#and cheery could be a mole
rascalthehamster · 5 days
HCs of Platonic!Yandere Legoharu with a gn!mole reader friend that starts out as one of Haru's only friends before Legoshi came along and now both are friendship yanderes for mole platonic darling. Please and thank you.
Platonic!Yandere LegoHaru
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Being a member of the garden club was natural for a mole like you. Digging came natural, and you loved the smell of dirt. There was only one other person, a dwarf rabbit, whose reputation far preceded her.
You knew about the rumors, you also knew how rumors can change. How a spark can create a forest fire. What really surprised you was her attitude. She was always cheery, almost ambivalent towards the rumors that followed her around. The whispers that she obviously catches with her large ears. Yet, she was nice to you.
She knew you knew about the rumors yet she still treated you fairly. People have come to the roof to make a joke about joining the Garden Club. Her reaction made that clear when you first came with your slip filled out.
“What is it that you want? Here to mock me? Well at least you’re doing it to my face and not behind a corner. Well go ahead, spit it out!”
You were taken aback by her aggression, but still persisted to join her club. She saw that you were serious, and not just trying to yank the carpet from under her.
She wanted to test your will, see just how far she could push you. She made you move around many bags of dirt, just to have to move them again, repot all of the flowers, and clean the clubhouse completely, dusting and sweeping every nook and cranny.
When you did all of that, the sun was beginning to go down and she was still shocked at you not giving up. If it was a prank you wouldn’t have done anything, and if you were just trying to join a club so you could put it on your college resume you would’ve given up by now. She must’ve read you wrong.
She doesn’t apologize upfront to you about misreading the situation, but she did say she wanted to see you the next day. So it seems it’s official, you’re apart of the gardening club.
When you make it to the roof the next day there’s another person there. Someone much larger, and scarier. The grey wolf stares at you silently, sniffing the air softly. You walk past him, ignoring your body screaming at you to run away.
“Excuse me.” He said in a soft tone, keeping his hands behind his back and shrinking his body. “Uhm…” he lifted his hand to scratch his face, the long claws fingering his snout. “Do you know where Haru is? The little dwarf rabbit.” He moved his hand to accentuate just how small Haru was, she barely made it up to his knee.
“I don’t know. Yesterday was my first day so she could be doing something.” You picked up a bag of dirt and began moving it to some plants that looked like it could use some soil.
“Oh, okay.” He said, his voice disheveled and his tail tucked under him.
You felt bad for him. So you offered that he could help you while he waited, which he agreed to do. Canines were always eager to please. He quickly went to work, grabbing triple the amount of bags you could carry and just looked at you as if he wasn’t even strained, his tail happily wagging. “Where do you want these?”
After a few hours of him helping out, cleaning the gutters that towered over you and Haru, grabbing the hose that was put on the top shelf even though you specifically put it on the bottom shelf yesterday, Haru eventually appeared.
She saw you working with Legoshi and started to get excited. She didn’t want to show it so she pretended to get onto Legoshi for messing something up, grinning at you when his back was turned. You just giggled in response.
You began working on some flower beds that weren’t given attention yet when you saw Legoshi and Haru talking to each other. The wolf was knelt down to meet her eyes. When he caught your eyes, Haru also turned and she waved first, Legoshi just stuck out his hand. They were so different yet they were so close you thought.
When you finished up the plant beds Haru appeared behind you and asked if you wanted to go to dinner with her. Well, it went more like “Hey, me and Legoshi are going to head to dinner.” And she grabbed your arm, dragging you away from the plants.
The fresh dirt still on your paws as you were dragged along. You appreciated the invite though. Even if it came with weird stares from carnivores and herbivores alike.
The next thing you knew, Haru was following you all around campus, along with Legoshi who followed Haru all around campus. Haru would study with you, would eat all meals with you. When you woke up she would be right outside your dorm waiting for you. Legoshi also wanted this but was less extreme.
If anybody tried anything with you she would instantly stand up for you, however she had scary boyfriend privileges so the opportunity to prove that she could defend you never showed up. She made you know that she would if you needed it!
LegoHaru as yandere’s would be pretty good in my opinion. As long as you don’t mind a very clingy bunny and wolf I think all will be well.
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oleander-nin · 1 year
Horrortober day 2- Accident(Yandere ROTTMNT Mikey x Reader)
A/N, not important: Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.
CW: Burns, accidental hurt, burn injuries, victim blaming, dark themes
Words: 775
Summary: Mikey is finally fed up with your attitude
You shouldn’t have kept pushing him. The anger in his eyes, the fury rolling off his body in waves, it was all showing signs of you being completely and utterly screwed. The youngest Hamato may be small, but he was not weak. Gosh, you never should have pushed him like this. The argument was so simple, you were only making a mountain out a mole hill in the grand scheme of things. You could tell instantly this time was different, Mikey’s cold eyes covering the forgiving look he’d usually give you when you try to fight with him. Sure, he'll usually tighten your chains and withhold your food for a while, but those were merely comforts. Never once since he kidnapped you three months ago had he gotten truly angry with you. It was terrifying to see.
“I told you to shut up.” Mikey hisses, his face a dark green from the anger bubbling beneath his skin. It was hard to look at him, his usually cheery but stern attitude wiped away and replaced with something a million times worse. “I told you! I told you, but you never listen! Why don’t you listen to me?!”
You take a step back from the angry mutant, your eyes widening at his erratic movements and twitching hands and mouth gaping as all words leave you. The short but powerful terrapin was showing you just how terrifying he could be. You worry he would strike you if you weren’t careful, his pupils mere dots while he stares you down. His eyes narrow when you step back, his face pinching in disgust.
“Oh, so now you’re quiet.” He goads, taking a step towards you as he marks and eyes start to glow a vibrant yellow as a chain starts to materialize and move to his will.. His voice takes a falsely sweet pretense, his head tilting to the side as he talks. “You were so eager to talk earlier, I assumed you had forgotten how to stop.”
He takes another step towards you, and the chain attacks, wrapping tightly around you as if it had a mind of its own. You scream when the metal hits the skin of your arm, the feeling of the metal melting away at your flesh and burning your blood before it can escape its containment being more agonizing than anything you’ve previously felt. Your screams seem to startle Mikey, his eyes widening as the glow of his marks dim. He looks hesitant, scared, the sweet smell of burning flesh filling the air and making him nauseous.
The tightness of the chains drop, loosening their hold and pulling your skin off in thick, bloody clumps. You continue to scream in agony, the places where your skin still clung to the meat of your arms bubbled and weeping. Mikey rushes forwards to grab you, panic set in his eyes as the chain disappears with a wave of his hand. He takes the underside of your arm where your skin had been spared, looking over the bleeding and burned skin. He tries to shush you, but his empty words do nothing to ease your pain.
“Shh, it’s okay. I’m sorry baby, I didn’t mean it.” He murmurs, his eyes darting rapidly across the room as he tries to think of a solution. “C’mon, we need to go to the med bay. Leo has some stuff that’ll help, I swear.”
You barely register when he grabs you, the burning of your arms taking over everything. He situates you in his arms so he wasn’t touching any of your burns, rushing towards the med bay. Your mind is a foggy haze as he  applies ointment to your arms and wraps them up in bandages, his face smoothed from the worried frown to a determined stare. Your cries are quiet after he gives you painkillers, ones stronger than you would assume he would have. They make your mind loopy and your eyes heavy, and you find yourself barely able to keep your eyes open.
“You know,” Mikey says softly, finishing off the long roll of bandages that are now set on your arm. “This was your own fault. You shouldn’t have made me mad.”
You don’t respond, your brain is too foggy to care. You could hear him, but stringing words to form a sentence was too big a task for you. He looks into your eyes, seeing the cloudy look you have and sighs. He pushes your head into the crook of his shoulder, kissing the crown of your head. “Go to sleep. We’ll talk later.”
And so you drift off, into a world of drugs and numbness.
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buckysgrace · 5 months
The Candle That Burns Deep pt 2
Part One
@sadhours my beloved here is the second part, thank you for requesting hehee ily
CW: Cheating, blow jobs, Unprotected sex, breeding kink if you squint??
Steve Harrington x Bi!reader (sorry once again Robin rip)
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You felt terrible.
It was slowly killing you inside. The awful things that you did. And who you did it with. Steve should've been the last person you sought out. Him and Robin were close, like siblings. Platonic soulmates. you were sure he knew more about her than you did.
You had debated about telling her, then ultimately decided not to. You weren't sure what she would do if she found that that you had slept with Steve. You didn't want to hurt her.
But that didn't stop the guilt from eating at you. It got worse every day and you found yourself doing whatever you could to avoid Steve. Any time you were in the same room it grew awkward. There was tension now, strong and thick. You feared that Robin would grow suspicious.
But it was hard. It was so frustratingly difficult to stay away from Steve. You swore you didn't feel anything for him before, even if you were aware of how attractive he was.
You were drawn into him now, forced to stare at his floppy hair and big brown eyes. You enjoyed the way his pink lips curled into a smile, how his teeth were always white and shiny. He spoke with his hands and had so many moles and freckles that you were sure you could spend hours counting.
You were, without a doubt, fucked.
“What’s this for?” His warm voice rang through the kitchen, taking you by surprise as you jolted in your spot. You cleared your throat, avoiding his soft gaze as you pretended like you weren't just thinking about him.
“Our anniversary,” You spoke slowly, sternly, “Mine and Robin’s.” You clarified, furrowing your eyebrows together in worry that he may somehow think you were speaking about him. That was silly.
“She’ll like that,” Steve responded, unable to help himself as he used his finger to swipe off a piece of the icing. He met your eyes, watching the way the colors intensified as he brought the icing onto his tongue slowly, “Sweet.” He mumbled as he licked his finger clean, quite happy with the way you couldn’t tear your eyes away.
“Steve-,” You dragged out slowly, unsure of what you were really going to say. All you could do was stare at the way his tongue flicked out against his fingers. You pictured his fingers inside of your cunt, buried deep as he lapped at your clit.
You both froze, the hair on you standing straight up as you listened to Robin come clambering down the hallway. She had a cheery look on her face, but it disappeared as she looked at you two. You felt your heart crash to the floor, sure that she knew.
“Oh you dingus,” Robin whined as she looked at the cake, “You messed it up.” She responded as she gestured towards the cake. You exhaled, feeling like you had almost lost the ability to breathe.
“I took one little lick, you can’t even notice.” Steve scoffed, brushing her off as he leaned against the counter in amusement. You did your best not to stare, trying to ignore the way his shirt drifted up over his midriff.
“You put your nasty finger in it, of course I’m going to notice.” She huffed, shaking her head as she moved her arms around your waist.For the first time in your relationship, you shied away, unable to handle her touching you while Steve was staring so intensely.
"Do you want a Coke?" You asked her instead, playing it off as you opened the fridge, "I'm so thirsty." You drew out playfully, sighing deeply like you were parched.
"Sure," She said, looking at you curiously as you took several swigs from the can before you handed it to her. You wiped the liquid away from the corner of your lips, swallowing the bubbles roughly as you ignored Steve's look, "You alright?" Robin looked at you curiously, her gaze and tone softer as she inspected you.
"Mhm," You responded quickly as you handed the can towards her. You took a silent inhale, keeping your features relaxed as you reminded yourself that everything was fine, “I can cover the icing up anyways.” You said a second later, shrugging your shoulders like it wasn’t a big deal.
“I guess,” Robin replied, still looking a little disgruntled as she turned towards the cake once again, “You know, Steve is like our toddler practice.” She said teasingly, fully expecting him to laugh along. 
“What does that mean?” He asked curiously, almost looking offended as he rested a hand on his hip. You stared for a moment, trying not to think about how long and slender his fingers were. You quickly took another gulp from the can, needing to satisfy your hunger in some way. 
It had been hard, so desperately difficult not to think about him when you were Robin. But it was like he’d invaded your mind. He was all you could think about. You missed how his lips molded against yours, how his tongue felt against your clit and how his cock stretched your fluttering walls. You pressed your legs together, suddenly a lot more bothered than before. 
“We’ve talked about kids before,” She said as she knitted her eyebrows together, “You’re like the perfect practice. We’ll know what to expect.” She replied again, laughing a little bit as she turned your way again. You pressed a stiff smile against your lips, feeling like you’d long forgotten the mention of children.
“I didn’t know you wanted kids.” Steve said as he pulled his lips into a gentle frown, then shrugged his shoulders like he wasn’t bothered by it. But you caught the look in his eyes; accusing. You felt the walls around you suddenly closing in. 
"I'm going to get ready. I'll be down soon." You told her, already dreading what the night would hold. You felt like you were doomed, like soon all of your secrets would come pouring out. Or that she would just know. Both scenarios terrified you.
You locked yourself into your shared bedroom, holding your palm flat against your chest as you willed your heart to calm down. You were so panicked about Robin finding out, but even more worried that you didn't regret what happened. You feared that meant it would happen again. It couldn't. But deep down, you knew that you wanted it to. 
You stared at yourself in the mirror for the longest time, breathing in deeply until the guilt was erased from your eyes. Everything would be fine. It would never happen again and you would never hurt Robin. That should be no problem.
But the more you stared, the more you imagined Steve approaching you. You thought of the way his hands slid against yours, how his warm breath felt against your face and how he looked at you with such adoration. It left you weak all over again. 
"Hey," Robin popped her head in, making you jolt as her blue eyes scanned over your form for just a second, "I'm gonna run and go pick the food up, do you want anything to drink?" She asked bubbly, eyes wide with delight as she approached. 
"Is Steve going?' You asked as you pressed your fingers together. Your anniversary dinners with Robin were always the same. Burgers and fries from the restaurant you used to work at, where you met her. It was romantic, everything you could ask for. Yet you didn’t want to spend the night with her. You were losing your mind. 
"To get our anniversary dinner?" Robin questioned sarcastically, making you force out a laugh in response. Of course he wasn't. You'd be alone with him. Perfect. You felt like you needed to chain yourself to your bed, but perhaps he’d like that as well. 
"Right," You nodded your head, "Sorry. Silly question." You responded, pulling a smile to your lips as she kissed the corner of your mouth. You breathed in deeply, pretending to be busy as she left. You just needed to distract yourself until she got back.
You fussed with the sheets on the bed, then with the clothes you were wearing. The room soon became too much for you; constant reminders of how happy you two were. How loyal you once were. It was driving you mad.
You slowly shut the door behind you, trying not to make a noise as you then dragged yourself down the hallway. You lingered near Steve's room for just a second too long, making you shake the thoughts from your mind. A shower. You needed a really cold shower.
You startled as you turned the corner, nearly bumping into the person you were trying to avoid as he tumbled from the bathroom. Steam rolled out of the room with him, leaving you in a cloudy haze as water dripped from his hair and onto his smooth shoulders.
His hands fell to your waist, holding you steady so you didn't topple straight into his wet skin. Your body burned where he touched, lighting your body into thick flames. You moved your eyes across the hair on his chest, across the moles that decorated his skin like constellations.
"Funny meeting you like this," He mumbled as his hands stayed glued to your hips, making all of your insides melt as you met his dark eyes, "What are you rushing around for?" He asked, his eyes more brown than green. They were pretty, really pretty.
