#and even if you aren't one of them i still appreciate the notes and ofc this ask
mintjeru · 2 years
The symptoms you’re describing sounds a whole lot like burn out, which happens to the best of us when we push ourselves too long and hard past our limits. It definitely would seem easier to rely on external statistics (likes and reblogs/retweets) to determine the value of your work when you can’t see it yourself, but this is definitely something that can make you feel worse when the numbers don’t hit your expected target. Regardless of the size of your audience, it’s not unreasonable to want or desire for interaction and positive feedback for work you’ve put time and effort into producing, especially when you’ve done so with more limited resources (time/energy etc) than you had access to before. While it’s not a sure-fire way to cure burnout, taking a break and getting enough rest as well as allowing yourself some breathing space can help. Take care of yourself! Love your work—but don’t burn yourself down to the ground! There’s only one like and one reblog that I can give 😢 even if I want to give more…
hey anon! first, thank you for taking the time to write and send this in 🥺 second, it's a bit of a late reply bc i started crying while reading this for the first time and had to come back to it later ajdsdjfsjdf ;;;
you're probably right, i think it is burnout. i've been telling myself otherwise for months now bc i've been worried that the frequency of my posts has set myself up for others to expect something of me + not making art to share would be letting my followers down. but that's also locked me in a cycle of feeling guilty for either not drawing or making something that has no love behind it. logically, i know that taking a break would help, but i'm apparently not the best at allowing myself to take it easy 😅 still, i'll take your words to heart.
ty again for this, and i promise your one like and reblog is enough! i'm thankful that you leave notes on my posts and immensely grateful that you would even consider giving more <3
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being alive at the time i gleaned some general elements abt encanto but never actually heard we don't talk about bruno beyond awareness it existed popping off & i think i heard like the title recited off key off rhythm but in a way that indicates speak singing nonetheless lol so upon experiencing it it's like oh but it's the Verses? while the last refrain goes harder but prior to that it's comparatively underwhelming to said verses which feels appropriate like verses / pieces of a larger picture & that a "we don't talk about him" as a disappointing Lid on infinitely richer more characterful & dynamic "but: talking about him" instances. like well personally it'd be like um seven foot frame....anyway besides being able to firsthand go like oh damn Real (the kind of thing you know exists if alive at the time) it's like alright hang on lol. one thing when a core theme is yeah like "is it a refuge if 'especial' vulnerability ultimately gets pushed out rather than made safer" subset like the parties whose even observation of truths (problems) & drawing attention to them is seen as Ruining Things, like if you're painted as Making futures that aren't simply what's desired or reassuring rather than a guidance via just observing & sharing the truth. but then it's like whaddaya mean living in fear of bruno stuttering and stumbling you could always hear him sort of muttering and mumbling lmao like now that's just Association between the Truth Perceiving & Telling behavior & behavior that's just apparently distinctive of the same person. & like Not Accidentally when [what if people were magic] specifics are obviously primarily abt a metaphorical meaning & like, indeed it was made clear like oh this situation isn't Just b/c [boo we hate your prophecies] & that [an Ability that isn't directed towards what anyone Wants / is "weird" even by these magic standards] isn't Coincidentally given to someone who just so happens to already be "weird" in other ways & be set up to have a different perspective & be pushed away due to having the supposed "extra" vulnerability of unmet needs / insufficient support, same as someone who doesn't "correctly" have any kind of magic ability....like yeah banger and also like Oh Yeah Kind Of Devastating re: that metaphorical resonance allowing for like [set the metaphor aside] now hang on with this about this disabled family member lol. misinterpretation to The Ruinerrr / The Problemmm / The Maliciousss etc (i.e. the scapegoatinggg) despite their efforts likely entirely to the contrary. then despite like, efforts aside, Just Existing, always kind of muttering & mumbling like & what of it. & then like oh sorry weird pets. weird [auspicious for adaptable tenacious thriving surviving; either way simply creatures, existing] pets.
truly like As Is The Idea I'm Sure quickly becomes like hands behind back standing at the window Uh Oh Sisters musing on all the [disabled person] metaphorical & already literal elements there. blair witching it in contemplation like We've All Been There whether being so resented for the mere disruption of "existing in a group as the 'abnormal' odd one out" or like people talking shit abt anything associated w/you as soon as you've left the room, which is also made relevant like, this wasn't Only directed at this person when seemingly permanently gone, nor were they unaware / unaffected prior....pacing in the Musing parlor like things don't Have to be compared to billions but i only ever even see so many things & it's like billions sure is like "get scapegoated rword" & then said scapegoating is presented as only beneficial & we hate autists & even beyond that it's like, grabbing billions, Imagine If Things Meant To Be About Something Were About Something. quite a contrast when they are & furthermore like, deliberate thought & Care for [who gets scapegoated & why] & the truth of like, people getting pushed aside & out who have a key perspective & are primed / liable to come through for others similarly vulnerable & the supposedly Ruinous, Problems Generating disruptiveness is actually the strongest effort to make essential changes to a group. & come through with like, it'd be undermining thee point if it was "reassuring" us like oh haha people will be supportive b/c bruno will be more normal, so great that it Didn't like no, no Normality Reassurance(tm), presence of abnormalities(tm), Good, & everyone Can Deal b/c if you don't then it's pushing this person away, is exactly what happens, including even if they're still Around but are being mistreated b/c that is entirely part of that pushing away like anyone's victim blaming is ready to pounce at any time but if someone can't stand to stay / leaves b/c they can't see another option like that's not out of nowhere nor Regardless of what full support & flexibility they were getting lol. these Active Measures everyone loves so much, which are everywhere always & would include Staying & Trying To Make It Work & those efforts would be "disruptive" & resented & Bringing It On Oneself & etccc smh
that is to all say like. Woww when clearly basically the core thread was these beats of like, the crucial site of [thee scapegoated], & why that comes down on someone & how that plays out. endless ideas about how someone weird(tm) & disabled (&/or queer. but there's no Or here lol. & again like it's a Context like, to even be the one person without kids? likely not living up to "full" correct sexuality in that way alone; any oppression's logics of "inferiority" being logics of ableism, ready examples being that "inferior" race, gender, sexuality (& their experiences as people classed as inferior) all being pathologized as disordered) are seen & treated as someone Ruining Things & who cannot belong like whew. bracing. winding. which, i also recall like i was watching with headphones & during this one dialogue pause i was like "?? what's this Extra Sound i heard there" & had to go over it like twice before being hit upside the head like well it Was still the dialogue pause but it was also bruno Stuttering in a very quiet whisper for the duration of that pause before continuing like iiiiiiii x_x
#[sitting waiting right here] for billions to have its vulnerable weird scapegoated misfit outcasts actually band together lmao....#like Sure Doesn't b/c billions is like we all hate weirdos & we all love telling them to shut tf up & go away to die or w/e. correctly#can't believe ultimately the Different fund disappears w/o its scapegoat & the Correct ''weird'' char is full axe cap mode finally#& it's sure not a Comment when billions affectionately gives them their free heavenly reward & Ensure zero scapegoating consequences#the [imagine if something about something was about something] approach to Banished Relatives being thoughtful & loving like#& here you see how even As they're banished everything isn't Really fixed for it incl. that people aren't Really just happy he's gone#billions is like no we killed him And everyone has gladly & legitimately forgotten he exists (save the instant it's time to use him)#the hilarious(tm) tragedies surrounding rian like billions' can't make her ''care'' abt winston be anything save more violence#can't pretend rian was anything more than [again we all Know your nads like w/taylor like w/winston] bagina + dialogue source combo in s6#when it's still dimly relevant for prince in s7 but you miss Nothing re: rian if you have no idea that plotline exists#& speaking of actual ''weirdness'' rian was never allowed to have: the tragedy of the tension of Closeted Transness present on screen fr#just as billions has no idea / further willingness to let rian be so ''weird'' as to actually care abt winston or abt not being a bully Lol#meanwhile i figured like oh i'll like a scapegoat. did know ahead of time like bruno's just some guy; not even ''redeemable'' antagonist#but In Practice & w/all that beloved Disabledness & crucial appreciation like you Need this guy; the understanding is Key#like well ofc i would kill for him. ofc just constant like mhm go off king slay fire etc. god tier character cherished forever thanks#but then also like im sure a zillion [intention; inspiration; thoughts] going into Tfw Family Things characters; a zillion interpretions &#thoughts to follow like it truly is Arresting like this clarity on A Disabled Person In The Group like. much much to consider & whew.#reference point like when autistic ppl in some job see an obvious [problem to future mess] pipeline; so you know bruno madrigal. My Vision#When You're So Hated like hey i wanna live unseen w/my so hated little friends lol. just reread how to disappear completely never be found#when it's like grabbing people Who Cares if someone's being ''obviously'' disabled or weird just as how they are existing godddd#people get so mean like Who Cares just talk to them; be around them. some effort some mind your own business some You're Not Above Them#when it's obviously You like yeah. nonzero but limited applicability like [specifically my own nuclear family] but re: Weird; Disabled#as ever i'll Relate & be like but i probably seem nothing like that. or maybe i am very much like that. kind of difficult to tell b/c like#you Do get the disinterest lol & feedback is Not that familiar / in depth even if positive like well. the emergent So Hated / Scapegoating#noting like if a character just seems refreshingly familiar; Understood; comfortable; fun; what's the odds they're cishet allistic lol....#anyway the epiphany like oh it was figurative blink & you miss it stuttering....did [waiiit] Pace that one off like inhaaale Waugh#in fact i'm sure the Verbalizing Effort has staved off the kind of [thinks about all of it a moment] to go Aauughhh about again#which; again; also something happening 5 yrs in re: the clairvoyant soothsayer autistic neuroqueer quant on the show w/No Thoughts abt it#ppl being invalidated by others having to validate themselves (& others in the same boat); billions going & How We Hate Them For It lol#oh & encanto's [excluded party's effort to partake] tragedy vs billions' [where's winston in this office? this event?] good riddance idc
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suhjihanma · 1 year
Hello could I request bonten Rindou x pregnant reader when they are hanging out with bonten in hideout and reader started to feel pain in stomach but it was only baby kicking and Rindou came and started to carry her stomach to help her a little and bonten was so soft bc of pictures in front of them. They look at reader as bonten's princess yk like little sister, especially Ran(everyone except Rindou ofc)
Pairing: Rindou Haitani / Female Reader (Ran Haitani and Sanzo Haruchiyo) Content: Pregnant reader, pregnancy, mentions of "idiot" being used as name-calling, slight mention of alcohol/drug dealing. Author's Note: Ah. So I tried my best to work this prompt. (Also, I'm a little behind with my reading my manga so please don't come for me, ah.) Nevertheless, I still hope you enjoy! Beat me up.
