#and i don't mean like as in romantic or platonic
aviiarie · 2 days
cws & notes: reader (and kaveh) are VERY implied to be aromantic or on the aromantic spectrum. mentions of kissing. lots of platonic affection. platonic kaveh & gn!reader. 1.1k words. wrote this for myself tbh
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“So are you two dating?”
You wish you could say it's the first time you've heard the question. And you wish you could bring yourself to be annoyed about hearing it again, but you know there's no malice or spite in the words. Only a polite sort of curiousity, unaware of the way your stomach turns at the thought.
And maybe you wish you could tell Nilou 'no, we're not, why would you think that?' but you know your hand is intertwined with his, and his knee is touching yours, and you have his cheek leaning against the top of your head. You know how it looks, but that never mattered. It felt comfortable, like you fit together just right. Affectionate, with no strings attached.
That was the part that no one seemed to get. You and him were at an understanding that seemed to make sense to no one but yourselves; the squeezing hugs, and nicknames, and nights spent staying up until 3am didn't mean a thing. When you fell asleep on his shoulder, when he chastely kissed you goodbye before leaving on a work trip, it wasn't because you both harboured a secret love you were too shy to say out loud.
You adored him, of course. He was your best friend. But that was it; no strings.
There were always those who couldn't wrap their heads around the thought, the ones who insisted that they had to be at least into each other a little bit. So much time spent being friends, such closeness had to speak to a blossoming romance that just hadn't quiet bloomed yet, right?
What they didn't know was you had tried, your senior year at the Akademiya. It was after all of the comments about how odd it was that they were so close without being a couple finally started to get to them. During a party hosted by a classmate you don't remember the name of, when the teasing and jabs had gotten a little too much, you had found him taking a breather out on the front steps.
Conversation came easily, comfort came quietly, and soon the topic shifted to what people were saying. It was always talk, rumours, gossip. But he could see how they were weighing on you. He could see the look of doubt in your eyes, wondering if this was something you were supposed to want.
If you can't bring yourself to fall for the most important person in your life, then what was wrong with you? Was love a prize that you were never going to win, a lock that you're never going to find the key for?
“Will you kiss me?” You blurted out, and his eyebrows raise. “J-Just once. I just... everyone keeps telling me I'm supposed to like you, and you're supposed to like me, but I just...”
“You want to see?” Kaveh asked hesitantly. You swallow, and nod. “I don't want to do something you don't want to do.”
“I want to. Please, I... I don't want to ask anyone else.” You paused, before quietly adding on, “If there's truly something wrong with me, I want to know now.”
The pinch between Kaveh's eyebrows deepened, but there was a flicker of vulnerability behind his eyes. Some part of him was flashing with the same fear, wondering if there was something wrong with him too, all because he couldn't muster up enough emotion to see you in a romantic light.
Carefully, he placed his hand on your cheek, bringing your face closer to his. There was a pause, before he met your lips in an awkward kiss. There were no sparks that crackled against your mouth, no butterflies in your stomach. It was a unpleasant clashing of teeth together, with your cracked lips pressing against his soft ones for a second too long.
You pull away, face flushed with embarrassment more than anything. “I... I don't think I want to do that again.”
“Me neither.” Kaveh grimaced. He sighed, leaning back to give you a bit more space. “Why do you worry so much about what they say?”
“Because! I'm supposed to enjoy it, aren't I?” There were tears in your eyes, but you didn't care. If there was one person you could cry around, it was him. “What is wrong with me? Why can't I even fake it?”
“You don't need to!” Kaveh said quickly. He ran his hand through his hair in frustration. “Maybe... maybe some people just don't like that sort of love. I know I sure don't, and I've known you long enough to figure out you don't either. We don't have to be a couple to care about each other, right?”
You stared at him, slightly dazed. “...I guess not.”
And since that night, you've never been able to forget his words, and the way he said them. It was like your world got shifted around, and nothing seemed quite the same. All the stress about love, all the worry about whether people thought you were a couple seemed so insignificant all of a sudden.
Yet, your new lighter worldview never stopped that burning question, that followed the pair of you like a shadow.
“So, are you two dating?”
The question echoes in your head, sounding over and over. Nilou is still staring at you, waiting for an answer, although her gaze occasionally flicks to your linked hands resting on his lap.
“We're just friends,” Kaveh responds smoothly. He lets go of your hand long enough to wave away the question, laughing lightly. “Honestly, the amount of times I've been asked that...”
