#and being weird in school is a fate worst then death.
people who told me to be myself in k-12 were clearly not neurodivergent and it shows.
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wooahaeruby · 3 months
Chapter 1: I Always Need You
Chapter Word Count: 2,303
Anything in Bold Italics are Korean/Another language.
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For over a millennia, everyone received a Soulmate Mark on their eighteenth birthday. Each mark was different, unique, and overall a personal reminder of the fate many wished to find. 
In school, children were taught of the most common Soulmate Marks; timers until meeting, first words written on the skin, and sharing emotions. Some extended further and ranged in intensity; varying color blindness, being able to draw on your skin and it shows on the other’s body, some even being able to feel the pain of others. There were many cases where a pair would have two forms of a Soulmate Mark. On the other side, when soulmates finally meet and the bond connects, the pair need their soulmate to continue to live. Being away from each other for long leads to loss of appetite, sickness, and – at worst – death. 
Growing up, you were a strong believer in what a soulmate signified. Someone who you were going to spend the rest of your life with, your better half, someone who was destined for you. However, your interest in meeting your soulmate and living your life with that person became questionable with some of the matches fate seemed to make. Your parents were no different. 
On the eve of your eighteenth birthday in 2015, you reluctantly had been dragged to your best friend’s house with a group of your small, close knit group. You were the third to turn 18, which was going to make this event a tradition until the youngest of the group in November. 
“This is stupid. You guys know I’m not into soulmate stuff anymore.” You said, watching your second Soulmate movie of the night, curled under a blanket between Jay, your best friend, and Nilah. 
From the corner of your eye, you see Jay lift her head from your shoulder and turn herself to you. Jay was a hopeless romantic, her parents were a perfect match along with her grandparents, aunts, and uncles. She was the second to receive her mark, total color blindness, and while that in itself was something devastating without a soulmark, she was crying tears of joy. 
Sitting on the other couch in Jay’s basement, Taylor and Amelia perked up to listen to the conversation. 
“Oh come on, just because your parents fall under the, like, 10 percent of soulmates that don’t work out, doesn’t mean that will be happy with you.” Jay defended, squaring her shoulders to face you properly. “Plus, you can get your soul-mark and if you don’t have a countdown, then you can just avoid people like the plague if you want! But at least give it a chance.” 
Staring at each other with equally annoyed expressions, you know deep down some part of you wanted to know… But you had a hard time admitting that out loud. 
The movie played in the background, keeping the room filled with sound despite the silent standoff the two of you were in. 
Taylor cleared their throat and spoke up. “Listen, why don’t we just hang out, play some weird meme videos on Youtube, and just not pressure Y/N so much with the soulmate thing. When midnight hits, we don’t make that big of a deal with it. Deal?” 
Glancing over to Taylor, both you and Jay just nod. Amelia took it upon herself to turn the movie off and changed the app to YouTube. Briefly her and Taylor discussed the video to put on. On the other side of you, Nilah curled closer to you; she had always been more of a quiet comforter rather than an outspoken or confrontational. Back three months ago, she had been the first to get her soulmark, simply feeling each other's emotions. She was one of the people you leaned on besides Jay when your parents fell out, she was your shoulder to cry on when the latter wasn’t available. 
For the next hour, you flipped from video to video, discussing and laughing every so often. Despite the little argument, Jay had settled back beside you, squishing you between her and Nilah. Between the calm, the quiet ring of a phone alarm went off, marking the time of five minutes to midnight. 
Taking a deep breath, you removed yourself from the human sandwich and dropped to the floor, sitting criss-cross as you stripped off your sweatshirt, leaving you in a pair of shorts and a tank top. The others took no time to gather up to form a circle with you to watch if any physical marks show.
“Alright, if you start to feel different emotions than what you are feeling now, pain you know you aren’t in, or any other changes, let us know, we’ll look for any physical stuff.” Nilah said softly, taking your hand gently to give a sense of comfort.
Nodding, you felt the anxiety bubble up in your stomach to your chest. Your heart rate became elevated and subtle nausea started to set in. Some part of you was trying to push down the fear that came from thinking of meeting your soulmate based on your experience watching your mother and father crumble. You told yourself you were going to be okay, that however the person was, they would be a good person, someone who would hopefully love you, care for you, and most importantly, wouldn’t intentionally hurt you with the soulmate bond. 
With idle chatter to fill the void of waiting, you evened out your breathing the best you could, trying to focus on the good aspects of the whole situation. No matter what, you were always going to be surrounded by your friends who supported you and wanted nothing more than your happiness. 
“It’s midnight!” Jay squeaked out, eyes focusing on your skin for any change.  
Then you felt it. Your breath caught in your throat and the feeling of a headache was slowly creeping around your head to put pressure behind your eyes. Your body felt sore, especially your feet, however that was more overshadowed by the headache-turned-migraine. That had made you nauseous all over again. Keeping your eyes open despite the pain, you looked from your feet, up your legs, then to your forearms to your wrists. There it stood strikingly against the skin of your wrist; a countdown timer, the seconds counting down with every passing moment. 
The anxiety you once felt was quickly washed away by a feeling of exhaustion but was accompanied by a sense of contentment. It settled heavy in your chest, calming you, even lulling you some to sleep if you would let it. 
“They’re awake at least,” You begin, “and have a massive headache, but they feel, god how do you explain it, content and tired? Accomplished? I can’t pinpoint it…” 
“7 years, 1 month, 17 days, and counting down..” Taylor mumbled, pulling out their phone to look up the date. “September 6, 2022. God, that's a long time from now.” 
“I mean, hey, that’s after college! Maybe you’ll meet a business guy or something.” 
With the headache continuing on, you all agree to discuss more another time, needing some time to process and rest away from the pounding behind your eyes. 
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It was mid-day when the sudden rush of emotions hit him; uneasiness and worry. Sitting in the mostly quiet studio after a long but successful dance practice, he held back the urge to throw up in the trash can beside his desk. 
“ Oh god- ” He muttered out, only for the producer beside him to take notice of the shift in the other’s position. 
“ Ya, Woozi, are you okay? ” The other asked, rolling his chair closer to check up on the boy. 
Jihoon’s face contorted, running a hand through his hair and breathing in deep to hopefully subside the uncomfortable nausea. The headache he was already dealing with wasn’t helping the current situation at hand. He waved his hand as a way to motion that he was okay, but he stayed pretty still in case the nausea got worse. Thankfully, the feeling passed though he frowned. That wasn’t his own feelings.
Eyes growing wide, his head whipped up to meet the eyes of Bumzu, blinking a few times before another feeling flooded his senses; calm and fatigue. 
“ Jihoon-ah, really, are you okay? You look like a deer in headlights. ” Bumzu asks again, his concern more prominent on his features the more the other’s silence dragged on. 
“ Hyung…It’s more than just a countdown.” 
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For the rest of the afternoon, the shared emotional bond was quiet on his end. On his own wrist rested the same countdown you had, time slowly ticking away. At one point he had zoned out of composing and simply stared at the numbers. 
Soulmates were something many people wanted, he knew that. He also knew that soulmates meant giving up some part of yourself to be attached to another person when the bond between the pair settled after meeting. His parents were a perfect match but like every couple, they have disagreements. No one was perfect, which is what he told himself, and he also knew that finding your soulmate is an amazing experience despite the slight drawbacks. Based on math alone, he would be nearly twenty-six by the time he was to meet the other half to his pair. 
Moving in a daze, Jihoon made his trek back to the dorm. With only a few months into debut, life was already hectic and unpredictable. Even the brotherhood him and his members had created predebut to now, there was a bit of a nervous tension that surrounded them. Most of the members like himself have received their Soulmarks, all that was the last of the ‘97 line – Minghao –�� and maknae line. With all thirteen of them shoved into a single dorm together, they usually sat together on the night before the member’s eighteenth birthday and hung around until something happened. Jokes were always thrown around, they usually ordered a decent amount of food despite the current low earnings. 
Entering the dorm was similar to entering into a war zone. Shows were piled messily in the entryway, clothes were thrown haphazardly across the floors, and headache inducing noise flowed through the halls and rooms. Tonight was no different. Somewhere in the dorm he heard bantering and arguing, there was a voice singing – one he pinpointed to be Seungkwan –, and the miscellaneous sound of normal life living. 
“ I’m home. ” He called out, shaking his head to get his hair out of his face. 
A chorus of voices greeted him as he entered the living room, finding Seungcheol, Jeonghan, Joshua, and Dino sitting in the living room playing a card game together.  
“ Oh hyung, welcome home. ” Dino greeted warmly with a smile on his face. Beside him, Jeonghan attempted to lean over and spy on the cards in his hand. The former whined and slapped his cards to his chest while Joshua and Jeonghan laughed between themselves. 
Jihoon hummed in acknowledgement, dropping his backpack and took up the space on the floor between Joshua and Seungcheol. For the rest of the game, Jihoon simply watched in quiet contemplation, the words of his chosen brothers sounding rather distant and incomplete. 
“ ...Zi-...Jihoonie? ” Seungcheol placed his hand over the smaller man’s shoulder, breaking him from his train of thought. “ Are you okay? You look out of it. ” 
Suddenly, there were four sets of eyes on him, looks of concern mixed with curiosity. He shifted his gaze between each of them in quick succession before they landed at the table between them. 
“ After practice, I was in the studio with Bumzu-hyung. We were in the middle of working on a new track and I felt…I think I felt what my soulmate was feeling because it wasn’t my own. ” He began, clearing his throat to speak up a little more. “ It felt like a punch to my gut and I haven’t felt anything since then. ” 
On his shoulder, he felt the hand there squeeze and the voice to follow sounded collected and calm. “ Okay, that was probably a lot to take in. ” Seungcheol kept his hand firm on Jihoon’s shoulder, grounding him. “ Maybe, your soulmate is asleep, for all you know they are in another timezone, another country, and you will feel things once they are awake. You have two forms of soulmark though, so things might throw you off until you get used to it. ” 
The rational side of Jihoon knew he was right, on the other side of him Joshua placed a hand on his leg and gave it a simple pat to reassure him along with their leader. On the irrational side – which was being yelled at by the other side seeing he still had a countdown on his wrist –, Jihoon held this tiny feeling of apprehension. 
“ Maybe they are some hot shot that will knock you on your ass in seven years. ” Jeonghan chimes in, a shit eating grin plastered on his features. “ Or some big music producer one day. Who knows, maybe they’ll give you a run for your money. ” 
“ Hey, sorry to interrupt but I think Hoshi and Seungkwan are about to kill each other over whose clothes are whose in their room. ” Walking nonchalantly into the living room, Wonwoo’s typical deadpan expression was met with Seungcheol’s exasperated but annoyed one. 
“ And here I wanted to have an easy night where we can also relax but no, I have two of the trio at each other’s neck. Again. ” Removing his hand from Jihoon’s shoulder, the leader stood, stretching his limbs some before following Wonwoo out of the room. “ Yah, can’t we have one evening without fighting!?” 
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captainkirkk · 1 year
Divergence of Destiny by Fernandidilly_yo
This is his life now, here on this ship, serving tea with Uncle and the crew. Traveling the world and staying far, far away from the ongoing war.
The Jasmine Dragon is Zuko's home.
Meeting the Avatar does not change that.
It changes absolutely nothing.
(Until, inevitably, it does.)
Tea and Cakes by ghosteyes
Zuko is having trouble pretending he doesn't has a problem with food and through a series of field trips with friends, the gaang starts to pick up on that as well.
Wishful Thinking by mindbending
Right after Boiling Rock, Zuko found Sokka sprawled in his tent with a bouquet of red roses, and a ring of romantic candles, and one final rose set between his teeth. With the littlest twinge of envy, Zuko realized the entire display was for Suki.
The point is Sokka's flirting is about as subtle as a buffalo yak. To miss it, you’d have to be a complete and utter airhead.
Stranger Things
Down in a Dead Man's Town by holyfudgemonkeys (erraticallyinspired)
When Steve nearly runs over Will Byers on that fateful night in 1983, he doesn’t expect offering him a ride home would result in both of them being hunted into another dimension. Surviving there is hard. Adapting to normal life again is even harder. His old self settles like an ill-fitting suit, and there’s no room for nightmares and fear and his new bond with Will in it. As he struggles to find a new normal he can live with, Steve finds himself befriending a bunch of kids and maybe (definitely) falling in love with a local weed dealer.
Overcome by redrobin1989
When Izuku accepted All Might's quirk, he never expected to feel this helpless again. Sitting in on the interrogation of a serial killer, he realizes that the past can't always be left behind. Sometimes it comes back and brings with it a body count.
One can either overcome the problem or yourself be overcome.
DC (Batfamily)
Conference Room 2B by motleyfam
And okay, fine, Tim can admit it: his parents paying off a school official to circumvent social services just to see him was sketchy at best—probably illegal at worst. They really shouldn’t have done it. Bruce and Alfred would be furious to find out that they had. Not to mention Jason, who would go absolutely apeshit.
