#and i Will interpret too much into the littlest details
lyxchen · 3 months
Do you even know how obsessed I am with Carrie's little "What even is that? What even is that?? What was that?" she says to Kayla after Kayla gives Julie the idea for the hologram band? Like I know it's supposed to be filler because we're supposed to listen to what Reggie says in that scene but Carrie saying this keeps replaying in my mind over and over like. She's so pissed!! And all she can say is just "What Even Is That??" I love her!!!
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vertumnanaturalis · 4 months
i finished drawing, cirrus, connie, stratus, cumulus, nimbus, nena, chino, ves (one of my favorites!! they look so cool.), misu-misu, kelvin, mac, pan, whimsy and praline for the first time.
im trying to get stuff set up to do more detailed designs!!! :D
i was also wondering if i could get some notes on the characters? right now im only drawing them once and not really doing much with them, but when I color them i want to know what you imagine them to be. also, for the newer post, it doesn't have the full names. could I have those, too?
this is a lot of fun to do, so thanks again for giving me the permission to!
I'm so excited to see it!! I made you some more detailed notes on Nem's little brothers (below the cut) and got some basic colors for the rest of them, so while it's not everything I hope this is good for now ^^,
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and as for names and such, here you go! The bolded information is whats pulled from canon, the rest is my interpretation
Cirrus - He/Him - 6 at landing (turns 7 before Sol wakes up) - Anemone's little brother, one of the triplets
Stratus - He/Him - 6 at landing (turns 7 before Sol wakes up) - Anemone's little brother, one of the triplets
Cumulus - He/Him - 6 at landing (turns 7 before Sol wakes up) - Anemone's little brother, one of the triplets ; Kid with an animal tail augment (fennec fox)
Nimbus - He/Him - 3 at landing - Anemone's littlest brother, explicitly not one of the triplets
Nena - Nectarine - She/Her - 5 at landing - Photosynthesis augment ; A possible death if the bomb goes off during Glow 18
Chino - Maraschino - He/Him & She/Her* - 2 at landing - Firestarter augment
Ves - Effervescence - He/Him (& They/Them post-Helio) - 5 at landing - Nocturnal vision augment
Misu Misu - Mistletoe - She/Her - 6 at landing - An orphan from the wormhole crash now being raised in the creche ; Attempts to sneak out through one of the drainpipes as a child ; Sorrel and Thicket’s baby sister
Kelvin - He/Him - 6 at landing - A kid with a family who's still being raised in the creche ; Attempts to sneak out through one of the drainpipes as a child
Pan - Panache - He/Him - 2 at landing - Kelvin's brother, who is notably not being raised in the creche ; A possible death during the Glow 14 attacks
Mac - Macaroni - She/Her & He/Him* -1 at landing [design reflects age 2+] - No pain augment
Connie - Contrivance - He/Him - 1 at landing [design reflects age 2+] - Shark tooth augment ; A possible death during the Glow 14 attacks
Whimsey - She/Her - 0 at landing [design reflects age 2+] - Kid with an animal ear augment (sheep ears & horns) ; An orphan from the wormhole crash now being raised in the creche
Praline - She/Her - 0 at landing [design reflects age 2+] - Kid with an animal ear augment (goat ears & horns) ; An orphan from the wormhole crash now being raised in the creche
Benji - Benzodiazepine - He/Him - 0 at landing [design reflects age 2+] - Kid with an animal tail augment (dog)
Ena - Enigma - She/Her - 1 at landing [design reflects age 2+] - The last child born in space, just a short while before coming through the wormhole
(* a child named Maraschino with the nickname 'Mara' and 'she/her' pronouns is listed in the games files, but the Maraschino encountered in-game is called Chino and referred to with he/him pronouns. I decided to take them both as canon and have Maraschino use both freely from a young age, a trait I also gave Mac. For consistency, I usually use he/him for Chino and she/her for Mac.)
A public copy of my npc list is 99% ready to share, I just need to make a quick opening page and it'll be ready to go, so hopefully I'll be posting that later today.
And the more detailed notes for the brothers
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grim-echoes · 3 years
What do you think the queens court symbolizes? And the fake out with the king?
I'm going to use this as an excuse to talk about the Mad Queen in general; shoving it all under a read more because I don't know if you particularly wanted a billion word long essay-analysis, but fuck you, I'm writing one. \m/
Just to make it clear right off the bat for anyone who's yet to realize; the Mad Queen is Helga. I've noticed a lot of people struggle to interpret what's being said both with the boss and with her court, and a lot of people jump to the conclusion that Jimmy is afraid of authority figures or that he watched Alice in Wonderland once and thought it was scary, but there's much more being said here that really hits at the core of Jimmy's current situation and how it's affected his relationship with his family.
There's very clear themes of order, disobedience, and punishment within the queen's court—right off the bat, you're presented by the caterpillar with a question that has no right answer ("What weighs more: a pound of feathers or a pound of dogs?"), and when you inevitably get it wrong he has the following to say:
"I'm afraid you're wrong. This world is decidedly a world of black and white. You're either wrong, or you're right. And in this case, I'm afraid that you are clearly not right. You're wrong, wrong wrong.
You see, a pound has lots of dogs, and they definitely weigh more than a pound each. Even the littlest Pomeranian weighs a few pounds, so, I hope you understand how wrong you are.
I'm afraid that right things get rewarded and wrong things get punished. That's the rule here. Well, one of them. But, probably the most important!
And, I'm afraid that you're wrong, Jimmy, very wrong and unnatural in this place, and you'll have to be punished before you can see the Queen!"
While fear and distrust of authority figures are present (though not overt) themes within the game (Chancellor Pulsating Mass, Principal Pulsating Mass, Mr. Grouse, etc.), that's not what's being illustrated here—as Alice in Wonderland is ultimately a story of a child unable to comprehend how the minds of adults work, so too is the tale of the Mad Queen ultimately representative of Jimmy's inability to comprehend the rules and routines his mother puts him to to treat his illness. He has to be a good boy and take his medicine because it'll make him better, but he doesn't feel better, and he can't say no because that's wrong—he won't get better that way. He can't go outside and play like he used to and he can't exert himself like he used to and he can't do so, so many things that he used to, and he doesn't understand why things changed and why his mom is so strict with him now, and when he doesn't follow her rules he's punished for being a disorderly little boy within an orderly court.
Dialogue from the caterpillar later in the area yields the following excerpt which delves deeper into this:
"The Queen can't rule a disorderly castle, you see. Everything must be orderly and safe, safe and orderly, you see. You'll find it much more satisfactory in time, you'll see."
Jimmy might not like it, but it's for his own good—all of the rules and all of the stipulations and all of the awful, awful medication he needs to take at exact, precise times; it all keeps him safe. When Jimmy "comes to find it much more satisfactory in time", he'll eventually realize that, despite everything, these rules are a necessity and they'll become a regular, transparent part of his life.
After you're dropped into the courtyard you find a rabbit's head on a pike, still able to talk. There's a "gurgle in [my] throat", and "the Queen decreed that bodies move too much, so this is all [I] am now". White rabbits are recurring characters throughout the castle, each subjected to the Queen's grueling punishments for disobeying her and each of them have something interesting to say: a gurgle in my throat. A chattering in my teeth. A thrumming in my ears. It's a smaller detail, one that can so easily be overlooked, but the white rabbits being no more than heads on pikes speaks to the way Jimmy's illness affects him: his head is foggy with splitting pain. He hears things he can't react to. He tries to speak, and his words are replaced with wet, formless gurgling. He's paralyzed from sleep and fatigue, and couldn't move even if he wanted to. He is, by every stretch of the imagination, a head without a body.
Moving on, the caterpillar reappears within a tree stump in the courtyard and questions how long it's been since Jimmy arrived; it's only been a few moments, allegedly. He apologizes for being greedy and impatient, and follows up with:
"Maybe it's all the waiting we must do here. Waiting, waiting, waiting. It's all we do."
An interesting thing to note about this particular area is that a melted clock hangs over the branch of the tree; this is in reference to the famous Salvador Dali painting The Persistence of Memory. One of the clearest-cut interpretations of the painting is the human fascination with time and its inherently arbitrary nature, and within the context of Jimmy time is a constant, ever-present force that hangs over him and his family's heads: there's not enough of it. There's too much of it. They wish time could go backwards. They wish they could fast forward to a happy ending. All they ever do is wait for something good to happen. Waiting, waiting, waiting. Time means nothing. Time means everything. The clock goes back. The clock ticks forward. It's a matter of life or death for Jimmy, and all anyone has is time, time, time. Never enough time, and yet all they do is wait.
How long has it been since Jimmy arrived here?
Onto the real meat of the question: the Mad Queen herself and the significance of the King in this equation. Choice dialogue from the Queen during your meeting with her reads as follows:
"Ah! There's a precious boy, indeed. This smell really takes me back...
Oh, but I can't be getting sentimental now. I've been here too long for that, and I have more important things to focus on. For instance: have you thought about your safety?
Your body is covered with the dust and mud of the countryside. When was the last time you bathed? The last time you slept in your own bed, in your own home, safe from the scary monsters of the world?
Oh, I'm afraid you haven't been safe at all. You'd be much safer here. Yes, that's what's for the best. It's settled. You'll stay here forever with me."
She asks if Jimmy is a good boy, and the only answers are yes; yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
Of course, every single one is wrong.
"Oh, Jimmy, why does that word bounce around on your tongue so? Is it not because it's a lie? I can see your lies crawl from your mouth and snake across your body..."
A lot of the character dialogue in the Queen's castle talks about Jimmy being a "good boy", and while most of it is in relation to following and growing accustomed to his new routines, it also ties back in to Jimmy's recurring guilt over having stolen Jonathon in the past. He's a good boy, yes, but he's a bad boy because he lied. He's not a good boy at all.
"But, that's not all I see! I see the boy hiding beneath your skin, Jimmy. He's a good boy! He's just waiting to be released. That's it, then. It's settled. We'll just have to shuck that skin. Right. Off.
Then, we can keep the new, pure you safe and sound! You can spend your days happy and shivering with me!"
Now, with regards to the King, I'm not sure what's being referred to with the "fakeout"—other than the thought that you're being led to believe the Queen is the figure on the throne but it's actually her husband—but I do interpret him to represent the considerable presence Helga has in Jimmy's life compared to Andrew. If Central Hub's memories are anything to go by, it's Helga who takes the role of Jimmy's primary carer down to administering his medication and writing up schedules, while the general impression I've always gotten from Andrew is that he takes a backseat to parenting, for lack of a better description; not because he doesn't want to be involved with Jimmy, but because nurturing and emotional availability is ostensibly Helga's job and Andrew is evidently not as well-versed in either of these as his wife is—hence, why Jimmy may see him as just as under Helga's thumb as he himself is. In other words, he's a background character in Jimmy's everyday life compared to Helga.
When the fight concludes, you're granted access to the bedroom where you can find a painting of the Queen holding her child, an empty cradle, and a statue of a woman playing a violin. The Queen is virtually identical to Helga, yet it can't be her—after all, the Queen no longer has any children. And if you're curious about that, if you're not sure whether it refers to Jimmy or Buck, it's extremely loud and vulgar foreshadowing that Jimmy is terminally, incurably ill and there is nothing anyone can do to save him, no matter how hard Helga tries to keep him safe and close to her.
So, in short, the Alice in Wonderland setting is visual shorthand to communicate Jimmy's struggle to understand why his life become so strict and rigid; why all of his childish freedom was taken from him. He remembers a time, as do the residents of Legato, when his mother would let him do anything he wanted, when he could see and experience everything the world had to offer, when he was allowed to get hurt and wear himself down and spend his time how he wanted, doing the things he enjoyed. But now, things are different. His illness has stolen his childhood from him, and he wishes life wasn't as complicated and scary as it is now.
Other miscellaneous bits include:
The track that plays here (The Mad Queen's Marching Orders) being, as we say, "intentionally bad" to establish the tone of the area versus the rest of Legato and also inject a bit of irony into the fact that for a Queen so obsessed with orderly conduct, her rules are ultimately senseless and confusing to someone like Jimmy.
Her mechanic being to change suits—or "rules"—every so often, with debuffs such as: Unmotivated, Uninspired, Weakpoint, and Withering. At any time, she is also capable of using an attack that will either completely heal one party member, or instantly kill them.
As if the connection to Helga wasn't enough, the Mad Queen is fought in a rematch within Helga's wing of the Heart Prison.
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pompompurin1028 · 3 years
Oh my God!! I had never thought of it that way, that’s awesome! Good catch, Kat :o
That is so true, we read Yozo’s life and deeds completely through his own eyes therefore we can’t treat it as an objective narrative. When this is combined with all the analyses you made yesterday, it’s all coming together and this is the best feeling ever, when I first read your response I went crazy with euphoria😭
And exactly! We can definitely distinguish these two narratives -Yozo’s and the woman’s- in the last scene under the sunset. Dazai, for some reason, always denies his good intentions and is “blinded to his better side” as you said and I totally adore this way of putting it. I really hope Atsushi will be able to bring him back to reality😔
I mean, of course he’s not the most snow white person out there, he still has really gray morals, but isn’t this already an incredible step considering that he was born in pitch black? He needs to see how much he’s achieved since then, but he still feels guilty and this totally blocks the good parts of his journey in his mind, which is probably why he always has that façade to keep him from breaking down. Just like how Yozo had this façade of “clowning” even though he was feeling empty inside all while entertaining people and seeming so cheerful. This clowning thing was a really beautiful parallelism between BSD Dazai and Yozo.