“O-Oh!” Nilou's eyes widen, and her cheeks turn pink. Part of you feels bad for making her look so flustered, but the uncomfortable twist in your gut reminds you that it was her question that started it in the first place. “I didn't mean to assume... you just look so close!”
“We are.” He smiles gently. “But I can assure you we are very happy as friends. Neither of us are interested in that sort of relationship, much less with each other.”
She nods, as if she understands, but there's still confusion behind her expression.
It didn't matter. People didn't have to get what was so special about the two of you. They didn't have to understand what you had, and what you lacked, and why it didn't make much of a difference at all.
You were friends, best friends. And that was plenty enough love for the both of you.
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© aviiarie 2024. do not copy, repost, translate or use my work to train ai
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mothiepixie · 2 days
Hey, in regard of your reminder do you mean no YN x Mottie/skellie or in general?
And what's acceptable using Mottie for? Cause I kinda used her as a dress model :')
(or atleast tried, there are probably some mistakes)
I don't mind seeing YN x my skellies variants if someone draws/writes it ( if 18 and older), but if anything I'll reblog it to my other acc @mothie-reblogs or make a new acc to do that.
I don't want YNxSkellies Asks because that has never been what my content is about, and I do not wish to get flooded with those asks. ;v;
People have also ruined that ever being a thing by dissing Motti while asking YNxSkellie stuff.
Im okay with platonic art in regards to Motti. But I ask to refrain from romantic or sexual things unless you are a friend or mutual. I have seen horrendous things that people have done with Motti and I'm always a little hesitant to really let go and say yes...
I generally do not want people taking Motti to freely write or incorporate into stories unless given permission.
While I cannot stop people doing that, regardless, I would like to set that boundary.
If ever unsure just please ask.
But i welcome fanart and even if you dressed her up like that. Im sure it came out lovely!
If I haven't seen it or replied then notification got buried. ;v;
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yanderes-galore · 3 days
Yandere Husk please
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The request for a Sinner darling was pretty much the plot I had for his concept... so I hope it's okay I combined the two :(? It would make more sense than me repeating myself.
@okchijt helped me out with this to make sure I got the character right and filled this with good ideas ^^
Yandere! Husker Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective/Possessive behavior, Stalking, Drinking, Trauma, Emotional Manipulation, Clingy behavior, Murder briefly mentioned, Blood mention, Biting mention but not done, Scenting, Dubious relationship.
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For how moody Husk is most of the time, I imagine he'd care for his obsession very much.
It's said he lost the ability to love long ago... which he no doubt believes to be true for a long time.
Even when his obsession begins Husk would still be in denial of the idea.
There's no way he's feeling love towards another sinner here.
Yet here he is, worrying for you more than any other.
His obsession would be the most likely to occur with someone who's in the hotel.
So another sinner employed to help out the hotel or looking for redemption.
For the most part, Husk tends to stay out of the way and observe.
Most of his behavior is obviously cat-like.
Which means he'd keep his distance and watch you... just to see how you behave and what you're planning.
Husk's obsession is slow... gradual.
It's not like other yanderes who feel an immediate spark only for it to grow.
He watches you for a bit... Then slowly talks to you over a drink, then you become close.
His mood can put people off.
He's always drinking, always grumpy, apathetic, and gruff...
Yet he really does like to listen to people and help.
In that case... I can imagine one of your bonding times is opening up over a drink.
Maybe you're anxious about the hotel or some other thing.
The cat's good at listening... soothing your nerves with a drink and advice.
You'd swear he's the hotel's therapist more than the bartender.
A good drink certainly would start a bond between you two.
Observant and empathetic... Husk would care for you once he shows some interest.
It's certainly not romantic immediately to him...
But it is a curiosity.
He's patient with you and often knows if you lie to him.
Which at first is revealed by something innocent... like you trying to hide some problem you have.
Yet that ability can turn sinister later on... like if he feels you're lying to him about something to distance yourself from him.
Husk is said to be sweet and protective of those he likes.
Naturally, as a fellow sinner in the hotel, Husk often keeps track of you.
He looks forward to sharing a drink with you or playing a game of cards.
You don't even have to trauma dump on him, he enjoys your casual conversation in his normally dull day.
He doesn't even realize he enjoys your company so much until someone, maybe Angel, points out he's purring when he sees you.
This would probably occur within a couple months.
You two often chat as you work and get along pretty well.
Better than he thought apparently if he's purring when he sees you.
He can't seem to help it...
You just stir something in him... It's familiar but... it can't be anything serious....
Husk is a subtle yandere for a couple reasons.
One reason is he's in denial of being in love for a long portion of his obsession.
