#and as someone who also hates to be political but knows that you cannot walk that apolitical line forever without being dishonest
okay this is going to be an insufferable and niche post but the reason I’m so hard on Elyse Meyers is because we have so many similarities and such differences of purpose. Like. for both of us it goes
✔️ brunettes (curly hair)
✔️ interesting, imperfect faces
✔️ infectious laughs (eyes go all crinkly)
✔️ tons of anxiety
✔️ natural storytellers (good with words)
✔️ able to combine charm and vulnerability to awaken empathy
but we’re using those powers for very different reasons and in different ways. Every choice she makes is one I have consciously turned away from because I don’t think they’re valid choices!!!! (More thoughts in the tags)
#not to be like ‘she uses her power for evil!!!!!!!’ But. She uses her power for evil#Like. 1) she hates Taylor but won’t admit it cause elyse is threatened by Taylor#2) she is non-political in the most fake ass bitch little way. like that breathing exercise/hug/phone to the shoulder thing#after the Supreme Court decision re: abortion last June was SO. COWARDLY#she wanted to be part of the moment but she would not pick a side so that she could play both she does this ALL THE TIME#and as someone who also hates to be political but knows that you cannot walk that apolitical line forever without being dishonest#I hate to see it#3) she will not admit that she knows she’s charming but uses her (real!) anxiety as a blind to make her seem more humble#like bitch. BITCH. You can have anxiety and know your own powers and have you SEEN your comment section?????#your success??????? You KNOW you’re successful and you damn well know why#4) her stories lean into the (real!) awkwardness and cringe-ness of life PAST THE POINT OF COMMON SENSE which means that#a) she treats people in an insane way and thinks it’s ‘cute’ and gets away with it#or b) she’s lying#(I think she’s lying)#which. Leads me to 5)#5) she !!! uses!!!! her personality!!!! to make money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she USES her charm#which whatever. fine. Go for it if you can#but don’t LIE about it#and don’t make your (almost convincing!) little videos about how the person you’re talking to is so beloved and necessary#and should quiet the voices in their heads#and pretend that caring about people is the ONLY reason you’re saying this#when guess what. you are RAKING in the cash and the sponsorships#with every candid I just woke up with my messy hair at my kitchen table video#she weaponizes her natural gifts for money but WILL not admit it. will not own it#will not even acknowledge that she KNOWS she’s good at it#that there is IMMENSE power in her likability and ability to make people empathize with her#and she has a responsibility to acknowledge that in some way because power like that has to be checked#and she won’t!!!!#anyway I WILL be so hard on her. partly because I have to fight every day to not try to weaponize my personality to make money#because ….. I kind of think I could!!!!!!!!
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nonbinary-vents · 29 days
I know this is such a doomer kind of attitude but I genuinely cannot stand it when people go around talking about the ‘silent majority’ when it comes to Jew hatred. There’s two main problems I have with this statement
— Sure, these people might support Jews now, but it’s probably safe to say the majority of people in the world have deeply ingrained biases against Jews. Those biases are easily exploited, easily brought out, and easily radicalised into rabid hatred. See: large swaths of leftist spaces, who honestly seemed like sleeper agents with how fast they openly admitted raping Jews is a moral thing. There’s also the issue of a lot of these silent majority people not supporting Hamas or believing in the Aryan race or thinking that Jews have no culture and we’re just stealing it from everyone else, but still tolerating those ideas being held in other people— it shows that these people neither understand nor care about the gravity of these views, which then makes those precious biases much, much easier to show
— The entire point of the silent majority is that they are silent. Sure, they might chat with their Jewish friends about how bad things are, they might express sympathy in private, things like that. But when push comes to shove, when Jews are being actively murdered wide scale, they don’t show up. They leave us in the dirt. They watch quietly as the Gestappo drags their neighbours away. They look away politely as their Dhimmi shopkeeper is beaten in the street for walking on the wrong side of the pavement. They close their blinds when their friend is tied to the stake and burned alive
I know it’s comforting to think of this vague concept of the silent majority, but it’s not actually reality. I know it sucks feeling like you need to have your guard up all the time (and you don’t, just be careful), it’s going to suck a whole lot more if you put yourself into a false sense of security. The silent majority are not our friends. The silent majority are not there for us. The silent majority don’t care. We can’t just live in a nebulous idea of people who quietly tut to themselves whenever they see someone saying ‘glory to the resistance’ or ‘Jews are trying to taint the Aryan race’, we need to focus on the tangible reality, and the people who are actually present
I think this is also why I, and so many other Jews, absolutely love non-Jewish allies. There’s something so indescribably amazing to see people in this world that’s been so horrible to us standing up for us, listening to us, helping us. Allies go through a lot of shit from others because they care about us, I’ve seen it so much— they’ll get vicious hate for just associating with Jews. And they still do it. They still stick with us. Because they care, and it’s just so wonderful
Spread the love to non-Jewish allies, you are so amazing. And to the silent majority, I hope you can become the help that we desperately need
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ayspec · 2 months
a huge problem of why loveful folks can’t accept that lovespecs(? i’ve never seen others use this term but i’m going to) exist is their association that “love = care/kindness” so when they learn others don’t experience love or do so in a different way, it’s wrong because “so you’re saying you don’t care about anyone? so you aren’t kind to anyone and hate everyone? you’re just an emo edgelord that never grew out of their teen phase”
love ≠ care/kindness/respect/etc. love means “i feel x emotion” which is irrelevant to how you treat others—you’re more likely to be nice to others when you love them, but that isn’t always the case: love can cause abuse, love can cause stalking, etc.
“but that isn’t real love!!” imagine if someone hurt someone and got joy from that, and you claimed “but that’s fake happiness! real happiness comes from doing good things!” you sound ridiculous, right? because even tho the person is happy they did something wrong, that doesn’t mean their happiness isn’t real—we know this person is happy about doing a bad thing, but that doesn’t discredit happiness in general. we can acknowledge this person is genuinely happy while also knowing what they did is wrong, because “happy ≠ i did a good thing/something good happened to me”
so why can’t you apply this to love? why is love this untouchable, otherworldly being everyone likes to pretend is the source of humanity? it isn’t: it’s an emotion. when someone is a victim of abuse and you tell them “that wasn’t real love,” you’re discrediting their experience and creating a harmful idea that if a person loves you, they cannot hurt you, which is bullshit. victims of abuse can (and often do) genuinely love their abuser, and abusers can also genuinely love who they’re abusing. love isn’t this morally perfect emotion, and to dwindle it down to “love is good” is a toxic mindset
and you don’t need love to care about or respect someone. let’s say you’re talking to a cashier. you’re polite to them and if asked, you’d say you don’t want something bad to happen to them. by loveful’s logic, this means you love them, which probably isn’t the case. what about strangers you pass on the street? are you kind to them, and if someone fell on the sidewalk would you help them up? that’s kindness and respect, not love. i, and many others, don’t love the strangers we walk next to, but that doesn’t mean we want to shoot them all in the head or for something bad to happen to them
you don’t need love to be a good person, and tbh, i hope you’re only reason for being nice to others isn’t because your emotions tell you to be. if you’re only respectful to folks when you love them, then i doubt lovespecs are the bad guys here
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zoros-sake-bottles · 1 year
What you’d argue with them over ! Pt.1 (Zoro, Sanji & Law)
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-Your arguing about him not taking care of his body
Zoro is willing to stretch his body to any length in order to defeat his opponent, he will break all his bones and loose half of his blood-he doesn’t care at all
He cannot and will not lose before he fights Mi-hawk and steals the title of greatest swordsman
After every battle your left pale at the sight of Zoro, mortified at how he lays on his back in a sweat, bleeding and breathing so heavily 
By the time Chopper gets to him he’s barely conscious and each time you fear the worst. But of course since this is Zoro he pops right back up after a couple hours rest and instantly tries to train
“Lay down” you say your eyes meeting his
He sits up against your wishes and tries to stretch resulting in a spurt of blood from his abdomen
"moron" you mumble forcing him down
Its silent between the two of you as the topic of the afternoon hangs over you both
Your glaring at your boyfriend and he can feel it, so he turns his head away from you
He knows that your arms are crossed and your jaw is clenched
He knows your livid and he also knows why but no matter how intimidating your stance is he won't back down
"Oi, stop looking at me like that-"
"Shut the hell up" you say, your voice sharp and pointy like the edge of a knife
Zoro turns his head as he's about to give you a piece of his mind 
"I don't want to hear it, I'm done. You don't care then I won't care" 
"Go out and die then, selfish prick" you spat
Zoro huffs in disbelief, you've never gotten this callous with him before and he can't believe it 
"If I die that means I failed my goal and didn't deserve the title I was going after, I'm going to push myself beyond my limits whether you like it or not y/n!"
You get up and walk out of the room
You seemed so calm but underneath you were just seething
Zoro had basically just told you that your opinion meant nothing to him and that if he died then he just died
Did he ever really think about you? Did he think about how his death would affect you? How it would affect the crew? 
