#and i can't even join in because it's a movie I'm not allowed to watch. which i was fine with. they could've watched something else but i ha
This is so fucked up... thirty minutes until the ball drop (actually that might have already happened but we can watch it on delay) and they're watching a movie... the wii is broken so we can't play just dance... there's not even eggos.... what the fuck... we're supposed to be watching country music live because that's the only option for local tv... instead I'm sitting here listening to my friends talk on discord while half my family watches a movie in the other room and the other half is. I don't know. scrolling tumblr probably. or maybe watching the movie also I didn't look very closely
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sant-riley · 2 years
[Ghost with OFC!Reader who has a toxic family] [p1 of ?]
A/N: straight up this is self indulgent/me projecting (like all my work is) bc it's comforting for me to imagine that I have someone to protect me from life bc wow this shit sucks. Not tagging anyone due to this potentially being triggering.
CW: toxic family dynamics, swearing, mental illness, simping, age gaps, definitely not professional, Ghost punches someone (let me know if there's anything else)
Now I don't even have to say that Simon is extremely sensitive when it comes to family, especially since he himself grew up in a toxic environment. He knows the signs because they're the signs he saw in his day to day life.
He knew something was up when you never want to go home when breaks come, any young Rookie is usually bouncing off the walls to go see their loved ones but you? You almost look depressed at the thought. Ghost may tell people he has a cold heart, but not when it comes to you. You wormed your way into his chest next to that said cold heart and now he can't help but worry. You're too young to have probably been in a place on your own, so no choice but to go back to the family home. He was in your shoes once, he too had joined the military to find a way out.
Ghost doesn't speak to people off duty, never has but things have changed. You, Soap, Gaz, Price? You all are the closest thing he will ever have to a family again, so against his better and usual judgment, he asks you if you'd like to stay with him at one of his safe houses.
"Runt, do you....for fucks sake, do you want to come back with me? Stay with me until our next mission."
"Oh! No, I'm fine Ghost, I'm alright to go home."
A smile on your lips but it doesn't reach your eyes. He feels his own turn down into a grimace.
"Teds, stop the shit for a second, yeah? I see that look on your face, you don't want to go back there."
He rests a skeleton glove covered hand on your shoulder, caressing the skin there with a thumb graze.
"I don't want to be a bother.'"
"You're never a bother sweetheart, c'mon then."
Staying with Ghost is, different to say the least. He takes you to his home in Manchester and goddamn the place is barely lived in, the only place that look used is his kitchen. He really lets you have free reign of the place, the only room not allowed is his bedroom. Not because he doesn't trust you rather it's just a personal thing.
Overtime the place filled with little traces of you, your hair ties liter the counters and tables, your laughter in the other room while you scroll on your phone. Hearing your footsteps run to area of the house so you can show him said video, the groceries you buy once you learn Ghost solely lives off of take out.
"Are you serious?"
"I work out to balance it."
It warms his chest to see you show so much concern over him, a man 6'4 who could easily snap your neck. He rustles your hair with a deep chuckle.
You try and not encroach on his space but he finds that he likes it. He likes seeing your shoes next to his at the doorway, he likes seeing you cook in his kitchen, he likes seeing you wake up groggy with crust in your eyes. He loves it all. Though he'd never admit it.
You make his house, now his home feel so much warmer and brighter. You insist on catching him up to the newest movies and shows, forcing him to sit down next to you to watch the newest Marvel movie while he pretends he hates it. He makes jokes in between that he could do better than that and that if he were there, he'd just put a bullet between the enemies eyes.
Seeing you fall asleep on his shoulder brings a peace to him, his arm around your shoulders as you nuzzle in closer. He doesn't deserve this, he doesn't deserve you. But he's gonna pretend he does, just for a little while longer.
Imagine his surprise when he meets your family for the first time. You had wanted to go home and get some things to bring back to his place so he came with you on a flight since he knows you don't care for air travel by yourself.
Ghost was used to his presence scaring people and warding people off. He knows how to keep people in line, its been his job for as long as he could care to remember. So he wasn't expecting them to treat you so horribly in front of him. Really, what'd they expect to happen. First mistake.
It's such a stark contrast you are in this place, from base, the field, to the woman in front of him. You curl into yourself, hands cracking in your hoodie pockets as you sit there and just take it, waiting for a break so you can speak. You're not looking at him or even making an attempt to talk back.
Ghost knows you're grown, he knows it's not his place but he feels his blood pressure get higher and higher as they scream and belittle you for things out of your control, your looks, your weight, telling to come back home, to leave the military, anything and everything under the sun. Second mistake. He can feel his knuckles turn a stark white under his gloves and it isn't until your sibling gets up in your face with a hand raised that he springs into action. Third mistake. Ghost is a big man, but he moves fast and unexpectedly.
Before he registered it, your sibling is on the floor clutching their stomach after being gut punched. He hears them heaving while trying to curse him out, looking up with him with hatred. Simon wants to take his heavy steel toed boot and kick the fuckers face. Hell, he wants to beat the ever living shit out of every single person in this fucking house. To think they can treat you like this? Over his dead body.
He hears your parents screaming about how dare he and that he's fucking insane but when he turns to look around at you, he sees you staring up at him with tear filled eyes and a whisper of thank you. In that moment he knows, he knows he'd do just about anything for you. He shoots a withering glare at your parents
"We're taking her shit and leaving." He barks out, his eyes burning a hole in their heads while they shakily nod and avoid looking at either of you.
Ghost grabs your hand and leads you towards your bedroom where he grabs anything he can bag and helps you stuff all your belongings into it, making sure you have everything until the room is completely cleared out.
Shuffling the bags on his arms, he holds your hand again and intertwines your fingers, gently pulling you out the house and towards the rental truck. Not taking one glance at the so called family watching you two.
"You're staying with me from now on, got it runt?"
The smile on your face is so bright when you say "Of course, L.T."
If you'd like to be tagged in future works, please comment under my rules that are pinned to my blog!
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seullovesme · 6 months
slow dancing in the dark » bae irene
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pairing ⥬ joohyun x reader
genre ⥬ angst (fluff + smut)
summary ⥬ on her date, joohyun comes to the realization that there's nobody that she wants other than you. hopefully, she's not too late.
warnings ⥬ dom reader, sub irene, oral (idol receiving)
WC ⥬ 5.5k
part 1 | part 2
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joohyun watched junmyeon's lips move as he talked on and on about his business deals at work. she would say she was listening to him, but she knows better than to lie. to be completely honest, her mind was in a different place.
this date was way different than the first.
their first date had felt so much more easygoing and fun, but only now she could tell the romance was missing. it felt like he was only talking about himself. she adjusted her hair and her dress, feeling oddly uncomfortable. this is not the same sweet charming guy she talked over phone with, and she was starting to see through his facade.
she was thinking of inviting you to join them earlier, before she had left, but obviously she wasn't going to make you tag along on their date because she didn't want you to actually meet him until they were officially dating like she had done with her other relationships. seeking your approval was always her number one priority because you knew her more than she did herself, and you were a little protective. nevertheless, you always closely examined each guy she brought to you, making sure that they had good intentions, checking if she had misjudged their motives. you were like the shield to her warrior.
maybe that's why she felt a little more awkward, or uncomfortable. she knew your presence made her feel safer and she was starting to feel uneasy with the man, sensing that he was slowly getting cockier and more rude as time passed. you never made her feel like this, never made her feel so little or inferior. clearly, he was trying to do that by flaunting big business words and bringing up his famous clients.
she knows that if you were here, you would've set him straight and told him off for making her feel upset. she blushed as she thought about you defending her like you usually did, always being straightforward and scolding someone if they even dared to hurt her. you were always the one to protect her, so of course she would've wanted you here tonight. she also would've enjoyed the dinner more if she could hear you talk about something dumb rather than this snooze-fest of a topic.
she also thought about whether you did want to come and were just afraid to ask. she's brought you on dates before, usually when she meets up with someone she doesn't know well. though, those relationships never lasted, they always ended it because they "knew her heart belonged to someone else".. anyway, you usually did everything together so it wasn't that odd for that to be the case. you did look quite down when you left her place.
"joohyun? you okay?" startled, she was brought back into the moment when she heard him.
joohyun locked eyes with the man in front of her, "hm? yeah i'm fine, why do you ask?" she put on a forced smile, trying to pretend like she wasn't ignoring his rambles.
he inspected her face. "it didn't look like you were really listening." because she really wasn't. this entire time she had been trying to figure out why this date was just boring. she hated to admit it, but this was not what she expected the date to be like. she thought it would be like the movies where she'd come to the conclusion that she had finally found her soulmate.
she could tell that he wasn't anywhere near to having that title. she needed a way out of this, any second longer hearing about how his business clients tried to finesse him and she may go crazy. "junmyeon, you're a good person but i really can't sit here and waste your time." she sighed at his shocked face, his ego clearly damaged. "i don't think this is working out for me."
"what? wait hyun—"
"don't call me that, there's only one person who's allowed to call me that." she said sternly. his eyebrows shifted and he wore an upset expression, but she didn't care. that was the nickname you gave her, so she never allowed anyone but you to call her that. not even her parents. it ticked her that he did, she always made sure that the precious nickname was reserved for you.
"joohyun," he corrected himself, "can't you just give me a chance? for me, this date has been great and i think ending things here would be stupid! i'm really the perfect boyfriend for you." he pleaded before reaching for her hand, but she dodged it, scoffing at his childish behavior.
she begins gathering her belongings, trying so hard to not roll her eyes at him. "who are you to decide what the 'perfect boyfriend' is for me? maybe i'm not wasting your time but rather my own." she stood up, looking down on him like he was scum.
he clicked his tongue in annoyance. "should've known a girl like you was only good for her looks." he muttered under his breath and leaned back in his chair.
she's fuming. "don't call me or contact me, or else." joohyun took her bag off the chair and began to speed walk away.
"or else what? you're going to get your loyal puppy you call your best friend to come and fight me?" that made her pause and she could hear him getting closer as he followed. "she'd probably do whatever you command her to. after all, she clearly just wants to get in your pants just like the rest of us."
a slap echoes in the now silent restaurant.
everyone watched as joohyun struck junmyeon right across the face, the sound of her hyperventilating and a couple of murmurs the only audible noises to her. she was mad, livid even.
"it is not your business what y/n does, nor is it okay for you to judge her like you know anything about her. you must have some nerve to think everyone is as much of an asshole as you. i've known her for years. i've been her best friend for years, and i've seen every side of her. i'll decide what her intentions are with me." junmyeon held his hand right over the cheek she slapped, bewildered by how hard she hit and how defensive she was of you. she muttered some other insults under her breath as she collected herself.
she took a deep breath and looked around, realizing that everyone was looking at the two of them. she felt a little embarrassed, not about defending you, but because she was disturbing the innocent bystanders who were just enjoying their dinners. she gave a small bow to apologize for making a scene, and glared at the man who was still standing there not saying anything.
she needed to leave asap. she felt so angry that she wanted to cry, so upset that she got involved with someone like this. at times like this, your consolation was all she needed to make the anger dissipate. "once again, don't try to contact me." joohyun made clear before storming off.
the moment she reached home, she took off her heels, switching them with house slippers, and threw her purse onto her counter after she got her phone from inside of it. she called her only pinned contact and waited to hear your voice.
instead, she heard her own voice in the form of a custom voicemail, the same one she made for you when you both were still in high school. "hello! if you are trying to reach y/n, she can't pick up the phone probably because she's too lazy to... anyway leave a voicemail or call again later!" why was it sending her straight to voicemail? joohyun was confused because you would always wait for her call, especially if you knew she was going out with someone in case of an emergency. it wasn't like her calling you was out of the blue, it was a regular thing. she could even recall the days you stayed up all night, saying you couldn't sleep because she didn't call.
she called once more and ended up with the same outcome. at this point she was already extremely upset, mostly with what went down at the date, and she wanted your comfort. she grabbed her keys and decided she would just go to you. either way, she wanted your presence, no, she needed it. it was like an urge that she could just not brush off, she needed to talk to you. without changing into her shoes or even changing her outfit, she got into her car and drove off.
once she reached your street, the first thing she noticed was that your car wasn't in your driveway. when she typed in your passcode to your door, she also noticed your shoes were also missing. usually when she came over, she would scold you for leaving your shoes all over the place as she put them away.
but this time, there weren't any shoes for her to pick up.
where could you have possibly been at 9 pm? the fact that you were more of a homebody made it even more odd.
joohyun went to your bedroom to lay on your bed, planning on just waiting for you to return. minutes that felt like hours passed and she felt herself nodding off, your comforting scent on your pillow lulling her to sleep. she was out cold by 11, still in her red dress as she didn't bother changing because she thought you'd be back sooner. otherwise, she would've just slipped into one of your baggy tees.
but as the sun rose and shone through the window of your room, you were still nowhere to be found. she shot up in a daze, looking around to see any trace of your return. nothing. you were still missing and she was starting to get nervous.
joohyun opened her phone and tried your number again, the same outcome. she called your parents, thinking it was probably the only place you would have been overnight, but even they said they had no clue where you were and that you weren't answering their calls either. joohyun apologized for calling so early in the morning and it was probably nothing to worry about, hanging up. she didn't want to drag them in and make them worried too, ultimately deciding to search for you on her own.