He often tries to rationalize with himself that he just sees you platonically.
That he's just a shoulder to cry on....
Another reason is this... Even after he comes to the conclusion he does love you...
There's Alastor.
Husk's soul is still owned by Alastor, the radio demon is his master.
He can't show his love for you much as he fears Alastor will pick up on it.
The last thing Husk needs is causing you more stress because Alastor needs leverage against him.
Such a thought forces him to keep his obsession over you out of sight.
Both out of shame and fear.
Doesn't stop him from accidentally dropping hints, though.
When you two talk in private, or even in public and he lets his guard down too much, you can hear Husk purring around you.
He denies it the whole time, of course.
When alone, Husk tends to be more affectionate once he accepts he's in love.
However, he excuses it to try not to give himself away.
For example, if you're having a stressful day, he may hug you and start purring.
When you question him, he claims he's just trying to get you comfortable.
After all, did you know a cat's purr supposedly eases the mind?
In reality... He's trying to excuse his urge to touch you... just to keep up his facade.
So you'd just keep venting while he nuzzles into you to "cheer you up".
Husk is limited in his obsession.
Kidnapping and physical isolation would draw too much attention.
Alastor would definitely find out then.
Although... Emotional dependency and social isolation?
He can make that work.
In fact, making his darling dependent on him is core to his yandere tendencies.
It's easy since you already come to him for help anyways.
He wants to be the only one you're vulnerable around.
Husk wants you to seek him out for help, comfort, and company.
Perhaps even love eventually.
Making you dependent on him makes you his... Yet keeps Alastor out of it.
... Hopefully....
Because you vent to him, Husk knows nearly everything about you.
More than you know yourself sometimes.
While such secrets and info would be great blackmail... Husk wouldn't want to ruin your trust.
Instead he uses it to his advantage, a way to gain your favor.
He'd use the info he gained to help you.
He knows what you like, what you hate, what situations make you uncomfortable...
He's always around and ready to tug you out of a situation you hate.
He acts like such a caring friend, he's even protective of you.
Husk may actually leave his post at the bar to follow you and check on you.
He does some stalking but has to make it subtle.
If someone was messing with you or hurting you, Husk is quick to step in.
Considering how he handled those Loan Sharks in the show...
Safe to say you're in mostly good hands.
The only time he'd murder is if your life is in danger.
In that case... Surely you can ignore the blood in his fur?
Not like it's very new to you, though....
Hell's violent... Which is another reason Husk hates you wandering off alone.
While Husk is subtle... I can see him scenting his darling in secret as he nuzzles and purrs.
He may even be into biting you... leaving marks to show you're his...
Yet since he has to be subtle, he reigns in such urges.
Overall, Husk is a subtle protective yet possessive yandere who would make his obsession vulnerable and dependent on him.
This way, you're kept safe and cared for...
All his... even if you don't know it yet.
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scrawnyghstts · 13 hours
do any of you ever lay awake at night thinking about how Kremy gifted Gideon a comb even though, obviously, lizardfolk don't have any hair.
because that means that Kremy went out of his way to get Gid this gift. A comb isn't just something an alligator would have or just collect somewhere to have it for later, Kremy likely never needed or thought of having anything of the sort.
But Kremy noticed how roughed up Gideon was, how he didn't have anything on him to take care of himself and Kremy came up with the idea and then spent time and possibly money (or he just swiped it but still) to find a nice comb just for Gideon and then gave it to him.
Nikkie described it so beautifully that it was the first time someone saw Gideom as his own man and that also makes my heart ache so much. But I just can't stop thinking about how freaking Kremy Lecroux, went out of his way, to get a thing he likely never even thought of getting, just to give it to his partner (in crime). Like yeah sure we can talk about how Kremy wouldn't want to travel with someone unkept but I don't think it's that. He'd get Gideom a bath and a haircut or something at an inn and done, issue solved. But no, Kremy specifically wanted to get a thing for Gideon, he wanted him to have something that's just for him, something to help him get his sense of self back, his looks and help him find his confidence.
It was thoughtful gift from Kremy who probably is the last person to do thoughtful gifts to just some people. But he made that gesture for Gideon.
like do you ever just lay there and think about all that and how they both must have felt almost an instant bond forming between them, doesn't matter if it's platonic or romantic, like do you just-- yeah.
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starwrittenfates · 1 day
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To drop the anxiety and the wondering if they do or they don't, here's a post to make it nice and clear to me (and you) that you wanna ship with my muses. All I ask is that you 𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐄 𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐂𝐈𝐅𝐘 for which of my muses this would be directed at (and yours if you're a multimuse.)
