#gwen is singing circles around her
onthehighwaytomel · 5 months
No Doubt is absolutely killing their Coachella set right now.
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the-kr8tor · 10 months
Hi! I love your TTN series so much.
I was wondering if you could write a bit more about them, like, reader meets Gwen or Miles (because Hobie already knows them) and maybe reader helps them with their suits or helps them by making something for them. It's okay if you decline this, I didn't know if this counted as a normal request or fluffy friday request, sorry. I really admire your writing, you're really talented.
Take care, you're amazing 🤍
Thank you, lovely! You're too kind 💛 hope u like this one!
Pairing: Hobie Brown x fem! Reader/ Spider-Punk x fem! Reader
Tags: use of Y/N sparingly, no specific physical description of the reader, cw food mention. TTN! Hobie, TTN! Reader. FLUFF
Thread the Needle Masterlist
TTN oneshots Masterlist
“Oh those are so based, dude!” Gwen exclaims from the floor, her sentence a bit muffled by the chips she's currently munching.
You look up from Miles’ suit that you're currently mending, the spandex slippery to touch. Sitting on the settee with Hobie sitting in-between your legs, you lock eyes with him who's equally confused as you. His head on your lap, eyebrow cocked up in question.
The four of them are sitting in a circle, snacks and sugary sweet drinks in hand. Miles lounges on the foot of the sofa, wearing an outfit you've designed once upon a time in college. You wouldn't let him wear Hobie's clothes, because, well, he looked like he was being eaten by just his shirt, his pants pooling on the floor. After almost tripping and landing smack on his face, you insisted on giving him a Y/N exclusive outfit. A one of one design.
You mentally take note to design clothes for the three of them that perfectly encapsulates their tastes.
Pavitr— who definitely didn't express how jealous he was of Miles’ new outfit, is sitting beside Hobie who is currently taping an ice pack to Pav's head with duct tape (that will definitely have consequences). He got annoyed that the ice pack kept slipping from his friend’s head, landing on his crisps, smooshing its contents.
“Ah, Gwen? What does ‘based’ even mean?” you ask, closing up the last seam.
All three teenagers look at you, then the other two stares at Gwen, waiting and snickering. Hobie leans against you, hand absentmindedly curled around your ankle.
“I keep forgetting you're from the 90s” Gwen cleans her hands with a napkin. “It means, uh, to carry yourself with swagger, yeah! I think…”
Miles and Pavitr guffaw loudly, Miles' soda spilling over the can. The houseboat shakes a bit on the water. You murmur out a ‘swagger?’ still scratching your head for an answer to your previous question.
“Oi! You're spilling everywhere!” Hobie throws a chip at Miles. It hits him on the forehead, leaving sour cream dust on his skin.
“Ack!” Miles mumbles while wiping his forehead. “You used to be cool, man”
“It's our house. I'd like to see you be cool when somebody spills sticky crap on your hardwood floors”
Our house. Even after all these years, Hobie still finds a way to make your heart sing.
You lean forward, placing a chaste kiss on his temple. Fingers kneading the muscles on his shoulder. “It's alright, Hobs. Miles didn't mean it, right Miles?” Hobie visibly relaxes, body melding close to yours.
The spider kids share a knowing look, triple smirks on their lips. Hobie doesn't notice, too busy getting lost in your eyes. You look at him like he's the stars in the sky.
Pavitr sighs, hand on his chin, mumbling about missing someone.
“Yeah, Hobs, I didn't mean it” Miles chuckles throughout the sentence, almost unintelligible with his laughter. Gwen scrunches her nose at her friend.
Meanwhile, you and Hobie are inside your own little bubble. The bubble bursts when the door to the houseboat bursts open with Ned heaving, clutching a stack of papers.
“Hobie! I figured it out—” he stops in his tracks, everyone looks at him, you stop with your barrage of massages. Pavitr pauses mid bite. Ned stares at the room, eyes swimming with questions.
“Who are these children?”
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wip word game
rules: you will be given a word. share one sentence/excerpt from your wip(s) that start with each letter of that word.
Tagged by @centurieslove thank you so much, this looks like fun
Word: GRAIL 🏆
G (from the one where they assemble Ikea furniture)
“Get off me.” Arthur shoves again, sitting up this time.
“That’s not what you said last night.”
“And now I’m paying the price.” He straightens his back, little pops ringing out as his spine adjusts, then stretches forward and to both sides. “My back is stiff from you holding me in place all night.”
“That’s not what was stiff last night.”
“Shut up, Merlin.”
R (from a future chapter of Alway Something Sings) (this one was so hard, sentences just don't start with R)
“Really? What kind of flower only blooms under the full moon?”
Merlin really hadn’t thought this lie through. “Dianthus.”
“That’s... not true,” Gwaine said slowly.
“How do you know?”
“I’ve been around, Merlin. I know things.”
Merlin had hoped he could say a bunch of medical sounding things and Gwaine would get bored and stop pressing the issue. It always worked on Arthur, but Gwaine was too smart, it seemed.
A (from Knife Prty, a Morgwen fic I have virtually abandoned, but maaaaaaaaybe? If anyone shows any interest? 👀)
And as the words left her lips, she knew she could trust Morgana, that her lady would never do anything to hurt or take advantage of her, that this was a mutual want born of a shared care for one another, a love forged over their years together.
Morgana’s smile told Gwen that she could sense her relaxing under her touch, and Morgana lowered Gwen onto the bed, turning her to rest her head on the soft pillows as she got to her knees on either side of Gwen, the pile of knives at their feet, skirts gathering into a pile, revealing Morgana’s legs, which Gwen had seen before, but in this situation, just peering out from underneath her dress as she straddled Gwen, they took on a whole new meaning, one that filled Gwen with desire.
I (from The Last Dragonlord Book Three, sequel to Alway Something Sings, which I finally started actually writing last night)
It had been over a year since Merlin had last seen this place. So much had changed for him since then and, now that all the commotion was finally dying down, he thought he should give his old home a visit.
Nothing seemed to have changed here, except that Merlin had gone. As he wandered through town, clad in his new, velvet cloak, accompanied by Gwaine in his Camelot garb, the contrast between the sameness of his surroundings and the difference in him was astounding. The only thing that had changed was the apothecary selling ingredients for magical potions.
L (another from a future chapter of Alway Something Sings)
“Look at the two of you.”
Arthur turned.
“So beautiful.” Merlin clasped his hands in front of himself. “Don’t you think she’s beautiful?”
“Yeah. Beautiful,” Arthur agreed.
Suddenly, Aithusa shot up into the air, sending shocks of fright into both Arthur and Merlin. They stared after her as she circled the clearing just at tree height, then swooped back down to the ground, looking expectantly up at Merlin.
I'm going to tag @kadenemrys @discessio @kairenn-n @the-pen-pot @luciferten with absolutely no pressure
I'm going to give you an easier word: BOAT 🛥️
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thatseventiesbitch · 2 years
Hey, don't know if anyone has messaged about this but there's an early draft of the 90s show pilot online. Here are some pulls from it that might be interesting (this is about to be long, sorry): First, the pilot is an hour long, it's mostly just that the existing scenes are longer. Second, the show starts with Leia and Eric in the car to Red and Kitty's house. The characterisation of Leia is different. She's more openly rebellious, already wearing a magnet nose ring - in this pilot she doesn't get it from Gwen - and she's more of a classic stroppy teenage type around Eric. Also there is no Donna, don't know if that's something to do with not having Laura Prepon on board yet but she's just mentioned as being in Florida visiting Grandpa Bob. Eric's stuff is kept the same but Donna is swapped out in certain scenes for either Kitty or Red. Nikki is called Nisha. Its established that Leia, Gwen and Ozzie are 14. Nikki and Jay are 15 and Nate is 16. Gwen is introduced as singing along to Seether by Veruca Salt, a cooler more 90s choice than Alanis Morissette I would argue. Nate is described as a Johnny Knoxville type and Ozzie calls him a 'future inmate' - they must have changed direction with his character maybe when the tone of the show became more comedic. Nikki is explicitly more of a Jackie analog, she's described as preppy and has dialogue that underlines she's in honor society, that she's lying to her parents about where she is when she's with Nate and at one point she tells Nate not to call her 'baby' because it diminishes her. Leia is supposed to be going to basketball camp not space camp. Kitty makes a joke that in her day if a girl played basketball people thought they were a lesbian. (An interesting explicit reference to sexuality for all the shippers out there). The Jackie/Kelso scene is pretty much beat for beat the same. There's a moment where Jay tries to flirt with Leia in the Runck basement and grabs a hot pipe and ends up screaming, physical comedy stuff. Gwen is a little closer to Hyde but only a little. There's a moment where she encourages Leia to go out of her comfort zone, Nikki accuses her of being like a coke dealer from an after school special and Gwen says that's what she's going for. A fun detail is that Jay has a camcorder and we see footage from the perspective of the camera, so it's shot old school 90s. The scene of Leia trying to get the tap for the keg is longer and features all the kids doing a shot for shot remake of "been caught stealing". When they get the keg, Jay 'gives Leia a quick kiss' and she throws up on Nikki's Keds. There's a moment of all of the kids in the Runck basement with the keg singing Hip Hop Hooray filmed through Jay's camera. Ozzie, Nikki and Gwen are the focus, each rapping a verse into the camera. There's no circle in the pilot at all, it ends with all the kids in the Foreman basement, finding the weed and Nate saying he's never leaving. All in all it looks like in becoming a half hour, going to Netflix and finding the actors they did, a lot of changes happened. But I think some interesting stuff established in this pilot is probably still how the writers will be thinking about these characters and could be interesting in the future. I hope they let Jay have a camcorder in season 2, I loved that detail. Hope you find this interesting.
Thanks for the ask!
I did know about the leaked Pilot script, but I have not actually read it. I've heard about several of those details before, but several of them were new to me. Thanks for sharing!
It's interesting that at one point the show was conceived as being one hour long.
I'm definitely glad Leia's characterization was changed, personally, and that Donna was written in (and that Laura Prepon is involved as much as she is).
I agree with you about Jay. He was also described in some promo materials as "always having a camera" and "constantly filming his friends", so that definitely feels like it was supposed to be part of his characterization. I'd love to see it developed more in season 2.
Curious to hear what others think of some of these details. Thanks for sharing, anon!
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Through Another World- Chapter 1
(please read the prologue for proper context on the characters and events so far! It can be found earlier on my blog)
Anyways here is another part of my msm story! This one focuses on Gwen the Dandidoo’s POV.
This is not an AU! It is set in the canon monster world with my headcanons.
Gwen paced around their room in circles.
There wasn't anything to do today, was there?
She pulled one curtain aside and looked out of the window across the snow-scattered landscape. The blizzard had ended, and now far more monsters were outside. Faint cheers of happiness could be heard from a group of excited children, sliding clumsily down a hill.
Her sigh was interrupted by a gentle tapping on the door. Taking a deep breath, they grabbed the key in their beak and tossed it onto the ground, peering down at the guest.
It was her sister.
"Good evening, Gwen!"
"Hmf. Whatcha here for?"
"Well, the song is in a few minutes, and I wanted to ask you if you're coming this time,"
The Dandidoo sighed again and tapped the ground with her talons. 
"No, thanks,"
Singing hasn't felt the same for her since their time in the Collosingum. Gwen couldn't sing a single note without vines and flowers rising suddenly from her ground, that was how hard she'd trained there.
What did others think? Were they scared? Did they think she was an outcast?
Maybe I shouldn't have said yes to Firecracker's offer. Then things could be different.
"Could we at least go for a walk?" Pandora asked calmly.
Gwen nodded, adjusting the spiked collar around her neck as she left the room and followed Pandora down to the castle floor.
Pandora never really walked, though. She'd jump into the air every few seconds to do some flips and somersaults, then gently glide back down again, smiling as she bounced on and off the ground.
