#and her trying to eat dinner with them at the table but not fitting well because she's!!! literally twice the size of a half-foot!!!
purpleqilinwrites · 2 months
hey hey hey which of chilchuckle's daughters is the tallest? go!!!
i haven't finished the manga yet, so i'm not sure if the three of them ever appear standing in a row haha.
that said, based on vibes and adding in some speculation, flertom is the tallest out of the three of them by a fair bit. meijack and puckpatti are around the same height, but because of reasons, meijack is taller.
i just think it's cute if all three of them inherited chilchuck's height to some extent, so i'm just going to say that they're all at least the average female half-foot height of 95cm.
to answer your question:
flertom (tallest) meijack puckpatti (shortest)
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girlgenius1111 · 4 months
you can face this
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barça x reader
r struggles with an eating disorder. her teammates catch on.
this [obviously] contains descriptions of an eating disorder. do not read if this could be triggering to you. please, just don't.
You hadn't really realized that it had gotten bad again. It was one of those things that crept on you, unconscious bad habits making a return until you had fully relapsed. It was 0-100, and it was even more complicated now that you played for Barça. Not just because of the overbearing teammates, but also because your fitness was strictly kept track of- you had to remain at a weight that wouldn't flag with the physios, or affect your strength too much. But another part of you still hated that number on the scale- it was a constant battle between those two parts of you. The rational side, trying to keep it together, and the not so rational side that didn't care what it destroyed on it's quest to be smaller.
You kept up a surprisingly strong façade. It was easier when the team wasn't traveling, and obviously more complicated when you were. You lived alone in Barcelona, in a perfect little apartment, rather close by to the homes of your teammates, namely Alexia. She liked the younger players to live nearby, so she could keep an eye on everyone, she said.
Your teammates could tell you were having a hard time; it was obvious by the way they worked harder to get a laugh out of you, how they'd show up to hangout of the blue, just because they were in the neighborhood. None of them had approached you about what was bothering you yet, and you assumed they didn't have any idea what was really going on. There were clues, though, ones you weren't aware of, that they were most certainly picking up on.
The first clues weren't much; the way you'd pick at your food whenever you ate with the team. For your part, you did well to hide the fact that every bite was painful to choke down. Still, there was just something slightly off.
It was the quieter members of the team that noticed other things, but they didn't bring them up to anyone else, not yet. Not when it was just you changing rather quickly in the locker room, or how you often showed up at team dinners claiming to have already eaten.
The first person to really notice that something wasn't just a little off, that something was wrong, was Pina. The two of you had finally convinced Alexia to allow you to room together; previously, she'd said no, arguing that you two would inevitably get up to trouble left to your own devices. You'd worn Alexia out, though, and both you and Pina were practically giddy when she'd flashed you with a warning look and read off your names together.
You'd managed to put it out of your head, how much of a hard time you were having. Until dinner that night. It was a rough day, rougher than you were used to, and while you normally could pretend pretty well in front of the team, you didn't feel like that was possible this particular evening. You'd gone to dinner, eaten as much as you could bare, before you mumbled something to the table about having a headache, and slipping back off to your room.
You were overwhelmed, really, and feeling incredibly alone. Something deep inside of you ached, and you wanted it to stop, leave you alone, just for one night. You were so frustrated, and pathetically, so sad. You thought you would have more time before Pina came back to the room, so you gave yourself the grace to breakdown, just a little. You could shower, wash away all traces of the tears, and be back to normal by the time your roommate returned.
What you somehow forgot, however, was that Pina was, while silly and mischievous, also one of the kindest people you'd ever met. You should have known that she'd come check on you, but you were slightly preoccupied with trying to keep a handle on your breakdown.
You didn't hear the click of the key card just before the door opened, and you were caught completely off guard when Claudia stepped inside, her face scrunching with worry as she caught sight of you curled up in the cozy chair in the corner of the room, sobbing quietly into your hands.
"Amiga! What is it?" She asked, rushing over to you. "Is it your headache? Should I get a physio?"
"No, I'm fine, Pina," you replied, wiping furiously at the tears that were still insisting on spilling from your eyes.
"Why are you crying if you're fine?" Pina asked in a quieter voice, on of her hands coming to rest on your knee.
“Claudia, seriously, I’m fine.” You insisted. You looked at her, then, and you looked so devastated, Pina knew instantly that you were lying. She felt so out of her league, so unsure what to do.
“Stay here.” She said after a minute, practically sprinting out of the room.
You knew she’d come back with someone, whoever she could find to fix you. This was the a job for an older player, not her. She gave good hugs, and could always make you laugh, but you needed someone older, someone wiser.
You sighed, knowing there was nothing you could do to stop her. You could only wait, and try to calm down.
You'd stopped crying, you really had, by the time Pina returned with Mapi in tow. You were prepared to act as though your friend was being dramatic, and really, you were fine, but then Mapi walked in, looking like she'd run the whole way to your room to check on you. The serious look on her face was such a departure from how she normally acted, that you were rather thrown off. She caught sight of you sitting on the bed, your red face, the slight downturn of your lips. What really got you was the way she didn't even say anything; she simply walked closer and opened her arms.
You were moving before you could even think to remain where you were, falling easily into the older girl's arms. They wrapped tight around you, and you buried your face in her shoulder. Tears ran off your face, collecting on Mapi's sweatshirt, but she held tight to you, one arm around your back, another holding your head close against her.
"It's alright, chica, we've got you." She murmured. You allowed yourself to sink into the comfort. For a moment, pretending that you weren't keeping so much inside, hidden away from the people that cared about you. You pretended that Mapi knew what was going on, and she was holding tight to you as reassurance, an unspoken promise that you'd be alright.
She didn't know what was wrong, though, and you weren't sure you'd be alright, not really. The little bubble of comfort and safety was broken when the defender pulled back, hands on your shoulders as she looked searchingly at you.
"What happened?" She asked. Her grip on you was tight, and you knew she wouldn't let go until you answered her. Pina was visible, just over Mapi’s shoulder, fidgeting with her hands and looking on nervously. Your only possible course of action was to lie, and to lie well.
"I don't know, I think I'm about to get my period or something," you lied. "I was just kind of sad, but it's fine, I'm fine now."
Mapi didn't look convince, nor did Pina.
"Are you sure? If something is bothering me, you can tell me. Or I can get Alexia if you want," Mapi suggested, beginning to turn toward the door.
That, you absolutely could not let happen. Alexia would get the truth out of you in seconds, especially when you were already so upset.
"No, seriously Mapi, I'm fine. Don't bother Alexia." You insisted, catching her arm and spinning her back around.
She eyed you for a minute, completely straight faced, before holding out her pinky to you. "Promise you are okay?" She asked.
You rolled your eyes, but linked your pinky with hers. "I promise."
She seemed satisfied after that, and you felt guilty about lying. It was for the best, though. You didn't need to worry your teammates, not when you were fine. Not when you had everything under control. Obviously, your motivation to lie went much deeper than that; the fear that they'd make you stop was suffocating.
You shouldn't have felt guilty for lying, because Mapi went right to Alexia anyway. The Catalan Captain miraculously had her own room, for the 4th trip that year, although no one felt brave enough to comment on it. She opened the door warily, thinking Mapi was knocking just to chat, which she got enough of during the daytime hours.
"María, I'm really tired," Alexia started, glancing longingly back at her bed, where a nighttime call with her girlfriend and a cozy blanket awaited her.
"It's about y/n. I think something's wrong."
As Mapi had predicted, she didn't need to say more before Alexia was, now wide awake, stepping to the side, motioning for the defender to walk in.
"What is it?" She demanded once the door was shut behind her.
"Pina came to get me, and she said y/n was really upset about something, but she was pretending she was fine. I went back to their room and she had stopped crying, but as soon as I gave her a hug, she started crying again. And then once she'd stopped crying, she tried to tell me she was fine, something about getting her period and being sad for no reason. She pinky promised, but she was lying, Ale, I could tell. She looked so upset, like she was barely holding it together." Mapi's worry was evident in her tone, and, like you, Alexia noted the seriousness that was present on her friend's face. It wasn't normal, and it meant that, likely, there really was something to be worried about.
"Do you have any idea what she could be upset about?"
"No, not really. She's been a little off, I guess, but I can't think of what could be wrong."
Alexia sighed, silently agreeing with Mapi that you had been acting weird, but also that she couldn't think of a reason for it.
"I'll keep an eye on her, and I'll tell a couple of the others to as well. If something else happens, we can talk to her again." Alexia decided, somewhat uneasily. She wanted to figure out what was wrong, and fix it now, but suffocating you while you were already upset probably wasn't the best idea.
In hindsight, maybe Alexia should have done something sooner. Your behavior remained off, but nothing else occurred that would really raise any red flags. That was, until the team had a double training session, and everyone ate lunch together. You had noticed more eyes on you in the last week, and figured that Mapi had probably asked a few of the older girls to keep an eye on you.
In an effort to convince them you were fine, you forced yourself to eat a normal amount of food at lunch, more than the carefully calculated portion you were intending to consume. It was alright, at first. You were able to distract yourself, joking around with your teammates. When you glanced down at your plate, though, finding it empty, you felt a wave of horror wash over you. You had no choice, no other option. It was too much. You couldn't do this.
You slipped away from the table after a couple of minutes of trying to calm yourself down. It felt like everyone was looking at you, judging you. You made it to the bathroom and kneeled in front of the toilet.
In that moment, you hated yourself. For eating too much, for caring about eating too much. For doing this. Tears fell, unrelated to what you were forcing your body to do. You just wanted to be normal, to feel good. You wanted to look in the mirror, and not hate what you saw looking back at you. You wanted to see what everyone else apparently saw; a normal, average looking person. You hated this, hated what you were doing, but you couldn't stop. You wanted to, more than anything.
When the door creaked open, and you realized you hadn't locked the door behind you, you were caught in the worst position possible. You didn't need to look up, see the disgusted faces looking back at you, to know that you wouldn't be able to play this off. It was obvious that you weren't just ill. You were sick.
You didn't look up, couldn't look up, at whoever was at the door. You sat back against the wall, staring numbly at the floor.
"Go get Alexia. Discreetly." You heard Ingrid instruct, and you heard Aitana reply quietly before her footsteps echoed back down the hall.
The resounding emotion was shame; for being so weak, for being caught doing this. You felt so stupid. You were an athlete, you couldn't be behaving like this. At the same time, the need to lie, to not let them make you stop persisted. You were torn, completely at a loss for words. So, instead of saying something you couldn't think through all the way, you remained quiet.
Aitana ran like there was a fire to the cafeteria, only slowing to a walk when she neared the doors. Her heart ached for you, truly. You'd looked so destroyed, the hatred you held for yourself clear on your face. She sped walk to where Alexia was sitting, making eye contact as the blonde turned towards her on instinct, as if sensing that something wasn't right. Mapi was on her other side, and she'd known something was wrong the second she saw her girlfriend go after you, but she'd been deep in conversation with Irene, and she hadn't wanted to overreact.
Aitana leaned down, speaking quietly in Alexia's ear. "Come with me, it's y/n."
Alexia nodded once, her expression firm as she stood. As if they were 2 ducklings following their mother, Mapi and Irene rose too, following their captain and Aitana out into the hall. They stopped just outside the doors looking expectantly at the younger player.
Aitana worried her lip in between her teeth, looking intensely at Alexia. She didn't want to say what was going on, not in front of the other girls. Ingrid had told her to get Alexia, and to be discreet. You didn't need a crowd of people.
"What happened?" Alexia asked after a minute, her voice anxious.
"I... Ingrid told me to get you, and to be discreet." Aitana's gaze flickered to the other girls, and the blonde captain caught her meaning.
"Mapi, Irene, go back inside, I'll take care of it."
They both began to protest, but Alexia remained resolute, shaking her head at them. "No, Ingrid said just me. Whatever is going on we don't need to overwhelm her." The other girls turned, sighing dramatically, walking back into the cafeteria.
Alexia fixed her gaze back on Aitana, wordlessly asking for more information.
"Ingrid and I followed her to the bathroom, and we heard her getting sick. Ingrid opened the door, it wasn't locked, and she was... she was making herself..." Aitana trailed off uncomfortably.
The pieces started to fall together for Alexia, and she didn't need the younger woman to say anything else.
"Okay. Okay. Thank you, Tana. I'll make sure she's okay."
Aitana nodded nervously, watching after her captain as the blonde made her way down the hall and towards the bathroom that the brunette had indicated.
To your surprise, Ingrid didn't try to make you talk. Her and Aitana had watched you leave the room, and worried that you were ill or something, with the look on your face. They'd followed you, hovering outside the bathroom door, before trying the handle. Ingrid hadn't expected what she found, and she wasn't exactly sure what to do. All she knew was that you needed help.
She shut the door behind her, locking it this time, before grabbing a paper towel. She got it wet with warm water, before carefully approaching you. Ingrid flushed the toilet, before lifting your chin to face her. You shut your eyes, unable to really look at her. You couldn't see how disgusted with you she was; that would be it. That would shatter you beyond repair.
Ingrid carefully wiped your mouth off, before taking your hand in hers, and wiping your fingers off too. The action made you inhale sharply. She knew, she'd seen. You knew she had, but the silent acknowledgement made you sick to your stomach all over again.
The Norwegian disposed of the paper towel, turning towards the door when a quiet knock sounded. You clenched your jaw, clenched your fists, dreading the conversation you knew your captain was about to force you to have.
You didn't want a lecture. You knew what you were doing wasn't okay, wasn't healthy. You knew, and you did it anyway. Because, despite what you told yourself, it wasn't about being healthy. It was about looking the way you thought you should.
Alexia entered, taking in Ingrid's troubled expression, before her eyes fell to you. You looked hopeless, completely embarrassed, and Alexia wanted to fix it. Make you understand that you didn't have to be embarrassed, not with her. She wanted to promise that everything would be okay, that she'd make sure that you were okay. She wanted you to let her in, finally, admit that you were hurting.
None of these things were conversations to be had in the bathroom, though. Alexia walked forward, holding out a hand down to you. Slowly, you raised your head to look at her. There wasn't any revulsion evident on her face, and even though you wanted to run, hide, pretend that this wasn't happening, you knew you couldn't do that.
You took Alexia's hand, allowing her to pull you to your feet. She was steady where you were shaky, wrapping an arm around your shoulders, and leading you out of the bathroom. She stopped briefly, looking down at you.
"Do you want Ingrid to come, or would you rather talk just the two of us?" She asked softly.
Your eyes flickered to Ingrid, not wanting to hurt her feelings when she'd been so kind, but also thinking that you couldn't handle talking to more than one person about what was going on. It was horribly overwhelming enough as it was.
Ingrid caught your hesitance, reaching out to squeeze your hand. "It's alright, elskling. You talk with Ale, okay? And maybe later you can come over and have a movie night with me and María?"
You half smiled at her, as it was all you could manage, a smile she returned, before she headed the opposite way down the hall.
Alexia tightened her grip around you, like she was a little afraid you were going to run. To be fair, you'd considered it, but the tight hold your captain had on you had shut that option down. She led you through the maze of hallways, eventually finding a room that seemed to meet her requirements. It was a little relaxation lounge, one no one ever used as it wasn't very big, and the team kind of stuck together.
Alexia sat down next to you on one of the sofa's, and you appreciated that she didn't sit in the chair across the room; that would have felt terrifying like a therapy session, and you definitely weren't there yet.
"How long has this been going on?" Alexia asked. Her question startled you, having been sure she was going to try to make you talk first. She liked to do that, feeling like important discussions with her teammates were more successful when they steered the conversation. However, Alexia knew you wouldn't steer it anywhere helpful.
"How long has what been going on?" You replied, instantly regretting the words. Why had you said that? Alexia was aware that you knew what she was asking about, and she wouldn't let you get away with playing dumb.
Shaking her head, she spoke firmly. "No, we are not going to do that. Aitana and Ingrid saw, pequeña. We have to talk about this."
"I don't want to." You murmured, resting your head in your hands. You didn't. You would have done practically anything to avoid it.
"I know." Alexia told you sympathetically, rubbing her hand up and down your back. "We have to, though. I care about you way too much to not do anything about this." Ale paused. "When did it start?"
"It was bad when I was younger, a teenager. And I went to therapy, and I was doing well for a while. I'm not really sure what happened, why it started again."
Alexia didn't miss that you didn't answer her question. "When did it start?" She asked again.
You sighed, head still hidden away in your hands. "A few weeks ago. It wasn't that bad at first, I didn't notice. And then it was, and it was too late, I couldn't fix it."
"Why?" Alexia asked next.
You shook your head, even as the words threatened to spill out; the words that harassed you, that tainted every meal.
"Come on, pequeña. I am not going to judge you, just tell me."
Often, Alexia was seen as this intimidating, hardcore player. She'd do anything for her teammates, though, and she was capable of extreme kindness. If you were lucky enough to know Ale, to really know her, you knew how good she was. Maybe it was this, one of the best people you knew begging you to talk to her, that made you relent.
"I... I hate the way that I look. I hate it." Your words were dripping with self loathing. Alexia understood the unspoken words; you hated yourself.