"Just getting ready for Robin," You replied once you found your voice, trying to act like you weren't picking out the different colors in his eyes, "She'll be here soon." You said, trying to remember where you were going for your picnic. It all seemed so far away now, like a distant dream. 
"Maybe," He said in agreement, speaking slowly as his eyes stayed glued to your lips, "Traffic is pretty bad at this time." He breathed out as he brushed his thumbs into your flesh. It was enough to topple you over.
“Sometimes,” You agreed softly, trying to will yourself to push him away. It was like your body reacted in the opposite manner, shifting a little closer as you were sure he could hear your heart beating from this close distance, “Not always.” You nodded your head, watching the way his pink lips twitched into the slightest hint of a smile.
“I didn’t know you wanted kids,” He said at last, shaking his head softly as his gaze continued to linger against your mouth, “You never told me that.” He mumbled, looking like he had a thousand different mischievous thoughts lingering in his mind. 
"Steve," You breathed out softly, hotly as you stared at his pretty hazel eyes, "This can't happen again." You told him, wishing that your voice was fierce and stern. You felt weak, knowing just how badly you wanted him. You wondered if he was just toying with you, trying to prove how weak you were. 
"What can't happen again?" He asked, his eyes drifting down towards the curve of your lips. You darted your eyes across the freckles on his nose, desperately wanting to see just how far they decorated his skin.
"Us," You mumbled, fully aware of how close he was to you now, "It's wrong." You told him, feeling the electricity forming between the two of you. You thought of how well his cock had fit inside of you, how your walls had hugged his girth snuggly.
His gaze was dark and heavy again, just as it had been that night. You drifted your lips across his pretty pink lips, thinking of how nicely they'd molded against your own. You wanted to taste him again, badly. 
"I thought it was our little secret?" He asked, shrugging his shoulders softly as if it was no big deal. Your skin erupted into flames as he continued to press his thumbs against your skin, nearly making you fall to your knees as you felt the shameful feeling fill you again.
You met his eyes fully for a moment, realizing just how desperately he wanted it too. You could deal with the guilt later; could live with it for the rest of your life. You just needed one thing at the moment. Him.
He brought his lips down against yours first, kissing you soft and hesitant. You moved your lips just as shyly before your body picked up, pressing yourself flush against his body as your mouth moved against his more urgently.
He brought his large hands to your face, cupping your cheeks as his lips became rough against yours. It was sloppy, messy and you savored it all. There was something primal about kissing Steve, something that made you melt as desperate sounds left his lips. 
Your tongue fell against his, lapping at his mouth as thoughts about how wrong it was slowly disappeared. All you could focus on was him. How nice he smelt, how warm his skin felt against yours and how he gripped you tightly. Like he was afraid he was going to lose you. 
You pushed him back, enjoying the way a groan left his mouth and tingled across your lips. It made you that more feverish, desperate to feel more of him as you tugged the towel free from his waist. You stared for a moment, pleasure rushing between your legs as you observed his hardened cock. 
All previous thoughts had disappeared as you kissed down the curve of his neck, enjoying the soft sounds that rolled off of his tongue. He had the prettiest groans. It made your stomach twist in pleasure, made you desperate as you fell to your knees.
A gasp left his lips as he stared down at you, eyes dark and hazy as you wrapped your fingers around his thick girth. You enjoyed how he filled out in your hand, how pink his tip was and the way he throbbed against your skin. He felt so thick and heavy against your palm, something that no toy could compare to. 
"S'pretty," You breathed out, not caring how it sounded as his hips moved in the motions of your hand. You took a broad lick of the length of his cock, savoring how heavy and warm he felt against your tongue, "Like that?" You whispered, desperate to hear just how much he enjoyed you.
"Mhm," He groaned as he threaded his fingers through his own hair, his eyebrows wrinkling together as you wrapped your lips around his tip. You bobbed your head slowly, flicking your tongue across the underside of his cock as you breathed in the fresh scent of him, "Jesus, fuck. S'nice." He mumbled as he pressed his hips forward, thrusting his long cock further inside of your mouth.
Your lips burned as they stretched around his thick girth, your throat aching at the way he kept hitting the back of your throat. You felt your eyes fluttering from the rough motions but refused to look away from his pleasure. You wanted to keep it in your memory, to savor it. 
You moved your head in the motions of his thrusts, moaning at the way he continued to snap his hips forward. His groans filled the hallway, tickling at your ears as you slowly squeezed at his balls. It earned a cry from him, making your movements a little faster as you desperately wanted to hear more from him. 
Drool slid from the corner of your mouth as you gagged roughly around him. You moved your fingers around his base, spreading your drool across his exposed girth as you lapped at the sides of his cock. You moved your other hand to his thigh, keeping yourself balanced as you felt your clit throbbing in anticipation. 
“Fuck, Jesus Christ,” He whined, making your thighs twitch together as you did your best to keep from seeking friction. He wasn’t fully touching you yet, but you could already feel how wet you had grown, “Such a slutty mouth, taking my cock so good. Fuck. God.” He spit out, cheeks burning as he stared down at you with hooded eyes.
You gagged as you pressed more of him down your throat, furrowing your eyebrows tightly as you tried to concentrate on your motions. You wanted to impress him, to show just how good you could handle him. And you wanted to feel him, to taste him all over your tongue and down your throat. 
"Wait, wait," He breathed out roughly as he slowly slid his hard cock from your mouth, making a pout form on your lips as he panted out, "Wanna feel you. C'mere." He begged as he tugged you back onto your feet.
Your thighs trembled, your knees threatening to give out as he pressed you up against the wall. You ignored the way the pictures that were hanging shook, how they threatened to fall as he began stripping you from the clothes you had so delicately put on. You didn’t care about how you looked after, about how risky it was. You just needed him. 
They fell into a pile by his towel, joining the discarded mess as he hooked your leg over his waist. You held onto his biceps, gasping as he began to drag his pink tip over your pretty pussy. He sighed roughly, a whine slipping free as his anguish rang free in your ears. 
"Tell me to stop," He begged as he dropped his forehead against yours, his nose bumping against your skin softly, "Tell me to go away." He groaned as he slid his cock through your folds again, making you grind your hips forward.
You should. You should push him away and tell him to never touch you again. That was the smart thing to do. You didn't do that though. You couldn't even think about doing that. You needed him, no matter the consequences. It felt too good. 
"I want you," You said softly, slowly as you brought your eyes up towards his again. You rubbed your palms across his jawline, then cupped his chin. He met your eyes, making your heart thump slowly as your stomach twisted. It was too intimate, far too intimate, "Please. I need you."
He nodded his head in agreement, groaning as he gripped the base of his cock and slowly slid himself inside of your wet hole. He kept his eyes on you the whole time, his lips slowly parting as he slowly slid in inch by inch. You gaped, letting your head fall back against the wall as the pleasure spread through your body. You wanted to look at him too, but it was too hard to try and concentrate when it felt this good. 
His cock stretched you out, making your eyes flutter in bliss as he bottomed out inside of you. He rubbed at the back of your thigh, grunting as he slowly rutted into you. Your back fell against the wall, your chest flush against his. 
A loud sigh left your mouth as you were sure nothing had ever felt this good before. You rocked against him, crying out at the way his cock curved inside of you. He fit snuggly, the tip of him pressing against your bundle of nerves with each little movement. It was like he was a part of you, molding against your skin. 
"Steve," You moaned as you dug your fingertips into his flesh, desperately needing him closer as he built up a steady rhythm. His skin met yours with urgency, rocking into you deeply as you pressed yourself even closer to him, "More. Please, please. I need you."
His grunts filled your ears, blending with the sound of your moans as you dragged his cock in and out of your wet cunt with a new sense of desperation. You moved your hands to his strong jawline, gripping him tightly before you brought your mouth up against his.
Your lips molded against his nicely, fitting perfectly before he slid his tongue against yours. You moaned at the sensation, whimpering as your stomach coiled in pleasure. The back of your neck grew warm and sweaty, your body burning at the perfect way his cock fit inside of you. Like a missing puzzle piece.
"Jesus," He grunted as he pulled away, a line of spit connecting you two as he rutted deeper into your cunt, "Feel so good. You feel so fucking good. So wet and tight. She’s squeezing me so good." He rambled out hoarsely, moaning between each word.
His words spread through your body, tickling you with pleasure and deep lust as you dragged your lips against the side of his mouth. You clung to him, squeezing roughly as the sound of your flesh meeting bounced off of the walls.
He gripped your hips a little tighter, moving you along the length of his cock with a fresh urgency. You could feel yourself leaking around him, pulling him in deeper as you felt yourself losing sense of time and where you were. All you could focus on was him, on how he felt like he was a missing puzzle piece to yourself. 
"God, Stevie," You whined as you rocked your hips against him, feeling incoherent with pleasure as your legs began to tremble, "Right there, oh my God. Fuck, fuck." You squealed in bliss, crying out as the pleasure tumbled through you.
He licked at his fingers quickly before he brought them down between your legs, rubbing at your sensitive clit quickly. You cried out, gripping his biceps tightly at the way he rolled circled into your throbbing bud. 
Steve’s features were wrinkled up in pleasure, his eyebrows knitted together as he roughly dragged his cock in and out of your cunt. You whined at the obscene sounds your bodies made as they met, almost like your own sinful melody. 
Your body seized, your clit throbbing roughly as your pussy clamped down around his cock. You could feel him throbbing inside of you, pulsing as you shook around him. Your high washed over you, making you cry out from it all. 
“Fuck,” He groaned as he wrapped his arms tightly around your waist, thrusting into you slowly and deep as your orgasm continued to tingle through your body, “So fucking close. You feel so good.”
“Gonna cum inside me, Steve?” You asked him, whispering into his ear as his moans turned into whines. It made your body shiver, your fingers dig deep into his skin as he held you close. You could feel his sweaty skin pressing against yours, almost like you were molding together.
“Jesus,” He groaned loudly before burying his face in your neck, moaning as he bottomed out inside of your wet cunt, “Fuck, fuck.” He whined, his cock twitching as thick ropes of his cum filled your fluttering hole.
You brushed your cheek against his, enjoying the way he panted into your skin as the feeling washed over you. Everything felt so good, like you were on fire. You didn’t want to let go of him this time. It was sinful, dirty. But it was yours. Your own little secret to keep. You could live with that. 
He stayed there for a moment, breathing heavily against the crook of your neck as you both tried to come down from your high. You whined in protest, missing the feeling of his cock already as he slid himself free.
You were worried this time, looking at the way he dipped away as if he couldn’t look at you. You didn’t want that. You didn’t want Steve to hate you.
Your words died at your tongue as he knelt in front of you, making you croon as he gave your clit a gentle kiss. He looked up at you, chuckling and eyes full of amusement before he tapped your left foot.
You raised it, obeying him as he slid your panties around your ankle. You switched motions a second later, heart racing at the gentle way he slid your panties up over your thighs. He played with the band for a moment, then snapped it against your skin as he pulled away with a smirk.
“I think you should go on your cute little date,” He said slowly, making your eyes snap towards him in confusion, “All filled with my cum, don’t you think?”
Some tags for those who were interested in part two :)
@pootcullen @prettypeachsworld @bobbilionstar
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kittymaine · 3 months
Christmas Bonus - Chapter One (Jason)
Summary: Jason and Tim unexpectedly spend the Christmas holidays together and find that they have more in common than either expected. Third part of the 'Life Down on the Farm' series.
By the time that Jason reached the little farm that he had last seen Tim at, it was so late that it was nearly early. The weather was bitter cold, his breath fogging in front of his face as he pulled his motorcycle helmet off. His fingers were numb, even with the thick leather gloves he was wearing. Little fluffy flakes of snow had started floating down from the thick low cloud cover just as Jason had started to rumble slowly up the rutted dirt driveway to Tim's little farm house. Outside, the smell of wood smoke was thick in the air, a cheery little column of it marking out the top of the stone chimney to join the gray clouds crowding close to the ground and obscuring the coldly twinkling stars above.
As Jason dismounted his bike and pulled off his helmet, he regarded the ridiculously quaint picture it made. An old stone farmhouse squatting on the side of a rolling hillside framed by a red barn, bare fruit trees and a quiet empty field with soft fluffy gray clouds disgorging even fluffier light snowfall. It was like a picturesque old Christmas card and Jason was having a hard time reconciling it with being the home of Tim Drake: hacker, vigilante and youngest CEO of a fortune five hundred company in history.
Already tired from the long drive, Jason blew a curl of hair off his forehead and turned around to unpack the box of cookies from his saddlebag. Hopefully they were still intact after all the bouncing he had done up and down hills to get there.
The old wood of the front porch creaked under Jason's boots. He raised his fist to knock on the front door before he could talk himself out of it. From behind the door, Jason heard some thumps and fumbling. A warm firelight orange stained the thin white curtains in the front windows. The curtains were twitched aside by pale thin fingers and a single dark blue eye peered out at him. Jason peered back impassively for a pregnant second. Then, the curtain twitched shut, and no more sounds came from the other side.
Jason fully expected Tim to ignore him and was already trying to psych himself up for what was promising to be a long, cold drive back to Gotham in snowy weather when the sounds of the door unlatching from the other side reached him. Before he could do more than raise his eyebrows in surprise, the door was swinging inward to reveal a Timothy Drake that Jason didn't recognize.
When he had last seen Tim over a year ago, he had looked like a ghost of the boy he presented to the rest of the world. The Tim that was regarding him suspiciously from the doorway (and hiding a small knife in the palm of his left hand very well, but not well enough for Jason to miss it) looked like a completely different person.
His hair was longer, long enough to be gathered into a loose ponytail at the nape of his neck. The longer pieces of hair around his face made him look softer and kinder, even though his face was still angular and narrow. Speaking of his face, that had filled out a lot too. It had never occurred to Jason that Tim's razor sharp cheekbones and chin might have been owed more to malnutrition than good genetics, but Tim's fuller face made Jason re-evaluate that. Even his skin looked different, no longer ghostly pale white, his skin had a shade of brown to it where he got the most sun and little moles had popped up on his face and the backs of the hands that Jason could see.
Everything about him looked healthier, more solid. His shoulders were wider, his body language more relaxed, he even looked like he had grown an inch or so since Jason had last seen him.
Jason didn't realize his mouth was hanging open until Tim scoffed and put his knife away with an eye roll. Jason closed his mouth with a click of his teeth.
"Jason. What are you doing here?" Tim asked suspiciously. His voice sounding husky, like he had been sleeping. Maybe he had been. Jason had lost track of the time, but it was probably late.
After a pause that probably went on too long, Jason belatedly held up the baker's box and rattled them unwisely to demonstrate their contents. "Alfred sent me," he explained.
At that, Tim's eyebrows made for his hairline. But, after a moment of thought, he stepped aside and gestured Jason inside.
The inside of the farmhouse was a bit less quaint than the outside. Inside, it became a more apparent that an unsupervised teenager was the owner in residence.
The walls in the hallway were bare and looked to be in the process of being repaired. Bits of old wallpaper still clung to the plaster here and there in the corners. The hardwood stairs and banister looked like they were in the middle of being sanded to remove a really hideous paint in the color of turquoise and stained back to their original color. There was no furniture to be seen in the hall either, no tables or rugs or anything to make the place more homey.