But it was also just really fucking sweet of them.
Tim hasn’t felt this loved, this cherished, this fought for and desired by his parents in years.
Doesn’t he at least owe it to them to hear them out?
(Three months into Tim’s foster placement with the Waynes, Jack and Janet Drake decide they want back into their son’s life.)
Another Mirror by byrambles
It’s over remarkably quickly. The winning Batman leaves the losing Batman on the floor, still and broken, and Superman moves quickly to tie that one up as Winning Batman turns away. Turns toward Damian.
His shoulders slump, and Damian feels numb. This is not his Batman.
Anton Syndrome by Anonymous
Tim's parents have been away for six months and counting—the longest he's ever been left alone at one time—and it's starting to have some unpleasant side effects. Luckily, he has a solution.
OR, the one where Tim attempts prostitution to cure his touch starvation. His plan goes wrong pretty much from step one, but it all works out for the better.
DC/Danny Phantom
I Just Wanna Talk by foldingfacets
John Constantine beat the system of life and death until it fully refused to touch him anymore, and when it did, it never went well. It was a fact that the League had come to terms with, or those that knew, anyways. None of Constantine’s past could explain the kid in fuzzy pajamas that was curled up on a chair in the Justice League’s control room asking for the elusive brit.
Danny had barely made it to high school graduation only to be thrust into dealing with the millennia of bullshit waiting ever so patiently for the King of the Infinite Realms to look at. The fact that there was a weird amount of paperwork filed regarding some dude named John Constantine that looked like the weirdest form of tax fraud he’d ever seen was puzzling, and his parents committed that regularly. He has no idea what the hell he’s looking at.
Alternately: Danny is the inter-dimensional personification of the IRS for Death and the Unliving, and he just has a couple questions.
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Being Keith’s Older Sibling
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The urges were too strong to not write this💆‍♀️💆‍♀️
Sorry if there’s some typos, my eyes are in a LOT of pain rn
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Being Keith’s older sibling is definitely a hard feat in itself
After the death of your guys’ dad, things kinda went downhill for both of y’all
Your general mistrust and attitude towards people brushed off on little Keith, which comes to play later in his life as we’ve seen he was a more troubled kid
So while you tried your best to be a good role model for Keith growing up, it was hard to do so when all he ever saw from you was your aggression towards adults who tried separating you both
Eventually, social services do separate you guys, claiming that it would be best to allow Keith to grow without your negative influences but the damage had been done
Keith would grow up to not trust many people in his life because of your separation, always finding ways to sneak off and see you at the school they sent you to
It was times like those where you would promise to take him away from this place, from Earth, and live a life where you won't lose each other again
Because of this, Keith also developed a habit of lying to his guardians about his whereabouts because of your own attachment to him, encouraging him to continue this behavior 😭😭😭
Man none of yall knew better😭💔💔
But as you grew older, you, unfortunately, were sent away to the city to continue your studies there, cutting all contact with your little brother
Keith would then take an interest in flying and would go on to attend the Garrison to learn to become a pilot while you made plans every day to once again be reunited with him
I feel like it would take some time to leave the city and go back to your hometown because of the lack of resources available to you
So by the time you reach the Garrison after finding out he's been attending the school, it would be around the time he flunked out and disappeared
Fate is not fair to yall (crying)
So you get a job at the garrison while trying to find Keith and some time passes (YAY TIME SKIP)
After following Lance and Hunk while also finding Pidge on the rooftops, readying to reprimand and write them up, you all see the space shuttle crash and explosions go off, shooting off immediately to investigate
All while you're yelling at them to get back to the building cuz you don't want to lose the only job you have that's near where you think Keith is lurking💀
After seeing it was Keith who caused the explosions, he doesn't recognize you until you all get to the cabin
It's kinda emotional on your end cuz bro
This is your little brother... He's all grown up now, but in a way, he still looks the same. He's so much taller now, his hair is longer, and he would look at you with a familiar distrust you recognized
It was the same look he would give others when you guys were younger
The worst part is that he doesn't even recognize you because its been YEARS since he's last seen you
So it's a bit of a shock for him when you reveal that hey! I'm your sibling! And I've been trying so hard to get back to you for YEARS!
Very emotional as you both hug it out
Like really hug it out, tears and everything
"I thought I would never see you again."
"I never stopped looking for you Keith."
After that everything is HISTORY
The dynamic between you both is kind of a weird thing tbh
While you're still holding onto the past and the younger version of Keith you remember, Keith has since let go of what the past held, ready to start a new future with his older sibling in his life
Because you're still holding onto this past, you treat him as if he's still a child and appear somewhat coddling in a way
You're just so excited and happy to be reunited with Keith again that you forget he's since then grown up. He's learned to be independent from years spent alone
And while Keith does miss you as well, he isn't used to having this new 'guardian figure' in his life, only used to the freedom and advice given to him from others, especially Shiro
Speaking of Shiro, I think you would go to him for advice on the blockage between you both since he basically raised Keith after you had left.
He knows Keith better, as much as it hurts you to admit it
Shiro would definitely tell you to give Keith space, to give him time to adjust to the new changes in his life. He's still a teen and is still learning to deal with his emotions, so just give him space to fully digest the situation at hand
You take this advice to heart and tread carefully, which Keith appreciates A LOT
Like imagine you grow up with unrestricted freedom, being able to do whatever you want and just learning to take care of yourself, and then one day, an authoritative figure appears in your life and begins setting up these restrictions. Telling you to be careful, making small rules that break your routine entirely
That's what Keith felt when you began making your presence more known in his life since you believed that you had to keep protecting him from the world
But he's grown up
He shows you that he doesn't need you protecting him anymore
It's bittersweet for you to see him not need you and makes you sad that you missed out on basically his childhood
There's just TOO MUCH I can say about being Keith's older sibling, like it's such a complex relationship I would love to develop more on!!!!
This is literally just the tip of the iceberg but imma cut it short for now
To keep it sweet, both of you know that now you're together again, nothing is ever separating yall again
Space wars and all, you guys know you're stronger together and your bond just grows into a beautiful relationship as time goes on😭😭
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morelikeravenbore · 19 days
how would Aurelie have navigated Hogwarts and moving to Scotland in a au where Sebastian was never there? Do you think she’d befriend Ominis?
This question is genuinely so good, but I accidentally wrote a total crackfic in response that only sort of answers your question so I hope that's okay 👉👈
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Toast & Tribulation
A crack fic in which I explore an AU where Aurélie is a Slytherin, and she and Ominis are besties/Hogwarts royalty. Yes, there will be Mean Girls references.
Content warnings: aside from nonsense and total crackficery, N/A, SFW.
Word count: 1.4k
Image credit: Ominis found via pinterest by sallowfae. Aurélie generated by me that one single time I tried AI and decided never again lol.
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When Ominis Gaunt had first introduced himself outside the Undercroft by threatening to have her expelled, Aurélie swore right then and there to hate him for the rest of her life. And for most of her debut year at Hogwarts, she did just that — vehemently.
Such was her pleasure at seeing the Heir of Slytherin scowl unhappily, she made it a point to purposely side with his best friend Sebastian in every ridiculous argument the pair had, until, quite to her dismay, she found herself on the receiving end of Sebastian's crucio to retrieve a book, trudging through scary underground catacombs in search of some weird old relic and, worst of all, an accomplice to murder when Sebastian's uncle Solomon found out about their misadventures and tried to intervene. 
It was only then did she realise she'd perhaps been a bit hasty in inadvertently encouraging Sebastian's descent into darkness out of pure spite — but one didn't just threaten a French girl when she'd done nothing wrong and get away with it. 
As it turned out, murder had a way of bringing people together (so long as you weren't the one being murdered), and she and Ominis quickly found themselves allied together under the common goal of covering up Sebastian's crimes and keeping him out of Azkaban. That allyship, as unlikely and bewildering though it may have been, was only strengthened when Anne, Sebastian's twin and the only witness to Uncle Sallow's death besides Aurélie, rallied against them, insisting that her brother deserved to pay for his crimes by having Dementors suck out his will to live for the duration of his life. 
Anne Sallow had been a formidable opponent indeed; as stubborn as her brother and twice as clever, it had taken all of Aurélie and Ominis’ combined efforts of cunning and resourcefulness to convince her to spare Sebastian a fate worse than death. 
Subsequently, their allyship morphed into friendship after Anne up and disappeared, feeling betrayed by her brother and her oldest friend (and decidedly not a fan of the New Fifth Year), and was only strengthened further when Sebastian withdrew into his own private pit of despair, shutting them out despite their best efforts to pull him out again. 
Driven together by the absence of the Sallow twins and a burgeoning sense of camaraderie, Aurélie and Ominis — later dubbed Aurelis by their many admirers — found themselves with no one else to turn to but each other. By their seventh year, having realised they were far more powerful together than they were apart, the pair had become not only best friends, but Head Girl and Head Boy respectively, founders of la Société du Papillon Bleu (an exclusive club in which Aurélie passed judgement on the latest fashion trends and Ominis agreed even though he couldn't see any of it), leaders of the school choir, and the two most popular and influential students Hogwarts had seen since the original founders had walked the halls. 
If they could cover up a murder together, they could do anything. 
‘The toast is dry,’ said Aurélie one morning when Ominis joined her at the Slytherin table. 
Today, being Wednesday, Ominis had foregone his usual Slytherin green and silver for a bespoke all-black blazer, waistcoat and tailored trousers; one of the many ensembles Aurélie had ordered for him especially from France. 
‘That is unacceptable,’ he sniffed. ‘Hand it to me, let me feel it.’
A quick touch of the toast was all the confirmation he needed. Dropping it back onto the platter like a used handkerchief, Ominis wiped the crumbs off his fingers and declared, ‘Toast is out.’
Aurélie agreed with a fervent nod. ‘Toast is so out.’
Across the table, his mouth full of toast, Sebastian quietly rolled his eyes. 
‘You two are ridiculous,’ he muttered. ‘You do know that toast is supposed to be dry, don't you?’
‘You do know that on Wednesdays we wear black, don't you?’ Ominis retorted, and then, as an aside to Aurélie, ‘He's not wearing black, is he? I can sense it.’
Dressed in his typical emerald and silver uniform, Sebastian's natural tenacity rendered him immune to the self-imposed fashion rules that dictated his friends’ outfit choices, but he knew better than to argue with their astute judgement of appropriate bread dryness, and by the end of the day, nobody at Hogwarts dared eat another slice of toast lest they be cast aside and shunned for the rest of their schooling days — and possibly even beyond. 
And so it went: unchallenged in popularity, fierce and beautiful and vaguely terrifying, Aurelis were free to reign over the student body, revel in their infamy and walk in slow motion down the corridors between classes without consequence or reprimand. 
One spring morning, struck by a sudden stroke of inspiration, Aurélie brushed Sebastian's hair so that it swept across the right side of his face instead of his left. The result caused a frenzy the likes of which hadn't been seen since Professor Weasley had been caught smuggling toast into the faculty lounge, and suddenly every student, male and female alike, were changing the parting of their hair in hopes of replicating Sebastian's natural good looks and easy nonchalance. 
‘I saw Sebastian Sallow wearing his hair swooped over the opposite way, so I'm wearing my hair swooped over the opposite way,’ was a common phrase heard throughout the castle that week, and Sebastian enjoyed his newfound rise in popularity until Aurélie had the genius idea to let a lock of hair loose from Ominis’ usual slicked back hairstyle, and Sebastian's right-sided swoop was forgotten in the fever pitch that ensued thereafter. 
When December rolled around, the subject of the approaching Yule Ball was all anybody could talk about. Rumours abounded about Aurelis, the King and Queen of Hogwarts, until the anticipation was palpable and the collective excitement simmered on the edge of frenzy: what would they wear? Who would they go with? Would they arrive as a trio, Aurélie, Ominis and Sebastian united as one terrifying entity, or would they bestow their company onto those brave enough to ask them as dates? 
And what of Aurélie's dress? Had it really been handmade by a commune of Veela within the Palace of Versailles, who'd once, under utmost secrecy, made garments for Marie Antoinette? As the weeks wore on, the scrutiny over Aurélie's gown became so intense she had to hire a security troll to guard over her wardrobe day and night. 
When the trio indeed did arrive at the Ball as one united front, and glided down the Grand Staircase together in coordinated outfits, a collective gasp of adoration arose from the rapturous crowd, and several people actually fainted; never in the thousand-year history of the Yule Ball — nay, in the wizarding world at large — had a vision of such profound beauty and perfection been beheld. 
Aurélie's dress was an iridescent dream of shimmering gauze, as delicate as butterfly wings. Woven with unicorn hair and real fairy dust, the colours shifted from baby blue and sweet pink, to pastel green and pale lavender with every elegant movement and catch of the light. Several real butterflies fluttered in her long braided hair, and on each arm, in matching silk suits and unicorn hair bow-ties, Ominis and Sebastian stood tall and handsome beside her, enjoying their place next to the ethereal beauty that was Aurélie Genevieve Collins.