There were a lot of things Alexia wanted to tell you, but didn't, not yet. She'd need them in the future, when the urge returned, and you fought against it. She'd need the reminders then.
Instead, she coaxed your face away from your hands, looking intently at you as she spoke.
"You cannot keep doing this. You know that. As your captain, and as your friend, cariño, you need help. We need to get you help."
Your eyes began to well with tears. Alexia took a shaky breath.
"And I know you do not want it, but you deserve it. Can you let me get you help, pequeña? Please?"
You considered for a couple moments. "What if I can't get better? What if... what if I can't?"
Above all, that was your biggest fear. Not being strong enough to beat it. It was why you resisted help; you didn't want to let everyone down if you failed. You wanted to be strong enough, you just weren't convinced you were. You were weak enough to start this, to fall into the horrible loop, to begin with.
"You will, cariño. You know how I know?"
You looked at her, eyes wide and watery. "How?" Your voice cracked, and Alexia took one of your hands in hers.
"Because you do not give up. You are one of the strongest people I know." You looked doubtful, still. "And I don't give up. I will not give up on you. We will get you better, together. You will not have to do any of it alone."
"Do you promise?" You asked, a few tears sliding down your cheeks as you blinked at the blonde.
Alexia didn't say anything, she just held out her pinky towards you. You linked your pinkie with hers, and knew, somewhere deep within you, that this wasn't a promise she was going to break.
Alexia did end up telling you all of the things she'd thought of, eventually. She wrote them down in a little note on her phone, not wanting to forget what to say, not when you needed her. Your teammates, the ones who knew, who you trusted enough to let know, used them too.
That it didn't matter what you looked like, being so unkind to your body was never acceptable.
Alexia told you this one evening she spent at your house, after you'd had a long therapy session. You'd arrived home, dissolving into tears, and somehow, she had known you'd needed her.
She showed up on your doorstep like some kind of magical being that could sense when her friends were sad, letting you cry into her for at least an hour.
She'd whispered the words into your hair, when you asked her if she thought getting better was worth it, if it was so painful.
You believed her, that day. Just a little.
She loved you, and there was nothing to be embarrassed about, or ashamed of.
She told you this a week later when you slipped up, and you'd called her from your bathroom floor, words unintelligible through your sobs. Alexia dropped everything to come over, and spent a while promising you that relapsing didn't make you a bad person. That you were doing your best, and that was all you could expect from yourself. That relapses were a part of recovering, as much as it sucked.
When she said the words, you believed her, a bit more this time. She'd been at your apartment before you could really even get any words out. She wouldn't have done that if she didn't care, if she was disgusted with you. If she didn't love you like she said she did.
Being healthy, above all else, was what mattered, and what you'd been doing wasn't.
This was Ingrid and Mapi. You'd gone over to their house for dinner, which proved to be challenging. You confessed how guilty you felt for eating enough, and how guilty you felt for not eating enough. It was hard to figure out what the right thing was, when everything felt like the wrong decision.
Mapi spoke these words to you, sounding wiser and more sure than you'd ever heard her. You trusted Mapi, you trusted Ingrid. If they said that what you were doing wasn't healthy, they weren't lying. Another piece of you got better that day, even as it was one of the hardest you faced.
You were beautiful, and strong, and your body allowed you to play the sport you loved.
You lost count of who told you this one. Irene, Lucy, Alexia, Ingrid, Mapi, Pina. It became something of a mantra, something they'd make you repeat when they saw you having a bad day.
Because, above all, you loved football.
You learned to love your body for allowing you to play football.
You learned to love your body just for being itself, regardless of what it looked like.
You learned to love yourself, to not put so much pressure on everything you did.
You healed, slowly. You knew, without a doubt, that you couldn't have done it without the team. You didn't want to conceive of a world where you would have to struggle alone, because you weren't. As long as they were around, you never would be.
it's a good thing i have therapy tomorrow!
i joke, although i do have therapy tomorrow.
getting better is so worth it. i promise.
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thecuriousquest · 7 months
Don’t Close Your Eyes
Tag List: @issamomma @repostingmyfavs @palesweetscherryblossom @chickennugnugnug @murderofravens
Warnings: Platonic yandere themes, hurt/comfort, vomiting, painful migraines, Gojo is kind of a bad dad, Gojo obsesses over his daughter’s beauty
Summary: Your father, Satoru Gojo, gives you everything you want. What will happen when something you want breaks one of his very few rules? (Featuring Uncle Nanami)
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You love your father with all of your heart, but it’s really hard to be his daughter sometimes. He spoils you rotten. You want ice cream or mochi for breakfast? Cookies for dinner? You got it. The most expensive sushi for lunch? Say no more. You want that really expensive necklace and designer outfit? Done.
He wraps you up in the thickest of blankets and carries you through life. If he had things his way, he’d make sure you didn’t even have to put a toe on the ground. You’ve never been confronted with any real world issues thanks to your doting pops, but you feel as though you’re living inside of a shell.
However, having inherited the Six Eyes from him, you suffer not only from an overprotective father, you also suffer from violent migraines due to oversensitivity and overstimulation of the senses. You’re extremely light sensitive. Even the dullest fraction of light can trigger a headache.
This being said, your daddy doesn’t allow you to cover your eyes…ever. He says, “They’re too beautiful to cover up” or “Why would you even think about hiding something I gave you?” You can’t even convince him to buy you those really dark sunglasses where no light can pass through.
You often find yourself trying to cut up towels for makeshift blindfolds just so you can get some sleep, but you’re only lightly scolded by your father and told not to “play with scissors” despite being fourteen years old.
Satoru comes home from a mission, greeting Nanami as he asked the blonde sorcerer to keep an eye on you while he was gone.
“How was she? Who am I kidding? She was perfect, wasn’t she?”
“No, she was not. She was crass and rude because she was in pain the entire time. She cursed me out more times than I care to tell, and she barely ate, and what she did eat, she threw up. Gojo, you have to do something about her migraines because whenever I come over to watch her, I end up getting them as well.”
The lanky man’s jaw hangs wide open as he listens to Nanami’s speech. After a minute of processing, he drops the bag of souvenirs on a nearby table and huffs a fatherly sigh.
“Are you sure it’s her? I mean, you could just be incapable of looking after her.”
“It’s not her, Gojo. It’s you,” Nanami states as he picks up his bag. “I’m leaving now. She’s upstairs in her room crying her eyes out because you refuse to do anything about her oversensitivity.”
With that said, Kento brushes past Satoru and leaves the Gojo household.
Satoru trails up the stairs, bag in hand, and knocks on the door twice. When he receives no response, only hearing you choking on sobs, he opens the door to see you shaking under the covers. He strides over to you, pulling the blanket back so that he can see you holding your head with your eyes squeezed shut. Placing the bag on the floor, your dad takes a seat on the edge of the bed.
“Hey, there’s my pretty girl. Uncle Nanami told me you were having a bad day. Tell me what’s going on.”
“Hurts!” Is all you can bite out with the amount of pain you’re in. You curse yourself for even speaking because your skull is pounding from all of the noise. “Please, Daddy, make it stop!”
He shushes you, pulling you up towards his chest so that you can cry into his shoulder.
“We could try a sedative?”
“Those don’t fucking work! You can’t do anything right! God, you’re fucking useless!” You grip his shirt and blow tears and snot into it as you wail at him in a fit of pain and teenage rage.
Gojo, being used to the cursing, only rolls his eyes. He can’t scold you right now. It wouldn’t help anyway. You wouldn’t even be able to focus on a lecture at the moment. Instead, he holds you closer and presses a kiss against your hair.
“Daddy, please…covering my eyes…it’s the only thing that works.” You flinch when the migraine feels like a brick has been smashed against the back of your head.
“You know the rules. I want to be able to see your gorgeous face every day. You’re my sunshine, sweetie. Your eyes are so beautiful.”
“Fuck you! Uncle Nanami lets me cover my eyes!”
“Well, then, Uncle Nanami isn’t going to be able to watch you anymore.”
You shake your head slightly, desperately. “I…No, you can’t do that. Daddy, please, I want to see Uncle Nanami!”
Gojo lowers his glasses and looks at you. “I’m your father, so I can do whatever I want. These headaches are just a phase. You’ll grow out of them. You don’t need to cover your eyes. I never wore them as a child. You didn’t have these migraines as a little kid, so you’ll probably get over them at some point. You just need to-”
The storm in your head causes violent waves to crash against your skull, rattling the ship that is your brain. Blood rages in your ears, and you can only hear your father’s voice in a low hum before succumbing to nausea for the fourth time today.
Throwing your blanket off of you and reaching for the trashcan that’s right by your bed, you hurl into the black plastic bin that’s almost half full of your bile and stomach contents. Gojo looks into it and can clearly see that Nanami had made you fish for dinner.
Your father does his best to try and comfort you, rubbing your back as you vomit water and whatever else your stomach can wretch. Coughing signals an end to your regurgitation, and you put the trash bin down on the floor in front of you.
Calmly now, with no heat or bite behind your words, you look away from your father and ask, “Can you stay with me until I fall asleep?”
You hate to ask him for this after being so angry with him, but a comforting presence next to you can sometimes help with your migraine induced insomnia. It can sometimes even dull the headaches to a certain extent.
“Of course. Anything for my little girl.”
Lying down, you rub your temples as Satoru trails the tips of his fingernails up and down your back. Being emotionally drained and physically exhausted, as well as having your father sit right beside you, it doesn’t take long for you to fall asleep.
As Gojo watches his precious angel close her eyes, he runs his fingers through your hair and smiles. You’re finally asleep and looking peaceful. If you had eye coverings on, he wouldn’t be able to see the whites of your lashes curving as you enter a dream.
He knows in his heart that he’s doing the right thing.
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adrienneleclerc · 10 days
First Date
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Hispanic/Latina Single Mom! Reader
Summary: Charles decides to take Y/N and Vidia out for dinner to celebrate his podium in the Canadian Grand Prix
Warning: spelling and grammatical errors
A/N: so @barcelonaloverf1life commented say that they wanted more parts to “meet and greet” so I was thinking of writing a collection of one-shots that fit in the fanfic universe of Charles dating a single mom if you’re interested
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Vidia and Y/N we’re in the hospitality waiting for Charles outside his driver’s room. He came out wearing jeans and a button down shirt.
“Oh, do I look okay for wherever you’re taking us?” Y/N asked.
“Yes, you look great. And so do you Vidia, can’t forget about the little princess. We could just go to a diner.” Charles suggested
“Don’t you have a diet to stick to?” Y/N asked
“They have salads there.” Charles said.
“But you NEED to try a milkshake.” Vidia said, tugging on Charles pants.
“I most certainly will try a vanilla milkshake.” Charles told vidia. They walked to the car that Charles rented. “Now I’m glad I rented a 4 person car.”
“Quick question, are you sure your team principal will be okay with you going out tonight?” Y/N asked.
“As long I make it on time for practice 3 and qualifying tomorrow, I’m sure everything will be fine.” Charles said. He unlocked the door, opening the back door to help Vidia get in, closed it, and opening the passenger door for Y/N to get it.
“Always the gentleman.” Y/N commented and Charles smiled, closing the passenger door and walking around to get to the driver’s side. “Where are we going?”
“NDG Lucheonette, been a few times before, I like the food.” Charles commented. Y/N texted her dad saying that her and vidia were going out to eat, Vidia took a nap on the car, 45 minutes later, they made it to the diner. Charles opened the door for Y/N and she went to wake up Vidia.
“Princesa, we’re here, let’s go.” Y/N said and Vidia nodded, unbuckling her seatbelt and getting out of the car. Y/N held her hand as they entered the diner.
“Hello, table for three please.” Charles said and the hostess led them to their table. “So, Y/N, what do you do?”
“Oh I’m a baker.” Y/N said.
“Mami owns a bakery.” Vidia said.
“Really? How’s it like?” Charles asks
“You have to wake up early in order to bake, we provide pan dulce too, you know, like bread to eat with your coffee or hot chocolate.” Y/N explains.
“Conchas with hot chocolate is the best.” Vidia said “Mami has a lot of customers, she makes birthday cakes too.”
“Oh wow, you are a very accomplished baker indeed.” Charles said.
“I’m the best in my city.” Y/N said,
“I should stop by your bakery whenever I’m in New York.” Charles said.
“That would be great.” Y/N said, the waitress came and took their orders.
“And you vidia, what do you do?” Charles asked. Y/N loves that Charles is also engaging with her daughter.
“I’m in school, I watch tv, color, play with friends.” Vidia started.
“And when we get back to New York, you have to start the reading list the school gave you.” Y/N said.
“I Don’t like school.” Vidia grumbled and Charles laughed lightly.
“I didn’t like school either, but reading makes you smart like Matilda.” Charles said.
“Who’s Matilda?” Vidia asked and Charles looked at Y/N shocked,
“Yeah, she hasn’t seen the movie yet.” Y/N commented.
“Matilda is a little girl who reads a lot of books, is very smart, and gains the power to move things with her mind.” Charles explained and Vidia’s eyes widened.
“I want to move things with my mind!” Vidia exclaimed.
“Then I guess you need to read when we’re back home.” Y/N said. The milkshakes came first and then the food. The date went well, they were talking, Charles paid, but unbeknownst to everyone, there were F1 fans at the diner who recorded them together. They got into the car.
“I had a great time.” Charles said.
“Me too. By the way, congratulations on Monaco, can’t believe I haven’t said anything about it.” Y/N said.
“Thank you, you saw the race?” Charles asked.
“Of course.” Y/N said.
“Mami was crying.” Vidia commented.
“Did you really?” Charles asked.
“It was your first home race win, of course I was going to cry, all of Ferrari cried.” Y/N said.
“Well thank you, where’s your hotel?” Charles asked.
“I’ll just type it in,” Y/N said and she did just that. The drive was kinda quiet, just Charles’s playlist in the background until he made it to the front of her hotel.
“I hope it’s not too forward of me to ask for your number.” Charles said.
“Well you met my daughter and took us out on a date, asking for my number is definitely not too forward.” Y/N said, Charles unlocked his phone so Y/N could type in her number.
“Thank you, I’ll see you two tomorrow, call me in the morning so I can give you paddock passes.” Charles said.
“I will hold you to it. Vidia, mi amor, let’s go, we’re here.” Y/N said, getting out of the car while Vidia stirs awake. Y/N carried Vidia out of the car. “Text me, Charles, don’t make me regret giving you my number,”
“You won’t regret it, I swear.” Charles said, Y/N carries Vidia to the hotel room and her dad is awake watching TV.
“Como les fue?” Y/N’s dad asked. How’d it go
“Nos fue bien, Vidia está muy cansada la pobre.” Y/N said, laying vidia down in the bed. It went well, vidia is really tired, poor thing
“Me trajeron algo?” Did you bring me anything?
“No papi, lo siento.” Y/N said. She felt her phone vibrate and it was a text. Sorry
Unknown number: Hello Y/N, it’s Charles, hope you and Vidia have a good night.
Y/N smiles at her phone and replied back to him.
Y/N: Hello Charles, we hope you have a good night too. You need to be well rested if you’re going to be in pole again
Both Charles and Y/N went to sleep knowing that there might be a new relationship brewing.
The End
Hope y’all liked it, I’m sorry if it seems a little rushed
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statusexile · 7 months
Michelin Star Treatment and My Body's On The Menu
Summary: You work as a naked sushi model in a high-end Japanese restaurant and professionalism was the name of the game. But when Ghost and Konig walked through the door, your composure was put to the test.
Pairing: Simon “Ghost” Riley x Reader x Konig
Warnings: afab!reader, dub con, exhibitionist, nipple play, fingering, squirting, wakamezake, mask kink, reader goes by she/her pronouns.
Word count: 1,804 words
a/n: Nyotaimori (女体盛り) is the Japanese practice of serving sashimi or sushi from the naked body of a woman. This fic probably wouldn’t be 100% accurate to the real-life practice because I’m not Japanese. Nonetheless, feedback and suggestion are always welcome, along with reblogs and likes. Thank you for reading! ❤️
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Working as a naked sushi model for a high-end restaurant was never your dream. Your friends and family always find your job as peculiar. They always ask you why would you want to be a human sushi platter for wealthy people. While some people see your job as an art form and others think it’s degrading to women. You didn’t care about their opinions anyway; it kept food on the table and paid your bills and that was all that really mattered to you.
Still feeling a bit groggy from the long shift, you sat down on a bench in the fitting room and began counting your tip money. The day had been long, but the customers were generous, you are pleased with the amount of money you have made today. Even though one group of customers that you got earlier were a bunch of drunk and obnoxious business men. They’re not trying to grope you or anything, but they’re just really rowdy and it hurts your head so bad. Unfortunately, you can’t say anything because you're not allowed to speak while you're on the job.
You get up from the bench and begin tidying your hair and make-up. There’s only one more reservation for the day: a table for two people. Perhaps they’re a couple, you think to yourself. At least it shouldn't be as disastrous as the earlier group, as you walked out from the changing room into the private dining room that was booked by the pair. The interior of the room was opulent. Soft lighting and the sounds of waterfall provided a serene atmosphere, while traditional Japanese motifs of cherry blossom and zen gardens adorned the walls. The restaurant was clearly designed to create a serene and elegant ambience that would enhance the dining experience for the guests.