she was out of ideas, she had no idea where you were and joohyun was sick to her stomach just thinking about what dangers you could be in. you could be lying dead on the floor for all she knew. she curled up in your sheets and snuggled close to your pillow again, seeking comfort in it by hugging it and smelling it, imagining it was you. praying you were safe, she took a nap despite having just woken up.
five days had passed and joohyun was still in your bed. she only ever got up to cook something to eat using what you had, which was mainly instant foods because you relied on joohyun as she loved to cook you your favorites. when she met your mom for the first time when you were younger and she learned about all of your favorite dishes, she promised that she'd make all of them for you even if you grew up and learned how to cook on your own.
great. now she was crying again, it's like she was reminiscing memories of someone dead. she hugged her knees to her chest and sobbed. her worries got the best of her and she was not only worried now but also scared. it had been almost a week and there was still no sign of you anywhere, on your socials, your dms, nowhere. she felt like she was dying not being able to do anything but wait in your home.
she already called the people she knew and they didn't know, called your favorite places to go and they couldn't recall you ever showing up, and she didn't know what to do other than wait. was she supposed to report you as a missing person? joohyun was so lost, not knowing what to do. she sniffled as her tear ducts were completely drained and a wave of sleepiness hit her like a truck. your pillow was decorated by her tear stains and she just hugged it closer, wishing you would just send her a message that you were okay.
she fell into a deep slumber as it felt like the only thing she knew how to do in this state of mind. not even the sound of the front door being opened woke her.
when you had returned, you spotted joohyun's car in your driveway almost instantly having seen it so many times. what was she doing at your place? why wasn't she out with her boyfriend?
you quietly entered through the main entrance. even if it was your house and you could've come in as loud as you wanted, you wanted to avoid startling your sensitive best friend, assuming she was somewhere in here. there, you were at it again, unconsciously caring for the girl who belonged to another. reality sucked and you felt embarrassed that you cared so much when she didn't reciprocate your feelings after all.
the house was dead silent so with soft footsteps, you walked around in search of joohyun. as you passed the hall leading to your bedroom, you noticed how the door was wide open when you remembered shutting it when you left. for a second, you thought about the possibility that she had brought him to your house, but she knew you rarely let people into your house, let alone a total stranger.
you peered through the open door and saw a joohyun sized lump in your bedsheets with one of your pillows missing. silently, you fought the urge to just jump on top of her and throw away the five days of your friend's "therapy sessions" (you just cried on their couch and explained everything in incoherent words). you were supposed to be working on moving on, but seeing her again made it feel impossible.
you approached her as quietly as possible as she was quite the light sleeper, sitting on the empty space beside her. you gently peeled the blanket from her face, praying you won't be stepping over any new boundaries. she was just as pretty as you thought she was, but her eyes were puffy and a little red and there were faint tear streaks on her cheeks. you found your missing pillow, but it was stained with tears as well. not only that, but joohyun was still wearing that red dress she looked so beautiful in. that was what she was wearing when you last saw her though..?
before you put the puzzle pieces together, joohyun began stir awake. she felt the bed had sunken into and turned around to see you sitting there with a confused look. she stared at you blankly for a moment. "hyun?" it took a second for her to process that you were finally home and when she did, she launched herself at you, wrapping her arms tightly around your torso. you were taken aback by the force of her tight embrace, but you melted in her arms, rubbing her back as she started to cry into your shirt.
"you're back.." she mumbled into the fabric, inhaling your natural scent mixed with the scent of fresh laundry.
in a sudden burst, she put both her hands on your chest and shoved you back, forcing you to get up off the bed and stand as her breathing got heavier. her sweet expression quickly switches to an angry one and you are so confused by the change in her demeanor. you try to get closer to her given the distance she made, but she moves farther away on your bed.
shit, you should've known you were getting too cozy when she's already taken. you've gone and made her uncomfortable. nice one, dummy.
"hyun, i'm.. i'm s–"
"how could you..?" joohyun asked, her voice quivering as her eyes brim with tears. you felt a tightening sensation in your chest at the sight of the distressed girl. and to even think that you had hurt her when you worked so hard to protect her heart from all pain.
"hyun, i'm sorry. i–i truly didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, i was just thinking about myself."
she furrowed her brows. "what?"
"there's obviously a line and i didn't mean to overstep it, nor did i mean to disrespect junmyeon. i was just so used to our usual skin-ship that i wasn't thinking about it" once you say that, joohyun begins seething.
"are you stupid?! that's not the problem!" she blows up. "the problem here is that you decided to leave out of nowhere without even calling me or messaging me once! i called everyone, even your parents!! and i felt so hopeless not knowing what to do."
she had it wrong, you didn't think it was going to be this hard on her. you just wanted to fix yourself and heal your broken heart. "hyun, i wasn't–"
"i was here panicking when you were probably frolicking around, partying with other people, enjoying yourself. you just disappeared and i was worried.. i was so worried." the tears spill over, and she's now a crying mess. the gears in your head went into overdrive trying to understand her. she thought you were out having a blast, being a party animal? you..?
now you're upset. "me? 'frolicking around'? what, you think i was out clubbing or going to bars, doing something fun?" you asked with a mad tone.
the switch in your vocal tone caught her off guard."yes.."
you scoff. "seriously? that's not even close to what i was doing, but okay, whatever you want to believe joohyun." you ran your hand through your hair, sighing deeply, trying not to get mad with the way she accused you of something stupid. she was clearly not okay and you weren't going to get upset at her. "i'm going to leave, call me when you want to talk."
she fist tightened, her nails digging into her palms. "of course you are, you're good at leaving." she felt a surge of emotion through her veins. anger, sadness, she felt it all when you said that and she gave up. you bit your lip, feeling like you were about to boil over. she read into your expression of disbelief, "you know how hurt i was?"
"you were hurt?!" you yelled. joohyun flinched at your volume, which you noticed, but you couldn't just bottle this up forever and act like you were okay just to protect her. "what about me? i was hurt too when you made me sit through that date, watching you flirt and laugh with some man you met a few days ago. i was hurt when i watched you talk to him over the phone when we were supposed to be hanging out. i was hurt that someone you spent so little time with managed to steal you away from me so easily, even though i've been by your side for years."
you quickly tried to wipe the streams coming from your eyes, but they just kept pouring. joohyun sat there so lost, perplexed by your shouts.
"what.. what are you–"
"for years, i've been in love with you, joohyun."
joohyun's eyes widen and her arm that was holding her up gave out for a split second. her puzzled face made you want to laugh in pain. you spun around and made your way out of the room, desperate to get out as quickly as possible.
you snatched your keys off your kitchen table and stuffed them into your pocket, slipping on your favorite pair of shoes that you left randomly placed at the front door.
before you could even put on the first one, joohyun slammed you into the wall, pinning you against it. if it were any normal day, you would have let her do her thing and just stood there flustered, but you were over it. "joohyun, move." you command, trying to gently pry her off of you.
"no!" she cried, doing her best to prevent you from slipping out of her grip. she was really afraid that you were going to leave her this time.
"so stupid.." she mumbles and you furrow your eyebrows. soon, you were going to get wrinkles.
"me, stupid?"
"you are! you really think i want that bumbling idiot?" she growled.
"well, yes? i saw how bright your eyes sparkled when you talked to him. you love him, i can tell." you remembered how stoked she was after the first date, spending her days on her phone, talking to him.
obviously, that's not how she recalls it. "how are you going to tell how i feel?"
"i'm not stupid joohyun."
"well maybe you are because i'm in love with you too."
you both just gaze into each other's eyes, feeling the tension lingering in the air. your eyes slowly shifted down to her lips that were slightly apart, listening to her breathing pick up its pace. you wanted to kiss her so badly, her plump lips so tempting to taste. seeing that you weren't going to make the first move, joohyun placed both of her hands on your cheeks and inched forward, capturing your lips into a kiss.
the leisurely kiss slowly turned into a heated make out. the sounds of your wet kisses were deafening, the entire place dead silent otherwise. she was starting to pin you more by leaning her body onto yours, pressing you completely into the wall as her hands snaked around your neck. it was making you dizzy, feeling her body on yours. you tilted your head and bit her lip, allowing you to slip your tongue in to explore her mouth. joohyun let out a small moan in return, surprising you.
you broke the kiss, your lungs crying for air as you try to figure out if this was going the way you hoped it was. scared she did something wrong, joohyun looked down and frowned. you put a hand on her chin, lifting her head up so you could continue. "joohyun. do you really want this?" she nods eagerly, her excitement showing through how quick she responded. "i need you to say it out loud."
"yes, please, i want this." she pleaded. without wasting a second, you latched onto her neck, sucking and biting, leaving purple marks behind. she tried not to moan in fear of making you stop again, which she did not want at all. the pleasure was overwhelming for her, overwhelmingly good at least. you picked her up and she yelped as she wrapped her legs around your waist, your hands supporting her underneath her thighs. while you carried her to your room, she pushed back your hair and pressed kisses on a sensitive spot under your ear.
you opened your door with your foot and went straight to the bed, laying her down on her back. "turn over." she listens to you and flips onto her stomach. you go for the zipper of the dress and slowly pull it down, revealing her silky skin and pink laced bra. you hum in approval of her choice on undergarments, enjoying the view from behind. she whines, protesting your speed, urging you to hurry up.
she brings her hand to yours on her back to take over, but you slap it away. "don't rush me, joohyun." the authority in your voice makes her quiver, the heat between her legs intensifying. "i'll make sure you know how to be patient by the time we finish here." you say with smirk, loving how you can affect her so easily as she lets out a breathy sigh.
once the metal reached the end of the zipper, you placed your palm on the lower part of her back, making her flinch at the contact. you pulled down the sleeves of the dress and undressed her, revealing her pink lingerie set which amuses you. you toss the dress to a corner, careful not to ruin it as it was a cherished gift of yours. your eyes traced her fame, admiring how gorgeous her body was in pink.
"you wore this to your date with that douche? you got all prettied up for him?" you ask, a little mad just thinking about her wearing such a lewd thing for someone other than you. she nodded and pushed herself up with her elbows, shifting to face you, a little shy that you were seeing her in this. she puts her arms over her chest and groin. you grab her arms firmly and move them out of the way, allowing you to see her completely. "funny you think he deserved any of this."
you let go of her arms and grope her right breast, to which she lets out a squeak. "this," you give her a squeeze, making her moan out. "is mine. understood?" she just nods again, eyes closed as she focuses on the works of your hand. you move your hand around to her back and feel for the hook of her bra, undoing it with one hand. you tugged it off, the sight of a topless joohyun absolutely one of your favorites.
you forced her back until she was laid down flat, latching your lips around her perky nipple. the new sensation made her throw her head back, her nipples very sensitive. she felt your teeth gently bite on her nub and soothe it with a swipe of your tongue. at some point, she stopped caring about being loud or not, it was very obviously going to be impossible to be quiet when you knew how to pleasure her so well.
your lips left her chest and slowly worked its way down to her stomach, leaving a trail of kisses every inch of the way. you looked through your eyelashes and saw that she was just watching you so intensely, clearly waiting for you to relieve the ache that was only growing the farther down you went. just to tease a little more, you started to go the opposite way of where she wanted you to go.
joohyun whined for the nth time and pushed your shoulders back until you were face to face with her clothed pussy. there was already a wet spot forming on her underwear, the smell of her arousal intoxicating. with your pointer finger, you press onto the wet patch. her whole body seems to react as she tenses up, crying out, and you snicker at how sensitive her body was.
"stop teasing me, please." she begged.
"fine." you began rubbing her heated cunt through the fabric, and all the tension left her body. her small whimpers fueled you to get straight to the main course. you take her panties and rip them, tearing them off of her so you could have full access to her sopping pussy.
"hey!" she sits up halfway using her elbows, "do you know how much this set was?!" it was like steam was coming out of her ears. joohyun always valued everything and took care of her stuff with care so that they would last longer. you just laugh and look at her, the fact that you didn't give a shit was written all over your face.
you hold up her torn underwear with one finger, "baby. i can buy you as many as you want, but you are not keeping this." you take the pink laced set and tossed it to the side. "as if i would let you wear this lingerie after you bought it with the intention of having someone else take it off of you." you muttered.
your eyes take in the sight of her fully nude with her legs spread open, her wetness glistening in the light. once again, she felt shy under your gaze and forgot that she was even mad in the first place. she tried to close her legs, but you palmed her crotch, your hand getting covered in her juices. the pressure you apply makes her moan as she slowly begins moving her hips, grinding against your hand.
you let her do her own thing for a moment, taking the chance to get impossibly closer. you remove your hand and replace it with your tongue, giving small kitten licks to her bundle of nerves, each paired with a small whine. joohyun gasped as you sucked her clit and swirled your tongue around it.
