find it underwater with a hole in my head. It’s gonna fill up with water and then I’ll never be able to get it all out, water will be sloshing around in my head forever.”
“Hmm you do bring up good points.”
“Drop it Y/n!” Robin yelled from where she was floating.
“Shut it Buckley or I’ll throw your nose in the pool. Y/n, Princess, Sweetheart, light of my life, do not drop it in the pool. There will be consequences to your actions.”
“Okay, c’mere baby.” You half heartedly put it back on his face before shoving him into the pool.
“No!” Eddie yelled when he resurfaced cupping a hand over his face. “You didn’t secure it Y/n it fell off.”
“Whoops? Whoops?! Dustin do it.” You screamed as the younger kid pushed you in laughing when you came back up.
“That’s so not fair! I don’t have minions to help me.”
“You have to find my nose since you’re the reason it fell off while I try to get the water out of my head.” You belly laughed when he tilted his head down and started hitting the back of it. You eventually dove into the water searching for his nose at the bottom of the pool coming up after a few minutes and securing it on his face. You had received a kiss as a reward.
You also steal his nose when you can tell he’s anxious or stressed. You did it when he met your parents and it had gotten him to stop worrying about what they thought of him and more about getting it back. And you did it when he was about to find out if he graduated or not. You still do it before his shows sometimes. He’s become more anxious about performing now that Corroded Coffin is picking up traction thanks to the talent scout.
Eddie will be pacing backstage with the band and you when you decide enough's enough of his worrying. “Eddie, look at me.” You say stepping in front of him and stopping him in his tracks. You’ll reach up and snag his nose before stepping away and normally hiding behind Garreth so it’s harder for him to get to you. 
“Y/n come on I can’t go on stage without my nose.”
“I’ll give it back if you repeat after me.” He sighs the same way he does each time you do this before a show but nods nonetheless. “We’re a great band and the crowd is gonna love us.”
“We’re a great band and the crowd is gonna love us.”
“If they didn’t like our music they wouldn’t have bought tickets.”
“If they didn’t like our music they wouldn’t have bought tickets.”
“We’re going to go out there and blow the roof off this place and then we’ll celebrate with my wonderful girlfriend.”
“We’re going to go out there and blow the roof off this place and then we’ll celebrate with my wonderful girlfriend.” And when he’s done speaking you’ll smooth his nose back into its spot before giving it a little peck and letting him scoop you into a hug. “Thanks Sweetheart, I don’t know what I would do without you.”
The two of you will be stealing each other's noses for the rest of your lives. You both even did it on your wedding day. You had both been standing at the altar facing each other before the priest started speaking when you both went for it at the same time. You both did teary eyed chuckles at that and held onto the other's nose the whole ceremony. After the kiss you gave the noses back with Eddie smiling down at you saying, “Here’s your nose Mrs. Munson.”
Eddie Taglist: @sadbitchfangirl​​ @notbeforelong​​ @daisyellsong​​ @munsonswhore86​​ @katsukis1wife​​ @violet-19999​​ @navs-bhat​​ @emotionaldreamer​​ ​ @thatsamegirl​​ @fromasgardandback​​ @lupinpetersclearwaterodairparker​​ @rockchickrebel​​ @yourdailymemedelivery​​ @magicalchocolatecheesecake​​ @watercolorskyy​​ @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​​ @brattypeony​​ @trikigirl271​​ @fangirling-4-ever​​ @angelina0191​​ @gaysludge​​ @audhd-dragonaut​​ ​ @chxosunbound​​ ​@eddiethesexy​ @mazerunnerrose​​ @20fandomfangirl​​ @tvserie-s-world​​ @reddisteddie​​ @redgetawaycar​ @eddies-lover​​ @alexis6699​
Everything Taglist: @munsonsmuse​ @matchamunson​ @bubsonnobx​ @practicalghost​ 
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rainydayathogwarts · 4 months
Hi there! I absolutely love the short write-up you did for Oliver Wood. <3
Would it be possible to request a short fic of Oliver Wood x Reader (other House) reuniting during the Battle of Hogwarts when they went back to fight, after having previously dated for a short time while they were schooling but broke up probably due to differences in priorities? Like they haven’t seen each other much since the break up and then graduating but seeing each other again made them want to give it another try. Thank you!!
So sorry I'm getting to this late, hope you like it!
Oliver Wood was a Hogwarts prodigy. Everyone knew his name alongside James Potter and Charlie Weasley's; they were the Quidditch Gods of the magical school. The names Regulus Black, Lily Evans and Y/N L/N were also quite famous, but for different reasons. The geniuses, students who soon after their time at Hogwarts became published witches and wizards for their incredible discoveries and talent.
That was one of the main reasons your relationship with Oliver Wood was so short-lived. You both had extreme talents, but they led you in opposite directions, only tugging you both further and further away from each other. Whilst you worked on magical discoveries that went beyond your education at Hogwarts, becoming known as one of the greatest witches of your time, Oliver worked relentlessly to fuel his passion for his sport which would build his career, his future. It only made the few months you spent together during your last year at Hogwarts unpleasant, the love you held for each other being over-powered by ambition, which led to the inevitable break up that shook all your friends, for they thought you would remain together forever, carrying out the legacy of being the one couple that would make it past their Hogwarts days.
Alas, that did not happen.
Instead, your magical discoveries were written and taught in the few years you had developed them and were the main source of protection for all the students who had decided not to fight the war, seeking shelter in the dungeons of the castle. Finally, what feels like days later, you're muttering the counter active spell, the hand holding your wand shaking with the trauma of the war you had just endured. When the protective force field finally breaks apart, you whisper the password to the Slytherin Common room. The portrait swings open and immediately the room falls silent. You announce that Voldemort's dead and spin around, heading into the direction you had just come from. You didn't want the reactions; The good, the bad or the dirty.