Exactly😭 For someone as traumatised as Atsushi, that poor cinnamon roll is really so precious with his amount of trust and kindness🥺 And yeah… There’s no way I would be able to 100% restore my trust for him -if I had it in the first place, of course, you never know with Dazai😂-, I would question constantly if he’s planning new things with several villains “for the sake of the city”, and this is just what Atsushi says, he denies this as well like what- then why😭 He owes a really good explanation to the ADA, tbh. I hope they treat this subject in S3 or I’ll get really mad if he just gets away with it as if people didn’t die because of his shenanigans😤
And oh my God! I never knew that! This is really intriguing, I’m totally on Dazai-sensei’s side on this matter, Run, Melos! will be so interesting to read :o And as always, I’d love to read your analysis on it😌
And that’s so true😞 His plans are always so complex and detailed that if the littlest thing goes wrong, it would all be over, I mean, trusting that Chuuya punches him in the face or he’ll die?? He’s really walking on thin ice there haha. Which, of course, comes with great stress. And omg I LOVED THAT ANALYSIS THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHARING💕 I reblogged it privately to come back to it whenever I start having doubts or feeling bad about Dazai which happened way too often even before Dead Apple, I just couldn’t keep a healthy relationship with him like I do with Kunikida I have no idea why this will really be a useful thing to come back to 💫 It pains me to see that how much he suffers in reality yet he’s not even able to acknowledge that it’s not his fault😞 (you can gimme all your analyses don’t be shy👀)
I’m planning on reading this one, it has several chapters and they all seem really explanatory. (I hope linking system works in asks🤔)
Exactly, I honestly used to miss all these about Akutagawa and just overlook him, consider him as a mere invincible rabid dog with an unhealthy obsession, whose ability is just to murder. But that’s not true at all, he’s more than his ability. To be honest, I think this movie made this sentence valid for everyone, especially if the ability is too strong, one always tends to consider them as their ability and nothing else, but that’s not true, their abilities are a part of them but they don’t assure their existence. Each one of them is more than their ability and I loved seeing that, I even felt sad when Aku regained his Rashōmon😭
Haha, always!!❤️ Never hesitate to share anything about any theory/headcanon you have, I love discussing them🥰
These asks and responses are getting longer and longer but I’m not complaining😂
Thank you so much!🥺 That makes me really happy that you said that!
And yes exactly! We have to make note that the novel is written in an I-novel narrative, and like all first person perspectives, they are unreliable. And "crazy with euphoria", that makes me so happy to hear😭💕
But yes, we can clearly see the distinct difference between how Yozo sees himself, vs how the woman sees him. (Side note: And one of the reasons why I love this book despite its dark themes and narratives, is that it talks about the goodness of humanity that still exists in even the worst people. Dazai-sensei's narration of Yozo is written in a way that almost makes us hate him. But we have to always be reminded that despite this, there are goodness, even in people like Yozo, which I felt is an amazing reminder) And his own blindness to his better side is obviously self-destructive, as seen in the novel, and I believe that if Dazai continues to see this way, he will not be able to heal despite following what Oda wants him to do. No, he first has to face his past, and as you said he has to recognize how far he has come, even though he is still learning, he is still changing. Like all other characters in Dead Apple, Dazai is also facing his past, or more so an introduction to having to face his past, as I believe that Atsushi had also said that he hopes that Dazai can put his past behind him or something similar to that. And I personally feel that Dazai would have a happy ending because unlike in the novel, he has someone (Atsushi) to remind him of his goodness, the fact that he can go beyond what he is in the past. I just love Dead Apple so much😭
And the clowning part breaks my heart too... In addition to being a facade to stop others from seeing how empty he is inside, which would deviate himself from being "human". It gives me a saddening understanding that Dazai is keeping everyone at a distance. Although he wants others to understand him, and his whole existence is basically a cry for help, he fears being hurt, or at least that's what I believe how Yozo thinks. And it should be noted that the act of clowning, can also be seen in The Setting Sun as well, which he once again uses a mask to attempt to blend into society, yet knowing that he'll still be different from the rest of them
Also one thing I also realized as I am writing this is how Dazai-sensei intentionally in a sense villanizes himself (as it is semi-biographical) as well as Yozo in No Longer Human, and I can't help but wonder if this is another parallel to Dead Apple?🤔
But unfortunately, the consequences of him making that meticulous plan which endangered everyone will not be resolved, as it should be noted that this is a sort of spinoff from the main storyline. But in a sense I like the ending it gave us, as it allows open interpretation. And I feel that it also might symbolize the fact that all the main characters in the movie are still growing, are still learning and are continuing on their paths to face their pasts... And what I think is also quite important to note that is there's also a sense of trust Dazai gives to the people involved in his plans, he trusts them to make that exact move to make his plan whole. And also, what also makes me sad is that Dazai seems to be asking for forgiveness for what he did during dead apple, at least that's what it sounds like to me as he said: "Atsushi what I did earlier-"
And I totally agree that it is impossible to restore full trust back to Dazai. That itself is impossible, for it is a disillusionment, it is a stage you cannot go back to. But and I agree with Dazai-sensei, I believe that this could help Dazai see the better parts of humanity like when he said to Oda, that the good side is really more beautiful.
And I'm so glad to know that you want to save it🥺 It can definitely be hard to see Dazai's good side at times, he is quite confusing and is easily misunderstood ngl. But sometimes I think he intentionally does that so no one can see through his true intentions, to keep himself at a distance, while at the same time wanting others to see through him, to help him😔
And oo thank you for the analysis! I'll definitely have to read it soon☺ Also if you have any analysis that you'd like to discuss or want me to know, feel free to drop them in my ask box as well!
And yes exactly! That about Aku is so beautifully said.
And honestly I'm not complaining either haha. These have been quite fun🥰
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𝙆𝙚𝙚𝙥 𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙎𝙖𝙛𝙚 - 【Captain J x GN!Reader】- One-Shot
rating: pg-13 content warning: character deaths, one singular swear word word count:  1379 summary: there were two moments that cemented there was something was going to come from some of the lowest points in your lives, let’s explore those. author’s note: no one asked for this but me. nor did anyone ask for how i and a friend expanded the universe of wire, but here it is anyway. not a lot of details given about this expansion, largely because we’d be here for too long anyWAY...enjoy if you read this! also there is no use of y/n that i’m aware of--if there is let me know because this is not proofread oop.
There was something to say about how the relationship between you and Jay developed over the many years you two have known each other. It was not an easy road to take, but it was one where it was hard to see any other way life could have gone.
Since the two of you had met, there was an unspoken dislike for the other but never was it outwardly expressed. Granted, this could be because you were children when you had first met, because your parents had been friends and hatred was never verbally expressed. Instead, it was something that was instead expressed by acting out against the other one. 
Though it was clear to everyone else, the reasons were not so obvious to the children who never meshed well together. You were both incredibly stubborn and strong-willed, willing to do what needed to be done to get things done. This led to neither of you never exactly agreeing upon anything as children as a result. Your families had simply just thought as the pair grew up and developed your own personality that went beyond those two traits and thus endured whatever came with waiting for that day to come.
Short term interactions were simply just the best work around when even waiting for more of a present personality proved to be too much and everyone around you two grew tired of being the mediators of the inevitable fights that would arise. 
But fate would run another course as soon as the war began your parents started to work together beyond just seeing each other’s families from time to time. This led to a lot more increasingly tense moments between you and Jay, but nothing that could not be solved with simply being dragged away before things got too bad.
The war had gone unnoticed by the children until the death toll started to inch closer and closer to those they knew and those they saw that morning. You, your brother and Jay were about 9 or 10 when you started to learn and understand more about the war, but Big J, being the oldest of that group of kids, understood much sooner the cost this could take without much insight into why this war was being fought.
And you had hoped you and your brother would have been spared, too, the knowledge of the cost of war because you had been that far into the war’s duration. Though not all prayers are ever answered as your parents were among the first casualties--your father first due to an unforeseen attack and your mother not even a week later from a counter strike that did not end the way they had expected it too.
After the funeral, you stayed behind, standing in front of the grave site, holding whatever emotions you were feeling inside. In your hand, you held the hat your father had forgotten that day, clutching onto as it was the last tangible thing of theirs you still had. Something they wore everyday. 
“You’re supposed to wear it, stupid.” 
You were pulled by your thoughts by the voice, turning your head towards the direction it came from. 
Though before you could register that Jay had also stayed behind, he was already taking the hat from your hands and putting it right on your head to prove his point that was where hats were supposed to be, nodding once it was on. 
No other words were spoken as Jay turned his attention to the gravesite before you two. You may have been young, but now understood what war could do. Interpreting the aftermath and trauma that came with it was another story. 
Instead, all that could be done was a silent confirmation that in the moment, things would be okay. And this was expressed without words by means of holding hands, as Jay, at some point had reached out and taken a hold of your hand in his. And all you could do was briefly look over at him with a confused look, not understanding why he was doing this at firs before the realization came to you.
Maybe he wasn’t so bad, after all.
                            ┈     ┈     ┈     ⋞  〈  ⏣  〉  ⋟     ┈     ┈     ┈
That night was never brought up again, and why should it be? There was no need dwelling on what happened in the past when they were living in a time of war that seemingly would never end. 
Though the war was not all bad, as Jay had become an older brother and Big J had become an older sister once again when Little J entered the world when they were all teenagers. And you could have almost been shocked by the change if not for the glimpse of the care Jay felt towards those in his life, regardless of his exterior expression in some situations. 
It was also nice to have some sort of distraction from the war going on around them and the war they had started to get involved in once they could make the logical choice to do so. Taking care of Little J was a nice change of pace from the stressors of war, once that was finally coming to end after a year and half of the littlest J being in the world.
That, however, did come with a price. It seemed as though no parents were making it out of this war alive, as the J’s parents ended up being another casualty in the final days of the war, even if no one knew until the war was finally over and they did not return. 
During a time where others were celebrating, the older two J’s were mourning the loss. One night since returning after the funeral earlier in the day, it was hard to get any sleep for everyone. You were up and sitting outside when you heard the door open from the building you had been staying with the others who had been up in the air this entire time. With no parents or home to go back to, it was the easiest location to be for the time being. 
Peering around the corner from the bench where you sat, where you sat contemplating going to the graveyard or not, it was answered for you as you saw Jay already start in the direction of it. While you probably figured it best to not follow, the memory of what he did when you two had been younger--almost a decade prior at this point--became front and center. He was there for you when you did not know you needed it, so it was only right you return the sentiment. 
So when you saw him sitting in front of his own parent’s gravesite, the hat he usually wore off of his head similar to the one you also sported, an idea sprang into your head as you spoke as you realized the two of you were more alike than people once thought, “You’re supposed to wear the hat, dumbass.”
You heard a slight laugh come from the teenager as if he remembered the same moment you had as you came to stand beside him, looking down for a brief moment as he looked up, silently asking to sit to which Jay had nodded.
When you sat, there were no words uttered once again. A silent understanding that things will be okay, and you would always have his side even if you never agreed with most of his plans. An understanding that was made clear by another repeated action of reaching out to hold his hand this time. In this moment, you could see the tension melt from his shoulders as they dropped before he placed the striped hat on his head once again.
Another moment of bliss that was secret to everyone in your life, something you two would not trade for the word. 
                           ┈     ┈     ┈     ⋞  〈  ⏣  〉  ⋟     ┈     ┈     ┈
After that, things shifted clearly from whatever childhood rivalry you had because of conflicting personalities to that of a completely understanding and trusting relationship that could only go up from there. And it had.
While you two were not exactly a couple, there was no denying that at some point, when the time was right, you would be.
But all that matters is that you two would always keep the other safe, whatever the cost.
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parkhabits · 5 years
Movie Marathons {M}
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Park Jinyoung x Reader Genre: Fluff / Smut / Drabble Summary: Halloween night and all you wanted is to have movie marathons with Jinyoung instead of being dressed up as Minnie Mouse and at a frat party.  
Word count: 4,546
He was irritated. Annoyed at best. His day was draining, his body exhausted physically and mentally. He always looked forward to home. Loved the quiet and comfort of his space. After long and tiring days he loved being able to shut the world out. Especially tonight of all nights while people were out partying and getting dressed up. He found satisfaction in curling into bed and rest. He was about to do just that until his phone buzzed. 
He could have ignored it. Yet something had been gnawing at him all day. The feeling in his gut poking at him to look at the message. 
Y/N [12:08am]: Jinyugkeeee Can you pleade come get me? 
He stared at it blankly. Debating to ignore it. It was apparent you were drunk. The state of your text message proved it. Deep down he knew why he had been on edge all day and short tempered. You had bragged on and on how you had been invited to Johnny’s house for a Halloween party. In fact, you couldn’t stop talking about how you were ready to let loose and unwind after a week of finals. That alone annoyed him. He never understood the need to party in order to unwind. The need to drink to let loose. There were plenty of other ways people could do that. Some that didn’t involve a house full of rowdy guys. He almost chose to ignore it out of spite, until his phone chimed once again. 
Y/N [12:10am]: please?
He was weak. Within two minutes of the last text message he had already grabbed his keys and wallet and was out the door. Abandoning his sanctuary to get you. Why? Because the thought of leaving you stranded there was enough to form numerous scenarios in his mind that made his blood boil and his foot step on the gas faster. 
The air was humid and thick, every inhale filled your nose with the stench of mixed alcohol. You needed air, fresh air as you pushed your way past the dancing bodies, moving past a drunk soldier and a barbie and ken making out against the wall. Side stepping past the boys dressed as ninja turtles who jumped for joy at the beer pong table until you stumbled outside onto the porch. Away from everyone. Rarely had you come to parties like this. It wasn’t your scene, not in your comfort zone. You pushed yourself though, even going as far by making your makeshift minnie mouse costume. Wearing a red skirt and finding the ears from the local dollar store. It was all in an attempt to try and seek attention from the one you really wanted to spend the night with. You had hoped it would have worked, that if you talked about it enough, the details of what to expect that he may have told you not to go.  Suggest doing something else. You felt foolish to think he’d ask you out. But there had been signs. Obviously you interpreted it wrong. 
