#and i forgot how many hits of my childhood they were responsible for
onthehighwaytomel · 5 months
No Doubt is absolutely killing their Coachella set right now.
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kitseddie · 1 year
This Must Be The Place
Chapter 1: This Must Be The Place
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Part 2
(Eddie Munson x GN!Reader)
Summary: You and Eddie were childhood best friends, you were both broken when you moved away in the last year of middle school. But now you're back and you want to reconnect, you will always be friends but this time something feels different...
WC: 2.4k+
Warnings: none!
A/N: I posted this on ao3 but I’m not sure how many people use that to read fics (I only ever use tumblr) so if this does okay I might start posting more (:
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It was a casual Wednesday and Robin, Steve and Eddie were manning the family video store for the afternoon. As much as he despised the uniform, he needed the cash. The pill pushing business only gets you so far.
Robin leant against the desk, her head resting against her arms as her ears buzzed with white noise from the dreaded silence. She wallowed whilst Steve priced in the back and Eddie took an overly long smoke break. It was pushing 4 o’clock and there wasn’t a single customer in sight. Robin began to feel herself drift off when she was rudely awoken by a loud chime. A customer. Finally.
Immediately she lifted her head and wiped down her dusty uniform before turning her eyes to look back at the customer, her draw dropped as she took in your appearance in one glance. Bright and beautiful, giving her the warmest smile she’d ever seen. Reality soon hit her when your voice snapped her out of her daze.
“Hey sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you or anything. I’m just new in town and sort of…taking myself on a tour of Hawkins”. You admitted shyly as Robin just nodded and Steve started wandering out the back.
“Hey, Rob have you seen-“. She shoved him back through the door, smiling back as she gestured one second to you. Steve became agitated and confused, scowling at his friend.
“No nope, how am I supposed to have my shot with any of the people in this godforsaken town, if the king of Hawkins is constantly rearing his giant head and stealing them away with as little as a ‘hey, Steve Harrington’?”. She mocked his voice and did little gestures as he rolled his eyes and chuckled at her.
“You’re being ridiculous. And what is Munson not a threat to you?”. Her eyes widened as she almost forgot about her metalhead coworker taking his smoke break outside, she immediately closed the door in Steve’s face and smiled back at you before running to find Eddie.
Sadly for her, she was just a little late, as Robin searched around back to hide Eddie from your eyes he was just walking in from the side door. He pulled his jacket over his long-sleeved shirt and noticed you waiting by the counter. You tapped your fingers against the desk, waiting for Robin or anyone to speak to you.
“Hey, you need help with something?”. Eddie began walking towards you, as you slowly turned around and Robin rushed through the door and let out a deep breath. She was too late. His eyes widened looking at her disgruntled state, as she just wandered in the back without saying a word.
“She seems nice”. You blurted as he chuckled and nodded, looking back to where Robin had run off to. He began wandering behind the desk and he rested his elbows to lean toward you.
“She gets a little manic sometimes”. He whispered as you both chuckled and nodded, his teeth gleaming back at you.
“Don’t we all”. He laughed at your response, patting the table and standing up straight.
“So you here for movie recommendations? Renting? Buying? Donating maybe?”. His hands reached through the return bin, looking at the labels to find something good. You just smiled back warmly, shaking your head and playing with your fingers.
“I’m uh-new in town and I just…I’m looking for someone actually”. You said in all seriousness as Eddie nodded, you rummaged around in your bag to find something. He wandered around the counter next to you, as you finally pulled out an old polaroid and handed it to him. His eyes widened to the size of planets, inspecting the photo of a young boy. “I don’t know if he still lives around these parts or if this is just a shot in the dark, you…you don’t know him do you?”.
His eyes were still, slowly moving from the photo up to you as he tried to process the situation. “As a matter of fact, I do…”. He said, smirking to himself, shaking his head. “May I ask why you’re looking?“. You sighed and rested your head against the counter with a huff.
“Well we were kinda close when we were kids and since I’m back in Hawkins I thought maybe we could reconnect? God I don’t know, is this just super creepy?”.
“I think it’s kinda endearing.” He chuckled and shot you a smile that made you feel at ease, handing you back the photo.
“So if you know him do you know where I could maybe find him?”. Your eyes gleamed with hope and he chuckled, watching your ears perk up.
He grinned widely and held out his hand. “Long time no see, sweetheart”. Your eyes widened as you were rendered speechless, staring down at his hand in shock.
“Eddie?!”. You exclaimed in shock, as he moved his hair to reveal his name sewn onto his work vest. A wide grin passed your lips as you leapt into his arms and brought him into a huge hug, Robin finally walked out for the back and rolled her eyes at the display, storming back. “Oh my god you…you have hair! And like…so much of it”. Your hands grabbed strands of his hair as you couldn’t stop staring and grinning, his smile never fading as he watched you.
“Yeah, I look a little different huh?”. You just nodded with a smirk and dropped your hands from his hair. “Hey, you’re not exactly the same person I remember when we were kids”. You smiled and bowed your head and nodded slightly, thinking about when you were younger.
“Guess you weren’t the only one growing out your hair. At least people won’t mistake me for your brother anymore, huh?”. He chuckled thinking back to how you used to dress, it never bothered either of you at the time, he just wished kids were a little nicer about it.
“Not everything is different I mean, I’m still with my band, we play a lot of gigs around Hawkins”. Your eyes lit up at the mention of the band as it brought you back to all the times they would play. Private performances for your parents and public ones at school talent shows.
“Corroded coffin? Are you kidding me? Oh my god is it still Gareth and-”.
“And Jeff and Grant yeah.” Robin and Steve watched you both through the blinds, shocked to see Eddie smiling for once. Steve was usually the one with the game, but today it seemed his coworker was doing pretty good on his own. Eddie glanced over and noticed them immediately and sighed, shaking his head, staring up at the ceiling and praying for the Lord to give him strength.
“Here”. He grabbed a pen and some paper and started writing down his home number and handing it over to you.
“Home phone, no pressure to call. Power is in your hands.” You stared back into his eyes and beamed at him with a wide grin. Without hesitation, you pulled him into another hug and held him tightly.
“It was so good seeing you again, Eddie.” As you pulled away he stood in shock at your words and nodded nervously, watching as you waved goodbye and headed out of the store. He let go of the breath he was holding as Robin and Steve rushed out.
“Who the hell was that?”. Steve questioned, Eddie’s face erupting into a wide grin. Before he could open his mouth, a beeping came from his watch.
“Ah sorry Stevie, saved by the bell”. He said, his hands landing in his back pockets as he looked towards the door. “Clock out for me!”. He yelled back as Robin barked back a no, just before the door closed. Life just got a little more interesting.
“Hey Uncle Wayne, any messages for me?”. His uncle shook his head sadly and tried to force a small reassuring smirk.
“Sorry son, told you before I’ll let you know if anyone asks for you.” He patted his hand against his shoulder and rubbed it lightly. Eddie was silent as they shared a longing look before he pulled his leather jacket over his arms.
“I gotta go. I’ll be back after my shift, don’t wait up.” Wayne just nodded and took a deep breath, watching his nephew pile into his van and drive out of the trailer park.
It had been a couple of days and Eddie hadn’t heard anything from his former best friend, it wasn’t like he had any high exceptions but it wasn’t like he wasn’t hoping to hear back. He’d been lucky enough to not share a shift with either of his meddling friends and Robin was too occupied with band practice to bug him about it. That was until this afternoon when he knew the storm that was coming.
Today was an unfortunate double whammy, Steve and Robin. Steve alone might have been bearable, he wasn’t one to pry, but Robin on the other hand possessed no filter and that’s when Steve becomes an enabler. And he doesn’t even realise he’s doing it, but the more questions Robin asks the more he starts considering his own and his mouth is already moving faster than his brain.
He took a deep breath and pushed the door open with a chime of the bell, bracing for impact. And there it was, the strangest and most unsettling sight to behold. His two best friends resting their elbows against the front desk, wide smiles and eyes as he strongly considered they’d be kidnapped and replaced with creepy carbon copies who didn’t blink. With a large sigh, he stomped over to them and folded his arms across his chest.
He walked over to the counter and began pulling things out of his pockets and placing them on the counter. They shared a glance in confusion as he pulled out a small flat-edged die and held it up to the light with a smile. He rolled it against the table and gestured to it with his hands. “5”. He called out, his colleague's faces scrunched in utter disarray.
“What the hell are you doing?”. Robin finally asked, pushing her hands back and folding her arms.
“Waiting for you to do your damage”. They both rolled their eyes and stood up, groaning in anger as they waved him off and their grins were replaced with disappointed frowns. A laugh escaped him, shaking his head and refilling his pockets. Steve shook his head and sighed, looking back at him.
“You’re not even gonna ask why we were grinning at you like psychos?”. Eddie shrugged, it wasn’t something that was super out of their realm of weirdness.
“It’s because you saw me give my number to someone and you want to know if they called”. Robin scoffed with a smirk and looked back at Steve, leaving Eddie in a state of confusion.
“We don’t need to know if they called or not”. Steve interjected, looking between him and Robin. She wandered over to the work phone and picked up a folded-up piece of paper that was left on the table, his eyebrows raised trying to figure out what was happening when she grinned.
“Because we already know they did”. Eddie’s eyes grew wide, a swirling mixture of shock and fear and confusion flooding his mind as his first instinct was to grab at the note.
Robin moved it away as he growled under his breath and sighed to himself. “I’ll give you it under one condition, you tell us all about this mystery person”. He wanted to say no. To tell himself she was bluffing, but either way, they knew what they said on that phone and he would never find out unless he was complacent. So he rolled his eyes and nodded back at her lightly before he went to grab the note again, her hand still pulling away.
She handed the note to Steve who grinned and opened it up, Eddie’s patience wearing thin. “They said you missed a digit off your phone number so they couldn’t get a hold of you, they also…” Steve leaned against the counter and opened the note up to show Eddie. “Left their number and address”. He was silent and slightly embarrassed as he scrunched his face and snatched the paper from Steve, rereading the words and shoving it into the pockets of his jeans.
“For the record, you guys suck”. Eddie hung up his jacket and pulled his work vest off the hook, pulling his arms through.
“For the record, you owe us the low down on your new babe.” He smiled at her with a smile that she knew all too well, a cocky and proud one that was paired with his signature head tilt.
“Sorry Rob, I’m a sly fox”. He admitted pulling his hand from behind his back and revealing that his fingers were crossed during their agreement. Steve sighed and shook his head in disappointment, as Robin rolled her eyes. “And they're not my new babe, I mean god…it’s been years since we saw each other, a lot can change”.
“Come on man, they looked stoked to see you, even with all these...” His hands gestured to his outfit and hair. “New additions”. He wasn’t sure how he was feeling towards them yet, it was all new. They were still strangers to him now. He had no idea if they’d still be considered friends or not, let alone anything more.
“Hey, don’t know if you noticed but I’m not exactly boyfriend material ‘kay?”. He was the outcast, the nerd, the freak. He’d never fit in even before the leather and chains, stuff like relationships were never really something he needed to concern himself with. “Give it another week and she’ll know all about Eddie ‘The Freak’ Munson and then you’ll have to find something else to entertain yourselves with.” His friends seemed a little worried about his self-doubt, sharing a knowing look.
“Listen, Eddie, when they called they seemed super nervous and that’s a telltale sign of liking someone! They could have given up after the phone number fumble but they called your job, they asked us about you. Come on, I know you flunked high school twice but you’re smart enough to know what this means!”. Eddie was silent as he processed her advice but struggled to accept it.
“Robin’s right, Eddie. It was written all over their face, all these years and they are running around Hawkins trying to find you? Seriously, super into you”. It was difficult to hear and he still found it hard to get completely on board with them, but he considered the facts. They did say they were looking around town for him, they did call up to try to contact him. They did hold him a little tighter when they hugged him goodbye. But that could mean anything, right?
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myloveforhergoeson · 3 months
tw: discussion of scars + childhood injury
“woah… what’s this?”
gingerly, roxy caught james’ left wrist between her calloused fingers, turning his forearm to face her direction as they cuddled on one of the many lounge chairs by the pool. with his well maintained tan from hours spent in the los angeles sun, the thin white line was almost impossible to spot; she’d certainly never noticed it before today.
thumb swiping over the scarred area, she felt james slightly flinch at her touch. “it’s nothing… old injury.”
removing the right arm slung around her waist, he shifted to the left a bit, dark sunglasses obscuring the look on his face. he covered the mark with his hand for a moment, palm over the area like a bandaid, before taking a breath and gathering his girlfriend in his arms once more.
with her ear to his chest, she could hear his heart race. though that might be due to their proximity, the feeling of his palms growing clammy on her bare skin told her otherwise.
she silently praised her choice of a red crop top for the day.
“i’ve got one on the back of my leg,” she said in response to the chill, moving her right foot into the air and wiggling it a bit to ease the tension she could sense radiating off of him in waves. “one of dani’s dogs didn’t like me very much. i got too close to her one day and she really decided to let me know… god, that shit hurt like hell.”
one of his brows raised, signifying she’d caught his attention. “you had to know that she didn’t like you. dogs are super vocal about that type of thing aren’t they? like, missy really hates logan. we think she can sense he’s more of a cat person.”
“i know you’re not blaming me for being viciously bit by a crazy animal right now. everybody else loves me! why should i assume bear felt any different?”
air shot out of his nostrils in a silent chuckle, tickling the top of her head, almost going unheard against the chatter of other hotel patrons on the deck around them. “the dog was named bear?! baby, you were totally asking for it!”
visions of the black labradoodle ran through her mind, much like how bear loved to run through dani’s family’s large, open property. “she was a total sweetheart when mag and dani were around her… maybe she doesn’t like gorgeous, talented women or something.”
james’ nose exhale turned into full on laughter, roxy practically bouncing off his chest as his body shook at her words.
from the table beside their lounger, roxy reached out to take a drink of the lemonade she’d picked up from the cafe, offering the cup out to her boyfriend as well.
after a long, slow sip, james’ free hand set it down before sinking into her long hair. instinctively, her arm draped around his waist. “i forgot to put the blade guards on my skates after practice one night. coach worked us so hard that day i was just happy to get off the ice and get home; too distracted by what my mom might be making for dinner to think straight. walked out of the arena with my bag in one hand and my stick and skates in the other, hit a patch of black ice before i reached her car, and ended up cutting myself up pretty darn good.”
just the thought of the sharp, stainless steel of an ice skate anywhere near her skin caused a shiver to crawl down the girl’s spine. “that must have been awful…”
“well a trip to the er, sixteen stitches, and a bunch of ibuprofen later i was feeling just fine. i think my ego was more bruised than anything. my mom was super freaked though.”
“well yeah,” roxy nodded, finger rising to trace the lines of the soft black tank top james wore, “any mom would be worried about such a substantial injury. i’ve never had stitches but i imagine sixteen means it was very big and very deep.”
closing his eyes, james took another breath. “deep? yes. big? eh. nothing like the time carlos got a metal plate put in his head.”
“jesus christ. i’m going to pass out just thinking of it…” her hand curled into a fist, taking the smooth fabric with it.
a few kids from their class were starting up a game of volleyball in the pool in front of them, sounds of shouting and splashing water distracting the writer from their conversation momentarily.
“but you’re right,” james continued. “my mom was worried - just not about me. more about the mark it would leave than anything… she even called an emergency meeting for her product development team to start work on a scar cream. i still use it to this day.”
roxy chose not to comment on the success of the cream if she was still able to see the mark that remained on her boyfriend’s skin, though her heart panged at his words. clearly, brooke’s concern had reached him, just for the wrong reasons. she saw it in the way he instinctively covered the area when she’d mentioned it, in the solemn way he discussed the product he still used, months, maybe years, after his accident.
without thinking, her fingers caught his wrist again from where they tangled in her locks and pulled his forearm to the sun once more. the scar stood out more prominently to her now, and now she couldn’t even remember what he looked like without it. it was part of what made james james. “she shouldn’t have made you feel that way... it was an accident; you were seriously hurt. who cares what it would look like in the future? what should have mattered was your safety in that moment and beyond.”
he didn’t respond to her, gaze somewhere off in the distance behind the tint of his shades. this time, when roxy swiped her thumb over the area, he didn’t jump.
“we all show concern in our own way i suppose,” he whispered into her hair, placing a kiss on her crown before resting his chin there.
as they cuddled by the pool, james hugged roxy just a little bit tighter.
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zeroseuniverse · 2 years
Say Hello To Goodbyes
Warnings: angst, rejection
Summary: In which so much don’t always get a happy ending after all
Pairing: Hyunjin x reader
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Rejection of a soulmate had many issues, the nausea was the first to hit, then the chest pains from separation, then the sickness leaving you bedridden until finally either the depression or the pain finishes you off. Soulmates were sacred, you were made from the same soul.
She and Hyunjin were friends since childhood, the cutest duo honestly. Until they recieved their soul bond, they didn’t realize it was each other and one of the girls in their class used it to their advantage to get with Hyunjin. Never the smartest, Hyunjin fell for the girl and hard, seemingly ditching Ki anytime the other girl showed interest. And as her health deterioated Hyunjin remained oblivious because he wasn’t the one that was rejected.
“You really should tell him.” Seungmin sighed as he wiped the wet washcloth on his friend’s head.
“And what? Have him deny it? Not believe me? No that will just increase this process, though at this point it doesn’t seem like such a bad idea.” She moaned out as the heat scorched her once again, Seungmin winced as her hand grasped his wrist tightly. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
“Hey, I’m not worried about me, You’re my priority right now.”
“You know, in another life, I think we could have been soulmates, Seung.” She smiled weakly, reaching up to brush his bangs out of his face. The boy grinned fondly down at his friend who had caught him when he was at his lowest the year before. Right before Hyunjin had chosen Areum, She had found him crying his eyes out on the stairs outside of their school because he had gotten frustrated with balancing all of his responsibilities. It started a routine, she’d help him relax and maybe take a load off of his shoulders some days, and He would look after her and cover for her as her sickness got worse.
“We are soulmates, just platonic ones. There is nobody I’d rather be stuck with.” Sadly Seungmin had been one of the few unfortunate individuals to not receive a soulmate. It was rare but it usually meant he would bond naturally with someone platonically and be their guardian. Not that she was aware, she was completely oblivious to the protective stance Seungmin took anytime she started to feel weak.
The two stayed in her bed for a few more minutes before he picked her up and helped her to the bathroom so she could get cleaned up, after running her bath and helping her get undressed he left her to wash, choosing to spend his time in the kitchen making them some food, though his train of action was disrupted by a knock on the door.
Sighing, the male walked to the door and pulled it open, revealing a familiar male holding her favorite treats…that she can’t even eat anymore.
“Uh Hey, I’m Hyunjin. You must be her soulmate.” He greeted, sticking his hand out only for Seungmin to stare at the gesture as if it was the dumbest thing in the world. Though what did bring Seungmin pleasure was that his voice sounded like he had been crying for hours.
“What do you want?” Seungmin asked bluntly, simply raising an eyebrow at the man who awkwardly pulled his hand back.
“Uh, is she here? I kind of wanted to apologize for blowing her off.”
“Aren’t you like a year late for that?” Seungmin asked bluntly, hoping he was getting under Hyunjin’s skin.
“Look just because you’re her soulmate doesn’t mean you know everything.”
“I’m not.” Seungmin was always blunt, never one to hide how he was feeling, and Hyunjin was feeling the distaste like it was hitting him in the face.
“I’m not her soulmate, I’m the one who picked up the pieces you forgot, so excuse me but I have food to cook.”
Just before he could close the door Hyunjin shoved his foot in the doorway. “Wait, just give these to her, okay? I just want her to know I’m sorry.”
“Ha you think this will fix everything you unknowingly did? Please leave, she can’t even eat those snacks anymore.” Seungmin dismissed, kicking the foot in the door swiftly and slamming it shut in his face.
“Seung?” He heard the raspy voice call out and he immediately went to care for her.
Finding her alone was hard, anytime he saw her she was propped up against Seungmin as if he was her lifeline. But luck seemed to be on his side as Seungmin left her side to go to the bathroom at lunch and Hyunjin jumped at the opportunity to talk to her finally.
“Hey.” He breathed out as he sat down across from her, only now did he notice the pale skin, dark bags and the sheen layering her body from sweat. “Oh God are you okay?”
“I’m alive.” She gasped out before coughing a bit.
“What happened?” He panicked, reaching out to feel her forehead only for her to move away from his touch.
“I came by last night to visit you but your guard dog sent me away.” Hyunjin explained hoping for a chuckle or something at the nickname for Seungmin.
“He’s not my guard dog. And I know he told me.”
“When did you guys get close, you guys didn’t even acknowledge each other when we were friends.”
“When my soulmate chose someone else over me and he offered to help keep me comfortable til my time came.” She sighed slightly dramatically but still deadly serious. She stood up as Seungmin appeared behind her grabbing her bag and her untouched plate leading her away.
“Wait…”Hyunjin trailed off before his eyes widened, they had the same soul bond but he assumed there was no way he’d get paired with her so he moved on to a new idea. Oh god was he stupid? The thoughts that rang through his head made sense now.
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aristrocrat · 3 years
Stiles Gets His License
basically just Stiles crushing on you. i kind of want to make a series out of this. think of this as the prequel to the show. :) enjoy
“Dude, this is sick!” Scott shouted happily as his best friend drove into his driveway. He opened the passenger door and hopped in. “This was your moms?”
“Yeah! I mean my dad wanted to sell it and put the money towards another car but it’s nice to kind of have a piece of her around, you know? Plus it’s in near perfect condition!”
“Oookay, dude. I’m looking at your dashboard right now and I can honestly say that I didn’t even know cars HAD that many warning lights,” Scott smirked earned an annoyed look from his childhood friend.
“Dude I said NEAR perfect. A little duck tape and this baby is ready for an off road adventure in the mountains,” Stiles said proudly, patting his steering wheel. Almost instantly the car squealed in response. Stiles chuckled nervously before hitting the steering wheel with force a few times in order for it to stop.
“Yeah, you’re definitely riding solo on that big adventure, bud!” Scott pat his friend’s shoulder, earning a dramatic swat-away.
“Whatever, I bet Y/N would LOVE to go with me!” Stiles shrugged.
“Yeah, bro. You wish,” Scott chuckled, hinting at the crush Stiles has been nursing for years now.