Outside, Gwen could already hear the distant music, the lyrics of the eagerly visiting Werdos. 
The snow crunched beneath her talons as she walked away from the town, down a small trail going through the forest outside.
After a few minutes of walking, each step quieter as the two moved away from the singing crowd, Pandora perched on a tree branch right above Gwen's head, making a waterfall of snow tumble down.
"Hey!" Gwen shouted as it hit her head-feathers. "Watch it!"
"Sorry. I just... saw something,"
"Some light. In the forest. You know, like the Seam portals we talked about yesterday,"
"Those? Don't be ridiculous. Cold Island is nowhere near the Seam,"
"The chances are low," Pandora explained, gracefully leaping off the branch again. "But never zero,"
Gwen huffed, scraping at the snow with her claws. "There's no way that..."
She paused.
There was a blinding light in front of them, pure white and simply floating in mid air.
It had its own pull. It tugged at her feathers, trying to drag her in.
Pandora gripped tightly onto a nearby tree, fighting against the strengthening pull.
Gwen noticed how much it was pulling her, too. It relentlessly slid her across the snowy ground, and she tried to get hold of a bush, but failed. 
Pandora slipped off the branch, the portal's pull now stronger than her talons.
"PANDORA!" Gwen shouted. She began to desperately hum a tune, summoning gigantic dandelions to spring from the ground and wrap around the squealing Tweedle. 
She was swept of her feet by the sparking anomaly, and dragged into it suddenly. When it hit her skin, it was sizzling and hot, causing her pain as a tingle shot through their neck, body, and down through to her legs.
As she was fully inside the portal, everything blacked out for a moment. Then, she was shot out into a different place- a clearing in a forest, that looked a lot like Plant Island, but somehow off.
She felt feathers wrapped around them. "Pandora, get off me!"
She rolled the dizzy Tweedle off her back, groaning in pain. 
What was that? It was so weird. Am I dreaming?
"Gwen...." Pandora whispered as she shakily rose to her feet.
"Where are we?"
Gwen raised her long neck and gazed across the landscape. She was in a soft patch of grass with forest behind her, and in front of her, a cliff with what looked like a town at the bottom.
"I don't know..." Gwen responded, looking around the strange town. In front of them, the sun was beginning to set, highlighting its unusual features. "But I don't think it's the Monster World,"
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tetsvhoe · 3 years
character/s: dad!kuroo tetsuro, dad!miya osamu, dad!daichi sawamura, dad!miya atsumu x f!reader
genre/s: fluff!!!
warning/s: none
gwen’s notes 🤍: look at me posting twice a day instead of once every two weeks :)) somebody pls be proud of me ty also yes the kuroo one is basically a self-insert. all my kuroo works are self-inserts. what abt it???
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kuroo tetsuro is out on another quick business trip and you figure it’s the perfect time to have a girls’ day out with your two lovely daughters. for kids whose legs are barely a foot or two long, they surely do a number on you as tiny hands clasp your fingers on either hand in a vice grip and drag you across the mall. “slow down you little monsters!” you chuckle breathlessly, straightening up to readjust the shopping bags draped over your forearms. “just one more store, mommy. we promise!” kaeri pleads, clutching her hands together and mustering the best puppy eyes as she stares up at you. her sister takes notes and mirrors her. you couldn’t help but laugh. “i think we’ve had enough for the day. let’s just come back next time with daddy,” you bargain patiently. kyo pouts, slumping in defeat. “daddy lets us buy whatever we want anyway.” you heave a dramatic gasp, hand coming up to your chest. “how dare you!?” you shriek jokingly and your daughters break out in tiny giggles while they not-so-discretely pad away from you. “hey, come back! what’s that supposed to mean!?” kaeri takes her little sister’s hands in hers, swaying them back and forth. “nothing, mommy,” she sings.
bonus scene: “tetsuro.” kuroo shivers, shrugging his coat off. “what ever happened to ‘welcome back, love’ or ‘how was your trip, darling?’” he snickers, pulling you flush against him and kissing your temple. “tell me why are my daughters, my sweet little angels, are turning against me?” you catch a glimpse of guilt across his features in a mere split second before he brushes you off. “i have no idea what you mean—” “kaeri said ‘daddy lets us buy everything we want!’” you recall in a high-pitched tone, glaring at your husband. he purses his lips, suppressing a wide grin, before engulfing you in a resolve-breaking embrace. his deep chuckle resounds through his chest where your cheek lay against. “i’m sure those little gremlins didn’t mean it, kitten. they only like me for my credit card,” he jokes. he pulls away to make sure of the smile that etches on your lips no matter how hard you try to hide it. “there she is,” he muses, placing a sweet kiss on your lips. “there’s that beautiful smile i missed so, so much.”
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miya osamu is stuck at the restaurant due to an unexpected volume of orders. he usually cooks dinner for the three of you but you didn’t want to give him the extra work as soon as he comes home, surely tired from the day he’s just had. “why’re you cooking, mommy?” your little kid chirps as they climb onto a stool, damn near giving you a heart attack as you anticipate whether they’ll fall or not. you sigh in relief as they wiggle comfortable on the stool and turn your attention back cooking. “daddy has to stay behind at the shop for a little bit,” you mumble, hovering over the stove cautiously while bringing a spoon to your lips. “but i like daddy’s cooking better,” they whine, plopping their chubby cheeks onto their hands with a frown, making you choke on the food you’re tasting. “no you don’t, mine’s better,” you argue as you turn to them with an amused smirk, hands on your hips. “no, mommy. ‘m pretty sure i like daddy’s food more.” you wipe your hands off on your apron as you approach them. “okay fine, it’s true. but we have to pretend mommy’s the better chef, okay?” you laugh, taking their small face into your hands and lightly squishing it. you hear keys jingle at the front door, you and your child exchange knowing looks as you circle back into the kitchen. osamu pads over to place a kiss on top of their head before he walks over to you, strong arms wrapping around your waist. “sorry i’m late, darling. that smells so good.” you glance at your child over your shoulder, chuckling when they give you a toothy grin and a thumbs up.
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daichi sawamura pushes the shopping cart as you scan the aisles meticulously. you forgot the list at home so you couldn’t afford to forget anything you might need. “do you recall if we still have coffee creamer,” you mumble more to yourself than to your husband, fingers tapping your chin while you slow to a pause in front of the shelves. “daddy, i want chocolates,” your child attempts to whisper, craning their little body left and right while daichi traps them in his arms. “later,” he whisper-hushes back, earning a raised brow from you. “uh… i think we’re almost out of the one you like,” he ponders, but your mind has long left the thought of creamers after the discourse you just witnessed between the two of them. “no one’s getting any chocolates,” you announce disapprovingly. “they’ve been having too much sweets lately.” daichi rubs nape of his neck, chuckling nervously. “right i wasn’t actually—” “but mommy,” a small whine interrupts. your child attempts to wriggle out of the confines of the metal bars of the cart where they’re sat. “daddy always lets me have sweets.” daichi’s eyes nearly pop out of their socket, but he smiles it off. “always?” you question your child, but eyes remain glued to your husband with a vindictive glare. “always!” they cheer, bursting to a fit of innocent giggles. “well now that you’ve blown my cover, we’re both never going to get any sweets.”
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bonus: miya atsumu has been pouting beside you for the past thirty minutes and you couldn’t help but find him adorable, even as it crosses your mind that you have to take care of two children, him being the second one. “baby, i assure you they don’t mean it.” “doesn’t make it any less painful,” he huffs. “they will understand when they’re older, my love. it’s not like a two year old can comprehend such things.” you shift your child’s weight onto the other arm as you lift one hand to cup atsumu’s cheek, careful not to wake them in your arms. “but i’m their daddy! he’s just the less cooler, ugly uncle—” “you have the same face,” you deadpan. atsumu squeezes his eyes shut in frustration. “you don’t understand, they even sweari’m their favorite—” you let out sharp gasp, cutting him off. you lower your voice back down as your child almost stirs awake. “when did you become the favorite parent!?” “that’s besides the point,” he mumbles. “they better be able to tell us apart the next time we visit samu,” he grunts, crossing his arms and sinking further to his seat.
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@mirakeul @realityisabitch-blr @erinoikawa @haji-bby @seijohoe @szeonn @banananaa4 @qualitygiantshoepsychic @thezebra12 @iwaizumisunshine @stffychn @vvvselfindulgence @devilgirlcrybabiey @ebiharachan @coco96 @knmsapplepi @strawberryzos @iwasunshine @bidisaster1307 @jesssobs @asaitashi @duhsies @devilsbooksworld @littlemochi @mikeystomanjacket @noitsmrleorio @agasheeee @crystal-lilac @miyadarling @roanniee @lemonz-z @softsakusas @your-girl-mj @kuroomiya @ninjamomo @tsumomii @akarisroom @hello0i @crustycookiebestie @shanthesamurai @pelicanpizza @kuroosatoru @floweyy @lomlparker @naviation-xx @kenmasdiscordkitty @random-734 @kellesvt @tooru-luvs @singularly-gifted-witch @kenmaslov3r
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ppl who reblog are the hottest !
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You Can Run Into Anyone These Days | Post NWH Series P. 5
Contains spoilers for Spider-Man NWH
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Catch up on parts 1-4 -> Series Masterlist | Marvel Masterlist
Characters & pairings: Tobey!Peter Parker x Female!reader/Black Cat (romantic), Benny Parker OC, Harry Parker OC, Gwen Stacy, Mary Jane Watson x John Jameson, J. Jonah Jameson
Content Warnings: fluff, profanity, spoilers for SMNWH, mentions of violence. Implications of harassment. Flirtatious banter & sexual tension | female reader (she/her)
Premise: Ever have those moments where someone from the past pops up out of nowhere & you don’t know what to say? Yeah it seems like it’s one of those days for the Parkers. A day off of relaxation seems to not be in the cards because everyone and their momma decided to make reacquaintance.
Note: in this chapter, several characters from the Raimi movies appear including the ones listed above. This does diverge canon slightly so keep that in mind. Other than that we are over halfway done with this series 🥺
“Jesus Chris—!!” The masked robber was cut off when a foot met his chest sending him flying into the window. Glass shattered around the man as he let out a grunt when making impact with the harsh concrete. There was a feminine laugh and he lifted his gaze to see the infamous Black Cat peering at him with amusement.
“Uh oh,” she sing-sung, “looks likes somebody got into some troooubleee.” The robber huffs, pushing up from the ground. He unclips a knife from his belt, which only makes the Cat raise a brow. “That’s all you got, buddy? Guess this is gonna be easy.”
With a battle cry the robber jumps back through the window and starts slashing at the woman—who avoids every attack coming her way. She crouches down at one point, doing a back walkover to kick the knife from his hand. It falls to the ground and she spins to land a roundhouse kick to his chest. The man falls back to a table, shattering the wood making him drop to the ground.
The Black Cat *phews* flinging away the fallen hair from her face. “Babe you wanna handle this one?”
Before the man could make an escape his hands were webbed together. “What the hell—AH.” Another web meets his back pulling him up to the ceiling. His ankles were next making him fully retrained while hanging from the ceiling. “Get me down from here!” He starts to shout and wiggle causing him to slowly spin.
When makes a full circle, the Black Cat is no longer alone. Hanging upside down by a web next to her was Spider-Man, and her hand was up slowly caressing his masked cheeks given he had dropped down beside her head.
“Nice job, Spider.” She compliments while smirking at the detained robber.
“And you as well, Cat.”
She turns her head to look at the vigilante, fondness in her gaze. “Cops on the way?”
“Just down the street.” Sure enough the sirens were heard cutting the corner and racing to the location. Spider-Man nods his head up, “Meet you on the roof?” The Cats eyes become mischievous and he knows exactly what she’s about to suggest.
“Race you there.” She jumps from the shattered window, before lifting her arm to send a hidden grappling hook underneath her sleeve to the roof of the building. It mounts, pulling her up just as the first cop car stops in front of the store.