You liked Jinyoung. Had thought your friendship with him was progressing to something more. There were moments. The kind that had your heart fluttering, the kind where you internally cheered him on. “Do it. Ask me out already,” or “Kiss me you idiot,”. He never did and it only made you feel like the idiot. You didn’t  have the guts to act on it either. You sat down on the steps, looking at your phone. He had seen the messages. Was he coming? What if he wasn’t? 
Your head felt heavy, your face hot and flushed by the alcohol that was pushed on you. Your minnie mouse ears constantly falling off your head. You knew your limit, why were you stupid enough to go beyond that. You rested your head in your lap, ears sliding down once again but this time you decided to just leave it. Waiting for Jinyoung to come. If he didn’t, then the porch seemed comfy enough to rest until you sobered up. There was a sleepy haze looming over you. 
“There you are,” there were footsteps behind you. It was the guy dressed as Fred Flintstone you met and talked to for a bit. “I’ve been looking for you,” he sat down beside you.
“Just waiting for my ride,” you murmur, head feeling too heavy to turn and look at him. 
“Already? The party’s just getting started,” he coaxed, “Come have a few more drinks,” 
You shake your head and even that requires a lot of effort. “I’m done for the night,” 
“It looks like you need to lie down. Come on, I’ll take you to the spare bedroom,” his hand moves to your lower back, and though you think he does it out of comfort the touch has you shuddering out of unease. 
“I’m fine,” you muster up the words and say it as carefully as you can so not to slur. “My ride will be here soon,” You hoped. You weren’t even sure if that were true. 
“Why don’t you lie down while you wait?” He continues to persuade. 
Annoyed and uneasy you stand to walk away from him. When you do, you feel and see everything around you begin to spin. You lean against the railing for support and without fail he snugs his arm around your waist. Trying to shift your body weight onto him so you’d be against him for support. 
“Let me go. I’m okay,” but you weren’t. You felt so nauseous, felt stupid that you had even got to this point. You tried to push against him but were just met with the solid stability of his body. 
“I’ll take you inside -“ 
You look up to see Jinyoung, two Jinyoung’s actually, walk towards you. You smile, “You came,” 
Jinyoung wanted to curse at you right then and there. His hands were bawled in fists at his side. He doesn’t say anything, only walks to you and the dirtbag who had his arms all wrapped around you. He pushes him off you and you all but fall into Jinyoung’s arms instead. You knew you shouldn’t have, but you couldn’t control it. Your body and mind were disjointed. Though your mind screamed stand up, your body felt like jelly and your legs wobbled. 
Jinyoung sighs deeply. Maneuvering himself to best support you as he begins to guide you to his car. 
“Dude just let her- “ the guy doesn’t even finish his sentence as the ice cold glare Jinyoung sends over his shoulder advised him otherwise. 
“My ears,” you mutter, trying to turn back to get those damn mouse ears. 
“Leave them,” Jinyoung said through gritted teeth. Really? Out of all the things to be concerned about. 
If he had arrived a few minutes later, or worse. If he hadn’t shown up at all. The thoughts sent a rage through him.  If you weren’t so heavily reliant on him for support Jinyoung would have gone back and punched that Fred Flintstone jackass back to the dinosaur era. 
With the world spinning it was finally a relief when you sat down in the passenger’s seat of Jinyoung’s car. Through double vision you watched as Jinyoung rounded his car, saw the furrow in between his brows. He was mad. Maybe you shouldn’t have called him. When he got into the car, he still didn’t say anything. Nor did he even look at you. Your head was still fuzzy, your eyes closing as the silence and the drive tempted you to sleep. 
Jinyoung gripped the steering wheel hard. Focusing his attention to his driving and channeling his pent up anger elsewhere. Images of that guy’s arms around you flashing through his mind. He heard it as he approached the house, that sleaze ball trying to coax you to “lie down”. Whether it was innocent or not that whole scenario didn’t sit well with Jinyoung. From the corner of his eye he glanced at you. Your head was bobbing and he could tell you were fighting  the urge to sleep. Unbelievable. He was angry that you let yourself get to this point. If he hadn’t shown up who knows what would have happened. His blood boiled at the thought, slamming more aggressively on the brake to have you whiplash forward and startle you awake. You glanced at him wide eyed but still he said nothing. Did he have a right to be angry? No. Was it because he was deeply in love with you? Yes. 
“Oh no,” you managed to slur, a bit more alert from the realization. 
“I can’t pull over if you’re going to puke,” Jinyoung said through gritted teeth. 
You shake your head. “It’s not that. I forgot my purse there and my apartment keys are inside,” you explain though you were experiencing some bouts of nausea from the way Jinyoung was driving. 
“Weekend trip with her boyfriend,” you internally curse yourself once again for getting to this point. 
“We’ll get it tomorrow,” Jinyoung says. His temper was too high to turn back. Even the littlest thing, like seeing the jerk’s face could set him off and into a fight. He sighed heavily, “You’ll stay the night with me,” 
You opened your mouth to object. Yet it sounded more like a command than an offer. At least he spoke to you though. Your heart pounded at the thought of staying the night in his apartment. Stomach swirling with nerves, anticipation and alcohol. 
You had been to his place multiple times before. The warm beige walls and chic black furniture. Tastefully decorated for a young man his age compared to the decor you saw at Johnny’s house. During the car ride you thought you had sobered up slightly however the minute you stepped out that proved untrue. The pavement seemed like it dipped with every step, a mix of uphill and downhill. You feel Jinyoung grab your elbow, doesn’t say anything as he guides you into his apartment. 
Suddenly you feel it. The lurch in your stomach. Something you hoped would never come. You push away from him, knowing your way towards his bathroom. As much as it felt like you needed to nothing came as you leaned against his tub for support. The toilet within leaning distance if need be. Now you regretted texting Jinyoung. Just as much as you regretted going out tonight. Your liver probably happy to know that you plan to abstain for a while. You buried your head in your lap, back against his tub as you remained on the bathroom floor. You groan miserably as even the floor seemed to rock, like you were on a boat during the middle of horrible sea storm. 
“Here,” You hear Jinyoung’s voice. His tone is softer now, not as harsh as earlier. 
You don’t want to lift your head for two reasons. First cause you feared any movement would cause the nausea to come about again, and second because you were too embarrassed to be seen like this. 
“Drink some water Y/N,” Jinyoung urges softly. Brushing your tousled hair and taking your hand to hold the glass. 
“I shouldn’t have texted you, but thank you for coming to get me,” you say as you sip the water. You grimace as you do so, your stomach not wanting anymore fluid in it. 
“I’m glad you did,” Jinyoung says as he sits on the floor beside you. 
You look at him surprised, “Are you sure? You seemed pretty mad,” 
“I- uh,” Jinyoung sighs heavily, “Was annoyed at you. Then I was pissed at the guy whose arms were around you,” he explains. 
The feeling in your stomach was good, not alcohol induced. But a giddy, almost excited feeling. “Because…?” you urged for more, staring directly at him. If he let another moment pass then you wouldn’t know what your tipsy self would do. 
“Because I like you. Maybe even more than that,” 
There it was. The confession you’ve been waiting for. Another moment and this time he had actually confessed. “Your timing is the worst,” you groan and let out a laugh as you bury your face in your hands. Jinyoung’s eyes widen. A sense of panic across his face and for a split second he wondered if maybe you met a guy at the party.
“You had to confess to me when I look and feel like crap,” you mutter as you keep your head down. 
“Yeah,” he chuckles and nudges you. “Whose fault is that?”
“Yours,” you tease, “If you would have confessed sooner then I wouldn’t have gone to the party and we could have spent the night in, watching scary movies,  cuddling and making out,” 
Jinyoung cocks his brow, “Well from now on, no more parties, movie nights only.” He smiles. “Very interesting image of a drunk minnie mouse though,” You groan again and Jinyoung laughs. “Come on, you need to sleep this off,” he says. 
“Just leave me here. I can’t move myself without everything around me spinning.”
“My bed’s comfier,” Jinyoung says, and in one easy and quick swoop he lifts you bridal style. 
Your arms wrap around his neck out of reflex as you let out a startled gasp. 
Your back hits the soft mattress. “You’re not gonna stay?” You ask as he begins to tuck you in. 
“I’m a gentlemen who doesn’t get into bed with drunk girls,” Jinyoung smiles.
“Can’t trust yourself?” You tease. 
Jinyoung chuckles, “Can’t trust you,” he pokes. 
You frown, snuggling into his pillows deeper. “I’m good,” you murmur. 
“Sure you are, but I’m irresistible,” Jinyoung kisses your forehead, “Good night Y/N,”
When he left you snuggled into his sheets, your world was spinning. Not because of the alcohol but the elated giddy feeling of having your feelings returned.
There was an incessant ringing. A large buzz pounded away at the already painful sensation in your head. You groaned as you finally registered what the sound was. An alarm clock. Why the hell did you put an alarm for a Saturday morning? Wait a minute, you don’t use an alarm clock. With painful regret you opened your eyes. Your body hurt, your head was a whole other level and the distance of the alarm clock on the nightstand from where you lay might as well have been a mile away. With a groan you reached over and slammed the snooze button before pulling the covers to block out the light. Did you forget to draw your blackout curtains? No, no you didn’t because you weren’t in your room. You weren’t in your bed. You tried your best to recall last night. Halloween, Johnny’s house, the drinks, too many drinks. You sit up immediately. Confirming and registering that you were in fact not in your own room. You winced at the brightness of Jinyoung’s room. Immediately you reach for your phone. 
“Stupid, stupid, stupid,” You cringe to yourself as you read your message to him. 
You look around his room, the opposite side of you remained unslept. Where was he? Was he mad? More importantly, what’d you do? Reluctantly you dragged yourself out of bed and into his bathroom. “Oh god,” you say revolted at the image of yourself in the mirror. The smudged makeup, tousled hair, probably from having to rearrange those minnie mouse ears all the time. On top of that, the smell of alcohol stenched your clothes and made you nauseous. Where were your minnie ears? You glanced at Jinyoung’s shower, hopefully he wouldn’t mind. 
As the warm water washed over your body, relaxing and cleansing away all remnants of last night’s mistakes you tried to recollect everything else that happened last night. Judging you couldn’t find your purse before the shower meant that it was probably left at Johnny’s, hence why you’re probably at Jinyoung’s. What else Y/N? Then you gasped, covering your mouth in surprise as the hazy memories seemed to come flooding in. 
“We could have had a movie night in cuddling and making out,” You could hear your voice so clearly. Did you really say that? 
Because I like you.
You nip your bottom lip. His voice is distant but did it happen? You curse yourself for two reasons. First, if it was true and Jinyoung did confess you hated that you were too drunk at that moment to know now if it were true. Second, what if it wasn’t and now you were left with disappointment. There was only one way to find out you figured as you stepped out of his shower. After raiding his drawer and finding a pair of his sweatpants and tshirt you slowly open the door, peaking your head out to see if Jinyoung was around. It was quiet, however the smell of coffee tempted you to step out further. Your body craving the hot contents to flush away the rest of the toxins and hopefully clear your head even more. 
“Well, good morning,” 
You startle at the sound of his voice and you’d bet money he said it a little louder than usual on purpose to aggravate your headache. 
“Hi,” you basically squawk, turning around to face him. Hungover or not it didn’t go unnoticed just how good looking he was in his grey sweats and black t-shirt. 
“Funny, I remember you wearing something different to the party last night,” he looks you up and down. 
“I hope you don’t mind me borrowing these,” You tugged at his shirt sheepishly. 
“I don’t,” he grins, walking to his kitchen. “Coffee, water, advil?”
You basically groan as you flop onto his couch. “Yes to all three and if you throw in food I’ll worship you,” 
“I’ve got bagels,” He offers. 
“You’re amazing,” you hum as you sprawl on his couch. 
When Jinyoung comes with hot coffee and a freshly toasted bagel you could have kissed him right on the spot. “It’s official, I worship you,” you say with the first sip of coffee. You set aside your food, “Thanks for getting me,” you say bashfully. 
“Hoping it’s the last time,” he says. You nod in agreement. “Cause movie nights in, cuddling and making out,” he teases giving you a nudge. 
You cringe, “So it’s true. I did say that,” You bury your hands in your face. So did that mean? “Did anything else happen?” You prod. 
Jinyoung shrugs, “You tried puking and felt sick. You don’t remember anything?”  
You nod, feeling the heat rush to your cheeks in embarrassment. There was also a pit of disappointment starting to form. So Jinyoung’s confession must have been your imagination.
“How are you feeling now?” Jinyoung asks. 
Disappointed. “Good.” 
“No nausea? Don’t feel gross?”
You shake your head, “Nope, thanks to the shower,”
“Sober?” He asks. 
“Completely,” you answer. 
“Good, so you’ll remember this.”
For a moment, you think you’re dreaming or imagining things once again. That you were in fact still drunk. But then his tongue traces your bottom lip, grazing and meeting yours as your lips part in response. Lips moving with his. 
This was real. Very, very real and it was amazing. 
His hand moves to the back of your head, fingers tangling in your damp hair. Bringing you closer, the other hand resting on your cheek sweetly. With the slightest tilt of his head he brings the kiss deeper, eliciting the tiniest little moan from you. As the disbelief and first initial shock pass you find yourself wrapping your arms around his neck, inching closer you’re almost sitting in his lap. Before he draws away he takes one last nibble at your lower lip, both your breaths heavy as you pull away only inches from each other. 
