#and doesn’t wait for an answer
shadowslocked · 6 months
Thinking about Q!Bad saying he’ll bring back Forever if he dies, when previously he disapproved of Cellbit trying to bring back Abueloir because it was against the “rules” and there were a lot of chances for things to go wrong
Something about love being a driving force to ruin, in making those wrong choices despite knowing the consequences if it means even the slightest chance in getting back your loved ones
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mabsart · 7 months
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[Star Wars Rebels: Kalluzeb]
(A redraw of this.)
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caesurah-tblr · 8 months
You don’t understand, I am not normal about q!Charlie’s lore. Man is literally turning into a code because he refuses to see all the red flags (me too tbh).
His voice is glitching out, and even though the others can’t read Flippa’s signs, he seems to be able to….
I need more lore now!!
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mumblesplash · 2 years
my dream as a creator is to one day make stories compelling enough that fans will painstakingly construct elaborate but plausible in-universe explanations for all my writing mistakes. my goal as a fan is to not do that exact thing ever again. life is war
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odd-kid-42 · 1 year
One of my favorite writing decisions was when people were asking if Marbury in The Marbury Lens wasn’t a metaphor for how isolated someone feels after experiencing a traumatic event, the disassociation and fight-or-flight involved in every day life afterwards, how being closeted from your best friend compounds everything until everything grows worse— and then Andrew Smith published a sequel and short story confirming that no, really, Marbury is a real place. Jack was Going Through It and was right to distrust everyone up until the last couple chapters of the sequel.
He can’t write female characters, but by god Andrew Smith can write an apocalyptic horror and double down on it.
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littlebirdy0301 · 10 months
Ross Bryant in an improvised storyline be like “I WILL romance a character and I WILL tenderly touch their arm and I WILL take their hands & look lovingly into their eyes”
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paimonial-rage · 5 months
Ask meme - 6 and 9 for the dragon men (zhongli and neuvillette) please!
This took so long I am so sorry, but here we go!
[Character Analysis Ask Meme]
What is Neuvillette's biggest insecurity?
Neuvillette’s biggest insecurity is not something he's ever tried to hide. Anyone that has spent enough time with the Iudex has probably heard him mention it before. Simply put, Neuvillette doesn't understand the emotions of humans very well. He never has and sometimes he doubts if he ever will? How many times has this flaw of his costed him dearly in the past? How many mistakes has he made? And how many are there yet to come? How he dreads the thought.
What can’t you trust [Neuvillette] with?
To chase after you - Iudex Neuvillette is many things—polite, kind, intelligent—but he is not a man without faults. Only a few know him well enough to realize he holds many regrets upon his shoulders, majority that were never his burden alone to bear. Should you ever become the source of one of these regrets, you can surely expect to know. With somber eyes and a weight upon his shoulders, he will apologize to you. But don’t expect anymore than that. Not understanding human emotions is not only his weakness, but a prison. He will not attempt to make things up to you nor will he try to make things how they used to be. You’re best off where he can hurt you no more, even if that means he will be left alone to the rain.
What is Zhongli's biggest insecurity?
Who knows lol.
What can’t you trust Zhongli with?
With mora - As knowledgeable and talented Zhongli is with many things, it is a surprise to many to hear that businessmen don’t exactly enjoy making deals with him. How can they when contract discussions always leave them with the [shorter end of the stick]? How many [unforeseen business expenses] do they end up incurring in such a short amount of time? In the end, they always lose more than they gained. What they don’t know is this unfortunate occurrence happens with any Mora dealings with the man. But what can you expect for someone that, by contract, has the Traveler liable for all expenses during his outings with them? It's simply best to leave all matters of mora out of any relationships with him.
With your heart - If there's one thing true about Zhongli, it's that, while he may withhold the truth, he does not lie. So when he speaks of a person warmly, they can very well believe his words to be true. That being said, it is important that one does not mistaken his warmth with depth. One cannot simply entrust their heart to him and expect his in return. How could anyone hope to understand the weight of many a millennia, after all? So while the desire may be cute, it'll never be something he would even consider to reciprocate.