Once nothing more than a trio of misfits — an unknown French transfer student, a relucantant Heir, and an uncle-killing Dark Arts enthusiast — they'd risen above all adversity to come out on top. To come out as royalty. Overlooking the awestruck crowd, the three enjoyed their moment of glory until a great echoing bang sounded from across hall, and every head turned away from them. 
Framed in the great entrance doors, a blinding  vision of gold so bright they had to shield their eyes, stood a small figure, her dress cascading to the floor, glittering with what looked like pieces of pure sunlight woven into the silk. 
Somebody screamed, but whether from excitement or terror, Aurélie wasn't sure, until a moment later the stranger turned, moving so gracefully it made her want to cry, and a familiar face came into sharp relief. 
Their eyes locked from across the room. Beside her, Sebastian let out a gasp. 
Anne Sallow had returned to Hogwarts. 
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I watched Rise of red and have some complaints/thoughts:
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Some of the songs were good, but the soundtrack wasn't as good as the others in my opinion.
LOVE the outfits, hints and the heart card skirt is fucking adorable!
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Chloe and Red and fucking enemies to friends to lover lesbians I HOPE cause I will scream if Disney doesn't do that
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I feel like the setting of the time travel is weird. Like, they go back in time when the adults are teens, but they're all in high school??? In a world I thought we at most confirmed to be mostly canon in animated movie timelines????? I mean, the villains who died in their movies are brought back to be banished with no magic on the Isle, so like...why???
Also, it adds a bit more levels of fucked up with the idea Belle and Beast are SOMEWHERE in the past and maybe grew up with everyone and then somewhere along the way when a new country/era was made with them being the rulers but basically shoved a lot of their old classmates onto a literal island with no magic cause "living with no magic is a fate worst than death".
All in all, it's a good movie. Did it have to been promoted in trailers and ads with Uma, implying she's a main focus, when they could've done either just the film as a fun in universe movie with the same plot of maybe a lil' book series that plays with the lore? I'm more upset with the fact we didn't get the original casts much and when we did it was very slim even though their faces were all over this project.
If I had to do a rating system of all the movies counting the Royal Wedding with ten being the highest and bestest film ever, I'll say:
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Descendants - 8/10. Great story idea, soundtrack always slaps even if you were like me at the time and heard it like a million times if you live/work with children, and all the characters have changed a bit throughout the movie!
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Descendants 2 - 9/10 Same for the first one, great plot. It's a good sequel. It gave me one of my favorite plot tropes of identity crisis and being comfortable in your own skin in Mal, the songs are so good to the point I still add What's My Name in my playlist, the costumes (minus Mal's wig but it gets a pass) are amazing as fuck, Uma and her crew are just *chef's kiss* Also this movie was just a lot of bi/pan energy and you can't convince me other wise! China was one of my earliest girl crushes and of course she's an amazing character, Harry Hook made me physically stop at my tracks when I first watched the movie, the kind of funny tension between any guy with Harry or any girl with Mal and of course THIS THING-
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Descendants 3 - 6/10 It's not bad but it's just not as good as the others, ya know? Some of the costumes were weird, what was Doug's hair????, Jane and Carlos are just the fucking CUTESTS ever, while I was upset the songs didn't stick as hard, I do love Queen of Mean and Do What You Had To Do, the plot was sadly not a good one to follow even though there were so many things that were a good idea. Alas, so many good ideas yet so little time. But I think it has a higher ranking in my heart simply because this one was the main one that started my Disney Villain Recruiters Descendants AU that I still love so much
Speaking of which, I think since I wrote the one with Dalmatia not that long ago I'll try and see what I can do with the AU with all the movies, not just Rise of Red. I already have an idea of Jack Heart in this world since watching it, I still have drafts of certain events such as Apple seeing Snow again, I also think I need to cause I found out Harry and Audrey, a ship I grew to love over time since first watching it (Literally I was very into Harry and Uma and was at first annoyed when they baited and switched me in the end but I LOVE these two more!!!), are apparently not together in this! Now this is rumors I think but like I think someone confirmed she's engaged or married to a prince and Harry is sailing with his own crew.
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I'll see what I'll be doing! I'm a little curious what they'll do from here is they do anything even if I personally didn't like it. Maybe we'll see the bad choices of the time traveling? I would like an idea of what if Red's mum wasn't evil then her and her dad may or not met, since in the original Disney Alice In Wonderland our lil king LOVES his wife even when she's scary! I personally think that would be a fun idea. And I seriously can't be the ONLY ONE who thought we were gonna have some big reveal that Cinderella was mean or ghosted to Bridget (love the pun name btw, good job Disney) in the past. Cause like her rage was a lot more than just they were friends when a prank happened and suddenly she's evil now. Like I was expecting a reveal like Cinderella went to the party and either knowingly knew but didn't stop the prank or unknowingly helped. Or maybe even had them be friends but she left Bridget alone/didn't stop the bullying in a kind of early Amity and Willow situation from Owl House with maybe Tremaine doing something to cause that to happen like a rumor Bridget is a bad influence, that could give her a edge as an adult of "you want mad, I'll give you mad" kind of scene.
Also the timeline of the film is a little weird minus the whole high school thing. They did a throwaway line of Chad being in collage which made me pump the breaks a bit. I assumed first Descendants they're all 14-16 years old, Descendants 2 takes place a year or so later, and Descendants 3 taking place another year or two depending on how I viewed the timeline of the Wicked World show with everyone being graduated and doing their parts in society and helping the school cause more kids from the Isle are added in, ending the series with the cast being mostly 18-19 years old at least with maybe Carlos and Jane being 17 since they may be younger in the cast. Yet with this line implies to me Mal and Ben got married right after graduating from school, and while we don't know what was happening during the moment of the wedding and the other movies, Uma being in charge would be rushed and sudden for everyone even herself since she should be the same age as the two who got married not that long ago. Also adds a interesting question of when did Carlos die within the timeline? Cause now I'm scared we got that cute moment with him and Jane having their ship name necklace and just all that sappy sappy cuteness and just afterwards Carlos died off screen before Royal Wedding which I'm guessing takes places the same year at least since everyone's designs imply so with hair and wardrobe.
I literally just wrote a fic of Dalmatia grieving Carlos on the same night of the wedding and I wasn't thinking much on timeline until NOW!
Ideas I have before I leave:
Instead of going back in time in the time your parent(s) are in highschool, I would've liked if it was before the Isle was locked away, like starting off. We could have an excuse to see younger casts of the Villain Kids and maybe even get more hints of who the other parents are, maybe even reveal some kids from the books even if it's a cameo in the back.
Have Red be more conflicted of how she rules. Her being scared to be like her mum is great, and her being a rebel is amazing, maybe show her be a great ruler in the rebellion and have a scene afterwards of her complaining about being a ruler. I would write her with that fear with maybe her seeing throughout the story that maybe there's a reason her mum was a little mad.
Have Chloe's struggle of what to do and break out her shell a bit more and not rushed??
Maybe do a reveal of Bridget being the Queen of Hearts later if you want to do that. Like, have a character fans assume is her and then like a saying happens and we get that plot twist.
That's all for now, I'd like to hear other's thoughts and ideas tho!
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kalivda · 2 years
Ghostly Visit (Gus Halper! Mischa Bachinski x Sister! Reader)
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After the Cyclone incident, you get a visit from someone very familiar…warnings: angst, mentions of death
words: 1369
The nightmares started after that fateful Monday. Waking up in a cold sweat wasn't the worst of it. However, it was the restless nights I spent alone in the cold dingy basement.
There used to be two people down here. Making the best out of a terrible situation. My adopted "parents" hated my brother and I. Despised us even. All because of our mom faking our ages. They didn't get the young children they wanted, but two rage and passion-filled Ukrainian twins.
The screeching of the rollercoaster was still in my ear. Watching the choir members fly off of the rollercoaster and falling to their impending dooms. A part of me feels glad I refused to get on the rollercoaster. But guilty my brother did.
I remember watching his body fly out of the rollercoaster and hit the concrete below. The screams of fair goers. The sickening crack each kid made after falling. It makes me want to-
I shot up from my sleep and ran to the tiny bathroom, vomiting my guts out in the toilet. Coughing a bit, I sat next to the it, sobbing my eyes out quietly. It wasn't fair. Why did he have to die? It should've been me. I should've went on the rollercoaster. I should've...
"Cестра (sister)?" A voice moved past my ears. "The hell..." I mutter, weakly standing on my feet.
"Do not freak out. It's me!" 'Is that...it can't be. Mischa's dead. Get it together, Y/n. You're being paranoid again.'
"Cестра?" The voice called out again, this time taking the shape of a boy. But sort of like a ghost. He was wearing a white button up with a sweater vest. I looked closely and noticed the St. Cassian's Chamber school logo.
"M-Mischa?" I asked, sniffling. "Who else would it be?" He asked, looking at me like I was dumb.
"W-wait...how is this...how is this happening?!" I almost yell, picking up the plunger near me as a weapon, my accent thickening."Really? You are going to fight me with a...." "Plunger!" I whisper-yell. "Right...a plunger? It wouldn't work. I'm a...ghost?"
Yep. That was Mischa alright. "Wait how are you even here right now? Talking to me? In our..."room"? Aren't you dead?" I asked him. "Yes! I am still dead. But a lot has happened. We met some fortune teller. And he knew you were my sister! I do not know how, but he did." I slowly nodded, hoping he would continue telling me this weird story.
"But now I guess...we're choosing someone to come back to life." He got quieter by the last part, but I heard him loud and clear. "Come back to life?! Mischa, that's so cool! Not to be biased or anything, but I think you should. You deserve it the most."
"And go back to that hellhole with our so-called "parents"? No thanks. I'd rather stay dead." My heart dropped at his sudden cold rage. "Mischa- what about Talia?" He stared at me and his face softened. "Talia...my divine Talia...I do not want to leave her, but I don't want the life I've had before."
"Mischa please! I can't keep doing this by myself! They hate me even more since the accident. Please..." I got choked up and was hiccuping over every little word at this point. "Y/n..." "I don't want to live anymore. Not if you aren't there! So PLEASE!" My voice broke and I began to sob quietly.
"соняшник (sunflower), listen to me. I need to do what's best for me. I'm fine with the 18 years I've spent with you. You need to find somewhere else to go. You need to find people that make you happy and find someone you love. Like how my shawty, Talia, and I do." I laughed a little at this comment.
"I truly love you. You were my best friend. My partner in crime. The only other person to leave me mostly positive reviews on my YouTube comment wall. I love you." Tears flowed from my eyes and fell onto my cheeks.
Little sparkles began to form it's way around my twin. "Mischa, what's happening?" I asked, concerned. "Ocean chose someone to live..." I almost jumped up, but contained myself. "And we're all passing onto the afterlife. Except for...I hear her name is Penny." He says. "Penny Lamb? Isn't that the one girl with the brother named Ezra?" I asked confused. "If that is who she is, then yes."
He sniffled a little. "Well this is the last time I think I will see you." A bittersweet smile came onto both of our faces. "I'll miss you, Mi." I said, my vision getting blurred from the tears. "You too, Y/n/n."
"Wait! Mischa, before you go...can you sing me that nursery rhyme that you sang to me all the time when we were younger? The one mom sang before she...died?" He looked down on me and nodded slightly, leaning towards me, giving some ghostly hug and he began to sing.
"Зірко, зірко, мерехти,
Недосяжна в небі mu!
(Star, star, twinkle,
You are faraway in heaven!)
Сяєш ніжно ти мені,
Мов коштовність у пітьмі!
(You shine tenderly for me,
Like a jewel in the dark!)
Зірко, зірко, мерехти,
Недосяжна в небі ти!
(Star, star, twinkle,
You are faraway in heaven!)
Щойно сонечко зайде,
Темрява накриє все.
(As soon as the sun goes down,
Darkness will cover everything.)
Зірко, в небі запалай!
Сон, малят оберігай!
(Star, light up in the sky!
Sleep, baby, beware!)
Зірко, зірко, мерехти,
Недосяжна в небі ти!
(Star, star, twinkle,
You are faraway in heaven!)
He began to sing again, but it sounded more faded, before no sound came at all. I began to doze off and eventually fell asleep under my dingy, thin sheet.
The next time I opened my eyes, it was time for me to go to school. I put on my uniform and did my hair in a decent way, to not make it look like I was just visited by my ghost brother. Before I walk up the basement stairs, something glimmers out of the corner of my eye.
Mischa's fake gold chain he won from some arcade. I take it quickly and put it on, fixing it up a little bit. Using my phone, I pull up my camera and check myself in the reflection.
"Perfect." I breathe out, running up the stairs and gently opening the door, my "father" unlocking it a few minutes ago.
I make my way out the front door and get to school, a memorial standing in the front. Seeing the choir's faces fill my heart with a pang of guilt.
