#and for a moment when im dancing i am free
citronellaww · 10 months
still learning to love myself (more). to validate myself (more). and love the rainy days. and love the time 'in between'. and grow through the simple moments of sitting and dreaming and doing nothing. (except it is everything). I don't have more to give you this year, except to say how I am grateful for the magic of being still and the magic of dancing until I can't breathe...
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hella1975 · 1 year
#my day started at 11AM. ELEVEN. AM. let that sink in. and has just now ended at 3am. (three in the morning. am. 3am. three am.)#i am SLEEPY i cant feel MY LEGS#like we all got ready at 11am. we went to spoons breakfast. we pre'd until like 2/3#AND THEN WE WENT TO THE HORSE RACES! BC THERE WAS A STUDENT DAY THING! IT WAS SO FUN! MUCH BETTER THAN LAST TIME!#and we were there until like? 9? i think?#and then we come home to get our shit together. had a chinese. drank some more. and then we went to the club#and we stayed until close bc when i TELL YOU the dj did not play a single skip song#it was just banger after banger i think ive lost my voice#but oh my god my POOR LITTLE LEGS#I WAS IN HEELS THE ENTIRE TIME I WAS AT THE RACES#6/7 HOURS IN HEELS JUST TO TAKE THEM OFF TO GO CLUBBING??? OW#IM GOD'S STRONGEST SOLDIER TBFH#ALL THAT WAITRESSING DID ME GOOD APPARENTLY MY FEET ARE STRONGER THAN SISYPHUS ON THEIR OWN#FUCK THAT ROCK BOY#ow. ow ow ow. but it was such a good day so idc. i met a guyyyyy <3#i also fucking body checked this one girl and i feel a bit bad bc she was so clearly having her teen coming of age moment in the club#like white girl dancing hands over her head twirling etc. unfortunately for her AND ME that involved bumping into me repeatedly#and like? she kept turning to us to try make us dance with her but me and my mates were having a lot of fun in our little trio so we didn't#which yeah maybe that was mean but tbh if someone did that to me id take no for an answer the first time instead of repeatedly doing it#like she was acting like she was empowering us and freeing us from the shackles of insecurity when rlly we were just like girl no#and she WOULD NOT GET THE FUCK OFF ME like zero spacial awareness to her#the irony of clubs is like yeah obvs ur surrounded by people but it's also looked down upon if ur seriously in someone's space#so i just wasn't having it and in the end i just fully fucking SHOVED her off lmfaoooo. sorry girlie <3#like i felt embarassed for her bc of it like she was so in her own little world and i absolutely ruined it but idc#be aware of other people and their comfort bitch!#anyway yeah it was very fun all in all <3#hella goes to uni
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enihk-writes · 4 months
[someone older]
pairing: older!multi-fandom men x gn!they/them!reader
reader is written to be in their early twenties, under twenty-five and fresh out of uni with their first degree and no corporate work experience.
summary: shorts about old men and a younger beau to-be
content warning: big age-gap relationships // superior-subordinate power imbalance // possible infantilization // some form of saviour-complex // (some unintentional) manipulation
characters: zhongli (genshin impact) // neuvilette (genshin impact) // jing yuan (honkai star rail) // tang gunak (return of the blossoming blade) // dokgo (return of the mad demon) // chongyue (arknights) // shamane (RE:1999) // hiromi higuruma (jujutsu kaisen) // ryū (gokurakugai)
author's note: my lovely oomfs i need yall to look away and pretend im doing okay,,, the demons and the little voices in my head have won and taken over..... i have to make that middle-aged man pregnant so so so so bad it's terminal... (head in hands)... OUGHHHHKKKGSHHH (coughs blood and straight up dies)..... looking at the list here i really have a type huh....
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ZHONGLI who had lived for long enough to have seen and experienced almost everything one could see, was still taken aback when he felt a familiar throb in his heart as he conversed with the new face of the artisan's alley. a fledgling who had just left their nest and was beginning to make their way into the world — your naivety much unlike your more seasoned neighbours who knew how to set the prices of their goods to gain the maximum profit. you were often tricked and scammed out of selling your wares at their proper price, too scared to stand your ground and disrespect your older customers. the former archon couldn't bear to see a budding talent, such as yourself, sell themselves short out of expected social courtesy. he often found himself buying your highest-priced works even if he had to empty his entire wallet. you were beyond grateful for his patronage, even offering a commission, free of charge. that's just how bad business was before he stepped in. oh you poor thing, now that he knows how easy it was to get you dancing in his palm, how could he let you meet better opportunities? he was your lifeline, the only way you were going to make it in this career you chose. and you better not forget that.
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NEUVILETTE knew that he shouldn't be so enamoured with the new hire. really. a being who had been alive for as long as he falling in love with someone thousands of years their junior? he wanted to rip his hair out. the chief justice approached this predicament as he would with almost anything he deemed annoying — avoidance. sending you out on errands that kept you out of the office for the whole day, giving days off to everyone if there was nothing on the agenda, having you go sort out documents in the filing room, and a whole host of other things that made sure you and him wouldn't cross paths. once he had a clearer mind to sit down and think, he is immediately riddled with guilt. weren't his actions akin to that of a black company employer? you on the other hand, could not be happier to hit the jackpot. good pay, regular days off, responsibilities that didn't require you to rack your brain too much. this was everything an energy-saving adult like you could ever want. it must be nice to frolic around and stay blissfully unaware while your boss was in the middle of a mental breakdown alone in his office.
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JING YUAN was a calculating man, despite the commonly held belief that he never really took things too seriously. he kept a rather consistent air of nonchalance so impenetrable that it annoyed you whenever you couldn't discern what was on his mind at that moment. your after-hours hobby these days was to drop by the community starchess club and play a few rounds with the people there. and who else was waiting there at your seat every day? your damned boss. the elders who were there swooned over the handsome general, remarking about how you and him made a great pair — much to your chagrin. the man would always send a blinding smile in your way as you got closer, even going so far as to help you settle down. the routine was always the same each night. you would play against him for at least five rounds consecutively, lose against him in almost every single match, play against the other club members, gather your things and go home for the day. the general would also coincidentally be done with his activities. he offered to walk you to your front door, you've learnt from the one time you refused that the general was unusually talented in pulling an extremely sad, pathetic, wet and kicked puppy face. unfortunately, you were too nice to reject him further. ah, but now that he knew of that weakness of yours, you'd better expect that he would be pulling the same trick again soon.
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TANG GUNAK felt that he was far too geriatric to be feeling this way. especially when he had adult children of his own. the youngest of whom was only a few years older than you were. a talented person, emerging at the top of your class in the academy meant that the world was your oyster. so why had you decided to come down to sichuan and work as an aide in this family? the patriarch had no clue, and he certainly didn't know how to even bring up the question. at first, he had hoped that perhaps you and one of his children would be wed but as time passed, it became increasingly obvious you were not interested in them at all, rather you had set your sights on the patriarch himself. him? the widower? the poor man who had only felt the touch of his dead wife? he was very scandalised that the young aide of his house was so open about their attraction to him. however, it seemed nobody in the household was on his side. not even his own flesh and blood. though for all that forwardness, he never expected that you would be so hesitant and shy when you were alone with him. it was endearing how you became more diligent whenever that happened, how you would engross yourself in your work just to pretend he wasn't there with you. the next time he looked up from what he was doing, you were passed out on your desk. he moved over to carry you back to your quarters — it was deep into the night right now anyways, so nobody would see him with you in his arms. he tucked you into bed, leaving as quickly as he came. the glimpse of his own flushed face in the reflection of the window never left his mind the rest of that week.
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DOKGO had agreed to follow his disciple to town only because said disciple was going to throw a tantrum in his courtyard and the older man was not in the mood to deal with the adult child. the master pretended to not be acquainted with his own disciple when the man began to flirt with the women passing by. he walked on and sat down at a vacant bench in front of a teahouse. his troublesome disciple eventually shook off the girls clinging onto him and joined his master at the table, a string of apologies falling out his mouth when he caught sight of the older man's disapproving glare. only when the younger man offered to pay did the old master's hardened expression fall softer — fine, he said with a grunt. the second headache of the day came in the shape of you, a wandering merchant, or so you said. you slipped in to sit next to the master after the disciple had graciously allowed you to. not like the older man could oppose when there weren't any empty seats in the vicinity. while the conversation was lively as you talked with the disciple about your travels, he could only focus solely on the callouses of your palms, something a merchant who says they are not a martial artist shouldn't have. you had noticed his scrutinising gaze, throwing him a quick grin as you continued the chat with his disciple. oh? he could only wonder what that was about. shame that his dull, blockheaded disciple had let that slip past him. the master wonders if he should up the training regime when they get back.
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CHONGYUE was up and early, as he usually does, leading the daily morning exercise with the other operators. the doctor not being there was somewhat expected, but you going missing? that was a first. when the morning exercise was over, he headed up to your room to check on you, finding the door slightly ajar. cautiously, he walked into the dark room, you had a bag of junk near the entry, from the looks of it you were living off cup noodles and soda, again. no wonder you were now curled up in bed all sick. he might have to give you an earful later, but for now, he puts aside your laundry and took out the trash. he goes down to the canteen, ordering some warm chicken porridge and even stopping by the nurse's office to pick up whatever he thinks you might need. this time, you were now somewhat awake. grumbling and muttering complaints under your breath from the disturbance, he helped you sit up. you insisted on feeding yourself, but he would have none of it. you could only comply and open your mouth wide every time he brought the spoon to your lips. you finished the food and even took the medicine obediently, earning praise from the man himself. before he left, he rubbed some medicinal balm on your stomach, layering warm blankets and patted you back to sleep, reciting an abbot's chants as he did so. the nostalgic feeling was comforting. you should thank him when you got better — maybe he might be interested in a popular classic novel from your home country, or should you try your luck with the lacquer pots instead?