Her hands meet the gutter of the building, pushing her body up and over so she front flipped onto the floor before rolling to slow down the momentum she was enduring. When she stood up her lips fell to a pout seeing Spider-Man had already beat her. “Damn.”
“Getting slow, trouble.” He teases, pulling up his mask since they were out of sight. Peters blue eyes met hers, making her get lost in them immediately like they always seemed to do. They were just as gorgeous as the ocean and the moonlight enhanced their shine.
Y/n made a sound of offense. “I’ll get you next time, stud.” She stalks toward him, falling into his open arms and pressing her lips to his. Peter kisses her back, hands moving to her waist to keep her close. “How romantic of us—catching bad guys on Christmas Eve,” she says when they pull away. “Really captures the holiday spirit.”
Peter laughs, “Can’t catch a break even during the holidays, darling.” He takes her hand and walks over the roofs of the adjacent buildings. Every inch of the streets were decorated and of course the big tree was up by the ice rink. They both took a seat on the edge of one of the roofs overlooking the scene. It was pretty much empty on the streets—given it was the night before Christmas.
“I still can’t believe we ran into almost everyone today.” Y/n said after a few moments of peaceful silence. A chuckle followed, almost like she was still processing the days events. Beside her, Peter also chuckles glancing to her with a raised brow.
“I’m more impressed nothing happened. Between you or me.”
“Hey!” She said in mock offense, “I was good.” Her lips curl in a smirk, “As were you. Thought you and Erik were gonna tousle it out and make me bail you out—on Christmas Eve of all days.”
Peter rolls his eyes, “I would never subject you to that, Cat. Maybe yesterday I would’ve of.” He laughs when she playfully swats his chest, the man catching her hand to hold in his. “I’m just playing, Y/n.” He kisses her knuckles, “I wouldn’t do that to you.”
“I know, stud,” she replies, adjusting herself so she was seated bridal style in his lap—arms going around his neck while his moved to hold her hips. “Although it does do things to me when you get so protective.” The bottom of her lip falls between her teeth while a lone finger traces one of the lines of his suit.
It was pushing midnight on Christmas Eve. The day had been a long one for the Parkers—luckily they both didn’t have to work and the boys were out of school on winter break. After all the chaos that happened almost three weeks prior they had lost track of time and completely forgot to send out holiday cards and gifts.
The morning was typical in the Parker household before they all got ready to head into the city to do some shopping. Y/n had made a list of everything she needed to get—and prayed there would still be available— which included a grocery list for some ingredients she needed for Christmas dinner and last minute gifts.
“C’mon boys lets go!” She shouted while pouring Midnights food into his bowl. “We’re not the only ones doing last minute things today so I wanna try and get everything before late afternoon.”
The boys ran down the stairs, quickly ate food while Y/n and Peter sipped on their coffee then were out the door ten minutes later. They again drove to where they normally did since they were going to have to take multiple trips with whatever bags they had. Once parked the first stop was to the very large Target on the main street and Y/n wanted to curse when she saw how packed it was.
Of course they weren’t the only ones having to do last minute shopping.
While the boys browsed, Peter and Y/n went off on their own. They first grabbed a pack of holiday cards that would fit for both Christmas & New Years before throwing some tissue & wrapping paper into the cart. “Babe could you grab some of those bags,” Y/n pointed to the area where gift bags.
“How many?” He asked, already walking to the corner of the aisle.
“Four,” she replied while shifting through the cute decorated gift boxes. He grabbed the amount of bags while she placed three of the boxes and placed them in the cart. Y/n started to push the cart in the direction of the grocery section. “I’m not in the mood to go to a liquor store for wine and bubbly, so lets hope they still have a few here.”
Her prayers were answered thankfully and they chose their favorite wine & champagne before grabbing some candies. They would go to a grocery store closer to their home as a last stop, but felt they needed to stack on whatever they could find in the Target. “Where did the boys say they were going?” She asked her husband while crossing some things off the list.
“Probably in the electronics,” he told her, moving to push the cart in the direction. They both skimmed the other aisles while heading to the electronic section. Y/n glanced a little bit longer at some of the home decor which had Peter giving her a look saying ‘we have enough of that.’ That made her pout.
Finally they reached the section and started searching for their children. It took a few minutes, but eventually they did which had Y/n placing a hand on Peter to stop him from walking any further. “Is that…?” She trailed off when her eyes landed on a familiar figure talking with the twins. His blonde hair was the first thing to catch her eye, then his face came into full view.
Peter squinted his eyes, before the realization came. “Oh yeah, I-I think that is, Brian.” Brian McShane to be exact. Who happens to have a certain Stacy as his mother.
Y/n mentally cursed, closing her eyes. “Well if Brian is here then that means—.” A loud voice filled the aisle from behind the couple.
“Y/n! Peter!”
“Behave, Cat,” Peter warned already turning to greet the woman. Y/n let out a scoff, muttering under her breath, ‘I always do for you, Spider.’ They both turned—semi-fake smiles on their face to greet the blonde bombshell known as Gwen Stacy.
“I thought I’d run into you!” She said with excitement, blonde curls bouncing as she walked to them before stopping. “—When I saw the boys I knew you two must’ve close by. My gosh how have you two been?—it’s been about eight months or so since we last saw each other nowt that Brian graduated.”
“Hey, Gwen,” Peter greeted warmly. “It’s good to see you. We’ve been doing great—a lot has happened,” he gives a knowing look to Y/n, “—but overall things have been good. How’s Liam—is here with you? And Willow too?” He looks around for Gwens husband and young daughter, but doesn’t see them.
“Oh yes they are—,” she gestures to the corner she had just came from. “I left them at checkout to grab Brian. We’ll be flying out tonight spend to Christmas with Liams parents since we spent it with mine last year.” She turns to give smile to Y/n, “had to get some last minute things—been so busy you know.”
“Oh I understand that,” Y/n actually laughed, brushing her hair from her face. “Holidays—they can get pretty hectic when life passes by,” she shares another look with Peter before returning back to Gwen.
“Ain’t that the truth,” Gwen laughs. “With Liam teaching at NYU, Brian now out of the house, and me having to balance gigs while taking care of five-year-old, I just wish time could take a pause. Or,” she says after quick pause, “I wish there was another me who could help me—that would be something.”
Gwen Stacy didn’t register the nervous laughs in the Parkers voice when they replied, “y-yeah, it would be.” Nor did she see the silent gaze between the two that spoke more volume than any words exchanged. The blondes eyes had trailed to where her son was talking with the twins so she missed the interaction between the couple.
“Well,” Gwen lets out a sigh paired with a smile as she looks between the two. “I guess I better leave you both—I know you two probably have a lot to do and we still need to get everything ready before our flight. But it was so good seeing you two—,” she surprised the couple by hugging them, which they both politely returned. “—and congratulations by the way,” the notice Gwen gesture to their hands where their rings laid. “I was waiting for when you two finally tied the knot—I’m so happy for you guys.”
The smile Gwen gave them was so contagious it made them beam back. “Thank you,” Y/n replied with gratitude. Peter repeated the notion and Gwen couldn’t help but clap with excitement.
“We’ll have to maybe plan a lunch sometime,” she suggested. “—or possibly grab some coffee one morning and catch up. Willow will more than likely join us—I hope you wouldn’t mind that.”
Y/n gave a shake of the head, “Not at all. We can maybe plan for after the New Year.”
“Wonderful,” Gwen cheered. They said their goodbyes while wishing each other a Merry Christmas and Gwen called for Brian before the two disappeared from their sight.
Once they were finally gone, Y/n let out a huff. “Well,” her tone was full of surprise. “That went really well.” The Cat couldn’t believe in the span of three weeks she managed to have two civil conversations with people she once hated—well Gwen she liked a little bit compared to the deep resentment she had for Mary Jane. Gwen was always nice whenever they ran into each other—almost too nice which often had Y/n suspicious of her intentions.
But Gwen had never insulted her when she thought about it—and anything that she may have been involved with to hurt Y/n was mostly because of Peter being corrupted by the symbiote. The kiss however was a different story—but again, Gwen didn’t know Spider-Man was Peter. Not to mention, Gwen found happiness and contentment with the life she had following all the drama in 2007. She got married to a man who treated her like a queen, embarked on a successful modeling career, and had two beautiful children.
Not once did she ever say or do something that made Y/n feel like she wanted to compete against her. Even though there would be no competition cause the Cat had the Spiders heart and soul. Peter reminded her every minute with his love and affection.
Peter let out a chuckle, putting his arm around his wife. “Seeeee,” he kisses her temple, “the world is just full of surprises nowadays. Although, you gotta admit Gwens’s a saint compared to you know who.” Y/n laughs at his reference, playfully swatting his chest.
“Hey,” she teases, “Don’t go bringing Voldemort into this. But I agree—I don’t hold any resentment to her and honestly she’s never done anything where I’d want to get the claws out. Ugh,” Y/n lets out a mock huff, “You can run into anyone these days.” They share a laugh, walking forward to meet the twins at the corner of the aisle.
They check out, making their way back to the car to load off the bags before heading to another store to pick up some gifts they had ordered online. When they got to the store they made it quick—not wanting to risk catching sight of anyone they knew cause they still had two more places to go and Y/n had yet to wrap all the gifts.
Plus the couple were going on patrol that night. So it was going to be a long day ahead.
The items were picked up and taken back to the car before they drove to their next stop and then eventually the final place which was the grocery store.
Now considering Y/n is the Black Cat, one would think she’d be immune to bad luck right? Well apparently it’s not the case because the trail seemed to lead its way to the store. Why? Oh because not only were the Watson-Jameson family there, but so was a man named Erik Hartsford. A man who interned with Y/n at Oscorp ages ago & had taken a likening to her—but couldn’t take a damn hint. Even after Y/n literally sent him flying into a wall when he tried to kiss her after she refused his advancements.
First order of business for the Parkers: the Jamesons. It was Mary Jane, her husband John, their three kids, and Johns father the one and only J. Jonah Jameson. When the family cut the corner of the produce aisle, Y/n had nearly ran over Peters foot with the cart while trying to stop and back away.
But unfortunately the commotion caught their attention.
“Parker!” J. Jonah yelled. “What er’you doing here?”
Peter wanted to roll his eyes at the obvious but stopped himself. “Same as you Mr. Jameson it looks like—trying to get some last minute stuff for tomorrow.” He gestures to the cart and notices how Mary Jane & John looked like they wanted to leave as much as they did.
Y/n took it as a sign.
“Well we’d love to stay and chat—“ That was a lie. “—but it’s Christmas Eve and don’t want to hold you all up. Bye!” She goes to lead them to the next aisle when a voice stops them.
“Wait!” It was Mary Jane causing the couple to still. They turned back, thinking Mary Jane was ready to get back to her old ways despite her apology the other week to Y/n, but were surprised when she offered them a small smile. “Have a Merry Christmas—and New Year.”
Both of their eyes go wide. Hell even John looks shocked by her words—although also appears to be cheering in silent victory at not having to hold her back from a possible cat fight. Y/n drops her tense posture, as does Peter, and they give Mj a nod in return with Y/n replying, “Merry Christmas to you as well.”
They move to the next aisle—but not without Jameson shouting to Peter he needs to send him the finish product of the Monday issue as soon as possible—and let out breaths of relief. “Holy shit, babe,” Y/n laughs under her breath, looking back to the aisle the Jamesons were on. “There must be some crack in this years holiday spirit to have me have civilized conversations with both Watson and Stacy in the same day.”
“I’m just glad the claws didn’t come out, Cat.”
“Don’t jinx it now, stud.”
Yeah Peter jinxed it cause not even five minutes later both of them were seconds away from having the cops called on them. But it wasn’t because of Mj or even Jameson, no, it was cause of a guy who couldn’t take the hint Y/n was not interested in him from the get go.