"Um, excuse me?" A girl's voice spoke up. I turn and see a girl around my height with short black hair, freckles, and the brightest green eyes. "Yes?" "I'm sorry, I didn't introduce myself. I'm Penny. Penny Lamb." She holds her hand out for me to shake.
I slowly took her hand, wondering if I was dreaming. "I think you're Mischa's sister, Y/n? You guys look alike." She says fascinated and touching my (h/l), (h/c) hair. "You okay, Penny?" I asked. "Yeah! Actually...no. It's been a week since...ya know, and I wanted to know more about the kids that died. And since you're Mischa's sister, I was wondering if...you could...tell me about him." She asked. "Penny-" "Or don't! You don't have to!" "Penny-" "Forgive me if that was offensive, I know you're planning a funeral and everything-"
"Penny!" I shouted, some kids looking at me weirdly. "It's okay. I would love to tell you about Mischa. I can tell you about some of the other choir kids too like Ocean and Ricky." Her face shows one of shock, but excitement. "Okay! How about we get a coffee or something. At the Blackwood café this afternoon?" She asked.
"I'll see you there." I smile, watching her smile back and run into school. And Mischa's words came into mind:
"You need to find people that make you happy and find someone you love."
Maybe that just might be Penny.
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For Xanxus x Squalo/XS Fans
So I'm writing a fic where Xanxus and Squalo both die, but wake up back in the past. Both never having really confessed to the other and now so used to life with the Varia rather than the lives they have as tweens/young teens decide to basically fast forward the events of their lives. Neither one knows that the other remembers their last life as well and it's going to be pretty headcanon heavy.
But I'm struggling with the first chapter. Under cut I'm going to post the first few paragraphs and I'd love some feedback if anyone is willing.
TW for main character death.
A fight to the death was an honorable way for any assassin, especially a swordsman, to go. Yet Squalo can’t find himself happy about his current situation. He wants to get up and keep fighting, but no part of his body is responding. There’s a dull buzzing in his ears and he can hear the faded yells of his teammates. Maybe they were taunting him with the fact he wasn’t Varia Quality anymore or maybe they were nagging him for getting so hurt yet again or… The worst possibility was the idea they could be begging him to stay with them, crying out in a futile attempt to save his life. He feels unpleasantly chill even when his blurry eyes can vaguely make out Lussuria’s sun flames being pressed against his bleeding wound. Though, through the fading in and out, he can feel a familiar grip on his hair. Xanxus wasn’t yanking it, more holding as much of the Rain flame’s silvery hair in his grasp as he could. The usually loud swordsman wants to laugh, but all that falls from his lips are mostly pathetic puffs of air. The dark haired Sky presses the hair against his face, much like a child hiding behind their security blanket when trying to avoid a cruel reality life is throwing at them. 
Was his boss crying? Was Xanxus really so upset he’s leaving him? At the very least, he can yell loudly with pride in hell that he never failed his promise to his Sky. Even if eternal damnation and torture awaits him the moment he’s finally gone from this life, he can bear it all since in a way, he kept his vow to the man he loves so dear… Squalo’s eyes close slowly as he accepts his fate, vaguely hearing Xanxus’ voice yelling at him though it sounds like the man is trying to yell through water or thick jello. 
“Don’t you go…!...Shitty Shark…!...”
The rest of the dark haired man’s words were unintelligible to him now in this state. Now Squalo simply waits for whatever afterlife awaits him. Being a born and raised Italian, he expects some form of Christianity hell for someone like him. Yet… There’s nothing.
Well, not exactly nothing. He feels warm again, like he’s laying in some luxurious bed. He knows damn well the Varia has never had enough money to blow on fancy sheets and blankets and memory foam filled mattresses. Not to mention the Rain flame is also pretty damn sure there’s no way his team could’ve revived him unless they let him become some Vindice like zombie.
“Hey, get up, lei!”
A grating, young girl's voice yells at him. He was painfully familiar with the owner of said voice, his shitty little sister Delfino. Last he’d talked to her, she was the Cavallone Famiglia’s Rain Guardian and she didn’t sound so child-like. The swordsman opens his blue-grey eyes slowly and looks around. The room he was in was his childhood bedroom… For a moment he’d assume he’s some weird heaven until he makes eye contact with his sister.
“The fuck to do you want, voi?!”
Squalo snaps at her, making Delfino gasp and flinch a little.
“Lei!! Fine if you want to be late for school I don’t care!!”
School?! He’s a grown man-... Squalo quickly gets up and looks at himself in the mirror, horror dawning on him as he finds his 12 year old self staring back at him. So that makes Delfino only 10 which explains her sounding and looking so young… This also explains the school comment. 
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ciderjacks · 6 months
please tell me about cal, love that little bastard
so ok so. Uh heavy Heavy TW for like themes of suicide and mental illness and stuff ahead. I’m sorry I would avoid it but it is genuinely impossible to talk about this story without them, bc that’s literally the central theme of it. But. Okok.
Sso Cal is one of my fav characters ever, he was originally created as like, a tragic backstory for Kimu-
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(Kimu is this guy)
-so like, literally created to die. And he’s always been sort of a sad character. I made him when I was like 11 and edgy so he was an emo childhood friend of Kimu’s who takes his life, sending Kimu on a downward spiral. Like that was the original story basically.
Then as time passed I started developing the story, added more character and Cal got to have a personality, but he still dies. More time passes and I start to really like Cal, and bc his death is like, the most important part of the story, he sort of becomes the “main character”. Then in like 2023 I decided I actually didn’t want him to die, partially because I felt bad and partially bc at the time I really didn’t like the idea of having a character like him ending that way. like. Thematically I just didn’t like it.
So now he’s alive, the meta narrative has decided that he should live. I change it up so he has a suicide attempt, but survives it and gets his shit together after bc he’s now realized he likes being alive even though it sucks sometimes.
There’s a lot of like, actually in narrative drama happening in this version of the story. He’s got a crappy home life, he’s got gender dysphoria, he’s in a weird love triangle with like three of his friends. Usual stuff. Up to this point it’s sort of been a sad version of a slice of life, like. Sort of similar to bojack horseman I’d say, if I was to compare it to anything. I like stories like that but tbh they’re sort of uninteresting to describe.
so at some point I was thinking about how Cal was a doomed character for so long, then got like. a second chance to live. Bc I felt bad about killing him. And then because I love Groundhog Day more than any normal person should, I went “omg what if there was a time loop type thing. Or like a time reset. Or something. Like a single time loop.” And then I was like omg bc now there’s more to the story than just a straight linear narrative.
So now there’s two stories for the price of one. Cal’s first chance, and Cal’s second chance.
So first chance is way more similar to the earlier one I described, before he gets his fate changed. His life in his first chance sucks. He’s being treated badly at home, he’s being treated badly at school, he’s an asshole so all his friends sort of hate him, he’s ruined several peoples lives just sort of by existing in them. Terrible. A lot of the bad stuff that he goes through is also entirely his fault like he really really sucks here. He drives all his friends away besides Kimu, who is extremely patient and also Cal is his best friend.
Kimu is the one to confront Cal #1 (I’m just gonna call this Cal, Cal #1 now. So it’s easier to understand what I’m talking about bc time stuff is weird and confusing.) and Cal #1, worlds worst guy, just completely loses it on him. He pushes him into a shelf, which causes Kimu to actually get hurt, and Kimu is obviously shocked and angry, so he storms out and tells Cal they’re done. Cal #1, realizing he’s fucked up, is like “well I’ve hurt literally everyone in my life irreparably. Guess I’ll die.”
Ofc old pal Kimu, feeling off about the argument like an hour later, comes back to apologize. Unfortunately this is change #1, so it’s too late. Last thing Cal #1 processes is Kimu freaking tf out. He ends up dying at 19, like days before he turned 20.
So on that cheery ending, Cal wakes up. This time it’s Cal #2 though. He wakes up and realizes that he is a baby, he’s back at his old house, and he is a baby. The thing is though, he has all his memories from his first life. This makes him, first of all, and incredibly intelligent baby. (He still has baby brain though, not the brain of a 19 year old. That would be a whole different world of problems.) But second of all, he is REALLY REALLY weirded out and uncomfortable.
He freaks out for the first couple years of his new life, which is the exact same as his old life except now he has cheat codes. Then around the age of like, 5, he has the realization that he has cheat codes, and if he can map everything that went wrong in his first life, he might actually be able to change his outcomes. so he does that, he does that for awhile. At this point most of the external things are the same. He’s best friends with Alex, he becomes friends with Kimu via Alex, it’s all the same.
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Kimu, Alex, and Cal in that order ^^^ (It’s also worth noting that while he overtime is able to address a lot of his shittiness as being shitty, and him being to blame for most of it. he can’t seem to see Kimu as a victim of his crappy behaviour. He even still sort of resents him for how things went, bc first life Kimu was sort of a dick too.)
so anyway things are normal the first like maybe 6 years after that too. He changes some of the big things that went wrong in his early life, he avoids some people he knows are bad news now, which also stops his mom from going criminal (long story. She’s a shit mom most of the time but she’s still protective, and will still do anything for her kid.) he thinks this might save her from dying, he actually does everything he can to prevent her death. It doesn’t. None of it works. She dies differently, this time of a sickness rather than suicide. She also dies later on in the story this time. We’ll come back to this.
anyways, it’s around this point Yami and Amelia get introduced. Amelia is Cal #1’s greatest sin, she’s the person he really fucked over, and it’s to the point where Cal #2 doesn’t even think he should talk to her. Yami is Amelia’s cousin and Kimu’s childhood best friend, though they had a falling out.
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(Yami and Amelia. Yami is the husky, Amelia is the spaniel.)
In the first life, Yami also dies. Completely unrelated to Cal, like they barely even knew each other. Yami died because of a prank gone wrong, done by some bullies.
However this really started off Cal #1’s downward turn, because this incident totally fucked up both Kimu and Amelia, and Kimu being all fucked up is partially what drove Alex away. (The other part was Cal’s fault LOL). Kimu got really withdrawn and aggressive, wanting revenge for what happened. Amelia got weird and withdrawn, and starts focusing on getting into this prestigious arts college way harder than before, and Cal, who doesn’t fully understand grief or why people feel it, figures maybe it’s because her parents are awful and controlling (and like. Ok they are. But. They don’t gaf about her grades or studies. He just totally misread the situation.)
He’s also mad that she’s not hanging out with him, or doing the weird chaotic stuff that they used to do all the time. He tells her she just needs to unwind, and let go of the expectations put upon her. Amelia is reluctant at first, but then as she unwinds, she starts to get way more crazy than she ever was before bc of all the shit she’s been bottling up. They do some extremely dangerous shit, on what is basically a bender, and then he ends up crashing the car bc he wasn’t watching the road. They get arrested, she’s now disabled, her parents disown her, she loses her scholarship, and it’s all mostly his fault. He’s too emotionally stunted to even properly apologize.
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(Illustration of about how he responded to all this)
She tells him she’ll kill him if she sees him again, and that’s the end of their relationship in the first life.
Back to the second life. Cal peer pressures Yami into letting him come to hang out with him and his bullies (the ones who ended up accidentally slashing him). Yami relents, but is really uncomfortable because he doesn’t know this guy. Flash forward a few hours, the bullies do the prank, but this time because Cal is there, Yami doesn’t die. This incident leads to two things happening. 1) Yami connecting enough dots to vaguely remember his first life. Not as clearly as Cal, but now he’s suspicious. 2) Cal and Yami becoming friends.
Yami ends up later introducing Cal and Amelia, and they end up becoming friends, though for a long time Cal tries to keep her at arms length. This is hard bc they get along really well.
eventually he gives in and they become besties again, but without all the trauma and horrors. This is great, and this is around when Cal starts to think he’s actually done well. He’s 19, he’s sort of awkwardly repaired his relationship with his mom, all his friends are happy and alive, everyone’s closer than ever. Like things are going REALLY well.
Anyway remember earlier when I mention his mom dies in both lives? Yeah so. When he’s 19, she dies of a sickness that he thought was improving. It’s really sudden, and it really trips him out. Not only is he just actually devastated, but now he starts wondering if some things are just bound to happen. He worked so hard to change her fate, and she still died relatively young and unexpectedly.
Then he finds out it technically wasn’t the sickness that killed her. She did it to herself because she realized it was getting worse, and she would probably die from it, and decided she’d rather die in a way she self was dignified. She didn’t tell him any of that.
Now he’s really like. “Oh god maybe things are just meant to happen.” this undoes a lot of the work he did on himself throughout this life, and he reverts back into a similar weird jerk that he was before. Less destructive obviously, but he withdraws, he starts ghosting everyone, he doesn’t leave his apartment. Eventually Kimu rolls up to confront him, and remember when I said Cal never grappled with how his actions affected Kimu, and how he still sort of resents him? Yeah.
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So this happens.
It’s at this point he Finally, after nearly 20 years, realizes the one person who stuck by him at all times in both his lives, and the person he arguably hurt most, even more than Amelia.