You bet Mi-hawk recuperates, you knew for a fact that he wasn't dumb and reckless like your boyfriend was
By the way Zoro was doing things, he was going to die from over exhaustion, rather than an actual fight
You cared so much and you hated it
Often there were times when you wanted to tell him "No, you can't go yet" "Zoro your wounds are still healing" "Don't lift weights the stitches will come loose" 
But you never said anything because you knew he would ignore you, telling you to stop nagging and that you were over exaggerating
You were sick and tired of it, so now you were going to let him be 
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-Your arguing about him being sweet to other women
Arguments are rare things , that's how good the two of you get along
You’ve always been that solid couple that remembers everything: dates, anniversaries, birthdays-etc.etc.
So for the two of you to have a disagreement it kind of freaked you out
Your fights were always centered around two things: Sanji’s hyper attentiveness to other women's needs and you putting yourself in danger for the safety of others
Today it was the hyper attentiveness
You just couldn’t understand it sometimes, why he went out of his way to do things for girls who clearly had no intention of making nice with him
He would be any woman's doormat! It drove you insane!
You were all for the “respect and never hurt a woman” attitude but the things he allowed-it was a cross of boundaries ! 
Not to mention he was totally oblivious to when women were subtly flirting with him, every time he got bumped against, groped & touched- he just smiled politely
You were a calm and rational person but unfortunately someone got a fist to the face today
You had stormed away, with him apologizing to your victim and chasing after you in your wake
He tried to stop you and talk but you ended up blowing up on him
"Darling-please-" he tried to reach out for your arm
"Don't Sanji! Don't even-I can't do this right now!" you yank away from him
Still he follows behind you like he almost always does
"I can't believe you let that woman touch your chest!" 
"Ma cheri she simply fell into me-”
“What did she trip on Sanji?! The air!?
Sanji loves you more than anything so he didn’t shout not once but you could hear it in his voice that he didn’t agree with the way you handled things
It was no point in talking if he wasn’t going to understand so you left him there and didn’t talk to him much after that
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-Your arguing about him not communicating with you properly
This man is a loner
Even with a complete crew, he’s still a loner
You can’t even fathom how your relationship had gotten this far
There's so much he doesn’t tell you, even the small things everyone should know “oh I'm allergic to….  I don’t like when you….  I changed the ….” NOTHING HE TELLS YOU NOTHING
He often does this thing were he underestimates you 
Law operates on his own, he goes by what he thinks is best
You could talk up a whole plan for battle and research ! He would tell you “okay” but when it comes to the day of acting out the plan he’s changed EVERYTHING about it and hasn’t spoken a WORD to you
“Law, are you dead serious?! Wha-I-I looked like an idiot out there! Why didn’t you say anything sooner?!” you stressed running your hands through your hair
“Y/n- ya it wasn’t that much of a change I simply-”
“I was telling everyone the wrong information! I cost us time and-and-”
“It was fine, I'm telling you, your overthinking it…Bepo and Penguin took over and in the end everything was ok, we didn’t draw much attention either” he stood in the door of your shared room with his arms crossed
He clearly didn’t understand why you were so upset, he didn’t understand the magnitude of the issue for you
“Law, look at me…” you glared at your boyfriend
“I WANTED to help, I WANTED them to trust and follow my lead as a fellow member of this crew! Today all I showed them was that i am a clueless buffoon who just so happens to date their captain” your fist balled up
“Nobody thinks that” he raised an eyebrow, dismissing your thoughts and feelings
You were a steaming pot and just like that you were over boiling
“Will you stop treating me like I'm some blasted kid?! I'm 24, for goodness sakes Law are you even listening to me when I talk?!” you shouted but it seemed to have no affect on him
Law stayed silent in the corner and he didn’t move a muscle
You felt like you were talking to a wall
Your eyes glossed over and you stood up and pushed past him, tired of being dismissed and handled like you were incapable 
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stickthisbig · 1 year
I've started conducting job interviews at work now? It's terrifying but it turns out I'm really good at it? So if interviewing is daunting, here is my advice from the other side of the table. It turned out to be very long, so here's a cut.
When you apply:
Oh my god please spell check your resume, I beg of you.
Gimmicks absolutely will not help you. You will get so much farther with a resume that is neatly formatted and a cover letter that is straight to the point.
Make sure you count all your experience!! Internships and fellowships count as experience!! The computer system will reject you and I'll never see it in the first place!!
After you've gotten the interview:
If you're trying to get a job in a field you've never worked in (as most of the people I interview are), break down your former employment or experience into the skills you used and keep that information at hand. You used to work in food service? You have experience in delivering an experience at a high quality with basically no margin for error, and you work well under pressure. You were a telemarketer? You have experience at following a workflow and deescalating conflict.
We and every other job WILL be asking you about a. conflict management and deescalation (have examples for how you resolve conflict with coworkers, clients, and bosses) b. personal time management (how you stay organized and on schedule) c. what you do when you realize you can't handle a problem by yourself d. your strengths and weaknesses (see below) Just go on and have an answer ready. You will be asked. There will be questions you're not prepared for. Be prepared for these.
Do a little googling about the company/organization. What will become extremely clear to you immediately is whether they're going to care about you caring about the mission. Some businesses don't. Every non-profit and every government agency does. If they seem like they care, you should pretend to care.
Ask all your questions of the person who is scheduling the interview. I don't recommend trying to figure out who will be your boss and contacting them. Everybody's very busy all the time, none of us are hiring specialists, and we're using the HR staff to act as our buffer. You will look like a nuisance, not a go-getter.
Do look at a map and figure out where you're going. It's vastly preferable to call an hour ahead and say you're unsure where to go than call ten minutes late and say you're lost.
When you walk into the office:
I personally don't give a fast fuck if you come empty handed, but some interviewers HATE that, so definitely bring a notebook and a pen. It's no longer necessary to bring paper copies of your resume. If you're going to interview a lot, may I recommend dropping five or ten bucks on a sketchbook at Michaels or similar? It looks polished and also you can actually use it for things. If you need to write notes to help you remember anything from above, it's okay to write them down. Anybody who would ding you for that isn't someone you need to work for.
If you don't know what to wear: black or khaki pants, nice shirt. Preferably a blazer, but that's optional at entry level imho. Lately I'm finding that the men's sections in thrift stores have better selections? If you've got big hips, you can slit the sides of a men's dress shirt up to your waistline and tuck it in. If you have to come in jeans, wear a belt. If you only have a t-shirt, make sure it's clean and tuck it in. You don't have to prove to me you have money to get this job; you just have to prove to me that you are taking this opportunity seriously by presenting yourself neatly, because you will be expected to be dressed neatly at work.
My sibling in Christ beloved child of God, be polite to every fucking person you see. Oh my god I cannot stress to you how polite you need to be. I cannot believe that this is a thing I have to say, but I sure do! If it's close between you and another person, that snippy comment you made on the elevator WILL lose you that job. Ditto for if they walk you around to meet people. Just be THE politest motherfucker.
When you walk into the room:
When you sit down, what you are looking at is one person who is running the interview, twoish people who are related to your job, and sometimes also someone from HR, unless HR does all the interviewing. One of these people wants to be your hype man. If it's my office, it's me, I'm hype man. I want to have a dialogue with you to see how prepared you are and how good of a communicator you are. I want this interview to go fast and seamless. I'm in your corner. Don't play to the guy who's actively staring off into space. Focus on the interviewer who's most focused on you.
NEVER downplay your own experience. Getting a job you're underqualified for is a problem for future you. If you only have internships, or you only have retail, or you only have food service, or you only have work study, fuck it. You walk in there and act like you've been the goddamn president. The question of your qualifications and the question of your experience are separate. Never act like your experience doesn't count because it's in a "lesser" field.
EVERY. TIME. you are asked about your weaknesses, explain how you have used them for growth. Do not wait to be asked, just slap it in there. One of my biggest weaknesses is giving up control, so I've made a conscious effort to involve other people earlier in the process. If you're not fuckin working on your weaknesses, just try to imagine what would be a good idea. Or maybe work on them? I'm not your dad.
What I am looking for is your ability to answer my questions in a complete and concise way. If you can't give me a specific example, I want you to be able to reflect on your previous work and say "When it comes to X, my experience doing Y is relevant in this way." I am asking you for a synthesis. Most of what I need you to do in this position, I know you've never done. If there is something where I specifically need you to have done X as a professional qualification, there is nothing else you could say that would be right, so you have nothing to lose.
Keep some question in your back pocket for when they ask "do you have any questions for us." It is a hundred percent okay for this to be a softball question, but it's also okay to ask something more probing. You can ask how they handle training, town and gown relations, what the possibilities for employee development are, whether they've done any diversity initiatives, if there's a good work-life balance, what the previous person in the position is doing now, what their strategic planning is like, whatever, just something to prove you're engaged. Do not ask about leave, and do not ask a gimmicky question you saw on the internet. If you can't think of anything, just fuckin ask them how they like working there. That's perfectly fine.