You took off your kimono, leaving you bare, and climbed onto the dining table, lying down on top of it. The sushi chefs began decorating your body with a variety of sushi and sashimi, placing them on top of leaves that had been sanitized to prevent direct contact with your skin. After that, they covered your nipples and your genital area with flowers. And now all you have to do is wait for the customer to arrive at the restaurant.
It doesnt take very long for the pair to arrive. They’re two tall, muscular men in military attire, and you can see the outlines of their muscles on their clothes. Both of them are wearing masks: one is wearing a skull-printed mask, while the other is wearing a draped style mask.
Your heart skipped a beat when the two men entered the dining room. You’ve always been intrigued by masked men - there's something alluring and mysterious about them. You didn’t know if they were hot or ugly underneath their masks, it doesn’t matter to you, it was the mystery that made you so intrigued and turned on about them.
They sat down on the tatami and ordered sake from the waitress; it didn’t take long for the waitress to come back with their drinks. They began eating immediately, taking some of the sushi that was placed on top of your stomach. The dinner went well so far. You could hear both men talking about their jobs in the military - the one with the skull-printed mask spoke with a deep, husky British accent, while the one with the draped mask spoke with a thick German accent. Soon you learned their names were Ghost and Konig.
They spoke about an upcoming mission, using fancy words, code names, and military slang that you didn't understand. But all you could focus on was their sexy voices - it was as if they were trying to turn you. You couldn't do anything about it - you couldn’t even move your body an inch while you were still with the customer. So, all you could do was stare at the ceiling, trying to not let it bother you.
They were nearly finished with their meals, and you felt a bit disappointed because it means they would leave soon - but you didn't know that the real fun was about to begin.
Suddenly, you felt Konig’s fingers graze your thigh. You were surprised by his sudden action - this felt so wrong that you should have stand up and called the manager at this point - but you were already so turned on at his touch. You could feel a shiver running down your spine.
“So beautiful,” Konig mutters so himself, still grazing his fingers on your thigh, “Shall we have some fun with her, Lieutenant?”
“Your call, Colonel. I’m down if you’re down.” Ghost replied while he stares at you. You could only see his eyes, but you could feel the lust in his stare. It looks like he’s going to devour you whole.
“Alright then,” Konig said as he removed the flower that covered your fold. You’re already so turned on at this point and his action made it even worse.
“Clench your thigh real tight, schatz.” You didn't know why, but you immediately complied with his command, so you clenched your thighs as tight as possible. You could see Konig pouring the sake between them. You could feel the cold liquid grazing your hot skin as you let out a soft mewl from the sensation as it’s slowly running down in between your thighs. He lifts his mask up and starts slurping the sake directly from your crotch, you could feel his soft lips touching your fold. This is so inappropriate, and you could definitely get fired if your supervisor found out that you allowed a customer to do something like this. But your body could only succumb to his action. You’re already way too deep in it anyway and there’s no turning back at point. “So delicious,” Konig said after he finished drinking, wiping his own lips with his hands. “Your turn, Lieutenant.” he added as he passed the sake bottle to Ghost. Ghost did the same thing Konig did earlier. He poured some more sake between your clenched thighs, slurping them, but suddenly after he finished drinking, he opens your legs a bit and give a single lick at your labia. You let out a moan, still trying to keep quiet, but now it’s getting harder. “She’s indeed delicious, Colonel.” he said to Konig in a satisfied tone, “Don’t worry love, we’re gonna make you feel so good” he added. Konig started to remove the flowers that covered your nipples, you could sense the chilly air gently brushing against them.
Konig and Ghost scooch over from their seats, and now their faces facing your breasts. “Open your legs real wide for us, sweetheart. Please, allow us to return the favor for your hospitality this evening.” Konig hums in your ear. Both of them slowly opens your legs, revealing your now dripping cunt that’s been covered with your own liquid and the sake from earlier.
“Shall we enjoy the dessert for the night, Colonel?” “After you, Lieutenant.”
Suddenly, both of them start latching to your nipples, as Konig’s hand starts rubbing your damp cunt with his calloused hand. You let out a loud gasp as you jerk your head back from the sudden sensation. One of Ghost’s hands pinning you down, ensuring you stay still in your place. You tried to wiggle your body, but his hand was so strong, keeping you in your position.
“Be quiet, love. We don't want anyone outside to know we're doing this, do we?” Ghost purred in your ear in between sucking your breast. You could only nod at his words, feeling absolutely lost in the pleasure they’re giving to you. Konig starts to insert two of his fingers inside you and start thrusting them. You bit your lips so hard they’re probably bleeding at this point but you didn’t even pay attention to it as you lost to the overstimulation and pleasure.
“So fucking wet for us” Konig whispered while his mouth is still latching to your breast, now he’s using his thumb to play with your clit and adding another finger inside you. You've already surrendered to them, letting them do whatever they want to you at this point. You could feel your holes stretched thin with his fingers as if he shoved his entire fist inside you because of how thick his fingers are.
Your body shudders as they keep sucking your breasts without mercy and Konig finger-fucking you relentlessly. You’re trying so fucking hard to stay quiet, only letting out soft moans and pants, making everything even more painful than it already is.
“I could feel you’re clenching around my fingers, schatz. Come on, I know you’re so close. I know you can do it.” Konig whispers seductively in your ear. You could feel your brain becoming mush. Your body feels like it's about to explode as you start mumbling nonsense words. You didn't care at this point if anyone outside could hear it, you just want to cum so fucking bad.
It only took a few more thrusts of Konig’s fingers before you cum, your body shakes violently and your vision turns static from the orgasm he gave you. He still thrusting them over and over, milking your orgasm dry. You squirted all over the table, basically drenching the entire surface with your cum.
“Ah, there you go… I know you can do it. Was für ein gutes Mädchen” Konig finally gave one last thrust and pulls out his fingers from your cunt. Both of them give your nipples on last lick after finally letting them go. Your body seems like it can't stop trembling. “So good, so fucking good...” you mumbled softly, your voice is still shaking.
“I guess we have to clean up this mess. We can’t let your supervisor know you’re doing this with customers.” Ghost chuckled as he took a couple of napkins to clean up the mess you made on the table. It takes you around five minutes before you're able to regain your composure.
Both of them stand up from their tatami. Konig pulls out his wallet from his back pocket, takes out some money, and slips it into your hands, giving you a very generous tip.
“Compliment to the chef, the food was delicious.” Ghost said as he opened the door, and both he and Konig went out from the dining room, leaving you alone.
After a few more minutes, finally manage to sit and starts counting the tip that Konig gave you, which basically covers two months’ worth of rent. You can only laugh to yourself, still confused by everything that happened earlier, but you are very satisfied at the same time.
Maybe this is the best job that you could ever have, after all.
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ratsonastick · 5 months
You definitely don’t have to do this if you don’t want too! Clarisse x reader where the reader has always been naturally quiet and doesn’t think their good enough for Clarisse cause their total opposites
OF COURSE!!! I am not sure if this is the best, but I tried giving you the before and during the relationship
Requests are still open!
Clarisse La Rue x ShyFem!Reader
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Let’s just say you are not one many people know about at camp. You can’t help it but you are honestly just very unsocial because putting yourself out there seems like a lot of work.
You have friends … let's make that clear, but it's not a lot. 
Ever since you have been at camp you've had a FAT crush on Clarisse, I mean who wouldn't? Well maybe a couple of kids because she is very aggressive, but you find it charming. 
But you would never have a chance with her. Because firstly, if you can't even ask the cabin counselor for some help then you most definitely won't be able to ask her on a date. And secondly, you are the complete opposites! You wouldn't last a week together. 
She is loud, not afraid to make her voice heard, and scares others. And you … well you just let things happen and hope for the best.
Not only that she's so athletic and fit. And it's not that you aren't unfit, it's just that you’d prefer sitting alone or with friends. 
Only one of your friends, Nicole, knew of this crush, and she supported it entirely. Every time you walked past Clarisse you'd keep your head down but Nicole would nudge your shoulder and let out a giggle. 
You avoided Clarisse as much as you could but it wasn't till one day when you were asked to bring supplies to the sword training field did you have to talk to her. 
You were SHY! Couldn't look that woman in the eyes as she questioned you. She thought it was cute, to say the least.
“Chiron wanted me to bring these here for you guys to try out,” you spoke softly, setting down a metal bin full of new weapons and other nonsense. Clarisse hummed in approval and picked up a new handle grip. 
Luke, one of the boys from the Hermes cabin walked over with a smile on his face “Finally he took our advice on what stuff we needed … Thanks for bringing them Y/n” he nudged your shoulder in a friendly manor. 
You were surprised he knew your name. You noticed Clarisse sending what looked like a glare in your direction and you took that as a hint to leave. 
“Y/n” her voice called out and you immediately turned to look at her “You good with a sword? I need a new sparring partner … one who I don't know every boring move they make.” She spoke in a harsh voice rolling her eyes in the direction of Luke who was twisting his sword around and making noises like it was a lightsaber. 
“I'm not good with swords, I'm more of an archery type of girlie.” You responded “Sorry” 
Your hands were sweating as you gazed down at the ground. “Then let me teach you … every demigod needs to know how to work every weapon.” she looked you up and down before stepping away, hinting you to follow. 
She picked up her sword and then a spare and handed it to you. You stood there like a dork, and she took a stance.
After what felt like hours she finally stopped, “You're not that bad.” 
“Thanks, you mumbled” trying to catch your breath as you handed back the sword to her. The sun was setting and you felt a rumble in your stomach. “Uhm I should probably get going … I promised my friend I’d get to dinner early for her.” 
Clarisse nodded her head eyeing you “Fine.” 
When you arrived at the dinner pavilion you took your spot at your cabin's table, your friend slapping your shoulder slightly in annoyance for your lateness. 
Eventually, Clarisse arrived sitting down at her cabin's table, and filling her plate with food, she noticed you sitting with your friends. How they all talked loudly and yet you just sat there quietly eating, once in a while smiling at what was being said. 
She thought it was … cute? But she didn't like the mysterious card you were trying to play. 
So the next time she saw you walking past the training field she called your name, with her hands on her hips and hair pulled back as she waited for you to come to her. “Yes?” 
She hinted to the sword on the ground and you picked it up. Luke and Chris had noticed her change of behavior, especially towards you. If that was Luke she called over and he was confused as to why, she would have called him an idiot and to go kill himself. 
But she didn’t tell you. 
After an hour of training, she tripped you and you fell, “Why don't you fight back … you need to slander me.” 
“I'm good” you mumbled standing back up and swinging back “Why are you so quiet? I've seen you yell before yet you won't now.” she taunted you … but hey at least she's noticed you before! 
“I'm just naturally quiet, I'm not big on yelling, it's a lot of work.” You spoke up, clashing the sword down onto hers, this made her smirk slightly. 
When you guys finished up and sat down on the grass she took a sip of water from your water bottle and then handed it to you.
“I want you to go out with me,” she said, looking out in the distance “You're strange,” she spoke up once more. 
“You don't have a choice, so don't act bitchy when I pick you up from your cabin. I want you pretty and sweet.” She added with a demanding tone. 
And that's what you did. 
After 2 weeks of dating? (Clarisse wouldn’t clarify, I think she just figured you knew you were because if you looked at anyone else she'd glare at you) you began to have doubts. 
What if your relationship wouldn't work out, you were so completely different it was almost awkward. 
Like for example, when you were told to sit with her at the Ares cabin table, they were all so rowdy and she just kept laughing, and you just sat there with a blank face. 
Or when you went on a library date, she figured that was code for making out, but it was actually just you wanting some company while you read. (She was a little disappointed she couldn't hold your hips)
And it wasn’t just you who thought the relationship was a bit weird, Nicole (that wench) also believed the relationship was … different? But she thought it was so cute how Clarisse was the voice that you didn't like to use. 
For example, when this kid kept talking and was so annoying at the campfire, you gave Clarisse a look that didn't really mean anything but also meant a lot and she shouted at the kid to shut up. 
All the differences outweighed the similarities and it only made you worry, which caused you to distance yourself. 
One thing you didn't realize though is how much Clarisse believed you to be adorable, and how she loved seeing a different side of you when you are alone. Even if it's only a little bit more talkative than usual. 
But she wouldn’t tell you that. Hell no. 
This worry drove you to a lot of self reflection, which took place in your bunk. A party was happening that night and you thought to yourself that maybe if you went and showed how you could act, Clarisse might think you are good enough and keep you around. 
So you found yourself getting dressed with a scowl, sliding a tank top over your head and putting on a skirt. It was a party at the Aphrodite's cabin, and you knew she'd be there for this. 
So when the time came you walked over, and just as you approached the cabin you heard a whistle, you turned and saw Luke and Chris walking a bit behind Clarisse and her siblings. Clarisse gave them a death stare and shouted 'shut up' and walked over to you, leaving her siblings. 
“What are you doing here baby? I thought you said you weren't gonna come.” She said in a soft voice, but in your head, she sounded disappointed, maybe she didn't want you there so she could hook up with some other girl. 
“I wanted to surprise you… I can leave if you want me to.” But Clarisse shook her head grabbing onto your waist “If you leave I'll only follow. I'm just surprised you came, I know this isn't your type of scene.” 
Which was true, you only go to parties with your friends. 
“I just wanted to show you that I can be sociable” you mumbled looking at her with soft eyes which caused her to smile “I know you are princess … but you don't have to go out of your way to change yourself just to prove you can be like me so we are more alike.''
She spoke gently, and she knew that if anyone heard her act this way she'd pause the conversation just to stab them. 
You felt embarrassed now, becoming very aware of how you looked. “You look hot though baby” She mumbled through a smile as she gently kissed you. “Wanna go back to your bunk?” she asked and you nodded your head with a smile.
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natlovesls2 · 5 months
Right Where You Left Me
Lando Norris x Fem!Reader
Warning: no use of y/n, swearing, some angst, all images used are not mine and are from pinterest, possible grammatical errors, mentions of blood once or twice, randomly changes pov, brief mention of mental illness (and the slight misunderstanding it/ disregarding it), I'm American (I think that should be a warning 🤷‍♀️ ), a little rushed, there might be more that I missed, feel free to correct me
Word Count: 1.4k
Summary: Lando living in the past or literally Taylor Swifts RWYLM
Quick note: italics are flashbacks and normal font is present time
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Lando sat on the bar stool at the restaurant you both had frequented during the relationship, a place of sentimental value. He stared at the table where it had all happened– where your relationship had started and where it had ended. The table next to the window that overlooked the bustling streets, where on that rainy day he had mustered all his courage and asked you to be his girlfriend. The small table that barely fit both of your food and was often uncomfortable to fit at. The table with the mix-match chairs because the original were old and Lando had broken one of the chairs on your first date. The same table that he continued to seek out despite its lack of hope. 
He looked up from his menu and stared at you, admiring how your face filled with concentration and indecision despite frequently eating there. You would sit there staring at the menu for minutes, occasionally asking for his opinion on what to order, asking the waitress for more time when she approached to take your order. It was the same routine every time the two of you went out, he knew you would eventually sigh and order some type of pasta. 
“Okay, okay– I’ll just get the soup of the day,” you said, catching him off guard. He quickly looked up from his own menu, brows furrowed in confusion at your choice of food. 
“Soup?” he asked, tilting his head as he asked, watching as you nodded and looked at the window being hit by a steady stream of rain. 
“It’s cold outside,” you said with a shrug and a soft smile that reminded Lando of all the reasons he had fallen for you. He watched as you smiled at the elderly couple beside you and the way you quickly stood up to help the man when he dropped his silverware. 
“How long have you been married for?” you asked the couple as you placed the silverwave back on their table. The dinner went on with you occasionally making conversation with the elderly couple, smiling widely at them. You would turn to Lando a few times, whispering about wanting to be exactly like them when you both got older. 
“Marry her, don’t let her get away,” the older man said to Lando, patting him on the back as he and his wife left, causing Lando to chuckle.
“He’s not wrong… I shouldn’t let you go,” he said, nervously playing with the food on his plate. There was silence– not an awkward unmanageable silence but the thoughtful, yet comforting type. He glanced up from the table, noticing your small smile and it gave him enough courage to finally ask; “Well, I guess what I’m trying to say… umm– will you be my girlfriend?” he whispered, quickly averting his gaze back to his plate. 
“If you’re not joking right now, I would love to be your girlfriend.”
The couple that approached the table and sat there brought him back to his senses, forcing him to turn away, reminding him that the table and its memories no longer belonged to him. The table had been snatched from him, you had taken it and destroyed every last bit of it. Using its worn wood to make a boat which you had used to sail away from his life– metaphorically of course. 
He supposes he doesn’t know the exact point in which the relationship started to deteriorate. One moment you both seemed to be hopelessly in love with one another, and the next you were distancing yourself from Lando and your shared friendships– playing it off as being busy focused on your work and studies. He could still somehow vividly remember the day you left– still feeling the weight of the night suffocating him.