Another night of you hanging with the regular group of men. Laying back on the fine leathered sofa, you can't help that looking at them banter around brings back memories. Both good and bad, you really appreciated being in their company, regardless of how certain questionable things fly your radar.
You dismiss them rightfully so, as you were right by your right-handed man, now holding something special inside you. Life.
"Of all the women you messed around with, you got me pregnant." You chimed in with the bantering as the man that you laid your life to looks at you with a questionable look on his face.
Women's intuition strong, you busted out laughing before holding your stomach in place, not disturbing your child with the intense shaking of laughter. Rindou always gave you those looks. You assumed it was one of his signature looks that he gave you while spouting your typical nonsense.
You didn't think it was nonsense. It was the truth, and nothing but. Being through everything with him and for the other fellow members, you would have left him, but you sense something in Rindou. Despite his sadistic nature, and the willingness to remain loyal to his men, you saw a soft side to him. One that had made you faithful to him since day one.
He placed his hand over your stomach, feeling the faint, painful kicks that fluttered your body. "You are so smart, you know that?" Pressing buttons was his well-known trait , and even seeing that you're pregnant, you would think he would let off easy with the tasteless remarks.
"And you have a smart-ass mouth, you know that?" You slowly rise up from the couch with a grimacing look on your face, Rindou's hand still on your stomach. He noticed your expression, and you nodded your head in agreement, noting to him that you were okay.
"Easy." He guided you from your standing position, now in the back of you with both of his hands slightly carrying your stomach.
"Idiot, no cursing in front of the child." He chuckled while slowly caressing your stomach. You couldn't help but to roll your eyes at his dry humor. Entertaining at least, but sometimes it can come off at moments where you just had enough.
"It's not like she can hear." You scoffed. "Hey, Ran."
The brother of Rindou looked over at your direction over by the couch, a whiskey in hand and wonder in thought. "Yes?" You overhear his question while it then got drown by Rindou placing small kisses over the back of your neck.
"Do you think babies can hear cuss words?" A senseless question that didn't need answering. You were curious about Ran's answer. For some odd reason, you felt like Rindou was rolling his eyes while kissing you. You didn't question it.
"They can hear words, but I guess those words aren't registered in their language or whatever." Ran takes a sip of his whiskey and laughs. "But I can go in depth another day, _______"
"Yeah, let's save that discussion later on." Rindou continues to pepper kisses all over you, ignoring half of what Ran said about your question.
"Ah, come on, Rindou, let's learn something from your brother, at least."
Rindou looks at Ran with a blank expression before nipping at your collarbone, making you jump from the touch of his teeth skirting over sensitive. "What he needs to learn is how to push. Profit is slowly declining from different areas in the city." He mutters to himself, before lowering his tone. "It'll be a bitch and a half to push weight in the red-light district. Cops are getting worse."
Hearing his brother with the usual complaints, Ran looks at him with a questionable look similar to his brother's counterpart. "I know that." Looking at the glass of whiskey in hand, Ran changes the subject by looking at you with a reassuring smile.
"When is she due, _____?" He asks. "I saw the ultrasound pictures of her and the group chat won't shut up about it."
"Can't help it. When she comes out, we'll make her a true member. The first female!" Sanzu chimes with excitement as he comes from one of the rooms in the hideout.
"My child is going to have an education, thank you." You disagreed with Sanzu's word of choice as you walked away from the couch, Rindou aiding you with walking.
"She can have an education, too." Sanzu includes before sitting down on the couch that you were previously on.
"My child is already tampered with the things going on here already." Rindou sighs. "Anyway, where's the rest of the gang?" Rindou looks around the room in search of more of the members, but only Ran and Sanzu were present. You looked at him with a face of slight disgust before complaining yet again of his mouth. "It's my child too, idiot." Rindou looks at you, surprised, before going back to look the other members who were looking at you with slight smirks on their faces.
"They're at the club with some other affiliates. Usual conference." Ran stiffens a laugh with taking another swig of his whiskey.
"I swear, she acts like a little sister to you," Sanzu laughs. Ran couldn't help himself, but to let out a soft chuckle. "I'm afraid Sanzu's right." Sanzu looks at him in confusion. "What you mean by that?"
Ignoring his question, Ran turns to face Rindou and then you. "A little sister to us, and a true woman to him. You lucked out, _____."
"We care about you, ______." Ran smiles. "Even in this lifestyle, we still care about our loved ones. Remember that, please."
Your cheeks feel hot due to embarrassment and you couldn't help but to look down at the floor before looking back at Rindou who placed a kiss on your lips.
"You can say the most pretentious shit, Ran." You feel a trail of lips slowly crawling to the top of your neck. "Even though she's my lady, she can be a pain in my ass," Rindou scoffed while smiling at you, planting a kiss before you continued on with your rants.
The tiredness of your pregnancy was an excuse to not go in with Rindou, as you continued to roll your eyes out of annoyance. You question your child's future with having your partner and yourself be affiliated with a dangerous organized like Bonten.
Nevertheless, you're grateful for your situation, regardless of how a mess it is. You're rich in everything.
Rich in having a man that cares for you deeply despite the bad consequences he lands himself in.
And rich in having a girl that both of you will love and cherish deeply, despite the circumstances that'll make you worry about her upbringing in this situation.
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ryuichirou · 4 months
Re: Gaslighter Rook. I wanna preface this by saying ofc people are free to hc whatever they want but I have some issues with what the other person said and how dismissive they acted about the whole thing. I apologize if this invites drama or discourse, that is absolutely not my intention, I moreso just want to share the other side's point of view for the sake of balance since you said you don't mind civil discussion even if we disagree. Firstly, yes a lot of the arguments for this come from the labcoat vignette. However, it is not all just because of one line. In the same vignette, Rook tells Vil he can't trust his own eyes because Rook knows him better than Vil knows himself which is a very common gaslighter tactic. He then further mentions that people will leave him unless he does what Rook tells him to and puts down the "me or everyone else" argument. Rook further tries to undermine Vil's ability to trust other people in Vil's dorm vignette by saying the other dorm members would never appreciate Vil's efforts for them even if they knew about them – a blatant lie that however still makes Vil withdraw from talking to them about it. During Vil's overblot, Rook refuses to give Vil personal space while he's having a mental breakdown and repeatedly asserts that Vil "doesn't deserve" it as well as claiming to be responsible for punishing him. After VDC, Rook not only claims that his vote was the deciding one despite having no way of knowing that but also claims it was the objectively correct thing to do as, again, Vil didn't deserve to win, simply because having a mental breakdown is ugly (since he was referring to the overblot, not the attempted cursing – which was never confirmed to be intended to be lethal by the way, that was also just Rook's assumption, one Vil, a character who already struggles to communicate with people especially if he feels they see him negatively, didn't fight but also didn't confirm). I also take issue with the claim that it cannot be abuse just because Vil respects Rook. Even ignoring how often irl abuse victims don't realize they're abused because of their warped perception of their abuser, we have examples of this even in twst. Mrs. Rosehearts wasn't a wonderful mother who suddenly became abusive when Riddle stopped making excuses for her behavior. Abuse doesn't stop being abuse because it isn't recognized and to a lot of us gaslighting victims, Rook's behavior is spot-on with things we went through, hence why we call him a gaslighter. Oh and a small note before anyone claims anything, according to multiple psychology sources, gaslighters aren't always aware of what they are doing. Me and others calling Rook a gaslighter don't automatically mean he WANTS to be evil toward Vil. Some of us see it that way while others don't but regardless, acting as though this headcanon comes from one single out of context line and not from a pattern of behavior Rook consistently displays feels very disingenuous and like it's trying to make us seem crazy when all we try to do is explain why we may not be comfortable with a character.
You don’t have to explain why you are uncomfortable. Neither me nor that Anon have made any judgment about it, and frankly, who cares why you don’t like a character. You don’t need reasoning for not liking him, a person might just think Rook’s hair is stupid or dislike characters with green eyes, and that’s enough. None of this makes you crazy, and this isn’t that deep.
If you look at the first ever reply I did on this topic, I said it then (and after that I said it time and time again):
Based on what you’re saying, your opinion is influenced by your past experiences. Which isn’t a bad thing, we all have our own biases, but it makes a proper discussion quite difficult, especially when there is trauma involved.
Because we love Rook as much as you hate him, and I fail to see why we should align our feelings and experiences with yours. This is not a public debate platform, this is not a discord server, this is my personal blog, and my opinion is always going to be prevalent here. I usually try to take the position “agree to disagree” also to avoid situations like this.
You’ve said that you just want to explain and share your side of the conversation, but in that case claiming that the other side’s opinion is dangerous or uninformed is a pretty shitty thing to do, just as it is shitty to completely ignore the points they were trying to make and put words into their mouths instead, alluding to them victimblaming and dismissing real victim’s struggles. What I’ve said multiple times at this point is that Rook Hunt isn’t a gaslighter. Not that it’s Vil’s fault for trusting him, not that if Vil respects him that it automatically makes Rook not an abuser (Anon didn’t say that either). Not that Rook is always right. Not that Rook has never hurt Vil. I’ve even said that we can’t say for certain that Rook’s brutal honesty is always helpful and doesn’t affect Vil in any bad way:
Maybe sometimes it would be better for Vil to just take it easy and relax instead of perfecting every single thing, but this isn’t what Vil wants for himself: he doesn’t want to be pampered, he wants to be appreciated for his hard work.
Just because this is what Vil wants doesn’t mean that this is what’s best for him. I still don’t think that it makes Rook an abuser, by the way (which is also a completely different topic from Rook being a gaslighter). You have ignored every single argument I’ve made in all of my previous replies, which is fine, but then I don’t really see the reason for you to explain yourself if you’re not even going to listen to me again.
No one tried to paint you as crazy, and even if I or Anon thought that this entire argument (argument, not you) was weird, it doesn’t concern you. If Rook Hunt hurts you, why would you even interact with any discourse about him? Why did that very first Anon confront me for not calling Rook a gaslighter, if all you (collective “you”) people wish for is to explain your point of view? I am not an emperor of Rook Hunt land; I am a rando writing hcs about dicks on the internet. And Rook Hunt is a character of a gacha game.
I’ll repost another thing from my very first reply.
Just ignore shit that you don’t like because while it might be traumatic for you, to us it might be one of the few things that bring us happiness.
Please read this part carefully. And respectfully, let’s stop this. I don’t agree with any of your points/interpretation, I find them drastically off from Rook’s actual characterisation to the point that it’s almost baffling at times (I have read all the scenes you’ve mentioned and I disagree with your every single point.) And guess what, it’s absolutely okay. Like I, wow, have said time and time again, we all have our biases. Yours happens to be to read everything that Rook does in the worst way possible and to compare him to Riddle’s mom. Mine happens to be very different, and insisting on me just missing the point or thinking or feeling the wrong way or not being educated enough about gaslighting or abuse (something that I also experienced, and you are aware of that) feels pretty disrespectful. This isn’t what I meant when I said that I don’t mind a civil conversation. This doesn’t feel like a conversation. Because, you know…
Even if it feels completely off to how I view it, I can appreciate or at least respect it if they respect the way I do things. And don’t imply that I don’t get it or I am stupid.