Although it was a joke, he could really picture it. Nothing but you, him, the trees while blaring his mom’s old cassettes that he’d found earlier that day.
You reminded him a lot of her. Your voice, your taste in music, but mostly your personality. You were sweet and playful. You never hesitated to respond to his witty remarks in the best ways. And the thing that always made him melt was how you, above all, cared wholeheartedly about the people you loved.
“Go with you where?” The sweet, melodic voice made the boys jump, making you smile. For a second, the boys forgot that the windows were wide open. You perched against Stiles’ window and leaned against her hand. His heart sped at the close proximity. The smell of you was intoxicating.
“Off roading in the mountains. You. Me. And this baby!” Stiles grinned, going to pat the steering wheel but refraining due to the past event. He settles for awkwardly rubbing the dashboard.
“Yeah, pass. I heard that thing squealing from my room next door. But we should celebrate our new chauffeur! Wanna grab some snacks and have a movie night? Or maybe we can go to the woods and star gaze!” you called while jogging over to Scott’s side of the car. “Unless, of course, you’re too chicken!”
“Why’d you look at me when you said that?” Scott pouted as you opened his door and waited for him to hop in the back. “Well now you definitely don’t get shotgun.”
“Ugh okay then get out so I can climb in the back,” you rolled your eyes.
“Nice try. Last time you said that you refused to move from the seat. Climb over me,” Scott shrugged. You huffed and started to climb over him.
A hint of jealousy tickled Stiles’ chest.
“Oh my god, you’re joking,” you scoffed, looking at his dead pan face. “Fine.”
“Stiles! I hear that you got your-…” Melissa began as she walked out into her driveway. She stopped talking as soon as she caught a glimpse of the flying limbs and curse words coming from the passenger’s seat. “What the hell is-? Actually you know what? I don’t want to know. I just wanted to wish you a congratulations before I left for my shift! .. Also please don’t kill my son.”
“I’m really thinking about it right now,” He said looking over at Scott and rolling his eyes at the way he threw the rest of your body in the back seat. Melissa chuckled.
“Well, I’m actually in a hurry. But you kids have fun. Be. Careful.” She said sternly as she walked towards her car. “Scott, I have a late shift tonight but I left some money on the counter for a pizza and a little extra for Stiles’ gas! Congrats again!”
“I’m not taking that money!” Stiles called out. “But thanks anyway!”
“Okay since we can’t decide on a movie, want to go out to the woods and star gaze or start a campfire? I think my dad has some beer.” You smiled. The boys were sitting quietly, both of them dead set on watching their respective movie choices. “I’m not really in the mood to watch Star Wars or Inception anyway.”
“Yeah, that sounds way better than having to hear Scott shit on a cinematic masterpiece,” Stiles stood up, grabbing his keys from his left pocket. Scott playfully rolled his eyes and followed behind the two of you.
“So what essay topic did you chose for tomorrow’s paper?” You asked, trying to lighten to mood a bit as you walked out of the front door.
“The effects of-”
“Wait, what essay?” Scott interrupted. The two of you stopped in your tracks and turned back to him. “There’s an essay?”
“Yeah, the two page essay in English over-”
“Jane Eyre. Oh my god. Yeah, I can’t go out tonight. I almost forgot to finish that!” Scott yelped. He started jogging back towards his room. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow!”
You both stood in silence for a second. Stiles’ heart fell a little at the thought of the night ending so soon. All he wanted to do was hang out with you. He was debating on making the good ol’ yawn-and-stretch move during the movie. There went that plan.
“I’m kind of bummed. I was excited to go to the woods,” he heard you mumble. He looked up with wide eyes and saw you looking at the jeep. When you looked back at him, he swore he felt an army of butterflies swarm his stomach.
“Yeah, me too. I mean, we could just swing by the gas station, grab a few snacks and watch the sunset. I mean- if you want. I totally get if you don’t since Scott isn’t here!” He spoke swiftly, making you laugh. God, that laugh.
You’ve always been closer to Scott than Stiles. Your moms were best friends since their high school years so when they fell pregnant at the same time, that title was bestowed upon the two of you. Your moms wanted so bad for the two of you to get married and loved to make jokes or plans on the future you two held together.
It wasn’t like you never thought about it, especially as kids. As you aged, though, you both grew to realize that you were more like siblings than anything else. So the idea of getting together was just mutually weird. But regardless of how many times Scott assured Stiles of this, it never really seemed to click.
“Yeah, that sounds like fun! But we don’t need to spend money on snacks, I have a pantry full of the best junk food money can buy,” You joked, making him chuckle softly. “Wait here, okay? I’ll be right back.”
Stiles hopped into his jeep. He could feel his heart pumping at the speed of light. An endless amount of questions and over analytical thoughts raced through his mind while you took your sweet time in your house. He scrolled through his phone to take his mind off of the fact that you agreed to hang out with him. After a while, he even began to wonder if you just flat out changed your mind and decided to leave him planted.
Then he saw your door open and close before you approached the Jeep. You were carrying an enormous bag that, by the looks of it, was filled to the brim with snacks.
“Damn, are you planning on feeding a whole village!?” He said dramatically as you plopped the bag in backseat. You grinned and rolled your eyes.
“Oh that’s just for me! This is for you,” You pulled out a granola bar and tossed it lightly at his face that he failed to catch.
“Okay, ow!” He laughed throwing it back. “And that better not be for me. I strictly only eat junk food and that does not meet those qualifications.”
“Huh. So the man can’t catch and only eats junk food. Remind me again why you’re on the lacrosse team?” You teased.
“Whatever, you’re just grumpy because you’re hungry. For my sake, please start eating,” He said making you giggle. “Oh my god, before I forget. You’ll never guess what I found today. My mom’s cassettes.”
“NO WAY! Oh my god!” Your eyes widened in excitement.
“I was hoping to listen to these with you actually! Scott doesn’t really understand my music taste.”
“That’s because Scott lacks any kind of taste. I would love to listen to them with you! Can I pick one out or did you have one picked out?”
Whenever he first became friends with Scott, you and him were a package deal. Every time Scott came over, so did you. Though, you’d tag along strictly to spend time with Stiles’ parents. You absolutely adored them. You’d help his dad with little projects around the house that Stiles always refused to do and beg his mom to braid your hair. Since your mom was often at work, you’d rarely have your hair done in much else besides pigtails. Claudia happily took you and Scott under her wing knowing your parents were always working or away.
You even adopted a few of her mannerisms like the way you put in your earrings. The faces you made while putting on your makeup. The way you took things out of the oven. It was all her.
So getting to listen to her music was almost as special to you as it was Stiles. He wouldn’t want to share this moment with anyone else. Even though it took the entire drive for you to finally decide on a cassette.
“Jesus christ Y/L/N just pick one!”
“Oh my god! This one says ‘To my brave deputy, the man who still asks me to kill spiders’! We HAVE to listen to this one!” You cackled, holding up the cassette only for it to be swiftly taken out of your hands.
“NO WAY! She cannot be talking about my dad. He gives me such shit for making him kill spiders!” He laughed before realizing how much of a wus he sounded like. “I mean like when I was a kid.”
“No, you don’t,” You laughed as you grabbed it back and put it in the stereo. He opened his mouth to argue whenever a soft giggle blared over his speakers
“Noah, I swear to God if anyone hears this but you, I will kill you,” Claudia’s voice immediately shut the two of you up. You both almost forgot the sound of it and stayed silent while she spoke. “I am not normally the love ballad type of gal but having you in my life changed that. Here are a few songs I used to make fun of my parents for liking. Now they make me think of you. Anyway, I love you haha I hope you enjoy!”
You looked over at Stiles who was looking at the horizon. Your heart broke at the sight of the tears that threaten to fall. The goofy boy who was just teasing you the whole drive disappeared into a numb shell.
Until he felt you take his hand into your small one.
His eyes widened and looked at you. Searching your face for the reason that compelled you to do such a thing. He looked down at the perfectly intertwined hands and relaxed a bit.
“Are you okay?” you asked softly. Stiles nodded.
“Yeah, yeah, um.. it’s just been a while since I heard her voice,” He smiled back as the lively song played on. A hint of sadness showed in your smile as you nodded. “I wasn’t expecting to hear her voice but I’m kind of happy to have heard it actually.”
“Me too. I miss her in all her spider killing glory,” You said earning a small chuckle from the boy.
“Yeah or the way she would say both. Like where’d the L come from?” He laughed and watch you throw your head up in laughter. Instantly, you both shot into a conversation about Claudia and old her funny way of being. She was such a light. Just like you, Stiles thought.
You continued to talk about anything and everything well into the night. You didn’t let go of his hand the whole time. Stiles could feel himself falling deeper in love with you in such a gentle and sweet way. He wanted to explore being your friend before anything else so that he could get to know every part of you; the friend, the girlfriend.
“Shoot, we missed the sunset!” You pouted after the cassette finished playing its last song, pulling your hand away to look for your phone. “What time is it?”
“I don’t even want to know,” He smiled. You looked at him with your Y/E/C colored eyes and he swore he felt his heart melt. “Can we just stay here a little longer before we go back to the real world?”
“Yes, please,” you smiled. He continued to look in your eyes before you blushed slightly and shied away. The blush was subtle. He could barely see it in the dim light his car provided. But he did. “Hey, the stars are out! Wanna step outside and look at them?”
“Yeah, sure!” He nodded. You both got out of the car and opted to sit on the hood of his Jeep. It was a struggle for you to jump up but once you did, you plopped right next to himZ You were so close he could smell your shampoo. “What’s your astrological sign?”
“I’m a A/S. Why?” you asked, amused at where he was taking the conversation.
“Oh, that’s your constellation!” He pointed up at the sky.
“You realize I can’t see from your perspective and you’re just randomly pointing at stars right now, right?” you asked sarcastically. He rolled his eyes and scooted closer to you and touched his right cheek to your left one. Instantly, his stomach was doing flips. And so was yours.
“Okay, close your right eye… that one,” he said softly while pointing again. Stiles? No. He’d been your friend since elementary school. He was Scott’s dorky friend. There was no way you could feel this way.
But you did.
The scent of his cologne suddenly made you feel tipsy. The warmth of his body felt so radiant and welcoming. The sound of his soft, raspy voice was more beautiful than any song you’d ever heard.
“How do you know that?” You asked, voice just above a whisper.
“My dad, um, he and I used to be total astronomy nerds,” He replied, moving his face away but keeping his body just as close.
“Aww.. now you’re just a nerd,” you teased, making him chuckle.
“Um, no. I’m just a nerd by-”
“Association,” You both said before laughing.
You missed his warmth pressed against your cheek. You wanted to find a way to get closer. It felt ridiculous that you were so nervous to touch him, but you were. You pushed past the nerves and shuffled a little to get into a comfortable position. Then he felt you hesitate a bit before placing your head on his shoulder.
Your head was on his shoulder.
His head was spinning. This was the moment he’d been waiting for since he met you. He felt a surge of confidence overtake him as he finally decided to voice his feelings.
“You know, Y/N, I-”
Suddenly your phone rang inside of the jeep and you sighed.
“It can wait. What were you going to say?” You asked, wanting nothing more but to hear the words about to fall from his sweet lips. The phone grew silent. But as he drew his breath in, trying to rebuild the confidence to confess, your phone rang again. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry. I need to check if it’s my mom.”
“No, no it’s okay,” he lied. “Go answer it, it might be important.”
And sure enough, it was your mom. He heard you mumble your explanation for being out so late on a school night. And just like that, the moment was killed.
“Um, yeah my mom wants me home,” You chuckled nervously. You were so embarrassed of the cock block that was your mother. “She’s pretty mad.”
“No, I mean it is late!” He laughed. “We can do this again some other time! Let’s get you home.”
You filled in the ride home with light, playful conversation. Mid-conversation you’d both burst into song and continue up like it was nothing. He did notice that, unlike the ride to the woods, you looked at him the whole way home. He felt so warm in your gaze.
“Thanks for the ride,” You said as he pulled into your driveway.
“Yeah, no problem,” He smiled. You grabbed your bag of snacks and got out of the car. His heart sunk at the sight of you leaving. As you walked past his side of the car, though, you paused.
“Hey, Sti?”
“Thanks.. for tonight I mean,” You smiled as you leaned into his window. “I had a lot of fun. We should do this again sometime.”
He opened his mouth to answer but was greeted with a kiss to the cheek. It felt as if time stopped and the world ceased to exist.
He’d seen you do it a million times with your friends. It was a playful, quick act you did with ease. But this was different. You lingered. Enough to satiate his senses with your scent and the touch of your soft lips. He blushed furiously in response. His breath caught in his throat. You pulled away smiling once more before lugging your snack tote back inside.
Stiles stayed still for a few seconds after your closed your front door. His fingers grazed the skin you had just kissed before driving off with the goofiest, love-struck grin.
He was so into you.
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for-fucks-sake-h · 4 years
At My Weakest - two
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rated: m, mature | word count: 4.2k | story page  
“I wanna taste you again. Like a secret or a sin.”
  - Matthew Perryman Jones 
When Gianna stirred awake, she wasn’t surprised to find Harry laying beside her. What she was surprised about though was the absolute softness of his face. 
The lines of his cheekbone and jaw were still sharp, but his skin was completely smooth. The usual indent between his brows was nonexistent, and his hair was a beautiful curly mess. She found herself reaching out to smooth some stray curls back behind his ear, her fingertips just barely brushing his soft skin. 
He didn’t disappoint once he got her in his bed. Turns out his smug, cocky demeanor could be backed up, and backed up well. He wasn’t short on foreplay, he didn’t rush into it. If anything, he drew out the string of anticipation so ridiculously thin it snapped; until they were all hands and mouths and moans and pleasure. 
It was good. It was fun. It was a much needed distraction.
But it looked different in the daylight. 
What was passionate gasps and needy hands in the dimmed moonlight, was just a sloppy rebound fuck with a friend in the early morning daylight. 
Gianna was careful to slip out of bed, nakedly grabbing her borrowed sweater from the floor before tiptoeing to his bathroom. And when she returned, she was met with green eyes and tousled hair. 
“Thought you left.” His voice was even deeper than usual, the early morning rasp doing nothing to quell Gianna’s increasingly warming skin. “Didn’t think you were a hit and run kinda person.” 
Gianna breathed a soft laugh as she made her way over to him in just her sweater.
“No, but I should probably get my ass on the couch before your sister wakes up.” 
“Y’know she sleeps like the dead.” He watched her as he fiddled with the corner of his duvet, eyes tracing the curve of her hip where the sweater ended against her caramel skin. “Could give you one more before you go.”  
The lightness of his eyes looked iridescent in the morning light, especially in comparison to the blown out brown of Gianna’s staring back at him.  
He sat up just then, the dark emerald sheet slipping down his chest to rest casually across his bare hips. He was a sight with his unruly hair falling over his collar bones and his toned chest and stomach on full display. 
“In fact,” he started as he scooted down the bed until he was right in front of her, his feet meeting the ground as he pulled her closer between his thighs, “was thinking we could do this whenever you want.” 
Gianna’s hands found his bare shoulders, his skin still incredibly warm from sleep and as soft as it looked. 
“Is this my sweater?” Harry asked suddenly as he looked down to where he played with the knitted fabric at her hips, his hands slowly splaying out on Gianna’s bare thighs.  
“Gemma gave it to me last night,” she responded softly.  
“Hm. Anyway… could be a perfect fit for both of us,” Harry murmured, his head tilted up towards Gianna’s, his lips inches from hers. The innuendo was embedded in his tone and the look on his face, and even more blatantly obvious when the most subtle indent of a dimple teased its way onto his cheek.  
It would be too easy for Gianna to take him up on the offer, crawl back into bed with him and let him bring her over the edge as many times as he wanted; as many times as she wanted. But for as sexy and generous as he’d been, she knew it wasn’t the best idea and something she shouldn’t get used to.  
Gianna sighed with a gentle squeeze to his shoulder blade. “H…” 
“G,” Harry rebutted in a playful tone. 
“Probably not a good idea.”  
“I beg to differ. Think it’s a great idea. My best idea yet.”  
“Last night was fun,” Gianna offered gently. “I just don’t think we should make a habit out of it. I have a lot going on and I don’t want to drag you—”
“—Hey, say no more.”  
If Harry’s ego was bruised from the rejection, he didn’t show it.  
Instead, he pushed himself up from the bed as she took a step back, the sheet knowingly falling away from his body as he stood before her at his full height. They were nearly chest to chest, and it took everything inside Gianna to ignore the way her nipples pebbled beneath the soft fabric of her sweater.  
“The offer’s available if you ever want it.”  His lips curled around every word, only making his offer even more overwhelmingly enticing.   
He didn’t wait for a response. Instead, his chest brushed against her arm as he carelessly moved around her to head to the bathroom, completely naked, every inch of his body on display.  
If he felt Gianna’s eyes on him, he didn’t show it.   
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A fresh steam of her reworn silk skirt and sheer button down blouse later, and the party was in full swing, guests arriving one after another to her parents home.  
Gianna was lucky to have arrived when she did, the distraction of guests doing her every favor to hold off the inevitable questions from her family. A quick comment that Steve was held up at work was as far into it as she could get before her mother was whisked away by one thing or another. Gianna wasn’t so worried about the lie as she was her delivery of said lie. 
The end of her relationship was the last thing she felt like discussing at her fathers 50th birthday celebration.  
The one thing she didn’t anticipate was the possibility of Steve showing up.  
She saw him as soon as he walked through the front door, his polo shirt and perfectly styled hair immediately catching her eye.  His eyes scanned the room in search of her, and it felt like her heart could literally drop out of her ass.  
Gianna excused herself from her fathers colleagues before making her way toward him, her blood boiling as her heart pounded in her chest.  
“What are you doing here?” She whispered harshly as she pulled him aside, eyes ablaze as she looked at him.  
“You haven’t been answering your phone.”  His response was so casual for someone who blew up their life together without a second thought.  
“Yeah you lost that privilege yesterday, Steve.”  
“Gianna, please. Let’s just talk about this.”  
“You need to leave.”  
“Y’alright?”  Gianna turned to look up at the sound of the intruder's voice, her eyes meeting Harry’s expressionless face immediately.  
Gianna was quick to reel in her emotions as well, instead smiling and greeting Harry and Gemma and their parents.  
“Hi guys! Yeah, yeah, all good. Steve was just leaving,” Gianna continued to smile despite the confused look on Harry and Gemma’s parents faces. “He’s gotta work.” 
Steve huffed. “You’re being ridiculous.”  
“Let’s go find Lisa!” Gemma suggested to her parents with a gentle guide on both of their backs.   
“Oh, she’s in the kitchen.” Gianna pointed in the direction of her mother and released a sigh when they headed that way.  
Gianna turned back to Steve the moment they were out of earshot. “You’re a real asshole, you know that?”  
Steve opened his mouth to reply, but Harry was quick to interject. “Think she told you to go.”  
Gianna watched the anger wash over Steve’s face as he turned to Harry.
“Shouldn’t take me telling you for you to listen,” Harry added with a disapproving shake of his head.
That confidence Harry exuded? Yeah, it came in handy in a wide array of situations.  
“Don’t make me kick you out of here,” Gianna told Steve. “I don’t want to cause a scene and embarrass my mum but I will if I have to.”  
Harry took the most subtle step closer. He really only sort of shifted his weight towards Gianna more, barely enough to even notice, but judging by Steve’s disgruntled face, he noticed.  
Gianna noticed too.  
“We’re going to talk about this later.”  Just the sound of Steve’s voice made Gianna’s heart plummet. It wasn’t supposed to be like this, but it was. 
She watched him turn around with an exasperated huff, a withheld breath escaping her when he disappeared through the front door.  
Gianna momentarily forgot Harry was still standing beside her.  “Yeah,” she nodded. “Gonna go hide for a bit and collect myself.”  
She didn’t wait for his response before she disappeared upstairs with tears welling in her eyes.  
Who did Steve think he was?  Just showing up at her parents home as if nothing happened? Something did happen. A lot of shit happened.  Many words were exchanged and the way Gianna left their home and didn’t look back said even more then her frustrated, broken words.  
Gianna didn’t know how long she hid in her childhood bathroom, but apparently it was long enough for someone to come looking for her when she heard the softest tap on the door.  
She wasn’t crying, that was a plus. So she braced herself for her mother to be undoubtedly on the other side of the door, but opened it slowly to find none other than Harry leaned up against the doorframe, his face closer than she would have expected.  
His chin was pointed down towards his chest, leaving him to look up at her through his lashes with his eyebrows raised high and the lines across his forehead even more prominent.  
“Just checking on you. Y’don’t have to come out yet if you don’t wanna.”  
Gianna leaned against the wall so that she was standing parallel to him, her body lining up perfectly with his, both of their arms crossed over their chests, the door to the bathroom propped open just enough for them to see each other.  
“Is my mum looking for me?”  
He pursed his lips with regret. “I did hear her say your name a little bit ago.”  
Gianna released a deep sigh as she let her eyes fall closed. “I can’t believe he just showed up here.”  
“Do you know what he wanted?”  
Gianna scoffed. “No clue, probably to torture me some more. As if yesterday wasn’t enough.”  
“He’s got some nerve,” Harry shook his head in disbelief. 
Gianna exhaled again. “I don’t even wanna be here and now I gotta go put a show on for everyone and pretend like everything’s fine.” 
Harry gave her a small, understanding smile. “Want me to go fall down the stairs as a distraction?” 
The tiniest shiver rolled down his spine when she smiled with a shake of her head. 
“I’ll just dive head first. They’ll be so distracted with my broken collar bone that you can sneak out the back,” he added with a completely straight face, intently fighting the twitch at the corner of his mouth. 
Gianna laughed softly as she pushed her elbow against his. “What if you mess up your face? I’ll never forgive myself.” 
“Oh yeah, you’re right. Never mind scratch that idea,” Harry replied quickly, the smile forming across his face regardless of his efforts. 
Gianna’s face softened after a moment, and Harry couldn’t be positive, but he was pretty sure her body moved a half an inch closer to his. 
“Thanks for stepping in with him,” she said sincerely, her big brown eyes steady on his. 
Harry swallowed discreetly, licking his lips in a force of habit. “Anytime,” he murmured, his eyes flicking across her face. 