“I like you Y/N,” Jinyoung softly murmurs. His nose nuzzles against yours in an eskimo kiss, “And you better remember that now,” he squeezes your side teasingly. 
You jolt, laughing. “So you did confess. Finally,” 
“Finally,” he agrees, taking your hand in his as he brings it to his lips. 
“So when do you think I should get my purse from Johnny’s?” 
Jinyoung lets out a little sigh with his laugh and you see the glint of amusement in his eyes as he pulls you to him to snuggle at his side. “After a scary movie marathon and some cuddling,” 
“And making out,” You tip up to press your mouth against his, warm and returning. There’s a surge in your belly, beyond the initial giddy feeling previously. You pull away slightly and the feeling in your gut still burns with need. 
You let it simmer. Jinyoung’s arm around you as the rest of the day was spent curling on his couch watching the good old halloween classics. There’s a comfortable silence between you two as you watch, settled in comfort. During the fifth movie you knew he was starting to grow restless as he starts tracing small circles along your shoulder. You try to be engrossed in the movie, pretending to ignore the way he keeps glancing over at you. Gradually breaking eye contact from the screen. A smile tugs at your lips and he catches the subtle way you nip your bottom lip. The simmer that you had earlier igniting into a needing flame. 
“Pretty sure the movie is more interesting than my face,” you tease, keeping your eyes focused on the scene in front of you.
“I beg to differ,” Jinyoung murmurs. “I like what I’m seeing more, less scary.” 
This time you look away from the screen and at him. Jinyoung’s smiling down at you, his grin mischievous, playful. His fingers continue to trace tiny circles along your arm, enticing goosebumps along the surface of your skin. 
“I think I want my shirt back,” Jinyoung murmurs, his hand already moving to the hem of his t-shirt you’re wearing. 
The sounds of screaming from the tv are ignored as you lean up to kiss Jinyoung. Feeling the warmth of his lips move in reciprocation against yours. The warmth in your belly ignites in a flame, moving to your core. Soon you’re moving onto his lap, straddling him. Grinding against him. His hands eagerly moving under your shirt to cup your breasts. His hands massaging and thumbs enticing in circular motions against your aroused buds. Your breaths are heavy, your kisses heated. When he pulls his shirt you’re wearing over your body you moan as his mouth immediately sinks to your breast. You moan, sinking your own lips to his shoulder as you nip. Your hips grinding against his clothed lap even more to soothe the ache between your legs. Feeling him hard under you. You’re hungry with need. Peppering his jaw with kisses, hands fisting in his hair as his mouth devours. His thumbs hook in the sweatpants you’re wearing. Bringing the cotton material down a little.
“Wait a minute,” Jinyoung looks up at you as he discovers something. 
“What?” you say breath heavy. 
He brings the material lower over your hips, “No underwear?” 
You shrug, “I obviously didn’t come prepared to spend the night and shower here,” You laugh at the pained groan that comes from Jinyoung’s mouth as he hoists you up to change positions as your back is now lain against the cushions of the couch. 
“If I had known earlier we wouldn’t have gone through five movies,” Jinyoung murmurs. 
“Nothing stopping you now,” You raise your hips to assist Jinyoung with pulling off your sweats. 
“No, no there isn’t,” Jinyoung looks up from his lash line as he trails kisses down your navel. He sinks down to your core. There was a flash of heat the minute his tongue comes in contact with your clit. Yet it didn’t diminish, it only continued to burn into a pinnacle of euphoric pleasure. Even as your hands fisted in his hair he only spread your legs further apart on the small width of his couch. You felt exposed, so open to him in the middle of his living room yet the way his mouth worked your core had you seeking more. Bringing yourself to grind against his mouth as his tongue circles and dives. Un-relinquishing ministrations of his mouth against your hot and sensitive center. You clenched around nothing, yet you felt everything. 
“Jinyoung,” you quiver. You’re at the edge, so close. You just needed the final push. 
As if hearing your inner thoughts Jinyoung slides two fingers and your heat relinquishes as you come around them instantly. Clenching and coming as his fingers curl up into you. The orgasm everything you had been wanting since you first felt his lips against yours. 
Yet it wasn’t over. Not as Jinyoung kneels up and brings his own sweatpants down then he drives into you. Building you up again. You adjust yourself on the couch, giving him more room to move as he begins his strokes. You gasp as he bottoms out in you, your hands gripping his shoulder to brace yourself. You begin to move as you accommodate to his size. Moving in sync with him as the sounds of both your moans drown out the tv. 
“Wait wait wait,” You say between breaths.
“What?” Jinyoung exhales, “Am I hurting you?” he eases off.
“No,” You prop yourself up on your elbows. “I just want to…” You kiss him softly as your hands press against your chest coaxing him to lay down. You straddle him again, this time taking him in you. Slowly you sink down on his length. Jinyoung’s eyes close, hands finding purchase on your hips. Then you begin to move, bowing up then down on him. You begin to ride him. Slowly at first, testing the new position. Adjusting to him from a new angle as you roll your hips. Hands resting against his chest for support. You arch back, and Jinyoung’s hands caress up your body. Hands back to your breasts. Your movements quickening against him as you begin to increase your pace, moving and bouncing on his shaft as you drive both of you to climax. 
“Fuck,” you gasp, falling forward barely able to keep moving as the pleasure becomes to much to bare. Jinyoung starts thrusting in return, raising his hips at the new angle deep into you. With erratic thrusts both of you cum. You sink back down against him, riding out the last of both your highs before collapsing naked on top of him, body limp and completely satiated. Still within you Jinyoung holds you close, catching his own breath. 
“I hope you’re comfortable because I don’t think I have the energy to move,” you murmur. 
Jinyoung chuckles, his fingers trailing up and down your damp back.  “We can stay like this forever I don’t mind,” 
You smile against him, then let out a low groan as you roll off him with reluctance. Jinyoung adjusts and makes room on the couch as he holds you against him. “Thought you wanted to stay like that,” he frowns.
“We’ll need sustenance eventually,” you curl against him. 
The loud scream on the tv startles the both of you, Jinyoung’s arms wrapping around you tighter in reflex. Both of you glance at the tv as the killer approaches one of the main characters. You laugh, snuggling against Jinyoung once again as both your attentions focus on the scene before you. However, five minutes later your attentions are both directed elsewhere again.  
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homestuck-kinstuff · 4 years
hi!! if its not too much trouble could i have a tarot reading for my roxy lalonde timeline?? tysm >.
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Hello Roxy,
It's always lovely to see your name in our inbox. Thank you for reaching out to us, I'd be more than happy to do a reading for you. I have your full reading below the cut:
The Hierophant, Reversed:
The Hierophant is all about the tried and true. Rules, structure, tradition, that is what is important, what is valued. Reversed as he is, he encourages the opposite.
Early in your life, you likely felt very restricted, very tied down. You may have felt bound by other people's expectations of you. Feeling suffocated in this way, you likely acted out, felt empowered to diverge from what was considered the norm.
At such a young age, this restriction, this wall of smothering tradition very likely came from a parental figure in your life. In the absence of an oppressive parental figure, an oppressive government is another likely outcome.
5 of Wands, Upright:
This card speaks of a great battle or conflict between rivals, and there is a struggle for dominance on all sides. However, this card also implies that no real harm is meant, and that this is more a show of power than a true threat.
It's likely you dealt with a lot of unnecessary conflict. It's likely you were an equal participant in this unnecessary conflict.
It's possible there was a series of semi-serious, semi-joking plays in a long game of "one-upmanship."
It's also possible there was just a lot of hot-headed debate or strife that often almost got out of hand: where neither party ever intends to hurt the other, but just show off an aspect of themselves.
This was likely a very chaotic or perhaps frustrating part of your life.
Towards the End
7 of Wands, Upright:
This card represents the ways a battle can continue even after it has seemingly been won. After securing victory and a higher position, there are still those who wish to wrench away your laurels.
You had just celebrated a great victory. But, whether you knew it or not, there were people who were upset by this, perhaps by you, who wanted nothing more than to take this victory for you.
Whether you knew it or not, these were uncertain times.
Knight of Cups, Upright:
The Knight of Cups is very in touch with their emotions and intuition, but, moreso, know how to use those feelings as a vehicle for action, for change. They also tend to be romantic people. 💜
It's possible you had a hard time managing your emotions. You were in tune with them, certainly. But you couldn't quite grasp how to use them to your advantage. You may have found yourself often overwhelmed in them, or making impulsive decisions driven by a strong emotion.
It's also possible this card represents a person in your life, with those initial qualities. They would have generally made things difficult for you, or challenged you at every turn.
How You Faced Them
The World, Upright:
Absolute unity, perfection and accomplishment, drawing from inner and outer sources. You've found harmony in your inner and outer worlds. After completing an era of your life, and reaching a level of enlightenment, it is a time for celebration.
For a personal challenge, this card indicates you were able to strike a balance. You were able to find peace with yourself and your emotions. You were able to learn how to harness them, how to hear them and make them useful, without smothering or destroying them.
For a challenging person, this card would indicate you were able to find harmony with them. Whether they remained in your life or had found reason to leave, the era of struggle with them had most certainly ended.
The Devil, Upright:
Representative of all the fears, insecurities, and obsessions that hold us back from our true potential, The Devil is hardly ever a welcome sight.
It's possible you had an overly anxious personality. The littlest things would eat at you, keep you up at night, gnawing at your fingertips.
It's possible you had an addictive personality, that it was easy for you to become overly dependent on people, things, substances.
Intuition implies that it's likely you had an obsessive personality. You couldn't love or hate in parts, you let each beast consume you. Every waking thought would shake and feel and swing from one extreme to the other, and you'd agonize over the tiniest details of the object of your obsessions. Things that did not relate often fell by the wayside.
The End
5 of Cups, Reversed:
The 5 of Cups speaks of the sadness of loss, of grief. Reversed as it is, it describes the process of healing, moving on, of finding hope in the future.
It's likely you died feeling that rare sense of completion that eludes so many on their death bed. You had healed, or at least met with and understood your traumas and your pain. The future looked promising, even if you wouldn't be there to do the work, to see it. You likely found yourself feeling strangely okay with that.
4 of Pentacles, Upright:
The 4 of Pentacles speaks of a vast wealth you've accumulated, but also implies that you are likely being overprotective of it. It warns against developing a miserly attitude.
It's easy to get overprotective, especially after witnessing great conflict and hardship, but it is no good for you to focus on all the pain and possibilities of the thing leaving. You should be enjoying the thing itself. Otherwise, what use is it to you?
It's okay to let down your guard, Roxy. Relax.
3 of Pentacles, Upright:
The 3 of Pentacles depicts a vastly varying group of people with a myriad of skills joining together to work towards a greater cause. This teamwork is creating something new, and progress is swift.
You might be wary to try to reach out, to meet and work with new people. Especially after a tumultuous past with your own friends. You might be wary of the effort of making new friends.
But this card is a sign that it would be a good thing for you. You can reach out. You can throw your lot into new spaces. It may feel risky, but your thoughts will be heard, and great things will be born as a result.
3 of Cups, Reversed:
The 3 of Cups usually depicts a lively gathering of friends. Reversed as it is, it implies that you've been without a support group and thusly, the benefits that comes with one.
Whether they wouldn't let you in, or you wouldn't reach out, the people in your life lately have not been involved in and supportive of you.
It's okay to ask for help, Roxy. The world will not punish you for it.
Thank you for taking the time to read through all that with me. I know I'm quite wordy. 👾
As always, you would know your timeline better than I. These are your memories, not mine. If something doesn't feel right, it likely isn't.
If any part of this reading doesn't strike a chord with you, I'd heartily recommend looking into the meaning of the card in question yourself. Tarot cards have many meanings, and another interpretation may make more sense to you. 💜
Kind Regards,
🌹Mod Rose🌹
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furballsofyr · 5 years
I don't think anyone's talked about the importance and symbolism of Lance piloting the red lion when Keith becomes the black paladin.
The red lion is the right hand of Voltron; therefore, whoever pilots the red lion must be considered the right hand of the black paladin. When Shiro piloted black, Keith was his right hand, because Keith was someone he trusted, knew very well, and even considered him family. Sure, Keith fit the description of the red lion fairly well, but it's much more than just the connection to the lions. The connection to each other is equally as important (if everyone remembers in season one when they struggled to form Voltron because they couldn't connect with each other).
Let me briefly point out that Allura could in no way, shape, or form possibly be Keith's right hand. Whether it's from a platonic or romantic stand point, Keith is just not interested in Allura. She is constantly trying to connect with him, and though he may not outright deny her, he's definitely uncomfortable with the idea of being close to her. Unlike Lance. Eventually, it seems like Keith is practically begging to have Lance's attention and praise. (If you interpret it differently, please understand I'm coming as a klance shipper who hasn't seen the first few seasons in a while, but trying to make it neutral)
Now onto Keith and Lance: When Keith became leader, there obviously formed a need for someone to pilot red. I won't go into details, but I believe that Red and Blue have a certain connection that the others don't, which must be a reason why Keith and Lance had the relationship they did. Check out @angst-in-space post for more details. Because of this bond, it made it fairly easy for Blue to pass on Lance to the red, so that bond isn't very difficult to explain. But what we have now is the fact that the blue and red lions knew that Lance was the only one that could possibly fill the title of being the right hand man.