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SHAMANE spotted a figure hunched over the running stream near his hut as he was out collecting the fresh water he would need for the day. when they didn't answer his calls, he walked over, not too worried about whether the figure was a dangerous critter or not. the snap of a twig had them spin their head in his direction — that's when he met your eyes. you both stared at the other, sizing each other up. when he decided that you were not a threat, he introduced himself with his signature smile. you did the same, albeit quieter, still a little peeved from seeing a large bearded man in the middle of nowhere. friendly as ever, he kept the conversation going. he talked about himself, he asked about you, and so on and so forth until you finally admitted to him that you had gotten lost in the mountains, also you had twisted your ankles. he pointed to his hut and asked if you wanted to rest in there until you got better, how could you say no? the month when you lived under the same roof as him passed by quickly, and soon enough it was time for you to go back down the mountain. when you both parted ways at the entrance of the village, there was an air of reluctance in saying goodbye. you promised to write to him, maybe even visit him. he only laughed you off, not expecting much to come out of that. though when he received his sister's letter not long after, he thought about taking you with him to his hometown. but ah, isn't visiting each other hometowns a thing expectant newlyweds do? well, he could always pretend he didn't know about these things, couldn't he?
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HIGURUMA was pretty friendly with the tenants renting out the office space next door. all of whom were fresh design school graduates trying to start a business together. you were the one he's grown the most familiar with, the unofficial boss of the company and the one who was single-handedly juggling your own practice along with other administrative duties. he helped you where he could, the doors to his own law office always open to you — even in the wee hours of the night. you would sit cross-legged on the big swivel chair as both of you engrossed yourselves in your respective work with the boxes of takeout splayed all over his table. when it was late enough that you missed the last train, he drove you back to your apartment. and everytime you sat in the passenger seat, he would reach over to pull the seatbelt on for you. you could have done it yourself but how were you supposed to pass up the chance to have him come this close? enough to even catch a whiff of his cologne? the lawyer himself knew that you were capable enough to do something this simple, but he couldn't help but enjoy the way you tried not to look at him as he did this each time. the ride back was quiet and serene, your tired body sank into the plush of his car seats and soon you were knocked out cold. even when you were both already parked outside your residence, you still wouldn't rouse. he clicks the seatbelt off you, even going so far as to push the seat back so you were lying more comfortably. you've done this enough times where he has a blanket to cover you with as he waited for you to wake up. which you would, and feel so ashamed. he thinks about how cute you were babbling out your apologies and thanks, all while scrambling to pull yourself together and out his car. only to repeat this whole song and dance the very next night.
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RYŪ was a bit of a recluse. never really leaving his room unless it was for a really good reason. which was rare, and by rare it was almost never. but a human had to eat, shit and get clean — which was where you came in. as the designated errand runner for the organisation, you were the one that ended up having to take care of that guy's day-to-day needs. you might have hated him at first, with how picky he was with his food, even the brand of his necessities had to be the exact right one. doesn't matter if the stock ran out, you had to go out there and haunt for a place that still has it or else he wouldn't even entertain your presence. the one good thing you had going about you was that you were adaptable, learned things quick and was light on your feet. if things went south, you always had a backup, and a backup for the backup, you get the idea. the man, mayhaps out of the other's insistence, but you liked to think that he had warmed up to you, started to initiate conversations. at some point whenever you brought him his meals, he would make you sit and watch him eat. at first, you didn't know what to talk about, but then you also started bringing your own lunchboxes to eat alongside him, and you talked his ear off about what you made that day. over time, you both fell into a routine and on days when he's kept you a little too long with him, you'd stay over and crash on his couch. and after more time had passed, he's already got some of your clothes together with his in the wardrobe. hell, he even bought a bigger sofa just so you could sleep better whenever you stayed over. give it more time and who knows, you might end up moving in completely, not that this old hack would mind too much.
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readychilledwine · 7 months
A Father's Love
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Summary - Eris comforts his pregnant mate after a small breakdown. Eris x pregnant!reader
Warnings - pregnancy and mental health
A/N - This isn't something I've previewed, but I had to use some of the things my baby daddy said to me in a drabble (because oof my heart exploded) and it felt nice to have an outlet for the icky pregnancy guilt and worries Im dealing with. Hopefully, you all melt at this, too..
ps- I'm thinking about adding a dad drabble series masterlist to my page. Let me know if you'd like that.
Word count - 550
Eris held your hand from across the table, the calloused pad of his thumb dancing across and between your knuckles as you cried.
"No one said it would be this hard," another round of sobbing shook your shoulders. "No one said we would ride this high and reality would hurt when it crashed." Eris just nodded. Staying silent and allowing you to vent while those amber eyes softened in love and concern.
You rose your shaking free hand, wiping the warm tears from your face. "And then to top it all off, I'm so selfish right now I did not even notice you were worried or a shift in your emotions. I didn't even feel it through the bond-"
"Stop." Eris demanded. His tone was still gentle, but he was firm, his face now set in a serious line. "Do not even concern yourself for a moment with my feelings or needs right now. We are talking about you."
"That's the problem, the past 8 months have been about me and what I want, what I need, what the I'll need after birth, what baby will need. What about you, Eris? When do we discuss what you need?"
He moved to you, then, feet guiding him gracefully across the floor as he placed your hands on his warm chest. You could feel his heartbeat, pacing in its soft rhythm, and it calmed you enough to bring you back from the tipping point you were approaching. "I am not the one whose body is constantly changing," he began. "I am not the one who is about to have to change my diet, my habits, and ignore my wants for the next year to feed our child." 
He leaned in kissing your forehead. "I am not the one who asked to wait a few more years then had to cry alone for several weeks until I was ready to talk about how our protection failed. I am not the one sacrificing so much. You are, my love. We will talk about me and my needs when they matter."
He smiled softly. "Besides, I picked her name. I picked her coming home outfit. I picked her nursery colors, her first stuffie, her toy room theme. If my opinion was given, you immediately compromised or switched plans." His hand went down to your swollen stomach. "You didn't even allow anyone else to feel her until you ensured I did first."
You still sniffled. "But aren't you mad?"
Eris looked slightly taken back, two fingers coming to tilt your fallen chin up and ensure you held eye contact with him. "You are growing my legacy, our child. How could I be mad at you for being in pain, tired, or crying? There's no words I can say to express how blessed and grateful I am." Your jaw trembled as he leaned in and kissed you. "Do you understand?" You nodded, and he stared at your stomach, waiting. "Someone needs her mommy to take a few deep breaths, drink a hot chocolate, and have a snack." Eris moved, instantly over to the cabinet you two had been hiding your cravings in and pulled out your box of chocolates. "Let's go be lazy, read in bed, and eat these." He held a hand to you, waiting for you to take it and smiled widely when you did. "There's my girl. Now, regular hot chocolate or fancy hot chocolate?"
You sniffled again, significantly more calm this time as he led you into your shared bed chambers. "Fancy."
He smiled again, kissing your forehead, then your nose. "Get changed, get comfy. I'll be back with hot chocolate smothered in marshmallows and whipped cream."
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yoitsjay · 5 months
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Dad or Daddy
Pairings: Ghost x gn!reader
Summary: laswell bragged about how great of a babysitter you were. So Ghost just had to find out for himself.
Warnings: sexual innuendo, but no action. Cliffhanger
Word count: 1,639
Render credit: @ave661
You had gained a reputation originally by being a very good babysitter for laswell and her wifes adopted baby, you were a trusted friend of Kate's wife, hence the immediate job, and then Kate started to brag about how you were the only one who seemed to put her baby to a dead sleep, your voice and the warmth that radiated off of you was alluring, and it soothed a lot of people, babies included.
One day you were relaxing at home, you already had a plan to make your way to a local bar that night and had told kate and her wife all about it and that it was a new bar and grill that some other friends of yours had been raving about. Little did you know she would be giving a certain someone your location, and you would end up having a very eventful night.
So when that evening drew in, and you were dressed and ready in a cute ish outfit you put together to perhaps attract some attention to yourself. Maybe you would get lucky… Can't help but dream really. Regardless, you take a cab to the bar, planning on having a few drinks. It doesn't take long to get to the bar either since the location wasn't far from your home, however you did not want to walk home drunk, since something could happen and you wouldn't be in the right mind to defend yourself.
Upon entering the bar and grill, the strong aroma of savory food and alcohol fills your nose, however the smell is anything but repulsive. There's a small dance floor placed in front of a DJ booth on the right side of the room, directly in front of you is the large bar with a huge shelf filled with bottles of different alcohols and mixers. and on the left side of the room are booths and tables to seat at if you're there to grab dinner with a friend, family or other. You were hungry, but since you were alone you just walked straight up to the bar.
