#and i secretly hoped i could make some friends along the way bc. it was a very lonely point in my life
mintjeru · 2 years
The symptoms you’re describing sounds a whole lot like burn out, which happens to the best of us when we push ourselves too long and hard past our limits. It definitely would seem easier to rely on external statistics (likes and reblogs/retweets) to determine the value of your work when you can’t see it yourself, but this is definitely something that can make you feel worse when the numbers don’t hit your expected target. Regardless of the size of your audience, it’s not unreasonable to want or desire for interaction and positive feedback for work you’ve put time and effort into producing, especially when you’ve done so with more limited resources (time/energy etc) than you had access to before. While it’s not a sure-fire way to cure burnout, taking a break and getting enough rest as well as allowing yourself some breathing space can help. Take care of yourself! Love your work—but don’t burn yourself down to the ground! There’s only one like and one reblog that I can give 😢 even if I want to give more…
hey anon! first, thank you for taking the time to write and send this in 🥺 second, it's a bit of a late reply bc i started crying while reading this for the first time and had to come back to it later ajdsdjfsjdf ;;;
you're probably right, i think it is burnout. i've been telling myself otherwise for months now bc i've been worried that the frequency of my posts has set myself up for others to expect something of me + not making art to share would be letting my followers down. but that's also locked me in a cycle of feeling guilty for either not drawing or making something that has no love behind it. logically, i know that taking a break would help, but i'm apparently not the best at allowing myself to take it easy 😅 still, i'll take your words to heart.
ty again for this, and i promise your one like and reblog is enough! i'm thankful that you leave notes on my posts and immensely grateful that you would even consider giving more <3
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hina-hina · 2 years
Perhaps when you’re ready can you write a Ghost and Soft!Reader and their child?😭❤️ I love your writing by the way!❤️❤️
Hello friend!! This is such a cute idea to go along with the soft!Reader series!! I'm so happy with how well received that post is and I'm loving everyones comments and ideas (ノ*ФωФ)ノ Hope you enjoy this one, thank you for requesting and I'm glad you like my writing!! (I put aside my final paper for class so I could post this today o_o)
I guess this is kinda a series now so chronologically it goes Soft!Reader post, Ghost getting secretly married post, then this one!
|| Ghost and Soft!Reader with a Child ||
Warnings: cursing, labor mentions, some angst
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Ghost had been on deployment when you found out you were pregnant
You were shocked an unsure of how Ghost was going to react when he found out
but also really excited
Despite the two of you doing video calls whenever he could, you kept it a secret until he got back from deployment
You put the pregnancy test in a small gift box and wait for him to arrive
You are filled with anxiety all day, worried about what his reaction would be
When he comes in, you can already tell he is extremely tired so you don't want to bombard him immediately
So you hug him when he comes through the door, pull up his balaclava, and give him a few soft kisses
He immediately relaxes, happy to be home
You instruct him to go take a shower and he goes without fuss
When he comes back out in a simple black t-shirt and sweats, his wedding band still attached to its chain hanging from his neck, you feel your heart skip a beat
"Sit down," You instruct
"Awful bossy this evening, aye?" He teases, but does it anyway, small smile on his maskless face
You present the small box to him, biting your lower lip nervously
He raises an eyebrow, large hands coming up over the box as he shifts his eyes between it and you
He opens it gently, staring at the small device for a moment before his eyes widen
Sets the box aside and immediately stands
"Your being serious?"
You simply nod and his eyes shift down to your stomach before he grabs you into a hug
He would be scared and distant at first, he would need time to process
I do think he would be good with kids
Once you two talk it out, he would become completely on board
Ghost is a girl dad, fight me
Would be so nervous when he goes to appointments with you
He Is so used to the good things in his life being taken away,
When he learns its a girl, he becomes slightly uneasy
He's not sure how he's gonna be with a kid period but knowing its a girl? He is terrified
Nonetheless, he finds himself buying things that he thinks you would like for the baby anyway
would hate it if he had to go back onto deployment before the baby is born
You reassure him you'll be fine and he reassures you he will be back for the birth
An ultrasound picture is placed alongside the picture of you in his breast pocket
Eventually tells his team he's going to have a baby and they are in shock, even more so than before
Imagine you go into labor early and he almost misses it
He shows up still in uniform (minus the weapons bc there isn't anyway he is getting into a hospital with all that on) and black grease paint still smudged around his eyes
But, damnit, he's there
Is scared shitless during labor
He doesn't want anything to happen to either of you
But you deliver the baby and it's handed to him and she looks so small in his hands o(*////▽////*)q
Tears fill his eyes and he feels his cold heart thaw a little more
He gets leave for a little while to take care of you and the baby
He doesn't want to leave you two but you reassure him that you know his work is important
You make him promise to always come back to the two of you
The little girl grows up looking up to Ghost a lot and he feels he doesn't deserve it but loves it anyway
Whenever he comes back, he wants to spend as much time with the two of you as possible
He sends her letters that you read to her before bed
She helps you make care package and includes her drawings
A third picture is put into the pocket, one with all three of you
He brags about all of his daughters accomplishments to his teammates
Imagine one day he decides to surprise her at school when he comes back home
So after you drop her off, you go and pick Ghost up
The two of you go to her school and the teacher sends her to the principal's office
Ghost is waiting there with you, uneasy about being around so many people but when he sees his little girl? He is GONE
She comes in and immediately brights, running to her dad
Immediately drops to his knees to hug her when she comes running at him
Hugs her so close, then stands and goes over and grabs you too
He has never been this happy to be home
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acey-wacey · 2 years
Hello! I hope you are having a great day, evening or night! Could you do a love triangle? Where 2 twst boys are crushing on Yuu and literally fighting over them while Yuu is oblivious to the whole thing. Maybe with these characters; Riddle, Jamil, Leona, Malleus and whoever else you choose???? If not then I completely understand!! So sorry to bother!!!
This is kinda fun and silly. I love oblivious Y/N bc that's just me :))). I also added Azul and Ace because I think the dynamic of them fighting over someone would be really funny.
🌹 Riddle Rosehearts 🌹
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🐍 Jamil Viper 🐍
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Neither of them see each other as competition tbh.
Riddle thinks Jamil is too scheming for you to like him and Jamil thinks Riddle is too stuck-up for your taste.
They both do little things to get your attention, neither being particularly fond of bold declarations.
Riddle always let you have the first slice of tart at unbirthday parties, which is actually a huge deal in the Kingdom of Roses but no one is allowed to say anything to you.
You're the only person Jamil can tolerate being in the kitchen with him while he's cooking.
He'll even let you put on your own music because he thinks it's cute watching you sing along.
They only notice their rival on Valentine's Day when you make chocolates for all of your friends.
In your alchemy class, Jamil was watching closely as you handed Riddle a box of chocolates to see the boy turn as red as his hair.
Riddle had never really noticed Jamil even though they were in the same class, but he did notice how the Scarabia dormleader smiled when you gave him his chocolates.
Riddle had never seen Jamil smile that genuinely and after asking Kalim, it wasn't a usual occurrence except for things that were really special.
After that, the boys didn't go out of their way to make a rivalry. They didn't want to spark any inter-dorm conflict.
But secretly, their hearts ache whenever they see you talking to the other.
They have to up their game on trying to subtly woo you.
It's quite a field day for you since you're receiving twice the homework help as usual, as well as many sweets left on your desk.
Grim is very pleased about this development because you always come back to the dorm with a bag full of Trey's baked goods and what is apparently some leftovers from dinner that Jamil made last night and definitely not something he made specifically for you.
Neither even consider conceding defeat since they're both so stubborn with things they want.
All the while, you are completely and blissfully ignorant of the glares they send each other across the classroom when you aren't looking.
🦁 Leona Kingscholar 🦁
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🐉 Malleus Draconia 🐉
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They already hated each other, what's one more reason?
They both immediately noticed that they were rivals in love.
You were the only person who wasn't afraid of Malleus and he milked your attention, not afraid to show small shows of affections towards you which you interpreted as platonic intimacy even though it clearly wasn't.
And it wasn't very hard to tell that Leona acted differently around you.
He made an effort to actually stay awake when you were talking and, on occasion, even came to class when you asked him too.
It didn't take long for both Leona and Malleus to put together the feelings their rival harbored for their crush.
Mostly Leona saw Malleus as an active threat to his territory while Malleus just didn't like that you were spending time with the lion instead of him.
If you know anything about dragons, they get very possessive with their hoard which was, in this case, his very special human.
You would think that you would notice how you were being tugged on by two angry monsters, but you just assumed that was how they showed affection.
Whenever you were with Leona, he would put an arm around you or pull you into his lap.
Every night, when you went on your walks with Malleus, he would present you with some shiny knick-knack of some sort, which was practically a confession in the Faelands, though he knew you wouldn't understand.
To anyone else, their disdain for each other, as well as their affection for you, was entirely obvious but you just went along as if nothing was wrong.
You knew they had a Magishift rivalry and you assumed that was the only reason they butted heads so often.
Eventually, neither of them was getting anywhere with you and you seemed to favor then both equally, so they made a bet.
"Listen, you horned b*stard. I know you have a thing for Y/N and I know you know that so do I."
"Get to the point, Kingscholar."
"The winter ball is coming up. We both ask them to go and whoever they turn down has to back off for good."
"That's a bold move. Sure you're ready to give up Y/N forever?"
"I don't intend to lose."
It was kind of odd for you with the Winter Ball being the only thing people talked about.
Every time you approached a group, they flicked away from you like you were on the wrong end of a magnet.
You thought it was because no one wanted to go with you but it was really because they knew if they got within 10 feet of you, they would be viciously attacked by your love interests.
No one was allowed to ask you before Leona or Malleus, even if you rejected them.
They both fought to be the first person to ask you, resulting in neither of them actually asking you until a week before the ball.
They weren't worried about you already having a date though since they'd scared off all your potential dates.
Both were running out of time so they decided to ask you at the same time.
When you chuckled nervously in response to their question, they knew something was wrong.
They though they had scared away all potential suitors but they forgot about the one person they never considered a rival.
"I'm really sorry, you guys, but I already promised Grim I would go with him. He has this dapper little bowtie, it's so cute! I'll save you both a dance though!"
The two of them stood there stunned in silence as you skipped away.
Grim scampered up to them and put his hands on his hips, grinning smugly.
"Hehe, neither of you will ever date my henchman if I have anything to say about it!"
Leona just had to growl at him for him to run back to you with his tail between his legs.
🐙 Azul Ashengrotto 🐙
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❤️ Ace Trappola ❤️
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You wouldn't normally think of them having a rivalry.
But Ace had always liked you and Azul just realized his feelings after his overblot.
You comforted him and accepted him which meant more than you knew.
So imagine his surprise when he discovered that the idiot who got himself indentured to the Mostro Lounge was also vying for your attention and succeeding.
Azul had never been so envious of a first year.
He considered ignoring you until his crush went away but he saw Ace as competition now and he was far too stubborn to give up.
Meanwhile, Ace had absolutely no idea of Azul's feelings for you.
You had 3 classes with Ace and the two of you spent a lot of time together, with the other first years and just with each other.
Ace knew it was strictly platonic but he just loves your attention in any form, even if it was scolding him for something stupid.
One day, his and Grim's antics got far more out of hand than was intended and he found himself in need again.
It was quite a coincidence that Azul was right there willing to clean up his mess for just a small price (?)
It was ever so satisfying to watch his rival slaving away at the Mostro Lounge, but Azul had calculated the outcome of this encounter.
All according to Azul's plan, you came to the Mostro Lounge to scold Ace and Grim and try to bail them out again.
Don't get me wrong, you were seething at how irresponsible they was, being indentured for the second time, but Grim was your responsibility and if Crowley knew the only other member of your dorm had gotten in hot water again, he would use it as another excuse to cut your allowance.
Both you and Ace were very suspicious of how amiable Azul was when you asked what you'd have to do to get the first years out of their payment.
Azul offered to let the entire ordeal go if you would agree to go on a date with him.
You thought he was joking because what self-respecting businessman would stake a money-making endeavor on a personal matter?
You didn't think it would be that easy to get Azul to let Ace and Grim off the hook but at that point, you would do anything to get Grim to stop whining your ear off about "being a slave to the takoyaki".
You took the opportunity and signed on the dotted line: you would go on a date with Azul and he would let your friends go free.
Ace, though he now was freed from servitude, was not happy at all about this development.
Why did that shady b*stard even want to go out with you anyway? He doesn't deserve that!
You are a little wary of Azul, seeing as how he actively tricked you into going out with him but he grew on you.
You started hanging out at the Mostro Lounge, making Ace even more jealous.
Azul was the picture of perfection around you though that didn't stop Jade from bringing up how Azul turned into a blushing, feet-kicking mess as soon as you left.
Grim was very conflicted when he discovered that your options were either the boy who attempted to enslave him at any opportunity and the boy whose mistakes get him enslaved.
"What do you need a boyfriend for, henchman? You've got me!"
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blair-the-juggalho · 10 months
Hello!! I absolutely love your TWDG writing. And I have been having a bad day bc my tooth broke and I'm stressed -_-
Could you possibly make a "TWDG S4 characters when a bubbly Y/N is upset/sad"? ^_^
Hey yeah ofc! And I’m so sorry I hope your day gets better lovely :(
Also I did this as platonic lmk if ya want me to redo it idm! 😭
Another sorry if there’s any spelling mistakes it’s half three am and I’m tired
Also side note, sorry I’ve been like gone a lot of stuff happened and I lost intrest in the game but it’s kinda coming back I’m just getting use to writing again so if this sucks I’m SO SORRY 😭😭😭💖💖💖
TWDG S4 characters when a bubbly Y/N is sad
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She’d find you a bit strange and would tease you but in honesty she loves how bubbly you are
Whenever life gets her down all she has to do is spend some time around you and she feels better
She notices instantly when you’re upset tho and will give it a few minutes before coming up to you
“Hey. What’s up? Why are you all depressed?”
