#and ask to be put in a medically induced coma
foolsocracy · 1 year
Ough okay but, I doubt he'd be in the social circles that would lead to him ever knowing any of the rest of The Gang(tm) outside of the Everything Is Fine AU. Unless. Goblin worked with JJJ and Ben Urich, yeah? He for whatever reason decides to start prepping his son in case he inherits the business, takes him around the city on daily routines, and runs into Peter.
Oh for sure there is no way the gang and Harry could run into each other just w the way they are. Totallly different circles.
I’m not 100% sure about this, but i don’t think the Goblin ever actually worked w JJJ beyond like kidnapping him lmfao. It was all a ploy to kill Urich who’d gone rouge. But tbh that doesn’t even really distract from ur point cause it doesn’t really matter too much. Normans got tabs on everyone and I can see him just showing up wherever Urich is (who has Peter in tow) as an intimidation tactic. And if Norman’s showing Harry the ropes then there’s no reason why he can’t be there too.
There’s a few ways they can meet if we want to get creative w it. Robbie canonically does exposé work. I don’t think it would take much convincing to get him to go after a few leads on Norman Osborn, leads which maybe have him getting information from Osborns only son? And of course Peters not going to let Robbie go in there on his own, not with what he knows.
There’s a ton of ways we can swing it
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chicorysaints · 1 year
anyways thinking about moira overwatch will fix me
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thetomorrowshow · 2 years
Thinking about esh Jim nonchalantly mentioning that he died. I love him so much.
shkdjfhskjdf i can just imagine scott's horror and then joel being all like "ok. who hasn't died honestly" even though he hasn't. he just wants to be cool. it does work to significantly calm scott down though
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jinwoosbabyboo · 20 days
"Safe and Sound.....Kinda" pt. 1
You went M.I.A and the LADS Men are stressed!
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MC: Lets get dinner when I get back from this three day mission Zayne: Im not sure whether you're brave or idiotic MC: What do you mean? Zayne: A hunter with ample heart issues agreeing to go on a three day excursion its risky MC: I'll be fine besides I have you to take care of me Dr. Zayne Zayne: How many of you are going on this mission MC: There's eight of us in total and I'm partnered with Tara
Two days have passed since Zayne spoke to you. Just one more day and he'll see your pretty face again. He smiled to himself "How childish" he mumbled to himself as his leg bounced with anticipation of seeing you soon. Just then his work phone rang "Dr. Zayne speaking"
"Dr. Zayne we need you in the ER stat" Yvonne's voice was much more stern compared to her soft easy going tone. This was serious. He stood quickly moving around his desk; throwing on his white coat not missing a beat as he made his way to the ER.
"Give me a rundown of the situation" Zayne said as Grayson jogged the catch up with him. "We have seven patients, two unconscious, and all severely injured, the hunters association told us they were on a mission that went wrong a frenzy of wanderers appeared through a rift"
Time seemed to slow as Zayne's mind swam through the possibilities that this could be for squadron. "Give me the names"
"Ceila 21, Terrance 24, Mico 21, Tara-"
"Tara? is MC among these patients?" If looks could turn someone to stone Grayson would be a statue in the courtyard by now. He quickly flipped through the pages on the clipboard searching for your name. "I don't see her name here"
"You said there were seven ... is someone missing?" Zayne asked as he could feel his blood pressure rising.
"Zayne!" Someone was calling his name. "Zayne!" The voice was coming from a pale woman with short brown hair. She had lacerations scattered across her body; her torn uniform hanging on by a thread. She was covered in bruises and was about to pass out from blood loss any minute. "You have to help her..."
"Help who?"
"MC ... she's still ... she's still fighting ....... alone .......... you have to find her" Time seemed to slow as reality set in. MC was alone with the wanderers who did this to her team. All the oxygen left Zayne's body in an instant.
"Dr. Zayne they're calling for you in the operating room" Yvonne yelled snapping Zayne out of his mental spiral. "Right, right tell them I'm on my way"
Your profile was flagged as M.I.A. after that day no one knew where you were
Three days.....
Five days.....
One week....
One week three days twenty seven minutes....
Time ticked by slowly tormenting Zayne. He couldn't sleep and his appetite was non existent. Dark shadows formed under his eyes from his late nights going out and searching for you. "Where did you go?" He dropped his head in his hands trying to control his emotions. Just then an unknown number flashed across his phone screen.
???: Hello, this is Jenna I'm MCs Captain you are listed in her file as an emergency contact. I'm just calling to let you know that we found her, but she's unresponsive. She's being transported to Akso Hospital now......she has a faint pulse.
Zayne dropped his phone and booked it out the door heading straight for the hospital. You were battered, bruised, and bloody but you were breathing and that was enough for Zayne. You had to be put in a medically induced coma so he and the other doctors could stabilize you.
Zayne stayed by your side adjusting your pillows, checking you vitals, and settling into his nightly position sitting bedside with his head in your lap. Rubbing small circles on the back of your hand with his thumb as you lay there motionless. Slow steady breaths with nothing but the sound of the heart monitor melodically singing in the otherwise silent room. He'd wait as long as it would take for you to wake up. You have to wake up.
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You were supposed to be back two days ago. Rafayel was losing his mind. "She has twelve hours to contact me before I burn the hunter association headquarters to the ground" he seethed through gritted teeth.
Thomas stood back as Rafayel's anger was radiating off him in waves. He could almost feel the heat of his evol burning his skin.
Next day...
"Are you even looking for her?" Rafayel yelled in Jennas face.
"You're not the only one worried about her sir she's M.I.A. with a damaged hunters watch we're having trouble getting a lock on her coordinates" Jenna smoothed her skirt as she stood from her desk to size up Rafayel. "If you have any suggestion I'm all ears"
"Find her or you can say goodbye to this entire organization"
"Is that a threat?" Jenna stood tall under Rafayel's searing gaze anyone else would have cowered away.
"Its a promise"
One week later...
There's a loud bang on the door of Rafayel's art studio. The sudden noise startled him. "Raf....." The softest voice came from the other side just as he could hear the person sliding down the door and the soft thud of them hitting the ground.
He rushed to the door recognizing your voice. "MC!" You fell backwards as he opened the door. He managed to catch you under you arms. "What happened? Where were you? Don't tell me this is your blood" A blood trail tracked the path you took he could tell you'd fell a few times just trying to get to the door. Blood was smeared down the door and was now slowly pooling underneath the two of you.
"I was so badass" You smiled as you looked up at his blurry face going in and out of focus. "This is not the time for jokes" Your eyelids were so heavy. You tried to respond, but your words came out slow and slurred. "I just....wanted.......to see...........you.....before I.........died" Your head fell back as you passed out from blood loss.
Rafayel scooped up your bloody body and rushed out the door trying not to slip. You were dead weight and your breaths were shallow he knew he didn't have any time to waste. He ran with you in his arms to the nearest hospital begging for help as he fell to his knees with you in his arms.
Like I said safe and sound....kinda.
Xavier & Sylus here ♡
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juniperskye · 6 months
Who Are You Again?
Based on the following ask: I had another plot thought! Aaron x BAU Reader (female or gender neutral) where Reader disobeys an order to save a victim and gets hurt really bad. Reader wakes up in the hospital to Aaron who is angry at first but then is shocked when it turns out that Reader has retrograde amnesia from the injury. Reader has forgotten their entire career in the BAU and even that They and Aaron were secretly dating! Last thing Reader actually remembers was attending a lecture in college where Aaron was a guest speaker and Reader developed a crush on him! Now Aaron has to carefully navigate helping Reader recover without outing their relationship to anyone else. Or maybe he wonders if it's better they forget? But for a HEA ending definitely Aaron doing something romantic sparks a memory and helps everything come flooding back. @nyxwolph thank you for requesting again and trusting me with your ideas! – I did have to change things up a bit (I struggled big time with this one)
Aaron Hotchner x BAU! Fem Reader
Word count: 5336
REQUESTS ARE OPEN - not edited - please be kind. Requests are open and feedback is welcome if it's constructive!
Warnings: My blog is 18+, minors DNI, age gap, some language, BAU canon typical violence, mention of parent death, mention of kidnapping, mention of Haley and Jack, secret relationship, let me know if I missed any!!
That being said I do not own the characters portrayed in this story.
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“In chaos theory, the butterfly effect is the sensitive dependence on initial conditions in which a small change in one state of a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state.” Essentially, something as small as a butterfly flapping its wings could cause something as catastrophic as a tornado.  
Aaron wondered what small event happened that led to this moment right now. A moment that would change the trajectory of your lives forever.
*36 hours earlier*
“Garcia has the unsubs location; he’s headed down a backroad just east of the 95.” Aaron said.
“He’s devolving, he’s probably going to try and dispose of his latest victim.” Morgan chimed in.
“Not if we have anything to do with it.” JJ replied.
“His location is being shared with you all, everyone be safe, at this point he’s going to be willing to do anything to avoid prison.” Hotch added.
“I’m close by, I am going to go try and cut him off.” You suggested.
The team expressed their worry and care and urged you to be careful. The only thing you had on your mind, however, was saving the five-year-old boy this unsub had hidden. You drove as fast as your vehicle would allow, you had to get to the unsub. You had to save that boy.
As you got closer to the location Garcia had shared, you could see the dust trail the unsubs car was leaving down the road. You thought about your options, and you made a snap decision. Drive on, no matter the consequences – take out the unsub’s car. So that’s what you did.
You drove forward and your car t-boned the unsubs, only you hadn’t considered that he’d be driving a semi tractor. Upon impact, your SUV was crushed, in your rush to get to the unsub you’d forgotten to put on your seatbelt and your body was ejected through the windshield.
The accident was enough to stop the unsub long enough for the team to arrive. As they surveyed the scene, Aaron’s stomach dropped. He immediately began barking orders, demanding medics, and sending agents to the unsubs’ farm to find the boy.  Throughout everything he refused to leave your side.
*Present Day*
“Sir, we had to place her in a medically induced coma to allow the swelling in her brain to go down.” The doctor explained.
“Is there an estimate as to how long it’ll be until she wakes up?” Aaron asked.
“With these kinds of injuries, it’s hard to say. The brain is a tricky thing, and no two injuries are alike. We just have to wait and see.”
“Thank you.” Aaron said, shaking the doctor’s hand.
Your doctor made her exit and Aaron moved to the seat beside your bed. He gently took your hand in his own placing a kiss to the back of it before returning it to your side. Aaron had thought back to the night everything changed.
*One year earlier*
“Hey Hotch, here’s that report you asked for. You aren’t staying are you?” You asked, glancing at your watch.
“Thanks, and yeah I had a few things I needed to finish up.”
You made your way over to Aaron’s couch, dropped your bag to the floor, and shrugged your jacket off. You pulled your phone out to see what was still open for delivery in the area. Aaron and you had shared many nights like this, spending late nights together in his office. The two of you had grown very close over the years, so much so that David had outright asked Aaron if you two were dating. To which Aaron let out an awkward chuckle and denied the accusation. If only he knew.
“What are you doing? You should head home.” Aaron said.
“Well, you should too, and you aren’t, so I guess that means we’re ordering dinner.” You smiled at him.
“I love you.” Aaron said simply.
“What?” You were stunned.
“I’m sorry, that was inappropriate. I didn’t – I um….”
“Say it again.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Aaron made his way over to you, gently caressed your face and kissed you. It was everything you had ever imagined. There had been this tension between the two of you over the last two years and it was all finally coming together.
After that night, Aaron and you had agreed to keep your relationship under wraps, to avoid any potential disruption to the team, but also any question as to your position on the team. Aaron didn’t want anyone to question the fact that it was your skills and resume alone that got you to where you are.
Yours and Aaron’s relationship blossomed after that night, but not without hardships. Aaron and you faced a lot of adversity in multiple aspects of your relationship; you had a hard time trusting people, Aaron had been self-conscious of your age gap, and you both couldn’t help but feel that you weren’t good enough for the other (not that either of you would bring it up).
*Present Day*
A tear fell from Aaron’s eye, he couldn’t fathom losing you. This was all part of the reason he didn’t want to get serious with someone after Haley, but then you came into his life. You’d come in and made yourself known with your kind eyes and witty charm; how could he not fall in love with you.
Aaron fell for you slowly then all at once, it came naturally, and he couldn’t help it. He knew that the team had their suspicions and honestly over the last year there had been some close calls, but you had ultimately maintained the secrecy of your relationship.
In this moment, Aaron couldn’t help but feel a pang of guilt and regret over the fact that he’d asked you to keep things quiet. Had he let the team in on your relationship, he could’ve done a better job at keeping you safe.
*2 Weeks Later*
Aaron had been by your side as much as possible over the last two weeks, which is exactly where he was when you started to stir. Aaron shot straight up in his seat, his hand quickly reaching for your own.
You couldn’t help the groan that escaped your throat, your body hurt so bad, and you felt very confused. You attempted to open your eyes but immediately regretted it – the bright fluorescents adding to the pounding in your head. As you blinked through the brightness of the room, you glanced over to your bedside, noticing a tall man seated there.
“What on earth were you thinking? Driving into the unsub like that, you could’ve been killed. Your actions were reckless and unacceptable.” The man scolded you.
You couldn’t find it in you to reply, your head was pounding. You brought your hand up to your forehead and gently press the heel of your palm into it, hoping to alleviate some of the pressure.
“Sweetheart hold on, I’ll go get your doctor.” A deep voice sounded from your bedside.
Before you could question the pet name, you heard the sound of his dress shoes clicking against the linoleum floors.
The man returned with your doctor; he dimmed the lights slightly on his way back to your bedside. He moved to grab your hand again, to which you shifted, wringing your hands nervously in your lap.
“Hello, I’m doctor Raynor. How are you feeling?”
“Like I was hit by a truck, what happened?” You questioned, giving your doctor and the man a once over.
You recognized the man; it was Special Agent Hotchner of the BAU. What was he doing here? What happened?
“Well, you were involved in an accident, can you tell me what you remember?” Dr. Raynor inquired.
“I um, well, I was leaving a lecture.” Your gaze shifted to Agent Hotchner “Your lecture actually, you were talking about MO’s. I guess the accident was after that?” You couldn’t help but notice Agent Hotchner’s expression faulter.
Your doctor looked over at Agent Hotchner and he shook his head. The two of them seemingly knew something you didn’t. You couldn’t help but feel like you’d just given the wrong answer in front of the class. Dr. Raynor had gone through the rest of your injuries with you, multiple lacerations that had required stitches, a few broken ribs, a broken wrist, and of course your TBI. Once she was done she gave you a somber look.
“Would you excuse us for just a moment? I am going to send in one of your nurses to check you over and I’ll be back in just a moment.” Dr. Raynor said.
“Oh, okay.”
Dr. Raynor and Agent Hotchner left your room, and you tried your best to listen to their conversation.
*Hotch’s POV*
She doesn’t remember me, well us. It’s like the last five years have just disappeared.
“Agent Hotchner, I gather that the lecture she’s referring to did not occur two weeks ago when she was brought in.”
“No, that lecture was nearly five years ago.” I explained.
“This would be a case of retrograde amnesia, if she’s lost recent memories.” Dr. Raynor replied.
“Will her memory return?”
“It’s hard to say.”
While Aaron was completely devastated, he couldn’t help the doubt that creeped into his mind, telling him “This is for the best”.
*Normal POV*
Dr. Raynor and Agent Hotchner looked extremely serious, and you started to feel nauseous. Something was obviously wrong. You watched as their conversation ceased and they made their way back into the room.
Something must have happened, why would Agent Hotchner be here.