“Let’s just go and have dinner, if you still feel bad we could leave early,” Lando whispered as he wrapped his arms around you from behind, resting his head against your back. 
The drive to the restaurant was silent– the type of silence that made anyone feel uneasy. The type of silence that would push you to nervously pick at the skin around your nails until it bled. 
“Do you want me to order for you?” Lando asked, looking up from his menu to see you staring down at your hands as you continued to quickly and nervously pick at your skin. “Hey are you okay?”
“Hmm? Oh yeah, I’m fine– you wouldn’t mind ordering for me would you?” you asked him, your voice sounding distant and void of emotion as you finally noticed the small pricks of blood– carelessly wiping it off on your jeans.
“I don’t mind at all… are you sure you’re okay?”
“I think we should break up,” you impulsively said, nervously running your hands along your thighs in order to stop the urge to continue to pick at your skin.
“If this is because of your… issues then we can work through it together. You don't have to struggle alone,” he whispered, desperately attempting to save the relationship, which he thought was stronger than ever. 
“That's not what this is about, Lando–”
“Then what is it? Because I don't see why we have to break up. I love you and I thought you felt the same way.”
“Don’t do that.”
“Then what do you expect me to do? I’m not going to sit back and watch you destroy this because you’re going through a mood” he reaches over the table to grab your hands in his own, as an attempt to calm you. 
“I don’t… I don’t find joy in this anymore– it has nothing to do with my mental health. We aren’t the people we were when we first got together, Lando. I want more than this– I know I want more than this” you responded, moving your hands out of his own.
“And I can’t give you more?”
“I’m sorry” you abruptly stood from your chair, walking out of the restaurant. Lando stayed there for what felt like an eternity, body frozen with shock and slight embarrassment. 
He felt the eyes of their waiter, who you had become rather close with over the years, sympathetic eyes that made contact with his own as he attempted to keep himself together. 
“Haven’t seen you here in a while, you want the usual or something new?” Alex, the waiter who had witnessed the whole relationship, asked. 
“You still remember my order?”
“Of course I do,” Alex let out a small laugh, “You and… you practically lived here before you stopped coming.”
“Yeah, I guess I did. I’ll take the usual then” Lando turned to look at the table once more, envying the happy couple that now claimed the weathered table as their own. 
“I don't mean to overstep but I’ve seen her come with some guy. I think it's time for you to move on– I mean, clearly she has”
Lando nodded, slowly turning away from the table watching as Alex sadly smiled at him before walking towards the kitchen. You had been here with another man– moved on, as Alex had put it. He struggled to look straight ahead, the table in some weird way had a sort of magnetic pull on him. It urged him to take one final look at it– it wanted to taunt him with what ifs and happy painful memories. The sound of cheers finally pushed him to turn towards the table once more. Watching as the couple that sat there promised to marry one another– the table had issued one final blow. A reminder to Lando that you would never want that with him, he would never be able to promise himself to you at that damned table– it now belonged to someone else.
 He supposed it never really belonged to him to begin with. He had been stupid to think that a table would be the glue that would forever hold your relationship together. Of course, he would be lying if he said he didn't still love you or yearn for your affection. If you ever thought you were wrong about your decision that night, he would take you back in an instant. But as he sat there in the suffocatingly happy atmosphere, he couldn't help but think that perhaps the table wasn’t as important as he had thought it to be. Maybe, just maybe, it was time to move on– to start over.
“Hey,” said a voice from beside him. 
He couldn’t help the smile that came to his face as he turned to look at the source of the soft voice, “Hey.”
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pleasantlycrazyworld · 4 months
Summary: Eddie has a gf and the reader has been his best friend forever and is practically his sister. They don't have feelings for each other and this gf is really good to him and all his friends but what happens when she is rude to Wayne?
Eddie introduced his new girlfriend, Juliet, to you and hellfire about three months ago and she seems great. He was nervous to introduce you to her if he's being honest, you two have been best friends since kindergarten and your opinion has always been important to him but Juliet seemed like a great fit for him and she was so sweet to everyone so you pulled back, but something about her rubs you wrong. You just can't put your finger on it.
Eddie called you asking if you would come over for dinner tonight, "I'm introducing Juliet to Wayne and I really want you here for support." Of course you agreed and you arrived early to help make dinner.
Just as you and Wayne are plating dinner up Juliet arrives, Eddie hurries to the door and greets her with a kiss on the cheek before he grabs her hand and pulls her to his side to introduce her to Wayne.
Everyone knows how important Wayne is to Eddie, everyone knows how important Wayne is to you and the other members of hellfire. Apparently Juliet didn't get that memo.
Wayne wipes his hands and sends you a reassuring smile before going over to greet Juliet. He sticks his hand out for a handshake and sends a warm smile her way to only be greeted with a grimace look that she hides well from everyone but the older Munson. He takes a step back and clears his throat. "Dinner is all ready, Eddie told me about your allergy so there is no need to be worried about eating" Wayne is really trying for Eddie, you can tell this in the tone he is using but you can also tell by his body language he is not liking Juliet at all.
Everyone sits in the snug kitchen area to eat and all is going well until Eddie leaves the table and you go over to do the dishes.
Juliet looks Wayne up and down before scoffing, the entire incident happens so quickly you can't really recall it all. You overhear Juliet say something along the lines of Wayne not being a real father so she isn't concerned about his opinion. Your ears started to ring after hearing this and your body moves without thinking, so does Eddie's.
"What did you just say?" Your voice booms through the entire trailer, honestly it could've rang throughout the entire trailer park for all you cared. Juliet scoffs again before repeating what she said, before she could finish the sentence Eddie is ushering her out of the trailer. "This is done." He states leaving no room for questioning. As he is making sure she is completely gone you check on Wayne.
The poor man looks so defeated. You reassure as much as you can that she wasn't for Eddie, that he didn't ruin anything, that he is a father. Eddie rushes back into the trailer and throws himself into Wayne's chest, squeezing the poor man into a death grip of a hug. "You are the most important, most amazing, my only, my favorite father ever." Again Eddie states this leaving no room for questioning. You see Wayne's body relax for the first time in hours and he tightens his grip on Eddie before the two of them pull you into their hug. The three of you enjoy your little family just as it is for the moment.
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viiiiiiiiiin · 4 months
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What do you guys do on Valentine's Day !! (GN reader)
Includes: Nami , Robin , Sanji , Law , Kid , Ace , Sabo.
A / N: SORRY ITS SHORT !!@ Im writing this on a phone and with a headache. I hope you guys enjoy 😣
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Cat Burglar: Nami
If you guys just recently got into a relationship , she's very frugal with her money. Though , if you guys have been in a relationship for a while , she's more than willing to spoil you.
She probably started growing some flowers for you in the garden !
She's had this day planned out for a while , actually. She made the crew dock at an island and reserved a table at the fanciest restaurant she could find there.
Then , she would book (or bribe someone to book) a private room for you two. She would get you a rose (that she grew) before you even arrived.
She's over here wearing a beautiful dress , hair done and everything. She even bought you a beautiful suit / dress / fit to match with hers !
After the date , she takes you to a hotel and spends the entire night with you. You guys even go out on a shopping spree ! New clothes , jewlery , weapons , whatever you guys wanted ! All discounted , of course.
You guys end the night with a cuddle session in your room ! (Or a fun night. It depends)
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Devil's Child: Nico Robin
She's VERY romantic with you.
She's gotta have SOMETHING on you the entire day. Rather it be holding hands , kissing your cheek , hugging your waist , or rubbing your shoulders. She just loves making you flustered !
She takes this entire day spoiling you. She uses her devil fruit to massage you and make you relax.
You guys even take a rosey bath together ! She may even get hansy there too . .
She asks Sanji to cook you two something you both love so you can eat together while bathing or in the girls' room.
She also spends time reading with you ! She introduces you to her favorite love stories.
She ends the night with a cuddle session as well. She's probably the big spoon lol.
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Blackleg: Vinsmoke Sanji
The most romantic out of all of them !
Breakfast in bed (your favorite) , lunch is all of your favorites , and so is dinner ! He loves the little faces you make when eating the stuff you love.
He definitely put rose pedals in your room. He gave you so many gifts throughout the day that you didn't have enough room for them all ! Chocolate , flowers , etc.
He makes the entire day about the both of you. He hugs you and kisses you all day !
He even sets up a candle lit bath for the both of you. Roses around the tub , warm bubble bath , and some exotic sweets for the both of you.
He , like Robin , has to have his hands on you the entire time. He loves you so , so much.
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Surgeon of Death: Trafalgar D. Water Law
He didn't even remember that it was Valentine's Day until you gave him a gift.
He felt horrible for forgetting about it. He had been so , so busy with his studies. And what he was going to do about Kaido.
He makes it up to you by docking at the neatest island and taking you out to eat. Even though he doesn't like PDA or public affection.
He gives you a rose while his face is LIT UP with red. He's so embarrassed. Shh he's trying his best.
When you guys came back to the Polar Tang , he tries to finish his studies but allows you to be in there with him.
Once he's done , he bathes and goes to sleep with you. He's probably the little spoon . . .
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Eustass "Captain" Kid
He's . . Horrible . . At romantic stuff.
He gives you a little heart trinket while blushing madly.
He brings you out to eat (and almost burned the place down because of the way people looked at you).
He asks Killer for advice. He doesn't know what he's doing , at all. He tries to follow what he said to do , but he fails. He's trying , don't blame him.
He held you close the entire day and made sure everyone knew that he was your boyfriend.
Though he won't admit it , his heart is racing like crazy. If you point it out , he'll yell and deny it.
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Firefist: Portgas D. Ace
When you guys docked on the closest island , he took you on a picnic date ! He asked Thatch to make your favorites and his favorites.
He took one of your shared blankets and sat near the sea.
He never believed he could be loved , but you proved him wrong. That's why this day is so important to him.
He brought flowers ! A whole bouquet. He won't say it , but he used your money for it since he was out.
Anyways. He held you the entire time (when he wasn't asleep) , and you guys both had very heartfelt conversations.
You guys fell asleep together , counting the stars and talking about how each line of stars reminds you of something different.
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Fire Emperor: Sabo
He had been planning what he'd do for a while too.
He pretended like he forgot. Once you "reminded" him , he acted surprised.
Eventually , he surprised you with a romantic date at an expensive fancy restaurant.
Dragon gave him the funds for it ! He encouraged you both and smiled as he walked out.
He even made a tray of your favorite sweets ! Even though he's not the best baker , he tried his best.
He tries to make you smile the ENTIRE time. He just loves how you look ! Rather you have an upward smile , an upside down smile , a chubby face with a smile , or a skinny face with a smile , he loves it all. He loves YOU.
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cultofdixon · 5 months
I’ll remind you everyday if I have to
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • It’s the smallest of things to startle a person, but thankfully you have someone to always make sure you’re okay • ANGST/SFW • TW: Anxiety Attacks
Requested by: Anon
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Anything does it
Loud noises
Door slams
Motorcycle engines starting
Walkers trying to claw their way in
Loud snoring if the source is unknown
Honestly, if you made a joke about something breathing and it triggering Y/N’s anxiety…most would think that’s true. She may not be outwardly expressive with her anxiety attacks but one knows she’s having one if she’s disappeared for a period of time.
Her infamous hiding spots are under tables. Carl found her in the closet once when they first arrived to Alexandria and the new people were overwhelming so no one really dared to drag her out. Not that anyone would given Daryl is usually the one to take care of these moments but there were situations where Y/N had to be dragged out of the comfort of hiding.
The farm fire
Governor attack 1
Prison outbreak
Governor attack 2
The Claimers
The chapel
The hospital
The barn
Y/N got creative a few times with her hiding spots during the periods where they were moving a lot. But now the group resides in Alexandria and after a few days Y/N left the living room closet sticking with Daryl for the most part since he gives her the most comfort. He didn’t like the place but after all they have been through, after what they have been through, he’s willing to bend slightly so that they could possibly make this place their home.
“Are you coming with to the party?” Rick asks Daryl who seems to have never left the porch whenever he stepped outside finding him always there.
“Nah. Well I don’t know” He frowns keeping his gaze to the floor while he chewed away at his thumb. “Y/N going?”
“Nope. She’s staying in.” Rick states making his way down the steps and more over to Carol’s porch that Daryl stood on. “Judith is coming with me later so Y/N will be alone in the house if yea ever wanna check in on her”
“You make it sound like she had another attack” His worry started to eat at him and with no instant reply back, his own words are only confirming it. “Why didn’t—-“
“Because in some way, you’re also not okay here. Some people need space, others need comfort…Y/N is safe in the house and for once, after all these anxiety attacks I’ve witnessed, she asked for space” Rick gave a small smile to Daryl in the sense of there’s been improvement, but that didn’t stop the worry from brewing inside the archer. “Take the opportunity and if you change your mind about the party? Everybody else will be there”
Daryl watches the retired sheriff walk past as he looks over to his home finding Y/N turned away from the window holding herself. For a second he wanted to go on and check on her, but decided to listen to Rick.
Even if listening to him this time brought an unsettling feeling in his stomach.
The party started when the sunset and Daryl found himself watching from outside. He never felt like he fitted in with these types of crowds. The social people. Those who host parties and make charcuterie boards. It was weird how old world this place was.
When he stepped away and started to make his way back to the house Aaron the one who brought them in, stopped him to talk. This talk lead to being invited for dinner then a good thing to come out of this place…a bike frame. He can feel like his old self and make a new bike after losing the other one to the prison collapse.
But right before he left, Daryl stepped into the kitchen hesitantly but catching Eric’s attention.
“Did you need something?”
“If it’s uh…not too much” Daryl usually never has this much trouble, it’s just. Talking to new people.
Eventually Daryl got the leftovers he asked for after finally getting it out of him along with who it’s for. But when he entered the still very empty house, because of the party, he didn’t find Y/N instantly. She didn’t take a room in the Grimes’s residence, Carol offered a room in hers for her. She was in there last he saw her.
He checked everywhere.
The rooms, the kitchen, the garage, even the small areas in the front and back of the house. It should’ve been more obvious to check Carol’s but even when he looked in her place, she wasn’t instantly found. Which brought his anxiety to be vocal.
“Y/N?” He calls out, not receiving an immediate reply back. “Y/N!” He didn’t mean to shout knowing that would scare her but he was getting to an extreme level that will most likely be taken out on one of Deanna’s sons. They weren’t all that welcoming and he noticed how sad that made his partner.
A few more calls and Daryl eventually stopped in the kitchen to put away the plate in the fridge when he heard the sniffling.
“You didn’t hear me call you back?” Her hushed whisper still made it to Daryl’s ears as he quickly rounds the kitchen island to the dinning table crouching to find her sobbing in her curled position.
“I’m sorry…I’m so sorry” Daryl frowns bringing himself to sit on the floor and scooting up to her watching her uncurl to wrap her arms around his neck. He gently brought his around her waist pulling her into his lap as she wraps her legs around his torso. “I’m usually better at finding yea but this place is too new…”
“We aren’t used to it” Y/N finished while hiding her face in the crook of his neck for a moment.
Daryl held her for as long as she needed even if that lasted til Carol returned a few hours later. She didn’t say anything, only gave a look to the archer that if they needed anything to just call her, before heading upstairs to sleep.
But after a little while longer of being under the table, the two eventually moved out from under it and Daryl kept Y/N close the rest of the night which led them to the room she claimed. Y/N laid on top of Daryl as he gently grazes his fingers against her back in a soothing motion.
“You wanna talk about it?”
“It just…happened” Y/N frowns bringing herself to look at Daryl and his worried expression. “I feel so stupid…”
“You’re not stupid. You’re never stupid for bein’ anxious, sunshine” Daryl gently brushes the hair out of the way of her face watching her sadden expression last. “Sometimes we can’t control how we feel…just be glad yea ain’t quick to anger like some of us”
“You have reasons for your anger. A pen could drop on hard wood flooring and my mind could think someone is breaking in” Y/N laughed at her own problems which Daryl didn’t exactly like but he hasn’t heard her laugh in some time. As she rests her head on his chest listening to his heartbeat, he pressed a kiss to the top of her head holding her a bit tighter.
“You feel safe with me…and our family. Everybody is unsettled in this place and it’ll take time to get used to it. You’re never at fault for your anxiety…I’ll remind yea everyday if I have to”
“I promise, sunshine” Daryl kissed her once more, leading her to lift her head and bring herself up so that she could kiss his lips which brought a hum from his chest. “I’ll always keep yea safe, too. From everything”
“What did I do to deserve you?” Y/N smiles bringing her head back to lay on his chest as he held her close with a hint of a smile gracing his features.
“By being you”
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lives-in-midgard · 8 months
Hi! 🩵
I would love to make a request for your birthday celebration, with either Bucky or Steve, depending on which you think would fit better in this scenario.
Reader is an Avenger but can’t seem to find her place with them, and they constantly leave her out of missions and other activities like parties, dinners, you name it.
This goes on for a while and Bucky or Steve constantly try to include you, but after everything you don’t really feel welcome and decide to just not bother at that point.