#genshin impact#genshin x reader#zhongli#neuvilllette#zhongli x reader#neuvillette x reader#character analysis ask meme#my writing#i am so sorry this took so long anon i have no excuses#not the happiest with these set of responses either#neuvillette’s insecurity answer is severely lacking#it’s so obvious that it feels too easy but like#the reason why i feel that way is because the answer doesn’t answer WHY tha5 is his biggest insecurity. WHY does it matter to him so much?#the obvious answer is that it is because he cares about humans but why??#the answer i came to is that deep down he wants to be accepted by humans which is why he seeks to understand them but i am not sure#granted that’s just my gut answer. i need to do way more research but i already left you waiting too long#as for zhongli like….. ugh#my first answer for what you can trust him with was a cop out but like!!!#that’s because my second answer is like something i talk about alllll the time when i talk about zhongli OTL#i have a whole series surrounding it orz#i didn’t think anyone would want me to talk about it again so i came up with the cop out answer#but the cop out answer was such a cop out i ended up typing my original idea haha#so you get two answers that are kind of mediocre. i’m sorry. ;v;#all of my other answers for him would be more humorous#you can’t trust him with: common sense… bringing appropriate party cups… arriving to events on time#tho there’s no proof for it you gotta admit that he gives off the vibes of someone tha5 is chronically late to everything#and as for his insecurity like… typically old and ‘spiritually actualized’ people are of the hardest to analyze in terms of insecurities#he has no chinks in his armor#i will be working on your next ask though! hopefully it takes less time ;v;
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itsalwaysforyou · 5 months
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hold me together.
kenny ortega, descendants 2 / holly black, red glove / nicole homer, underbelly / ada limon, a new national anthem / k c cramm, christmas eve forever / kenny ortega, descendants 3 / the crane wives, curses / silas denver melvin, let dead dogs lie / natalie wee, least of all
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teecupangel · 6 months
After Mirage I went straight to Valhalla for the first time cause I love Basim. I just got to the Oxenfordscire arc to when you free the thegns. And right now Im following Siguard and Basim walk halfway across the map becuase their horses are constantly running into them and this is harlarious.
Then I imagined it as another Desmond being reborn and him doing that to Siguard was too funny.
I’m going to assume this is another case of Desmond becoming a horse AU and roll with it XD
Eivor has no idea what was happening.
Desmond was one of the best horses in Ravensthorpe.
Hytham had been the one to capture him near their settlement a few weeks after they had landed.
According to Hytham, Desmond had approached him a day after he taught Eivor how to do a leap of faith and he managed to ‘capture’ him.
When Hytham recounted the story to Eivor, Desmond had let out a huffing sound that made Hytham hush him, as if the two were keeping a secret.
If Eivor was to make a guess, she believes Hytham didn’t capture Desmond and more like bribed him or maybe even pleaded with him.
That’s what Eivor learned about Desmond.
He does not do well with being pulled or hit. He’d even kick and jump away.
But talking to him and asking him to run or to go left?
He’d do it if one was to ask nicely.
Eivor’s try and tested method, give Desmond berries.
They were meant to be Eivor’s emergency provisions but berries were plenty around these parts so she didn’t mind sharing them to Desmond for a much smoother ride.
That was why she had not been surprised that Hytham has asked Desmond to be Basim’s horse.
Basim had been amused with his acolyte talking to a horse like he could understand him but he humored Hytham and spoke to Desmond the same way.
Sigurd had been confused but paid it no heed.
And Eivor whispered to Desmond to behave.
And now…
Eivor has no way of explaining to the two men that the horses are running away from them because Desmond ordered Sigurd’s horse to follow him.
She had seen Desmond do it multiple times before.
She was already starting to believe Desmond is not just any ordinary horse… that he might even be a shapeshifter…
Might even be Loki in disguise.
She was sure Desmond is doing this not to tease them but because he had gotten fed up as well.
Maybe Eivor is just projecting her own feelings.
What she will say is that…
There really was no need to get even her horse to follow him, making them run towards them until they’re near and just running away.
Soon, Sigurd was going to snap and tell them to just find new horses.
And only then will Desmond and the horses return and let them ride them.
Eivor was sure of it.
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First of all, I just want to say. I called it lol
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Finally an sskk face off since the sacrifice. I am going insane. I can’t articulate all my thoughts rn but something about the way Atsushi aimed a kick at Akutagawa that he fully expected the guy to block (because they know each other’s usual fighting styles!!!) only for it to connect and hurt him; Atsushi begging Akutagawa to recognize him because even if he still can’t consciously admit it, Atsushi has become convinced that Akutagawa wouldn’t be attacking him like this if he knew it was him; pleading for him to snap out of it and demanding to know why he saved him aghhhhh I’m going feral we know the reason Atsushi we know whyyyyy
I can’t believe it actually. We are at the point where sskk do not want to genuinely hurt each other. Atsushi attacked only out of self defence and was taken aback by actually breaking his wrist. Akutagawa refused to kill Atsushi in the Fukuchi fight and Atsushi is now convinced he’d stop attacking if he recognized him. Holy shit. Oh my god.