I won’t write an actual rebuttal to your points because one thing hasn’t changed from my very first post about the topic: this isn’t about Rook Hunt. And I don’t want to discuss the so-called danger of fictional tropes that don’t even apply to the character in my view. Also, stating that the way I headcanon a character’s behaviour and share my thoughts with others is dangerous to other people in real life (because someone is going to take my opinion as a course for their actions, I guess?) is also ironic. Why isn’t me drawing problematic ships or writing dark headcanons dangerous then? It’s the same logic, I have heard this argument multiple times, and I fail to see how it’s different right now. Rook Hunt is not a real person, we see his interactions with others from all points of view, he has actual writers with their own intentions (none of which is to portray Rook as a terrible, atrocious person, he’s not even 100% a villain, he’s a character that helped the princess in the original story, and I believe that his writers keep that in mind, ffs), and it is drastically different from the way I would treat this situation in real life: exactly because I would have to base my opinion on the lack of other perspectives and not witnessing the situations myself, and a bunch of other factors connected to the fact that this is real life, and in those cases I would prioritise the victim of someone’s suspicious actions. What a surprise.
I also believe that Katsu and I did our part so you could easily ignore our Rook-centric posts that make you uncomfortable. So please do your part and don’t interact with our Rook-centric posts (this applies to anyone who is deeply uncomfortable with this character or any other character, for that matter). Coming up with ways to mention Rook in posts so it's easily mutable for you and only you and still getting treated like an abuse apologist who spreads dangerous ideas makes one feel kind of silly for ever trying to be considerate and respectful. You’ll have to come up with ways to deal with that on your own now. This conversation is over.
This is also the last post I’m writing on this topic, every follow-up ask or comment about it (from anyone, anywhere) won’t be replied to.
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myz-wykkyd · 22 days
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The top reference was made by myself in 2021, the bottom was made in 2019 (watermarks are my old username). The templates I used can be found here and were made by Unearthy.
Additional art from left to right, was made by Athren, CNWGraphis, kiirino, and bakawomans <3
Note: Any variation of "I don't like Endeavor, but-" is not wanted in my comments or reblogs. You aren't obligated to like the character, but I don't appreciate my art or character being used to vent your frustrations when I'm just trying to have a fun time. I WILL BLOCK YOU IF YOU DO.
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Old Art I made of my BNHA / MHA OC Suisei Murasaki<3 Suisei used to be my main oc and I was once as obsessed with her as I was Rosalie. She's still very near and dear to my heart ofc and after catching up with mha I was recently reinspired to work on her again. She's got a new reference on the way but until then I thought it'd be okay to share some of my older pieces/some art I've commissioned of her over the years. BIG LORE DUMP UNDER THE CUT.
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You can view her TH here for more indepth information. Not all of it is up to date. But TLDR: Suisei Murasaki, also known by her hero name Andromeda, is a Pro Hero whose flashy quirk and philanthropy helped catapult her into stardom at an early age, and eventually lead her to achieving international fame. She is best known for the fun, game-show like tv shows she frequently hosts to raise money for charities, but she also does modeling work on the side and often appears as a guest teacher at her former school in-between her hero work. She doesn't take paycuts- instead she opts to donate money she makes to families in need.
In front of her audience she is perpetually cheerful, hardworking, dramatic and even a little silly at times. But it’s an act that she has chosen to keep up to avoid burdening her friends and loved ones with of her rocky personal life after the sudden loss of her husband.
Her Quirk has been tweaked a bit since 2019 so the one listed on her old reference isn't completely accurate, but basically it allows her to take on the properties of and fly through the air like a comet- making her extremely fast and strong. I've saved a few clips over the years of what I think it'd look like, so here's an example.
She was high school sweethearts with Endeavor at U.A and they remained together for a few years after their graduation, but they broke up when his obsession with becoming the number 1 hero began to interfere with their relationship. They fall completely out of connect. Suisei moves on and she eventually meets, falls in love with, 'marries', and has a child with a man who is actually All for One in disguise- but she doesn't discover that until much later (probably sometime before the Final War). After AfO's fight with All Might, he disappears without a trace from Suisei's life, and she's left heartbroken and unable to find any answer or explanation. So is forced to assume the worst. MHA first begins, she's just returned to hero work after being an hiatus for a while. She spent that time recovering and taking care of her child.
After her return, she eventually reconnects with many old colleges- including Endeavor. She joins Hawks in lending support to him after All Might's retirement. She ofc discovers she is still attracted to him, but I imagine the two simply remain friends throughout the rest of the series duration. But I guess in my personal story, Rei and him eventually divorce and he gives his family the space from him that he thinks they need while continuing to support them anyway they can. Only then do I imagine Suisei and Endeavor's relationship is finally rekindled a few years later. In this scenario I imagine Suisei and Enji have a daughter together who eventually becomes a pro-hero named "Red Star".
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kikiwooo · 2 years
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© @/kikiwooo
| reblogs and likes are appreciated |
• | Scars
• | notes: gn reader, mention of scars, suggestive.
don't heart the post, I want fucking reblogs idc that I'm being rude, it's what I deserve.
[ X.Borg ]
• Burn scars. They're not visible 'cause they're covered. Mainly on his chest, but can also be found at his waist and leg(s). X.Borg doesn't like them, but doesn't hate them either, meaning he's not insecure about the scars.
• X.Borg would let you see and touch them if you asked. He kind of tenses when you touch them, but tries to play it off with a not-so-annoyed tsk.
• It's possible to fluster him, kissing the burn scars. Expect a bright red X.Borg, pathetically covering half of his face, eyes looking everywhere but you.
[ Dyrroth ]
• Not much scars, if just little scratches. Demons can heal fast, there's 50/50 chance that might leave scar, depends on how deep and light the injury is.
• With Dyrroth, you can see faint scars on his abdomen, arms and legs. They're really faint and some of them are hardly visible. You can trace them though. Your hands roaming around his body does make the Abyss Prince tremble(in a good way ofc).
• Kissing the faint scars will cause Dyrroth to gasp and stop in his tracks. With a light click of his tongue and reddish cheeks, he'd lightly push you off from his chest.
[ Yin ]
• Normal amount of scars. Some are from his little falls and some are from serious falls. Yin's scars aren't deep but also not pretty light. Some of his scars are covered 'cause his clothes.
• They can be found at his chest and arms. Yin's not one to shy away from his scars, in fact he'd be proud to tell you about each of the scars! For him, every scar is a battle, no matter how small or big, deep or light it is.
• Having you on his lap as his muscular arms wrapped around your body, your fingers brushing his blonde/golden locks. You are where he truly feels happy.
[ Lieh ]
• No scars, not even a scratch. Lieh is literally a god, he is immortal, plus his healing abilities is limitless. No matter what kind of injury he receives, it'll heal like there wasn't even a scar to be with.
• He likes seeing scars, any kind. He doesn't touch the scars with his hands, instead, he'd touch them with his eyes. If you have any scar, he'd tell you to be proud, why should one be insecure about one's scar(s)? Maybe his scar obsession has something to do with him being the God of War...
• (Like Yin,) Every scar is a battle you won with teeth and nail. Lieh can heal the scars, if you wanted. Personally, he wouldn't. He likes 'observing' your scars. cue lieh side eye-ing them
[ Gusion ]
• He has his share of scars. Mainly from his blade training. They are pretty light. Mainly on his hands, back and chest. They are also covered 'cause of his clothes.
• Gusion is actually pretty interested in scars, big or small, every one has its own story and he's ready to sit still and listen it for 5 hours straight.
• If you have any scars, expect him to kiss it every 3 minutes, what? he's just appreciating! ... literally cannot keeps his hands to himself. Gusion is touchy, he'll trace them and lightly tap on them to get your attention.
[ Martis ]
• Martis got rather large scars. On his chest and arms. He's not one to cover them, he's pretty open about them and won't hesitate to show his ' battle ' scars to someone's face.
• His scars aren't deep but not light either, just in between. He'd proudly pop his chest when you show interest in his scars, go on, trace them and praise the scars you'll only feed his ego.
• He'd pull you to his lap, just for you take a closer look. Why are you turning away now? Come on don't be shy now, he's all yours to touch and look after all.
| reblogs and likes are appreciated |
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hopeymchope · 8 months
"Monarch: Legacy of Monsters" might've had a lot less kaiju action than the previous attempt to translate Godzilla into a TV series, but it more than made up for that in quality storytelling!
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My sundry observations, gripes, praises and questions:
They really went out of their way to honor the Japanese roots of the source material, didn't they? We're in Japan for a ton of the show, dealing with Japanese and/or Japanese-descended characters for the majority of it, and have a surprising amount of Japanese dialogue throughout — it's nice.
I know Wyatt Russell is a Nepo Baby, but he's honestly still very good at what he does. I don't think the series has any bad acting... but the two Russells (because Kurt Russell is, ofc, amazing), Mari Yamamota (Keiko Miura) and Joe Tippett (Tim) are still the absolute highlights for most of the run, IMO. The Russells and Yamamota do the emotional heavy lifting with aplomb, whereas Tippett is so naturalistic and likable that it's hard not to find him engaging.
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Cate starts off the series being such an asshole who doesn't show any empathy for people going through the EXACT SAME SHIT that she is, but I think the later reveal of her trauma on "G-Day" somewhat explains her attitude problem. She then manages to pivot to being much more likable JUUUUST in time for the episode where we get the flashbacks revealing she was a shitty person even BEFORE G-Day. LOL.
May ALSO swings between being likable and being a total ass, and while that sounds like a complaint, I actually sort of appreciate it. We're seeing the main female characters get the kind of nuance and depth to them that they aren't often afforde in mass-market media, and that's cool.
On the flip side, there's Kentaro. The fact that both Cate and May get to act both likable and dickishreally me expect the same thing for Kentaro. They're the trio of young people who make up the titular "Legacy," right? (Well, I guess that's mostly meant to refer to Cate/Kentaro.) So... I was shocked when Kentaro's chance to be a total prick never came around. He's pretty likable and understandable throughout! Even when he's being SUPER harsh on Hiroshi, I still understand it in light of what Hiroshi's done to their families. I feel like maybe Kentaro got something of a short shrift on this front. He gets adequate backstory, mind you, but he also never gets either A) as much focus time as May and Cate, nor B) a chance to come off like kind of a dick like May and Cate sometimes do? It's a little tempting to say that making him the more "pure" of the trio comes off as sexist, but... the way that he gradually is shoved into the background of the story's focus and doesn't even get to go on the big final adventure makes it pretty clear that this ISN'T because the producers favor Kentaro. More like the opposite....
