#and i found out that they're a rare pair oh great
innovativestruggles · 7 months
Yuta & Rika - a speculative analysis
Like with basically any fandom out there, I'm about 3 years late with JJK 0 😩 Regardless, I finally watched it yesterday and subsequently really, really needed to discuss this topic before I forget.
As an anime only fan, I only heard of Yuta from bits and pieces in the anime and from the fandom. That would go for Rika too so I never really understood the extent of their relationship until I watched JJK 0. But oh man, when I watched it, these two took my entire heart and soul.
And whilst I do get why Yuta is shipped with Maki or Inumaki, Rika wins it for me. And before I jump into my explanation, I want to say it outright - Yuta and Rika gives me strong Obito and Rin vibes 😳
Anyways let's talk about Rika.
This sweet yet psycho girl is a super side character (much like Rin), but I did a bit more research into her and it explained so so much more about her character and why she is the way she is (both as human and cursed spirit). Rika lost her mother unexpectedly at the age of 5 and then her father during a hiking trip together at the age of 11. There are speculations (by paternal grandmother) that she is involved in the death of both her parents. I cannot say too much about whether a 5 year old would have too much influence over their mother, but I will shelve this for now. I want to focus on Rika and her father. There is an explanation that one of Rika's biggest dislikes is older men. Let me tell you this - an 11 year old child with an adverse dislike for a specific portion of the population (older men) points towards one thing - abuse. This is an educated guess on my end (and if I was given a case in real life about this, I would come to this hypothesis as well), but the trauma Rika endured shaped her personality and how she would end up attaching herself to Yuta. We don't know exactly what sort of trauma Rika went through, but my guess is some form of physical or sexual abuse. The development of a 'manipulative' personality towards adults is a form of a survival mechanism developed to keep herself safe. Rika's father most likely had a role in her abuse and hence the mystery of his disappearance (and how it alluded to the fact that Rika had something to do with it, together with the explanation of her manipulative personality).
Let's come back to Rika's mother. There are two theories/hypothesis to this.
A 5 year would have enough cognitive capacity to understand that they are in an unsafe situation. However, it is unclear whether Rika's mother had any involvement in Rika's abuse. But what I presume is that she did not have a close relationship with her mother. The reason? She gave her mother's wedding ring to Yuta. A child impacted by abuse by one parent and not the other means they would naturally be attached to the safe parent, so anything sentimental attached to the safe parent would give the child a sense of safety. To give something special away like her mother's ring means her mother meant very little to her, so Rika decided to re-symobilise the ring into something new - something for Yuta. And because an 11 year old most likely cannot afford a ring
The second theory would be that Rika had a close and safe relationship with her mother, and the giving away of the ring to Yuta symbolises the safety and security she finds in him. I.e. the element of safety and security she found in her mother has been transferred to Yuta (via the giving of the ring).
Regardless of what theory we go with, there is too little information regarding Rika's relationship with her mother. We don't know what happened to her mother, whether she died of natural causes or was murdered. But all we know is that Rika most likely endured severe abuse by her father (that may or may not involve other older men).
Looking into Rika's personality. Her proposal to Yuta is a dead giveaway of her need to locate a safe space. Yuta is Rika's safety net. They met at a time where both were quite vulnerable - Yuta being unwell and Rika having returned from a mountain climb where her father went missing. Rika's proposal is an indicator of her need for a new life, the idea of marriage is to be permanently attached to her safety net and to have Yuta take her away from whatever she experienced. Of course, 11 year old children do have a basic idea of what marriage is, but it seems like Rika has more of an underlying idea of what she would like to utilise the marriage concept for - that is, to escape and re-establish her safety within the one person she loves and trusts. This explains her personality as a cursed spirit - jealous, overprotective, intense, emotional and childish. Through trauma, Rika learnt ways to ensure she is kept safe emotionally, psychologically and physically. She is always having to survive day by day until she is finally able to manipulate her father out of her life (again this seems a likely scenario, given the very little info readers are provided). When the one person (Yuta) who comes into her life finally allows her to be a child - to play, to have fun and give her the life she should have been having, naturally Rika would be overprotective of Yuta. As I mentioned, Yuta is her safety net, and to have him taken away (by bullies, by another love interest etc), is the decimation of Rika's own safety.
We were given only very small snippets into Rika's life and what she was like as a human. But her personality carried over into her cursed spirit form, and the basic information provided in the character profile, are both more than enough to deduce that Rika's background is incredibly complex with multiple layers of trauma.
One really big thing I would like to point out is Rika's comment before she moved into the afterlife - she was happier accompanying Yuta as a cursed spirit than when she was alive. This is another important piece of information that showed Rika most likely experienced a significant amount of trauma as a human. What would force an 11 year old child to come to such conclusions? The only answer is abuse. As a cursed spirit, Rika is able to escape everything and be by Yuta's side (almost like the prospect of marriage - "take me away from all this and let me be by your side forever")
For Yuta, I can't speak too much about him because his background as a child is essentially a mystery. Not sure about his parents and how he grew up. But judging from his bond and connection with Rika, I presume he grew up quite lonely and friendless. Whether there was trauma, I don't know but it did mention he had to distant himself from his family when Rika became a cursed spirit. Regardless, Yuta's acceptance of her proposal and his happiness at the prospect of being together forever with her as they grow older indicates to me that Yuta may have some complexities in his childhood we don't know about. But it could just be that he genuinely had a normal childhood and Rika was the one and only person outside his family he connected with. However, we don't know whether his timid nature occurred before he met Rika or after she became a cursed spirit. There are too many unexplained parts with Yuta. Anyways, we know Yuta loved Rika immensely (as much as Rika loved him), and his refusing to accept her death is an indicator of his feelings towards her. Their love for each other is pure and innocent because they allowed each other to live in safety and to be children.
And even after releasing her spirit, Yuuta still held onto remnants of Rika. I do love the idea of Yuta being able to move on and give himself to someone else, but I feel Yuta has a lot more unprocessed emotions regarding intimacy - that though he freed Rika, he seems forever bounded by being with her and only her.
So here's my conclusion for this pairing - their background and their pure love is what really made me love them so much. Does all this sound very Obito x Rin to you? Whilst Yuta is able to bounce back from the grief with the help of a mentor and friends, Obito never did. But they both shared an immense amount of grief from the loss of their loved one at an early age.
And yes, I seem to love my tragic rare pairs...dear oh dear.
Anyways, these are all speculations based on canon materials. So if you have any interesting hypothesis, I'd love to hear it!
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mariasont · 3 months
What if I put an insane little idea in your head and let it bounce around? Mid seasons (7/8 ish?) Spencer with a kinnda sorta fangirl? She just started at the BAU and it’s not that she’s weird about him but she does have like 3 of his papers memorized down to the letter and she “possibly quoted him on her college application essay” (it’s the literal conclusion).
Like she’s just this little ball of excitement and he has no clue what to do when the team is like “ask her out for the love of god and stop making heart eyes when she lets you nerd out”
Sorry if this makes no sense it’s 2:30 in the morning
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loved, loved, LOVED this idea and writing it! you are amazing <3
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pairings: spencer reid x fem!reader
warnings: reader being a fangirl for reid because WHO WOULDNT BE UGH
wc: 1.2k
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"Dr. Reid, hi, it's such an honor. I'm the new agent."
You give him your name, hand extended out to him, bouncing off the balls of your feet. There was a badge pinned to your shirt, the clip attached to it gleaming in the fluorescent light, which despite its usual severity, seemed to soften around you.
Spencer comes to a standstill, his coffee suspended mid-sip, documents wrinkled in his hands as he assesses you. You are pretty. exceedingly so, but he's having trouble processing it, his mind still shrouded in the remnants of sleep. 
He blinks away his surprise. "Nice to meet you. Hotch must've briefed you about the team, I assume?"
He adjusted the heap of papers to under his arm, freeing his hand to meet yours. The softness he encountered prompted a momentary pause, awakening a sudden urge to not let go. However, he promptly set aside the thought, releasing your hand with a concealed hesitation. 
You fiddled with your earlobe, you shot him a sheepish smile. "Yeah, Hotch did, but I already knew a bit about you. I've always been a fan of your work. I mean, not like a fan per se, because that would be weird, right? But I've read all your papers, and they're just... they're brilliant, honestly."
Spencer was clearly caught off guard, his brows leaping upwards as he surveyed you. You weren't lying--that much was clear to him. He could see it in the way you met his eyes with an enthusiasm so bright it was nearly blinding.
"My work? You're actually familiar with it?"
A soft giggle bubbled from you, a sweet sound that seemed to momentarily leave him winded. He placed his coffee on the desk, leaning back slightly. 
"Oh, definitely. Your research on chemical composition analysis in narcotics? I've read it so many times I could probably recite it in my sleep."
He considered the possibility of you exaggerating. He took great pride in his work and (without sounding too cocky) he was well aware of its significance and contribution to his field. However, there's a difference between knowing your work is recognized and encountering someone who has internalized it to such a degree--especially someone like you. He suddenly felt a touch of self-consciousness.
"I'm sorry, that was too much, right? I promised I'd play it cool, and then I saw you and... well, it's all just really surreal," you said before gesturing vaguely towards the bullpen. "Anyway, I'm going to go, uh, find my desk."
You hurried away before he could refute your words, head bowed. He felt like an ass.
The day threw him off balance. His contributions to the team lacked their usual insight, his mental gears turning more slowly. And for some inexplicable reason, he found himself preoccupied with thoughts of you. He attempted to rationalize it as a reaction to your interest in his work, a level of admiration that was a rare find. Unlike the formal niceties from others, your excitement about his work, about him, stood out.
He tried to latch onto Hotch's deductions about the unsub, willing his intellect to snap to attention and offer up a decent theory. However, a glance in your direction derailed his efforts. You were bent over the desk, your hands animatedly navigating through the papers. He was happy to see your enthusiasm was there despite his lack thereof earlier.
"Based on the geographic profiling and the choice of victims, it looks like the unsub has a background in urban planning."
Emily nods, "Good theory. What led you to that?"
He watches the anxious flicker in your eyes, glancing towards him, hands clasped together as you incline your head his way.
"Actually, I read about a similar case in Dr. Reid's paper on The Spatial Patterns of Serial Offenses." It strikes him then--he hasn't yet invited you to use his first name, adding another tick to the ever-growing list of ways he feels he's been inadvertently discourteous. "The clustering of crime scenes near arterial routes suggests the offender leverages the urban grid to facilitate escape and avoid detection. Embarrassingly enough, that was the topic of my college application essay."
Spencer was momentarily speechless (not something that happened often), his mind racing through the physiological response to shock--catecholamine release, vagal tone alterations, even transient arrhythmias--mirroring the way his heart seemed to skip a beat. You really did have his work memorized.
"That's, uh, right," he said, his voice gaining momentum. "By leveraging the urban grid, the offender not only evades capture but also creates a psychological terrain of control."
Hotch nodded in agreement, turning your attention to a series of photographs.
Before Spencer even looked her way, he could sense Garcia's stare, and as he turned, she prodded him with her elbow, smirking. "Seems like she's quite the match for you, doesn't she?"
"Huh? What? No, I mean--she's my coworker, and besides, she's much younger." Spencer was quite sure he sounded anything but convincing.
Garcia raises an eyebrow, shaking her head. "I meant in terms of smarts, but oookay, Spencer."
She walked out with a bounce in that definitely hadn't been there earlier, and Spencer was left with a red face.
He had every intention of pulling you aside, to apologize for earlier, to reassure that he didn't find you odd or weird, and to admit that he was genuinely flattered. But it appeared that every time he had a chance to make it to your desk, you had vanished, or were in deep conversation with JJ, or inside Hotch's office.
It was a relentless cycle that persisted until the end of the day, when everyone began to leave--except for you, who remained still firmly planted at your desk, fervently jotting notes into your notebook.
Absorbed in your work, you didn't notice his approach until he cleared his throat.
"Hey," he said softly.
Startled, you flinched, prompting him to immediately feel like shit. Strike three. You laughed off the shock when you realized it was him, moving your notebook aside, offering him your undivided attention.
"Sorry, Dr. Reid, hi! How's it going? Is there something I can do for you?"
"I thought I'd see if you needed help with anything, and you can call me Spencer, if you want." He glanced at his watch. "Are you still working?"
You pushed a piece of hair from your face and nodded towards the formidable pile of forms. 
"Spencer, okay," you said, like you were testing it out, "and just sorting through a mountain of onboarding paperwork."
He nodded, hesitating slightly before speaking. "Listen, I need to apologize for earlier."
You tilted your head. "What for?"
"I think I wasn't as welcoming as I intended to be."
"That's okay, I know I was a bit intense."
He shook his head. "No, you weren't. It's just... It's rare that my work gets much attention. I'm happy you appreciated it. If there's a specific topic that you're more interested in, maybe I could explain more about it sometime?"
You glanced down at your hands, trying to hide the smile that was blooming there. You weren't successful. When you looked back up, Spencer felt a little bit awestruck by your eyes, the flecks of color that he could now see clearly.
"I'd love that. Maybe over coffee?" you suggested.
"Yeah, sure." He could feel the heat rushing up his neck. 
He reluctantly parted ways, leaving you to your paperwork, and as he approached the elevator, Penelope was there.