You order one drink and a water to start, switching from alcohol and then to water, just to make the night last a little bit longer, you had no plans till monday and it was saturday. After the two drinks you ordered a couple appetizers, munching on some potato wedges when you suddenly feel a tap on your shoulder, it was light, but you could feel warmth from the hand that poked you, and you turned your head, resting a hand atop your full waterglass, just in case. "Hi?" You asked out in a questioning tone.
The man who had tapped you was tall, and muscular and he was wearing a black hoodie and jeans, however the most unusual thing was that he was wearing a skull ski mask that obscured his face. "Are you Y/N?" he asked, and you raised an eyebrow before speaking. "I am, who are you?" You asked him, and the man sits down beside you on the free bar stool to your right. "Im Ghost- Laswell told me a lot about you, you're a close friend according to her? and I hear that you're one damn good babysitter." He explained, and your previous defense dropped when he mentioned Kate and being a good babysitter.
Upon hearing that a soft chuckle escapes your lips and you nod. "Yeah thats right… you must be the silent killer from the 141 if i remember correct. she doesnt talk a lot about her work around me, but i do know that The Ghost is one mysterious guy… so how can i help you?" You asked, and watched as the large man rubbed his knee slightly. "Well- i have a 5 month old daughter, and i can never find a decent babysitter during the months im on deployment, i dont get a lot of breaks so its hard to see her, and her mom isnt in the picture." he explained, and you nod to show him that you were following along.
He continued a moment later. "All the other sitters i've hired have flaked after a month, or less than that, and well, Laswell says she is going to be home a lot more often which means you'll probably need work… What im asking is if you'd like to babysit for me? you would stay in my house, semi-permanently unless im home for breaks and whatnot, you'll be paid 100 per hour and all of your grocery expenses will be payed for too, and of course you can use any streaming service, my room- all of it. i just really need a reliable babysitter who doesn't flake out on me."He explained, somewhat breathless at the end of his request. You stare at him for a few moments, a smile slowly growing across your lips.
"Take me out to a nice dinner, and I'll be your permanent babysitter for 75 an hour." You stated, extending his hand out to him to shake. You didn't know if he was smiling or not, but the crease by his eyes told you that he was relieved, and just like that you shook hands and the deal was made. The dinner happened the next weekend, but Ghost took you to one of your favorite restaurants in town which just so happened to be your favorite as well. You talked and got to know him a bit, his interests and what life was like in the special forces. You couldn't help but admit to yourself that even with the mask you could tell this man was attractive, with the way he spoke and carried himself, he knew he was good looking too.
On monday he introduced you to his five month old, and she was an absolute sweetheart of a baby. He had a few more weeks left of his break so in that time he got you used to his apartment. It was a two bedroom, one bath apartment, a perfect size for him and his kid, and maybe a lover if he chose to have one. The apartment was simple though, one plant in the living room that was withering away, most likely a house present. And for the most part the apartment was clean, save for some scattered kids toys on the ground.
And in a blink the weeks had passed and You were back at simons apartment, this time with a suitcase full of clothes, and he was getting ready to leave, you said your goodbyes and off he went, and you stayed, living in his apartment for months. you took young charlotte everywhere with you too, back to your apartment on some occasions to clean up some dust, your friend was house sitting for you so it did not get too bad.
You and Ghost face timed every night so he could talk to his daughter, though of course she couldn't talk back, but she knew that the man in the skull mask was her father and she was filled with glee whenever she got to see him through the screen. On top of that you started having your own little chats with ghosts after Charlotte was put to bed. At first it started with little flirty messages, and then heart emojis or kissy faces, and Ghost wasn't shy with his responses with flirty remarks, though he didn't use emojis yet. You weren't a rookie so he didn't have to be professional with you it seemed.
One night seemed to be a gamechanger for you and him however, you had once again put Charlotte to bed and she was out like a light, no sound could wake her. You had a drink or two, and decided to get out of your uncomfortable clothes, making his way into his bed where you had made your home after the first three months of staying in his home, and still as naked as the day you were born you took one of the blankets off Ghosts bed, posing in front of the body length mirror in his bedroom, and with the blanket hanging from your lower torso, hiding the important its, you posed and took a scandalous picture of yourself, with a sultry expression on your face.
Immediately you hopped into his bed, and sent it to him, a grin spread across your lips as you sent him the picture without a word before or after. You shut your phone off, not wanting to see him type out a response to take a picture. However you were growing concerned when more than five minutes passed without a response, so you checked yours and Ghosts chat, seeing that he had read it.
Just as you checked the chat, you saw him begin to type out a response, and your face grew red in anticipation, and his reply finally appeared.
"You've been teasing me for months darlin' and now this? Buckle up sweetheart because when I get home you're not leaving my bed for weeks."
His response had your eyes blown wide open, and you could feel yourself get aroused at the thought of him doing.. everything to you. You quickly messaged him back however. wanting to tease him just a bit more.
"Oh shit- That picture wasn't meant for you ghost, it was for another cute guy- don't take things the wrong way, i'm just your babysitter,"
You sent that reply quickly, and immediately he was typing again, only sending you a red angry face.
"I'm taking the next plane back home. you and i will be having a long… chat… when i get back. cuz i know damn well you ain't talking to nobody but me."
And that's when you knew that you were smitten with your little kids dad, absolutely smitten.
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faeryarchives · 1 year
Hug Me!
gn!reader x malleus draconia
your lover wants to drown you with their affection but doesn't know how, until you beat them to it.
note: ok so it's been a while since i last wrote something i am sorry if it is a bit rusty 😔 and i tried writing in a 2nd point of view let me know what you guys think abt it ^^
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Walking down the trail back to the Ramshackle Dorm feels nostalgic after being stuck in the training camp for a while. Finally going back to your own dorm after a week of chaos is such a great feeling. Stretching your arms up in the air, you let the warm breeze welcome you back home.
"Never thought there would be a day that I would miss our precious dorm." While you seemed to be happy being back, Grim on the other hand is on a whole new level of joy, feeling free from everything - eyes sparkling and the fire of his ears start to go brighter.
"My sweet soft bed! No more errands from those professors and students finally I can sleep in peace."
"Grim wait- and there he goes." Before saying another word, the cat monster immediately speed towards their dorm leaving you alone on the trail. '
Silly Grim, I'll make sure that he gets his favorite tuna later.'
The prefect continue walking down the trail enjoying the scenery - birds chirping, tree leaves dancing in the air and a certain dorm leader standing in front of their garden.
Such a wonderful sight brought a smile to your face as you quietly walked behind the person - trying to give them a scare by covering their eyes but then unexpectedly your surprised (eye color) eyes met excited bright green ones.
"Child of man, you are back. You were gone for some time." Malleus muttered, his hands holding your hands together gently as if anytime you are going away for another long time. Seeing how your lover looks like a sad dragon, you find your hand patting his head and gave him a kiss on his hand.
"I missed you too, Mal! Let me tell you what happened during the camp, I wished you were there." The two of you sat together under the tree near the garden, Malleus laying comfortably on your lap as you continuously run your fingers through his hair and horns. From morning till noon, the ravenette listen to all of your story with an unknowing pout on his face.
'It's been a while since I last saw you.' Being away from you for some time made the dragon yearn for your affection and wants to drown you with his own love. 'But you look so happy talking about other humans.'
Hearing stories of you having fun without him makes him a little sad. A sigh escaped his lips making you sneak a glance at Malleus' face. Noticing how his mood changed, you poke his forehead with a finger and let out a giggle when he somehow looked confused with your actions.
"(Nickname) why did you stop?" He sat up and look at you curiously. You crossed your arms in front of your chest and puff your cheeks out - looking the other way with a huff.
"Aren't you forgetting something? I am really hurt." Although you said it as a joke, there are so many thoughts running to the Draconia's mind at the moment. Did you get offended in some way? Or did you read his mind? Did you not like his hair condition?
A laugh cut his brainstorming in a halt and all of his problems were solved the moment you opened your arms wide with a grin.
"You goofy dragon. Hug me!"
Ah, it was so easy. How can he be so foolish? Malleus chuckled at his own dilemma, looking directly to your eyes before engulfing you into a warm hug - burying his head to your neck and let out a soft sigh as if he is in the safest place in this wonderland.
"I am really back home, Mal."
"Welcome home, my love."
and little did they know something will happened in the future *ahem* chapter 7 *ahem* anyways i can't wait for diasomnia's ssr dorm cards like SEBEK'S CARD IS SAUR PRETTY IM SO GLAD I GOT HIM 🥹
as always i hope u guys enjoyed and hopefully i am not shadowbanned?? if i got shadowban i will reblog this over andd over again i need everyone to know abt my malleus fluff before angst agenda 👹
recent fics: adore you & so this is heartache
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abouttofillhisshoes · 1 month
Blurbs you say?? I am thinking thoughts… about matty’s dick in my mouth while he smokes a cigarette <3
This #unedited and sort of shit, but i promised myself to not to obsess over it too much. also i cant not post without a fancy title and banner bc im allergic soz xx
Go down - Matty Healy
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A/N: im shit at blurbs, minors do not interact
wc: 1.5k
The door shuts with a loud bang, Mattys footsteps echoing through the foyer. Ridding himself of his jacket, chucking it onto the couch, he sits down next to it, an exasperated groan leaving his lips. His voice was sore, raspy from tonight's gig. Sold out, ten thousand people, all screaming the house down as Matty sang his heart out. Fans went wild as he unbuttoned his crisp white shirt, leaving all but one buttoned unfastened.