By liking this post, it means you are okay with the following:
Romantic shipping: Kissey kissey, romantic dates, and possibly intimate things. I send you all the romantic shippy memes and we drown in it.
Platonic shipping: Friends. Pals. Allies. Besties.
Familial shipping: Family. Siblings. Maybe adopted? Could be good or bad.
Enemies: I hate you and you hate me. Rivalry.
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seldarinesorcerer · 2 days
As an acespec and an autistic person I have a lot of trouble distinguishing between the different types of attraction and determining what behaviour is appropriate for each type. My brain puts things like "platonic," "romantic," and "sexual" into different categories because that's how I come to understand them, but then I get confused.
I've also found that in my adult life, all my social relationships have either been romantic, sexual, or both. I don't really know how to define a friend anymore because in my head, I feel like acting how one would consider "romantic" could also be platonic?? Like, why can't I cuddle with someone I care about or say genuine sweet things without it seeming like I'm trying to seduce them? Can I kiss someone or even have sex with them as a way to appreciate their presence in my life without it looking superficial or something?
These lines are all so blurry for me that I feel like I can't distinguish how I feel any category of attraction. It all feels the same to me, and I want to spend time with people and appreciate them in the way we agree is best, and also my brain chooses that physical intimacy of any kind is the best way to express that.
So now I'm in a weird spot where I struggle to understand my own feelings and how I'm supposed to categorise them with behaviour. The easiest way I try to do this is treating each connection differently and treating them according to their wants and needs, but that feels like I'm just respecting boundaries more than anything.
Ugh. This is always so frustrating. I just want to love people the way they want to be loved without worrying about anything else or trying to decide what that means for my own attraction.
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skeleton-mischief · 2 days
What types of gifts would the boys give? And/Or what gifts would they like to receive?
Ooooo I love this question! Okay, so I'm going to go over a list for each of the skeletons and descriptions for what they would like. Sanses like Error, Fresh, and Ink will also be included, but I generally have an inclination to think that most if not all the "Outcodes" variety are on the Aroace spectrum! So, you can interpret these as either romantic, platonic, or even a mix for QPR's(Queer Platonic Relationships) if you'd like. Enjoy :-)))
Vanilla: He usually gives more lighthearted gifts that have to do with inside jokes than anything. He likes to also give gifts to people he really loves more thoughtful gifts of course, but those are extremely rare and/or for birthdays exclusively. For what he likes to receive, he expects gifts that have to do with inside jokes as well since to him that means you also find it funny or remembered this joke. He also loves anything really, his not picky. He'll only lose it and find himself jokefully crying about any tomato based items like tomato chips, bottles of ketchup, and clamato juice
Cyperus: He loves to remember gifts based on what people like, usually having to do with their interests specifically. He won't give random based gifts to throw out there either, in fact he makes items himself if he can since he's so handy. He loves gifts based on his interests as well, even if that gift wasn't expensive or bought to begin with but made instead
Red: Like Vanilla, he loves jokingly giving gifts based on inside jokes or based on what that person hates. An example would be one time giving Pitch a mug of dogs instead of cats, grinning at the look of disappointment in him. If you hated these pair of socks at the store? Bam, gift time. Still, on important holidays, he actually can pull through. He will know they expect to get gifts they hate from him, but he'll have a hidden second gift as well. When giving Pitch the dog mug, it was Giftmas, so he pulled the actual gift from his pocket, a cat collar wrapping around a cat mug of higher quality. He doesn't care what gifts you give him, as long as it reminds you of him. He doesn't like expensive gifts though, since money being spent on him is already something he's picky about
Pitch: Always expect gifts of quality over quantity with him. He'll take you on store splurges and let you pick your favorite outfits or items at a store, but only rarely when he also wants new clothes. On holidays like your birthday or on Giftmas, however, he won't let you know at ALL what he plans for you. He always has a list of things you like and always tries to remember ways to combine that. You like the color blue and your favorite animal is a cat? Bam, a cat statue with blue accents. Perfumes you wear? He'll take note and find new ones you will like. In return, he won't expect you to buy him something super expensive since not everyone has money for that. He will always appreciate you taking note of what he likes, especially if it's based on red or black things, and if he can keep this gift for a long time for memories sake
Powder: He will give you gifts when he has to be at work for a long time, ways of reminding you of him while he's away. I don't think he'd work in any police force due to my own opinions, but he does have an active jobs that allows him to be creative and helpful to his communities like community service. Sometimes events have to take days or weeks, so he's going to make sure you don't miss him for too long. Gifts he loves to receive is ones that prove you thought of him or remembered something about him that he let slip once or twice before. That in itself is enough for him