In fact, take particular note of how nobody really gives him credit for how he was the ENTIRE REASON THEY SURVIVED Episode 4. They diss him and don't believe him, and when he's ultimately proven right in a way that saves all their asses? May gives the credit for her survival to Cate for some inexplicable reason. (Except for ONE later moment when neither Kentaro or Cate can know or hear her admit Kentaro saved them.) WTF. I found that frustrating.
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That episode was the start of Cate and May becoming incredibly tight-knight with one another, and I'm still not clear on how/why that happened. Is it just because they both vascillate between being chlidish assholes and likable adults?? By the halfway point of the show, I was really getting strong shippy vibes off them. Which would be super cute and sweet if it wasn't also, y'know... kinda shitty. Because May used to be with her brother? Who clearly still had feelings for her when the series starts, just a few days prior? MMM.... not cool, May. To be fair, however, not always caring about their own hurtful/sketchy behavior is actually pretty in-character for them both, so maybe it works. And I suppose you gotta take that happiness where you can get it in this crazy, now-kaiju-laden world.
The character who shows up at the end of Episode 9 completely shocked me. They got me there. And in light of that twist — that character who disappears near the end of the finale? Perhaps this goes without saying, but there's no way we've seen the last of them. ZERO chance... unless the person portraying them doesn't renew their contract for season 2 or something. :P
This is, of course, a "Monsterverse" series. But the logic of how the Hollow Earth works in this show doesn't seem to REMOTELY align with how it was portrayed in Godzilla vs Kong, does it? Not even KIND OF. I wonder if Godzilla x Kong will get that disconnect to retroactively make sense.
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At least one returning actor from the Monsterverse films shows up to provide a link... for one scene.
And speaking of the Monsterverse, that's hardly the only Continuity Sketchiness going on here! Serizawa only gets name-dropped ONCE in this series despite the fact that he's still presumably the HEAD DUDE IN CHARGE over there. They keep calling Verdugo the Deputy Director because Serizawa is the director, right?? Though Verdugo sure does make unilateral decisions about the whole-ass organizations multiple times in this show.
All of my prior point is especially goofy when the idea of HELPING Godzilla is treated as this shocking, bizarre concept ..... despite the fact that it's Serizawa's entire fucking philosophy since BEFORE this takes place???
Okay, let's shift back to positives: Takehiro Hira doesn't get as much screen time as many cast members, but his performances over the last two episodes are friggin' emotionally devastating. Fantastic.
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The lack of more Toho monsters in the Monsterverse has been something of a downer for me personally, but they still do pull out some really cool original designs. That Frost Vark is pretty badass.
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merakiui · 5 months
how do you manage to write for scaramouche so well?? ❤😭 it may be because i havent played genshin before. but. you srsly have me simping HARDCORE for this man, to the point that i wanna get in on the action too and write something of him for myself!!!- but as someone whose barely wrote before and struggles with dialogue sm, it feels impossibly difficult.. may i ask for some tips or advice abt this, if youre up for it ofc? and this is off topic but i also want to say that i enjoy reading every single writing of yours, and im very very thankful to you for even choosing to post them in the first place. reading something that you write will always make my day sm better and i appreciate you so much. im so sry this became so long rn, but i wish you a day as hardcorely wonderful as youve made me simp so hardcorely for scaramouche!!! (it was sounding better in myhead NOO. in all seriousness tho i wish you the best day ever possible, THANK YOU!!! you should be super duper proud of yourself for making these masterpieces and i srsly hope you are, even tho i know its hard to feel this way abt your own work!!!)
AAAAA this is so sweet... 🥺 thank you for enjoying my writings and the way I portray Scara!!!! (੭´͈ ᐜ `͈)੭♡ I'm glad you can love and simp for him!!!!!! He deserves many fans!!!! >3< and I'm grateful to know my works can make you happy!!! I wish you the most amazing, hardcorely wonderful day as well!!!!!! 💖💖
As for advice I'm not sure if it's advice for writing dialogue or Scara, but I can share my thoughts for both!!! :D dialogue is fun because, while it's still conversational, it can come in many forms depending on the context and dynamic/relationship between the characters. For example, dialogue between a boss and their secretary will be different from that of dialogue between close friends. Real-life conversations aren't perfect; we stutter, repeat words, trail off in what we're saying, ramble, interrupt, use fillers like "um" or "ah," and so on. Adding these elements into dialogue between characters can help it feel more natural.
With Scara, he has so many layers and can be written in many different ways depending on what era of him you're writing for. What I like most of all, though, is his ability to act so friendly. I feel as if this ability of his is somewhat forgotten, but in the Unreconciled Stars event he approached Traveler and company with such a friendly façade. Even his intonation was bright and kind (as opposed to how he later addresses the Fatui soldiers)!!!!! orz orz I adore this aspect of his character,, how he's able to be both a brilliant actor and an intimidating Harbinger all in one. His sharp, sarcastic tongue... the threatening aura he has despite being so short hehe. <3 there's so much to love!!
I like to imagine him as the stray cat they tell you not to feed often otherwise he'll continue to come around even when there isn't any food to give. Although it also helps that he's portrayed as a cat in Nahida's fairy tale. ;;; I love Scarameow with all of my heart!!!! It's also important to note that, as evil as he was during his era as a villain, there were also facets to him that showed some gap moe. How he cares for the elderly and children. How we know that he has a tendency to get attached to things, to seek a purpose, to know what it's like to be human and feel human, to be accepted and loved.
His misunderstanding with Ei also plays a role in how he views the world (and how he'd probably be wary in falling in love because he fears abandonment). Whereas Ei was hoping he could live his own life by setting him free rather than destroying him as Miko had wanted her to do, Scara mistook the gesture as abandonment and betrayal. And from his perspective it's hard to see the goodwill in what Ei did because she,,,, didn't exactly go about it in the best way. ^^;;;;
Aaaa there are just so many parts to consider from the timeline of his existence. As Wanderer, it's really heartwarming to see him gradually healing and accepting himself as well as letting go of past grievances (but also taking accountability for and acknowledging all that he did as well as all that he is). He still has that same sharp-tongued sarcasm and there are still rough edges, but he's not so harsh or vindictive. 🥺 I just adore him so much...
I rambled a lot and I'm sorry. T^T I hope it's helpful advice and not just my adoration for Scara shining through. ;;;;;
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lawlietscaramels · 9 months
I think you and 🍰 have mentioned it before, but I’d love to hear your thoughts about the way the musical portrays L. The concept album was my introduction to Death Note as well, but I feel like the L in the songs is a much more dramatic take on L? Which, y’know, makes sense, since it’s ✨musical theatre✨ and all. Like, “The Game Begins” is SO fun, but we’d never get a monologue like it from L in the manga or anime. Idk, the musical paints a bit of a different image of L to me. Not a bad one at all, just a different one.
holy space cows 🎲 anon okay let's go! again answering this before my other asks because it's more me rambling than an actual story
GOOOOOD musical L when I first watched the musical I wanted to pick him up take him out of the screen and squeeze him like a stress ball. honestly I loved (love?) him maybe even more than anime L dhdhhdh
I'll put a break in here because I think I'm gonna say a lot
like. he did so many things like anime L (I've never read the manga so I see that L as "base" L) but also I feel had his own quirks. like how he hopped onto chairs (Teen Angst L did this too but because it was screen not stage it felt different. I've done stage acting before so maybe it's just me but screen doesn't feel as close, I just loooove stage acting, UGH. This was also why it was more dramatic in some places, you have to act for the whole audience but, I'm assuming you didn't see it live, WAIT have you even watched the recorded version?? It's on YouTube it's sooo good the subtitles are great too, you can sing along to the songs. it's in Japanese tho. Anyway my point was going to be, because you're acting for people really far away, your movements will be big and dramatic and you'll notice this if it's recorded up close).
HIS VOICE WAS SO NICE TOO like damn this is a fine ass man. His songs, I agree looking back at them they aren't all things anime L would say, especially not unprompted. But I don't think that it was so far out of character that it was unbelievable, you know? I actually think that though yes, the Game Begins was dramatic, that was just the song and not the tone of it, if that makes sense. I'd say songs like Playing His Game and (I can't remember the name but the one LawLight duet they sing at the college? not the tennis one. UGH I know the Japanese...) Anyway, I'd say those songs are more ooc. Cause I think L sees all of his cases as a game, his job as a game. Like yes he cares about human life but he also only takes on interesting cases. I've heard this is more like his manga version, which is kinda cool that this "headcanon" of mine is "canon."
AHAHA anyway the point I was actually going to make with that paragraph was: in the final song (a little ooc but in some lines very in character) L holds this one "O" note that makes me go WEAK IN THE KNEES and of course Light is singing over it at the same time, sobs. This is in the Japanese version. I prefer that version overall, but I like some of the English songs too, like Playing His Game and Requiem. So if you haven't listened to it YOU SHOULD!! It's on YouTube music, you can search up english song name + death note musical. A lot of them are by "LyricNear" I think. and you can ofc watch the full musical. but aaaa the final song breaks my heart but I have to listen to that goddamn note... you guys... you don't understand.
Uh, the musical did of course take some creative liberties. There was no Matsuda which I will always bring up because it is a crime, MUSICAL REMISA WAS THE BEST, the limited runtime cut plots and explanations (I kind of appreciated the ending, though I cried because I was hoping it would end differently), and I don't think they had a Watari. Actually thinking about that, that's probably the most ooc L thing in the whole movie: being able to take care of himself. (well presumably to some degree considering he's still alive at the start)
But yeah... I love musical L... I don't mind when he's ooc because it only disrupts soft headcanons of mine, not hard ones. I also haven't watched it for a while so I may be misremembering some things, but still. Gosh I really want to hug him... his clothes look so soft.... maybe I'll just steal his voice box/j
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danikatze · 8 months
Shipper Tag Game
Tagged by @tj-dragonblade! I'm not sure if (m)any of these answers will be interesting at all, because apparently I have a bad memory for ships apart from the ones I made fanart of myself, and I haven't read a lot of fanfic for a long long time.. But I've attempted answering these questions anyway!
What ship were you completely obsessed with as a teenager, but now you don’t care about anymore?
I didn't ship much as a teen. I liked the Marauders gang from HP a lot as a kid, tho, likely even in a shippy way. Obviously HP has left a really bad taste my mouth.
Which ship would you consider your first one?
It was probably a HP one, I was properly obsessed with Sirius, James and Remus for a long time, but like I said, I have a hard time telling when I started consciously shipping characters.