They’re hurt by this and they see you’re pulling back more and more, until they decide to do something about it during a mission, or just in the Compound, whichever you prefer.
Reader is very thankful to Steve or Bucky and she the others give her a chance, and they finally see Reader is actually very nice and fun to hang out with.
I’ve had this idea for a while but I’m not really well versed into hurt/comfort fics, so I thought I’d give you my idea!
Thank you so much, and I can’t wait to see where you’re taking this 🩵
You Finally Belong
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Summary: You are a new Avenger and can't find your place with them until Bucky decides to do something about it.
Word Count: 1700
A/N: Thank you so much for sending that request! When I first read your request I immediately loved it. I really hope you like how this turned out!💖
The sun was going down and you were looking out of the window in your room at the Avengers compound. You saw people leaving and other people having conversations outside. The music from the Avengers party downstairs was so loud that you could hear it all the way into your room upstairs. You heard how the other Avengers were having fun downstairs. Tony shouted something and when you looked out of the window again you saw Bucky, Steve and Sam having a conversation. Suddenly Bucky looked up to your window. He probably couldn’t see you because you quickly hid yourself behind the curtain, but he knew that you were still awake. You decided to turn the light off and go to sleep even though you knew that you would not fall asleep. You tucked yourself in and tears started to run down your cheek. They didn’t even think of inviting you. When Tony mentioned the party, he didn’t even look at you. You wiped your tears away and tried to sleep a bit.
You joined the Avengers a little over a month ago and before joining them you were a SHIELD agent. Fury liked your work and suggested that you could join the Avengers if you feel up to it. Of course, you couldn’t say no to such a big offer. You only heard of them and never really had a chance to talk to them properly, so you were nervous to meet them. You knew Clint and Natasha a little bit because when you joined SHIELD, they were still there but then they left soon. You are a little shy when you meet new people, so it wasn’t easy for you when you first met them. They were all welcoming you when you moved in, but you still didn’t really feel like you belong there.
On some nights they watch movies together without inviting you. At first you didn’t want to join because you wanted to be alone but now you would really like to join them and get to know them better. At breakfast or dinners, they don’t really talk much to you only some small talk. You always listened to their conversations and tried to fit in, but you don’t know how. It feels like they don’t want you to be a part of them. You haven’t been on many missions with them yet, only on one short one with Steve, Bucky and Natasha.
When you walked into the kitchen in the morning after the party everyone was sitting by the table and eating breakfast.
“Morning y/n.” Bucky noticed you and gave you a smile.
“Morning Bucky.” The other greeted you too and you made yourself a cup of coffee and sat next to Wanda and opposite from Bucky and Steve. You ate your breakfast and listened to their conversation like always when suddenly Bucky tried to start a conversation with you.
“How was your evening yesterday?” Bucky asked with a smile and suddenly everyone looked at you.
“Oh, umm it was good I started to read a new book.” You lied because you didn’t know what to say. Bucky nodded.
“That’s great, what book are you reading?” Bucky asked and you told him about the book you just finished reading. After breakfast you wanted to go back into your room when Steve suddenly stopped you.
“Hey, I thought if you would like to go for a morning run with me and Sam tomorrow?” You were surprised by the question but weren’t sure if you should join them. Of course, it would be nice, but you don’t want to bother them.
“I don’t think so, running is not really my thing.” You lied to him, because actually you like to run.
“Oh, that’s okay, you don’t have to if you don’t want to.” Steve nervously said and looked over to Bucky. You turned around and went back to your room. Later that day you heard a knock on your door. When you opened it, Bucky was standing in front of you.
“Hey, would you like to join our movie night later?” Bucky asked and you again said that you rather stay in your room. Bucky was being sweet and said that it’s okay, but he was also being sad that you didn’t want to join them.
A few days passed since the party, and you mostly were in your room or did some training alone. You were currently on your way to the meeting room. You opened the door and saw that a few Avengers were already sitting there.
“Hey y/n you can sit here.” Bucky said when he noticed you. When you walked over to the empty seat next to Bucky you greeted the others that were there. After a while Tony, Natasha and some other Avengers joined the meeting room. Fury came in and told everyone about the next mission.
“I think it would be the best if Bucky and Steve go on this mission.” Tony suggested and Furry nodded. Suddenly Bucky clears his throat, and everyone looked at him.
“I would like to take y/n with me on this mission.” You looked over to him and Bucky gave you a smile.
“Yeah, why not.” Fury said and the meeting went on. You couldn’t believe Bucky wants you on that mission. After the meeting the others left but before Steve could go you called his name.
“I hope it’s okay for you if I go on this mission.”
“Of course, it is. I’m actually a little bit glad that I don’t have to go and that I have a little time to rest.”
“You and Bucky will definitely success the mission don’t worry.” Steve continued because he probably noticed that you got a little nervous.
“Thank you, Steve.”
Before going back to your room, you knocked on Bucky’s door. He opened it and when he saw you, he immediately smiled.
“Hey, doll. Everything okay?” When he used the pet name you began to blush.
“Yeah, I just wanted to ask if we could maybe train a little before we have to go on the mission later.”
“Sure, we can but you don’t have to be nervous trust me, it will be okay.” Bucky said and you believed him. After you both trained for a while, you went back to your room to make yourself ready for the mission.
Bucky and Steve were both right. You and Bucky succeeded the mission, and everything went well. Because it was late at night you both decided to stay at a small hotel there. You and Bucky had to share a room because there was only one that was free. After you settled down and sat down on the bed it was a little quiet between the two of you. Until Bucky broke the silence.
“Can I have your opinion on something?”
“Sure, you can.”
“I have this little notebook where I write down films, books or music that are important or a must see and I thought maybe you could help me with that. Look over it and tell me if there is something missing.” Bucky got a little nervous when he asked you that.
“Of course, I can help you. Do you have the notebook here?”
“Yeah, I have.” He said and pulled a little notebook out of his back pocket. You stood up from your place on the bed and walked to the side where he was sitting and sat next to him. Bucky smiled at you and held the book page to you. When you reached for the book, your fingers touched his and you began to blush. You read the page and a smile escaped you on a few of them. You talked for a while about movies and then told Bucky that your favorite movie was missing.
“We could watch it together.” Bucky said and you agreed that you would like that.
The night went on and you stayed awake really long because you talked about everything. He wanted to know about your favorite music, books and so much more. Then you asked Bucky what he likes or what he liked back in the 40s. You had such a great time there with Bucky and almost forgot how you felt in the compound.
“Thank you so much for taking me on this mission with you and for being so kind to me. It really means so much to me.” You said after a while.
“You’re welcome, doll. I know you are a great assassin; I saw you training and on that last mission you were also really good.”
“And of course, I’m kind to you. You’re such a good person.” Bucky continued.
“Are you sure the others think that too?”
“Definitely. I know they are a little distant right now but its only because they just down know how to show it. It’s difficult for them to have someone new around. When I was new at the compound, well I had Steve, but the others needed some time to open up to me. Or ask Wanda, she would probably tell you the same. They just need their time.”
This mission changed so much not only between the two of you but also between you and the other Avengers. When you came back to the compound, they all greeted you and Tony decided to throw a party the next day because of the succeeded mission. At night there was also a movie night at the compound, and you joined them. You sat next to Bucky and after the movie you started to have a conversation. After a while Wanda joined you and then also Steve. You had such a great time with all of them.
After a few days you didn’t feel so lonely anymore. You were included on more missions. From now on you went on morning runs with Sam and Steve, were invited to parties, went shopping with Wanda, and had movie nights with them. Sometimes you even had your own little movie nights with Bucky alone and talked for hours with him. You finally felt like you fit in and like you belong there.
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@marvelogic | @angiestopit | @buckys-wintersoldier | @nicoline1998enilocin | @kandis-mom |
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Somewhere to Belong | 2/3 | S.R
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Part 2 of my Family Challenge Fic.
Part 1 | Part 3
Summery - Spencer moves into his new home and his friends express their concerns. His adoption process hits wall after wall and each time you’re the one he turns to.
Pairing - Spencer Reid x BAU Fem! Reader
Warnings - talk of break ups, arguing, tears, swearing, mentions of Spencer’s childhood, drinking, drunk Spencer, talk of potential relapse, crying child, NA meetings.
WC - 7.9k
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Part 2
It took until the end of April, around the time flowers started to rebloom and the grass turned a lush shade of green, when he finally got the keys to his new home. 
It felt fitting, the way the world was regrowing, starting a new beginning just as he was. 
He’d taken the first offer that came on his apartment, not caring that it was less than he would have liked for it. He had enough money saved from over the years that he could cover the difference needed. Time was of the essence, he couldn’t wait around. 
The team, now all apprised of his adoption intentions, helped him move on a rare weekend they had off from the BAU. Well all of them except for you anyway. 
Luke and Matt did most of the heavy lifting, much to Spencer’s elation as honestly he had no idea how he’d planned on doing it himself. 
Rossi, Emily and Tara helped fix together furniture while he and JJ started on painting the room that would hopefully one day belong to Wren. 
It broke her heart a little as she aided him in filling the little bookshelf with all the girls favourite titles and putting stuffed animals on another shelf all of which he’d brought for her. 
Because what happened if Wren didn’t come home to him? What on Earth would be left of her best friend if he wasn’t able to adopt her? 
He’d spent nearly all his savings on this house and furnishing it, even stencilling Wren’s name above the bed. She knew there would be no coming back for him if this didn’t work out. She would help in any way she could but she wished he was erring on the side of caution more. 
After hours spent getting Spencer’s new home in order, Rossi cooked them all carbonara alla Rossi which they all sat down to eat as a family. 
Minus you. 
And your absence was brought up about halfway through dinner. 
“I have to ask,” it was Tara who finally dared broach the subject that was on the tip of everyone’s tongues. “Y/N was really cagey when we told her about today. She said she had plans but wouldn’t say what they were.” 
“Did something happen between the two of you?” JJ added over her glass of wine. 
Honestly Spencer didn’t really see the point in lying about it. Whatever happened between the two of you was over now so he supposed it didn’t matter if the team knew. 
He put his cutlery down, leaning it on the edges of his plate and taking a sip of water. He leant on the table and cleared his throat. 
“Uh well…we were dating.” He shrugged. “For a few months. But it’s over now.” 
The members of his former team all exchanged looks, silently questioning each other to see if anyone had any idea. It seemed none of them did. 
“Wow, I’m kinda impressed you managed to keep that from us.” Emily chuckled dryly. 
“Me too.” Spencer replied. 
“What happened?” Matt asked the million dollar question. 
Again, Spencer didn’t see the point in lying. It wasn’t as though there were two sides to this story, it was cut and dry; about as straightforward as it could be. 
“I wanted a family. She wasn’t ready. I guess that’s on me for choosing to date someone so much younger than me.” He shrugged again, trying to act as if he didn’t care. 
“So you broke up because of Wren?” JJ asked him softly. 
“Yes and no. I’d already mentioned having a family before Wren came into the picture and she freaked out. And then Wren came along and I realised it was perfect timing. But uh, I guess my decision to adopt her didn’t exactly help matters.” He picked his knife and fork back up, hoping if he resumed eating they would understand he didn’t want to talk about this. 
“You’re sure about this right, Reid?” Luke dared to ask. 
Spencer huffed and dropped his cutlery again, letting them angrily clang against the China plate. 
“Am I sure about what, Alvez?” He shot Luke a look across the table none of the team had ever seen on Spencer before. “About my break up or about adopting Wren?” 
Luke shrunk in on himself a little, Spencer’s gaze heavily upon him. He’d hoped maybe someone else would jump to his rescue but no one did. 
“Any of it.” Luke’s voice cracked as he spoke. “We’re your friends and we want you to be happy, but I think I speak for everyone when I say this is all happening so fast.” 
Spencer’s nostrils flared. His jaw tightened. One by one he looked at the former members of his team under a steely gaze. 
“Does he speak for all of you?” Spencer spat. “Someone please speak up. If you all think I’m making such a huge mistake, please-”
“No one said it was a mistake, boy wonder, chill.” Garcia piped up, cutting Spencer off. “But Newbie is right, it’s so fast. Have you really stopped and taken a breath to think about it?”
“You’ve decorated her room, Spence and you don’t even know that you’ll get granted parental rights. What happens if you don’t? It’s going to crush you.” JJ added, her tone sombre. 
“And if you do manage to get through the adoption process, you’ll have a five year old girl to take care of. A five year old girl who lost her parents in the most horrific way possible.” Tara chimed in, tone equally as morose and JJ’s. 
“And you’ll be doing it alone. On top of a full time job at the university.” It was Rossi’s turn to speak. 
“We’ll support you whatever you do, Reid. We’re just worried that this is some kind of…a, uh…” Emily trailed off, looking at the others for help with finishing her sentence. 
But Spencer knew exactly what she wanted to say. 
He slammed his hands on the table and pushed his seat back, the wooden chair legs scraping against the tiled floor aggressively. 
“Just say it,” he growled, with a shake of his head. “You’re worried I’m having a mid life crisis, right?” 
He got to his feet and glared down at his so-called friends in disdain. 
“No one said it was a mid life crisis, kid.” Rossi sighed as though Spencer was some kind of nuisance child. 
“You didn’t need to say it. You’re all thinking it.” He grunted. 
“Spence,” Emily looked sadly at him. “We’re just worried about you.”
“I don’t need you to be worried about me, I am perfectly fine. Why is it such a big deal that I’m doing this? You know I’ve always wanted kids.” 
“Not like this though.” JJ rolled her lip between her teeth. “I have absolutely no doubt you will be a good father, someday. This…it doesn’t seem right.” 
“Thank you all for coming,” Spencer forced his anger down before he said something he would regret. “But I’d like you all to leave now.” 
He turned his back on them, the way they had all metaphorically turned their backs on him, and stormed to the kitchen. 
The rest of them silently decided among themselves who would be the one to go after him. Usually the job would fall to JJ but she knew Spencer was too angry with her right now. 
Eventually Penelope exhaled and pushed her chair gently back before getting to her feet. She didn’t look at the others as she left, tottering on her too high heels as she followed in Spencer’s wake. 
He heard the door swing open, heard her heels on the floor so he knew it was her. He gripped the counter top, his back to her. 
“Please don’t try to make it better, Garcia.” He spoke without turning. 
He heard her come closer and then there was a warm hand on his shoulder, turning him around. When she saw his face, the tears that were now rolling down his cheeks, her own face fell. 
“Oh boy wonder,” she pouted, immediately throwing her arms around him. 
Spencer sniffed, burying his head against Garcia’s shoulder and wrapping his arms around her waist. 
“I understand what you’re all saying, trust me I get how crazy this sounds.” He whimpered a little. “But I love that little girl. And I want to be her father more than anything else in the world.”
“I know you do, Reid.” She cooed, running her hand up and down his back. “We just worry about you is all. No one is saying you shouldn’t do this, we just want to make sure you’re certain of what you’re doing.” 
“Penelope,” he raised his head so he could look her in the eyes. “I have never been more sure about a single thing in my life.” 
Garcia smiled at him softly, wiping away the tear stains on his cheeks. 
“That’s good enough for me.” She placed a gentle kiss on his forehead. “Anything you need, Spencer, just say the word. If you need any red tape cutting through, I am a master of that.”
“Thanks Garcia.” He half-smiled. “I’ll bear that in mind.” 
Garcia kindly corralled the others out of Spencer’s door and stayed to help him clean up. By the time she left he was utterly exhausted. 
He climbed the stairs, running his fingers along the bannister, feeling his way in his new home. He bypassed his own bedroom and found himself in the room he’d slaved away to make perfect for Wren. 
He collapsed on her small bed, the one with the My Little Pony bedspread, clutching one of many stuffed toys he’d brought for her. 
He closed his eyes and he nuzzled against the pillow. If he concentrated hard enough he could feel her here in this room she’d never actually stepped foot in. 
He could hear her heart warming giggle, smell her on the pillow. He could imagine her crawling under the pink pony bedspread, lying beneath a string of pumpkin fairy lights while he read to her. 
He could hear her inquisitive line of questioning every time he reached the end of a page. 
He could picture her hugging Rover tightly to her chest while her bright green eyes slowly closed. 
His tears fell from behind his closed lids. His friends were right and he hated that. 
He’d gone through all this trouble, all the time, money and effort but what if it proved fruitless? What if he never got to bring Wren home? 
What if he was doomed to live in this large house all alone for the rest of his days, pinning for the life he could have had?
Two days later a social worker came round to do her initial assessment of his new home. He didn’t miss the small smile that crept to her face when she saw the room he hoped to be Wren’s.
He made tea and sat down in his new living room with Jenny, Wren’s permanent social worker and tried to mentally prepare himself for another grilling. 
The application process itself had been particularly probing but he knew this would be worse. Garcia had emailed him over a list of potential questions which he’d tried to cultivate answers for ahead of time but right now everything went out of his head.
Jenny sipped her tea and retrieved a notebook and pen from her bag. 
“So, shall we?” She smiled at him but it didn’t help alleviate his nerves. 