Stretch: He LOVES it when he can give someone gifts, since he always remembers what they like. Tokens of appreciation and things that for example, you and him both like. Video games for you to play alone or with him, tickets to that movie you wanted to see, etc. He rarely likes gifts due to not wanting people to spend money on him, but he always tries to carry the gifts around when he can. If he really wanted this video game he'll always try to see if you can play it together or take turns with it as well, or hug you when you give him this manga or comic he really wanted. He'll only slightly scold you though
Saint: He rarely gives gifts, and when he does expect him to have thought of what to give you for a while or just random little charms and knickknacks since he's just odd to begin with. Small stones, random items he (stole) got, or even just odd items he finds in the woods. Otherwise, he tried to make gifts instead of buying them since he's more worried about the significance over the value it costs. He learned how to sew when he was underground, so when he first decided to participate in Giftmas with the rest of the "family", he sewed a fabric blanket together for you. He knows that it gets cold in winter, and maybe you'll like it? He ended up looking at you with a blown out eyelight when he saw you smile and decided to give you more gifts like that. Stuffed animals sewn together, scarfs, etc. He rarely finds gifts for himself a little pointless since that money can go to something useful so food is always a good gift for him or ones that mean so damn much to him that can last a long time for him to carry around or clothes he can wear like a beanie hat you gave him for winter
Lunar: It's not often he'll give others gifts, but when he does it's baked goods or handmade items like with Saint. He makes items made together like this pretty wind chime he made for your birthday made of pieces of glass that reflect in the light when the sun hits it just right. They're funky, a little odd, but always sweet. He doesn't ever really like people giving him gifts since he wants those things to go into things like taking care of yourself or the house, but handmade gifts always make him sentimental. He still has the very first gift he received when above ground from you, which was this new, unique scarf you got for him. He carries it around and wears it everywhere, using the remains of his old scarf to give to Saint and remake in the later made fabric blanket he helped make
Carmine: He will always always ALWAYS find ways to get things for you. He'll pamper you in ways you can't even complain about if you try to scold him for spending so much money, such as getting useful items that you need for work, for the house, etc. He prides himself in providing for you, always knowing what you need when going out like chapstick or a jacket, since he works hard to remember what you like and need. (He read a book about humans and what they need so flexing in his knowledge also makes him preen) He can provide for himself, so he prefers affection through helping him around or physical touch. He's actually the most prideful in receiving gifts unless there practical, so for Giftmas he always prefers if people just spend time with him when looking at Giftmas lights or help him prepare for the holidays. On his birthday, the family knew he was picky about things like that so they either got things to celebrate a surprise party or items he needed for cleaning. Practicality and all that. When you got him a very pretty necklace for his first birthday with you, however, he just stared at you and said nothing at first. It was gold with a carmine colored gem in the center. He tries to scold you for it, but his voice is a little shaky as he asks you why you got it. Then, he put it on and he practically never took it off, still doesn't unless he's taking a shower. He told you never to do it again though
Rus: If you really want something but can't get it for whatever reason, there are rare times he'll get it for you. He never wants you to pay him back, and he always is willing to pamper you. Most of the time his gift giving consists of paying for takeout, so these moments are few and far between. Still, he considers what you really really want and takes note of these things, only rarely needing to go based on what you like if you're really secretive in what you want. He doesn't need gifts to feel loved, but the times you do get him something that he can have to be reminded of you, he values it and takes extremely good care of it to remember that he's loved by you. The physical proof that you do at least. He's always willing to accept these things, but you don't have to do it constantly and he'll scold you otherwise
Razz: He takes note of things you want, is willing to pamper you at times, and even if he's smart with his money he doesn't mind getting these things. He thinks that buying expensive gifts is cheap in the face of other forms of affection, but he is willing to do it on special occasions. When it comes to receiving gifts however, it's something a little different. He doesn't need expensive gifts or anything that he just really really wanted, since he's similar to Carmine when it comes to spending money on him. But, also just like Carmine, he doesn't expect to receive gifts at all since out of all monsters, you got something for him? You put thought into it, and he feels deeply loved for that since he always encourages you to show him love in different ways for many reasons. He treasures it and wears it if he can, or else he'll make sure his gift can be proudly shown since he will brag about how much you love him as a result
Cash: Surprise surprise, the frugal skeleton actually really loves to pamper you! More than his brother, actually, and he makes sure to get you things you can wear since he can let others know he pampers you and are his loved one. He will put thought into gifts, but most of it consists of him being able to catch wind or outright hear you say you want something. He wasn't able to get a lot of things underground unless he swindled someone or stole it, so he pushes being able to provide gifts. And ah yes, the greedy bastard loves gifts. He loves that you're willing to think of him when buying him something, a bit more materialistic that way. But truly? Secretly even? He really really loves when you cook him something or get him something that you put your whole heart and soul into. The value of this gift means more than any type of gift otherwise, and he'll show it off to others and brag about your love for him. He'll wear it, take care of it, and he appreciates that you love him enough to get it for him