“Alright, it would appear that due to the brain trauma you sustained in your accident, you are experiencing what we describe as retrograde amnesia. This is when you can’t recall memories from your past. Based on your most recent memory, it appears as if you’ve lost approximately five years.” Dr. Raynor explained.
“Five years? Five years of memories are just gone. I don’t understand. If that’s true then why are you here?” You asked gesturing to Agent Hotchner.
“Well, you work for the BAU. You have for about three years now.”
“I do? I – I, this is a lot. What does this mean? Have you called my emergency contact?” You asked.
“I uh – I am your emergency contact.” Agent Hotchner spoke up.
“What, why? It has always been my mom, I don’t understand.”
“I’m so sorry, your mom, she uh – she passed last year. That’s when you switched it over to me.” Agent Hotchner’s gaze shifted down to his shoes.
“She’s gone?” Your voice cracked.
“Okay, this has been quite a bit of information. The most important thing right now is getting healthy. We want to keep you here a little longer to continue monitoring the swelling in your brain. Once we’ve confirmed it has gone down, you’ll want to get back in your usual routine, that is the best shot at getting your memory back.” Dr. Raynor gently patted your leg.
“How am I meant to get back to my normal routine when I don’t know it? The one person I had, I just found out is dead.”
“Given that Agent Hotchner is your emergency contact, we would be able to release you into his care. For now, we just need to stay positive.” With that, Dr. Raynor made her exit.
“I know this is a lot, but the BAU, we’re like a family, that includes you. Each member of the team is going to be willing to do anything to help you throughout this process.” Agent Hotchner said.
Part of you knew you could trust him; he had kind eyes, and you knew he was genuine. However, the other part of you felt so hopeless, like a lost kid in a department store. How were you meant to go home with this man who you didn’t know.
*Five Days Later*
“Do you have everything?” Aaron asked.
He had been with you every day for the last five days. He had brought you some things from your apartment and asked you to call him Aaron for now while you were “getting to know him”. You had to admit, it had been pretty nice talking with him the last few days.
“I think so!” You looked over at him. “I know that I am meant to be staying with you, at least until I’m fully healed, but could we go to my apartment first? I’d like to see it and maybe go through some of my things?”
“Of course we can.” Aaron nodded, gesturing towards the door.
The drive to your place was filled with small talk, mostly you asking Aaron questions about the BAU and the time you’ve spent there. It felt weird asking the man who is technically your boss about your personal life.
When you arrived, Aaron made sure to open your door for you and carry your bag into your home. He led you inside and you couldn’t help but notice how comfortable he seemed in your place, like he’d been there before. Like he belonged there. You shook the thought from your mind.
“I got you a new phone, it’s all set up for you.” Aaron said handing you the device.
“Thanks! Were they able to back up the old one? I was hoping to go through old texts and pictures to gather some insight into my life. God that sounds weird.” You huffed out a breath.
“I have our technical analyst Penelope Garcia working on that for you.” Aaron informed you.
“That’s great, thank you.”
The truth was, Aaron didn’t have Garcia backing up your old phone, at least not yet. He knew that if he had brought it to her she would uncover all the private texts and photos that you two had shared over the last year. He didn’t want to risk everyone finding out about your relationship, especially now when he wasn’t sure what your future would hold.
Aaron watched you as you made your way around your apartment. You wandered slowly around letting your fingers graze the spines of books on your shelves, picture frames on the walls and tchotchkes that were strewn about your desk and shelves. 
He so badly wanted to pull you into his arms, kiss your head and tell you that everything was going to be okay. He wanted you to know that he wasn’t just your boss. But he also thought about all the things that could go wrong if he told you. You could question your own ethics and fall into self-loathing with the thought that you’d potentially slept your way to the top – this was the furthest thing from the truth, but he knew you and the way your mind spiraled. He wondered if it would just be easier if he let you find yourself all on your own, to let this thing between you go and hope that maybe you’d find your way back to him again.
When he looked over to you once again, he saw that you had found a photo album. It was one he was very familiar with; Garcia had gotten it for you on your 1-year BAU anniversary and filled it halfway. Since then, you’d continue to add to it all the photos you’d taken with the team.
You hadn’t realized you were crying until a tear had fallen onto the picture you were currently examining. Your emotions were running high, looking through the album was so strange it felt like looking at a stranger and yet it was you in photo after photo looking happier than ever with these people you couldn’t remember.
You felt the couch dip beside you and Aaron gently rubbed his hand up and down your back.
“I can’t imagine how overwhelming this all must be. I know that I can’t understand but I am here for you and I’m happy to lend an ear if you want to talk about it.” Aaron quietly soothed you.
“Thank you so much Aaron. I just don’t know how to wrap my head around this being me but not remembering it. Clearly you all mean so much to me and yet I have no recollection of any of this.” You sobbed.
Aaron and you sat like that on your couch for a while. He gave you the time you needed to calm down, while holding you, whispering sweet nothings to you. You felt oddly comfortable there in his arms, your mind shifted to the thought that enjoying the way his arms felt around you was also incredibly inappropriate given that he was your boss. At that thought you shifted slightly. You thought back to why you had signed up to audit Aaron’s lecture and while the main reason was the knowledge he’d lend you, a part of you allowed his looks to give you that final push in signing up.
“I should probably grab a few things so we can head out.” You whispered.
“Do you need any help?” Aaron asked.
“I should be okay, but I’ll let you know!”
Aaron drove the two of you back to his apartment, for the time being he had asked Jessica to keep Jack, this way you could adjust, and Jack also wouldn’t out your relationship. Aaron had his guest bedroom set up for you, he’d set it up with some of your favorite things. A lavender scented candle, extra pillows, a fluffy blanket, and he made sure to set a small trinket dish on the dresser, so you’d have a place to put your jewelry.
These of course were all things Aaron had previously had at his place for you. When you two had gotten increasingly more serious, he encouraged you to leave some stuff at his place and he’d gone as far as to supply some of your favorites around his home for you.
Aaron led you into his home and you couldn’t help but glance around, really taking in your surroundings. You couldn’t help but take note of a few things as he showed you around; there was a photo missing from the side table next to the couch (you could see the tiny bit of dust that must’ve collected around it), the pantry was stocked with quite a few of your favorite snacks, there was a pink coffee mug in the cabinet, and lastly, tucked under the shoe rack near the front door were a pair of fluffy gray slippers.
You couldn’t explain why, but there was a slight pang of jealousy in you as you thought of Aaron having a girlfriend. You knew you had no right to feel that way and it would be incredibly inappropriate, but it was a gut reaction.
*One Week Later*
Aaron and you had fallen into a weird sort of routine, it started to feel a lot like the 50’s, you making dinner and cleaning while he worked. You were starting to get a bit stir crazy, which is exactly why you were so excited today. Garcia would be coming by to see you; she was bringing over a bunch of photos and videos of you with the team throughout the last three years.
It was a paperwork catch-up day for the BAU, so Aaron had given Penelope the go ahead to take a long lunch and spend some time with you. So, when a knock on the door rang through the apartment, you couldn’t help the burst of excitement that coursed its way through your veins.
“Hi Penelope!”
“Hey babe! How are you feeling?” She asked, giving you a look of concern.
“I’m feeling pretty good, you know, except for the missing five years of memories thing.”  You let out a low chuckle.
“Oh goodness! Well, I’ve brought a ton of stuff that might help bring some stuff back. I read that sense of smell is the sense that links with memories the strongest so have a bunch of things for you to smell while you look at photos in hopes something will come back to you.”
“That sounds like a great idea!” You smiled at Penelope.
The next hour or so went by with Penelope showing you photos and videos along with passing you various items to smell in hopes of bringing back some of your memories. And while it wasn’t like a wave crashing over you, bringing all your memories back, it did bring some things back. You could remember the members of the BAU and some of their quirks, you remembered the feeling of being in the bullpen (thanks to the smell of some very burnt coffee). What you were struggling to regain was your emotional memories, you couldn’t quite pinpoint the relationships you had with anyone from the team. 
“I am glad that this helped! I should probably get out of your hair though; I can tell you have headache.” Penelope
“Thank you Penelope, I really appreciate all of this!”
You led her to the door, and she reminded you to get some rest and to take it easy. She also suggested that you come by the BAU for lunch in the next week or so to see everyone. The team had been doing a good job of not overwhelming you and allowing you time to get back in the swing of things.
“Oh, Penelope before you go, did you get a chance to back up my old phone? Aaron said you were working on it.”
“Oh, hon. He must’ve forgotten to mention it, but I will get started on that right away! I’ll text you as soon as I’m done, okay? We will just be able to pull the backup and put it on your new phone!” She said pulling you into a tight hug, before making her exit.
Why would Aaron have lied to you about your old phone? Maybe Penelope was right, and it just slipped his mind, he had been dealing with a lot, taking care of you, and having you stay with him.
You hadn’t meant to snoop, honestly, but after having talked with Penelope, the feeling Aaron was hiding something from you was extremely prevalent. You decided to look around a bit, you know, while putting the laundry away. You needed to put the towels away in Aaron’s bathroom, you just happened to notice the second toothbrush in the holder, the dress hanging inside his closet (come on, the door was already open), the ring box tucked in his sock drawer, what shocked you the most were the photos in the hall closet. It was a photo of him and a tall brunette that had you spiraling, where was this woman? You had clearly been invading his space long enough and you couldn’t bear the thought of coming between him and this woman who was to be his fiancé.
You needed to get back to your life, and out of Aaron’s hair. You decided that you’d tell him that night over dinner, you were going to move back home.
“Hey, I’m home!” Aaron called.
“Hey, how was your day?” You asked.
Aaron explained that his day was good, and he asked you about your get together with Penelope as you finished up dinner. Aaron set the table as you followed behind him plating up the food.
“I’m glad to hear things went well with Penelope. I think lunch with the team is a great idea.”
“Aaron I’m gonna move back home.” The words flew out of your mouth faster than your brain could catch up. “I’m sorry, I just don’t want to impose on your life any more than I already have.”
“It’s truly not an imposition, but if that’s what you want.” Aaron looked deflated.
“I just think it’s important we both get back to our usual every day.”
“If you think that’s best.”
You two ate in silence. Afterwards you both went to the kitchen, cleaned up the dishes and made your way to your separate rooms. You began packing up your belongings and Aaron scrolled through photos of the two of you from before the accident.
*Two Days Later*
“Good morning gorgeous!!! I am calling to inform you that the backup from your old phone is ready, and I also think it is the perfect day for you to come in and have lunch with everyone!” Penelope sang over the phone.
“Okay, what time should I come down there?”
“Ummm maybe around 12:30? Everyone is usually ready to eat by then. I can call and order in something too!”
“Oh, and uh Pen, I don’t know the address, and I’m not cleared to drive.” You said shyly.
“Oh shoot, okay! I’ll see who is available to come and pick you up, no worries.” Penelope reassured you.
You took some time getting ready, most of the team hadn’t seen you since before the injuries, and while the cuts and bruises have faded and scarred, you still had a very broken wrist and frequent headaches, along with PTSD and anxiety attacks thanks to the TBI. You felt like you had been doing well, and based on your recent check-up with your neurologist, things are trending up in regard to your health. Though you began to worry that the worst had yet to come.
A knock on your door shook you out of your thoughts, as you made your way to answer it, you wondered who Penelope sent to get you. Pulling the door open revealed someone you were hoping you wouldn’t see so soon.
“Hi Aaron.”
“Hello, were going to go pick up the food on the way back to the BAU, if that’s okay.” Aaron explained.
“Yeah, that’s fine.” You nodded.
The drive was filled with tense silence. You couldn’t help but wonder why Aaron would harbor any negative feelings towards you. You’d only moved out of his apartment so he could get back on to his life, if anything he should be grateful that you’ve gone home. One of the main reasons you’d really decided to go home was because of the fact that you were growing far too comfortable.
Things at Aaron’s house were starting to feel right, like it was where you belong. You had no idea how you had been able to work with him over the last few years, the crush you had on him all those years ago had only proven to grow stronger.
“I’ll run in and grab the food.” Aaron said, pulling you out of your thoughts.
Before you could reply, he stepped out of the car and made his way into the restaurant.  
Aaron got you signed in with a visitor’s badge (as you weren’t cleared to work) and then he led you up to the sixth floor, BAU bullpen. Upon walking in, you felt an odd sense of familiarity. You knew that it would make sense for the BAU to bring memories back and that you would have muscle memory to help lead you through the building, but it felt very strange.
You looked over at Aaron, “I need to go see Garcia, do you mind pointing me in the right direction?”
“Of course, her office is that way. Second door on the right.”
“Thanks.” You smiled.
You wandered through the corridor, catching a glimpse of Garcia through her open door. You lightly knocked on her door and walked into her office.
“Oh! Hello gorgeous!” Garcia squealed, standing, and pulling you into a hug.
“Hey Pen!”
“Let’s get your phone squared away and then we will go eat.”
You handed your phone over to Penelope and she began downloading the last backup from your old phone.
“This should only take a few minutes.”
Penelope and you made idle chit chat for a few moments while waiting on your phone. When it finished uploading, she unplugged it and handed it to you. The two of you then made your way to the bullpen.
Lunch with the BAU was overwhelming to say the least. It was fun talking to everyone, but you could tell everyone was walking on eggshells and you could see the pity flash behind their eyes as you sat and explained your lack of memories with the people sitting before you.
After lunch, Aaron let everyone leave early. It had been a paperwork day and the team had been very productive. He told them all to go home, but of course to leave their phones on, just in case they had to leave. Emily offered to drive you home, given the close proximity of your apartments.
When you got home, you changed into some comfortable clothes and sat on the couch. You took a deep breath and unlocked your phone. There were two things you noticed while going through everything, the first being a significant number of photos saved and the second being the texts exchanged between you and your boss.
You decided to go through the photos first. There were plenty of you with the various members of the BAU, but what caught your attention was one image in particular, in it, you were laid in bed with your head resting on a man’s chest…the man being none other than Aaron.
You quickly switched over to your messages app. Clicking Aaron’s name, you saw the most recent text…
“Be careful sweetheart. I love you.”
Your mind was racing, what were you meant to think, why would he keep this from you? Was the ring meant for you? You needed to see him.
You ordered an Uber and made your way to the FBI building. You signed in, getting a visitors’ badge and headed up to the sixth floor.
“Aaron” You called out into the bullpen.
“Is everything okay? What are you doing here?” Aaron asked as he walked out of his office.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Tell you what?” Aaron questioned.
“That we were together.”
You gestured to your phone. Aaron dropped his gaze for a moment, before looking back to you. You could see the pain behind his eyes.
“Sweetheart, we had been keeping it a secret, and I don’t know, I guess I thought that maybe you’d be better off. I figured you might find someone more appropriate for you.”
“That wasn’t a choice for you to make. Aaron things have been confusing enough, losing my memory. But to have you lying to me, it’s total bullshit. How am I supposed to get my memories back if you are keeping such a big part of me a secret.” You couldn’t help the frustrated tears from slipping down your cheek.
Aaron reached for you and let his thumb brush the tear off your cheek. He stepped closer to you and brought his other hand to your cheek.
“I am so sorry. I should’ve told you from the get-go, I was scared. I thought that maybe I would tell you and you’d have to get to know me again and maybe you wouldn’t love me the way you did before. I also couldn’t help but think that I don’t deserve you and this was your perfect out. But that was selfish, I should’ve told you the truth.”
You leaned your head onto Aaron’s chest, and he wrapped his arms around you. He pressed a gentle kiss to your hairline and then he pulled back.
“Can I show you something?” Aaron asked.
You nodded and followed him to his office. Aaron led you around his desk and gestured for you to sit in his chair. He pointed to his computer screen, and you took note of the screen saver. It was a slideshow of pictures taken throughout your relationship, there were pictures of you at the FBI Gala, Jack’s soccer game, art museums, at Aaron’s home, at your apartment, etc..