“You didn’t have to,” Gianna replied mindlessly, her eyes falling across his face. 
“Know I didn’t.” Harry’s voice was soft, because as much as he didn’t want to admit it, he felt like his skin was on fire. 
She was so close. Her perfume invaded his senses the same way it did on the roof, it had seeped into his sheets and lingered on his skin that morning. It was all he could focus on, subconsciously pulling him closer to her. 
Although, maybe not totally subconscious at all. He knew he wanted her. He knew that after one night with her, that he wanted her again, as many times as she’d give herself to him.   
He could tell she wanted to kiss him. Fuck, he was willing her to just do it. It was like every fiber of his being was screaming for her to just connect their mouths, get lost in each other again. But he could tell she was having some sort of internal battle that held her back. 
“What are you thinking?” he asked softly, eyes peering into hers. 
She blinked back at him, the soft furrow of her brows somehow making her more attractive. He watched her mouth open and close, trying to find the words. 
“Tell me,” he murmured. 
He could feel her breath just barely brushing his lips as his eyes pulled down to the curve of her Cupid’s bow first, then the curve of her chest, before traveling the same path back again, ready to dive back into the deep brown of her eyes. 
They were cast down, the curl of her lashes on display instead, and at first Harry assumed in shame or disinterest. But they burned against his own mouth, as she took account of every curve of his lips. 
“G...” he tried once more, hoping that the movement of his lips spurred her on. 
She was about to say something, Harry could see it on every inch of her face, but then there were footsteps entering the room and the sound of her name being called that Gianna snapped back, pulling away from him so quickly that it felt like the wind had been knocked out of him. 
“Oh there you are,” Gemma said, relieved. “Your mum's going to go searching for you any minute, wanted to find you first.”
“Yeah, same,” Harry nodded as he tried to casually run a hand through the top of his hair and gently tuck a stray piece behind his ear. Only it didn’t feel casual at all, the only thing he felt was fidgety. “I’ll go distract her,” he added as he pushed his hands into the pockets of his black jeans and turned to leave. 
The truth was, he felt like he couldn’t breath and he wasn’t even quite sure why. Gianna was hard to read, she was really good at bottling things up which left him completely unsure where he stood. She told him she wasn’t interested, and he understood why. Things could get complicated and that was the last thing she needed in her life at the moment. But then she looked at him like that, and her eyes - reluctant but burning into his skin - said something completely different. 
He wasn’t going to push her, though.  She needed a friend and that was what he was going to be to her.  So he went to Lisa’s side and talked her ear off about a recent show he had watched on Discovery, and watched with a small smirk as Gianna’s mum pretended to be interested.  
Luckily, the rest of the party went on as normal. And even more so, Gianna and Harry didn’t have a moment alone together until the goodbyes. There was the slightest bit of hesitancy when they went to leave a kiss on each other's cheeks, something they and their families always did when parting ways.  
It was a blip of a moment really, but it was enough to have chills running across Gianna’s skin just from the barely there scruff of Harry’s cheek brushing hers. He gave a small, but reassuring smile when he pulled away, a soft squeeze of her arm just before he followed Gemma out the door. 
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It was insane, but she couldn’t stop thinking about him the rest of the night. While she helped her parents clean up, while they talked her ear off about their upcoming travel plans, while she finally peeled herself away from them at nearly midnight, while she drove back to Gemma and Harry’s place, while she tiptoed inside and locked up behind her. 
“Hey,” Gemma called from where she was curled up on the couch in front of the tv. “Rest of the night go okay?” 
“Oh, yeah. The usual really.” Gianna sighed as she slipped her studded heels off, her limbs feeling heavy from the long day. 
“I’ll be out of your bedroom in a mo, this is almost over,” Gemma said half heartedly, eyes still trained on the tv. 
Gianna didn’t bother with a response, but instead wandered down the hallway to Gemma’s room to steal some clothes. She couldn’t help but glance at Harry’s bedroom door, the light peeking through the bottom like a temptation. 
She wondered what he was doing in there as she changed, if he heard her come in, if he could sense her in the proximity somehow.  Her fingertips prickled with curiosity and her mind tiptoed along the ledge of “what if” and “maybe” and “why not”.  
He offered.  All she had to do was accept.  
When she stepped out of Gemma’s room with an oversized white tee shirt and minty fresh teeth, she immediately noticed that Harry’s light was no longer illuminating the edges of his door, the room seemingly pitch black.  
Maybe that was a sign from the universe or something.  Maybe, she thought, she should just quit while she’s ahead.  
Her makeshift bed was all ready for her in the living room, Gemma having neatly arranged blankets and pillows on the couch where she was previously sitting.  That was one thing about both of the Style’s siblings, they never made you feel unwelcome. 
“Alright love, let me know if you need anything,” Gemma spoke as she placed her empty tea cup in the sink.  
“Thanks, Gems. Seriously. Don’t know what I’d do without you.”  
Gemma smiled warmly as she walked over, wrapping Gianna in a quick hug before heading for the hallway.  
“Oh,” she turned around quickly, “Harry spoke to Steve after we left.”  
Gianna’s heart stopped, bracing herself for whatever transpired between them.  “How bad was it?”  
“Eh,” Gemma shrugged, chuckling lightly as she continued. “Harry yelled a lot, but he’ll be gone for a few hours tomorrow morning so you can go get your stuff. We’ll go with you to help.”  
Gianna released a heavy sigh, overwhelmed with her friend's generosity. “You guys don’t have to do that.”  
“Too bad because we are,” Gemma quickly replied. “Harry told Steve he was coming with you anyway, just in case he decides to try anything like what went on today. Plus, the more hands means the faster you can get out of there.”  
Gianna gave her a pouty smile.  
“Don’t look at me like that,” Gemma laughed. “You would do the same for me.” 
“I would,” she agreed.  
“Besides, Harry’s the one that made it happen. He just told me the plan before he went to bed.”  Gemma smoothed down the baby hairs sticking up at the front of Gianna’s hairline, a small, sympathetic smile on her face. “I love you, get some sleep.”  
Gianna didn’t know what she did to deserve a friend like Gemma, but she was grateful every single day for whatever cosmic blip happened in the universe to force them together. 
“Love you,” Gianna murmured as she watched Gemma head for her room, finding herself standing completely still as she watched her bedroom door close softly at the end of the hall.  
And then she was left in silence with nothing but her thoughts. Which if anyone could hear inside her brain, they’d know they were anything but silent.  
She went to plop down on the couch, letting out a long, deep sigh as she sunk into the cushions.  
Harry didn’t need to put his neck out like that, but he did. His exact reasoning, Gianna wasn’t sure. But he appeared beside her at that party like it was second nature. He took it upon himself to find a way for her to safely get her things from her former home, and she was grateful. He was a good friend. She knew that already, but it was even more prominent now.  
She thought starting something with Harry would be harder on her than not. She thought she didn’t need the added stress.  But he never showed any indication that he would make anything stressful for her. If anything, the only thing he showed was the opposite.  
A distraction, an escape, a good time.   
That was all she needed right now.  And in a way, that was exactly what Harry was offering.  
So she pulled herself up from the couch with purpose, and padded down the hall to the door on the right with her heart beating wildly in her chest.  Her fingers brushed along the grain of wood, a last chance effort to back away with none the wiser.  
But she didn’t want to.  As ridiculous as it seemed, Harry made her feel something that she desperately needed at the moment.  
So she jumped.  
It was the softest tap, her knuckle meeting the wood so lightly she was positive he wouldn’t even hear it.  Her breath was shaky as she did it again, this time the tiniest bit harder, more sure.  
There was no sign of movement behind the door.  She waited with baited breath, tapping her knuckles a third time, squeezing her eyes closed, begging for Gemma not to hear.  
But nothing.  No sound, no movement, no Harry.  
Maybe he had snuck out at some point, while she was changing perhaps.  Or maybe he had decided she was right after all, that this - she - was too complicated for him right now.  
She drew one last small pattern on the door, her temple pressed against the framing before she dropped her hand and pulled away.  
And then in a moment of pure heart stopping relief, the door swung open and a large hand wrapped around her forearm, tugging her inside the dark room so quickly she felt lightheaded.  
Her back was pressed up against the wall beside the door as Harry eased it closed quietly.  Gianna caught her breath, her chest rising and falling sharply as she took him in.  He was in nothing but boxer briefs sitting low on his hips, his hair pulled up in a bun, his skin reflecting against the light of the muted tv in the corner of his room.  His bed was unmade, the spot he was previously occupying obvious, what with blankets thrown to the one corner and pillows propped up against the center of the headboard.  
Harry was looking at her expectantly when she turned her face back to him, but he didn’t say anything, eyes simply scanning the features of Gianna’s face.  
“How’d you know it was me?” Gianna murmured softly. 
“I didn’t.”  His tone was neutral, but his eyes were blazing, even in the darkness.  
She couldn’t pull her eyes from him, and all she could think about was taking the half a step needed to be pressed against his soft skin. 
“Hoped it was,” Harry added after a beat of silence, his eyes falling to her mouth. “Didn’t know, but hoped.” 
The words barely made their way from his lips before Gianna was taking the small step to connect their mouths.  And it was as if  Harry was waiting for it, because his hand immediately cupped her jaw as he took his own step, her back pressing against the wall once more.  
His lips were warm, and they tasted familiar this time. That thought surprised Gianna somehow - this wasn’t the first time, and although it was new, it was comforting in a way she wouldn’t be able to explain if she tried.  
He kissed her with his entire body, every inch of him pressed tightly against her, pinning her to the wall.  His tongue teased her bottom lip, and without second thought, she met him with her own, sparks shooting across her skin in the form of goosebumps and anticipation.  
The soft groan that escaped his throat as he pulled her even closer lit her on fire, his fingers digging harder into the soft curves of her hips.  
“Fuck, I want you,” Harry sighed breathlessly, his lips trailing across Gianna’s jaw and down her neck.  
She scratched her nails down his back, his body only pressing against hers more in response. “Want you too,” she whispered, like it was a confession, as if her actions hadn’t already exposed her.  
His lips burned against her throat, sucking deliberate kisses to her sensitive skin as his hands smoothed up and down her sides, gripping here, pulling there. She could feel him, hard and needy against her pelvis, and it made her stomach twist with desire. 
“This has to stay between us,” Gianna spoke gently up to the ceiling. “No one can know.”  
“Good,” Harry stamped a kiss to her jaw, pulling her face to his by the back of her neck, his lips brushing hers with his words. “Can be our secret.”  
And it was, he made sure of it.  No one would know what went on between them under the darkness of the night, hidden behind the walls of his room, disguised behind their eyes in the daylight.  
It would just be theirs, whatever it was, for as long as Harry could help it.  
But that’s the thing about secrets… they always find a way out.  
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a/n: *nervous laughter* Heyyy guysss lol so! There we have it! It’s happening, it’s fine, everything’s fine. The biggest thanks to the best babes @andwhenshesays​ @oh-honey-styles​ @harrytheehottie​ @real-work-of-art​ @haute-romance-quotidienne​ @all-things-fic​ for the comments and laughs and support and encouragement - you guys are the real ones. I hope everyone enjoyed this one! Much more to come *more nervous laughter* lol thank you for reading! I hope you’ve had a great friday! xxx 
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ladydaemon · 3 years
kaz brekker x female! reader
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A/N: Is this really short? Yes. Is it really cringey? Yes. Did I cry when writing it anyway? Absolutely.
Summary: Kaz rereads an old letter from an old friend
Warnings: mentions of former childhood abuse (and a butt-ton of ✨ sadness ✨) ? wow I don't think I swore in this.
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This is my last letter to you.
I do not know if you and Jordie are even alive anymore. Maybe you are alive, but no one can find you, and the postman has simply been dumping my letters in the harbor. It's plausible, I suppose. Somehow I doubt it, which means I am writing to a memory. I find I don't care all that much, because writing to someone that will never read what you are writing seems infinitely easier than writing to someone who can. Because ghosts can't really judge you, can they? Otherwise they wouldn't be ghosts.
I'm getting off topic. Forgive me.
This is my last letter to you, because I'm tired of trying. I don't even know why I'm telling you this. If you are actually alive and you can read this, you probably don't care much, given that you haven't replied to five years' worth of ramblings.
Oh, this sounded much better in my head - I hadn't meant it to sound so accusing. Perhaps there's good reason for your… absence.
Back to my point (my, I love rambling, don't I? I remember you and Jordie teasing me about it).
This is my last letter to you, so I suppose it should be filled with heartfelt farewell.
Though I really don't know what I'm supposed to say. You're probably much different than how I remember you - why, tomorrow is your birthday, isn't it? You'll be turning fifteen (and to think I'd almost forgotten!). Six years since I've last seen you.
You know I've always been sentimental, so I'm going to list all things I remember of nine-year-old Kaz. I wonder how much you've changed.
I remember hair that never stayed in place. Eyes that twinkled mischievously whenever you plotted some elaborate prank. I think I remember you loving pumpkin pie. I definitely remember you standing up to my father defiantly when he had hit me. After that, your family had taken me in. I remember being scared, and confused when no one yelled at me or hit me when I did something wrong - I was so used to my father's cruelty, that I hadn't realized it wasn't normal.
He's dead now, though, so it doesn't do me any good to think about him anymore, does it?
I remember trying to learn Zemeni, giggling when we misgendered the nouns, taking sips of hot cocoa to reward ourselves when we got a sentence right (why were we trying to learn, again? I forgot, and for some reason, the realization saddens me). I remember eating cherries while we climbed on the roof of the barn and watched the sunset in the summer. When we were seven, you got to carve the turkey on Ghezen's Day - your smile that day I don't think I could forget if I tried.
I remember quite a bit, and yet so little, and I'm beginning to realize that I miss you dearly, and by saying goodbye to you in a letter I'll never get a response for seems like giving up on you and Jordie.
I've been writing these letters for so long now, yet I never tire of it, and I think I know why (though maybe not - my emotions are everywhere). At first, I think they were a coping mechanism, trying to deal with everyone around me dying, but I think now that they were a subconscious plea.
To come home.
I know that you've probably forgotten about me, and if you haven't, you're probably trying to, but there's no harm in asking, right? Kaz (Jordie, if you're reading this), I want you to come home - I don't care if you don't talk to me, or you hate me, or you destroy everything I own. I don't care if you come and then leave the next morning, because it's been so long that I've begun to think you were just a figment of my imagination. I don't care if you come back and you don't recognize me, or I don't recognize you.
I just want you to come home.
Oh, who am I kidding. You won't, if you haven't already. I suppose it's one last plea, a desperate last attempt.
Goodbye, Kaz Rietveld (and Jordie, if you're reading this!).
This is my last letter to you.
Oh, how dearly I miss you.
Your former friend,
Kaz ran his fingers over the worn edges of the letter, dated two years ago. It was beginning to fade, the cheap ink smudging where Y/N had crossed out lines that were barely legible. Coffee stains and frayed, torn edges showed how many times that letter was read, from the first time it had arrived to now.
He had that letter memorized - he could recite it forwards and backwards and in his sleep.
If you are actually alive and you can read this, you probably don't care much, given that you haven't replied to five years' worth of ramblings.
He had every letter she had written him, ever since he had heard the postman complaining about delivering letters from a poor girl to a nonexistent boy. Such things weren't entirely uncommon, but Kaz had been bored and he had inquired as to the name of the nonexistent boy. Afterwards, he had received all her letters, read them, but never replied to Y/N, could never bring himself to.
You're probably much different than how I remember you.
Maybe that was part of the reason he never wrote a letter of his own - because he wanted her to remember him as human, as something with a soul and a heart and a family. Not a monster, with a body count and a limp and a façade of stone and steel.
I think I remember you loving pumpkin pie.
He had loved pumpkin pie, once. His mother had made it for them. But that was when he still had a mother.
He's dead now, though.
Kaz couldn't say he was sorry to hear it - even now, he hated the man with a fierce passion, rivaling that of his hate for Pekka Rollins. He remembered finding out what he had been doing to Y/N, and his tiny chest had filled with white-hot, pulsing rage.
Why were we trying to learn, again? I forgot.
Kaz's father had been trying to haggle with a Zemeni trader one night, but couldn't speak the language. He and Y/N had vowed to learn the language, a promise that had lasted exactly three days before they had realized just how hard it was to learn a new language.
When we were seven, you got to carve the turkey on Ghezen's Day - your smile that day I don't think I could forget if I tried.
It was strange indeed, how similar yet different that same memory was for him - he remembered that night because of how happy she had looked. It had been her first Ghezen's Day without her father, and she had later described the day as magical.
I just want you to come home.
She didn't really, Kaz knew with certainty. She wanted Kaz Rietveld, not Kaz Brekker, and Kaz Rietveld was dead. Y/N wanted the boy who drowned in the harbor with his brother.
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ajbwasntwriting · 3 years
Daughter!Reader X Negan, Reader x Daryl: Chapter 13. Flames
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(we using the same gif cause I couldn’t get the bridge gif to work sorry no sorry)
I’ll only post more chapters if previous chapters get a good reaction so if you enjoy this please heart it, reblog it, and/or reply to it. Interaction inspires.
if you wish to be added to the tag list please dm me. All chapters can be found under the tag AJ’s Negan’s Daughter AU
Soon the camp was left near barren. The saviours had made up more than half the work force and as far as it seemed you were the only one left. You spotted Daryl sitting in front of a white tent eating an apple. You bee-lined past Eugene and Rick to him, sitting on the chair just opposite from him.
“Hey” Daryl greeted you warmly. You just smiled at him then went back to staring in the middle ground, leaned down in the chair and your arms crossed. You sat there in peeved silence for a moment, just not wanting to be alone right now. “Heard the yelling match you had-”
“Don’t” You said, closing your eyes and shaking your head in annoyance. “I feel stupid enough as is.”
A hand landed on your knee and Daryl’s gruff voice said “You ain’t stupid, Darlin’”
That made you smile whether you liked it or not. You looked at him through the side of your eye, leaning forward and looking at you with so much love. “Darlin’, huh?” you commented on the new pet name. You uncrossed your arms and took his hand in yours, ignoring how sticky it felt from the apple he was eating. “I could get used to that.”
“Anything I can do for you? You name it, I’ll make it happen.” Daryl said.
“Just sit with me a while.” You droned, clearly exhausted. “Before you gotta up and go again.”
“‘Course” he reassured you, kissing your knuckles. You detached your hands so he could finish his apple and you were happy to sit with him. The noise of the camp was gone and there wasn’t anything you could do, but with Daryl you always felt at ease. Though something seemed off about him. A kind of anger was boiling under your skin. Maybe he was pissed the Saviours up and left too.
Jerry arrived back on horse and was talking to Rick. You didn’t bother yourself with it but Daryl’s interest seemed to be piqued. Especially when he walked by talking rapidly into a walkie talkie. You tuned into the conversation out of curiosity.
“I need you to get an urgent message to Alexandria… If Maggie Rhee shows up, delay her at the gate and alert Michonne right away. Do not... repeat… do not let her in without an escort. Over”
“What’s happening?” You asked Daryl. He didn’t look at you as he stood up. You stood up after him and walked behind
“And, Maggie, if you're listening… let's talk.” Rick tucked the walkie back into his belt.
“Hey. What’s goin’ on?” Daryl asked as he approached.
“Maggie's headed to Alexandria.” Rick explained.
“Is that bad?” You asked.
“She's about do something she might regret.” Rick explained further, grabbing the horse.
“Hop on. I'll take you.” Daryl said.
“You sure? We got enough fuel?” Rick asked, already moving to Daryl’s bike
“Yeah. We’ll get there quicker.” Daryl said, climbing onto the bike. “I’ll be back soon, Darlin’” he called to you.
“Better be in one piece” you shot back.
“I’ll make sure of it, Y/N!” Rick replied. You watched as they took off down the road, leaving you in a crumbling camp.
You wandered around the camp, finding the Alexandrians had left too and what was left of hill top and oceanside were scattered with talk of leaving. You eventually came upon Carol. She was packing up with a group you recognised as the kingdom's people. “You leaving too?” You called, grabbing her attention. You settled onto the heel of your feet and placed your hands into the back pockets of your hips, watching as she asked a nearby man to finish packing up the crate.
“This place is bust, Y/N” She said, walking towards you. “I know you tried earlier but-”
“Yeah” you hissed through your teeth. “I get it.” She looked away, seemingly embarrassed. “You're going back to the kingdom I see.”
“There’s room on the wagon if you want” Carol offered, seemingly remorseful.
“No.” You replied “I told Sanctuary I’d be back.”
Carol shook her head in disbelief then chuckled as she threw her head to the sky then back to you. “I don’t get it. You hated it there!” She expressed while you nodded along in agreement. “But you wanna go back?”
‘I was trying to cover my ass but now everyone who knows me is dead’ you thought. Though that wouldn’t fly. Your childhood made you an adept liar though. ‘No granny those aren’t vomit stains on the carpet I just spilled my porridge. Yes, I eat porridge now.’
“I was scared. And lonely. But in time it got less so.” you explained, not breaking eye-contact. “I don’t know the Saviours you knew, but the ones I know appreciate my work. And they’ve got nothing. I had nothing and Daryl came to me, gave me a shot. I wanna extend that to them.”
“We won’t help,” Carol said. “Too many people were hurt.”
“Well if you’re gonna turn away starving children and hard working people,” You retorted. “We’ll go elsewhere.”
“You’re a horrible liar,” Carol chuckled.
“Right back at ya,” you turned to leave and pack your things when Carol called you. She came up to you and offered you a revolver and a belt holster.
“You’ll need it,” she said. You took the belt and weapon.
“Thanks, Carol.” You said. She pulled you into a hug that you returned with gusto then parted so you could pack your things.
You didn’t have much, mainly your knife and the clothing on your back but Enid had forgotten some valuable supplies in the infirmary. Between that, the change of clothes you had and a couple apples you had hidden away in your tent for later, your bag was bare.
You were about to set out and start dismantling one of the tents to bring back when you heard bullets fly. You immediately got low to the floor and pulled out your gun, checking if it was loaded.
The rounds sounded too rapid to be one sided. You walked out the back of the tent and noticed the shoot out. It was a small group of saviours going after Carol’s group. You took a deep breath and ran out of the tent and behind a nearby tree, then peered out the side and took two quick shots at the group. You managed to hit one and the larger group was now caught off guard. In the time it took you to unload the barrel you downed another two and the fire fight had ended with Carol’s group victorious and a number of the Saviours running back into the woods. They disappeared as quickly as they appeared. You ran over to Carol’s group.