Wine: The most notorious for gift giving even in comparison to Carmine and Cash? Yes. He's going to get you such high quality gifts just because he knows what you like, and he's not afraid to do it. He likes to pamper you as much as he pampers Coffee, to the point that if you even try to argue he's just going to refuse arguing with you. It's almost evil. Now, for receiving gifts? Don't sweat it, he can buy himself whatever he wants! Like Carmine and Razz, the three struggle accepting anything. However, he won't scold you for getting him something, but rather ask why you felt the need to. He'll wear what you give him once he sees the sentimental value of it, even if you're worried it's not up to "his standard." The value of emotional weight is far more worthy to him and anything else pales in comparison. He loves any gifts in wine red, gold, or blacks too. If you manage to find out about his favorite dessert or chocolate though and get it for him, it'll be one of the few moments you catch him blushing as he thanks you with a slight crack to his voice. Rarely anyone can figure that stuff out, so he's impressed and slightly embarrassed along with his flattered opinion of you being raised
Coffee: Despite the wealth he and his brother has, he prefers to give and receive gifts of sentimental value. He'll draw for you, buy you sweets, and he's a soft romantic so you can expect flowers from him as well. If you buy him things he loves to eat, video games he wants, etc, he'll get sentimental that you remember what he likes since he's also pretty secretive on that stuff unless it's video games. If it's a two player he'll insist to not play it without you. When you found his secret love for sanrio and Hello Kitty specifically, he practically sobbed when you got him a hoodie. He hugged you, kissed your cheeks and didn't let you go until you or someone else pried him off.
Killer: Gift giving is odd for him. He's of course someone that wouldn't do it often, but he'd give you something based off what you both mutually like or based on something you hate in order to get a laugh. He's the type to give you odd things to see if you'll accept them, but not things that are gory or gross by any means. When receiving gifts, he would appreciate things such as knives, cat based gifts, and he wouldn't appreciate or like gifts based on the color Yellow or based on ketchup. Don't try to get him something worth of emotional or financial value though, because the amount of items he's lost overtime is insane to be honest. Chocolate or energy drinks is a good go-to
Dust: He rarely gets emotionally attached to others to begin with, so if you got a gift from him they would start small. Things like a weird rock, a flower, food he picked up sometime. He'll take pictures since he loves photography, giving you a photo of random or pretty things. He'd move to give you things of value the more intimate you are, like jewelry or trinkets. He's weird when it comes to accepting gifts, but he values them a lot more than he lets on. He'll wear what you give him, love what you cook, etc. He also appreciates books he hasn't read before since he had read all the books from underground years ago
Error: He would give you a plushie he handmade of yourself or of him, something that he'd be willing to give you since he would think of you highly as a result of it. He's very sensitive to touch, so a plushie of him would be a way to allow you to 'hug him' for example. He also maked bracelets woven together or with beads he collets, something he'd gift him you. He would knit you blankets, scarves, etc. infused with his magic so that you can feel the intent sewn in with it whenever you're upset or want to feel happy. He also tends to give you these things to prevent others like Ink from messing with you, as if he's staking a "claim" that you're with him. He'll love chocolate of course, but different types of yarn would also make him excited or maybe a book with different animals, monsters, etc would get him excited as well. He likes those types of things because it shows you're aware of his interests. And also, something a bit more sentimental to him, would be things based on space or cats generally
Ink: He can get a bit creative with his gifts? Drawings, paintings, carvings, little handmade knickknacks! He would create things for you to not only get you to smile and hang up, but he also would create little charms like keychains to help identify you since he has a bad memory and gets confused a lot due to timelines and multiple AU's. He also does this as a way to also "stake a claim" on you, similar to Error. If you somehow got involved with both, the two would constantly layer you with different gifts to try and prove to the other that you're their best friend or "captive". He's not hard to please either, he will accept any drawings, art supplies, charms like necklaces or bracelets. Anything handmade from you is wonderful
Fresh: Now he's the most erratic with gift giving. This bastard can provide pins, stickers, figurines, necklaces, bracelets, charms, knickknacks, small CD players to share music tastes, candy, and more! He's fun with gift giving and he would love to make sure you even have a fanny pack or bag so that you can carry around everything he gives you. In return he's the same way, as long as you found it cool as well and thought of him. He also really loves sweets and TMNT, so those two things are a great go-to if you're unsure what to get him or song recommendations
Thank you for reading!!! :-))
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theotheace · 2 years
You ever wonder how to write a character that you personally hate but without letting that disdain blatant in your writing? Like writing as a narrator with no opinion whatsoever?