"fuck! h-haah, why are you so good at this.." she asked between breathy sighs. you let go of her nub with a small pop before dragging your tongue down her slit. she was soaked. you slurped up her wet, slick juices and dipped your tongue into her, making her emit sounds at a pitch you didn't even know she could reach. you pick her thighs up and put them on your shoulders. as you devour her, you circled her clit with your thumb.
her mind is foggy, the unholy thoughts of having you ravish her all day, every day being the only thing she can think about. no one knew how to treat her like you do, how to pleasure her, how to make her feel good. comparing you to her past relationships and few one-night stands, there was really no one better than you.
you pausing made her perk up, unhappy with the loss of contact. "no one better than me, hm?" your teasing smirk infuriated her, realizing that she let her last thought slip out. she put her hand on your head and pushed you back down.
"shut up, i didn't say that." she lied.
you took it as a challenge, a taunt. "oh really? so you need me to prove that there will never be anyone to please you like i do? consider it done, bae joohyun." you stopped talking and dove in, clamping your lips around her engorged bud. without warning, you plunged two fingers into her sopping pussy. she screamed out in surprise by the complete 180, going from soft and gentle to rough in the blink of an eye. the mix of your fingers thrusting in and out of her with the biting and licking of her clit brought her closer to her climax within minutes.
"fuck-!!" she put both of her hands onto your head, raising her hips trying to press herself harder against your face. "gonna cum, i'm gonna cum!" she warns, but her higher pitched tone with her antsy movements gave it away already. you sped up and curled your fingers into the spongy flesh. you pressing onto her g-spot sent her over the edge, her back arching as she gasped.
she went silent before her body started shaking violently, her soft, warm thighs crushing your skull in order to keep you in place and she came. you removed your fingers, but continued to lap up her gushing juices, making sure not to let a single drop go to waste. coming back down from cloud 9, she loosened her hold on your head, scared she hurt you because she needed an outlet for the pleasure.
all worry was wiped clean as you came upon with the biggest smile on your face, looking like a kid on a sugar rush. around your mouth and on your chin were the remnants of her orgasm, the thin coat shining in the light. she hummed, "i think you got a little something on your face." she joked, pointing to you. you poke your tongue and cleaned your lips, wiping the spots you couldn't reach with the back of your hands.
"all gone?" you ask. she shakes her head no and leans in, licking a strip on your face.
"there, all gone." she says innocently as she bats her eyelashes at you. she was so close that you could feel her breath on your face. she was so clearly staring right at your lips so you close the gap, smashing your lips into hers, allowing your lust and love take over. when you broke it to prevent yourself from suffocating, you saw how she's surprised by your energy. "what?"
"you thought i was done with you, hyun? i still have years of daydreams and fantasies that i need to fulfill. unless you're too tired?"
her surprised face transitioned to a snarky one, her energy matching yours now. "i'm never too tired to make up for lost time." she shoots back before pouncing onto you like a hungry fox hunting its prey.
the whole night was dedicated to you showing joohyun just how much you needed her, wanted her, and she got your message. she felt it in every touch and in every whisper.
you finally got the chance to express your deep and unwavering love for her. no more slow dancing in the dark.
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zegrasdrysdale · 9 months
[ impossible ] t. seguin
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day eleven of malia’s christmas fic marathon
paring : Tyler Seguin x fem!reader
summary : (Y/N) is surprised when ex boyfriend Tyler knocks on the door of her parents’ house on Christmas Day
warning(s) : angsty, but nothing besides that
author’s note : last two fics of the christmas marathon. let’s do this
She has never been happier to be home in Toronto. (Y/N) loves living in Dallas, but the last few weeks haven’t been the best. Being surrounded by family should help her out of the post-breakup funk she’s been in recently.
Even now as she's sitting in the living room with her family in her Christmas pajamas and opening their gifts, she misses Tyler. She misses her old life with Tyler, but she couldn't do it anymore. She couldn't keep doing the distance.
He was away more often than he was home. When he was home, he went out with his teammates after games or on off days. She'd often go weeks without seeing him because he'd stay over at a teammate's house.
She wasn't equal with hockey anymore. Not like she used to be. She got tired of it.
She never gave him an ultimatum because she could never make him choose between her and hockey. (Y/N) made her feelings known and Tyler didn't seem to care, so she has been living with her best friend in Dallas and came home for Christmas a week ago. She stopped answering Tyler's texts and calls so she hasn't even talked to him in nearly two months.
Her family doesn't notice that something's wrong. (Y/N) does her best to keep a smile on her face and interacts with her nieces and nephews as they open their gifts. No one has asked where Tyler is and she is very much grateful for that.
As (Y/N) opens a gift from her mom, there's a knock on the door. Her mom goes to answer it as she opens the box that contains a Dallas Stars customized jersey that has her last name above the 91. "Tyler!" her mother shouts from the front door. "It's so nice of you to join us. We didn't think you'd be joining us."
Her head snaps toward the door so quickly that she thought for a split second that she gave herself whiplash. She's very surprised to see her ex standing at the front door of her parents' house in Toronto.
"I needed to go see my parents before coming over," Tyler says as he looks right at (Y/N). "Sorry I'm late. I forgot how insane Toronto traffic can be."
Words cannot express how angry and annoyed she is that he is at the door. She thought that he would've gotten the message that she was done when she didn't talk to him for two months.
Apparently not because there he stands in a Stars hoodie and plaid pajama pants with a bag full of gifts at the front door.
She gets up off the floor and pushes Tyler out the door without a word to anyone. It closes behind her, leaving the two of them alone in the cold Toronto air. Snow is on the ground and she's outside in a tank top, fuzzy pajama pants, and slippers. (Y/N) can't even feel the cold because of the fact that she is fuming.
"You have no right showing up," she spits at him. "We haven't spoken in two months and you show up at my parents' house."
Tyler blinks and says, "Last time I checked, you're the one that stopped talking to me. I don't remember being told that I wasn't allowed to come to Christmas because you stopped answering my texts and calls."
"We're done, Tyler," she tells him. "In case that wasn't clear."
"You're done," he retorts. "I'm not. I don't understand why you just up and left."
"I told you why!" (Y/N) practically shouts. "You're gone for weeks at a time, Tyler. The only time I get to see you is when we're separated by a thick piece of glass while I'm sitting in the stands and you're on the ice. You used to spend off days with me, you used to come home to me and we'd watch a movie on the couch or in bed. Then you decided to go out after every game or go out on off days."
He runs a hand through his hair and says, "I am a leader, (Y/N). I was never around my team. I needed to show them that I am still a leader and I couldn't do that when I was cooped up at home with you. You knew what you were getting into when we started dating and all of a sudden, you can't handle it anymore?"
Anger courses through her veins. Her blood is boiling to the point where the snow might melt around her. "No," she retorts. "I can't do it anymore. You used to make time for me and now you're a ghost. I was living in a shell of our past life together while you seemed to be moving on. I was alone in that apartment. It was like I didn't have a boyfriend anymore. I didn't think it would be that big of a deal if I left."
A look of hurt flashes on Tyler's face. "Of course it would be a big deal if you left," he softly says. "I love you. I miss you."
She shakes her head and does everything she can to keep the tears from spilling over to her cheeks. "You didn't listen," she tells him. "I told you how I felt and you still went out that night after the game. I made the decision to leave because I knew that if you went out after I told you how I felt, you'd keep going out. I couldn't do it anymore."
Tyler frowns and says, "I went out to tell the guys that I wasn't going to be going out as much with them after games and on off days. That is the only reason I went out. I was gone for thirty minutes. When I came back to the apartment and you were gone, I realized that I didn't tell you that I'd be right back."
"I- you-" she cuts herself off when she realizes that if she had just stayed around for an hour, he would've been back. "Why didn't you just text that to me?"
"I thought that you'd be back," he admits. His eyes fall to the ground. "I didn't think you'd ignore me for two months. I didn't think it would take you a half hour to pack a bag and leave. I should've told you that I'd be right back."
A tear slips down Tyler's cheek. Her own tears begin to fall when she sees Tyler's tears. "Tyler, I'm so sor-"
"It's not your fault," he interrupts her. "Don't you dare apologize. We wouldn't even be in this situation if I had just realized how lonely you were or if I had just told you that I would be right back. I'm sorry. I know I probably shouldn't have come up here to try and fix things but I couldn't let you spend Christmas thinking you did something wrong when you didn't."
She takes a few steps forward and wraps her arms around his torso. Tyler's free arm wraps around her shoulders as she buries her face in his chest.
They've both done a lot wrong the past few months, but all they can do now is acknowledge what they've done wrong and move past it.
Hopefully Tyler's season can recover too because despite not being together, (Y/N) did keep an eye on his stats. He really began to fall apart a week after she left the apartment and has never been able to get it together.
That's all on her.
"Sorry your season has gone to shit," she sniffles as she looks up at him. "You can blame that on me."
Tyler shakes his head and cups her jaw with his free hand. "I'll never blame how good or bad a season is going on you," he tells her. "That will never be on you.'
A gust of wind blows and she shivers. Tyler wraps his arm back around her shoulders and holds her close to him. "I'll blame myself enough for both of us," she says. "Can we go inside?"
"As long as you're not done," Tyler replies. "I came up here to fight for us and I won't go inside unless you tell me that we can go back to how things were, minus my going out all the time."
(Y/N) looks up at him and nods. "I'm not done," she practically whispers. "Even when I said I was done, I don't think I actually was. You're impossible to move on from, Tyler Seguin."
He smiles and leans down to press a soft kiss to her lips. He hums and pulls back. "God, (Y/N)," he says. "Your lips are so cold. Let's go."
She lets out a light laugh and walks into the house with Tyler in tow.
Everyone looks at the two of them as Tyler pulls off his hoodie and pulls it over (Y/N)'s head since they were outside for fifteen minutes talking in freezing temperatures. "Everything okay?" her mom asks. "You guys were outside for a while. I thought I heard yelling."
"Everything's okay," she assures everyone in the living room. She goes back to sitting on the ground and Tyler sits next to her. He takes her hands in his so they warm up. She leans into him and rests her head on his shoulder. "We're okay."
That was more for Tyler than anything. He kisses the top of her head before he starts to hand out the gifts that he brought with him for (Y/N)'s parents and siblings. She watches them open their presents with a smile on her face.
Then Tyler holds a little present in front of (Y/N). She slowly takes it and looks up at him. "What is this?" she asks.
"Now that would ruin the surprise," Tyler teases. "Open it and find out. I know technically we weren't together when I bought this but I knew I wanted to buy it for you."
She unwraps it and opens the little black box. There's a silver ring that sits inside with a 91 in little diamonds on it. Her jaw drops and she looks up at her boyfriend. "You really went all out even though we weren't together," she gasps.
Tyler grabs it out of the box and takes her right hand. He slides the ring on the ring finger. "Wanted to make sure that everyone knows who your boyfriend was when we got back together," he replies. She admires the ring on her finger and Tyler kisses the ring.
(Y/N) smiles and leans against him to watch the last few presents get opened.
It finally feels like Christmas now that Tyler is here. It didn't feel like it until he got here because they have spent the last three Christmases together.
Despite being angry that he showed up, she's very happy he's here now.
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you're confused about your emotions ? me too babe, here's a quick reading
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I chose random images from my pinterest to read into your energy so you can choose randomly aswell, whatever speaks to you♡ also Idk what's with the 2016 songs today but I kept hearing random ones throughout this reading maybe there's some resonance for you
Pile 1
The Moon🌜
first off I'm hearing that song "we don't talk anymore" by Charlie Puth. So maybe you're dealing with some kind of loss right now, maybe a breakup, a fight with a loved one, a new chapter meaning you have to leave someone behind a little... if this is the case, or similar, allow yourself to be "thrown off" a little, those kinds of situations take adjusting and remember that nothing has to be forever. where I come frome we say : "thunderstorms clear the air" meaning that after a fight there's great potential for healthy communications and solving problems once and for all, for a peaceful and harmonic environment♡ A reading about your emotional state and I pull the moon, how well fitting. The answer truly lays on the inside with this one. no one can tell you how you truly feel exept for yourself! (and maybe your therapist) I think for most of you there's a new season starting and you're realising that it can't be all returning characters. Take some time to heal your relationship with relationships and analyze what and who is truly of good value to your life. you got this!
Pile 2
four of swords🗡 and page of pentacles🪙
for you I'm hearing that song "cold water" with Justin Bieber. And you actually need to take a jump into cold water. There's something you've been manifesting and now that it's slowly getting closer you're resisting the change. Maybe by refusing to let go ? It's like little kids now around Christmas, you can actually watch this happen with slight alterations, all the time. Their parents take them to the toystore so they can see what they like, and they child ofcourse find something but their parents tell them okay now time to go home and wait and see if Santa will bring it. But the kid clings to the shelves and doesn't wanna leave behind the thing they so desperately wanted. Little does it now that their parents just need to get them out of sight so "Santa" can buy the gift and deliver it WHEN IT IS TIME. let go of obsessing, overthinking and trying to "go the right path" and just let the story unfold, take it step by step even if its a little scary and you'll find yourself where you're supposed to be, you're so close already♡
Pile 3
seven of swords🗡
It's too heavy darling you can't carry all of that. You might think you do and you think you're so strong and abundant and successful for "having" all of that but then you wouldn't be feeling like this, would you? A burden, too much responsibility, too many goals or to do's for a person who only has 24hours in a day. I know the card typically speaks about actual betrayal but in this case it feels a little paranoid, like you're desperately trying to do it all on your own because your scared of beeing betrayed or someone messing with your vision or even catching evil eye. For you I'm hearing "Lady Marmalade" yk from Moulin Rounge !? I'm not sure how that fits in here and I never watched the movie but oh well, maybe you know what to do with this information. There could be something about sisterhood and sharing a problem (could be workload or talking about problems...). You might have that lonely wolf mindset, but no matter how strong you are, out there, beeing alone can get you killed. I keep seeing pictures of spiritual communities and churches, you might wanna be looking for something like a mediation or yoga class, bible study group, a coven.... depending on your beliefsystem! you're right not everyone is your friend but also not everyone is your enemy!
ps. reading back this comes off a little weird and I feel like I need to say this. please don't join a cult lol. If you are in some kind of group and things feel off, please take care of yourself♡
hope that helped <3
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xetswan · 5 months
Twilight- Unknown: Chapter Seven, The Battle
(Alice x Reader x Jasper)
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[six] [seven, end of The Eclipse]
Later that night, Bella asked for a sleepover like old times. It shocked me at first. I was expecting her to ask more questions about my past lives but surprisingly she didn't.