Erik Hartsford interned at Oscorp during the time Y/n had under Norman—before she had been referred to Octavius. They didn’t interact much, but he always would admire her from afar and even tried to ask her on a date. Y/n, who was not interested in romance and relationships after her last boyfriend, denied his advancements which only made him upset.
That’s when he tried to kiss her and she knocked his ass into wall before reporting him to HR—he was fired shortly after that. Y/n didn’t see him much once that happened—and during the times she did there was always an easy way to avoid him or she would threaten with violence if he tried anything.
Sometimes he listened, other times he didn’t and found himself with a broken bone or two.
So now nearly 20 years later the man still felt upset at the woman for her denial and for getting him fired. He acted as though he were still in high school with the bully-like attitude. Y/n didn’t care about his feelings at all honestly and would have no problem beating him to a pulp—or getting rid of him for good—but she was better than that. Plus Peter may have beat him up as Spider-Man shortly after he found out.
Erik was no match for the Cat and her Spider.
“Well, well, well,” he taunted as he approached their cart, bidding a glance to the twins who were right behind the couple. Benny and Harry had their arms crossed, glaring daggers at the man as if to say ‘try it, buddy.’ “—If it isn’t Ms. Y/n L/n—.”
“Parker,” she corrected with a sneer. “It’s Mrs. Parker, to you Stevens.” That seemed to make the man upset, Y/n noticing how his fists had clenched. She just rolled her eyes, aware Peter had tightened his grip around her waist and was squaring up. “We don’t have time to play catch up so if you’ll excuse us—.” She goes to move the cart, but his hand catches it to prevent her.
Peter steps forward now, his voice going low while his eyes darken, “Get your hand off our cart, Erik. You don’t want to start something here of all places.”
Erik scoffs and peers at him with challenge. “What’re you gonna do about it, Parker?” He then looks between the two and makes a disgusted look. “Getting your boy-toy to fight battles for you now, Y/n?”
“Oh, Erik,” she mockingly laughs, “My husband knows I can take care of myself. In fact,” she sing songs, “he’s practically granting you mercy—trying to warn you to turn the other way to prevent me from killing you in this store. I’d take his advice.” Her voice went menacingly low and Erik would be lying if he said he didn’t feel chills flow through him at that moment.
But his arrogance and overconfidence just had to get the best of him. “Please,” he huffs, “Like you could really do anything like that.” He didn’t miss how Y/ns eyes seemed to flicker and continued his taunting. “You’re just another weak whore—AGH!” A hand goes to the collar of his shirt and lifts him from the floor.
Peters eyes are filled with fury, practically burning holes through Erik as he starts at him with rage. “If you ever call her that again,” he hisses, tightening his grip while the man wriggles. “—I’ll make sure your medical insurance is put to use with what I have planned for you. I’ll break every bone in your body—twice if I have to.”
Erik grunts, cursing at Peter to put him down, but Peter refuses and continues his threats. It’s not till a soft hand is on his back and Y/n is whispering in his ear that people will be turning into the aisle that he does. Before he lets him go he says, “Don’t you ever come near my wife or family again. Understood?”
“Y-yes. I-I swear I won’t,” Erik stutters out and Peter lets him go, making him stumble when he pushes him back. The man catches himself before he could fall, not even turning back to look at them and goes to leave the aisle.
Peter signs in relief, feeling Y/n wrap her arms around him from behind and leans her chin on his shoulder. “My hero,” she kisses his cheek, voice soft, “I love when you get protective of me—of us.”
“I’d do it any minute of everyday, darling,” Peter tells her, turning his head to kiss her when a annoyed moan leaves Harry.
“Okay, we’re in a store,” he complains, going to push the cart, “no need to be gross. You can save that for the house.” Benny follows behind Harry, picking up items from the list while the couple follow hand in hand behind.
“It’s a crime to be affectionate in this family,” Y/n teases though her gaze is full of fondness. “I can’t wait for the day those two find love and we’re the ones having to tell them to stop being ‘gross.’”
Peter laughs, kissing her temple while the twins lead them the bread aisle. “That will be the day. And you were right about earlier, Y/n. You can run into anyone these days.”
Once the fiasco at the store ended and they were in the comfort of their own home, the Parkers settled down for the evening with dinner and a movie. While the movie played, Y/n addressed the Christmas cards, put the flowers they would be laying on May’s headstone in water to keep them fresh, and even wrapped the last minute presents to put under the tree—in the kitchen of course so they wouldn’t see.
It was nearing the end of the movie and the boys were aware their parents were planning on patrolling so they promised to make sure the house was locked before they went to bed and to turn everything off. It was Christmas Eve so they didn’t know how late they would be out, but knew the boys would more than likely stay up watching Netflix or playing games.
They hoped it would be an easy night, but it’s New York. The city that never sleeps.
At around 10:30 the two suited up and were out the window, but not before the twins told them to be safe and watch each other’s six. After stopping two robberies and a car theft, they found themselves seated on the ledge of a building overlooking the city with Y/n in Peters lap.
“Although it does do things to me when you get so protective,” Y/n had said after they recalled the event in the store earlier that day. Peter felt his lips curl up, hand slowly tracing circles on her thigh.
“I live to please you, darling.”
Y/n let out sigh, leaning more into him with sly grin. “Oh, stud, don’t say things like that—you know how I get.” He just laughs, holding her close to him while they listen for any sounds of trouble below.
It was roughly five minutes later they could hear the shatter of glass, both turning to see a man had just broken through an electronic store the next street over. With a knowing look, Y/n stood from Peters lap—the man following her movements, and they jumped from the roof to swing to the adjacent ones.
Y/n let go of the hold she had on Peter, rolling to the ground and running to the store while Peter swung onto the roof to intercept on the opposite side. Quietly, she snuck her way into the store—keeping low on the ground until she found the masked robber trying to break into the compartment with laptops.
With his back to her, Y/n continued to get close until she was just a few feet away. Pulling herself up with a smirk on her face, Y/n began to clap. The action startled the robber—make him drop the crowbar and bag in his hands.
“You knoooow,” she stopped clapping when he turned, freezing at the sight of her. “You should really work on your stealing skills cause we were able to see you in plain sight—unless that’s what you were going for.” Y/ns tone was less than impressed—which was understandable given she was a cat burglar.
“Cat?” His question made Y/n raise a brow, stepping back with her head tilted.
“What—you know me?” She said with confusion. “I know I had quite the reputation back in the day—but that’s long gone buddy.”
“It’s me—,” the man removed his mask, and Y/ns jaw dropped in surprise. “Robert. We did that one job in Brooklyn like twenty years ago.”
“Robert!” Y/n exclaimed, hand coming up to her chest while her face formed in grin. She couldn’t help the excitement—the situation was just too comical. “Holy shit, man it’s been so long! Wow,” she let out a laugh and completely dropped her defensive stance. “I didn’t think I’d run into you after all this time. How are you—wait,” she stops herself, gears turning in her brain. “I thought you were in prison.”
“Oh I was,” he doesn’t deny it, “got out like a year ago.”
“Ahh,” she hums, and notices how he was glancing at her new get up and how she looked like she was ready to arrest him. It made him stiffen.
“Are you like that Spider-guy now?” He says accusingly, hand already reaching to his pocket—which she sees. “—I heard you changed sides, but went off the grid for over a decade.”
“Oh yeah,” Y/n gives a nonchalant shrug. “The rumors are true—.” Just as the last word leaves her lips Roberts hands and feet are webbed in place making him unable to move. Before he could say ‘what the fuck—,’ his mouth is also webbed shut.
Y/n spins around to see Peter standing with his hands on his hips like a disappointed parent. “I hate to break up this reunion—,” she saw right past his lie, “—but the cops are on their way so we need to skedaddle.”
“Okay, okay,” she raises her hands, but excitedly points to the restrained man. “But Spider look! It’s Robert! You know the guy I did that one job in Brooklyn with before we met. Can you believe it?”
Peter gives a wave to Robert, “Nice to meet you, Robert.” The sirens reached their ears and Peter nodded his head to the window. “Let’s go, trouble.”
“Bye, Robert!” Y/n calls out as she jogs over to Peter, glancing back at the robber. “Try to stay out of trouble in the future! Otherwise we might be running into each other more,” she ended it with a wink, noticing how his head dropped in defeat. Peter took her hand, leading her out the store before taking her by the waist and letting a web haul them up.
Y/ns giggles filled the air, still in disbelief and let their words from earlier in the day flow through the night. “What a turn of events, Spider. You can run into anyone these days!”
Tag list: @secretsthathauntus, @eternalharry
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tomdutch · 3 years
okay for cute and fluffy concepts what about college!peter taking care of drunk reader and putting her to bed 🥺🥺
i love that omg 🥺
send fluff concepts for peter & tom!!
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“can i wear your suit, pretty please?”
“y/n, for the tenth time tonight, no.” peter huffs, hands clenching tighter around your thighs. huh. you don’t remember asking nine other times. “mr stark would kill me if i need to get another new suit this early in the year.”
pouting, you let your head hang on his broad shoulder. around ten minutes ago, while you were in the middle of throwing back one of many shots, your boyfriend had showed up, a heavy frown evident on his thin lips. gwen, your best friend, had screamed at the sight of peter and begun telling everyone around her the story of your and peter’s relationship. she had barely gotten halfway through before peter, face as red as your dress, grabbed you, and you ended up heaved on his back, too drunk to make the walk home without help.
“are you mad at me?” you sniff, tear-filled eyes staring at his side profile.
“i’m not exactly overjoyed you told gwen i cried during our first time and she recounted that in detail to a whole frat party,” peter grumbles, walking steadily down the pavement and towards your dorm with your weight draped over him as though you’re a feather. “but i’m not mad at you, baby.”
breathing a long sigh of relief, you smush your lips to his cheek in a messy kiss, “i love you so much, petey,” you whine, tears rolling down your face, “like so much. i’d—i’d love you if you were as short as that space squirrel, or green like dr banner, or—or if you turned into a spider on the full moon, or—”
you lose your train of thought as peter arrives in front of your dorm and you suddenly remember the brownies you bought earlier. as soon as he puts you down, you cling to his arm, your heeled ankles wiggling unsteadily on the floor.
peter twirls his arm around your waist and bringing you to his chest, laughing at the way you went from describing all the ways you’d still love him to babbling about craving sweets. with a swipe of your card, the both of you are safe in your dorm, and you fall onto the bed, giggling as you bounce.
“pete,” you sing-song, making grabby hands at him, and he obliges, sitting beside you, “i... i want brownies.”
“we’ll get your brownies, angel,” he reassures you, “just as soon as you help me get you in pyjamas, okay?”
his hands slide along your thigh and under the skirt of your dress, making a devilish grin spread across your face, and you push him onto his back. giggling, you throw a leg over him, peter looking up at you with a wide, shocked expression as you lean over to try and kiss him.
“babe,” he squeaks, pulling away from you, “what are you—wait—”
“petey,” you laugh, laying a drawn-out smooch on his cheek, “i’m—let me kiss you.”
he sits up, arms circling around your waist and drawing you close to his chest. “sweetheart, you’re really drunk. let me take care of you.”