You wipe some blood from the side of your face, only to notice that the fabric of your long sleeved top doesn't soak up the liquid fast enough, and that you're bleeding quite heavily. Despite trying to stay calm, you begin to pant, tears blurring your vision, but you don't let them spill, not when you're so close to the Great Hall, where someone will have time to clean you up. Unfortunately, the way you immediately collapse onto a bench alerts more than just one person, and you suddenly have what feels like an audience crowding you. "Hey, hey, give her some space." The voice is familiar to you, but you just can't put your finger on who it is. "Y/N? Can you tell me your date of birth?"
The hand holding your face is gentle, and you can barely feel the tingle of the healing spell against the side of your face, which you take as a good sign. "You know my name." You recognise, slowly blinking. "Hey Y/N try keeping your eyes open for me, okay? Get me someone with skills here!" The demand goes to someone else, but it seems that those are the only words you're able to process. "So I take it I don't look so good?" Your words come out slurred and you feel your body slumping against something, or rather someone.
Oliver has resorted to being your own personal pillow. He didn't want you to look like one of the dead bodies, laying down still on the benches of the Great Hall, which has now become both a morgue and an infirmary. The spell he did on your wound worked, but he had one of the 7th Years going into healing fix you up and get some more blood into you to make up for what you lost. He felt your body sway against his and was immediately alert, even as you gathered balance to sit up on your own. He gave you time to process your surroundings, looking down at his feet instead. It was only when you cried "Oliver!" That he averted his gaze back to you.
"Y/N" He smiled, relieved that there was some colour in your face. You seemed confused yet surprised, putting together what had happened. "I haven't seen you in... A long time. How- are you hurt?" He laughed at your maternal instincts kicking in and shook his head at you. "No, Y/N, you got hurt. You were bleeding from your head and I just barely fixed you up." A look of realisation dawned on your face. "That was you? I... Well I feel bad now."
Oliver shook his head again, an awkward silence settling over the conversation. It was you to break the silence, stating "Well, I hear you're doing well now. I watched one of your games recently, you played nice." Oliver's eyes widened and he grinned, cocking his head to the side. "I can say the same about you, Ms. Published three books. And since when did you get into Quidditch?" It was your turn to act surprised now, retorting with "I've always liked Quidditch, I just didn't used to be into it. And you know, I wanted to see what was so special about Mr. Wood's Keeper skills here." Your eyes scanned the Hall around you, and the smile on your face slowly drops. As Oliver followed your eye-line, his did too.
"You didn't? You know, lose anyone important, did you?" You ask, now sounding a lot more empathetic. "Well I almost lost you for a second there." You glance over at Oliver and smile genuinely, matching the softness in his eyes. "Let me get you home safely. Everyone's already left." You nod at his words, using his arm as a support system for you to stand. You feel his muscles contract underneath you and look back up at him.
Despite the dirt and blood that freckles his face, he looks peaceful. He looks like someone you could find peace in.
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ladydekarios · 2 years
Is This Love
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Fic summary: Eddie’s band Corroded Coffin is playing a gig at the Metro Club in Chicago, Illinois. You’ve been a fan since you saw them perform at your middle school talent show, around that time you’d developed your crush on Eddie. Unbeknownst to you, Eddie had also been harbouring a secret crush on you for years. Will he finally shoot his shot?
This is my very first one shot, I hope you all enjoy it. Inspired by the Whitesnake song.
Word count: 3521
Warnings: Lots of SMUT, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!), mentions of parents fighting, mentions of drinking and smoking, brief mention of fingering
I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated, copied or posted to any other platform. Support content creators by reblogging.
You arrive at the club early, you know that the headliners don’t go on until 10pm but you wanted to get there before all the screaming groupies.
You’d dressed in a black mini skirt, a Metallica sleeveless shirt, black leather jacket, fishnets and platform boots. You show that you’re a actual fan and not just there for the gorgeous long haired lead singer and guitarist.
Eddie Munson. Your middle and high school crush. The one you’d never had the courage to act upon. You didn’t avoid Eddie but you tried not to get too close, you were worried that you’d blurt it out one day. You didn’t belong to the Hellfire Club but you weren’t part of the ‘in crowd’ in school either, in fact those were the people who bullied you but you didn’t care. You’d spent your evenings and weekends listening to heavy metal, watching the Star Wars movies and reading fantasy novels.
Eddie was a year ahead of you in school but you ended up graduating the year before he did, as he failed twice. His band had been signed as soon as he’d finally graduated the year after you. You’d moved out of Hawkins straight after graduation, wanting to get away from your parents constant bickering. It didn’t matter much as your mom ended up staying with you at least once a month, and the phone calls made you feel like you’re back at home.
Your apartment wasn’t huge, but you’d saved up enough money from babysitting, tutoring and your job in the bookstore. You were very proud of your place, it was on the outskirts of Chicago so the rent was slightly cheaper. You had to travel into the city for work so you knew the place well. You’ve been waitressing at a diner five days a week during the day, and you tend bar twice at the weekend. You hope to save up enough to start night classes next semester.
You know the security at the bar, having been a regular visitor since you moved to Chicago, so you had no problems getting in. Once inside you went to the bar for a beer and headed to a table where you’d get a great view of the stage. You know Eddie always stood on the left, the right when looking at the stage so you made sure you were in his eye line.