But fr tho that’s her job 😞 LMAO SORRY
But you’ll open up to her and she silently nods along
Whatever it is she gets it
“Yeah…it sucks sometimes…”
She won’t say much but she offers to go somewhere more private so you two can chill and just complain to each other
She’s not all that good at comfort but she’d really try
When your back to normal she’d have a small smile on her face
“Ya happy again now?”
She’d be a bit upset if you’d want to go right back to being around everyone else but she’d join you anyway cuz she’s just happy to see you smile again
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He doesn’t really get it I mean how can anyone be happy living like this? I mean sure it’s manageable at times but it still sucks
He’d never on his life say it but he does secretly enjoy how happy you are even if he’d tease you for it
When he sees you upset tho I’m so sorry but this man is useless here
He doesn’t notice at first but after Willy or someone points it out he picks up on it and worries a bit
However he just hopes you cheer up on your own and doesn’t say anything
But he does watch out for you in the corner of his eye
He just assumes if it’s really bad you’ll come to him
Cuz he won’t come to you unless your both alone
When you do tell him what’s up he’s still not very helpful
“Damn…that sucks..”
He does care he’s just rubbish at showing it
He will let you stay with him but be warned you’ll both be sat in silence if you’re not in a talking mood
But when you do cheer up he’s relived
again, not that he’d voice it
“Happy again huh?”
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Marlon finds you to be a breath of fresh air, he always has a gentle smile on his face when your around
He’s happy that you can bring the others up too cuz a happy group is a good group yk
Plus you keep him calm too
So when he sees his usual happy friend down in the dumps he’s very confused
What happened to you?
He watches you for a bit then walks over to you and asks if you’re ok and if ya wanna talk
Hell take you up to the office and will listen to you explain why your upset
He listens and offers some advice and comfort
He’ll let you stay with him for a bit and if you like dogs yk he’ll get rosy to give you some comfort hugs and all
He just has normal conversations with you and will say that he hopes you cheer up soon cuz what would they all do without your positive ways
When you cheer up he’ll have a big smile and if your ok with it he’ll pull you in for a hug and definitely does that back pat and rub (yk the that you do to a friend or family to either be like heyy! Or ok that’s enough now)
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Like he needs to see you all happy and lively because that makes him more happy and lively too!
And this mf he instantly knows when you’re down and he will come up to you and just say “aww what’s wrong (name)? You gotta turn that frown upside down!” He might even pull an over the top sad face too
Depending on what kinda person you are this either kind of works or makes it so much worse
If he does realise that he’s not helping he panics a bit like
“Oh no- they really are sad…what do I doooooo?? This is badddd…”
He’s not all that good in serious situations and will try healing you with comedy and laughter
He’ll tell jokes, tease the others at Ericsson’s
Anything to cheer you up
Heaven forbid the moment you actually do cuz this mans energy is amplified by 100
“is that a smile I see?? So mx grumpy finally cheered up? Ha well it seems I’m just the best at curing sadness.” He acts all cocky but he’s just joking
He’s very pleased to see ya back to your regular self again
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Aasim always found it curious how someone so happy could exist in a world like this
But he’d be lying if he said he didn’t like it
He can’t match your energy but he does support your cheerful ways
He won’t voice it but you do cheer him up when he’s having a bad day
he notices when you’re upset very quickly n all it’s very obvious lmao
He’ll give it a few minutes but after a while he’ll cave and awkwardly walk over to you
“So…you ok? You seem upset…”
You tell him what’s up and he listens
He either gives you advice or will empathise with you saying he gets it
He just kinda silently sits next to you cuz he doesn’t really know what to say
You both just kinda sit around for a while
he won’t really offer it out loud but he doesn’t mind giving you a hug if it will cheer you up
He just waits for you to feel better and is thankful when you do
(Sorry but damn this man I just can’t imagine he’d be much help here that sounds horrible Ik ik 😞)
This man is grateful that you’re the way you are even if he doesn’t voice it a lot
He’s also a silent observer so when he saw you where upset he just quietly watched you
I think he either doubts how good he is at comforting or he’s too preoccupied but he’ll still watch you for you
He’s kinda hoping it’s just a off day and you’ll perk up again in a while
He waits to see if anyone else will check up on you or if you’ll come to him
But if enough time has passed and both of those didn’t happen he’ll slowly make his way over to you
He doesn’t say much but he listens to you
The few times he does speak it’s either reassurance or advice
He will stay with you for as long as he can and if he had to start cooking again he’d let you stand next to him while he does so
When you cheer up again he wont say much but he has a smile on his face
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Ruby fully appreciates your bubbly ways and she will usually match your energy when she can
She really thinks you totally brighten up Ericssons!
But today you were acting totally different and she could just sense it
Like there was a shift in the air she just picked up on before she even saw you
Since she gives me like mother friend vibes she totally instantly goes over to ya
Are you ok hun? Ya seem down? What’s happened? Do ya need some space?
She’s there and she will listen to ya 100%
She does whatever she can to be supportive and she might tell a few rubbish puns to make you smile again
She’ll get all protective of ya too like if anyone tries to annoy ya (which I doubt anyone would but yk just incase) she will get so mad at them she’s shout at them and scold them so much
She’ll either stay by you till you cheer up or will give you the space if you need it but the moment she sees that smile she loves so much and that cheery personality she adores she’s matching that happy face
This girl loves how bubbly you are it’s such a nice change of pace from the usually rubbish day to day apocalypse life
You don’t know how much you can cheer her up and make her feel more relaxed
So she was super quick to notice that you where sad
Huh that’s (name), why arn’t they all happy?? Where’s that lovely smile gone??
I don’t think she’d straight away ask if you where ok cuz maybe you needed some space? I mean it’s normal to get upset now a days but this isn’t like you
She’d ask the others like Marlon if they noticed that you’ve done a total 180
She’d still stay put but keeps a close eye on you and after a few minutes of watching you mope around she’d walk up to you and ask if you where ok
After you tell her what’s got ya so bummed out she’d do anything to get that smile back
She’d listen to you, give you advice if you wanted it, she’d give you a hug literally anything!
She’d also try to distract you by planning some made up road trip (a beach trip if I remember correctly??)
She needs to see her friend go back to their bubbly self 😞
Once you do cheer up she just sighs in relief man she’s happy you’re back to normal lmao
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Lmfaooo I know I already yapped my way into ur inbox earlier but. Sighhhh aroace reader has been on my mind again and I’m literally screaming clutching my torso rolling around on the floor crying thinking about it no joke <///333
I think that aroace reader + stsg comes with SO much comedic potential I physically cannot 😭😭 especially with reader who’s pretty much romance averse with satosugu (secretly) being their exception… like maybe shoko and utahime end up talking about their love lives and ask reader about THEIR love life and reader just deadpans “oh I don’t do romance. Doesn’t interest me” and satosugu (particular toru) are just like “….🙁ok but but but but but but-“ LMFAOO BUT THIS ALSO WORKS WITH READER WHOS COMPLETELY UNAWARE OF HOW STSG FEEL ABOUT THEM DESPITE IT BEING OBVIOUS TO EVERYONE ELSE???? imagine being with them out in public, being all affectionate n shit and then a cashier asks “oh are you guys dating? :)” and before either of them can get a word in ur just like “oh no, we’re just close friends haha!!! I know it looks like we do but none of us having feelings for each other at all haha!!!!” And they just look so fucking dejected like satorus shoulders slump and he puts on such a babyish pout…… and sugus just nodding and smiling along (he’s trying not to start screaming and crying on the floor) or maybe someone comes up to you and asks for your number before noticing suguru with his arm wrapped around your waist and satoru who’s got his arm around your shoulders and is looking at you like you hung the stars with your bare hands n the person is like “oh sorry I didn’t notice you guys are dating!!!” But reader is just like “huh?? No we’re not dating u can have my number!!” LMFAOOO I CAN SEE SATORU PULLING THIS FACE
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They’re so funny I actually cannotttt 😭😭😭 another thing that’s been on my mind is that if sugu didn’t leave and stsg + reader sorted out their feelings for each other, they could all be teen parents to little Megumi ☹️☹️ satoru gets some money from his rich aah family (cause no way they aren’t rich cmon he was spoiled as a kid) and buys a nice apartment for you all, maybe somewhere by the sea… firm believer that suguru is the mother of all time like. He absolutely makes pancakes with syrup and blueberries and whatever else for u all in the morning……. U guys wake up early in the morning sometimes when it’s still a little dark with Megumi in his tiny little raincoat and take him out for walks by the beach….. collecting pretty rocks and seashells….. megumis dogs swimming in the ocean and satoru skipping stones while sugu reminds him not to go too close incase the tide comes in unexpectedly and he gets his shoes soaked…… I gotta stop myself now or else I’ll go on the lengthiest sugu rant you’ve ever seen but. You get the idea. Sugu being a caretaker mommy for one actual baby and one baby that’s actually a tall pouty bastard that’s so insufferably charming <//333 and you ofc!!! (His favourite baby) (joke he adores you all equally) (even if he lovingly pretends satoru is his least favourite)
HAAHHAAAAA I SERIOUSLY CANT STOP THINKING AB THEM I NEED HELP 😭😭😭 AS ALWAYS I HOPE UR DOING ALRIGHT N TAKING CARE OF URSELF!!! AND ARIIIII the merman sugu asks you’ve been getting have actually been making me laugh my ass off everytimeeeee 😭😭 sugu flopping around like a seal and hating all humans except reader is so fucking funny to me like he’s just straight up dissing the human race but just looks you dead in the eyes and says “but you’re one of the good ones” GOODBYEEEEE 💀💀💀 ANYWAYS HOW HAVE U BEEN???? UP TO ANYTHING INTERESTING??? :3 🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤 gives u a flower + pancakes (sugu made them) u deserve it mwah mwah hope ur ok <333 🌷🥞
OLLIEEEEEE IT’S ALWAYS GREAT TO SEE U IN MY INBOX DW !!! we are yapping together 🫂🫂
PHDJDGDHDH THIS CONCEPT MEANS THE WORLD TO ME I HOPE U KNOW THAT 😭😭…. aroace!reader makes us all insane god bless. u are so REAL for mentioning the comedic potential bc it’s literally so beautiful….. i think i’m biased towards this option:
reader who’s pretty much romance averse with satosugu (secretly) being their exception… like maybe shoko and utahime end up talking about their love lives and ask reader about THEIR love life and reader just deadpans “oh I don’t do romance. Doesn’t interest me” and satosugu (particular toru) are just like “….🙁ok but but but but but but-“
IT’S JUST SOOOO FUNNY AND SWEET…. but i think stsg would also be so smug abt being reader’s exceptions 😭😭 losers. lovesick fools. utahime is just like… don’t you and those idiots have a thing 🤨🤨 and reader just goes well yeah but that’s different. they’re satoru and suguru. <- as if it’s just the most obvious thing in the world and stsg are sitting there all quiet and smug….. mentally squealing……… idk i just lovelovelove the idea of reader being very blunt with their emotions because they just don’t view romance in the same way others would and it flusters stsg Every Single Time. they used to always daydream abt being teasing bfs and making them flustered by acting all lovey-dovey but as it turns out they’re the ones who keep getting caught off guard by reader….
this is rlly just a random thought but. i’m just imagining them in the future, living together, not necessarily labelled in any way but they very much Love each other… suguru is smoking by the balcony late at night (he’s planning on quitting bc he doesn’t want to worry his babies <3) while satoru & reader are keeping him company… and reader just casually mentions that they want to live with stsg forever. that they’re happiest like that and don’t ever want it to end. and they’re just bluntly telling the truth but suguru and satoru are genuinely Losing It bc????? did we just get proposed to ????????? satoru is oddly quiet bc he’s trying to stop himself from blushing and suguru just clears his throat and tells reader that they feel the same way ….. but he’s not nearly as suave as usual bc he is in fact getting choked up LMAOO i love them sm they’re so silly ….. T—T
ok but back to ur lovely thoughts !!!! the idea of aroace!reader being oblivious is also rlly charming to me 😭😭 SATORU MAKING THAT FACE LMAO HE SOOO WOULD ……. i picture suguru just kinda twitching lol like he’s trying sooo hard to keep it together but a part of him kinda wants to kiss reader all over their pretty face so that they get the message. (jokes on him bc reader would somehow still assume that it was just … platonic kissing … just kissing the homies goodnight …..) sigh. it’s tough out here for stsg BUT i think they’d also be really endeared by it …… their oblivious lil reader….
AND WAHHHHH LIL BABY GUMI 🥺🥺🥺🥺 OLLIEEEE YOU’RE KILLING ME a nice house by the sea…….. taking walks by the beach…… and . mommy sugu ..,, our lord and saviour ……. makes u breakfast every morning and wakes u up by kissing u :(((( lets u cling to him while he cooks .. sighhhh. sigh sigh sigh. being a househusband could’ve fixed him idc 😔😔
Sugu being a caretaker mommy for one actual baby and one baby that’s actually a tall pouty bastard that’s so insufferably charming <//333 and you ofc!!! (His favourite baby) (joke he adores you all equally) (even if he lovingly pretends satoru is his least favourite)
AND THISSSS PLS u know the way to my heart….. caretaker mommy sugu 🥺🥺🥺 he would thrive off taking care of his babies like truly. he’s the Mother ever. and now he has one lil baby to Actually Mother and two overgrown babies to coddle and tease…… his dream life tbh. now i’m just imagining reader, toru & gumi waking sugu up on mother’s day to celebrate LMAOO they made a cake and everything….. he’s exasperated but secretly very touched :’3 maybe tears up a lil later when he’s looking at the world’s best mommy <3 cup u guys bought him LOL he’s such a sap …..