Jason glanced into the front room where a wood stove was crackling merrily away and found what looked to be Tim's nest. There was a foam mattress with a fitted sheet over it thrown on the floor in front of the stove. It was piled up with tatty handmade blankets and quilts that looked like they would have been at home at a thrift store or church sale. In a halo around the mattress was a detritus of battered paperback books, snacks and a small flat screen TV balanced on top of a milk box and connected to what looked like a GameCube.
A real honest to god GameCube. With only one controller.
"You've been playing games?" Jason asked slowly as he followed Tim down the hall into a small retro kitchen. The linoleum on the floor looked straight out of the 1970s.
"What?" Tim asked, distracted as he was looking around the kitchen for plates and cups. He glanced over at Jason and saw that he was still looking back toward the front room. "Oh, you mean video games? Yeah, I found a copy of Wind Waker in town that I've been playing through."
"Why a GameCube?" Jason asked. It was an old console, even when he was a kid. Though, come to think of it, Jason was only two years older than Tim, so it wasn't like he was from a whole different generation. Jason had played a few GameCube games when he was a kid, because his neighbors had one that they were willing to share with everyone. There had been three boys in that apartment and only one game, Super Smash Bros Melee, but that was more than enough to entertain pretty much all the kids in their whole apartment building.
"I don't know," Tim said with a shrug. He had returned to the table with two chipped coffee mugs and mismatching small plates in his hand and put them on either side of the small table set up in his kitchen. Jason obligingly set the box of cookies down between the two place settings. "I used to play video games a lot, you know, before..."
He trailed off, a strange expression crossing his face as Jason watched him.
"Before Robin?" Jason suggested, grimacing at the thought. Tim hadn't grown up like him, tough as leather and always keeping an eye out for the next hit. Jason could imagine a Tim before Robin, an overly intelligent upper middle class kid that probably went to special STEM classes over the summer and enjoyed the newest of whatever was popular with kids every Christmas. And, he could imagine how everything probably changed for him when he became Robin.
There was a time when Jason wouldn't have given a shit about Timothy Fucking Drake and him having give up his cute little hobbies in order to become a nighttime vigilante. Jason never had any of those things to give up in the first place. If being Robin was hard, so was everything else in his life up to that point. He had no perspective to see the difference between his life before Robin and his life after, only the ways that Wayne money and the excitement of Robin and the differences he could make had improved him and his life.
But, a little time and age had blunted a lot of his resentment of Tim. Was it sadder that Tim had once known innocence and comfort and then decided to give it up for the sake of someone else? Or, was it sadder that Jason had never known that innocence and comfort in the first place? Jason supposed they were both equally sad in their own way.
"Yeah, before Robin," Tim said with a strained smile. "Do you want coffee or tea or something? I think I have eggnog too?"
"You like eggnog?" Jason asked, cautiously pulling out the chair at the table farthest from Tim and sitting down. Tim hadn't actually invited him to sit, but he assumed he hadn't set two places at the table just for aesthetics.
"I don't think I've ever had it. I saw it at the store next to the orange juice and I thought, you know, why not?" Tim explained, pulling a plastic jug full of thick yellowish beige liquid out and shaking it at Jason. The viscosity was the exact opposite of appealing.
"God, that stuff's awful," Jason laughed, awash with his own memories of choking eggnog down the whole month of January after his Mom filled the fridge with it. The sales were too good to pass up, but the weird egg/milk/cinnamon mixture would forever be associated with the after Christmas season for him.
Jason picked up the mug that Tim had sat out for him. It was pink with a big fat cartoon cat wearing a party hat and holding a cupcake on it. He held it out to Tim with a lopsided grin.
"Might as well have some. 'Tis the season or whatever," Jason said.
Tim returned his grin, if a little less enthusiastically, and poured Jason a generous serving of grocery store eggnog. Then, he poured a much less generous helping into his own mug (this one was a Campbell's soup mug with a pair of red-headed kids drinking soup on the side) and took the seat across from Jason at the table. He popped the lid off the box of cookies and smiled, the first genuine smile Jason had seen since he opened the door.
He took a deep breath in. "God, Alfred's cookies. Nothing quite measures up."
"Ain't that God's own truth," Jason sighed in commiseration.
It hit him suddenly that Tim was probably the only other Bat who would know the feeling of searching all over for any cookie that might come close to how good Alfred's tasted. Jason had tried bakeries all over the world after he came back to life, but none of them were ever quite right. He wondered if Tim had ever gone through the same thing.
Tim started handing out cookies, starting with giving himself easily twice as many as Jason, but Jason wasn't going to begrudge him that. He probably deserved more than a little revenge from Tim, and taking Alfred's cookies was vicious, but likely well deserved.
"So, I guess you're not just here to deliver cookies," Tim sighed. "So, what is it? The world is going to end if I don't come back and solve a math equation? Has my evil self from the future shown up, and I have to deal with him? Or, what, does Bruce need me to talk him down from a cliff or something?" Tim asked all of this as casually as if he were asking about the weather, but there was an edge of resentment that even his carefully crafted bland expression couldn't disguise.
"Jeez, you really don't think much of us, huh?" Jason asked with a raised eyebrow. He took a sip of the eggnog, and somehow it was exactly as nasty as he remembered. He drank some more.
"Is it really undeserved?" Tim asked blankly. He took a sip of his eggnog too and let his facade of disinterest crack as he wrinkled his nose in disgust at the taste.
"No, I guess not," Jason replied mildly. He dipped one of the cookies in the eggnog. That was a real improvement. Jason committed to dipping the rest of his cookies in the eggnog.
"So, why are you really here?" Tim asked again with a sharp look that was much more reminiscent of the Red Robin Jason knew, the only version of Tim he had ever really known.
"Alfred asked me to come. Just to check up on you and, you know. Offer you some company. It is almost Christmas and all that. Nobody else knows I'm out here," Jason said awkwardly, his eyes mostly on his plate. He had said as much to Alfred, but he still thought that he was the worst choice to come check on Tim. As much baggage as the rest of them had, they at least hadn't attempted to murder him at one point. Except maybe Damian, but nobody was suggesting that Damian come out to the middle of nowhere to talk to Tim. It was hard to even fathom the level of disaster that would have been.
Tim continued to stare at Jason with those piercing eyes. They had the uncanny ability to make you feel like he was seeing every hidden bit of you that you most wanted to remain unseen. Jason struggled not to fidget.
"That's really all. Everyone is really worried about you!" Jason blurted out. "I think I was just volunteered because I'm the person with the least recent beef with you and therefore the most likely to be let in. Plus, I'm one of the few people who knows where you are," Jason finished with a mumble.
"What the hell does that mean?" Tim asked, looking sincerely confused about his last statement. "How are you the only person who knows where I am?"
"Not the only one, just, uh. Just one of two. Babs being the other of the two," Jason fumbled out.
Tim's face did something complicated, like he was torn between going into hysterical laughter or overwrought sobs. Jason briefly panicked. He supposed that did sound bad without context, but he had no idea what he was going to do if Tim started crying. Or laughing. Any reaction was terrifying at that moment.
"You leaving totally threw everyone for a loop, okay?" Jason said, leaning forward and putting his forearms on the rickety table. He leaned down to try and catch Tim's unfocused eyes as they stared somewhere into the middle distance. "Bruce especially basically came apart at the seams. It was pretty fucking brutal, actually," Jason said with a nervous chuckle.
"That wasn't my intention-" Tim started to protest, his eyes getting wetter.
"Hey, hey! I don't blame you at all! Honestly, I'm both impressed and depressed that you hung on as long as you did," Jason interrupted him to say. "After you disappeared, Bruce insisted that you had been kidnapped and lead everyone else on a wild goose chase trying to find your kidnapper. Except for me and Babs-"
"The only people who would openly defy him," Tim finished Jason's thought a lot differently than Jason would have, but that was basically the gist of it. Plus, he looked a lot more even tempered at having put some pieces together, so Jason wasn't about to split hairs over it.
"Right," Jason said uncertainly. "So, she and I sort of independently tracked you down and told the others what really happened. That you ran away?" Jason asked, looking at Tim for confirmation and continuing once he got a dazed nod from him. "Once they realized what happened, they decided to respect your wishes and leave you alone. But, that doesn't mean that they don't still care about you and worry about you, kid."
Tim looked dazed by the news. After a moment of both of them just breathing and Tim staring down at his empty plate, Jason leaned up out of his chair to put a few more cookies on his plate. When Tim didn't react, Jason nudged his plate closer until he finally picked up a cookie and took a bite.
"Things have been really different, since you left. I guess me being here is probably a big indication of that," Jason said wryly.
"Why?" Tim croaked, still looking down at his plate.
"Why?" Jason repeated, confused.
"Why is that an indication that things are different?" Tim asked.
Jason was momentarily stumped by that question. There were a million reasons, most of them related to how much his relationship with the bats had changed in the last year. They all crowded to the front of his mind at once, but he had to pick just ones, so...
"Well. Alfred is talking to me now, for one," Jason explained, still sounding befuddled. He gestured to the box of cookies between them to illustrate his point.
At that, Tim's face and eyebrows both came up. He regarded Jason with surprise. "Alfred wasn't talking to you?"
That only made things more confusing for Jason. "I mean. Yeah? None of you talk to me."
Tim frowned and opened his mouth to reply, but then paused. He frowned a little more, but it looked more frustrated than indignant.
"I talk to you," he grumbled.
"Red Robin talks to Red Hood sometimes. And, honestly, he's probably the most civil out of all of you. Or, he was until this past year, I guess," Jason said wryly. It was still wild to think about all the bats that were tangled up in his life lately, both in and out of the mask.
Tim frowned some more, and Jason frowned back. He took the opportunity to grab another cookie, dunking it in his eggnog, which was steadily getting more lumpy as more cookies lost bits and pieces to the drink.
Finally looking away, Tim admitted, "I thought Alfred *did* talk to you. I just figured he probably did it surreptitiously. In order to avoid a fight with Bruce."
"Well," Jason said awkwardly around a mouthful of cookie. "You thought wrong. I haven't talked to Alfred at all until tonight."
Tim went to take another drink of eggnog, wrinkled his nose at the taste, and then sat it back down with an angry click.
"I'm making coffee," he declared. "That stuff is foul."
Jason cackled fondly and knocked back the rest of his, half congealed cookie bits and all. It really was such a strange texture and flavor. He still couldn't turn his nose up at it, though. It tasted too much like old memories.
Holding out his own mug, Jason tried to put on his most charming grin, but he suspected it probably held too many teeth to look properly appealing. "Can I get a cup too?" he asked.
Tim seemed startled at the question, his eyebrows raising, before he shook his head and took Jason's mug with a belated, "Oh, yeah. Of course. Sorry. I've been living alone too long."
"No worries, kid. I'm not judging your etiquette," Jason chuckled, leaning back in his chair.
Jason looked up at the crackled plaster of Tim's kitchen ceiling and listened to the sounds of him filling up the drip coffee maker with water and slotting the empty carafe onto the hot plate. The visit was honestly going a lot better than he expected. It was a little weird to think that Tim, probably one of the smartest bats around, hadn't noticed how isolated Jason was. But, honestly, Jason preferred to know that Tim barely gave him any thought at all, compared to his fear that Tim was constantly haunted by the thought of him.
In no time at all, the coffee machine was gurgling away, filling the small kitchen with the rich smell of coffee.
"What happened tonight? That you got to talk to Alfred?" Tim asked awkwardly, leaning back against the beat up kitchen counter and fidgeting with the end of his flannel button down. It looked like the kind of shirt that would have been more at home on Clark Kent than Tim Drake, but Tim was pulling it off better than Jason would have expected.
"The first annual bat Christmas party," Jason said with a laugh. "Babs set it up in the clock tower. All the Gotham vigilantes, plus most of Dick's generation of Titans and almost half the Justice League, were in attendance, it seemed like."
Tim's eyebrows were practically off his face by the time Jason stopped talking. "And, Bruce went for that?" he asked incredulously.
"That's the best part," Jason said with a mischievous grin, "He wasn't invited!"
"What!" Tim squawked. Then, after a pause, burst out with a laugh that looked like it even surprised him.
"Oh yeah," Jason said with relish. "He's been persona non grata for a while. Babs has basically been running the ship by herself since you left."
Tim laughed again, sounding nervous. "Uh, why-" he cleared his throat and quickly turned to start pouring the coffee into new mugs. "How did that happen?"
"It started with him going no contact with everyone after the fiasco with your search. I mean, he might have run into Kate a few times, but it sounded like that didn't go over well," Jason explained, accepting his new drink from Tim.
"Didn't go well?" Tim prompted, digging in the fridge and coming back with creamer and a glass canister full of sugar.
"As in, I'm pretty sure she punched his dick in. But I wasn't really in the fold yet at that point, so I only heard bits and pieces," Jason said as he poured cream into his coffee.
Tim snorted so hard Jason was briefly afraid that he would choke. But, he got himself under control and assumed his previous seat across from Jason.
For a while they both silently fixed their coffees the way they liked them and sorted out some more cookies from the box to each of their plates. The box was getting dangerously empty by that point.
"It wasn't because of me, was it?" Tim asked nervously.
"Hm?" Jason grunted, his mouth still full of cookie. He had already lost the thread of what they had been talking about before.
"Bruce getting the cold shoulder. They're not doing it because I left, and they blame him, are they?" Tim asked while frowning down at his plate.
Jason swallowed what was in his mouth and chewed on his words for a moment. Because it was, and it wasn't, was the problem. Tim hadn't really caused Bruce to stop talking to them, but him leaving was the catalyst that started it all.
"Nah," Jason finally sighed, thoughts sorted. "Bruce did it to himself. Even after he fumbled the search for you, he could have come back and been in the group. But, his pride won't let him admit he's wrong, and the others aren't going to let him forget it, so," Jason shrugged. "I guess he just does his own thing by himself now."
They were silent again for a little while. Tim's expression made it plain that he was going over what Jason had said with a fine tooth comb, rotating it in his head and looking at it from all angles to make sure it made sense. And, based on his face, whatever he was seeing didn't make him very happy.
After a while, Tim said quietly, "Is it stupid that I feel guilty anyway?"
Jason sighed. "No. Of course not," he grunted. "But, it's still not your fault, okay?"
Tim looked up at Jason doubtfully. "You're being awfully nice about all this," he said.
Jason shifted uncomfortably in his chair. "Speaking of that. There's something else that I've been thinking about. Something that I've been meaning to say, but I never thought I'd get the chance again."
Tim looked wary and leaned back in his chair. His right hand drifted below the tabletop, likely toward a concealed weapon, but Jason made a concerted effort not to track his movements. It was a fair enough response, considering their past.
Tim opened his mouth to say something, but before he could Jason charged onward. "I owe you an apology. For what I did. When we first met. It was beyond awful of me. You don't have to forgive me, but I think it's the least I can do. I'm sorry," Jason said, getting a little choked up at the end.
Apologizing had been impulsive of him, but it was sincere too. It wasn't like Jason had never thought about it before, but he had thought he would never get a chance. Apologizing to Red Robin had always felt impossible. Tim worked hard to put up a barrier of professionalism between them when they worked together as Red Robin and Red Hood. Then, Tim was gone and unlikely to come back and Jason figured there was no point thinking about it anymore. He had missed his chance.