It happened slowly, then all at once. A warm feeling flooded your veins, and a dull ache filled your head. Tears were steadily streaming down your face. You looked up at Aaron, and he met your gaze. A moment was shared before understanding washed over Aaron.
“I remember.”
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starconchess · 2 months
my dad is currently at the hospital with my mom while shes recovering from a brain bleed and being put into a medically induced coma(shes awake now and shes talking 😭💓) but hes run out of money to get food at the hospital. i hate to ask for more but can someone send me $50 so i can send him the money to get the food?
paypal.me/akirk432 (pls send via friends and family)
cashapp: $autumnroses93
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soaqrudyz · 1 year
i am of the firm belief that neither ghost or gaz cared very much for soap when he first joined the 141
gaz had never met him before, all he knew was the guy was just a little bit of a prick. he was incredibly talented, gaz would give him that, and he’d never been outwardly rude to anyone that gaz had heard of, but oftentimes his confidence bled into something just short of arrogance, soap always seemed to be the one ranting and raving about his achievements when everyone else spoke of their mistakes. in layman’s terms: he was full of himself in a way that would surely get him killed.
ghost; however, had met him before. they’d worked together some three times before price recruited soap. ghost knew of his skill, knew that sunny disposition got quieter at night when soap thought he was alone, knew soap would thrive with them; but god, if ghost could shove his thumbs into those all-seeing, all-knowing crystal eyes he’d do so in a heartbeat. he hated the way they seemed to burn straight through the heavy material of his mask, how they could look into his own eyes and hold infinite knowledge of his broken psyche by the time they flick to some other uninteresting member of his former squadron. it was horror, to be understood so wholly.
but then gaz got hurt, four days of medically induced coma hurt, and when he jerked awake at, if the clock on the shitty hospital tv was to be believed, 2 in the morning there was soap. he looked disheveled: hair a tangled mess, dark circles only worsened by the shadows of the mostly unlit room, and covered in scattered butterfly sutures. his head was leaned on his bicep, slumped over the lowered tray connected to gaz’s bed.
under his head were the blood and tear stained pages of his open journal, a gorgeous portrait of gaz sketched onto the yellowed sheets with sleep deprived rantings in the margins on how soap could have saved him if he’d just been quicker. gaz slips it out from under him, only feeling a tiny bit like an ass for flipping through the leather bound soul of his comrade, but soap had stolen his favorite shirt so it stood to reason he should take something back. the entire 141 is scribbled on in the pages, buried between bomb schematics and scenic landscapes and soap’s scrawled insecurities. something shifts as he soaks in the words, months of feeling like an outsider and desperate tries to be as good as his teammates.
it’s different, gaz thinks as he flips back to his own face, being in the mind of john mactavish.
but then ghost is walking past price’s office and soap bursts out, pushing past him with flushed cheeks and hurried apologies, practically sprinting in the direction of his shared room. ghost, loathe to admit it, was worried, afraid that the first real human connection aside from garrick he’d had in years was going to ripped from him before he’d even started putting time into it. he didn’t want to lose something good, not again, so he follows him, rushes to catch him before he slams the door in ghost’s face.
soap’s shoving clothes into his duffle when ghost slips inside his room, noticeably holding back tears as he rambles to himself. for a minute ghost is stuck, unused to such blatantly shown emotion, but then he takes a step, sets a gentle hand on soap’s shoulder and asks what’s going on, heart thudding against his ribcage.
“my ma..” soap croakes, and heavy sobs break up whatever else he was going to say. he doesn’t have to, ghost knows, probably better than anyone else.he does the first thing that comes to mind: he drags soap into his chest, wraps his whole body around him like he can protect soap from the hurt. the sergeant doesn’t deserve to feel that hollowness in his chest. soap crashes into him like a wave to the shore, balling his hands into ghost’s hoodie and hiding his face in ghost’s collarbones. ghost had never been one for physical closeness, but there was something different about being in johnny’s arms.
there was an obvious difference in their demeanor toward him in the weeks to come, but neither really cared about how it happened, just that it did, and now they can seek each other’s warm, pink tinted gaze when soap makes a fool of himself.
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morganski-19 · 5 months
part 1, part 2
Dustin visits the next day, sitting next to Wayne with the same book he’s had for the past few days. Turning to the page that was dog-eared, reading. Voices and all. Just like Eddie does when he’s practicing for one of those campaigns. Claiming that it’s better to get it down with someone else’s words so he can improvise. So he doesn’t have to memorize some script and can be in the moment. Let his mind do the workings along with the players. 
It’s one of the many parts of Eddie that Wayne sees in this kid. The dramatics, the drive. The snobbiness about certain things that don’t really matter to the rest of the world. But it matters to them, so it matters to the people who care about them too. 
If Eddie were awake, he might yell at the kid for turning the corner of a page instead of using a bookmark. Even though all the books he gets are second-hand and already torn and bent in all sorts of ways. But it’s about keeping the art pristine. The author put their heart and soul into this work, it’s not meant to be sullied. Wayne saw Eddie bend the corner of a page a million times over though, he just likes making a big stink about nothing. Just to get a rise out of people, make them laugh. Wayne can imagine that Eddie liked to make Dustin laugh a lot. 
“Have the doctors said anything new?” Dustin asks after finishing the chapter. 
Wayne shakes his head. “Same old, same old. Don’t worry about it too much though, he wouldn’t want you to.”
“He wouldn’t want a lot of the things that happened over the past week. So he’ll have to deal with it.” After a pause, he asks, “How are you doing?”
That makes Wayne laugh. “You don’t have to go worryin’ about me either. You’re just a kid.”
“And you’re just a man waiting for your kid to wake up. The same way I’m waiting for my friend to wake up. At the end of the day, we’re all still people. That sometimes need a break. So, how are you doing?”
It’s scary how much Wayne sees Eddie in this kid. “It’s hard comin’ here to hear the same thing every day.” That’s all Wayne’s willing to say to a kid. 
Hard is definitely a word most people would use to describe his situation. Difficult, disheartening. Maybe even hopeless. But there’s still some hope in this old heart that keeps Wayne coming back day in and day out. Keeps him moving while only getting a few hours of sleep a day. Cause as soon as the night comes around, it’s right back to the plant. Making the money to pay for the care his boy needs to keep living. To pay for the roof over his own head enough so he’ll live to see it happen. 
Truth is, Wayne’s dying here. From the fatigue. From the endless waiting. From the slowly draining pool of hope. Nothing seems to change. Nothing gets better. Six days in a medically induced coma with no hopes of ever waking up. Wayne’s not dumb enough to think that the chances increase the more days pass without him showing any signs of improvement. 
Part of him says that this is the state Eddie will be in for the rest of his life. Wonders if it’s worth all of this just to keep him alive. If he’s really suffering in there and would be better off resting forever. But then the heart monitor keeps beeping and his brain is still active. Wayne’s boy is still in there, he’ll come back soon. 
“Yeah, I bet that’s hard. I still have hope though, I was there when he came in. He looks a lot better now.”
There’s a knock on the door that keeps Wayne from responding. It’s the Harrington boy, in normal clothes this time. Discharged. 
“Sorry to interrupt but your mom said it’s time to go home.”
Dustin dramatically rolls his eyes. “Which one, my actual mother or you?”
“Your actual mother, but I happen to agree with her. Come on, you got school in the morning.” Harrington crosses his arms, looking like he’s ready to start a standoff. 
But instead of fighting Dustin stands. “Have a good night Mr. Munson. I’ll still try to visit as much as I can even though school’s starting back up again.”
“Thanks, kid, I’ll try.”
Harrington ruffles Dustin’s hair as he walks out the doorway. Standing there for a beat before turning back to Wayne. “We’ve never officially met, I’m Steve.”
Steve holds out his hand, waiting for Wayne to shake it. Wayne debates whether that’s a good idea or not. Apparently, it takes too long as Steve returns his hand to his side. 
“I wanted to apologize for the scene I made the other day, you didn’t deserve that. I was just so shocked that they actually cuffed him to the bed. Still have him cuffed to the bed.” Steve looks at Eddie with a guilt that Wayne doesn’t understand. Like he’s the reason Eddie’s strapped to the bed. 
Wayne continues to say nothing, not quite sure what would be appropriate. Tell him that it’s ok, that it didn’t bother him. Or thank him for believing that Wayne knew was true. That his boy was innocent. 
There was more to this story than he knew. Something to do with the kid being there and the rich boy standing in the doorway looking like this is all his fault. When Wayne knows the same scars mark Steve just as much as they do Eddie. Steve made sure that everyone knew that. Using it as proof that Steve was there, and that Eddie was innocent. 
Steve was ready to offer himself up as a witness for a man that the town hates. Wayne should be grateful for that, but it doesn’t seem right. They were part of different worlds. Different status, interests. It didn’t make sense for them to be in the same place at all. Yet here they are supposedly having gone through the same vicious attack. 
“Let me know if you need anything,” Steve continues when Wayne stays silent. “I’m more than happy to help out. Eddie was kind of a new friend and I hate seeing him like this as much as you do.”
“I seriously doubt that,” Wayne snaps. He hates charity, especially from this kid. For some reason he doesn’t really understand why. 
Steve is taken aback. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend.”
“I’m sure you didn’t, but you did. I know my boy and I know how my boy thinks about people like you. So don’t go ‘round gaining sympathy points from the real people who are suffering.”
“I, I wasn’t,” Steve stammers. “I would never.”
“Steve,” Dustin yells. “Get your ass moving, we’re your ride too.”
Steve sighs. “Coming, Jesus. I’m sorry for offending you. I won’t bother you again.”
Wayne shakes his head when Steve leaves, letting out a deep sigh. Maybe he was too harsh, maybe he wasn’t harsh enough. He’s not sure. 
He’s not sure about a lot of things anymore.
part 4
tag list, let me know if you want to be added or removed: @the-they-who-nerded, @insteviewetrust, @croatoan-like-its-hot, @jettestar, @tinyplanet95, @steddie-as-they-go, @slv-333, @littlecelestialmoth, @thatonebadideapanda, @fandomsanddeath, @marismorar, @wonderland-girl143-blog, @glass-bottle03, @gutterflower77, @here4thetrama, @goodolefashionedloverboi, @jaytriesstuff, @cryptid-system, @manda-panda-monium, @resident-gay-bitch, @anaibis, @xxsutherlandxx, @forevermineliv, @mugloversonly, @gregre369, @n0-1-important, @different-tale-student, @spectrum-spectre, @tartarusknight, @devondepresso, @swimmingbirdrunningrock, @cheertain, @anti-ozzie, @autumncrocusandladybug, @greeniebean911, @cr0w-culture, @stillfullofshit, @connected-dots, @daisynotquake, @morgannotlefay, @a-little-unsteddie, @dolphincliffs,
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doc-who · 2 months
When Green Turns Red
Emily Prentiss/Reader
Rating: Mature (18+)
Chapters: 4/?
Words: 1745
Categories: Angst, Jealousy, Hurt/Comfort, Violence, Eventual Smut
Emily sits in the waiting room, eyes glued to the emergency department doors. She’s chewed her lip raw, and the traces of blood on her tongue match the stains of yours on her clothes. The rest of the team waits around her, silent. Barely a word has been spoken since the paramedics had taken you away in the ambulance.
The clock on the wall seems to tick louder with each passing second, seemingly mocking Emily and her inability to do anything to help you. She buries her head in her hands in an effort to stop the onslaught of images that torment her.
Her thoughts start to spiral, a mixture of guilt and fear. She can’t shake the thought that if she had done something differently, if she hadn’t left you alone that night, you wouldn’t be fighting for your life right now. It’s a weight that threatens to crush her.
The surgeon finally emerges with a look on his face that makes Emily’s heart sink. He beckons the team over, and Emily jumps to her feet. The room feels too small, the air too thick, as he delivers the news. You’re in critical condition. The surgery was successful, but you lost a huge amount of blood, along with sustaining severe head trauma. Emily’s world narrows at the sound of his words. She nods, throat too tight to speak, as the doctor explains your recovery, assuming you’ll pull through.
“When can we see her?” Garcia asks.
“It’ll be a few hours until she can have visitors. Right now we’ve had to put her in a medically induced coma. If the swelling in her brain goes down like we hope, then we should be able to wake her up tomorrow.”
Emily tries to focus on the positives. That they found you, that you’re alive, but she can’t help but think about all the things that could still go wrong. She turns away from the team, knowing the thoughts are clear on her face.
Morgan is the only one to have the courage to approach her. “Emily, she’ll be okay.”
She nods, not trusting her voice. JJ pulls Morgan away for a second, handing him a bag.
“Here, a change of clothes. Why don’t you get cleaned up and I’ll get us some coffee.”
Emily shakes her head, “I need to be here when she wakes up.”
“Emily, you heard the doctor, it’s going to be a while. Do you really want the first thing she sees being you covered in blood?”
Sighing, she takes the bag from his outstretched hand. She waves off Garcia when she moves to come with her, needing to be alone. Locking the door to the bathroom behind her, she braces herself at the sink, and hangs her head. She hesitates for a moment, not having the nerve to face herself. Taking a deep breath, she looks up, her eyes meeting the strangers in the mirror.
For the first time since she found you, she let’s herself cry.
The team had forced Emily to go home, refusing to let her sit in the waiting room all night. She had fought them at first, but she was tired, the weight of the day heavy on her shoulders. They told her she wasn’t any use to you half dead on her feet, and she reluctantly agreed.
Walking into her empty apartment, she’s greeted by Sergio nudging her leg. “Hey buddy,” she whispers, picking him up and holding him to her chest. Burying her face in his fur, she focuses on the rumbling of his purrs.
Not bothering to turn on any lights, she heads straight for the bedroom and puts Sergio down on the bed. Pulling back the covers, she gets underneath them without getting changed and draws the spare pillow towards her.
The scent of your hair lingers on the pillowcase, and she clutches it to her chest. If she closes her eyes she can pretend that you’re next to her. That the scent of your shampoo isn’t just traces of where you used to be. The tears come again, silent and hot, rolling down her cheeks and staining the pillow. She’s not sure how long she has lays there, holding the memory of you close.
Eventually, the exhaustion of the day overcomes her. She drifts between fits of sleep and wakefulness. In the brief moments of unconsciousness she relives a slideshow of the worst moments of the past two days - and every time she wakes, she’s hit with the agonizing reality that you’re not here.
Morning comes and Emily is surprised she’s slept at all. There’s a brief moment before she’s woken fully, where she’s at peace. Then she remembers and the pain returns. She goes through the motions of her morning routine on autopilot, the sting of the too hot water barely registering as she showers. The sun has barely risen by the time she leaves and the early hour means she’s the first one to arrive at the hospital.
She lingers in the doorway to your room, listening to the beep of the machines that are hooked up to your bruised and broken body. She’s not sure how much time has passed before she hears footsteps approaching. Dragging her eyes away from you, she quietly greets the team, giving an acceptable answer when they ask how she’s doing.
“She should be waking up soon,” JJ says, leaning next to Emily on the other side of the doorway.
A panic starts to build in her chest and she feels the overwhelming urge to run. “I’m going to go get some coffee,” she says suddenly, walking away before they have the chance to reply. She rounds the corner and collapses into the nearest chair. Pressing her palms into her eyes, she tries to calm her breathing. Gradually, the panic starts to recede, and she manages to take in a full breath.
Feeling someone sit down next to her, she lowers her hands from her face. When she sees it’s Morgan she tenses. He sits in silence with her for a moment, waiting to see if she’ll open up without him having to pry. When a few minutes have passed he leans back, assessing her in that particular way he does.