AND ARIIIII the merman sugu asks you’ve been getting have actually been making me laugh my ass off everytimeeeee 😭😭 sugu flopping around like a seal and hating all humans except reader is so fucking funny to me like he’s just straight up dissing the human race but just looks you dead in the eyes and says “but you’re one of the good ones” GOODBYEEEEE 💀💀💀
PHDJDJJD NO BECAUSE SAMEEEE i still have a couple more mer!sugu asks to get to actually… they’re all so great…… my anons have converted me fully into a mer!sugu stan and now i can’t stop thinking abt him 😭😭 HE’S SOOOO FUNNY U GET IT COMPLETELY LIKE …. he’s just a grumpy little seal man ……. ”you’re one of the good ones” NO BC LITERALLY!! THAT’S HOW HE FEELS…… reader is his emotional support human <33 he doesn’t like anyone else and WILL consider drowning anyone who gives them trouble but then reader gives him a Look and he’s like. sigh. 😒😒😒 you’re no fun. <-… he’s insane actually BUT WE LOVE HIM <33333 silly lil fishy !!
WAHHH URE SO SWEET OLLIE 😭😭🥺🥺 thank u for the flowers and sugu’s pancakes…….. i am munching on them gratefully…… here are some nice sunflowers 🌻🌻🌻 and croissants 🥐🥐🥐 for u <333 I’M DOING WELLL trying to catch up on asks + cooking up a lil sashisu/reader thingie.. 👀👀 i haven’t been able to post fics as regularly bc of uni but hopefully i can get it out by next weekend :33 and thennnn i think i’ll focus on mer!sugu…
ANYWAY WHAT ABT U ???? how have u been ?? tell me tell me 🎤🎤…… i hope it’s sunny wherever u are, here it’s still cold n gray T—T but spring will be with us soon … stay strong …….
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kitty-lennon · 1 year
OK since I had some nice returns about the height hc I wanted to share with you some of my other Hc!! (it get a bit long)
- Robbie / Glanni are faes (principaly due to Bound, that fic have been engraved in my soul) and also are two different person
- Robbie took care of the kids before Sportacus was around and have taught them about their special interest (Trixie and pranks/mischief; Pixel and love for gadget/tech and all; Stingy.... Stinginess; Ziggy and finding comfort in sweets, also Robbie made him that super hero suit)
-Latabæ and Lazytown are two different towns, and Latabæ is in iceland
-there is a Jives and Penny counter part in Lazytown but they are older and away to university. They still love to play with the kids
- Latabæ kids gang are teens while Lazytown kids gang is well, kids (/ almost preteen)
- ìþrott is older than Sportacus by a few years, and they aren't related by blood. They still view each other as Brothers tho. Also ìþrott passed down the number 10 title to him (will explain this more if asked)
- Àfram Latabæ Íþróttaálfurinn and Glanni Glæpur Í Latibær Íþróttaálfurinn are the same, he got badly made fun of by Glanni and after fighting the bitch away from Lazytown decided to get a makeover bc he indeed was a bit out of style.... Not that Glanni finds it better (except the abs)
- Glanni is a real menace that's holding back o' taking the world bc like Robbie, he's too much of a softy but won't admit it. (doesn't stop him from being a wanted criminal that have done heinous crimes but he had arguably good reason, as much as a morally gray flamboyant vilain can)
- Robbie and Glanni are distantly related blood wise but Glanni took care of Robbie most of his childhood and make sure he wouldn't take the same road as him in Villainy. (in love with this one, I love secretly soft vilains)
- Robbie is nb/ Agender, just doesn't give a single fuck about pronouns or gender, Glanni is identifying as man but like she/her and dressing either hyper masc or hyper flamboyant, pink and feathers and fur everywhere, glitters in his pockets and strass on his gun
- Sportacus is cis he/him a'd confident enough to wear a dress and make up even if it's rare / for his traditions as an elf (he like it tho bc it's comfy and fun to move around in a dress) Íþróttaálfurinn is the same, and often have his nails painted and likes to help the girls with their hair
That's the most I could think of hard enough to materialise in words!!
(it's 2am when I'm writing this, I'll probably upload it way later wand I'm sure I could come up with more tbh they probably seem too logical to me rn to not be canon)
PLS PLS PLS don't even hesitate to ask me about your headcanons so we can talk about them I love that!! It's more than alright to judge my hc even if I think they are pretty basic, but I don't think I'll change my mind about them (I'll hear you out still tho!)
OK last blorb, if you have ocs you can also message / ask / pm about them and info dump on me I would LOVE to hear about them.
Tbh usually I get in fandoms along with some friends, and I love plotting / playing / drawing [with] our ocs. So tell me if you would be fine with it, it would be immensely fun to populate the towns with our silly characters and watch them interact.
Alright, stole enough of your time now, thank you if you read this far! I really like the community here and hope to interact a bit more with all of you nice people, Have a nice time out there ✨✨
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johnmurphysgirl · 4 months
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Pair: Thorin Okenshield x FemOC! (Link to the Wattpad fic if you’d rather read it there.)
Genre: Fluff, Angst, found family, heartbreak bc I’m secretly satan.
Word count; 5,239
A/N: To get myself back into my fic in hopes this will inspire me to write the mf third chapter already and quit stalling. — although a baggenshield fic is lowkey calling my name instead
She yearns for a world deeper than the Shire; for adventures so vast and world-changing that she has no choice but to remember for the rest of her life. If Nienna tries hard enough she can almost taste freedom. She can hear the wind whizzing past her hair as she runs amongst the trees, the entire world at her fingertips. Nienna has spent her entire life dreaming; oftentimes her dreams entailed packing whatever she could in a knapsack and disappearing from her hobbit-hole by the river. To find a new life. One where Nienna is brave, fearless, and unapologetically herself.
Nienna has tried to let go of her silly little dreams, because that's all they are. Dreams. The others don't quite understand. In fact, she can count on one finger the only one in the Shire that even remotely understands. His name is Bilbo Baggins. The only one who has foolish little dreams of grandeur, – despite trying to deny it at every corner -- and her best friend in the entire universe. If it weren't for him, she would have said goodbye ages ago.
Their friendship itself is a bit of an odd union; for he is a Baggins who lives on The Hill, whereas she is a Greenwater from The Water. Where his family hold riches and a normal life filled with farming, and safety, hers longed for adventure and destiny and often took risks the others would not. Her ancestors used to travel to far away lands by ship, meeting Elves and Dwarves alike, and in truth, is a lot of reasons behind Nienna's call to adventure. Bilbo's problem is he refuses to acknowledge his Took ancestry and has taken up refuge as his father's son, mainly.
Nienna hums quietly to herself on this particular day, skipping past hobbit-holes and other little Hobbits milling about their days as they do in days past. It's a wonderful day for an adventure, she thinks and hobbles along. The sun hangs high in the sky without a cloud in sight as she makes her way past the Water's edge and bounds upwards towards The Hill. Bilbo won't be expecting her. He usually never is, but that hardly stunts Nienna. She's quite used to his blathering about unannounced visitors and how he would really love for her to come by at an appropriate hour and preferably after writing to schedule a specific time. Tea time, for example, or dinner, or some other boring activity.
Nienna doesn't like schedules. She thinks it takes away the air of mystery, and so, Bilbo's also gotten quite used to that.
"Good morning, Bilbo Baggins!" Nienna yells jovially as she just crosses up the Hill, noticing her very best friend perched atop his bench with his pipe in his hand. "Mind if I join you on this fine day?"
"A very good morning to you, Nienna Greenwater!" Bilbo says, a hearty laugh on the tip of his tongue as he mockingly bows his head. "To what does little old me have such privilege to be greeted by Nienna on this fine morning?"
"Probably for you to stop speaking so formally, Bilbo, my old friend." Nienna grins, and collapses on the seat next to him.
He shakes his head fondly at her. "Ah, yes, yes, of course. Silly me to have forgotten."
Nienna's sparkling eyes turn away from Bilbo, then, to look down the Hill, and past the Water. Her heart aching for places she's never seen, before she turns back to Bilbo just as he blew on his pipe to make one of his famous smoke-rings. Nienna laughs with delight, reaching her hand up to poke a finger through the ring of smoke, watching fascinatedly as the puff of smoke swirls around where her finger had been before disappearing into the wind.
Bilbo smiles at her. He's aware of just how much enjoyment Nienna gets out of his smoke-rings, and it's part of why he did it just now. To move her attention back to the Hill and the Shire and away from her dangerous thoughts of peril and adventure. He wouldn't admit that, of course. If he did, he would have to delve into the deep part of his psyche that craves the same wanderlust as Nienna; and he can't, because nobody on the Hill, or Bag-End ever goes on adventures, and especially not a Baggins.
The two Hobbits this morning were taken by complete surprise in the form of an old man, with a staff at his side, a tall pointed hat, a long and flowing grey cloak, and a flowing white beard that went all the way down below his waist.
"Good morning!" Nienna and Bilbo say in unison.
"What do you mean?" The man asks, looking at the two. "Do you wish me a good morning, or mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not; or that you feel good on this morning; or that it is a morning to be good on?"
Personally, Nienna thinks her greeting was simply that; a greeting, and perhaps the last one. It is a good morning. According to her, anyway. She glances at the man, eyes sparkling in curiosity. His identity evades her, but she's fairly certain she's seen him before, maybe once long ago. His entire being evokes such a strong sense of yearning for the adventures that plague her every-waking thought. Too tired of doing the normal thing.
"All of them at once, I suppose," Bilbo answers for both of them, which Nienna appreciates. She doesn't quite know how to explain her thoughts at this precise minute, and is thankful the attention isn't on her directly. "If you have a pipe about you, sit and have a fill of mine!"
Nienna even moves and offers the man her seat, just as Bilbo makes another dashing smoke ring that has her face lighting up in seconds. But he does not sit. He watches the smoke without even an ounce of fascination.
"Very pretty! But I haven't the time to blow smoke-rings this morning. I am looking for someone to share in an adventure that I am arranging, but it is very difficult to find anyone."
Bilbo glances over at Nienna in horror, already seeing her head snap towards the man with such fervor, he's afraid her head's going to pop off. He's already shaking his head and standing back up. "I should think so — in these parts! We have no use for adventures. Nasty, disturbing, uncomfortable things! Makes you late for dinner! I can't think what anyone sees in them."
Meanwhile, Nienna glances back and forth between Bilbo and the stranger; her eyes dancing with delight at this revelation. Is this him? The one her mother used to tell her stories about, the Grey Wizard known by many names, and yet seems to be fond of one in particular; Gandalf the Grey. The wizard that had taken Yavanna Greenwater, Nienna's grandmother, to the isle of the blessed. A sacred place long past the city of Dale that is rumored not to exist anymore after Smaug destroyed it as he had done to Dale, before taking over Erebor.
"Speak for yourself," Nienna says at last, her hopeful gaze turning to the Wizard, while Bilbo pretends to be busy with his mail. "Nienna Greenwater at your service."
She tries to ignore the apprehension growing inside her chest with a vague sense of fear. She knows not what the adventure entails to offer such a service, and who is she, anyway? Nienna Greenwater has never done anything note-worthy in her entire life. She has no business parading her ancestry around like a warm blanket of comfort, when it was not her who has done extraordinary things. She yearns for adventure so badly, but why should she go on this? She's just a hobbit.
"I do know your name, Miss. Nienna Greenwater, as I know your name, Mr. Bilbo Baggins. And you both know my name, and while Nienna is piecing it together, you, Bilbo don't remember me belonging to it. I am Gandalf, and Gandalf means me! To think I should have been good-morninged by Belladonna Took's son, and Yavanna Greenwater's granddaughter, as if I was selling buttons at the door!"
"Gandalf, Gandalf! Good gracious me! Not the wandering Wizard that gave Old Took a pair of magic diamond studs that fastened themselves and never came undone till ordered?"
"Don't forget he used to tell such extraordinary tales at parties," Nienna chimes in with a giddy smile at the wonder in Bilbo's voice. "He used to tell stories of Old; about dragons and goblins, the rescuing of princesses, adventures and dreams. Oh, Bilbo, don't you remember the story my mother told us? Yavanna Greenwater, sailing with Elves to the isle of the blessed, fighting hardship after hardship to protect it –"
Bilbo's eyes lit up. "Not the man that used to make such particularly excellent fireworks!" Bilbo cried, unapologetically interrupting Nienna's daydream. "I remember those! Old Took used to have them on Midsummer's Eve. Splendid! But I had no idea you were still around."
"Where else would I be?" Grumbles Gandalf, before waving a hand in the air. "At any rate, I am glad you both remember something about me. You seem to look on my stories and my fireworks kindly, for your grandfather and your grandmother, and poor Belladonna's sake, I will give you what you asked for."
"I beg your pardon, what?" Bilbo says, incredulously. "We haven't asked for anything."
"Yes you have – Twice. I will give you my pardon, and then you will go on an adventure – both of you."
"Sorry, I don't want any adventures, thank you. Good morning – please come back for tea time tomorrow. Come tomorrow, bye!" Bilbo says, moving backwards towards his door, and slamming the door behind him, leaving Nienna alone with Gandalf. She blows out a puff of air, before turning in curiosity towards the Wizard, who does not move away as she suspected he would, but instead approaches Bilbo's door with his staff, carving something on the green door.
He turns to give Nienna a mischievous look, a hint of a smile dancing on his lips. "Tomorrow," he whispers. "Come back tomorrow."
Sleep evades her like a thief in the night, keeping her up till way past dawn. Her mind conjures up images of death; fire and brimstone. Which left Nienna a bit on edge, with, admittedly, a great deal of fear. For almost immediately after Gandalf the Grey disappeared from sight with the promise of tomorrow, the bravery melted out of the poor hobbit and right into the ground, leaving her with a heavy heart for her journey back home. Not a long journey; but a journey nonetheless.
Nienna is nothing but an absolute fool. A silly woman with grandiose dreams, and wanderlust which is surely on the right track of getting her killed. Dragons? Goblins? Possibly Orcs? What in all of Middle Earth was she thinking? Nienna wouldn't last a single day outside the Shire.