This isn't the time to bring up ADA accommodations. The person who can approve that for you is almost certainly not in the room, and you put us in a super weird position. I am saying this as a person who receives ADA accommodations from my employer and did not disclose my disability when I was hired, as is my legal right. Don't bring it up until you think it would actively prevent you from fulfilling a job requirement or accessing the office. In the before times I had a dude once who called me asking if the building was accessible, because he just wasn't going to interview if it wasn't, and I was just like "...that's fair, my man, but you can come on down."
After the interview:
I fully don't care about a thank you note; I'm unlikely to see it anyway. Some people do. You may send one (1) and ONLY ONE thank you note; generally it should just go to the person who scheduled your interview. Do not, and this is so important, do not email again. I know it is the fucking worst how employers get away with ghosting people but my friend you and I cannot change that. (We do send notices to people who get interviews but don't get the job; people who don't get interviews are informed by the computer system.)
It's gonna be okay. I'm not trying to trick you; I want this to go smoothly, and I want you to demonstrate that you understand how you would use what you've already done to do what I need you to do. I don't want this to be awkward any more than you do. Actually, I want this not to be awkward more than you do, because I have to do this several more times.
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sstan-hoe · 1 year
𝑫𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑫𝒓𝒂𝒈𝒐𝒏
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𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 — aemond targaryen ×fem!reader
𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 — aemond doesn't like to dance, but for you, his wife he makes an exception...sometimes and today he decided not to, which leaves you to do the only right thing; make him jealous
𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 — canon level violence, a bit of smut like p in v and a little foreplay, it's dirty against a fucking wall oh but it's also a bit public like everyone could walk by, also cockblock
𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆 — second one for aemond my loves!!! I haven't had the idea to write for daemon yet so let's see what comes to my mind — or from you (remember to follow me before requesting)!!! follow, reblog and comment !! follow @sstanhoe-updates if you don't wanna miss anything!!!
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“Aren't you going to dance with me, my Prince?” you pouted at your husband who sat at the long table along with his brother, sister and mother, next to him your empty seat. Aegon was slouching his seat in the middle of the table with a cup of wine while Haelena danced around the room. Queen Alicent sat next to the empty chair that belonged to her daughter, leaving Aemond to Aegon’s right.
Aemond gave you a chuckle, “you know I do not like dancing,” he took a sip of his wine. You walked around the table, pulling your chair away and squeezed inside the space.
You laid your hand on his cheek, “not even for your lady wife?” once again pouting, with your hand still on his cheek you slowly sat down on his lap, your other hand finding a home around his neck.
“I love you very much my lady wife, however I have to leave you alone,” he sounded sorry, Aemond took your hand from his cheek kissing your knuckles.
It was nothing new that Aemond did not like to dance, but for you he often made an exception. You thought it would work with the puppy eyes, it did not, which meant you had to raise heavy artillery…jealousy.
“Fine, if my dear lord husband won’t dance with me, I will find someone else,” you huffed and lifted yourself from his lap.
He watched you leave, swaying your hips. It didn’t take long before a lord asked you for a dance which you accepted and gave Aemond a teasing smirk. Your husband was well aware of the game you played and despised the fact that it was working.
Lord Markentower had his hands on your waist as you rested yours on his shoulders, “I cannot understand why your lord husband won’t dance with you, you’re such a beautiful lady,” everything was fine until that slime opened his mouth. “Well lord Markentower, it does not matter how beautiful I am if he refuses to dance with me,” you kept your tone as polite as possible.
“Of course it does, if I had a beautiful wife just like you then I would never miss a chance to show her off,” he sounded arrogant and sure of himself that he would even get a wife to show off with this attitude.
“Are you saying that if I was ‘ugly’ then you would not have asked me for a dance?” you always hated when men downplayed a woman's beauty just because they didn’t fit their type.
“I wouldn’t have, you are correct. Who would want to dance with someone ugly?” he asked as he twirled you around. “Do well to remember lord Markentower that just because a woman does not fit your type means she is ugly.”
The voice of the young lord annoyed you to a point where you wished you would have never taken him up on that dance, but Aemond’s reaction would soon make it better.
Aemond was still sitting next to his brother watching your every move, he noticed by the way your eyebrows furrowed and your eyes squinted that the lord must have said something to anger you but you kept your cool, trying hard to make him jealous and the worst thing? It was working.
His eye caught the lord squeezing your waist a little harshly and how he pulled you closer. The action made Aemond stand up without hesitation.
Aegon watched him amused, he enjoyed watching how you knew which buttons to press with Aemond. It was different to him, Aegon knew which buttons to press to annoy his brother but yours were completely the opposite.
The young prince walked towards you with a glare directed at the man next to you.
“Excuse me, I would like to dance with my wife now,” he interrupted the two of you. Giving him a smirk you shook your head, “I am very sorry to decline your offer lord husband, you did not want to dance with me ten minutes prior and now that I have found someone you can not just steal me away,” you teased causing Aemond to roll his eye.
Lord Markentower gave Aemond a cocky smile, “the lady has spoken and I'm not quite finished with her,” you wanted to punch him in the face.
Aemond stayed calm at first and smiled at the Lord, a smile you knew meant no good. He put a hand on the lord's shoulder, pressing down, “if your life is dear to you I suggest you take your hands off my wife,” Aemond growled.
He let go of you with a fearful expression and scrambled to get away from Aemond who snaked his arm around your waist pushing you flush against his chest.
“I have this odd feeling that you like making me jealous…,” he teased and you rolled your eyes huffing, “me? Never."
Aemond shook his head and leaned down, “you have been a very bad girl…I think this calls for a punishment,” he whispered against the shell of your ear causing goosebumps to adorn your body.
Your husband smirked at your reaction and led you out in the hallway. His mother watched the two of you leave with a concerned look, she heard the whispers about you, what the Prince and his wife were doing in the middle of the hallways.
Once outside the hall, it was only for a matter of seconds before Aemond had you pushed against the nearest wall. Mouth pressed on yours, seducing you into a passionate kiss.
His hand bunched up your dress, and a surprising sound left his lips as he noticed something missing, “did we skip something this morning my love?”
Giggling, you bit his lip, “it must have slipped my mind,” you said innocently.
“Little minx,” he muttered, his hand stroking over your glistening folds, “already so wet for me, did my jealousy make you this wet?” Aemond's warm breath collided with your skin causing you to arch your back.
Aemond dipped his middle and pointer finger inside your cunt. A moan slipped from your lips as he caressed your sweet spot.
“You wanna let the whole castle know what we're doing?” his hand trailed up to your throat gently grasping it. “I wasn't the one who pushed you against a wall like a horny–,” Aemond's hand closed around your throat, cutting off the air for a second causing you to gasp.
“You little brat,” the Prince growled before he pulled you off the wall. The way he manhandled you only turned you on more, it would be described as sick by the ladies at court. His hand was still on your throat however his grip was gentler. “I wanted to be slow and help you ease into me but now I feel like you need to learn a serious lesson,” Aemond told you as his hand moved from your throat to the small of your back.
You were led to the hallway in which your shared room laid, this hallway was more secluded from the others and at this hour no one came by anyway.
His lips found yours again, they were pure addiction giving a feeling of ecstasy every time they touched you. They were as soft as pillows and you wished they would never leave you.
Your hands cradled his sharp jaw, Aemond desperately tried to open his pants as he was still kissing. He had to put all his concentration on his pants because as soon as your lips were sealed with his everything in his head was you.
Finally he got himself free and his angry leaking tip hit his clothed stomach. Your mouth watered at the sight, you wished you could suck him off but there was no time.
Aemond broke from your kiss, in need of air, his hands howled up your dress and he took your naked thighs lifting you up to line himself right with your entrance.
“Oh god!” You shouted, you would never be able to adjust to Aemonds length in such a short time – or ever.
“Quite or do you wanna get caught?” by the clenching of your cunt around his girth Aemond smirked, “so you do wanna get caught,” he pushed his hard member inside you again, without remorse.
Alicent Hightower couldn't shake the feeling that the whispers were true so shortly after his son and wife left she followed them. She rounded the corner and gasped loudly at what she found.
Her dutiful son had you pressed up against a wall with his cock deep inside you, you were moaning and whimpering. Alicent couldn't let this get out. “Aemond Targaryen! You let go of her right this instant. What were you thinking?” she shouted at her son.
Aemond froze just like you, turning his head he looked right into the eyes of his raging mother. He cleared his throat and let you down before turning around to tuck himself back in.
“I'm sorry your grace–,” “do not worry my dear, I will have a talk with Aemond about this and his behavior, he shouldn't have seduced you to this, go rest dear,” the former Queen said now in a softer tone. You nodded shamefully and turned around to leave but not before you looked at Aemond again.
You winked at him and gave a little smirk, it was not over yet.
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punksocks · 1 year
Lilith square Ascendant
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Lilith square ascendant is an interesting placement. It’s packed with energy that often seems excessive and uncontrollable. Lilith energy is always tied to the mythology of Adam’s first wife, Lilith. She was an unfit wife because she saw herself as equal to Adam and could not be “tamed” to follow him as her husband. Lilith the figure is filled to the brim with complexity, s*xual energy, and intrigue just like the placement is.