Now this may seem strange, considering their relationship at this point in time, but I think the lions were able to feel the connection that the boys have but don't realize quite yet. Ever since the beginning, it's been "Lance and Keith-neck and neck." Who was the one who recognized Keith by the littlest thing? Lance. Who immediately went up to help Keith carry Shiro, claiming he just wanted to be the hero instead of Keith? Lance. Who was there when Lance briefly woke up from his coma, creating the iconic bonding moment? Keith. Who was the one that was most anxious for Lance to get out of the pod? Keith. Who were the two kids that, despite their rivalry, formed a plan to get out of the stopped elevator? Lance and Keith. Who's idea did Keith take seriously even though he didn't want to admit it? Lance's. Who did Lance watch the most from his sniper post, even when the rest of the team needed help too? Keith. There are many more moments both old and new that prove that they have a relationship that works very well together. Despite everything, they still manage to come out and work together for the greater good.
Now whether you consider these two to be more than platonic or just rivals, there's no denying they have a certain relationship that none of the other paladins share. So let's just take a moment and appreciate the significance of Lance being Keith's right hand man.
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quilloftheclouds · 5 years
Hey yeah so I got way more attention on that Dione pic I posted than I ever would’ve imagined? Here’s the thing: I really, really want to reply to each and every one of the outrageously amazing comments and tags that people have left but I just... it’s just overwhelming? The positivity and kindness and wonderfulness of EVERYONE.
Also every time I go to try and do something about it I end up getting into a loop of giddy happiness reading through the notes and nothing gets done.
SO. This super long post really doesn’t properly represent how absolutely marvelous and significant your support is to me, but I needed to do something aside from putting it off more, and therefore I’ve compiled a giant thank you post in reply to everyone!! This also applies to anyone who’s ever left me a nice comment, but is specifically written around my recent art. ^^
The writeblr community as a whole has been tremendously, ludicrously, unbelievably supportive, nice, and welcoming to me. It’s very difficult for me to share creative projects of mine due to a long time of never sharing anything because I was either afraid of being interpreted as seeking attention or nervous from my own thoughts telling me things wouldn’t be good enough to. 
Even the littlest tag--“This is so cool!”, “I want to know more!”, “Awesome!”--is so, so helpful with pushing those thoughts away. Talking about a long comment or reply with thoughtful details (@abalonetea) and/or someone just plain yelling at me (@pens-swords-stuff, @bookish-actor, @waterfallwritings, @aslanwrites, @mvcreates) for being “way too talented” (hello @imaghostwriter), though? That’s just... oh jeez. You don’t know how much I cherish that. How much that means to me, that you’d take that much time to type up that reply, or that I provoked that much of a positive(? don’t get arrested plz) reaction because of something I did? That’s most if not all of the reason I continue to make this stuff, and especially why I share it in the first place!
I read every single note (if tumblr doesn’t decide to mess up and not notify me), and each and every single one means so much to me, so thank you!
@runningonrain @confunderewrites @crikewrite @bookenders @scottishhellhound @ardawyn @phoenix-the-write-thing @elizabethsyson @hellscrusade @gaslightwestern @mouwwie
So now you folks know why I go absolutely ballistic on other people’s stuff. One, because they deserve it and they deserve to know that. And two, I really appreciate that sort of reaction myself. My apologies if you don’t want an insanely excited person on your post, you can simply let me know and I can certainly tone it down~
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hannahhostofheaven · 6 years
New Hannah head canon! Hannah has died seven times up to this point.
I made a new Hannah head canon page and it’s pretty extensive and detailed and gives you an idea of Hannah’s life before, during, and after seasons 9-11. It also talks about Caroline Johnson. So for anyone RPing or planning to RP with Hannah please take a look! Also note that her backstory will be tweaked to fit our RPs.
Tagging my current and prospective Hannah Muse RPers (let me know if I am forgetting someone): @spooky-racoons, @heavensmostterrifyingweapon, @heavenly-soldier, @angelic-rebels, @gracedsoldier, @ourpieceoutoftime, @wellillgowithyou, @meg-deserved-better,
Trigger warnings: mentions of torture, disease, and various types of abuse abound. Hannah had a very rough past:
Note: This is just Hannah’s main canon compliant/divergent verse. If we do any AUs, I might tweak things accordingly.
Also note again: Yes I will RP Caroline Johnson if anyone is interested!
I also updated my rules so you can check that out too:
Head canons:
                 Hannah's personality, skills, and traits:
* Hannah is an angel’s angel, she lives by her rules, but she finds inner conflict with her feelings. She believes in law, justice, and order.
* She is a unique angel in that she has emotions. This makes her more intuitive than other angels. She is quite passionate and although she doesn’t always understand emotions, she just knows she has them. She has a temper, especially when someone taunts her or Castiel.
* Hannah has a fascination with Humanity, although she holds and maintains a distance with these creatures she doesn’t quite understand. She tends to find ‘human things’ like eating unsettling and disgusting, at first, but she is open-minded and when given enough encouragement, she will try new things.
* Hannah likes plants and plant life. She has an aversion to things like fences, borders, and barriers.
* I think Hannah has cream colored wings with golden yellow tips, see blog banner picture.
* Hannah is considered a relatively young angel. She is perhaps 5-10 million years old which when compared to the archangels which are perhaps billions of years old,is very young. She is older than humanity but wasn’t around to see dinosaurs.
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Hannah Prior to season 9:
Hannah has been to Earth a few times before meeting Castiel. She has not been to Earth prior to the 19th century, so nearly 200 years. She is weary around humans, tends to not trust them and doesn't automatically volunteer for missions involving Earth. Her time in heaven has not always been great either. She has a somewhat rebellious streak despite her adherence to law and order. In particular, she has had some run ins with Raphael who oversaw her training when she was newly formed.
Raphael punished Hannah harshly for minor transgressions, and often times, her punishment was to be exiled to Earth for a few years. She spent time on earth in the 1860s, the 1770s, 1340s, 1095, the first century CE, and during the reign of the Pharaoh Ramses.
During each of these time periods, Hannah was stripped of her grace and made mortal. She's died six times only to be resurrected by Raphael and brought back to heaven.
First Death: The first time she warranted punishment was when she spoke out against heaven during the time of the 10 plagues. She didn't think it was right to judge an entire race of people. As punishment for speaking out, Raphael sent her to Egypt and locked her into the vessel of a Hebrew slave girl. This slave girl befriended the Pharaoh's second wife and the two fell in love. When the 10 plagues occurred, Hannah tried to save her lovers child with the cruel, abusive pharaoh. Her lover died after the pharaoh beat her to death and he had Hannah put to death. Cause of death: Execution by impalement.
Second death: Hannah was sent to Earth around 79 AD. She fell in love with a roman farmer but they both died when Vesuvius erupted and destroyed their Pompeii farm. Her vessel's body is still entombed in pompeii. Cause of death: vaporized by pyroclastic flow of a volcano.
Third Death: Hannah was sent to Jerusalem in 1095 for again protesting Raphael. This time, she was the wife of a Jewish merchant during the first crusade. She had a child named Miriam. Her life was cut short when the crusaders laid seige to Jerusalem. Her child was brutally murdered in front of her and she and her husband were locked in their synagogue and the crusaders set it on fire, killing everyone inside. Cause of death: Burned alive.
Fourth Death: Hannah came to Cornwall, England during the Black Death. She was the daughter of a wealthy landowner who died and left her in the care of her cruel step mother and step sister. She became their peasant servant. She was treated terribly, especially when her mother found out about the affair she was having with a wealthy courtesan woman from the palace. When plague hit, Hannah and her lover both died. Cause of death: Plague.
Fifth Death: Hannah lived on a Massachusetts farm. She was hired by a cruel man as an Irish scullery maid (cook). The man beat her for the littlest mistakes. He was a British soldier who fought against the Americans during the revolution. He would adopt children from the orphanage in order to use them as slave labor. One such girl, a 5 year old named Scarlett formed a bond with Hannah and Hannah considered claimed her as her own daughter. But Scarlett came down with diphtheria and died and the cruel soldier told everyone that Hannah killed her. Hannah later became pregnant herself through forced assault and both she and her unborn child died of diphtheria. Cause of death: Diphtheria.
Sixth death: In 1863, Hannah lived in Wales at this point. She was the daughter of a merchant who came to the US during the Civil War. Her father was arrested by the southern confederates after being suspected of collaborating with the north. Hannah ran west with a pioneer caravan. While living in a wild west town, she was forced to live in a brothel. She died of cholera while living in the brothel. Cause of death: Cholera.
After her sixth death, Hannah learned to be more obedient. It was ingrained into her by then. She still possesses this spirit of rebellion and when Castiel rebelled, she secretly admired him for it even though she had never met him at that point. She would never openly defy Raphael again and even fought against Castiel on the side of Raphael. When Castiel killed Raphael, Hannah thought she could finally be free, but the fall happened a few years later, and she met Castiel for the first time.
Hannah while with Castiel seasons 9-11 (Her seventh death)
Hannah is much like Castiel was in season four. She is strict about obeying the laws of heaven and chastises other angels for their disobedience. But few know her secret past. During her time spent with Castiel, she learned to be more open minded towards humans and she began to open up to humanity again. Though she made some mistakes in her relationship with Castiel, she developed real feelings for him and she ended up dying defending him from Efram and Jonah. Cause of death: Angel blade, killed by Efram.
Hannah from season 11-13
Season 11: Hannah woke up from the Empty soon after her death but she wasn't allowed to return to Heaven or to Earth. Instead, the cosmic entity sent her to Purgatory.
Season 12: She spent a year in hell after escaping purgatory. She was tortured by demons until she finally made it back to Earth.
Season 13: Hannah spent the year graceless. She is rejoined and reunited with her older vessel Caroline Johnson only to discover that Caroline has not had the best life since they parted ways. When Hannah took over her body for the second time, she and Caroline suffered together.
Caroline Johnson:
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* Caroline Johnson was born February 25th, 1980 in Great Falls, Montana. She is a Pisces.
* In this head canon, Caroline and her husband were not on the best of terms. Depending on RPG, Joe can be seen as neglectful at best, abusive at worst, and there was a reason why Caroline said Yes to Hannah in the first place. This may or may not contradict canon, depending on your interpretations of it.
* Caroline was a bit of a daydreamer and animal lover. She dreamed of traveling the world.
* Before her first encounter with Hannah, Caroline was raised in a religious household, though she was a bit of a skeptic herself. Her mother died of cancer when she was 7 and her father, depressed after losing their horse ranch due to financial hardships, committed suicide by shooting himself when Caroline was 14.
* Caroline spent her teenage years in foster care and married her high school sweetheart, Joe shortly after he joined the marines and returned from boot camp.
* Even back then, Joe displayed signs of being a narcissist. He was very controlling and very jealous. He would check Caroline's phone and ask her where she'd been. She learned to deal with his personality because she thought she loved him and he promised to show her adventures.
* After Caroline had a miscarriage, Joe got worse and it was at this time that Hannah came to Caroline and asked her to be her vessel. In an act of anger and defiance towards Joe, Caroline said yes.
* Her time as Hannah taught Caroline a strength she never knew she had. After awhile though, she missed Joe and when Hannah released her, she thought she could work things out with her husband. She thought wrong.
* In the year since she disappeared, Joe became more abusive and possessive and when she returned, he decided to punish her for ever running off on him. She was subjected to frequent beatings.
* When Hannah came to possess Caroline a second time, she found her vessel beaten and dying on the floor of the house she was being held prisoner by Joe. Caroline agreed to be possessed again and Hannah released her soul to heaven. But being graceless, Hannah was unable to convince Joe she wasn't Caroline anymore and so, Joe abused her, that is, until Hannah poisoned him and ran away. She has no idea if Joe survived the poison or not, she didn't wait around to find out.
So this is Hannah and Caroline's story. Depending on the RP, some tweaks and changes can be made to fit the RP.
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disgrays-on · 6 years
Word Count: 2.1k
Pairing: Tim Drake // Reader
A/N: I listened to Ed Sheeran’s Perfect and this happened?? idk don't ask for specifics, enjoy it for its surface value thanks
You first met Tim Drake at a meeting that your father had set up between his company - your company, your father would often say and you could only give him a tight-lipped smile - and Wayne Enterprises. He had been sitting in for his father and you were sitting in for yours. Your father had clapped you on the shoulder before the meeting, eyes cold as he told you to be careful around that Wayne boy. The fact that your father felt threatened around a young man half his age should have told you plenty.
Tim was incredibly endearing, in his own rightful way. Within thirty minutes of meeting him, sat amongst a handful of stiff, pompous old men with their stuffy suits who didn’t seem know when to keep their mouth shut, you understood completely why your father had said what he had. A friendship blossomed between the two of you, one rooted in a shared disdain for disgustingly long and boring meetings and sneaking away during whatever supposed charity event the upper crust of Gotham felt like holding for that month and love for a moment of peace and quiet from the usually hectic days. Dating each other felt like a good next step.
Your father, deeply entrenched in his seemingly one-sided contempt for the Waynes, had disapproved of any sort of relationship with Tim from the beginning. You will not befriend that boy, your father spat, commanded like his words were final, like being friends with someone was the most barbarous deed you could have ever done. You refused to dignify his words with a response. Later on, your father smiles as he greets Bruce Wayne. You didn’t understand his need to be so dishonest, but this was nothing new. Nothing else seemed more aristocratic than being completely inauthentic in everything that you do. So you had opted out of telling your father that you’ve actually been seeing that Wayne boy for quite some time because it was easier to pretend that you weren’t friends than to explain to your father that you actually really liked him.