He might not see you due to the lights but if he did, you hoped he’d recognise you. You’d tutored him in English when you were back in school. He’d passed that class but failed to graduate due to failing other classes.
You nursed that beer for an hour before the club started to fill up, you know the bartender Liv as well, having tended bar with her at another location. She sends a fresh beer over with another bartender that you know, Carrie, who isn’t working tonight.
Carrie approaches the table, two bottles of beer in her hands, one of them is your brand.  You look up at her with a cocked eyebrow. “Liv sent you another beer, said you’ve been sitting here alone for like 40 mins. Date stand you up?”
“Nah no date, not in months. Just here to enjoy the music.” You reply, accepting the beer with a smile. “I’ll settle up with Liv at the end of the night.” You clink bottles together and take a drink.
Eddie is backstage, smoking a joint and drinking a beer. He can hear the sounds of  Ten Seconds to Love by Motley Crue coming through the speakers, the walls are so thin. He has to be careful about bringing a groupie back here tonight.
He always picked a girl out from the crowd, the ones that looked at him with hearts and dollar signs in their eyes, and would dedicate a song to her. He’d always choose someone who looked like her. Then he’d invite the random girl backstage, to smoke and fool around, so she’d have a story to tell her friends. To make him seem like a real rockstar.
Lately though, he was tired of hook ups that meant nothing, that were forgotten almost as quickly as they happened. Tired of the girls saying his full name as his fingers were inside them. They didn’t know him, not really, they knew his stage persona. The one that’s full of confidence and sex appeal. Behind closed doors, he’s insecure, always thinking he’s not good enough. If he was he would’ve….
“Munson!!” The doors flew open as Gareth and Jeff burst in.
“Jesus H Christ! Are you trying to kill me?!” Eddie clutches his chest.
“Sorry but we had to….” Gareth says.
Jeff butts in, “Stop being such a wuss and tell him already!”
“I was about to but you cut me off…”
“Shut up!” Eddie yells, sick of the bickering that was just getting started. They stop and look at him. “Now… would you ladies like to tell me why you interrupted my pre show blunt?”
They look at each other, Gareth gulps before answering with his eyes on the floor. “Y/N is here.”
The room begins to spin. Either this weed is strong shit, or Eddie is having a panic attack. He hasn’t seen you in two years, since you left Hawkins after graduating. And yet the sound of your name makes him feel as nervous as he did the first time Corroded Coffin played at the talent show in middle school.
“Are you sure?” Eddie looks at both of them.
They nod. “Fuck!”
The first band came and went, you feel bad that they were so forgettable. They had some fans in the crowd but you couldn’t even remember their name.
Carrie had stayed with you, not wanting you to be alone. Guys have been giving you the eye all night but you’d not even noticed until Carrie pointed it out.
“What about him? He’s hot.” She says pointing to the guy standing three tables down from you. “He’s been staring at you since he got here.” He was good looking, blonde haired, tall and muscular. He was in a RATT vest and dark jeans, you could see the muscles bulging under his shirt.
“Not interested!” You give her the side eye.
“Okay well… you know that Liv is single?” You turn your head quickly, the serious expression on her face making you break out into a fit of giggles. “What’s funny?”
You can’t speak due to your laughter, Carrie  huffs and pouts, folding her arms across her chest. Your laughter dies down. “I’m sorry Caz, just because I’m not interested in any of these guys doesn’t mean…”
She nods, “I get it y/n, just giving you options.” You smile and thank her as the second opening band start their set.
Eddie pokes his head out of the door that leads to the backstage area to see if he can find you, he doesn’t even need to look very hard. He’d spot you during rush hour at grand central station. His crush having got to the point where he knew every freckle on your face, the shape of your lips, all the various colours in your eyes, the slope of your nose and of course the curves of your body.
The crush he had on you has festered over the years and he thinks it’s now more than a crush. He gazes at you, love in his eyes. You’ve grown your hair out since he last saw you, it looks the perfect length to grab. Eddie curses his mind, it had to go there. He turns back into the backstage area before his semi becomes a full blown erection and he’ll have to go and rub one out in the dingy bathroom.
He ignores the tent in his pants and goes back to the dressing room, relighting his joint and taking a long drag. He worries that seeing you when he’s on stage is gonna affect his playing…
“How do you guys feel about doing a… ballad tonight?” Eddie asks nervously. The guys smirk but say nothing, letting Eddie ramble on. “I mean I know we don’t usually, but you know that y/n is here and I’ve liked her for the longest time so do you think maybe…?” The guys burst into laughter. Eddie hangs his head in defeat.
They see how their laughing has effected him so they stop and look at each other. “What song were you thinking?” His head snaps up.
“You know we’ve jammed and played a few songs off the new Whitesnake album?” They all nod. “I was thinking Is This Love, it says all the things I’m afraid to say.” They all agree to play that song. Eddie has butterflies, he worries that you’ll reject or laugh at him but he tries to stay brave.
The lights go out in the club, except those behind the bar. You feel nerves start to bubble up as the headliners, Corroded Coffin are announced. The crowd goes wild and there’s a loud guitar riff as the lights go on and there’s an explosion as the pyros go off and they break into their first song.
Eddie steps up to the microphone and begins singing, his voice is silky and beautiful. The sound going straight between your legs, you cross your legs to gain some friction. You’re embarrassed about doing it in plain sight but the sight of him and the sound of his voice lights a fire inside you. But no one seems to notice, everyone is too busy mesmerised by the band performing on stage.
The song finishes and there’s a huge round of applause, cheering and screaming. “Wow, now I know what all the hype is about!” Carrie yells over the sound of the crowd, you don’t answer, you simply nod.