“you’re gonna... take care of me...” you burst into giggles, wiggling his eyebrows at him suggestively. “i wanna take care of you too, baby.”
sighing, he stands up, still holding you in his arms as he walks to the bathroom. you busy yourself with planting open-mouthed kisses to his neck and jaw, fully amused with the rose shading his skin. peter sets you down next to the sink, jumping up when you instantly start swinging your legs in the air and almost kick him right between his own, completely unaware of your actions.
slowly, he brings the hem of your dress up, and you let him slip it over your head, wrapping your arms around his neck and bringing him into a kiss. he doesn’t let it evolve into more than a short peck, but drops a sweet kiss on your cheek to appease you. tired out from the alcohol, you’ve calmed down, letting him dress you in a loose shirt you stole from his wardrobe ages ago.
one hand holding yours, peter uses the other to take your makeup off, peppering kisses on your nose in between a few swipes of the cotton along your skin, and you clutch his sweater with your free hand. when your face is clean and your teeth are brushed, peter scoops you once more, smiling gently as you bury your visage in his neck, mumbling half-asleep nothings against him.
you melt into your mattress as soon as he places you on it, but your boyfriend takes his time finding a water bottle, advil and the box of brownies you’d been raving about earlier. whining at the empty space beside you, you kick your legs out under the blankets like a petulant child, but peter seems to have endless patience and even more endless adoration for you. he simply grins at your antics, reaching back to take his shirt off before he slides beside you.
like a moth to a flame, you’re on him in seconds, cheek squished against his bare chest. he cuddles you into his side, chin on top of your head, and you both sigh out at the same time.
“petey?” you mumble, eyes closed.
he hums in response, running his hand up and down your back lightly. “yes, sweetheart?”
“i also want cookies.”
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enchanting-jewel · 2 years
What is the Rule of Three?
Basically, think of Karma. "What goes around, comes around." The Rule of Three is a similar belief that states whatever energy you put out into the world, whether it is positive or negative, will be returned to you three times.
What exactly does three times mean? Some believe your magical work will be returned to you in three individual occasions. Another belief is deciphering three times as a multiplier. Like, your consequences will be three times more potent than the intention you set.
You may have heard "Ever Mind the Rule of Three." It is a warning and belief from the Wiccan Rede. Here is Lady Gwen Thompson's version of the Wiccan Rede:
Bide the Wiccan laws ye must, in perfect love and perfect trust. Live and let live, fairly take and fairly give. Cast the Circle thrice about to keep the evil spirits out.
To bind the spell every time, let the spell be spake in rhyme. Soft of eye and light of touch, speak little, listen much. Deosil go by the waxing Moon, sing and dance the Wiccan rune. Widdershins go when the moon doth wane, and the Werewolf howls by the dread Wolfsbane.
When the Lady's Moon is new, kiss thy hand to Her times two. When the Moon rides at Her peak then your heart's desire seek. Heed the Northwind's mighty gale; lock the door and drop the sail.
When the wind comes from the South, love will kiss thee on the mouth. When the wind blows from the East, expect the new and set the feast. When the West wind blows o'er thee, departed spirits restless be.
Nine woods in the Cauldron go, burn them quick a' burn them slow. Elder be ye Lady's tree; burn it not or cursed ye'll be. When the Wheel begins to turn, let the Beltane fires burn. When the Wheel has turned at Yule, light the log and let Pan rule.
Heed ye flower bush and tree, by the Lady Bless'd Be. Where the rippling waters go cast a stone and truth ye'll know. When find that ye have need, hearken not to others' greed. With the fool no season spend or be counted as his friend.
Merry meet and merry part, bright the cheeks and warm the heart. Mind the Threefold Law ye should, three times bad and three times good. When misfortune is enow, wear the Blue Star on thy brow. True in love ever be unless thy lover's false to thee. Eight words ye Wiccan Rede fulfill: An' it harm none, do what ye will.
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What do you think? Do you believe in the Rule of Three?
-Enchanting Jewel
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babbushka · 3 years
Omg “Really? You wanna have sex….here? Now?” and “I may or may not have left some….marks.” has suck biker!Kylo vibes. Love everything you write so I can't wait to see everything you bless us with this May
Anonymous said:  Ohhh, what about Biker gang!Kylo w/ possessiveness, marking and "Suck on my fingers and get them nice and wet for me." I always get so excited for Sinday and all the fabulous writing you create. Ahhhh
2k, NSFW (big dom!Kylo, frottage at the mechanic shop, praise kink, oral fixation, finger sucking, fingering, spit as lube)
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It takes him all of two seconds to recognize the look in your eye, when you come walking into his office at the shop for Kylo’s lunch hour. You’ve brought him takeout from his favorite deli, a big hero with all the fixin’s on it, and you’re right on time.
Kylo’s stomach growls, but he’s got a bad feeling that he won’t have much time to eat his lunch, because you’re smiling at him, a pep in your step, eager anticipation written all over your face you sit yourself down on top of his desk, greeting him with a cheeky sing-songy, “Hellooo honey!”
“Really? You wanna have sex….here? Now?” Kylo folds his arms over his chest, looking you up and down, admiring your choice of outfit.
You always knew how to get him good, with your short skirt and low-cut top, covered up and yet revealing at the same time.
He’s going to give you what he wants, because he always will -- but he’s going to make you work for it, just a little.
“Please?” You bat your lashes at him, hope high in your chest.
You’ve been thinking about him all day, have been wanting him ever since he ate you out for breakfast before heading off to work. You weren’t always able to visit him during his lunch hour, but today you tried extra hard to make it happen -- you had gotten a taste of his pleasure and you weren’t finished yet.
Which is why you’re wearing what you’re wearing, hoping it’ll catch his eye and get him in the mood, seeing your tits practically spill out of your top, especially when you arch your back ever so slightly, pushing them out purposefully.
“I’m busy.” Kylo raises a defiant eyebrow, and you bite away a smile, knowing this game all too well.
“Then take a break.” You counter , and he glares, muscles in his jaw working tight.
His eyes rove over your body, stopping at the hem of your skirt. You’ve got your legs crossed, ankles swinging over the edge of his desk, and he can see straight through the little gap that you’re not wearing underwear. Another little move that you hope he’ll appreciate, such a sucker for easy access, you uncross your legs and re-cross them, giving him a flash of your pussy.
“You’re being a real fuckin’ brat right about now, you know.” Kylo’s ears start to turn red, and you grin, because that means he’s getting hard.
“Yeah but you like it.” Reaching out to caress his cheek, you lean forward to ghost a kiss over his mouth and twirl a lock of his hair around your finger, silky and soft from the shower that morning, “Don’t you? You like that I give you a run for your money.”
“Get over here.” He snaps his fingers, and you can barely contain your excitement at the instruction, hopping off the desk and instead sitting sideways on his lap.
Kylo recently renovated the shop during the winter slow season, and now his office was bigger than ever -- and all his own. He used to share it with the general manager, Gwen, which made things considerably more tricky in terms of when he was alone and could fuck you. But Gwen had her own office now, and Kylo’s door is locked, and you moan softly when he taps his blunt nails against your lower lip with a scowl.
"Suck on my fingers and get them nice and wet for me." He orders, a pleased hum rising out of his throat when you open your mouth just wide enough for him to push them past your teeth, rubbing them against your tongue with a deep, “Atta’girl.”
You take your time, savoring the feel of the fingers in your mouth. They’re so big, two of them alone feels like too much, and you have to really keep your jaw open when he forces in a third. He’s wearing all his rings, they leave a metallic sort of taste in your mouth that has you moaning, your hands wrapping around his thick wrist to hold him in place.
Kylo loved watching you suck on him, whether it’s his cock his tongue his fingers, all of it makes his dick throb, and while you lap your tongue over his digits, you can hear the familiar jingling sound of his belt, of his groans. Sighing and whining, your thighs rub together, pussy wet from the anticipation, as he shifts you around to get a better angle.
“Are you gonna fuck me with your cock?” You peer up at him, kissing and drooling all over his fingers and palm, slicking him up. Not that you need it, you’re wet enough as it is, you just like to do what he says, you like when he’s happy that you’ve done a good job.
“Not today sweets, you’ll get my fingers or you don’t get anything at all.” He grunts, pulling his hand away from you, “I’ve got a big meeting today, I have to be sharp. Can’t be all fucked up from coming in this tight cunt.”
The belt must be just for comfort then, and even though it’s a little disappointing, you know he’s got a good reason.
“That’s okay, your fingers are more than enough for me.” You smile, lips swollen and tingling from all their hard work.
Kylo kisses you then, wanting his lips on yours, wanting to taste your spit straight from your mouth. You were chewing gum on your way over, and he can tell, the fruity flavor a reminder that you’re sunshine in a bottle, with the way you’re so good.
Kissing Kylo is one of your favorite pastimes, you could do it all day. There’s only about forty-five minutes left on his break, but you could do it for that whole time if he lets you. Maybe he will, you think, when his soaked hand nudges between your thighs, your own spit smearing on your skin as he pries your legs open.
“Such a good slut you are, look at this, not even wearing any panties.” He smacks your pussy lightly, making you suck in a breath and frown at him, as he continues, “Shouldn’t be going around town like a whore with this short skirt and no panties, someone could see how well fucked my girl is. What were you going to do if I came in you? Walk around with it dripping down your fucking thighs?”
“Yeah, and what about it?” You challenge, grinding your hips down against his palm, your hands clutching at his chest, trying to spread your legs wider as his fingers skim across your folds, not really giving as much pressure as you need.
“You’re so spoiled.” Is all Kylo can manage, before he’s plunging in the first two fingers, pushing them straight up into your cunt, making your grin drop open into the most pretty O.
If Kylo’s fingers felt big in your mouth, they feel huge in your pussy, thrusting up against your walls, stretching you. You don’t even bother to hide how good it feels, your head rolling back, pushing your chest into Kylo’s face, a silent demand that he anchor himself to you while you undulate on his lap.
He takes the hint, and latches his mouth to your cleavage, to the flesh that’s spilling out of your tight shirt. He moves up your neck, suckles there, eyes shutting closed as he focuses on pushing your slick back into your body where it drips onto his palm.
“Mm, Kylo,” You moan, your eyes shut too, savoring the feeling of his thumb on your clit, rubbing harsh circles in tandem with the fingers that crook against your front walls, searching for your gspot. “Another? I can take it, give me another.”
“Bossy.” Kylo grunts against your throat, biting sucking licking at the sweat that starts to bead there as you try your best to rock onto his hand.
You don’t have to respond to that, because he’s shoving that third soaked finger up into you too, stretching you further. It’s not as much as his cock would, but that’s because his cock is fucking huge -- huge and throbbing against his stomach where it’s wedged between your bodies.
“Oh --!” You yelp, when the third finger finally finds the spot that Kylo was searching for, but he quickly grabs your jaw with his other hand that’s been holding the back of your neck steady.
“I’m going to need you to be quiet for me sweets,” Kylo kisses your throat as he warns you, pushing and moving your face from the grip on your jaw he’s got to expose a broad expanse of your neck to him, “There’s shop boys and customers just outside this door, and I don’t want them knowing what we get up to in here.”
“Right there honey, oh fuck that’s good -- sorry sorry, I’ll be quiet.” You apologize around little moans and whimpers, the harsh grip of his hand on your jaw a reminder of just how strong he can be.
Your pussy clenches and throbs around those fingers as they thrust in and out of you, hitting that spot over and over again, fucking you rough and fast because there’s not much time now, not much time at all and you can feel the hot licks of pleasure traveling up your spine, starting to crest when he returns his thumb to your clit.
“I’m coming, fuck fuck -- oh!” You give him virtually no warning, but he doesn’t care, you’re positioned in a way that your come is only going to soak into the fabric of your skirt, it won’t get on his jeans.
Your orgasm hits strong at first, and then settles into something pleasant and warm. Eyeing the clock, you’re glad to see that there’s still ten minutes left on his lunch break, enough of a chance for him to eat something, even as your bones and muscles have turned to jell-o. Kylo’s face has gone red again though, and you quirk a brow at him, tucking some of his hair behind his ears, asking, “What’s the matter?”
“I may or may not have left some….marks.” Your man doesn’t often look sheepish, but he looks like it now, biting on his lip as he surveys the damage that he’s done to your pretty skin.
Fumbling around in your purse that’s sitting on his desk, you find your compact mirror and hold it up, letting out a blissful laugh when you see just how many fucking marks he’s left.