"You know, sugar, maybe I did mean quite the match in a romantic way. So, are you going to ask her out, or shall I play Cupid?"
He blushed. "I think she might have just beat me to it."
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taglist: @hotchhner @khxna @readergf @sarcasm-and-stiles @edencherries @aurorsworld @princess76179 @malindacath @freyy253 @broadwaytraaaaash @r-3dlips @m-indkiller @sunfyyre @sleepysongbirdsings @trulycayla @reiderrambles
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ddaz3d-and-cc0nfused · 2 months
Hello, I have a request
One where the reader flirts with Spencer and asks him on a date, he is all blushing and stuttering.
Have a nice day!! 💖
༉‧₊˚. 𝐞𝐱𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐯𝐞 || 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐝
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— pairings: spencer reid x plus size burlesque dancer!reader
— summary: spencer has friends all over, but he chooses to visit his favorite who just so happens to be a dancer and completely out of his league.
— warnings: literally none! this is just a big fluff-fest!!
— wc: 648
⋆ a/n: HEYYY so i don't know if you guys can tell but i'm dabbling in all kinds of au's and stuff? they're just so fun to write and really shakes up my writing :]
masterlist | AO3
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Spencer gives a shy smile to your co-worker at the ticket booth as he lets him in, bidding him a small but soft thanks.
Though the club had a few more hours until opening and he really shouldn’t be there, everyone knew the drill. Spencer tries to come and visit you before your shows just to get that one-on-one time with you before you’re all glammed up to go perform.
Perhaps Spencer should thank Penelope for choosing the BAU’s rare outing to be at a Burlesque club, because he met you, one of the prettiest dancers. It made sense that Penelope would frequent here, and now he found himself here often too.
He takes at the table he normally does when the bartender drying out glasses tells him you’ll be down in a second. Spencer takes the time to drag his eyes around the interior of the room. It looks so different during the day, the lack of lustful yet comedy ridden performances gives off the impression of a small theater.
Though you own the place, you don’t often sit on the sidelines, choosing to dance with your girls, though you try to limit the amount of dance numbers you give yourself so the others are able to have more stage time. You’re just selfless like that and it causes a swarm of butterflies to flutter around in Spencer’s stomach.
Spencer isn’t at all surprised when you approach him in a frilly robe, your face bare and hair pulled out of your face. 
“Spence, hi!” You always greet him like it’s the first time you’d seen him, your large smile on your face to match the excitement in your body. 
“Hey!” He says as he pulls you into a respectful hug. You make a point to deepen the embrace, giving him a squeeze. When you pull away, you almost melt at the sight of his cheeks blushed that admirable pink hue.
“Couldn’t wait until tonight to see me, huh?” You tease as you sit down next to him. “I wish I could,” He begins with a frown, “But I’m pretty sure I’m going to be pretty busy these next couple of days and I just wanted to tell you, y’know, so you don’t think I disappeared on you or something.”
You laugh that twinkling laugh that sounds like bells in his ears. “You’re such a gentleman, Spence. But thanks for letting me know, really. I look forward to our chats.”
“Yeah,” He admits bashfully, “Me too.”
“You know…” You began, “We don’t always have to meet here.” You’re nervous, it’s written clear as day all over your face and in the way you nibbled on your lower lip. “What do you mean?” Spencer asks with furrowed brows. 
“What I mean is, I'm asking you on a date and trying to not psych myself out of it.”
Oh God, Spencer’s heart was about to beat out of his chest.
“Y - yeah.”
“Yeah?” You asked in amusement. “Yeah, I mean no - I mean! I mean yes, I would like to go on a date with you.” His face flushes an even darker red through his stuttering, and a place of sickening endearment worms its way into your heart.
“Great!” You exclaim with a sigh of relief. “You know… I have a few hours to spare before the club opens. How about brunch?”
“That sounds good.” 
“Cool, just let me get dressed real fast and I’ll be back down in a sec.” 
He watches in admiration as you walk away and he smiles to himself, already thinking of ways to pay for your food before you do it yourself. You’re quite difficult when it comes to things like that, but Spencer feels like it’s a battle that he looks forward to, a fight that he wouldn’t mind having for the rest of his life if you would let him.
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ೃ⁀➷ my lovely taglist!: @alina02 @louderfortheback @minervadashwood @their-love @fandomsarelifee @theendofthe70s @nomajdetective @mgg-theprettiestboy @phoenixblack89 @celtic-crossbow @hallecarey1 @bunnybabe-babydoll @alixwriter @dixonzzgirl @violettavirus @khxna @moonysreid
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qaxqxd · 1 year
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I Didn't Get To Say I Love You. <3
♡Pair: Simon "Ghost" Riley x f!Reader
Genre: Angst
Warning: Mention death, blood, and slight depression.
A/n: felt emo so wrote this shit at 2 am (not proof read typed this all on phone 😭)
Summary: You and your roommate Ghost got into a bad argument. This leads to him ignoring you and regretting it.
You and Ghost have been roommates for a couple of years now. You two were quite literally made for each other. You guys have gotten into fights before, but they were usually small and stupid. They were never as bad as today.
You took a huge risk on their latest mission. Which almost jeopardizes the whole mission. Everyone made it alive and safe at least.
"Bloody Hell, were you thinking (Y/n)?!" Ghost shouted glaring straight down at you.
"You're still on about this?" You frown your brow slightly.
"Absolutely, you jeopardize the mission." He spoke roughly. His British accent would get thicker as he was pissed.
"I didn't jeopardize it! We all made it out alive with Intel." You spoke with more force.
"Almost. We almost died." His hand crossed.
"See, but we didn't-" "Is this a joke to you?" He cut you off. "I did what was necessary-"
"(Y/n). I'm asking you. Is this a joke to you?" He slammed his hand on the table.
"No, but-" "It's a simple YES or NO." Ghost's voice was getting louder.
"No." You spoke a little defeated.
"Goodness, I can't believe they put me on a team with you." He mutters, pinching the bridge of his nose.
I don't think he knew that you heard him. But you kept quiet either way.
"Goodnight, (Y/n)." Ghost said, heading into his room and shutting the door.
You really did it this time. Ghost wasn't usually the type to get pissed off so easily, but you managed to do that.
You sighed to yourself. You definitely weren't going to get any sleep tonight.
The next morning
You got up from your restless night. Walking out of your room. You didn't see Ghost.
Strange wasn't it? Usually he'd be on the couch reading a book, and greeting you with a 'Good Morning.' But he didn't. Or rather he wasn't there.
You ignore it though. 'Maybe Ghost was busy this morning.' A little disappointed. You went on with your morning routines.
As you headed down to the cafeteria for breakfast. You notice he wasn't there either. You saw Soap and Gaz, but no Ghost.
"Morning," You greeted the two.
"Morning," They both replied in sync.
"Have you guys seen Ghost?" You asked a little worried in your voice.
"Oh, he's just showing a new recruit around." Soap spoke with a shrug.
New recruit?
"Oh a new recruit?" You asked with a little excitement.
"Yeah I think you'd like her too." Gaz added.
And it was a girl too? You were glad that there was finally another girl on the team, but you couldn't shake the feeling.
With Ghost? You couldn't help but feel a twig of jealousy rise a little. It was no secret that you had a giant crush on Ghost. I mean the whole HQ probably knows.
Soap was the first person you told. He wasn't surprised. You and Ghost were close buddies. Soap thought you two were secretly dating one time.
"Oh? You know where they're at?" You asked softly.
"I think they should be around the training parts." Soap said, waving his fork.
And immediately you left the cafeteria. Heading straight to the training grounds.
You found them a minute later. You heard the new recruits' soft laughter as well as Ghost's laughter too.
"You're great, Ghost." The new recruiter chuckled. "Thanks, Katelyn." He chuckled slightly.
You were glad Ghost was laughing. He rarely does, but you couldn't help feeling a little sting in your heart.
You told yourself that you shouldn't bother them and you should leave them be.
But how could you? How could you ignore them, when they both were everywhere. The only place they weren't there was you and Ghost's quarters.
You've also noticed that Ghost has been going home later than usual or he's not home at all. Was he still mad at you?
You thought. He was a man of action rather than words. Maybe he was just still mad at you.
The only times you would see him was at training or at mission briefings. Katelyn wasn't a bad person.
She was pretty sweet. She was also gorgeous. Most of the rookie trainees fell head over heels for her.
You would see her and Ghost pair up. They hung around each other a lot lately.
But, why does that get you work up? It's not like you and Ghost were together or anything. He has the choice to see other people, but he wasn't the type to look for love.
So you don't get it.
It's been months. And he still hasn't talked to you. Not a single word. He's been pretty distant.
"Maybe he's still mad?" You asked yourself. You didn't have the guts to talk to him. The stinging in your heart grew.
You couldn't fall asleep at night anymore, unless you cried yourself to sleep.
The person who usually is right beside you. Comforting you and saying sweet things to make you feel better. Wasn't there.
He wasn't there. You cried into your pillow. Sobbing silently not wanting to disturb others.
The next morning You couldn't bare yourself from getting up, but you knew you had too. Or else others might think something was wrong, and you didn't want them to carry your burden.
So you had to get up.
As you realize you had a mission today. You really couldn't afford to waste time.
You got dressed in your usual uniform and headed out.
You were dropping down from your parachute. Everyone decides to group into twos. Apparently there was an uneven number of soldiers. You agreed to be the alone soldier.
Heading down to enemy territory was tuff. Shots fired everywhere.
The main goal today was to find out what the drug cartels were hiding. Easy enough, you say.
Your radio would be filled with a bunch of code and confirmation. You continue to shoot at the enemy. As backup.
You would watch other soldiers moving in closer.
As you saw an empty way being closer to the cartels. You took that route. Moving in closer.
What you didn't know was that.
You were surprised by the attack.
A couple cartel men tackle you from the behind with their knives.
You yelled in agony. Quickly trying to fend them off of you. As you do that, you quickly notice you were stabbed in the thigh.
Making it harder for you to escape from them. You rolled down a small hill, limping away from them.
You were then able to hide behind a broken down building. The part you were in was nowhere close to where the mission was at, but there were still gun firing where you were at.
You collapsed against a wall, taking cover for a bit. You look at your wounds. They were bad, as in. Really bad.
"Shit." You cursed under your breath. You could hardly breathe even.
You were stabbed multiple times in the legs and sides. Shoulders too.
You knew for a fact. You weren't going to make it.
"(Y/n) to Katelyn." You spoke a little shaky.
"This is Katelyn to (Y/n)." She spoke.
"Could you take care of him for me?" You said with a cough.
It went silent for a bit.
"(Y/n) where the fucking hell are you?" Ghost asked with a sharp tone.
You heard footsteps behind the wall, and turned the radio all the way down. Those footsteps were definitely not your teammates.
You were holding onto your wound on the side. Wincing at the tremendous pain.
You felt so tired.
You couldn't escape from here and get back onto the aircraft. Your legs were too wobbly to crawl even.
You thought about it. Would this have ended in a different way?
Maybe Ghost would be a little happy that you were finally gone. It would mean your annoyance would finally stop bothering him.
Maybe he could even be a little happier without you screwing things up. I mean Katelyn is a great girl. She'd be perfect for him.
Another thought crossed your mind.
"I didn't get to say I love you to him." You mumble. You knew he'd probably turn you down, but it would have been nice to say it once.
Well it was too late anyways.
You could feel yourself collapsing. Your breathing is getting shallow.
"Where the hell is she?" Ghost continues searching for her signal. Panic rose in him.
He couldn't lose her. No way it was happening. He wasn't going to let it happen.
He eventually found her. With a pool of blood around her.
He scrambles to check her pulse. It was low. Too low for comfort.
"(Y/n) open your damn eyes." He grasped onto her.
No, no. He wasn't going to lose her. No fucking way. His everything.
He quickly carried her back to the aircraft. The medics took her away from his hold.
He stared at his gloves which were stained with her blood. He held the gloves close to him.
Ghost sat there. Watching over you. He held your hand. Never leaving your side.
You would eventually flatline.
He blamed himself. He should have spent more time with her. He shouldn't have distanced himself from her.
He should have spent every last moment on her.
The nurses let him back in to say one last goodbye.
He held up your hand. Brushing his lips onto your wrist.
"I- I'm so sorry..." He repeated out multiple times.
"I'm sorry, (Y/n). I'm really sorry, I didn't get to say I love you." He mutters breaking into tiny sobs.
As he watches the nurses wrap a blanket over her.
W.C 1.6k
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saikoucorps · 2 months
Can I get poly headcanons of FatGum x Gender Neutral!Reader x Hawks where Hawks is pining for FatGum but FatGum likes Reader so Hawks is jealous and tries to keep them apart but slowly finds himself in love with the reader too and is a bisexual disaster who needs to make up for his mistakes? I just think it would be a fun scenario.
A/N — I loved this idea, I hope this is good enough!
☆ pairings : Fatgum x gn!Reader x Hawks
☆ tags : love triangle turned poly, poly!Hawks, poly!Fatgum, Hawks pining, soon established relationship, jealousy
☆ relationship summary : Hawks loves Fatgum! Unfortunately, Fatgum has an interest in you. But in an attempt to keep you two apart, Hawks realizes he's in love with you both.
