#and finding old screenshots of panels i liked
bsd-brainrot-haver · 1 year
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plulp · 11 months
youve asked this at such a good time because i had just had a harper design explanation idea and i wasnt sure if i should make it or not:
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bozzowl · 6 months
can i please get some Prismo NSFW headcanons? (and maybe some SFW ones if you're feeling up to it, please). I read your scarab one and I just love your sense of humour
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Since he can interact with things like buttons on his remote, he can definitely slide onto you and "push your buttons"
Can wrap himself around you, both on and under your clothes
Can clone himself to add to the experience
You won't see his dick unless he makes it appear
Since he can change sizes and can stretch himself, he could definitely make it bigger or smaller depending on your preference.
I'm not sure if blowing him would be like slurping a fruit-rollup, but that's what comes to mine since he's 2D. Unless, you're in the 4th dimension with him in his 3d form where you can suck him off properly
Could easily dom and put whatever outfit he wants on you; however, since he's laid back he could also have you do all the work
Unless you can get to the 4th Dimension where you can find him in 3D, it would be hard to dom him unless he lets you.
Likes to watch
Given how he can see whatever he wants on his TV wall, he can easily watch you shower.
Will send you flirty notes, especially when you bend over to pick something up. Like, "you look nice from this angle" " 10/10 would smash" "Only do that for me, ok? ;)"
would pull up a cube and have you bend over while he slides over your back. holding onto the cube so he could get you from behind
will hold your legs apart and pull you against the wall during "fun time"
Will slide onto a body pillow so you can wrap your arms around him
Since he can eat (since he has mention eating and given the trash in fionna and cake)I assume he teleports his food into the 4th dimension. Therefore, imagine he can teleport you there with him so he can "eat you".
It's entirely optional: Can slide over a dildo so he can be inside you, or a flesh-light so you can be inside him. Unless you're in the 4th dimension with him so you don't have to
Chances are he probably watches porn on the TV wall
Since he can prepare rooms like the golb room in Fionna and Cake, he could easily prepare a sex dungeon if he wants
writes cute/smut fanfics about you and him together.
If you sit on his crotch, he gets flustered
As mentioned previously, he could slide onto the body pillow, this can also be fore cuddling each other while watching TV
Likes to hold your hand
will let you sit on him, and hold you close to him
will summon your favorite snacks because he likes seeing you happy
will help you out and give you advice when necessary
gets flustered and that cute awkward laugh when you flirt with him at first, but will feel more confident after getting to know you.
When you're leaning on the wall, will playfully boop you on your side
tickle fights
lots of cuddles and kisses, affection galore
Loves to listen to you about your hype-fixations
will show you how he makes worlds and characters on his laptop
Has a room dedicated to keeping pictures of you and y'alls moments together
sends you pickles, and makes a special batch for you on valentines day
He calls you his "sweet pickle" and "babe"
Given how the Nightmos can move around without a surface to cling on like in that one episode where Finn and Jake get the old man, I like to believe that Prismo can do that too but choses not to.
Here's some things I want to point out:
He can turn his head! this is canon! He does it a few times, and so far its either this or he flips it like turning a coin. I noticed it when re-watching some episodes (Prismo specifically) so I took screenshots
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As for the "3D in the 4th dimension" as mentioned before, this is possible according to the Comic book Adventure Time: The Beginning of the End. There's one panel when Jake is inside the 4th dimension where it shows him encountering a 3D Prismo. Not everyone considers comics canon, but its canon enough for me. Especially since I've read a lot of fanfics where Prismo becomes 3D for YN, I figured this would be an interesting detail to include based on the comics.
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I wanted to include these because it will affect how I write fanfics regarding Prismo, especially the headcanons. Plus, I figured you guys would like to see these anyways.
Also if y'all want to read it yourselves, its easier to just get the full comic book instead of ordering each comic separately, as I made the mistake of ordering few copies of the same one since they have different art on the covers.
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tommykinrd · 10 months
abi! I love this buddie x reputation set you made a few months ago! (/post/716233266609438720/) I was wondering how you did the two-column text that runs along the right side of each gif? thank you!!!
ahh thank you renee!! here's a quick tutorial for how to get this newspaper effect from my reputation gifset! luckily i saved the resources i used for this, but it's also easy enough to find on google if you want a different look!
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Explanation under the cut!
Prepare your base gif + your overlay
So here i've got my base gif prepared with the colouring, and I'll be using a newspaper image as my overlay.
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This is the overlay I used, but I'm pretty sure I just googled "New York Times" and cropped the heading out. I found that actually googling a newspaper gave me better results than just searching "newspaper overlay" because I wanted the text to be small enough to be illegible while also having an 'old' newspaper look.
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2. Applying the overlay
So I open up the overlay in photoshop, and then copy and paste it onto my gif and position it where I want it to go.
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I then hit command + i (ctrl + i) to invert the colours of the overlay so that it becomes white text on a black background.
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Now I just set the layer's blending mode to screen and set it to 70% opacity (depending on your preference).
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3. Fade-in mask (optional)
I didn't like the hard edge of the text and wanted it to match the reputation cover which has a slight fade in for the overlay. So all I did was create a layer mask using the icon at the bottom of the layers panel.
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I then used the gradient tool with the black to transparent gradient set.
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And then with your layer mask selected, draw a straight line (click on the shift key while you're drawing) from slightly outside your newspaper to slightly inside your newspaper. So in the screenshot below I clicked where the left side of that red line is, and dragged my gradient tool to the right side of the red line.
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This is how the overlay looks after, as well as my layers panel.
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Hopefully this made sense! Let me know if you have any questions!
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How to submit a prompt!
I got a few questions from different people about how submissions worked, so I figured I'd make a post about it! TL;DR is in blue
Click here to go straight to submissions! Or use the Submit a Post button at the top of the blog! (Tumblr article on how to submit posts)
Note: Submissions do not notify the submitter when they have been posted. I always tag submissions with the URL of whoever submitted them so you can search my blog to find your submission later. But if you want some other notification e.g. if you want to be notified or have your name IN the body of the post, feel free to add "submitted by @ Username" to the bottom of the post! I don't mind.
Rules and recommendations:
Don't submit AI Art! Just don't.
Don't submit text-only prompts with no people/characters pictured! A text conversation or message board convo between people without at least profile pictures next to the messages has no place to insert a character as an art prompt!
Don't include multiple pictures in one submission (unless it's a comic-type prompt with multiple panels) Y'all know I have a rigorous tagging system, and it's easier to tag/categorize one prompt per post. If you have a whole bunch of prompts, just submit them individually one at a time. Don't worry about flooding my inbox, I promise it's fine.
Don't Submit a post with the Ask button. Submissions are for prompts, Asks are for questions and comments!
Don't submit a drawing made by somebody else! Unless you know their username and have express permission to repost their art with credit, I won't repost a drawing made by somebody else. This doesn't generally apply to things like public domain art, super old paintings (like European Renaissance-era), and screenshots of animations and movies (Unless it's an indie animation in which case I want to provide a link to it! In this house we love and support indie projects!!)
You are welcome to @ me in a post you think would make a good prompt! This is a valid way to submit a prompt! ESPECIALLY if you draw a prompt yourself!! Same as submission rules, I just ask that you tag me on posts consisting of 1 individual prompt and not just a big mass of like 10+ different prompts posted by one person. For the sake of easier blog navigability, I don't wanna rb posts that are 5 kilometers long.
If the prompt is from a show/movie or something, feel free to add the source if you know it! It's just nice to have in case anyone is curious.
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genericpuff · 2 years
Guess it's time for me to give the people what they asked for- (FP spoilers ahead)
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Hey y'all, thanks for waiting while I got my ducks in a row to put this lil' essay together. Life's been doing a lot of 180's and I haven't had as many spoons to allocate to LO crit and all that good shit. And honestly, half the struggle of putting these essays together is finding screenshots to back up my claims, the episodes are so cluttered with nonsensically-woven events that it often has me scrolling through multiple episodes wondering if I'm crazy and if the panels I remember even exist.
BUT I just got back from work, Halloween's right around the corner, and I'm feeling like talking about one of the witchiest LO characters of all.
Yep, we're talking Daphne.
(note: there are FastPass spoilers in this essay!)
Now I know - some of y'all in the UnpopularLO and LO crit communities really like Daphne because of her willingness to hold Thanatos accountable. But if you'll give me a few paragraphs, ima tell you why she's just as if not more problematic than some of the go-to problematic characters in LO (AND ima blow your mind with something I don't think y'all have even realized but once you see it, you can't unsee it).