We just watched movies together, eating popcorn. Maybe a random question about what it was like being a vampire.
She was sound asleep after the second movie. I decided to watch a few others but in the middle of the night she swings her fist, hitting me right in the arm. "Bella? What happened?" I woke her up, she breathed heavily, her heart racing.
"The intruder... The newborn army. They're all her puppets. Victoria." She says out of order and I raise a brow. "Alice or I would've seen if she wanted to make an army." I argue. "Unless she's hiding behind them, and she's letting someone else decide. Maybe she found out how you guy's visions work." She explains, I sit a little straight. Considering it.
"Trust me, I hope what you're saying is true and that it's her. I'll speak to the Cullen's about it, go back to sleep." I tell her, she nods her head. "We'll talk more about it tomorrow." I assured her since she seemed like she wanted more from the conversation.
I told Edward about it over the phone, now he's changed his mind about Bella being allowed to be even near the fight. Knowing she's a huge target. He's so serious about it he wants Jacob to help him with his idea.
We stand in the woods together. Jasper, Edward, Bella, Jacob, and I. Jacob goes away with Bella in his arms. Us three wait here.
"Okay, go ahead." Edward nods to us. Jasper and I take each other's hands and smell for my sister. Nothing comes about, only Jacob's wolf smell.
"All we picked up was wolf stench. No Bella. This will work." Jasper tells his brother who seems relieved. "Great."
"Okay, Alice, don't be a stranger." My dad waves to my girlfriend as Bella gets out of her truck, confused. "Okay." Alice grins. I see Bella's surprised face.
"Your alibis for the battle is all arranged." She says, pulling me into a small kiss. Holding onto my waist. "Really?" Bella asks.
"I told your guy's father that our whole family's going camping this weekend. So you two are having a sleepover with me. Charlie is going fishing anyway." Alice simply tells us.
I'm surprised he went for it since I am dating Alice but it's probably because Bella will be there and he doesn't think I would do that around my sister. Which I wouldn't... Just in the woods...
"Charlie? You guys are on the same name basis now?" Bella questions. "Yeah, that's crazy." I add in with a little chuckle.
"Me, he likes. Actually, you and Edward will have the house to yourself tonight." Alice smirks at my sister. "Like alone?" "We're all going hunting. Powering up for the battle. You're welcome." She smiles, walking me to her car and we stand there.
"I'm going hunting?" I raise a brow.
"Well, we can go away from the others, of course." She flirts, pulling me closer by my neck to kiss my lips. "Mm, I guess so." I kissed her once more.
"I'll see you later, lovebug." She tells me, opening her car door. "Can't wait." I wink, walking away to join Bella again, going inside our house.
"Hey. Do either of you want a sandwich?" Charlie asks us. "No, I'm good." Bella says. "I'll take one." I yawn.
"Well, the sister. [Name]'s girlfriend. I like." He points to me and I smile, Bella playfully rolls her eyes.
"Alice, yeah. She's great." My sister agrees. She moves over to the sink to start washing the dishes. "Hey, dad. I was wondering. Why didn't you get remarried, after mom?" She asks him suddenly. I look over to him, he seems a little stunned by the question but nonetheless he answers it.
"I don't know... Guess I still haven't met the right gal. Why?"
"I don't know. I thought you just... Maybe you gave up on the whole institution of it. Of marriage. But do you think there's any value in it?" She rambles a little bit. I scrunch my face in where she's going with this.
"Yeah, yeah marriage has value. When you're older. Much older. Like your mother. It seems to work out fine for her the second time around. Later in life." He says.
"Yeah, I guess." She shrugs.
"You definitely don't wanna have to get married because you weren't careful." He tells her and I snort out a laugh, getting a small glare from both of them. "What?" She huffs.
"Look, you know what I'm talking about. Both of you should listen. There's things that you need to think about if you're gonna be physically intimate." He begins, both Bella and I groan.
"Not the talk." I complain. "Oh don't, it's just as embarrassing for me as it is for you two." He tells us. "I doubt that. And don't bother because mom beat you to it like ten years ago." Bella tries to stop him.
"Well, you two didn't have partners ten years ago." Charlie defends.
"I'm sure things work the same way." Bella shakes her head. "Alright, so you guys are taking precautions and-"
"Okay, dad. Please don't worry about that with me. Edward is old school." Bella admits to him. I see my dad perk up a bit.
"Old school, great. What's that? Like code for something?" He questions her. "Oh my God. Dad. I'm a virgin." She blurts out.
"Okay, good. Glad we covered that." He sighs. "Me too."
"Virgin...Liking Edward a little bit more now." He says and that makes a mortified Bella bolt for the door. I laugh quietly.
"I wouldn't laugh [Name] I still gotta talk to you." He points to me and I smirk.
"I'm a virgin too." I lied to him, why would I tell my dad I've had sex? Do I look stupid to you?
"Good, Cullens are getting on my good side today." He mutters and I shake my head, leaving the room.
Later that night Bella had left to go to the Cullen's house as I was joining the others during their hunting.
The whole time my mind was away from everything. Thinking about how the fight is going to go down. How I have to use my wolf form during it. I've been practicing with Sam but it hasn't been easy. It's been the complete opposite.
I can't get used to using it. It doesn't feel right.
I want to let the others know I don't think I'm going to turn but I know that would only upset them. They're busy hunting right now though so I've just been climbing through the trees.
Watching the view above. It's a scene I don't think I could fully appreciate as a human. I mean I can see further so there's that.
"[Name], darling." I heard Jasper speak, startling me since I wasn't paying attention. I jumped down from the tree.
"Yes?" I innocently ask, smiling at him. "I have something to talk to you about." He admits, I tilt my head. Not saying anything, just letting him continue on. "So, the battle." He starts then immediately pauses. "Mhm." I hum out.
"We've come to the conclusion that you should be with Bella. Away from the fight. Edward thinks it's best that it's another person protecting Bella up on the mountain. And then he and Jacob will be-" "Pause." I laugh out loud.
"I'm getting put with the weird love triangle?" I question, a little offended that they're making me do this. "I don't want to but yes." He nods his head shamefully.
I stare at him for a moment. Calming myself before I speak. I understand where they're coming from and it won't hurt to be up there. I'm confident in my family to get it done without even getting hurt. They're strong.
"Okay, I'll do it. Only because it does help me make sure my sister is safe. The only thing is I won't know if you and Alice are." I frown, grabbing his hand.
"Alice thought of that. You're a hybrid, you can hear everything from a distance." He tells me. "If one of us gets hurt you'll hear it and you can come a runnin." He smiles. I shrug my shoulders letting out a long breath.
"I guess, if I hear anything of your two's distress I will be there." I warned him. "Understandable, darlin." He kisses my lips shortly.
In the morning I'm waiting for Bella and Edward as Bella spread little drops of blood around the woods. "You're going overboard." I heard Edward say.
"If this is all I can contribute, I want to be thorough." My sister tells him. "The newborns will be frantic. Now let me put a bandage on that." He tells her. "It doesn't bother me anymore." He adds and I'm a little confused on why he said that. "Since when?" My sister asks.
"Since I spent 24 hours thinking you were dead." "You're not wearing your ring." Mm now I understand. "Well, I didn't want to risk losing it." She simply says. "Or risk Jacob seeing?"
"I think we should wait to tell him. I mean, at least till after the fight." I can't believe I found out they were engaged this way. "If you're having second thoughts..."
"I'm not. I just want him to have a clear head." Bella assures him. I hear Jacob come into play so I walk towards them as well.
"Whose head is unclear?" Jake asks. "Nobody's I hope." My sister says. "Alice says there's a storm coming." Edward announces.
"I can feel it." I stare up at the sky. "Me too, we should get going." Jacob says. "I'll take the longer route. But I'll get there first. Set up camp." Edward tells Jacob and I who nod our heads in understanding. He turns to my sister and kisses her before leaving.
"I have to turn. I'm not getting carried by you, sorry Jake." I apologize unsincerely. "Understandable." He waves me off. "Here. So I have something to change into." I hand a small bag to Bella.
I go off into the woods, taking off my shirt and pants before transforming into my wolf form.
I meet them up at the mountain, beating Jacob and Bella by a few minutes. Edward covers me in a blanket as I transform back into my regular form.
"Jesus, I'm glad I have the wolf heat." I let out a small shiver. He laughs. "Here." Bella hands me my bag and I thank her before going into the tent.
I quickly changed. I hear them talking but I don't pay much mind to it. Not really caring enough to do so. "You guys can come in now."
Late in the night the storm gets worse and worse meaning it's only colder. Bella's freezing, her teeth chattering can be heard miles away.
"I should have chosen a site lower down." Edward frowns. "No, it's fine. I'm okay." Bella assures him. "What can I do?" He asks. She only shakes her head. The zipper opens, revealing Jacob.
"I can't sleep with all that teeth chattering going on." He chuckles. "Forget  it." Edward stops him. "She may need her toes someday and let's face it. I'm hotter than you and [Name] here." He begins to crawl to Bella's side but Edward's hand is suddenly hard on his shoulder.
"Get your hand off me." Jacob warns him. "Get your hands off her."
"Don't fight." Bella says, still shivering. Edward notices how cold she looks and pulls his hand away. "Ashe gets sick, it's on you." Jacob tells him. Edward glances at me and I nod my head.
"Just let him, it will help her." He closes his eyes, letting Jacob do it. "Why, You're freezing, Bella. relax , you'll warm up soon. Faster if you took your clothes off." He jokes around. I make a disgusted expression.
"Jake." Bella warns him to stop. "Survival one oh one."  He sighs. Edward glares at him. This is going to be a long night.
I lay in the corner of the tent in my own sleeping bag. I slowly fall asleep, luckily just missing the conversation Jacob and Edward have.
In the morning Bella and I climbed out of the tent. We're met with the young wolf, Seth sitting there. Staring at us. "Hi, Seth." Bella waves to him. I give the boy a small smile who huffs in response as a little hello.
"Where's Jacob? Did he already..." "Not yet." Edward cuts off her sentence. "He's checking to see if the woods are clear before he goes." He tells her, wrapping an arm around her and that makes Seth job off.
"I'm really sorry about last night. That couldn't have been easy for you." Bella begins and that's my cue to leave the scene.
I joined Seth up above from where he was. It's boring up here. I wish I argued with Jasper and stayed to fight but I knew it would've made way more problems than what it's worth. I don't want to argue with them anymore.
After a while passes I know that Jacob joined them. I listen to the fighting down below. I focus on Jasper and Alice's voices, their grunts and orders to each other. I wish I could be there with them. I hear Alice and Jasper fighting one of the same newborns.
"Jasper- back off- you can't be everywhere at- watch out!" I hear Edward shout to the air, knowing they couldn't hear him. I hear Alice tell Jasper she can handle themselves.
I stand up to go join but Edward's already at my side stopping me. "He's alright. She is too. You can't join." He tells me and I glare up at him.
"Like hell I can't." I push past him but he only speeds in front of me once again. "Not yet." He tells me. Then we both stop. We share a look with Seth.
"Someone's hurt?" Bella asks us. "Seth, go." I ordered him. He bolts away from the campsite. "Is it Jasper?" She asks another question.
"She's close. I can hear her thoughts. She knew we weren't there but she caught mine and [Name]'s scent." He explains. I stand close to Bella, he stands in front of her. "She knew Bella would be with me. She thinks she's lucky with [Name]." He translated her thoughts out loud to us.
"She found us." Bella whispers.
"She's not alone." I add in. Then a boy, the missing one from the papers, steps out of the woods.
"Riley, listen to me. Victoria's just using you, to distract me, But she knows I'll kill you." Edward tells the boy who looks shocked at first. He hesitates. "In fact, she'll be glad she doesn't have to deal with you anymore." He tries to convince the boy, knowing it's the truth but he of course doesn't know that. Victoria emerges out of the woods.
"Don't listen, Riley. I told you about their mind tricks." She tells the boy, who is obviously easily influenced. "I can read her mind, so I know what she thinks about you." Edward tells him.
"He's lying." Victoria argues. "She only created you and this army to avenge her true mate, James. It's the only thing she cares about. Not you." Edward says.