Your first fanfic was about which couple?
Hinata and Naruto and it was baaad. I guess it was maaaybe kind of cute, but it was not good.
Do you remember the first couple you saw fan art of?
Not at all. The most likely options are anyone from HP, Death Note, or InuYasha, but it hasn't stuck with me.
Have you ever gotten into ship discourse?
Nah, the closest I've gotten was the time I got put on a blacklist (or two?) for a shipping Yamato and Sai. I didn't care and so didn't address it, until someone sent me a (kind) message about it. I then explained my feelings about the problematic aspect and the (few) responses I got were 100% positive.
Did you used to have a NOTP or have one currently?
There are plenty of ships I don't particularly like, but I wouldn't call them NOTP's. Except maybe the very very popular ones. I only take real issue with ships that become canon, like a fair few Naruto pairs..
Who were the last couple in the last fanfic you read?
Reading has been hard the last couple of years, so I haven't done much of it.. But it has to have been a Dreamling fic - I'm so excited you've been writing again, TJ 💖
Currently, do you have any OTPs?
MatsuMasa, although they're not my otp in the literal sense. I like them both with Yaichi, and Matsu (non-romantically) with Ume - and the fun thing is that it works all at the same time 😎
Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting into?
Hmm well I'm kinda mad at not being as into Dreamling as you are, TJ. I like Sandman and Dreamling! Very much looking forward to the second season and I enjoy the things you blog about, but it's never been more than a general appreciation. And that's fine, ofc, but it's always been such a joy to be excited by the same things as you haha
Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they’re kind of interesting?
Maybe KakaGai? Only I didn't dislike it, just didn't consider it. And I don't think it's kind of interesting, I deeply love it.
Do you have any ship that, in the past, would have been considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
I already mentioned YamaSai, but there's also ShisuItachi. Some people say that the latter is incest. It's been too long and I don't remember their specific relationship, but afaik they're not (direct) family, just from the same clan. Can't get too bothered about family trees in fiction.
Kikyo and Kagome from InuYasha is by some considered gross as well, comparable to incest, because Kagome is Kikyo's reincarnation?
Idk, is FjorClay problematic, because Caduceus is canonically aroace? I feel like it's not a super popular ship anyways, but I still like them a lot. In a queer platonic way.
What is your favourite crack ship?
I don't think I have one. Although I wonder if JonGerry from the Magnus Archives could be considered crack ship? They aren't from different fandoms, but they only met once after Gerry had already died. And then at Gerry's request, Jon sort of killed him again. It doesn't really count as a crack ship, but this is my answer anyway
What is the couple you read the most fanfics about?
Hm, I don't know! The last time I really obsessively read them was in my Naruto era.. So who knows - KakaGai is a very plausible answer.
What do most of your ships have in common?
I guess I most commonly like pairings with a Gentle Giant™ (preferably kind of dumb) and someone grumpy and/or cynical and smart and/or skilful. MatsuMasa, BeauYasha and ShikaChou come to mind.
What do you absolutely hate in a ship?
Hard to explain. Wrong vibes lol. Look I can appreciate love-hate or even hate-hate relationships as much as the next shipper, but there needs to be at least some level of respect/consent/two-way-street? I still dislike SasuSaku, because they very much have none of that from what I remember. They've always been close to a NOTP and then they became canon so..
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variousqueerthings · 1 year
so impossible planet/satan pit... so.... s O... SO THE THING IS
the thing is they're possibly my favourite in all of doctor who?? maybe???? on a. spiritual. and also intellectual level. they're not necessarily going to make me cry the hardest, but they're. beautiful beautiful episodes
oof. so good. so so good. some of the best music to ever come out of a single-episode (double-episode), themes that go so hard into the kind of wonderfully philosophical religious questions that I gobble up + that event horizon/alien/the thing type aesthetic, not...gory ofc, this is still rated as suitable for kids, but my goodness the tension, the particular kind of horror it leans into in lieu of straightup grotesquery, the way "the devil" dialogue was written and performed. and then rose taking charge and making sure everyone left (sans poor jefferson... and toby, but toby was already dead) made it out. the trust between rose and the doctor in this one is Peak!
"if I believe in one thing. just one. I believe in her!" fuck you spooky horned guy!!!
and then to top it off it introduced the ood!!! my favourite darlings of the nu!who alien roster. these episodes blew my mind as a kid, and while I'm not Scared scared by them anymore (having watched them a dozen times), I can still feel that tension throughout
and that ending!!!!! apparently the last thing billie piper filmed was that ending, and it's always made me so emotional. I don't know if it's that s2 is just emotional to me, or that there genuinely is this buildup (but it feels like there is), when the doctor and rose aren't together this season, it hits harder -- girl in the fireplace and satan pit both play with this idea of them being torn from one another (funnily enough, with the doctor being the one who's gone into someplace and unable to return)
I also appreciate the restraint to not bring back this being for a future episode in order to explore it more. considering the fate of many a who-villain is to be prodded at into unrecognisability, thank you for letting this one (and the one from midnight) remain unknowable
I note a tiny bit of the score was lifted from s1 dalek, which makes me draw parallels of a kind between the two, even though I'm sure that's not intended, it's just a banging bit of music that never appears again. bit where the dalek reveals itself and tells rose to order it to die and it lifts into its crescendo, that's the one that comes several times in especially satan pit, notably when the doctor and rose reunite. stuff of legends indeed. the violin in this one is just. it's too good. it's something doctor who ought to be appreciated for more -- although it is to an extent as a whole, but the individual episode themes are often fucking killer, and this one is the most so
and at the end they start reading off the ood who were killed (all of them) out of respect. the way this theme is picked up again in s4, I just! stellar, perfect, wonderful, no notes, Music, spooks, aliens, emotions, thematic follow-through, knowing that the doctor and rose are soon going to be torn apart leaving the doctor a shell (until donna) but for now he's grinning and laughing without restraint at rose (well the both of them) making it out alive, fuck yeah!
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mrkis · 2 years
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WHEN I TELL YOU I THREW MY PHONE AWAY SCREAMING AT THIS 😭😭😭 I knew it was a moment of realization to him. I just knew it.
The whole chapter pulled on my heartstrings and I felt for him, the ptsd from his past relationship, the being cautious of letting anyone in - I get that. 🥺 Honesly, I can see the growth in his relationship with mc, and I love it. Also, the fact that he wants to speak to her and clear shit up, but thats just easier said than done, especially when both of them have trouble speaking out their minds and hearts. Especially, considering how complicated their relationship is because they feel like they are crossing boundaries when they aren't.
Eunbin... that selfish, egotistical, manipulative bitch .... 🙃 I swear to god she is the most unreasonable person ever. I had a friend like her. Constantly making herself the victim of her own decisions, and feeling like its all justified because she felt like it was alright. Honestly, how the hell did she think its okay to leave and that they are fine after having a fight then some stupid make up sex without discussing it with him further??? Jesus thats so selfish and self-rightous behavior 😤😤🫥 He blocked her ass and she still thinks they are fine??? What in the actual fuck?? How is that even an option?? I hate Eunbin with every part of me even more with each next scene ... 🙃🙃 And I bet my ass she would feel like everything is okay after this talk they had and she hugged him ..🤦‍♀�� the audacity tho, he clearly doesnt even want to be around her and she goes ahead and hugs him??? BITCH NO. Step away and get your nasty hands off of him. 🙂 I guess him letting her hug him makes her think she can win him over and they are "fine" now ...jesus... I want to blame Jaemin, for letting her think that, but a part of me realizes he is also very affected and its all happening too fast for his liking. I just hope he is okay after mc leaves him in chapter 5 cause this must be some bad ass trauma. And I hope they finally get to talk it out properly eventually in be it pt3 or chapter 7. But they NEED to talk, like asap.
And to end this on a happy note - JENO BEST BOY ❤️ I swear to god he is everything, the support and understanding - immaculate 🥹🙏❤️ Now if he can get mc and Jaemin to be truthful to each other and clink their heads together so they can finally act normal and SPEAK, I would just kiss him all over. ❤️
THANK YOU CAS, FOR ANOTHER GREAT CHAPTER 😭❤️ I would totally say I cant wait for the next part but ofc take all the time you need but just know I will cry when it drops. 😭❤️ I love twlg so much. Its literally my comfort story which is weird cause it makes my emotions go into overdrive with all the stuff happening but it is. 🥺❤️
the line is one of my favourite lines :> i'm kinda proud of that one! i'm happy that it gave you that type of reaction.. i love it. jaemin is very cautious! i'm happy you mentioned that! he only lets certain people into his personal space, even though he's got a group of friends surrounding him. it was always jeno that was the only one that could come close to him and burst that personal bubble, letting jaemin show his truth feelings and emotions... but that appreciation scene just shows how far him and mc have come and how open (ish lol) he is with her :(
they still need to learn how to have a proper conversation... but i'm lowkey loving how they avoid it because angst <3 annoyance <3 confusion <3
eunbin is...... a tricky character for sure. but she's so fun to write and i'm enjoying including her in more scenes (very excited for pt.3 because there's so much eunbin) she is, however, definitely the type that is able to get what she wants all the time because she has that sweet face and sweet personality that everyone adores. she can come across as very selfish and oblivious which, yet again, i love LMAO. her bringing the angst is just everything. angst is what i like best.
but ah..... i can't wait for you to see how jaemin reacts when he realises mc had left him. it's almost like deja vu.... but yeah! jeno is literally the best. he's so comforting and understanding, he's literally the bestest friend. i want him.
thank you for enjoying twlg and thank you for all the compliments :( i'm very very very grateful
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sehnsuchts-trunken · 2 years
Riven x female earth fairy
Riven finds out the reader completely calms down over hearing his voice,but while he’s training with sky,the reader ends up with Aisha in the specialists pound fighting an when silva went to call them out on it they went underwater acting like they disappeared though you couldn’t see them underwater Aisha was able to make a little air pocket so they both could breathe under water and riven stressed worried about her sense she was always there for him without judgement and when training ends and silva leaves they get out riven sees the reader ring her hair out just for aisha to throw water at her
I,,,, am not quite sure what to do with this? so I'll be changing it up a little more than I usually do
@friendlyneighborhoodcapricorn ofc, this time I didn't forget!
"You're drenched", Riven noted as he handed you the towel and grinned at you. You raised an eyebrow, even as you took it from him and thanked him.
"Do you want a 'well done' sticker for that observation, detective?"
"I'd appreciate a kiss much more."
You rolled your eyes and threw the towel over your head, drying your hair in an overly dramatic fashion so you didn't have to look at him or respond with anything. He was leaning against a tree trunk with one shoulder, arms crossed, when you were done and threw the towel back at him. He caught it effortlessly.
"You two really did put on a show, didn't you?"