Daphne, like many characters in LO, started off relatively strong. Though her inclusion was a little random, I liked it as a way to show Persephone's past friends from the Mortal Realm (and also it just went to show how obsessed Apollo was with Persephone prior to the whole overthrowing-Zeus retcon).
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But that's about where my compliments end because as her inclusion in the plot went on, I came to realize that Daphne is 1.) yet another character in the plot whose only purpose is to be a victim, 2.) unable to practice what she preaches and forces onto other characters, and 3.) yet another character who's used as a Therapy Speak stand-in for Rachel to try and project herself onto.
Let's get the obvious aside - yes, she's basically just another Persephone clone. And by extension that does, in a really messed up way, make her another Rachel clone, but instead of serving the DDLG function of satisfying Rachel's weird but obvious hyperfixation on being a sugar baby (i.e. Persephone) she instead serves the function of being a holier than thou "I'm gonna recite self-help advice that doesn't actually apply to your situation" person, in the same vein as people who use Twitter as their handbook for catch-all moral behavior. Y'know the word... virtue signalling.
I think where Daphne first started to fall apart for me was her first serious interaction with Thanatos, and this is one that gets called out a lot. Daphne is talking about her issues trying to get Apollo's validation, and Thanatos is mentioning how upset he is over Persephone getting special treatment from Hades, when we get THIS little schpeel:
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I'm sorry to break it to y'all, but she is NOT being insightful here. She's basically telling Thanatos what Rachel wants to say to her audience - "stop caring so much that Hades is a creepy old man taking advantage of a 19 year old girl in a corporate setting where there's obvious special treatment at play - you're supposed to ship them dammit!"
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Neither do we, Thanatos, neither do we.
But think about it. Thanatos is an employee of Hades, one we've found out through both previous and future interactions is often berated and mistreated by Hades (retconned to be Daddy Issues, okay Rachel...) whose job is literally affected by internships, the same way it is in most corporate settings. Internships are incredibly competitive positions, ESPECIALLY in massive mega-corporate settings like the one run by the King of the Dead. There were undoubtedly more people way more qualified for the job. Especially considering little miss Persephone doesn't even know how to operate a computer.
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No, you're not required to already 'know' everything during an internship, but there's a reason most internships are only open to students with some kind of transcript showing they're familiar with the work that's being expected of them. Persephone has NONE of that here, AFAIK she's in school for biochem, she has no experience managing shades or even turning on a bloody computer, and here she is, hired to work a job that she has no connection to or interest in besides Hera telling her to (which idk why Hera's even able to do that considering it's not her domain) and the money. Which she shouldn't even be receiving but does because of Hades favoring her for being cute.
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I've seen a myriad of Daphne-like defenses of this, stating "well Thanatos is the God of the Dead, his job isn't necessarily affected by Persephone so he shouldn't give a shit."
Except he literally sits next to her.
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If you've ever worked in a corporate setting or any kind of industry that utilizes internship programs, you very likely also know what it's like to get an intern who's clearly been hired due to favoritism or nepotism or some other bullshit reason that has nothing to do with the job itself. Intern or not, the skill level of other employees can and will affect your own job. If Persephone fucks up, that could mean problems for Thanatos, Minthe, and other employees under Hades' care. And Thanatos/Minthe/etc. should NOT have to be responsible for carrying her weight or teaching her how to do a job that she should have been qualified for when she got picked.
And, by the way, we can give further credit to Thanatos being bothered by this because we know that Thanatos has been working for Hades for centuries and he's witnesses Hades hire not one, not two, but three employees simply due to being cute or because of some made-up superfluous reason that Hades came up with on the spot. That we know of. Needless to say, HADES HAS A HISTORY OF HIRING PEOPLE ON THE SPOT WITH ZERO REAL QUALIFICATIONS.
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(there are some obvious parallels between Persephone and Minthe but we're not gonna get into that in this essay)
Needless to say, if you had a boss who treated you like a doormat despite ABSOLUTELY NEEDING YOU TO MAKE MONEY AT ALL (remember that Thanatos is LITERALLY the god of the dead and Hades is the equivalent of the dead's accountant, Thanatos is not someone who is considered subservient to Hades, if anyone is working for anyone, it's the other way around) and had a history of hiring and firing women for no reason other than wanting to bone them? You'd be pretty pissed too.
And yet here comes Daphne with the oh-so-insightful "wHy dO yOu cArE" schpeel straight from the Twitter Handbook of Life Advice as if Thanatos doesn't stand to have his own job or life compromised by Hades' shitty behavior. Thanatos is fully in the right for raising an eyebrow at his boss - and later established, his father figure - constantly hiring unqualified hot young women to help manage the Underworld.
So that alone had me kind of rolling my eyes at Daphne. She's trying to take some kind of moral high ground without taking a moment in the SLIGHTEST to understand where he's coming from or the context of his situation, even though it's literally what he does for her.
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But that's just the tip of the iceberg. We ain't done, folks.
Shortly after this, Daphne shows a clear interest in Thanatos but makes it clear she doesn't wanna date him to "fix" him, she wants him to "get his shit together."
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This on its own was fine, I'm all for having more female characters who don't date the first guy who gives them empathy.
But then almost IMMEDIATELY afterwards, basically by the time we see her next, she's dating him anyways and goes ahead and says this shit:
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Daphne, which is it exactly? Do you have self-respect, or are you seriously gonna try and 'fix' him when you literally just said to him that you weren't gonna be responsible for that? Pick a lane, for the love of god.
Now, once was bad enough, but she literally does it again in Episode 217. When Hades shows up to speak to Thanatos (in an attempt to find Hypnos) and Thanatos obviously IMMEDIATELY writes him off (as he should!) and Daphne just ?? stomps on Thanatos' boundaries entirely? ??
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Man, seriously, fuck Daphne. If Persephone is Rachel's messed up way of having some kink fantasy self-insert, then Daphne is Rachel's equally messed up way of having her moral high ground talk-at-the-audience self-insert.
But hoo boy, that brings us to Persephone, Hades, and the inversion of their relationship juxtaposed against Daphne and Thanatos. This is that "once you see it" thing y'all have been waiting for.
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And that begins once you ask yourself, who do Daphne and Thanatos remind you of?
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Oh. Right.
Pink nymph-like character from the Mortal Realm with flowing hair who acts like they're better than everyone else and constantly gets away with shitty behavior? Check.
Blue/grey cthonic god with dominion over the dead, mommy/daddy issues, and banging Minthe? Check.
Obvious gap in how the two people in the relationship are presented, treated, and behave in LO's class system compared to everyone around them? Check.
Borderline toxic relationship dynamic in which one plays the Daddy Dom role and another plays the Little Girl role? Oh yeah, check.
But in Daphne and Thanatos' case, it's inverted.
Persephone is presented as a naive, in-over-her-head character who gets into a relationship with someone who speaks on her behalf and makes a lot of decisions for her.
And here we have Thanatos, a naive, in-over-his-head character who gets into a relationship with someone who speaks on his behalf and makes decisions for him- oop.
Daphne and Thanatos may as well just be Rachel's excuse to keep drawing Persephone x Hades fluff without it being Persephone x Hades fluff.
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Same petty, tone deaf virtue-signaling dialogue. Same pink x blue aesthetic. Same roles in the comic's established class system. Same character arc that's reduced to being nothing more than a #metoo victim of assault from a man (the same man no less) all just to push their love interests' character arc and make them look better by comparison. Same creepy, toxic DDLG undertones projected from a creator who's proven to be into these power-imbalanced controlling relationship dynamics.
Daphne isn't 'empowering'. She's not 'mature.' She's yet another Rachel projection - Persephone but not Persephone - to talk at the audience with generic Therapy Speak while refusing to uphold the very virtues she's signaling. It's not a good thing that her greatest contribution to the plot was being another victim of Apollo.
The proof is all there. If you've still got a hint of doubt, look no further than the newest FastPass preview for Episode 219.
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That's all I'm gonna say on that.