“We are Corroded Coffin and here’s one you might know!” Eddie says, and slams his hand down the strings of his guitar and the recognisable opening riff of ‘Master of Puppets’ begins. You almost fall off your chair, you’re wearing a Master of Puppets shirt! Has he seen you already? They play the song flawlessly, you’re on the edge of your seat the whole time and instantly on your feet at the end. Cheering and clapping for them.
“What’s gotten in to you?” Carrie asks as you sit back down.
“Nothing just…” you point to your shirt. “It’s my favourite Metallica song.” Carrie smirks but says nothing. The band play a couple more original songs, you clap and cheer along with everyone else.
“We’d like to slow things down for a moment, to catch our breath before our big finale. This song is dedicated to… y/n.” Eddie says, and the opening chords of the song began, you recognised them instantly. Your breath catches in your throat and tears form behind your eyes. And then Eddie starts singing.
I should’ve known better, than to let you go alone.
It’s times like these, can’t make it on my own. Wasted days, and sleepless nights. I can’t wait to see you again.
I find I spend my time, waiting on your call.
 How can I tell you babe, my back’s against the wall.
I need you by my side, to tell me it’s alright. ‘Cause I don’t think I can take any more.
Is this love, that I’m feeling
Is this the love, that I’ve been searching for
Is this love, or am I dreaming
Is this love, ‘cause it’s really got a hold on me.
“Did he mean you?” Carrie asks as there’s the instrumental after the chorus. You turn to face her but you didn’t need to answer, she could see it written all over your face. “So that’s why you didn’t want me to help you get a date…”
“We went to high school together but I haven’t seen him in two years.” Carrie’s eyes widen. “I guess this means that he had a crush on me too.”  Eddie locks eyes with you and continues singing.
Can’t stop the feeling, I’ve been this way before.
But with you I’ve found the key, to open any door.
I can feel my love for you, growing stronger day by day.
And I can’t wait to see you again, so I can hold you in my arms.
Is this love, that I’m feeling…
When the song is finished, you and Eddie stare at each other. The crowd goes wild. He turns to look at Gareth and nods, Gareth counts in for the final song. You don’t stop staring at Eddie and the way his fingers flow up and down the neck of his guitar, the light shining off his rings.
The song comes to an end and the band thanks the crowd. Eddie looks back towards the boys who grin nod at him, he flashes a grin back and jumps off the stage. Making his way through the screaming crowd, ignoring all the girls who are manhandling him until he gets to you.
He reaches you, grabs your hand and pulls you out of your seat. Your face is flushed as you stand, he flashes that stupid fucking grin at you. The one that used to leave you with damp underwear, and pulls you towards the door.
The air hits you as you get outside, a harsh change compared to the sweat inducing heat inside. Eddie begins to pull you towards his van but you stop him, leaning against the wall outside and reaching inside your jacket for your cigarettes and lighter.
Eddie grabs them from your hand, staring straight into your eyes, breath heaving. He drops them onto the floor and reaches for you, cupping your face and leaning his forehead on yours.
“Five fucking years, not waiting anymore.” Eddie says, brushing his lips against yours. You moan and grab the back of his head, pulling him closer. Your lips part, granting him access. He groans into your mouth as your tongue sweeps along his, taking in his taste. He tastes like beer, whisky and cigarettes. A combination you hadn’t even been aware that was your kryptonite. You let out a moan, your hands tangling in his hair.
He pulls away momentarily, catching his breath and looking around, trying to find a private spot. He spots an alleyway about fifteen yards from where you’re standing, grabs your hand, grins and drags you into the alley.
You’re pushed against the wall and Eddie’s mouth is on yours again, tongues and hands exploring. Your arms are around his neck as he kisses the life out of you. Eddie’s hands grab your thighs and he lifts you, your legs wrapping around his waist and locking just above the curve of his ass.
His hands wander underneath your skirt, playing with the gusset of your underwear. “Holy shit y/n! You’re fucking soaked!” Eddie moans into your mouth as you continue kissing. The urgency of your kissing making your teeth clash together. Eddie stops kissing you for a moment and fumbles to find his belt and zipper, finding them after a moment and undoing his pants.
A thought crosses your mind and you lean forward like you’re going to kiss him again, but you instead take his bottom lip between your teeth and nip him gently. You feel his cock twitch under your ass and he growls. He pulls your underwear aside, and lines himself up with your heat, coating himself in your slick.
“You okay with this?” Eddie asks breathlessly. You let out a breathy “yes” and he begins to slide inside you. Your eyes roll back, your mouth opens and you let out a moan as he begins to fill your dripping cunt. Your walls pulsating around him, making him grunt as he continues to slide into you.
‘Jesus he must be fucking huge!’ You think to yourself as he’s still not fully inside you. You revel in the stretch as he bottoms out, completely sheathed in you. You feel… complete, like he’s a part of your that’s been missing all your life.
“You’re so warm and wet, and tight… fuck it’s like you were made just for me!” Eddie moans as he begins to move, sliding through your wetness smoothly. Gliding in and out of your heat like a man possessed. Your hands are in his hair again and you pull his face to yours, kissing him like you’re starved for him. “I’ve waited so fucking long for this y/n.” He groans into your mouth. “It always took every fibre of my being to not bend you over the lunch table and take you right there in the cafeteria.” You grin at the thought.
“Shit!” Eddie’s hips falter. “I don’t know how much longer I can keep going.”
You look around the alley and spot a large crate in the corner and point to it. Eddie turns his head and nods, leaving his cock inside you as he grabs your thighs, holding you up and walks over to the crate. He sits on the edge, pulling himself further on while you’re still on him.