It still was, the fabric now wrinkled and slightly damp from the sweat, clinging to his body. It took everything in you to not jump onto him right at that moment, take him then and there. No, he was tired, eyes shutting as he rolled his head back, resting it onto the edge of the sofa. His voice was low as he spoke. 
“Darling?” you hum in acknowledgement, peeking your head around the corner, still trying to tow your shoes off. He waits for you to actually enter the room, a rough hand running through his gelled hair, tucking some of it behind his ear. 
“Could you pour me some wine?” Despite having been drinking the entire set, Matty always liked a healthy glass of wine when he got home, exhausted and missing your presence. Usually, you would take the time to talk about the show, what the stagehands had fucked up this time et cetera, et cetera. This time, however, you had other things on your mind, and, based on the way his eyes dragged up and down your body as you walked by, he did as well. 
You grab two glasses from the marble cupboard, setting them onto the counter. Pouring both of you a generous amount, you check yourself in the reflection of the microwave. Your hair was a bit messy, and your mascara was slightly smudged from dancing, but it didn't bother you.
“Thank you, love.” a grateful look spreads onto his face as he takes a glass from you, smiling. You place a chaste kiss on his lips, wiping a bit of dirt off his face with your free hand. Before you could even move to sit down, his hand wraps around your lower back, pulling you into an awkward kneeling position between his legs, the edge of the sofa digging into your knees. He kisses you like this, setting both your glasses onto a small table, freeing up both hands.
You shift, using his shoulders for leverage, lowering your body onto the floor in front of him. 
“What are you up to, mh?” he asks, his filthy smirk making your head spin. 
“Could ask you the same thing, undressing in front of an audience.” you mention his little display, thrusting up into air as he danced around, the screams of the crowd only spurring him on. He pretends to look offended, shaking his head in protest.
“It's art.” 
“It's insanely hot, is what it is.” you grin, hands settling right onto his belt. 
His breath hitches, breathing pattern slightly irregular as you look up at him through your eyelashes, blinking innocently. 
A quiet “Oh, fuck me.” leaves his lips, and he coughs, trying to remain composed. That proves more difficult than he thought, especially with you looking at him like that.
“Can I?” you ask, voice dripping like honey. The look on his face when you let things drag on like this was delicious, eyes drooping shut as he groaned your name. 
“Shoot me if i ever say no to that question, fucking hell.” That's all you need, your hands making quick work of the black leather belt in front of you, the sound of metal against metal so unbelievably erotic. 
Above you, you hear Matty shuffle, hands digging into the pockets of his suit jacket. Producing a pack of cigarettes, he sticks one between his lips, light not far behind. Something stirs in you when he lights it, the soft glow of the flame making him look even more attractive than he already was.  
He’s hard against the palm of your hand as you work the buttons of his trousers, pulling them down along with his black boxer-briefs. The cool air makes him groan, a cloud of smoke leaving his parted lips. The smell doesn't take long to fill your senses, so distinctly Matty. 
Not in the mood for a tease, his hand finds the thick locks of your hair, threading his fingers through it. Taking another drag of his cigarette, he watches you suck the tip of his cock into your mouth, moaning when the taste of him hit your tongue. 
He gathers your hair up into a makeshift ponytail, keeping it out of your face as you take him in, hollowing out your cheeks in that way that makes him lose his mind. 
His hand pushes your head down lightly, silently asking for permission. You let him, his cock brushing against the back of your throat, making your gag reflex kick in. Using a trick your friend had taught you back in highschool, you press your thumb between the rest of your fingers, trying to suppress it. 
Matty is shameless above you, moaning and groaning whenever you bobbed your head, incredibly pent up and desperate. 
Trying again, you let him guide himself deeper into your mouth, his sounds of encouragement spurring you on. 
“So fucking good, just- yeahh, thats it, fuck” his words go straight to your core, and you clench your thighs together, trying to relieve some of the aching pressure between your legs. 
Bobbing your head, you breathe through your nose, taking him as deep as you can without gagging, feeling him twitch in your mouth. His tip leaks salty precum onto your tongue, the smells of cigarettes the only thing you could concentrate on. You look up, your eyes meeting his right as he takes a drag, pushing your head down even further. Again, you sputter, but you don't get off.
“God, you’re so gorgeous, choking on my cock like this.” he groans, throwing his head back in pure ecstasy.
“Made for me, weren't you? Perfect mouth, shit.” his rambling lets you know he’s close, hips bucking up into your mouth, your tongue running over the vein on the underside of his cock, pulsing with need. 
Taking one last drag, he lets the finished cigarette fall onto the concrete floor behind the sofa, both hands now on your head, fucking his cock into your warm mouth. 
You moan around him, the vibrations sending curses falling from his lips, the sounds of his movements echoing through the living room. 
“I’m not gonna last, fucking- oh god.” he warns you, quickly pulling off him. Shaking your head, you raise your eyebrows at him and a small smile spreads onto your face. 
“When has that ever been an issue?” he laughs, brushing your hair out of your face sweetly. You rub your cheeks against his thigh, eyes set on his weeping erection, desperate for release. 
“Now, let me take care of you, okay?” he nods slowly, both his arms spread out on either side of him, letting you have full control. You dive back in, switching from kitten licking the tip to deepthroating him as far as you can go, his gasps of pleasure like music to your ears.
“Jesus, you‘re a fucking wet dream.” he moans, hips bucking uncontrollably as he spills onto your mouth, hot ropes of cum painting the back of your throat. His legs shake as you hold your head there, taking everything he gives you, the salty taste of him like heaven.
You stick out your tongue proudly, showing it completely clean. His hands grab your shoulders as fast as they can move, pulling you up and onto his lap. He kisses you, hard, tongue forcing its way into your mouth before you could even react. Groaning at the taste of himself on your tongue, his fingers wipe at your cheeks, rubbing off your mascara, which had started to stream down your face. 
“You're a temptress, you are.” he grins, kissing you again, softer this time. Rolling your eyes, you use your nails to scratch the back of his head, knowing how much he loved the sensation.  
“You didn't even try to resist.” you spit back, giggling at the speed at which he’d pulled you onto him, not even bothering to take his shoes off before plopping onto the sofa. 
“I didn't, did I?” 
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lovingapparition · 9 months
Okay I saw that requests are open!! *Happy dance*
Okay so what about Eldritch!König and you frequent the beach? (I am practically a jellyfish from how much I like to be in the water and every time Im floating I can't stop my mind wondering to a certain masked man who may or may not have tentacles underneath said mask-
-with love, ✨🌟⭐💫
please. i love this. i was eating this up AS i was writing it. i went a little buckwild, sorry!
The smell of sunscreen and the ocean in the air, the heat of the sun on your shoulders, the coolness of the ocean lapping it away. The perfect way to spend any and all of your free time. On the dryer part of the beach you've got all of your necessities tucked neatly beneath an umbrella. Your cooler, bag, and clean clothes all ready for you. Somewhere in the mix is a small pail of cool rocks and shells you've been collecting.
You'd come alone today, but it didn't feel lonely. People with their friends and families walking, splashing, and chatting around you. The sound of the gulls flying above, looking for the unwitting victim to snatch a snack from. Waist deep in the shallows, your own feet visible to you in the clear water, you couldn't help but feel at home. This was where you were supposed to be.
You're skating your hands over the surface of the water, sending ripples over it's surface as you carefully walk through the water. The ocean was beautiful, but it was easy to slip or step on a sharp rock. You'd learned that lesson too many times. It's when you're bending to examine a particularly weird clump that you can't help but feel.. seen. Watched. It was a given, considering you were dressed for the beach, but this feeling was off. It pinged some buried part of your lizard brain.
From a cursory glance of the shore, you couldn't really pick out anything in particular at first. Just families with their excited kids and mopey teens. Some ways off from you, closer to the shore, is a man. How you hadn't noticed him before was honestly kind of baffling, all things considered.
He was tall. Even from a distance it seemed like his shadow was stretching on and on. You figured the heat had to be playing tricks on your eyes, maybe you needed to get into the shade for awhile. What actually caught your attention was the black hood and clothes he wore. His face had to be hot as hell in that thing, you couldn't even imagine.
As you waded in his direction to get out of the water, you wondered if he was some kind of athlete based on the muscular build he had. Who knows, athletes do weird shit all the time, who were you to judge?
It wasn't until you were a few strides away from him that you realized he'd been intently watching you slowly inch back to the shoreline. Even from the distance still between you, his eyes were so blue. As if they were made of the ocean itself. You stared for an awkward second too long, enough that he tilted his head at you. It looked like something shifted beneath the mask, just slightly. You blinked once, watching it happen again.
Ugh, this heat. It was too much. You were starting to sweat, the brightness of the sun boring down on you now that you weren't so deep in the water. It must be bad if you were seeing things now. Dragging the back of your hand over your eyes, you continue back to your setup, and recline on the towel you'd laid out. Lazily, you toed the pail of rocks and shells to the foot of the towel.
It was better in the shade, on your back. You sluggishly drank from the water bottle you'd tucked in your bag, groaning softly. For awhile you let yourself relax, drying off slowly and feeling that odd feeling recede. You sit up to have a snack, just taking in the views, enjoying the moment you have to yourself. This place just drew you in, it couldn't help it if it hurt you little sometimes. That was the nature of the ocean, and you loved it anyway.