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devildom-drabbles · 2 years
Story - What's Important
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Summary: Beelzebub seeks advice for a new phone background. Main Character: Beelzebub Other Characters: The demon brothers and MC Word Count: ~3.3k Warnings: None, just silliness with a fluffy ending Notes: This story is inspired by a page from the short Obey Me! manga on Twitter (as seen in the panel at the end).  It also serves as a headcanon for what each demon brother has as their phone background (when their relationship with MC is purely platonic, that is). Happy Holidays, everyone!  However you choose to celebrate these final days of the year, I hope you’re able to spend it with the people and/or things that are most important to you. 😊💕
“And...done!” Leviathan declared.  “All the data from your old D.D.D. is now transferred to your new one.”
“Thanks, Levi,” Beelzebub said as he retrieved the phone from his older brother’s outstretched hand.  “You’re a lifesaver.”
“No problem, but try not to eat your phone anymore.  I don’t want to have to keep doing this.”
“Right, sorry...” 
Leviathan picked up his wireless controller and resumed the video game he was playing before Beelzebub had entered his bedroom.  “I meant to ask earlier, but why did you eat your old phone anyway?”
“Oh, it was because of the background I had on it,” Beelzebub explained.  “I was really hungry, so I was going to order some food on Akuber.  But when I grabbed my phone and saw the photo of the Bloody Terrine that Barbatos made for my birthday on the screen, I ate it without thinking.”
“Seriously?!” Leviathan shouted.  “Geez, your stomach always manages to act before your brain can, huh?”  He continued pressing away at the controller’s buttons without looking at the larger demon beside him.  “You’d better choose a new background then, otherwise Lucifer will do worse than just giving you extra chores.  You’ll probably have to pay for the new phone next time, too.”
“You’re right,” Beelzebub agreed, his eyebrows furrowed with concern.  “What if he won’t let me eat until I have enough money to buy it?  Or he puts a curse on the fridge so I can’t ever open it again?”  A loud growl from the Avatar of Gluttony’s stomach seemed to make Leviathan’s room shake.  “Just thinking about it is making me famished.  Levi, what should I do?  I don’t want to eat my phone again.”
The aforementioned demon felt a pang in his chest in response to his younger brother’s worried tone.  “Uh, well, you just need to choose a background that isn’t food-related.  Then you won’t accidentally eat it, right?”
“Sure, but...I don’t know what to change it to,” Beelzebub admitted.
“How about an epic screenshot from a video game?” Leviathan suggested.  “I’ve got a ton of them saved on my consoles’ photo galleries!”
“Is that what you have as your background?”
“My gaming PC, yes.  My D.D.D., not a chance!  Only the lovely Ruri-chan is allowed to grace my phone screen!  Take a look!”  The otaku paused the game again to proudly hold out his phone for his brother to see.  “This is a screenshot from the Season 3 finale when Ruri-chan gives an epic yet heart-warming monologue about her time in the human world.  She talks about the friends she’s made, the battles she’s fought, and the things she’s come to love about that realm, and how she’ll continue to protect the human world no matter what evil tries to stand in her way.  It’s my favorite speech in the whole series!  And by this episode, the animators have mastered Ruri-chan down to the tiniest detail, which is easy for a true fan to notice when you think about the animation style in Seasons 1 and 2—”
“Most of the anime I like has food in it,” Beelzebub interjected nonchalantly, “and there aren’t any games that I like that much.  What else could I do?”
“For starters, don’t interrupt me!”  Leviathan then sighed while pocketing his phone.  He redirected his focus to the screen, unpaused his game, and said, “I don’t have any other ideas right now, so try asking Belphie or something.  Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a legendary weapon to find!”
“You’re trying to come up with a new background for your phone?” Belphegor questioned, sitting up from his nest of pillows and blankets in the attic to give his twin his undivided attention.
“That’s right,” Beelzebub answered with a nod.  “I need something that won’t make me think of food.”
The younger twin mulled over the dilemma for a few moments.  “Why not just copy my background?”
“Yours?  It’s a picture of some of the Devildom constellations, right?  That suits you well, Belphie, so you should keep it for yourself.  I don’t want to copy it.”
“Are you sure?  I honestly don’t mind.”
“I know, but I’m sure.  That’s special for you.”
“All right.  Then maybe you could use a different photo of outside scenery.  Is there a specific view that you enjoy?”
"I like seeing a huge meal being placed in front of me at an outdoor restaurant," Beelzebub replied matter-of-factly.
Belphegor shook his head tiredly, partly blaming himself for not clarifying his question further to avoid this predictable response. "Beel, I meant 'outside scenery' as in something in nature, like how I chose the constellations."
"Oh, right."  Beelzebub considered the question more carefully this time.  "I like the beach.  I had a fun time with everyone when we went there last summer.”
Belphegor smiled at the memory.  “That’s a good one.  We did a lot on that trip, didn’t we?”
“Yeah.  We had swimming races, water gun fights, snowcones, broiled deathfish—”  A familiar rumble abruptly silenced Beelzebub.  “Uh-oh, the beach makes me think of all the things we ate there.  I don’t think I can use it as my phone background after all.”
“In that case, any photo from the trips we’ve gone on probably won’t work either,” Belphegor realized, lightly scratching at his cheek.  “Hmm, what else might work?”
Just then, the pair heard footsteps reaching the top of the attic stairs and saw their blond-haired brother peeking inside the room.
“There you are,” Satan sighed.  He appeared somewhat disgruntled at the sight of Belphegor—bedhead, dried drool, and all—sitting comfortably atop the low rounded bed.  “I had a feeling you’d be napping up here when you didn’t show up to our Anti-Lucifer League meeting.”
“Ah, sorry,” Belphegor apologized half-heartedly, “I overslept a bit, and then I got distracted while helping Beel.”
“With what?” Satan inquired.
“I’m trying to pick a new background for my phone that won’t make me want to eat it,” Beelzebub explained.  “What do you have for your phone, Satan?”
“Mine is a photo I took the other day of two stray cats sleeping beside each other,” Satan answered.  “They looked so peaceful snuggling together that I couldn’t help myself.  Before that, though, it was a photo I found of Cat Island in the human world.  Images of cats are always wonderful to see.”
“No surprise there,” Belphegor commented.  “Well, did that give you any inspiration, Beel?”
“Actually,” Beelzbub began, “remember that animal documentary we watched last week, Satan?  I think a background of one of those animals would be nice.  Can you help me find a picture?”
“Sure,” Satan agreed, “but then Belphie and I really need to get to work on planning our next prank, okay?”
After searching through online photos of Devildom animals, Beelzebub settled on a picture of some baby devil chickens, which Satan promptly saved to set as his younger brother’s new phone background.
“Nice choice, Beel,” Belphegor remarked, having gotten off the bed to look at his twin’s phone screen.
“It’s not as good as cats,” Satan noted, “but devil chicks aren’t so bad either.”
Beelzebub smiled warmly, glancing between his brothers and then back to the image within his hand.  “They’re cute, especially that really tiny one that’s with them here.  Ah, that makes me think of how nice and plump they’ll all be when they grow up into big devil chickens.”  His rumbling stomach echoed through the room.  “Oh...  Now I want to eat fried devil chicken.”
“I guess you’ll have to forego a background with animals, too,” Satan concluded with a shrug.  “Belphie and I have to get going now, but we can help you brainstorm some more ideas later, if you still haven’t decided on one.  In the meantime, why don’t you ask Asmo for advice?”
“My wallpaper?” Asmodeus repeated while fixing his long bangs.  “Why, it’s me, of course!  I pick a different selfie every day to admire on my phone screen.”
In retrospect, Beelzebub realized that he should’ve seen this coming.  Nonetheless, he figured that some follow-up questions may better aid him in his quest to choose his own phone background:  “But why?  You see yourself in the mirror and on Devilgram every day, don’t you?  Why do you need to see yourself on your phone screen, too?”
Asmodeus immediately ceased fidgeting with his appearance in his vanity mirror and twisted back to stare at Beelzebub with a gobsmacked expression.  “Um, isn’t it obvious?  Who wouldn’t want to see such a gorgeous face gazing at you any chance you get?  I mean, look at me!”  He stood from his chair to gesture to his entire body.
Beelzebub’s brow furrowed as he stared back at the Avatar of Lust.  “...I’m looking?”
Asmodeus huffed in surrender.  “Give me your D.D.D.,” he ordered.  “Maybe it’ll make more sense if you had a photo of yourself as your background.”
“I’m not sure...”
“You won’t know until you try!  Just hand it here!”
Without further protest, Beelzebub relinquished his phone to Asmodeus.  He watched quietly as his older brother opened the Devilgram app and scrolled to a particular photo from his AsmoBaby account.  A few taps later and the image was boldly displayed as Beelzebub’s phone background.