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Hawks couldn't stand it.
Whenever he was on patrol, he could see you and him walking together. He hated it.
Every time he saw you together, he'd interrupt whatever conversation you guys had going on.
He didn't see what was so great about you at all. I mean, he could understand why you hung out with Fatgum. He was amazing.
Every time you two were on patrol or fighting a villain, he'd show up just to ruin your moment.
He even used his feathers to easedrop on you two!
Once, you had asked him for the coordinates on Fatgum, and he sent you to the wrong location. He did that because he wanted to fight alongside him..
He'd constantly join your conversation, hoping he'd forget about you and finally pay attention to him..
Except that didn't happen. At all.
He enjoyed both of you guys' company.
He no longer despised the thought of you, he still wanted Fatgum.. but.. you weren't that bad.
At all, actually.
He found himself naturally joining your conversations, and sometimes, he'd ignore you two talking.
The three of you began to hang out more, too. (You were already used to Hawks' appearance.. this was nothing new.)
You actually noticed his change.
Instead of being petty, things felt real.
Things with Fatgum have always been well too.
He always took you out to eat, saying it was for his quirk.
He always protected you during fights as well.. he was nice.
He always complimented you, and even helped you improve.
You ended up seeing Hawks do the same for both of you.
You all had begun to appreciate one another..
Which is why Hawks was the first to confess.
"I'd never thought I'd find myself being in love with two people."
"Oh, who?"
"They're right here in front of me."
It took a lot of shock from you and Fatgum to realize he was serious.
You both admitted you felt the same for him, but you three weren't sure what to do.
Hawks suggested a poly relationship. Funny enough, Fatgum didn't even know that was.
After a very long conversation.. you three began to date.
Jealousy was extremely rare after that, but Hawks still teased you two.
FOOD DATES ALWAYS you three, if not doing hero work, take your hangouts to restaurants.
They're both extremely protective. When in battle, they're always quick to protect eachother and you.
The height difference. Fatgum is 8'2 and Hawks is 5'8.
Fatgum tends to be the more mature one, but it's rare. You three are always having fun.
Fatgum is AMAZING at comforting. Hawks comforts in his own way, but Fatgum is more practical.
Hawks picks up on the smallest details about you two. He literally knows everything.
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☆ If you want to request a ship x reader, send an ask or comment/reblog ^^ !! ☆
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prodbymaui · 1 year
Phantom Limb (Equidistant)
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did we come close to having it all?
PAIRING: jeong jaehyun x you
GENRE: slice of life; the hows of us
TEASER WC: 848 words
SYNOPSIS: Between the distance of sorrys and goodbyes, where does 'us' lies?
RELEASE DATE: October 30, 2023
TAGLIST: open !! (you can send an ask or comment your usn)
AUTHOR'S NOTE: if you have questions, you can send an ask. and NO, I didn't re-write the whole movie and replaced Jaehyun's name. the teaser is just a teaser and the actual fic will have a lot more which will be different from the movie.
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''Hmm this is how it feels when you've finally bought something with your own money, huh, Jo?''
''Jo? Is that the name of your ex or side chick?''
''What.. No.'' Jaehyun chuckles. ''Jo in scottish means darling, sweetheart–.. beloved.''
''Pfft, fine. I like that. Jo..''
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''When we're both finally stable and successful in life, wouldn't you be arrogant?''
''Arrogant? Why would I be?''
''Because your boyfriend is the world's most famous singer.''
His imaginations emit a hearty scoff from you. ''Then you're arrogant by then as well.''
''Uh-huh, and why is that?''
''Because your girlfriend, the president of your fansclub, is the doctor who found cures to cancers and rare diseases.''
''And I would be so proud of you when that happens.''
''Someday, love.''
''Someday, Jo.''
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''Happy birthday, the love of my life!''
''Thank you so much, baby! You didn't have to!''
''Uh-uh, I have to and I want to. You've been juggling studying and working at the same time and I know it has been hard. A great woman like my love only deserves the best of the bests.''
''You're such a sap. I love you, Jeong.''
''I love you, Jo. So much that it hurts.''
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''Jaehyun? Could you maybe wash the dishes before you go? I'm just really short of time.''
''I'm sorry, Jo, but I need to go. All the guys are there and you know how they go when practicing by themselves.''
''Oh.. I'll do the dishes. You take care, hmm?''
''Dude, are you tone-deaf? You're literally fucking out of tune.''
''What do you mean, bro? I think it sounds fine.''
''No, no, you're not fucking hitting the right note. You know what? Get out.''
''Get the fuck out of my house. What the fuck is happening to musicians nowadays? If they're not taking it seriously, they're fucking tone-deaf.''
''Love, maybe you should rest first.. ?''
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''Girl, be honest with me. Are you still studying? Your life before used to be all about studying, studying, studying, and a sprinkle of Jaehyun. But now it's all Jaehyun, Jaehyun, Jaehyun.''
''Rosé, come on. You know we're still waiting for Jaehyun's biggest break. After that, I can focus back on studying.''
''And if that break doesn't happen?''
''Don't be so negative!''
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''Hello? Do you know anyone named Jeong Jaehyun?''
''Hi, yes. That's my boyfriend. May I ask why you're calling from his phone?''
''You might wanna pick him up, he's dead drunk, been here since last night and won't leave. I'll just text the address from his number, I guess.''
''A-alright, I'm so sorry for the inconvenience–''
''Oh, and you might want to bring extra cash with you. His 7k bill is not yet paid, not even a penny.''
''Where the fuck are you? You can't miss this exam!''
''I-I'm coming, I just.. Jaehyun– fuck, he's–''
''Fuck him! Just leave him alone! A few minutes left and we're gonna start. This is a bar exam, get that shit inside your head! Get your ass here if you don't want all your efforts to go to waste.''
''Please, you don't deserve this. Think about all those nights you stayed up to study. I'm sure Jaehyun will understand..''
''I.. Okay– okay, I'm coming.''
''I love you, best friend. Jaehyun will understand, okay?''
You cradle Jaehyun's face in your hands, brushing his hair out of his face as if your own isn't a mess along with the tears running. Jaehyun looks through the hazy film of his eyes, he sobs with you.
''I'm sorry, love. I'm so so sorry– God– I'm sorry. Just this one time, please? Just this once, I need to take this exam. I'll call Eunwoo to pick you up.''
Giving one last kiss on your lover's forehead, you quickly catch a taxi and close the door on Jaehyun's face. You bury your face in your hands as you stifle your sobs. Maybe you can stop worrying. Eunwoo will pick him up, he's Jaehyun's best friend.
But as you turn your head, Jaehyun with his clothes wrinkled lays on the cold ground, in his own pool of vomit. As he meets your eyes, he starts reaching out to you. For you.
You're just a lover. One that has so much love for Jeong Jaehyun.
The tires screech as you plead stop to the taxi driver, giving him the last of your money before running towards your boyfriend who's grunting and murmuring.
Your heart hurts at the worst state you've ever seen Jaehyun. The ache only gets unbearable as you take him in your arms and carry all his weight. Your heart.. it's as if being squeezed a thousand times, getting pricked with thorns.  
''Just leave him alone!'' Rosé's voice rings in your head.
''I'm sorry.. I can't.'' You whisper an apology. Not to anyone, no.
Because as you fix Jaehyun, clean Jaehyun, tuck him in bed– no one deserves an apology from you more than yourself.
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rekino2114 · 18 days
Blind date with Veronika grebenshchikova
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Pairing:Veronika grebenshchikova x male reader
A/n: episode 12 was great, Charles was the mvp and it ended on a pretty big cliffhanger. We also got to see this Veronika quote:
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(I love her so much)
Anyway I have an announcement to make starting today I will be doing a weekly drdt post every Saturday until chapter 2 is finished (I know the episodes come out on Friday but they actually come out at 1 am where I live) next Saturday will actually be the first genderbent post about this fandom (you can probably guess who it's gonna be)
This is kinda inspired by red flags by Tom Cardy and montaigne (with a twist), I put it here if you wanna listen to it, i know i'm not the first person to say this but that song is just Veronika (sorry for the really long note)
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Veronika got set up on a blind date by her classmates ,mostly because they were tired of her creeping them out and wanted to pass that burden on someone else, so they asked whit to match her with someone and he chose you.
You waited at the table that you booked for you and the girl you were supposed to meet, you were slightly nervous about the date, mostly because you were scared your date would be put off by you as it's not the first time that happened but the ultimate matchmaker matched you together so you had hope.
You saw a red haired girl enter the restaurant and approach your table
"Hey, are you y/n l/n by any chance?"
"Yeah are you Veronika?"
She smiled and sat down across from you
"Yep, it's great to meet you"
"You too, I really dig your look, those fake eyeballs look amazing"
"Oh thanks so much, you're actually the first person to say that"
"Really? That's a shame, they're great"
"I think it kinda spooks people"
"Well I don't get spooked easily"
"*giggle* well then I think this date might go better than I thought"
You started talking for a bit until a waiter arrived to take your orders
"Oh I'll take a stake,very rare,I want to see the blood"
"I was about to order the same thing"
"Oh really?"
"Yes I love seeing blood in what I eat"
Your waiter got very freaked out and left as you continued talking
"So what's your favorite movie?"
"Oh......it's human centipede"
"Huh? Really?"
"Yes I know it's weird but-"
"That's my favorite movie too"
"Yes I love seeing all the body horror and the fear on the actors faces its amazing"
"...do you like scream too?"
"I have a Ghostface mask in my closet so I can prank my friends"
"I also have a Billy the puppet doll there"
"Micheal Myers is my lock screen"
".......marry me"
"Sorry if I'm too forward, but I think we might be soulmates. You know how I said I go to Hope's peak"
"Yeah I was wondering what ultimate you were"
"Weeeeel let me introduce myself formally, I am Veronika grebenshchikova the ultimate horror fanatic"
"Yes I adore all things horror and I see that I have found a kindred spirit"
"Absolutely, I love horror too, I didn't know Hope's peak considered that a talent if I did I would have probably asked to join"
"This is amazing, you're the only person I know who has a love for horror other than me, now I see why paired us together"
You continued to talk about horror movies and eat, and after eating dessert(feeding each other the red jam in the cake to make it seem like blood) you walked Veronika home, who very happily accepted another date.
Some time after your date Veronika is talking with her classmates in the cafeteria
"Y/n is the sweetest guy ever, do you know what he did for me yesterday? He carved my name with a heart on a tree in a graveyard so romantic"
"....how is that romantic?"
"That's just disgusting and unsanitary"
"Soooooo I did well matching you together didn't I?"
"100%, we've been dating for only a few days but I already feel soooo happy and in love"
"Well at least she won't bother me anymore"
"Says the guy who can't leave j alone for more than 5 minutes"
"Shut up"
Everyone got distracted by the door opening, and you coming out of it, especially Veronika who immediately tackled you into a hug
"Darling, what are you doing here? Don't get me wrong, I love that you visited me, but you're not a student"
"Well now I am actually, I asked if I could "share" your talent since I love horror as much as you and they said yes"
Veronika squealed happily and peppered your face in kisses
"That's amazing now we can spend even more time together, I have to show you my dorm it's full of horror stuff I know you'll love"
"I can't wait to see it"
As you two walked away happily a look of horror appeared on teruko and Arturo's faces
"Awww how cute, seeing happy couples like these is why I love thi- ow! What was that for?"
"You idiot, do you understand what you did, now there's two horror psychopaths in this school"
"All of the heart attacks Veronika gives us daily are gonna be doubled"
"Weeeeel, she didn't really do anything scary to me before. In fact, you two seem to be the ones she likes pranking the most, so I suggest you prepare yourselves"
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aceghosts · 3 months
WIP/Last Sentence Wednesday
Hey Everyone! I've been tagged to share what I'm working on by @captastra, @socially-awkward-skeleton, @voidika, @imogenkol, @theelderhazelnut,
@cloudofbutterflies92, and @cassietrn. Thank you for tagging in a WIP Wednesday/Last Sentence.
Taglist (Opt In/Out): @bbrocklesnar, @alexxmason, @sergeiravenov, @tommyarashikage, @chyrstis,
@carlosoliveiraa, @clicheantagonist, @strangefable, @direwombat, @raresvtm,
@katsigian, @inafieldofdaisies, @confidentandgood, @simplegenius042, @derelictheretic,
@roofgeese, @wanderingaldecaldo, @g0dspeeed
Snippets are all under the cut! Also, both of these WIPs are in the first draft stages, which means they're very rough and all subject to a lot of change.
First up is the Relic Malfunction fic! As I mentioned on Music Monday, I stopped working on this for a while, but came back to it after thinking about it more and jotting down a rough outline. This fic is going to be roughly five parts. It starts with Rooney having a relic malfunction attack at an Arasaka party and will eventually lead into a modified Don't Fear the Reaper ending. (I know that isn't a great summary, but I don't want to give too much away!)
My last line is from Part 3:
Rooney has always known that their death would be some of sort of sacrifice; they just didn’t know if it would be at the hands of the military or someone else. “You and I both know what has to happen. You need to go back in my body.”
Also, have a longer snippet from Part 1 featuring @bbrocklesnar's Gabbi:
“You’ll owe me more than one, Shepard. Someone is also going to have to cover when Yorinobu discovers that you're missing.”