“Sure.” He nodded, shakily smiling back. He drummed his fingers against his thighs. 
“I’d like to know what your childhood was like, if you could, Doctor Reid.” 
Fuck, what a place to start.
“Well,” he swallowed thickly. “It wasn’t exactly conventional. I’m sure you know about my mother from my application.” 
“I do.” She nodded, pen poised above the page. 
“Uh, I was pretty much responsible for myself from ten years old when my dad left. And I was also responsible for my mom. I’ve never really had anyone to depend on and on top of that I’ve had to look after a parent. I guess the parental roles got slightly tangled in my head somewhere, but I think it’s why I’m so determined to do right by Wren. She’s lost her parents and I just want her to have a family again. I want to be her family. I want to be the father I never had.” He took a big sip of tea as a way of indicating that he was finished. 
Jenny jotted down some notes before looking back at him.
“So what’s your relationship with them like now? Your parents?” 
“I’ve only ever seen my dad once since he walked out on us.” When I was accusing him of being a child molestor and a murderer. “I’m really close with my mom though. She’s in a facility in DC and I visit her once a week. She’d love Wren, I think Wren would love her too.” 
“I think you’ve already kind of covered the effect your upbringing had on you, so I’d be interested to know what a day in the life of Spencer Reid looks like.” She paused her note taking again to look at him. 
“I’m still getting used to that myself if truth be told. I left the BAU after fifteen years so I could have a job with more reliable hours for Wren. I lecture four days a week at Marlborough, I’m a criminology professor. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Thursdays are usually paperwork and grading papers but I can do that from home. 
It’s normal hours, I can be here in the morning to take Wren to school and be here to pick her up and cook her dinner. Read her bedtime stories. She likes it when we read together. She has this incredible mind, she reminds me of me when I was a kid. She’s so curious and smart. She loves to learn and I love to teach and I…I’m rambling. Sorry.” 
“It’s ok.” Jenny smiled softly. “Doctor Reid, no one is doubting the fact that you care deeply for this little girl. No one would be going through the lengths you’re going through for a flight of fancy. I’m just simply trying to ascertain the best fit for a frightened and traumatised little girl who lost everything.” 
“And I might not be the best fit.” He sniffed, eyebrows knitting together. “Because it’s just me. Because she lost not only her dad but her mom too and you think she needs two parents.” 
He was a profiler for so many years, he couldn’t just turn it off. He understood the things she wasn’t saying. 
Jenny put her pen down and leant forward in the chair. 
“I have no doubts that you love Wren, Doctor Reid.” She prefaced. “But unfortunately in these kinds of delicate situations we have to consider where the child has been. And where Wren has been was in a home with two loving parents.” 
The tears flooded to Spencer’s eyes in a flash and he fought to keep them at bay. He rolled his lip violently between his teeth to try and stop them falling. 
He tried to speak a few times but the words wouldn’t come out. He closed his eyes. Took a deep breath. 
“What are, uh, what are my chances here?” He croaked. 
“I don’t know, Doctor Reid.” Jenny sighed. “I have no doubts you would be a great fit for some child out there but maybe…maybe don’t set your sights on Wren.” 
He opened his eyes again, the tears broke free. 
“I don’t want another child. It’s not just about having some child.” He suddenly stood up. “The moment I met her I felt an intrinsic need to protect her. She is special and she is wonderful and I…I feel like her dad, don’t you understand? I love her as if she were my flesh and blood. I don’t want a child, I want Wren.” 
Jenny inhaled sharply and pushed herself to her feet, slotting her notebook back in her bag. 
“I’m not saying it won’t happen, Doctor Reid. But you need to be prepared for the fact it might not.” She shook her head sadly. “We can pick this up later in the week ok? I’ll call you.” 
Spencer couldn’t get any words out to reply. He just stood there dumbly and watched the social worker leave. 
He watched her leave him alone in this house, this fucking suburban nightmare of a house that he’d only brought for the sake of Wren.
Wren who he’d promised he would look out for, who he promised he would bring home with him. And now that could all go up in smoke. 
His tears wouldn’t cease, like a never ending waterfall flowing down his face. 
The walls of this goddamn house suddenly felt so small. This house was the last place he wanted to be right now. 
Without much thought to where he was going, he grabbed his car keys before throwing open the front door and disappearing into the balmy spring afternoon. 
It was late when the jet touched down and so Emily sent you all home from the air strip telling you all paperwork could wait until the morning. 
You could barely keep your eyes open as you drove home, tired down to your bones. 
When you found a body slumped on the floor using your front door to prop them up right, you could have burst out laughing because this was just perfect. 
His shirt was wrinkled and his hair hung messily in his face. As you approached, he didn’t move, not even an inch. 
You frowned as you fished your keys out of your purse, clearing your throat but he didn’t look up. His head was flopped forward to his chest, hair obscuring most of his face.
“Spencer?” You spoke his name but received no response. “Spencer?” Still nothing. 
“Spencer!” You kicked him firmly in the hip and he wobbled a little and then you heard a sharp intake of air.
His head shot back, his eyes suddenly wide open and staring at you like you’d woken him from a deep sleep. You most likely had. 
“Y/N?” He croaked, running his hand through his hair, eyebrows knitted in confusion. “W-where am I?” 
It was then you realised his bloodshot eyes, red raw and you knew it wasn’t just from crying. 
“Spencer, are you ok?” You swallowed, feeling your hands start to shake. 
“How did I get here?” He squinted at you. 
“I have no idea.” You reached out and grabbed him by the wrist, pulling him to his feet. 
He didn’t make it easy, he was like a led weight in your arms. He stumbled once he was up, falling against your door.
Your heart thrummed against your chest.
“Spencer,” you swallowed again. “Are you…are you high?” 
He averted his gaze to the floor, a symbol of guilt you knew all too well. But then he looked back at you and sighed.
“No.” He pinched the bridge of his nose. “I appreciate that’s what it must look like. I’m…drunk. Really fucking drunk. Not high. I swear.” 
Oh thank god, you allowed yourself to breathe a sigh of relief. Half a sigh anyway.  
“That’s probably not much better though right? You don’t drink.” 
“True.” He nodded. “But if I didn’t drink I might have gotten high. I don’t even know how I ended up here. Or how long I’ve been here.” 
This seemed way over your head, a job for JJ or Emily, not you. You didn’t know how to handle this, you weren’t equipped for it. 
You knew about Spencer’s history with dilaudid, he’d told you he didn’t drink on your first date when you’d asked him what wine he wanted with dinner. He proceeded to tell you he didn’t drink because of his past addiction, he didn’t want to find himself dependent on something else again. 
But here he was, drunk. Drunk and telling you he’d thought about getting high. And you had no idea what to do. 
“Come inside.” You got your door open and helped him inside as he couldn’t walk in a straight line. You guided him with an arm around his waist to the couch where he fell down like a rag doll. “Should I call JJ? Emily?”
“No, p-please don’t.” He whined, his words slurring together. 
“Spencer, I don’t know that I’m the best person to handle this. Do you need a meeting or something?” 
“I haven’t been to a m-meeting in over ten years.” He slurred again. 
You had to strain yourself to understand him, all his sentences sounding like one long word. You sat down on the coffee table in front of him and sighed. 
“Why did you drink? Why did you want to get high?” Maybe you could help if you understood why. Probably not, but it was worth a shot. 
He ran his fingers through his tangled hair, sweeping it back off of his face. It struck you then how old he suddenly looked, like he’d somehow aged thirty years since you’d last seen him. 
“I…my social worker…she thinks…” his sentence was punctuated with heaving breaths, as though trying to stop himself breaking down into tears. “I might not be able to a-adopt Wren.” 
Ah, so that’s what this was about. 
The last time you’d seen him you’d argued over this exact thing. So why of all people were you the one he’d come to? 
“I see.” You didn’t know what to say if truth be told. Thankfully he continued. 
“She grew up in a t-two person household. J-Jenny thinks it's more likely they will place her in a home with two p-parents.” It was the most coherent he’d been, which was good. But he sounded so unbelievably sad. “I get it. I do. I w-want what’s best for her…but w-what if that’s not what’s best for m-me?” 
You felt your heart ripping in two. It was painfully obvious how much this girl meant to him and you hated seeing him this way. Again you didn’t need to speak as he carried on. 
“It’s ironic, you know? The only reason I even w-want to adopt is because I can’t h-hold down a relationship, c-can’t seem to find someone to have my own family with. And now it m-might be the reason I can’t adopt.” His breathing grew really frantic and you could see the tears welling in his eyes. 
You really did hate that he was going through this. You leant forward and placed a gentle hand on his knee.
“I really wish I knew what to say.” You whispered. “I really am so sorry Spencer. I know I was less than thrilled with the idea but I can see how much she means to you.” 
“Just wanted to take my mind o-off of it.” He mumbled. “Just needed to forget. Wanted to get high, for the f-first time in years. Didn’t though. I didn’t.” 
“I know. I’m proud of you.” You gave his knee a squeeze. “But getting drunk isn’t going to help anything, you know that right?” 
“Yes.” He sniffed. “Just wanted to forget.” 
Suddenly he jerked forward, his large hands gripping the sides of your face and tugging you closer until his lips slammed against yours. 
He tasted like whisky. Whisky and tears. 
You were so gobsmacked for a moment you let him kiss you. But once your brain caught up to what was happening, you quickly pushed him away.
“What are you doing?” You frowned at him. 
His eyes widened as the realisation of his stupidity washed over him and he stumbled up to his feet. 
“Oh my god.” He shook his head frantically. “What am I doing? I’m so sorry, I should…should go…” 
His shaky legs tried to carry him to the door but you managed to jump up and grab his wrist before he could get too far. 
When he looked back at you his cheeks were bright red with his embarrassment and he struggled to look you in the eye. 
“Don’t go.” You spoke softly. “I can’t let you roam the streets in this state. Stay, you can sleep on the couch. We’ll forget that ever happened.” 
He pulled a face like he might argue with you and maybe if he hadn’t had so much to drink he may have. 
But god knows where else he could end up with the alcohol clouding his brain, he was sure he hadn’t meant to come here in the first place. 
He exhaled and nodded slowly, moving away from the door and further into your apartment. 
“I really am sorry about Wren. But it’s not over, Spencer. You have to try and stay positive. For her.” You whispered before you turned away to gather blankets for your ex’s drunken stay on your couch. 
In the morning you found your couch empty, blankets and pillows piled neatly at one end and a small scrap of note paper on top. 
In Spencer’s chicken scratch handwriting you read: 
Thank you for last night. I thought it best I leave before you wake up. I am absolutely mortified about my actions. I should have known better even in the state I was in. 
I’m sorry for putting you in that position and for making you feel as though you had to let me stay. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable. 
I’m sorry for everything. 
Everything; he was sorry for everything. 
Sorry for blurting out that he wanted a family? Sorry for reacting the way he did when you told him you weren’t ready? Sorry for calling whatever the two of you had a waste of time? Sorry for diving head first into adopting a little girl without telling you? 
You folded up the note and hid it away in your nightstand. You considered calling him but you were fairly certain he wouldn’t pick up. 
You made coffee and ate breakfast, all the while Spencer’s heartbreak over potentially losing that little girl was weighing on you. 
There had to be something you could do to help him. Anything. You would do anything for him. 
You took your coffee over to the desk and booted up your laptop. Even as your fingers were hovering over the keys, you weren’t sure why exactly you were doing this. 
Other than the fact you hated to see Spencer so sad. 
It was deep into the month of June when Spencer was allowed to take Wren out of the halfway home for the first time. 
Jenny accompanied them but assured him she was just here to supervise and she wouldn’t get involved. 
He’d tried to remain positive, the fact they were allowing him to still see her, to take her out of the home surely meant all was not lost? Maybe he still had a chance to be her father. 
The first place Wren wanted to go was for ice cream. He told her they could go anywhere she wanted and she wanted ice cream. 
So he took her for ice cream. 
She couldn’t decide what she wanted so he brought her seven different little cups of seven different flavours. She ate each one with a smile on her face and apparently each one was better than the last. 
Hopped up on sugar, he took her to the park. She held his hand as they walked and hers was so tiny in his. It made his heart soar, spiralling up into the atmosphere and blanketing him in a warmth he’d never felt before. 
He pushed her on the swing set while she giggled and screamed to go higher. He caught her in his arms at the bottom of the slide which she went down twenty two times. 
And each of the twenty two times he caught her, wrapping her small body in his arms, picking her up and spinning her around causing more laughter to erupt from her. And each time when he placed her back on her feet she screamed, again! 
He held her little waist while she attempted the jungle gym, not having the upper body strength to hold herself up. 
Once he settled her back on the ground and asked her what she wanted to do next. Her expressive eyes wandered the park, the little cogs in her brain turning while she tried to make a decision. 
But then something horrible happened. 
When her eyes finally landed back on Spencer, he saw the tears behind them a split second before they started falling. Her bottom lip pouted and her small frame started to shake violently. 
“Wren?” Spencer immediately knelt in front of her in the grass and placed his hands on her shoulders. 
She was vibrating, sniffing dramatically and shaking her head, curls bouncing as she did so. 
“Wren, what’s wrong?” He felt his heart shattering as he looked at her. 
“I want to go home!” She screamed, so loudly Spencer was sure he felt an ear drum burst.
Before he could reply she had pulled herself out of his grip, turned away and started running as fast as her legs would carry her. 
“I want to go home!” She screeched as she went. 
Spencer pushed himself up and suddenly Jenny was at his side. He barely registered her until she spoke. 
“What happened?” She asked almost accusingly. 
“I have no idea.” He shook his head, not taking his eyes off of Wren who was running towards the tree line at the edge of the park. “Let me go, I’ll find out what’s wrong.”
He didn’t wait for Jenny to reply before he took off running after her. Spencer had never relished running or any kind of physical exertion. In his time with the BAU he’d avoided it at all costs. 
But right now he didn’t care. He would run to the ends of the Earth if he had to just to find Wren. Thankfully he didn’t have to. 
He found the small raven haired girl collapsed at the trunk of a large tree, legs drawn up to her chest and she sobbed into the fabric of her cream coloured leggings. 
Her cries were so loud, so gut wrenching that he could have burst into tears just from the sound. She looked utterly helpless and Spencer wanted to wrap her in his arms and shield her from all the bad in the world. 
But he wasn’t so sure that’s what she wanted. 
He approached her with caution, not wanting to startle her. When he reached her, he dropped to the grass in front of her on his knees. Slowly he reached out and brushed her tangled curls behind her ear. 
“Pumpkin, what’s wrong?” He whispered soothingly, hooking his finger under her chin and raising her head so he could look at her. 
Those electrifying green eyes were made almost blindingly bright by her tears. 
“The lady,” she sniffed, lips still pouted. “The lady by the swing set. She looked like my mommy.” 
He felt a lump form in his throat. Sometimes she was so happy and upbeat it was easy for him to forget what had happened to her parents. She was so brave, so strong, but he couldn’t imagine the kind of inner turmoil she battled with everyday. 
“Oh, Wren. I’m so sorry.” He started to brush away her tears but she surprised him when she huffed and shoved his hand off of her face. 
“Stop it.” She frowned at him. “I want to go home!” 
“Wren,” he tried to ignore the pain of having her push him away. “We’ve talked about this. You said you understood that you couldn’t go home.” 
“I don’t care!” She yelled, slamming her little fists in the dirt. “I want to go home! I want my mommy and daddy!”
Spencer felt a presence somewhere behind them, he knew it was Jenny. He hoped she’d let him handle this. 
“Wren, I know this must be hard for you…” he trailed off when the little girl pushed herself to her feet. Spencer stayed on his knees. 
“I want my mommy and daddy!” She screamed at the top of her small lungs.  
“I know you do, pumpkin but-”
“Stop calling me pumpkin.” She huffed again, stamping her foot. 
“I thought…I thought you liked me calling you pumpkin?” His chest tightened, his heart breaking. 
“Well I don’t.” She folded her arms dramatically over her chest, stomped her foot again.
“Ok, that’s ok. I won’t call you it anymore if you don’t like it.” He spoke softly, he hoped calmly. 
“I don’t like you.” She suddenly spat, eyes sad and eyebrows knitted together. 
The pain that shot to his heart hearing those words was like nothing Spencer had ever experienced before. It was as though she had taken her tiny fist and punched him straight in the chest with a force much stronger than herself. 
The air left his lungs, the wind leaving his sails. The hurt caused by those four words was far worse than getting shot, worse than being beaten by Hankel, or the beatings he’d received in prison. Even worse than the mental and emotional anguish of watching Maeve die. 
Her words were like a knife, cutting and ripping at his flesh, slicing him open and leaving him completely raw. 
“W-Wren…” he choked out, his pain evident in his voice. “I know you’re sad but please don’t say that. It’s not a very nice thing to say.”
“I don’t care!” She screamed again. “I hate you! You’re not my daddy. I want my daddy!” 
She grew hysteric after that, sobbing so frantically nothing she said made sense anymore. He tried to comfort her, to hold her, but she pushed him away each time. 