“Is this one of the photos you took of me while we were working out together?” Beelzebub asked, the device now returned to him.
“Yup, that’s right!” Asmodeus admitted with a cheery nod.  “It blew up on my page after I posted it.  You even gained more followers, as well!”
“Really?  But it’s just a picture of me doing a push-up.”
“What are you saying?!  Look closely!”  Asmodeus started pointing at specific parts of the image while he spoke.  “That determined expression, those toned arms, the sweat dripping from your face, your fitting clothes...   Whether it’s this photo or one of my countless selfies, don’t you feel absolutely enamored and energized upon witnessing such a breathtaking figure?  That’s how everyone in the comments felt!”
Beelzebub tilted his head quizzically, not understanding his brother’s—or his fans’—enthusiasm over the photo.  “I just feel hungry,” he stated simply, his hand resting on his stomach.  He had been trying to solve his phone-background-predicament for quite a while without a single snack, and the hunger was now becoming too much to bear.
“Ooh, yes!” Asmodeus exclaimed excitedly.  “Plenty of the comments here mention that they experienced a sort of ravenous urge when they viewed this photo.”
“That’s...not what I meant. ...I think?  Never mind.  A picture of myself—or you—won’t work for me, but thanks for trying, Asmo.  I’m going to the kitchen.”
“I’m sorry!  I’m sorry!  I won’t do it again, Lucifer!  I promise!”
Beelzebub halted briefly at one of the breaks in the staircase within the entrance hall area.  He glanced over to find an annoyed Lucifer in the midst of restraining a pleading Mammon who will soon be strung from the ceiling (i.e. a common scene in the House of Lamentation—nothing noteworthy, in Beelzebub’s opinion).
“If I had a Grimm for every time you’ve ‘promised’ that, then your latest debt would be easily paid off,” Lucifer remarked, unfazed by his younger brother’s begging.
“I mean it this time!  I swear!” Mammon declared as he squirmed relentlessly within the strong rope being tied around him.  He then noticed Beelzebub wordlessly walking around them to head to the kitchen, hoping to remain unseen.  “Beel!  Hey, Beel!  You believe me, don’tcha?!  Tell Lucifer what a great and trustworthy demon I am!”
“I’d rather not be involved,” Beelzebub responded, uncomfortably rubbing one of his hands over the other.
“I’ll buy ya a meal at Hell’s Kitchen!” Mammon bargained.
“Mammon is a great and trustworthy demon,” Beelzebub promptly stated to Lucifer.
The eldest brother shook his head with a sigh.  “I can assure you that Mammon doesn’t have the funds to buy even a crumb of food,” he said.  “Perhaps spending the night here will remind him why he needs to manage his money better.  Speaking of managing things, have you refrained from consuming your new D.D.D. thus far, Beel?”
“Yeah, I still have it.  I’m trying to decide on a background that won’t make me want to eat it again.  Belphie and the others have given me suggestions, but nothing’s worked out.”
“That’s probably ‘cause they were thinkin’ about stuff that they like,” Mammon asserted.  “Lemme guess:  You’ve been told to try something with fictional characters, cats or animals in general, selfies, and relaxing outdoor views, right?”
Beelzebub blinked in astonishment.  “Wow, you listed everything they said.”
Mammon gave a short victorious laugh before exclaiming, “Of course I did!  You guys are so predictable!”
“Is that so?” Lucifer questioned with a knowing smirk.  “I believe you’re just as predictable, Mammon.  If I had to guess, I’d say that every time you unlock your phone, you’re met with a picture of my credit card, correct?”
“Her name is Goldie, ya know!”  Mammon paused as the rest of Lucifer’s words caught up to him.  “W-Wait, how did ya—  Whatever!  That was just a lucky guess!  Now it’s my turn to prove how predictable you are, Lucifer.”
“You’re awfully cheeky for someone who’s about to be hanging upside down for the next several hours.  But go ahead, let’s hear it.”
“Your phone background—”  Mammon stopped for a second to create a dramatic effect.  “—is just the default one!”
“You mean the image that’s already there when you get a new phone?” Beelzebub inquired.
“Impressive,” Lucifer complimented the second-born demon brother.  “You were right, Mammon.”
“HA!  I knew it!” Mammon cheered.  “Man, that’s so lame—  OW!!  I-I meant ‘tame!’  ‘Cause, y’know, you’re so prim and proper and a total straight-laced stick-in-the-mud—  GAHHH!!  Quit tightening the rope so hard!”
“Apparently you didn’t hear me,” Lucifer stated with another sharp pull on the ropes, “I said you were right.  As in, that used to be my phone background until some time ago.”
Beelzebub was once again amazed by Mammon’s skill in guessing such information about his brothers, but now he was curious about Lucifer’s phone.  “So, what’s your background now?” he asked.
“It’s a photo of Diavolo, Barbatos, and myself at the castle," Lucifer explained.  "Diavolo discovered that I never changed my background ever since I got my D.D.D. and pestered me until I agreed to replace it.  Making it a group photo was Barbatos’s idea, and that’s how it ended up including all three of us.”
“Do you not like it?” Beelzebub wondered.
“I wouldn’t say that.  I don’t see the background that often because I’m usually using an app on the phone, so that’s why I was indifferent about what the image was.  Diavolo believes that choosing a background makes a phone more personal and special to each individual.  I suppose I can’t disagree with him on that.  Should I ever misplace it, I’ll know right away that it’s my D.D.D. from the one-of-a-kind picture on the screen.”  Lucifer tied the last knot on the ropes and added, “But that's enough talk for now.  I need to finish with Mammon's punishment.”
Blocking out the sound of Mammon’s wailing as Lucifer proceeded to string him up to the ceiling, Beelzebub slowly trekked toward the kitchen while mulling over all of the ideas that his brothers provided.  However, no matter what he came up with, each potential background made him feel hungry in some kind of way.  
Beelzebub was about ready to bury his problem under the weight of all of the food in the kitchen when he passed by MC’s bedroom.  He peeked through the crack in their open door to see them working on something at their desk, their familiar refreshing appearance effortlessly subduing his hunger pangs.  They always seemed to know how to aid him whenever he felt troubled, so maybe they would know the perfect phone background for him.  A knock on the door was all it took for him to be granted access to his favorite human and share his dilemma with them.
MC hummed in thought as they processed everything Beelzebub told them.  “When you think about it,” they began, “all of your brothers chose pictures of things that they like, right?  Or things that are important to them.  What’s most important to you, Beel?”
“Most important to me...?” Beelzebub murmured.  Within the next few moments, a grin stretched across his face.  “I got it.  I know what I want my background to be, MC.”
“Okay, everyone!” Asmodeus called out cheerfully after adjusting the tripod that held Beelzebub’s phone.  “Move in closer so we can all fit!”
The seven other inhabitants of the House of Lamentation attempted to maneuver into two straight rows in front of Asmodeus.
“Ugh, I don’t want to be any closer to Lucifer than necessary," Satan grumbled as he settled into place in the front row.
“Are you still bitter that I caught you and Belphie preparing that shoddy trap for me in front of my study?” Lucifer inquired with his arms crossed while he stood tall behind the Avatar of Wrath.  “Next time, the two of you should plan it out better.”
Satan gritted his teeth.  “Oh, believe me:  We will.”  He then shot a glare at the youngest brother beside him.  “Won’t we, Belphie?”
“Yeah, yeah, I shouldn’t have nodded off while we were working,” Belphegor admitted.  “More importantly, Mammon, stop pulling MC away from me so that they can be closer to you.”
“I-I don’t know what you’re talkin’ about,” Mammon argued.  “I’m just makin’ sure ya don’t try to snuggle up to ‘em and take a nap on their shoulder during the photo!”
“At this point, it looks like I’m the one snuggling up to you,” MC noted, their side pressed against Mammon’s.  “Let’s all just be next to each other in a normal way.”
Mammon released his tugging on MC and turned his head away to hide his blush.  “F-Fine.  Just don’t come cryin’ to me if ya get drool all over ya.”
“Sounds like someone’s salty about getting rejected, LMAO,” Leviathan snickered.
Mammon turned around to bark at his younger brother, “Shaddup!” 
“Levi, make room for me at the end there so I can be more behind MC!” Asmodeus instructed.