Those thoughts lingered long after she thought them. Nienna couldn't for the life of her understand why. An adventure was all she's ever really wanted, and yet now that's she's faced with what's surely to be a life-altering one, all she wants to do is hide in her hobbit-hole. She doesn't. Instead, she musters up whatever courage is dawdling in her brain, and hobbles along the path up the Hill. She can't shake the inkling that Bilbo is going to need her for what's to come. It's much too dangerous for any one hobbit to travel alone; so, if that means danger so be it.
The brunette sighs through her teeth. She hesitates for about five seconds, before knocking on the door twice. A minute later, the door swings open wildly and a bit desperately, revealing a very flustered Bilbo Baggins. Inside, the noise was so loud she nearly toppled backwards off the placemat. She covers her ears and tries and fails to cover up her grin. A noise such as that coming from the kitchen could only mean one thing; Dwarves.
"Nienna?" Bilbo cries after a moment of silence while the two stare at each other, over the noise from behind him. "Thank goodness you're here. Dwarves are in my kitchen. Dwarves. I don't know what's –" Just then, Bilbo pauses in word, his eyes narrowing at Nienna in slight suspicion. "What are you doing here, anyway?" She shows up right after a pack of dwarves show up out of the blue; no, this could be no ordinary visit. "Did you know about this?"
Bilbo jerks his thumb towards his kitchen as he asked the question, bringing Nienna to frown slightly. Her gaze softens, turning a tad bit sheepish. "Not… all of it? Gandalf told me to meet here at tea time, like you said, but not at all what any of this meant. I'm.. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you, Bilbo, honest, but this could be good for us! C'mon, can't you believe it? A real adventure. You and me. Even if we decide not to go; it's not everyday we see and meet dwarves." She pauses her spiel to giggle, nudging his shoulder with her own. "We're being terrible hosts. I'll help you."
Bilbo Baggins wants to scream and shake his head, and maybe stomp his feet like a naughty hobbit boy throwing a tantrum. He wants to shake Nienna's shoulders and tell her that no, he does not wish or have any business going on such an adventure, thank you very much, and that he'd much rather sit and enjoy his cakes and tea in peace; but the words or actions would not come. He knows good and well he would not be able to stand the flicker of hurt in her eyes. Whether it be by luck or the opposite, a steady knock followed by the doorbell was his saving grace. It kept him from saying anything he'd regret, at least. "Ah, that will be more dwarves, I imagine. Could you answer that, Nie? I really must have a drink or I'm afraid I'm going to fall down."
"Of course!" Nienna breaths, her steady grin growing wider if it was even possible. Bilbo sends her a grateful nod before he's disappearing towards the kitchen, leaving Nienna to turn and face the door. She opens it as gently as she could, but..
In fell four dwarves landing in a heap at her feet, with Gandalf shortly behind them. "Ah, Nienna Greenwater!" He booms good-natured, sending her a warm smile. "Might I introduce Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, and especially Thorin!"
Bifur, Bofur, and Bombur busy themselves with hanging up theirs and Thorin's hoods after a quick bow and a "at your service." Nienna was only half paying attention. Her eyes were drawn to Thorin, a very important dwarf. None other than Thorin Oakenshield himself stood not even five inches from Nienna. The Thorin; the one who hopefully one day be at his rightful throne as King under the Mountain. He does little to acknowledge her except to incline his head respectfully, although he doesn't exactly seem all that enthused by her presence.
"Now, then, that pleasantries are out of the way, would you accompany us to the kitchen Nienna, that is, if there's any left for us late arrivals. And where is our good friend, Bilbo Baggins?"
"He's in the kitchen, sir," Nienna says kindly, trying not to appear as excited as she feels.
She sends them all one last warm smile, before leading them towards the kitchen. Immediately upon reaching the destination, the early and late arrivals each had a list of demands of food and drink that they'd like; all aimed at poor Bilbo himself. Nienna shoots a longing look at one of the scones. She shakes her head and moves towards Bilbo, who had already departed towards the pantry, to help him with all the various requests.
The dwarves speak and look at her kindly, but it's fairly obvious they are all a bit weary by her presence. Not that Nienna could blame them. After all, they had probably only expected one hobbit, – if any at all – not two, and certainly not a female.
Ah, well. Nothing to worry about now, she supposes, while reaching for the wine on the shelf.
She passes by Bilbo, who is currently busy making Gandalf's eggs, and brings the wine to Thorin first. Nienna is careful while filling his cup to the brim to not over-fill or under-fill, and gives him a bow, before maneuvering around the other dwarves until she reaches Gandalf. She fills his cup next, and he thanks her graciously.
"Confusticate and bebother these dwarves!" Bilbo says aloud upon his return to the room, a deep scarlet tint to his face that she's never seen before; Nienna coming along the bend just as he did, carrying more spoons and knives. "Why don't they come and lend a hand?"
Nienna hasn't quite matched faces to a name yet, but if she was correct, Balin, Dwalin, Fili, and Kili came to their aid; as if they had been expecting those words eventually. Her eyes widen a fraction as they whisk trays and tables alike and lay everything afresh out on them in just a tiny blink of her eye. Nienna can't help but feel enamored by them all. They're absolutely fascinating, and despite being a bit demanding, it was mostly a good meeting. To her, anyway. She couldn't speak for Bilbo himself.
Soon enough, they're all finally gathered together around the table. Nienna takes a tiny bite of her score that she had finally acquired, before engaging Kili and Fili in a most exciting tale of their journey to the Shire. The way they described the paths and roads and large places outside Bree only fuel Nienna's need to see it for herself. She wasn't too enthralled with their stories of riches, though. Nienna doesn't need gold or money to be happy. Water and good company, and adventure now and again seems quite pleasant to her. To get married and have children, maybe. She hasn't thought about it a lot.
Bilbo sits at his stool alone by the fire nibbling on a biscuit, while the other dwarves and Gandalf continue to eat and talk excitedly amongst each other. This goes on for quite a while. Nienna doesn't mind. She could talk for hours and hours with Kili and Fili, as they were the most fun, she decided. Even with how weary they were, they spoke jovially and didn't seem to mind her pestering questions. But eventually, as is with most things, it was time to move on.
The shenanigans of dwarves once again fill her with awe. This won't be the last time. One by one, they all got up out of their seats and start stacking the dishes in a very large stack; while Bilbo trails after them nearly losing his mind shouting and pleading for them to be careful. After all, those are his mother's old valuables that had been handed down to him.
It was no surprise to her, but a great deal of a shock to Bilbo, when they all – minus Thorin and Gandalf who were busy in conversation – began to sing:
"Chip the glasses and crack the plates!
Blunt the knives and bend the forks!
That what Bilbo Baggins hates –
Smash the bottles and burn the corks!
Cut the cloth and tread on the fat!
Pour the milk on the pantry floor!
Leave the bones on the bedroom mat!
Splash the wine on every door!
Dump the crocks in a boiling bowl;
Pound them up with a thumping pole;
And when you've finished, if any are whole,
Send them down the hall to roll!
That's what Bilbo Baggins hates!
So, carefully! Carefully with the plates!"
Nienna couldn't control herself; she claps and nods her head to the dwarves' song, laughing merrily and grinning over at a slightly unamused Bilbo. If they had done the things they sang about she would have not laughed; but they hadn't done any of it. In fact, they cleaned them all up nicely and put it back without a single scratch on them.
The thrill of today provides proof of the promise of tomorrow; and it has yet to leave Nienna. She slides next to Bilbo on the stool, grinning from ear to ear as she watches each dwarf leave the room, and then return with their musical instruments. For tea time was over. And with it, a new adventure of music before dinner.
"Isn't this wonderful, Bilbo?" Nienna asks him quietly as Balin leaves to retrieve his and Thorin's musical instruments that were left outside.
"I could think of a great deal more that is wonderful," Bilbo mutters under his breath; Although even he has to admit there is nothing quite like songs, especially one sung by a dwarf or elves.
Nienna doesn't pay much mind to Bilbo's words, however, and allows the excitement to keep running through her as she waits impatiently for the dwarves to return. Her waiting does not go in vain. Soon enough, the dwarves are all in their respective spots with their instruments.
One by one; they began to sing:
"Far over the misty mountains cold
To dungeons deep and caverns old
We must away ere break of day
To seek the pale enchanted gold.
The dwarves of yore made mighty spells,
While hammers fell like ringing bells
In places deep, where dark things sleep,
In hollow halls beneath the fells.
For ancient king and elvish lord
There many a gleaming golden hoard
They shaped and wrought, and light they caught
To hide in gems on hilt of sword.
On silver necklaces they strung
The flowering stars, on crowns they hung
The dragon-fire, in twisted wire
They meshed the light of moon and sun.
Far over the misty mountains cold
To dungeons deep and caverns old
We must away, ere break of day,
To claim our long-forgotten gold.
Goblets they carved there for themselves
And harps of gold; where no man delves
There lay they long, and many a song
Was sung unheard by men or elves.
The pines were roaring on the height,
The winds were moaning in the night.
The fire was red, it flaming spread;
The trees like torches blazed with light.
The bells were ringing in the dale
And men looked up with faces pale;
The dragon's ire more fierce than fire
Laid low their towers and houses frail.
The mountain smoked beneath the moon;
The dwarves, they heard the tramp of doom.
They fled their hall to dying fall
Beneath his feet, beneath the moon.
Far over the misty mountains grim
To dungeons deep and caverns dim
We must away, ere break of day,
To win our harps and gold from him!"
The hauntingly beautiful melody sends chills up Nienna's spine. Their voices mix together in perfect harmony, conveying the deep loss; and their undoubted determination to reclaim their home. She almost finds herself misty-eyed. The deep loss is almost like a pang in her gut, even if it is not her who has lost. Nienna understands now. Just exactly what this adventure means for Thorin and the dwarves, and for her and Bilbo, and just exactly what they plan on doing. Their determination is quite contagious.
For, Nienna is even more ready to go.
Nienna was so deeply invested in the dwarves' song, that she hadn't felt Bilbo moving away from them until Thorin broke the silence that followed their song; "where are you going?" He demanded, and Bilbo simply made some silly excuse about light. Although, the dwarves assured him they love the dark. Dark for dark business, that is, and while Nienna doesn't quite understand; she's still just ready to get on with this. She wants to know just what dangers they would face, should they accept the adventure. But most importantly; Nienna wants to know why Gandalf chose her and not just Bilbo. Why should he have invited her along on this quest? What has she got to offer besides an incredibly bubbly personality and a startling thirst for the World Beyond.
She will get her answer, but it won't be the one she's expecting.
Nienna sits quietly as a mouse, after Bilbo had made such a racket that she's afraid to breathe, let alone move in fear of being yelled at too; and waits with bated breath for Thorin to speak.
"Gandalf, dwarves, Mr. Baggins, and Miss. Greenwater! We are met together in the house of our friend and fellow conspirators, these two most excellent and audacious Hobbits – all praise to their wine and ale and their gracious hosting! –" Thorin pauses, and Nienna smiles.
"We are lucky to be in your presence, Thorin, if you'll excuse my dear friend's lack of words. Your song and company is quite all we needed."
Bilbo's mouth widens in protest, although no noise comes out of it and all Nienna does is shake her head at him with a soft smile. She knows how hard this all is for him, the two sides of him fighting like some wild tennis match; but still. Thorin deserves some praise, after all, he hadn't made a big fuss about Nienna's presence, or about how mere Hobbits are not warriors and most have never really done anything wildly great, either.
Thorin surprises Nienna with a nod and a tight-lipped smile, before he continues: "We are here to talk about our plans, ways, our means, the policy and devices. The journey is a long one, a journey which many of us, save Gandalf, might never return —"
A loud squeak disrupts Thorin yet again, – A squeak Nienna has only heard twice in all the times she's known him – Bilbo having been the reason behind it, and he now cowers on the placemat shivering, and frantically calling out, "struck by lightning! Struck by lightning!"
"Oh, Bilbo," Nienna murmurs sadly as she hops off her stool and runs to assist her only friend. Guilt swirls around her chest, nearly suffocating her; she should have been a better friend, instead of getting all swept off her feet over the thought of an adventure. One that Bilbo has expressly said he did not want to go on. "Can somebody help m–"
Before Nienna could even get the words out, Fili and Kili assisted by Dwalin are at her side in an instant and hoisting Bilbo up in his chair just outside the parlour. Now, Nienna knows she should continue on with the dwarves in their conversation and stipulation, but she can't find it in herself to leave Bilbo's side. So, she sits on the floor beside his chair, keeping him company and humming slightly while trying to ignore the very real fact that the dwarves are in there right now with Gandalf, possibly talking about how neither she nor Bilbo has any business on this quest if all they were gonna do is bring about trouble by having episodes.
Her face turns a deep shade of velvet, their words rushing in her ears; she was so embarrassed that she didn't even feel Bilbo stand out of his chair, until his hand was in front of her face to pull her up. Nienna frowns a little. She shrugs and allows him to help her up, and it isn't until they're standing in front of the parlour door that she understands what he's ready to do. And that he wasn't going to do it alone, and hoped that Nienna was still as willing as she was before he fell flat. Her eyes light up and she nods, giddiness flooding through her as Bilbo finally pushes the door open and steps inside.
"Pardon me," Bilbo interrupts. "I don't pretend to understand what you are talking about, or your meaning of burglars and what in the world a beacon of light compass is, but I believe I'm right in my understanding that you think Nienna and I are no good. Let us show you – although I know there is no mark on my door I painted it myself a week ago, and I am quite sure you came to the wrong house – but tell us what you want done, and I'm sure Nienna feels as I do about it; we will try it. Even if we have to fight the greatest were-worms in the Last Desert."
"Um, Bilbo," Nienna pipes up from beside him, and nearly shrinks back as every pair of eyes turn towards her. "There *is* a mark. I watched Gandalf do it."
"Of course there is a mark," confirms Gandalf. "I put it there myself as surely as Nienna was my witness. For very good reasons, mind you. You asked me to find the fourteen man for your expedition, and I went ahead and threw in a fifteenth. I chose Mr. Baggins and Miss. Greenwater. Just let anyone say that I chose the wrong ones or the wrong house, and you can stop at thirteen and have all the bad luck you like, or go back to digging coal."