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Lilith can be felt powerfully in the angular houses (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th) as these are the houses tied to how you are perceived and received by others (self, childhood/family, spouse/partners, public). Personally I have Lilith in my 10th house squaring my ascendant which is why I wanted to dive into some of my observations with this placement.
Lilith aspecting the ascendant is often observed as an alluring placement. Lilith is impactful, often others will have a strong reaction to you. When you walk into a room you will have people that immediately love or hate you no matter how neutral you attempt to be.
Individuals with Ascendants that are Trine/Sextile to Lilith tend to enjoy and find empowerment from the often sexual attention they receive. While Asc Conjunct/Square/Opposition Lilith individuals tend to feel disgusted or turned off by these strong reactions.
In all honesty, strong Lilith placements are in the individual’s birth chart to encourage them to come into their own without shame or making themselves smaller for others.
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Lilith square ascendant is said to be the most alluring and untamable placement because of the strength of the tension of energy of this aspect.
In addition to that, there’s something startling about the energy of strong Lilith placements/aspects, not because of Lilith herself but because of the reactions of others.
People often assume that the version they perceive of you to be all that you are. They also tend to be quite possessive and controlling of you. Either they shame and avoid you because they feel especially overwhelmed by your energy. Or they try to capture you, as if they could be the one to assert total control and dominance over you and to make you up in whatever image they view as “respectably feminine”.
This is obviously a trap, because Lilith’s energy cannot be muted, so when controlling people cannot change your essence they will sometimes react badly. As if they are following dark impulses, something snaps and they simply cannot process you being so uncontrollable.
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Personally with my Lilith in 10th house in Leo squaring my ascendant in Scorpio, I find I usually get a certain set of reactions. From feminine energies, I often get femmes that suddenly get very competitive with me. For attention, skill, or otherwise, especially at work. (Check your 11th house to see where competition tends to come up). I usually have an easier time making friends with femmes with Lilith energies who are more aware of and embrace their “alternative” or “dark feminine” sense of expression and social s*xual power/identities.
For masculine energies I often get contempt or infatuation. Contempt in the form of avoidance and belittling. Or infatuation in the form of pushing boundaries with leery behavior. Something about Lilith makes some men really uncouth in a jarring way. It’s like the socially polite part of their brain just shuts down and they devolve in front of you.
Lilith isn’t a bad placement, just to be clear. I don’t believe any placement is bad, I know that every placement has its disadvantages and advantages and your lesson is to use them accordingly. Lilith is just a litmus test. If someone is an envious, possessive, abrasive sort of person, their behavior will be shown to you almost immediately. Especially with very masculine or very “traditionally” feminine energies.
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I’m synastry too, Lilith overlays will show you a lot about your partner and their behavior towards you. Lilith shows if people around you are developed or undeveloped the easiest of most placements I believe.
This is definitely a placement to be careful with because you can’t really tell how far into scary behavior other people will go once they’ve made up their minds about you.
Day by day, I’m learning Lilith’s lesson of not letting people control you by gaining means to be independent and have my autonomy supported throughout my relationships always, but I’ve definitely gotten through some scary situations by having to get away from people that want me to submit to them.
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DO U EVER THINK ABIUT GENDERBENT 141??? because I'm sorry I'm queer as hell and au where everything is the same but Ghost is the most handsome butch woman to ever walk the earth?!?!?!? Barkbarkbarkbark
Man I am FERAL 2day
Have I ever thought of Genderbent 141? UH??? YES??? EVERY DAY???? (never shared it before, but I 100% have thought about it)
Genderbent!141 Thots
Simone Riley who’s ginormous for a woman, just as tall as half of the men around her, and with shoulders just as wide. Wears her hair in a crew cut (just like her male counterpart) because she gets hot around the neck and irritated with hair in her eyes if she tries to grow it out any longer, and she cannot be arsed to untie and retie her hair if she’s in a hurry to shoot a terrorist! Unironically uses her sports bra as a place to conceal MORE weapons. Do you know how many foldable knives she has hidden in her bra cups? Don’t ask, she won’t tell you. Never wears heels because she hates it and it’s just not her style, she’s a butch through and through.
Jane Price who surprisingly strikes SO much fear in recruits by being polite, understanding and a surprisingly calm leader because they KNOW that a woman that polite can’t survive/be taken seriously in the military unless she’s deadly efficient and ready to crush someone under her boot at the slightest provocation… Her hair is fairly long but she wears it tied in the military regulation bun that’s SO slicked back and tight it’s no wonder she has a permanent headache. Yes she wears the boonie hat all the time.
Kylie Garrick is pretty girl (just like Kyle is pretty boy). She has the PRETTIEST neatest cornrows and wears them in a bun because it’s convenient for work, plus it lets her still wear her beloved baseball cap!!!! She read the handbook cover-to-cover to know what’s allowed and what isn’t and knows exactly what she can get away with style wise. Watch her wear stud earrings of all colors and tinted lipbalm to skate by the ‘no makeup’ rules.
Johanna MacTavish is short but BEEFY. And I mean BEEFY. Between her arms and her thighs, she looks like she could crush skulls and watermelons alike with just a bit of squeezing… And she has taken advantage of her reputation as a destructive wildcard to get away with hair that does NOT pass regulation. I mean, are YOU going to go tell the one Scottish woman who’s built like a fridge and coincidentally the YOUNGEST recruit to pass SAS selection and also certified in demolitions and explosions to fix her hair? No, obviously not. So, she wears her hair LONG as shit and only pinned back enough to not get caught in her arms when shooting/fighting +  has an undercut so that she doesn’t overheat.
[ More Genderbent!COD ]
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Hey. This might be very stupid, but i hope you answer this.
Today I accidently got sucked into your blog, which is ironic since I'm a huge swiftie. (but I'm not here to hate on you, I swear)
The thing is for months I've been doubting where I stand on that. Like if i should call myself a swifte or not. when I was young, I used to worship the ground she walked on. but in the past year, I've slowly realised I've been very sheltered. like the problems people point out about her sometimes are actual real problems, but my brain just doesn't know how to respond to that as it has been taught taylor swift is a goddess and can do no wrong. Since your posts are tagged with #exswiftie, i figure you'd understand.
I am not from america, so I can understand then politics part of it all only to a certian extend. the other things, I just dont know what to say to that. The most i can reply is..."yes that is a bit of a problem". I feel don't feel like a swiftie at that moment.
I had fed my mind this narrative that people who hate taylor swift passionately are like untrustworthy or just a walking red flag, or just "don't get it". Now after reading your actual breakdowns I understand you have a rather educated opinion and perception of things. Which clearly rules out my narrative.
I don't know what I feel like I have to define where I stand on this, I just do. I know I genuinely enjoy her music a lot, even there are songs I don't want to hear more than once. I love the whole swiftie lore, digging deep on each lyrics finding out what they mean, finding clues easter eggs just losing my mind over surprise songs. Then i see this other side, which can't be defined with anything less than deeply toxic, which makes me question whether or not this thing i love so much is genuinely good or not.
Hello dear, apologies for the delay in reply :) I am happy to chat with you. I hope that you did not think I would ignore you.  
I was also a Swiftie for nearly 15 years. I got her debut record as a Christmas present in 2006 or 2007. Though I cannot remember which year it was, I loved her from the start. At 10 years old, I was immediately interested. My mother approved of me owning her music simply because she was inoffensive. She didn’t curse or talk about sex, in the beginning, so she was deemed appropriated for my childhood self.  She and I have since grown up. She is now a terribly pretentious bully- and, well, I grew up much too poor and much too hungry to turn into a bully like her. 
The problem- and something I think you’re very much aware of- is that Swift has built herself up in her fandom as perfect. She encourages fans to defend her every action- and rewards them for their efforts through “Swiftmas” or “Secret Sessions” or “hidden easter eggs that only the smartest- most dedicated fans will figure out.” It’s all methodically calculated to keep up an air of reciprocity between Swift, as the fearless leader, and her band of merry misfits- the fans.  
You are not dumb for falling into her rhetorical situation - she's set the marketing strategy up on purpose. It’s specifically created to attract attention- and, to make people feel good, or productive, by participating in her marketing strategy. She gives people an image of herself as a poor innocent victim of the media, or of any critique, and then rewards people for defending her. In Literary study, we call this “Pathos” as the rhetorical appeal to emotion through messaging- textual work of some kind. Rhetoric like this can be found in all sorts of media- commercials about starving children or beaten dogs, charity event banners aiming to persuade someone to donate. It’s all predicated on the appeal to our common emotion, or human capacity to empathize with each other. For, every time fans are rewarded by her attention- after defending her from a perceived enemy, or figuring out some hidden clue- they feel closer to the idol, they feel happy to have her attention. They get that emotional impact of believing they are helping Taylor Swift, or understanding her better on some more human, connected, level. It’s a game of risk and reward for her. Never mind that none of this altruistic- she gets paid through our attention on her- and if you are not directly lining her pockets with your cash money, she does not actually care about you. It’s the image of caring she projects that matters much more than the fact that she doesn’t actually care.