“Huh?!  I have to move over even more?” Leviathan inquired in disbelief, already feeling claustrophobic.
“HA!  Serves ya right!” Mammon jeered.
“Will you stop shouting, Mammon?” Satan complained.
“All right, all right, let’s all calm down,” MC spoke up.  “We’re supposed to be taking a nice photo for Beel to make as his phone background, remember?”
“That’s right,” Lucifer chimed in.  “I expect you all to behave, or else we’ll be retaking this photo all day until we get it right.”
“Beel, is this fine with you?” Belphegor asked worriedly while glancing back at his twin.
Beelzebub nodded with a bright smile, grateful that everyone had accepted the request he had made the previous day.  “Yeah, this is perfect.”
“Looks like we’re all in,” Asmodeus announced.  “I’m starting the timer now!”
The steady ding of the phone’s camera timer counting down echoed in the House of Lamentation’s living room while Asmodeus hurried over to his spot and everyone else prepared themselves for the photo.  Beelzebub’s gaze grew more tender as he looked at each member of the group from the back row.  These were the individuals he was happy to call “family,” and they were more important to him than anything else in the three realms.  Overcome with joy and love, he leapt forward just as the camera’s flash went off, wrapping his arms around those next to him and leaning closer to those in the front row.  The action startled most of them, evident in their expressions captured in the photo.  Although it turned out to be a more candid shot than originally intended, Beelzebub treasured this picture that he kept as a permanent background on his phone.
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eventide-imp · 3 months
This is a vent post. It's kind of long I guess. I just needed to put it somewhere because I feel like I'm losing my mind. And I had already woken up depressed as hell yesterday when part of this happened.
I need someone in charge of the strings of fate give me a FUCKING break. Gas gets cut off with no notice and we manage to get it back on after four days and TWO calls to the gas company. Since the pilot lights went out because there was no gas, the oven is still dead and there's no way for me to relight it. It just keeps giving an error. Which means spending more money for it to be serviced.
The water heater light was also out. Well guess who's going on almost two weeks with no hot water now because after getting the gas back on, we discovered the fucking control panel for the water heater is dead! Which means we can't turn the damn water heater back on. It's 325 to replace it OR over 900 to just replace the whole damn thing.
And the shower doesn't work. It's a simple part to replace but the one my grandmother bought doesn't fit. my grandmother refuses to pay a plumber to come fix it or just buy a new part that should fit. That's been broke for over a month. So everybody has to try and wash in the tub, and now in freezing cold water. I finally ended up going to my mom's just so I could wash my hair for the first time in two months.
And then my 12 year old Big Pup was doing a very normal 12 year old thing. Being curious about one of those character chatbots. His friends use it, so of course he's gonna want to look at it. Frankly I'm only concerned about him potentially getting something 18+ out of it. My ex on the other hand is CONVINCED someone could hack it and start talking to him through it??? Nothing I said could dissuade him from this, even when I said it doesn't work like that he just insisted "well it has HUMAN OVERSIGHT doesn't it!?" And like yeah but that's still not how it works???
The only real issue, in my opinion, was Big Pup feeling the need to sneak around to use it. My ex was also concerned that the kid was apparently talking to the character like a romantic partner, which, I don't actually know what that means. And he didn't bother to take a screenshot or anything to show me as an example, so I still have no idea what that means. His other concern was the kid not feeling like he could talk to people well and struggling to socialize. Which is normal??? For being 12???? Like middle school and high school are AWKWARD AS FUCK, there's so much going on for them to deal with!
I made it clear I had no issues with finding a therapist for Big Pup (he's an anxious bean, has parents who aren't together, has a younger sibling with a decent age gap, he's got a lot to cope with!), and I was also not opposed to getting the kid into after school programs so he could try to socialize more within his hobbies.
But I offered to show the kid ao3 so he could have fanfic to read instead of using the chatbots. I thought that was a good compromise. My ex just said "NO. He can write it if he wants but I don't want him reading anyone else's stuff. Yeah that's your thing and you read it at his age cause your parents should've been paying more attention to you."
I......I am trying not to take the rest of what he said personally, because it basically just continued like that where he shut me down instead of at least considering that as an option alongside the other things. And comments about my parents not paying enough attention to what I did on the internet. but it just really REALLY felt like he was basically saying he doesn't want our son to end up like ME.
I know I struggle socially. I always have. The only time in my life where my friend group was greater than four people, one of whom was usually my twin, was high school and that's purely on the patience of one girl deciding she was gonna stand in front of my desk to talk to the nervous and shy mouse of a girl with the manga during history class the first day. And then three of her friends, all of them having been friends during middle school, joining her. They stood around my desk and talked over my head for three days before I got the courage to actually join the conversations. And then they found out the school had an anime club. And even in anime club, surrounded by peers who actually liked the same things I liked, I still struggled. I still talked the least. They didn't care. I was there and listening and could manage a few jokes, that was enough.
Most of my friendships moved online after I had Big Pup. Nobody wants to keep inviting someone who can never come out anyway. (My family staunchly refused to babysit unless I needed to go to a doctors appointment or do the grocery shopping). I'm very glad of my online friendships. They've helped me so much. I try to return the favor as much as possible. They've bought my kids Christmas gifts, and birthday gifts, and helped me with transportation and so many other things. They're part of my support system. I love them.
I know I'm not any better socially. If anything I've probably gotten worse. I KNOW I've pretty much stopped masking my neurodivergence most times. It's just too exhausting to have to pretend to be neurotypical 24/7. It's part of why I burnt out and my body crashed. Nobody really wants to accept it. So I still have to partially mask. But I can't keep it up. I just can't. It's too much for my own mental health. My ex is adhd. I've got epilepsy and a strong case for autism. Both Big Pup and Little Pup are blatantly neurodivergent. It's always been obvious to me. But my ex has been in denial about it for years. He's only just recently (like the last three or so months recent) come around to the idea that they are.
And apparently the thought that they might be like me is too much for him. But I'm supposed to take myself out of it. I'm supposed to not get defensive. I'm supposed to not take it personally.
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istherewifiinhell · 4 months
im reading comics. ive got a blog. ive got screenshots
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[ID: panel of ravage thinking "Perfect! I cannot imagine a more ideal opportunity! END]
marveltf no.2, or 3&4 in the uk version, 1984.
[Deep breath] Plot: Bill Mantlo, Script: Jim Salicrup, Pencils: Frank Springer, Inks: Kim Demulder, Letters: Janice Chiang, Colour: Nelson Yomtov, Editor: Bob Buduansky, EiC: Jim Shooter
Digital re-master by digikore studios limited. collection edits by Justin Eisinger and Alonzo Simon. editorial notes and assistance by Mark. W. Bellomo
jeez again. well lets start of with the remaster hate, on top of the lettering miscorrections...
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[ID: Comparing the same shot of Soundwave from two versions. 1. the us printing, his plating has been coloured in purple. 2. digital remaster, its been corrected to blue. (Also Megatron happens to be in frame and thinking "As always Starscream slyly seeks to undermine my command, but his advice is sound!") END]
BOOO, they hate his pussy. purplewave you will always be real to me....
(i also dont think the job of a remaster should be to correct originally present errors, or EVER. to 'bring inline visual brand cohesion'. Imagine if they remaster mirage comics with 87 turtle headband colours... riots in the STREETS.
They should simply restore to higher resolution quality lost from age/accessibility accessibility. like high def scans and faded colour correction... i wish we could keep the quality and texture from print u know) (this is not the fault of individuals doing the restore work, whose names i dont even know, just the company that idw hires to do this work)
ANYWAY. commencing with the bullshit.
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[ID: Starscream scowling while Megatron is just behind him. Thinking "Megatron's deductions are most shrewd! I must be careful not to ever let my lust for power cause me to under- estimate his cunning! It is only a matter of time before Starscream commands the decepticons!" END]
ah there we go. im at baseline. im calibrated. locked in
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[ID: Large panel of Bumblebee lifted up on a car mechanics hoist, in the Witwicky garage. Hes saying "Help me, please! I'm dying!" A puddle of fluid draing away underneath him. Sparkplug, in sleepwear, shoes and a cap says "Buster-- This isn't like you-- Playin' a dumb joke on your old man in the middle of the night!" Buster pleading "This is no joke, Dad! Believe me, I'm as surprised as you are! I know it sounds crazy, but I'm sure this car is alive! And unless you do whatever it takes to repair it-- it will die! END]
kjfngjhsddfg BUH. fucked up. if im honest
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[ID: Two panels, Sparkplug looking up to Bee's undercarriage, finding the source of a leak he thinks "Here's the problem!" Off panel Buster explains excitedly "Four other cars then turned into giant robots and started blasting the jet fighters! "O" and Jessie must've split in all the confusion! I hopped into this car and steered it home!" Panel in silhouette, black on vibrant red, Buster gesticulates wildly, continuing "I mean it doesn't have an ignition or gas pedal or--" Sparkplug continues to look up, and interrupts "I don't know what they put in that popcorn at the drive-in, but i hope it s Not habit-forming!" END
KINDA GOES HARD..... if im honest.