"It's not my fault that Aisha decided to have us disappear beneath the fucking water", you ground out between clenched teeth. Riven answered, but you couldn't hear him anymore. You couldn't hear him because something - something very wet and very fluid and very much fucking water - hit the back of your head. You whipped around.
"Bitch!", you yelled, raising your hands up and tying ivy around Aisha's hands, who had, in fact, been the person hitting you with water the size of a bucket. She could maybe do that, but you could force her to the ground. Or into the ground.
The only reason you didn't strangle her right then and there was Sky, who ran in between you and put both his hands up as to calm you down, perfectly in time to be your protective shield and get drenched with what could've only been half the pool's content of water and what had actually been meant to soak you.
He looked a bit like a sad puppy when he finally wiped it out of his face and his hair.
"Both of you, calm it", he ordered, waiting for you to put your hands back down. You did so after a second, if only grudgingly, and turned around on your heel, leaving both Sky and Aisha standing there. This was more than enough training for a day.
You only noticed that Riven was following you when you'd reached the doors to the school.
"Are you stalking me?", you asked without looking at him, continuing your way. He laughed. That hoarse, throaty, deep laugh that made you shiver - or perhaps that was the cold that hit your drenched form out here.
"Just seeing if you'd like a helping hand."
At that, you did turn and look at him. And raised an eyebrow.
"Helping hand? First of all, that sounds creepy said like that, knowing that the only thing I have to do is shower and change into some dry clothes. And also, why would you offer me any help? You aren't worried about me, are you?"
Riven fled your gaze. It took you a mere heartbeat to realise that with your complaint, you'd actually hit the mark. You laughed out loud.
"You're worried about me! I can't believe it! Big scary Riven gets worried about me? A fairy? Who would've thought you were capable of any kind of human emotion!"
He rolled his eyes and narrowed them at you when he finally looked back, his expression darkening a bit. You crossed your arms.
"I'm fine", you gave in, your voice growing distant and tired. "I just want a shower and a bed and perhaps to cry a bit. We'll see."
He nodded, but still seemed not to want to move. You could've just turned and gone back inside, but something kept you there. Something that you felt deep in your stomach and deep in your heart. This may just have been the first time in a while that anyone had worried about you - and of all godsdamned people, that person was Riven. You uncrossed your arms and tilted your head up at him just the tiniest bit.
"You know what, actually? I may just need that 'well done' kiss you were telling about earlier."
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poisonouswritings · 2 years
M3 with mc who is basically the modern Bob Ross. They are so talented and so wholesome like him
Since they arrived in Astraea they've been doing nothing but drawing every single thing they saw (a small flower on the side of road, a bird nest on a nearby tree , a butterfly landed on their finger...etc)
But recently they've been staring a lot at their Lis while they are drawing with this dreamy look on their face
So one day M3 are looking for mc in their room to find their sketch book on their bed and ofc they are curious about what's inside to find very detailed sketches of them of moments they've been with mc
Mc enters the room to find Lis shocked with their sketch book in their hands
Mc just simply chuckles and then they say " I wanted to capture my favorite moment with you but then I realized that I can't pick one because every moment I've spent with you is my favorite" with the brightest smile on their face
Oooh this is a cute one!
GN!Reader, fluff
Felix Escellun
Okay so let me start out by saying that The Goth With A Sunshine Partner is one of my favorite ship dynamics
I think Felix actually does some sketching himself in his study notes and field journals. He's not the best at it but he can get by.
I think he appreciates your sunny disposition, even when he doesn't express it quite as enthusiastically.
I think his cynicism is a really nice counter to your wholesome disposition
You're late for your magic lesson so Felix decides to go find you. He goes to your door and knock-knock-knocks. You don't answer. So,, he walks inside, prepared to give you a lecture on overdoing your naps (right before crawling into bed with you to snooze). You still aren't there but you know what is?? Your sketchbook. The one you never let him see.
... Let's be real. It's Felix. He's a nosy little shit (affectionate) and when he Wants Answers, He Gets Them. So he opens your book.
The first two dozen or so pages are of Mournfall, Porrima, Blackthorn Hall, etc. The places you guys have been to. But then,, he turns the next page,, and is met with a cute portrait of Felix taking up the whole damn page
He flips through the pages. Takes a seat at your desk, slowly going in circles on the chair. It's pages and pages of him, with his shaggy hair and the button nose and the pout. Some of the sketches are cartoonish and sweet and silly, others are more realistic and detailed (gods the way you make his eyes shine with just some lead and charcoal smudges), and still others are stylized. In some of them he's reading, some of them he's casting spells, some of them he's playing with Stella, some of them he's sleeping and snoring, some of them he's just,, smiling.
You walk into the room ten minutes later to see Felix still spinning in your desk chair, studying each picture intently. He doesn't seem to hear you walking over so you just,,, creep up behind him and catch the chair mid-spin. He yelps and tries to hop to his feet but he's dizzy from swirling around the proverbial drain and you have to catch him to keep him from face planting.
Once you help him sit down on the bed, he shows you the page he's on. His cheeks are flushed and the tops of his ears are red and he's shrinking into his shirt a little.
You hug him tight and smooch the top of his head and tell him that he's just too cute not to sketch. And you draw when you're happy, and you're always happy with him :3
Felix makes a tiny little strangled noise and hides his face in your shoulder because whyyyy do you have to be so impossibly adorable??
Anisa Anka
Your affection and love is the absolute best at cheering her up when she's had a hard day at work
Anisa Cannot Draw to save her life. Sorry. Maybe she can do stick figures.
Tonight you're out with Saaros at a new cafe that just opened up. Anisa is supposed to meet you there after work. As she's changing out of her armor and back into the usual, she notices a familiar book on the bed.
Huh. You normally never let your sketchbook out of your sight. You must have forgotten it when you were getting ready to go out. Anisa picks it up, holding it against her chest to make sure she doesn't misplace it.
... Y'know she has a few minutes before she's gotta run... maybe she can... just... take a little peek...
Two minutes later she's sitting cross-legged on the floor (her armor is on the bed) flipping through the pages. Sketches of the forest you guys camped through, the castle, the Sunstone emblem, flowers and trees and stalls from the marketplace. And Anisa. 
Lots and lots of Anisa. 
Soft Annie, warm Annie, little ball of fur, happy Annie, sleepy Annie, purr purr purr 
No but seriously there’s sketches of Anisa looking soft and vulnerable and happy, bundled up in blankets, with cat ears and a tail, all excited and laughing, sleeping and cuddling a teddy bear, and just all around... looking lovely. And with each little picture there’s a little blurb of words - poetry or song lyrics, she can’t tell. 
Anisa doesn’t even know she’s crying until the tears hit the page. 
With a new spring in her step she hops up to her feet, adjusts her bow in her air, and shoots out the door. Then has to come back to actually close it and lock up. Then has to come back again to grab the sketchbook. Then has to come back again to put on her other boot. 
She’s such a nerd god I love her
When she finally catches up with you and Saaros, you’re sketching on a napkin. Once you pick up the pencil to move to a different section she tackles you from behind, throwing her arms around your chest and squeezing you fiercely. 
You laugh a little, surprised at the suddenness of her sneak attack. She finally returns your book while nuzzling her face into the crook of your neck. 
Saaros rolls their eyes and points out that such an embarrassing display of affection would absolutely get you thrown out of Rivath. But you and Annie are too busy cuddling to bother with a response. 
Once you’ve both calmed down a bit, you finally get her to sit down and have some dinner while you show her your newest doodle on the napkin. 
Sage Lesath
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; I Headcanon That Sage Is A Cat And Therefore Goes Into Your Room A Lot Because It Smells Like You And It Calms Him Down
He thinks you’re absolutely adorable when you’re all cheerful and upbeat and trying to keep everyone positive. Especially when he tries to flirt his way out of talking about his insecurities and you really softly hold his hands and kiss his forehead and assure him that it’s okay if he doesn’t want to talk but you’ll be here regardless
Smother This Man In Affection Damnit!!!!!!! 
It’s been a rough day for him. Felix and Anisa had dragged you to some Magic Museum earlier so Sage hasn’t gotten to see you at all. Much as he doesn’t want to admit it to himself, he misses you something fierce. 
So he’d gone to the tavern to get his mind off things. Had a little ale and a greasy sandwich and played some darts. Got hit on, turned them down, and nearly got into a fight over it. Not to sound narcissistic but Sage knows he looks good, and normally he’s pretty proud of it. But not on nights like tonight. In these times all he wants to do is burrow under the covers and never let anyone face him again. 
He’s sulking. Normally you talk him out of it but tonight he’s free to mope as much as he wants. So he trudges into your room and flops down face-first onto the bed, burying his face in the pillows. Maybe he can just sleep until you get back. Everything seems a lot brighter, a lot less difficult to deal with when you’re there. 
He might be able to fall asleep if there wasn’t this uncomfortable lump under his stomach. He tries to ignore it at first but it isn’t happening so he finally shifts to the side enough to wrench the damn thing out from under him. Oh. It’s your sketchbook. A soft grin comes to his face as he rolls onto his side. He wedges your pillow between his shoulder and his cheek and opens up the book. You’re always so busy with your sketches and your doodles but you never let him see what you’re doing. 
The first drawing is of the view he showed you back in Mournfall, of the town and the lake at night. He remembers that jaunt up the bookcase corridor, the little room, the way your eyes glowed when you looked out at the view. 
gods he’s so in love with you
There’s some of the ships in the port, the marketplace, the forge, the beach 
And Sage. Lots and lots of Sage. And in lots and lots of them he look,, happy. Genuinely, innocently happy, laughing or smiling or staring off into the distance or talking with the others. Most of them have little hearts around them. It puts something warm and tingly in his chest when he sees himself the way you see him. 
It’s a good half hour later when you get back to your room. Sage is rolled into a burrito with your blanket, still studying the pictures. His ears twitch when you come in but he doesn’t look up. You kick off your shoes and pull off your jacket and outer clothes, changing into pajamas. Normally Sage likes to flirt with you, but this time he doesn’t even seem to notice. Once you’re all comfy you crawl into bed beside him, tugging on the blankets enough to squeeze in beside him. 
Once you’re in he wraps an arm around you, squeezing you fiercely. He nuzzles the crook of your neck and winds his tail around your leg. Initially you expect him to be as horny as usual - offering up himself as a nude model or something - but he just purrs and kisses your shoulder. 
Poor kitty cat must have had a bad day. You kiss the top of his head. He asks - softly, so soft you hardly even hear him - why it is you’re drawing him so much. You smile and say you always draw what makes you happy. 
He doesn’t say anything. But you swear you feel tears on your shoulder. 