And then he realizes that no matter how much he tried to change, it ended up like this.
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And he thinks back to his mom, and how some things just seem doomed. Kimu storms out in tears, just like how he did during Cal’s first chance, and Cal decides that he and his mom must share the same fate.
This is one day before the anniversary of his death. Fortunately this time Kimu didn’t actually leave. He waited outside Cal’s door for a few minutes, thinking about what just happened, and then decides something is off and comes back in to talk things out.
He catches Cal this time, right before he attempts, and stops him from doing anything. Ofc Kimu starts yelling at him, asking him what the hell he’s doing, but all Cal can think about is that for whatever reason: Kimu came back early. And more importantly, that before Kimu came back, he hesitated.
this is about when he has a realization that nothing is actually doomed, and that this whole he’s wanted nothing more than to live. He realizes he wanted to live so much it created a tear in time and space.
So then he gets therapy and starts actually properly living his life to the fullest.
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house-of-mirrors · 1 year
Completed evolution after like 12 hours of ruminating on choices (Shirt to wear to therapy that says "I take a normal amount of time to make decisions in rpgs") so of course I immediately take to tumblr to Discuss
And by Discuss I mean Complain
Chose the Wheel of Fortune ending with O and I intend to see the Hanged Man ending with Sammy when I eventually get there. Feels most fitting for their characters given the choices I have. Though both of them have personal reasons not to want to do the whole extreme Chain-Breaking thing so 🤷
Anyway I didn't like any of the possible endings and felt like no one really had a choice. Wheel of Fortune ending was lukewarm. I just feel like "a secret third thing" should not lead to either the forced destiny or the weird immortality thing, and I'm really not into the constables renown but I'm not getting paid enough to get emotionally invested in a dubiously written story. Also like, my character has no interest in the Mountain so what's he doing there? None of it is stuff my character would actually do so... not making it into the OC canon!
Will interpret it my own way ig, bending the rules of death, ssuck my ass, Sapphir'd King
And I'm so done with the revs being associated with the worst decisions lmao. Why does someone accepting their fate instead of trying to change it give renown: revs? Like. Fine whatever, Skies Winter Reside characterization is more important to me than whatever this is lol. And the game still didn't really say anything new or meaningful about December.
It's just so weird because I saw in the discord that Groover wrote most of evolution but I didn't recognize his style here at all, except for like Chapter 6. I do love some of the ES he's written and the discordance, but the writing is a hit or miss for me tbh. This was a miss. Strength in lore but not character development.
Well that's just about all my mental bandwidth for a while so it's back to brass lollipops. One day I will return to Irem but for now the focus is on grad school and being a better writer.
Anyway. Cheeky
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IN CONCLUSION back to playing skies
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deusvervewrites · 2 years
Aizawa is one of those characters where if you take his canon personality, not the Dadzawa one, into account, and his attitudes to the orientation and the QAT, the latter of which has a good a idea to get into the students' baseline and mind, does make him out into a closeted villain in the guise of a Hero. He's a hero alright, but his initial actions would be heaven for villains as it could make or break new upcoming heroes and potentially weed out some good heroes that will take a lot longer to run.
Outside of legitimate cases of expulsion, namely students constantly doing criminal and illegal acts, and Early Installment Weirdness, since I'll knowledge that Horikoshi hasn't been in the school system for a while and probably has forgotten the effects of having a Black Mark in Japanese society. Aizawa shouldn't have been able to Black Mark so many students without UA being audited. He just doesn't care for his students in the parental way of their physical, mental, emotional, and societal well being. He just wants them to physically be alive, when in actuality, there are fates far worst than physical death
So I need to preface this by saying that I've never gotten into Naruto, but there has been quite a bit of thought in the fandom on how Aizawa is very similar to Kakashi, down to his expelling students. However, the Ninja School system is not the same as the Japanese School System, and Kakashi's expulsions only lasted until the next year when the students could try again.
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lifekomorebi · 2 years
The Old School House (1)
After I was born, I lived in an old school house - which when looking back was the inaugural ‘Galunacy’ project.  My parents purchased this huge derelict school building in a small village in Suffolk, it wasn’t a simple do-er upper, it was a complete project – a Galunacy Grand design, which required lots of planning permission, money and work.  But my dad was an electrician by trade, my mum was a keen amateur interior designer and it was a dream of theirs.
My first years were confined to one part of the house, that they had made home, while the rest of the build took place.  A giant living room which was the original school hall, with massive wooden windows and beams.  Of course, I don’t have many memories of this time, as I was a baby.  But I do have flashbacks of a gigantic, beautiful smelling Christmas tree together with their own real-life birds, which were accidentally taken home when dad had felled the said tree. A giant Flemish rabbit called Posey, who was magical in every way, and used to jump through dad’s newspaper to sit on his lap.  A very naughty dog called Jamie who have penchant for eating my cuddly toys and on a fateful day was taken by the gypsies (according to my parents) and I was devastated.  My brother, Giles was also born during this time - much to my excitement!
Eventually, as I grew up, the house started coming together and I got my own room.  This was the start of my memories, at the around the age of four.  By day, the house was brilliant – so much space to play, an outside school yard to ourselves, rabbits, fields and farms nearby to explore.  It was idyllic.  I had my own cubby hole to read books and that is what I spent a lot of my time doing, I was a book worm.
However, by night the house came alive, not a good alive, a malevolent alive which scared me to the sanctuary of my parents bed often.  I remember, it was the nights of wind and rain that used to terrify me the most.  I would lie in bed listening to the bell in the bell tower (why we kept it I never know) creaking with the wind, I have never heard a sound like it since. It never rang, just creaked.  And then the rain…the rain was the worst. The ceilings were wooden and the roof leaked, I used to watch as the water would seep into the wood and start to slowly spread in a line down the seam of the plank.  Turning the wood dark, it looked like blood – blood running down the ceiling towards me. I used to watch it come and pray hard that the spread would not reach me, but before it did, I would have scarpered already to the safety of my parents.
The heating consisted of an old aga and radiators which made strange noises, and there were rats which you could hear scratching around the eaves.  Apparently, my dad slept with a rifle under the bed and mum was terrified that he would shoot us accidentally on one of his late night rat shooting missions.    
My parents tried to make it better, by creating a bed in the stars for me – where we put glow in the dark stars matching the constellations on the ceiling.  I was obsessed with the night sky and my telescope which I would watch the moon before going to bed was my prized possession.  But unfortunately, the bed in the stars  took me even closer to the ‘bleeding roof, so I am not sure it was quite the outcome they had hoped for.
Weirdly, at the same time, I remember being absolutely terrified that there would be a war and we would be bombed.  I wrote endlessly in my diaries about this, about losing my family and I feared death and being abandoned.  I never talked about it as I thought I was weird.   I look back and I wonder where these dark thoughts came from, and my overactive imagination. 
Later, I found out that the school master who ran the school hung himself in the house and I often wonder whether that was part of it.  But maybe it was just an old house, that had stories to tell and I was a willing listener.
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kelyon · 2 years
As someone scared of fire, the last chapter of dark mistress scared the life out of me! Your descriptions of Gaston's death, and everyone burning really allowed me to picture it all in my own mind. How did you come up with the idea? As a writer did you fear that with her killing everyone, that there would be no possible way for redemption?
See, I wish I took notes during the "let the ideas rattle around in my brain" period of the writing process. I don't know exactly where Belle's backstory came from. But I've got some educated guesses.
When writing a Dark One Belle, I make a lot of decisions based around what Dark One Rumple is like. She usually has to be darker, I've noticed that in other fics (including the inspiration for Dark Mistress, The Spinner In Chains.) Rumple can be impish and playful and you can still understand that he's dangerous and powerful. I don't see that working with Belle. Never say never, of course. I can see an evil-but-childlike sorceress being quite intimidating, but I don't necessarily know if that's Belle. Especially not Belle as a romantic lead. The "dark and terrible queen" vibe works a lot better.
I know I didn't want Belle to have a castle the way Rumple does. I think I toyed with the idea that she didn't have a home at all, that she was just an amorphous spirit that only even had a tangible form when she wanted to. It's important to this story that Belle's power feels like a curse. Having her reside at a ground zero of her own making really hit that point home.
Powerful women getting so angry they become fire demons is far from a new trope. While I was writing this chapter, the image of Belle walking unharmed through her own flames was equal parts Carrie White and Daenerys Targaryen. I honestly don't think it's that out of character for Belle to straight-up murder Gaston and her father and any other person who didn't take her seriously and tried to decide her fate for her.
It didn't really occur to me that she might come off as beyond redemption. That's the joy of fanfiction: the readers know who Belle is, we know that she is better than what she did on her worst day. It's always something of a stretch to get the other characters to keep from hating the Dark One (I had this trouble in Golden Cuffs with Belle being way too forgiving of Rumple.) But I would hope that anyone who reads a story about these characters is rooting for them to be good and happy in the end.
As for the specific fire imagery... I have a weird fascination with the damage done by nuclear power/weapons. (Feel free to stop reading here.)
Like, I wish I could have gone deeper into the radiation analogue, something with the ash itself being dangerous the way nuclear fallout is. Or the idea that Avonlea is under a nuclear winter, that the cloud of smoke and dust was so thick that it blotted out the sun. Belle keeps saying that she's toxic to Rumple, that she's contaminating him just by being near him--but we don't really believe that because it's just Belle thinking she's unlovable. If I really wanted to get into horror, I would write something like that. Like, how being in the epicenter of the blast--being burned so quickly your body goes from solid to liquid to gas in seconds--is actually preferable to being farther away, where your death is just as inevitable but much slower.
The thing about Gaston's eyeballs melting in his skull is directly from an account I read about Hiroshima when I was in high school. Chernobyl is the most horrific TV show I've ever seen and I kinda want to watch it again.
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seancekitsch · 2 years
Die With Your Boots on: A Vamp!Eddie Munson x Reader fic
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warnings: cursing, talks of canon deaths, vampire shit, angst then fluff, im turning this into a series. 3k unedited
You’d been staying at Harrington’s since the town split open. Your home, your room full of reminders of Eddie didn’t feel right. Your house was pretty close to the worst of the damage, but spared from anything but your porch crumbling. Despite that though, it feels like it was destroyed. The comfort you felt in the four walls of your room was completely sucked out. Your once warm bed now cold as ice, hard as a rock. Your knick-knacks all meaningless except for your polaroids and the random shit from Eddie’s pockets he’d left on your dresser. You couldn't stay, so the first night you fled, and walked the streets until a BMW filled with your remaining friends pulled up next to you.
Luckily, Steve is a good friend who lives in an empty house. He realized you out of all of the group, really shouldn't be left without support right now. Did his parents even know what happened to the town? Who fucking knows. He’s convinced they just live in the vacation home full time now. Steve is twenty, so it's fine to abandon their only child in a house they’d paid off. It felt weird in Steve’s guest room, impersonal like a hotel but yet so familiar, the former designated room to toke up at his parties, but he made sure you had everything you needed, and even was helping you decorate because in his eyes ‘if this is going to be a long term thing you need to feel welcome’ which is extremely nice but now you’re worried your choked sobs and mourning don’t convey your gratitude enough.
Robin visits every day to make sure you've eaten and you smile at least once, and now on Tuesdays she has been bringing the new release horror films for you. She helped you move the basement tv set and VCR into the spare room and stayed the night with you watching anything you wanted, even though horror isn’t exactly her genre. You fell asleep cuddled up, tangled in the sheets, and Steve came in to turn off the tv when he found you two. He’s glad you and Robin get along so well, noting how he thinks Robin needs more female friends. The next morning she made you watch cartoons with her until her shift helping out at the school turned shelter.
The kids try, when they can. They understand, Dustin most of all, but their methods of keeping your mind off of things don’t really help. You can only reminisce on the good times with Eddie you had for so long before you're locking yourself away again. You hope they can get it on some level, and they don't think this is you being malicious or otherwise hateful towards them.
All in all, they’re the best friends possible, and helping you mourn. The loss of Eddie Munson weighed heavy on you. It would be so much harder without them. Your best friend, the guy you were in love with for two years, and now the hero that died saving you all. You’re kicking yourself, beating yourself up about his death. You could have done something. You had the sinking feeling he was planning something like what he did. You could have stopped him. You wanted to tell him how you felt when it was all over, but he didn’t give you that chance.
In a perfect situation you would have enacted your part of the plan, and then after Vecna was dead, you'd take him somewhere private and kiss him until he was dizzy. Tell him you loved him, and then hopefully found a way to clear his name. And then maybe he would finally graduate. 
Instead, you and Dustin held him as he died, sputtering and choking on his own blood, and in his last few moments he was wiping tears from your cheek with a bloody hand.