Rooney jokingly replies, "Oh please, you'll have fun with that."
“True,” she smirks, “here let me help you.” Gabbi pulls their arm over her shoulder, letting Rooney lean on her. They're still unsteady on their feet, but having Gabbi to lean against helps. The pair exit the medical room, heading into the eerily quiet hallway.
As the two slowly walk down the hallway, Rooney realizes that it is rather empty. Too empty for their liking. There should be other Arasaka employees on this floor, yet they haven't seen anyone yet. “Is it just me, or is Araska Tower unusually empty?” They really don't like this. Arasaka Tower is rarely ever empty. Quiet at times, but never empty.
Second is the Parade/Festival fic. In this fic, Rooney helps V and Takemura escape Smasher and Arasaka when they come to "rescue" Hanako. Obviously, Yorinobu sees this as a betrayal, and Rooney does feel some conflicting feelings over their actions (Their love for Yorinobu vs Their duty towards V to help them find a cure to the Relic). In the end, Rooney is going to have to make a choice. Here is a snippet from Yorinobu's POV:
Sliding down against his desk, Yorinobu puts his head in his hands, distraught. Why? Why had they betrayed him? Yorinobu expected to be betrayed by many, especially as a potential heir of the Arasaka Corporation. He knew his own family would betray him, too scared of his father to stand against him. He knew the sniveling Arasaka board members, eager to gain power, would betray him the moment they thought it would give them an advantage. Besides a few members of the Steel Dragons, Yorinobu did not expect Rooney to betray him. He thought he could trust them, even after all this time apart.
When he first met Rooney back in the facility, Yorinobu assumed they would attempt to use him, to find some way to manipulate him to their advantage. Yet, Yorinobu quickly came to realize that Rooney was an earnest person, even in ways they didn’t realize. They were open with him, coming to trust him quickly. Rooney bared the parts that they hid under an armor of strength and stability, allowing him to see their softer, more human side. In turn, Rooney had come to see Yorinobu as he was, not as the heir of Arasaka, but as the architect of its destruction.
They had quickly found a place in his heart, becoming indispensable to Yorinobu. He wanted a future with them, a future where everyone could be free of Arasaka’s shadow, including himself and Rooney. When he found Rooney again in Night City, Yorinobu had been determined not to lose them again. He had been foolish enough to push them away once; he would not do it again. If only he had not been so blinded, perhaps he would have seen their conflicting loyalties earlier.
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ilovedig · 8 months
Hi there, you said a while ago you were open to questions about your fan fic writing.
I saw you mention a couple of times that you like unusual or 'rare' pairings within the Beatles space, both as a reader and as a writer. Would you like to elaborate on why that is? And: do you have (a) favorite(s)?
Hi! Thanks for the question!
I'm sitting here writing and deleting figuring out the best way to word this.
In everything I do I take "the path least traveled" as it were. I like going down research rabbit holes that most people haven't. I think that might be part of it.
I also think that too much stock is put into John and Paul, and it reduces them to two-dimensional in a lot of ways. There was so much more to both of them than their feelings for each other, and I love finding that.
I never understand how people can look at Ringo and just decide he has "straight vibes"
Or hear that Jurgen had a crush on George and not think that maybe it was requited.
Read that Ian James and Paul bought matching silverflecked jackets and danced around listening to elvis and not wonder if it was slow dancing
Learn about how Ringo and Johnny Guitar shared a tiny chalet in the Butlins and not go in search for more info.
I want to know everything there is to know and I feel like "rare pairs" get me all the closer. And it makes me sad that they're rare cause they were possible relationships too. I know rare means not talked about as much but it so often feels like it means less likely to exist, which again is so strange to say about people we don't and never will know.
As for my favorites....
Icke Braun and Paul is a big one. Icke is just so anxious and there are many times that I wonder if he wasn't, if he had had the courage to see Paul in the 80s, if they would have rekindled something.
Denny Laine, Linda and Paul is one of my favorites as well. Just the loving throuple of it all.
George and Dylan aren't really a rare pair but they aren't talked about nearly enough for how almost confirmed they are.
Paul and George is probably my favorite pairing of the four boys, though Paul and Ringo is a close second.
Johnny Guitar and Ringo are also a big one.
And I forgot the girls. I'd love fics about Dot and Cyn, there's quite a lot to suggest something happened while the boys were in Hamburg.
Or, now that I've seen May Pang's movie, her and Cyn would be great too.
Certain photos of George and Paul and Jane together make me think about them quite a lot.
Oh George and Eric Idle needs more love.
I could go on and on, I think the less people write about it, the more I want to know, the more I want to read.
I'm sure I'm not alone in that, but I don't know too many people who feel the same way, though, I've found some, you included.
Thanks again for the question!
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melanatedkink · 8 months
Just a Little Reminder
Pairing: Ran x Y/N
Synopsis: Oh the sex is great with your boyfriend, even if he does play it safe just to keep from getting vulnerable with you. Though, tonight, you're not having it. I mean, guys deserve to be told that they're good boys, right? Tonight, you make him believe that sentiment.
Warnings: dom y/n, affirmations, mentions of good boy, I, again avoid gender defining genetalia and pronouns for y/n(let me know if I slip up), Ran says tits but it's gender neutral(everyone has tits), teasing an orgasm, Ran getting therapy in the middle fof sex
It had been another rough day for Ran. You could tell in the way his dry humour had become accented with a little chuckle that seemed to sour his face moreso than save it. It was typical for Ran to have days where things just did not seem to go very well at work. Sometimes rivals get too big for their britches and break contracts with him and his gang. Depending on how the betrayal goes down, you could get a smug bastard with a myriad of gruesome facts spilling out his lips like it was the weather. Or you could get what you currently had, a stiff and distracted Ran who could only manage absentmindedly caressing you, in place of his usual social self.
An hour after dinner, you finally found this personality change more than slightly confusing. No, you were effectively suffocating in the tension in the air. You broke the silence, gently leading his gaze to yours with a soft finger against his jaw.
"Baby, what's wrong?"
Again, the strained smirk popped up, souring your mood further.
"Nothin' baby. Whatever it is, it's gonna handled sooner or later,"
You tilted your head, trying a different approach," I'm feeling lonely. What can I do to get your attention on me?"
That seemed to do the trick. The light in Ran's eyes was almost criminal. Rarely did you ever have to ask for his attention, his gaze zeroing in on every movement you made as soon as you entered the room.
"Feeling lonely? I'm right here, babe," he whined, as he maneuvered you onto his lap," Don't worry, I'll fix it for you,"
You'd hoped he'd catch the hint with how distant he seemed all night. Luckily, the promise of sex could effectively break this man out of any mental turmoil he may have been going through. Once he'd carried you to the bedroom, he was all over you. Tender hands caressed and massaged their way down your body. His lavender gaze seared themselves into your memory, while he nibbled your thighs making you wish he'd just enter already.
"Looks like you're expecting somethin'."
You hummed, sitting up on the edge of the bed were he had layed you out. Ran straightened, allowing you to catch the tension in his shoulders and jaw. You hadn't seen him this nervous since you first did it as a couple. The only other time he'd gotten vulnerable during sex. He made a promise afterward, promising to keep you in the innerworkings of his brain as long as you were there to listen. You guessed he just needed a refresher course tonight.
You leaned forward, allowing your chest to captivate him while you steathily curled your fingers into his belt loop and wrenched him into your spread legs. Before Ran could get his bearings, you'd wrapped your legs around his waist.
"I think you're holding out on me, Ran,"
A twinge of fear shifted through his face. He absoutely loathed his name coming out of your mouth. You only did that if he made a big mistake. That tied with the current situation could only make for a special punishment just for him.
He raised his hands in defeat, hoping to get to the problem first and squash it before you went on a guilt trip.
"Alright, I admit that I've been a little distracted today. But, like, do we have to do this now? I mean, I was about to take my frustration out on that pretty little spot down there. You know it's basically therapy for me,"
His smile did a little more to ease your worries, but you were greedy. You wanted every little spot in his mind. And you were entering demon time trying to get it. His fingers walked themselves up your thigh, only to be stopped by your hand taking his and kissing it. You fluttered your lashes as you caressed the skin. He gulped. Here comes the guilt trip.
"When is a good time for you? Earlier on the couch or at dinner? After sex? Tomorrow night when sommething else happens at work? That's not fair, Ran," you whined.
He grunted as he squirmed under your puppy dog eyes. Man, you coud be evil sometimes, working up a love hate relationship with the way you spoke to him. It made him desperately want to give you everything he had.
"How about you listen to me, answer my questions and I'll let it go, hm?" you suggested.
You teased your fingers around his straining erection as he weighed the current options. This could be a trick to open up. But you were honest. Besides, this was a simple task. He'd dealt with worse interrogations before. How hard could this be?
"Alright, baby, I'm all ears,"
You chuckled, the sound acting like the bell beginning round one.
"What's your name?"
His eyebrows knitted," This a trick question?" You inched your hands away from his crotch forcing him to backtrack," Wait, wait. Ran Haitani,"
"Good," you slipped your thumb over his button, swiftly undoing it,"Who's your lover?"
Ran's amusement morphed into awe as you fished his dick from his pants, finding it drooling already.
"You- uh Y/N," he tugged his lip into his teeth,"That good?"
He'd never know how badly he'd just exposed himself. Nevermind you gave a soft "good job" and began masturbating him. Ran blew out a sigh of relief at the feels of your tight hand smearing slick up and down his needy shaft.
He rolled his head back," Oh yeah. That's good,"
You giggled at him slightly going dumb in front of you. His hips chased you ministrations, his breaths becoming ragged.
"Am I getting you off, love?" you teased.
His initial answer tapered off into a moan," Oh what kinda question is that? Of course you are,"
As Ran inched closer and closer to orgasm, more hushed curses mingled with his wet cock. You teased him with a moan of your own. Once again, you captured his eyes. You spread your thighs, exposing yourself and loosing a slutty moan just for him. His eyes nearly crossed at the mounting stimulation. It was getting to him. Your pretty voice. Your pretty hands. The way you encouraged his good behavior. Good God, you were a vice and he could only ever want more.
"Are you a good boy?"
His hips stuttered, as if your question hit a speed bump in his brain. He opted to just ignore it in favor of biting his lip. You shook your head. Oh no. No way he was trying to get an out in the middle of an out. You slowed your tempo, earning a frustrated growl from you man.
"Fuck wait! I'm sorry I'll fucking answer. Just say it one more time," he stammered.
That was new. You never thought you'd ever hear him beg so easily.
"Oh honey, all you had to do was answer," you said, slowing and loosening your hand around his shaft.
Another irritated sigh. That godforasken tone of yours was back with a vengence, making him twitch in your limp grip. "Fuck, baby. I-I'll answer it. Please, one more time."
"How bout this," you squeezed, testing his attention,"Where do you want to cum?"
His pupils dilated at the prospect.
"Oh fuck. Your tits. Shit I wanna mess em up so bad," he was practically vibrating in your grasp. A new wave on excitement crackled in the air, almost making you give in. Almost.
"I don't think you deserve it," you stated flatly.
"Wha- wait! I answered!" he squealed," You can't just leave me hanging!"
You dragged his hand from his hanging dick just to twist and play with your nipples. He swallowed a whimper. He was beginning to wonder what he did just to avoid this torture ever taking place in the future. Hell, he'd beg forgiveness now if you just let him cum.
"I said you answer my questions, you get out of telling me what's bothering you at work, honey," you shrugged," You were doing so well, too, baby,"
His fist balled up at his sides. It would be so easy just to jerk it right now, but seeing you on the brink of dispappointmnet already, he didn't want to see what you would turn into if he tested your kindness any longer.
"Alright baby, alright. How can I... I'm at your mercy; how do I fix it?" he pleaded.
You scanned his frame. His eyes shone with unabashed hope. You sighed, relenting.
"Be honest: do you think you deserve to cum on my tits?"
His brain short circuited. Ran slipped out his sex-crazed stupor to throw an incredulous look your way. You smirked as he silently went through all the possible answers. There was no need to over think this, right? Just be honest.
"I think I do,"
You slowly replaced your hand, making his dick twitch immediately from the pressure.
He swallowed hard. Why? Hell, he barely thought he desserved you just from the amount of danger he risked you getting in by selfishly keeping you in his life. Here he was twitching and squirming, just aching for release, and completely stumped at your question.
"Oh Ran," he flinched," You're a good boy. Do you believe that?"
"N-not really," he admitted.
That earned your pace doubled on his cock. The pressure nearly made him double over from how fast he chased your hand.
"Too bad, only good boys cum where they want,"
He whimpered. He couldn't tell if this was humiliating or tantalizing. One thing was for sure, though, if you stopped again, he was gonna have one.
"Fuck. I'm a good boy. I- oh God- I'm a good boy. Believe me I am. I do my best just for you. Just mm keep going,"
Over and over Ran repeated his "I'm a good boy mantra" slipping up as he began to shake. Something was holding him back, and this time, it wasn't work. It was you. Specifically your lack of permission. So, you leaned forward, pressing yourself into his leaking erection. Just before his eyes crossed, you teased him with one more question.
"Would like to be a good boy, now?"