Nienna has never seen someone scowl as angrily as Gandalf did in this moment; it was enough to render the room to silence as nobody dared to argue.
"That's right," continues Gandalf. "I have chosen Mr. Baggins and Miss. Greenwater, and that oughta be enough for all of you. If i say Bilbo is a burglar, then a burglar he is, or will be when the time comes. As for Nienna, she is as pure as they come in all of the Shire! When all hope feels like it is lost, she is the tip of the balance. You remember it as well as I do, Thorin. You may all live to thank me yet. Now, can we please get some light on this?"
Nienna frowns. When all hope is lost, she is the tip of the balance. Did Gandalf have to speak so vaguely all the time? He never gave any answers and when he does, it is not plain enough to understand. Nienna doesn't feel like a beacon of hope. Maybe a hopeless romanticizing woman with a thirst for adventure, but to be a tip in the balance? That's going a bit too far; but she isn't given the time to question it as Gandalf brings out a map.
"This was made by Thror, your grandfather, Thorin," Gandalf explains. "It is a plan of the mountain."
"I don't see this helping us much," Thorin says after glancing at it. "I remember the mountain well enough and its lands. And I know where Mirkwood is, and the Withered Heath where the great dragons bred."
"There's a red-marked dragon on the Mountain, but it'll be easy enough to find him without it," says Balin.
Nienna was growing quite tired as they spoke back and forth of maps and doors, a key and a dark past with Smaug the Dragon; and back and forth about burglaries and a hope tipping scale that she nearly cried in relief when Bilbo suggested an early start after breakfast and a goodnight's sleep.
After Nienna's head hit the pillow she was out like a light and was the only Hobbit to join the dwarves for breakfast; having been the one to make them.
Click here for chapter two —> CHAPTER TWO
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seodami · 2 years
Embarrassment | JWY
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Genre: action, fluff, tiny bit angst
Warning: embarrassment, second hand embarrassment
Word count: 3303
Pairing: Cat Noir!Jung Wooyoung x gn Ladybug!reader
Note: Wow okay lately I’ve been binge watching all the Miraculous series and I’m obsessed!!! Like can you imagine a better character to play Cat Noir than JUNG WOOYOUNG?! No. So since this is just one mission kind of, I thought about writing another part (bc I already got such a good idea!!!!)
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„He is just so so…so handsome.“ you mumbled, having your head laid onto your crossed arms on the table in front of you. You couldn’t help but let out a dreamy sigh, literal heart eyes shooting at the black haired boy two tables across from you.
„Are you stalking again, Y/n?“ you almost jumped at the sudden infuriating voice behind you, belonging to no other than your best friend Yunho. Panick driven, you pulled on his arm to sit down into the chair next to you. Your palm flatly pressed against his mouth, you send him a deathly glare. „Shut up Yunho!“ you checked with a glance if the black haired boy might have heard his comment and relaxed slightly when you saw him still writing on his essay.
„Can you not?“ you whisper yelled now, cowering back into your seat in the library. A few people around your table were looking at you funnily. The giant next to you shrugged apologetically with an amused smile on his face. „What? Is it not true? Go talk to Wooyoung if you find him so handsome and stunning and amazing and wonderful and-„ with a smack on his arm, you brought him to silence.
„It’s not that easy, Yunho. Every time I try to, it’s like a total chaos inside here.“ you pointed to your head pouting. „And I don’t seem to find any air to speak as well. He quite literally takes my breath away.“ you sighed defeatedly, head laying inside your palm now, secretly glancing at Wooyoungs handsome side profile. Wow, his nose was really nice and his jawline- you hastily shook your swarming thoughts aside.
The brunette besides you began to laugh a bit too loud at your rambling, making Wooyoung actually glance over to the both of you with a curious look. When he saw you two, his perfect row of white teeth came into appearance. He gave you a small wave before focusing back on his studies. All you could do was grin stupidly back, the redness creeping up way quicker than anticipated.
You repeatedly hit your tall friends leg under the table to stop him from gaining so much attention. „Stop iitttt. Did you see? He looked over, god. I’m suddenly sweating.“ you hid your face behind your hands, internally groaning at your stupid silly huge crush on this almost perfect boy.
„Isn’t that what you want when you stare at him like that all the time? Like he’s your whole universe?“ he joked, eyeing your adorably red face. Your crush on the schools most popular boy amused him every time. „Y/n just go talk to him. You have nothing to lose, literally. Just imagine you are talking to me. Or your mom. Or whoever. Wooyoung is also just a human like you and me.“ Yunho tried to reasonably find a way to overcome your invisible barrier.
„My body doesn’t allow that, trust me. It’s always the same.“ you mumbled again before stuffing your belongings back into your bag. „Im going to the toilet. I need some cold water“ With these words, you excused yourself and off you were.
You were relieved when nobody else was inside the bathroom, unclasping your purse. The red tiny ball of sunshine immediately flew out, around your head and sat down on your shoulder, hugging your cheek. You giggled at your Kwamis cute behaviour. „Y/n, don’t be sad! There is always a way to get closer to Wooyoung! Don’t give up hope!“ Tikki encouraged you with her high pitched voice, thanking her afterwards for her warm words. Your hand reached inside your purse again to retrieve a piece of the cookie, you always brought along for Tikki to eat.
„I just wish I could be braver when it comes to my feelings. I act so immature around him. I bet he likes more mature people, he does, right?“ you began to chew on your nails but Tikki stopped you at the right time. „Don’t be so hard on yourself, Y/n! You are the most brave person I know with such a wonderful personality.“ she assured you with a smile. You took a deep breath and nodded encouragingly to yourself.
„You are right, Tikki. I can do it. I’m just gonna talk to him as if he was Yunho. No not Yunho, that would end up in a catastrophy. He is just a person in my class who coincidentally looks good. That’s all. Easy.“ you rambled again, splashing a big hand full of water on your face. Your Kwami gave you a reassuring nod. You could do it. You just go and say hi and ask him if he can help you with your essay. That was a good enough plan to be reasonable.
With new found confidence and Tikki back in her hiding spot, you stepped outside of the toilet, accidentally bumping straight into someone’s chest. You immediately apologised in a polite manner before you realized that it was Wooyoung himself who you ran into. Suddenly your mouth felt like you hadn’t drunk water in ages, as dry as the Sahara.
He was so close, you could even see your most favorite mole in the world right under his left eye. Even his pretty smile looked more stunning up close, you felt your heart flutter embarrassingly fast. „Oh I’m sorry y/n, I didn’t see you.“ he apoloised but you were quick to assure him it was all your fault.
„Hey I saw you working on the essay earlier. I’m working on it as well but it’s harder than I thought.“ he admitted with a kind smile, sweeping his beautiful silky hair out of his face with a swift motion. You gawked, jaw slightly open. He had noticed you. HE HAD NOTICED YOU.
A chain of random words left your mouth, making absolutely zero sense. You felt a tickle from inside your purse, stopping you in your tracks. The boy looked at you amusedly while his eyes grew to thin slits. No no no why did he had to be so cute?
„Eh- I mean- yeah… it’s really hard. Yunho was trying to explain me but it just seems like I don’t get it.“ you finally spoke some decipherable words. „But it’s not like I’m dumb or anything, not totally, I mean sometimes but not really-“ you coughed to stop you from embarrassing yourself even more. Wooyoung giggled- HE GIGGLED- at YOUR words. Your heart hurt from liking him so much, it felt almost suffocating. You swear his laugh was always the best part of your day.
„You’re so funny. Studying so much really messes with one’s head, mh?“ he grinned at you with the most adorable expression ever. You just nodded stiffly, purposely ignoring the fact that he called you funny. „I’m gonna go to the bathroom real quick. Maybe we can help each other out afterwards. If Yunho knows, he can help us both.“ the starstruck gaze on your face made him smile and bid his temporary goodbyes before vanishing behind the boys bathroom door.
Your hand found your racing heart, frozen in the spot, your knees suddenly felt way too wobbly. What in the world just happened? What did you say? You could only remember part of your stupid rambling, only seeing his wonderfully pretty face. And his laugh. Oh his laugh. And how kind he was. HE CALLED YOU FUNNY. AND HE WANTED TO STUDY TOGETHER.
Suddenly the lights turned out, leaving total blackness. You heard chairs scraping against the wooden flooring, confused whispers and something weird. Like a grumbling noice. At once, a booming voice let you flinch, holding your hands over your ears. It sounded like two people were talking at the same time. „Yes Hawk Moth, we will bring you Ladybugs and cat noirs miraculous.“ a shiver ran down your spine. This was Hawk Moths doing again. „Now beware you spies! We will elicit your most embarrassing stories.“ people started screaming, the first people already admitting loudly to their embarrassing stories. A loud laugh boomed throughout the whole library.
Your hands reached blindly behind you for the door of the girls bathroom, soon succeeding and rushing inside. „Time to transform! Tikki, spots on!“ you whispered for your Kwami. After your transformation, you could still not see a single thing, slowly paving your way outside.
Little did you know, Wooyoung did the same thing the next door. Being Cat Noir definitely had its perks today as he easily could see in the dark. Finally some action after this long session of studying. Just as he was about to get bored.
„Hm, looks like it’s two people akumatized this time. I wonder where my little lady is.“ he immediately went into action, swinging towards the evil with the help of his staff. „Cat noir! We see you! Give us your miraculous to save yourself from the embarrassment.“ the voice almost hurt, that is how loud it was. After defending some of the incoming attacks, he swings back upstairs onto the railing.
That’s when he finally saw Ladybug, struggling to find her way in the dark. His heart roared at her appearance and he quickly made his way over to her to help his favorite person out. „Does My lady need a little light in the dark?“ he purred happily next to the other superhero, earning himself a surprised smack against his shoulder.
„Cat Noir! I told you not to scare me like that!“ your strong attitude showed and made him happier than ever. With a laugh, the black hero swiped you off the ground, his arms securely wrapped around you as he swung both of you over to a better position.
„I don’t see anything. How can you?“ you asked your partner confused with a hint of frustration. „Did you forget I’m a cat with excellent night vision, Bugaboo? Your beauty is still as clear as ever for me. Guess I’ll be the one, who saves you today.“ he chuckled cockily, leaning his head forward onto his staff. Flirting with you was as easy as breathing for him. Your grip around his arm tightened, trying to figure out your next move.
„Good luck with that, kitty. Firstly I’ll need my lucky charm.“ you said determined, getting ready. „Lucky charm!“ a small cold object fell into your hands. You tried to decipher what it could be. „A flashlight.“ the familiar voice next to your ear told you. You finally found the button, not yet turning it on. „Won’t they see you when you turn it on?“ he asked curiously, eyeing your every movement. He loved that he could stare at you lovingly without you noticing. Your face showed deep concentration.
„That’s the point. They can see in the dark. But we can use this for blinding them. Then you use your cataclysm on the book. I assume the akuma must be inside it.“ you explained your plan, getting ready. „Can you bring me as close as possible? We need to surprise them.“ you squeezed your partners arm, letting him immediately spring into action. „Anything for you, My lady.“
He swung you both across the utter darkness, gently settling you down. „Where are they?“ you whispered, hearing an embarrassed voice of a boy. Yunho. That was Yunhos voice. God, you felt guilty about not saving him earlier. He mumbled over and over how he accidentally took free ice cream in a park from a random woman, thinking it was for anyone, when in reality she was only calling her family members. You had heard this story before but still found it hilarious despite the situation you were in. Cat Noir next to you couldn’t hide a snort when he heard it as well. You hit his chest with a small smile, making him shush up.
„I’ll go hide over there and when I give you a sign, you can switch the light on in…“ he gently guided your hand with the flashlight into position, „…that direction.“ you nodded, feeling a pair of soft lips on your temple. With a scowl, you turned your head abruptly towards the culprits direction, making him giggle. „Stop that! We’re not here to play around!“. Wooyoungs heart fluttered at your bossy tone, falling as ever deeper for your charms. God he was always oddly attracted to this side of Ladybug.
He went into position and soon you were waiting for the cats sign. You heard a shrill loud laugh coming closer, signalising their arrival. With head ducked down, you tried to stay unnoticed.
„Now!“ you heard Cat Noir yell and without waiting any longer, you switched on the flashlight, bright harsh light shining right into their faces. A loud scream told you they noticed you now. But soon enough, Cat Noir used his cataclysm to destroy the akumatized object and free the little butterfly inside.
Light returned. You swung your Yo-Yo to capture the akuma, freeing it afterwards. „No more evil-doing for you, little akuma. Time to de-evilize! Gotcha! Bye-bye, little butterfly.“ you watched him fly away in peace, smiling to yourself. On the floor, two pupils you recognised as San from your class and a girl from a year above. You knew San was Wooyoungs best friend.
„Miraculous Ladybug!“ you shouted and threw your Lucky Charm into the air just for it to disappear and repair all the damages.
You went over to the two, reaching them your hands to help them up. They accepted with almost embarrassed expressions themselves. They must’ve been akumatized from shame of something. Poor them.
Cat Noir was sitting relaxed on a table with his ever present smirk. You fist bumped him with a smile. „Pound it!“ Your gaze went back to San and the girl. „We’re really sorry that happened. We were just really embarrassed to be caught in such a situation.“ San scratched his neck, ears turning slightly red. „Thank you Ladybug, thank you Cat Noir.“
Of course you wondered which kind of situation he could have meant but by Cat Noirs not so subtle laugh, you assumed it must have been exactly that kind of secret library snogging, where they were caught red handed.
„It’s alright. We all find ourselves in embarrassing situations sometimes. It’s normal. Don’t you guys worry about that anymore.“ you reassured them with a hand on each of their shoulders. They thanked you again and off they went. Together with the black cat, you swung yourselves out of the library onto the roof. He once again leaned onto his staff, looking at you with the most intense eyes. „You know, when it comes to you My Lady, I will never be embarrassed.“ there he went again with his endless flirting. This man really had no filter and absolutely no shame. Yet he always was the best partner in crime, never wishing someone else than him by your side.