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areislol · 2 years
♡ childe having you as his housewife
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he loves his wife <3
• childe works everyday, from 9 am to 12 am, it's a very tiring day over all - but you're there to help him!! • it's your duty to make sure that childe is doing well and is healthy, you cook him breakfast, pack him lunch and prepare him dinner! • every time childe goes to work, you always pack him a cute panda bento. you try your best to make your food look appealing, you place a heart made out of seaweed on his rice. You also place a note on his bento: • "enjoy your meal love!! i'll be at home waiting for you, stay safe okay?" • you never fail to make him smile. • (and childe is very grateful that u pack him delicious meals) • you make sure that the house is clean and tidy, and make sure that there are no cobwebs and that there aren't any rodents in the household. • being home alone is lonely, and so that's why childe bought you a pet dog to keep you company!! • you take care of the puppy and make sure that's it's well fed and well taken care of. • childe goes to a lot of meetings, so you make sure that childes t-shirt and blouse is all straightened and looks well presented. • you iron all his shirts, neatly fold them and place them in his wardrobe, you do the laundry and make sure to place his favourite scent on his shirts. • when childe comes home from work, he gives a kiss on your forehead and heads to his room to work, you make sure that your pet dog doesn't disturb your husband as you know that he's hardworking. • you also make sure to dust the house clean, you dont want your one and only husband to sneeze all the time now do you? • childe likes to bring home plants, as it "compliments the house." • he trusts u to water them ever 3 times a week, and you do as he says!! • when childe finishes work, he asks you if you had already made dinner and if you haven't then he straight away buys fast food for both of you. • childe doesn't really like to see you work, as he knows you work hard to keep this house clean and tidy, and how hard you work to make sure that he's never sick and makes sure that he always looks his best so he always reminds you to rest - even if you say you're not tired or okay. • sometimes, you read books to your dog, it gets lonely so... • seeing any room messy makes you frustrated?? so you always end tidying it, making sure that the books are in alphabetical order, the blankets and pillow are all neatly aligned, the floor mat perfectly spaced. • when there's not enough ingredients to make childe's favourite food, you borrow some of your husbands money and go out to buy some food(you tell him first ofc), you make sure to buy all the ingredients, you also buy some protein that'll make childe healthy <3 • whenever he's sick you're always there to console him, and make him the most best and delicious soup. • even though childe's barely home, he still makes the most of it ;)
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note: if u enjoyed this pls go check out my other genshin hcs/like + follow + reblogs r appreciated. a/n: SORRY IF THIS IS BAD?? MY MIND IS NOT RLLY WORKING AND I REALLY APOLOGIZE!! this was kind of rushed :(
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crashdevlin · 3 years
Leftoverture 3- Carry On
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Author’s Note: Don’t get me wrong, I loved the finale, but I was thinking about how much I miss Dean and I couldn’t stop thinking about ways I could have him back so…I’m going canon divergent while being as close to canon as possible. ‘Cause that’s how Cassie do. This is where Leftoverture officially crosses over with Crash Into Me!
Summary: Sam tries to convince Dean to talk to his widow, but it takes a visit from an old friend to get him to do the right thing.
Pairing: Dean x OFC
Word count: 3755
Story Warnings: angst, Post-barn scene sads, mentions of major character deaths (Dean and AU!Sam), mentions of depression, memory fuckery,
“Hey, get off the phone. Who are you texting?” Dean asked, looking over at Sam’s thumbs tapping out a message.
“I’m...just letting some people know that you’re back, okay? What?” Sam defended, pulling his phone out of Dean’s reach as his brother tried to grab it.
“She better not be part of that group text, Sam. I will kick your lanky ass.”
“Dean, come on.”
“She has mourned me! She’s probably just starting to get okay and you want me to break that? Not to mention the kid. How are we supposed to explain to her that I’m just suddenly not dead anymore?” Dean pulled over onto the shoulder and glared at Sam until he rolled his eyes and sighed, hitting the X to take his sister-in-law’s number away from the list that included Bobby 2.0, Jody, Donna, Charlie 2.0, and Garth. “Thank you.”
“It’s only been a month. You think she’s starting to get over you already?” Sam finished tapping out his text as Dean pulled back onto the interstate.
“I think I’m a threat to her life as long as I’m in her life, man. I mean, that’s why it took us so long to get together in the first place, because I knew that me being a hunter was gonna put her in the ground and it was just lucky for all of us that it put me in the ground before her.”
“Don’t say th-”
“It’s better for her to think I’m still dead!” Dean exploded. “If she knows I’m alive, she’ll come back to the bunker and she’s gonna end up dead and that’ll be on me! Okay, it’s better if she thinks I’m dead and we keep it that way!”
“So, I guess you’ve made up your mind on this one?” Sam asked.
“Yes!” Dean nodded, somehow still keeping his eyes on the road. “You know what, yes, I’ve made up my mind. Because she deserves to live a life that I’m not ruining. She never wanted the job to encroach on her life, or Rebel’s, okay? Fuck, if I ended up getting that little girl hurt, I could nev--and you know she only agreed to marry me in the first place because Chuck was gonna kill us all anyway and he’s not a problem anymore and what happened to my ring when I bit it? You didn’t burn it with me, did you, because that was a really good silver ring and if you melted it with me, I’m gonna be pissed.”
Sam shook his head in disappointment. “Your wife was wearing it on her thumb last time I saw it.”
Dean sighed and licked his lips. “It’s better this way, Sam. I know you don’t see it, but it’s better.”
“Right. You, uh, you remember when you guys were ‘just friends’ and she started dating that asshole that didn’t know what ‘no’ meant?” Dean’s jaw clenched tight at the memory. “You remember how pissed off you got that she was dating someone, let alone a Dom dickbag like him, and how you spent the entire weekend trying to get dirt on him to use to get her to dump him?”
"He was tryin' to put things in her while she was drunk! He deserved a bullet through the skull for that shit and he's lucky she wouldn't let me go talk to him."
"Yeah, I know. He was a piece of shit, but you didn't know that when we got there. You just didn’t like him because he was dating her."
"I'm a good judge of character and she is not. She dates douchebags. She always has. I mean, look at her cheating son-of-a-bitch ex-husband. If she's dating them, they're douchebags."
Sam rolled his eyes, obviously catching Dean’s self-deprecating undertone in that sentence. "Okay, but you're just gonna let her date someone else? You're gonna let her find some other douchebag to date that you won't be able to save her from?"
"I didn't save her from Mike or Drew. She was already half out the door on both of them before I interceded with either. And I know what you're doing and it's not gonna work." Dean pointed his finger in Sam’s face. "You're not gonna get me all jealous so I go find her because I'm afraid of her getting over me and moving on. I want her to move on. I want her to have a good life. That's the whole point here, man."
"Dean, she's not going to move on. She's gonna be devastated the rest of her life because you aren't-"
"So, we should make it worse by putting her through it twice?!" Dean snapped. "We should make her have to watch me burn another time, right? We should make her clear her shit out of the Bunker in a few years too? We should make her live with the hope that one day I'll manage to make it home again? We should put her heart back together just to shatter it into pieces again when I die permanently? Fuck you, Sam. I can't do it to her. I just...no."
Sam took a deep breath and shook his head sadly. "Fine."
"It's better this way. It's just better."
"Sure. It’s better.”
There was something cleansing about a simple werewolf hunt. Sam was being a little overbearing, but Dean understood why. Sam didn’t want to see him die anymore than he wanted to die again. There were only two wolves and they went down easy. It was a textbook hunt...just like the vampire cult should have been.
Sam shook away memories of the night in the barn and followed an energized Dean out to the Impala. It wouldn’t happen again. Not anytime soon. Dean was around to stay. Sam would make sure of it.
“So, hit the motel, pizza and beer, head back to the bunker in the morning. Did you report my death to the fire department because I’m still wanting that job and I’ll have to think of one hell of an excuse if you told them I died.” Dean shrugged, continuing before Sam could respond. “I’m gonna need to come up with an excuse either way, but an excuse for a month of radio silence is easier than an excuse for comin’ out of the Lazarus Pit, ya know?”
“I...didn’t say anything to them, Dean. It was really low on my list of priorities to tell the Lebanon Volunteer Fire Department that Dean Campbell was dead.”
“Awesome. I’ll figure out what to tell them. For now...pizza.”
“No, I know, it was a crazy situation, but I honestly think getting lost in the Yukon without a cell phone was probably the best thing that could have happened to me." Dean laughed into the phone as he walked into the library. "Yeah, exactly. Never gonna take a warm, dry bed for granted again. Well, thank you so much for understanding, Captain. I'm excited to get training. That's gonna be...yeah, I'm gonna be there. Thanks again."
Dean smiled as he tucked his phone into his pocket. "He bought it. Thanks for putting those fake Canadian news pieces up. Appreciate it."
"Okay, but what if someone else searches your fake name, Dean?"
Dean rolled his eyes. "You think she's Googling me?" He stepped forward and looked down at Sam sitting at the library table. "She Googles me and she'll find a story about a man named Dean Campbell getting lost in the Yukon and surviving on moose and wolverine and melted snow. No pic, no identifying words. She'll look at it, say 'It is a miracle this guy survived' and then she'll move on to the next search result, okay? I don't understand why you're all up in my business about this but-"
"You don't miss them?" Sam asked, pushing his hair out of his face and leaning forward.
Dean bit his lip and shook his head. "No, I do not."
Sam stood and looked down into his brother's eyes. "Well, I do."
"Well, they're staying gone." Dean patted his brother's shoulder and walked toward the hall. "Good talk."
He sat on the edge of his bed and ran his hand down his face. Of course he missed her. Of course he missed the little girl he treated as his own daughter...or...the other Dean treated like a daughter. It was just too difficult. Explaining to his wife was one thing, an easy thing. She’d come back in a heartbeat and it would all be fine between them. She wouldn’t care that he wasn’t exactly the same in body, that he had different scars and a slightly different pattern of freckles or that his hair wasn’t quite right even after trying to make it work for four damn days.
She fell for him because of how he treated her, how safe she felt with him, how he made her feel. All of that was in the memories. How he felt about her was in the memories, too. He loved her in a way he'd never been able to let himself love anyone else. She was so much different than any other woman he'd considered making a life with because she was like all the best parts of them all mixed together. She was smart like Cassie Robinson, badass like Jo Harvelle, understanding of the Life without being part of it...with a kid, just like Lisa. He remembered that...and he knew that he'd never find another woman like her.
That was okay. He didn't really want another one: another woman, partner, wife. He couldn’t see himself opening up like that to someone other than his short little badass. And Sam was right that he didn't really want her with someone else, either...but she deserved it. She deserved to get over him and move on to greener pastures. So he had to stay away. For her good, he had to stay dead.
For the good of the little girl, too. If he just came back from the dead, it would completely fuck that little girl's understanding of life and death. It would fuck her up for life.