I’m sure you can think of many more examples wherein Swift has played this game of attention and reward with fans. It’s everywhere- her easter eggs are a great example. Sometimes her use of Pathos is benign- non malicious, therefore a non-issue. However, she often weaponizes this rhetoric in a way that is harmful.
This interplay she sets up, between herself and her fans, is made more intensive through her pathos- heavy approach to Rhetoric. To further illustrate, one of the ways people often explain Pathos is by saying that it represents our, as human beings, judgement affect. We see, or hear, the narrative Swift espouses and make judgements about it. If she says: The music critics are sexist towards me. We say: 1.) Sexism is morally wrong, 2.) Taylor Swift is facing sexism from Music critics, Therefore.) The music critics are sexist and morally wrong, because they are criticizing Taylor Swift.
So, all the critics are bad- and we don't need to listen to them. It's also a way Swift creates permissive attitudes towards attacking anyone who critique's her- because she can so easily label them all as sexist.
She uses this basic syllogism to justify leveraging her fans against all kinds of people- it's not just the critics. I just wanted to give a concrete example, and I will go more in depth on this subject in another post.  
She is playing with people’s emotions, while she is also self-victimizing,and leveraging her audience’s innate human rejection of, for instance, sexism as it offends our personal values. No one is saying that sexism isn't morally corrupt; however, Taylor Swift points to valid criticism and calls it sexism so that her audience will attack. People often have valid critique of Swift- She just doesn't want to face critique at all- ever. If people say her music is too self-centered- Swift says that is Sexism. If people say her music is boring- she calls it sexism. If people say her music is shallow and only centered are relationships- She calls it sexism. When, in reality, it's valid criticism that has nothing to do with her being a woman. Only ever writing songs about your own myopic, self-centered perception of interpersonal relationships is shallow. Her music is objectively boring, because it's derivative. Her music is completely self-centered- and she only admits to that when it benefits her, but when critics say it, she calls it sexism.
Please don’t think badly of yourself. I am not here to hate on you either- I was you. I am not here to hate on anyone at all- I just want to share how my own knowledge, and expertise, of rhetorical appeals and literary analysis can expose Taylor Swift. Swift relies on this rhetorical technique to thrive, she obfuscates the truth, schemes, and manipulates people into thinking her music is the best thing on Earth- or thinking that she is literally a Saint. Clearly- nothing on Earth is that perfect- So why does she need her fan base to consider her a genius, and a saint, so badly?
Personally, I have no problem admitting I have flaws. I think most sane people can admit to their flaws. It’s not a bad thing to have flaws. So why does Taylor Swift react to all criticism like it’s the worst thing on Earth. Why does she have a whole song about calling critics “mean/ and a liar/ and pathetic/ and alone in life” (“Mean” 2010). She has the nerve to call that song an “anti-bullying” song; yet, is it so clearly bullying that random critic who wrote a bad review about her concert one time in 2009? She really hated that guy- and all he was doing was his job. She called him a drunken loser for just doing his job. 
She's written so many songs about how all her critics are just stupid, morally corrupt, or sexist: "The Man" (2019), "Mean" (2010), "But Daddy I love Him" (2024), "New Romantics" (2014), "Shake it Off" (2014), "I know Places" (2014), "Anti-Hero" (2023), "Paris" (2023), "Blank Space" (2014), "I did something Bad" (2018), "Dancing with our hands tied" (2018). There are more songs wherein she carries this theme of "everyone is out to get me, and they all hate me for no good reason" but I think I've listed enough.
The general message is all over "Evermore" and "Folklore" too every time she calls the general public "Clowns" or "masqueraders"
It's just everywhere- her subtle devaluation of legitimate criticism. Trying to chalk it all up to the critics being simply dumb, sexist, or malicious in some way. Perhaps some people are mean- true- but to generalize every criticism as evil? That's just her actually playing a victim card. There's no way every single critic, or person who doesn't like her, is evil, bad, or malicious in some way. Okay?
I’m tired of her claiming to be an amazing person and an amazing poet- when she is just not either of those things. She’s not a kind person- it's all over her music in the ways she maliciously hurts people for fun. She’s not an amazing poet either. I have a few college degrees- and one pass through her work, with a serious intention of literary analysis, I discover that her writing is plain, banal, and derivative. 
She wants everyone to compare her to Emily Dickinson, Dylan Thomas, and Shakespeare. So, I’m doing what she wants and taking her work seriously enough to critique it. Except that, in critique, I find out why it’s all poorly written- and why it’s just a bunch of thinly veiled conservative iterations of the same boring message over and over. All she ever says in her music is “poor me” and “I hate” (insert person- Kim K., Kanye, Matty, Joe, Jake, John, Scooter, Scott, Harry, Calvin, the media at large, anyone who critiques her, and men in the music industry as a whole). She has the longest list of enemies I think I’ve ever seen- and the funny thing is that all these people avoid her at all costs. None of these people talk about her- yet she is still singing, writing songs, and getting her fans to post memes about how awful they are years, even decades, later.  
It all gets a bit tiresome? No? Personally, I don’t wish to live a life full of such self-pity and hatred- so why should I listen to it in music form? Ya know?  
In my posts, I am attempting to find the truth. I don’t want to “hate” on anyone or anything- but I am going to seek truth in her work.  
I will be posting more about how she devoids Shakespeare of his social reformist efforts. I’m going to post more about how she twists the meaning of every literary reference she’s ever made. I am not kidding, she has misrepresented, and misinterpreted every single literary reference in her entire discography. It’s astounding how hard Swift tries to sound thoughtful- without actually being thoughtful. I will be posting about how she only ever name-drops to either tear other people down or self-depreciate herself in effort to seek pity. I will be talking more about her use of rhetorical appeals to both attract an audience, keep their attention through risk-reward trade-off, and manipulate them into fighting her battles for her. I will be talking about how she upholds a bunch of harmful stereotypes in her music. She often alludes, or blatantly includes allusion to colonialist attitudes. She’s used the LGBT community for profit without making any real activist efforts. She’s leveraged feminism like a weapon against other women- yet never actually has feminist themes in her music. She’s just so painfully hollow- upon closer inspection.  
I don’t hate her as a person. I think she’s unethical, sure, but that doesn’t mean I hate her, want her to die, or anything extreme at all. I would never wish harm to another human being. In fact, after seeing a lot of the harmful stuff in her music, especially about her kind of fucked up views on relationships, I sincerely hope she gets some professional help and finds some peace in this world. When I critique Taylor Swift it’s about her work and her brand- It's not about her personhood.  
I just think that no one Earth is above reproach, or critique, and we must all be held accountable for our own actions. She’s the one that puts her work out there for people- It's therefore completely appropriate for me to discuss her work. 
Edit: Oh and I want to add- I wish you luck in figuring out what you really think about Taylor Swift. If you ever need to talk or vent more- my inbox is always open. :) With peace and love- bye bye
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askbensolo · 18 days
Sorry I haven’t posted much this week. It’s been a liiittle crazy. I gave both Armitage and Poe tours of the apartment this week (Armitage on Monday, Poe yesterday).
I thought I hated them when I was just messaging them. Oh, buddy, I had no idea.
Let’s start with Armitage. Listen: my mother raised me right. I tried to be nice, even though every previous interaction I’d had with him had proven that he was not. I opened the door and put on a smile and said, “Hey!” Bro looks past me and sees my holopad propped up on the dining table, where I’d been watching the livestream of the Senate hearing on arms control on Coruscant. Unfortunately, it was paused right on a close-up of my mom.
This dude cannot be normal. Imagine. You walk into a stranger’s home, see an image of a senator you’re maybe not so fond of, and go “Tch. Senator Organa… I’m convinced she was only voted in out of pity. Everyone loves the Alderaanian princess, but she’s really rather far from qualified.”
I was so pissed I almost couldn’t talk. “What the—wh—why do you think she’s not qualified?! She has years of political experience, and she fought on the ground. She’s done so much volunteer and charity work, and she actually understands the issues she talks about on the floor, and—”
Armitage looked taken aback, but also like he was scrutinizing me. I shut my mouth.
“…What did you say your last name was?” he asked suspiciously, his tone clipped.
‘Cause, see, when I’m first meeting someone, I don’t usually tell them who I am am. I’m just Ben. I like being my own person. And then maybe after they pass the vibe check I can be like, “oh, yeah, I’m Ben Solo, but I’m also just a chill dude, please treat me normal haha.” But, yeah—that’s why Armitage didn’t know who I was.
You know when you’re talking to a stranger and you’re like, “Oh. No. We are not getting into this, because I’m never gonna see you again”? That was me in that moment. I was like, yeah, there’s no way I’m rooming with this snooty bag of tauntaun flatulence for a year.
“Quadinaros,” I said. It was the first name I thought of. I hoped Armitage didn’t know his podracers.
He looked like he wasn’t buying it.
“Well, what’s your last name?” I blurted in a stupid retort. Like a “your mom” kind of thing. Usually, that doesn’t work. Surprisingly, it caught him off guard.
“…Arkanis,” he replied, with less confidence than one would usually declare his own name with.