It's not long before you feel that same odd tingle of being observed. You're not subtle about looking around, checking over your shoulders. It's just the same scenery as before, the families and their loud kids. The tall man isn't on the shore anymore. You huff to yourself, trying to shake off that feeling. You decide to pull the pail over to your lap, excited to take a look at the day's haul.
When you're admiring a particularly shiny piece of sea glass, that prickle on the back of your neck comes back like cold water splashed on to you. You can barely contain your jump when you look up to see that man again. He's a respectful distance away from your towel, but he's looking right at you again. His head is tilted as he looks down at you, his wrist cupped in his other hand in front of his stomach. It seems like he might be trying to make himself appear smaller than he is.
It wasn't working.
"I've seen you here, a lot," his accent is like one you've never heard, it almost doesn't match his appearance, in a way.
Blinking up at him, you have to remind yourself to answer him. "Um, yeah- yes. I love this beach." It's not hard to see that, you've come better prepared than most ever do. "I've never seen you before, though. Are you from here?" You venture to ask, since he's not being too creepy.
He takes a step closer to your towel and kneels to sit in the sand. You're close enough you can see the texture of the clothes he's got on. They're damp from the ocean's spray, but he doesn't smell bad. You can't help but wonder if you've actually got heat stroke, from the way his hood keeps shifting like that. It's only ever out of the corner of your eye but it seems like the shadows on the fabric are moving.
You're busy looking at the mask when he answers you, "My family has been here for a long time." At your questioning look, he quickly adds, "We tend to keep to ourselves. I live near the beach." As he speaks, his fingers carefully trace a pattern in the sand you've never seen, and he wipes it away before you can get a good look. "Anyway. I saw you collecting stones, I thought you would like this?" His voice is a little strained, and you wonder if he might be nervous. The movement beneath his mask speeds up just slightly.
Okay, you're definitely not imagining that. Some alien part of you decides that you.. don't mind? What?
Out of his pocket he hands you a stone that you've never seen before. It's a rich blue, so deep in its center it looks black. It's cool and smooth and heavy, fitting perfectly in the center of your palm. Like it was made for your hand to hold it. You look up at him then, a strange feeling pooling in the pit of your belly. He watches your reaction carefully, blinking slowly. You could've sworn his eyes were a clear, bright blue earlier, but now they seemed to match that of the stone.
"I- are you sure? You don't even know my name?" You ask, dumbfounded. Even as you say the words, you can feel something in you that wants to keep the stone. It's yours, you can feel it. Without thinking you cradle it closer to your chest. That action catches his attention, and you can see his eyes carefully track the movement. There's a glint in them that, this close up, seems off. Not human. Right now, you're not sure if you care.
When he looks back up at you, you think he might be smiling, if it's even possible. "I would love to know it."
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anothermansjeans · 2 years
pairing: Aaron Hotchner x fem!reader (she/her pronouns)
warnings: none!
word count: 946
a/n: it’s been 84 years… but ANYWAY… miss taylor swift has infiltrated my mind once again and i just had to a fic inspired by karma because it’s one of my favorite songs on midnights! im sorry if it’s a little rushed (its currently 1:16 a.m when i write this but i am also excited about it)! i also apologize for any mistakes!
inspiration: karma by taylor swift
Aaron Hotchner has been through a lot. Between being stabbed, hearing his ex-wife being murdered, being blown up, and having to go into witness protection with his kid, you would think he would be a cynical man, but recently that’s changed. He now believes in karma.
It was a year after leaving witness protection when he had his first dose of good karma. He took Jack to a bakery after school and the woman behind the counter offered them each a free cookie since it was the “bakery’s birthday”. It was trivial, he knows, but the way the woman’s eyes lit up when both him and Jack praised the treat made him feel good. It was a feeling that was always fleeting in the past, but this feeling seemed to stay.
It stayed because the next week when he took Jack to the same bakery, the same woman was standing at the counter and had an even brighter smile when she saw them. This time, the visit went a little differently. After he and Jack had gotten their baked goods for the day and started to head out, he stopped at the sound of her voice calling out to him.
“Sir, you left your card!”
He didn’t have time to walk back up to the counter, because she was making her way up to him, and the moment her hand slightly touched his, he swore his body was shocked with one of the most intense feelings.
And he knew she felt it too, her eyes said it all.
“Um… h-have a nice day…?” She trailed off, not knowing his name.
“Aaron”, he responded, giving her a nod. “You too…”
She stared into his eyes for a moment longer before leaving her trance due to the sound of the be above the door ringing. “Y/N.”
“Y/N… have a nice day Y/N.”
That was his second dose of good karma.
The third time karma was in his favor happened a lot sooner than anyone would ever expect. He was alone the next time he went into the bakery— Jack having an after school activity— and when he saw Y/N at the counter she looked more nervous than happy to see him.
“Hi!” Her voice was pitchy, and she fiddled with her fingers as he got closer. “No uh… Your son— I’m assuming— isn’t with you today?”
“No, no. Jack had a school thing. I still wanted to pick something up for him, though.” And then they continued their routine— talking about the specials, picking out two to three treats, paying for it, and saying goodbye. The only difference was… Aaron stayed a minute longer.
She told him to have a nice day, he said the same, but he stood there, standing at the counter, wanting to stay in her presence just a moment longer. He didn’t know how weird it looked until after they stared each down for a good minute, proceeded by her clearing her throat.
“Is there um, anything else… that I can help you with?”
“No… no.” He tried to stay stoic, but he saw her face slightly fall, and he felt something in his stomach make the same movement.
“Okay, well you probably have someone waiting for you—”
“Actually, there is something.” He cut her off, knowing exactly what she had been implying, but he didn’t want her thinking that. “I want to take you out. On a date.”
It was impulsive, and Aaron Hotchner didn’t do impulsive. Until that moment apparently.
She looked shocked at first, but a delicate smile danced on her lips seconds later, and she grabbed a napkin, writing her number down and giving it to him. He used it almost immediately when he got home.
They had gone on several dates after that. So many that they were officially together, and the next step was to tell Jack, which coincidentally was Aaron’s fourth strike of karma.
Jack was ecstatic the moment he heard the news. He loved Y/N. She gave him baked goods whenever she went over, she always talked with him about his current hobbies, and she made his dad happy. Jack loved Y/N.
Seeing this love from him was one of the best things Aaron had witnessed in a long time. The way she would interact with him, the sparkle in Jack’s eyes when he’s told Y/N would be joining them, the overall sense of happiness that radiated from him at the mere mention of her— these were things Aaron was grateful for.
He was so grateful for them that months down the line, after a long day of family activities, he was able to settle on the couch in his home with her once Jack had gone to sleep and have nothing but adoration in his gaze down at her.
And that feeling was so strong— strong in the sense that he hadn’t known the next words coming from his lips.
“I’m in love with you.”
She was laying between his legs, back pressed up against him. Her head was tilted up at an angle, literal stars could be seen in her eyes. “Really?”
He couldn’t help but chuckle at her question. “Yes, really.”
“Good.” She shifted up a bit and kissed under his jaw, lips lingering as she spoke in a soft whisper, “because I have never been so in love with someone in my entire life.”
And right then and there, he noticed something.
Karma is a good feeling. Karma is an electric touch. Karma is getting a date. Karma is seeing his son happy. Karma is the love of his life. Y/N is his karma.
tags: @sylvieofasgard @jhiddles03 @skyyyreads @captainamericasmotercycle @gothwifehotchner @ssamorganhotchner (i tagged people who interacted with my recent post so i apologize if you didn’t want to be tagged!!)
let me know if you would like to be tagged in future work!!
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enha-sua · 2 months
📳 ... [042524] SUA WEVERSE LIVE HIGHLIGHTS ... !
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LOCATION: hybe building
PARTICIPANTS: sua ft. iroha ( illit ) + sunghoon
authors note. been feeding the suseung shippers a bit decided to give suhoon shippers something
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"we've been preparing for the comeback so watch out for that." she said, strumming the cords on her guitar. "is this one mines?" she nodded. "yeah, jays is right there." she pointed. "i wouldn't dare touch his." she laughed, her phone ringing. "it's like 11 , this could only mean one thing." she said picking up the phone. "and i was right." she laughed. "it's my sister." she smiled. "let's see if she wants to talk to engenes." she answered. "unnie!"
"yah, it's 11 o'clock why aren't you home , do you see how dark it is." she laughed. "you're on speaker." she said. "it's too dark engene, tell her she needs to go home." she said making sua's face scrunch in disgust. "what have i told you about the agyeo?" she gritted under teeth knowing her sister did it to piss her off. "im serious don't stay out too late." she hummed. "and eat some food please." she listened to her sister give her a list of demands. "let's go shopping when you're free okay, it's been a while " she smiled. "okay!" she said. "okay, i love you, i have to go." her sister said. "say bye to engene." "bye engene, take care of sua for me."