Dean sighed, picking up his phone and kissing his lock screen; the picture they took on the beach for their honeymoon. He held the phone over his heart for a minute and lied back, staring at the ceiling until sleep took him.
Dean smiled as he sat in a folding chair on the side of a soccer field, watching a short blonde girl dribble a ball between her feet on the green grass. "She's gettin' good," he commented to himself.
"She missed tryouts this year," a familiar voice said. Dean gasped a little as he turned in his seat to look at the angel in the beige trenchcoat. "They moved back to Florida too late for her to be placed on a team."
"Cas? Are you--is this--this is a dream."
"Yes. But...my presence is not." Castiel smiled as Dean stood and wrapped him in a hug. "Jack saved me from the Cosmic Entity from the Empty. We've been improving Heaven."
Dean pulled back and sniffled as he slapped a hand on Cas' shoulder. "Man, where have you been, then? We've missed you."
"Angels stay in Heaven now. Jack and I thought it was best to keep our interference to a minimum." Cas chuckled. "I'm not technically supposed to be here now."
Dean licked his lips. "Well, then...what's with the, uh, Freddy Krueger you're pulling?"
"Dean requested it. He knows what's been happening on Earth, that you've taken on his memories and essentially become him, and he knows that you are avoiding Cassie."
Dean scoffed and stepped back from the angel. "I'm sure he's got an opinion on all this."
"He does. He has a strong opinion on what you're doing and what you should be doing." Castiel stepped closer. "He told me to tell you to get your head out of your ass. He said that, if you have his memories, you're in love with her too and you need to go to her. He knows you couldn’t live with losing her forever...so don't lose her."
"Cas, she's better off without me."
"Is she?" the angel challenged. "Because she’s Dean Winchester’s widow. Doesn't that put a target on her back?"
Dean pressed his lips together in a thin line and looked away. She could handle it...right? "She's got protections...and we taught her to fight. She's gonna be fine."
"Dean told me to tell you that if you don't get in his car and drive to Florida, he's going to 'rip your pansy lungs out'," Cas said, doing air quotes. Dean scoffed. "He was very adamant that you go to her."
"Fine. But it's gonna hurt her. I'm gonna hurt her." Dean was absolutely serious but Cas just smiled and shook his head a little. "Hey, uh, Cas? Before you go...I'm...I'm not gonna get to see you again, right? So, don't you think we should talk about-"
"I think that would be a bit redundant." Castiel’s smile brightened, crinkles forming at the corners of his eyes. "Dean and I have spoken at length about my sacrifice and the words spoken before Billie and I were taken to the Empty."
"And Dean Winchester’s Heaven is full of people who love and cherish him...who see him for the hero he is. He never believes he's going to hurt any of them. You should learn from his example."
"DEAN! Look!" Dean looked behind him to see the girl kick the soccer ball at the goal. He couldn’t help the smile that crossed his face.
"Great job, Youngblood!" he shouted before turning back around. The angel was gone.
Dean smiled tightly at Sam as he walked into the kitchen the next morning. “So, uh...I’m gonna take a few days...drive down to Florida.”
Sam’s eyes lit up. “Really?”
Dean nodded. “Yeah...Castiel came to me in a dream last night. Said the original me is up there in Heaven and he’s very unhappy with my choice.”
“Really?” Sam was obviously amused.
“Yeah. I don’t know if it was really him or not. Maybe it was just my brain kickin’ me in the ass but...I’m gonna go get ‘em back.”
“Thank you. I was hoping you’d come to your senses.”
“Yeah, yeah, anyway...I’ll be back in a couple days. I’ve got training on Monday so...it’ll be a short trip. Maybe she’ll come back, maybe she won’t but…” He shrugged. “Don’t know ‘til I go talk to her.”
“Good luck, man.”
Dean nodded before heading to the garage. He had plenty of time to get nervous as he drove toward his in-laws’ house in North Florida. A month wasn’t too long. She’d gone longer without him in the past, but...he was alive back then. She knew he’d be back eventually.
He parked the Impala down the street. He wanted to see her before he talked to her. He needed to see how she was working through his death...if she even needed him. Dead Dean told him to go, but if she was moving on, he’d just get back in the car.
She was on the porch when he arrived, coming around the neighbor’s house to hide in the shadows around the side of her parent’s house. “It’s still hard. I don’t think it’s ever not gonna be hard. I still keep wanting to hear that damn Impala coming down the road. But even if I did hear it...I know it’d be Sam.” Dean bit his bottom lip. She was still mourning him. “I don’t know, Manda, but Erik has been a godsend.” His eyebrows went up. Who the fuck is Erik? Did she move on already? “He’s the only reason I get out of bed most mornings. He’s been helping a lot with Aria, driving her to school in the morning and making breakfast. Oh, he makes the best pancakes.” She gave a small chuckle. “Not that I need pancakes. I’ve put on, like, fifteen pounds since he died. Yeah, that is a lot. Erik doesn’t think so either...and Dean wouldn’t care...but I care”
Dean watched her shrug before shaking her head. “I don’t know. He seems nice but...my parents didn’t even know Dean and I got married, so of course Erik doesn’t know. He doesn’t understand...but he’s helping anyway.” She sighed and hummed a little into the air, staring up at the moon. “It’s still just really hard.”
Dean watched as she finished her phone call to her best friend and kept looking up into the night sky. He had to force himself to step around the side of the house and toward her. “Who’s Erik?” he asked. It was the only thing he could think to ask. Green eyes behind thick, dark glasses went wide as she turned to look at him.
“Dean?” she squeaked.
“Mostly,” he whispered as she threw her phone to skim across the grass and launched herself at him. He closed his eyes as she wrapped her arms around him, overwhelmed by the feel of her warmth against him. “Come on, Crash, I taught you better than this. Where’s your silver and holy water, baby?”
“Inside,” she sobbed out into his chest. “But I know you’re you. I can feel it.”
He pressed his lips to her hair and took a step back, leaning down a bit to look directly into her eyes. “I am me, but I’m also...I’m also not. Can we...can we take a walk?”
“Of course!” she agreed, sniffling and wiping at her eyes under her glasses.
They started to walk out of the yard onto the street. “Okay, but before I get into my whole thing...who the fuck is Erik?”
“Oh, he’s a maintenance guy, works with my dad. When I moved to the Bunker, Erik rented my room.”
Dean nodded, his lips pursed. “So, he’s your parents’ tenant and you’re letting him take your daughter to school?”
“My parents trust him...I trust him.” She stuck her hands in her pockets and shrugged. “He’s a nice guy...and he’s a writer, too. He was shocked by the number of notebooks I have. He used to do all of his writing on his computer, but he’s started writing in notebooks since I showed him the versatility of handwriting a story. He said it was like going back to simpler times.”
“Okay. I guess...so, he’s just…”
“He’s just a guy that lives at the house.” She looked over at him as he jammed his hands in his jacket pockets. “So, how are you back? Sam burned you. You shouldn’t be back.”
“You remember when Chuck was destroying the other universes and the other versions of me and Sam showed up? They were fleeing their world.”
“I remember. Sam wouldn’t take his hair down.”
“Right, well...um…” He cleared his throat. “Couple weeks ago, Man-bun Sam died in South America. Werewolves...and Dean couldn’t take it and he did a full wipe of his memories so that he wouldn’t have to remember and Sam went to Rowena to get her to fix it. Her version of fixing it was to give him, give me, your husband’s memories.”
“So, you’re-” She stopped in the middle of the street and turned to look at him. “You’re not my Dean?”
“Of course I am. I’ve got all of his memories. I’ve got all of his love.” He rubbed at the back of his neck. “Slightly different body...and a different soul. Your Dean is in Heaven. But I’m just like him. I’m exactly like him, Crash.”
She swallowed and searched his face for a few moments before she looked away. “The day we met...why was I crying?”
She was quizzing him, testing his memories, seeing how much like her husband he really was. “Mike left you,” he said quietly. “It wasn’t the first time...or the last. Rebel was about...two years old and you were tryin’ to hold yourself together. We shared some beer and talked about the monster Sam and I put down...and you gave me your number.”
“You, uh, you had a tattoo that I designed...it burned so you don’t have it now, but what-”
“I’ll get the rune again,” he interrupted. “So you can astral to me again.”
“Oh, it is you,” she whispered.
“It is me.” He wrapped her in a hug again and she grabbed at his jacket to hold him to her. “I don’t know how to go about this, though. How are we gonna explain to the kid that-”
“I-I don’t know.” She pulled back and shook her head. “I don’t know if she even caught on to the fact that you were dead...all I said was ‘gone’. I just said you were gone.”
That might make it easier. “Is she back at the house?”
“No. She’s with her father. It’s just Erik and my parents at the house right now.”
“Do your parents know I died? I’m just trying to determine if we can go in or if I’m sleeping in the car tonight.” He smiled at her as she sighed and looked away.
“I told them you broke up with me.”
“So, can I come inside?”
“You’ll have to sleep on the couch...unless you wanna sleep on the floor in Aria’s room. I’ve been sleeping with her on her loft bed since Erik has my old room and bed and all that.”
He smiled and headed toward the house, her hand in his. “She still have that big pile of stuffed animals under the loft?” She nodded and he smirked. “Then I’ll sleep in her zoo.”
She led him into the house and started up the stairs. They were halfway up the stairs when the door to the room that used to be hers opened. “Cass?” a voice asked. Dean stopped in his tracks.
“Didn’t mean to wake you, Erik.”
“It’s okay. I was just worried when you didn’t come back in. Are you-” Shadows fell over Dean and Crash as a figure stepped to the top of the stairs. “Oh, shit.”
Dean’s eyes narrowed as he stepped around his wife and up a few stairs. “What the hell are you doin’ here?” he demanded.
“You’re dead,” the blue-eyed man squeaked.
“About as dead as you’re about to be, Chuck.”
The Kitchen Sink - @emoryhemsworth @flamencodiva @wasabiwitteks @rainbowkisses31 @rissbennett @mariekoukie6661 @officiallyunofficialperson @dolphincliffs @mrs-meghan-winchester @gayspacenerd @foxyjwls007 @ilovefanfic86 @marvelfansworld @f-yeahfandoms @wonderlandfandomkingdom @hhiggs @sev3nruby @hobby27 @paintballkid711 @divadinag @thewhiterabbit42 @fantasymyth-1 @queenoftheunderdark @cosicas-cuquis @superfanficnatural @letsby @supernatural-bellawinchester @onethirstyunicorn @swinchester27 @chalicia @screechingartisancashbailiff @death-unbecomes-you @dayasvalkyrie @paryl @wereallbrokenangels @the-american-witch @that-one-gay-girl @tatted-trina6 @sunshineandwings86 @lunarmoon8 @wheezyeds @vicmc624 @couldabeenamermaid @vulgar-library
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