It wasn’t the most difficult thing to do. Acting like you were above someone was easy when it was what you’ve been taught for almost all your life. The media ate it up, believed undoubtedly that the heirs of these two multimillionaire companies despised each other for no other reason than the fact that the both of you saw each other as rivals. You weren’t inclined to think so. You liked to think that you were excellent, commanding attention in a crowded room was no big issue for you but you were also certain that Tim could outwit you any day. He was brilliant, even more so than you, and you wouldn’t delude yourself into thinking otherwise. Acting coolly towards each other when you were in public wasn’t a problem for the both of you (but if a meeting between your company and Wayne Enterprises ran just a bit longer than necessary, no one needed to know).
"Wayne." You nodded in his direction as a way of greeting, as stiff as you could have been, trying hard not to think about the fact that it was only two hours ago that he had been tangled in your bed sheets, his hair a mess and clothes sloppy as he snored softly in his sleep. It was impressive, just how good he could clean himself up in a short period of time. He looked amazing, not a single hair out of place and sleek in a dark blue suit. Tonight’s event was another charity ball that your father had decided to throw.
“Care to dance?” He asked, raising an eyebrow. A small, barely-there smirk and a gleam in his eyes greeted you when you turned from the group of people that you had been forced to mingle with to face him. The sight of him never failed to make you slightly weak and breathless but you managed to disguise it with a polite smile. It was a bold move to ask you to dance while you were with a group of people but it was a good cover-up to be close to each other. After all, societal expectations dictated that you had to say yes (but there was no way you could have said no to him,  regardless). You were sure that this would somehow make the headlines tomorrow. You could already feel your father’s disapproval.
“Far be it from me to say no to you.” You answered curtly, returning his smile. He led you to the central area where quite a few people were already slowly swaying together. The room was pleasantly dimmed but there was still just enough soft light to be quite intimate. The song started, soft and smooth - a beautiful arrangement of violins and pianos - generic but understandable tune for these occasions. One of your hands rested on his shoulder, fingers enjoying the smoothness of his suit while the other was gently clasped in his own. His other hand rested on the small of your back, his lukewarm fingers pressing into you. His hands squeeze yours briefly, before he made the first move.
His movements were elegant, perfectly in sync with the slow music, but there was something in him - the lines in his stature, the solid feel of him under her fingers, the careful vigilance as he led you around the dance floor - that radiated a firm resolve, a silent strength that told you that he wasn’t to be underestimated like people usually do.
“I was right,” He mumbled, quiet enough so that only you could hear him.
“You look nice.” He laughed softly. You had to resist the urge to laugh along with him, you didn’t need any more scrutiny than what the both of you have already garnered. Earlier on in the night, you had been quite hesitant to attend the event, nitpicking on the littlest details that could get you out of going.
“I can’t wear this.” You sighed, cringing inwardly at your reflection. “I look ridiculous.”
“I mean,” He had said from where he sat on your bed, eyes trained on you as you examined yourself in the mirror. The outfit, chosen by your mother, looked severely unflattering on you. But far be it from you to disobey your mother’s words. He continued, “I’m not complaining if you take it off, but it might make the party a bit awkward.”
You snorted at that, not stopping the smile that spread on your face. That would be more than just a bit awkward. You couldn’t even imagine your father’s anger or your mother’s disappointment. The thought was incredibly amusing though.
“For what it’s worth, I think you look nice.” He shrugged.
“And I love you dearly for that,” You turned back to look at him, shaking your head, “But you have terrible taste.”
You smiled at the memory, “Then I stand by my words too.”
You’d like to think that you and Tim were quite capable actors. After all, everyone seemed to believe that the cold, uncongenial act that both of you put on was the ultimate truth. No one seemed to have caught on yet, or even questioned it at this point. At least you'd like to think that no one knew. You had a feeling that Bruce knew because he looks at you contemplatively sometimes, always silently, always pensive but never saying anything. His siblings though, you were certain, did not know of your relationship. You’ve had the pleasure of meeting a couple of them a few times, and while they seemed like a handful bunch, they were good company. The both of you didn’t tell them but they never asked either. You always managed to act coolly whenever they’re around, even though all you want to do is laugh because they were all good actors too.
Time together alone was always hard to come by with the both of you having such irregular schedules but you two manage. He sneaks into your place sometimes, and how he manages to do it every single time without attracting attention from anyone still baffles you. You sleep over at his place sometimes - a cosy penthouse a distance away from Wayne Manor that he had given you an extra set of keys for - and spend the mornings with him, groaning about all the work that you needed to do that you hadn’t done yet. You try not to leave anything behind, or at least nothing too incriminating, because he had mentioned to you, amongst other things during late night heart-to-hearts, that his family members liked dropping by at any given time without prior notice. It was why you much preferred him to join you in your humble domain. At least you didn’t have an incredibly long line of people wanting to barge into your home.
You supposed it was only time that his siblings caught on though.
You distinctly remembered leaving a couple of your things at Tim’s place after a long day of non-stop meetings and you had been too exhausted to go back to your own home because his was closer. Amongst your things were a bunch of files that you needed to look through before a meeting for the next day, which was why that night found you unlocking the door to his penthouse. Rummaging through your bag to look for your phone, the sweet smell of buttery popcorn and the low murmur of chatter had gone unnoticed by you.
“Tim?” You called out, pushing the stuff in your bag around because you swore you had slipped it in earlier.
“Babe, have you seen my-” You stopped in your tracks when you noticed that the normally empty living room wasn’t so empty anymore. His family members now occupied the room, obviously in the beginning stages of a movie night. The mildly surprised looks that they shared would be amusing if you weren’t so taken aback. You raised your eyebrows at your boyfriend, who at least had the decency to look a bit sheepish, “Uh…”
“Busted.” He muttered under his breath.
“Why has your family been sending me congratulatory texts?” You asked a few days later when it was just the two of you. Your parents were still unaware but most of his family had found out instantly. You weren’t surprised that they connected the dots so quickly after you had walked in - they were an amazingly intelligent bunch - although you supposed there was definitely no other way to interpret it.
You were on one side of the couch and he was on the other but your legs were tangled with his under the blanket that the two of you shared. Your phone had been vibrating all week from all the text messages that you were receiving (it was incredible, how they managed to make their congratulatory messages sound mildly threatening). You didn’t even need to ask how his family had acquired your phone number because you didn’t think there was anything they couldn’t get if they put their minds into it.
“Well.” He shrugged, eyes still trained on the television screen playing a movie that he had chosen as he offered the bowl of popcorn to you. You furrowed your eyebrows at his noncommittal answer. You didn’t think there was literally nothing that could surprise you at this point. Judging by his lack of actual response towards it, his family sticking their noses where it didn’t actually belong probably tended to happen a lot. You accepted the bowl, plopping it down on your lap before grabbing a handful.
“You find this far too entertaining.” You sighed, turning back to the TV. There was no point in wasting time in trying to find out why or how. Better just enjoy the movie, you supposed.
“Should I be worried that you’re being so indignant?” He turned to you and raised his eyebrows, munching slowly on his popcorn, but you couldn’t miss the gleam in his eyes even if you wanted to. He was enjoying this way too much.
You rolled your eyes, “That’s not what I meant.”
He grinned back at you, boyish and adorable. Lies. It was all lies. You knew the truth behind that smile. Your cheeks warmed at it, yes, but you still had the urge to punch him a bit. You settled for a jab to his calf with your toe. He was just feeling smug because no one noticed that the two of you had already been dating for a long time.
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nanafilmclass · 2 years
Spirited Away [Miyazaki Hayao]
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Initial Thoughts
I was so excited to watch this film, even though I’ve seen it thousands of times. It was one of my favorite films as a kid, and Miyazaki’s films are what lead me to become an animator. Animation is such an amazing medium and I’m glad we got to watch one of Miyazaki’s films for class. This film is beautifully animated, witch fluid motion and outstanding character designs. One thing I love about Spirited Away is just how well it brings you into this magical world. Miyazaki has a wonderful way of world building in his movies, and this one I think is one of his best.
Miyazaki has such a beautiful way of animating and storytelling that I adore. He focuses on showing life, and how beautiful it is. One thing I admire about his work is that he adds motion and life into everything we see. He focuses on the tiny details, some you may not even notice until the second or third watch. I watched an interview with him said that he specifically targets his movies for children because they will pick up on the littlest things. Most people may not notice that every hair on a little creature moves differently, but children will. These little subtle movements give life to his characters because it makes them feel real. In animation terms, this is one of the 12 principles of animation called secondary action. Secondary actions are used to support or exaggerate the main motion going on. Obviously, Miyazaki uses all the 12 principles of animation well, but this is one he uses a lot to give his characters an extra sense of realism.
My Interpretation
When thinking about this film, it was hard for me to think of a solid theme. A lot of this film focuses on the fantastical nature of world, and Chihiro’s struggles in it. However, after thinking about it I think this film the main themes to me seem to be compassion and greed(or more so to no become greedy). Throughout the film we see Chihiro exhibit traits of being compassionate and not being greedy. Throughout the film, she only ever takes what she needs and usually denies monetary things given to her(usually from No Face). Even at the beginning, she refuses food that her parents offer her. She instead exhibits compassion, and does her best to help those around her, and even going so far as to do everything she can so save Haku’s life. Even though she is a young child, she is very determined throughout the film to save her parents and help Haku. I watched an interview with Miyazaki where he said something along the lines of that he wants his characters to act according to their own will, not to what fate decides for them. I think this film really shows this because the film is driven by Chihiro’s will to save the people she cares about.
One thing I appreciate about this movie, and many of Miyazaki’s other films, is that it has a female protagonist who is seen as smart, cool, and strong. In this film, we do have Haku who helps Chihiro at the beginning, but as the story progresses she is the one who ultimately has to save his life and free him from where he’s trapped. It switches the narrative of the damsel in distress so that now the damsel is the hero. It’s really great for young girls to be able to see themselves in a movie being shown as the hero.
This was also my first time watching the film with the Japanese audio. I thought that the voices weren’t too different from the English, and it was interesting to compare the two. In the English, Haku’s voice is a little less soft I would say, but still has the same chill tone. Chihiro’s voice wasn’t too different but I will say her English voice is a bit more whiny than the Japanese at points. The most different was Yubaba’s voice. I think both English and Japanese voice actors did amazing at portraying her, but I did like the Japanese one a lot. She switches her voice more depending on who she was speaking too and it was always interesting to see what her voice would sound like next.
Overall, I love this film so much. It’s very special to my heart, and as an animator I think its an absolute masterpiece. To end this post I’ll leave you with an anecdote from the making of this film I saw when researching Miyazaki. So, for the scene where Chihiro shoves medicine in Haku’s mouth, he wanted it to look like a dog who was being force fed medicine; however, none of his animators on the film had ever had a dog or lived with one. This shocked Miyazaki, so he brought in a veterinarian to show all his animators what a dog’s mouth looked like and had the vet do demonstrations which they recorded and used as reference for that scene. I thought that was a neat little story, and gives you a look into how animators get ideas for what they’re animating.
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go-our-own-ways · 6 years
Heisei Generations Final - Thoughts and Impressions
 Hello, I am back. 
I really don’t have a readership here to begin with...but that’s kind of why it feels nice to put my thoughts down here, I guess. 
On the whole, I enjoyed seeing the boys team up against the evil and defeat it...particularly seeing Hino Eiji/OOO and Ankh again (but of course, then, that made their parting even more heartbreaking...). 
As some context, I’ve only seen OOO and Build to completion at this point in time. The only other series I’ve watched anything of is W (still stuck on episode 20-something). I’ve seen several movies here and there because OOO was part of the casting, though, so I am somewhat familiar with Fourze and Gaim as well. 
Anyway. More under the cut! 
Overall, the movie was quite enjoyable to watch. It was a smidge confusing to understand since I was watching it after having finished Build...so I had to mentally adjust my brain, timeline-wise (lol). 
I guess the big thing that really impacted me by the end of the movie was that I was struck with a strong desire to watch Ex-Aid. I had been looking forward to watching it when it was announced, but opted to try and catch up to it instead...and never did (I was still slugging my way through W at the time). But here I am now, having skipped everything to watch Build. I think it’s alright to try watching Ex-Aid now, right? 
I have to admit that it was really, really nice seeing Gentaro again. Even though I’ve yet to watch Fourze, his appearances in various movies that I’ve been able to see left a pretty strong impression, so it was nice seeing him returned as a teacher. He was looking pretty snazzy in that suit, too! A shame that we couldn’t see more of the Fourze crew featured, but that’s alright; the focus was meant to be on Build and Ex-Aid after all. 
Someone else I really and truly enjoyed seeing again was, of course, Hino Eiji/OOO and Ankh. OOO was my first ever Kamen Rider series, and I loved it from start to finish. It left a huge impact on me, one that I doubt will ever leave. So, being able to see the main character and his sidekick again was...amazing. I’ve missed Eiji and Ankh a lot, not gonna lie, so it was great to be able to see them partnered up in action again. The moment when Ankh materializes again and Eiji is more or less choking back tears...I nearly cried, right then and there, man. Watanabe Shu’s acting is SO good as Hino Eiji, and I am forever thankful that he was cast for this role all those years ago. 
This is somewhat of an aside, but I loved seeing his performance throughout the entirety of OOO, and seeing him develop as an actor. His subsequent appearances in various Kamen Rider related media has also always been great to see, as he is always just as passionate and emotional in every new crumb of Eiji’s story as he was during the days of OOO, and it really warms my heart to see how dearly he cherishes Hino Eiji and OOO. 
Anyway, back to the movie itself LOL... I was also LIVING for that TaToBa henshin sequence, and also later the GataKiriBa and TaJaDor henshin sequences...the nostalgia that hit me seeing those was kind of unreal. By the end of it all, though, my heart broke into pieces yet again to see Ankh disappear back into the shattered core medal. Hearing Eiji say (more or less) “until next time” totally broke me, honestly. I still hope for a day when Eiji and Ankh can be reunited for good, but I’m pretty sure that’s never going to happen. I’ve been told that the novels that came out following OOO’s air on TV kind of give somewhat of an epilogue for the two of them, but as I cannot read Japanese for shit...I can only wait for something on screen. 