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[ID: 1. Buster in Bee's driver's seat, Sparkplug standing outside, speaking to them. Bee: Fear not, Sparkplug Witwicky, I merely plan to relay your generous offer-- Finding some way to convert earthly resources to fuel for Autobot use-- to my leader Optimus Prime! I shall safely return with your son! Sparkplug: Right! Buster: Isn't this the most incredible thing that's ever happened to us?!? Okay, Bumblebee, like, take me to your leader! 2. Two humans, Buster's friends, look at Bee. "Jess, Buster's car just talked!" Jess: "I noticed!" END]
Around here I was coming to understand the off kilter humour their going for, contrasting the bots speech patterns with humans. i dunno if its good reading, but i get it. and yeah they were using a lot of the watchman ass 9 panel layout... if it works eh?
speaking of bot dialogue
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[ID: Three panels, Optimus rallying his troops and they change from bot to alt mode by saying "Autobots, convert to earth-modes! Let's move out!" END]
hmm. still work-shopping that one i see. you know. the classic thing autobots do.... convert and move out... what to catholicism or something??
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[ID: Panel of an asymmetrical and scifi looking castle on a rocky peak. Caption box: Meanwhile, in the half-completed Decepticon base, constructed from various parts of the erstwhile Harrison Nuclear Plant… END]
Different style but apparently comics Megatron still likes himself a castle. Okay dracula. okay NOS-4-A2.
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[ID: Optimus in bot mode, looming over the two humans, he says "I bring you Greetings from Cybertron!" Sparkplug: This one's even bigger than Bumblebee! Buster: Uh-- Hi! END]
He is bigger than Bumblebee... good scale tho, looks right to me anyway. there is a certain charm in this exchange. everyone's suitably and interestingly awkward.
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[ID: Panel of Sunstreaker shooting towards the sky, as Sideswipe takes off with a jet pack. Side: If it's a fight they want, Sunstreaker, we can give it to them! Sun: My electron pulse gun shouldn't disappoint them! Side: While you get 'em in your sights, I'll go meet 'em up close and personal. Sun, thinking: Ever-eager for battle, my brother has rashly employed his energy-draining rocket backpack! END]
ah. so the brother thing is from comics. okay. everything always is isnt it? and yes. all the fight scenes have had dialogue like this.
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[ID: Megatron stepping toward the viewer, menacingly. "Overconfident Fools! They entrusted the human to their weakest member!" He easily thumps Bee's head with one fist. The humans, small enough to be seen in the space between Megatron's legs. On says "He kayoed Bumblebee with just one shot!" END]
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[ID: Two panels, Caption box: And acts-- Megatron holds Sparkplug in one hand, Optimus points his gun and says "Megatron-- surrender the human or suffer the consequences!" Megatron replies "In a word, Optimus-- He fires his canon, the blast engulfing Prime with a "Wawooom" Megatron finishes "--NO!" But meanwhile Sparkplug is free from his grip, shouting "Geronimo!" END]
honestly this whole page of exchanges was great.... its what i love to see them do... get him megs lol. girl ur so funny. beast warsian almost.
...well thats basically it. its a race to find a way to convert earths energies to their use, and The 'Con have kidnapped the one human who seems willing and able to do it. Low on fuel, and on hope, will our intrepid heroes prevail? As Sparkplug's fate hangs in the balance... tune in next time for...
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[ID: Buster looking concerned thinking to himself "How will they be able to rescue Dad-- When it looks like they can't even help themselves?! Caption box: [small next arrow] And along came a... [title text] Spider-man! END]
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reallyhardydraws · 1 year
hi !!!! i have been a huge fan of ur art for a long time, esp since i found it via x-men fanart, and it's what introduced me to evo which is now like one of my fave shows ever. i've always LOVED all your kurt/wanda stuff, but since i only rlly have access to the movies & tv shows, and wanda isn't even in the xmcu (💔), i've always wondered if they're involved in the comics or if it's just something you'd wanna see? obvs your earth-number-i-forgot au is yours, but the other stuff? i guess if ur willing i just wanna know what makes you like them so much, since everything you draw for them is so cute, and i don't get to see any of the source material!!
a lot of my interest in kurtwanda came from my old days of writing as kurt in the xmcu RP fandom here on tumblr :') i had some of my best times writing with my friend who wrote as wanda, we had loads of headcanons and just yeah haha. i think there's something about their visual contrast that's fun obvs the red and blue and then their similar sort of romani upbringings give them common ground, they're both sort of goth too lol.
but there IS also the cartoon wolverine & the x-men. they go on a date and wanda gives him a kiss, and i think this is all sort of a nod to the fact that kurt & wanda are married in the universe that gave us TJ wagner/nocturne
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and so yes they ARE in involved in the comics, but it's all entirely offscreen RIP!!! earth-2182 is their home universe - we only learn a little about their relationship via TJ, but she implies that her parents are a) married and b) very much in love:
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(click through to view these properly, please excuse the antiromani slur used in the 2nd screenshot) there is also like... one extra panel where we see old man kurt watching wanda saving people on TV and he's like 'atta girl that's my wife' but i can't find it and you're not missing much b/c for whatever reason they said 'this version of wanda is as hot as always but this kurt is decrepitly old, bald, rocking a white goatee, and has an eyepatch.' really a weird turn for our favourite elf.)
but yeah i would recommend the wolverine & the x-men scenes: they appear together in episode 10 - greetings from genosha and episode 15 - hunting grounds i think they may appear in other episodes but it's been a while since i've watched the series, these are the only 2 where they are both main characters and their storylines interact.
anyway tysm for asking! i'm glad u enjoy my drawings of them and tbh i miss them!!! need some more free time to be drawing my faves they're honestly a ship for the ages!!!❤️💙❤️💙
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mushibashiraas · 1 year
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tw: manga spoilers. possibly a few swear words. this is supposed to be light though. don't worry, kids!
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— mikey and his newly formed kanto manji gang definitely made the mistake of booking the wrong restaurant at first. he and sanzu had to wait outside while kokonoi and the rest went inside to broker a deal between three other gang leaders for territory among other... less than legal stock. it was more than awkward for both but especially for the invincible, feared, powerful, most individually well-known gangster in tokyo. unfortunately for him, sanzu found it hilarious watching his boss sulk like they were little kids again and shinichiro had just denied mikey a taiyaki before dinner.
— so you'd think after the tragic battle against the second generation toman, they'd learn their lesson. but the haitani brothers had forgotten their fearless leader's true age and booked a well-known high-rise restaurant in roppongi frequented by gangsters, politicians, and celebrities alike to work out a deal with some local politician. and once again, mikey and sanzu had to wait outside while kokonoi and the rest of kanto manji's executives went inside.
— maybe mikey smacked sanzu across the face for taking his teasing too far... sanzu may or may not have offered cute, pre-made party hats to mikey to wear on his head while they waited for koko and the rest to finish upstairs.
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hello! hi! yes. yall signed up for me and my immaturity the second yall read my rules and clicked follow. heehee! i love tokyorev so so muchdjdjd like?? PLEASE?? tell me they did not run into the dumbest silliest bullshit amidst them ruining people's lives. gotta find humor somewhere, am i right? or that could just be me and my horrid, dark sense of humor talking. idk
but i literally cannot think without getting mikey and sanzu being pouty, childish, teasing 5 yr olds as they navigate the dark and gritty underworld lifestyle — that normally one'd discover and learn about as adults — as teenagers. BEATS THEM OVER THE HEAD! I AM TRYING TO WRITE A SERIOUS FIC, YOU TWO!! PLEASE KEEP UR NONSENSICAL CHAOTIC TOMFOOLERY OUT OF MY HEAD FOR NOW. FJSJXJSJ
anyway. ofc as always this is posted with little to no proofreading djsjdj we die like shinichiro and emma (bad joke. i am so sorrydhdj). apologies! also, there shouldnt be a gn reader in this? hence no indication in the "tw" at the top. i'm planning on making this a mainly canon-characters-only hc list. .....a list which i will def. be adding on to and plugging as time goes on. aaaaa i just had to get these three hcs out so i can get serious and sad. lol
also will def. add more character tags as i add more characters to this hc list. i promise! probs gonna go as far as write for post-2nd-gen-toman fight!kanto manji and bonten. not rlly gonna much for og and 2nd gen toman charas. sorry, yall fjsjdjdjdj
manga pic belongs to wakui. i just took a screenshot — it is literally one of my fave panels lmaooo they are so cute. kisses koko my love and pats inupi on the head. aaaaa
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eternal-moss · 8 months
VNC tierlist!