"okay that's enough with the guitar." she put it back on the stand. "jays is cuter though." she said, bending down to untangle the wires. "who the hell- you guys didnt hear that." she said. "these wires are constantly getting tangled." she grunted. "so annoying, engene give me a moment."
she was so focused not hearing the door open and the girl walking in. "oh im sorry." she quickly shot up seeing who it was. "ah hello." the japanese girl nodded shyly. "oh hi." sua bowed. "did you loose something?" she said. "yeah my charger." she said , sua got up. "oh let me help you." she got up searching around for the charger. "is this it?" she said. "thank you so much." the girl took it from her. "good job on promotions." the girl smiled. "thank you sunbae." sua's eyes lit up. "ah! i was never called that before." the girls laughed. "you wanna say hi to engene." the girl shyly waved. "ah! so pretty." sua praised. "engene , please watch over illit as they do there promotions." said. "thank you sunbae." the girl bowed before leaving. "they're so cute, all of them."
she was talking to engene about random things when the door swung open. "yah jang sua!" she jumped , turning to sunghoon. "do you want to die?" she glared. "what do you want." he sat down on the table. "i came to annoy you." she rolled her eyes. "at least go get a chair and don't sit down on that." she got up , walking out to get a chair. "here."
he sat down next to her , waving to the camera. "engenes she's pretty boring right, i came to make things fun." she glared at him, he smiled. "she's cursing at me with her eyes." she nodded. "i am." he laughed. "it's a suhoon live now." she said , wrapping her arms around the boy who stared stoic at the camera. "show some reaction." she said and he smiled. "yes."
sunghoon trying to talk to sua in english and sua speaking in korean back to him. "yah, why are you speaking in korean when im talking in english to you?" "why are you speaking in english to me when im speaking in korean to you." "because you seem comfortable talking in english." "but im talking to you , and you're comfortable talking in korean so speak korean."
"look at my nails." she showed the camera. "i picked them out for her." took her hand looking at them. "i picked out the color." he smiled to himself. "are you proud of that?" she asked he nodded. "yeah." "cute."
"am i releasing another cover soon?" she asked. "i don't have any planned since we're working on our comeback." she said. "i kind of want to do a dance cover, should i ask ni-ki?" she said. "oh or jungwon." sunghoon side eyed the girl. "heeseung?" she read. "no." sunghoon said. "why?" she asked , smiling. "ask ni-ki." he said. "ni-ki always says he's too busy." she said. "then do it alone, you're a good dancer too , you don't need anyone." he said. "how about you do." "sorry engene but we have to go."
"should we say goodbye now?" she said. "i want ramen." sunghoon said. "can we go to the convince store?" she said. "on our way home." he said. "engene we're gonna go now." she smiled at the camera.
"let's do capture time." she fixed her hair, resting her chin on his head. "take it like this." he starred into the camera. "yah smile." he smiled. "1.2.3 , good job."
"alright this is it, bye engene." she waved. "say goodbye." he waved. "by engene." they both waved.
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hongrizoon · 1 month
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pairings: idol!lee jihoon x trainee!oc
-- genre: fluff
-- word count: 300-ish
-- content warnings: none that i know of.
mars notes. im kinda sad being so fr. im currently moving away and it's super hard to keep up with everything LOL. reminder that i am still working on LOVERS CAFE, im just writing each chapter so i can have them all done, then im going to post one by one.
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The hum of the recording studio was a familiar lullaby to Woozi, SEVENTEEN's resident producer and melody maker. He tapped his pen against the desk, brow furrowed in concentration. Inspiration, that fickle muse, had decided to take a vacation. Just then, the door creaked open and a head of vibrant amethyst hair peeked in.
"Hey stranger," Kalilah grinned, her smile as bright as the Caribbean sea she hailed from. Kalilah wasn't your typical K-Pop trainee. Discovered while busking in Hongdae, she possessed a voice like spun gold and a spirit that could light up a room. But she struggled with the rigid structure of idol life, especially the constant pressure to churn out hit songs.
Woozi, sensing her frustration, gestured for her to enter. "Need a break from dance practice?"
Kalilah plopped down on the beanbag chair, sighing dramatically. "More like a break from feeling like a robot. Every song feels the same these days."
Woozi understood. He craved innovation too, but the industry demanded proven formulas. An idea sparked in his mind. "What if we wrote something different? Something just for us?"
Kalilah's eyes widened. "Like... a secret song?"
Woozi grinned. "Exactly. We don't need catchy hooks or trendy beats. Just pure expression."
The next few hours were a whirlwind of creativity. Woozi, inspired by Kalilah's free spirit, crafted a melody that flowed like a gentle stream. Kalilah, in turn, poured her heart into the lyrics, weaving stories of her island home and her dreams of becoming a singer. It wasn't a song for the charts, but it was theirs, a testament to their shared passion.
As the final note faded, a comfortable silence settled. "Wow," Kalilah breathed, a single tear tracing down her cheek. "That was... amazing."
Woozi smiled, a rare, genuine one that reached his eyes. "We did good, Kal."
The song became their secret sanctuary. Late nights in the studio turned into whispered conversations and bursts of laughter. They found solace in their shared passion, a connection that transcended the idol trainee dynamic. Woozi, the introverted producer, discovered a confidante in Kalilah's vibrancy. Kalilah, in turn, found a safe space to express herself freely, thanks to Woozi's unwavering support.
Their secret song might never be a hit, but it did something far more important. It reminded them of the true essence of music - the power to connect, to heal, and to chase dreams, one note at a time.
(the song in question):
시간이 흘러가도 Sigani heulleogado - Even as time passes by
가슴 속은 맴돌아 gaseum sogeun maemdola - Memories swirl in my heart
어둠 속 길을 잃어도 eodum sogeun gilleul isseodo - Even when lost in the darkness
별빛은いつも byeolbichnun yetschi motto - Starlight will always be there
괜찮아, 괜찮아 gwaenchana, gwaenchana - It's alright, it's alright
눈물 닦고 다시 쳐다봐 nunmul dakko dashi cheodabwa - Wipe your tears and look again
하늘은 넓고 빛나고 haneureun nepko bich nago - The sky is vast and bright
우리 함께 걸어가 uri hamkke georeogaa - Let's walk together
아직은 멀리 있어도 ajigeun meolri isseodo - Even if it's still far away
발걸음 멈추지 말아 balgeoreum meomchuji mala - Don't stop your steps
작은 기적을 모아서 jageun gijeogeul moasoseo - Gather small miracles
큰 꿈을 이루어 keun kkumul iruyeo - And achieve your big dreams
괜찮아, 괜찮아 gwaenchana, gwaenchana - It's alright, it's alright
눈물 닦고 다시 쳐다봐 nunmul dakko dashi cheodabwa - Wipe your tears and look again
하늘은 넓고 빛나고 haneureun nepko bich nago - The sky is vast and bright
우리 함께 걸어가 uri hamkke georeogaa - Let's walk together
이 순간의 고통도 i sunganeui gotongdo - Even the pain of this moment
いつか는 힘이 될 거야 (いつか는 힘이 될 거야いつか는 힘이 될 거야 itsuka wa chikara ni naru daya itsuka wa chikara ni naru daya - Will someday become strength
괜찮아, 괜���아 gwaenchana, gwaenchana - It's alright, it's alright
눈물 닦고 다시 쳐다봐 nunmul dakko dashi cheodabwa - Wipe your tears and look again
하늘은 넓고 빛나고 haneureun nepko bich nago - The sky is vast and bright
우리 함께 걸어가 uri hamkke georeogaa - Let's walk together
별빛처럼 우리 함께 byeolbichcheoreom uri hamkke - Like starlight, together we
어둠 속 길을 찾아 eodum sogeun gilleul chaja - Will find our way in the darkness
mars extra notes. i infact did write this song. in SPANISH. so , yeah. if there's mistakes im sorry. and i am not a fan of the song either JAJAJ. i just wrote this for the dammed scenario.
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handsome-wise-strong · 3 months
I think that's why Im (if not most of us are) drawn to lucemond, its so angst filled. The doomed pair, because we know if their houses weren't so poisoned from the inside, they could've been THE duo of the series.
Sure, maybe they still would've been enemies, but it could've been resolved differently. Many possibilities that the lucemond fandom gets to explore.
Insert some trauma experience or whatever cause its GoT, boom. 'If we die, we die together', or some round about way of 'you fight good'.
Also, like REALLY AEMOND. BLUE. OUT OF ALL THE COLORS YOU CHOSE LUKES COLOR?! Okay, we get it. Do not separate.
See that’s my thing, anon! There are so many possibilities you could imagine for Luke and Aemond. So many different roads for them to have gone down instead of the one they did… but on the other hand, was there ever really any hope for them? Let’s take a look at who they parallel, shall we?
Luke and Aemond are pretty much married in the tradition of their house. (Be delusional with me here for a moment) Not much is known about traditional Valyrian wedding ceremonies except that the couples are wed by blood and fire. Luke and Aemond spilled each other’s blood in the presence of fire. This is a very obvious parallel to both Rhaenyra/Daemon and Rhaenyra/Alicent, especially the latter, because they do the same thing their sons had just moments after the fact.
But on the note of Luke and Aemond being practically wed in that sense, then it’s only natural to compare them to other married couples of their house. That’s where more obvious parallels come into play. Targaryen men have a bad habit of killing their spouses (either intentionally or unintentionally) and Aemond falls prey to that habit as well. Daemon kills Rhea Royce intentionally. Daemon kills Laena Velaryon unintentionally. Viserys kills Aemma Arryn, both a mix of intentionally and unintentionally. And Aemond kills Lucerys both intentionally and unintentionally. The parallel is made stronger by the fact that both Luke and Laena were killed by Vhagar. Daemon, Viserys, and Aemond all sharing looks of horror and disbelief after their spouses die also makes this all the more strong. Once you notice it you can’t unsee it!!