You patted his hair affectionately with a smile while shaking your head. „You should really stop with all the flirting because it’s me who’s getting second hand embarrassment here.“ you giggled, swinging your Yo-Yo.
„Well, I’ll see soon, kitty. Behave.“ you bid your goodbye before swinging off, leaving the enamoured Cat Noir behind. He sighed lovesickly, already counting the minutes down until he will see you again. You really have a way of playing with his heart. „Oh she’s purrfect…“
He swung off as well now, landing safely inside the boys bathroom again, where the chaos suddenly began. After checking the absence of others inside the room, he called out Plaggs name. „Claws in!“ His reflection in the mirror changed from charismatic superhero Cat Noir back into his normal self. He noticed his disshelved hair and vaguely fixed it. Plagg was already chewing on a stinky piece of Camembert cheese, making Wooyoung wrinkle his nose in disgust at his Kwamis eating habits.
„That was awesome today. I finally could use my night vision! It’s really a shame it’s not getting used most of the time.“ the black Kwami commented with full mouth, swarming about the heavenly taste. Wooyoung laughed, patting his small head. „I know right? I finally could show Ladybug that I’m able to save her with my powers.“ he opened his pocket for his friend to fly into. „You mean our power.“ he held his head high, flying into his hiding spot. „Whatever you say, Plagg. Now we gotta go study some more. Let’s hope y/n and Yunho can help me more.“
When he went back to his spot in the library, his book was still open as he left it. Wooyoung saw you and Yunho laughing together two tables down, your hand surprisingly loud smashing onto the surface, making you hide in embarrassment from the gazes you got. He chuckled at your clumsy behaviour as he gathered his stuff to join the two of you for working on that essay.
When Wooyoung suddenly stood in front of you in his full glory, you froze. Literally froze. He greeted you with a kind smile, asking the two of you to study with you since he was struggling. Yunho of course immediately agreed without batting a single eyelash, watching you amusedly as your crush sat down next to you, arranging all his stuff.
Your eyes shook, not knowing where to look. He. Was. Sitting. Besides. YOU. And he smelled amazing. You bit your lip preventing it from smiling, quickly grabbing a pen, starting to intensely ‚work’ on the essay again. Yunho and Wooyoung were making smalltalk over your head when you heard them giggle. You weren’t particularly listening so you were more than surprised when the black haired boy gently took hold of your pen, turning it 180 degrees into your hand so that the tip was now actually facing the paper.
With deep red cheeks you muttered a broken ‚thank you‘, wanting to slam your head onto the table. However, you wanted to avoid a scenario like earlier with the hand. You really didn’t need an akumatized couple to let people see your embarrassing moments. They just need to put Wooyoung on the board and wow- what were you doing again? Banana?
However when San came over to your table with burning ears and actually slamming his head onto the surface beneath, you didn’t feel as bad as before. Poor San was the one being akumatized.
„I actually cannot believe this happened. Why does this just worsen the situation itself so much more?“ he sounded defeatedly, making his best friend laugh a bit too loud. But people were already staring anyways. He ruffled the older boys hair with an apparent teasing smile on his face. „Oh Sanie, I love the action in your life.“
„Wanna change lives?“ he grumbled, cheek pressed against the wooden surface. „No thank you.“ Wooyoung laughed angelically. You openly stared at their friendly banter, heart eyes beginning to shape again. Oh he was wonderful.
Yunho let out an exhausted sigh, watching it all happen again. Here we go again.
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fandomhop · 1 year
hello friend, what is fable? you seem to like it a lot and i gotta be honest i dont know the first thing about it. now,, i COULD ask google but i think that you could explain it better mhm mhm
[Oh boy! /affectionate]
[So, in a general, overall statement, Fable is a series of games from the 2000's-2010's. It's a quintessential bit of adventure fantasy, and totally progressive of its time.]
[Fable, as a whole, is about making your own sort of path within the story, and having your actions reflected on the world and yourself. It has a cool morality morphing system where, when you do something good or bad, not only does it affect the funny lil' NPCs around you, but it also reflects on your body. Do enough good actions, your complexion becomes glowing and you have a halo, do enough bad and you become more demonic looking.]
[There's actually both a deep and semi-shallow amount of lore. The first game was deffo built upon the bending and twisting of stories and folklore- you know, fables- and the games after followed along centuries after that, showing a world trying to grow past it's story built roots, but not being completely rid of them, even as technology grows and advances.]
[It's also British as hell. But, like, in a fun way! There's a fun and wonderful mix of light and darkness, sincerity and satire, sadness and humour. There's these beasties called Hobbes that are these sorta ugly things that act silly in and out of combat, but they also eat human flesh and are rumored to turn children into them. Some of them turn into kamikazes and they like teddy bears.]
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[Also you can kick chickens (they're fine, don't worry about it, they have reinforced feathers)]
[Your character is a Hero (with the capital H), a person who is born to be able to deal with the struggles of protecting or commanding respect of the common man. You can wield and utilize Strength, Skill and Will, the trio of combat skills. The combat is a bit simple, but it's also fun and easy to get into. You can also upgrade with experience points to get better with your weapons and will powers.]
[I think the story, world, and characters of Fable: The Lost Chapters are extremely iconic, but the character building and development starts to really shine in the later games. All the games have wonderful setting appearance, though. Looking at pictures of Fable are these beautiful settings and desktop/screen background worthy scenes. The people look a bit silly, though.]
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[Also? This game series is also progressive bc of its LGBT+ rep. The first game got called out for letting the male only player Hero marry a man, so the next game include bisexuals. Fable 3 lets you adopt children, regardless of your spouse's gender. There's a potion that lets you trans your gender (available only once in a quest after the main quest) and no one bats an eye to it (if you have a straight spouse, they won't immediately divorce you as long as you treat them well, but they won't have sex either.) There's a quest where you help out a guy find a suitor who is secretly gay, and the end of the quest is him coming out to his dad and being accepted. You can wear clothes of either gender, and get tattoos, hair, and facial hair regardless of your sex. (there is a cross-dressing statistic, but the Brits love a bit of cross-dressing humour.)]
[Now, I will not lie and say that they are perfect games, there are some flaws with them, and Fable 3 gets a bit of a bad rap for it's heavy streamlining, but I can genuinely say that these games are cherished a lot. Fable 2 is my go-to favourite game ever, and every once and a blue moon, I will be revitalized with a longing for the series. If you wanna get into it, I think it's a fun time for an old-ish game, and I really hope the new one that's coming out in {*looks at wrist*} the-yet-to-be-announced-future will be as cherishable, even if it's slightly different.]
[Also? Like, every time I (re)enter an interest/fixation, I make a little Fable AU in my head to consider what kind of heroes the characters might be.]
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forcebookish · 1 year
ok so just some thoughts i need to get off my chest...but does anyone else find the "mew is secretly an evil manipulator" theories kind of cartoonish? 😭 like i just bust out laughing whenever i picture it bc i can't take it seriously. and call me boring but i would much prefer mew to be the "constant" of the friend group (bc let's face it in a show like this you need one) and it's gonna be earth shatteringly heartbreaking when he falls in love with top, has sex with him, and then realizes he just experienced the ultimate betrayal. idk that to me is way more interesting than "haha i was playing you all along." not saying he's not a flawed character (and i hope we see more of his flaws as the series goes on) but i really don't think it's in the way people think. but with that being said i will still be hoping for him to m*rder boston 🙏 (anyway thank you for allowing me to vent in here. i really appreciate all your theories/takes on the series so far!)
(thank u and ur welcome!!🥰 I'M GONNA WRITE A LOT AGAIN)
oh it's totally cartoonish! every time i see it i'm like, "...you guys know that they're, like, good writers, right?"😅😂
the whole point of mew as a character is his not being the stereotypical, wilting flower virgin but someone who is sexy and knows his worth. (and i'm not going to rehash everything else that tells us mew is definitely a virgin.) i agree, that is so much more interesting and smarter than 'actually, everyone's lying except boston, the character we've established is a pathological liar' lmao. the fact that BOSTON "confirms" their suspicion makes it even funnier that they're sticking to their guns.
i mean,
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"or maybe?" he's just making stuff up as he goes along. this isn't just an obvious lie, we see boston earlier tell ray to go after mew because they haven't been sleeping together, to make top jealous:
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and if they insist it's just to "secure" or "play" top for whatever reason, then what the heckadoodle-do is this about?
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side-note: notice how boston rarely speaks in absolutes when he's weaving his web? "maybe," "might," "probably," etc. he preys on everyone's preestablished doubts and insecurities, making his lies even more believable to them. little pokes and prods, like he's just helping them work through a problem - a problem he's creating. he can say, 'hey, i'm just saying it could be true.' fucking diabolical. he also has this smug, devious smile on his face - something that true deceivers who revel in the lie do. (and people have the audacity to say that top is smug? please.)
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why would mew go out of his way to vet top after he was already his boyfriend? and then dump him? (which could have easily backfired. top could have said no; mew knew that.) why would he care if top is his "type" and checks off his checklist? he wants to make sure that top is boyfriend material before he sleeps with him so he doesn't get his heart broken, which is NORMAL. even if he weren't a virgin that's a perfectly normal way to navigate a relationship with someone you don't know very well yet, especially after what boston said. all the "implications" and "foreshadowing" that i've seen the fandom bring up are literally just him... flirting lol
re: mew's flaws, mew's definitely got more going on than we've seen, especially since we know how perceptive and intuitive he is (and that, by his admission, he gets snoopy and obsessive when he's really into someone). of the boys, i think mew's the character we know the least about because most of what we see of him, he's reacting to other characters and he doesn't always say a lot. besides the "interview" shots and maybe one or two other fleeting, superficial moments, i can only think of one scene where he's actually left alone with his thoughts:
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and it's him feeling bad about making top sleep on the couch and deciding to get up to check on him/invite him to bed - not something a "manipulator" would do when no one is looking.
it is really ominous that production has hinted at nick and mew being "helpers." i could see mew going off the deep end and join in nick's, uh, colorful approach to relationships fjdlskjgjm but i just think he's going to snap or something, that won't have been his master plan all along lol (maybe they have to hide the body together) (haha jk... unless?)
yikes, i really did write a lot. thank you for enabling me, anon!💕
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sugar-omi · 1 year
(If you don't wanna post this feel free not to but I was kinda inspired but way to afraid to come off anon and respond to the original pokemon ask)
I totally agree with the concept that in a pokemon based our life au cove and mc would catch each other pokemon but here's my thought. Not sobble or wishi-washi but what about a young cove telling mc his favorite flower is the white poppies like in the original game. And young mc remembers and goes out of their way to catch him a white flower flabèbè. And little MC tells cove, "I know moving somewhere can be scary but now you have another friend for when I can't be with you." And cove treat the flabébé with like the up most care will very rarely have it actually battle but is always in his party (with exp. share ofc). He can never bring himself to evolve the pokemon even if mc reassures him that they wouldn't mind. (Imagine battling cove wiping out the rest of his team only to face off against a lol 100 flabébé. RIP ur team). And when one day cove asks you to marry he sends his flabébé to get bring you to him on poppy hill. Instead of proposing with the the flower himself he has his pokemon hold the ring. And he says something cheesy like, "You were my first friend and you gave me my second friend. You've always looked out for us and we both love you." But yeah come would move heaven and earth for that pokemon just because mc went through all that effort and we know he's the most sentimental man on earth.
Side note- I could totally see like a 13 year old Lizze ironically gifting cove a Sobble for his birthday. Like just a pokeball in a box with a note that says, "A cry baby lizard for my sister's cry baby boyfriend". But secretly she hopes they get along and that he likes it but Liz can never resist being a little mean.
P.S. So sorry to ramble about a topic you don't know in your ask box but I was kinda feeling it.
P.S.S. Love your writing and your blog
P.S.S.S. If anybody is interested I have some ideas for pokemon cove would gift mc lol.
HE SO WOULD DO THAT TOO, pls.... he drives me wild
also its okay!!! trust me i love when ppl ramble to me abt anything, my friends have gone on many tangents n i have to them too, n we're all friends here<333 so pls tell me abt all your little thoughts, I may not know anything but I do know Pokémon is the shit n if I had enough brain compacity I'd learn it myself but I'm still vv happy to hear everything you or anyone has to say abt anything bc trust me it's all fascinating n I'm over here w star eyes LMAO
n tysm🥹 knowing ppl like my writing makes me very happy<3 writing is very rewarding and some days are tough for me but getting to make myself n others happy w all my little word spills makes me feel good💞💕💞
also YES!!! we'd love to hear abt your Pokémon cove ideas, omg that's how he and mc bond when he first moves into town.... crying
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derelictheretic · 2 years
(For the ask game) I have a couple of OCs, but I’ll do Dove since she’s my favorite girl :3 Dove is kind, hardworking (sometimes too much), affectionate (once she knows someone well), and teasing when she wants to be. She is from Texas originally, bilingual, and loves spicy foods and Tex-Mex food. She enjoys photography, journaling, and being in nature (especially if the weather is nice and cool). And she secretly(?) has a thing for slightly evil people *cough* John Seed lol. There’s probably more info but this is all I could think of for now haha XD
First off I love her she sounds incredible 🥺💕 And she has wonderful taste in awful (affectionate) men <3
Okay so immediately I think on a surface level Heather would like her, simply because it sounds like they have a lot in common with the hard-working nature, being from Texas and enjoying journalling! They'd at least have a lot to talk about and bond over.
Heather struggles with friendships in general and Dove seems like a sweet person which is exactly the type of people Heather struggles with the most, if Dove likes evil people like John though maybe she'll be able to deal with Heathers attitude and once Heather realises she's not gonna be put off by her real personality she'll dub her the highest honor of actual friendship.