His confirmation metled into a myriad of unintelligent fragments and curses as he released all over your chest. You got the brunt of how pent up he was as his orgasm seemed to go on longer than usual. He doubled over, trapping you in his arms as he came to. You ran fingers through his purple locks, listening him to him gasp and groan into your shoulder.
A light sniffle broke the silence. You gripped his face, inspecting it closely for any remnants of pain.
"Fuck, didn't know how much I needed the uh confidence boost there," he leaned into your hand," Reminds me of the promise I made ya, when we first got together,"
You smoothed your thumb over his cheekbone, swooning at his muted bashfulness.
"Let's clean up, and we can talk about it, okay?"
A smirk split his face, as Ran crept over your torso until you were forced to lay under him.
"Oh you're not hearing a damn thing, til you answer a few questions of my own, hm?"
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braveclementine · 3 months
Chapter 13
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Warnings: None. (Will however be a 18+ reader book)
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own a few OCs like Elizabeth, Katherine, Stacy, and Jessie. I do not condone any copying of this.
Shuri was the one to wake you up early the next day. Grumbling, you rolled off the bed, stumbling over the door and yanking it open.
"It's so early." You complained as Shuri walked into your room wearing a white T-shirt and a blue short skirt. Your sister was still fast asleep in the bed, completely oblivious to the royal princess standing in your room.
"But we have so much exploring that needs to be done!" Shuri squealed. "Come on, you can't tell me that you don't want to see the entire island, do you?"
You sighed, trudging over to sit on the couch. "Alright, alright, just let me wake up."
Shuri practically squealed, jerking your sister awake.
"What the fuck?" Y/S/N groaned, sitting up in bed, wiping her eyes, "Oh, hello Shuri."
"Hello Y/S/N." Shuri said, grabbing one of your suitcases to rifle through your clothes. She threw something at you, which you ignored as it landed beside you on the couch. "Come on! Get excited! Get dressed! I want breakfast."
You sighed, looking over at the two-piece bathing suit she wanted you to wear underneath a light blue sundress.
You moved to the bathroom, tossing on the clothes, before stepping out. You put on a pair of sneakers that went with the skimpy dress, before you and Shuri left- your sister lucky enough to go back to sleep.
Shuri was bouncing with ridiculous energy as you headed through the grand hotel, and you could feel yourself waking up as energy started to fill you too. You rarely traveled, so being in someplace new and exotic was certainly enticing.
Shuri and you went to one of the buffets that were inside of the hotel. There was such a large variety of food, you had to explore- though not taste- everything.
There were normal breakfast foods like waffles, pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, and several different breakfast pastries. There were also several different cereals- whatever you could think of, they had.
There was a order station where you could ask one of the cooks to make you a fresh omelet. There were also what you would consider 'lunch' food, like pizza. And they had several different pizzas, including a candy pizza which- no. That just looked disgusting.
There were also large baskets of fruit and also bars with chunks of fresh fruit. And of course, a dispenser with several types of juices and sodas. There was also three different types of milk and four different types of coffee.
You found that Shuri and you weren't the only ones down here for breakfast. Okoye quickly joined your side, both being Shuri's guard for the day, and her soulmate. Tony, Fury, Maria, Stephen, Steve, Bucky, and Sam were also up and Shuri, Okoye, and you joined them at the table.
"What are you girls up to today?" Steve asked.
"Swimming!" Shuri said joyfully. "There's an amazing slide that we're going to go on, right Y/N?"
"Uh, yeah." You said, having no idea what you were talking about. Some water slide?
"Nothing to dangerous." Steve commanded you.
You smirked. "So no petting the wild cats?"
"There's wild cats?" Bucky asked, eyes lighting up.
"Oh yeah!" Shuri said excitedly, almost bouncing up and down in her seat with excitement, "When it gets dark on the island, a bunch of cats will come out. Oh, and we could go swim with the wild pigs too. Or maybe the flamingos? Or the dolphins?"
"How about all of them?" You said with a laugh.
"Oh yes, great idea." Shuri said.
"What's a great idea?" T'Challa's tired voice sounded from behind us. Nakia was with him at the moment, but no guards.
"Apparently they're going to swim with pigs, flamingos, and dolphins." Sam said, shaking his head as he ate his bacon.
"You cannot swim with flamingos." T'Challa said with a bit of a smile.
"But we could take pictures among them!" Shuri said.
You felt exhausted already and the day hadn't even started. "What are your guy's plans?"
"Surfing." Bucky and Sam said at the same time.
You nodded, "Sounds like fun."
"Do you mind if I come with you and my little sister?" T'Challa asked.
"Not at all." Shuri said. "We can tease you relentlessly now."
You giggled, "Sure, you can come."
"That's what she said." Tony muttered under his voice. Stephen pinched his ear sharply. "Ow!" Tony shouted in surprise.
"Knock it off Tones." Stephen muttered.
You just ignored him, though the corner of your mouth was just rebelling, trying to smile.
"Hill, Coulson, and I were also going to look at the island pigs." Fury said, rolling his one good eye, "Not sure why, but I guess so."
"Because they're cute!" Maria protested on the other side of him.
Sam lifted a piece of bacon up to the light, "And delicious."
Maria glared at him while you laughed. Fury chuckled too.
Shuri finished off her plate much faster than Okoye or you. She bounced up and down impatiently, waiting for you to finish your plates so that you guys could leave. Once you put your fork down, you barely got a breather before she was grabbing your hand, trying to pull you out of your seat.
"Oi! Woman!" You muttered. "You're breaking my circulation."
Shuri grinned. "Come on you guys! We can't just eat all day!"
"You've been here for less than an hour." Tony pointed out.
"Exactly, much to long." Shuri said.
T'Challa laughed, getting out of his chair with the grace and dignity of, well, a King. He took my other hand, "Alright, Shuri, let's go."
Okoye also stood and the four of us made our way out of the buffet to go and figure out what to do first.
Turns out the water slide that Shuri had mentioned was the one that was most famous in the Bahamas. The one that is shaped like a pyramid. The one where you can either go down on your ass or in a tube. The one that you went through and the sharks were all around you.
"Um, we're going to kill ourselves on that thing." You said as Shuri took off her shirt and skirt, leaving her in an orange two-piece bathing suit. She folded up her clothes, putting them in one of the beach bags that she had over her shoulder. You reluctantly followed suit, putting your shoes and sundress in the bag as well.
Shuri rolled her eyes, dragging you up the stairs. "We only have to ride it twice."
"Twice." You repeated. "You're crazy."
"Come on, going down without a tube is easier anyways. We're getting the hard part out of the way!"
T'Challa was no help, looking amused at the interaction between his sister and you. Okoye, of course, was up for just about anything that Shuri wanted, as long as it wasn't dangerous and T'Challa didn't disapprove.
You were screwed.
You waited anxiously, shifting from foot to foot as you quickly ascended the stairs towards your doom. Your heart was pounding in the chest, every person going down the slide screaming their heads off, faces screwed up in anxiety.
"Do you have a fear of heights?" T'Challa asked as you looked over the edge again, shivering.
"Um-" Did you?
"Don't worry, you'll be perfectly fine." T'Challa said, putting an arm over your shoulder. God he looked so hot in just a pair of black swim trunks. His dark chest was deeply defined and he was being absolutely idolized by half of the female population around us.
The top just coming sooner and sooner before Okoye went first. She made not a sound as she disappeared down the slide.
Shuri, bouncing for excitement, wriggled in anticipation, waiting for the lifeguard to tell her that she could go.
As she went down the slide, you heard her whoop in excitement.
You swallowed as it was your turn now. You stepped onto the slide, feeling the cool water pool around your feet. Hmm, maybe you should've gone for a swim first, before heading directly for a water slide.
"Keep your arms crossed over your chest and your legs crossed at the ankle." The lifeguard instructed you as you laid down, waiting for his single. Your heart was pumping, trying to jump out of your chest as you followed his instructions, "Remember to stay on your back."
It was nearly a vertical fall. If you leaned forward, you'd probably just fall into midair.
Okay- not really- but still.
"Alright, you can go." He said.
Without thinking, you used your heels to push yourself forward, and then you were flying down the slide. You screwed your eyes shut, screaming as you went down. There was a whoosh of exhilaration through you, your stomach dropping. You opened your eyes as you went through the tunnel, but you were going to fast to even see the sharks.
You climbed up to your feet as you shot out of the end of the slide, stumbling over to where Shuri and Okoye were standing.
"Okay, wasn't to bad." You admitted, now that you were standing on solid ground.
"Right! That was so fun!" Shuri squealed.
T'Challa shot out the other side of the slide, almost doing a back flip, his legs sticking straight up in the air as he tumbled out.
You giggled.
"You were very graceful brother." Shuri said with a grin as he climbed out to join us. He simply grinned back, shaking water off his head.
Shuri and you went back up the slide to use the tubes. This time as you bottomed out on the slide, you were in a long glass tunnel, the water calmly pushing you through so that you could see through the glass and observe the sharks.
It was hard to see, as the glass was very thick and the water was dark, but you could still see the sharks if you concentrated hard enough. It was so nerve wracking to think that if the glass just magically broke, you would suddenly be in a pit of water with sharks.
Sure, they were probably well fed, but still, wouldn't you take a bite of dessert even if you were full from your meal?
The thought made goosebumps pop up on your arms, and you were glad when the ride was done.
The four of you spent a majority of the morning and the afternoon exploring different pools and slides. You would occasionally see someone that you knew, and you'd stop to chat, maybe even do something with them, and then inevitably, you'd part ways.
Rhodey and Clint joined you guys for lunch at one of the outdoor places. You ordered a chicken finger and french fry basket, continuously slapping Clint's hands away as he tried to steal your fries.
Clint and Rhodey joined you guys as you continued on. Eventually though, Shuri and Okoye were both getting tired walking around so they went back to the hotel while you stayed with three of your boys.
"What do you guys want to do now?" Clint asked as you tossed your lunch baskets.
"Can we go down to the ocean?" You asked. "We've been spending time at the pools, but we haven't been to the ocean yet."
"Sure sweet mama." Clint grinned. He gave you a piggy back ride down to the ocean, which was just absolutely beautiful.
He put you down once you touched the sand. You gingerly walked around the seaweed that was scattered on the beach. There were several tourists down here, laying down on towels or plastic chairs. Lots of kids were out, playing in the surf. Some ski jets were speeding around past the buoys. Seeing that one of the men had a metal arm, you grinned and nudged Clint.
"Well damn, the old men are driving those?" Clint teased.
You giggled.
Clint pulled his purple T-shirt off, putting it where the rest of our stuff was sitting in the sun.
You, Clint, Rhodey, and T'Challa played in the ocean before you all laid down on the beach. You fell asleep between Clint and Rhodey.
A few hours, you woke up with a towel over your back, your face pressed into Rhodey's chest as he held you there. You smiled a little, loving how caring everyone was.
"Well don't you guys look tuckered out." Sam's teasing voice sounded from somewhere behind you.
You rolled over, seeing that Steve, Bucky, and Sam were standing there, all of them soaking wet, and looking rather pumped up.
"Did you have fun on your ski jets?" You asked as you sat up. Bucky moved to sit behind you, running his cold hand down your back. Steve and Sam both sat down in front of you, not bothering to keep their voices low.
"Yeah, it was very fun doll, I'll take you on the back of mine tomorrow." Bucky said. You leaned back into his chest, his arms wrapping around your body.
"How are you feeling?" Steve asked, scrutinizing you with his eyes. "You've been drinking plenty of water today, right? You don't want to get dizzy or faint, especially with all of the time that you're spending in the sun."
Sam chuckled, "Don't be such a dad, daddy."
Steve blushed, glaring at Sam out of the corner of his eye. "I'm just making sure our girl is alright."
"I'm alright Steve, thanks for worrying about me." You said sweetly. "T'Challa and Rhodey have been making sure I've been drinking plenty of water all day."
"Good." Steve said, looking like he was resisting sticking his tongue out at Sam.
Bucky just laughed quietly, his mouth on your neck sending vibrations through your entire body.
When the other three did wake up, you guys headed back up to the hotel. You went back to your hotel room, finding it empty, and went ahead, taking a shower, washing salt and chlorine off your body and out of your hair. Sand seemed to have found it's way into every crevice that your body had and it was a pain to get it all out. But you wouldn't have changed anything about your afternoon for anything.
You got dressed in a nice F/C dress, because you knew Tony wanted to take you guys to a fancy restaurant.
Thor was there to pick you up at the door, looking rather handsome in his Navy blue suit with a white dress shirt and matching blue tie.
Loki joined you, wearing a black suit with a white dress shirt. You ended up walking into the restaurant on either God's arms, receiving stares from basically anyone who kept up with current events and knew who Thor and Loki were.
"The blush on your cheeks makes you look stunning pet." Loki grinned as you were flushed with embarrassment.
The new nickname made your stomach turn.
The three of you were the last to join the other nine waiting members of your soulmate bond. It was custom for the five days leading up to the wedding, you were supposed to have one meal with only your soulmates and no one else.
Loki pulled out the chair for you at the circular table before you sat down, moving it in for you. You felt like a princess of sorts, and wondered how long this treatment would last. You liked it, for sure, but you hoped that you would also be able to scoot your own chair in eventually. But soulmates were usually even more attentive to their soulmates before a bonding ceremony, so that was probably what this all was.