“Is everyone alright?” You asked.
“They got Fred!” one of the hilltoppers yelled. You looked at the armoured body and knew in an instant he was gone from the axe wound alone.
“You gotta come with us,” Carol said to you. “The shots would’ve attracted the herd.”
“Alexandria’s the safest bet with the way that herd is moving” Jerry put in.
“Alexandria it is then,” you agreed, helping load up now. The tents were abandoned. Someone from Oceanside radioed that the camp wasn’t safe but no one checked for a response. Everything was loaded up and the carriages were moved.
Off in Alexandria, in someone else’s world. Maggie entered the dark basement cell. Her face was illuminated by what little light creeped between the shutters. Negan chuckled.
“Aw, she just gave up the keys, huh?” He jested “It's a shame. She got the blade, but you...You got the fire. My money was on you.”
Maggie looked into his cell. He sat on his bed, shrouded in darkness. “So you remember me.” She spoke into the darkness”
“'Course I do.” Negan Replied “It's why I thought you were gonna win.”
“Good.” Maggie swallowed hard, emboldening her resolve. This was it, she was going to give this monster what he deserved. “Get on your knees.”
“You know, I remember you screamin' in that clearing.” Negan muled aloud, standing up and walking closer to the bars yet not completely out of the darkness “I remember how much I broke you breakin' open your husband's head like I did.”
“Glenn.” Maggie snapped “His name was Glenn.”
“So now what? You finally come for…” Negan paused for intentional dramatic effect “revenge?”
“Damn.” Negan gasped “Thought you'd do this a hell of a lot sooner. It take you this long to work up your nerve?
“I was always gonna settle this,” Maggie retorted, her voice growing in volume “what you did to my husband. Get on your knees.”
“What I did to him?” Negan pressed “You mean how I cracked open his skull and popped out his goddamn eyeball? How I bashed his big, beautiful brains into the ground over and over while you and his little friends watched? Is that what you mean?
“Ah, I used to say that I didn't enjoy killin'.” Negan sighed with satisfaction “That was a lie. Your old man… Christ, I forgot his name again. But he was different. Killin' him the way I did, ooh, now, that was fun.”
Maggie pressed the key into the lock, the teeth rolling over the internal mechanisms echoing in the dark cell. Negan took to his knees, as had been requested of him.
“Get to it. Have your justice. Kill me. It was worth it.”
“Lemme see you in the light.” Maggie demanded.
“Come on.” Negan beckoned her on “Kill me.” She turned the key, the lock clicking loudly. “You not have it in you?” Negan teased “Don't you punk out like Rick.”
“Come into the light.” Maggie demanded again.
“Kill me. This is what you came here for!” Negan demanded, his tone becoming desperate “You kill me!”
“Move into the light.” Maggie spook through her teeth, peeved.
“Kill me.” Negan’s head went down and he began to cry. Maggie finally lost her patience, pulling the door open and tearing Negan from his cell and into what little light there was in the room.
“Please. Please.” Negan began to beg. He was disheveled and cowering on the floor in a useless pile. “Please kill me.
“Why?” Maggie asked
“You have to. Just do it.”
“You tell me why!” Maggie began to yell at him “Tell me! Why should I?!”
“So I can be with my family!” Negan cried out “So I can be with Lucille! And with my Y/N!” Negan sobbed silently.
“I should be dead.” He began to ramble “I have to be dead. And it's supposed to be you. It has to be you, because I can't do it. I can't do it. I've tried. I can't. I can't be like this. Please, please don't make me stay like this. It's... Settle it.” He was so distraught every other word he was gasping for air. “Settle me. Kill me. Please.”
“Get back in your cell.” Maggie ordered
“No.” Negan protested from the floor where he lay “No. No. No.” He sobbed “Why?”
“I came to kill Negan,” Maggie said “and you're already worse than dead. That settles it.” Negan hid his face as he sobbed “Go.” she ordered.
He knew better than to argue with her, especially how she pulled him out of the cell without breaking a sweat. “It wasn't supposed to be like this.” He protested weakly, “It wasn't supposed to be like this.”
With that Maggie locked the gate and left the cell, content that her husband’s murderer was suffering.
“What the hell was that?” One of the kingdom’s people said when they were far enough away, clearly talking to you. In their eyes you were the last saviour. They strode up behind you.
“I don’t know” You muttered, pulling one of the horses along the road
You were walking as fast as you can, basically dragging the horses and carriages and this man wanted to fight. “What do you mean you don’t know!”
“I don’t know!” You yelled back, continuing to move. “People do stupid shit when they’re scared!”
“They killed Fred!”
“We killed them!” You finally let go of the horse and turned around to face the man. “And you’ve been killing them for a long time!”
“You don’t know what they-”
“The war?” You cut him off “I know that there is a factory full of people who are starving, working their ass off to get you ethanol, and have no protection.” You were too caught in the moment to notice the wagon train had stopped moving and too angry to hear Jerry and Carol calling to you “Not fighters! Workers! People who didn’t get a chance to defend themselve in your precious fucking war and are paying the price for it!”
Horses trotted up to meet you halfway in the road. You recognised Maggie, Eugene, Tara, and Michone and a few others. Daryl rode up from the back of the group on his bike.
“What happened?” Maggie rode up to the group and asked Carol.
“Saviours jumped us. Ended up shooting each other.” Carol explained. “The gun fire could’ve attracted the herd so we left.”
“Where’s Rick?” Daryl asked.
“He’s not with you?” You shot back.
“What if he headed back to the camp?” Beatrice, a girl from Oceanside, pitched. You could feel the panic set in the group. Daryl disembarked from his bike.
“I know a shortcut. Come on!” He lead the way into the forest. You and a large group instantly took off on foot, following him closely. Within minutes you were back at the bridge to a horrifying sight.
Countless walkers were crossing the bridge. The herd was so thick no sunlight was travelling through and standing at the end of the bridge, with all those walkers heading right towards him, was Rick. Daryl already had his bow out and was picking off the walkers that got too close to his friend.
“What is he doing?!” Maggie yelled.
“He's hurt!” Michone cried. You noticed his clothes were soaked in blood
“That herd that went right through Hilltop.” Daryl gasped “He's trying to bring down the bridge.”
In the next instant Michone had her sword out and was running towards the herd. You called after her and ran after her.
“We turn them around. Fight 'em back.” Maggie followed close behind you
“Fire your guns.” Carol ordered “Try to divert them.
Michone called to Rick as you all ran to the herd, but a moment later the herd caught in flames. Michone stumbled back as the orange heat climbed above your heads. She stood there a moment, shocked into place. You looked through the flames and felt yourself thrown back into your army days.
Rubble and sand were all around you. The air was heavy with debris. It was you, five other servicemen and countless civilians trapped into a crumbling building while bullets flew outside. Children were crying and parents could do nothing to calm them. There was a moment of calm. A moment to get the group through a gap in the rock fall near the back of the building. You got them through while the others lay down ground fire, keeping the enemy at bay. You pulled yourself through the hole after the last of the civilians made it out and went about helping your fellow soldier. They were nearly clear when an explosion went off in the building and you were both sent backwards. You could feel the heat from the explosion on your face, but your ally could feel their life seeping out of their lost leg. He screamed out in complete agony.
The same way Michone screamed out. When you felt yourself come back you noticed Maggie and Carol were holding her back and you had fallen to the ground.
“Y/N!” Tara yelled to you, pulling the rest of you into the present “We have to go!” You nodded rapidly and pulled yourself to your feet. You all retreated back a ways so the herd wouldn’t come to you right away.
“I need to find him,” Michone sobbed. “I need to help him.”
The smoke was rising above them in thick clouds. The radio was going crazy with people who were seeing the smoke.
“What was that?”
“Was that the bridge?”
One of the people with you got on the radio. “Rick!” he called breathlessly “He blew it to stop the herd!”
Everyone around you was in shock and crying horribly. These people had followed Rick, and now they seemed lost. You were in no way a leader but-
“We can look downstream.” You spoke up. Pale and contorted faces looked back at you. “If he fell in the water he’ll be downstream… If he got hit by the blow back he’ll be on the road bu-”
“You heard her.” A man with long hair in a bun and a beard. His face was red but he was already tired of crying “Downstream.”
“I gotta-” Michon spoke, shaking as she got back to her feet. The man beckoned her. In the next moment a small group had run past to look downstream.
“I gotta go to Sanctuary” You announced to those left. Carol nodded, tears streaming down her face. “They gotta know what happened here.”
“Go,” she croaked out, “and bring them back to kingdom.” Beatrice immediately got angry at the notion but before she could speak Carol silenced her. “Without that bridge they’ll starve. Rick didn’t fight for that.” Carol looked back at you. “Go.”
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@felicisimor​ @bodeckersbitch​ @lauren-novak​ @aestthete
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jokertrap-ran · 3 years
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(光与夜之恋 Light and Night) Evan’s 6✩ Inspiration: Twilight Facet [暮光之境] Date Translation (END 5+6: Heart-throb)
“I offer you my hand, my heart, my everything; are you willing to believe me?”
*Light and Night Master-list | Evan’s Personal Masterlist *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Join the Light & Night Discord (^▽^)~ ♪ *6✩ Inspirations have 6 Endings!! *CG Image used with permission from 蓝咕咕 ☆ *Evan’s tag will be #For Night, For Revolution
✥ Choice: Heart-throb [心动] ✩Light & Night★
it was the perfect time for a lunchtime nap. I…
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✩ E5 LIGHT: Ask about his other bedtime habits ✩
I leaned closer to Evan out of curiosity.
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MC: Then, do you have anything else prepared other than the aromatherapy? Or… are there any other rules about this stuff set in place?
Evan pauses for a moment, not saying anything.
His eyes were bright, but also as deep as an abyss. It made me tempted to venture further into it, yet I didn't dare proceed any more than half a step.
After staying in place for a few seconds, I suddenly came to the startling realization of just how close I was to him. My body couldn't help but stiffen as I carefully retracted my neck as I inched backwards.
I leaned so close to him and even asked him such a personal question. Will he think that I'm…
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Evan: Are you really that interested in these things?
MC: I just wanted to understand you a little more…
I was so embarrassed that I didn't look at him at all. I kept my head lowered, my face a burning mess.
Evan chuckled lightly. His voice was as deep as ever, and it felt pleasant to the ears.
Evan: Then, I'm glad that you're the one who's trying to understand me.
Evan: But, they're all merely small habits that have followed me through childhood. Take this for example…
He picked up the delicate, yet exquisite cup, shaking the red liquid within.
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Evan: This here’s called Hereafter. I started drinking it ever since I was a kid, and it has stuck with me ever since. Now, I need this to sleep.
Evan: I wasn't willing to, at first;  but I slowly got used to it.
I nodded in understanding. After thinking about it for a while, I picked up the teapot and filled his cup with more of said drink.
MC: Then you should finish these off properly.
Evan: Very well.
He picked up the cup and took a sip before pausing. He looked at me a little hesitantly, a conflicted expression on his face.
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MC: ...Why are you looking at me like that?
Evan: This is… a little too thick.
MC: Ah! I forgot to add water to it earlier. Sorry, sorry…
I quickly added hot water into his cup and stirred it before handing it back to him. However, his brow furrowed a little after just a sip.
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Evan: It's a little too hot now.
MC: I'll blow on it for you!
I took the cup over from him without another word, blowing gently on it. It was only after I'd done it a couple of times that I heard a sudden laugh coming from him.
I froze, looking back at him in suspicion.
He was unable to wipe the smile off his face, leaning affectionately into the sofa as he observed me. His eyes sparkled with glee.
MC: ...You…
I looked at the cup and back to him again. Something clicked in my head.
Is he doing this on purpose?
He chuckled lightly, swiftly taking the cup from my grasp and gracefully downing it in one fell swoop.
Evan: Thank you. Now everything's in place.
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MC: ……
He's DEFINITELY doing it on purpose!
I helped him close the curtains after he’d finished up his special drink.
MC: Is there anything else that you'd like prepared, Sir?
Evan looked at me, hesitating for a while before shaking his head.
Evan: That's all there is. Thank you.
I glanced at his dark red tie.
MC: How about I help you take off your tie then? I'm sure it'll be uncomfortable to sleep in.
Evan: ……
MC: ……
An awkward silence lapsed between us. It took some time before the realization that I’d just said something really inappropriate hit me...
I hurriedly averted my gaze away from his tie.
MC: Ahaha… What nonsense am I spouting now…
Evan: Sure.
MC: Huh?
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Evan: I'll have to trouble you to help me get it off then. Thank you.
MC: ...Okay.
A warm smile slowly filtered into his orbs as he removed his gold-rimmed glasses. He slowly stood up from his reclining position and moved to stand before me.
He was tall and his shadow almost completely enveloped me. My breathing involuntarily stuttered.
I raised my head and reached upwards, carefully starting to work the knot out.
Looks like he did his tie with an exceptionally complicated knot today. I had a go at it for quite some time, but to no avail.
Evan: Is it hard to undo?
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MC: A-A little… Erm, could you… bend down a little?
Evan: Alright… Looks like it was a lack of consideration on my part.
He gave an apologetic smile, moving closer to me and leaning further down.
That slightly smiling face of his suddenly drew up close. My brain blanked out, and I could do nothing but stare dumbly at him.
Evan: Will this do?
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MC: ……
My breath hitched in my throat. I hurriedly averted my gaze, frantically nodding as I reached out to have another go at his tie.
However, the knot didn't budge at all no matter how hard I tried. It was almost as if the thing had a grudge on me. I couldn't help but feel a little upset at my futile efforts.
Evan: Looks like this doesn't work either. Then, how about...
The words had only just left his mouth when he suddenly reached over. He wrapped his arm around my waist and hoisted me up!
MC: !!!
I jolted. Startled by the sudden movement, I instinctively clung to him, wrapping my arms around his neck and earning another chuckle from him.
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Carrying me, Evan retreated a couple of steps backwards. He seated himself on the side of the bed with me sitting sideways atop his thigh. He held my hand and brought it up to his collar which was already loose and dishevelled.
MC: Evan…
Evan: It should be much easier now. Try again?
There was a pleasantly warm smile on his face, but it was hard to ignore the firm chest pressed up to my palm, rising and falling in time with his breathing.
This is all to undo his tie, right? Still, this position is a little…
I bit my lip and tried to calm my rapid breathing. I tentatively moved a little, only to feel his entire body suddenly stiffen in response.
I stiffened as well, freezing in place. I didn't dare move an inch.
It was a few seconds later that his voice sounded in my ears again.
Evan: Are you going to start?
MC: ...Yeah.
I tried my hardest to shelve the wild thought that had taken refuge in my head as my trembling hands took hold of his tie once more.
After composing myself, I was soon able to undo his tie. I also helped him unbutton the first button of his dress shirt.
And just like that, his pretty and prominent collarbones were revealed to my eye. Going further up was his adam's apple that bobbed ever so occasionally. And going further down would be his chest, which my hand was currently pressed against, rising and falling with his every breath.
The muscles beneath my touch were firm but relaxed, rippling beneath his skin as if waiting for the perfect chance to come into play. This side of Evan was one unknown to me; one that screamed danger. Yet, it was still deadly attractive. I couldn't stop my face from flushing scarlet once more.
MC: Um… your tie's undone now… You can rest easy
Evan: I'm in no hurry. Besides, this makes up the last of my bedtime habits.
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Evan: Now, how about you tell me about your bedtime habits?
MC: My bedtime habits?
I stared into his deep orbs. The ghost of a familiar melody sounded by my ears, soft and gentle.
It was the song that my grandmother used to sing to me before bed as a kid. Recalling these softened my heart and made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
MC: My grandmother used to hum to me.
Evan: A lullaby?
MC: Yup! But not just lullabies! Sometimes it's a traditional folk song, and sometimes it’s a western nursery rhyme.
MC: I recall there being one with really odd lyrics about how a leopard fell in love with a foxface rabbitfish.
MC: The foxface rabbitfish asked the leopard if it wanted to go down to the sea and see how it was like. The leopard agreed.
MC: And then they both lived happily ever after together at the bottom of the sea.
MC: Strange, isn’t it? I mean, how can a leopard live under the sea?
Evan: ...What if it's possible?
MC: Huh?
I looked towards Evan. His eyes were slightly drooping, his eyelashes casting small shadows upon his features. I couldn’t read his expressions all that well.
It was a while before he looked back at me again. This time, with his beautiful eyes fully open, and the corners of his lips curled into his usual smile.
Evan: Can you sing it to me?
MC: Yeah… Sure thing.
I softly sang him that weird nursery rhyme of mine, again and again, in a never-ending loop.
I didn’t know how many times I sang the whole rhyme in succession; but just as I stopped once more at the part where the foxface rabbitfish asked the leopard whether it wanted to visit the sea, Evan’s head suddenly fell onto the crook of my neck.
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MC: !!
The nursery rhyme came to an abrupt stop as my ears were slowly filled with another sound.
It was the sound of his long and steady breathing, gently sounding in my ears. Soon, it permeated through my thin clothes, melting into my skin. His hair was soft and a little ticklish as it brushed against my neck, making my heart pound in unrest.
Our surroundings were silent, with only the soft crackling of the fireplace and the intoxicating fragrance that wafted in the air.
It felt like it was going to be a long, long time before this nap was over.
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it was the perfect time for a lunchtime nap. I…
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★ E6 NIGHT: Don't hold him up from his afternoon nap ★
It just so happens that it's the perfect time for a lunchtime nap now…
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MC: Am I getting in the way of your rest? I'll wait for you out in the hall then. Have a good nap!
With that said, I moved to head out to the hall. However, I hadn't yet gotten a step further before Evan caught me by the wrist.
Evan: Wait.
The unique temperature of his body slowly spreads upon my skin. His touch brought about a slight coolness, momentarily freezing me in place.
MC: ...What's up?
I secretly peeked at the hand he used to hold onto mine. His fingers were pale and long, but there was an undeniable strength behind them. It unwittingly made people a little nervous.
Evan: I was just going to tell you that I don't intend to take an afternoon nap at all today. But what I do have, is an important document that needs my signature.
MC: Uh… I'll still wait for you out in the hall?
Evan: You can just stay here.
MC: Won't I disturb you?
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Evan: You won't. I'm more worried that you'd find it boring here.
Evan: The other door in my room connects to my Study. You can go there and kill time if you feel bored.
Now that he mentions it… I do recall seeing a heavy wooden door on the other side of his bedroom…
MC: Ohh… I'll go check out your Study then!
Evan: Sure. I'll go look for you once I'm done.
MC: Okey-dokey!
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A step into the study was all it took for me to be completely blown away by what awaited inside.
MC: Jesus Christ. These bookshelves span several walls… Who in the world has this many books in their study? It’s kind of amazing in its own right...
And it wasn’t just the bookshelves. There was also a large projector screen on the other end of the study that nearly covered the entire wall.
MC: I’d probably disrupt his work if I watch a movie here… Guess I’ll be better off looking for a book.
But rather than searching the shelves in search of a book, the thought of just what books he'd have in here intrigued me further.
MC: Wow, the bottom few shelves are filled with the biographies of famous people, mystery novels, travel guides… He even has picture books here!
MC: I never knew that he reads such a wide array of books. I wonder if the upper shelves will yield any new discoveries?
I took the stepladder that was placed not too far off and climbed up on it. I excitedly continued my perusal of what books his shelves offered. After a considerable amount of effort, I managed to pull out a thin and old book from amongst a couple of thick books on the history of music.
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MC: “Jane Eyre”? Huh…? Was “Jane Eyre” supposed to be this thin, again? And it looks pretty well-thumbed too...
Curious, I opened it.
This was an incomplete copy of "Jane Eyre". There were thick scars on the spine of the book, formed from having its pages torn out. Someone had ripped out nearly ¾ of the book's contents.
Flipping it open, the very first page detailed the part where Jane Eyre wished to leave Thornfield Hall after learning that Rochester was about to get married. Conflicted with her turmoil of emotions, Jane walks to Mr. Rochester's orchard. She'd intended to sneak away as if she was never there, only to be halted by Rochester. And in the end, they finally managed to understand their true feelings for each other under the moonlight, in the eventide breeze that was tinged with the fragrance of jasmine interlaced with roses.
But why does this book start from here? What happened to all the content in front?
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Evan: What book is it that has gotten you so engrossed?
MC: !
The low voice that suddenly sounded by my ear made my breathing hitch. Turning around, I hurriedly hid the book behind my back, just like how one would when the teacher found out that they were secretly reading a book in class.
Evan, dressed only in a white dress shirt, was looking at me with a smile that reached his eyes. He wasn't wearing his glasses, and the warmth in his eyes that were normally hidden behind the lenses now faced me in full force.
MC: ...You… You're done with work?
Evan smiled, reaching out to help me adjust the hemline of my skirt that had gotten slightly rumpled.
Evan: Yes. So, what were you reading?
MC: This.
I brought the book I'd hidden behind me back out front.
Evan: Jane Eyre.
His low and pleasantly smooth voice intonated, seemingly touching my very heart. It was like magic; one that miraculously made my heart race.
Evan looked back up at me after reading the title. He had a knowing look in his eyes that was soon disrupted by a flicker of mischief.
I didn't know why, but I didn't quite dare to look up at him right now.
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Evan: “I believe you must leave now. I am sorry, but I believe indeed you must.”
MC: Huh? ...O-Oh, I’ll leave now…
Evan: “Exactly, precisely: with your usual acuteness, you have hit the nail straight on the head.”
This… sounds like the lines I’ve just read in “Jane Eyre”...?
Deep down, Jane truthfully didn't want to leave. However, Mr. Rochester had already arranged everything for her departure.
Her job, her destination, and even her future to come.
Evan: “Do you like Ireland? ...You’ll like Ireland, I think.”
He spoke with a low voice, looking at me with a sort of seriousness that I’d never seen before.
It felt as if that line wasn’t from Rochester, directed to Jane; but rather, from Evan to me.
Confounded, I slowly opened my mouth to respond to him.
MC: “It is a long way off, sir. Not the voyage, but the distance: and then the sea is a barrier—”
Evan: "From what, hm?”
MC: “From England and from Thornfield: and一 From you, Sir.”