"There's only you. You know that." Victoria says after seeing the hesitation in Riley. He focuses back on us. Positioning to attack. Victoria's eyes meet with Bella's, filled with bloodlust and revenge.
"Think about it. You're from Forks. You know the area. That's the only reason she chose you. She doesn't love you." Edward was a bit more harsh with his choice of words. Riley falters slightly. "Riley, don't let him do this to us. You know I love you." Victoria forms her face to be more emotional. Somehow convincing the boy.
"You're dead." Riley attacks Edward.
Seth leaps from the cliff above and lands on Riley taking a chunk out of hus hand. He screams in pain. Seth circles back for another attack. Edward starts toward Victoria as I hold onto Bella making sure she's not able to be touched. Victoria goes to escape but Edward darts in her path.
"You can escape. You always do. But you won't get another chance like this again." Edward threatens her choices. She hisses back at him, backing further away.
"You want her. You want [Name]. You want me, Jasper and Alice to feel the pain you felt when we killed James. When we tore him into pieces. Then turned him into ash. When I turned him into nothing." Edward edges her on. Which it works. She erupts and charges toward Bella and I.
I hold onto Bella before running out of the way. Edward intercepts her plan and they roll down the hill.
We watch Seth get kicked down the cliff. Riley spins toward us. To help Edward I push Bella back and grab Riley myself.  As we fought together he got me into a headlock. Edward fighting with Victoria seemed a little hopeless.
That was until Bella stabs her arm with a shard of some rock slate.
They stop going towards the smell. I take the arm that was around my neck and rip it off. A loud screeching noise because of it.
I toss the arm to the side and Seth leaps up, tackling Riley. Dragging him into the woods. "Victoria! Victoria!" Riley screams but the redhead does nothing, not even giving him another glance. We hear the screeching of his head getting torn off by Seth.
Edward charges towards Victoria, the two clash and begin to fight. It was fast.
He pummels her down and has himself behind her, holding her in a death grip. She struggles glaring at Bella and I. I ripped my shirt and tied it around Bella's wound tightly. Edward bares his teeth and bites a chunk from her neck, ripping her head off.
"Edward." Bella says, going towards him as she tries to touch him but he turns away. "I didn't want you to see that."
"I'll get some bandages for your arm." He starts for the tent but Seth lets out a small howl.
"Something's wrong." Bella says. "Alice needs us." I tell them. "And now." Edward agrees. "Why? What's happening?" Bella asks.
A massive fire burns when we show up. The Cullens and the wolves drag what's left of the newborns into the fire. "How long?" Edward asks.
"A few minutes. Maybe ten." Alice tells us. "They timed their arrival well." Rosalie joins in. "Probably hoping the newborns took a few of us out." Emmett spits.
"What's she doing here?" Edward points to the newborn girl behind them.
"We offered her safe haven if she stopped fighting. She took it." Esme tells him. "The pack needs to leave. The Volturi won't honor a truce with the werewolves." Carlisle speaks up.
"Where's Jacob?" Bella asks. "There." Edward points to the large world but then he hears a vampire behind him. Leah charges.
"Leah, don't!" Edward shuts but it's too late. The newborn grabs her ruff, yanking her off of her paws but Jacob leaps onto him tackling him. He tries to bite the newborn but it gets its arms around Jacob, crushing him. Jacob howls in agony. I wince at the sight.
"Jacob!" Bella screams. The other wolves pounce on the newborn, pulling him apart.
Edward and Carlisle appear to Jacob's side. Jacob is back to his human form. His face contorted and looked like he could barely breathe.
"Hold on, carlisle is gonna take care of you." Edward tells the boy. "The bones on the right half of his body are shattered." Carlisle tells everyone. Jacob squeezes Edward's hand. Bella reaches them, dropping to her knees and she strokes his face. "Bella." He huffs out. "Jake, I'm right here." She says.
"Jacob, you idiot. I had it." Leah tells him, saddened by what happened and obviously feeling guilt. "Leah." Sam states, basically telling her not now.
"I need to set the bones before his accelerated healing kicks in. It's already starting." Carlisle says. "We need to get him out of here. We;re not gonna win in a fight with the Volturi." Edward orders,
"We'll take him back to Billy's." Sam nods. "I'll be there as soon as I can." Carlisle assures them. "Hand in there, Jake. We got you." Bella touches him one last time.
Jacob cries out in pain as the pack lifts him.
"They're here." Alice speaks up. I stand between Jasper and her.  "It appears you've done our work for us." Jane comes into view out of the smoke.
"Impressive. I've never seen a coven escape an assault of this magnitude intact." Jane raises a brow. "We were lucky." Carlisle smiles.
"I doubt that." Jane hums. "It appears we missed an entertaining fight." Alec frowns in disappointment. "Yes, it's not often rendered unnecessary."
"If you'd arrived a half hour ago, you would've fulfilled your purpose." Edward hostilely tells her.
She then looks behind us, spotting the young girl. "You missed one." Jane points.
"We offered her asylum in exchange for her surrender." Carlisle informs her. "That wasn't yours to offer." Jane moves towards the young one. Esme shoots Carlisle a concerned look.
"Why did you come?" But before the girl can answer the question she uses her power on the girl. She screams in pain.
"They came to destroy us. To kill Bella and [Name]." Esme speaks but Jane ignores her. Enjoying the pain. "Who created you?"
"You don't need to do that. She'll tell you anything you want to know." Esme pleads with the blonde vampire. "I know."
Carlisle puts a hand on his wife's shoulder. The girl's screams stop. "I don't know, Riley wouldn't tell us. He said our thoughts weren't safe." She tells Jane, who only zaps her again.
"Her name was Victoria. Perhaps you knew her." Edward says.
"Jane faces Edward with an unnerving smile. The other three positions behind Jane. "Edward. If the Volturi had knowledge of Victoria, they would've stopped her. Isn't that right, Jane?" Carlisle makes eye contact with the girl who just stares at him.
"Of course. Felix." She suddenly says and the brunette male moves to the girl.
"She didn't know what she was doing. We'll take responsibility for her. Give her a chance." Esme begs with Jane and the other members.
"The volturi don't give second chances. Keep that in mind. Caius will be interested to know that she's still human." Jane looks over to Bella. "The date is set." Bella spits out.
"Take care of that Felix. I'd like to go home." She ignores my sister.
The male does it and we all wince at the noises. "Thank you, Felix. Until next time." They all leave.
Later that day I sat in my room. On my bed more specifically. Alice and Jasper at the foot of it.
"Edward and Bella are engaged." I suddenly tell them with my lips pursed out stuck in thought.
"Mhm, that's huge. Are you excited for them?" Alice asks me and I nod. "Of course."
"Why are you bringing it up, darlin '?" Jasper asks with a small smirk on his lips.
"Oh no reason." I lay back in my bed. I hear them snicker at me. Joining me in laying on either side of me.
"Is there something you're hinting at?" Alice pokes my side. "I don't know, am I?" I stay strong with a stern straight facial expression.
"Well polyamory isn't exactly legal in most states." Jasper points out to me.
"Let's move to another country." I simply shrug my shoulders causing them both to laugh.
"We'll get married." Alice hums. "Someday."
"Why not now." I offer. "Are you proposing to us?" She asks and I raise a brow. "Mmm, why do I have to be the one to propose?" I huff.
"You brought it up." Jasper reminds me and I chuckle.
"Fair, fair." I kiss his lips then face Alice to do the same.
"Let's let them have their moment then right after steal their thunder." I exclaim, closing my eyes.
"Sounds fair to me, lovebug." Alice lays her head on my chest.
"Yeah, very smart, darlin." Jasper agrees.
Taglist: if you want to be added lmk!
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kerubimcrepin · 2 months
Wakfu OVA - Book 3, Dragon Mountain [PART 1]
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Amalia he is handing you all out the Twelvian equivalent of six nuclear devices.
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Amalia: [asks Joris]
Kerubim: [replies instead of Joris]
Second most batshit thing he's doing after the whole "speaking over him in private" thing. He's so evil dad energy.
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Joris having to do the thing most of us know as "mom stooop she already got it."
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AND after Keke stops talking he starts answering the question she asked him himself.
Once again, what seems like a normal interaction to most, is a goldmine to me.
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Literally the funniest possible thing a guy who keeps losing Dofus, and had to stop being Ebony's guardian due to "interpersonal issues with the dragon", can say.
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I never mentioned this previously, but one really cool detail is that even though he probably can't use them, the Dofus do react to Joris's touch — thanks to his dragonized nature.
Since the OVAs came out before the movie, this drove a lot of people a little bit crazy.
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Big fan of Atch and Keke standing silently and looking vaguely worried about things.
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I can read into things soooo well. I can read into them so easily. It comes like breathing to me.
[puts on tinfoil hat] Yes Kerubim wants to come back home together with Atcham and Joris, but also, Kerubim is seen pushing Joris towards his responsibilities, so I wonder if he feels a sense of guilt for the person Joris has become (guy who will die if he isn't saving the world).
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lL;sdf;epor21301;;;; aksdkmaljwijahcfaw j
Anyway, I'm liking the fact that Kerubim and Atcham decided not to come with. Letting Joris have fun (type 3 fun, to be exact) with his friends <3 without making him feel weird by hovering around.
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I have thought for years what Joris allowing Yugo to risk the end of the world for Tristepin might mean for his character. It doesn't feel out of character, far from it, — though it would be just as in-character if he was (softly) against this.
I think it's just one of Joris's many multitudes. He has very strong ("strong") morals, until people he cares about are involved.
Besides that, as someone who was alive before Ogrest's Chaos, I do think he'd love for the flooding of the world to stop, which might also be a factor in him not resisting the Brotherhood of Tofu's dangerous decisions here.
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Just like OVA 2 was win after win after win after win for Crepinjurgenites, I think this OVA is kind of a big win for Adamai and Yugo fans.
Anyway the way Joris and Ruel are watching this happen is so fucking funny I can't. They really said 😬 and 😐
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Joris hesitates before joining in.... because he's not a part of their friend group (but he wishes he were)
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Personally, I think he joined in after seeing Otomai do so. It felt less awkward/presumptious. We don't see him lay his hand on Ruel — it cuts away to Otomai before that happens, which makes me consider this possibility.
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OVA 3 makes me wish for an alternate season 3 that doesn't suck ass and actually handles Adamai's arc well. My suffering is so real and poignant.
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THAT'S WHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT. HE WAS SILENTLY STANDING THERE THINKING "Adamai is right though..." and doing NOTHING. Because he's sick in the head.
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When I first watched the OVAs, I thought that these were all his past lives, and not the fucking Eliotropes. I wish life was kinder 😔
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Joris "50 traumagenic psychological disorders" Jurgen ready to attack things at the drop of a hat like a wild animal.
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Cutie-patootie shielding his eyes and groaning all pissed off at Yugo for doing whatever scary shit he just did.
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Staring at Otomai.
While Otomai is staring at him.
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He replies to her as if his own reaction to this wasn't O_O
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Ngl I feel like having Grougalorasalar (the #coguette #female manipulator dragon), Dardondakal (??? the cringe warcrime dragon), and Goultard's Gay Lover Doomed By The Narrative inside your head would give anyone brainrot that leads them to cause an apocalypse to happen.
AND there are three other guys in there. And all six of them are eating holes into his brain.
Your honor, Ogrest just had a silly little time and we should forgive him for it.
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[clears throat and approaches the mic] Ogrest and Otomai are good but. What if another father-son duo also had a scene where the son threatens to hurt his father if he doesn't leave him alone. Wouldn't it be cool. Haha. There are tons of father-son duos in this franchise! Tumblr user @jorisjurgen, also known as @kerubimcrepin, is not pointing at any pair of characters in particular — I just think a son should threaten to kill his father at least once more in this franchise.
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Prompt number 13 for the dialogue prompts pls?
Thanks for the prompt! #13 “I dare you to kiss me.”
It starts out, as most things recently do for Steve, with Dustin. He can't even remember what it was Dustin had even wanted him to do. Dustin had said 'I bet you won't do it' and Steve had replied 'you aren't old enough to gamble' and Dustin returned with 'then I dare you.'
And. Well.
He couldn't back down from a dare, could he?
It becomes a Thing. At first, it's just Dustin daring him to do small, easily achievable things (dare you to give me the bag of chips, dare you to pick me up from Hellfire, dare you to slap the top of the next door frame you walk through) but where Steve is, Robin isn't far behind. It doesn't take long for her to start in on it. (Dare you to take me to the diner for lunch, dare you to be on rewind duty today, dare you to have a sleepover with me at your place.)
It spreads beyond them eventually.
"I dare you to try and beat an actual state championship basketball player," Lucas says with a playful grin, ducking out of Steve's grasp even as Steve laughs out a, "I'll show you state championship!"
"I dare you to sit in on a Dungeons and Dragons session," Will says with a cheeky grin, flashing a wink at Dustin, who is fist pumping behind Steve's back because Steve says yes.
"I dare you to be less annoying," Mike says, swatting Steve's hands away from where he was ruffling Mike's hair, sat between Mike and Dustin at said session. Steve rolls his eyes but turns to bug Dustin instead.