I showed him the apartment like I promised (and believe me, the comment about my mom was not the last rude thing he said while he was there), but in my head I knew I was picking Poe.
That is…until yesterday, when I had Poe over to tour.
I was actually genuinely excited to greet Poe at the door, because he was my ticket to not rooming with Armitage…but the smile melted right off my face when I beheld the sight before me.
This guy is. De-kriffing-ranged.
You know those, like, baby holders you buckle onto your chest? Well, get this. Homie was wearing one of those…but his BB droid was in it. And those models are hefty. They may be all round, and relatively small compared to your average R2 unit, but they’re still like…I don’t know, the height of your knee? And made of metal, obviously.
My jaw dropped at the sight of this absolute madman. I just stood there staring at him.
“So, uh.” Poe cleared his throat, as if he didn’t have forty pounds of droid buckled to his body. “Who talks first? You talk first? I talk first?”
I snapped out of it. “Sorry. Uh. Here. Come in.”
Once inside, he put his droid down on the floor, and I was reminded that choosing Poe meant also getting a pet, basically. “Weeeeoooooo!” said the BB unit, and started rolling all over the place.
Forty pounds of droid rolled over my foot. “Ow!”
“Sorry!” said Poe. “He’s just a little excitable. Aren’t ya, buddy?”
So I gave them the tour. And I really don’t have the energy to recount that endeavor, so here’s a list of some (just some) of Poe’s demands:
the droid’s charging dock needs to be in our bedroom near the window, even though the window is on my side of the bedroom
we need to put down rubber mats over the carpet so it’s easier for the droid to roll around
we need to ask management to install an accessibility ramp at the doorstep so the droid can roll in and out
it would be great if I could play with the droid when Poe’s not around, since the droid needs daily stimulation
After a while I kind of stopped listening. I thought to myself, Is this real life? Are astromechs not just flight navigation equipment? Is this would-be pilot who doesn’t even own a starship asking me to play with his droid like it’s his son?
I couldn’t have been more relieved to finally show Poe and his droid out the door. And then I ran into my room and flopped on my bed face-down and screamed into the mattress.
If only it wasn’t so late into the year. It’s impossible to find roommates right now. I’m lucky to have two options, as horrible as both options are.
I almost thought about moving back in with Mom and Dad. But…then I thought about my job, and Wednesday nights at the cantina with the guys, and quiet Sunday walks along the lake, and lazy Saturday museum-crawls with my ink pen and paper notebook…compared to how living at home just transforms me back into a sixteen-year-old, and I was like…no. No. I’m not leaving Naboo.
Anyway…so that’s my week. At least Fannie’s coming over tomorrow and I can temporarily forget next year’s gonna be hell.
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lepartidelamort · 1 month
US Now Saying the Obvious: Instead of Telling Jews to Stop Killing, They Will Just Bring Gazans to America
Andrew Anglin
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Someone please ask fat retarded Republican Jew-lovers if they want millions more Arab immigrants.
Because that is what their lunatic support for the mass murder of children in Gaza is going to lead to.
How stupid? How fat?
What is the purpose of supporting Israel? Why would you support the sickening Jews of all people? If you were going to support anyone murdering children, why the Jews, who hate you, who think you’re an animal that was born only to serve them?
If it’s “Evangelical Christianity,” you can forget it, because I know for a fact no one believes that horseshit anymore, save maybe the fattest of the fatties. All of these Zionist mega-churches are either closed down or filled with Mexicans, and Mexicans don’t have opinions on anything.
From the beginning of this nightmare, it was obvious that the government was going to move towards massive immigration of the Palestinians. The Jews are telling you “these are human animals and they’re all terrorists” – then the Jews turn around and tell you they’re sending them over to move in next door to you.
The Gazans do not even want to leave. But you’re going to bring them here, to the country that funded bombing their homes and killing their families?
New York Post:
Top Biden administration officials are mulling over plans to potentially welcome into the US a small number of Palestinians fleeing the region amid the bloody Israel-Hamas war, according to a report. One idea officials floated over recent weeks is to tap into the United States Refugee Admissions Program to grant refugee status to those who escaped the Gaza Strip into Egypt, CBS News reported, citing documents. That effort would likely require cooperation with Egypt. Palestinians who have family in the US may also get admittance, per the report. US officials have reportedly been considering various arrangements to that effect and multiple federal agencies are involved with the plans. To gain entrance into the US, would-be refugees would likely need to pass screenings assessing their medical condition, eligibility, and any security concerns.
Yeah, sure.
No one else is passing any screenings. People just walk across the border.
They would also likely have to provide evidence that they are fleeing some form of persecution. That could prove tricky for individuals who claim to be fleeing persecution from Israel, which is a key US ally in the region. Individuals may be able to claim they are fleeing Hamas, which the US designates as a terrorist organization.
Refugee status provides individuals the ability to gain permanent residence in the US, an avenue towards citizenship, and financial assistance. Such a policy would mark a dramatic shift for the US refugee program, which has generally not permitted Palestinians into the country en masse.
Again, it was obvious from the beginning.
Jew-lovers are willing to sacrifice anything for the Jews. It is like satanic possession. They will destroy their own children to help the Jews kill children.
That psychopathic dweeb Mike Johnson says he believes it’s his duty “as a Christian” to service the Jews in the most disgusting ways a man can comprehend, as well as in filthy modes beyond human comprehension.
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This is disqualifying. You cannot have a top political official who follows a religion that requires him to swear allegiance to a foreign country. That is just obviously not viable.
What if he thought the Bible said that Chinese people were the chosen ones, and it was the duty of the US to send infinity money to China? Do you see that this is not workable? You cannot have government officials swearing allegiance to a foreign country.
The Arabs that come over through this program (which will obviously be more than just Palestinians) should be sent to live in the neighborhoods of Jew-lovers. No one else deserves this. Everyone else was saying the Jews should be defunded and boycotted.
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musicky · 6 months
I finished All the Hidden Paths by Foz Meadows. So good. I loved it.
You know that vibe from A Taste of Gold and Iron that’s just “you two are such fucking idiots about each other”? THEY ARE JUST SUCH FUCKING IDIOTS ABOUT EACH OTHER and I love it.
Spoilers under the cut.
(Although the spoilers are more vibes than specific plot points honestly.)
So. The end of my copy of A Strange and Stubborn Endurance had a snippet of this and it was enough for me to know that the plot line was going to include attempts at seducing one or both of the boys into an affair. (This is barely even a spoiler - that’s the prologue.)
I was NERVOUS. I hate “are they cheating oh no what do i do” plots. I hate when there’s chapters and chapters of angst and drama that could be solved by a simple fucking conversation. I spend the whole time frustrated and annoyed and yelling at the book “JUST FUCKING TALK” and that’s not a pleasant reading experience for me.
Foz did not do this, and I could not be more grateful. From Moment 1, these two idiots trust each other and care about each other more than anything else in the world (okay yes except for Markel, WE KNOW VEL). At no point do either of them actually think the other did anything. They both worry that the other will think they did, but there is never any doubt or suspicion or mistrust.
And I loved it. It makes the story so much more compelling. These two ADORE each other (btw Vel is HILARIOUSLY oblivious to his own feelings like I mean SAME babes, but COME ON) and they trust each other and if you take that away, then WHAT IS THE POINT OF THE STORY.
I cannot even begin to express how glad I am that my yelling about this book (to my dog) was “SEE? Do you see how PERFECT THEY ARE TOGETHER???” and not begging fictional characters to talk to each other. That’s a stupid conflict to have in a story. It’s cheap, you can do better.
Do they have trouble communicating? Yes, absolutely. Does it make perfect sense for their personalities, their histories, their traumas? YES. Was I so fucking glad that Markel looked at Cae and said “you shouldn’t have left him” because Cae is a damn idiot? YES.
This is a LOVE STORY, not because they had to contend with accusations of infidelity, but because, in every single fucking moment, both of them knew with 100% certainty that this man who they love would not do that to them.
The trust, the loyalty, the honor, the respect, the pure honest CARE is important and meaningful. Even Vel, who has only known shitty, toxic relationships, is a good man and a good husband and that is important. He tries, he wants to be, he works hard at it.
Like, that poor man gets bitchy with his husband and realizes UM SHIT I can’t just walk out and see what happens WHAT DO I DO and then he does his best. That’s what you do, Vel. Your best.
(Markel’s “bold of you to assume that Velasin has ever been wrong” was PRICELESS)
The love confession was glorious. GLORIOUS.
(Side note, CAE LIKES SMART MEN and I love him for it.)
As someone who doesn’t do the politics and people shit either, I love EVERY second of Vel figuring shit out and asking questions and staying calm until it’s worth losing his shit, and I adore Cae just sitting there, watching him and being like “I have never wanted anything more in my life than I want you right now”. GOOD FOR YOU CAE GET YOUR MAN.
I’ll need a reread because plot points blur together for me until I get a second time through, but I’m basically ready to flip back to the front and start right now 😂
Also, apparently I love a good “oh no, this stranger I’m stuck with every minute of every day is really hot and I want to jump his bones” (both of these stories and AToGaI, THANKS FOZ AND ALEX) so that was also fun.