By @echo-silver-doll , link is here :3
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I’m a very very basic person. Noé is my fave of all time. I could write a million things about him. I want to screenshot every frame and panel he exists in. He makes me go insane. He’s so wonderful and tormented, he’s like the Xie Lian of VnC to me..
I like nice people and women, (yes Vanitas that means I’m counting you as a nice person, you can screech at that as self effacingly as you want) and the two don’t have to both be true at once. I didn’t like Veronica de Sade particularly much (she was a good character, just not one I liked) until she was revealed to be in a relationship with [let’s just call her Francis] and I lost my mind, as did the rest of the fandom. Genuine representation of adult lesbians in manga is not that common!
Francis is just a different level of cool. I love her, her mysteriousness, and the sheer catharsis I got from her yelling at the Teacher about jeu de paume and calling him an old fart lmao. She’s everything I could aspire to be and the physical definition of ‘never let them know your next move’.
God. Roland Fortis. So much to say no brain to articulate. He healed a part of me bro. And of course Luna is Luna and just. So cool. I wish they weren’t dead so badly but at least we’ll learn some more of their lore. They were the world’s best incompetent mother/father and I love them for that.
I don’t have much to say about the others, I do really enjoy the rest of the 3 of the Main Four, and of course all the Dhams are very dear to me.
I find the Teacher and Ruthven very interesting (excellent characters!) but also. I personally dislike them a lot so they get shunted down
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boinin · 1 year
Blue Lock Manga
After two weeks of creeping hysteria and stir-craziness redditors know what I mean, the scanlation for Chapter 222 (“Design”) has dropped. My usual new chapter rambling under the cut.
No mention of a break next week 🎉
Previous chapter analyses
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1. Hiori finds his mojo (isagi. it's been isagi all along)
I had hoped best boi's ego would be linked to combating Ubers more so than Isagi, but alas, the harem of simps/rivals proved too compelling to pass on. This seems to be set-up for Noa to substitute Hiori on in place of Kurona once the three-minute star change is over. But until then...
It's been pointed out on the subreddit that Isagi looks particularly good in that first panel. I would like to raise that Hiori is going doki-doki for Himsagi-kun in the second.
Guys, they know who they're appealing to with this manga. On that point...
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2. Soccer Dad Star Showdown
Blue Lock!! Where one half of the fandom are here for the world-class ball keeping techniques and the other half of the fandom are here for... the world-class ball keeping techniques 😏 Guess what camp I'm in?
The effect normal panels of Snuffy and Noa have on me. Guess I have a kink for competent football dads 🤷 /s Chris Prince and Lavinho could never.
Anyway, Snuffy hits the pitch hot and doesn't let BM catch a break. I really enjoyed his and Noa's face off. As much chaos as Lavinho and Prince caused during the two previous matches, Snuffy strikes me as a far bigger threat in terms of dismantling BM's defence (and showing up Noa). It takes BM's two most talented forwards to see off the shot Snuffy sets up for Barou. At the end of the chapter, as Ubers regroup to take on BM's defence again, I have a sinking feeling Snuffy's going to win this confrontation. And perhaps he should. What's rational exactly about a team at war?
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Unashamed thirst screenshot of Snuff. This one is really cool, didn't have time to clean it, but it looks bomb ✨ He's so threatening yet friendly? Realest of the bunch.
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3. Ness tries
That's it.
Like for real. He runs in, doesn't touch the ball, gets read to filth by a fifteen year old, and isn't seen again in this chapter.
When are we going to see some magic from the magician?
It's high time for Ness (as a professional player) to get his head in the game. This is the guy that outperformed everybody but Kaiser in the original BM stamina and technique test. He's subservient to his emperor, but even then, how is he this lacklustre?
Since Noa only cares about numbers, it seems like Ness is here to stay... but it sure is frustrating.
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4. Superbowl: Kaiser V Barou V Isagi
This is my favourite panel this week. Clock the auras: puzzles, thorned vines and lightning collide at last. Dope. I'm still new to colouring, so I'm not touching this one, but I can't WAIT to see what someone with serious skill does with it 🔥🔥🔥
It's refreshing to see Kaiser get worked up over someone other than Isagi. Got to spread the frustration, right?
Prediction tracker
(alternatively: how wrong can one nerd be week to week?)
Last time, I predicted: I think Snuffy's MO will be to set up a goal for Barou, while knocking Kaiser and Isagi down a peg. I hope he synergises with Lorenzo! Noa will be man marking Snuffy, but might get time to do some Isagi coaching while he's out there, who knows?
So far so good, right? I think this prediction will carry over into the next chapter. I'll caveat one thing: Isagi and Kaiser's backs must ache from carrying both the offence and defence of Bastard Munchen. They're the only BM players that aren't part of the circus as of the end of this chapter. Raichi, Yukimiya, Mensah and Birkenstock found dead in a ditch /s
I predict Barou will score the next goal, with Lorenzo providing an assist. Then Noa will make a substitution with the aim of countering Lorenzo and Ubers in the final play of the game...
Four chapters ago (chp 218), I predicted: As for who’ll be the true game changer? Said it already, but if Hiori’s not getting subbed on for our newly christened royal trash!Ness in the next five chapters, I’ll eat my hat. 🐑
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Have a funny feeling he'll get subbed in the chapter after next. If I'm decided a clown by chp 223, watch the egg on my face get cooked by chp 224. I don't think Ness is getting subbed out at this point.
Until next time! 😋👒
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flamingphoenixfox · 1 year
Hello again, Tenno! Let's talk Easter Eggs! Specifically, Warframe DE Logo Easter Eggs! I just recently found the DE logo hidden in Duviri (quite by accident as I've done with all but the one hidden in the Zariman), and wanted to share screenshots of my findings!
But then it occurred to me, "gosh wouldn't it be cool and helpful if I compiled images to help people find all of the hidden DE logos?"
Just to warn you: this is a long post since it's essentially a step-by-step for finding all the logos in all five areas!
Welcome to Cetus! You're Landing Craft has just dropped you off onto the platform by the shore! See that cliff face off to your right? If you want to find the DE logo you need to go climb on top of that!
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Yeah, in fact you need to go this far inland (to the rock I'm standing on)!
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It's right here on the edge of this rock!
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Next area!
Welcome to Fortuna (my favorite hub ♥)! Bask in the wonderful bisexual lighting!
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When you are done basking jump on up here to this little balcony! It's the second balcony up (the third floor if you count the ground floor as the first one)!
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The DE logo is hidden on side facing inward!
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And onward we go!
Welcome to the Necralisk! It's a bit pustule-y and gooey but there is still some old Orokin architecture sticking out of the infested flesh-scape here and there! Like this pillar! Here - I'll throw my Xoris for you so you can see what I'm looking at!
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Climb on up and - TADA! There it is! A nice and simple find! That can't really be said about the next one though.
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Oh boy here we are...
The DE logo hidden in the Zariman - the one I struggled the most to find, I thought I had rubbed by face against every wall and structure, but apparently I had missed a spot. This is the only one I needed to look up to find. This is the elevator that leads out to the rest of the Zariman - where we do the Zariman missions.
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I thought I had checked this area thoroughly enough but I think that disconnected wall panel always caused my angle coming out from the elevator to just miss it. See where I'm standing? Notice how it seems a little darker there? I certainly didn't.
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There's an opening to - what would you call this - a maintenance port? Regardless, let's head in past the overgrown vines.
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It leads into an elbow passage and into a little room.
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Looks like another area one or more of the Zariman children used to hide. Of course, no area in the Zariman is complete without the ominous graffiti!