Your knees now on the crate and Eddie in an almost laying position, you grin at him. Leaning down for a quick peck on the lips before your hands press down on his chest and you lift yourself ever so slightly. A strangled sound leaves Eddie’s throat and you smile to yourself.
‘Holy fucking shit! She’s gonna ride me! I never ever thought this would happen our first time.’ Eddie thinks to himself as you lift and lower yourself into him again.
Your wet velvety walls squeezing his rock hard cock, he can’t remember the last time he was this hard. You begin circling your hips and Eddie almost loses his goddamn mind, he’s never known anyone like you. You’re not only caring about your pleasure, but about his too.
Most of the girls that he’d hooked up with backstage have always been his priority, none of them even got him remotely close so he just got them off so they would leave. But you… you were something else!
Variating between circling your hips, rolling them and lifting up and sliding back down on to his cock. He tries to sit up so he can kiss you but you hold him down, winking at him as you move faster.
“Baby… slow down.” Eddie whispers, you stop and look at him. “I want you there with me.” You move your hands off his chest and he sits up, his left hand cupping the back of your head as he covers your mouth with his. His tongue flicking all around as he devours your mouth.
His right hand reaches between you, finding your sensitive bundle of nerves, making shocks flow through you. Eddie can feel the little flutters around his cock, he wants you to cum, to make the memory of how you feel as your walls clench and pulsate around him.
He releases your mouth, and groans out, “come for me baby!”
His words instantly trigger your climax, making you cry out and hold onto Eddie for dear life. You’ve never experienced an orgasm this intense before in your life. It’s the kind that you’ve read about in magazines. The one that makes your eyes roll back, tears flow and your entire body shake all over. You thought those kinds of orgasms were a myth… until now.
Eddie comes with you, but he’d had never had his cock squeezed this tightly before. It’s like your cunt is trying to strangle him and milk him all at the same time, it makes his climax run longer than he’s used to. You hold each other for a while, coming down from your high and trying to catch your breath.
Is this what people mean when they talk about soul mates? Eddie cynical brain is starting to think that may be a very real thing. 
You smile, “that was… something else!” You breathe out.
Eddie looks at you with hooded eyes, “mine now?”
“I’ve always been yours Eddie.” He grins and lifts you off of him, sliding your underwear back into place.
Eddie looks at you and smiles, leaning in to gently brush his lips across yours. He pulls back just enough to touch his forehead to yours. “Marry me?!”
The end
Taglist: @sweetpeapod, @nycbaby21, @b-irock
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invisibleraven · 8 days
Hey, #7 soulmate au is DEVASTATING sooooo
Some of the first words every child learned to read were the ones printed on their skin-the last words their soulmate would ever say to them. A bit morbid, and no one really thought it best system to find a soulmate, but it was all they had.
Reggie Peters was lucky enough to have two soulmates-though that meant losing the love of his life twice, he figured that at least he wouldn't be alone. Or at least he hoped.
He traced the sentences that floated over his arms over and over until he knew them by heart.
Cariño.../I'll be waiting
The first he found out was a Spanish term of endearment, one he loved and couldn't wait to meet the person who was going to use it. The second made him a little melancholic, but it also meant he would also have a romantic soul to love.
He met Luke in college, they ended up as roommates, and bonded immediately. They loved the same music, even if Luke wasn't into country. They jammed late into the night, bonding over items of childhood nostalgia and parental troubles alike.
He saw Luke's marks early on, for he constantly wore cut offs and the sentences were scrawled along his ribs.
Maybe we can jam together in heaven?/It's okay, we'll be alright, you can go mi vida
Reggie had to hold back a squee at that, because Luke also had a soulmate who spoke Spanish-could they be the same person? Could Luke be one of his?
They started hooking up one drunken night, and decided to keep it up, developing feelings along the way, deciding to make it official upon graduating when Luke confessed he never wanted to stop living with-and loving Reggie.
They never really talked about the marks-it was a depressing thought, something that couldn't be confirmed until they broke up, or worse-when one of them died. For now they were happy, and that was enough.
They began working as session musicians at a studio, with Luke writing a few songs that got bought helping him get closer to his dream of being a real musician.
They met Alex there, the session drummer who got on with them like a house on fire, and Luke proposed starting a band, all three of them. Give them a chance to perform, maybe be the ones recording their own stuff instead of supporting the latest craze who had AI generated lyrics and next to no musical talent.
However it was through the studio that they met Julie-she was an intern there doing backing vocals for the odd song. And she was good.
"Why aren't you using those pipes to make your own music?" Luke asked her one night as they were all packing up.
"Haven't found my sound yet," she replied with a shrug. "Happy to be in the background until I do."
"Why don't you check out our band?" Reggie offered. "Might be fun to have another vocalist and I know you play a killer piano."
She smirked at that. "I could be persuaded."
Julie joined their relationship soon after that-with lots of conversation beforehand-coming to a head after a long band practice on the hottest day of the year. One that involved them needing to clean the couch in their small studio, lest Alex kill them-though he eye rolled at them the next day, muttering about 'Finally'.
Reggie loved worshipping the marks on Julie-they lined her hips, so he traced them with tongue filled kisses, Luke doing the same until Julie was a whimpering mess between them.
But what about you?/I love you darlin'
The darlin' left little doubt in Reggie's mind-his southern twang didn't come out much, but always made an appearance when granting pet names-Luke was already beau to Reggie. Luke teased him with French pet names, insisting that being called a little cabbage was totally romantic. Julie lucked out in mon cher in Reggie's estimation.