The only other problem that could arise is Heather obviously hates John and can't trust anyone close to him, but aside from that I think they could be good friends!
Piper would love Dove, she loves camping, hiking and being outdoors and she would love to have someone to do that with! She'd also enjoy how affectionate and teasing Dove is, Pip loves people she can bear hug whenever and have inside jokes with. (She would be the type to send Dove personalised memes at 3am). It's also very likely she'd get a big fat crush on her at some point because pretty women are just her weakness but she's also a lil coward so she'd never say anything about it and just be thankful to have a friend (seeing as despite being pretty laid back she can be a bit intense for some people and doesn't have many!). I think they could have a very chill, goofy kind of friendship tbh!
Anya, as you may or may not know, is a huge lesbian and when you put a hard-working, funny woman in front of her with interesting hobbies she will fall in love. She's also socially inept though so again, never admitting it—BUT, she would go out of her way to ask Dove about her hobbies and interests. She may struggle to share her own at first as she's very closed off and secretive but she's good at telling when people are honest and genuine and I think she'd see that in Dove and be more willing to tell her about herself. Anya also loves nature and she'd be more than happy to explore some of Hope County with Dove, she's great at picnics and will bring a bouquet along too because she can't help herself. (Dove may have to expand Anya's food palette tho bc her tastes are BLAND, like a pinch of paprika would kill her probably, help her).
Dean is the Golden retriever boy who befriends anyone whose nice to him for two seconds so i'd say he'd like Dove from the get go ajsjsjsj No but he'd definitely vibe with her personality and enjoy her company I think! He is touch starved so an ounce of affection would earn Dove his undying loyalty just sayin AND AGAIN outdoorsy man (I swear not all of my oc's our outdoor ppl this is a coincidence ajsjdjd) so he'd be thrilled to hang out in the wilderness and watch her take photos and if she gets tired piggy back rides are on the table! He also loves spicy foods and would always offer to cook for her btw his love language is feeding people and making them their fave drinks. He's pretty happy and laid back when there's not a cult takeover happening so I think they could definitely get along in the pre-reaping era (and they both have they same taste in evil cult men, tho Dean is super in denial abt it for a long time </3).
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buddyhollyscurls · 2 years
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I posted 6,294 times in 2022
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#tbh i wish i watched more music vids i used to a lot when i was a teen but now i need captions of the lyrics so i can follow along to the so
My Top Posts in 2022:
honestly its very funny to see how similar Knightley and Emma are at times bc the scene where Frank Churchill bails on visiting Highbury again and Emma is like it’s a shame he didn’t come I bet u if he did he’d be the most charming, sensational, most wonderful guest and he’s like yea well I BET U HE’LL BE AN INSUFFERABLE C*NT is exactly like that scene where Jane’s gifted a pianoforte and Mrs. Weston is like OOHH I BET IT WAS MR. KNIGHTLEY WHAT IF HE’S SECRETLY IN LOVE WITH HER WHAT IF THEY MARRY and Emma is immediately like FIRST OFF KNIGHTLEY WILL NEVER MARRY BC IF HE DOES I’LL LITERALLY KILL EVERYONE IN THIS ROOM AND THEN MYSELF
272 notes - Posted April 17, 2022
What I love about Northanger Abbey is that all of her other heroines had Something: Elinor was sensible, she was a great counselor, Marianne is passionate with talent in music and in the arts, Elizabeth is witty, has great humor and is strong-willed, Fanny is sweet, almost too good and giving to a fault, Emma is pretty, rich, her most unique heroine in that she purposely made her difficult to like, Anne is keenly observant, prides herself on how she improves her mind, is reliant
Meanwhile Jane wrote Catherine and was like she is literally just some girl there is absolutely nothing special about her and i think that's lovely
386 notes - Posted November 20, 2022
Honestly I have to say I think the most attractive quality Darcy has is his loyalty. Like I know his friends say that's one of his best qualities as well and they always mention his loyalty to Bingley but you can clearly see his loyalty to Elizabeth early on too. Even when he's trying to repress how strongly he feels for her and he's simply "admiring her" like when she visits Jane at Bingley's. Caroline constantly puts her down and tries to make her look bad to Darcy. Liz arrives after walking 3 miles and Caroline is like ew Darcy do you see how sweaty and dirty and nasty she is? They see her taking her walks and she's sarcastically like do you think any painter could do her eyes justice lol. Does my man take the bait HELL NO ABSOLUTELY NOT he's like actually the exercise gives her a great complexion and makes her eyes look great, I actually think a painter could do an amazing job getting her eyelashes right and the way they look in the sun. Like eat SHIT Caroline Darcy has no time for your bullshit he's too busy considering his girl the epitome of perfection and none of ur tricks will work.
430 notes - Posted April 24, 2022
one last thing before I fuck off for a while again to write is when u think about it the whole "we're worse than exes, we're friends" thing REALLY misses the whole FUCKING POINT OF THE BOOK
2,177 notes - Posted June 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
it's not needed but if they ever make another p+p adaption they really need to finally add in the part after darcy's second proposal where they discuss his letter it's so underrated and it's left out of every adaption especially since I think we all need to see that scene where it's like after they talk and clear the air Liz starts feeling like herself again and immediately starts teasing darcy and shes like so :D when did u start liking me huh huh :D what was it and Mr. Cool over here wants to be all smooth and go I cannot fix on the hour, or the spot, or the look or the words, which laid the foundation. It is too long ago. I was in the middle before I knew that I had begun. and shes like *snorts* LAAAAAAAAMEEEEEE you liked me bc I'm the only girl that wouldn't take ur shit and he's like......... ok yes
3,136 notes - Posted June 30, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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snekdood · 2 years
whats really unfortunate is im p sure my sister was the catalyst for why people in my town like to just gossip and make shit up about me without asking. like it started with her talking to my middle school bully about me behind my back, probably telling her all kinds of bullshit bc my sisters a compulsive liar, then that bully followed me to highschool for a brief moment before leaving, spreading all the bullshit that started at my old school to my new one before dipping. and then people started making shit up about me at highschool. i was so excited to finally get a fresh start in highschool only for that bitter cunt to come along and sour shit for no fucking reason bc idk she has a weird hate boner for me, who can say (maybe it was some bullshit my sister said 🙃 i wonder!). and since my high school was way bigger and she had a wider range of people, word just spread through the grapevine of whatever dumb shitppl were coming up with mixed with actual events that happened that painted me in an embarrassing light or whatever. and im like. kinda sure that the only reason my ex decided to turn on me so hard, shaming me in every capacity down to just who i am inherently was bc alllll of those stupid rumors came to them after we broke up. like. yall just wont let me escape this NOR EVEN GIVE ME THE FUCKING CHANCE TO SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT IN ANY CAPACITY. why in the FUCK are you SO FUCKING INVESTED IN TRYING TO FUCK UP MY LIFE?? WHAT IS YOUR FUCKING DAMAGE??? LEAVE ME THE FRESH FUCK ALONE!!! IF YOU’RE STILL TALKING ABOUT ME AFTER HIGHSCHOOL WITH PEOPLE WE WENT TO HIGHSCHOOL WITH YOU LITERALLY HAVENT MATURED FOR SHIT AND I FEEL BAD FOR YOU ABOUT THAT. LIKE HOLY FUCK. yall are dense self absorbed pieces of shits who think you’re so above whoever you decide to throw under the bus but you’re literally the same staple mediocre mean girl from every other fucking school anyone has ever fucking seen. if you’re not even going to give me a list of my sins. if none of you assholes are even going to approach me to ASK ME DIRECTLY IF WHAT SOMETHING SOMEONE SAID WAS TRUE. INSTEAD OF HANGING OUT WITH ME TO SECRETLY GET INFO AND HOPEFULLY GET INFO ABOUT THAT OUT OF ME. IF YOU’RE NOT EVEN GOING TO WELCOME ME INTO THE GOSSIP CIRCLE SO I CAN TELL ALL OF YOU **AT THE VERY LEAST** MY PERSPECTIVE, OH, LETS FORGET BELIEVING VICTIMS WHEN IT COMES TO ME, REMEMBER, IM PROBABLY LYING ABOUT EVERYTHING MY FAMILY OR ANYONE WHOS ABUSED ME HAS EVER DONE RIGHT LOL 🤪 KILL YOURSELF. You literally dont deserve anything you could ever benefit from being my friend. i hope all of you selfish drama-vampires, who apparently cant survive without gossiping like its fucking air, rot
#anyways yall remind me of a catholic cult#anyways idc what happens to anyone in my old town either#yall basically exiled me so now i just kinda dont give a single fuck or shit what happens to any of you c: !#hows it feel bitch?#dont think imma do anything for any of yall if you ever need me to. dont think ill be there. lord knows none of you were.#lord knows none of you cared#what. whats your justification for treating me this way?#tell me in detail. exactly. why?#because i grew up rich? well so did my sister and brother and yall had no issues with them#because i was blonde or something? because i was confident? because i didnt know how to socialize in an Un Weird Way?#because i liked playing pretend? because i liked drawing? because i watched tv shows and liked making ocs and drawing tv show characters#fucking or whatever?#is this really my greatest sins?#bc like before highschool? yall dont really have shit to hang on for why you treated me the way you did. like AT ALL.#granted bc of ptsd i cant remember much of my childhood anyways but i knew i didnt hate anyone ever#otherwise why would i keep letting my middle school bully in to interact with me and hoping we could mend things and become friends?#only for her each time to lie and go make fun of me with other people in the class?#and when it came to highschool. the worst thing about me was that i thought it was ok for me to say slurs it 100% wasnt ok for me to say#bc i was under the impression that 'the world was peaceful now and these thingsd didnt have impact and ppl could start saying whatever and#it wouldnt hurt people anymore and the world is healing and its just a word now and my brothers friends seem ok when he does it so?'#yeah ik ik i was optimistic. maybe my middle school couldve done a better job at emphasizing that *those were still issues people faced#and that the world isnt healed and perfect and that it doesnt always get better' bc one of my teachers 100% directed me to the-#it gets better website#regardless. that along with group roasting sessions essentially with my brother and his friends where we made fun of the way we all looked#kinda made me think saying some things were okay that weren't. not an excuse but i wasnt a fucking bigot and ill die on that hill :)!#and sure i got into new age conspiracy theories but *i* didn#'t know it was anti semitici in nature. ive mentioned before that any websited i read never mentioned jewish people EVER#i just liked the idea of aliens being real as it was an idea i never let myself explore before. i was more into demons initially sdhdhgs.#aliens and the new version of spirituality which essentially promised me everything as long as i believe strong enough lol#regardless- im pretty sure other ppl at the time didnt know it was bad either. or if they did. then they should take issue with my ex nick
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fiction-box · 2 years
Omg thank you so much for doing my last request I absolutely LOVED it!!!!! Your characterization of Felix and Sylvain are so wonderfully on point and I'm still squealing over the part where Felix asks reader to teach him how to heal them dsjfkdjfj (and rolling my eyes over Sylvain's antics lmao. What an incorrigible lad (affectionate))
I hope you don't mind me coming back for more 👀 I've recently started replaying 3h so I'm having so many thoughts about my children <3 this one is an idea that came from a dream I had! Basically reader and Claude have been friends for a while (either childhood friends or they made friends at the beginning of the year). It's the white heron ball and they sneak off bc neither of them are so into all the pomp and circumstance. They're just goofing off in one of the nearby wings and making fun of the church's collection of paintings when Claude realizes in that moment that he's in love with the reader ;)
Extra details about reader if you'd like: they're not all that great at lying or scheming unlike Claude and they're basically his voice of reason/holder of the brain cell (when it comes to reigning him back from some of his more outlandish/dangerous schemes). They've also been secretly in love w Claude for at least a year before the ball hehe
Thank you again in advance and feel free to take the ending wherever you like!!
That is wonderful news! I value characterization as a point; if the character isn't depicted as themselves, the work isn't special. It could be about literally anyone, which is the opposite of what I want. Hopefully, I did the same thing this time!
Requests are open. The story will continue under the cut.
It was the month of the Garreg Mach Ball. In celebration of the festivities, members of the church had lined the cathedral with old paintings correlated to the Seiros faith.
You were never the most devout believer, Claude knew. In fact, he couldn’t remember the last time he saw you in the cathedral.
He had used this knowledge to his advantage, however, in order to devise a fun way to spend the night. Away from the ball itself, of course; neither of you were one for dancing.
“Can I open my eyes, now?”
“So impatient,” the Alliance noble teased. “Just trust me, okay? We’re almost there.”
“Claude, I don’t need to be blindfolded to know we’re crossing the bridge to the Cathedral right now. I know where I am and where I’m going, so there’s no need to restrict my vision,” you countered.
“Fine then. If you’re so confident, I guess you don’t need me to guide you.”
He took his hands away from yours and turned to walk away. Previously, you had been talked through your route and helped along the way. Of course, it was mainly so you wouldn’t trip on anything or veer off the planned course.
There were only two setbacks: One, moving with you blindfolded was a lot slower, and two, Claude had to walk backwards in order to do it right.
So he knew he only had to wait a moment before you-
“Come on, you know that’s not what I meant. But, I suppose if my hands are free, I can take off this blindfold.”
That wasn’t what he wanted you to say. You always were one to surprise him, though.
He realized you weren’t bluffing, either. It was only when your hands actually began to untie the knot behind your head that Claude reacted.
“Alright, fine. I’ll guide you. But you have to keep your eyes covered, alright?”
The only thing he got in response was a sigh and the sight of your hands returning to the position they were in when he held them earlier. Claude returned to his position as well, sliding your hands into his own and beginning to walk backwards to the cathedral.
“Careful, there’s a rock there. Move to your left- No, your other- Look, just because you can’t see doesn’t mean you suddenly forget which way is left!” he laughed.
“I…I’m doing my bes- ouch!”
Whoops. He had forgotten to direct you around that one.
“Sorry, my bad!” 