But now he was sitting here in some weird time and place where Tim was a farmer and Jason was just his least favorite brother coming to deliver Christmas cookies from their shared grandfather figure. And, Tim had been nice to him. And, he had shared the cookies and gave Jason nasty eggnog. It didn't feel like he was going to get much more of an opportunity than that.
But, that didn't mean that his apology was going to be accepted.
"Jason," Tim sighed, sounding exasperated beyond words. "That's ancient history."
Before Jason could get a handle on it, his temper flared. "What the fuck? How is it 'ancient history'? It was only five years ago!"
"Five years ago is ancient history for us!" Tim yelled back. Jason had a clear enough head to notice that Tim no longer looked wary or scared, but he wasn't sure if pissed off and tired was much better. "Back in Gotham, more shit would happen to me in a month than would happen to other people their whole lives!" Tim spat.
Jason's mouth was open to retort, but he didn't really have anything to say to that.
Grumbling, he finally shouted, "So, what? I shouldn't apologize because you've already forgotten about it?"
"No! You still kicked my ass for no fucking reason! You should definitely apologize!" Tim shouted back.
"Then, what the fuck are we yelling about!" Jason shouted back, pulling on his hair in frustration.
"I don't know!" Tim yelled, running a frazzled hand through his own long hair, pulling his hair loose from its messy ponytail. "I don't know," he repeated in a tired whisper.
"Well," Jason grunted, quickly ashamed that he had started yelling. "I'm sorry, anyway. Really sorry. For what it's worth."
"Thanks," Tim sighed. "I don't know why I- Ugh, never mind," he sighed again and started drinking from his coffee, likely for an excuse to stop talking.
After a long awkward pause, Tim surprised Jason by being the first to talk. "You know, Dick has a theory. That the Lazarus Pit made you crazy. That was why you did all that crazy stuff when you first came back..." Tim trailed off, obviously looking to Jason to either confirm or deny this theory.
Jason sighed heavily and tried to restrain himself from rolling his eyes. "It doesn't actually work like that, you know?"
"First-hand accounts of the Lazarus Pit are sparse and some wildly contradict each other, so it's actually pretty hard to know how they work," Tim replied dryly.
"In that case, I'll tell you personally that the Lazarus Pit did not make me 'crazy'," Jason said with disdain, making the air quotes around crazy with his fingers and everything. "At least, no more crazy than any reasonable person who was just raised from the dead would be," he grumbled.
"So. Still crazy. Just not like magical crazy," Tim said with a little curl to the corner of his mouth.
"Yes. Correct," Jason agreed with a sniff.
"That lines up with my theory, then," Tim said with a secretive smile.
"Oh yeah? And what's that?" Jason asked, knowing he was walking into a trap, but feeling like the kid was probably owed it.
"That you just came out the womb already cracked," Tim said with a snort. "After all, who else would put on a Robin suit to beat up a teenager."
"Oh my god!" Jason groaned in pain and put his head down on the table as the memories overwhelmed him with embarrassment. He knew he was walking into a trap, sure, but he didn't think it was going to be so incredibly painful as that particular memory.
"A nearly grown man showed up at my kid's clubhouse dressed in a racy Halloween costume, nude legs from hip to ankle," Tim continued smugly.
"God, please kill me," Jason begged whatever deity was listening.
"You even had the flasher coat and everything," Tim said in an impressed tone.
"I want to die," Jason told the tabletop.
"Where did you get that thing anyway? I know they don't sell them in adult sizes," Tim asked.
Jason tried to resist answering, but the same voice that had been dogging him to apologize whispered that it was his fair comeuppance.
"I had to order it from a specialty store," Jason groaned.
"Like... Like a sex store?" Tim asked gleefully.
"... yeah," Jason moaned.
"Holy shit. Oh my god. That is excellent," Tim crowed.
But, at least, it sounded like Jason had been forgiven.
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yacinthemorning · 13 days
Chapter 8
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Summary: The Life Pilgrimage is the biggest music festival of the century, set to take place all across the continent. Small-time rock band, GIST, and the up-and-coming alternative band, Empire, are both lucky to be among the hundreds set to make appearances, but there's just one problem. Neither can afford the travel expenses on their own. For better or worse, they're stuck with each other for the next five weeks as they try to make their dreams come true.
And, perhaps, among the chaos and music, two unsuspecting souls find one another...
Ships: Jimmy/Tango (slow burn romantic), Joel/Lizzie (romantic), Jimmy & Scott (platonic)
Warnings: Drugs, verbal fights, weight shaming
The crowd at the current venue was much denser than the last, owed to a major city being within a few hours’ drive. Tango could feel the excitement course through every vein, trying to keep from hopping about while he waited for Gem to finish the next introduction. Not helped by the sight of Empire in the crowd, easily picked out from the crowd thanks to Lizzie’s bubble-gum hair. She was up on Jimmy and Fwhip’s shoulders to see above the crowd, cheering on Gem.
“I hope you like this next one, I wrote it all myself! It’s called Sunflowers and Butterflies.” Gem declared, to which the crowd roared back. Tango slammed down on the first harsh note with Skizz, a smile shared between the two. Their Glitter Girl picked up on her part quicker than usual, always excited to play this one. Though it started harsh like much of their music, it cascaded into something much softer and cheery. A summer day. Not like the one they had now, sweaty and dusty, but something refreshing, early in the day. GIST had always been about the mood in their music, and despite how different her songs were to their usual nerdier fair she always captured that same rhythm.
The second chorus faded out, and with it all instruments but Tango. A hard reset to the tune as they each slowly rejoined the melody until Gem kicked back into gear with a cheer. Despite the lack of mic Lizzie cheered almost just as loud. The rest of the crowd joined in. A revelling chorus weaved into the beat. What was a song without an adoring choir to accompany it?
Tango thought he never wanted to be anywhere else but right here and now.
It all ended far too soon. He was still high off the applause as they filed off stage, sweeping their musical darling off her feet into a bear hug. She screeched with laughter, “Tango!”
“That was the most amazing show ever, Gemstone!” He declared, to which Skizz and Impulse gladly agreed.
“Stop! It was okay.”
“If that was okay then I think great would instantly kill me.” Skizz barked, digging his hands into her hair and messing it up until she called for mercy. Banter between the bandmates rang nearly as loud as the crowd had in Tango’s ears.
“Out of the way!”
A hand pressed into Tango shoulder, nearly knocking both him and Gem to the ground. She stumbled out of his arms, only kept on her feet by Impulse being right behind her. Her baby blue wasn’t so lucky, smacking hard against the trampled grass and letting out a terrible noise. Instantly he felt his blood boil and spun around to give the jerk a piece of his mind, “Excuse you!”
It was some guy in the ugliest green shag carpet-looking jacket Tango had ever seen and a dye job a month overdue for retouching. He also had a black eye, and for a moment Tango searched his memory wondering if he’d been at the brawl in the previous town. His face contorted into a toothy sneer, revealing a missing tooth as he shouted back, “What’s your problem, shorty!”
“My problem is you running through my band like we’re bowling pins, wack-a-mole!” Tango snapped right back.
Both Skizz and Impulse were on either side of him, but not as back up. Their hands simultaneously wrapped around his arms and started pulling him back. “Top, it’s okay.” Skizz, ever the shoulder angel, tried to deescalate.
“Bdubs, are you causing trouble?” A new voice chimed in, not sounding the least bit scolding. Three others had shown up, the front of the pack being the man who presumably spoke. An interesting looking guy, with mostly grey hair and mouth hidden behind some sort of mask, a look Tango might have taken in a bit better if he wasn’t already riled up. Their other two companions already looked exhausted, the bearded one shaking his head.
Bdubs hissed like a cat being hosed down, “I ain’t do nothin’, this freaking punk is the one causin’ me trouble!”
“You got a funny way of remembering things.” Growled Tango.
Gem pushed herself between them, “Tango my guitar’s fine, it’s okay.”
It almost worked if Bdubs hadn’t continued. “Yeah, listen to the little lady!”
Faster than he knew he could move his fist was twisted into the front of Bdub’s shirt, yanking his forward till their forehead cracked together, “Listen here, you little-”
“Alright, alright! That’s enough.” The silver haired man pushed them apart with surprising strength. Impulse’s arm wrapped around Tango’s shoulders and pulled him back further despite his protests. There was too much satisfaction in the new guy’s nod. “Bdubs?”
He pursed his lips so tight Tango wondered if it hurt, but eventually muttered out the world’s least sorry, “Sorry.” Tango was ready to snap an ‘I’m not’ back at him if not for Impulse accepting the apology for him. It all seemed good enough for the other band, who shuffled the rest of the way past to reach the stage without another word. Not long after they met up with their travelling companions.
“Dude, is that Slab?” Joel perked up first, craning to catch a glance of the band that took GIST’s place.
At that, Tango did a double take. “Wha- Those jerks?” His voice went up an octave. On further inspection Tango could see it, though there was about twenty years of aging between the Slab he listened to in college and the band setting up in front of them. “Oh, wow, Etho went full salt, I didn’t think he was that much older than us.”
“Hey, we’re getting up there too. I got twenty-six grey hairs and counting!” Skizz said as he dropped to the grass.
They’d lost Joel completely, though, who was staring off towards the stage. Lizzie nudged him, a teasing smirk on her, “Go on, you dork.”
“What? Go where?” He said, gaze shifting to the sky. Some of Empire’s members began to giggle, which only added pink to the man’s cheeks.
It was Gem who leaned into the rest of her band with a similar expression to Lizzie. “He saw him play literally once when we were like 18 and now he has half a wall in his garage dedicated to the guy. He’s obsessed!”
“Uh, no I do not, Gem. I don’t know what you’re talking about.” The drummer sneered, arms folded in defiance. In truth, Tango and Impulse couldn’t say anything, only nod in solidarity. It may be a bit odd for someone Joel’s age, but Slab was still touring to sold out stadiums over twenty years into their careers for a reason. It only took Gem tugging on him in the direction of the crowd to get him to start running for it.
The rest of the Empires seemed much less interested, Fwhip corralling them towards some band Tango didn’t recognize, but looked far more Lizzie’s vibe. There was an awkward moment, where Jimmy paused between his bandmates and GIST. Whether he thought he should help them with the long trek back to the trailer or invite them along, Tango shrugged either way, shooing him off. “You’re free from watching us, now.” He said, only half-joking. “You can go enjoy yourselves.”
“I wanted to watch you, you’re amazing.” replied Jimmy with a frown, but he hitched his guitar up his shoulder and went.
For some reason it made Tango stumble. For reasons that had to do with the universe hating him, Skizz noticed. “Oh, Top, my man.” His tone immediately sent the hairs on Tango’s neck up like a porcupine, flashing his teeth at his bandmate before stomping off.
“Shut up.”
“Tangle Top, what sort of friend would I be if I did that?”
“A good one.” He snapped. Any further protest was muffled by the arm that wrapped around his shoulders, shoving him into a firm headlock. He struggled, only for a moment, before resigning himself o his fate. “What?”
“What’s all this about, hm?” There it was, his therapist voice. Tango was convinced the only reason the guy got into middle management instead of therapy was because his patients would have bludgeoned him to death with his own clipboard after he revealed exactly what was wrong with them. “Is it you’re feeling out of style? Not hip with the kids? A little lame?”
He elbowed his old friend, which got a laugh. “No Skizz, I know we’re lame. We play music that hasn’t been in for over a decade without a single bit of irony or retrofication, of course we’re lame.”
“Then it’s to do with your new best buddy, huh?”
Tango could use a clipboard right about now.
Skizz had that grin of his, that one that said he hit the nail on the head and knew it. “You’re ridiculous, Top. You just basked in the praise of hundreds of screaming fans but you can’t handle one little compliment from Jimbo?”
“It’s a bit different.” Tango pinched his fingers, shoving them in Skizz’s face in hopes he would get the message. “You know, one’s the faceless masses who chose to come see us. The other’s a friend.”
“Whatever you gotta tell yourself to sleep at night, Top.”
When they reached the trailer Pearl was already waiting for them, playing with the canary through the bars of its cage. Scattered about the table were various booklets and maps. Given that she was here and not miles away in the car, Tango assumed the bird situation had yet to be figured out. Not that he knew what to do about it. All he knew was that he’d rather Pearl deal with it than Fwhip or Scott after the other day. He could hear the little Impulse in his brain, it’s not fair to judge people in the middle of a stressful situation, but he couldn’t help it. Better to leave serious matters to Pearly-pop.
“Empire doesn’t play until tomorrow,” was the only part of their conversation he caught as he passed. Scott’s tone was back to its usual cadence, as was his wrinkles. The only thing out of place on the man was the slight redness to his eyes and a blunt tucked between his fingers. Unusual not in its use, but in the man trotting about with it when Tango had never once seen him show his face before putting himself together. After his outburst perhaps this was his current form of put together.
Pearl waved him over, and the two met up a ways away from the teal-haired man. “Unless we wanna hang out around here an extra day we aren’t gonna be able to bring the bird back.” She explained as he joined her. Understandable, but frustrating.
“What if the trailer goes on ahead and we meet back up at the next venue?” He suggested, miming the plan with his hands for her.
Her expression was grim, but she nodded. “That’s what we came to. It’s either that, or we wait and someone brings it back at the end of this on our way home.”
“And that’s gonna take someone way outta the way if we do.”
A solid plan, in theory. Looking around at their group, however, a different issue became clear. “It can’t be anyone from Empires.” Realized Tango. Whoever went would need to get a move on today, and as Scott had said, they needed their manager here. They weren’t like GIST, on the verge of retirement, they couldn’t afford to have him missing from the biggest event they’re likely to ever be in. On the other end, “If two of us go and we don’t catch up in time we won’t be able to play.”
Pearl nodded along. They’d already figured this long before he did. “And you’ll have a good chunk of our luggage with you either way. We can’t fit it all into the bus.”
Tango’s eyes drifted over their camp, to Scott who was still nursing a headache in the shade, to Skizz and Impulse laughing inside, and the empty seats of their companions out enjoying the shows. “Then you and me will go.”
“We won’t be late.” He assured, patting her shoulder and pulling her in closer. “Look, we won’t be late. There’s two of us, we can drive through the night. And I ain’t know anyone as talented behind the wheel as you, so I know we won’t get into any trouble. We’ll just take our stuff and a couple things the others won’t miss. We’ll shove the pots and pans in there and they can eat KFC for a few days or something.”
“I could eat KFC for the rest of the trip.” Scot suddenly interjected with a half-hearted laugh. His hand hid his expression, leaving Tango unsure if he was joking.
Pearl stared at the man for a long moment, frowning deeply. A tooth poked out the side of her mouth, trying to stop itself from biting her lip. She sighed. “Yeah, alright. Let’s do it.”
“Kay, then let’s get to work. We got a lot of walking back and forth to do.” He gave her a final slap on the back, and the two got to work.
Lizzie shrieked as Jimmy stumbled over an empty beer can left out in the mud. “Okay, I want down now!” She warbled. Gem laughed at her from atop Fwhip’s shoulders as the two sprinted by, nearly knocking Jimmy over a second time and tearing a shriek from both siblings.