Let’s talk more parallels. Lucemond are pretty much a Daemyra duplicate. Luke being like his mother, the younger of the pair, always being watched by his uncle and in turn, always looking back at his uncle. Luke and Rhaenyra both watch their uncles spar with intrigue. Aemond and Daemon both desire their younger nephew/niece. (I want you to put out your eye. Give me your eye or I will take it / I want Rhaenyra, I’ll take her as she is) Aemond and Daemon both look miserable when seeing Luke and Rhaenyra interact with their betrothed partners — which links directly into Lucemond paralleling Rhaenyra/Alicent as well, as Alicent also looks miserable and furious watching Rhaenyra and her betrothed dance. Alicent gives Rhaenyra a scar, Lucerys gives Aemond a scar. A bit haunting is the Rhaenyra line to Alicent, “I want to fly with you on dragonback,” which we see Lucemond do later on as Aemond chases him across Shipbreaker Bay. A scene which links them directly to another couple again, Daemon and Laena! The scenes are so similar and so different, and it’s eerie seeing Luke and Laena both look back over their shoulders at their partners, Luke with horror and fear and Laena with amusement. Daemon and Aemond move the exact same way, leaning back on their dragons carefreely with smiles on their faces.
Smaller Lucemond parallels to other couples include Rhaenyra/Harwin. Luke giving a shit-eating grin to Aemond with a pig between them, and Harwin giving the exact same look to Rhaenyra, again with a pig there! Harwin calling Rhaenyra boy, and Aemond calling Luke boy.
Why have them parallel so many other canon couples or implied romantically connected characters if they were not meant to be seen as the same? Why have Luke say the line, “I am not free to marry, I am already betrothed.” while looking directly at Aemond if they were not meant to be seen as a married couple?
In conclusion, what I’m trying to say is that this story has been told a thousand times over in the asoiaf universe and in House Targaryen in particular. Lucemond was always going to be a tragic story. But that’s what makes them so beautiful and compelling to me. Their inherently doomed narrative is also probably why so many others were drawn to them like we were, anon! And why so many wonderful and creative fics revolve around their dynamic.
I say keep ‘em coming! I personally can’t get enough of them.
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mimissubway · 1 year
just the simple things in life
MINORS DNI pairing : kazuha x afab! reader (fem pronouns) tw: SMUT, good ol' vanilla smut, petnames (darling, dove) tags: kazuha smut, established relationship, fem&male receiving, choking on cock, degradation (if u squint), simple aftercare word count: 1k author note: i have not written smut in such a long time, im so rusty, thank u for waiting
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Kazuha has always liked the simple things in life. He loves the sounds of the wind, he loves that his daily dose of tea has the right bit of sweetness in it, he loves the feeling of him pounding himself into you.
And oh god does he love that last one. He loves it so much that he could choose to pound you every day above everything. The feeling of his cock deep into your hole. After every thrust your walls close in tighter and tighter around him. You always want to milk him dry, making sure he comes inside of you. You both fucked like rabbits. Anytime the both of you were free or in the mood you would find him already on top of you.
It was another one of those nights. He came home later than usual but it wasn’t uncommon for him to do so, working on the Crux meant coming home whenever the wind decides to bring you home and you understood that. It might be due to your hormonal habits you felt really impatient and needy so the moment Kazuha came home you were already on your knees.
“Someone is a little bit eager hmm?”
Kazuha knew exactly what to do to get you even more wet, his little tease made your core pulse.
“Please... Zuha”
You begged him, while your fingers danced on his belt strap. His hand caresses your face, he coos at you. Seeing you that desperate for his cock got him hard. With every passing moment the both of you got more heated up. It didn’t take too long until the both of you were half naked making out on your couch.
With Kazuha on top of you, his shirt long tossed on the ground with your bottoms pushed down to your feet. Both of your tongues fought each other for dominance while his hands roamed around your body first on your waist then slowly going down to your thigh. You pulled away from the kiss to breathe and Kazuha began to part your legs from each other. Placing his knee in between to prevent you from closing them. He went down in between your thighs looking up at you for consent. You nodded and he proceed to lick a strip down your clothed clit. You grabbed onto his hair as he pushed your panties aside and blew his hot breath against your clit. You felt your core burn with need, you needed him.
“Stop teasing me and just give it to me!”
You whined and Kazuha could only laugh at your desperation.
“Good things come for those who wait, be patient my dove,”
He stuck his tongue into your soaking cunt, his tongue began exploring your hole tasting up every drip you had for him. Your moans and his sloppy licks filled the room. His tongue flicked a faster pace when started getting close. You squirted all over his face and he had a big cocky smile on his face. You used your hands to cover your face from embarrassment. He simply laughed and kissed your cheek.
“Let’s continue this in the bedroom,”
You nodded and he carried you bridal style into your shared bedroom. He helped you out of the rest of your clothes until you were fully nude in front of him. You blushed in embarrassment.
“Why am I the only one naked?”
“If you wanted to see me naked, you should have said so,”
He smirked and dropped his pants down, his hard cock protruded out of his pants. His tip was swollen red with a shiny sheen of precum dripping out. You were taken aback, every time you both fuck you can’t help but to feel a bit intimidated by his cock but at the same time you’re mesmerize by it. Its long with the right amount of thickness to it, the color is a nice shade of peachy tan. It’s probably the prettiest dick you’ve ever seen.
He sees your eyes gleam at his cock, he brushes your hair behind your ear, a subtle way of asking you to suck it. You understood and nodded at him, brushing your lips against his tip, he gently held onto your cheek. You tease him by giving kitten licks to his tip. He rubs your cheek.
“Dove, please...”
The desperation in his voice is quite prevalent. His thumb rubbed the apple of your cheeks as you take in his tip, your tongue danced around the crevices. He couldn’t take it anymore and pushed your head down to choke on him. Your eyes welled up from the lack of oxygen, your words getting muffed on his cock.
“There, there dove,”
Kazuha comforts you before letting your head go. Your mouth was filled with drool and precum.
“Aren’t you just a dirty girl,”
He kissed your lips tasting himself on you. He gently pushes you down on the bed while he climbs on top of you, his fingers wander to your clit, sticking a finger in a flicking up on your sweet spot. Your juices coat your cunt in a sticky sheen. He positions himself and rams into you. Your back arches and moans spill out of your mouth.
You curse out as Kazuha eagerly thrust faster and faster into you. Your walls close tighter on his cock, milking him. Pants and moans fill the room as the both of you get closer to your high. His thrust became sloppier by the minute with his high reaching. It didn’t take much longer till Kazuha shot his load into you. He pulls out of you and watch as his cum drip out of your hole. Feeling exhausted, He collapsed at the empty space right next to you and kissed your forehead.
“You’re so good to me dove, I love you so much,”
He praises you and pulls you in for a cuddle. The both of you just lay there for awhile before getting cleaned up.
Oh, does he love the simple things in life
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dani-ya-dig · 3 months
Written as I’m listening to the audio again so I don’t forgor.
I think it’s been out long enough to avoid spoiler but I’m gonna put the cut just because this post is probably gonna be really long.
The beginning of this audio scares the shit out of me not matter how many times I listen to, like he is fucking ZOOMING. At least this time he has a reason to be zipping all over the place. Unlike in his “talking about the future” audio where that motherfucker used vamp speed up the stairs for no goddamn reason
Also I appreciate the fact that Darlin ran into Sam, fully shifted. They hit him first and only then were like “oh yeah I’m a giant wolf rn”.
Ugh love me a Sam reverse comfort audio. This is DELICIOUS
Circling back to Sam’s tendency to bury his emotions in the moment, and only allowing himself to feel them when he is in a safe space (cough cough Darlin)
“I guess that says a lot about what family is to me” STOPPPPPPP
“Apparently I’ve got a knack for landing myself in shit. And then sticking around long enough to get convinced it’s all I deserve” IM ACTUALLY FUCKING CRYING I HATE IT HERE. HE IS ME FR.
Sam kind danced around this part but I noticed it immediately. The way he kind of paused when he talked about William putting giving him a house as a form of trying to make himself more favorable to Sam. Sam worded it as him favoring stability and needing that. But also like… one thing that Sam talks about repeatedly in his playlist is how important the idea of home is to him. And William gives him a house… an attempt at giving him a home, so that the “home” is inherently tied to him in Sam’s mind.
I know it was well intentioned on William’s part but god it feels fucking grimy nonetheless
Sam might not think that William is and evil mustache twirling villain, but I do /j
Real footage of William Solaire rn
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“I’m a healer. Not was. Am.” YES THE FUCK YOU ARE SAM!
No because actually Sam is so right. He IS still good. He CAN still help. I’m not 100% on the lord of vampire or how difficult it would be for a vampire of Sam’s age to externalize magic. But it’s pretty damn impressive that he can do what he can do even after his core was entirely replaced. He must have been a STRONG like super strong freelancer for that much of his powers to remain after his turning. But it’s also not just healing magic he can still manage even though that definitely would have been his specialty and the type of magic he studied the most. The other types of magic we have heard of him doing are also cleaning magic and earth elemental magic (WHICH YO???). Like that’s impressive imo.