The years passed quickly and at a snail's pace at the same time. They became rising stars, international sensations and passé over several decades. Yet they were always together, there for each other, loving one another and their family.
Yet... well they were getting on in years, though none of them wanted to admit it. Luke in particular refused to act his age-something that proved his downfall, after he fell off a stage, breaking his hip in the process.
Though they had the best doctors, Luke declined fast, his body too frail to recover. The end was upon them, and after the children and grandchildren had said their goodbyes, it left Julie and Reggie.
There were tears all around, with Luke trying to joke, but his once powerful voice was faded to almost nothing. Reggie turned and he knew the next words to come out of his mouth-they had been printed on Luke's side for as long as he had been alive.
"Maybe we can jam together in heaven?" he joked despite the tears almost blinding him.
"I'll be waiting," Luke rasped, a smile painting his aged features. He then turned to Julie. "But what about you?"
Julie sobbed, but then clutched his hands. "It's okay, we'll be alright, you can go mi vida."
With that, Luke slipped away, leaving them to cry and clutch at one another, finally knowing the truth, too late to share the fact that they were meant to be together. But maybe Luke knew-he had seen their marks a million times over the years, so maybe it gave him the solace to go, knowing he had spent his long life with them.
They got along after that as best they could, though it always felt like there was something missing-reaching out in vain for Luke.
Then Julie got sick-she thought it was a cold at first, brushing it off. But after she didn't get better, they went to the doctor.
A terminal diagnosis.
"You can't leave me," he begged Julie that night. "I can't bare it."
"You can, and will," Julie insisted. "You're so strong, and we'll be reunited eventually."
Reggie stayed by her side through every chemo session, any effort to prolong Julie's life, however fruitless. Watching her white curls fall out, her already dainty figure shrinking.
"No more," Julie insisted after a few months of it. "I'm ready Reggie."
"I'm not," he said, kissing her palm. "But it's not about me."
One night as they slid into bed, Reggie knew-deep down in his soul that he would be waking up alone.
"I love you darlin'."
Julie's eyes welled with tears. "Cariño..."
He shook his head, resting their foreheads together and kissing her sweetly. Just held her tight as they slept, feeling her grow cold sometime in the night, and he calmly called for the ambulance.
He had her buried next to Luke, a space bracketing him for Reggie. He went on as he must, but his heart wasn't in it. He tried, for Danny and Luna, for their broods, but he knew life was gray and meaningless without Luke and Julie.
So he let himself grieve, growing even older, until one night-the night he knew he would give up. Tucking himself into the too big bed, closing his eyes and smiling for the first time in forever.
"I'm coming sweetie pies, I'm coming."
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manicformunson · 2 years
Ahh sorry i didnt mean to make you uncomfortable, i apologise if it may have brought any unwanted feeling or anything up. As for another request ah maybe the reader has a high pain tolerance and doesnt notice an injury and eddie helps her take care of it when he sees it. Or just another idea sorry😅 maybe when eddie is around the reader just doesnt talk cause she is nervous around him cause she has a crush on him, idk honestly you can write anything, especially with eddie in it and ill love it.
once bitten twice shy
pairing eddie munson x fem!reader
summary reader is hopelessly in love with eddie, she can't even speak coherent sentences around him. of course he assumes she's scared of him until a certain 15 year old can't keep his mouth shut.
note i'll do both and once again really my fault for not specifying! thanks for sticking with me though :)
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It was a real problem, anyone could see that -- how choked up Y/N got around Hawkins' Freak Munson. Eddie had assumed it was because of just that, his freak status. Or maybe the way he wore his hair, or maybe it was his music that scared her.
Whatever it was, it made the metalhead's heart crush everytime he saw how visibly uncomfortable she was whenever he was around. One particular memory burned in his brain was when Hellfire held a campaign at Mike's house, Y/N had been there with Nancy.
Eddie remembered when Nancy had been ordered to take snacks to the club down in the basement and Y/N had followed; as soon as their eyes found each other Y/N grabbed Nancy's arm, whispering something inaudible before rushing as fast as she could back upstairs. It left him confused to say the least.
Last week though, was even weirder.
Y/N was with Nancy to pick up Mike, Eddie had remembered the way she lit up and slightly waved at him, her delicate lips mumbling a soft, "Bye Eddie." It was simple and sweet but he could not stop thinking about it.
If she had been scared of him like he originally thought why would she bother with goodbyes? Maybe she was just being nice -- it was in character for her anyway. He remembered how he had been shocked at how pretty her voice sounded, so taken back that he actually stuttered. "Oh yeah, b-bye."
Dustin Henderson made sure to not let him live that down. The freshman had told the Hellfire table that Monday how Eddie The Freak Munson had stuttered, and yes said freak slapped him upside the head for it.
All week he was thinking about Y/N. Eddie had always thought she was cute, even back in middle school when she had braces but now he felt like he was looking at her in a whole knew light. Shit, he thought to himself, he must been really lonely for a goodbye from a pretty girl to grind his gears for a whole week.
Y/N on the other hand, she was absolutely whole heartedly in love with him. She had been since watching him in the talent show years ago. The only other person who knew was Nancy who always was encouraging her to go for it and Y/N totally would, if she didn't become the world's biggest idiot in front of him.
It was so bad, Y/N couldn't even speak coherent sentences when he was around. Even when he had been nothing but polite to her, she still couldn't find words -- just her mouth gaping like a fish.
Graduation was coming into view so Y/N knew that if she didn't do anything she never would so, she asked Nancy if she could tag along with her while picking up Mike from Hellfire in hopes of seeing him.