“Why don’t you want to see her, Emily?”
She clenches her jaw at the question, “I have seen her.”
Morgan sighs, “Alright, then. Why don’t you want her to see you?”
Emily stills, before she leans forward and braces herself on her knees. Morgan is patient, letting her organize her thoughts.
Finally, she answers with a shaking voice, “It would be selfish,” she whispers, “for me to be there when she wakes up.”
Morgan looks at her in confusion, “How would that be selfish? If anyone should be there it should be you.”
Emily scoffs, “After what I said to her? What I did? She probably hates me.”
“Emily, you know that’s not true. She doesn’t hate you.”
“If she doesn’t, then she should,” she mumbles to herself.
Morgan sighs in exasperation and stands up, “If you want to sit here and feel sorry for yourself, then fine.”
The mortification of being called out so blatantly renders her speechless. He waits, giving her the chance to defend herself, to get herself together and be there for you. When she doesn’t, the look of disappointment he gives her makes her hang her head in shame.
You wake slowly to the sound of beeping. Gradually emerging from sleep, you lay there, bits and pieces of the past few days slowly coming back to you.
“Emily?” You mumble, wincing in pain when you try to move.
“Hey, just relax. You’re in the hospital.” JJ, not Emily. You fight against the heaviness in your eyes, opening them just enough to see her hovering over you.
Clearing your throat, you try to get your thoughts straight. “Where’s Emily?”
JJ looks behind her to the rest of the team and they share a look that makes your heart speed up. The increasing beeps from the monitor draws their attention back to you.
Your voice shakes, “Is she okay?”
JJ sits down on the chair next to your bed, placing a comforting hand on your arm. “She’s fine, I promise.”
Her words provide some reassurance, but you still don’t understand. “Where is she?” Your eyes dart between the team, waiting for an answer.
Morgan steps forward, eyes shifting. “She’s here,” he says quickly, “She just…had some things to deal with.” It’s obvious there’s more he’s not telling you.
Your heart sinks. Of course. Why would Emily be here? She hates you. She said you were a mistake. You turn your head away, trying to hide the tears building in your eyes. You don’t want to be here. You feel exposed and vulnerable now that you’ve realised what happened between you and Emily is common knowledge amongst the team.
“When can I go home?” You whisper.
The team gives you an incredulous look. JJ utters your name in disbelief, “You almost died.”
You nod as much as your aching head allows. You guess you won’t be going home anytime soon. JJ sees that you’re about to break and motions to the team, who all give you a sympathetic look before filing out of the room.
“Hey, talk to me. What’s going on?” JJ asks, voice gentle and unimposing.
You swallow back tears and put on the most convincing smile you can manage, “Nothing, just tired.”
You can see that she doesn’t believe you. “Are you sure?” JJ asks, and you nod.
“I’m fine, really,” you smooth your hands over the rough blanket that covers you, “I think I just need to be alone for a while.”
JJ studies you, trying to discern how you’re really feeling. You try not to squirm under the observation. When she realises she’s not getting anything more out of you, she sighs and gets to her feet.
“I’ll get a doctor to come and check in on you,” she pauses, hovering next to you, “We are all here for you. You know that, right?”
You nod, even though you know it’s not completely true. The one person you really need doesn’t want anything to do with you.
You keep yourself composed until JJ is gone, then you let out a sigh of relief. Turning your head into the pillow, you finally allow yourself to feel the absence of Emily.
The tears burn as they fall.
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grave-z-boy · 5 months
Nanami Kento x Male!reader
Tumblr media
Paring: Nanami Kento x male!husband!reader
Summary: reader and Namami come home after over a year in a hospital.
Warning: relatively anti-climactic, everybody lives/nobody dies Au, post-shibuya incident, mentions of gojo and the first years, mentions of extended hospital stays, injury (to children and adults), and medically induced coma, short fic.
Word count: 1069
A/n: was I asked to write this? No, do I have 30+ request in my inbox, yes. Do I even write for jkk on a regular basis? No. And yet here we are.
The car ride home was deafeningly quiet. 15 months away from it made it feel…distant. You still went there, every other day or so, but you were never inside for more than ten minutes, you didn't eat or sleep there. Your books were untouched, your refrigerator was emptied months ago when you realized all the food had gone bad, your bed was still perfectly made, as he had made it that morning all those months ago.
You breathed in as you reached a familiar stop light. Tapping your finger against the steering wheel as you held it.
“Are you nervous?” was the first thing Nanami said since you left the hospital.
“A little.” you breathed out, “I wish I took better care of it- I know you loved it, now it's dusty and…sad.”
He let out a small laugh- the road was clear so you took a moment to glance at him, that beautiful smile, in spite of everything. You found yourself smiling too.
“It wasn't the house that I loved.”
His hand rested on top of yours on the middle console, his thumb running along the side of your hand for a moment before turning it over and locking your fingers together.
“Stop that..” you muttered, because that's what you were used to, affection and intimacy are hard in such a clinical setting. Especially in a hospital full of people with…traditional values.
He didn't stop, not letting go until you pulled into the driveway of your shared home, only to reach for you again when you got out of the car.
He's nervous, he's been nervous a lot in these 15 months, you couldn't blame him. Shibuya was…a lot. It's still completely blocked off, you are surprised the whole station hasn't been torn down due to the damage.
You knew it weighed heavily on his mind, not just about himself, but the first year- Gojo- everyone who got hurt that night. The hospital limited the amount of people who could visit him after having a room full of other patients crowd into his room- god, did he even know that happened? He was put in a medically induced coma on his first day there. People say that you can still be aware, but does he know just how much love was poured into his room that day? You remember Nobara’s face, covered in tears, trying her best to make the best out of a bad situation, she talked to him about matching eye patches of all things- she threw a fit when they made her leave.
Yuji only needed a few stitches, that didn't stop him from being there every day for nearly three months before he had to go back to school. He treated the room like his own personal space, a jacket thrown over the chair, homework scattered across the little portable table, food and drinks littering the place- it got so bad a nurse had to threaten him with a permanent ban. He kept the spotless.
Megumi didn't visit much, and when he did, it was with Gojo. The two of them were practically attached at the hip after Megumi’s stay at the hospital. A concussion- on top of several broken ribs and a pierced lung. He’s back at school now too, and Gojo is back to teaching.
Your hand shook slightly as you unlocked the door- you're nervous too, you were just here a couple of days ago, you shouldn't be this nervous, this was your house, everything was fine.
Opening the door to be met with nice, cold air- you blinked. Your air conditioner broke almost a year ago- after you left it running for almost a month with no break or no end in sight it crapped out on you, and now it was magically alive again.
You stepped into the house with caution. The air was clear, not even close to the dusty mess you'd left it. Any of the visible partials in the air were gone. The curtains were drawn and the sun shined in through every window. You walked further in. Passed the pristine living room and into the kitchen, where what could only be described as a mountain of gifts sitting on the counter.
“Ken, who was in our house?” you asked, stepping back.
“I asked Gojo to clean up before we left the hospital-” you groaned “-I didn't realize he would be so…gracious.”
You picked up a small pink gift bag from the bottom of the pile. The tag had Nobara’s name written on it, it wasn't her usual nice, practiced handwriting, it was off center a bit, and drooped down at the edge, but it was still distinctly her writing.
Reaching in, then pulling out a small cluster of black fabric. You unraveled it, revealing a black eye patch, with a dark red rose pattern on it.
“This is yours, from Nobara.”
He blinked before taking it. The one he wore now was stark white, given to him by the hospital. He slipped it off without a word- you never realized how quickly you’d grown used to his scars- once they finally healed that is. It was just…normal for you know.
He put the new eye patch on, and it honestly looked a million times better than the old one.
With a smile, you stepped towards him, taking his face in your hand and pulling him towards you. You kissed his cheek, then his lips-only briefly- before saying, “It looks good.”
That made him smile, even if it was small.
You both decided that the gifts could wait until later. Heading upstairs for a well deserved nap.
Gojo actually sucked at making beds, but you could tell he tried his best- or he made his students do it, one or the other. It didn't matter either way, the comforter was untucked and you crawled into bed with your husband for the first time in over a year.
Your cheek pressed against his chest, you realized he was still wearing his jacket- and so were you. You let out a small huff of laughter but made you move to ask him to take it off or take off your own. You watched as his blinking slowed, then stopped completely, his arms wrapped loosely around you, as yours were around him. His deep breathing and the near rhythmic rise and fall of his chest lulled you to sleep.
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zvdvdlvr · 5 months
— Leaning to Live Again.
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— 🪻. Synopsis. It’s been four and a half months since your fall. You’re starting physical therapy, and the team (and your husband) is there for you every step of the way- as Aaron gets started on filing a product liability lawsuit.
— 🪻. Warnings. Foul language. Frustrated reader. Female reader. Welder reader. Husband Spencer. Physical therapy. 1.6k fic. Mildly rushed ending. Not mych dialogue. I have no physical therapy experience, so I apologize for any incorrect terms/activities/phrases. Pet names.
— 🪻. Extra. Welder!Reader is getting a lot of love :))) Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy!
— 🪻. Other Welder!Reader fics. Lunch Break. Alive and Breathing.
You spent five weeks in the ICU, four of them in a medically induced coma. The doctor said that it was so you actually gave your body time to recover; the first few weeks after surgery was always the rockiest stage of any major injury.
Spencer spent every waking hour with you, if you were conscious or not. He read to you, had conversations with you, and told you anything that came to mind because he knows you love his voice. After three nights straight at the hospital, the nurses practically begged Spencer to go home, rest, recuperate, and get cleaned up. And Spencer admits, he felt a lot better after going back to your shared home.
When the doctors decided it was time to wake you up, Spencer was all but shoved out of the room. Something abour “not overwhelming her” or something. Spencer wasn’t listening anyway. After texting JJ, she told Spencer she’d let everyone know the news as they were currently in South Dakota catching a serial rapist and killer. And then Spencer resolved to pacing, reciting each song lyric you told Spencer reminded you of him. He repeated the few poems he had gotten you to read, voice softening as you read the words. And Spencer repeated the vows you and him had written for each other, remembering your face and your voice, the way you stood and how you smelled. He relived it as you were being pulled out of the darkness of your unconscious.
“Dr. Reid?” The nurse asked, pausing Spencer mid-step. He watched a few other nurses file out, and Spencer felt his heart beat a little faster in his chest.
“Yes?” He answered, breath held.
“Mrs. Reid is awake. You are more than welcome to go in there, but don’t put her on any additional stress.”
Spencer had barely said ‘thank you’ before he was hightailing it to the side of your bed. He felt the wind rush out of his lunge when he saw you blinking harshly, eyes trying to adjust to the light.
“Hey sweetheart,” Spencer whispered, tears trailing down his cheeks. He sat down and carefully took your callused hands in his.
You cleared your throat. “Hi,” you said finally, voice gravely from disuse. “You okay?”
A watery laugh bubbled out of Spencer. “You fall off a building and you ask me if okay. Baby, I love you so much.”
“Takes more than a fall to take me away from you, husband,” you murmured, letting your hand trace Spencer’s cheek. “But… how is everyone doing? I heard some of the things you guys said when I was… out, but I want to hear from you.”
The genius looked away, salty tears dampening his beautiful eyelashes. “Hotch is planning to prosecute the guys who made the safety harness that you wore because we all know you never would have worn something that was unsafe or had been recalled. We’ve just…” Spencer sniffled, turning his head to look back at you, “I guess we’ve just kept busy.”
You hummed. “How long will I be out of the showbusiness?”
Spencer looked at you, your eyes tired despite all the sleep you had been getting. He knew your world would shatter when he told you that you’d be in recovery for at least another year and a half. Your lipped twitched- an attempt to get the man you loved to smile. Yet again Spencer felt his heart crack: this was going to break you. “Doc says… about two years.”
The pointer finger still tracing Spencer’s face stilled. Your face blanked and Spencer felt the ari leave his lungs at how you looked at him. “What did you say?”
Spencer took your hand in his, kissing your knuckles as his tears fell onto your own and then slid down down down to the cold hospital floor. “Two years, baby.”
“Years. Tw-Two years,” you repeated in a whisper. “Two years.”
Spencer’s eyes shut. Your head fell back on the pillow, eyes boring holes into the ceiling as your own tears welled in your eyes.
“I know, baby, I know,” Spencer cried as you wept silently.
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“You got this, wife,” Spencer whispered, pecking the crown of your head before going to stand across you, metal bars on either side of the wheelchair you carefully stood from.
It was your twenty third day of physical therapy, and boy was it hell. Your entire bottom half hurt, feeling as if fire consumed your muscles as you shakily got used to being on your feet again. Your back hurt the worst, though. You tried to play it off the best you could, but when the shooting pain took hold of the sensitive nerves of your spine, you couldn’t do more than screw your eyes shut andprace your head for the inevitable fall.
It had been getting better, you thought. Taking your first six steps was getting easier. Getting out of the pool was easier, and you could stand up without yelping in pain. But still, as you pushed through eveey PT session, you couldn’t help but feel disgusted at yourself for not being able to do basic human activities.
Spencer really atuck to his vows, remaining steadfast at your side through everything. He was at your every beck and call, updating you on your coworkers and all the other people you’d grown close to as a welder and as a woman. Spence took pride being able to help you, being your rock as you always are for him.
Aaron was actively prosecuting the company that produced the faulty equipment. As requested by Spencer, Aaron didn’t tell you much. It was better in both of their minds that you focused on recovery and not having Hotch dumb down the details of legal stuff- not that you were dumb, you just weren’t as educated as Spencer and Aaron. Obviously.
Penelope made a point to bring you food every other day. With her she brought a big hug, warm smile, and hot tea. You listened closely to the gossip she had to share, grateful that she didn’t try overly hard to comfort you- she was just like a sister in that way.
Emily stopped by when she could, but understandably had other plans for her time off; i.e.: napping. When she came Emily brought a book or two she had seen and thought of you about or a magazine.
J.J. tried as hard as Penny did, bringing Henry and Will whenever possible. You appreciated the family, feeling fully accepted as J.J.’s soul sister, despite only knowing Spencer’s coworkers for almost a year. Henry had clicked with you right away and told you stories as he snuggled up to you in the hospital bed. When he fell asleep, Will and J would make conversation with you.
Derek had dinner with you and Spencer every weekend. He brought something new every time and always shut sown your protests at how expensive it must have been, aspecially since the three of you combined could eat $300 worth of food- having fast metabolism and being an athletic person was worth bragging about while shoving half pound birgers into your mouth. Despite just the good food, Derek made sure to talk with just you, offering a deep conversation or a lightheard bickering session, letting you know you weren’t alone.
Rossi visited every time he had time. David had grown fond of you and your personality. You were a hardworking, sincere, and (painfully) honest person. All admirable traits, Rossi thought. He always brought flowers, chocolate, and a milkshake/smoothie for you. Though his visits were shorter in comparison to Derek’s or Penny’s, David visited more frequently. He filled you in on details of the lawsuit Aaron was working on, staff drama, and other fatherly conversation.
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Slowly, the months passed.
60 more days passed before the hospital finally brought up your discharge.
Through all that time you had managed to re-gain the ability to walk, run, swim 2 laps uninterrupted, and were improving daily.
You were proud of your progress, but especially thankful of all the people that had stood by your side the entire way. Your eyes burned just thinking about the love Spencer’s family your family had for you.
When one of the nurses you had grown close to finally brought up your discharge, you threw your arms around her and practically cried tears of joy. Spencer kept his composure better, but you could see the shine in his eyes as he discussed the details as you pulled yourseld away from the nurse.