Also we have all talked about Sam joining Shaw Security on night shift at this point. BUT!!! After Sam talked about how he wanted to be a healer still but only wasn’t because that wasn’t what the house needed from him. I hope that he gets hired on as Shaw Security’s professional healer <33
I don’t know how viable that would be. But I think it could work. I don’t imagine he would be patching up multiple huge injuries everyday so it could 100% work!! GUYS I SWEAR PLEA–
(Erik if you’re spying through your secret tumblr account give me what I want)
Sam will never have to go to another summit again 🤞
Sam and Darlin are so in love with each other. They deserve to be happy, just for a little bit. I need a moving audio with them. Them just packing up their shit <33
Okay did I love this video. Yes! It was Sam, so like that’s bound to happen with me lmao. But also like it was just nice. I enjoyed it. I hope Sam gets to find more of who he is outside of the house.
But also because my hyperfixated menace ass can’t keep my nose out of spoiler I KNOW THAT SAM BITES DARLIN IN THE BA AND I JUST COSSBDKDBX
Look I get why it happened logistically. It’s been a long time coming, and now that Sam’s out of the house of Solaire, they aren’t going to be facilitating his need for blood bags anymore. So he is gonna need to feed on something. It makes sense.
But I wish that decision like that regarding trauma Sam has around his turning would stop being made in the aftermath of very emotional moments. Like when he decided he was ready to go further with Darlin, I wish it would have come from a place of “Ive worked through everything that happened to me, and I love you, so I really want to take this next step” instead of “I’ve seen so many people die, and I have been reminded how fragile life is, and I am terrified of the thought of not getting to do this”.
Idk maybe it’s just me, but things like that don’t feel like decisions that should be made when you feel like life is crumbling down around you??
Also it brings up the logistical issue of, Erik didn’t explain that to the non-patreon listeners. So like… if it gets brought up in future audios a lot of people are probably gonna be a little confused, since I only know because I snoop through Sam spoilers.
Eh. But all in all, live laugh love Sam Collins and stay livin la vida loca I guess
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piercethenix · 5 months
a very long list of sleep token lyrics that make me feel more religious than i ever did at church
"wont you come and dance in the dark with me? show me what you are i am desperate to know"
"im coiled up like a venomous serpent tangled in your trance and im certain you have got your hooks in me"
"and i dont wanna get in your way but i finally think i can say that the vicious cycle was over the moment you smiled at me"
"and i know i know the way that it goes you get what you give, you reap what you sow and i can see you in my fate. and i know i know i am what i am the mouth of the wolf the eyes of the lamb so darling, will you saturate?"
"lets load the gun. make her eat the tape in the bathroom mirror see if she can guess what a hollow point does to a naked body"
"so flood me like atlantic, weather me to nothing. wash away the blood on my hands"
"and just like the rain you cast the dust into nothing and wash out the salt from my hands. so touch me again, i feel my shadow dissolving"
"they talk me through the damage, consequence and how its a pain they know they dont understand"
"when the mouth of infinity buries its teeth in me, ill smile through the agony for you. and i know you still bear the weight of your own existence and youll never bear the weight of two"
"well, i know what you want from me. you want someone to be your reflection, your bitter deception setting you free. so take what you want and leave"
"rose gold chains, ripped lace, cut glass, blood stains on the collar, please just dont ask"
"give in again and let me lay, my arms belong around you"
"i come as a blade, a sacred guardian. so you keep me sharp and test my worth in blood"
"id turn my walls to gold to bring you home again"
"and im not here to be the savior you long for, only the one you dont. are you watching me with eyes of a predator as you move towards the door?"
"show me those pretty white jaws show me where the delicate stops show me what youve lost and why youre always taking it slow show me what wounds youve got show me love"
"i am the shadow, youre a passenger. i am the intake of breath so sharp and i know you better. just want to know you better"
"if you want to give then give me all that you can give all your darkest impules and if you want to give me anything then give give in again"
"ill tear the fibre from the filamemt, ill be the limit of your light again. i want to taste you better i want to taste you better. i will be watching for your enemies, to let them know that they contend with me"
"between the second hand smoke and the glass on the street you gave me nothing whatsoever but a reason to leave. you say you want me but you know im not what you need but i am"
"nevermind the death threats parting at the door wed rather be six feet under than be lonely"
"yet in reverse you are all my symmetry, a parallel i would lay my life on. so if your wings wont find you heaven i will bring it down like an ancient bygone"
"i know for the last time, you will not be mine. so give me the night, the night, the night"
"and i hate who i have become (i might break and bend to my basic need to be loved and close to somebody)"
"most days you reach for safety. remain calm, forget that you know me"
"it seems your heart is locked up and i still get the combination wrong. or are you simply waiting to save your love for someone i am not?"
"is that a glint in your eye? is that a blade in your palm? well, i am yours tonight so will you lay in my arms?"
"i want to feel my stars align again, even if the earth breaks like burnt skin and the heavens just wont open up for me. would you invite me in again? wont you pay for your arrogance? wont you show me your weakness?"
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scandeniall · 2 years
front page baby! pt.2
aka: your relationship is exposed. Tried my hand at ushijima and my 2nd try at bokuto so it’s probably so ooc but thank you for the love on pt.1
not edited im sorry (not really)
Ushijima, Bokuto x famous(implied musician)!reader
Ushijima: Twitter thread about you sharing clothes
You both are pretty private about your personal lives. Whenever you’d be asked about a relationship status you’d dance around the question with a joke and pretty smile. Ushijima on the other hand simply would never acknowledge any questions surrounding dating. He learned from his mistake early on of trying to “let the fans in” where he gave one trait he looked for in a partner and started getting shipped and spammed with so many ideal folks. You’d managed to keep your relationship a secret for a little over a year before all hell broke loose. What started as a joke thread noticing you two had similar tastes led folks down the rabbit hole of pulling all the times the two of you shared clothes, accessories to even discovering the two of you followed one another’s suspected private accounts (and one another’s best friend). His favorite T-shirt had been spotted on you. A random thrifted top you’d shown off on Instagram live worn by him. The flannel with a little hole right in the exact same spot. A ring of his worn on the chain of your necklace. Seemingly matching bracelets. Your lucky hair tie showing through mesh in his gym bag—fans cracked the code. The two of you were together when the thread which has garnered 50k retweets came across your TL. It was supposed to be a peaceful Sunday and you both basked in the rare free time together. “Toshi, look—“ a slight frown on your face as you handed him your phone. Your legs rested across his lap and the hand he’d had tracing shapes on your knee stopped as he hummed in acknowledgment.
“Are you kinda annoyed like I am?” Your huff caused a soft smile to grace his face. The shake of his head leaves you confused.
“Im not happy but now we can go out together”
Bokuto: Photos of a private moment leaked
Now this isn’t so much a relationship reveal with Bokuto but rather your engagement is leaked. A photos of the proposal to be specific. The two of you had publicly been together around 3 years, and privately for an additional 2. The first hint was after an MSBY appearance where the question who was likely to get married first was asked. Hinata and Atsumu joked that Bokuto was well on his way. Everyone thought the bashful look and laugh was just him agreeing about his desire to have a future and a lifetime with you. There were a few grainy pictures that had shown you with a suspected ring on your finger. However no one knew for sure as you’d managed to either hide it by partially stuffing your hands in your pockets or by taking it off for performances. The two of you were apart when the news broke. You’d come out from dinner with a few industry friends when a crowd had gathered outside, shooting pics and firing questions. One particular question stood out and nearly caused you to fumble into the SUV. “(Y/N) how long have you and Koutarou been engaged!” On your way back to your hotel you’d seen the leaked photos. Bokuto on his knee, you standing in shock. The massive hug and passionate kiss and your heart broke. This was the one thing both you and Bokuto had wanted to keep private. You’d allowed the world into so much of your lives and just wanted this one thing to yourselves and those closest to you. And that moment you thought had been so intimate ruined.
He’s just getting out of practice doing a quick Twitter check when he sees your names trending and subsequently the pictures. Now he doesn’t get upset easily but he knows what the two of you decided and is fuming. He’s slamming lockers and rushing out the gym without saying his usual goodbyes before he’s in the privacy of his car and tinted windows calling you. He knows the time difference meant it was pretty late for you but also knew you even better. This would be eating at you
“Baby I’m so sorry. I don't know how this happened. I thought I planned it out so perfectly that we would be alone and—“
“It’s ok Kou” your sigh cut him off and he wanted nothing more than to cross oceans to be with you right then and there. Showering you in so much love and apologies.
“It’s not. I know how much this meant to us. This shouldn’t have happened.” He’s not even sure what to say. There’s no way either of you could change what happened. It’s out in the universe now. “I love you and we’ll be ok”
Before long he’s cheered you up enough to get you to even consider falling asleep. He’s listened to your ramble about dinner and crack so many jokes he could feel his previous anger melt away. After a dozen ‘I love you’s’ later he letting you go to sleep. You wake up the next day to a few tweets by your fiancé.
“We share so much of our lives, but leaking out engagement has been one of the biggest breaches of our privacy. To whoever did it—I hope the petty change was worth it”
“I love you,” with your first photo together attached
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