The conversations flowed easily, starting with what you guys had done with your day, to what you guys hoped to do before the wedding, after the wedding and bonding ritual, souvenirs you were looking for, all the way to missions and politics.
As dessert came around, you were starting to feel the full affects of the active day. You pushed you plate away gently, waiting for the night to end so that you could go back upstairs and get some sleep.
Fury was the one that caught on that you were exhausted and said, "Well, we have quite a few busy days ahead of us. We should probably head off to bed now."
Everyone promptly agreed, chairs scraping back against the tiled floor as we up. Tony and Stephen accompanied me up to my room and I watched a little enviously as the two of them walked back to their hotel room, hand in hand. They'd probably have a really fun night tonight.
You sighed as you headed into your own room. You hadn't even seen your father yet. Maybe you'd go and see him tomorrow. After all, the wedding was in four days and you still hadn't chosen who would walk you down the aisle.
You took care of all the necessities before climbing into the empty bed. Y/S/N was probably with Ben at the moment, she might even stay over with him.
However, you did take comfort than in less than a week, you would be married to the people you had been waiting for most in your life, and you would never spend another night alone ever again.
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lyrical-fanfics · 2 years
Let's trade (Azul AshengrottoxReader)
What do you all think of the pink? I noticed Venus uses purple, so might as well use a color too right? (Love you venu!!)
This is part of a series of one-shots that will later tie into a longer series on my AO3. They're meant to be read like the vignettes in Twisted Wonderland, so if you want a sequel please let me know. Also, let me know if you think you know what the dorm the reader is based on!
The reader is not Yuu. The reader is a student at the OC sister school Fantasia College for girls
3rd person POV
Genre: Fluff
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    Making deals was his bread and butter. Making relationships with people of high social capital was important in supplying his end of deals. Those with higher levels of power also had more to offer. Any sort of connection was necessary and welcome. When he heard of The Great Antler Shedding of the Housewarden of Crowndain, he became obsessed with coming up with a way to get those sheds. Supposedly those of the Arawn line grew great antlers, used for a number of medicines, remedies, and sold like rare ivory on the market. It only made sense to get in good with the Housewarden of Crowndain now that the campuses were merged. 
    The only problem was that the Housewarden of Crowndain didn’t leave her dorm very often. She sent her favorite two dorm members to run her errands and do her bidding. A pair of siblings. The younger of the two despised anyone that approached her, so she wasn’t an option as an in. the elder, however, was rather welcoming and willing to talk. 
    Azul had been cultivating this relationship for a few weeks now. He did his best to measure out time to come visit (Name) of the Crowndain dorm. He looked for any opening in her defense, find something to blackmail her with, or even find something he could provide her that would leave her in his debt, but ever since he started looking, he found nothing. 
    Morning had inched across campus, and breakfast was the first thing on many students’ minds. Depending on the selections, students would visit one campus or the other to acquire whatever tickled their fancy in the morning. Azul found himself not wanting anything from Fantasia’s cafeteria but wanting to incite a meeting between him and (Name). 
    “Azul, hello. How are you today?” (Name) easily walked up to him as if he wasn’t an underwater mob boss. There she was, as fearful as ever. Her smile was mischievous, and every day it made him more anxious. 
    “I’m rather well. It’s good to see you in high spirits this morning.” Azul smiled at her, gesturing her to a seat in the dining hall. “What are you in the mood for this morning? I’ll go and fetch it for my darling friend--” 
    “That’s alright, Azul, we can chat while we’re in line together.” Smoothly averted. Not even letting him get a favor in edgewise. Either she was hyper-independent, or she knew Azul’s angle. 
    “Right, we can do that too…” Azul pouted slightly before accepting (Name)’s company in line for breakfast. She happily chatted about anything with him, from his time in the Board game club to her own time in the science club. It wasn’t that her company wasn’t enjoyable, it was just frustrating that he couldn’t get the upper hand. 
    “Oh look, it’s my favorite today,” (Name) quickly snatched up her favorite breakfast item. Azul didn’t even get a chance to comment anything on the food before (Name) retrieved it for herself. He let out a sigh before moving on with his food. 
Each day was often like the last. He would do anything for her, but each gift or action was rebuffed. It wasn’t malicious, but just independent. Everything was even except for his time. She provided him with hers, however, and she did well to keep it even. 
    Was she on to him? 
    “You aren’t eating much, Azul, you should take care to fuel yourself for today.” (Name) smiled as she watched Azul think. He jumped slightly before shifting his gaze to her. There it was, that mischievous gaze. It made him think that she must be aware of his goals, but the only people that truly know are himself, Jade, and maybe Floyd if he listened. What was she thinking about? 
    “I’m quite alright, I’m just going over today’s schedule in my head.” Azul lied like the air he breathed. “Many people come to me for issues they have, I am of course kind enough to listen to every word, but it takes up so much of my time.” He pivoted easily as he poked around at the food on his plate. 
    “Oh? Sounds like your kindness has filled your schedule then,” (Name) tilted her head before taking a bite of her breakfast. She did well to listen to Azul without revealing too much of her hand. 
    Some have tried to expose Azul to (Name) many times, telling her of his abuse of power, his opportunistic tendencies, and his past history with blackmail. They tell personal anecdotes where he inconvenienced another’s life because they made a bad deal. She wasn’t stupid. If anything she was all too aware of his idiosyncrasies. 
She fell in love with them, after all. 
    She wasn’t a fool when he first came to her. The land of Prytaran had many magical items, strange legends, and mystical resources that were sought after by many. To protect itself, it developed a system of lords and ladies to rule over it. Being an attendant of the great Lady of Arawn, (Name) had a duty to scope out potential problems. Much like the legendary white sow, her job was to look into the future. 
    Her only problem was that she got attached to the persistent Azul. As she found out more and more about him, she became somewhat infatuated. So long as she kept the balance of favors equal, she had an easy way to keep him coming back for more. 
    After breakfast, Azul and (Name) part and head toward their individual classes. Azul tried to hide a sour look from her as he left, but (Name) caught it. It pained her to be the reason behind his mood, but she knew he would come back to her. 
    She entered her classroom with a wide smile, catching the attention of her fellow classmates. 
    “Ugh. disgusting. What is that on your face?” Mayra Luz, Housewarden of Sapainca and Science club lead, was often stuck next to (Name).
    “That’s obvs a smile, May. You just hate joy, huh?” Lulu replied, a member of Jungbahee. She wasn’t in any position of power, but she loved to stick her nose into anything juicy. 
    “I hate her joy. She’s thinking of something awful, knowing her.” Mayra propped her head up with her hand before Lulu slid in next to her. The grumpy Mayra was stuck between both (Name) and Lulu. 
    “That’s sad that you hate my joy considering how much time we spend around one another,” (Name) giggled slightly, but Mayra scoffed. 
    “You just happened to be in the same class and extracurricular as me. Don’t get it twisted.” Mayra frowned as Lulu leaned on her, but made no attempt to push her off. “So what’s got you smiling like that?” 
    “Azul.” (Name) said it without a care in the world. She didn’t care if they knew he made her happy, but the two girls soon looked at (Name) with maw agape. (Name) couldn’t help but laugh as she saw how Azul’s mask successfully fooled the both of them into thinking he was dangerous. 
    “Of all the--” Mayra pinched the bridge of her nose before taking in a deep breath. “You were talking to that guy again!? He probably wants something from you, you know!” Mayra finally had enough of Lulu hanging off of her and quickly shrugged the clingy girl off. Lulu slid off her like a heavy backpack and hit the desk with a heavy ‘thunk.’ 
    “I know. You really don’t think much of me if you think I can’t see that.” (Name) placed a hand to her chin. Lulu only snorted. 
    “Then why spend the time with him if you know that? Do you know what he wants?” The girl was getting more interested in the conversation. 
    “I haven’t the slightest idea yet. There’s plenty that he could want.” (Name) admitted, and Mayra scoffed twice. This caught (Name)’s attention, as Mayra was one to scoff twice when she thought the answer was obvious. “Care to give some input?” 
    The professor walked in and began preparing for class, so Mayra knew she didn’t have much time. If she told her now, (Name) wouldn’t bother her after class. (Name)’s gaze was intense, and both Lulu and Mayra scooted away slightly. 
    “Alright, sheesh. I overheard something a few weeks ago. Something about how the sheds from the Arawn family are useful.” 
    (Name) blinked a few times in shock. The sheds of her lady? That was it? A measly trifle in comparison to everything that was available to Crowndain. (Name) couldn’t help but laugh at how simple it was, causing confused and irritated looks to sprout from Lulu and Mayra respectfully. 
    After class, (Name) sought Azul out after stopping at her dorm. She found him in Monstro lounge, stashed away in his office. She was immediately ushered in by Jade, whose pleased face beamed a beacon of hope at Azul. Whatever (Name) was there for, it was worth impeding upon Azul’s work. 
    The door closed behind (Name) with a secure click, ensuring peace of mind and privacy in their discussion. 
    “Oh, (Name), what praytell are you doing here at this time? Is there something you need?” Azul looked with hopeful eyes at (Name) before being surprised by a bag being dropped on his desk. (Name) looked on with a devious smile. 
    “I heard from someone that you have been looking for a rare ingredient, so I’m doing you a favor.” (Name) crossed her arms before placing a hand on her cheek in devious innocence. Azul looked on in stunned silence. He was terrified, yet excited. What was she up to? This was way out of line for (Name), as she wouldn’t do anything for him unless he had done something for her. Most of it was instantaneous too. 
    “A favor?” Azul leaned forward with intrigue. He didn’t do favors, so he needed to find something to satisfy (Name) now and take control of the situation. 
    (Name) only nodded as she opened the bag that was on Azul’s desk, pulling out the prize he had been vying for months. 
    “Are- Are those sheds from Housewarden Arawn?!” His glasses slid off his nose as he looked on with shock. (Name) nodded as she leaned forward, happy that Mayra’s information was correct. 
    “Those are indeed. Although, if you are uncomfortable with a favor, I am willing to make a deal with you, Azul.” 
    Azul felt his heart race. He was encapsulated by the confidence (Name) had at that moment, how effortless she was. He had to admit, she was attractive. 
    “A deal? Such as a contract?” Azul fixed his glasses to help hide his excitement. His hand covered his mouth, but his eyes said everything to (Name). 
    “If you’d like, but I don’t think something as small as this needs one.” Small?! Did she just call it small?! These sheds were highly valuable, if not priceless. 
    “Really it’s a small thing. Unless you want some more in the future, then maybe we can negotiate something, but you have everything I want in exchange right now.” (Name) traced the grain of Azul’s desk with her finger, subtly following it to the edge. Azul was interested in a simple trade, as writing out a full contract takes time. (Name) came in rather unexpectedly, meaning he had no time to prepare. If needed, he can make a contract for further deals later. This deal needed to happen now, as he didn’t know the conditions that caused this. He needed to seize the moment. 
    “Very well, I accept the trade, what is it that you want--” 
    (Name) swiftly grabs Azul’s lapels, pulling him up with mischievous eyes before pressing her lips to his. He froze instantly, his mind blank from shock. Just as he was finally realizing what was happening, (Name) pulled away and backed up. 
    “That was a little too selfish of me,” (Name) smiled as she loosened her grip on Azul’s lapels. “I hope you can forgive me.” 
    Azul was in shock and couldn’t say a word, letting (Name) giggle a bit before slipping out of Azul’s office. She begins to worry a bit about how Azul had acted, but she believed the deal was done. Even if he never wanted to see her again, she could be satisfied. 
    Azul sat in his office, staring up at the ceiling with wonder and disbelief. His face was red, and his heart was pounding. That was the exchange. She made it seem like she got what she wanted. 
    It seemed so unfair though. He clearly benefited far more than she did, at least he thought so. He could feel his face burning so brightly that he thought of the idea of getting fresh air, but that would require passing both Jade and Floyd on the way out. 
    Wait, what did she mean by talking about future negotiations?! What was she going to ask for next!? 
    “Azul, how did the deal go-” Jade stops dead when he sees Azul crumpled in his chair and a red face. Azul looks up with pressed lips and wide eyes, causing Jade to spread a wicked grin. “That well huh?” 
    “Shut up!” 
Thank you for reading! If you're interested in following updates as soon as they're done, consider following my AO3
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vasiktomis · 2 years
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Discipline (18+)
Pairing: Kaveh/Alhaitham, Alhaitham/Gender Neutral Traveller (implied). Rating: Explicit (Minors do NOT interact). Word Count: 3200. Tags: roommates with benefits, Alhaitham has a thing for blondes, traveller is not present, hand jobs, Alhaitham is a selfish lover, Kaveh POV. Warnings: Kind of toxic relationship dynamics. Scholars having scholarly pursuits.
Read it on Ao3 Here!
“And where have you been?” 
It’s a particularly late hour, and Kaveh barely looks up from his project when his roommate stalks into his periphery down the hall. When he does, he does so forcefully, posture rigid and repressed; the slightest straying from his usual smug stoicism. The front door bangs just a little louder than usual behind Alhaitham, and a thrill creeps up Kaveh’s spine. 
Oh, he’s in a terrible mood tonight. 