And Sigma badass moment! My boy, he pulled through! Either him or Chuuya had to break the stalemate; hell yeah, validation. Wasn’t there a meme someone made? “Prison arc -> prison arc if Sigma still had a gun”? Well Sigma’s got a gun and things are picking up babyyyy! His retort to Fyodor was quite possibly the funniest thing he could’ve said in response. Just completely shut him down. Using what he’s learned running the empty home Fyodor previously tried to buy his trust with. Beautiful. ADA Sigma real??? (I think the story will have to acknowledge his very public involvement with Taneda’s shooting and the acts of terrorism the Hunting Dogs now know he is responsible for… so I’m not sure how that will go but I’d like to see him end up with the Agency tbh… so long as it makes sense.)
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Things I did not expect:
Mysterious note left in Russian??? It could be Mykola I suppose but… why? What happened? If he’s actually in trouble I doubt he’d need help escaping. Is it a trap? But what for? Alternatively… could it be Pushkin? He was in Meursault initially right? We never found out what his connection was. It could be a new Russian author too! Intriguing! There’s also the matter of it being written in Russian in the first place - who is it meant for? Sigma specifically? Or is it meant for someone else who speaks Russian?
Dazai is actually injured! I was certain he had something ready to get out on his own but I like this much better. Tbh I know this sounds bad but I’m actually way more invested now that Dazai has a broken leg and Fyodor was just shot. There’s higher stakes, you know? Damn though. I think Dazai’s injuries are. Worse. He’s being terribly self-sacrificial, and is apparently going to face off against Chuuya next time we see him. I do think now the stakes would be too low if Chuuya was completely free of the brainwashing tbh… I’m hoping for a double “I know you’re in there” fight between skk and sskk. Not that Dazai can do much physically but his strength has always been with words anyways, and I am certain Chuuya’s already fighting back. And I know Atsushi will reach Akutagawa. Manifesting sskk reunion where they challenge Fukuchi again and win this time via the power of unbreakable trust (delusional).
Sigma asks Fyodor “WHAT are you?” Which is interesting, and I’m hoping will acknowledge the way Fyodor doesn’t seem to age… but also intriguing is the “getting closer” part on the side which implies he’s not quite right. I think Fyodor will still turn out to be human tbh (it’d be weird otherwise, thematically), but now I’m starting to lend a little more weight to that theory about a Fyodor double…
Well anyways. This was a lot. I’m going to helplessly whir about it for a bit now.
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thought-42 · 2 months
Anyway in an Ascendancy au Ezra Bridger gets adopted by the Stybla because he’s an alien artifact send tweet
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soullessstare · 1 year
So bbh meet up with cucurucho and it gave him several books of interest, but one of them caught my attention
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Now there’s a lot of ways to interpret this, but one of the most interesting is that they already have all (or most) the pieces to the binary monster puzzle, they just need to put it together.
They are intelligent because they already have the answers to know that the binary monster isn’t a god.
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skyward-floored · 1 month
Peggy, this is Uber important.
I need to understand your personal lore..
Were you, or were you not, a Warrior Cats kid
I was indeed 😔 I knew who everyone was related to, I knew all the lore, I doodled cats in my math books. It was my first real fandom I poked around in actually, I had ships I got annoyed at and fancomics I followed on deviantart, I even...
...wrote a pretty terrible fic for it once.
Technically, that was my first ever fanfiction, but I never got past chapter one lol. I worked out all the clan lore and cats and family and everything, but actually writing it ended up being too much of a chore for lil’ teenage me. It’s funny how things have changed since then (and also stayed the same haha).
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bakedbananners · 1 year
can I talk about mob being an osdd system
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dadmareau · 9 months
If Mister Mare leaves into his Timeline and home, but Night won't return to Dream's after, wouldn't that mean that Dream would be all alone?
Hahaha, yes. That’s only if Mister Mare would be cruel enough to leave Dream, after seeing and learning all he has now. It would be a horrid timeline, for Dream to be given the experience of a guardian who cares for his well-being… and then to be forced to live alone again. Dream would convince himself Mister Mare was an imaginary friend, and perhaps even pretend that he was still there. Dream would have to mourn two people.
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wagpastie · 2 years
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piss piss in the sun
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