“Right, right.” Jimmy agreed. His knees shook as he bent down for her to climb off his shoulders, trying to keep his case from dipping into the mud. “Geez, lay off the crisps, Liz.” He tried to joke, for which he received a kick in the shin as she landed. It was enough to send him tumbling forward right into the mud. Hopefully it was just mud, but as it filled his nostrils there was the stench of ash and alcohol mixed in. The cocktail was almost enough to make him gag. “Hey!” He squawked after her, “I help you see and this is the thanks I get?”
There was the telltale signs. The last glance of a shocked look before her nose turned up to the sky, and the stiffness of how she held her shoulders as she stuttered through her words, “Well, you should have thought of that before you insulted a lady’s weight. Maybe you should hit the gym more.” And the hesitance to leave or break her facade to help. She may act more poised, but Jimmy knew they fell from the same tree. Fell being the key word. She spun around and nearly slipped in the exact same mud pool. Jimmy rolled his eyes and pushed back up, trying his best brush as much mud off his guitar before helping haul Lizzie back up onto her own feet. When he attempted to chastise her back he was interrupted by his own yawn. It cascaded to Lizzie. “Oh my.” She murmured.
“Must be the heat.” He giggled. Never mind the last couple of days, a week in he was remembering how exhausting it really was to be around so many people and noises. And in the middle of warm weather and no shade. Despite not playing, he felt ready to crash for a nap. From the look Lizzie gave she had the same idea.
When they reached the trailer there was no one else there. Bags and instruments were strewn about, the side panels left open. Jimmy frowned at the sight of the little canary, shrieking in its cage left out atop a stack of Lizzie’s suitcases in the sun. “What’s going on here?”
“Must be reorganizing so we can get our stuff easier tomorrow.” Lizzie hummed, tapping her foot against the edge of the tarp they’d laid out. “Although they’ve made a right mess of it.”
“That they did.” He lifted the cage up, cooing to the canary until it calmed to a stressed chirp. The metal bars were warmed. How long had the poor thing been out here? He shifted his guitar further down his back, wincing as he felt a glob of mud slop down the back of his shirt. “Right, lets get cleaned up.” And so the three went inside, careful to slip their muddy shoes off at the steps and brush away the largest clumps.
On the outside of their clothes and the half of his case that faced outwards the sun had already baked the mud into crumbling dirt, leaving them half dried out and half muck-covered. A terrible, disgusting feeling. They took the chance with no one else around to change. Though the inside of the trailer was cooler the sun beat down through the windows into the main area, and the siblings retreated to the bedroom, where the curtains were always drawn. “Thank you Gem.” Lizzie murmured as she sunk into the cool mattress.
Jimmy laughed, until the canary squawked again. “You be quiet, mister.” He hushed, putting the cage down in the corner and throwing a stray sheet over it. In the darkness the bird quickly calmed. Poor thing must have been tired as well from all its flapping about. His case went beside it, almost entirely blocking off the doorway. It was better than getting an earful for dirt on the bed. Jimmy joined his sister, making sure to land half-on top of her as revenge. Lizzie shrieked, smacking him until her rolled away cackling.
“I’ll throw you back in the mud!” She threatened.
“I don’t think either of us have the energy for that.” he sang, lifting his arms and letting them flop back down for emphasis. It only felt more like he was trying to imitate a bird than prove his point. It worked well enough, Lizzie rolling over without bothering to reply. No one to talk to, he felt the weight of exhaustion and heat overcome him, and bother Jimmy knew it he was out like a light.
The drive so far had been pleasant, Tango taking first shirt as they barrelled back down the road and Pearl mapped it out. A mix tape she’d made only a few months ago played over the stereo, blaring Simple Minds for the pair to sing along to.
“Don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t you,” Pearl cooed, shaking her head each time, until Tango joined in with a wide grin, “Forget about me!” Absent an instrument, Tango tapped his fingers against the steering wheel and made a horrid attempt at repeating the keys with his voice, causing Pearl to burst out laughing.
“Alright, mate, none of that! You sound terrible!”
“Reason number five million bajillion and seven why I’m the bassist and not the singer.” He drawled, still snickering.
“And why I’m the manager.” Pearl added, exaggerating the slur in her accent until it was hardly intelligible. It was a lie, Tango had heard her sing. Though she had no training like Gem or Lizzie, she was more than good enough for long car rides with the windows down.
Pearl let out a hooting sort of sigh, and stretched her long arms out behind the seat as far as she could. “I know I shouldn’t be but I’m glad to get a break from all that.” Said the woman as she slumped into her seat.
Tango hummed in agreement, letting his arm hang out the window. The car was still cramped as hell, but just being away from the large group was a breath of fresh air he hadn’t realized he needed. “It sneaks up on you. No matter how well you get along, being trapped with a bunch of people and no way to get away wears you out.”
“And we got another four weeks of this.”
Both groaned as it sunk in. “Well, hopefully someone steals a parrot or something before we leave for the next venue.” Tango tries to joke. “Though I’m not sure I could handle the twittering.”
Pearl gave him a pity laugh and turned around. “That little guy’s been quite good so far, actually. Almost five hours now it’s been silent.”
Tango made a noise of agreement. Thank whoever for the bird’s silence so far. Before they left he was dreading listening to it squawk for twelve hours straight. “Did you put blackout curtains over it, or did you suffocate it under the luggage?”
But Pearl turned to him, brows furrowed. “Nooo, I didn’t. Where did you even stuff it in back there, I can’t see it at all.”
“Me?” Tango balked. Dread filled his belly, and he quickly pulled over to the side of the highway. “I didn’t put anywhere, I went to grab it and it was already gone.” He explained. Pearl was already undoing her buckle.
Both stumbled out of the car and started with the trunk. It was nowhere to be seen. Soon they began to dig, undoing all the neat packing Pearl had done earlier. They dug, and dug, and nothing. Tango shifted things around, they had to have just missed it somehow, but Pearl was already wandering off with her face buried in her hands.
“Oh my god.” She groaned, muffled. “Are you kidding me?”
“Are you kidding me!” Tango repeated, tossing his duffel bag violently against the mess they’d made.
They slumped onto the edge of the trunk. Tango tried to retrace their steps, remember where Skizz had put the cage down while they were sorting through bags with Impulse. Tried to remember who said would grab what. It was an uphill battle against his terrible memory, and one that meant nothing now that they were in the middle of nowhere with a car packed full of everything but the one thing they needed.
The sun was beginning to set through the trees, casting long shadows across them. Only a few cars passed by, none stopping to check on them. He didn’t know if he was offended by the rudeness or thankful he didn’t have to explain to a stranger that they lost a bird.
“We have to go back.” Pearl announced, though she made no move to get back in the car.
Tango scoffed. “And what? We’ll have wasted ten hours at least, we don’t have time to drive the bird back now.”
“Well where else are we gonna go?”
Good point. Counterpoint, Tango wasn’t so sure he wanted to face their bandmates, and especially not Empire, with this humiliating story. The most they could do was continue on to some complete stranger’s house and tell them their buddy stole their bird, but also they didn’t have it and they’d return it in a month. He groaned, tossing his head forward. “Well, you wanna drive through the night or find a motel?”
“Let’s just get back.” Tango had never heard her so defeated. She pushed off the trunk and headed for the driver’s seat. “You catch some sleep, I already took a nap earlier.”
With a sombre ooze hanging over everything the pair crawled back into the car and made a U-turn back to the event.
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ang33333333l · 9 months
Love is a disease
A/N: AAAAA this prob my longest fanfic for now!! SEBAUNA FOR LIFE!!!!! Thank you @saneriddlefan67 for proofreading it and showing me shorter paragraphs!!!! Also remember reblogs are important but likes and comments are too!!!
Taglist!!!(remember you can always ask to be tagged!!!) @leonakingscholarship @satans-gaurd-dog @silvveringjadestar
Sebek was sick, that was clear as day. The weather had gotten colder, making him more sluggish and weaker to any type of bacteria, it also didn't help that most of the students were also sick with the cold or the flu.
The half-fae was determined to prove that he could be the best knight, still overworked himself to the bone. Of course, there’s a point where a person, no matter if said person was a fae, beastman, or human, that any sickness forces you to stay in bed.
He hated feeling weak, he hated having to depend on someone to help him with basic tasks, perhaps he should've taken Silver’s advice to stay in bed once the cold had gotten to the point of being slightly unbearable.
Sebek groaned, hating how cold it was, yet nothing provided enough warmth for him, even the hot rag on his forehead did nothing for him. Sebek shut his eyes, hoping to get some sleep, then he heard the door opening.
“Hi Sebek!! I heard from Lilia that you were sick!! So I bought some medicine and some soup!!”
An awfully cheery voice rang out in Sebek’s room, it could only belong to Fauna.
“HUMAN?!?!” Sebek yelled out, before coughing and sneezing. “What are you doing here?!”
Sebek hated this, not only was he sick, but his crush saw him sick and weak. This was embarrassing. His hair wasn't gelled up, his face was sweaty, he felt a small amount of snot falling from his nose, his eyes were slightly watery, and he just overall was just a mess.
“Oh don't worry Sebek! I made sure to get the work you miss and I also took some notes!!” Fauna brightly smiled, showing her crooked teeth and the gap in her front two teeth.
Sebek loved it so much when she smiled like that, he loved every part of her, down to the two moles under each of her blue eyes that could only be described as darkish and muted with light blue pupils.
“Well you don't need to worry Human!!! Faes are MUCH more resistant to sickness than humans!!” Sebek smirked, only for it to be followed up with a violent coughing fit.
“Oh don't worry Sebek!! I’ll be fine!!” Fauna walked closer to Sebek, only stopping by the side of the bed to set down the tray. She grabbed the bottle of medicine, putting it onto a spoon.
“Human what are you doing?” Sebek looked over at Fauna, puzzled. “I can very well get myself some medicine!!”
“I know that, silly! But wouldn't it be nice to be taken care of? Plus you keep on coughing and sneezing. I think you might just fly out of your bed!!” Fauna laughed, clearly joking and lightly teasing the half-fae.
Sebek frowned a bit, but she was not wrong. He didn't want to be seen as weak, but the idea of his crush taking care of him wasn't so bad. It actually felt nice, and did inspire a few ideas based on some of the romantic books he read in his head, such as him taking care of her when the time came. Cooking for her, because holy shit, she couldn't cook even if it was to save a life, in fact she would probably be the one who causes the end of a life.
“Sebek?? Sebek, are you okay?” Fauna's voice finally got into his thick skull, the spoon full of the bitter and tar-like medicine near Sebek’s lips.
“Of course!!! It's just a cold!! But…thank you Human..” The half-fae felt his face heating up, but not from sickness, but from the fact that he was so deeply in love with Fauna that the smallest idea of her smiling at him sent his mind running.
Sebek opened his mouth, letting the spoon full of medicine come down his throat. It was awful, sticking to the walls of his throat, only leaving a bitter taste.
Sebek coughed a bit. “I suppose you brought water, Human?..” He saw Fauna nodding from the corner of his eye. She then handed the half-fae the glass of water.
Sebek quickly grabbed it, gulping it down, desperately trying to wash the bitterness from his throat. “...Thank you Hu-...Fauna..”
“You said my name…” Fauna was surprised, her eyes wide. “I like how you say it, you should say it more often.” Fauna smiled, handing Sebek the soup.
“Could…Could you perhaps feed me it? Just so I don't sneeze and spill it all over me.” Sebek quickly looked away, feeling embarrassed for even requesting it.
“Of course Sebek! I wouldn't mind! Plus I really don't have anything to do right now!” Fauna grabbed a different spoon on the tray, getting a good spoonful of soup.
Sebek opened up his mouth, letting Fauna feed him. Slowly but surely, the bowl was empty and Sebek felt full.
“Thank you Fa-WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?”
Sebek yelled out as Fauna climbed into the bed after putting the bowl back onto the tray.
“Well when I came in here Lilia said you needed more warmth!! So I remember how we cuddled during that time we visited Epel’s hometown!!”
Fauna got comfortable in the bed, wrapping her arms around Sebek.
“But you’ll get sick!!!” Sebek kept on yelling, slowly melting into putty in Fauna’s arm. He buried his head into her neck, grumbling something.
“Don't worry!! I don't get sick that easily!!” Fauna rubbed his back, making him breathe softly. The half-fae slowly fell asleep, Fauna soon followed afterwards.
Fauna was coughing, she was now sick. Of course it was to be expected when you snuggle up to someone who sounded like they were a Victorian sick child.
“I TOLD YOU FAUNA!!!!!” Sebek’s voice rang out in Ramshackle, Fauna swore she saw some of the floor panels shake and move a bit.
“It's fine Sebek, it was worth it because…”
Fauna froze, unable to say the simple words.
“Because you're my friend…”
She forced a smile, why was it so hard to just say ‘I love you’?
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yanderu-deredere · 1 year
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Ryouta Watanabe ★ picrew link
gender: male sexuality: bisexual age: 21 height: 6′1″ (186cm) body notes: He’s very built underneath his clothes. He has a giant tattoo of an oni mask with clouds around it on his left pectoral. He also has tattoos of a realistic shibari spiral knot on both his forearms, a giant octopus on his left hip that wraps to his lower back and a bit down his thigh, paw prints of past cats he’s owned on his calf and a spider behind is left ear. He has two ear piercings in each ear. He also has a mole under his eye and on the right side of his mouth and a spattering of them on his shoulders and down his upper arms
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type of yandere: Overprotective Yandere
easiest way to describe this yandere is that everything they do is for the sake of their darling’s safety. they’re not obsessive and selfish; taking their darling away and locking them up is for their own good. these yandere usually think themselves smarter, more knowledgeable or more capable than their darling; this paired with them usually thinking their darling is too innocent or oblivious to be left to themselves. these yandere usually are able to justify anything they do as something that they need to do.
Growing up, Ryouta only had his brother and nobody else. Even now, he could recall his childhood fondly specifically because his brother protected him and made it safe for him. However, eventually, Fujio had to reveal to his little brother exactly what kind of city he’d have to spend the rest of his life in. Ryouta learned quickly that Lovelock was ruthless and that you needed to be strong enough to protect yourself or the city would eat you alive. All of that is to say that, if Ryouta ever found someone he sees as an exact copy of himself when he was younger, he’dtry his best to become for them what his brother was for himself. Especially if they’re stupid enough to think they don’t need something like that.
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likes: cats, vaping, caramel flavoured anything, boba tea, video games, aesthetically pleasing desserts dislikes: anything too bitter (just a little bit is okay), people who abuse children, cops or policemen, most types of alcohol, nosy people
Ryouta is a part-time Kuraokami Dreamy Creamery employee. The store is located along the boardwalk, surrounded by sun, surf and other cheery stores like it. The store’s theme is pastel and cute, with their mascot being an adorable little blue dragon. Despite it’s adorable atmosphere, however, Kuraokami is also one other thing: the headquarters of a drug dealing group that specialises in selling prescription pills and ice.
His underground name is Fujin, named after the god of wind. He gained the name from the fact that he’s always trailing vape smoke behind him like thick clouds. He’s also known to smoke marijuana often. Ryouta basically does the same thing as his brother, just not as frequently. Most often, it’s just guarding shipments, receiving drugs, etc. He’s never had to shake down people who owe them like his brother often does.