Yeah... me too. 😅
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knifearo · 1 year
i hate the concept of platonic and romantic as a binary i hate the concept of platonic and romantic as a sliding scale of "less" to "more" i hate the concept of platonic and romantic as the only two options i hate the concept of platonic and romantic as significantly different things i hate the concept of platonic and romantic as all encompassing i hate the concept of platonic and romantic as the two halves of a shallow concept of love that doesn't actually encompass anything at all i think we need to overhaul every popular conception about "types" of love so we can talk about things that are real and true for once
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waitineedaname · 10 months
not romantic or platonic but a secret third thing (bonded pair)
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linktotheheart · 8 months
I feel like so many people misunderstand BOTW/TOTK Link especially (Zelda too, but that's another topic entirely)
His lack of expressiveness IS a personality trait. It's a direct result of the pressure on his soldiers to be a perfect soldier, hero, and savior. No, he's not Skyward Sword Link, and never will be, because his story is completely different.
"But [other Link] hugged Zelda when he got her back!" and this Link maintained a respectful distance as his princess's subordinate - but ALSO out of respect for Zelda as a person, because she spent her whole childhood having her agency denied and he wants to let her initiate even something as simple as platonic contact whenever possible. He's being kind!
(And yes, I know that primarily only the "he is a knight and she is a princess" part is directly supported in the actual game, but I'll remind the people making comparisons that the dynamic was COMPLETELY different in their favorite comparison game, Skyward Sword. But also... look at the gentleness with which Link interacts with Zelda, the tenderness that he shows so few other characters - Mipha probably being the closest example. Look at the way he looks to her first to see what to do in every scene they're in together, unless he's protecting her from an immediate threat to her life. Notice how outside of that, Zelda IS usually the one to initiate any physical contact)
I also personally hate it when people describe quiet, not very expressive people as "lacking personality" because... my partner IRL is like that. If she expressed herself at all around most people, it's in a very flat, reserved way. I've seen how it hurts her that people treat her like she doesn't have a personality, like she isn't even a full person - and I know that's real life and Zelda is fiction, but come on, do you think all the people that aren't highly expressive and extroverted don't hear that about very popular characters and internalize it?
Being reserved is a personality trait. Being cautious and not impulsive is a personality trait. In fact, I'd even say just because you as an expressive, extroverted person see Link as a blank slate to project your own personality onto, doesn't mean he actually is or was even intended that way.
(I also think this is a very US-centric point of view, honestly. There's plenty of cultures where even BOTW Link would be considered at least close to average - Finnish culture specifically comes to mind, even if he's still slightly exaggerated in that regard as, y'know, a character.)
Idk, this is as much a silly little vent post as anything, it's not that serious, etc, but whatever
(and don't get me started on "oh Zelda got no agency in TOTK and she learned the powers she was struggling overnight". No, it's called a time skip, and just because she learned her powers before the 13th hour this time - which yeah, she would get them easier this time with a mentor who could actually use the same powers, and having already learned to use her light powers - doesn't mean it just "happened overnight". And... she didn't express agency? She was actively influencing the entire flow of the timeline, changing the actions of her ancestors by convincing her ancestors to act, learning to control her powers and fighting Ganondorf, and finally expressing the ultimate form of autonomy in choosing to sacrifice herself to save the world. Some of the criticisms of TOTK didn't even seem to play the same game. Just because a heroine isn't a pop feminist badass who *gasp* wears pants and easily and perfectly kicks every villain's ass, doesn't mean she "has no agency" and is being sidelined. Like, a princess engaging in courtly politics is neither powerless nor "doing nothing")
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deyisacherry · 4 months
“You were a wonderful experience.”
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“You were... everything.”
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normystical · 4 months
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turtledotjpeg · 2 years
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when ur squad is size small-medium-large
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mistyscenter · 3 months
I love that this fandom doesn't understand Baxter's character, I adore how they patronize him,a whole ass adult, for facing the consequences of his actions.