It was a joy watching the Party teach El what dares were. Steve forgets, sometimes, that El is still new to most of the things he takes for granted everyday.
Nancy and Jonathan don't really join in on daring Steve to do things, but he's caught Jonathan daring the kids or Argyle to do silly things. Argyle, who had returned to California to finish school but returned to Hawkins almost as soon as the school year ended, loved to join in, though.
Eddie is the last one to join in the Dare Game. It doesn't take Steve long to realize it's because Eddie doesn't know if he's allowed to. Not in a I'm-not-sure-we're-friends way they'd already worked through, but in a I-thought-this-was-an-old-inside-joke way.
Steve assures him it's a recent development. A grab at being silly kids a little while longer now that the Upside Down can't come and ruin anymore childhoods.
"C'mon," Steve grins at him, "I dare you to touch your toes."
Eddie rolls his eyes in response but drops down into sitting cross-legged on the floor, one finger tip poking at the end of his socks. It's cheating but Steve will take a win where he can. Especially since Eddie says, "I dare you to sit down and relax for once in your fucking life."
It's so silly, this little game of I Dare You they've started but it's also wonderful to watch the kids be kids even though they're all onto 15 or 16 now, and only getting older.
The best part of the game is that it's playable anywhere. I dare you to beat my high score is heard often at the arcade. It's also hilarious to see what terrible movies end up at movie night because someone was dared to watch an awful one. The amount of times they've all had to watch Crimewave should be considered torture, honestly.
Steve's favorite part of the game, though, is when the kids dare Eddie to do things. No dare is too ridiculous, silly, or embarrassing for Eddie, it seems. No ones goal is to embarrass each other, Steve's sure, but he also knows that he wouldn't be willing to attempt a cartwheel in the middle of the parking lot in front of the grocery store. Especially since it turns out, Eddie can't do a cartwheel and just kind of flops onto the ground in a heap. Reflexively, Steve took a step forward to check on him but Eddie burst out in laughter quickly and when Eddie laughs it doesn't take long for everyone to join.
He's got an infectious laugh.
He watches Eddie fail at cartwheels, and succeed at climbing trees like a damn squirrel. Eddie's jumped out of swings and off of slides the few times they've gone to the park. Recited the monologue Romeo gives before he drinks the poison (from memory) before pretending to stab himself and fall backwards into Steve's pool (the dare had been to dramatically fall into the pool).
Watching Eddie makes him feel light in a way Steve doesn't think he's ever felt. He's always watching, even when Eddie catches him looking. Steve just meets his eye and gives him a fond smile. Eddie smiles back.
The summer goes on. The dares lessen, the novelty of the game never really fading, but certainly mellowing.
The pool dare, when Eddie'd monologued Shakespeare, had been Steve's favorite dare until the end of summer came.
Steve and Eddie had been dancing around each other, and Eddie, the braver of the two it seemed, puts and end to their misery. It's just Eddie and Steve laying in the grass of the Harrington's backyard, watching the stars come out.
It's as simple as Eddie rolling onto his side beside Steve, propping himself up on an elbow and whispering, "I dare you to kiss me."
And. Well.
He can't back down from a dare, can he?
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supercriminalbean · 1 year
Tic tic tick!
Aaron Hotchner x GN!Reader
Summary: Reader suffers from a tick attack and Aaron is there to help after a bad day.
Warning: Tick attack (could say Tourette's syndrome if you like) Crying, pain, exhaustion. (Let me know what I have missed) Also this is not read through my bad.
A/N: Today sucked. I have never had a tick attack last that long without even 5 minute break it was 7 hours and I'm in pain and exhausted and just want to be held by Aaron so I wrote this. The reason I didn't label my reader as having Tourette's syndrome is because you can suffer tick attack due to different reasons and I want everyone who suffers from them to feel valid. I wrote mostly tics that I suffer from because I'm projecting. So I hope everyone is okay I love you all.
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The day started out fine, hell in fact it was a great day. Work was going great, laughing away with your coworkers as they teased you like usual. But it all only lasted a couple of hours and then you ticked. A small ticking
attack causes you to hide in the walk in freezer for a few moments as you hope it would pass, of course it doesn't. In fact it gets worse and after a few moments you reappear, joining your coworker once more as you tick away. You hate ticking at work, the pain your body produces as well as the judgemental stares from customers. You're lucky you have the best coworkers and manager who allow you to hide out the back and do jobs as the ticks take over.
"(Y/n), it's been hours why don't you just go home" Kylie your manager suggests as you stand in the back office, tears welling in your eyes as you tick away.
"okay, I'm sorry" A small whimper leaves you as your head flies backwards wacking against your neck again.
"Don't be, take some pills you look in pain and just rest" She smiles sympathetically at you, she's seen you have many tic attacks before but never one that has last over 4 hours.
"I will, thank you" You force a smile as you keep ticing away. You make your way to your car, tears welling in your eyes as you tick away pain spreading across your body as it jerks sharply.
Hours pass by and the front door opens alot earlier than you expected. Meaning your boyfriend somehow had an early day and is now going to find you in bed instead of at work. You are snuggled up tightly in bed under your weighted blanket, your body jerking less wildly small sounds slipping through your lips. Aaron freezes as he walks into the apartment, listening carefully to the strange noises. It doesn't take him long to realise what it is, sighing softly as he walks into your room. His eyes soften as they land on you, the way you have wrapped the blanket tightly around you, tears sliding your face as you look up.
"it's been a bad day" Whimpering softly as your head jerks backwards, your tongue clicking away.
"Oh sweetheart" Aaron murmurs softly, crawling onto the bed towards you. "How long has it been?"
"Same attack, about seven hours" You slam your eyes shut as a tic takes a hold of your body, shutting control from you once again.
"Oh love, you should have called me" Aaron heartbreaks as he watched your body tick away. He hates it when you try and hide bad days like these, he knows just how exhausting they are and just how much pain they cause you.
"Nothing you can do" Smiling weakly as you take deep breaths, trying your hardest to stay calm.
"Not true" He murmurs as you open your eyes again. "I can order is food, and give you cuddles" He smiles as he watches your face light up even as a small tick occurs.
"Cuddles" You smile on agreement as your tongue starts to click away. "But I might accidentally hit you if we cuddle"
"That's fine" He smiles more opening up his arms. "Come here" He croons at you, his words sweet like honey. You can't help but roll yourself into his arms, allowing him to wrap his arms tightly around you as your body ticks away.
A couple hours pass by and the ticking slows down. A movie fills the room as you calm down from the events of the day, grateful to have the extra weight of your boyfriend's arms wrapped around you. Having tick attacks are rough, feeling emotional drained as well as physically exhausted is a horrible feeling. But having Aaron by your side nothing can get you down. His cuddles always seem to cure your bad days.
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AITA for not letting someone stream a movie in a server?
So I (27M) moderate a server for fans of a video game who wanna RP together. It's not small but I'd call it cozy, and there are several mods and it's understood things have to stay like... Pg-13/T. We don't mind if you say fuck but we're also in a fandom that appeals to minors.
There are minors in the server. Minors are welcome to join the server.
This is simply context for what follows.
A member (32F) joins the server, and broke a rule here or there, and I am the mod that was most active so I was the one that usually corrected her. It was nothing personal, she just broke minor rules and needed to be corrected, or asked for something the mod team disagreed with, and I answered the question.
One day, this member comes in and announces she will be streaming a movie in the server soon for anyone that wants to join. Specifically she's going to stream Everything, Everywhere, All at Once.
So, on one hand, this might be our bad. We didn't really have streaming rules? Because no one really streamed. Ever. Server's years old and it's only ever been a few art streams.
So the mods quickly huddle up and make up rules about what we do and don't allow to be streamed, and all agree that streaming R rated movies in a server with kids under 18 is a bad idea.
I let her know we have to ask she doesn't stream this movie in here, and announce to the server our new streaming rules. (Which are "no streaming games above T, no movies about PG-13. If you think it's fine anyway, please ask us for permission first instead. If you want to watch something someone is streaming but might be triggered, please ask either the person streaming or consult 'Does the Dog Die'")
She immediately write a several paragraph response informing me that I'm the reason they're leaving the server, that she's tried to extend the olive branch to me several times but every time I've been condescending and rude. But she was having a bad day and wanted to stream this beautiful movie and share it with people but because of me she can't so she's leaving.
I legitimately don't know what events she's even talking about? I try to sound professional, which I guess could make me sound aloof but I also run all my responses past the other mods??? Who all okayed them? None of this happened in DMs, it's not like I could've been hiding it from them or gone rogue to do this, the other mods were aware of any rebukes given to this person, and I honestly don't know what olive branches she thinks she offered. Unless she means that time she asked us if she could be made a mod?
I'm just baffled, and a bit worried because I try to be fair to all members in the group and honestly, we just didn't want a movie with like, rather explicit stuff shown in our server? Where minors might see it? But I guess I really hurt her feelings and made her feel like she had to leave, AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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nr1chaedickrider · 6 months
It's all in my head, who do I trust? - I thought that you loved me, what is happening to us?
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anyway, don't be a stranger.
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2 new messages,
[user: momo]
'Happy birthday,
I did not forget.'
'meet me at han river in 10?'
The cold night air hits Jihyo's face, giving her goosebumps.
It's completly empty except for some couples sitting on the grass.
It makes her wish that she would be one of them.
She puts her hands inside of the pockets of her jacket.
She reaches a familiar bench.
It makes her think, about the old times.
About her first kiss.
About the confession of love in the rain - like a romantic movie that would have the watchers sobbing in their seats.
It got her sobbing too, in the depth of the night.
When she feels lonely, and vunerable.
A side of her that she doesn't want anyone to see.
She sits down on the bench, staring at the water.
She tries to lean back, tries to relax.
How is she able to relax if exactly she was the first person to congratulate her on her birthday?
"Jihyo" says Momo in a soft voice.
How is she supposed to relax when she says her name like that?
She looks up, from the water, and looks Momo in the eyes before she joins her on the bench.
They both stare at the water, without saying anything.
Even though people would describe Jihyo as someone that always has something to say, as someone that can't stay silent for too long, she has no idea what to say in this moment.
But that is nothing new to Jihyo, or to Momo, moments like these, in silence, are nothing new to them.
Jihyo decides to break the silence though.
"I only allow myself to miss you at night, I miss you in the secret -
because thats how it should be." she says, it comes out as a whisper.
It's an impulsive thought.
Momo looks at her, nods a little, then looks back at the river.
"Do you still think of me sometimes?" Jihyo asks.
She wishes she didn't ask that question after thinking about it long enough.
She wishes she didn't answer Momo's stupid texts.
She knows what her answer is going to be, something like a "no, I dont, not really."
But she is actually surprised when Momo answers.
"I do.
A lot actually"
This time Jihyo looks at Momo, without saying anything.
It feels like they are having an pointless conversation, with no goal or no end.
"Sometimes I want to text you -
but then I remember" Momo says.
Jihyo thinks she even heard a little sob when Momo said it.
But she doesn't want to think about it too much.
It's silent again, both watching people slowly leave the river.
The couples leave together, hand in hand.
Jihyo gets emotional seeing it.
"Atleast we are under the same sky" Jihyo says.
She feels the tears coming, but tries to hold them back.
"Maybe in another universe" Momo says, or rather, whispers.
And Jihyo is definetly sure that she heard a sob.
"I'm starting to forget you, I'm starting to forget us -
and it scares me." Jihyo says.
It's pointless.
This conversation.
They are both pathetically crying, like little, spoiled children that got their candy taken away.
They try to focus on the han river infront of them, they try to ignore the fact that this,
somehow is a goodbye.
"Can we have one more meaningless conversation?" Jihyo asks, even thought she already knows the answer to her stupid question.
"It's too late" Momo answers.
And she is right, she is so fucking right.
But Jihyo doesn't want it to be true.
Jihyo just wishes they could go back to talking once in a while because one of them is feeling alone in the middle of the night.
It doesn't need to be constant texting.
Just every now and then.
"I don't want to forget your voice"
She is trying to drag this out, to stop Momo from leaving.
"Or anything about you." Jihyo says, looking down onto her lap.
She watches her tears dropping onto her black jeans.
"I will look at the stars every night -
and I will think of you" Momo answers.
"My birthday wish for you is to let go" Momo says as she stands up.
Jihyo doesn't stop her when she starts walking.
She knows she can't stop her.
She knows she couldn't.
So instead of running after her, or leaving to walk to her apartment, she just watches Momo leave.
Her figure disappears in the darkness of the night.
don't be a stranger." she whispers.
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somber-sapphic · 4 months
Loved your latest Carina fic! Can I request a reversal where Carina shows up to work at the clinic to find Maya sick and refusing to go home despite everyone telling her to. Maybe including “I sneezed twice, is that a crime?” “Baby, I’m saying this in the nicest way possible, you look like shit” and “It's chaos here. I can't just stop working because I have the sniffles.”  🫶🏼
Switching Things Up
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〖Summary: After receiving multiple calls to come get her wife, Carina goes down to the station to drag her home.〗
〖Word Count: 500〗
〖Pairing: Carina x Sick Maya〗
〖Notes: I had a lot of fun with this! I don't usually write sick Maya so I hope I did the character justice. Also I'm running out of title ideas (again), can you tell?〗
“It’s chaos here. I can’t just stop working because I have the sniffles. Who the fuck organized this?” Maya scoffed, frantically sifting through a stack of messy papers. She was searching for something, probably for an incident form that she had been rambling about when Carina walked in. There had been a mishap with a disoriented patient earlier, from what she could gather Jack had been hit but she wasn’t pushing. 