Dustin had to drag you off of his body so you wouldn’t meet a similar fate. You honestly don’t know where you’d be if Steve didn’t offer the spare room, opening his house to your blood covered self, and giving you space your family wouldn’t have. They couldn’t, they didn’t understand. They hated Eddie, hated your friendship, your obvious love for him. Nothing to go home to, and a family that would not have let you grieve.
The movie of the night is Fright Night, a favorite from last year. Its good background noise, you figure, while you fold laundry and try to take your mind off of everything, and maybe you'll fall asleep thinking of the club dance scene instead of your face covered in your best friend’s blood.
You did a huge load earlier today, dumping everything in and waiting with all of the clothes you could take from your house in one trip. Tomorrow, you have to start the hunt for a new job, your gig at the diner gone because the diner is now a pile of rubble, and you want to start earning your keep around here if this is truly going to be long term.
You fold a sweater, hang a dress, fold a tee shirt, match a pair of socks, fold three pairs of jeans, hang a nicer pair of pants, hang a skirt, fold another shirt. It becomes methodical, machine like as you work yourself into a rhythm.
Your hands stop their work when you come across a certain tee shirt. A size medium mens Iron Maiden shirt. Eddie. You’d washed it on accident, and tears you didn’t know you had spill onto your cheeks. You’d been sleeping with it since everything, the smell of his cologne mixed with drug store deodorant and slight BO. The last bit of him you had left, now reeked of lavender tide. You practically crumple into the bed, hoarse sobs wracking your frame as you hold the shirt close, it’s softness no comfort to you.
Eddie Munson just died a second time, you realize. This, your last momentum of him, scrubbed clean of who he was. A shirt is now just a shirt.
You think about turning the tv off, turning the lights off, everything. Turning this room into your tomb. Who cares about a job or a life when yours began and ended with Eddie.
A knocking startles you. You scramble to get up, wipe your tears. You expect to just half heartedly reassure Steve you’re okay before locking the door and hiding for the rest of the night.
“Steve what is it?” you whine, opening the door, but you find… he’s not there.
The knocking comes again, from behind you.
From the window.
You whip your head around, hand still on the door handle.
Fuck, when was the last time you ate, drank any water? You must be hallucinating, woozy from crying yourself sick or something.
No fucking way was Edward Wayne Munson sitting perched on the roof on the other side of the window pane.
He taps on the window again, smiling as you take in his appearance. He looks just like he did that night, his hair held up in that bandana, his torn up leather jacket over his shoulders.
“Let me in, sweetheart?” he asks, fingertips resting on the glass.
You take a deep breath, and then another.
And then you scream, bloodcurdling and full of fear. You pull open the door and start running through the dark and apparently empty house.
“C’Mon Sweets don’t be like this!” he calls from his spot on the roof.
You practically trip down the steps, down into the living room, and as if your in a horror movie you see him again when you pass the sliding glass door that leads out to the pool.
“Why are you haunting me?” you shout, more because if he doesn’t respond you can chalk it up to your own mental anguish and have a few drinks to help yourself sleep.
“Sweets you know I’m here. It’s me, Eddie. Let me in,” he begs and you pause, not entering the kitchen. It’s him.
“E— Eddie?”
“Last time I checked, yeah.”
Your entire body shakes as you get closer to the glass door, taking in his entire appearance now. Had he not actually died? Did you leave him there like the worst friend ever?
You press your palm against the cold glass, and he presses his hand back.
You nod gently, a weary little smile on your face as you flick the latch and pull open the door. He doesn’t move.
“Can I come in?” he asks, as softly as possible.
“Y—yeah,” you stutter, still not sure if you can trust your own eyes.
You step back as he steps forward, and it feels like all of the air comes rushing back into your lungs as his boots cross the threshold.
You breath deeply again, and he thinks you’re about to bolt again, but instead you surge forward to hug him, your arms flung over his shoulders as you bury your face into his chest.
“I’m so sorry we left you, I didn’t want to leave. I’m so sorry we left,” You sob, clinging to him like he’ll go away again.
His arms come up around your waist to hold you to him, rubbing soothing circles into your back as you cry it out.
“Shhhh, it’s okay, you didn’t know, you couldn’t know,” he tries to calm you down, and it only helps slightly. He uses one hand to close the sliding glass door behind him, and he starts to walk you back through the living room.
“Let’s go to your room, and we can talk this all out, okay?” he asks, and you’re feeling crazy that he’s so calm. That he’s just so relaxed and taking the lead. You would have expected Eddie to be skittish, jumpy, shrill and yelling. It broke your heart the way he shook and cried before you all battled Vecna. Now he seems confident.
You nod against his chest and peel away from the hug, looking up into those big beautiful doe eyes before you turn and lead him back up the stairs.
“I can steal a pair of Steve’s sweatpants? If you want to change. I know you’re still wearing….” The fucking clothes I watched you die in.
“That would be nice, Sweets.”
You hold his hand as you lead him down the hall, ushering him into the spare room before you creep into Steve’s room. Damn, you really thought he was home.
You dig through the dresser until you find a pair of black sweats that looked like they were Eddie’s size and a fresh pair of socks.
When you come back into the spare room, he’s sitting on the bed, holding his shirt still wet from your crying.
“I hate it when you cry, Babe,” he sighs, before peeking up at you, “Mind if I wear this?”
You relent, and then give him the privacy to change into the new outfit.
“Do you want to shower?” you call from the hallway.
“Maybe in a bit, I want to talk to you first!” he calls back.
It’s only a few moments before he’s pulling the door back open so you can come back in. He plops down on the bed and you join him eagerly, clinging onto him desperately. He looks good in his shirt, but you barely pay attention to that. Now that he’s in the brighter light of your room you see his skin, mainly where he has scars on his arms and neck. Fully healed scars. You choose to ignore it, even though you can hear your conscience telling you to say something about it.
“Thought I lost you, Eds. Thought I had to live without you,” you whisper, snuggling in closer. He relaxes at your touch and lets you rest your head on his chest.
“I love you, Eds, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before,” you break down crying again, but it’s not as heavy as before. It felt good to get that out, the tears are just steady without all of the hiccuping and sobbing now.
“I love you too, that’s why I had to come back,” He kisses the top of your head but doesn’t move to push you further. You’re thankful for that; in your sorry state you probably would have been a sucky lay.
“Can you, sorry,” you lift your head, “Can you explain how you’re …”
“Here?” he offers, and you nod.
“Sure babe,” he sighs, and you lay back down on his chest, fully ready for whatever he will say.
“I’m not sure if you’ll believe me, but I did die. I don’t blame you for leaving me. I was as dead as disco.”
His hands smooth down your hair as he talks, his rings catching in the strands every here and there.
You suck in a breath, seized with fear and sadness.
“Baby, relax please. Please, relax,” he begs, like he’s desperate, “I can feel your heart racing.”
You take a few deep breaths, trying to calm yourself like he wanted you to. He waits for a minute, giving you that time to compose yourself before he continues.
“But then I woke up, I could barely breath. All those… stupid fucking bats around me.”
Your grip on him tightens at the mention of the bats.
“And all I could think of was you, getting back to you, making the coolest girl in Hawkins my girl, if I don’t end up in jail.”
“Nancy wrote a piece about you, actually,” you interject, “Your reputation has somewhat improved.”
Not really, but at least they didn’t think he was the killer. He was still the freak. Eddie was more back to square one.
“Ah, I’ll have to thank her then. But anyway, you notice the big gates everywhere now?”
You nod against his chest. Of course you noticed.
“I crawled up through one of them and I’ve been looking for you since. Probably stupid for not checking Harrington’s sooner. King’s got himself a castle to hide in.”
“S’not stupid,” you mumble, “My room didn’t feel right without you.”
“Awww, well isn’t that sweet? I hope what I’m about to say doesn’t ruin the moment.”
You wait with baited breath, all ears for him.
“You know Evil Ed? From uh? The movie that’s on right now?”
Right, you’d forgotten all about the tape playing in your room, good call on Eddie to mute it while getting changed you figure.
“The best friend turned vampire?”
“I think that’s what those bats did to me,” he whispers, and his grasp on you loosens until his hands are completely off of you.
You jolt up, not believing your ears. What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck? What did he mean by that?
“Sweetheart I’m really gonna need you to slow your heart rate. At least until I know what I’m doing better,” he begs again.
“H-how? Why?”
“I’m hungry, and it’s not for food. I drained a pig dry last night because I was too nervous to talk to you. I’ve been watching you make yourself sick over me but I wasn’t sure if I could control myself enough to even let you see me until I had something.”
Eddie looks like he’s about to cry. You're realizing he’s been here and you haven't even noticed him. 
“I don’t know if I can just eat pigs. I don’t want to hurt you,” his voice sounds so weak and broken.
“I invited you in,” you realize, and now it makes sense. The healed scars. The fact he could get from the roof to the backyard that quickly.
“Am I the only one?” you ask, your hand reaching up to cup his cheek. He nods against it.
“I don’t want Wayne to be disappointed in me,” he whispers.
“Oh Eds, babe, he couldn’t be. He’d want to know you’re safe.”
“Is this what you call safe? I’m dead, your damn heart is giving me the biggest boner and the worst hunger pains I’ve ever endured, I’ll never see the sun again. I shouldn’t even be here,” he rants.
You grab Eddie and square his shoulders, forcing him to look you in the eye.
“Now I didn’t get you back just for you to pull this shit and leave again. I’m fucking scared Eddie, but I love you, and I’ll gladly be damned with you if it means I don’t have to lose you this time. I know you’re scared. This isn’t who you were supposed to be, but we’re gonna work with what we’ve got. You won't hurt me, I know you won't. I have you, and you have me. It will kill me if I lose you again. Don’t make me lose you again,” you add the last part in desperation, and now you’re the one begging.
This look of shock, confusion, sadness, and something you can’t place takes over his features, and then it all just melts. His eyes close as he drops his head back against your pillow.
“How can I say no to my girl?” he sighs, and you lay back down next to him. His hands reach for yours, tangling your fingers together in a mess of rings both yours and his. You sigh and finally let yourself close your eyes, a smile so rare spreading across your lips. Without even looking, you lean over and press a kiss to his shoulder. Hope, something rare in Hawkins, now blooming like wildflowers in your chest.
“Y’know the others are gonna flip when they see you,”You mumble, lips still against his shirt.
“No shit, I just hope none of them have any stakes lying around.”
And both of you laugh, just like it was back to normal. Like you were up late in each other's rooms on a weeknight writing for campaigns or reading horror novels to each other, joking around without a care in the world. And maybe you shouldn't be. This is fucked. Beyond fucked. Eddie would have to feed, that's non negotiable. That's something you'd have to figure out without him becoming one of the monsters you fight. You didn't have to figure that out tonight though. You could wait until after you fill out a stack of job applications tomorrow morning to start diving deep into vampire lore to find something that might help him while he sleeps. So you keep laughing, and joking, and pressing kisses into each others skin.
And then the unmistakable sound of the front door opening catches your attention.
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starsofmilos · 2 years
Pacify (Adrian Chase x witch reader)
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Synopsis: The team realized you need Adrian as much as he needs you.
AHHH I just got too excited for the concept of witch reader going berserk thinking Adrian died and I know a lot of you were excited too! So technically no one requested it, but here I am! I hope yall enjoy.
Witch Masterlist
Warnings: cursing, angst, mental break down, sad Adrian, mentions of death, magic, witch craft 
“Y/N there are three things you must understand as a member of this family.” Your aunt forced you to sit so you could listen to her.
You had just moved to Gotham with your aunt for the year. The bullying at school was getting bad especially by Gut Chase. 
He made fun of you for liking his younger brother. 
Your family had been born into a line of witches and your great grandmother had made a deal with a demon forging your families blood with a demon. You were the last one born in your blood line with the demon blood. 
Rumors of you being different weren’t anything new to you. You were use to the kids at school picking on you, but as you grew older the towns people started also joining the kids at school. Calling you a witch, throwing things at you and shunning you.
You’re breaking point was when Gut threatened to tell his younger brother how the weird witch liked him. None of them know if you were really a witch, but your family was known for causing one of the worst depressions to ever hit Evergreen. 
“Listen closely to me.” Your aunt reprimanded you for zoning out. You nodded sitting up. 
“Look I know why you came here at some point all of us had reached your point. You’re tired, but you must not give up. We are fighters here.” You nodded. 
“Mankind has always feared what it doesn’t understand. They will laugh at you because you are different. There may never come a day where they don’t,but we are who we are by the path we choose. You don’t ever let anyone dictate that for you. I promise you the future is worth it. It’s worth all the pain and tears you shed..” 
You were seventeen when you moved with your aunt for the year. You never did quite understand what she meant. You didn’t understand it when she said the future was worth it.
You loved the bookshop you opened, but no matter what you did everyone still hated you. They shopped at your store, but never really spoke with you. You didn’t understand what your aunt meant until one fateful night as you walked home you saw a foot sticking out from behind your trash can.
There lied a passed out bleeding Vigilante. You took him in and met Adrian once again shortly after and you finally understood what she meant. Adrian was your future and your future was worth it. Nothing else mattered to you so long as Adrian stuck around.