I love how people make him feel like a sad little baby when he leaves mc as if that's not something he made extremely clear. I love how people treat this 19 year old as if he's not old enough to understand the consequences of his actions. I love how Baxter is aware of his flaw's but feels like he can't break them because people only see him as a tool and this fandom reinforces that.
I love how people will get mad at Nico for doing the cardinal crime of being 6 years old but will baby a 24 year old Baxter. I love how people make him this charismatic rich guy when it's shown that he's a hot mess that doesn't know what he wants. I love that Baxter's whole character arc is about his self sabotaging tendencies and how everyone ignores that. I love that people fell in love with the mask he had for most of the dlc.
I love that this fandom lacks reading comprehension skills and understanding of nuance characters, great job everyone for not understanding how writing works :)
#our life#misty talks our life#olba#our life beginnings & always#our life beginnings and always#olba baxter#our life baxter#baxter ward#this is what i mean by “i don't haye Baxter's character” i think hes very interesting and we should look towards his dlc with critical eyes#because it's a fact that his dlc was rushed and that kab/gb lady doesnt care for him#it shown in the writing of his dlc#so that is interesting for me but is also interesting for me how ppl are quick to baby this man#like again baxter is fucking 19 when he leaves mc “but misty 19 year olds aren't fully growns up” hi 19 year old here#i know that bitch but im old enough to understand that my actions have consequences and affect others#which is smth Baxter is aware of as well#that's fhe thing that bothers me#hes young enough to make that mistake but old enough to understand it will impact mc view on relationships#romantic or platonic smth like that will affect you in some ways#and he knows because hes not a young teenager who still doesn't know how his actions impact people#hes legally an adult he can live on his own hes able to ride a car hes off to college#is not a grown up but is not a child either#as a 19 year old I would love of ppl treated him as a young adult making a dumb mistake#instead of a baby who didn't know any better#like even if he did regret it he knows that thats his fault#hes aware that hes doing this shit to himself and wont stop#thats the point of his dlc#anyways i should make a post on cove's autism
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undead-moth · 3 months
So The Bear ends season 2 with Carmy fucking up his pretty serious relationship with Claire. They spent an entire season developing this relationship between Carmy and Claire, and now it's over, and not just over, but abruptly and painfully over. Throughout this same season, they continue to develop Carmy and Syd's relationship, incorporating undeniable nods toward an eventual romance.
Then in season 3, they have Carmy dealing with the fallout of his painful fuckup, that ended a relationship that was, as I said, pretty serious, and was developed over the course of an entire season. They do this while continuing to develop Carmy and Syd's relationship, and while their interactions are mostly tense this season, they continue to incorporate blatant nods toward an eventual romance.
This is happening at the same time they have opened a restaurant, and Carmy is under enormous pressure, pressure that has been made worse by his breakup. Pressure to make the place a success, to live up to his potential, but also to make sure that Tina has an income, that he gives Marcus's mom what she wanted for Marcus, that Ebra, elderly and at the point where he really needs to be retiring, continues to have a job, that he doesn't endlessly waste his uncle's money, and crucially, so that the restaurant can earn that star Sydney is dreaming of, and that Carmy didn't even want.
And yet there are people genuinely criticizing The Bear for not canonizing SydCarmy this season, when...?
The man just went through a devastating breakup -
At the same time he opened a goddamn restaurant -
And is clearly going through the crisis of a lifetime -
And on top of that, he's just quit smoking.
Do you think, in real life, that it's realistic someone in that situation would immediately turn around and start seeing someone else? Do you think the writers would have spent a whole season developing Carmy's relationship with Claire, just for Carmy to shrug it off like it was nothing when it ends?
I'm even more baffled by the idea that SydCarmy not becoming canon this season is because the writers this whole time, have just been, what? Fucking with you? Straight-baiting you? Or do you think that just because they didn't canonize SydCarmy this season that this is indicative that they didn't intentionally allude to a future romance between Syd and Carmy?
I will tell you right now that The Bear is one of the most purposefully written shows I've ever seen. And while I will say that this season might be the weakest so far and wasn't what I was hoping for either - Nothing on that show is an accident. Nothing means nothing.
The writers of The Bear are too good to have accidentally implied SydCarmy was a thing. They are also far too dedicated to their vision for The Bear for them to be throwing things in just to fuck with you.
Have some patience maybe? When was the last time you watched a show that didn't hand you something the moment it was hinted at? Aren't you tired of watching shows that skip to the good part? Which is, as a result, not as good as it would have been?
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