Okay, enough about OOO, lol. 
Something that was nice, but a smidge...awkward(?) was Banjou’s quest for meaning behind Kamen Riders and their drive to fight. I enjoyed seeing each Kamen Rider talking about why they keep fighting, and seeing everyone unified under basically the same banner (just phrased differently), but throwing Banjou’s questioning state into the mix felt a little bit forced, I think? I guess it just felt like there could have been more to his character development, but it kind of got diminished to “Banjou witnesses more Kamen Riders who seem to be like Sento and decides that their motivations and drives are admirable,” when he could have had a bit more internal dialogue, I guess is how I feel. (I’m really bad with reviewing/critiquing plot devices and whatnot, though, so this is purely just how I felt, not something meant to be taken with utmost seriousness and debated down to the littlest detail.)
I think the other thing that kinda bothered me was just the entire plotline of how they defeated Enigma and Bikaiser... Something about it all felt like the problem was resolved too easily, in a way. When Sento and Emu explained it to Bikaiser, it certainly made sense, but even so...seemed much less complicated than I guess I would have anticipated. But then, since they only have one movie to tell the entire story, I guess the evil plot can’t be too complicated, right (lol). 
Speaking of complicated... I’m still unsure as to how Sento and Banjou got back to their parallel world. Technically, the fight takes place on Emu’s world--a world without Skywall. So, how do Sento and Banjou return to their own world, the world with Skywall? I’ll admit, I’m really not the brightest when it comes to understanding plotlines and science fiction, so maybe I just missed it somewhere. But regardless, that was a lingering question I had at the end of the movie. 
Something else at the end of the movie that I did appreciate was Banjou’s hint at the Katsuragi/Sento plot point. I’m sure if I had watched this movie as Build was airing, it would have totally blew my mind...if I had been able to catch it and interpret it properly (lol). I also enjoyed seeing Grease’s cameo at the very end of the movie--it reminded me of Meteor’s cameo at the end of the OOO/Fourze movie. I take it that it’s kind of Kamen Rider tradition to cameo a companion rider at the end of the movie who has yet to appear in the currently airing series, but even so...it’s kind of nice seeing these sorts of traditions continue, in a way. 
All in all, the movie was fun to watch. It was nice to see old faces again, and to see them all working together as a team. It certainly also piqued my interest in Ex-Aid, and has me itching to watch Be The One right now. But, to watch Be the One, I’ll have to wait until it’s released onto DVD in January. Until then, I guess it’ll just be Zi-O, and perhaps finally also Ex-Aid! 
If you’ve made it this far, then thanks for reading! (: 
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rkcheri · 7 years
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1— #lights, camera, action ! ° [ + ] lee, jihyun —————— ✦ ˟     › ! royal survival &. episode two: interview ┄ ·˚₊ 
it’s supposed to be easy. 
a light, fun to and fro of words, a way into your personality. a little of this, a little of that, a piece of yourself that the viewers can take apart and never really put back together again. it’s supposed to be everything jihyun had been taught, a little bit of confidence and all the more of herself to give away. but why is it that even her name unnerves her. her name brings a bought of memories, all too early to forget, that remind her of just how easy it is to go from being the girl to being what girl. and jihyun did not want to be part of the forgotten. so she goes by, piece by piece, her heart on her sleeve and her smile as bright as it can be without faltering to the pain that digs in at the cheeks. she speaks with a voice she’s known for. the happy person she wants to be seen as, the one who’s so used to the camera that she’s a factor in why her smile can’t seem to leave. that so jisub’s words haven’t made a dent in her; showing everything and anything except for what was a skim of the truth. 
it was looking at things half-full rather than half-empty. it was the first episode, and all her hopes were dashed, what else could they really do other than expel her from the show in its entirety. it’s a thought that hadn’t crossed her mind until today, and now it’s a thought that never actually will as she sings the words she knows she doesn’t really believe but does so, anyways, because pride speaks higher in volumes than it does in insecurities. 
                          ❛ let’s start from the beginning,                                   how does it feel being chosen for the show ? ❜
it’s an easy question; a way to let her guard down and ease her into the setting. it’s a question that has an intention within an intention; it’s a way for a laugh between the producers and herself to find insight in the littlest of details. it’s the telling way they speak that unnerves jihyun; that gives her a run for her money that laughter builds and falls from soft lips.
she’s thoughtful, though, a pause in her laughter -- outwards banter shielded and cut between the seams as the camera pans into her viewing. lips fall shut and the smile is faint as she thinks, eyes fall, fingers scratch at her jaw before she can return the favor of answering. a smile is always shown, rising over the last as she begins with a soft laugh, “i auditioned on a whim. i thought, what could this teach me -- how else could i grow from this,” it’s true, growth was part of it -- but something more important was what had driven her to it. “i was happy, of course, i was absolutely jumping for joy. royal’s very own survival show -- and i was on it. it’s a dream, much different than the last. it’s a feeling i felt before, when i was on my first survival show. it’s surreal, knowing the risks and what can happen, but i took the chance, and i was happy when they allowed me to be on the show.” 
“and knowing, if i’m able to make it to the end. it’s my one in a million chance, to -- y’know,” it’s a moment she wants to remember and it hurts as it echoes further into the depths of her. “debut.”  it wakes a level of anguish she keeps locked heavily beneath her heart. it’s splattered against her sleeve, smile as torn by the thought -- wistful and wrecked, all the same. it’s a dream everyone reaches for, but only so many can -- a platform for the show. debuting was but an exclusivity that jihyun can further hope to achieve. “it’s all i’ve ever wanted, and i’m happy to be here fighting for that chance.”
                 ❛  fighting -- funny word to use, if you’re fighting for this chance,                              what do you think of the other girls in the show ?                        anyone you see as potential friends, or possible rivals ? ❜
she can see the way the gears are working, the way lips peak when she speaks about fighting -- when words are so easily delved in such ways. jihyun can speak in one, and find it taken in a different direction. the words roll of the tongue and she knows how one can interpret rivals as threats in a small misdirection of speaking. 
“i know some of the girls from before. many of them are friends i’ve known for years at royal, some i’ve yet to know, but they’re all beautiful in their own way, a lot of them have this charm about them. a --” she pauses, as hands rise, a make-shift of movements that couldn’t necessarily be described with words, “spark, is that what you call it? they have this certain something that just needs to be on stage and i find that admirable.” 
fingers calm, a tumbling of frenzied taps against her knees as she continues, “they’re all potential friends but that could be said with rivals also. they each have something unique about them and that makes it all the more interesting, i need to look out for each and every one of them, honestly. i mean, you’ve got eunae, lisa, seolhyun and jieun -- legs for days and they can definitely out-dance me. there’s soohyun, seoyoung, rose and jiwon --” jihyun nods, voice low as she registers the names quickly; the faces a blur as she speaks, “they’re the ones i know i should look out for, their voices are just as great if not more than my own and they’re younger. they’ve got that on them. dawon and soojung as well have not only voices but they’re gorgeous as well, but that’s for all of them if i’ve yet to say, they’re all beautiful. inside and out, i’ll vouch for it even if we’ve only spoken so little in the time we’ve been together, i --”
she sighs, “it’s intuition, i guess?” soft smiles share soft shrugs as she continues for the last time, a long-winded addition only calms her and screams for breath as she nears the last of the list, “there’s also elly and yubin who i know i have nothing to offer, they can rap in their sleep -- something i know i can never do.” she plays it by heart, feels the tears along her sleeve soften; brighten as they heal in their place. jihyun can only say so much before she sees the producer overhead signaling her to wrap it up -- onto the next, and she’s still yet to say what she wants to say most. “it’s a strong diversity of people, it’s all girls, and they’re all they’re own. i can’t say i’m jealous but i am intimidated by their talent.”
                              ❛  if you think they’re intimidating,             how did it feel to being on the royal survival stage for the first time ?                                         as scary as your opponents or more so ? ❜
“i wasn’t scared.” she admits at first. jihyun was never one to scare easy; always the one falling head-first into the fire of things, further so that the point of no return was always but a step away. “being on stage, for me, whether it’s for elimination or performing, is exciting. your nerves are at an all-time high. you’re out of breath, you don’t know what’s to come and yet, you give your all to your presence. you want to be seen but can only do so much. so you stand, confidently so, in hope that the camera will be on you if only for a moment. it’s what people dream of: their fifteen seconds of fame, to see that the camera has eyes only on them, even if it’s for a second. because sometimes, a second is all that matters.” she pauses, a whirlwind of words spouted in a moment’s notice only delivers a tell-tale sign of rambling. but she stops, thinks for a moment more only to smile, “or in so jisub’s case, two seconds.” 
another smile, a laugh that follows has her silent in it’s following. thinking once more always pins her down, weighs her heart and allows her to be raved by the frenzy that is her mind. so she uses it to her wills, spills what little she hopes to be shown to the production team. “for me,” jihyun clears her throat, picks at her wrist; eyes downcast. “it wasn’t the first time i was on a stage like royal survival’s but, it always feels the same way.”
                                                 ❛  if you weren’t scared,                     how did it feel when so jisub placed you in the minor team ?                                    do you think this was a reasonable choice ?                                         do you agree with so jisub’s critique ?  ❜
the ball starts rolling, the questions become harder than the last and suddenly jihyun realizes that this must be how it feels when the floor beneath your once stable feet give out. 
“this time, though,” she continues from what she says last; jihyun shudders because she sees it. sees the way jisub’s stature stands tall and mighty against her own; sees the inaudible exhale in his voice, the deliverance of disappointment expertly sung between the lines. “it hurt.” 
but again, she relives it. feels the hurt expand from every exhale to each inhale. dying to regain strength in her own lungs; trying to find some sort of explanation to this grief. 
“i wasn’t expecting it, but -- i guess, i should have. my audition wasn’t good. and i agree with him, it was the same performance i’ve been giving. it’s what i’m good at, and i guess -- i couldn’t find it in me to go above my comfort zone. instead, it was easier to be safe, knowing that what i do know what to do would be better than giving into this risk. it was a risk, already, just auditioning. did i want to chance it by doing something that could easily mess up that chance?” it’s rhetorical, but jihyun answers it with a soft shake of her head.
a messy smile that brings about too many emotions, she’s bitter from the outcome but she knows, in the end, she was the one who deserved it the most.
she sees her audition tape through her own eyes; sees how easy it is for her to play the piano back and forth, through and through, black and white -- all too easily does she sing, that notes come much like a wings to a newly-birthed butterfly. how ironic, the moment she feels her wings finally raise her up -- she knows how easy it is to bring her down.
             ❛  from what so jisub had said, do you believe you’re at your peak ?                                                        is this it for lee jihyun ? ❜
nothing comes easy, she tells herself now -- so why did she think she could do so in an audition tape? had she really met her end -- was this it for her? was there any higher she could go?
it’s a question she fears when paced with jisub’s criticsm; the episode replays in her mind. the cold gleam of the spotlight stunts her in seconds as she’s exposed to lights, cameras, and the way the smile on their faces speak of the humiliation she’s lived since that day. she can only hope her smile is as convincing as she makes it out to be. it’s expected, read: she should have expected it. she’s only thought about it everyday, every minute, every second of each waking moment -- even in her dreams do they appear. does she succumb to the desperations one lives with when their whole world has been torn down and must be built from the down up.
if one could have it -- it was the her ceo’s sick way of giving her a reset button. 
she musters up the courage; stashes the fears and doubts away, wipes them from her gaze as fingers push back dark tendrils from her eyes. jihyun is confident to a fault, but only so much can do to someone’s confidence. but she leads with this, a confidence she’s used to guide her way; what she’s used the most in her time as a trainee. a la fake it ‘til you make it, no?
“no, this is not my peak.” it speaks volumes for someone’s pride when faced with their demons; her own dangles before her: through the humiliation she breeds a newer insight. a fresh outlook on what she’s mangled, what she has to improve and how to deliver such improvement in the eyes of those who matter most; it all comes down to this in it’s passing appeal. “i’ve still so much to offer and i hope, it can be shown until the very end.”
“i may not deserve it right now,” a deep breathe, inhale -- exhale.
“but i’m still here,” she smiles, the brightest of those in passing, “i’m still fighting for my chance to be on that stage.” 
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◆ Out Of Character Information ◆
Name/Age: Carly, 21 Preferred Pronouns: She/Her Timezone: EST Desired Character: Donnie
◆Character Information◆
(1) What pronouns will your character be using? Would you like to list their sexuality at this time?: Donnie will use he/him pronouns. While his sexuality is not something he thinks about often, he would probably identify as bisexual/pansexual; I am not sure which one fits better. He sleeps with customers of all ages and genders, but sex is different than attraction or romantic feelings, which he doesn’t have the time or capacity for at this point in his life.  
(2) Any changes or comments? I think it would be hard to attract customers when wearing all baggy clothing, so when Donnie is out trying to do that he might wear something a little more revealing. To stick with the baggy clothes though (because Donnie does like to keep covered and inconspicuous to avoid unwanted attention) he could wear a cloak that he could open to try and seduce clients. He mostly stays covered on his top half, meaning his head/neck/shoulders area as that as the most important part to keep hidden as it is the general location of his collar, and also his face which if recognized could mean terrible trouble for him.