The team was on a case when you reported back to them, but J.J. and Derek immediately set up a quick video call to voice their happiness. Even Aaron stepped in frame, a warm smile on his face as he spoke of how happy he was for you. David showed up right at the end. You swear you saw a tear roll down his cheek as he told you how proud he was of you, how strong you are, and how thankful he is that you’re okay.
Beside you, Spencer ran his hands through your hair with a shaking hand. He, too, cried.
It was two weeks later when you shoved your bags in the back of your truck (you insisted it be the vehicle Spencer drove home) and left the hospital.
“I love you Spencer Walter Reid.”
The two of you stood, leaning against each other, in front of your home. The feeling of Spencer’s warm body under your touch made you feel alive- electric, even. You felt like you could do anything as you carried your own bags into your own home with your own husband.
With Spencer by your side, you were finally learning how to live again.
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thebearmage · 1 year
Closed Eyes (Please Open Them)
Five Hargreeves x GN!Comatose!Reader
Part Two of One Mistake (is All it Takes)
Summary: After Cha-Cha's attempt on your life, you are admitted to the hospital. You are alive, but you are far from okay. Five sits with you, refusing to leave. His only company is his own regrets.
Warnings: Angst, HEAVY angst, injuries, hospital and medical equipment, Five being sad
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Five was shaking.
He was sitting in his room, a blanket wrapped around his shoulders. A mug of something hot in between his numb fingers. He hasn't moved. Not since Diego had dragged him out of your apartment building a few hours ago.
Five was still in his bloody clothes, he was looking at the blood on his pants. It's yours. Your blood...you're blood on his clothes....your blood staining his skin....your blood all over the floor...all over you...everywhere....everywhere.....EVERYWHERE!!!
Five gasps as he finally snaps himself out of his shock-induced trance. He pants, letting the mug slip through his fingers, crashing onto the floor.
Someone comes rushing into the room. It's Vicktor, he gasps softly and kneels in front of Five.
"Five, hey look at me," he gently takes Five's hands, "Hey, it's Vicktor, can you hear me?"
Five slowly focuses on Vicktor, sighing, "Yeah,"
Vicktor looks at Five in sympathy, "Let's get you cleaned up, okay?"
Five nods numbly. Vicktor leads him to the bathroom.
"How is..." Five's voice cracks. He's scared to ask the question, "Are they...?"
Vicktor nods, "They're alive. Last we heard from the hospital, they went into surgery. We have to wait until they're done before we see them,"
Five nods, his breathing slowed a bit. You were alive. You were alive.
The relief slowly fades when the second part of Vicktor's sentence clicks into his mind.
Five swallows. You were not out of the danger zone yet.
Vicktor helps Five clean up and change clothes. After that, the family drives to the hospital.
Allison walks up to the desk, her brothers trailing behind her.
"Hey, we're looking for Y/N L/N,"
The nurse nods, "They just got out of surgery, it went well," The umbrella academy sighs in relief but the nurse looks at them sadly.
"Oh no, I know that look," Klaus says,
"What's wrong?" Luther asks,
The nurse sighs, she gesture for the family to follow them as they walk down the hallway.
"Y/N was brought to us in critical condition," she states, "Several stab wounds to the stomach and sides, bruised ribs, a bruised lung, and some trauma from being attacked or hit. They're body showed us signs of torture as well,"
Five's blood was boiling. The quick death he gave Cha-Cha was a reward compared to what he wished to do now.
The nurse stops at the door, "They lost too much blood on the way here and during surgery. They...fell into a coma,"
The Umbrella Academy gasped in horror. Ben and Allison cover their mouths with their hands. Luther and Klaus look down. Diego curses before putting a hand on Five's shoulder.
Five...looked crushed. The mask he normally wore around others shattered into pieces at those words. Tears filled his eyes as he gasps a bit.
"When will..." he takes a breath, "When will they wake up?"
The nurse shrugs, "We don't know. It's possible that they won't,"
Five chokes on a sob and blinks into the room. The nurse is startled but the others slowly open the door to peak inside.
Five is staring at your broken and battered body. Bandages were wrapped around your arms and fingers. Five could assume there were more covering your chest and legs. There was a few tan bandages on your face, covering smaller cuts.
There were so many different IVs and wires connected to you, each hooked up to a liquid or machine keeping you alive. You were on life support; a tube was down your throat, peaking out of the side of your mouth. You lips were closed limply around it. There oxygen tubes in your nose, helping you breath.
For a heart stopping moment Five realized those tubes could be the only thing making you breath. He stands, frozen, breathes coming quicker and quicker.
Then, to the shock of his family (sans Diego, who'd had seen Five earlier), Five bursts into sobs, rushing over to you.
He doesn't say anything at first. He just grabs your free hand and sobs loudly, gently moving some hair out of your face with a trembling hand.
"No..." He pleads, "No....please...."
Five collapses into a chair next to you. His legs no longer able to hold him. He buries his face into your stomach, gently wrapping his arms around you, and wails. Screaming his sorrow and pain into your hospital gown.
Days ticked by, slowly turning into weeks. The doctors were loosing hope for your recovery, saying you most likely have gone brain dead.
Five wouldn't listen, he was by your side every hour. The doctors stopped trying to kick him out after he'd blinked into the room after visiting hours multiple times.
The doctors told him that talking to you might help. So, as he sits next to you, on day 18, he mumbles to you.
"Hey, baby. It's me. It's Five," he says, "I...I um...I hope you can hear me," Five sniffs, taking a pause, "I really do. So, whatever your dreaming about, I can be there with you,"
Five slowly covers your hand with his, "I have some good news," he laughs a little, "I should have told you ages ago...but...um...it's past April 1st.....we've stopped Doomsday,"
Five swallows, his throat was dry, "We learned about Viktor's powers. Apparently he was the bomb to end the world. But, uh, he's to worried about you right now,"
Five laughs humorlessly, "You've saved the world," he says, voice choked, "By nearly dying," he lets out another laugh, "You're a goddamn hero, Y/N,"
Five's laughter slowly dissolves into sobs, "God...I miss you so much," he murmurs, "So...so...fucking much! So much it hurts!"
Five tries to wipe his eyes, but the tears keep falling, "You've needed this rest, though," he admits, "You've been so overworked since I came back,"
Five buries his face in his free hand, "It's all my fault! I dragged you into this! I wasn't there for you when you needed it! I pushed you away! I said those horrible things to you!"
Five sobs brokenly, "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" Five desperately but gently squeezes your hand, "I've got you, I'm not letting go! I have your hand, your small lifeless hand," he hiccups slightly, "Oh god why is so lifeless!?"
He brushes some hair out of your face, sobbing and looking into your closed eyes, "Please wake up....please wake up,"
He lets his head drop onto your chest as he weeps. His hand ever letting go of yours.
The sound of your heart monitor beeping faster catches his attention, he gasps softly as he looks up.
"Baby?" he cups your face, "Y/N?"
You slowly wince due to the harsh light as it slowly filters into your awareness. Your eyes are not open yet but you can sense the brightness behind your closed lids,
You try to speak around the tube in your mouth, and then sigh in defeat when you can't. One would expect that you'd be panicking, but you had hear (most of) everything while unconscious. You had been aware that you were in a coma, and you had been aware of the tubes and wires attached to you (it caused a LOT of discomfort, thank you very much).
Five was in disbelief, gasping as he gently cups your face, "Y/N?"
Despite the harsh light, you slowly crack open your eyes to look at him. You smile as best you can.
Five laughs, this time it's a happy sound, and rushes forward to kiss your forehead, "Hey," he says, more tears coming to his eyes. You slowly reach up your heavy arm to brush the tears away and he cradles your arm against his face.
"You're okay, you're okay," he mumbles like a mantra, "I'm here...and you're here with me," he half sob, half laughs and looks up at you.
"Morning sleeping beauty," you give him a deadpan look at that line and he snickers wetly.
The doctors come rushing in a moment later. Once they get the tube out you turn to Five and breath,
"...bright," your voice is cracked and dry due the tube and lack of use. Five blinks to the light switch and flicks it off, earning a few glares from the doctors, he just maintains eye-contact until they turn back to you.
Once the doctors clear out, Five sits down next to you again, smiling from ear to ear. You try to sit up to hug him but he puts a hand on your shoulder,
"No, no, stay down. Stay down,"
You wince in pain and nod, laying back down. You cough a bit,
Five nods quickly, overwhelmed, and blinks to the cafeteria. He comes back with a water bottle. You hold out your hands for it and he reluctantly hands the bottle over,
Five nods again and helps you raise the bed so you're sitting up more without moving your body. When if was safe to drink, you gulp down half the bottle before sighing.
With your throat feeling less like that The Atacama Desert, you turn to Five.
"Hey, baby," your voice was clearer but still weak, "Did you miss me?"
Five laughs brokenly, "Yes, yes I did," he leans forward and kisses you, "I'm so so sorry,"
You look at him, confused, "For what?"
Five looks at you in disbelief, "For everything!" he shouts, "Dragging you into my mess, not being there, pushing you away, saying those horrible things,"
"Five..." you try, but he isn't listening.
"For not protecting you, for letting my selfishness get the better of me. It's my fault your like this!"
"FIVE!" You cough roughly at raising your voice and Five feels another pang of guilt.
"What...happened....wasn't your fault," you say between pants, "We have a fight, yes. But who knew that Cha-Cha was going to be there? Not me, and certainly not you!"
"No buts!" You snap, "I don't want to hear you wallow in self pity! I want you to be here with me, dammit! Okay?"
Five laughs, seeing that you were taking a page from his book with the harsh words, "Okay,"
He leans in again and you kiss. He holds you gently. You were here, in his arms, awake and alert. He was never letting you go again, not in a million years.
"So...I saved the world,"
"Oh, shut up,"
HELLO EVERYONE! I hope you enjoyed this part two! There might be a very short, fluffy part three if anyone wants to see it! Again, hope you enjoyed.
Also, requests are still open! If you want you can send some ideas to me and I'll write them for ya!
@eddie-swhore @deceasedream69 @beautyb1ade @sniney @fives-simp217
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gingiesworld · 11 months
Family is Forever
Chapter Nine
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Wanda Maximoff x GN! Reader
Warnings: Angst.
Taglist: @fxckmiup @ginnsbaker @gb12d @angrywhisperslove @louxbloom @casquinhaa @natashamaximoff-69 @wizardofstories @canvascoloredin @wandanats-goodgirl @forthelesbians @the-ox-fan20 @marvelogic
In the midst of trying to race to Billy's decathelon, Y/N had never expected they would be stuck in this position. Hanging upside down as the seatbelt kept them locked in their seat. Forgetting to put their phone on charge, and unable to get to it as it rang consistantly until the battery drained.
Hearing the sirens, screams and yells as the chaos unravelled around them. The sounds of the machines and tools being used as the emergency service worked as hard and fast as they could to get everyone out and free.
Then they soon blacked out for a moment until they come back around, hearing someone call their name.
"Y/N?" Maria called out as she knelt beside the car, looking in through the passenger side.
"Ria?" They spoke weakly as they tried to turn in her direction.
"Don't move ok." She told them as she looked around at the chaos unfolding.
"Billy." They whispered as she gave them a sad smile.
"He's ok. They won by a landslide." Maria told them as they shook their head.
"I broke my promise." They told her. "He's going to hate me."
"No he won't." She told them. "He'll understand." She looked back to see Steve on his phone.
"What?" Nat questioned as she couldn't quite hear him over the noise of the accident.
"Y/N is hurt." He yelled to her. "It's pretty bad Nat."
"Where are they?" Nat questioned as she looked inside at Wanda and the twins.
"They're still trapped in their car. It's a pile up and they a right in the middle of it." He told her as he heard her gasp. "Maria's with them now."
"What do I tell Wanda and the boys?" She asked him.
"I don't know yet." He sighed. "We're still waiting on more hands to come and help get everyone out."
"I can't just not tell her." Nat yelled which caught Wanda's attention.
"What's going on Nat?" She questioned as she left the twins. "Did Maria finally find Y/N?"
"She did." Nat answered as Wanda scoffed.
"What was their excuse?" Wanda questioned defensively.
"They're trapped in their car." Nat told her. "It's bad Wanda. The emergency services are trying to get them out but."
"What?" Wanda questioned as her heart pounded in her chest. Her legs going numb as she held the wall, Nat's lips were moving but she couldn't hear anymore.
Y/N and Wanda raced against time once they had got the call to return home. Already learning that their father had died on impact but their mother was in a medically induced coma.
They waited for hours until they had gotten any sort of word from the doctor. The words 'no brain activity' resounded in their head on repeat. The doctor had given them the privacy to say goodbye before turning off the machine.
Wanda remained by their side through the whole time. When they sobbed as they stood by her bedside, the moment the machines were turned off and she took one last breath.
Y/N stood over her as they looked at her greying face, the cuts and bruises were prominent. Wanda's hand in their own was all the grounding they needed, ensuring that they aren't alone in this time of need.
Wanda remained as she helped organise the funeral for the two. Following their parents request and buring them together. All of their friends and extended family paid their respects. Y/N greeted them all at the wake, a small smile plastered on their face although they were completely shattered inside, but they were too proud to let that show. Only Wanda knew how they truly were, she would hear them in the middle of the night, hiding away in the bathroom as they sobbed quietly. Something that Wanda never really saw, but she made sure they knew she was there for them, through everything.
"I can't lose them Nat." Wanda whispered as she used Wanda's phone to call her brother to take the twins. "I can't. I won't survive."
"Wanda, they will be fine ok." Nat reassured her. "Y/N is one of the strongest people I know."
"We don't know the extent of their injuries." Wanda told her. "Hell, we don't know how long they have sat upside down with another car crushing them!"
"They're getting Y/N out." Steve told the two as the phone was on speaker. Maria stood back slightly as she watched the emergency services work at getting them out.
"Where are they taking them?" Nat questioned as she could hear Steve ask.
"Jacobs Pres." He told her.
"We'll be on our way." Nat told him as he nodded. Maria watched as they carefully examined Y/N before getting them out. They had lost conciousness moments before which had worried Maria. She hadn't spoke a word or moved away from them, until she handed Steve her keys.
"I'm going in the ambulance." She told him as he nodded. Knowing to follow in her car. Nat and Wanda had made it to the ER, waiting until they were brought through.
"Do you need me to drive?" Maria asked as they declined.
"They're flatlining!"
"Just let me drive!!" Maria yelled. "I am a detective at the 94th."
"Drive and get us there fast." The other paramedic told her. Maria nodded as she started the journey. Saving Y/N was the only thought on her mind.
Wanda and Nat stood up as Maria helped push them through. Approaching her as Maria couldn't go in any further.
"How are they?" Nat asked as Maria shook her head, tears filling her eyes as Wanda's heart broke.
"No." She whispered as Maria started to explain what had happened in the ambulance.
"They managed to get them back but they had been in cardiac arrest for a good few minutes." Maria informed the two. Wanda covered her mouth as she sobbed, Nat led the two to the chairs as they waited for hours.
"Have you heard anything?" Iryna spoke as she approached the three.
"What are you doing here?" Wanda asked her weakly.
"Pietro told us when we rang at the usual time." She told her daughter who only collapsed in her mom's arms.
"We haven't heard anything yet." Nat told her as Wanda sobbed into her mother's shirt. Oleg stood up and approached the desk, talking with the secretary quietly.
"They are currently in surgery." He informed. "They were rushed straight there after the head CT, but that's all they can give us for now."
"I can't lose them." Wanda whispered as she held onto her mom for dear life. She knew in that moment, she wanted to keep them in her life.
"Wanda?" Pepper's voice sounded through the room. "Where are they?"