Glancing around, he pointed his eyes back at the monastery. You weren’t even a quarter of the way across. At this pace, someone was going to see you two crossing the bridge and all of this would be pointless.
So, he let go of your hands and maneuvered around you.
“Seriously? I thought you said you would- woah! What-?”
He scooped you up into his arms and walked at a much more effective pace toward the cathedral. He felt your arms come to rest against his chest.
“Nope,” he grinned, “just some random person that saw us walking on the bridge and decided to carry you to our destination.”
“Claude? That is you, right?” you asked. It was a silly question in his head, but he supposed you were blindfolded. The key sense you had been using for identification was gone, and the noble could feel you tensing up.
“Ha-ha,” you quipped. Though the response meant you knew it was him, Claude noticed that the tension still didn’t leave your body. Interesting.
“Relax,” he tried to reassure you, “I’m not gonna drop you or anything.”
“Just…get us to wherever we’re going so I can take this thing off.”
Eventually, you rested your head against his chest. There was nowhere else to put it, he supposed, but he still hoped you couldn’t hear his heartbeat.
Maybe that's the reason, Claude thought. After all, he would be on edge too if he failed to identify someone he knew. Without your sight, you were left prone to people you didn’t know, or to others that wanted to hurt you.
A few more hurried paces brought the two of you to the entrance of the cathedral. Claude carried you inside, and once he found what he was after, he placed you back on your feet.
“I’ve been inside the cathedral before. But I suppose if you really think there’s something-”
Swiftly, he pulled away the cloth tied around your head. He noted that, despite the low-light setting the two of you were in, you still had to squint and blink to let your eyes adjust. Moonlight was brighter than darkness, he supposed.
“I think you’re the one that needs to be patient. The amount of times you’ve caught me off guard tonight by cutting me off is getting out of hand.”
“Pretty sure I’m not needing to wait on anything else, for now. This is what I wanted to show you.”
His eyes followed yours when you took in your surroundings.
“Art,” you commented. You began to travel about the space, taking in as much of it as you could despite the heavy shadows cast by the moon.
Claude began to talk as you explored, “Yep. They pulled it out especially for the ball. Not for auction, so it’s likely just to show off.”
“Ha! To show off art like this?”
He turned to observe which piece had caught your eye.
“Raphael’s little sister could do better than this…scribble!” you scoffed. “What is this even meant to be?”
“Can’t you tell? It’s very clearly a…” he squinted at the label beneath the piece, “...“census count by early Nabateans.” Honestly, you’re so uncultured. How is it that you’re even still allowed around me?”
Laughter spills from your lips at his teasing, and he can’t help but want to hear more.
You moved to the other side of the room, following a path illuminated by the moon. He found himself led to a piece lit up just as brightly. It looked to be a painting of an older man, but all the colors ran together in unappealing locations.
“Alright then, oh great art connoisseur, try this one.”
“And no cheating!” you glared in mock-suspicion, moving your body so as to obstruct his view from the written description.
He looked at the painting a moment before coming to a conclusion, “Easy. That's just Professor Hanneman.”
“Pfft, what? Now you’re just grasping at straws.”
“No, I’m serious! Look-” the Riegan heir moved to stand on one of the pews a few paces away. He held the index finger of one of his hands out, then positioned the fingers on his other hand so that his fingertips were touching his thumb. After lifting his arms above his head and positioning so that the moon shone on them just right, he was satisfied.
“Alright, now turn around and tell me that’s not Hanneman.”
You did so, noticing that the shadows Claude created formed a makeshift mustache and monocle, respectively.
“How did you-? That truly resembles Professor Hanneman!” you gasped.
“See? Another point for the connoisseur!”
“Okay, that’s enough out of you!” you grinned, moving to help him down from the pew.
He took your arm in his, “Good, because now it’s your turn.”
“What? Hey-! S-Slow down!”
Claude led you down along the same wall you were observing at the right-most side of the cathedral. There was a sketch he saw that depicted all of the crests, which was where you both came to a sudden halt.
“This one? Okay, that’s art of all the crests, right?”
“Sure. If you’re boring.”
“Excuse me?”
“For example,” he pointed your eyes toward one part of the work in particular. “You might say this is the crest of Dominic, but if you look at it my way, I think it’s an eye.”
You squinted; you were probably trying to see it his way. Then, your own eyes widened.
“Oh! I see it now!”
“Great, then you can give it a go.”
“Hmm…” your eyes scanned over the page. They lingered on certain crests longer than others. Eventually, though, your eyes had made a full trip around the paper before settling on the Daphnel crest.
“This one. I can pick out a person in the middle holding a crown over their own head. Those two little squiggles at their sides are wings.”
“Woah, that one’s much better than mine. I’ve always thought it was a trident, but I suppose you’d have to disregard the dot in the middle for that to work.”
Your gaze went back to work scanning the crest, and Claude knew it was to try forming the image he described.
“...maybe. But then it would be between what? Waves? Two stones?”
At that last point, your expression lit up.
“Wait, that reminds me! There’s something I’ve always wanted to see.”
The archer trailed you at a light jog as you led the way away from the painting and out of the cathedral to the left balcony. He slowed his pace not much later. There weren’t many places for you to run off to from this enclosed area, after all. Once he saw where you were headed, though, he came to a walk.
You had paused in front of the Goddess Tower.
“This stone structure is always guarded,” you began, “and when it isn’t, it’s always locked when I try to get in.”
“Oh, is it, now? And here I thought you were above trespassing.”
Claude caught up to your side and laughed when you elbowed him. Your curiosity did have a tendency to get in the way of your morals, he knew. It was the reason he was able to pull you out here tonight, and it was the same reason you would chime in for some of his more outlandish ventures ever since you had met.
“Well? Don’t you want to go inside?”
Your mouth formed a pout. How cute; he’d have to try to elicit that reaction from you more often. 
“You can try the handle if you’d like. I know it won’t work, but…I can think of more than a few things I’d trade away just to look inside.”
Interesting. Not only did you not seem to know what this place was, but you were also unaware it was unlocked right now.
He could have some fun with this.
“I don’t think that will be necessary. Besides,” he winked, “I’ve got a good feeling about tonight.”
Claude turned away from you as he closed the short distance to the door. Casually, he opened it and took a step inside.
“What-? How?”
Before he could respond, you had managed to close the distance and lightly push past him into the tower.
You must have really wanted in if you didn’t have anything else to say. Something told him you didn’t really care about getting your questions answered, either.
Intrigued as he was about the inside of the structure (he had always wondered what the interior looked like, too), Claude was nowhere near as interested as you were. He could deduce as much by how quickly you climbed the stairs. Soon, though, he heard your footsteps come to a halt.
“I don’t get it.”
When the house leader had made it to the top of the staircase, he understood what you meant.
The room was dark and gloomy. Nothing decorated the walls, and the only thing on the floor was the crest of Seiros. The cold stone of the room only made it feel even less welcoming. Thankfully, he found that there was no dust on any of their surroundings. Someone must have cleaned the place before it was unlocked.
He watched as you turned to him, brows furrowed, “Why would anyone care enough to keep a place like this under lock and surveillance?”
“Ah, you don’t know where you are, do you?” he teased.
“What, you mean this place really is special?”
“This is the Goddess Tower.” When he saw that the name didn’t bring any clarity to your expression, he continued, “From what I know, there’s a legend about this place. If a man and a woman come here on this night and pray for the same thing together, the Goddess will answer and grant them their wish.”
“Okay…” you paused. He could practically see the gears turning in your head.
“Don’t put too much faith in it, though. I’m pretty sure it’s just a rumor, anyway.”
“It must be,” you frowned, scanning the room one more time. “If I were the Goddess, I think I’d stay far away from this place. Why not pick somewhere more ethereal?”
He noticed you tense up and turn back to him, “Hang on, how come you knew about this and I didn’t? You heard a rumor, and you’re telling me you just…forgot to mention it to me?”
“My deepest apologies, my lady.” Claude altered his tone to sound mockingly high-brow and gave a sweeping, exaggerated bow. “I swear to you from now on that I will report any and all information I gather back to you. Whether it be true, false, or otherwise.”
“Good,” you giggled, “and you’d do well to remember it!”
As he moved further into the room, House Riegan’s heir noticed something attached to the wall. Something noticeably not stone.
“Hey, check this out.”
At the sound of his voice, you moved closer to what he was looking at.
It was a large wooden door. It expanded almost to the top of the room, its handle a heavy metal ring. The discovery was interesting, but Claude didn’t know where it would lead. There was nothing on the outside of the tower that he noticed resembled a second room.
You brushed your hand along it, “No keyhole. It can’t be locked.”
“Well, then. I think we both know what needs to happen next.”
Together, you both leaned against the doors and pushed. They were heavy and didn’t give easily, but they opened nonetheless.
There was a small ledge serving as a balcony. No railing protected you two from falling to the bottom, he noted, but what truly caught his attention was the view.
Granted, he had seen a great deal of sights from atop his wyvern, but that didn’t make this moment any less beautiful. The stars were glowing with constellations he could recognize. The moon was about a third of the way through its route in the sky and shone brighter than he remembered. He could make out trees and houses by moonlight, and the streetlamps from nearby towns glowed as earthly stars.
Your footsteps brought him out of his trance. The brunet watched as you moved out onto the balcony, bracing your hand against the wall to ground yourself. Once he noticed your widened eyes reflecting the light of the moon, Claude knew you, too, were captivated by the scene in front of you.
He almost wished you would look at him like that.
“Forget the paintings. I could’ve been staring at this all night?”
He flung his hand over his heart, “How cruel! I was under the impression that you and I were having fun tonight!” He sighed dramatically, “But, I suppose you don’t value my company as much as I do yours.”
Even that wasn’t enough to get you to tear your eyes away, it seemed.
“You know I didn’t mean it like that, it’s just…”
You didn’t finish your thought, probably because you knew you didn’t have to. He turned his head back towards the other sight beyond the doors. Words weren’t enough to describe it, so his mind did its best to preserve the picture.
“I think I can understand why it’s guarded, now,” he admitted. At this, you finally turned to face him. “The church probably wouldn’t want all those young lovers stealing away up here and making wishes too often.”
You turned back to the view, nodding in agreement, “Lover or no, I know I would.”
Claude looked to you, and in that moment he wished he could keep the door unlocked. Only for you. He wanted no one else to know about this place, save for the two of you, and he wanted it to remain unguarded if only so you could make your way up here every night.
And he wished he could join you. Not just so you wouldn’t be alone, and not just because you were his friend, either. Whether it was a rumor or not, Claude wanted to share his wish with you here every year.
“Then I would, too.”
“Huh?” you looked back at him again. He had caught you off guard. Good.
“If you came up here all the time, I would always come with you.”
“That’s good. Part of me would need you to be here with me every time.”
He swore his heart stopped in his chest. To remedy its mistake, it began beating faster than it had before.
“Oh? And why is that?”
Your face broke into a smile, “Because clearly, I don’t know how to open the door.”
Now it was his turn to be caught off guard. By the time he had recovered, though, you had already run past him and down the staircase.
Oh, you knew exactly what you were doing.
The archer sped out of the tower, chasing the sound of your laughter. It echoed throughout the cathedral as you made your way toward the bridge.
In truth, he wasn’t sure what he was going to do when he caught up to you. But that was his favorite part of being with you: he got to live in the present.
You could both deal with the moment when it came. For now, Claude would enjoy the moment he was living in.
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maudeeloise · 3 years
hey could I request Rebekah Mikealson or Hayley Marshall x female reader when they have a family together? Fluff and maybe a little bit if angst bc they get into a fight ? Byeee <3
(btw it’s okay if you have to go gender neutral reader but if you can please do female )
Having A Family Headcanon || Hayley Marshall & Rebekah Mikaelson
Pairing : Hayley Marshall x fem!reader; Rebekah Mikaelson x fem!reader
Genre : fluff, slight of angst
Warning : none
Requested by : anon
A/N : Hi!! Thank you so much for sending me a request. So, I’ve decided to do both since I can’t decide between the two. Anyways, enjoy!!
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Hayley Marshall
You first met Hayley when she first moved to New Orleans.
It took a while to get along with her, but you were glad that you ended up being her wife.
You got a long with the Mikaelsons, especially Hope.
Hope loved you very much. She treated you almost like her own mother.
Despite all the good things, being in the same circle as the Mikaelson was never easy.
You constantly got into troubles for helping protecting the family.
Hayley would always complain about it once the fight stopped and the enemies were gone.
“You almost died!”
“I was protecting you!”
“I can protect myself!”
“Last time you said that, you almost got killed!”
“Says the girl who almost sacrifices herself!”
And that always ended up with you both apologizing and cuddled with each other for the rest of the night.
But there were also some days that you and Hayley would go on a date in the nearest bar or restaurant, or maybe just go for a walk.
Either you both were on the best nor worst state, you were always there to support and protect each other.
Even if it would cost one of your lives.
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Rebekah Mikaelson
You first met Rebekah in Mystic Falls.
You were one of the Mystic Falls Gang. The youngest Salvatore sister.
When you first laid eyes on her, you couldn’t help but fall for her.
Rebekah noticed and soon you secretly dated.
The stolen kisses in the alleys, the stolen glances between each other, last but not least, the way you both would secretly held hands.
Damon caught the two of you making out in an alley one night and he wasn’t very happy about it.
It took a while for your brothers and your friends to accept your relationship, but they finally did once they realized how happy you were around each other.
You both moved to New Orleans and soon you proposed to her. Rebekah cried a bit, but she didn’t want to admit it. She said yes!
A few months later, you both got married and bought a house near New Orleans just for the both of you.
Soon it was for the three of you.
You and Rebekah decided to adopt a vampire child from the Salvatore’s School and the three of you got a long very well.
Despite all the good things, there were some nights where you both would argue about small things.
Mostly it was because you both had two different opinions and it led to insulting each other.
It would end up with you sleeping on the couch and she slept in your room.
But don’t worry, you would get along again the next morning and acted like nothing happened.
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