(3) Why this character?:
I like all the potential connections Donnie could have with others and the fact that he has obvious desires which I think will make him an easy character to plot with. He wants so badly to be freed of the collar that he wears because of all the bad times in his past that it remind him of. Wanting to be rid of that collar will be something that he will be working at every day and plotting with others will help bring him closer to that goal. He wants to know if the rumors of the powerful witch who can reverse the curse on the collar are true and he longs to find whoever they are. He also has plenty of room for flashbacks (selfies and paras with others). There is his horrible past with his family and the things he witnessed them do, when he was sold to the warlock, his time with the warlock, the stabbing in Hallowed Oak and Aaliyah and the other mages saving him… All these things leave him so open for growth.
As well I can relate to Donnie in ways which I think makes him a good character for me. I also have trouble connecting with people and finding meaningful relationships with others (because of my past and issues trusting others, much like Donnie). He wishes for acceptance and love that he never had so he tries to pretend that he has that sometimes with his customers, and while I am not a sex worker, that feeling is something that I understand. I think that writing a character that is similar to me in ways will be cool because I understand some of his motives and would love to see him grow, and maybe allow me to grow and explore some of myself as well.
(4) Interpret this character:
One the biggest things about Donnie is the collar around his neck. Everything about the way his is currently stems from that collar. It reminds him of his past and makes him sad for his future. It reminds him that his family shunned him and sold him basically into slavery for ten years. It reminds him that for a better chunk of his life he was a prisoner to an evil warlock, who not only made Donnie obey him, but gave him a range of mental issues due to the magic contained within the collar. It also reminds him that no matter how much he keeps running, until the collar is removed he will still be bound by it, which makes for a bleak future. The collar keeps him from truly being himself, though I feel as if Donnie doesn’t really have much of a sense of self. That collar has been a part of him for over a decade and it’s as much a part of him as his hands or feet are. It has kept him from doing so many things, like settling down in one area, like making friends and like rebuilding himself from the awful past he endured. Donnie wants the collar removed more than anything because once the collar is gone from his body that would mean true freedom, but once freed, I am not sure Donnie would know what to do with himself. If Donnie ever got that far along in his timeline, I think it would be an interesting thing to work out.
Currently he is constantly on the run, so making connections with people is hard. It is also hard to make connections because of his past. He is quick to judge and trusts very few with even the littlest bits of himself. Why would he when there are literally people out to get him? He is pretty paranoid, most of the time for good reason, so it is hard for him to have genuine interactions. I would like to see him interact with others to see exactly how he reacts to them with his reservations. In regards to his impulsive side, Donnie will do and say things that are sometimes rash. This can bring trouble his way, but it also leaves less room for confusion. He isn’t honest when it comes to details about himself, but when it comes to what he wants to get out of a situation he can be very straight forward. These qualities are great when it comes to his choice of profession. It makes it easy for him to attract clientele and then to not get attached. It is an (almost) perfect match. Sometimes he can feel slightly drawn to the men and women he sleeps with. When they treat him well he connects with them on a private level, meaning he doesn’t outwardly show his feelings or fantasies about them but inside he has feelings and fantasies that he quietly plays out in his head. Even though prostitution is a job for Donnie it is something that, for the most part, he actually enjoys on some level because he gets the chance to pretend that there is actually something real between himself and his client. This especially happens on the occasions when customers let Donnie spent the night, or sometimes several nights in a row, in their house. It is always hard to leave those customers, but he knows he must.
Donnie’s past is something he carries with him every day. He literally has the collar around his neck, as I’ve talked about, and he also has so many mental issues that come up in his day to day life (some of which I’ve touched on.) He has severe paranoia, anxiety, panic attacks, and probably depression. He powers through them though and continues to do what it takes for him to live another day. He is still wary of gifted humans and can sometimes still be triggered into a panic attack not because of the collar having a bad reaction to another mage, but because Donnie is so used to having them occur and his fear is so deeply rooted. His parents and siblings were magic who tortured animals (including the occasional human) and he knows the horrors that gifted humans can create. The time spent with the warlock he was sold to can also attest to his hatred for gifted humans and his mental health issues. Donnie most of the time, appears to be normal and healthy but sometimes he can fall into a state where he is panicky and distraught. He has been so used to pain and suffering that it is a normal part of his daily life, but sometimes it gets to be too much and he breaks down.
One of the best days of Donnie’s life thus far was the day he was mugged within Hallowed Oak. He was stabbed multiple times and he thought he was going to die. He almost wished for it. Death would have probably been better than living the way that he had been at the time. He lay on the forest floor and was almost thankful that someone had chosen him to stab to death. He didn’t die but he wasn’t rescued by his evil owner either. He was saved by some witches who nursed him back to health. He was shocked that gifted humans could do such amazing and honorable things. He owes those mages his life, and while he had hoped his wounds would kill him, he was happy to be alive. He was even happier to be alive when the witches told him that he would no longer be able to be tracked the same way and would be free to travel as he pleased (for the most part.) It was after he was healed that Donnie decided to go on his way and found himself in an eternal nomadic state. It was better than being curse bound to a horrid warlock though. He is forever on the move, forever on the lookout for suspicious faces and fears it will be this way forever.
Some headcannons I have for Donnie are about his fighting background, that for a short time he stayed in Dragos and learned to fight from a boy who was training to be in the royal army. He fought for a short while after that in street fights to make money but eventually transitioned somehow into sex work, which he found less grueling and more lucrative. These skills come in handy when customers get too rowdy or handsy or if a dreaded encounter occurs with someone who is out to return him to his warlock “owner.”
He also has some favorite or “regular” customers in certain towns. These are people that took a liking to Donnie and did extra special things for him like give him gifts, let him stay in their homes, clothe him, feed him, throw him some extra coins… things of that nature. These are the people Donnie likes to pretend with during their time together. These are also people Donnie sometimes seeks out when he is back in their territory or when he needs a little money if he gets desperate.
Something else I have been thinking about but haven’t really come to a conclusion on is whether or not Donnie is religious or not. Part of me thinks that Donnie is, and that when he was prisoner to the warlock he prayed to be freed, but another part of me feels that Donnie thinks that religion is silly and wouldn’t want to have anything to do with it. I think it is something that I feel would be interesting to think about more and figure out in game. He could have picked up religion from his family. If they were spiritual it could go one of two ways: he stayed religious because it was something that he held onto from happier times of his childhood or he hates it because it was something his parents taught to him. Or he could have picked it up later in life or used it as a coping mechanism during his imprisonment with the warlock and now in the present. I’m not sure about this and would like to explore this part of Donnie more.
I also imagine that at one point in Donnie���s life there were happy memories of his family. Before he was aged 9-12 were probably good times with his family before they realized that he was not magic himself. This can either go one of two ways as well. He either cherishes these happy memories and wishes to have something like that again or he resents them for his family showing him affection just to cast him aside when they realized he wasn’t going to develop magical powers. I would also like to explore this part of Donnie’s life and see how he feels about his early childhood.
◆ Interview Questions ◆
(1) Question One: Which cities do you shy away from? Or do you find it easier to keep rotating between all of them to keep safe?
“I am always on the move, but avoid Miervaldis at all costs and stay away from Chile Village if I can… The people there don’t like passerbys like me.”
(2) Question Two: What sort of things have you traded for when your clients don’t have those flashy new coins from the East?
“Just about everything one could think of: food, clothes, a bed to sleep in for a night. Depends on what I need and what they’re offering.”
◆Writing Sample:◆
There was something in the air. Leeds was bustling with people, which it often was, but the evening felt different somehow to Donnie. The air was chill, but he was always prepared for the cold. His scarf was wound tightly around his head and neck, the excess fabric hanging down his back. He stood off to the side of the street just watching the people go by. Tonight he was in the midst of the French Quarter. He had been working here for several weeks, shacking up in a brothel and making as much money as he could. He couldn’t stand it inside any more though. Sitting in a room waiting for someone to show up to fuck him… Cabin fever was setting in; he was tired of waiting.
Donnie didn’t prefer brothels. Rather he liked finding customers on his own. That opened the door for more opportunities than working at a brothel could. For one, he received more money with not having to give any coin to the owner of the establishment and sometimes the people he slept with let him stay for a while or gave him food or clothing. He liked being invited into others’ homes. He could then pretend there was something semi-normal about his life. It never lasted long but all Donnie needed were those fleeting moments to keep himself sated.
Coming out of the shadows of a building and opening up his large cloak, Donnie revealed his bare chest to the people walking through the streets. This earned a few long glances from those passing by. He liked to keep up with his physique. There was a standard he liked to maintain because it often impressed those who bed him. His toned stomach and rounded biceps were a commodity he was proud to possess. It was a small distraction from the collar that was around his neck.
Trying to make eye contact with someone Donnie let the fabric of the cloak slide off his shoulder and catch in the crook of his arm. A man slowed as he walked past and appeared to be sizing up his body.
“You lookin’ for some company?” Donnie asked loud enough to be heard over the noise of the evening crowd. “I’d be happy to make your night.” He took some steps closer so the man could get a better look and hopefully agree to Donnie. He had a sinister look in his eye, and immediately Donnie’s stomach turned. He had seen looks with ill intent before. Sometimes looking down on him for his choice of profession. Sometimes people would give him a look that told Donnie they were imagining all the nasty things they could do to him in a bedroom. This look though was one he feared seeing every day. This man was one a henchmen most likely working with his family or the warlock Donnie was prisoner to.
“Fuck.” He pulled his cloak up and turned quickly, praying with all his might that he could outrun the man. He was older and Donnie was used to being on the run… not always quite so literally though. He pushed through the people in the crowd interjecting an occasional “excuse me” or “watch out” as he ran, his knapsack bumping into those he passed. He was thankful the streets were full this night. It would make it a bit easier to lose the man.
Approaching an alleyway that Donnie knew led to a maze of more alleys and corridors behind buildings, he quickly made the turn looking back for just a second to see if his pursuer was close behind. He fortunately couldn’t pick him out of the crowd, but he honestly didn’t get that great of a look at his face before he took off running. Slipping in the dirt as he turned forward to keep moving, Donnie steadied himself quickly and hurried to make a choice on where to go now. Not really thinking of where he was headed, he ran and made as many quick turns as he could hoping to confuse whoever it was that was chasing after him. His heart was pounding. Donnie could feel it over his whole body but he didn’t let it get to him… not now at least.
After what felt like a thousand turns, the blonde finally came out on a less busy street on what appeared to be the outskirts of Leeds. It was now that he finally stopped to try and catch his breath. Breathe in … breathe out, he repeated to himself trying to slow his heart and push the impending feeling of doom out of his head. The air was still chilly but it felt good on Donnie’s hot skin. He slowly walked along the street, avoiding eye contact with the sparse amount of people here. He heard some shouts from a tavern a few doors behind him and cautiously turned because he just had to know if someone was still following him. When the sounds of a fight broke out and no one suspicious was in view, Donnie let out a breath he didn’t realize he had been holding. He would lay low for the evening, afraid to get out on the open road so soon, and leave at the crack of dawn. His time here was spent.
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sadgirlsfilmclub · 7 years
February Round-Up Part I
Back again for February. Part 1 is my review for some February films. Part 2 is a longer version of the review of some movies we’ve both watched which may overlap.
Nocturnal Animals (2016)
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Shockingly as a fashion designer, this is my first Tom Ford film. Let me beg for his forgiveness albeit this being his second feature.
There is A LOT going on in the movie. Essentially, it is a film within a film. A literal story told in a story. Symbolism, imagery and metaphors are in abundance here. Pro tip: This would be great for any film theory assignment.
Susan is down in the dumps but still manages to fake balance. She receives a manuscript from her estranged ex-husband that reignites this spark she had thought lost. She submerges into the fictional plot trying to escape the very harsh real world she’s living in but the story itself presents a bleaker outlook. The film cuts between reality and fiction, allowing both Susan and us to take a breather. 
Okay, so obviously characters in reality are reflected in the novel. Our job as the audience is to figure it out but the hard part is there is someone in everyone. I see Susan as Tony, a person who was too weak to protect her child; I see her as Ray, manipulating and hurting people. Bottom line, this is a film that is up to your own interpretation. Who is Susan? Are the Jake Gyllenhaal characters mirror images? If so, isn’t that too lazy?
If you like: Revenge flicks, Michael Shannon, Texan Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Tom Ford or love paying too much attention to the littlest details to dig out obscure metaphors that only you can discover them. 
XX (2017)
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This was one of my long awaited films to watch this year and I was pleasantly surprised. As you guys may know in my previous reviews, I was generally displeased with current anthology films, ie: Holidays (2016) (I still hate it with every fibre of my body) but this film has proved me wrong. 
I enjoyed every section although St. Vincent AKA Annie Clark’s segment was more on black comedy I feel. Each short film was strong it it’s own way, no story the same. There is no continuity here, just some female directors having fun making horror films.
I will not dissect each and every part but here is a synopsis of sorts in bullet form:
The Box: A family suffers from an unknown eating disorder and the mother begins to obsess over the cause.
The Birthday Party: A well-meaning mother plans a surprise birthday party for her young daughter only to find out that the hardest part was not the planning but hiding her father’s corpse. 
Don’t Fall: A group of friends stumble onto a cave painting which provokes an ancient evil spirit.
Her Only Living Son: A mother struggles to hold on to her 18 year old son as he goes through a rebellious phase but comes to a realisation that perhaps he is not truly her son.
My personal favourite was the last segment. It had so much potential to fully develop into a full-length feature and I do hope it does. 
If you like: St. Vincent, good horror anthology, something different for everybody, body horror, black comedy, female horror directors. 
PS. I know there should be two more film reviews but Hazel and I are doing them together so do wait patiently for that.
PPS. Sorry for being a week late to post this, life’s busy. 
- Courtney
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