“It’s because you have the “sniffles” that you need to stop working,” She put air quotes around the word sniffles, emphasizing just how stupid that sounded given Maya’s current condition. “You are not at 100%, you’re missing things. Careless mistakes in medicine harm patients.” 
In any other situation, she wouldn’t have come out swinging like that, she would have tried to take a more gentle approach and chosen her words carefully but she was at her wit's end. Every member of Station 19 had called her, each one begging her to come get Maya. 
Some had been nice about it, Ben phrased it as a suggestion whereas Andy and Vic were demanding. Andy was similarly worried about patient safety and Vic was worried about herself. The ranting voicemail had been interesting, her loudly whispered words containing more expletives than Carina had ever heard from the leader of Crisis One. If it hadn’t been about her wife’s health she would’ve found it funny. 
“I sneezed twice, is that a crime?” The firefighter snapped, whirling around to glare at Carina. The brunette raised an eyebrow in challenge and studied Maya’s sweaty face. She hadn’t gotten a good look at her wife - it’s hard to see the face of someone you’re chasing - but her complexion wasn't too far off from that of a corpse. 
“Bambina, I’m saying this in the nicest way possible, you look like shit. You’re burning up, you’re too sick to be here. Let’s go home, I’ll make you pastina and you can watch whatever you want on the TV, even those horror movies you like. Please, Maya, you’re swaying.” 
Carina reached out and took her wife’s shoulders, holding her in place. She could feel the fever burning through Maya’s shirt and up close it was easier to the haze of confusion in her eyes. 
“What did you come in here looking for?” Carina asked, cupping her flushed cheek in a soft hand. Maya blinked, her brow crinkling as she tried to think. Her mask slipped slightly, allowing the doctor to see her true vulnerability. 
“I…I don't…” She trailed off, sudden tears building in her eyes. The fast switch of emotions was telling and arguably more concerning than the fever. To make Maya come even close to tears she must have been feeling worse than Carina originally thought.
“It’s okay Maya. Let's go home, your team can take care of everything here, let me take care of you.”
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misscammiedawn · 2 months
Bit (2019) - Queer Reclamation of Stolen Youth
CW: Blood
Bit is a 2019 movie written and directed by Brad Michael Elmore and starring transgender actress Nicole Maines. The story follows a young transgender woman named Laurel visiting her brother in California and being recruited to join a women's only gang of queer vampires.
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A group that is ruled strictly by a rigid rule set.
The very first scene makes this clear, introducing the leader of the gang, "full blown fucking dyke" Duke, as she kills a freshly turned male vampire and sentences one of her gang's members to a year in "the hole" for attempting to add a boy to their ranks.
They must all adhere to their 3 rules of operation. The final and most important being:
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"No fucking boys." That is to say no boys are allowed to be included in their group... but the literal read is also true. Lesbians only.
The story begins in earnest with the introduction of a main character having just graduated high school in a rural town and about to travel down to spend the summer in LA with her older brother.
During her first scene at a graduation party a drunk classmate approaches her to tell her how brave she is and she retreats to spend a moment with Andy, her sole friend, who implies an attraction to her brother and admonishes her for abandoning him, saying that she is never going to return and that when she finds her people she will likely forget about him.
The movie knows it is queer media for a queer audience. For how much the entire movie is about LGBT themes it often is kind enough to leave things implied. Andy is Laurel's gay best friend in high school and the two of them rely on one another as the only source of queer community in their environment. Andy sees Laurel escaping as abandonment because he knows all too well that she will get a taste of the progressive lifestyle in LA and will never return to their pacific northwest town to go back to masking and hiding. He knows their friendship is over, even if Laurel doesn't yet.
All too often it happens. People never expect it at first but when someone finds their community, their people it becomes impossible to remain in the ponds and pools they were once in. T4T relationships work so effortlessly because there's an entire rich inner language that we have from common experiences that are so difficult to translate to cis friends and yet are inherently understood by others who have lived it. It's not just safety in community it is understanding.
All of this is communicated through vibes. All Andy directly says is "you're going to meet interesting people and you're going to forget about me" and his homosexuality is revealed through a flirtatious comment about Laurel's brother.
Laurel's gender identity itself is only addressed through implications (like hiding her larynx with a shoelace choker that gets mentioned in dialogue a few times) or roundabout statements. The word "trans" is never uttered once in the film.
"Men can't handle power. They have it already and look at what they've done with it." "What about me. [I'm transgender]" "Never even crossed my mind."
"I just wanna say-- what you've done [coming out as transgender] is just so cool."
"People aren't going to be patronizing [about me being transgender], are they?" "People aren't like that here. As much."
"I never stood in the way of you becoming who you are [transgender] but it turns out who you are is a selfish bitch."
I have watched this movie with people who did not realize that either Laurel or her actress Nicole Maines were transgender. I cannot understand how they couldn't see it but they couldn't.
On her first night in LA she goes out to a club to see a rock concert. The movie shows Laurel is defensive, getting violent with someone who invades her personal space and she spots someone (a vampire hunter who suspects her of being in the coven) starring her down. The movie is putting us in the mindspace of a young transgender woman in a new space unable to detect threats. She feels like she is being clocked and targeted by everyone around her.
It's not until one of the vampire gang approaches her that she is able to lighten up. In dialogue they imply recognizing her as queer with "you're not from around here, I can just tell" style dialogue. Laurel is quick to allow herself to be taken away to the vampire's hideout where she gets to be with her people for the first time.
To avoid this being one of those "I just sum up the movie with no analysis" posts I'll trust that those who are intrigued will watch the film and get to the point.
Laurel is fed upon by one of the lesbian vampires and before the kill can happen Duke, the leader, stops it and allows Laurel to complete the transformation into a vampire because she "reminds me of someone I used to know"
She is referring to herself.
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A time when she, a 15 year old lesbian, ran away from her midwest home to NYC to find queer community. She notes that even homeless and performing sex work opposed to her preferences, she was happier because she was living free and as herself. She learned how to thrive.
Duke sees in Laurel the same thing she herself lived in the 1970s, directly tying the socio-political landscape of gay youth of the time with trans youth of the modern era. Watching over their shoulder, fearing being targeted, unable to exist comfortably without the safety and understanding of community.
She says it very directly in her pitch to Laurel while inviting her to join the "V-Club"
"We're politically, socially and mythologically fucked. Our roles are secondary. Our body's suspect, alien, other. We're made to be monstrous so let's be monsters. [...] What we offer is not the chance to join a group but to truly be an individual."
The issue of course is, when Duke tells her backstory, she suffered and gained her identity through pain and hardship. She fought to survive and eventually learned how to thrive and then... against her wishes, against her consent... she was slammed back into the closet.
A powerful vampire, Vlad, singled her out and circumvented her agency and made her one of his brides. For decades Duke was stuck living a heteronormative life, having accessed her truth and her community and then been kept away from it.
"It was like I was trapped in my own body. I was aware of who I was, who I used to be, but I could do nothing about it."
After managing to escape from this life Duke seals Vlad's heart and begins to consume it bit by bit.
There is 100% a valid reading of this movie where Duke is a repressed transmasc lesbian. She fears consuming all of Vlad's heart because she fears it will make her "like him" but she is addicted to the power and agency that she feels from consuming him. We later learn that she has been doing to her gang what Vlad did to her.
Duke is terrified of becoming a man and rejects those aspects of herself while continually indulging them. Moralizing on how evil the version of masculinity she perceives in the world is while engaging in those acts herself.
Someone with better media literacy than I would be able to do a fuller read of that.
But the read I focus on is this one:
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Duke's youth was stolen from her as she was forced to live a closeted life of abuse by a domineering man and she projects her wishes for those stolen years into how she lives and how she views others. She directly controls the minds of her gang in order to maintain a safe life buffered by stolen power and lashing out at men who remind her in any way of her abuser.
In robbing her group of their agency and pushing them to agree with her, the pain and hatred that she feels becomes that of the entire group. Their sympathies to men are overruled and the space remains closed off and combative. Insular.
She wishes to continue living the highs of her first taste of agency in her life while robbing those around her of theirs. Through fear and a certainty of being right she has effectively become the very thing she despises.
Meanwhile, Laurel, finally living with her community, abandons her roots and neglects the portions of her life that do not relate to her new community which causes her gay best friend to attempt suicide (I do not condone the movie's attempt to make Laurel responsible for this, mind, we have severe issues with any attempt to frame suicide attempts as the responsibility of anyone but the person attempting) and directly nearly kills her brother.
The movie is very much about the vulnerability of solitary queer individuals and the power and comfort that we gain from banding together and finding community but also about how we must not emulate the abusive power structures that we escape from in our quest to find safety in our identities.
It's important that Duke is a hypocrite. The three rules are:
Never glamour another vampire.
Always kill what you eat.
No fucking boys
It's no coincidence that the first rule is not to glamour another vampire. It's how Vlad controlled Duke for decades. She should never wish that fate on anyone else and yet she is so terrified of losing that which she has earned but also because she was terrified of others losing that which they had earned "I did it to make it easier to help you." she says. Her insecurities are projected onto the group and become their dogma.
Duke isn't wrong for her hatred or her fear. She is wrong for not trusting her allies, she's wrong for forcing her beliefs, she is wrong for being the sole arbiter of who is an acceptable member of their community and who is not.
The movie ends with Laurel noting that she pictures a world where everyone is a vampire because then they could all figure their shit out. That people who have power tend to jealousy guard it for themselves but power can and should be shared.
The final scene involves the new vampire group collectively taking portions of Vlad's heart and consuming his power.
Single points of failure are rampant within any community. When a single figure is held up as the entire basis of a group then removing them or discrediting them will always destroy the safety of the space. This is true in every community but it's heartbreaking when it's true in queer spaces.
One person should never be calling all the shots, making their biases become collective prejudice or their traumas become the realities of all within the safety. We all have stories. We all have truths. We all have realities which we need to share and receive acknowledgement and comfort for.
Vulnerable groups should band together and insular thinking will destroy us if we let it.
The movie isn't the best by anyone's standards.
But damn if the movie isn't a rare piece of queer media that isn't made for a cis audience. I'll always hype up something like that and make sure it reaches more eyes.
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you-fuckin-judas · 2 years
A discussion of unwanted physical touch in Young Royals
[specifically between Wille & Simon ]
| TW : discussion of unwanted physical touch, I'm aware this discussion is sensitive for some. If this is something that could make you uncomfortable, please take caution while reading this analysis! |
While the conversation of Physical Touch is EXTREMELY special and vital to the relationship Wille and Simon have, that doesn't mean it's always welcome.
There are many times where Wille will reach out to Simon, or vice versa and that love language will get rejected. It's very rare, but it's important to discuss.
This is a kind reminder that just because someone may have physical touch as their love language, that doesn't mean they owe it to you, or welcome it.
I can't be around you right now.. [ Season 2 EP 1 ]
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This is a really good example of Simon making it clear to Wille that his love language isn't welcome in the conversation between them, at that moment. That has a really intense effect on Wille, and it makes him realize just how badly he's messed things up.
This is also a rare occasion where Simon is using his words to express how he's feeling to Wille, which he doesn't do a lot. He's very guarded. He almost gets irritated at Wille for him not really listening, and just acting like they used to.
Wille isn't understanding what he's saying UNTIL Simon makes it clear that he's not really allowed to reach back out like he usually would. That he needs space and that's something Wille isn't good at handling.
Please I just want to go home. [ Season 2 Episode 6 ]
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The relationship is healed for the most part, well more than what we started the season with. HOWEVER, that doesn't mean Simon will always allow Wille into that physical touch space.
Simon has just been absolutely hit with a BOMB of horrible information, and he can't handle it. Wille can't really express his feelings with his words, so he tries to with his actions.
We just saw this hug happen in a previous episode, and it was beautiful and consensual and loving.
Wille genuinely thought he could recreate that here, but this situation is VERY highly charged with emotions and trauma. That isn't something Wille took into account.
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In this instance, he gets rejected because this is too much for Simon to handle and he can't have Wille pushing for that connection. It doesn't mean he doesn't love Wille, it just means he's overwhelmed and that's okay.
This is a really good example of their communication not being the best across the board. We love to talk about the physical touch love language discussion between them, but not the other love languages and how important those are.
I'm going outside, do you want to join me? [ Season 1 Episode 1 ]
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This one is left out of the discussion a lot which is kind of a bummer, because it's just as important as the others.
Wille and Simon are just starting to interact right, but we know Wille is already whipped as hell for Simon. He is ALREADY bringing the language of physical touch in between them, but Simon is caught off guard almost by it.
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Simon is genuinely looking around at what is going on almost wondering why Wille is already so casual with him, since they just met really they barely have a relationship.
That causes Wille to react, by looking over at him when he takes his hand down. The love language has already been cut short here, and it catches both of them off guard.
could you lend me a pencil? [ Season 2 Episode 2 ]
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This one makes me so sad because we see Wille try to emulate that moment they shared at the manor house watching that horror movie, but here that doesn't work.