This led you to today. You woke up with feeling sick. Nauseous and shaky. Something was telling you that trouble was on the way. Adrian was in danger. 
“I just have a really bad feeling about this mission!” Adrian hugged you trying to reassure you. “I’ll be okay!” 
You groaned nuzzling into his neck. “I just worry..You know I do..” Adrian nodded. “i know. I worry about you all the time too.” You smiled as he kissed your forehead.
“I have a bad feeling. You have your tiger’s eye right?” He nodded. “And the crystal?” 
“Yes I do.” “You remember if you’re ever in serious serious trouble-” “Break the crystal and it will notify you.” You kissed him. “Please be safe..” Adrian grinned as he felt you tighten your hold. He’s never really had someone care this much about his well being before.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to go?-” “No we got it. It’s a really simple mission.”
It was suppose to be a simple mission. 
You felt it the very next night. Adrian wasn’t back. He said he’d be back by now. He never lied and was never late. Is he okay?
Why isn’t he calling or messaging at least? He knows how much you worry. Adrian knew to send some sign if he was going to be late, so why wasn’t he?
You tapped your foot impatiently waiting for the door to open or at least for your phone buzz. Neither happened. You sat there all night.
Midnight came, then one, two, three, the next thing you know it was seven in the morning. You were running on zero sleep. 
You didn’t want to call in case they were in the middle of the mission. What if your phone call gave them away?
Jumping, you looked seeing Adebayo’s contact name pop up. “Hello!” You answered quickly.
“Y/N hey it’s me Leota?” 
“Yeah I know. Is everything okay? Where’s Adrian?” You stood up frantically pacing. 
“Um the team didn’t want to tell you in case you worried, but I know if this was my wife I’d want to know...” You stopped hearing her words.
“Leota...where’s Adrian?...” You shook a bit. 
“It was a harder mission then we thought-” 
“Leota where the fuck is he?” You snapped taking a shaky breath. Your entire body was filled with dread and anger. 
“We’re gonna get him back. I promise.” You hung up grabbing your bag. They were gonna hear it from you personally.
Using your magic you pushed the door open barging in looking around. Emilia and John jumped seeing you. “No..” You gasped a bit seeing the helmet in Chris’s hands. 
“What happened?” You bit out angrily as Leota walked in. “Y/N calm down let us explain-” Emilia raised her arms. “No screw you. None of you had the balls to call me, so don’t tell me to calm down. Where is Adrian?!”
Chris flinched hearing your voice crack. They all stood silent. “Where is he? Please..tell me..he’s not dea-”
“We don’t know.” Chris spoke up looking up at you. “We can’t give you an answer because we don’t know..” Your legs went wobbly.
“This mission was harder than we thought. I should’ve had you come with us Y/N. I’m sorry..We were all trying to retreat and we lost him. We barely made it back ourselves...we heard him yell for help. They took him...” 
“You didn’t try to get him back?!” Adebayo looked away. “There was nothing else we could’ve done-”
“Bull shit! There was so much more you could’ve done. Did any of you even try to fight for him or save him?!” 
You looked around seeing all of the sadly look down. “I can’t believe it..None of you tried to go to him..” 
“It’s not that we didn’t want too. We had to regroup. Adrian knows this-” You shook your head cutting off Emilia.
“No! No! You all left him! You left him! None of you want to admit it! The sad thing is that..Adrian still would’ve probably fought to get each one of you back! He would’ve risked his life for everyone here! None of you wanted to look for him or try to fight for him?!” 
Hot tears fell down your eyes as the room shook and lights flickered. “Y/N calm down-” Leota called out for you.
“You’re all cowards?! All of you should be ashamed! None of you wanted to call me either because you knew I’d blame you! Because it is all of your faults! All of you have treated Adrian like shit-” 
“No we don’t-” Chris tried to defend himself and everyone, but was cut off by one of the lights breaking.
“No you do! You’re all always cutting him off! Most of you find him annoying. None of you care enough to actually make sure he isn’t hurt after all the missions! Do any of you have any idea how many times I’ve had to heal him because he brushes off his injuries?! He says his don’t matter and for me to check on all of you! I know the stories from the beginning like how you let him get tortured!” 
You glared at Chris. “All of you always brush him off and none of you genuinely care about his opinion! But I never thought you’d all go so far as to leave him behind..I never thought you’d all leave him..You’re all the people he holds close to him..He doesn’t like to admit, but you all mean so much to him..why couldn’t he mean the same to you? His life matters too!” You sobbed out a bit. 
Emilia shook a bit teary eyed. “I promise we’re gonna try to find him.” The room stopped shaking, but the lights kept flickering. “I can’t make any promises he’s alive, but we’ll try to find him.” She promised you as you wiped your face. 
“You better. All of you better, because he would do the same for all of you. He looks up to each one of you so much and..Adrian is all I have left..Please..” You clutched your chest feeling it tighten. Without another word, you left.
John sighed staring at the helmet. “I’m gonna start trying to find his phone. Emilia start making a plan with Leota. Chris get the weapons ready.” They all nodded. 
You were right. They had always been harsh on Adrian, but he still would’ve risked everything to get them back.
You walked down the streets trying to remain still. Everything felt out of place. Nothing felt okay. When you were younger, you had promised yourself to never fall in love. Most of the people in your life never stood for long..
You never thought you’d lose Adrian so fast though. He’s not dead he can’t be..He promised he’d make it home. He always kept his promise.
“Okay I think I found his phone.” John called out as Chris loaded the van. “We’ll head to there first and see were we could go from there.” Emilia called out as Leota stared at a photo of the whole team. Adrian never was taken seriously by any of them..he really did care for them too...
They all sat in the van. No music. No talking. All of them were concentrated and going over how maybe they had been a bit harsh on Adrian. Why didn’t they fight harder to get him back?
You sat in your living room trying to use whatever magic you had to find Adrian. He wasn’t anywhere you could see. 
The team had stared in shock finding the crystal you had given Adrian and his tiger’s eye. He never left anywhere without them.
“Guys..I think this means-”John spoke up. “No it doesn’t mean shit!” Chris snapped out. “Vig is tough okay? He has to be around here somewhere and maybe-”
“Guys..” Emilia called out pointing ahead. There was blood covering the floor. A lot of blood. “Fuck..” Chris cursed as he fell down feeling tears rise. Adrian more than likely was dead. 
Only he wasn’t. 
Adrian had managed to escape the people they had been going after barely. He had accidentally dropped his things while hiding. His leg had been stabbed. He lost a lot of blood, but was alive.
The team looked at each other nodding. “One of us has to tell Y/N..” Emilia kicked the tree cursing. “FUCK!” Leota grabbed her phone. “I’ll call her.” 
“Don’t this isn’t something you tell someone over the phone.” John grabbed Adrian’s things. “We all have to talk to her..” He told everyone getting in the van. 
You frantically paced the room. Your magic couldn’t find him. You couldn’t find him. Where the hell is Adrian?
A knock on the door interrupted your thoughts. You raced swinging it open seeing John and everyone else. “Guys..where is he?”You looked behind him before noticing something in John’s arms. 
You shook seeing the crystal and tiger’s eye. “There was a lot of blood-” “No..” You mumbled out. “No no no!” 
“I’m sorry Y/N.” Emilia whispered out to you. “NO!” You fell straight to the floor screaming and crying. “No!!” Chris looked away hearing your cries. The lights in your room all broke as you cried. Leota tried to reach out for you, but you stopped her. 
“Don’t touch me!” You snapped out shaking. “Please...all of you leave..” “Y/N-” John tried to speak, but they were all caught off by you. You used your magic pushing them all out.
Two days passed, the team grew worried not hearing a word from you. You had been in the same position since the day they left. Crying in despair on your floor.
This wasn’t right. Adrian was supposed to be with you. He promised. He fucking promised. He said nothing would happen! All that despair was starting to disappear and one thing stood behind. 
Adrian was gone. That means you needed to learn to go on without him. There would be no more surprises by him. No more late night cuddles and baking. You were struggling to keep your cool.
Adrian usually helped calmed you in times like these. That single thought broke you.
He would never hold you or tell you he loves you again. A crash downstairs made you jump. You walked down the stairs seeing a group of men destroying your shop once more. 
“Looks like the witch finally came down here!” One of them laughed as he used a bat to break a shelf. You stood there with a blank stare on your face. 
You tilted your head as they continued trashing your store. “Stop.” You weakly called out. Everything you had been holding in was on the verge of spilling out. You were unstable any minute you were bound to lose it.
“Look she’s alone! That’s not surprising the witch is all alone!!” They laughed beginning to shove you. You fell the floor as they began kicking you.
Adrian. Adrian..
His name kept ringing through your head. These men who were hurting you and destroying your things once again didn’t know the trouble they just put themselves into.
They were just like the terrible people who killed Adrian. They didn’t deserve to live. No one did.
You screamed out releasing an energy blast sending them all flying. Standing up, you turned glaring at them angrily. “Monsters!! You’re all monsters!! You beat down the innocent and take away anything that is dear!!”
“You all took him away!! You took him away!!”They looked in fear as your hands glowed black eyes red.
John looked in confusion getting an alert on his computer. It was from the police. An evacuation alert. A supposed tornado was hitting town. “Guys!”
You threw aside anything that got near you not wanting to hurt anyone. You sobbed in pain from the hits you had taken earlier. Adrian wasn’t here. You were trying to rein it in. 
Dead. Dead. Dead.
“STOP!!” You screamed out gripping your hair as voices rang out in your head. “Y/N!” You heard Emilia call out. 
“Y/N!! Can you hear me?!!” You shook letting everything out. Your eyes glowed red as you cried. She managed to make it to you reaching out. “Calm down! You’re destroying everything!” 
“Harcourt I’m giving you ten seconds to get away! I can’t control it!” “Please calm down! We know it hurts Adrian is gone-”
“Shut up!!! You have no idea how I fucking feel!! You didn’t care for him the way I did!! He was all I fucking had!! You all left him!! You left him!!” You cried out. “Please I don’t want to hurt anyone...Please leave Emilia..Get everyone away from here..”
“I can’t do that. Adrian wouldn’t want us to leave you! You’re in pain! We all deal with pain differently-” 
“I am not in pain.” 
Your sadness started turning into anger. “I am mourning and I am angry! I am so tired of being seen as a monster! They destroyed my shop again! They hurt me again! The one person I loved is gone! I have nothing left Emilia!”
“You have us-” 
“No I don’t! I know I don’t!!” 
“Y/N we care for you!” You heard Chris yell out approaching.
“We care for you because Adrian did so please-” 
“Get out of here Chris! All of you just leave!! Don’t make me have to force you..I can’t control anything!” 
They grew scared of you. Your eyes widened seeing Emilia reach for her gun. Your magic was influencing them making them more scared then they should be.
You screeched out using your magic to push them away. “Get away from me!!” You stood up beginning to walk away. “I’m done..I’m tired of trying to be the good person. The world just takes and takes..I have nothing left for you or the world to take.” You left without another word leaving Chris and Emilia laying in shock. 
You had gone a rampage destroying anyone who crossed your path as you walked away. This was your true power. The blood of a demon and witch. You casted a spell to stop the team from following you.
You were done hiding your true self. The town was scared seeing the heavy storm outside. They all knew it was secretly you.
‘The witch was angry!’ You had heard someone yell out as you walked far away. Somewhere were you could be alone. The woods.
Adrian had weakly made it back to town heading for the record shop. John patched up Emilia. She had cut her head when you sent her flying. “This is our fault..” Leota sighed as she patched up Chris. 
Chris nodded in agreement. “She was right. I was kinda’ve an asshole to Vig.”
“Woah so you admit to being an asshole.” They all looked in shock as Adrian smiled a bit. “Surprise..” He passed out on the floor. They all raced to him helping him up.
“Holy shit..” John whispered in amazement. 
Adrian awoke later patched up smiling as everyone stared down in amazement.
“Don’t tell me you all thought I died..Takes a lot more than some randoms kidnapping me.” He coughed a bit as Emilia began patching him up. “We need to get you to Y/N fast.” She began to catch him up.
“Woah...she’s really not there huh?” She nodded. “She’s sad Adrian and she’s quite literally lost it.”
Adrian nodded trying to get up. “She needs me-” “Woah dude she’s not thinking straight. She quite literally fucked up our shit who’s to say she won’t hurt you-” Chris pushed him back down stopping as Adrian pushed his arm away from him. 
“I know my girlfriend. She won’t hurt me. She could never hurt anyone who doesn’t deserve it by choice. She’s just scared and hurt. I can calm her..Please guys help me get to her.” 
You sat by yourself in the woods letting the dark magic destroy the trees and keeping everything else away from you. You cried as you held yourself. You were truly alone. Your aunt was right and wrong.
Mankind fears what it doesn’t understand, but the future was not worth it. You just wanted this pain to go away. Everyone was lucky you left town. You were on the verge of destroying everything around you. 