The words had just left my lips when Evan reached a hand out, bringing it up to my waist. Just a little bit of strength behind his fingertips was all it took for him to hoist me upwards, pressing my upper body closer to him.
Suddenly, the distance between us disappeared. We were so close that our breaths intermingled.
Evan: “I sometimes have a queer feeling with regard to you— especially when you are near me, as now.”
Evan: “Are you anything akin to me, do you think?”
He gazed at me, his breath brushing across my skin in a manner as intoxicating as wine, effectively sending my rationality out of the window.
I gaped in an attempt to say something. However, my words were eviscerated into nothing by the deep red hue in his eyes.
We stared at each other as we stood within the tall and large study filled with the scent of ink. It felt like we were nothing but the small minuscule dust particles that filtered in with the sun’s rays.
So small, so minuscule that it was almost non-existent; yet still able to hang onto the other, while adrift, fluttering all the same.
Evan: “I offer you my hand, my heart, my everything.”
Evan: “Are you willing to believe me?”
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My heart thudded heavily in my chest. It felt as if time had come to a stand-still.
I lost myself in the moment, forgetting who I was or where I was. The only thing I wanted to do now was to entrust my heart to him in all its genuineness, and to stay in this beautiful and pleasant moment forever.
According to the story, this was when Jane and Rochester finally gained a mutual understanding of their emotions for each other, sharing a long passionate kiss.
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Evan's eyes lowered, coming to a slight close. His fine lashes fluttered downwards as the pale yellow light illuminated his face, casting small beautiful shadows upon his features. He slightly turned his head, the breath that had been one with mine shifting. It brushed against my face, hot and ticklish.
My body seemingly loses the ability to move, and all I could do was stare dumbfoundedly at the face with well-defined features slowly advancing closer.
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At the very last second, I hurriedly covered my face with the book that I'd let rest against my chest in a desperate act.
And in turn, blocking off what could have happened; something that was capable of making my heart stop beating right then and there.
The air was filled with a moment of silence that was soon broken by Evan's laughter.
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MC: You…
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I slowly and carefully lowered the book that'd been covering my face. I watched as Evan lowered his head, leaning it against the crook of my neck as he laughed, shoulders quaking in his mirth.
MC: Stop… stop laughing at me…
Evan: Okay, no laughing.
Evan: ...I'm really happy, (Y/n).
Evan's laughter slowly died off, but his head remained firmly planted onto my shoulder. I quietly relished in the moment of intimate contact with burning cheeks.
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MC: Erm… Why’s this book missing so many pages?
Evan: This belonged to my mother. It was already in this state when I first saw it.
Oh, so that’s how it is. Then… perhaps it’s because his mother liked how brave Jane was in this part of the story?
MC: She dared defy; she dared to love.
Evan: Yes. Although, I think my mother will definitely like you much more if she had the chance to meet you.
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MC: But… I’m nowhere near as brave as Jane.
He gave a small chuckle before letting go of my shoulder, watching me with a profound look in his eyes. It was as if the Evan that had been reciting Mr. Rochester’s lines had made a comeback.
In the same manner, as Rochester would gaze affectionately at Jane… No. No, that wasn’t it… Those eyes, that gaze… It was Evan who was looking at me so.
Reflected within his orbs were twin silhouettes of me.
He patted my head, his low and intoxicating voice taking on a slightly far-away tone, yet still managing to grace my ears.
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Evan: My liking you has absolutely nothing to do with “Jane Eyre”.
Evan: You are (Y/n), and I am Evan. Nothing more, nothing less.
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Time flew past.
The glow of the sunset had begun to set in when Aunt Wang finally sent up my dry-cleaned clothes.
Seeing her so busy, I couldn't help feeling a tinge of regret at being the cause of it.
MC: I've brought so much trouble for them both… I should do something to thank them well next time!
Evan looked at me and closed the book in his hand.
Evan: They're usually the only ones here, so it'll do them a little good to be busy once in a while.
Evan: Having something to do would also make it feel all the more fulfilling.
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MC: Mmhm… But I can't help but feel like they're already busy even without us, and now that we're here…
MC: Plus Uncle Chen looked like he was in a huge hurry when I took upon the task of sending the drink for him. It was like he was here for a moment, and gone like the wind in the next.
A flicker of doubt appears on Evan's face upon hearing this.
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Evan: Is he truly that busy?
MC: Yeah, he is… He had to rush here to deliver your drink, and he also had to rush over to give the fireplace a change of coal.
MC: Plus, this is also one huge place. Even with the two of them here, they must be pretty busy keeping this place all neat and tidy.
Evan: They do have their work cut out for them, but…
Evan: I seem to recall that we do have scheduled professionals who come by to take care of the fireplace here, so there's no need for either of them to do it themselves.
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MC: ...Huh? But he said…
A strange thought suddenly struck me, the realization making the words die in my throat.
Did Uncle Chen make me… bring Evan's drink to him on purpose?
I stared at Evan, absolutely dumbfounded.
He didn't say anything either, only chuckling lightly after a few seconds.
Evan: I suppose, sometimes, having a fireplace at home isn't all that bad.
He'd said it all so naturally, yet I couldn't help but feel like there was something a little off about it. Especially when it came to the word "fireplace". It unwittingly made me recall how oddly Uncle Chen and Aunt were acting… and their ambiguous smiles.
I silently adverted my gaze, biting on my lips as I spoke in barely a whisper.
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MC: I'm definitely not getting a fireplace installed in my house next time…
Evan: Hm?
MC: Oh, nothing… nothing! I was just talking to myself!
Evan: That so?
Evan drew both of his arms up to his jaw, propping his chin on it as his heavy gaze fell upon my being.
Under the light of the setting sun, his expression was one of calm contentment and warmth.
He smiled, his voice a low baritone.
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Evan: Your wish is my command. No fireplaces in the future.
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✥ Choose another Ending:
END 1 | Choice: Do Nothing [都不做]  
END 2 + 3 | Choice: Approach [亲近] ⊹Touch⊹
END 4 | Choice: Listen [倾听] ❖ASMR
END 5 + 6 | Choice: Heart-throb [心动] ✩Light & Night★
❖☆————— ⊹ For Night, For Revolution⊹ —————★❖
Previous Part: Prologue
75 notes · View notes
watevermelon · 4 years
Patience is a Virtue | Shinsuke Kita x Reader
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✧ Summary: You lost track of the days that you were in love with Kita. He was so much more than just the team mom that many outsiders dubbed him as. He was the wielder of cold-logic and held the bluntest of words at times, but he showed his own special brand of care for each member of the team. What you hadn’t expected was for him to especially care about you.  ➳ Warnings: Language because twins lmao ➳ Tags: Childhood friends to lovers; mostly fluff and humor; Atsumu being a little shit; friends trying to be match-makers; mild jealousy on Kita’s part; introspection and some character development
✧  Masterlist
As the manager of the Inarizaki volleyball club, you were no stranger to the antics of your generally loud team. And while this was usually elicited by the twins, with most of the team ahem especially Suna being no help (since many would rather film then break-up the fight), you were almost a pro at keeping them calm to the public eye.
You grew up alongside most of the members of the team, a strange connection between all of the players. From advanced classes in junior high to being literal neighbors to some of them, you were long-term classmates with many of the members - including the captain himself.
Kita was much more than the doting team mom than people gave him credit for. Yes, he was often the face of the team, the voice of reason that handled the interviews and other press coverage, but this all came from a place of stone-cold reason. He had strict routines and never cared about doing things without practical rationale. Kita had a mature way of thinking, often compartmentalizing both people and emotions, to the point that it made people his own age not relate to him.
Even the quiet Suna, the analytical little shit who loved to poke fun at said captain, had honestly admitted that he thought Kita to be on the robot-side of the emotional spectrum. 
And, despite all this, Kita was the long-term object of your affections.
It was all the little things that made your crush on him grow. From his proper speech, the blunt words no matter to whom he was speaking to, or his unusual brand of care he extended toward his teammates, Kita was the foundation of Inarizaki that you fell for. And when he was named captain of the volleyball team? You almost cried alongside him, reveling in the rare fit of pure happiness that he was gracing your eyes with.
You remembered the last time you walked home together, for once not being called away on separate duties as captain and leading manager. He treated you to ice-cream and walked along you side-by-side.
“Mint chocolate-chip with two cherries.” He told the street-cart vendor confidently, knowing your favorite flavors by heart at this point.
You ordered for him in kind, receiving the treat from the vendor as Kita paid for both of your orders. Anyone else would be contesting it, but you knew that Kita would not take no for an answer. He did stuff like this all the time with you, you were better off not fighting it. This was not the hill you wanted to die on.
But you were surprised when Kita licked at your ice cream, smiling as he tasted it and maintaining your gaze head-on. The shock on your face must have been evident since the smirk on his widened. You reached for the cone in his hand, only for him to lightly slap it away.
“Should I be asking with a pretty please or something?” You asked with a playful pout.
“No.” Kita replied, before lowering it to your eye-level.
Did he want you to lick it? While he was holding it????
Wordlessly, you followed his silent command and felt the minty taste of your afternoon snack on your tongue. Kita watched the action, eyes following your tongue as he shot you a friendly smile. He pulled away before you could get that much more, before licking your ice cream again.
Was that an indirect kiss???
“My, you two make quite the couple.” The vendor commented, clasping her hands together as she watched your interaction.
“We’re not dating.” Kita answered, squashing any hope you had from that interaction.
He was just?? So confusing??
You had so many little moments like this over the years. So many that had you often questioning deep into the night what truly was your relationship with the blunt captain of Inarizaki. You fell for him so many years ago, it made you wonder when was the last time you really thought of him as just a friend. Did he truly not know about your feelings?
But Kita was smart and on just as many occasions, you wondered if he knew the truth but simply did nothing about them. If he could read the twins with little effort, there was no doubt he understood your feelings long-ago, but decided not to act.
At least, that was your reason behind not openly admitting it to him:
That Kita knew you had a crush on him. And since he did not feel the same, it was better off if he did not address them.
And so you never brought it up, stewing in silence for years. 
Eight years was a long time to be in love alone.
“You should just give up on him.” Jisoo, your fellow Inarizaki manager commented one day. She was in the same class as the twins, a year your junior.
The both of you were lounging outside in the courtyard for lunch, a humidly hot day that made the two of you especially lazy this particular school-day. Only a few more hours more and you would be free of classes, liberated of any schoolwork and finally enjoying the weekend.
You were mindlessly scrolling through your phone, looking at the different posts on social media from your various friends. Atsumu had posted of his serve practice the day before, his comment section flooded with various hearts by his fan-club of all things. Osamu’s private Instabook was of food while Aran’s had posted one of the day’s blue skies.
“Why would I do that?” You asked with a sigh, already used to her trying to guide you away from him. You understood why, it was hardly a smart decision to hold onto your feelings, not that you really cared.
“Aren’t you tired of it by now?”
But was that a good enough reason at this point? You were a third-year and about to graduate. If there was one thing that was constant throughout your entire life in the farming prefecture you called a home, it was that you had feelings for the captain.
The sky was blue. Summer was hot. You liked Kita.
It was that simple sometimes. And while there were moments that hurt your heart, it was not like you had any head-space to even try to stop.
“Maybe.” You answered candidly, “Honestly, I wouldn’t even know how to. But I don’t want to either.”
“I worry about you, senpai.”
“What can I say?” You tried to joke, even with your sad smile. “Kita has my heart on lock-down.”
“We’re all going to the twins’ party this weekend, why don’t you try talking to some of the guys there?”
“Not this again.” You complained as you put your phone down on the table.
“Come on!” Jisoo pushed, “I’m sure there’ll be someone there that peaks your interest.”
You raised a brow in response, doubt evident on your face.
She teased, “It could also be on a purely physical level.”
Laughing at her statement, you said. “Like that’s any better.”
“A little smooches here and there never hurt anyone.”
“Now I’m worrying about you.”
She giggled, before continuing. “Just think about it. First guy tonight who hits on you, give him a chance.”
While you would have dismissed the thought immediately, there was something rather playful happening in the pit of your stomach. As if, for once in a long-time, you wanted to feel the puppy love of just casually flirting. Of grinning and laughing along with someone's advances and actually enjoying one these parties; rather than just sitting on the couch playing Mario Kart waiting for Kita to hopefully show.
“I don’t know, maybe.”
She sighed loudly, happy to have cracked you a little. Jisoo continued with a teasing grin on her face. “Oh right, I forgot. You’re a masochist.”
“I could’ve told ya that.” Another voice broke out, the familiar setter of two-tone hair taking the seat next to you. He picked at one of your french-fries, eating it with no preamble as Suna took the seat diagonal from you, next to Jisoo at the picnic table outside. 
For someone who spoke a lot of game about not being caught up with the twins, Suna tended to hang around Atsumu quite a bit.
“I am not a masochist.” You defended from Atsumu’s words, earning an eye-roll from the other female manager.
“Why else would you agree to manage a team with the twins?” Suna quipped before taking out his phone, probably scrolling through social media as well. Atsumu shrugged in agreement, a smirk on his face.
“Also, tell that to your love life.” Jisoo countered, playfully moving her lunch out of Atsumu’s reach before the setter could commandeer some of hers.
You quietly pushed the rest of your fries in his direction, appetite long gone on this overly humid day. Doing this sort of thing was actually quite natural with the twin, sharing food and hugs were a normal thing with your friend.
“It’s not that bad.” You argued.
“Wait, have ya ever dated before?” Atsumu asked.
“Have you?” You countered back, the setter was infamous for his many… romantic encounters. But the young man had yet to ever put a serious label on any of those instances, at least not to your knowledge.
He rolled his eyes in response, turning to Jisoo instead to continue.
“Come on senpai, not even a smooch?” She pushed.
You felt your face flush at having been called out, “Well....”
Atsumu turned his body toward you in his seat, his insufferably confident smirk back on, “I could help ya with that.”
You pushed away at his shoulder, “You say it like it’s a problem.”
“Ya savin’ it till ya get married or somethin’?” He asked, genuinely curious. Even Suna turned to you, looking up from his phone in interest.
You turned to Jisoo, the conversation taking a dangerous turn. If you said yes, their curiosity would definitely be spiked. And it was not like you could lie to them and say it was some random person in your class - you knew these boys for years, but they also knew you in kind. 
Yes or no?
The other manager did not even try to bail you out and your silence was already tantamount to an answer.
“Aww. How cute of ya, (L/N).” Atsumu chuckled, reaching to pat your head. You slapped it away before he got too close. For someone younger than you, he was quite the brat. Years of being friends long stripped away any formalities apparently.
“Looks like our heart-breaker manager is actually very sentimental.” Suna commented, a brow raised in your direction.
“Heart-breaker?” You questioned in genuine confusion.
“Come on, (L/N)-san.” Jisoo answered this time, “She’s had her heart set for so long, she hasn’t even seen the other boys she’s curved.”
“How is that possible when no one’s confessed to me?”
Jisoo laughed while Atsumu absently tapped his finger on the table, “Even I know that ain’t true, (L/N).”
“Whatever.” There was no reasoning with your underclassmen when they were this dead-set. No one had confessed to you before, right? At least none to your memory, they were just being instigators as usual?
“That doesn’t answer the question why ya sittin’ here single.” Atsumu stated.
“He obviously has feelings for you, but she’s too much of a wuss to confess.” Jisoo stated it plainly for you, then turned to look at Atsumu with an expectant face. “So it’s either because he hasn’t noticed, which I doubt, or he’s not looking for commitment.”
“Ah. And it’s someone we’ve known for years, huh?” Suna deduced, words come out slowly.
You straightened your back in surprise and shot warning looks toward both boys. This was getting too close, they were starting to put together pieces of a puzzle you hadn’t even willingly handed to them. And knowing these little shits, they were not going to let this go until they found out.
Atsumu inclined his head for you to continue while Suna’s eyes never left your own. Suna was smart all the time, but with being associated with the twins constantly, it was easy to forget that fact. And since the trio acted like idiots so often, you tended to forgo how truly analytical even the Atsumu was. 
This was not good - so not good. It probably would not take them long to deduce the person at this rate.
“I swear to the highest volleyball gods out there,” You spit out as your turned to the other manager, “I will fucking smite you off this planet if you say another word.”
Jisoo burst out laughing immediately, almost choking on her lunch as Atsumu grinned at your warning, the exact opposite response you wanted.
“Strong words ya got there.” He commented, body still angled toward yours in interest. “Looks like we hittin’ a lil too close to home?”
“Don’t even try it.” You responded back, turning away from his inquisitive eyes and back to your phone.
Needless to say, they didn’t listen.
Suna backed up in his seat, eyes glancing between you and the setter. “No commitment, huh?”
Meanwhile, Atsumu was rapid-firing questions. “Is it a second-year? Third-year? Is he on the volleyball team? Do we know ‘em personally?”
You smiled at his now peaked curiosity, the setter almost looking like a small puppy waiting for a treat. But you refused to answer, no doubt sure that they would tell the captain the moment they found out the truth. You turned to Jisoo, who was smiling away at Atsumu, but otherwise sat thankfully quiet.
Atsumu was firing off specific names now, hoping to get any response from you.
“The bastard’s gotta be on the team.”
“Bastard?” Jisoo laughed at the nickname.
“Shut up, Atsumu.” You countered, attempting to poke harshly at his forehead to stop. But he just grabbed the hand in one of his own, holding it in his lap as he continued to spit out names.
“Is it Aran?”
“Will you stop?”
“I will murder you in cold blood.”
“... Is it me?”
You tried your best to pull your hand away, now realizing his tightening hold on against the skin of your hand. How long had you been sitting there holding hands? You felt a natural rosiness rise to your cheeks, not really because of the recipient, but because you were doing so in public with some guy.
Instead, you poked the setter’s side roughly, earning a deep groan, but freeing your hand in the process. Packing up your belongings, you stepped out of the picnic table and stated, “Lunch is almost over, we should get to class.”
You walked away with a small wave, the boys turning to the now only female occupant of the lunch-table.
“Nu-uh.” Jisoo cut off Atsumu, moving to leave the table before she accidentally said anything.
“Throw a man a bone here! Or at least help him bone.” Atsumu murmured that last part under his breath, “Ya don’t even have to verbally confirm it - is it me?”
Jisoo paused as she stood, books in hand already. The look she threw him was mischievous, but otherwise she left in silence.
Unfortunately for you, all you were thinking about during class was that conversation you just had. Kita sat on your right in your next few classes, the mild Ōmimi behind the both of you. The last thing you needed was to linger on their teasing words of smooches and marriage. You couldn’t confess your feelings, imagining anything else?? You could only imagine the bright blush at the simple thought of it.
And apparently, you hadn’t hidden it well.
“Something wrong?”
There were still a couple more minutes until the teacher would return. And so you were sitting in the classroom with Kita alongside you, other students milling around the room. He was so damn good at reading people and you cursed that he was using it against you now.
“Just thinking about some stuff Jisoo said at lunch.” You tried to wave off.
“You’re blushing.” Kita stated bluntly, putting his book down as he spoke to you. 
He was never one to sugar-coat his words.
“Am I?” You put your palms to your cheeks, as if to feel the heat. There was no point in trying to lie to him. “She was teasing me about boys.”
“Oh. Are you dating anyone?” Kita asked.
God, this was awful. 
There was nothing worse than your crush asking about your crush.
“No, not yet.” You shook your head negatively, turning towards the window on your left, at least trying to hide your expression.
“Yet? Are you looking to date soon?”
You wanted to scream.
“Um, not in the near future.” You tried to deflect, “But it could happen!”
“Of course.” He smiled, “I packed extra onigiri for lunch, but I couldn’t find you. I’m not sure if you still want it.”
“Ah, I would love to! If I’m not imposing, then yes.”
Kita shook his head, “I packed it for you.”
“You’re so sweet sometimes.” You said honestly, taking it and munching down.
“You usually either forget your lunch or eat junk.” He stated plainly, making you suddenly blanch at his cold-words. I mean, he wasn’t exactly wrong either. You thought back to the lunch you had today, literally just water and french fries that you ended up giving to Atsumu.
“Ha, well.” You trailed off before settling on, “Thanks for always taking care of me.”
Kita’s small grin widened as he looked you in the eyes, “It’s my pleasure.”
When he said things like that, it easily set your heart aflame. It was so simple, such small interactions that you would have to squint hard to find anything underlying in his words. But you wanted to. You wanted to feel needed and also give to the captain as well.
The blush you had earlier was probably nothing in comparison to how you looked now, you were sure. And, with Kita being the ever smart cookie he was, there was no doubt that he spied your inflamed reaction.
Was that conversation over? Was he expecting a response?
Maybe the volleyball god’s did have mercy on your poor soul, since your teacher walked in then and thankfully brought your conversation to a halt. You tried not to outwardly seem relieved, turning to the front and taking out your notebooks.
Your mind wandered in and out of the lecture. There were moments that your gaze just happened to meander over to the captain to your right. It was one thing to suddenly notice you were staring at him, but another thing entirely to be caught in the action. Kita would usually just smile at you kindly, before nudging his chin toward the front of the room toward the teacher.
Even later during volleyball practice, your eyes would casually dawdle over to where the captain was standing. Whether he was watching the team with careful eyes or participating himself in practicing spikes, your eyes usually just found him.
But today was not the day to let down your guard.
Atsumu and Suna were paying careful attention to you. And now it was no secret where your gaze was pointed to. Suna smirked when he realized, but Atsumu clicked his tongue and mentally filed it away for later. Jisoo once snapped playful fingers in front of your face, grabbing your attention to flip the scoreboard.
When it was finally time to clean, Kita helped you collect the left-over volleyballs and roll the hammock into the proper storage room. You did so carefully, making sure not to accidentally touch his skin lest he back off from the motion. But the kind, neutral expression he shot you went straight to your heart.
“Let’s get the scoreboard next.” He instructed, the both of you moving to opposite sides of the wheeled board.
And you would have, if Atsumu had not thrown a casual arm across the captain’s shoulders.
“Hey, do ya mind helpin’ ‘Samu over there?” He motioned with his thumb over his shoulder, pointing to his twin who was not looking at all.
Slightly suspicious, Kita did as asked anyway and went with the grey-headed twin to mop the floors.
“What was that about?” You asked as Atsumu pushed the scoreboard along with you.