Often, when he’s not working, he’s holing himself up in his two story apartment, gaming his heart out. He’s spent a lot of time and effort customising his very own computer set up too so he’s often comfortably playing video games or watching movies. Usually, one or more of his five cats are with him. He has two maine coons named Miette and Cosette, a ginger cat Dubhan, named a siamese cat named Siobhan and a tabby named Tabitha.
Sometimes, Ryouta will actually leave his house and go on what he calls ‘dates with himself’. Basically, he just treats himself to aesthetic cafes, bakeries or pop up shops nearby that he’s interested in. Sometimes, they’re for events related to the video games he plays.
Even rarer than that, Ryouta can be found in the orphanage he grew up in, helping out and volunteering just to give back to the place that gave him a decent childhood. When he’s there, his brother is always there too.
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sexual preference: vers top turn ons: creampie (giving), oral (receiving), praise (giving/receiving), shibari (giving/receiving), bondage (giving), body worship (giving/receiving), sex under the influence, breeding kink, overstimulation (giving/receiving)
dick size: 8.5in
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kcuf-ad · 8 months
You know what?
Let me make my moots into Yugioh cards.
Marisol (LV: 1. Light Cyberse. ATK: 0. DEF:0. Effect monster.
When this card is summoned: Send 1 Cyberse monster from your deck or hand and then, if you: this monster's stats, Level, name and effect become the one as the sent Cyberse monster. This monster's effect lasts until the End Phase.
Image: A Bright and cheery girl that looked she was to exploed with knowledge about her interest, as she wore a dress that was colourful as she had 6 buttons on it, each representing an attribute.
INSPIRATION: Your love of Cyberse beings and decks as the effect is like that of Kirby.)
Lavender Stars (Normal Spell card.
When you activate this card while you control no monsters, you can add 1 monster that had a level to one of your opponent's monsters. Banish this card from your graveyard, special summon one monster from your graveyard and double its attack.
Image: A beautiful sky that couldn't be matched by anything else as it was filled with stars, the stars being that of the lavender shade.
INSPIRATION: the image and name from your username and your kindness and support that you show others. [Sorry if I could represent any of your interests])
Geek Librarian (Level 3. Fiend Dark. ATK: 1200. DEF: 300.
When this card is summoned, add back from your graveyard to your hand 1 Warrior, Fiend or Fairy monster. If this card is sent to the graveyard, one of your opponent's monsters lose their attack points.
Image: A demon carrying a book that was inside of a library as the demon had white skin, Blood red eyes that she had 3 of them, with horns on her head. She had glasses that had loops around it with a mole.
INSPIRATION: Combined Megicula and Lolopechka for this one and your love of these things.)
Stardust Maiden (Level 2. Tuner Light Dragon ATK: 1400. DEF: 1200.
If you control a Marincess or a Stardust monster, special summon this monster from your hand or from your graveyard. If this card is used for a Link Summon of a Marincess monster, add 1 Marincess Trap from your deck. If this card is used for a Synchro Summon for a Stardust monster or Black Rose Dragon, your monster can't be destroyed by effects or by battle.
Image: A Maiden that wore a battle like outfit with wavy hair at the start, but it ends up sharper at the top as the hair was pure white with green lining as she had a Dragon tail.
INSPIRATION: The design by Blue Maiden, but the colours of Stardust Dragon.)
Angel Of Sweet Revenge. (Level 3. Light Fairy. Attack: 900. Defense: 1000.
If a monster would declare an attack while you have no monsters on your side of the field, special summon this card from your hand and if you do, negate the attack, end the Battle Phase and add 1 card from your deck to your hand. If you XYZ Summon a monster with this card, the XYZ monster gains 400 attack and defense points for every Overlay Unit.
Image: A young Angel carrying a rod in her hands, as the young angel had red marking on her face, long green hair that at the front was lighter, but at the back it was darker, with her having red eyes and wearing a godlike looking dress.
INSPIRATION: Goddess of Sweet Revenge and Rio Kastle mixed together to create this gremlin.)
Hope you guys enjoyed it. Sorry to the rest of my moots, I didn't have any ideas for you guys. One day I will do this again, but with more ideas
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crucifiedkiss · 7 days
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𓈒⠀⠀⁺⠀𝜗 crucifiedkiss ╱ w. byers x gn! reader 𝜚
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ꨄ︎ hcs dating will ⏤ ﹙i wanna be yours﹚ 🪽 ˖ ׁ ⁩
  ಲ ͏ㅤ ׅㅤㅤcw: wills season not specified (?), fluff, mentions of s1 events, kissing ('kiss attack'), and i think thats all ??ㅤ✿𝅼
( 。>﹏<) "first stuff written pls enjoy !!!" ⏤ c.k. と
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𝜗୧ ּ݂⠀💌 dating will byers would include ﹗
   ⏤  playing d&d with him, even after all these years and after all his friends have 'grown out of playing d&d'. u can never grow out of fun !!! if u dont know how to play d&d, he would be rlly patient with trying to teach u ! he doesnt want to be mean or anything (unlike some ppl ...) ! pls listen to him yap about d&d he will literally love u even more !! certified yapperton i swear (/pos !! he is silly !!)
   ⏤  trying to help him overcome his crush on mike. he slowly falls out of liking him the longer he is in a relationship with u, but he will never forget liking mike just as much as he does you right now. could u blame him, rlly? still stays friends with mike – he couldnt just leave him like that :( !!
   ⏤  expecting him to be rlly hesitant at the beginning of the relationship. he isnt rlly meaning to be like that, but hes just a lil nervous. after a few weeks i would say, he'll be that normal cheery lil guy :3 he is rlly sweet i swear he just doesnt have any idea what to do in a relationship, seeing how many found him weird (which makes me sob lowk !!). cant blame the lil man☹
   ⏤  a bunch of compliments !!! whether it is towards will himself or to u, he loves them sm ^^ being called zombie boy when younger rlly impacted how he views himself at times, confidence of course dropping ! any and all compliments r absolutely amazing honestly :) !! say his face is shaped nice, say his clothing style is cool, say his hair is especially bowl-cuttish (/j), say his moles/beauty marks r cute – ANYTHING !!! 😭 responds with a cheeky smile and returning the compliment (but in a more playful way cause compliments just make him happy immediately :3)
   ⏤  play fighting at the most random times !! i like to think he is kinda childish, wanting to escape whats all happened, so he ends up being rlly silly and goofy !! when done with play fighting, u two out of breath, u both just break into a fit of laughter that leaves u both dying for air once more. he misses the feeling of being young again, before he got kidnapped and all that disgusting stuff, so just doing all this dumb stuff with u rlly blossoms smth in him that just gives him so much joy ^_^
   ⏤  random kiss attacks to express love :) just smothering eachothers faces in big smooches is such a nice way to show love according to him, to which he isnt wrong !! happy giggles leave him when u do it, and vice versa !! playfully tries pushing u away, knowing that he realistically doesnt want u to stop, and why would he ?? he needs that affection !!!
   ⏤  gift giving !! will is the type of guy to say "this reminded me of u" and its literally like, a chip or smth. i think he personally collects rocks, so he gives u the rlly rlly pretty ones !! gives u the sparkly ones especially ^_^ !! loves giving rlly anything tho :3 stickers, card games/cards, etc. !! if he can show someone affection, he will show someone affection ❗❗ the gifts either consist of his favorite color or urs .. or both !!
   ⏤  u protecting will and will protecting u ^_^ usually u protecting will as a few still bully him, but its ok !! he doesnt even listen to what the person may be saying when he sees u standing up for him ! its such a sweet thing and he cant even bite back that loving smile :) when someone is talking bad about u, he talks BACK !!! have u seen how sassy that man is ?? WOULD win the argument !!! ugh !! he is eating !!
   ⏤  him drawing/painting u !!! :) u want it detailed ? ok !! cartoony ? sure !! learns how to do any artstyle u like and draws u in it !! on many occasions the art takes a while as its a style he is unfamiliar with, but hes trying his best !! tell him his art is rlly good pls he will go to sleep possibly the happiest man (can u tell he is rlly passionate about his art ...) :3 literally loves making art for u !! once more: gift giving !!!
   ⏤  him CHERISHING any beauty marks u have !!! since he has moles himself, i think he would just love urs just as much :) if u have any, he is absolutely loving them. hes drawing on them with his fingers (and sometimes markers) ... anything !! (extra: if u have tattoos, absolutely colors them in if not already – calls u a coloring book :3)
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morsobaby · 4 months
I know only tumblr could understand this but in my nearby supermarket there's a fat lady(assumed) cashier with dark moustache hairs and a beauty mark/mole on the upper lip.... Short brown hair, glasses.... Sighs dreamily and giggles and kicks my feet. They're always so cheery and kind when I interact with themmmm... I'm gonna write them a note perhaps to let them know how lovely I find them. Just so I can express my feelings, I don't expect to get their number or anything. But gosh, I'm feeling the funny gay today about that teehee
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ahedderick · 2 years
   I should maybe settle down and NOT write a rage-email. But.
One of the issues with our ad-saturated culture is that you can’t own anything of value (say, a home or small farm) without being bombarded by mail, phone calls, and email from realtors who want to SELL IT FOR YOU YES, PRECIOUS, WE WILL GET YOU THE VERY BEST PRICE IF ONLY YOU WILL CHOOSE SPAMTON REALTORS TO SELL YOUR HOUSE SELL YOUR LAND SELL SELL SELL!!!
   Three things.
First, that’s freakin’ annoying. It’s been going on for over ten years, and for a while it was only local realtors. I could call their office and say “Hey, stop sending this stuff!” and they would. in fact, stop. But NOW it’s nationwide, and it’s whack-a-mole territory.
Second, it’s really dangerous for older folks with dementia, even just a slight impairment. My father spent the last couple of YEARS asking me, every time he got one of these, “Should we call these folks? Look into what they’re offering?” He was befuddled and it looked all official and interesting . . . if I hadn’t been taking care of all of his affairs for him he could easily have been scammed into selling something he didn’t actually want to sell. He talked to one guy on the phone at one point, and that guy spent the next four months calling back, pushing, harassing, even sent ‘fake’ legal papers and verbally threatened me at one point. I kid you not. Jersey Justin, I won’t forget you any time soon.
Third, since my father passed away the harassment has at least tripled. No we don’t want to sell his property, we are keeping it in the family. No, we don’t want to sell the cell tower leases he has on the highest part of the ridge. Just. effing. NO.
Anyhow. I just got a cheery, friendly email from Kristin Meyer Realtor® asking if she could HELP me in ANY WAY. *#&^$(&^#$&^$%!!
(Do I know that realtors are not necessarily scammers? Yes - but there’s a BIG intersection in the Venn diagram, folks!)
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Merry Christmas @chloelouygo !! 🎄🎁 ✨ It was so much fun writing this little fic for you! I hope it warms your heart like a cup of cocoa! Thank you @super-secret-conspiracy for setting up this fun gift exchange!!
Tags: Thiefshipping, tendershipping, conspireshipping, fluff, holiday stress, ugly christmas sweater, cursing, gooey couple, Y!Marik is named Kek
Christmas was a weird concept to Bakura. It was something familiar and yet so foreign to him. He was used to the holiday due to his time spent in Ryou’s body, but beyond it marking the passage of time, he didn’t care much for the overly cheery occasion. It was simply there, like a mole on your skin; harmless and useless. Why should he care at all when he had much loftier things to think about like his revenge against the Pharaoh? Christmas— it was a waste of his time and energy. Not worth a second of his time.
That was until he had a body of his own.
Much had changed since he was brought back to the land of the living. Bakura was starting to change (including Marik’s darker half) and that included his opinions on holidays. He was done with revenge. Done with using his time and energy to focus on such dark and self-destructive tasks. And now he was…..stressing about gifts….
How things had changed.
Standing in front of Ryou’s apartment, he debated turning back now while he still could. He hadn’t knocked yet. Ryou didn’t even know he was here. He could just leave. He wouldn’t need to embarrass himself further. His pride could remain in tact. But he still needed to get a gift for Marik. Bakura shifted on his feet impatiently, a scowl on his face as his dark eyes looked from the door to the wall awkwardly.
“Oh fuck this—“ The words tumbled out of his mouth as he began to turn, but he was stopped as the door to Ryou’s apartment opened anyways.
Ryou blinked in surprise at the sight of Bakura, looking at the former spirit’s agitated scowl and tense stance with quick glance over. It was still so strange seeing a near identical image of himself walking around— granted Bakura was far sharper around the edges and his sarcastic attitude made it clear to everyone who they were talking to. Of course he was different in other ways, but Ryou couldn’t help but wonder if he looked as stunning as Bakura did when the sun glittered off his long white hair.
Shaking his head slightly to clear his thoughts, Ryou raised a brow at Bakura. “Is there a reason you’re standing outside my door today?”
Bakura huffed and looked away, annoyed at having been caught. He should have left sooner. “What? Didn’t you say I could visit you whenever I want?” He crossed his arms over his chest and tilted his chin up slightly. He bore his reddish-brown eyes down at Ryou defiantly.
Ryou wasn’t bothered in the slightest. He knew Bakura’s tells better than he did. He simply rolled his eyes and smiled knowing. “Of course. And usually you barge in whenever you want. So why don’t we cut to the chase and just have you come inside?” He stepped back and held his arm open in attempt to invite Bakura inside.
Bakura stared at him a moment longer, debating before he finally let his arms lower before stepping past Ryou and into his apartment. Bastard knew him far too well. Ryou smiled as Bakura passed and closed the door behind him politely. He followed after the former ring spirit, curious yet patient as he watched Bakura flop down on his couch.
“Want a cuppa?” Ryou asked even as he headed over to the kitchen. Something hot in Bakura’s hands would do him good.
“Fuck yeah I do,” Bakura called out, refusing to move from the couch. At least this way he wouldn’t look into Ryou’s curious warm brown eyes when he spoke. Just getting here had already been a trip in of itself. Now to admit why he was here…. Bakura gritted his teeth at the thought. “…..Ryou?”
“Yeah?” Ryou put the kettle on the stove and quickly stepped to the kitchen entry way to peer back into the living-room.
Bakura didn’t look back at Ryou, keeping his face carefully tilted away as he continued. “…..what are you getting Marik for Christmas?”
Ryou blinked. “Is that why you’re here? To ask what I got him?” His brows furrowed. Warm doe-brown eyes searched the back of Bakura’s head for an answer. Anything to piece together this riddle. “Are you worried we’ll end up getting the same thing?”
“No it’s not—“ Bakura let out a growl of irritation as he shifted on the couch. His long white hair coiled over his shoulder like a snake, shifting along with him as he moved. “I don’t know what to get him!” Bakura finally relented as he turned to face Ryou once more. His lips were twisted into a deep scowl and his dark eyes pierced Ryou with a fierce glare. It reminded Ryou momentarily of Battle City all over again. “The stupid bastard buys everything he wants!! Just when I think I have it, the bloody fool buys it for himself!! Rings, bike parts, cards— everything!! Marik has no self control—!! I have a week left and I’m fucked!!!”