“I wouldn’t think that’s any of your business, actually. Though I’m sure you’ve been pouring over my whereabouts all day.” Alhaitham mutters, matter-of-fact, shrugging out of his cape and hanging it up. Likewise, he spares Kaveh no attention. "We've been at the border."
The quill Kaveh had been ruling scrapes to a stop. “We?” He tilts his head. Alhaitham never went anywhere with anyone. “Let me guess. The Traveller, again?"
“If you'd already come to a conclusion, why waste both our time asking?" The Scribe grumbles. "Are you that insecure in your own mental ability?" There's a pause as he makes his way to the study, passing Kaveh and his project on his way to his own much, much larger desk. Unexpectedly, he doesn't return to silence. "It's exhausting. I'm fairly certain we've scoured most of the uncovered ruins in the desert. The libraries have been turned upside down. At this rate we'll end up having to leave Sumeru altogether to search for new material to study."
“Maybe that’s what you get for offering to help with their business.” Kaveh muses, resuming his work. “Not particularly like you to offer your services for sentimentality. What was it again they're looking for? A runaway family member?”
Alhaitham doesn’t respond to that. He outright avoids it, seating himself and turning to a marked chapter of whatever nonsense he's been reading lately. “How much longer do you plan on making a mess of my spare desk?”
“A while, yet.”
This has been something of their routine as of late; ever since Kaveh returned to Sumeru city and Alhaitham had been made acting Grand Sage in the absence of Azar, the Scribe had been dedicating a large chunk of his free time to tagging along for yet more adventures with that little blonde Traveller. The nights that Alhaitham actually returned were typically filled with complaints about the day. He’d murmur and mutter about the illogicalities of his new companion’s search efforts. Retell stories in as much of a disinterested tone as possible about the Traveller’s adventures leading up to present. It filled the vacuum of silence that their usual fighting might otherwise occupy, but hearing Alhaitham's voice at length — especially when he's going to such a great effort to sound completely monotonous — it's enough to make his ears bleed. 
If they had a different kind of arrangement, Kaveh might have found himself jealous. The Scribe had little interest in the people around him. He wasn't one for forging bonds or paying feelings any mind. However he went about his days, he had a logical, sound reason for whatever business he went about. Rarely, is this in the presence of others, if he can help it. When it comes to the Traveller, however, Alhaitham has been coming up short. Explanations are marked with uncomfortable silence and lingering, rearing shame. He has no logic to back him up. No reasons to give for dedicating so much of his time to that Traveller and their business.
Kaveh might be jealous if it didn’t entertain him so much — seeing the bastard get knocked down a peg. Maybe the Scribe has found a kindred spirit in another loner, he wonders. Maybe he's somehow grown the sense to establish a bond with this person rather than hover over their shoulder most of the day, offering nothing but silence and snide remarks.
Nevermind. He's definitely been doing the latter. He'd never be able to escalate his interest alone.
He almost feels pity for him. It must be confusing.
At least between Kaveh and Alhaitham, the basis for their chemistry lay in how they clashed. Alhaitham would never have dared initiate had Kaveh not redirected his own rage and simply flung himself at the Scribe during a particularly heated argument. The Traveller, however, is amiable. Their rage is reserved for unfinished business Kaveh knows little about. Alhaitham has probably made it his business to know by now; found some remarkably sound reason to immerse himself in the concept of them. They're the talk of the continent, after all. Even gods have been rumoured to have fallen for them along their travels.
Famously, though, the Traveller is blind to advances. From Monstadt to Liyue Harbour, to Inazuma, many have hurled their affections at the person only to be denied with pure, ignorant friendship. What were previously understood to be dates have consistently ended in professions of affection, and responded to with equally passionate declarations of platonic loyalty. Kaveh knows this well — both from corridor gossip, and because Alhaitham has told him. 
In great length. 
Most nights of the week.
Kaveh hears so much about the Traveller and their companion that he’s honestly begun to wonder if he should investigate what all the fuss is about, himself. That’d certainly be one rare way to get under his roommate’s skin; swoop in and be declared the single exception to the Traveller’s lack of romantic history, no? It couldn’t be too hard, could it? He managed fine with Alhaitham, didn’t he?
The blonde allows the topic to be changed, at least for now. Continues to play it dumb into the night.
He’s interested to see how far this can be taken. 
In a matter of days, the cracks are really starting to show in Alhaitham’s demeanour.
It’s a balmy evening, and while Kaveh has just about begun to wrap up a job well done with, Alhaitham is…reading. At least, to anyone else it would appear that way. Kaveh, however, sees through it. There’s no enthralment. No darting eyes across the page. No annoyance flashing through his facial muscles when he catches movement in his periphery, or tightened jaw at distracting noises. No, Alhaitham is pretending to read; pointer and ring spreading the leaves. Middle finger slipping between folds. 
Just as his finger presses too purposefully into shadow, the Scribe's cheeks hollow.
Gods! He’s shameless!
Ever the logician, and yet he’s practically blind to his own tells!
As if he can feel his roommate’s gaze burn into him for a second too long, Alhaitham’s eyes flicker to Kaveh, and he immediately corrects his body language. The book closes with a snap, and his expression forms something akin to annoyance.
"How about you scribble elsewhere?" He suggests. 
"I'm almost done." Kaveh assures him. "Well, after the annotations and trademarks, I'll be done."
Surely that'll improve Alhaitham's mood. The closest they got to bonding time was when the blonde would have Alhaitham scribe for him. He can never resist the opportunity to snoop at Kaveh's work. Point out the most minute inaccuracies and flaws. Make sure he knows how terrible his handwriting is.
“How many replicas of that blueprint do you need to make?” Alhaitham asks. “I think you might be overestimating the sum of people important people who’d be interested in studying it.”
“Pardon you.” Kaveh shoots back over his shoulder. “I’m ensuring my lines are perfectly proportionate. The slightest wobble of a ruled line could make me look like a fool to the wrong architect.” 
“Perhaps you might consider graduating from writing with a closed fist? Can’t imagine that would hurt your cause.” 
How Freudian an insult. Still, Kaveh can't help but take the bait, swivelling to shoot a snarl at the other man.
“Excuse me for not being so refined as to sit around, fingering the paperback pussy of —” Kaveh’s head tilts at the new book on the table, “— Studying the Deceased for Science and for Fun: a Vivacious Vivisection, you maniac?”
"3rd edition. Just released." Alhaitham doesn’t even look up, but his hands are now perched so sensibly that he looks like a robot. “If you were anything resembling intelligent, you’d appreciate the scholar’s pursuit of wider knowledge rather than, remind me what it is you do again? Sandcastles?”
Oh, he’s twisting the knife hard, tonight. 
The clarity of what was initially suspicion has Kaveh pleased enough that he’s able to stop himself from taking this round of bait the Scribe has dangled for him. It makes itself known with a chuckle as he returns to his work. Now it makes sense. Alhaitham is a seeker of wisdom, but his shrewdness evaporates in the presence of feeling. A surefire way of frustrating him is to present him with what he can’t materialise in prose or chart. "If you're so confident, then you scribble for me."
"Gladly." Alhaitham is approaching in an instant. He stops just short of the table to pluck the quill from Kaveh's hand and peruse his workings. "Am I to expect you'll refrain from asking me to clean all this up once I've finished?"
"I'm sure you can handle it." Kaveh mutters, stepping away to give the man space to work. "So, any progress on your new investigation?"
"Cyno and Tighnari have since gotten themselves involved. Again." The answer is clipped with irritation as Alhaitham begins to work. "I'm sure you can imagine progress has slowed dramatically with their input."
"I thought you respected Tighnari's academic opinion."
Silence. He's been caught.
Then: "Your handwriting really is terrible."
“I think I know what’s gotten into you.” Kaveh’s steps slow to a stop once he’s behind Alhaitham. The scrape of metal through fibre slows minutely, and the Scribe’s posture stiffens at the proximity. Kaveh spares no time delaying his intent with gliding fingertips over Alhaitham’s hip, creeping along his belt and all the layers tucked into it, until he’s wound his arm almost around the man’s front. “I think you’ve got a thing for blondes.”
That’s when Alhaitham stops altogether. In the blink of an eye, he’s dropped the quill and his fingers suddenly wind tight around Kaveh’s wrist, halting him. 
“What are you talking about?” Alhaitham murmurs over his shoulder, just shy of Kaveh’s face as the blonde’s chin comes to rest upon it. 
“Alhaitham, in all the time I’ve known you, I’ve never seen you put yourself out for anyone. Not your superiors, not me –”
“Not true.” He rebuts. “You could say I went out of my way to clear out my storage room for homeless old you.”
“Nice try.” Kaveh inclines his head, ghosting a breath over the other man’s neck. There’s no response, barring pebbling gooseflesh. He’s on the right track. “You might have everyone else fooled, but I know you. You don’t spare anyone a second glance. That Traveller–?”
Then, Alhaitham’s pushing his hand away. “Don’t be ridiculous.”
No matter. Kaveh’s free hand works its way to Alhaitham’s front. Splaying over his stomach. It’s barely audible, the hitch in the man’s breath — but it’s there.
“Then tell me what there is to gain by inviting yourself along to all their little outings.”
There’s a pause, there. Alhaitham’s considering his answer.
“What, are you jealous?”
“Maybe that I haven’t been invited along.” Kaveh muses, fingertips ghosting up and down Alhaitham’s torso. Little by little, the Scribe’s grip on him loosens. “I’d love to see what all the fuss is about. Tighnari, Cyno, now you? Have any of you even mustered the spine to–”
“It’s not like that.” 
“For who?”
No answer.
“None of you, then." Kaveh concludes, smirking. "Is that why you hang around the Traveller every waking hour? Does it drive you mad to imagine who might swoop in and charm them in your absence? Then again, are you just as tortured by the fear that they might find out the truth?”
He presses down, spreading his fingers. The material confining Alhaitham is taut, strained. Beneath all that exterior, he’s putty in the blonde’s hands, hips inching just slightly to encourage the touch he’s been chasing for weeks with another. 
Poor thing. 
Kaveh grants him what he’s asking for. Smoothing over his lap. Fingers curling over stiffness until he can grip the man through his pants, and Alhaitham gasps. 
“What would they think if they knew you want to fuck them?” He hisses.
The quill stutters against parchment before rolling out of the Scribe’s hand. Despite all but sighing into Kaveh’s touch, his attitude remains frosty. “I’m just interested in them.” He replies, voice tight. “What’s your angle? What are you trying to get out of making a scene like this?”
“I like seeing you squirm, for once.” Pushing beneath layers, Kaveh’s fingers curl around the Scribe’s cock. It’s a tight fit, but he does what he can to give one languid stroke. He stills, making sure to have Alhaitham's impatient attention before tugging him free. “So I want you to imagine them. Right here. Beneath you.”
"You're going to hurt your own feelings." Alhaitham shoots back, palms flat against the table. 
"Don't flatter yourself, Alhaitham." Kaveh's grip settles. One, two, three strokes, and the Scribe's chest expands, doing his best not to let his roommate delight in any sound he might make. No matter, Kaveh’s hand simply slows to a halt, and the frustration is enough to have Alhaitham's hips nudging forward, insistent on continuation.
He withholds, and the responding whisper of a whine is delicious.
“What, are you just going to stand there?” Kaveh croons against his pulse.
“I don’t want them.” Alhaitham insists weakly. 
He's normally so good at lying.
“Same way you don’t want me?” The blonde chuckles. A particularly harsh pump punctuates his point, and Alhaitham shudders. “Don’t feel guilty. We’ll both get our turn with them after a little practice, but I’m afraid if this is how you intend on performing, the Traveller just might end up liking me better.”
“Not possible.”
“Oh, no? Show me.”
“Swap places with me and I will-”
Kaveh presses his hips against him, his own confined hardness finding friction with the Scribe's backside, and pleasure blooms at the sensation. “No. You stay here. Just like this.”
Alhaitham grunts. “Like what.”
“Picture their body.” Kaveh insists, encouraging the man by building into a slow, shallow rhythm. Inviting him to seek out more. “Picture how they look at you.”
That does the trick. Alhaitham swallows back a new sound. He moves with uncharacteristic uncertainty – familiar with his roommate’s touch – but charting unfamiliar territory. 
The blonde finds more comfort in pressing his forehead to the other man's shoulder blade rather than keep attempting to match his height, acquainted enough with his body to work blindly, knowing every spot to apply more pressure to without looking. “Come on, Alhaitham. Show us both how you’d fuck them.”
Alhaitham’s weight shifts onto his palm in spite of himself, if not drawn out by the fantasy, then at least by the competition he’d been baited with. He’s tentative at first; acutely aware that every backstroke brings his rear into contact with Kaveh’s front and reluctant to reward his partner’s behaviour with any kind of reciprocation. 
It won’t last long. 
Kaveh masks his own satisfaction with a kiss to Alhaitham’s spine. “Already so far along? Aren’t you chaste. Let me guess: you’re too much a coward to even walk in-step with them, let alone assert your intentions.” His grip tightens, pulling back against the Scribe’s push, earning the tiniest little whimper. “Give me a few mora and I’d be sure to show them a good time. Might even be so merciful as to bring them home so you can listen.”
“Be quiet.” Alhaitham grits, temper cracking, taking out his frustration with a thrust hard enough to bottom out against Kaveh’s palm — almost enough to have the man stumble. The blonde corrects his stance, using Alhaitham’s momentum to shove him forward against the table. 