“So much for keeping things discreet.” You roll your eyes, and he only pinches your thigh for the comment, helping to stand you up on your feet without wobbling. You want to offer to jerk him off or something, but there’s no time right now, and the both of you know it. You’ve been enough of a distraction as it is, so you embrace him one final time, kissing him with a happy sigh, “Good luck with your meeting, I’ll see you later?”
“Here, take my jacket. It’ll cover you up.” He pulls the heavy leather riding jacket off of the back of one of the chairs in the office, and bundles you up in it. The arms are a little too long because he’s so tall, and the shoulders are too wide because he’s so broad, but you feel safe and warm inside it.
“Kylo Ren, giving me your jacket? Does this mean we’re goin’ steady?” You tease him, before bolting when he starts chasing after you, thinking that there was no way in hell was he going to get around to having that damn sandwich.
Tagging some Kylo lovin' friends! @mochabucky @sacklerscumrag @artsymaddie @bitchydecisions @direnightshade @reyloaddict55 @thembohux @kylorenswhxre @sunflowersinthesnow @babayagakeanu @safarigirlsp @steeevienicks @materialisthicc @lovinghufflepuffgirl @hswritingrecs @han68000 @rosi3ba3z @chapterhappygirl @schopenhauerdeathsquad @loverofallthings @groovetoob @bxnnywriting @glassbxttless @angel-bxby3 @smallgirlbigpersonality @lovelyyy-luna @2000andwhat @raddo1975 @cornmousequeen @metsienmenninkainen @caillea @painttheskylineforme @holding-on-to-starwars @kylo-ren-is-alive @caitlin-was-here
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highdramas · 3 years
your song, vol. 1 | rockstar!bucky
rockstar!bucky barnes x fem!reader, some slight peter parker x reader in later parts (unrequited)
word count: 2429
warnings: references to sex, language, references to drug and alcohol use in later parts, age gap, slow burn-ish
summary: it’s not summer without you. or, that’s what your favorite rockstar always says. it’s all happening.
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it is the summer of 1978, and everyone calls you rhiannon, and it has never occurred to you to mind.
really, it was sort of nice. rhiannon is a daredevil. rhiannon goes on tour with bands. rhiannon inspires songs and reads tarot and knows how to light up a room with a smile. rhiannon gets asked if she’s, like, the rhiannon. the rhiannon who rings like a bell through the night.
you’re not. but you’re not going to tell them that.
and, sure, you know that you’re capable of all of these things-- but it’s different when they’re calling you rhiannon.
it’s different when he is calling you rhiannon.
you’ve become somewhat of a myth in the california rock ‘n roll scene. groupies have flocked to you-- and you have somewhat rejected the term. found it degrading, the way that rock stars and fans spoke about groupies. it had been your personal mission during the summer of 1977 to change the way that men in rock spoke about women.
the summer that you met bucky barnes.
really, it wasn’t bucky that you had set your eyes on initially. initially, you’d shown up with his friend, steve rogers, the drummer. you and your group of band aids (you were still coining the name) had an in backstage and the second you had seen steve, you were a bit smitten. he wasn’t your typical rockstar. there was something kind about him, something genuine. he looked at you less like he wanted to fuck you and more like he wanted to know you.
it wasn’t until later that you met bucky. later, once you set out on tour with them.
when you found out that steve had a girl back home and he was simply being kind to you, it had reminded you of your mission. your mission to show all of these men what exactly women had to contribute to music and its existing scene-- and that it was more than being a side piece. more than being a fun distraction on the road.
that was the moment that you swore you would not fall in love with a rockstar.
the hotel you all had checked into was absolutely lavish. it was extravagant and beautiful, high ceilings and marbled floors and the shiniest doorknobs that you’ve ever seen. it’s 3:30 in the morning and the girls-- america and kate being your favorite of the whole bunch-- are out with the guys at the bar. you’re sure that they’re requesting brooklyn songs-- later on, you’d give bucky shit for suggesting that their band name should just be brooklyn. you give steve even more shit for going along with it.
after the revelation with steve, normally, you’d be in the mood to party. but you feel like shit and you fell asleep wrong on the bus and your neck is killing you. you don’t want to be a vibe killer, so you tell the girls to go on without you and maybe you’ll catch up with them later.
instead, at some point, you pad down to the pool. there is one lone figure sitting by an illuminated neon sign. it’s only when you’re within feet that you realize that it’s bucky.
of all of the members of brooklyn, you’d gotten to know bucky the least in the past week that you’ve been on the road with them. steve, sam, and natasha were all nice-- nicer than nice. steve and sam especially, but you knew why.
natasha is nice-- direct and passionate about what she does. and what she does is sing. you always said that brooklyn would be nothing if it wasn’t for nat’s husky vocals and insane songwriting.
then there’s bucky. the guitarist.
kate has been touring with brooklyn awhile now-- went with them on the europe leg. now she’s with their manager, clint, and she seems to know all the gossip. when you asked what was up with bucky-- why he was so quiet, why he didn’t like to party with the others, kate had given you that thousand watt smile and said-- “alright, don’t tell anyone about this, ‘specially buck, but he’s sober. couple years now, from what i hear. it’s real hard for him, being on the road.”
then, your mouth had made a slight o, you had nodded your head, and kate shone like the light she is before dashing off to find clint.
you’re brought back to that conversation now, seeing him hunched over on a reclining chair. you see that he is hugging his legs, smoking a cigarette. a bottle of root beer sits beside him on the ground.
your feet are working before your brain is, and before you know it, you’re standing before him. if he notices your presence, he doesn’t act like it.
“got one to spare?”
that’s when he finally glances up at you. his face is mostly unreadable-- furrowed brows and a set jaw, long brunette hair that almost brushes his shoulders. he is quite handsome. he’s the kind of man that you think is built for moments like these-- sitting by pools, pink neon radiating off his face. the kind of handsome that is a little bit intimidating. not like steve, who is all softness and warm smiles.
you sink onto the pool chair beside bucky as he nods. he passes you a cigarette and you pop it between your lips. bucky’s zippo seems to come out of nowhere, and you watch as the end begins to burn, and you take your first drag of your first cigarette.
a coughing fit ensues. naturally. you hold it awkwardly between the fingers of your right hand and you cover your mouth with your left, hacking up your lungs. bucky’s brows furrow and it’s then, and only then, when the faintest hint of a smirk drags onto his features. “you alright?” his hand moves to your back and rubs in circles, pats it lightly, until you’re bleary eyed and looking over at him with a loud laugh.
it was natural after that.
where bucky was, it was safe to assume that you weren’t far behind. but it wasn’t like that. if anyone asked who you were with, you wore a proud expression and said with little hesitation, “myself.”
each time, bucky glanced between you and whatever sorry schmuck was in your path, and he shrugged his shoulders. “you heard her.”
things were easy with bucky. you had laid the ground rules that night, on the pool chaise. you had straightened your shoulders and you said, “i made the vow not to fall in love with anyone this summer.”
bucky had raised an eyebrow at you and watched as you took his root beer and took a long pull, his eyes fixating onto yours. “funny, so did i.”
the summer of 1977 was a dream.
but you had to wake up.
when you’re not rhiannon, you’re… you. you’re a student at oxford university on a full ride scholarship, studying political science, eventually law. you want to be the first woman president. you have bigger dreams and aspirations than being a band aid.
but you don’t mind slipping into your dream state between the months of may and september. you don’t mind one bit.
on the last night of tour, in nashville, you and bucky had spent the whole night in his room. you talked and you laughed, you laid together and you talked about school and he talked about recording the next album. you said how you wished you could be there for it, and he said how he’d like to see oxford.
that’s another thing about dreams.
when you’re in them, you can nearly believe that they can exist in the real world. but they can’t.
you and bucky had toed a very thin line for a long time. and you tumbled off of it together that night.
when you said your goodbyes in the airport the next morning, everyone else around as well, it seemed to suck any of the intimacy out of the room. you told him then that you always hated airports-- they reminded you of goodbyes.
bucky had shrugged, and said, “they remind me of hellos.”
you hugged. he kissed the corner of your mouth, the closest thing to an outright public display of affection as you two would get. and you left. you went back to real life.
but now, it is 1978. and it is the summer before your senior year of college, and you are backstage at the bee gees at the forum. and brooklyn is opening.
of course you knew that you would see him. he had written you letters over the course of the past year, like a gentleman. you’d tucked them away in your hat box and wrote back about your studies and your roommates. and at the end of the last letter you sent, you wrote: hope you wrote that song about me. xx
you didn’t tell him you were going on the road this summer. you’d been in touch with kate and met up in beverly hills with her. she told you about how she and clint had moved in together in new york and you sipped coffee and went with her as she shopped at places that were far out of your budget. and then you’d met up with clint and he got you your pass.
and now you’re here, with a packed duffel.
it’s a wonder you haven’t run into him yet. there’s a part of you that hopes he doesn’t know-- that he’s going to come out here and see you and that the air is going to be knocked from him as he takes in the visage of you.
beginning to grow anxious, you throw yourself into a chair backstage in a huff. a boy who must be around your age is sitting on the arm of it, and looks down at you curiously. “you alright?”
“never better,” you say and inspect your nail. “you seen the band?”
“who, bee gees? nah, haven’t had a chance--”
“no. brooklyn.”
“oh.” he goes quiet and nods his head. “i got a chance to talk to ‘em just now. i’m trying to do a piece on them.”
your jaw slacks a bit and you nod your head. “oh.” a journalist. of course he is. “how exciting for you.”
“yeah, it’ll be my first real piece. i’ve written some stuff for my college paper, but nothing like this. i can’t believe i even got in. i met this girl gwen and she found me a pass.”
“gwen’s a real keeper,” you say and you wink. your words are honest. you like gwen. “what’s your name, kid?”
“peter parker.”
you stick your hand out. “nice to meet you, peter parker.”
he shakes it and he raises his eyebrows at you, as if waiting for an introduction on your end. “and you are…” he finally begins.
“that’s rhiannon.”
the voice jars you. you don’t dare look behind you, but you already know who it is. you feel large hands on your shoulders and it takes every ounce of pride and self worth inside of you not to let your body erupt into shivers. “she’s the heart of brooklyn.”
a scoff passes your lips and you tip your head back, and you’re not disappointed by what you see. you never are. “you’re always so dramatic,” you coo. your attention shifts back to peter, but your skin is buzzing where bucky touches you, and you have nearly ten months worth of time to catch up on with him. “it was nice meeting you, peter parker.”
subtlety is not your strong suit, and peter must gather that, because he scrambles to get his things and scurry off. you give a slight wave and make a mental note that you’d like to get to know him if he sticks around. “nice kid,” you say.
“don’t want to talk about him.”
you can’t help yourself now. a giddy squeal bursts from your lips and you turn and you fling yourself at him. you’re all arms and legs flailing, clutching to him, and he holds you just as tight. there’s that sort of husky, low laugh that leaves him, and you remember it from that night that you wanted to impress him by smoking a cigarette. “hey, rhi.”
“hi,” your voice is muffled in his neck. you don’t care who’s watching, you don’t care what they whisper— for the first time, you don’t care if they assume you’re going to go back to bucky’s room and fuck him stupid. you care that he’s here. that’s bigger than your pride.
“didn’t tell me you’d be comin’. had to hear from kate.”
“yeah, well...” you pull back and look up at him, hands resting on his shoulders. his find your hips and pull you in. “i wanted to surprise you. am i a happy surprise?”
bucky is the kind of person who thinks before he speaks, but also, you believe that he thinks before he emotes. there’s a beat before he’s licking his lips, nodding his head. “nah. it’s gonna be such a drag having my girl on the road with me.”
my girl.
you squint at him and push him away right in his chest, and he gapes, rubbing it and feigning hurt. “don’t pull that,” you point at him. “same rules as last summer, alright? we— we went over this.”
exasperated, bucky sighs, head lolling to the side. “yes ma’am.”
ten months ago bucky told you he was in love with you.
ten months ago bucky told you he’d follow you all over the world.
ten months ago you agreed that it was a horrible idea, and that your friendship was too vital, too real, too special to risk messing it up.
ten months later, you’re hoping you won’t regret this decision.
you can see the disappointment in his face. gently, you touch the side of his face and you smile a bit. “in another life.” those were the words you had said to him, all those nights ago.
bucky’s face breaks your heart over and over again. he gives you that gentle but sad look-- the look of a man who has what he wants right within arms reach, but knows that he cannot fully grasp. knows that he cannot fully keep.