It was only when you entered the storage room alone that he replied, “So Mister No Gaps Kita Shinsuke, huh?”
“What?!” You fought the inward need to slap yourself, high voice and exclamation enough to show that he was right on the money. “You asshole, how do you know that?”
“I didn’t need anyone to tell me that.” He emphasized, gesturing at your eyes with two fingers. “Ya kept starin’ at ‘em the entire practice.”
You huffed frowning, “That obvious, huh?”
“Yea, he probably knows too - especially if Suna and I figured this shit out.”
That didn’t help at all.
“Great.” You leaned against the nearby wall and put a palm to your forehead.
Atsumu crossed his arms, “So why haven’t ya confessed to ‘em yet?”
You scoffed and shot him a flat-expression, “Because he doesn’t like me back?”
“What? He said that to ya?”
“Well, no.” You hesitated, but explained. “I mean, he definitely knows I have feelings. And Shinsuke has never been one to beat around the bush. If he hasn’t addressed it, it’s probably because he doesn’t want to make it awkward…  since he doesn't feel the same.”
“I think you’re a dumbass.” Atsumu stated back, sighing heavily. “Kita don’t think like that and we both know it.”
“Why else would he be waiting it out?” You asked, “This is the same Kita that told us he doesn’t understand how people feel nervous.”
“Jesus, (F/N). He was talkin’ about volleyball.” Atsumu groaned, raking one of his hands through his piss-blonde hair. “Kita’s human too. Maybe he’s not sure how ya would respond for the same reasons.”
“I don’t know if love advice from the school’s resident fuck-boy is a good idea.” You jabbed instead, a playful smile on your face.
Atsumu put a mock-offended hand on his chest, a smirk finding a way on his face before he squashed it down seriously. He took a step toward you until you were less than an arms’ length-apart, “Fine, have it your way. Stew in silence until he finds someone else.”
That struck a silent chord in you.
“Honestly, that was kind of the plan these past few years.” You admitted, turning your head toward the ground. “If he could find his true happiness with someone else, then I would be happy for him.”
Atsumu must have detected your seriousness, since he hesitated to say his next few words. “Don’ be like that. Stop bein’ an idiot - he likes you.”
“Shut up.”
“Come on, (L/N).” Atsumu levelled with you, “Ya standin’ here like ya ain’t the only girl he’s ever withstood.”
“Wow, what a feat.” You muttered as you sighed.
“Fine, if ya don’t believe that. Aren’t ya’ll best friends anyway?” Atsumu asked, “I’m sure he’d do anythin’ to keep you close.”
You hesitated, but agreed. Your relationship, no matter if he reciprocated your feelings or not, you were best friends. But if he didn’t feel the same and you said something? Would there ever be recovering from something like that?
Atsumu drew you out of your thoughts before he lost you further to your over-thinking, “You’re a real catch. Anybody would be lucky to have ya.”
“Oh?” You shot a withered smile at him.
“And I’m not just sayin’ that to put the moves on ya.” Atsumu joked, earning a light punch to his shoulder as you walked past him to leave.
“Yeah, yeah.” You said before turning back towards him, remembering to say. “None of this leaves this room. You hear that?”
“Yes ma’am.” He mock-saluted, a second later a loud ahem ringing through the room.
You tensed up and turned toward the door, seeing a blank-faced Shinsuke standing in the open doorway. Atsumu was always surprised, albeit much less worried than you were. Was your secret finally out?
“Am I interrupting something?” He asked, before you pushed shouted a loud No! and brushed past him back into the gymnasium.
Atsumu tried to casually exit the room as well, before his captain’s voice rang-out again, “Care to explain what that was about?” 
The setter had two options here: either brush it off or fan the flames that he knew for a fact was there. You were the obvious party, openly staring at the captain like your eyes belonged on him. But Atsumu knew that those feelings were not as unrequited as you thought. 
He remembered some club-room talk not that long ago. It was normal for the guys to discuss their preferences, something that Atsumu was rather vocal about on multiple occasions. Aran was just looking for someone he could cook while Ōmimi stated he liked girls who were generally very kind. Osamu preferred someone who was a bit meeker while Atsumu loved ‘em vocal, even bratty to the point of talking back.
“Of course, you would.” Suna commented as he dressed.
“What the fuck do ya mean by that?” The setter bit out.
“As in the fuckboy thinks he’s a girl tamer.” Suna snarkily replied.
“Well, when a girl has a mouth on her. I want to put it to good use.” Atsumu said with a smirk, earning a loose towel to the head, one that Osamu had just launched from across the room. Aran sighed and grabbed it before Atsumu could whip it back. Kita nodded toward his counterpart in quiet thanks.
Many of the others were still dressing after practice this day, it would be annoying to have to break up another fight between the twins then.
“Can ya be less of an asshole?” The grey-headed twin asked.
“Wha? I’m speakin’ the truth!” Atsumu defended, “Not every girl is like that anyway.”
“And who would the infamous Ratsumu have his eyes on?” Suna asked, genuinely curious but not missing the chance to poke at the setter.
Atsumu frowned, but continued anyway. “No one, right now. But I still got eyes, ya know. Ya can’t tell me our manager ain’t a cutie.”
“She would rather hand you a new asshole than ever date you.” Suna said, to which Akagi laughed.
“Careful, ‘Tsamu.” Osamu playfully warned, “People might think ya like (L/N)-san.”
“What can I say, she’s single and hot as fuck.” Atsumu replied off-handedly. 
It was a plain statement, but you could almost physically feel the temperature change in the club-room. Aran was glancing between the captain while the rest wondered why it was suddenly dead silent.
Osamu wondered if his prayers had been heard and he would soon be an only child.
“I suggest not saying that again.” Kita stated over his shoulder as he buttoned up the rest of his shirt.
That was a clear enough warning to everyone in the room that you were off limits. Suna had remembered this instance as well, in the present day reminding Atsumu after lunch not to push any buttons. It was clear then that Kita had no tolerance to any shit he was going to pull and now the pining was mutual on both your ends. Suna reminded him again and again during class to just let you and Kita sort your feelings naturally.
Was Atsumu going to be a little shit and try to sew some discord?
Hell yes.
“What can I say?” Atsumu feigned being casual, even shrugging as he exited the quiet storage room. “A pretty girl and a young guy enter a closet alone together, you know the rest.”
The glare he felt on his neck could have been enough to snap it with this much pressure. But, Atsumu digressed. He was doing the both of you a favor anyway, pushing you together when you both already had feelings for one another (albeit with some mind games interspersed).
Atsumu almost laughed when Kita grabbed your hand when the two of you walked home together. 
Kita knew what the setter was doing. What buttons he was trying to push, what he was trying to imply with you. The captain knew it all and he was still getting pissed off.
True to everyone’s assumptions, Kita knew about your feelings for him. The extent and duration, that he was not sure of. But he knew that you have thought about him in a romantic light for quite some time. Lingered looks and purposeful touches, on both your ends, was not something he could easily ignore.
What made Kita wonder was why you hadn’t said anything at all?
You were often pretty straight-forward as well. Not exactly in terms of romance, but you when were interested in something you tended to speak your mind. Whether it be a new show, some shounen anime you were following along with, you always shared it with him.
And for that fact he was always grateful.
Many of the others your age tended to be warded off by his way of thinking, branding him too mature or even too cold at times. To think that even the sarcastic Suna had nicknamed him as a robot, it was interesting to see that was how most people saw him.
But you didn’t.
Or at least, you saw passed his cold exterior and were just a freely-spoken with your mind. Kita’s blunt way of speaking had casualties sometimes, but you usually voiced if his blunt speech was too much. There were times that, if you were inadvertently hurt by his words, you would say it out-loud.
He remembered the last time this happened, not even a month ago. The two of you were hanging out under the shade of a tree, about to go out to a team hangout when you exited your back porch wearing a blue sundress. It flirted high above your knees and showed off the creamy legs of yours that he loved to trail his eyes over.
You looked breath-taking.
And so he said:
“Is there an occasion I’m missing today? I thought we were just going out with the team.”
The disappointed look on your face was immediate and it did not take a genius to figure those were the wrong words to say. But what he was not sure is where it went wrong. Logically, it made sense. You were going to walk at least two miles to the train and then from there a mile to the arcade. And most of that time you would all be standing. Would you even be comfortable doing all this walking in sandals?
But you didn’t get offended or draw away from him from these smaller misunderstandings.
You were always ready to knock some sense into him if need be.
“Not even a compliment on how I look? How mean.” You said with a frown, “I tried a bit more because I don’t usually get the chance to.”
“I know, but I want you to be comfortable considering the walks today.” Kita lightly grabbed your elbow as he stepped closer, “Besides, you always look beautiful no matter what you’re wearing.”
Your blush was palpable, Kita was almost sure he could fry an egg on your forehead, if the redness was any indication of temperature. 
“Let’s save this dress for another occasion. Preferably where only I see these.” He glanced down to indicate your legs, to which you sputtered and allowed him to guide you back inside the house.
And instead, he picked a pair of light-colored shorts and a loose summer-blouse. Kita knew you had a pair of black-and-white sneakers that would go with it anyway. You commented how it was almost scary that Kita knew your wardrobe, but he stated it simply:
I like what you wear. And I think it looks very agreeable on you.
It was simple and he stated it thusly. And from your reaction, it seemed as if it had made your day. From the beaming smile on your face to the new skip in your step, it was clear to him that he had amended the situation properly with your guidance.
But he still had the same issue: Kita thought he was being clear as day.
There was no one else he was spending time with like this. No one else whom Kita was expressing interest in like he was with you. From sharing ice-cream to hangouts alone with just the two of you, he thought his way of flirting with you was obvious? His actions alone should have been clear that he was showing his own interest in you.
And so if Kita was being clear with his feelings, why hadn’t you said anything?
This was not something he could just say and retract, either. The last thing he wanted to do was put your entire friendship on the line just to lose you. What if you actually did not feel the same way? But from your constant blushing and obvious gaze on him, you liked him too? But why hadn’t you said anything? Were you expecting him too?
He almost groaned aloud at this line of thinking.
Nothing had him flustered quite like you. Kita was confident both in school and on the court, a sure faith that no matter where it was. It was not a baseless arrogance, but more like a calm trust that he knew what he was doing was right.
And yet…
When it came to you, that brand of confidence simply withered away. Not always a bad thing, you often caught him off-guard with your own kindness and rarely did you ever truly fight. But there were times that he sorely wished he knew what was going on in that head of yours.
Like why hadn’t you said anything to him regarding this tension?
Or better yet, why the hell were you whispering with Atsumu in the gym closet?
The setter knew all about your being off-limits. Kita made it very clear that day and it seemed even then, the message did not totally receive in the asshole's mind. Or rather, it probably did, Atsumu just decided to ignore it.
And so on your shared walk home after practice, Kita gently grabbed your hand and did not let go. You almost jumped in surprise alongside him. Not that you hadn’t held hands before, but it was usually called for in the context. Navigating one of the twin’s parties, through a crowded group, or just to guide you somewhere.
But never had he held your hand for no reason.
Kita just smiled, hoping this would send a clear enough message to both you and the meddlesome boys behind you.
Meanwhile, Atsumu had to stop himself from cackling aloud. Osamu was ready to question his brother over what the hell was that about, but Suna assured him that it was best not to get involved at this rate. Aran simply sighed, but waved goodbye and goodnight to the rest of the team.
Your smile was a mask to your inward screaming, only to be silenced to a blank void. Your mind was comparable to that picture of spilled milk - the only thing inside as if the very act was an enigma. You had no idea what to say, what to do in this situation as you both continued to walk along.
For someone who was an athlete, the skin of his hand was surprisingly soft as it encased your own. You felt your hand unconsciously squeeze his and feared that the act would have him pulling away, as if waking him up from his act. But Kita squeezed back, a fond expression reflected back at you.
The two of you walked home together whenever you had the chance, unless called for by other duties. So this was usually normal for the two of you. Conversation was just easy, ranging from school or recent events, and even if one-sided you had no issues with simply speaking to the captain. And yet today…
Kita and you were both completely silent.
You couldn’t even tell if something else was on his mind, a neutral look on his face as he looked ahead. Was this action to show that he was reciprocating your feelings? You hated being unsure like this, but there was too much vulnerability to simply lay-out what you wanted to say.
Even on the train, Kita sat next to you quietly but still held your hand over his knee. You watched the action, before trying to level your breathing as to not freak out. But Kita kept going about his day, even taking out his phone to check a few texts with the other hand.
It was meant to show this was entirely on purpose.
Only when your house popped into view during something conspiratory popped into your mind - Did one of the boys tell him?
You felt the small seed of hope grow further. Was it just a coincidence that the day Suna and Atsumu found out about your secret was the same day, after literal years, that Kita found out as well? And that maybe if he knew now, was he reciprocating in some way?
You moved to glance at him in the corner of your eye, but he was already looking at you.
The both of you stopped short of the gate, but you hesitated for a second to say anything. There was so much on your mind and stewing in silence was the exact opposite thing you wanted to do. Before you could even think of words to say, your captain made the first move again.
Kita tenderly reached for your other hand, holding both in his much larger ones. He brought them up together and shot you a gentle smile, “(F/N), your hands are so soft.”
It came out like word vomit.
“I like you, Kita!”
Maybe you read him wrong?? If he was going to make a move, why was he looking at you so surprised??
“And here I was, wanting to say something first.” Kita said as he chuckled lightly, his hands gliding the rest of the way up your arms. “I like you, too.”
You didn’t even have time to overthink, Kita wasting no time and pulling you towards him. Quickly raising your hands to his chest, you steadied yourself against him as he held you in the close embrace. His smile was almost blinding - not from the size, but rather the genuine feel behind it.
Your hands slid upwards, folding behind his neck as your faces drew closer together. One of his hands gently carded in your hair, lightly guiding you to him. You closed your eyes in silent anticipation, long awaited joining finally happening with only stars as your audience.
The skin of his lips slotted gently against yours and you silently relished the feel of the prolonged peck. You pulled him closer, silently nudging him to go the step further. Kita smiled in response, making you beam right back at him. It was honestly hard to deepen the kiss further, expressions pulled from your shared grins. You were two idiots smiling at one another, foreheads pressed together as you struggled to deepen your impassioned kiss.
“I’ve waited so long to hold you like this.” Kita whispered against your lips, one of his hands resting around your waist.
“Me too.” You replied in a low vice, eyes still closed as you just felt him.
He watched your cute expression, from your rosy appearance to the way you deliciously leaned your body into him. Kita felt his eyes shutter closed, savoring the feeling of you two finally joined. You moved together in tandem, softly at first, and then with a swift intensity that made you cling to him even further - as if Kita was the only solid thing in this suddenly swaying world.
The world was constantly moving, either too fast or too slow or too much at times. Until finally, in Kita’s arms, it finally felt right.
“I’ve liked you for a really long time.” You confessed.
“I know.” Kita responded simply, “Me too.”
You almost wanted to laugh, but withheld it from possibly breaking the atmosphere. “Is it really that simple?”
“Yes.” Kita said as he smiled, moving to place a light kiss on your forehead. “I was honestly… afraid to say anything in fear of your response. But now we are both aware, right?”
You grinned back and stretched on your tippy-toes to kiss his cheek, “Yes.”
“That’s it then.” Kita stated as he leaned his forehead back against yours, “You’re mine. And I’m yours.”
You whispered back, “Sounds like a deal.”
His insistent mouth parted your eager lips, sending wild tremors crawling up your spine, evoking sensations you had never known you were even capable of feeling. And as the swimming giddiness spun you round and round, you steadied yourself to kiss him back just as passionately. With a swipe of his tongue against the crease of your lips, you parted your mouth eagerly.
There was no battle, no insistent fight between your two appendages. There was only Kita, eagerly roaming around your mouth as you sensually rubbed tongues. You openly moaned at the feeling, not even noticing the noise until Kita was smiling in response.
You blushed at the realization, but Kita only complimented the sound. “Make that noise again for me.”
Your smile dropped to a more sultry smirk.
“You’ll have to earn it.”
Kita felt his eyes comically widen before dropping to a half-lid, “Oh?”
“My parents aren’t home…”
Kita placed a kiss on your forehead just to lean away, one of his hands dropping to grab your own. You hurried along with his pace, suddenly breaking out into a faster walk in the direction of your home.
“Let’s make up for lost time, shall we?”
“No way.” Jisoo commented on the sight before her, nudging Atsumu standing next to her. The twin’s party was ravaging around them, but there was an unlikely and yet very likely couple that had just walked through the door. And while it was normal to see the two of them together, it was the first official time as an exclusive couple.
Walking in was Kita and you, hands clasped together like this was oh so natural.
Akagi greeted the both of you with a smile while Aran waved you guys over to the living, where many of the other team members were playing a game. Kita guided you through the party, joined hands proudly on display for all party goers.
Atsumu held out a hand in Jisoo direction’s, causing her to frown but nonetheless place some lost yen in his open palm.
But seeing you smile and share a kiss openly with the captain, Jisoo didn’t exactly mind losing this bet.
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wonunuu · 4 years
iris beauty ❀
8: hallucinations or memories of the past
✎ synopsis: falling for a guy is never easy, especially when your best friend of many years basically claimed him; you and mina have been friends for as long as you can remember, but your loyalty and trust are tested when she asks you to pretend to be her in meeting a guy she had been talking to online and you unintentionally start to develop feelings for him.
✎ genre: romance, angst, drama, comedy
✎ pairing: reader x yoon jeonghan
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a/n: i totally forgot it's update day today lmao. also the written part is so bad,, i think i wrote it at like 1 in the morning 🥴🥴 but like yeahh send me your thoughts!! i love reading them ☺️☺️☺️
wc: 900+
The day has arrived. Today, you will be going to one of South Korea’s famous landmarks, Seoul Tower, where you will meet up with your best friend’s boyfriend—yes, your best friend’s boyfriend. “Final spin,” Mina orders you and you oblige, twirling to show her the outfit she had picked out for you. It was a lavender coloured loose cami dress layered with a white cardigan, and paired with white converse. As for accessories, you wore silver studs and bracelets Mina had bought, along with your golden necklace with an iris flower pendant, a gift from your parents. Though it didn't match the other silver accessories, you still kept it as it held very special memories from your childhood with your parents. 
“I don't know why we had to go full out,” you complain pointing to your outfit. “I’m just gonna meet him for a little while anyways.”
“Definitely not. I told you you need to match my clothing style. And I thought we agreed on no complaints?” Mina pouts, knowing it will hit you right in the gut. You roll your eyes at your friend and her persuasive skills, “Fine. No more complaints, sadly.”
“You look so cute!” Mina chirps, hugging and squeezing the life out of you. 
“When is he coming?” you asked. The two of you had been preparing in the parking lot of the tower, waiting for Jeonghan to arrive. “We agreed to meet around 4 o’clock. It’s five ‘till four, he should be here soon. You should go wait in the entrance,” Mina instructs. “I’ll be right behind you guys.” Although she wasn’t gonna meet Jeonghan herself, she still wanted to see the boy. She didn’t want to be noticeable, so she wore a black hoodie, skinny jeans and sunglasses. 
“Okay.” You took a deep breath, looking at Mina who was staring at you fondly. 
“Thank you so much, YN. Tell what he sounds like later, okay?” 
“I will.” 
As you wait for Jeonghan at the entrance of the tower, you peek a glance at Mina who was standing about five meters from where you stood, looking around for the boy whom she didn't know the face of. Eventually, she meets you and gives a thumbs up—a sign of encouragement. You smile in response, and go back to waiting. 
“Excuse me,” a man says, snapping you out of your trance. “Could he possibly be Jeonghan?” you thought, but when you saw him, you held in a laugh. It was a man in his forties—the possibility of him being Jeonghan is impossible. And the key giveaway is that he has a child with him, guessing she’s at the age of five or six. 
“Do you know where we can buy the tickets to go in?” he asks. “I'm pretty sure if you go in and turn right, the booth should be there,” you inform him as you point in the direction. He gives you a thank you before going in, you watched the father and daughter enter the building, hoping you didn't give the wrong directions. When you turn back, you spot a boy dressed in an orange shirt, light blue jeans and gray coat walking your way. 
“Hi,” he greets. “Are you perhaps Mina?” He asks. His face looks soft and gentle; beautiful chocolate brown almond-shaped eyes, nose perfectly centered on his face, and his lips resembled the colour of a peach. His hair was styled up, revealing his forehead. 
He looked immaculate, and from the side of your eye, you knew Mina thinks the same way as she has completely stopped functioning to stare at the man in front of you. 
“Jeonghan?” you say. He nods and smiles. You contemplate whether you should greet him with a hug or not, but your thoughts are interrupted when Jeonghan gives you a compliment. “You look wonderful.” He says and you feel your cheeks flush warm, turning red. You look down at the floor then back at him. “Thank you. You too, you look amazing.” You reply. 
“Shall we go in?” He asks, offering his hand for you to hold. For a second, you thought he was moving too fast, but quickly remembered that Mina and him have been dating for weeks now. You then place your hand on his and he interlaced his fingers with yours, locking it tightly, before walking into the building.
“Tell me more about yourself,” you inquire as the two of you sit on the chairs placed near the window that viewed the countless buildings in the city below. Jeonghan takes a breath, “Uhm let’s see. Well, I like sports and I can say that I'm quite good at them.” He brags, straightening his shoulders, looking proud. You giggle in response. “How shameless,” you thought. 
“I bet I can beat you at badminton.” You teased. Mina and you have been playing badminton since you were young. You were confident in your skills as you've had quite a lot of experience with the sport. “There's only one way to test out your theory,” Jeonghan replied. You scoffed, “Theory? Theory? FYI, Mina- I mean my best friend and I have been playing the sport since we were little. She never managed to beat me.” You inform him, almost slipping your words, but you corrected them quickly. 
“Then we should schedule another meet up, and this time, it will be at the court.” He leans to you smirking, eyebrows raised. You nod. “Shit. I got carried away."
“Great!” He cheers. “I look forward to meeting you again, Mina.” 
“Me too. I had a lot of fun today. Thank you.” You replied while Jeonghan looked at you fondly.
He then approaches you carefully, wrapping his arms around your figure, and you do the same. Before pulling away completely, Jeonghan gives you a soft peck on your cheeks. Your heart starts to race, but you shut it out as this is just a kiss for Mina, not you. 