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And right on the side of the box here is the logo! Even though I couldn't find this one without help I really enjoy the concept of them being a bit more hidden.
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Like the last one!
I stumbled across this one by accident when I was in Captura gathering references of the mirror and portal frames for a Duviri-inspired piece I'm working on.
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I happened to notice what looks like a window in the Kaithe's stable and totally expected the overgrowth to be a solid object when I jumped at it.
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It wasn't. Queue shock and confusion. At first, I thought it was just a hole leading over to the plant area - a silly short cut. I walked in a little further.
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No, this is an enclosed cave. A secret! A nice little den to hide in!
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Wait that's-! WOAH I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW THEY WOULD HAVE A HIDDEN LOGO FOR THIS AREA! That's so cool and fun! I love this hiding spot for it! The perfect amount of context clues to make you suspicious and intrigued by the area if you are looking! This one was by far my favorite to find!
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That's all of the DE logos (that I'm aware of)! I'm looking forward to the interesting places they will think to hide the next ones! Hope you enjoyed my guide (and the silly retelling of how I found the one in Teshin's Cave)!
Thanks for reading!
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dyke-terra · 2 years
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A deeply uncomfortable compilation, or, good girls.
IMAGE IDS: A series of comic book panels showing Rose Wilson, Tara Markov, and Slade Wilson across various comic books. The first two images, in row with each other, show Slade standing behind Tara and Rose respectively. The shot composition is very similar, with the girls closer to the camera in each. The first, with Tara, is from the Judas Contract arc in The New Teen Titans while the second, with Rose, is from Nightwing 1996, issue #112.
The third image shows five panels of Slade at Wintergreen’s grave in Teen Titans 2003. In a yellow text box, he thinks “I failed him like I did Grant. But you’d be amazed at the progress she’d made in such a short time. The weapon she’s become. It’s been a long time since I took anyone under my wing, since I felt that way. She reminds me so much of her. Beautiful, strong. And willing to do anything to prove herself to me. I know you never truly approved of that relationship, of Terra, but I assure you, Wintergreen -- this is for real. As real as that ever was.  She will help me find Raven. She will help me deliver vengeance. Eye for an eye, old friend.” In the last panel, an off screen Rose says “The flight to Phoenix leaves in a few hours.”
The next two images, also in row next to each other, are similar but more in focus screenshots from the Judas Contract and Nightwing 1996, issue #112, respectively. In the Nightwing image, Slade tells an off screen figure “Teach her.” The sixth image shows Slade holding Rose’s hand in the rain. His hand is gloved orange, hers is bare and shows paint pink painted nails. He says, “Good girl.”
The seventh image, also from Teen Titans 2003, shows two panels. The first has Cyborg and Robin (Tim Drake) talking in the foreground while a blurry Rose holds swords in the background. Robin says, “And you already know Rose Wilson,” to which Cyborg replies “What the hell is Slade’s daughter doing here?” The next panel is a close up on Rose’s face, showing her eyepatch. She smiles darkly as she says, “Oh, don’t worry, Cyborg, I’m not like Terra. I’m a good girl now.” The eighth image is from the Judas Contract in New Teen Titans again. Slade asks Tara “Has being a Titan changed you? You’re not quite the sarcastic whelp you once were,” to which Tara replies, “You want to test me, hotshot?” They’re both out of costume and their faces are shown in profile as they face each other. Tara is wearing makeup and jewelry. The final image, a panel from Deathstroke 2016, shows Tara and Rose looking towards something off screen on the right. Tara says, “He told me I reminded him of you. Which, if you think about it, is pretty gross...” Rose’s expression is surprised, preparing for a threat, while Tara looks uncomfortable and sad. The sound effect Vveeepp is repeated three times on the bottom right and the start of a yellow and red narration box is visible. End ID.
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gothamcityhistory · 8 months
Detective Comics #27
Where it all began
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This is a great cover to start things out! It's iconic!! I always love seeing the redraws of this!
I got this screenshot of the cover from the Batman: The Golden Age Vol. 1 which you can tell from the fact that the words "THE BATMAN!" on the cover are black and not red like the original cover from 1939. For the rest of this post I will be using screenshots from an old digitization of the comic except for a few which I got from The Golden Age Vol 1. which I use at the end. Even though it says "64 pages of action" on the cover, The "Bat-Man" story is only 9 pages long and I will only be focusing on that. (Sorry Slam Bradley fans!) Now to get into the issue.
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It starts off with this title page where they introduce the "Bat-Man" to the reader. It's very nice!
It's very strange to see him labeled at the "Bat-Man". I'm just not used to it but anyways they drop it fully Detective Comics #30. (Also note that I read it like "Bat Dash Man")
It's also very sad to see The Batman only credited to Bob Kane. Bill Finger did mostly everything and didn't get recognition for it until 2015.
Anyway, Back to the comic-
Bruce Wayne and Commissioner Gordon are chilling out at Gordon's place when suddenly Gordon gets a call about a recent murder. They need him there right away and in the most laid-back way, he's like, "Hey, Bruce, buddy, pal, chum, they need me at a murder scene... Wanna come with?"
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and Bruce is deadass like "Eh sure. Why not"
Everything was so casual in the 30s god damn.
Anyway, They rush over to the scene of the crime
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and after "a thorough examination of the scene of the crime" they decide to talk to the victims son, who is the current murder suspect.
He's like, "I didn't do it, I only grabbed the knife when I pulled it out of my dad's chest!" And, weirdly, Gordon doesn't press any further on it. He's just like "Yep okay."
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Also, he could've stayed alive if you didn't pull the knife out dummy. But I digress
He then responds to Gordon's question like "Dunno, Except these 3 guys"
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Also the comedic timing of that- I made a joke to my friend when I first read this comic that the reason why Steve Crane was excited was because he bet Lambert a hundred bucks in 1939 dollars that the threat on his life was real- I know excited back then meant having excessive emotions but I just thought it was funny.
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You sus mf. I SEE you Bruce. If that even is your real name.
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I also love this panel.
After Crane gets shot the murderer/robber escapes with a piece of paper.
When Suddenly...
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The Bat-Man shows up and beats the hell out of them and takes the paper. Then Gordon and the police arrive to Steven Crane's house as the Bat-Man runs away. Gordon then finds out Crane has been killed and decides to go to Paul Rogers house
Also look at my little man
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He's so proud of himself.
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I also love the fact that he drives off in Bruce Wayne's car from earlier in the issue. He's so silly
Meanwhile, Rogers goes to his friend's, Alfred Stryker's, neighboring Laboratory where he encounters Strykers assistant, Jennings, and gets smacked and trapped by him.
I thought this panel was hilarious.
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Like Boi! What kind of guinea pigs are you experimenting with that you need to a jar that can fit a human inside and also why are you gassing guinea pigs???
He then seals the chamber but not before the "Bat-Man" enters, plugs the gas-jet and breaks Rogers out.
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Speaks for itself really. Styker then finds out his assistant failed at killing Rogers and tries to kill him himself but the Bat-Man, who had hidden, jumps out and prevents the Stryker from killing Roger. The Bat-Man explains why Stryker like Velma at the end of an episode and then Stryker breaks out of The Bat-Mans hold and then
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The Bat-Man straight up kills him and is like "Good."
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Bro is so sus. No one acts this way. And then what's more is that Gordon is like "Man. bro is so bored all the time."
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Look at my silly dressing up in his bat fursuit!!
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Can't wait for next month!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sorry I basically recapped the whole story. It was very short but every panel had something interesting happening!! I definitely recommend it!!
Things I liked and found interesting!!
I found it interesting how they have text explaining the situation instead of just letting the photos do the talking.
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Thought It's probably like that because they only had 9 pages to tell the story.
I liked Commissioner Gordon's fit in this issue.
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It's a very nice Zebra-like suit that would allow him to fit in with the the weirdo 248 issues from now. It's just so snazzy!
I also like how Gordon takes things at face value and doesn't do some deeper thinking like how I'd assume a police commissioner would. "Well obviously he didn't kill his father. He literally just said he didn't". "I just told Bruce something amazing and he looks like he had heard it before. He must lead a boring life"
I also love The Bat-Man costume in this issue
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Purple glove Batman... My beloved <3
The art in this issue is great too!! I'll pick out a few of my favourite panels to show.
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Thank you all for reading my first blog post!!
Come back whenever! Rarely the same Bat-Time but always the same Bat-Blog
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