Relief washed over Ryou as the problem was finally put before him. For a moment he was worried it was something far more complex. But a gift? Bakura was this tense over a Christmas gift? A smile grew on Ryou’s face once more. So much had changed. A few years ago and he never would have been this worried over a gift. Honestly it was rather cute.
“Don’t smile at me like that!!” Bakura snapped, feeling rather childish as he looked away from Ryou. He could feel his cheeks growing warm already Fuck he looked cute when he smiled like that. Gods and the way his lashes brushed against his cheeks as they squinted with his smile… fuck it was pathetic thinking like this. “I can feel you thinking I’m cute so just shut up and help me.”
Ryou couldn’t help but laugh as he walked over to Bakura on the couch and sat on the edge of the coffee table next to him. “No need to get fussy. I’m sure I can help you out.” He reached out and placed a gentle hand on Bakura’s arm to soothe him.
Bakura looked back at Ryou as he drew close and sighed. Despite everything, Bakura relaxed under Ryou’s touch. “You better. Because if I get bitched out by him you know I’m going to come complain to you.”
“Oh yay for me. I’m sure Kek would love to hear you complain,” Ryou mused. Honestly he loved seeing Kek and Bakura bicker with one another. The back and forth between the two of them was entertaining to say the least, especially because of Kek’s strangely unaffected demeanor. But this wasn’t about them. It was about Bakura and Marik. And Bakura wanted to get him a gift. Or maybe…..
“Have you thought about making him a gift?” Ryou asked thoughtfully. He tilted his head as he looked at Bakura. “I mean you say he buys everything he wants. Why not make him something instead? That way it’s personal and one of a kind.”
Bakura’s face scrunched at the thought. “What the fuck could I even make him? It’s not like he plays Monster World or anything. And I’m sure as hell not a jewelry maker.”
“You could make him a sweater.”
Ryou and Bakura both turned to look over at the hallway entry on the other side of the room. Kek stood there with a sleepy look in his eyes and his gravity-defying hair looking even more mussed up than usual. Ryou got up from the coffee table as he said, “I’m sorry Kek. Did we wake you from your nap?”
“Yeah but it’s fine,” Kek hummed as he watched Ryou move. He was lucky to be with someone so graceful. Ryou was beautiful and elegant when he moved, like a ballet dancer. “I needed to get up anyways. Can’t sleep all day.”
Ryou wasn’t too sure of that. Kek had been pulling some overnighters at work in order to bring in some extra cash for Christmas. It was nice not having to worry about money for a bit, but not when it came at the cost of Kek’s health. Plus he missed him. But Kek was stubborn about the whole thing. There was just something he really wanted to get them all.
Kek looked to Bakura as he continued, “You know how to sew right? You said you mended your clothes back when you were a thief. And also you helped Ryou make his Monster World figurines. So it should be easy for you.”
Bakura snorted and sat up. “Yeah sure and I can jump through a hoop of fire into a shark pit for funsies.” Sure he knew how to sew but it was minimal at best. Nothing compared to the elaborate costumes Ryou could whip out.
“Oh stop being a baby and try it,” Kek shot back. “It would be a nice thing for you to do. He’s been needing a sweater for a while now anyways. But he keeps complaining about how none of them fit his aesthetic or how they’re all too scratchy for him. You know how sensitive his back gets—“
At this Bakura nodded at. “Yeah yeah I know. He’s been layering himself in blankets back at the apartment. Can’t even take the heated blanket from him without starting a fight.” Marik was too stubborn to get a sweater though for whatever reason. Bakura even offered his own but Marik refused with a pinched scowl on his face. Sometimes the man was too fucking spoiled. Bakura’s lips twitched at the thought.
The whistle of the kettle broke Bakura’s thoughts as Ryou hurried past him with softly muttered curses leaving his lips. Kek didn’t move an inch as he watched the two of them, enjoying the way Bakura’s eyes followed after Ryou’s ass with appraising eyes. “Miss him already?” Kek asked with a cocky grin growing on his face. “You took him on a date just last week.”
Bakura’s head snapped over to Kek as his cheeks grew warm. “Fuck do you ever use that big mouth of your for anything else other than talking?”
“Yes~” Kek’s smile widened further. “Plenty of things~” He opened his mouth and lewdly stuck his long tongue out before curling it to brush against his lips. Oh he could use his mouth for plenty of things and Bakura certainly knew it.
Bakura’s face grew darker red, making Kek laugh in amusement. “Fuck off,” Bakura hissed, making Kek wave his hand as he turned to head back down the hall He could have tea with Ryou in a bit. Right now a shower sounded good. “Make him the damn sweater,” Kek added before he finally walked away.
If Kek was suggesting it, then Bakura knew it was a good idea at least when it came to Marik. But how the fuck was he going to make a sweater? He didn’t have a sewing machine or— right. He was dating a nerd. A nerd who likes to cosplay. A sharp smirk replaced the scowl on his face as Ryou came back with two cups of tea in hand.
“Oh Ryou~” Bakura cooed as he leaned forward towards the coffee table to get closer to Ryou. “So about making this sweater—“
“I’m not making the sweater for you Bakura,” Ryou cut in as he set the cups down carefully. He didn’t even need to look up to feel the frown on Bakura’s face. “The point is that you made it. Not me.”
“But your hands are practically my hands. I used to possess those you know.” Bakura moved to sit properly on the couch, trying to catch Ryou’s eye even as he avoided his gaze. “And if I think of the idea, who’s to say I didn’t make it?”
“Me. I would say it.” Ryou shot him a look before he settled in the arm-chair across from him. “And if we use that logic, then Kek made the sweater.”
Bakura’s scowl deepened. “Now you’re just being difficult. Can’t you just do this one favor for me Ryou?”
“Fuck no.” Ryou picked up his cup of tea and sipped it with a hum of delight. “But I can tell you how to make it. And I can bring my machine over to your apartment to work on it.”
Defeated, Bakura slumped back against the couch and sighed. He looked up at the ceiling as he crossed his arms over his chest. “Damn you.” There was no real venom behind the words. Only hopeless acceptance.
“Good. Then we can start tomorrow,” Ryou mused with another sip of his tea.
“Damn piece of shit machine!!”
Bakura smacked the sewing machine as his blood pressure began to rise. Never before he had wanted to beat the absolute shit out of a machine before. The week was almost up and Ryou had been kind enough stay with him later in the evening to help complete the sweater. But now it was 11:30pm and Ryou’s eyes were looking drowsy.
“Hey don’t hit my machine,” Ryou scolded from where he was sitting on the couch. Bakura was stationed on the dining room table which was his own personal hell corner at this point. He was just lucky that Marik wasn’t here at the moment to witness it.
“I wouldn’t be hitting it if it wouldn’t jam every three seconds!!” Bakura spit out as he glared at the cursed thing. Honestly he was starting to believe it had a mind of its own. It already had broken a needle twice over the course of this project, but the jamming??? Right now?!  He was three seconds away from tearing out his hair.
Ryou yawned, trying not to fall asleep where he sat. “Maybe you should just hand sew the rest.”
“Fuck no. I’m finishing this tonight. He comes back tomorrow and I am not sleeping until this is done.” Marik would be tired from his trip from Egypt but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t notice a missing gift from under the tree.
Ryou sighed. Of course. Right.
Thirty minutes later and Bakura had managed to finish up the rest of the sweater. Well, at least attempted to finish it. His nose wrinkled as he looked over the misshapen garment slowly. One sleeve was a little longer than the other and the design of a snowflake in front wasn’t quite centered. Honestly it was gods awful and rather goofy looking. At least it felt soft.
Ryou stepped out from the kitchen with yet, another cup of tea in his hand and paused as he watched Bakura take in his work. “Oh! You’ve finally finished it!”
“Yeah.” Bakura grimaced as he lowered it. “It looks like shit.”
“It does not!” Ryou quickly reassured despite having to fight the smile on his face. “It looks nice! Homemade even.”
“Ryou I managed to make this snowflake look depressed. I didn’t even think that was possible.”
“It’s not—“ Ryou let out a laugh at his words and had to cover his mouth with his free hand. “It’s not depressed! It’s so cute! It’s got four holes like it should! It’s wearable! Just because it’s a little, um, imprecise doesn’t mean that it’s shit.”
“Ryou.” Bakura looked over his shoulder from where he sat to look at his former host. “I can’t give him this. What the fuck am I going to do? Christmas is tomorrow— Fuck! Im so fucked!!”
“Bakura, it’ll be fine. I know he’ll love it.” Ryou set the tea down on the table and put a hand on Bakura’s shoulder. “Don’t be so hard on yourself. I don’t think Marik’s ever even gotten anything handmade before.”
“Not true. Kek gave him a figure he sculpted,” Bakura denied with a shake of his head. He looked down at the lilac sweater in his hands and sighed. Why couldn’t he do anything right? Why could he only destroy things instead of creating something good?
Ryou squeezed Bakura’s shoulder gently before stepping closer and putting his hand on his other shoulder. He leaned in to kiss the top of Bakura’s head lightly. “Stop it. I know what you’re thinking. But stop it. I think you’ll be surprised by how much he loves it.”
Ryou felt one of Bakura’s colder hands snake up to touch his on his shoulder. Bakura grunted in response before he sighed. “You should probably head home Ryou. It’s Christmas Eve and it’s getting late. I’m sure Kek is waiting for you.”
Ryou gave him one last squeeze before he finally let him go. “You’re probably right. But if you need anything just text me ok? I’m only a few blocks away.”
Bakura nodded his head and listened as Ryou stepped away. Bakura wasn’t particularly looking forward to a lonely Christmas Eve, but he would deal with it if it meant seeing Marik’s smiling face in the morning. He softened at the thought of his blonde-haired partner. He missed those lavender eyes that sparkled like gems and soft hands that touched him so gently. Warmth and tenderness wasn’t something he really knew until he started living with Marik. For such a dickhead he could be surprisingly sweet when he wanted to be.
“I’ll see you later Bakura,” Ryou called out from the front door.
“Catch you later,” Bakura shot back as he looked up at Ryou. It was fine. Everything would be fine.
Ryou waved goodbye with mildly worried eyes but the looked was cut off as the door closed behind him. Bakura looked back to the project in his hands and scowled once more. It really was a mess. A poor excuse at sewing but it was something he made. It was soft and he had spent time making sure nothing would scratch at Marik’s back when he wore it. Not to mention he picked colors that were straight from Marik’s wardrobe. Lavender was his favorite and the color didn’t appear much in men’s fashion.
Bakura looked up and caught sight of Ryou’s tea sitting nearby, still steaming hot as he left it. He would bet that Ryou left it for him on purpose. Sometimes Ryou was sneakier than anyone gave him credit for. He reached out and took a sip of the tea only to smile as he set it down once more. It was his favorite flavor; lotus flower. Ryou would never drink that.
“That sneaky bastard….”
Bakura held the sweater to his chest and stood up from where he sat in front of the sewing machine. He stretched as he did and heard a few things pop. It felt good though. He had been sitting there for far too long. A soft noise of relief left him as he settled back before starting to turn. He could hide this in the closet or something. Maybe he could tell Marik his gift was delayed even.
Before Bakura could think of it much more he could hear the door to his apartment jiggle as if someone was putting their keys in it. He tensed on the spot as dread steeped to his stomach. Fuck no. Marik was supposed to arrive home tomorrow. He was back early?? Bakura was about to spring out of the room when the door flung open.
Marik looked exhausted and pissed off to all hell, dressed in an violet pea-coat  to stave off the cold weather of Domino as well as a white scarf and gloves to boot. His golden hair was limp from traveling so long and there were dark circles under his eyes. His dark purple luggage trailed behind him as he muttered to himself quietly. “Damn keys. Fuck just— get in my pocket damn it—“ He fumbled with his keys a moment and kicked the door closed behind him until he felt a pair of eyes on him. Finally looking up, he paused as he saw Bakura standing there quietly with wide unsure eyes.
“Bakura?” The wrinkle between Marik’s brows was cute and Bakura wanted nothing more than to kiss it away. “What are you doing up?“ Lavender eyes looked from Bakura to the sewing machine, looking even more confused as he let go of his luggage. “Was Ryou here?”
“Yeah,” Bakura finally croaked out and lamely shuffled the sweater in his hand to hide behind his back. “You’re home early.”
“Yeah. Wanted to surprise you,” Marik admitted as he stepped further into their shared apartment. He approached Bakura slowly, sensing that something was off. Even so he smiled as he looked at his clearly stressed out lover. “Did you miss me?”
“….always,” Bakura replied softly, his lips ticking up despite himself. “But Ryou and Kek made sure I didn’t get too lonely. How was Ishizu and Odion?”
“The same as always. Overly worried and overly worked. But it was nice seeing them.” Marik stopped just in front of Bakura and placed his hands gently on his hips. He was so close. Just a breath away. Bakura couldn’t stop looking at his lips. “Now, are you going to show me what you’re hiding from me?”
Bakura blinked at that before his eyes snapped up to meet Marik’s. “No.” He took a step back as his face grew warm. He couldn’t let Marik see the sweater. Why did Kek convince him it was a good idea? He should have just gotten him some new earrings.
“No?” Marik frowned, further confused and annoyed at this point. “I just flew fourteen hours to get here and now you’re going to start hiding shit from me? Nuh-uh. I’m too tired for that.” He reached around Bakura in an attempted to steal whatever he was hiding.
But Bakura was quicker than him and shifted away. “Hey! I said no you fucker!!”
“And I said I don’t care! Now let me see!” He reached again, causing the two of them to start wrestling with one another. “Come on Bakura—!!”
The two of them shoved and pulled at one another until Marik finally leaned in and kissed Bakura square on the mouth. Bakura froze at the kiss, his heart rate spiking in his chest as he was momentarily stunned. It gave Marik enough time to pry the sweater from Bakura’s weakened hands.
“Ha—!!” Marik stepped away from Bakura triumphantly and held his prize up. What was it? It was…..it was a sweater? “Ah?” He lowered the piece of clothing down to look at it closer.
“Give it back—!!” Bakura reached to snatch it from him but Marik quickly stepped back. It was a soft sweater. Softer than any he had felt in awhile. And there was a cute snowflake pattern on the front. Granted the whole thing looked like a child made it, but regardless, it was surprisingly tasteful.
“….did you make this?” Marik looked at Bakura carefully though he wanted to keep looking at the sweater in his hands. This was a make-or-break moment. He knew how sensitive Bakura could be. The stitching was off and one sleeve was longer than the other, but the idea of Bakura spending time working on this was surprising. He didn’t usually do things like this…
Bakura crossed his arms over his chest and looked away from those eyes he adored so much. “Yeah? And what about it? I already know it looks like shit. So just give it back. I shouldn’t have tried to make anything for you anyways—“
“You made this for me?”
Bakura cringed as Marik’s eyes went wider at the revelation. He finally met Marik’s surprised gaze with a leveled glare of his own. Embarrassment clawed at the back of his throat but he refused to back down. “Yes. But that was a mistake.”
“Bakura…..“ Marik shifted on his feet, his tired eyes looking over him with softening fondness. Bakura spent time making this for him. Bakura was clearly stressed out about it and that only meant he put his all into this project. He cared. Bakura cared about him. “Just be quiet. This is— this is perfect.”