Eventually he glanced over his shoulder where Jenny was in fact standing and looked forlornly at her from the ground. 
She stepped closer tentatively and crouched next to the screeching child. 
“It’s ok Wren, let’s get you back to the home.” She was able to put her arm around Wren without being pushed away and the little girl buried against her. “I’m sorry Doctor Reid but I need to take her back. I’ll call you tomorrow, ok?” 
Both adults raised to their feet at the same time, Spencer’s tears filled eyes meeting those of the social worker. 
“I…I…” he looked back at Wren who was clinging to Jenny like he was some kind of terrifying monster. He wanted to argue but he could risk further upsetting her. “O-ok.” 
He stood dumbly and watched as Jenny led Wren back across the park. His tears started to fall despite himself and he curled his arms around his body, hugging himself tightly. 
All he wanted in the world was for Wren to be happy. But if she wasn’t happy with him, how did he even begin to be happy without her? 
“Thank you for coming with me. I’m sorry I keep dragging you into this.” Spencer averted his gaze to the sidewalk as he ambled along. 
You strolled next to him, curiously watching the side of his face as you sipped your coffee. 
When he’d called you this evening you’d been at the BAU finishing up some paperwork. You hadn’t seen or heard from him since the night he showed up drunk at your apartment and you were surprised to see his name flashing on your phone screen. 
His tone had been frantic down the phone, you only managed to catch every few words. 
Wren hates me. Fucked up. Want to use. 
You managed to get him to calm for long enough to tell you where he was. When you’d hurried to Emily’s office your fear must have been written on your face as all you’d needed to say was, I have to go, Spencer… and she was motioning you out of the door. 
You found him where he’d said he’d be, on a park bench with a bottle of whiskey concealed in a paper bag. 
It was unopened. Small miracles. 
He didn’t tell you what was wrong, instead he asked you to follow him. And you did without question. 
He led you to an old community centre and once inside you understood why. 
You sat and listened as he spoke to the room at Beltway Clean Cops of everything that had happened, right up until this afternoon when Wren had screamed that she hated him and didn’t want him as her dad. 
He told them how he had never wanted to use so badly in over ten years and how he’d gotten drunk a little while ago to stop him getting high. 
Afterwards he left and you followed him again. 
He brought you coffee at a nearby cafe and the two of you walked in the DC night side by side. That was the first time he’d spoken since he addressed the room at Beltway. 
“I’m glad you called actually. I’ve been worried about you.” You kept your eyes on his face but he wouldn’t look at you. “She’s been traumatised, Spence. It sounds like she’s been brave up until now but you and I both know that kind of trauma has to be dealt with eventually. I may not know her but I’m certain she didn’t mean what she said.” 
“What if she did?” His hand tightened around his coffee cup. “What the hell am I supposed to do?”
“You need to give her time, that's all you can do. She needs to feel what happened to her so she can start to move past it.” You wished you had a better answer. 
“So I’m just supposed to wait? I can’t do that, I have to do something.” 
You reached for him, touching the back of his free hand. He slowed to a stop and you did the same. Finally his eyes flit up to you. 
“You know the Serenity Prayer, right? They use it in drug rehabilitation.” You kept your hand on his, he didn’t seem to mind. 
“Of course I do.” He frowned a little. 
“I know you’re not religious, but I need you to say it with me. I need you to hear it.” You turned his hand over so you could hold it. 
He looked like he might argue, huffing out a breath before he rolled his eyes. 
“Fine.” He agreed although clearly not happily. 
“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” You spoke in time with one another, keeping eye contact as you did so. 
“You have to grant your own serenity, Spencer. You have to accept that you can’t change some things no matter how much you want to. I know it’s hard, but some things are out of your control.” You went to remove your hand from his but he surprised you by keeping a firm hold on you. 
“I don’t know what I’d do without you.” He spoke quietly, his eyebrows still knitted together. “You’re the wind beneath my wings, keeping me airborne when I feel like I might start free falling. You’re…you’re my favourite person in the whole goddamn world.”
“And you’re mine.” You smiled at him, squeezing his hand. “I want this to work out for you but if it doesn’t, you have to be able to bounce back. You just have to.” 
“I know.” He agreed with a nod. “Thank you Y/N.”
He let go of your hand but was quickly wrapping his arm around you, pulling you close to his chest. In turn you wrapped your free arm around him too and you held each other tightly. 
“You’ll be ok Spencer. I’m sure of it.” You whispered against his shirt. 
“I hope so.” He nodded, inhaling the scent of your hair. “Can I…can I call you tomorrow after I’ve spoken to Jenny? Good or bad?” 
You lifted your head so you could look at him, a gentle smile on your lips. 
“You can call me any time, Spencer. I mean it.”
You noticed the way his eyes grazed over your lips and you thought he might kiss you. And this time you might have let him.
He wanted to kiss you, he almost kissed you, but he knew it wasn’t fair on either of you. You were one of those things he needed the serenity to accept he couldn’t change. 
He swallowed thickly and stepped back from your hold, awkwardly scratching at the back of his neck. 
“Can I walk you to your car?” He asked, eyes once again on the sidewalk.
“Sure.” You nodded and soon the two of you fell in step again and neither of you spoke until you said your goodbyes at your vehicle. 
You drove away knowing you had to do more. You’d already started making provisions, taking steps in order to help your most favourite person. But you needed to do more. 
And you needed to do it fast. 
The following day Jenny called him and asked him to come to the halfway home. He was nervous, having no idea what to expect when he got there. 
It wasn’t Jenny that met him in the day room though, it was Wren. 
She had her curly hair in pigtails and she wore a cute pair of denim overalls with a polka dot shirt underneath. She had a shy smile on her lips, one hand clutching Rover by the ear and the other held a sheet of paper. 
“Hi Wren,” Spencer cautiously stepped closer to her, wanting to give her space. 
She proffered the paper towards him without a word, which he took and scrutinised. 
On one half of the page was another of her crayon drawings, this one depicting a small dark-haired child cuddling an extremely tall man, taller than the trees he was standing next to. 
On the other in orange crayon was a note, every word spelled correctly, he wasn’t sure if she was just that smart or if she had help. It didn’t matter much either way, what mattered were the words themself. 
To: Spencer
From: Wren
I’m sorry for being mean to you. I don’t hate you and I still want to live with you in the pretty house. I miss my mommy and daddy but I still want us to be a family.
He felt the tears filling his eyes before he reached the end and once he’d read it through a handful of times he looked back up at Wren who waited patiently for him to finish. 
“You’re sure?” His voice cracked, betraying him. 
“Yes.” She nodded, pigtails bouncing, 
“Come here,” he sniffed, holding his arms open for her to make the first move.
She was quick to come closer, falling into Spencer and wrapping her small arms around his waist while he enveloped her in a tight embrace. 
“God I love you kiddo.” He blurted out, as she snuggled against him. He’d never told her that before, always too scared of what a five year olds reaction would be to that.
She squeezed him as tight as she was able, nuzzling her head into his stomach.
“I love you, Spencer.” She replied and Spencer felt the pieces of his shattered heart fall back into place. “And I do like it when you call me pumpkin.”
Spencer held her tighter still, feeling as though his chest could explode with love. He bowed his head and kissed her curls. 
“Ok, pumpkin,” he whispered into her wild hair. “You want me to read to you while I’m here?” 
“Yes please.” She nodded, pulling back from his arms. 
She soon started running away, over towards the couch they usually occupied how he read to her. He glanced down at the piece of paper in his hands and smiled. 
If it was the last thing he did, he was bringing this little girl home. 
July came and went in a blur of home visits, parental training, family profile meetings and days out with Wren and Jenny. 
August came and Spencer felt positive. With each passing day he was getting closer and closer to being able to finally bring Wren home. 
But just as quickly as he’d gotten his hopes up, they were dashed again, leaving Spencer spiralling towards a dark abyss with no way to break his fall.
“I’m sorry, could you repeat that?” Spencer stared at Jenny across his coffee table, his mug of tea wobbling in his shaky hands. 
Jenny inhaled, sitting back in the armchair and crossing one leg over the other. 
“I said there’s a young couple who have taken a liking to Wren. They’ve expressed interest in pursuing adoption. They’re already approved, done their home studies and training. They’d just been waiting for the right child.” Jenny braced herself, waited for the doctor's reaction. 
“They’ve met her?” He swallowed.
“Yes, they adore her.” Jenny told him somewhat morosely.
“And Wren?” 
“She seemed to like them.” Jenny smiled sadly at him.
“So, uh, it’s over? Just like that?” The tears misted his eyes but he managed to keep them at bay. 
He recited the serenity prayer in his head like a mantra. 
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
“It’s not over, Doctor Reid. And if you wish to still pursue your adoption you are well within your right to. But you’re entitled to know what’s going on and I’ve said before-”
“The state will be more likely inclined to place her in an environment similar to where she came from. Two parents instead of one.” His voice was monotone, not an ounce of emotion to it. 
“I’m afraid so.” 
Spencer wanted to cry. He wanted to laugh. He wanted to scream and break something. He wanted to drink or take dilaudid. 
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. 
“O-ok.” He croaked. 
“Ok?” Jenny frowned at him, clearly expecting him to put up more of a fight. 
“I want what’s best for Wren above all else. Maybe two parents can give her more than I can.” He choked back a sob. “I’ll keep fighting for her, to the bitter end. But if it doesn’t work in my favour there’s nothing I can do, right? I have to accept the things I can’t change.” 
“For what it’s worth,” Jenny pushed herself to her feet. “I’m rooting for you. But there’s only so much I can do.” 
“Thank you.” He stood as well. 
He saw her out and padded back to the couch, running his fingers through his tangled hair. 
It was only then he realised how exhausted he was. These last few months had taken everything out of him, physically and mentally. He’d continue to go through the motions in the hopes this might end in his favour but honestly, he couldn’t keep fighting the way he had been. 
He loved Wren, with every beat of his heart. But perhaps it wasn’t meant to be. Maybe he was never supposed to have a family.
He grabbed his phone and typed out a quick text, hit send and closed his eyes. 
Before he could succumb to sleep, there was a knock at his green front door. 
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@ultragirrl @wittlewowa @bxtchopolis @coldheartedmar
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kurosstuff · 3 months
🍯Soon enough you'll be at 1k followerssss
I had the idea of a lute x female reader where they use a strap for the first time (reader receiving or both receiving). I think it could go well with prompt 7! Sooo, that's my request :)
(She does not get enough love 😭)
Thank you dearie~♡ I'm happy ypu all enjoy my works~♡♡
Also ironically almost all my lute asks are quite similar- all great minds think alike i suppose ~?
Warning(s): straps(referred to as dick), filthy smut, established relationship, mate talk(?)
gonna jump right into this one~
Lute x f!reader
Is what you again said grumbling ignoring how your girlfriend- your mate grumbled behind you with a deep sigh "but- come on. It'll be fun I swear I'll be gentle-" lute grumbled out watching you closely
That- made you stop turning to face her "lute baby I love you all of you but.. your not gentle baby~ yoy always bruise me leaving me sore after we.. but add a strap to it? I won't be able to walk even more-!" Making her smirk snickering
"That a bad thing dove~?"
"Lute" you huffed, glaring over at her. "No, that's final," you grumbled out, hearing her yet again grumbling, annoyed, moving to lay on the couch slumping with that familiar frown on her face
Rolling your eyes, you turned back to making dinner, letting your mind wander. Now, curious. What would it feel like? Would she be rough or in an odd mood. Gentle? You hummed flushed sighing as your mind went south. How her lips feel against your skin. How she knows how to ruffle your feathers(litterally) with a deep sigh you turned to her silently
"Fine, we can try it"
At that? She jumped up eagerly, going to you spilling out jumbled words making you sigh dodging her hug
"No. Eat first it's dinner time I didn't make your favorite dinner just for it to get cold qnd wasted." Headed to the table, Lute following closely wings fluttering in approval kissing your neck
"Then after I'll rock your world~"
Stopping, you scrunched your nose. "You've.. been around Adam too much again, " snickering at her flushed embarrassed face, barley dodging her wing, attempting to hit you "HEY-" giggling at her reaction
Not a second after you set the fork down after the final bite did Lute eagerly lifted you up ignoring your whines of the dirty table "I'll clean it later. Wanna have my fun now" she huffed out carrying you into your shared room pushing you onto the bed kissing you deeply swallowing your questions before whining when she felt you push her away. Looking ag you almost annoyed "what?"
"Shouldn't you- like I don't know.. grab the strap?" You huffed flushed, looking at her smirk as she reluctantly got off you, glancing at you with that knowing look. Huffing you quickly stripped knowing that's what she wanted waiting for her- seeing her biting your lip you moaned at the sight "fuck baby-" you stopped at the sight of the strap
"What~? Like what you see?" Moving onto the bed opening your legs wide for her snickering at your awestruck expression
"will it fit?" You stuttered out making her hum rubbing your waist slowly rubbing the tip on your entrance in thought collecting your slick
"It'll fit. I'll go slow ok?" She whsipered out softly. Kissing you gently- Slowly pushing into you, stopping halfway before pushing fully in waiting for you to give the go ahead
"o- ok, you can move~" you gasped out softly, humming softly she slowly moved, holding your hands linking them together before smirking, kissing you deeply, moving to bite marking your neck up pounding roughly into you "wait~ lute- sl-slow down~" you sobbed out whining loudly begging for her tearfully flushed
"Oh stop fucking whining~ you can take this dick can't you? Come on~ say. It" she growled, pounding into you roughly hands pinning yours to the bed, roughly kissing your bruised lips, making you moan crying out for her begging for her. The familiar sense of possessiveness in lute struck her. Made her more smug(if that was even possible) "Go on my mate say it or.. I'll stop~"
Smirking leaning back rutting into you rougher relishing in your whines- your cries the moans you let our begging for her. Huffing watching you closely kissing your tears away as your whines grew louder "-please~ lute~! Too- too much~" moaning out loudly against her
At that, you sobbed, shaking your head, moaning "I- I can take it! I swear!" You whined out rocking your hips up to match hers the best you could wings fluttering at the heated stare she gave you- smirking pounding faster in you she clicked her tounge
"Thats my good girl~" she purred out, marking your neck up, leaving bites so everyone knew yet again. Your hers. Her mate. Her lover. Just like she was yours. She couldn't help the possessiveness despite how everyone already knew from how you both wore the others' feathers, marking you as the others mate
Huffing, she hummed, leaning back, holding your waist tightly pounding harder fucking you into your shared bed "maybe you- you should fuck me everywhere in this house~?" You choked out moaning making her hum snickering letting her hands wander acrossed your body-
"You'd like that huh~? Being fucked? Claimed by me? Your mate in every inch here? Remembering how good I made you feel?" She growled out her wings puffed up smug at being such a good partner. Such a good mate for you. "Maybe I'll fuck you in your office? While you're on call?" She hummed in thought, leaning close, nipping at your neck groaning, panting heavily in your ear
"Please~?" You smirked, knowing you're playing a very dangerous game. Yet. You don't mind it. Not one bit. "Claim me~ make me yours again and again until everyone knows for sure who has my body and soul~." Making her hum smirking
"What about your heart ~?"
Making you gasp at the sudden lack of movement "you-! You have it! Who else would~? g-gonna-!" Making her hum begining her relentless pace yet again smirking seeing you cum around her strap- she hummed her pace never stopping not nor truly upset until you couldn't speak. Couldn't
"Who indeed~?" Snarling as she took you - taking you in your guys bed how many rounds did she drag from you? You weren't sure but she didn't stop until the only thing you could say? Was her name. Smirking kissing you roughly swallowing your broken moans
Sobbing out, you clawed at her arms. Body sore from the many marks and the attention she gave you "lute- lute please? Im- I'm gonna please? Hurts~" you sobbed out making
"One more. One more time and I'll let you rest ok?" She cooed out panting her own legs shaking from the little to no break from her fucking into you. Making you release over and over "so good for me~ doing so good for me~"
Nodding you pulled her impossibly closer to you kissing jer deeply before Cumming in a silent scream arching your back slumping on the bed completely spent. Feeling her finally stop pulling away cleaning you up gently
"That's my good mate~ god I love you~ you did wonderful~" laying next to you pulling you close to her chest "Rest later I'll fuck you in the kitchen~" causing you to sigh breathlessly nuzzling into her chest
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pipsipey17 · 1 year
a little lie
boss/ceo!dom!natasha romanoff x assistant!bottom!fem!reader
main masterlist
summary: your parents introduced you to someone when you got back from your date but little did you know it was your boss whom they introduced you to.
contains: possessive and jealous nat, sorta semi public sex which means some smut ig.
please be informed that English isn't my first language so please bear with any grammatical/punctuation errors thank you!
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Your date went surprisingly well, even though it was arranged by your mom because she wants you to somehow 'go out' more. The woman whom you had a date with, Wanda is a pretty great woman she was just not your type, your boss is more of your type, dominant, powerful and older. You liked her the first time you saw her, it was during when you first applied as an assistant at her company, you thankfully got the job and eventually, you also got the heart of your boss, well... sort of. The both of you haven't established what you are just yet all that you know is that you two hookup from time to time or sometimes engage in intimacy like how any normal couple would do.