You wanted too. You wanted this time to plan your revenge. You planned on finding the people who killed Adrian and going back to the town that had shunned you.You decided to meditate to help you find the people and to also escape for a bit.
You tilted your head hearing footsteps approach you. Someone was brave enough to come near you. You didn’t want to fight this person. They’d leave eventually. Your magic would push them away eventually..
Only it didn’t.
You tilted your head in confusion. Sighing you raised your hand pushing the person approaching away. They fought back. Adrian groaned a bit trying to get into the bubble you had basically wrapped yourself in. 
His wounds throbbed as Chris tried to pull him back. “It’s no use dude! We can’t get in!” 
“Y/N!!” Adrian yelled out for you.
You shook your head. He wasn’t really here. They were trying to stop you. Adrian forced his way inside smiling when he saw you. You raised your hands yelping as you were tackled down.
Adrian had stumbled his way to you basically falling on you. “Hi..” He mumbled out into your shoulder enveloping you in a hug. You landed softly on the ground looking at him in shock.
Your bubble fell. The storm had stopped. Everything fell silent all at once. You gripped him tightly gasping for air. Your chest was tight as your actions came back to you. You hurt your friends and hurt people. The town would’ve been probably wiped out had Adrian not gotten here.
Fresh tears welled up in your eyes as Adrian pulled back frowning when he saw the bruises on your arms and peeking a bit under your shirt.
“Who the fuck did this to you?!” He asked angrily looking at Chris.”Who the fuck attacked her?!” He snapped out as you pinched yourself making sure this was real.
It stung.
“Dude none of us hurt her! She was like that when we got to her!” Adrian glared before turning back to see you staring at him in shock trying to breathe. “You okay? The bruises don’t hurt right? I promise I will fucking kill who ever did this to you-” Adrian made a surprise noise as you jumped on him crying into him.
You didn’t really understand it, but you just were happy he was right here. Adrian clutched you tightly fisting his hand into your hair. “I got you..Y/N..Calm down now..” At his proclamation you cried harder.
Adrian sighed as you sobbed into his chest. “Calm down please.” He asked you with a small laugh as you gripped him tighter. “I hate you!” You dug your hands into his back. 
“I know you do..I broke my promise.” You nodded. “Please don’t leave me..” He shook his head. “I won’t leave you.” “I’m sorry-” 
“You have nothing to apologize for. I probably would’ve done worse if it was you who went missing Y/N and then I thought you died. You had a normal reaction. I will admit though it was kinda funny when the team told me you were on a rampage. I thought really? You usually are pretty good keeping your cool-” 
“Because you’re here Adrian! I’m calm whenever you’re here.” You cut him off pulling away. “You’re hurt!” You gasped immediately helping him up. “We gotta get to my place! I have the herbal cream I make to heal your wounds!” 
Adrian shook his head hugging you again. “I’m fine-” “No you are not! You’re bleeding! I don’t want you hurt Adrian! I don’t want to lose you and and-” 
“Okay okay calm down..We’ll go okay?” You sniffled a bit. Adrian smiled a bit. He knew he probably shouldn’t feel this happy, but you really loved him. “Come on..”
Once at your house, Adrian grunted seeing the way your store was trashed. “Did the people who did this hurt you?” You nodded helping him upstairs with everyone else.
“I swear to god I will fucking kill them. I will find them and-” “I pushed them away. They’re not dead, but they are hurt.” 
Adrian shook his head. “I would’ve fucking killed them. I still plan on killing them.” You sat him down grabbing your first aid kit and medicinal herbs. You sniffled as you cleaned him up applying the cream. 
“You should be okay by tomorrow..” You mumbled out. The team sighed in relief. “I’m sorry everyone..I was angry and upset-” 
“No you were right Y/N. It wouldn’t kill us to be nicer to Vig.” You looked down as Emilia reassuringly smiled at you. “We’re just happy you’re back.” You nodded not wanting to admit that this whole experience changed you a bit. 
The fear of losing Adrian was worser than it was before. It became clear to you that you needed Adrian. Probably more than he needed you. He could soothe you in ways no one else can. “Alright we’ll give you guys some privacy.” Leota had everyone go downstairs to see what they can salvage from your shop.
Adrian leaned onto you. “Fuck me I was so fucking worried.” He grasped your face kissing you. 
“When they told me what happened, I was so fucking worried. I missed you so fucking much. I was so worried when they said someone came in here and trashed your shop. I-I can’t lose you.” 
Adrian kept kissing you not letting you go. You nodded quietly hugging him back. “Adrian I’m sorry..” 
He chuckled, “No it’s okay..This is not good to mention but knowing you kinda lost control at just the thought of me dead gives me quite the ego boost.” You shoved him away standing up to put away your things. Adrian grabbed your hand pulling you back to him.
“Come on don’t be mad.” You sighed as he held you. “You need rest Adrian-” “So do you.” He snapped back. “Look..I know you’re upset with yourself but don’t be-”
“I lost control. I lost full control..I almost killed our friends and almost killed the town-” “But you didn’t.” “You stopped me in time..what if you hadn’t been there?” 
You shook a bit in fear. “What if you actually died?” Adrian gripped you as you whimpered crying a bit. “I really can’t lose you Adrian! I really can’t!” You cried as he kissed your cheeks. 
“Look I didn’t die though. You’re not gonna lose me. I’m tougher than you think dummy. Come on you’re supposed to be the smart one.” He chuckled kissing your forehead.
“I love you so much Y/N. I know even if something did happen you would’ve stopped yourself, but nothing like that is ever going to happen okay?” You nodded. 
“Please don’t leave..” “I won’t..” “I don’t scare you now right-” “You don’t scare me at all.” 
“I love you too..” Adrian grinned holding you tightly. “Come on pretty witch. Let’s get some rest together.” You nodded having Adrian lead you to your bedroom. Adrian shook his head seeing the bruises on you once more.
“I will fucking murder them for hurting you.” He clenched his fist tightly. “It’s okay they don’t hurt-” “No I know they do. I’m sorry I wasn’t here to protect you.”
“I could protect myself.” 
“I know you can, but they attacked you when you were vulnerable.” “They chose the wrong day to try to wreck my shop.” Adrian nodded. “And they’re not done fucking regretting going after your shop. I mean it. No one hurts you while I’m around and gets away with it.” 
Adrian pulled you into him laying with you. “Okay...now sleep please.” You nodded kissing Adrian before closing your eyes. “Thank you Adrian..” Adrian smiled. He knew if the roles had been reversed...he probably would’ve reacted worse than you did. 
He didn’t want to think about that though as you slept next to him. So long as he was around nothing would hurt you. The team knew this for a fact as well. You needed Adrian and Adrian needed you. 
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ok, so we have paranoid bella and all other incarnations, but what about Bella who is just a complete sociopath. She completely understands what a vampire is and what she's getting into by wanting to be one. Bella just wants to be immoral and powerful regardless of the consequences. Edward can't read her mind and I imagine Bella has learned social cues and hiding evidence enough to be about at an equal level social standings wise with already weird book Bella. How does the twilight series go?
Anon is referring to Paranoid Bella.
And oh boy, alright, let's do this I suppose.
On Why Bella Doesn't Have to Be the World's Greatest Actress
Of a note, I don't think Edward would even notice that Bella's... odd. Even if she were a fantastic actress (Bella is notably in canon a very poor liar and very easy to read).
This is because he doesn't actually care what Bella is like, he projects onto her, and she smells phenomenal. In other words, he'll still tell himself Bella's a feminine Carlisle Cullen knock off even if she's drowning puppies in a well.
So Bella doesn't need those social cues, Edward genuinely will not notice, and he will not care.
Regardless, you've set the stage with a completely different character and I guess we're going with that.
The Tale of Sociopath Bella
As in canon, Bella immediately notes something is off about the Cullens. Then Edward tries to eat her in Biology. In canon, Bella was terrified in this moment and genuinely thought this boy might kill her. She later tells herself this was irrational and tries to shrug it off, but none the less, she was terrified.
You don't give me too much to go off of with Sociopath Bella in terms of personality traits, but I imagine she still fears for her life in this moment.
I imagine what she does is, after collecting herself, try to get Edward Cullen thrown out of school. Bella is now a sociopath with no empathy towards others, Edward Cullen makes her uncomfortable and appears to actively wish her harm, she's going to do something about this.
I imagine, rather like Amy Dunne from "Gone Girl", she accuses him of sexual assault and goes about fabricating evidence, including harming herself. When asked, others agree that Edward was acting very strange in Biology towards Bella Swan and is generally kind of creepy. Even the administration agrees that something odd appeared to happen, as Edward tried to switch out of his Biology class immediately and then he disappeared without warning for a week after having appeared perfectly healthy the day before.
Something happened in that class, or after it, and that something seems to revolve around Bella Swan.
There's no real evidence, but there's enough suspicion that Edward is granted his wish when he returns: he gets moved into Physics. Edward, of course, is appalled. That girl not only humiliated him and ruined his life by merely existing and smelling delicious, but now she's spreading slanderous lies about him. His family, of course, knows the truth and tries to comfort him (it doesn't really matter, there's no evidence and they'll be gone in a few years anyway, as it is they can leave early if they have to and no harm done) but Edward seethes.
He makes a point of confronting Bella, both to notice if she noticed anything odd (as in canon), and to get revenge for her slander. Unfortunately for Edward, again, there's a little too many witnesses, and Edward looks... unfriendly. Bella files for a restraining order through her father, it's approved in record time.
Edward is now livid.
This woman is the devil.
Well, that there seals Bella's fate. She is a great evil upon this earth, the worst kind of woman, and in a way just as monstrous as the rapist pigs he used to eat. She's destroying his family's reputation in this town, destroying his school life, and he won't stand for it. Carlisle wouldn't approve, but at some point, the demon wins.
Edward gleefully eats Bella in her bedroom. The crime scene is as grotesque and bloody as you can imagine.
Which, of course, also makes him the primary murder suspect (correct in this case, well done Charlie). With the advent of the internet, with cable television, and with Edward now having to disappear before they start trying to get DNA, the Cullens have to go off the grid and exit society.
They now live in a cave, thanks to Edward and Bella.
But That Wasn't What I Wanted!
I get the feeling you wanted to get a little further into canon than that. So, for once, I'll oblige.
Sociopath Bella, for whatever reason, holds her tongue and takes no action when Edward is terrifying as fuck in Biology. He disappears for a week, she finds this very strange, then he returns, clearly interested in her, which is also very strange.
Bella continues to have no sense of self-preservation (for some reason) and still does not take action against Edward. Even when he confesses to wanting to eat her on numerous occasions.
By the time Bella figures out Edward's a vampire, she wants to be one, desperately. Edward doesn't seem... amenable.
But unlike Canon Bella, Sociopath Bella isn't here to please Edward. After the James incident, and she's met the family, I imagine she takes stock of her options and tries to see who is her best mark.
I imagine Bella lands on either Carlisle or Jasper. Carlisle, because he has the best control and has clearly turned several already, and Jasper because he has shown no hesitation on doing what he believes needs to be done regardless of the family.
If she approaches Carlisle, I imagine she points out the peril her life is in. Edward could crush her at any moment, she nearly died thanks to James, her very existence puts his coven in peril and Edward does not seem inclined to let her go either. This is untenable. (I imagine Bella also learns during the course of this conversation about the Volturi Law, as Carlisle undoubtedly explains it in clearer terms than Edward initially did). Edward has condemned her to death, they both know it, and it's best Carlisle turn her sooner rather than later.
Carlisle is deeply uncomfortable with this but doesn't disagree. I imagine he tries to argue for after Bella's graduation, when she can more easily disappear. I imagine she pushes for that summer, plans a hiking accident and forces his hand with "sooner is better than later".
If she goes to Jasper, Bella points out the same thing. This is untenable, she's breaking the law by existing, she must be turned. Jasper fully agrees (and would like not to eat her) but he doesn't have the control to turn her. He would in turn go to Carlisle (leading to the above scenario).
Now, through Alice's visions, Edward would likely find out about all of this and throw the greatest fit the world has ever seen. He rages at Bella, then himself when he realizes she has a bit of a point and he's condemned her to be a vampire, then rages at her again because the Volturi need not ever know and EDWARD WILL LEAVE HER DAMN YOU!
I imagine Bella keeps pushing, which may get her mercy killed by Edward.
In the event that his guilt is all-consuming and he can't even grant her mercy for he is such a wretched beast, Bella turns, and...
I imagine she's a perfect Cullen.
Bella has superb control, to the point of ridiculousness, more the Cullen lifestyle appeals to her beyond just immortality. They have stability, material wealth, and while Bella doesn't care about the familial connection she won't say no to it either.
Being a man eating nomad has no appeal to this Bella.
She'll follow the diet meticulously to a t, do the high school routine perfectly, and ignore Edward's spiral into depression and despair now that he's ruined Bella Swan's life.
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