"Don't give me attitude. I'm doing you a favour." He hisses, leaning down over the man, keeping him low with a hand pressed to his back. “What’s there to be jealous of? Maybe the Traveller might actually have the courtesy to satisfy me. Surely you don’t expect them to be charmed by someone so dismally inept at romance.” 
Alhaitham tries to straighten back out, attempting to claw his way back into dominance. Kaveh’s palm keeps him pinned, and a punishing squeeze has him gasping. 
“How badly do they plague you, Scribe? Worse than I do? How angry that must make you.” Kaveh continues, speeding up against Alhaitham’s little thrusts. “And now, you’re outnumbered. All that smarts, and at the end of the day, you’re just a horny little coward with a superiority complex. You think they can see through you like I do? See how pathetically you want them? You think we could persuade them to take you while you take me? Let us take turns using them?"
Alhaitham's fingers curl into the parchment, scrambling for purchase. His cock twitches. “Fuck—“
“Be quiet. You’ll embarrass yourself if you make a scene in front of them.” Kaveh admonishes. “At least try to keep up the facade half as long as you did with me. Before they see how messy you get.” 
Another twitch. He doesn’t otherwise indicate it, but Alhaitham is a lot closer after those choice phrases. Kaveh can’t help but grin. "Look at you." He praises. "What a pretty bastard you are."
“I’m—“ Alhaitham manages in a whisper, words disappearing in this throat when Kaveh speeds up, sensing his end. 
“Pervert.” He accuses, fondly. “Are you going to prove me wrong?”
The Scribe’s breaths grow sharp, irregular. Trying to keep himself going despite his body being so close to the brink. Even near-mindless, he has the conscious thought to fight back against the taunting. Kaveh doesn't let him, stroking faster, giving the man no room to leverage. At this point, it's all he can do to suffer through the ascent, hurtling toward his climax. 
Alhaitham goes perfectly still when he hits his peak. Kaveh's all too familiar with it. The sensation is too much to handle. It's a few seconds of complete stillness, silence, until his mouth opens, spilling forth a pathetic little groan. He shivers, cock throbbing in Kaveh's punishing grip until the blonde's refusal to slow has Alhaitham positively shuddering against the table. Ropes of translucent, pearly white paint the project Kaveh has up until now been slaving over for days. One pulse after the next, until all he has left to spare is dripping weakly down Kaveh's slowing fingers. 
Kaveh only stops completely when Alhaitham's breathing evens out. He releases the man, allowing him to stand back up while he wipes the chilling liquid off his hand using Alhaitham's sash. The Scribe, meanwhile, avoids eyecontact while he tucks himself back away.
"You ruined all my work." Kaveh complains.
"Serves you right." Alhaitham is back to monotony already. Slipping from between his roommate as his desk and making for the hallway.
Kaveh shoots him a look of outrage. "Hey! What about me?"
Alhaitham halts. He offers a glance over his shoulder, avoiding the splatter of cooling come on the table beside Kaveh and the erection he's nursing.
“What about you?” He smiles minutely.
“Oh, you bastard.” Kaveh grits. "At least fix my project."
“Hm. No, I don’t think so.”
Then, Alhaitham is striding out of the room, Kaveh hot on his heels.
“Hey! Wait a second! Alhaitham!"
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skloomdumpster · 1 year
Thank you for tagging me @crazycatfaery <3 I'm sorry I took so long 😅😅
Rules: How much do these tropes affect your decision to click on a fic?
-10 -> very dissuaded
0 -> don’t care either way
10 -> very enticed
nope -> if it’s a hard no and you’d never click on a fic with that tag or or you even have the tag blocked or you’d insta click out of the fic if it wasn’t tagged.
Bonus points for explaining the rating and whether it’s conditional
Age Gap: 7/10
I love it, but I'll only read it if the Dead Dove Do Not Eat tag is there. I want to read it from an author who's aware they're writing an age gap, especially if we're talking toxic/problematic ships. If we're all in agreement in this room, then HELL YEAH.
Codependency: 100/10
Love it. I love it between love interests, I love it between family members, I love it between enemies even. Characters who only exist and see themselves as a paired up thing with another character. If I see that tag in any work the chances of me clicking on it double.
Enemies to lovers: -5/10
Eh... Sure if it's okay enemies to lovers, as in they're actual enemies and they want each other dead and then we turn it back around. Alright, sure. But honestly? 9/10 times people are writing mild-annoying acquaintance to lovers. I hate that. And even when they ARE writing real enemies to lovers, sometimes the "lovers" part doesn't live up to the "enemies" part.
Enemies With Benefits: 10/10
It's rare and I love it, but it's a tricky trope to get right. You can't remove the "enemies" aspect from it. I've seen this done right (cough - John Ross/Pamela), but I've also seen it butchered many times.
Fake Dating/Relationship: 3/10
Cute and all, but I won't click on a fic because of it.
Found Family: -1000/10
Nope. Most of the time people mean "found nuclear family" and then I'm forced to watch as these characters act completely wacky and ooc. I adore a good found family, but seeing this tagged in a work is a surefire way to have me not click it. (also let's just please stop with the weird subtrope of putting the favorite-white-guy of the group as the "tradwife/mom"??? what the FUCK is this? I've seen it in Teen Wolf, I've seen it Fate, I've seen it in Fast and Furious... just nope.)
Friends To Lovers: 100/10
Perfection. You want pining? You got a forest of pines. You want yearning? You want italicized oh moment? You want harmless jealousy? You want hilarious cutesy moments? You want deep conversations? You want confessions that fix something broken inside of you? You want a love so deep and profound that it has grown and changed and it'll change again if you won't take me as a lover because a friend is good too, is great even?? You want STAKES because I-love-you-but-I-don't-want-to-ruin-this-because-you're-the-best-thing-in-my-life??? Perfect trope. No notes.
Friends With Benefits: 10/10
The same as above + sex. Can't go wrong.
Hurt/Comfort: 100/10
Bathe my blorbo in their own blood!! Whump the shit out of them!! Put them through hell!! Make the caretaker fear for their life!! Get the begging and bargaining out and the wheezing confessions through bloody coughs. Love this.
Love Triangle: 0/10
It sure exists.
Mistaken/Hidden Identity: 0/10
I don't think I ever read this, don't think I ever will either.
Monster Fu… Relationship: 5/10
Sure, but only if it's a werewolf. Team Jacob forever.
Obsession, Possessiveness, etc: 10/10
Fuck yeah. Yes in good, deliciously toxic ships, but also YES in good, healthy ships. The golden ships, made up of two righteous characters and you wouldn't expect this and then BAM. The other day I read fic that was like "[redacted] had often fantasized about reaching in and counting the teeth in [redacted's] mouth" <- most perfect line ever written.
Opposites (like grumpy×sunshine, etc): 5/10
Eh...? It can be cute, but sometimes it feels like too much. I'm actually more of a "they're both grumpy, but not with each other" or even "they're both golden, but can be at their worse with each other".
Poly: 5/10
Sometimes it's shoehorned in and I'm like... :/ you could've written something more interesting if you allowed the conflict to exist. BUT sometimes there's genuine sexual/romantic attraction between all parts and that's when this hits. I'll read an OT3 as long as it's not "author couldn't decide and decided to go the fluffy no conflict route even though it makes no sense for the characters"
Pregnancy: 8/10
I'll read it in fics, in all sorts of manners: cute family fic, kinky breeding fic, plotty dramatic fic, etc. But I don't like it in canon, movie or book. In fic I have the ability of getting bored and clicking out and reading one of the other 200 fics where there's no pregnancy or baby. In canon that's impossible.
Second Chance: 0/10
Sure, I'll read that.
Sex To Feelings: 5/10
IDK, when are we talking feelings? Is this a scenario where they're friends/enemies to benefits and then the feelings emerge? Because then yes. Or is this just a PWP and then I get some feelings at the bottom? Because then no. Or is this a character study while they're fucking? Because then YES.
Slowburn: 10/10
It's the perfect trope but watch out. I'm a firm believer of stories needing beginning, middle, end. I've read fics that are 80 chapters long and every time the characters are about to get together/realize another curveball is thrown their way. Once or twice I'm good with, but 50 different obstacles? Fuck no, I'm clicking out.
Soulmates: -1/10
This won't make me wanna read your fic. If you mean this as a "they are soulmates so X happens" ....nope. Not my thing. If you mean this as "they're always the endgame. In every universe, in every reality, these two are IT" (cough, Skloom) then YES!!! But also don't spell it out for me. I don't need you to tell me soulmates, I can guess that.
Tagging: @infp-obsessing-over-everything , @faithfire and @daisiehoney @astrid-v
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max-uhhhh-talks · 1 year
Throwing ghoul OC info into the void
(Art for OC can be found here)
☆ Earth + Quintessence ghoul
☆ Summoned in 1972 by Papa Emeritus I, who was 42 at the time. His "personal" ghoul, serves and assists him (they're also in love but shhh they've never actually admitted it)
☆ Love strawberries, they're pretty and cute. Wears strawberry and mushroom accessories + clothes
☆ No mouth, unable to speak verbally except for the words "uh-huh, oh, huh", general noises. Communicates through telepathy and hand gestures, makes squeak sounds when surprised and such. Body language is a huge thing for her
☆ Unable to eat or drink, which is generally okay since ghouls don't require those to live. Ghouls mainly depend on energy, the more ghouls in a room, the better to keep them feeling in good shape. As such, starlight relies on the energy given off by her fellow ghouls, so she spends most of her time with at least one ghoul. While eating isn't mandatory, it certainly does help out a lot with providing energy. So naturally, Starlight doesn't have nearly as much energy as everyone else does
- also why she's never been a band ghoul, paired with her fear of large crowds (and that she's rarely ever left the ministry, she did for primo's touring and that was it). She can play instruments, but too many factors that keep her from being as active as a job like that requires
☆ She has magic, one would think she has twice as much as any ghoul, being a mix of two elements, but no. She can't use it, as it drains a fair amount of energy (for the average ghoul). But her being her, it leaves her incredibly drained. She can't use it unless she wants a day or two of immense exhaustion and recovery (the early days of summoning for the Clergy were, not as great as they are today)
☆ Reciprocates for the gifts given to her by the land, she's part earth, so she's quite in tune and respectful towards the earth. She always asks permission (in her own ways, not verbally ofc) before picking plants and such, and listens to the earth. She understands how the earth takes care of her and those she loves, and in turn, she takes care of the earth. Working in the gardens, taking care of the animals in the surrounding forests of the ministry, etc
☆ Love rubix cubes. She fidgets with her hands a lot, so she always has one of those mini rubix cubes with her
☆ As I mentioned, she can play a fair amount of instruments. In fact, she's even helped with studio recording processes in the past! She's even learned each instrument by ear, reason which brings me to my next fact
☆ Starlight can't read or write, not English at least. She was summoned just to serve and protect Primo, so reading wasn't exactly in the job description. She does understand English, though there's a fair amount of things she doesn't understand, specifically slang. Slang confuses her to no end, it's like a whole new language to her. English was hard enough for her to learn
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writerdream22 · 2 years
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requested by: @serenefreakgeek , I sincerely hope you like this ✨🌻💛
pairings: Chandler Bing x reader, Monica Geller x reader (platonic), Joey Tribbiani x reader (platonic), Phoebe Buffay x reader (platonic) etc.
warnings: none
feedbacks are always appreciated!
“So yeah, I think that chocolate chip cookies are the best thing ever” Phoebe said, concluding her speech and taking a bite of the cookie she was eating. It had been a topic of great interest for your friends, deciding which dessert was better than the rest, and you hadn't come to a conclusion yet.
At the moment, you and your friends were at Monica and Rachel's apartment; some sat on the couch, while others had chosen to sit at the kitchen table. You, Chandler and Joey had chosen to sit on the couch, as you found it way more comfortable and relaxing than a wooden chair.
While your friends argued over the dessert thing, you read one of your favourite books at the moment, The picture of Dorian Gray .
“That's not true, Pheebs” Chandler stated, disagreeing with your blonde-haired friend “I mean, shortbread cookies are the best. Even though they taste of pure butter and nothing else, they're better than chocolate chips”. You nodded along to what he was saying, and your friend widened his eyes in surprise.
“What?” you questioned, noticing that silence had fallen.
“Y/n, did you just... agree with me?” Chandler asked, quite evidently surprised. In that exact moment you realized that it was one of those rare times in which you and your friend agreed over culinary matters, and even Joey was shocked. “Oh. I wish I could take—” you weren't able to finish your sentence, as Chandler cut you off by exclaiming “Nope! You said it! No take-backs!”.
You rubbed your temples with the hand that wasn't holding the book, while chuckling at the same time. Weirdly enough, you found your friend's reaction quite amusing and sweet.
“I mean, yeah, shortbread cookies are good and all, but cheesecake? It's the very best!” Rachel interjected, to which Chandler nodded.
“Oh! You betrayed me, Bing!” you then exclaimed, faking great disappointment “I thought we were friends, but you're a foe!”.
“As far as cookies go, shortbread cookies are the best; whereas cheesecake is the best cake there is out there. I'm not betraying you, y/n, I would never!”
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