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It almost actually does the opposite, because the memory of that is painful for Simon right now.
Wille is really TRYING to get Simon to communicate, and seriously it's making this whole thing worse. He's doing everything he can to either get physical communication out of Simon OR he'll even take verbal at this point. Because he is that desperate.
Yes Wille uses physical touch to communicate, and yes Simon usually does as well.
HOWEVER, that doesn't mean it's always welcome regardless of if you're in a relationship or not.
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bananamarshmallowz · 9 months
I'm here to talk about Destiel...
The internet is a very funny place.
If you're in need of a good laugh, go to your favorite series, show, films what have you and ask what are you unpopular opinions with _said show_.
I have watched dozens of shows and always think I might be the only one, post that and see what happens.
I am a shipper but I normally don't talk or boast about what/who I ship, it's not relevant and it can be weird. I don't ship actors/real humans, that's crossing lines. Characters however, yes. Anyway, I have to bring up this one. One comment said "Destiel shouldn't have happened." Okay, I get that, people can get weird about it. Then they go on to say how every shipper claws and digs for stuff that isn't there.
And again, I'm not saying some people don't dig but not all gay/LGBTQ+ representation is completely shown in media. Mentioned maybe here and there, sure. But there's endless cis-straight-relationship romance movies, romance themes and what have you. Some series make really bad portrayals and give gay people a bad rap because they're the only representation. And don't get me wrong, sometimes we do dig and claw because we feel what they portray, or at least we think so. But sometimes we don't need to dig.
That same thread added the random siren or even the policeman from yellow fever had more chemistry than Dean and Cas ever have. - Him looking at the soldier's ass in Time After Time while walking in the store. Yes, those were weird scenes, why were they even shown? Great question, I don't know I'm just here. - And as for they have no chemistry... They won best chemistry award for TV... It doesn't get better than that.
This is more of a rant than I want but this is certainly one of my favorite shows. And I feel the need to say what's on my mind because I know I can't afford therapy, so this is the next best thing.
Oh yeah before I start this, I have read numerous comments accusing all the actors of horrendous things... - Firstly, they all have kids, and wives and love their kids so much. I don't think they would do anything to jeopardize that. So stop making up messed up shit. - Secondly, I don't want to believe other people make other people uncomfortable for fun, but some people do. But considering that they acted for more than 8 years together, I'm pretty sure working with people that are cool for that long, they all had a strong bond. And all the times that Jensen looks uncomfortable whenever Misha goes into or talks about Destiel, it's because technically they're not even allowed to say anything about the show regarding shipping characters because anything could've been true, it could've not been. If every actor were able to spoil their movie, we'd be out of movies but we aren't. And Jensen is a rather shy individual, funny enough. At the beginning of Supernatural he was 27, and Jared was 23. When Misha joined when he was 34. They were and still are wholesome and great people. Regardless, All of them would pull pranks and stuff on the show, they're friends, not some messed up whatever someone said, I'm blown away that people would even imply some things. You can look up any video of everyone being close with one another from hugs to dancing, to singing to whatever. So don't say "read the room" when they're just being themselves, I shift a lot when in public, does that mean I'm constantly uncomfortable? No. - THIRDLY, they were all lowkey scared of certain parts of supernatural, in 2017 they did an interview with Entertainment Weekly {this one} and said what the scariest episodes or concepts were at the time for them. Jared's was changelings, shapeshifters, demons possessing people, things that could be real but possibly something posing as someone but something's off. Jensen's was people doing really messed up things and that it was the most realistic thing that could actually happen. Humans being psycho. And vintage dolls, lmao, same. And Misha said that everything could give him nightmares. He's so soft, any of it could give him nightmares. These guys are human. Not some terrible against religion people, they play on a show. Pure human. Just like everyone else.
ANYWAY, I think we all know the infamous eye sex scenes LMAO... if you haven't heard of them... {here's 10 minutes of them staring at each other} and that's not even all the seasons
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They always look each other up and down and just stare at each other.
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Above, Dean says "Cas, we talked about this. Personal space." and then Cas backs off. He doesn't know why, he just knows it makes Dean uncomfortable, so to make him more comfortable, he takes a few steps back. But Cas isn't aware of how complicated humans are. Personal space are just words, angels shouldn't care what humans have to say. They're so primal and they need more than just basic shelter and foods, they need the whole pyramid of Maslow's Hierarchy of needs. He doesn't understand this until he goes through it himself, but we're getting slightly off topic. Sure, them continuing to stare could be just a funny little thing at the start... no. It still happens up to the last episodes.
This is the musical episode, Fanfiction, Season 10, Episode 5. Destiel, Samstiel and the most dreaded Sam/Dean are mentioned... They're brothers. As someone with siblings... gross.
"You can't spell subtext without S-E-X." Then Jensen gave this look to the camera, I think this is on behalf of many of the people on the show.
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Below, they end a scene after talking but it's about 15 seconds of them just staring at each other then it ends. Personally, I'm not a big fan of eye contact, and try to make at least 5 or maybe 2 seconds of contact in between interacting with someone, anything more than 10 is past uncomfortable... I don't stare at anyone this long. Legit the scene is so long lmao
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I don't remember the context on this but I just don't like eye contact. Both their eyes are gorgeous but I don't stare like this, especially with any of my siblings. When they have a hard time I hug them if they want a hug, talk to them, but I don't make eye contact like that.
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I have never looked at my friends like this, not my best friends, certainly not my siblings. Someone I had a crush on, possibly.
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Next, they are going in as Texas Rangers and Dean explains how to get Cas into character. "Yeah. Look, just act like you're from Tombstone, okay?" "The city?" "With Kurt Russell? I made you watch it." "Yeah, yeah. Yeah. The one with the guns and tuberculosis." [in a deep cowboy voice] "I'm your Huckleberry." [gulps] "Yeah, exactly.-"
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I don't have anything other than I like that scene and how Cas says, "I'm your Huckleberry" :D
When Cas dies Dean tries to pray to God even though he swore off praying to God. One of the lines is "We've lost everything." Mary's gone, correct but everyone else is alive, except Cas. They still had the Bunker, Baby, Jack. Cas and Mary died (she fell through and there was no way to know she was alive.) But considering that Sam is still alive, the guy Dean has fought tooth and nail to save all these years, is standing by him, ready to fight what may come. But Cas is dead... Dean obliterates his hand from punching on a bathroom door. It's frankly the most punches he's made in a single scene I think and even then, God doesn't answer him so he begins to mourn. It creeps in that his friend is gone.
When Cas is being burned, at first it peers to Jack who sees the man who is supposed to be his father, not blood father but someone who promised to look out for him, someone he doesn't even know, he feels the loss but he's just been born and he never really met Cas.
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Then we roll to Sam, he's lost a dear friend and is sad. He's wanting to cry and fidget and be sad.
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THEN we roll to Dean. His face is drained of all emotion. He has lost his best friend. His dear companion and looks like he lost it all despite his brother being right next to him. He can't even move.
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Now I would be sad if one of my brothers died but sadly I don't have that much of a connection with them as Dean and Cas have. And thankfully I haven't yet experienced one of my brothers pass on.
But I have lost a few lovers, and that... That is the face I have felt. When everything else feels irrelevant. You don't care about anything. You can't care about anything. You are numb.
And this all brings us to the finale.
Death is on her way, has them by their hearts, well Dean's in fact. They run/slowly walk over to Basement Storage Room 7B and Cas wards the room, slowing down Death on the other side.
This is the exact moment before he loses Cas for the last time. (I'm copying from the script on the Supernatural wiki, don't hate me, I watched it over and over too, and I've shortened Cas's monologue because I don't want to relive that heartbreak again lmao) But basically Cas realizes this is it, this is the happiest he has been. Everyone was alive and well, he has Dean alone at last. The last exchange they had was this: "You changed me, Dean." "Why does this sound like a goodbye? "Because it is." - "I love you."
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"Don't do this, Cas." - "Cas..." "Goodbye, Dean." "What?"
Cas pushes Dean out of the way and gets taken by the Empty.
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He has to process all these years of interactions with this awkward little man with sensible shoes in less than five minutes and it all crumbles.
Castiel is gone. And he's not coming back.
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Sam keeps trying to call Dean but he's just getting Dean's voicemail and Dean isn't answering. He simply can't.
A few episodes later, Dean fucking dies. Just how he said he would, to a monster, like any other job. It felt rushed and I didn't like it.
But how they ended it could've been so much worse.
Dean makes it to heaven, expecting just memory lane, but Bobby's there and says Jack remade heaven new, everyone's together in heaven where they belong. He offers him a beer and tells him how different heaven is and how it's so much better.
Dean's sold, but it's missing something.
This is directly after Bobby tells Dean that Cas helped Jack rebuild heaven.
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After that, he takes a drive as he waits out Sam's life. He meets Sam on the bridge and that's the end.
For years, Dean didn't have an obvious love interest, here and there a fling maybe but nothing romantic. All the soft scenes were pretty much between him and Cas.
Their bond isn't brotherly, it's very best friend-ish but lovers can be friends too.
And that's my review on Destiel and why it's a thing it's 4 am and I haven't slept well the past two days so what to do other than write about destiel
ok bye :]
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spacesurfing · 2 years
I've never done this before
But can I request Sodo x Reader. They had just watched a scary movie with the ghouls, and like the reader just can't get to sleep so Sodo like calms them down and soothes them or maybe sings to them.
I just watched quite possibly the scariest movie I've seen in my time on this earth and I need the comfort...
Thank you 🐉🐉
Ahh, tis the spooky night and P cannot yet fall asleep!! I would love to write this and my apologies if it is short!
Everyone Gets A Little Scared Sometimes
Dewdrop x Reader Fluff
Summary: It is a night of horrors. And a night of refusing to pee alone.
Warnings: Fluffffff
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You were jumpy tonight, more so than you usually were. Why? Well, because your dork of a boyfriend decided to put on the single-handedly most scariest movie you'd ever seen. Snuggled into his arms, under a blanket, yes you felt safe but this feeling of paranoia was sent up your spine and engulfed you whole, making the shadows that the candle you had lit even more scary. You jumped at every noise, shielded your eyes every time suspense started building through music and audio cues.
And, every time you were calmed down from a scare, you were reminded of the fact that this was mandatory. It was a Halloween Eve tradition for Sodo to watch a scary movie, the scariest out at the time. Your boyfriend loved it, he absolutely adored the tradition, laughing in the face of a jumpscare and even joining in with the film by scaring you with fast movements while everything was eerily silent. He found it all funny and partially ridiculous.
But you didn't. Of course you believed in ghosts and demons and you believed in witches and bad omens. You were literally dating a ghoul.
The movie ended, a pan of the dead teenagers, turning to the end where a girl stood, blood covering her head to toe, smeared across her face as her deceased mother faded in behind her. The girl was pretty much "avenging" her mother's ghost because her mom wanted her to kill a bunch of people. Plain and simple.
"Why did they have to pop out so much? Can't they just be like normal people and just not be so creepy?" you whined a complain, hugging Dewdrop's arm. He chuckled, shifting his way up and attempting to stand, but he was kept down by your body still on the couch. You could say you were still with freight. Or still with the fact that everything seemed to move now.
"What? You wanna stay here and watch the credits roll with me?" he teased, poking your nose with his index finger. A shadow flickered on the wall, making you look around for intruders. Your ghoul sighed dramatically, "Well I have to pee, so if you wanna follow me, go right ahead."
And you did exactly that, following Sodo to the bathroom and standing there outside the door with your body pressed to it. You tried not to look around you, scared of what you might see in the shadows of your apartment. You let out a small scream, seeing the TV turn back onto the streaming screen with a sudden flash of light.
"Calm down out there, I'm almost done sweet girl," the fire ghoul laughed. You missed him being near you, he was so warm and safe and made you feel like you wouldn't actually be slaughtered.
Dewdrop opened the door, making you stumble a bit before he pulled you into his arms with a smirk, "I've never seen you want to be near me so much. I kinda like it."
You slapped his chest with you hand and he shook his head, snatching up the blanket on the couch you had and blowing out the candles, leaving on the nightlights in the kitchen. He let you cling to him the whole time before he started for the bedroom and you found relief wash over you.
Dragging you into bed with him, he covered you in blankets and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you to rest your head on his chest. His hand pet your hair softly, running fingers through the delicate strands and purring at the fact that you held him like he was some sort of life support. The rumbling in his chest allowed you to calm down more, hand resting on his stomach and rubbing small circles into it.
"You know that I'll always keep you safe, right baby?" Dewdrop asked, voice startling you for a second.
"Yeah.. I'm just scared. All those things are real, Dew, things like that can happen."
He ran his hands under your hair and over your neck, trailing his hard palm to your cheek and allowing his fingers to massage your face tenderly.
"They would have to go through me. I don't think you realized that, love, I wouldn't let anything hurt you unless it killed me first. And I will stand by that as long as I am present on this very plane of existence."
You smiled into the dark, looking up to see his eager, yellow eyes glowing through the pitch black. And for the first time tonight, something so ethereal and terrifying made you feel at peace.
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