After he departs, you look for Mina. You see her a few meters behind you, smiling.
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@yyxyzti @acciofirewhiskey @doiewonu @shuajeong @wooziverse @boogyuu @rjsmochii @haniehae @twentysixofmays @suhfluffy @sydneyy-jade @itsdnguyenxoxo @dancingddays @lovingyu04 @fluffyhyeju @haoraecane @dy-mglzz @1800zuho @t-secretpot @floweryjeons @yaebbinnie @t-secretpot @not-sojoyuus @xcalicoups @ryuyalana @bubblywonu @youbloominsideofme @lavenonie @winternight-wonwoo @muhanuibean @mariecoura @juji-han @strawbinnie-shortcake @isa499 @pseudoyop @serenadesvt @glouraeswei @glowingjaehyun @sunflowergyeomie @kunmaid @apricottulips @hao-ling @cheolright @pancakeandfrogs @elcie-chxn @yanniezx @jeonjungkaka @scoffingscully @sunflower-euphro @monstathedisco
unable to tag: @tyongs @jeongjungkaka @jammyjamjamss @hauntedprincessarbiter
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ginanosakka · 4 years
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I’m Sorry
I Hate It Here | Next
“How did you guys figure it out?” You sighed, dropping onto the bed and tossing your phone into the mess of sheets you couldn’t be bothered to make with the little sleep you ran on.
“I figured it out,” Katsuki said with a blatant possessive tone. “I know how you react to your old man, and you’ve made it clear that the bastard has no problem trying to kill you.” He explained, and you just nodded, deciding to disregard it in your exhausted state.
“Your dad gave me some off vibes back then, but I didn’t know just how bad it was. . I’m sorry all of this keeps happening to you.” Eijirou frowned, his anger seeming to simmer into pity for you.
Katsuki glared at him, “she doesn't need your apology when you didn’t do anything.”
‘They’d never really argue. . right?’ You thought, looking back and forth between the two silently.
“You’re right, but she deserves an apology from you. Katsuki! Maybe if you’d stop acting like that you two could get somewhere before someone else gives her the life she deserves!”
‘They would.’
“Okay, can we just-“ you were cut off by Katsuki.
“You don’t understand a damn thing, stupid hair! Don’t act like you know her,” Katsuki growled and took a threatening step towards Kirishima that he mimicked without an ounce of fear.
“I know that you aren’t capable of being a real man and admitting you’re wrong,” Kirishima bit back.
When a small explosion went off in Katsuki right hand you immediately put yourself between the two with you back to Kirishima, and your arms were held out in front of you to stop Katsuki. His piercing red eyes still didn’t meet yours, and you assumed he and Kirishima were having a stare down, but neither would make a move with you between them. Whether it was because they were still heroes even when angry or something much deeper, you didn’t know and this was no time to find out.
“Kirishima. . I need you to go for now. Thank you for sticking up for me,” you addressed the redhead.
You didn’t get a response for a moment, but after a while he muttered a quiet, “okay.” You watched as Eiji moved to leave the room with a final glance at you, and the moment he was out of the room you took a step away from Bakugou.
“I can’t keep doing this with you,” you sighed once again and ran a hand over your face.
“. . . He’s right.”
You almost got whiplash from how fast your head whipped up to meet his face. Katsuki Bakugou looked absolutely guilt ridden, and you were sure your eyes had become the size of saucers looking at that expression on his face. Especially after he was just ready to blow Kirishima’s face off for saying what he did.
“I broke your heart and made you think you weren’t worth shit, I gave you a kid and left you to struggle for six years, and when you took the time to tell me and let me meet my kid, I forgot that what I made you out to be was a liar and spoiled brat when you were nothing like that. I-“
You tried to cut him off, “I’m over it-“
He glared at you, “stop fucking lying. I can see it everytime you look at me. You think about the day I told you that I was done pretending to like spending time with you. . that you were just some spoiled princess and the only reason I hung around you was because your father offered me a damn deal! I lied!”
Your world had been shattered before, on multiple occasions that left you in a near out of body experience from the sheer shock, not to mention the pain. The words that came out of his mouth made a numbness wash over your entire body, and you could only stare at his tears eyed face that was flushed with so many emotions. Was this the face that broke you all those years ago? This was why he couldn’t look you in the eyes when he brought your world to a stop? None of it made sense to you, but there was so little you knew behind the scenes of your entire childhood that came to light in bits and pieces.
“What?” Was the only word you could process, your brain just needing more information to make even one word of what he was saying seem real.
“I wasn’t supposed to care about you, I was just supposed to put up with you until you found something else you were interested in, that’s what my deal was with that bastard. I thought it was going to be easy, like babysitting sims little brat and then I’d get ahead of that damn half-and-half bastard and Deku. . but you were so determined to be around me, and I couldn’t find a single thing that was actually wrong with you!” Katsuki seethed, his hands curling up into fists at his side. “You were always there for me no matter what I said to you, and you didn’t care at all whether or not I was going to be the number one hero or just some loser. . and I hated myself because I loved you!”
“You’re lying-“ Oh, how the tables turn.
“I kissed you first. I know you remember that, and I know you remember how real that was, Y/N. You felt everything I was feeling that night.”
That stupid night.
It was just a regular night by your standards, you doing the most impossible task of entertaining Katsuki when something was plaguing his mind. You didn’t mind talking for hours to him, it made you feel useful when he would come to you with all these complicated emotions that you never experienced before. He had a bigger part in life than you, and you were just happy to ease his mind when his life wasn’t guaranteed.
“My tutor said I’m probably better at tricking him than any actual subject, and I don’t really think that’s a bad thing when I can get him to waste an hour telling me about his daughter’s first steps than teaching me math-“
“You talk too much.” Before you could retort back to him or even look at him, he had his arms around your waist and pulled you to lay down with him on your bed.
“If you wanted to cuddle, all you had to do was say something,” you smirked with a laugh.
The initiation of contact was enough for you, giving you the go ahead to grab his hand that wasn’t behind your head and gently rub it. It took months for him to be okay with you touching his hands so freely, and despite the fact that he said it was because he didn’t like touching, you knew he was scared to hurt you. It was the same way you knew he was hurting, or sad, or happy.
“You’re a little shit,” he responded with his red eyes glaring softly into yours, but you could see the small ghost of a smile threatening to show on his face.
“But I’m your little shit. I bet you if I was anything less than a little shit, you’d be bored of me. That’s why you’re always-“
Soft and warm lips pressed against yours, and you were flipped onto your back with him hovering over you. The flips your stomach was doing, the way your heart was nearly beating out of your chest, and the fog that was beginning to coat your brain left you whirling. He had never kissed you before, settling for rare hugs and gentle touches when you were alone that would kill him to speak about to anyone else. Your body was on fire, and just when you thought his lips would leave yours for good, they once again pressed against yours with fever and need that you were so unaware of before.
When his lips finally did leave yours, his face hovering just inches above yours, you could see the blush covering his cheeks that was accompanied by a cocky smirk on his face. “I said you talk too much.” He taunted before connecting the both of you once again.
You wished for nothing else but to be frozen in that moment.
“There was nothing in that deal with him that made me sleep with you. That night made me feel so stupid, because how was I suppose to love you and pretend like you weren’t being lied to and used by everyone. I knew if I were to come clean and say some stupid apology you’d accept it, you’d forgive everyone around you that didn’t deserve you. I had to lie to myself for days after that and tell myself all those horrible things about you, make myself actually believe them and do what was right.. What I thought was right- Damn it!”
He got onto his knees and you weren’t sure if your jaw was going to hit the floor first or your eyes that were nearly bulging out of your sockets. This was happening. Everything was beginning to make sense, your heart was hurting and your head was spinning, and Katsuki fucking Bakugou was on his knees in front of you. You didn’t know you were crying until your vision became so blurry you couldn’t make out Katsuki’s figure, but you could see that his head was down in shame.
“I’m sorry. I am so fucking sorry, Y/N, and you should hate me. . but I’m not going to stop trying and I’m not going to sit here and let you take that bastard down alone. . and I’m not going to let someone else take my
spot without a fight.”
Katsuki blinked away the tears in his eyes as silence fell in the room, unsure of how you were reacting and if he had done the right thing by throwing his pride away. He looked up despite his fear and doubt, needing to know what was going through your head. Your eyes were closed now, the tears falling down your face at a slow pace. Your bottom lip was trembling, and he could see the smallest signs that you were shaking where you stood.
“Y/N-“ He reached out his hand to you, but in a split second his head was snapped to the left, the stinging on his cheek truly cementing what you had just done. He turned his head slowly back to you, expecting to see rage, but a goofy smile he hadn’t seen in years was on your tear stained face.
“You’re a little shit, you know that?”
(A/N: My favorite chapter by far. Really, this one eats.)
Taglist (Closed) <3 : @fandomgirllover @cloudsgathering @that-bipolar-renegade-romantic @jazzylove @that-chick212 @bonbonthedragon @misssugarless @insomniac-nerd-posts-things @bakugous-bakahoe @pinkykookie17 @animexholic @arielting @samkysnks @simpforeveryone @damnirina @deneuves @tsumuuumiyaaaa @vintage-teddyxo @regalmigraine @samvmgh @iamagalaxy @officialtrashbusiness @xwackk @videogameboiwhowins @marajillana @ellasdilemma @plutoneu @saucey-kneecapzz42020 @thestarsanctuary @dewdropwifu @star-light-imagines @kritiiiii @bakugosbottombitch @the2ndl @candybabey @simply-not-the-same @sam-i-am-1025 @mes-bisous @eternallyvenus @peppytine @chaelysian @definitely-yours @oikawarc @suneaterofthebig3 @m0na-l0ver @nkb0048 @losertsukki @notyourfavorlte @caramelsquares @hikaru-mikazuki
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lunarflux · 3 years
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hwang hyunjin x reader
genre — angst!au
hookup to lover
suggested background music: (click the x)
note: i am so so sorry idk what happened with this one. i was listening to one song, and as my playlist changed, the storyline changed so i did a lot of tweaking to keep with the mood. i did my best to characterize a backstory for the mc x hyunjin lol i like to write about these "moments" that let the reader continue the story on their own, so i hope this is okay??
Hot water hit the back of your neck before trickling down the curves of your back.
No music, no distractions, but here in the steam, enveloped in a warmth akin to his, these were the only thoughts, combing through the air like water under lily pads.
Watching the remnants of bubbles sliding down your legs and onto the porcelain, you sighed through the fog.
He seemed to be all you could think of lately.
You two had known each other for years. Childhood dreams came and went, and the years spent apart from the other seemed like nothing. It was like you two always found your way back. Between the heartbreaks, he'd be there. After the storm was over, he'd be there like a flower waiting for sunlight.
After your first breakup, he appeared like the first night of pleasant dreams after a year of nightmares. Hyunjin was just always there until he wasn't. The spaces in between the time you shared were always spent with other people, almost like you two didn't know how to talk when someone else was around. The world you built was only made for him.
How many more days until your little daydream flitted away like the memories of yesterday morning? You couldn't remember lunch, but you remembered dinner and the after, sitting beside him as his eyes slowly closed, his temple hitting your shoulder.
You didn't dare remind him that he fell asleep intertwined with you in his sheets before slipping out in the morning.
The routine of falling in love with a romantic who wasn't yet ready for you became your weeknights, and it crept into the weekend. Sleeping next to your faux lover, using Monday mornings to figure out what exactly you two were - these were your weeks, and it continued throughout the years.
He wasn't your boyfriend - no, you coiled together, you spoke in a language made for your tongues alone, and when the night fell, all you could see were stars and the moonlight resting on his pillow, ever so intimately resting on his cheeks.
It was always a dreaded question.
What are we?
You never wanted to ask. The question frightened you - you couldn't imagine how much it terrified him. The thought of solidifying what you were to him seemed all too intimidating.
Maybe I do love him.
And again.
Do I love him?
Saying it out loud was the scariest part. Once it was said out loud, you couldn't take it back. It was there. It was truth. It was matter floating through the air, and it drifted away like a kite to the clouds.
Stepping out of the shower, the moments slowly came back.
Quietly locking his door with the spare key he left under the mat. Catching a taxi back to your small apartment. Falling asleep again on the couch before waking up just as the sun hit the horizon. Washing away the remnants of his scent - though, you could swear it was everywhere - in your hair, on your clothes, forever dancing over your skin like he could never be scrubbed away.
(1 new message - Hyunjin)
Why'd you leave?
You hated it when he did this. You hated him. And you loved him. You hated how he would call, and you couldn't resist saying yes. You hated how he'd say he could only fall asleep when it was next to you. You hated the way he looked at you.
You swore he looked at you like he loved you.
Tossing your phone back onto you bed, you went through the rest of your morning, hoping your next cup of coffee would bring the life back into your face.
Hyunjin always managed to reappear in your life whenever you finally forgot about him. It was like he was waiting. He only wanted you when you didn't belong to anyone else, and yet he never did enough to make you his.
Every heated emotion you could feel would course through your veins when you thought about him, yet you couldn't bring yourself to say no.
And you were only ever like that with him.
He knocked on your door at 3pm.
"Why'd you leave?" He recited straight from his text message, still left with no response on your phone.
You shrugged, letting him walk into your apartment without giving him an answer.
"Did I do something?" He grabbed your hand.
It was like something snapped. The button no one dared to press was suddenly slammed into, and everything came spilling out.
"Why do we only do this when you know I've moved on?" You said, spite glossing over your words almost like you wanted it to hurt. "You knew - you knew I'd finally gotten over my ex, and you called, like it was a routine, you knew I wasn't attached anymore. Why do we still do this?"
Hyunjin's grip on your hand was still steady. "I don't know what you want."
"Honestly, I don't either. Something... not this."
He always pulled you in so effortlessly. When Hyunjin hugged you, he would hold your face in his chest like he wanted you to hear his heart beating. He would nuzzle his face into your neck. It was never forceful, but it kept you still.
You leaned way, keeping him at a small distance. This was the first time he'd ever really seen you bare - no makeup, no filter, no effort to prove you were okay being his "maybe".
How many times can you fall in love with one person?
"Tell me what you want." Hyunjin spoke quietly.
He'd never had problems telling you how he felt about the others, girls who came and went. Superficial relationships that would be dedicated for a month and then no more.
"Tell me what to do - just talk to me."
"That's not something we do." You hissed. "We don't talk - we fuck, and you talk. About your hookups, your relationships, you just go on like it doesn't bother me." Backing away to the wall, you could feel your cheeks burn. "I hate it."
"Do you hate me?"
"Maybe I do." You nodded, you head hanging down. "I hate being this - this thing - this space you use when you need someone. I don't want to be the space between moments - I don't want to be the 'pause' between the girls you fall in love with"
Hyunjin almost looked satisfied with your response. This was the first time you'd gotten angry with him, and he knew it. He knew you held your tongue around him. He wasn't blind. He just wanted you to expose yourself to him. The intimacy was a step through the door, but it wasn't enough to make it home.
"I just - I want -"
Grabbing your shoulders firmly, Hyunjin made you look up at him, tears gripping your eyelashes.
"What do you want?"
The look in his eyes was the look of clarity. He asked this same question, but he had his own answer.
A small pur of a sigh, the motion letting the tears fall one by one. "I don't want to see you with anyone else."
He let you cry for a moment until your breaths were steady again. Stroking your cheek with his thumb, he kissed your forehead. His breath moved through your hair.
"I just want you to stay here." You whispered.
"Okay." He leaned into you, his hands on either side of the wall behind you. "I'll stay."
"But -"
"Whatever you want." Hyunjin's eyes were so close. "I'll stay here forever if you want me to."
"I don't understand."
"If I asked you to be with me when we first met, I thought you'd feel unfulfilled. We were so young, and we hadn't lived our lives yet. I would've been content to be with you until you said you didn't want me anymore. I wanted you to live and be done wandering until you were ready to just be mine and no one else's. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have assumed."
The vague childhood jokes Hyunjin used to play on you began to replay themselves behind his words. The times he'd laugh and say "you should date him" - you hated it, but you understood.
"I had to learn how to love other people before I could love you - properly."
He loves me?
"That was the only kind of love you deserved - a proper, complete love. I've done what I needed to do. I made my mistakes, and I took the hard way out of my problems." Hyunjin kissed you sweetly, his lips moving slowly and carefully before pulling away. "I wanted to grow up, so I could love you properly." He rested his forehead on yours, his nose brushing against yours.
His hands gripped your hips firmly before he backed away, letting you see his face clearly.
"Are you ready for me?"
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cipheress-to-k-pop · 4 years
Being Peter Parker’s Little Sister Would Include
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Even as a young boy Peter knew to protect you with his life
He hated seeing you upset
So, he always made sure you were happy
Sure, he was the kind of brother that would tease you to no end
But he was also the kind who would hold you when you cried
He’d help you while you studied
Always gave you first pick
And he made sure you’d never feel a lack of love or acceptance
Him along with Uncle Ben and Aunt May made sure your childhood was a happy one
You were lucky enough to be so young that you don’t remember your parents
But you felt guilty for it
That you couldn’t remember the people who gave you life
So, you were always asking to hear stories about them
You and Ben would be curled up on the couch while he told you about your mother and father
You and May would bake and cook and clean together, always trying out new things and forcing the boys to eat it
Even though your life didn’t have such a good start
It was perfect
Until one day
A burglar broke into the house and held you at gun point, telling Ben he’d shoot you if they didn’t show him whatever was in the house
Your uncle Ben tried to reach for you but you heard a shot by your ear
Even though you shut your eyes you still saw the bullet hit Ben and felt his blood on your face and heard his body hit the ground
May and you saying your goodbyes to him, crying on the floor, covered in his blood
When Peter came home you were wrapped in a blanket, sitting on the edge of the ambulance where they were loading Uncle Ben
The next few days passing by in a blur
Crying in Peter’s arms while he tried to stay strong for you
One day after crying your heart out you managed to fall asleep in Peter’s bed
Seeing your face, he just broke down apologizing for doing this
You met Spiderman a few days after the funeral, at Uncle Ben’s grave
“I’m so sorry, if I had stopped the burglar before then this wouldn’t have happened to you. I promise I will find him and make him pay.”
“It was.... horrific. I saw it with my own eyes. That someone wouldn’t need to blink before taking someone’s life. That someone lacked so much humanity that they broke into a home and killed someone’s family. He’s a monster.”
“I’ll make him pay for what he did to your family.”
“If you kill somebody then you’re no better than he was. Don’t blame yourself, Spiderman, Uncle Ben wouldn’t have wanted it. Blame yourself for a very short time, but in turn, remember it forever. Don’t forget about him.”
“I promise.”
Just as Peter was about to leave, you spoke up again
“Uncle Ben always used to say that there wasn’t a point in becoming a new you if you forgot who you were.”
Suddenly Peter felt extremely nervous and sweaty and you turned to him with a small smile
“I’ll get my life together, I have my aunt and my brother, but I won’t forget who I used to be with Uncle Ben. You should do the same.”
He smiled awkwardly under the mask but you obviously didn’t see it before leaving without another word
You watched him shoot a web and swing away, chuckling
“Come back home safe tonight, Peter.”
Things get better after that
The man who killed Uncle Ben was caught and turned over to the police
And you begin to start paying attention to Peter’s alter ego
Being quick to accept his half-baked excuses and even giving better reasons to Aunt May
Sometimes you wonder just how stupid Peter thinks you are though because he expects you to believe these excuses of his
Always coming to the rescue when he forgets to do something because he was so busy
When he left Aunt May and you waiting at a restaurant for him, you conveniently remembered how he had a school project right when you saw Spiderman swing by the window, trying to catch a few criminals
When he forgot to bring Uncle Ben’s cake home, you picked it up saying that you took the reminder off his phone because you were planning to choose the best looking one
When you saw Harry waiting at the library for him, you told him that Peter got sick so he went home early
Keeping the first aid kit always stocked should Peter need anything
Teaching him to sew but telling him it was part of a home ec exercise so he could learn how to stitch up his own suit
Always silently looking after Peter
Whenever the three of you see a news report about him and Aunt May says that he’s awesome
You chuckling and saying
“Behind every amazing man there’s an equally amazing woman.”
Peter totally agreeing and then being nice to the two of you for the rest of the day
Things take a turn however when an Osborn gone crazy trying to get his hands on Peter finally turned his head to see you
And in his twisted goblin brain, he finally gets an idea
Peter’s DNA is too difficult to get his hands on because he has super powers and has been mutated because of the spider bite
But yours?
Blank slate free for him to manipulate
And you couldn’t fight back
It was all too easy to pluck you right out of their hands and bring you to his lair
Peter goes crazy trying to find you
Begging Nick, nearly in tears to help him find you
And Nick is actually kind of worried because he’s never seen Peter this way
Dispatches as many troops as he can afford trying to look for you
And as per Spiderman’s daily routine, he begins blaming himself
If you got hurt because he wasn’t there to protect you again, he’d never forgive himself
When they find you, you’re in a stasis chamber, nearly dead
There were vials of blood all over the place, and you looked severely malnourished
Peter definitely cried when he saw you
The team trying to comfort him, trying to get him to eat something while you’re in the med bay but him not moving
Although one day they notice something weird
Your heart rate suddenly spiked for some reason and you began tensing and struggling in the bed
Peter tried to get you to relax and immediately called a doctor
When they tried injecting you with a tranquilizer however your body was covered with a blue slime before slamming the doctor against the wall
It wasn’t difficult to figure out
You had been infected by a symbiote
It wasn’t long after that you woke up
Peter and Aunt May cried when you opened your eyes
They told you that Spiderman and his team saved you and even though you wanted to meet the team something told you that Peter was reluctant to get back in the suit
So, you continued to pretend you had no idea of his alter ego
Even though regular coma patients have to go through physiotherapy to get back their physical strength
You never had to do anything of the sort
They S.H.I.E.LD. doctors assume it’s because of the symbiote
You noticed how closed off Peter became and one day sat him down
“What’s going on with you?”
“I don’t deserve to be in this family.”
“What?! How can you say that?!”
“All I do is bring bad luck and people end up getting hurt because of me!”
“It wasn’t your fault Peter. How could you have known that the Goblin would have taken me.”
“It is my fault. Because of me, Uncle Ben was killed and because of me, you could have been too. I bring misfortune to everyone I ever loved.”