Y/N had a big speak planned, how she was going to express her admiration for Eddie and how he makes her dumb but of course, the second she saw him all words left her. It was only when Nancy had nudged her shoulder did she muster up the courage to say goodbye.
That night Y/N was moping face down on her best friends bed, with her hand rubbing reassuring circles in her back. "I don't think it wasn't that bad." Nancy offered. But it was, Y/N knew it, Nancy knew it, hell the whole world knew it.
Y/N was hopeless.
She tried to go about her week like normal but all her thoughts surrounded the metalhead that stole her heart. Y/N snuck glances at him at lunch a lot, he was breathtaking.
It was the next Friday and Y/N had asked once again if she could tag along with Nancy, she was determined this time. Y/N had gone to Nancy's house immediately after school, allowing her to put on a little bit of makeup and fix her hair. "Eddie's sure to do a double take now."
Her and Nancy had gotten there a little early and decided to get out of the car to stretch their legs. Unlike last time, Y/N had no idea what her plan was she just hoped she could redeem herself.
Eddie was biting his nails all through the campaign, hoping he would see Y/N today. He knew it was probably unlikely but he couldn't help but get his hopes up. Dustin had been nothing but aggravating about Y/N all week, laughing at Eddie for getting nervous around her even though he can make a whole scene in the cafeteria unphased.
When it was over Eddie couldn't help himself, peeking outside and allowing a smile when he saw Y/N leaning up again the car next to Nancy. He had jogged a little ahead of the kids to get to her, ignoring the red that dusted her cheeks and chest he smiled, "Hey Y/N."
Her mind frozen once again as he flashed that adoring smile and Y/N had to take a second and force it to defrost before returning it. "Hey Eddie." Y/N twirled her hair between her fingers as a nervous habit. The two only looked at each other in awkward teen fashion before Dustin came up behind Eddie.
"He really likes you Y/N, you made him stutter!"
"Jesus Christ Henderson-"
Eddie went to grab the little twerp but missed as Dustin ducked into the backseat. It was Eddie's turn to sport the red on his cheeks, scratching the back of his neck. He couldn't tell if the look on Y/N's face was a good shock or a bad shock.
"Hey, I'm uh, I'm sorry about him he has this thing where-" Eddie had tried to explain but was shut up but small hands gripping his face, pulling it down to meet cherry flavored lips.
Y/N had done it. She actually did it! Granted she still hadn't really said anything but she was so overwhelmed at the mere thought of Dustin being right that she just acted on impulse.
Eddie's hands found her waist, pulling her closer to him as he intended on deepening the kiss, earning a sigh from Y/N. A hard bang on the window broke them free, "Hey love birds break it up! I'm ready to go home!" Mike yelled from the backseat, leaning over Dustin and earning a slap from Nancy.
Eddie grunted in disappointment against her lips as he met her eyes, for once she was the one to speak up. "I like you. A lot. I like you a lot." Y/N bit her lip, her hands moving down from Eddie's jaw only to be caught by his rough ones. His thumbs stroked her wrist as Eddie laughed, "I like you too, in case it wasn't obvious."
Y/N giggled before they were startled by another bang, "Let's GO." Eddie rolled his eyes and banged back before cupping Y/N's cheek, "Maybe I can call you later?" She nodded continuing to bite her lip, "Yeah, okay." Eddie snuck another kiss before turning and heading to his van, leaving her breathless.
"I'm coming! Jesus Mike."
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heavenbarnes · 2 months
would you please write a Sydney x reader where it’s the scene from season 1 where Sydney has reader over after “quitting” but r is being all flirty and says stuff like we want you back, I need you back
St. Sydney of Chicagoland
Sydney Adamu x reader
Warnings/contains: no mentions of readers gender, swearing, blasphemy, kissing, pining, yearning, all the works.
Sorry this has been sitting in my asks too long but I hope this does it some justice. I want to mean everything to one Sydney Adamu.
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There was a quiet little voice in the back of Sydney’s head that was trying to convince her to feel guilty. Trying to conjure up remorse.
Asking her “why the fuck did you do that?”
But she couldn’t find it in her to care, walking out of that restaurant had felt good. She felt free. She felt like the fucking man.
No ifs, not buts, and certainly- no regrets.
Well, ok, on a technicality-
You had looked up at her with those fucking eyes as she’d stormed out. You’d been the voice trying to reason with her. You’d been holding Carmy off with one hand and reaching for her with the other.
Sydney had to say, leaving you behind was one of the toughest things she’d ever had to do. And that was saying something, life hadn’t always been kind to our Syd.
But the decision was made, she’d walked out and it’d take a whole lot more than your beautiful, sad eyes to get her back any time soon.
The knock at her door might help.
Stood on the doorstep, hands folded into one another, those big eyes looked back up at her but they were less sad- more apologetic.
Not that you had anything to apologise for.
“Sydney, I’m so sorry.”
“You don’t have anything to apologise for.”
You didn’t let up, you didn’t fold and accept that. You sturdied your shoulders and doubled down. “Maybe so, but you have to hear it from someone.”
And that someone wouldn’t be Carmy and there was a whole new flash of anger rocketing its way up Sydney’s body.
Now was not the time to dwell on old wounds when you were on her doorstep and she hadn’t even thought to let you in. Stepping aside, you crossed the threshold and made an immediate break for the kitchen.
Maybe it was because you associated them with Syd, your subconscious assumed that’s where she’d like to go next. You’d been half correct, the oven was on and something was cooking away.
“Want to stay for a bite?” Sydney asked as she joined you.
You were already making yourself comfortable on her kitchen stool, like you knew the place. Like you belonged here.