You arrived at the restaurant where your parents said they would meet someone for business purposes.
“Hey mom, hey dad.” You greeted them as you approached their table. 
You hear your dad say, “Hi darling, I would like you to meet Miss Natasha Romanoff,” your world suddenly froze as you looked at the opposite side of the table, there she was, sitting there in all of her glory, wearing a champagne colored dress with a plunging neckline, it made you curious if dresses with plunging necklines are really her thing or she just wears those to tease you.
“-this is my daughter, Y/n.” You last heard your father say since you totally blocked off what he was saying.
“Nice meeting you, Miss Romanoff,” you tried to say casually trying not to cause any suspicion. “The pleasure’s all mine.” Natasha replied with a smile. 
“Take a seat dear,” Your mom said as she gestured to the chair beside Natasha.
Great, just great.
As you were eating, you felt her hand slowly caressing your thigh, thankfully you were wearing pants or else you would be a flustering mess by now. You looked at her and saw that she was slightly smirking as she was facing your parents while they were talking about business.
“So, how was your date?” Your mom suddenly asked and you choke on your wine which made you have a slight coughing fit and you felt Natasha tense up, jealousy was also present.
It was definitely a very bad idea to talk about your date in front of Natasha. For one, you lied, well partially, you did just say that you have a family dinner but did not say that you have a date. Two, you know how jealous and possessive she can get, which means you’re probably dead later. 
But you can’t blame your parents for bringing it up, your parents have no idea that you work for her and what happens between the two of you behind closed doors.  
"Mom, we have a guest!" you countered trying to avoid the topic as you slightly looked at Natasha.
"No it's alright, I'd also like to know what happened to your date." Natasha said with slight venom in her voice while looking at you.
"See? Even Natasha likes to know about your date." Your mom said teasingly.
You groaned softly, "Fine, It went pretty well, she's actually really nice-"
"She?" Natasha suddenly asked probably to act all surprised that you liked girls, "Yeah, I'm actually a lesbian," you replied to her and Natasha hummed in response then drank her wine.
"Is she pretty?" Your dad asked.
You went silent for a few seconds knowing that your answer would set off the woman sitting beside you even more, "Y-yeah," you hesitantly said but it was true, Wanda is a pretty woman but no one could ever match the beauty of your boss or supposedly, your lover. You felt Natasha's nails dig into your thigh making you wince and curse under your breath.
You drank your wine once again but you felt Natasha's hand that was on your thigh move closer and closer to your core and she started rubbing your clothed sex slowly it made you whimper at the contact which your parents heard.
"You alright dear?" your mom asked seeing that your cheeks turned into a light shade of red.
"Y-yeah just fine, I-I have to go to the bathroom." you said as you then you got up from your seat and rushed to the bathroom.
You opened the faucet and then washed your face, you stared at your reflection afterwards and saw that you looked sort of flushed because of Natasha's antics earlier, "Fuck me." you muttered as you lowered your head, "I'd love to, malyshka." you suddenly heard someone say behind you which made you look at the mirror again and you saw Natasha already looking at your reflection with a smirk on her face.
You turned around to face her fully and saw that Natasha has her arms crossed then she spoke, "So, you went on a date?" she began, "You just told me that you have some family dinner but it turns out you went on a fucking date with a pretty girl." the venom in her voice was now stronger it made you nervous but excited even.
"I had to lie, okay? I know we said that we aren't allowed to see someone else but this date was arranged by my parents, so I can't say no to that." you replied slightly stuttering at your words.
Natasha grabbed your arm and dragged the both of you into a bathroom stall, she locked the door and grabbed a hold of both of your wrists with her one hand placing them above your head, her other hand undoing your button up shirt.
She then started to rub your core through your pants which made you whimper once again, "P-please."
"You think I'm going to let you get off that easily after the lie that you just said?" Natasha said then she started sucking on your exposed chest making her mark on you, "You're mine and mine only. Say it."
"I'm yours, only yours, Nat... please." you begged her, you just wanted her fingers deep inside you now.
"Please what baby? What do you want me to do printsessa?" Natasha teased as she looked into your eyes with her lust-filled dark emerald ones.
"Fuck me please." you begged again.
"Good girl." she then proceeded to undo you pants and started to rub your clit roughly making you moan loudly, her hand that was on your wrists went to your mouth shushing you, "You better keep quiet detka, we wouldn't want anyone to hear us now would we?" she said and you nodded in response.
Once her fingers went inside you, your eyes rolled back at the pleasure, Natasha then claimed your lips onto hers to help seal your moans, her tongue immediately seek entrance into your mouth and you let her.
She was pumping her fingers faster and rougher it was making you get closer to the edge and Natasha felt it as you started to clench around her fingers, "Cum for me detka, let go, I got you." you then came on her fingers and you swear you started to see stars as your eyes started to roll back once again.
"Such a good girl for me." Natasha cooed as she claimed your lips once more, "Lie to me again and you'll get rougher consequences." she warned then she left the stall leaving you to fix yourself, you hear her heels click on the tiled floor meaning she was walking out of the bathroom.
A few moments after collecting yourself, you left the stall and went to the mirror and saw that you were a mess, a hot mess in fact, your hair was out of place you had lipstick marks all over neck but as you were wiping the lipstick marks, you saw a bruise on your neck, which was visible even when you wore your button up shirt, "Damn it Natasha." you cursed at her, you just hope your parents don't notice it.
"There you are, I thought something bad happened to you." Your mom said as approached your table.
"Sorry I took a while, I suddenly had a call." you lied to them.
"It's alright, also, what's that on your neck?" Your dad asked which made you panic internally, "I-I slipped and hit my neck on the counter." you replied.
"She was laying on the floor when I saw her in the bathroom, she was sobbing in pain too." Natasha teased.
"I was not!" you exclaimed as you rubbed the hickey on your neck.
"Aw, did my poor baby hurt herself?" Your mom cooed.
"I'm fine mom, I'll just put an ice pack on it when I get home." you replied knowing full well that the woman beside you wouldn't let you do that since it is her act of claim on you.
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noroi1000 · 1 year
Yo! Can u do Boyfriend Gojo × Y/N
Where they get bored n then y/n suggests to do a fun role-playing game for passing time where she acts like a waitress welcoming gojo in her restaurant(imaginary) n he sits on the couch imagining it as luxurious chair of the restaurant or smtg n when she asks him "what would u like to eat sir?" He says "I would love to eat You~" then y/n becomes shocked n goes like "Gojo ur literally a customer in a Restaurant so act like one!" N then he gives some cocky reply like "isn't the work of a waiter is to listen to the customer?" then he makes things heated n then... ;)
(No need to write same exact dialogs btw I just wrote them for a reference)
Make it NSFW obv hehe 🍡
Thx in Advance I will be waiting for the reply ;)
Homemade Maid Cafe
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Paring: Gojo x reader
pictures not mine!
Warnings: smut (sex on table, maid outfit, role-playing)
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"(y/n)-chan, (y/n)-chan! Let's play something!"
You looked at your boyfriend who was standing next to you. Preventing you from leaving the wall you were standing against.
"A maid cafe?" you asked.
"Yeah! You know... I'm bored." He laughed.
"I noticed, Satoru. Also, I've seen you looking at descriptions about coffee shops like this." You said, waiting for what he would say next.
"You know, I was thinking... And I feel like playing role-play..." He muttered with a smile.
"It'll be dinner soon. But I'll play with you." You said looking towards the kitchen. Hoping to escape before he catches you.
Such fun always ends with one...
Especially if you're going to play it with him...
He put his hand on the wall behind you.
"Honey, you just recently said you were bored. Me too. So we can play something. Now." He smiled. "Besides, it's good. We will eat dinner. How about you be my waitress?"
You looked at him blushing. Even if you proposed it to him.
You know what he means...
Whenever he's bored, his thoughts come out as something perverted. When he's not trying to convince you to have sex, he's saying something related to it. Or touches you.
And this is something like this.
Or maybe he just wants something like this?
You won't know until you see it.
"Fine... What should I do?" you asked, watching his smile grow bigger every second.
He left for a while and then came back, handing you a transparent package with a maid's outfit inside.
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"You've prepared for this, haven't you?"
You picked up the outfit.
You don't know if he was tying the right size.
Besides, you know exactly that he knows your clothes sizes. So it's no wonder he brings you outfits that fit.
But it's a bit smaller.
And you know exactly why. This man loves to watch you put on his clothes. He feels so proud then. And you look nice wearing his shirt hanging off your body. Or that his shirt sticks to your breasts sometimes. Especially when you don't wear a bra and your nipples stick out.
Then shivers run down his spine and the heat only goes between his legs, pumping blood to the body part he's been using too much on you already.
And even more, he loves to see you in clothes that cling to your body. Showing him every roundness.
At least this outfit is not a variety for a small child. You'll fit in it easily.
You're only concerned about the length of the skirt.
He might as well have bought it at a sex shop. And in such a store there are no other outfits than those that are too short, revealing too much, or those that have holes in the material in places other than just for legs, arms and head.
"I've been wondering what you'd look like in this for a while."
You took your clothes to the bathroom and started changing.
When you left, you saw him sitting on the couch with his legs spread. And in front of him was the low table that had been in the living room for as long as you can remember.
"You look beautiful!" He said cheerfully.
"Sir, it's not nice to comment so loudly on the waitress' outfit." You said getting into the role.
If he laughs at it, you'll burn with shame.
Or you burn him.
You could have made up a funeral game or an accountant game. Nah... If you were playing funeral and the table or the bed was a fake coffin, he'd jump on you and start fucking you...
If you were playing accounting, he'd make you change into a skirt, shirt, and jacket, and he'd throw you on the desk and fuck you. So either way, it's going to end badly.
At least now while you're his "waitress", you can go up to him, ask him what he wants to eat, then you'll serve him his dinner, and that's it...
"You should sit at the kitchen table. It would look more like a restaurant." You said pointing to the chairs.
"Nope. I'm in a fancy restaurant where I'm sitting on the couch. And I'm served by the most beautiful waitress." He smiled wildly, looking at your body over his glasses.
"Fine." You reached into the apron you were wearing and pulled out the small notebook that came with it.
You walked over to him.
"What would you like to eat, sir?" You asked.
Maybe he'll like this game if you fit your role perfectly.
He was staring at the table with his fingers on his chin.
You thought he was thinking about what's for dinner tonight so he could say it.
He suddenly smiled and looked at you.
"Oh, I know. I'd like to order an orange juice." he said looking at you.
You wrote it down in a little notebook.
"What to eat?" You asked with a pen ready to write on a piece of paper.
"I'd like to eat you~."
You widened your eyes at his perverted comment.
You looked at him and, shocked, decided to step out of your role for a moment to tell him your opinion.
"Satoru, you are literally a restaurant customer. So act like a customer!" you said before clearing your throat. "So what would you like to eat?"
"I want to eat you, baby."
You thought you'd break a pink pen in your hand when you heard that.
"You should not -".
He interrupted you.
"Excuse me, but isn't a waiter's job to listen to the customer?" There was still a smile on his face.
You decided to stay calm and continue.
"Today I'm offering you baked chicken with vegetables." You said with a smile.
"No thanks. I feel like something different today."
"What is this?"
You wanted to come over and throw that pen at him if he said anything about eating you.
"Something sweet."
You nodded. It was normal.
"What exactly?" you asked.
"Uhm... your sweet pussy~."
You clenched your fists and wanted to punch him.
But how much he only mentioned about fucking you made you wet.
Why don't you play his game?
It can be interesting and enjoyable.
"What exactly do you want, sir?" You asked again.
"Your body now on this table. No panties, pussy towards me."
More moisture gathered between your legs.
"Perhaps you prefer chicken, though? I recommend it." You said with a smile.
Suddenly he got up.
"No. I want my order. That's what I said. Unless you want me to talk to your boss."
Oh yes, you want to play this game.
"boss? Why boss, sir? I don't want to lose my job. Chicken is our dish of the day..." you said softly. Getting into the role too much.
A dangerous customer in a restaurant? Oh yes.
"I want my order. I'll come for chicken another time. I know it's probably delicious." he replied.
"Please sir-."
"I'm going to the boss. Guide me. I'll turn to him and you will be punished."
"Oh no! Please! Don't tell the boss! I will be a good waitress. I don't want to lose this job. Please sir~."
Hearing your sounds made his cock harden in his pants.
"Will you be a good little waitress and fill my order? I'm really hungry. And really generous. I'll tip you for a job well done." He said as he sat back on the couch.
He spread his legs, showing how comfortable he felt.
This game was interesting...
You walked over to the empty table in front of him and slowly pulled your panties off.
You knelt in front of him, grabbing his sweatpants and pulling the material down.
Allowing the hard, standing cock to pop out.
"Here is your order. I hope you will enjoy the service and the meal."
Saying that, you opened your mouth, letting the mushroom pink tip into your mouth. Listening to his contented purr.
  As your pussy dripped from how aroused you were by sucking him, he pushed your face away.
He let you straighten up as you knelt in front of him.
"Is that what you ordered?" You asked innocently.
"Yeah. The appetizer was perfect. Please give me the main course." he said with a smile and gestured for you to turn around.
He pushed you gently onto the table until your breasts were pressed against the wood.
He pushed the couch with his foot so he could kneel behind you and have plenty of room.
He lifted your skirt and curved it, arranging the fabric so it wouldn't get in the way.
He put his knee between your calves, signaling you to spread your legs.
As you did, he also placed his other knee between your calves, widening your stance even a little more.
Grabbing his cock, he placed the tip against your shiny pussy, sliding down your hole and slapping against your clit.
"Mhm~ The main course looks delicious~." he murmured before inserting the tip into you
You purred as you lay on the table, feeling him slowly fill you up and then pull you out to hit you deep next time.
"A sweet waitress like you is perfect for customer service." He said placing his hands on your hips, lifting them slightly. He held to get the leverage so he could fuck you at a fast pace.
The moisture that gathered in your warm core allowed him to do so.
"This is a perfectly prepared meal. Nothing is dry. It's juicy and delicious. I want to eat a dish like this more often~" he moaned pulling your hips closer as he fucked you.
As you moaned, you searched for anything to put your hands there.
You found the corner of the table with one hand.
His hips hit yours at breakneck speed. Making your eyes roll to the back of your head.
The fact that your body was pressed against the table made the table scrape on the floor. And you, too, felt the strength and speed of his thrusts.
Your belly, or rather lower abdomen, was pressed against the wood. That's why you felt even more clearly how he pressed deep inside you, in a straight line. Reaching even deeper.
Even if your eyes were watery, behind your mouth drooling, you found your way to his body with your hand.
And you put your hand right over his cock.
The way you could feel the veins under his skin under your fingers. And the fine pubic hair he sometimes doesn't shave off. Not that it bothers you.
He slowly began to stretch out. He left only the tip inside, but as he moved, his cock snapped back, slamming the tip wet in your fluids into his stomach.
Thus touching your hand.
"You're a nice waitress. I'm a generous customer, and in return for such a delicious meal, I'll tip you."
He suddenly thrust into you again, moving inside you even faster. Making you scream and cry as you lay on the table. Your legs twitched as you tried to tighten them, but his knees prevented you from doing so.
You couldn't stop a client who was making your pussy spasm. That held you in place and prevented you from changing position.
His tip for you was too nice.
As he placed his thumb on your clit, you reached for his wrist to stop him.
But before you could push his fingers away, you came, spilling your juices all over him. Tightening it, alternately pushing out waves of your wetness that made it so slippery. However, he continued to move within you. But he slowed down to only slow thrusts so as not to leave you empty.
Then he pulled a length of it out of you with a loud, wet sound.
Your body was shaking and your face was red. When he touched the tip of your pussy, you let out a soft moan.
He covered wet length with his boxers, and lifted you off the floor.
Swinging you gently over his shoulder.
"I think I'd like some more dessert. I've got a craving for that pussy. It looks sweet and delicious~."
You can't... Especially with his mouth pressing into your pussy...
But well, your client is your master. You listen to what your boyfriend/customer says.
Humming, he went to your bedroom.
Oh... You forgot to bring him the orange juice he wanted...
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lover-of-mine · 10 months
Thinking about that one meta I can't find again about how we don't appreciate the dinner in 5x11 with Eddie, Buck, Chris and Taylor, because they are so right, we don't appreciate that scene in the great scheme of how 911 does things. Food is one of the biggest shows of love in this show, but Taylor is not eating. Eddie is being nice (while looking like he poisoned her food but still he's trying) they're joking, but Taylor is the outsider there because she's not eating. And the way Buck had Taylor eat before hand but it's eating like he hasn't seen food in a week. He was ready to power through whatever Eddie cooked no matter what. He could've eaten before hand too. But he didn't. Because it's Eddie. And that's like?? Kind of insane of them?? Considering that's a scene that's supposed to get us look how well Taylor fits in Buck's life, she's even having dinner with his best friend and kid in their house. Like, that's madness. Food is a love language, Taylor gets no food, Buck is ready to eat his way through the table and we just moved on from that scene. Hello?????
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