“i’ll have you any way you want me,” is all he finally says. “‘s not summer without you.”
you’d made a promise to him that night. you had told him you weren’t going to fall in love with anyone in the summer of 1977.
but it is the summer of 1978. and this is the story of how you fall in love with bucky barnes.
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sleepyowlwrites · 2 years
find the word tag CCCXXXIII
last event before bed. @diphthongsfordays @zmwrites
hand (white dress, 2014)
Hold my hand, take me under The feathers of your wings Touching my shoulders No struggle, I'm drowning I'll swallow all the water When it's you who pulls me down
numb (blankets, 2020)
Open up your arms and Let the warmth back in Where our bodies meet Under the blankets, heat Is contained between our fingers I'll hold on until they're numb I don't want to ever let go
stuck (scrapbook, 2019)
hold my hand we’re stuck in a photograph a memory of a time not too long past we’re holding on to what we used to have close your eyes I’ll sing you a lullaby we’ll steal the stars and then paint the sky we’ll ride the wind and hold on tight
bold (spaces are occasionally invaded, but better with an invitation, 2020)
She fills up spaces by being small and projecting herself out to the boundaries, wrapping around the edges and dripping onto the carpet. Sometimes you’re invited to slink inside the outermost circle, softly initiating contact between personal bubbles. Mostly the lines are drawn in bold and you know not to touch the extremities, much less puncture the glass.
charm (the sleepy stash)
she dressed herself in midnight with a sparrow on her arm. she wore shoes of ice and rings of light and perfumed herself in charm. she smiled with teeth of gold and with every petaled word did harm. she strangled the moon with shadows. she never could get warm.
fast (the dark, 2016)
Give me the time to tell you all the things I want to say Give me the time to spell you and to take you far away After the moon has risen and the blue is fading fast And the sky is so dark and the day is so long past
box (ellipses of thought no.04, 2020)
lilac rosebuds, frost on the leaves; heaven help me. afternoon drags on, the skies are weeping. I have tried to sleep; it eludes me. twilight burns my shadow down to dust. I lay down at night as I’m told that I must but- the moths in my mouth are escaping. they eat my candles. my fingertips are bruised. my head is aching. velveteen sheets are slipping down the bed. what was it that the music box said? goodnight sweetheart, close your eyes. I daydream of lilac rosebuds and weeping skies. the horses come in and take me away; I sleep well into the day. my head still aches. I slip between velveteen sheets and dream.
event, shadow, teeth, personal. BONUS: lullaby, twilight. @blind-the-winds @ink-fireplace-coffee @yejiwritesthings @gwens-fiction @aalinaaaaaa @drippingmoon @moonlitinks OR ANYBODY
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Hy, Vy! 📚🌻 Here!
I read that you're having a busy week so I just came here to give you some reminders: Get up for a bit, drink water. Relax for a bit: let your shoulders drop, unclench your jaw and hands, take a deep breath. Better? Hope you are taking care of yourself.
Your three words of today are: Scratch, Silk, snarl.
Take all the time you need and hope you have a good week!
Love, 📚🌻
Hi 📚🌻!
So nice to be hearing from you again! My busy week has finally been put to a pause worries-wise so I can relax and write A TON of fics for you guys so I can make up for being absent for so long 😌 I missed writing honestly and, not gonna lie, your three word challenges bring me so much joy, I'm not even kidding. So thank you for sending me another, in return I send you a short fluffy fic with the pairing I keep using because I'm obsessed 😅 along with all my love, hugs, kisses and support. They're all addressed to you 💌💌💌
Pairing: Chris Redfield x OC - Gwen Winters (y’all already know her by now 😅)
No warnings, just pure fluff, Enjoy! 🥰
“Wow, don’t you look presentable.“ 
Now, while the comment is not at all false and is completely fair and true, he shouldn’t have said anything at all. Not when the younger girl was glaring at him before he even opened his mouth.
She can’t be having it easy: baby food in her hair, a questionable stain on her shirt, some dark spots along her arms and what looks to be paint on her forehead and cheeks. Oh and hands too.
“And you look unwanted.” She snarls, “The Devil sent you to prevent me from catching a break today, didn’t he?“ She made her glare even deadlier which he didn’t think was possible. He should know better than to underestimate her like that, Gwen Winters always has a way of surprising him after all. “Well, go back and tell him I wasn’t planning on catching a break either way so you aren’t needed“
Chris rolls his eyes, “For the last time, please stop making me sound like your worst nightmare took a human form.” He scoffs, reaching out to remove a crumb from her shirt, “In fact, I’m here to help.”
“Ethan and Mia sent you then. They don’t believe I have it handled, do they?“ She sighs, walking inside the surprisingly quiet Winters home.
Her Captain, taking that action of hers as a good sign, follows her inside, closing the front door behind him. “No, they don’t know I’m here actually. I called to check up on them and they said they were on a date so I immediately knew who got stuck with the babysitting duty and thought you’d need help.” He gives her a quick once-over, grimacing slightly at the sight she is, “And it seems like you really could use and extra pair of hands.”
“Well....when you put it like that I wish you showed up an hour ago. That’s when this happened.“ She motions to herself. “Christ, I need a change of clothes...and a shower.“ A sigh leaves her lips as her arms drop by her sides.
“And a bandage.“ He murmurs when his gaze suddenly lands on a particularly bad looking scratch on Gwen’s arm. “What happened to you?“
Her eyes follow his to where a red line has marked her skin. She lets out a laugh, “Believe it or not, Rose’s got one hell of a grip. God knows I’d be covered in bite marks if she had teeth.” The look of shock and concern that flashes across the older man’s face makes her laugh, “Hey, don’t worry, the shower will be quick and she’s a pretty heavy sleeper so you won’t have to deal with her on your own.”
He nods hesitantly, muttering a quick ‘Right’ before the girl disappears down the hallway in the direction of the staircase with the intention of grabbing herself some clean clothes she knows won’t remain clean for very long after her sister wakes up. Maybe they’re not blood related, but Gwen still refers to Rose as her sister. Not rare are the times she’s accidentally referred to Ethan as dad or to Mia as mom when talking about them with some of her friends at the BSAA, hell even when talking with Chris. She doesn’t even appear to notice when she says it, but he does, and a smile always briefly graces his features when she does.
As he’s surfing through the TV channels, less than ten minutes after he heard the shower turn on, the baby monitor comes to life with the displeased whines of a child that’s awoken from its slumber.  Chris Redfield, previously a BSAA soldier and now a captain, one who has faced thousands of horrors in his life, each more threatening than the last, is now frozen in place.
One thing this man hasn’t had much experience with is dealing with individuals below their teenage years. Sure, he held Rose when she was still a newborn but even that lasted less than five minutes cause he was so terrified of dropping her or her starting to cry. And now he has to go tend whatever need she has without knowing what they are or how to tend to them.
Seeing as how the whines are rather quiet and haven’t turned into wails just yet he feels a bit bolder about the whole ordeal, getting up from the couch and making his way towards the stairs, passing by the bathroom where he hears Gwen singing ‘Lovefool’ like she’s the only person in the house.
“Don’t worry, Rose, I’d be crying too if I were awoken by that.“ He murmurs, stomping up the steps.
Entering the nursery, he’s pleasantly surprised to see Rose has stopped complaining and is just looking up at him, intrigued by the presence of this man she doesn’t recognize. Chris scoffs, deciding to drop the subject but right as he steps one foot out the door, the crying begins.
‘No way‘, he thinks to himself, slowly inching back into the room just for the cries to be put to a halt again. ‘You gotta be kidding me.’
“Listen kid, I’m not in any way, shape or for fit for this. Just hold on, your sister will be out in a minute, ok?“ His mouth is saying one thing but his mind is on a completely different level of following instincts - the fatherly instincts he never even thought he had. And while getting his soul stared into by this baby, he can’t help but give into those instincts, “Alright, but you better give me a good review if your sister asks. She can be really high strung sometimes, though I bet you already knew that, having to live with her and all.“ He murmurs as he lifts the now giggling Rose out of her crib, gently cradling her to his chest. To his relief, she stays quiet, relaxing in his embrace. “You’re much less of a handful than Gwen.” He chuckles softly, not wanting to disrupt the quiet too much in hopes it would lead to Rose falling back asleep soon. “I mean, I complain a lot about her and her attitude, but I’d do anything for her, if I’m being honest. She doesn’t know, of course, I haven’t told her. Not that she’d believe me if I did. She’s gotta be the most stubborn yet selfless, most sarcastic yet loving person I’ve ever met. She saves her good qualities for people who deserve to see em, I’m not surprised I’m not one of them. I’ve done nothing but give her a hard time since we met, but can you really blame? She was death-glaring me before we even exchanged names, for goodness’ sake. I probably shouldn’t bother a less than a year old baby with my problems but I have no other listener...” Looking down, he realizes Rose has fallen asleep. He huffs lightheartedly, a smile on his face, “Guess I didn’t have you either, huh?”
“You had me.“ He stiffens his muscles, startled by the foreign whisper that fills the room.
Slowly turning around, he finds Gwen leaning against the doorframe her small figure wrapped in a towel, arms crossed over her chest, her smirking face framed by a curtain of wet hair. She looks smug, too smug, insinuating she’s heard a good portion of his speech if not its entirety. 
“Don’t I at least get an applause?“ He rolls his eyes, hoping the blush isn’t as visible as he feels it to be. 
“You really think you deserve one with the amount of cheesiness you just spewed, not to mention gossiping about me to my own sister.“ She shakes her head with faux disappointment, her voice smooth like silk.
“Ok do I at least get a response then?“ He needs to know, there’s no way he can leave this house or even this room without getting an answer, no matter how disappointed he might be by it. Better a brutal answer than blind ignorance.
She purses her lips, her eyes leaving his and landing on the sleeping baby he almost forgot he was holding. She takes a few steps towards him, reaching out and taking gentle hold of Rose, her movements so light and careful the baby doesn’t even detect she’s being moved. Gwen lays her sister down in her crib even more carefully straightening up and placing her hands on the railing, smiling down at the sleeping toddler.
Chris stands there restless, his gaze analyzing and overanalyzing each and every shift of her facial expression, the tiniest changes in her body stance and body language. He’s never seen her so at peace and so relaxed, out of her usual surroundings and gear. The rough lines of her face softened by the sisterly love she’s displaying, watching over the sleeping Rose. There’s so much grace and beauty within her and it never fails to shine through. Not in the battlefield, not when faced with literal death, not even when she’s holding a weapon twice her size, making her look terrifying for the enemy.
He said he wasn’t surprised to be excluded from the tight circle of people she has - those who see her at her best - and he really isn’t. He doesn’t deserve her kindness, her softness, her smiles and laughter. He doesn’t deserve her. He’s not worth of a membership
Or that’s what he thinks, at least.
Gwen suddenly turns to him, the smile still present on her face as she gazes up at him, her head tilted back so she can look him in the eyes which is proving pretty difficult considering their proximity and height difference. Leaning back on the crib railing she sighs, “You’re right, a response would be adequate. But what kind would you like?”
He scoffs, his muscles tensing even more despite the smile on his face, “The most honest one you can offer me.”
She hums approvingly, nodding as though she’s contemplating her next move. He’s on the verge of telling her to forget it, let it all fall in the water and hope she forgets about it soon. He can deal with a few sleepless nights but that ultimate rejection, he knows it’ll sting a lot and for a long time.