They’re adorable and stupid and I love them.
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grollow · 1 year
also, are there any ppl in hallownest as it is in hk grimm would dislike for whatever reasons if they met? (ex. zote, sly, the mantis lords...)
The technical answer is: You would not know it most of the time if he did. He’s not likely to be rude to anyone. He hides behind a façade of politeness, pretty smiles and head tilts and squinty eyes. He’s not here to make enemies and doing so is, in fact, counterproductive to his goals.
The honest answers are:
Zote: This one is because I headcanon Grimm as absolutely hating lies and liars. Zote is both. I cannot see him appreciating anyone who uses lies to build their entire character up on, who is so extensively delusional that he even begins to believe the stories he tells. I think this one would be strong enough that he’d even actively avoid Zote if he could help it, because it is in his nature to point out lies, and he would be smart enough to know how badly that will go with Zote. A wasted effort that is bound to cause a headache. Smile and walk away.
(Fortunately I do not think Zote would even register Grimm as anything worthy of note, so I don’t think it’d be an issue.)
The Pale King: The main reason I dislike a certain ship is this one. I will preface this as: I read the “dear wyrm” bit as dripping in sarcasm, not sincere. Also I know you say as it is, so PK isn't technically in it anymore, BUT HEAR ME OUT
Grimm as I write him/see him/headcanons is someone who thinks death is an important, vital part of the natural order, not something to be feared and not something to be run from, but also not something to be played with or manipulated. He has so much respect for the balance of life and death, viewing his role not as destructive but as shepherding in a new era, something that is diametrically opposed by a king who trapped his entire kingdom in a stasis in a desperate bid to stave off its death. “The Eternal Kingdom” as a concept goes against that natural order, and I cannot see Grimm looking at this and seeing anything more than a pathetic creature trying to outrun the inevitable.
Oh, I think he’d respect PK’s talents. I think he’d admire some of his tenacity. But his ultimate view would be “You are no better than that which you oppose: running from death and trying to wrest it under your control.”
Others may argue that his stance on the Infection is a noble one, that he’s trying to prevent needless deaths, and I’m sure that has occurred to Grimm as well – but it’s a little like shoving a bandaid over a stab wound.
I also don’t think he’d exactly view too highly the idea of using one’s own children as a sacrificial gambit in war. Even though I think he intellectually would understand that PK did this as a way to save his kingdom, even through great personal pains (and I do believe that the Pale King absolutely was agonized by doing it – I am a PK Died Of Guilt truther), I still do not think he would agree with it.
Ultimately, I think he views the Pale King as largely arrogant and trying to control things well beyond his capacities. He’s someone who believes that a natural order is extremely important, that balance is important, that DEATH is important – they’re juxtaposed to one another in all of their morality, and I cannot see him getting past it.
However – and here’s the big factor – Grimm I do not think would ever actually voice any of this to the Pale King unprovoked. He’s too smart to pick a fight with someone who he’s confident could best him (PK did best his sister after all) and he’s also of the opinion that trying to tell another god what to do with their life is hardly his place.
I think that he’d know, though, that he represents everything the Pale King fears by din of what he is, and I cannot see him wanting to spend any time around him as a result. Sort of “me being around you is salt in a wound and you being around me is a headache. Let us avoid this by not interacting unless we have to.”
I think Grimm would find Hornet hilarious. I do not think she would share in the sentiment. I’m pretty sure she’d find him infuriating and want to break his face. I think he’d find that even funnier. I also think he finds White Lady disliking him so much very entertaining.
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coaxed you into paradise
Chapter Fourteen : A Choice Description: Saera Targaryen was her father's forgotten daughter. Years following her marriage with Ser Harwin Strong, she catches him in an affair with her sister and seeks solace in the arms of her uncle. Not realizing that the consequence of their affair is just as dire as her sister's. masterlist
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<<previous chapter
SAERA SMILES AT DAEMON AS SHE ROCKS THEIR YOUNGEST TO SLEEP. He smiles back at her, his eyes shining with unfamiliar warmth. He could see that being a mother suited her. "When he falls asleep, we should try for another one." he whispers seductively, trying not to wake his son.
She laughs — but it also comes out as a snort, since she didn't wish to wake her baby. "How befitting of a prince to say," she smirks as he places a kiss on her and Daelon's forehead.
She stares at her son's features, carefully memorizing every bump. "He looks exactly like you," he comments as she hums in approval. There was a softness in her son's features, his round head and light purple eyes — that was all Saera.
"I agree," she replies as she angles herself to look at her husband. "They grow up so fast," she adds remembering the times she held her oldest twins. And now they were making their own destiny.
She pauses for a while, thinking about ways to bring up Alyssa's engagement. To be honest, she hasn't made a choice yet and was hoping to ask for her husband's opinion.
"About Alyssa," she begins as his eyebrows raised. He loved Alyssa — although he wasn't much close with her. "Yes?" he questioned, remaining eye-contact with his beautiful bride.
She looks down at her son, breaking his gaze. She takes a deep breath, gathering her words. "There are those who seek her hand. Prince Jace and Prince Aemond, although I cannot make a choice." she rationalized as he frowns.
If he had his way, then his children would never be married. There were cruel men in this world — and as a parent, you only wish to protect them. "And it matters less of politics and more of the whims of our daughter? Correct?" he queried and she nods.
She could care less for the politics of this court, the only thing she cared about was what her daughter wanted. "My personal choice would be Aemond — and I hate that boy with passion. But they've always been close, attached to the hips since they were born. Alyssa does not give a damn about Jace, or any of his siblings." he enunciated the last parts.
It was true, Alyssa and The Strongs were never close — it was always them and Daegon. "But won't she hate us? If we pimp her out this soon? I know I hated my father for doing the same thing" she inquired as a groan escapes from his pink lips.
"That is something only she can answer." he replies, while standing up and dusting his pants. "I'll ask her, but for now you must rest." he smiles, pecking her lips lightly and taking the baby from her hands.
"You had a very long night." he winks, walking towards the door and exiting the warmth of their room.
DAEMON'S EYES NARROWED AS IT ADJUSTED TO THE BRIGHT LIGHT, he walked towards his daughter who was sitting underneath the Weirwood Tree. "Uncle Daemon," she greets, standing up and straightening her gown.
He smiles at her, pressing his son closer towards his chest. "To what do I owe the pleasure?" she asks as he halts in front of her. "Sit down," he commands as they both settle underneath its roots.
"Is everything alright?" she questioned in a concerned tone as he nods. He comes here to settle Saera's doubt, and also to show his daughter that he cares. "Matters regarding your future have been put to attention. And I mean betrothals." he clears up as she nods.
Her head has always been in the clouds, believing that marriage was a fairytale. But she wasn't stupid, she had her own opinions too — and didn't wish to marry an ugly old lord.
"Who asks for my hand?" she asks in a jovial tone, already wishing for someone in her mind. He raises his eyebrows not expecting excitement from her. "Your mother reveals Prince Jace and Prince Aemond," he adds stress to the last part and she bites back a smile.
Her face betrays her however, as she began to turn red. Daemon chuckles, recognizing her facial expression. She covers her face, and he smirks lightly. His predictions were correct.
"Prince Aemond is it? A little cunt — but he'd be a willing puppy." he shrugs as she reaches for a book and covers her face with it. The mere mention of his name gives her body a jolt of joy.
"Father, stop it!" she whines as a laugh escapes from his lips. She removes the book from his face as he brings a finger to his lips, pointing towards her brother and motioning for her to be silent.
"Alyssa likes Aemond," he teases, tickling the sides of her stomach. Prompting her to hit him with a book. "Stop it!" she complained hiding her laughter from The Rogue Prince.
DAEGON OPENS THE DOOR TO HELAENA'S STUDY, his eyes moving back and forth from her children to her. "Princess Helaena," he greets as she continues inspecting her signature centipede.
"Prince Daegon," she replies in a low tone, allowing for her children to play with little beetles. "I didn't know that you returned," she attached with her loony voice as he slumps down on the floor beside her.
"It's not your fault, we didn't really tell anyone either." he smiles as she hands him Jahaera. The little girl was adorable, she had big bubbly cheeks and small white hair. It was clear that she was Helaena's daughter.
He holds the baby gently, remembering the times where he had to take care of his own brother. His heart reaches for Helaena, as rumors tell him that her husband isn't exactly a good person.
"Are the dreams better?" he asks, knowing about her nightmares. She shakes her head, and places the bugs on their jars. The childhood fascination never really left her.
"No," she whispers as her attention remained plastered on the insects. "What are they about?" he asks finding beauty in her dreams. Especially in the ways she'd present it. Beautiful poems, and sometimes flowerful words. He liked listening to it.
For the first time, she turns her head to look at him. Her mouth almost pressing into a thin line, if not for her son who babbled constantly and tried to reach her specimens.
"Spools of Green become Spools of Black. Spools of Black become Spools of White." she rambled endlessly, as if she was seeing something happen in front of her. Her eyes zoomed off, but she was shaken out of the trance by Daegon's hand being placed upon her shoulders.