Marik looked at the sweater once more as a grin began to curl on his lips. He rubbed his thumbs against the fabric and felt his heart melt. “And you’re never going to take this from me. You got it? I better be fucking buried in this luxury. A handmade gift from you—? That’s worth more than a Pharaoh’s ransom.”
Bakura snorted at Marik’s words and felt his shoulders slowly relax. He let his arms drop to his sides as he stepped closer to Marik. “Oh so my work is luxury now? I better get paid like it is when I make you dinner then.”
“You know that’s not the same thing,” Marik sniffed with his chin tilted up. “Now just let me enjoy this. I’m not done basking in the glow of knowing you made this for me.”
Bakura placed his hands on Marik’s hips and pulled him closer to his chest. “Yeah well don’t bask too long. I missed you damn it and I want to give you a real welcome home.” His fingers curled into the fabric of Marik’s pea-coat anxiously, wanting to feel him in his arms now more than ever. It had been too long since they were last together. A week without him had been a hell on its own.
“Yeah?” Marik held the sweater close to his chest while his free hand reached up to cup Bakura’s face lightly. “I missed you too.” He leaned in and closed the short distance between them until their lips pressed softly against one another.
It was just as perfect as the first time they kissed; so soft and full of yearning. Marik could feel how Bakura melted against him as he clung further to him. A smile was stuck on Marik’s lips as slowly deepened the kiss. He could taste the tea Bakura had been drinking still lingering on his lips and the floral taste sent shivers down his spine. The smell of Marik’s expensive cologne filled Bakura’s senses and the soft press of his lips against his own left his mind reeling. Now this was what coming home felt like.
Slowly Bakura broke the kiss only to look deep into Marik’s eyes. Their noses brushed against one another as he spoke softly, “Merry Christmas Marik. Welcome home.”
Marik brushed his thumb lightly against Bakura’s cheek as he smile deepened. “Merry Christmas Bakura.” He couldn’t stop himself from sneaking another kiss to those lips he adored so much. Both of them were changing so much, but moments like this reminded Marik just how much Bakura meant to him.
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Hi there! Could I request a matchup with a male character from honkai star rail, genshin impact, and demon slayer please??
My pronouns are she/her and I’m heterosexual. My zodiac sign is Taurus and I’m an INFP! I have pretty dark brown hair that I usually keep cut a little past my shoulders and I have brown eyes. I’m 5’7 and have freckles across my cheeks, as well as a few moles (I also have very prominent dark circles under my eyes..).
I’m definitely a more introverted person, I’m very shy when I’m talking to people I don’t know, and I tend to avoid conversation as much as possible. However, if I get to know someone, I can be very talkative and cheery! I’m a very creative person and have a big imagination! I can also be very stubborn, and I don’t really like to admit that I’m wrong.
I have a lot of hobbies, and I really enjoy trying out new things! I have a passion for baking, and I try to bake something new at least once a month! I also enjoy figure skating, and I’ve recently learned how to play the harp! Some other various hobbies of mine include calligraphy, digital art and quilting. I absolutely love going antique shopping! It’s a really fun past time, and I definitely like looking through decorations and utilities from the past. I collect records, old comics, pins, and paper dolls, so those are all things I like! I have a very strong dislike for bugs and I also hate seafood.
I hope this is good, Thank you!
Hi Anon! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took a while. I hope you like your matchups!
In Honkai Star Rail, I match you with...
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Welt enjoys your quiet demeanour. Between March, the Trailblazer, and (on occasion) Dan Heng, you're a nice change of pace.
Gets rid of bugs for you. They don't bother him so he has no problem with doing that for you.
His favourite moments with you are spent enjoying each other's company. You could be playing the harp, doing calligraphy, working on your latest quilting project, or doing nothing at all. He just likes being in your presence.
Welt enjoys listening to you play the harp. He likes the tunes you produce and enjoys being able to hear your skills improve with practice.
One thing he does love doing with you is baking. He gets to spend time with you and he gets a snack out of it at the end.
Welt also loves going antique shopping with you. Between your shared love of records, and all the other cool old things you find, it's sure to be an enjoyable day for both of you.
In Genhsin Impact, I match you with...
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Thoma matches your energy beat for beat. I see him as naturally a more reserved person. But he can certainly step up and carry conversations when needed.
He likes it when you talk to him about your interests. It shows him that you feel comfortable with him and that means more to him than he can say.
Another one who loves baking with you! Thoma is great in the kitchen so whatever you make always ends up tasting amazing. He'll give you little tips here and there for future reference if you're cooking without him.
If you use your quilting skills to make something for him? He's so grateful. He's lost for words. They can't express how much it means to him that you put so much time and effort into something just for him.
Expect your favourite snack and a handwritten love letter to show up sometime the next day.
On a completely different note, I think you would get along really well with Lisa. You're pretty similar so I can see you hanging out in her library a lot.
In Demon Slayer, I match you with...
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No matter how introverted you are, somehow Giyu is even more reserved.
He enjoys watching you do calligraphy and play the harp. He likes watching your hands move; it's soothing to him. If he watches for too long though, he might start falling asleep.
I think Giyu would enjoy antique shopping. There isn't really the need for conversation and there are some really cool things hidden in antique shops. He likes the peaceful intrigue of it.
Ice skating dates! I don't know why but in my mind, this fits so well with Giyu. I think he would be decent at skating but nowhere near figure skating level.
His favourite part of going skating with you is being able to skate side by side with your hands intertwined "for warmth".
He's very careful about not falling over…the last thing he wants is to pull you down with him.
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dastardlydandelion · 2 years
wip-py snippy
“Good morning,” Chrissy greets softly, flicking the light switch.
A cheery smile graces her glossy lips with an enthusiasm Susan struggles to return, weary after a sleepless night of unpleasant dreams, tossing and turning. Well, not really much tossing, she supposes. And all of the turning was intentional, of course, mindful pressure relief to prevent sores. Albeit, since she couldn’t sleep, at some point the turning was less about necessity and more about movement for movement’s sake.
“Morning,” Susan returns, trying her best to beam anyway. It’ll be their first day really getting to know each other, she wants to make a good impression.
“Are you ready to get up?”
“Ready as I’ll ever be,” Susan exhales, nervous flutter in her chest. It's the first time a stranger has assisted with her care since her rehab stay and the clinical setting had helped Susan compartmentalize the situation. Something about the stranger being in her bedroom makes it feel more awkward, more intimate than Susan is earnestly comfortable with as this young woman she barely knows goes about draining the urine from her night bag and switching it to a leg bag for the day.
But of course, it’s not like someone else managing her bodily fluids will ever be completely comfortable, regardless of who they are. Susan is leagues away from being mortified as she once was, nevertheless holds onto the hope that if she keeps putting in the work she’ll eventually be able to handle her bladder care independently. In the mean time, Susan glances away from Chrissy and focuses on the ceiling, reminding herself that this was her choice. She’s the one who wanted it to be a stranger. She’s the one who prodded her case worker for options, the one who wanted to draw boundaries in her personal relationships. It’ll be okay. Plenty of people have PCAs and do just fine. Susan isn’t special and Chrissy is a professional…she is a professional, right?
She’s just…so young. Not much older than Max, really. Susan tries to flush the seeds of doubt before they can sprout. It’s going to take some getting used to, that’s all. This is what she wanted but it’s still new, still a change. It takes time to adjust to changes, to new things and new realities. This is just one more change she needs to be patient with.
Susan watches Chrissy strip off her vinyl green gloves as she shifts from supine to sitting as hastily as she can. “Could you please pass me my transfer board?”
“Your wish is my command,” Chrissy says playfully, winking as she plucks the board off the wall and dutifully passes it over.
Before Susan can thank her, Max pops up like a puppet from Whac-A-Mole, eyes narrowed suspiciously.
“You haven’t needed that thing in like a month, Mom. What’s wrong? What’s going on?”
“Nothing is wrong, Maxine, I’m just tired.”
“Nightmares again?” Max asks, rapid fire. “Are you okay? Do you need me to—“
“I need you to close the door,” Susan interrupts, irritable from the lack of sleep and her many fluctuating anxieties that the lack of sleep gave her all night to dwell upon. 
“No,” Max snaps, fixing Chrissy with a sharp glower. “Not until we know her better.”
“Maxine,” Susan demands, pointedly raising her voice.
She’s still the mother here, damn it, even if she can’t enforce a grounding or revoke privileges the way she used to. If she even used to, which she probably didn’t if she’s being honest with herself. Even when she had full use of all four limbs, Max was stubborn as a mule and wild as a mustang. Max was always going to do what Max wanted to do.
Max wheels on her heel with a hot snort and stalks away. Chrissy glides across the hardwood floor and quietly shuts the door after her.
“I’m sorry about that,” Susan murmurs. “She’s just protective of me. Especially now.”
“Must be hereditary,” Chrissy comments lightly.
Susan stiffens and the younger woman blanches when she sees her face, fanning her fingers and flapping them defensively.
“I’m sorry— I just. I know what happened…”
“Of course you do. It’s a small town.”
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kittymaine · 3 months
Christmas Bonus Sneak Peek
I feel bad for making you guys wait so long for the next part of the Life Down on the Farm series. So, please enjoy a sneak peek of the next part while I continue to work on it!
Click the Read More to see the first bit.
By the time that Jason reached the little farm, it was so late that it was nearly early. The weather was bitterly cold, his breath fogging in front of his face as he pulled his motorcycle helmet off. His fingers were numb, even with the thick leather gloves he was wearing. Like something out of a Christmas movie, little fluffy flakes of snow had started floating down from thick low cloud cover just as Jason had started to rumble slowly up the rutted dirt driveway to Tim's little farm house.
Outside, the smell of wood smoke was thick in the air, a cheery little column of it marching out the top of the chimney to join the gray clouds crowding close to the ground and obscuring the coldly twinkling stars above. As Jason dismounted his bike and pulled off his helmet, he regarded the ridiculously quaint picture it made.
An old stone farmhouse squatting on the side of a rolling hillside framed by a red barn, an orchard empty of leaves and a quiet empty field with soft fluffy gray clouds disgorging even fluffier light snowfall. It was like an old-timey Christmas picture and Jason was having a hard time reconciling it with Tim Drake: hacker, vigilante and the youngest CEO of a fortune five hundred company in history.
Already tired, Jason blew a curl of hair off his forehead and turned around to unpack the box of cookies from his saddlebag. Hopefully they were still intact after all the bouncing he had done up and down hills to get there.
The old front porch creaked under Jason's boots, and he raised his fist to knock on the front door before he could talk himself out of it. From behind the door, Jason heard some thumps and fumbling. A warm firelight orange stained the thin white curtains in the front windows. The curtains were twitched aside by pale thin fingers and a single dark blue eye peered out at him and Jason peered back impassively for a pregnant second. Then, the curtain twitched shut, and no more sounds came from the other side.
Jason fully expected Tim to ignore him and was already trying to psych himself up for what was promising to be a long, cold drive back to Gotham in snowy weather when the sounds of the door unlatching reached him. Before he could do more than raise his eyebrows, the door was swinging inward to reveal a Timothy Drake that Jason didn't recognize.
When he had seen Tim over a year ago, he had looked like a ghost of the boy he presented to the rest of the world. But, the Tim that was regarding him suspiciously from the doorway (and hiding a small knife in the palm of his left hand very well, but not well enough) looked like a completely different person.
His hair was longer, long enough to be gathered into a loose ponytail at the nape of his neck, the longer pieces of hair around his face made him look softer and kinder, even though his face was still angular and narrow. Speaking of his face, that had filled out a lot too. It had never occurred to Jason that Tim's razor sharp cheekbones and chin might have been owed more to malnutrition than good genetics, but Tim's fuller face put a lot of credence to that. Even his skin looked different, no longer ghostly pale white, his skin had a shade of brown to it and little moles had popped up on his face and the back of the hand that Jason could see. One small one on the side of his nose and another at the corner of his right eye.
Everything about him looked healthier, more solid. His shoulders were wider, his stance more solid, he even looked like he had grown an inch or so since Jason had last seen him.
Jason didn't realize his mouth was hanging open until Tim scoffed and put his knife away with an eye roll. He closed his mouth with a click of his teeth.
(I hope you guys like it so far! I'll keep working on it and hopefully have it posted soon!)
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enochscribbles · 10 months
Hello! If your requests are open, can I please have a matchup with a male character from Genshin Impact?
My name’s Rachel, I’m 18, and pronouns are she/her. My zodiac sign is Taurus and I’m an INFP! I have dark brown hair that I usually keep cut a little past my shoulders and I have brown eyes. I’m 5’7 and have freckles across my cheeks, as well as a few moles (I also have very prominent dark circles under my eyes..). 
I’m definitely a more introverted person, I’m very shy when I’m talking to people I don’t know, and I tend to avoid conversation as much as possible. However, if I get to know someone, I can be very talkative and cheery! I’m a very creative person and have a big imagination. I can also be very stubborn, and I don’t really like to admit that I’m wrong. 
I have a lot of hobbies, and I really enjoy trying out new things! I have a passion for baking, and I try to bake something new at least once a month. I’m also very into figure skating! I’ve been skating for 12 years, and its something im very passionate about. Some other various hobbies of mine include calligraphy, and digital art. My personal style is a kind of mix between softie and angelcore. I love clothes that are pink, ruffly or have some sort of lace on them. Some things I like include, pretty perfume bottles, flowers, and jewelry I have a huge sweet tooth, so I also really like desserts. I have a very strong dislike for bugs and I also hate seafood.
I hope that’s good, Thank you so much!
Hi! They are, I should really put that somewhere. Thanks for the request.
I’d match you with Kamisato Ayato!
The head of the Yashiro Commission is refined, perceptive and resourceful, and I think, a really good match
He’d immediately pick up that you preferred to avoid conversation, and would do his best to navigate social situations so you didn’t have to talk if you didn’t want to
That said, he’d listen to you talking if you wanted to, finding you interesting, and he’d like how refreshing it can be to talk to someone so cheery
This might be surprising, but he strikes me as a bit of a dreamer, or someone who reads a lot, saying his vision is “happiest in his possession” and commenting “oh, to have been a fly on the wall”, hearing about an interesting event. So, I think you’d get on, having a big imagination
He has some respect for your stubbornness, buut would also probably advise some flexibility (though does appreciate that firmness is a similarity between you)
Likes to try new things alongside you – he’s mentioned that variety is the spice of life, after all
Ayato would likely try to rope you into learning the art of the sword, given that you’re willing to try new hobbies – he’d be a gentle teacher and it’s something he knows back to front, but if you’d prefer to avoid that, no worries, calligraphy is a pastime you share, or you could simply take a walk
Modern au Ayato seems like he could be an ice skater…either way, he’d absolutely at least have knowledge of figure skating and he’d be starry-eyed watching you
Despite saying he doesn’t have a personal food preference, he seems to have a sweet tooth too, especially considering the boba tea
Honestly, his aesthetic feels fairly similar to yours as well, surprisingly kinda soft and not angelcore but very elegant
Would gift you perfume bottles and flowers, you’d likely just find the gifts somewhere with a carefully folded note attached
Aand he’d absolutely remember you not liking seafood, even if his own cooking leaves something to be desired
It’s cool how his character demo fills in a part of the Inazuma story imo so go watch it if you’re unfamiliar with his character at all
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