However, just as he’s about to cross over the verge and open his big mouth he’s physically prevented from doing so by the pair of lips that have collided with his. Her lips. She’s kissing him.
‘Holy crap, what is happening?‘ It’s safe to say his mind’s racing which is mainly why it takes him a second or two to respond but when he comes to, he’s kissing her back with passion and longing, as though they’ve shared this kiss before. His arms automatically wrap around her waist, pulling her closer, while hers find themselves wrapped around his neck, her fingers gently tangling in his hair.
To say he’s disappointed when she pulls away would be an understatement but seeing as how she’s not in a rush to free herself from his grasp, he doesn’t complain. Instead, he allows her to rest her forehead against hers. He closes his eyes, their proximity intoxicating his mind, the scent of her freshly washed hair and skin making his thoughts hazy.
“Next time you wanna tell me something...“ Gwen whispers breathlessly, “...my sister is not the one you should turn to first.“
Chris chuckles, reattaching their lips in relief and ecstasy. He can’t remember the last time he’s felt quite like this: so high yet so grounded, so intoxicated yet sober. She gives him polar opposite experiences at once and it’s simply magical.
He may not be worthy of a membership in her inner circle, but he’s damn lucky she likes him as much as she does.
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shefanispeculator · 3 years
Blake Shelton was worried about the headline.
Following the first 10 songs of his final "Friends & Heroes" tour stop at Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee Saturday, Shelton stepped offstage, and country music veteran John Anderson emerged from below it. There was an instant surge of energy from the near-capacity crowd, as Anderson, with Shelton's seven-piece backing band, crooned through a soft "Seminole Wind," followed by a boisterous "Money in the Bank" and the boot-scootin' "Swingin'," all huge country hits in the '80s and '90s.
And Shelton, half-jokingly, was just a touch jealous.
"Why do you all act so different for John Anderson?" Shelton asked. "I've been out here for 40 minutes, and all of a sudden John Anderson comes out here and the whole damn crowd … is line-dancing and (expletive). How do you line-dance in your seats?"
"The last thing I need is to wake up tomorrow morning and read the Wisconsin Post or whatever you have here, and the headline says something like 'John Anderson steals the show,'" Shelton continued.
Here at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, we don't take headline suggestions from people we're writing about. But that wouldn't have been an appropriate headline anyway — because Anderson wasn't the only one to steal the spotlight from Shelton.
And that's the beauty of the concept of Shelton's "Friends & Heroes" tour, which has been around for a few years but stopped in Milwaukee for the first time Saturday.
It gives Shelton a chance to share his sharp band and packed houses with veteran country stars who prove they've still got the goods, and are still beloved.
On Saturday, that included Martina McBride, who with her sparkling voice, brightened the night with the self-assuring gems "My Baby Loves Me" and "This One's for the Girls," before closing out with the shattering, and soaring, "A Broken Wing."
And the show also included Tracy Byrd, who actually got the strongest reaction of the three "Friends & Heroes" Saturday. He took full advantage of the runway, tipping his black cowboy hat and high-fiving any fans he could reach, hyping up the crowd with his magnetic stage presence and '90s and early-aughts party-starters "Ten Rounds With Jose Cuervo," "I'm From the Country" and "Watermelon Crawl."
"Over and over again tonight, I have had my ass handed to me by these other singers coming," Shelton said near the show's end.
Shelton was, of course, selling himself short.
While the three guests were indisputable highlights Saturday, they performed for only 10 minutes each. Shelton, on the other hand, was on stage for the show's remaining two hours and 30 minutes, striving to fulfill an early evening promise to play "the longest country concert." (Eric Church routinely does three-hour sets, but this was an impressive marathon nonetheless.)
With the charm and charisma that's made him such a winning personality on NBC's "The Voice" for 21 seasons, Shelton handily slipped into various personas Saturday night, for the raucous "Boys 'Round Here," the moon-eyed duet "Nobody But You" (which he sang facing footage of his new wife Gwen Stefani singing back to him), or the outlaw-flavored "God's Country" and the George Jones classic "Ol' Red."
There were plenty of fun interactions with the crowd, too. Locking eyes with a guy in the front row for the love ballad "Sure Be Cool If You Did," Shelton chuckled mid-song, telling him, "Sing to her, not to me," gesturing to the man's date. And for "Hillbilly Bone," Shelton let himself get upstaged yet again, this time for a fiery duel between guitarist Beau Tackett and fiddle player Jenee Fleenor, the first woman to win the CMA Award for musician of the year.
Shelton was happy to share the spotlight, but after the performance, he feigned a bruised ego, and for the night's greatest moment, invited Anderson, Byrd and McBride to join him for a songwriter's circle session to see which of them had the greatest country song. (He also suggested George Strait, Garth Brooks, Luke Bryan and Luke Combs were going to be the judges … although they were going to stay backstage.)
"How many of y'all think if this was the 'Who talks the most (expletive) of the Friends & Heroes' tour competition, we'd already have our winner?" Byrd said, gesturing to Shelton, another case of the headliner being upstaged Saturday, for funniest line of the night.
Shelton did his rendition of "Who Are You When I'm Not Looking" solo on acoustic guitar, suggesting the lines "When you undress, do you leave a path/Then sink to your nose in a bubble bath" were about Anderson.
After the performance, Shelton did a little moonwalk victory dance, then playfully suggested they end the competition. But Byrd wouldn't have it, sparking a big singalong for a beaming "The Keeper of the Stars," followed by Anderson performing "Straight Tequila Night" (both with support from Shelton's band members). But it was clear, from fans and musicians alike, that McBride won this little competition with "Independence Day."
As they all left the stage, Shelton put an end to the jealousy act, saying some kind words about how much those three musicians inspired Shelton as he made his own ascent in the country music world.
"Those are Hall of Famers … you're never going to see something like that ever again," Shelton said. "My heroes, man, your heroes, man. Those are country music icons, all of them."
And Saturday's show suggested there was one headline Shelton will wake up to one day: "Blake Shelton inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame
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aftertheskyy · 4 years
Arthur and Gwen’s first dance
We all know Merthur was totally a thing, but Arthur really did love Gwen. 
So I have this headcanon that Arthur is just not musical. He loves music, he’s just not great at it. 
This doesn’t stop him from belting out songs when he’s in a good mood.
(The servants all love it.)
He also has a tendency to tap his foot when he hums, but it’s never a steady beat.
One time, there was a performer at dinner, and everyone in the dining room was clapping along, but Arthur was always just one beat off.
He can whistle though! Arthur is a fantastic whistler (this drives Merlin nuts).
It also runs in the family.
Uther is a horrific singer. Even Arthur winces when his father opens his mouth to sing.
The thing is, Arthur knows he’s not great at rhythm.
But he doesn’t care.
Until his wedding with Gwen and he realizes he’ll have to dance.
However, Gwen is a wonderful dancer and very musically inclined. 
So he enlists Merlin’s help in learning how to dance and keep up with the tempo (because who else could he go to?)
And they start to meet after dinner for dance lessons.
Merlin brings a tambourine to help.
And together, they start to prepare for Gwen and Arthur’s first dance.
“1, 2, 3, that’s it- no, Arthur, it’s a glide here.”
“Now bring your left- your other left, there you go.”
“Arthur, that was my foot.”
“You were the one supposed to be spinning me.”
“Like this?” “Yeah, just remember to actually move your feet this time.”
And they keep practicing until the wedding.
When Arthur takes Gwen’s hand, Gwen is prepared to lead through the dance, but is shocked when Arthur starts to spin her in perfect time with the music.
She can’t stop smiling, and Arthur is just so ecstatic because of how happy Gwen is.
When they start circling around the room, Gwen sees Merlin, and knowing he had something to do with it, she mouths “Thank you.”
Merlin winks in return and goes back to admire the results of his lessons.
(And Arthur only steps on Gwen’s toes twice.)
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oh my god oh my god, i’m wearing my dress on saturday!! tree we are officially living in parallel universes. also your dress sounds so pretty, go live your best cottage core life bestie! (also we totally took dumb photos at prom that is a thing that happened, it’s now canon in the tree-indi universe)
the world is tiny and there’s are a reason it spins in circles- i’m so freaking happy you got to meet your friend!! and come out to them!!
also at prom i met an acquaintance from middle school who got me into the queer side of the internet. and we weren’t friends or anything but i still cried and hugged her when i saw her. there are just some people in the world who completely change your life.
*also every time you mention coming out to more people, just know i’m rooting for you! ilysm harsha!*
awww tree, you partner sounds so sweet, i’m so happy for you babe!! the only telugu terms of affection i know come from movies lmao, but my favorite is banagru konda- like a mountain of gold! that’s so cute! <3
honestly, leave your mark bestie. also i graduated high school and i wrote my initials on the wall, so i understand the urge to be remembered lol.
*rests chin on top of your head cause your itty bitty* mWah! mWah!
i wrote half of this ask like two months ago and finally sent it today, so srry it’s been forever, but tell me what you’ve been up to! 🥰
- indi <3
grrr this is the sixth time i'm rewriting this tumblr better work now!!
YESS WE MATCH!!!!!! it was super fun, i spent a lot of time on the lake and got to talk to one of my friends for hours so i was really happy. we did take photos and we goofed off in a photo booth and all our pictures look horrible but we love them!! hugging you!!!!!!!!!!!
omg.............. youre so right. how dare you blow mind with only a few words im kissing you rn >:( !!!!!!!!!!!! it was really nice to be able to talk to them after so long and it felt so surreal bc like. we're both completely different people now and its like i know i know you but i dont really know you anymore but i still want to connect with you anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!<333
awhhh im so happy for you!!!!! imagine how strange it would be if you hadnt known them, we never would have met!! :( that is too scary to think about i love you too much and youre the bestest. truly i am mad the whole world doesnt know you but im quite content to have you allllll to myself 🥰
*awh im rooting for you too!! and also to myself. if it werent for the tiny tree hanging upside down from my ribcage and swearing at me, i would not even be here. thanks spideytree! u r a real one. i love you more*
they ARE and i love them to pieces<33 i completely forgot about bangaru konda!! im adding it to my list. no one has ever used pet names for me so the only ones i know are from movies too!! be glad i didnt start singing bangaru kodi pitta honestly. no hate to jeevi garu, but. that song fucks in ways i do not want it to fuck. also i recently remembered chiluka, like parrot so im going to use that too.
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! are you excited to leave, or more nervous about the future? give me ALLL the details ilysm!! with your encouragement i will write tree all over the place! or maybe i will draw little trees everywhere? well i cannot draw. much to think about!
*reaches up on my tippy toes and still barely reaches your shoulders (youre 5'6", right?) and gives you a little kiss on your shirt* mwaH! mwaH! mwah!
dont worry, i love hearing from you no matter what<33 ilysm<3
my internship started monday! we're virtual every day minus thursdays, the first day, and the last day. its really fun, i get paid to sit around and listen, and raid the snack bar every hour!! im living. truly in my gwen stacy era. also one of the facilitators is really hot 😳 he's colombian but he grew up in greece so he's got this cute accent and he told me i had a kind gaze and thats why he's been inadvertently staring at me when he talks to the group of us. we got into an argument over time travel and free will today (plus a couple other interns) and he's super smart and we were literally yelling at each other for 15 minutes straight and the other facilitator had to come break it up bc the five of us were about to brawl lmao. its been really nice!
also im working my way through a ninjago rewatch and im taking more of a liking to cole now, where before jay and kai were my favorites. kai is still top tier but cole is very quickly climbing up. they are so gay!!!!!!!!! *froths at the mouth* IM EATING THEM
I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! stay safe and have fun and give the moon a kiss before you go to bed and i will give the moon a kiss before i got to bed and it will be like we are sending kisses to each other!!<33333
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