"Surgery." Wanda hiccuped as she fell into Pepper's embrace. "They can't tell us anything else."
"They will be fine." Pepper whispered reassuringly. "Y/N is the strongest person I know."
"You sound just like Nat." Wanda giggled as Pepper smiled.
"Let me see if I can get more information for you." She left the group to talk with the secretary. Talking in hushed tones before the secretary had left the desk. Moments later, a doctor had came through the double doors.
"Mrs Maximoff?" They questioned as Wanda stood up. "Y/N is still in surgery as we speak, they have multiple rib fractures, a broken collarbone and humerous. They have a collapsed lung which we have had to re-inflate. We are just finding the source of the internal bleeding as we speak." Wanda just stared at them as they spoke. "I wish there was more I could say but, there isn't just yet."
"Thank you doctor." Iryna thanked them before they disappeared back through the doors. "They will be fine Wanda."
"They will think Billy hates them." Wanda told her as Maria nodded.
"They do." She told them. "They told me before they lost conciousness. They wanted to apologise to him so fucking bad and it broke my heart. They kept saying they broke a promise."
"Billy will understand the situation." Nat reasoned as Maria just looked at her wife.
"Yeah, but what if Y/N doesn't make it? They will die thinking their son hates them." Maria spat as Nat tried.
"Y/N isn't dying!" Wanda yelled as everything looked at her. "Y/N won't leave the boys." She whispered, almost wishing for her words to be true. "They won't leave us." Iryna just sat with Wanda, her arms wrapped around her in a comforting manner.
It was another few hours before anyone had come to speak with them, reaching 7am. Wanda had fell asleep on her mom's shoulder as Oleg's jacket covered her like a blanket.
"Mrs Maximoff?" A tired looking doctor spoke up, soon enough Wanda was sat up and rubbing the sleep from her eyes. They then proceeded to take a seat opposite het as the others soon gathered for the news. "We had some complications due to their injuries. The hours of surgery and the time they had been trapped had took a toll on their body." Wanda listened as they explained everything. "We did lose them for a moment but we had managed to bring them back again as I understand they had also flatlined in transit."
"Are they ok?" Wanda pressed tiredly as they nodded with a gentle smile.
"They are critical but stable." They told her. "We will need to see what symptoms they may have once they wake as their brain had went a while longer than intended without oxygen."
"But they will be ok?" Wanda questioned sadly. "They will still be here? Alive?"
"They aren't quite out of the woods just yet but we will do everything that we can to keep them here." They told her softly as she nodded.
"Can I see them?" She asked as they nodded. They led her to the room that they were recovering in. Wanda gasped as she saw them covered in stitches, bruises, casts and gauze. She hadn't really expected it to be this bad, she wasn't truly prepared as she let out a shakey breath. Approaching the bed with caution and taking their hand in her own.
"How long until they wake?" Iryna questioned as she watched her daughter fall apart internally before her.
"There isn't any telling on that." They informed her. "It is now all on them. I'll leave you be but I will be back to check on them." The doctor left as everyone slowly moved to the bed, Iryna beside Wanda as Oleg wrapped his arm around the two as Maria stared at them emotionlessly, ignoring Nat's reach to comfort her as she left the room. Only standing outside before she collapsed to the ground, sobbing into her hand.
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callsign-dexter · 1 year
Daddy Don't Go
Summary: During a routine training exercise, Bradley's jet malfunctions. He's in critical condition. How will his 4-year-old duaghter take it?
Pairings: Jake Seresin x Bradley Bradshaw, Jake Seresin x Duaghter!Reader, Bradley Bradshaw x Daughter!Reader
Warnings: angst, inaccurate medical talk, jet crash, ejection, fluff?
Our Little Girl
A/N: Little Y/N is 4 years old
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It was supposed to be a routine training exercise with new Top Gun students. Nobody was supposed to get hurt. Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw-Seresin was not supposed to be in the hospital in a medically induced coma, to let the swelling on his brain go down with a tube down his throat, with his 4-year-old, Y/N Carole Seresin-Bradshaw clinging to him and refusing to leave. How did the Seresin-Bradshaw family wind up here? Well, it started with the pre-flight checks and everything looked fine and checked out but it was something electronical that somehow passed all the mechanical checks.
7 a.m. rolled around on the cloudy Friday morning. Jake was the first one to wake up and start getting ready and while he was in the bathroom having just come out of the shower he heard Bradley get up. They both decided from the beginning to let their daughter sleep until they got fully ready and then got her up and ready for school. Bradley walked into the conjoined bathroom and greeted Jake with a kiss as he brushed his teeth. Neither were a morning person so they didn't talk. Bradley wordlessly stripped his clothing off and got into the shower. 7:30 a.m. rolled around and it was time to get Y/N up since Jake was already done and dressed in his khaki uniform.
Jake silently walked to his daughter’s room and opened the cracked door. She was sound asleep spread in a starfish pattern in the middle of the bed, as Jake swears, just like Bradley. It brought a smile to his face. He walked in and got her clothes ready to go without waking her which wasn't a problem since she was a heavy sleeper, as Bradley swears, just like Jake.
Jake walked over to her bed and bent down to where he was face level with her. He brought a hand up and started to stroke her hair "Sweets, time to get up." He said in a soft tone but she just rolled over to where her face was near his. He chuckled to himself. "Come on. Don't you want to go see your friends at school?" He asked softly. Y/n scrunched her nose up and groaned but she didn't wake up fully but Jake knew he was getting there "Sweets, let's get up. You have to go to school." He said and she cracked her eyes open to look at him and he smiled.
"Papa?" She asked and started to sit up.
"It's me, Sweets. You ready to go brush your teeth?" He asked and even though she didn't want to, she did it anyway. She made grabby hands to be picked up and Jake did. He walked her to her conjoined bathroom and sat her on the counter she was still tired he got her toothbrush put toothpaste on it and turned on the water. Y/N lazily brushed her teeth but she got it done and they were clean. Jake was tackling her curly dirty blonde hair after she was done when Bradley walked in. He saw him through the mirror. "I blame you for her curly hair." He playfully glared at his husband and Bradley just laughed. This caused her to look up and see him through the mirror too.
"Daddy!" She screeched out and brought out that signature Seresin mega watt smile.
"Hi, Honey." He said to her and then turned to Jake "You love our hair." He said and boy was he right. He walked over to them and pushed Jake out of the way so he could handle it, Jake knew how to handle it too but since he got her up this morning he let Bradley do it. Bradley brushed it out and then put it into a half French Braid and half ponytail, where he learned that nobody knows well except his mom.
"You are truly one talented man." Jake said while looking at the finished product. Jake knew how to do hair too from having sisters but French Braiding was his biggest downfall so he left that up to his husband. They both got her dressed together and went into the kitchen to eat something. They were Glas that her preschool was on base and they lived close by so it wasn't like they needed to rush or anything. They loaded up in Jake's truck and headed to base.
When they left the house at 7:45 a.m. when they got to the base preschool it was 7:50 a.m., right on time. Bradley was the one to get her out of the truck when Jake parked and they both walked her into the classroom and said their goodbyes and boy did the moms swoon over two Navy aviators.
"Sweets, we'll be back at the end of the day to get you. Ok?" Jake said bending down to her level.
"Ok, Papa." Y/N replied they could remember when they first dropped her off and when Jake didn't take her that one time. Oh, Bradley was pissed while everyone thought it was funny.
"We love you, Honey." Bradley said and hugged her and she hugged back and then Jake hugged her too.
"Love you." She said back to them and they got up and left the building. They headed to work. They arrived and they both walked into the building ready to start teaching.
Today they were practicing some dog fighting with the new students. Jake, Bradley, Bob, and Natasha were going up with them. Maverick, Goose, Ice, and Slider had opted to stay on the ground and in the control tower to watch. Bradley and Jake both did their pre-flight checks and everything was good to go they said they loved each other as they did every time before going up in the air, and the next thing they knew they were up in the air. Jake took over speaking.
"Good afternoon pilots. Today we will be practicing some dogfighting." Jake said through the comms and then Bradley spoke up.
"The name of the game is to shoot us down before we get you." He said and one student by the callsign of Blazer, a younger version of Hangman pretty much.
"What happens if we don't get you first?" He asked all cocky. Both Jake and Bradley were having flashbacks. They both looked at each other since they were flying by each other Hangman man held up 3 and Bradley nodded.
"You have to give us 300 push-ups with Hondo." Bradley said and Blazer and the other pilot by the callsign Fireball and their WSO Comet scoffed.
"You're on." Fireball said and the dogfighting began.
Everything was going smoothly Bradley and Jake teamed up and they shot down all the students. As they Jake and Bradley were coming back into land Bradley's jet started to malfunction. "Hangman, my jet his not acting right." Bradley said and this worried Jake enough to fly up next to him, it was only him and Bradley in the air. He got there right as soon as Bradley's engines just quit both of them all together.
"Woah. Control tower this is Rooster. My jet just lost both engines at the same time." Rooster said as he felt his jet jerk. When Goose, Ice, Slider, and Maverick heard that their hearts dropped especially Goose's. They could see the smoke in the air. Bradley was losing altitude and fast.
"Maverick to Rooster. You are going to have to eject. Hangman you are going to have to fly away from him so he can safely eject." Maverick had taken over one of the mics which they let him. Jake didn't want to leave his husband but did what he was told and Bradley did just that but instead of being the right altitude from the ground he was closer than anticipated and his chute deployed late and he hit the ground hard. He hit is hard enough to twist his ankle and hit his head on a rock which resulted in knocking him out.
"Hangman, did you see a chute?" Goose asked his son-in-law asked and Jake didn't reply at first but after a few minutes he did answer.
"Yes, I saw one but it looked like it opened too close to the ground. The plane is on fire but it looks to be intact. I can see him but he's just laying there. A medical helicopter needs to be deployed. I'm landing now and going on that helicopter." Jake said giving nobody any room to talk. Nobody was going to argue with him they were already racing down to the tarmac just a Jake landed and parked his plane. He quickly got out and met them and they ran to the helicopter only two were allowed to go nobody argued when Goose and Jake got on there.
The medical helicopter flew to the crash site and two of the paramedics jumped out along with the base physician. They assessed him and quickly got him on a backboard and carried him to the helicopter Goose and Jake were silent. The physician began talking "Looks like he had hit his head based on the crack in the rock and his helmet and sprained his ankle based on how he was laying. We'll get him to the base hospital and get him further assessed." He told Goose and Jake and they nodded to afraid to talk.
20 minutes they arrived at the hospital where Bradley was rushed into the hospital. Jake and Goose were ushered into the waiting room where they had to wait for results. Maverick, Ice, and Slider showed up at the hospital in record time. They quickly found the other two "Any word?" Maverick said and Goose shook his head.
"They rushed him away. They wouldn't tell us anything. Oh god, I need to call Carole." Goose said and rushed to do that and then it hit Jake.
"Someone needs to go and pickup Y/N." Jake said almost absentmindedly not looking at anybody really. He was so shook up and wasn't thinking right.
"I'll go and get her." Ice said since everyone was shook up. They would've asked Goose to ask Carole but she would be too torn up to do anything. Everyone looked at Ice and Jake about burst into tears, he actually hugged the man. Slider was going to go with him but opted not to since he knew he needed to do this alone and plus he is the strong one out of all of them right now.
"Thank you. Tell her what is going on please, I hate keeping her in the dark. I know it should come from me but I don't think I would be able to make it through it." Jake said and Ice hugged him back and nodded his head.
"Anytime. Of course I'll tell her." He said and they both let go of each other and Ice headed to his truck since he drove. Thankfully everyone agreed to keep a car seat in their cars incase they need to pick her up. Ice quietly drove to the preschool and walked into the front office the receptionist looked up and smiled.
"What can I do for you?" She asked and Ice smiled back but it didn't reach his eyes.
"I'm here to pick up Y/N Seresin-Bradshaw." He said and she nodded.
"Can I have the reason for her being picked up?" She asked him, he was getting agitated but understood it was protocol.
"Family emergency." Ice said and that is all he said and he saw her face fall.
"Of course. I'll go and get her." She said and he nodded and he stood there waiting he signed the papers that needed to be signed. After a few minutes they the receptionist walked in with the spitting image and Jake and Bradley. Ice just thinking about Bradley got him upset.
"Grandpa Ice!" Y/N shrieked out and once again Ice smiled but this time he had tears in his eyes. He bent down to her level when she was in his proximity.
"Hi, Sunshine." Ice said to him using his nickname for her. He grabbed her and hugged her tightly.
"Too tight!" She said and he let her go but picked her up. "Papa and Daddy?" she asked him and his heart broke. He started to walk out of the building. He made sure that they were at the truck before answering.
"Your Daddy had an accident and your Pops is with him at the hospital." Ice said as he started to put her into her car seat and she was silent. She was smart for her age and understood many things. "But, your Daddy is with the best doctors right now making him better." Ice said looking her right in her eyes, the eyes mixed with Jake and Bradley. She nodded her head but was silent again Ice's heart broke. He shut the door and got into the driver side he quickly sent a text to Jake and started driving to the hospital. The truck was silent neither of them wanted to speak.
When Ice and Y/N arrived at the hospital they found a parking spot and it was next to Carole's car. Ice parked and got out and worked on getting Y/N out. He worked in silence. When he got her out he held her and walked into the hospital where Jake greeted him.
"Hi, Sweets." Jake said in a broken voice. He took his daughter from Ice and she snuggled into him.
"Daddy?" Y/N asked Jake and it brought on tears from him.
"Daddy is hurt, Sweets." Jake said as they were walking to the rest. Goose immediately took her and hugged her tightly and Carole joined them. Hugging her, Bradley's flesh and blood, made them feel comfort. Jake nor Y/N made any complaint when she was taken from his arms, they knew they needed comfort. After a minute they let up and all sat down not saying a word.
Jake was thinking about losing his husband and Y/N losing a parent.
Goose and Carole was thinking about losing their son and their granddaughter losing a father.
Maverick, Ice, and Slider was thinking about what happened with Maverick when he and Goose got into their accident. Maverick was taking it the worst, it brought back bad memories.
Y/N was just silent. She didn't know what to think. She would not leave Jake's side no matter what. She just wanted her daddy.
What felt like forever, but just really 2 hrs. since Bradley was brought in, the doctor came out. "Family of Lt. Commander Bradley Bradshaw?" He said and everyone got up and walked over.
"I'm his husband and this is his daughter but we have other family members here." Jake said holding his little girl in his arms and nodding towards her. The doctor nodded.
"I'm Dr. Ford. Bradley is in a medically induced coma to let the swelling come down from his brain a CT scan confirmed that. He sprained his ankle." Dr. Ford said and everybody was relived but still worried.
"Can we see him?" Slider asked since nobody else trusted their voice and the doctor nodded.
"Yes, you can. I'll take you to him now." He said and turned and started walking and they followed. They arrived at his room number to find him hooked up to a breathing machine and IVs. Everyone started to cry.
"Daddy?" Y/N asked in a small voice but when he didn't respond to her she started to cry and reaching for him that broke everyone's heart.
"You can touch him and talk to him." Dr. Ford said and they nodded.
"Can she lay with him?" Carole asked for all of them and Dr. Ford nodded.
"Yes, since he is not in critical condition she is allowed to just watch out for the wires and IVs." Dr. Ford said and they nodded Jake gently put her next to Bradley and she cuddled into his side. "I'll leave you all alone. If you need me don't hesitate to call, a nurse will be in here to check on him." Dr. Ford told them and they all nodded to him.