Chatting about nothing was easy, few jokes here and there, you had Syd explain basic technique to you like to didn’t graduate from Kendall.
You just liked to hear her talk. You liked her passionate.
On the second spoonful, you decided you’d push your luck.
“I think you need to come back.”
Thankfully, her eyes were still warm when she caught yours. Silence passing between you both an omen of the unspoken.
The way she sighed your name twisted your stomach up in a couple different ways. You felt the need to dead at least one of them.
“I know he treated you like shit but Syd, it’s about the restaurant-“
“Not anymore,” She countered, hands bracing out on the bench in front of her. “It’s about me, it’s about the fact I don’t deserve that.”
“No you don’t, you don’t deserve to be spoken to like that but you do deserve to serve your food- show your talents.”
She laughed, a huffed laugh out her nose as she shook her head. Syd knew you well enough that you weren’t sent here by anyone but she also knew you so well that this wasn’t even you trying.
“Be serious with me,” That shut you up, her back straightening as she looked you head on. “Why are you here?”
Confusion lit up across your face like wildfire and you stuttered a little as you spoke. “What? The restaurant needs you-“
“No, there’s something else.”
Even though she had home court advantage, even though she had control of the conversation- Syd felt nerves dancing right up her arms and strangling her heart.
If she’d reached inside you she would’ve felt the exact same thing. She’d caught on to you way quicker than you’d expected. “Syd-“
She said your name, matter-of-fact. You knew you had one way out of this.
“I’m not going back to that restaurant unless you’re there.”
That silence strung itself back up in the kitchen, passing back and forth between the two of you no better than before.
You had to fill it.
“That restaurant needs you but, Jesus Christ, I need you.”
Her lips parted, not like she was going to speak but like she needed more air in her lungs than she was getting through her nose. Her chest was tightening at an alarming rate.
“I’m no good without you, I don’t want to be good without you.”
Sydney moved on her feet, slowly as she rounded the edge of the counter. Coming to rest in front of you, your knees knocked gently against the outside of her thighs.
This had been that unspoken word, the one that hung between the both of you since you’d met. The shy glances and stuttered “good nights” when neither of you really wanted to leave just yet.
This is what it really was.
It was loving the kitchen but not unless Sydney was leading it. It was a passion for food but only when you could taste her dishes. It was storming out when you’ve had enough but sparing a second glance to see if you’d follow.
And you had.
Her voice was on a whisper, watching your hands reach out for her own. “I don’t know if I can come back.”
You let out a long breath, head tilting forward until her forehead was pressed to yours. Your noses slotted together, lips barely apart.
“Then just come back to me.”
Syd couldn’t bear to look you in the eye, favouring closing them instead and reaching for your lips. The way her mouth held yours felt like coming home, felt like everything you’d thought of each night since your first meeting.
One hand still held hers as the other came to grasp her chin, pulling her closer and hearing her moan so gently against your mouth.
Sydney could barely think with the way you felt, the way you tasted, the way you sound. But there was one thought that was louder than the others.
You might be worth the stress.
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strrwbrrryjam · 4 months
the comparisons you can make between arthur and micah to me are very interesting, because, while arthur and micah can not be more different to one another, they both have very similar upbringings.
being an outlaw is all the two of them have ever known, arthur's mother died when he was a baby and he was raised by his outlaw father, a man that from the little we get about him, we can infer was a cruel bastard, not just to civilians, but to arthur also, as we get a piece of dialogue that tells us that arthur isn't sad about his father's death, he's only upset at the fact that it wasn't soon enough (during the famous "i'm afraid" monologue), which implies that the relationship between the two was at the very least, rocky or just downright abusive and that arthur is glad that his father is dead.
after his father has been hung, he's been left on his own for a while, pickpocketing simply to survive, travelling from town to town when he inevitably gets caught and is then picked up by dutch and (a reluctant) hosea.
with micah, however, we get no mention of his mother, whether this is because she died when micah was born, or she isn't important to micah's story, who knows. but what we do know is that he too, like arthur, was an outlaw with his father, except the two seem to have had a very different dynamic to arthur and lyle. the two had a "partner in crime" dynamic rather than an "abusive outlaw father raises son he doesn't love to be an outlaw" (likely out of, i don't know, love for his mother and it being one of her last wishes for him to take care of her son - it could also have been just "no son of mine is going to be a sissy" since i believe neither dutch nor hosea taught arthur how to draw and he just has a natural talent for it) dynamic. micah and his father worked hand in hand with one another, which ultimately led to the homicide of roscoe and jean brings.
we don't exactly get an exact timeline of micah's upbringing (we don't get one for arthur either) but i can assume that the reason micah's father isn't around anymore is that after the homicide, he ended up being caught and hung - which led to micah and amos (micah's brother) being outlaws together out of loyalty for their deceased father until amos ended up repenting, marrying a woman, having three daughters and promising to murder micah if he ever steps foot into california.
micah continues being an outlaw, creating his own (1st attempt) gang with cleet, joe and likely a man named norman, attempting a bank robbery and ultimately failing. maybe he ventures off on his own, falling out with the three men, blaming each other for the failed back robbery, who knows.
it's kind of, insane, thinking about it. the two have been outlaws since they were young but even then the two of them were very different outlaws - arthur had likely kept to petty thievery, while micah had graduated to homicide with his father as a young man, arthur and lyle had a relationship where lyle often mistreated arthur, while micah bell III and micah bell II were almost equals in a way, despite being father and son. it's interesting to see how their upbringing shaped them as men, where micah thrives on cruelty and arthur, while good at it, seems to prefer less violent methods but will resort to violence when he deems it necessary.
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