You see the way his face falls and your heart breaks
To see him blame himself this way and hate himself
To see him questioning his identity
The reason he became Spiderman was to make sure no innocent ever got hurt but because he was Spiderman his baby sister nearly died
So, you gently took his hand in yours
“I already told you, didn’t I? Blame yourself for a short time. But remember it forever.”
His eyes widened, remembering what you told Spiderman nearly a year ago
“You knew?”
“I’ve always known. I can’t tell you how proud I am of you, Peter. You risk yourself every day to protect other people.”
“And I couldn’t even protect you.”
“I’m okay now. I know how you must feel but I hate seeing you like this. Uncle Ben would’ve hated it too. It wasn’t your fault.”
“I’m responsible for keeping my family safe.”
You didn’t know how to help him
You knew he felt the weight of the world on his shoulders and that it was difficult to live a life like this
‘With great power comes great responsibility’
But sometimes things are out of your control
So, you don’t say anything else and just pull him into your arms
The way he did when Uncle Ben had passed
And gently rubbed his back
“I love you, bro.”
And he just breaks down in your arms, apologizing for everything and you just held him tight and trying to calm him down
And in the middle of his crying he managed to stutter out an ‘I love you too.’
And then the two of you become the Spider Siblings
Dance Parties on the ceiling and swinging around town in the morning because you both slept in and now you’re late
Swining races that he claims to let you win
Talking about life while hanging from the side of a building
Going to Uncle Ben’s grave to keep him updated and tell him not to worry because now there are 2 superheroes there to protect Aunt May
Him training you and being extra hard on you during training because he wants you to be better than him
But also becoming sugary sweet after training and offering to piggyback you home because you’re so tired
Will let you take naps in the corner of the training room while he trains
Hates it when you get along with Sam
Also gets super stressed out when you’re on the field and tries to double the amount of people he fights so you don’t have to
But he knows you can hold your own
And gets really proud when you do but won’t tell you
Always makes sure you’re eating well and sleeping well
Now if you ever brought a boy home you never know what to expect
Sometimes he just teases you to no end 
Or he completely freaks out and goes totally papa bear over you
In conclusion
Peter Parker as a big brother isn’t the type to be completely like a guardian
He has a lot of things going on in his life so he ends up relying on you a lot
But you wouldn’t trade him for the world
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wormstacheangel · 4 years
Smiles with a Christmas Kiss
Merry Christmas @professorerudite 
Summary: Dean and Cas are left behind in the bunker on Christmas Eve. A regular movie day is planned but it slowly becomes a lot more.
It’s Christmas Eve and the bunker was quiet. It was just him and his best friend in this big place, their footsteps echoed the halls like no other time before. When it was just him and Sam the place always felt okay. It was home and it was nice but with Cas - finally human and finally staying - the place felt warm. It was a damn home again. 
Jack followed Sam and Eileen on a holiday trip to Ireland. Of course, Dean had to refuse. Thinking of the long plane ride alone was making him feel sick. Though he insisted Cas should tag along with them - go see the world and all that jazz - he didn’t budge. Insisting he just wants to stay in the bunker. 
Dean didn’t argue. It was nice not to be alone during the holiday season but at the same time, he hoped Cas didn’t stay behind just for him. Dean would have done what he always did for Christmas. Go to a bar full of lonely people and find someone, or someone’s, to have some fun holiday party on a motel bed. 
Well, that’s what he would like to think he would have done, heck maybe a long time ago he would have done just that, but now it’s different. He hasn’t gone to a bar looking to hook up with anyone in years and he wasn’t going to start now. After throwing excuse after excuse at himself about why his libido just went into a downward spiral, fighting God and all that shit really wasn’t a good excuse for him apparently, it all came down to one angel. Well, person now. 
“Good morning, Dean.” Cas walked into the kitchen, dragging his bunny slippers across the cold floor and towards the coffee machine. 
Dean watched as Cas poured himself a big mug full and then sat across from him on the kitchen table to join him. Dean already had the sugar and creamer on the table, prepared for Cas who always gets up a few minutes after him. 
As soon as he took a sip he smiled into his mug and Dean rested his chin on the palm of his hand as he watched. Enjoying the way Cas’s eyes crinkle at the side when he smiled with his eyes closed. He even shivered just a little as the hot drink ran down his body, holding the hot mug in between both his hands and close to his face. 
“Morning, Sunshine.” Dean finally tells him as Cas placed his mug down on the table to smile back at him. 
He could live like this for the rest of his life. As much as Dean wanted more, he was okay with this. Having Cas like this. Seeing him like this. Shaggy hair that curls up at the tips and stubble that was already too long but must feel so good against Dean’s skin. Cas’s baggy sweatpants that fall too low on his hips and Dean’s old band tees that were exclusively worn for sleep cling to his muscled frame. 
Cas was just art that he could enjoy looking at but not touch. At least not the way he dreams to touch.
A happy sigh escapes Cas’s lips as he rolls his shoulders back and reaches for the untouched toast on Dean’s plate. “Merry Christmas Eve by the way.” He took a bite of the toast with butter and then made a face before he reached for the jam. Sweet tooth. He took another bite before he started talking with his mouth full. “I know you don’t celebrate but I still hope we can watch that movie you wanted to show me.”
Dean hummed in response as he sat up straighter, reaching for his coffee to have his hands do something. “We can do that.”
“Which reminds me we also need to go grocery shopping. We’re running low on supplies.”
“Exactly.” Cas winked at him.
Dean laughed and it always felt like he was floating when it was Cas who made him laugh. Yeah, he can live like this. If he can have these mornings everyday then he can live with Cas as his friend.
Grocery shopping took a while even though the place was mostly empty. Dean had a list and Cas kept ignoring it to add random junk he wanted to taste. Some of the stuff Dean hasn’t even tasted himself, “Then we can experience it together.” Was all Cas said and Dean couldn’t argue with him on that.
“What do people do on Christmas Eve?” Cas asked when they walked back to the car to load the groceries. “That child looked at us with pity when we told him we didn’t have any plans for today.”
“Dude, how am I supposed to know?”
“You know more than me.”
“The last real Christmas I had - I was three, Cas.” Dean opened the trunk of the Impala to start stuffing the bags. “Plus, I’m pretty sure that I imagine all those happy memories I had with my Mom and Dad.”
“I’m sure some were real, Dean.” Cas placed the last of the bags in the trunk as he looked at him with a small smile. Pity smile. “You’re Mother loved you so I’m sure she would have done her best to give you-”
“Cas,” Dean sighed as he closed the trunk with a loud thud. “I just want to watch some movies and sit on the couch with you and a tray full of nachos. I don’t want to psychoanalyze my childhood.”
“Ah.” Cas nodded, another smile. This one was softer and warmer. A smile that felt reserved for just Dean. Cas’s cheeks were even rosy from the cold wind piercing through their many layers. “Understood. I’ll take the cart back and you start the car then.”
Dean watched Cas walk away, scratching the back of his head when he saw him walk back into the grocery store. He was going to go after him but decided to do what he was told and just start the car. Maybe they needed a quick getaway.
Cas returned a few moments later with nothing in his hands.
“Dude, what the hell?”
Cas just shrugged and put his hands up to the heater. “Thank you for waiting for me.”
That was the only response he knew he was going to get from his angel - oh wow! Not his. Not even a damn angel anymore. 
Dean drove them home while Cas turned on the radio. Tapping his fingers on his knee to the beat of the music. Dean wondered how Cas would react if he just reached over and twined their hands together but instead he gripped the steering wheel tighter. 
It was already late when Dean called Cas over to watch the movie. He was going to go with Die Hard, his childhood Christmas movie he watched with Dad, but Dean had a feeling that Cas wanted a movie where it was actually about Christmas. So he picked his other childhood Christmas movie. A Christmas Story.
Cas walked in, his blanket already in tow, and took a seat on one end of the couch. Dean sat on the other with the nachos tray right in between them. Cas sat with his legs crossed and tucked into a corner, almost facing Dean, while he reached into the food before the movie even began to play.
“So you watched this as a kid?” Cas said, mouth full and head tilted as Dean settled on his side of the couch. 
“Yup.” Was all Dean said as he handed Cas a beer and pressed play.
It was only the first few minutes when Ralph walked in with a full cowboy getup that Cas laughed and when he met Dean’s curious eyes, enjoying every second of that rare laugh. Cas pointed at Ralph and then him. “Dean that’s you.” He laughed harder as soon as the words left his mouth and Dean hit him with a pillow. 
The nachos were moved to the table in front of them, where Dean had his feet propped up.
Cas continued to make little comments as the movie went on.
“Ah, reminds me of that whoopee cushion prank you did on me.” Cas noted as he took a sip of beer. 
“All of that for a damn tongue on a pole?” Cas sounded so annoyed that Dean spits out his beer laughing.
They somehow moved closer on the couch with every little comment Cas made. From the mention of yellow eyes. To ask what was put in Ralph’s mouth after he said fudge. (“Dude he said fuck.” “So? You say it all the time.” “I’m a grown man.” “Oh. Children can’t say it?”)
As soon as Ralph said son of a bitch Cas was somehow already shoulder to shoulder with Dean. He laughed, his shoulders shaking, before turning to look at Dean with that big smile again. Dean never thought anybody could look as beautiful as Cas did when he grinned at him like that.
“Dean, I told you that’s you.” He smiled and Dean didn’t have it in him to argue, even as a joke. Instead, he nodded, smiling back at Cas, while his grinch heart grew three sizes. 
This was supposed to be a safe nonromantic movie but Dean hasn’t watched it in a while. He forgot the ending when the parents sat in the dark, just like they were in now, and enjoyed the snow falling. With only the Christmas lights shining. 
A few years ago he wouldn’t have thought it was romantic - there was no kissing or grunting in this scene what so ever- but the soft touches is what he craves now. He was already so close to Cas as it is. Feeling the warmth radiate off his best friend while his blanket was now over both their laps, he doesn’t even remember when that happened. 
He was already so close. Dean could turn his head and his nose could be buried in Cas’s hair, the smell of nature still follows Cas around, and he could hold him. Hold him like he has always wanted to hold Cas, with no immediate danger or death hanging over them. He just wanted to hold Cas because he wanted to hold him. No reason.
Cas leaned into him a little more, untucking his feet from underneath him so he could lay them flat on the ground. Dean noticed every fidget of Cas’s fingers and he wondered if Cas was uncomfortable with the closeness but then in a sudden move Cas had an arm around Dean’s shoulders. Cas cleared his throat as he squeezed Dean’s shoulder closer to him - trying to act like this was a normal thing for them- while Dean stared at him with wide eyes. 
Dean couldn’t find the words. He wanted to say some dumb joke or push Cas off but he stopped himself. Instead, he relaxed under the touch and leaned into it. 
“Oh, um, the movie ended.” Cas cleared his throat while he started to pull his hand away.
“I’ll, um, I’ll just - let me pick another one.” Dean reached for the remote and picked a random movie in the Christmas category and pressed play. Then he leaned back into the couch again and Cas’s arm was around him again. 
Dean doesn’t remember how many movies they watched that night or how he ended up falling asleep on a couch too small to hold two grown men. But he didn’t care because now he had Cas’s fingers making small circles on his back and the touch was so gentle.
“Merry Christmas, Dean.” Cas must have known he woke up. 
So Dean folded his arms over Cas’s chest and looked down at him. He could feel the dumb smile on his mouth. “Merry Christmas, Cas.”
“I know it’s customary to give gifts now.” Cas started reaching for something on the floor while Dean opened his mouth to argue but Cas looked at him with those just-shut-up-Dean raised eyebrows so he listened. “It’s something small I got at the grocery store so I’m sorry it’s not something you may want but I believe you deserve a Christmas gift, Dean.”
They both sat up when Cas pulled out a small shiny gift bag with a Christmas tree right out front. Dean wondered when Cas even had time to get this or sneak it in as he sat crisscross back on the couch while Cas copied him. Handing over the present with a wry smile.
“I didn’t even get you anything, Cas.” Dean started saying, hesitant to get the present. 
Cas shrugged. “You can make it up to me later. Now take it.”
Dean took it and it didn’t even have tissue paper to hide what was inside. Dean laughed as he pulled out a few Reese’s shaped like a Christmas tree, some DVD of a movie he hasn’t even heard of so it must be new, and a gift card for Dominos pizza.
“These are great, Cas.” Dean laughed looking down at his gifts. “Looks like you already planned our next date night.”
“I did?” Cas looked down at his presents before looking back at Dean with wide eyes. “Date night?”
“I mean, only if you want to-”
“I want to!” Cas quickly leaned into Dean’s space again and he probably didn’t mean to lean in so close but Dean was also not thinking as he met him halfway to press their lips together. It was just a quick kiss before they pulled apart. 
Dean didn’t say anything as they sat back on their seats. Staring at anything but each other. 
Cas cleared his throat. “Was that my Christmas gift?”
Dean chuckled. “Yeah, I’m cheap.”
“Can I have another gift then?” Cas asked, leaning his head down so he could catch Dean’s downward gaze. He was blushing -fuck he was blushing- as he smiled at him again and Dean was taken back to that morning. Where he thought that he could live with just having that smile in his life but now he knows how that smile felt against his own.
Dean only nodded once before Cas fell back into him. Their lips smashing together into a grinning kiss, teeth smacking together, as Dean wrapped his arms around Cas’s waist to pull him closer. Then he pulled away just enough to kiss Cas again, slowly as he took everything in. Cas’s weight on his lap. Cas’s fingers on his face while he held the back of his neck. The soft noises Cas kept making at the back of his throat as they moved against each other that was making Dean crazy. 
He can have this. Can have Cas and it was a damn Christmas miracle that Cas was dumb enough to want Dean the same way. And fuck his stubble did feel great against his skin.
“Merry Christmas, Cas.” Dean said when they pulled apart to breathe, their foreheads touching. 
Cas grinned, a small laugh shook his body and Dean felt every shake that was in his arms. “Merry Christmas, Dean.”
Thanks @destielsecretsanta2020 for this fun project! 
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ak8shi · 4 years
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FWB HQ Boys: In which you beat the player at his own game!
warnings: Time skip spoilers, mentions of sex(all characters are 18+), stupid people in love
a/n: I love one(1) libra man!! I love Atsumu’s character and the way he’s developed in hq and I think that this is a very probable way in which he finds love !! thank you all so much for loving the first installment so much <3 I-I went a little overboard with this one but ,, xoxo Chlo
━Miya Atsumu
Let’s start with a little background; I think we can all agree Atsumu is and always has been popular with the ladies
…But that doesn’t necessarily mean the ladies are popular with him LMAO
He’s truly the emotionally unavailable heartbreaker and he built himself quite a reputation without even knowing it
This dude doesn’t even really fuck around with girls, maybe a few meaningless flings his senior year but besides that, he only has eyes for one lady and her name begins with the letter V and ends with ball
So you’ve known Atsumu for years unfortunately,,, and you surely know about how he treats the girls that approach him with confessions and boxes of chocolates
You don’t approve of it at all, but your family is practically family with the Miya’s and you’ve literally spent every major holiday with them since you can remember
You: Atsumu would it kill you to show some respect towards these women
Atsumu: If she breathes, she’s a thot
….smh… a fucking mess someone please put him in his place
However your mom was always happy that you could be around the twins since you were an only child, and she loved the idea of you having two brothers who would protect you from the evils of college men little did she know,,
You hate to admit it and we hate to see it, but you started to develop a crush on him your freshman year of high school.. you suppose it was because you spent so much time with him and you saw parts of him that a lot of people didn’t get to see I mean you also saw him with his jersey on and off pretty often how could you resist
For example, every Halloween you had a sleep-over tradition where you watched horror films after trick-or-treating and Atsumu was scared SHITLESS every year, I’m talking ripping your favorite blanket off you and burying his face in it to block out the movie, he would threaten you and Osamu about telling people at school about it
Him, a 17 year old teen standing in your doorway at 3:40 am: c-can I sleep on yer floor I LOVE HIM SKAKAKAJSW
You, filming him and sending it to Suna on snap: sure Atsumu <3
You found yourself entranced when he automatically gave you his school cardigan on the walks home from school when it was cold or raining, and completely enraptured by his cute little accent
Atsumu: did ya know yer a fuckin’ idiot bimbo stupid butt crack for not bringin’ yer jacket
Atsumu: yer lucky I’m a gentleman
You: ...
Osamu: god…..
It was naïve to think he would ever reciprocate feelings especially with his entire life being his volleyball career, and you convinced yourself it was a tiny high school crush and eventually you managed to repress it
Too much was on the line; you didn’t want to make both of your families awkward, and you needed to focus on your studies as one of the top students at Inarizaki yes ma’am
Besides you loved him like family right ???
The twins are a year older than you, and Atsumu had just signed to play professionally for MSBY!!
You at his official signing: wow, looks like you don’t have to resort to living on the streets after all
Him: yeah ❤️
You kind of forgot about how you felt about him since you weren’t seeing either of the twins consistently anymore with how busy both of you were; you stayed in contact, but nothing really serious
It was weird because you were still in high school while the boys were experiencing college and doing their own thing… you drifted apart honestly and you felt a bit awkward talking to them sometimes, you felt like you were bothering them Atsumu would probably tease you and say that you were
Another year passed and you were heading to college! You are living your best life, meeting new people, and then you got the text from your mom that you were doing Thanksgiving with the Miya’s,, you weren’t sure if that meant you would be seeing both twins but something about the possibility of seeing Atsumu again made something stir in your chest
Fall break hit and you found out both the twins and you were back at home since Atsumu also had a rare break from training and his regular professional season
You were helping Osamu out at his shop, since it was his first time dealing with the overflow of Thanksgiving season as a new business owner
You’re helping close the shop, when you hear the door jingle; you turn to say a polite “sorry we’re closed for the day,” but you’re met with what seems like a new and improved and muscular Atsumu OH NO
He looks amazing and so much older than you remember??? And he’s thinking the same thing about you!!! Like wow she’s changed a lot since she started college, I’ve missed a lot apparently ??
You immediately fall into his arms, inhaling his familiar scent, Osamu rolling his eyes at the two of you and telling you to get lost before he yaks
You leave the shop with Atsumu, inviting him to your house; as you enter, you catch your mom leaving to pick up some last-minute groceries for the Thanksgiving meal
She’s acts way happier to see Atsumu than she acted when you came home LMAO later she doesn’t shut up about how handsome and manly he’s become, but you just pull him away to your room and lock your door behind you
He goes to sit on your flower-patterned comforter from your childhood, newly washed thanks to your mother
Atsumu: so…. what’s up with you..?
You can’t control the churning of your stomach all of a sudden; you can’t remember him ever looking at you this way, like he’s looking at a woman
The feelings come rushing back, and literally all you can think about is kissing him
You lean back on your dresser in front of the bed, and a wave of need to express yourself washes over you,
“Atsumu, I missed you.”
You don’t even know what’s happening until you’re trapped in between Atsumu and the door, his mouth gently pressed against yours, his warm hands caressing your hips
He asks if this is okay, and all you can do is moan back a yes in response
Let’s just say your mom might need to clean your comforter again lmaoo
It’s complicated and you’re both kinda confused after… like no one admitted that they had feelings for the other and its not like either of you can just disappear from the other’s life like a random hook-up
Like he’s literally cuddling you and kissing you and asking you about college in your childhood bedroom naked what
And it ISN’T uncomfortable at all
It feels so right to be in his arms, and you’re in disbelief about what happened??? What even like how have you gone all this time without doing anything honestly
You suddenly hear your dad pull into the garage, and you’re both up and putting your clothes on as fast as possible
It’s embarrassing when you look back on it, how long the hook-ups went on, but this was a common occurrence whenever the two of you were home
It was basically like you were dating and doing long-distance without the label
Osamu during next year’s Thanksgiving meal: I think we should go around the table and say what we’re thankful for, I’ll go first. I’m thankful that two people at this table are getting laid despite the fact that I’m not 😊
Your parents:
Atsumu, in many ways, is oblivious to what his feelings mean after not really being in any real relationships and blocking out all the girls during high school,
He would find himself texting you after each of his matches, hoping you had watched him and his heart would flutter when you complimented him on his sets
Atsumu on the phone with you: yeah I’m just chillin’ with the boys rn 😏
Sakusa: get the fuck off my bed and get off the phone with your girlfriend so I can sleep
Atsumu: she’s not my girlfr-
Sakusa, talking loud enough for you to hear: I literally don’t care but don’t you have her picture saved as your lockscreen?
He tried to hook-up with someone when he was away playing a tournament in the summer, but it wasn’t the same and it was only good if he imagined it was you
He never did it again and before coming home for Christmas, he called Osamu to finally ask him what to do
Osamu: about time you meathead
Osamu literally spells it out to this man; he has been and is in love with you and he needs to do something about it asap before someone else snatched you away
Atsumu: why didn’t ya just say somethin’ ? Ya know I’m not good at these typa things !
I can’t he’s something else
So it’s Christmas, and he asks if you would want to go see the town square’s Christmas lights with him
Of course you say yes, you’re just really excited to finally see him after so long !!
Atsumu with rosy cheeks ugh spare me
He picks you up and greets you with a kiss to your temple, and he has a little gift baggie with him; he hands it to you to open and you pull out his old school cardigan
“I-I thought maybe you would want it since ya always stole it from me in high school, and since I’m half-way ‘round the world most of the time”
It smells just like him, you thank him with a kiss to his cheek and you tuck it away in your bedroom before leaving hand-in hand to see the colorful lights dazzling in the night sky
You talked to Osamu about your relationship with his brother and you want Atsumu to make a move honestly; you want to be sure he wants this since you’ve literally liked him since high school
You’re not sure what you are expecting, but when Atsumu has you in his arms, your back against his chest and his chin on your shoulder as you watch the Christmas carolers, you don’t expect him to whisper into your ear,
“hey, will ya be my girl?”
You turn around to give him a surprised look, his hand bringing yours to his mouth to plant a soft kiss on your knuckles this is his favorite place to kiss fight me
After getting over your dream-like shock, you say yes and pull him into a kiss
I’m crying he tells you afterwards that you were his girl since the first time he met you, we’ll let him have this one because did he really know until like a week ago? no
Whew, all of your friends and family let out a relieved sigh when they hear the news LMAO
Suna, hearing about Atsumu finally making it official: thank god I was about to start blackmailing him with those Halloween videos
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