"Thank you." Jake said and Dr. Ford nodded and walked out of the room. It was silent except for the heart monitor and the sound of the breathing machine. Y/N did not move an inch and she wasn't going to. Jake was sitting next to him on the side where Y/N was and started to cry the tough guy and cocky aviator act falling. Everything was running through his mind. Was this the last time Bradley would do his daughter's hair? Was this the last time Bradley would help get her ready for school? Was this the last time Y/N would see her father? He hoped the answer would be no but time would tell.
Nurses were in and out out of his room all throughout the day and night. Jake had let The Daggers know what was going on and they all replied back but Jake didn't answer them. Y/N laid right by Bradley's side and would not move not even with bribery all she would say "Me no leave daddy." and they left her alone not wanting to fight her and make her upset. It was getting late and Maverick, Slider, and Ice had to leave since they had to give a brief on what happened even though it was a Saturday. They did come in and out and brought changes of clothes for everyone. Goose and Carole would leave every now and then to go and grab things that were needed including food and snacks and drinks. Which they snacked on while they were there.
On the second day of Bradley being in a medically induced coma they wanted to run another CT scan to see if the swelling had gone down during the night. Nurse Sofie walked in and told them what was going. "Hello, I'm Nurse Sofie and this is Nurse Parker. We are here to take him down to get a CT scan." Nurse Sofie said and they smiled and nodded their head. Jake went to get Y/N, who was asleep at the time.
"Sweets?" He asked rubbing her back and she slowly woke up rubbing her eyes "They need to take Daddy for a minute." He said and got a panicked look on her face and started to shake her head.
"No." She said and Jake sighed he was going to have to force her and he hated doing that. Jake got ahold of her.
"Com'n Sweets." He said and started to pick her up and she started to fight and cry but he got her in his arms and stood back where Goose and Carole were, she started to cry harder and try to reach for him but Jake held her tight.
"Daddy don't go!" Y/N yelled and everyone's heart broke as Nurse Sofie and Nurse Parker, even there hearts broke. Y/N cried and gave up for reach for Bradley and reached buried her head into Jake who rubbed her back and shushed her and slowly fell back to sleep with tear tracks on her face and down her cheeks.
"She really is attached to him." Carole said and Jake nodded and laughed as they all took a seat and waited. "Bradley used to be like that when he was younger. He would always choose Goose over me." She said with a giggle.
"That is true. Especially when he was sick. We could never figure it out." Goose said smiling but it didn't reach his eyes. They continued to talk for a few minutes and every now and then Y/N would move but would stay asleep.
20 minutes had passed and they were bringing Bradley back. Nurse Sofie and Nurse Parker got him back in his spot and hooked him back up. Nurse Parker spoke up "Dr. Ford will be in here in a few minutes." She said and they nodded and thanked them and they walked out. Jake thought about putting Y/N back with Bradley but didn't want to wake her but knew she would be upset, so he gently got up and walked her over to him and laid her down minding the wires and IV lines she must've sensed that she was back her her daddy because she snuggled into him.
Dr. Ford, Nurse Sofie, and Nurse Parker walked in after Jake but her with Bradley and walked over to him along with Goose and Carole. Jake looked over to Y/N one last time checking to see if she was ok then turned his full attention to the him. "The swelling has gone down tremendously and we are planning to wake him up tomorrow morning. I just want his brain to rest during the night. Amnesia is a possibility but I have a good feeling that he'll be just fine." Dr. Ford said everyone sighed in relief.
"Do you want me to move her when you wake him up?" Jake asked and Dr. Ford shook his head.
"She should be ok. No sense in waking her up and she's small enough she won't be in the way." He said and Jake just nodded. "Have a good rest of your night and I'll see you in the morning." He said and they thanked him and then he left. Jake let out a breath that he didn't know he was holding. He was getting his husband back and his little girl was getting her daddy back. The rest of the night they took turns keeping watch until the next morning. Jake let everyone know what was going on and that they were planning to wake him up in the morning. Goose and Carole answered for Jake after he sent it and everyone started to text back.
The third day they were going to be waking him up early 7 a.m. in the morning. Dr. Ford, Nurse Sofie, and Nurse Parker walked in with their things they needed to reverse him. Y/N was still asleep and they let her sleep considering what she had been through. They got to work in removing his breathing tube and when he started breathing on his own everyone was relieved. He also started to push Methylphenidate which reverses a medically induced coma. Once the medication was gone they took a step back "It may take a few minutes, hours, or a few days for him to wake up but him breathing on his own is a very good sign. I'll leave you guys alone but when he does wake up let me know." Dr. Ford said and they nodded.
"Will do Doc." Jake said and resumed his sitting next to his husband. Bradley was breathing on his own and that made Jake incredibly happy. He wasn't going to lose his husband and Y/N wasn't going to lose a father. They waited around for him Maverick and Ice had come back to the hospital to be there for their family.
"How is Y/N doing with all of this?" Maverick asked looking at the now awake girl since it was 10 a.m. and eating some Goldfish and drinking her apple juice. They had turned on the TV so she could watch it. She would take bathroom breaks every now and then but would be back at Bradley's side in an instant.
"She's doing ok. Hasn't left his side." Jake said. Around 5:30 p.m. Y/N had fallen asleep.
6 p.m. rolled around and Bradley started to show some signs of movement. Bradley groaned and slowly opened his eyes which caught Jake's attention and he was by his side in an instant and so was everyone else. "Hi, baby." Jake said to Bradley and he looked lazily over to Jake and smiled. He smiled at everyone else.
"Hi, babe." Bradley said back, and then he felt a weight on him and looked down and smiled, there was his sweet and sassy little girl. He would get to her in a minute he looked up to everyone else.
"Hi, guys." Bradley said to the rest. They all said their hellos back and Carole started to cry. "Mom don't cry." He said.
"They're happy tears baby." She said and they smiled at each other. Finally, he looked down to his little girl.
"How long has she been asleep?" Bradley asked and curled his arm around her. She stirred but didn't wake up.
"Since 5:30 p.m., do you want me to wake her up?" Jake asked and Bradley shook his head.
"No, I will." Bradley answered "Hey, Honey." He said and started to rub her back she stirred again and he chuckled. "It's time to wake up, Honey." He said once more and kissed her head and that woke her up. She woke and looked up.
"Daddy?" She asked and when she looked up and saw him looking at her, her face lit up "Daddy!" she yelled excitedly and hugged him and e groaned in pain.
"Easy, Sweets. Daddy is hurt remember?" Jake said and she let up but everyone was smiling.
"Yes, Papa." She replied looking at him.
"I'll go and get the nurse." Ice said and left the room but came back a minute later with Nurse Parker in tow. She checked his vitals and then paged Dr. Ford.
Dr. Ford came in and explained everything and Bradley listened carefully. He wanted to keep him in the hospital for at least two more days just to watch him and he nodded. He left the room to let the family be together. Carole, Goose, Maverick, and Slider said that they were going to go down to the cafeteria to grab coffee and food. They were so relieved they didn't have to lose a member of their family and a little girl didn't have to lose one of her fathers.
Once they were gone Jake finally was able to break down and hug and kiss his husband, of course, Y/N made a grossed-out noise as she always did but Bradley attacked her with kisses. Jake stood back and watched the scene. This is how it's supposed to be.
Jake was relieved. He couldn't wait to get his husband home and take care of him. That man was his life. He was his daughter's life too. He couldn't imagine how she would be if he was gone. Now he doesn't have to. Bradley was with them and that is all that mattered.
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miniwheat77 · 2 years
Can’t take it back. (Alejandro x Reader.)
!CW! NSFW, Virginity loss, reader loses their virginity, p in v sex, Alejandro being so sweet you’ll get a toothache :)
(Summary): Alejandro knows how important your first time is, and wants to make it as painless and comfortable as possible.
This was a request, I hope it turned out well <3
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Alejandro was easily what some would consider your knight in shining armor.
From the very first day you met, he took a liking to you. Smiles, gentle touches. He made jokes to you so that he could see you laugh. He adored everything about you. When you were working with Los Vaqueros, Alejandro worried about you constantly. He didn’t want you to get hurt.
When Rudy finally confronted him about his very obvious feelings for you, he had to confront them himself too. He liked you, and the thought of you being hurt tore him up.
Your friends that you worked alongside with, made jokes about it. They constantly teased you for how nice Alejandro was to you, how he clearly had feelings for you. But since you were shy, you didn’t know how to react. You had a lot of your own sleepless nights, having a man as sweet as Alejandro interested in you, but you were too shy to take advantage of it. You hated it.
Sometimes Alejandro’s men would tease him about it too. But sometimes they’d take things too far, calling you a prude, saying you’d never go for someone like him because you were so innocent and shy. But he tried his best to ignore them, threatening them with more drills to get them to shut up.
One day, you were out with a few others on a mission, and got critically injured. You had a lot of head trauma and were placed into a medically induced coma for a couple weeks to give your body time to heal. During this time, Alejandro spent every minute at your side. Talking to you while you were asleep, keeping you company. Praying for you to wake up. And when you did finally wake up, he definitely isn’t the first person you expected to see. But you weren’t disappointed by any means. “Alejandro? Where am I?” Were the first words out of your mouth. He reassured you everything was fine, and made jokes to lighten the mood. You were scared after that.
And that’s what made you decide to get out of the military for good.
When Alejandro heard you were leaving, he was sad to see you go. But he was happy to know you wouldn’t be putting yourself in anymore immediate danger. It was Rudy who pushed him to open up to you about how he felt before you were gone for good. So, the final night you were there, due to be leaving the next morning. He knocked on your door and you allowed him in. That’s where he spilled his guts to you. How much he cared about you, that he liked you as more than a friend. That he didn’t want that night to be the last time he ever saw you.
You’d already got the flight home, meaning you had to leave anyways. That didn’t stop you from talking to Alejandro. You started a long distance relationship, and you ultimately decided to move closer to him, because it wasn’t fair for you to ask him to give up his career for you. You got your own place nearby him, near his family. He made sure to keep all of you safe, and he seen you more than he thought he ever would. It was awkward at first. Sometimes it was hard to even say you were in a relationship with each other because of how platonic it seemed at first, but you eventually got used to each other. Going on dates, spending time inside together when he wasn’t working. Movie dates, dinner, his families gatherings. They even took to you well. His mother and many sisters adored you. They took you under their wing and even kept you company while Alejandro was gone. They could see how much their brother loved you, which meant they loved you too.
You took a deep breath, sitting across a couple of the friends you’d made while living here. “Y/N, what’s got you so under the weather hm?” One of them asks. “Nothing, I’m fine.” You smile, “nope, somethings wrong. I can tell. Spill it.”
You release a sigh. “Alejandro’s family keeps asking when we’re going to have kids.”
“Yeah? Is that bad?”
“It’s.. not good.”
“Why not? You don’t want to have kids?” She laughs. “No. It’s not that either. It’s just that.. I’ve only ever been in one other serious relationship and it crashed and burned before things got too far. I’ve never even…” you trail off. Her jaw drops.
“You’re a Virgin?!” She yelps, gathering the attention of a few other patrons in the coffee shop. “Sorry- sorry.” She whispers. “Does he know?” You nod your head. “Yes he knows. And he’s always been really sweet about it. He’s never expected anything out of me, he’s never forced himself on me or put any pressure on me whatsoever. I’m just- nervous. I really like him, and I don’t want to fuck things up by being inexperienced.” You sigh. “Y/N, Alejandro loves you. He fucking adores you. I mean.. you know in those silly cartoons from when we were kids where they get those little twinkles in their eyes? That happens when he looks at you, that’s how much he loves you.” She laughs, making you roll your eyes. “I love him too. And.. I want kids with him. But I’m so nervous, I just feel like I’m holding him back.” You sigh. “Y/N. Alejandro would clearly wait until the end of the world for you. I’m sure none of that matters to him. You will know when the time is right okay? Just take things slow.” She shrugs. “It’s not like someone else is going to come along and take him away from you.” She laughs.
Her last comment stings a little bit.
After finishing up at the coffee shop, you sat at home. Thinking about it. What if someone did come along? Someone better, prettier? What if they were willing to give him what he wants? Kids? A loving family? Sex?
You were so frustrated with yourself, it’s not like you didn’t want to have sex with him. Of course you did.
So, you were going to do it.
That night, you initiated everything that happened. The night ended with him kissing you passionately, hovering above you. You thought it was going to happen. But he smiles down at you, pulling away from you. He lays down next to you, leaning on his hand so that he could look at you. “What are you doing? Why are you stopping?” You ask him nervously. “Y/N..” he breathes. “Your heart sounds like it’s about to burst out of your chest. You’re not ready mi princesa. I can’t take advantage of you.” He breathes. “I want to make love to you, of course I do. But not like this. I want you to be ready.” He smiles. You nod your head. He pulls you into his chest. Breathing in your scent. Alejandro truly did love you.
Your body stilled, the nerves you felt were disappearing. He cared about you so much. Knew you so well that he could tell you weren’t ready. Could tell how nervous and uncomfortable you were. He would never push you into anything, and for that. You were thankful.
You’re always watching Alejandro with his nieces and nephews, helping them with their homework, spoiling them.
Today, at his nephews birthday party as he played with them, jumping on the trampoline with them. Helping them break the Piñata. He was amazing with children. Absolutely amazing with them. He sighs, his laughter dying down as he sits down, brushing his hair back with a smile on his face, shirt rising up slightly over his stomach. You feel a sense of something you’ve never quite felt before and try to shake it off. “When are you going to have kids, Mija?” Alejandro’s mother approaches you. “I’m not quite sure.” You laugh. “Ah, we’re a big loving family. Would love for you and Alejandro to add to it. No rush though.” She winks. She offers you a slice of cake.
That’s one thing you always loved about him and his family. They were so welcoming and so caring. You adored them.
When the birthday party comes to an end, you’re supposed to go your separate ways. Alejandro is supposed to go to his small apartment across town. You’re supposed to go to your own home. You say your goodbyes to everyone, following Alejandro to his car. “Come on my darling. I’ll take you home.” He smiles. You lean up into him, pressing your lips to his when you’re sure no one is around. “You want to come to mine? Got that show we’ve been meaning to finish.” You smile. Alejandro can tell your energy is a little off. Something is different about you but he can’t put his finger on it. “Of course. Get in.” He laughs. He opens your door for you and you get into the passenger side of his car. He walks around to the other side, driving to your house. The drive to your house is quiet and Alejandro enjoys the comfortable silence he gets what you’re around. One of his favorite things to do with you is nothing. There’s nobody else he’d rather sit around and do nothing with.
You’re happier than usual as he follows you inside. “Did something happen? I miss something?” You laugh. “No. You didn’t miss anything.” You giggle at him. “You sure? Little loca, amor.” He smiles that handsome Alejandro smile and you can feel your body heating up slightly.
Your body was craving him. Finally, through all of the nerves, all of the anxiousness and stress. Your body was suppressing it with your attraction to him. “I want to cuddle.” You smile. “Also.. call me crazy and I’ll show you crazy.” You narrow your eyes at him. He raises his hands in surrender. “I’ve seen you in the field, I don’t want to fuck with you, Mi Amor.” He laughs. You roll your eyes. You grasp his hand, pulling him up to your room. He picks up the remote like he would on any other movie date night the both of you had, but as he presses the button to turn your tv on, you push him back onto the bed, making his eyes widen. “Woah- what are you doing?” He says confused. You quickly climb on top of him, straddling his hips. “Is everything okay?” He asks. You roll your eyes, he was so sweet.