"Are you alright?" he asks with a soft smile, and she nods her head. Reaching for Jaehera.
>>next chapter
A/N: What do u think the prophecy could mean?
taglist: @sweetybuzz25 @newtsniffles @loveandlewis-reads @lovecleastrange @julkaamazing @mirandastuckinthe80s @duhitzdae @schniiipsel @areaderinlove @i-yam-awesome @ladystardvsts @brezzybfan @rockerchick05 @flawroses @joygirlmelii @princessmiaelicia @prettybiching @saraandthejets1 @naturallyspontaneous @hnybitches @lxdyred @inpraizeof @claudie-080102 @1-800-isabellapotter @mamamooqa @23victoria @curiouser-an-curiouser @queenofshinigamis @alexisabirdie @kindaslightlyacidic @anaisbambia @my-dark-prince @sebastian025
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alexxncl · 1 year
obey me characters at the spades table
if you didn't know by now, my mc and i are both black
this will probably be centered around the brothers
this is also v much me projecting
masterlist | more drabbles/hcs
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luci is decent at best. he gets in his head too much and doesn't pay attention to the table when he needs to
he also takes forever to pick what card to play after he wins a book like c'mon old man
mammon is really fucking good at it, and him and mc always pair up on game night
he counts cards, bids perfectly, and somehow almost always deals perfect hands to him and his partner
...unless there's money involved
the one time him and mc teamed up when they bet real money, he almost died /srs (lucifer had to hold them back from ripping his head off after he cut their book for the fifth time)
levi is bad....like really bad
he tries tho! he's just not good at it
he'll keep score, but he won't play
especially not with mc
please don't make him play with mc
it's too stressful and involves too much thinking and he gets distracted too easily to watch the table
satan is good, but not because he wanted to be better at lucifer than something
he also can count cards just as good as -- if not better than -- mams, and he knows exactly what's in someone's hand by the way they react once the hand is dealt
asmo can play go fish.
i'm so sorry
but i feel like he sits in on spades games to just see mc get mad
he'll cheer them on! that's about it
beel and belphie cannot be on the same team. ever.
like they actually have some sort of mental connection and will say their bid at the same exact time and it's fucking terrifying to watch
if they're not on the same team, belphie always pairs up with satan and insists that they play against lucifer and mc
he'll reneg on purpose just to piss them off
beel doesn't care who he's with, he just wants to have fun
diavolo was invited to game night eventually and had never heard of the game
but he loved the competitiveness of human world card games!
only wanted to pair up with luci, mc, and barbatos, but he was terrible when he first started
...like worse than levi bad
be cut every last one of mc's books in every hand and cost them the game
every time he said he wanted to pair up with mc they felt a part of themselves die
they made him get an app on his phone to practice and he got better...eventually
barbatos only played if dia asked him to, he'd politely declined otherwise (he was too scared to play with mc)
solomon has old man syndrome like lucifer and is banned from the spades table. permanently
he reneged every turn and mc almost jumped over the table
simeon liked playing! but he knew he wasn't that great at it
threw the little joker out on the first hand "just to see what was out there" and mc actually had to walk out of the room
he'd say what he had in his hand, winning book or not, and everyone collectively facepalmed
he got the hang of it eventually though!
he still doesn't play often
luke just liked to watch :) he'd let asmo paint his nails while they both cheered on mc
and he'd make food and drinks for everyone with barbatos for them to have in between rounds
mephisto hated the game simply he never got dealt good hands, even when he was the one dealing
he'd watch from afar...but he wouldn't join in unless dia or mc asked him to
thirteen rarely ever made it to game nights early on, but she'd skip out on her reaper duties to drop by once she and the rest of the group became closer
more opportunities to prank solomon AND see the vein in mc's neck pop out because of how pissed they are ??? it's a win-win for her
she played every once in a while and is as skilled as lucifer, but she's quicker on her feet and better at strategizing
she can't count cards for shit and can never remember which suit led
raphael always got dealt the best hands but never knew how to play, even after mc watched over his shoulder and guided him the entire time
he's hopeless
but he likes to watch!
game nights at the house of lamentation are always all fun and games until mc slams a deck of cards on the table
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cwritesforfun · 2 years
Jake Hangman Seresin x Fem!Reader: Fight For You
She is fighting someone but gets injured. He loses it. 
**Y/N = Your Name**
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Hangman’s POV
I heard some dude talking shit about Y/N’s skill earlier and I shut that down real quick. I almost threw a punch, but we were on the base and I didn’t want to be suspended for my behavior. They still look ticked off that I stood up for her and after I said something. It still bothers me that people talk like that about their colleagues. I need to keep watch on Y/N to make sure she’s okay. 
I hear my name and I look up to see Y/N angrily storming toward me. This cannot be good. I did need to speak to her though.  I ask “And to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?” Y/N snaps “You stood up for me! You did not need to do that!” I reply “They were talking smack about you. I didn’t want to hear them saying bad stuff about someone I care about. I would fight them for you if I have to.” She sighs and replies “Yeah well now they seem to hate me even more. They want to make any life a living hell and this… this made it worse. I get that you were just trying to help and I appreciate it, but it did not help. Please stay away.” I’m about to respond, but she storms off. I try to follow and she yells “Lay off Hangman!” 
... Night Off... Setting: The Hard Deck ... 
I’ve been keeping my eye from a distance on Y/N and I told Phoenix to help. Phoenix understood and told me those same guys used to bully her. The only reason it stopped is that Y/N arrived.
Y/N and Phoenix walk in and then over to us. I pat a space next to me and motion for Y/N to take a seat, which she does surprisingly.  I ask “So how was the rest of your week?” She answers “I know you told Phoenix. She told me. You upset her because now she thinks it’s her fault. She thinks it’s her fault for not warning me sooner about their taunting. I noticed you watching me this week. They did too. I got a note that mentioned it.” I ask “A note?! And you didn’t tell me? I’m trying to look after you, Y/N.” She answers “Stop trying.” She then gets up and goes to play pool.
I get another beer and slowly the night passes by.
When we’re about to leave, I ask “Where is Y/N? Doesn’t she need a ride?” Phoenix shrugs and says “She went to the bathroom. I’ll go check on her.” I wait and talk with Bob who seems freaked out that I’m speaking politely. Phoenix returns and says “Y/N is gone.”
Rooster walks over to us and says “You guys need to come quick. Y/N is outside and she’s about to fight them.”
We run outside and I see Y/N fighting the group. It’s very unevenly matched, but that’s not the real problem. The real issue is that Y/N is getting pummeled and she would never ask for help. I know that she’ll help me if I help her, but I also know that I would never be able to live with myself if I didn’t help her.
I run over to them as fast as I can and I swing a punch into one of their faces. One of them exclaims “Well look who it is. The knight in shining armor. The pretty boy. Hangman.” I reply “And look at you... bullies through and through. It’s cowardly that it takes 4 of you to fight one girl.” One of them scoffs and says “I guess 2 against 4 is better than 1 against 4.” I hear “Try 3 against 4.” I see Phoenix standing there fists raised.
The men stand there and we fight them. 
I then hear “Stay there and she doesn’t get hurt.” I look over and one of them has a knife to Y/N’s throat. I notice Y/N’s panicked expression and heaving breathing. 
I raise my hands and say “Fine I’ll lay off. Let her go.” The one with the knife shakes their head and says “She got the job I was supposed to get. Why should I let her go? I end her and I get my job back.” I carefully step forward and reply “You’ll have to kill me too then.” The one with the knife shrugs and as he raises the knife about to stab her, Phoenix knocks him down from the side and I catch Y/N who falls into my arms.
We leave them on the beach, but we call Maverick. We tell him everything and he agrees to bring it to the higher-ups to get them kicked out of the program as well as hopefully suspended. He says we may have to tell statements to police to get the one with the knife arrested. He says the best we can hope for is that the rest of them are kicked out and transferred. We thank him for helping.
Y/N gets into my car and I slide into the driver’s seat. I exclaim “I’m going to bring you to your place, right?” She nods and says “I could’ve ridden with Phoenix. We live together and it would be easier.” I ask “But is it what you want to do?” She answers “No.”
We drive to her place and when we pull into the driveway, I exclaim “Y/N, before you leave and before you get mad at me for helping you, I want you to know that I will always fight for you. Anytime you need me to help, I will. You’re everything to me and I will do anything for you.” She asks “Really?” I answer “Yes. Anything for you, Miss Y/N. I would’ve fought all of them for you to be okay.”  She half smiles and asks “So this was all because you care about me? You acted this way because of your feelings?” I nod and she nods too. She then says “I didn’t really want you to stay away and lay off earlier this week. I just thought I could handle it on my own. I couldn’t. I’m glad you were there for me. So uh thanks, Hangman. We can give the whole dating thing a try. I wouldn’t be opposed.” I smirk and say “So I take it that you like me too?” She kisses me on the cheek and says “Yes and thanks for everything. I need to leave before I do something I regret.” I reply “You’ll never regret me or forget me.” She opens the door and says “I don’t think I could ever forget you, Hangman.”  
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