“Everything is fine.” You lean down, pressing your lips to his. He could feel it, your heart was beating fast and you were nervous. But not nearly as nervous as before. He wraps his arms around you, pulling you into him. “M’ready.” You mumble into him. “Are you sure?” He asks. You nod your head. He flips you over, looking at your face for any kind of nervousness or discomfort, but he doesn’t find any. He nods his head, kissing you. “What changed your mind?” He asks as he pulls away. “Nothing, just..” you trail off. “I want to spend forever with you.” You laugh. “I want to spend forever with you too. Trying not to overwhelm you.” He laughs. Alejandro was the type to smother you with his love. Buying you whatever you want, doing everything he can to keep you safe, having children with you, touching, kissing, being near you. He couldn’t get enough. He deepens the kiss, and you open yourself up to him. Opening your legs so he could move himself between them. You were a little eager, and he didn’t want that. “Relax into me.” He breathes, breath hot against you. “Going to take my time with you. Want you to know how special you are to me, yeah?” He smiles. You smile, cheeks burning.
He takes a deep breath, he couldn’t help but feel a little nervous as well. This was the first time you’d ever be fully exposed to him. Of course he was nervous. He took his time with you. Kissing you until your lips were swollen and a darker pink than usual, littering your face and neck in kisses. Leaving marks. He was driving you crazy. Your vision was a little blurry, completely dumbstruck by him. He grasps the hem of your shirt, pulling it up and over your head. He helps you remove your bra and admires your body. Kissing your chest and stomach. Fingers gliding gently over your body. He caressed you, took care of you. Your body was completely relaxed from his gentle touches. “You don’t have to do this, you know?” He breathes. “I want this.” You breath. He always thought your eyes looked so beautiful, even now. Pupils blown out in adoration, maybe lust. You did want this. He could see it now.
Something had to have happened at that party.
He unbuttons your jeans, and you help him. Sliding your thumbs into the waistband and pushing them down your thighs as he pulls them down, the only thing keeping him from seeing your completely exposed form is your thin panties. He takes a deep breath, running his fingertips up your front and you sigh. “Tan hermosa.” He sighs. You sit up, helping him pull his shirt off. Excitement filled you, you were nervous of course. But he’d never hurt you, not ever. He takes his time pulling his clothes off. He’s stalling, giving you time to change your mind. But you don’t. You look up at him with longing eyes. Adoration.
He swallows hard. He’s never had anyone love him as much as you do. That’s why he’ll always be gentle and loving toward you. You seen him for him. You loved him for him, and he loved that. Loved you so much more for it. He kisses across your stomach more, caressing your soft skin until his mind was fuzzy. You were going to give yourself to him. He repeated it a few times in his head, over and over. This was real, this was happening. You were going to be his, completely his. He grasps the band of your panties, pulling them down your legs. His eyes take in all of you. He glides his hands over your thighs, leaning down into you to kiss you again. You lift him up, kissing his lips again. “I trust you.” You breathe. He nods his head, sliding his own underwear down his own legs, revealing himself to you finally. As much as your body craved him, lower stomach clenching as you admired his size, your brain was nervous for you. Your heart rate picked up, but you didn’t want to stop. He runs his thumb over your clit, touching you for the first time. You relax into him, eyes fluttering shut. He reassures you, mumbling every single sweet thing he could say into your ear to help you relax. Your fingertips brush over the head of his throbbing cock. He was hard, the tip blushing in need. He gasps as you wrap your hand around him. “You don’t have to-“
“It’s okay. I know.” You stop him, smiling up at him. You slid your hand around him, making him groan out. “M’ready Alejandro. I can handle it.”
He nods his head, “if I hurt you and you don’t want to keep going I’ll stop. No matter what.” He reassures you even further. You smile up at him. “I know Ale, I trust you.” He swallows hard, the tip of him brushing over your soaked folds. Disappearing between them. He leans into you, lips attacking yours, leaving kisses all over your face to distract you from the stretch you’d feel from him. You clench your eyes closed as he slides deeper. “S’okay darling, you’re doing so good for me. So good Mi Amor.” He breathes. You’re flinching and he’s hurting you, and he hates it. He hates hurting you. “Do you want me to stop?” He asks. You shake your head. “N-no. I’m okay.” You breath. He keeps the slow pace, entering into you slowly. Littering your face with kisses, his reassurance has you distracted from the pain you felt. He was big, and you had to stretch around him quite a bit.
When his pelvis is flush with yours, his warmth settling into your depths, a gasp leaves both of your lips. He filled you so full. He holds there for a few minutes. Giving you time to adjust to him. He continues reassuring you, making sure you’re okay. He hates hurting you. But this would be the last time ever, he swears on it.
“Ale, you can move now.” You look up at him. He nods his head. Looking down between the both of you, where you connected. He draws his hips back slowly, seeing himself glisten in your arousal as he pulls himself back, plunging back into your depths slowly. A whimper leaves your slightly parted lips, and he’s worried he’s hurting you further. But he’s mistaken. You slide your hips forward ever so slightly. Opening your legs wider to give him more access. You were starting to feel really good. He lowers himself into you, eyes boring into yours as he starts to thrust his hips into you. He keeps a slow steady pace. He wanted your first time to be meaningful, everything you’d ever dreamed of. He takes his time moving his hips against yours, sliding perfectly against your walls until you’re moaning, struggling to keep yourself together beneath him. “Doing so good mi amor, so so good.” He breathes. He’s still kissing you, slow, deep thrusts. If you were ever suspicious about how he felt about you before, you couldn’t be now. Not with how he caressed you, took care of you. Your needs would always come first to his.
He felt good against you. Part of you wanted him to go faster, but that would wait. You were getting used to him now. As you laid beneath him, you wondered why you’d waited so long. It hurt yes, but it was worth every second to feel so close to Alejandro. He sits himself up slightly, pushing your thighs up just a little bit further so that he can thrust into you deeper, and when he does, a moan slips passed your lips. You cup his cheeks, pulling him into you to kiss him, deepening it this time. He moans into your lips, hips still crashing into yours. He was bringing you closer and closer to the edge. Your eyes were glossy, your whimpers growing a little more desperate as he pushes you closer. “Ale- I love you, I love you so much.” You breath. “I love you too. So much.” He hisses, he feels himself twitch inside of you, he could barely take it. He was getting so close to his edge. “Give yourself to me, cariño.” He whispers, drawing a moan from your lips. You tilt your head back and he takes this as an opportunity to attack your neck. Nibbling slightly on your skin and sucking gently. “Ale, I’m going to-“ he presses his forehead to yours. Eyes shut. “Let go. I’ve got you.” He breathes. He was right on the brink of his own high. The knots built up in each of your stomachs. So close.
A couple more deep thrusts and they burst, the tightness in your stomach unravels and you cry out, Alejandro kissing you sharply. Your body shivers slightly and he rides out your highs, until he’s relaxed. He takes a deep breath. When he relaxes, sliding out of you, realization washes over him. “I.. I’m sorry.” He breathes. “I forgot I wasn’t wearing anything- I’m so sorry.” He’s panicking slightly. He lays next to you. You pull him into you, kissing him.
“It’s okay Alejandro. I trust you.” You smile into his lips.
“I want to have a family with you. I trust you.” You breathe. “I’ll take care of you always, mi reina.” He pulls you into him.
“siempre y para siempre.”
Nah, Alejandro is probably so sweet :))))
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I just love your Mob turtles and their headcanons! I was wondering how each turtle would act with a medic crush. Maybe someone that works for the Mob as a lower leveled nurse that catches their eye after they need to be treated by them. How would they meet again? Who would move their crushes position up in the Mob to get closer? And who would just bash their head in again to see their crush to get treated? Love the headcanons your write and keep up the amazing work! ✨
This is really interesting, thank you for this!
DISCLAIMER!!! Because they're all evil pieces of shit, this will not be cute. it's gonna be scary and abusive (esp Donnie's one) so viewer discretion is advised
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Mob! Leo
you first treat him for a stab wound, it was a bad night at one of his clubs. Some guy got too handsy with one of the dancers, Leo intervened, the guy smashed a bottle....
he got stabbed just beneath the ribs, although the other guy was put in a medically induced coma when Leo was done with him sooo... A small stab was nothing by comparison
He's sat, slumped down, in the doorway of the living room, enter: you
his body guards (as useless as they normally are) called you straight away. the pay is pretty damn good if you say so yourself, being on the mob boys retainer has its perks.
you're got your kit with you, all your medical supplies.
"sir" you start "We need to head to the kitchen, I need a flat surface to examine you" you were polite, but clear.
Leo stands without so much as a grunt even though it's got to hurt
lies down on the kitchen table
you talk him through every step you need to take, starting with "I'm going to need to cut the shirt off, I'm sorry"
he doesn't care, it's ruined anyway
when you're done, he's surprised "I didn't even feel the stitches"
"I have a gentle touch" you wink and then instantly regret winking at your boss, it shows because you're blushing
he smiles too. 'He's got such a handsome face' you think and then you can't make eye contact
you almost shove the painkillers at him in your efforts to leave
the next time there's an incident, it's your day off, but he asked for you specifically and you can't exactly say no...
after that, it's you every time and the "incidents" are getting more frequent and less severe
you're at the house almost every 2 days
it gets to the point where a band-aid would suffice for the injury
but he's started sending you home with gifts, now
fancy chocolates, a bottle of wine, gift cards to high end shops ect
it's getting obvious why it's always you he calls
until, one night, it all comes to a head
he accidentally sliced his finger cooking and it will need stitches, but there are 2 place settings at the table and he asks you to stay for dinner after you patch him up
a hour in, and a little wine drunk, you blurt out "You know you could've just asked me out, there was no need to maim yourself to get my attention" you instantly regret this
he just chuckles
"Wish you'd told me sooner, I was deciding which one of my fingers I needed the least"
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Mob! Raph
Oh he's so accident prone
will never admit it, but he really is
you're one of his newest hires and were excited at the chance to get some hands on experience since leaving med school
boy does he give you some
his first call is because he was shot right in the thigh
it almost hit a major artery
even you were panicked
you kept asking "is this ok? It doesn't hurt too much right?"
but he had to to keep face and even when he'd wince he'd command "Keep going!"
you weren't exactly dressed for the occasion, you were wearing what was once a baby blue crop top (now red) and and shorts and your mid-drift was showing
Raph seemed to notice this a lot
and when the bleeding had stopped you'd got him stitched up, he put an arm around your waist and told you how great of a job you did
it got you a little flustered
eventually, at some team meeting (you did not know there would be team meetings and neither did the other medics but Raph treated this like it's always happened) he announces you as head medic
this comes with more pay, but more responsibility
you're on call 24/7 basically
you get his personal phone number and a "don't be araif to call if you need anything, the phone works both ways"
this kind of earns you the cold shoulder from Donatello who was usually the one who fixed up Raph
everything was going great as was pretty professional until-
one night the phone rings, it's Raph, and he's clearly drunk
words slurring, talking real slow and basically humming down the line
he asks you to come over and if you "have a nurses outfit"
you ask who's hurt
"It's me, I'm so *fake cough* ill... I could use a little TLC..."
you're a medic, not a call girl so you hang up
the next time you see him he's a weird mix or embarrassed and pissed off
like he knows he shouldn't have done it but he's angry you wouldn't fuck him
it's one of his guys who's been beat up, needs a few eyebrow stitches
Raph is too close, really in your personal space as you're trying to work
when you're done he walks you to the door and, through gritted teeth, says "I'm glad my little.... Indiscretion the other night hasn't made you unprofessional"
"That's a weird way of saying sorry" you reply in the sweetest tone you can muster
he glares
"...I'm....I'm sorry"
you smile until he pulls you in by the wrist
"Don't get cocky now!" he hisses "Remember who pays your bills"
you lean in and whisper "It's funny that you asked, because I do have a nurse outfit. Only men who respect me and my boundaries get to see it" you say that last part more forcefully as you pull away from his grip
after that it's a pretty clear game of cat and mouse between you two
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Mob! Mikey
It's been crystal clear since day 1 that he wants you
stroking your hair while you're trying to assess him, rubbing up close to you, giving you pay rise after pay rise...
you try not to be alone with him
but one day, and you're surprised because it's only like 1pm, you get a call
Mikey had a chunk bitten out of his neck and needs urgent attention
you're pretty used to all the weird and wonderful injuries he acquires and when you're done seeing to him, you realise it's now only you two in the room
he gets up and clicks his neck
"That's one thing I love about you, you know" he had a habit of starting sentences like you'd been talking this entire time even when you hadn't "You don't ask questions. It's a lovely quality in a girl" the space between you is getting smaller
"it's not my job to ask questions" you say timidly
he's closing in still "I like that attitude"
your back is to a set of drawers now
he's right in front of you
I think the lidocaine is wearing off, this is starting to hurt" he gestures at his neck "Can you kiss it better?"
your heart is racing and you're not sure if it's because this is threatening or because he's shirtless and you haven't taken you eyes off his abs for too long now
He laughs and puts his hands up
"Hey, just joking!" he begins to back away
you turn to leave and right as you grab the door handle he calls
"But, sweetheart, you ever feel like having a crazy night. You know who to call, no strings attached" and winks
after that, and extra 2k is put in your account under the reference "for your discretion"
lingerie is sent to your apartment as well as flowers
the next time you need to go see him, he asks if you're wearing it
you blush and look away, he just grins at you
eventually he throws a huge party that you're invited to, he never leaves your side
you drink a little too much to cope with the circumstance and before you know it you wake up from a black out in the back of his car just as it pulls up to your apartment
he walks you in, you're still unsteady on your feet, and kisses you at the door
"angel, you should be more careful" he does not elaborate before leaving
you hand in your notice which is only mailed back to you with "nice try" written on it
Mikey always gets his way, one way or another
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Mob! Donnie
He's a very hot and cold man
he'll smile and talk to you one day, then you don't exist the next
you can't get a feel for him at all
he's never been inappropriate or rude just... cold and distant
it's normally you he calls, you know this because the other medics are pissed off that they don't have an "in" with him
you did ask why, once
he just said you give the neatest stitches
it had been a while since you'd seen him
his brothers and he just had a big court case so they were laying pretty low
it had been nice, something about him made you feel things
a mix of unsettled and like you had to prove yourself as worthy
you needed a drink
hat night you come home, your phone died at the bar and you're a little tipsy
only to find your door broken in
you walk in
was that a wise move? no.
waiting inside, leaning against a doorway, is Donnie
you can smell blood but can;t see it in the half light
the he grabs you
you freeze, his arms are around you and his face is in your hair, gently smelling it
something trickles onto your face and you wipe it away to find it's blood
"If- if you're hurt... J-just let me grab my supplies"
he lets go
you turn on every light you pass, something about being in the dark with him just isn't right
when you come back he's gone
the next time he needs you, you do get a call
he got into a fight with Mikey, bottled straight over the head
you found out because Raph is still laughing about it when you get there
Donnie is seething
when his brothers leave, all of them including Donnie a little drunk, he pushes you against a wall and gets in close
you can feel his breath on your neck
"You know, Mikey hired on of those topless maids last week. Cleaned his car, tits fully out. How much would it cost me for you to take this off" he pings your bra strap
you're so insulted
he was a man of medicine too and he was treating you like you're something who can be bought
as if he reads your mind he says "Everyone has a price"
"I don't know" you try to sound less scared than you are, let the anger shine through "how much does a new set of balls cost? Because if you don't back off you're gonna need them"
he laughs harshly
then his hand is around your throat
"Was that a threat?"
his thumb strokes your cheek
he leans in, his nose pressed against yours "I like a woman with guts but, if you're not very careful, I'll take them out and keep them in a jar"
"Was that a threat?" you retort
"No, I'm flirting with you"
sooner or later, you know he'll have you
Him and his brothers aren't the type to back down from anything
so the next time you treat him, when he pulls you onto his lap, you kiss him, make it your choice to go through with it
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